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Oil Mill Gazetteer Volume 115, September 2009

Purifine PLC: Industrial application

in oil degumming and refining
Tim Hitchman
Plant oils, such as soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, and corn oils, are
an important global source of nutrition. They are also widely used
as feedstocks for biodiesel production. Crude oil extracted from
oilseeds is refined to remove impurities that adversely impact oil
stability, color, and flavor. However, each refining step to separate neutral oil triacylglycerols (TAG) and diacylglycerols (DAG)
from impurities results in a loss of oil yield proportional to the
amount of impurities present. Phospholipids are a major class of
impurities removed in conventional processes by oil degumming,
at significant cost to oil yield. Phospholipids must be removed
because they cause oil darkening (or browning) during the subsequent bleaching, hydrogenating, and deodorizing steps of
refining. In addition, phospholipids reduce oxidative stability of
the refined oil and inhibit the performance of chemical catalysts
used in oil hydrogenation and biodiesel production. Phospholipid
quantities and type are determined by oilseed growth, storage,

and handling conditions, as well as oil extraction method, but

they may represent up to 3% by weight of crude oil.
In traditional oil refining, phospholipid removal is accomplished by the addition of water to crude oil. The phospholipids
comprise DAG coupled to a polar phosphate ester (Fig. 1). Addition of water to the oil causes hydration of the phosphate esters,
bringing the phospholipids to the oil-water interface (Fig. 2A).
The hydrated phospholipids drag neutral oil with them, resulting
in formation of an emulsion or gum, containing water, phospholipids, and entrained neutral oil. This viscous gum is separated
from bulk oil by centrifugation, and the process is termed water
degumming. Ease of phospholipid removal by hydration (i.e.,
emulsifying potency) is determined by the type of phosphate ester
present. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is by far the most hydratable
phospholipid, and therefore the strongest emulsifier. This very
property makes lecithin, the PC-rich by-product of water degumming, a useful emulsifier in numerous food applications. In water
degumming, however, the strong emulsifying properties of PC

FIG. 1. Structure of phospholipids and reactions catalyzed by phospholipase enzymes. Phospholipids comprise diacylglycerol coupled to a phosphate ester.
All phospholipase enzymes act to break phospholipids into water-soluble and oil-soluble fragments. In the case of phospholipase A (PLA) enzymes, these are a
lysophospholipid and a fatty acid, respectively. PLA1 and PLA 2 enzymes differ by the position of the fatty acid removed from the phospholipid. A phospholipase C (PLC),
such as Purifine enzyme, has a different mode of action in that it removes the water-soluble phosphate ester from the phospholipid, leaving intact diacylglycerol oil.

Oil Mill Gazetteer Volume 115, September 2009

cause the greatest oil-yield loss owing to

entrainment of oil. Further yield losses
arise during centrifugation because clean
separation of oil (light phase) from gum
(heavy phase) necessitates the sacrifice of
oil close to the phase boundary. Residual
phospholipids in the water-degummed
oil cause additional yield losses in later
refining steps, such as removal of free
fatty acids, again owing to formation of
an emulsion. Thus, in traditional oil refining, a major cause of yield loss is formation of emulsion owing to the presence
of intact phospholipids, and the extent of
yield loss is proportional to the amount
of phospholipids present.
Enzymatic degumming, already available on an industrial scale, is an alternative to water degumming that addresses
the yield-loss issue. Unlike chemical catalysts, enzymes are highly specific and act
only on target molecules, leaving similar
molecules untouched. For instance, phospholipase enzymes, such as Purifine PLC
(phospholipase C), specifically react with
the phospholipid impurities in oil, leaving
the bulk oil untouched. Phospholipases
break phospholipids into water-soluble and oil-soluble fragments, thereby
reducing their ability to form an emulsion.
Less emulsion formation means less yield
loss due to entrained oil, and lower gum
content enables cleaner separation of oil
and heavy phases, with further reduction
in yield loss. Several commercially available degumming enzymes are available,
most of which have a common mode of
action. Phospholipase A (PLA) enzymes
FIG. 2. Comparison of heavy phases from water-degumming and enzymatic degumming and monitoring
remove fatty acids from the phospholipid,
the reaction. (A) Phospholipids are emulsifiers and in the presence of water will sit at the oil water interface,
forming lysophospholipids that are poor
trapping oil in the process (left panel). The gum of water, phospholipid, and oil is removed in a centrifuge and
emulsifiers in the low-water environment
is viscous and difficult to handle as it exits the separator (right panel). (B) The action of a degumming enzyme
of oil processing. Degumming with PLA
like Purifine PLC on phospholipids breaks the emulsion (left panel), reducing the amount of entrained oil; the
enzymes results in a significant reducresultant heavy phase is free-flowing as it exits the centrifuge (right panel). The change in gum viscosity with
addition of enzyme to a water-degumming process allows easy visualization of a successful enzyme reaction
tion in yield loss due to the reduction in
by plant operators. (C) Accurate confirmation of enzyme performance can be attained using analytical
entrained oil. However, the fatty acids protechniques. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance; left panel) enables the phospholipids in the oil to be quantified
duced remain in the degummed oil and,
in crude oil before (-E) and after (+E) enzyme action. HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography;
for both edible oil and biodiesel producright panel) can be used to measure the increase in DAG levels in crude oil (-E) after enzyme action (+E).
tion, have to be removed in later refining
Abbreviations: PL, phospholipid; PLC, phospholipase C; DAG, diacylglycerol; PC, phosphatidylcholine; PI,
phosphoinositol; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PA, phosphatidic acid. Photographs provided by Bunge North
steps (usually) by conversion to soapstock,
America and used with their permission.
resulting in formation of an emulsion and
loss of oil yield.
Purifine enzyme is a novel product from Verenium Corp.
major phospholipids in oils, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phos(San Diego, California, USA) that was developed specifically
phatidylethanolamine (PE). Due to conversion of PC, the strongest
for oil degumming and validated at industrial scale. This PLC is
emulsifier of the four phospholipids found in crude oil, reduction
differentiated from other degumming enzymes because it conin entrained oil yield loss by degumming with Purifine PLC is
verts phospholipids into DAG and a water-soluble phosphateclose to equivalent to the yield loss reduction obtained with PLA
bearing ester fragment. Unlike PLA, PLC does not produce any
enzymes. The DAG produced by Purifine degumming, however, is
additional free fatty acids (Fig. 1). Purifine PLC acts on the two
a bonus oil yield that is retained throughout the refining process.

Oil Mill Gazetteer Volume 115, September 2009

can translate into significantly improved

o p e r a t i n g m a rg i n s f o r t h e o i l s e e d
To date, there are relatively few plants
operating enzymatic degumming despite
the availability of PLA enzymes for nearly
20 years (De Maria et al., 2007). Recent
economic conditions have made squeezing
additional value from existing investments
a high priority to the oil processing industry, particularly biodiesel producers. To
facilitate adoption of Purifine PLC degumFIG. 3. Process schematic for implementation of Purifine enzymatic degumming. Schematic by Alfa Laval;
ming, Verenium has qualified Alfa Laval, an
used with permission.
engineering services company, to provide
comprehensive engineering packages for
The increase in DAG content caused by degumming with Puriexisting and greenfield plants. Alfa Laval has proven technology
fine enzyme lies within the natural variation of DAG levels in
and know-how in the oil refining industry and can offer customoils (which may reach 10%; Yasukawa and Katsuragi, 2004),
ers the security of performance guarantees.
and has no impact on oil performance indicators, such as smoke
Oilseed processors also need a clear understanding of the
point. In fact, an oil product containing greater than 80% DAG
economic benefits to make the decision to proceed with a new
is sold in the United States for general use. Together, the DAG
technology such as enzymatic degumming with Purifine PLC.
bonus yield and reduction in oil loss obtained during Purifine
The first step is accurately estimating yield gain benefits comPLC degumming result in approximately twice the yield gain
pared with the current process based on phosphorus levels in
achieved with PLA degumming enzymes, without increasing
the crude oil. For instance, in crude soybean oil containing 800
the fatty acid content of the oil.
ppm elemental phosphorus, the intact phospholipids typically
Enzymatic degumming using Purifine PLC can easily be
account for 1.76 wt%. Purifine PLC reacts with the two most
integrated into most existing plant designs. The basic equipment
prevalent phospholipids, PC and PE, generally 70% of the total
required to carry out the process is an ultra-high shear mixer and
(i.e., 1.23 wt% of oil). The mass of DAG produced is about
a reaction tank (Fig. 3). The mixer is required to create suffi80% of the mass of phospholipids converted due to removal of
cient area of interface between the oil and water to enable comthe phosphate ester portion, and so the attainable DAG yield is
plete reaction of phospholipids with minimal enzyme dosage
(0.8 1.23) equal to 0.99 wt% of oil processed. Efficient water
and minimum reaction time. In fact, creation of a fine emulsion
degumming of this oil may result in neutral oil losses of approxiallows the Purifine enzyme to react rapidly with the emulsifiers
mately 0.88 wt% of oil processed. Purifine enzyme action on PC,
and break down the emulsion in less than 2 hours. This technolthe strongest emulsifier, leads to an overall reduction in mass of
ogy is a paradigm shift from traditional oil refining, which is
gums and recovery of most of this yield loss. Thus, for a typical
designed to minimize the occurrence of emulsions and the associsoybean oil of this type, a total yield increase of 1.87% may be
ated yield losses. The enzyme process can optimized by controlattained using Purifine degumming to replace water degumling oil temperature, water dose, and enzyme dose. The result is a
ming. Actual gains will vary depending on the efficiency of the
robust and uniform process where the enzyme is simply allowed
pre-existing process, quality of the crude oil, and whether other
to do its work, without adjusting process parameters according
equipment is configured to allow full capture of the additional
to the quality of the incoming oil.
yield. For instance, in an industrial implementation of Purifine
Verenium has developed sophisticated analytical techniques
PLC degumming of soybean oil containing 720 ppm elemental
that accurately measure conversion of phospholipids into DAG
phosphorus, a net DAG yield of 0.8% by weight was measured
and that can be applied to optimize the process. In the plant,
in the degummed oil, representing 90% combined reaction and
easy visualization of success boosts operator confidence. As
yield recovery efficiency (data obtained at Bunge facility; used
the enzyme is dosed in, the heavy phase exiting the separator is
with permission).
seen to change visibly from gelatinous water gums that are difIn an evermore difficult global economic climate, it is increasficult to pump to free-flowing phosphoro gums. Despite the
ingly important that essential commodities are produced in a
change in heavy-phase properties, the phosphoro can still be
highly efficient manner. Purifine PLC offers a way to improve
added to the oilseed-derived meal, with possible advantages such
yields and overall economics of edible oil and biodiesel proas reduced dilution of meal protein content, or reduced energy
duction that is likely to play an important role in the future of
input to dry the meal. Degummed oil that results from use of
oil refining.
Purifine PLC typically contains less phosphorus than the same
(Editors note: This article is reprinted with permission from
oil degummed using just water, which can result in savings in
the July 2009 issue of inform.)
usage of water, chemicals, and processing aids as it is refined

Tim Hitchman, Purifine product manager for Verenium Corp.
to edible oil or biodiesel. The increased oil yield and reduced
(San Diego, California, USA), can be reached via email at Tim.
overall refining costs resulting from Purifine PLC degumming
[email protected].

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