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Me llamo _________________________

Hoy es ____________________________ el _____ de ______________________________


What is today’s objective?

Review for our UNIT TWO QUIZ _______________________________.

What topics will be on our UNIT TWO QUIZ?

1. Subject Pronouns
2. Personality Adjectives (including adjective agreement)
4. Respond to the question ¿Có mo eres?
5. Activity Verbs
6. Gustar
7. Physical Description Vocabulary
8. Conjugate SER
9. Conjugate TENER
10. Spain

Subject Pronouns

__________- I _____________________________________- we

__________- you (informal)

____________- you (formal)

__________- he ______________- you all (“you” when speaking to 2+
__________- she
__________- they

DIRECTIONS: Replace the following Subjects with the correct subject pronoun. And write if it is a
Jose y yo 
Jose y y tu 
jose 
Maria 
Jose y Juan 
Jose y Maria 
Maria y Marta 
Personality Adjectives
*For all vocabulary, see handout.

DIRECTIONS: Match the Spanish adjective with the English meaning.

1. ______desordenado A. studious
2. ______creativo B. good
3. ______perezoso C. artistic
4. ______artistico D. lazy
5. ______paciente E. hard-working
6. ______estudioso A. creative
7. ______trabajador B. adventurous, daring
8. ______reservado C. patient
9. ______beuno D. shy
10. ______atrevido E. unorganized
Masculine Adjectives generally end in the letter ______________.
Feminine Adjectives generally end in the letter _______________.
Adjectives that end in the letter E are ___________________________.

If an adjective ends in A,E,I,O,U to make it plural, add __________.

If an adjective ends in consanant to make it plural add _________.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the chart with the correct form of the adjectives from your vocabulary handout.
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4.

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective in BOLD based on the SUBJECT.
Maria es _______________________________________.
Miguel es _______________________________________.
Maira y Marta son _______________________________________.
Miguel y yo somos _______________________________________.
Ellos son _______________________________________.
Nosotras somos _______________________________________.
Ella es _______________________________________.
El es _______________________________________.
Profa Harcrow es _______________________________________.
Mr. Bishop y Profa Baugher son _______________________________________.
Sr. Janasko es _______________________________________.
Ms. Peterson y Ms. Young son _______________________________________.

¿Cómo eres?
¿Có mo eres? means ____________________________________________________

You respond….___________________________________________________________

Practica: Answer in Spanish

1. ¿Có mo eres?

2. Translate: I am artistic.

3. Translate: I am funny.

4. Translate: I am lazy.

5. Translate: I am talented.

6. Translate: I am smart.

Activity Verbs
*For vocabulary, see handout.

Directions: Translate to English

1. bailar  _________________________________
2. jugar deportes  _________________________________
3. montar en bicicleta  _________________________________
4. escribir  _________________________________
5. cantar  _________________________________
6. correr  _________________________________
7. nadar  _________________________________
8. mirar la tele  _________________________________
9. hablar por telefono  _________________________________
10. trabajar  _________________________________

Mas Practica: Answer the following.

1. In English, What are the 3 verb endings in Spanish?
2. In English What is an infinitive?
3. Complete with the correct Spanish verb: A Michael Phelps, le gusta….
4. Complete with the correct Spanish verb: A Michael Jordan, le gusta…
5. Complete with the correct Spanish verb: A Beyonce, le gusta….
6. Complete with the correct Spanish verb: A Lindsey Vonn, le gusta…

1. A Miguel _____ gusta bailar.
2. Translate: Maria likes to dance.

3. Translate: Roberto does not like to talk on the phone.

4. Translate: He likes to talk on the phone.

5. Ask in Spanish: You like to ski?

6. Translate: I like to hang out with friends.

Physical Description Vocabulary

*For vocabulary, see handout.

DIRECTIONS: Match the Spanish description with the English meaning.

___________ 1. joven
___________ 2. bajo
___________ 3. gordo a. brown hair
b. short
___________ 4. el pelo rubio c. old
___________ 5. el pelo rojo d. straight hair
e. red hair
___________ 6. el pelo liso
f. young
___________ 7. guapo g. tall
h. fat
___________ 8. alto
i. handsome
___________ 9. viejo j. blonde hair
___________ 10. el pelo castano

Conjugate SER
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb SER for each subject in the
sentences below.
1. Ellos __________ bajos.
2. Ella __________ alta.
3. Jose y yo __________ de Washington DC.
4. Maria y tu __________ bonitas.
5. Tu __________ inteligente.
Conjugate TENER
DIRECTIONS:Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb TENER for each subject in the
sentences below.
1. Ella ___________________ el pelo negro.
Translate: What does the above sentence say?

1. Tu _________________________ el pelo corto.

Translate: What does the above sentence say?

2. Yo _________________________ el pelo cantano.

Translate: What does the above sentence say?

3. El __________________________ los ojos verdes.

Translate: What does the above sentence say?

4. Ellos _______________________ el pelo rizado.

Translate: What does the above sentence say?

1. If I am Spanish, where am I from?

2. Who were the Moors?

Where were they from?
What religió n were they?

3. What happened the inquisition?

What religió n was Spain?
Was religió n a choice?
What would be different today, if the inquisition didn’t happen?

4. What is the tradicional dance of Spain?

5. What is the national sport of Spain?
6. What are Churros?

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