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Case 8:14-cv-02138-VMC-MAP Document 67-2 Filed 10/05/15 Page 1 of 15 PageID 564


SOO J. PARK (CA SBN 300988)
707 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90017-3543
Telephone: 213.892.5200
Facsimile: 213.892.5454
[email protected]; [email protected]
Attorneys for Subpoenaed Third Party

Civil Action No.





Verizon Online LLC, identified erroneously by Plaintiff as Verizon Internet Services
(Verizon), responds and objects as follows to the subpoena for records from Malibu Media,
LLC in the above-captioned action:

Verizon objects to the subpoena and to each request therein on the grounds that

the subpoena fails to provide sufficient time for Verizon to process and respond to the subpoena,
nor does it provide even the minimum notice customarily provided under the Federal Rules; the


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subpoena provides insufficient notice for Verizon to conduct an investigation of the facts alleged
in the complaint and the topics identified and materials sought in the subpoena.

Verizon objects to the location of the deposition, which was set unilaterally and

without Verizons counsels prior consultation. Under the Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(c), [a] subpoena
may command a person to attend a . . . deposition . . . within 100 miles of where the person
resides, is employed, or regularly transacts business in person. Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(c)(1)(A).
Moreover, [a] subpoena may command production of documents, electronically stored
information, or tangible things at a place within 100 miles of where the person resides, is
employed, or regularly transacts business in person. Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(c)(2)(A). The proposed
location for the deposition is San Angelo, Texas. Verizons employees who are likely to have
knowledge of the topics identified in the subpoena are located near Verizons offices in
Arlington, Virginia. Verizon therefore objects on the grounds that a subpoena may not command
Verizon or its employees to attend a deposition more than 100 miles away of its residence,
employment, or usual place of business.

Verizon further objects to the subpoena in its entirety on the grounds that a

deposition subpoena to a third party is unnecessary, nor is it the efficient for the litigants in light
of the availability of other means of discovery that are available. The information sought by
Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a third party.

Verizon further objects to the subpoena to the extent it seeks information that is

not relevant to the underlying litigation. The subpoena poses a burden that outweighs any
minimal probative value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon
that is beyond obligations required by the scope of permissible discovery.

Verizon further objects to the subpoena to the extent it seeks information that is

protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act, third parties rights of
privacy, and protections guaranteed by the First Amendment and applicable state privacy laws.


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Verizon further objects to the subpoena to the extent it seeks to impose on

Verizon obligations different from, or greater than, those required by the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure or applicable Local Rules.

Each of the foregoing objections is incorporated into each of the responses to the

document requests and deposition topics below.


Any and all document(s) that refers, relates to or comprises a record that the Defendant
received a DMCA notice, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(1)(C), including but not limited to the
DMCA record.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Request
on the basis that the use of the terms Defendant, DMCA notice, and DMCA record in this
context renders the Request vague and ambiguous. Verizon further objects to this Request on the
basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead to the
discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis it seeks
information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and seeks information that is
protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act. The Request poses a
burden that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose
an obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of permissible
discovery. Verizon further objects to this Request on the grounds that the information sought by
Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a third party.


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Any and all document(s) that refers, relates to or comprises a record that the Defendant
received a copyright infringement notice forwarded by Verizon, pursuant to any copyright
infringement alert system or any other internal procedure which Verizon follows.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Request
on the basis that the use of the terms Defendant, copyright infringement notice, and any
other internal procedure in this context renders the Request vague and ambiguous. Verizon
further objects to this Request on the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or
reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to
this Request on the basis it seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and
seeks information that is protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act.
The Request poses a burden that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery
and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of
permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to this Request on the grounds that the
information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a
third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the timing of the Request, which provides
insufficient notice for Verizon to process and respond to the subpoena.
Any and all document(s) that refers, relates to or comprises a record of Verizons lease or
rental of any electronic devices to Defendant. This includes any documentation which state the
make, model number, and serial numbers of any and all modems and routers which Verizon
leased to Defendant.


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Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Request
on the basis that the use of the term Defendant renders the Request vague and ambiguous.
Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant
or reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects
to this Request on the basis it seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation,
and seeks information that is protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy
Act. The Request poses a burden that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party
discovery and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by
the scope of permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis that it
seeks information that is equally available to a party in this action as it is to Verizon. The
information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a
third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the timing of the Request, which provides
insufficient notice for Verizon to process and respond to the subpoena.
Any and all document(s) that refers, relates to or comprises a record of Verizons policies
and procedures regarding the installation and maintenance of passwords on a subscribers
modem or router.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Request
on the basis that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome. Verizon further objects to this
Request on the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead
to the discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis that


Case 8:14-cv-02138-VMC-MAP Document 67-2 Filed 10/05/15 Page 6 of 15 PageID 569

it seeks confidential or proprietary documents belonging to Verizon. Verizon further objects to

this Request on the basis it seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and
seeks information that is protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act.
The Request poses a burden that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery
and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of
permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to this Request on the grounds that the
information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a
third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the timing of the Request, which provides
insufficient notice for Verizon to process and respond to the subpoena.
Any and all document(s) that refers, relates to or comprises a record of Verizons policies
and procedures of correlating internet subscribers to IP addresses, and any information regarding
the accuracy of such correlations.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Request
on the basis that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome. Verizon further objects to this
Request on the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead
to the discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis that
it seeks confidential or proprietary documents belonging to Verizon. Verizon further objects to
this Request on the basis it seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and
seeks information that is protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act.
The Request poses a burden that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery
and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of


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permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to this Request on the grounds that the
information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a
third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the timing of the Request, which provides
insufficient notice for Verizon to process and respond to the subpoena.
Any and all document(s) that refers, relates to or comprises a record that the Defendant
was the internet subscriber assigned IP address on July 30, 2014 at 18:23:16
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Request
on the basis that the use of the term Defendant renders the Request vague and ambiguous.
Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis that it is overly broad and unduly
burdensome. Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis that it seeks information that is
not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon
further objects to this Request on the basis that it seeks confidential or proprietary documents
belonging to Verizon. Verizon further objects to this Request on the basis it seeks information
that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and seeks information that is protected from
disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act. Verizon further objects to this Request on
the basis that Verizon is not authorized to release the information sought, to the extent a court
order is required. See 47 U.S.C. 551. The Request poses a burden that outweighs any minimal
probative value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is
beyond obligations required by the scope of permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to
this Request on the grounds that the information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought


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from parties to the litigation, not from a third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the
timing of the Request, which provides insufficient notice for Verizon to process and respond to
the subpoena.


Discussion of any and all document(s) Verizon produced in response to Schedule A of
this Subpoena, including all information necessary to lay the foundation for each document to be
introduced into evidence.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the basis that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome. Verizon further objects to this Topic on
the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead to the
discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it
implicates third parties rights to privacy. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis it
seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and seeks information that is
protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act. The Topic poses a burden
that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose an
obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of permissible discovery.
Verizon objects to this Topic on the grounds that the information sought by Plaintiff can and
should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a third party. Verizon further
specifically objects to the proposed location and the timing of the deposition, which do not


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comply with the Federal Rules, provide insufficient notice to Verizon, and create and undue
burden on Verizon by seeking testimony in Texas.
Discussion of any DMCA notice Verizon forwarded to Defendant.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the basis that the use of the terms Defendant and DMCA notice in this context renders the
Topic vague and ambiguous. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks
information that is not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible
evidence. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it implicates third parties rights
to privacy. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis it seeks information that is not
relevant to the underlying litigation, and seeks information that is protected from disclosure by
the Cable Communications Policy Act. The Topic poses a burden that outweighs any minimal
probative value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is
beyond obligations required by the scope of permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to
this Topic on the basis that it seeks information that is equally available to a party in this action
as it is to Verizon. The information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to
the litigation, not from a third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the proposed location
and the timing of the deposition, which do not comply with the Federal Rules, provide
insufficient notice to Verizon, and create and undue burden on Verizon by seeking testimony in
Discussion of any notice of copyright infringement Verizon forwarded to Defendant.


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Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the basis that the use of the terms Defendant and any notice renders the Topic vague and
ambiguous. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks information that is not
relevant or reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence Verizon further
objects to this Topic on the basis that it implicates third parties rights to privacy. Verizon
further objects to this Topic on the basis it seeks information that is not relevant to the
underlying litigation, and seeks information that is protected from disclosure by the Cable
Communications Policy Act. The Topic poses a burden that outweighs any minimal probative
value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is beyond
obligations required by the scope of permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to this Topic
on the basis that it seeks information that is equally available to a party in this action as it is to
Verizon. The information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the
litigation, not from a third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the proposed location
and the timing of the deposition, which do not comply with the Federal Rules, provide
insufficient notice to Verizon, and create and undue burden on Verizon by seeking testimony in
Discussion of any devices Verizon leased to Defendant, including but not limited to
modems and routers.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the basis that the use of the term Defendant renders the Topic vague and ambiguous. Verizon


Case 8:14-cv-02138-VMC-MAP Document 67-2 Filed 10/05/15 Page 11 of 15 PageID 574

further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or
reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to
this Topic on the basis it seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and
seeks information that is protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act.
The Topic poses a burden that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery
and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of
permissible discovery. Verizon objects to this Topic on the grounds that the information sought
by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a third party.
Verizon further specifically objects to the proposed location and the timing of the deposition,
which do not comply with the Federal Rules, provide insufficient notice to Verizon, and create
and undue burden on Verizon by seeking testimony in Texas.
Discussion of Verizons policies and procedures regarding the installation and
maintenance of passwords on a subscribers modem or router.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the basis that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome. Verizon further objects to this Topic on
the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead to the
discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis it seeks
information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and seeks information that is
protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act. The Topic poses a burden
that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose an
obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of permissible discovery.


Case 8:14-cv-02138-VMC-MAP Document 67-2 Filed 10/05/15 Page 12 of 15 PageID 575

Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks confidential or proprietary
documents belonging to Verizon. Verizon objects to this Topic on the grounds that the
information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the litigation, not from a
third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the proposed location and the timing of the
deposition, which do not comply with the Federal Rules, provide insufficient notice to Verizon,
and create and undue burden on Verizon by seeking testimony in Texas.
Discussion of the records proving that the Defendant was the internet subscriber assigned
IP address on July 30, 2014 at 18:23:16 UTC.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the basis that the use of the terms records and Defendant in this context renders the Topic
vague and ambiguous. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it is overly broad
and unduly burdensome. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks
information that is not relevant or reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible
evidence. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks confidential or
proprietary documents belonging to Verizon. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis it
seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and seeks information that is
protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act. Verizon further objects to
this Topic on the basis that Verizon is not authorized to discuss the information sought, to the
extent a court order is required. See 47 U.S.C. 551. The Topic poses a burden that outweighs
any minimal probative value of third-party discovery and seeks to impose an obligation on
Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of permissible discovery. Verizon


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objects to this Topic on the grounds that the information sought by Plaintiff can and should be
sought from parties to the litigation, not from a third party. Verizon further specifically objects
to the proposed location and the timing of the deposition, which do not comply with the Federal
Rules, provide insufficient notice to Verizon, and create and undue burden on Verizon by
seeking testimony in Texas.
Explanation of the process Verizon used to correlate the IP address, with
the Defendant in the instant matter.
Verizon incorporates its general objections by reference. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the basis that the use of the term Defendant renders the Topic vague and ambiguous. Verizon
further objects to this Topic on the basis that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome. Verizon
further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks information that is not relevant or
reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Verizon further objects to
this Topic on the basis it seeks information that is not relevant to the underlying litigation, and
seeks information that is protected from disclosure by the Cable Communications Policy Act.
The Topic poses a burden that outweighs any minimal probative value of third-party discovery
and seeks to impose an obligation on Verizon that is beyond obligations required by the scope of
permissible discovery. Verizon further objects to this Topic on the basis that it seeks
confidential or proprietary information belonging to Verizon. Verizon objects to this Topic on
the grounds that the information sought by Plaintiff can and should be sought from parties to the
litigation, not from a third party. Verizon further specifically objects to the proposed location
and the timing of the deposition, which do not comply with the Federal Rules, provide


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