FM-Approval Standard For Water Pressure Relief Valve

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Approval Standard

Water Pressure
Relief Valves

Class Number 1361

August 1993

2002 FM Approvals LLC. All rights reserved.

The FM Approvals certification mark is intended to verify that the products and services described
will meet FM Approvals stated conditions of performance, safety and quality useful to the ends of
property conservation. The purpose of Approval Standards is to present the criteria for FM Approval
of various types of products and services, as guidance for FM Approvals personnel, manufacturers,
users and authorities having jurisdiction.
Products submitted for certification by FM Approvals shall demonstrate that they meet the intent of
the Approval Standard, and that quality control in manufacturing shall ensure a consistently uniform
and reliable product. Approval Standards strive to be performance-oriented. They are intended to
facilitate technological development.
For examining equipment, materials and services, Approval Standards:

must be useful to the ends of property conservation by preventing, limiting or not

causing damage under the conditions stated by the Approval listing; and

b) must be readily identifiable.

Continuance of Approval and listing depends on compliance with the Approval Agreement,
satisfactory performance in the field, on successful re-examinations of equipment, materials, and
services as appropriate, and on periodic follow-up audits of the manufacturing facility.
FM Approvals LLC reserves the right in its sole judgment to change or revise its standards, criteria,
methods, or procedures.

I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Basis for FM Approval ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Basis For Continued Approval ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.6 Effective Date .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.7 System of Units ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
II. GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Product Information ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
III. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Markings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Instructions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.3 Physical or Structural Features ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Valve Operation ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.5 Screen ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.6 Pressure Setting ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.7 Position Indicator (Optional) ............................................................................................................................................ 4
3.8 Flow Indicator (Optional) ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.9 Drawings/Plans/Specifications Required .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.10 Manufacturers Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................... 5
IV. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Hydrostatic Strength .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Relief Valve Capacity ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Disc Assembly, or Equivalent Component/Disc Strength ............................................................................................... 6
4.5 Diaphragm Strength .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.6 Seat Leakage ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.7 Durability ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.8 Operational Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................... 7
4.9 Flow Indicator ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.10 Accessory Examination ................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.11 Additional Tests ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
V. OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 8
5.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program ........................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Facilities and Procedures Audit (F&PA) .......................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A UNITS OF MEASUREMENT .......................................................................................................................... 10
APPENDIX B APPROVAL MARKS ......................................................................................................................................... 11


August 1993

1.1 Purpose
This Standard states FM Approval requirements for water pressure relief valves which relieve excess pressures
in a water supply system, or which are used in the discharge line of a fire pump to limit the pressure developed
by the pump. Smaller sizes are used with electric motor-driven pumps.

1.2 Scope
This standard is used to evaluate water pressure relief valves for their intended application of rapid response to
excess pressure. Relief valves must remain functional after long periods of inactivity. Water pressure relief
valve as used in this standard includes any trim and/or associated device necessary for satisfactory and reliable
operation of the assembly. Both direct acting and pilot-operated devices are within the scope of this standard.

1.3 Basis for FM Approval

FM Approval is based upon satisfactory evaluation of the product and the manufacturer in the following major
1.3.1 Examination and tests on production samples shall be performed to evaluate:
the suitability of the product;
the proper operation and performance of the product as specified by the manufacturer and required by
FM Approvals; and, as far as practical,
the durability and reliability of the product.
1.3.2 An examination of the manufacturing facilities and audit of quality control procedures shall be made to
evaluate the manufacturers ability to produce the product as examined and tested, and the marking
procedures used to identify the product. These examinations are repeated as part of FM Approvals product
follow-up program.

1.4 Basis For Continued Approval

Continued Approval is based upon:
production or availability of the product as currently Approved;
the continued use of acceptable quality control procedures;
satisfactory field experience;
compliance with the terms stipulated in the Approval Agreement; and
re-examination of production samples for continued conformity to requirements.

1.5 Requirements
1.5.1 The requirements of this standard are based on experience, research and testing and/or the standards of
other national and international organizations. The advice of manufacturers, users, trade associations and
loss control specialists has also been considered.



August 1993

1.5.2 The requirements of this standard reflect tests and practices used to examine characteristics of water
pressure relief valves for the purpose of obtaining FM Approval. These requirements are intended
primarily as guides, and strict conformity is not always mandatory. Valves having characteristics not
anticipated by this standard may be Approved if performance equal or superior to that required by this
standard is demonstrated, or if the intent of the standard is met. Alternatively, valves which do meet all
the requirements identified in this standard may not be Approved if other conditions which adversely affect
performance exist or if the intent of this standard is not met.

1.6 Effective Date

The effective date of an Approval Standard mandates that all products tested for Approval after the effective date
shall satisfy the requirements of that standard. Products Approved under a previous edition shall comply with the
new version by the effective date or else forfeit Approval. The effective date shall apply to the entire Approval
Standard, or, where so indicated, only to specific paragraphs of the standard.
The effective date of this standard is July 1, 1994, for full compliance with all requirements.

1.7 System of Units

Units of Measurement are U.S. customary units. These are followed by their arithmetic equivalents in International System (SI) units, enclosed in parentheses. Appendix A lists the selected units for quantities dealt with in
testing these products; conversions to SI units are included. Conversion of U.S. customary units is in accordance
with ASTM E380.


2.1 Product Information
2.1.1 Sizes
Present standard nominal sizes of valves for water pressure relief are:



3 4

Either globe or angle body styles are acceptable.



August 1993

2.1.2 End Connections

Valves having the following types of end connection are suitable. Other types of end connection shall be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
cut groove
2.1.3 Range Adjustment
The adjustable range of the relief valves shall be between 60 and 180 psi (415 and 1240 kPa).


3.1 Markings
3.1.1 The following data shall be cast in raised characters on the valve body or cover, or both:
manufacturers name or trademark
valve size
year of manufacture
rated working pressure
model designation
factory set pressure
set pressure range
flow directional arrow or INLET marking
FM Approval Mark (See Appendix B).
3.1.2 A corrosion-resistant metal nameplate bearing the same information shall be considered acceptable if
permanently fastened to the valve body.
3.1.3 Direct acting valves shall have a handwheel marked with the word OPEN and a directional arrow.

3.2 Instructions
Each shipment shall be packaged with complete installation instructions, including any special dimension



August 1993

3.3 Physical or Structural Features

3.3.1 Rated Working Pressure
Valves shall be designed for a minimum rated working pressure of 175 psi (1205 kPa).
3.3.2 Materials
All materials used in these valves shall be suitable for the intended application. Valve parts exposed to
water shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant materials. Particular consideration shall be given to the
plug or disc, the stem, seat ring, bushings and guides.
3.3.3 Parts Removal
The valve shall be designed so that all interior parts are accessible and replaceable while the valve is
installed in the line. The components of the pressure relief valves and those of associated devices shall be
designed so as to preclude mis-assembly.

3.4 Valve Operation

Direct acting valves shall be designed so that the operating handwheel is turned counter-clockwise to decrease
spring load. The operating handwheel shall furnish a ready hand grip and have sufficient mechanical strength to
endure normal, expected abuse during shipment and after installation.

3.5 Screen
A screen shall be provided to protect orifices or ports which are 14 in. (6.4 mm) in diameter or less. The diameter
of the holes in the screen shall be at least 116 in. (1.6 mm) less than the diameter of the smallest orifice to be
protected. The total area of the openings in the screen shall be at least 20 times greater than the area of the orifice
the screen is designed to protect.

3.6 Pressure Setting

Means shall be provided with a jam nut or other device to lock or seal the valve stem, or the adjusting screw
of a pilot valve, once the adjusted pressure setting has been established.

3.7 Position Indicator (Optional)

A position indicator may be provided to give visual indication of every position of the disc assembly, or
equivalent component, from open to closed. The words OPEN and CLOSED (or SHUT) shall be cast
or stamped in the proximity of the position indicator. The indicator shall point to these words when the valve is
fully open or closed.

3.8 Flow Indicator (Optional)

A sight glass or other similar type of flow indicator may be provided in the side of the valve, downstream of the
valve plug and seat. A paddlewheel or other visible indicator is required as part of the sight glass assembly to
give positive indication of flow in the line.


August 1993


3.9 Drawings/Plans/Specifications Required

Valves submitted for testing shall be true production samples and shall be free of sharp edges, burrs or other
imperfections liable to injure the installer or interfere with proper assembly of the unit.
In addition to the production samples, the manufacturer shall provide complete detail and assembly drawings,
and material specifications.

3.10 Manufacturers Responsibilities

All valves shall be tested for seat and body leakage before leaving the factory to at least twice the rated working
pressure. The pressure shall be held for a minimum of 1 minute without noticeable seat or body leakage. All
valves shall be opened through their full travel range.


4.1 General
The tests discussed below shall be utilized, as deemed necessary by FM Approvals, to demonstrate conformity
to these requirements. Other tests, indicated by examination or mathematical calculations, may also be necessary
to demonstrate suitability for Approval. The number and size of sample valves required for testing shall be at the
discretion of FM Approvals.

4.2 Hydrostatic Strength

4.2.1 Requirement
Valve bodies shall withstand hydrostatic strength testing without suffering cracking or permanent
distortion. This will include flow indicators or other accessories included in the valve shell.
4.2.2 Test/Verification
Valve bodies shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 700 psi (4825 kPa) or four times the rated working
pressure, whichever is greater, for 5 minutes. No cracking or permanent distortion shall result. Diaphragms
may be replaced with a gasket during this test.



August 1993

4.3 Relief Valve Capacity

4.3.1 Requirement
The minimum relief valve size shall be as follows:
Pump Capacity

Relief Valve Size


(dm /min)


Up to 250













4.3.2 Test/Verification
With the relief valves set at 100 psi (690 kPa), the relief valves shall discharge the full rated capacity of
the pump with which it is used without the inlet pressure rising above 125 psi (860 kPa).

4.4 Disc Assembly, or Equivalent Component/Disc Strength

4.4.1 Requirement
The disc assembly or equivalent component shall withstand strength testing without suffering cracking or
permanent distortion.
4.4.2 Test/Verification
With the inlet open to atmosphere, a hydrostatic pressure of two times the rated working pressure shall be
applied to the outlet of the pressure relief valve. This pressure shall be maintained for 5 minutes. During
and at the conclusion of this test, no leakage, fracture, permanent distortion, or functional impairment shall

4.5 Diaphragm Strength

4.5.1 Requirement
Any diaphragm supplied shall withstand a strength test without tear, rupture, or other failure.
4.5.2 Test/Verification
Diaphragms in either the pressure relief valve or the associated devices shall be subjected to a hydrostatic
pressure of two times (350 psi [2445 kPa] minimum) the rated working pressure for 5 minutes. During and
at the conclusion of this test, there shall be no evidence of leakage or functional impairment.

4.6 Seat Leakage

4.6.1 Requirement
Valve seats shall be leak tight when tested as described below.



August 1993

4.6.2 Test/Verification
When pressurized at rated working pressure (175 psi [1210 kPa] minimum) for 5 minutes, there shall be
no leakage across the seat.

4.7 Durability
4.7.1 Requirement
The pressure relief valve shall not undergo appreciably altered performance after being operated 2000
times under flow conditions.
4.7.2 Test/Verification
The pressure relief valve and associated devices shall be opened and closed 2000 times under representative pressures and flows. The valve shall continue to operate properly without appreciably altered
performance after this test, and shall still be leak tight when retested according to Paragraph 4.6.

4.8 Operational Characteristics

4.8.1 Requirement
After a valve has been pressurized to the set pressure of 100 psi (690 kPa) and has opened, it shall reseat
itself leak tight at no less than 90 percent of the operating set pressure.
4.8.2 Test/Verification
The pressure at which the seat/disc opens shall be observed. The inlet pressure shall be increased to at least
102 percent to ensure a clear operation. The pressure shall be reduced slowly until the valve reseats and
seals. The reseating pressure shall be no less than 90 percent of the opening pressure.

4.9 Flow Indicator

4.9.1 Requirement
A valve with a flow indicator as described in Paragraph 3.8 shall be placed in a flow line and performance
of the indicator shall be witnessed at several flow velocities between 1 and 20 ft/sec (0.3 and 6.1 m/sec)
in Schedule 40 pipe of the same nominal size as the valve.
4.9.2 Flow tests shall be performed to verify the operation of the flow indicator, as described above.

4.10 Accessory Examination

4.10.1 Requirement
Pilot-operated valves shall be examined for their ability to retain water above the valve operating
diaphragm. This is necessary so that they will function with vertical lift pumps.
Trapping of air above the diaphragm causes failure to perform in this application.



August 1993

4.10.2 Test/Verification
The manufacturers piping schematic drawing shall be examined to determine whether potential for
trapping air above the diaphragm exists. Based on this examination, operational tests may be necessary to
determine the ability of the assembly to avoid this choking condition.

4.11 Additional Tests

Additional tests may be required depending on design features and results of the foregoing tests.

5.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program
5.1.1 A Quality Control Program is required to assure that each subsequent valve produced by the manufacturer
shall present the same quality and reliability as the specific valve samples examined. Design quality,
conformance to design, and performance are the areas of primary concern.
Design quality is determined during the examination and tests.
Conformance to design is verified by control of quality in the following areas:
existence of corporate quality control guidelines;
incoming assurance, including testing;
in-process assurance, including testing;
final inspection and test;
equipment calibration;
drawing and change control;
packaging and shipping; and
handling discrepant materials.
Quality of performance is determined by field performance and by re-examination and test.
5.1.2 The manufacturer shall establish a system of product configuration control to prevent unauthorized
changes, including, as appropriate:
engineering drawings
engineering change requests
engineering orders
change notices
These shall be executed in conformance with a written policy and detailed procedures. Records of all
revisions to all Approved products shall be kept.


August 1993


5.1.3 The manufacturer shall assign an appropriate person or group to be responsible for obtaining
FM Approvals authorization of all changes applicable to Approved Products. FM Approvals Form 797,
Approved Product Revision Report or Address/Contact Change Notice, is provided to notify
FM Approvals of pending changes.

5.2 Facilities and Procedures Audit (F&PA)

5.2.1 An inspection of the product manufacturing facility shall be part of the Approval investigation. Its purpose
shall be to determine that equipment, procedures, and the manufacturers controls are properly maintained
to produce a product of the same quality as initially tested.
5.2.2 Unannounced follow-up inspections shall be conducted to assure continued quality control and product



August 1993


in. inches
(mm millimeters)
mm = in. 25.4
ft feet
(m meters)
m = ft 0.3048


psi pounds per square inch;

(kPa kilopascals)
kPa = psi 6.8948


F degrees Fahrenheit
(C degrees Celsius)
C = (F - 32) 5/9


gal/min = gallons per minute

(dm3/min = cubic decimeters per minute)
dm3/min = gal/min 3.7854


lb = pounds
(kg = kilograms)
kg = lb 0.4535


lbft = pound-feet
(Nm = newton-meters)
N m = lbft 1.356


oz = ounces
(cm3 = cubic centimeters)
cm3 = oz 3.382 10-2




August 1993



For use on nameplates, in literature, advertisements,
packaging and other graphics.
1) The FM Approval diamond mark is acceptable to
FM Approvals as an Approval mark when used
with the word Approved.
2) The FM Approval logomark has no minimum
size requirement, but should always be large
enough to be readily identifiable.
3) Color should be black on a light background or a
reverse may be used on a dark background.

For Cast-On Marks

4) Where reproduction of the mark described
above is impossible because of production
restrictions, a modified version of the diamond is
suggested. Minimum size specifications are the
same as for printed marks. Use of the word
Approved with this mark is optional.

NOTE: These Approval marks are to be used only in conjunction with products or services that have been
FM Approved. The FM Approval marks should never be used in any manner (including advertising, sales or promotional
purposes) that could suggest or imply FM Approval or endorsement of a specific manufacturer or distributor. Nor should
it be implied that Approval extends to a product or service not covered by written agreement with FM Approvals. The
Approval marks signify that products or services have met certain requirements as reported by FM Approvals.

Additional reproduction art is available through

FM Approvals
P.O. Box 9102
Norwood, Massachusetts 02062



Printed in USA

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