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Logical Toolkit

Logic and Philosophy

Philosophy is very much about asking questions. Does God exist? What can
we know? What keeps us the same through time and change? Is the mind
distinct from the body? How do we know what is right and what is wrong?
Because not everyone is going to agree on the correct answers to these
questions, it is extremely important to give reasons why you think one
answer is better than another. In giving reasons why you believe (or why
others should believe) a particular answer, you are doing logic, even though
you might not recognize it as such. Logic is just a way of articulating more
clearly the reasoning that we ordinarily do when we tell someone why we
believe something.
If we are to be persuaded that your position is correct, we need to have
some way of assessing the reasons that you give for believing your position.
For instance, we need to know whether your reasons really do lend support
to the position. This is where learning a bit of logical apparatus can come in
quite handy. So lets introduce some terminology.
Well start with the basic idea of an argument. As we use the term in
philosophy, an argument is not just a verbal dispute about some matter.
Rather, it is a way of articulating reasons. Or, to be more precise:
An argument is a series of statements where the last statement
supposedly follows from or is supported by the first statements. The last
statement is called the conclusion, and the first statements are called the
Heres a relatively simple example:
1) Everyone who lives in Los Angeles lives in California.
2) Alvin lives in Los Angeles.
3) Therefore, Alvin lives in California.
Suppose we were trying to convince you that our friend Alvin lives in
California. (Again, we probably wouldnt normally give you an argument in
order to convince you of this, but this is a simple example just to get the
idea of an argument under our belts.) We might give you the following
reasons for believing that Alvin lives in California. First, we know that Alvin
lives in Los Angeles. And second, we know that Los Angeles is in California,
so anyone who lives in Los Angeles automatically lives in California. These

two reasons are represented by premises 1 and 2, and they are meant to
support the conclusion, which is number 3. Arguments in the articles that
you read for class will most often not appear in this numbered form, but
they can all be reconstructed in this form so that the reasoning is easy to
In this example, if you were to accept the two premises, you would have to
accept the conclusion. So our argument is, in a certain sense, a good
argument. But there are different ways that an argument can be good.
The first way an argument can be good is if its premises actually do support
its conclusion. Recall that our definition of an argument is a series of
statements where the conclusion supposedly follows from or is supported by
the premises. Well, there are some arguments with conclusions that actually
do follow from the premises, and there are some arguments with
conclusions that dont actually follow from the premises, even though they
supposedly do. The first type of arguments are valid arguments, and the
second type are invalid arguments. Or, a bit more carefully:
An argument is valid if its conclusion follows from its premises.
Or, more carefully still:
An argument is valid if it satisfies the following condition: If its
premises were true, then its conclusion would have to be true.
The argument we gave previously is an example of a valid argument
because if premises 1 and 2 were true, then 3 would have to be true. But
the following is an example of an invalid argument:
1) Everyone who lives in Los Angeles lives in California.
2) Alvin lives in California.
3) Therefore, Alvin lives in Los Angeles.
If we were to put forth this argument while trying to convince you that our
friend Alvin lives in Los Angeles, you shouldnt be convinced. Why not?
Simply because the reasons that we gave for believing that Alvin lives in Los
Angeles dont actually support that conclusion. For in this case, premise 1
could be true (it actually is true), and premise 2 could be true, but the
conclusion might still be false (Alvin could live in San Francisco, for
instance). Thus this is an invalid argument. The conclusion doesnt actually
follow from the premises. Its not the case that if its premises were true,
then its conclusion would have to be true.

In philosophy, as in life, were mostly interested in putting forth valid

arguments. At the very least, our conclusions must really follow from our
premises. Although validity is a good first step, its not the only way that an
argument can be good.
If we succeed in putting forth a valid argument, thats a good start. But we
want more from our arguments. We also want our premises to actually be
true. Recall that validity was about the relationship between premises and
conclusion: If the premises were true, then the conclusion would have to be
true. But sometimes thats a big if. That is, sometimes were not sure
whether the premises are actually true. Thats the next thing we care about.
If our argument is valid and its premises are also true, then the argument is
sound. More precisely,
An argument is sound if it is valid and has all true premises.
Or, more precisely still,
An argument is sound if it satisfies the following two conditions:
1) It is valid.
2) All of its premises are true.
Heres another example to help understand soundness better. Consider the
following argument:
1) Abortion is the killing of an innocent person.
2) Killing innocent people is morally objectionable.
3) Therefore, abortion is morally objectionable.
This is a much more interesting argument than the one we gave about my
friend Alvin. Indeed, it is likely to stir emotions. But were not going to
discuss the moral rightness or wrongness of abortionwere just using this
argument as an example so that we can better understand logic. Now, there
are at least two ways that an argument can be good, so whenever you are
confronted with an argument such as this, you should always ask yourselves
two questions: First, is it valid? Second, is it sound?
Well save you the suspense: This argument is indeed valid. Remember what
that means, though. It doesnt mean that abortion is morally objectionable.
All it means is that the premises of this argument really do support the
conclusion of the argument. Or, in other words, if the premises were true,
then the conclusion would have to be true. Whether this argument is valid is

not a matter of controversy. What is a matter of controversy, however, is

whether this argument is sound. That is, is it a valid argument with
premises that are actually true? This is where opinions differ. For our
purposes, its enough to realize that if the premises of this argument
actually are true, then the argument is sound (because its also valid), and if
the premises of this argument actually are false, then the argument is
unsound (even though its still valid).
Why do we care about putting forth sound arguments? Well, if you present
someone with a valid argument and you can successfully argue that the
premises of your argument are true, then the other person must accept the
conclusion as well, on pain of irrationality. Because valid arguments are
such that their conclusions really do follow from their premises, one cannot
accept their premises without also accepting their conclusions. So if you are
giving us your reasons for, say, your belief in God, and you present us with a
valid argument with premises with which we agree, then we must agree
that God exists. Logic can be a very powerful tool.
Although typically soundness is the ultimate goal for an argument,
occasionally thats not enough. For purposes of illustration, suppose that
you believe in God and your belief is actually true and you present an
atheist with the following argument for Gods existence:
1) God exists.
2) Therefore, God exists.
Given our supposition that God actually does exist, this argument is a sound
argument. First, its valid because its conclusion actually does follow from
its premise. If the premise were true, then the conclusion would have to be
true (because they are identical!). Second, again, given our supposition that
God exists, the premise of this argument is true. So it looks like the
argument is sound. But youre never going to convince your atheist friend to
believe in God on the basis of this argument. Why not? Because its utterly
unpersuasive. Although it is sound, it commits a logical fallacy, namely, its
circular. An argument is circular if its conclusion appears somewhere within
its premises. The reason why no one should be persuaded by a circular
argument is that one would have to already accept the conclusion of the
argument before one accepted the premises. This gets things backward.
Those who already accept the conclusion will not need the argument to be
persuaded, and those who do not already accept the conclusion have been
given no reason to accept the premise. A similar, although more subtle,
example is the following argument:

1) The Bible says that God exists.

2) Everything the Bible says is true.
3) Therefore, God exists.
Suppose again that God does in fact exist, the Bible says this, and
everything the Bible says is true. Given these suppositions, this is a sound
argument. But its utterly unpersuasive because one would need to accept
its conclusion before one accepted premise 2. This is a logical fallacy
related to circularity often called begging the question. An argument begs
the question if one or more of its premises relies for its truth on the truth of
the conclusion.
So although validity and soundness are virtues of arguments, you have to be
wary that your arguments are not flawed in some other way, such as by
being circular.
Other Fallacies
Its not always easy to figure out whether a particular bit of reasoning is
valid. In fact, there are some bits of reasoning that seem to be valid even
though they are not. It will be useful to give a couple of examples of this
phenomenon. A common fallacy of this sort is called affirming the
consequent, illustrated by the following example:
1) If Amelia can vote in the United States, then Amelia is 18 years old.
2) Amelia is 18 years old.
3) Therefore, Amelia can vote in the United States.
The first premise of this argument is a conditional that is, it is an if
then statement. The if part of a conditional is called the antecedent, and
the then part of a conditional is called the consequent. Notice that
premise 2 asserts the truth of the consequent of the conditional in premise
1, and then the argument concludes that the antecedent is therefore true.
This is called affirming the consequent, and it is an invalid form of
reasoning. Its not difficult to see in this simple example that even if
premises 1 and 2 are true, the conclusion may still be false. Just imagine a
situation in which Amelia is 18 years old but is not a citizen of the United
States. In that case, it would still be true that if she can vote in the United
States, she is 18 years old, and it would be true that she is 18 years old, but
it would not be true that she can vote in the United States. Any argument
that takes this forma conditional, the consequent affirmed, and then the
antecedent as conclusionis invalid.
A related fallacy is denying the antecedent. Knowing what we know about
conditionals, you can probably guess what this will look like:

1) If Amelia can vote in the United States, then she is 18 years old.
2) Amelia cannot vote in the United States.
3) Therefore, Amelia is not 18 years old.
Again, we have a conditional in the first premise, but in this case the second
premise is a denial of the antecedent. The argument then concludes that the
consequent must be false as well. But as in the previous case, this is a
fallacious form of reasoning. Again, imagine a situation in which Amelia is
18 years old but is not a citizen of the United States. In that case, it would
still be true that if she can vote in the United States, she is 18 years old, and
it would be true that she cannot vote in the United States, but it would not
be true that she is not 18 years old. And again, any argument that takes this
forma conditional, the antecedent denied, and then the consequent denied
as a conclusionis invalid.
These two invalid bits of reasoning seem valid because they closely
resemble two bits of reasoning that are valid. These are affirming the
antecedent and denying the consequent, and they are illustrated by the
following two arguments:
1) If Amelia can vote in the United States, then she is 18 years old.
2) Amelia can vote in the United States.
3) Therefore, Amelia is 18 years old.
1) If Amelia can vote in the United States, then she is 18 years old.
2) Amelia is not 18 years old.
3) Therefore, Amelia cannot vote in the United States.
These are both valid forms of reasoning. In both arguments, if premises 1
and 2 were true, then the conclusion would have to be true. As you can see,
its important not to confuse these two bits of valid reasoning with the
fallacious reasoning involved in affirming the consequent and denying the
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
So much for arguments. Another important logical concept is that of
necessary and sufficient conditions. The best way to get a handle on these
concepts is through an example. So consider the following statement:
If you are a sophomore, then you are an undergraduate.
This statement is saying that being a sophomore is sufficient for being an
undergraduate. In other words, all you need to be an undergraduate is to be

a sophomore. (But thats not to say thats the only way to be an

undergraduate.) In general, a statement of the form:
If X, then Y
is a statement that X is a sufficient condition for Y. Now consider the
following statement:
If you can vote in the United States, then you are at least 18 years old.
This statement is saying that being at least 18 years old is necessary for
being able to vote in the United States. In other words, one of the
requirements for being able to vote in the United States is that you must be
at least 18 years old. (But thats not to say that that is the only
requirement.) In general, a statement of the form:
If X, then Y
is a statement that Y is a necessary condition for X. Occasionally you will
come across a statement that purports to give both necessary and sufficient
conditions for something. For example:
You have a sister if and only if you have a female sibling.
This statement says the same thing as the following two statements
If you have a sister, then you have a female sibling.
If you have a female sibling, then you have a sister.
Or, in the language of necessary and sufficient conditions:
Having a sister is necessary and sufficient for having a female sibling.
Philosophers are often interested in the necessary and sufficient conditions
for some interesting concept, such as knowledge. An interesting
philosophical question is: What are the necessary and sufficient conditions
for the claim that you have knowledge about some fact? Certainly it is
necessary that what you think you know must actually be true for you to
know it. But is that also sufficient? Probably not, as you may believe
something is true even though you dont have any good reason to believe it,
and so on.
A priori and A posteriori

It will be useful to have a few more pieces of philosophical terminology at

our disposal. First, philosophers often distinguish between a priori and a
posteriori. These are Latin terms that are especially useful in describing the
way in which we are able to come to know certain propositions. Propositions
that can be known a priori are those that can be known completely
independent of experience. They are those propositions that we can know,
so to speak, from the armchair. For example, our knowledge that all
triangles have three sides is a piece of a priori knowledge. Theres no need
to go around the world looking for triangles and counting up their sides to
conclude that all triangles have three sides. On the other hand, propositions
that can be known a posteriori are those that require experience of the
world to come to know. For example, your knowledge that it is raining
outside right now is a posteriori knowledge. To determine whether it is
raining, you need to open your eyes and look at the world. No amount of
armchair speculation will help.
Necessary and Contingent
Another distinction that comes in handy in philosophy is one between
necessary and contingent truths. A necessary truth is a proposition that is
true and could not have been false, whereas a contingent truth is a
proposition that is true but might have been false. Most of the true
propositions we ordinarily come across are contingent propositions. For
instance, the fact that you are reading this right now is a contingent truth.
You could very well have decided to do something else with your time. Even
the fact that you exist is a contingent truth. Had your parents not met when
they did, you could very well have never been born. In fact, we are so
surrounded by contingent truths that its difficult to think of an
uncontroversial necessary truth. An example would be the fact that all
triangles have three sides. No matter how the world could have been,
triangles would always have had three sidesthat statement could not have
been false. Of course, we could have used the word triangle to talk about
four-sided figures, but thats not to say that triangles could have been foursided figures. The concept of a triangle is so intimately connected up with
the concept of three-sidedness that its impossible to have one without the
other. Another example is the fact that all bachelors are unmarried. This is a
necessary truth because no matter how the world could have been,
bachelors would have always been unmarried.
Although these terms are most often used to talk about true and false
propositions, they are also sometimes used to distinguish between
necessary and contingent existence. You and I exist only contingentlythat
is, we might not have existed. God, on many interpretations, is supposed to
exist necessarilythat is, God could not have not existed.

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