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1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 3440

August 25, 2015

Northern California Baptist Conference

Subject Property: 238 E. 15th St./1515-3rd Ave., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Reference: Warning Letter dated 4/10/15
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office continues to receive complaints of the nuisance activity emanating from
the above-referenced property. At this juncture, subject property is declared a public
nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq.
Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health
and safety risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-11, you are hereby
assessed a $3,529.00 Nuisance Case fee.



238 E. 15 Street/1515-3 Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may
impose daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section
1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made
every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence
of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance
conditions, as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Put skateboard deterrents in place along side ramp; and
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $110.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which
you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions.
Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the
City for enforcement proceedings against your property.



238 E. 15 Street/1515-3 Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday,
September 8, 2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this
matter, and your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action.
Please note that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your
intention to appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time
prescribed, or a written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not
acceptable and will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Warning Letter, 4/10/15; Proof of Service

Administrative Appeal form


S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 0901

September 19, 2011

Advance Company LLC

251 9th Street, Oakland

dba Music Caf
APN: 001-0185-027-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Warning Letter dtd. 8/5/11
Subject Property:

Dear Property Owner(s):

Our office has been informed of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and
is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 251 9th Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that patrons continually
gather in the parking lot of the business at all hours of the evening and early
morning hours to smoke, converse on cell phones, loudly socialize and
occasionally argue and fight. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and


251 9 Street
Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


251 9 Street
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, October 3, 2011,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Marcus, Special Activity Permits (via email)

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
via regular mail
Business Owner, Music Caf, 251-9 Street, Oakland, CA 94607

City Administrators Office


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

Certified and Regular Mail

7008 1140 0004 5753 6829


September 21, 2009

Melvin P. Cavallero

Subject Property: 278 - 4th Street, Oakland, CA

APN: 001-0153-009-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance OMC section 9.08.170 Excessive
and annoying noises; OMC section 8.18.020
Persistent noises a nuisance; Sound Amplification
without a permit in violation of OMC section
Chapter 12.56; Conducting a Cabaret Activity in
violation of OMC Chapter 5.12; and Conducting a
Special Activity Event without a Permit in violation
of OMC Chapter 9.52.
Administrative Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Letters from Hearing Officer dtd. 7/31/08
Dear Owner(s):
The Administrative Hearing Officer for the City of Oakland has provided our office evidence
of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and has recommended that the
subject property be declared a public nuisance and substandard pursuant to Oakland
Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter One section 1.08. Having reviewed the evidence and
good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but is not limited to violations of OMC section
9.08.170 Excessive and annoying noises; OMC section 8.18.020 Persistent
noises a nuisance; Sound Amplification without a permit in violation of OMC
section Chapter 12.56; Conducting a Cabaret Activity in violation of OMC
Chapter 5.12; and Conducting a Special Activity Event without a Permit in
violation of OMC Chapter 9.52. Pursuant to the enclosed Cease and Desist


278 - 4 Street
Page 2 of 3

letters sent to your tenant by the City of Oaklands Administrative Hearing Officer
your tenant has been conducting illegal cabaret activity on your property. This
activity constitutes a public nuisance for its violation of several OMC sections. A
public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected
but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.340, which provides in part buildings or portions
thereof in which there exists any nuisance as defined in this Code are deemed
substandard buildings, your property is declared substandard.
A review of the aforementioned police report for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be
made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions, as
well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not limited
- Illegal or unpermitted special events;
- Illegal or unpermitted sound amplification; and
- noise nuisances
You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.


278 - 4 Street
Page 3 of 3

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via first
class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time) Monday, October 5, 2009,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance plan
to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along with
compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily penalties
while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please call
Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
B. Killey, CAO
Sgt. K. Thomas, OPD
Sgt. P. Espinoza, OPD


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 5567

December 1, 2014

Saied R. & Vida R. Karamooz

335 15th St./1464 Webster St., Oakland, CA

dba The Naming Gallery
Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise & Obstruction of
Public Right of Way
Warning Letter, 8/19/14
Subject Property:

Dear Property Owners,

Our office continues to receive complaints nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. At this juncture, the subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but is not limited to, obstruction of the public
right of way, OMC 12.08 and violation of OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive
and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises occurring on
your property at 1464 Webster Street. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B); and
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

1424 Webster St./335 15th Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include, but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

obstruction of the right of way; and

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

1424 Webster St./335 15th Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, December 15,
2014, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Warning Letter; A Photo

Administrative Appeal form
Proof of Service


Ofcrs. J. Kroushour/J. Sena, OPD/ABAT (via email)

E. Ferran/R. Illgen, City Attorneys Office (via email)
H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
Business Owner, The Naming Gallery, 335 15th St., Oakland 94612 (via regular mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7008 1140 0004 5754 1267

November 3, 2010

12th & 13th Webster Street LLC

341 13th Street, Oakland

dba Maxwells Lounge & Restaurant
APN: 002-0063-001-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Warning Letters dtd. 8/3/10 & 10/21/10
Subject Property:

Dear Property Owner(s):

Our office has been informed of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and
is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 341 13th Street dba
Maxwells Lounge & Restaurant, Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which
poses a serious health and safety risk to the surrounding community. There are
reports that crowds of patrons loiter on the street throughout the evening
including after closing time. Additionally, crowd of smokers and loiterers shout
freely to each other in what amounts to a nightly street party. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and


341 - 13 Street
Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


341 - 13 Street
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, November 16,
2010, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

Officer J. Sena, OPD (via email)

N. Marcus, Special Activity Permits (via email)
C. Vose, Office of City Attorney (via email)
D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

Certified and Regular Mail

7008 1140 0004 5753 6836


September 30, 2009

David & James Bradford

Subject Property: 361 - 19th Street, Oakland, CA

APN: 008-0624-003-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance OMC section 9.08.170 Excessive
and annoying noises; OMC section 8.18.020
Persistent noises a nuisance; Sound Amplification
without a permit in violation of OMC section
Chapter 12.56; Conducting a Cabaret Activity in
violation of OMC Chapter 5.12; and Conducting a
Special Activity Event without a Permit in violation
of OMC Chapter 9.52
Letters from Hearing Officer dated 4/9/08
Dear Owners:
The Administrative Hearing Officer for the City of Oakland has provided our office evidence
of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and has recommended that the
subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter One section 1.08. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing,
the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but is not limited to violations of OMC section
9.08.170 Excessive and annoying noises; OMC section 8.18.020 Persistent
noises a nuisance; Sound Amplification without a permit in violation of OMC
section Chapter 12.56; Conducting a Cabaret Activity in violation of OMC
Chapter 5.12; and Conducting a Special Activity Event without a Permit in
violation of OMC Chapter 9.52. Pursuant to the enclosed Cease and Desist


361 19 Street
Page 2 of 3

letters sent to your tenant by the City of Oaklands Administrative Hearing

Officer, your tenant has been conducting illegal cabaret activity on your property.
This activity constitutes a public nuisance for its violation of several OMC
sections. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property
is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section
A review of the aforementioned letters for illegal activity subject you to daily
penalties of $1000 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to Oaklands Master Fee Schedule you are assessed a $3500.00
nuisance case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be
made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions, as
well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not limited
- Illegal or unpermitted special events;
- Illegal or unpermitted sound amplification; and
- noise nuisances
You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.


361 19 Street
Page 3 of 3

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via first
class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time) Tuesday, October 13, 2009,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance plan
to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along with
compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily penalties
while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please call
Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

B. Killey, CAO
Sgt. K. Thomas, OPD
Sgt. P. Espinoza, OPD

City Administrators Office


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

Certified and Regular Mail

7008 1140 0004 5753 6812


September 21, 2009

Rue-Ell Enterprises, Inc.

Subject Property: 389 Grand Avenue, Oakland

APN: 010-0766-004-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance OMC section 9.08.170 Excessive and
annoying noises; OMC section 8.18.020 Persistent
noises a nuisance; Sound Amplification without a permit
in violation of OMC section Chapter 12.56; Conducting a
Cabaret Activity in violation of OMC Chapter 5.12; and
Conducting a Special Activity Event without a Permit in
violation of OMC Chapter 9.52.
Administrative Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Letter from Hearing Officer dtd. 5/8/08
Dear Owner(s):
The Administrative Hearing Officer for the City of Oakland has provided our office evidence
of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and has recommended that the
subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter One section 1.08. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing,
the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but is not limited to violations of OMC section
9.08.170 Excessive and annoying noises; OMC section 8.18.020 Persistent
noises a nuisance; Sound Amplification without a permit in violation of OMC
section Chapter 12.56; Conducting a Cabaret Activity in violation of OMC
Chapter 5.12; and Conducting a Special Activity Event without a Permit in
violation of OMC Chapter 9.52. Pursuant to the enclosed Cease and Desist
letter sent to your tenant by the City of Oaklands Administrative Hearing

389 Grand Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Officer, your tenant has been conducting illegal cabaret activity on your property.
This activity constitutes a public nuisance for its violation of several OMC
sections. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property
is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section
A review of the aforementioned police report for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be
made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions, as
well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not limited
- Illegal or unpermitted special events;
- Illegal or unpermitted sound amplification; and
- noise nuisances
You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

389 Grand Avenue

Page 3 of 3

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days
from the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before
an independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you
must pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon
which you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these
actions. Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs
incurred by the City for enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative
Assistant weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone.
Your written appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in
person or via first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time) Monday,
October 5, 2009, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this
matter, and your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action.
Please note that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of
your intention to appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the
time prescribed, or a written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing
fee, are not acceptable and will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required
along with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the
daily penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a
meeting, please call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

B. Killey, CAO
H. Banh, NSD


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3652 6927

December 3, 2013

Psai Old Oakland Associates LLC

481 9th Street, Oakland, CA

dba Liege Spirits Lounge
APN: 001-0201-002-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Illegal cabaret operation
Civil Penalty:
$500 a day
Cease and Desist Letter dated 8/2/12

Subject Property:

Dear Property Owner(s):

Our office has been informed of the nuisance activity at the above-referenced property.
The subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity reported to occur on your property includes, but is not
limited, to the use of the subject property as an Illegal cabaret operation in
violation of OMC Chapter 5.12 occurring on your property located at 481 9th
Street, Oakland, CA constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health
and safety risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem; and
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and


481 9 Street
Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule you are hereby assessed a
$3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC
Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated.
Assessments will be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures
taken to prevent recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings
and structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall
be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate
the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not limited
- Illegal/un-permitted cabaret operation; and
- Excessive noise after 11 p.m.
You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.
As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


481 9 Street
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, December 17,
2013, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at (510) 238-7487.


Proof of Service, Admin. Appeal

Cease & Desist Letter dated 8/2/12


via email
Sgt. P. Espinoza & Ofcr. J. Cabral, OPD Special Event Unit
Ofcr. J. Sena/Ofcr. J. Kroushour, OPD/ABAT
E. Ferran, OCA
R. Illgen, OCA
N. Marcus, Special Activity Permits
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
via regular mail
Business Owner, Liege, 481- 9 St., Oakland, CA 94607


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 29, 2014

Truckee Zurich Place LLC

3871 Piedmont Avenue, Suite 311
Oakland, CA 94611
RE: Nuisance Activity at 701 - 30th St., Oakland, CA
Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
has been reported as occurring at 701 - 30th Street, Oakland, CA . Public records indicate that
you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,000.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 29, 2014

Truckee Zurich Place LLC

RE: Nuisance Activity at 701 - 30th St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
has been reported as occurring at 701 - 30th Street, Oakland, CA . Public records indicate that
you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,000.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

November 13, 2014

John J. & Kristina A. Glynn TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 711 McKinley Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of band practicing in the gargage, has been reported as occurring at 711 McKinley
Avenue. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

January 9, 2013

Carleton & Napoleon Dumas

RE: Nuisance Activity at 721 45th Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland
is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on
properties. Our records indicated that you are the owners of record for 721 45th
Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner you are
responsible for the nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also
intended to facilitate your early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this
letter is being sent, the Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints from
police, city workers and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys
Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance
Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S; OMC 1.12 et.seq.
The purpose of OMC 1.12 et.seq is to provide for the protection, health, safety, and
general public welfare of the residents of the city and to preserve the livability,
appearance, property values, and social and economic stability of the city. Under this
Chapter, a public nuisance is anything which impacts the comfortable use and
enjoyment of land by residents in a community and which after being identified and
abated is likely to recur.


721 45 Street
Page 2 of 2

This office has been informed of the nuisance activities that are going on in your
property. These activities include, but are not limited to, playing loud music that can be
heard more than 50 feet away, a violation of OMC 8.18.010, general nuisance behavior,
overgrown yard, and trash.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.



R. Sykes, OPD/NSC, Beats 10X & Y, 17Y, 22Y and 25X (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

April 15, 2015

Abdulrahim S. Alazani

RE: Nuisance Activity at 731 W. Macarthur Blvd., Oakland, CA

dba Westco Gas Station
Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
and public urination has been reported as occurring at Westco Gas Station located at 731 W.
Macarthur Boulevard. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator


Photos (3)

Westco Gas Station, 731 W. Macarthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 94609



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 6, 2011

Michelle D. Clark


Nuisance Activity at 738 Arimo Avenue, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 738
Arimo Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

738 Arimo Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

November 21, 2014

Michael J. Woo

RE: Nuisance Activity at 750 Mandana Blvd., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing loud music, has been reported as occurring during construction at 750
Mandana Boulevard. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

August 22, 2014

Suzanne Masuret

RE: Nuisance Activity at 768 40th St., Apt A Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner,
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in the
form of barking dogs, has been reported as occurring at 768 40th St., Apt A. Public records indicate
that you are the owner of record of this property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate. Should our
office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you will be subject to
a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a $3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and
civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to determine
the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We advise you to
take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Sgt. R. Muniz, OAS/OPD (via email)

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
Austin Smith,

(via regular mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

April 10, 2013

Sharli Latimore


Nuisance Activity at 809 31st Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation
of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

809 31st Street

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


Councilperson L. McElhaney, District 3 (via email)

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 12, 2011

James & Sonya Banks


Nuisance Activity at 819 61st Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 819
61st Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

819 61st Street

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

May 20, 2015

Eric S. & Catherine L. Gordon

RE: Nuisance Activity at 829 21st St.,#3, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
has been reported as occurring at 829 21st St., Apt #3. Public records indicate that you are the
owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

C. Lum, NLC (via email)



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

April 11, 2011

Lillian M. Hollingsworth


Nuisance Activity at 839 Brockhurst St., Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 839
Brockhurst Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

839 Brockhurst Street

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

May 9, 2014

William P. & Priscilla C. William TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 849 29th Street, Oakland, CA

dba Wooden Window Company
Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
has been reported as occurring at 849 29th Street dba Wooden Window Company. Public
records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

F. Blackwell, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5858

October 31, 2014

William P. & Priscilla C. Essert TRS

849 29th St., Oakland, CA

dba Wooden Window Company
Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Warning Letter dated 5/9/14
Subject Property:

Dear Property Owner(s):

It has come to our attention that you have not taken steps in abating the nuisance
activity at the above-referenced property as our office continues to receive complaints
on this matter. At this juncture, subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant
to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 849 29th St., Oakland
constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety risk to the
surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition
on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem
(OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


849 29 Street
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.


849 29 Street
Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, November 13,
2014, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


C. Candell, Building Services (via email)

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7004 1350 0000 4542 8290

October 1, 2007

Mary A Lucas

Subject Property: 854 53rd Street

APN: 014-1195-005-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalties: Up to $5,000 a year
Neighborhood complaints in violation of
Oakland Municipal Codes
Dear Owner(s):
Property owners of properties adjacent to your property have provided our office with
evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and are requesting that
the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to violations of OMC sections
9.24 Gambling; 9.08.170 Obstructing pedestrians; Excessive and annoying
Noises prohibited OMC section 8.18.010; and Persistent Noises in violation
of OMC section 8.18.020 constitutes a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall
also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.12.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule, you are hereby assessed a
$3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

PTS #0707489


854 - 53 Street
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments up to a total of $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:
- Noise violations; and
- Gambling; and
- Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your
You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.
As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $72.30 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


854 - 53 Street
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, October 15, 2007,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator


S. Mitchell, OPD/PSO
N. De Luca, CAO


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

May 6, 2011

Zena R. Long


Nuisance Activity at 871 - 55th Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 871
55th Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

871 55th Street

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

November 10, 2009

Walt P. Telles


Nuisance Activity at 875 21st Street

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 875
21st Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark in violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.


875 - 21 Street
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

Nicole Frede, Animal Services (via email)

D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 9708

March 20, 2009

Tiffany Lunnie

Subject Property: 884 - 44th Street, Oakland 94608

APN: 013-1088-022-02
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
$1000 a day
Police Report #08-087498-001
Dear Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of California
Penal Code 245 and OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises documented in the attachment(s),
and occurring on your property located at 884 - 44th Street constitutes a public
nuisance which poses a serious health and safety risk to the surrounding
community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the document(s) subject you to daily penalties of $1000 should you
not act immediately to abate the activity; and



884 44 Street
Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule you are hereby assessed a
$3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $1000 a day up to $365,000 a year (pursuant to OMC
Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated.
Assessments will be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures
taken to prevent recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings
and structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall
be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate
the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an


884 44 Street
Page 3 of 3

independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must

pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, April 2, 2009,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator




1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

September 5, 2013

Adlai Harbort

RE: Nuisance Activity at 893 47th Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland
is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on
properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner(s) of record for
893 47th Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that loud, annoying and excessive noise is emanating from
your property after 10:00 p.m. There are times that a group of young men and their
cars, hang out in front of your house from early evening until 3 oclock in the morning.
This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet
enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent

893 47th Street

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5629

September 25, 2014

Mary Luu

Subject Property: 916-918 E. 12th St., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 916-918 E. 12th St.,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that playing of loud music
is emanating from your property. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


916-918 E. 12 Street
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.


916-918 E. 12 Street
Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, October 6,
2014, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


Ofcr. W. Garcia, OPD (via email)

Councilperson P. Kernighan, District 2 (via email)
M. Mendoza, District 2 (via email)
H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
((510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 1311

March 2, 2012

J. W. and Barbara Silveira and

Brian Silveira

925 87th Avenue, Oakland

dba Ruff Ryders Motorcycle Club
APN: 042-4283-012-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Letter from Special Business Permits, 2/15/12
Subject Property:

Dear Property Owner(s):

Our office has been informed of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and
is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 925 87th Avenue,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that excessive noise
generated by loud music that goes on until 4:00 a.m. is emanating at the
establishment. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and


925 87 Avenue
Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


925 87 Avenue
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, March 14,
2012, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.


Admin. Appeal form, Proof of Service


Sgt. P. Espinoza, Special Events/OPD

Councilperson L. Reid, District 7
Ofcr. J. Blankinship, OPD
Ofcr. J. Sena, OPD
Sgt. K. Thomas, OPD
Edith Guillen, NSC 33X
Scott Miller, Planning & Zoning
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
via regular mail
Business Owner, Ruff Ryders Motorcycle Club, 925-87 Ave., Oakland, CA 94621


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

October 26, 2012

Alvarado Callejas & Luis Tajtaj

RE: Nuisance Activity at 925 E. 19th Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are owner of record for 925 E. 19th
Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that huge events such as bingo games, parties, selling
refreshment with the use of PA system to amplify sound and music, are held in your
backyard. These activities may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues
as a recurrent problem.


925 E. 19 Street
Page 2 of 2

Additionally, there are reports that you are keeping rooster whose crowing from sunrise
throughout the day is audible in the neighborhood. This is a violation of OMC section
6.04.320, Keeping of fowl - It is unlawful for any person to keep, harbor or maintain
rooster within the city limit.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your cooperation.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 2479

December 13, 2012

Alvarado Callejas & Luis Tajtaj

Subject Property:
925 E. 19th Street, Oakland, CA
Declaration of Public Nuisance Violation of OMC section 6.04.320
Warning letters 10/26/12 & 11/28/12
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed that you are keeping roosters which constantly crows between the
hours of 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. This constitutes a public nuisance which impacts the use and
quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. The subject property is declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq.
Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity reported to occur on your property includes, but is not limited to,
the recurrent violation of OMC section 6.04.320 stated as:
6.04.320 - Keeping of fowl.
It is unlawful for any person to keep any ducks, geese, chickens or other fowls in any
enclosure in the city unless the exterior boundaries of said enclosures are more than twenty (20) feet
from any dwelling, church or school.
It is unlawful for any person to keep, harbor or maintain roosters within the city limit.
This section shall not prohibit the activity authorized under Section 6.04.290 of this code.
This section shall also not apply to and is not intended to regulate any commercial activity
that is already regulated by the Oakland Planning Code.

925 E. 19th Street

Page 2 of 3

Additionally, there are reports that there is persistent and excessive noise coming from
your property. A large live band playing with multiple trumpeters and a crowd shouting
between songs.
A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B); and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby assessed a
$3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose daily
penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08
et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30 days until
you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity to the satisfaction
of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a
public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your
obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions, as well as
diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs, payments,
assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are significant and shall be a
charge against the property and the owners and, if not reimbursed immediately, shall become a
special assessment/priority lien recorded against the property title and are recoverable through
the property tax general levy and court action, among other remedies available to the City.
Failure to remedy or abate nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you
for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial measures
necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures include, but are not
limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments to
date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not limited to:

keeping roosters in your property; and

persistent and excessive noise

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

925 E. 19th Street

Page 3 of 3

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination. Pursuant to
OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from the date of this
notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an independent administrative
hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee,
and submit in writing the details upon which you base your claim that the City has erred or
abused its discretion in these actions. Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the
actual costs incurred by the City for enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty procedures,
please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant weekdays from 9:30
to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written appeal must be filed directly
with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11th Floor

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal and filing
fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, December 26, 2012, you waive
your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only other method for
redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that incomplete appeals including, but
not limited to, oral notification of your intention to appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not
received within the time prescribed, or a written appeal received by the filing deadline without a
filing fee, are not acceptable and will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the Nuisance
Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance plan to abate the
nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along with compliance plan. If you
reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily penalties while you meet the terms of the
compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.


Administrative Appeal form

Proof of Service


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

November 13, 2014

John J. & Kristina A. Glynn TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 711 McKinley Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of band practicing in the garage, has been reported as occurring at 711 McKinley
Avenue. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator
cc: H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 16, 2014

Tewodros Haile & Rosa Mengesha

RE: Nuisance Activity at 940 52nd Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing of drums, has been reported as occurring at 940 52nd Street. Public records
indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator
cc: H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

October 9, 2012

Stanley A. Young, Jr. TR


Nuisance Activity at 972 Aileen Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 972
Aileen Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation
of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.

972 Aileen Street

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


M. Webb, Director/Animal Svs (via email)

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

May 13, 2013

Stanley A. Young, Jr. TR

RE: Nuisance Activity at 972 Aileen Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that our office continues to receive complaints
regarding constant barking dogs from your property. This activity constitutes a violation of the
PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys
On October 9, 2012 a courtesy notice (copy enclosed) has been sent to you regarding the
matter. To date you have not taken necessary steps to abate the nuisance as we continue to
receive complaints. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case
against your property, you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance
is abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance case
fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property,
identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this


N. Frede, Oakland Animal Services (via email)

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 11, 2015

David Weinstein & Ioup Yoshi

RE: Nuisance Activity at 984 - 39th St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of barking dogs, continues to be reported as occurring at 984 - 39th Street, Oakland, CA
Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Sabrina Landreth, City Administrator



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

December 8, 2014

David Weinstein & Ioup Yoshi

RE: Nuisance Activity at 984 - 39th St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of barking dogs, has been reported as occurring at 984 - 39th Street, Oakland, CA .
Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 6069

February 10, 2015

David Weinstein & Ioup Yoshi

Subject Property: 984 39th St., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance: Barking Dog
Reference: Warning Letter, 12/8/14
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office continues to receive complaints on nuisance activity at above-referenced
property. At this juncture, the subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


984 39 Street
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.


984 39 Street
Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, February 24,
2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator


Copy of Warning Letter 12/8/14; Proof of Service; Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svs./OPD
J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

October 10, 2013

Alejandro C. Guzman

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1010 86th Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland
is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on
properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner(s) of record for 1010 86th
Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that the sound system of automobiles belonging to your
tenants and or their visitors is creating loud, annoying and excessive noise.
Additionally, they are trespassing on the parking lot of a private property with their
electronic remote racing cars. These activities constitute a violation of the PNO due to
its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A
public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.

1010 86th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

June 26, 2012

Hoa Ly & Ngoc Hien To ETAL

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1017 E. 22nd Street, Apt 2, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1017 E.
22nd Street, Oakland, CA
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that on-going noise problems caused by party emanate
from Apartment 2. The partying noise occurs 3-4 times a week with regularity. This
activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet
enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1017 E. 22nd Street

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


J. Gerard, District 2 (via email)

Councilperson P. Kernighan, District 2 (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

August 21, 2015

Dominic A. & Deborah F. Rago TRS Etal

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1029 51st Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
and annoying sound that starts at an early hour of 4:00 a.m., has been reported as occurring at
1029 51st Avenue. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

March 21, 2006

Miroslava & Pablo Hernandez

RE: 1030 101st Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1030 101st Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S. Our office has become informed that your property
is the source of nuisance activity including but not limited to noise.
As a consequence of its condition the City has received numerous complaints regarding
excessive and annoying noises for more than 10 minutes at a time which can constitute
nuisance activity on your premises in violation of Oakland Municipal Code section
8.18.010. Further, there are reports that individuals either visiting your tenants on the
premises or the tenants themselves may be participating in some of the nuisance
activity occurring on and around your property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


1030 101 Ave.

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

March 21, 2006

Jesus A. & Elida Velazco

RE: 1036 101st Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1036 101st Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S. Our office has become informed that your property
is the source of nuisance activity including but not limited to noise.
As a consequence of its condition the City has received numerous complaints regarding
excessive and annoying noises for more than 10 minutes at a time which can constitute
nuisance activity on your premises in violation of Oakland Municipal Code section
8.18.010. Further, there are reports that individuals either visiting your tenants on the
premises or the tenants themselves may be participating in some of the nuisance
activity occurring on and around your property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


1036 101 Ave.

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

March 8, 2011

Gordon & Nina Greenwood


Nuisance Activity at 1037 Magnolia Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1037
Magnolia Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that dog barking are constantly occurring from one of the
units in your rental property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1037 Magnolia Street

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

June 22, 2015

Ellen V. Leonida

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1038 24th St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
has been reported as occurring at 1038 24th Street. Public records indicate that you are the
owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

August 21, 2015

Dominic A. & Deborah F. Rago TRS Etal

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1040 51st Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
and annoying sound that starts at an early hour of 4:00 a.m., has been reported as occurring at
1029 51st Avenue. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

October 24, 2006

Cleopatra Fort, Heirs of Estate


Nuisance Activity at 969 55th Street

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 969 55th Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you as a property owner, that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance #12550 C.M.S and or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance
#12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, noise nuisances,
OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent
noises, a nuisance caused by animals on your property. These activities constitute a
violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of these violations and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


969 55 Street
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the necessary steps to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.

Assistant to the City Administrator


S. Mitchell, OPD
N. De Luca, CAO
Chron File


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

May 25, 2010

Mollie Wesley


Nuisance Activity at 1072 61st Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1072
61st Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.


1072 61 Street
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

D. Escobar, Animal Svcs./OPD (via email)

D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

June 28, 2006

Victor N. & Margaret C. Jones


Nuisance Activity at 1078 55th Street

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1078 55th Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you as a property owner, that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance #12550 C.M.S and or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance
#12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, noise nuisances,
OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent
noises, a nuisance caused by animals on your property. These activities constitute a
violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of these violations and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


1078 55 Street
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the necessary steps to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.

Assistant to the City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administratorr
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

October 2, 2006

Qadirah Bey


Nuisance Activity at 1083 59th Street

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1083 59th Street, Oakland CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance #
12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance, and animal nuisances. There are reports that several dogs are allowed
to run leash free from this property and that these dogs regularly bark in violation
of the above referenced ordinances. This activity constitutes a violation of the PNO
due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys
property. In addition, such activity can quickly escalate into a potentially dangerous
situation as the dogs may attack and injure a pedestrian or neighbor passing by.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against

1083 59th St
Page 2 of 2

your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


N. De Luca, OCA

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

March 21, 2006

Wayne C. Rowland Trust

Vanessa L. Washington Trust

RE: 1086 100th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1086 100th Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S. Our office has become informed that your property
is the source of nuisance activity including but not limited to noise.
As a consequence of its condition the City has received numerous complaints regarding
excessive and annoying noises for more than 10 minutes at a time which can constitute
nuisance activity on your premises in violation of Oakland Municipal Code section
8.18.010. Further, there are reports that individuals either visiting your tenants on the
premises or the tenants themselves may be participating in some of the nuisance
activity occurring on and around your property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


1086 100 Ave.

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

July 23, 2013

Jerry Davis & Blynthia L. Davis TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1090 100th Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner(s) of record for
1090 100th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that on-going noise problems caused by playing of loud
music emanate from the property. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO
due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys
property. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.

1090 100th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


Iris Merriouns, Council Office (via email)

Officer C. Eggers, OPD (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

March 9, 2011

Mark Stumpf

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1090 Siler Place, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1090
Siler Place, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. There are reports
that loud and rowdy parties are emanating from your property during Friday and
Saturday nights.

1090 Siler Place

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to City Administrator

G. Johnson, District 1
D. Lindheim, CAO

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

March 21, 2006

Wayne C. Rowland Trust

Vanessa L. Washington Trust

RE: 1100 100th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1100 100th Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S. Our office has become informed that your property
is the source of nuisance activity including but not limited to noise.
As a consequence of its condition the City has received numerous complaints regarding
excessive and annoying noises for more than 10 minutes at a time which can constitute
nuisance activity on your premises in violation of Oakland Municipal Code section
8.18.010. Further, there are reports that individuals either visiting your tenants on the
premises or the tenants themselves may be participating in some of the nuisance
activity occurring on and around your property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


1100 100 Ave.

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

April 15, 2015

Roque E. Linares

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1101 Campbell St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of loud outdoor parties and playing amplified music until late hours, has been reported
as occurring at 1101 Campbell Street. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record
of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

June 18, 2013

Federal National Mortgage Association


Nuisance Activity at 1124 75th Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1124
75th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. Additionally, the presence of trash
and illegal dumping are reported to our office. This activity may constitute a violation of
the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.

1124-75th Avenue
Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

August 31, 2015

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1124 Adeline St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive
noise in the form of choir practice with live musical instrument such as organ & drums and
amplified vocals, has been reported as occurring at 1124 Adeline St., Oakland, CA. Public
records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this
activity may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your
property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated,
including a $3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to
you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the
nuisance. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call
us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

C. Lum, NLC/OCA (via email)

S. Landreth, City Administrator (via email)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

August 10, 2009

Manuel & R. Rodriguez Trust

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1128 Chester Street, #2, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1128
Chester Street, #2, Oakland.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a property is maintained in violation of
the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of California Civil Code Sections 3479 and
3480, or common law or in equity jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent

1128 Chester Street, #2.

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

October 26, 2010

Gabriel Arechiga


Nuisance Activity at 1134 E. 24th Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1134 E.
24th Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.


1134 E. 24 Street
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)
D. Escobar, Animal Svcs./OPD (via email)
D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 9555

January 27, 2009

Eladio and Maria Espinoza Campos

Subject Property: 1206 - 79th Avenue, Oakland 94621

APN: 041-4198-040-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalties: Up to $5,000 a year
Calls for Service
Dear Owner(s):
The Animal Services Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity
at the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared
a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08
et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises documented in
the attachment(s) constitutes a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also
exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues
as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the document(s) subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

PTS #0900386


1206 79 Avenue
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
assessments of up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq),
unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30 days
until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity to the
satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which are
determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition
or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

The commission of excessive and annoying noises; and

persistent noises.

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.


1206 79 Avenue
Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, February 9, 2009,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
K. Preston, Animal Services

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

June 25, 2009

Frank L. Spinardi, Jr.

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1208 54th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1208
54th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a property is maintained in violation of
the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of California Civil Code Sections 3479 and
3480, or common law or in equity jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1208 54th Avenue.

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

September 26, 2012

Stephen Gaines


Nuisance Activity at 1208 Wood Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1208
Wood Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation
of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.

1208 Wood Street

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


M. Webb, Director/Animal Svs (via email)

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

January 9, 2015

Business Owner
East Bay Auto

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1223 Miller Ave., Oakland, CA

dba East Bay Auto
Dear Business Owner,
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
has been reported as occurring in your business at 1223 Miller Avenue
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

M. Granda, NLC (via email)

C. Candell, Zoning/Planning (via email)
H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5469

September 3, 2014

Xin M. & Li F. Chen

Subject Property: 1240 7th Ave., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise/Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Oakland Animal Services had provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


1240 7 Avenue
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.


1240 7 Avenue
Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, September 16,
2014, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svs./OPD
H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

August 15, 2013

Benhad Properties LLC

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2110 51st Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner(s) of record for
2110 51st Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that tenants from one of your units are constantly making
loud noise and or sound. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its
impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A
public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.

2110 51st Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

March 22, 2006

Francisco Vega

RE: 1328 - 89th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1328 - 89th Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S. Our office has become informed that your property
is the source of nuisance activity including but not limited to noise.
As a consequence of its condition, the City has received numerous complaints
regarding excessive and annoying noises for more than 10 minutes at a time, caused by
your dogs, can constitute nuisance activity on your premises in violation of Oakland
Municipal Code section 8.18.010. Further, there are reports that individuals either
visiting your tenants on the premises or the tenants themselves may be participating in
some of the nuisance activity occurring on and around your property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


1328 89 Ave.
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

September 27, 2013

Richard Ali

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1408 Webster Street, Oakland, CA

dba New Karibbean City
Dear Business Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property/business owners to prevent and control
nuisance activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the business owner of
the New Karibbean City located at 1408 Webster Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your business is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. There are reports
that your business has blaring music during weekends and this music empties through
your vents into courtyard at the apartment building at Harrison Street.

1408 Webster Street

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so
identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

N. Marcus, Special Activity Permits (via email)
James Lee TR & Tam King ETAL, Property Owners (via regular mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

June 17, 2015

Cypress Street Investments

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1414 3rd St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
has been reported as occurring at 1414 3rd Street. Public records indicate that you are the
owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

B. Cook, City Council Office (via email)

J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

City Administrators Office
Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

Main FAX

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

May 6, 2011

Henry Teal & Eva Brown


Nuisance Activity at 1418 - 8th Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1418
8th Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

1418 8th Street

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

March 12, 2014

Jing L. Chang

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1420 -36th Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of loud parties, has been reported as occurring at 1420 - 36th Avenue. Public records
indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

PSO J. Pereda, ODP (via email)

A. Martinez, NSC/OPD (via email)
Councilperson N. Gallos Office, (via email)
F. Blackwell, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3652 5609

September 30, 2008

Dylan Z. Lundy

Subject Property: 1422 Glenfield Avenue, Oakland

APN: 024-0539-026-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
$500 a day
Dear Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises which occurs
on your property constitutes a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, is likely to recur,
and/or continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.12.030.B); and
A review of calls for service subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

PTS #0807001

1422 Glenfield Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

playing of loud music.

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $72.30 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

1422 Glenfield Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, October 13, 2008,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
Hoang Banh, NSC
Chron File


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 6, 2011

Judith Hall & Paul Nowak


Nuisance Activity at 1426 Grand View Dr., Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1426
Grand View Drive, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

1426 Grand View Drive

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

May 7, 2008

Marilyn A. Camara


Nuisance Activity at 1430 Trestle Glen Road

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) of the City of Oakland is designed to work with
property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to
notify property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicate
that you are the owner(s) of record for 1430 Trestle Glen Road, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance #
12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark in violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.

1430 Trestle Glen Road

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
K. Preston, Animal Services


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

June 17, 2015

Beatrice Cherry & Raymond L. TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1448 3rd St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise
has been reported as occurring at 1448 3rd Street. Public records indicate that you are the
owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

B. Cook, City Council Office (via email)

J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

December 12, 2013

Isaias Curiel

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1455 82nd Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner(s) of record for
1455 82nd Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that loud, annoying and excessive music is emanating from
above-referenced property. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its
impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A
public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.

1455 82nd Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

December 20, 2012

Ruby Atkins


Nuisance Activity at 1505 Myrtle Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1505
Myrtle Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation
of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1505 Myrtle Street

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


M. Webb, Director/Animal Svs (via email)

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

April 10, 2012

Regent Darien Investment LLC


Nuisance Activity at 1505 Jackson Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1505
Jackson Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from Apartment
#12 of your property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1505 Jackson Street

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

July 11, 2012

Regent Darien Investment LLC

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1511 Jackson Street, Apt #12, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that our office continue to receive
complaints regarding barking dogs at Apartment #12. This activity may constitute a
violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

December 10, 2014

Peter & Judith Ybarra TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1519 Peralta St., Apt B, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing loud music, has been reported as occurring at 1519 Peralta St., Apt B,
Oakland, CA. Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

C. Lum, Neighborhood Law Corp (via email)

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

June 4, 2010

James F. Tracy

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1532 Peralta Street, Oakland, CA

dba Granny Sues Auto Repair
Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1532
Peralta Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that dogs from the premises constantly bark, a violation of
the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its
impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1532 Peralta Street

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

D. Escobar, Animal Svcs./OPD (via email)

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)
D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

May 14, 2007

Mark A. and Paul Watts


Nuisance Activity at 1544 - 38th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are owners of record for 1544 - 38th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance #
12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, Noise Nuisances,
OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent
noises a nuisance. There are reports that your tenants and their guests regularly yell,
play loud music, and loiter on, in, and in close proximity to your property. This activity
constitutes a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of
the surrounding communitys property. In addition such activity can quickly escalate
into a potentially dangerous situation as they individuals also loiter in the middle of the
street. Additionally, this activity may constitute an unlawful public assembly if
conducted regularly without appropriate approvals from the city.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject you to Oakland Municipal Code
Chapter 8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the

1544 38th Avenue

Page 2 of 3

removal of drug dealers, individuals committing narcotic-related, gang-related, violent

crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The
Oakland City Administrators Nuisance Enforcement Unit (NEU) is assigned to pursue
these matters. The Eviction ordinance states in relevant part:
A landlord shall not cause or permit:

The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity drugrelated nuisance, violent crime, threat of violent crime or gang-related


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits,

maintains, or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat
of violent crime, gang-related crime, or drug-related nuisance on the
premises or for drug related nuisances within a close proximity to the
boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord
may bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to

exist any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, gangrelated crime, or drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related
nuisances within a close proximity to the boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense
involves illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, drugrelated nuisance activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.

1544 38th Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in

maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


C. Jimenez, District 5
N. De Luca, CAO
Chron file


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

November 14, 2011

Ricardo Jovel & Ana Espinosa


Nuisance Activity at 1575 78th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1575
78th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that dogs constantly bark from your property, a violation of
the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its
impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

1575 78th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

(via email)
N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

July 7, 2011

Annie P. Hui ETAL

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1581 Madison Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1581
Madison Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that excessive noise is emanating from some units of your
property particularly Unit 14. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to
its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A
public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

1581 Madison Street

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to City Administrator

(via email)
P. Lamont Ewell, City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

December 17, 2007

Jorge and Magdalena Uribe


Nuisance Activity at 1600 Bridge Ave., Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. This notice is designed to notify
property owners of nuisance activity occurring on their property as early as possible. Our
records indicated that you are the owners of record for 1600 Bridge Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that nuisance
activity may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early nuisance
abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance Enforcement Unit
has received complaints from police, city workers and/or citizens alleging specific activity in
Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the
Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance;
gang activity; and violent crimes. There are reports that several individuals were observed
loitering on, in, and in close proximity to your property, and that the individuals comported
themselves in a manner consistent with gang activities. Further, there are reports that several
gun shots were fired at or by these individuals while on the premises. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject you to Oakland Municipal Code Chapter
8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal of drug
dealers, individuals committing narcotic-related, gang-related, violent crimes, or threats of
violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The Oakland City Administrators
Nuisance Enforcement Unit (NEU) is assigned to pursue these matters. The Eviction ordinance
states in relevant part:

1600 Bridge Avenue

Page 2 of 2

A landlord shall not cause or permit:


The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity drug-related
nuisance, violent crime, threat of violent crime or gang-related crime;


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime,
gang-related crime, or drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related
nuisances within a close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, gang-related
crime, or drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related nuisances
within a close proximity to the boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, drug-related
nuisance activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator

C. Jimenez, District 5
M. Valladon, OPD/PSO
Sgt. Freeman, OPD
N. De Luca, CAO

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Cheryl Thompson, Assistant City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

February 4, 2008

Eliseo B. and Mary F. Vigil


Nuisance Activity at 1612 Bridge Ave., Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. This notice is designed to provide
early notification to property owners that nuisance activity may be occurring on their property.
Our records indicated that you are owners of record for 1612 Bridge Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance
Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers and/or citizens
alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance
# 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance;
gang activity; and violent crimes. There are reports that several individuals were observed
loitering on, in, and in close proximity to your property, and that the individuals comported
themselves in a manner consistent with gang activities. Further, there are reports that several
gunshots were fired at or by these individuals while on the premises. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject some participants to Oakland Municipal
Code Chapter 8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal
of drug dealers, individuals committing narcotic-related and/or gang-related activity, as well as
violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The
Oakland City Administrators Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) is assigned to pursue these
matters. The Eviction ordinance states in relevant part:

1612 Bridge Avenue

Page 2 of 2

A landlord shall not cause or permit:


The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity, illegal
weapons related, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes or gang-related


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent
crimes, gang-related crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a
close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes, gang-related
crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises nuisances within a close
proximity to the boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threat s of violent crimes, illegal weapons
related activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator

C. Jimenez, District 5
S. Festag, OPD/PSO
Sgt. Freeman, OPD
P. Boksan, NLC

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

November 2, 2006

Olson A. Desilva


Nuisance Activity at 1626 46th Avenue

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property owners
to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify property owners of
nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that you the owner of record for
1626 46th Avenue, Oakland CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that nuisance
activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early nuisance
abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance Enforcement
Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or citizens alleging specific activity in
Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the
Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance.
There are reports that individuals regularly yell, play loud music, and loiter on, in, and in close
proximity to your property. Further, these individuals use your property to access neighboring
properties to conduct narcotic and prostitution activity. The uncontrolled (unfenced) nature
along the perimeter condones the use of your property in this manner. This activity constitutes
a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property. In addition such activity can quickly escalate into a potentially dangerous
situation as they individuals also loiter in the middle of the street. Additionally, this activity may
constitute an unlawful public assembly if conducted regularly without appropriate approvals from
the city.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject you to Oakland Municipal Code Chapter
8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal of drug
dealers, individuals committing narcotic-related, gang-related, violent crimes, or threats of
violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The Oakland City Administrators
Nuisance Enforcement Unit (NEU) is assigned to pursue these matters. The Eviction ordinance
states in relevant part:

1626 46th Street

Page 2 of 2

A landlord shall not cause or permit:

The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity drug-related
nuisance, violent crime, threat of violent crime or gang-related crime;
A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, gangrelated crime, or drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related nuisances
within a close proximity to the boundary line of the property.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:
the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist
any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, gang-related crime, or
drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related nuisances within a close
proximity to the boundary line of the property, or
the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, drug-related nuisance activity
or a gang-related crime on the premises.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to a $3000.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the
nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a property is
maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of California Civil Code
Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also
exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property,
identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.

Assistant to the City Administrator


N. De Luca, CAO


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 24, 2015

Juan Arellano & Isabel Veronica Mex

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1626 79th Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive
noise in the form of barking dogs, continues to be reported as occurring at 1626 79th Ave.,
Oakland, CA. Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this
activity may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property. It is also reported that there are more than 3 dogs on the
premises, which violates OMC 6.04.400.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your
property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated,
including a $3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to
you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the
nuisance. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call
us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Sgt. R. Muniz, Oakland Animal Services (via email)

S. Landreth, City Administrator (via email)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

July 31, 2014

Arnold Fields
4154 Whittle Avenue
Oakland, CA 94602-2544
RE: Nuisance Activity at 1633 8th St., Oakland, CA
Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing of musical instruments, has been reported as occurring at 1633 8th Street.
Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

July 31, 2014

Arnold Fields

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1633 8th St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing of musical instruments, has been reported as occurring at 1633 8th Street.
Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

March 21, 2006

Maria D. Maravilla

RE: 1642 - 84th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are the owner of record for 1642 - 84th Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S. Our office has become informed that your property
is the source of nuisance activity including but not limited to noise.
As a consequence of its condition the City has received numerous complaints regarding
excessive and annoying noises for more than 10 minutes at a time which can constitute
nuisance activity on your premises in violation of Oakland Municipal Code section
8.18.010. Further, there are reports that individuals either visiting your tenants on the
premises or the tenants themselves may be participating in some of the nuisance
activity occurring on and around your property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.


1642 84 Ave.
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 25, 2010



Nuisance Activity at 1720 14th Street

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1720
14th Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark in violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.


1720 14 Street
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

Nicole Frede, Animal Services (via email)

D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

February 24, 2009

Anderson Chen and Denise L. Lee

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1724 67th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1724
67th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a property is maintained in violation of
the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of California Civil Code Sections 3479 and
3480, or common law or in equity jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1724 67th Avenue.

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 6, 2011

Ryan K. Nathan


Nuisance Activity at 1725 13th Ave., Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1725
13th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

1725 13th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

February 1, 2013

Sherine C. Kuan TR


Nuisance Activity at 1729 4th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1729
4th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation
of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is

1729 4th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


M. Webb, Director, Animal Services/OPD (via email)

N. Frede, OPD/Animal Services (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

December 9, 2014

Wanda Pan

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1729/1733 86th Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely keeping chickens
that are running loose in the backyard and making loud noise, has been reported as occurring at
1729/1733 86th Avenue. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Joyce M. Hicks, Director
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

September 1, 2005

Joel and Delia Garcia


Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying

noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Garcia:

The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are owners of record for 1731- 37th Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S, Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) 1.12 et seq. This
office has been informed of a noise nuisance emanating from your premises in violation
of OMC 8.18.010 and 8.18.020. Noise includes loud music, parties, profanity and
obscenities emanating from the premises. Music must be reduced to appropriate levels
as described in the OMC section noted above. In most cases these levels must be
reached by 10 pm.
The purpose of OMC 1.12 et seq is to provide for the protection, health, safety, and
general public welfare of the residents of the city and to preserve the livability,
appearance, property values, and social and economic stability of the city. Under this
Chapter, a public nuisance is anything which impacts the comfortable use and
enjoyment of land by residents in a community and which after being identified and
abated is likely to recur.

1731 37th Ave

Page 2 of 2

Further, OMC section 1.12 et seq provides for the recovery of monetary penalties and
costs until such time as the nuisance condition is abated, or unlikely to recur to the
satisfaction of the City. If calls for service continue to come in for noise emanating from
the premises you will be assessed these monetary penalties.
This letter is intended to afford you an opportunity to abate. Should the NEU move
forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you will be subject
to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and penalties
include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.
Additionally a strong property management presence on site, with careful screening of
tenants can help reduce nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Cheryl Thompson, Assistant City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

February 4, 2008

Maria E. Romero


Nuisance Activity at 1802 Bridge Ave., Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. This notice is designed to provide
early notification to property owners that nuisance activity may be occurring on their property.
Our records indicated that you are owners of record for 1802 Bridge Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance
Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers and/or citizens
alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance
# 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that a resident of your property may be causing or participating in
nuisance activity such as loitering, Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying
noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance; gang activity; and violent crimes.
Attached please find a report documenting that several individuals, including an individual
claiming 1802 Bridge Avenue as his primary residence, were observed loitering on, in, and in
close proximity to your property, and that the individuals comported themselves in a manner
consistent with gang activities. Further, there are reports that several gunshots were fired at or
by these individuals while on the premises. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO
due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
In addition, the activity enumerated above may subject some participants to Oakland Municipal
Code Chapter 8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal
of drug dealers, individuals committing narcotic-related and/or gang-related activity, as well as
violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The

1802 Bridge Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Oakland City Administrators Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) is assigned to pursue these
matters. The Eviction ordinance states in relevant part:
A landlord shall not cause or permit:

The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity, illegal
weapons related, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes or gang-related


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent
crimes, gang-related crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a
close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes, gang-related
crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises nuisances within a close
proximity to the boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threat s of violent crimes, illegal weapons
related activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator

C. Jimenez, District 5
S. Festag, OPD/PSO
Sgt. Freeman, OPD
P. Boksan, NLC

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Joyce M. Hicks, Director
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 8114

October 18, 2005

Gabriel Briseno

Subject Property: 1803 - 34th Avenue

APN: 033-2118-015
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity; Noise
Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020
Persistent noises a nuisance.
Administrative Penalty: $500 Citation
Letters of Complaint
Dear Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department (OPD) has provided our office evidence of nuisance
activity at the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be
declared a public nuisance and substandard pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to reported violations of OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020
Persistent noises a nuisance documented in the attachment(s) constitutes a
public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B). OPD continues to receive complaints regarding this
nuisance activity on your premises. As documented in complaint letters a noise


1803 34 Ave
Page 2 of 3

nuisance continues to recur on your premises and based on such recurrence

constitutes a public nuisance.
Pursuant to Oakland Master Fee Schedule you are assessed a $3,000.00
Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
penalties of $1,000.00 a day up to $365,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.12 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be substandard, shall be abated
by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal and may be vacated in accordance with
the procedures specified in Article XI and XII of this Code. [Ord. 12088 3 (part), 1998:
Ord. 11833 3 (part), 1995: prior code 8-2.02]. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition. Failure to do so may result in the City doing so and billing you for
the costs.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City.
You have the right to appeal this determination to an independent administrative
hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must pay a $67.71 non-refundable
filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you base your claim that the City
has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please be advised that you will be
assessed additional fees for the costs incurred by the City for processing the
administrative hearings should your appeal be denied.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Enforcement Units Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, November 1,
2005, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note


1803 34 Ave
Page 3 of 3

that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit and the referring department to develop a compliance plan
to abate the nuisance, in some cases a performance bond will be required along with
compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily penalties
while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. If you fail to meet the terms of the
compliance plan, the fines and penalties will be retroactive to 30 days from the date of
this letter. To set up a meeting, please call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator


A. Martinez, NSC
Chron File

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Joyce M. Hicks, Director
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

August 23, 2005

Gabriel Briseno


Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and

annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent
noises a nuisance.

Dear Mr. Briseno:

This is the second warning notice of nuisance activity at your site. The Nuisance
Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property owners to
prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify property
owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that you are
owners of record for 1803 - 34th Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S, Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) 1.12 et seq. This
office has been informed of a noise nuisance emanating from your premises in violation
of OMC 8.18.010 and 8.18.020. Noise includes loud music, parties, profanity and
obscenities emanating from the premises. Currently you have several sofas and seats
located along the property line between 1803 and 1737 - 34th Avenue, their placement
in conjunction with the offensive and obscene nuisance noise your tenants, yourself,
and guests create impact the children in the abutting property. Please move these
items to an alternate location.
The purpose of OMC 1.12 et seq is to provide for the protection, health, safety, and
general public welfare of the residents of the city and to preserve the livability,
appearance, property values, and social and economic stability of the city. Under this
Chapter, a public nuisance is anything which impacts the comfortable use and


1803 34 Ave
Page 2 of 3

enjoyment of land by residents in a community and which after being identified and
abated is likely to recur.
Further, OMC section 1.12 et seq provides for the recovery of monetary penalties and
costs until such time as the nuisance condition is abated, or unlikely to recur to the
satisfaction of the City. Use and or possession need not be by the owner or the tenant,
it is the presence and or use of controlled substances and its external impact, or
potential impact, to the neighborhood and or City that is relevant. A property of this
nature can and often does require the use of an inordinate amount of City resources
and time typically these resources are in the nature of police response and action.
This letter is intended to inform you of this connection and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
The presence of controlled substances, whether for sale, possession or use, on a
property constitutes a public nuisance also constitute a public nuisance under
California Health and Safety Code 11570. 11570 clearly states that every building
used for the purpose of unlawfully selling, using, or keeping of any controlled substance
is a nuisance which shall be enjoined, abated, and prevented. Moreover, 11570 does
not require that unlawful activity which makes building a drug nuisance be conducted by
owner of building, tenant of building, or person entering with permission. Superior Court
v. Lew, 20 Cal.App.4th 866, 876. (1993).
The City has also adopted the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance which allows us to order
the eviction of your tenants if they commit a crime while on the premises. These include
a drug crime, violent crime, threat of a violent crime, illegal, use possession, or sale of a
weapon, and gang activity. This office has also been informed that a tenant in your
building may have threatened a surrounding neighbor if such activity continues and is
documented in a police report the City may order the eviction of your tenant.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.


1803 34 Ave
Page 3 of 3

Additionally, a strong property management presence on site, with careful screening of

tenants can help reduce nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you for
your attention.

Assistant to the City Administrator


Ana Martinez, NSC

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Joyce M. Hicks, Director
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

June 21, 2005

Gabriel Briseno

RE: Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and Annoying

Noises Prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent Noises a Nuisance
Dear Mr. Briseno:
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify
property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicated that
you are owners of record for 1803-34th Avenue.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S, Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) 1.12 et seq. This
office has been informed of a noise nuisance emanating from your premises in violation
of OMC 8.18.010 and 8.18.020. Noise includes loud music, parties, profanity and
obscenities emanating from the premises. Currently you have several sofas and seats
located along the property line between 1803 and 1737 34th Avenue, their placement in
conjunction with the offensive and obscene nuisance noise your tenants, yourself, and
guests create impact the children in the abutting property. Please move these items to
an alternate location.
The purpose of OMC 1.12 et seq is to provide for the protection, health, safety, and
general public welfare of the residents of the city and to preserve the livability,
appearance, property values, and social and economic stability of the city. Under this
Chapter, a public nuisance is anything which impacts the comfortable use and


1803 34 Ave
Page 2 of 3

enjoyment of land by residents in a community and which after being identified and
abated is likely to recur.
Further, OMC section 1.12 et seq provides for the recovery of monetary penalties and
costs until such time as the nuisance condition is abated, or unlikely to recur to the
satisfaction of the City. Use and or possession need not be by the owner or the tenant,
it is the presence and or use of controlled substances and its external impact, or
potential impact, to the neighborhood and or City that is relevant. A property of this
nature can and often does require the use of an inordinate amount of City resources
and time typically these resources are in the nature of police response and action.
This letter is intended to inform you of this connection and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3000.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
The presence of controlled substances, whether for sale, possession or use, on a
property constitutes a public nuisance also constitute a public nuisance under
California Health and Safety Code 11570. 11570 clearly states that every building
used for the purpose of unlawfully selling, using, or keeping of any controlled substance
is a nuisance which shall be enjoined, abated, and prevented. Moreover, 11570 does
not require that unlawful activity which makes building a drug nuisance be conducted by
owner of building, tenant of building, or person entering with permission. Superior Court
v. Lew, 20 Cal.App.4th 866, 876. (1993).
The City has also adopted the Nuisance eviction ordinance which allows us to order the
eviction of your tenants if they commit a crime while on the premises. These include a
drug crime, violent crime, threat of a violent crime, illegal, use possession, or sale of a
weapon, and gang activity. This office has also been informed that a tenant in your
building may have threatened a surrounding neighbor if such activity continues and is
documented in a police report the City may order the eviction of your tenant.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Experience has determined that a building that meets all the zoning, planning, housing
and health standards is less likely to play host to nuisance activity. Upgraded lighting,
fence installation, increased cleanliness, shrubbery trimming, etc. are strategies that
can be used to make your property less vulnerable or attractive to nuisance activity.


1803 34 Ave
Page 3 of 3

Additionally, a strong property management presence on site, with careful screening of

tenants can help reduce nuisance activity.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you for
your attention.

Assistant to the City Administrator


Bill Singman, CEDA/Building Services


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 17, 2014

New Horizons Property Management LLC

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1830 Fruitvale Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise.
There are reports that the individuals living in the back house of the apartment host loud parties
every weekend and most of the time individuals end up having huge/loud fights among each
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

K. Ordaz, Council Office, District 5

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3652 5623

October 20, 2008

Jon Y. Nakagawa & Marilyn Baker

Subject Property: 1830 Lakeshore Avenue, #306, Oakland

APN: 021-0225-039-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
$500 a day
Dear Owners:
Our office has been provided with evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises which occurs
on your property constitutes a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, is likely to recur,
and/or continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B); and
A review of the document(s) subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

PTS #0807426

1830 Lakeshore Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

making loud noises, yelling, and acting in belligerent manner in

common areas of building.

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $72.30 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please

1830 Lakeshore Avenue

Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, November 3,
2008, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

Chron file


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

October 6, 2014

Christopher D. Graham

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1836 9th Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing loud music in the driveway, has been reported emanating from your property
at 1836 9th Avenue, Oakland, CA . Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of
this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

August 21, 2015

Jose and Martha Gonzalez

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1839 92nd Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of loud parties, has been reported as occurring at 1839 92nd Avenue. Public records
indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property. Please note that quiet hours of the City are 10:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

December 23, 2014

Khandan Daraiefard

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1889 Manzanita Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of loud party, has been reported as occurring at 1889 Manzanita Avenue. Public
records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5087

July 22, 2914

Anthony K. Tam

Subject Property: 1901 88th Avenue, Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Oakland Animal Services had provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


1901 88 Avenue
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.


1901 88 Avenue
Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, August 4, 2014,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svs./OPD
H. Gardner, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 6, 2011

Alfredo & Martha Acevedo ETAL


Nuisance Activity at 1915 Auseon Avenue, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1915
Auseon Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

1915 Auseon Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

October 2, 2014

Feliza Carrillo

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1922 94th Ave., Apt B, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing loud music, has been reported as occurring at 1922 94th Ave., Apt B,
Oakland, CA . Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

R. Sykes, NSC, Beats 10X & Y, 16Y, 22Y & 25X

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 6, 2011

Chong F. Tan & Li Zhen TRS


Nuisance Activity at 1925 Clemens Road, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1925
Clemens Road, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

1925 Clemens Road

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

May 5, 2015

Hester Blankenship, Heirs of Est

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1931 E. 24th St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of dog barking, has been reported as occurring at 1931 E. 24th St., Oakland, CA . Public
records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Sg.t. R. Muniz, OAS (via email)

J. Flroes, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

July 2, 2013

Betty S. Chang

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1946 62nd Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1946
62nd Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues
as a recurrent problem.

1946 62nd Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.



Mr. Lee, 1946 62 Avenue, Oakland, CA 94621

Councilperson D. Brooks, District 6 (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

October 21, 2010

Jehan Bey

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1980 81st Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 1980
81st Avenue, Oakland.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a property is maintained in violation of
the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of California Civil Code Sections 3479 and
3480, or common law or in equity jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent

1980 81st Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator


D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 17, 2015

Mr. James Progrel TR.

RE: Nuisance Activity at 1980 Drake Dr., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of barking dogs, continues to be reported as occurring at 1980 Drake Dr., Oakland, CA
Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property. It is also reported that there are more than 3 dogs on the
premises, which violates OMC 6.04.400.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Sabrina Landreth, City Administrator

Sgt. R. Muniz


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

August 7, 2014

Monika Fisiiahi & Monika

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2001 E. 27th St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise,
has been reported emanating from your property at 2001 E. 27th St., Oakland, CA . Public
records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 17, 2012

Cheng W. Lam

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2003 88th Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2003
88th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that frequent loud parties with live bands and amplified
music are emanating from your property. This activity may constitute a violation of the
PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys
property. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

2003 88th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, CAO (via email)



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 17, 2012

Martin Velasco & Luz Guerrero

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2021 88th Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2021
88th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that frequent loud parties with live bands and amplified
music are emanating from your property. This activity may constitute a violation of the
PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys
property. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

2021 88th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, CAO (via email)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3652 6552

June 4, 2013

Martin Velasco & Luz Guerrero

Subject Property: 2021 88th Avenue, Oakland, CA

APN: 043-4600-010-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Warning Letters, 1/17/12 & 9/20/12
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office continues to receive complaints of nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. Your property is now declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland
Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence
and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 2021 88th Avenue,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that loud parties with live
bands and amplified music, loud drums, DJ on microphone, yelling and shouting
are emanating from your property. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and


2021 88 Avenue
Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises; and

Loud parties with live bands and amplified music

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must


2021 88 Avenue
Page 3 of 3

pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, June 18, 2013,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.


Admin. Appeal form, Proof of Service

Warning letters, 1/17/12 and 9/20/12


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

September 20, 2012

Martin Velasco & Luz Guerrero

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2021 88th Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that our office continues to receive complaints
regarding excessive and annoying noise emanating from your property. Additionally, there are
reports on the presence of litter, broken glass bottles in the streets, possession and drinking of
open containers of alcohol in public and frequency of loitering that lasts for hours. These
activities constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 0819

August 29, 2011

Gardner Kent

Subject Property:

2021 Brush Street, Oakland

dba Green Tortoise
APN: 003-0035-018-01
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
30-day Notice to Abate sent on 8/5/10
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office had been informed of the on-going nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 2021 Brush Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that your operation of
business is above the scope of the business hours, wherein staff or people come
and go at all hours. Crews are using pneumatic tools changing bus tires in the
yard, creating annoying noise. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and

2021 Brush Street

Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must

2021 Brush Street

Page 3 of 3

pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, September 13,
2010, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

C, Starks, District 3 (via email)

Councilperson N. Nadel, District 3 (via email)
C. Vose, Office of City Attorney (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
via regular mail
Lyle Kent, c/o Green Tortoise, 2021 Brush St., Oakland, CA 94612


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

June 10, 2010

Gardner Kent

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2021 Brush Street, Oakland

dba Green Tortoise
Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2021
Brush Street, Oakland dba Green Tortoise.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues
as a recurrent problem.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

2021 Brush Street

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to City Administrator

C. Starks, District 3 (via email)

Councilperson N. Nadel, District 3 (via email)
D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

via regular mail

Lyle Kent, Green Tortoise, 2021 Brush Street, Oakland, CA 94612

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

July 22, 2008

Gardner Kent


Nuisance Activity at 2021 Brush St., Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) of the City of Oakland is designed to work with
property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to
notify property owners of nuisance activity as early as possible. Our records indicate
that you are the owner of record for 2021 Brush Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that
nuisance activity maybe occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints from police, city workers and/or
citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance
(PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance #
12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.

2021 Brush Street

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7008 3230 0001 1161 1721

August 5, 2010

Gardner Kent

Subject Property:

2021 Brush Street, Oakland

dba Green Tortoise
APN: 003-0035-018-01
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Warning Letter dtd. 6/10/10
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and
is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 2021 Brush Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that your operation of
business is above the scope of the business hours, wherein staff or people come
and go at all hours. Crews are using pneumatic tools changing bus tires in the
yard, creating annoying noise. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and

2021 Brush Street

Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must

2021 Brush Street

Page 3 of 3

pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, August 18,
2010, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

C, Starks, District 3 (via email)

Councilperson N. Nadel, District 3 (via email)
C. Vose, Office of City Attorney (via email)
D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
via regular mail
Lyle Kent, c/o Green Tortoise, 2021 Brush St., Oakland, CA 94612

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

November 10, 2009

Phuc Nghieu and Phan Luu


Nuisance Activity at 2024 8th Avenue

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2024
8th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark in violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.


2024 8 Avenue
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

Nicole Frede, Animal Services (via email)

D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

July 31, 2015

Khaled M. & Robani M. Saeed

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2028 Market St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of fireworks and disturbing of the peace, has been reported as occurring at 2028 Market
Street. Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

June 9, 2014

Khaled M. & Robani M. Saeed

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2028 Market St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of fireworks, has been reported as occurring at 2028 Market Street. Public records
indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

F. Blackwell, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

December 7, 2011

Khaled M. Saeed
2036 Market Street
Oakland, CA 94607-3336
RE: Nuisance Activity at 2041/2043 Market Street, Oakland
Dear Mr. Saeed,
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that our office continues to receive
complaints on the on-going nuisance activity emanating from your property. These
activities include, but not limited to, excessive noise and loud music, barking dogs,
loitering for the purpose of selling drugs.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the necessary steps to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Councilperson N. Nadel, District 3 (via email)

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

December 3, 2008

Elena and David J. Jimenez


Nuisance Activity at 2049 Harrington Ave., Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported as
occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland is
designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties.
Our records indicate that you are the owners of record for 2049 Harrington Avenue, Oakland,
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance
Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers and/or citizens
alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance
# 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance;
gang activity; and violent crimes. There are reports that several individuals including the
residents of the home are frequently observed loitering on, in, and in close proximity to your
property, and that the individuals comported themselves in a manner consistent with gang
activities. Further, there are reports that several of the individuals are known associates of a
gang. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet
enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject some participants to Oakland Municipal
Code Chapter 8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal
of drug dealers and individuals committing narcotic-related, illegal weapons related, gangrelated, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and commercial property.
The Oakland City Administrators Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) is assigned to pursue
these matters. The Eviction ordinance states in relevant part:

2049 Harrington Ave

Page 2 of 2

A landlord shall not cause or permit:


The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity, illegal
weapons related, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes or gang-related


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent
crimes, gang-related crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a
close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary, a landlord
may bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes, gang-related
crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a close proximity to the
boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threat s of violent crimes, illegal weapons
related activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to City Administrator

(via e-mail)
C. Jimenez, District 5
R. Chan, OPD/PSO
Sgt. Brandwood, OPD
Captain Orozco, OPD

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

February 6, 2008

Jose, Juana, & Ana Gonzalez

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2053 Harrington Ave., Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. This notice is designed to provide
early notification to property owners that nuisance activity may be occurring on their property.
Our records indicated that you are owners of record for 2053 Harrington Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance
Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers and/or citizens
alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance
# 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance;
gang activity; and violent crimes. There are reports that several individuals were observed
loitering on, in, and in close proximity to your property, and that the individuals comported
themselves in a manner consistent with gang activities. Further, there are reports that several
gunshots were fired at or by these individuals while on the premises. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject some participants to Oakland Municipal
Code Chapter 8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal
of drug dealers, individuals committing illegal weapons related and/or gang-related activity, as
well as violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The
Oakland City Administrators Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) is assigned to pursue these
matters. The Eviction ordinance states in relevant part:

2053 Harrington Ave.

Page 2 of 2

A landlord shall not cause or permit:


The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity, illegal
weapons related, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes or gang-related


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent
crimes, gang-related crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a
close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes, gang-related
crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises nuisances within a close
proximity to the boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threat s of violent crimes, illegal weapons
related activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

August 15, 2013

Benhad Properties LLC

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2110 51st Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner(s) of record for
2110 51st Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that tenants from one of your units are constantly making
loud noise and or sound. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its
impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A
public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.

2110 51st Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

June 4, 2010

Geronimo and Macarena Valenzuela


Nuisance Activity at 2116 105th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2116
105th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark, a violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. Also, there are
reports that your dogs are not licensed, violations of OMC section 6.04.030, failure to
properly license all dogs on the property; and OMC section 6.04.060, keeping dogs not
licensed, registered or tagged.


2116 105 Avenue

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)

D. Escobar, Animal Svcs./OPD (via email)
D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7008 3230 0001 1161 1738

August 16, 2010

Geronimo & Macarena Valenzuela

Subject Property: 2116 105th Avenue, Oakland

APN: 047-5554-015-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dogs/Keeping
Unlicensed Dogs
Administrative Penalties up to $5000 a year
Reference: Warning letter dated 6/4/10
Dear Owners:
The Animal Services Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity
at the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared
a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08
et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, OMC section 8.18.010
Excessive and Annoying Noises Prohibited and OMC section 8.18.020
Persistent Noises. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark at night;
and that you are keeping dogs that are not licensed, registered or tagged, a
violation of OMC sections 6.04.060 and 6.04.030.
A review of the document(s) subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A. A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


2116 105 Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
assessments of up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq),
unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30 days
until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity to the
satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which are
determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition
or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

The commission of excessive and annoying noises; and

persistent noises; and
Keeping Dogs not Licensed, Registered; or Tagged OMC
section 6.04.060
Failing to properly license all dogs on the property OMC section
6.04.030; and

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must


2116 105 Avenue

Page 3 of 3

pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, August 30, 2010,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator
Encls: Admin. Appeal
Proof of Service

N. Frede, Animal Svcs./OPD (via email)

C. Vose, Office of City Attorney (via email)
D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

October 30, 2008

Benjamin and Maria Quintero


Nuisance Activity at 2124 Harrington Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owners:
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported as
occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland is
designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties.
Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2124 Harrington Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance
Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers and/or citizens
alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance
# 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that a resident of your property may be causing or participating in
nuisance activity such as loitering, Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying
noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance; gang activity; and violent crimes.
Attached please find a report documenting that your son was arrested for several crimes and in
possession or near gang and drug paraphernalia. Should this activity also be documented as
occurring on your property, it would constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property, and its inherent danger to the
public safety.
In addition, the activity enumerated above may subject some participants to Oakland Municipal
Code Chapter 8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal
of drug dealers and individuals committing narcotic-related, illegal weapons related, gangrelated, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and commercial property.
The Oakland City Administrators Office Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) is assigned to
pursue these matters. This law provides in part:

2124 Harrington Avenue

Page 2 of 2

A landlord shall not cause or permit:


The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity, illegal
weapons related, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes or gang-related


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent
crimes, gang-related crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a
close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary, a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes, gang-related
crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a close proximity to the
boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threat s of violent crimes, illegal weapons
related activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator

(via email)
Lt. S. Green, OPD
Capt Orozco, OPD
Sgt. Brandwood, OPD
C. Jimenez, District 5
A. Martinez, NSC/OPD
Chron File


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

October 14, 2014

Thang A. Ngo

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2138 E. 24th Street, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of dog barking, has been reported as occurring at 2138 E. 24th St., Oakland, CA . Public
records indicate that you are the owners of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administratorr
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

August 23, 2007

Chong & Myung , Inc.


Nuisance Activity at 2200 Telegraph Avenue

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent
and control nuisance activity on properties. Our intent is to notify property owners of nuisance activity as
early as possible. Our records indicated that you are the owner of record for 2200 Telegraph Avenue,
Oakland CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that nuisance activity maybe
occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early nuisance abatement efforts. In each
instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance Enforcement Unit has received complaints from
police, city workers and/or citizens alleging specific activity in Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, public intoxication, and noise activity.
There are reports that individuals regularly loiter on, in, and in close proximity to your property that is
supposed to be vacant, and cause noise nuisances in violation of OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises. This activity constitutes a violation of the PNO
due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject you to Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 8.23, the
Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal of drug dealers, individuals
committing narcotic-related, gang-related, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and
commercial property. The Oakland City Administrators Nuisance Enforcement Unit (NEU) is assigned to
pursue these matters. The Eviction ordinance states in relevant part:
A landlord shall not cause or permit:

The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity drug-related nuisance,
violent crime, threat of violent crime or gang-related crime.

2200 Telegraph Ave.

Page 2 of 2


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains, or is
involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, gang-related
crime, or drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related nuisances within a
close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord may bring an
action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist any illegal
drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, gang-related crime, or drug-related
nuisance on the premises or for drug related nuisances within a close proximity to the
boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves illegal drug
activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, drug-related nuisance activity or a gangrelated crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate. Should the
NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you will be subject to a
variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not
limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. A public
nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a property is maintained in violation of the
Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in
equity jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the integrity of
their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call
us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.

Assistant to the City Administrator

N. De Luca, CAO

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-3301
(510) 238-7542

December 19, 2007

W. R. Schwyhart


Nuisance Activity at 2201 - 11th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
The Nuisance Enforcement Unit of the City of Oakland is designed to work with property
owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties. This notice is designed to notify
property owners of nuisance activity occurring on their property as early as possible. Our
records indicated that you are the owner of record for 2201 - 11th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner that nuisance
activity may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early nuisance
abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance Enforcement Unit
has received complaints from police, city workers and/or citizens alleging specific activity in
Violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and or the
Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of loitering, Blight, Noise Nuisances,
OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance; prostitution and drug activity; and violent crimes. There are reports that individuals
have been observed loitering on, in, and in close proximity to your property, and that the
individuals comported themselves in a manner consistent with drug and prostitution activities.
Further, there are reports that tenants frequently dump trash and debris on the premises. This
activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of
the surrounding communitys property.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject you to Oakland Municipal Code Chapter
8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal of drug
dealers, individuals committing narcotic-related, gang-related, violent crimes, or threats of
violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The Oakland City Administrators


2201 - 11 Avenue
Page 2 of 2

Nuisance Enforcement Unit (NEU) is assigned to pursue these matters. The Eviction ordinance
states in relevant part:
A landlord shall not cause or permit:

The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity drug-related
nuisance, violent crime, threat of violent crime or gang-related crime;


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime,
gang-related crime, or drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related
nuisances within a close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, gang-related
crime, or drug-related nuisance on the premises or for drug related nuisances
within a close proximity to the boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crime or threat of violent crime, drug-related
nuisance activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NEU move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$1000.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to the City Administrator

N. De Luca, CAO

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

February 9, 2010

William Quan


Nuisance Activity at 2204 Ivy Drive, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2204 Ivy
Drive, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark in violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

2204 Ivy Drive

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

Nicole Frede, Animal Services (via email)

D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

February 16, 2010

Latanga Smith


Nuisance Activity at 2208 5th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2208
5th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark in violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.


2208 5 Avenue
Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

Latanga Smith,
Nicole Frede, Animal Services (via email)
D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)

(via regular mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3652 5326

August 8, 2008
Sylvia S. & Carol K. Lee

Pak T. & Yong Q. Leung

Subject Property: 9750 Bancroft Avenue [2217-98th Avenue], Oakland

APN: 046-5475-029-00/046-5475-030-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
$500 a day
#07-055959; Calls for Service
Dear Owners:
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to public intoxication;
loitering; 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises which occurs on your property constitutes a public
nuisance. A public nuisance shall exist whenever a condition on a property is
corrected but recurs, is likely to recur, and/or continues as a recurrent problem
(OMC Section 1.12.030.B).
A review of the documents for nuisance activity subject you to daily penalties of
$500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
PTS #0805768


2217 - 98 Avenue
Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A, A-8 you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your property.

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


2217 - 98 Avenue
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Friday, August 22, 2008,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.


Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
J. Doolittle, PSO/OPD
Chron File


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

October 25, 2011

Paul Yeung & Sin Y. Yung ETAL

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2222 17th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Mr. Yeung,
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that our office continues to receive
complaints on nuisance activity that has been going on in your property. These
activities include, but not limited to, excessive noise and loud music, illegal drug activity,
loitering for illegal activity, and barking dogs.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the necessary steps to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

August 18, 2010

Paul Yeung & Sin Y. Yung ETAL

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2222 17th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are owner of record for 2222 17th
Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to provide an early warning to you, as a property owner you are
responsible for the nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also
intended to facilitate early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter
is being sent, the Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints from police,
city workers and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public
Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction
Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.; Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) 1.12 et seq.
The purpose of OMC 1.12 et seq is to provide for the protection, health, safety, and
general public welfare of the residents of the city and to preserve the livability,
appearance, property values, and social and economic stability of the city. Under this
Chapter, a public nuisance is anything which impacts the comfortable use and
enjoyment of land by residents in a community and which after being identified and
abated is likely to recur.
This office has been informed of the nuisance activities that are going on in your
property. These activities include, but are not limited to, excessive and annoying
nuisance, a violation of OMC 8.18.010 and 8.18.020. There are reports of trash,


2222 17 Avenue
Page 2 of 2

overgrown yard, illegal drug activity, and prostitution. Also, there are reports that your
property is the site of unlicensed fish hatchery and unlicensed childcare businesses.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.


Assistant to the City Administrator


D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

February 5, 2014

Qing C. & Fanny Y. Li

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2224 -24th Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owners,
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of loud and constant music playing well into the evening, has been reported as
occurring at 2224 - 24th Avenue. Public records indicate that you are the owners of record of
this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

PSO G. Petroso, Jr. OPD/Beat 21x (via email)

Sgt. F. Rojas, OPD (via email)
A. Martinez, NSC/OPD (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7008 1140 0004 5753 6799

September 11, 2009

US Bank NA Trust 2007-HE1

Subject Property: 2314 E. 20th Street, Oakland 94601

APN: 021-0251-017-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Police Report #09-032667
Dear Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 2314 E. 20th Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned police report for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


2314 E. 20 Street
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


2314 E. 20 Street
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time Thursday, September 24,
2009, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
J. Alyworth, OPD
Sgt. P. Freeman, OPD

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 9982

June 12, 2009

Jose and Doreen Aguilar

Subject Property: 2320 E. 20th Street, Oakland 94601

APN: 021-0251-016-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Police Report #09-032667
Dear Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 2320 E. 20th Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned police report for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.



2320 E. 20 Street
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please


2320 E. 20 Street
Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time Thursday, June 25, 2009,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
J. Alyworth, OPD
Sgt. P. Freeman, OPD


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator

May 17, 2012

Harold C. & Janis E. Thomas, Sr. TRS

Debra A. Wilson


Nuisance Activity at 2320 Mitchell Street, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):

This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2320
Mitchell Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that there is constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation
of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding
communitys property.

2320 Mitchell Street

Page 2 of 2

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.


N. Frede, Animal Svcs/OPD (via email)

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

May 9, 2014

Bich N. Nguyen & Sau T. Nguyen TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2331 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of playing of drums, bass and amplified instruments, has been reported as occurring at
2331 Telegraph Avenue. Public records indicate that you are the owner of record of this
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Casey Farmer, District 3 (via email)

Ofcr. J. Muniz, OPD (via email)
F. Blackwell, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 26, 2010

Ronald C. & Leland R. Schlenker TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2344 Harrison Street, Oakland

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported as
occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of Oakland is
designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance activity on properties.
Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2344 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate early
nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the Nuisance
Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers and/or citizens
alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance
# 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010
Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance. There are
reports that a loud vehicle consistently revs engine in the early morning hours, a violation of
OMC 8.18.020 on your property. This activity constitutes a violation of the PNO due to its
impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property and the potential
threat to the health and safety of the greater community.
Further, the activity enumerated above may subject you to Oakland Municipal Code Chapter
8.23, the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance, which is intended to expedite the removal of drug dealers
and individuals committing narcotic-related, illegal weapons related, gang-related, violent
crimes, or threats of violent crimes from residential and commercial property. The Oakland City
Administrators Office Nuisance Abatement Division (NAD) is assigned to pursue these matters.
This law provides in part:

3146 Coolidge Avenue

Page 2 of 2

A landlord shall not cause or permit:


The premises to be used or maintained for any illegal drug activity, illegal
weapons related, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes or gang-related


A tenant to use or occupy the premises if the tenant commits, permits, maintains,
or is involved in any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent
crimes, gang-related crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a
close proximity to the boundary line of the property.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Oakland Municipal Code to the contrary, a landlord may
bring an action to recover possession of a rental unit upon one of the following grounds:

the tenant, tenants agent, or tenants guest is committing or permitting to exist

any illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threats of violent crimes, gang-related
crime, or illegal weapons related on the premises within a close proximity to the
boundary line of the property, or


the tenant has been convicted of a crime and the underlying offense involves
illegal drug activity, violent crimes, or threat s of violent crimes, illegal weapons
related activity or a gang-related crime on the premises.

This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated. These fees and
penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of
$500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the
nuisance conditions are abated.
Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you
to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance.
A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a property is maintained in
violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of California Civil Code Sections 3479
and 3480, or common law or in equity jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify
the problems and call us for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.

Assistant to the City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7008 3230 0001 1161 0991

February 22, 2010

Ronald C. & Leland R. Schlenker TRS

Subject Property: 2344 Harrison Street, Oakland

APN: 010-0768-002-01
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Warning Letter dtd. 1/26/10
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and
is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 2344 Harrison Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that a loud vehicle
consistently revs engine in the early morning hours, a violation of OMC 8.18.020
on your property. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned police report for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and

2344 Harrison Street

Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please

2344 Harrison Street

Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, March 8, 2010,
you 8waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your
only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

September 25, 2015

Ihly Shue

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2427 Rampart St., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely keeping chickens
at the property, has been reported as occurring at 2427 Rampart Street. Public records indicate
that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,529.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

S. Landreth, City Administrator (via email)



City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

May 18, 2011

James Lewis and John Baker TR ETAL

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2430 8th Avenue, Oakland

Dear Property Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2430
8th Avenue, Oakland.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a
nuisance. There are reports that excessive noise is emanating from some units of your
property. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use
and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall
also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to: a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.

2430 8th Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance.
Proprietors of rental units and commercial properties play an important role in
maintaining the integrity of their neighborhoods. We advise you to take the time to
assess your property, identify the problems and call us for assistance. Thank you in
advance for your attention to this matter.

Arturo M. Sanchez
Assistant to City Administrator

(via email)
P. Lamont Ewell, City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542

January 25, 2010

Robert Moses, Sr.


Nuisance Activity at 2438 109th Avenue

Dear Owner(s):
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity has been reported
as occurring on your property. The Nuisance Abatement Division of the City of
Oakland is designed to work with property owners to prevent and control nuisance
activity on properties. Our records indicate that you are the owner of record for 2438
109th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
This letter is designed to inform you that as a property owner you are responsible for the
nuisance activity that may be occurring on your property. It is also intended to facilitate
early nuisance abatement efforts. In each instance where this letter is being sent, the
Nuisance Abatement Division has received complaints either from police, city workers
and/or citizens alleging specific activity in violation of the Citys Public Nuisance
Ordinance (PNO), Ordinance # 12550 C.M.S and/or the Nuisance Eviction Ordinance,
Ordinance # 12592 C.M.S.
Our office has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
nuisance. There are reports that your dogs constantly bark in violation of the City noise
ordinances. This activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the
use and quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to
abate. Should the NAD move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against
your property you will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is
abated. These fees and penalties include, but are not limited to, a $3500.00 Nuisance
case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.


2438 109 Avenue

Page 2 of 2

Each situation will be different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up
to you to determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to
abate the nuisance. A public nuisance under the PNO exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code, in violation of
California Civil Code Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity
jurisprudence. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Assistant to the City Administrator

Nicole Frede, Animal Services (via email)

D. Lindheim, CAO (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator

November 13, 2014

Gim H. & Yuet S. Lee TRS

RE: Nuisance Activity at 2443/2445 10th Ave., Oakland, CA

Dear Property Owner(s),
This is a courtesy notice intended to advise you that nuisance activity, namely excessive noise in
the form of loud parties, has been reported as occurring at 2443/2445 10th Avenue. Public
records indicate that you are the owner of record of this property.
In addition to violating Oaklands Noise Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code 8.18, this activity
may constitute a public nuisance due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment of the
surrounding communitys property.
This letter is intended to inform you of this violation and afford you an opportunity to abate.
Should our office move forward with a public nuisance abatement case against your property you
will be subject to a variety of fees and penalties until the nuisance is abated, including a
$3,500.00 Nuisance case fee and civil penalties of $500.00 a day.
Each situation is different. Your property is the site of nuisance activity, and it is up to you to
determine the exact nature of the problem and take the steps necessary to abate the nuisance. We
advise you to take the time to assess your property, identify the problems and call us for
assistance. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 3372

August 20, 2015

John Ambrose & Athel Mall

Subject Property: 2508 108th Ave., Oakland, CA

APN: 047-5586-013-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dogs
Administrative Penalty: $500 a day
Reference: Police Report #15-041173
Dear Property Owner(s),
The Oakland Animal Services has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity
at the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared
a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08
et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-11, you are hereby
assessed a $3,529.00 Nuisance Case fee.

2508 108th Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may
impose daily penalty assessments of $500.00 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be
made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance
conditions, as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $110.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which
you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions.

2508 108th Avenue

Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday,
September 3, 2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this
matter, and your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action.
Please note that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your
intention to appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time
prescribed, or a written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not
acceptable and will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases, a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If your reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator



Copy of Redacted Police Report #15-041173

Administrative Appeal form;
Proof of Service
Sgt. R. Muniz, OPD/Animal Services (via email)
S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 9500

May 14, 2009

Xiaohong Zhu and Lianbao Xia

Subject Property: 2629 Logan Street, Oakland 94601

APN: 026-0762-003-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Complaint Letters
Dear Owner(s):
Our office have received complaints regarding nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of California
Penal Code 245 and OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises documented in the attachment(s),
and occurring on your property located at 2629 Logan Street, Oakland
constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety risk to the
surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition
on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem
(OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the document(s) subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and


2629 Logan Street

Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule you are hereby assessed a
$3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an

2629 Logan Street

Page 3 of 3

independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must

pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 27, 2009,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 3044

July 20, 2015

NKP Sulprizio LLC

Subject Property: 2730 Peralta St. dba CASS Metals

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Warning Letter dated 7/9/15
Dear Property Owner(s):
It has come to our attention that you have not taken steps in abating the nuisance
activity at the above-referenced property as our office continues to receive complaints
on this matter. At this juncture, subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant
to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 2730 Peralta St.,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,529.00 Nuisance Case fee.

2730 Peralta Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may
impose daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section
1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made
every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence
of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance
conditions, as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all
remedial measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These
measures include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this
determination. Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received
within 14 days from the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be
conducted before an independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request
an appeal you must pay a $110.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the
details upon which you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion
in these actions. Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs
incurred by the City for enforcement proceedings against your property.

2730 Peralta Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, August 3,
2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Warning Letter, 7/9/15; Proof of Service

Administrative Appeal form


S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Joyce M. Hicks, Director
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 8244

October 10, 2005

Darlene Kato

Subject Property: 2765 Garden Street

APN: 026-0814-009
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity; Noise
Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020
Persistent noises a nuisance.
Administrative Penalty $500 Citation
Calls for Service
Dear Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department (OPD) has provided our office evidence of nuisance
activity at the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be
declared a public nuisance and substandard pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.12 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to reported violations of OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020
Persistent noises a nuisance documented in the attachment(s) constitutes a
public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B). OPD continues to receive complaints regarding this
nuisance activity on your premises. As documented in the calls for service

2765 Garden St..

Page 2 of 3

activity consistent with unpermitted cabaret activity continues to recur on your

premises and based on such recurrence constitutes a public nuisance.
Pursuant to Oakland Master Fee Schedule you are assessed a $3,000.00
Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
penalties of $500.00 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section
1.12 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be substandard, shall be abated
by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal and may be vacated in accordance with
the procedures specified in Article XI and XII of this Code. [Ord. 12088 3 (part), 1998:
Ord. 11833 3 (part), 1995: prior code 8-2.02]. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition. Failure to do so may result in the City doing so and billing you for
the costs.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City.
You have the right to appeal this determination to an independent administrative
hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must pay a $67.71 non-refundable
filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you base your claim that the City
has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please be advised that you will be
assessed additional fees for the costs incurred by the City for processing the
administrative hearings should your appeal be denied.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Enforcement Units Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, October 24, 2005,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to

2765 Garden St..

Page 3 of 3

appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit and the referring department to develop a compliance plan
to abate the nuisance, in some cases a performance bond will be required along with
compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily penalties
while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. If you fail to meet the terms of the
compliance plan, the fines and penalties will be retroactive to 30 days from the date of
this letter. To set up a meeting, please call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator


D. Ramirez, NSC/OPD
Chron File


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 2523

January 24, 2013

Janine G. Fryk

Subject Property: 2841 Kingsland Avenue, Oakland

Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty Up to $5,000
Reference: Warning letter dated 10/24/12
Dear Property Owner(s):
Pursuant to the courtesy notice sent to you on October 24, 2012 regarding the nuisance
activity at the above-referenced property, the subject property is declared a public
nuisance in accordance with Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, barking dog. Our office
has been informed that your property is the site of Noise Nuisances, OMC
8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent
noises a nuisance, a violation of the City noise ordinances. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

2841 Kingsland Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

2841 Kingsland Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, February 6,
2013, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Encls: Proof of Service

Administrative Appeal form

via email
N. Frede, Animal Svs./OPD
M. Webb, Animal Svcs/OPD
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 3396

August 21, 2015

Verla Loftonsherman TR

Subject Property: 2903 Linden St., Oakand, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Warning Letter dated 8/6/15
Dear Property Owner(s):
To date, our office continues to receive complaints regarding excessive late night
noise occurring at the above-referenced property. At this juncture, subject property is
declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1,
Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City
declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises. This constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious
health and safety risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall
also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-11, you are hereby
assessed a $3,529.00 Nuisance Case fee.

2903 Linden Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may
impose daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section
1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made
every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence
of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance
conditions, as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Evict the problem tenants; and
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $110.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which
you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions.
Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the
City for enforcement proceedings against your property.

2903 Linden Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Friday, September
4, 2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Warning Letter, 8/6/15; Proof of Service

Administrative Appeal form


S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 9937

June 2, 2009

Nancy A. Dinh

Subject Property: 2910 Galindo Street, Oakland 94601

APN: 026-0767-018-02
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Dear Owner(s):
Our office have received complaints regarding nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of California
Penal Code 245 and OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises occurring on your property located
at 2910 Galindo Street, Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a
serious health and safety risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter


2910 Galindo Street

Page 2 of 3

1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

2910 Galindo Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time Tuesday, June 16, 2009, you
waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 5895

January 21, 2015

Charles A. & Lillie M. Zinnerman TR

Subject Property: 2977 School St., Oakland, CA

APN: 027-0856-002-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalty:
$500 a day
Dear Property Owner(s),
The Oakland Animal Services has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises; OMC section 6.04.060, Sanitary
Keeping of Animals; California Penal Code section 597 Cruelty to Animals
constitute a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-11, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

2977 School Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500.00 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08
et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every
30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of
activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:

Excessive noise generated by the animals under your care and

control; and
Improperly housing and mistreating animals on your premises; and
Mistreating animals on your premises.

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please

2977 School Street

Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, February 3, 2015,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases, a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If your reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Administrative Appeal form;

Proof of Service

Sgt. R. Muniz, OPD/Animal Services (via email)

Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 5123

March 26, 2015

Miguel & Estela Silva

Subject Property: 3066 Berlin Way, Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance: Barking Dog/Excessive Noise
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

3066 Berlin Way

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

3066 Berlin Way

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, April 9, 2015,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator


Proof of Service; Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svs./OPD
J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5414

August 29, 2014

Oakland Point Properties LLC ETAL

Subject Property: 3216/3218 West St., Oakland, CA

APN: 009-0717-018-11
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
$500 a day
Warning Letter dated 8/14/14
Dear Property Owner(s),
Our office continues to receive complaints on nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. At this junctures, subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 3216/3218 West Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that excessive noise in the
form of loud music, screaming, chanting, and dog barking are emanating from
the property. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned complaints for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and

3216/3218 West Street

Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule you are hereby assessed a
$3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $1000.00 a day up to $365,000 a year (pursuant to OMC
Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated.
Assessments will be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures
taken to prevent recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings
and structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall
be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate
the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please

3216/3218 West Street

Page 3 of 3

be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, September 11,
2014, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases, a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If your reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Administrative Appeal form; Proof of Service


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 5888

April 27, 2015

Sue P. Smith

Subject Property: 3320 Peralta St., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance: Barking Dog
Reference: Warning Letter, 1/9/15
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office continues to receive complaints on nuisance activity at above-referenced
property. At this juncture, the subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-11, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

3320 Peralta Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

3320 Peralta Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, May 11, 2015, you
waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator


Copy of Warning Letter 1/9/15; Proof of Service; Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svs./OPD
Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3653 0238

December 4, 2008

Maria R. & Alex Centeno

Subject Property: 3550 Meadow Street, Oakland 94601

APN: 032-2108-022-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
$500 a day
Dear Owners:
Our office has been provided with evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property and that the subject property has been declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises which occurs
on your property constitutes a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, is likely to recur,
and/or continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B); and
A review of the document(s) subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter

PTS #0808178

3550 Meadow Street

Page 2 of 3

1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include, but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:

playing of loud music

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

3550 Meadow Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, December 17,
2008, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487

Assistant to the City Administrator

(via e-mail)
Ana Martinez, NSC
C. Jimenez, District 5

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7004 1350 0000 4542 8511

October 8, 2007

Teola L. Sanders & Jessie Guiton

Subject Property: 3807 High Street

APN: 030-1935-008-01
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalties up to $5000 a year
Neighborhood complaints in violation of Oakland
Municipal Codes
Dear Owner(s):
Property owners of properties adjacent to your property have provided our office with
evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and are requesting that
the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.12 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to violations of OMC sections
Excessive and annoying Noises prohibited OMC section 8.18.010; and
Persistent Noises in violation of OMC section 8.18.020 documented in the
attachment(s) constitutes a public nuisance. The noises emanate from units #2,
3, and 5 and have occurred consistently during late night hours for several
months. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule, you are hereby assessed a
$3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

PTS #0707694

3807 High Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments up to a total of $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.12 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:
- Noise violations;
- Gambling; and
- Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your
You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.
As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $72.30 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

3807 High Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, October 22, 2007,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

R. Chan, OPD/PSO
N. De Luca, CAO
J. Crawford, District 4


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 3198

August 5, 2015

Karen M. & John D. Deford

Subject Property: 3811 39th Avenue

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Calls for Service
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed of the nuisance activity emanating from the abovereferenced property. At this juncture, subject property is declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises documented in the attachment(s), and occurring on your
property located at 3811 39th Avenue., Oakland, CA constitutes a public
nuisance which poses a serious health and safety risk to the surrounding
community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-6, you are hereby
assessed a $3,529.00 Nuisance Case fee.


3811 39 Avenue
Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may
impose daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section
1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made
every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence
of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance
conditions, as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $110.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which
you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions.
Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the
City for enforcement proceedings against your property.


3811 39 Avenue
Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, August
19, 2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Calls for Service; Proof of Service

Administrative Appeal form


S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3652 7436

May 5, 2014

Maggie Nathaniel TR

Subject Property: 3941 Norton Avenue, Oakland

Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty Up to $5,000
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Oakland Animal Services had provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog. Our office
continues to receive complaints on constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This
activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and
quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

3941 Norton Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

3941 Norton Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, May 19, 2014, you
waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Lewis, Animal Svs./OPD
G. Hendel, Director/Animal Services
S. Nosakhare, Council Office
F. Blackwell, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail ((510) 238-7542

City Administrators Office

Nuisance Abatement Division
Arturo M. Sanchez, Deputy City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 4275

December 3, 2013

Stefany Kaplanes

Subject Property: 3949 Norton Avenue, Oakland

Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty Up to $5,000
Reference: Warning letter dated 9/26/12
Dear Property Owner(s):
Pursuant to the courtesy notice sent to you on September 26, 2012 regarding the
nuisance activity at the above-referenced property, the subject property is declared a
public nuisance in accordance with Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section
1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares
the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog. Our office
continues to receive complaints on constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This
activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and
quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

3949 Norton Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

3949 Norton Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, December 17,
2013, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.


Copy of Warning letter, 9/26/12

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
N. Frede, Animal Svs./OPD
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 3228

August 10, 2015

Tom S. & Catherine Mui TRS

Subject Property: 4120 Culver St., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Stalking; Vandalism; Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Reference: Police Report #s 15-037494; 15-039979
15-033923; 15-020688
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed of the nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. At this juncture, subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, stalking, vandalism and
excessive noises, violation of OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises documented in
the attachment(s), and occurring on your property at 4120 Culver St., Oakland,
CA. This constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-6, you are hereby
assessed a $3,529.00 Nuisance Case fee.

4120 Culver Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may
impose daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section
1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made
every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence
of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance
conditions, as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all
remedial measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These
measures include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this
determination. Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received
within 14 days from the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be
conducted before an independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request
an appeal you must pay a $110.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the
details upon which you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion
in these actions. Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs
incurred by the City for enforcement proceedings against your property.

4120 Culver Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, August 14,
2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Police Reports

Proof of Service; Administrative Appeal form


S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7004 1350 0000 4542 6340

November 20, 2006

Todd and Jennifer Sandstrom

Subject Property: 4159 Randolph Avenue

APN: 024-0536-003
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalties up to $5000 a year
Neighborhood Noise complaints in violation of
OMC section 8.18 et seq
Dear Owners:
Property owners of properties adjacent to your property have provided our office with
evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and are requesting that
the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.12 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to noise; Excessive and
annoying Noises prohibited OMC section 8.18.010; and Persistent Noises in
violation of OMC section 8.18.020 documented in the attachment(s) constitutes
a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.12.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A. A-2 you are hereby
assessed a $3,000.00 Nuisance Case fee.

4159 Randolph Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments up to a total of $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.12 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
As prescribed in OMC section 1.12 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $70.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, December 4,
2006, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.

4159 Randolph Avenue

Page 3 of 3


Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

N. De Luca, CAO

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7008 3230 0001 1161 0977

February 19, 2010

Henry Montgomery
c/o W. Jackson

Subject Property: 4245 Roderick Road, Oakland

APN: 048-6239-012-04
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and
is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 4245 Roderick Road,
Oakland, CA constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and
safety risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned police report for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.


4245 Roderick Road

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

4245 Roderick Road

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time Thursday, March 4, 2010,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

P. Rose, NSD/OPD (via email)

D. Lindheim, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 2795

June 23, 2015

Joseph E. Schrader

Subject Property: 4320 Allendale Ave., Oakland, CA

APN: 032-2040-009-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dogs
Administrative Penalty: $500 a day
Dear Property Owner(s),
The Oakland Animal Services has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

4320 Allendale Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500.00 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08
et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every
30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of
activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

4320 Allendale Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, July 7, 2015, you
waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases, a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If your reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Administrative Appeal form;

Proof of Service

Sgt. R. Muniz, OPD/Animal Services (via email)

J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 0925

September 29, 2011

Carlos and Patricia Perez

Subject Property: 4455 Penniman Avenue, Oakland

APN: 036-2440-013-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Warning letter sent dated 8/1/11
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office had been informed of the on-going nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 4455 Penniman
Avenue, Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and
safety risk to the surrounding community. There are reports of playing loud bass
audible and disturbing in the neighborhood. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

4455 Penniman Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

4455 Penniman Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, October 12,
2011, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

Shereda Nosakhare, District 4 (via email)

A. Richards, NSC (via email)
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7004 1350 0000 4542 7965

June 15, 2007

Maurice Shabazz

Subject Property: 4511 Market Street

APN: 013-1171-004
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalties up to $5000 a year
Neighborhood Noise complaints in violation of
OMC section 8.18 et seq
Dear Owner(s):
Property owners of properties adjacent to your property have provided our office with
evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and are requesting that
the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to noise; Excessive and
annoying Noises prohibited OMC section 8.18.010; and Persistent Noises in
violation of OMC section 8.18.020 constitute a public nuisance. A public
nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.12.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-9, you are hereby
assessed a $3,000.00 Nuisance Case fee.

4511 Market Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments up to a total of $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $70.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, June 28, 2007,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.

4511 Market Street

Page 3 of 3


Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

N. De Luca, CAO
Fremont General Credit Corp., 2727 E. Imperial Highway, Brea, CA 92821
First American REO Servicing/Foreclosure Department, Attn: Jason McCaffee
717 17th St., Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7004 1350 0000 4542 8054

July 25, 2007

Latter Day Saints Church

c/o LDS Church Tax Adm.

Subject Property: 4705 Virginia Avenue

APN: 036-2442-037-03
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalties up to $5000 a year
Neighborhood Noise complaints in violation of
OMC section 8.18 et seq
Dear Owners:
Property owners of properties adjacent to your property have provided our office with
evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and are requesting that
the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to noise; Excessive and
annoying Noises prohibited OMC section 8.18.010; and Persistent Noises in
violation of OMC section 8.18.020 documented in the attachment(s) constitutes
a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.12.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-9, you are hereby
assessed a $3,000.00 Nuisance Case fee.


4705 Virginia Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments up to a total of $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $70.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, August 7, 2007,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.

4705 Virginia Avenue

Page 3 of 3


Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

J. Crawford District 4
A. Richards NSC
N. De Luca - CAO

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Niccolo De Luca, Deputy City Administrator
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7004 1350 0000 4542 7880

April 26, 2007

Hector and Maria Jauregui

Subject Property: 5104 International Blvd.

APN: 035-2363-032
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Administrative Penalties up to $5000 a year
Neighborhood Noise complaints in violation of
OMC section 8.18 et seq
Dear Owners:
Property owners of properties adjacent to your property have provided our office with
evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced property and are requesting that
the subject property be declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code
(OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause
existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including but not limited to noise; Excessive and
annoying Noises prohibited OMC section 8.18.010; and Persistent Noises in
violation of OMC section 8.18.020 documented in the attachment(s) constitutes
a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.12.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-9 you are hereby
assessed a $3,000.00 Nuisance Case fee.

5104 International Blvd.

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments up to a total of $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1,
Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Further, buildings and
structures or portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the
nuisance condition.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $70.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 9, 2007,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.

5104 International Blvd.

Page 3 of 3


Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

N. De Luca, CAO
Councilperson D. Brooks, District 6
K. Harris, NSC/OPD
Lt. S. Williams, OPD
B. Singman, CEDA/Bldg. Svcs.

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 9906

June 1, 2009

Oakland Tabernacle

Subject Property: 5201 Hillen Drive, Oakland 94619

APN: 036-2483-002-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Dear Owner(s):
Our office have received complaints regarding nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of California
Penal Code 245 and OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises documented in the attachment(s),
and occurring on your property located at 5201 Hillen Drive, Oakland constitutes
a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety risk to the surrounding
community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC
Section 1.08.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter


5201 Hillen Drive

Page 2 of 3

1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

5201 Hillen Drive

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time Monday, June 15, 2009, you
waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator
cc: Oakland Tabernacle,
Oakland Tabernacle,
Oakland Tabernacle,


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5094

July 22, 2914

Jose L. & Carmen Hernandez

Subject Property: 5300 Holland Street, Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Warning Letter dated 2/21/14
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed by Oakland Animal Services of the on-going nuisance
activity at the above-referenced property, and is requesting that the subject property be
declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1,
Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City
declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

5300 Holland Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

5300 Holland Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, August 4, 2014,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svs./OPD
H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 2689

June 16, 2015

Ting Kong TR & Li M. Chou

Subject Property: 5385 Bancroft Ave., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Warning Letter dated 2/10/15
Dear Property Owner(s):
It has come to our attention that you have not taken steps in abating the nuisance
activity at the above-referenced property as our office continues to receive complaints
on this matter. At this juncture, subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant
to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 5385 Bancroft Ave.,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

5385 Bancroft Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

5385 Bancroft Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, June 30, 2015,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Warning Letter, 2/20/15; Proof of Service

Administrative Appeal form


P. Bears, NLC (via email)

J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3650 9913

June 3, 2009

John Lewis

Subject Property: 5552 Kales Avenue, Oakland 94618

APN: 048A-7044-010-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Dear Owner(s):
Our office have received complaints regarding nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of California
Penal Code 245 and OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited, and 8.18.020 Persistent noises occurring on your property located
at 5552 Kales Avenue, Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a
serious health and safety risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter


5552 Kales Avenue

Page 2 of 3

1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

Loitering on/near, or in the surrounding or rear area of your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

5552 Kales Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time Tuesday, June 16, 2009, you
waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5070

July 21, 2014

Marsha Amador

Subject Property: 5801 Walnut St. #A, Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance OMC section 6.04.400 Number
of Dogs; Chronic Barking
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Reference: Incident Reports
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Oakland Animal Services had provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, keeping more than 3 dogs
on the property, a violation of OMC section 6.04.400; chronic barking dogs, a
violation of the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying
noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

5801 Walnut Street, #A

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent

noises; and
more than 3 dogs on the property

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

5801 Walnut Street, #A

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, August 4, 2014,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Incident Reports
Proof of Service; Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Muniz, Animal Svs./OPD
H. Gardner, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 0826

August 31, 2011

Charles R. Lowry

Subject Property: 5824 Occidental Street, Oakland

APN: 015-1349-033-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Warning letter sent dated 6/22/11
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office had been informed of the on-going nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 5824 Occidental Street,
Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and safety
risk to the surrounding community. There are reports of playing loud music
inside and outside the house. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

5824 Occidental Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

5824 Occidental Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, September 13,
2010, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)



1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


April 30, 2015

Johnny Nguyen
on behalf of Peter Nguyen
Subject Property: 6230 Laird Avenue, Oakland, CA
Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed of the recent nuisance activity occurring at the abovereferenced property. The subject property is declared a public nuisance pursuant to
Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the
evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

6230 Laird Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

6230 Laird Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, May 14, 2015,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 5512

April 30, 2015

Zach Selvin

Subject Property: 6230 Laird Avenue, Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Dear Mr. Selvin,
It has come to our attention that a recent nuisance activity stemming from your dogs
occurred at the above-referenced property. As the responsible person creating,
committing, condoning or maintaining this violation, you are hereby declared a public
nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq.
Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, excessive dog barking, a
violation of the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying
noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

6230 Laird Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

6230 Laird Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, May 14, 2015
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 3865

June 12, 2014

Harvey & Kay Lam TRS Etal

Subject Property: 6281 Westover Drive, Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dog
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Oakland Animal Services had provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog. Our office
continues to receive complaints on constant dog barking coming from your
property, a violation of the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and
annoying noises prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This
activity may constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and
quiet enjoyment of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance
shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and
continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

6281 Westover Drive

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

6281 Westover Drive

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, June 25, 2014,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


via email
Sgt. R. Lewis, Animal Svs./OPD
F. Blackwell, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


City Hall 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 11 Floor Oakland, California 94612

Main FAX

City Administrators Office

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7009 2250 0001 8637 0918

September 20, 2011

Yuewah Ho

Subject Property: 6608 & 6604 San Pablo Ave., Oakland

APN: 016-1454-016-01
Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive and annoying noises
and Persistent Noises, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 and 8.18.020
Civil Penalty:
Up to $5000 a year
Special Business Permits letter dtd. 8/24/11
Dear Property Owner(s):
The Special Business Permits has informed our office of the on-going nuisance activity
emanating from several of your businesses. Having reviewed the evidence and good
cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your properties located at 6608 and 6604 San
Pablo Avenue, Oakland constitute a public nuisance which poses a serious
health and safety risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that
weekly parties are being held in the premises, creating excessive noise
generated by music as well as disorderly patrons in front of the establishments.
A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected
but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the aforementioned information for nuisance activity subject you to
daily penalties of $500 should you not act immediately to abate the activity; and

6608 & 6604 San Pablo Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and

Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and

Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Excessive and annoying noises;

Holding public assembly activity without a valid permit.

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must

6608 & 6604 San Pablo Avenue

Page 3 of 3

pay a $78.61 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.
Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, October 3, 2011,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

Special Business Permits

G. Johnson, District 1
Officer Patrick Gerrans, PSO/OPD
D. Santana, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
via regular mail
Business Owner dba Blankspace Gallery, 6608 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA 94608


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR

City Administrators Office


TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007
FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 1820 0002 1711 2614

July 22, 2015

Rue Ell Enterprises, Inc.

Subject Property:

6624 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA

dba Goodwill Stores
Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office has been informed of the on-going nuisance activity at the abovereferenced property. At this juncture, subject property is declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring Goodwill Stores located at 6624 San Pablo Ave.,
Oakland, CA. This constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health
and safety risk to the surrounding community. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-6, you are hereby
assessed a $3,529.00 Nuisance Case fee.

6624 San Pablo Avenue

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may
impose daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section
1.08 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made
every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence
of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance
conditions, as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City.
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all
remedial measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These
measures include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this
determination. Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received
within 14 days from the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be
conducted before an independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request
an appeal you must pay a $110.00 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the
details upon which you base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion
in these actions. Please be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs
incurred by the City for enforcement proceedings against your property.

6624 San Pablo Avenue

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written
appeal and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, August
5, 2015, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Proof of Service; Administrative Appeal form


Business Owner/Manager (via regular mail)

Goodwill Stores
6624 San Pablo Avenue
Oakland, CA 94608
S. Landreth, City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7014 0510 0001 3986 2634

June 12, 2015

Alonzo Kilson

Subject Property: 6718 Flora St., Oakland, CA

APN: 039-3252-029-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Barking Dogs
Administrative Penalty: $500 a day
Dear Property Owner(s),
The Oakland Animal Services has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the
The nuisance activity includes, but not limited to, barking dog, a violation of
the Citys Noise Nuisances, OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises, a nuisance. This activity may
constitute a violation of the PNO due to its impact to the use and quiet enjoyment
of the surrounding communitys property. A public nuisance shall also exist
whenever a condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a
recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section B-10, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

6718 Flora Street

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500.00 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08
et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every
30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of
activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions
thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Continually maintain the premises free of blighted conditions; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent


You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

6718 Flora Street

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Friday, June 26, 2015, you
waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases, a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If your reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Administrative Appeal form;

Proof of Service

Sgt. R. Muniz, OPD/Animal Services (via email)

J. Flores, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)


1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


City Administrators Office

TTY/TDD (510) 238-2007

FAX (510) 238-7084
Voicemail (510) 238-6370

Nuisance Abatement Division

Greg Minor, Assistant to the City Administrator


Certified and Regular Mail
7012 3460 0000 5828 5483

September 16, 2014

Ruben Perez

Subject Property: 7710-7716 Macarthur Blvd., Oakland, CA

Declaration of Public Nuisance Excessive Noise
Administrative Penalty $500 day
Warning Letter, 8/19/14
Dear Property Owner(s):
Our office continues to receive complaints of nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property. Your property is now declared a public nuisance pursuant to Oakland
Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence
and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
The nuisance activity including, but not limited to, violations of OMC
sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and 8.18.020
Persistent noises occurring on your property located at 7710-7716 Macarthur
Blvd., Oakland constitutes a public nuisance which poses a serious health and
safety risk to the surrounding community. There are reports that loud parties are
emanating from your property. Music could be heard for hours after midnight. A
public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is corrected
but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B).
A review of the information subject you to daily penalties of $500 should you not
act immediately to abate the activity; and
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A-8, you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.

7710/7716 Macarthur Blvd.

Page 2 of 3

Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et
seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will be made every 30
days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent recurrence of activity
to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or portions thereof which
are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition.
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:

Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City
assessments to date; and
Immediately cease and desist the nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

the commission of excessive and annoying noise, and persistent

noises; and
the hosting of events on weekends that produce excessive and
annoying noise.

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $67.50 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

7710/7716 Macarthur Blvd.

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, September 29,
2014, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Greg Minor
Assistant to the City Administrator

Copy of Warning Letter, 8/19/14

Proof of Service
Administrative Appeal form


Councilperson D. Brooks, District 6 (via email)

H. Gardner, Interim City Administrator (via interoffice mail)
Praise Fellowship Christian Church,

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Arturo Sanchez, Assistant to City Administrator

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 3652 5333

August 7, 2008

Ayo Sanusi

Subject Property: 9251 International Blvd., Oakland

APN: 044-4965-005-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity
Civil Penalty:
$500 a day
Dear Owner(s):
Our office has been provided with evidence of nuisance activity at the above-referenced
property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a public nuisance
pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter 1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having
reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City declares the following:
A review of noise complaints establish a pattern of nuisance activity including,
but not limited to 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises prohibited, and
8.18.020 Persistent noises caused by dogs located in the rear of your
property and which recurs with regularity on your property constitute a
public nuisance. A public nuisance shall exist whenever a condition on a
property is corrected but recurs, is likely to recur, and/or continues as a recurrent
problem (OMC Section 1.12.030.B).
Pursuant to the Oakland Master Fee Schedule section A, A-8 you are hereby
assessed a $3,500.00 Nuisance Case fee.
Please be advised that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter, the City may impose
daily penalty assessments of $500 a day up to $5,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter

PTS #0805815

9251 International Blvd.

Page 2 of 3

1, Section 1.12 et seq), unless the nuisance conditions are abated. Assessments will
be made every 30 days until you have identified remedial measures taken to prevent
recurrence of activity to the satisfaction of the City. Further, buildings and structures or
portions thereof which are determined to be a public nuisance, shall be abated by
repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance
Assessment will be based on number and frequency of recurrent nuisance conditions,
as well as diligence of property owner in addressing concerns of the City. Fees, costs,
payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement actions are
significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if not
reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City. Failure to remedy or abate
nuisance conditions may result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs.
Remedial Actions Required
Pursuant to the above findings and declarations, you are ordered to take all remedial
measures necessary to abate nuisance activity identified above. These measures
include but are not limited to:
Within 14 days (from the date of this notification), pay all City assessments
to date; and
Immediately cease and desist the noise nuisance activity including, but not
limited to:

Violations of OMC sections 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises

prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises caused by dogs located
in the rear of your property and which recurs with regularity on your

You have fourteen days in which to implement remedial measures.

As prescribed in OMC section 1.08 you have the right to appeal this determination.
Pursuant to OMC section 15.08.410 your appeal must be received within 14 days from
the date of this notice. An appeal hearing, if required will be conducted before an
independent administrative hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must
pay a $75.74 non-refundable filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you
base your claim that the City has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please
be advised that you may be assessed fees for the actual costs incurred by the City for
enforcement proceedings against your property.

9251 International Blvd.

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Abatement Divisions Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez, Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11 Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Thursday, August 21,
2008, you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and
your only other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note
that incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Abatement Division and the referring department to develop a compliance
plan to abate the nuisance. In some cases a performance bond will be required along
with compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily
penalties while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. To set up a meeting, please
call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.

Assistant to the City Administrator

City Administrators Office

1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

11th FLOOR


Main FAX

Nuisance Abatement Division

Joyce M. Hicks, Director
Arturo Sanchez, Case Manager

(510) 238-2007
(510) 238-7084
(510) 238-7542


Certified and Regular Mail
7003 1680 0001 6350 8213

September 19, 2005

Jang Bong

Subject Property: 10810 /10816 Bancroft Avenue, Oakland

APN: 047-5567-014-00
Declaration of Public Nuisance Nuisance Activity; Noise Nuisances,
OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a
Administrative Penalty $1,000 Citation
Police Report #: 05-029118
Dear Owner(s):
The Oakland Police Department has provided our office evidence of nuisance activity at
the above-referenced property and is requesting that the subject property be declared a
public nuisance and substandard pursuant to Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) Chapter
1, Section 1.08 et seq. Having reviewed the evidence and good cause existing, the City
declares the following:
The nuisance activity emanating from your premises include, but are not limited
to: reported violations of OMC 8.18.010 Excessive and annoying noises
prohibited; 9.08.100 Drunkenness; 9.08.180 Alcoholic beverages on public
streets or adjacent private property thereto; 9.08.190 Open alcoholic containers;
and 8.18.020 Persistent noises a nuisance documented in the attachment(s)
constitutes a public nuisance. A public nuisance shall also exist whenever a
condition on a property is corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent

10810/10816 Bancroft Ave.

Page 2 of 3

problem (OMC Section 1.08.030.B). OPD continues to receive complaints

regarding this nuisance activity on your premises. These acts constitute a public
nuisance in violation of Oakland Municipal Code section 1.08 et seq. As the
property owner you have a duty to insure that the commercial tenants of your
property do not violate any federal, state, or local law.
A public nuisance pursuant to OMC 1.08 et seq exists whenever a condition on a
property is maintained in violation of the OMC, in violation of California Civil Code
Sections 3479 and 3480, or common law or in equity jurisprudence. A public
nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition so identified is corrected but
recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem.
Continued operation of said business constitutes an ongoing public nuisance for
operation of cabarets without permits, or persistent excessive and annoying
noise, and obstruction of public right of ways subjects your property to daily
penalties assessments and fines.
Further a public nuisance shall also exist whenever a condition on a property is
corrected but recurs, and continues as a recurrent problem (OMC Section
1.08.030.B). Although currently it appears as though the operator has closed,
based on the information indicated above the violations are likely to recur if
abatement steps are not taken.
You are hereby assessed a $3000.00 nuisance case fee.
Please be advised that the City may impose penalties of $1,000.00 a day up to
$365,000 a year (pursuant to OMC Chapter 1, Section), unless the nuisance conditions
are abated. It is your obligation to abate the nuisance condition. Failure to do so may
result in the City doing so and billing you for the costs. A subsequent violation will result
in the assessment of both the case fee and daily penalties retroactive to the date of this
Fees, costs, payments, assessments, and penalties associated with our enforcement
actions are significant and shall be a charge against the property and the owners and, if
not reimbursed immediately, shall become a special assessment/priority lien recorded
against the property title and are recoverable through the property tax general levy and
court action, among other remedies available to the City.
You have the right to appeal this determination to an independent administrative
hearing examiner. In order to request an appeal you must pay a $67.71 non-refundable
filing fee, and submit in writing the details upon which you base your claim that the City
has erred or abused its discretion in these actions. Please be advised that you will be
assessed additional fees for the costs incurred by the City for processing the
administrative hearings should your appeal be denied.

10810/10816 Bancroft Ave.

Page 3 of 3

Should you have questions concerning this form or the appeal process or penalty
procedures, please contact the Nuisance Enforcement Units Administrative Assistant
weekdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. by telephone. Your written
appeal must be filed directly with the Administrative Assistant, either in person or via
first class mail:
Susan Vasquez
Administrative Assistant
City of Oakland Nuisance Abatement Division
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 11th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

The form for filing an appeal is enclosed. Please be advised that if your written appeal
and filing fee is not received before 4:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, October 3, 2005,
you waive your right for further administrative adjudication of this matter, and your only
other method for redressing this matter may be judicial action. Please note that
incomplete appeals including, but not limited to, oral notification of your intention to
appeal, a written appeal postmarked but not received within the time prescribed, or a
written appeal received by the filing deadline without a filing fee, are not acceptable and
will be rejected.
Depending on the nature of the violations, you may also request to meet with the
Nuisance Enforcement Unit and the referring department to develop a compliance plan
to abate the nuisance, in some cases a performance bond will be required along with
compliance plan. If you reach an agreement, the City may suspend the daily penalties
while you meet the terms of the compliance plan. If you fail to meet the terms of the
compliance plan, the fines and penalties will be retroactive to 30 days from the date of
this letter. To set up a meeting, please call Susan Vasquez at 238-7487.


Assistant to the City Administrator


B. Killey
Sgt. Poirier -OPD
S. Chavez - District 7
Chron File

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