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What Is an Iterator in C++, Part 1

by Ryan Stephens, coauthor of C++ Cookbook
An iterator in C++ is a concept that refines the iterator design pattern into a specific set of behaviors that
work well with the C++ standard library. The standard library uses iterators to expose elements in a range,
in a consistent, familiar way. Anything that implements this set of behaviors is called an iterator. This
paves the way for generic algorithms and makes it easy to implement your own iterators and have them
integrate smoothly with the standard library.

In This Article:

The Iterator Pattern

Iterators in C++
What Is an Iterator?

When I buy fresh meat at my supermarket, I don't care how it got there. I want to start at one end of the
refrigerated glass case and examine the contents of each bin until I'm at the other end. Along the way, if I see
something on the other side of the glass that I want, I will summon the butcher to weigh it and pack it up. It
makes no difference to me that the meat in one bin came from Montana, and another from a local farm. The
interface is the important part; from one supermarket to another I know what to expect.
Such is the case with the iterator pattern. The iterator pattern describes a set of requirements that allows a
consumer of some data structure to access elements in it with a familiar interface, regardless of the internal details
of the data structure. The C++ standard library containers supply iterator interfaces, which makes them
convenient to use and interoperable with the standard algorithms.
This is the first part of a two-part article. In this installment, I'll give a brief overview of the iterator pattern and
what an iterator is in C++. In the second installment, I will show you how to implement your own iterator in the
same manner as the standard library containers.

The Iterator Pattern

Iterators are not unique to C++. The concept of an iterator is something that allows two parties--generally the
consumer of some data structure or "client code", and the implementer of the data structure, or "library code"--to
communicate without concern for the other's internal details. This principle of intentional ignorance is what lets a
collection of elements (in any language) expose those elements to the outside world without revealing the details
of the collection's internal implementation, i.e. whether it is a hash table, linked list, tree, or some other sort of
data structure.
Probably the best definition of the iterator pattern is in Design Patterns, by
Related Reading

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C++ Cookbook
By Ryan Stephens,
Christopher Diggins,
Jonathan Turkanis,
Jeff Cogswell
Table of Contents
Sample Chapter
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Erich Gamma, et al, (Addison-Wesley). The authors provide a short description of the intent of iterators:
Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its
underlying representation.
The use cases they reference use iterators to access elements in one of these "aggregate objects," a la the C++
standard containers vector, list, map, and so on, and in fact, the sample implementation they give is in C++.
But most modern languages provide iterators in some form: Java has an Iterator class, and C# has enumerators.
A great deal of programming has to do with manipulating sequences of elements, which is why, despite its
simplicity, the notion of an iterator is so broadly applicable. You usually do the same sorts of things to a
sequence of elements regardless of its type: iterating through every element, searching, sorting, inserting,
deleting, and so on. Without a common interface (whether an iterator or something else), you would have to do
the same things to different data structures in different ways. This would be a sad state of affairs; luckily we have
The iterator pattern defines a handful of simple requirements. An iterator should allow its consumers to:
Move to the beginning of the range of elements
Advance to the next element
Return the value referred to, often called the referent
Interrogate it to see if it is at the end of the range
If all of these requirements are met, then consumers of an iterator will be able to traverse a range of elements in
some aggregate object with a minimum of effort. As you will see, C++ iterators provided by the standard library
satisfy all of these requirements, though not exactly as they are outlined in Design Patterns. With that in mind,
let's discuss what a C++ iterator is.

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Iterators in C++
The C++ standard library provides iterators for the standard containers (for example, list, vector, deque, and so
on) and a few other noncontainer classes. You can use an iterator to print the contents of, for example, a vector
like this:
vector<int> v;
// fill up v with data...
for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin();
it != v.end(); ++it) {
cout << *it << endl;

The variable it
is the iterator. This use case illustrates how the iterator pattern requirements are implemented in C++. Obtain an
iterator to the first element in a container by calling that container's begin member function. Advance an iterator
to the next element with the pre- or post-increment operator, as in ++it or it++. Get the value it refers to with the
pointer dereference operator *, as in *it. Finally, you can see if an iterator is at the end of a range by comparing
it to the iterator returned by the container's end
member function, which returns an iterator that refers to one past the end of the elements. This is why the
continuation test for the for loop in the example above is it != v.end(). These one-past-the-end semantics are
important in C++, so let's talk about that for a moment.
The iterator returned by a container's end
member function represents a logical element that's one past the last element in a container, not the physical
memory location that's just beyond the last element (which doesn't make sense for some kinds of data structures
anyway). You should never dereference it, because it is just a marker and holds nothing of value. The point of
such a construct is to provide a logical end marker for a range, regardless of the context in which that range is
used. Standard algorithms and all member functions that work with a range of iterators use this convention. This
is why you can use standard algorithms, such as sort in <algorithm>, like this:
sort(v.begin(), v.end());

sorts everything in the range up to, but not including, the iterator supplied as its second argument.

You can see that C++ iterators permit the same operations as the iterator pattern requires, but not literally. It's all
there: move to the beginning, advance to the next element, get the referent, and test to see if you're at the end. In
addition, different categories of iterators support additional operations, such as moving backward with the
decrement operators (--it or it--), or advancing forward or backward by a specified number of elements. I will
explain iterator categories a little later.
The above example won't work if you are working with a const container though (it won't even compile). In this
case, you need to use a const_iterator, which works just like the iterator type in the example above, except
that when you dereference it, you get back a const object. Therefore, a function to print the contents of a const
container might look like this:
void printCont(const vector<int>& v) {
for (vector<int>::const_iterator it = v.begin();
it != v.end(); ++it) {
cout << *it << endl;

Incidentally, even if you aren't working with a const object, it is a good idea to use a const_iterator if you
don't plan on modifying the elements in a container. This way, the compiler will keep you honest if you
mistakenly try to modify an element.
There are a couple of important points to make here. First, note that the iterator and const_iterator types
above are not part of the C++ language, they are just classes implemented in the standard library (just like the
containers). Second, the exact type of an iterator is specific to the container (or other object) it is being used with,
which is why you have to declare it using a name that includes the container name, such as
vector<int>::iterator. Furthermore, each standard library implementation is free to choose the specific type
of a container's iterator types, so long as it exposes it to the user of a container using the names iterator and

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This can be done with a public typedef. The actual type may be a pointer or a class whose
structure and behavior are different from one standard library to another (though they must all support the
specific behavior required by the standard).
Use Cases
If you use the standard containers, then you are probably using iterators in one of a few use cases. First of all,
there is the simple task of iterating through elements, as I showed in the examples above. You will probably also
want to use the standard algorithms with iterators, such as copy:

list<string> x;
// Make y the same size as x. This creates
// empty strings in y's elements.
list<string> y(x.size());
// This is std::copy...
copy(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());

Or, you may want nest calls to standard algorithms. The following line copies elements from x to y starting at the
element "apple," if it is found:
copy(find(x.begin(), x.end(), "apple"), x.end(), y.begin());

returns an iterator that refers to the first element it finds that is equal to its argument. If no element is found,
it returns its second argument, which is one past the end of the range.


You can also use the for_each algorithm to call a function for each element in the range:
template<typename T>
void print(const T& val) {
cout << val << endl;
// ...
for_each(y.begin(), y.end(), print<string>);

works with a function like my print

function above, or with a function object. Each of these algorithms will work on any of the standard containers,
because the algorithms use ranges of iterators and therefore make no assumptions about the type of container.

What Is an Iterator?
So, what's really going on with the syntax? If vector<int>::const_iterator can be a typedef for some other
type, then what is the actual type of the iterator?
The answer is shamelessly dodgy: it depends. As far as the standard containers go, the standard does not specify
exactly what an iterator is. What it does say is that, for example, the class vector has to at least have a public
typedef that looks like the following, where the token unspecified is a type that can be whatever the
implementation wants:
// In <vector>, within the declaration of vector
typedef unspecified iterator;
typedef unspecified const_iterator;

Your favorite standard library implementation can use any type it wants in place of unspecified, so long as that
type meets the strict requirements for the operations it must provide as defined by the standard. These
requirements, apart from those I enumerated a moment ago, are dictated by the category of the iterator provided
by the container. Categories are collections of requirements that describe the different forms of iterator, and they
are the subjects of the next section. Allowing implementations to choose their iterator type permits flexibility to
use different approaches in different libraries.

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All categories satisfy the requirements defined by the iterator pattern, but, as I said, not literally. Table 1 explains
how the iterators in the C++ standard library satisfy the requirements of the pattern.
Table 1. How C++ meets iterator requirements

C++ Manifestation
All standard containers, and some collections that are not strictly containers, provide a
Move to the beginning
begin member function, which returns an iterator that refers to the first element in the
of the range
container, if it exists.
Using pointer semantics, the prefix and postfix forms of the ++ operator move the
Advance to the next
iterator to the next element. Some iterator categories also support --, -=, +=, +, and element
Also using pointer semantics, the dereference operator * is used to return the referent.
Return the referent
For example, if p is an iterator, then x = *p would assign the value referred to by p to x
(assuming x and the referent are compatible types).
Similar to the begin member function, there is an end member function on all standard
Interrogate the iterator
containers that returns an iterator that refers to one past the end of the container.
to see if it is at the end
Dereferencing this iterator yields undefined behavior, but you can compare the value
of the range
returned by end to the current iterator to test if you are done iterating through the range.
The definition I usually read for C++ iterators is something like, "a generalization of a pointer", or, "an
abstraction of a pointer." Both of these are technically correct, but somewhat high-level. Here's a more concrete
one: an iterator is any type that behaves like an iterator. What this means is that any type that supports the
interface described in Table 1 is an iterator, including a pointer to an element in a plain, static array. The
following types are iterators:
An iterator or const_iterator typedef on a standard container
A pointer to an element in an array of objects
Your Iterator class that you will read about in the second part of this article
But it does not mean that these types are equivalent, nor does it mean that they all inherit from a common base
class. It means that you can use each one of these with pointer semantics: if i is an iterator, then *i returns the
object referred to by the iterator; i++ advances the iterator to the next element; and where (*i).f is valid,
meaning i refers to something that has a member function or variable named f, i->f is also valid.

An iterator category is a set of requirements that defines a certain type of behavior. A category is an interface,
though not in any mechanical sense, i.e. it is not an abstract base class.
Since an iterator is just a collection of requirements, and not a class hierarchy, expressing different kinds of
iterators is a little unusual in this object-oriented world we live in. The way the standard describes it, there are
five sets of requirements that define five different categories of iterators: input, output, forward, bidirectional, and
random access.
The requirements for each category are little more than the list of member functions each iterator category
supports and their associated semantics, with a few footnotes about behavior. Table 2 shows which member
functions are supported by each iterator category. Assume that Iter is the iterator type, and x and y are variables
of type Iter.
Table 2. Iterator categories and required member functions
Member Function
Iter x(y)
Iter x = y
x == y


Output Forward Bidirectional Random Access


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Member Function
x != y
x++, ++x
x--, --x
x + n
x += n
x - n
X -= n

Input Output Forward Bidirectional Random Access

As rvalue As lvalue

In Table 2, the categories become more functional as you move from left to right. Input and output iterators
permit relatively few operations, while random access iterators do everything.
The most basic iterator categories are input and output iterators. Input iterators are generally for reading elements
from some collection in a single pass, such as an input stream. The idea is that the input iterator refers to a range
of elements that can be read from, but not written to. As a result, the dereference operator yields rvalues. An
output iterator is just the opposite, where you write elements to a collection that will only be traversed once. The
biggest difference between the two is that dereferencing an output iterator yields an lvalue, so you can write to it,
but you cannot read from it. And output iterators do not support testing for equality.
A forward iterator can do everything an input or output iterator can do, which means you can read from a
dereferenced value or write to it, but since it is a "forward" iterator, not surprisingly, you can only go forward
using a prefix or postfix ++ operator; for example, ++p or p++.
Bidirectional and random access iterators do what their name implies. With a bidirectional iterator, you can
advance forward or backward with the ++ or -operators. A random access iterator can do everything any other iterator can do, and it can advance a given
number of places a la pointer arithmetic. For example, the standard container vector supports random access
iterators, which means that the following code will move the iterator around in various ways:
vector<string> v;
// Fill up v with some data
vector<string>::iterator p = v.begin();
p += 5; // Now p refers to the 5th element
// Now p refers to the 10th element
p -= 10; // Back to the beginning...

Different standard containers offer different types of iterators, depending on what can be efficiently supported,
based on the type of data structure that is used by the container. For example, a list (declared in the <list>
header) provides bidirectional iterators because lists are usually implemented as a doubly-linked list, which
makes it efficient to iterate forward and backward one element at a time. list does not provide random access
iterators, though, not because it's impossible to implement, but because it can't be implemented efficiently.
Random access in a list
would require linear complexity for advancing forward or backward more than one element.
Each standard container supports the category of iterator it can implement efficiently. Standard algorithms
advertise their requirements for an iterator by the category of iterator each requires. This declaration of iterator
categories by algorithms and containers is what determines which algorithms will work with which containers.
Table 3 contains a list of the standard containers and the category of iterator each supports.
Table 3. Iterator categories for standard containers

Iterator Category
basic_string Random access
Random access

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Iterator Category
map, multimap Bidirectional
set, multiset Bidirectional
Random access


isn't a standard container proper, but it supports most of the same operations as a container, so I included it in the
table. If the name basic_string doesn't look familiar to you, it might be because you've been using its typedef'd
shortcut: string or wstring.
Right now, if you glance back up at Table 2 you might say, "What happened to the input, output, and forward
iterators?" And you'd be making a good point, if perhaps whining a little. Those categories aren't supplied by the
containers; they're used for other things. In particular, input and output iterators are used with input and output
stream iterators (which I will describe in the second part of this article). Forward iterators, even if they aren't
supplied by any container, allow algorithms to make it clear that they only require the iterators to go forward.
Consider the remove standard algorithm. It operates on a range, but only needs to go forward, so its declaration
looks like this:
template<typename Fwd, typename Val>
Fwd remove(Fwd start, Fwd end, const Val& val)

The Fwd template parameter is supposed to let you know that its type is a forward iterator. Val is the type of
elements in the range. (All elements that are equal to val are moved to the end of the range and an iterator to the
first one of these elements is returned so you can erase them with the container's erase member function.)

The C++ standard library contains iterators for the standard containers that implement the iterator pattern,
although not literally. Using iterators (or const iterators) is the preferred method of traversing elements in a
container. The exact type of an iterator is implementation-defined, but that doesn't matter to you because
regardless of exactly what it is, it still supports the interface its category requires. And finally, iterator categories
define groups of requirements that each container or algorithm (standard or otherwise) can supply or require.
In part two of this article, I'll describe some more flavors of iterator (namely reverse iterators and stream
iterators), and show you how to write an iterator for your own class.
Ryan Stephens is a software engineer, writer, and student living in Tempe, Arizona. He enjoys programming in
virtually any language, especially C++.
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