Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Mild Steel I (E7018)

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WLD 112

Shielded Metal Arc Welding:

Mild Steel I (E7018)

WLD 112


Course Information


Ebook and Coursemate info

Blueprint Reading for Welders


SMAW Helpful Hints


Science on Science


Craftsmanship Expectations for Welding


Welding Projects


Final Exam


Assessment Breakdown for Course


This project was supported, in part,

by the

National Science Foundation

WLD 112

Opinions expressed are those of the authors

And not necessarily those of the Foundation


Introductory Statement
Weld 112, Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Mild Steel I (E7018) is an intermediate welding course offered
at Portland Community College. This class will assist the student in developing the techniques needed
when using low hydrogen electrodes. This course utilizes a lecture/lab format includes classroom
discussions and lab demonstrations. Student will develop knowledge and manipulative skills in the use
of E7018 mild steel electrodes when performing various welds in the flat, horizontal and vertical
positions. Topics covered will include safety, uses, nomenclature, equipment operation and set-up and
shutdown procedures for oxy-acetylene cutting and shielded metal arc welding.
This is an outcome-based course that will allow the student to work at his/her own pace. The student will
be required to follow all safety regulations and complete common cutting and welding projects in
accordance with industry standards. The student is expected to complete all the exercises within this
training packet to receive a grade for this course. Please read the packet and pertaining materials
thoroughly and enjoy the course.


Function safely in the PCC Welding Shop

Understand and practice personal safety by using proper protective gear.

Understand and practice hand and power tool safety.
Understand and practice equipment safety for welding and oxyacetylene cutting systems.
Understand and maintain a safe work area.
Recognize and report dangerous electrical and air/gas hose connections.
Understand and practice fire prevention.
Access and explain the importance of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

Demonstrate professional work ethics

Track training hours on time card.

Perform projects in accordance to specifications and procedures.
Follow oral and written directions in a positive manner.
Manage time productively.
Respects equipment and others.
Demonstrate skill in problem solving and decision making

Operate oxyacetylene portable and track cutting systems in accordance with industry standards

Demonstrate correct setup and shutdown procedures for the hand cutting and track cutting
Perform oxyacetylene cutting with guided practice.

Interpret drawing and symbols to accurately layout, prepare and assemble weld joints

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Interpret lines, symbols and verbiage on project drawing.

Layout material per drawing specifications.
Use the oxy-acetylene cutting process to cut material to specified dimensions.
Grind material to meet specifications.
Assemble weld project per specification.

Weld common joints with the E-7018 electrode to code quality standards in the flat, horizontal and
vertical positions.

Use correct terminology.

Define terms used in the SMAW process.
Equipment identification, setup, shut down, and principles of operation for SMAW.
Power source identification and adjustment
Welding lead, connections, inspection, and use.
Electrode identification, characteristics, and use
Know essential variables of SMAW by demonstrating the effects of the following
variables: current, travel speed, electrode angle and arc length.
Demonstrate correct welding techniques with E7018.
Starting and stopping
Overlapping welds.
Follow welding procedure.
Demonstrate correct welding techniques for the following.
Flat Position:
Bead Plate
Corner Joint 1F
TJoint 2F
Corner Joint 2F
Single V Groove Weld 2G
Flushing Backing Strip
T-Joint 3F
Demonstrate visual examination principles and practices.

Course Assignments
Welding Principles and Applications, Jeffus, Larry.
Chapter 3, Shielded Metal Arc Equipment, Setup, and Operation
Chapter 4, Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate
Chapter 20, Welding Joint Design and Welding Symbols

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Practical Problems in Mathematics, Robert Chasan
Chapter 5, Introduction to Common Fractions
Chapter 6, Measuring Instruments: The Tape Measure, Calipers, and Micrometer
Chapter 7, Addition of Common Fractions
Chapter 8, Subtraction of Common Fractions
Recommended assignments
Complete review question following each assigned chapter
Cutting Projects
Complete Bill of Materials
Welding Projects
E7018 Bead Plate (Surfacing)
E7018 Corner Joint (1F)
E7018 T-Joint (2F)
E7018 Single V Grove Weld (2G)
E7018 T-Joint (3F)
Final Exam
Part One (Closed Book Exam)
Part Two (Practical Exam)
Reference List
IPTs Metal Trades Handbook, Garby, Ronald and Ashton, Bruce.
Time Line:
Open-entry, open-exit instructional format allows the student to work at his/her own pace. Its the
students responsibility for completing all assignments in a timely manner within your pre-scheduled
time. See your instructor for assistance.
Outcome Assessment Policy:
The student will be assessed on his/her ability to demonstrate the achievement of course outcomes. The
methods of assessment may include one or more of the following: oral or written examinations, quizzes,
written assignments, visual inspection techniques, welding test, safe work habits, task performance and
work relations.

WLD 112


Accessing the Interactive ebook for Principles and Applications and Practical
Problems in Mathematics
Here is a link to the publishers website that goes over some getting started procedures
with CourseMate.
For New Students
Your book bundle will contain an access code for both your Principles and Applications
book and the Practical Problems in Mathematics.
For Returning Students
If you have the Seventh Edition of the Principles and Applications book you should have
an access code. If not see your instructor. For the math book you will have to go to this
site and rent the ebook for either a six
month or one year option.
Your math quizzes will be accessible through Desire 2 Learn. Your Instructor will assist you in
accessing this.
Course Key There will be a master course key containing all of the courses available on CourseMate.
You will find the course you are currently taking and enter the corresponding number in the appropriate
area in CourseMate.

Note For each class there will be separate Access code and course key for Principles and
Applications and Practical Problems in Mathematics

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Note: your text book has a chapter dedicated to print reading. Make sure
you review that too.

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Definitions of Lines
Lines are the basic communication tool used in blueprints. Listed below are examples of the most
common lines used in blueprints today. Take the time to memorize each type of line and know its uses.

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Helpful Hints
Arc Length E7018
Due to the nature of low hydrogen electrodes it is critical to maintain a short and consistent
arc length. This will maximize the shielding gas coverage for the weld puddle. Arc length
can be determined by sight and sound.
1st If the arc is to long you will see the globular transfer.
If it is too short you will see slag wanting to explode from the puddle and youll
hear an electrical humming sound.
The correct arc length will be between those two indicators.
Remember: The recommended Arc Length is equal to electrode diameter. It should not
exceed the diameter of the electrode at any time. If you remember this youll never have
trouble with porosity.
Starting/Restarting Technique
When starting or restarting the arc it is important to obtain a sound weld.
Therefore, the following technique should be employed.
1st Locate where you want to start. This is important so that you do not have arc
strikes all over the parent material.
2nd Utilize the tap or scratch method to initiate the arc.
3rd Start the arc directly ahead of the crater.
Once arc is started establish a long arc with an upward stroke initiation. It
is here where an extra quick movement is necessary because the E7018
has a high likelihood of sticking, you will need to pull the electrode away
quickly but yet maintain a short enough arc to keep it going. This balance
is difficult at first, but will come with time.
The purpose of this is as follows:
A. Preheats the parent metal
B. Allows gaseous shield to be established
C. Allows the amperage to flow so the heat will build up
D. Gives off light to find the crater

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4th Precede back to the crater. Once there, drop the electrode into its normal arc length
and circle in the crater and then start to travel with the normal travel speed.
By circling in the crater you accomplish two things:
A. Its a timing device used to fill the crater flush with the weld
B. It will help drive out any slag/porosity that may of other wise it
becomes entrapped.
The E7018 is easier to initiate with a new rod than a used rod. However, when restarting a
used rod, it is important to note that the flux surpasses the core wire. The core wire also tends
to have a slag covering on it as well. These two items make it more difficult to initiate the
arc. Hence, if you scrap the end of the rod off before striking it will light up easier. Take care
not to break away any excessive coatings off the end of the rod. The flux coatings helps
stabilize the arc without the flux it will make arc initiation troublesome.
Quick flick technique when terminating your arc will allow a globular ball to fly off the end of
the electrode. This glob will take the slag off the end of the rod. Thus allowing an easier

The quality of welds produced depends largely upon the skill of the welder.
Developing the necessary skill level requires Practice. However, practicing the
welds repeatedly without changing techniques will not aid in developing the
required skills. Each time a weld is completed it should be evaluated, and then
a change should be made in the technique to improve the next weld.

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Vertical Up Welding Information Sheet

There are several things to consider when welding in the vertical position. When traveling vertically
up, heat control is very important. The following list should be considered when welding vertically
Vertical Welding Technique
1. Controlling your heat
Amperagelower range
Plate temperaturecool every 2-3 passes
2. Establishing a puddle (shelf)
The width of puddle should be 1/8 larger than electrode diameter measure at the flux
3. Keep a tight arc
Too long of an arc youll see globs transfer across arc
Too short youll see slag bubble ahead of arc
4. Keeping electrode on leading edge of puddle top of flux coating should be at the leading edge
of the puddle
5. Travel speed
Travel fast enough to keep puddle from falling out but slow enough to maintain correct
puddle size (see #2).

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The Welding Fabrication Industry needs qualified welder fabricators who can deal with a variety of
situations on the job. This portion of the training packet explores science as it relates to industry

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Contents of this Packet

Characteristics of E7018 Low-Hydrogen Electrodes compared to E7010
Why Low-Hydrogen prevents Cracking in Welds
Advantages of E7018 Electrode for SMAW
Disadvantages of E7018 Electrodes for SMAW
Mechanical Properties of Weld Metal deposited by SMAW with E7018
Codes Requiring E7018 Low-Hydrogen Electrodes
Hydrogen Designators by AWS
Flux Composition of E7018 Electrode
Alloy Variations of E7018 Electrodes
Iron Powder in E7018 Electrode
Baking of E7018 Electrodes
Arc Length and Arc Voltage
Arc Starting
Characteristics of E7018 Low-Hydrogen Electrodes compared to E7010
Although an all-position electrode, the E7018 electrode provides moderate penetration and build-up.
The slag layer is heavy and hard, but easily removed. The iron powder in the flux coating provides
about double the deposition rate compared to E7010 electrodes. The molten weld metal is protected
from the surrounding air primarily by the molten slag layer and not by the rapidly expanding gases,
which is the primary shielding for E7010 cellulosic electrodes. Since E7018 provides only limited
gaseous protection and less penetration compared to cellulosic electrodes (for example: E7010),
E7018 is not suited for open root passes. Without substantial gaseous protection the open root is
susceptible to both hydrogen contamination and porosity because of air and moisture contamination
from the back-side of the root. In addition, the weld starting location of an E7018 weld deposit is
very susceptible to porosity because of the time-lag associated with the build-up of the thick slag
shielding. A short starting tab is recommended when using E7018.
Why Low-Hydrogen prevents Cracking in Welds
Hydrogen is in undesirable impurity in weld metal. The primary source of hydrogen contamination is
moisture content (H2O) of the flux coating. Unfortunately, hydrogen is very difficult to eliminate in
any flux welding process, such as SMAW, FCAW or SAW, because all fluxes absorb moisture to
some extent. When moisture passes through the arc, it dissociates into hydrogen and oxygen as
H2O = 2H + O

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Other sources of hydrogen contamination, which are avoidable with good workmanship practices,
include: oil, grease, paint, dirt, moisture-absorbing rust and other hydrogen-containing materials.
Oil and grease are hydrogen-carbons, which dissociate into free hydrogen and carbon dioxide during
welding. Although hydrogen does not impair arc stability, it does cause serious cracking in the heataffected zones of welds deposited on thick and/or high strength steels.
Hydrogen is the smallest atom in the universe and is an interstitial (a crystalline lattice containing
smaller atoms of a different element within its interstices, voids or holes between the atoms and the
lattice) in iron, so hydrogen can diffuse in steel rapidly even at and below room temperature.
Interstitial atoms like hydrogen are so small compared to iron that they can diffuse between the iron
atoms. That is, the iron atoms do not move while the hydrogen atoms diffuse between the iron atoms.
Because the flux coating can absorb moisture from the air, E7018 electrodes that have been removed
from their hermetically sealed, moisture/water tight containers must be stored in a baking oven. The
electrode exposure to the atmosphere shall not exceed: Four (4) hours maximum. (Table 5.1. AWS
D1.1. The oven is set at a temperature recommended by the manufacturer, which is within the
temperature range specified by the welding code of interest. For example, the D1.5 Bridge Welding
Code specifies baking temperature for E7018 in the range from 250F to 500F. Generally, the
manufactures recommendation will fall within this range. The reason for baking the electrodes is to
effectively evaporate all traces of water or moisture from the flux coating.
Advantages of E7018 Electrode for SMAW
The E7018 electrode for SMAW is often called lime electrode, basic electrode and lowhydrogen electrode. The three primary functions of E7018 electrodes are to provide (1) all-position
capability, (2) weld metal with low hydrogen content for greatest cracking resistance, and (3) Charpy
impact toughness typically required for all code work. Outstanding features of E7018 electrode
All-position welding
Low hydrogen weld deposits
Tough weld metal (having high Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact toughness)
Iron powder addition for improved deposition rate
Required for all welding codes to join thick steel and high strength steels to
prevent hydrogen-assisted cracking
Sound weld deposits (X-ray quality)
Reduced preheating requirements
Either DCEP (reverse polarity) of AC can be used
Moderately heavy slag which is easy to remove

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Disadvantages of E7018 Electrodes for SMAW

Compared to the cellulosic Exx10 electrodes such as E6010, the E7018 electrodes have the following
- Can not deposit the root pass on an open root steel pipe as well as E6010
Can not penetrate as deep as E6010
Porosity can occur during arc starting
Susceptible to undercut in up-hill welding
Mechanical Properties of Weld Metal deposited by SMAW with E7018
The specified composition and mechanical properties of weld metal deposited by E7018 are listed in
Table 1. Weld metal deposited by SMAW using E7018 electrodes provides excellent strength,
ductility, soundness, and most importantly resistance to hydrogen-assisted cracking.
Table 1

Composition and Mechanical Properties of Weld Metal deposited by SMAW

using modern E7018-H4 electrodes

E7018 Composition
of Weld Metal (wt %)

AWS A5.1
C: not specified
not specified
not specified
Ni: not specified
Mn: 1.60 max
Si: 0.75 max
Cr: 0.20 max
Mo: 0.30 max

C: 0.05
S: 0.009
Mn: 1.40
Si: 0.45
Cr: 0.05
Mo: 0.03

Mechanical Properties
of Weld Metal

Tensile Strength:
72ksi (500MPa) min
Yield Strength:
60ksi (420MPa) min
% Elongation: 22% min
CVN Toughness:
20ft-lbs @ -20F min

Tensile Strength:
84 ksi (MPa)
Yield Strength:
70 ksi (MPa)
% Elongation: 30%
CVN Toughness:
120ft-lbs @ -20 F

Radiographic Soundness
per AWS A5.1

Grade 1 (highest level of integrity)

Diffusible Hydrogen

H4 (4 ml/100g max)

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3 ml/100g


Flux Composition of E7018 Electrode

E7018 is a low-hydrogen electrode containing a completely different flux coating composition
compared to the E6010, E6011 cellulosic electrodes and the E6012 and E6013 rutile electrodes.
The mineral flux coating on low-hydrogen E7018 electrodes does not produce much gas shielding
but does produce a thick slag that primarily consists of calcium carbonate and calcium fluoride to
A thick basic slag to cover the molten weld pool with adequately high melting temperature
and viscosity to:
o Protect the molten pool from air contamination, and
o Assist with out-of-position welding
Only limited gas shielding to protect against air contamination
Very low contamination by moisture and hydrogen; for example 4ml/100g (that is: 4ml of
hydrogen gas in 100grams of deposited weld metal).
Low density slag which quickly floats to the top of the weld pool
Directional mass transfer through the arc for out-of-position welding
Alloying elements, as needed
Deoxidizers and desulfurizers to improve weld metal toughness
Capability to use either DCEP or AC
Readily detachable slag
Smooth flat to slightly convex weld contour
Nearly spatter-free and light fumes
Alloy Variations of E7018 Electrodes
Although all E7018 electrodes possess the same essential properties shown in Table 1, electrodes
designated as E7018-1, E7018M, E7018-A1 and E7018-B2L have specific enhancements.
Compared to E7018 electrode, weld metal deposited with E7018-1 must provide greater Chary V
Notch impact toughness than that shown in Table 1; namely, a minimum of 20ft-lbs (27 J) at -50
F (-10 C). E7018-M is designed for extra low levels of diffusible hydrogen as specified in
military code MIL-E-0022200/10. Typical diffusible hydrogen content in weld metal will be less
than 4 ml/100g (of deposited weld metal). E7018-A1 contains 0.5Mo for added yield strength
and is designed for welding high yield strength steels used in the boiler and pressure vessel
industry. Finally, E7018-B2L is a Cr-Mo alloyed electrode with extra low carbon content. It is
designed to welding the 1%Cr-.5%Mo steels in boilers, pressure piping, castings and forgings.
Iron Powder in E7018 Electrode
The use of from 25 to 40% iron powder in E7018 has two very beneficial effects. First, the
deposition rate of E7018 is nearly doubled compare to all-position electrodes without iron
powder, such as E7010. Second, the beneficial effect is the improved arc behavior and reduced
spatter with iron powder additions. The reason why iron powder affects the performance of the
E7018 electrode is because the iron powder in the covering causes the covering to become
electrically conductive near the arc. As a result, the arc tends to spread out radially and deposits
over a wider area. The diffuse arc area provides many conductive paths (to the weld pool),
thereby limiting current surges when molten metal globules short circuit between the electrode
wire and the weld so that spatter is greatly reduced.
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Baking of E7018 Electrodes

Unlike Exx10 and Exx11 cellulosic electrodes, the E7018 low-hydrogen must be kept dry for
maximum resistance to weld metal cracking. The electrodes are dried at the manufacturing plant
and then immediately packed in hermetically sealed steel cans to preserve the low moisture (low
hydrogen) properties. However, as soon as the hermetically sealed can is opened and E7018
electrodes are redrawn for use, humidity in the air slowly deposits moisture in the coating. This is
why AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code allows E7018 electrodes to be exposed to the
atmosphere for only 4 hours. After 4 hours, the unused electrodes must be returned to the baking
oven for the required re-drying cycle. There is no limit to the number of times that the E7018
electrodes can be taken out for 4 hours and returned back to the drying oven.
Arc Length and Arc Voltage
When using E7018 electrodes, it is important keep a relative short arc since there is very little
shielding gas produced by the basic flux coating. Since all SMAW is performed with constant
current power sources, variations in arc length will cause variations in arc voltage. For example,
as the arc length is increased (by raising the electrode), the arc voltage also increases. This is
because all of the electric circuits obey Ohms Law which states:
Where: E is the arc voltage
I is the arc current in amperes
R is the electrical resistance of the arc
As the arc is lengthened, the arc becomes colder due to radiation to the atmosphere, which in turn
increases the electrical resistance of the arc by decreasing the amount of ionized atoms to conduct
current. Since the power circuits try to maintain constant current as the arc is lengthened and the
resistance is increasing, the resulting voltage also increases.
Arc Starting
Because E7018 electrode is low moisture, low hydrogen electrode, there is very little gas
shielding. This is why arc starts or strikes typically contain some porosity and is preferably
performed on a run-off tab, if possible. However, when E7018 electrode is started on the workpiece itself, it is advisable to work the puddle to build up the molten pool size and its slag cover.
In this way, the initial porosity will have time to float to the top of the pool while the protective
slag is thickening. Once the weld pool size and slag cover are established, the porosity problem
will disappear. A few electrode manufacturers actually sell electrodes with starting tips on their
E7018 electrodes to facilitate porous-free arc strikes.

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Arc Blow
The welding current flowing through a plate or any residual magnetic fields in the plate will result
in uneven flux lines. These uneven flux lines can, in turn, cause an arc to move during a weld.
This movement of the arc is called arc blow. Arc blow makes the arc drift as a string would drift
in the wind Arc blow is more noticeable in corners, at the ends of plates and when the work lead
is connected to only one side of a plate. If arc blow is a problem, it can be controlled by
connecting the work lead to the end of the weld joint and making the weld in the direction toward
the work lead. Another way of controlling arc blow is to use two work leads, on each side of the
weld. The best way to eliminate arc blow is to use alternating current. A very short arc length can
help control arc blow.
Arc blow is a phenomenon encountered in DC arc welding when the arc stream does not follow
the shortest path between the electrode and the work-piece but is deflected forward or backward
from the direction of travel or, less frequently, to one side. Unless the arc blow is controlled arc
blow can cause the welder some difficulties in controlling the weld pool and slag. You will have
excessive spatter, possibly cause lack of fusion, slower welding speed, excessive undercut and
will cause weld pool to boil out and leave a large mound of weld in the center of your weld bead
or drip down leaving an ice cycle below your crater.
When electrons flow they create lines of magnetic force that circle around the line of flow. Lines
of magnetic force are referred to as magnetic flux lines. These lines space themselves evenly
along a current-carrying wire. If the wire is bent, the flux lines on one side are compressed
together, and those on the other side are stretched out. The unevenly spaced flux lines try to
straighten the wire so that the lines can be evenly spaced once again. The force that they place on
the wire or cable is usually small. However, when welding with very high amperages, 600 amps
or more, the force may cause the wire or cable to move.

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Ways to control Arc Blow


Reduce the welding current which may require you to slower travel speed


Change angle of electrode with the work opposite the direction of arc blow


Weld away from the ground to reduce back blow weld toward the ground to reduce
forward blow


Wrap ground cable around the work piece and pass ground current through it in such a
direction the magnetic field causing the arc blow

Back blow is indicated by:

Undercut, either continuous or intermittent
Narrow, high bead, usually with undercut
An increase in penetration
Surface porosity at the finish end of welds on sheet metal
Forward Blow
A wide bead, irregular in width
Wavy bead
Undercut, usually intermittent
A decrease in penetration

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Craftsmanship Expectations for Welding Projects

The student should complete the following tasks prior to welding:
Thoroughly read each drawing.
Make a cut list for each project.(Cut enough material for two projects). Check
Oxyacetylene tip for any obstructions clean if necessary for precise cuts.
Practice welding scrap to check setting.
Assemble the welding project to Blue Print Specifications.
Review Welding Procedure in upper right hand corner of print.
See the instructor for the evaluation.
Factors for grading welding projects are based on the following criteria:
Metal Preparation
Project Layout
Post Weld Clean-up
Oxyacetylene Cut quality
Accurate (+/- 1/16)
Remove Slag/Spatter
Grind all cut surfaces clean
Limit waste
Remove sharp edges

Example of a High Quality Weld

Weld Quality per AWS D1.1
VT Criteria
Weld Bead Contour
Arc Strikes
Fillet Weld Size

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Cover Pass
Flush to 1/8
1/32 deep
Smooth Transition
None Allowed
None Allowed
None Allowed
See Specification on Print
None Allowed


E7018 Bead Plate (Surfacing) ___

Project #1

Employ a straight stringer bead technique holding a tight arc length. Allow the puddle to obtain
a 3/8 to 1/2 width and adjust travel speed to keep puddle size consistent. See info sheet on
Striking Arc for helpful hints.
Welding Sequence: Alternate direction of welding for each pass. Weld full length of plate.

with each

VT Criteria
Reinforcement (0 1/8)
Undercut (1/32)
Weld Bead Contour
Cracks (none)
Arc Strikes (none)
Fusion (complete)
Porosity (none)

Student Assessment

Instructor Assessment


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Corner Joint 1F

Best of Two

Project #2

Use a stringer bead with tight arc. Center the weld in the first pass (root pass) so that it is equally
distributed on to each piece of metal. This is accomplished by adjusting the work angle so that
the bead centers itself. The additional passes should then be laid down to allow the weld
deposits to flow equally on the previous passes and to the parent material. Desired outcome is to
make each individual pass tie into the previous pass(es) and/or parent metal so that a convex
weld is achieved.
Welding Sequence
Alternate directions of welding for each pass.

VT Criteria

Project #1

Project #2

Reinforcement (0
Undercut (1/32)
Weld Bead Contour
Cracks (none)
Arc Strikes (none)
Fusion (complete)
Porosity (none)

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E7018 T-Joint 2F

Best of Two

Project #3

Use a string bead technique with a tight arc length. When running the first pass (root weld) it is
important to center the weld so that it has equal distribution onto each piece of metal. This is
accomplished by adjusting the work angle so that the bead centers itself. Additional passes
should then be laid down to allow the weld deposits to flow equally on the previous passes and to
the parent material. The key is to make each individual pass tie into the previous pass(es) and or
parent metal so that a flat to convex surface is obtained.
When welding any of the passes in the T-joint it is critical to not let any of the slag float ahead of
the electrode. This will cause slag inclusions because the arc is not forceful enough to remove
the slag (see helpful hints section for technique in dealing with this problem). Corners must be
Welding Sequence
Weld the root pass on all four sides of the joint. Rotate the work so that all the welding is
completed in the horizontal position. Notice bead placement starting at the bottom and stair
stepping towards top of parent metal.
Stair Stepping

Do Not Weld Like Photo

Photo Only Shows Bead Placement
VT Criteria

Project #1

Project #2

Reinforcement (0 1/8)
Undercut (1/32)
Weld Bead Contour
Cracks (none)
Arc Strikes (none)
Fusion (complete)
Porosity (none)
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E7018 Horizontal V Groove (2G)

Project #4

Welding Sequence
When running the first pass (root weld) it is important to center the weld so that it has equal
distribution into each piece of metal. This is accomplished by adjusting the work angle so that
the bead centers itself. It is important to drop the angle enough to prevent undercut from
happening on the top toe of the weld bead. Additional passes should then be laid down to allow
the weld deposits to flow equally on the previous passes and to the parent material. Start with
the bottom pass first and use the previous pass as a shelf. This approach is much like walking up
a set of stairs-start at the bottom first. The key is to make each individual pass tie into the
previous pass(es) and or parent metal so that a flat to convex surface is obtained. Dont let your
welds develop cold lap because this can cause slag to be trapped. .

VT Criteria
Reinforcement (0 1/8)
Undercut (1/32)
Weld Bead Contour
Cracks (none)
Arc Strikes (none)
Fusion (complete)
Porosity (none)

Student Assessment

Instructor Assessment


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Oxy-Acetylene Hand Flushing Back Strap

Project #5

Setting Up for Flushing Application

1. Inspect the cutting tip, coupling nut, and torch head for oil, grease, or damaged parts.
Oil, grease or damage components renders equipment useless, DO NOT use the
unit until it has been cleaned and/or repaired by a qualified repair technician.
2. Inspect the cutting tip and cutting torch head. All tapered seating surfaces must be
free from dents, burns or burned seats. Backfires or flashbacks may occur if damaged
tips are used.
These seating surfaces prevent premature mixing of gases that can cause fires and
explosions. If the tapered seats on the tip are damaged, DO NOT use it!
Wrapping Teflon Tape around the coupling nut will not prevent a leak. The seal
is between the Seating surfaces on the Tip and the Torch Head.
3. Inspect preheat and cutting oxygen holes on the tip. Splatter can stick on or in these
holes. If the holes are clogged or obstructed, clean them out with the proper size tip
4. Insert the tip in the cutting attachment head. Tighten the tip nut securely with a
wrench (leak tight which is approximately 15 to 20 pounds of torque).
5. Reference to the Tip Flow Chart Data for correct cutting tip size, regulator pressures,
and travel speed.
6. Follow cylinder and regulator safety and operating procedures.

Adjust the oxygen regulator to the desired delivery pressure.

8. Close the preheat oxygen needle valve.

9. Open the fuel valve on the torch handle. Adjust the fuel regulator delivery pressure.
10. Close the fuel control valve on the torch handle.
11. Close cylinder valves and check system for leaks. (Drop Test) If you have a leak in
your system you will see a drop of pressure in the regulator, now you will want to
take a soapy solution and spray fittings, regulators, hoses, and torch body to locate

WLD 112



If the torch handle and hoses are already connected to the regulators, the system MUST
be evacuated (drained) after every shut-down. Open the oxygen valve turn. Allow the
gas to flow ten seconds for tips up to size 3 and 5 seconds for sizes 4 and larger for each
25 feet of hose in the system. Close the oxygen valve. Evacuate the fuel system in the
same manner.
12. If system is leak free, repeat set-up procedure and prepare to light the torch.
13. Open the fuel valve on the torch handle approximately 1/8 turn. Ignite the gas with a
spark lighter. Be sure the spark lighter is away from the tip and not obstructing the
gas flow.
Wear protective clothing. Use goggles to shield the eyes from bright light.
14. Continue to increase the fuel supply at the torch handle until the flame stops smoking.
15. Slowly open the preheat oxygen control valve and adjust to a neutral flame
16. Since squeezing the cutting oxygen lever changes the gas ratios, further adjustment of
the preheat oxygen may be needed to achieve a neutral flame, with the oxygen lever

Inspect the areas where molten metal and sparks will fall. Serious fires and explosions
are caused by careless torch operations. Take all possible precautions. Have fire
extinguishers available. Remove or protect flammable substances, including oxygen and
fuel hoses, before starting to work.

WLD 112



Step 1
Hold the cutting attachment or torch handle comfortably in both hands. Stabilize the
torch with one hand. Position cutting tip preheat flames approximately 1/8 from the base
metal (this is known as coupling distance or stand off). The other hand is free to depress
the cutting oxygen lever.

Step 2
Direct the preheat flame on the spot where you want to start the flushing. Before the
cutting action can start, preheat the base metal to a bright cherry red. When the red spot
appears, squeeze the oxygen cutting lever slowly and completely.
Start flushing with a slow up and down or rocking motion on back strap down to within
1/8 of an inch of base material to prevent gouging into base material.

Tip pointing up
then rock down
or lower tip to
bottom of back

Once tip has been

lowered or rocked
move forward start
flushing wall of back
strap starting with
first step and repeat.

WLD 112



Step 3
While rocking your torch up and down slowly move forward removing about 1/8 to of
an inch of the material stopping about 1/8 of an inch above base metal you are flushing.
You want to travel slow enough to allow molten material to be blown away while
depressing the oxygen lever. You should try to avoid leaving grooves in the base metal,
which could lead to damage
Step forward slightly

Start travel upward

Back Strap
Base Metal
1/8 inch of
material left above
base metal
remaining material
must be removed
by grinding.


VT Criteria
Reinforcement (0 1/8)

Student Assessment

Instructor Assessment

WLD 112




WLD 112



E7018 T-Joint (3F)

Best of Two

Project #6

Welding Sequence
Vertical up welding requires special attention to heat control. See Vertical Up Info Sheet for
helpful hints.
For multi pass welds first deposit a fillet weld bead by using a slight weave continue up over the
top for a wrap. Deposit additional layers with a slight side to side weave hesitating at the sides
long enough to minimize undercut. When weaving, do not spend time in the middle of the
puddle. It takes care of itself. Do not use a whip technique or take the electrode out of the
molten pool. Travel slowly enough to maintain the shelf without causing metal to spill. Use
currents in the lower portion of the range. You can use a weave or a straight stringer bead.

VT Criteria

Project #1

Project #2

Reinforcement (0 1/8)
Undercut (1/32)
Weld Bead Contour
Cracks (none)
Arc Strikes (none)
Fusion (complete)
Porosity (none)

WLD 112






WLD 112



Final Exam
This portion of the final exam is a closed book test. You may use the review questions you
completed at the end of the assigned chapters as a cheat sheet. Consult with your instructor to
determine items that you may need to review. Once you determine that you are ready for the
exam, see your instructor.

Study Guide
Oxyacetylene safety
SMAW safety
Hand Tool Safety
SMAW and OAC Processes
Power source specifics
o Electricity
Volts, Amps, Ohms, WATTS
Transformers/rectifiers etc.
o Polarity
DCSP, DCRP, Max penetration
o Current out put
o Amperage settings and bead profiles (for different size electrodes too)
o Arc blow
o Duty Cycle
AWS electrode classification
o Theory of cutting
o Flame types
o Safety
Welding Symbols and Blueprints
Orthographic views
Isometric views
Welding symbol
o Weld symbols
o Reference line
o Tail
Math and Math conversions
Adding and subtracting fractions
Reading a tape measure
Metric conversions
WLD 112



Part Two
This portion of the exam is a practical test where you will fabricate and weld a weldment from a
blue print. The evaluation of this portion of the exam will be based on the Traveler.

Your instructor will evaluate every step of assembly of this part.

1st step.

Blueprint Interpretation and Material Cut List

2nd step

Material Layout and Cutting (Tolerances +/- 1/16)

3rd step

Fit-up and Tack weld (Tolerances +/- 1/16)

4th step

Weld Quality

WLD 112



WLD 112



Grading Traveler for the WLD 112 Practical Exam



Hold Points are mandatory points in the fabrication process,

which require the inspector to check your work. You will have
the following hold points that you instructor will check
Hold Points
5 points


Blueprint Interpretation and Material Cut List

5 points = 0 errors, all parts labeled and sized correctly
3 points = 1 error in part sizing and/or identification
2 points = 2 errors or more rework required (max points)

10 points

Material Layout and Cutting (Tolerances +/- 1/16)

10 points
Layout and cutting to +/-1/16
Smoothness of cut edge to 1/32
7 points
Layout and cutting to +/- 1/8 Smoothness of cut edge to 1/16
5 points (Rework required max points)
Layout and cutting to +/-3/16
Smoothness of cut edge to 3/32

10 points

Fit-up and Tack weld (Tolerances +/- 1/16)

10 points
Tolerances +/- 1/16
Straight and square to +/-1/16
7 Points
Tolerances +/- 1/8
Straight and square to +/-1/8
5 Points (Rework required - Max points)
Tolerances +/- 3/16
Straight and square to +/-3/16

15 points
35 points

Weld Quality
Subtract 1 point for each weld discontinuity,
incorrect weld size and incorrect spacing sequence.
Minimum points acceptable. This equates to the
minimum AWS D1.1 Code requirements.
Total Points


WLD 112



Final Grades - WLD 112

Name: _________________ Instructor: ___________________ Date: __________________
Welding Projects = 40%
Out of 10
Out of
Out of
Out of 10
Out of
Out of
Out of 10
Out of
Out of
Out of 10
Out of
Out of
Out of 10
Out of
Out of
Out of 10
Out of
Out of

A Total Project pts. ________ / Total pts. Possible _______ X 40 = _______ %
Quizzes = 20%
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of

B Total Project pts. ________ / Total pts. Possible _______ X 20 = _______ %
Attendance = 10% The following attributes will be assessed - attendance, attitude, time management, team work,
interpersonal skills, etc.. Daily points (there are no excused absences, hence no points earned for days missed ) 3
pts = present and working for the entire shift; 2 pts = late; 1 pt = late and left early; 0 pts = no show.
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of
Out of

D Total pts. earned ________ / Total pts. Possible _______ X 10 = _______ %
Final Exams 30%
Written Exam
Out of
Practical Exam
Out of

E Total Project pts. ________ / Total pts. Possible _______ X 30 = _______ %
Add Lines A + B + C + D + E. This will give you your Final Grade TOTAL % _________

FINAL GRADE _________

WLD 112



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