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Number 424 December 2012

Plant-made Pharmaceuticals

The use of genetically modified (GM) plants to

produce pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines is
an emerging technology that offers a low-cost,
large-scale alternative to current methods. This
POSTnote looks at recent advances in, and the
benefits of, the technology, and analyses the
associated biosafety and regulatory issues.

Therapeutic Proteins
Proteins are large molecules, composed of long chains of
subunits called amino acids. Proteins play a critical role in
cell biology and are widely used in research and medicine
for diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative applications.
Because of their biological importance, many
pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are proteins or are
derived from proteins. These include antibodies, viral or
bacterial proteins (used mainly in vaccines) and human
proteins (such as insulin). Pharmaceutical proteins are
currently manufactured using biotechnology.
A simple, inexpensive system for large scale production of
therapeutic proteins could have a significant impact on
public health. For instance, in 2010, the World Health
Organisation estimated that routine vaccination could
prevent 2 million deaths in children under 5.1 Furthermore,
347 million people worldwide have diabetes and diabetesrelated deaths are projected to rise by two thirds by 2030,2
increasing the global demand for insulin.

Plant-made Pharmaceuticals (PMPs)

Biopharming involves the use of genetically modified (GM)
plants or plant cells to produce proteins of therapeutic value.
It combines the disciplines of biopharmaceutical production
with molecular genetics for agricultural biotechnology.
Genes that encode high value pharmaceutical proteins are
inserted into crops or plant cells, which are grown on a large

The use of genetically modified (GM) plants

to produce pharmaceutical proteins is
known as molecular pharming or
Plants grown in fields, greenhouses or plant
cell cultures grown in bioreactors can be
used to produce protein drugs or vaccines.
The cultivation of pharmaceutical GM crops
may pose risks such as the contamination of
the food or feed chain.
A number of methods (such as growing
crops in containment) can be employed to
limit the risks but these can increase the
cost of production.
Current EU regulations for GM crops may
affect this technologys development.
scale and the protein product is extracted and purified from
the plant tissue. Biopharming is an alternative method for
producing biotechnology-derived drugs and has advantages
over current systems.

Cell-based protein production

Biotechnology-derived protein drugs are currently
manufactured using microbial, insect or mammalian cell
cultures grown in bioreactors (Box 1). Such methods can be
complicated, costly and can pose some safety risks.3
In May 2012, the first PMP was approved for human use by
the US Food and Drug Administration. The drug is a protein
used in enzyme-replacement therapy to treat the symptoms
Box 1. Biotechnology-derived Drug Production
Many pharmaceutical drugs are relatively small molecules that can be
produced by chemical synthesis. The most common way to produce
large, complex molecules such as therapeutic proteins is through
biotechnology. This involves insertion of a gene, which encodes a
protein of interest, into a host organism. The host organism is grown
to produce large quantities of the protein, which is subsequently
purified. There are a number of production systems/host organisms
which vary in their suitability and efficacy.
Simpler production systems, which use bacteria or yeast, are low-cost
and can generate high yields of protein. However, they are unable to
make complex human proteins such as antibodies. More sophisticated
production systems such as insect or mammalian cell lines can
produce complex human proteins, but are more expensive and can
become susceptible to contamination with human viruses.

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA T 020 7219 2840 E [email protected]

POSTnote Number 424 December 2012 Plant-made Pharmaceuticals

of the rare genetic condition, Gauchers disease. It was

developed by Protalix (an Israeli company) by inserting a
gene encoding the protein into carrot cells, which were
grown in contained bioreactors. By using a plant-based
production system the drug can be produced for 25% less
than its competitors, which use a mammalian system.4
Plant cell cultures have also been used to produce a
vaccine against Newcastle disease virus (a major poultry
pathogen) by Dow AgroSciences (USA),14 although this
product was never marketed. Other plant cell-based
approaches include using moss and algae grown in
contained bioreactors. Biopharmaceuticals (including PMPs)
made using cell culture are subject to EU regulations on
medicinal products and contained use (Box 5, page 4).

Plant-based Protein Production

Researchers have also developed whole plant-based
production systems for biopharmaceuticals. Plants have
been a source of drugs and useful molecules for millennia
but only since the advent of biotechnology has it been
possible to use plants to produce proteins that are found
elsewhere in nature. The first pharmaceutical protein made
in plants was human growth hormone, which was produced
in transgenic tobacco in 1986.8 In 1989, the first antibody
was produced in tobacco9 and in 1992 plants were used to
produce an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine.10 This
research demonstrated that plants can produce complex
proteins that could be used to treat and prevent a variety of
diseases. While there are currently no whole plant-derived
PMPs commercially available, there are a number at various
stages of development (Box 2).
The systems under development vary in their choice of plant
species, growth conditions and nature of genetic
modification.3 A broad range of plant species has been
studied and tested for suitability for biopharming:
Tobacco is a leafy, non-food crop with a high biomass
yield (for high protein production) and most advanced
procedures for PMP production. Large-scale protein
production in contained greenhouses is a viable option for
this crop.
Maize has the largest biomass yield for a cereal, is simple
to genetically manipulate, and easy to scale up in the
Safflower is an oilseed crop that is self-pollinating,
scalable and genetically tractable. It is only a minor crop
in USA and Canada and is not cultivated in Europe.5
Box 2. Product Applications for PMPs
Therapeutic proteins are used as both treatment and prevention for a
diverse range of diseases. Examples of current applications of PMPs
in development include the following:
Vaccines. Medicago (Canada) has engineered tobacco plants,
using transient technology, to produce influenza vaccines, which
can be manufactured in a short time-frame in response to an
Antibodies. The Pharma-Planta project (EU) has engineered
tobacco to produce anti-HIV antibodies, which could be used as an
active component in a topical anti-HIV microbicide cream.
Therapeutic proteins. Sembiosys (Canada) developed insulin and
ApoAI (cholesterol-reducing therapy) production in safflower.

Page 2

Rice is similar to maize in potential for scalability and

genetic tractability but has higher production prices. It
carries a lower biosafety risk because it is self-pollinating,
making it less likely to cross with related plant species.
Systems that use whole plants can be cultivated in:
Greenhouses, in which case the process is subjected to
contained use regulation as well as biopharmaceutical
regulation (Box 5, page 4).
Open fields, using conventional agricultural practices. In
this case the process is subject to environmental release
regulation in addition to biopharmaceutical regulation
(Box 5, page 4).

Pros and Cons of Plant-based Systems

The PMP production platform must be selected on a caseby-case basis, depending on the nature of the protein, the
required speed, scale and purity of production, and the
environmental and biosafety considerations.7 The choice of
production system often involves a compromise: the
cheapest system may increase biosafety risk but the safest
system may not be cost-effective.

Cells and Whole Plants

One of the main challenges of synthesising complex
biotechnology-derived proteins is producing them on a large
scale at a low cost. Plant cell cultures can be used to
produce complex human proteins and are often cheaper to
maintain than mammalian cells because they require less
sophisticated growth media.11 Both plant and mammalian
cell culture systems are limited by the capacity of
bioreactors, which are less suitable for large-scale
production of biopharmaceuticals. In contrast, cultivation of
whole plants in greenhouses or open fields is relatively lowtech and requires comparatively little resource input or
capital investment.
The inherent low-cost and scalability of using whole plants
makes biopharming a convenient alternative for the
production of proteins that have a global demand exceeding
10 tonnes per year.5 For instance, it is estimated that the
entire global demand for insulin could be supplied by 15,000
acres of biopharmed crops.28 Therefore, the use of farmland for PMP production is unlikely to have a detrimental
impact on agricultural food production (see the Food vs fuel
debate, POSTnote 410)33.
Developing Country Perspective
The low cost of a plant-based system makes this technology
particularly applicable to developing countries. The issue of
how to deliver perishable drugs and vaccines requiring
refrigeration to remote areas with poor roads and storage
systems is a major obstacle to the treatment of many
diseases associated with developing countries (e.g. rabies).
Establishing PMP production facilities in close proximity to
populations in need of them could limit the requirement for a
cold chain to preserve the drug between the point of
production and point of delivery. In 2009, Kentucky
Bioprocessing (USA) signed an agreement with the South

POSTnote Number 424 December 2012 Plant-made Pharmaceuticals

African-based Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

to develop a commercial plant-derived anti-rabies antibody
for use in post-exposure prophylaxis.31
Safety of Production Systems
A further advantage of plant-based systems is that they do
not support the growth of human pathogens such as
bacteria or viruses. Such pathogens do grow in mammalian
and microbial systems and can be harmful unless removed
during purification. Plant systems can harbour plant
pathogens but these are not thought to be harmful to

Risks of PMP production

Despite the benefits of PMPs there are a number of
challenges that have so far hindered their commercialisation
in Europe. The establishment of good manufacturing
procedures and risk assessment within an appropriate
regulatory framework is essential to reduce the risks
associated with their production.14 Such risks include
contamination of the food chain and the transfer of genes to
related plants.
Contamination of the Food/feed Chain
Unlike GM crops intended for use as food or feed,
biopharming crops are engineered to produce high levels of
biologically active, potentially toxic compounds. Depending
on the nature of the pharmaceutical, small amounts of these
compounds may harm people or animals that inadvertently
consume them. Such a scenario can occur if biopharming
crops or seeds are accidentally mixed with food/feed crops.
The Prodigene case (Box 3) is an example of where a
biopharming crop (maize) contaminated a food crop
(soybean) grown in the same plot the following season.
Gene Transfer
Cultivation of GM field crops also poses the risk of
transferring genes for pharmaceutical proteins to non-GM
crops. Gene transfer into non-GM food crops increases the
risk of contaminating food/feed chains. Issues about
growing GM crops in the EU are discussed in POSTnote
386, GM Crops and Food Security.27

Box 3. Prodigene Case- A Zero Tolerance Policy

In 2002, the US biotechnology company ProdiGene developed a
veterinary vaccine in GM maize. Following a standard crop rotation
practice, farmers planted conventional soybeans on land previously
used to test Prodigenes GM maize. As a result, maize seed left from
the GM crop grew in the soybean fields. In this case, Prodigene was
fined $250,000 and instructed to carry out a $3million clean-up
operation. As part of the cleanup more than half a million bushels of
soybeans were bought and destroyed. The penalty issued was the
maximum possible, and reflected a zero tolerance policy to the
perceived risk associated with consumption of a pharmaceutical
product. However, it was never demonstrated that the maize plants
found in the soy bean crop were transgenic or that they produced
viable seed containing the vaccine. The US regulatory authorities are
moving towards a tiered regulatory approach that better reflects the
actual risks posed.16

Page 3

Addressing the Risks

Use of Cell Culture
The use of transgenic plant cell cultures to produce PMPs
increases the safety of biopharming.11 Production takes
place in a closed bioreactor and does not use whole plants,
eliminating the risks associated with food chain
contamination. However, this technology remains limited to
only a few commonly used plant cell lines and cannot be
implemented on the same scale as whole plants.
Choice of Crop
Food crop genetics are well understood and their cultivation
practices are long established. However, the use of food
crops to produce PMPs carries a risk of contamination of the
food chain. In addition, the risk of gene transfer from the
biopharming crop to a farmed crop of the same (or closelyrelated) species is increased by using food crops. The use
of non-food crops, such as tobacco, drastically reduces the
risk of accidental contamination.15
Growth of Plants in Containment
Growing plants in contained physical structures, such as
greenhouses, plastic tunnels, laboratories or underground
facilities,17 are examples of preventative measures to avoid
unwanted exposure of PMP crops to the food chain or the
environment. Growing, harvesting and purifying the
pharmaceutical product in a closed system decreases the
likelihood of accidental contamination of the food chain or
gene transfer to native plant species. However, the
requirement to build containment structures increases the
cost of production. A number of other complementary
containment options that can be employed to limit risk of
environmental exposure are outlined in Box 4.
Stable and Transient Systems
Stable production systems involve permanently inserting
genes into the plants genetic make-up and the traits are
passed onto the next plant generation. However, there are
also transient production systems where the genes are not
inserted into the plants heritable genetic make-up. Instead,
a plant virus can be introduced into the plant, which hijacks
the plants biologically machinery and produces large
amounts of the desired pharmaceutical protein. Transient
Box 4. Complementary Methods to Limit Biosafety Risk of
A number of containment methods, some of which should be used in
combination, can be employed to limit the risk associated with
cultivation of GM crops.
Physical methods:
Physical containment, such as greenhouse facilities.7
Spatial containment involves using dedicated land for PMP crops
in locations where no-similar crops are grown and the use of buffer
Biological methods:
Biological confinements, such as male sterility, prevents gene
transfer to other plants.15
Targeted expression of the protein to specific plant parts such as
roots18, seeds19 or edible parts20 aids harvesting and can reduce
the likelihood of unintended exposure.
Temporal confinement involves engineering the plant to produce
the protein only at certain points in the plants life cycle, such as
after it has been harvested.21

POSTnote Number 424 December 2012 Plant-made Pharmaceuticals

production systems have the potential for much higher

protein yields than stable genetic systems. Transient
systems potentially avoid the issue of field release as high
protein yields can be obtained from relatively little plant
material, which can be grown in large greenhouses.

Regulatory Issues
Public attitudes to PMPs are predominantly positive, but
there are concerns about the use of food crops, open-field
cultivation and how PMP production is regulated.32 Each
production method is associated with a certain degree of
risk, which in turn incurs a particular series of regulatory
requirements to adhere to: the greater the risk the more
stringent the regulatory requirements.

Regulation of Biopharmaceuticals
The relevant EU regulatory framework (Box 5) predated this
technology and as a result there was uncertainty as to how
current directives should be applied to PMP production. For
example, the current regulations for biotechnology-derived
drugs were developed for cell-based production systems
and can be difficult to follow when applied to whole plants.
Cell-based systems are sterile environments with precisely
controlled growth conditions. In contrast, whole plants are
non-sterile and their variable environment can lead to batchto-batch variation.14 In an effort to address this, the
European Medicines Agency published guidance to achieve
satisfactory quality and safety for PMP products.23

Environmental Release
The environmental release of field grown biopharming
crops presents a slightly different challenge. In 2009, the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published guidance
on the risk assessment issues associated with GM plants
Box 5. Regulation of PMP Production in the European Union
PMPs present two major challenges for regulatory bodies. It presents
regulators of biotechnology drugs with a novel drug-production
concept and regulators of agricultural biotechnology with a novel type
of crop use.
Regulation of biopharmaceuticals. Biotechnology-derived
pharmaceutical drugs are regulated by the European Medicines
Agency and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory
Agency, in the UK. Pharmaceuticals from GM plants must adhere
to the same regulation that covers all biotechnology-derived drugs:
Directive 2001/83/EC and Regulation (EC) No 726/2004.
Regulation of PMP crops grown in containment. The production
of PMPs via whole plants in greenhouses or cell culture in
bioreactors is regulated by the Contained Use Directive
2009/41EC. These regulations are far less stringent than an
environmental release and do not necessitate a fully-fledged
environmental risk assessment. Essentially, the site of manufacture
is licensed for contained use and production proceeds in a similar
nature to a conventional biotechnology production facility.
Regulation for cultivating of PMP crops. Cultivation of GM field
plants constitutes an environmental release and is regulated by
the European Commission under Directive 2001/18/EC and
1829/2003/EC if the crop can be used as food/feed. For example,
the amflora (starch) potato was an industrial use crop not destined
for the food chain, but because potato is a food crop it was
assessed and deemed safe as food/feed. It is less clear what path
an application for a tobacco-derived PMP would take. Decisions on
field release are advised by the European Food Safety Authority

Page 4

used for non-food/feed purposes.24 However, only two GM

agricultural crops have gained market approval in the EU in
the last 14 years (see POSTnote 386)27. The application
procedure can cost 7-10million and can take several
years26, because of the large number of safety studies the
applicant must present to EFSA. EU member states which
oppose the field release can request further evidence of the
safety of crops exposure to the environment, which can
delay approval. The large cost and time investment in
gaining approval for a field release offsets any economic
benefit of biopharmaceutical production by field crops, which
limits incentives for commercial investment.

The Effect of Regulation on Investment

Although PMP production is possible through the existing
regulatory framework the challenges of bringing unfamiliar
products through the established regulation have so far
deterred commercial investment in the industry. The
products approaching commercial viability will road test the
existing regulatory framework and may help reduce
regulatory uncertainties. So far, this challenge has mostly
been undertaken by publicly-funded academic research
programs (Box 6).
Prospects for the PMP industry
Public sector R&D activities into PMPs are of a comparable
scale in the EU and North America. However, most EU
companies began PMP research several years after their
North American counterparts so are in earlier stages of
R&D.5 Partly because of the regulatory requirements
associated with field crop release and the drawbacks of
using food crops (Box 5), EU companies have adopted a
stronger research interest on non-food crops and contained
systems. Only companies aiming for large volume (and/or
low cost) products are likely to consider open field-based
The UK has a strong life sciences (including agricultural and
pharmaceutical biotechnology) industry.29 However, the
problem of bridging the gap between academic research
and commercial application is ongoing. The Science and
Technology Select Committee is conducting an inquiry into
how Government and other organisations can improve the
commercialisation of research.30 The Committee intends to
publish its findings in early 2013.
Box 6. The Pharma-Planta Project
In 2004, the Pharma-Planta Consortium was set up to establish a
plant-based production platform for pharmaceuticals in Europe. It ran
from 2004-2011 and was comprised of 30 academic and industry
partners, funded by the EU sixth Framework Program. One of its aims
was to work alongside regulatory authorities to establish good
manufacturing procedure and risk assessment, based on health and
environmental impact, for the manufacture of pharmaceutical proteins
in plants. The project culminated in a Phase I clinical trial of a
tobacco-derived antibody, grown in containment, which neutralises
HIV. This proof of principle program laid out a manufacturing template
for other organisations to follow.25
For references, please see:

POST is an office of both Houses of Parliament, charged with providing independent and balanced analysis of policy issues that have a basis in science and technology.
POST is grateful to Ian Passmore for researching this briefing, to the BBSRC for funding his parliamentary fellowship, and to all contributors and reviewers. For further
information on this subject, please contact the co-author, Dr Jonathon Wentworth. Parliamentary Copyright 2012. Image copyright Eva Thuenemann

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