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The importance of money

Not only the worth of money has changed, also the importance. The
importance of money has become so important for live, that you could
not survive without it. You could not even buy something to eat. You
would end up being a poor homeless person. Even if you try
harmonizing with the nature to survive, it would be almost impossible
nowadays, expect you would be living in a tribe. Tribes have learned
to live naturally and have adapted to the nature, while industry
countries have invented artificial stuff for everything. Money is one of
the most important things in our lives. Even if we havent noticed yet,
living without it would be literally inconceivable. What makes money
that popular, though?
Nowadays you need money for your whole life; for clothes, for food,
for a shelter and even water costs. You may know the proverb Money
doesnt bring happiness. Its very controversial. Half says it is wrong,
the other says it is true. But would you be happy without any penny?
Since money is a large part of our life, you need at least little money
to be happy.
Another important point is for education. School here may be gratis,
with money you are able to afford for example a private school or
extra help, though. Also if your parents work in a good company, they
may be able to get you a good apprenticeship.
Money has caused many problems, though. Thus, I think it would be
good to share out the money better. Thats very difficult, because
then, I think, there would be a commercial crisis. Whereas, our state
could produce more money and donate it to Third World Countries.
There wouldnt be that much poverty, then.
Nowadays poverty exists all over the world and it is increasing more
and more. Many people have lost their jobs because of money. For
example new machines have been invented and do now the work,
which a person used to do. All because the company had enough
money, and they want to produce as reasonably as possible.
I think you dont have to have bulky money, but at least enough to buy
food and be happy and to be on the safe side; for example being able

to pay taxes. But even that little money a lot of people dont have.
All in all I now see even better, that money is really important. I have
also seen that money will always cause problems. I guess the
importance of money keeps on rising. To be honest, I have been
wanting to become a person with a lot of money. Not only because I
think money brings happiness, also because I want to be on the safe
side. Also, I want my children to have a good chance for life. I want
them to be able to reach something in life.
Who knows, what money will be in 50 years.
an essential commodity that helps you run your life.
Exchanginggoods for goods is an older practice and without any
money, youcannot buy anything you wish. Money has gained its
value becausepeople are trying to save wealth for their future
needs.Philosophically speaking, money cannot buy everything but
practicallymoney is the basic thing that is used for calculating the
status ofany person. Money is a good servant but a bad master.
You should befond of money to an extent that you are controlling
it. Dont fallinto the evil hands of money.
Thereare many ways to earn money,but to sustain your wealth
you have to handle your own money. Richpeople are rich because
they know the true value of money and hencethey manage their
business. It is generally said that money will stayin the hands of
people who know its value. If you are a lavishspender spending
money in unnecessary ways, you will soon lose allyour wealth.
Hard work and commitment is essential if you want moneyto stay
in your hands.
Withmoney, you can rule the materialistic world. If you have
money, signsof povertywill never approach you and you can
maintain your health even thoughyou cannot rule your health.
There are many people in this world whowant money without
working hard. Some of them are successful in theirgoal but the
true legitimate way to earn money is to work hard. Youshould use
the money for solving your financial problems but youshould be

careful that your money does not transform you into adifferent
person. People who are rich are praised by the society andyou
should be careful about those who are flattering you.
Ifyou have money

, rather than spending it in satisfying

luxuriousdesires you can try investing it. Money when invested

has the abilityto increase in amount which will let you buy more
luxuries. Moneyis always a trap and wise people are able to ride
on it while therest fall into it.

No one can live without money. We need to buy food and

many basic necessities of life which are impossible to be
bought without money. A rich man is seen in the society with
respect and people around carry an honorable position for
that man whereas a poor person is seen by people with the
eyes of hatred and they do not poses a good impression.
Mostly all of us try to be as rich as others and compete in
this modern age, but only a few people are able to fulfill their
dreams about being a millionaire, and like all of the others I
am myself along the ones who like to see "day dreams"
about being a millionaire. Along with the dreams I have even
planned about what would I do if "I were a millionaire"
First of all, I would like to help the poor and needy people
because its really hard for me to see those helpless people
wandering around the road in search of food, water, clothes
and many more such necessities. Moreover its harder to see
their poor and innocent children cry out of hunger. Secondly I
would like to spend a long term of money for the educational
institutes and organizations. And then I would like to use the
left out money to fulfill my own desires and wishes. Some of
which are: a luxurious house with everything designed and
set according to my choice. I do have a great interest in the
field of art and craft which is, unfortunately not taught in our
school. I would love to call the best teacher of crafts work for

myself. Moreover as I am a girl buying clothes and expensive

jewelry automatically is present in the list of my desires
which I would love to fulfill.
Anyways, according to me the desires of a man are a thing
which is a never ending term. If we try to fulfill the list till
the end we surely fail because till our life ends our wishes
and desires keep increasing with the speed of their

Money is the most basic requirement of the life without which

one cannot fulfil his basic needs and requirements of the daily
routine. We can never compare the importance of the money
with the importance of love or care. When one need money,
love cannot fulfil this requirement and if one need love, money
cannot fulfil this requirement. Both are highly required for the
healthy life but they have their significance and importance
separately. Both are required by us on urgent basis so we
cannot rank both on the same scale. We need money
everywhere such as to eat food, to drink water or milk, to see
TV, news, subscribe newspaper, wear clothe, get admission
and many more requirements.
In such a costly and competitive society and world, no one of
us can live without money. We need money to fulfil our basic
needs of the life such as buying food, and other many basic
necessities of life which are almost impossible to buy without
money. People in the society who are rich and have property
are looked as honourable and respectful person of the society
however a poor person is seen as hatred without any good

Money increases the position of the person in the society and

gives good impression to him. All of us want to be rich by
earning more money through good job or business in order to
fulfil all the increasing demands of the modern age. However,
only few people get this chance of completing their dreams of
being a millionaire. So, money is the thing of great importance
all through the life. Money is required by everyone whether
he/she is rich or poor ad living in urban areas or rural areas.
People in the urban areas are earning more money than the
people living in backward or rural areas as the people of the
urban areas have more access to the technologies and get
more opportunity because of the easy sources.

There is no any doubt that money is so essential for our healthy

living. Money is almost everything for us to live a life and
maintain the good stats in the society. It is the money which
fulfils the need of bringing necessary comforts and amenities of
the life. If one has money, he/she can get anything in his/her
life. It is the money which helps us in developing good







creditworthiness, improving capacity, increasing capabilities

and enhancing our courage to a great level. Without money we
feel helpless and alone in this world where no one is ready to

help and assist. In the current materialistic world, money is very

important and powerful thing without which one cannot live and
survive. Now-a-days, in order to earn more money in wrong
ways, bad people are taking help of corruption, bribe,
smuggling, murder rich people of the society, and other callous
activities by degrading the moral and ethical values of the
humanity. Lazy people follow wrong ways to earn money as
they understand that these ways are simple and easy however
it is not true. One can earn more money in less time and effort
but not for long; surely he would be lost in the near future as he
is following wrong and weak way. The people who are earning
money by following all the rules of humanity earn less money
but for long time and they become the high status personality of
the society.
People doing corruption save their money as a black money in
other countries to keep hidden from the common public and
use that money for bad works or increasing their physical
luxury. However, common people of the society respects a lot
to the people earning money using wrong techniques as they
have fear of them and little bit greediness that they can get
some money in return whenever required by giving them
respect. They are generally called as the bhai or dada or don.
Money cannot buy or stay the time as well as cannot give true

love and care however highly required by all of us to run the life
on the right path. It cannot give time and love however gives
happiness, confidence, satisfaction, feeling of well being
mentally and physically, makes life easy by solving all the
difficulties, and many more.

Money is the key to happiness". Do you agree ? Why ?

Money is of course very important for human beings to lead a

decent and satisfying life. unlike animals and plants, money
defines the existence of human society as we cannot live
without it. Money is an important exchange for food, shelter
and clothing.
Many people believe that money si the root of all evil. But
contrary to that, I believe and agree that money is the key to
human happiness. it has become indispensable in our lives
when humans began using money for exchange of goods and
services instead of he barter trade which was popular
hundreds of years ago. Humans work to earn an income that
would enable them to bring food to the table, clothe
themselves as well as indulge in pleasures that can be
obtained only through money.
When we are able to afford goods and services, it inevitably
grants us a lot of happiness, satisfaction and stability in our
lives. In many poor countries such as Africa, Cambodia, Laos,
Vietnam and others, millions live in misery due to extreme
poverty. They are deprived of happiness, dignity and a sense
of direction n their lives as they live from hand to mouth and

their future is at best uncertain. Thus, it would be foolish to

think that money causes distress, and is the root cause of
immorality and evil behavior. On the contrary, most of us earn
an income through legal means which allows us to maintain a
good standard of living. it enable us to travel for holidays and
have access to good food, medical facilities, and a lifestyle
that grants us much happiness and satiety. Many parents admit
that they slog at work so that thy could provided comfort and
stability to their offspring. Money especially comes in handy
when a family member is stricken with a disease and cash is
needed for treatment.
Unhappiness results when we are denied the above. Many
families struggle to make ends meet and the lack of money
almost inevitably sows seeds of unhappiness. They are
exposed to continuous bickering, quarrels and ultimately,
There are of course those, due to greed for more material
wealth, resort to illegal means to become rich quickly. They
commit robberies, murders and cheat to get ahead in lives.
However, this does not grant them the happiness or the peace
of mind. In the case of robbers and murders, the constant
threat by the law enforcement authorities closing in on them,
creates jitters and a life full of uncertainties and fear.
Hence, money would always be looked at as the most or at
least one of the most important keys to happiness. it has
become a part of what defines us as human beings as it allows
us to live a life of dignity, happiness and contentment.

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