Monsod Vs Factoran

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G.R. No.

78239 February 9, 1989

JR., respondent.

MONSANTO, petitioner, vs.




In a decision rendered on March 25, 1983, the Sandiganbayan convicted petitioner
Salvacion A. Monsanto (then assistant treasurer of Calbayog City) and three other
accused, of the complex crime of estafa thru falsification of public documents and
sentenced them to imprisonment of four (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day
ofprision correccional as minimum, to ten (10) years and one (1) day of prision mayor as
maximum, and to pay a fine of P3,500. They were further ordered to jointly and
severally indemnify the government in the sum of P4,892.50 representing the balance
of the amount defrauded and to pay the costs proportionately.
Petitioner Monsanto appealed her conviction to this Court which subsequently affirmed
the same. She then filed a motion for reconsideration but while said motion was
pending, she was extended on December 17, 1984 by then President Marcos absolute
pardon which she accepted on December 21, 1984.
By reason of said pardon, petitioner wrote the Calbayog City treasurer requesting that
she be restored to her former post as assistant city treasurer since the same was still
vacant. The request was referred to the Ministry of Finance for resolution. The Finance
Ministry ruled that petitioner may be reinstated to her position without the necessity of
a new appointment not earlier than the date she was extended the absolute pardon. It
also directed the city treasurer to see to it that the amount of P4,892.50 which the
Sandiganbayan had required to be indemnified in favor of the government as well as the
costs of the litigation, be satisfied.
Seeking reconsideration of the foregoing ruling, petitioner wrote the Ministry on April
17, 1985 stressing that the full pardon bestowed on her has wiped out the crime which
implies that her service in the government has never been interrupted and therefore the
date of her reinstatement should correspond to the date of her preventive suspension
which is August 1, 1982; that she is entitled to backpay for the entire period of her
suspension; and that she should not be required to pay the proportionate share of the
amount of P4,892.50.
The Ministry of Finance, however, referred petitioner's letter to the Office of the
President for further review and action. The Office of the President held that Salvacion
Monsanto is not entitled to an automatic reinstatement. It further stated that acquittal,
not absolute pardon, of a former public officer is the only ground for reinstatement to
his former position and entitlement to payment of his salaries, benefits and emoluments
due to him during the period of his suspension pendent lite. In fact, in such a situation,
the former public official must secure a reappointment before he can reassume his
former position. As regards to the civil liability, the Revised Penal Code expressly
provides that "a pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from payment of the civil
indemnity imposed upon him by the sentence." (Sec. 36, par. 2).

ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner is entitled to an automatic reinstatement.

The better considered cases regard full pardon (at least one not based on the offender's
innocence) as relieving the party from all the punitive consequences of his criminal act,
including the disqualifications or disabilities based on the finding of guilt. But it relieves
him from nothing more. "To say, however, that the offender is a "new man", and "as
innocent as if he had never committed the offense;" is to ignore the difference between the
crime and the criminal. A person adjudged guilty of an offense is a convicted criminal,
though pardoned; he may be deserving of punishment, though left unpunished; and the law
may regard him as more dangerous to society than one never found guilty of crime, though
it places no restraints upon him following his conviction."
A pardon looks to the future. It is not retrospective. It makes no amends for the past. It
affords no relief for what has been suffered by the offender. It does not impose upon the
government any obligation to make reparation for what has been suffered. "Since the
offense has been established by judicial proceedings, that which has been done or suffered
while they were in force is presumed to have been rightfully done and justly suffered, and no
satisfaction for it can be required." This would explain why petitioner, though pardoned,
cannot be entitled to receive backpay for lost earnings and benefits.
Pardon cannot mask the acts constituting the crime. These are "historical" facts which,
despite the public manifestation of mercy and forgiveness implicit in pardon, "ordinary,
prudent men will take into account in their subsequent dealings with the actor."
Pardon granted after conviction frees the individual from all the penalties and legal
disabilities and restores him to all his civil rights. But unless expressly grounded on the
person's innocence (which is rare), it cannot bring back lost reputation for honesty,
integrity and fair dealing. This must be constantly kept in mind lest we lose track of the
true character and purpose of the privilege.
For petitioner Monsanto, this is the bottom line: the absolute disqualification or
ineligibility from public office forms part of the punishment prescribed by the Revised
Penal Code for estafa thru falsification of public documents. It is clear from the
authorities referred to that when her guilt and punishment were expunged by her
pardon, this particular disability was likewise removed. Henceforth, petitioner may apply
for reappointment to the office which was forfeited by reason of her conviction. And in
considering her qualifications and suitability for the public post, the facts constituting
her offense must be and should be evaluated and taken into account to determine
ultimately whether she can once again be entrusted with public funds. Stated
differently, the pardon granted to petitioner has resulted in removing her
disqualification from holding public employment but it cannot go beyond that. To regain
her former post as assistant city treasurer, she must re-apply and undergo the usual
procedure required for a new appointment.
Finally, petitioner has sought exemption from the payment of the civil indemnity
imposed upon her by the sentence. The Court cannot oblige her. Civil liability arising
from crime is governed by the Revised Penal Code. It subsists notwithstanding service of

sentence, or for any reason the sentence is not served by pardon, amnesty or
commutation of sentence. Petitioner's civil liability may only be extinguished by the
same causes recognized in the Civil Code, namely: payment, loss of the thing due,
remission of the debt, merger of the rights of creditor and debtor, compensation and

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