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An Investigation into the

Therapeutic Properties of Honey

RIRDC Publication No. 09/0180

An Investigation into the

Therapeutic Properties of

By Dee A. Carter, Shona E. Blair and Julie Irish

January 2010
RIRDC Publication No 09/180
RIRDC Project No. PRJ-000544

2010 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

All rights reserved.
ISBN 1 74151 976 4
ISSN 1440-6845
An Investigation into the Therapeutic Properties of Honey
Publication No. 09/180
Project No. PRJ-000544
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Researcher Contact Details

Dee Carter
School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences
University of Sydney
Ph: (02) 9351 5383
Fax: (02) 9351 4571
Email: [email protected]
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Electronically published by RIRDC in January 2010

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The research reported here is important to the Australian beekeeping industry and to the wider
community. Numerous Australian honeys are shown to have levels of antibacterial activity that could
be useful in treating skin and wound infections. Furthermore, the research shows that honey has
potent activity against numerous problematic micro-organisms, including bacteria and fungi that are
resistant to other drugs, and bacteria growing in biofilms.
This research will benefit the beekeeping industry by providing data showing that Australian honey
has the potential to become an internationally-recognised, potent, non-toxic, topical antimicrobial
agent. The market for such products is almost limitless. Furthermore, with appropriate promotion,
increased use and acceptance of selected honeys as wound dressings has the potential to lead to a
general increase in status of all Australian honeys, regardless of their medical properties. This
research is thus also important to the medical and wider community.
It is clear that honey is under-utilised as a modern infection control agent, especially in light of the
increasing availability of scientific data proving that it can have significant activity against
problematic pathogens, including those resistant to regular antibiotics, which are notoriously difficult
to treat conventionally. The laboratory results presented here argue for clinical trials to be conducted
with medical-grade honeys. In particular, the potential for honey to prevent infections (especially in
hospital settings) should be investigated.
This project was funded from industry revenue that is matched by funds provided by the Australian
This report, an addition to RIRDCs diverse range of over 1900 research publications, forms part of
our Honeybee R&D program, which aims to improve the productivity and profitability of the
Australian beekeeping industry.
Most of RIRDCs publications are available for viewing, downloading or purchasing online at Purchases can also be made by phoning 1300 634 313.

Peter OBrien
Managing Director
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation


The majority of the laboratory work reported here, and in particular the survey of Australian honeys
for antibacterial activity, was conducted by Julie Irish as part of her PhD and Honours degree studies;
Julie was also involved in the studies on anaerobes and biofilms. Another Honours degree student,
Nural Cokcetin, also contributed to the project by investigating the effects of honey against biofilms
and anaerobic pathogens. Jan Gralton, another Honours degree student, looked at the effects of honey
against problematic pathogens.
We would like to thank Doug Somerville and Rob Manning for their generosity in supplying honeys,
as well as their insight, ideas and interest in our work. Tim Heard kindly supplied us with samples of
honey from native Australian bees. Medihoney Pty Ltd and Comvita New Zealand Ltd generously
supplied honeys that we used as controls. Kieren Sunderland liberally supplied us with jars to give to
beekeepers as part of a sample collection kit.
Numerous beekeepers from around the country kindly supplied us with honey for the survey of
Australian honeys.
Professor Peter Molan was very generous with his time and in particular assisted us in troubleshooting
the bioassay.
Clinical isolates of a variety of bacterial species were obtained from Prince of Wales Hospital,
Concord Hospital, the Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Westmead Hospital, and the
Institute of Dental Research, Westmead Millennium Institution, all located in Sydney, Australia. The
Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology also supplied us with Candida isolates, as did the
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
The funding for this project was supplied by the Honeybee R&D Program of the Rural Industries
Research and Development Corporation.

NCCLS - National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory Standards
MIC - minimum inhibitory concentration
TNF- - Tumour necrosis factor-a
RAW cells - a mouse macrophage cell line
FSDC cells - a mouse dendritic cell line


Foreword ............................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgments................................................................................................................................. iv
Abbreviations........................................................................................................................................ iv
Executive Summary............................................................................................................................. vii
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Methods ............................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Results and Key Findings ............................................................................................................... 7
4. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 21
5. References ....................................................................................................................................... 22
6. Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 23

Table 2.1:

Clinical isolates of pathogenic bacteria tested for their susceptibility to honey................ 6

Table 3.1

Number of honey samples received from various states in Australia................................ 9

Table 3.2

Susceptibility of Candida species to different honey types............................................. 21

Table 3.3

Antibacterial activity of Trigona honey .......................................................................... 23

Figure 3.1

Total antibacterial activities in Australian honey samples .............................................. 10

Figure 3.2

Non-peroxide antibacterial activities in Australian honey............................................... 11

Figure 3.3

Site location and total antibacterial activities of honeys by state & region ..................... 14

Figure 3.4

Locations of origin of honeys exhibiting non-peroxide antibacterial activity................. 17

Figure 3.5

Percentage of honey samples collected from various land types and their median
total antibacterial activities .............................................................................................. 18


Executive Summary
What the report is about
This report summarises our investigations into the therapeutic potential of Australian honeys. The
primary objective of the study was to increase the use and acceptance of honey as a therapeutic agent
in conventional medicine. Honey shows great potential as a topical antimicrobial agent, but it is
grossly under-utilised in modern medicine. We show that numerous Australian honeys possess
significant antibacterial properties, and that honey is effective against a wide range of problematic
pathogens, including multi drug-resistant clinical isolates and those growing in biofilms.
Who is the report targeted at?
The report is targeted at the Australian beekeeping industry, and particularly at beekeepers who are
interested in harvesting and marketing honey for its medicinal as well as edible qualities.
Microbiologists and clinicians specialising in wound care should also be interested in these findings.
Honey has been used therapeutically throughout history, and it is still used for medicinal purposes in a
number of countries. It has, however, largely been ignored in Western medicine, and is usually
dismissed as an alternative form of therapy. Underlying the associated scepticism is a lack of
knowledge of the scope of activity and mode of action of honey in therapeutic settings.
We consider honeys greatest medicinal potential to be as a topical agent for wounds and skin
infections, which are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality, and which cost billions of
dollars in treatment every year. The problems caused by these injuries and ailments are compounded
by antibiotic resistance in microbial pathogens, which is linked with the over-use of conventional
Although honey is an effective topical antimicrobial agent, its application in modern medicine has
been very restricted, due to limited availability of scientific studies from well-recognised institutions.
To gain recognition in Western medicine, more clinical and scientific data from internationally
respected institutions are needed. New data will increase demand and sales of Australian honey, and
will also heighten the image of Australian honey in the medical and wider community.
The objective of this study was to provide data to support the increased the acceptance and use of
honey as a therapeutic agent in conventional medical settings. Successful achievement of this goal
will benefit the honey industry by increasing the value of specific honeys, and increasing recognition
of honey as a health-promoting product.
Specific aims of this work were to:
(1) conduct an extensive screen of Australian honeys for significant activity against bacterial
(2) determine the susceptibility of clinical isolates of the fungal pathogen Candida to honey;
(3) determine the susceptibility of a large range of clinical isolates of anaerobic bacterial pathogens to
honey, and
(4) investigate the effects of honey on bacterial biofilms.


Methods used
The project was divided into four activities:
(1) surveying Australian honeys for antibacterial activity;
(2) determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of fungal pathogens to honeys;
(3) determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of anaerobic bacterial pathogens to honeys, and
(4) investigating of the effects of honeys on biofilms.
Methods based on internationally-recognised assays for investigating the activity of antibiotics were
adapted as required for this study to test the effects of honeys against fungal and bacterial pathogens
(both in the planktonic and biofilm state).
Results/key findings
Key findings for each of the research activities were:

Surveying Australian honeys for antibacterial activity


Numerous Australian honeys exhibit therapeutically beneficial levels of antibacterial activity.


Some floral sources reliably produce medically-active honeys, but do not always do so; honeys
therefore need to be tested batch-by-batch to identify medical-grade stocks.


Certain Leptospermum honeys from Australia consistently exhibit non-peroxide based

antibacterial activity.


The most widely-accepted current method for testing levels of antibacterial activity of honey is
reliable, but very sensitive to even minor variations in execution.


Determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of fungal pathogens to honey


Honey has an anti-fungal effect on Candida species, and this effect is due to more than simple
osmotic factors.


Honeys with high levels of hydrogen peroxide-type activity appear to be more effective against
fungal pathogens than non-peroxide type honeys.


There is no relationship between susceptibility of fungal pathogens to known antifungal agents

and their sensitivity to honey.


Determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of anaerobic bacterial pathogens to honey

Honey has an antibacterial activity against a wide range of anaerobic pathogens, including strict
and facultative anaerobes, and this activity is due to more than the high sugar content of honey.
There is no relationship between antibiotic susceptibility of these pathogens and their sensitivity
to honey.


Investigating of the effects of honey on biofilms


Honey prevents biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus spp., and this inhibition
occurs at levels well below the MIC of the honey.


Implications for relevant stakeholders:

Major implications for key stakeholder groups were:

The Australian honey industry

This project has shown that there are numerous Australian honeys that exhibit therapeuticallybeneficial levels of antibacterial activity. With appropriate marketing and public awareness
campaigns, supported by reliable assay procedures, Australian honey has the potential for adoption as
an internationally-recognised, potent, non-toxic, topical antimicrobial agent. There is a potentially
huge market for such products.


This study has shown that honey has potent activity against numerous problematic pathogens. Honey
shows excellent potential as a prophylactic agent, particularly in the hospital setting where patients are
often immuno-compromised and exposed to multi-drug-resistant pathogens.

Policy makers

The observed range of variation in activities of Australian honeys, combined with the high number of
samples with significant types/levels of activity, argue for continued access by beekeepers to sites
abundant in native flora, such as national parks.
Recommendations for the Australian beekeeping industry:

The industry should consider funding work on developing a more robust assay for the
determination of the antibacterial activity of honey. In the interim, engaging an existing
commercial laboratory to perform the current assay would be very useful, assuming they were
made aware of the issues with the current assay.


The industry should develop and licence a unified means of assaying and labelling medicalgrade honeys, and this should be used by anyone marketing Australian honey as an antibacterial


A survey of previously under-represented honeys produced from other native Australian floral
sources should be undertaken.


1. Introduction
This report summarises our investigations into the therapeutic potential of Australian honeys. The
primary objective of the study was to increase the use and acceptance of honey as a therapeutic agent
in conventional medicine.
Lack of published data on the activity of Australian honey was a fundamental problem in this field of
research, and an extensive survey was needed. In addition, while considerable data now exist for the
anti-microbial properties of honey against commonly encountered aerobic bacteria, little or nothing is
still known about its effectiveness against other important pathogens. These include fungi, anaerobic
bacteria and members of complex microbial communities known as biofilms.
As discussed below, we have added significantly to the knowledge base relating to the scope and
mechanisms of the action of honey. Since the beginning of this investigation there has been an
increase in interest in and use of honey as a therapeutic agent amongst beekeepers, the general public
and the medical fraternity.
Who is the report targeted at?
This report will be of interest to the Australian beekeeping industry, and in particular to beekeepers
who are interested in harvesting and marketing honey for its medicinal as well as edible qualities. It
will also be of interest to microbiologists and clinicians specialising in wound care.
Honey has been used therapeutically throughout history, and it is still used for medicinal purposes in a
number of countries. It has, however, been largely ignored in Western medicine and is commonly
dismissed as an alternative form of therapy. Underlying the associated scepticism is a lack of
knowledge of the scope of activity and mode of action of honey in therapeutic settings.
We consider honeys greatest medicinal potential to be as a topical agent for wounds and skin
infections, which are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality, and cost billions of dollars in
treatment every year. The problems caused by these injuries and ailments are compounded by
antibiotic resistance in microbial pathogens, which is linked with the over-use of conventional
Although honey is an effective topical anti-microbial agent, its application in modern medicine has
been very restricted, due to limited availability of scientific studies from well-recognised institutions.
To gain recognition in Western medicine, more clinical and scientific data from internationally
respected institutions are needed. New data will increase demand and sales of Australian honey, and
will also heighten the image of Australian honey in the medical and wider communities.
The objective of this study was to increase the use and acceptance of honey as a therapeutic agent in
conventional medicine, and in so doing, to benefit the honey industry through achieving increased
values for specific honeys, and increased recognition of honey as a health product in general.
Lack of published data on the activity of Australian honey is a fundamental problem in this field of
research, and a survey of local honeys was needed. In addition, while considerable data on the antimicrobial effects of honey against commonly encountered aerobic bacteria were available, little or
nothing was known about its effectiveness against other important pathogens.

Specific aims of this work were therefore to:

(1) conduct an extensive screen of Australian honeys for significant activity against bacterial
(2) determine the susceptibility of clinical isolates of the fungal pathogen Candida to honey;
(3) determine the susceptibility of a large range of clinical isolates of anaerobic bacterial pathogens to
honey, and
(4) investigate the effects of honey on bacterial biofilms.

2. Methods
2.1 Surveying Australian honey for antibacterial activity.
Collection of Apis mellifera honey samples
Honey samples were solicited via Honey Sample Information Sheets, which were given to beekeepers
at meetings and placed in state and national beekeeping newsletters. Beekeepers submitted honey
samples with the information sheets on a voluntary basis and were mailed the results for their honey
samples following testing. Each sample was assigned a reference number and details provided by the
beekeepers via the Honey Sample Information Sheets were entered into a database specifically
designed for this project.
Identification of the floral source of the honey was performed by the beekeepers. Where beekeepers
supplied only the common name of the floral source, the scientific name was determined from the
Australian Plant Common Name Database (from the Australian National Botanic Gardens), Australian
Plant Name Index (from the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research) and/or floral distribution maps
where possible. The location of the floral source was marked on a map using Google Earth (Version
The type of land on which the apiary was situated was categorised as bushland (including national
parks, state forests, heathland, nature reserves and other conserved areas, or other forested areas or
shrubland), agricultural land (including farmland with stock and/or crops, orchards or other tree
plantations), urban or suburban environments, or combinations of these (including farmland or
suburbia bordering a national park or conserved forested area, or agricultural land with natural forested
Honey samples were stored in glass or plastic containers at room temperature in the dark. After
testing, a 70 ml aliquot of each honey was placed in a specimen jar for long-term storage at 4oC.
Determining the antimicrobial activity of honey samples
Antibacterial activity of honey samples relative to phenol treatment was determined as described by
Allen et al. (1991).
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 9144 (a common reference strain for antimicrobial susceptibility
testing, susceptible to all antibiotics) was obtained from Oxoid (Hampshire, UK) as freeze-dried CultiLoops. Cultures were stored on Protect Bacterial Preserver Beads (Technical Service Consultants Ltd.,
Lancashire, UK) at -20oC according to the manufacturers instructions. A new culture was streaked
and preserved in this way every 6 months.
Working cultures of S. aureus were obtained by placing one bead from the preserver ampoule in 10 ml
of TSB and incubating with shaking at 37oC for 18 h. This culture was adjusted to an absorbance of
0.5 at 540 nm using sterile TSB as a blank and diluent and a disposable plastic cuvette with a 1 cm
Assay plates were prepared by dissolving 3.45 g of nutrient agar powder in 150 ml of deionised water
and autoclaving. The agar was removed from the autoclave as soon as the cycle was complete, and
used within 7 days. Prior to use, the agar was melted in a steamer for 30 min and then cooled in a
50oC water bath for 30 min. One hundred l of the S. aureus culture as prepared above was added to
the agar, swirled to mix, and poured into square bioassay dishes on a level surface. As soon as the
plates had set they were stored inverted at 4oC for use the next day.

Using a quasi-Latin square as a template, 64 wells were cut into the agar with a flamed, cooled 8 mm
diameter cork borer. The template was prepared on black card; a 25 mm grid was drawn on the card,
and wells were centred at each of the 64 intersections of the grid. Each intersection was numbered, in
duplicate, using a quasi-Latin square that enabled the duplicate samples to be placed randomly on the
Honey samples were prepared by adding 10 ml of sterile deionised water to 10 g of well-mixed honey
in 100 ml Schott bottles. These were placed on a shaker at 37oC for 30 min to aid dissolution. One ml
of each honey solution was mixed with 1 ml of sterile deionised water for total activity testing, and 1
ml of a freshly prepared 5600 U/ml catalase solution for non-peroxide activity testing. One hundred l
of each solution was placed in wells of the assay plate, in duplicate. Comvita Wound Care 18+ honey
was prepared as for other honey samples for use as a positive control.
Phenol standards of 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, and 7% were prepared from a 10% (w/v) solution of phenol
in sterile deionised water. These solutions were kept at 4oC and brought to room temperature in the
dark before use. One hundred l of each phenol solution was placed in duplicate wells of the assay
plate. Fresh phenol solutions were made monthly.
Negative controls of sterile deionised water and catalase solution were also included in duplicate wells
of each assay plate. Once the wells were filled with the appropriate honey, phenol or control solutions
the plates were incubated at 37oC for 18 h.
Plates were placed over the black template and zones of inhibition were measured using Vernier
callipers. The diameter of each zone was measured in two directions at right angles to each other, to
the nearest 0.05 mm. The mean diameter of the zone of inhibition around each well was calculated and
squared. A standard curve was generated of phenol concentration against the mean squared diameter of
the zone of inhibition. A scatter plot and line of best fit was generated using Excel, and the equation of
this line used to calculate the activity of each diluted honey sample from the mean squared diameter of
its zone of inhibition. To account for the dilution and density of honey, this figure was multiplied by
4.69 (based on a mean honey density of 1.35 g/ml), and the activity of the honey was then expressed
as the equivalent phenol concentration (% w/v).
Each honey sample was tested on at least two separate occasions. If the phenol equivalence of the
positive control Comvita Wound Care 18+ honey in the assay plate differed from 18% by more than
2%, all honey samples in that plate were re-tested.
Statistical analysis
The data consisted of nine categorical variables (floral source, genus, species, floral origin [native,
exotic, or mixed], land type, state, region, sample age, partial inhibition), and two main response
variables (total activity and non-peroxide activity). To aid statistical analysis, honeys with
antibacterial activity below the limit of detection of the assay (approximately 5% phenol equivalent)
were assigned a value of five, although these values are reported as <5 where appropriate. Analysis
was performed using Minitab 14 statistical software (Minitab Inc., Pennsylvania, USA).
The effect of sample age on antibacterial activity
A subset of 20 honeys (ten with hydrogen peroxide activity only, and ten with non-peroxide activity)
were selected for re-testing following storage of aliquots in the dark at 4oC and at room temperature
for eight to 22 months after the first test. Honeys were re-tested in duplicate on two separate

2.2 Determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of fungal pathogens to

The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of honey against various species of the pathogenic fungi
Candida were determined using the 2002 reference micro-dilution method of the National Committee
for Clinical and Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), with some modifications.
Candida isolates were supplied by the Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Westmead
Hospital, Sydney, Australia and Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
Jarrah honey, Medihoney and New Zealand manuka honey were tested for activity against Candida.
Artificial honey (7.5 g sucrose, 37.5 g maltose, 167.5 g glucose, 202.5 g fructose, 85 ml sterile
deionised water) was included as an osmotic control.
Fifty percent (w/v) stock solutions of each honey were prepared in RPMI-1640 medium and filter
sterilised through 0.22 mm pore filters. The stock solutions of honey were further diluted in RPMI1640 medium in U-shaped 96 well microtitre plates to give the final desired honey concentrations in
1% (w/v) increments.
Suspensions of Candida isolates were prepared by picking 5 colonies from an SDA plate and
suspending them in 5 ml of sterile 0.85% saline. The suspensions were vortexed for 15 seconds and
the transmittance at 530 nm was adjusted to 80-88% with the addition of sterile 0.85% saline. These
suspensions were diluted 1:50 in sterile 0.85% saline, then further diluted 1:4 in RPMI-1640 medium,
to achieve a working concentration of 5 x 103 2.5 x 104 cfu/ml. Twenty five l of this yeast
suspension was added to each well, bringing the final volume to 250 l and resulting in a final
inoculum per well of 0.5 2.5 x 103 cfu/ml. Growth controls (no honey added) were included for each
isolate, and sterility controls (RPMI-1640 medium only, and honey solution only) were included in
each plate. As a quality control the isolate CA1 was included in each plate for each honey tested. The
microtitre plates were incubated at 35C for 24 hours and the MIC was recorded as the lowest
concentration of honey that prevented visible growth. Each Candida isolate was tested in duplicate
and the assays were repeated on a separate day, consequently 4 replicates were performed for each
isolate and honey combination.
Statistical analysis of the results was performed with Minitab statistical software (Version 11.21),
using the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by the Mann-Whitney U test to evaluate significant groups.

2.3 Determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of anaerobic bacterial

pathogens to honey.
Clinical isolates of a variety of bacterial species were obtained from Prince of Wales Hospital
(POWH), Concord Hospital (CH), Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Westmead
Hospital (CIDM) and the Institute of Dental Research, Westmead Millenium Institution (WMI), all
located in Sydney, Australia.
The MIC of honey against various anaerobic pathogens was determined using an agar dilution method
based on the 2004 National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) reference
method for susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria. This method specifies the use of supplemented
Brucella agar as the growth medium, however this medium contains catalase, which could have
interfered with the activity of honey in this assay. Therefore, brain heart infusion (BHI) media was
used for this work.

Table 2.1: Clinical isolates of pathogenic bacteria tested for their susceptibility to honey
No. of



Peptostreptococcus spp.


Propionibacterium spp.


Propionibacterium spp.



Clostridium difficile



*Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus sp.


*Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus



*Enterococcus faecalis



Bulleidia extructa


Eikenella corrodens


Actinomyces odontolyticus


Peptostreptococcus micros


Atopobium parvulum


Fusobacterium nucleatum


Campylobacter gracilis


Gemella haemolysins


Kingella oralis


Rothia dentocariosa


Prevotella intermedia


Porphyromas gingivalis


Dental isolates

* Facultative anaerobic organisms

Agar plates containing honey were prepared in 1% (w/v) increments. The honey was first diluted to
50% (w/v) in sterile deionised water, and filter sterilised through 0.22 m pore filters. Various
concentrations of the 50% honey solutions were mixed with sterile, molten, double-strength BHI agar
that had been cooled to 50oC. Appropriate volumes of sterile water were also added to the agar so that
the final concentration of agar was always the same and equivalent to single strength BHI agar.
Control plates were prepared by adding an equal volume of sterile water to the double-strength agar.
Honey stock solutions and plates were freshly prepared for each experiment. As soon as the plates had
set they were dried in a 42oC incubator for 10-15 min, and then immediately inoculated with the test
organisms, as described below.
The test organism suspensions were prepared by picking five colonies from an agar plate and
suspending them in 5 ml of broth, and then the cultures were incubated anaerobically at 35oC. After
incubation, the transmittance at 530 nm was adjusted to 80-88% by the addition of sterile broth, giving
a working concentration of 1 2 x 108 cfu/ml. An antibiotic sensitivity replicator was used to
inoculate the dried plates with a standard amount of culture (approximately 1 l).
All inoculated plates were incubated anaerobically at 35oC for 48 hours, except one of each pair of
control plates, which was incubated aerobically to test for aerobic contamination. The MIC was
defined as the lowest concentration of honey that resulted in a marked reduction in growth of the
organism. The experiment was performed in triplicate and repeated on a separate day; consequently 6
replicates were performed for each isolate.

2.4 Investigating of the effects of honey on biofilms.

Lucerne & blueweed and manuka honeys were used to test the effect of honey on biofilms, with
artificial honey included as an osmotic control. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant S.
aureus (MRSA) and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS) were screened for biofilm formation.
Bacterial colonies were suspended in 10 ml nutrient broth (NB) + 1% glucose and incubated for 18
hours at 37oC. The absorbance of the culture at 625 nm was adjusted to 0.1 with sterile NB + 1%
glucose. Two hundred microlitres of each suspension was added to 8 wells in three separate flat
bottom 96-well microtitre plates and incubated at 37oC for 24 hours. Wells containing media only
were also included in each plate, to be used as blanks.
Media and planktonic (ie, floating, and therefore not part of a biofilm) cells were removed by inverting
and gently shaking the plate. Each well was washed twice with 200 l of sterile water, and the plate
was then blotted and air-dried. Two hundred microlitres of 0.1% (v/v) crystal violet was added to each
well and incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature. Wells were then washed twice with 200 l of
sterile water, blotted and air-dried. Well contents were resuspended in 200 l of 99% ethanol. The
absorbance was measured at 560 nm.
The effects of honey against strains of the test organisms that formed biofilms were investigated. To
do this 50% (w/v) stock solutions of lucerne & blueweed, manuka and artificial honeys were prepared
in NB + 1% glucose and filter sterilised. The stock solutions of honeys were further diluted in NB +
1% glucose (in duplicate) in flat bottom microtitre plates to give final honey concentrations of 1-5%
honey in 1% increments, as well as 10% and 20% honey.
Additional plates were set up with the honeys diluted in NB + 1% glucose supplemented with catalase
solution, to determine the effect of catalase on the activity of the honey.
Serial dilutions of tetracycline, ciprofloxacin and oxacillin were also prepared in duplicate in
microtitre plates with sterile NB + 1% glucose. 200 l of the bacterial suspensions were added to each
well. The plates were incubated at 37oC for 24 hours, then washed, stained and read as above.

3. Results and Key Findings

3.1 Surveying Australian honey for antibacterial activity.
Key findings

Numerous Australian honeys exhibit therapeutically-beneficial levels of antibacterial


Some floral sources reliably produce medically-active honeys, but do not always do so,
honeys therefore need to be tested on a batch-by-batch basis.

Certain Leptospermum honeys from Australia consistently exhibit non-peroxide based

antibacterial activity.

The current most widely accepted method for testing the levels of antibacterial activity of
honey is reliable, but very sensitive to even minor variations in execution.


The honeybee industry should consider funding development of a more robust assay for
the determination of the antibacterial activity of honey.

Commercial laboratories should be engaged to perform the current antibacterial assay

only after they have demonstrated an appreciation of the sensitivity of the method to any
minute deviation from the protocol.

The industry should develop and licence a unified way of labelling medical-grade honeys,
and require it to be used by anyone marketing honey as an anti-microbial product.

A targeted study should be made of the antibacterial activity of all Australian honeys
from Leptospermum sources.

A project should be developed to target native floral sources that have traditionally been
ignored because their honeys were considered unpalatable for consumption.

The factors affecting antibacterial activity in honey are complex, numerous and not solely dependent
on the floral source of origin. The wide variations observed in the antibacterial activity of honeys
derived from single floral species prevent generic statements being made with regard to the activity of
honey derived from a given floral source, and indicate the necessity of testing individual batches of
honey for their level of antibacterial activity before they can be designated as therapeutic products.
If prices paid for Australian honeys are to increase with increasing antibacterial activity, as is the case
in New Zealand, apiarists must assess the profitability of blending honey harvests from multiple hives
(and thereby potentially reducing the overall antibacterial activity), or obtaining the maximum possible
price for honey from individual hives.
While apiarists may target particular floral species identified in this survey as showing trends towards
producing honeys with high antibacterial activity, individual high-activity honey crops from other
floral sources may also be utilised in medicinal honey products as they are produced and assessed.
The antibacterial activity of 477 honeys from Australia was determined in this study using a
standardised agar well diffusion assay. Honey samples were received from beekeepers and honey
companies over the course of the study (March 2005 to June 2007), with the majority of samples being
received from NSW (see Table 3.1).

Table 3.1

Number of honey samples received from various states in Australia


number of samples

% of samples






















The phenol equivalence assay

In the absence of an internationally-recognised method for determining the antibacterial activity of
honey, the phenol equivalence assay was used. This method was developed by researchers in the
Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand and has become the de facto
standard for scientific honey testing. It is also used commercially in New Zealand to assign a UMF
(Unknown Manuka Factor) value to medicinal grade manuka honeys.
Agar well diffusion assays are time-consuming and labour-intensive, and, as with any complex
bioassay, the success and reproducibility of the method is dependent on the stringent control of
multiple variables. Any factor affecting the growth of the test organism (including temperature, media
composition, availability of water and oxygen) will affect the results of the test. Temperature
fluctuations in particular were a major factor contributing to variation in results during the preliminary
stages of our study. Other factors such as humidity and thickness of the agar also affected the rate of
diffusion of the test solutions and therefore the results.
Large variations in measurements of the activity of a single honey sample are known to occur between
different testing laboratories. This is a recognised drawback in the use of agar well diffusion assays,
and is likely to be attributable to any or all of the variables mentioned above, as well as differences in
S. aureus test strains, or a lack of dedicated personnel and strict adherence to a detailed protocol.
While the precision and repeatability of agar well diffusion assays can be low, careful standardisation
of testing conditions greatly improves the reliability of results. All the variables mentioned above
were controlled as much as possible during the current study, resulting in a reliable, reproducible and
high-throughput testing method. The use of a commercially available manuka honey with
standardised activity as a positive control allowed an assessment of the internal variability of the assay,
as well as a direct point of comparison with other testing laboratories. In addition, replicate tests of
individual honey samples were within a range of 2% phenol equivalent. Therefore, while we
acknowledge and appreciate the fastidious nature of the assay, we are confident of these results.
Total antibacterial activity of Australian honeys
Total antibacterial activity was measured by diluting honeys in water, and non-peroxide activity was
measured by diluting honeys in a catalase solution. The antibacterial activity of honey was expressed
as the equivalent % (w/v) phenol solution. Antibacterial activity was divided into categories of
undetectable activity (<5% phenol equivalent), low activity (5-10% phenol equivalent),

therapeutically-beneficial activity (10-20% phenol equivalent) and high activity (>20% phenol
The distribution of levels of total antibacterial activity of the 477 honey samples tested in this study is
shown in Figure 3.1. Of these honeys:
40% had no detectable antibacterial activity;
3% had low activity;
40% had therapeutically-beneficial activity, and
17% had high total activity.
The detectable levels of individual total activity (ie, for those samples with activity > 5% phenol)
ranged from 7 34% phenol equivalence.

Number of samples

Figure 3.1 Total antibacterial activities in Australian honey samples








Total antibacterial activity (% (w/v) phenol equivalent)

The majority of honey samples were received from beekeepers in NSW, and most (64%) of those
samples had total antibacterial activity in the therapeutically-beneficial range. The majority of honey
samples from WA had therapeutically-beneficial activity, with a large proportion (34%) exhibiting
high levels of total antibacterial activity. Honeys from other states exhibited therapeutically-beneficial
antibacterial activity in 28 57% of samples.
Non-peroxide antibacterial activity
The distribution of levels of non-peroxide activity of the 477 honey samples tested in this study is
shown in Figure 3.2. Of these honeys:
83% had no detectable non-peroxide activity;
3% had low non-peroxide activity;
11% had therapeutically beneficial non-peroxide activity, and
3% had high non-peroxide activity.
The detectable levels of individual non-peroxide activity ranged from 8 26% phenol equivalence
(Figure 3.2); 70% of these samples were honeys derived from or containing materials from
Leptospermum species.


Figure 3.2 Non-peroxide antibacterial activities in Australian honey

Number of samples







Non-peroxide antibacterial activity

(% (w/v) phenol equivalent)

Of the 80 honeys with detectable non-peroxide activity, 66 were received from NSW; the majority of
those exhibited non-peroxide activity in the therapeutically-beneficial range. Non-peroxide activity
was strongly associated with Leptospermum honeys collected in the Northern Rivers region of NSW
and the adjacent Southeast Coast region of Queensland.
Antibacterial activity of honeys from Leptospermum species
Our assays showed that Leptospermum honeys did not all possess non-peroxide antibacterial activity,
and some were found to possess very little antibacterial activity overall. However, numerous samples
did exhibit therapeutically-beneficial levels of activity, so it is potentially worth targeting this nectar
source for production of medical-grade honeys.
The need to individually test each batch of honey is again highlighted here, as indicated by the
following of our findings:

24% of the honeys tested were derived wholly or partly from Leptospermum (jelly bush, tea
tree) floral species;

30% of honeys containing Leptospermum-derived nectar had no detectable antibacterial


15% of honeys containing Leptospermum-derived nectar had hydrogen peroxide activity only;

55% of honeys containing Leptospermum-derived nectar had detectable non-peroxide activity;

Leptospermum-derived honeys exhibiting non-peroxide activity were collected primarily in

the Northern Rivers region of NSW and the adjacent Southeast Coast region of Queensland,

Leptospermum honeys collected in other states and regions did not possess non-peroxide

We note that two laboratories have recently reported that the activity of Leptospermum honeys
correlates with the presence of methylglyoxal (MGO; Adams et al, 2008; Mavric et al, 2008).
However, this does not completely explain the non-peroxide activity of these Leptospermum honeys,
and further research is needed to clarify this.

For example, a recent publication found that the level of MGO did not necessarily give a direct
indication of the antibacterial activity of the honey. Although MGO is responsible for the activity,
complex interactions with other components of the honey may cause the actual antibacterial activity to
vary (Adams et al, 2009).
Non-peroxide activity was also identified in 18 honey samples not derived from Leptospermum flora,
although these honeys had lower levels of non-peroxide activity than those containing Leptospermumderived materials. These honeys were derived from orchard, clover, forest red gum, brush box, spotted
gum and Melaleuca sources. However, only a few honeys were received from these sources, so it was
not possible to draw conclusions about these honeys; nevertheless, these findings warrant further tests
on a larger number of those honeys.
Antibacterial activity and floral source of the honey
Honeys from different floral sources exhibited a wide range of antibacterial activities, however there
was also a high level of variation in the activities of samples from individual floral sources. In this

78% of the supplied honeys were derived entirely from native Australian flora, a further 17%
were partially derived from native Australian flora, and 5% were derived from exotic floral
species, and

74 floral sources were represented by only one honey sample each, preventing firm
conclusions being made about the activity of honeys derived from those floral sources.

For floral sources where five or more honey samples were received the species of origin with the most
consistent levels of antibacterial activity were marri, jarrah, jelly bush, lemon-scented tea tree, red
stringybark, banksia, manuka, messmate and stringybark. Of the floral sources represented by five or
more honey samples, only one (olive tea tree; Leptospermum liversidgei) produced uniformly active
While marri- and jarrah-derived honeys had reliably high antibacterial activities, both honey types also
included inactive samples. It has been suggested that differences in hydrogen peroxide-dependent
activity of honeys are the result of varying amounts of catalase produced by plants. The location of
the floral source may contribute to within-species variations in this activity, where prevailing
environmental conditions may affect the amount of catalase produced.
Even honeys produced in one location at one time varied in activity. Twenty-two Banksia honey
samples were received from a single beekeeper following a single flowering event, where each honey
sample was collected from a separate hive in the same apiary. Total antibacterial activity among 21 of
these samples ranged from 11 to 19% phenol equivalent; the remaining sample had no detectable
activity. A similar situation occurred with eighteen Melaleuca honey samples from separate hives in a
single apiary. Such differences in activity may be related to differences between individual bee
colonies, as colony health and age of foraging workers may affect foraging activity or the secretion of
enzymes responsible for antibacterial activity, including glucose oxidase. In addition, since truly
monofloral honeys are often practically impossible to obtain, different foraging preferences among
different colonies may result in honey being comprised of varying proportions of nectar from
numerous floral species, thereby altering the overall activity.
The total antibacterial activity of Australian honeys from different locations
Beekeepers primarily identified the location of the floral source of the honey with reference to the
nearest town, or the national park or conserved area in which the hives were placed. Location of
apiary sites is considered sensitive information by many beekeepers, therefore, in order to respect
beekeeper privacy, site locations in this study are presented at a regional level.

Figure 3.3 shows the state and region where each honey sample was collected and the level of total
antibacterial activity of each sample. Nineteen honey samples did not have a specified location and
are not included in these figures.


Figure 3.3 Site location and total antibacterial activities of honeys by state & region
Circles represent individual honey samples; colours represent categories of total antibacterial activity in % (w/v)
phenol equivalent (red: <5; orange: 5 9.9; yellow: 10 14.9; green: 15 19.9; light blue: 20 25; dark blue: >25).

New South Wales (NSW)


North West
Slopes and

Upper Western


Mid North

Central West
Slopes and Plains



Lower Western



South West



South Coast


North Tropical Coast

and Tablelands


Herbert and Lower Burdekin

Gulf Country
Goldfields and
Upper Flinders

Central Coast-Whitsundays

Central West



Wide Bay
and Burnett

Maranoa and
Darling Downs
and Granite Belt


Southeast Coast




Northern Country
North Central
East Gippsland


West and South


Coast and
King Island

West and
South Coast
and Highlands

North East and

Flinders Island

Central North
and Midlands

Plateau and


South East Huon,

Channel and Lower
Derwent Valley


South Australia

North East Pastoral

North West Pastoral

West Coast


Eastern Eyre


Lower Eyre


Yorke Peninsula
South East

Kangaroo Island
Greater Adelaide and
Mount Lofty Ranges

Western Australia




Lower West


Wheat Belt



South Coastal


Lower South

The non-peroxide antibacterial activity of Australian honeys

The regional locations of origin of honeys that exhibited non-peroxide antibacterial activity, and their
level of non-peroxide activity are shown in Figure 3.4 below.
Figure 3.4 Locations of origin of honeys exhibiting non-peroxide antibacterial activity
Circles represent individual honey samples; colours represent categories of non-peroxide antibacterial activity in %
(w/v) phenol equivalent (orange: 5 9.9; yellow: 10 14.9; green: 15 19.9; light blue: 20 25; dark blue: >25).

The effect of land type on the antibacterial activity of Australian honeys

The type of land from which honey samples were collected was categorised as bushland, agricultural
land, urban and suburban environments, or combinations of these. The percentage of honey samples
collected from each land type and their median total antibacterial activity is shown in Figure 3.5. The
largest proportion of honey samples were collected in bushland; 18.7% of samples had no specified
land type. Although the median antibacterial activity of honeys collected from different land types
varied, sample sizes were insufficient to provide statistical support for an association between land
type and antibacterial activity. However, it is obvious that continued access to natural resources is
very important for the beekeeping industry. Native Australian flora was the source of numerous
honeys with therapeutic levels of activity. It is also likely that there are more Australian honeys that
may exhibit significant activity, but which have not yet been tested. In this regard it would be of
interest to establish a project to target native floral sources that have traditionally been ignored because
their honeys are considered unpalatable.


Figure 3.5 Percentage of honey samples collected from various land types and their median
total antibacterial activities

44.7% of samples
Median total activity: 15.2

8% of samples

1.9% of samples

Median total
activity: 10.1

Median total
activity: 15

18% of samples
Median total activity: <5

0.6% of samples
Median total
activity: <5

8.2% of samples
Median total activity: 16.3

The effect of sample age and storage temperature on antibacterial activity

As was found in a similar study of New Zealand honeys (Allen et al, 1991) we could find no
correlation between the antibacterial activity and the age of honeys. However, considering the wide
variability observed in antibacterial activity levels, it is possible that differing initial activities masked
any reduction in activity due to prolonged storage.
In this study the majority of honey samples were collected from hives between 2001 and 2007, and
tested between 2006 and 2007. One sample was collected in 1978, and 66 samples had no collection
date specified. We could find no correlation between antibacterial activity and sample age for all
honeys of known age.
After storing the samples for between 8 and 22 months we found that the median total antibacterial
activity of honeys exhibiting only hydrogen peroxide-dependent activity significantly decreased over
time at both room temperature and 4oC. In contrast, the median total activity of honeys exhibiting
non-peroxide activity did not change significantly over time at either storage temperature, suggesting
that non-peroxide antibacterial components may stabilise other components within the honey.
Interestingly, some beekeepers have reported to us that non-peroxide activity increases over time,
based on re-testing of stored honey either by commercial laboratories or packers of medical grade
honey. Similarly, it has recently been reported that freshly produced manuka honey contained low
levels of methylglyoxal and high levels of dihydroxyacetone (Adams et al, 2009). Those authors
noted that storage of the honey at 37C led to a decrease in the dihydroxyacetone content and a related
increase in methylglyoxal, and concluded that the methylglyoxal in manuka honey is derived by the
non-enzymatic conversion of dihydroxyacetone. This may explain the observation that non-peroxide
activity in some honeys increases over time.
While the non-peroxide activity of some individual honey samples increased over time in the current
study, there was no significant change in activity overall. These alterations in antibacterial activity

over time have some implications for the shelf-life of medicinal products containing honeys with
hydrogen peroxide-dependent antibacterial activity, but do not preclude use of honey as an
antimicrobial agent, since all medicinal products have a shelf life of some duration.
The stability of antibacterial activity in different honeys, like the level of activity itself, appears to be
dependent on numerous compositional factors and cannot be easily predicted.

3.2 Determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of anaerobic bacterial

pathogens to honey.
Key findings

Honey has antibacterial activity against a wide range of anaerobic pathogens, including
strict and facultative anaerobes.

The antibacterial activity is due to more than the high sugar content of honey.

No relationship was observed between antibiotic susceptibilities of the pathogens and

their sensitivity to honey.


A clinical trial should be conducted to examine the effect of high-activity honeys against
infections caused by anaerobic pathogens.

An investigation should be made into delivery methods that could provide a reliable
method for keeping high levels of honey in place in the mouth.

We assessed the effect of various honeys on growth of seven bacterial pathogens that can grow
anaerobically and cause wound infections, and against 12 species of bacteria that are commonly
associated with dental disease (see Table 2.1). Propionibacterium spp., Peptostreptococcus spp. and
Clostridium spp. are strict anaerobes that are frequently implicated in deep, chronic wound infections.
S.aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus and E. faecalis are amongst the most frequently isolated
bacteria in infected wounds. These latter organisms are facultatively anaerobic in nature, and thus are
capable not only of infecting the surface of the wound site, but also causing infection in deep wounds,
ulcers, abscesses and areas of necrotic tissue.
The anaerobic organisms of dental origin are commonly implicated in oral diseases such as gingivitis
or periodontitis. Typically, periodontal patients are treated with antibiotics, including metronidazole,
clindamycin or ciprofloxacin, for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. However, the use of
these drugs is associated with issues of development of antibiotic resistance, as well as toxicity and
other side effects.
We tested jarrah, lucerne & blueweed, Medihoney and manuka honeys in our studies, and also
included artificial honey as a control, in order to determine if the osmotic properties of the honey were
significantly involved in the antibacterial activity.
We found that:

each of the honeys tested exhibited broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against

anaerobic pathogens;

the honeys were as effective against drug-resistant bacterial strains as they were against
drug-sensitive ones, and

the honeys of floral origin were significantly more effective in inhibiting the growth of all
of the tested pathogens than the artificial honey.


3.3 Investigating of the effects of honey on bacterial biofilms.

Key findings

Honey can prevent biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus spp.

Inhibition of biofilm formation occurs at levels well below the MIC of the honey.


The potential of honey for prophylactic use to prevent biofilm-associated infections

should be investigated.

The methods by which honey prevents biofilm formation should be investigated.

The field of medical microbiology now recognises the presence of biofilms in numerous human
infections. This observation has serious implications for clinical treatment regimes, as organisms in a
biofilm commonly show dramatically decreased susceptibility to antimicrobial agents, and are
inherently resistant to host immune attack. Bacterial biofilm formation associated with in-dwelling
medical devices is a major concern, and the role of biofilms in non-implant disease (such as P.
aeruginosa pathogenesis in cystic fibrosis) is also well recognised. Biofilms may also serve as a
reservoir for chronic or persistent infections.
We used lucerne & blueweed and manuka honeys to test the effect of honey on biofilms produced by
P. aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus
We found that:

honey is an effective agent for the prevention of biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa and
Staphylococcus spp. in vitro;

both floral honeys significantly reduced biofilm formation at concentrations well below their
minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), suggesting that there is more to biofilm
prevention than just the killing of planktonic cells;

much higher concentrations of artificial honey than floral honey were required to reduce
biofilm growth;

addition of catalase to the floral honeys resulted in a significant decrease in the inhibitory
action of lucerne & blueweed honey;

sub-inhibitory concentrations of honey, but not antibiotics, prevented biofilm formation by P.

aeruginosa (noting that the antibiotics actually promoted biofilm formation), and

the honeys inhibited biofilm formation by Staphylococcus spp. under both aerobic and
anaerobic conditions, even though low oxygen tension has previously been found to stimulate
biofilm formation in this organism.


3.4 Determining the susceptibility of clinical isolates of fungal pathogens to

Key findings

Honey has an antifungal effect on Candida species, and this effect is due to more than
osmotic factors.

Honeys with high levels of hydrogen peroxide-type activity appear to be more effective
against fungal pathogens than non-peroxide type honeys.

No relationship was observed between Candida susceptibility to known antifungal agents

and sensitivity to honey.


A clinical trial should be conducted to look at the effect of active honeys on Candida

An investigation should be made into possible delivery methods that could provide a
reliable method for keeping high levels of honey in place in/on body areas susceptible to
Candida infections.

Infections caused by pathogenic species of Candida yeast are becoming increasingly difficult to treat
due to an increase in drug-resistance. These infections also place a huge cost burden on the health care
system, often resulting in an additional 2-3 weeks in hospital for infected patients and thousands of
dollars in additional costs. These problems indicate that alternative types of antifungal agents need to
be considered, and honey was considered to warrant further attention in this respect. The results from
this study suggest that honey could be used as an effective topical agent for the treatment and
prevention of Candida infections in wounds and on mucus membranes, although clinical tests are
required to further investigate this possibility.
Table 3.2

Susceptibility of Candida species to different honey types

Candida species (n)

C. albicans (18)

C. glabrata (10)

C. dubliniensis (10)


18.5 2.7**

29.9 2.8**

15.4 2.8**


38.2 2.9**

43.1 4.2*

34.6 2.5

Manuka honey

39.9 1.7**

42.6 2.8**

33.4 2.5

Artificial honey

42.6 1.8

44.7 2.7

34.3 2.4

(n): number of isolates tested. Tabulated values show mean minimum inhibitory
concentration (% honey, w/v) standard deviation. * P< 0.002; ** P<0.00001. P values are
assessed in comparison to artificial honey.

Jarrah honey was significantly more active against the three Candida species (P< 0.00001) than was
artificial honey. The antifungal activities of the floral honeys were significantly greater than the
artificial honey against C. albicans and C. glabrata (P< 0.002), but for C. dubliniensis, only jarrah
honey was significantly more active (P<0.00001). C. dubliniensis was more susceptible than the other
two species to the osmotic effect of all honeys, and to the antifungal effects of jarrah honey, exhibiting
significantly lower MICs than the other species (P<0.00001). C. glabrata, which is innately less

susceptible to many conventional antifungals, was the least susceptible to the honeys tested
Drug resistance profiles were available for 20 of the 38 isolates tested. Twelve of those 20 were either
resistant or dose-dependently susceptible to itraconazole and/or fluconazole. Growth of all these
isolates was inhibited by honey, with no statistical relationship observed between their antifungal
susceptibilities and sensitivities to honey (P>0.05). This observation is of particular importance
considering the increasing prevalence of resistance to azole drugs among Candida isolates, and the
finding that azole-based prophylaxis increases the risk of infection with non-C. albicans species of
Candida that may be less responsive to usual drug dosages.
Although this study demonstrated the antifungal effect of honey in vitro there are some practical
considerations associated with its potential use in vivo. Firstly, use of honey will be limited to topical
treatments, and will not be able to be used to treat candidaemia, the most serious form of candidiasis.
However, as the leading risk factor for bloodstream infection is colonisation or infection of external
sites such as in-dwelling catheters, or the oral or vaginal mucosae, honey may be able to be used
prophylactically to prevent more serious infections.
Secondly, as honey is water soluble, it may be diluted or removed by body fluids, particularly saliva in
the oral cavity. A pilot study by English et al. (2004) found a significant reduction in mean plaque
scores and bleeding sites in patients given a chewable honey leather. This same technique could
potentially be applied for the treatment of oral candidiasis. At other body sites, regular application of
100% honey would maintain a concentration well above the required MIC. Honey could potentially
also be incorporated into a pessary for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.
A further practical issue is the presence in body fluids of catalase, which has the potential to reduce
hydrogen peroxide activity. However, case reports and clinical trials suggest that sufficient antimicrobial activity would be retained to allow honey to be effective in clinical settings. The results of
the current study argue for establishment of controlled clinical trials to demonstrate the efficacy of
honey as a topical antifungal agent.
Details of the antifungal properties of honeys, as determined in this work, have been published in the
scientific literature (see: Irish, J., Carter, D.A., Shokohi, F. and Blair, S.E. 2006. Honey has an
antifungal effect against Candida species. Medical Mycology 44: 289-291).

3.5 Antibacterial activity of honey from Australian stingless bees (Trigona spp).
During the course of the survey of Australian honeys we were supplied with samples of honey from
native Australian stingless bees (Trigona spp.). Twenty-one samples of T. carbonaria honey and one
from another Trigona species were collected from separate hives in Brisbane, Queensland, during
2006. These samples were tested for activity in the same manner as the honeys from Apis mellifera.
All 22 honey samples had high levels of antibacterial activity, ranging from 17.5 32.1% (w/v) phenol
equivalent. Of particular interest was the presence of non-hydrogen peroxide-dependent antibacterial
activity in all samples, ranging from 11.5 23.7% (w/v) phenol equivalent. The hydrogen peroxide
activity of some samples decreased over time, whereas the non-peroxide activity remained stable in all
samples (see Table 3.3 below).
In contrast to A. mellifera-sourced honey the non-peroxide activity seemed to be associated with the
bees rather than the nectar collected. As discussed above, non-peroxide activity in A. mellifera honeys
was strongly linked to the floral source, and most commonly associated with honeys derived from
Leptospermum species. However, several reasons suggest this is unlikely to be the case for the
Trigona-sourced honeys Firstly, the Trigona hives were situated in suburban areas with low
abundance of Leptospermum plants, and in some cases the flowering period was outside the six-month

foraging period prior to honey extraction. These bees also produce honey at a slower rate than A.
mellifera and the samples we tested were all from mixed flora. Consequently, the fact that all the
honey samples possessed non-peroxide activity suggests an entomological, rather than phytochemical
source of activity.
Trigona species produce honey in lower quantities than A. mellifera, and the honey is more difficult to
harvest in large quantities. However, the significant antibacterial activity it possesses suggests that it
warrants more detailed consideration as a therapeutic agent.
Full details of the properties of honeys from Trigona species, as determined in this work, have been
published in the scientific literature (see Irish, J., Heard, T.A., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. 2008.
Antibacterial activity of honey from the Australian stingless bee Trigona carbonaria. International
Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 32: 89-98).

Table 3.3: Antibacterial activity of Trigona honey


Initial antibacterial activity a


Final antibacterial activity b


Antibacterial activity is expressed as mean % (w/v) phenol equivalent, based on four replicated tests
for initial activity and two tests for final activity.


4. Conclusions
4.1 Implications for the Australian beekeeping industry
This project has shown that there are numerous Australian honeys that exhibit therapeuticallybeneficial levels of antibacterial activity. It is also apparent that there is a great deal of interest in the
therapeutic use of honey amongst the general public as well as the medical fraternity, and that this
interest continues to grow.
With appropriate marketing and public awareness campaigns Australian honey has the potential to
become a popular, internationally-recognised, potent, non-toxic, topical antimicrobial agent. The
market for such products is almost limitless. Furthermore, an increased use and acceptance of some
honeys as wound dressings would have the potential to lead to a general increase in status of all
Australian honeys, regardless of their medical properties.

4.2 Implications for the community

We have shown that honey has potent activity against numerous problematic pathogens, but also that
identification/selection of the appropriate honey is important if it is to be used medicinally. Further
investigations are needed to fully determine the anti-microbial mode(s)-of-action of honey, and honey
should not be viewed as a panacea. However, it is clear that honey is under-utilised as a modern
infection control agent, especially as we have now provided scientific data proving its significant
activity against drug-resistant pathogens (including anaerobes and fungi), as well as an ability to
inhibit formation of biofilms. Honey is non-toxic and is able to stimulate wound healing, in contrast to
other topical anti-microbials. Honey also shows excellent potential as a prophylactic agent,
particularly in the hospital setting where patients are often immuno-compromised and exposed to multi
drug-resistant pathogens. An increased used of medical-grade honey in modern wound care could lead
to a reduction in patient suffering, as well as reduced healthcare costs.

4.3 Implications for policy makers

The observed variations in the activities of Australian honeys, combined with the high number of
samples with significant activity, argues for continued access by beekeepers to sites abundant in native
flora, such as national parks. It is likely that there are honeys with significant antibacterial activity
(derived from native Australian flora) that are yet to be discovered.

4.4 Recommendations for the Australian beekeeping industry

There is currently a great deal of confusion amongst beekeepers, the general public and the medical
fraternity about the types and levels of activities exhibited by different honeys, and the efficacy of
individual honeys as therapeutic agents. With numerous groups beginning to market honey as a
medical product this confusion is likely to increase, especially if any groups use negative marketing
against their perceived competitors. The current lack of a cohesive message is of great detriment to
the beekeeping industry. The industry should develop and licence a unified way of labelling medicalgrade honeys, and its use should be required of anyone marketing honey as an antimicrobial product.
The industry should consider funding development of a more robust assay for determining the
antibacterial activity of honey. In the interim, the best and most cost effective approach would be to
engage an existing commercial laboratory to perform the current assay, once they have demonstrated
an appreciation of the sensitivity of the method to minute deviation from the protocol.
As it is likely that there are other Australian honeys with significant medical potential, a targeted study
on the antibacterial activity of all Australian Leptospermum (manuka and tea tree) honeys should

be carried out. It would also be of value to design a project to target native floral sources that have
traditionally been ignored or avoided because their honeys were considered unpalatable for human
There has been some reluctance by the Australian beekeeping industry to fund research specifically on
Leptospermum honeys, as this was seen as benefiting only a small section of the industry. However,
the New Zealand experience with manuka honey clearly shows that all New Zealand honeys have
benefitted from the positive image that manuka honey has generated there. Results from this project
demonstrate that Leptospermum honeys represent one of the most reliable types of medically-active
Australian honeys, and suggest that the industry should therefore look to supporting research that
targets Leptospermum honeys and increases their acceptance in medical practice.

4.5 Recommendations for the wider medical and scientific community

The laboratory results presented here argue for establishment of clinical trials of medical-grade
honeys. The potential for honey to prevent infections (particularly in hospital settings) should be
investigated. In addition, the performance of medical-grade honey, compared to conventional
treatments, in the treatment of fungal and antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections should be examined.
There are practical considerations and some limitations associated with the medicinal use of honey due
to its physical properties. However, these are by no means insurmountable. An investigation into
possible delivery methods should be carried out in order to determine a reliable method of keeping
high levels of honey in place on various body areas, including mucus membranes.
The ability of honey to prevent biofilm formation, and the fact that this appears to be due to more than
simple inhibition of planktonic cell growth, certainly warrants further investigation.


5. References
Adams CJ, Boult CH, Deadman BJ, Farr JM, Grainger MNC, Manley-Harris M & Snow MJ. 2008.
Isolation by HPLC and characterisation of the bioactive fraction of New Zealand manuka
(Leptospermum scoparium) honey. Carbohydr. Res. 343: 651-659.
Adams CJ, Manley-Harris M, Molan PC. 2009. The origin of methylglyoxal in New Zealand manuka
(Leptospermum scoparium) honey. Carbohydr. Res. 344: 1050-1053.
Allen, K.L., Molan, P.C. & Reid, G.M. 1991. A survey of the antibacterial activity of some New
Zealand honeys. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 43: 817-822.
English, H.K., Pack, A.R. & Molan, P.C. 2004. The effects of manuka honey on plaque and
gingivitis: a pilot study. J. Int. Acad. Periodontol. 6: 63-67.
Mavric E, Wittmann S, Barth G & Henle T. 2008. Identification and quantification of methylglyoxal
as the dominant antibacterial constituent of Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) honeys from New
Zealand. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 52: 483-489.


6. Appendices
Publications, presentations and popular media appearances
Publications in peer reviewed journals
Blair, S.E., Cokcetin, N.C., Harry, E.J. & Carter, D.A. (2009) The unusual antibacterial activity of
medical-grade Leptospermum honey: antibacterial spectrum, resistance and transcriptome analysis.
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 28: 1199-1208.
Irish, J., Heard, T.A., Carter, D.A. & Blair, S.E. (2008) Antibacterial activity of honey from the
Australian stingless bee Trigona carbonaria. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 32: 89-98.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A., Shokohi, F. & Blair S.E. (2006) Honey has an antifungal effect against
Candida species. Medical Mycology 44: 289-291.
Book chapters
In Honey a Modern wound management product, volume II. (in press)
Blair, S.E. An historical introduction to the medicinal use of honey
Blair, S.E. The antibacterial activity of honey
Cooper, R. A. and Blair S.E. Challenges in modern wound microbiology and the role for
Blair, S. E. and Carter, D.A. (2005) The potential for honey in the management of wound and
infection. Journal of Australian Infection Control 10(1):24-31.
Other publications
Blair, S.E., Irish, J., Carter, D.A. (2006) Honey: the sweet solution to a global emergency? Syntrophy
7(9):1, 11-13.
Irish, J. and Blair, S.E. (2006) The use of honey in veterinary wound management. Control and
Therapy Series, Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science of the University of Sydney.
Blair, S.E. (2005) Therapeutic honey. National Healthcare Journal Aug: 54-58.
Blair, S.E. and Irish, J. (2005) Honey vs Superbugs. Australasian Beekeeper 107(2):79-83.
Presentations at scientific meetings
Carter, D.A. Irish, J., Cokcetin, N, and Blair, S.E. (2009) Medical Honey - the latest research. Wound
Care Symposium; Wound Care Association of NSW, Sydney, Australia. Invited speaker.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2007) Honey the sweet solution for problem pathogens.
University of Technology, Sydney Lecture Series. Sydney, Australia. Invited speaker.
Irish, J., Heard, T., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2007) Unusual activity of honey from the native
Australian stingless bee, Trigona carbonaria. Joint Scientific Meeting of The Australian Society for
Microbiology and New Zealand Society for Microbiology. Adelaide, Australia. Proffered paper.

Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2007) Honey prevents biofilm formation by Staphylococcus
aureus. Joint Scientific Meeting of The Australian Society for Microbiology and New Zealand Society
for Microbiology. Adelaide, Australia. Proffered poster.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2006) The science supporting the medicinal use of honey.
Wound Care Association of NSW Symposium on Wound Care. Dubbo, NSW, Australia. Invited
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2006) A review of the antimicrobial properties of honey. 1st
International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey. Kota Bharu, Malaysia. Keynote speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2006) Honey is effective against drug resistant and other
problematic pathogens. 1st International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey. Kota Bharu,
Malaysia. Proffered paper.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2006) Honey prevents biofilm formation by microbial pathogens.
1st International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey. Kota Bharu, Malaysia. Proffered paper.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S. E. (2005) Honey inhibits the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.
Joint Scientific Meeting of The Australian Society for Microbiology and New Zealand Society for
Microbiology. Canberra, Australia. Proffered paper. (Also presented in competition for the 2005 NSW
ASM Becton Dickinson Student Awards)
Gralton, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S. E. (2005) Investigating the ability of honey to kill major wound
pathogens. Joint Scientific Meeting of The Australian Society for Microbiology and New Zealand
Society for Microbiology, Canberra, Australia. Proffered paper.
Presentations at apiarists meetings
Blair, S.E., Irish, J., Cokcetin, N.C. and Carter, D.A. (2008) Honey the grossly underutilised
antimicrobial. 1st International Symposium on Honey and Human Health. Sacramento, California,
USA. Invited speaker.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2008) The therapeutic properties of honey. NSW Amateur
Beekeepers Association Annual Field Day. Paterson, NSW, Australia. Invited speaker.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2008) Survey of the antimicrobial activity of Australian honey.
95th NSW Apiarists Association Conference, Nelson Bay, NSW, Australia. Invited speaker.
Irish, J., Cokcetin, N.C., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2008) The therapeutic properties of honey. Rural
Industries Research and Development Corporation R&D meeting, Canberra, Australia. Invited
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2007) Investigating the medical properties of Australian honeys.
WA Apiarists Society Annual General Meeting. Perth, Australia. Invited speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2007) Honey a sweet solution to a global crisis? NSW
Apiarists Association 94th Annual Conference. Inverell, Australia. Invited speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2007) Honey a sweet solution to a global crisis? SA Apiarists
Association Annual Conference. South Australia. Invited speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2007) Honey a sweet solution to a global crisis? VIC Apiarists
Association Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. Invited speaker.

Blair, S.E., Irish, J., Cokcetin, N.C. and Carter, D.A. (2007) The science behind the medicinal use of
honey. Sydney Apiarists Meeting. Sydney, Australia. Invited Speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J., Cokcetin, N.C. and Carter, D.A. (2007) The under-appreciated potential of honey
in modern medicine Apimondia. Melbourne, Australia. Proffered paper.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2006) Honey vs Superbugs. 8th Asian Apicultural Association
Conference. Perth, Australia. Proffered paper.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2006) Honey prevents biofilm formation in Staphylococcus
aureus. 8th Asian Apicultural Association Conference. Perth, Australia. Poster.
Blair, S.E. and Irish, J. (2006) Medicinal applications of honey. NSW Amateur Beekeepers
Association Annual Field Day. Paterson, Australia. Invited speaker.
Irish, J. Gralton, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2006) An investigation into the therapeutic properties
of honey. Annual Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation R&D meeting. Canberra,
Australia. Invited speaker.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2006) Testing the antibacterial activity of Australian honey.
NSW Apiarists Association 93rd Annual Conference. Foster, NSW, Australia. Invited speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2005) The therapeutic potential of honey. Annual Rural
Industries Research and Development Corporation R&D meeting. Canberra, Australia. Invited
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2005) Honey a sweet solution for problem pathogens. ACT
Amateur Beekeepers Association meeting. Canberra, Australia. Invited speaker.
Blair, S.E. and Irish, J. (2005) Honey a sweet solution. NSW Amateur Beekeepers Association
Annual Field Day. Richmond, Australia. Invited speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2005) Honey vs Superbugs. NSW Apiarists Association 92nd
Annual Conference. Orange, NSW, Australia. Invited speaker.
Blair, S.E., Irish, J. and Carter, D.A. (2005) Honey kills superbugs the medicinal properties of
honey. The Entomological Society of NSW meeting. Sydney, Australia. Invited speaker.
Presentations to lay audiences
Blair, S.E. (2007 and 2008) National Science Week - Snag a scientist family BBQ. National Science
Week program at the Ultimo Science Festival. Sydney, Australia. Invited guest.
Blair, S.E. and Irish, J. (2006) Honey a sweet solution for problem pathogens. Sydney Jewish
Womens Society. Sydney, Australia. Invited speaker.
Irish, J., Carter, D.A. and Blair, S.E. (2006) Honey a sweet solution for super infections. The 55+
Club. Sydney, Australia. Invited speaker.
Popular media interviews
Our research has generated a great deal of interest amongst the general public and this has resulted in
numerous media interviews and invitations. Some of these are listed below.


Dr Shona Blair and Prof. Dee Carter appeared on television programs discussing aspects of the
research into the medicinal properties of honey on:
Channel 9 Morning News (broadcast nationally), 19 June 2009;
Australian Network News Hour (overseas only), 19 June 2009, and
Channel 9 Today show (broadcast nationally), September 12, 2007;
They also featured in interviews for evening NSW regional news programs in 2005 and 2007, and
during a segment on honey research for the ABC science program Catalyst (broadcast nationally) in
More than 60 interviews were done with ABC regional and capital city radio programs around
Australia, as well as with various commercial radio stations, Radio New Zealand and BBC London.
These included both live and pre-recorded segments, as well as talkback that involved answering
questions from listeners.
There were numerous newspaper interviews on the subject of the research for papers such as The
Australian and The Daily Telegraph, as well as numerous regional papers. Some examples of specific
articles include:
Honey, I killed the drug resistant superbug, The Australian, 18 June 2009
Honey's healing touch, Los Angeles Times, September 10, 2007
A honey of a cure takes the sting out, The Age, September 11, 2007
A honey of a cure, The Sydney Morning Herald (on line), September 13, 2007.
The following web link is an interview Blair, S.E. participated in for the ABC, when they were
preparing a number of short pieces on people with interesting careers. The series is broadly aimed at
high school students thinking about career options.


An Investigation into the

Therapeutic Properties of Honey
by Dee A. Carter, Shona E. Blair and Julie Irish
Publication No. 09/180
This report summarises our investigations into the therapeutic
potential of Australian honeys. The study was conducted to
increase the use and acceptance of honey as a therapeutic agent
in conventional medicine.

RIRDC is a partnership between government and industry

to invest in R&D for more productive and sustainable rural
industries. We invest in new and emerging rural industries, a
suite of established rural industries and national rural issues.

Honey shows great potential as a topical antimicrobial

agent, but it is grossly under-utilised in modern medicine.
The results show that numerous Australian honeys possess
significant antibacterial properties, and that honey is effective
against a wide range of problematic pathogens, including
multi drug-resistant clinical isolates and those growing in

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