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G.R. No.

118904 April 20, 1998

(deceased) and LOURDES TRINIDAD, respondents.

Without costs.
Respondent Court denied reconsideration in its
impugned Resolution which reads: 10

In the absence of a marriage contract and a birth certificate, how may
marriage and filiation be proven?

The Case
This is the main question raised in this petition for
review on certiorari challenging the Court of
Appeals 1 Decision promulgated December 1,
1994 2 and Resolution promulgated on February 8,
1995 3 in CA-GR CV No. 23275, which reversed the
decision of the trial court and dismissed petitioner's
action for partition and damages.
On August 10, 1975, Petitioner Arturio Trinidad filed a
complaint 4 for partition and damages against Private
Respondents Felix and Lourdes, both surnamed
Trinidad, before the Court of First Instance of Aklan,
Branch I. 5 On October 25, 1982, Felix died without
issue, so he was not substituted as a party. 6
On July 4, 1989, the trial court rendered a twenty-page
decision 7 in favor of the petitioner, in which it ruled: 8

Considering therefore that this court is of the

opinion that plaintiff is the legitimate son of
Inocentes Trinidad, plaintiff is entitled to inherit
the property left by his deceased father which
is 1/3 of the 4 parcels of land subject matter of
this case. Although the plaintiff had testified
that he had been receiving [his] share from
said land before and the same was stopped,
there was no evidence introduced as to what
year he stopped receiving his share and for
how much. This court therefore cannot rule on
In its four-page Decision, Respondent Court reversed
the trial court on the ground that petitioner failed to
adduce sufficient evidence to prove that his parents
were legally married to each other and that acquisitive
prescription against him had set in. The assailed
Decision disposed: 9
appealed decision.


In lieu thereof, the Court hereby DISMISSES

the [petitioner's] complaint and the counterclaim

The Court DENIES defendants-appellants'

motion for reconsideration, dated December 15,
1994, for lack of merit. There are no new or
substantial matters raised in the motion that merit
the modification of the decision.
Hence, this petition. 11
The Facts
The assailed Decision recites the factual background
of this case, as follows: 12
On August 10, 1978, plaintiff [herein petitioner]
filed with the Court of First Instance of Aklan,
Kalibo, Aklan, an action for partition of four (4)
parcels of land, described therein, claiming that
he was the son of the late Inocentes Trinidad,
one of three (3) children of Patricio Trinidad,
who was the original owner of the parcels of
land. Patricio Trinidad died in 1940, leaving the
four (4) parcels of land to his three (3) children,
Inocentes, Lourdes and Felix. In 1970, plaintiff
demanded from the defendants to partition the
land into three (3) equal shares and to give him
the one-third (1/3) individual share of his late
father, but the defendants refused.
In their answer, filed on September 07, 1978,
defendants denied that plaintiff was the son of
the late Inocentes Trinidad. Defendants
contended that Inocentes was single when he
died in 1941 , before plaintiff's birth. Defendants
also denied that plaintiff had lived with them,
and claimed that the parcels of land described
in the complaint had been in their possession
since the death of their father in 1940 and that
they had not given plaintiff a share in the
produce of the land.
Patricio Trinidad and Anastacia Briones were
the parents of three (3) children, namely,
Inocentes, Lourdes and Felix. When Patricio
died in 1940, survived by the above named
children, he left four (4) parcels of land, all
situated at Barrio Tigayon, Kalibo Aklan.

Arturio Trinidad, born on July 21, 1943, claimed

to be the legitimate son of the late Inocentes
Arturio got married in 1966 to Candelaria
Gaspar, at the age of twenty three (23).
Sometime after the marriage, Arturio demanded
from the defendants that the above-mentioned
parcels of land be partitioned into three (3)
equal shares and that he be given the one-third
(1/3) individual shares of his late father, but
defendants refused.
In order to appreciate more clearly the evidence
adduced by both parties, this Court hereby
reproduces pertinent portions of the trial court's
decision: 13
Plaintiff presented as his first witness, Jovita
Gerardo, 77 years old, (at the time she
testified in 1981) who is the barangay captain
of barrio Tigayon, Kalibo, Aklan, since 1972.
She testified that before being elected as
barrio captain she held the position of barrio
council-woman for 4 years. Also she was [a
member of the] board of director[s] of the
Parent-Teachers Association of Tigayon,
Kalibo, Aklan. That she knows the plaintiff
because they are neighbors and she knows
him from the time of his birth. She knows the
father of the plaintiff as Inocentes Trinidad
and his mother Felicidad Molato; both were
already dead, Inocentes having died in 1944
and his wife died very much later. Witness
recalls plaintiff was born in 1943 in Barrio
Tigayon, Kalibo, Aklan, on July 21, 1943. At
the time of the birth of the plaintiff, the house
of the witness was about 30 meters away
from plaintiff's parents['] house and she used
to go there 2 or 3 times a week. That she
knows both the defendants as they are also
neighbors. That both Felix and Lourdes
Trinidad are the uncle and aunt of Arturio
because Inocentes Trinidad who is the father
of the plaintiff is the brother of the
defendants, Felix and Lourdes Trinidad. She
testified she also knows that the father of
Inocentes, Felix and Lourdes[,] all surnamed
Trinidad[,] was Patricio Trinidad who is
already dead but left several parcels of land
which are the 4 parcels subject of this
litigation. That she knows all these [parcels
of] land because they are located in Barrio


When asked about the adjoining owners or

boundaries of the 4 parcels of land, witness
answered and mentioned the respective
adjoining owners. That she knew these 4
parcels belonged to Patricio Trinidad
because said Patricio Trinidad was a native
also of Barrio Tigayon. Said Patricio died
before the [war] and after his death the land
went to his 3 children, namely: Inocentes,
Felix and Lourdes. Since then the land was
never partitioned or divided among the 3
children of Patricio.
A picture, Exhibit A, was shown to the
witness for identification and she identified a
woman in the picture as the defendant,
Lourdes Trinidad. A man with a hat holding a
baby was identified by her as Felix Trinidad,
the defendant. The other woman in the
picture was pointed by the witness as the
wife of the plaintiff, Arturio Trinidad. When
asked if Arturio Trinidad and Lourdes Trinidad
and Felix Trinidad pointed to by her in the
picture are the same Arturio, Felix and
Lourdes, who are the plaintiff and the
defendants in this case, witness answered
Another picture marked as Exhibit B was
presented to the witness for identification.
She testified the woman in this picture as
Lourdes Trinidad. In said picture, Lourdes
Trinidad was holding a child which witness
identified as the child Arturio Trinidad. When
asked by the court when . . . the picture [was]
taken, counsel for the plaintiff answered, in
1966. When asked if Arturio Trinidad was
baptized, witness answered yes, as she had
gone to the house of his parents. Witness
then identified the certificate of baptism
marked as Exhibit C. The name Arturio
Trinidad was marked as Exhibit C-1 and the
name of Inocentes Trinidad and Felicidad
Molato as father and mother respectively,
were marked as Exhibit C-2. The date of birth
being July 21, 1943 was also marked. The
signature of Monsignor Iturralde was also
On cross-examination, witness testified that
she [knew] the land in question very well as
she used to pass by it always. It was located
just near her house but she cannot exactly
tell the area as she merely passes by it.
When asked if she [knew] the photographer
who took the pictures presented as Exhibit A
and B, witness answered she does not know

as she was not present during the picture

taking. However, she can identify everybody
in the picture as she knows all of them.

Felicidad Molato, were already dead having

died in Tigayon, his father having died in
1944 and his mother about 25 years ago.

At this stage of the trial, Felix Trinidad [died]

without issue and he was survived by his
only sister, Lourdes Trinidad, who is his codefendant in this case.

As proof that he is the son of Inocentes

Trinidad and Felicidad Molato, he showed a
certificate of baptism which had been
previously marked as Exhibit C. That his birth
certificate was burned during World War 2
hut he has a certificate of loss issued by the
Civil Registrar of Kalibo, Aklan.

Next witness for the plaintiff was ISABEL

MEREN who was 72 years old and a widow.
She testified having known Inocentes
Trinidad as the father of Arturio Trinidad and
that Inocentes, Felix and Lourdes are
brothers and sister and that their father was
Patricio Trinidad who left them 4 parcels of
land. That she knew Inocentes Trinidad and
Felicidad Molato who are the parents of
Arturio, the plaintiff, were married in New
Washington, Aklan, by a protestant pastor by
the name of Lauriano Lajaylajay. That she
knows Felicidad Molato and Lourdes Trinidad
very well because as a farmer she also owns
a parcel of land [and] she used to invite
Felicidad and Lourdes to help her during
planting and harvesting season. That she
knows that during the lifetime of Inocentes
the three of them, Inocentes, Felix and
Lourdes possessed and usufructed the 4
parcels they inherited from their father,
Patricio. That upon the death of Inocentes,
Lourdes Trinidad was in possession of the
property without giving the widow of
Inocentes any share of the produce. As
Lourdes outlived her two brothers, namely:
Felix and Inocentes, she was the one
possessing and usufructing the 4 parcels of
land up to the present. The witness testified
that upon the death of Inocentes, Lourdes
took Arturio and cared for him when he was
still small, about 3 years old, until Arturio
grew up and got married. That while Arturio
was growing up, he had also enjoyed the
produce of the land while he was being taken
care of by Lourdes Trinidad. That a
misunderstanding later on arose when Arturio
Trinidad wanted to get his father's share but
Lourdes Trinidad will not give it to him.
Plaintiff, ARTURIO TRINIDAD, himself, was
presented as witness. He testified that
defendants, Lourdes and Felix Trinidad, are
his aunt and uncle, they being the brother
and sister of his father. That the parents of
his father and the defendants were Patricio
Trinidad and Anastacia Briones. That both his
father, Inocentes Trinidad, and mother,


When he was 14 years old, the defendants

invited him to live with them being their
nephew as his mother was already dead.
Plaintiff's mother died when he was 13 years
old. They treated him well and provided for
all his needs. He lived with defendants for 5
years. At the age of 19, he left the house of
the defendants and lived on his own. He got
married at 23 to Candelaria Gaspar and then
they were invited by the defendants to live
with them. So he and his wife and children
lived with the defendants. As proof that he
and his family lived with the defendants when
the latter invited him to live with them, he
presented a picture previously marked as
Exhibit B where there appears his aunt,
Lourdes Trinidad, carrying plaintiff's daughter,
his uncle and his wife. In short, it is a family
picture according to him. Another family
picture previously marked Exhibit A shows
his uncle, defendant Felix Trinidad, carrying
plaintiff's son. According to him, these 2
pictures were taken when he and his wife
and children were living with the defendants.
That a few years after having lived with them,
the defendants made them vacate the house
for he requested for partition of the land to
get his share. He moved out and looked for
[a] lawyer to handle his case. He testified
there are 4 parcels of land in controversy of
which parcel 1 is an upland.
Parcel 1 is 1,000 square meters, [has] 10
coconut trees and fruit bearing. The harvest
is 100 coconuts every 4 months and the cost
of coconuts is P2.00 each. The boundaries
are: East-Federico Inocencio; West-Teodulo
Dionesio; North-Teodulo Dionesio; and
South-Bulalio Briones; located at Tigayon.
Parcel 2 is an upland with an area of 500
square meters; it has only 1 coconut tree and
1 bamboo groove; also located in Tigayon,
Kalibo, Aklan. Adjoining owners are: EastAmbrosio Trinidad; North-Federico Inocencio,

West-Patricio Trinidad and South-Gregorio

Parcel 3 is about 12,000 square meters and
1/4 of that belongs to Patricio Trinidad, the
deceased father of the defendants and
Inocentes, the father of the plaintiff.
Parcel 4 is a riceland with an area of 5,000
square meters. The harvest is 40 cavans two
times a years [sic]. Adjoining owners are:
East-Gregorio Briones; West-Bulalio Briones;
South-Federico Inocencio and North-Digna
Parcel 1 is Lot No. 903.
Parcel 2 is Lot No. 864 of the cadastral
survey of Kalibo and only Lot 864-A with an
area of 540 square meters is the subject of
Parcel 3 is Lot No. 979 of the cadastral
survey of Kalibo covered by Tax Decl. No.
703310 with reference to one of the owners
of the land, Patricio Trinidad married to
Anastacia Briones, one-half share.
Parcel 4 is covered by Original Certificate of
Title No. 22502 RO-174 covering Lot No. 863
of the cadastral survey of Kalibo. The title is
in the name of Patricio Trinidad married to
Anastacia Briones.
Parcel 1 is covered by Tax Decl. No. 11609 in
the name of Patricio Trinidad while parcel 2 is
covered by Tax Decl. No. 10626 in the name
of Anastacia Briones and another Tax
Declaration No. 11637 for Parcel 3 in the
name of Ambrosio Trinidad while Parcel 4 is
covered by Tax Decl. No. 16378 in the name
of Patricio Trinidad.
On cross-examination, plaintiff testified that
during the lifetime of his mother they were
getting the share in the produce of the land
like coconuts, palay and corn. Plaintiff further
testified that his father is Inocentes Trinidad
and his mother was Felicidad Molato. They
were married in New Washington, Aklan, by a
certain Atty. Lajaylajay. When asked if this
Atty. Lajaylajay is a municipal judge of New
Washington, Aklan, plaintiff answered he
does not know because he was not yet born
at that time. That he does not have the death
certificate of his father who died in 1944
because it was wartime. That after the death

of his father, he lived with his mother and

when his mother died[,] he lived with his aunt
and uncle, the defendants in this case. That
during the lifetime of his mother, it was his
mother receiving the share of the produce of
the land. That both defendants, namely
Lourdes and Felix Trinidad, are single and
they have no other nephews and nieces.
That [petitioner's] highest educational
attainment is Grade 3.
First witness for the defendants was PEDRO
BRIONES, 68 years old, unemployed and a
resident of Nalook, Kalibo, Aklan. He testified
having known the defendants, Felix and
Lourdes Trinidad. They being his first cousins
because the mother of Lourdes and Felix by
the name of Anastacia Briones and his father
are sister and brother. That he also knew
Inocentes Trinidad being the brother of Felix
and Lourdes and he is already dead.
According to the witness, Inocentes Trinidad
[died] in 1940 and at the time of his death
Inocentes Trinidad was not married. That he
knew this fact because at the time of the
death of Inocentes Trinidad he was then
residing with his aunt, "Nanay Taya",
referring to Anastacia Briones who is mother
of the defendants, Felix and Lourdes
Trinidad, as well as Inocentes Trinidad. That
at the time of the death of Inocentes Trinidad,
according to this witness he stayed with his
aunt, Anastacia Trinidad, and with his
children before 1940 for only 3 months.
When asked if he knew Inocentes Trinidad
cohabited with anybody before his death, he
answered, "That I do not know", neither does
he kn[o]w a person by the name of Felicidad
Molato. Furthermore, when asked if he can
recall if during the lifetime of Inocentes
Trinidad witness knew of anybody with whom
said Inocentes Trinidad had lived as husband
and wife, witness, Pedro Briones, answered
that he could not recall because he was then
in Manila working. That after the war, he had
gone back to the house of his aunt,
Anastacia, at Tigayon, Kalibo, as he always
visit[s] her every Sunday, however, he does
not know the plaintiff, Arturio Trinidad. When
asked if after the death of Inocentes Trinidad,
he knew anybody who has stayed with the
defendants who claimed to be a son of
Inocentes Trinidad, witness, Pedro Briones,
answered: "I do not know about that."

On cross examination, witness testified that

although he was born in Tigayon, Kalibo,
Aklan, he stated to reside in Nalook, Kalibo,
as the hereditary property of their father was
located there. When asked if he was aware
of the 4 parcels of land which is the subject
matter of this case before the court, witness
answered that he does not know. What he
knew is that among the 3 children of Patricio
Trinidad, Inocentes is the eldest. And that at
the time of the death of Inocentes in 1940,
according to the witness when cross
examined, Inocentes Trinidad was around 65
years old. That according to him, his aunt,
Anastacia Briones, was already dead before
the war. When asked on cross examination if
he knew where Inocentes Trinidad was
buried when he died in 1940, witness
answered that he was buried in their own
land because the Japanese forces were
roaming around the place. When confronted
with Exhibit A which is the alleged family
picture of the plaintiff and the defendants,
witness was able to identify the lady in the
picture, which had been marked as Exhibit A1, as Lourdes Trinidad, and the man wearing
a hat on the said picture marked as Exhibit 2A is Felix Trinidad. However, when asked if
he knew the plaintiff, Arturio Trinidad, he said
he does not know him.
Next witness for the defendants was the
defendant herself, LOURDES TRINIDAD.
She stated that she is 75 years old, single
and jobless. She testified that Inocentes
Trinidad was her brother and he is already
dead and he died in 1941 in Tigayon, Kalibo,
Aklan. That before the death of her brother,
Inocentes Trinidad, he had gone to Manila
where he stayed for a long time and returned
to Tigayon in 1941. According to her, upon
arrival from Manila in 1941 his brother,
Inocentes Trinidad, lived only for 15 days
before he died. While his brother was in
Manila, witness testified she was not aware
that he had married anybody. Likewise, when
he arrived in Tigayon in 1941, he also did
[not] get married. When asked if she knew
one by the name of Felicidad Molato, witness
answered she knew her because Felicidad
Molato was staying in Tigayon. However,
according to her[,] she does not kn[o]w if her
brother, Inocentes Trinidad, had lived with
Felicidad Molato as husband and wife. When
asked if she knew the plaintiff, Arturio
Trinidad, she said, "Yes," but she denied that
Arturio Trinidad had lived with them.
According to the witness, Arturio Trinidad did


not live with the defendants but he stayed

with his grandmother by the name of Maria
Concepcion, his mother, Felicidad Molato,
having died already. When asked by the
court if there had been an instance when the
plaintiff had lived with her even for days,
witness answered, he did not. When further
asked if Arturio Trinidad went to visit her in
her house, witness also said, "He did not."
Upon cross examination by counsel for the
plaintiff, Lourdes Trinidad testified that her
parents, Anastacia Briones and Patricio
Trinidad, had 3 children, namely: Inocentes
Trinidad, Felix Trinidad and herself. But
inasmuch as Felix and Inocentes are already
dead, she is the only remaining daughter of
the spouses Patricio Trinidad and Anastacia
Briones. Defendant, Lourdes Trinidad,
testified that her brother, Felix Trinidad, died
without a wife and children, in the same
manner that her brother, Inocentes Trinidad,
died without a wife and children. She herself
testified that she does not have any family of
her own for she has [no] husband or children.
According to her[,] when Inocentes Trinidad
[died] in 1941, they buried him in their private
lot in Tigayon because nobody will carry his
coffin as it was wartime and the municipality
of Kalibo was occupied by the Japanese
forces. When further cross-examined that I[t]
could not be true that Inocentes Trinidad died
in March 1941 because the war broke out in
December 1941 and March 1941 was still
peace time, the witness could not answer the
question. When she was presented with
Exhibit A which is the alleged family picture
wherein she was holding was [sic] the child
of Arturio Trinidad, she answered; "Yes." and
the child that she is holding is Clarita
Trinidad, child of Arturio Trinidad. According
to her, she was only requested to hold this
child to be brought to the church because
she will be baptized and that the baptism
took place in the parish church of Kalibo.
When asked if there was a party, she
answered; "Maybe there was." When
confronted with Exhibit A-1 which is herself in
the picture carrying the child, witness
identified herself and explained that she was
requested to bring the child to the church and
that the picture taken together with her
brother and Arturio Trinidad and the latter's
child was taken during the time when she
and Arturio Trinidad did not have a case in
court yet. She likewise identified the man
with a hat holding a child marked as Exhibit
A-2 as her brother, Felix. When asked if the

child being carried by her brother, Felix

Trinidad, is another child of the plaintiff,
witness answered she does not know
because her eyes are already blurred.
Furthermore, when asked to identify the
woman in the picture who was at the right of
the child held by her brother, Felix, and who
was previously identified by plaintiff, Arturio
Trinidad, as his wife, witness answered that
she cannot identify because she had a poor
eyesight neither can she identify plaintiff,
Arturio Trinidad, holding another child in the
picture for the same reason. When asked by
counsel for the plaintiff if she knows that the
one who took this picture was the son of
Ambrosio Trinidad by the name of Julito
Trinidad who was also their cousin, witness
testified that she does not know.
Third witness for the defendants was
that she knew Arturio Trinidad because he
was her neighbor in Tigayon. In the same
manner that she also knew the defendants,
Felix and Lourdes, and Inocentes all
surnamed Trinidad because they were her
cousins. She testified that a few months after
the war broke out Inocentes Trinidad died in
their lola's house whose names was Eugenia
Rufo Trinidad. She further testified that
Inocentes Trinidad had lived almost in his
lifetime in Manila and he went home only
when his father fetched him in Manila
because he was already sick. That according
to her, about 1 1/2 months after his arrival
from Manila, Inocentes Trinidad died. She
also testified that she knew Felicidad Molato
and that Felicidad Molato had never been
married to Inocentes Trinidad. According to
her, it was in 1941 when Inocentes Trinidad
died. According to her she was horn in 1928,
therefore, she was 13 or 14 years old when
the war broke out. When asked if she can
remember that it was only in the early
months of the year 1943 when the Japanese
occupied Kalibo, she said she [was] not sure.
She further testified that Inocentes Trinidad
was buried in their private lot because Kalibo
was then occupied by the Japanese forces
and nobody would carry his body to be
buried in the Poblacion.
For rebuttal evidence, [petitioner] presented
ISABEL MEREN, who was 76 years old and
a resident of Tigayon. Rebuttal witness
testified that . . . she knew both the
[petitioner] and the [private respondents] in
this case very well as her house is only

around 200 meters from them. When asked if

it is true that according to Lourdes Trinidad,
[Inocentes Trinidad] arrived from Manila in
1941 and he lived only for 15 days and died,
witness testified that he did not die in that
year because he died in the year 1944, and
that Inocentes Trinidad lived with his sister,
Lourdes Trinidad, in a house which is only
across the street from her house. According
to the said rebuttal witness, it is not true that
Inocentes Trinidad died single because he
had a wife by the name of Felicidad Molato
whom he married on May 5, 1942 in New
Washington, Aklan. That she knew this fact
because she was personally present when
couple was married by Lauriano Lajaylajay, a
protestant pastor.
On cross examination, rebuttal witness
testified that when Inocentes Trinidad arrived
from Manila he was in good physical
condition. That she knew both Inocentes
Trinidad and Felicidad Molato to be Catholics
but that according to her, their marriage was
solemnized by a Protestant minister and she
was one of the sponsors. That during the
marriage of Inocentes Trinidad and Felicidad
Molato, Lourdes Trinidad and Felix Trinidad
were also present.
When plaintiff, ARTURIO TRINIDAD, was
presented as rebuttal witness, he was not
able to present a marriage contract of his
parents but instead a certification dated
September 5, 1978 issued by one Remedios
Eleserio of the Local Civil Registrar of the
Municipality of New Washington, Aklan,
attesting to the fact that records of births,
deaths, and marriages in the municipality of
New Washington were destroyed during the
Japanese time.
Respondent Court's Ruling
In finding that petitioner was not a child, legitimate or
otherwise, of the late Inocentes Trinidad, Respondent
Court ruled: 14
We sustain the appeal on the ground that
plaintiff has not adduced sufficient evidence
to prove that he is the son of the late
Inocentes Trinidad. But the action to claim
legitimacy has not prescribed.
Plaintiff has not established that he was
recognized, as a legitimate son of the late
Inocentes Trinidad, in the record of birth or a

final judgment, in a public document or a

private handwritten instrument, or that he
was in continuous possession of the status of
a legitimate child.
Two witnesses, Pedro Briones and Beatriz
Trinidad Sayon, testified for the defendants
that Inocentes Trinidad never married. He
died single in 1941. One witness, Isabel
Maren, testified in rebuttal for the plaintiff,
that Inocentes Trinidad married Felicidad
Molato in New Washington, Aklan, on May 5,
1942, solemnized by a pastor of the
protestant church and that she attended the
wedding ceremony (t.s.n. Sept. 6, 1988, p.
4). Hence, there was no preponderant
evidence of the marriage, nor of Inocentes'
acknowledgment of plaintiff as his son, who
was born on July 21, 1943.
The right to demand partition does not
prescribe (de Castro vs. Echarri, 20 Phil. 23).
Where one of the interested parties openly
and adversely occupies the property without
recognizing the co-ownership (Cordova vs.
Cordova, L-9936, January 14, 1958)
acquisitive prescription may set in (Florenz
D. Regalado, Remedial Law Compendium,
Vol. I, Fifth Revised Edition, 1988, p. 497).
Admittedly, the defendants have been in
possession of the parcels of land involved in
the concept of owners since their father died
in 1940. Even if possession be counted from
1964, when plaintiff attained the age of
majority, still, defendants possessed the land
for more than ten (10) years, thus acquiring
ownership of the same by acquisitive
prescription (Article 1134, Civil Code of the
The Issues
Petitioner submits the following issues for
resolution: 15
1. Whether or not petitioner (plaintiffappellee) has proven by preponderant
evidence the marriage of his parents.
2. Whether or not petitioner (plaintiffappellee) has adduced sufficient evidence to
prove that he is the son of the late Inocentes
Trinidad, brother of private respondents
(defendants-appellants) Felix and Lourdes


3. Whether or not the Family Code is

applicable to the case at bar[,] the decision of
the Regional Trial Court having been
promulgated on July 4, 1989, after the Family
Code became effective on August 3, 1988.
4. Whether or not petitioner's status as a
legitimate child can be attached collaterally
by the private respondents.
5. Whether or not of private respondent
(defendants-appellants) have acquired
ownership of the properties in question by
acquisitive prescription.
Simply stated, the main issues raised in this petition
1. Did petitioner present sufficient evidence of his
parents' marriage and of his filiation?
2. Was petitioner's status as a legitimate child subject
to collateral attack in the action for partition?
3. Was his claim time-barred under the rules on
acquisitive prescription?
The Court's Ruling
The merits of this petition are patent. The partition of
the late Patricio's real properties requires
preponderant proof that petitioner is a co-owner or coheir of the decedent's estate. 16 His right as a co-owner
would, in turn, depend on whether he was born during
the existence of a valid and subsisting marriage between
his mother (Felicidad) and his putative father
(Inocentes). This Court holds that such burden was
successfully discharged by petitioner and, thus, the
reversal of the assailed Decision and Resolution is
First and Second Issues: Evidence of and
Collateral Attack on Filiation
At the outset, we stress that an appellate court's
assessment of the evidence presented by the parties
will not, as a rule, be disturbed because the Supreme
Court is not a trier of facts. But in the face of the
contradictory conclusions of the appellate and the trial
courts, such rule does not apply here. So, we had to
meticulously pore over the records and the evidence
adduced in this case. 17
Petitioner's first burden is to prove that Inocentes and his
mother (Felicidad) were validly married, and that he was
born during the subsistence of their marriage. This,
according to Respondent Court, he failed to accomplish.

This Court disagrees. Pugeda vs. Trias 18 ruled that

when the question of whether a marriage has been
contracted arises in litigation, said marriage may be
proven by relevant evidence. To prove the fact of
marriage, the following would constitute competent
evidence: the testimony of a witness to the matrimony,
the couple's public and open cohabitation as husband
and wife after the alleged wedlock, the birth and the
baptismal certificates of children born during such union,
and the mention of such nuptial in subsequent
documents. 19
In the case at bar, petitioner secured a
certification 20 from the Office of the Civil Registrar of
Aklan that all records of births, deaths and marriages
were either lost, burned or destroyed during the
Japanese occupation of said municipality. This fact,
however, is not fatal to petitioner's case. Although the
marriage contract is considered the primary evidence of
the marital union, petitioner's failure to present it is not
proof that no marriage took place, as other forms of
relevant evidence may take its place. 21
In place of a marriage contract, two witnesses were
presented by petitioner: Isabel Meren, who testified that
she was present during the nuptial of Felicidad and
Inocentes on May 5, 1942 in New Washington, Aklan;
and Jovita Gerardo, who testified that the couple
deported themselves as husband and wife after the
marriage. Gerardo, the 77-year old barangay captain of
Tigayon and former board member of the local parentteachers' association, used to visit Inocentes and
Felicidad's house twice or thrice a week, as she lived
only thirty meters away. 22 On July 21, 1943, Gerardo
dropped by Inocentes' house when Felicidad gave birth
to petitioner. She also attended petitioner's baptismal
party held at the same house. 23 Her testimony
constitutes evidence of common reputation respecting
marriage. 24 It further gives rise to the disputable
presumption that a man and a woman deporting
themselves as husband and wife have entered into a
lawful contract of marriage. 25 Petitioner also presented
his baptismal certificate (Exhibit C) in which Inocentes
and Felicidad were named as the child's father and
mother. 26
On the other hand, filiation may be proven by the

Art. 265. The filiation of legitimate children is

proved by the record of birth appearing in the
Civil Register, or by an authentic document
or a final judgment.
Art. 266. In the absence of the titles indicated
in the preceding article, the filiation shall be
proved by the continuous possession of
status of a legitimate child.


Art. 267. In the absence of a record of birth,

authentic document, final judgment or
possession of status, legitimate filiation may
be proved by any other means allowed by
the Rules of Court and special laws. 27
Petitioner submitted in evidence a certification 28 that
records relative to his birth were either destroyed during
the last world war or burned when the old town hall was
razed to the ground on June 17, 1956. To prove his
filiation, he presented in evidence two family pictures, his
baptismal certificate and Gerardo's testimony.

The first family picture (Exhibit A) shows petitioner

(Exhibit A-5) carrying his second daughter and his
wife (Exhibit A-4) together with the late Felix Trinidad
(Exhibit A-2) carrying petitioner's first daughter, and
Lourdes Trinidad (Exhibit A-1). Exhibit B is another
picture showing Lourdes Trinidad (Exhibit B-1)
carrying petitioner's first child (Exhibit B-2). These
pictures were taken before the case was instituted.
Although they do not directly prove petitioner's filiation
to Inocentes, they show that petitioner was accepted
by the private respondents as Inocentes' legitimate
son ante litem motam.
Lourdes' denials of these pictures are hollow and
evasive. While she admitted that Exhibit B shows her
holding Clarita Trinidad, the petitioner's daughter, she
demurred that she did so only because she was
requested to carry the child before she was
baptized. 29 When shown Exhibit A, she recognized her
late brother but not petitioner, his wife and the
couple's children slyly explaining that she could not
clearly see because of an alleged eye defect. 30
Although a baptismal certificate is indeed not a
conclusive proof of filiation, it is one of "the other means
allowed under the Rules of Court and special laws" to
show pedigree, as this Court ruled in Mendoza vs. Court
of Appeals: 31

What both the trial court and the respondent

court did not take into account is that an
illegitimate child is allowed to establish his
claimed filiation by "any other means allowed
by the Rules of Court and special laws,"
according to the Civil Code, or "by evidence
of proof in his favor that the defendant is her
father," according to the Family Code. Such
evidence may consist of his baptismal
certificate, a judicial admission, a family Bible
in which his name has been entered,
common reputation respecting his pedigree,
admission by silence, the testimony of
witnesses, and other kinds of proof
admissible under Rule 130 of the Rules of
Court. [Justice Alicia Sempio-Diy, Handbook

on the Family Code of the Phil. 1988 ed., p.

Concededly, because Gerardo was not shown to be a
member of the Trinidad family by either consanguinity
or affinity, 32 her testimony does not constitute family
reputation regarding pedigree. Hence, it cannot, by itself,
be used to establish petitioner's legitimacy.
Be that as it may, the totality of petitioner's positive
evidence clearly preponderates over private
respondents' self-serving negations. In sum, private
respondents' thesis is that Inocentes died unwed and
without issue in March 1941. Private respondents'
witness, Pedro Briones, testified that Inocentes died
in 1940 and was buried in the estate of the Trinidads,
because nobody was willing to carry the coffin to the
cemetery in Kalibo, which was then occupied by the
Japanese forces. His testimony, however, is far from
credible because he stayed with the Trinidads for only
three months, and his answers on direct examination
were noncommittal and evasive: 33
Q: At the time of his death, can you tell the
Court if this Inocentes Trinidad was married
or not?

A: No, sir.
Q: Can you recall if during the lifetime of
Inocentes Trinidad if you have known of
anybody with whom he has lived as
husband and wife?
A: I could not recall because I was then in
Manila working.
Q: After the war, do you remember having
gone back to the house of your aunt
Anastacia at Tigayon, Kalibo, Aklan?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: How often did you go to the house of
your aunt?
A: Every Sunday.
xxx xxx xxx
Q: You know the plaintiff Arturio Trinidad?
A: I do not know him.

A: Not married.
Q: In 1940 at the time of death of Inocentes
Trinidad, where were you residing?
A: I was staying with them.
Q: When you said "them", to whom are you
referring to [sic]?
A: My aunt Nanay Taya, Anastacia.
xxx xxx xxx
Q: Will you please tell the Court for how
long did you stay with your aunt Anastacia
Trinidad and his children before 1940?
A: For only three months.
Q: Now, you said at the time of his death,
Inocentes Trinidad was single. Do you know
if he had cohabited with anybody before his
A: [T]hat I do not know.
Q: You know a person by the name of
Felicidad Molato?


Q: After the death of Inocentes Trinidad, do

you know if there was anybody who has
stayed with the defendants who claimed to
be a son of Inocentes Trinidad?
A: I do not know about that.
Beatriz Sayon, the other witness of private
respondent, testified, that when the Japanese
occupied Kalibo in 1941, her father brought Inocentes
from Manila to Tigayon because he was sick.
Inocentes stayed with their grandmother, Eugenia
Roco Trinidad, and died single and without issue in
March 1941, one and a half months after his return to
Tigayon. She knew Felicidad Molato, who was also a
resident of Tigayon, but denied that Felicidad was
ever married to Inocentes. 34
Taking judicial notice that World War II did not start until
December 7, 1941 with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in
Hawaii, the trial court was not convinced that Inocentes
dies in March 1941. 35 The Japanese forces occupied
Manila only on January 2, 1942; 36 thus, it stands to
reason that Aklan was not occupied until then. It was
only then that local residents were unwilling to bury their
dead in the cemetery In Kalibo, because of the
Japanese soldiers who were roaming around the area. 37

Furthermore, petitioner consistently used Inocentes'

surname (Trinidad) without objection from private
respondents a presumptive proof of his status as
Inocentes' legitimate child. 38
Preponderant evidence means that, as a whole, the
evidence adduced by one side outweighs that of the
adverse party. 39Compared to the detailed (even if
awkwardly written) ruling of the trial court, Respondent
Court's holding that petitioner failed to prove his
legitimate filiation to Inocentes is unconvincing. In
determining where the preponderance of evidence lies, a
trial court may consider all the facts and circumstances
of the case, including the witnesses' manner of testifying,
their intelligence, their means and opportunity of
knowing the facts to which they are testifying, the nature
of the facts, the probability or improbability of their
testimony, their interest or want thereof, and their
personal credibility. 40 Applying this rule, the trial court
significantly and convincingly held that the weight of
evidence was in petitioner's favor. It declared:

. . . [O]ne thing sure is the fact that plaintiff

had lived with defendants enjoying the status
of being their nephew . . . before plaintiff [had]
gotten married and had a family of his own
where later on he started demanding for the
partition of the share of his father, Inocentes.
The fact that plaintiff had so lived with the
defendants . . . is shown by the alleged family
pictures, Exhibits A & B. These family pictures
were taken at a time when plaintiff had not
broached the idea of getting his father's share.
. . . His demand for the partition of the share
of his father provoked the ire of the
defendants, thus, they disowned him as their
nephew. . . . In this case, the plaintiff enjoyed
the continuous possession of a status of the
child of the alleged father by the direct acts of
the defendants themselves, which status was
only broken when plaintiff demanded for the
partition . . . as he was already having a family
of his own. . . . .
However, the disowning by the defendant
[private respondent herein], Lourdes Trinidad,
of the plaintiff [petitioner herein] being her
nephew is offset by the preponderance of
evidence, among them the testimony of
witness, Jovita Gerardo, who is the barrio
captain. This witness was already 77 years
old at the time she testified. Said witness had
no reason to favor the plaintiff. She had been
a PTA officer and the court sized her up as a
civic minded person. She has nothing to gain
in this case as compared to the witness for the
defendants who are either cousin or nephew
of Lourdes Trinidad who stands to gain in the


case for defendant, Lourdes Trinidad, being

already 75 years old, has no husband nor
children. 41
Doctrinally, a collateral attack on filiation is not
permitted. 42 Rather than rely on this axiom, petitioner
chose to present evidence of his filiation and of his
parents' marriage. Hence, there is no more need to rule
on the application of this doctrine to petitioner's cause.

Third Issue: No Acquisitive Prescription

Respondent Court ruled that, because acquisitive
prescription sets in when one of the interested parties
openly and adversely occupies the property without
recognizing the co-ownership, and because private
respondents had been in possession in the
concept of owners of the parcels of land in issue
since Patricio died in 1940, they acquired ownership
of these parcels.
The Court disagrees. Private respondents have not
acquired ownership of the property in question by
acquisitive prescription. In a co-ownership, the act of
one benefits all the other co-owners, unless the
former repudiates the co-ownership. 43 Thus, no
prescription runs in favor of a co-owner or co-heir
against his or her co-owners or co-heirs, so long as he
or she expressly or impliedly recognizes the coownership.
In this particular case, it is undisputed that, prior to the
action for partition, petitioner, in the concept of a coowner, was receiving from private respondents his
share of the produce of the land in dispute. Until such
time, recognition of the co-ownership by private
respondents was beyond question. There is no
evidence, either, of their repudiation, if any, of the coownership of petitioner's father Inocentes over the
land. Further, the titles of these pieces of land were
still in their father's name. Although private
respondents had possessed these parcels openly
since 1940 and had not shared with petitioner the
produce of the land during the pendency of this case,
still, they manifested no repudiation of the coownership. In Mariategui vs. Court of Appeals, the
Court held: 44
. . . Corollarily, prescription does not run
again private respondents with respect to the
filing of the action for partition so long as the
heirs for whose benefit prescription is
invoked, have not expressly or impliedly
repudiated the co-ownership. In the other
words, prescription of an action for partition
does not lie except when the co-ownership is
properly repudiated by the co-owner (Del

Banco vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 156

SCRA 55 [1987] citing Jardin vs. Hollasco,
117 SCRA 532 [1982]).
Otherwise stated, a co-owner cannot acquire
by prescription the share of the other coowners absent a clear repudiation of coownership duly communicated to the other
co-owners (Mariano vs. De Vega, 148 SCRA
342 [1987]). Furthermore, an action to
demand partition is imprescriptible and
cannot be barred by laches (Del Banco vs.
IAC, 156 SCRA 55 (1987). On the other
hand, an action for partition may be seen to
be at once an action for declaration of coownership and for segregation and


conveyance of a determinate portion of the

property involved (Rogue vs. IAC, 165 SCRA
118 [1988]).
Considering the foregoing, Respondent Court
committed reversible error in holding that petitioner's
claim over the land in dispute was time-barred.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the
assailed Decision and Resolution are REVERSED
and SET ASIDE. The trial court's decision dated July
4, 1989 is REINSTATED. No costs.

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