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Read Between

the Lines

Table of Contents
Read Between the Lines
Introduction Page
Making Inferences #1
Treasure Hunt
The Ugly Duckling #1
The Ugly Duckling #2
Cause and Effect #1
Cause and Effect #2
Making Inferences #2
Choose the Ending
Map the Story #1
Map the Story #2
Draw the Story
Fill in the Story
Find the Main Idea #1
Find the Main Idea #2
What Happens Next? #1
And Then What Happened? #1
And Then What Happened? #2
What Happens Next? #2
Reading Comprehension Practice

Certificate of Completion

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Answers arent always right or wrong in this series. Its all about thinking things
through and exercising reasoning skills. This workbook is about storytelling
and lling in the gaps!
Read passages aloud with your child and have him practice his reading.
As you go through the Making Inferences and Cause & Effect pages with your
child, help explore why he, or she, came to the conclusions that he did.

What is happening in each picture?

Circle your best guess.

The chef is happily cooking a spaghetti dinner.

The chef is preparing breakfast for his family.

The plane is taking off from the airport.

The plane is landing after a 14 hour ight.

The sherwoman returned the sh to the sea.

The sherwoman caught a sh for dinner.

The man dug up an old tree.

The man planted a beautiful new tree.

The bird returned to his nest with food.

The bird is preparing to y and go nd food.

Write each phrase below onto the

appropriate picture.

It was a beautiful spring morning on a small farm near the woods. In

a cool, shaded corner, a duck built a warm nest to sit on her four precious eggs. Strangely, one of the eggs was much larger than the rest. To
her excitement, the eggs started to rumble and crack. One, two, three
eggs popped open, and three little ducklings poked their heads into
the world. At the same time, the oddly large egg began to crack as well.
To the mothers surprise, a big gray duckling stumbled out of the egg.
Although he was different, and not as cute as the other ducklings, she
loved him nonetheless. The next day, the duck introduced her family to
the other animals on the farm. Seeing the strange gray duckling,
the pig, duck and mouse burst out laughing.
The poor duckling bowed his head in shame as he felt he didn't
belong. That night, as his family slept near the barn, the gray duckling
decided to leave on a journey to nd himself. Before long, he ran
into a kind old woman, her rooster, and her cat. She invited him into
her home, and they all treated him like family. Over the year, the little
gray duckling began to grow. Although he was happy, he always felt
something was missing. One day, as he stared out on the pond, he
saw a family of beautiful swans wading in the cool breeze. Something
inside him wanted to go swimming with the swans. As he approached the pond, he saw his reection for the rst time. The ugly gray
duckling had grown into a beautiful swan! From below, the cat
and rooster happily watch their friend y high in the sky. Finally, the
little gray duckling had found himself.

because they forgot to make dinner.

3.) Walter waters his lawn every week. His kids like to play on the fresh
grass. He also puts fertilizer on the grass to make sure it stays healthy.
If he forgets to water the lawn, the grass and bushes would become
unhealthy and dry.

Watering and fertilizing it

A mouse squeaked by.

Map the Story

Read the story below. Using what youve read, fill in the story map.
Mila wanted to ride her bike. Her mother told her to put on her
knee pads. Mila didnt like to wear knee pads, so she didnt put
them on. While riding down the sidewalk, Mila fell off of her bike
and scraped her knee. She went home and apologized to her
mom, promising to wear her pads from now on.

What happened first?

What happened

Main Idea

How did the story end?

What happened


Its time to set your imagination free and

complete the story below. How did the
story begin? What will the ending be? Its
all up to you, so take out your favorite
drawing supplies and have fun!



Before they left, Saras mom said, Make

sure to look after your brother and your




The main idea is the most important idea of

a story or paragraph. The main idea tells what
the story or paragraph is mostly about. Read
the stories below carefully and circle the
correct main idea of each.

Find The Main Idea

The main idea is the most important idea in a paragraph.
Sometimes, the main idea is the first sentence.
Sometimes the main idea is in the middle or at the end.
Read the paragraphs carefully. Circle the main idea.
Kittens need special care. You have to feed
kittens twice a day. They have a lot of
energy. You need to play with them often.
Kittens will chew on almost anything they
find. You have to watch them closely.
What is the main idea?
1. Kittens will chew on almost anything.
2. Kittens need special care.
The puppy began to eat, but then he stopped. He yawned
and stretched. He chased his tail. He rolled over and
barked. He licked his paw. Finally,
he went back to his dish and
finished eating.
What is the main idea?
1. The puppy likes to eat.
2. The puppy takes a long time to eat.

What Happens Next?

Read the story. Decide what might happen next.
Adis mom asks Adi not to open the
window. If he does, bugs might fly
into the house. Its very hot inside.
Adi opens the window just a little.
Then sees a butterfly flying toward
the window.
Draw a picture of what you think will happen next.

Write what you think will happen next.

Read the story and predict what happens next!

It was a beautiful spring morning and Priscilla the bear decided
to take a walk through the woods. She was enjoying the sunshine
and smelling the flowers when she suddenly heard
somebody crying. Priscilla looked around to
see who was crying. She spotted a baby bird
sitting on the ground next to a tree. She asked,
Why are you crying? The baby bird replied, I fell out
of my nest and I cant get back up the tree. Priscilla looked
up at the birds nest in the tree and said, I can help you, little bird.

What do you think happened next? Write the end of the story here.

What do you think Priscilla was thinking when she heard the baby bird crying?

How do you think the baby bird felt when he fell out of the nest?

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Bens parents bought him a new football for his birthday. His
mom warned him not to throw the ball inside the house.
When Bens friend came over to watch a football game, they
couldnt resist testing out the new football. As Ben threw the
ball to his friend, he realized it was heading straight towards
his mothers favorite vase!

What most likely happened next?

Rob loves his dog Dougie very much. Every

morning he fills up his food bowl. Then he
gives him a bath. In the afternoon, he takes
Dougie for a walk in the park. Dougie is a very
happy and well-loved dog!
What is the first thing Rob does for his dog
every morning?

What is the main idea?

Great job!
is an reading superstar

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