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(MSS Collection)

Absurdity Vs Originality

The current of Absurdity is being mistaken for the current of Originality. Aspects of originality
surface in the presencing of the Dark God ABSU because of its innate connexion with the
Acausal; but while its causal manifestation, absurdity, could be said to be creating forms that are
unique it is in fact a dangerous distortion of originality leaking through into our world that is
being experienced by a race of beings ill-prepared to channel the current authentically. Although

the intellectual links created by beings are believed to be new and original, a departure from the
norm encompassed in the catchcry Random their possession by the energies of ABSU while
still entrapped in the Matrix is ensuring an aggressive current of escalation in those affected by
the intrusion. Originality or the Numinous is a life-affirming energy that is tapped by
deliberate contact with the subconscious. However, a whole generation is now being imbued
with a destructive, nihilistic mimesis of this energy, and although this may help break down the
matrix for some of them; there is a danger that the sympathy required with the matrix to conjure
the optimum frequency of humour to access the current is dragging the immature to mental
retardation and the impossibility of understanding, appreciating magic in maturity of age.
If this continues, and the causal trend of ABSU continues to increases its hold, then there is a
danger that new Sinister Initiates will no longer eventuate; especially if the collective ego is
training itself to a rise in status via a mode of sarcastic self-absorption. Such makes humility,
patience, and mystery, antithetical to the worshippers of ABSU. This means, the only way to
teach will be indirectly and through mimesis of ABSUs current in media that are suited to the
While release of The Beast allows for bizarre and unprecedented content from the
subconscious to filter into the conscious mind, causing unique strains of geometric chains, i.e. a
presencing of the dark: it is only by conscious acknowledgement of the procedures required to
integrate the mind that it may be done, and this with extreme difficulty. In the new wave of
beings the contra holds true; it is an unconscious possession, and without mastery as an option,
the logic of a life-centred existence can only be twisted grotesquely out of shape, disfigured and
distorted by a race of cannibal jesters. Moreover, those who teach themselves to laugh at
everything: lose the power of discrimination to identify real danger. It would seem from
observation that the Magian current has finally begun to send everyone, including the young,
This is prophecy of a now emerging current: a current that is at the forefront of the youthful
generation. The Magian are feeding the current of ABSU itself with graphic novels, movies,
music and literature that tap into the realm of the Absurd and lead the possessed further toward
the worship of idiocy. While the current may dissipate as a short-lived cultural trend, it may also
escalate and increase the grip the Magian have on wiping out nexia potentia and shaping the
next Aeon. The Sinisterion must not feed this current logic and rational thinking must always
prevail over decadent material absurdity, and that is what the current is, the marketing of the
Ridiculous. Recognition of this energy should be heightened and any surfacing of it met with the
necessary admonishments of logic, disinterest and/or revelation. A note to all Walkers; whose
job it is to interact with their communities in a practical fashion to enact change often via saying
or not saying, doing or not doing this or that to prevent or hasten an eventuality balance must
be maintained.


By k.

The bare light of the bulb suspended from the roof illuminated the scene of horror beneath.
In the sallow gloom the dark apothecaric unguent of pungent sawdust and stale blood stank.
A naked man, flesh glistening with sweat, knelt on the black lacquered wooden floorboards, the
pale pudge of fat from his ample knees flowing outward in a distended gelatinous ooze.
His wrists ached, and the soft wet flesh was rubbed raw and bloodied from the steel of the mad
stockade that bound them tightly in place. His fingers lay limp, draped in submission and
powerless against the gravity that had grotesquely distorted them and their tips, mercilessly
leaving them wreathed in dark purpled bruises and bloated with blood from the unnatural
His elbows and knees had suffered the same inversion of preservation: a forced neglect of
appropriate care for the outward carpet of flesh that bound his being and the ability of the
stockade to revolve thereby dragging him helplessly across the uneven floorboards had left the
once-hard skin wet and viscous with the fetid pus of gangrenous sores. The torturous proximity
of the edges of his metal manacles had, over time, formed seams with his engorged pale tissues
they bit deep under his skin - colouring it as lead and gnawing at his resolve.
His neck flushed a pale sickly blue, chafed and populated by weeping lesions cruelly encouraged
by the elixir of sweat and the moist rubber inlay within the steel noose that bound him to his
prison. To this prison, in this horrible place.
His slight movement brought forth excruciating spires of hot metallic pain. The shocking lattice
of agony coursed across his body in hideous spiteful venom as fists of nails snaked the length of
his limbs and hammered into each torn naked wound. Every succession of pain was acute,
severed by the next as a bone becomes separate when chopped from the meat and mercy by
The rim of a battered tin plate of rotten gruel, crusted and stained with a thick crimson mold
gleamed briefly forming the vapour of an arc as he shifted his weight.

The contraption that imprisoned him on his knees towered above him, glittering with an array of
arms, dull blades, and ornate cast iron rods, the efforts of a mad architect.
From the shadows she looked on.

Somewhere in the spaces between the rafters, the vertex of an Angle extruded a spider-web of
luminous threads, whining and tinkling like a crystal goblet crushed under slow pressure and
straining the dimensions to pierce the veil of his world.
Within a few hundred feet, and above ground, a triplicate of shadows cast on the alley wall from
the yearning yellow light of a burning car, tore another shadow to pieces for its meat amid a
vocal symphony of monstrous ululation.
She walked in haste there was every chance that she would be murdered if she did not groom
the utmost care and vigilance. In the tomb of night the houses looked like the exhibits of a
museum. She sensed the Change, the Living Wills that had imbued the fragile timber and redbrick structures with human temporality, and the apprehension of the memories of their Time at
once static at once mercuric brought forth a profound sadness. The vispid secretions imbued into
the structures by the dead that had lived in them seeped downward, tendrilling into the ground
where only They would Remember. Dark, those temporary secrets humans inflicted upon one
another while they lived, and so carefully concealed from the eyes of the profane mundane by
what, slabs of hardened paper and the liberal silencing of screams. The thick ribbonous
emanence of the energies writhed coal black fingers encapsulating its vector where it stagnated.
They beckoned her to care, to observe, to vindicate, to Remember - the atrocity of Jim
Neighbour in number 23 burning cigarettes in his baby on the first day of March, the ecstasy of
Samantha Ann Alexia when her back pressed upon her quilted bed in 1988 in the throes of her
first sexual experience, to remember the exact shapes held by Dawn and David Emery at
12:23pm when Colin Sexton across the road watched them through his curtain as they stood at
the doorway frozen in horror while the policeman spoke, or the loneliness of Arthur Tenyon
whose fingers passed over the family photo album at this spot right here and who moved in ten
years to the day later after his wife left him because of his drinking.
Remember, they pleaded. Remember US. Remember ME. Remember that I lived, Remember
that I died. Just please please, Remember
She caught her breath: the shock of the movement somewhere to the left in the burned garden
was sharp and cut her like honed ice. She nervously fingered the knobbled stock of the 9mm
hand-gun again as always passing her forefinger to the warmed curve of the trigger. If they got
her now it would mean more than they could ever know.


Darvens life began to leave him his eyes began to close. The scissors had pierced his aorta and
the smell of fresh leather and languid blood perfumed his last moments. The confusion dulled the
pain. His glassy eyes reflected the firelight from a nearby burning human scarecrow and as his
iris shrank it imprisoned an image of the figures in the distance who stood with their arms forgotten by their sides - transfixed by the unnatural intrusion of the whirling red vortex that ate
stars high above.


Black Magical Sympathy and the Star Game

The ONAs Star Game composed of a richly layered mathematical/symbolic miasma of
shifting energies and alchemy, a miasma that conceals many hidden levels and insights is an
enigma for many. Even when simply played as an exoteric game, it has proven difficult for some
to understand. The intricacies of the Game increase even more when played via an electronic
format where synchronicity and understanding of the rules and orientations are sometimes at
odds between players, causing chaos and confusion.
Although it will be but briefly commented on here: the rewards for learning, practicing and
understanding the Star Game are substantial. Beyond the skills that are developed by learning to
manipulate alchemical energies the archetypal roles that persons assume unconsciously in
Role-Playing, Chess and other games of strategy and competition, are also assumed by players of
the Star Game. The role taken by another player can reveal to an intuitive mind many things
about the nature of ones opponent and offer valuable insight into how that individual
approaches, solves and deals with obstacles in a variety of situations. These observations can be
used to form a skeletal frame for the creation of a map of that individuals energetic nodes and
thus the means of control over that individual through black magical sympathy.
Sympathy is created by tapping into [re-creating a semblance of] the specific energetic currents
in causal matter to match the resonance of the energetic level of a particular individual, group or
Aeon etc. The seven fundamental energies present in the Causal Aether [representing the totality
of causal being] are spiral in nature, helical to be exact, and emanate in concentric circles that
overlap one another giving rise to energetic, and to some degree, geometric resonance
throughout all the forms in the Causal. That is to say, that from the source nexion where these
fundamental energies enter and then interact with the dimension of the Causal, the energies spiral
outward in coils as emanations or copies of the original nexion. The greater the distance

emanations travel from the source nexion, the weaker the emanations become, losing some of
their vitality and increasingly becoming imprisoned in matter crystallized as a static causal
form. Static causal forms, although vastly varied and seemingly unique and separate in nature
are nevertheless connected by the life-blood of the acausal current that is implicit within each of
the seven fundamental energies. Thus, all emanations are connected at a deeper level than the
material causal one, with a common thread of the original energetic structure echoing through
all of them. The original energetic structure is the core essence of the energy regardless of the
forms it takes, analogous to the prime AGCT code of DNA from whence all other genetic
codes [and thus forms] originate.
The human being, for instance, acts as a higher/lower tier of cosmic essence [pending ones
perspective of scale] whose energy and indeed physicality is geometrically a replication of the
original current from whence it came. This is not to state that the source nexion is man-shaped,
but that man is both a reflection and a refraction of that neo-energy, thus both he and his world
are cyclical in nature as per the original energetic emanation. Although there are parallels that
can be drawn with the inner and outer realms that may be perceived as in secret balance, i.e. the
sprawling stars and our isolated planet, echoes the isolated mind among millions of others
energy takes forms that are cyclical not for their appearance, but for their resonance, their
underlying principle if you will. I.e. the atomic structure of Quartz which is tetrahedral in shape
is a naturally occurring resonance of energetic geometry that can be magically replicated in
sympathy by a larger energetic formation designed to copy its essence: viz. a quartz rock in the
shape of a tetrahedron. Sympathy with this energetic node can be further tapped into via the act
of a magician whose act of heirogamos is the becoming of another tetrahedron a joining of
masculine and feminine qualities, or causal and acausal energy, a rite of resonance with the
original current and a reproduction of its geometrical essence on the human level; a synthesis of
sympathy with ever increasing macro [and micro] forms. To take it beyond this level of
resonance would require the individual to form a resonant group [Qv. Aeonics]. Hence, it can be
seen that the resonance between forms does indeed have a cyclical emanation, despite the
obscurity of the connection between those forms when viewed causally and when discerned by
their outward appearance alone. Thus, cosmic resonance and sympathetic magick is a matter of
finding the similar essence in all things that connects the forms of appearance together and
tapping it, by finding the nearest hidden or occult link.
Although sympathy can be created, and a map made of the energetic nodes of an individual for
the purpose of black magical interference and intervention without the Star Game, the design of
the Star Game lends itself powerfully to the development of sympathetic awareness. When
placing curses, intending events, or psychically interfering in anothers affairs by using black
magic, we are essentially working magic on a human-focused plane and as such must operate
within human-oriented parameters. Or put another way, we must find specifically human
locations to focus our power on in the realm of things that can be manipulated on that level, can
put pressure on a human, i.e. emotions, ethics, obligations, physical weakness, habits,
temperament, status, wealth, reputation, biology, psychology, philosophy, etc. Whatever, the
important thing to note is that all forms contain within themselves, the means to their own
destruction simply by virtue of being a form.

Because of the Acausal connection in all things, all human things are echoes of both a purer and
a baser energetic level. These echoes can be stripped of their form, traced to a purer/finer source,
and made resonant with the will. I.e. a habit that annoys can be traced to belonging to the
specific network of connections that make-up the brain matrix of the individual with the habit,
the habit as a program, the program as a mode of the ego, the ego as a product of consciousness,
consciousness as life, life as acausal charge. Hence choices can be made as how best to exert
influence, because the habit can be isolated to a specific location or plane on which it can be said
to be operating. Change of this habit can then be made by using the subtle forms of the matrix
such as personal influence, psychology, sociology, persuasion, making an individual aware of
their habit or the less subtle forms of punishment, character assassination, or violence, for
Pending the skill of the Satanist, many situations can be changed without a magical solution.
However, where it is observed that this habit echoes throughout other manifestations of energy
exhibited by the individual, i.e. a tendency toward greed, or destruction -whereby a similar
blueprint of energy is emanating from many or all aspects of the individuals spheres in a similar
manifestation this is an indication of the nature of the imprisoned energy and its capacity to be
affected by resonance. Typically, the harder, more overt, more distinct the compression of
energy the easier it is to find a resonant form with it. This owes much to the self-imprisonment of
form and the suppression of spontaneous creation imposed by an individuals lack of awareness
of the acausal causing entrapment in the material [and predictable] modes of human behaviour
in the Matrix. Observing the behaviour of a players movement of the pieces then, is akin to
observing the manner in which those pieces are interpreted: and can be magically simplified [Qv.
Apprehending the Dark Gods as they are] and the human-ness intuitively reduced to determine
which energetic nodes the player has sympathy with. Hence the reactions to situations that arise
during play, the discussions that ensue from playing, and the interaction between the players
during and after play is as much a part of the Star Game as is playing to win.
Yet, interpretation, of anything, is a tricky and ultimately heuristic business. There are no charts
of correspondences that can be consulted to determine the energetic nodes of a person based on
categories of behaviour, attitude, action, etc only magical skill developed by training the
faculties of intuitive understanding i.e. by playing the Star Game, can give rise to this acute
perception. Intuition is based on accumulative experience, wisdom [i.e. knowledge that has been
tried and tested practically as well as theoretically] and empathy. But humans by and large fall
into three categories unpredictable and/or repetitive. Whereby energy solidifies as the causal
ego, the ego in turn solidifies the worlds energies by interpreting them for its host being, and
knowledge of the principles of resonance and the process involved is to know thy self and enable
a better interpretation of it all.
For development of magical skill, practice of the Star Game can help develop both inner and
outer alchemy on the personal level. However, for effective black magick and to capture the
energetic nodes of an opponent, said opponent should ideally be an unsuspecting victim without
knowledge of the 18 points of strategy detailed further on in this manuscript, for instance. I
have also found the Star Game to be better used as a tool of black magick without opponents, i.e.
with two or more persons united on the same side [as a collective player in solidarity] effecting

changes as a team upon a separate external target or aim; each playing a part in altering the
For this to occur; it is first necessary to map out the esoteric values of the target before one can
manipulate those values in accordance with ones will. A working process of mapping out
esoteric values has proved elusive to many attempting to understand the SG, and it is likely that
an entanglement in the dogma of `oneness very similar to that surrounding the nature of the
Philosophers Stone has prevented the development of abstract thought crucial to understand the
esoteric nature of the game necessary for Supreme Black Magic.
Quite simply, the Art of Sympathy/Resonance requires either an exoteric form on which points
can be physically defined and mapped [Starboards, an effigy, a photograph etc], or the use of
intuitive esoteric abstraction and an excellent memory. We will touch on both.
Means to indicate different nodes of information are crucial to sympathetic magic. [I.e. the parts
of a voodoo doll in which to direct intent via pins]. Consider the scope of the Star Game to
provide this. There are two colours for the squares and two colours for the pieces. The squares
are causal or acausal in nature pending the colour, and give rise to different alchemical modes
pending the colour of the piece occupying the square as each colour piece can occupy a different
or same coloured square. [Black/white, white/black, white/white, black/black.]
Each alchemical playing piece is capable of 9 symbols of representation across seven boards
broken into 18 individual squares, a black or white pentagram, 3 x 7 columns, or 6 x 3 rows.
Furthermore, the pieces that are placed create a larger tapestry with regard to the exoteric
squares, pieces, colours, and the esoteric mentality of the players. Pieces may be removed, and
alter in nature with every move, bestowing and removing special abilities. Each piece has two
varying alchemical symbols. There is also the addition of the four vertical tiers of the advanced
game with, at the very least, 81 pieces to create even greater diversity. As a mode of abstraction:
the Star Game is capable of representing virtually limitless possibilities.
Each colour, each square, each piece, each board, and each different alchemical equation is in
essence a symbol which can be assigned a magical value using the principles of sympathetic
resonance. To many, the Star Game is thought of as having a static pre-determined method of
capturing essence within the alchemical representations. This is true, and, untrue. While the
ONAs Star Game has its own esoteric rules of play, and lends itself spectacularly to the purpose
of sympathy, it is nevertheless only a base tool used to channel the power of magic. Although not
as impressive, seven stones could just as easily be imbued with exactly the same intent.
Whatever the tool, what is important is that representations must be magically captured, whether
using the symbols of the Star Game or the pins of the Doll or the energetic nets of the
mind/intent; it is the intent of the magician that is the magical key, not the tool, and in all cases,
what is captured in a tools representations is individually determined.
The ONA makes connections between its many layers of symbolism in degrees of intensity,
relying on the intuition and self-possessed creativity of the initiate to solve a problem with many
solutions. When directly tutored by ONA this may be different but publicly the ONA applies
the post-modern approach of the maxim sort it out your self effectively limiting

understanding of the Star Game from an initiated perspective, but perhaps doing so with the
intent to avoid dogmatism. Yet there are clues and instructions scattered over the whole corpus
of ONA writings in micro/macro templates that show how to make the definite connections
that many seek. I.e. in the Septenary Correspondences the tarot numbers and cards are aligned
with various energies/gods each of which can be said to be archetypically resonant. The main
source is called the Nine Angles, from which is formed the exoteric tree of Wyrd, and from this
Seven energies or Planets, each further categorized by further resonant correspondences i.e.
Venus, Aosoth, Hel, Love and Ecstasy, the number 14, etc, corresponding to the board Antares.
This premise of correspondence is based on the Third Way of Magic and the Septenary Tradition
and hence it can be assumed that ONA are in possession of a superior means of creating
sympathy and resonance specific to their Tradition. However, it is often assumed that the secret
to sympathy relies on particular moves inherent within the Star Game as though the magic was in
the pieces themselves, and, while a magician still believes it is the tools that are magic, this will
hold true. Nevertheless this stage should be surpassed and give rise to pure [and tool-less] Intent
and the essence of magic separated from the appearances within which it is concealed. The Star
Game itself will teach them this.

Cold fusion / Inherent Compulsion

As a fire is slowly kindled into life by adding fuel, so too are various nexions kindled into being
by the Acausal. Some of these nexions are imbued with the purity of Cosmic Will; and
throughout recorded history, the river Acausal flowing through our dimension has brought forth
again and again those who sense being Before their Time. But this will continue to happen
regardless of any of humanities woes and struggles in the War of Thought; until the Acausal
succeeds in its Will to perform the process we observe as evolution of the human consciousness;
or we are destroyed by the oncoming reign of the Age of Ego. For until the World is ready and
the conditions for a mass arrival of higher consciousness are allowed to prosper; the persecution
of those who wish to run ahead of their species in evolution will continue. In light of the
evidence; it is likely that at this moment of time we are simply repeating a struggle to overcome
difficulties of oppression and resistance to change experienced by many other Ages to evolve.
Though we may not understand from where we are what the world was for many large numbers
of humans far back in the halls of time that reached great mental and magical prowess within
their paradigm; we do understand that there exists many obstacles, mostly authoritarian, that seek
to actively hinder the growth of human excellence. For those possessed of understanding; and it
may not be a similar understanding in method but in principle; until the World is made ready to
take the hint; the conflagration cannot begin.
A Law of Thermodynamics, states that energy will always seek the lowest amount of energy
expenditure possible. Physically; Human beings are mostly water; and are powered by the

electrical synapses of the brain. We are walking conductors. Almost all of an average persons
energy expenditure is used to power the Ego, and the rest, in powering the Matrix. Speaking
from experience; in taming the Ego; one is suddenly free from using the vast amounts of energy
to hold up ones image, ones persona, ones life, and the energy used in remembering the
rehearsed answers of polite society. In taming the Ego; energy drained from you to maintain fear
or submission toward perceived Authorities, is returned; but most importantly, few people
understand just how much energy is used in maintaining the Matrix, and that when the need to
channel all ones efforts into holding it up is dropped; one feels for the first time the immense
rush of all that energy back under ones control. And because we are used to living on so little
for ourselves and spending it all on others; the returned energy amounts to an unlimited resource
that allows a magician to pursue endless tasks and undertake endeavours that daunt many others;
by the simple re-direction of ones energies into personal cold fusion.
The simplicity of `Mastery would be laughable if not for the fact that human beings compose a
vast and collective electrical net and in accordance with thermodynamics, this vast collective
too, is seeking the lowest energy expenditure; a re-direction of energy toward evolution that will
continue to be made virtually impossible by the theft of our energy by the Magian and the
powers of Solomons Key. While the Cosmos will continue to presence itself in our dimension as
an evolutionary drive to higher consciousness there is the possibility that the stunting of growth
caused by the interference of the Magian will prevent attempts for the Physio- Nuclear type to
become common. It may require thousands of years more for this to come about; if we make it
that far. But why then, does a Master persist in practicing `Aeonics in working with designs of
magic, the results of which, s/he may never ever see; and still persist in the struggle to raise the
consciousness of others higher; if such acts may take hundreds of years to come about?
As our bodies are composed of system of nerves; the human nexions caused by the cross-flow of
the Acausal with the Causal are embodiments of the Cosmic Will. While it may seem we have
our own separate bodies and wills and lives; we are intimately connected by our composition of
the same star-dust imbued with the Acausal. We all derive from the Acausal, thus we are a
unified whole at the Acausal level and an expression of it. A Master; like all other human bodies
shares this connexion; but as an avatar of the Cosmos toward evolution; is compelled to
infect/elevate those nexions surrounding it with similar Cosmic Will. Thus no matter how futile,
how mind- numbingly boring, pointless or aggravating the task may seem a Master feels the
need to Help others reach the Masters stage. And because this compulsion; has only recently
become a conscious understanding; it is very difficult to see a way to deal with it. The kicker
comes however; because this connexion is more complicated than it seems.
There prevails a view that `Satanists are orphans; isolated on the LHP Path and that no guidance
or help is able to assist them since they must do everything alone and their own way. Perhaps
this is so from the point of view of human bodies and minds and personal worlds; but there are
forces at play that dwarf our woeful or prideful ideas of separation; and join us as one whether
we like it or not.


Contemplation of Culling
(My Practical and Philosophical Considerations)
On Opfers.
When I was taking on board the ideas of the ONA I prepared to kill to prove my worth as an
initiate and to satisfy my curiosity. The situations Ive been in during my life have not been of
strife, of war, or civil unrest indeed I doubt Ive gone hungry a day in my life. There has been a
few fist fights at most, some brutal ones where I had to fight to save my life but none of that
harshness of poverty, corrupt government and police, civil war and religious blood feuds that
goes on in so many other countries. Ive been to a few anti-nuclear rallies and a few anti-war
ones too but my activism, even as a neo-nazi, was fairly subdued there being no direct threat
or enemy involved. Ive not been in a riot so I dont know the mob mentality first hand Ive
never been shot at, or knifed, or even mugged. I know I can get angry angry enough to want to
stop the person making me angry and even to kill them in the heat of the moment- but Ive not
done it. Ive experienced a red haze of fury descend over my eyes as a teen when I stabbed a
student and chased another, but the intent to kill it is completely foreign to me.
I watched a lot of medical dramas, and looked at loads of gory, disturbing pictures on sites like in order to desensitize myself to blood, gore, and to see what real injuries look like.
What cutting a finger off looks like, what a hammer can do when it smashes a skull, what skin
looks like when its burned, or what the facial expressions of a rape/stabbed/shot victim look like
during the act to try to get some idea of the practical elements of the act of killing someone
would be. I wanted to be familiar with the real scenes of damage to a body so that I would know
what to expect not guess or take my cues from the T.V. or movies. I also needed to know how
to execute a killing. Here in Australia killing is not common. It may seem like it on the news, but
we dont have genocide, we dont have warfare in the streets, we dont have armed gangs
roaming the streets with machine guns and tanks, or rogue commanders ordering house arrests
and rape and killings of civilians. Its not familiar to us. Its strange and alien and the contrast of
our way of living gives us the impetus to call Australia the lucky country.
But what did this mass accumulation of facts serve? To know how to apply a choke, how to stalk
without being noticed, how to silence a victim so they couldnt cry out, knowing methods for
disposing of a body, of clothes and weapons used in the killing, to study the Rite of Nine Angles
again and again to get it right in my mind? What did looking up melways refs. and studying the
maps for isolated spots, backroads, minimizing nearby places a victim could run to, achieve? It
was all theory and no practical. Ive done enough things in my life to know that the reality is
always different from the intellectual premise. Yet, I prepared. I was 21 years old and about to
become a murderer in my belief that certain persons who had caused others I thought were good
persons, a lot of strife and grief and deserved to die. I was about to choose whether those persons
should live or die and to execute them by my own hand if I decided they should not.


My childhood experiences contain early warnings of my risk of becoming a serial killer, of

taking knives to school, destroying thousands of butterflies in one afternoon, stabbing people,
being isolated and involved with devil worship and a lot of misguided notions based on anger,
frustration, sadness and my self-importance. Today I fit the profile for one quite well Im 2532, white male, steady job, nice guy [if a little odd], for instance, yet the only one that seems to
know how psychotic I can be, that thinks there is a beast inside, seems to be myself. A lot of
people speak of killing all the time as if it were nothing to them almost all have never killed
anything or anyone. Particularly when it comes to Satanism a lot of people have romantic visions
of killing, and, if youre not in control of your ego like I am its all too easy to make an excuse or
build a case on the grounds to kill someone and believe they deserve it. But killing someone for
the right reasons now thats infinitely harder.
You can find reasons to kill someone for being a paedophile, or being a Christian, or for
practicing Satanism badly, or for hitting your car, or because you have been killing people your
whole life but its always going to be a subjective killing. Is killing someone to aid a society, or
cosmos and the ensatzgruppen [killing squads] of Nazi Germany are an example or making
an opfer in the case of ONA, justifiable murder? The only thing that makes it justifiable is if I
tell myself that it is. For a lot of people its easy to convince yourself of anything people do it
all the time. But what happens when you really are out of Time and a different species when
you think of yourself as fallible in your judgement and know for certain through experience and
observation that all your judgements are subjective think, that I can never really know, what is
right, and what is a right killing? If my values dictate who is good and who is bad then I am
setting myself up as a God over others yet, without my ego, and devoid of a sense of inflated
self-importance it is impossible to be able to set ones mind to the task of doing a right killing,
because without that pre-existing guide of values, without that conviction that one is right in
what one is doing, and in travelling a path that continually requires one to question oneself
killing is no longer an easy thing to justify.
Most people are followers. They select a set of values and gravitate towards groups or other
people that have similar values and uphold those values as correct, true, or whatever you want to
call it. If I performed a sacrifice to prove myself to ONA what would I be proving? That I was
easily influenced, so easily influenced as to take directions for how to run my life or value
system by a group of facelesss manuscripts? Would I be proving that I was so committed to these
ideals that I was willing to kill for them maybe but would that make me more satanic?
Rather I would be doing this act because I am too weak-willed to reject the ONAs advice or
views. Do I reject them, or embrace them, live their way or live my own way which is the more
satanic, which, is even satanic?
Theoretically, if I kill someone, its because I want them dead. Because I believe they are
deserving of death, have wronged me, or are in some way responsible for some grief or damage
to me or elements of my world or my understanding of that world. But who deserves to die?
And who is the one to determine who is right to die? Does a Master? Why would they care if I
killed some faceless person theyre never going to see? How would they know Id made the right
choice? And more importantly to go beyond, beyond the petty reasons people kill for to
achieve self-gratification for whatever reason emotion or madness is to understand that people
kill for no right reason other than a subjective set of values they believe gives them the right to

kill. Are my values better than anyone elses? Do I have the right to destroy another life, to judge
it from afar, not live it myself, and make claims about its worth? Without ego how do I
convince myself I am doing Right Action? With the insight and wisdom, and subsequent
enlightenment of the Abyss how does anyone kill another in the self-deceptive delusion of
thinking it is the right thing to do? I have training, for instance, I know how to kill someone but
I dont do it. Have I not found the right person who can motivate me so deeply to anger or hatred
or disgust that I cannot kill them? Probably. Perhaps I am tolerant of human beings because I see
us as all in the same predicament; as morphic beings of redeemable blankness, most of which are
stuck in time and blind to the machinations of change, life, circumstance, culture, ego. Anyone
who claims that their Will to Power is what matters most must deal with the ugly contradictions
and sloppy thinking such ego contrivances creates I.e. if Will to Power is the supreme judge of
who deserves to be Masters of the flock, then surely the USA deserve their position as
totalitarian superpower and all efforts to remove them from power by calling them Magian and
starting a hate-group against them should be dropped, and the Will to Power of the US,
celebrated as the strongest, most successful Will. If not, why not?
One must admit that to have values, is like having only part of the pie. To live ones life
according to those values is to be blinded by them and the only factor that drives them is
arrogance. Im not saying it is wrong to kill people, Im not saying it is right Im asking why
do I kill and when is it the right reason? And beyond even that, its all Form isnt it, someone
elses will directing mine it might be the vehicle of Satanism [for instance] that defines how
that will is presenced, and no matter how professionally its said - in the end its all just ego-based
bullshit isnt it. No-one offers any right reason to kill just their own.
Adepts know it and thats why theyre so silent. First they drop out of Time then they drop
out of Form.

Excerpt from an Interview given in OA #13

3.) THEM speak about a need for Solidarity in their writings can you give me an example of
how Solidarity is used within the Temple of THEM?
Sure. Functionally We share the same email address at the Temple and for many groups this
would be a risky venture. It generally takes only a clash of wills and a heated argument and one
of the party would have no qualms in changing the password to lock others out or use the
account to cause mischief. But I dont really think that its just implied trust that allows us to be
so assured of each others intentions. Its knowledge that over the course of years our companions
have worked hard to become aware of and exercise the option to control or over-ride the
impulses, motivations, and emotions of the ego. THEM recognize the instability of assuming the
I at all times because it means being trapped in Time and in the Matrix by the egos of others

this leads to being unable to shake ones role, lessens a magicians perspective and can even
lead back to ego-centrism.
There was for a long time a belief expressed by various members previously involved with
Alchemy that once the Philosophers Stone was attained [which we equate here psychologically
as the Self] it would immolate the realm of the ego and the temptation to revert to that state of
consciousness by virtue of destroying so many of the pillars of that state of being Time, Space,
Duty, Name, Form, Concept, Logic, Law, the I and even Thought are all damaged irreparably
in actually extricating oneself from the Matrix; so much so, that the convenient life of reliance on
the Matrix by others can never be lived for a magician again. It is now known, through
attainment, that this is not true. Even with the awareness of ones actions and speech the ego
continues to babble occasionally. And in those cases where that babble is not checked the Self
can become re-consumed by the easy ride and low energy expenditure of the ego. But therein
lies a precarious balancing act performed by each of THEM because there must also be outlets
for the ego to continue its babble channels for its incessant existence lest the power to take
shape be lost. The ego is thus treated as a vehicle that can be driven whereby the will of the
magician watches over it, seldom leaving the ego to its own devices, but taking advantage of the
opportunities the ego creates within the Matrix as a functioning cohesive unit of form. Watching
over the ego is not an intellectual motto it is a way of Life for members of THEM.
Philosophically our online Temple is a tendril, an experimental possibility; it does not matter
overmuch whether we all agree with what is represented in the online forum. We all know that it
is the nature of a Form to interact with the Matrix in such a way that it generates a unique
signature, a hard-wired cob-web of connexions whose specific geometry will increase various
probabilities and decrease others and that individuals/groups will intermesh the Form into the
Matrix simply because it is one, I.e. a Form.
Each external interaction with the Temple prompts a magical response from the Temple. As
others buy into the myth, we feed the Myth and solidify tentative belief and curiosity into a solid
foundation directly connected with that individual or group. When others believe in us, they
spread the message and myth of THEM for us independently. Because we each understand the
nature, methods, and ultimate goal of the Temple, we each understand why certain things are
said, or made so. Very often, something seemingly posted out of the blue is a response to a
private enquiry or clandestine interaction by an individual with the Temple. Thus the outer
appearance of the Temple or the ego of the Temple is apt to be peppered by all kinds of
pathways and topics of the smaller sphere of the semantic variety. While the inner connexion of
the Temple or Ga Wath Am sees these semantic necessities holistically in the replies given
writhe the seductive tendrils of black magical intent designed specifically to suit or more
accurately tap into or create sympathy with that individual and have them further intermesh
our Myth within their Matrix. The process is similar to downloading a computer virus tailored to
attack the support systems of the Matrix and the Magian and bring them both crashing down over
Magically, the Temple of THEM is a co-generated Sinister Form; an organic seed that has been
designed to meet the challenges imposed by the modern occult environment and mentality. This
form is still in its infancy, but is now beginning to take on a life of its own, a plant germinated by

the agency of others in the Matrix and occasionally watered by us. But this doesnt mean our
online representation is taken lightly as a side-project, even though it is mostly extra-curricular to
the lives of members of THEM. The voice of each member is incorporated into our manuscripts,
which tend to have a homogeneity owing to being expressed by one appointed writer, and each
of us share our specialty knowledge of various semantic spheres to help ensure a fluid integration
of difficult clientele. Members participate in the Temple affairs whenever and however they
choose to and are kept up to date on its growth via the reports and public announcements/private
tuitions stored in the shared email address and via the Temple e-zine, Oto Anorha. Each
member can thus provide their specialty knowledge to support the Representative, express any
concerns or new directions the Temple should take, or inform the Syndicate of important
changes in the external/internal network.
Solidarity is further enhanced by the common understanding that Change takes time. Especially
biological change. Sustaining Self is primarily a matter of the conditions created concerning the
lightening and the sun [or Time] and to maintain the Self it helps to live within a magical
weltanschauung pursuing short and long term goals + an Aeonic one. That way, the contrivances
of the Matrix dont weigh one down too much or for too long and what really matters can be
attended to. This outlook in itself helps remove the magician from the trap of thinking only for
the moment. A common far-reaching perspective that shadows our seventy or so allotted years
keeps us focused on the task of fulfilling our goals within the Temple of THEM both
individually and collectively.
Attaining the Self is extremely difficult but it is only the first evolutionary step. The second step
is in sustaining the Self and this requires constant vigilance the natural evolution of a magician
is to immolate the ego and attain enlightenment but such embodies the loss of the ability to take
form or the desire to interfere, to take a stance or to have the arrogant foundation to ground a
conviction; such persons may be enlightened but they sacrifice their original goal [to be like
Satan] to go on beyond words, forms, and being. The power of the Sinister however does not lie
in leaving the Earthly plane and going to meet God; or in becoming an aetherial vapour that is
too wise to trouble itself with the affairs of the human being. The risk to abandon what one
originally set out to do [be Satan] when coming face to face with the secret Samadhi is GREAT;
and it can be justified away as one passes through the Abyss where meanings have no ground
and the Sinister Quest is abandoned in the wake of some a priori experience of being; but it takes
an immensely strong will to get this far and make the decision to return to remain loyal to the
Sinister. To continue to employ ones will under the direction of such enlightened knowledge and
possessed of magical prowess is to walk the Earth as a Dark God. Thus, we have not destroyed
our egos but yoked them into the service of our developed Selves.
Beyond that, the third stage is in continuing to teach the Rites of Passage that characterize the
ego and the Self for long enough to create a folk that are engineered toward developing this
greater state of mind either genetically or by Tradition; hence, for instance, the creation of the
Nexus, Mvimaedivm.
Having the Self in our lifetime is a great achievement of personal enlightenment but we are
aiming for more than that and seek a collective, inhuman [we say inhuman or first human rather
than human because of the embarrassing connotations associated with typical human

behaviour] enlightenment. What form will arise to occupy the shattered wastelands of the
Magian Empire we shall just have to wait and see via Vindex. Our concern is to act as
Falcifer to smash the status quo and prepare the conditions for a hostile aeonic takeover. In
the most humble sense, we try to bring a little bit of Satan into everyone we meet. We do this by
not buying into the Magian way of life.
Psychologically THEM assert that we are a new emerging species by virtue of our numbers
and our presence of mind. The attainment of Self has previously been thought to only be
achieved by lone hermits, individuals isolated in time and space by their particular Wyrd and
although periods of isolation are necessary to bring about the dissolving of the ego there are
nonetheless a half dozen of us now united via the Acausal Voice as a species. Our synchronicity
has been founded on unique principles and understanding of sorcery, and whatever our personal
aims we are each cold and sure of our magic. We represent the rise of the Undividual and
the fomentation of a culture. Watch this space.


Ryan Anschauung
Michelle had met Evan in the summer of 1995 at a New-Age seminar. Shed been browsing
through a stack of occult books looking for one on crystals. The stranger had smiled when shed
turned her head briefly to see who was standing beside her, and shed smiled back. Hed noticed
her select several promising looking books from the pile, flip through the pages of each one, and
then put them back down with a sigh, apparently dissatisfied with the contents.
Youre after something on crystals? hed asked her.
Yes. But Im not having much luck shed said, turning to acknowledge him politely.
Yeah, I mean theyre all good books in their own right, but Im after something special too.

Oh, youre into crystals as well? shed enthused.

Hed looked briefly at the stacks of books on the table, deftly pulled a thin black book from the
bottom of the nearest stack, and handed it to her.
I own this one, its very good. Its written by a German author who specialises in faceting and
gem-cutting for efficacious emanation I highly recommend it if youre interested in the
spiritual geometry of crystals.
Shed taken it from him and thumbed through the pages, it was exactly what shed been looking
I studied crystals a few years ago. Ive always been fascinated by them.
Shed been so engrossed in the contents of the book shed barely noticed the delayed response to
her question. Shed looked at him then. She was immediately taken with his boyish good looks.
This is fantastic thank you very much!
Youre very welcome, he said, smiling warmly.
After engaging the stranger in a conversation, shed been impressed with his knowledge in the
field of crystals and learned the strangers name was Evan. Shed invited him for a coffee as a
way of saying thank you for finding her the book, and hed accepted, even offering to bring
along some other books he thought she might be interested in.
One thing had led to another and Michelle had fallen deeply in love with Evan. Before she knew
it, theyd been together for six months, and in that time Evan had continued to impress her with
his extensive knowledge of things occult. Shed told him about her upcoming thesis for college,
and hed continued to be helpful, offering to lend her rare or hard-to-find books from his own
collection. Hed also speak at length about the occult with her, often surprising her with his
seemingly endless repertoire of information. Yet she never once felt like she was being lectured,
his soft, steady tone of voice only ever informative, never accusatory.
Shed got an A on her thesis and Evan had been delighted for her. Hed offered to take her out
to dinner, somewhere special to celebrate. Shed accepted. Later that night theyd gone to Evans
home, giggling like schoolgirls from the effects of wine. Once inside, shed planted a kiss on his
lips. Hed kissed her back. Theyd made passionate love in Evans bed, and it had been
Although she could pick a thousand traits in Evan that she admired or respected, the one thing
Michelle liked most about Evan, was the way he held himself. He never pushed her into
anything, never took more than what she offered. He always seemed to give back exactly what
she gave and never more. When theyd made love hed followed her lead and matched her
rhythm. When she wanted it rough and urgent, hed comply by fucking her hard. When she
wanted it gentle and slow, he was amourous and sensual, holding her hips and gazing into her

eyes as she quietly rode him. It was almost like dating a mirror. A wonderful, handsome,
intelligent mirror that always knew just what she wanted.
1. Shed said yes and theyd made passionate frenzied love underneath the stars. Hed told
her that he loved her, and hed promised her the world.
In late summer, during a conversation over dinner, Evan had engaged her in a conversation about
having sex to power crystals by a technique called empathetic vibration. Shed been thoroughly
fascinated by the idea, and had suggested with a giggle shed be more than happy to explore the
possibility with him, to try and power several cuts of quartz she owned. Shed been shy at first,
but Evan had gone over the methods with her, patiently explaining various facets of the
technique and there was no denying that during their first session the sex had been absolutely
phenomenal. Their sex has always been incredible, but there was something kinky about the
ritualistic use of it that excited her to new levels of passion. Theyd engaged in lovemaking to
charge the crystals for about a month. Shed always enjoyed the experience and the sex; the sex
was unspeakably good. But somewhat skeptical of the idea of their sex to power crystals, Shed
been surprised that she felt she detected a change in the crystals. She didnt know if it was her
imagination, but somehow the crystals seemed brighter, denser too.
1. Theyd discussed the glowing crystal well into the night. Evan was as excited as she was
that the technique worked and they chatted about the possibilities of charging bigger and
rarer crystals.
How could we charge it up even more? shed asked
Well I guess wed have to somehow increase the intensity of the sex? But how? Its already so
Do you have any books about how to do it at home Evan?
I might have. Ill have a look through them when I get home and let you know.
He trailed off and slipped his head under the blanket. She felt his curls brush against her crotch
as he went down on her.
Evan had rung her the next afternoon and told her hed found some books about increasing the
charge. But that they also involved doing things that he wasnt sure shed be comfortable with.
Like what?
Well it says here that increasing the empathetic vibration can be achieved by engaging in
extreme acts of a sexual nature and it mentions well, taking it in the backdoor
Shed smiled, despite Evans general confidence he could be disarmingly shy sometimes.


Well baby. Im game if you are she flirted, trying to make Evan feel more comfortable with
mentioning it.
Well we can try it Michelle, and if you dont like it we can stop and find another way
Alright, come over tonight, and bring the book if you can.
1. But her apparent ignorance did nothing to slow the tremendous turnover and she would
often run out of stock, something that had never happened before, much to the anxious
customers chagrin. She had looked through Evans book herself, and found references to
other extreme sex acts. Some of which involved torture or rape. She mentioned them to
Evan and they would go over the acts, discussing them with Evan always asking if she
was really sure that she wanted to try them. Shed nodded in the affirmative and they had.
Shed grown to trust Evan like she trusted nothing else. He was always there, always
gentle, and never pushed or forced her into anything. And they continued to power crystal
after crystal.
Hed brought around a crystal of his own: a large pyramid-shaped piece of quartz. It was one of
the largest and clearest shed ever seen.
I was hoping we could try and charge this one Michelle. My grandfather gave it to me its very
old, been in the family for generations, he actually told me it had special
What kind of special powers?
He didnt elaborate unfortunately, just said that it was a very special crystal once it was
Lets charge it then. Lets see what it does
Over the course of six months theyd performed hundreds of sexual sessions, but the sessions to
charge the large quartz pyramid were largely required to be obscene. Shed almost felt like hed
torn her out of shape by the end of the sessions, but shed not complained, despite the ferocious
pains in her orifice. And as the months went by the crystal began to emit a hazy violent yellow
glow. The sessions continued until the pyramid once a dull opaque glassy rock had become
imbued with a warm yellow-orange luminescence from base to apex.
How do we get to see what it does? shed asked.
Im not sure, Ill have to have a look through Grandpas things and see if I can find something
out. He might have left notes or something.
Michelle nodded, and then promptly drifted off to sleep in Evans arms, exhausted. She lay prone
on the plush black carpet, blood trickling onto the carpet from the deep scratches in her buttocks.

Evan had telephoned her some time after Midnight. Hed been jabbering excitedly, and through
the sleepy haze she only made out snatches of his conversation
Lake ancient cults gateway bring the crystal!
Shed agreed to meet him at Lake Aosoth the next day, just after sunset. She had arrived five
minutes late because of the traffic, and had been worried hed think shed forgotten to meet him.
But he was there waiting for her, and he greeted her with a kiss, and presented a bottle of wine.
I thought we should celebrate, he said.
Theyd strolled along the waters edge and Evan had explained why hed asked her to meet him
here. As they took turns swigging from the bottle, Evan apologetically informing her hed
forgotten to bring glasses, hed told her about the old book hed found hidden amongst his
Grandpas things. Inside the book there were ritualistic notes and memoirs it appeared his
Grandfather had belonged to some kind of ancient order called Le Guardian that descended
from the Druids. According to the notes, the quartz pyramid was the gateway between this world
and another world. The crystal had been carefully guarded for thousands of years by the
members of Le Guardian, as had the secret magickal properties of the lake. But the note gave the
location of the lake, and revealed that submerging the crystal in a specific part of the lake would
effect the crystal in some magickal way now that it was fully charged.
Excited about this discovery, theyd celebrated with a quickie in the woods. Her body was still
tender from the sessions but Evan was gentle. Then theyd strolled down to the pier and Evan
had helped her into a small wooden boat with oars. Evan had noticed the look of concern on
Michelles face and hed smiled. Hed taken the oars, and with strong even strokes began rowing
the boat to the center of the lake. It was after dusk by the time hed reached the center of the dark
waters, and a crescent moon climbed the clear night sky. Beneath the stars, Evan and Michelle
uncovered the quartz pyramid theyd wrapped in cloth and brought with them.
Wow Evan! Look at that! shed exclaimed.
Ive never seen anything like it. He replied.
The pyramid of quartz was still emanating a yellow glow, but a crimson hue had snaked its way
along the edges of the cut quartz. And it was vibrating.
Michelle is the book there behind you in the bag?
Michelle turned to look behind her and saw a square-shaped canvas bag lying on the floor of the
rowboat. She turned away from Evan and rummaged through it. It was cold out on the lake, and
her skin prickled with goose bumps. She wished shed brought a jacket. The wine felt like it had
gone straight to her head too and shed swayed a little in her seat whilst looking for Evans book.
After a few moments she found it and turned back around.
Here you are, she said, smiling at Evan.

Evan smiled back warmly and took the book from her.
This is so exciting! he said, thumbing through the pages looking for something.
Then he looked over at Michelle.
Listen Michelle, I just want you to know that since weve been together its been amazing.
Oh Evan its been amazing for me too! she gushed, Ive never met anyone like you, I feel so
close, I totally trust you, and Ive never felt that with anyone before! I love you so much baby!
Well, I just wanted you know that my names not Evan, and you dont know me at all.
He put his fingers up to his scalp and pushed his fingertips into the skin. With a neat downward
tug he tore off Evans face.
Michelle recoiled in the boat, her eyes and her mouth agape with horror, shock and disbelief
filtering into her features. She did not recognize the man before her. She did not understand what
was happening. She did not know where the lover she had spent the most amazing and intimate
six months of her life with had gone or why he had ripped off his face. And she did not have time
to react when the rope tied around her ankles grew taut and a tremendous force ripped her into
the water, with the expression of terror and chaos on her gibbering face as she was forcibly
submerged in the cold depths of the dark lake.

heRe be DragOns (v.02)

The quiet solitude of the upstairs study was broken by the sound of a ringing telephone.
Ryan, sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen in front of him, grabbed
absentmindedly for the receiver.
A painting by some mysterious figure titled St Claire a rare occult treasure from the 1970s
and a 21st birthday present from a generous uncle hung above the computer muddying the
otherwise uninteresting walls with murky swirls of aqua blue and crimson.
When he recognized the voice on the other end, Ryan grinned.

Ah. How are ya mate? Been a long time since I heard anything from you shit, must be a year
now? Good to hear from ya, man. Whats been happening in your world?
A frown crinkled his brow.
Oh yeah? sounds like youre doing well for yourself mm, yeah doin alright hey you got
that other tattoo yet? Mm, yeah well you gotta take your time and look around make sure you
dont get fucked over and end up some scratchers orange.
Hah, yeah, good, look if you need any help with your design let me know. Ive been drawing a
fair bit lately probably not the sort of shit youre after for your arm, but Im pretty sure I can
finish that tat. Make it match the other one at least.
Ryan stretched out his hand and picked up a jellybean that had fallen from a nearby bowl and
idled too close to the keyboard. He popped it into his mouth and leaned back on his chair.
Not quite, no. Lots been happening you in front of a computer?
Yep ok Ill wait.
He chewed on the lemonade?- bean and gazed thoughtfully at The Witches.
According to his uncle a lot of Australian occult art had not survived the 1970s. Apparently a
narrow-minded police force had sought to destroy any that they found. This painting, a set of
three he was told, was probably quite rare. He wondered if his uncle would give him the third
one to complete the set the next time there was an occasion to be celebrated.
Yeah mate, Im here yeah. Go to www, dot, wordpress, yeah one word, dot com, backslash,
temple of them yep one word.
A questioning murmur issued from the mouthpiece, followed by a confident tone of
Yes mate thats it. What youre looking at is about 60 manuscripts
No, I know, theres a hell of a lot more. The rest are either contained in various works or you
remember I was writing Mvimaedivm last time we spoke? Yeah, well *pause* Well its
supposed to be called Mvimaedivm; I only called it the Diary of a Devilworshipper to make it
more commercially appealing when I started selling em. Yeah good mate, Ive actually finished
seven volumes and no, I cut out a lot of stuff.
Cheers mate.
No well I havent published all of them yet as I say, a lot of shits happened.
Ryan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yeah the Order of Saturn awesome stuff this guy really knows his shit no not like, not
regurgitating occult lore, I mean he comprehends behaviour, habit, method, change, alchemy, the
lot. Yeah remember that book I told you about? The one on Cybernetics? Ah shit, Maxwell
something I cant remember. Yeah, well I really like his work we had a bit of a chat about
some of the concepts he uses vs. those that THEM use was very interesting.
Yep. Yep. Okay, well go get yourself a coffee or something and Ill tell you whats going on
Ryan sat forward, cradling the receiver against his ear with his shoulder and typed seven letters
into his search engine. A few maps of a woodland area in south-eastern Victoria popped up. He
browsed the listed contents and clicked on one. He sat and studied the maps quietly.
A voice came from the phone.
Hey man. Got yourself one? OK. Lets start from the top. Remember when you came over that
time and we got crownies and sat in the garage? Yeah? Then do you remember we were talking
about the powers of the Vatican and Vatican City? Yeah? Well apparently the Vatican has
officially issued a private order to form a group of about 100 specialists to fight the rise in the
Yeah, I cant remember the name of their organization, but its called something like the Sworn
Brothers of the Sword against Magic and the Occult works of Satan, or some fancy ass title like
that, and its been put together by that fucker Ratzinger yeah the pope yeah he did, visited
earlier last year and shut Sydney city down so no-one could even protest their presence
anyway, this action is quite a frightening proposition because its like a modern form of the
Inquisition is being sanctioned by the Powers that Be. Well apparently he has ties to the
descendants of the Inquisitors. Mm, well its interesting to keep an eye on these things.
Ryan listened.
Yeah, well the scary thing is that these crazy cunts are still as mad as hatters, nothings really
changed since medieval times in the way of attitude just the forms. Youve seen Guantanamo
Bay? Guat, no wait I forgot, they changed the name to Camp X-ray, thats right. Yeah
*laughter* not much more comforting eh? Here you have a country whose propaganda machine
has been raging for the last what 60 years? about the abominations of Nazi Concentration
Camps, but who has almost a third of their fucking population incarcerated in prison.
Yeah thats an awesome song eh? Mezmerize was a good album too.
I dont care what they blame it on the American system is fucked and theyre the acting
hand of scary cunts like the Vatican so you know whatll happen if they ever get their way.
Yeah but that economic slump was almost certainly manufactured it makes a lot of sense for
it to happen now. The whole 911 thing and then this could not create more perfect conditions
for them. America bombing their own people sent the entire world into an iron-grip police state
that perfectly suits the clearly stated American-Magian goals of total global domination.

Freemasons? I really dont know who does? But thanks to America you cant get on a plane
with toothpaste anymore for fuck sake and the mass given reason is because someone might die.
*laughs* yeah well thats exactly right man, people are dying every day because of America.
Americas quick to jump on soft targets accusing them of harbouring WMDs or abusing human
rights but you dont see them charging into China. No and its interesting that theyve
targeted Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea and Georgia because these countries all form a
ring around China. I guess if you know youve got fuck all chance of invading a kick-ass empire
like China one of the oldest living dynasties in the world the best thing you can do is keep
cats at its feet. But from a military point of view it looks as if the American military has been
trying to set up a perimeter around China for a very long time, at least since the cold war, and a
lot of the countries fit the criteria for what are referred to as choke points.
Mm, so youve got all these signs going on right? And all these noble sentiments of propaganda
expressing the opposite that dont match those signs. Its like the protocols of Zion said: judge
the merit of a conspiracy by what you can see happening. The Jews? Shit of course, but it goes
beyond any racial war and just because a few who happen to be Jewish are involved doesnt
mean they all are. Whats more likely is that millions of people lack the spirit or solidarity to
argue with whats laid down, hundreds of thousands help enforce it, thousands of leaders and
players the world over are following the lead of a hundred, a hundred are colluding together with
twenty, twenty a few, and though it can be generalized the details of the world are just too
fucking big and busy to really get any kind of handle on whats really going on on the personal
level you have to guess via the forms that arise, the forms that are trying to arise, the collective
changes that occur. Meanwhile, wild cards keep everyone guessing. No I do believe in a
Magian conspiracy, partly because its probable simply because people love to conspire. And
partly because there do appear to be clear signs of a master plan unfolding on the chessboard.
What kind of signs? Well, if you had access to a million cameras all showing you shady goingson and you had to explain what was being done, how it was illegal, track the personal details of
each person involved, and then go through court proceedings to get a conviction where would
you ever possibly start? There are so many things going on, on so many levels that its
impossible to process it in any sort of entirety with any depth, proof, or clarity.
Well thats right its not about feeling like your hands are tied because you cant do anything
its the feeling that you cant do anything that ties your hands. Thats the magians magic,
billions and billions of forms that all act to tire you, make you afraid, feel overwhelmed
moreover the system also manages to cater for so many powerful influential people that not a lot
of those people want anything to change or change too much. Doing something all starts with the
development of a self-conviction to make choices.
Yeah well some of the signs are obvious and some arent. O and Sath brought a lot of these to
my attention such as the death of touch in society, like intimacy is being made into a taboo. Well
fear of paedophilia is rife, like an old-fashioned witch-hunt, and I have no love for those sick
fucks but on one hand the government says kids need to be protected, and at the same time it
makes all these absurd demands on mothers to put their kids in daycare, leave them with
strangers and spend so much time at work they hardly ever see their kids. What the fuck is that

about if not a direct attempt to send already over-worked people mad trying to obey two
completely divergent attitudes to life? Its like that whole fucking slap in the face with smoking
where almost every media company brain-washed people into smoking, going so far as to use it
as a sexual euphemism, tap right into human fundamentals, get all the big names doing it for like
50 years. But now some cunts have the absolute cheek to decide smoking is no longer
profitable/publically acceptable, and rather than apologize for nationally and globally pushing
this shit onto others, to turn around and blame smoking addiction on the supposed weakness of
the individual smoker. Eh? Course theres proof check out magazines and advertising from 1900
onwards shameless! The funny thing is the whole campaign to stop smoking is just another
repeat of the original campaign probably by a lot of the same players to start smoking! And
people are buying it. You cant have a smoke anywhere now its like people self-policing for
the State with every hypocritical fuck who tut tuts not having a clue that theyre just being
brainwashed again to ark up about smokers. Retards. And what absolute cunts trying to make
people feel dirty for doing something they told them for so long it was in every way right and
safe to do! And you know recently it got so ridiculous regarding touching people that there was
a big hullabaloo in the papers about how swimming instructors were going to be expected to
teach children but without being allowed to touch them. *laughter* yeah thats right, how the
fuck are you supposed to teach children to swim without the instructor ever touching them? Your
childs drowning? Oh sorry, Im not allowed to help save them because Ill get sued. Maybe you
could jump in an no? Didnt learn how to swim properly either huh? Too bad for little jimmy.
*laughter* Innocent handling and human touch and warmth is totally being made taboo even
my friends who work in the prostitution business say so. They reckon the internet has totally
fucked the sex industry, not only because most men think they have to copy the aggressive
behaviour in pornos to be a man or get off but because most of them are guys who work their
ass off for a lifeless corporation, really only want simple human contact and affection. Yeah, 14
years shes been doing it. Never used to be like that apparently. Between them, 911 and the net
really fucked everything.
Anyway can you hold on? Im going to get a coffee now, Ill be right back. Yep just a sec.
Sweet, right, where was I? Oh, Yeah, anyway you got other signs like the tightening grip on oil,
water, narcotics, medicine, the ownership of almost all the worlds companies and subsidiaries by
a handful of people, increasing strain on resources, etc but any event that even slightly changes
the availability of something is quickly and completely blown out of proportion and given a
media spin that makes each and every one of these human race collectively owned resources
seem like the private property of some company or another and extremely scarce. And its
ongoing day after day in the media, in the papers, in the TV, a whole slew, and I mean a nonstop fucking current since they got the idea from the Nazis, of fear-based propaganda saying this
and that is running out, so people will stay afraid, believe the world is as they want it to appear,
accept the greedy mark-up in prices, get squeezed dry for the benefit of capitalist cunts to widen
the gap between rich and poor, and so affect people that thats all theyll talk about, trying to
drown their sorrows in alcohol and braving the daily grind together. All the while feeding
Orgasmatron. Ive worked at bakeries and supermarkets do you know how much food they
dump? And what about water, the national statistics company indicates between 70-90% of water
used is used by industry, yet they blame the working proletariat and even doubled
water/gas/electricity prices overnight! Id also add the horrific saturation of rap music, once the

most hated of forms by America, now allowed to openly pollute everything with nasty reptilian
messages. No its the tunes that do it, not the lyrics. If you did any of those lyrics a capella
theyd all just sound like shit and exactly the same. Its musical engineers that inject the shite
with trance not the two-bit actors that front the shop. Yeah I hate rap its an insidious state
sanctioned poison insidious, I mean you cant say fuck for fear of offending someone, but you
can talk about bitch-niggaz beating raping women on a pg video game or popularize the gangsta
culture in kids movies. Which I should add in all fairness was another form of resistance
absorbed and bastardized by the magian media. Yeah, yeah transformers had mongrelized negro
robots talking Ebonics, and in transporter 3, in fact a lot of movies, anytime they want to make
the movie fit in and be accepted by its audience they use contemporary music to make it fluid, so
they use some ugly fucking rap track, thus continuing the cycle. *laughter* yeah well that or the
horseshit pop bubblegum and love music that passes for music these days. I actually find a large
number of people agreeing with me about my article on the frequency of the magian being so
fucking enervating that it hurts their ears and brains just to be near it. Yep those fuckers have
done extremely well to create such a powerful sonic weapon. Mate, people severely
underestimate the role of music and movies in all of this.
Eh? Orgasmatron never heard the term? Song by Motorhead, well Sepultura do a version
too but I dont know if its the original anyway, basically Orgasmatron is the personification
of the Churches Lust for Power and Armageddon. Find the lyrics online, youll see what I
*laughter* Yeah well like America says In God We Trust.
Yeah right so as I was saying, the Vatican put together this group to seek out and destroy the
rise in the occult *cough* I mean, disobedience. And with all these other signs popping up of a
singular control over everything its looking like this will be one hell of an interesting century.
But the Christians are up against something new this time.
No and I knew youd ask that. Ive explained why forming a Para-military group or
promoting extremism wont work against the Magian at least not yet. What the fuck are you
going to do against a powerfully trained unit of state-sanctioned S.W.A.T.? Or when the System
gets hold of you and drags you through the courts, through the legal system launching a onesided argument to justify your arrest, your treatment, using all its media against you, and you end
up in a cell fucked over after someone pays the cops or screws to ice you or the cops or screws
use the inmates desperation to nail your coffin shut? What? Call yourself a political prisoner?
You end up just another David Koresh or David Hicks making maybe a loud bang at first with
your individuality, but which day by day under a torrent of propaganda and damage control from
the Machine silences it demonizes it or worse: uses what you did against you by making you
a martyr for the opposite cause. Take September 11 2001, even if in some distant planetary
dimensions terrorists actually did blow up the twin towers and Ive seen too much evidence to
believe that a couple of thousand people get hurt in arguably justifiable payback for what
America is doing to those countries their people and the world in general, and suddenly its ok for
Americans to bomb the absolute shit out of Afghanistan. They do that shit in war they do
everything and anything they have to and were at war. If you take a careful look at the
Christ/Satan myth embedded in nearly all movies where theres two clearly demarcated sides,

yeah again transformers classic example, you see that after 2001 the message of such fights
changes. Suddenly war is allowed to be won at any cost once the enemy has been identified.
Yeah well a lot of movies show popular monuments and world-historic sites being smashed to
dust in the name of American justice and even cop shows are giving fantastic justifications for
treating perps any old way the cops desire collectively sanctioning and condoning torture and
assault of anyone whose deemed a criminal. Were at war with something old archaic and
massive and to take down a two-thousand year old mongrel dragon you need pretty spectacular
Whats that? No I still get it, Im always meeting people who want to get together and form
some sort of Satanic Army with a cache of weapons and secret hideouts fuck man, a lot of
people still treat the work like its cops and robbers. Well let me put it this way if youve ever
done martial arts you realize how extremely fragile the human body is even as it can be superstrong. You get in a fight and you might learn the same thing. You get one chance to take on
something as huge as the Dragon if indeed youre even able to live such a life in the first place
that you become aware of it before it subsumes you and you cant go throwing that life away
on some doomed crusade your carefully manufactured ego wants you to go on thats falling
prey to narrative magic. Especially, especially when theres still no solidarity among people.
That was the first thing to go. Um yeah, whats his name, Henry Ford introduced the production
line and everything just kind of snowballed from there into consumerism, capitalism and the era
of automated machines. Do you know at my local supermarket they no longer employ people at
night? They only provide a self-service machine that fucks people out of jobs.
Yeah, but I mean a lot of people are still being trapped by the same shit doing the same things
despite the obvious precautions the Church has taken to meet various actions with various
results. You wave a weapon, youre gonna get fucking shot. And youre gonna get shot by
professionals or tasered now, the cops are being given tasers here in Oz. And say you blow
yourself up on a tram yeah you might start something, Australia has never had anything like
that happen, and itd start a wave thatd turn oz into a police state but why would that help?
And what kind of weak assfuck thinks blowing up civilians is okay? Its not okay its a lazy
easy way out of actually tackling the huge and insidious problems that face humanity as a whole.
Most of these bombers are young easy to control, easy to convince, easy to replace. The bombs
dont ever seem to get anyone of importance, or anyone who has actually been causing the shit.
Its just an endless blood feud fuelling itself- just the way the magian likes it.
Well any of those poor tortured motherfuckers who did those school shootings are symptoms of
the geometry America forces its inhabitants to endure. But Id love to believe thats finally
starting to change that people are starting to understand that there is a life beyond form and
thus choices beyond what the magian offers us. The plan to implement Magical Solidarity is
*pause* yeah, *laugh* but its very different to National Socialism for a variety of reasons
name one? OK, well it hasnt failed yet.
Ryan sipped his coffee while he listened.
No. well I cant explain that to many people I cant give reasons for various actions because
people need to learn how to think like that for themselves if I tell them what Im doing theyll

just get lazy, add the info to the pile of downloads, and never get around to understanding
digesting or integrating what was actually being done instead theyll try to find a shortcut with
some other group wholl bury them up to their ass in weird and ridiculous practices yes and
thats right, you can give away all the secrets of the Tradition in plain view but that doesnt mean
theyll be appreciated or even understood. Like, nobody ever thanks the guy that takes the fall,
do they? *laugh* precisely. Understanding is still at a pretty shitty level people still dont
understand let alone appreciate the supreme subtlety of how they and things work like how
having a common enemy can join two allies together in hatred firmer than cement. Its not
always fun having to play the enemy its not my idea of fun anyway and its a shitty job
*laugh* but it works, and someone has to do it, just like its always been done. Youve no idea
how many groups or key people weve brought together by making them hate us as a team, well
me really because I stick my head out as the so-called representative. Well what they think is me
anyway Im just a fuckin phantom really. Hell I dont know who I am half the time. Eh?
Yeah well fuck em its way too early for people to even come close to that kind of perception.
Softly, softly, catchy monkey.
Aw fuck mate, list is endless.
Ryan swiveled to the right and picked another jellybean out of the bowl.
Well, we had to start somewhere all these other places are stigmatized, so any place we tried
to deconstruct the Magian would have had, shit, at least a few hundred years of sediment, in
some cases like Britain, maybe a few thousand. Wed have had to spend a lot of time eroding too
many thick layers of convictions and traditions before getting heard or even to the point. New
Zealand would have been good, but Bolton has that, and I dont live there anymore. And so
Australia was the perfect platform to launch Magical Socialism. Eh? Yeah met quite a few
interesting people over the years most of them are still working with me toward this. Yeah the
ONA too.
Mm, well thats helped fuckin heaps but you cant tell people that sort of shit if you tell
everyone youre this or that it changes perception better to remain quiet on the extent of
ones achievements, for one reason people can doubt my credentials and training all they
want *raucous laughter* yeah! Its from the Simpsons. Anyway what was I saying? The proof
is in the pudding. Say what you like THEM is undeniably influential. And secondly, Im
avoiding being seen as an authority. Why? Well people would treat our work differently; just go
along with it because we have some vested authority when really they should go along with it
because it makes sense to them. Well yeah thats why when we published a number of our books
we deliberately didnt give them exciting pictures I mean I could have easily used one of my
pictures or drawn something to make them look cool and satanic but what the hell would that
do? Its very easy to wrap something up in pretty pictures to sell it. Man Ive wasted a lot of
good money buying shit just because it looked good only to get it home and read it. I went
through all that shit when I was DWR, god, as a teenager. I want our work to sell, to spread, to
influence, whether its wrapped nicely or not after all, this fascination people have with valuing
something based on its outer appearance needs to be balanced out. Im testing synchronicity and
Im trying to reverse some of the lean on marketing that people use to qualify somethings
content. Heh, yeah, I read a lot what can I say? Mm, well ONA officially recognized us publicly

as a Traditional Nexion not so long ago. Well yeah but weve been that privately for a long time
being announced publicly really only serves to elevate peoples notice people are trained
early on to seek authorities. As a perceived authority we command respect with respect, time,
and with time attention. Attentions important. Because once we have it and theyre not
flitting about from form to form but paying close attention to what were saying/doing then we
can point out how the whole process that brought them to us worked. Well yep, the idea is that it
will make them immune to any further attempts by others to use form to entice them away from
their own will and to serve in the will and forms of others. Well yeah I realized the paradox in
telling people to think for themselves but I cant make them think for themselves. I can simply
do the best I can, with the others, to present what we have diluted from our own paths.
Yes, well a mixture of long-term and short-term strategists as far as Satanism is concerned is
important you cant be too careful with generalizing things out of habit because then you cut
your options short. But THEM has yeah THEM, thats the name of the new Temple changed
the game for a lot of people. As I speak, in just four months theres been almost 4000 people
visit the site youre looking at. Right 4, 059. Well, thats true, in fact someone made a point of
telling me some other assclown got twice as many hits and he did fuck all with his life. But the
point here is that 4000 people taking the time to read serious methodology and insights into the
problems and solutions and strategy of a vehicle like Satanism and not even Satanism but just
life is a fucking good start. Because theyre not taking an interest in the same old tired bullshit
trotted out year after year, century after century that encapsulates them in commercial forms
but frees them from them. With enough influence that could snowball rapidly into a giant fist
that fucks the Magian completely. Yeah that is quite an image. Sorry.
Um, sales are steady and Ive sold several dozen copies of each volume of Mvimaedivm now
and that was despite stripping all the bullshit that goes with so many occultists from the very
start. *laugh* well thats right and thats because being occult isnt the point. But occultists are
the most likely place to find minds free of certain prejudices, more open to change, who will try
things in spite of the seeming impossibilities of them. Well actually Oh guess what? My
publisher sent me an email the other day that let me know one of my books had been chosen to
sell on Amazon and without me doing a damn thing except writing it. Again, a small start but
a dozen or more small starts in the right place are every bit as good as the proverbial good one.
Saturation is one of the keys but flooding people with books would just repeat what so many
others have done that doesnt help anyone but you know about my other work.
Yep going very well in fact. Tried a couple of times to get in good with a publisher but for
whatever fucking reason
*laugh* yeah, must be my winning personality, eh?
Well Mvimaedivm is the name of the forum we run. Yeah and the name of the books. Well
Im sure you can figure out why they both share the same name Thats right mate, theyre the
same thing. Anyway the forum Mvimaedivm has been extremely successful remember when
everyone just fucking argued because they wanted to be right? Because of the domination of the
ego? Well we found a way to satisfactorily explain to the collective ego how everyone can be
right, while everyone can be wrong, and yet everyone work together, In Sinister Solidarity.

Theres now 21 separate nexions that I know of and counting, working together while each
working in isolation.
Mate, theres no way to explain it over the phone without it sounding confusing youd have to
see it for yourself, be a part of it to get it its magic. Ill send you some of the dossiers we put
together so you can see for yourself. Its only the first finger to the enemy though the first fuck
you as it were. Well a) the Vatican cant tackle the occult if the occult doesnt seem occult. b)
The magian have a powerful knack of absorbing everything into the machine and making it
harmless, weve just shared the blueprints for that machine with the world and because it was so
popular, that machine is all the magian ever built. They dont have time to build another one.
Ryan made a face and dropped the wet blue jellybean hed taken out of his mouth into the nearby
rubbish bin.
Look I dont mean to sound like Im blowing my own trumpet, but fuck mate Im blowing my
own trumpet. See look at it this way. The Christians havent really evolved in technique yeah
their enforcers have, and technology has given them an edge, but numbers dont mean shit if you
have a superb strategy that gets the masses involved. See they still teach the same intolerance
they taught way back when in the same way. They still have a cyclopean definition of Satan and
Satanists, and Satanism too for that matter. But instead of having discussions restricted to forms
and thus peoples thought processes being effectively controlled via a restriction of choice of
thoughts people around me are now beginning to look much harder at form examine the
motive for their presence see the fragility in them, and understand the layers of each not just
as individual geometry, but as a powerful context to be used in casual intellectual examination.
With the bones of the magic of the magian laid bare people are slowly stripping away the
cumbersome wreckage that being trapped within the stricture of forms has left behind as a
legacy for our generation and which has profound influence on everything we do by ourselves, in
a group, or as a species.
No way. Theres way too much work to be done to dismantle that terrifying machine than I
could ever hope to do in a hundred years of writing. Because there are all these probably infinite
angles that need work, study, perfection, alignment to replace the artificial machine with organic
life-centered geometry. Thats why its so incredible to see all these different groups rising up as
one each with its own personality, goal and engine driving it yet, all working toward the same
thing, the destruction of the magian thought process not just to tear down their transient outer
architecture or personnel but a collective internal alchemical eradication of their function. I mean
obviously there are groups doing all sorts of different functions but its like theyre working as
one creature to bring about the same aim. Were not just changing the flag here were actually
changing consciousness insofar as we are influencing what people choose to take notice of, care
about, and with luck permanently affecting peoples perception in such a way as to revolutionize
perception itself. Once somethings broken man, it doesnt get unbroken. Perception is like that.
Well yeah, I know Im fucking crazy. But Im also horrifically sane.
*laugh* Whaaaat? Get fucked cunt, Ill buy you a fucking swear-jar!


Yeah. Nah. Actually thats a good point. Try thinking about it like this: what does the Magian
really have really have except our Trust?
In a nearby room the shrill cry of a mobile phone rang out.
With power comes responsibility especially when youre trying to help change the world in so
drastic a way. And with so many handicaps! Like, were not wealthy, we have to work
anonymously, we dont have the luxury of cheap and wide-spread media or advertising, were
trying to presence something that is completely outside the box so far as the occult is concerned,
were trying to expand consciousness for fuck sake, and were only three years old as a Temple.
I have to believe it can be done otherwise who else is there? Shit phones ringing hold on a
Fucking telemarketers. Okay, Im back, sorry about that mate. Where was I? You get one life,
seventy or so years, and then youre fucking dead. In that time, at least as a Satanist you have
to break down all the bullshit lumped onto your brain and cultural program to see something lies
beyond it you have to try escaping that program a number of very disheartening times in order
to identify what lies beyond it you have to sum up all the knowledge left to you by others by
using only the merest portion of it and you have to learn how to learn. In that time you must
also accomplish any number of extremely tricky tasks, including individuation, finding the self,
accepting the ego, dealing with the concept of God, the concept of godlessness, dealing with the
concept of concepts, get disappointed by any number of idols and gods, not go mad doing all
this, not lose interest pursuing such goals, and not give in to being a part of the furniture in the
Time in which you find yourself. You must fight death, doubt, failure, and chance, and even
beyond all that you must be able to write, draw, or otherwise communicate what no-one wants
to hear without being drowned out, ignored, or laughed at. That is, assuming you align in the first
place with the forces of the Sinister and not the status quo. Now Im going out on a limb here
and Im saying to you that no-one, not a soul, can do or does what I do. Thats why I write so
much and talk so much because Ive never met or encountered anyone like me, and I have
something to say about the world and my place in it, I have something to say about all that I have
encountered in the people around me as a result of its history and its domination by the Church.
Im not going to sit around and waste my life, quietly biding my time and tapping my fingers
waiting for someone else to come along and say what I am saying, or do what I am doing. Im
just giving it one hell of a good go to try and smash these cunts or leave behind the means for
others to do it, like I promised to myself I would do when I was twelve. Whats that? Mate, the
army will come one thing Ive learned is that there are many ways to fight a war, and many
ways should be used to fight a war.
Ryans coffee had gone cold. And he pushed it away.
Yeah well if we can just reach a critical mass then shit could really change in a big way.
Yeah? Well Im not a megalomaniac no Im not one of the most important things I teach
from the Temple is not to trade one authority for another. Instead of just repeating the same
hypnotic trick but with me as the new puppet master I try and show people how its done and
hopefully how to shut that shit down. Because replacing a magian authority with a satanic one
isnt the name of the game either man, its all so much more complex than that and yet so

blindingly simple depends which side of the fence youre looking at it from. People need to
split their perception and dual view of yes/no a little bit further to work with us, so they have all
shades of understanding operating at once. Yeah it is asking a lot but look at what were trying
to do and that includes your work too its huge, insane, and fucking impossible but hey shit,
its being done anyway.
Slowly? *laugh* mate, where I stand that term means nothing anymore.
Exactly. But you know how super subtle the power of forms can be and how peoples brains
tend to work for instance, form is so powerful, the reader may have unconsciously assumed
that I- dont like blue jellybeans.

In Absurdum

Sanity is to a large degree measured by social productiveness. The intensity of a selfish

separation from the consensus causes a corresponding ratio of difficulty in disguising it from
others. As an individual tries to force reality to bend to match their own view [or to see it clearly
without distortion], the values they uphold come into conflict with the values of various
authorities. If the view held is extreme, it becomes recognized by the consensus collective that
the individual is incapable of performing a productive role in maintaining the Artifice/Society
and that individual is then warned to fall in line, treated to restore `sanity, or deemed mad and
incarcerated by physical and/or chemical imprisonment. Once the pursuit and living of an
independent view by an individual reaches a point where it becomes disruptive to society, select
boards of authority may remove the individuals (illusory) status of social equality and classify
them as mentally fragile, sick or insane. A Medical Board for example, is seen as having
tremendous power and once a member of its staff has pronounced a mentally disturbed edict, it is
extremely difficult to escape the system set up to enmesh that individual in Hospitalization,
Pharmaceutical drugs, and the taking away of their right to protest as an equal member of
society by the persuasion of others to alter schemata (or idea of) the individual in question and
agree with the official declaration of insanity.
It should be remembered that the world is a bloody and unfair place largely because it is so very
big. When people spend their lives entrenched in a very small perspective that slice of
perspective becomes all they know or want to know. It is easy to write someone off if you meet
them once and know you dont have to deal with them again, if you dont have to experience the
consequences of your diagnosis, if there is something in it for you such as a promotion, or if you
are well-paid, apathetic and bored in a job with long hours and its your job to assess people in
a medical or psychotherapeutic way. However, for all the good intentions of the Medical
Associations we must keep in mind that they are much like the Church: plagued with corrupt
individuals. In the same way the Church set itself up to show who was right and who was wrong,
who was Christian and who was Satanic; the Medical Board offers a similar illusion of authority;

who is mad and who is not, who requires treatment and who is healthy. These types of institution
are at the heart of madness; simply successful in bringing their will to power to power at the
expense of other wills. But responsibility begins at home. We go to them, handing our power to
strangers and expecting them to play a role in most cases they know as little as we do about our
perceived illness. Why do we hand our power to these people? Reality seems simple because we
are all equally mad.
But mad or sane, no-one will care, as long as roughly, you fit in and agree to the values of the
society you live in. Notorious serial killers are examples of human perfection of the mode of the
Chameleon. In such a practice the social patterns for acting `good are memorized and performed
on the basis of prediction as though inserting expected numbers into known equations. This guise
of being just like everyone [Qv. Shrencing] else helps deflect suspicion whilst the destructive
capabilities of the beast are released in a separate and to the individual `valid/true paradigm.
And in this respect, serial killers reveal the Artifice for what it is. If sanity is measured by social
productiveness, then the notorious serial killer is the pinnacle of sane. They are well-spoken and
polite, often good-looking, often charismatic, hold down a job, are often married, sometimes
have kids, and are considered to be friendly unassuming people (sometimes a little strange, but
harmless) by most people who know them. When they kill, releasing the Beast in uncontrolled
fashion, they are expressing a base element of natural desire as persons with actions and
behaviour definitive of sane this is telling of the sane thing to do, i.e. act naturally and express
the unconscious urge. Highly-intelligent and sane, notorious Serial Killers illustrate the
shortcomings of the Artifice, by excelling at using it to fulfill raw instincts. And while the Serial
Killer takes lives, other yet socially sanctioned and legalized Serial-Types such as Lawyers,
News Presenters, Priests, and Bank Managers perform in a similar fashion as the Serial Killer.
However unlike the serial killer, the actions of these four types are often unknown to them
outside of their work and are usually performed in a banal manner with no intention of evil: seen
as just doing their job.
All human beings use deceptive means to accomplish their goals. We disguise our motives under
social clichs of selfless-ness, kindness, concern, etc and we generally believe that we are what
we say we are. But when I say we, I mean the Ego. The Ego is the part of us that needs to believe
that in order to live up to its standards of our I and our self-image. The other parts of us are
usually silent in the face of the Ego- in most cases because they are unconscious, but in the cases
where we are consciously aware of our deception because the Ego gets very upset when it is
revealed that its beliefs are not genuine. The fact is that the Ego is one function of many that
tends to be over-relied on and its perception (by virtue of being limited to one scope) is not truth.
If I asked who is more likely to be deemed crazy, a Bank Manager or a Tarot Reader; you are
probably likely to say Bank Manager because the phrasing of the question seems like a trick and
you are resisting the lure. However, common-sense will tell us that we are more likely to
believe a Tarot Reader will be perceived as crazy over a Bank Manager. But why? If it is
because Tarot Reading involves occult elements, is less than scientific and offers spurious
satisfaction to the desperate or gullible: why does it seem less crazy for Bank managers to
involve themselves with Usury (the magical creation of new paper or electronic money out of
thin air by Banks that leads people into debt) Economics or working with numbers? The
handling of money is quintessentially far more occult than Tarot. Bank Managers seem
professional, normal, even essential members of our society but very few people actually know

the true hideous power of economic theory, realise it is far more destructive than Christianity has
ever been, or even remember how to question the status quo of what is crazy. And I say
`remember tongue-in-cheek, because you cannot remember if you are not taught, and teaching
the actual applications of the world is not what Schools or Educational Institutions do.
A Bank Manager really only differs from the Tarot Reader in their presentation of occult
mystique, and because they tend to give us something more tangible and with our loss of faith
in the spiritual, the solid takes on a greater meaning in our lives.
Consider the process of a Tarot Reading or Bank Appointment. You come in and are impressed
by the setting; it seems professional and mysterious (or professional and legitimate in bank
terms) and you sit down to discuss what you want. The Reader/Manager does a reading for you
and tells you that you may encounter some hardships in the next few months but your future will
be financially secure and you may even be rich. They then ask you for a fee for performing the
reading and because you feel secure and happy being told ambiguities you pay them. With the
Tarot Reading, the fee ends when you leave the room. But with the Bank Manager you take a
small fee with you called `interest and it grows and grows every day until you pay it back at
huge extra expense, sometimes multiple times what you originally borrowed. Or you succumb to
debt and lose everything: like magic. Does putting people into debt for a job seem respectable or
does it seem greedy, cold, and somewhat crazy?
And what is crazy? Does buying endless possessions made at an ever cheaper and cheaper rate at
someone elses misery and expense, i.e. Materialism, the highest current goal in life for millions
of people, seem rational or crazy? Whatever your answer, we forget because were only here for
a short amount of time that life has gone on before us in many different ways with many
different types of end goal. We also tend to assume or be led to believe that the time we are born
into is the most enlightened and up-to-date, and that its rules and strange geometry are perfectly
normal. Except for those persons who continually regress to re-enactment of a frozen phase of
time such as the 70s, adopting the values and icons of that age or some other favorable pastphantasm to escape from the forms of immediate madness. Its this chrono-centrism or Being
In Time that thwarts most attempts by people to step out of the Matrix.
Tarot Reading is tolerated as semi-respectable in the day I live after thousands of years of
persecution simply because of its value to the current goal of society, i.e. it is marketable. Almost
everything that is, has been especially the phantasms of the past with old icons re-hashed or represented. All this buying and selling leaves little time for asking some very dangerous and
important questions. All societies move through time changing and being possessed by different
goals for that society to live up to.
In this year 2007, I believe that the Australian as well as American society are in the mid-stages
of a destructive phase of the Virtue of Absurdity. It is now increasing at a phenomenal rate with
a non-questioning compliance of the way things are leading people to lose the power of
rationalization, be trapped in the modes currently holding our society in thrall, and become
completely mad in their aims and goals and values. The escalation of madness can be seen
leaving the quiet isolated solitude of private homes and minds and emerging as a strain of antisub-culture. Wit, Sarcasm, and quintessential humour the most powerful weapon in the
existence of our race for remaining sane by being able to laugh at the absurdity of the world is

being eroded as a by-product of Capitalism. Generally, because of the death of God, and because
of the loss of direction and purpose in life as a psychological or spiritual quest for wholeness
shouted down in previous decades and taken over by Marketing and Media powers, particularly
in the 90s and into the millennium, new generations are not forgetting the past, but are being
herded forward so rapidly into the Machine, that there is no past for them. Children are born
sociopaths the subsequent moulding of them is important for authorities to maintain control but
control means Order, Order means memory, and the Past is about to become forgotten; a victim
of Ideacide. The very structures of grammar and shared meaning are now being attacked as a
form of entertainment. The sudden emergence of shows, comments, and actions that are given
value because of their random departure from the normal procedure is indicative of a growing
race of sociopaths; persons who can imitate emotional transactions and modes, but not actually
feel or honour them; in other words, psychotic chameleons. This lack of emphasis on consistency
in word and action [As per Corporate/Multi-National Business practices] in the phases of
formative behaviour is leading society toward a competition of psychopaths and the gateway of
the absurd.
As it becomes increasingly popular to be absurd, society is arming a time-bomb. The nature of
absurdity is to out-do itself [drop out of its own geometry] and we will see a very bloody and
bizarre expulsion of the repressed traumas, genetic and inherent by members of the human race
in the near and distant future. It will differ markedly, in that it will be marketed, and made
popular. While our generation may see it as escapism or something that is controlled
subsequent generations born into it will not possess this cynical detachment. They will know it as
the most enlightened and up-to-date moment in time and be affected by its ethos, accordingly.
This can already be seen in the rabid cynicism of humour particularly in departing from old
ingrained methods and principles of comedy, and the psychopathic way in which individuals talk
to one another (the escalation of rudeness). The appearance of movies that break the rules of
modern cinema; doing away with predictable endings, and showing new levels of gore and
sadistic brutality will become the new norm of media for the coming generations of already
child-like parents and this generation will live entirely for the Future. The Past will be severed,
and we can expect to see the new messages from the media coming through particularly in
`Cartoons that continually illustrate a new response to logical inferences and questions as a
platform to launch an attack and ridicule a persons attempt to make a solid logical case from past
inferences or previous experience. What began with thats so 5 minutes ago originates from a
technologically based scorn for the Past, and much like the Governmental/Papal/State fixation
with the erasure and re-writing of History the Past is becoming an un-pleasantry to be avoided
at all costs with people looking forward only to the next moment when they are immersed in a
new wave of technology that supersedes the previous. Unconsciously, our Western Ethos has
entered a new temporary mode with many people unaware that the amount of access to
Technology, has supplanted Racism as a form of discrimination. It is already apparent that a
division of those that have the latest and greatest and those that have the last model being urged
to keep up or lose favour among their peers is occurring. The type of pressure others are placing
on their family and friends to stay Technic is not far away from the pressures of Religious
factions on their members to conform and is in fact more overt. And it is not out of concern for
the latest gadgets that drives this pressure it is the magic mirror of Philosophedron that has
possessed people with people unconsciously imitating and psychically rebounding (every
action has an equal and opposite reaction) off the environment in which they live and becoming

mouthpieces for the Corporations that sell the technology. This is a form of mind-control that is
inherently psychopathic and revelatory of a sinister and sadistic brutality to self-market to ones
peer group with the threat of sanctions of exclusion, ridicule, and even violence if said peers do
not obtain said technology. And this aggressive self-marketing serves one main purpose;
identical to the fear of Christians and other religious sects to indoctrinate others so that their own
uncertainty and will to power can be validated by creating supporters in the same uncertain
psychological boat; the self-marketer needs reassurance that the new toys are worth the money
they paid in terms of gaining or maintaining status. Hence the undercurrent of sadism that leads
the self-marketer to force others to join them in buying the same goods, because then those
around him will not have the chance to use their money to buy an even later model, and the selfmarketers status remains static.
It should be noted that the psychopathic nature of Corporations, as faceless, ruthless packs of
unaccountable persons is being copied in the streets. Where I live groups of up to five hundred
youths are gathering together on a regular basis. The manner in which such large groups manage
to cohese is a fascinating study of the characteristics of the Alpha-Male and revelatory insights
into how such young Alpha-Males are forming these large chains of sycophancy. Such men are
the rising Magian envoys of the future and for this reason study of their organic geometry is
important for Black Magicians. Cowardice, Leadership, Mediocrity and Despair are some of the
key characteristics of such large groups that will be touched on in a later work. But it is worth
mentioning that I raise this point because the larger the group of people forming groups, the
greater the pressure to conform technically.
On that note, the trend of the Alpha-Male as masculine, strong, tough, is being subsumed and
undercut by the sadist that actively seeks ways to attack traditional grammar and the structure of
forms in a bid to be the Alpha-Cynic. The Alpha-Cynic will come to replace the Alpha-Male
because former attributes of genetic endowment will lose their importance with both sexes able
to compete to be cynical on an equal footing. Generic Masculinity of the pursuit of bodily
perfection will be viewed like all other forms that require discipline, physical exertion, or
seriousness: laughable.
It will become an end goal for people to be absurd; media will actively encourage it, peers will
promote it, and authorities firmly entrenched in their positions will be forced to use ever more
excessive measures to control mad, dangerous, and unpredictable populaces. In small doses this
is already happening. People are being pushed faster and harder by Capitalism into trying to do
the impossible merely to survive by means of making money; bombarded with conflict about
being politically correct, being a good provider, doing what they want with life, living up to
values of society, living up to the expectations of others and their own, all the while beaten into
mental and physical submission by fear guilt and apathy until they eventually break.
The Police, Science, and the Military are all institutions that require the predictable behaviour of
human beings and events in order to function as a cohesive group. If no-one is doing what they
ought to be procedures, laws, principals mean nothing and break down and with that break
down the reign of Capitalism will come to an end, replaced by its end product, Anti-ism.
The Abyss opens wider to engulf us all.


Insights from a Shape-Shifter

My shape is holistic. I have no shape of my own: this is what drives me to take on all shapes: for
I have no shape. Unless I am met with pressure I am a vacuum. Unless I am spoken to I know
not what to say for I have nothing to say: it has all been said: it has all been done and the
memory of those shapes that were left behind as they were assumed drives us to assume them all
looking for geometry that is Original. Only then will the Dark Gods come: for the others have
been sealed: their vertices and portals pored over and torn apart, reassembled and mapped in the
charts of the Magus. They are under submission, controlled by their own being; victims of the
masters who have invaded the silent desert. I know what lies outside of you, outside of it. You
think your shape gives you power but you fail to see its chains. I am free of my body and loose in
the currents of the ley. I am in memory, in strategy, in shrouds. Only when you shout will you
hear my echo. And you will hear it mark my words, for we are coming: we are coming back to
Earth, from within the Earth and without it: amorphous and satanic. To tear your veils and
annihilate the Magus.

Insynsian: The Subjectivity of Objectivity

A Scientific or Factual Basis is ideal for the foundation of a Form. Such a foundation is a
conventionally reliable measure by which others can solidify and share their understanding and
relatedness to the world around them in an objective and systematic fashion of certainty which
is secured by an extant authority such as the scientific community. However, there are a number
of reasons for not backing down, retracting a statement or changing a Form that has been put
forth by the Temple either to suit or meet the criticism levelled at it by any particular individual
who cares to attack the Form for its suppositions: The most obvious being that the Temple of
THEM is an Occult Establishment and not a Scientific one.
The essays that are written are written by magicians with a high level of self reliance, self
honesty and self-discovery. Such magicians are Sinister and more often than not alone in their
journey; separated from the current or temporal manifestations occurring in the relative Time and
Space of the Matrix by which others judge their efforts or compare the validity of their journey
against. For example when it was accepted by Science that atoms were no longer the cornerstone
of existence many attempted to place their theories related to existence inside the prevailing
trends of quantum physics or theory of relativity in order that their theories were more readily
accepted, that credibility be attained and so that the new idea didnt undermine previous facts
stated by highly esteemed colleagues. This may be fine for Theoretical Science But not for the
The Occult is not, and never will be, an acceptable, provable, fact-based system of analysis and
practice. It is a private madness grounded in the rational, the irrational and the Abyss and is

experienced in a unique manner by each magician. No Originality ever came from following the
expected protocols and trends of the masses or from taking the established facts of Science so
seriously that they were held to be impregnable and remain unchallenged. Science may be a
better way of researching the world by breaking it into manageable constituent chunks using
mathematical/symbolic abstracts than the earlier practice of communing with God through a
Church to understand the Mysteries but it is no less immune to corruption, bureaucracy and the
painful crawl of Time that it takes for an idea to be accepted [usually long after the Idealer has
been ridiculed, disbarred, humiliated and/or sent to the stake] than the Church was.
If I may borrow some classic Scientific Terminology, the fact is, that owing to the complexity
of life, Science and Religion deal with facets of it in a way no different to that of the isolated
Sorcerer, i.e. by sorting out for oneself which aspects of life are important and thus apprehending
the world in a specific manner that idolizes some parts of it by building a world-view based upon
those shining principles and shunning or ignoring the rest. What is written by our members
illustrates part of a private path and personal breaking through. It is not expected to mean
anything to an outsider. Indeed many outsiders are so entrenched in the Matrix theyre unable to
be interesting enough to have their own path. They attach themselves to others paths as
sycophants or vampires to fawn over them, ridicule them, tear them down or to criticize and
make fetid pronouncements and denouncements as a vulgar occult parasite or parrot with no
understanding of their own and no originality: characterized by a lack of magical maturity and
the need to destroy.
No Scientific or Religious or Psychological edict held to be true is necessarily true to Us.
Perhaps in the Matrix it is true and evident but outside of that temporal box the only truth is our
own sense of Validity as magicians moving through the world encountering obstacles, decisions,
beliefs, tests, truths for ourselves; often without recourse to the convenient labels of the
Matrix. Although sometimes we resort to meeting the Magian halfway by attempting to ride the
waves of logic or reason in a manner that suits our critics or speak the language that is expected
by our critics, it is only a temporary alight on their own terms. The subsequent mindset we arrive
at based on our self-discovery is more highly esteemed as proof/fact/or truth than any of the
writings, opinions [and even experiences] of others for the wanderings of a magician cannot
help but prove that there is no objectivity, that there are no facts, that the written word differs
greatly from esoteric experience, and that while many are crucified by their own Forms, there
exists an ever-present quality of Chaos that supersedes what is known and practiced in magic by
those still trapped in the Matrix of Form: which is generally only the noisy exhalations of the
It has been said before that there is communication below the Abyss and communication above
the Abyss and never the twain shall meet. We have spoken of the Black Clay [Qv. In Sinister
Solidarity] and the art of stripping away the fixation on names, labels and ideas that are mere
projections upon the texture of the world around us to reveal the essence but we have not yet
spoken of the mass Ethos of humanitys failure to deal with the Death of God.
The actions of many exhibit the meme/ethos of failure to deal with the Death of the monotheistic
Arch-Emperor whose Priests interpreted the world for the masses and provided a kit-set belief
system that made it easy for humanity to be lazy in their decision making and lax in their own

independent magical journey. The power of Christianity consisted of a fervent Faith in a

singular, all-powerful Entity: A One. One: meant that there was an unmistakable difference in
following the One Way of God and in straying from it. Either you did it 100% right or 100%
wrong. It was a way that had no loopholes, no deviations from the established route, no alternate
route or short-cuts and no thinking for oneself lest one think oneself higher than the Will of the
Almighty Creator. Moreover one began with the disadvantage of Original Sin. In short; the way
of God meant Humility. Humility before the gold-gilded altars laden with ecclesiastical
paraphernalia heavily encrusted with gems and precious metals, held by Priests dressed in the
finest silk vestments, housed in mighty ornate edifices of mahogany, teak, marble and stone
[incensed with the finest imported spices] that modern architecture stands irrevocably in the
shadow of. These tremendous idols to the Glory of God are a testament to the power of a Form
that is Singular in nature.
To strive toward One Point, One Goal, One God: is to lay all efforts and aspirations, all riches
bodily and monetary, all prayers, all hopes and fears, all questions and answers, in a perfectly
straight road toward one immutable Apex. When this Apex began to crumble: when Science
began to erode the Perfect Word with its heresies and discoveries: God did not die as Nietzsche
believed. God and the idea of a single perfect form had been ingrained into a large majority of
the worlds influential peoples and remembering that the global population was significantly
smaller in Ancient Times the fanatical trend of the Singular spread far and wide for thousands
of years killing and persecuting those who would not accept it. To live: many did.
THEM believe that the belief in a Singular Way survived over pantheistic religions because of:
a) the brutality with which the Singular Way was promulgated, b) there was less uncertainty
about things with the Alpha to the Omega covered and a far greater concealment of the haunting
memory of the Original Chaos with everything from Life to Afterlife taken out of peoples hands
and conveniently dealt with by external authorities. And c) Pantheistic Religions had no real
impetus to attempt to annihilate other Religions in a holocaust of thought, whilst the drive behind
a monotheistic deity was to aggressively pursue all who would not see or hear the Singular
But I digress. God did not die. He was, and still is, simply transferred. He, God, is nothing more
than the recent belief by humanity in one perfect way; and the search, the certainty, the arrogance
which encompasses the world-view of each and every individual still unconsciously pining for
God in his old form continues unabated today with the individual projecting the notion of God
onto/into other facets of the Matrix.
Individuals put their faith in Science, in the Wisdom of others, in the idea of Progress, Truth,
or Facts, Democracy, Peace or the Future and strive to arrange the world just so in a
unique and individual schemata that is collectively united by humanities mass desire for a replica
of the singular perfection of the God that was.
Because of this reasoning that humanity is unconsciously mourning the loss of the reign of God
as a totalitarian dictator that told them exactly what to do, when to do it and why and is trying to
replace that Apex by projecting that same singular will [and it is irrelevant whether the new form
is so-called adversarial or rebellious against God / this means nothing.] onto things the

criticisms/corrections levelled at any Form displayed by THEM are treated in this greater
context as the trivial concerns by another human being to arrange the world according to their
unconscious ethos of the Singular psychosis. Even if those concerns are Valid in terms of being
Scientifically/Psychologically correct few magicians have the insight and the wisdom to
understand that what is being dealt with is not the little details that are entirely dependent on the
artificiality of the Matrix but the greater and encompassing currents that drive humanity to do
what it does, when it does, and why. It is the Intent behind the Pentagram that is of import, not
the temporal form of the Pentagram itself. It was by no mistake that We chose to take the form
of a Satanic Temple and manifest the Form of Satan whose word is CHAOS.
Manipulating these greater currents does not happen overnight with the publication of a few
manuscripts. Taking into account the length of time for previous attempts by the Sinister
Tradition to manipulate esoteric currents and our awareness of the excruciating slowness of the
growth of genuine black magical insight it requires at least thirty years and the prime plateau of
many powerful combined wills fulfilling their Wyrd to employ significant changes. Hence there
is a division between what is important to our esoteric order and what is important to our
exoteric order. Our esoteric order cares nothing for approval of our essays by the majority and
anticipates with good humour the temporary nature of criticism of the contents to issue forth as
some individual seizes upon the Forms and finds fault with them. We naturally expect others to
attempt to assert their personal will, their way, their truth, over our exoteric structures. It is not a
contest of ego for us: we have no doubt that any quibbles over the location/definition in the
Matrix of names, labels and forms singled out by a magician to use as separated examples of
thing from the insoluble Black Clay that are laid down in a formulaic hypothesis with the tools
of the Matrix so a few can approach an understanding [if those forms last the distance] would
continue to cause bickering long after each of the founding members of this Temple are dead.
We dont care about the opinions of others on our work or rely on praise or acceptance or
understanding in our private practices from the majority or even from each other. Understanding
Form is the art of understanding layers. All attempts by us to share our current are minimal
efforts made to make our Form intelligible within the Matrix via our Temple. We are Arrogant
and Self-Possessed. Our essays represent a snapshot of each magicians wanderings, not from
books or hearsay of experience but from harsh and prolonged relatedness to the world.
The Temple of THEM have Original Ideas that are founded by combining the ideas of others
from working knowledge and practice of these ideas; I.e. Synchronicity, the Acausal Voice,
Remote Solidarity, the Mind War, our Ritual Magic etc. Few Magical Systems can claim to be
Original with a straight face; even less their followers and it is vastly harder to build something
than it is to tear it down. Anyone can tear something down: after all a Forms greatest weakness
is that it is a Form. We smile wryly at the attempts of others to scratch our surface: because those
who attempt do it: think its their right. Its been hinted at by many groups with metaphors and
inferences made: let THEM say it clearly without mystification: Our War, Our Form, Our
Temple to the Dark Gods is not built with the precious fragile building blocks inspired by the
Matrix and the ideas that bind the world to the magic of the Magian: but the Sinister Solidarity of
real black magicians tempered in the Abyss and united in a singular supra-personal goal to
presence THEM. We are the Opening Night that will set the stage for an Opera of Horror and

Many get pierced by the tip of THEM: by an initial contact with our grimoires and remain
fixated with that layer of surface tension: weighing up our notions and comparing them with the
known, the accepted, the acceptable challenging the words, the ideas, the paperwork; only able
to concern themselves with the personal spheres of semantics and righteousness. Few go beyond
this level: those that do are the serious and the dangerous: either our Enemies or our Allies.
Once a Form has been arranged in the Matrix it takes on a set of attributes balanced between two
extremes and a sliding scale of indefinite degrees. Eroding the foundation on which any Form
stands is as simple as recognizing the geometry of the Form and analysing the structure it is built
upon; viz. identifying the key stones that must first be supposed valid for the Form to be slotted
neatly into the Matrix with its brethren. Science depends upon observable repeatable facts, for
instance, yet for all the weight behind science it remains theoretical: it cannot be said that
Science knows or has proved what existence is, for it too is a search for a Singular Perfection
that cant find the kernel at the core of its foundation. Moreover, for me and for many others:
particular Scientific assertions remain unconvincing.
Sciences major downfall, like Religion before it, is in its Singular-orientated drive to be
Objective. Philosophy grounds itself in being Subjective, but nevertheless suffers from the same
weakness of being a Form: Philosophy is mere speculation that is there to be believed or not
believed as one sees fit. If we combine aspects of the two: although it is Scientifically true
enough that if one steps out in front of a fast moving car one will get badly damaged: why: how:
and what: are dependent on Philosophical suppositions held self-evident. Self-evidence is a great
thing; a Philosophers Stone; right up until one enters the Abyss. When one cannot even hold
ones self evident then all other suppositions lose their grounding and begin to float unsecured
and unorganized in chaos that can only be understood if it is organized: but the nature of the
chaos before it is organized remains a mystery because so many fear it.
We have no doubt that there are holes and problems in our suppositions: that is the nature of
Form; and it is the nature of humanity to see those weaknesses and pounce on them. But what of
it? The World and its Matrix will Change and we will be out of date, of out touch, living in the
past as dinosaurs sooner or later. That we are exploring it with the knowledge that it Changes
makes a big difference to what is sought after compared with those who explore the world
thinking it can be made static. Our essays are not the point: they are a point. They are exoteric
scriptures that represent the sum total of a magicians understanding in a particular frame of
reference at that particular time, no less and no more absurd than the rambling scriptures of any
other human being. The necessity of humans to bicker and tear each other down owes much to
the Magian Influence and the level of rudimentary teaching available to school a person on Form
and its role in black magic.
What we see as important is the demonstration of many essays with original ideas making the
key notions of Magian Magic: I.e. Form, apparent and transparent and thus Changing the
perspective of some by giving an insightful context to the now long stale [and largely mediocre]
art of magic whilst sharing the joke of the egos of its practitioners.
Ultimately, THEM will be replaced or crumble as a result of its own [yet unforeseen] particular
Form. Nothing is immune to Entropy: and we hope that at the very least we raise the bar

exceptionally high for others to follow in the Sinister Tradition when our time is past and our
mission fulfilled. But unless there comes an individual with a Creative plan to rival or succeed
ours none will stand in our way until our plan is implemented. This is OUR Time, our Current,
our Combined Will. One hundred years from now the Matrix, its inhabitants, its forms and its
currents will probably look vastly different than they do now: fashions will change, ideas will
change, notions will be proven wrong and amended, space travel may revolutionize transport and
trade and our manuscripts will be long, long forgotten. What difference does it make then if
someone disagrees with what we say now, if a minor point of contention from another individual
seeking to realize his singular will arises need we defend it? Need we argue the validity of our
Form? We do not because we know we need not. The world is enthralled to its desire to re-sculpt
the perfection the hole an all-powerful singular God left behind. This ethos will remain intact for
a very long time and Changing it will be an extremely slow task. So it is not the little things that
THEM are concerned with: but with the art of Change itself. While most spend their time
arguing over petty semantics we the Syndicate THEM see the nature and the vagaries of Form.
We saw how Communism rose in Russia, National Socialism in Germany and we will see
Mvimaedivm rise in Australia.
Over the next twenty-eight years THEM will lay the seeds of a New Aeon within Australia both
in our example and our heresies. We may or may not be around for the harvest. In light of this:
the few days during which an argument takes place regarding some trivial aspect or another of
our manuscripts is a nothing to us: it is dealt with by our dismissive regard for things below the
Abyss or things in the Matrix: as a concern only in a personal way where a particular answer or
reply to criticism is designed to impede or aid a specific strategy at a particular moment in Time.
A Form may be weakened/altered to appease its critics and silence them to entice their support or
favour or the Form may be strengthened to discredit or drop out of the argument altogether; but
even if some interest is taken in its survival, only a few people realize how incredibly
manipulative Form can be. For example: it is important, even when it is wrong, that a Form be
made as solid as possible to elicit a dense and strong reaction to give rise to an equally solid
counter-form. I.e. ONA gave rise to THEM via a basic Aeonic principle. But, whatever. We
dont expect our methods to be understood. We do expect, over time, that Australian Satanists
will come to implement a greater maturity in their Satanic Practice, be at the forefront of a
Satanic Renaissance and cease to indulge in the farce the Magian is attempting to pull.
In Summary: No Form has a perfect validity. All Forms are a species of Temporary Paradigm to
be utilized by the Adept. This is one of the fundamental principles of the Temple of THEM and
its coven of Shape-Shifters.


A Book in A Million: A Million in a Book

Liber Empathia: A Tool for Perspective

How many people know what a million of anything looks like?

Like many children, my son has trouble with the idea of Time and at only seven years of age
Perspective. During various historical documentaries we have watched together by and by I have
patiently tried to explain who the Egyptians were and that they were a people who built a great
Dynasty or Empire thousands of years ago. But when an image of the pyramids pops up in a
promotion by a candy company he innocently expresses surprise and admiration that the people
on the TV ad could have made them.
But what could the concept of chronology, of periods of history spanning thousands of years
possibly mean to a child with only seven years of life experience? Whilst watching a set of four
stories from the Greek Mythology (a childrens version that used puppets) I was rapt as he sat
enthralled by these ancient tales. Again I tried to explain who the Greeks were and what we
(people living today) had inherited from them such as the tradition of the Olympics and the
names of the days of the week. Again I was called upon to try to get his mind to fathom the
concept of people who lived thousands of years ago just as I would be when explaining who
the Gauls and the Romans were and when they lived when introducing him to a certain series of
entertaining comics. And again, when watching the Ninja Turtles with him and whilst also
explaining my position as a student of Ninjitsu I attempted to impart knowledge to him of the
locale and empire of Japan.
On frequent trips across the state of Victoria, Australia I observed (again naturally, and like
many children) that his navigational skills were easily confused in regards to distance traveled,
time spent traveling, and the concept of distance itself. Several times he believed he was at a
location an uncle took him to go camping in the bush merely because forestry was visible. None
of this struck me as particularly meaningful at the time but just as the wondrous learning process
of a small boy unfolding. It was in noting several times a pattern of flippant remarks regarding
tragedy unfolding on television that I chose to approach my boys comments with more
seriousness and try to get across to him the concept of plight and the gravity of suffering by
others in the world; to convey it was something to be neither enjoyed or ignored.
To do this, I took an atlas off the bookshelf and sat down with him. I showed him a map of
Australia and our city, Sydney. I changed pages and showed him the location where we lived.
With a detailed road map of our suburb I showed him where he bought sweets three streets down
and where he went to school, before gently tracing our route from home out toward where we
had been. I pointed to a location just out of the city and said that is as far as you have been in the

world so far all that you know of the world right now, everywhere youve ever been,
everything youve seen, everything youve experienced, everyone youve met, can fit right here
onto this little part of one page, one State.
With silent intensity my son nodded and looked on. I showed him again the map of Australia and
how our entire State was just one of a few. I flipped to a larger view of Australia containing the
islands of Indonesia, then outward again so that he could see Africa, North and South America,
India, Europe and Antarctica, showed him the continents, then found close-ups of each to show
him how their landmass was broken up into smaller countries just like Australia.
I pointed out a beach we went to, and then the major oceans. I told him there was, to the best of
my knowledge, around 230 countries and showed him the full globe with all of the continents
together. Finally, I gently informed him that the world was a very, very big place that there
were places even mum and dad hadnt gone to, and pointedly that there was much mystery to
the world and that nobody, nobody knew everything about it, that there were questions even
mum and dad couldnt answer or for that matter the brightest, smartest people on the planet. I
looked at him and said one day when you get older, you will be able to visit more of it, as much
as you want, and maybe you will be able to find answers to your questions.
After he topped his school at reading, but still got upset and teary any time he mispronounced or
used the wrong word, his mother and I introduced him to the Dictionary informing him that it
was a book of all of the words used in our language, English. And that even all of these words,
made up only one of maybe a million existing languages.
One of the more difficult things about being a parent and trying to nurture your child is that you
can never be sure if a lesson has sunk in, a fact has been retained, or a concept grasped,
especially an important concept like empathy. In practice, it often felt as though his brain was
passively listening and taking notes on some invisible level whilst the active child appeared not
to be.
Part of my interest in observing my sons perception is from my belief that children are naturally
born sociopaths evidence for which lies in the fact that society spends so much effort trying to
contain them/culture them; partly from a very understandable sense of fear; and partly from a
very understandable sense of responsibility. My interest also stems from an avid belief that it is
precisely a lack of empathy with the world and its contents; to wit a lack of perspective, that has
caused and continues to cause many of the incidents of violence, selfishness, self-absorption,
egocentrism, and confusion to which he has been prone during his childhood and school years,
and the people behind the acts which frequent the media every other day. Moreover, having more
than one son and older ones at that, that a lack of initial empathy by others with a child, let alone
the child with others, as they develop, is at the causal heart of many of the acts of violence and
insensitivity committed by the human race. Certainly of course, there are other factors and
motives but an absence of empathy and indeed sympathy are in my opinion and experience,
two of the major contributors to the worlds ills.
Recently my seven year old has begun counting to 100 by himself but is still unsure on
estimating quantities. Yet like him and many millions of others, I have trouble estimating

quantities too especially when it comes to certain concepts regarding people. Almost every
day as an internet surfer and newspaper reader I come across huge numbers; thousands, hundreds
of thousands, and millions. An article on Chinas population boom gives me a number in the
billions: numbers which I have learned to quickly accept and file away as a stupidly large
amount that my brain registers as a lot. And then one day it hit me.
Im led to believe there are more than six billion people on this planet. Doing a quick calculation
while I write this, I think 100 times a million equals one billion but what does a billion of
anything look like? For that matter, when was the last time (let alone first time) I even saw a
million of anything?
I think the largest abstract crowd Ive ever seen was during one of the popes televised speeches
where there were perhaps what I would estimate to be hundreds of thousand of people, maybe
as many as half a million, gathered. Occasionally, I see images of Hindus and the Middle
Easterners in prayer in their tens of thousands. But more often than not it is when I hear of
tragedies where hundreds of thousands of people have been affected, or war time refugees are
fleeing in numbers as large as a million that I am called upon to try an imagine these amounts.
Even with images of thousands of tents numerically, the camera doesnt do sufficient justice to
my curiosity, or for that matter aptly capture the enormity of so many lives.
The largest crowd Ive ever personally been in would be a toss up between a visit by the Queen
to New Zealand where hundreds of schools each with thousands of students participated; and the
year 2000 millennium celebration in Sydney where for the first time in my life I was physically
shoulder to shoulder with an ocean of people that stretched as far as my eye could see in every
direction: A truly beatific experience.
The closest approximate I have been taught to use and been using of just how many people are
living on earth is the analogy of all the stars in the sky or all the grains of sand on a beach. But
these are too abstract and neither can actually be counted these are tools better used to measure
infinity they also look nothing like people which is a key element necessary to create empathy
with these vast numbers and the magnitude of our human race. The photographer who takes
those magnificent photos of the nude human form gathered in the thousands for his art probably
creates the most beautiful empathic connexion for me with the people around me, for his
photography strikes me with the raw humanness of their form and I relate it with mine and the
shared human experience of the body; whilst the photos of mass graves of war-time atrocity
bring home the darkness of that connexion and the fragility and lifelessness of the human form
when life and love are taken from it. But these are at most depictions of ten maybe twenty
thousand of my fellow beings, certainly a considerable number by any stretch, especially if there
happen to be ten or twenty thousand of you in a traffic jam.
But what does it mean/feel like when someone says a million? What does it mean/feel like
when someone says a billion? because it must mean something, people say and use these terms
a lot, so they must want them to be meaningful, to be felt, for with them they hope to express an
abstract that is otherwise un-expressible.


Now that my son is old enough (though still like most children his age, developing an ego) to
differentiate himself from others, to grasp the concept of just how big the world is, he is old
enough for me to try and teach him just how many people are on this big world of ours. But
this book is not just for him. In fact, its really for me, so that I can have some marker, some
measure of the scope of what it means being human and belonging to the human race. Because
when you get right down to it a vast majority of people still appear to have the same sense of
the world and their place in it as my seven year old.
So this book contains a simple measurement, the humble sum of one million zeros. I have
chosen zeros whereas originally I chose full-stops, because zeroes are a closer resemblance to
people and I can almost imagine these pages of them as being faces in a crowd and having a
human element to them. Already, just by trying to publish for myself a book to represent the
concept of a million, I am learning just how vast a million of anything really is.
The next time my son asks me how much a million times a million is I will take down this
book and show him the boggling rows of zeros. And should there be a time when I want to drive
home not only how many people are in the world, but just how diverse they are; I shall say to
him, take all your pens, all your pencils, all your crayons, all your creative ideas, and try to make
each one of these little faces different. See how many you can do, and do differently, because
each person on this planet is unique.
With a concerted effort I could probably do half a page before I ran out of ideas, diversity,
imagination and patience. But someone/something finished us all
The Temple of THEM, Australia

& Offerings from Oneira

Im no expert on Lucidity, and I dont pretend to be. These documents are from my own private
foray into Lucidity during which I believe I discovered a powerful technique that induces
Lucidity, but a foray that mainly constitutes my unique perception and understanding of the
Astral and the Psyche, and my own deeply personal Dreaming Consciousness, which
consciousness I interpreted in context with the events occurring in both my day-to-day life and
my overall life.


I would also hope that my own interpretations of my Dreams and the way in which I have
interpreted them, individually and as a collective, will in some way guide and assist others in the
study of theirs. In 2003-2004 I sat down and wrote out the journal by hand, saving the records
into a word file for distribution online from the Temple of the Tangent group. I later deleted the
Tangent group and Offerings with it. Later however, my hard-drive suffered a devastating
crash, destroying that and many other files which unfortunately I had not backed up. And so,
this new version of Offerings contains scans of the original pages of my Dreaming Journal
from Jan 13 to Feb 14, most of which are neatly printed, but some of which were recorded at
awkward hours of the night, scribbled hastily to ensure maximum preservation of imagery, or
even jotted in the dark.
To begin with, I cannot stress strongly enough that a person interested in Lucid Dreaming or
Dream Interpretation, should seek out and devour the most excellent treatise by Carl Jung titled
Man and his Symbols. Before I read this brilliant treatment of the psyche, my only option was
to believe from the limited array of spurious metaphysical journals available that dealt with
Dreaming as some sort of Occult realm in the league of E.S.P., Ghosts, or UFOs, that Dream
Interpretation meant a) dreams fit neatly into an A-Z category of interpretation, and b) that
dreams Always had a meaning. Neither of these claims about Dreaming held true for me during
my experiment.
Originally, I was probably influenced to attempt Lucid Dreaming just as I had attempted Scrying,
ESP, Ouija and so on because it was listed in the books on the Occult I used to read. In my
serious endeavour to learn magic however, I came to understand through what I could glean on
Lucid Dreaming, from a movie called Waking Life, from a text entitled Liber Luna Sanguinus
supplied to me in 2003 by the Tempel ov Blood, from the testimonies of alleged Lucid
Dreamers, and from my own personal experience with it; that a world of infinite possibility
should be opened to me if I could attain that elusive state called Lucidity. It was said that Lucid
experiences were as real to the physiology as those of waking life, and that the body-mind could
not tell the difference and therein was the appeal that perhaps a greater mastery over the body
could be won. The idea then that I would be able to do whatever I liked in that lucid dream state
as though it were real and that I could control the environment and all of the elements within it
was a marvelous prospect worth my time. Could anything appeal more to a human being?
Reliable Information on Lucid Dreaming proved difficult to find: and this was in particular due
to the way that my society at large, including the occultists, seemed to view Dreams. Dreams are
not taken seriously by many people, and when they are, they tend to be taken too seriously.
Paradoxically, one of the most defining attributes of Occult Experience, Magic or Sorcery, is that
it is strongest in-between any two points of definite experience, that is, outside of forms used to
capture or explain the experience, feeling or emanation of having had a mystical/occult
The people who took dreams too seriously laid down a formulaic set of rules that the Art of
Dreaming was deemed to have in order to become lucid, or, to the people that didnt take them
seriously at all, dreams were invisible, and most people, although many times confounded by
their dreams, ignored them, paid no attention to interpreting them, and often denied they even
had them. I had created dream journals previously as a teenager, and although the difference in

magical understanding and mental maturity between those journals and this one, is vast, it is
likely that my fascination with dreams from an early age and the willingness to believe they were
not something to be discarded and perhaps even something to be understood that allowed me to
shape the connexion with those psychic sands early. Dreams have always seemed highly vivid
and meaningful to me, many have shaped my life profoundly, and I continue to believe that
Dreaming is a powerful tool in a Sorcerers arsenal.
One of the reasons Dreaming shyness seems to be the case may have come to light in my
endeavour. Recording, Remembering, Interpreting Dreams, is very time-consuming. It requires
not just a book to write things, but an entire shift of temporal concerns to remain in a focused
altered-state of Stalking ones Sleeping Self. It becomes as though Waking Life were the Dream,
and one is enduring the wakefulness just in order to get back to Sleep, to the Astral or Dream
Like existence that begins to take over. With extended practice, remembering dreams becomes
more frequent; up to 5-7 dreams over a 12 hour period can prove demanding to record and
interpret, and it begins to seem like one has only just finished the paperwork for the previous
night when it starts all over again, as its time to go to bed.
In the month and a half that I recorded my dreams my waking life began to fade, become
ethereal and wispy, almost as though it were not there and that the concerns of the day were
transient and non-physical. All I wanted was to have an eventful day to provide enough new food
for my night-mind.
Learning to Lucid Dream requires the quality of obsession; it requires demonic commitment to
quote the Order, and the time and resources to set aside ones body and mind for just that. To
become so focused on dreams for such a length of time was exhausting, physically and mentally,
and in the end, I abandoned the Dream Project to return to my commitments to the Order.
I believe I had just opened the Lucid Gates prior to my decision to stop the project, that I had
found a technique that enabled a consistent and powerful lucid dreaming state to be attained in a
minimum of time, and that had I continued I might have been able to write more; though I should
likely have done it from an asylum. That, or what I continued to write would have been of my
weird and wonderful journeys; of which, I rest assured are of no interest to the reader being
merely particular fancies of my own design, and that it is the method I have discovered that is
important to record.
Dreaming: A Methodology
Some safeguards were required when delving into my unconscious, as they should be for others
especially if one holds a romantic view of trying to make friends with it perhaps in order to
unite the conscious and the unconscious; not least because this idealistic friendship and the
possibility of this type of union is a product/fantasy of the conscious. My unconscious does
not want to be made friends with any more that it can be united with me as some sort of super

consciousness. There is a great danger in believing that the many convenient abstract names
given to ideas, concepts, forces or feelings dealt with when talking about the psyche are real,
physical, controllable, or conform to expectations like other tangible objects. Dreaming, I think,
is primarily a metaphysical exploration but that requires secondary methods and measures that
borrow from madness as much as logic.
The unconscious, has the power to really mess a person up inside, and that is why it is important,
even if only as a tool, to forge a belief in the mind being compartmentalized and that not all
dreams mean something, in fact, that many dreams are just a conversation with the other half,
that is, with the unconscious itself, in its own language.
And in this conversation, things may at first be said that are hurtful, misinterpreted, and
downright rude, but do not make the mistake of believing that the unconscious will eventually
come to speak the language of the conscious, or the conscious the language of the unconscious
that is to invite disaster. These elements are not human, nor do they behave as human and thus
should not be treated as human people make the same mistake when approaching the Dark
Gods. It is natural inclination to humanize everything to refract it in our own image. This
inclination must be suspended in magic.
And I have learned, that to believe that dreams must always mean something or to believe they
accurately represent ones Self is to invite extremely dangerous elements into ones journey,
because the psyche can easily lose its rational grounding or its internal map. Ive prided myself
on having a strong mental constitution that can withstand a fair bit of having my ego held up to a
mirror and being told like it is or withstand being convinced I am what I am not or awakened to
what I am unconscious of being, or able to integrate a lot of my monsters in the way of
wonderful or horrific thoughts, fantasies, or internal dialogue as just that and both identify and
disassociate my(self) from that content. This is probably because I champion self-honesty as
quintessential to a magician.
But Lucid Dreaming required at least a month of preparation ground work to attain the state of
mind that could hold onto the Dreaming World firmly, and involved a harrowing period of
adjustment and unpredictable interactions with a part of my(self) I knew (know) nothing about.
Now, given what I do as one of THEM, Im somewhat aware of how I, and some of my ideas,
may come across to others as quite mad. It has been very difficult to explain my perception as
influenced by an insight into simultaneously unified disconnection via the Acausal Voice, for
instance, and probably will always be, since I cannot be sure anyone else shares my point of
view, points of perception, or has experienced what I take, generally speaking, for granted. As a
Sorcerer, such temporary leaps of faith and investing ones belief in ideas is absolutely
necessary, for as mad as it may seem madness is the Sorcerers friend. Oftentimes such
methods are unable to be explained, luckily I have some experience in doing so and the
determination to elaborate. Basically, one believes in what is necessary to get the job done, or
more accurately, one deceives or tricks the conscious into action. But bear with me.
Exploring the realm of my psyche required an idea to be formed about the qualities of its nature,
of its structure. At best, I could consciously recognize the ample evidence for compartmentalism

(that is, that my psyche or mind is separated into different sections of cognizance or
consciousness) that existed in my being, the difference in consciousness between short and long
term memory being a great example, and that there are elements of and in me that are beyond
conscious reach.
I defined very firmly, the me that is the controlling consciousness writing these words and
conducting dream experiments as separate from a second or even numerous number of mes
that represented either my organism as a whole, or one or more of my other mental
compartments. All of this division is of course based on temporal mental abstracts. I had defined
it so clearly because the consciousness that is seated in my skull feels very sure of its position.
The main, me had to be able to hold onto its conscious blueprint of its personal identity very
strongly because it would be assailed by all manner of unconscious forces during its sojourn to
become more conscious of them that could potentially have nasty side-effects.
It might sound complex, and to someone accustomed to placing things directly into one specific
form located in time and space, it is. But my understanding of consciousness is based in the
acausal notions of the ONA not in a limited point of consciousness operating from my skull but
as flowing with the acausal in nameless possibilities of reach and origin functioning as one
unified illusion created from a continuous stream of change. I must be able to speak of myself in
first person, second person, and third person (and I can, because of my collective conscious
awareness of having experienced many altered states) so I can make a mature self-judgment that
creates a safety net to catch the fragile ego before it falls. I.e. in convincing myself that my
capabilities to divine my total self are always going to be biologically limited, as though I accept
I am a large house with hundreds of rooms unexplored and others locked or permanently walled
up. This acceptance of limits prepares the ego not to be so shocked by its inability to control
what comes forth that it is harmed or even shattered.
I think this or a similar perspective of the mind is extremely important to have because a degree
of ability to disassociate or separate from a personal identification with some of the terrifying
contents brought forth by the dreaming mind is necessary not to go mad or be badly damaged by
potentially dangerous unconscious elements quickly becoming conscious to the unprepared
mind. The unconscious is adept at showing you things about yourself youd rather you didnt
know. It possesses omnipotent power over the weaknesses, emotions, guilt, hang-ups, neuroses,
and fears with unforgiving honesty that can bring a person crumbling to their knees, sometimes
permanently, and must be treated with great respect. And some of this respect is in accepting
that you have to immerse yourself in irrational madness to gain anything from the occult
wherein the real trick is in surviving the journey without becoming insane.
In provoking a more concentrated interaction with the Dreaming Mind, I seemed to awaken
something sentient that I could not determine as hostile or neutral. I suppose I had to personify
this Dreaming State in order to control it, tame it, as I had already interpreted it as a
compartment of myself, it became a separate being, an entity divided from myself.
And I approached it thus: My consciousness was a resident voyager exploring the unknown but
it should not expect to find some perfect resolution or united state of super-consciousness (that

was a naivety I had stripped away) but expect a journey to the top of a rugged mountain to
attempt a humble conversation with its unknown half.
Realize* that you will never speak either language fluently, nor will those compartments ever
consciously fluently become intelligible, but there are depths to the unconscious, and I liken it
greatly to the sea; there are the shallow waters where things that are useful to be conscious of are
washed ashore by the ebb and tide. There are the islands one might swim out to if they are a
strong enough swimmer and can brave the currents, though they should be prepared for the
eventuality of getting into trouble and even drowning if they cannot. There is the vast ocean blue,
beautiful and enticing but dangerous and unforgiving depending on the weather above and below
to swim out too far. And then there are the impossibly dark trenches thousands of degrees below
that shiny blue, swimming and crawling with strange creatures that defy imagination, a hostile
and deadly environment with endless caves that go all the way to another dimension, a place
where the conscious should never go, and even deeper where it may never go.
To treat myself as divided into two convenient parts enabled me (the fragile I) to
know/feel/accept that its judgments can not always be right (and thats ok) and that I am not
able to understand or calculate the entirety of myself using only my consciousness, (and thats
ok) and allows my ego the ease to consciously settle with those facts and accept its limited but
nonetheless important station (the ego must be allocated praise and assurance in the trade-off),
and subsequently help me to dismiss or disassociate myself/itself from the highly toxic and
potentially destructive and disturbing elements that studying the Dreaming Mind can bring forth
and did bring forth for me.
Such disturbing elements included highly charged emotional content that can quickly and
shockingly come out of nowhere to shake the Dreamers very core; (Hel was written after such
a dream) Content so disturbing that it can cause psychosis or harmful deterioration of the ego
Ive been mad several times but have managed to hold it together enough to come back. Or long
and uncomfortable sinister dreams that come to torment the Dreamer for what seems hours upon
waking but seem like days or even years during the psychic imprisonment of the dream.
Several times I had dreams that were so confronting I wondered if I should stop the project
altogether, or felt like my unconscious was actually trying to persuade me to give up my project.
For every step I took forward, the unconscious seemed to have its own analysis of my efforts,
almost as if it were taunting me to catch hold of it only to mystify me with its violent displays
of symbolism. But again, this idea that the unconscious taunts, is a projection of the conscious
mind, and the conscious mind can quickly get one into trouble in thinking that the unconscious is
their friend, that there is a friend there to be had, or that friend in anyway shape or form denotes
the thing that is the Unconscious.
Note to the Consciousness, Do not expect to get off the beach.
Note to the Magician, You can go further than I did.
My unconscious did not seem friendly, but inasmuch as it is the conscious waking side of me
that supplies wishful projections and interpretations that humanizes the content remembered

and the conscious waking side that exists quite naively of such horrific wonders as the mind is
genuinely capable of when pushed it could only be friendly in my imagination. It, the
conscious mind also filters out, an unbelievable deal of stimuli from what is available, and is, in
comparison to the unconscious, a starkly unimaginative, uncreative and simplistic block-stacker
which gloats over its inadequate terms such as friendship to describe a union so impossibly
complex it has apparently only been achieved by a handful of human beings in history.
Contrawise, the unconscious is a poetic genius capable of the most intricate analogies,
metaphors, symbolism, and dance that can leave one breathless from their sublime beauty,
shocked and embarrassed by their unashamed unreserved raw knack for telling it like it is, or
wake one screaming and sweating from the sheer detail and creative terror charged with a
vividity that makes waking life seem grey, washed-out and mundane. And, when I thought that I
had been shocked as much as I could be by a nightmare or dream, I was proved irrevocably
The unconscious appears to have a powerful if not omnipotent defense mechanism to prevent the
consciousness from opening certain doors, wandering around the house, or trying to build new
extensions but no comparison exists for me to say if it is an objective censor or a subjective
Its apparent from my many forays into magic, why the conscious self must hold a very high
view of itself and its abilities. Because of the odds against it, it must be encouraged from within
and without to strive, to conquer and that it can do the impossible because only with that
arrogance does it march forth into the unknown to succeed where success is impossible. And
sometimes it does succeed in such a place.
But, the reality is, one must learn to accept defeat after defeat in ones stride to Know Thyself. It
should come as no surprise that uniting the unconscious and the conscious proved beyond my
control. It is possible that the unconsciousness even drives my consciousness to study I, giving
me the illusion of self-controlled sentience; who knows for sure? But this sort of view must be
rejected to some extent by the sorcerer if one is to take the approach of being an autonomous
entity and responsible for ones own destiny. one should keep firmly in mind that one is as
capable of being ones own worst enemy as they are ones own best friend.
ThoTh, Australia, 2009.
* Regarding, Belief, Realizations, Accepting and so on. One of the hard tasks of the
Sorcerer is in convincing themselves that certain things are true, whilst remaining aware that
they are not.


On Magical Perception / Notes on the 5th and

3rd Dimensions
On Magical Perception

Are the Temple of THEM, Satanic?

Are the Members of THEM, Satanic?
Its been said with authenticity by many on the occult path throughoutrecorded time that the
destruction of the concept of Individual Human Spirit has doomed mankind to its sensatorialprison in the third dimension.
A seperation from God and a severing of mans knowledge of The Divine and the Plan, has been
stated to be the aim of Luciferic Forces by countless black magical adepts. And in tandem with
Lucifer/Satans efforts to blind us to the Cosmic Christ, another Evil Spirit named Ahriman is
said to work at trapping man forever in the third-dimension ruled by the senses of weight, mass,
and measure so that man may never again regain consciousness of the Individual Spirit.
If, Lucifer and Ahriman truly are percieved correctly both in their etheric nature by the powerful
adepts who have sought or been enslaved by them, then what is one to make now, of the designs
of the Magian?
Is it not the Magian who have sought to obscure the occult with a deluge of misinformation and
distortion, a far-reaching conspiracy of Magi to control the World by entrapping man in a
material Matrix?
Is it not the Magian who have sought to reduce the world to a consumerist society using the
economic powers of usury and the humble barcode?
Or is it not?
I think there are a lot of people seeking the type of Ritual I am about to print. I think there are a
lot of people unaware of the subtlety of the Occult, wise to the illusion of taking sides, or who
perceive correctly the demons behind the scenes that haunt its corridors.
On the Fifth Dimension
Let us consider the ramifications of this Withdrawal in relation to the Death of God. Without
Gods great will to protect the Earth - Earth is unprotected its plains and mountains, trees and
living creatures, its resources and its destiny left for dead, abandoned by the will of God. Earth
then, is subject to, and at the mercy of, subjugation by the human will.

Time and the content of the two Engines are Fractal in nature. The unique content of the two
engines and their interaction together forms the unique conditions present at any moment in
Time. There are, however, other forces involved that impinge on what arises on the plateau, such
as the formative, disintegrative and flux elements of Aeonics, the unknown effect of Acausal
elements, and those elements that are beyond third dimensional perception.

A Square has often been used to designate the right-angle nature of the three dimensions x, y and
z. I.e. Depth, Length, and Width.
Everything in the 3rd dimension is considered to have a face (or front) an opposite face (or back)
and possess a quality of reduction into the ether, that constitutes `space between the two faces.
A person is perceived to spatially have a face and a back of the head. A chest and a back. A knee
and a calf. A car is perceived to spatially have a front, a back, a front bumper and a rear bumper.
A book, a cup, even a ball (which is round and has no defined face as opposed to its back)
are said to have a front and a back. This is because of the restrictions of the 3rd dimensional
What might we look like if we able to perceive in five dimensions?
Would human beings look different? Would everything look different?
Is it the faculty of sight that perceives dimension?
In order to approach an answer it is necessary that a third D perception be escaped. In caveman
times, the paintings of hunts on the walls lacked any kind of disciplined depth perception. The
figure of a hunter surrounded by animals of all shapes and sizes did not process the concepts of
near and far. To the caveman the world may well have been 2 D, or even 1 D and thus it was
depicted as such. It seems confusing to our consciousness because we understand near and far,
and that things seem to change shape (shape constancy) as they get further away or draw closer,
but also understand (shape relativity) and that a cow is not smaller (in mass) just because it
is far away.
But what is a dimension? Is it a plane? Is it a direction? Is it the perception of geometry in an
abstract form of cognition? If I asked someone what shape the painting on the easel is from
where I am sitting, which looks like an askew oblong to me, they would almost certainly say it is
a rectangle. Which is it is a cop-out. Both projections are abstract, the thing which I have
created by projecting a name and localization in space over E is not a shape. What is it is
thus useless too.
What of a hollow object? Say a square box. It has an outside? An inside? As well as a front and
back. It has that quality of depth that wed call sides. But if we were inside it, would not each
side itself constitute `a new front and back, or are we to think of the container holistically; that

there is nothing new inside the box that was not part of the original perception of quality
between the Face and the Back? Is an extra dimension to be found hidden from sight in the
original quality of depth? Must we begin our perception anew once inside the box? An Inside the
box requires the supposition of an Outside and are we not making a very clear demarcation of
dimensions when we walk inside our house or leave it to go outside?
When we are Inside the box, is the concept `Outside determined by its quality of depth away
from the perceiver? Does the side we are facing become the new `front and the outside face of
that side, the `back?
If it depends on which way the perception proceeds from I.e. if we are outside looking at the
front of the box, or inside looking at an equally justified front of the box which is the front, and
which is the back?
Is it not the object that is three-dimensional but our own perception which must continually
change its mind to determine the front of a box by projecting those dimensions upon it? Does the
front of the box change from being the front of the box when we look at it from the back? Does
the back then become the front? If it does, then it is shown that it is not the object that is threedimensional but our perception which is like a glass box we place over the E and label it
accordingly to limit it to what we see.
If the front of the box changes, and the old front of the box becomes the new back of the box
what has occurred? Firstly there never was any `front of the object. There never Is any `front
of the object. There is a moving of our third dimensional perception onto a particular part of E
and an interpretation of that E via our prejudiced prism.
The `front of the box`, does not magically move from one place to another it does not
somehow become `outside after being `inside` - because it does not exist at all. It is a construct
of human thought onto an object, to will that object to be serviceable and - to be an object. If our
perception is a construct, and a product of human thought could the human being construct a
four or five dimensional prism through which to perceive?
To answer this we need to define what it is that gives rise to the qualities of the third dimension
that are perceived. Is it the biological construction of the eyes? Is it the bending of light? Is it the
type of consciousness we possess? What is it?
TIME, has been said to represent the 4th Dimension. Time has been believed linear. If I walk
across a room, I am making a straight line forward from some point or other and that point will
forever be the past in that line. A to B to C. Some use a helix to represent a cyclic version of
Time whose contents of the Past are in some way inimical and known to the contents of the
progressions beyond that past point or to put it another way, the past is implicit in the
future. But what is a helix but a curved straight line?
Time is beyond Depth, Length and Width how it joins, if it joins, its use as a measure of
Change (by inherently creating `Change) but it is an abstract used to measure something that is


observed but without labels, remains a mystery. Am I moving through Time as I write this, or
is Time moving through me. Am I inert or is Time inert?
We must also wonder, if we project three-dimensions onto all other objects, why should our
observation of anything else be different - why should our perception not be prejudiced of Time
If Time is the 4th dimension, then the qualities of E and e can be said to represent the 5th
dimension. The union of these engines is invisible to all means of three dimensional prism
perception yet it can be intuitively grasped as easily as it is physically apprehended under the
guise of Reality. There is no length, no width, no depth in the joining of Ego and Environment,
no way to measure it with Time, Change or any other abstract to quantify the nature of this
profound connexion the result from the union of the two engines is at best, supremely complex,
and at worst, unquantifiable. The two engines do not join at right-angles, they do not fit into one
another like a key and lock, and they are more than likely a singular process that is so vast it is
perceived as two. Yet the brain, the I, the sense of sentience that knows itself to be valid: that
acts as the inquisitor of the content externally and internally related to it experiences this
`invisible fifth dimension as Life, and its presence in all the interactions/elements that result
from that Living.
The Body is `E.
The Brain is `E.
It, consciousness, is an exponent of `E, called `e.
`e is the Individual Spirit.
`e can Will `E into its service.
`e can Will `e into its service.
`e as an exponent of `E is subject to `E and finite in its Will.
The fifth dimension then, is accessed intuitively but its presence can be perceived as grounded in
all things even through a third dimensional prism. That is, the connexion/joining of Ego and
Environment is everywhere but despite its connexion being present in the stitching of all things
perception of the world through a third dimensional prism will restrict lucid perception of the
fifth and the fifth will remain `invisible` under such restricted conditions even though its
presence is plain as day. Thus the fifth dimension is an Occult/Esoteric dimension.
The question put to Initiates of this Temple and of Magic in general, is do you understand where
you stand?
Exercises related to the E/e
Without several occult keys/insights to help withdraw various levels of projection that cause the
third dimension to imprison one in a world of Sense, or first being able to switch off the Matrix
and percieve the illusions correctly as per the Sinister Matrix of the Black Clay mentioned in
our essay In Sinister Solidarity these exercises may prove difficult or impossible, but for the
initiate advanced in the Septenary Way or particularly skillful in Visualization/Psychic Isolation,
they may open doors previously closed.

The exercises are very simple, but may cause great discomfort. This is partly because of the
awkward and previously un-experienced sensations evoked, and partly because they confront the
1) The first exercise involves trying very hard to focus all your awareness on various parts of
your body. I.e. your right knuckle of your thumb and trying to wake it up to the sensations
around it rather than utilizing the stream-lined passage of censoring awareness that we usually
use in every-day life so that sensatorium do not overwhelm us. In this case we are going to try to
become conscious of the sensation of that knuckle to such a degree that we can feel the air
moving on its surface, feel the follicles of hair growing out of the pores, and feel the skin, blood
and bone inside it.
When you have done this warm-up exercise it is time to turn this focus toward feeling the Brain.
One must try to become aware of the pressure inside ones head of the brain against the skull, of
the surface of the brain cerebellum, of the synapses and blood i.e. one is trying to awaken the
sensation of being bodily aware of ones own brain in the same way we are aware of our hand.
We are also tying to reduce our holistic awareness such as we have of our whole body, to the tiny
cramped quarters of the cranium.
This exercise may prove extremely uncomfortable for the brain is not usually felt consciously,
except perhaps as a weight, and this weight is again mostly unconscious and forms part of the
heavy feeling that accompanies any conscious thoughts of sentience. That is, that when we
chance to think of what it is that looks out of our eyes, behind our faces that gives us animation
and allows us to do things, we are aware to some extent of the I but without a brain and the
subsequent weight it contributes; Consciousness, would in fact, feel like a light type of force
rather than a solid density of being behind the eyes.
When you can feel your brain, when you are able to imagine/sense/percieve the contours of the
cerebrum, feel the division of the hemispheres, i.e. focus total awareness on your brains
sensations and body try next to isolate where you think you are coming from in the brain.
We call each other by name so often the process takes becomes entrapment whereby we come to
perceive ourselves incorrectly as a personality of its own accord.
Where do you originate from? Where is the source of you situated in your brain? is it at the very
back? the very front? somwhere in the middle? Can you pin-point it? If you can, then you have
found the entry point into the causal of the engine of your [more correctly, the] e.
Everything external to that point, is the E. The fifth dimension is the experience of the total
being and the resistence to total being.


Phorms: 361 Degrees

A brief note on the art of Knowing Forms.
Theoretically there are 360+ degrees in the art of Knowing Form. We may in the future exchange
the term Form with our Phorm to relate what we mean not what others mean or meant by
this word. For now well leave it as it is.

Knowing all there is to know about something is impossible unless you are the source of that
form. If the form belongs to you, then you know all there is to know because you know it first.
I.e. Anton Long and the ONA, Aquino and the Temple of Set, Myself and the Temple of THEM.

The process of knowing everything there is to know about something includes knowing
everything that has nothing to do with that form. The art of elimination is already a requisite in
most minds as it uses its dectection of absence to determine what is missing from its vaults. If
you are a LaVeyan Satanist and your knowledge of Satanism consists of knowing the SB back to
front then the moment you meet with the term ONA or book, NAOS, your mind will recognize
that you do not recognize it. It is the hole in the cloud that is found by the cloud surrounding the


Insight Roles teach that you are just as capable of being something you think you are not or
living as a different person altogether, as you are, the one you presently believe yourself to be.
And then, that you can be both, either or neither depending on what a situation requires. Going to
extremes such as being a prostitute for a year and then becoming an abstinent monk pushes the
boundaries of the persona a great deal further out from where they would normally be which is
often an immovable sense of how things should be to keep equilibrium with ones ego and sense
of I. But when you see that you cna in fact be everything you hate, or become sometone else in a
different life the realization dawns that the personality is as flimsy as it is incredibly resilient.
What you learn in fact -is how to regain control over it. Seeing how easy it is to become someone
else, and how drastically that affects how people see you, treat you, usually marks the alchemical
change where -I- is a temporal invention that can be changed merely by consciously willing new
experiences. It also generates an understanding that people are in thrall to what they see, what

they percieve and load onto a form or appearance to make it slot neatly into their perception. To
them if you act as something you are that something. Yet you know inwardly that it is only
an Act, and so you begin to see how easily people are fooled by appearances, by forms and by
illusions since they very rarely can discern the difference. One learns then and there that
changing the form, changes reactions and can tailor a form to achieve a specific one. Suddenly,
one is controlling forms, and learning how to no longer be controlled by them.


The Temple of THEM will do whatever it takes to Know. We represent THEM, and the forces of
THEM as they Are, incarnate. Thus for us, Chaos means something very different than it does to
those who drop its name but carefully protect their own forms and forums from being subject to
it. Chaos is an all-eating destruction, an anathema to Forms, whatever they may be. Even the
long vaunted IOT, (Illuminates of Thaneteros) who claim to specialize in Chaos Magic, take
great care not to actually introduce or allow others to introduce this force loose among it. Its
name is thrown about like it were a harmless ball but those that claim to use its force are often
the strongest proponents of Order. Chaos is feared, and always has been feared since the
Beginning, or at least as far back as humans were able to begin forming artificial concepts to
keep it Out and Away from them. This is evident in the fierce loyalty to Order and existing forms
shown by any individual or group when attempting to dismantle their grip on Form and actualize
chaos amongst them. So if even the Chaos Magicians refuse to allow Chaos to be presenced in its
full force how does one know more than half, or any more than the Magicians will allow you to
see? They may explain themselves and their reluctance in a myriad of ways but what it comes
down to, is that Chaos is anathema to form and thus, unconscious hypocrisy and fear.
THEM know that Chaos unleashed can destroy any container holding it even LHP containers.
But we dont care I suppose were the mad scientists of the magic world doing experiments
where the damage to the form is irrelevant. Were not interested in holding together the
containers. We want to Know. Only then can we make an informed judgement about Chaos or
any other thing. All too often self-honesty leads to ugly truths that must be swallowed if progress
is to be made in really understanding the esoteric currents of magic. But you either want to Know
or you want to live in Happyland under the deceitful occult ego. Pride is a small sacrifice when
you know what its really worth.
Weve learned that Chaos is even feared by us something which this experiment has revealed
as evident by our continuous flow of writing with great care taken to make it lucid and accessible
lest they be forgotten or unsaid. Our forums, wordpress and society rely on Order being kept for
the Temple of THEM to flourish. And this only lends to the authentic truth that the modern usage
of Chaos as a force is largely a myth, watered down into an impotent unpredictability people
pretend to us yet we Remember it, we were Scarred by it, to the extent that we will do
everything in our power to prevent it from presencing itself the entire conscious function of the
human being seems especially designed as a Gate against it whatever the Magicians may say.
If you doubt this then be LHP and test it for yourself. The extreme fragility of forms can be


highlighted merely by acting a little strange and uncharacteristically, let alone actively
sabotaging the structures that sustain any form and bring wrath against you.


Duality is a bitch and its a liar. Lets say you want to know Robin Hood the famous outlaw of
English legend. You join him and his band of merry men and live happily amongst the tress of
Sherwood, robbing the rich to give to the poor. Occasionally you might see him lose his temper
as people do in life but never in legend. There are no accounts of Robin having a hissy fit over
who ate the last pan fried cake or stretched his green tights but if you know anything about
people you can be pretty sure, it happened. Maybe he didnt lose his temper often but it
happened, it had to have. Likewise we never hear of Robin using the toilet, crying, farting or
complaining of sore feet. We only hear, Mythos the best of characteristics and virtues to
emphasize the Heroism of Robin with all the rest of lifes little wonders stripped from the
record. In our heads we build or have built for us a notion or ideal of Robin that relates his
Legend but not his reality. What for instance, was it like to be an enemy of Robin Hood? If you
only know him as a friend, do you know him at all? No. you know his public face, his friendsphere face with all the benefits that confers. But what if you were his enemy? How would he
treat you, would he be so benevolent, polite, forgiving, a gentleman? Or if you angered him? Or
tried to kill him? You could observe his reactions to others should these attempts be made on
him but you still dont know, what its like. You dont have the vantage point or the equipment
to experience being an enemy of Robin unless you are an enemy of Robin. You can guess,
perhaps quite accurately but you cant Know. And THEM want to Know for themselves
what is what. I, RA, know a great deal about the ONA through synthesizing what I have read,
learned, observed, and practiced. Ive been a great friend of the ONA for a long time for
instance, and I have successfully educated many of its enemies but for a temporary time I
have also been its enemy.
I have therefore learned first-hand how the ONA reacts to its enemies from a direct vantage point
and what it feels like to be the enemy. I have been at the sword point of its tactics, strategies and
experienced the feeling of being closed out of its ranks. I have seen its degrees of vindictiveness,
its anger at betrayal and observed how it moves when it is angered against specific assaults or
challenges and deals with conflict.
Now knowing this I have an even rounder, fuller, and perhaps unique understanding of the
ONA, risky though it may have been I have learned more from being on both sides of the fence
than anyone can learn from being on either one. Yet I have also rejoined the ONA despite this
campaign against it and the vitriol generated by both sides has acted as an acid for the stage of
putrefaction and a new distillation. It is evident then, that this drive for 360+ degrees of form is
understood and even anticipated by the Order, despite the hassle it causes for temporal forms.


Knowing both sides of the ONA, combines those sides into a realization that they are exactly
the same I.e. that there are no sides just the traditional illusion of them. Unified the forms
previously separate by projection become the new prime materia or single form to which a new
opposite must be sought and so the alchemical transformation goes beyond 360 degrees.


Every Form has a Shadow.

Every Form brings with it Associations.
Every Shadow brings with it Associations.
Every Association conjures further Expected and Unexpected Associations due to the
connectivity of Language and Projection.
Because of this connectivity, Forms have near infinite sides.
Near Infinite Sides equates to any number of planes for presentation, but also assault.
Planes are shaped by the limitations of Logic and Language, whereby use of one descriptor limits
other potential descriptors due to the tension of opposites. I.e. if you describe it as the Order of
Nine Angles, you automatically exclude being able to call it the Order of Eight Angles. If you
use the word is you suppose linear space and time, singularity and limit any other spatial
alternative and translate ideas into the traditional causal terminology to the exclusion of other
dimensional possibilities. Is, keeps other possibilities out.
An Illusory Form is not the same as an Authentic Form. But illusion can be perceived as Real
even if it is not authentic.
Authentic Form is unnamed, we can see, hear, feel, smell, touch, sense, it but the moment we
project thoughts onto it to abstract it it becomes something else not to it, but to us, it becomes
an inauthentic translation of the authentic.
An Authentic form is of the world. Though surface and touch are abstracts Touch any surface
the raw undescribed sensations are authentic what you think of them, call them, are not. This
does not mean abstraction is not useful it is Our Way as a human race but the blurring of
distinction enables abuse and the Matrix to continue.
Though hold, thing and object are abstracts hold any thing in front of you. Try to prevent your
mind from calling it a name, describing its shape, weight, colour, or any other factor. What is it?


Or, try to examine it as fully as you can and extract as much information as possible from it as
you can. Write a perfect description of every abstraction you can make of it. Show the object to
your partner, show them your description, ask them if it is a perfect description. They will most
likely say no or see something that can be added. Send the thing around the world No matter
how many hands it goes to the list will never be perfect and the process never ends.
An Illusory Form is of us.
All Forms are abstracts.
All abstracts are Inauthentic.

Psychic Vampires ~
Members of THEM have noted a connexion between the psychological emergence of the Self
and extra-sensitivity to the psychic emanations coming from persons in thrall to a particular state
of imprisonment by the Ego. viz. the Psychic Vampire .
Raised awareness of these emanations stems from successful psychic growth of the Self where
there is developed as a reaction to magical/mental enlightenment, a super-sensitive distinction
between the two states or modes of mind that govern the organism via particular energies that
actively attempt to sustain their domination by suppressing the other mode.
The two major modes of Being: Ego and Self; were articulated in a previous essay titled Radia
Sol as autonomous sentients, referred to as Psychanisms, that inhabit the mind. Psychanisms
struggle to gain complete control over the psychic faculties of the host organism, and in doing so,
determine the energetic mode of the host organism and characterize its level of relatedness to the
world around it. Let us turn our attention to one of these modes in particular: the infamous ego.
An examination of the ego is best achieved from the higher degree of the mode of Self,
whereupon a greater contrast is afforded to study of the ego because of the distance in psychic
growth between the Self and the ego, than an examination of the ego from its own mode.


First, clarification of a common misunderstanding concerning the ego and its erroneous relation
to selfishness.
The concept of ego is often used interchangeably with the concept of Self and is said to be highly
self-centred or selfish which is an unfortunate use of words and association for the Self
and the ego have almost nothing in common. The ego is better termed narcissistic in that it
exists for its own sake. Sloppy distinction between the two terms and generalizing of their
respective powers is symptomatic of an organism in thrall to the ego-centric perspective and a
weak undefined sense of the separate Self.
Selfish-ness is an unfortunate exoteric social construct used by ego-centred societies to punish
an individual for exhibiting an act of independent will that significantly disrupts the established
etiquette of esoteric energy exchange. The Self doesnt require external energy the ego does,
but the enmity/resistance of the ego toward the emergence of Self [the arrival of which threatens
to extinguish it] often surfaces in the terminology of the ego-centred society because being
acutely prideful the ego is so hypersensitive and fragile that it cannot blame itself, and hence
even other egos blame the Self aspect in an organism as responsible for anything actually
caused by ego. In this respect, it is extremely difficult for the Self to emerge and every attempt to
do so is condemned by the many sanctions in place heavily policed by the tyranny of the ego.
The lack of social emphasis placed on dreams despite their prevalence as a vivid phenomenon
and the dismissing of them as fancy or rubbish is attributable to the fear of the Self and its signs.
The egos treatment of the Self can be likened to the Christian treatment of the Sinister: as Devil
As covered in our Temple Manifesto, the ego exists as a reaction to the Abyss and is motivated
by a drive to conceal Darkness/Chaos with the Matrix. To this end the primary art/industry of the
ego is deception and illusion; skills that every human being naturally excels and becomes adept
at. Hence all human beings are scorpions blind to their egos origin [and innate tyranny] and
one must always remember that Origin. The ego is capable of weaving extraordinarily powerful
magical spells of Form in its bid to deceive.
The growth of the ego in both its young and its mature stage is easily illustrated by comparing a
young child, and an adult whose profession involves the ability to lie. (Though it should be
apparent that it is the profession of all human beings to lie as part of their survival drive.) A child
is sociopathic and is concerned with sating desire and urges immediately and its attempts to lie
are usually transparent and clumsy. But an adult is able to wait and to defer gratification until
such time the desire can be safely or privately sated, and is able to deftly conceal secretive
intention with the guise of outward appearance.
The methods of an organisms guise is influenced by the elements that were involved in the
organisms early problem solving. The basic art of deception begins with the child re-enacting the
elements that lead to the sating of a particular desire. I.e. a baby cries to get more milk or
attention. If milk arrives when it cries it may eventually make an association [or mental
connexion] between crying and getting milk. Such associations rapidly grow in complexity: a

small boy may break something in order to get in trouble with the specific intent to re-create the
satisfaction and praise that comes from being re-assured and comforted in fixing it or cleaning
the mess up, once the stage of the stern telling off has passed. These means of provoking a
certain situation or outcome are like a natural form of magic that is rooted in the basic urge of
survival and averting danger or unpleasantness by acts of camouflage and deception, play-acting
or mimesis [mimicking expected or habitual behaviour].
Habitual behaviours of deception become ingrained in the organism as a means of defence not
only against danger, but against being thwarted in its will. The guises used often become
extremely complex over time as an organism is required to formulate many different strategies of
deception to deal with a variety of situations that require different kinds of manipulation. And
such guises are not strictly limited to individuals, that is, to the realm of the personal. Because
the ego thrives in a construct of mass deception, [I.e. the Matrix/Society] the practice of
deception naturally filters through individuals and into larger bodies or groups of people such as
political or religious movements.*
A good example of the innate obsession with deception by human beings is found in the
behaviour of the Russians and the Americans during the Cold War. Both Countries exhibited an
amplification of the chameleonic tendencies of the human by disguising their political plans,
intentions and movements and using codes, spies, intense secrecy and espionage en masse in the
race to deceive the other about their nuclear capabilities. In this scenario, both Russia and
America excelled in demonstrating not only the extent of creativity human beings may go to so
as to cloak outward appearances, but that the inability to feel secure by one organism is a
contagion that can affect others and manifest as a mass obsessive desire.
EGO 101
Radia Sol also related a theory as to why the majority of human organisms are ruled by the Ego
[due to an inability to recognize the Self] and so remain prisoners in psychic thrall to the drives
of their limbic system or reptilian energy base. The reptilian energy base is the lowest mode of
reasoning used by an organism concerning how to solve the immediate problems it faces or
satisfy its base animal type urges and desires. Such urges are rooted in the primal base, such as
hunger and how to get food, thirst and how to get water, lust and how to sate it, the urge to
procreate, and acquisitiveness [acquiring things] for example, and the drive to sate these needs as
quickly as possible.
Because its not always safe or advisable to sate ones desires immediately, human beings became
chameleons/scorpions: masters of deception that devised subtle or gross ways of getting exactly
what they wanted [Qv. Theory of the Beast].
When they couldnt get what they wanted immediately: and their desire was thwarted: it was the
element of the psyche called the EGO that became frustrated and caused the organism to throw a
tantrum, fly into a rage, weep or cry, or use all means possible to cleverly find a way to
overcome the obstacles that beset the egos goal.


Likewise it was the EGO that caused feelings of joy or the act of laughter and a sense of
celebration when the ego achieved its aim and fulfilled its desire.
Exactly what those desires were: was determined by a great many factors, including the Time a
person was born into, the Technology available in that Time, the Moral/Ethical background of
that person, The Culture in which one lived, early impressions of the World, Pleasant or
Negative Experiences and any marked effect they had on the understanding or perception of
solving problems, dealing with frustration, co-operating with others, trust, love and a host of
other indeterminable factors.
Precisely because the host of factors involved in shaping the ego is so large; composed of a
deeply profound network of reason, memory, experience, ploy, problem solving, ethics,
behaviour, emotion, sensatorium and many more diverse and intricate mental equations and
contents, the ego is occult and private.
Some of the connections an organisms ego makes between one thing and another can, for
instance, be grossly estimated through observing the actions or reasoning of the organism or
guessed at by a deduction of the organisms drive or motivation to act or speak the way it has as a
means to satisfy some secret urge. But on the whole, the behaviour of persons and the diversity
of their manner of private reason remains a mystery.
It is not then possible to discern wholly the contents of the intricate organic clockwork that
exists in the mental net or an organism, or fathom the virtually infinite calculations and
connexions made by the ego to solidify the separate elements of the world into one cohesive
weltanschauung or world-view that governs how that organism reacts to the world, to other
organisms, and to itself.
However, it is not necessary to have a complete understanding of an organisms private mental
contents in order to recognise the energetic network formed inside an organism symptomatic of
Psychic Vampirism whereupon the external repetitions of an organisms behaviour or drives
can reveal if a certain connexion has been affected or damaged by way of a potent desire left
unfulfilled, if the organism harbours a compulsive urge that cannot be fulfilled, if there is an
addiction or obsession with calculating or re-experiencing a particular connexion, if a traumatic
experience has caused a stagnancy in the growth of any particular connexion or the network of
connexions as a whole, or if there exists some other frustration occurring in the processes of the
mental network that results in the organism being unable to make further connexions, causes the
organism to make irrational and/or unreasonable connexions, or if the organism is trapped in a
particular cycle of connexions.
Although the pathology of a person [I.e. the cause of their actions or speech] can be guessed at
or to some degree ascertained, it cannot be definitively known owing to its enormous intricacy of
billions of connexions. There are nevertheless specific characteristics associated with a Psychic
Vampire that help to identify it. The first of these is Insecurity. The second is a lack of genuine


Sympathy [I.e. lacking in feeling for the other person and only relating to the world via
themselves]. A third is Concealed Narcissism. And a fourth, Priority.
In the most literal sense, it is a missing, loose, or insecure mental connection that causes the
specific neuroses and pathology of an individual. Without being able to complete a mental
calculation owing to a complication in the mental process for that connexion the individual is
frustrated in their attempts to process an experience, idea or emotion holistically, I.e. using the
whole of their faculties to bring a mental process to a satisfactory conclusion. Instead, a loose or
insecure connexion becomes a focus of obsession whereby the individual becomes trapped in a
loop trying to complete the missing information with only the information it already has,
unsuccessfully. If the connexion cannot be formed by the agency of the organism itself, it
requires the connexion to be made artificially via the agency of others. To do this it evokes or
re-stages the conditions that were present when the connexion was first damaged. This is
usually an unconscious re-enactment, powered by a conscious drive that something is missing
and that something can be found if only this or that situation is brought about.
Such evokation is intended to bring about the creation of an element or the elements that fill in
for the missing component that would lead to satisfaction and the ability of the organism to move
on and form new connexions by shifting its obsessive focus from that injured connexion.
The behaviour of an organism involved in setting up those unconscious conditions requires other
organisms to assist to supply the energetic outlay that the Psychic Vampire needs to begin.
This is where energetic exchange, energy drain and psychic rape come in.
Energetic exchange is usually reciprocal. Throughout life, the ego will attempt to balance its
energetic expenditure by playing an endless game of gambling in gain and loss. In exchanging
good morning with a friend or stranger on the street the ego expends some of its energy in a
calculated risk to gain back more energy or at least break even.
If the person replies in a manner that is conducive to the conditions required by our ego to count
it as a gain, or energetic reward. That is, if the ego wants the person to reply in a like manner to
count the risk of expenditure a successful gamble by affirming to the personality that it is a
good, likeable, friendly person for instance, and this is the sort of identity that corresponds
with the organisms sense of I then the personality or I receives an energetic gain that
makes it feel good.
How good it feels, depends on how important it is to the ego to assert the elements that define the
identity of the organism. If someone has interest in being a happy person, then having someone
return a warm reply will have a higher energetic return to that person than it will to a person
accustomed to being suspicious of strangers.
If there were to be a loss though, and the person replied rudely, for instance; not only would we
have lost our original energetic wager, but we would have suffered a further loss of energy when
our egos gamble to gain energy is taxed further from a reprisal that injures its pride or sense of

I. In such a case, the ego may seek to extract the energy back from the person by attempting a
similar rude gesticulation to even the score or enter into a war with it for the return of our
This might be done either by having them apologise and affirm our sense of identity as a good,
nice, likeable fellow, or by depleting their energy stores in much the same way they have
depleted ours. Exchanging negative comments, putting others down, etc is probably one of the
quickest ways to usurp energy from others to feed our own insecurities whereby we level out
the imbalance and justify our actions to ourselves to feel better. If however, we are unable to
regain energy directly from someone who has taken it, it may be extracted forcefully from others
unrelated to the original incident, continuing the vicious cycle.
The nature of the esoteric world reveals this: most of humanity is locked in struggle with psychic
vampires. The patterns that repeat in families, friendships, groups, relationships, marriages,
society, etc owe much to the stipulations of the psychic vampire most of which will end in
nastiness, enmity, disaster and a high amount of destruction in the secret fight to maintain a hold
of, and increase one energy imbalance without first fixing the connexions causing the thirst.
Yet it is always our own ego that depletes our energy stores. Firstly by taking the risk of
gambling for gain in the first place, and secondly, in being over-sensitive and having its fragility
revealed the ego chooses to be offended. The projection of revenge by the ego leads an
organism to mistakenly take the energetic bungle to heart, and to believe its own wishes are
synonymous with that of the quite separate, irate ego. This manifests inwardly as an alignment of
our sense of identity with the indignant hurt of the ego and the outward belief that the other
party has caused it, I.e. Insecurity.
Insecurity, is an incomplete connexion that acts like a leak. Although energy may be poured into
it, if there is an open or insecure connexion, energy expended into that connexion will be wasted
and lost in much the same way a hole in a bucket will eventually cause the bucket to drip dry.
This is the process that causes the insatiable THIRST of the Psychic Vampire.
Only under radical conditions of change in the ego, personal identity or alchemy, can a Psychic
Vampire ever actually fulfil or fix an insecure connexion. For the most part, an ego that sustains
the conditions or state of mind conducive to the obsession with that connexion, cannot be healed,
and if it should become a psychic vampire, should be avoided at all costs or destroyed.
However, Psychic Vampirism is seldom one-sided. It cannot be absolutely determined in the
favour of one party or the other who is the original initiator for a psychic energy exchange.
Psychic Vampires tend to be charismatic and the victim [prey] may deliberately entice a
relationship with a psychic vampire in order to partake of its energy reserves [the prey perhaps
also being insecure] and capitalize on the vampires gift at fulfilling what is felt to be lacking in
the prey.


The classic scenario of a beautiful but insecure person making a strong bond with someone
uglier but confident is played out all the time. Whereby both parties agree to the psychic
relationship and the benefits that relationship confers. For this reason, an entanglement with a
Psychic Vampire may be extremely difficult to break by an outside party, as the vampire and
prey often act in symbiosis. That said, let us move onto the Hunt.
A Psychic Vampire has powerful intuition, psychic perception and is able to detect very slight
changes in emotion, tension, vocal inflection, or danger to its cover being blown that are
otherwise invisible to the average person. It is a terrific mimic, and highly empathic but it
cannot feel sympathy it cannot feel what another person feels. Also, it cannot put aside its own
interests for very long and because it is driven by a compulsive obsession to drain others it
cannot hide its interests very long.
The Psychic Vampire is a cunning gambler with energy, especially if they have been performing
Psychic Drain for a considerable amount of time. They will tend to resort to using the lowest
necessary energy expenditure for the highest rate of return and take advantage of the easy gains
to be made from appealing to the reptilian urges and desires of ego-based prey. I.e. Appealing to
vanity, base sentiments and emotions, siding with the preys political or religious beliefs or
forming a strong bond of same-ness through the laziness of standardized conversations of
everyday life.
It will generally begin hunting by employing a single tactic [or modus operandi] or Lure to
assess potential victims [or 'symbiote' if the prey is willing].
These tactics tend to belong to the aloof i.e. indirect means of getting attention such as;
secretive or sly mystical/cryptic talk I.e. riddles and unique terminology, acting distant and vague
to draw ones attention, creating elaborate works of art or speech and pretending they are nothing,
making itself the centre of attention but to manipulate circumstances in such a way that it seems
the vampire has been elected to be the centre by others rather than itself, being in places where
they will be directly seen acting strangely all the while pretending to be completely detached
and uninterested in being noticed these are the wiles of a Psychic Vampire.
Psychic Vampires are crafty and patient. Usually, by the time a person has realized they have
been attacked by such a creature, the psychic tendril is deep within them. Strange bouts of
impolite or uncomfortable curiosity into ones affairs, jealousy, anger, depression, flattery, praise,
insults, etc from an otherwise consistent person may be signs of a vampire losing patience from
the effort to hold their deceptive guise. A very adept Psychic Vampire will require a greater
length of time to detect.
Also be wary of the guise of perfection and of the need of a person to make things perfect, and
strangely static as though they were trying to freeze your happiness in Time, for you. But ever
be just, not all idealists are psychic vampires.


That said, there are creatures enslaved to their insecurity in every house, in every street, in every
city, in every country. There are more psychic vampires, owing to the cultural dominance and
worship of the ego, than there are stable egos that are not corrupted by their own inflated sense
of importance.
Psychic Vampires are cowards that like to isolate their prey. They are highly territorial of prey
and in a group, may jealously seek to keep the prey isolated from others to prevent their prey
from being fed on or feeding any other person. The Psychic Vampire is keen at detecting very
subtle energetic exchanges and possesses terrific empathy. To this extent they have been known
to work the room subtly allocating secretive jargon and specialist topics of discussion to each
person that only the psychic vampire and the person being talked to can understand in order to
keep everyone separated from each other. In this way, the psychic vampire can control the
comfort level of the room and can be seen by others as a crusader who somehow breaks the
tension and rescues them from their alienation, indebting them to the psychic vampire.
The psychic vampire will often [but not always] latch onto the weakest, most susceptible or
insecure person with whom they have the greatest proximity and determine what is lacking in
their prey that can be supplied to endear the prey to it.
If the prey lacks confidence for instance, they may feed them confidence by a rich and generous
energetic exchange of praise and flattery. The prey will likely be lead to associate itself as a
team of sorts with the vampire whereby the vampire will become a best friend by its knack
for giving the prey confidence and security. This generosity by the psychic vampire will last
only so long however; it is a tactical ploy and the psychic vampire will be most anxious to
recoup its energy immediately after it is confident that its prey is psychically entangled.
The intention is to cause addiction in the prey to the Psychic Vampire and to the energy it
supplies thus deterring the prey from wandering very far or for very long from the Psychic
Vampires side.
Owing to the rich increase of energy to the preys ego from the initial contact there forms an
addiction to the psychic vampires energetic boosts in much the same way one develops a taste
for narcotics. A high is caused by the imbalance of excessive incoming energy. A psychological
dependence on the excessive amounts of energy will cause a corresponding crash when they are
depleted or no longer maintained.
This can lead to a new and unrealistic sense of identity in the preys psyche similar in many ways
to the original narcissism of the psychic vampire. This in itself shows the absolute power a
psychic vampire can hold over a person by its knowledge or intuition of these processes and by
working as a type of drug-pusher to the limbic system.


Using this dangerous ability the psychic vampire rapidly disintegrates its preys own identity and
plays havoc with its normal energetic stock exchange. Over time, the prey itself becomes a
reciprocal psychic vampire too. Once the prey is hooked, the psychic vampire rapidly increases
its drain and sets about to exact a terrible revenge. It drops many of its deceptive guises and
begins to drain the prey with relative impunity. A psychic vampires gradual change in behaviour
is hard enough as it is for a victim to notice, but with an energy addiction in tow it will ignore or
justify the psychic vampires behaviour so long as it can continue getting its hit.
At the point where the relationship has been sustained for a period of a few days, the vampire
will test the waters by making self-deprecating remarks intended to draw sympathy [energy]
from the prey. The ego of the prey will be more than willing to give back some of the rich stores
of surplus energy it has received from the vampire during the generous phase because it naturally
loves to gamble. It will attempt to reassure the psychic vampire, in the hope that it can continue
receiving the energy given by the psychic vampire, who will at first make it easy for its prey to
placate it.
But over a short amount of time, the vampire will let down its carefully concealed narcissism and
gradually depress its prey by being increasingly implacable and unreasonable thus requiring
more and more effort by the prey to keep an energetic balance. The vampire will cease to cloak
its priorities and refer more and more to itself, talking about itself, getting attention on itself,
luring energy from others by causing them to take notice or comment on some deceptively
innocent remark made by the vampire whereupon the vampire will begin draining all it come
into contact with in the preys circle by causing the conversation to come back to itself.
Its implacability steadily grows until the prey must literally grovel and plead with the psychic
vampire to take back its self-deprecating comments, which over time are moved from the belief
that they are caused by an external source such as an enemy, parent, etc, and are stemming
directly from the actions or inactions of the prey, whose efforts to restore balance by giving
energy back to the vampire are now treated as insincere and callous. The prey is called a liar, and
so on, in order to extract more and more energy from the hapless host.
We have established that this process occurs because of the insatiable thirst of the psychic
vampire caused by an insecure connexion, and the need for greater and greater energy hits
much the same way movies must now be full of horrific violence or gratuitous sex to excite the
over-stimulated, worn out senses that require ever more exciting and strong imagery and sound
to achieve the same levels of satisfaction. A psychic vampire is a ravenous addict who quickly
exhausts the energy extracted and requires longer and better highs. They do not of course come
because of the severed connexion in the mental networking that simply cannot be fixed and loses
all the energy poured into it to this end the vampire is extremely dangerous; a psychopath that
will drain every drop of its prey, but keep going back for more, and expect it to be there.
The psychopathology that links the vampire to its prey is extremely difficult to destroy for even
a drained husk will be used to some extent in the vampires repertoire. The vampire is not stupid
it will realize that the drain can only go on for so long, and when the energy drain begins to

weaken it will extend its tendrils into those around its prey, inc friends, family and
acquaintances. It may even do this on getting to know the prey, setting about charming the circle
of the prey in preparation. It may use the prey to get close to another prey or cause dissension via
rumours among the preys circle. It may make the prey an enemy and sow discord that turns
others against it, for it will do ANYthing to get its energetic fix.
At this point, the vampire will utilize any number of tactics to achieve a sufficient level of drain.
Verbal or Physical Violence, threats of Violence, Crying, Psychological, Mental, Physical abuse,
Harsh and Vindictive treatment, Torture, Pleading, Making Promises, Appealing to ones sense
of decency, generosity, humanity, Religion, Politics, Blackmail, any number of modes of
Deception, Silent Treatment, Ignoring the Prey, Causing trouble for the Prey, Killing the Prey.
The Psychic Vampire is a relentless psychopath. Because of the enormous damage it can do one
must be extremely wary of such creatures, especially so in the extraction of their psychic tendril.
To excite them carelessly by giving them any kind of attention, by making a scene/drama around
them, by yelling, arguing, or even reasoning with them, only demonstrates your untapped
energetic reserves** on which they can feed, and is like pouring blood into a swimming pool
containing a hungry shark. One must be cool, calm, detached, and effortless in getting rid of a
psychic vampire but one must take vital care not to first attract one.
Psychic Vampires have an extraordinary sense for detecting psychically resilient and powerful
minds. It hates and shuns anyone possessed of Self for the Self sees right through the clumsy
contrivances of a psychic vampire operating from the ego plane and detects its rabid dishonesty
and sweet smelling deception, immediately. Time therefore, will help reveal a clumsy psychic
vampire, but of those more subtle it is only a weak help.
To destroy the psychic hold a vampire has on one is hard. Any display of aggression, sadness,
annoyance, verbal animosity etc, demonstrates only a reserve of energy that the vampire has not
tapped. The vampire will amaze at the depths of its cunning in appraising the situation correctly
and winning back the trust of its prey by well worded wiles, sweet promises and laments in the
beginning, and leave one breathless with the extent of its destructive capabilities if the prey tries
to escape later on when the prey is in much deeper wedlock with its tendrils.
One has ONE chance to destroy the hold of a psychic vampire. Success depends on abiding
exactly to and without weakening the resolve at any point; a silent and cold detachment from the
psychic vampire. One must anticipate the many tactics the vampire will devise to continue its
drain and be prepared to meet them without emotion, without energetic displays, and the same
resigned, determined, cold, emotionless detachment to ignore the psychic vampire.
One must not engage the vampire in conversation, or rise to emotion under the temptation to
reply to the vampires calculated insults and deprecations. One must not accept any gifts from the
vampire, any money from the vampire, any favours from the vampire, nothing, no energy

transaction either in matter or in spirit must be performed. One must be prepared for the vampire
to attack the ones around it and to set them against the prey: to circulate vicious rumours and
sweet promises and apologies in the same day.
No communication of any kind with the vampire should ensue. No letters should be read, no
replies given to email, letter or phone messages. Any gifts by the vampire should be left exactly
where they were delivered. The part of the world that the vampire has entered is to be treated
with cold awareness that it has laid a snare to make your world collide once more with its.
Flowers, fruits, bears, cars, should be left to wilt, to rot, to age, to rust, as is, without remorse. To
give in ONCE, just once, is to show the vampire that if it persists long enough, it will succeed.
Again, to give in at any time, to bother to talk to the vampire, to extend an invitation, to let it
take you to dinner to apologise for what it has done, to have anything more to do with the
vampire is to court disaster. Only ONE time, one moment of weakness is necessary to show the
vampire your inability to break its psychic tendril and leave yourself open to further psychic
rape. Because the vampire is patient, it will continually manoeuvre you into a position where it
can drain you. If you take it back and then try to break with it again, you will have cursed
yourself forever by your weak resolve. The vampire will not believe your adamant reassertions
that you do not want it back, and it will pester you, again and again, endlessly, sure of itself that
if it only does it long enough, you will give in, as you gave in before.
If this instruction is followed the vampire will eventually detach from the magician and re-attach
itself to a different victim. Even so, the instruction must be permanently executed with continued
silence maintained indefinitely. The vampire has an excellent memory of its energetic exchanges
and an acute catalogue of its losses. Being vengeful and extraordinarily patient a vampire will
take any opportunity it can to re-attach, even after periods as long as years of separation. It is
important to point out that short of Ritual Sanguinis Solis or physical beheading a vampire
cannot be killed. They are a being that hovers on the brink of death like an un-dead wraith unable
to die and yet unable to live. They are continually dying, decaying, and will try to take all who
encounter them with them to the grave.
How many vampires are aware of what they do? Are vampires conscious of their psychic drain
on others or are they oblivious to it?
One member of THEM relates being a strong psychic vampire for a long time. He took much
from people until he found the ability to recognize the short-comings in his energetic networks,
work through many things and experiences and identify and complete missing connexions. But
there was a dynamic spiritual quest that centred him, a core dynamic that drove his actions
toward knowing who what he was and identifying that core with various understandings of
relatedness to others not just being a psychic vampire for its own sake. Motivated by this drive
he completed insecure connexions and later found the Self. The Self is nuclear, it burns off its
own energy thus there is no need to drain others.


But how many psychic vampires have the luxury of knowing Thyself through such hard work
and overcoming the role allotted to themselves? And can other psychic vampires be made to
realize what it is they do? The Temple of THEM believes they can be made aware and can
harness that personal selfishness and narcissism in a much more powerful manner than merely
serving ones own personal ends to supra-personal aims. On that note, a vampire driven by ego
and unconscious or operating on a low level of awareness is one thing, a being with the power of
Self-awareness who can choose to be a vampire is quite another.
Only a powerful magician can escape the clutches of a vampire with relative ease. For freeing
yourself from these creatures involves an understanding that transcends any sense of personal
obligations and roles in the world to be this or that to suit this or that and thus fit snugly into the
carefully shaped snares of a vampire. A vampire is a master of relations, they will tailor your
coffin to fit you if you do not possess a strong immovable sense of self and detachment. Such a
personality lacks for little or nothing, recognizes the wiles of a vampire and is wary of flattery. It
is aware of the subtleties of energetic exchange and the transactions that are enacted secretly but
daily by the occult faculties of the mind. In other words it recognizes the whole process of
energy exchange and the dangers involved in any gamble. Because the Self is energetically selfsufficient, the gamble is no longer required. A habit of detachment carries over into behaviour
and thought shining brightly in the night as a warning beacon to psychic denizens. Developing
the Self weakens any footholds of personality in the ego prone to insecurity and manipulation,
makes the motives of the ego transparent, and gives vampires, nowhere to hide.
Starving a vampire will cause it to use its connexions of family, friends, etc it has made through
you. Keeping the vampire in stony silence may prevent it from taking your energy but the
vampire is a hunter, it will move to the next weakest or susceptible prey in the pack and begin to
feed once more. To this extent, lies, deception, wiles, and abuse may be directed at your loved
A Vampire must be completely destroyed if one is to kill it physically. Vampires are extremely
dangerous if only wounded the damage they may cause with their silver tongue is
incomparable. Hence Physically, the head of a Psychic Vampire must be cut off in order to kill it,
and wrapped in black silk to break its black magical hold on one.
While Psychically, an enchantment using the power of Demaphyr [sleep sketching] can be
employed to strengthen the resolve of others victimized by the vampire.
Demaphyr involves working visual magic at the stage of astral sleep where the eyes are shut, the
body is almost unable to be felt, and brightly coloured patterns are swirling and forming abstract
and intricate geometrical shapes in preparation to take the forms of the nights solid dreams
In this place, sketch a WHITE box. Make it as real, as vivid as you can, and continue to draw it
until each night it comes to you of its own accord.


Also, construct a live BLACK box from wood or cardboard or metal. When you hear from your
loved ones or friends of misfortunes or vicious rumours or misdeeds caused by the vampire
propel the emotion felt into the WHITE box of your mind. Let them swirl about inside it,
tumultuous and angry if necessary, but contain them therein privately and show no emotion, talk
not of the vampires acts, or acknowledge them. Show no effect of them on you.
Nightly, take the energy from your WHITE box, and move it mentally, by intending it, into the
BLACK box of reality.
Continue to charge the WHITE box with energy in this manner by letting the vampire feed you.
Drain the creature dry.
To dissipate the vampires energy into nothing When you feel sufficient energy and emotion
has been poured into the BLACK box annihilate its energy by opening it in bright sunlight.
To send the stored, transformed energy into your loved ones that they may resist and fight the
vampire, release the energy by opening it in the darkness and think of your families/friends
Your non-reaction to messages passed on by the vampire and will to channel the tendrils safely
into the BLACK box is the power that causes the transformation of the vampires poisons into
protective power.
Thus is the vampire dealt with and defeated magically and physically.
Its poisons exposed and its destruction executed.
Merely a convenient name adopted for a force that will be recognized immediately as operant
among us. Although in some ways the term draws parallels from the creature of the cultus that
has arisen around the psychic vampire THEM refer to a specific state of being which
occupies immediate proximity to a magician, separate from the astral-based wraith reputed to use
psychic tendrils and methods of remote drain. The former is believed more prevalent and more
dangerous owing to its immediate visibility and physical/psychical threat, rather than the latter,
which is seen [except under special conditions] as a phantasm of paranoia feared only by the
superstitious and credulous.
*It is theorized that collective concentrations of energy by human beings can take on a life of
their own and constitute a larger organism: Belief, Form, City, Ethos etc. And that such
organisms willed into being by mass human energetic concentration can eclipse the
dependency on human energy and manifest separately as a psychical demon.
**It is vital to understand that all ego-based intentions are tainted by cultural/social illusion. The
acts that have come to symbolize finality in society; giving the cold shoulder, narrowing the
eyes, giving the finger, walking off in mid-conversation, slamming down the phone, slamming

the door, yelling, crying, pleading, reasoning, promising, threatening are all energetic based
exchanges stemming from the same basis as any other action. The idea that there is less energy
expenditure in some social cues than others, a difference in negative or positive exchanges, is
ignorance. Ignoring someone whilst secretly egging them on, I.e. not talking to them but talking
about them, is often practiced by so-called victims who have themselves become psychic

Radia Sol: Emanations of the Self

Opening Statements
This manuscript is the amalgam of two ideas. The first idea comes from looking into the various
mss of the ONA that deal with the personal alchemy of the Magickian as s/he discards the Ego in
necessary favour of the Self. The second idea comes from my foray into the fields of Science and
Physics to educate myself on the basics that I felt I lacked the knowledge of.
The discarding and transcending of the Ego via alchemical processes poses some interesting
inferences. That the Ego is not necessarily the be-all and end-all of our organisms intellectual
and spiritual capacity, and that the emergence of a new species of capacity can be attained by
shedding the older ego-based skin of the conscious through the harsh alchemical processes
mentioned within alchemical-based texts, is interesting enough. But this alchemical angle seems
to be quite satisfactorily covered for the moment and my concern and this manuscript aim to
explore another aspect of the Psyche: the metaphysical process that enables the Psyche to shift
from Ego to Self.
Amongst Ona manuscripts and indeed most other books that cover the subject of Psyche, from
the manner in which the aspects of the Unconscious, Ego and Self are attributed to the Psyche, I
get the impression they are represented almost as if they were transient beings. As if the Psyche
is inhabited by the three individual entities, and Ego for instance, is merely one power in
control of the organism at any given time from a choice of three: A triplicate that inhabits the
organism as if the organism were a vehicle and one of the three aspects the vehicles current
driver. When I found myself wondering if the Psyche could indeed be inhabited by a sort of
triplicate life of its own, I began trying to apply scientific principles from an Acausal point of
view to work out how these three organisms of the Psyche or Psychanisms might function.
The Ego is integrated with, and ingrained as, part of our conscious, sure. Yet, via alchemy, it is
metaphysically possible to increase and decrease its degree of domination, and can even be

forced to take a backseat to one of the other aspects as the organism gains conscious recognition
of its Ego and enables the Psyche to evolve into the Self. This sounds like a relatively simple
enough process in theory. However, when Id personally apprehended the concept of the Psyche
and nurtured the ability to recognize which of the three aspects were dominant within the
conscious of others around me: it was increasingly clear how difficult it was for an organism to
gain primary consciousness of its Ego in order to enable the move to self. Given the elite nature
of Satanists, I toyed with the idea that this inability for the Majority to apprehend, recognise and
overcome the driver of their organism as the Satanist is able to, was due to two things:
The differing degree of mergence of the Acausal with the respective nexions.
The presence of an x factor in the respective organism enabling independent recognition of the
dominant power currently driving their organism.
I hypothesise that Self emerges from Ego by virtue of the Self becoming Self-Aware. This selfawareness primarily requires the Self to realise it exists. So how does the Self come to recognise
itself, and furthermore become the dominant psychanism over the virtually absolute dominance
of the Ego in many cases, either naturally or magically? It is reasonable to assume that there
exists some sort of trigger for the Selfs awareness, that such triggers prompt the organism into
suddenly becoming aware of the Psychanism in current control.
Yet the Psychanisms are intangible and, from many points of view inseparable: as much a part
of us as we are of it. So how does an organism apprehend them? In part, this is where the
Alchemical and Magickal working toward the ability to recognize and separate the Self from the
Ego may come in. Yet logically speaking, perhaps the Psychanisms recognise their image and
become consciously aware of it in the same way as the organism they inhabit does by its
reflection in a mirror?
Esoterically and Sociologically speaking, if one thinks of the manner in which a childs
unconscious slowly forms into an Ego, one realises a process occurs wherein the organism is
unable to see itself except in other people via the visible external interactions and changes it
makes. (Added to of course by Environment, Culture et al until personal identity is achieved)
One gets the impression that everyone is looking at everyone and everything else simply to see
or more precisely, Define, themselves. Since the myth Equality and the concept of all people
being equal has no standing in my hypothesis, perhaps it is the unequal portioning of charge to
some individuals via the different degree of individual mergence with the Acausal that enables
certain individuals better recognition and control of their Psychanisms.
Of course, if one views the Self as on the same fundamental mission as the Ego, that is, to see its
reflection in other Psychanisms of the same species to reaffirm itself, one can see a distinct major
disadvantage in the ratio of Self (rare and highly polished mirrors) to Ego (crass lenses of
personal distortion) by which the Self may recognise itself. It is easy to appreciate thus, the rarity
of the Self being attained and then kept in power as the dominant Psychanism. Perhaps this vast
difference in ratio is the reason for the hermitage of Self-types who seek solace away from the
majority, the paradigm of Ego. Nietzsche for example?


Unable to find another Self to reflect itself back to itself, perhaps the Self is forced to seek solace
in isolation to try and mirror itself by itself. If this is the case, the ability of the dominant Psyche
to grow upon Self-Reflection leads me to surmise that each organism theoretically radiates
something to be reflected. Beams of psyche like the light of a sun (Radia Sol) perhaps, which it
beams out toward the Psyches of other organisms, using them like mirrors or walls to bounce
itself or ideas off. Including of course, anything else that might serve as a mirror, which can be
as simple as a book, or as complex as the incommunicable sensations received by virtue of being
affected by the matrix. Why? In order to send itself back information about itself to define itself,
perhaps continually, in order to stay in dominance over the other aspects of the psyche, and to
define which aspect is in control.
The writings below attempt to demonstrate how metaphysically this Radia Sol might work
and Ive broken the theory down into several smaller fundamental principles to aid an
What is a model?
Models, are an integral tool of my ability to artistically interpret and demonstrate concepts,
especially those related to Physics, Quantum Theory, or the Acausal for which I lack the
necessary knowledge of mathematics to convey. Quite simply, a model is the building of a
structure, with bits and pieces arranged and labelled in such a way that the esoteric forces I am
trying to demonstrate can represent themselves.
One example of a Causal model might be a diagram or a picture whereby the forces are
represented through labels and accepted scientific doctrine. An Acausal example might be when
I draw a parallel between a thing that is recognized and known by the majority as a Real or
Accepted thing or function within the Causal. Often Ill use a metaphor to explain that which is
beyond cause and effect, allows for x amount of dimension, and is generally not accepted, i.e. the
image of a burning sea of oil to represent the Acausal and its nexions.
Take the example of a remote control car as being the accepted view of a causal Model. It has a
structure that is made up of many parts and components, arranged and labelled in such a way that
the parts and components can express specific principles actively such as motion, acceleration,
inertia, electricity, etc. By its abilities to do so with a remote control, it defines the meaning of
the nature of the model as a Remote Control Car. Note that it expresses a range of physics and
laws yet is contained within the postulate, and operates on the presupposition, that there are
only four dimensions.
However, in this example, the parts, wheels, frame, motor, gears, etc are often understood by a
binding general consensus and are recognised fairly easily by the majority of people. They are
familiar parts that go together in a familiar way. Most people are aware the wheels are used to
propel the frame, the motor to propel the wheels, the remote control to propel the whole thing
etc etc. While few of the majority, actually understand how it works, they accept this model
defined by causal laws and physics and geometry, as representative of the causal, of the Real

However, the model I am about to construct is metaphysical. The parts, whilst referred to by
names commonly and causally known, may not necessarily have the causal physics associated
with that which is alluded to. For example I may use the word wave but this doesnt
necessarily bind my usage of the word to all or any accepted meaning of the familiar word
wave. As always with esoteric manuscripts, there are some important things to remember about
models used to demonstrate Esoteria before we continue and these are as follows:
I) The parts that make up the whole of the Acausal model are not solid ineffable terms or
descriptions of objects or movements they are merely abstract inferences to enable the
apprehension of the forces or concept being dealt with in a (mostly) common everyday way
using parts that are causally familiar. As they are parts in a model, it is easy to think of the word
wave for example, as an actual wave and to associate the ideas connected to the word and term
wave as being applicable and only applicable to the part labelled wave. This is a fundamental
error since these parts are not intended to represent the actual parts that make up the model, but
familiar components used to help give understanding on a basic level necessary to comprehend
esoteric ideas. Furthermore the term parts is misleading since the dimensions of the Acausal are
not fitted together like those of a causal model and the reader is wise to keep in mind that what
is described using causal terms cannot represent the actual nature of Acausal forces.
II) The causal motions, effects, or changes that the parts demonstrate upon one another and the
model as the parts and their function are explained, are mostly irrelevant, since the model deals
with the Essence, the Idea behind the model. And it is this Idea behind the model, separate from
the parts and familiar associations with the parts themselves, that I seek to bring to light.
III) The model is not infallible it is after all only a model. Too often criticisms are found with
the model before the Idea which the model is trying to elaborate (and catch 22, can rarely do,
without the use of such models) is apprehended. Too often the appearance is observed and not
the essence. This fundamental flaw in perception develops the Projection that is the bane of all
such esoteric models. Since sure, while the parts of a model exist as they Are, unless one is able
to view the Idea behind the parts one will never understand essence. And it is this raw
numinous genius that is alone important. The model is not a representation of the actual Essence
of the Idea, but uses familiar forms to demonstrate it. Essence, which is without causal form relies on the limited forms available to an individual to express itself in a causal way and is
therefore a difficult concept to apprehend, work with, or show to others.
IV) The ability to see the Idea behind the model, from the model, and think beyond the model is
paramount. It enables latent genius to presence itself and not necessarily the genius of the
models maker, but that which comes from another individual who grasps and then evolves the
Idea in ways the model maker may have not thought of. The more organisms capable of
apprehending the Acausal the more chance of eventually representing it on its own terms, in
Acausal ways.
V) To better understand my model, you will require some knowledge of Wave Mechanics. I of
course assume that like myself, when faced with a subject of which one knows nothing or very
little about you undertake the necessary research to remedy this. For my model, I have posited















Wave Mechanics A Crash Course

Wave Behaviour:
A wave rises and falls as it travels the rise and fall are called Crest and Trough respectively.
The distance between Crest and Crest or Trough and Trough is called a Wavelength.
Wave Frequency:

The number of wavelengths that pass a certain point in a given amount of time is called the
waves Frequency.

If two waves meet each other of the same frequency, both the Crests and Troughs of those waves
combine and increase in size as they run together or phase. This is called Constructive
If two waves of the same or different frequency meet each other halfway however, the waves do
no overlap perfectly, and the crests and troughs of the waves do not coincide. This is called
Destructive Interference.
If two identical waves are exactly half a wavelength out of Phase, the crests of one wave lined up
with the trough of the other wave, these waves cancel each other out and no wave appears.
There are also complicated waves in which phase and wavelength are out of sync a bit, making
them both constructive and destructive in different places.
Note: Electrons are/embody both wave/particle properties: the more energy that an electron has
the shorter its wavelength. Any point in any wave could be the location of the Electron. At the
time of writing Electrons cannot be pinpointed in time and space and this peculiar occurrence is
referred to as Quantum Physics.
My aim in showing you some wave mechanics is to demonstrate the complexity of waves and
the myriad of ways in which they can interact with one another.


This is an important part in the model, but remember; the part is not to be understood as strictly
adhering to the properties of wave mechanics, but is instead an unknown quality only represented by the use of waves.
Now to familiarize you with my concept of Emanations. The following is not a detailed study
of emanations, but instead aims to give you the reader what is popularly known as the gist.
Most people are familiar with vibes / (vibrations). A typical example would be getting bad
vibes/ good vibes. Often this phenomenon occurs without the individual even being in a
position to get the usual sensory information when making a customary good/bad judgment. For
example, most of us are aware of our 6th sense when someone is watching or following us in a
sinister fashion. What gives us the feeling, the vibe, that something bad is about to happen, or
that we are in danger despite our other senses lack of alert neither hearing, seeing, smelling,
touching, or tasting, danger?
Its common to get a bad feeling about a place, but more specifically from people, to feel
comfortable or uncomfortable in the presence of strangers, because of the way they seem to give
off or emanate some kind of good or bad feeling from within themselves. This is the intuitive at
work surely but then if it cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell a bad situation, what does it
intuit? Is it possible organisms give off frequencies or wavelengths by our energy, matter,
chemical composition, or some such thing? That we beam or radiate good/bad feelings like
satellites sending signals, and likewise receive good/bad signals without the aid of sensory input
that tell us the nature of the invisible something is okay/not okay? Perhaps when two such
identical frequencies meet thats how we get people on the same wavelength? I wont be going
into such possibilities too deeply here, since its a topic that is already much thrown about in
Occult and Scientific circles under terms like fields, magnetism, aura etc and is already a
familiar concept to most by nature, usually just under a different name.
Based on my own experiences with having aura and giving vibes Ive postulated that they
exist and radiate from within an organism. I refer to these vibes, the giving off of waves or
frequencies or charge or what have you, as emanation. If we emanate, if we possess a vibration
that emits telltale signals of our nature, and I feel we do, why do we do it and how?
I aim to demonstrate my theory with a theoretical model. A theoretical model subject to the
above stipulations about the nature of the parts and the whole of the model, the purpose of the
model, and herein attempt to sweep aside the confines of the Causal and its forms to illustrate
Radia Sol.
The Theoretical Model assumes the following postulates exist:


That three Aspects within the Psyche are vying for dominance: Unconscious, Ego and Self.
That each of the Aspects emanates and that dominant emanation by an Aspect ensures
dominance over the organism by that Aspect.
That the Aspects emanate both independently and simultaneously with the others in differing
That an Aspect uses emanation to recognise itself as the dominant aspect, and then continually
emanates to affirm dominance and define itself.
That Aspects are able to emanate a vast range of frequencies and even match the frequencies
emanated by other Psyches.
That the frequencies emitted are subject to some or all of the laws of wave mechanics.
That the Ego is the dominant Aspect in the majority.
That the dominance of an Aspect can and does vary in degree within an organism.
That the Self can act independently of the Ego and the Unconscious and vice versa.
That the emanations emitted by all three Aspects, whilst invisible to the eye or modern science
at present, radiate from one Psyche to/through/at/into/etc other Psyches constantly and
ceaselessly and can be observed by the nature of interaction with ones total environment or
That the Aspects use emanation like echo-sound to recognize themselves.
That Ego emanations are different to Self emanations requiring different environments to
succeed in dominance.
That Ego uses other Egos to remain dominant, and Self uses other Self to do the same.
That distortion takes place within the emanations unless identical aspects are interacting.
That Higher consciousness and a shift from Ego to Self can be achieved if one finds a location
that does not distort the echo of its emanation.
With this is mind we can now proceed to the Theory.
Radia Sol : Emanations of the Self- A Theory.
The Emanations of the Self in my theory are best thought of as waves.
Ever, you emit the frequency of your Unconscious, Ego, and Self in unique waves, like ripples
on a pond, out onto the ether. Intuitively seeking to Be. A vast expanse of millions of other
Unconscious, Ego, and Self are also unconsciously or consciously emitting frequencies.
The Organism (via acausal energies) projects differing emanations onto the ether (these can be
thought of as questions) to other organisms simultaneously. Seeking to Be, to become
dominant, demands that the Aspect order chaos to know its own image, its own being. Therefore
these emanations are the base nature, the feelers of the Organism that bounce ideas,
conversation, interaction etc, off other Organisms (mirrors) in an attempt to put together a picture
of what it actually looks like and what it is that actually exists. The received replies from these
mirrors can be though of as answers.


Each of the three Aspects vys for domination over an Organisms psyche but the aspect that
receives more replies to its emanations than the other two is selected as the dominant driver of an
organism. Usually however, the natural process of life takes an Organism through these three
Aspects, the last emerging during mid-life of an Organism or after particularly harrowing or
harsh experiences. Over the last two thousand years this ability of the Self to become dominant
and maintain its power has been vastly diminished due to a lack of Self-types, processes used to
reach self and the excess majority of Ego-types. What makes the attainment even more difficult
is the distortion of the matrix by Magian design that has allowed so many of the immature Egotypes to breed but does not allow progress to the next stage of the mature Organism, the Self.
Hypothetically, answers are received, processed, assimilated and more questions sent out.
However, if the emanations act somewhat like waves, then perhaps they are not always directly
focused at a receiver but emanate like a sun rather than a laser, and both questions and
answers are subject to chaos. The infinitesimal number of organisms all emanating at once
could be represented as the outward spreading of ripples on the surface of a pond after a stone
has been thrown in. Eventually the joining of separate ripples occurs as more stones are thrown
in until so many stones are thrown in that the ripples become unrecognisable. Emanations, being
bounced and rocketed from one location (location: an abstract plane of projection such as an
idea, concept, form, human construct or even another human etc) to another, are possibly altered
by similar properties as are the waves in wave mechanics. Stronger waves may assimilate,
distort, fragment other waves over and over again, they may even cancel other waves out.
Resulting in a perpetual tumultuous multitude of confusion and chaos. Especially when you
consider that a little like the game of paper, scissors, rock, the three different aspects emanate
differently and the effect of each from one psyche on each aspect of another psyche, allows for
virtually infinite outcomes. Perhaps this chaos could be likened to Sensory Perception if these
emanations are also what serve to define dimension, relativity, and order (ad infinitum) of our
Organism in relation to the matrix?
However this confusion of the process from Unconscious to Ego to Self reigns because of the
domination of the Majority by the Ego. The Ego, using others organisms to reflect itself off
where the dominant Aspect is also the Ego, mostly operates in a causally contained frame of
reference, subject to causal distortion and all manner of postulates of reality, and is inherently a
contradiction to itself via the positing of opposites for example. If Self generates Self, then Ego
generates ego, and with so MUCH Ego the likelihood of a Self being created instead, is very
slim. What we are experiencing in terms of Aeonics, is the perpetual creation of Organism
without Self a bi-partmental Psyche, a global populace in psychic limbo.
On the rare occasion when the organism becomes aware of Self, a search or echo-scan for other
Selfs is begun by that Organism. It tries to find a location where it can refract itself in order to
define itself. By virtue of the Organism being aware of Self, this scan for other Self is more
focused than the scan performed by the Ego. The Self temporarily no longer in thrall to illusions,
no longer sends it waves out in all directions, but in focused bursts to specific receivers to attain
a direct reply. But to get feedback requires the highly polished mirrors that other Selfs are, that
are very rare. Perhaps given the unique nature of emanations, a Self has different specifications
for what it can and cant reflect itself off. However, unlike the Ego, I hypothesise that the
emanations of a Self are not altered by absorption of the emanation by the Other Self, nor does

the mingling or phasing of the original emanation occur as it does in Egos, creating a mongrel
hybrid. That is to say, when the emanation of an Ego is absorbed by another Ego, it is distorted
and mingled into a different refraction or wavelength containing emissions of that Ego as well as
the original. Or the emanation is split into more than one wave, part of which is refracted
elsewhere and only part of an echo or none at all recieved. Or the Ego even receives a foreign
echo created elsewhere but which is interpreted as the reply to the emanation sent out.
I believe this distortion is not applicable between Selves. A Self is a complete Whole comprised
of both anima and animus, no longer in need of a half (either feminine or masculine) to
complete itself and as such is no longer dependant on finding halves to complete (usually just
compliment) itself as is the task of the Ego. Therefore it has no need for either feminine or
masculine emanations as given off by the Ego and, basically, negates them.
More often than not however, the Self is unable to find a similar complete receiver to refract
itself off and either seeks solace, loses dominance and is once again replaced by Ego, or perhaps
in extreme (or typical?) cases, dies, and the Organism loses any chance of becoming Self-aware
Just as we seldom see our own physical organism or what we look like from an external view,
but instead possess notions of such that give us our own personal definition of ourselves, perhaps
the Self actively seeks to view its own image by sending internal emanations to the external
sources around it, hoping for a mirror. And just a mirror since because it is a complete whole it
no longer needs any other organisms input but its own to see itself. But without this mirror it
cannot Be. The Idea or Process of seeking to be Self is more often than not stifled early, and
even murdered in many people by society seeking to suppress recognition of this aspect. This
makes finding a suitable mirror for the Self to refract off all the more difficult and random to
achieve. Perhaps then, when the Self finds such a rare mirror in which to become more of itself,
and gains precedence over the organism as the dominant Psychanism it operates on an entirely
new system no longer using emanations for the same purpose? Perhaps it gains an increase of
concentration and control over its emanation and uses it more like a laser than a radiating wave
to cut through egos, so great its power it is no longer is applicable to the same restrictions
imposed upon an ego by having or being in thrall to the ego.
Yet in those rare moments when the Self is able to find such a higher receiver, and when two
Selfs emanate their Self and nothing more (achievable only via that intangible quality, SelfHonesty) the two Selfs are able to refract each others emanation without absorbing or
mongrelizing it because each Self is of its Self, is whole, rejects all other input but its own and
has no interest in projecting the Self onto others.
However in the case of a Self needing a Self to become dominant, the paradox is posed how
does the Psyche become Self if one cannot find a mirror in other words, how does the Self find
a mirror if in the first place there are no Selfs? It seems difficult to imagine a Self being formed
prior to being Self already but therein the alchemical and magickal training of individuals to
recognise and overcome the Ego makes possible the existence of Selfs out there. Furthermore,
Jung and the Ona both suggest that the Self is naturally attained for a period of time, but the
dominance of which must be worked at to maintain or lost again, and usually forever. Therefore,

it is possible to find such mirrors and doesnt necessarily require two organisms to enable
recognition of Self via a mutual transaction.In the case of the Self evolving on its own, in my
opinion the power of self-honesty is the sheer power of all and using this power to complete
oneself, a Whole needs no additional input to function. With no energy expended in echo
location trying to see the Self anymore, the Self is self-empowered. (Continuing with the
metaphor of the Sun, they self-replicate like a thermonuclear explosion). If the Self only refracts
itself, the power can only grow, since it is Self-Effort, Self-Love, Self-Achievement, SelfAwakening, and Self-Awareness that occurs. If this is the case, the Self wouldnt expend its
energy carelessly like the Ego does, and perhaps an excess of power ensues which flows over or
spills, onto other aspects of the Selfs drive to power Wisdom maybe, or Enlightenment, or
other such things. If this could occur en mass perhaps with more and more Selfs balancing (or at
least increasing) the ratio of Self to Ego; the charge, the power, of the Cosmic might become
perpetual as the Selfs start to become more dominant making more and more mirrors available to
potential Selfs.
Closing Statements:
This model/theory may not provide food for thought for all, or even for many but it does
offer a different perspective on how we function and why. The Theory can be superimposed over
all human interactions to explain their mechanics by virtue of emanation. Why humans dont get
along, why misunderstandings or love occurs between us, how we find enlightenment, why so
few people ever reach enlightenment, or why the chaos exists in our lives, our ideas, our
identities, our experiences, and our heads, for example. Furthermore, it offers an esoteric
explanation of how the three (psychological) aspects of an organism might function rather than
the accepted dual view of our organism and psyche combined as the one inseparable power
which drives us: namely, as a sort of will to power to become dominant, lest it become recessive
and replaced.
Its hardly an overestimate to suggest the fierce domination of the Ego-mirror in societies
overshadow the rare and often easily broken Self-mirror a million to one perhaps more.
Without a healthy Renaissance (Satanic, for example) in which organisms are enabled
recognition of the three Pyschanisms, perhaps we are killing ourSelves simply because they have
lost the will to live. Its no small wonder in such a climate hostile even to emergence of the Self
that it hibernates. But to let the Self sleep, is to die a slow and insidious death, deafened and
maddened by a ceaseless, pointless, bombardment of Egoic emanation.
- Tnepres Ra (ThoTh) of THEM 2003 -


Rain Magic*K

[Rain Magic*k is one of a series of three core Acausal Rites practiced by THEM that are
entitled Acausal for their Aeonic and Inhuman submission. Submission to the Rain being the
first, the Sea the second and the Moon the third. All three Rites are Hermetic [that is, practiced
by a lone magician] and are performed at night. It should be apparent that the Rain and Sea share
very similar properties. An endurance of the Moon may not immediately seem as tactile a ritual
as being saturated to the bone by a heavy downpour or being whipped by the salty spray of the
ocean carried on the fury of cold winds but it should be noted that the External Adept Rite of
the Order of Nine Angles employs principles that are deeply esoteric in the instruction to lay,
unmoving and watch the stars wheeling across the sky from sunset to sun-up. The same
principles used in the Rain Rite are used in the Moon Rite with a full moon being observed and
contemplated over the course of twelve hours.]
The Rite of Rain Magic*K
Before nightfall on a windy night pouring with rain, a high and isolated hill is selected
whereupon the magician is to stand, arms outstretched to endure the elements. Although
relatively free to choose ones garments: clothing is not to be waterproof.
A psychic connexion is made whereupon the magician meditates on Sinister figures historical or
present and realizes the same rain falling upon them has fallen on all such figures.
Water, like Mass, is a finite element. It is not created or destroyed but amorphous: forming and
reforming, as Ice, Snow, Hail, Mists, Frosts, Glaciers, Lakes, Rivers, Seas and Rain. It is
inimical to Change: Evaporating, Photosynthesizing, Pooling, Freezing, Flowing, Surging,
Changing, Shaping, Destroying, Creating, Cradling and Disintegrating: essential to Life and
merciless in bringing Death.
It is present in the most humble of puddles and the deepest of oceans. Like the Moon: upon She
who all who have walked the Earth have gazed upon: Rain is a bridge: it has touched, at one time
or another, all personages, and thus all personages connected to the Sinister. The same rain that
fell on Jack the Ripper as he stalked the lantern lit streets of Whitechapel in 1888, fell upon all of
the hard faces of the army of invisible phantoms throughout history, standing watch as their wills
played forth the strategies that would culminate in Evil. It has trickled across the flesh of all your
idols, saturated the soils of the greatest battlegrounds and filled the blackest abysses on Earth

with its volume. It has dripped from the entrance of the most isolated caves, from the pagodas of
ancient China and the castles of medieval Ireland. It fell unabated, a presence that provoked
meditative contemplation in those standing guard thinking on the cold wet night and
accompanied the prayers of those in a Temple with its diffuse roar. It has both frustrated and
accomplished the strategies of the greatest Generals and for millennia set back or brought forth
the catch of the humble fisherman. It has been present at the times of the greatest beauty, and the
most sublime sadness at times a passive, at times an active, force of nature, permeating the
lives of all beings plant, beast and man. It descended on the Ziggurats of Sumeria the birthplace
of Western Civilization and it will fall beyond Solvet Saeclum In Favilla. The same rain that fell
on the Dinosaurs in the antediluvian is the same rain that falls ceaselessly across the planet now
and forever. The rain is an uber-aeonic phenomenon: and perchance it remembers
The Rain remembers.
I.) The magician approaches the hill with the intent to actively tap into the memory of the rain, to
raise an exaltation, to be a part of its currents and come to it as a worshipper; as something less
than the Rain that wishes to be touched, to be one with its awesome power. Arms outstretched
and legs shoulders width apart the magician forms a standing star to endure the rain. The ritual
stance is maintained until such time the Rain completely ceases to fall.
II.) The magician approaches the hill with the intent to passively endure the driving rain, not in
the spirit of struggle or dominance but in quiet observation to watch, to share time with the rain
without intent to direct or shape it, to let it awash ones senses, ones flesh, ones being with its
presence, to endure what it brings in the way of comfort or discomfort. A casual [more
accurately, unassuming] physical position should be taken that feels natural to take given the
circumstances and the magician, such as leaning against a tree, sitting on the wet ground with
ones knees bent, or even lying down staring upward into the sky. The Rite is in one sense an act
of humility: endurance: awareness: sorrow: and visitation of sublime and inhuman beauty. The
greater the submission, the more powerful the rite, the more exposed to the elements the position
chosen by the magician should be.
The Rite:
Essentially the Rite involves no formal words. As a visitation of an inhuman force, the ego must
remain silent. With the same reverence as the two minute silence held during ANZAC to
commemorate the soldiers who gave their lives for Australia, come in memory of the sheer
aeonic permeation of the places, lives, deaths, forms that the Rain has been present at. If words
are to be spoken, let them be spontaneous: as a private conversation with the rain.
Alternately: when you arrive at the hill and assume your chosen position of endurance: meditate
deeply applying the Rite of the Tempest to annihilate all thoughts. When silent and still: tell the
rain Ive come to Remember.

Remain still and endure the visitation. Only when the rain has completely ceased: it is right to
* The K is an optional addition to the Rain Rite involving making love [magically directed]
with ones partner. It is seen as a practicable extension open to exploration by those conducting
Rain magic to involve some element of sexual activity. However it is held [I.e. known] to evoke
a separate energy and thus a different direction to employ sex in the Rite as given above.
Experience has shown that the Rain Rite may last as little as a few minutes or as long as a few
days. Regardless of the length of its falling: and as you well know, the Rite will fail if ones
resolve is abandoned due to human concerns or physical weakness. For this reason, advise any
aspirants, a fast is advised 12 or 24 hours before committing to the Rite and prior training [Qv.
Trial Full Moon Rites to build appropriate stamina and endurance]. As with the EA, the urge to
urinate/defecate must be controlled.
Directly addressing THEM however FAR harsher measures have been endured in the past in
our elite black magical syndicate and your extensive experience and demonstrated commitment
to magic shadows the resolve of most. The Triangle of Acausal Rites may be considered an
extension, or rather, in-tension of our Archetypal/Narrative Magic utilized to replace the
Victorian/Latin + Human-Centred systems practiced by the many Temples/Orders from which
we derive. Like the AOF, DDD, RIR, etc this current of Rites scorns the excess of the spoken
word and any inability to focus extreme power by thought/intent alone. It spurns a need for such
forms as frenzy to summon power. We are drawing on the genuine esoteric principles of the
Dark Gods and our intention to annihilate the Art of the Pentagram [Qv. Art and Artists of the
Pentagram/OA#11] will, without mercy, be realized here in Australia with the establishment of
our magical veins.
These three Rites will be added to Liber SSS and any further notes, variations, accounts, made
available from the Main Temple Account. ISS.

Ramble on the Dynamics of Form

I'll get into a serious study of what forms are later on. I promise. But what is
with the competitiveness between two or more forms and what does it say about
the human condition?
Let's say I post something on forum A about... I dunno, ferrets. It's out there,

people are reading it, I am informing people about ferrets. (What they do with
that information I have absolutely no control over).
But its out there and its getting into people heads, which may or may not
influence them in some way they would not have been influenced before.
(Which hypothesis really is impossible to determine one way or the other, if you
think about it and the process involved, but anywho.)
But because I have posted on forum A, and that information stream is out there,
suddenly someone on forum B, posts something too - maybe something agreeing with
me, or disagreeing with me. Good if people agree with me, so lets take the
Why does the person on forum B, post something to contradict me? Is it because
they believe my information is wrong - or is it because they are trying to
control the stream of information? Can two streams co-exist side by side?
If the idea of my information mis-informing people is a worry for them enough to
post a reply, i.e. my stream threatens their stream - then they feel compelled
to put out their own information to rival mine. It is almost as if there was a
battle to control a sort of patch of cyber real-estate. A battle of convictions
concerning what is true or "truer" about ferrets. If I said something like
ferrets have 3 legs, then anyone who observes a ferret or two can see for
themselves that they have four. Perceiving the world through the mode of big
chunky blocks of shared consensus a person can see that there is physical
evidence that ferrets have four legs. (generally).
But what if on forum A I say something that has no physical evidence to back it
up - i.e. that the end of the world will be in 2012? If I don't provide facts,
then I can be accused of having no facts, no premise to back my statement up
(heh, like any statement can be). But if I do provide facts, then someone has to
systematically deconstruct or re-interpret those facts to make my statement look
weak. We all do this to one another but Why do we do this?
I believe it is because of our temperament as humans to do it.
1. There is an innate sense of acquisitiveness (of wanting to own things) in us
that develops very early on in pre-adolescence.
2. There is a developed understanding that the world runs on ideas and that

change and power to the world comes from the ideas its runs on.
3. There is an unconsciousness tendency for a person to recognize that only one
idea at a time can occupy a given space from which associations are drawn by
collective human consciousness.

Forum A is giving information on ferrets that forum B doesn't agree with. Forum
B creates an "alternative" set of statements without realizing that there is no
alternative at all - while either information may be correct or incorrect is
inconsequential - both humans are vying for the same given space from which to
inform people about ferrets. Both are applying for the job of authority to be
invested in their statements. To wit, we decide which is the case for ourselves
based on logical rational evidence, or emotional bias, or maybe decide
irrationally simply because forum A has a cuter picture of a ferret on it than
forum B.
However, what if forum A says that the world will end in 2012? It's not 2012 and
won't be for two years. Well they can't know that, can they. Facts have a time
restriction. They can be rooted in the present or the past - but facts cannot be
drawn from speculation about future events that haven't happened yet. Even if I
have a coin that has heads or tails, and can be certain that it will land on
either side in the next five minutes from now when I flip it, I nonetheless am
extremely limited in predicting the future. I can't be certain the roof won't
fall on my head, or that the coin will land on its side, or that I will lose it,
or will get called away before five minutes time on urgent business. But a lot
of human endeavour is based on the certainty that we can predict the future,
that we can be certain of events falling into place more or less as we expect.
And the Sinister is one of these.
The need to DO something, to STRIVE for something, to BUILD something, AIM for
something, to feel fulfilled and that we are doing something fulfilling is
paramount to humans (Excepting those who deliberately strive for the opposite
such as Buddhists, and the Australian Government - but even Buddhists
deliberately set out with the aim to do nothing, to reach zen, and so attain
something which they call nothing.) And almost every Form in existence
recognizes and takes advantage of this need. Politics, Religion, Sports Clubs,
Businesses, even the Bus are all grounded in creating a belief in and for the
Future. Is the past so horrible? Can we even live in the Present? Does the
present even exist or is it just an abstract for classifying one of the most

numinous nebulous bizarre things we know, we are, Existence itself.

Well, the past and present DO seem too much to bear for the majority of people.
A fascinatingly high degree of human actions and aims would indicate they live
only for the future - because we are always calculating WHERE we will be if only
we do THIS. This practiced prescience occupies a hell of a lot of our time and
probably helps keep most of us sane-ish. But it is also a powerful tool in the
right hands. Consider some of the madness of recent adds that continually say,
get down to our showroom, buy this drink, try some today, and end it with NOW!.
Man, I knew this would happen, a blind monkey could predict that adds would get
pushy and rude just to match corporations, and people would get rude because
they mimic corporations, because corporations define choices, and eradicate
NOW is a nonsense. Who lives for NOW? Do any of you live for the moment or do
you think ahead to where that moment will lead? Even a few seconds ahead? I've
talked to a lot of people and all indications in the use of language, action and
aim are invested in what will be happening in the future.
It is true of all groups that come together to incite others, and it is true of
our type of groups too. All Sinister groups strive for the Future.
The Future is like a magical paradise where things could be so much better if
only we can get there. And if only we can get there using THIS vehicle, and
THESE ideas... which often leads to THAT vehicle and THOSE ideas being demonized
or at least unpopular... the sort of things Wowsers and Homo's, Witches and
Communists, Neo-Nazis and Jihadists take up...
The Future is where fantasy can run free and people can indulge in day dreams
about what the world Could be like - generally not what it's like - because who
really knows what the world is like? In its entirety? Not really possible to
know that - there exist too many speciality fields with too many categories of
specialist areas that the world is constantly broken into to get any REAL grasp
on what it is and means except for the picture we get when we run it through our
individual filters.
But the Future is also good because it hasn't happened yet - it is essentially a
land of promise. A Carrot on a stick. And the staple diet of all extremists and
dreamers. Without it, we'd lack a lot of ambition, things wouldnt get done
because few would see the point meaning many would shun the work. This in itself

is evidence that the Future is innately important to us as a concept. We can

make all kinds of promises in the future, it doesn't matter if we don't intend
to keep them - because no-one will know until we get there, by which time,
people have done what they wanted to do using others faith in those promises. In
the future, in two or five or twenty years time when the promise doesn't
eventtuate it's too late and well rather beside the point anyway - what matters,
is that the Future is a Motivator first and foremost. It's like investing in a
long-term disappointment, because you won;t know you're diappointed with a
promise, until it doesn't eventuate, but in the meantime you've helped support
something because you believed that a promise made would be fulfilled - i.e.
you've been motivated by a lie. Or maybe just a prediction that didn't turn out
as planned. Eitherway - all people are motivated by the Future because ANYTHING
can happen in the Future. Shattered lives might be rebuilt, economic crises can
level out, world peace can settle all humanities problems and so on... ad
nauseum. Just sign this, do that, and everything will be alright.

Points for the Un-Initiated I

Welcome to the Occult. Be ready and alert now for you will embrace herein both a loving and
thoughtful side of humanity and the presence of a dark dangerous and deadly side. The journey
of the Fool is and always will be wrought with as much danger as well as delight. The strong
will survive and win through. The weak will not and will perish.
In fucking up well and truly we learn the most so if you prefer to learn the hard way, the best
way, stop reading. ....
Speaking from harsh experience here are three vital things to remember:....
..1) ..The world is ever smaller and your enemies as well as your friends are no more than
seven degrees of separation away. Watch your step.....
..2) ..Insulate yourself from Friendly Fire. Your friends today may be your enemies
tomorrow. Cheat your naivety early be extremely careful with information you give
out. An IP address can be tracked using a free online sat nav. and provide a photo of your
house. People can be deployed to get close to you by exploiting your weaknesses,
pretend to be something they are not, obtain information that you should never give out.
If you have companions in a separate State have everyone register pseudo-addresses
(empty houses, long dist. post office boxes, deceased persons (Qv. Shrencing) are ideal
for this purpose) and swap. When you begin your involvement with the Occult, esp.

online it is easy to forget that there are people willing to do anything (or have) to get
anyone wishing to do so, credulous enough to follow through commands issued in
exchange for the promise of entry. Also that the Satanic network is well-connected,
criminal and ruthless. 9 times out of 10, a threat will stem from an associate and not the
..3) ..Never post a photograph. ....
ONA, ToB, SOS, MLO, or Ours you are well advised by someone involved in the Occult for
more than 15 years to observe the above points from day one. It may not matter to you now - but
in ten years time, if you have stayed on the Path - all that information you've given away
boosting your ego will matter a great deal.
Your anonymity will not give you license to escape your responsibility or your actions:
remember that. ....

Shouting into the Void

Christos Beest said to me once that he was relieved not to have been `shouting
into the void' whether he meant what I mean by it now, I find myself at peace
to be doing just that.
I shout into the void because it is the only pure, the only honest communication
there is. There is after all nothing and no-one outside of me that can interpret
or know my being and there can be no tolerance for such things. There really is
no direct sharing of experiences of philosophies or methodology - there is only
what one makes for oneself for good or for bad. Sociology and Language schools
say there is no real communication between human beings ever. Thus there is
no-one external who can pass judgment or offer advice because this life, this
existence, is between me and the void. If someone should overhear my shouting
then let them take any echoes they please for themselves let them impose their
own sanctions according to their will not mine. For to directly instruct, to
direct, to guide, to offer advice to others, or presume to know them is an
impure and dishonest communication. My convictions, my contradictions, my

rights, my wrongs, my opinions, my madness all belong to the void it is

therein that I am face to face with each of my mysteries and my mysteries alone.
The void alone to whom I answer. To whom I speak. Whom knows me. Whom speaks
Language, words, conversations are all loaded, loaded with weights and pitfalls
and submissions; loaded with grandeur, with limitations, with will. To talk to
others is to bind others, to seek agreement, or friendship, or solidarity, or
material gain, or company, or assurance, or validation, or invalidation, or
advice, or guidance, or direction, or answers. Answers cannot come when there
are attachments but inside of oneself through oneself when everything is gone
and the bones picked clean. Conversation cannot help but be misdirection, it
supposes and imposes, suggests and circles, posits and invents, sustains and
stains. It needs and it wants. It muddies the clear water of perception and
introduces foreign objects
to the pristine self-enclosed temple. Conversation asks for submission, for
favors, for acknowledgement, for trade, for love, for money, for understanding,
for control, for attention, for worship where there can be none, where there
can be only a direct suprapersonal connection to Be or the making of noise that
distorts it. The extra voices kick up a whirlwind of debris; they interfere in
direct transmission with the void both with theirs, and with mine. Words are a
white noise that people don't hear for what they are a cacophonous tumult that
obscures the pure, veils the truth, of simplicity itself.
The only honest path I know now is solitude. To just be and to shout into the
void as long and as loud as I need to. Then let the void
share my secrets with anyone who chooses to listen. That is how it, how we,
speak to others. Let anyone who overhears hear indirectly and catch any sounds
that please them for themselves without seeking to complicate their own
communication with the void by asking me for clarification, asking questions,
making challenges, demanding infinitesimal deconstruction, criticizing that
which belongs to the void or seeking to engage me - so that they too are not
directly misled by the promise of person-to-person communication to provide
clarity for it seeks to deceive all of us. Clarity is purely between man and
the void.
Anything less than this sacred silence that allows others to communicate with
the void more clearly, is to impose distortion and a tyranny of will upon


The Alpha-Male vs. The Alpha-Cynic

[The rough (and incomplete) draft of the manuscript that previously appeared here has now been
replaced with the finished manuscript that appears in Liber Discidium.]
The Alpha-Male vs. the Alpha Cynic
Part I
[Dedicated to my Brother & the few Good Men who influenced my Life. +O+]
Following on from the essays in the Book of ABSU regarding the increase of absurdity and the
faith one can place in the laws of escalation we are now witnessing an
exoteric/outward/physical/social change in pathos in the collective human consciousness
regarding the validation of superiority, strength, aggression, and excess testosterone as the key
elements to leadership; elements generally assigned to the characteristics of the Alpha-Male.
Although glimmers of this approach have been appearing for a long time, increasing or
decreasing as they wax and wane often in the context of parodies; the attack on the alpha-male
has now come to dominate the perceptive consciousness of the collective.

A re-occurring sign that spans the generations is what precipitates or illustrates a change in
collective consciousness is taking place. (Qv. Notes on Signs)

When a famous Australian footballer attacked his fianc recently (2008) causing serious injury
his bravado, a factor that would have once stood him in good stead and aligned all his buddies
behind him has noticeably failed to protect him from the scorn and derision of his peers.

The comments and aloofness, toughness, or bravado usually demonstrated by the footy player to
shift responsibility for their aggression and big-man syndrome from themselves onto others for
expecting it/nurturing it as part of the game, part of the role of a sports personality was not
considered an acceptable excuse by the footballers peers who have largely ostracized him from
their ranks sending a clear message that this behaviour is not acceptable and creating a
considerable landmark in the potential for a change in maturity and empathy in the average male

*Domestic violence although not as popular a topic as terrorism or global warming is

probably the most frequent crime and frequently tolerated crime in Australia.

For the younger generation changes are also afoot. Just as science-fiction has shown some
connexion to the development of technology and future focus to the scientific sphere I believe
movies, when viewed as emerging patterns of concept, tend to illustrate changes (esp. since they
tend to initiate them) in the collective consciousness.

In the recent movie Aliens vs. Monsters a couple are making out in the classic scenario of a
jock at kiss-point with a girl. However the roles are reversed the girl is ready to make out,
insistent even while the jock just wants to go home. He is frightened of the UFO that flies
overhead and is the one that twists his ankle when the two of them make a run for it. The
sophomore who is well ahead slumps her shoulders at the fallen jock that is simpering and is
heard to comment this is the worst date ever. She then goes back for him and is seen carrying
him in her arms at the next scene. (Appropriately both sexes scream in terror when the UFO
attacks them.)

In humour in making someone laugh pointing fun at using satire to show the reflexion, the
absurdity of something in animated cartoons and even the rugged masculine aggressive world
of Australian Football the Alpha-cynic predicted to emerge by THEM in the Book of Absu is
now manifesting as a collective archetype infecting the consciousness of the presently
established male clique and the younger generations influenced by them.

These and other indications are a sign that the Alpha-cynic, as an unconscious archetype is a
reflexion being seeded in both the young and the established male communities.

The world has begun to laugh at the Alpha-Male and if not a raucous laughter yet, be assured
the seeds these numinous memes plant in the young ones will grow fast.
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>
It is not ridiculous to surmise the popular adoption of wearing pink by men (ala the metro
sexual phase of fashion) was in some small way a step toward males finally collectively
adopting/releasing some of the latent feminine characteristics present but repressed in their
psyches as it only takes one person brave enough to set the example, for others to follow and
for a new norm to be set. Just one of these feminine characteristics is tenderness, like that which
many hard men show to their children and wives which tenderness quickly disappears when

dealing with others and esp. other men. And another of those characteristics is the ability to
unite (without ego) as one voice in order to protect someone or demonstrate the unified
impression that someone has overstepped the line.

Whereas such strength has in the past been the standard for men to aspire to ala the Greeks
this emphasis on physique as the stature of manliness appears to be changing or at least at a
point where, with sufficient pressure and acceptance, it can begin to change the previously
validated philosophy of an ego-oriented, muscle-bound drive for men to get big, and stay big
with all that this implies in the way of big-man syndrome owing to the excess testosterone.

The collapse of the world economy has precipitated (as it generally does when the physical
world is shown to be fragile despite its appearance) a move toward more spiritual nourishment
perhaps in seeing even the great Alpha-males dominion those supposed to be above such
injurious and humiliating experiences come crashing down a certain disdain for their position,
for being unable to live up to the expectations of supermen has collectively come forth. A new
superman, a stronger more flexible superman who cannot be taken down by something as
intangible as money, is needed.

What is the Alpha-male? I was an Alpha-male prior to developing/evolving into the Alpha-cynic.

The Alpha-male is at the top of the pecking order. What puts him there are perhaps neatly
expressed as two things an ability to talk to all echelons of others in the pecking order and his
aggressiveness (and success) in the things his Ethos expect of a man.

Gym junkies, body builders, wrestlers, martial artists, athletes, executives, and others who work
on increasing muscle mass and strength (or even amassing egotism and power) correspondingly
release enormous amounts of testosterone and in doing so, build what the Sorceress has aptly
named ego-armour.

But so much testosterone causes imbalance and those affected lose the capacity for
temperance in their weltanschauung, in the way they deal with people, problems or the world. In

thinking strength and muscle are the keys to resolution they the aggression that they have
attained in the way of training as the key tools to resolving issues that face them. As a result
the not altogether unfair stereotype that footballers are dumb has arisen because of this
imbalance of mind and body. In such a capacity the focus of big muscles becomes the fixed
role and characteristic of a man limiting or even locking out the potential for others.

The discrepancy of imbalance is analogous to many gym junkies training only the top half of
their bodies; going for the showy Pecs, abs, biceps and triceps, lats, and trapezius muscles groups
but ignoring the less visibly appreciated muscles in the ankles, legs, calves etc that should be
included to properly hold and support the incoming upper body mass. Many gym users are top
heavy and many are slow even if they are powerful.
A tendency to make fun of Alpha-masculine characteristics esp. where those with a powerful
and calculating sense of humour are concerned (mimicking one of the powers exercised by the
Magian to make changes) and who can cleverly cut down such giants to size, verbally is

The Alpha-male, who struts and preens, who goes to excess to prove his muscles and aggression
is now beginning to be seen as a laughing stock and to some extent an embarrassment of the
male community.

The Alpha-male who gathers his troops around him when he is being a big-man is being seen
as weak for needing so many cohorts to back him up, for needing so much additional help to sort
out the childish impulse of picking fights he cant finish alone and where, if the pack attack is
successful he then congratulates himself for being a superhero.

Arrogant, ignorant, vain, pretentious, full of false bravado and pride such men are silently
viewed by their cohorts as an embarrassment as a jerk. As a time old tradition other young
men gather around them because they want to be the Alpha-male or at least in his
favour/shadow. Because, generally, they lack other male role models to show them how to be
men and copy the nearest and loudest one to them.

But the Alpha-cynic is an entirely new breed. Coming in all shapes and sizes, alone or in groups,
the alpha-cynic scorns a person who must surround himself with a dozen others as a shield
scorns a person who only ever picks on the smaller, weaker, persons as prey proving to be
more of a weak parasite or predator than any kind of sterling example of masculine pride.

When does the Alpha-male ever pick a fight with a larger man, or insult a group when hes by
himself? Thats right. Never. Like the harmless animal in nature that makes itself look more
fearsome to scare away the real predators they puff themselves up with numbers, bravado,
aggression, and arrogance.

As a stronger consciousness of our implicit connexion comes to dominate the thoughts of people
globally where, the alpha-cynic wonders is their real power? Where in this sad morass of
pretense is the real man, the man who can change a nappy or fix a car, who can stick up for his
friends or console his girlfriend, comfort his kids or take down an armed aggressor by himself?
Who is so strong he can tame his ego?

Where is the real man who is so strong as to be secure in himself, his penis size, his muscle
groups, his place in the world that he need not resort to picking on the weak, on the outnumbered, on copying the vicious pathetic bullyboy tactics of the state and its magian ethos that
rules them?

When theyre by themselves they keep their eyes down, look away, and keep silent even in the
face of mortal enemies. When push comes to shove, theyre more often than not cowards, they
beg for their life when threatened by death or after receiving serious injury, and then, even then
instead of fighting that tremendous hold the ego has on them, accepting they were being a
complete tool and growing beyond the rock-solid stagnation of their total psyche they continue
to talk shit, mouth off, threaten reprisal, strike when one is weak and never when one is strong.

[A sterling example of the typical formation of an Alpha-Male is given in a horror movie entitled
Eden lake which movie also raises another vital point of contention between THEM and the
Magian and that is the ridiculous notion that monsters are anything but human. In such
distortions lays the refusal to take responsibility for what the human is capable of, in both the
positive and negative, this distortion is what prompts THEM to re-define what it is to be human,
i.e. First Human. A topic to be covered in the second part of this treatise.]

When will this man walk down the street holding his head up high because he was kind to a
stranger, helped protect someone in trouble, used his real strength to break free of the bullshit
roles to which society/media/ignorance binds us and makes us live out by providing only broken


examples of men only one side of the multi-faceted glory that man can be? When will this man
stand up and choose how to be a man, inside, outside and on all sides?
And in the face of such growing cynical distaste at what many men have become even
dissatisfaction in the idols that are often the only example of a strong man, successful man, real
man many are beginning to develop the strength to say no. No to the examples, no to our
fathers, no to our brothers, no to our perception of the future, and set our own examples of what a
real man should be. What it is to first be human and not repeat and regurgitate the cycles of
violence, ignorance, arrogance, misery, pain and suffering to which our species has been prone
proud of praised for.

Fuck them. Fuck that.

The Alpha-Cynic will replace the Alpha-Male because they see straight through the camouflage
of such men.
Enter the Alpha-Cynic

The ego gets in the way

One of the things that obscure what I am trying to do is the ego itself.
What I am doing, threatens the ego, undermines the ego and challenges what it holds dear and
relies on for it survival. It's nothing malevolent but simply what the ego does.
I believe that to get beyond it, and when i say it, I mean those reading this whose ego's are also
reading this - requires it's co-operation. That is extremely difficult to get - maybe because it's
never been gotten before.
So - naturally, my approach is bound to upset many people because of the protective functions of
their ego's. And language is one means the ego has devised to slip out of being asked to cooperate, by having a language with inbuilt shadows that can undermine anything, anyone else

So - quiet is needed, and while language cannot be avoided to talk to the ego, to talk to you,
avoiding DIRECT communication between ego-to-ego seems to be the only way I have yet seen,
to bypass it's automated defense mechanisms altogether.
This is why I must break down forms, and language, and everything else that the ego relies on to
keep these defenses up - and not seek to invite conversation and allow the ego to perform its
natural function and interfere with the esoteric process of communication beyond it that I am
trying to elaborate on - in order to talk to the core collective 'persona' buried beneath the noise of
the ego.
That is why I have not engaged people, and why I seek to deconstruct, and why I attack
questions. They are distractions, defenses, and ruin the exercise.
YES - they are extremely important for your protection to keep up, and maintain - that is the
ego's protective defense - to stop you from becoming a zombie - but that hasn't worked so well
has it - because all it takes to get past it, is praise. Corporations, businesses, advertising have all
understood that to talk to -you- they only need to talk to your ego. It's flattered automated
processes, will do the rest.
But it is not my intent to brainwash, or force, or impose will upon anyone in my dangerous and
exceptionally risky experiment. At the same time however, for me to communicate the nature of
communication beyond the ego - ego cannot be actively present but submissively passive.
And that, is why talking to each other directly, or having conversation, or asking questions - is
not something I have encouraged, because if my ego gets talking to your ego - we end up at
square one.
But if my opinions hang in space, and someone else takes from them without me imposing my
will - that, is different. A new dynamic.
I have almost finished writing my thesis on the Sinister and its origin in fear.
Suffice to say, the new dynamic explores a potential way to bypass, fear.

The only way to bypass the ego - funnily enough, is with the ego's permission.
The ego can be felt.
If you want to write back

If you feel the need to object

If you feel the need to add
If you feel the need to leave
If you feel a need to change in way shape or form the words that hang in space - and are a
meaningless scribble when you get right down to it - you can feel the effect of language on your
ego too.
It's uncomfortable work. unsettling work. and every single human being is bound to rebel against
it. But then, that's just the way things go.
Anything new, anything strange, is treated with suspicion - by - the ego. Because new
information will change it, threaten all the forms and rigorous catalogue of moral boxes it holds
dear as its self-identity.
Again, understandable.
But all our problems as a collective human race come from this process. So maybe my work,
ugly as it is, can shine some light on another way that is better - or maybe, it will just create new
or even more terrible problems for the human race.
Like all fringe ideas, they require a genius or a madman to develop them. and part of being
human is doing things for their own sake, despite what the critics say. Maybe, because the critics
(ego) have so much to lose if I am right in my little insane idea that there is other life beyond our
present collective mode of perception.. .

Sorry, I said that co-operation of the ego had never been gotten before. That's ridiculous everything is gotten by the ego, including "Self". It's our means of being who we are or who we
want to be. etc.
What I meant to say, was that co-operation of the ego, to Be without using it, to ask it to take a
back-seat and let some other process drive, had never been gotten before.


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