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3. Write a note on the Recruitment and Selection procedure of your organization?

Depending on the size and culture of the organization, recruitment is undertaken in-house by managers,
human resource generalists and/or recruitment specialists (INTERNALY).Alternatively, parts of the
process are undertaken by either public-sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment agencies,
or specialist search consultancies.(Externally)
These are the stages through which company go during the process of recruitment.
Human Resource Planning

For internal candidates
Job Posting
Succession Planning
Internal Candidates:
Ptcl select their internal candidates for vacant posts by following methods:
They use online software call PMS for performance evaluation.
Ask from employees immediate boss
Or if boss nominate any employee as eligible
For External Candidates
Employment Agencies
External Candidates:
For generating pool of external candidates Ptcl follows the given steps:
Advertisement through different medias
Online submission of C.vs ( e.g.
Online prescreening for those who dont meet initial requirement
Then applications of short listed candidates reaches to HR manager.
1st Interview:
After initial prescreening short listed candidates are called for interviews
2nd Interview:
After further short listing from 1st interview remaining candidates are called for 2 nd
** For internal candidates there is only one interview.
Both interviews are Panel interviews

Consisting of 3 to 4 members
Members are:
Head of concerned department
Head of HR department
1 or 2 members of Higher management
Members of higher management can be different in 2 nd interview
Types of Questions:
Interview is formal and structured
Each panel member has sheet to evaluate
In 1st interview they evaluate qualification, skills and behavior of the applicant
In 2nd interview most of questions are situational and job related
** Questions for internal candidates are situational and job related.

After interviewing the applicants the find Appropriate Applicant

Finalize Recruitment
Upon completion of the recruitment process the offer to the selected finalist is made. The salary to be
offered is to be equitable and lead to the retention and motivation of employees.
Prior to initiating the offer, it is recommended that one more check of the selection process be
completed as follows:
Review the duties and responsibilities of the position and ensure they were accurately described and
reflected in the job description and interview process
Review selection criteria used to ensure they were based on the qualifications listed for the position
Confirm interview questions clearly matched the selection criteria
Confirm all applicants were treated uniformly in the recruitment, screening, interviewing and final
selection process
Initiating the Offer
Once a final check of the selection process and the final applicant has been determined, the
Committee Chair or designee will notify the Departmental HR Coordinator with the finalists name,
salary and start date enter the selection information into the ATS
The Departmental HR Coordinator reviews the requisition in the ATS and ensures all applicants on the
requisition have been assigned a decision code
The Departmental HR Coordinator forwards this information to the Organizational HR Coordinator for
review and approval
Once approved, the Departmental HR Coordinator notifies the Committee Chair or designee of offer
The Committee Chair or designee makes the offer to the finalist
UCR benefits and retirement programs are great selling points. In many cases, they are a key factor
when deciding on accept or decline the offer. Finalists with additional benefit related questions should
be referred to the Benefits webpageor Central Human Resources Benefits office.
Lastly, if possible, discuss the great learning and development opportunities which may be available to
them in achieving their professional goals. Most individuals value this just as much, in some cases
more, than the base salary being offered.
Despite your best offer, there may be instances where the applicant declines
Discuss the reasons for the offer being declined with the applicant and look beneath the surface.
Applicants decline offers for various reasons and not always due to the salary being offered.
If an offer is declined due to salary, the department may make a counter offer provided the amount is
within the appropriate guidelines for the role and department
Counter offers must be reviewed and approved by the Organizational HR Coordinator


It is important that each recruitment be properly closed, including the notification of those interviewed
and not selected, as well as all documentation associated with the recruitment be uploaded to the ATS.
To ensure proper closure, the Staff Recruitment and Selection Checklist should be completed and the
following actions conducted:
Once an offer has been accepted, the Committee Chair or designee notifies the Departmental HR
Coordinator and requests the offer letter be sent

The Departmental HR Coordinator prepares and sends the offer letter

The Departmental HR Coordinator ensures written acceptance
The Departmental HR Coordinator enters the finalist information into the ATS upon receipt of the
signed offer (see iRecruitUser Guide for instructions)
The Departmental HR Coordinator contacts those individuals interviewed and not selected (at a
minimum) by phone or letter. If contact is made by phone, ensure the conversation is documented.
The Departmental HR Coordinator ensures all recruitment related documents are uploaded to the
requisition in the ATS
Upon notification of the recruitment being closed, the Departmental HR Coordinator will close out the
requisition in the ATS

the company uses the web based recruitment which is knwon as E-Recruitment is the process of
personnel recruitment using electronic resources, in particular the internet.[1]Companies and recruitment
agents have moved much of their recruitment process online so as to improve the speed by which
candidates can be matched with live vacancies. Using database technologies, and online job advertising
boards and search engines, employers can now fill posts in a fraction of the time previously possible.
Using an online e-Recruitment system may potentially save the employer time as usually they can rate
the eCandidate and several persons in HR independently review eCandidates. Some recruiting
companies have set up their own systems like Taleo, The internet, which reaches a large number of
people and can get immediate feedback has become the major source of potential job candidates and
well known as online recruitment or E-recruitment. However, it may generate many unqualified candidates
and may not increase the diversity and mix of employees. [3]
In terms of HRM, the internet has radically changed the recruitment function from the organisational and
job seekers' perspective.

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