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Table of contents

1. Introduction

( Raabiah & Natasha)

Company background ( wireless banking, activities performed by the business)

Wireless banking is revolutionizing the financial industry.

End users are demanding access to their money and financial information
anytime, anywhere.

There are connectivity issues, protocol challenges, and a constant flood of new
devices onto the market.

the challenge will be to deliver data effectively across every platform, protocol

Wireless media is challenging -- many variables are not yet under control;
coverage is a big hindrance; legacy systems with different topologies and
different platforms make things even tougher. There will be more streamline
markets demanding new ways of conducting transactions.

Accuracy, consistent availability, and reliability of services are key to a successful

implementation and to the survivability of the financial institution. Geographical
coverage is imperative to successful implementation. The confirmation of
transactions is key in showing a level of commitment and accuracy to customers.

Wireless banking is highly dependent on bandwidth efficiency. The more efficient

the bandwidth, the faster content is downloaded. End-user requirements are
driving a demand for faster transmission and higher bandwidth capacity.

The trends in use of information technology point to increased implementation of

wireless communications networks and use of wireless devices. Each new
development will present new security risks, which must be addressed to ensure
that critical assets remain protected. Actions that organizations should take to
protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all systems

Scope and limitations

2. Content body

Feasibility study

cost (estimates)

standard(s), site survey, other recommendations ( Natasha)

hardware and software requirements(Shathish)

security implementation and considerations (Raabiah)

o Secure socket layer
o Secure mobility gateway
o Secure wireless transaction ( IPsec/ SSL VPNS, WAP identification
module, wireless transport layer security)
o Double key secure ( secure network architecture)
o Public key infrastructure ( encryption)
o Since the security protections in 802.11 and Bluetooth networks do not
meet the requirements of FIPS 140-2, higher-level cryptographic
protocols and applications should be used. These include secure shell
(SSH), Transport-Level Security (TLS), or Internet Protocol Security
(IPsec) with FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules and associated
algorithms to protect information, regardless of whether the non-validated
data link security protocols are used. Future wireless products are
expected to offer data linked cryptographic services for FIPS 197,
Advanced Encryption Standard. Such products, when validated for
conformance with FIPS 140-2, should be considered for use when they
become available.

monitoring and maintenance ( Ravi)

NOTE: Basically for COST, we have to include in all of the four criteria
3. Evaluation and recommendations

for each criteria covered above, perform a critical analysis focusing on the
economical and technological issues. This should be followed by recommendations
for each criteria.

4. Diagram of the wireless solution implementation

an overview diagram of the ideal layout and locations for the H.Q, branches and
wireless infrastructure.

5. Conclusion

learning outcomes, future enhancements and proposal ( Shathish & Ravi)

6. References

Adopt harvard referencing approach for ALL resources used.

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