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Holy Lands

The Dark Ages

Devil Hunters Manual II

For Light Edition

A Fan created Supplement for use with the Holy Lands RPG game
Holy Lands RPG is copyright Faith Quest Games

reetings and Gods blessings Holy Lands RPG Fans.
What you hold in your hands is the culmination of many hours of work; well not
exactly work as the authors enjoyed creating it, but it is still a work of love. Love of a
game that has caught so many of our interests, love of our Lord, love of gaming, and
brotherly love for one another. The number of fans of Holy Lands continues to grow, we the
fans continue to play the game as well as create new materials for it, we also continue to support
the original reason Racmaster created and gave us this game. So here for your enjoyment are
new monsters, new demons and new evil abilities and spells all of which you may challenge your
players with. You will also find all of the old adversaries that were in the original Devil
Hunters manual as well as the 5 adventure packs and all of the fan created bad guys. For the
sake of space each creatures individual behavior and art has been omitted. These will be up to
each Rac to determine.
The authors wish to thank the many Holy Lands fans of the Facebook forum that helped in so
many ways with the formation of this supplement. We would also like to thank our families who
put up with our seemingly unending typing and chatting online trying to get just the right amount
of damage or determine which power should go with such and such creature. Thank you all for
supporting us while we did something we enjoyed.
As always with Holy Lands, if a Rac does not like or personally approve of any ability, power or
description then please feel free to change it to suite your own needs in your game. Racmaster
was very specific about that rule in the original books. This is your game, you shape it and you
play it the way you feel is right and there is no wrong way to do it either.
Fred Moye
Tim White
Mark Daniels
Jayson Lackey
Aaron Putney
Jaimie McCready
A very big thank you goes out to the Lord for giving us.well for giving us everything.
Thanks the many others who contributed ideas, thoughts and encouragement. You may not even
know that you had a hand in this, but we do.
And a very special thanks to the man who started it all, Racmaster. Thank you.

Table of Contents


Demonic Sorcery
Fighting Demons and Undead
Weaknesses of Demons
Magic and Magic Items
Holy Lands Bestiary
Abomination (Floating Eye)
Arch Weapons
Ash Zombie
Bankeibo (Flying Monkey)
Barrow Wight
Black Knight
Bolo Monster
Cambion (Half-Demon)
Cave Crawler
Cave Imp
Cave Troll
Cliff Giant
Dark Crow
Dark Horse
Death Knight
Death Lord
Death Worm
Demon Cat
Dragon Walker
Elf (Dark
Ettin (Two Headed Giant)
Fire Giant


Fire Fiend
Flesh Golem
Fog Troll
Fomorian Giant
Forest Giant
Frost Giant
Glass Golem
Grim Wolf
Half-Orc Warrior
Headless Horseman
Hells Herald
Hell Hound
Hell Minion
Hell Spawn
Hill Giant
Ice Demon
Ice Worm
Kali (Naga Queen)
Kit Dragon
Marsh Dragon
Nephilim (Giant)


Pit Fiend
Pit Lord
Priest of Darkness/Witch
Shadow Demon
Shadow Devil
Spider Demon
Spiked, Demon
Stone Golem
Storm Giant



Trechor Demon
Tree Bilk
Water Serpent
Wind Serpent
Winter Wolf
Witch King/Queen
Wraith Knight



For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly
Ephesians 6:12

Demonic Sorcery
Call Lightning
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to control a damaging charge of electricity above the targets
head, which automatically hits the victim (the victim must be within 100 from the demon). The lightning
causes full damage unless the victim Saves vs. Spells, causing only half damage. See individual creature
listings to find amount of damage caused and number of times this ability can be used in a day.

This magic ability causes the affected character to succumb to a debilitating disease (leprosy, rot, plague
etc.) that advances far faster than possible. Those affected suffer 1d6 LP per round as the disease takes
effect and they cannot do anything without suffering a -4 to all dice rolls. The target gets to attempt a
Save vs Spells, if successful then they resist the effect, but can be effected again. Contagion lasts for 1d6
rounds for lesser, 2d6 for greater, and 4d6 for advanced. See individual creature listings to find the
number of times this ability can be used in a day.

This magic ability causes the target to become unsure and fearful as it erodes their confidence, filling
them with doubts, worries and fears. The target must make a save vs Spells or suffer a -4 to all actions
that are not solely used for securing safety or running away from the perceived danger. This ability lasts
for 1d6 Rounds for lesser, 2d6 Rounds for greater, and 3d6 Rounds for advanced enemies. See individual
creature listings to find the number of times this ability can be used in a day.

Create Major Illusion

This magic ability allows the demon/undead to create a believable major illusion. A major illusion is one
in which there are many moving or tactile parts/elements. Example: a mountain pass full of demonic
servants blocking the path, howling and ready for a fight. A fully functional castle hidden to look like
crumbling moss covered ruins. Characters can attempt to disbelieve the illusion at any time by making a
Save vs Magic at -3. If they succeed they can see through the illusion. They must make a Patience check
if they want to convince others that the illusion is not real. Duration for a major illusion is limited to 1d6
days, with it fading slowly out at the end. This magical ability can only sustain two major illusions at any
one time, but each can be ended by the caster at any time.
See individual creature listings to find the number of times this ability can be used in a day.

Create Minor Illusion

This magic ability allows the demon/undead to create a believable minor illusion. A minor illusion is one
in which there are limited moving elements, or any elements that require senses, other than sight, to
perceive such as touch, smell, hearing etc. Example: a chest full of gold hiding a spike filled pit. An
unsafe bridge made to look passable (or vice a versa). Characters can attempt to disbelieve the illusion at
any time by making a Save vs Magic at -1. If they succeed they can see through the illusion. They must
make a Patience check if they want to convince others that the illusion is not real. Duration for a minor
illusion is limited to 1d6 hrs, with it fading out slowly at the end. This magical ability can only sustain
two minor illusions at any one time, but each can be ended by the caster at any time. See individual
creature listings to find the number of times this ability can be used in a day.

Change Weather
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to change the current weather condition in an outside
environment. This change will take 1d6 Rounds and will last: 1d12 hours +1 for lesser, +3 for greater,
and +6 for advanced enemies. See individual creature listings to find the number of times this ability can
be used in a day.

This magic ability allows the demon/undead to create an area of unholy darkness which cannot be
penetrated by normal light sources. Characters with Nightvision are restricted from seeing as well. Only

a Saints Crucifix light and the Miracles Holy Light and Sphere of Light negates the darkness.
All characters standing within 10 of the Saint gain the ability to see. Lesser demons/undead can create
an area of darkness 15 in radius that lasts 6 Rounds. A Greater demon/undead can create an area 30 in
radius that lasts 12 Rounds. An Advanced demon/undead can create an area 45 in radius that lasts 18
Rounds. Once this magic is cast the demon/undead can move freely within the radius and has no
restriction on its vision. See individual creature listings to find the number of times this ability can be
used in a day.

Demonic Deceit
This ability allows the demon/devil to attempt to weaken the characters faith in God. They do this by
using the characters true past combined with a mixture of convincing lies. This is not a combat ability,
rather one which tempts the character to become despaired and lose faith. For lesser demons this takes
1d6 +8 Rounds, 1d6 +6 Rounds for greater ones, 1d6 +4 Rounds for advanced and 1d6 +2 Rounds for
legendary demons/devils. For this ability to be successful the character must fail a Faith Save. For every
5 faith points a character has they get a +1 on this Save. Furthermore, Saint Characters receive a +2 Save
bonus and Knight Characters get a +1 bonus. Lesser demons get a base of 5, while greater ones have a 10
base, advanced demons have a 15 base and legendary demons/devil have a 20 base. If the character fails
the Save they lose 1d4 faith points from lesser demon, 2d4 for greater ones, 3d4 for advanced and 4d4
from legendary demons/devils. In addition, for every point of faith lost there is a 1% chance that the
character will gain an additional sin.

Demonic Rage
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to become filled with a fierce rage. Each time the creature is
hit there is a chance that it will become berserk. There is a 40% base chance when the creature is hit the
first time plus a + 5% for each additional hit. When the creature becomes berserk it will receive the
following combat benefits; +2 AtR, +2 ADV, +2 ATT, +4 DAM, -2 DOD,
-2 DEF. The creature also receives +10 LP for a lesser, +20 for a greater and +30 for a greater for the
duration of the rage. The demon/undead will remain in the berserk state for 1d6 +2 Rounds for a lesser,
1d8 +4 Rounds for a greater and 1d10 +6 for an advanced or until killed. When the creature comes out of
the rage state it will lose all of the berserk bonuses and will be exhausted to the point of half rolls for the
remainder of the combat encounter.

Earthen Climb
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to quickly climb up through the surface of the earth up to 6
per Round. This ability does not allow the Demon/Undead to borough downward into the earth as fast;
only upward until reaching the surface.

Evil Eye
This magic ability allows the demon/undead with a single look to shock and stun a single victims nerves
and muscles into a frozen state. The target cannot move of his own will and will fall to the ground for
1d4 Rounds for a lesser demon/undead, 1d6 +2 Rounds for a greater and 1d12 +1 Rounds for a greater
and an advanced. A successful Save vs. Spell neglects the effects. The range is 30. See individual
creature listings to find the number of times this ability can be used in a day.

Eye Beam
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to shoot a damaging bolt of energy from its eyes. The eye
swells with energy before releasing. It automatically hits its target within 50 for full damage unless the
victim rolls 18 or higher to Dodge (vs. W.S. Missiles) or Defend (with W.S. Shield Play only) or Saves
vs. Spells, causing only half damage. See individual creature listings to find the number of times this
ability can be used in a day.

Fire Breath
This magic allows the demon/undead to breathe flames that sweep across an area for 1 Round. Along
with the target character taking damage, all nearby opponents (10 for lesser, 15 for greater, 20for
advanced & 30 for legendary) next 1d3 Rounds (+1 for greater, +2 for advanced & +3 for legendary) are
disrupted and they must protect themselves from the attack with a Dodge or Defend vs. Thrown. See
individual creature listing to find amount of damage caused and range of Fire breath.

Fire Burst
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to unleash a smoldering fire burst when struck by an
opponent, causing damage to anyone within 10. The creature is totally unharmed by this burst. However,
the demon/undead can decide to self-destruct if it feels it cannot win in combat or escape causing double
damage to anyone within 20 radius of it. A successful Save vs. Spells causes the targets to take only half
damage. See individual creature listings to find amount of damage caused and number of times this
ability can be used in a day.

Fog Breath
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to emit an unearthly fog from their mouth. This fog grows
5 in radius per Round from the creature. A lesser demon/undead can create fog up to 30 radius, a
greater can create it up to 60 and an advanced or legendary can cause fog in a 120 radius. The fog
appears to be living and will seem to follow evading characters. Vision will be reduced to half while
characters are in the fog. All living things within the fog must make 2 Saves. First they must Save vs.
Spells or be paralyzed with fear for 1d4 Rounds for lesser, 1d6 +2 Rounds for greater, 2d4 +4 Rounds for
advanced or legendary. Next they must make a Save vs. Poison or be infected with nightmarish visions.
These visions will continue until a clergyman performs a Remove Curse Miracle on the character. During
these Nightmares, characters will not sleep very well and will only heal one third the normal amount.

Foul Stench
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to emit a foul odor from its body that causes living creatures
within 10 for lesser, 20 for greater and 30 for advanced to lose 1 LP unless they Save vs. Fumes/Acid.
Greater demon/undead cause a -1 to the Save while an advance creature cause a -2. A Save must be
rolled for each Round that the living creature is within range of the stench.

Frost Breath
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to breathe forth a frozen mist that covers the area for 1
Round. Along with the target character taking damage, all nearby opponents (10 for lesser, 15 for
greater, 20for advanced & 30 for legendary) next 1d3 Rounds (+1 for greater, +2 for advanced & +3 for
legendary) are disrupted and they must protect themselves from the attack with a Dodge or Defend vs.
Thrown. See individual creature listing to find amount of damage caused and range of Frost breath.

Frozen Touch
This magic ability causes the touched area to begin freezing solid. If this is used on living tissue then it
causes 1d4 damage the first round, 1d6 the second and 1d12 the third round. A living limb can take 25%
of the characters total Life Points in damage before it is frozen solid and useless. Upon reaching this
stage the frozen limb has only 1 additional round to be warmed up/healed or permanent loss will result.
Warming the limb means holding it very close to a hot fire or heat source, so close that it deals the
character an additional 1d10 damage while thawing. Use of a healing spell or draft/cure does not incur
the additional damage roll. This is a touch attack.

Gate in Lesser Demon

This magic ability allows the demon to bring to the world 1d4 lesser demonic servants. These servants
will appear within 50 and will immediately recognize, obey, even unto death, whatever commands they
are given for 1d12 hours. At the end of this time the summoner may renew the summons or allow it to
lapse in which all the summoned demons will vanish. Only one summoning can be used at any single

Gate in Greater Demon

This magic ability allows the demon to bring to the world 1 greater demonic servant. This servant will
appear within 50 and will immediately recognize its summoner. Unlike the lesser demons, this greater
demon will not immediately obey its summoner. The summoner and summoned must roll a d20, the
higher of the two wins the test of wills. If it is the summoner then the summoned demon will obey, even
unto death for 1d4 hrs. If it is the summoned that wins then, depending on its mood and abilities, it can
choose to obey the summoner or it can choose to return to Hell. If the summoners roll is a natural 1, the
summoned demon will try to kill the summoner. If the demon is able to kill the summoner it shall be
released to roam freely on earth. Only one summoning can be used at any single time.

Giant Leap
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to jump and land on its feet (up to 3 times its height and up
to 5 times its height long).

Glass Shards
This ability allows the demon/undead to throw two glass shards from its hands as a Thrown weapon.
Both shards count as an Attack ad therefore use 2 simultaneous Attack Rolls. The opponent can only
make one Dodge Roll however, which must best both Attacks to avoid being hit. Otherwise, the shards
with higher Attack Rolls than the Dodge Roll ad cause damage. See individual creature listings to find
amount of damage caused.

Hideous Appearance
A creature with this ability has such a grotesque appearance that any living person seeing them must
make a Save vs. Phobias (Fear). For every 3 levels above the first the character will receive a +1 to their
Save. If a character fails their Save by 1-2 points they must flee in terror from the creature (1d6 x 10). If
a character fails their Save by 3-5 points they will freeze with fear for 1d6 Rounds. If the character fails
their Save by greater than 6 points they will immediately attack the creature with a -1 to all combat rolls
for lesser demon/undead, -2 for greater, -3 for advanced and a -4 for legendary.

This magic ability allows the demon to float up or down at will. It does not allow the demon to move
forward or back but they can push off which will allow them movement equal to their normal
movement rate for 1d4 rounds before they must push off of something again.

Life Drain
This ability allows the demon/undead with a touch attack (or in the case of vampires their bite attack) to
take away a persons Life Points. This drainage of Life starts rather slow causing only 1d6 damage the
first Round (with any damage that the bite causes also). However, for each Round that the creature can
maintain their touch or bite increases the depletion of Life by an additional 1d6 per each after the first
(2d6 for the 2nd Round, 3d6 for the 3rd Round, etc.). If the victim can managed to break free from the
touch or bite attack this process starts over. Most demon/undead creatures will use this ability with a
grapple skill to lethal effect. With the exception of vampires and demons anyone who is killed by Life
Drain will become whatever creature drained its Life in 3 days. This can be stopped by clergymen
performing the rare Holy Burial ritual before the body is place in its grave.

Life Return
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to regain Life equal to half (rounded down) the amount of
damage it caused its opponent with its successful Attack.

Manipulate Flame
This magical ability allows the user to control fire, shape it to their will and direct it as if it were a living
thing. Up to 5 cubic feet of fire (normal camp fire size) can be controlled by a lesser user, 10 cf for greater
(bonfire size) and 30 cf for advanced (typical peasant hut size). The user can shrink, extinguish, increase
and shape the fire to their will. They can form structures, openings, color, and actually make the fire move
to another location regardless of fuel availability. Magical fires can only be controlled by this ability if the
user makes a save vs spells and succeeds. Any changes in the flame will not increase its intensity nor
cause it to do more damage. A fire moved from its origin, can start burning new fuels if available.
Duration is as long as the user concentrates. Distance for this abilities control is 100' regardless of level.

Missile Barrier
This magic ability allows the user to create an invisible barrier that blocks all incoming missile weapons.
This barrier is moveable by the user, but barriers created by lesser users cannot be moved and only covers
one facing at a time (i.e. front, side, or back). Greater users can move the barrier, but it still only protects
one facing per round. Advanced users gain protection on all faces (front, back, rear, topeverything) and
they can transfer the barrier to another being. The barrier will stop 1d4 separate missile attacks in any
given round per level of the user (i.e. 1d4 lesser, 2d4 greater, and 3d4 for advanced). Any attack that is
beyond this limit will be treated as a normal missile attack bypassing the barrier as if it did not exist. The
next round (as long as the duration has not been surpassed, the limit resets. This ability protects for 1d4
rounds per level of the user.

Move Object
This magic ability allows the demon/undead (or sorcerer) to pick up items off the ground and move them
through the air with only a thought. Weight moved is limited to 1d10 lbs. +10 lbs. for lesser
demons/undead, 1d100 lbs. +50 lbs. for greater demons/undead, 1d100 lbs. + 100lbs for advanced and
1d100 lbs. + 200 lbs. for legendary demons/undead. The caster may continue to move the object for as
long as they have uninterrupted concentration. Once concentration is lost the object drops to the ground
normally. Example: a shield weighing 10 lbs. can be lifted and moved along with the sorcerer, but
carrying 30 lbs. of gold and silver coins on the shield now makes the weight 40 lbs. which may exceed
that casters limit. A lesser demon/undead can move the object up to 1 mile, a greater up to 5 miles,
advanced up to 10 miles and legendary up to 20 miles. See individual creature listings to find the number
of times this ability can be used in a day.

Paralyzing Touch
This ability allows the demon/undead while using either its claws or bite attack to paralyze their
opponent. The attack must cause at least 1 point of damage. The victim must Save vs. Poison or be
paralyze for 1d4 Rounds for lesser demon/undead, 1d4 +3 for greater and 1d4 +6 for advanced and
legendary creatures. When a victim becomes paralyzed they lose all control of their body and will fall to
the ground. The Rac must determine case by case if the character suffers any ill effect from this fall.

This magic ability allows the demon/undead to regenerate lost LP. The creature heals 4 LP per Round for
a lesser, 6 LP per Round for a greater, 8 LP per Round for an advanced and 10 LP for a legendary.
Regeneration allows for severed limbs to be regrown or reattached, even severed heads given enough
time. Damage caused by Holy water (1d6 Dam), acid, or fire cannot be regenerated.

This magic ability allows the user to see and hear things that happen in far distant places. While the user
concentrates, usually using a foci like a crystal ball, bowl of water, fire, mirror, or even a calm lake, they
can see and hear all that takes place in the area scried upon. Something in that place must be familiar to
the user for this ability to work. The name of the individual being watched, having visited the place and
studied it or some similar familiarity would suffice. This ability does not give the user any special ability
to see or hear if local conditions are not favorable such as it being pitch black room, or in a crowded noisy
tavern, but merely give the user the information they would gain if they were actually in that spot. There
is not distance limit but the scrying will only last for 1 minute for lesser, 2 minutes for greater, and 3
minutes for advanced users before all contact is lost. Scrying can be attempted only once per day. The
target, if an individual, can make a save vs Spells, if they succeed then they have a feeling that they are
being watched, but nothing more.

See the Unseen

This magic allows the demon/undead to see any person or object that is invisible or supernaturally

Shadow Travel
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to travel along the ground as a smoky shadow unable to be
harmed or harm another by physical means. However, Miracles can harm the demon while in this state.
See individual creature listings to find the number of times this ability can be used in a day.


Shape Change
This magic allows the demon/undead to take on the shape and physical attributes of various living things.
See individual creature listings to find the types of living things that the creature can change into and the
number of times this ability can be used in a day.

Shattering Blow
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to destroy an opponents normal (non-Holy) weapon, armor
or shield by striking it with their weapon.

Sirens Song
This magic ability allows the voice of the demon to become enchanted causing any creature which hears
it to be drawn towards it mindlessly. The target (listener) needs to make a Save vs Spells or they will
move towards the singer with total disregard for their own safety. They will not walk off of a cliff, but
will find the fastest route past (not the safest), they will swim through shark infested waters or wade
through acid if need be to reach the singer. Once the singing stops the spell is broken.

Spirit Drift
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to float just above the ground or to any height without
needing to touch the ground. It also causes the floating creature to fly backward up to 5 whenever struck
by an opponent. This ends the current Combat Round for any character using had weapons (not missile
weapons) against the creature. See individual creature listings to find the number of times this ability can
be used in a day.

Summon Vermin
This magic ability allows the user to summon to their location a swarm of vermin that will move in the
direction the user indicates. While moving, if they encounter any living creature (human or animal) they
will swarm and attack. Vermin summoned can be anything the Rac allows for that location, but normally
is limited to rats, spiders, locust, scorpions, beetles etc. The summoned vermin are normal in all respects
(small and generally non poisonous), but make up in numbers what they lack in strength. A swarm
covers a 10x10 area and will move 10 per round for a max of 100. A swarm summoned by a lesser
user will do 1d4 damage per round for 1d4 rounds, greater will do 2d4 per round for 2d4 rounds, and
advanced/legendary will do 3d6 Damage per round for 3d6 rounds. The vermin can be killed but the
ability continuously brings in more to fill in the losses for the duration. At the end of the duration or upon
reaching their distance limit (if they do not encounter anything) the vermin disappear in a puff of black
acrid smoke.

This magic ability allows the user to manipulate objects using only their thoughts and desires, as such it
does not require any movement on the part of the user, they simply will it and it happens. Doors can be
opened or closed (or slammed), a sword can be made to fly off the wall and strike a target, or even a
person to be thrown across a room. The weight limit for this ability is 50lbs for lesser, 100lbs for greater,
and 300lbs for advanced beings. Range is normally less than 30, but could technically be used by
advanced users at ranges out to visual distances. Meaning if they can see it, they can manipulate it. If the
ability is used to affect something being held by a character then that character can make a save vs Magic
to avoid being affected. Inanimate objects do not get a save.


This magic ability allows the demon/undead to immediately disappear from their current physical location
ad reappear 1 Round later at any other physical location within range. See individual creature listings to
find range and number of times in which the creature may perform this ability.

Unholy Bellow
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to utter a loud unearthly bellow that will cause fear in all
those who do not Save vs. Phobia (Fright) and are within the range of the bellow. The range of the
bellow is 100yds for a lesser demon/undead, 200yds for a greater, 400yds for an advanced and 1,000yds
for a legendary. A lesser demon/undead bellow gets a -2 modifier to the saving throw. A greater gets a 4, an advanced gets a -6 and a legendary gets a -8. If the Save is unsuccessful the character has all of his
Combat Abilities and Skill rolls are reduced by half for 1d4 Rounds for a lesser demon/undead, 1d6
Rounds for a greater, 1d8 for an advanced ad 1d10 Rounds for a legendary. See individual creature
listings to find the number of times this ability can be used in a day.

Wall Crawl
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to crawl on all fours along walls and the ceiling without
losing at speed, as if it were crawling o the ground.

Weakening Touch
This magic ability allows the demon/undead to weaken any living creature by making a touch attack.
Upon successfully touching the target it becomes so weak that all his Attributes, all Combat Abilities and
Skill rolls are reduced by half for 1d4 Rounds for a lesser demon/undead, 1d6 Rounds for a greater and
1d8 for an advanced. A successful Saves vs. Death neglects the effects.

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will
depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits
and teachings of demons.
1 Timothy 4:1


Fighting Demons & the Undead

Use these guidelines to understand the stat blocks of the included enemies of God and mankind

Creatures Name
This is the name in which Pilgrims know the creature by.

Number Appearing
This is the number of creatures that might be encountered by the characters. It should be stated that in
some cases there are two different listings. Usually either a single creature if met outside of the creatures
lair and another amount if the characters foolishly stumble upon their dark abode.

Life is the amount of damage that an adversary can sustain before being finally destroyed. Listed next to
the Life is the creatures difficulty rank; Lesser, Greater, Advanced or Legendary, which helps I
determining their difficulty to kill. Undead creatures have a weakness to Holy Weapons, which cause
double damage to these opponents.

Listed are the attributes scores that are general for the species. The Rac has the option of increasing or
lowering any score that he or she wishes. In most cases Beauty and Charisma scores have not been

Special Abilities
The creatures special abilities indicate key abilities that the average creature of that species possesses.
Nevertheless, the Rac may modify o-special abilities to allow a more perceptive creature or one that is
exceedingly good at searching out hidden thigs, for example.

The creature can have many of the skills that characters can have; and like characters some creatures are
more proficient with certain skills (typically in the areas of the senses) and less proficient than others. In
the areas of senses (HP Skills ad Nightvison), a creatures bonuses typically correspond to a 10-foot area
of distance per proficiency bonus in which the creature can use the skill. Therefore, a creature with a HP
Scent Skill of +8, would be able to detect and find a presence within about 80 feet, etc.

Combat Skills
A creatures combat skills are added to each combat action the creature performs. In the case of damage
this bonus is added to any of the creatures weapons (natural or otherwise).

Weapon Skills
A creatures weapon skills determine which weapon the creature are using to attack ad therefore which
weapons skills the characters must use to Dodge ad Defend against. The creatures themselves are not
limited to these skills when dodging and defending.

Like the characters, AtR determines how many times a creature can Attack in a Round, and therefore how
many times it can Dodge ad Defend in a Round.


These are the weapons and the amount of damage caused by them that the creature uses in combat. The
weapons in this listing that are already modified with a plus number to Damage (typically magic attacks)
do not receive the Damage bonus from the above Combat Skills section. However, those weapons that
include + poison do receive the above Damage bonuses plus a poison damage

This is any special ability and or power of a creature that is not listed in any other section.

This is the type of armor if any that the creature wears.

This is the creatures total defense number. This indicates the number the characters must roll above in
order to hit the monster. The Rac may increase this number accordingly if he or she determines that the
creature may be wearing improved armor.

This is the creatures natural defense without the benefit of any armor.

This section of the creatures profile lists the creatures demonic powers. Unlike magical spells these
demonic powers are inherent to the creature and do not require the creature to speak in order to use them.
However, there may be some limitations in the power of these abilities depending o the difficulty level of
the creature.

Spell Knowledge
Some creatures also possess some form of magic spell casting ability.

This is what items the creature might have on their person in which might be helpful to them in a combat

This is what treasure might be found on the creatures body after it is defeated by the characters.

Saving Throws
The Saving throw listing describes the particular creatures ability to resist Holy power; however, the
creature may be equally resistant to other Saving Throw affects (such as magic and death) if the Rac sees
fit. Most demons and undead by nature are immune to poisons of all types, since their very blood is a
foul poison, this gives all demons ad undead the Standard level of Saving Throws.

Height and Weight

The height and weight simply indicates how tall and heavy the average creature is for that species.
However, the Rac may diversify the size of individual monsters.


Spoken Language
A creature having an available language to communicate does not mean that the creature will be in the
mood for talking, especially to humans, or that they have social skills. The denizens of the darks primary
way of communicating is to always deliver death, but if they must speak, they will speak via their Spoken
language. Gothic is the universal language of the Holy Lands world.

Creatures may have a weakness that causes them Double Damage when injured with a particular weapon
or power, such as a Holy Weapon against an undead, or it can have one that depletes its Life by being
exposed to it (i.e. sunlight, silver, or cold iron).

Demons and the Undead standard Immunity is against poisons of all types. Since a demons very blood is
a foul poison and undead creatures are not alive, poisons cause no Damage to them. Further, some
creatures have more immunity to other elements, such as fire, the cold, etc. depending o the elements that
make up the creature.

EXP Value
The EXP Value indicates how many points of Experience characters gain for ridding the earth of the
particular creature. Once the creature is killed, the characters responsible for its death receive the total
EXP divided accordingly among them. The Rac may distribute up to half the creatures EXP Value
among involved characters if the creature escapes alive but the characters have successfully thwarted the
creatures evil plans for now. For individual actions each creature has listed the experience points that a
character is given for each Damage point that they inflict on the creature. During combat it is highly
recommended that each player records all damage dealt to opponents so they can receive these experience

Weaknesses of Demons
While demons powers & strengths vary for each type, all demons have several weaknesses in common
that the faithful may use in their attempt to defeat them.

Holy Ground: Demons find it difficult to walk upon Holy ground and need to make a Save vs.
Miracle to step on it. Lesser demons have a -4 to the Save, Greater ones have a -2, Advanced
ones have a +0 and Legendary demons have a +2 bonus to their Save. If the demon fails its
Save, it must wait 24 hours to attempt to enter the same Holy ground again. For this reason
demons generally find it much easier to just send in their human minions if they must enter Holy
Holy Water: Holy water causes varied damage to demons when splashed on them. Used as a Thrown
Weapon, Holy water inflicts 1d6 worth of damage to all demons for 1 round. Holy Water
splashed upon an object or person (blessed) will cause demons of lesser status to avoid touching
(Hand to Hand) unless absolutely necessary, but those of greater or advanced status can handle
the item/person with only discomfort. Holy Water used this way is effective for 1d20 rnds.


Magic and Magic Items

Due to having to save space, Racs and players will find all of the original magic spells and magic
items that were created for this game in Adventure Pack #4 which is included in the files section
of the Holy Lands RPG Face Book page.

New Magical Spells

Hells Bells
Level: Any, Type: Sorcery, Saving Throw: vs Spells, Range: 30 per level of caster, Duration: L1d4, G-2d4, A-3d4 rounds,
This spell sets up a horrendous ringing that can be heard only by the target. The ringing is so loud that
the target takes actual damage. If the target saves then the spell does not affect them. If they fail then
they take 1d4 Dam per Round with Dam being doubled if they possess HP Hearing. While under the
affects of this spell the target cannot concentrate (pray, or perform any but the most basic tasks) unless
they make a Patience roll with a DF of 19 (23 if HP Hearing). Making the Patience roll does not negate
the Dam but allows the target to take normal action that rnd. This spell only affects one target at a time.

Summon Imp
Level: Any, Type: All, Saving Throw: None, Range: 1 mile, Duration: Varies,
This spell summons 1d4 Imps (L-1d4+1, G-2d4+2, A-4d4+4). The imps called will obey only one of
three commands given by the caster; Steal, Attack, and Destroy. Other than these three commands the
imps are not under any special caster control. Upon reaching 1 miles distance the imps disappear in a
puff of smoke.
Steal: The imps will attempt to steal 100g worth of items from anywhere within a 1 mile range. They
will not fight for items and will flee any direct confrontation more formidable than a child. After
reaching the 1 mile range or after gathering the 100g limit they will appear back at the side of the caster
dumping their loot and disappearing. There is a 10% chance that the imps will steal the gold and return to
Hell for Lesser casters, 5% for Greater, and 1% for Advanced casters.
Attack: The imps will go psychotically violent attacking anything within 1 mile. The imps will not
fight to the death, being more interested in terrorizing than killing and will generally move on if the target
does more than 1 or 2 Dam.
Destroy: The imps attempt to set fire to all wooden structures and flammable objects within 1 mile.
They must be provided with something to start the fires or they will revert to Steal command looking
for something to start the fires with until they reach the 1 mile limit.
Note: All Magic users can use other means to summon more obedient servants. This spell is used by
those who mainly wish to cause disruption in the surrounding area or just because they are having a bad
day and need some chuckles.


Cackling Doom
Level: Advanced, Type: Sorcery, Witchcraft, Saving Throw: see description, Range: N/A, Duration:
Permanent until activated,
In the center of the rune circle is a skull of any type of creature, human, demonic or natural. The only
distinguishing feature is the golden fangs that adorn the skull. If the circle is detected and can be seen it
glows a fiery red and will have an overall diameter of 20 feet. When the rune circle is crossed several
things happen; first the entire area inside the rune circle is engulfed in flames and turned into a hellscape
with twisted and strange growths, cackling spirits, and the screams of the damned. Anyone within the
rune circle needs to make a Save vs Rune Traps of become affected by severe fear (-2 to all skill checks).
This effect will last for 1d6 rounds. The second effect is that the skull will rise from the floor and a
visible and glowing pulse will shoot forth and through the bodies of anyone within the rune circle. Again
all those who are within the rune circle need to make a Save vs Rune Traps (-2) or they become
convinced that the others around them are demons and out to kill them and the only way to protect
themselves is to try to kill them all.
Finally, if they succeed in killing any human then the madness of the situation sets in, another final Save
vs Curses is made at -4 if they fail they are permanently driven insane and attempt to kill any living
creature that comes within 20 feet of them, until the curse is broken.
Characters who fail any save will start to cackle with insane glee. Any character taken (either by force or
circumstances) beyond the original rune circle will be free from the affects after 1d6 rounds. But if the
character has reached the final madness curse stage then no distance will remove it.
The only way to destroy the Cackling Doom rune circle is to shatter the skull with a cold iron weapon
doing at least 5 Dam. This action only destroys the rune circle threat, not the effects on those affected.
This advanced rune trap can only be inscribed upon a solid natural stone surface. Only Advanced Enemy
spell casters can use this rune configuration and it generally takes many costly components and a week to
Note: While the runes can be hidden from normal sight, the skull cannot as it is the actual lure.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, walks

about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
1 Peter 5:8


New Magic Items

Shadow Dagger
Saving Throw: None, Duration: N/A,
This plain and unadorned dagger is made from a dull black metal that is of unknown origin, but anyone
not of evil heart knows instantly that it is not of this earth upon touching it.
The Shadow Dagger has a magical bonus in combat of +1 to ATK/DAM, but when it is used to attack a
victim from behind it gains a bonus of +3 ATK/DAM. Where the Shadow Dagger really shines (so to
speak) is when it is used to actually attack the shadow of the target as if it were attacking the actual target
itself. The aDEF of the target is reduced to 1 and with a successful hit the target is pinned to the spot and
cannot move more than the length of their shadow. While pinned, the target also takes 1d4 DAM per
round unless they remain completely still. The target can pull the dagger from its shadow and can fight
normally (while taking the above damage though).

Potion of Adaption
Saving Throw: None, Duration: 1 hour (L-+1d4, G-2d4, A-3d4 hrs)
This potion allows the drinker to take on the racial abilities specific to a certain race. Exact ability
improvements depends on the alchemists wishes when it was created.
The potion does not change the characters appearance although it might allow the use of disguise or
illusion to adequately fool someone for the duration.
The creation of the Potion of Adaption needs the blood (at least 4 pints) of the race it is to replicate. It
takes 1d6 days to mix and prepare the concoction, producing one potion. Drinking only a portion of a
potion has no effect.
Elf: H.P Hearing +3, H.P. Sight +3, Intuition +4, and Nightvision +3
Dwarfolk: H.P Sight +2, H.P. Touch +2, Nightvision +3, Blacksmith +4
Weefolk: Food works +3, H.P. Scent +2, Herbal Science +3, and Sneak +4
Giantfolk: +2 STR, Profile Area +4, Trap Works +2
Note: the represented ability bonuses do not reflect actual racial ability bonuses that the respective races
have, but are a magically distilled skill base taken from the races makeup.

Finger Bone Necklace

Saving Throw: N/A , Duration: constant
This is a necklace made up of finger-bones of Christian's, specifically the fingers of Character Class
types. Normally only worn by the Witch who makes them, they serve two purposes. The first is to
identify the power of the wearer. If the Witch can personally take down or at least control and order
powerful enough minions to do it, then she is a force to be reckoned with. Second is the magical power of
the "fingers". Whenever a successful attack is made against the wearer (either physical or supernatural)
that would cause LP Dam, the "fingers" take the Dam first breaking and falling to dust.
So if you have a necklace of 21 fingers and the Witch gets hit by the Devil Hunters sword for 8 Dam then
8 finger-bones would crack and fall off. The necklace taking the Dam before the wearer.
If the wearer is hit by a Holy Weapon or by a Miracle that causes damage then double the number of
bones will break.
The Finger-bone necklace is made by the Witch using the finger bones of any character class character.
They do not have to be dead per se but most would probably complain about donating fingers for the item
if they were not. A full hand of bones takes about 1 week to prepare before they can be added or about
one day per finger.

Bone Quill
Saving Throw: N/A , Duration: constant
This magical device looks to be a normal feathered quill but it is tipped with a sharpened black shard of
bone. When the Bone Quill is used to cut the name of any person into your skin, a magical protection
against that person is granted. This protection takes the form of a +6 to DEF/DOD vs any attacks the
named person may perform directed at the bearer of the name. This protection lasts until the cuts are
healed (generally 1d3 days, but magical or supernatural healing can speed it up).
The actual cutting or inscribing takes 1d3 rounds, and causes the user 1 LP of damage per letter inscribed.
And yes the whole name must be known and inscribed, it cannot be a nick name or shortened version
such as Tim for a person named Timothy. The cutting leaves a faint, but readable scar of the name when
healed (this must be the name only not titles or such i.e. Grognar, Terror of the North, Vanquisher of
evil, Slayer of Dragons etc..Grognar is enough. Now if his real and true name is Grognarpo but he
never uses that last part and the user of the Bone Quill does not know that then the Bone Quill will be

Original Art by: Chachi and Gabe Hernandez


Holy Lands Bestiary

Abomination (Floating Eye) (1 appearing)
Life: 93 +2d10 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 10, AGI: 9, STR: 7, SPD: 9 (flight only),
END: 10, PAT: 4, Special Abilities: PER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight +8, Combat Skills:
ADV: +3, ATT: +4, DAM: +5, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite), AtR: 1 +
magic attack, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [2d8 +2], Eye Beam [3d6], Call Lightning [4d6], Fire Breath [3d8],
Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 3], Magic: Eye Beam, Call Lightning, Fire Breath, Evil
Eye, See the Unseen (all constant), Move Object, Telekinesis, Equipment: (chance) N/A, Valuables:
5d10g, 1d12 gems worth 1d10g (45%), Holy Item (60%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6,
Ht: 5 sphere, Wt: unknown. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity:
Standard, EXP: 960 + 3 pts per Life point
Arch Weapons (1d4 appearing)
Life: 43 +2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 1, WIS: 2, AGI: 9, STR: 7, SPD: 12, END: 6, PAT: 2,
Abilities: PER: 3, Skills: Nightvision +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +5, DOD: +4,
DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Various Bladed Weapons [2d12],
Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 11 [nDEF: 11], Magic: Spirit Drift, Shattering Blow, See the
Unseen (all constant), Equipment: (chance) Magic weapon (25%), Rune Weapon (5%), Valuables:
none, Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +4, Ht: varies, Wt: varies. Spoken Language: Mauthren,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire, Poisons, All non-Holy weapons, EXP: 435 + 2 pts per Life point
Ashnog (Unique)
Life: 285 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 14, WIS: 10, AGI: 12, STR: 14, SPD: 10 (16 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +12, HP Scent, Sight &
Hearing +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM: +9, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (claws), AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [3d12],
Claw [2d12], Special: Flight, Armor: Plate Breastplate w/Shoulders, Metal Greaves & Gauntlets, tDEF:
16 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Demonic Deceit, Gate in Lesser Demon, Gate in Greater Crawl, See the Unseen
(constant), Darkness (60 radius, lasts 24 Rounds), Spell Knowledge: All Witchcraft Spells (100%, 15
spells per day) Equipment: (chance), Rune Weapon (100%), Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs. Holy
items +10, Ht: 9 tall, Wt: 350 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Holy water does
2d6 damage, Immunity: Fire (Holy fire only does half damage), EXP: 1,400 + 4 pts per Life point
Ash Zombie (1d4 +2 appearing)
Life: 20 +2d6 [Lesser Undead], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 7, SPD: 9, END: 6, PAT: 4,
Special Abilities: PER: 5, Skills: Nightvision +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +4, DAM: +7, DOD:
+5, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws), AtR: 2 + Fire Burst, Weapons [DAM]: Claws
[2d10], Fire Burst [3d8], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Earthen Climb:, Fire
Burst, See the Unseen (all constant), Equipment: (chance) N/A, Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles +3, Ht: 5 tall, Wt: 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: Holy weapons cause
double damage, Immunity: Fire, Poisons, EXP: 285 + 1 pt per Life point


Assassin, Lesser (1 or 1d6 +3 appearing)

Life: 28 +2d6 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 8, STR: 7, SPD: 6, END: 6, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: CLI: 7, BAL: 5, Skills: Pick Locks +3, Grapple +3, JUM: Kick +2, Others skills as
appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +2, DOD: +3, DEF: +, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, Kick Attack, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Paired Short Swords
[2d10], Throwing Daggers [2d6], Fist [1d8 +1], Kick [2d6 +3], Armor: Leather, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 1],
Spell Knowledge: (chance) Charm (21%), Equipment: (chance) Lock Picks (89%), 50 Rope
w/Grappling Hook (79%), 1d4 various poisons (49%), Potion of Invisibility (45%), Boots of Silence
(32%), Magic Weapon (24%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles +1, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 105 + 1 pt per Life point
Assassin, Greater (1 or 1d3 +3 appearing)
Life: 54 +2d8 [Greater Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 7, AGI: 10, STR: 7, SPD: 7, END: 6,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: CLI: 4, BAL: 1, Skills: Pick Locks +6, Grapple +6, JUM: Kick +4, Others
skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +4, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, Kick Attack, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Paired Short
Swords [2d10], Throwing Daggers [2d6], Fist [1d8 +1], Kick [2d6 +3], Armor: Leather, tDEF: 6 [nDEF:
1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) Charm (34%), Equipment: (chance) Lock Picks (89%), 50 Rope
w/Grappling Hook (79%), 1d4 various poisons (71%), Potion of Invisibility (65%), Boots of Silence
(57%), Rune Weapon (36%), Valuables: 4d6g (89%), jewel worth 3d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles +2, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 210 + 2 pts per Life point
Assassin, Advanced (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 84 +2d10 [Advanced Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 8, AGI: 13, STR: 8, SPD: 8, END: 6,
PAT: 11, Special Abilities: CLI: 1, BAL: 1, Skills: Pick Locks +3, Grapple +2, JUM: Kick +2, Others
skills as appropriate +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +10, ATT: +10, DAM: +8, DOD: +10, DEF: +10,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, Kick Attack, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Paired
Short Swords [2d10], Throwing Daggers [2d6], Fist [1d8 +1], Kick [2d6 +3], Armor: Leather, tDEF: 6
[nDEF:1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) Charm (47%), Equipment: (chance) Lock Picks (89%), 50 Rope
w/Grappling Hook (79%), 1d4 various poisons (71%), Potion of Invisibility (65%), Boots of Silence
(57%), Rune Weapon (69%), Valuables: 5d6g (89%), jewel worth 4d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles +2, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 420 + 3 pts per Life point
Bankeibo (Flying Monkey) (1 or 1d6+6 appearing)
Life: 8 + [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 10, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 10, SPD: 8, (16 for flight), END:
10, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 5, Skills: Acrobatics +3, Backflip +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +2,
ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (dagger), Hand to Hand
(paws/feet), AtR: 2 (with paws or feet) or 1 (with dagger), Weapons [DAM]: Paws/Feet [1d6 +1],
Dagger [1d6], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: None, Equipment: (chance)
Magic Dagger (10%), Valuables: 1d3 gems worth 1d8, Saving Throws: vs. Fright +2, Ht: 4 tall, Wt:
up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Bankeibo (understands common human summoners commands),
Weakness: must follow summoners orders Immunity: magical/supernatural charm or coercion,
EXP: 50 + 1 pt per Life point


Banshee (1 appearing)
Life: 75 + 1d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: -, STR: -, SPD: - , END: -, PAT: -,
Special Abilities: PER: 8, HID: 8, JUM: 1, BAL: 1, Skills: HP Hearing +6, Night Vision +6, Combat
Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Wail, AtR: 0 (see Arch
Wpn), Weapons [DAM]: Silver weapon [varies] Special: The wail of the Banshee causes all within
range (1/2 mile) to make a save vs spells or feel overwhelming loss, to the point of them having a -3 upon
all rolls for 30 min (-5 minutes per character level, minimum of 1 round). The only actual physical
manifestation of the Banshee is their Silver weapon (sword, dagger, etc.). They will only fight with this
item (which acts in all respects like an Arch Weapon), Armor: None, tDEF: 0 [nDEF: 0], Magic: See
the Unseen (constant), Wail (4x a day), Equipment: Silver weapon (100%), Valuables: 1d4g (10%), 1d3
gems worth 1d8g (10%) Silver weapon (equal to a normal item +10g), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy
Items +4, Ht: 5-6 tall, Wt: normal, Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Sunlight, Holy
Weapons (does double damage) Immunity: Standard, EXP: 180 + 2 pts per Life point
Barghest (1 appearing)
Life: (Young) 80 + 1d10 (Older) 130 +1d20 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 3, AGI: 8,
STR: 7, SPD: 7 , END: 6, PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 8, HID: 7, JUM: 5, BAL: 5, Skills: HP
Hearing/Scent/Sight +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +2, DAM: +5, DOD: +5, DEF: +0, Weapon
Skills: Hand to Hand (Bite/Claw), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d10], Claw [1d6] Special: The
Barghest lives to consume, both flesh and faith. When a Barghest kills it will immediately begin to feed,
if uninterrupted it can consume an entire body in 1d6 minutes. A person fully consumed by a Barghest
cannot be resurrected. For every Faith Point consumed, the Barghest gains 1 LP permanently. Barghests
avoid direct combat and prefer to attack from ambush. Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: See
the Unseen (constant), Shadow Travel (3x per day) Equipment: None (0%), Valuables: In Lair only 2d20g (5%), 3d20s (25%), 1d3 gems worth 1d3g (5%), victims equipment (50%) Saving Throws:
Miracles/Holy Items +5, Ht: 6-10 long, Wt: 250-400 lbs., Spoken Language: None understands
Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight, Blessed Silver (does double damage), Immunity: Poison, EXP: 650 + 3
pts per Life point
Barrow Wight (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 65 + 2d10 [Greater Undead], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 11, STR: 12, SPD: 10, END: 9,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 6, BAL: 3, Skills: Nightvision +12, Sneak +10, Combat Skills: ADV:
+8, ATT: +8, DAM: +6, DOD: +8, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand (fist), AtR: 2
(with claws) or 1 (long sword), Weapons [DAM]: Long Sword [2d10 +2], Fist [1d8 + weakening touch],
Special: None, Armor: Heavy Robes (01-60%), Chainmail (61-00%), tDEF: 6 or 9 [nDEF: 4], Magic:
Earthen Climb, Weakening Touch, See the Unseen (all constant), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon
(76%), Valuables: 5d6g (95%), 1d6 gems worth 1d12g (76%), Holy Item (52%), Saving Throws:
Miracles/Holy Item +6, Ht: 6.5 tall , Wt: up to 145 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic,
Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Items cause double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 725 + 2 pts per Life
Belgorath (Unique)
Life: 295 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 22, SPD: 12, END: 10, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: None, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Scent +10, Touch +10, Combat Skills: ADV:
+6, ATT: +9, DAM: +12, DOD: +9, DEF: +10, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 3,
Weapons [DAM]: Claw [2d12], Bite [3d12], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10],
Magic: Unholy Bellow, See the Unseen (constant), Darkness (60 radius, lasts 24 Rounds), Demonic
Rage, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs. Holy items +4, Ht: 10 tall,
Wt: 550 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire (Holy fire only does half
damage), EXP: 1,200 + 4 pts per Life point

Black Knight, Lesser (1d4 +1 appearing)

Life: 31 +2d6 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 6, STR: 9, SPD: 6, END: 8, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: PER: 8 , Skills: Horsemanship +3, Falconry +2, Political Science +2, Poison Use +2,
Presence +2, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +4, DOD: +3,
DEF: +3 (+6 with Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Shield Play, AtR: 2 (+ Shield Bash),
Weapons [DAM]: Great Axe [2d12], Broad Sword [2d10), Dagger [2d6], Shield Bash [1d8 +2], (Armor:
Chain (01-75%), Plate (76-00%), tDEF: 8 or 14, [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment:
(chance) War Horse (75%), Magic Weapon (35%), Shield of Power (35%), Valuables: 3d6g (85%),
jewel worth 3d6g (40%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +2, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average,
EXP: 180 + 1 pt per Life point
Black Knight, Greater (1 appearing)
Life: 62 +2d8 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 7, AGI: 7, STR: 10, SPD: 7, END: 10,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 6, Skills: Horsemanship +6, Falconry +4, Political Science +4, Poison
Use +4, Presence +4, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +8,
DOD: +6, DEF: +6 (+9 with Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Shield Play, AtR: 3 (+ Shield
Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Great Axe [2d12], Broad Sword [2d10), Dagger [2d6], Shield Bash [1d8 +2],
(Armor: Chain (01-30%), Plate (31-00%), tDEF: 8 or 14, [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) War Horse (100%), Magic Weapon (75%), Rune Weapon (25%), Shield of Power
(70%), Armor of Justice (25%), Valuables: 4d6g (85%), jewel worth 4d6g (40%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles +4, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 360 + 2 pts per Life point
Black Knight, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 93 +2d10 [Advanced Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 8, AGI: 8, STR: 12, SPD: 7, END:
12, PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 4, Skills: Horsemanship +9, Falconry +6, Political Science +6,
Poison Use +6, Presence +6, Others skills as appropriate +4 Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM:
+10, DOD: +9, DEF: +9 (+12 with Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Shield Play, AtR: 4 (+ Shield
Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Great Axe [2d12], Broad Sword [2d10), Dagger [2d6], Shield Bash [1d8 +2],
(Armor: Plate, tDEF: 14, [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) War Horse
(100%), Magic Weapon (100%), Rune Weapon (75%), Potion of Healing (75%), Shield of Power (95%),
Armor of Justice (50%), Valuables: 4d6g (85%), jewel worth 4d6g (40%), pendant or ring worth 5d6
(45%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +4, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average,
EXP: 720 + 3 pts per Life point
Bolo Monster (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 169 +2d10 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 6, STR: 35, SPD: 7, END: 10,
PAT: 3, Special Abilities: PER: 5, CLI: 3, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +6,
Grapple +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +10, DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, AtR: 2 , Weapons [DAM]: Great Spear [6d6], Fist [3d6], Special: None, Armor: None,
tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (15%),
Valuables: 4d6g (85%), 1d6 gems worth 1d8g (65%), Holy Items (55%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles/Holy items +7, Ht: 10 tall, Wt: 700+ lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 700 + 3 pts per Life point


Calibus (Unique)
Life: 255 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 12, AGI: 10, STR: 19, SPD: 10, END: 14,
PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, Sorcery Studies +9, HP
Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +8, DOD: +6, DEF: +6,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Claw), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great
Sword [2d12], Fist [3d6], Special: flight, Armor: Studded Leather Jerkin, Metal Bracers & Greaves,
tDEF: 13 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Hideous Appearance, Demonic Deceit, See the Unseen, Paralyzing Touch,
Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (100%), Valuables: None, Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy
items +9, Ht: 10.5 tall, Wt: 750 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 995 + 4 pts per Life point
Cambion (Half-Demon) (1 appearing)
Life: 99 +1d10 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 8, AGI: 10, STR: 15, SPD: 12, CHA 15,
END: 12, PAT: 10, Special Abilities: Hide +7, Skills: C.S.S. Profile Tactics +7, Disguise +7, Poison
Science +6, Political Science +6, Profile Character +7, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT: +7, DAM: +7,
DOD: +7, DEF: +7, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, W.S. Combat Arms, AtR: 3 , Weapons [DAM]: as
per weapon, Special: None, Armor: Any, tDEF: 4+ [nDEF: 4], Magic: See the Unseen (constant),
Demonic Deceit (constant), Create Major/Minor Illusion (each once a day), Scrying, Equipment:
(chance), Exceptional item (100%), Magical Item (65%), Valuables: 3d20g (98%), 2d8 gems worth 1d20
(55%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +7, Ht: any, Wt: any. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic,
Weakness: Sunlight (at dawn STR/SPD/CHA/END are reduced by -1 per hour until noon then at dusk
increased by +2 every hour (back to normal), Extreme cold reduces all Cambion rolls to rolls,
Immunity: Immune to all poisons and fire, EXP: 850 + 3 pt per Life point
Cave Crawler (1 appearing)
Life: 148 +2d10 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 8, STR: 30, SPD: 7, END: 10,
PAT: 4, Special Abilities: PER: 3, Nightvision +10, Skills: HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +9, Combat
Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +10, DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, AtR: 3 ,
Weapons [DAM]: Slicing arms [3d8], Bite [4d8], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 12],
Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 6d6g (95%), 1d8 gems worth
1d10 (75%), Holy Item (96%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +7, Ht: 16 tall (10 long), Wt: up to 600
lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 750 + 3 pts per Life point
Cave Imp (1d6 +2 appearing)
Life: 21 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 2, AGI: 10, STR: 4, SPD: 8 (18 for flight), END: 4,
PAT: 4, Special Abilities: PER: 5, Skills: HP Sight & Hearing +5, Nightvision +5, Combat Skills:
ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/claw), Thrown
(rock), AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d8], Claw [1d6], Throwing Stone [1d6], Special: Flight,
Armor: None, tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: None, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 1d6g (25%), 1
gem worth 1d6g (10%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: 3 tall, Wt: up to 50 lbs. Spoken
Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 85 + 1 pt per Life point


Cave Troll (1 or 1d3 appearing)

Life: 80 +2d10 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 3, AGI: 6, STR: 13, SPD: 6, END: 9, PAT: 4,
Special Abilities: PER: 7, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Scent +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3,
DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (great war club), Hand to Hand
(claws/bite), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d8], Bite [2d10], War Club [3d8], Special: None,
Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: Shattering Blow, Regeneration, Equipment: (chance) Magic
War Club (5%), Valuables: 4d6g (45%), 1d8 gems worth 1d8g (30%), Holy Item (15%), Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +3, Ht: 10 tall, Wt: 500 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Gothic,
Weakness: Sunlight causes turns cave troll to stone unless Save vs death is made per round in sunlight,
Immunity: Damage (heals 1 LP per round from any damage not caused by fire), EXP: 510 + 2 pts per
Life point
Centaur (1d8)
Life: 40 +2d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 7, AGI: 9, STR: 22, SPD: 25, END: 20, PAT:
13, Special Abilities: PER: 5, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +13, Combat Skills:
ADV: +5, ATT: +7, DAM: +4, DOD: +5, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missile Weapons,
Hand to Hand (Hooves), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Hooves [2d12], Centaur Longbow [2d12], Centaur
Pole Arm [2d12+3 (+6 if charging)), Special: Centaurs may carry up to 500lbs on its back, Armor: Any,
tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Missile Barrier (4 times a day), See the Unseen (constant), Equipment:
(chance), Centaur Longbow (50%), Centaur Pole Arm (50%), Valuables: None, Saving Throws:
Miracles/Holy item +5 Ht: 8 tall (10 long), Wt: up to 800 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 850 + 2 pt per Life point
Cerberus (Unique)
Life: 350 [Legendary Demon Hound], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 4, AGI: 12, STR: 22, SPD: 16, END:
12, PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 1, JUM: 1, Skills: Nightvision +12, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +12,
Sneak +10, Track +12, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +10, DAM: +10, DOD: +8, DEF: +9, Weapon
Skills: Hand to Hand (bite), AtR: 3 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [2d8 + poison], Poison [3d8 at 3 pts of
damage per round or half if Saved vs Poison], Special: Cerberus may attack 3 different targets with each
of its 3 heads, Armor: None, tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 9], Magic: Demonic Rage, Unholy Bellow, Giant Leap,
See the Unseen (constant), Regeneration, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: None, Saving Throws:
Miracles/Holy item +8, Ht: 6 tall (14 long), Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness:
None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 1,250 + 4 pt per Life point
Chimera (1 appearing)
Life: 40 + 2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 3, AGI: 8, STR: 7, SPD: 7 (18 in flight),
END: 5, PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 7, HID: 5, JUM: 5, BAL: 8, Skills: HP Smell +4 Combat
Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +5, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw, bite,
butt), Fire breath, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d6], Bite [1d8], Butt [1d6], Breath [2d10] Special:
Can use all 3 attacks at once. Fire Breath range equals remaining LP in feet. Fire Breath can be used 3
times a day. Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: N/A,
Valuables: 2d10g (55%), 1d4 gems worth 2d6g (10%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +4, Ht: 4
tall, 10 wingspan Wt: up to 275 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth and some speak Gothic, Weakness:
None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 245 + 1 pt per Life point


Cliff Giant (1 or 1d3+2 appearing)

Life: 83 +2d8 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 11, STR: 35, SPD: 9, END: 10,
PAT: 3, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight & Hearing +8,
Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +12, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms (Great War Club), Hand to Hand (Fist), Thrown (Boulder/Rock), AtR: 1, Weapons
[DAM]: War Club [3d8], Fist [3d6], Boulder [4d12], Rock [2d12], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF:
5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Valuables: 4d6g (82%), 1d4
gems worth 1d10 (26%), Holy Item (10%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6, Ht: 10 tall,
Wt: 700 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 675 + 3 pts per Life point
Cockatrice (1 appearing, 1d3 nesting area)
Life: 12 + 1d8 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 6, SPD: 7 , END: 4, PAT: 10,
Special Abilities: PER: 6, HID: 5, JUM: 2, BAL: 4, Skills: HP Hearing +6 Combat Skills: ADV: +2,
ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite), AtR: 2, Weapons
[DAM]: Bite [1d3] Special: Any creature hit with an attack must save vs spells or be turned to stone. If
save is made then only that hit location is turned to stone (i.e. arm, leg, foot, hand etc). Stone shape is
permanent unless restorative Holy Cure (Turn Stone to Flesh) is consumed. Armor: None, tDEF: 2
[nDEF: 2], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: NA/,Valuables: 2d12 gems worth 2d8g
(30%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: 1 tall, Wt: up to 10 lbs. Spoken Language: N/A,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 190 + 1 pt per Life point
New Holy Item Holy Cure:
Turn Stone to Flesh
Type: Cure
Affect: This cure allows the drinker to reverse the effects of Stone to Flesh spells/effects. This cure
receives a +1 save bonus if made from the feather of a cockatrice, the hair of a medusa, or scale of a
Basilisk, (+3 if it is the one which actually cursed the target.)
Cost: 5g/7 Faith Points
Cyclops (1 or 1d4+2 appearing)
Life: 83 +2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 9, STR: 12, SPD: 10, END: 10, PAT:
4, Special Abilities: PER: 3, JUM: 3, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Scent +8, Grapple +9, Combat Skills:
ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +8, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Shield Play, AtR: 3,
Weapons [DAM]: Large sword [2d12], Eye Beam [3d6], Shield [2d6, ]Special: None, Armor: Leather,
tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 3], Magic: Eye Beam, Shattering Blow, See the unseen (all constant), Equipment:
(chance), Magic Weapon (12%), Valuables: 4d6g (45%), 1d3 gems worth 1d8g (25%), Holy Item (5%),
Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +5, Ht: 7 tall, Wt: up to 250 lbs. Spoken Language:
Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 560 + 2 pts per Life point
Dark Crow (1 appearing)
Life: 8 + 2d4 [Lesser Demonic Familiar], Attributes: INT: , WIS: 7, AGI: 10, STR: 3, SPD: 8, END: 4,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 5, HID: 4, JUM: 3, BAL: 3, Skills: HP Sight & Hearing +5, Nightvision
+6, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +3, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(talon), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Talon [1d3+ poison], Poison causes 1d6 +2 damage with 1 pt per
round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage, Special: Flight, Grants its master with double the
number of spells they can cast in a day, if familiar is killed spellcaster must Save vs. Death or die,
Armor: None, tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Life Return, Darkness (30 radius), Move Object, See the
Unseen (all constant), Equipment: (chance), NA, Valuables: Necklace worth 1d6 x 10g (75%), Saving
Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +4, Ht: 1 tall, Wt: up to 8 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Mauthren and
language of its master, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 85 + 1 pt per Life point

Dark Horse (1 or 1d3 appearing)

Life: 110 +2d10 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 8, STR: 16, SPD: 16 (22 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 3, Skills: Nightvision +12, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +13,
Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT: +7, DAM: +6, DOD: +2, DEF: +7, Weapon Skills: Kick Attack (front
& rear hooves), Hand to Hand (bite & head butt), AtR: 2 (front hooves) or 1 (rear kick, bite or head butt),
Weapons [DAM]: Front Hooves [2d6], Rear Kick [3d8], Head Butt [3d8], Bite [2d8 + poison], Poison
[3d8 +3 at 1 pt of damage per round or half if saved vs poison], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 4], Magic: See the unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6, Ht: 6 tall at shoulders, Wt: 600 lbs. Spoken Language: None,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 660 + 3 pts per Life point
Death Knight (1 appearing)
Life: 189 +2d10 [Advance Undead], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 9, STR: 20, SPD: 8, END: 10,
PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 6 (sight only), Skills: Nightvision +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT:
+7, DAM: +11, DOD: +7, DEF: +7, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great sword), Shield Play, AtR: 2 +
Shield Bash, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [3d10], Fist [3d6], Shield Bash [2d8], Special: None,
Armor: Unholy Platemail, tDEF: 16 [nDEF: 16], Magic: See the unseen (constant), Shattering Blow,
Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (76%), Shield of Power (55%), Rune Weapon (25%), Armor of
Justice (15%), Valuables: 5d6g (82%), Holy Item (10%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +8,
Ht: 8 tall, Wt: up to 400 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Holy Weapons cause
double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 800 + 3 pts per Life point
Death Lord (Unique)
Life: 295 [Legendary Undead], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 24, SPD: 11, END: 10, PAT:
9, Special Abilities: PER: 6 (sight only), Skills: Nightvision +10, Shield Play +10, Combat Skills:
ADV: +10, ATT: +10, DAM: +12, DOD: +10, DEF: +10 (+14 with shield), Weapon Skills: Combat
Arms (Great sword), Shield Play, AtR: 2 + Shield Bash, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [3d10], Fist
[3d6], Shield Bash [3d8], Special: None, Armor: Unholy Platemail, tDEF: 18 [nDEF: 18], Magic: See
the unseen (constant), Darkness (60 radius 6 times a day), Equipment: (chance) Shield of Power
(100%), Rune Weapon (100%), Armor of Justice (100%), Valuables: 5d6g (100%), Holy Item (76%),
Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +10, Ht: 9.5 tall, Wt: up to 475 lbs. Spoken Language:
Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Holy Weapons cause double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 1,000 +
4 pts per Life point
Death Worm (1 appearing)
Life: 150 +2d12 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 12, STR: 9, SPD: 10, END: 10,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: None, Skills: Track +10, HP Scent +10, Touch +10, Combat Skills: ADV:
+5, ATT: +5, DAM: +5, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws), AtR: 4, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw [1d12], Bite [2d12], Special: Berserk Rage when target is seen +2 ATT vs. target, Armor:
None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Shadow Travel, Wall Crawl, See the Unseen (constant), Darkness (30
radius), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs. Holy items +4, Ht: 8 tall
(16 long), Wt: 250 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Holy weapons cause double damage,
Holy water does 2d6 damage, Immunity: Fire, Holy fire only does half damage), EXP: 445 + 2 pts per
Life point


Demon Cat (1 appearing)

Life: 12 + 2d4 [Lesser Demonic Familiar], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 7, AGI: 10, STR: 3, SPD: 8, END:
4, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 5, HID: 4, JUM: 3, BAL: 3, Skills: HP Sight & Hearing +5,
Nightvision +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +3, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills:
Hand to Hand (bite/claw), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d3] Bite [1d2 + poison], Poison causes 1d6
+2 damage with 1 pt per round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage, Special: Grants its master with
double the number of spells they can cast in a day, if familiar is killed spellcaster must Save vs. Death or
die, Armor: None, tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Wall climb, Life Return, Darkness (30 radius), Move
Object, See the Unseen (all constant), Equipment: (chance), NA, Valuables: Necklace worth 1d6 x 10g
(75%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +3, Ht: 1 tall, Wt: up to 8 lbs. Spoken Language:
Quarth, Mauthren and language of its master, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 95 + 1 pt
per Life point
Dragon, Hatchling (1 appearing)
Life: 73 +2d4 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 10, STR: 15, SPD: 12, END: 8, PAT:
5, Special Abilities: PER: 7, SER: 7, CLI: 7, Skills: Nightvision +8, Grapple +8, Combat Skills: ADV:
+6 ATT: +6, DAM: +8, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Claws & Bite), Thrown (Fire
breath), AtR: 3 (claws), 2 (bite), or 1 (fire breath), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [2d6], Bite [2d8], Fire breath
[1d12 +6 or half damage if Saved vs Fumes/Acid], Special: None, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 12
[nDEF: 12], Magic: See the unseen (constant), Wall Crawl, Fire Breath, Equipment: (chance), N/A,
Valuables: 1d100g (86%), 1d6 gems worth 1d10g (67%), Holy Item (32%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles/Holy items +6, Ht: 6 tall (20 long), Wt: up to 700 lbs. Spoken Language: All Languages,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire, EXP: 245 + 1pt per Life point
Dragon, Lesser (1 appearing)
Life: 150 +2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 8, AGI: 12, STR: 20, SPD: 14 (34 for flight),
END: 9, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 6, SER: 6, CLI: 6, Skills: Nightvision +8, Grapple +8, Combat
Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +10, DOD: +8, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Claws &
Bite), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 3 (claws), 2 (bite), or 1 (fire breath), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [3d6],
Bite [3d8], Call Lightning [2d6 +6], Fire breath [2d12 +6 or ] half damage if Saved vs Fumes/Acid,
Special: Flight, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 14 [nDEF: 14], Magic: See the unseen (constant), Wall
Crawl, Fire Breath, Call Lightning (4 charges a day), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 1d100 x 5g
(96%), 1d8 gems worth 2d10g (87%), 2 Holy Items (64%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +8,
Ht: 10 tall (30 long), Wt: up to 900 lbs. Spoken Language: All Languages, Weakness: None,
Immunity: Fire, EXP: 500 + 1pt per Life point
Dragon, Greater (1 appearing)
Life: 219 +2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 10, WIS: 10, AGI: 14, STR: 25, SPD: 16 (38 for
flight), END: 10, PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 4, SER: 4, CLI: 4, Skills: Nightvision +10, Grapple +9,
Combat Skills: ADV: +10, ATT: +10, DAM: +12, DOD: +10, DEF: +10, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had
(Claws & Bite), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 3 (claws), 2 (bite), or 1 (fire breath), Weapons [DAM]: Claw
[3d8], Bite [3d10], Call Lightning [3d6 +10], Fire breath [3d12 +8], Special: Flight, Armor: Hardened
Skin, tDEF: 16 [nDEF: 18], Magic: See the unseen (constant), Wall Crawl, Fire Breath, Call Lightning
(7 charges a day), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 1d100 x10g (100%), 1d10 gems worth 2d10g
(97%), 3 Holy Items (86%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +10, Ht: 14 tall (50 long), Wt:
up to 1200 lbs. Spoken Language: All Languages, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire, EXP: 735 + 2 pts
per Life point


Dragon, Advanced (1 appearing)

Life: 293 +2d10 [Advance Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 12, AGI: 16, STR: 30, SPD: 18 (42 for
flight), END: 12, PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 2, SER: 2, CLI: 2, Skills: Nightvision +12, Grapple
+10, Combat Skills: ADV: +12, ATT: +12, DAM: +14, DOD: +12, DEF: +12, Weapon Skills: Hand to
Had (Claws & Bite), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 3 (claws), 2 (bite), or 1 (fire breath), Weapons [DAM]:
Claw [3d10], Bite [3d12], Call Lightning [4d6 +12], Fire breath [4d12 +10 or half damage if Saved vs
Fumes/Acid ], Special: Flight, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 18 [nDEF: 18], Magic: See the unseen
(constant), Wall Crawl, Fire Breath, Call Lightning (10 charges a day), Equipment: (chance), NA,
Valuables: 1d100 x 20g (100%), 2d10 gems worth 3d10g (100%), 4 Holy Items (100%), Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +12, Ht: 16 tall (60 long), Wt: up to 1500 lbs. Spoken Language:
All Languages, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire, EXP: 975 + 3 pts per Life point
Dragon, Legendary (unique)
Life: 395 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 15, WIS: 15, AGI: 18, STR: 40, SPD: 20 (48 for flight),
END: 16, PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, CLI: 1, Skills: Nightvision +20, Grapple +20,
Combat Skills: ADV: +15, ATT: +15, DAM: +16, DOD: +15, DEF: +15, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had
(Claws & Bite), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 3 (claws), 2 (bite), or 1 (fire breath), Weapons [DAM]: Claw
[4d10], Bite [4d12], Call Lightning [6d6 +15], Fire breath [6d12 +15 or half damage if Saved vs
Fumes/Acid ], Special: Flight, Can control all other dragons, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 19 [nDEF:
19], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Wall Crawl, Fire Breath, Call Lightning (14 charges a day),
Equipment: (chance), NA, Valuables: 1d100 x 50g (100%), 2d10 gems worth 50g (100%), 6 Holy
Items (100%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +12, Ht: 20 tall (80 long), Wt: 2,000 lbs.
Spoken Language: All Languages, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire, EXP: 1,500 + 4 pts per Life
Dragon Walker (1 appearing)
Life: 222 +2d10 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 9, STR: 10, SPD: 12, END: 8,
PAT: 4, Special Abilities: PER: 3, HID: 3, BAL: 2, JUM: 2,Skills: HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +12,
Nightvision +11, Bounding +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +8, DOD: +5, DEF: +5,
Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Bite), Kick Attack (Tail Whip), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 2 (with tail
whip), or 1 (bite or fire breath), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [2d8], Fire breath [1d12 +6 or half damage if
Saved vs Fumes/Acid], Special: None, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 12], Magic: See the
unseen (constant), Giant Leap, Fire Breath (30), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 5d6g (86%),
1d6 gems worth 1d10g (75%), Holy Item (55%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +9, Ht: 5 tall
(25 long), Wt: up to 900 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 850 + 3pts per Life point
Draugr (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 85 + 2d10 [Greater Undead], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 10, STR: 14, SPD: 10, END: 4,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 4, SER: 4, Skills: Nightvision +10, Track +10, Sneak +6, HP Scent +8,
Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +7, DOD: +5, DEF: +5 (+8 with shield), Weapon Skills:
Hand to Hand (Claw), Combat Arms (Large Sword), Shield Play, AtR: 2 + Shield Bash, Weapons
[DAM]: Large Sword [3d8 +2], Claw [2d8 +2], Shield Bash [3d6], Special: if anyone takes anything
from the Draugrs lair and the Draugr lives it will track down and attempt to kill that person to retrieve
any items stolen, Armor: Chainmail, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 3], Magic: Earthen Climb, Shattering Blow, Foul
Stench, Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (45%), Shield of Power (15%), Rune Weapon (5%),
Valuables: 5d6g (85%), 1d6 gems worth 2d6g (75%), Holy Item (25%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy
items +5, Ht: 7.5 tall , Wt: unknown. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Holy Items
cause double damage unless Saved vs. Holy Items, Immunity: All poisons, EXP: 685 + 2 pts per Life

Druid, Lesser (1d6 +3 appearing)

Life: 21 +2d6 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 8, AGI: 5, STR: 5, SPD: 5, END: 5, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: PER: 7, Skills: Animal Science +3, Herbal Science +3, Medical +2, Others skills as
appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +1, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Missiles, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Short Bow [2d8],
Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) Affect Animal (89%), Call Lightning
(65%), Fireball (72%), Flash Freeze (62%), Heat Metal (87%), Rot Wood (69%), Equipment: (chance)
1d4 +1 Potions of healing (76%), Magic Staff (29%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%),
Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average,
EXP: 75 + 1 pt per Life point
Druid, Greater (1d3 +3 appearing)
Life: 40 +2d8 [Greater Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 8, AGI: 6, STR: 6, SPD: 6, END: 6,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 4, Skills: Animal Science +3, Herbal Science +3, Medical +2, Others
skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +2 DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Short Bow [2d8],
Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) All Lesser Druid Spells (100%) plus
Shapeshift (74%), Rust Metal (66%), Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (89%), Rune Staff
(74%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +4,
Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 150 + 2 pts per Life point
Druid, Advanced (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 59 +2d10 [Advanced Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 9, AGI: 7, STR: 7, SPD: 7, END: 7,
PAT: 11, Special Abilities: PER: 1, Skills: Animal Science +3, Herbal Science +3, Medical +2, Others
skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +4, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Short Bow [2d8],
Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) All Druid Spells (100%), Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (89%), Rune Staff (74%), Ring of Reflect Miracle (65%), Robe of
Armor (53%), Valuables: 5d6g (89%), jewel worth 4d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy
Items +4, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 150 + 2 pts per Life point
Dryad (1 appearing)
Life: 75 + 1d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 6, SPD: 7 , END: 4, PAT: 10,
Special Abilities: PER: 6, HID: 5, JUM: 2, BAL: 4, Skills: HP Hearing +6 Combat Skills: ADV: +2,
ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Scream, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons
[DAM]: Silver Comb [1d10] Special: The song of the Dryad causes all within range (1/2 mile) to make a
save vs spells or feel overwhelming loss, to the point of them having a -3 upon all rolls for 30 min (-5 min
per character level, minimum of 5 min). Armor: None, tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: See the Unseen
(constant), Equipment: Silver Comb (100%), Valuables: 1d4g (10%), 1d3 gems worth 1d8g (10%),
Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +4, Ht: 5-6 tall, Wt: N/A, Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic,
Weakness: Sunlight, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 100 + 2 pt per Life point


Efreeti (Unique)
Life: 225 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 10, AGI: 10, STR: 24, SPD: 10 (20 for flight),
END: 20, PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, Herb Science
+10, HP Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +12, DOD: +5,
DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Claws), AtR: 3, Weapons
[DAM]: Great Sword [3d12], Fist [4d6], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 9], Magic: Fire
Burst, Unholy Bellow, Darkness, Manipulate Fire, Fire Breath, See the Unseen, Equipment: (chance),
Magic Weapon (100%), Valuables: 5d6g (100%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6, Ht:
10.5 tall, Wt: 950 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire, EXP:
975 + 4 pts per Life point
Elf Footman, Lesser (2d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 11 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 11, WIS: 8, AGI: 12, STR: 8, SPD: 9, END: 6, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 5, HID: 3, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +3, Track +2, Critical Shot +2,
Shadow +1, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +3, DAM: +0, DOD: +2,
DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven Long
Dagger [2d4 +1 ], Elven Short Bow [2d6 + 1], Armor: Elven Leather, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 1], Special:
None, Spell Knowledge: Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 2 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak, 3 times a
day) + 1 Lesser Druidic Spell, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (76%), Magic Weapon
(29%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +3, Spells
+2, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 95 + 1 pt per Life
Elf Footman, Greater (1d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 13 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 13, WIS: 8, AGI: 14, STR: 8, SPD: 9, END: 6, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 5, HID: 3, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +3, Track +3, Critical Shot +3,
Shadow +2, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +3, DAM: +0, DOD: +3,
DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
Elven Battle Axe [2d6 +2], Elven Long Dagger [2d4 +1 ], Fist [1d4 +1], Elven Short Bow [3d4 + 2, w/2
arrows per round], Armor: Elven Leather, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Blend:
Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 4 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak), See the Invisible (both 3 times a day) +1
Lesser Druidic Spell, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (87%), Magic Weapon (52%),
Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +4, Spells +3, Ht:
5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 150 + 2 pts per Life point
Elf Footman, Advanced (1d3 +1 appearing)
Life: 23 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 16, WIS: 9, AGI: 17, STR: 9, SPD: 11, END: 7, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +5, Sneak +5, Critical Shot +5, Track
+4, Shadow +3, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +4, DAM: +1, DOD:
+3, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 3, Weapons
[DAM]: Elven Long Sword [2d12 +4], Elven Long Dagger [2d4 +1 ], Fist [1d4 +1], Elven Long Bow
[3d4 + 4, w/2 arrows per round], Armor: Elven Leather, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 1], Special: None, Spell
Knowledge: Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 6 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak), See the Invisible (both 3
times a day) + 2 Lesser Druidic Spells, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (93%), Magic
Weapon (74%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear
+5, Spells +4, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 260 + 3 pts
per Life point


Elf Mage, Lesser (1d4 +1 appearing)

Life: 17 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 15, WIS: 10, AGI: 14, STR: 5, SPD: 9, END: 7, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 8, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +5, Sorcery Studies +5, Sneak +5, HP
Sight +5, HP Hearing +4, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3, DAM: +0,
DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
Elven Dagger [1d8 +1 ], Elven Staff [1d8 + 1], Fist [1d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Special:
None, Spell Knowledge: Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 3 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak), See the
Invisible (both 4 times a day) + 4 Lesser Druidic Spells per day, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of
healing (76%), Magic Weapon (29%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving
Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +3, Spells +4, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish,
Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 195 + 1 pt per Life point
Elf Mage, Greater (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 29 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 20, WIS: 10, AGI: 17, STR: 6, SPD: 12, END: 9, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 7, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +8, Sorcery Studies +8, Sneak +5, HP
Sight +5, HP Hearing +4, Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +6, DAM: +0,
DOD: +4, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
Elven Dagger [3d4 +2 ], Elven Staff [2d6 + 2], Fist [2d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Special:
None, Spell Knowledge: Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 6 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak), See the
Invisible (both 5 times a day) + 6 Lesser Druidic Spells per day, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of
healing (86%), Magic Weapon (52%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving
Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +4, Spells +6, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish,
Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 425 + 2 pts per Life point
Elf Mage, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 55 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 24, WIS: 16, AGI: 23, STR: 7, SPD: 14, END: 10,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 4, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +11, Sorcery Studies +11, Sneak
+8, HP Sight +8, HP Hearing +7, Others skills as appropriate +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +12,
DAM: +0, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Elven Dagger [3d4 +2 ], Elven Staff [2d6 + 2], Fist [2d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 1], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 9 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3
Sneak), See the Invisible (both 5 times a day) + 10 Lesser or Greater Druidic Spells per day, Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (86%), Magic Weapon (52%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth
2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +5, Spells +7, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken
Language: Elvish, Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 425 + 2 pts per Life point
Elf Warrior, Lesser (2d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 16 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 8, AGI: 11, STR: 8, SPD: 7, END: 5, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: PER: 6, CLI: 6, HID: 5, Skills: Nightvision +3, Track +3, HP Sight +2, Others skills
as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +2, DAM: +0, DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Paired Weapon, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven Long Dagger [2d8 +1 ], Elven
Long Sword [2d12 + 1], Armor: Elven Leather, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 1], Special: None, Spell Knowledge:
Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 2 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak, 2 times per day), Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (76%), Magic Weapon (45%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), jewel worth
2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +3, Spells +2, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 170 lbs. Spoken
Language: Elvish, Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 140 + 1 pt per Life point


Elf Warrior, Greater (1d6 +3 appearing)

Life: 19 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 12, AGI: 15, STR: 10, SPD: 9, END: 6, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +8, Track +6, HP Sight +4, Others skills
as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3, DAM: +1, DOD: +5, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Paired Weapon, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven Long Dagger [2d8 +1 ], Elven
Long Sword [2d12 + 1], Armor: Elvin Plate, tDEF: 15 [nDEF: 1], Special: None, Spell Knowledge:
Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 4 Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak, 3 times per day), Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (86%), Magic Weapon (75%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth
2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +4, Spells +3, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 180 lbs. Spoken
Language: Elvish, Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 220 + 2 pts per Life point
Elf Warrior, Advanced (1d3 appearing)
Life: 33 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 12, AGI: 12, STR: 9, SPD: 8, END: 5, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 9, HID: 9, Skills: Nightvision +7, Track +5, HP Sight +3, Others
skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +5, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapon, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven Battle Axe [2d6 +2,
Elven Broad Sword [3d6 + 2], Elven Long Dagger [2d4 +2], Elven Dagger [1d12+2], Armor: Full Elvin
Plate, tDEF: 15 [nDEF: 1], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Blend: Elf turns Semi-Invisible for 6
Rounds (+2 DOD, +3 Sneak, 4 times per day),, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (96%),
Magic Weapon (85%), Valuables: 4d6g (89%), jewel worth 3d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison &
Fear +5, Spells +4, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 180 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Sylvan, Gothic, EXP: 375 +
3 pts per Life point
Elf (Dark) Footman, Lesser (1d4 appearing)
Life: 8 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 11, WIS: 6, AGI: 12, STR: 6, SPD: 9, END: 6, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 5, HID: 3, Skills: Nightvision +8, Sneak +3, HP Touch +2, Critical
Shot +2, Shadow +1, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +3, DAM: +0,
DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven
Long Dagger [2d4 +1 ], Elven Short Bow [2d6 + 1], Armor: Elven Leather, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 1], Magic:
Darkness (1x day), Levitate (1x day), Stun (as per spell 1x day), Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (76%), Magic Weapon (29%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%),
jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +3, Spells +2, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs.
Spoken Language: Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls, EXP: 95
+ 1 pt per Life point
Elf (Dark) Footman, Greater (1d6 +4 appearing)
Life: 10 +1d4 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 13, WIS: 6, AGI: 14, STR: 7, SPD: 9, END: 6,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 5, HID: 3, Skills: Nightvision +9, Sneak +3, HP Touch +3,
Critical Shot +3, Shadow +2, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +3, DAM:
+0, DOD: +3, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Elven Battle Axe [2d6 +2], Elven Long Dagger [2d4 +1 ], Fist [1d4 +1], Elven Short
Bow [3d4 + 2, w/2 arrows per round], Armor: Elven Leather, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Magic: Darkness (1x
day), Levitate (1x day), Stun (as per spell 1x day), Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (87%), Magic Weapon (52%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth
2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +4, Spells +3, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken
Language: Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls, EXP: 150 + 2
pts per Life point


Elf (Dark) Footman, Advanced (1d3 +1 appearing)

Life: 14 +1d4 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 16, WIS: 7, AGI: 17, STR: 8, SPD: 11, END: 7,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, Sneak +5, Critical Shot +6,
HP Touch +5, Shadow +3, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +4, DAM:
+1, DOD: +3, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 3,
Weapons [DAM]: Elven Long Sword [2d12 +4], Elven Long Dagger [2d4 +1 ], Fist [1d4 +1], Elven
Long Bow [3d4 + 4, w/2 arrows per round], Armor: Elven Leather, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 1], Magic:
Darkness (1x day), Levitate (1x day), Stun (as per spell 1x day), Special: None, Spell Knowledge:
None, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (93%), Magic Weapon (74%), Valuables: 3d6g
(89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +5, Spells +4, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to
150 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls,
EXP: 260 + 3 pts per Life point
Elf (Dark) Mage, Lesser (1 appearing)
Life: 17 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 15, WIS: 10, AGI: 14, STR: 5, SPD: 9, END: 7, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 8, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +8, Sorcery Studies +5, Sneak +5, HP
Sight/Touch +5, HP Hearing +4, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3,
DAM: +0, DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Elven Dagger [1d8 +1 ], Elven Staff [1d8 + 1], Fist [1d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 1], Magic: Darkness (1x day), Levitate (1x day), Stun (as per spell 1x day), Special: None, Spell
Knowledge: 1d4 x Druidic/Sorcery spells per day, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing
(76%), Magic Weapon (29%), Magical Staff (50%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%),
Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +3, Spells +4, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language:
Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls, EXP: 195 + 1 pt per Life
Elf (Dark) Mage, Greater (1 appearing)
Life: 29 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 20, WIS: 10, AGI: 17, STR: 6, SPD: 12, END: 9, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 7, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +9, Sorcery Studies +8, Sneak +5, HP
Sight/Touch +5, HP Hearing +4, Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +6,
DAM: +0, DOD: +4, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Elven Dagger [3d4 +2 ], Elven Staff [2d6 + 2], Fist [2d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 1], Magic: Darkness (2x day), Levitate (2x day), Gate in Lesser Demon (1x day), Special: None,
Spell Knowledge: 1d8 x Druidic/Sorcery spells per day, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of
healing (86%), Magic Weapon (52%), Magical Staff (75%) Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g
(38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +4, Spells +6, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken
Language: Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls, EXP: 425 + 2
pts per Life point


Elf (Dark) Mage, Advanced (1 appearing)

Life: 55 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 24, WIS: 16, AGI: 23, STR: 7, SPD: 14, END: 10,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 4, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +12, Sorcery Studies +11, Sneak
+8, HP Sight/Touch +8, HP Hearing +7, Others skills as appropriate +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT:
+12, DAM: +0, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Elven Dagger [3d4 +2 ], Elven Staff [2d6 + 2], Fist [2d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 1], Magic: Darkness (4x day), Levitate (4x day), Gate in Lesser Demon (2x day), Gate in Greater
Demon (1x day), Special: None, Spell Knowledge: 1d20 x Druidic/Sorcery spells per day, Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (86%), Magic Weapon (52%), Magical Staff (100%) Valuables:
3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +7, Miracles +3, Spells +7, Ht:
5.5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark
Elves Half rolls, EXP: 425 + 2 pts per Life point
Elf (Dark) Warrior, Lesser (2d4 +6 appearing)
Life: 16 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 8, AGI: 11, STR: 8, SPD: 7, END: 5, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: PER: 6, CLI: 6, HID: 5, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight/Touch +2, Others skills as
appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +2, DAM: +0, DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Paired Weapon, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven Long Dagger [2d8 +1 ], Elven
Long Sword [2d12 + 1], Armor: Elven Chainmail, tDEF: 11 [nDEF: 1], Magic: Darkness (1x day),
Levitate (1x day), Stun (as per spell 1x day), Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (76%), Magic Armor (45%), Magic Weapon (45%), Valuables: 2d6g
(89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +3, Spells +2, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to
170 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls,
EXP: 140 + 1 pt per Life point
Elf (Dark) Warrior, Greater (1d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 19 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 12, AGI: 15, STR: 10, SPD: 9, END: 6, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +9, HP Sight/Touch +4, Others skills as
appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3, DAM: +1, DOD: +5, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Paired Weapon, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven Long Dagger [2d8 +1 ], Elven
Long Sword [2d12 + 1], Armor: Elvin Plate, tDEF: 15 [nDEF: 1], Magic: Darkness (2x day), Levitate
(2x day), Stun (as per spell 2x day), Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) 1d4
+1 Potions of healing (86%), Magic Armor (75%), Magic Weapon (75%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%),
jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poison & Fear +4, Spells +3, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 180 lbs.
Spoken Language: Elvish, Mauthren, Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls, EXP:
220 + 2 pts per Life point
Elf (Dark) Warrior, Advanced (1d3 appearing)
Life: 33 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 12, AGI: 12, STR: 9, SPD: 8, END: 5, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 9, HID: 9, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight/Touch +3, Others skills
as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +5, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Paired Weapon, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Elven Battle Axe [2d6 +2, Elven
Broad Sword [3d6 + 2], Elven Long Dagger [2d4 +2], Elven Dagger [1d12+2], Armor: Full Elvin Plate,
tDEF: 15 [nDEF: 1], Magic: Darkness (3x day), Levitate (3x day), Stun (as per spell 3x day), Special:
None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (96%), Magic Armor
(95%), Magic Weapon (95%), Valuables: 4d6g (89%), jewel worth 3d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs.
Poison & Fear +5, Spells +4, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 180 lbs. Spoken Language: Elvish, Mauthren,
Weakness: Direct Sunlight causes Dark Elves Half rolls, EXP: 375 + 3 pts per Life point


Ettin (Two Headed Giant) (1 or 1d3 appearing)

Life: 65 +2d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 7, AGI: 9, STR: 19, SPD: 10, END: 20, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple
+6, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +12, DOD: +8, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms
(Great Club), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great Club [2d12], Fist [3d6], Special:
None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Demonic Rage,, Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon
(15%), Valuables: 3d6g (55%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +4, Ht: 9.5 tall, Wt: 650 lbs.
Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 675 + 2 pts per
Life point
Fairy (1 or 3d6+3 appearing)
Life: 4 +1d4 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 4, AGI: 13, STR: 4, SPD: 12, (14 for flight),
END: 4, PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP Hearing +8, Sneak +10, Combat
Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +4, DAM: +2, DOD: +8, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws),
Missiles, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d2], Fairy Knife [1d3], Fairy Short Bow [1d3 + poison],
Fairy Poison [those hit by a Fairy arrow must Save vs. Poison or fall asleep for 1d4 days. While asleep
the Evil One will attempt to entice the person by showing them great wealth, love or whatever their heart
desires. The person must save vs. Sin or they will believe totally what they have been shown, Special:
Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Darkness, See the Unseen, Teleport (3 x a day), Shape
Change (human baby or small animal), Equipment: (chance) N/A, Valuables:1d4 gems worth 1d8g
(65%), Saving Throws: vs. Holy Items +1, Ht: 3 tall, Wt: 2 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic,
Weakness: Holy Weapons cause double damage from Holy weapons, Cold Iron touch causes double
damage, Avoids Holy water, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 260 + 1 pt per Life point
Fiend (1 appearing)
Life: 181 +2d10 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 9, STR: 10, SPD: 12 (36 for
flight, END: 8, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 11, HID: 11, BAL: 12, JUM: 12, Skills: HP Sight, Scent
& Hearing +12, Nightvision +11, Grappling +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +10, ATT: +10, DAM: +10,
DOD: +10, DEF: +10, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Bite), Kick Attack (Stinger), Thrown (Fire breath),
AtR: 3 (with claws & bite), or 1 (stinger or fire breath), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [4d6] Bite [4d8], Fire
breath [4d8 +5], Stinger [3d6 + Poison], Poison [3d8 +6 at 1 pt of damage per round or half if saved vs
poison], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10], Magic: Darkness (30 radius), Move
Object, See the Unseen (constant), Teleport (100), Fire Breath (30), Equipment: (chance), NA,
Valuables: 5d6g (75%), 1d6 gems worth 1d20g (56%), Holy Item (27%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles/Holy items +10, Ht: 5 tall (25 long), Wt: up to 900 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness:
None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 875 + 3pts per Life point
Fire Giant (1 or 1d4+1 appearing)
Life: 88 +2d10 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 8, AGI: 7, STR: 30, SPD: 9, END: 15,
PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight & Hearing +8,
Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +12, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [2d12 +4],
Fist [3d6], Fire Burst [3d6], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: See the unseen
(constant), Fire Burst, Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (45%), Armor of Justice (15%), Valuables:
5d6g (89%), 1d10 gems worth 1d12g (75%), Holy Item (55%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items
+6, Ht: 10.5 tall, Wt: 750 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity:
Fire, EXP: 675 + 3 pts per Life point


Fire Fiend (1 appearing)

Life: 85 +2d10 [Advanced Demonic Elemental], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 3, AGI: 12, STR: 1, SPD: 10,
END: 12, PAT: 9, Special Abilities: None, Skills: Track +10, HP Scent +10, Touch +10, Combat
Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM: +5, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills: Thrown (Fire Breath), AtR:
2, Weapons [DAM]: Fire Breath [4d12 +10 or half damage if Saved vs Fumes/Acid ], Fire Burst [3d8],
Special: Opponents must make a Agility Save to make an attack on the Fire Fiend, Armor: None, tDEF:
9 [nDEF: 9], Magic: Fire Breath (30 range, 4 times a day), Fire Burst, Foul Stench (sulfur smell),
Manipulate Flame, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs. Holy items +6,
Ht: 8 tall, Wt: Unknown. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: Cold based attacks/weapons cause
double damage, Immunity: All Fire, EXP: 875 + 3 pts per Life point
Flesh Golem (1 appearing)
Life: 80 +2d10 [Greater Demon Construct], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 8, STR: 9, SPD: 5, END:
8, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 11, JUM: 11, Skills: Nightvision +8, Grapple +6, Combat Skills:
ADV: +2, ATT: +4, DAM: +6, DOD: +1, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (fist), AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Fist [3d8 +2], Special: Demonic Rage, Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic:
See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles/Holy items +6, Ht: 7.5 tall, Wt: up to 300 lbs. Spoken Language: Gothic, Weakness: Fearful
of fire (-2 Save), Immunity: Standard, EXP: 625 + 2 pts per Life point
Fog Troll (1 or 1d6+4 appearing)
Life: 50 +2d4 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 3, AGI: 10, STR: 10, SPD: 6, END: 9, PAT: 4,
Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +6, Combat Skills: ADV:
+2, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d8], Bite [2d10], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10],
Magic: Night Vision, See the Unseen, Shattering Blow, Regeneration, Equipment: (chance), N/A,
Valuables: 2d6g (25%), 1d6 gems worth 1d8g (15%), Holy Item (5%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles/Holy items +2, Ht: 6 tall, Wt: 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: Sunlight
causes Fog troll to lose 1 LP per round & perform all actions at -3, Immunity: Damage (heals 1 LP per
round from any damage not caused by fire), EXP: 240 + 1 pts per Life point
Fomorian Giant (1d2 or 1d6 +2 appearing)
Life: 65 +2d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 7, AGI: 9, STR: 19, SPD: 19, END: 20, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple
+6, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +8, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms
(Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [2d12 +4], Fist [3d6],
Special: None, Armor: Rotten Robes, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Hideous Appearance, Foul Odor,
Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (15%), Valuables: 3d6g (55%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles/Holy items +4, Ht: 9.5 tall, Wt: 650 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness:
None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 675 + 2 pts per Life point
Forest Giant (1 appearing)
Life: 95 +2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 12, AGI: 9, STR: 20, SPD: 10, END: 20,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, Herb Science +10, HP Sight
& Hearing +8, Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +12, DOD: +8, DEF: +8,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great
Sword [2d12 +4], Fist [3d6], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: See the unseen,
Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (45%), Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6,
Ht: 10.5 tall, Wt: 750 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Cold,
EXP: 675 + 3 pts per Life point

Frost Giant (1 or 1d3 appearing)

Life: 95 +2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 12, AGI: 9, STR: 24, SPD: 10, END: 20,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight & Hearing +8,
Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM: +12, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [2d12 +4],
Fist [3d6], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Frozen Touch, See the unseen,
Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (45%), Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6,
Ht: 10.5 tall, Wt: 750 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Cold,
EXP: 675 + 3 pts per Life point
Gargoyle, Lesser (1 or 1d6+3 appearing)
Life: 35 +2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 9, STR: 9, SPD: 8, (16 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 4, Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +6,
Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(claws), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [2d6], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8],
Magic: None, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 3d6g (65%), 1d4 gems 1d6g (35%), Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +2, Ht: 6 tall, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: None,
Weakness: Save vs Holy item or take double damage from Holy weapons, , Immunity: Standard, EXP:
240 + 1 pts per Life point
Gargoyle, Greater (1 or 1d4 appearing)
Life: 81 +2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 4, AGI: 9, STR: 9, SPD: 8, END: 10, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: PER: 11, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +9, Combat Skills: ADV:
+4, ATT: +4, DAM: +5, DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws), AtR: 2, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw [3d6], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: See the Unseen
(constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 5d6g (75%),1d6 gems worth 1d8g (55%), Holy Item
(10%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +4, Ht: 7 tall, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language:
Mauthren, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 485 + 2 pts per Life point
Ghoul (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 60 +2d8 [Greater Undead], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 9, STR: 8, SPD: 8, END: 10, PAT: 3,
Special Abilities: PER: 11, JUM: 11, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Scent +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +7,
ATT: +7, DAM: +5, DOD: +7, DEF: +7, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws, bite), AtR: 2, (claw), or
1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [2d8 + poison], Bite [3d6 + poison], Poison [3d8 +3 at 1 pt of damage
per round or half if Saved vs poison, Special: None, Armor: Tattered Robes, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 1],
Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +4,
Ht: 6 tall, Wt: up to 125 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Weapons cause
double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 460 + 2 pts per Life point
Glass Golem (1 appearing)
Life: 32 +2d6 [Lesser Demon Construct], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 2, AGI: 8, STR: 7, SPD: 7, END: 4,
PAT: 4, Special Abilities: PER: 11, JUM: 11, Skills: Nightvision +8, Stealth +5, HP Sight +9, Combat
Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +4, DOD: +5, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw),
Thrown (glass shards) Kick Attack, AtR: 2 (shards thrown), 1 (claw), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [2d6], or
Glass Shards [2 x 1d8], Kick [3d6], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Giant
Leap, Glass Shards, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +3,
Ht: 4.5 tall, Wt: up to 75 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 310 + 1 pts per Life point


Goblin Footman, Lesser (3d8 +8 appearing)

Life: 8 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 4, AGI: 9, STR: 5, SPD: 10, END: 6, PAT: 4,
Special Abilities: JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +1, Sneak +1, HP Hearing +1, Others skills as
appropriate +0, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +1, DAM: +0, DOD: +0, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Missiles, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d3], Goblin Footmans
Sword [1d6], Goblin Dagger [1d4 +1], Goblin Short Bow [1d8], Armor: Studded Leather Jerkin, tDEF:
7 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (76%),
Magic Weapon (05%), Valuables: 1d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Death & Fumes/Acids +2, Ht: 4.5,
Wt: up to 95 lbs. Spoken Language: Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 45 + 1 pt per Life point
Goblin Footman, Greater (2d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 10 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 4, AGI: 10, STR: 6, SPD: 11, END: 7, PAT: 5,
Special Abilities: CLI: 9, JUM: 2, HID: 5, Skills: Nightvision +1, Sneak +1, HP Hearing +1, Others
skills as appropriate +0, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +0, DOD: +0, DEF: +1, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d4],
Goblin Maul [1d6 +3], Goblin Throwing Axe [1d6], Goblin Throwing Dagger [1d4], Goblin Crossbow
[1d10 +3], Armor: Harden Leather Tunic, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (86%), Magic Weapon (15%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), Saving
Throws: vs. Death & Fumes/Acids +3, Ht: 4.5, Wt: up to 95 lbs. Spoken Language: Goblin, Gothic,
EXP: 70 + 2 pts per Life point
Goblin Footman, Advanced (1d6 appearing)
Life: 12 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 5, AGI: 11, STR: 6, SPD: 13, END: 7, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: CLI: 9, JUM: 2, HID: 5, Skills: Nightvision +2, Sneak +3, HP Hearing +1, Others
skills as appropriate +0, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3 DAM: +0, DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d4],
Goblin Footmans Sword [1d6 +2], Goblin Short Spear [1d6 +2], Goblin Throwing Dagger [1d6], Goblin
Heavy Crossbow [1d12 +2], Armor: Harden Leather Breastplate, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 3], Special: None,
Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (96%), Magic Weapon (25%),
Valuables: 3d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Death & Fumes/Acids +4, Ht: 4.5, Wt: up to 95 lbs.
Spoken Language: Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 120 + 3 pts per Life point
Goblin Mage, Lesser (1d3 appearing)
Life: 12 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 11, WIS: 6, AGI: 11, STR: 7, SPD: 10, END: 8, PAT: 5,
Special Abilities: JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +1, HP Hearing +3, Sorcery Studies
+1, Others skills as appropriate +0, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +2, DAM: +0, DOD: +0, DEF: +1,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d3], Goblin
Staff[1d4], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Lightning Bolt: 1d6+2
damage (no save) within 5 (2 times a day), Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (76%), Magic Staff
(25%), Robe of Armor (5%), Valuables: 1d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Death, Fumes/Acids & Spells
+2, Ht: 4.5, Wt: up to 95 lbs. Spoken Language: Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 85 + 1 pt per Life point


Goblin Mage, Greater (1 or 1d2 appearing)

Life: 13 [Greater` Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 8, AGI: 13, STR: 7, SPD: 11, END: 8, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +2, HP Hearing +1, Sorcery Studies
+3, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3, DAM: +0, DOD: +0, DEF: +1,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d6], Goblin Staff
[2d4], Goblin Dagger [1d4 +1], Armor: Heavy Vested Robes, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell
Knowledge: Fire Ball: 1d12 damage on failed DOD vs. DF 14, 15 range (3 times a day), Equipment:
(chance) Vial of Poison (86%), Magic Staff (50%), Robe of Armor (15%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%),
Saving Throws: vs. Death, Fumes/Acids & Spells +3, Ht: 4.5, Wt: up to 95 lbs. Spoken Language:
Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 140 + 2 pts per Life point
Goblin Mage, Advanced (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 22 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 15, WIS: 9, AGI: 16, STR: 8, SPD: 12, END: 9, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: JUM: 1, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +5, Sneak +3, HP Hearing +5, Sorcery Studies
+4, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +4, DAM: +0, DOD: +3, DEF: +2,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d12], Bite [1d10],
Goblin Staff [1d12], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 2], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Daze:
affected target who fails Save vs. Spell is limited to Half Rolls for 6 rounds, 30 range (5 times a day),
Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (86%), Magic Staff (50%), Robe of Armor (30%), Valuables: 2d6g
(89%), Saving Throws: vs. Death, Fumes/Acids & Spells +4, Ht: 4.5, Wt: up to 95 lbs. Spoken
Language: Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 275 + 3 pts per Life point
Goblin Warrior, Lesser (3d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 11 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 5, AGI: 8, STR: 11, SPD: 8, END: 10, PAT: 5,
Special Abilities: JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +1, Sneak +1, HP Hearing +1, Track +1, Others
skills as appropriate +0, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +0, DEF: +1, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d3], Goblin
Footmans Sword [1d6 +1], Goblin Dagger [1d4], Goblin Heavy Maul [1d8], Armor: Leather Breeches,
tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison
(76%), Magic Weapon (5%), Valuables: 1d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Death, & Fumes/Acids +2,
Fear +1, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 105 lbs. Spoken Language: Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 80 + 1 pt per Life point
Goblin Warrior, Greater (3d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 28 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 5, AGI: 9, STR: 14, SPD: 9, END: 11, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +4, Sneak +2, HP Hearing +4, Track +2, Others
skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +0, DEF: +1, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d3], Goblin
Footmans Sword [1d6 +1], Goblin Dagger [1d4], Goblin Heavy Maul [1d8], Armor: Leather Breeches,
tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison
(86%), Magic Weapon (10%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Death, & Fumes/Acids +3,
Fear +2, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 105 lbs. Spoken Language: Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 255 + 3 pts per Life point


Goblin Warrior, Advanced (3d6 +6 appearing)

Life: 25 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 11, STR: 16, SPD: 10, END: 11,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +1, Sneak +1, HP Hearing +1, Track +1,
Others skills as appropriate +0, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +0, DEF: +1,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d3],
Goblin Footmans Sword [1d6 +1], Goblin Dagger [1d4], Goblin Heavy Maul [1d8], Armor: Plate
Breastplate & Harden Leather Greaves , tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (76%), Magic Weapon (15%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), Saving
Throws: vs. Death, & Fumes/Acids +4, Fear +3, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 105 lbs. Spoken Language: Goblin,
Gothic, EXP: 170 + 2 pts per Life point
Gorgon (Unique)
Life: 315 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 7, AGI: 7, STR: 19, SPD: 7 , END: 7, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 7, HID: 7, Skills: HP Senses +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +4,
DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Fiery Hooves [1d8], ,
Poison bite [1d4 + poison], Special: Gorgon can turn any character to stone with its gaze. A save vs
magic is allowed which saves the character, but the gaze attack can be used every round. Unlike the
Cockatrice, the Gorgons gaze affects the entire body. Attempting to fight Gorgon without looking (eyes
closed, in reflection, etc.) is at -5 ATT., Armor: None, tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 9], Magic: See the Unseen
(constant), Unholy Bellow, Equipment: N/A, Valuables: None, Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items
+8, Ht: 9 tall, 14 long, Wt: 600lbs, Spoken Language: None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 1,250 + 4 pt per Life point
Gremlin (1d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 4 +2d4 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 2, AGI: 8, STR: 7, SPD: 10, END: 4, PAT: 3,
Special Abilities: BAL: 9, Nightvision +5, Stealth +5, Skills: HP Hearing +3, Sneak +7, Combat Skills:
ADV: +8, ATT: +2, DAM: +5, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite), Thrown,
AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d8/2d6] or throwing stone [1d8], Special: None, Armor: None,
tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Wall Crawl, Giant Leap, See the Unseen (all constant), Equipment:
(chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +2, Ht: 2 tall, Wt: 20-25 lbs. Spoken Language:
Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 110 + 1 pts per Life point
Griffon, Juvenile (1 appearing)
Life: 29 +2d6 [Lesser Abnormal Animal], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 5, AGI: 8, STR: 10, SPD: 7, (14 for
flight), END: 9, PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 7, JUM: 7, Skills: Nightvision +4, HP Sight, Scent &
Hearing +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +2, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to
Hand (bite/claws), AtR: 1 or 2 (1 bite & 2 claw), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [2d4 +1], Claw [1d6 +1],
Special: Flight, Rake (if both claw attacks succeed while flying griffon causes an additional 1d4),
Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: None, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws:
vs. Spells +2, Ht: 4 tall (6long), Wt: up to 300 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: None,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 235 + 1 pt per Life point


Griffon, Adult (1 or 1d2 appearing)

Life: 59 +2d10 [Greater Abnormal Animal], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 7, AGI: 9, STR: 12, SPD: 8, (16
for flight), END: 10, PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 6, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +6, Grapple +6, HP
Sight, Scent & Hearing +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +5, DOD: +4, DEF: +0, Weapon
Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/claws), AtR: 3 (1 bite & 2 claw), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [2d6 +4], Claw [1d8
+4], Special: Flight, Rake (if both claw attacks succeed while flying griffon causes an additional 1d6 +2),
Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: None, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws:
vs. Spells +4, Ht: 6 tall (8long), Wt: up to 500 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: None,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 470 + 2 pts per Life point
Griffon, Elder (1 appearing)
Life: 88 +2d12 [Advanced Abnormal Animal], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 9, AGI: 10, STR: 14, SPD: 9,
(18 for flight), END: 11, PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 5, JUM: 5 Skills: Nightvision +8, Grapple +8,
HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT: +7, DAM: +7, DOD: +6, DEF: +0,
Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/claws), AtR: 3 (1 bite & 2 claw), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [2d6 +6],
Claw [1d8 +6], Special: Flight, Rake (if both claw attacks succeed while flying griffon causes an
additional 1d8 +4), Armor: None, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10], Magic: None, Equipment: (chance), N/A,
Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Spells +6, Ht: 7 tall (10long), Wt: up to 650 lbs. Spoken Language:
None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 705 + 3 pts per Life point
Grim Wolf (1d3 appearing)
Life: 95 + 2d10 [Greater demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 3, AGI: 10, STR: 6, SPD: 14, END: 4, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: PER: 11, JUM: 12 +8, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +9,
Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +5, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(claw/bite), AtR: 1 (bite or claw), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [3d6 + poison], Claw [2d6 + poison], Poison
[3d8 +3 at 1 pt of damage per round or half if Saved vs Poison], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 6
[nDEF: 6], Magic: Giant Leap (constant), See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A,
Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy item +4, Ht: 4 tall (7 long), Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken
Language: None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Disease, EXP: 510 + 2 pt per Life point
Hag, Lesser (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 75 + 1d12 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 7, AGI: 8, STR: 10, SPD: 11, END: 7, PAT:
5, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 8, SER: 7, HID: 9, BAL: 8, Skills: Nightvision +6, Grapple +2,
Grapple & Slam +2, Ground Fight +2, Grapple Escape +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM:
+2, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite), AtR: 2 (claws) or 1 (bite),, Weapons
[DAM]: Bite [1d8 +2], Claw [1d12 +2], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 7 [nDEF: 7], Magic:
Weakening Touch, The Evil Eye, Hideous Appearance, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving
Throws: Miracles +2, Ht: 5 tall, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Gothic, Weakness: Holy water
(contact does 1d12 damage per vial for 1d4 rounds), Immunity: poison, EXP: 75 + 1 pt per Life point
Hag, Greater (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 95 + 1d12 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 7, AGI: 8, STR: 13, SPD: 11, END: 7, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 8, SER: 7, HID: 9, BAL: 8, Skills: Nightvision +7, Grapple +4,
Grapple & Slam +4, Ground Fight +4, Grapple Escape +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM:
+4, DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite), AtR: 2 (claws) or 1 (bite),, Weapons
[DAM]: Bite [1d8 +4], Claw [1d12 +4], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic:
Weakening Touch, The Evil Eye, Hideous Appearance, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving
Throws: Miracles +2, Ht: 6.5 tall, Wt: up to 250 lbs. Spoken Language: Gothic, Weakness: Holy
water (contact does 1d12 damage per vial for 1d4 rounds), Immunity: poison, EXP: 150 + 2 pts per Life

Hag, Advanced (1 or 1d3 appearing)

Life: 125 + 2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 7, AGI: 8, STR: 16, SPD: 11, END: 7,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 8, SER: 7, HID: 9, BAL: 8, Skills: Nightvision +8, Grapple +2,
Grapple & Slam +2, Ground Fight +2, Grapple Escape +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM:
+6, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite), AtR: 2 (claws) or 1 (bite),, Weapons
[DAM]: Bite [1d8 +6], Claw [1d12 +6], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 9], Magic:
Weakening Touch, The Evil Eye, Hideous Appearance, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving
Throws: Miracles +2, Ht: 8 tall, Wt: up to 350 lbs. Spoken Language: Gothic, Weakness: Holy water
(contact does 1d12 damage per vial for 1d4 rounds), Immunity: poison, EXP: 300 + 3 pts per Life point
Half-Orc Warrior (2d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 45 + 2d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 11, STR: 16, SPD: 10, END: 12,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: CLI: 1, JUM: 4, HID: 4, Skills: Nightvision +5, Critical Shot +4, Sneak +5,
HP Scent +5, Track +5, Poison Use +5, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT:
+3, DAM: +4, DOD: +2, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Missiles, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d8 +2], Orcish Sword [1d10 +4], Orcish Dagger [2d4 +2], Orcish Short
Bow [2d8 +2], Armor: Splintmail Breastplate & Harden Leather Greaves , tDEF: 11 [nDEF: 3],
Special: Can run miles in a day equal to END without stopping, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment:
(chance) 1d3 Vials of Poison (76%), 1d3 Healing potions (45%), Magic Weapon (35%), Valuables: 3d6g
(89%), 1d3 gems worth 1d8g (35%), Saving Throws: vs. Fear +4, Miracles +5, Ht: 6.5, Wt: up to 185
lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 295 + 2 pts per Life point
Harpy (1 appearing, 1d6 nesting area)
Life: 24 + 1d4 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 5 (18 in flight), STR: 5, SPD: 5 (18 in
flight), END: 5, PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 8, HID: 3, JUM: 3, BAL: 5, Skills: HP Sight & Hearing
+5 Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +4, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(talon), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Talon [1d6] Special: Flies with incredible agility, Can sing a song
that mesmerizes all who hear and fail to save vs spells at -1 per Harpy (Range: 100 per Harpy, so if there
are 3 singing together then the range is 300), Armor: None, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 3], Magic: Sirens Song,
See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (5%),Valuables: 2d6g (75%), 1d12
gems worth 2d6g (20%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: 5 tall, 8 wingspan Wt: up to 75
lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren and Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 120 + 1 pt
per Life point
Headless Horseman (Unique)
Life: 125 [Legendary Undead], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 10, AGI: 12, STR: 15, SPD: 12, END: 12,
PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 4, SER: 1, Skills: Horsemanship +12, Nightvision +10, Track +10,
Profile Area +10, Profile Character +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +10, ATT: +10, DAM: +10, DOD: +10,
DEF: +10, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (great sword), Thrown (flaming pumpkin), AtR: 4, Weapons
[DAM]: Great Sword [2d12 +4], Flaming Pumpkin [4d6 +4], Special: Can throw a flaming pumpkin 40
twice a day, Armor: metal bracers, chainmail surcoat, tDEF: 11, [nDEF: 4], Magic: See the Unseen
(constant), Regeneration, Shattering Blow, Equipment: (chance) Nightmare (Greater), mount (100%),
Magic Weapon (100%), Rune Weapon (75%), Valuables: 5d6g (85%), 1d4 jewels worth 4d10g (82%),
pendant or ring worth 6d6g (65%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +8, Ht: 6.5, Wt: typically
average, Spoken Language: none, Weakness: Cannot go on Holy ground, double damage by Holy
weapons unless a Save vs. Holy Item is made, Immunity: non-Holy fire, EXP: 950 + 4 pts per Life point


Hells Herald (Unique)

Life: 225 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 12, AGI: 10, STR: 19, SPD: 10, END: 14,
PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, Sorcery Studies +9, HP Scent, Sight &
Hearing +10, Political Science +12, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +8, DOD: +6, DEF: +6,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Claw), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great
Sword [2d12], Fist [3d6], Special: None, Armor: Studded Leather Jerkin, Metal Bracers & Greaves,
tDEF: 13 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Demonic Deceit, Fog Breath, Create Major Illusion, Create Minor Illusion,
See the Unseen, Regeneration, Spell Knowledge: All Sorcery Spells (100%, 15 spells a day),
Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (100%), Nightmare mount (100%), Valuables: None, Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +12, Ht: 6.5 tall, Wt: 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 995 + 4 pts per Life point
Hell Hound (1d4 +2 appearing)
Life: 40 + 2d8 [Lesser Undead], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 2, AGI: 10, STR: 2, SPD: 10, END: 4, PAT:
5, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +9, Nightvision +8, Combat
Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +2, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite),
AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [3d6], Claw [2d6], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 4],
Magic: Shadow Travel (no limitations), See the Unseen (constant), Giant Leap, Equipment: (chance),
N/A, Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +3, Ht: 3 tall (4 long), Wt: 20-40 lbs. Spoken
Language: None, Weakness: Holy Weapon cause double damage, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 235 + 1 pt per Life point
Hell Minion (1d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 40 + 2d8 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 4, SPD: 6 (18 for flight),
END: 4, PAT: 4, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: HP Sight & Hearing +5, Nightvision +8,
Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms
(spear), Hand to Hand (claw), AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Spear (2d12), Claw [2d6], Special: flight,
Armor: None, tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Valuables:
, Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: 5.5 tall, Wt: up to 95 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 135 + 1 pt per Life point
Hell Spawn (1d6 +2 appearing)
Life: 60 + 2d10 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 3, AGI: 8, STR: 10, SPD: 6, END: 9, PAT:
3, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: HP Hearing +6, Nightvision +10, Grapple +4, Combat
Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +4, DOD: +2, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (demon
sword), Hand to Hand (claw), AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Demon Sword [2d12 +4], Claw [3d6], Special:
None, Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Wall Crawl, See the Unseen (both constant),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +3, Ht: 6.5 tall, Wt: up to
195 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 275 + 2 pts per Life point
Hill Giant (1 or 1d4+1 appearing)
Life: 75 +2d8 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 6, AGI: 8, STR: 19, SPD: 9, END: 13,
PAT: 3, Special Abilities: PER: 4, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight & Hearing +8,
Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +12, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms (Great War Club), Hand to Hand (Fist), Thrown (Boulder/Rock), AtR: 1, Weapons
[DAM]: War Club [3d8], Fist [3d6], Boulder [4d12], Rock [2d12], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF:
5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: See the unseen (all constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: 5d6g (75%),
1d6 gems worth 1d12g (45%), Holy Item (5%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6, Fear +4,
Ht: 10.5 tall, Wt: 750 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity:
Standard, EXP: 675 + 3 pts per Life point

Ice Demon (1d6 appearing)

Life: 79 +1d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 6, STR: 9, SPD: 11, END: 10, PT: 16,
Special Abilities: N/A, Skills: Profile Area +6, Trap Works +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3,
DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws), Combat Arms (spear), AtR: 2
(claw) or 1 (spear), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d8], Spear (1d12) + affected as by Special Ability Frozen
Touch (melee attacks only not thrown), Special: Ice Demons love to lay in ambush, and they have the
patience to do so for months, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Frozen Touch, See the Unseen
(constant), Equipment: N/A, Valuables: N/A, Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +4, Ht: 6 tall, Wt: up to
200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Fire, Immunity: Cold, Poison, EXP: 175 + 1 pts per
Life point
Ice Worm (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 145 +2d12 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 12, STR: 15, SPD: 10, END: 10,
PAT: 4, Special Abilities: None, Skills: Track +10, HP Scent +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9,
DAM: +10, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite), Thrown (frost breath), Kick Attack
(tail strike), AtR: 4, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [3d12], Frost Breath [4d10], Tail Strike [3d8], Special:
None, Armor: None, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10], Magic: Frost Breath, Unholy Bellow, Earthen Climb (snow
& ice), See the Unseen (constant), Demonic Rage, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving
Throws: vs. Holy items +4, Ht: 8 tall (20 long), Wt: 350 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness:
Holy weapons cause double damage, Holy water does 2d6 damage, Immunity: Cold, EXP: 745 + 3 pts
per Life point
Imp (2d6 +2 appearing)
Life: 8 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 4, SPD: 6 END: 4, PAT: 4,
Special Abilities: BAL: 9, Skills: HP Sight & Hearing +5, Nightvision +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +1,
ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +1, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/claw), Thrown (rock),
AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d8], Claw [2d6], Throwing Stone [1d6], Special: None, Armor: None,
tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Wall Crawl, Giant Leap (both constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A,
Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: 5.5 tall, Wt: up to 95 lbs. Spoken
Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 85 + 1 pt per Life point
Kali (Naga Queen) (Unique)
Life: 265 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 15, WIS: 13, AGI: 15, STR: 15, SPD: 13, END: 12,
PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT:
+9, DAM: +9, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Claws & Bite), Combat Arms
(scimitar), Kick Attack (tail sting), AtR: 2 (claws) & 1 (bite) or 2 (scimitar) & 1 (tail sting), Weapons
[DAM]: Claw [2d10], Bite [3d6], Scimitar [3d12], Tail Sting [2d10 + poison], Poison causes 3d6 damage
with 1 pt per round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage, Special: none, Armor: Hardened Skin,
tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 12], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Darkness, Spell Knowledge: All Sorcery
Spells 12 per day (100%), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (100%), Valuables: 6d6g (85%%%),
2d8 gems worth 1d12g (97%), Holy Items (55%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +8, Ht: 7
tall (14 long), Wt: up to lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren & Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity:
Standard, EXP: 975 + 4 pts per Life point


Kit Dragon, Lesser (2d4 appearing)

Life: 20 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 3, AGI: 8, STR: 4, SPD: 6 , END: 3, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: HID: 1, JUM: 1, BAL: 1, Skills: Acrobatics +2, CSS Bounding +2, Pick Locks +2,
Sneak +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat
Arms, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Spear [2d12], Whip (8) [1d6], Special:
Extremely agile, Kit dragons rarely standstill in combat. Armor: Usually none, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4],
Magic: 1 lesser Druidic spell per day, Wall Crawl, Giant Leap, See the Unseen (constant), Equipment:
Magic Item (10%), Valuables: 1d6g (10%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +1, Ht: 3 tall, Wt:
70lbs, Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Fire, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 100 + 1 pt per Life
Kit Dragon, Greater (1d4 appearing)
Life: 40 + 2d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 3, AGI: 9, STR: 4, SPD: 6 , END: 3, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: HID: 2, JUM: 2, BAL: 2, Skills: Acrobatics +4, CSS Bounding +4, Pick Locks +4,
Sneak +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +2, DOD: +4, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Combat
Arms, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Spear [2d12], Whip (8) [1d6], Special:
Extremely agile, Kit dragons rarely standstill in combat. Armor: Usually none, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4],
Magic: 4 lesser, 1 greater Druidic spell per day, Wall Crawl, Giant Leap, See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: Magic Item (50%), Valuables: 2d6g (60%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +3, Ht:
3 tall, Wt: 70lbs, Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Fire, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 150 + 2
pt per Life point
Kit Dragon, Advanced (1d4 appearing)
Life: 60 + 2d6 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 3, AGI: 9, STR: 4, SPD: 9, END: 3, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: HID: 6, JUM: 6, BAL:6, Skills: Acrobatics +5, CSS Bounding +5, Pick Locks +6,
Sneak +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +5, DAM: +6, DOD: +6, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Combat
Arms, Thrown, Hand to Hand, AtR: 5, Weapons [DAM]: Spear [2d12], Whip (8) [1d6], Special:
Extremely agile, Kit dragons rarely standstill in combat. Armor: Usually none, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4],
Magic: 6 lesser , 3 greater Druidic spell per day, Wall Crawl, Giant Leap, See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: Magic Item (80%), Valuables: 3d6g (90%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +6, Ht:
3 tall, Wt: 70lbs, Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Fire, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 190 + 3
pt per Life point
Kryn Mage (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 13 + 2d8 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 6, AGI: 7, STR: 5, SPD: 8 END: 5, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: HP Sight +4, HP Scent +5, Nightvision +6, Combat Skills:
ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Staff), Thrown (Call
Lightning), AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Call Lightning [3d6 + 3], Special: None, Armor:
Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Magic: Call Lightning, up to 7 charges per day at 1 per round, Equipment:
(chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: 4.5 tall, Wt: up to 120 lbs. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 195 + 1 pt per Life point
Kryn Warrior (2d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 20 + 2d10 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 5, AGI: 7, STR: 9, SPD: 8 END: 6, PAT 4,
Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: HP Sight +4, HP Scent +5, Nightvision +6, Combat Skills:
ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Broad Sword), AtR:
1, Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Special: None, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Magic:
None, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: 5.5 tall, Wt:
up to 95 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 185 + 1 pt per Life point

Lammeth (Unique)
Life: 250 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 9, AGI: 16, STR: 9, SPD: 14 (24 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 12, Special Abilities: None, Skills: Poison Science +12, Track +10, HP Sight, Scent &
Hearing +10, Touch +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +5, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon
Skills: Hand to Hand (claws), AtR: 4, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d12], Bite [2d12], Special: Flight,
Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Wall Crawl, See the Unseen (constant), Darkness (30
radius), Demonic Rage, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs. Holy items
+4, Ht: 8 tall (16 long), Wt: 250 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire
(Holy fire only does half damage), EXP: 445 + 2 pts per Life point
Lich (1 appearing)
Life: 150 + 2d18 [Advanced Undead], Attributes: INT: 16, WIS: 14, AGI: 10, STR: 6, SPD: 10, END:6,
PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, BAL: 9, Skills: Nightvision +8, Sorcery Studies +12, Poison Science
+10, Profile Character +8, Herbal Science +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +4, DAM: +4, DOD: +6,
DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (staff), Hand to Hand (claw), AtR: 3 (with staff) or 2 (with
claws), Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Claw [1d8 + poison], Poison causes 3d6 damage with 1 pt per
round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage Special: None, Armor: Heavy Vested Robes, tDEF: 7
[nDEF: 4], Magic: Darkness, Life Return, See the Unseen, Regeneration, Spell Knowledge: All Sorcery
& Witchcraft Spells (100%), Equipment: (chance), Magic Staff (100%), Robes of Armor (75%),
Valuables: 6d6g (100%), 1d10 gems worth 1d12g (95%), Saving Throws: Miracles +9, Ht: 6. tall, Wt:
up to 105. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Quarth, Gothic, Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Items cause double
damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 925 + 3 pt per Life point
Manticore, Greater (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 107 + 2d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 8, STR: 15, SPD: 14, END: 5, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +8, Combat
Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +6, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite),
Kick Attack (Tail Whip), AtR: 2 (claws or tail whip) or 1 (bite),, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [3d8], Claw
[3d6], Tail Whip [2d8 + poison], Poison [3d8 +3 at 1 pt of damage per round or half if Saved vs Poison],
Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment:
(chance), N/A, Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles +6, Ht: 4 tall (12 long), Wt: up to 300 lbs.
Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 610 + 2 pts per Life point
Manticore, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 130 + 2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 4, AGI: 9, STR: 17, SPD: 15 (28 for
flight), END: 6, PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight, Scent &
Hearing +9, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT: +7, DAM: +7, DOD: +7, DEF: +7, Weapon Skills: Hand to
Hand (claw/bite), Kick Attack (Tail Whip), AtR: 2 (claws or tail whip) or 1 (bite),, Weapons [DAM]:
Bite [3d8], Claw [3d6], Tail Whip [2d8 + poison], Poison [3d8 +3 at 1 pt of damage per round or half if
Saved vs Poison], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance), NA, Valuables: , Saving Throws: Miracles +6, Ht: 6 tall (14 long), Wt: up to
500 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 870 + 3 pts per Life point


Marsh Dragon (1 or 1d2 appearing)

Life: 148 +2d10 [Advance Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 11, STR: 20, SPD: 12, END: 12,
PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 11, Skills: Nightvision +6, Grapple +9, HP Sight, Scent &
Hearing +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +7, DOD: +8, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Hand
to Had (Claws & Bite), Kick Attack (Tail Whip), AtR: 2 (with claws or tail whip) or 1 (with bite),
Weapons [DAM]: Claw [4d8], Bite [5d8], Tail Whip [3d8], Special: None, Armor: Hardened Skin,
tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10], Magic: Giant Leap, See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +8, Ht: 10 tall (30 long), Wt: up to 1500 lbs. Spoken Language:
None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 775 + 3 pts per Life point
Medusa (1 appearing)
Life: 88 + 1d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 7, AGI: 7, STR: 7, SPD: 7 , END: 7, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: PER: 7, HID: 7, JUM: 1, BAL: 4, Skills: HP Senses +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +4,
ATT: +4, DAM: +4, DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand, W.S. Missiles, AtR: 3,
Weapons [DAM]: Claws [1d8], Bow [2d6], Poison bite [1d4 + poison], Special: The Medusa can turn
any character to stone with its gaze. A save vs magic is allowed which saves the character, but the gaze
attack can be used every round. Unlike the Cockatrice, the Medusas gaze affects the entire body. A
Medusas poison will cause the target to lose 1d4 LP per round for 2d20 rounds. Attempting to fight a
Medusa without looking (eyes closed, in reflection, etc.) is at -5 ATT., Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF:
5], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Wall Crawl (constant), Equipment: Bow (100%), Valuables:
3x1d20g (75%), 5x 2d20s, 2d6 gems worth 3d10g (10%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +5, Ht:
6 tall, 12 long, Wt: 300-400lbs, Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Sunlight,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 250 + 1 pt per Life point
Minotaur (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 133 + 2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 6, STR: 20, SPD: 7, END: 4, PAT:
5, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +7, Combat
Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +7, DOD: +4, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (Horns/Fist),
Combat Arms (Great Axe), Thrown (Bolo Chain), AtR: 2 (with axe) or 1 (fist),, Weapons [DAM]: Horns
[3d8], Fist [2d8], Great Axe or Bolo Chain Whip [3d8], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF:
5], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Shattering Blow, Equipment: (chance), Saving Throws:
Miracles/Holy items +6, Ht: 8 tall , Wt: up to 400 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 635 + 2 pt per Life point
Naga, Lesser (1 or 1d3 +1 appearing)
Life: 48 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 12, SPD: 10, END: 9, PAT:
9, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM:
+3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Claws & Bite), Combat Arms (scimitar), Kick
Attack (tail sting), AtR: 2 claws) or 1 (bite) or 1 (scimitar) & 1 (tail sting), Weapons [DAM]: Claw
[2d8], Bite [2d6], Scimitar [2d12 +2], Tail Sting [2d6 + poison], Poison causes 2d6 damage with 1 pt per
round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage, Special: none, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 12
[nDEF: 12], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Darkness, Spell Knowledge: All Lesser Sorcery Spells 3
per day (100%), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (55%), Valuables: 4d6g (76%), 2d8 gems worth
1d12g (87%), Holy Items (15%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +4, Ht: 6 tall (12 long), Wt:
up to 300 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren & Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP:
275 + 1 pt per Life point


Naga, Greater (1 appearing)

Life: 75 + 2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 14, WIS: 12, AGI: 14, STR: 14, SPD: 12, END: 11,
PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT:
+5, DAM: +5, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Claws & Bite), Combat Arms
(scimitar), Kick Attack (tail sting), AtR: 2 (claws) & 1 (bite) or 2 (scimitar) & 1 (tail sting), Weapons
[DAM]: Claw [2d8 +2], Bite [2d6 +2], Scimitar [2d12 +4], Tail Sting [2d8 + poison], Poison causes 3d6
damage with 1 pt per round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage, Special: none, Armor: Hardened
Skin, tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 12], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Darkness, Spell Knowledge: All Lesser
and Greater Sorcery Spells 6 per day (100%), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (55%), Valuables:
6d6g (85%), 2d8 gems worth 1d12g (97%), Holy Items (35%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items
+6, Ht: 6.5 tall (13 long), Wt: up to 400 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren & Quarth, Weakness:
None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 550 + 2 pts per Life point
Naga, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 95 + 2d10 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 15, WIS: 13, AGI: 15, STR: 15, SPD: 13, END: 12,
PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT:
+7, DAM: +7, DOD: +7, DEF: +7, Weapon Skills: Hand to Had (Claws & Bite), Combat Arms
(scimitar), Kick Attack (tail sting), AtR: 2 (claws) & 1 (bite) or 2 (scimitar) & 1 (tail sting), Weapons
[DAM]: Claw [2d10 +4], Bite [2d6 +2], Scimitar [2d12 +4], Tail Sting [2d10 + poison], Poison causes
3d6 damage with 1 pt per round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage, Special: none, Armor:
Hardened Skin, tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 12], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Darkness, Spell Knowledge:
All Sorcery Spells 9 per day (100%), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (55%), Valuables: 6d6g
(85%), 2d8 gems worth 1d12g (97%), Holy Items (55%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +8,
Ht: 7 tall (14 long), Wt: up to 500 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren & Quarth, Weakness: None,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 825 + 3 pts per Life point
Nargoth (Unique)
Life: 225 [Legendary Undead], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 9, AGI: 14, STR: 16, SPD: 12, END: 9, PAT:
9, Special Abilities: PER: 11, BAL: 9, Skills: Nightvision +12, Combat Skills: ADV: +10, ATT: +10,
DAM: +8, DOD: +10, DEF: +10, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand (claw), Kick Attack
(kick), AtR: 4 (with claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Paired Swords [2d10], Fist [1d8], Kick
[2d6], Special: None, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 7 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Life Return, See the Unseen both
constant), Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +7, Ht: 6.5 tall , Wt: up to 105.
Spoken Language: None, Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Items cause double damage, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 725 + 4 pt per Life point
Life: 300 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 14, WIS: 10, AGI: 12, STR: 14, SPD: 10 (16 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +12, HP Scent, Sight &
Hearing +10, Touch +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM: +9, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (claws), AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword
[3d12], Claw [2d12], Special: Flight, Armor: Plate Breastplate w/Shoulders, Metal Greaves & Gauntlets,
tDEF: 16 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Demonic Deceit, Gate in Lesser Demon, Gate in Greater Demon, Crawl,
See the Unseen (constant), Darkness (60 radius, lasts 24 Rounds), Spell Knowledge: All Witchcraft
Spells (100%, 15 spells per day) Equipment: (chance), Rune Weapon (100%), Valuables: none, Saving
Throws: vs. Holy items +10, Ht: 9 tall, Wt: 350 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Holy
water does 2d6 damage, Immunity: Fire (Holy fire only does half damage), EXP: 1,400 + 4 pts per Life


Nephilim (Giant) (1 appearing)

Life: 95 +2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 10, WIS: 12, AGI: 10, STR: 22, SPD: 10, END:
20, PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, Herb Science +10, HP
Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +12, DOD: +5, DEF: +5,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great
Sword [2d12 +4], Fist [3d6], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Demonic Deceit,
See the Unseen, Spell Knowledge: All Witchcraft Spells (100%), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon
(75%), Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +6, Ht: 10.5 tall, Wt: 750 lbs. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Cold, EXP: 675 + 3 pts per Life point
Nightmare, Greater (1 appearing)
Life: 55+ 2d8 [Greater Demon Steed], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 9, STR: 18, SPD: 7, END: 15,
PAT: 4, Special Abilities: JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP Scent & Hearing +6, Combat Skills:
ADV: +6, ATT: +6, DAM: +6, DOD: +6, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/flaming hooves),
AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [2d6 +4], Flaming Hooves [2d8 +4], Special: None, Armor: None,
tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: None,
Saving Throws: Miracles +6, Ht: 6 tall (8 long), Wt: up to 600 lbs. Spoken Language: None,
Weakness: None, Immunity: non-Holy fire, EXP: 585 + 2 pt per Life point
Nightmare, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 84+ 2d10 [Advanced Demon Steed], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 7, AGI: 10, STR: 20, SPD: 9, END:
18, PAT: 4, Special Abilities: JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Scent & Hearing +8, Combat Skills:
ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +8, DOD: +8, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/flaming hooves),
AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [3d6 +6], Flaming Hooves [3d8 +6], Special: None, Armor: None,
tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: None,
Saving Throws: Miracles +6, Ht: 7 tall (10 long), Wt: up to 600 lbs. Spoken Language: None,
Weakness: None, Immunity: non-Holy fire, EXP: 785 + 3 pt per Life point
Nosferatu (Unique)
Life: 225 [Legendary Undead], Attributes: INT: 15, WIS: 15 AGI: 15, STR: 16, SPD: 14, END: 11,
PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, JUM: 1, Skills: Nightvision +20, Grapple +12, Combat Skills:
ADV: +8, ATT: +10, DAM: +12, DOD: +8, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR:
4 (with claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claws [4d8], Bite [4d8 +4], Special: If vampire
drains all remaining Life from opponent with a bite attack, that opponent will come back as a vampire
spawn in 3 days, can control all other vampires, Armor: Vested Robes (+2), tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 8],
Magic: Hideous Appearance, Life Return, Shape Change (wolf or giant bat, 5 times per day), Shadow
Travel (4 times per day), Regeneration, Giant Leap, Teleport (range 80 , maximum 5 times a day, See the
Unseen (constant), Spell Knowledge: (chance) All Witchcraft Spells (100%) 6 times a day, Equipment:
(chance), Robes of Armor, Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +10, Ht: 6 tall , Wt: up to
150. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Sunlight, Save vs. Holy weapon or take double
damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 1,200 + 4 pt per Life point


Oberon (Unique)
Life: 250 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 14, SPD: 10 (18 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: None, Skills: Track +10, HP Scent +10, Touch +10, Combat
Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +9, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws), AtR:
4, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d12], Bite [2d12], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6],
Magic: Wall Crawl, See the Unseen (constant), Darkness (30 radius), Demonic Rage, Equipment:
(chance), N/A, Valuables: none, Saving Throws: vs. Holy items +4, Ht: 8 tall (16 long), Wt: 250 lbs.
Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Standard , Immunity: Fire (Holy fire only does half damage),
EXP: 995 + 4 pts per Life point
Ogre (1 or 1d3 +1 appearing)
Life: 124 + 2d10 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 7, STR: 20, SPD: 7, END: 4, PAT:
4, Special Abilities: JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP Scent & Hearing +9, Combat Skills: ADV: +4,
ATT: +4, DAM: +8, DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (Fist), Combat Arms (Spiked
Club), AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Spiked Club [3d8], Fist [2d8], Special: None, Armor: Leather (+4),
tDEF: 7 [nDEF: 3], Magic: See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Saving Throws: Miracles
+5, Ht: 9 tall , Wt: up to 400 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 585 + 2 pt per Life point
Orc Footman, Lesser (3d8 +8 appearing)
Life: 12 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 8, AGI: 11, STR: 6, SPD: 12, END: 8, PAT: 5,
Special Abilities: CLI: 9, JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +1, Sneak +1, HP Scent +2, HP Hearing
+1, Track +1, Others skills as appropriate +0, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +0, DOD: +2
DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapons, Hand to Hand, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]:
Claw/Bite [2d4], Orcish Short Sword [1d8], Orcish Long Dagger [1d6], Armor: Cloth Breeches (+0),
tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison
(76%), Magic Weapon (05%), Valuables: 1d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Rune Traps +1, Ht: 5.5,
Wt: up to 125 lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin. Gothic, EXP: 80 + 1 pt per Life point
Orc Footman, Greater (3d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 17 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 6, SPD: 15, END: 9, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: CLI: 8, JUM: 3, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +4, HP Scent +4, HP Hearing
+3, Track +4, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +3, DAM: +1, DOD: +1,
DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapons, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
Claw/Bite [1d12], Orcish Short Sword [2d4], Orcish Long Dagger [1d10], Armor: Leather Breeches
(+1), tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 2], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison
(76%), Magic Weapon (10%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Fumes/Acid +1, Death +5,
Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 125 lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin. Gothic, EXP: 195 + 2 pts per Life point
Orc Footman, Advanced (3d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 27 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 10, AGI: 15, STR: 7, SPD: 18, END: 11,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: CLI: 4, JUM: 4, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +4, Sneak +5, HP Scent +5, HP
Hearing +4, Track +5, Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +6, DAM: +1,
DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapons, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw/Bite [3d4], Orcish Short Sword [2d8], Orcish Long Dagger [2d8], Armor: Cloth Breeches
(+1), tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 2], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison
(86%), Magic Weapon (15%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Fear +3, Spells +4, Ht: 5.5,
Wt: up to 125 lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin. Gothic, EXP: 315 + 3 pts per Life point


Orc Mage, Lesser (1d3 appearing)

Life: 15 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 14, WIS: 11, AGI: 13, STR: 6, SPD: 8, END: 9, PAT: 7,
Special Abilities: CLI: 7, JUM: 1, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +4, HP Scent +4, Track +4, HP Hearing
+3, Sorcery Studies +3, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +2, DAM: +0,
DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite
[2d4], Orcish Staff [2d4], Orcish Dagger [2d4], Armor: Vested Cloth Robes (+2), tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 3],
Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Flash Invisible: Orc Mage (and immediate belongings) turn invisible
for 1 round (3 times a day), Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (76%), Magic Staff (35%), Robe of
Armor (5%), Valuables: 1d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Fumes/Acids +1, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 125 lbs.
Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 135 + 1 pt per Life point
Orc Mage, Greater (1d3 appearing)
Life: 22 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 17, WIS: 12, AGI: 16, STR: 7, SPD: 9, END: 11, PAT:
9, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 7, JUM: 1, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +5, HP Scent +5, Track +5, HP
Hearing +4, Sorcery Studies +4, HP Sight +3, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2,
ATT: +4, DAM: +0, DOD: +4, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, AtR: 3,
Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d10], Orcish Staff [1d12], Armor: Cloth Robes, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 3],
Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Flash Invisible: Orc Mage (and immediate belongings) turn invisible
for 1 round (3 times a day), Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (76%), Magic Staff (35%), Robe of
Armor (5%), Valuables: 1d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Fumes/Acids +1, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to 125 lbs.
Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 270 + 2 pts per Life point
Orc Mage, Advanced (1d3 appearing)
Life: 39 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 20, WIS: 15, AGI: 18, STR: 8, SPD: 12, END: 14,
PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 5, JUM: 1, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +7, HP Scent +9, Track
+8, HP Hearing +7, Sorcery Studies +6, HP Sight +5, Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills:
ADV: +3, ATT: +6, DAM: +0, DOD: +4, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, AtR:
3, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [2d6], Orcish Staff [1d12 +2], Armor: Heavy Wool Robes, tDEF: 3
[nDEF: 2], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Flash Invisible: Orc Mage (and immediate belongings) turn
invisible for 1 round (3 times a day), Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (76%), Magic Staff (35%),
Robe of Armor (5%), Valuables: 1d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Fumes/Acids +1, Ht: 5.5, Wt: up to
125 lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 500 + 3 pt per Life point
Orc Warrior, Lesser (3d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 20 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 9, AGI: 8, STR: 13, SPD: 6, END: 14, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: PER: 3, JUM: 1, HID: 5, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +2, HP Scent & Hearing +3,
Track +3, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +2,
DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapon, Hand to Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
Claw/Bite [2d4], Orcish Longsword [1d8], Orcish Short Sword [1d6], Armor: Chainmail Jerkin &
Studded Leather Greaves, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment:
(chance) Vial of Poison (86%), Magic Weapon (5%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), Saving Throws: vs. Fear
& Spells +5, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 155 lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin, Gothic, EXP: 125 + 1 pt per
Life point


Orc Warrior, Greater (3d6 +6 appearing)

Life: 36 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 13, AGI: 10, STR: 16, SPD: 7 END: 18, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: PER: 1, JUM: 1, HID: 1, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +3, HP Scent +6, HP
Hearing +3, Track +4, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +5, DAM: +3,
DOD: +4, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapons, Hand to Hand, AtR: 3, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d12], Orcish Long Sword [1d10], Orcish Short Sword [2d4], Armor: Chainmail
Hauberk & Scalemail Chausses, tDEF: 11 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (86%), Magic Weapon (10%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), Saving
Throws: vs. Fear & Spells +7, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 165 lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin, Gothic,
EXP: 255 + 2 pts per Life point
Orc Warrior, Advanced (3d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 64 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 10, WIS: 14, AGI: 11, STR: 19, SPD: 10, END: 11,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 1, JUM: 1, HID: 6, Skills: Nightvision +9, Sneak +5, HP Scent +11, HP
Hearing +8, Track +10, Others skills as appropriate +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +9, DAM: +5,
DOD: +5, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapons, Hand to Hand, AtR: 4, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw/Bite [4d4], Orcish Long Swords [4d4], Orcish Short Swords [2d8], Armor: Chainmail
Hauberk & Studded Leather Greaves , tDEF: 11 [nDEF: 3], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) Vial of Poison (76%), Magic Weapon (15%), Valuables: 4d6g (89%), Saving
Throws: vs. vs. Fear & Spells +9, Ht: 6, Wt up to 300 lbs. Spoken Language: Orcish, Goblin, Gothic,
EXP: 530 + 3 pts per Life point
Phantom (1 or 1d4 appearing)
Life: 67 + 2d8 [Greater Undead], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 9, STR: 8, SPD: 10, END: 4, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: PER: 6, Skills: Nightvision +12, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +7, DOD:
+5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (Claw), Combat Arms (Large Sword), AtR: 1, Weapons
[DAM]: Large Sword [3d8], Claw [2d8], Explosive Lantern [3d8 within 10 or half damage if Saved vs
Flumes/Acid], Special: None, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 1], Magic: Spirit Drift & able to pass
through walls and earth, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy items +5, Ht:
7.5 tall , Wt: unknown. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Items cause double
damage, Immunity: All fire & poisons, EXP: 385 + 2 pt per Life point
Pit Fiend (1 appearing)
Life: 150 +2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 8, AGI: 12, STR: 20, SPD: 10, END: 12,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: None, Skills: Track +10, HP Scent +10, Touch +10, Combat Skills: ADV:
+9, ATT: +9, DAM: +5, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws), AtR: 4, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw [1d12], Bite [2d12], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 9], Magic: Demonic
Deceit, Gate in Lesser Demon, Create Minor Illusion, Unholy Bellow, Shadow Travel, Wall Crawl, See
the Unseen (constant), Darkness (45 radius), Demonic Rage, Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables:
None, Saving Throws: vs. Holy items +8, Ht: 8 tall, Wt: 250 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren,
Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire (Holy fire only does half damage), EXP: 975 + 3 pts per Life


Pit Lord (Unique)

Life: 450 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, WIS: 12, AGI: 14, STR: 25, SPD: 10 (18 for flight),
END: 20, PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Profile Character +12, Nightvision
+10, HP Scent, Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +12, ATT: +12, DAM: +15,
DOD: +12, DEF: +12, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Flaming Sword), Hand to Hand (Claws),
Thrown (Whip), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [3d12 + 3d6 Flame Damage], Claw [4d6],
Whip [2d8 + Entangle], Fire Burst [3d8], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 12], Magic:
Unholy Bellow, Gate in Lesser Demons, Gate in Greater Demon, Darkness, Demonic Deceit, Fire Burst,
See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Rune Weapon (100%), Valuables: None, Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +12, Ht: 12 tall, Wt: 975 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Quarth,
Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Fire, EXP: 1,300 + 4 pts per Life point
Priest of Darkness/Witch, Lesser (1d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 21 +2d6 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 6, AGI: 4, STR: 4, SPD: 4, END: 5, PAT:
5, Special Abilities: PER: 6, Skills: Demonology +6, Sorcery Studies +6, Poison Science +4, Others
skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) Create Mimic (89%), Curse of Evils (65%), Raise Undead (72%),
Summon Demon (62%), Equipment: (chance) Potion of Invisibility (87%), Rune Staff (54%), Magic
Dagger (45%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 1d8g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy
Items +3, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 115 + 2 pt per Life point
Priest of Darkness/Witch, Greater (1d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 31 +2d8 [Greater Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 7, AGI: 5, STR: 5, SPD: 5, END: 5,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 6, Skills: Demonology +3, Sorcery Studies +3, Poison Science +2,
Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +2,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Armor: Robes,
tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) All Lesser Priest of Darkness/Witch spells (100%) plus
Curse of Weakness (74%), Equipment: (chance) Potion of Invisibility (87%), Magic Staff (39%),
Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d8g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +5, Ht:
typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 230 + 2 pt per Life point
Priest of Darkness/Witch, Advanced (1d3 +1 appearing)
Life: 41 +2d10 [Advanced Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 7, AGI: 5, STR: 5, SPD: 5, END: 5,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 6, Skills: Demonology +10, Sorcery Studies +10, Poison Science +6,
Others skills as appropriate +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +4, DOD: +4, DEF: +4,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Armor: Robes,
tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) All Witchcraft Spells (100%) plus some Sorcery Spells
as appropriate (65%), Equipment: (chance) Potion of Invisibility (87%), Rune Staff (74%), Magic
Dagger (67%), Valuables: 4d6g (89%), jewel worth 3d8g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy
Items +9, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 460 + 3 pt per Life point


Pseudo-Dragon (1 appearing)
Life: 15 + 2d6 [Lesser Demonic Familiar], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 6, AGI: 9, STR: 3, SPD: 7 (16 for
flight), END: 4, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 5, HID: 6, Skills: HP Sight & Hearing +5, Nightvision
+5, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(bite/tail stinger), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d3], Tail Stinger [1d2 + poison], Poison causes 2d6
damage with 1 pt per round unless Saved vs. Poison then half damage, Special: Flight, Grants its master
with double the number of spell they can cast in a day, if familiar is killed spellcaster must Save vs. death
or die, Armor: None, tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Life Return, See the Unseen (both constant),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +3, Ht: 1.5 tall, Wt: up to 10
lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Mauthren and language of its master, Weakness: None, Immunity:
Standard, EXP: 105 + 1 pt per Life point
Rogue, Lesser (2d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 31 +2d6 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 6, STR: 8, SPD: 5, END: 7, PAT:
4, Special Abilities: CLI: 8, Skills: Roll with Blows +3, Light Sleep +2, Camp +2, Others skills as
appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +3, DOD: +2, DEF: +2 (+5 with Shield),
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, Shield Play, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Great
Axe [2d12], Broad Sword [2d10), Throwing Axes [2d8], Fist [1d8 +2], Armor: Cloth (01-60%) or Chain
(61-00%), tDEF: 4 or 8 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon
(39%), Potion of Invisibility (33%), Potion of Healing (27%), Shield of Power (21%), Valuables: 2d6g
(89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +1, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically
average, EXP: 85 + 1 pt per Life point
Rogue, Greater (1d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 63 +2d8 [Greater Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 6, STR: 10, SPD: 5, END: 9,
PAT: 5, Special Abilities: CLI: 8, Skills: Roll with Blows +6, Light Sleep +4, Camp +3, Others skills as
appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +7, DOD: +5, DEF: +5 (+8 with Shield),
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, Shield Play, AtR: 2 for most weapons 3 with
fists, Weapons [DAM]: Great Axe [2d12], Broad Sword [2d10), Throwing Axes [2d8], Fist [1d8 +2],
Armor: Chain (01-60%) or Plate (61-00%), tDEF: 8 or 16 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (84%), Rune Weapon (72%), Potion of Invisibility (54%), Shield
of Power (21%), Armor of Justice (31%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), jewel worth 2d6g (38%), Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles +2, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 170 + 2 pts per Life point
Rogue, Advanced (1d3 appearing)
Life: 95 +2d10 [Greater Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 6, STR: 12, SPD: 5, END: 10,
PAT: 5, Special Abilities: CLI: 12, Skills: Roll with Blows +3, Light Sleep +2, Camp +6, Others skills
as appropriate +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +10, DOD: +8, DEF: +8 (+11 with
Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to Hand, Thrown, Shield Play, AtR: 3 for most weapons 4
with fists, Weapons [DAM]: Great Axe [2d12], Broad Sword [2d10), Throwing Axes [2d8], Fist [1d8
+2], Armor: Chain (01-40%) or Plate (41-00), tDEF: 8 or 16 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (84%), Rune Weapon (72%), Potion of Invisibility (65%), Shield
of Power (58%), Armor of Justice (47%), Valuables: 4d6g (89%), jewel worth 4d6g (38%), Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles +4, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 340 + 3 pts per Life point


Satyr (1d3 appearing, Midsummers eve: 2d12)

Life: 75 + 1d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 5, AGI: 10, STR: 6, SPD: 8 , END: 10, PAT:
4, Special Abilities: HID: 7, JUM: 5, BAL: 5, Skills: Play Wind Instrument 10, Nightvision 6, Combat
Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Hand to
Hand, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Long Dagger [1d10], Short Staff [ ], Special: The Satyr can use its Pan
Flute to cast a spell similar to the Ability Sirens Song. Range 100, Armor: None, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 3],
Magic: Siren Song (4x day), See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: Pan Flute (100%), Full Wineskin
(100%), Valuables: 3d6g (10%), 1d4 gems worth 2d8g (25%), Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +2,
Ht: 4 tall, Wt: 100lbs, Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: Holy Weapons do double
damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 145 + 2 pt per Life point
Saurian Footman, Lesser (1d8+2 appearing)
Life: 8 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 10, STR: 5, SPD: 9, END: 7, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: PER: 5, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +1, Sneak +1, Track +1, HP scent +1, Others
skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +1, DAM: +0, DOD: +0, DEF: + 1,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +1, , AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: claw/bite [1d4 ], Saurian dagger [1d6 +
1], Saurian short pike [1d8], Armor: None, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4], Special: Chameleon like power with
Shape Change Ability (see below), Spell Knowledge Shape Change (Saurian do not change shape but
they can change their color giving them a greater ability to hide )(constant), Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1
Potions of Regeneration (50%), Magic Weapon (5%), Valuables: 1d6g (50%), Saving Throws: vs.
Death +2, Ht: 4, Wt: up to 100 lbs. Spoken Language: Saurian, EXP: 45 +1 per Life Point
Saurian Footman, Greater (1d6+2 appearing)
Life: 10 +1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 7, AGI: 11, STR: 6, SPD: 11, END: 8,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 5, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +2, Sneak +2, Track +1, HP scent,
Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +0, DOD: +1, DEF: +1,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +2, Thrown +2, Hand to Hand +1, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: claw/bite
[1d6], Saurian dagger [1d6+3 ], Saurian long pike [1d10+2], Saurian staff [1d10+1], Armor: Bone
Armor (+2), tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 4], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Shape Change (Saurian do not
change shape but they can change their color giving them a greater ability to hide )(constant),
Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of Regeneration (70%), Magic Weapon (10%), Valuables: 1d6g
(50%), Saving Throws: vs. Fear +1, Ht: 4, Wt: up to 100 lbs. Spoken Language: Saurian, EXP: 95+2
per Life Point
Saurian Footman, Advanced (1d4+1 appearing)
Life: 16 +1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 9,WIS: 7, AGI: 13, STR: 6, SPD: 12, END: 8,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 5, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +2, Sneak +2, HP scent +1, Track +1,
Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +3, DEF: +1,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +3, Thrown +3, Hand to Hand +3, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Saurian
Glaive [1d12+3], Saurian Long Dagger [1d8+3], Saurian Pike [1d10+3], Saurian Staff [1d10+3] ,
Armor: Bone Armor (+1), tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 4], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: Shape Change
(Saurian do not change shape but they can change their color giving them a greater ability to hide
)(constant), Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (90%), Magic Weapon (20%), Valuables:
2d6g (50%), jewel worth 1d6g (25%), Saving Throws: vs. Fumes/Acids +3, Ht: 4, Wt: up to 100 lbs.
Spoken Language: Saurian, EXP: 135 + 3 pts per Life point


Saurian Mage, Lesser (1d4 +1 appearing)

Life: 10 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 11, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 4, SPD: 10, END: 6,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 1, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +2, Sneak +2, Sorcery Studies +2, HP
Scent +1, Track +2, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +0, DAM: +0,
DOD: +1, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +2, Hand to Hand +2, Kick Attack +1, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d8], Claw [1d6], Saurian Staff [1d10], Armor: Light Robes (+2), tDEF: 3
[nDEF: 1], Special: Saurian Mages have a staff that can cast a Fireball spell 2x per day (1d10 Damage
unless DOD for half), Spell Knowledge: 2 Druidic spells per day, Shape Change (Saurian do not change
shape but they can change their color giving them a greater ability to hide ) (constant), Equipment:
(chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of healing (50%), Magic Item (25%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), crude jewelry
worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Magic Items +2, Ht: 4, Wt: up to 100 lbs. Spoken Language:
Mauthren, Saurian, EXP: 85 + 1 pt per Life point
Saurian Mage, Greater (1d4 appearing)
Life: 15+1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 13, WIS: 9, AGI: 14, STR: 5, SPD: 11, END: 7,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 1, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +3, Sorcery Studies +2, HP
Scent +1, Track +2, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +0,
DOD: +4, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +3, Hand to Hand +3, Kick Attack +2, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d8], Claw [1d6], Saurian Staff [1d10], Armor: Light Robes (+2), tDEF: 3
[nDEF: 1], Special: Saurian Mages have a staff that can cast a Fireball spell 2x per day (2d10 Damage
unless DOD for half), Spell Knowledge: 3 Druidic spells per day, Shape Change (Saurian do not change
shape but they can change their color giving them a greater ability to hide ), See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1 Potions of Regeneration (79%), Magic Item (29%), Valuables: 2d6g
(89%), crude jewelry worth 2d6g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Disease +3, Ht: 4, Wt: up to 100 lbs.
Spoken Language: Mauthren, Saurian, EXP: 140 + 2 pt per Life point
Saurian Mage, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 19 + 1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 16, WIS:11, AGI: 17, STR: 5, SPD: 12, END:
8, PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 1, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +5, Sneak +5, Sorcery Studies +5, HP
Scent +3, Track +5, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +4, DAM: +1,
DOD: +3, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +3, Hand to Hand +3, Kick Attack +2, AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d8], Claw [1d6], Saurian Staff [1d10], Armor: Light Robes (+2), tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 2], Special: Saurian Mages have a staff that can cast a Fireball spell 2x per day (3d10 Damage
unless DOD for half), Spell Knowledge: 5 Druidic spells per day, Shape Change (Saurian do not change
shape but they can change their color giving them a greater ability to hide ), Flash Invisible (mage and
belongings turn invisible for 1 round) (1x day). See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance) 1d4 +1
Potions of Regeneration (96%), Magic Item (99%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), crude jewelry worth 2d6g
(38%), Saving Throws: vs. Poisons +1, vs. Death +1, Ht: 4, Wt: up to 100 lbs. Spoken Language:
Mauthren, Saurian, EXP: 275 + 3 pt per Life point


Saurian Warrior, Lesser (2d6 +3 appearing)

Life: 12 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 4, AGI: 12, STR: 11, SPD: 11, END: 8,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 1, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +1, Sneak +5, HP Scent +1, Track +1,
Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +4, DAM: +1, DOD: +1, DEF: +2,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +2, Hand to Hand +2, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d6], Claw [1d4],
Saurian Long Dagger[1d8], Saurian Pike (2d8 +1), Armor: Hardened Leather Breastplate (+4), tDEF: 6
[nDEF: 2], Special: Saurian Warriors can attack with their tail (1d4 DAM, DOD or be tripped) once
every other round, Spell Knowledge: Shape Change (Saurian do not change shape but they can change
their color giving them a greater ability to hide ), Regeneration (constant), Equipment: (chance),
Exceptional Weapon (25%), Magic Weapon (5%), Valuables: 2d6g (20%), crude jewelry worth 1d6g
(5%), Saving Throws: vs. Fright +1, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Saurian, EXP: 70 +
1 pt per Life point
Saurian Warrior, Greater (1d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 18 +1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 4, AGI: 15, STR: 12, SPD: 14, END: 9,
PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 1, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +2, Sneak +1, HP Scent +2, Track +1,
Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +5, DAM: +2, DOD: +5, DEF: +0,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +5, Hand to Hand +5, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d6], Claw [1d4],
Saurian Long Dagger[1d8+3], Saurian Pike (2d8+1), Armor: Hardened Leather Breastplate (+4), tDEF:
6 [nDEF: 2], Special: Saurian Warriors can attack with their tail (1d6 DAM, DOD or be tripped) once
every other round, Spell Knowledge: Shape Change (Saurian do not change shape but they can change
their color giving them a greater ability to hide ), Regeneration (constant), Equipment: (chance),
Exceptional Weapon (55%), Magic Weapon (15%), Valuables: 2d6g (20%), crude jewelry worth 1d6g
(5%), Saving Throws: vs. Magic Items:+3, vs. Poisons:+5, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken
Language: Saurian, EXP: 175 + 2 pt per Life point
Saurian Warrior, Advanced (1d3 appearing)
Life: 27 +1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 4, AGI: 18, STR: 15, SPD: 16, END:
11, PAT: 13, Special Abilities: PER: 1, HID: 16, Skills: Nightvision +2, Sneak +1, HP Scent +2, Track
+1, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +5, DAM: +2, DOD: +5, DEF: +0,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +5, Hand to Hand +5, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d6], Claw [1d4],
Saurian Long Dagger[1d8+3], Saurian Pike (2d8+1), Armor: Hardened Leather Breastplate w/bone
plates (+6), tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 2], Special: Saurian Warriors can attack with their tail (1d6 DAM, DOD or
be tripped) once every other round, Spell Knowledge: Shape Change (Saurian do not change shape but
they can change their color giving them a greater ability to hide ), Regeneration (constant), Equipment:
(chance), Exceptional Weapon (55%), Magic Weapon (15%), Valuables: 2d6g (20%), crude jewelry
worth 1d6g (5%), Saving Throws: vs. Magic Items:+3, vs. Poisons:+5, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs.
Spoken Language: Saurian, EXP: 250 + 3 pt per Life point
Shadow Demon (1d3 appearing)
Life: 65 +2d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 8, AGI: 10, STR: 9, SPD: 10, END: 8, PAT: 6,
Special Abilities: PER: +9, Skills: Sneak +10, Nightvision +10, HP Hearing Combat Skills: ADV: +2,
ATT: +8, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite), AtR: 2, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw/Bite [2d12/1d12], Special: If shadow demon scores a hit, a save vs. curse must be made or
it will drain 1 point of STR, This weakness will last for 1 hour, if anyones STR is reduced to zero a save
vs death must be made or victim will die, victim will become a shadow demon within 24 hours unless
their remains are blessed by a clergy and given a proper burial, Shadow demons are not undead but can be
exorcised as an evil spirit, Armor: None, tDEF: 13 (in shadowy light), 10 (in total dark), 7 (daylight),
[nDEF: 7], Magic: Spirit drift, able to pass from shadow to shadow, Equipment: (chance), Valuables:
Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +23 Ht: 5 tall, Wt: n/a. Spoken Language: Quarth,
Weakness: Double damage by Holy weapons, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 400 + 2 pts per Life point

Shadow Devil (1 or 1d6 appearing)

Life: 29 + 2d16 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 6, AGI: 7, STR: 20, SPD: 20 for flight, END:
4, PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +8 HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +7, Combat
Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +4, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Kick Attack (tail Whip),
Thrown (quills, range 100, maximum 5 quills a day), AtR: 1 (quill shot) or 2 (tail whip), Weapons
[DAM]: Tail Whip [2d8], Quills [2d6], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4], Magic: See
the Unseen (constant), Teleport (unlimited times per day, maximum 45), Equipment: (chance), Saving
Throws: Miracles +3, Ht: 10 long , Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: Sunlight
(causes death after 1 hour exposure), Immunity: Standard, EXP: 210 + 1 pt per Life point
Skeleton, Lesser (1 or 1d6 + 6 appearing)
Life: 20 + 2d12 [Lesser Undead], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 8, SPD: 10, END: 4, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2,
DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: +2 (+5 with Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Large Sword), Shield
Play, , AtR: 1 (+ Shield Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Shield Bash [2d6], Special: Half
damage from Sharp weapons, Armor: , tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Giant Leap, Equipment: (chance),
Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy items +2, Ht: 5.5 tall , Wt: up to 75. Spoken Language: Mauthren,
Weakness: Holy Items cause double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 160 + 1 pt per Life point
Skeleton, Greater (1 or 1d4 + 2 appearing)
Life: 40 + 2d12 [Greater Undead], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 10, SPD: 10, END: 4, PAT:
8, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4,
DAM: +4, DOD: +4, DEF: +4 (+7 with Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Large Sword), Shield
Play, , AtR: 2 (+ Shield Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Shield Bash [2d6], Special: Half
damage from Sharp weapons, Armor: , tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Giant Leap, Equipment: (chance),
Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy items +4, Ht: 6.5 tall , Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren,
Weakness: Holy Items cause double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 320+ 2 pts per Life point
Skeleton, Advanced (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 80 + 2d12 [Advanced Undead], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 12, SPD: 10, END: 4,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +6,
DAM: +6, DOD: +6, DEF: +6 (+9 with Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Large Sword), Shield
Play, , AtR: 2 (+ Shield Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Shield Bash [2d6], Special: Half
damage from Sharp weapons, Armor: , tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Giant Leap, Equipment: (chance),
Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy items +8, Ht: 7.5 tall , Wt: up to 250 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren,
Weakness: Holy Items cause double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 640+ 3 pts per Life point
Sorcerer, Lesser (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 21 +2d6 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 6, AGI: 5, STR: 5, SPD: 5, END: 5, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: PER: 7, Skills: Sorcery Studies +3, Demonology +2, Read/Write +2, Others skills as
appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +1, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms, Thrown, AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) See Holy Power (89%), See the Unseen (81%), Stun (74%), Drain
Faith (62%), Sleep (49%), Forget Proficiency (41%), Absorb Miracle (35%), Insert Memory (24%),
Equipment: (chance) Magic Staff (87%), Robe of Armor (65%), Ring of Invisibility (47%), 1d4 Potions
of Healing (31%), Ring of Reflect Miracle (22%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), jewel worth 1d8g (38%),
Equipment: (chance), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +2, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically
average, EXP: 110 + 1 pt per Life point


Sorcerer, Greater (1 or 1d2 appearing)

Life: 40 +2d8 [Greater Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 7, AGI: 5, STR: 5, SPD: 5, END: 5,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 12, Skills: Sorcery Studies +10, Demonology +9, Read/Write +6 ,Others
skills as appropriate +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Thrown, AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Armor: Robes,
tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) All Lesser Sorcerer Spells (100%), plus Shrink (74%),
Daze (64%), Weaken (51%), Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (87%), Robe of Armor (74%), Ring
of Invisibility (65%), Ring of Reflect Miracle (54%), Rune Weapon (48%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%),
jewel worth 2d8g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +4, Ht: typically average, Wt:
typically average, EXP: 220 + 2 pt per Life point
Sorcerer, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 59 +2d10 [Advanced Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 11, WIS: 9, AGI: 5, STR: 5, SPD: 5, END: 5,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 10, Skills: Sorcery Studies +6, Demonology +4, Read/Write +3 ,Others
skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Thrown, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Staff [1d12], Dagger [2d6], Armor: Robes,
tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: (chance) All Sorcerer Spells (100%), plus other Druidic and
Witchcraft Spells as appropriate (51%), Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (87%), Robe of Armor
(74%), Ring of Invisibility (69%), Ring of Reflect Miracle (63%), Rune Weapon (59%), Valuables: 3d6g
(89%), jewel worth 3d8g (38%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy Items +8, Ht: typically average, Wt:
typically average, EXP: 440 + 3 pt per Life point
Spider Demon (1d4 appearing)
Life: 69 +2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 10, STR: 5, SPD: 10, END: 5, PT: 4,
Special Abilities: PER: 12, JUM: 16, Skills: Nightvision +4, Stealth +9, HP Touch +10, Combat Skills:
ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +4, DOD: +4, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (Bite), Thrown
Weapon (web), AtR: 2 (bite) or 1 (thrown web), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d12] + Poison that effects the
target as the Special Ability of Weakness Touch, Thrown Object [web-N/A], Special: Web: The
Demon Spider can throw a silken web (range: 30) that is as strong as steel. A target hit by the attack
must save vs traps or be wrapped in web that takes 1d4 rounds to escape from, if a second attack is
successful then the web fully entraps the target and another person must free them., Armor: None, tDEF:
3 [nDEF: 3], Magic: Giant Leap, See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: N/A, Valuables: N/A, Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles +3, Ht: 3 tall, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: None, but understands
Mauthren, Weakness: None, Immunity: Poison, EXP: 105 + 1 pt per Life point
Spiked, Demon (1d4 appearing)
Life: 105 +2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 2, AGI: 4, STR: 10, SPD: 7, END: 7, PT: 4,
Special Abilities: N/A, Skills: Mechanics +6, Trap Works +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3,
DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (body slam), AtR: 1 (body slam),
Weapons [DAM]: Body Slam [1d12], Special: Body Slam: the Spiked Demon can grab or slam their
spiked body into a target doing 1d12 Dam. If the Demon rolls 4 over what they need to hit they grapple
the target and do an additional 1d8 Dam per round until the target breaks free. , Armor: None, tDEF: 4
[nDEF: 4], Magic: Create Minor Illusion, See the Unseen (constant), Equipment: Normal building
equipment (75%), Valuables: 3d6g, 1d20s Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +4, Ht: 5 tall, Wt: up to 150
lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: All Fires & Poison, EXP: 135 + 1 pt per
Life point


Stone Golem (1 appearing)

Life: 269 +2d12 [Advanced Demon Construct], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 8, STR: 7, SPD: 7,
END: 8, PT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 11, JUM: 11, Skills: Nightvision +8, Stealth +5, HP Sight +9,
Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +9, DOD: +4, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (fist),
Thrown (thrown objects), AtR: 2 (fist) or 1 (thrown object), Weapons [DAM]: Fist [3d8], Thrown
Object [4d8], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 15 [nDEF: 15], Magic: Giant Leap, See the Unseen
(constant), Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +11, Ht: 8 tall, Wt: up to
900 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: None, Immunity: All Fires & Poison, EXP: 925 + 3 pts
per Life point
Storm Giant (1 appearing)
Life: 95 +2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 10, WIS: 12, AGI: 10, STR: 22, SPD: 10, END:
20, PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, Herb Science +10, HP
Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM: +12, DOD: +9, DEF: +9,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Great
Sword [2d12 +4], Fist [3d6], Frost Breath [4d6]Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 5],
Magic: Fog Breath, Frost Breath (30 range, 4 times a day), Change Weather, Call Lighting, See the
Unseen (constant), Equipment: (chance), Magic Weapon (75%), Valuables: 5d6g (95%), 1d6 gems
worth 1d12g (76%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +8, Ht: 12.5 tall, Wt: 995 lbs. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Cold, Fire, Electricity, EXP: 875 + 3 pts
per Life point
Succubus (Unique)
Life: 225 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 12, BTY: 16 (0), CHR: 15, WIS: 10, AGI: 12, STR: 10,
SPD: 10, (16 for flight), END: 9, PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision
+10, HP Scent, Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple +8, Profile Character +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, ATT:
+7, DAM: +10, DOD: +10, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (Claws), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
Claws [3d6], Special: Flight, Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: Gate in Lesser Demons,
Demonic Deceit, Life Drain, Cowardice, See the Unseen, Life Return, Regeneration, Spell Knowledge:
(chance) Insert Memory (100%), Charm (100%), Equipment: (chance), N/A, Valuables: None, Saving
Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +8, Ht: 5.5 tall, Wt: 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Gothic,
Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 975 + 4 pts per Life point
Thief, Lesser (1 or 1d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 24 +2d6 [Lesser Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 8, STR: 5, SPD: 7, END: 5, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: HID: 8, SER: 7, Skills: Pick Locks +3, Pick Pockets +3, Trap Works +2, Others
skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon
Skills: Combat Arms, Thrown, AtR: 21 Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Long Dagger [2d8],
Throwing Daggers [2d6], Armor: Cloth (01-30%), Leather (31-70%),Chain (71-00%), tDEF: 4, 6 or 8,
[nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Lock Picks (91%), Ring of Invisibility (51%),
Boots of Silence (36%), Magic Weapon (29%), Valuables: 2d6g (89%), pendent or ring worth 3d6g
(38%), jewel worth 2d6 (33%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +2, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically
average, EXP: 85 + 1 pt per Life point


Thief, Greater (1 or 1d3 +2 appearing)

Life: 49 +2d8 [Greater Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 12, STR: 5, SPD: 9, END: 5,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: HID: 11, SER: 10, Skills: Pick Locks +7, Pick Pockets +6, Trap Works +5,
Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +3, DOD: +5, DEF: +5,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Thrown, AtR: 21 Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Long Dagger
[2d8], Throwing Daggers [2d6], Armor: Cloth (01-30%), Leather (31-00%), tDEF: 4 or 7, [nDEF: 1],
Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Lock Picks (93%), Ring of Invisibility (83%), Boots of
Silence (59%), Magic Weapon (57%), Rune Weapon (67%), Valuables: 3d6g (89%), pendent or ring
worth 4d6g (54%), jewel worth 3d6 (33%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +2, Ht: typically average, Wt:
typically average, EXP: 170 + 2 pts per Life point
Thief, Advanced (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 74 +2d10 [Advanced Enemy Class], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 10, STR: 5, SPD: 10, END:
5, PAT: 8, Special Abilities: HID: 11, SER: 10, Skills: Pick Locks +10, Pick Pockets +10, Trap Works
+8, Others skills as appropriate +7, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, ATT: +8, DAM: +6, DOD: +5, DEF: +5,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Thrown, AtR: 21 Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Long Dagger
[2d8], Throwing Daggers [2d6], Armor: Cloth (01-30%), Leather (31-70%),Chain (71-00%), tDEF: 4, 6
or 8, [nDEF: 1], Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Lock Picks (93%), Potion of Invisibility
(64%), Ring of Invisibility (83%), Boots of Silence (59%), Magic Weapon (49%), Rune Weapon (35%),
Valuables: 3d6g (89%), pendent or ring worth 5d6g (75%), jewel worth 4d6 (89%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles +4, Ht: typically average, Wt: typically average, EXP: 340 + 3 pts per Life point
Titan (Unique)
Life: 295 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 11, WIS: 10, AGI: 12, STR: 30, SPD: 12, END: 20,
PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, CLI: 3, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +10, Herb Science +10, HP
Sight & Hearing +8, Grapple +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +10, ATT: +10, DAM: +15, DOD: +10, DEF:
+12, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great Sword), Hand to Hand (Fist), AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]:
Great Sword [3d12], Fist [4d6], Special: None, Armor: Plate Breastplate, Metal Bracers & Grieves ,
tDEF: 14 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Change Weather, Call Lighting, See the Unseen (constant), Spell
Knowledge: All Sorcery Spells (100%, 15 spells per day), Equipment: (chance), Rune Weapon (100%),
Valuables: 6d6g (100%), , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +9, Ht: 10.5 tall, Wt: 750 lbs.
Spoken Language: All, Weakness: None, Immunity: Cold, Fire, Electricity, EXP: 1,200 + 4 pts per
Life point
Trechor Demon, Lesser (1d3 +1 appearing)
Life: 34 +2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 9, STR: 9, SPD: 8, END: 6, PAT: 2,
Special Abilities: See the Unseen, Demonic Range, CLI: 8, Skills: Nightvision +6, Combat Skills:
ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +2, DOD: +3, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Claw [2d6 +1], Bite [1d8], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4], Magic:
None, Equipment: None (chance), Valuables: None, but may be guarding some, Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles/Holy items +2, Ht: 5 tall, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: Must obey
their master, Save vs Holy item or take double damage from Holy weapons, Immunity: Standard, EXP:
40 + 1 pts per Life point


Trechor Demon, Greater (1d2 +1 appearing)

Life: 74 +2d6 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 2, AGI: 10, STR: 13, SPD: 10, END: 8, PAT:
4, Special Abilities: See the Unseen, Demonic Rage, Fireball 2x a day (as per spell), CLI: 8, Skills:
Nightvision +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +5, DAM: +4, DOD: +4, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills:
Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 4, Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d6 +2], Bite [1d10], Special: None,
Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: 1d4 Magic Potions, Equipment: None (chance), Valuables:
Pouch with 3d6g, 1d100s, Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +2, Ht: 7 tall, Wt: up to 150 lbs.
Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Must obey their master, Save vs Holy item or take double
damage from Holy weapons, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 70 + 1 pts per Life point
Tree Bilk (1 or 1dl3 appearing)
Life: 55 + 2d4 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 7, STR: 15, SPD: 7, END: 4, PAT:
12, Special Abilities: PER: 9, BAL: 4, Skills: Nightvision +8, Grapple +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +5,
ATT: +5, DAM: +7, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw swipe/damaging grip),
AtR: 1 (Grip) or 2 (Claw Swipe), Weapons [DAM]: Grip [2d6 per round], Claws [2d6], Special: None,
Armor: None, tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 1], Magic: None, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws:
Miracles/Holy Items +4, Ht: 12 tall, Wt: up to 300 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: Fire
causes double damage one time as burn , Immunity: Standard, EXP: 410 + 2 pt per Life point
Troll Footman, Lesser (1d8+2 appearing)
Life: 13 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 8, STR: 14, SPD: 6, END: 8, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: JMP: 5, CLM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +3, HP scent +3, HP Hearing +1, Light
Sleep +1,Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +1, DAM: +2, DOD: +1, DEF:
+ 0, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +1, Hand to Hand +1 , AtR: 1, Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite [1d6 ],
Troll Club [2d8+1], Troll Dagger[2d6+1], Armor: Leather Breeches (+1), tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 4], Special:
None, Spell Knowledge None, Equipment: (chance), Exceptional Weapon (20%) Valuables: 3d6g
(20%), Saving Throws: vs. Magic Items+3, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren,
Troll, Gothic, EXP: 130 +1 pt per Life Point
Troll Footman, Greater (1d6+2 appearing)
Life: 27 +1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 5, AGI: 10, STR: 18, SPD: 7, END: 11,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: JMP: 5, CLM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +4, HP scent +4, HP Hearing +2, Light
Sleep +2,Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +3, DAM: +4, DOD: +3, DEF:
+ 1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +3, Hand to Hand +3 , AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite [1d8 ],
Troll Club [2d8+1], Troll Dagger[2d6+1], Troll Maul [2d10 +2). Troll Spiked Club [3d6+3], Armor:
Leather Breeches (+1), tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 4], Special: None, Spell Knowledge None, Equipment:
(chance), Exceptional Weapon (20%) Valuables: 3d6g (40%), Saving Throws: vs. Fumes/Acids +3,
Death +4, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic, EXP: 260 +2 pts per
Life Point
Troll Footman, Advanced (1d4+1 appearing)
Life: 49 +1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 5, AGI: 11, STR: 23, SPD: 8, END: 13,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: JMP: 7, CLM: 11, Skills: Nightvision +4, HP scent +5, HP Hearing +4, Light
Sleep +4,Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +5, DAM: +4, DOD: +1, DEF:
+ 4, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +5, Hand to Hand +5 , AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite [2d4 ],
Troll Club [2d8+3], Troll Long Dagger[2d8+3], Troll Heavy Maul [2d10 +3). Troll Spiked Club
[3d6+3], Armor: Leather Breeches (+2), tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 4], Special: None, Spell Knowledge None,
Equipment: (chance), Exceptional Weapon (70%) Valuables: 3d6g (20%), Saving Throws: vs. Fright
+2, vs. Poisons +3, vs. Spells +5, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic,
EXP: 385 +3 pts per Life Point

Troll Mage, Lesser (1d4 +1 appearing)

Life: 18 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 13, WIS: 9, AGI: 12, STR: 14, SPD: 8, END: 7,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: JMP: 5, CLM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +1, HP Sight +1,Others skills
as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +3, DAM: +2, DOD: +2, DEF: + 1, Weapon Skills:
Combat Arms +3, Thrown +3, Hand to Hand +3 , AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite [1d8 ], Troll
Dagger[1d6], Troll Staff [2d4], Armor: Leather Robe (+1) tDEF: 3 [nDEF: 2], Special: None, Spell
Knowledge: 3 Sorcery spells a day, Flash Blindness: causes blindness for 4 rounds to all within 20 who
do not save vs Spell., Equipment: (chance), Exceptional Weapon (20%) Valuables: 3d6g (20%),
Saving Throws: vs. Poisons +2, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic,
EXP: 155 +1 pt per Life Point
Troll Mage, Greater (1d4 appearing)
Life: 31+1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 16, WIS: 11, AGI: 15, STR: 17, SPD: 9, END: 8,
PAT: 9, Special Abilities: JMP: 5, CLM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +5, Sneak +4, HP Sight +4, HP Hearing
+4, Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +3, DAM: +5, DOD: +0, DEF: + 2,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +3, Thrown +3, Hand to Hand +3 , AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite
[1d10 ], Troll Dagger[1d12], Troll Staff [1d12], Armor: Leather Robe (+2) tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 3],
Special: None, Spell Knowledge: 5 Sorcery spells a day, Flash Blindness: causes blindness for 4 rounds
to all within 20 who do not save vs Spell., Flash Invisible: Mage and belongings turn invisible for 2
rounds., Equipment: (chance), Magic Item (50%) Valuables: 3d6g (20%), Saving Throws: vs. Rune
Traps +1, vs. Miracles +4, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic, EXP:
290 +2 pts per Life Point
Troll Mage, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 48+1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 18, WIS: 14, AGI: 17, STR: 20, SPD: 12, END:
9, PAT: 10, Special Abilities: JMP: 6, CLM: 8, Skills: Nightvision +6, Sneak +4, HP Sight +4, HP
Hearing +4, Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +8, DAM: +5, DOD: +3,
DEF: + 3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +8, Thrown +8, Hand to Hand +6 , AtR: 4, Weapons [DAM]:
Fist/Bite [1d12 ], Troll Dagger[2d6], Troll Staff [3d4], Armor: Leather Robe (+2) tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 4],
Special: None, Spell Knowledge: 8 Sorcery spells a day, Flash Blindness: causes blindness for 4 rounds
to all within 20 who do not save vs Spell., Flash Invisible: Mage and belongings turn invisible for 2
rounds., Seen the Unseen (constant) Equipment: (chance), Magic Item (90%) Valuables: 3d6g (70%),
Saving Throws: vs. Rune Traps +4, vs. Magic Items +4, vs. Miracles +6, Ht: 6, Wt: up to 200 lbs.
Spoken Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic, EXP: 530+3 per Life Point
Troll Warrior, Lesser (2d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 21 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 6, STR: 15, SPD: 7, END: 10,
PAT: 11, Special Abilities: JMP: 5, CLM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +3, HP Hearing +3, Track +2, Sneak
+1, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +2, DOD: +1, DEF: + 2,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +2, Hand to Hand +1 , AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite [1d6 ], Troll
Long Dagger[2d8], Troll Short Sword [2d12], Armor: Chainmail Hauberk (+6), Hard Leather Greaves
(+2), tDEF: 13 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge None, Equipment: (chance), Exceptional
Weapon (20%) Valuables: 3d6g (20%), Saving Throws: vs. Fumes/Acid +1, vs. Death +5, Ht: 7, Wt:
up to 350 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic, EXP: 180 +1 pt per Life Point


Troll Warrior, Greater (1d6 +3 appearing)

Life: 41 +1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 5, AGI: 7, STR: 20, SPD: 9, END: 13,
PAT: 15, Special Abilities: JMP: 6, CLM: 11, Skills: Nightvision +5, Track +4, Sneak +4, HP Hearing
+4,Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +4, DAM: +4, DOD: +0, DEF: + 4,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +4, Thrown +3, Hand to Hand +3 , AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite
[1d8], Troll Long Dagger [2d8+3], Troll Long Sword [3d8], Troll Short Sword [2d12 +1), Armor:
Chainmail Jerkin (+5), Platemail leggings (+3), tDEF: 13 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge
None, Equipment: (chance), Exceptional Weapon (50%), Rune Weapon (5%), Valuables: 3d6g (40%),
Saving Throws: vs. Fright +2, vs. Rune Traps +2, vs. Poison +4, Ht: 7, Wt: up to 350 lbs. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic, EXP: 320 +2 pts per Life Point
Troll Warrior, Advanced (1d3 appearing)
Life: 71 +1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 6, AGI: 8, STR: 24, SPD: 10, END: 16,
PAT: 18, Special Abilities: JMP: 9, CLM: 14, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP scent +5, HP Hearing +5,
Track +5, Sneak +4,Others skills as appropriate +4, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +6, DAM: +7,
DOD: +1, DEF: + 3, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +5, Thrown +6, Hand to Hand +5 , AtR: 3,
Weapons [DAM]: Fist/Bite [2d4 ], Troll Broadsword [4d6+3], Troll Long Dagger [2d8+2], Troll
Longsword [3d8+4], Troll Short Sword [2d12+1], Armor: Studded Leather Tunic (+4), Platemail
Chausses (+2), tDEF: 11 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge None, Equipment: (chance),
Exceptional Weapon (90%), Run Weapon (25%), Valuables: 3d6g (20%), Saving Throws: vs. Magic
Items +5, vs. Death +7, vs. Holy Items +8, vs. Miracles +9, Ht: 7.5, Wt: up to 400 lbs. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Troll, Gothic, EXP: 540 +3 pts per Life Point
Tsurahk (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 54 Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 7, STR: 15, SPD: 7, END: 4, PAT: 12,
Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD:
+1, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite), AtR: 1 (Claw/Bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claw
[1d6], Bite [1d8], Special: Shape Change (any human it has contact with), Armor: None, tDEF: 2
[nDEF: 2], Magic: Giant Leap, Wall Crawl, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws:
Miracles/Holy Items +4, Ht: 6 tall, Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken Language: Any (typically common
native tongue), Weakness: Change to natural shape at sunup + 1d6 hours, Immunity: Standard, EXP:
285 + 1 pt per Life point
Vampire, Spawn (1 or 1d4 + 2 appearing)
Life: 25 + 2d6 [Lesser Undead], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 8, STR: 10, SPD: 7, END: 8, PAT: 3,
Special Abilities: PER: 6, JUM: 8, Skills: Nightvision +8, Grapple +9, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT:
+3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 2 (with
claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claws [2d6], Bite [2d8], Special: If vampire drains all
remaining Life from opponent with a bite attack, that opponent will come back as a vampire spawn in 3
days, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Giant Leap, Wall Crawl, See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +3, Ht: 6 tall , Wt: up to 150. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Items cause double damage, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 178 + 1 pt per Life point


Vampire, Lesser (1d3 + 2 appearing)

Life: 50 + 2d8 [Lesser Undead], Attributes: INT: 9, WIS: 9, AGI: 8, STR: 10, SPD: 7, END: 8, PAT: 5,
Special Abilities: PER: 8, JUM: 9, Skills: Nightvision +10, Grapple +9, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT:
+5, DAM: +5, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 2 (with
claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claws [2d6], Bite [2d8], Special: If vampire drains all
remaining Life from opponent with a bite attack, that opponent will come back as a vampire spawn in 3
days, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 5 [nDEF: 3], Magic: Shape Change (wolf or giant bat, 2 times per day),
Giant Leap, Wall Crawl, Teleport (range 80 , maximum 2 times a day, See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +4, Ht: 6 tall , Wt: up to 150. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight (3d6 Dam per rnd), Holy Items cause double damage,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 356 + 1 pt per Life point
Vampire, Greater (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 75 + 2d8 [Greater Undead], Attributes: INT: 10, WIS: 10, AGI: 9, STR: 12, SPD: 8, END: 9, PAT:
7, Special Abilities: PER: 9, JUM: 10, Skills: Nightvision +11, Grapple +9, Combat Skills: ADV: +6,
ATT: +6, DAM: +6, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 2 (with
claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claws [2d8], Bite [3d8], Special: If vampire drains all
remaining Life from opponent with a bite attack, that opponent will come back as a vampire spawn in 3
days, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Shape Change (wolf or giant bat, 3 times per day),,
Giant Leap, Wall Crawl, Teleport (range 80 , maximum 3 times a day, See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +5, Ht: 6 tall , Wt: up to 150. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight (2d6 Dam per rnd), Holy Items cause double damage,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 535 + 2 pts per Life point
Vampire, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 100 + 2d10 [Advanced Undead], Attributes: INT: 11, WIS: 11, AGI: 10, STR: 14, SPD: 9, END:
9, PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 10, JUM: 12, Skills: Nightvision +12, Grapple +10, Combat Skills:
ADV: +6, ATT: +8, DAM: +9, DOD: +6, DEF: +6, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR: 2
(with claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claws [3d8], Bite [3d8 +4], Special: If vampire
drains all remaining Life from opponent with a bite attack, that opponent will come back as a vampire
spawn in 3 days, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 7 [nDEF: 5], Magic: Shape Change (wolf or giant bat, 4 times
per day), Giant Leap, Teleport (range 80 , maximum 4 times a day, See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +6, Ht: 6 tall , Wt: up to 150. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight (1d6 Dam per rnd), Holy Items cause double damage,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 712 + 3 pt per Life point
Vampire, Legendary (unique)
Life: 175 [Legendary Undead], Attributes: INT: 14, WIS: 14 AGI: 15, STR: 16, SPD: 13, END: 11,
PAT: 12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, JUM: 1, Skills: Nightvision +20, Grapple +12, Combat Skills:
ADV: +8, ATT: +10, DAM: +12, DOD: +8, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claws/bite), AtR:
4 (with claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claws [4d8], Bite [4d8 +4], Special: If vampire
drains all remaining Life from opponent with a bite attack, that opponent will come back as a vampire
spawn in 3 days, can control all other vampires, Armor: Vested Robes, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 8], Magic:
Life Return, Shape Change (wolf or giant bat, 5 times per day), Shadow Travel (3 times per day),
Regeneration, Giant Leap, Teleport (range 80 , maximum 5 times a day, See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy Items +8, Ht: 6 tall , Wt: up to 150.
Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Sunlight (1d6-3 Dam per rnd), Save vs. Holy weapon or take
double damage, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 950 + 4 pt per Life point


Water Serpent (1 appearing)

Life: 79 +2d10 per each head [Advance Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 11, STR: 12, SPD:
20, END: 12, PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 11, Skills: Swimming +20, Nightvision +12, HP Sight &
Hearing +6, Combat Skills: ADV: +6, ATT: +8, DAM: +6, DOD: +6, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Hand
to Had (Bite), Kick Attack (Tail Whip), Thrown (Fire Breath) AtR: 3 (1 AtR per head) or claws or( tail
whip) or 1 (with bite), Weapons [DAM]: Bite [3d8], Tail Whip [2d10], Fire breath [3d10 or half damage
if Saved vs Fumes/Acid), Special: None, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10], Magic: Giant
Leap, Wall Crawl, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +10, Ht:
30 long, Wt: up to 40 lbs. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 900
+ 3 pts per Life point
Werebear Lesser (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 95 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 6, STR: 20, SPD: 7, END: 10, PAT: 5,
Special Abilities: CLM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +5, HP Scent & Hearing +8, Sneak +4 Combat Skills:
ADV: +2, ATT: +4 DAM: +6, DOD: +3, DEF: +0, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/claw/hug)), AtR:
2, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d12 +2], Claw [1d10 +2], Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6],
Magic: Shattering Blow (2x a day), Shape Change (during the full moon), Equipment: (chance), None,
Valuables: None, Saving Throws: vs. Holy Items +1, vs. Magic Spells +1, Ht: 10 tall , Wt: up to 2000
lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Local (only in human form), Weakness: Holy and Blessed Silver
weapons cause double damage, Immunity: disease, Can only be killed by Holy or Blessed Silver
weapons. All other damage regenerates at 3 LP per round, EXP: 250 + 1 pt per Life point
Wereboar, Lesser (1 or Lair: 1d3 appearing)
Life: 55 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 4, AGI: 8, STR: 14, SPD: 8, END: 10, PAT: 5,
Special Abilities: PER: 6, SER: 6, Skills: Nightvision +3, HP Scent & Hearing +7, Sneak +7 Combat
Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +4, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite /tusk),
AtR: 3, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d10 +2], Tusk [1d10 +4], Special: Slow, but very strong, Armor:
None (in human form any), tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Giant Leap, Shape Change (during the full
moon), Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Holy Items +6, Ht: 4-5 tall , Wt: up to
350 lbs. Spoken Language: Gothic, Local (only in human form), Weakness: Holy and Blessed Silver
weapons cause double damage, Immunity: disease, Can only be killed by Holy or Blessed Silver
weapons. All other damage regenerates at 5 LP per round, EXP: 225 + 1 pt per Life point
Wererat, Lesser (1 or Hoard: 1d8 appearing)
Life: 55 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 4, AGI: 7, STR: 5, SPD: 8, END: 4, PAT: 4,
Special Abilities: CLM: 7, BAL: 6, JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP Scent & Hearing +8, Sneak +7
Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +1, DAM: +2, DOD: +3, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(bite/claw)), AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d8+4], Claw [1d6 +1], Special: Fast, but timid, Armor:
Leather, tDEF: 4 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Giant Leap, Shape Change (during the full moon), Equipment:
(chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Holy Items +3, Ht: 4 tall , Wt: up to 150 lbs. Spoken
Language: Gothic, Local (only in human form), Weakness: Holy and Blessed Silver weapons cause
double damage, Immunity: disease, Can only be killed by Holy or Blessed Silver weapons. All other
damage regenerates at 5 LP per round, EXP: 195 + 1 pt per Life point


Werewolf, Lesser (1 or Pack: 1d6 appearing)

Life: 55 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 8, STR: 12, SPD: 10, END: 10, PAT:
3, Special Abilities: JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +3, HP Scent & Hearing +7, Sneak +7 Combat Skills:
ADV: +2, ATT: +2, DAM: +4, DOD: +2, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/claw)), AtR: 2,
Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d10 +2], Claw [1d8 +2], Special: Fast, braver in groups, Armor: None, (in
human form any), tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Giant Leap, Shape Change (during the full moon),
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Holy Items +4, Ht: 5-7 tall , Wt: up to 350 lbs.
Spoken Language: Gothic, Local (only in human form), Weakness: Holy and Blessed Silver weapons
cause double damage, Immunity: disease, Can only be killed by Holy or Blessed Silver weapons. All
other damage regenerates at 5 LP per round, EXP: 205 + 1 pt per Life point
Werewolf, Greater (1 appearing)
Life: 110 + 2d8 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 9, STR: 14, SPD: 12, END: 12,
PAT: 5, Special Abilities: JUM: 6, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP Scent & Hearing +10, Sneak +10 Combat
Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +4, DAM: +8, DOD: +4, DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (bite/claw)),
AtR: 4, Weapons [DAM]: Bite [1d12 +4], Claw [1d10 +4], Special: those who survive a bite attack
become a lesser Werewolf on the next full moon, Armor: None, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: Giant Leap,
Shape Change (unlimited times a day), Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Holy
Items +1, Ht: 7 tall , Wt: up to 350 lbs. Spoken Language: Gothic, Local (only in human form) &
Mauthren, Weakness: Holy and Blessed Silver weapons cause double damage, Immunity: disease, Can
only be killed by Holy or Blessed Silver weapons. All other damage regenerates at 10 LP per round,
EXP: 410 + 2 pts per Life point
Wind Serpent (1d6 +6 appearing)
Life: 11 + 2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 12, STR: 7, SPD: 9, END: 4, PAT: 12,
Special Abilities: PER: 10, Skills: Nightvision +8, HP Sight & Hearing +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +1,
ATT: +1, DAM: +1, DOD: +1, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw/bite) AtR: 1 (Claw/Bite),
Weapons [DAM]: Claw [1d6], Bite [1d8], Special: , Armor: None, tDEF: 2 [nDEF: 2], Magic: Giant
Leap, Wall Crawl, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +2, Ht: 10 long, Wt: up
to 40lbs. Spoken Language: Any (typically common native tongue), Weakness: Change to natural shape
at sunup + 1d6 hours, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 125 + 1 pt per Life point
Winter Wolf (Unique)
Life: 325 [Legendary demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 6, AGI: 12, STR: 12, SPD: 15, END: 12, PAT:
6, Special Abilities: PER: 1, JUM: 1, CLI: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing +12,
Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM: +12, DOD: +10, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(claw/bite), AtR: 3 (2 claw & 1 bite), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [3d6], Bite [4d6], Frost Breath [4d12],
Special: None, Armor: None, tDEF: 9 [nDEF: 9], Magic: Frost Breath (30, 6 times per day), Unholy
Bellow, Giant Leap (constant), See the Unseen (constant), Demonic Rage, Equipment: (chance), N/A,
Valuables: N/A, Saving Throws: Miracles/Holy item +8, Ht: 8 tall (14 long), Wt: 875 lbs. Spoken
Language: None, Weakness: None, Immunity: Cold, Poison, EXP: 1,200 + 4 pt per Life point


Witch King/Queen (Unique)

Life: 225 [Legendary Demon], Attributes: INT: 19, WIS: 15, AGI: 15, STR: 9, SPD: 13, END: 12, PAT:
12, Special Abilities: PER: 1, SER: 1, Skills: Nightvision +10, Sorcery Studies +12, Profile Character
+10, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT: +5, DAM: +5, DOD: +7, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand
(Fist), Combat Arms (Black Long Sword), Hand to Hand (Claws), AtR: 2 (claws) or 3 (black long
sword), Weapons [DAM]: Claw [2d10 +4], Bite [2d6 +2], Special: none, Armor: None, tDEF: 12
[nDEF: 12], Magic: Life Return, Demonic Deceit, Frozen Touch, Missile Barrier, See the Unseen
(constant), Darkness, Gate in Lesser Demon, Gate in Greater Demon, Spell Knowledge: All Sorcery &
Witchcraft Spells 20 per day (100%), Equipment: (chance), Magic Sword(100%), Robes of Armor
(100%), Valuables: 6d6g (85%), 2d8 gems worth 1d12g (97%), 2 Holy Items (100%), Saving Throws:
vs. Miracles/Holy items +8, Ht: 5.5 tall, Wt: up to 130lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Quarth,
Gothic, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 995 + 4 pts per Life point
Wolven Footman, Lesser (1d6 +2 appearing)
Life: 11 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 11, AGI: 11, STR: 8, SPD: 12, END: 9,
PAT: 10, Special Abilities: PER: 6, Skills: Nightvision +2, Sneak +2, Track +3, HP Scent +3, HP
Hearing +1 Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +1, DAM: +0, DOD: +1,
DEF: + 1,Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +1, Paired Weapons +1, Missile +1, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
claw/bite [1d6 ], Wolven Footmans Sword [2d6], Wolven Short Sword [2d6], Wolven Short Bow [
3d4+1] w/12 arrows, Armor: Kilt (+1), tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge None,
Equipment: (chance) None, Valuables: 3d6g (50%), Saving Throws: vs. Disease +2, Ht: 5, Wt: up to
200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic, EXP: 105 +1 per Life Point
Wolven Footman, Greater (1d6+2 appearing)
Life: 25 +1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 7, WIS: 14, AGI: 12, STR: 9, SPD: 15, END: 10,
PAT: 11, Special Abilities: PER: 7, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +3, Track +5, HP Scent +5, HP
Hearing +3, Others skills as appropriate +1, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +1, DAM: +0, DOD: +1,
DEF: + 2,Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +3, Paired Weapons +3, Missile +3, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]:
claw/bite [1d8 ], Wolven Battle Axe [3d4+3], Wolven Footmans Sword [2d6], Wolven Short Sword
[2d6], Wolven Short Bow [ 3d4+1] w/12 arrows, Armor: Kilt (+1), tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 5], Special: None,
Spell Knowledge None, Equipment: (chance) None, Valuables: 3d6g (50%), Saving Throws: vs.
Disease +2, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic, EXP: 145 +2 per
Life Point
Wolven Footman, Advanced (1d4+1 appearing)
Life: 33 +1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 8,WIS: 16, AGI: 15, STR: 11, SPD: 18, END:
13, PAT: 14, Special Abilities: PER: 8, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +3, HP Scent +4, Track +4,
Others skills as appropriate +2, Combat Skills: ADV: +4, ATT: +2, DAM: +1, DOD: +3, DEF: +2,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +6, Paired Weapons +4, Missile +5, Thrown +3, Hand to Hand +3, AtR:
3, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [2d4], Wolven Footmans Sword [2d6 +1], Wolven Short Sword
[2d6+1], Wolven Longbow [ 4d4+3] w/21 arrows, Wolven Saber [3d4+2], Wolven Scimitar [2d8]
Armor: Padded Leather Breeches (+1), tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None,
Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (20%), Valuables: 4d6g (50%), jewel worth 3d6g (25%), Saving
Throws: vs. Rune Traps +4, vs. Poisons: +5, vs. Spells: +5, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken
Language: Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic, EXP: 330 + 3 pts per Life point


Wolven Mage, Lesser (1d4 +1 appearing)

Life: 14 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 14, WIS: 11, AGI: 13, STR: 6, SPD: 8, END: 9,
PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +3, Sneak +2, Sorcery Studies +2, HP Scent +4,
HP Hearing +3, HP Sight +3, Track +4, Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT:
+0, DAM: +0, DOD: +2, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +2, Thrown +2, Hand to Hand +1,
AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d6], Wolven Dagger [1d6], Wolven Staff [1d6], Armor: Wool
Robe (+2), tDEF: 7 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: 3 Witchcraft spells per day, Flash
Blindness: flash causes blindness for 3 rnds to all within 15 who do not make Save vs Spells,
Equipment: (chance) Magic Item (30%), Valuables: 4d6g (50%), jewelry worth 3d6g (50%), Saving
Throws: vs. Disease +1, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic,
EXP: 170 + 1 pts per Life point
Wolven Mage, Greater (1d4 appearing)
Life: 24 +1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 17, WIS: 12, AGI: 16, STR: 7, SPD: 9, END: 11,
PAT: 8, Special Abilities: PER: 10, Skills: Nightvision +4, Sorcery Studies +4, HP Scent +5, HP
Hearing +3, HP Sight +3, Track +4, Others skills as appropriate +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +0,
DAM: +0, DOD: +3, DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +4, Thrown +3, Hand to Hand +2, AtR: 3,
Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d10], Wolven Dagger [1d12], Wolven Staff [1d10], Armor: Heavy Wool
Robe (+3), tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: 5 Witchcraft spells per day, Flash
Invisible: Mage and belongings turn invisible for 1 rnd, Equipment: (chance) Magic Item (60%),
Valuables: 4d6g (50%), jewelry worth 3d6g (50%), Saving Throws: vs. Magic Items +1, vs. Spells +1,
Ht: 5, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic, EXP: 295 + 2 pts per Life
Wolven Mage, Advanced (1 appearing)
Life: 38 +1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 20, WIS: 15, AGI: 18, STR: 8, SPD: 12, END:
14, PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 12, Skills: Nightvision +6, Sorcery Studies +7, HP Scent +7, HP
Hearing +6, HP Sight +5, Track +7, Others skills as appropriate +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +0,
DAM: +1, DOD: +4, DEF: +2, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +6, Thrown +6, Hand to Hand +5, AtR: 4,
Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [2d6], Wolven Dagger [2d6], Wolven Staff [1d12], Armor: Heavy Wool
Robe (+3), tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 5], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: 7 Witchcraft spells per day, Daze:
target must save vs. Spells or limited to half rolls for 8 rnds, Range: 40, Equipment: (chance) Magic
Item (90%), Ring of Reflect Missile (50%), Valuables: 6d6g (50%), jewelry worth 6d6g (50%), Saving
Throws: vs. Disease +7, vs Poison +3, vs. Holy Items +6, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language:
Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic, EXP: 515 + 3 pts per Life point
Wolven Warrior, Lesser (2d6 +3 appearing)
Life: 18 +1d4 [Lesser Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 13,WIS: 9, AGI: 8, STR: 8, SPD: 6, END: 14, PAT:
11, Special Abilities: PER: 6, Skills: Nightvision +3, HP Hearing +3, Sneak +3, HP Scent +4, Track +4,
Others skills as appropriate +3, Combat Skills: ADV: +0, ATT: +0, DAM: +1, DOD: +2, DEF: +0,
Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +3, Paired Weapons +2, Missile +5, Hand to Hand +1, AtR: 2, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d6], Wolven Archers Sword [3d4 +1], Wolven Long Dagger [2d6+1], Armor:
Chainmail Hauberk (+6), tDEF: 14 [nDEF: 6], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment:
(chance) Magic Weapon (45%), Valuables: 3d6g (50%), jewel worth 2d6g (50%), Saving Throws: vs.
Miracles +2, vs. Spells: +5, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic,
EXP: 165 + 1 pts per Life point


Wolven Warrior, Greater (1d6 +3 appearing)

Life: 32 +1d6 [Greater Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 16,WIS: 13, AGI: 10, STR: 11, SPD: 7, END: 18,
PAT: 14, Special Abilities: PER: 8, Skills: Nightvision +6, HP Hearing +3, Sneak +3, HP Scent +7,
Track +7, Others skills as appropriate +5, Combat Skills: ADV: +1, ATT: +5, DAM: +2, DOD: +3,
DEF: +1, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +5, Paired Weapons +2, Hand to Hand +2, AtR: 3, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw/Bite [1d8], Wolven Archers Sword [3d4 +3], Wolven Long Dagger [2d4], Wolven Saber
[3d4], Armor: Cloth Tunic (+0), Studded Leather Greaves (+2), tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 6], Special: None,
Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (65%), Valuables: 3d6g (50%), jewel
worth 3d6g (50%), Saving Throws: vs Fumes/Acid +2, vs. Death +5, vs. Disease +7, Ht: 5, Wt: up to
200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Wolven, Gothic, EXP: 325 + 2 pts per Life point
Wolven Warrior, Advanced (1d3 appearing)
Life: 64 +1d8 [Advanced Demi-Race], Attributes: INT: 20,WIS: 14, AGI: 11, STR: 13, SPD: 8, END:
23, PAT: 16, Special Abilities: PER: 10, Skills: Nightvision +7, HP Hearing +6, Sneak +6, HP Scent
+9, Track +8, Others skills as appropriate +7, Combat Skills: ADV: +2, ATT: +8, DAM: +3, DOD: +1,
DEF: +4, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms +8, Paired Weapons +6, Hand to Hand +5, AtR: 4, Weapons
[DAM]: Claw/Bite [2d4], Wolven Footmans Sword [2d6], Wolven Short Sword [2d6], Wolven Cutlass
[2d8], Wolven Battle Axe [3d4+1], Armor: Studded Leather Tunic (+4), Plate Chausses (+2), tDEF: 12
[nDEF: 6], Special: None, Spell Knowledge: None, Equipment: (chance) Magic Weapon (45%),
Valuables: 3d6g (50%), jewel worth 2d6g (50%), Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +10, vs. Rune Taps +5,
vs. Death +9, vs. Holy Items +9, Ht: 5, Wt: up to 200 lbs. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Wolven,
Gothic, EXP: 550 + 3 pts per Life point
Wraith (1 or 1d3 appearing)
Life: 137 + 2d12 [Advanced Undead], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 11, STR: 10, SPD: 10, END: 9,
PAT: 5, Special Abilities: PER: 11, BAL: 9, Skills: Nightvision +12, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, ATT:
+8, DAM: +6, DOD: +8, DEF: +8, Weapon Skills: Combat Arms, Paired Weapons, Hand to Hand (fist),
Kick Attack (kick), AtR: 4 (with claws/grapple) or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Paired Swords [2d10],
Fist [1d8], Kick [2d6], Special: None, Armor: Robes, tDEF: 7 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Life Return, See the
Unseen both constant), Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +7, Ht: 6.5 tall ,
Wt: up to 105. Spoken Language: None, Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Items cause double damage,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 725 + 3 pt per Life point
Wraith Knight (1 appearing)
Life: 239 +2d12 [Advance Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 2, AGI: 11, STR: 12, SPD: 15, END: 10,
PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 11, Skills: Nightvision +12, HP Sight +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +7,
ATT: +7, DAM: +10, DOD: +7, DEF: +7 (+12 with Shield), Weapon Skills: Combat Arms (Great
sword), Shield Play, AtR: 2 + Shield Bash, Weapons [DAM]: Great Sword [3d10], Back up Sword
[2d12], Shield Bash [2d8], Special: None, Armor: Unholy Platemail, tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 6], Magic: Spirit
Drift, Life Return, Shattering Blow, See the unseen (all constant), Teleport, range 100 3 times per day,
Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +11, Ht: 8.5 tall, Wt: Unknown.
Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Holy Weapons cause double damage, Immunity: Standard,
EXP: 950 + 3 pts per Life point


Wyvern, Hatchling (1 or 1d2 appearing)

Life: 52 +2d6 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 3, WIS: 3, AGI: 10, STR: 12, SPD: 8 (24 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 6, SER: 6, Skills: Nightvision +18, HP Sight, Scent & Hearing
+6, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD: +3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Kick Attack
(Tail Whip), Hand to Had (Bite), AtR: 1 (tail whip), or 1 (bite), Weapons [DAM]: Tail Whip [1d8], Bite
[2d8], Special: Flight, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 6 [nDEF: 6], Magic: See the Unseen (constant),
Equipment: (chance) N/A, Valuables: None, Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +3, Ht: 10 long, Wt: up to
200 lbs. Spoken Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 206 + 1 pts per Life
Wyvern, Juvenile (1 or 1d3 +1 appearing)
Life: 104 +2d8 [Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 4, WIS: 4, AGI: 12, STR: 15, SPD: 10 (30 for flight),
END: 10, PAT: 6, Special Abilities: PER: 10, SER: 10, CLI: 10, Skills: Nightvision +9, HP Sight, Scent
& Hearing +8, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +5, DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills:
Kick Attack (Tail Whip), Hand to Had (Bite), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 2 (tail whip), or 1 (bite or fire
breath), Weapons [DAM]: Tail Whip [3d8], Bite [4d8], Fire breath [2d8 +3], Special: Flight, Armor:
Hardened Skin, tDEF: 8 [nDEF: 8], Magic: See the Unseen, Fire Breath, Equipment: (chance),
Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +5, Ht: 20 long, Wt: up to 300 lbs. Spoken Language:
Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 825 + 1 pts per Life point
Wyvern, Adult (1 or 1d2 appearing)
Life: 156 +2d10 [Greater Demon], Attributes: INT: 5, WIS: 5, AGI: 13, STR: 20, SPD: 11 (34 for
flight), END: 9, PAT: 7, Special Abilities: PER: 10, SER: 10, CLI: 10, Skills: Nightvision +10, HP
Sight, Scent & Hearing +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT: +7, DAM: +7, DOD: +7, DEF: +7,
Weapon Skills: Kick Attack (Tail Whip), Hand to Had (Bite), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 2 (tail whip),
or 1 (bite or fire breath), Weapons [DAM]: Tail Whip [3d8], Bite [4d8], Fire breath [3d8 +6], Special:
Flight, Armor: Hardened Skin, tDEF: 10 [nDEF: 10], Magic: See the Unseen, Fire Breath, Equipment:
(chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +7, Ht: 30 long, Wt: up to 100 lbs. Spoken
Language: Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 825 + 2 pts per Life point
Wyvern, Elder (1 appearing)
Life: 208 +2d12 [Advanced Demon], Attributes: INT: 6, WIS: 6, AGI: 14, STR: 25, SPD: 12 (36 for
flight), END: 10, PAT: 9, Special Abilities: PER: 3, SER: 3, Skills: Nightvision +11, HP Sight, Scent &
Hearing +12, Combat Skills: ADV: +9, ATT: +9, DAM: +9, DOD: +9, DEF: +9, Weapon Skills: Kick
Attack (Tail Whip), Hand to Had (Bite), Thrown (Fire breath), AtR: 2 (tail whip), or 1 (bite or fire
breath), Weapons [DAM]: Tail Whip [3d8], Bite [4d8], Fire breath [4d8 +9], Special: Flight, Armor:
Hardened Skin, tDEF: 12 [nDEF: 12], Magic: See the Unseen, Fire Breath, Equipment: (chance),
Valuables: Saving Throws: vs. Miracles +9, Ht: 35 long, Wt: up to 100 lbs. Spoken Language:
Quarth, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard, EXP: 825 + 3 pts per Life point
Zombie, Lesser (1d6 + 6 appearing)
Life: 34 + 2d10 [Lesser Undead], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 8, SPD: 6, END: 4, PAT: 2,
Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +11, Combat Skills: ADV: +3, ATT: +3, DAM: +3, DOD:
+3, DEF: +3, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw), Combat Arms (Large Sword), AtR: 1 (+ Shield
Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Special: None, Armor: Tattered Leather , tDEF: 6
[nDEF: 4], Magic: Earthen Climb, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +3, Ht:
6 tall , Wt: up to 105. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Holy Items cause double damage,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 260 + 1 pt per Life point


Zombie, Greater (1d4 + 2 appearing)

Life: 68 + 2d10 [Greater Undead], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 11, SPD: 7, END: 4, PAT:
2, Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +11, Combat Skills: ADV: +5, ATT: +5, DAM: +5,
DOD: +5, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw), Combat Arms (Large Sword), AtR: 2 (+
Shield Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Special: None, Armor: Tattered Leather , tDEF:
6 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Earthen Climb, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +5,
Ht: 7 tall , Wt: up to 150. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Holy Items cause double damage,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 520 + 2 pts per Life point
Zombie, Advanced (1d4 + 2 appearing)
Life: 94 + 2d10 [Advanced Undead], Attributes: INT: 2, WIS: 2, AGI: 7, STR: 12, SPD: 8, END: 4,
PAT: 2, Special Abilities: PER: 9, Skills: Nightvision +11, Combat Skills: ADV: +7, ATT: +7, DAM:
+7, DOD: +7, DEF: +7, Weapon Skills: Hand to Hand (claw), Combat Arms (Large Sword), AtR: 1 (+
Shield Bash), Weapons [DAM]: Broad Sword [2d10], Special: None, Armor: Tattered Leather , tDEF:
6 [nDEF: 4], Magic: Earthen Climb, Equipment: (chance), Valuables: Saving Throws: Miracles +7,
Ht: 8 tall , Wt: up to 195. Spoken Language: Mauthren, Weakness: Holy Items cause double damage,
Immunity: Standard, EXP: 780 + 3 pts per Life point

Original Art by: Chachi and Gabe Hernandez


(The following section is taken from the Holy Lands Light Edition, and copied here for Rac/Player convenience)

Devils, like demons and creatures come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors; but they all have a few
things in common. First, they are ageless demons who have grown to great strength and power. Second,
they are all maliciously and wickedly evil, bent on killing Christians and destroying the medieval church.
Third, their power has earned them a god-like status in the eyes of their following, which is typically
made up of humans and other demos who do the bidding of their evil master.
Most members of the human race will go their entire Life without seeing a devil, at least in its physical
form. Devils take advantage of their ability to become otherworldly in spiritual presence. By doing so,
they are able to take on a purely spiritual form, which is untouchable, unseen, and undetected by humans,
and cannot harm or otherwise touch earthly beings. Rarely do they surface to be seen by humankind,
even avoiding their own high priests. Devils are selfish, wickedly deceitful, and like their master Satan,
they are unable to tell the truth about anything thing. They only speak to their most devoted high priest
and then only to spread their deceit and corruption to their followers; ultimately in expectation of
spreading it among other people.
For the Rac: The characters should never encounter Satan himself; they should know him by name
only. If the characters could see Satan, there is a chance they could destroy him, which would be
unbiblical. Therefore, it is better just to never encounter him. Use the following template for all devils
the characters do encounter, as the devils have similar characteristics.

The Devil Template [Legendary Evil]

All types of demons can advance to Devil status.
Life: 200-500 (1d4 +1) x 100, Attributes: at least two above 16; all others around 12, Special Abilities:
all are 1, Skills: All devils have all Skills except any Miracles or Empower Crucifix at around +12, They
use these Skills as a way to impress and gain the trust of mortals while in human form, Combat Skills:
ADV: +12, ATT: +12, DAM: +12, DOD: +12, DEF: +12, Weapon Skills: All, AtR: at least 3; max 5,
Weapons Devils use all weapon types; add an extra Damage die due to the increased size (for example, a
normal broadsword causes 2d10 damage, so a devils broadsword causes 3d10), Special: Devils may
have any special ability that the Rac may deem fit, Armor: Any, tDEF: At least 6; totally 16 total max
with armor, [nDEF: 6], Magic: All Devils have Demonic Deceit plus1d6 +3 demonic sorcery abilities (at
Racs discretion), Spell Knowledge: Devils know all magic spells for all magic types as well as other
spells (at Racs discretion), Equipment: Devils at least have 1 powerful magic item and may possess
more (Racs discretion), Valuables: , Saving Throws: vs. Miracles/Holy items +12, Ht: Varies (usually
tall), Wt: Varies (usually heavy). Spoken Language: All, Weakness: None, Immunity: Standard
(typically more but varies-Racs discretion), EXP: 1,500 + 5 pts per Life point


(The following section is taken from the Holy Lands Light Edition, and copied here for Rac/Player convenience)

Cults are groups of people who gather to worship a devil. Though cult members are typically
evil, including assassins, thieves, sorcerers, and witches, some cult members are deceived into
believing that the devil they worship is a righteous god; deceived by the devil himself or by the
high council of the cult. Most cults teach a hatred for the Christian faith ad its God, but some
feel that their cultic religion can live harmoniously with Christianity despite their opposing
doctrines. Deceptive high councils of evil people who do not want to lose members by seeming
hostile or intolerant typically lead such cults. On the other hand, some cults are strictly in it
to lead people away from the truth and the One True God. If done properly, organizing a cult
can be big business; for they require their numbers to contribute treasure and riches by any
means necessary.
Cults are as diverse and prevalent as the cities of the known world, numbering in hundreds of
gods. They are in nearly every shire and city to some capacity, from small gatherings to
prominent religions to dark underworlds. Most cults have their own distinct combination of
colors, which is typically dark, they use as their ritual garb, along with a distinct identifying
No one knows the total number of members of cults, and rarely anyone except the high leaders of
the cult ever see an actual devil. Furthermore, no one knows the heart of a cult member except
God himself. For these reasons and more, taking up the fight against an evil cult can be a long
and sustained campaign with few fruits of notable reward. Saving people out of a cult is worth
fighting for. It exposes the leaders, etc. A true Pilgrims reward isnt money or fame.
The following is a list of common cults found throughout the known world.
For the Rac: roll a 1d20 to determine a random devil.


Country of Origin



Country of Origin


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