07 Chapter 2

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Banana has long been considered a food, fruit and fodder crop. In addition to
this, now a day, it is also gaining importance as a source of fibres. India is the
largest producer of banana in the world with an estimated annual output of
13.5 million tons, of which 80% is generated from six states, namely,
Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.
Annually about 1.5 million tons of dry banana fibres can be produced from the
outer sheath of pseudostem. With the increasing demand for banana in both
the Indian and International markets, the acreage and production are
expected to increase in the coming years, thus generating more of the
pseudostem biomass waste. Being a rich source of natural fibres, the
pseudostem can be profitably utilized for numerous applications and
preparation of various products. Thus in order to get acquainted with the
earlier reported details of banana fibre production and utilization and blending
possibilities, an extensive literature review was carried out. In order to have a
clear picture of the banana fibre utilization the literature collected has been
further classified under three categories.

Studies related to banana fibres.


Studies related to natural fibres and its blends.


Studies related to pre-treatments.


Studies related to finishing treatments.


This consists of studies related to banana fibres and its applications.
Sinha (1973)


studied on the use of banana plant fibre as a substitute for

Jute. Banana-plant fibre is strong, soft, and coarse and technique developed
for processing the fibre on standard jute machinery is reported. In some trials
the banana fibre were also blended with Mesta (cellulosic fibre). The banana

fibre spinnability and weaving performance were invested, so that it can be

used as a good substitute for jute in making of sacks and packaging materials.
The yarn composed of entirely of banana fibre can replace jute on weft,
sacking warp yarn and still maintain the standard cloth characteristic Banana.
The study also affirmed that sacking fabrics woven with banana-fibre yarn as
weft and with jute yarn in the other direction compiled with standard
specifications and performed better than corresponding all-jute fabrics.

Jute Technological Research Laboratories, (JTR Lab) Calcutta , carried out

an experiment work, (1974) on rope making with banana plant fibre. It was
concluded that banana fibre can replace certain percentage of Mesta, a
cellulosic fibre in the composition of agricultural ropes. The Mesta or allied
fibers thus saved could be more profitably be used for packaging textiles and
other materials fibre yarn makes the cloth brighter, impart better dyeing
properties and can also be bleached. This additional outlet for the products of
banana plantations would benefit the farmer, but a prerequisite for economic
use of banana fibre will be a steady bulk supply, initially at a somewhat lower
price than that of the existing comparable fibres.
Kurein (1981)


studied on the dyeing behavior of banana fibre. During this

study 4 different classes of dyes were used on unmercerised, mercerized

cotton fibre and banana fibre. Their dye-uptake, wash-fastness and lightfastness were determined. The dyes selected were direct dye, vat dye,
reactive dye, and azo dye. The following conclusions have been drawn: 1] Correlating the dye uptake and the fastness properties it may be concluded
that the fastness properties may not necessary depend upon the amount of
dye present on the fibre. It may be said that this property depends more on
the structure of the fibre and the manner in which the dye is present on the
2] It has been noted that the light fastness of banana fibre is inferior to cotton.
This may be attributed to the impurities present in the banana fibre in the form
of lignin and the other insoluble matter.


3] Banana and cotton fibers dyed with vat dye have an excellent dye uptake,
wash-fastness, and light fastness and the fibers dyed with direct dyes
showed inferior properties in all respects.
4] Banana and cotton fibers dyed with reactive and azo dyes show similar
5] Cotton show better properties than banana fibre in all respect after
mercerization the dye uptake and that luster of the cotton fibre has
considerably increased.
Baruch. et al (1997) carried out Research on Micro structural study of fibre
extracted from wild banana (musa velutina) by X-ray line broadening
analysis. During the study crystallinity, crystallite size and lattice distortion of
wild banana (musa vetuling) cellulose were studied using X-ray line
broadening analysis (Diffraction data obtained using computer controlled Xray diffractometer). The degree of crystallinity of banana cellulose has been
found to be 45% and the results indicate that the banana species is suitable
for use as raw material for textile and pulp paper industries.
Kulkarni et. al (1982)


had discussed about the mechanical properties of

banana fibres (Musa sepientum). The stressstrain curve for banana fibre is
determined. Properties such as the initial modulus (YM), ultimate tensile
strength (UTS) and percentage elongation are evaluated as a function of fibre
diameter, test length and speed of testing. It is found that YM, UTS and %
elongation show little variation in their values for fibres of diameter ranging
from 50 to 250

m. The UTS and breaking strain are found to decrease with an

increase in the test length while both breaking strength and breaking strain
remain constant with the increase of speed of testing from 0.5 to 100 10

and thereafter they both decrease. These observed properties are explained on
the basis of the internal structure of the fibre, namely, the number of cells, spiral
angle and the number of defects. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) studies
of the fractured surfaces of these fibres indicate that the failure is due


to pull-out of microfibrils accompanied by tearing of cell walls; the tendency for

fibre pull-out seems to decrease with increasing speed of testing.
Pothan and co workers (1985)


had carried out an experimental work on

short banana fiber reinforced polyester composites: mechanical, failure and

aging characteristics. This paper describes the tensile, impact, flexural
properties and aging behavior of short banana fiber reinforced polyester
composites with special reference to the effect of fiber length and fiber
content. Maximum tensile strength was observed at 30 mm fiber length while
impact strength gave the maximum value for 40 mm fiber length. Incorporation
of 40% untreated fibers gave a 20% increase in the tensile strength and a
341% increase in impact strength. On treatment with silane coupling agent,
composites showed a 28% increase in tensile strength and a 13% increase in
flexural strength. Aging studies showed a decrease in tensile strength of the
composites. The experimental tensile strength values were compared with
theoretical predictions according to Piggot equation. Scanning electron
microscopy studies were carried out to understand the morphology of the fiber
surface, fiber pullout and interface bonding. Water absorption studies showed
an increase in water uptake with increase in fiber content. Finally, the
properties of banana fiber reinforced polyester composites have been
compared with other natural fiber reinforced composites.
Hendrickx (1989)


in his editorial review on natural fibre product description

has discussed about the Japanese word bashfu literally means "banana-fiber
cloth." Both the cloth and the clothing made from it are now considered
important constituents of Okinawan identity. The Japanese Folk Craft
Movement in the 1930s brought attention to this special trait of Okinawan
material culture. After years of decline following World War II, the weaving and
use of bashfu saw a revival that accelerated after the return of Okinawa to
Japan in 1972 and still continues. Although today bashfu receives
considerable attention because of its status since 1974 as one of Japan's
important intangible cultural properties, its origins and history had remained
hidden. In this book Katrien Hendrickx searches for the origins of bashfu in
the Ryukyus, including the origins of ito bash, the plant that provides the raw

material, and studies the yarn-making methods and weaving techniques. She
also focuses on why and how the Ryukyuan people adopted those techniques
and introduced them into their own society. By careful analysis of all available
sources, considered from viewpoints from fields as various as pure history,
phytohistory, philology, ethnography, and folklore, Hendrickx convincingly
proves that bashfu was introduced in the Ryukyus from Southern China, and
not from Southeast Asia as is commonly argued. Her overview of present-day
bashfu-weaving and its use also provides valuable insights into the situation
of folk-craft within Okinawan society during the second half of the twentieth
century and up to the present day.
Mani and co workers (1990)


studied the effects of the surface treatments of

lignocellulosic fibers on their debonding stress. This paper presents some

results on the surface treatments given to natural fibers, namely coir, banana,
and sisal fibers, using -methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (MEMO), yaminopropyltriethoxysilane (AMEO), sodium alginate (NaAl), and sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) solutions. The cleaned, washed, and dried fibers were
dipped in these solutions separately for a given time and dried. Treated and
untreated fibers were tested for strength properties including debonding
stress, and structural analysis of the fibers was carried out. It was found that a
3-11% increase in debonding stress was observed for all the treated fibers;
and about 30% increase in the ultimate tensile strength (UTS), 9% in initial
modulus for silane-treated coir, and only 18% increase in UTS for NaAltreated coir and sisal fibers were also observed. No significant improvement
was observed in the case of surface-treated banana fibers.
Nair (1990)



has reported in the article on the women's society which makes







Chendamangalam Panchayat in Ernakulum district, has set an example for

others to emulate by introducing a "new" concept of processing banana fibres
for making attractive and inexpensive handicraft items. The significance is that
a group of women has set up a unit here to manufacture handicrafts with
banana fibre. It is run exclusively by women. These women are members of
the Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK). The women's

society known as `Janani' has set up a small manufacturing unit where

handbags, dolls, flower vase, wallets, tablemats and doormats etc. "We are
using the banana stems which were hitherto disposed of as waste material,"
said a member of the society. From 12-14 stems, 1 kg of fibre could be
extracted using the conventional method. The extracted fibre is dried in the
sun under a shade and then used for spinning. The members are divided into
several units, with each group having three farmers headed by a convenor.
`Janani' was formed by Ms N.B. Snehaletha, a teacher, along with 12
members. Today it has grown to six units having a total membership of 60, a
VFPCK official said. Each unit produces fibre from banana stems and then
transports it to the spinning unit where the products are manufactured. In
addition, now two members of each unit are given training on a nominal fee. A
common corpus is also created by collecting a fixed amount from the
members every month. Mr. K.R. Vishwambharan, VFPCK Director, said that
the council would assist Janani by providing expert advice in production, sales
and exports. A senior member of the group said that self-help groups, through
its joint efforts, could take up such new ventures utilizing the available
resources that are either wasted or not commercially exploited for want of
technical know-how. According to her, it would provide the housewives with a
source of income apart from helping them utilize their spare time gainfully.
Okinawa (1992)


had discussed about the Kijoka banana fiber cloth.

It seems that banana fiber cloth was already being made around the 13th
century but it was much later that it became popular. In the old days banana
trees were planted in gardens and fields, and the womenfolk of a family wove
it into fabric for home use. Silk and cotton became much more readily
available during the 19th century but people still enjoyed wearing banana fiber
cloth. Kijoka Banana Fiber Cloth, which carries on these traditions, was
designated as a cultural property by the Prefecture in 1972 and two years
later in 1974 it was made an important intangible cultural property by the
Woven from fibers taken from the banana tree, banana fiber cloth is highly
representative of the weaving of Okinawa. It was very popular for making a

piece of summer-weight formal dress called kamishimo in the Edo period

(1600-1868) and being light and comfortable to wear, it is still a great favorite
with many people today for kimono in the height of summer. But kimonos are
not its only use. Some is made into obi, while other pieces make fine cushion
covers. Ties, bags and table centers are also made of this engaging cloth,
which also makes fine split curtains or noren. There are 52 people employed
by the 27 firms producing one of Okinawa's finest cloths.
A review article by an Agricultural correspondent (1994)


had briefed about

the low-cost banana fibre extractor, which is an eco-friendly and user-friendly

device for extracting fibres from the psuedostem of banana has been
developed through an inter-institutional project by the scientists from the
Central Tobacco Research Institute (CTRI), Rajahmundry and the Central
Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad. "It is a simple
mechanical contraption, and it can extract 15 to 20 kg fibres from the banana
wastes in a day as compared to 500 g a day through the laborious manual
process," says Dr. V. Venkatasubramanian, one of the inventors of the
machine and a Senior Training Organizer at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK),
Kalavacherla in AP. The machine consists of a rigid frame on the roller rotates.
The roller is made of horizontal bars with blunt edges, and it is driven by a one
hp single-phase electric motor. For feeding the banana psuedostems,
adjustable guiding rollers are provided. All safety provisions are incorporated
to make a "user-friendly" machine with high efficiency, according to Dr.
Venkatasubramanian. The cost of the machine is Rs. 15,000. The department
of Agriculture, AP, has offered a 33 per cent subsidy to popularize the
machine, according to him. "The machine reduces the drudgery, and provides
a clean working environment for the labourers. It increases the fibre
production by fifty times. The machine-extracted fibre is of superior quality in









Venkatasubramanian. The fibre fetches up to Rs. 50 per kg and it is

extensively used for making high quality special paper and decorative papers.
Special fabric woven using banana fibres is popular in the Philippines,
Malaysia, Japan and Korea. It can be easily blended with other fibres such as
jute and mesta. Banana fibres are generally extracted through a cumbersome

process. In the existing manual process, the pseudostems are cut in to bits 60
cm long and 7.5 cm wide. By using a metal scraper (flat and blunt blade), the
psuedostems are scraped and the fibre is removed. An expert worker can
extract between 500-600 g of the fibres in a day of eight hours. The process is
also messy, as it will blacken the hands of the workers, and result in mail
ulcers. The spillage of the juice and the waste pith will also pollute the working
environment. The new machine will offer a clean atmosphere for work, and it
will help the workers to produce more fibres as well as get increased income.
The machine will provide excellent opportunity in by-product utilization in
banana, and it will come in handy when the crop gets damaged due to
cyclones and floods. It will ensure an additional income of Rs. 7500-Rs.










Padmanabhan (1995)


had reported about the low-cost machine to extract

banana fibre. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) of the Central Tobacco
Research Institute (CTRI), Rahajmundry, Andhra Pradesh, in a bid to
empower women workers engaged in manual extraction of banana fibre (from
the pseudostems) in all growing areas, has designed, developed and
commercialized a novel "Banana Fibre Extractor (BFE)" machine. Dr V.
Krishnamurthy, Director, CTRI (under the Indian Council of Agricultural
Research), told Business Line recently in Rajahmundra (Andhra Pradesh) that
a team of senior scientists and technicians attached to KVK had developed
this machine, enabling small entrepreneurs in the State to take up banana
fibre extraction as an enterprise for value addition and income generation. Dr
Krishnamurthy said banana fibre was extensively used as blending material in
textile industries in countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan and
Korea. Being a natural fibre, it easily blends with other fibres such as jute and
mesta. He said the fibre can also be a good raw material in manufacture of
items such as tissue paper, filter paper and decorative kraft paper. Banana
fibre-based products, being chemical-free, also have large export potential to
countries such as the US, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Japan and Thailand.
Pointing out that the BFE machine has revolutionized the living conditions of
banana farmers and workers in the region, Dr Krishnamurthy said extraction

of fibre and preparation of organic manure from banana stems have been
found to be highly useful and economical to the farmers. He said banana is
grown, largely by small and marginal farmers, in an area of 0.68 million
hectares, spread over 10 States of the country, and only the fruits and leaves
are used while the pseudostems and petioles of the plant are thrown away as
waste material. It is estimated that 17,000 tonnes of fibre can be extracted
from this waste portion of the banana plant, valued at roughly Rs 85 crore (Rs
50,000 per tonne).
Iyer and co workers (1995)


had carried out a study on properties of some

varieties of banana fibres. This article presents an evaluation of yield,

structure and properties of banana fibres gathered from a few commercial
cultivated varieties. Results indicate that variations exist in both structure and
properties of fibres from different regions along the length and across the
thickness of the trunk. Further, differences in tensile and structural properties
are noticed among fibres belonging to different varieties as well. However,
structure and properties among the varieties could be correlated. The matrix
in which the ultimate cells are embedded in the fibre also seems to have role
in deciding the tensile strength of the technical fibre.

Baruch. et al (1997) carried out Research on Micro structural study of fibre

extracted from wild banana (musa velutina) by X-ray line broadening
analysis. During the study crystallinity, crystallite size and lattice distortion of
wild banana (musa vetuling) cellulose were studied using X-ray line
broadening analysis (Diffraction data obtained using computer controlled Xray diffractometer). The degree of crystallinity of banana cellulose has been
found to be 45% and the results indicate that the banana species is suitable
for use as raw material for textile and pulp paper industries.
Shukla (1998)


carried out an experimental study on printing of

cotton/banana union fabric with reactive dyes and to test its fastness
properties. In this study, the cotton/banana union fabric was bleached in
solution containing 1% hydrogen peroxide. After pre-treatment the samples
were washed thoroughly with water and air-dried. The screens were prepared
by the photochemical method. The dyes used were cold brand reactive dye

i.e. Dichloratriazine-procion golden yellow MEZRL. It was concluded that the

pre-treatment could be effectively used to induce desirable qualities in the
cotton/banana union fabric to make it more durable and to increase the
aesthetic appeal. Banana has a bright future as a raw material in the textile
market. The present research was undertaken and was focused on ways and
means to strengthen its qualities like light and wash fastness by chemically
pre-treating them and then dyeing the fabric with reactive dyes to increase its
versatility as a product for varying end uses.
Bhandari (1999)


studied dyeing behavior of banana fibers with natural dye,

mordant and their various combinations. In this study Banana fibre was dyed
with Ratanjot and Eucalyptus dyes. Bundle tenacity, percentage reflectance,
and color fastnesses were measured for each dye. It was reported that,
eucalyptus dye gives better result in terms of wash-fastness, light-fastness
and bundle-tenacity compared to ratanjot. Among mordants, both alum, and
ferrous sulphate, gives good result except bundle tenacity. With use of
synthetic mordant all give good result except bundle tenacity.
Rawal (1999)


carried out an experimental study on color fastness

properties of eco friendly pigment printed, chemically pre treated cotton,

banana and jute fabrics. In this study it was concluded that bleaching with
hydrogen peroxide was effective for cotton, cotton/banana union fabric and
jute/cotton because the impurities whitened and reduced the yellowness of
the fabrics. Pretreatment with polyurethane glycol increased the yarn diameter
for cotton showing that it created sufficient space for other processes to
follow. The color yield of kerosene free pigment prints was compared to
conventional kerosene pigment prints. Addition of silicone softener in the
printing paste reduced the bending rigidity to all the fabrics improving the feel
o the fabric. It also improved the color retention after laundering. Light
fastness properties were found satisfactory however crocking of pigment was
showing poor rub fastness.
Arora and Phadke (1999)


carried out an experiment of using banana fibers

as weft and cotton rayon as warp and their suitability. The apparels made
were highly appreciated for their uniqueness by the experts stating that the

apparels were esthetically appealing possessing a rich natural luster. The








characteristics, were wearable with lining, and are suitable for top garments.
The fibers take up dyes quite evenly. Designed colorful garment look beautiful
and have great market-appeal.
Vinita and Alka (1999)


carried out a study on the softening of banana fibers.

Major obstacles limiting full market development for banana fibres include the
difficulties and expense of softening the fibre. These factors have led to
regular and relatively small production levels and supplies, unevenness in
quality and high prices in comparison to other fibers like cotton, wool, flax and
ramie. Banana fibers were extracted and softened with 20% acetic acid. The
results show that treatment with acetic acid causes a reduction of diameter of
the banana fibre but at the same time this treatment with acetic acid solution
enhances the properties of banana fibers to a great extent, which will further
improve the bending capacity of banana fibres for apparel use

Arun (2000) carried out an experiment work to study few properties-Banana

fibres. Few different varieties of banana fibers like Nendran, Padalse, Safed
vekhi, Basrai etc were used for the study. It was concluded that the breaking
extension shows good correlation indicating that despiralling (untwisting in the
fibre molecular structure) occurs during tensile loading. Tensile strength of the
banana fibers showed significant differences among different varieties and
could be related to their structural properties.
The determination of chemical constituents such as moisture, cellulose,
lignin, and ash content, solubility in 1% NaOH and cold water was done and
the mean values were found out and it showed that banana fibres are
resistant to the action of alkali, phenol, formic acid, chloroform, acetone and
petroleum ether. It is soluble in hot concentrated sulphuric acid.

Behra et al (2001) , studied on Hand value of cotton-banana union fabric

Two types of fabric samples were produced for the study 100% cotton fabric
and cotton-banana union fabric where cotton yarn were used as warp and
banana filament as weft. It was concluded that banana fibre is a stiff filament,

coarser, thicker, stronger and possesses high moisture regain than cotton
fibre. The cotton banana union fabric is less extensible, less compressible
with high bending modulus and flexural rigidity than pure cotton fabric. The
cotton banana union fabric is stronger than cotton fabric in weft (banana fibre)
direction. Tensile strength decreased due to enzyme application for all the
fabrics. Cotton/banana union fabric appears to have some potential for ladies
wear & mens summer wear before and after enzyme application, as the
enzyme treatment endures improved surface characteristic (smooth surface)
and also contributes to the appearance of the fabric. Cotton/banana union
fabric possesses certain properties, particularly higher Shari (crispness)
value, which makes the fabric useful as a summer wear.
Iyer et al (2001)


studied the properties of some varieties of banana fibre.

This article presents an evaluation of yield, structure and properties of banana

fibers gathered from a few commercially cultivated varieties like French
Plantain, Ney Poovan, Dwarf Cavendish, Giant Cavendish, Safed Velchi,
Padalse, Basrai. Results indicate that variations exist in both structure and
properties of fibers from different regions along the length, and across the
thickness of the trunk. Further differences in tensile and structural properties
are noticed among fibers belonging to different varieties as well. However,
structure and properties among the varieties could be correlated. The matrix,
in which the ultimate cells are embedded in the fibre, also seems to have a
role in deciding the tensile strength of the technical fibre.
Joseph et. al (2002)


carried out a comparative study of the mechanical

properties of phenol formaldehyde composites reinforced with banana fibres

and glass fibres. In this study composites were fabricated using banana fibre
and glass fibre with varying fibre length and fibre loading. The analysis of
tensile, flexural and impact properties of the composites revealed that the
optimum length of fibre required for banana fibre and glass fibre are different
in phenol formaldehyde resole matrix. Both fibres show a regular trend of
increase in properties with fibre loading, interfacial shear strength values
obtained from single fibre pull out test, which also revealed that the banana


fibre and phenol formaldehyde resin is much higher than that between glass
and phenol formaldehyde resin.
Katrien (2002)


has reported on the banana Stem fibre bags from Etikoppaka

and about the hand-made paper and textile dyeing methods. After the fruit is
harvested, the banana trunk is cut into slices manually. The slices are put in a
depither - the pith is separated from the fibre. The pith has high quantities of
lignin which is taken into a compost pit. The fibre is thoroughly washed and
put in a beater, adding adequate water. The sizing material is added in the
beater just before the completion of beating. After beating, filler is added.
Then water is added to the pulp and the pulp is laid out into sheets. The sizing
material and the filler are natural non-toxic organic products. The bag handles
are made of sisal fibre. The colours used for the bags are also eco-friendly.
The bags are totally eco-friendly and completely biodegradable.
Sapuan and Maleque (2003)


have explained about the design and

fabrication of natural woven fabric reinforced epoxy composite for household

telephone stand .In the recent era there has been an increasing interest in
composite materials for its applications in the field of aerospace, sports,
industries, medical, and in many other fields of engineering including
household furniture. This paper deals with the design and fabrication of
banana woven fabric reinforcement epoxy composite for household telephone
stand. A systematic approach of total design process is presented for better
understanding of the best design concept for the product. The fabrication
process of composite telephone stand using banana woven fabric is also
described in this paper.
Hazra (2004)


made an attempt to study the diversified uses of Jute and

allied fibre crops, which speaks about the varied uses of textiles from apparel
grade lingo-cellulosic fibres like jute, mesta, roselle, sun hemp, flax, ramie,
banana etc, blending them between each other, or with any one fibre like
cotton, viscose, rayon and its modified forms have high potential for various
value added product manufacturers. Processing technologies are well
developed for certain n items. What is needed is availability of these fibres in
sufficient quantities in pre-cleaned and ready to use form on cost competitive

basis. However, for certain other items, modifications in existing processing

technologies and machineries are needed.
Karolia (2005)


reported in the article on Daimer Chrysler to use banana fibre

reinforced plastics. Daimer Chrysler AG, Germany, is using composites made

of polypropylene reinforced with banana fibres to make under floor protection
panels, for manufacture of its Mercedes automobiles. It is the first time a
natural fibre component has been used on the exterior of a passenger
automobile, specifically as a covering for the spare wheel recess for the
Mercedes-Benze-A-Class coupe. The composite meets the stringent quality
requirements for components used on the exterior of road vehicles, especially
resistance to influences such as stone strike, exposure to elements, and
dampness. Manila Cordage supplies the fibres, from the banana variety
Musa textilis, which is commonly known as abaca. The fibres are 1.5-2.7m
long have a tensile strength and are traditionally used for making ropes. The
use of Abaca fibres can bring about energy savings of 60% or more,
compared with standard glass fibre production. Reiter Automotive developed
the manufacturing process used to make the composite part by adapting the
long glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic (LFT) technique.
An article by Tree hugger (2005)


on Papyrus Australia Makes Banana

Paper, explains about a technology that turns banana waste into paper.
Banana trees produce fruit once year, and are then cut down, so banana fiber
is an abundant waste product. Papyrus makes the banana paper using an
economical process that uses no chemicals, no water, and about 1% of the
energy conventionally used. The company is preparing to tap into what it
believes is a potential multi-industry global empire. Others have produced
paper with banana fiber content, like Costa Rica Natural, but their paper only
contains 5% banana fiber. The founder of Papyrus Australia, Ramy Azer,
learnt the ancient technique of developing paper from papyrus reeds in his
native Egypt. Azer says: "What have caught the eye of international markets
are not banana papers' ingredients, but its versatility. It is waterproof and
believed to be up to 3,000 times stronger than wood-pulp paper, meaning it


can be used in packaging and even as a basis for building materials. Wallets,
hats, bags, clothes and even furniture are also in the pipeline.
Karolia and Malhan (2005)


carried out eco-friendly printing on minor fibre

fabrics (jute and banana). Minor fibre fabrics offers a lot of potential for
diversified end-uses, and printing has been proved to be a one successful
method for value addition to provide product diversification. A study was
carried out by the Dept of clothing and textiles, M S University of Baroda,
Baroda, India, to develop a diversified line of products for cotton banana union
fabrics (CBUF) and 100% jute fabrics by printing them with hand blocks using
eco-friendly pigment dyeing recipe. Another research was carried out with the
objective of producing diversified value added products by printing with ecofriendly pigment dyes. The study included preliminary market surveys,
preparation of print paste, designing print layouts, and preparation of tool for
data collection. The results reveal that these products are acceptable among
upper middle and upper-economic class of the society, and have greater
scope of commercial viability.
An article (2005)


on Kendra plans to popularize banana fibre extraction

explains about the Saraswathi Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Puzhutheri, has chalked
out a special programme to propagate banana fibre extraction and production
of value added banana fibre products in the region. Since the areas bordering
Karur and Tiruchi districts have vast stretches under banana cultivation, rural
economy could get a fillip if individuals take up manufacturing of banana fibre
products that are finding increasing use, SKVK Programme Coordinator S.
Vallal Kannan said here recently. The SKVK is propagating the idea that
even the waste should not be wasted. The recent workshops conducted
for the benefit of self-help group women, especially from the intense banana
cultivating regions such as Kulithalai and Krishnarayapuram areas, have
given hope that a sustained programme will lead to creation of awareness on
the economic advantages of the banana fibre extraction and value addition,
he said.We want to create a situation similar to that in the Marthandam area
bordering Kerala, where almost every household is engaged in banana fibre
extraction and value addition works. The banana fibre, blended with natural

dyes, is used in making a wide range of goods such as hand bags, tablemats,
doormats, purse, hangings, papers and attractively patterned cloth. It is
greaseproof, water and fire resistant and totally bio-degradable, said Dr.
Vallal Kannan. The maximum quantity of fibre that an individual can extract by
manual process will be just 500 gram a day. For manual extraction, only
wooden boards and metal scrapper are required. A fibre-extracting machine,
with the capacity to extract 15 to 20 kg a day, has been bought at a cost of
Rs.30, 000 from Rajamundhry in Andhra Pradesh. The machinery uses very
little power and can be operated by using solar and wind energy. The KVK
has so far trained over 500 people, especially women self help group
members, in fibre extraction and is ready to help trainees and banana
cultivators purchase machines by arranging for bank credit tie-up. The KVK
has also opened a procurement centre, where a machine has been installed
for training purpose. The banana fibre is bought from farmers at prices
ranging between Rs.50 and Rs.100 per kg depending on the quality.
Singh (2005)


had reported in the article on the scope of making money

from banana fibres Even the waste should not be wasted. This seems to be
the motto of a large number of people, mostly women, of Bihar's Vaishali
district who are making a living out of the trunks of banana trees. A handful of
women of Sughai Jamalpur, Siduari, Panapur Langa and Dighi villages in
Vaishali district, known for producing a wide variety of bananas, hit upon the
idea of producing household items from banana trunks. These women are
making a variety of household items from the fibre extracted from banana
trunks, from flower baskets, wall hangings, tablemats, chappals, handbags
and rakhis. "Their enterprise has not only brought kudos to these women but
also transformed the living standards of their families. Says the banana
growers were a happy lot as apart from the fruit, which fetches them Rs 50 a
bunch, they were also selling the felled trees for Rs 5 a piece. "Earlier, even
dumping the banana trees was a major problem for them, but now, the
farmers are making the most of the situation by selling those to the women
engaged in extracting fibre," he says. A fibre-extracting machine with the
capacity to extract 25 kgs of fibre a day was bought at a cost of Rs 25,000
from Hyderabad and some women were imparted training. During the past

one year the institute trained over 1500 people in banana fibre extraction,
Singh says adding the institute helped some cultivators in purchasing such
machines with financing from banks. He said the institute has opened a
procurement centre at Hajipur where banana fibre was being bought from the
farmers at prices ranging between Rs 60 and Rs 100 per kg depending on the
quality of the product. Singh said the fibre was being sold to silk
manufacturers of Varanasi, Jaipur and Bhagalpur where the banana fibre was
mixed with silk fibre to produce high quality cloth, which was even exported to
foreign countries. Singh said a Horticulture and Agriculture Technology
Transfer Extension Core Committee has been constituted with the Vaishali
district magistrate as its chairman to propagate efforts of the people of
Vaishali, particularly women."If all goes well we will succeed in our endeavour
to provide the fibre extraction business the status of an industry," he said.
Goswami et. al (2006)


Utilized banana fibre for making certain specialty

paperboards using eco-friendly processes Banana fibres used for the present
investigation was extracted mechanically in a fibre raspador. Bleaching of the
fibres was carried out using hydrogen peroxide. An enzymatic treatment was
given to the fibres prior to the bleaching in order to remove the gummy materials
and lignin. The fibres were beaten in laboratory valley beater up to 45 SR
freeness. The waste paper was also beaten at the same freeness. Wax emulsion,
natural latex and cationic starch solution was added to the pulp at stock during
the time of beating. Multilayer boards were made in the laboratory hand sheetforming machine using banana fibre and waste paper pulp at different blend
ratios viz: 20:80, 40:60, and 50:50.Boards of different thickness varies from 25mm were prepared and pressed in a hydraulic press and then dried in an aircirculating oven at 1002C temperature. Thus the process involves no hazards
effect. No harmful chemicals were used during the processing of fibres and
manufacturing of the boards. It may be concluded that mechanically extracted
banana fibres can be easily utilized for making special paperboard products like
cellullosic leather board. There is substantial scope for using this type of
paperboards in packaging and footwear industries.


Behara and co workers (2006)


had carried out a comparative assessment of

low stress mechanical properties and sewability of cotton and cotton-banana

union fabric. Sewability is that characteristic of the fabric that allows it to be
seamed at the full limit of performance of high speed sewing machinery,
without the fabric suffering perceptible mechanical degradation. In this study
all the mechanical parameters such as machine speed, stitch geometry,
needle size etc are kept constant in order to see the influence of the fabric
and sewing thread effect on sew ability. The apparel production system from
conventional to high tech computerized production system, the interrelationship between the fabric dimensional, mechanical and low stress
mechanical properties and their processability in tailoring and easy in making
a garment have become more important. It is therefore imperative that the
optimization of sewing process of a new fabric must be carried out before the
fabric is introduced to making up process. Banana fibre is one such product
being introduced recently in textile apparel sector. It was therefore felt worth
undertaking to conduct a detailed study to explore the sewability of cotton
banana union fabric. The study clearly revealed that the cotton banana union
fabric does not pose any unavoidable obstacle for sewing the fabric. It also
confirmed that the 100% cotton fabric has smaller Linearity of load extension
curve , so the fabric extensibility in initial strain range is high so as to give
comfort in wearing but there are problems in overfeed operations, steam
pressing and sewing. The seam damage is found to be higher in weft direction
of cotton banana union fabric as cotton being a spun yarn is bulky so it is
more prone to be cut under the needle action.
Naik and Mishra (2006)


studied on electrical properties of natural fibre. The

composites of banana, hemp and agave with HDPE resin were separately
prepared in different ratios, 60:40, 55:45, 50:50 and 45:55 (wt/wt). These
fibres were treated with maleic anhydride and the effect was studied on the
surface resistivity and volume resistivity of wood polymer composites. The
Youngs modulus, flexural modulus, impact strength and Shore-D hardness all
decreased with increasing amounts of fibres in the natural fibre: polystyrene
composites. The sisal fibre composites showed the greatest mechanical
strength of all the other ratios. A maleic anhydride treatment shows significant

improvement in Youngs modulus, flexural modulus, impact strength, and

Shore-D hardness compared with the untreated fibre composites.
Walker (2006)


suggested about the envelopes made from bananas are the

latest green products to be launched by UK company The Consortium. The

envelopes, produced from banana and other plant fibres from north-east India,
are due to go on sale in Britain this summer. The firm, which also makes
mouse mats from car tyres and garden furniture from egg boxes, says the
envelopes will cost no more than standard ones. The True Green envelope,
aimed at replacing the bulky ones made of plastic padding and paper, will be
biodegradable and will save on oil. Although it is currently manufactured
abroad, The Consortium's boss Mark Barnett says there is potential to work
with UK farmers on the product.
Maleque and co workers (2006)


had discussed about the mechanical

properties -study of pseudo-stem banana fiber reinforced epoxy composite.

Composite materials were known to mankind in the Paleolithic age (also
known as Old Stone age). The 300 ft high ziggurat or temple tower built in the
city center of Babylon was made with clay mixed with finely chopped straw In
recent years, polymeric based composite materials are being used in many
applications, such as automotive, sporting goods, marine, electrical, industrial,
construction, household appliances, etc. Polymeric composites have high
strength and stiffness, light weight, and high corrosion rsistance. In the past
decade, extensive research work has been carried out on the natural fiber
reinforced composite materials in many applications. Natural fibers are
available in abundance in nature and can be used to reinforce polymers to
obtain light and strong materials. Natural fibers from plants are beginning to
find their way into commercial applications such as automotive industries,
household applications, etc. A number of investigations have been conducted
on several types of natural fibers such as kenaf, hemp, flax, bamboo, and jute
to study the effect of these fibers on the mechanical properties of composite
materials On the other hand, jute fabric-reinforced polyester composites were
tested for the evaluation of mechanical properties and compared with wood
composite, and it was found that the jute fiber composite has better strengths

than wood composites. A pulp fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite was

investigated and found to have a combination of stiffness increased by a
factor of 5.2 and strength increased by a factor of 2.3 relative to the virgin
polymer .Information on the usage of banana fibers in reinforcing polymers is
limited in the literature. In dynamic mechanical analysis, have investigated
banana fiber reinforced polyester composites and found that the optimum
content of banana fiber is 40%. Mechanical properties of bananafiber
cement composites were investigated physically and mechanically. It was
reported that kraft pulped banana fiber composite has good flexural strength.
In addition, short banana fiber reinforced polyester composite .This study
concentrated on the effect of fiber length and fiber content. The maximum
tensile strength was observed at 30 mm fiber length while maximum impact
strength was observed at 40 mm fiber length. Incorporation of 40% untreated
fibers provides a 20% increase in the tensile strength and a 34% increase in
impact strength. Banana fiber and glass fiber were tested with varying fiber
length and fiber content as well. The analysis of tensile, flexural, and impact
properties of these composites revealed that composites with good strength
could be successfully developed using banana fiber as the reinforcing agent.
The source of banana fiber is the waste banana trunks or stems which are
abundant in many places in the world. Therefore, composites of highstrength
pseudo-stem banana woven fabric reinforcement polymer can be used in a
broad range of applications. The objective of this paper is to study the tensile,
flexural, and impact properties of pseudostem banana fiber reinforced epoxy
composites. The tensile test results depict that UTS of virgin epoxy resin was
in the range of 2226 MPa, and the mean is 23.98 MPa. The UTS of banana
fibers reinforced epoxy resin was in the range of 4450 MPa, and the mean
was 45.57 MPa. The UTS of banana fiber reinforced epoxy composite
increased by 90% as compared to the unreinforced epoxy. The epoxy matrix
transmits and distributes the applied stress to the banana fiber resulting in
higher strength. Therefore, the composite can sustain higher load before
failure compared to the unreinforced epoxy. In addition, higher ultimate tensile
strength and higher elongation leads to higher toughness of the material.
Figure 5 shows the result of the Youngs modulus of the virgin. The following
conclusions can be drawn from the present study. The tensile strength on the

pseudo-stem banana woven fabric reinforced epoxy composite is increased

by 90% compared to virgin epoxy. The flexural strength increased when
banana woven fabric was used with epoxy material. The results of the impact
strength test showed that the pseudo-stem banana fiber improved the impact
strength properties of the virgin epoxy material by approximately 40%. Higher
impact strength value leads to higher toughness properties of the material.
The banana fiber composite exhibits a ductile appearance with minimum
plastic deformation.
In the article by Jin (2006)


on Paper making from banana fibres various

types of papers like security paper, insulating paper or carbon paper is made
from the banana fibres from the stem, trunk and leaves of the plant by cutting
into chips, pithing and degummimg by mechanical and chemical means,
followed by washing and pressing, digesting, cleaning, bleaching, and making
the paper.
Sudha et.al (2006)


have discussed about natural fibre composites, which

are to be used as a substitute for the glass fibres in composite components

have gained interests, as these fibres are cheap, have better stiffness per unit
weight, and low impact on the environment. Jute, sisal, banana and coir are
some of the major source of natural fibres that are grown mainly in parts of
India. Jute has a superior specific modulus than that of glass and jute fibres
can be used in place of traditional glass fibres. Coir fibre has an advantage of
stretching beyond its elastic limit without rupturing as well as to take up the
permanent stretch. Various processes are available for the fabrication of
composites and the selection of the right technique to match the application is
critical for the successful production. Natural fibre reinforced composites can
be used for a number of household applications and has the potential to
reduces the costs of these products.
Mishra (2006)


A made a Comparative study of pure cotton and banana

fibre blended fabric. Banana fibre possesses a lot of advantageous physical

and chemical properties, which promote its use in textile applications. This
also reduces the disposal problem, the pseudostems being taken care of. The

fibre can also be blended with cellulosic fibres like cotton to produce apparels
and fancy items. This will help bringing down the overall cost of cotton.
Naik and Mishra (2006)


examined the compatibilizing effect of maleic

anhydride on swelling properties of plant fibre-reinforced polysterene

composites. In this work the fibres of banana, hemp and sisal are employed
as fillers for the formation of wood polymer composites with polystyrene in the
different ratios of 4060 and 45:55 (wt/wt), respectively. These fibres were
esterified with maleic anhydride, and the effect of maleic anhydride was
studied on absorption of steam and water at ambient temperature in wood
polymer composites. Untreated fibre composites show more absorption of
steam in comparison to maleic anhydride (MA)-treated fibre composites. The
absorption of water increases with the increase in time from 2-30 h in all
untreated fibre composites. The maximum absorption of water was found in
hemp fibre composites and the minimum in sisal fibre composites. The maleic
anhydride esterified fibre composites showed less absorption of water than
the untreated fibre composites. Steam absorption in MA treated and untreated
fibre composites containing low amount of fibre shows less absorption of
steam and water at ambient temperature than the composites containing a
greater amount of fibre in respective fibre composites.
Zawawy (2006)


have explained about the blended graft copolymer of

carboxymethyl cellulose and poly (vinyl alcohol) with banana fibre. Conducting
hydrogel copolymer was prepared by graft polymerization of carboxymethyl
cellulose (CMC) and boric acid onto poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA). The dielectric
properties of CMC-g-PVA/pre-hydrolyzed banana blend had been investigated
as a function of frequency, with special reference to pure pre-hydrolyzed
banana. Also, the static bending for the blend was determined and no abrupt
failure was observed. The dielectric properties measured were dielectric
constant, dissipation factor and loss factor. At high frequencies, a transition in
the relaxation behavior was observed, whereby the dielectric constant, loss
tangent, and loss factor decreased with frequency behavior depends greatly
on the nature of the present group. The crystallinity of the system and the
degree of hydrogen bonding between the different chains.

The variations of the dielectric properties were correlated with blend

morphology and also to the possibility for interfacial polarization that arises
because of the differences in the conductivity of the two phases. It was found
from the infrared spectra that the incorporation of CMC-g-PVA copolymer
decreases the crystallinity of the blend and also decreases the degree of
hydrogen bonding, which results in a high dielectric constant.
Ratanakamnuan and Ong (2006)


explained the photobiodegradation of low

density polyethylene/banana starch films. The effects of the starch content,

photosensitizer content and compatibilizer on the photobiodegrability of low
density polyethylene (LDPE) and banana starch polymer blend films were
investigated. The compatibilizer and photosensitizers used in the films were
PE-graft-maleic anhydride and benzophenone respectively. Dried banana
starches at 0-20% (w/w) of LDPE, benzophenone at 0-1% (w/w) pf LDPE and
PE-graft-maleic at 10% (w/w) of banana starch were added to LDPE. The
photodegradation of the blend films were performed with outdoor exposure.
The progress of the photodegradation was followed by determining the
carbonyl index derived from Fourier transform IR measurements and the
changes in tensile properties. Biodegradation of the blend films was
investigated by soil burial test. The biodegradation process was followed by
measuring the changes in the physical appearance, weight loss and tensile
properties of the films. The results showed that both photo- and bio
degradation rates increased with increasing amounts of banana starch,
whereas the tensile properties in the films decreased. The blends with higher
amounts of benzophenone showed higher rates of photodegradation,
although their biodegradation rates were reduced with an increase in
benzophenone content. The addition of PE-g-MA into polymer blends led to
an increase in the tensile properties whereas the photobiodegradation was
slightly decreased compared to the films without PE-g-MA.
Oliveira and co-workers (2006)


have explained about the lipophilic extractives

from different morphological parts of banana plant Drawf Cavendish . The

chemical composition of the dichloromethane extracts of different morphological
parts of banana plant Drawf Cavendish, cultivated in


Madeira Island (Portugal), were studied by gas chromatography-mass

spectrometry. The five different morphological fractions in study have a similar
qualitative chemical composition. Fatty acids and sterols are major families
present in the lipophilic extract of Drawf Cavendish , representing ca. 3366% and12-43%, respectively, of the total amount of lipophilic components.
Among all the identified compounds, campesterol, stigmasterol ad fatty acids,
such as palmitic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, 22-hydroxydocosanoic and 26hydroxyhexacosanoic acids, were the major components found in all
morphological zones. Other families of compounds such as aromatic
compounds, fatty alcohols and alkanes were also identified. The high increase
in some components after alkaline hydrolysis, particularly, ferulic and fatty
acids, indicates the presence of a considerable fraction of such components in
esterified structures.
Bryan lee (2007)


studied the Use of Banana stain to decorate fabrics or for

other aesthetic purposes, It is claimed that the banana stain can be used to
ornament, label or outline many objects for aesthetic purposes. Ways of
extracting and treating the stain are also claimed, including collecting
drippings from the fruit, leaves, or the bark of the plant and/ or grating the
Mitra et .al (2007)


investigated the use of natural lingo-cellulosic fibres and

their blends for textile application. Ligno-cellulosic long vegetable fibres like
jute, mesta, Roselle, flax, banana, pineapple, ramie, sisal, manila etc have
wide textile use. Jute is traditionally used as packaging material like the
Hessian and sacking. Mesta and Roselle fibres are used as substitutes for the
jute to produce coarse type of twines or bags. Flax fibre is mainly used in
production of industrial (i.e.: -hose pipe, shoe twin etc) and apparel (i.e. linen
cloth) textiles. Banana fibre is available from the pseudostem of the banana
plant. The fibre is very coarse, but bright in appearance and at NIRJAFT
(Calcutta) the fibre has been utilized in blends with jute, Mesta to produce
packaging materials and ropes. Pineapple leaf fibre is very silky and strong
and is blended with jute and other fibres. Ramie is fine strong and silky fibre


after degumming. Higher density and wet strength along with high flexural and
torsional rigidity restrict their application to cordage industry.
Sugiura et.al. (2007)


had explained the Analysis of fine structure of

subtropical plant fibres treated with sodium hydroxide or liquid ammonia by

microscope observation and X-ray diffraction measurement. For this study
six kinds of subtropical plant fibres taken from the hibiscus, Pineapple, Okra,
Plantain, Banana and Agave were treated with sodium hydroxide aqueous
solution and liquid ammonia using a commercial plant. Cross sections of the
fibres were observed with microscope. Furthermore, in order to investigate the
internal structure, X-ray diffraction measurement was carried out and
crystallinity of the treated fibres was obtained. From the observation of the
cross section, it is clear that every fibre forms honey comb structure which
consists of several to many cells, and each cell has a void in the cell. The void
is comparably larger than that of the cotton lumen, and the void generally
became smaller by the NaOH treatment. Furthermore X-ray diffraction profile
was measured for each of the fibre. Most of the fibres were changed from,
cellulose I to cellulose II by the NaOH treatment, whereas the fibres
unchanged to cellulose III. After the three treatments, the cellulose III intensity
increased comparably, although the cellulose I remains not a little for all
samples. On the other hand, cotton fibre completely changed to the cellulose
III structure by the above treatment. Hereafter, it is necessary to investigate
the void structure including the effect of lignin and cell wall as a multicellular
plant fibre.
Torres (2007)


carried out the morphological, thermal and mechanical

studies of film elaborated with the blend low-density polyethylene and

chemical modified banana starch. Films were prepared by extrusion
acetylated and oxidized banana starches at different concentration mixed with







characteristics of the films were tested. Irregularities in the films prepared with
native and oxidized banana starches were observed by scanning electron
microscopy. This pattern is maybe due to the incompatibility between both
polymers. However, films elaborated with acetylated banana starch showed a

smooth surface. The tensile strength and elongation at break decreased when
starch level in the blend increased. An inverse pattern was showed for elastic
module. The effect on mechanical properties was more notorious in those
films elaborated with the acetylated and oxidized banana starches. Two
thermal transitions were observed by differential scanning calorimetry, the
principal transition at similar to 111 C was due to disorganization of the low
density polyethylene. Enthalpy value associated to that principal transition
was higher in the films elaborated with acetylated banana starch, showing
higher compatibility between both polymers. The use of biodegradable
polymers such as chemically modified banana starch might be feasible for
elaboration of films with adequate mechanical properties.
Zuluaga and co-workers (2007)


have explained about the cellulose

microfibrils from banana farming residues. Cellulose microfibrils have been

prepared from banana rachis using a combination of chemical and mechanical
treatments. The morphology and structure of the samples were characterized
using transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray







characterize the chemical modifications of the samples after each treatment.

Suspensions of bundled or individualized 5nm wide microfibrils were obtained
after homogenization (PH) whereas an organosolv (PO) treatment resulted in
shorter aggregates of parallel cellulose microcrystallites. The sharper rings in
the X-ray diffraction pattern of the PO-treated sample suggest a higher
crystalline due to a more efficient removal of hemicelluloses and dissolution of
amorphous zones by the acid treatment. Both microfibrils and microcrystals
prepared by both methods can be used as reinforcing filler in nanocomposite
Jahan et.al. (2007)


explained about the atmospheric formic acid pulping

and TCF bleaching of dhaincha (sesbania aculeate), Kash (Saccharum

spontaneum) and banana stem (Musa Cavendish).Fractionation of dhaincha,
kash and banana stem was investigated by atmospheric formic acid pulping.
Pulping of dhaincha, banana stem and kash was not satisfactorily delignified
when the formic acid concentration was limited to 70%; even longer cooking

time (120min) at this concentration did not produce pulp of lower lignin
content. The marked effect of delignification was observed in case of 90%
formic acid concentration. Peroxyformic acid effectively reduced the residual
lignin of the formic acid pulp. In alkaline peroxide bleaching, formic acid pulp
was bleached to 75-83% brightness depending on the nonwood. The strength
properties were almost comparable to conventional pulp. The dhaincha pulp
was stronger than the banana stem and kash pulp. The bleaching improved
the strength properties of the pulp. The major devoilatization of formic acid
lignin was occurred between 200 and 550C as shown by the TG graph. The
xylose was the main sugar in water soluble fractions of formic acid spent
liquor that represented 50-60% of the content in original raw materials.
Finnie and Azer (2007)


have discussed about the method and apparatus for

removing sheets of fibres from banana plants for the production of paper
products. A method and apparatus for producing sheets from the
pseudostems of banana plants in the family Musaceae into a work station, and
contacting the rotating pseudostem along substantially its entire length with a
fibre separating device, whereby a continuous sheet of fibre is removed from
the pseudostem by the fibre separating device during rotation. Raw paper
may also be made by laminating two or more of these sheets together such
that the direction of the generally parallel fibres in at least two adjacent sheets
is not aligned and then curing the sheets to form raw paper.
Oliveira et al (2007)


explained the Chemical composition of different

morphological parts from Drawf Cavendish banana plant and their potential
as a non-woven renewable source of natural products . The study on








morphological parts of Drawf Cavendish banana plant had been carried out
aiming to evaluate their potential as eventual raw material for the chemical
processing. Macromolecular components were analyzed using solid state
NMR, ATR-FTIR and wet chemistry methods. Mineral components were
assessed by ICP analysis of ashes obtained after raw material calcinations. It
was verified that chemical composition of the studied fractions of banana plant
varies significantly. The major extremes were found in the contents of

cellulose, starch, lignin and lipophilic extractives. All morphological parts of

banana plant contained considerable amounts of ashes composed mainly by
potassium, calcium and silicium salts. The hemicelluloses in banana plant are
proposed to be mainly glucuronoxylan and xyloglucan. Rather significant
amounts of proteins were found in the leaf blades. Lignin analysis revealed
that it is of HGS type with H:G:S proportion ranged of (5-17):8-54):( 35-71).
The significant variation of lignin structure among the different morphological
parts of banana plant was highlighted. Results of this study allowed some
propositions about possible applications of banana plant residues as nonwood renewable source of natural products.
Khan and co-workers (2007)


carried out a study on graft copolymerization

of catalytic urea formaldehyde resin onto banana plant fibre and its physicochemical properties. The physico-chemical properties of bleached banana
plant fibre and modified banana plant fibre with catalytic urea formaldehyde
resin had been studied. The bleached banana fibre plant was modified with
urea formaldehyde resin in presence of magnesium chloride and COOH as
catalyst. The optimum modification conditions, viz. modifier concentration,
catalyst concentration, modification time and temperature were determined on
the basis of maximum weight gain of the fibre. Weight gain of the fibre
increases with the increases with the increase of modifier concentration from
10-90% and catalyst concentration from 0.25-1.75% and there after it remains
almost constant. Modification time and modification temperature also
influence the rate of reaction and maximum weight gain was obtained at 20-30
C for 45 mins. The degree of grafting was evaluated by means of moisture
content and infrared spectroscopy measurements. From the experimental
results, it was observed that the modification had positive effect on tenacity,
colorfastness and other physico-chemical properties of banana plant fibre.


Osma et.al. (2007)

explained about the uses of banana skin-a novel waste
for laccase production by Trametes pubescens under solid state conditions.
Application to synthetic dye colouration. In this paper, investigations of the
potentials of banana skin as a support-substrate for the production of

extracellular laccase by the white-rot fungus Trametes pubescens. Laccase

showed a maximum activity of 1570U/I. In addition, the assessment of the
degrading ability of the extracellular liquid is obtained. For this the invitro
decolouration of the two structurally different dyes such as the anthraquinonic
dye Remazol Blue R and Triphenylmethane dye methyl green. The former
was decolourised about 57% in 4hr. whereas the latter presented a lower
decolouration rate of 40.9% in 4h. Interestingly the RBBR decolouration was
considerably higher than that attained by a commercial laccase, whereas MG
decolouration was very similar for both laccases. This shows the high
potential of T.pubescens laccase for synthetic dye colouration, especially for
anthraquinonic dyes.
Pothan and co-workers (2007)


explained the effect of layering on the water

adsorption of banana glass hybrid composites. Hybridization of banana fibres

with glass fibres had been found to reduce the water adsorption behavior of
the composites. Banana fibres were hybridized with glass and different
layering patterns were followed in the preparation of the composites. The
effect of the various layering patterns on the water absorption of the
composites was studied. It was found that water diffusion occurs in the
composite depending upon the layering pattern as well as the temperature. In
all the experiments, it has been found that the composites with an intimate
mixture of glass and banana show the maximum water uptake except for
temperature of 90C. At 90C the maximum water uptake is found to be for
composites where there is one layer of banana and another layer of glass.
The water uptake follows the same trend as that in all other temperature till a
time span of 4900 min is reached. The kinetics of diffusion was found to be
Fickian in nature. The various thermodynamic parameters like sorption
coefficient, diffusion coefficient, and enthalpy change entropy change and
activation energy of the various composites were calculated. From all the
calculations, it has been concluded that layering pattern is an important
parameter, which controls the water absorption of the composites. The
layering pattern Cg-b-g was found to have the lowest water uptake.


In an Editorial article (2007)


on Growing Banana Fibre Becoming

Popular in Tamil Nadu A group of weavers in Anakaputhur, a small town in

Tamil Nadu, have successfully taken to weaving banana fibre. It was a chance
discovery on the part of Padma Shekhar, the owner of a weaving unit, which
led to the usage of Vazhai Naaru or the banana fibre as dress material. Raw
fibre is cleaned by artisans through a simple bleaching method. Its fat content
is then removed. Each strand of the fibre is taken out and woven into fabrics
after being dyed in various colours. Banana fibre has an affinity to colours that
makes it easier to weave attractive designs from it. The process maybe
cumbersome but the six yard wonders fabricated from this fibre is very
comfortable and in much demand. "These saris are woven in natural fabrics
like banana fibre. It is very comfortable to wear and relieves off the scorching
heat as they have a cooling effect. It is really nice to wear," said Shekhar. A
sari made with an investment of mere 100 rupees is sold at five times the
production cost at 500 rupees in the market. These saris are supplied to both
national and international markets. Although the returns are good, the work is
restricted to only one weaving unit. The unit is small scale with hardly ten
workers accounting for the entire work force. "We have benefited a lot from
these natural fibre clothes. There is a huge demand for them in both national
and international markets. We earn good wages by weaving these clothes.
Initially we started off with 30 workers but now only ten workers are
employed," said Uma, a weaver. The looms used for weaving are 1.2 meters
and weaving on them is a painstaking process. It takes a month to weave one
sari. With 750 handloom weavers in the entire Anakaputhur, Shekhar is single
handedly attempting to popularize the cause of banana fabric. The State
Government is yet to take notice. Though popular for its fruit, the banana plant
has long been a source of fibre for high quality textiles. Banana fibre was
used in Philippines for making shirts and other dresses. In Japan, the
cultivation of banana for clothing and household use dates back to at least the
13th century mentions the article.
Revathy (2007)


had reported about the NRCB plans for large-scale banana

fibre extraction .The National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB) plans to
extract banana fibre on a large scale for commercial purposes. Banana fibre

is used in textiles in Japan and Philippines, but in India, fibre extraction was
until now carried out only on a modest scale at the NRCB farm at Podavur to
educate the farmers about its potential. Though only about one per cent of the
banana plant's bio-mass is available for extraction, researchers sight immense
potential for this fibre. About 1,200 plants were being raised in an acre and
over 40,000 acres are under banana cultivation in Tiruchi district alone. The
fibre was extracted from the stem, which weighs about 50 kegs on an average
(per plant). Considering the availability and immense potential for extraction
and use of the banana fibre, the Tiruchi-based NRCB plans to extract this fibre
on a commercial scale. Value-added products like chappals and handicraft
items were made from banana plant. ``The extract is powdered, coloured and
put to use,'' he added. The NRCB had participated in an exhibition in Bangkok
last year, where it had bagged the first prize for its exhibit under the `non-food
banana item' category, he said. The Centre had developed value-added
products like banana figs, juice, jam, biscuits, health supplement and a baby
cereal and imparted a week long training course to the farmers. Though the
scientific process was available, the major hurdle was the lack of technical
knowledge and marketing expertise, he said. Emphasizing the enormous
market potential for the banana fibre extract, Dr Sathyamoorthy said `if the
process worked out well, it will be a boon for the banana growers, who are
now facing a severe economic crisis due to glut in the market'.
Saupan and co workers (2007)


had explained about the design and

fabrication of a multipurpose table using a composite of epoxy and banana

pseudostem fibres. This paper describes the fabrication of a multipurpose
table using banana trunk fibre-woven fabric-reinforced composite material.
The aesthetic value coupled with strength and mechanical properties make
banana trunk fibre-woven fabric-reinforced composites, a suitable material for
furniture making. Design and fabrication details using hand lay up process are
described. The item (Fig. 3) so made was lightweight (4.25 kg), compact,
stable, and easy to transport with an aesthetically pleasing golden brown
colour. Banana fibre, which otherwise is considered a waste product, could
thus become a useful raw material for producing reinforced composites with

household furniture applications and may replace the conventional metallic,

non-metallic, wood, and plastic materials to some extent.
Shetti and Karolia (2008)


evaluated of resin finished CBUF using Kawabata

system. Hike in cotton prices and decreasing demand for synthetics motivated
the global textile-scenario to be in search for new eco-friendly products to hold
the consumers attention. Hence, with a view to widen the scope for end-use of
eco-friendly CBUF, the pre-treated and bleached fabric was treated with a
combination of DMDHEU resin and two selected softeners namely silicone
softener and cationic softener. Results showed that better strength retention and
improved wrinkle recovery and drape could be obtained by silicone softener
treated fabric, thus reducing the cost of expensive resin. However, the most
important criteria that determines consumers acceptance to a fabric is its hand or
feel. Thus, Kawabata evaluation system was used for objective evaluation of the
feel of the fabric. The best result for the fabric feel was obtained by the silicone
softener treated fabric.

Singh et al (2008)


had carried out an extensive research & development in

banana and plantain national and international scenario. Banana and

plantain are playing a pivotal role in human welfare since their domestication.
Banana as a desert has a unique role, while plantain fulfils as the food for
masses globally. Both banana and plantain are grown in more than 130
countries the world over, producing 97.38 million tones from 8.25 million ha.
India is the largest banana producer, accounting 24% of the total banana
production, followed by Brazil, the Philippines, Indonesia, China and Ecuador.
With a sound R & D system in our country, still there is a region specific
banana production constraint. To meet the challenge and to make banana and
plantain competitive internationally, there is still a gap to be fulfilled,
emphasized the authors.
Uma and co workers (2008)


have explained that quality-planting material is

the key for successful production of banana and for its propagation as a
farmer friendly technology. India has largest area of 5.5 lakh ha under banana
requiring 0.125 billion plants per annum. This requirement is reduced by 50
and 33% in two subsequent years depending on replanting of plantation after

1+ 1 crop or 1 +2 crops respectively. This is an enormous requirement in a

vegetatively propagated crop like banana. Presently 15-20 viable companies
are involved in production of tissue-cultured banana with an annual production
of 2-5 million plantlets. Thus only 4.0 % is being produced through tissue
culture, while the rest 96% of the planting material requirement is being
catered as suckers. Hence, the quality planting material applies both to
suckers and tissue cultured plants.
Uma et al (2008)


had tried exploring plantain for welfare of masses, as

there exists a great scope foe effectively utilizing the pseudostem waste for
the preparation of a whole range of products like marine cordages, high
quality paper card boards, tea bags, string thread, high quality fabric materials
and paper. With the dwindling resources paper industry is facing an acute
shortage of raw material for the industry. This is catalyzed by the fast
urbanization and rise in literacy levels. There is an urgent need to look for biorenewable and biodegradable raw material. Banana satisfying both these
primary requirements forma a major alternative to polythene bags, which are
fast becoming an environmental pollutant. Fibres in their raw state produce a
highly sorbent material, which allows a more expedient and therefore more
expensive cleanup. Banana fibres can be used in sorbent socks, pillow and
brooms etc. Banana fibres are flame resistant in its natural form and
petroleum products can be recovered from the material thus allowing recycling
of recovered oil. Fibres have been already tested or use as a filtration agent in
the wastewater treatment industry. The fibres were reported to be elegant and
highly versatile. The fibres can be powdered and different colours of fibres can
be obtained using natural dyes, which can be made into beautiful pictures.

Narayana and Mustaffa (2008)


had tried to explain about the value added

products of banana. Quality is the basic criterion on which the banana trade is
dependent besides the price in the international market. Though India is the
largest producer of bananas in the world, it has not been able to make its
presence felt in the international market, as the fruits produced are not of the
international quality and the prices to produce the high quality fruits are

essential for sustaining in export trade of banana. Maturity is an important

criterion to be taken into consideration in harvesting, while improved handling
practices, suitable packaging and storage methods are some post harvest
factors to be given utmost priority in post harvest management.
Sundararaju (2008)


reported about the evaluation of banana (Musa spp)

germplasm against root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita). Banana

(Musa spp) in India is attacked by 71 species of nematodes belonging to 33
genera. Among them, the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid
and White 1919, Chitwood 1949) is considered to be the economically
important nematode pests of banana. Root-knot nematodes can be controlled
with chemicals but they have adverse environmental effects and the use of
nematicides is too expensive and the products are too dangerous for
subsistence farmers. Breeding for host plant resistance is a promising strategy
for controlling nematodes. As root-knt nematode has been well documented to
cause considerable yeild loss to banana, the present study was undertaken to
evaluate the 72 banana germplasms in pots under green house conditions for
locating the resistant/tolerant reaction to root-knot nematode. A pot culture
experiment was conducted to evaluate 72 varieties/cultivars of banana for the
tolerance/resistance against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. The
results indicated that none of the varieties/cultivars was resistant to root-knot
Mukhopadhyay et al (2008)


investigated the variability of tensile properties

in fibres extracted from pseudostem of the banana plant. This paper highlights
the variability of mechanical and thermal properties of banana fibres with
respect to aging and an analysis of the difference from the polymeric
viewpoint. The banana fibres were found to be good reinforcement in
polyester resin. It was found that the mechanical properties of the banana/
phenyl formaldehyde composites are comparable to those of the glass
fibre/PF composites. The effects of chemical modification on the physical
properties of banana fibres were analyzed. The behavior of fresh and aged
fibres and their reaction to alkali at different concentrations was investigated.
The results can be explained in terms of the internal structure of the fibre,

such as cell structure, microfibrillar angle, defects etc. In rapid mechanical

testing, the fibre behaves like an elastic body i.e.: the crystalline region shares
the major applied load resulting in the high tenacity values. When the testing
speed decreases, the applied load will be borne increasingly by the
amorphous region. The amorphous region takes up the major portion of the
applied load giving a low fibre modulus and a low tensile strength.
Desai (2008)


reported about the conventional textiles in India-Banana fibres.

The banana fibres were reported to be elegant and highly versatile. The hand
extracted fibres were used in manufacturing of handicraft articles, bags, table
mats wall hangings, etc. The fibres can be powdered and different colours
may be applied using natural dyes foe making beautiful pictures. The banana
fibres were also blended with many natural and synthetic fibres to male
varieties of fabrics. However, the inherent drawback of the banana fibre is its
poor quality and higher irregularity owing to its multicellular nature of the
fibres. The fibre has not been exploited much commercially hitherto, as it was
considered inferior to abaca and other available hard fibres. Banana fibre is
classified as medium quality fibres and performs very well in combination with
other fibres for making fine articles like handicrafts, currency etc. Over the
years, there has been considerable interest in exploitating it for variety of
household and industrial uses on a larger scale.
Vasatwiki (2008)


discussed about the cultivation and the properties of

banana fibres. According the author the banana fibres has long been a source
of fibre for high quality textiles. The banana shoots produce fibres of varying
degrees of softness, yielding yarns and textiles with differing qualities for
specific uses. For example, the outermost fibres of the shoots are the
coarsest, while the innermost fibres are the finest. In another system
employed in Nepal, the trunk of the banana plant is harvested instead, small
pieces which are subjected to a softening process, mechanical extraction of
the fibres, bleaching and drying. After that the fibres are sent to the
Kathmandu valley for the making of high end rugs with a textural quality
similar to silk. These banana fibre rugs are woven by the traditional Nepalese
hand-knotted methods and are sold Rugmark certified. Bananas come in

variety of sizes and colours, most cultivars are yellow when ripe but some are
red or purple. Depending on the cultivar and ripeness, the flesh can be
starchy to sweet and firm to mushy. In addition to the fruit, the flower of the
banana plant is used in many areas, where they are either served raw with
dips or cooked in soups or curries. The tender core of the banana plants
trunk is also used in many regions for cooking purposes. Bananas are also
eaten as fritters, with ice-creams, baked in their skin in a split bamboo or
steamed in glutinous rice wrapped in a banana leaf. The juice extract
prepared from the tender core is used to treat kidney stones. The leaves of
banana are large, flexible and water-proof and are used in many ways
including surgical bandages, umbrellas, in wrappings etc. Banana chips are a
snack produced from dehydrated banana or fried banana. Mashed banana
pulp mixed with honey is used to treat jaundice in many countries.


, described about banana fibres which are emerging good

business proposition .Banana fibre extraction is emerging as a good business

proposition in Tamil Nadu and Kerala following good demand for the fibre.
Especially, three hamlets off Marthandam in Tamil Nadu Thakkalai,
Thiruvattaru and Mathur have become the centre for banana fibre wherein
every household of the village is engaged in the fibre extraction activity eking
out their livelihood. ``Manual fibre extraction from the banana pseudostem is
an arduous task,'' says Ms Kalpana, a research associate at the National
Research Centre for Banana (NRCB) at Tiruchi. Ms Kalpana, who is engaged
in a project on physiochemical and structural characteristic of banana
pseudostem told Business Line that there was huge demand for the banana
fibre, which was (blended with other natural fibres) used in making a wide
range of goods as cordage, yarns, paper and paper cups, tea cups and tea
bags, attractively patterned cloth, handbags/purses and shoes. A tribute to the
tear and tensile strength of banana fibre were the Japanese yen notes printed
on paper from the fibre of the banana variety abaca, she added. ``Because
of the huge demand in the markets abroad, the pseudostem is not junked
anymore,'' she said and pointed out that a kg of the fibre was bought locally
only for about Rs 50. ``However, the maximum quantity of fibre that an
individual can extract in a day would be just 500 g whereas in the mechanical

process the same quantity could be extracted in an hour,'' she said. Only
wooden boards and metal scrapper are used in the manual fibre extraction
process, Ms Kalpana said. NRCB had collaborated with a Mumbai-based
research institute for developing a low cost mechanical device for the
purpose. According to her, over 5 lakh hectares of area were under banana in
India, and the pseudostem alone would account for 28 million tonnes, from
which the fibre, if extracted should weigh around 2.2 million tonnes every
year. There are at least 117 different banana varieties. The fibre content in the
wild varieties is said to be more. She said that a survey conducted in the
Nagercoil belt showed that four red banana plants could yield one kg of fibre
as against 10 plants of the nendran variety. ``The fibre content is even less in
commercial varieties like robusta,'' she said.
In an article (2008)


on Banana fibre the next new sensation in textile

Innovation sees no limit and Indian consumers can expect something big
coming up in the textile industry like fabrics and textiles woven from fine
quality banana fibre.
A research study is already being carried out by the National Research Centre
for Banana (NRCB) and if the proposition turns out to be viable, the country
can very soon expect the domestic market to be flooded with an array of
textile and garment products made from banana fibre. In India this fibre is
mostly used for making handicraft items but even the US market has a huge
demand for this raw material.
As of now, the NRCB has joined hands with the Central Institute of Cotton
Technology, Mumbai, with the aim of producing quality fibre by improving the
retting process, adding certain non hazardous chemicals to banana fibre to
produce lengthy fibre, with adequate strength and lustre. This process will
have to be undertaken as banana fibre drawn from the stem of the plants is
very brittle which makes drawing-out of long fibre a little difficult. In fact, the
NRCB had also brought special varieties of banana plants from the
Philippines and the Middle East that does not bear fruits or flower and only

yields fibre. However, crucial tests like long term durability of the fabric,
retention of fast color dyeing and stitching capability has to be conducted
before the technology can be adopted for commercial production.
In an exclusive interview with Fibre2fashion, Dr C K Narayana, Principal
Scientist at NRCB informed saying, The fibre is essentially made from
banana plant stem which is considered as a waste material after harvesting.
Although, there are a few available machines to extract banana fibre, there is
a lack of adequate methodology to make yarn from the fibre. While Central
Institute of Cotton Technology, Mumbai is working on developing that
methodology, the Khadi Village Industry Commission (KVIC) in Trivandrum
has already used banana fibres for blending with cotton to produce fabric from
Dr Rajan P Nachane, Principle Scientist and Head, Quality Evaluation &
Improvement Division of Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology,
also pointed out that, Being completely biodegradable and naturally
occurring, the banana fibre products are expected to be in great demand in
the international markets as they pose no toxic effects to man and the
environment. A number of value added textile products can be made which in
turn would enhance the profitability of banana farming. Banana fibres can be
made available at cheap rate for preparation of fancy articles as well as
textiles. In the past spinning of Banana fibres has been tried on jute spinning
machinery for making ropes and sacks. However, spinning performance of
Banana fibres for the preparation of yarns and fabrics has not been tried
much in India. He further added that from an estimated yield of one million
tons of dry banana fibres annually, a very small quantity is presently being
utilized for the preparation of handicraft items. With the increasing demand for
banana in the Indian and international markets, the acreage and production
are expected to increase in the coming years, thus generating more of the
pseudostem biomass waste. Being a rich source of natural fibres, the
pseudostem can be profitably utilized for numerous applications and
preparation of various products.


In an article (2008)


by Tembo titled Farmers reap from banana fibres ,

the author has briefed about Mr. Njihia, 52, who owns a two-acre farm in
Maragua district, 70 kilometres north of the capital, Nairobi, make s a fortune
from banana fibre.We realized that theres more money in fibre products
than in the fruit itself, from a single stem, you can get four times more from the
fibre product, Njihia explained. He said the banana fibre has added to the
farmers creativity in their quest to earn bit money. From the fibre, farmers
weave the traditional baskets (kyondosi), photo albums, table mats, ear rings,
wall mats, fruit mats, bible carriers, picture frames, among other products.
Farmers also make honey care packaging materials, which are used to wrap
honey bottles. These articles sell from Ksh200 each and farmers sell up to
Ksh3, 000 per day during the peak of the tourism season. During elections,
farmers make fly-whisks which are popular with politicians. A former teacher,
Mr. Njihia said banana fibre has enabled his family earn decent income
besides the sale of the banana fruit. From fibre, he has invested in buildings
and tissue culture nursery, he said. Fibre has also created employment
opportunities for the youth in the country. Farmers are very innovative, Njihia
said at his exhibition stand during the Banana 2008 international conference
in Mombasa. Njihia who leads the 1,000-member strong Highridge Banana
Growers and Marketing Association in the central province, however,
bemoaned the fluctuations on the market. He said that tourists were the major
clients of the fibre products and business tended to be slow when tourism was
off peak. He said that during the recent political stand off in the country, which
led to clashes among the rival political groups, tourism was heavily affected,
so were the sales of their products. Global warming also has an effect,
when it is too dry, we have difficulties in getting good fibre materials, Njihia
said. He expressed his members frustrations at the failure to penetrate the
European and United States markets due to stringent procedures. Njihia cites
lack of patenting of their products as a drawback in their business because
other merchants from other countries and continents easily imitated their
products. The utilization of fibre products has added to unity among banana
growers, as they are able to share experiences. Mgenzi Byabachwezi, a
Ugandan scientist, said utilization of banana fibre was similar in the Eastern
African community. Byabachwezi said farmers in Tanzania also make bags,

mats, roofing materials, ropes as well as recycling it to make mulch which kills
weeds in the field. Mwenebanda, a Malawian research associate, echoed his
sentiments. Stella Mwashumbe, a technical assistant at Kenya Agricultural
Research Institute, based at Mtwapa Research Centre, said banana varieties
like bokoboko and mzdzavudza produce the best fibre because they are
straight and strong. She said while bokoboko was used for wrapping of
tobacco, mzdzavudza was used to make ropes for tying animals like goats.
With competition emerging, Njihia says farmers should take advantage of
tissue culture to plan for the markets. With tissue culture, you can have
many harvests at the same time, get better bunches and good tasting
bananas, he said. He called for the change of eating habits in Kenya to take
advantage of the more nutritious banana products.
Kartik in an editorial article (2008)


speaks about the advancements made in

terms of the banana fibre utilization. The banana fibre bag, folder, CD case,
hotel tariff card and a few other products have sold like hot cakes. At Union
Government-conducted exhibitions, products made of banana fibre have had
a good patronage, says Mr. Karthik, who is basically in to manufacturing jute
products. It was also highlighted that the banana fibre extraction is difficult
because machines in the market are not good enough. And, processing the
fibre is also a tricky issue. The author states that says corporate patronage is
important because it will lead to ordinary people using natural fibres, which is
Saupan et al (2008)


carried out an experimental study on mechanical

properties of woven banana fibre reinforced epoxy composites, the

experiments of tensile and flexural (three-point bending) tests were carried out
using natural fibre with composite materials (Musaceae/epoxy). Three
samples prepared from woven banana fibre composites of different
geometries were used in this research. From the results obtained, it was found
that the maximum value of stress in x-direction is 14.14 MN/m2, meanwhile
the maximum value of stress in y-direction is 3.398 MN/m2. For the Youngs
modulus, the value of 0.976 GN/m2 in x-direction and 0.863 GN/m2 in ydirection were computed. As for the case of three-point bending

(flexural), the maximum load applied is 36.25 N to get the deflection of woven
banana fibre specimen beam of 0.5 mm. The maximum stress and Youngs
modulus in x-direction was recorded to be 26.181 MN/m2 and 2.685 GN/m2,
respectively. Statistical analysis using ANOVA-one way has showed that the
differences of results obtained from those three samples are not significant,
which confirm a very stable mechanical behavior of the composites under
different tests. This shows the importance of this product and allows many
researchers to develop an adequate system for producing a good quality of
woven banana fibre composite which maybe used for household utilities.
Khan (2008)


suggested about the pulp and paper making of banana

pseudo-stem with the determination of chemical composition and the study of

the pulping and paper making potentialities of banana pseudo-stems growing
in Thailand. The fiber morphology and chemical compositions of the raw
material were studied. The lignin and extractive content was found low. The
only discouraging finding was the relative high amounts of ash (approximately
16%) and water solubility (approximately 15%) of raw material. Banana stem
was cooked by Kraft process with different chemical charges and a wide
range of time and temperature and the optimal pulping conditions were
established. The best cooking condition of banana stem fiber was found with
a low alkali charge (12 to 14) %, at 1700C temp for 120 minutes to the kappa
number around 25, with the yield of around 40 % and with a medium viscosity.
Unbleached banana kraft pulp in the kappa number range of 23-28 was not
easy to bleach with three stages sequence of D0EPD1. The brightness was
achieved 45 % ISO, with a viscosity level at 585 ml/g. Drainage of pulp was
extremely slow and paper making properties was characterized by low
strength, low bulk, rough surface and extremely poor optical properties.
Mukhopadhyay et al (2008)


studied the Banana fibers for their variability

and fracture behavior. Natural fibers present important advantages such as

low density, appropriate stiffness and mechanical properties and high








biodegradable. There has been lot of research on use of natural fibers in

reinforcements. Banana fiber, a ligno-cellulosic fiber, obtained from the

pseudo-stem of banana plant (Musa sepientum), is a bast fiber with relatively

good mechanical properties. The "pseudo-stem" is a clustered, cylindrical
aggregation of leaf stalk bases. Banana fiber at present is a waste product of
banana cultivation and either not properly utilized or partially done so. The
extraction of fiber from the pseudostem is not a common practice and much of
the stem is not used for production of fibers. This is reflected from the
relatively expensive price of banana fibres (Table I) when compared to other
natural fibres. The buyers for banana fibers are erratic and there is no
systematic way to extract the fibres regularly. Useful applications of such
fibres would regularize the demand which would be reflected in a fall of the
prices. Banana fibers obtained from the stem of banana plant (Musa
sapientum) have been characterized for their diameter variability and their
mechanical properties, with a stress on fracture morphology. The nature of
representative stress strain curves and fracture at different strain rates have
been analyzed through SEM.
In a review article by Rwanda (2009)


on Banana fibre for fabrics, which is

making a refreshing innovation. Rwandans are known for their exquisite and
truly majestic Imishanana traditional attires. Now the country has decided to
venture into the creative world of fabrics, this time on a discovery mission of
how to manufacture fabrics from banana fibre. Bananas are a staple food
here in Rwanda being consumed by the greater part of the population. While
we consume the fruit, cloth will be woven from tree fibres. Now imagine how
the local textile industry is set for a major boom, after the announcement
today of the seven-member technical team that is set for Japan, to start the
process of transferring banana textile technology to Rwanda. This team is
going to study this ancient tradition of transforming banana fibre into textiles
which dates back to the 13th century, in Japan. It's a no brainer, that perhaps
this will be one of the most innovative, income generating and community
empowering projects of our time. The initiative that is gaining momentum with
the support of Japan's Tama Art University (TAU), who are working with the
relevant government institutions and local investors, could revolutionarise the
local textile industry. This places a huge responsibility on the initiators of the
project, in particular UTEXRWA, the country's major textile company, to

ensure that all processes are duly complete for the project to take off. Every
bit of the process will impact national development positively in one way or
another. Stages that if well coordinated, among the players involved, can
actually form a positive cycle. Money accrued from sales can be reinvested in
training others on the trade of making textiles out banana fibre. One of the
major criticisms made against developing countries 'is the inability to develop
has been the lack of diversification, particularly when it comes to locally
produced products. And so as Rwanda gears for more competition, within the
East African Community, she will have a definitive competitive edge over the
other regional countries, especially in the textile industry, courtesy of this
Indicula and co workers (2009)


has discussed about the dynamic

mechanical analysis of randomly oriented intimately mixed short banana/sisal

hybrid fibre reinforced polyester composites. The dynamic and static
mechanical properties of randomly oriented mixed short banana/sisal hybrid
fibre reinforced polyester composites were determined. Dynamic properties
such as the storage modulus, damping behavior and static mechanical
properties such as tensile, flexural and impact properties were investigated as
a function of total fibre volume fraction and the relative volume fraction of the
two fibres. Keeping the relative volume fraction of banana and sisal 1:1, the
volume fraction of the fibre was optimized. The storage modulus was found to
increase with fibre volume fraction above glass transition temperature of the
matrix and maximum value was obtained at a volume fraction of 0.40. The
tensile modulus and flexural strength were found to be the highest at 0.40
volume fraction which indicates effective stress transfer between the fibre and
matrix. Amongst the hybrid composites having different volume ratios of the
fibres and unhybridised composites, the sisal/polyester composite showed
maximum damping behavior and highest impact strength as compared to
banana/polyester as well as hybrid composites. However, maximum stress
transfer between the fibre and matrix was obtained in composites having
volume ratio of banana and sisal as 3:1. The tensile strength and flexural
modulus were also the maximum and impact strength was the minimum at
this volume ratio.Fractographic evaluations carried out under the scanning

electron microscope (SEM) confirm the quantitative characterization obtained

from the static and dynamic mechanical analysis. The Arrhenius relationship
has been used to calculate the activation energy of the glass transition of the
polyester. The highest activation energy was found in hybrid composite with
volume ratio of banana and sisal as 3:1. A master curve was constructed
based on time-temperature superposition principle. Finally, the experimental
results were compared with the theoretical predictions.
An article published by the division of forestry Decorative uses of banana
states that the fibres obtained from banana tree Musa textiles Nee which
grows chiefly in the Southern Philippines, but also in Costa-Rica, India, Java
are examined. These complex fibres have a length of 2-3mm.They have
various uses: clothing is one of them, and they also have decorative uses.
Additionally they are used in marine textiles, as they are strong and rotresistant.
An article from the magazine World Textiles (2009) on Banana leaf dressing
proves effective for skin graft donor areas, reveals that, Researchers at
LTMG Hospital in Mumbai, India have carried out a controlled trials to
compare the efficacy of banana leaf dressing (BLD) and Vaseline gauze (VG)
dressing used by the majority of burn centers for dressing skin graft donor
areas. BLD was found to be far more superior, offering a non-adhesive, painfree, cheap and easily available dressing material.
Ibrahim (2009)


carried out a study on Lignocellulosic composites. According

to the study, banana pseudostem fibre, which is a ligno-cellulosic material,

relatively inexpensive, and abundantly available, was assessed in terms of its
fibre-matrix adhesion and dispersion in composites. Different types of
adhesives were used. The mechanical and water adsorption properties were
investigated. Overall, for the produced composites, the incorporation of
sawdust-urea-formaldehyde resin into banana fibre resulted in the best
mechanical properties. Good adhesion-fibre interaction is believed to be
responsible for the good ultimate performance. The superior reinforcing
characteristics of sawdust resin were shown by the scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), which revealed better fibre-matrix adhesion. Water

adsorption tests revealed that the presence of the adhesive affected the
amount of water absorbed.
The article reported on Fruity clothing with banana fibres (2009)



about the prospects of this fibre gaining global spotlight. Being completely
biodegradable and naturally occurring, the banana fibre products are
expected to be in great demand in the international markets as they pose no
toxic effects to man and the environment. A number of value added textile
products can be made which in turn would enhance the profitability of banana
farming. Banana fibres can be made available at cheap rate for preparation of
fancy articles as well as textiles. Application potential of banana fibre is not
having optimum utilization. Buyers for these fibres are also inconsistent.
Extraction of fibres requires a more systematic way. Government patronage
and useful applications of this fibre would regularize the demand and enable a
sturdy market for these fibre products. With the increasing demand for banana
in the global arena, much focus is required on increasing its production
generating more of the pseudo stem biomass waste. Being a rich source of
natural fibres, the pseudo stem can be profitably utilized for numerous
applications and preparation of various products.
Kanyesigye (2009)


had reported on the training carried out in banana fibres in

Rwanda. The workshop that was organized by the Workforce Development

Authority (WDA), aimed at training artisans to understand the features of banana
fibre and review both manual and machine extraction.People were taught
appropriate dying and braiding of banana fibres and handicrafts making.The
training workshop was organized by the Workforce Development Authority (WDA)
and supported by UTEXRWA (a local textile industry) and PPPMER, a body that
supports small and medium enterprisesParticipants were awarded with
certificates at the end of the training and the best performers rewarded.
Rajendran Ranganathan, the Managing Director UTEXRWA, urged the
participants to disseminate the knowledge and skills to local people who are
involved in handcrafts making. Efforts to introduce the technology of converting
banana fibre into fabrics started way back in 2008


when President Paul Kagame invited Japan's Tama Art University (TAU) to
help initiate it in the country.


This consists of studies related to natural fibres and its blends.
Bhattacharya and Thampi (1994)


had discussed about the blending of

coconut fibre and jute fibres- two non-similar fibres for production of HomeTextiles. Customer demand calls for value-addition, diversified products and
also technology refinement and innovation to ensure the demand both in
domestic and export market. The basic problem of the industry had been
inadequate and lack of R&D support on the basis of the raw material-coconut
fibre similar to jute and cotton in India. Hard fibres like coconut call for basic
studies from the very first stage of processing viz: retting, defibering, and
grading, softening, physical and chemical properties of the fibre variety wise,
production of quality yarns, composite yarns, value added high value products
etc. Jute and coconut fibres are different from each other so far as their
production, characterization, physical, chemical properties and end-uses are
concerned. Coconut fibre have been softened in four ways namely
autoclaving, boiling in NaOH, soaking in NaOH solution and passing through
mechanical gears. Any one of the methods or in combination with more can
be adopted to soften the coconut fibres prior to blending with jute, considering
the cost involvement in the process and the product envisaged. The authors
have also stressed for the need for further studies in this process.
Sett and Sur (1994)


had carried out an experimental work to determine the

effect of twist on mechanical properties of open-end rotor spun jute-viscose

blended yarn. The open end rotor spinning system produces yarns with much
regularity and bulk maintaining and satisfactory mechanical characteristics.
The present study had proved clearly the possibility of producing jute-viscose
blended yarn of much finer counts using rotor spinning system at a production
rate of 50 meter/min which is considerably higher than the 25 meter/min
delivery rate of the conventional flyer spinning system used for the jute.

Visually the yarns showed improved regularity and less hairiness compared to
the non-conventional yarn. The present study also reported important
information on the effect on the yarn tensile characteristics of twist variation in
case of rotor spun jute-viscose blend yarn of finer count. The tensile strength
and elongation decreased which helped to obtain improved yarn initial
Kundu et.al (2005)


explained the physical characteristics of Khimp fibre.

Physical characteristics of Khimp (Leptadenia pyrotechina) fibre have been

studied and compared with those of the other natural fibres, such as cotton,
jute, sunhemp and pineapple. The Khimp fibre is lignocellulosic having high
cellulose (75.26%), and low lignin (4.93%) and pentosan (5.15%) measured
by X-ray diffractometry technique is lower than that of cotton but higher than
that of lignocellulosic fibres like jute or sunhemp.SEM study of the fibre shows
that the fibrils are arranged longitudinally. Cross-sectional features studied by
SEM reveal that the fibre is multicellular in nature, consisting of 5-6 cells in a
fibre. The infrared spectra of Khimp fibre show peaks in the regions as
observed for lignocellulosic fibre like jute.
Roy (1995)


carried out an experimental study on jute -HSA blended bulk

yarn, which is a novelty high bulk yarn developed from blends of three fibres,
viz, jute, high shrink acrylic (HSA) and poly propylene, using steam relaxation
treatment. The special characteristics of this new yarn are high bulk and soft
feel. A simple and inexpensive wet steam injection method was employed for
producing this yarn. This yarn has improved extension, higher diameter and
good strength. The yarn has vast scope in the development o various light
weight diversified products like the ladies wrapper cloth, warm garments,
knitted goods etc and may create a new avenue in the use of jute fibres.
Berger and co-workers (1999)


reported on cotton/kenaf fabrics. By

blending Kenaf with cotton, new high-end uses for Kenaf have been identified.
Kenaf fibres, bast fibres similar to jute are typically separated by mechanical,
chemical or bacterial means. Mechanically separated fibres are usually too
stiff to be blended with cotton and cannot be made into good yarns. Fibres
processed chemically and bacterially were blended with cotton and made into

fabrics and evaluated. The retted kenaf ribbons were carded to produce
straightened fibres which were cut into uniform lengths, blended with cotton,
converted into yarns which were then made into fabrics to compare the retting
treatments effects on fabric hand and appearance. In order to further improve
the hand of the retted fabrics, the fabric needed to be softened with routine
finishes. The effects of different fabric treatments such as enzymes, bleaching
and mercerization on blended light weight and heavy weight cotton/ kenaf
blend fabrics were compared and measured for softness of hand. This
collaborative effort resulted in cotton/kenaf blend fabrics that were
aesthetically appealing and had a soft hand. The light weight blend fabrics
had a linen look and after treatment, were suitable for use in apparel without
any type of lining. Mercerization was an adequate means to improve hand
and appearance of the heavy weight fabrics, resulting in excellent examples
of upholstery fabrics. Cotton enhanced the Kenaf fibres and resulted in a
higher value end product.









unconventional natural cellulosic fibres as fibres for the next millennium. Many
study projects have been undertaken in India to study the techno-economic
feasibility of extraction and processing of unconventional cellulosic fibres. The
present studies covered three fibres, namely, a seed fibre (Kapok), a leaf fibre
(Furcrea) and a bast fibre (Hibiscus). This paper was a summary of the results
obtained on the above with respect to their extraction, fibre properties,
spinning, weaving and related conversion technologies and bleaching and
dyeing. The Indian Kapok popularly known as the silk cotton is a fine fibre,
short, sufficiently strong and extensible fibre having a Fibre Quality Index of
18.6 (compared to a value from 20 to 140 for cotton). The studies have
established that OE rotor yarns of 60 Tex can be produced in blends with
cotton and yarns are weavable in handlooms and slow speed power looms.
Kapok blended cotton fabrics are softer, shoe better drape compared to cotton
fabrics, the effect being more significant with higher proportion of Kapok fibre.
Studies on furcrea fibre extracted from the wild furcrea plants in the Nilgiri
Mountains of TamilNadu revealed that the fibre is strong and flexible to suit
textile processing but too coarse to be used in apparel

applications. The furcrea fibre having an average fineness of 21 tex becomes

finer with improved spin ability on being treated with Sodium Hydroxide.
Furcrea/Jute blended yarns have been produced in long staple jute spinning
system and in Dref machine. A fibre like jute improves the spinnability acting
as a carrier fibre. Fabrics made from furcrea yarns as weft and cotton as warp
exhibited very high tensile and tearing strength. Furcrea needle punched nonwovens can be used in varied applications. Furcrea juice, a bye-product of
furcrea fibre extraction from leaves has found to a very good stain remover.
Hibiscus fibre studied under the project, is an agro-waste of the hibiscus plant,
whose juice is used to clarify sugar cane juice in the sugar industry. Studies
with this medium fineness fibre having an average fineness of 6.9tex showed
a very low elongation and high tenacity. Though it contains about 8% lignin, it
gets bleached and dyed easily to acceptable levels with hydrogen peroxide
and direct dyed respectively. Twisting, braiding, macram and coiling
techniques have also been found useful in producing utility products and
home decoratives. As hibiscus fibre is finer than cotton, it has potential as a
blend component to cotton.
Pandey and Majumdar (2001)


reported on effect of chemical texturization

of jute on processibility and properties of Jute-nonwovens. Jute is a

lignocellulosic bast fibre which is primarily used for packaging. The fibre
contains lignin and cellulose including hemicellulose besides waxes, sugars,
minerals etc. Due to stiff competition from synthetic fibres, its uses in
packaging have been considerably reduced. In view of this, it has become
necessary to develop diversified jute products for new uses. With this aim,
attempt is made to study texurisation by chemical treatment such as alkalies
like sodium hydroxide and allied chemicals. Its properties undergo a radical
change during such modifications. It improves the fineness of the fibre and
opens the structure to look like a woolen fibre. Besides, three dimensional
crimp is also imparted. Thus the chemical treatment brings forth a sort of
texurising effect on straight, wire like jute filament. Not only substantial crimp
is developed but also the post decrimped extension becomes appreciably
higher than the breaking extension of raw jute. Attempts have also been made
to utilize such modified fibre for production of needle punched woolenised jute

blended products and to evaluate their various properties including thermal

insulation values, tenacities and abrasion resistance.
Kothari and co-workers (2004)


studied the Hairiness properties of

polyester/cotton blended yarns. Hairiness refers to the number of protruding

fibres that can be seen on the fabric surface. EBI-MTH hairiness tester,
Shirley hairiness tester, Laserport and Uster 3 were used to observe the
relationship between hairiness results obtained when different measuring
principles on these instruments are used. The effect of blend ratio and winding
on hairiness properties of ring spun yarns had also been assessed. Almost all
the measuring instruments reported increase in yarn hairiness after winding. A
high correlation was found between the tests results obtained on the
Doke and Shinde (2006)


reported on Dref-III Sunhemp blended yarns for

developing multi-use fabrics. The blending potentiality of sunhemp fibre, a

bast fibre belonging to mulberry family, with cotton, polyester and viscose
fabrics on Dref-III friction spinning system shows various useful properties of
these fibres. The yarn forming principle in Dref-III is based on aerodynamic
collection of fibres on the perforated rotating spinning drums, rotating in the
same direction. Fibres of different physical properties can be fed in the sliver
form as core to one of the drafting units at right angles to the other drafting
unit of the machine. Fibres of any combination of maximum six slivers at
sheath can be fed to produce core-sheath type of yarn. This way the spinning
system can develop the yarn structures by preferential placement of different
types of fibres in layers according to end use requirements of the fabrics.
These fabrics can be used for apparel, upholstery and dress material or
coated fabrics.
Dhandapani (2007)


investigated the Structural aspects of Borassus

flabellifer L (palmyrah palm) fruit fibres. Natural cellulosic fibres such as coir,
sisal, cotton, jute and ramie have been widely used in fibrous forms and the
reinforcements in the composites due to their low density and bio-degradable
nature. Fibres from date palm leaves and oil palm trees have been analyzed
and attempts have been made to measure and reduce the sorption

characteristics of oil palm fibers using various treatments. Borassus fibre is a

natural cellulosic fibre obtained from fruit extracts of palmyrah (toddy) palm
trees. Fibres are available from the covering of the fruits that can be
separated by mechanical peeling operation, followed by minor beating.
Though synthetic fibres exhibit superior properties and performance
compared to many natural fibres, the latter has still strong acceptance in
many applications. Unconventional natural fibres are often explored due to
their eco-friendliness and availability in many regions. Such fibres are often
used in low cost composites, technical applications such as ropes and
cordages. The structural properties and the physical properties were studied
in detail. It showed some unique properties that are normally observed in
other cellulosic fibres. Very low density values and higher moisture regain
levels appear to be the distinct aspects of the fibres. Also, the fibres are
capable of withstanding high temperatures without any degradation or
transitions. The tenacity values remained unchanged even under wet
conditions and there is presence of elastic region represented by the yield
point, which is absent in many natural cellulosic fibres.
Krishna Kumar and co-workers (1997)


reported on pineapple fibre

processing. Spinning, weaving and processing of fibres and fabrics made out
of leaf fibres is a new concept of recent origin, where pineapple fibre is
gaining considerable importance, even though this fibre could not be blended
either with cotton or synthetic fibre due to its long length and high fibre weight,
it is expected that in the nearer future these fibres will be exclusively used for
a specific purpose, along with cotton either in warp or weft to produce carpet
type fabrics.
Samanta and Das (1997)


have explained the chemical processing of

diversified jute products. Different textile and non textile applications of

diversified jute products are systematically listed and the present thrust areas
are focused. In the jute diversification approaches, the role and importance of
chemical processing is highlighted, along with the role of the Institute of Jute
Technology covering its activities in offering training services in both the
centralized and decentralized jute sectors besides regular courses and

research and development activities. Different refresher and on-site short

training course modules in chemical processing of jute products, offered by
IJT are reported. Different problems as observed/ encountered during these
on-site training for chemical processing of jute yarns were also discussed in
brief. Change in practice of handloom dyers for using reactive dye instead of
vat dye was suggested wherever possible. Some findings of the research
activity undertaken on chemical processing (preparatory processing, resin and
polymeric finishing and washability etc) of all jute fabric and jute/viscose
blended fabric and jute/cotton union fabric are reported, and may be
considered as useful information in this field of chemical processing of jute
diversified products, before adopting suitable chemical processing for them.
Ghosh and co workers (1998)


had explained about the scope for promotion

of Jute based products in the cottage industry. As jute is the principal cash
crop in the eastern part of the country, about 880 thousand hectares of land in
India are now under jute cultivation. The growing of jute, its harvesting,
processing and manufacture into textile based products is of major survival
and economic importance to the country with some 4.75 million families
supported directly by the industry. Various products are identified for jute
based cottage industry. Apart from the conventional different types of all jute
yarns, the R & D organizations have developed various unconventional
products like the furnishing fabric, upholstery fabric blankets, carpets, knitted
goods, floppy Ashan, Mufler, Wrapper cloth etc from the Jute-manmade/Synthetic fibre blended yarn. These can be easily manufactured in the
hand-loom and create a new avenue of jute products. The J.T.R.L has
developed small scale jute spinning plant for manufacturing of all jute and jute
synthetic blended yarn using fibres like viscose, polypropylene, acrylic etc.
The article gives a brief description of all the yarns along with coat of
manufacturing. Thus the growing up of this cottage industry may be of actual
help to the jute growers and villagers of jute growing area.
Rawal (1999)


carried out an experimental study on color fastness

properties of eco friendly pigment printed, chemically pre treated cotton,

banana and jute fabrics. In this study it was concluded that bleaching with

hydrogen peroxide was effective for cotton, cotton/banana union fabric and
jute/cotton because the impurities whitened and reduced the yellowness of the
fabrics. Pretreatment with polyurethane glycol increased the yarn diameter for
cotton showing that it created sufficient space for other processes to follow.
The color yield of kerosene free pigment prints was compared to conventional
kerosene pigment prints. Addition of silicone softener in the printing paste
reduced the bending rigidity to all the fabrics improving the feel o the fabric. It
also improved the color retention after laundering. Light fastness properties
were found satisfactory however crocking of pigment was showing poor rub
Doke and Garag (2003)


studied the effect of NaOH on structural properties

and spinnability of sunhemp fibres. The world has become conscious towards
ecology and needs eco-friendly, biodegradable fabrics for daily wear. This
keeps natural fibres the main resource for textiles in spite of increasing
competition from man-made fibres. Though sun hemp fibres are a natural
vegetable bast fibre and also bio-degradable, its potential in textiles is left
untapped. This work unfolds the suitability of it for use in textiles by improving
basic properties to overcome the inherent drawbacks by treating with NaOH
solution. With the basic aim, the Sunhemp fibres were grouped into three
parts 1) treated with 6% NaOH 2) treated with 18% NaOH and 2) untreated,
used for comparison studies. The untreated fibres were blended with V797
cotton variety with equal amount and spun on jute-cotton spinning system to
the nominal count of 9s Ne. The treated samples 1)and 2) were blended with
LRA cotton in the ratio 30:70 and spun on cotton system to the same nominal
count of 9sNe. Later fabrics were woven with these yarns as weft and 2/16
cotton yarn as warp with square weave of 3030 and with 30epi and 26 epi to
study fabric properties. Simultaneously, treated and untreated samples of
sunhemp fibres were examined for structural properties by electron
microscope and X-ray diffraction and also for their physical properties such as
fibre fineness, tensile strength etc. After the study of sunhemp fibres from
structure to spinnability to formation of fabrics, it was found that NaOH treated
fibres were well softened, crimpy, increase inter-fibre cohesion improving
spinnability to produce better yarns, which can be used to make apparel

fabric. It is to be emphasized here that the aim of this study is to promote

sunhemp fibres in textiles which are otherwise neglected.
Bhattacharya et al (2004)


studied about the mechanical processing of

natural fibre blends. Natural fibres either from vegetable origin or from the
animal origin, which have wide acceptance in textile application, are cotton,
jute, ramie, sisal, coconut (coir), silk, wool etc. Possibility of other fibres like
PALF, banana, sisal etc in textile applications has also been explored. Each
fibre has its own distinctive positive as well as negative characters. In order to
achieve the best utilization of the positive attributes of these fibres and to
minimize or to remove the negative characters as far as practicable, blending
of different fibres are done. The blending can be conceived at various stages
of mechanical processing depending upon the mechanical behavior of the
component fibres in the blend and on the desired characteristics of the end
Hazra and Karmakar (2004)


have described about the Jute fibre blends and

its potentialities. High performance target oriented technical textiles demand

special man-made fibres, in general, although natural fibres like jute, sisal,
ramie, mesta, sum hemp, flax, coir, etc have excellent scope to be used in the
application areas since these are bio-degradable with high moisture

efficiency. On


contrary, in




hydroscopicity is a hindrance, hydophobicity can be imparted in jute fibre by

well-established processing technologies. The overall picture emerging from
the facts make it clear that potential application area of jute/synthetic fibre
non-wovens include: gas filtration, liquid filtration, automotive, household,
agriculture, soil-savers, civil structures and others. There are areas where
great potential exists but remain to be exploited commercially. Huge plant
biomass is produced while growing jute ad other allied fibre crops for fibre
purpose, wherein the fibre constitutes only 4 - 6% of total biomass.
Sreenivasan (2004)


have discussed regarding the current scenario and

future prospects for diversified utilization of natural fibres other than cotton,
looks into the suitability of natural fibres for various applications like: high
quality blended apparel grade textiles, technical, industrial and home textiles

including non-wovens, bio-composites, pulp and paper, fine chemicals,

cosmetics, health care products and bio-fuel, its scope for enhanced use and
projected demands in terms of quality and quantity. The article also looks into
the basic physical, chemical, structural, morphological traits of natural fibres,
the blending of cotton with jute, pineapple, flax, ramie etc, in preparation of
particle boards, hard-board from crop residues like cotton stalks, craft paper
from cotton stalk pulp, making of corrugated boxes etc are outlined. In
addition to the current global trends, emerging areas of newer applications for
natural fibres are highlighted. Based on the international scenario and
increasing governmental thrust for post harvest processing, value addition
including packaging of agricultural produce, it is felt that the demand for
natural fibre products is bound to increase in years to come.

Doke and Behara (2004) carried out experiments on the cotton/sunhemp

blended yarns for diversified uses in textiles. According to the study;
Sunhemp fibre is referred in ancient Indian literature as San Pat is obtained
from the leguminous plant Crotalaria Juncea. It is not used by textile
manufacturers and technologists, though it has great potential if diversified
textile products are developed. In this paper, the method o spinning
sunhemp/cotton blended ring yarns is discussed. Coarse, stiff and long
sunhemp fibres after cutting into short length of 32 and 38 m are softened and
then opened in the specially designed opener machine for short sunhemp
fibres. Then these opened fibres are blended with short staple, flexible natural
fibres of cotton fibres in the carded web form with different proportions to
produce sunhemp/cotton yarns of 6s Ne and 10s Ne. Two varieties of cotton
are used for blending, out of these yarns, after testing, the best samples of 6s
count yarn with 20/80,30/70 and 50/50(SH/C) and another from 10s count are
selected to use as weft and cotton as warp to produce fabrics. Then the
fabrics are chemically processed to get soft and fuller feel. The success lies in
showing that sunhemp fibres can be blended to get course yarns to weave
fabrics, which can be used for various applications. The possibility of
producing value added fabrics from neglected sunhemp fibre would be
definitely helpful for the sunhemp fibre to find a place in the textile world.


Doke and Garag (2003)


studied the effect of NaOH on the structural

properties and spinnability of sunhemp fibres. The sunhemp fibre is a natural

vegetable bast fibre and also bio-degradable, its potential in textiles are left
untapped. This work unfolds the suitability of it for use in textiles by improving
basic properties to overcome the inherent drawbacks by treating with NaOH
solution. With this basic aim, the sunhemp fibres were grouped into three
parts 1) treated with 6% NaOH 2) treated with 18% NaOH 3) untreated, used
for comparison studies. The untreated fibres were blended with V797 cotton
variety with equal amount and spun on the jute-cotton spinning system to
nominal count of 9s Ne. The treated sample 1) & 2) were blended with LRA
cotton in the ratio 30:70 and spun on cotton system to the same nominal
count of 9s Ne. Later the fabrics were woven with these yarns as weft and
2/16 cotton yarns as warp with square weave of 3030 and with 30epi and
26ppi to study the fabric properties. Simultaneously, treated and untreated
samples of Sunhemp fibres were examined for structural properties by
electron microscope and X-ray diffraction and also for their physical properties
such as fibre fineness, tensile strength etc. After study of sunhemp fibres right
from structure, spinnability to formation of fabrics, it is found that NaOH
treated fibres are well softened, crimpy, increase inter-fibre cohesion
improving spinnability to produce better yarns, which can be used to make
apparel fabric. It is to be emphasized here that the aim of this study is to
promote sunhemp fibres in textiles otherwise which are neglected ones.
Mitra. et .al (2005)


studied the use of natural lingo-cellulosic fibres and their

blends for textile application. Ligno-cellulosic long vegetable fibres like jute,
mesta, Roselle, flax, banana, pineapple, ramie, sisal, manila etc have wide textile
use. Jute is traditionally used as packaging material like the Hessian and sacking.
Mesta and Roselle fibres are used as substitutes for the jute to produce coarse
type of twines or bags. Flax fibre is mainly used in production of industrial (i.e.:
-hose pipe, shoe twin etc) and apparel (i.e. linen cloth) textiles. Banana fibre is
available from the pseudostem of the banana plant. The fibre is very coarse, but
bright in appearance and at NIRJAFT (Calcutta) the fibre has been utilized in
blends with jute, Mesta to produce packaging materials and ropes. Pineapple leaf
fibre is very silky and strong and is


blended with jute and other fibres. Ramie is fine strong and silky fibre after
degumming. Higher density and wet strength along with high flexural and
torsional rigidity restrict their application to cordage industry. The article also
speaks of the different blended yarns like jute-ramie, jute-flax, jute-PALF, juteviscose covered yarn, texturised jute-polypropylene blended yarn, and high
bulk acrylic blended yarn. It also speaks of blended products like curtain
cloths, upholstery fabric, furnishing fabric, blankets, carpets, knitted goods and
woven garments. Thus the present status of technology of various lingocellulosic fibre blended products are developed in existing jute mill processing
machinery. Weaving can be commercially performed in corporate and
decentralized handloom weaving sector.
Doke. et. al. (2007)


studied the effect of fabric parameters on shear and the

mechanical properties of fabrics. In the above study to make the shear testing
economical a shear testing attachment is made to Instron-4411 and further to
make it very easy, an attempt is made to develop software which works with
Instron-4411 and gives shear testing results instantaneously. The results of
this instrument were analyzed statistically to investigate the correlation with
results of KES-FB system. Further to investigate the effect of weaving
parameters on shear and mechanical properties of fabrics, 12 fabric samples
(woolen suiting) were woven by changing various fabric parameters and then
tested for shear and mechanical properties. The results were then statistically
Sarkar (2005)


made an attempt to study the development of blended yarns.

According to the study blending of different fibres is primarily adopted for the
improvement of technological and or economical properties of the yarn. Fine type
of yarn (84 to 207 tex) needed for producing fine and strong fabrics like
furnishing, upholstery, industrial fabrics. Long, fine natural fibres like ramie; flax
and pineapple fibres were used in making of blended yarns with jute.

Ranganathan and Amsamani (2005)


reported on jute-cotton blend offers

adequate scope for making fancy T-shirts. Jute, a cellulosic fibre can be ecofriendly replacement for textile fibres such as cotton and its blends with cotton
offers an adequate scope for making fancy apparel. Jute offers advantages

such as agro-renewability, eco-friendliness, bio-degradability, low thermal

conductivity and compatibility in blending with other allied natural and manmade fibres. Blending helps in the removal of certain short comings of jute
such as variation in fibre length, roughness, brittleness and difficulty to
launder. A study was conducted to obtain jute yarns in blended state,
converting them to fabric by knitting, improving their eco-friendly nature by
dyeing them and evaluating the performance and quality of these fabrics. The
study used jute-cotton blends in the proportion of 50:50 and 70:30 and
revealed the suitability for knitting fancy fabrics such as T-shirts and double
jersey. Lac dye, a by product obtained from the effluent of the lac industry was
used in the study for dyeing knitted fabrics, due to its eco-friendly nature. The
evaluation revealed that 50:50 jute combinations showed better drapability
than other samples. In addition the study also revealed that a new range of
eco-friendly knitted fabrics is ready to capture the international market.
Bhattacharya and Shah (2006)


in their experimental work on degumming of

decorticated ramie: effects of alkalis on gummy compositions vis--vis their

properties. Ramie fibre contains cellulose as a main structural component like
any other vegetable fibres. Decorticated ramie contains about 19-30% of
gummy material. Degumming to a certain extent is necessary for its better
possibility. Caustic soda is although the most one explored, various alkalis
were judiciously selected on the basis of their base dissociation constant,
were used for degumming of the ramie fibres. They were graded according to
their performance with respect to the removal of individual components of the
gummy material. The fibre properties were analyzed in terms of residual gum
content, moisture regain, methylene blue exhaustion, whiteness index and
tensile strength. Three formulations with three different alkalis were reported
with the all round degumming performance. It was concluded by stating that
various alkalis other than caustic soda, can be used as an effective
degumming agent for decorticated ramie fibre. Hemicellulose and pectin
removal increased with the basicity of the alkalis, while lignin removal was
higher with calcium salts, which was confirmed by the characteristics of the
degummed fibre. Uniformity in removal of each component of the gummy
matter was achieved with the incorporation of alkalis. Excellent fibre

properties were obtained with such degummed fibres. SEM micrographs

revealed the best surface morphology with calcium hydroxide and mix alkaline
degummed samples.
Chattopadhay and co-workers (2006)


carried out an experimental work on

reactive dyeing of a pre-treated jute fabric using minimum application

technology. To exploit the full potential of a jute fibre, its value addition and
diversification are a must apart from its traditional products. For better look, its
colouration is a must and hence wet processing has occupied a very important
position in modern jute mills. In the present study the grey jute fabrics were
given pre-treatment such as scouring followed by enzyme treatment, which
were subsequently bleached with hydrogen peroxide. Dyeing of these
bleached jute fabrics were carried out with four different classes of reactive
dyes namely cold brand, hot brand, vinyl sulphone and HE-brand reactive
dyes, following the conventional exhaust method and pad-batch method. With
respect to dyeing behavior, it was found the dye-uptake and wash fastness
property of a dyed fabric produced by the pad batch method is well
comparable with that produced by the conventional exhaust method.
Irrespective of the methods of dyeing, scoured-bleached and scoured-enzyme
treated-bleached jute fabrics show better dye uptake and fastness property
compared to grey-bleached fabrics. Weight loss and strength loss increase
while bending length decreases with increase in pre-treatment stages.
Enzyme treatment of a scoured jute fabric before bleaching produces the
minimum bending length among all the samples. The pre-treatment process is
found to have some detrimental effect on the tensile properties of the jute
fabric and as the number of pre-treatment steps increases, the tenacity of the
fabric decreases. Reactive dyeing of the pre-treated jute fabrics further
reduces their tensile strength by around 10% irrespective of the method of
dyeing and pre-treatment process. So, minimum application technology can
be well adopted for dyeing jute fabric with reactive dyes. The process is
simple, cost-effective as it utilizes dye to its maximum extent, requires
minimum energy and is suitable for use in cottage and small- scale industries.


Bhatia et. al (2006) studied polyester blends on new spinning systems with
new cost equations in the spinning industry, it is imperative to have a fresh
look o open end, air jet and compact spinning systems for polyester and
blended yarns. Open end is traditionally looked upon as suitable for spinning
course counts using comber noils and other spinning soft wastes rather than
virgin fibres for applications in niwars, durries, tyre cord. Air-jet spinning offers
an alternative to ring spinning for the fine count range of 30s and 80s.It is
unique in that, the front roller delivery speeds can be maintained at the same
level of about 300 meters per minute in all the count range. The compact
spinning system is based on the elimination of spinning triangle at the front
roller nip at ring frame. The system is based on the principle of condensing of
the drafted fibre strand by air suction by additional front perforated roller. Thus
the New Spinning Systems viz. Open end, Air jet and the Compact spinning
are very much relevant and mills should evaluate the Techno Economics,
looking to superior quality of Yarn achieved.
Chellamani. et. al. (2006)


reported on the spinning of coir/jute blended yarns

in modified jute spinning system. It focuses on a softening process developed

by Sitra to soften coir and sisal fibres. After softening coir fibres, the same can
be blended with fibres like jute, sisal and hemp fibres. Appropriate machinery
modifications have been carried out in jute spinning system; it is possible to
produce coir-blended yarns of 25 to 60% finer as compared to 100% coir
yarns produced by normal spinning process available in coir industries.
Majority of coir yarns spun using mechanized ratts are manufactured with
cotton/polyester filament as core. With cotton the cost of resultant coir yarn
increases and with polyester as core the eco-friendly nature of the coir product
is affected. Sisal fibres are strong, lustrous and easily dyeable to any shade.
Blending of sisal with coir therefore, will improve the durability ant the appeal
characteristics of the end product. Moreover sisal fibres have higher abrasion
In the present study on development of coir-cotton composite yarns through

friction spinning for the industrial end-uses, Chattopadhay et.al (2001) have
studied the feasibility of production of coir-composite yarn, employing friction

spinning technology has also been attempted. The fibres like cotton, wool,
jute, viscose, polyester, acrylic and polypropylene have been used on the
surface of a composite yarn having either single or double ply coir rope in the
centre using Friction Spinning Technology. The end product intended were
composite yarns containing coir ropes in the centre, known as core and the
other staple fibres on the outer surface of the yarn Known as sheath.
Kimmel and co-workers (2006)


have analyzed the tensile properties of

various cotton and DyneeemaR blend yarns. A series of ring and rotor spun
yarns had been produced from the low level blends of Dyneema R, a gel-spun
ultra high molecular weight, high density polyethylene fibre (HDPE) of varied
types, with selected white and naturally coloured cottons and the tensile
properties of blended yarns studied. The DyneemaR fibre is commonly
referred to as high performance polyethylene (HPPE) due to its exceptionally
high strength. The addition of small quantities of certain HPPE fibres
substantially increases the yarn tenacity and breaking elongation of certain
cotton blended yarns, particularly those made from naturally coloured cottons.
The resultant yarn tenacity appears to be influenced by the fineness of the
constituent fibres and the level of yarn twist. The effect is more pronounced for
the coloured cottons than for the HPPE blends with white cotton. Whereas the
yarn strength tends to increase for the pure brown and white cottons as the
twist increases, it decreases in the green cotton yarns with the increase in
twist within the range studied. However, the addition of small quantities of
HPPE fibres results in substantial increase in tenacity for all at a constant level
of twist. Finer HPPE fibre provides a greater improvement in yarn strength as
compared to coarser HPPE fibres. The different frictional properties and
geometries of the constituent cottons and synthetic fibres play a role in their
blending and associated resultant yarn strength. The use of small quantities of
1-denier HPPE fibre significantly increases the strength and elongation of
cotton blended yarns, particularly those made from brown cotton, with the
minimum change in observed colour. Such cotton and DyneemaR blends may
find application in special purpose denims, where pure cotton yarns or the
traditional cotton rich blends with conventional synthetics may not meet the
performance requirements for fabric strength.

Gayathri and Bala (2006)


reported on the non-traditional natural textile

fibres: production and applications. There are various unconventional natural

textile fibres that are available and has their own applications. These materials
have the advantage of being biodegradable and eco-friendly. Bamboo
possesses unique anti-bacterial and bacteriostatic bio-agent, unusual ability to
breathe and has coolness and can therefore be used to make underwear,
socks, curtains and sweaters. Kenaf is a short day, annual herbaceous plant
cultivated for the soft bast fibre in its stem. It is used in making of value added
products like paper pulp. Composite materials, textiles and geo-textiles.
Milkweeds produce tough fibres in their stems and are used for making cloth
or twine and as substitute for wood in pressed panels. Pineapple fibre is soft,
extracted from leaves. The strength and elongation is comparable with cotton
fibre and are used for making ropes, cloth, mat, hand-bags. Abaca fibres are
extracted from the leaves of the monocotyledonous plant banana. The fibre
has a large lumen and used for marine ropes, cables and mats. Spider silk is
made of protein secreted as a fluid that solidifies and has high strength than
steel. The strength and elasticity of spider silk make it a good candidate for a
broad range of medical and industrial applications.
Ingle and Doke (2006)


have analyzed sunhemp fibres processed using jute

spinning system. Sunhemp is coarse, strong and stiff bast fibre similar to jute
fibre but not considered by textile technologists for the purpose of spinning
into yarn, which can be further woven into fabrics. The objective of this study
was to spin 100% Sunhemp fibres into different yarns of same count on a jute
spinning system by using different number of passages of carding and
drawing to find how the structural changes in the fibre after each stage
mechanical processing. To observe structural changes in the fibre, random
sampling method was done using microscope. It was found that a lot of
changes occur in the fibre structure due to mechanical processing. The
structural details about the fibre entity are depicted in the article. Further,
correlation was established between various fibre parameters such as fibre
length, fibre diameter and fibre number of branches. Finally, an exponential
frequency distribution of the fibre lengths for various stages in the spinning
process was calculated. This curve explains how the degree of

individualization increases as the fibre length decreases and makes the fibre
spinnable into better quality yarn.
Reddy et.al (2006)


examined the processability and properties of yarns

produced from cornhusk fibres and their blends with other fibres. Natural
cellulose fibres extracted from cornhusks have been blended with cotton and
polyester and processed on the ring and rotor spinning machines. The
processability of cornhusk fibres on the conventional spinning systems,
compatibility with cotton and polyester, and properties of the blended yarns
had been studied. The properties of cornhusk fibres blended yarns are also
compared with those of the similar yarns produced from unconventional fibres,
such as pineapple and banana leaves, milkweed and kenaf. It is observed that
the blending of cornhusk fibres with cotton does not adversely affect the
properties of yarns while the blending of cornhusk fibres with polyester
improves the strength and elongation of the yarns.
Marwaha (2007)


reported on eco-friendly fibres. According to the study, the

growing concerns for the degrading environmental conditions have led to the
development of eco-friendly and biodegradable fibres. These fibres, being
eco-friendly, do not pose the toxicity and waste disposal problems. Ecofriendly fibres are natural fibres, sub-divided into organic (vegetable and
animal) and inorganic (mineral) fibres. The fibres discussed in this article are
banana, sisal, mesta, hemp, flax, angora rabbit hair, and pineapple leaf fibre.
Dhamija and Chopra (2007)


Carried out and experimental work to determine

the tearing strength of cotton fabrics in relation to certain process and loom
parameters. Tearing strength of cotton fabrics made of ring- as well as
compact spun weft yarns has been studied in relation to certain process and
loom parameters. It is observed that the fabrics made of compact spun weft
yarns are more tear resistant. The tearing strength further improves
particularly in the weft way direction with the increase in the weft yarn linear
density and the weft tex twist factor. There is an initial increase in strength
followed by a decrease as the number of picks per inch is increased in the
cotton fabrics made of compact spun yarns. However for the fabrics made of
ring yarns, it shows a general decreasing trend. The 2/2 designs are found to

be superior in warp-way but inferior in weft-way directions. The fabrics woven

on air-jet looms show lower tearing strength than those woven on projectile
looms. The mechanical finish as well the variation in shed opening do not
effect the tearing strength of cotton fabrics produced from compact-spun weft
Dhandapani (2007)


investigated the structural aspects of Borassus flabellifer

L (palmyrah palm) fruit fibres. Natural cellulosic fibres such as coir, sisal,
cotton, jute and ramie have been widely used in fibrous forms and the
reinforcements in the composites due to their low density and bio-degradable
nature. Fibres from date palm leaves and oil palm trees have been analyzed
and attempts have been made to measure and reduce the sorption
characteristics of oil palm fibers using various treatments. Borassus fibre is a
natural cellulosic fibre obtained from fruit extracts of palmyrah (toddy) palm
trees. Fibres are available from the covering of the fruits that can be separated
by mechanical peeling operation, followed by minor beating. Though synthetic
fibres exhibit superior properties and performance compared to many natural
fibres, the latter has still strong acceptance in many applications.
Unconventional natural fibres are often explored due to their eco-friendliness
and availability in many regions. Such fibres are often used in low cost
composites, technical applications such as ropes and cordages. The structural
properties and the physical properties were studied in detail. It showed some
unique properties that are normally observed in other cellulosic fibres. Very
low density values and higher moisture regain levels appear to be the distinct
aspects of the fibres. Also, the fibres are capable of withstanding high
temperatures without any degradation or transitions. The tenacity values
remained unchanged even under wet conditions and there is presence of
elastic region represented by the yield point, which is absent in many natural
cellulosic fibres.
Ramesh (2007)


carried out a study asserting that yarn quality depends

upon the settings and spindle speeds. The study has been conducted for five
counts like 34s carded, 40s carded, 40s combed, 60s carded and 80s
combed. The spindle speed variation was between 13,500 to 19,500 rpm. The

paper also gave the results on the effect of different spindle speed on
evenness, imperfections and hairiness then different back-zone setting in ring
frames on imperfections. At increase spindle speeds, yarn quality attributes
like strength, evenness and thick places do not get high affected. Thin places,
strength C.V % and hairiness show a tendency to increase with spindle
speed. While increasing back-zone setting of the ring frame thin places fault
(measured Uster tester-3) get reduced.
Sivakumar (2007)


studied the economic dyeing of P/C blends with







conservation processes are the prime concern of the textile chemical

processing industry. In this study, for the collaboration of P/C blend fabrics, so
called disperse dyes were used, to conserve time and energy, it is desirable to
develop an economical process which can dye both the portions of the blend
with altering their viz- properties. Therefore in the present investigation, an
attempt was made to dye the P/C blends in a single bath with disperse dyes
using high boiling swelling agent (PEG).This resulted in the generation of
COD and BOD low values, anti-soiling etc. The level of degradation of PET
was determined along with the dye exhaustion percentage, the fastness
values and the K/S values. The dye exhaustion and colour strength increases
by increasing the concentration of Cd up to 30 gpl. The swelling of PET fabric
is favoured at steaming temperature, thus facilitating the diffusion of saturated
steam inside the fabric. In case of P/C blend, the presence of PEG, the K/S
value is more for the cotton component and less for the polyester component
and it is possible that the [pore size available in the cotton fibre structure
reduces in the presence of PEG thereby making the cotton fibre as dye able
with disperse dyes. The effect of such treatments on various properties like
fastness, pilling etc has been discussed in part-2.
Sivakumar (2007)


studied the economical dyeing of P/C blends with

multifunctional property. This paper deals with different energy conservation

processes and multifunctional auxiliaries. To meet this objectiveness, the
dyeing of P/C blends is done by using high boiling swelling agents, as
compared with conventional processes. Hence the use of different swelling

agents , results in the generation of COD and BOD low values, anti-soiling
agents etc The successful application of disperse dyes on P/C blends with the
help of PRG and CD bring out numerous advantages such as dyeing of P/C
blend in a single stage process using disperse dyes, saving of water, energy








enhancement of functional property of the P/C fabric by means of CD,

Minimizing of the effluent problem due to shortening processes, re-placing of
more polluting surfactants etc and makes it economical. Disperse dyes do not
posses any affinity for the cotton component, further tone-in-tone affect on
such blends cannot be achieved by using only one dye in a single dye bath
application. This could be readily achieved by treating with PEG, NaOH, and
CD etc, which further improved the dye ability the fastness properties also to
some extent
Arindam and Prakasam (2007)

have reported about the spinning

performances of fibres. When the staple fibres are converted to yarn they go
through various processes such as opening, cleaning, combing, drafting, etc.
These processes cause various deformations such as tension, bending and
compression. The behaviors of fibres during the processes are dependent
upon the combined effect of inter-fibre cohesion and resiliency. Though there
are wide spread recognition of the roles of fibre cohesion and resiliency in
textile process, reliable measures of their combined effects do not exist.
Considering the importance of these parameters an instrument had been
developed which can be used to measure the processing propensity of staple
fibres which follows the principle of opening roller of rotor spinning unit which
was modified to simulate the carding action. Seven varieties of cotton were
tested using the instrument and the same cotton was tested for basic fibre
properties and cohesive force. They were further tested for unevenness and
imperfections using UT4.The results showed higher strength, length and
cohesive force values. The instrument Developed by SITRA will help mills in
assessing the fibre processing propensity, which will in turn produce yarns of
optimum quality from a given fibre.


Balasubramanian (2007) have tried to analyze the hairiness of yarns: and its
relative merits of various systems, protruding fibres, loops from the surface of
the yarns and loosely wrapped wild fibres constitute hairiness, is a unique
feature of staple fibres and that distinguishes it from a filament yarns. In spite
of the various drawbacks of hairiness like excessive lint droppings, affecting
the appearance, performance gets affected, prints look hazy and lack
sharpness, in sewing breakages would be high, increased tendency to pilling,
increase in air drag etc, it has some beneficial effects as it adds to fabric
comfort, liveliness, warmth. The article also discusses in detail about the
procedures for measurement of hairiness like microscopic, photoelectric etc.
The various tests to measure hairiness and the methods to control hairiness
in different spinning systems. Hairiness is lower in air vortex spinning
compared to air-jet spinning and while hairiness increases with cotton content
in air-jet, no such trend is found in air vortex spinning.
Gautam and Bhattacharya (2007)


have explained the blending of jute with

other fibres which requires running the spinning machines at lower speeds
because most other fibres have lower strength because most of the jute
spinning machines are designed for handling only jute. To facilitate control of
speed in a manner that does not result in excessive end breakages, when
blending jute accessories like infrared sensors and closed loop controlled
drive circuitry were tried and have met with limited success. It was observed
that very minor slippage takes place due to increment and change of load
between the belt contact positions, which can be neglected for any practical
purposes and applications. Thus it may be concluded that work done on
control and measurement of flyer speed of jute spinning machines using
infrared sensor is a unique one and is highly suitable for production of
diversified blended jute products. However demand for blended jute products
is growing and the importance of improving productivity in blended jute
spinning cannot be over emphasized.
Naik and co workers (2007)


in their experimental study on handle and

comfort properties of Polyester/Viscose suiting fabrics have studied the

handle and comfort properties of PV blended fabrics. As consumers today are

becoming quality oriented, stress is on the aesthetic, intrinsic and utility

performance of the fabric. In this paper the handle and comfort properties of
PV blended suiting fabric is studied on Kawabata Evaluation system for
fabrics (KESF).Fabric mechanical properties like tensile, shear, bending,
compression, surface roughness and surface friction were also measured.
The air-permeability, thermal insulation, moisture vapour resistance tests were
also performed. All the above tests are discussed in detail in the study. In the
PV blended fabric with the increase in the polyester content, the extensibility
and the tensile energy of the fabric decreases and the tensile resiliency of the
fabric increases. The bending rigidity, the hysteresis of bending curve, fabric
shear rigidity and the hysteresis of the shear increases with the increase in
the polyester content. The compress ional energy decreases with the increase
in the polyester content. The coefficient of friction increases while the
geometrical roughness decreases with the increase in polyester content. The
THV decreases with the increase in the polyester content. The airpermeability and the moisture vapour transfer decrease while the thermal
insulation increases with the increase in polyester content in the PV blended
fabrics. The fabrics with higher viscose content give better hand; higher airpermeability and higher moisture vapour transfer but lower thermal insulation.
Shilpa et al (2007)


have stated about the growing importance of cotton

blends in the apparel market, have explained the term blending, which is the
process required to convert two or more kinds of staple fibres into a single
yarn composed of an intimate mixture of the component fibres which is
necessary to obtain a uniform yarn from different varieties of the same fibrous
polymer. The various reasons for development of blends are to make the
fabric economically viable, durability of fabrics, improving the physical
properties, to create new colour variations, to improve spinning, weaving and
finishing efficiency etc. This paper deals with cotton blending with different
varieties of fibres and their properties. Thus the textile industry in India
contributes lot in foreign exchange earnings of the country. In which garment
industry contributes to 6% of the gross domestic product of India. Hence the


growing importance of fibre blends in apparels. Global competition blending of

cotton appears to be inevitable.
Chellamani et. al (2007)


in their experimental study on processing of

silk/cotton blends in short staple ring spinning system, have explained the
technology of production of spun silk yarn from silk waste which involves a
long sequence of machines. There has been a great demand for silk blended
fabrics in recent years due to increased price of raw silk. Therefore this study
was carried out with the objectives of spinning of silk/cotton blended yarns in
short staple spinning systems, evaluation of quality attributes of silk/cotton
blended yarns and the assessment of handle and performance properties of
silk/cotton fabrics. It concluded by stating that 60s and 80s combed yarns
were spun and there is a tendency for the silk/cotton blended yarns to show
better yarn quality attributes I terms of imperfections and hairiness. The
thermal c0onductivity of silk/cotton blended yarn fabrics is relatively better as
there was a marked improvement in the comfort characteristics making it ideal
for summer wear. The total hand value as measured by Kawabata Evaluation
system was better for the cotton/silk blended yarn fabrics.
Rao (2007)


explored the Extraction and tensile properties of natural

fibres: Vakka, date and bamboo. This paper aimed at introducing new
natural fibres used as fillers in a polymeric matrix enabling production of
economical and light weight composites for load carrying structures. An
investigation of the extraction procedures of Vakka, date and bamboo fibres
had been undertaken. The cross-sectional shape, the density and tensile
properties of these fibres, along with established fibres like sisal, banana,
coconut and palm were determined experimentally under similar conditions
and compared. The fibres introduced in the present study could be used as an
effective reinforcement for making composites, which have an added
advantage of being light weight.
Edward and Mrinal (2008)


have described blending used by the yarn

manufacturer to describe specifically the sequence of processes required to

convert two or more kinds of staple fibres into a single yarn composed of an
intimate mixture of the component fibres which is necessary to obtain a

uniform yarn from different varieties of the same fibrous polymer. The various
reasons for development of fibre blends are the economic, durability, physical
properties, colour, appearance etc. here are four major types of coloured
effect achieved by blending like the solid, reserve, shadow and the contrast
and each of this is discussed in detail.
Sengupta et al (2008)


have discussed about the present scenario in

mechanical processing of jute. Jute is one of the most important fibre used for
industrial applications. Development in jute mechanical processing sector is
remarkable in some areas, but industry is reluctant to accept the new
technology and products. The wide variation and unique characteristics in jute
fibre properties and the meshy structure make this fibre difficult for
processing. Hence its processing machineries are quite different than any
other fibre processing machine. Most extensive research; intensive production
and marketing expertise have to be built into the jute sector to make jute nonwovens a commercial success for jute diversifications. It seems that there is
potential of use of jute in stitch bonded non-woven, which is unexplored till
date. Extensive research is required for jute fibre quality improvement for
better processing and yarn quality.
Bhattacharya and co workers (2008)


have reported on the improvement of

the soil-burial property of jute fabric. Jute is a ligno-cellulosic fibre. Biological

degradation of the jute takes place due to the fragmentation of the lignocellulosic material and the inter-lignin bonds present in the jute fibre, caused
by the enzymes of micro-organisms inside the soil. Degradation of the jute
fabric can be delayed by extraction of the natural binder and substituting it
with synthetic binders. Studies on the tensile properties of the bleached
fabrics were carried out and then compared with the enhancement of the
tensile property, after applying synthetic binders by a sprayer, followed by
curing. Soil burial tests are also carried out. As usages in traditional areas like
packaging of food-grains are declining, it is important for the industry to find
more effective, efficient and economically viable usage in other areas.

Itagi and co workers (2008) had reported on polyester cotton blended saree
of Shigli (Karnataka). In northern part of Karnataka, weaving is part and parcel

of life, as it has given employment opportunity in the rural areas. Central Silk
Board, DCTSC dept, has conducted survey of weaving clusters in Gadag
district. This paper reports one such area of Shigli as potential for weaving
poly cotton saree, which has developed good market in southern areas. Here
power loom uses cotton and polyester yarns for production of sarees, where
the cotton of about 2/100s count, is used as warp which is 40%. Polyester
yarns of 2/80s count id used for border and 80s for the weft, which is around
60%. Both yarns are dyed and converted to hanks in bobbins. Value addition
is also provided by hand embroidery (Kasuti) by trained workers. As per
survey, a weaver can produce a saree of 6.2 meters in length in a period of
just 31/2 hours and 2 sarees in 8 hours of time. The price varies from around
3000- 500 depending upon the amount of work gone into it. The KSPLDC,
Bangalore has constructed 16 sheds, which has been given master weavers
to help the weaving community and development of power looms. The
polyester cotton blended sarees are having good demand among the
customers of different states because of the comfort and low price when
compared with other sarees in the market with good colour combinations.
Saktivel et. al (2005)


in the article unconventional natural textile fibres have

highlighted the importance and wide textile applications of natural fibres which
are mostly used in different areas namely wearable textiles, household textiles
and industrial textiles, based on the advantages obtained from the particular
type of fibres. Large numbers of varieties of unconventional natural textile
fibres are available, but due to their unavailability, it is not familiar in the field
of textiles. Some of the unconventional fibres like milkweed, pineapple,
banana, funcraea and spider silk are used in different applications in the field
of textiles, because of their own advantages.
The article Current scenario and future prospects for diversified utilization of
natural fibres other than cotton looks into the suitability of natural fibres for
various applications like: high quality blended apparel grade textiles,
technical, industrial and home textiles including non-wovens, bio-composites,
pulp and paper, fine chemicals, cosmetics, health care products and bio-fuel,
its scope for enhanced use and projected demands in terms of quality and

quantity. The article also looks into the basic physical, chemical, structural,
morphological traits of natural fibres, the blending of cotton with jute,
pineapple, flax, ramie etc, in preparation of particle boards, hard-board from
crop residues like cotton stalks, craft paper from cotton stalk pulp, making of
corrugated boxes etc are outlined. In addition to the current global trends,
emerging areas of newer applications for natural fibres are highlighted. Based
on the international scenario and increasing governmental thrust for post
harvest processing, value addition including packaging of agricultural
produce, it is felt that the demand for natural fibre products is bound to
increase in years to come.


This consists of studies related to pre-treatments.
Pahwa and coworkers (1997)


had reported on scouring and bleaching.

Raw cotton, in addition to cellulose, contains pectoses and pectins, waxes

and oils, proteins and similar related nitrogen compounds, organic acids,
mineral matters, etc. For the removal of natural impurities, cotton can be
subjected to various chemical treatments, which replace the various hydroxyl
groups in order to yield different modified properties as electrical resistance,
moisture absorption and rot resistance and reduces the likelyhood of creasing
and wrinkling in fabric form. The duration of the treatment in scouring and
bleaching has a significant effect on the properties of cotton fibres like with the
increase in the treatment time, loss in weight also increases, which again
follows the increasing trend with severity of the treatment time. The length and
fineness of fibres decreases with increase in the treatment time. Maturity
coefficient and bundle strength exhibit an increase of up to 2.10 hr treatment
time. Results indicated that sample treated for 6 hr shows decreased value of
all the tested properties which may be attributed to the prolonged treatment
that has affected the fibre properties adversely. Thus it was recommended
that scouring of cotton fibres up to 2.10 hr period is safe in terms of fibre
properties and their appearance.


Ray et.al (2004)


studied the alkali treatment of jute fibres and their

application in composites, for the study jute fibres were subjected to an alkali
treatment with 5%NaOh solution fore 0, 4 and 8 h at 30C. Composites were
prepared with untreated as well as alkali treated jute fibres and vinyl ester
resin with a fibre loading of 35% by hand pultrusion method. The modulus of
the jute fibres increased by 12% and 79% after 4 and 8 h alkali treatment
respectively. For the 4h treated composites the flexural strength improved by
20% and modulus improved by 23%. However, this was not reflected in their
impact fatigue behavior. On the contrary, the composites reinforced with the
untreated and the 8h treated fibres displayed superior impact fatigue
resistance. The higher defect concentrations in the untreated and 8h treated
composites lowered their mechanical properties, but acted as shock absorber
to the repeated impacts and improved their impact fatigue resistance property.
The improved bonding between the alkali treated jute fibres and the vinylester
resin increased the relative thickness of the bonded interface. Tiny humps
were observed at a temperature higher than the primary transition
temperature in the loss modulus curves of the composites. The damping
parameter of both the transition peaks showed an increasing trend in the
treated composites indicating higher viscous dissipation in the treated
Menezes (2007)


have reported on Jute processing. Jute is a bast fibre

having meshy structure obtained from the bark of jute plant. Retting and
extraction processes have a profound effect on the quality of fibre produced,
and on the cost of fibre production affects the efficiency of manufacturing,
quality of the end products, competitiveness in market and ultimately
determining the level of earnings for industry and returns for growers. The
article also explores about the options that existed for qualifying and
developing improved microbial retting practices, for determining water
requirements and for use of low cost bleaching agents. It also concentrated
on studies of mixed bacterial cultures which are efficient retting agents and
which have a measure of symbiosis within the culture. It further briefs on the
various bleaching techniques like reductive bleaching, sodium hypochlorite
bleaching, sodium chlorite bleaching, hydrogen peroxide bleaching, one bath

scouring and bleaching, including the chlorine free bleaching, retting in field,
and carding, batching, carding, drawing/grilling, spinning, chemical treatment
of jute. Various methods of dyeing of jute fibres especially with reactive dyes
and the finishes that can be applied on jute fabrics depending on its end use
as well as to improve aesthetic and feel properties.
Samanta and coworkers (2005)


studied the effect of selective pre-

treatments and subsequent mixed enzyme treatment on properties of jutecotton union fabric. Jute-cotton (75:25) union furnishing fabric had been
treated with varying dose of mixed enzyme (cellulose, xylanase and
pectinase) system with or without selective pre-treatments and the
consequent changes in important textile related properties of the fabric
evaluated. For untreated jute-cotton union fabric, 4% (owf) mixed enzyme
treatment at 55 C for 2h using pH 4.8-5.0 is found to be optimum. Between
cotton (warp) and jute (weft), enzyme action is found to be more pronounced
in cotton than in jute. However, the degree of enzymatic hydrolysis and
associated weight loss for jute are found to be more pronounced in cotton
than in jute. However, the degree of enzymatic hydrolysis and associated
weight loss for jute are found to increase if the mixed enzyme treatment is
done after selective pre-treatments. 1% NaOH pretreatment at 30 C for 30
min offers some unique advantages, except browning of surface colour, when
subsequently treated with 4% (owf) mixed enzyme, Steaming of wetted jutecotton union fabric t 130 C for 5 min shows almost negligible weight loss and
marginal or no strength loss, although the reduction in stiffness in jute is poor
and inadequate. Conventional scouring followed by 2% bleaching with
stabilizer AWNI instead of sodium metasilicate makes the fabric most suited
for subsequent 4% mixed enzyme treatment. The use of 5 steel balls in the
rotating beaker of the launder-o-meter during the enzyme treatment is found
to be very useful for removal of surface fuzz. Changes in the functional group
pattern and chemical composition of jute have also been analyzed after the
treatments. Scanning electron microscopic and X-ray crystallographic studies
respectively reveal the changes in the surface morphological features and the
fine structure of differently treated jute component of jute-cotton union fabric.
There is apparent increase or decrease in X-ray crystallinity due to associated

mass loss from non-cystalline zone/crystalline interface for different pretreatments and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis.
Grancaric et al (2006)


evaluated the efficacy of various scouring and

bleaching regimes for flax blends by application of a thin layer wicking

method. Increasing interest in blends of short staple or cottonised flax with
other fibres has led to the development of new scouring, lignin solubilisation
and bleaching regimes for the various blends. n this experimental study
flax/wool (33/66) and flax/polyester (33/66) blend yarns, spun from short
staple flax were scoured using either conventional or enzymatic scouring
methods before bleaching under appropriate conditions for the different
blends. The efficacy of the various preparation routes was evaluated using a
water droplet absorption test, a vertical wicking test and thin layer wicking
method. Enzymatic scouring proved to be least as effective as conventional
scouring, but addition of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (to enhance pectin
solubility) resulted in more hydrophobic yarns. Thin layer wicking with nheptane and formamide, as well as with water, permitted calculation of yarn
surface free energy changes associated with scouring and bleaching. It is
suggested that when thin layer wicking is applied to yarns, special care is
required when winding the yarns onto the support to ensure that the samples
of uniform and repeatable porosity are presented to the wicking liquids.
Varshney et. al (2006)


studied the varietal response of jute fibres with varying

meshiness to alkali treatment. The study was carried out in two parts, firstly to
study the Effect of alkali concentration and treatment temperature on crimp
development in jute fibres For the above study four different varieties of jute
fibres with different levels of meshiness were carried out at three different
conditions of concentration and temperature, namely 9% conc./2C temp (9/2),
18% conc./30C temp (18/30) and 18% conc./10 C temp (18/10). Crimping
behavior in terms of decrimping extension, decrimping stress, decrimping energy
and crimp stability has been studied. It has been observed that under the
condition 18/10, crimp development is maximum because of its inherent higher
shrinkage potential. Decrimpimng energy is also found to be highest but the
parameter crimp energy decay, having considerable practical


importance and the indicator of crimp instability, comes out to be higher.

However for all practical purposes, considering other technical aspects, 18/10
conditions gives satisfactory results in the crimp development.
Secondly to study the properties of the alkali treated jute fibres, different
varieties of jute fibres each with different levels of meshiness index have been
treated under three different conditions of NaOH solution, namely 9%
conc./2C temp. (9/32), 18% conc./10C temp. (18/10). Loss in weight and
amount of shrinkage and their relationship with the change in tenacity and
breaking extension of fibres have been studied. It is observed that the
concentration and the temperature of the NaOH solution along with the
degree of opening have considerable effect on the properties of fibres. Out of
the three conditions, 18/10 is found to be more effective in developing
desirable characteristics of breaking extension and tenacity with sufficient
crimps for better spinning performance and better blend compatibility with
other natural fibres as well as man-made fibres.
Alka et al (2007)


in their review study on comparison of different bleaching

methods on natural fibres have stressed on the potentialities of natural fibres,

as are renewable and the need to be improvised in the areas of pretreatments and processing which is concerned mainly with the removal of
natural as well as added impurities and to impart whiteness and absorbency
by utilizing minimum time, energy and chemicals as well as water. This study
gives a detail understanding of the effect of different bleaching agents on
various fibres/fabrics, under various conditions of concentrations, ph,
temperatures, time, and activators. It can be concluded from the above study
that different bleaching methods were applied on merino wool, cotton fibre,
mulberry and tussar silk and were judged on the basis of the whiteness
obtained after bleaching. It was observed that the action of the bleaching
agent reduces the strength to an acceptable limit with an increase in
elongation percentage. The fineness was also improved due to the bleaching
finish on different fibres. Therefore to improve the whiteness of fibres or to
fade their natural colour bleaching is recommended.


Dhamija and Manisha (2007)


studied the tearing strength of cotton fabrics in

relation top certain process and loom parameters. Tearing strength is one of
the important aspects of a finished fabric as it is directly involved in the
assessment of serviceability of the fabric in use. Three different varieties of
cotton was used and `it was observed that the fabrics made out of compact
spun weft yarns are more tear resistant. The tearing strength further improves
particularly in the weft way direction with the increase in the weft yarn linear
density and weft tex twist factor. There is an initial increase in strength
followed by a decrease as the number of picks/inch is increased in the cotton
fabrics made of compact spun yarns. However, for the fabrics made of ring
yarns, it showed a general decreasing trend. The 2/2 designs are found to be
superior in warp way but inferior in weft way directions. The fabrics woven on
air jet looms show lower tearing strength than those woven on projectile
looms. The mechanical finish as well as the variation in shed opening does
not affect the tearing strength of cotton fabrics produced from compact spun
weft yarns.
Hebsiba and Thambidurai (2007)


investigated the tensile properties of

cotton yarns after slack swelling and stretching in presence and absence of
sodium hydroxide. For the study cotton yarns of 16s count was made on a
ring and rotor spinning frame from a single fibre mix and yarn samples were
prepared in lea forms and treated. The properties of ring and rotor spun cotton
yarns subjected to combined swelling and stretching at pre-determined time
intervals have been studied. Yarn stretched in the solution exhibit spectacular
changes in their properties. The increments in shrinkage values were found to
be more in slack swollen rotor- spun yarns. Crystallinity values showed a
decreasing trend with the increase in swelling time. Yarns stretched in solution
showed a tremendous increase in packing fraction. Tenacity and elongation
values showed significant increase with the solution stretch. The values of
packing fraction, tenacity and percent elongation were found to be higher in
the case of ring spun yarns. Scanning electron microscopy proved the
swellability and packing of fibres in the yarns.


Igor and co-workers (2007)


Assessed structural changes in cotton yarns

during wet processing, mercerization and scouring. Consumer demand for

improved cotton quality is on the rise. Yarn properties depend on the spinning
and finishing processes used, such as mercerization, scouring and bleaching.
Ring-combed (RSc), ring-carded (RSca), and open-end (OE) spun yarns
were, mercerized and scoured by conventional alkaline treatment and
enzymatic scouring processes (using alkaline pectinase and acid pectinase).
The mechanical properties, degree of mercerization, degree of orientation,
work of rupture and abrasion resistance were investigated after each stage of
finishing. The greatest increase in tensile strength, elongation and work of
rupture and the greatest decrease in initial modulus were observed on
mercerized, ring spun yarns. The smallest increase in the degree of
orientation, tensile strength, elongation and work of rupture, and the greatest
decrease in abrasion resistance were observed on mercerized, EO-spun
yarns. In summary, a comparison of the results between the differently spun
yarns, it can be concluded that the OE spun yarns gave the greatest degree
of mercerization and higher abrasion resistance. Alkaline scoured, mercerized
RSc yarns gave greatest increase in tensile strength, elongation and abrasion
resistance. The type of treatment and type of yarn significantly influenced the
measured parameters (except for the influence of yarn type on Youngs
Perincek et. al (2007)


had conducted a study on ozone bleaching of jute

fabrics. Jute is a vegetable fibre derived from the bark of an annual plant.
Traditionally used for Hessians and sacking, it may commercially viable as a
textile fibre because of it good strength, durability, antistatic properties and low
thermal conductivity. The demand for jute decorative goods and upholstery
materials would increase if its colour instability could be eliminated. For this
reason, jute bleaching has received fresh attention. One advanced method for
bleaching of jute fibres is ozonation. The whiteness of ozonated fabric was
found to be superior to that of fabrics bleached with hydrogen peroxide and
calcium hypochlorite. Ozone is a strong oxidizer, capable of participating in
many chemical reactions with inorganic and organic substances. Ozone
bleaching techniques have shown some promising results

in delignification. This work demonstrated that ozone gas could provide the
same degree of whiteness as traditional methods, with shorter treatment
times. For this study the roles of fabric moisture, pH, treatment time and
ambient temperature during ozone bleaching had been investigated. The
results showed that an acceptable degree of whiteness, hydrophilicity, and
strength loss can be obtained by ozonation in a very short time as compared
to fabrics bleached using conventional methods. An acceptable degree of
whiteness can be achieved by using ozone for a very short time, providing
savings of thermal energy, water, chemicals in comparison to conventional
bleaching techniques. Moreover ozonated fabrics showed less surface
roughness, the lignin content and DP values were also decreased. And as it is
carried out in a closed system it s environment-friendly.
Ram (2007)


had reported on moisture management on cotton and its

blends. Moisture management often refers to the transport of both moisture

vapour and liquid away from the body. It is the controlled movement f water
vapour from the surface of the skin to the atmosphere through the fabric. For
this the initial property is to evaporate the perspiration from the skin surface
and secondly to transfer the moisture to the atmosphere and make the wearer
feel comfortable for which the rate of evaporation should be as close to the
wicking rate as possible. The article also discusses in detail about wicking,
wetting and the methods used in testing of the above properties.
Samanta et al. (2007)


studied the hydrogen peroxide and potassium-per-

oxo-disulphate combined room temperature bleaching of jute, cotton and jutecotton union fabrics- An energy-efficient eco-friendly process. The demand for
jute and jute-cotton union fabrics is gradually increasing due to consumers
preference for eco-friendly natural fibres. In the present study, attempts were
made to optimize the bleach-bath composition and the process parameters for
room temperature bleaching. A tentative mechanism for the effect of K2S2O2
in boosting the action of H2O2 has also been proposed and discussed. The
measurement of physical properties like the breaking tenacity, weight loss and
surface appearance study indicates that the proposed room temperature
bleaching is less damaging to the three types of fabrics studied as compared

to the conventional hot hydrogen peroxide bleaching. The whiteness index is

within the acceptable range. The suggested reaction mechanism indicates
that KSO acts as a peroxide booster showing a synergistic action. This
room temperature bleaching process is energy efficient, eco-friendly and
economical, which can easily, adopted by both small scale and large-scale
Tyagi and coworkers (2007)


carried out an experimental study on effect of

caustic and enzymatic scouring treatments on dye uptake and mechanical

characteristics. Enzymatic treatments have engendered major research
efforts. The present work studied the response of cotton ring and OE rotor
spun yarns to scouring treatments, and also deals with the changes in the dye
uptake and mechanical and surface properties induced by caustic and
enzymatic scouring. For both yarn structures, the flexural rigidity, hairiness,
yarn to metal friction and dye uptake increased markedly on scouring with
enzymes and sodium hydroxide. Conventional scouring with sodium
hydroxide renders the yarn strikingly strong and less extensible. However the
tenacity of both yarns is considerably reduced on enzymatic scouring. The
dye-uptake of the NaOH scoured yarns is higher and increases marginally
with the rotor speed. The effect of opening roller speed on uptake of dye is
also minimal.

Alam and coworkers (2008) had explained about the dyeing of cotton fabrics
with reactive dyes and their physio-chemical properties. The effect of dye
concentration, electrolyte concentration, dyeing time and the dyeing
temperature on the dyeing performance of the cotton fabric dyed with reactive
dyes, viz: Reactive Red 6B and Reactive Yellow l were studied. The dye
absorption increases with the increase in the electrolytic concentrations,
dyeing time and the dyeing temperature in the dye concentration. Considering
the effects of various external influences on the dyed cotton fabrics, it has
been observed that the Reactive Yellow RL imparts better physio-chemical
properties than the Reactive Red 6B in most cases. The cotton fabric dyed
with both the above dyes was very sensitive to strong acids and alkalis. I n


case of colour fastness and other physio-chemical tests, both the dyes gave
satisfactory results.
Ian in the review article on Textile bleaching a modern perspective have
discussed about bleaching, a process with a long complex history and is
dominated by the use of hydrogen peroxide and FBAs. The results are faster
processing, unprecedented high standards of whiteness and a much reduced
load on environment. The major bleaching agents for textiles are hydrogen
peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, sodium chlorite and peracetic acid. Are all
oxidative bleaching and the reductive bleaching is based on sodium
hydrosulphite. Bleaching increases the reflectance across the whole of the
visible waveband, but more especially at the blue end of the spectrum. The
two methods of increasing the whiteness are by use of tinting (bluing) or by
the application of a fluorescent brightening agent or optical whitening. These
are colourless substances that strongly absorb energy in the invisible near
ultraviolet region and is re emitted, though some energy is lost as heat in this
conversion process, so the re-emitted radiation is of lower energy but of a
higher wavelength. Thus the energy that is strongly absorbed in the invisible
near-UV region id re-emitted by fluorescence as visible violet or blue light.
This results in increased blueness, with a small increase in lightness which
leads to overall increase in the perceived whiteness of the textile.
Teli and co-workers (2002) et al studied the response of jute to the dyes of
synthetic and natural origin. India is the second largest country in jute
production in the world and jute is becoming increasingly important in various
textile products as well as its blends with other fibres in apparel as well as
non-apparel field. Chemical composition of jute and its high absorbency offer
promising potential of getting it dyed with different classes of synthetic dyes
also natural dyes. At present the information available on jute dyeing is
scanty, as the use of jute till now was limited mainly to packaging material,
where the coloration of finished goods is not so important. In the present work
it was intended to study the response of jute towards the dye ability with
different classes of synthetic and natural dyes.


Zahran and co-workers (2008)


carried out an experimental study on the

single bath full bleaching of flax fibres using an activation of sodium chlorite/
hexamethylene tetramine system. Flax possesses natural impurities in
contrast with cotton; it is more sensitive to alkali and oxidizing, bleaching
agents. That is why bleaching of flax based textiles is lengthier and requires
more care and precautions than cotton based textiles. The present work gives
us an appropriate method to bleach flax in one-step process keeping in mind
the quality, cost of the bleaching process and its environmental impact. The
process was based on activation of sodium chlorite by hexamethylene
tetramine in the presence of a nonionic wetting agent. The factors affecting
the bleaching such as HMTA concentration, temperature, duration of
treatment was studied to optimize the bleaching conditions. The bleached flax
fibres were assessed for critical properties like whiteness index, loss in fibre
weight, tensile strength, carboxyl groups and carbonyl groups. Based on the
results obtained the optimum formulation for bleaching flax was determined.
For comparison purposes, different types of flax fibres namely grey, card and
waste properties after bleaching were also examined. Furthermore, tentative
mechanisms for the reactions involved in bleaching were also suggested. It
seems that, when optimum formulation was used, HMTA activates
decomposition of NaCIO2 mainly to liberate nascent oxygen rather than
chlorine dioxide.


This consists of studies related to finishing treatments.
Shailaja and Kulloli (1995)


had explained about resin treated fabrics. Resin

is a chemical compound used in various types of fabric finishing, especially in

wash and wear treatments. It is applied to enable fabrics to attain desirable
qualities like water repellency, wrinkle resistance, dimensional stability and
spot and stain resistance. Resins are applied to cloth always in solution form.
This solution contains a catalyst, a chemical which stimulates the resin
chemical to polymerize. The other ingredients of resin solution are softeners,
lubricants and other materials which impart desirable physical properties to

fabrics. As resin finish affects the fibre itself, the finishing depends on the
quality of the grey goods, quality of chemicals used for finishing and the care
and technique devoted to the application of the fabric. Maintenance of solution
of the finish is very important in order to maintain the tearing strength, tensile
strength, abrasion resistance, wrinkle resistance, dimensional stability, spot
and stain resistance and hand and feel.
Manjrekar (1999)


had reported on application of enzymes in wet

processing. Enzymes or biocatalysts have been used on a large scale for

more than 75 years. There is no more exciting or a vigorous area of textile
research than that of enzymatic processing of textiles. This new exploding
area of research will continue to have profound impact on our very mature

industry. Increasing






manufacturers to rethink about the process being carried out in the textile
industries. The emphasis is on total elimination of ecologically non-friendly
chemicals. This lead to an intensive research in finding out suitable
alternatives of which enzymes are found to be most suitable ingredient for
textile wet processing. Also, due to the advanced technology enzymes gave
better results than some chemicals used for similar purposes. When the
possibilities of textile biotechnology today are compared with those just ten
years ago, considerable progress is evident. Thus, due to advances in
biotechnology we can get production of safe, highly active, efficient e4nzymes
capable of performing various specialized functions so as to change the
traditional textile processing operations. They are considered to be
environment friendly biochemicals due to their ease of inactivation and
Tao and Chen (1999)


explained the preparing and characterizing of

kenaf/cotton blended fabrics. Kenaf fibres offer the advantage of being

renewable, bio-degradable and environmentally safe, but kenaf is difficult to
process and spin because of its coarseness, stiffness and the low cohesion of
its fibre bundles. In this research, kenaf fibres are treated by a modified
chemical degumming method to improve their properties. The finer and softer
kenaf fibre bundles are easier to process than those in earlier studies. Treated

kenaf fibre bundles are blended with Pima cotton and spun on a cotton
processing system to yield blended 30/70 kenaf/cotton yarns. For comparison,
100% cotton yarn, 30/70 jute/cotton yarn and 30/70 flax/cotton blended yarns
were also prepared. The kenaf/cotton blended yarns are comparable to the
jute/cotton and flax/cotton blends. Experimental woven fabrics made from
100% cotton yarn and from the blended yarns revealed that the breaking
strength of kenaf/cotton blended fabric is similar to that of other blends, but
lower than that of 100% cotton fabric. The kenaf blended fabric displays the
greatest air-permeability. When the Kawabata evaluation system is used to
evaluate the fabrics, the results showed that the blends are stiffer and less
recoverable after deformation than the 100% cotton fabric, but the measured
surface properties of the blended fabrics are comparable to those of 100%
Byrne (1999)


reported on easy care wool/cotton blends. The natural

lifetime of a new product development is such that, within a few years, the
advantages responsible for its success no longer command a price premium,
hence the constant drive to produce new ideas, concepts and technologies to
maintain market momentum. For cotton products the major developments in
recent years ha been the easy care finishes, enzyme wash down treatments
and latterly, stain resistance utilizing fluorocarbon finishes, but in many
product areas it is blends, which have formed the backbone of apparel
product development programmes. This concept has also extended to
accommodate blends of wool with cotton and in view of the advantages in
terms of aesthetics, comfort and warmth associated with such blends; it is
perhaps somewhat surprising that the development of such products has not
been actively pursued. Apart from the obvious difficulties associated with
dyeing wool/cotton blends to solid shades, one of the major disadvantages of
this fibre combination is that of the inherent tendency of the wool component
to shrink, or felt, when machine washed and/or tumble dried. This property is
of course incompatible with the production of garments which exhibit the full
range of modern easy care performance criteria, namely washing machine
washability, wrinkle resistance, smooth drying and crease stability. However
depending on the blend and the fabric structure, and also the level of

performance required, wool specific chemical finishing may not be necessarily

be required and full range of easy care properties may be often readily
achieved by utilizing conventional cotton finishing techniques. If the
performance of a wool cotton fabric processed in this way does not meet the
requires specifications, a number of wool and cotton chemical finishing
techniques may be readily combined in such a way that a full easy care
performance is achieved without compromising the aesthetics or physical
properties of the fabric.
Chattopadhay and co-workers (2000)


have explained about the enzyme

treatment on jute-optimization of parameters. Enzymes used for improvement

of softness and smoothness of jute fabric are lytic in nature, so there will be a
certain weight loss by enzymatic hydrolysis process. This loss in weight
correlates well with enzyme action and the criteria has been used here for the
optimization study of parameters for enzyme treatment on jute. It has been
found that 55 C at a pH of 5 using 1:10 material to liquor ratio and 4% (owf)
enzyme concentration for a duration of 120 min produces the optimum weight
loss in case of enzyme treatment on jute fabric by a proprietary enzyme
Biocellulase ZK.
Deo and Paul (2000)


had reported on the enzymatic treatments as an

alternative to carbonization of disperse/ reactive dyed polyester-cotton blends.

Polyester-cotton fabrics having different blend proportions were dyed with
various disperse, reactive and disperse/reactive combination dyes and then
treated with cellulose enzyme as an alternative to carbonization. This resulted
in the removal of reactive dyed cotton portion of the blends, thereby altering
the lambda (max) towards disperse dye. The trend of the enzymatic action
was almost similar for all the blends irrespective of cotton content. In case of
cotton rich blends, the traces of cotton were found after the normal enzyme
treatment. This was revealed on comparing the results with those of
carbonized samples. The fabrics were therefore given more severe enzymatic
treatment to remove the traces of cellulose. It was found that severe
enzymatic treatment can provide an alternative to carbonization and that it is


fully eco-friendly process. A controlled doze of enzyme can be used in the

correction of shades for disperse/reactive dyed polyester-cotton blends.
Dordevic et.al (2001)


had explained the application of enzymes in textile

industry. After weaving the yarn into fabric; the greige goods are in an
unfinished state. Varieties of processes are available to improve the
appearance, handle, performance and durability of the fabric. Before the more
specialized finishing processes are applied, fabrics usually require cleaning
(scouring) to remove warp sizing, oils and other additives and dirt. Cotton is
frequently boiled or may undergo enzymatic desizing, wool is frequently
carbonized and scoured and silk is degummed. Finishing includes all
processes that a fabric undergoes once it leaves the mill and before final
garments or materials reach the consumer. Processes such as desizing,
carbonization of wool, degumming of silk, bleaching, stone washing,
biopolishing and processing in aqueous solutions. In this paper are provided
examples of some finishing processes with enzymes which depend on the
ultimate use of the textile.
Sheth and Musale (2001)


reported on application of enzymes in scouring

and bio-polishing of cotton. Biotechnology is being pursued in the processing

of textiles involving the use of enzymes to reduce chemical effluent pollution.
A wide variety of enzyme compositions have been used in processing
different fibre fabrics. The application of enzymes in scouring is introduced
and carried out in this study with alkaline pectinase enzyme alone and lipase
under different conditions. The experimental methods are described in the
article and two methods of scouring investigated, measuring absorbency and
calculating the whiteness index. Simultaneous dyeing and bio-polishing of
cotton fabrics is then studied to save water, time and energy and raise
productivity. Three sets of experiments are specified identifying methods and
materials used. Four different methods are employed and the results set out,
including colour strength measurement. Three different types of operation
were carried out using three different types of cellulase enzymes. The
conclusions are summarized.


Verma and Nishkam (2002)


reported on enzymes in textile wet processing.

The need for environmentally friendly chemicals and processing techniques in

the textile industry has become much more pressing, and the use of enzymes
has revolutionized textile processing as they are safer, more efficient and very
specific in nature. The structure and nature of enzymes are explained and
seven important properties listed. Factors influencing enzymatic activity
include temperature, reaction bath pH, activators and inhibitors. Four
differences found in enzymes as catalysts which sets them apart from each
other catalysts are listed. Enzyme sources are examined, and the mechanism
of enzymes described. The uses of enzymes in textile processing include
desizing of fabric, bio-polishing of the fabric and their use in denim washing.
They are also employed in other textile processing areas such as scouring,
dyeing, bleaching, and degumming of the silk, jute retting and wool scouring
etc. Enzyme use is still limited but is expected to increase rapidly to assist in
minimizing negative environmental effects.
Pandey and Dayal (2003)


have discussed about flax/jute and flax/cotton

blended fabric. Characteristics of pure flax and flax blends with jute and cotton
are explored in furnishing material applications. Flax types, textile properties
and end-uses are reviewed. Developing flax/cotton blends will also extend the
use of cotton for other purposes. Fibre and yarn testing was detailed followed
by the testing of the fabrics. Microscopic appearances of flax, jute and cotton
fibre strands were studied and chemical properties and chemical constituents
were determined. Cost issues during the production process for the samples
were considered. The physical properties of both fibre and yarn were
described, followed by the physical properties of flax/ jute and flax/cotton
blended fabrics which included abrasion resistance, tear strength and
elongation percent, crease recovery, fabric stiffness, pilling propensity and
chemical properties of fibres. The jute/flax blend of 80:20 demonstrated the
best characteristics.
Raskovic (2003)


reported on bio-scouring of cotton fabric-Structure and

quality changes. Bioscouring of cotton with alkaline pectinase, lipase and

cellulase has a significant influence on sorption characteristics and initial

migration of dye in the capillary spaces of the cotton substrate. Gray cotton
fabrics show a hydrophobic character due to the presence of the cuticle
around the fibres. Cellulases are natural catalyst for modification of cellulosic
fibres and fabrics. In this work a cotton fabric were treated with some
pectinase, lipase and cellulase at acetate buffer, and the effects of the
treatments on the technical properties, such as strength, sorption, FTIR, air
permeability and weight loss of the fabrics were evaluated. The results show
that the treated cotton fabric is cleaner without large damages of own

Karapinar and Sariisik (2004)

reported on the scouring of cotton with
cellulases, pectinases and proteases. Cotton may contain between 4% and
12% by weight of impurities in the form of waxes, proteins, pectins, ash and
miscellaneous substances such as pigments, hemicelluloses and reducing
sugars. These impurities are removed from the fabric by scouring, since their
hydrophobic nature negatively affects the enhancement of the fabrics
wettability and absorbency. In this work, pectinase, protease and cellulase
were used in various combinations for different treatment times, either in
baths containing one enzyme or different enzyme combinations, in order to
evaluate the effects of these enzymes on 100% cotton fabrics wettability and
absorbency. At the end of the enzymatic and alkaline scourings, the wettability
and absorbency properties of the garments were evaluated in terms of
wettability, CIE*L, WI values and pectin analysis by Ruthenium Red dyeing.
Furthermore, the effects of bio-scouring on bleaching and dyeing were also
investigated. At the end of the evaluation tests, it was found that in order to
achieve adequate wettability and absorbency, cellulase + Pectinase and
cellulase + pectinase + protease gave better results than other enzymatic
Murthy (2004)


explained the role of enzymes in textile processing. Mr.

Edward Menezes, a technocrat of Rossari Biotech (India), presented an

audio-visual presentation on enzymes and colours, at the Society of Dyers
and Colorists, Mumbai in association with the Department of the fibres and
Textile Processing Technology, on August 29, 2003. Addressing the

conference, Mr. Menezes explained how auxochromes intensify the colour

absorption of chromatophores and help in the fixation of dyes on textiles and
pigments with the aid of a resin or binder system. Over the years, enzymes
have become an important class of bio-chemicals in textile processing, as
they are not consumed in reaction and can be used in standing bath too.
Further, the enzymes are also used along with sand blasting and bleaching to
produce typical fading effects on denim. Besides this, the enzymes are also
used in bio-scouring, bio-bleaching, bio-polishing, bio-softening of wool, silk
degumming, carbonizing of wool, peroxide removal and print washing.
Yadav and co-workers (2004)


explained the biopolishing of cotton fabrics-

Changes in its comfort properties. The present study was conducted to

evaluate changes occurring in the comfort properties during the bio-polishing
of cotton fabric. The study was carried out on 100% grey cotton fabrics of
three different fabric weights viz: light, medium and heavy weight. Grey cloths
were given pre-treatments prior to bio-polishing. Pre-treatments included
desizing, scouring, and bleaching. Bio-polished fabrics were analyzed for their
constructional and comfort properties. Not much variation was shown in all the
constructional properties but porosity showed marginal increase. Similarly,
comfort properties, only in case of heavy weight fabrics showed higher
comfort values.
Parthiban et. al (2003)


studied the effect of fabric softeners on the thermal

comfort of cotton and polyester fabrics. The aim of this work was to examine
the effect of fabric softeners on the thermal comfort properties like airpermeability, thermal insulation value, wick-ability of cotton after repeated
laundering. Three different parameters such as different fabric softener levels,
different fabric types and different laundering cycles were chosen and tested
for the thermal comfort properties. The respective yarns and fibres were
coated with lubricants, humectants and softeners which make the fabric soft
and flexible by internal lubrication of the fibres, which further also acts as an
antistatic agent by enabling the synthetic fibres to retain moisture to dissipate
static charge, thus making it more comfortable.


Kundu and co-workers (1996)


reported on biopolishing of jute-cotton union

fabric. The appearance and handle of the jute-cotton union fabric have been
significantly improved by treatment with a commercial enzyme preparation,
Biocellulase ZK. The treatment leads to the removal of surface hairs from the
fabric and induces improvement in soft feeling. The handle of the fabric is
improved due to increased drapability and compressibility and reduced
stiffness and rigidity. The principal parameters affecting the treatment are
concentration of enzyme and mechanical friction. Strength loss of fabric after
the treatment is accompanied with a loss in fabric weight and is acceptable if
it is kept within a controlled limit.
Fakin (2006)


explained the influence of enzymatic pre-treatment on the

colours of bleached and dyed flax fibres. In this paper the effect of enzymatic
bio-scouring on the bleaching and dyeing of flax fibres was studied in
comparison with conventional alkaline scouring. Enzymatic bioscouring was
performed with a commercial multi-enzyme system consisting of pectinases,
hemicellulases and cellulases. The enzyme and alkaline scoured flax fibres
were subsequently oxidatively bleached with hydrogen peroxide and dyed with
direct dye C.I.Direct red 80 under the same conditions. The efficiency of both
the scouring and bleaching processes were evaluated by weight loss and the
whiteness of the bleached samples was determined according to CIE formula.
The exhaustion profile of the used dye was followed on-line during the dyeing
process using absorbance measurement. The colours of bleached and dyed
samples were evaluated using CIELAB colour values. The residual
pretreatment and dyeing baths were ecologically analyzed with COD, degree
of whiteness, comparable dyeing properties and is more environmentally
Ibrahim (2004)


studied on the development of new eco-friendly options for

cotton wet processing. A new approach was used to search for the optimal
conditions for enzymatic scouring with an alkaline pectinase and to investigate
the feasibility of performed combined bioscouring and bleaching and
combined bioscouring and reactive dyeing of unsecured cotton fabrics. The
possibility of conducting enzymatic desizing, bioscouring and bleaching of

starch sized cotton fabrics in a single bath was also examined. The results
indicated that changes in the parameters of the bioscouring process, the
types and the concentrations of the treating bath components, and the
sequence of the treatment and addition had pronounced effects on certain
properties of the treated cotton substrates (e.g., the residual size, weight loss,
wettability, yellowness and whiteness and dyeability with reactive dyes). The
optimal conditions for efficient bioscouring alone and in combination with
bleaching, reactive dyeing and enzymatic desizing and bleaching were
Salaskar and Desai (2005)


explained the effect of enzymes and silicone

finishing treatments on physical properties of jute/cellulosic blended textiles.

The worldwide focus toward use of bio-degradable and environmental friendly
materials had lead to natural fibres like jute to find newer applications in
diversified end uses like furnishing, automobile seat cover carpets and
blankets. Yarn dyed designs using jute/cellulosic blended yarn enhance the
aesthetic appeal of the fabric such as stiffness and hairiness when it is to be
used for producing value added products. It is difficult to overcome the
drawbacks such as hairiness and stiffness of these fabrics by conventional
methods of chemical processing as they contain dyed yarn. Recent
technological developments have introduced enzymes suitable for dehairing
without any ainy adverse effect on colour of the yarn. Similarly, various
silicone finishes have been developed for imparting softness to the fabric.
Therefore, the effect of enzyme treatment and silicone finishing treatment on
certain physical properties of jute/cellulosic blended fabrics were assesses
and the detailed findings are presented in the present article.
Teli and Paul (2005)


had explained about swelling and bio-polishing of

polyester/cotton blends for developing new shades. The repeated swelling

and bio-polishing treatments were performed on cotton blends for developing
new shades. Bio-polishing is an effective technique for achieving a variety of
shades on dyed polyesters/cotton blends by treating them with cellulose
enzymes. These enzymes act on the surface of cellulosic fabrics to improve
the surface properties by implying brighter luminosity of colours, softer feel

and pilling resistance. The polyester/ cotton blend fabric of 67:33 proportion
was treated to swelling procedure with disperse or vat dyes. Disperse or vat
colours are found to be more responsive in the case of polyester or cotton
blend dyeing, since the vat dye is not covalently bonded and the enzyme
action is not reduced. The reduction in the K/S values, used to analyze the
samples, with increased enzyme treatments was also evident.
Prabhu and co-workers (2006)


reported on combined bio-polishing and

bleaching of cotton. Enzymatic solutions not only allow environmentally

sustainable production processes but also create cost-and time-saving as well
as other fabric quality advantages for textile manufacturers. Enzymes have
three reaction mechanisms which include lock and key mechanism, induced fit
model and the ping pong model. To date, several enzymatic approaches have
been developed in the textile industry to make fabrics smoother. Such
approaches not only transform cellulose into glucose but also use the glucose
for the in-situ formation of hydrogen peroxide. One demonstration of these
approaches is the bleaching of cotton using a combination of bio-polishing
and bleaching. This eco-friendly and economical process allows lighter
bleaching of cotton than is achievable with the peroxide bleaching method
Sujata and Naik (2006)


examined the effect of softening treatment on the

physical properties of naturally coloured cotton khadi fabrics. In this work, an

attempt was made to study the effect of softeners viz: - cationic and silicone
softener on the physical properties of naturally coloured cotton khadi fabric. It
was found that there was increase in the yarn fineness and dimensional
stability. The bending path. Elongation percent, tensile strength and drapability
showed significant improvement. On treatment with softener resistance to
abrasion decreased and on the other hand excellent resistance to pilling was
noticed. Among two softners cationic softener showed better results with
respect to all mechanical and functional properties.
Jegadeesan and Dhanapal (2006)


studied the effect of enzymatic treatment

on liquid moisture transmission of P/V blended single jersey fabric. Moisture

transmission properties were studied in an effort to understand the physical
basis of clothing comfort. In addition an attempt has also been made to

investigate the influence of enzyme treatment on moisture transmission

characteristics of the above fabrics. Polyester and viscose staple fibres of
different deniers was ring spun with various blend proportions, which were
knitted into single jersey fabrics. The fabrics were then dyed and treated with
lipase enzymes. The fabrics were tested for their liquid moisture transmission
characteristics. The results reveal that moisture transmission characteristics
are strongly influenced by the enzymatic treatments. This is mainly due to the
molecular reorientation in the surface of the polyester fibre component in the
fabrics. The wicking behavior was also improved due to the enzymatic
treatments. Liquid moisture transmission had improved by about 175 to 185 %
in grey stage and 25 to 40% in dyed stage due to enzymatic treatments.
Mehra et .al (2006)


studied versatility of silicones in textile processing.

Silicones in textiles have seen an almost uninterrupted growth since the last 4
-5 decades. Softening and water repellency are almost synonymous with
silicone finishing in textiles. Today the basic structure of silicone finishing in
textiles is thoroughly manipulated to give rise to series of functional modified
silicones and bringing in the family of amino, carboxyl and epoxy modified
silicones for processing of textiles. The article takes a look at the versatility of
these wonder molecules in textile processing and highlights the usage in
newer areas and even explores the synergies in existing applications.
Vishnu and Selvakumar (2006)


reported on biopolishing enzymes and their

influence on the properties of cotton materials. Various developments have

taken place in the eco-friendly processing of textiles involving enzymes.
Among the various enzymes, cellulose is extensively used on cellulosic
materials. There are two types of cellulose, namely, acid cellulose and neutral
cellulose. Acid cellulose is used in bio-polishing, which is a very popular
finishing treatment given to cellulosic fabrics. Apart from polishing the fabrics,
the treatment offers a number of other benefits such as improvement in pill
resistance, cooler feel, and brighter luminosity of strength. All the above
effects are influenced by a number of factors like, composition of the acid
cellulose, pre-treatments given to the fabrics and process parameters used at
the time of treatment. Moreover, the treatment has influence on post

treatments given to the fabrics. This review exclusively deals with all the
above mentioned factors in order to bring out the current status of
understanding on acid cellulases and its application on cotton fibre and
products made from it.
Bhat (2007)


has explained about soil/stain release finishing, as the demand

for easy care textiles have increased due to lifestyle shift, which has opened
new vistas for the textile manufacturers. Some bonus properties like antimicrobial, flame-retardant, UV-protection, moisture and temperature control
and skin treatment can be added to textiles along with easy care properties
which would be a strong differentiation tool for the marketers for marketing
their merchandize in the competitive business scenario. Today soil stain
release finishing is imparted by incorporation of low surface energy
fluorochemicals, which allow oil and water stains to penetrate the fabric and
when laundered the stains easily get removed. The article explains about
fluorochemical treatments, which protect against both water and oil based
soils and resists wetting by oily and watery liquids. Silicone treatments protect
against water based soils and watery liquids only. The repellent products
prevent the textile substrate from wetting and soiling, also called the dual
effect. Thus the selection of primary soil release finishing chemical and allied
silicones and softeners play a very important role in delivering the desired
effect in processing, if factors like fibre type, construction, durability desired
etc is considered before finalizing the product for achieving the final finish.
Bagyalakshmi and Kokilavani (2007)


have carried out a experimental work

on herbal antimicrobial finish for cotton fabric. In the past textiles were
primarily for economical and functional point of view. But now some end-users
and in particular demands on the safety of textiles for the health has gained
considerable importance. The odour development resulting from biological
growth on textiles exposed to perspiration had not been considered a real
need until relatively recently. TO overcome this problem, now days
antiperspirants are used, but they shrink sweat glands and block pores
causing toxins that are normally eliminated by perspiring, therefore to control
sweating and also to avoid use of antiperspirants, herbal antimicrobial finishes

were introduced onto the fabric. The fabric was converted to arm pads, which
are mainly used as sweat absorbents. Absorption of sweat by the arm pad
alone does not give freshness instead it provides medium for the growth of
microbes. It is important to resist the growth of microbes, which is possible, at
least to some extent with the use of herbal antimicrobial agents. The herbal
sources selected were neem, aloe vera, tulsi, pomegranate and coffee sena.
The results of subjective and objective evaluation were satisfactory.
Chellamani et al (2007)


have presented a paper on the application of nano

finish on fabrics made out of compact and conventional ring spun yarns.
Nanotechnology is an emerging inter-disciplinary technology booming in
various areas, wherein the properties of substances are drastically changed,
when their size is reduced to the nanometric range. A variety of anti-microbial
finishes have been developed for textile use, which in addition to effective
bacterial control exhibit durability of activity to laundering. The paper also
briefly discusses about the studies conducted on anti-microbial and softness
properties of fabrics while applying nano as well as conventional finishing
Goyal and Prabhu (2007)


in this article on finishing of polyester blend fabrics

have briefed upon the phenomenal growth of synthetic textiles especially

polyester and polyester blended fabrics all over the world, which is primarily due
to its ideal properties like high durability, smooth pleasing appearance, good feel
and handle, dimensional stability, excellent wash & wear and quick drying
properties. The comfort of the fabric is also equally of paramount importance. The
inherent characteristics of polyester blend fabrics depending upon the blend
composition, durability, dimensional stability, easy care etc are such that they
hardly need special finishes to improve their properties, except for improvement
in their hydrophilic nature, which causes static charge build-up, pilling tendency,
soiling tendency etc for which special finishes need to be applied. The finishes
required for the polyester and its blends are broadly classified as a combination of
mechanical & chemical finishes since any one of them cannot confer the desired
properties to the fabrics. The article also highli9ghts the various factors to be
taken into account regarding the


formulation of a particular finish like the customer requirement, fibre type,

blend composition, yarn geometry fabric construction, machinery available in
the process house, processing sequence, total number of treatments to be
given before finishing.
Karolia and Mendapara (2007)


in their experimental work on imparting

antimicrobial and fragrance finish on cotton using chitosan with silicone

softener explains the necessity to meet the growing demand of consumers
led to the revolution in functional finishes world-wide. Cotton is widely used for
apparel due to its comfort property, but it has two main drawbacks,
susceptibility to creasing and bacterial degradation. Chemical compounds are
used as antimicrobial agents but they also influence the natural flora of the
human skin. Studies have shown that Chitosan, a natural biopolymer, is
antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, non-toxic, non-allergic and biocompatible.
Chitosan had been used in combination with citric acid and silicone softener to
impart anti-, microbial and fragrance finish with two different application
techniques. It was observed that the finish provides better functionality to the
fabric as it shows good performance and improvement in physical properties.
The finish showed good fastness to washing as well as perspiration. The use
of carboxylic acid also improves the affinity of chitosan for cellulose. Thus, the
overall functionality of the fabric was increased.
Kan et al (2007)


had reported on the enzymatic treatment of linen. Cellulase

is today a widely used enzyme for the treatment of celulosic material, most
commonly for cotton materials. In this work the effect of cellulase treatment
was evaluated by means of phenol-sulphuric acid method. This method was
performed by determining sugar liberation in the treatment bath with the




equivalence. As




conventional method, the measurement of amount of sugar liberated gave a

more reliable and accurate result than the weight loss method. It was found
that although weight loss of cellulose became negligible when the treatment
was done under agitation free condition, the amount of sugar liberated was
still readily measurable.


Krishnaveni (2007)


studied the development of eco-friendly herbal

antimicrobial finish on cotton for medical textiles. Textiles being vulnerable to

microorganism attack would cause many cross infections and allergic
reactions. Antimicrobial finish on fabrics can minimize the transfer of
microorganisms onto the wearer by creating a physical barrier. It prevents the
skin diseases caused by the microorganisms. The article speaks about a new
approach towards making an anti-microbial fabric using natural extracts and
herbs, Kuppanimani (Indian Acalypha) and Marigold (Calendula Officinalis),
which are available plants in Tamil Nadu, were chosen for the study. The
plants were firstly screened by antimicrobial tests for the presence of active
principles and applied onto the fabric by optimizing the process conditions-pH,
time and temperature. The fabrics were treated with 50%, 75% and 100%
concentrations. Methanol were used as a solvent for extraction and applied by
pad-dry-cure method with cross-linking agents. Fabric property tests for all
treated and untreated fabrics were carried out, which indicates a little change
in the properties.100% treated fabric was found to be much softer and its
washing fastness was found to be better than all the other treated samples.
Antimicrobial and antimycotic tests were carried out for all the treated and
untreated samples. 100% Marigold petal treated sample was found to be the
best of the entire treated sample was found to be the best of all exhibiting a
good dye shade and antimicrobial activity.
Mishra and Rani (2007)


has given a brief review of the current scenario on

the use of enzymes in Indian textile processing industry. Enzyme technology

is much older than genetic engineering, and there is a wide scope for newer
applications. Using modern techniques of biotechnology, scientists are
attempting to improve the yield of an enzyme by transferring the encoding
gene to a microorganism capable of producing the enzyme in larger amounts.
It also speaks about the biological approaches and their growth in future due
to increased pressure from environmentally conscious producers. An option
for complete exploitation of enzyme application in textile sector by researches
all over the world in regard to biotechnological treatments that will be
translated into new industrial processes for the future.


Parthiban and Ramesh (2007)


have explained the effect of fabric softener

on the thermal comfort properties such as air-permeability, thermal insulation

value and wickability of cotton and polyester fabrics after repeated laundering
have been evaluated. The experimental results reveal that fabric softener
treatment with different levels significantly decreased the air-permeability and
the wickability of cotton fabrics but had no effect on polyester fabrics. Thermal
insulation value increases for both cotton and polyester fabrics to a similar
degree. The statistical analysis also indicates that the results were significant
among the values on air-permeability, thermal insulation value and wickability
of the fabrics. The chemical finishing had a significant influence on the thermal
comfort properties of cotton and polyester fabrics after repeated laundering
Prasad (2007)


stated that industrys new drive towards high value added

products are prompted by increased competition from other countries. The

world wide chemical consumption in apparel section is around 60% as it plays
an important role in various sectors. The garment industry is developing
textiles with smart functioning using chemical products to provide comfort &
increased performance. In order to add value to garments, different types of
finishes are adopted, to name a few moisture management, wrinkle free,
water/oil repellent, UV protection, anti-microbial, flame retardant etc. The
application of nano-finishes has also been growing to obtain better level of
performance properties, which id further being driven by ecology and fashion.
Ramachandran and Sampat (2007)


had carried out an research work to

study moisture management finish on woven fabrics. Moisture management

Analysis of four types of woven fabrics like cotton, polyester/cotton blend,
nylon and microdenier polyester was done and the comfort properties were
also examined. The optimization of comfort level by varying the process
parameters of moisture management finish in order to achieve suitability for
making sportswear was also done. Based on the test results, microdenier
polyester and cotton exhibits good wicking, wetting and water absorbency
characteristics than the polyester/cotton blend and nylon. Comparing the
three different process parameters, it was found that the combination of

ethoxylated alcohol blend (wetting agent) and the recipe containing amino silicon
polyether copolymer and hydrophilic polymer in the ratio of 1:2 with ph of 5.5 at
60-70C temperature is the optimum finishing process than the other two
combinations so as to attain better comfort properties for sportswear.

Roda (2007)


explains about the importance of enzymes, which can be

used to replace harsh conditions and chemicals thus being eco-friendly, as

they are biodegradable and can be easily absorbed back into the nature.
Enzymes are proteins, consisting of long chains of amino acids held together
by peptide bonds having potential properties like being specific, are efficient
catalysts, have a natural source of origin, and they work on only renewable
raw materials. The article briefly explains the need for enzymes in the textile
industry, the conventional processes involved with enzymes like in desizing,
scouring, in denim finishing, in bio-polishing, in wool and silk finishing and in
speciality products.
Sivaramakrishnan (2007)


insights into specialty chemicals, where he

focuses on flame retardancy, which has witnessed a vigorous development of

new technologies, new products and materials to meet the challenge of the
needs of the new industries like computer, electronics, telecommunications, in
health care settings, intravenous pumps, hospital beds and curtains. The
article also gives insight in to the growing awareness of environmental issues
and stiffening demands of consumer safety, which has been forwarded by
governments and public agencies. With the new fibres/blends rapidly









technologies will have the edge in providing superior products with the best
balance of properties at the lowest possible price.
Shyamsunder and coworkers (2007)


have discussed the importance of

enzyme application in textiles, as they have their own merits and limitations
and they often shorten the process cycle reducing time, water consumption
and wastewater generation. As with all the chemicals and products, enzymes
too have their own merits and limitations. They show specific action without
undesirable effects on other components and normally operate under mild

temperature and pressure conditions, but at the same time are sensitive to
temperature, pH, humidity and contaminants. Thus stating that enzymes are
emerging in the field of textile wet processing and can be utilized in a much
bigger way if cost management is applied concluded the article.
Sivaramakrishnan (2007)


has expressed the challenges facing the finishing

industry that is striving to survive in the competitive market Along with

durability, functionality, the demand for odour control, freshness, high
performance and comfort has also increased. Apparel makers and finishing
industry are thus faced with a daunting job of producing superior fabrics that
are technically advanced. Multifunctional softeners with special effects are
slowly replacing conventional softeners, as the consumers insist or tailor
made products, with more value added properties.
Tarafdar and Singh (2007)


studied the effect of flame retardant finishes on

silk and polyester fabrics. Flammability has become an important concern for
consumers, foe technical organizations, manufacturers, fibre producers and
government agencies. It is influenced by the inherent characteristics of
different types of fibres and their inherent characteristics of different types of
fibres and their blends. Flame retardant finishes for textiles materials includes
a various chemical compound and polymer that are appropriate for each type
fibre, fibre blend, fabric weight and construction. For preventing the textiles
from fire, researchers have developed various types of non-durable, semi
durable and durable flame proofing products. As silk is a costlier fibre, is self
extinguishing, a cheaper flame retardant chemical has been used in the
present study to observe the suitability of the finished material. Thus the study
was undertaken with a view to study the effectiveness of different flame
retardant finishes on different silk and polyester fabrics with varying density, to
study the time to propagate appropriate length of fabric before and after
washings, to determine the tenacity and crease behavior after two washings.
It was seen that the time to propagate certain length of fabric increased with
increase in the add-on percentage, which depends on the areal density of the
fabrics. It was also observed that antimony oxide is more suitable than lead
monoxide for both the substrates. Washing reduces the add on % of polyester

fabrics more than silk. Resin treatment increases the tensile strength and
crease recovery of silk fabrics more than polyester.
Periyasamy and Khanna (2007)


reported on Silicone finishing, which has

become increasingly important in textiles as it imparts a very unique soft

handle and enhances smoothness, flexibility, drape and pliability of the fabric.
The silicones were firstly utilized as lubricants in fibre and fabric manufacture,
they are also used in permanent press finishes to improve durability, for multifunctional finishes, they are also formulated with special polymers to impart a
unique leather soft finish, this article therefore discusses the fundamental
principles behind silicone finishes, their developments, textile applications,
and contribution from Americos in the field of silicone finishing of textiles by
producing the silicone nanoemulsions and special silicone softeners for multifunctional finishes with its state of art manufacturing technology.
Ramachandran and coworkers (2008)


have discussed the current scenario

of textile industry with regards to functional finishes or speciality finishes.

Functional/speciality finishes like fragrance release, protective finishes, skin
care additives, insect repellent, deodorizing fragrance, antimicrobials, flame
retardant finishes, cool finish, thermal insulatory finish, wrinkle free finishes,
water proofing finish thermocoat finishing, and UV stabilizers have been
discussed in detail in the article. It also claims that only innovative products
will open up new markets and new horizons for textile industry, and within the
industry, the challenge for companies lies in bringing to market a stream of
new and improved, value-added products, in order to strengthen existing
product lines, and diversify into newer areas.
Samanta and co workers (2008)


carried out an experimental work on

enzyme and silicone treatments on jute fibre to study the effect on textile
related properties. The present study relates to broad-based assessment of
raw jute and selectively pre-treated jute fibres under the action of mixed








aminosilicone softener and to further assess how such selective treatments

finally contribute in enhancing some textile related properties. Application of
4% mixed enzyme on jute fibre at 55 deg C for 2 h at pH 4.8 offers much finer,

softer, cleaner and brighter jute fibre with some lowering of bundle tenacity.
However, pre treatment of jute fibre under combined oxidative action of 3%
H2O2 and 0.75% K 2S2 O8 for 2 h at 30 deg C(pH 11) followed by subsequent
treatment with 1% mixed enzyme offers a better balance of textile related
properties covering moisture related properties, covering moisture regain,
fineness, bundle tenacity, flexural rigidity, surface reflectance, whiteness
index, yellowness index and brightness index. Treatments of jute fibres with
0.5-1% aminosilicone softener under a specified condition also make jute fibre
much softer, smoother, and brighter and cause noticeable reduction in
coefficient of friction without much change in bundle tenacity. However,
keeping all textile related properties in view, a pre-treatment of conventional
3% H2O2 bleaching for 2 h at 85 deg C (pH 11) or an oxidative treatment
under combined action of 3% H 2O2 and 0.75% K 2S2 O8 for 2 h at 30 deg C
(pH 11) prior to 1% aminosilicone treatment of jute fibre were found to be
much useful for textile purpose.
Nair (2007)


has studied on the eco-friendly chemical processing of cotton

textiles. The awareness and the necessity of eco-friendly chemical processing

of textiles were observed by the author during his chemical processing
experience and have made contributions towards making many process ecofriendly in some of Indias leading textile mills and textile process houses right
from 1972 onwards. He has applied eco-friendly processing to flame-retardant
finishes, reduction in sodium-hydrosulphite, formaldehyde-free finishes, safe
napkins for hospitals, an alternate to eco-unfriendly MK (mineral-khaki)
dyeing, measures for eco-friendly work place, eco-friendly bleaches, effluent
control in textile industries, in areas of printing, finishing, scouring etc.
Kumar and co workers (2008)


have explained about the conservation of

enzymes in biopolishing application of cotton fabrics. Immobilization of

commercial cellulose enzyme on ion exchange and epoxy resin carriers has
been studied under various process parameters and conditions by using
methanol to allow reuse of cellulose enzyme that would otherwise be
discarded after biopolishing. The activity of immobilized enzyme was
determined by measuring the amount of glucose made from carboxy methyl

cellulose by using an assay with reading at 492nm. The retained activity was
investigated by cellulose assay for every successive cycle of operations.
Under different process parameters and conditions the activity amount of
cellulose immobilization has been tried to increase the immobilization
efficiency. Epoxy resin shows a greater amount of cellulose immobilization
when compared to ion exchange resin. The immobilized epoxy resin with
maximum activity was used on cotton fabric for biopolishing instead of free
enzyme for successive cycles and the treated fabrics physio-mechanical
properties were studied. Results show that immobilized cellulose can be used
for biopolishing for successive cycles efficiently.


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