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Codex: Chaos Space Marines Unofficial

Ver: 1.0
Army Special Rules:

Power scourge: S8, AP2, melee, flail

Chaos Legions: models with this special rule has a

Stubborn special rule, also it gains an add. Special
rules according to the choosen legion.
Champion of Chaos: models with this special rule
must always issue and accept a challenge whenever
possible. In addition model in challenge can re-roll all
failed to hit and wound dice rolls.
Daemon Weapon:

Ranged Weapons:
Combi-bolter 24 s4 ap5 rapid-fire, twin-linked
Chaos special guns:
plasma gun: 24 S7, ap2, assault 2
melta gun: 12 S8, ap2, assault 1, melta
flamer: template, s4, ap5, assault 1, soul blaze
Chaos Heavy guns:
Heavy bolter: 36 S5 ap4 salvo 3/4

Veterans of the Long War: models with this special

rule gain Hatred special rule and Fearless special rule.
Marks of chaos:
Mark of khorne: models with this mark have +1
Mark of Nurgle: models with this mark have +1

Autocannon: 36 S7 ap4 heavy 2

Chaos plasma cannon:
36 S7, ap 2, heavy 1 blast
36 S7, ap 2, heavy 2
Lascannon: 48 S9 ap2, heavy 1

Mark of Tzeentch: models with this mark have +1 to

their invulnerable save (to max 2+)
Mark of Slaanesh: models with this mark have +1 to

Melee weapons:
Chainaxe: S+2, Ap4, melee, armourbane
Plague knige: S, ap-, melee poison

Noise Marine Sonic weapons:

36 S* ap 2 assault 3, ignor cover, pinning, graviton
48 S* ap2 heavy 1, blast, ignor cover, graviton
Sonic Blaster: 24 S* ap 2, assault 2, graviton, ignor
Doom siren: template, s* ap2, assault 1, graviton

Baleflamer: Template, s6 ap3, heavy 1, soul blaze,
Ectoplasma cannon:
36 S8 ap2, heavy 1 blast, barrage
36 S8 ap2, heavy 2
Hades Autocannon:
36 S8 ap4, heavy 4, rending, pinning
Reaper autocannon:
36 s7 ap4, heavy 2 twin-linked

Chaos Icons:

Icon of Flame: Units with the Mark of Tzeentch only.

All weapons carried by models with the mark of
Tzeentch in a unit equipped with an icon of flame
have the soul blaze special rule and their maximum
range of the weapons is increased by 6.

Warp teleport: models equipped with warp teleport

have the jump unit type, also when unit arrive by
deep strike special rule, it scatter only d6 insteed of
And also a feel no pain special rule.

have the shred special rule. If the unit/model already

have the shred special rule, it gains 1+ to their

Also unit that arrive by deep strike within 12 (first

model) of the bearer of the icon, do not scatter.

Daemonic steeds:

in addition, terminator armor increase the toughness

value by 1.

Chaos Vehicle Equipment

Daemonic possession:
Vehicles with this special rule receive a deamon
special rule. It ignores the effects of the Crew shaken
and crew stunned results on a roll of a 2+, In addition
when they stay stationary in their movement phase,
they can shoot twice with their all guns. One gun can
shot in the different target, in this case both shots
have to be shooted in the different target.

Chaos Artefacts:

Deamon stuff:
Models with the Mark of Tzeentch only. The bearer of
the Deamon Stuff knows one addition psychic powers
from the Deamonolic: malefic discipline. In addition it
suffers a peril only on double 6s on their roll for the

Psychic powers:
Discipline of Tzeentch:
0.Tzeentchs firestorm:

Warp Charge 1

Witchfire 30 S5 ap3, assault 3, soul blaze

1. Boon of Mutation

Warp Charge 1

Blessing, targets a friendly character model within

12. He immediately make a roll on the chaos boon
2. Gaze of Tzeentch

Warp Charge 1

Witchfire: 24 S7, ap4, Assault 1, large blast, barrage

pinning, ignor cover
3.Bless of the Dark God

Warp Charge 1

Blessing, target a caster and his unit. Target can re-roll

all failed to hit rolls.
4. Doom bolt

Warp Charge 1

Beam: 18 S8, ap1, assault 1, armourbane

5. Breath of Chaos

Warp Charge 2

Witchfire: template s1, ap2 assault 1, poison (2+),

corrosion (glancing hit on 3+)
6. The Lord of change

Warp Charge 3


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