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: CSE & IT


: IV


1. Define process in context of software quality.

2. Compare Validation and Verification.
3. Define Testing.
4. What is Debugging?
5. Write the possible benefits of test process improvement in test domain.
6. Explain Errors.
7. Distinguish between fault and failure.
8. What is test and explain test cases.
9. Give concise definition for software quality.
10. List any two classification of defect.
11. Who is a test specialist?
12. Define test bed and test oracle.
13. Discuss the testing domain benefits of test process improvements?
14. What is maturity goal? Define?
15. Give the engineering approach steps to software development?
16. List the origin of defects?
17. State applications of hypothesis?
18. What is SQA?
19. What is the role of a tester in software organization?
20. Draw the internal structure of TMM Maturity Levels?

Write in brief about principles of software testing.(16)

Explain: Testing as a process with small Example. .(16)
Explain the role of process in software quality including components. .(16)
Discuss the origin of defects. .(16)
Explain in detail about Testers role in a software development organization. .(16)
Discuss in detail about the functions involved in Design defects. .(16)
Explain the process in coding defects. .(16)
How does a developer or tester support for developing a defect repository.
Discuss. .(16)
9. Explain the elements of the engineering disciplines. .(16)
10. Discuss in detail the internal structure of TMM Maturity Level. .(16)

1. Define Random Testing.
2. What are control flow graphs?
3. Suppose a tester believes a unit contains a specification defect which testing
strategy is best to uncover the defect. Why?
4. What is white box testing?
5. Define finite state machine.
6. Describe the difference between white box and black box testing strategy.
7. Explain the difference between random testing and testing using error guessing.
8. Define test data set.
9. Explain module interface description defects.
10. Define Typographical defects.
11. What are the two basic testing strategies?
12. Draw the simple state transition graph.
13. Define COTS?
14. What are the information should problem fix report contain?
15. Define path.
16. Give the boundaries of equivalence partition?
17. Give some samples of cause and effect graph notations?
18. Give the partial ordering for test adequacy criteria?
19. Give the representation of program primes?
20. What assumptions are made with mutation testing?

Explain the Equivalence class partitioning of Black Box testing with example.(16)
Explain the Boundary value analysis of Black Box testing with example. .(16)
Write a note on COTS Components. .(16)
Explain Random Testing. .(16)
Discuss the cause and effect graphing of black box testing. .(16)
Write a note on state transition testing. .(16)
Explain how to evaluate test adequacy criteria in white box test approach. .(16)
Write a note on following
i.Loop Testing(8)
ii.Mutation Testing(8)
9. Explain briefly about path and cyclomatic complexity. .(16)
10. Explain with an example how to represent the control flow graph. .(16)

10144CS15 / ST

What are the goals of integration test?

Define regression test.
Why is it so important to design a test harness for reusability?
Define software unit.
What are the key differences in integrating procedural oriented systems as
compared to object-oriented system?
6. Explain Alpha Test.
7. What are the several task should developer/tester must prepare for unit test.
8. Write the three phases in unit test planning.
9. Write the definition for test Harness.
10. Discuss the advantage for bottom up integration.
11. Define Cluster.
12. Write the types of S ystem Test.
13. Define Auxiliary code.
14. Write the items included in test plan.
15. What is performance testing? Discuss also its types.
16. Which areas should be focused during recovery testing according to beizer?
17. What are the requirements of performance testing?
18. List the uses of regression testing?
19. What is configuration testing?
20. State the difference between alpha and beta testing?
1. Discuss the importance of following
i.Security Testing.(8)
ii.Alpha Testing, Regression Testing(8)
2. Discuss
i.Beta Testing, Recovery Testing(8)
ii.Acceptance Testing(8)
3. List and explain types of system test. .(16)
4. Discuss the needs for various levels of testing. .(16)
5. Explain the various units in a program considered for unit testing. .(16)
6. Explain the planning of unit tests. .(16)
7. Explain the design process in unit test. .(16)
8. Explain the Execution process of unit test. .(16)
9. Describe the Integration strategies for procedures and functions. .(16)
10. Define Integration test with its design planning procedures along with its

10144CS15 / ST
1. What are the two fundamental maturity goals at level 2 of TMM?
2. Write the four main goals related to organization and other parties.
3. Define Goal.
4. Define Policy.
5. What are Milestones?
6. What is the scope of test?
7. Define Plan.
8. What are the test plan components?
9. Define work breakdown.
10. What is the test cost that should be included in the plan?
11. Describe cost driver.
12. Write the COCOMO equation used for an initial estimate.
13. Discuss the skills needed by a Test specialist.
14. Discuss the responsibilities for the developer/tester.
15. Define test procedure in general.
16. List the sections of Test Summary Report described by IEEE Test Standard
17. List the details of Test log?
18. What is problem report?
19. List the information tracked for each item in a test item transmittal report?
20. List the elements of WBS for Testing?
1. Explain the steps in forming a test group. .(16)
2. Explain in brief about test cost impact items. .(16)
3. Explain elaborately about the basic test plan components as described in IEEE
829-1983. .(16)
4. Why is testing plan important for developing a repeatable and managed
testing process? Give example? .(16)
5. What role do user/client play in the development of test plan for a project?
Should they be present at any of the test plan reviews? Justify? .(16)
6. Explain the skills needed by a test specialist? .(16)
7. Describe the role of three critical groups in test planning and test
policy development. .(16)
8. Explain the test plan components and attachments? .(16)
9. Explain with neat diagram the hierarchy of test plans? .(16)
10. Explain the activities in reporting test results? .(16)

10144CS15 / ST
1. Differentiate project controlling and project monitoring
2. Discuss the major task in Thayer Partitions
3. What is the use of milestones?
4. What are the basic key items needed for monitoring and controlling?
5. Explain monitoring Errors and Failures
6. Define Review and its benefits
7. Write the components present in review plans
8. Write the general preconditions for review
9. According to the suggestion of IEEE standard what does inspection report should contain?
10. Define DRL(Default Removal Leverage)
11. Define test measurement process
12. How The Effectiveness Metric Of Tce Is Called?
13. Define Baselines
14. State the need for reviews
15. Define testers role in control and monitoring
16. Give the criteria for test completion?
17. What are the three status options available for a review participant?
18. Write down the steps in inspection process?
19. List review roles?
20. What are the types of testing status measurements?

1. Suppose you are a test manager, what are the milestone you should select for unit
test plan, an integration test plan, and a system test plan? .(16)
2. Suggest appropriate measurements for monitoring testing cost.(16)
3. Suggest appropriate measurements for monitoring defects/faults and failures.(16)
4. Which groups do you think should contribute to membership of a configuration
control board? Why? .(16)
5. What is a role of a tester in supporting the monitoring and controlling of testing? .(16)
6. Discuss the critical views in controlling and monitoring? .(16)
7. Explain the major activities of SCM? .(16)
8. What should be included in a milestone report for testing? Who should be included
on distribution list? .(16)
9. Discuss in detail about review types and the need for review policies? .(16)
10. How will you report Review results? .(16)


1) Define Software Engineering.
Software Engineering is a discipline that produces error free software with in a time and
2) Define software Testing.
Testing can be described as a process used for revealing defects in software, and for
establishing that the software has attained a specified degree of quality with respect to
selected attributes.
3) List the elements of the engineering disciplines.

Basic principles
Best practices
Code of ethics
Body of knowledge

4) Differentiate between verification and validation?(U.Q Nov/Dec 2009)

Verification is the process of evaluating
software system or component to determine
whether the products of a given
development phase satisfy the conditions
imposed at the start of that phase.
Verification is the process of evaluating
software system or component during or at
the end of the development phase satisfy the
conditions imposed at the start of that phase.

Verification is usually associated with
activities such as inspections and reviews of
the s/w deliverables

Verification is usually associated with

Traditional execution _based testing, i.e.,
Exercising the code with test cases.

5) Define the term Testing.

Testing is generally described as a group of procedures carried out to evaluate some aspect of a
piece of software.
Testing can be described as a process used for revealing defects in software, and for
establishing that the software has attained a specified degree of quality with respect to
selected attributes.
6) Differentiate between testing and debugging. (U.Q Nov/Dec 2008)

Testing as a dual purpose process Reveal defects And to evaluate quality attributes
Debugging or fault localization is the process of Locating the fault or defect
Repairing the code, and Retesting the code.

7) Define process in the context of software quality. ( U.Q Nov/Dec 2009)

Process, in the software engineering domain, is a set of methods, practices, Standards,
documents, activities, polices, and procedures that software engineers use to develop and
maintain a software system and its associated artifacts, such as project and test plans, design
documents, code, and manuals.
8) Define the term Debugging or fault localization.
Debugging or fault localization is the process of
1. Locating the fault or defect
2. Repairing the code, and
3. Retesting the code.
9) List the levels of TMM.
The testing maturity model or TMM contains five levels. They are

Level1: Initial
Level2: Phase definition
Level3: Integration
Level4: Management and Measurement
Leval5: Optimization /Defect prevention and Quality Control

10) List the members of the critical groups in a testing process (U.Q Nov/Dec 2008)
1. Manager
2. Developer/Tester
3. User/Client

11) Define Error.

An error is mistake or misconception or misunderstanding on the part of a software
12) Define Faults (Defects).
A fault is introduced into the software as the result of an error. It is an anomaly in the
software that may cause nit to behave incorrectly, and not according to its specification.
13) Define failures.
A failure is the inability of a software or component to perform its required functions
within specified performance requirements.
14) Distinguish between fault and failure. (U.Q May/June 2009)
1. A fault is introduced into the software as the result of an error. It is an anomaly in the
software that may cause nit to behave incorrectly, and not according to its specification.
2. A failure is the inability of a software or component to perform its required functions
within specified performance requirements.
15) Define Test Cases.
A test case in a practical sense is attest related item which contains the following
A set of test inputs: These are data items received from an external source by the code
under test. The external source can be hardware, software, or human.
Execution conditions: These are conditions required for running the test, for
example, a certain state of a database, or a configuration of a hardware device.
Expected outputs: These are the specified results to be produced by the code under test.
16)Write short notes on Test, Test Set, and Test Suite.
A Test is a group of related test cases, or a group of related test cases and test procedure. A
group of related test is sometimes referred to as a test set.
A group of related tests that are associated with a database, and are usually run together, is
sometimes referred to as a Test Suite.
17) Define Test Oracle.
Test Oracle is a document, or a piece of software that allows tester to determine whether a test
has been passed or failed.

18) Define Test Bed.

A test bed is an environment that contains all the hardware and software needed to test a
software component or a software system.
19) Define Software Quality.
Quality relates to the degree to which a system, system component, or process meets
specified requirements.
Quality relates to the degree to which a system, system component, or process meets
Customer or user needs, or expectations.
20) List the Quality Attributes.


21) Define SQA group.

The software quality assurance (SQA) group is a team of people with the necessary training and
skills to ensure that all necessary actions are taken during the development process so that the
resulting software confirms to established technical requirements.
22) Explain the work of SQA group.
Testers to develop quality related policies and quality assurance plans for each project. The
group is also involved in measurement collection and analysis, record keeping, and
Reporting. The SQA team members participate in reviews and audits, record and track
Problems, and verify that corrections have been made.
23) List the sources of Defects or Origins of defects. Or list the classification of defect
(U.Q May/June 2009)


24) Define reviews.

A review is a group meeting whose purpose is to evaluate a software artifact or a set of
Software artifacts. Review and audit is usually conducted by a SQA group.
25) Programmer A and Programmer B are working on a group of interfacing modules.
Programmer A tends to be a poor communicator and does not get along well with
Programmer B. Due to this situation, what types of defects are likely to surface in these
interfacing modules?
Communication defects.


1. Define Smart Tester.
Software must be tested before it is delivered to users. It is responsibility of the testers to
Design tests that
(i) reveal defects
(ii) can be used to evaluate software performance, usability and reliability.
To achieve these goals, tester must select a finite no. of test cases (i/p, o/p, & conditions).
2. Compare black box and white box testing.
Black box testing , the tester is no
Knowledge of its inner structure(i.e. how it
woks)The tester only has knowledge of what
it does(Focus only input & output)
Black box approach is usually applied large
size piece of software.
Black box testing sometimes called
functional or specification testing.


The White box approach focuses on the inner
structure of the software to be tested.

White box approach is usually applied small

size piece of software.
White box sometimes called clear or glass
box testing.

3. Draw the testers view of black box and white box testing.
Test Strategy Testers View
Inputs: Black box (No Knowledge about inner structure, Focus only input and
Outputs: White box (focuses on the inner structure of the software)
4. Write short notes on Random testing and Equivalence class portioning.

Each software module or system has an input domain from which test input data is selected. If a
tester randomly selects inputs from the domain, this is called random testing.
In equivalence class partitioning the input and output is divided in to equal classes or
4. Define COTS Components.
Test Strategy Knowledge Sources Methods
Black box

Requirements document
Domain Knowledge
Defect analysis data


Equivalence class partitioning (ECP)

Boundary value analysis (BVA)
State Transition testing.(STT)
Cause and Effect Graphing.
Error guessing

White box

High level design

Detailed design
Control flow graphs
Cyclomatic complexity


Statement testing
Branch testing
Path testing
Data flow testing
Mutation testing
Loop testing

The reusable component may come from a code reuse library within their org or, as is most
likely, from an outside vendor who specializes in the development of specific types of software
components. Components produced by vendor org are known as commercial off- the shelf, or
COTS, components.
5. List the Knowledge Sources & Methods of black box and white box testing.
6. Define State.

A state is an internal configuration of a system or component. It is defined in terms of the

values assumed at a particular time for the variables that characterize the system or
7. Define Finite-State machine.
A finite-state machine is an abstract machine that can be represented by a state graph
having a finite number of states and a finite number of transitions between states.
8. Define Error Guessing.
The tester/developer is sometimes able to make an educated guess as to which type of
defects may be present and design test cases to reveal them. Error Guessing is an ad-hoc
approach to test design in most cases.

9. Define usage profiles and Certification.

Usage profiles are characterizations of the population of intended uses of the software in its
intended environment. Certification refers to third party assurance that a product,process, or
service meets a specific set of requirements.
12. Write the application scope of adequacy criteria?
Helping testers to select properties of a program to focus on during test.
Helping testers to select a test data set for a program based on the selected properties.
Supporting testers with the development of quantitative objectives for testing Indicating to
testers whether or not testing can be stopped for that program.
13. What are the factors affecting less than 100% degree of coverage?
The nature of the unit
Some statements/branches may not be reachable.
The unit may be simple, and not mission, or safety, critical, and so complete coverage is
thought to be unnecessary.
The lack of resources
The time set aside for testing is not adequate to achieve complete coverage for all of the
There is a lack of tools to support complete coverage

Other project related issues such as timing, scheduling. And marketing constraints.
14. What are the basic primes for all structured program.
Sequential ( e.g., Assignment statements)
Condition (e.g., if/then/else statements)
Iteration (e.g., while, for loops)
The graphical representation of these three primes are given
Sequence Condition Iteration
True False True
15. Define path.
A path is a sequence of control flow nodes usually beginning from the entry node of a graph
through to the exit node.
16. Write the formula for cyclomatic complexity?
The complexity value is usually calculated from control flow graph(G) by the formula.
V(G) = E-N+2
Where The value E is the number of edges in the control flow graph The value N is the
number of nodes.
17. List the various iterations of Loop testing.

Zero iteration of the loop

One iteration of the loop
Two iterations of the loop
K iterations of the loop where k<n
n-1 iterations of the loop
n+1 iterations of the loop

18. Define test set.

A test set T is said to be mutation adequate for program p provided that for every in
equivalent mutant pi of p there is an element t in T such that pi[t] is not equal to p[t].
19. What are the errors uncovered by black box testing?

Incorrect or missing functions

Interface errors
Errors in data structures
Performance errors
Initialization or termination error


1. List the levels of Testing or Phases of testing.

Unit Test
Integration Test
System Test
Acceptance Test

2. Define Unit Test and characterized the unit test.

At a unit test a single component is tested. A unit is the smallest possible testable software
It can be characterized in several ways

A unit in a typical procedure oriented software systems.

It performs a single cohensive function.
It can be compiled separately.
It contains code that can fit on a single page or a screen.

3. List the phases of unit test planning.

Unit test planning having set of development phases.
Phase1: Describe unit test approach and risks.
Phase 2: Identify unit features to be tested.
Phase 3: Add levels of detail to the plan.
4. List the work of test planner.
Identifies test risks.
Describes techniques to be used for designing the test cases for the units.
Describe techniques to be used for data validation and recording of test results.
Describe the requirement for test harness and other software that interfaces with the unit to be
tested, for ex, any special objects needed for testing object oriented.
5. Define integration Test.
At the integration level several components are tested as a group and the tester
investigates component interactions.

6. Define System test.

When integration test are completed a software system has been assembled and its major
subsystems have been tested. At this point the developers /testers begin to test it as a whole.
System test planning should begin at the requirements phase.
7. Define Alpha and Beta Test.
Alpha test developers to use the software and note the problems.
Beta test who use it under real world conditions and report the defect to the Developing
8. What are the approaches are used to develop the software?
There are two major approaches to software development
These approaches are supported by two major types of programming languages. They
9. List the issues of class testing.

Issue1: Adequately Testing classes

Issue2: Observation of object states and state changes.
Issue3: The retesting of classes-I
Issue4: The retesting of classes-II

10. Define test Harness.

The auxiliary code developed into support testing of units and components is called a test
harness. The harness consists of drivers that call the target code and stubs that represent
modules it calls.
11. Define Test incident report.
The tester must determine from the test whether the unit has passed or failed the test. If the test
is failed, the nature of the problem should be recorded in what is sometimes called a test
incident report.
12. Define Summary report.
The causes of the failure should be recorded in the test summary report, which is the
summary of testing activities for all the units covered by the unit test plan.

13. Goals of Integration test.

To detects defects that occur on the interface of the units.
To assemble the individual units into working subsystems and finally a completed system that
ready for system test.
14. What are the Integration strategies?
Top_ Down: In this strategy integration of the module begins with testing the upper level
Bottom_ Up: In this strategy integration of the module begins with testing the lowest level
15. What is Cluster?
A cluster consists of classes that are related and they may work together to support a
required functionality for the complete system.
16. List the different types of system testing.

Functional testing
Performance testing
Stress testing
Configuration testing
Security testing
Recovery testing

The other types of system Testing are, Reliability & Usability testing.
17. Define load generator and Load.
An important tool for implementing system tests is a load generator. A load generator is
essential for testing quality requirements such as performance and stress A load is a series of
inputs that simulates a group of transactions. A transaction is a unit of work seen from the
system users view. A transaction consist of a set of operation that may be perform by a person ,
s/w system or device that is outside the system.
18. Define functional Testing.
Functional tests at the system level are used ensure that the behavior of the system
adheres to the requirement specifications.

19. What are the two major requirements in the Performance testing.
Functional Requirement: User describe what functions the software should perform. We test
for compliance of the requirement at the system level with the functional based system test.
Quality Requirement: They are nonfunctional in nature but describe quality levels
expected for the software.
20. Define stress Testing.
When a system is tested with a load that causes it to allocate its resources in maximum
amounts .It is important because it can reveal defects in real-time and other types of
1) Write the different types of goals?
i. Business goal: To increase market share 10% in the next 2 years in the area of financial
ii. Technical Goal: To reduce defects by 2% per year over the next 3 years.
iii. Business/technical Goal: To reduce hotline calls by 5% over the next 2 years
iv. Political Goal: To increase the number of women and minorities in high management
positions by 15% in the next 3 years.
2) Define Goal and Policy
A goal can be described as
a statement of intent
a statement of an accomplishment that an individual or an org wants to achieve.
A Policy can be defined as a high-level statement of principle or course of action that is
used to govern a set of activities in an org.
3) Define Plan.
A plan is a document that provides a framework or approach for achieving a set of goals.
3) Define Milestones.
Milestones are tangible events that are expected to occur at a certain time in the Projects
lifetime. Managers use them to determine project status.
4) Define a Work Breakdown Structure.(WBS)
A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical or treelike representation of all the
tasks that are required to complete a project.

5) List the Test plan components.


Test plan identifier

Items to be tested
Features to be tested
Pass/fail criteria
Suspension and resumption criteria
Test deliverables
Testing Tasks
Test environment
Staffing and training needs
Risks and contingencies
Testing costs

6) Draw a hierarchy of test plans.

7) Write the approaches to test cost Estimation?

The COCOMO model and heuristics

Use of test cost drivers
Test tasks
Tester/developer ratios
Expert judgment

8) Write short notes on Cost driver.

A Cost driver can be described as a process or product factor that has an impact on overall
project costs. Cost drivers for project the include
1. Product attributes such as the required level of reliability
2. Software quality assurance (V&V) plan
3. Master test plan Review plan: Inspections
4. and walkthroughs
5. Unit test plan Integration
6. test plan
7. System test
8. plan
9. Acceptance
10. test plan

Hardware attributes such as memory constraints.

Personnel attributes such as experience level.
Project attributes such as tools and methods.

9) Write the WBS elements for testing.

1. Project startup
2. Management coordination
3. Tool selection
4. Test planning
5. Test design
6. Test development
7. Test execution
8. Test measurement, and monitoring
9. Test analysis and reporting
10. Test process improvement
10)What is the function of Test Item Transmittal Report or Locating Test Items?
Suppose a tester is ready to run tests on the data described in the test plan. We needs to be able
to locate the item and have knowledge of its current status. This is the function of the Test Item
Transmittal Report. Each Test Item Transmittal Report has a unique identifier.
11)What is the information present in the Test Item Transmittal Report or Locating Test
Items ?

Version/revision number of the item

Location of the item
Person responsible for the item (the developer)
References tyo item documentation and test plan it is related to.
Status of the item
Approvals space for signatures of staff who approve the transmittal.

12) Define Test incident Report

The tester should record in attest incident report (sometimes called a problem report) any event
that occurs during the execyution of the tests that is unexpected , unexplainable, and that
requires a follow- up investigation.
13) Define Test Log.
The Test log should be prepared by the person executing the tests. It is a diary of the events that
take place during the test. It supports the concept of a test as a repeatable experiment.

14)What are the Three critical groups in testing planning and test plan policy ?
Task forces, policies, standards, planning Resource allocation, support for education and
training, Interact with users/Clients Developers/Testers
Apply Black box and White box methods, test at all levels, Assst with test planning,
Participate in task forces.

Specify requirement clearly, Support with operational profile,

Participate in acceptance test planning

15) Define Procedure.

A procedure in general is a sequence of steps required to carry out a specific task.
16)What are the skills needed by a test specialist?
Personal and managerial Skills
Organizational, and planning skills, work with others, resolve conflicts, mentor and train
others, written /oral communication skills, think creatively.
Technical Skills
General software engineering principles and practices, understanding of testing
principles and practices, ability to plan, design, and execute test cases, knowledge of
networks, database, and operating System.
17)Write the test term hierarchy?

Test Manager
Test leader
Test Engineer
Junior Test Engineer.

18.Define Breaking the System.

The goal of stress test is to try to break the system; Find the circumstances under which it will
crash. This is sometimes called breaking the system.
19. What are the steps for top down integration?
1) Main control module is used as a test driver and stubs are substituted for all
components directly subordinate to the main module.

2) Depending on integration approach (Depth or breadth first) subordinate stubs are

replaced one at a time with actual components.
3) Tests are conducted as each component is integrated.
4) The completion of each set of tests another stub is replaced with real component
5) Regression testing may be conducted to ensure that new errors have not been
20. What is meant by regression testing?
Regression testing is used to check for defects propagated to other modules by changes made to
existing program. Thus, regression testing is used to reduce the side effects of the changes.
1. Define Project monitoring or tracking.
Project monitoring refers to the activities and tasks managers engage into periodically check
the status of each project .Reports are prepared that compare the actual work done to the work
that was planned.
2. Define Project Controlling.
It consists of developing and applying a set of corrective actions to get a project on track
when monitoring shows a deviation from what was planned .
3. Define Milestone.
MileStones are tangible events that are expected to occur at a certain time in the projects life
time .Mnagers use them to determine project status.
4. Define SCM (Software Configuration management).
Software Configuration Management is a set of activities carried out for identifying,
organizing and controlling changes throughout the lifecycle of computer software.
5. Define Base line.
Base lines are formally reviewed and agreed upon versions of software artifacts,
from which all changes are measured. They serve as the basis for futher development and can
be changed only through formal change procedures.
6. Differentiate version control and change control.
Version Control combines procedures and tools to manage different versions of
configuration objects that are created during software process.

Change control is a set of procedures to evaluate the need of change and apply the changes
requested by the user in a controlled manner.
7. What is Testing?
Testing is generally described as a group of procedures carried out to evaluate some aspect of a
piece of software.It used for revealing defect in software and to evaluate degree of quality.
8. Define Review.
Review is a group meeting whose purpose is to evaluate a software artifact or a set of
software artifacts.
9. What are the goals of Reviewers?
1) Identify problem components or components in the software artifact that need
2) Identify components of the software artifact that donot need improvement.
3) Identify specific errors or defects in the software artifact.
4) Ensure that the artifact confirms to organizational standards.
10. What are the benefits of a Review program?

Higher quality software

Increased productivity
Increased awareness of quality issues
Reduced maintenance costs
Higher customer satisfaction

11. What are the Various types of Reviews?


12. What is Inspections?

It is a type of review that is formal in nature and requires prereview preparation on the part of
the review team.the Inspection leader prepares is the checklist of items that serves as the agenda
for the review.
13. What is WalkThroughs?
It is a type of technical review where the producer of the reviewed material serves as the review
leader and actually guides the progression of the review .It have traditionally been applied to
design and code.

14. List out the members present in the Review Team.


SQA(Software Quality Assurance) staff

Users /Clients.

15. List the components of review plans.


Review Goals
Items being reviewed
Preconditions for the review.
Roles, Team size, participants.
Training requirements.
Review steps.
Time requirements

16.What is test automation?

A software is developed to test the software. This is termed as test automation.
17.What are the two types of testcases?
1. Manual
2. Automated
18. What are the disadvantages of first generation automation?
1. Scripts holds hardcoded values.
2. Test maintenance cost is maximized.
19. What are the types of reports?
1. Customized reports.
2. Technical Report
3. Debug reports.

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