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FM 7-92


Washington, DC, 13 DECEMBER 2001


The Infantry Reconnaissance Platoon and Squad

(Airborne, Air Assault, Light Infantry)
1. Change FM 7-92, dated 23 December 1992, as follows:



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DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTIONApproved for public release; distribution is

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army

Active Army, USAR, and ARNG: To be distributed in accordance with initial
distribution number 114894, requirements for FM 7-92.

No. 7-92

FM 7-92
Washington, DC, 23 December 1992



DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92




The infantry reconnaissance platoon is a specialty platoon comprised of infantry soldiers. Unlike traditional infantry platoons
whose primary mission is to kill the enemy, the reconnaissance
platoons primary mission is to provide the battalion commander
information about the enemy. The battalion commander uses the
reconnaissance platoon to gather critical battlefield information.
This information is used by the commander and his staff during the
planning and execution of combat operations. This chapter discusses the role, organization, missions, and employment of the
reconnaissance platoon.
The battalion commander and his staff determine the role of the reconnaissance platoon. The primary roles associated with the platoon are
reconnaissance and to a lesser degree security. The reconnaissance platoon does not have to kill the enemy to be effective. By performing
stealthy reconnaissance and security tasks, the reconnaissance platoon
makes it easier for the battalion commander to maneuver companies,
concentrate combat power, and prevent surprise by providing him with
current and continuous battlefield information.
Leaders within a reconnaissance platoon should be the most tactically and
technically proficient soldiers in a battalion. Reconnaissance leaders
must understand how a battalion operates in a tactical environment. They
know their duties and responsibilities to the battalionto provide accurate and timely information. Reconnaissance leaders are masters of
stealth; they exercise initiative in the absence of guidance; they are intelligent, resourceful, dependable, and disciplined.
Soldiers within a reconnaissance platoon should also be the most tactically
and technically proficient soldiers in a battalion. The reconnaissance platoon
leader should be actively involved in the selection of soldiers. Reconnaissance platoon soldiers are physically fit; they are expert in skills such as land
navigation, communications, camouflage, individual movement, and survival. They know the enemys order of battle and equipment. They understand the importance of their mission to the battalion and what is required
to accomplish that mission. Like their leaders, soldiers use their initiative;
they are intelligent, resourceful, dependable, and disciplined.

FM 7-92
The reconnaissance platoon in light infantry, airborne, and air assault
battalions consists of 1 officer and 18 enlisted soldiers that are organized
into a platoon headquarters and three squads (Figure 1-1). The reconnaissance platoon is equipped with individual weapons, night vision devices, and communications equipment. There are a total of 16 M16A2
rifles and 3 M203 grenade launchers (one per squad). The reconnaissance
platoons mission and geographic location may require a modified table
of organization and equipment (MTOE).


FM 7-92
a. Platoon Headquarters. The platoon headquarters provides leadership and control of reconnaissance platoon operations. It consists of
the platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and two RATELOs. The platoon
headquarters controls and employs attachments provided by battalion.
b. Squads. Each squad consists of a squad leader, assistant squad
leader, and soldiers. The squads perform reconnaissance and security
missions as directed by the platoon headquarters. Squads also assist in
tactical control and coordination.
The reconnaissance platoon is organized, equipped, and trained to conduct reconnaissance and limited security tasks for its parent battalion.
The platoons primary mission is to provide battlefield information. The
reconnaissance platoon also assists in the tactical control, movement, and
positioning of the battalions companies and platoons. The reconnaissance platoon is employed under battalion control, but it may be detached
for a specific operation. The reconnaissance platoon can be tasked
a. To conduct zone reconnaissance.
b. To conduct area reconnaissance.
c. To conduct route reconnaissance.
d. To screen within the platoons capability.
e. To conduct surveillance of critical areas of concern.
f. To link up and conduct liaison.
g. To guide maneuver forces.
h. To conduct chemical detection and radiological survey
and monitoring.
The reconnaissance platoon leader has overall responsibility for ensuring
that the platoon accomplishes its mission. The platoon leader must know
the tactical strengths and weaknesses of the platoon, and must determine
the most effective and efficient method of employing the platoon. The
reconnaissance platoon prepares, plans, and executes its assigned missions with the assistance of the battalion staff. Primary and specialty staff
officers provide expertise for a particular battlefield operating system: the
battalion S2 provides information on the enemy and terrain; the S3 assigns
missions and integrates the reconnaissance platoon into the battalion
plan; the fire support officer ensures that artillery and mortar fires support
the reconnaissance platoons plan; the S4 ensures that the logistical
requirements of the platoon are satisfied; the signal officer ensures that
the platoons communications requirements are satisfied. The reconnaissance platoon leader should memorize the specific functions of the battalion staff and use its expertise whenever possible. With the assistance

FM 7-92
of the battalion staff, the reconnaissance platoon leader has several aids
in his mental kitbag.
a. The reconnaissance platoon can operate as a platoon or as separate
squads under platoon control. The decision to work as a platoon or squad
is based on METT-T factors. The reconnaissance platoon leader considers those factors while making his estimate of the situation. The commander and his staff consider the reconnaissance platoons organization
and abilities when planning missions for the reconnaissance platoon.
b. Reconnaissance or security operations may require the platoon to
be more tactically mobile than the parent battalion. The battalion can
provide only limited organic transportation to the light, airborne, and air
assault reconnaissance platoons.
c. The platoons small size limits its ability to conduct a zone reconnaissance. The terrain, enemy situation, and time available also affect the
size of the zone the reconnaissance platoon can reconnoiter. The commander must consider tasking other rifle platoons to supplement the
reconnaissance platoon for the intensive reconnaissance effort required
by a zone reconnaissance.
d. The platoon may only be able to reconnoiter a single route during
a route reconnaissance (depending on route length, enemy situation, and
terrain). If routes are short and enemy contact unlikely, the platoon can
reconnoiter up to three routes.
e. The reconnaissance effort of the platoon is established by the
battalion commander and his staff. The purpose of the reconnaissance
effort must be clearly stated. This prevents the reconnaissance platoon
from wasting precious time.
f. The ability of a reconnaissance platoon to conduct security for the
battalion is limited. The primary security mission assigned to the reconnaissance platoon is the screen-either moving or stationary. The reconnaissance platoon, in conjunction with infantry platoons, can effectively
screen the battalions front, flank, or rear.
g. The platoons ability to conduct continuous surveillance is limited
due to personnel. METT-T dictates the total number of OPs the platoon
will establish. However, for continuous surveillance to be effective, no
more than three OPs should be established.
h. The distance that the reconnaissance platoon operates from the
main body is restricted by the capability of its communications equipment.
With its organic equipment, the platoon operates two netsbattalion
operations and intelligence net, and the platoon net.

FM 7-92
Training is the cornerstone of success. Therefore, reconnaissance platoons must train for combat using the standardized training literature and
doctrinal manuals that provide reconnaissance leaders with the correct
procedures and principles to conduct training properly. They should also
refer to ARTEP 7-92-MTP to find the specific conditions and standards
for the techniques and procedures discussed in this manual. Training
requires leaders to use their initiative and to make quick decisions. The
training environment must be realistic and stressful. Training must challenge soldiers to master all infantry tasks, individual and collective, and it
must constantly remind them of their mission, of their heritage, and of the
physical toughness and mental stress that is required of them. Platoon
training also promotes the cohesion and determination of the platoon so
that, when plans go wrong, the platoon continues to carry out the mission.




Command and control in the reconnaissance platoon depends on

sound leadership, training, SOPs, and communications techniques
in pursuit of well-defined and attainable objectives. This chapter
discusses how leaders within the reconnaissance platoon implement
the decision-making process and use troop-leading procedures
(TLPs) to plan and conduct reconnaissance platoon operations. It
also discusses the battalions role in command and control and the
generation of information requirements by the battalion staff.
A command and control system includes the facilities, equipment, communications, procedures, and personnel essential to a commander for
planning, directing, and controlling operations of assigned forces pursuant to the missions assigned.
The battalion commander exercises command and control of all elements
assigned to the battalion for a specific mission. The battalion commander
exercises his command authority by issuing clear and concise instructions.
These instructions are either written, transmitted via radio, or given face
to face. These instructions are given in mission-type orders, organized
and formatted into warning, operation, or fragmentary orders. These
orders explain what the commander wants donenot how it is to be done.
Once subordinates receive, understand, and finally begin to execute orders, the commander supervises to ensure his orders are being executed
according to his intent.
The battalion commander exercises his control over subordinates through
the use of graphic control measures such as boundaries, phase lines,
objectives, assault positions, and so forth. Graphic control measures help
the battalion commander control and synchronize assets and the flow of
the battle. The commander can also restrict subordinates by establishing
not-earlier-than (NET) or not-later-than (NLT) times. A battalions
command and control system directly influences reconnaissance platoon
operations. A reconnaissance platoon is effective if the battalion can
inform the platoon of its mission, notify the platoon of major changes,
and control assets that affect reconnaissance platoon operations.

FM 7-92
The platoon leader must understand what the battalion commanders
intent and concept are for a given operation. This understanding enables
the reconnaissance platoon to use its initiative during the execution of an
operation. The battalion commanders intent and concept are developed
during the early stages of planning. However, the reconnaissance platoon
is normally executing its assigned mission while the battalion is developing its plan. Whenever the tactical situation permits, the reconnaissance
platoon leader should coordinate with the battalion commander to ensure
that the platoon leader understands the commanders initial intent and
concept. Even if the commander has not fully developed his intent and
concept, he can tell the platoon leader what he expects the reconnaissance
platoon to accomplish. Usually, information provided by the reconnaissance platoon directly affects the battalion commanders intent and concept.
a. Intent. The battalion commanders intent is stated in clear and
concise terms to ensure understanding throughout the force. The intent
is the commanders stated vision, which defines the purpose of the operation and the end state with respect to the relationship among the force,
the enemy, and the terrain. The platoon leader uses this information
along with any specified tasks to guide the platoons actions. For example,
the battalion commanders intent is to force the commitment of the enemy
counterattack force. In this scenario, the platoon leader positions his
platoon so that they are able to provide information on the counterattack
force. All other actions are secondary. The platoon leader ensures that
all members of the reconnaissance platoon understand the battalion
commanders intent.
b. Concept. The battalion commanders concept explains in broad
terms how he visualizes the force as a whole achieving his intent. The
concept is stated in sufficient detail to ensure subordinates act properly
in the absence of further instructions. The battalions concept guides the
actions of the platoon. A reconnaissance platoon obtaining information
for a specific company must understand how that information will assist
that company in executing the overall battalion plan. At platoon level,
the platoon leader states how the reconnaissance platoon will operate in
support of the battalion plan. This allows subordinates to understand
their relationship with the battalion and other elements within the platoon.
At platoon level, effective command and control depends on leadership,
training, discipline, a sound SOP, and effective use of control measures

FM 7-92
and communications techniques. In addition to controlling squads and
keeping the battalion abreast of the tactical situation, effective command
and control also reduces the potential for fratricide.
a. Leadership is the most important element of exercising command
of the reconnaissance platoon. Orders are developed by the platoon
leader and disseminated through the platoon sergeant and squad leaders.
The platoon leader issues mission-type orders. He tells the squad leaders
what he wants done, not how to get it done. The squad leaders use their
experience, judgment, and knowledge of tactics, techniques and procedures to accomplish the reconnaissance platoon leaders plan.
b. Control of the reconnaissance platoon is difficult due to the decentralization of platoon operations. Squads are normally dispersed
throughout the battalions or platoons area of operation. Graphic control measures assist the platoon leader in controlling the movement and
actions of the squads. The platoon leader positions himself where he can
best control the reconnaissance platoon. He maybe with the squad that
has the most important task to accomplish, or he may operate separately
from the squads. The platoon leader also directs where the platoon
sergeant locates. Regardless of where the platoon leader and platoon
sergeant are located, they must be able to control the squads and maintain
a communications link with battalion.
The platoon leader uses the command and control process to determine
what is occurring, to decide what to do about it, to tell soldiers what to do,
and then to keep track of how well his soldiers are doing. The TLPs are
the leaders tool to guide the command and control process. These
procedures provide a common framework for all echelons of command to
apply the command and control process. Other tools that are also part of
the TLP include the estimate of the situation; mission, enemy, terrain,
troops, time available (METT-T); observation and fields of tire, avenues of
approach, key terrain, obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC);
intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB); and reconnaissance. The
relationships among these tools are not fixed, since they are used in different
combinations, depending on the situation. (Table 2-1, page 2-4.)
Troop-leading procedures (TLPs) are the dynamic process by which a
leader receives a mission, plans it, and executes it. TLPs should be an
instinctive and familiar way of thinking for a leader. The TLP sequence
is not rigid. It is modified to meet the mission, situation, and available
time. Some steps are performed concurrently; while others may continue

FM 7-92
throughout the operation. The TLP is a time-saver; as such, the leader
conducts it in the order that most effectively uses the time available.


FM 7-92
a. Receive the Mission. Once the battalion receives a change of
mission from brigade, the battalion commander and his staff analyze their
requirements and publish a warning order. This warning order normally
tasks the reconnaissance platoon to move into a designated area to
conduct reconnaissance. During the initial planning stages, the commander and his staff identify information requirements concerning the
enemy and terrain. This information is obtained by the reconnaissance
platoon, relayed back to the commander, then used to develop and adjust
the battalions plan.
(1) Upon notification of a change in mission, the platoon leader
prepares a warning order for the reconnaissance platoon. Once the
platoon leader receives the battalions warning order, he conducts an
initial METT-T analysis to determine the requirements for his warning
order. If the reconnaissance platoon is located near the battalion main
CP, the platoon leader coordinates with the battalion staff, particularly
with the S3, S2, and the battalion commander for specific requirements.
This coordination is important, especially if the reconnaissance platoon
is going to depart the area.
(2) The platoon leader uses all available information to develop a
time schedule. He identifies the actions (time-critical tasks) required to
prepare his platoon for the operation. To do this, he considers information on the mission, enemy, terrain, and own troops. He conducts an
initial reconnaissance (at least a map reconnaissance) to understand the
time requirements for the mission. The platoon leader then develops his
time schedule by starting at mission time and working backward to the
current time (reverse planning). The mission time is normally the most
critical time in the operation.
(3) The platoon leader ensures that all subordinate leaders have
sufficient time for their own planning needs. Leaders at all levels should
try to use no more than one-third of the available time for planning and
issuance of the OPORD. This leaves the rest of the available time for
squad leaders to use for their planning and preparation. The following is
an example of a tentative reverse-planned time schedule. The platoon
leader adjusts throughout the TLP process.
0600, battalion executes mission.
0400, update battalion.
0130, reconnaissance in position.
0100, establish ORP.
2300, begin movement.
2100, inspect squads.
1730, rest.

FM 7-92
1645, eat.
1530, issue squad orders.
1430, briefback (squads).
1300, issue OPORD.
1045, coordinate route with S3.
1030, update platoon warning order.
1000, receive battalion OPORD.
0900, receive battalion warning order.
b. Issue a Warning Order. The platoon leader should issue the best
warning order possible with the information at hand and update it as
needed with additional warning orders. The warning order lets the reconnaissance platoon prepare for combat as soon as possible. Issuing a
warning order involves a number of standard actions that should be
addressed by SOP (see Appendix D). The warning order should address
all necessary actions not covered in the SOP. The specific contents for
each warning order vary based upon the tactical situation.
c. Make a Tentative Plan. The platoon leader, aided by the platoon
sergeant, develops the reconnaissance platoons tentative plan. This plan
is based on information obtained from the battalion warning order,
coordination with the staff, and METT-T analysis. The tentative plan may
be nothing more than the platoon leaders concept, a mission statement,
and movement instructions. The more information provided by battalion,
the more detailed the tentative plan must be. The battalions need for
battlefield information and the time required to move into an area and
obtain that information are critical. Ideally, the reconnaissance platoon
obtains the information in time for the commander and staff to use it to
adjust and finalize the battalions plan. All members of the reconnaissance platoon must understand the importance of accomplishing the
mission and how information obtained from the mission will affect the
battalion during development of the battalions plan.
d. Initiate Movement. The type of transportation used (foot, vehicle,
aircraft, or watercraft) is normally dictated by battalion based on mission
requirements and available assets. The platoon leader arranges to have
the transportation means inspected at a specific time and place. He
completes his estimate of the total time required for conducting movement based on the mode of transportation used. He briefs the reconnaissance platoon chain of command on the critical times, primary and
alternate routes, and control measures.
e. Reconnoitering. The reconnaissance platoon is the battalion commanders primary reconnaissance element. The battalion commander

FM 7-92
approves or alters the battalions tentative plan based upon information
obtained by the reconnaissance platoon. The platoons reconnaissance
efforts serve two purposesfirst, to obtain information for the battalion
commander and his staff; second, to confirm or deny the platoon leaders
tentative plan. Adjustments are made at both battalion and platoon levels
based on information obtained.
f. Complete the Plan. The platoon leader should bring his tentative
plan close to completion after the initial reconnaissance. He continues
to refine his plan based on new information from the battalion commander and staff. Coordination continues with all supporting agencies,
higher headquarters, and adjacent units. Information the platoon leader
obtains through this coordination and from the reconnaissance enables
him to expand the tentative plan into a five-paragraph OPORD.
g. Issue the Order. The platoon leader, whenever possible, should
issue the order while viewing the avenues of approach, the objective area,
or both. He uses visual aids (sketches and terrain models) to ensure the
order is understood by squad leaders. If he issues the tentative plan before
conducting reconnaissance, he issues a FRAGO to finalize the plan before
execution, if necessary.
h. Supervise. The best plan may fail if it is not managed correctly.
Leaders must use briefbacks, rehearsals, inspections, and continuous
coordination of plans to supervise and refine TLPs. Briefbacks and
rehearsals are not the same; briefbacks focus on the planning process, and
rehearsals focus on execution.
(1) Squad leaders should briefback the platoon leader immediately
after the OPORD to ensure they understand the instructions. They
should also briefback the squads tentative plan. They may conduct the
briefback collectively or individually. The collective method is preferred,
because it allows exchange of information, coordination among squads,
and rapid distribution of changes to the initial plan.
(2) Rehearsals are always conducted. They are essential to ensure
complete coordination and subordinate understanding. The warning
order should provide subordinate leaders sufficient detail to schedule and
rehearse drills, SOPs, or both before they receive the platoon OPORD.
Rehearsals should be conducted in an area similar to the objective and
under similar light and weather conditions. Leaders can briefback individual tasks and use sand tables or sketches while they discuss the execution of the plan. The platoon always rehearses actions on the objective
and other critical events that may affect the mission.
(3) The platoon leader checks the following during precombat inspections:
Weapons and ammunition.

FM 7-92
Uniforms and equipment.
Mission-essential equipment.
Soldiers knowledge and understanding of the mission and their
specific responsibilities.
Rations and water.
(4) The platoon leader or platoon sergeant coordinates with battalion
staff and adjacent units. He ensures that all necessary coordination
occurs, including coordination for fire support and engineer activities,
maintenance, resupply, movement, and other required actions. Leaders
must coordinate any adjustments to the plan, both before and during the
operation, with the battalion commander and staff. During execution, the
platoon leader issues FRAGOs to modify the plan as the situation develops. He personally supervises and or leads the critical actions.
The estimate of the situation and the use of METT-T help the platoon
leader determine his mission, understand his situation, and select the best
course of action (COA) to accomplish his assigned responsibilities. The
platoon leader uses the factors of METT-T when conducting the estimate.
The estimate process is conducted as Step 3 of the TLP (Make a Tentative
Plan). The estimate provides the platoon leader with a logical process for
analyzing information pertaining to a tactical situation. The process can
be detailed or it can be brief. The available time and experience of the
platoon leader conducting the analysis are the determining factors. The
estimate is a continuous process. As additional information is received
or obtained through reconnaissance, the platoon leader decides if and how
it affects his tactical situation. (See FM 7-10 and FM 7-20 for detailed
discussion of conducting the estimate.) The estimate has five steps as
1. Conduct a detailed mission analysis.
2. Analyze the situation and develop COAs.
3. Analyze COAs (war game).
4. Compare COAs.
5. Make a decision.
a. Conduct Mission Analysis. Mission analysis is the mental process
a leader goes through to analyze a mission. Mission analysis begins upon
receipt of an order. A battalion staff normally writes these orders and
issues them to the orders group during an orders brief. When the tactical
situation prevents the orders group from gathering to receive an orders

FM 7-92
brief, the order is issued by radio. Though the reconnaissance platoon
leader is normally part of the orders group, his proximity to the battalion
leader prevents him from attending most orders briefs. Therefore, the
platoon leader must be adept at conducting mission analysis from information acquired by radio. Mission analysis requires him to determine and
understand the commanders intent and concept, the tasks the reconnaissance platoon must accomplish, any limitations on the platoons freedom
of action, time analysis, and the platoons restated mission.
(1) Commander's intent and concept. The missions assigned to the
reconnaissance platoon normally have an affect upon the battalion.
Therefore, the platoon leader needs to understand how the platoons
actions tie in with the battalions actions. The best way to obtain this
understanding is to coordinate directly with the battalion commander. If
this is not possible, the commanders intent and concept are stated in
paragraph 3 (execution) of the operation order. (See Appendix E.)
(2) Tasks. The platoon leader determines the tasks the battalion
wants the reconnaissance platoon to accomplish. Tasks are stated
throughout the operation order, or they are shown on overlays. These
tasks may relate specifically to the reconnaissance platoon or indirectly
to the battalion.
(3) Limitations. Graphic control measures or instructions that restrict freedom of action are called limitations. Adhering to NET or NLT
times often restricts a platoons freedom of action. For example, the
commander may specify that no reconnaissance will occur before 1500 hours
or that the reconnaissance platoon must cross the LD at a specified time.
Graphic control measures may restrict the platoon to a specific route or
(4) Time analysis. Proper and effective use of time is always a concern
of the reconnaissance platoon. During mission analysis, the platoon
leader adjusts the time schedule that was developed as part of the warning
order. Time analysis may have a substantial effect on planning, preparation,
and execution.
(5) Restated mission. The result of mission analysis is the determination of the reconnaissance platoons mission. The restated mission is the
tasks that enable the platoon and the battalion to accomplish its mission.
The restated mission normally states WHO (reconnaissance platoon),
WHAT (task), WHEN (the critical time), WHERE (grid coordinate), and
WHY (the purpose behind the given task). An example of a mission
statement is, Reconnaissance platoon conducts zone reconnaissance of
Axis Hammer NLT 301700 Nov 91 to determine presence and disposition
of enemy forces within the zone. This mission statement becomes paragraph 2 of the reconnaissance platoons operation order (OPORD).

FM 7-92
b. Analyze the Situation and Develop Courses of Action. Once the
platoon leader determines the reconnaissance platoons mission, he then
determines how the platoon can accomplish that mission. In order to
develop a COA, he analyzes terrain and weather, the enemy situation and
the enemys most probable COA, and the friendly situation. After the
platoon leader completes this analysis, he then uses this information to
develop his COA.
(1) Analyze terrain and weather. Terrain and weather analyses are
factors that are considered first, since they have the greatest effect on both
friendly and enemy COA. The platoon leader analyzes the terrain in
terms of its tactical aspects: Observation and fields of fire, avenues of
approach, key terrain, obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC).
The platoon leader uses these factors to determine how the reconnaissance platoon can get the greatest use of the terrain. Weather is analyzed
concurrently, since it may have a significant affect upon the terrain.
(a) Observation and fields of fire. Observation is the ability to see over
a particular area to acquire targets with either optical or electronic line
of sight. Systems considered include radios, radars, signal intelligence,
collectors, and jammers, as well as optical systems. Field of fire refers to
the area a weapon can cover effectively from a given point. The platoon
leader looks for those areas that provide the reconnaissance platoon
observation and fields of fire, especially observation.
(b) Avenues of approach. Avenues of approach are routes by which
the reconnaissance platoon may reach an objective or key terrain. The
platoon leader considers ground, air and, when in a MOUT environment,
underground avenues or routes. The reconnaissance platoon may be
tasked to identify or confirm avenues of approach. It evaluates these in
terms of its
Potential to support maneuver.
Access to the terrain and adjacent avenues.
Degree of canalization.
(c) Key terrain. The platoon leader identifies any feature or area he
can use to a tactical advantage. Determining key terrain depends on the
echelon, mission, enemy, and situation. For example, a hilltop that
provides the reconnaissance platoon an excellent area from which to
observe the enemy may not offer any tactical advantage to the battalion.
Once the platoon leader identifies key terrain in his area of operations,
he uses that terrain to develop his plan. He can use key terrain to control
movement or establish OPs.


FM 7-92
(d) Obstacles. Obstacles are anything that stops, impedes, or diverts
military movement. The obstacles direct influence on mobility makes it
one of the most important considerations in terrain analysis. The reconnaissance platoon maybe tasked to identify or confirm obstacles. It may
look at potential areas that might impede movement of forces. This
includes existing obstacles such as rivers, steep ridges, and so forth. It
must also consider reinforcing obstacles such as minefield, antitank
obstacles, and roadblocks
(e) Cover and concealment. Cover is protection from the effects of
fire; concealment is protection from observation. The platoon leader
looks primarily at areas that provide concealment. The indirect approach
into an area normally provides concealment. In platoon operations, the
reconnaissance platoon must remain undetected.
(2) Analyze the enemy and his most probable COA. The platoon leader
must understand the enemys doctrine and tactics. The battalion S2 is the
primary staff officer responsible for providing information concerning the
enemy. However, the battalion S2s analysis is based on a broader perspective with different concerns. The platoon leader must refine this
information and narrow the focus on the enemy in his particular area. The
focus of this analysis is to locate enemy strengths (to avoid them) and his
weaknesses (to exploit them). The result is a detailed statement of the
enemys most probable COA. This analysis includes the following:
(a) Composition. Type of unit, weapons, or abilities.
(b) Disposition. How he is arrayed on the terrain, offensively or
(c) Recent activities. Recent and significant activities that may indicate the enemys intentions.
(d) Reinforcement. Possible location of reserves, routes of counterattack forces.
(e) Possible COA. An estimate of how the enemy will defend or
(f) Weaknesses. Doctrinal weaknesses, and or possible tactical weaknesses.
(3) Analyze friendly situation. The platoon leader must know the
current status of the reconnaissance platoon and any attachments. The
platoon leader must understand how adjacent and supporting units will
affect his mission. How the reconnaissance platoon will be supported
logistically, especially Class I and medical evacuation, is always a major
concern. During this analysis, the platoon leader should adjust his time
schedule based on current information.

FM 7-92
(4) Develop a course of action. A COA is a possible plan that accomplishes the reconnaissance platoons mission. The platoon leader considers all the information analyzed up to this point. Having a complete
understanding of the mission, he develops his plan by incorporating the
critical factors of terrain, enemy, and friendly situation. The following is
a guide for developing a COA:
(a) Determine decisive points and times. If achieved, these will put
the platoon in a position to accomplish the purpose as stated in the
platoons mission statement.
(b) Determine the results that must be achieved at the decisive points
to accomplish the mission.
(c) Determine the purposes to be achieved by the main effort squad
and the supporting effort squads.
(d) Determine what tasks to assign those squads.
(e) Determine how to task-organize for accomplishment of the platoons mission, if necessary.
(f) Determine how to command and control the reconnaissance
(g) Establish control measures.
(h) Prepare a COA statement and sketch.
(i) Repeat this process for additional COAs.
c. Analysis of Course of Action. Once the platoon leader develops
two or more COAs, he war-games them against the enemys most probable
COA. When war-gaming the COAs, he must use both the mission-specific and general factors to measure each one. Mission factors are those
that have a significant affect upon mission accomplishment. They may
include security of route, chance of being compromised, continuous operations, and logistical support. General factors may include characteristics of the offense or defense and principles of war. War-game
techniques include box, belt, and avenue of approach. (For a detailed
discussion on the usc of these techniques, see FM 7-10 and FM 7-20.)
d. Compare Courses of Action. The platoon leaders next step is to
compare the COAs. This may require the platoon leader to do no more
than choose the COA that he feels most comfortable with. The most
common way to compare COAs is to use mission-specific and general
factors to evaluate them. For example, if being compromised is significant, he determines which COA has the least chance of being compromised. This one is chosen over the others. (An example using a decision
matrix is shown in Table 2-2.)


FM 7-92

e. Make a Decision. The results of the comparison in Step 4 helps the

platoon leader choose a COA. He selects the COA that he believes offers
the best chance of accomplishing his mission. Then he expands the COA
into a plan. As the platoon leader receives additional information or as
the situation changes, he considers how these affect his plan. The estimate
process, like TLP, is a continuous process. The estimate can be an
invaluable tool for the reconnaissance platoon, especially in a combat
Intelligence is an important part of every combat decision. The battalion
commander directs units within the battalion to obtain information about
the enemy and terrain. The reconnaissance platoons primary mission is
to collect information for the commander and his staff. The commander
and his staff process and analyze this information to determine its value.
Through analysis, this information becomes intelligence. Intelligence of
a tactical value is disseminated to the subordinates that can use it. This
process is known as the intelligence cycle. (The reconnaissance platoons
role in the intelligence cycle is shown in Figure 2-1 page 2-14.)
a. Directing. The intelligence effort begins by issuing these requirements-establishing priorities and then communicating information or
collecting orders to subordinate elements. This is accomplished by the
commander and his staff. The tools used by the commander and his staff
are METT-T analysis and IPB. The battalion commander directs subordinates to obtain information based on the requirements generated by
METT-T and IPB. Once the battalion determines the intelligence requirements, they are analyzed, consolidated, and prioritized. The most
important intelligence requirements are designated as PIRs. These are

FM 7-92

requirements for which a commander has an anticipated and stated

priority in the task of planning and decision making. The reconnaissance
platoon is normally tasked with obtaining information that answers the
commanders PIR. Requirements of a lesser priority are designated as
information requirements (IRs). These requirements are normally given
to other collection sources (for example, GSR, infantry platoons, and
squads). The battalion will task subordinates to conduct reconnaissance
by developing a reconnaissance and security matrix (Table 2-3), which
assigns specific responsibility for information collection. The tasking is
accomplished by the battalion S3 and S2 subject to the battalion commanders approval. Reconnaissance is the battalions primary means of
collecting information.

FM 7-92


FM 7-92
b. Collecting. The battalion commander employs the reconnaissance
platoon to collect critical information. Other reconnaissance collection
elements assist in the battalions reconnaissance efforts. The reconnaissance platoon is normally tasked to obtain information that answers the
commanders PIR. The battalion S2 has overall responsibility for monitoring the battalions reconnaissance efforts. The platoon leader should
coordinate with the S2 for specific guidance concerning reconnaissance
since the S2 has detailed information on the terrain and enemy. During
IPB, the S2 develops terrain overlays. These overlays contain detailed
information on the terrain and should be used by the platoon leader to
assist in terrain analysis. The S2 also develops a series of templates, which
the platoon leader can use to obtain information as to how the enemy is
expected to fight and on use of terrain. This information is also available
to the reconnaissance platoon. Information collected by the reconnaissance platoon is critical to the intelligence cycle. The reconnaissance
platoon must collect the right information in a timely manner and must
send that information back to the battalion. The platoon leader may use
a reconnaissance matrix to assign responsibility for squad reconnaissance
(Table 2-4). The battalion commander depends on the reconnaissance
platoon and other elements for information to assist him in the development of the battalions plan. Inadequate information could result in an
ill-advised plan. (Chapter 4 discusses the techniques used by the reconnaissance platoon in conducting reconnaissance.)


FM 7-92
c. Processing and Analyzing. Although the reconnaissance platoon
is not directly involved in processing and analyzing information, it should
be familiar with the process of how information is translated into intelligence. The reconnaissance platoon relays information gained through
reconnaissance over the battalion operations and intelligence (O&I) net.
The battalion S2 is responsible for controlling this net. Once the S2
receives information from the reconnaissance platoon and other sources,
this information is recorded, evaluated, and analyzed. The battalion
commander and his staff use this information to make tactical decisions.
Intelligence is any information used in making tactical decisions. Information concerning the battlefield is never complete since the commander
may generate additional requirements during the analysis. If additional
information is needed, then the S3 and S2 task subordinates again to
collect that information. The reconnaissance platoon continues to conduct reconnaissance until directed to execute another mission.
d. Disseminating. The final step in the intelligence cycle is to disseminate intelligence or information. Normally, there is a time lag between the time an enemy target presents itself and the time the
information becomes available to an element that can react to it. The
reconnaissance platoons mission is to obtain information in a timely
manner. This requires the platoon leader to anticipate the time required
for conducting reconnaissance and understanding when the information
is needed by battalion. Once the reconnaissance platoon obtains the
information and passes that information to battalion, the battalion disseminates that information in a timely manner.
The battalions ability to command and control the reconnaissance platoon
and the platoon leaders ability to control his squads depend on FM communications. The primary means of communicating information is by FM
radio. The battalion signal officer is responsible for planning, establishing, and maintaining communications with the reconnaissance platoon. The platoon leader assists the signal officer by maintaining the
communications link. When communications cannot be established,
the signal officer, the reconnaissance platoon leader, and the affected
RATELO identify the problem and correct it. Without effective communications, the reconnaissance platoon cannot perform its mission.
(Appendix E discusses techniques and procedures for establishing and
maintaining communications.)




This chapter highlights the techniques and procedures considered by

the reconnaissance platoon when conducting tactical movement.
The reconnaissance platoon survives on the battlefield by using
stealth and dispersion, and by maintaining security in all tactical
movements. The planning and execution of movement are integral
parts of all reconnaissance platoon operations. The reconnaissance platoon must employ the proper movement formation and
technique when conducting movement. Regardless of parent organization, the reconnaissance platoon may be tasked to conduct
movement by foot, helicopter, boat, or vehicle. This chapter discusses how the reconnaissance platoon uses those modes of transportation. Also, it discusses how the reconnaissance platoon is used
as part of a battalion infiltration.
The reconnaissance platoon leader is responsible for planning and coordinating the platoons movement. However, if rotary- or fixed-winged
assets are used, the battalion staff accomplishes most of the planning and
coordination. Also, the specifics of when, where, and how the platoon
moves are directly linked to the battalions plan. The general location of
the reconnaissance platoon depends on the type of battalion operation
for example, offense, defense, or retrograde. In most cases, offensive or
defensive operations require the reconnaissance platoon to operate forward or to the flank of the battalion. In retrograde operations, the
reconnaissance platoon operates in the rear area of the battalion. When
and how the reconnaissance platoon conducts movement is established
by the battalion S3 with approval by the commander.
Once the platoon leader understands when, where, and how the platoon
is to move, he coordinates the specifics of the movement with the battalion
S3. The platoon leader must always coordinate time requirements. The
type of mission being conducted is key in determining time requirements.
The platoon leader must advise the S3 on how much time he needs to
conduct movement and also on how much time is required to perform his
mission. This is important, especially when conducting reconnaissance
operations. The reconnaissance platoon should not spend most of its time
moving. Instead, this time should be spent reconnoitering. If the platoon

FM 7-92
is establishing OPs to conduct surveillance, then the time considerations
are different. Once the platoon leader advises the S3 of the time requirements, the S3 allocates enough time for movement or obtains transportation assets to move the reconnaissance platoon. The platoon leader briefs
the staff on the movement plan. This prevents potential problems if the
battalion changes its plan. For fixed- or rotary-winged movement, the
battalion staff coordinates the details.
The reconnaissance platoon must be able to operate in enemy territory
and remain undetected. Regardless of whether the platoon is en route to
an objective or operating near an objective, the platoon takes all necessary
actions to ensure it remains undetected. The probability of being detected
is directly related to the reconnaissance platoons mission. A platoon
conducting reconnaissance has a higher probability of being detected than
does a platoon conducting surveillance. The platoon leader considers the
risks associated with each mission. The battalion commander assists the
platoon leader by expressing his acceptance criteriathe acceptance of
the risks associated with obtaining detailed information. During movement, the platoon uses stealth to exploit the natural cover and concealment of the terrain. When possible, the platoon moves when visibility is
reduced such as during darkness, fog, snow, or rain. It uses rough,
swampy, or heavily vegetated terrain to avoid detection. All members of
a reconnaissance platoon must be masters of stealth. Leaders must be
proactive in their efforts to avoid detection. (Appendix F discusses the
action taken by the platoon when contact is made.)
Security involves not only the platoons security but also the battalions
security. Security during movement includes those actions the reconnaissance platoon takes to protect itself and those tasks given to the platoon
to provide security for the battalion. The platoon and squads enhance
their own security during movement through the use of covered and
concealed terrain; the use of the appropriate movement formation and
technique; the actions taken to secure danger areas during crossing the
enforcement of noise, light, and radiotelephone discipline; and the use of
proper individual camouflage techniques. When tasked to screen the
flank or front of the battalion, the reconnaissance platoon must ensure
that the main body is not surprised by the enemy. This requires the
reconnaissance platoon to move in relation to the protected force.
(Screening operations are discussed in Chapter 5.)


FM 7-92
The platoon leader coordinates for fire support with the battalion FSO
and, when possible, the mortar platoon leader. The FSO advises the
platoon leader on available assets and possible target locations. The
platoon leader requests necessary adjustments to the initial fire support
plan based on his needs. The platoon leader also briefs the FSO on the
platoons route and final location. The platoon leader must ensure that
targets are planned along the route. If the FSO is aware of the platoons
location, he can prevent possible calls for fire on the platoon. The FSO
also advises the platoon of preplanned fires and locations where the use
of indirect fires are prohibited. (See Chapter 7 for information on the
reconnaissance platoons use of fire support.)
This section discusses how the reconnaissance platoon uses movement
formations and techniques when conducting tactical movements. The
platoon leader designates the appropriate movement formation and technique based upon analysis of METT-T and OAKOC (The organization
of the reconnaissance platoon requires modification of the formations as
found in FM 7-8.)
Formations are arrangements of elements and soldiers in relation to each
other. Squads use formations for control, flexibility, and security. Squad
leaders choose formations based upon their analysis of METT-T and
OAKOC or based upon guidance from the platoon leader. Squad leaders
are up front in formations. This allows the squad leader to control the
movement and location of individual soldiers. Each soldier within a squad
or platoon formation is responsible for maintaining security for a designated area. Squad leaders or the platoon leader assigns additional duties
such as compass man and pace man. These soldiers assist the leader with
the navigation. The senior leader within a formation is always responsible
for the navigation. When necessary, an alternate pace man and compass
man can be designated. The wedge and file are the basic squad formations.
a. Wedge Formation. The wedge formation is the basic formation for
the squad (Figure 3-1). The interval between soldiers in this formation is
normally 10 meters. The wedge expands and contracts depending on the
terrain. When rough terrain, poor visibility, or other factors make control
of the wedge difficult, the wedge must be modified. The normal interval
is reduced so that all members can see the squad leader. The sides of the
wedge can contract to the point that the wedge resembles a single file.


FM 7-92
When moving in less rugged terrain where control is easier, soldiers
resume their original positions.

b. File Formation. When the terrain precludes use of the wedge or

when operating during limited visibility, the squad uses the file formation
(Figure 3-2).


The reconnaissance platoon normally moves as separate squads under the
control of the platoon leader or platoon sergeant. Although the platoon

FM 7-92
moves by squads, there are times when the platoon leader chooses to move
as a platoon. This decision is based upon METT-T and OAKOC. When
moving as a platoon, the platoon moves in column, wedge, or file formations.
a. Platoon Column. The platoon column formation is the primary
movement formation used by the reconnaissance platoon when moving
as a platoon (Figure 3-3). It provides good dispersion both laterally and
in depth and simplifies control. If contact is made, the lead squad becomes
the base squad.


FM 7-92
b. Platoon Wedge. The platoon wedge formation has two squads in
the rear that overwatch or trail the lead squad (Figure 3-4). It allows the
platoon leader to make contact with a small element (squad) and still have
one or two squads to maneuver. The lead squad is the base squad.

c. Platoon File. The platoon file formation may be set up in several

ways. One method is to have three-squad files follow one another using
one of the movement techniques. Another method is to have a single-platoon file with a front security element (point) and flank security elements.
This formation is used when visibility is poor due to terrain, vegetation,
or light conditions. The distance between soldiers is less than normal; this
allows messages to be passed up and down the file (Figure 3-5).

FM 7-92


A movement technique is the manner in which the reconnaissance platoon traverses terrain. The three movement techniques are traveling,

FM 7-92
traveling overwatch, and bounding overwatch. The platoon leader selects
a movement technique based on the likelihood of enemy contact and the
need for speed. Factors considered for each technique are control, dispersion, speed, and security (Table 3-1).

a. Platoon Movement Technique. The platoon leader determines

and directs the movement technique that the reconnaissance platoon will
(1) Traveling. Use traveling when enemy contact is not likely and
speed is needed (Figure 3-6).


FM 7-92
(2) Traveling overwatch. Use traveling overwatch when contact is
possible but speed is needed (Figure 3-7). The platoon leader moves
where he can best control the platoon. The platoon sergeant travels with
the trailing squad though he is free to move throughout the formation to
enforce security, noise and light discipline, and distance between squads.

(3) Bounding overwatch. Use bounding overwatch when contact is

expected (Figure 3-8, page 3-10). The platoon leader makes the decision
to use successive or alternate bounds.
(a) One squad bounding. One squad bounds forward to a chosen
position. This element becomes the overmatching squad unless contact is
made en route. The squad leader chooses the movement formation or
individual movement technique for his squad.
(b) One squad overmatching. One squad overmatches the bounding
squad from covered positions. The squad leader selects a position that
allows the overmatching element to place direct fire in support of the
bounding squad. Soldiers scan their assigned sector and maintain visual
contact with the bounding squad, if possible. The platoon leader remains
with the overmatching squad.
(c) One squad awaiting orders. One squad is uncommitted and ready
for employment as directed by the platoon leader. The platoon sergeant
and leader of the squad awaiting orders position themselves close to the
platoon leader.


FM 7-92

(d) Considerations. When deciding where to have the bounding

squad go, the platoon leader considers the following:
Requirements of the mission.
Where the enemy is likely to be.
Ability of the overmatching elements weapons to
cover the bound.
Responsiveness of the rest of the platoon.
Fields of fire at the next overwatch position.
(e) Instructions. Before a bound, the platoon leader gives an order
to his squad leaders from the overwatch position. He tells and shows them
the following:
Direction or location of the enemy (if known).
Positions of the overmatching squad.
Next overwatch position.
What to do after the bounding squad reaches the
next position.
What signal the bounding squad will use to announce
it is prepared to overwatch.
How the squad will receive the next orders.

FM 7-92
For the reconnaissance platoon, organizing, planning, and conducting
tactical movement should be second nature. The reconnaissance platoon
conducts movement by foot, helicopter, boat, or vehicle. This section
discusses techniques and considerations the reconnaissance platoon uses
when conducting tactical movement.
Regardless of the means of transportation into an area of operation, the
reconnaissance platoon eventually moves on foot to accomplish its mission. The ability of the platoon to accomplish its mission is directly
related to how it uses the terrain. The reconnaissance platoon avoids
enemy contact by using the most effective movement formation and
technique and by maintaining security. When planning for movement,
the platoon leader considers the following:
Departure and reentry of friendly lines.
Route selection.
Land navigation.
Control measures.
a. Departure and Reentry of Friendly Lines. The reconnaissance
platoon must ensure that departure and reentry of friendly lines are
coordinated and that everyone understands the plan. The platoon leader
coordinates directly with the unit through which the platoon will pass.
The battalion S3 provides a location and time for link up with the
stationary unit. Once the platoon leader has this information, he coordinates the following:
(1) The leader provides
Identification (himself and his platoon).
Number of personnel.
Time and location of passage point (departure and return).
(2) The stationary unit provides
Terrain details.
Obstacles and lanes.
Known or suspected enemy locations or activity.
Possible danger areas.
Fire plan, patrols operating forward of the position.
Signal and communications information.
Code words, challenge, and passwords.

FM 7-92
Contingency plan for enemy contact.
Casualty/vehicle evacuation assistance.
Additional support that can be furnished.
(3) At the designated time, the platoon arrives at the linkup point
and makes contact with the guide (Figure 3-9). The guide leads the
platoon leader to the CP or directly to the passage point to make final
coordination. The platoon moves to the IRP or occupies a security
position and waits for the platoon leader to return.


FM 7-92
(4) The platoon leader then makes the final coordination with the
commander or his designated representative. The platoon leader is
briefed on changes that have taken place and on recent enemy activity that
could affect the reconnaissance platoon.
(5) Upon returning from final coordination, the platoon leader issues a FRAGO to cover changes. The technique for passing through
friendly units depends on the situation. The three situations and techniques are
(a) Ambush and chance contact. If the platoon leader learns the
enemy is operating directly forward of the friendly position, he takes steps
to avoid enemy contact. From the friendly side of the departure point,
the reconnaissance platoon sends the lead squad to see if the area forward
of the passage point is clear. The lead squad checks the area to identify
an area large enough to allow the platoon to conduct a security halt or to
maneuver if engaged. This area is normally close to a designated TRP.
The lead squad notifies the platoon leader when the area is clear, then the
platoon moves through the passage point to the designated area.
(b) Indirect fire. If the enemy is using indirect fire, the platoon should
not halt after final coordination at the forward CP. It quickly moves
through the friendly position to reduce exposure to enemy fire.
(c) Night observation. Enemy limited visibility capabilities are countered by taking the following countermeasures:
Use a well-hidden passage point such as a reverse
slope or dense woods.
Infiltrate through the passage area and rendezvous
in a covered and concealed rally point.
Conduct passage when rain, fog, or snow helps to
conceal the passage.
Coordinate with the battalion S2 for employment of ECM.
(6) The platoon sergeant ensures that all members of the platoon are
accounted for. He positions himself at the passage point and counts each
soldier as they pass. Once the last soldier passes, the platoon sergeant
notifies the platoon leader and moves through the passage point.
(7) The platoon conducts a security or listening halt after moving out
of sight and sound of the friendly position. This is a short halt to accustom
the reconnaissance platoon to the sights and sounds of the battlefield.
The platoon halts in a position that provides cover from chance friendly
small-arms fire.
(8) After the reconnaissance platoon accomplishes its mission, it may
be required to reenter friendly lines. The initial coordination that took
place for departure should have included the plan for reentry. If none was

FM 7-92
made or when directed to pass through a different friendly position,
coordination must be accomplished with the battalion S3 and the commander of the unit through which the reconnaissance platoon will reenter.
This coordination is accomplished by radio. The items coordinated are
the same as for departure.
(9) When reentering friendly lines, the reconnaissance platoon
moves to and occupies the reentry RP. This point should be easily
identified during limited visibility. The platoon leader notifies the commander of the friendly position that it has occupied the reentry RP and
requests that a guide be sent to the contact point (Figure 3-10).
(10) The platoon leader then sends an element to the contact point
to coordinate passage. Depending on the situation, the contact point can
also be the passage point. Once contact with the guide is established, the
platoon moves to the contact point and follows the guide through the
passage point. The platoon sergeant accounts for all members of the
reconnaissance platoon (Figure 3-10).


FM 7-92
b. Route Selection. Upon notification by battalion to conduct movement, the platoon leader begins to analyze his proposed area of operation.
The characteristics of the terrain and the enemy situation influence the
selection of routes. If unfamiliar with the area, the platoon leader requests aerial photographs, terrain analysis overlays prepared by the S2, or
talks with someone familiar with the area. The routes selected by the
platoon leader should avoid contact with the enemy, local inhabitants,
built-up areas, and natural lines of drift. The reconnaissance platoon
always strives to reach its objective area without being detected. Selecting
primary and alternate routes and dividing each route into legs (Figure 3-11)
helps the platoon remain undetected by having planned changes in the
direction of movement.

(1) Terrain analysis. To select a route, analyze the terrain in which

the platoon will operate. Terrain analysis focuses on the military aspects
of the terrain, known collectively as OAKOC. This analysis must be
accomplished with an understanding of the mission and tactical situation.
(a) Observation and fields of fire. Seek routes that afford the platoon
observation. Avoid areas that will expose the platoon to the enemy.
(b) Avenues of approach. Avoid likely avenues of approach. The
enemy will probably have them under surveillance or covered by fire.


FM 7-92
(c) Key terrain. Look for key terrain to aid in navigation and control;
however, be aware that the enemy will most likely have it occupied or
covered by fire.
(d) Obstacles. Seek routes that will not impede the platoons movement. In some cases, the platoon selects a route that impedes movement
but enhances security.
(e) Cover and concealment. Seek routes that help to conceal the
movement of the platoon, thus, assists in avoiding detection by the enemy.
(2) Tactical consideration. The nature of the mission, time limitations, and the mode of transportation (mounted or dismounted) influence
the selection of routes. Routes must avoid known or suspected enemy
locations. Do not pick a route that parallels an enemy position. Enemy
scouts and patrols look for signs of friendly activity. Avoid routes with
obvious danger areas such as built-up areas, roads, and trails. The selection of a route varies according to the time of day. During daylight, use a
route with heavy vegetation to protect the platoon from enemy observation. During limited visibility, use a route that affords silent movement.
When possible, always move during limited visibility.
(3) Navigational consideration. The platoon leader selects prominent
terrain features along the route and ensures everyone memorizes their
location or sequence. These features are used as checkpoints or locations
from which the direction of the route changes. The distance between
checkpoints while moving along a route is determined by keeping an
accurate pace count when walking or by using an odometer when traveling
in a vehicle. Two techniques used to assist in navigation are the offsetcompass method or box-in method.
(a) The offset-compass method is a preplanned deviation to the right
or left of a straight-line azimuth to the platoons destination. By using
this method, the platoon leader knows whether he is to the left or right of
his destination. Each degree of offset moves the platoon 17 meters right
or left for each kilometer traveled.
(b) The box-in method uses natural or man-made features such as
roads or streams that form boundaries for a route. By referring to these
boundaries, any large deviation from the planned route can be recognized
and corrected.
c. Land Navigation. Every member of the reconnaissance platoon,
particularly the leaders, must be experts in land navigation. Superior land
navigation skills should be inherent in all reconnaissance platoon soldiers.
(See FM 21-26 for more information.) Important land navigation tasks
that each soldier must master include:

FM 7-92
Locate a point using grid coordinates.
Use a compass (day/night).
Determine location using resection,
intersection, or modified resection.
Interpret terrain features.
Measure distance and elevation.
d. Control Measures. The platoon leader controls the movement of
his squads. The following is a list of several techniques that are available
to assist the platoon leader in controlling the direction and speed of the
Arm-and-hand signals.
Luminous tape.
Movement formations.
Movement techniques.
Rally points.
Phase lines.
Air movement operations are those operations involving the use of Army
airlift assets (other than air assaults). Air assault operations are those in
which assault forces using the firepower, mobility, and total integration
of helicopter assets maneuver on the battlefield to engage and destroy
enemy forces and to seize and hold key terrain. The battalion staff plans
and coordinates air assault operations. The reconnaissance platoon must
understand its role and responsibility in air assault operations. (See
FM 90-4 for detailed information on air assault operations.) When the
battalion staff plans an air assault, it develops five plans. These plans, in
order of importance, are the ground tactical plan, the landing plan, the air
movement plan, the loading plan, and the staging plan.
a. Ground Tactical Plan. A successful air assault operation focuses
on the commanders ground tactical plan around which later planning is
based. The ground tactical plan for an air assault operation is basically
the same as for any other infantry operation. The reconnaissance platoons mission will be no different than from any other operation. It is
still required to provide information to the commander. The only difference is the mode of transportation used to move the platoon.

FM 7-92
b. Landing Plan. The landing plan supports the ground tactical plan.
This plan sequences combat, CS, and CSS assets into the area of operations. The reconnaissance platoon may be inserted as part of the main
body or may precede the main body. The commander makes this decision.
If he needs to obtain information before deploying the main body, then
the reconnaissance platoon would be inserted early. Insertion methods
vary according to the training and availability of specialized equipment.
The reconnaissance platoon can be inserted by parachute, fast rope, or
rappelling. It may be required to provide information concerning the
availability of landing zones. Each soldier needs to be familiar with the
characteristics and requirements of landing zones. The platoon must also
rehearse its action when exiting helicopters on a landing zone.
(1) Landing zones. LZs are the areas in which helicopters land and
troops depart the aircraft. They are selected by the battalion commander
(or his S3) with technical advice from an aviation liaison officer (ALO).
Criteria for selecting an LZ includes:
(a) Identification. An LZ should be easy to identify from the air.
Unless a soldier actually flies over the LZ, he cannot determine if the LZ
is identifiable especially at night. Leaders mark the LZ with signaling
devices to assist the pilots in locating the LZ. The code letter Y (inverted Y)
is used to mark the landing point of the lead aircraft at night. Chemical light
sticks or beanbag lights may be used to maintain light discipline. (Figure3-12)
VS-17 panels or mirrors can be used during daylight.
(b) Obstacles. The approach and departure ends of an LZ should be
free of tall trees, telephone lines or power lines, or similar obstacles that
may interfere with helicopter landings or lift-off. Obstacles that cannot
be removed should be marked with red. For planning purposes, an
obstacle-clearance ratio of 10 to 1 is used on the approach and departure
ends of the LZ or PZ. For example, a landing point requires 100 feet of
horizontal clearance if a helicopter must approach or depart directly over
a 10-foot-tall tree (Figure 3-13).
(c) Size. Size requirements depend on the type and number of aircraft. They are based on the least acceptable distances between aircraft
(Figure 3-14, page 3-20). The following list provides the minimum diameter for landing points for a particular type of helicopter:
Observation helicopters-25 meters.
UH-1 and AH-1 helicopters-35 meters.
UH-60 and AH-64 helicopters-50 meters.
Cargo helicopters-10 meters.


FM 7-92

(d) Ground slope landing. As a guide, if the ground slope is 0 to 6

percent, the aircraft is landed up slope. If the slope is 7 to 15 percent, the
aircraft is landed sideslope. If the slope is greater than 15 percent, the
aircraft hovers to insert or extract soldiers and equipment.

FM 7-92


FM 7-92
(e) Surface conditions. Surface conditions should not conceal the
touchdown point or create hazards to landing (sand, blowing dust, snow).
Any aircraft landing will cause debris to fly up. However, if the debris is
excessive, it could prevent the pilot from landing. The pilot determines
the severity of the problem as he attempts to land.
(f) Approach/departure. Aircraft approach and depart along the long
axis of the LZ/PZ, over the lowest obstacle, and into the wind.
(g) Enemy. Landing zones are located away from enemy concentrations. The reconnaissance platoon conducts a zone reconnaissance to
ensure enemy forces do not interfere with the landing plan.
(2) Landing zone operations. Just as there is a priority of work for
defensive operations, there is a priority of actions on the landing in an LZ.
(a) Soldiers do not begin unloading the aircraft until directed by the
crew chief or pilot (Figure 3-15). Before leaving the aircraft, the chalk
leader checks the landing direction and grid coordinates with the pilot if
not accomplished during the approach. This aids orientation to the LZ,
especially at night.


FM 7-92
(b) Once the aircraft has landed, soldiers unbuckle seat belts and exit
as fast as possible. They move away from the side of the aircraft and
assume the prone position. With their weapons ready, they face away
from the aircraft until the aircraft leaves the LZ.
(c) The platoon leader consolidates the platoon by designating an
assembly point. This can bean identifiable terrain feature or the nearest
covered and concealed position. The platoon leader can also designate
an azimuth to move off the LZ. Once the platoon is consolidated, it
executes its assigned mission.
(d) If the decision is made to use a hot LZ or contact is made upon
landing, soldiers quickly dismount and move away from the aircraft. They
immediately return fire and attempt to gain fire superiority. The platoon
leader notifies battalion that the LZ is hot. If the situation allows, soldiers
fire and move off the LZ to the closest cover and concealment. Planned
supporting fires are initiated by the ground or air element that first detects
the enemy.
(e) Once disengaged from the enemy force, the chalk leader moves
the chalk to a covered and concealed position, accounts for personnel and
equipment, assesses the situation, and attempts to link up with the platoon or continues the mission IAW the previous instructions.
c. Air Movement Plan. The air movement plan is based upon the
ground tactical and landing plans. It specifies the schedule and provides
the instructions for air movement of troops, equipment, and supplies from
PZs to LZs. The air movement plan is developed by the battalion with
assistance from an ALO. It states instructions regarding air routes; air
control points, aircraft speeds, altitudes and formations, allowable cargo
load, and aircraft type and number.
(1) Air movement table. The air movement table provides information
on what aircraft picks up who, the location of the pickup zone, the flight
route, and loading, lift off and landing times. The platoon leader is
normally briefed by the S3 air on the particulars of the air movement table.
The flight route and the LZ location are important to the platoon leader.
(2) Flight route. The S3 air and the ALO develop the flight route.
This is the general route the aircraft will follow. Normally, a primary and
alternate route are planned. The flight route will have a start point,
release point, and checkpoints that are used by the pilots to control
movement and navigation. The reconnaissance platoon is briefed on the
route and the checkpoints used along the flight route. These items are
used by the reconnaissance platoon to track its location from the air. A
strip map indicating the flight routes and checkpoints can be used instead
of maps. Normally, the flight route uses more than one map sheet. The
senior leader on an aircraft coordinates with the crew chief, or the pilot,

FM 7-92
requesting confirmation of when the aircraft reaches the designated
checkpoints. This information is disseminated to the chalk to allow them
to follow the route.
(3) Flight times. The time it takes to load soldiers and equipment, fly
the specified route, land the aircraft, and off-load soldiers and equipment
is computed by the S3 air and the ALO. All soldiers must understand
what these times mean in terms of movement. The most important time
is H-hour. This is the time that the first aircraft lands at the LZ Indirect
fire support and attack helicopter support use this time to coordinate fires
on the LZ. Each flight route will also have an SP and RP. The RP time
is important because it is the last checkpoint before landing. The RP is 3
to 5 km from the LZ. Once an aircraft reaches the RP, there is about
2 minutes left before arrival at the LZ.
d. Loading Plan. The loading plan is based on the air movement
plan. It ensures that troops, equipment, and supplies are loaded on the
correct aircraft. Maintaining platoon and squad integrity and cross-loading so that key leaders are not on the same aircraft are key points to
remember when designating who will fly on what aircraft. The loading
plan is based upon the type and number of aircraft available and the
allowable cargo load for each aircraft. The S3 air designates the aircraft
that the reconnaissance platoon uses and where the aircraft lands to pick
up the soldiers. When traveling as part of the main body, the S3 air
designates what lift and serial the platoon will fly in.
NOTE: A lift is the total number of aircraft available for a
mission. A serial is the grouping of aircraft from a lift.
For example, a lift of 16 aircraft may be broken down
into four serials of four aircraft or two serials of eight
(1) Loads. A load is designated by the personnel and equipment to
be moved by a specific aircraft. An aircraft load may also be referred to
as a chalk. Once the S3 air has determined what lift, serial, and load the
platoon flies in, the platoon leader or platoon sergeant breaks down the
reconnaissance platoon accordingly. They must know the ACL and the
type of aircraft being used.
(2) Allowable Cargo Load. The ACL is the total number of personnel
and cargo that can be carried on a certain type of aircraft. The ACL for
the aircraft is determined by the ALO. Once this is determined, then the
breakdown of the platoon is made according to the ACL. The ACL for
the UH-60 is normally 11 personnel. (See Appendix D for loading

FM 7-92
e. Staging Plan. The staging plan synchronizes the arrival of soldiers, aircraft, equipment, and logistics support at the PZs. It is based on
the loading plan. At platoon level, the staging plan is mainly concerned
with the movement of the reconnaissance platoon from the AA to the PZ.
The staging plan allows the platoon to start loading operations 15 minutes
before the aircraft arrival time. In the staging area, the platoon leader
organizes his soldiers and equipment. He must be flexible and ready to
adapt to possible changes in the ACL and number of aircraft available.
f. Safety. The platoon leader and his subordinate leaders must enforce strict safety measures when working with helicopters. The main
safety measures include the following:
Using safety belts once inside the aircraft.
Ensuring the weapons are unloaded (no rounds in
the chamber) and on SAFE with muzzle down.
Securing radio antennas (antennas are tied down).
Securing hand grenades.
Ensuring no jumping from a hovering helicopter
unless told to do so by the crew chief.
Securing material, which may be sucked into the
engine or rotor blades.
Ensuring no approaching from or departing to
the rear of the helicopter.
The reconnaissance platoon does not have organic transportation assets.
If the platoon must travel a great distance, the battalion commander can
direct his staff to obtain transportation for the platoon. The purpose of
obtaining transportation is strictly for movement. Once the vehicles have
transported the reconnaissance platoon, the vehicles are released back to
battalion. By transporting the reconnaissance platoon, soldiers are less
fatigued and they have more time for executing the mission. The platoon
leader plans for vehicle movement the same as he does for dismounted
movement. The considerations differ in that it takes less time to move
a. Planning. The platoon leader is informed as to available transportation assets. The HMMWV or military truck is the primary asset available to move the platoon. The platoon leader organizes the platoon for
movement by assigning each soldier to a specific vehicle and designating
a navigator and vehicle commander for each vehicle.
(1) Route selection is based upon METT-T and vehicle abilities.
Vehicles are limited to where they can travel. The route should include
a start point and release point with checkpoints in between. The azimuth

FM 7-92
and distance between checkpoints are determined. When the compass is
used inside the vehicle, it is affected by the metal in the vehicle. When
using the compass, the soldier should dismount and move away from the
vehicle to take an azimuth reading. To determine the distance traveled,
he uses the vehicles odometer.
NOTE: Remember, 0.1 mile is equal to 160 meters; .6 miles is
equal to 1,000 meters; and 1 mile is equal to 1,600 meters
or 1.6 km.
(2) The weather can have a dramatic effect on route selection. Crosscountry vehicles may be restricted to road movement in heavy rain. To
avoid flooded or muddy areas, the platoon leader should adjust the route.
b. Execution. The vehicle commander and navigator are responsible
for the command and control of the vehicle. They execute movement as
briefed by the platoon leader.
(1) Vehicle commander. The vehicle commander, normally the squad
leader, is responsible for organizing personnel on the vehicle. He ensures
the vehicle is ready for movement. This is accomplished by questioning
the driver about any mechanical problems and making sure the vehicle
has enough fuel. He also assigns team members sectors of fire and air
guards. The vehicle commander rides in the back of the vehicle.
(2) Navigator. The platoon leader plans the route. The navigator is
responsible for following that route. However, there may be times when
the route must be changed for tactical reasons. The navigator must ensure
that the correct direction and distance are recorded and followed. He
informs the vehicle commander when he reaches checkpoints.
A waterborne insertion or extraction can be conducted when not expected
by the enemy or when it is the only feasible method available. Waterborne
insertion/extractions should be made at night, preferably during low-light
illumination, or in conditions with reduced visibility. The battalion commanders decision to use inland and coastal waterways adds flexibility,
surprise, and speed to tactical operations. The types of water infiltration/exfiltration include small boats, surface swimming, helocasting, or a
combination of these.
a. Planning. The battalion commander and his staff provide the
platoon leader with the necessary equipment to conduct water movement.
The platoon leader is told what equipment is available and whereto link
up with the equipment. The platoon leader organizes the platoon based
on the number and type of equipment available (Figure 3-16. page 3-26).
He plans the route to the objective area and ensures that everyone

FM 7-92
understands how the platoon will move and execute their mission. (See
FM 31-25 for more information.)

(1) When planning, the platoon leader uses the reverse planning
process as a guide to develop a timetable. The amount of time required
for a small-boat movement is hard to determine. As a guide, a boat can
sustain a speed of 3.7 km (2 knots) per hour using paddles. The following
formula can be used to calculate time:

EXAMPLE: D = 2 nautical miles S = 2.5 knots.

T = 2 divided by 2.5
T = 0.8 hour or .8 x 60 = 48 minutes.
(2) Once the platoon leader determines the time required for movement, he should revise the estimate as he progresses through the water.
The landing site is where the reconnaissance platoon lands on shore. It
should be located away from areas that attract people (especially other
people using boats). The landing site should have cover and concealment
that can be used to hide the boats. If the reconnaissance platoon plans to
return to the site, a security team must stay with the boats.

FM 7-92
b. River Movement. The platoon leader must know the characteristics of the river before embarking on river movement. The coxswain
and the No. 1 man must watch the water for obstacles, overlapping
vegetation, and projections from the bank.
(1) A bend is a turn in the river course.
(2) A reach is a straight portion of river between the curves.
(3) The current in a narrow part of a reach is greater than that in a
wide portion. The current is greatest on the outside of a curve. Sandbars
and shallow water are found on the inside of the curve.
c. Inshore Navigation. The squad leader is responsible for navigation. There are two acceptable methods of river navigation:
(1) Checkpoint and general route. Checkpoint and general route
method is used when the drop site is marked by a well-defined checkpoint
and the waterway is not confused by many branches and tributaries. It is
best used during daylight hours and for short distances.
(2) Navigator-observer methods. Navigator-observer methods are the
most accurate means of river navigation and can be used effectively in all
light conditions. Equipment needed to do this is a compass, photo map
(first choice), topography map (second choice), poncho (for night use),
and pencil and flashlight (for night use).
(a) The navigator is positioned in the front of the boat and does not
paddle. During darkness, he uses his flashlight under a poncho to check
the map.
(b) The navigator keeps his map and compass oriented at all times.
(c) The navigator keeps the observer informed of the configuration
of the river by announcing bends, reaches, and stream junctions as shown
on the map.
(d) The observer compares this information with the bends, reaches,
and stream junctions he actually sees. When these are confirmed, the
navigator confirms the boats location on his map.
Infiltration is a form of maneuver. The commander directs companies
and platoons to infiltrate when enemy positions are fortified. To avoid
the enemys strength, companies and platoons use stealth and move
through gaps or around the enemy positions to conduct operations in the
enemys rear area. Infiltration allows the infantry to exploit its abilities.
The reconnaissance platoon must reconnoiter infiltration lanes before
movement of the battalions main body.


FM 7-92
An infiltration is accomplished in five phases. First the battalion that
plans an infiltration must locate the gaps in the enemy lines and locate
the enemy positions. The battalion S2 provides the reconnaissance platoon leader with information concerning where he anticipates these areas
to be. Second, while this is happening, the remainder of the battalion
conducts TLP. Third, the actual infiltration occurs along the designated
infiltration lane. When moving along an infiltration lane, the battalion
avoids enemy contact. The commander decides the size of the force
moving along the lane. Fourth, forces consolidate. The reconnaissance
platoon may be required to link up with infiltrating forces or maintain
surveillance on the objective or a combination of both. Fifth, and final
phase, assigned missions are executed. The battalion commander can use
the reconnaissance platoon to mark the infiltration lanes. However, the
reconnaissance platoons primary mission during an infiltration should be
focused on the objective. The platoon leader clarifies the platoons
primary focus with the battalion commander/S3.
The battalion commander determines if the battalion moves along a single
or multiple infiltration lane or zone. Forces moving along the infiltration
lane are separated by space and time. The platoon leader decides to move
as a platoon or as squads. The advantages of moving as a platoon are:
faster movement, and easier control and navigation. When moving as
squads, the likelihood of being detected is decreased because of the size.
However, navigation, consolidation, and control are more difficult. If the
battalion employs multiple lanes, the platoon leader must task organize
to move along all lanes.. The overriding factor in determining whether to
use single or multiple lanes is the ability to remain undetected.
a. Single-Lane Infiltration. Infiltration on a single lane is the least
desirable technique, because it requires all infiltrating groups to move
at intervals on the same lane. This technique is used only when, after
an analysis of METT-T, it is evident that only one lane is feasible
(Figure 3-17, page 3-29).
b. Multiple-Lane Infiltration. Soldiers infiltrate by multiple lanes
when two or more infiltration lanes are found through the enemy defense
(Figure 3-18, page 3-29). Assembly areas may be either in enemy or
friendly areas depending on the situation. The platoon leader assigns
lanes to the squads. The reconnaissance platoon normally uses no more
than two lanes due to its size and limited resources.


FM 7-92


FM 7-92
c. Combination of Methods. Two or more lanes are used with more
than one group using at least one of the lanes. This is the normal
technique since enough lanes seldom exist for each group to have a
separate one. Groups on different routes may move using different
methods of insertion or extraction (for example, one group moves by boat
on a river, another group moves by air, and another moves by foot).
d. Rally Point. Rally points should be chosen for all infiltrations/exfiltrations to aid in the controlling of movement.
(1) The first group to reach the RP establishes security and exchanges recognition signals with subsequent groups. All groups rehearse
this procedure since it is not known which group will arrive first.
(2) Adequate time is allowed for each group to reach the RP.
Groups may be delayed while avoiding enemy contact. Contingency plans
should address what will be accomplished if a force fails to arrive or arrives
late at an RP.
(3) An alternate RP must be designated. It is used if the primary RP
is occupied by the enemy, is compromised, or is found to be unsuitable for
any reason before the platoon reaches it. Signals are planned to direct
movement to the alternate RP. The contingency plan must allow time for
groups to reach the new (alternate) RP.
e. Techniques to Enhance Movement. Techniques to enhance movement are movement formations and noise discipline.
(1) Movement formations. Movement formations must enhance
stealth and security. The platoon leader considers the formation that is
best suited to avoid enemy detection.
(2) Noise discipline. Many steps can be taken to improve noise discipline.
(a) Taping weapons, swivels, LCE, identification tags, and other
noise-making equipment.
(b) Wearing old socks over boots.
(c) Inspecting to ensure equipment is silenced.




Reconnaissance is a mission to obtain information by visual observation or other detection methods, about the actvities and resources
of an enemy or potential enemy, or about the meteorologic, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area. It also
produces tactical information, which is a by-product of all operations. Reconnaissance is performed before and during all combat
operations. It focuses on obtaining information for the commander
and his staff. This information is evaluated and used to confirm,
modify, or formulate plans. The reconnaissance platoon functions
as the commanders primary reconnaissance asset. The battalion
S2 and S3 are responsible for developing and organizing the battalions reconnaissance effort.
The following fundamentals are used for planning and execution of a
reconnaissance operation.
a. Gain All Required Information. The battalion S2 and S3 are
responsible for coordinating and directing the battalions reconnaissance
effort. During the intelligence cycle, the commander and his staff identify
priority information requirements (PIRs). This information is critical to
the commander, since it affects his plan. The PIR forms the basis of the
battalions reconnaissance plan. The S2 and S3 develop a reconnaissance
and surveillance matrix. This matrix specifies the information that is
needed and assigns responsibility for obtaining that information. The
battalion commander or S3 briefs the reconnaissance platoon leader on
the specifics of the reconnaissance mission. During this brief, the platoon
leader ensures that he understands the commanders expectations. Failure to do so can result in information that serves no purpose for the
commander. The platoon leader also ensures that the reconnaissance
platoon understands the specific reconnaissance requirements and the
purpose of the reconnaissance. The reconnaissance mission is complete
once all information is collected and transmitted to the correct headquarters or when directed to do so. All information gathered should be
disseminated to all members of the patrol.
b. Avoid Detection by the Enemy. The reconnaissance patrol must
not let the enemy know it is in the objective area. The key is to see and
not be seen. If the enemy suspects that it is being observed, it may move
its elements or increase security measures as part of counterreconnaissance. Movement in the objective area is reduced. The patrol moves no
closer to the objective than necessary. Adequate time must be allocated

FM 7-92
for the actual reconnaissance. The patrol also exploits the technical
advantages of their equipment, such as NODs, to gain information. The
patrol uses camouflage, discipline, and stealth to help avoid detection.
They plan routes to avoid the effectiveness of enemy radar and RSTA
devices. By reducing radio traffic, the platoon reconnaissance patrol
limits the possibility of being detected by enemy RDF devices. Battlefield
situations occur in which a reconnaissance patrol makes unexpected
contact with the enemy. These situations may occur by chance, because a
patrol moves too close to an objective. A technique for addressing these
contingencies is to brief soldiers on situations concerning enemy contact,
and the risks the platoon leader will accept to obtain information.
(1) Although the intent of a reconnaissance patrol is to avoid enemy
contact thus preserving tactical integrity, every soldier should know what
action to take upon enemy contact. The platoon leader establishes engagement criteria. He ensures that the soldiers understand the criteria by
asking questions that affect the engagement decision (Figure 4-1). Engagement criteria applies also to security elements.


FM 7-92
(2) The other criterion that soldiers need to know is risk acceptance,
which is closely tied to the commanders intent. The battalion commander tells the platoon leader how much risk he should take in order to
obtain information. If the commander is not willing to accept much risk,
then he is not going to receive detailed information. The type of information needed by the commander often determines the risk of obtaining that
information. If the commander wants a detailed sketch of the objective,
he accepts the risk that the reconnaissance platoon will have to move close
to the objective. If the commander wants general information, such as a
location of an objective, then the risk of obtaining that information is less.
The platoon leader ensures that the soldiers understand the risk involved
in obtaining information. Soldiers do not always need to get close to an
objective to obtain information.
c. Employ Security Measures. If detected, a reconnaissance patrol
breaks contact and returns to friendly lines with the information it has
gathered, or it continues the mission. The patrol rehearses plans for
breaking contact, which includes handling casualties. The platoon leader
organizes the reconnaissance platoon into reconnaissance and security
squads. The actual organization is based upon METT-T. One method of
organizing the platoon is to have separate reconnaissance and security
squads. Another method is to combine the two elements (Figure 4-2).


FM 7-92
When using separate squads, the platoon leader can designate two squads
as reconnaissance squads and one squad as a security element (or two
squads as security squads and one squad as a reconnaissance element).
These methods of organization are used when the platoon is reconnoitering one objective. When the platoon is reconnoitering separate objectives, the squads are organized as combined reconnaissance and security.
Within a squad, a security element should consist of at least two soldiers.
The platoon leader uses the estimate process to develop the reconnaissance plan. Squad leaders develop the plan based upon the reconnaissance platoon leaders plan. Every soldier should have an understanding
of the reconnaissance platoons plan and the squads plan. To ensure
everyone understands the plan, the platoon leader conducts rehearsals
and briefbacks. The platoon sergeant assists the platoon leader in the
development of the plan and coordinates support requirements. An
example of items that are essential to reconnaissance planning is as
a. Composition and task organization of the reconnaissance element.
b. Information to be obtained through reconnaissance.
c. Movement routes and formations to the reconnaissance site.
d. Actions at the objective and use of control measures.
e. Special instructions to members of the reconnaissance and
security elements.
f. Special equipment to be used during the reconnaissance,
g. Contingency plans such as
Actions on contact.
Actions if the reconnaissance party does not return.
Evacuation of casualties.
h. Stay-behind surveillance.
i. Indirect-fire support for the movement and the reconnaissance.
j. Special communication arrangements.
k. Withdrawal plan from the reconnaissance site.
l. Plan for dissemination of information acquired during
the reconnaissance.
m. Deadline for reporting information to higher headquarters.
A soldiers ability to effectively use their senses, along with the ability to
move and observe without being detected, is critical to effective reconnaissance. Equipment supplements the senses, enabling the observer to

FM 7-92
accurately portray the combat environment. Senses consist of sight,
hearing, touch, and smell. Examples of sensory use areas follows:
a. Sight. A soldier looks for
Enemy personnel, vehicles, and aircraft.
Sudden or unusual movement.
Smoke or dust.
Unusual movement of farm or wild animals.
Activity of local inhabitants.
Vehicle or personnel tracks.
Signs or evidence of enemy occupation.
Recently cut foliage or vegetation.
Muzzle flashes, lights, fires, or reflections.
Amount/type of trash.
b. Hearing. A soldier listens for
Running engines or track sounds.
Metallic sounds.
Gunfire (by type of weapon).
Unusual calm or silence.
Dismounted movement.
c. Touch. A soldier feels for
Warmth of coals/materials from fires.
Freshness of tracks.
Age of food or trash.
d. Smell. A soldier smells for
Vehicle exhaust.
Burning petroleum products.
Cooking food.
Age of food or trash.
Human waste.
An area reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain information concerning the terrain or enemy activity within a prescribed area, such as a bridge
or other features that are critical to operations. A reconnaissance element, given the mission of conducting an area reconnaissance, obtains the

FM 7-92
required information by reconnoitering the location or area or by maintaining surveillance over the location. Based on METT-T, the platoon
leader assigns the task of conducting an area reconnaissance to individual
squads or he may use the entire reconnaissance platoon. When using
individual squads to conduct an area reconnaissance, the platoon leader
or platoon sergeant locates with a squad or selects a position from which
the actions of the squads can be controlled. A reconnaissance patrol uses
long-range and short-range observation and surveillance when executing
reconnaissance. Other methods can be developed as long as the fundamentals of reconnaissance are applied. Single or multiple R&S teams can
be used with either method. The security measures are based upon the
situation. The major actions required of an area reconnaissance are:
movement and occupation of the ORP, leaders reconnaissance, actions
at the objective, and withdrawal and dissemination of information.
a. Objective Rally Point. During planning, a tentative ORP is selected based on a map reconnaissance or, if possible, a physical reconnaissance. The ORP should have cover and concealment, be easy to defend
for a short period, be easy to locate, and be close enough to the objective
to reduce control problems. The platoon leader selects the technique for
occupying an ORP. Every member of the reconnaissance platoon must
understand how to execute this task. The triangle technique can be used
for occupying an ORP (Figure 4-3, page 4-7) or for occupying patrol bases
and rendezvous points. The actions while in the ORP involve final
preparation for the leaders reconnaissance and actions at the objective.
If the ORP is occupied by a squad, two soldiers are left to secure the ORP.
The other three soldiers conduct the reconnaissance and provide security.
The squad leader may choose to cache equipment in the ORP and take
the entire squad on the reconnaissance.
b. Leader's Reconnaissance. A leaders reconnaissance is conducted
during an area reconnaissance. A leaders reconnaissance allows the
platoon leader/squad leader to determine whether the plan for actions at
the objective needs to be modified and to ensure smooth execution of the
reconnaissance. A leaders reconnaissance of an objective may include
the following tasks:
(1) Pinpoint the objective. If possible, accomplish this by checking
terrain features in the area, not by directly approaching the objective.
(2) Locate observation or surveillance positions, routes, and security
positions the squads will use.
(3) Determine or confirm the enemy situation in the objective area,
locate enemy OPs, determine enemy security status and activity, and adapt
the patrol to the local sounds in the area.

FM 7-92
(4) Designate the release point and the positions for the reconnaissance and security elements.

c. Actions at the Objective. Once the objective has been pinpointed,

designated elements conduct the reconnaissance. The reconnaissance
elements view the objective from as many locations as necessary. Movement in and around the objective must be cautious and slow. The security
elements, if separate from the reconnaissance elements, occupy a position
that, if necessary, allows placement of direct or indirect fire on the
objective. The reconnaissance patrol leader decides how indepth the reconnaissance will be. A thorough and accurate reconnaissance is important.
However, avoiding detection is equally important. Two techniques for

FM 7-92
conducting reconnaissance are long- and short-range observation and
(1) Long-range observation or surveillance is the observation of an
objective from an OP (Figure 4-4). It must be far enough from the
objective to be outside enemy small-arms range and its local security
measures. This method is used whenever METT-T permits the required
information to be gathered from a distance. Long-range observation is
the most desirable method for executing an area reconnaissance, since the
patrol does not come in close enough to be detected. Also, if the patrol
is discovered, direct and indirect fires can be employed on the objective
without endangering the patrol. When information cannot be gathered
from one OP, successive OPs may be used. This is accomplished by
squad-size reconnaissance patrols. The OPs must use available cover and
concealment and have a good view of the objective.


FM 7-92
(2) Short-range observation or surveillance is the act of watching an
objective from a place that is within the range of enemy local security
measures and small-arms fire (Figure 4-5). When information needed by
battalion cannot be obtained by observing from a distance, the patrol
moves closer to the objective. This method can be executed by the platoon
or by an individual squad. When executed by the platoon, the routes and
area to be reconnoitered must be clearly defined.

(a) Once the objective has been identified, the reconnaissance platoon leader looks for possible routes and locations from which he can
observe the objective. Once these are identified, the platoon leader briefs
the plan to the reconnaissance element. The size of the reconnaissance
element should be limitedfor a squad, two men conduct the reconnaissance
while the others provide security. Once the security team is positioned, the

FM 7-92
reconnaissance team begins movement to the objective. This movement
is slow and deliberate. It may require the soldier to low-crawl a considerable distance, which takes time, energy, and patience. Individuals take
only the equipment that is necessary. When moving, one soldier moves
while the other observes. This method is used until the reconnaissance
element reaches its final position.
(b) Once in position, the reconnaissance element observes and listens to acquire the needed information. No eating, no talking, and no
unnecessary movement occurs at this time. Soldiers prone to coughing
or sneezing should be in the security element. If the reconnaissance
element cannot acquire the information needed from its initial position,
it retraces the route and repeats the process. This method of reconnaissance is extremely risky. The reconnaissance element must remember
that the closer it moves to an objective, the greater the risk of being
detected. The reconnaissance element moves only as close to the objective as necessary.
(c) The actions of the security element are limited. The security
element should be in a position to observe the objective and, if possible,
the reconnaissance element. If unable to observe the reconnaissance
element, it should at least be aware of the elements general location. If
the reconnaissance element is compromised, the security element calls for
fire and places direct fire on the objective. The execution of this method
of reconnaissance is difficult; actions at the objective and contingency
plans must be well rehearsed and thought-out.
d. Withdrawal and Dissemination of Information. Once reconnaissance is complete, the reconnaissance and security elements move back
to the ORP or a rendezvous point. Security elements remain in position
until the reconnaissance elements depart the objective area. Once all
elements arrive in the ORP or rendezvous point, element leaders debrief
the soldiers and move to the center of the perimeter to give the information to designated recorders. Recorders write down information and
make/collect sketches of the objective. Element leaders disseminate the
information obtained to the soldiers. This ensures that everyone has the
information and, if necessary, can relay the information back to battalion.
If the platoon leader wants to increase the security of the platoon, he can
move the platoon to another location (normally one terrain feature away)
or disseminate during movement.
Zone reconnaissance focuses on obtaining detailed information concerning routes, obstacles (to include chemical or radiological contamination), terrain, and enemy forces within a zone defined by boundaries

FM 7-92
(See Appendix B). A zone reconnaissance is assigned when the enemy
situation is vague or when information concerning cross-country trafficability is desired. A reconnaissance platoon and other reconnaissance
elements (infantry platoon/squad) acquire this information by reconnoitering within the zone, by maintaining surveillance over the zone, or by
coordinating area reconnaissance of designated locations within a zone.
The platoon leader organizes the reconnaissance platoon based on
METT-T. This analysis determines whether the platoon uses single or
multiple elements to conduct the reconnaissance. As in an area reconnaissance, the following techniques may be used as long as the fundamentals of reconnaissance are applied.
a. Single element reconnaissance is favored when
(1) Specific information requirements can be gathered within the
required time by a single reconnaissance element.
(2) Control of multiple elements in the objective area is difficult.
(3) Terrain is open and visibility is good.
(4) Enemy security measures, such as patrols, sensors, and radar, are
active in the area.
b. Multiple element reconnaissance is favored when
(1) The area to be reconnoitered is too large for a single element. In
this case, the platoon leader uses multiple R&S squads to complete the
reconnaissance on time.
(2) Several angles of observation are needed.
(3) Terrain is difficult and visibility is poor.
c. The methods used to move multiple reconnaissance elements
through a zone are: fan, converging routes, and successive sectors. Effective command and control is important when conducting reconnaissance
elements. It reduces the possibility of fratricide.
(1) Fan method. The platoon leader selects a series of ORPs throughout the zone. When the platoon arrives at the first ORP, it halts and
establishes security. The platoon leader selects reconnaissance routes to
and from the ORP. The routes form a fan-shaped pattern around the
ORP (Figure 4-6, page 4-12). A technique for determining squad routes
is to divide the route into four separate legs. The distance of each leg
remains constant with respect to one another. Whatever the initial
azimuth is, the leader adds or subtracts 90 degrees. For example, if the
initial azimuth is 360 degrees, the corresponding azimuths are 90 degrees,
180 degrees, and 270 degrees. This ensures that a patrol leaves the ORP
in one direction (360 degrees) and returns in another direction (270
degrees). Once the routes are selected and briefed to the squad leaders,
the squads execute accordingly. The platoon leader may send all three

FM 7-92
squads or he may send two and keep one squad as a reserve. The platoon
leader or platoon sergeant can accompany one of the squads or remain at
the ORP. The platoon leader also sends the squads out on adjacent
routes. This prevents the patrol from making enemy contact in two
directions. After the areas (fan) have been reconnoitered, the information is reported to battalion, the platoon moves to the next ORP, and the
action is repeated.

(2) Converging-routes method. The platoon leader selects an ORP,

reconnaissance routes (through the zone), and a rendezvous point
(Figure 4-7). (The rendezvous point is where the platoon links up
after the reconnaissance.) Once the platoon arrives at the ORP, it
halts and establishes security. The platoon leader confirms the
platoons location and selects a reconnaissance route for each
squad, a rendezvous point, and a rendezvous time. A squad is sent
out on each route. To enhance command and control, the platoon leader
may move with the center squad. Squads reconnoiter their routes using
the fan method. At a designated time, the entire platoon meets at the
rendezvous point that is secured the same as the ORP. The rendezvous
point should bean easily identified terrain feature. Once the rendezvous
point is occupied, all information obtained is consolidated and disseminated. The platoon leader sends the information to higher headquarters
and, based upon guidance from battalion, returns to friendly lines or
continues the mission.

FM 7-92

(3) Successive-sectors method. The successive-sectors method

(Figure 4-8, page 4-14) is a continuation of the converging-routes
method. The platoon leader selects an ORP, a series of reconnaissance routes, and rendezvous points. The platoons actions from each
ORP to each rendezvous point are the same as in the converging-routes
method. (Each rendezvous point becomes the ORP for the next phase.)
When the platoon links up at a rendezvous point, the platoon leader again
selects reconnaissance routes, a linkup time, and the next rendezvous
point. This action continues until the entire zone is reconnoitered. Once
the reconnaissance is completed, the reconnaissance platoon returns to
friendly lines.

FM 7-92


Route reconnaissance focuses on obtaining information on a specified
route and all terrain from which the enemy could influence movement
along that route. Route reconnaissance can be oriented on a road, a
narrow axis (such as an infiltration lane), or a general direction of attack.

FM 7-92
a. The battalion commander orders a route reconnaissance when he
needs information on routes to his objective or to alternate or supplementary defense positions. Usually, an overlay is given to the platoon leader
along with specific information requirements needed for that specific
route. Possible information requirements are as follows:
(1) The available space in which a force can maneuver without being
forced to bunch up due to obstacles (reported in meters). The size of trees
and the density of forests are reported due to the effect on vehicle
(2) The location and types of all obstacles and the location of any
available bypass. Obstacles can consist of minefield, barriers, steep
ravines, marshy areas, or NBC contamination.
(3) The enemy forces that can influence movement along the route.
(4) The observation and fields of fire along the route and adjacent
terrain. This information will assist planners as a supplement to map
(5) The locations along the route that provide good cover and concealment.
(6) The trafficability for the type of forces using the route.
(7) The bridges by construction type, dimensions, and classification.
(8) The landing zones and pickup zones.
b. When conducting a route reconnaissance, the platoon leader organizes the platoon based on METT-T. Depending on the time available,
he conducts a thorough map reconnaissance and plans a series of fans
(Figure 4-9, page 4-16) along the route that provides detailed terrain
information. Roads and trails intersecting or traversing the route must
be reconnoitered to where they cross terrain. The enemy could influence
friendly movement from adjacent terrain.
c. If the platoon must conduct a route reconnaissance as part of the
higher units mission, then stealth and speed in conjunction with detailed
intelligence reporting become key. The reconnaissance platoon must
remain far enough ahead of the maneuver force to assist in early warning
and to prevent the force from becoming surprised. In this case, the fan
method may not be as effective as a modification of the converging-routes
d. If all or part of the proposed route is a road, the platoon considers
the road a danger area. It moves parallel to the road using a covered and
concealed route. When required, reconnaissance and security teams
move close to the road to reconnoiter key areas.
e. Engineers can be used to support the platoon in collecting technical
information. They assist the reconnaissance platoon by clearing obstacles

FM 7-92
and classifying bridges. (For detailed information on classifying routes
and bridges, refer to FM 5-34.)


FM 7-92
f. The reconnaissance platoon reports conditions that are likely to
affect the friendly movement IAW the SOP. An overlay of the route
should be prepared. (Figure 4-10 is an example of a route reconnaissance
overlay using standard symbols.) The following features may be included
on the overlay (the first five are required):


FM 7-92
Two grid references.
Magnetic north arrow.
Route drawn to scale.
Title block.
Route classification formula.
Road curves having a radius less than 45 meters.
Steep grades with their maximum gradients.
Road width of constrictions (bridges, tunnels, and so forth)
with width/lengths of the traveled ways in meters.
Underpass limitations with limiting heights and widths
in meters.
Bridge bypasses classified as easy, difficult, or impossible.
Civil or military road numbers of other designations.
Location of fords, ferries, and tunnels, including
limiting information.




The reconnaissance platoon conducts security operations to protect

the main body from enemy observation and surprise attack. These
operations give the main body commander early warning and time
to concentrate his combat power at the right time and place to defeat
the enemy. The types of security missions used are: screen, guard,
and cover. Although the reconnaissance platoon may conduct
screening or reconnaissance missions to support a larger forces
guard or cover mission, these missions are beyond the platoons
ability. The primary task ofa screen is to observe, identify, and report
information. The reconnaissance platoon cannot effectively screen
the battalions flank, front, or rear by itself. Therefore, the battalion
tasks additional forces to complement the reconnaissance platoon's
screen. This chapter focuses on how the reconnaissance platoon
conducts moving and stationary screens. It also discusses counterreconnaissance, which is a subset of security that prevents hostile
observations of a force, area, or place. The reconnaissance platoon
screens and conducts surveillance as part of the battalions overall
countereconnaissance effort.
All military forces employ both active and passive security measures to
protect themselves against acts designed to impair their combat effectiveness. Security operations are the combined effects of a forces security
measures. Security is a principle of war. Commanders consider security
when conducting any type of operation. Security operations are conducted forward, to the flanks, or to the rear of the battalion.
Certain fundamentals are common to all security missions. Soldiers must
observe these fundamentals when planning and executing their mission.
a. Orienting on the Battalion. If the battalion moves, the reconnaissance platoon must know of its movement and, if necessary, reposition
itself. The reconnaissance platoon leader must know the battalion commanders scheme of maneuver and where he wants the screening force in
relation to the battalions movement. The screen must be positioned
where it can provide the needed security.
b. Performing Continuous Reconnaissance.The reconnaissance
platoon conducts continuous reconnaissance during security operations

FM 7-92
to obtain as much information as possible about the area of operations
and the enemy.
c. Providing Early and Accurate Warnings. Early and accurate
warnings of enemy approach are vital to successful operations. The
battalion commander needs this information to shift and concentrate his
forces to meet and defeat the enemy. The reconnaissance platoon occupies OPs and patrols to provide long-range observation, to observe enemy
movement, and to report the enemys size, location, and activity to the
battalion commander.
d. Providing Reaction Time and Maneuver Space. The reconnaissance platoon screens far enough from the battalion to identify enemy
activity early. This allows the battalion commander time to react. If
directed, the reconnaissance platoon uses indirect fire to slow the enemys
rate of advance and to provide more time for the battalion to maneuver
to positions of advantage.
e. Maintaining Enemy Contact. Once the platoon identifies the
enemy, it maintains visual contact to provide the commander with current
information. If the platoon looses sight of the enemy, it attempts to regain
contact and maintain it until ordered to do otherwise. The platoon must
maintain visual contact without being sighted and engaged by the enemy.
A screening force maintains surveillance, provides early warning to the
main body, impedes and harasses the enemy with artillery fires, and
destroys enemy reconnaissance within its abilities. A screening force
operates within the range of supporting artillery. The reconnaissance
platoon leader should clarify those conditions when the platoon uses
indirect fire to destroy enemy reconnaissance. The reconnaissance platoon fights only for self-protection.
A guard force accomplishes the tasks of a screening force. It prevents
enemy ground observation and direct tire against the main body. A guard
force reconnoiters, attacks, defends, and delays, as needed, to accomplish
its mission. It normally operates within the range of the main bodys
indirect-fire weapons. The reconnaissance platoon conducts a screen and
or reconnaissance for the guard force.
A covering force accomplishes all the tasks of screening and guard forces.
It also operates apart from the main body to develop the situation early.
It deceives, disorganizes, and destroys enemy forces. Unlike screening or
guard forces, a covering force is a tactically self-contained force. It is

FM 7-92
organized with enough CS and CSS forces to operate independently of
the main body. The reconnaissance platoon conducts reconnaissance and
screens in support of a covering force.
The infantry battalion uses a screening force in both the offense and
defense. The exact size and composition of the screening force depends
on the width of its sector in the defense or its zone of attack in the offense.
The nature of the terrain and the specific tasks the screening force is
expected to accomplish also affect the composition. Early warning is
always a screening force task. Screening forces operate to the front,
flanks, and rear of the battalion. The reconnaissance platoon and designated forces screen as part of the battalions overall security plan.
During a screening mission, the following are accomplished:
Provide early warning of enemy approach or location.
Maintain continuous surveillance of assigned areas.
Gain and maintain visual contact and report enemy activity.
Identify enemy reconnaissance elements.
Impede and harass the enemy by controlled use of indirect fires,
when authorized.
Guide reaction forces, if planned.
Report information to the protected force.
Destroy enemy reconnaissance forces, when authorized.
An OP is a position from which military observations (visual, audible, or
other means) are made or from which fire is directed and adjusted and has
the proper communications. OPs are used during screening and reconnaissance operations. The battalion commander designates an initial
screen line. In coordination with the battalion S2, the platoon leader
selects terrain along the screen line to site OPs (Figure 5-1, page 5-4). If
these locations differ from what was previously coordinated, the platoon
leader reports the new locations to the battalion staff. The platoon should
plan to operate no more than three OPs with one squad for each OP.
Once on the screen line, the platoon leader adjusts the location of the OPs
as the terrain dictates. From the OP, the squad reports the enemy size,
activity, location, and disposition to the commander, and, if directed, calls
for indirect fires.


FM 7-92

a. Selection of the Observation Post.The platoon leader selects the

general location for the OP. The squad leader selects the exact position
when he is on the ground. An OP should have the following characteristics:
(1) Good observation of the assigned area or sector. The field of observation of adjacent OPs should overlap to ensure full coverage of the
sector. The OP should be able to observe TRPs and, if necessary, to adjust
indirect fires. Areas that cannot be observed from an OP are patrolled at
irregular intervals.
(2) Good cover and concealment. Select positions with cover and
concealment to reduce vulnerability on the battlefield. OPs may not
occupy the position with the best observation in order to obtain better
(3) Covered and or concealed routes to and from the observation post.
Soldiers must be able to enter and leave the OP without being seen by

FM 7-92
the enemy. Positions should not draw the enemys attention. Positions
such as a water tower, abandoned or destroyed equipment, or a lone
building may be enemy artillery TRPs.
(4) Observers avoid skylining. OPs should avoid hilltops. The OPs
are positioned farther down the slope of a hill or on the side, providing
there are covered and concealed routes into the position. OPs can be
located on the reverse slope. In this case, observers move forward so they
can observe.
b. Observation Post Positions. If the best terrain for the OPs is
beyond the initial screen line, the platoon leader displays initiative by
placing the OPs in their positions (staying within the battalions sector or
zone) where squads can accomplish their mission. He then informs the
battalion staff of the locations. The platoon leader also plans alternate
and subsequent OPs throughout the sector. These OPs should have
interlocking fields of observation.
c. Manning of Observation Posts. Each OP must be operated by a
squad. This is required due to limited radio equipment, the need for local
OP security, and the need for continuous observation. At least one soldier
observes the assigned area while the other soldier secures the OP. The
squad leader records observations and sends reports to the platoon leader.
Soldiers should change jobs every half hour to avoid fatigue, which can
decrease effectiveness. The squad leader establishes a rest and maintenance plan to ensure the squad can perform continuous operations. The
squad operating the OP reconnoiters other OP sites and patrols dead
space between OPs The squads are equipped to observe, to secure the
area, to report information, and to call for indirect fire. The equipment
used includes
A map or sketch of the area.
A compass.
Communications equipment (wire, radio).
Observation devices (binoculars, NVDs).
Report formats contained in the SOP.
Individual weapons.
Seasonal uniform and LBE.
Sufficient food and water.
d. Observation Post Security. Soldiers on an OP employ active and
passive measures to protect themselves from enemy detection and from
enemy direct and indirect fires. The soldiers best defense is a covered and
concealed position, which lessens the chance of being detected.

FM 7-92
(1) At a minimum, construct a hasty position, add camouflage and
overhead cover to the position as time allows. This increases survivability
against enemy direct and indirect fires. The squad enforces strict noise
and light discipline and reduces the amount of movement in and around
the OP to essential movement only.
(2) Wire communications reduce the OPs electronic signature. Use
a directional antenna that is masked from the enemy when possible. This
reduces the possibility of enemy jamming and degrades the effectiveness
of enemy direction-finding equipment. If available and time permits,
emplace PEWS or GSRs in areas that cannot be observed or in dead
spaces between OPs.
(3) Trip flares or AP mines provide early warning and protection
from enemy personnel. Active patrolling around and between OPs also
increases security. Patrols focus on areas that cannot be seen from the
e. Actions at an Observation Post. The platoon leader or squad
leader briefs personnel on the following before sending them to the OP:
When, where, and how to locate the OP.
Where the OP will observe.
When and how to report.
Conditions for the withdrawal.
Criteria for engaging target, Indirect fire.
Challenge and password.
When they will be replaced.
OP personnel briefback the leader.
f. Visual Search Techniques. Soldiers manning OPs must constantly
search the assigned area or sector to identify signs of enemy forces. One
soldier with binoculars, or another observation device, searches the entire
area for obvious targets, unnatural colors, dust, shiny objects, outlines, or
movement. The soldier raises his eyes from in front of the position to the
greatest range of his sector of observation (Figure 5-2). If the sector is
wide, he can divide it into subsectors. The soldier searches overlapping
50-meter-wide strips (Figure 5-3), alternating from left to right and right
to left until the entire area is searched. Other soldiers on the OP scan the
area, look for signs of movement, and direct the soldier with binoculars
to search specific areas. When a suspicious area is seen, it is thoroughly
searched. The map is oriented with the field of view to allow a quick and
accurate report and to request indirect fire, if authorized.

FM 7-92


A screen prevents the protected force from being surprised. The reconnaissance platoon accomplishes this by maintaining surveillance from a
series of OPs along the screen line or in-depth. The reconnaissance
platoon conducts active patrolling to extend its observation or to cover
dead space and the area between OPs. It can screen both moving and
stationary forces. The battalion provides the platoon with specific screening priorities and control measures in its OPORD.

FM 7-92
a. Planning. Planning and techniques of conducting a screen are the
same whether the screen is to the front, flank, or rear of the battalion. A
reconnaissance platoon can maintain continuous surveillance on at least
three avenues of approach for a limited time.
(1) The battalion commander directs the reconnaissance platoon to
screen when and where he needs advance warning of enemy activities. The
commander and S3 provide guidance that includes the screen line, or
specific areas within the area of operations over which the platoon must
maintain surveillance. The S3 also establishes control measures, such as
contact points, phase lines, and boundaries, from which they can control
the platoon.
(2) Normally, when the reconnaissance platoon receives a screen mission from battalion, its sector is delineated by lateral boundaries, by an initial
screen line, and by a rear boundary or phase line. The platoon leader can
assign other phase lines or control measures to control the platoon. If this
is done, the platoon ensures that the battalion staff is aware of the changes.
If this is not accomplished, the platoon uses the battalions control measures
to report information. The R&S plan directs and ranks in order of priority
the platoons efforts. The platoon leader may be required to employ collection assets (GSR, PEWS, and RSTA equipment) based on these priorities.
(3) The platoon leader analyzes the terrain in his area of operation.
This analysis, together with guidance provided by the S2, determines the
avenues of approach for which the platoon will be responsible. Next, the
platoon leader determines where, either on or behind the initial screen
line, the platoon must occupy to maintain continuous surveillance on
avenues of approach.
(4) The platoon leader can divide the platoons sector into squad sectors
by placing boundaries on easily identifiable terrain between high-speed
avenues of approach. The boundaries tell each squad the terrain for which
they are responsible. The platoon leader does not place a boundary on a
road, trail, or other avenue of approach since the squads may be confused
as to who is responsible. The platoon leader assigns one avenue of
approach to a single squad.
(5) The platoon leader can establish phase lines or checkpoints to
help control movement but coordinates and reports these to the battalion.
He places the phase lines on easily identifiable terrain. These phase lines
may also serve as subsequent screen lines. The platoon leader places
contact points at the intersection of phase lines and boundaries so that
squads can make physical contact during the screen mission and gaps do
not form between the squads. TRPs are planned throughout the sector
and should be easily identified (day and night).

FM 7-92
(6) Along with planning for subsequent screen lines, the platoon
leader could be directed to leave soldiers in place during the enemys
advance. If required, soldiers hide in the OPs and continue reporting
enemy movement. When authorized, stay-behind OPs adjust indirect
fires on follow-on enemy formations. The platoon leader coordinates and
establishes rally points and routes of withdrawal for each of the stay-behind OPs
b. Moving Screen. The battalion S3 provides the reconnaissance
platoon leader with an overlay that identifies the screen line, boundaries,
objectives, and key phase lines. The platoon can effectively screen one
flank of a moving battalion, a limited part of the battalions frontage if
screening forward, or the battalions rear. The platoons size and communications equipment limit screening to only one area at a time. When
screening forward, the platoon might require transportation support to
remain ahead of the battalion. The screen orients on the protected force,
key terrain, danger areas, and avenues of approach in the battalions zone.
(1) The exact requirements for the reconnaissance platoon are stated
in the battalions OPORD and shown graphically on the battalions overlay.
(An example of a battalions overlay is shown in Figure 5-4, page 5-10.) In
this scenario, C Company is the main attack. C Company moves along
Axis Charlie to its assault position. A Company follows C Company up
to Checkpoint One, then moves along axis Alpha. A Company occupies
positions that allow it to suppress enemy forces on Objective One. B Company
moves along Axis Bravo and occupies its assault position. Once all the companies and separate platoons are in position, A Company begins suppressing
Objective One. B Company begins its assault of Objective Two as soon as
A Company initiates fires. C Company, the main attack, assaults Objective One on order of the battalion commander. In this case, the actions
of A Company and B Company divert the enemys attention allowing C
Company to assault Objective One by surprise. In this scenario, the
reconnaissance platoon is required to screen C Companys movement
along Axis Charlie. Once C Company occupies its assault position, the
reconnaissance platoon screens along Range Road to warn the battalion
of the expected enemy counterattack.
(2) Based on the battalions requirements and the commanders
intent, the platoon leader develops the plan. In this scenario, the platoons mission is: screen C Companys movement along Axis Charlie in
order to prevent enemy forces from disrupting the main attack from the
east. The battalion graphics also show a follow-on mission of screening
along Range Road in order to provide early warning of the enemy counterattack. The platoon leader determines how the platoon can accomplish its mission by identifying areas along Axis Charlie that if occupied

FM 7-92
by enemy forces could disrupt C Companys movement. These areas are
reconnoitered by a squad. If these areas do not show signs of enemy, then
the squad establishes an OP and maintains surveillance until ordered to
move. In the scenario, the platoon leader identifies five areas. He determines that no enemy is in these locations by reconnoitering each location
and leaving a two- or three-man element in each position. The platoon
leader ensures this is accomplished before C Companys movement along
Axis Charlie. C Company ensures the axis is secure by sending a squad(+)
on the axis before its movement. This element also places reconnaissance
elements on the objective. If this mission, along with the screening
mission, was given to the reconnaissance platoon, the platoon would have
been overtasked. The battalion commanders decision to use C Companys personnel to secure the axis and reconnoiter the objective is a


FM 7-92
(3) Before C Company crosses the line of departure, the five OPs are
in position. The platoon leader and a three-man element from 1st Squad
stay parallel to C Companys movement along Axis Charlie. Once C
Company crosses the LD, the remaining element from 1st Squad screens
from OP 1 to OP 2. This element occupies OP 2 and awaits the arrival of
the platoon leader and the rest of 1st Squad. When C Company crosses
PL Red, the element initially occupying OP 2 (2d Squad (-)) screens from
OP 2 to OP 3 and occupies OP 3. Once the platoon leader links up with
elements from 1st Squad on OP 2, he notifies the element initially
occupying OP 3 (2d Squad(-)) to screen from OP 3 to OP 4. The platoon
leader and 1st Squad continue to move parallel to C Company. At OP 3,
they link up with 2d squad(-) and move to OP 4. Once this linkup has
occurred, 3d Squad (-) screens to OP 5. At OP 4, 1st Squad moves to OP 6
with the platoon leader, and 2d Squad moves to OP 7 with the PSG. This
sequence of movements and screens is a technique that allows the reconnaissance platoon to screen C Companys movement along Axis Charlie
and be in positions that allow the platoon to report the movement of
enemy counterattack forces (Figure 5-5, page 5-12).
(4) The platoon leader coordinates with the S3 on the standard rate
of march for the force conducting the operation. The platoon uses the
rate of march to stay abreast or in front of the force being screened and
to report other information. The platoon leader does not have time to
adjust routes or to observe noncritical areas. If available, GSRs or sensors
are used to observe avenues of approach or areas the platoon cannot cover
due to time or manpower limitations. The platoon leader plans and
coordinates indirect fires on choke points, likely avenues of approach, and
key terrain that can aid in withdrawal or slow an enemy attack.
c. Stationary Screen. A platoon can effectively screen a flank, the
front, or the rear of a stationary battalion. The platoon cannot screen
both flanks effectively due to manpower limitations. The planning considerations and techniques of a stationary screen are the same as for a
moving screen.
(1) The battalion commander and the S3 determine the area the
reconnaissance platoon and other elements screen. The screen line
generally traces where the screening elements establish observation
posts. In addition to the screen line, the battalion establishes control
measures such as contact or passage points. All personnel must know
the location of screening elements. Forces that are unaware of the
reconnaissance platoons location can unknowingly engage withdrawing
screening elements. (Typical graphics used during a stationary screen
are shown in Figure 5-6 page 5-13.)

FM 7-92


FM 7-92

(2) As with the moving screen, the platoon establishes the stationary
screen by setting up squad-sized OPs and, depending on METT-T, patrolling the dead space between the OPs (Figure 5-7 page 5-14). Unlike the
moving screen, the OPs remain in one place. To enhance security, the
OPs can occupy different positions based upon visibility.

FM 7-92

(3) The platoon leader employs the platoon with two or three squads
abreast by establishing OPs. He ensures that squad leaders know the
avenue of approach or area they must observe and how they cover dead
space between OPs. When possible, the platoon leader employs a squad
on each OP. The platoon can be required to maintain its screen line for

FM 7-92
several days. To operate an OP with less than a squad does not allow for
continuous operation of the OP. By occupying OPs with a squad, the
squad can patrol dead space and the area between OPs conduct resupply
operations, and rest or sustain its personnel.
(4) The platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and RATELOs normally
occupy an OP with one of the squads. The platoon leader and platoon
sergeant do not need to beat the same OP. The location of the platoon
headquarters depends on the criticality of the area and the best position
for command and control. Part of the control consideration is the ability
of the platoon leader to communicate with the squads and battalion. For
short times (12 hours or less), five OPs can be occupied. The platoon
leader, platoon sergeant, and RATELOs augmented with one soldier
from each squad, can be the fourth and fifth OPs.
(5) As soldiers observe the enemy forces approaching the screen line,
they report the information to the platoon leader, who then reports to
battalion. At times, contact is maintained with the enemy by moving to
other positions or by passing the contact off to a subsequent OP. The
platoon can also report on the activities of follow-on forces. If required
to conduct a stay-behind mission, the platoon remains hidden and reports
on follow-on forces. Squads eventually link up at a designated location
and exfiltrate back to friendly lines.
Counterreconnaissance prevents enemy reconnaissance elements from
observing the battalion and the area of operation. Enemy reconnaissance
elements conduct mounted and dismounted patrols to locate positions,
identify friendly forces, and detect friendly activities. Enemy patrols are
normally small. They move with stealth and use concealment. These
elements must be detected and denied information or destroyed before
they can report their observations. The battalions overall counterreconnaissance operations are integrated into the overall R&S plan. All forces
and assets in the battalion join in this effort. The battalion counterreconnaissance plan addresses the use of available combat forces to locate and
destroy enemy reconnaissance elements. The reconnaissance platoon
conducts a screen mission to locate enemy forces while other combat
forces destroy enemy reconnaissance forces.
The key to the counterreconnaissance plan is how well the battalion
coordinates the effort. The reconnaissance platoon is normally in position before the companies move into and occupy defensive positions. This
ensures enemy elements are not operating within the battalions area.

FM 7-92
Based upon the terrain and enemy analysis, the S2 templates likely enemy
reconnaissance objectives and routes. He recommends to the S3 and
commander the general location and composition of forces needed to
perform security. Consistent with the battalion commanders guidance,
the S3 tasks subordinate forces to conduct counterreconnaissance.
In counterreconnaissance operations, the reconnaissance platoon helps
locate enemy reconnaissance for destruction by other elements or systems. The reconnaissance platoon participates in the overall counterreconnaissance effort. It maintains surveillance, provides early warning,
and if directed, impedes and harasses enemy elements with supporting
indirect fires. The commander must be specific when addressing the focus
of the platoons actions. If the platoon is conducting reconnaissance of
something other than enemy reconnaissance elements, it is not directly
part of the battalion counterreconnaissance force.
5-10. ASSETS
When the reconnaissance platoon detects the enemys approach, a forward maneuver force is tasked with destroying enemy reconnaissance.
The antitank platoon overmatches the most likely mounted avenues of
approach and destroys detected enemy mounted reconnaissance elements. When available, ground surveillance radar helps identify enemy
reconnaissance, especially during limited visibility.




In addition to conducting reconnaissance, surveillance, and establishing screens, the reconnaissance platoon may be required to assist
the battalion in occupying assembly areas, and in conducting passage of lines, linkups, and relief in place missions. This chapter
discusses the role of the reconnaissance platoon in those missions
and how they track enemy forces.
A battalion occupies an assembly area (AA) for security while preparing
for future operations. Occupation of an AA is normally SOP. The
requirements of the reconnaissance platoon vary according to the SOP.
The platoon is normally tasked to locate, clear, and assist in the orderly
occupation of an AA. The platoon precedes the battalions quartering
party. It conducts an area/zone reconnaissance to locate the AA to
determine if it is suitable for occupation, and most important, to determine if the enemy is in the area. (Appendix D discusses the actions of the
platoon while in the AA. For more information, see FM 7-20.)
A passage of lines is an operation in which one element passes through
the positions of another. For example, elements of a covering force
withdraw through the forward edge of the MBA, or an exploiting force
moves through the elements of a force that initially conducted an attack.
A passage of lines is either forward or rearward, depending on the direction of travel.
a. The actions of the reconnaissance platoon vary according to
whether the passage is forward or reward, and whether the battalion is the
stationary or passing element. The battalion SOP addresses the standardized actions of elements assisting in the passing or passage of lines.
(For more information, see FM 7-20.)
b. The reconnaissance platoon can be expected to conduct liaison,
provide guides, reconnoiter routes, and establish screens. The battalion
commander or S3 determines the exact requirement. Once the platoon
leader knows the requirement, he assigns specific missions to the squads.
The platoon leader should locate in a position where he can monitor and
control the actions of the platoon. Each squad must know the sequence
of events, the times they will occur, and the exact location of the passage.
The platoon leader ensures the squads know what they are required to do


FM 7-92
following the passage. The squad can either link up with the platoon
leader or execute the follow-on mission.
Linkups are part of most light infantry operations and normally occur in
enemy-controlled areas. Linkups are conducted to consolidate forces or
to make coordination. Higher headquarters tasks the reconnaissance
platoon to conduct linkup with friendly forces. Also, the platoon leader
may require the squads to link up in order to consolidate the platoon.
Successful linkups depend upon detailed planning and coordination.
a. Site Selection. When battalion directs two units to linkup, it
designates a primary and an alternate linkup point. The platoon leader
designates primary and alternate linkup points when conducting internal
linkup. The site should be easy to find at night, must have cover and
concealment, be off natural lines of drift, and must offer access and escape
b. Recognition Signals. Far and near signals are required to keep
friendly forces from firing on each other. The radio can be used as a far
recognition signal, and code word(s) should be used to keep transmissions
short. Code words may be developed for indicating the position of the
force from the site, occupation of the site, or security of the site. Visual
and oral recognition signals are planned and coordinated before departing
friendly lines. The types of signals used are sign, countersign, and linkup
(1) Signs, couutersigns. These can be a challenge and password or a
number combination. An even number should not be used for a near
signal. A sign or countersign could also bean exchange of signals using
filtered flashlights, chemical lights, infrared lights, or VS-17 panels for far
recognition signals.
(2) Linkup sites. These signals are placed at the exact location of the
linkup point. Examples are stones placed in a prearranged pattern,
markings on trees, and arrangement of wood and tree limbs. The first
force arriving at the linkup site places the sign and then assumes a covered
and concealed position to observe it. The next force to arrive at the site
identifies the signal and initiates the far recognition signal.
c. Execution. Linkups may occur between two forces traveling on
different routes, or when one force already forward has established a
linkup site and awaits the arrival of another force. Linkups are normally
executed by squads or teams from a larger force. The following discussion
portrays a squad executing the linkup of two platoons.

FM 7-92
(1) Actions at the linkup site with both platoons moving (Figure 6-1). In
a linkup, the execution begins once the platoons move toward, the linkup
site. If necessary, the platoons can use codewords to report their location.


FM 7-92
Phase lines and checkpoints are used to control movement. The platoon
that establishes the linkup site occupies a rally point close to the linkup
site. A squad moves to pinpoint the linkup site and secures it. This squad
marks the linkup site using the previously coordinated recognition signal
and positions itself to observe the site. The moving platoon also establishes a rally point close to the linkup site and then sends a squad forward
to pinpoint the linkup site. The squad should spot the recognition signal
and then initiate the far recognition signal, which is answered by the squad
observing the linkup site. The squad at the linkup site then moves toward
the squad answering the signal and exchanges near recognition signals.
The stationary squad initiates the signal. Once these squads coordinate,
the squad arriving at the linkup site returns to the rally point and guides
the platoon back to the linkup site. The squad establishing the linkup
then guides the platoon to the rally point. The platoon leader then
integrates the platoon into the perimeter.
(2) Actions at the linkup with one platoon moving. The leaders of both
platoons coordinate with their respective higher headquarters for location of linkup, call signs, frequencies, codes words, far and near signals,
and control measures. The stationary platoon establishes a rally point and
sends a squad to secure and mark the linkup point. The moving platoon
moves toward the linkup point and establishes a rally point when close
enough to do so. (The actions of the stationary and moving platoon
hereafter remain the same as shown in Figure 6-1.)
A relief in place is an operation in which one force replaces another. A
relief-in-place operation is planned, coordinated, and controlled at battalion. The battalion commander or S3 determines the role of the reconnaissance platoon during a relief. The platoon normally provides guides,
conducts initial coordination, and relieves the outgoing forces reconnaissance platoon. The platoon assists with the relief of other elements before
they relieve the outgoing forces reconnaissance platoon. This is done for
security reasons. A battalion conducting a relief is always vulnerable to an
enemy attack. The reconnaissance platoon is normally closest to the
enemy. If the enemy is in a position to observe the outgoing forces
reconnaissance platoon being relieved, the enemy may seize the opportunity and attack. (For more information, see FM 7-20.)
A reconnaissance platoon often provides guides as part of a reconnaissance,
passage of lines, and relief in place, or during conduct of a linkup. Guides
aid in the positioning of forces for follow-on missions. At a minimum, a guide
element should be composed of two soldiers. The remaining soldiers estab6-4

FM 7-92
lish a rally point or, if performing reconnaissance of an objective, maintain
observation. A guide element must know the route from the linkup point
to its designated area, especially during limited visibility. The route
should be marked with any available material. Once linkup has occurred,
guides lead the element into position and continue to perform the mission
as stated in the OPORD (see paragraph 6-3).
The reconnaissance platoon can be given the mission to follow the trail
of a specific enemy force. When operating in a low-intensity conflict
environment, the reconnaissance platoon has a greater likelihood of
receiving a tracking mission. A tracker must have patience and move
slowly, quietly, and steadily while observing and interpreting available
indicators. He must avoid using reckless speed that may cause him to
overlook important signs, lose the trail completely, or blunder into an
enemy force. Attention to detail, common sense, logic, and knowledge of
the environment and enemy habits allow soldiers to obtain valuable
information from signs in the area of operation.
a. Organization. When the reconnaissance platoon receives the mission to conduct a tracking patrol, it assigns the task of tracking to only one
squad. The remaining squads provide security or act as a reserve if contact
is made. (Figure 6-2 shows the typical organization of a tracking squad.)


FM 7-92
(1) Squad leader. The squad leader carries the radio and is the
primary navigator. He has overall responsibility for accomplishing the
mission, organizing the force, and setting each soldiers load.
(2) Primary tracker. The primary trackers job is to follow the main
trail left by the tracked group; he has no other duties. The primary tracker
focuses on following the main trail.
(3) Security. The security man observes to the front and flanks of the
trail and provides security for the primary tracker who concentrates on
the trail. Normally, this is the assistant squad leader.
(4) Rear security. The rear security man provides security for the rear.
He looks back along the trail at irregular intervals to keep from being
ambushed from behind. If the squad makes enemy contact to the front or
flank, the rear security man is in the best position to support the men in
contact. The rear security man also records the traveled azimuths to assist
in navigation.
b. Concepts. Any indicator that the tracker discovers can be defined
by one or more of the following concepts:
Immediate-use intelligence.
(1) Displacement. Displacement (Figure 6-3) takes place when anything is moved from its original position. A well-defined footprint in soft,
moist ground is a good example of displacement. The shoe or foot of the
individual who left the print displaced the soil by compression, thus
leaving an indent in the ground. By studying this indicator, the tracker
can determine several important facts. The print left by worn footwear or
by a barefooted person may indicate lack of proper equipment.
(2) Stains. A stain occurs when any substance from one organism or
article is smeared or deposited on something else. The best example of
staining is blood from a profusely bleeding wound. Bloodstains are often
in the form of spatters or drops. Blood indicators are not always on the
ground but may also besmeared on the leaves or twigs of trees and bushes.
(a) Staining can also occur when muddy footgear is dragged over
grass, stones, and shrubs. Thus, staining and displacement combine to
indicate movement and direction. Crushed leaves may stain rocky ground
that is too hard to leave footprints. Roots, stones, and vines may be
stained where leaves or berries are crushed by moving feet.

FM 7-92
(b) In some instances, it may be hard to determine the difference
between staining and displacement since both terms can be applied to
some indicators. For example, water that has been muddied may indicate
recent movement mud that has been displaced also stains the water;
stones in streams may be stained by mud from footwear; algae can be
displaced from stones in streams and can stain other stones or the bank.
(c) Water that collects in footprints in swampy ground is muddy if
the tracks are recent. With time, however, the mud settles and the water
clears. The tracker can use this information to indicate time. Normally,
the mud clears in about one hour. Clearing time, of course, varies with
the terrain.
(3) Weather. Weather can either aid or hinder the tracker. Wind,
snow, rain, or sunlight may completely erase indicators, thus hindering
the tracker.

(a) By studying the effects of weather on indicators, the tracker can

determine the age of the indicator. For example, when bloodstains are
fresh, they are bright red. Air and sunlight change the color of blood first
to a deep ruby red then to a dark brown crust when the moisture evaporates. Scuff marks on trees or bushes darken with time; sap oozes and then
hardens when it makes contact with the air.
(b) Footprints are greatly affected by weather (Figure 6-4, page 6-8).
By carefully studying this weather process, the tracker can determine the
approximate age of the footprint. If particles are just beginning to fall

FM 7-92
into the print, the tracker should become a stalker. If the edges of the
print are dried and crusty, the prints are probably at least an hour old.
This varies with the terrain and should be considered as a guide only.

(4) Litter. A poorly trained or poorly disciplined force moving over

a piece of terrain is likely to leave a clear trail of litter. Gum or candy
wrappers, ration cans, cigarette butts, remains of fires, or even piles of
human feces are signs of recent movement. However, the tracker must
consider weather when estimating the age of such litter. Rain flattens or
washes litter away and turns paper into pulp. Ration cans exposed to
weather rust first at the exposed edge where it is opened and then moves
toward the center. Again, the tracker must use his experience to properly
determine the age of litter. The last rain or strong wind can be the basis
for a time frame.
(5) Camouflage. Camouflage applies to tracking when the party being followed employs techniques to confuse the tracker or slow him down.
Walking backward to leave confusing prints, brushing out trails, and
moving over rocky ground or through streams are examples of techniques
that may be employed to confuse the tracker. By studying signs, a careful,
observant tracker can determine if an attempt is being made to confuse
him. If the party attempts to throw off the tracker by walking backward,
the footprints are deepened at the toe and soil is scuffed or dragged in the
direction of movement. By following carefully, the tracker normally finds
a turnaround point.


FM 7-92
(6) Immediate-use intelligence. As the tracker moves, he constantly
asks himself questions. As he finds indicators that answer those questions, he begins to forma picture of the enemy in his mind.
(a) Interpreting. The tracker must avoid reporting his interpretations
as facts. He should report that he has seen indications of certain things
instead of stating to the commander that these things actually exist. The
commander may have more information to help him estimate the enemy
he is facing.
(b) Reporting. Immediate-use intelligence is information concerning
the enemy that can be put to use immediately to gain surprise, to keep the
enemy off balance, or to keep him from escaping the area entirely. A
tracker can obtain information that, when combined with information
from other sources, indicates enemy plans. Tracking is one of the best
sources of immediate-use intelligence. Indicators may be so fresh that the
tracker becomes a stalker, or they can provide information that helps the
commander plan a successful operation.
c. Footprints. Footprints may indicate direction and rate of movement, number of persons in the moving party, whether heavy loads are
being carried, and whether the enemy realizes that they are being followed
(Figure 6-5).

(1) Running. If footprints are deep and the pace is long, rapid
movement is apparent. Extremely long strides and deep prints with toe
prints deeper than heel prints indicate running.

FM 7-92
(2) Carrying load. Prints that are deep, short, and widely spaced with
signs of scuffing or shuffling indicate that the person who left the print is
carrying a heavy load.
(3) Walking backwards. If the party members realize they are being
followed, they may try to hide their tracks. Persons walking backward
have a short, irregular stride. The prints have an unnaturally deep toe.
Soil is displaced in the direction of movement.
d. Key Prints. Since the last man in a file normally leaves the clearest
footprints, his should be the key set of prints. The tracker should cut a stick
to match the length of the key prints and notch it to indicate the width at the
widest part of the sole. He should study the angle of the key prints to the
direction of march. The tracker should also look for an identifying mark or
feature on the prints, such as a worn or frayed part of footwear, to help him
identify the key prints. If the trail becomes vague or erased, or merges with
another, the tracker can use his stick-measuring devices and, with close study,
can identify the key prints. This helps the tracker to stay on the trail. A
technique used to count the total number of individuals being tracked is the
box method. There are two methods the tracker can use to employ the box
(1) The first and most accurate method is to use the stride as a unit
of measure when key prints can be determined. The tracker uses the set
of key prints and the edges of the road or trail to box in an area to analyze
(A, Figure 6-6). This method is accurate under the right conditions for
counting up to 18 persons.
(a) Determine the key print. In this case, the key print is the print
left by the lug sole boot. This boot made the last print on the trail, and it
is the easiest print to recognize.
(b) Draw a line across the heel of one of the key prints.
(c) Move forward to the opposite key print and draw a line across the
instep. Add the extra one-half print to determine if a person is making an
abnormally long stride.
(d) Use the edges of the road or trail as the sides of the box, and the
drawn lines as the front and back. Any person walking normally would
have stepped in the box at least onetime. Count each print or partial print
in the box.
(e) Remember to count the key print only once.
(2) The second method a tracker can use to employ the box method
is the 36-inch box. It is used where there are no key prints distinguishable. However, this system is not as accurate as the stride measurement
(B, Figure 6-6).


FM 7-92

(a) Use the 36-inch box method when no key print is available. Use
the edges of the road or trail as the sides of the box.
(b) Measure across a section of the area 36 inches in length. The
M16 rifle is 39 inches long and may be used as a measuring device.
(c) Count each indentation in the box and divide by two. This gives
a close estimate of the number of persons who made the prints.
e. Other Signs of Displacement. Footprints are only one example of
displacement. Anything that has been moved from its original position
by a moving person is an example of displacement.
(1) Foliage, moss, vines, sticks, or rocks that are scuffed or snagged
from their original place form good indicators. Vines may be dragged,

FM 7-92
dew droplets may be displaced from leaves or stones, and sticks may be
turned over to indicate a different color underneath. Grass or other
vegetation may be bent or broken in the direction of movement.
(2) Bits of clothing, threads, or dirt from boots can be displaced from
a persons uniform and left on thorns, on snags, or on the ground. The
tracker should inspect all areas for bits of clothing or other matter ripped
from the uniform of the person being tracked.
(3) An enemy entering or exiting a stream creates slide marks, footprints, or scuff bark off roots or sticks. There are many examples and signs
of displacement; the tracker needs to carefully analyze those signs that
indicate movement.




Effective combat support is the responsibility of the battalion commander. Mortars, artillery, air defense artillery, combat engineers,
intelligence assets, and aviation assets provide combat support. The
battalion commander decides how to employ his assets based upon
his estimate of the situation. These elements may be attached,
OPCON, DS, or GS to the reconnaissance platoon. The reconnaissance platoon must know the employment considerations and the
abilities of all combat support assets.
Mortars and field artillery are the main indirect fire support available to
the reconnaissance platoon (Table 7-1, page 7-2). This section discusses
the responsibilities, the considerations, and the procedures for employment of all indirect fire assets supporting the reconnaissance platoon.
The reconnaissance platoon must understand how the battalion plans
for and executes indirect fires in support of the commanders scheme of
maneuver. A reconnaissance platoon does not have assigned FOs to assist
in the planning and execution of indirect fires. The battalion commander
attaches or places under OPCON a FIST to assist the platoon in calling
for fires. He uses the battalion FSO to advise and integrate indirect fire
support into the battalions scheme of maneuver.
a. The fire-planning process begins at higher echelons and progresses downward to company FSOs and other key personnel to include
the reconnaissance platoon leader. Its effectiveness requires continuous
coordination and feedback from the lower echelons upward. Limited
input regarding actual targets is not normally available to the platoon.
Instead, the key functions are refinement and confirmation of target
locations and execution of events. Specific responsibilities are listed on
the fire support execution matrix, which the battalion FSO prepares in
support of the current operation. The matrix tells the leaders who is
responsible for each target, when the target should be executed, and by
what means (artillery, mortars, CAS). (An example of a fire support
matrix developed by a battalion FSO is shown in Figure 7-1, page 7-3.)
The matrix is set up with the maneuver elements along the left side and
different phases of the mission along the top. It illustrates the platoons
role throughout the operation. The platoon should always be included as
a subunit in the matrix.


FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92
b. The reconnaissance platoon may be required to call for and adjust
indirect fire support IAW the battalion fire support matrix. The platoon
may have designated target reference points (TRPs). TRPs are preplanned artillery targets that the platoon uses to call for and adjust
indirect fire. The use of TRPs and proper procedures to call for fire is
critical in order to receive immediate indirect fire. If available, the use of
global positioning systems and laser range finders assist the platoon in
calling for fire. Unless FOs are supporting the reconnaissance platoon,
the platoon is responsible for calling and adjusting indirect fire. The call
for fire is a message prepared by an observer. Any soldier in the platoon
can request indirect fire support by calling for fire. (For additional
information, see FM 6-30.)
(1) Calls for fire must include
(a) Observer identification and warning order.
Adjust fire-uncertain of target location.
Fire for effect rounds on target; no adjustment.
Suppressused to obtain fire quickly.
Immediate suppressionused when being engaged by enemy;
must give target identification.
(b) Target location methods. Target location is sent in six digits. The
direction is given in mils and is sent before the first adjusting rounds are
shot. The direction is the location of the observer to the target (observertarget [OT] line). The FDC must know the observers exact location. The
observer sends OT line and distance (to the nearest 100 meters) from his
position to the target.
Grid (Figure 7-2).
Polar (Figure 7-3, page 7-6).
Shift from a known point (Figure 7-4, page 7-7).
Range shifts and lateral shifts (Figure 7-5, page 7-8).
(c) Target description. Give a brief description of the target using the
acronym SNAP.
(2) A call for fire may also include the following information (optional elements):


FM 7-92
(a) Method of engagement. The method of engagement consists of
the type of adjustments, danger close, trajectory, ammunition, and distribution.
(b) Method of fire and control.
At my commandfired at observers command.
Cannot observe-fire will not be observed.
Time on targetrounds land at specified time.
Continuous illuminationFDC will determine when to fire.
Coordinated illumination-observer determines when to fire.
Cease loadingused when two or more rounds in effect (causes
loader to stop loading).
Check firing-temporary halt in firing.
Continuous fire-will continue to fire unless told to stop.
Repeatwill repeat last mission.
(c) Refinement and end of mission.
Correct any adjustments.
Record as target.
Report battle damage assessment.
(d) Danger close (announced when applicable).
FA mortars-danger-close target is within 600 meters of any
friendly troops.
Naval gunfire-danger-close target is within 750 meters when
using 5-inch or smaller guns (1,000 meters for larger naval guns).
Creeping method of adjustmentthe FO uses the creeping
method of adjustment (corrections of no more than 100 meters)
exclusively during danger-close missions.


FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92

c. Once the call for fire has been made, the observer adjusts the fire
onto the target. If he has accurately located the target, he requests, Fire
for effect. When the observer cannot locate the target (due to deceptive
terrain, lack of identifiable terrain features, poor visibility, or an inaccurate map), he adjusts the impact point of the rounds. During adjustment,
one artillery piece or mortar is used. The observer chooses an adjusting
point. For a destruction mission (precision fire), the target is the adjusting point. For an area target (area fire), the observer picks a well-defined
adjusting point close to the center. The observer spots the first and each
successive adjusting round, and he sends range and deviation corrections
back to the FDC until rounds hit the target. The observer spots by relating
the rounds point of impact to the adjusting point. (See FM 6-30 for a
more detailed discussion of adjusting mortar and artillery fire.)

FM 7-92
(1) Deviation spotting. Deviation (left or right) spotting involves
measuring the horizontal angle (in mils) between the burst and the
adjusting point (Figure 7-6). A burst to the right (left) of the target is
spotted as (so many) mils right (left). An angle-measuring device is used
to determine deviation. The mil scale on binoculars or the fingers and
hand may be used (Figures 7-7 and 7-8).

(a) The horizontal scale on binoculars, divided into 10-mil increments, is used for measuring horizontal angles. The vertical scales, in
5-mil increments, in the center and on the left of the reticle are used for
measuring vertical angles. The scale on the right, if present, is no longer
used. (Figure 7-7.)


FM 7-92

(b) A burst on the OT line is spotted as Line. Deviation (left or

right) should be measured to the nearest 5 mils for area targets, with
measurements taken from the center of the burst. Deviation for a
destruction mission (precision fire) is estimated to the nearest mil.
(Figure 7-9, page 7-12) shows the adjusting point is at the center of
the binocular horizontal scale.)

FM 7-92

(2) Deviation correction. Deviation correction is the distance (in

meters) the burst must be moved left or right to be on line between the
observer and the target. Once the mil deviation has been determined, the
observer converts it into a deviation correction (in meters). This is sent
with the range correction to the FDC for the next adjusting round or when
calling for fire for effect. The deviation correction is determined by
multiplying the observed deviation in mils by the distance from the
observer to the target in thousands of meters (the OT factor). The result
is expressed to the nearest 10 meters. A minor deviation correction (10
to 20 meters) should be made in adjustment of precision fire. In adjustment of area fire, small deviation corrections (20 meters or less) can be
ignored except when a small change determines a definite range spotting.
Throughout the adjustment, the observer moves the adjusting rounds

FM 7-92
close enough to the OT line so that range spotting is accurate. The OT
distance that is greater than 1,000 meters: Round to the nearest thousand,
and express in thousands of meters. The OT distance that is less than
1,000 meters: Round to nearest 100 meters, and express in thousands of
OT distance, 4,200 metersOT factor, 4.0
OT distance, 2,700 meters-OT factor, 3.0
Observer deviation 20 mils
OT distance 2,000 meters
OT factor 2
Observer deviation x OT factor = deviation correction.
20 x 2 = 40 meters
OT distance, 800 metersOT factor, 0.8
(3) Angle T. Angle T (Figure 7-10, page 7-14) is the angle formed by
the intersection of the gun-target line and the OT line with its vertex at
the target. If angle T is 500 mils or greater, the FDC should tell the
observer. If the observer is told that angle T is 500 mils or greater, at first
he continues to use the OT factor to make his deviation corrections. If
he sees that he is getting more of a correction than he asked for, the
observer should consider cutting the corrections to better adjust rounds
onto the target.
(4) Range spotting. Range spotting (short or over) requires adjusting
the range to obtain fire on the target. An adjusting rounds burst on or
near the OT line gives a definite range spotting. Lost or doubtful
spottings are given if a definite spotting is not possible. In these situations
only, the deviation correction is given to the FDC.
(a) Over. Burst appears beyond the adjusting point.
(b) Short. Burst appears between the observer and the adjusting
(c) Target. Burst hits the target. This spotting is used only in precision fire (destruction missions).
(d) Range correct. Burst appears to be at the correct range.
(e) Doubtful. Burst can be observed but cannot be spotted as over,
short, target, or range correct.
(f) Lost, over or lost, short. Burst is not observed but is definitely
known to be beyond or short of the adjusting point.

FM 7-92

(5) Range correction. The observer gives range corrections so that

with each successive correction the adjusting round lands over or short of
the adjusting point, closing on the target. FFE is called for when a range
correction brings the next round within 50 meters of the adjusting point.
FFE is called for when a 100-meter bracket has been split; for example,
Drop 50, tire for effect." This technique is called successive bracketing
(Figure 7-11). When bracketing, the observer uses the following guide to
determine his first range correction:
If OT range is 1,000 to 2,000 meters, add or drop a minimum of
200 meters.
If OT range is more than 2,000 meters, add or drop a minimum
of 400 meters.
(a) Bracketing is a technique that brings fire on a target. Time is
important, especially when targets are moving or seeking cover from fire.
Accurate, initial data speed adjustments makes the requested fire more
effective. To shorten adjustment time, the observer tries to bracket the
target with the first two or three adjusting rounds.


FM 7-92

(b) The effect on the target decreases as the number of rounds used
in adjustment increases. An alternative technique to successive bracketing is hasty bracketing. Successive bracketing ensures that the FFE
rounds impact within 50 meters of the adjusting point. If effective fires
are needed faster than successive bracketing can provide, hasty bracketing

FM 7-92
should be used. A successful hasty bracketing depends on a thorough
terrain analysis, which gives the observer an accurate initial target location. The observer receives a bracket on his first correction similar to that
used for successive bracketing. Once the observer has this initial bracket,
he uses it as a yardstick to determine the subsequent correction. He then
sends the FDC the correction to move the rounds to the target and to fire
for effect (Figure 7-12). Hasty bracketing improves with observer experience and judgment.

(c) The creeping method of adjustment is used in danger-close situations. The initial round is intentionally fired beyond the target. Adjusting rounds are brought closer in 100-meter increments or less until the
target is engaged (Figure 7-13). This method is slow and requires more

FM 7-92
ammunition than other methods. It should be used only when safety is an
overriding concern.


The USAF, USMC, or USN may provide CAS to light infantry battalions.
CAS missions are flown against hostile targets near friendly forces. The
forward air controller (FAC) is the battalion commanders expert in
planning, requesting, and executing CAS missions. The FAC serves as a
link between the maneuver element and the attacking aircraft. The
reconnaissance platoon may provide information that is used by the FAC
to target enemy forces. Reconnaissance platoon soldiers may be required
to provide emergency control if an FAC, FSO, or FO is not available (the
battalion commander accepts responsibility for friendly casualties). This
is possible only with aircraft equipped with FM radios (A-7, A-10, F16,
C-130). (For additional information, see FM 6-30.) The platoon may also
provide information on battle damage as observed. This information is
reported in the following format:
Battle Damage Assessment
Successful or unsuccessful.
Target coordinates.

FM 7-92
Time on target.
Number and type destroyed.
Number and type damaged.
Killed by air.
Wounded by air.
Dud bombs.
a. AC-130 Gunship. If the threat of enemy air defense is low, the
battalion requests CAS from an AC-130 gunship. The AC-130 flies CAS
and special operations, and it provides effective fires during day and night
operations. The aircraft contains one 40-mm gun, two 20-mm guns, two
7.62-mm miniguns, and one 105-mm howitzer. It is equipped with sensors
and target acquisition systems that include forward-looking infrared radar
and low-light television.
b. Marking Friendly Positions. Whenever possible, friendly positions are marked to enhance safety and to provide target area references.
Methods of marking friendly positions include:
Strobe lights (infrared, blue filters).
Reflective panels.
Night vision goggles (infrared).
Glint reflective tape.
Chemical lights.
The primary mission of attack helicopter units is to destroy armor and
mechanized forces. Attack helicopters are employed in combined arms
operations to increase weapons and aircraft capabilities in accomplishing
the commanders mission. Attack helicopter companies are integrated
into the ground scheme of maneuver. When working with ground maneuver forces, the attack helicopter unit can be placed under OPCON of the
ground maneuver force. Normally, they are under OPCON of a maneuver
brigade; on rare occasions, they may be OPCON to a battalion. Aeroscouts arrive before attack aircraft and establish communications with
ground forces to obtain information on the situation and mission from
the commander. The aeroscouts identify targets, choose general attack
positions, and control attack helicopter fire. During the conduct of
passage of lines, the platoon may direct attack helicopter tires into known
enemy locations and may receive information not visible from the ground.

FM 7-92
The AH-1 and AH-64 are the Armys attack helicopters. The AH-64s
weapon systems and target acquisition system locate and destroy targets
beyond 5,000 meters. The AH-64 is designed to operate during limited
Additional combat support available to the reconnaissance platoon includes air defense assets, combat engineers, and military intelligence
assets. This section discusses the abilities and missions of these assets.
These combat multipliers increase the reconnaissance platoons ability to
survive on the battlefield and to perform reconnaissance and security
The Vulcan platoon or Stinger section can support the infantry battalion.
Although the reconnaissance platoons role in air defense is limited to
reporting enemy aircraft, passive and active air defense measures should
be practiced for protection against enemy air attack.
a. Passive Air Defense. Passive air defense includes all measures
other than active taken to reduce the effects of hostile air action.
(1) Attack avoidance. An enemy pilot cannot attack what he cannot
see. Soldiers use concealment, camouflage, and deception to prevent the
enemy from seeing them. When adequate concealment is not available,
soldiers must use camouflage. They also conceal objects that reflect light
and attract attention.
(2) Damage-limiting measures. Damage-limiting measures are those
taken to reduce the effects of an enemy air attack. When an attack is
imminent, the platoon disperses, moves to a concealed position, and
stops. These actions reduce the probability of being spotted and, if
spotted, reduce the effects of enemy munitions.
(3) Air defense warnings. Air defense conditions are stated in the
OPORD. RED indicates that an attack is imminent; YELLOW indicates
that an attack is probable; and WHITE indicates that an attack is not
b. Active Air Defense. The reconnaissance platoon avoids engaging
enemy aircraft, if possible. However, if unavoidable, try to mass fires and
aim in front of the aircraft allowing the aircraft to fly into the path of fire.
The platoon leader establishes the aiming point based on the type of
aircraft that is attacking.
(1) Weapon control status. The weapon control status determines the
conditions for using weapons against enemy aircraft.

FM 7-92
(a) Weapons free weapons fire at aircraft not positively identified
as friendly.
(b) Weapons tight weapons fire only at aircraft identified as hostile
according to announced hostile criteria.
(c) Weapons hold weapons DO NOT fire except in self-defense.
(The reconnaissance platoon should always be in a weapons-hold status.)
(2) Man-portable air defense systems. The Stinger is designed to
counter enemy aircraft. A Stinger team provides protection to the entire
battalion and focuses on protection of critical battalion assets. When a
Stinger team is working with the reconnaissance platoon, caution must be
used when firing the weapon. The Stinger leaves a signature and may
disclose the platoons position.
An engineer platoon or company may be placed in DS of a battalion.
Engineers supporting dismounted infantry forces are Sappers. Sappers
are trained to conduct reconnaissance, to evaluate obstacles, and to use
demolitions and field expedients. Engineer missions are divided into
these categories: mobility, countermobility, and survivability. (The tasks
provided with each of these categories are shown in Table 7-2.) Engineers
also assist the reconnaissance platoon during reconnaissance and security

a. Reconnaissance Operations. In reconnaissance operations, an

engineer squad can be in OPCON to a reconnaissance platoon. The
engineer squad aids in mobility operations and provides technical advice
to the platoon leader as to what effort and equipment are required to
breach a certain obstacle. This information can be relayed back to the
battalion to aid in its breaching preparations. The actual breaching
abilities of an engineer squad are limited to manual and explosive

FM 7-92
methods. (The platoon provides security for the engineer squad while it
is conducting breaches.) The engineer squad can
Conduct route and bridge classification.
Aid in locating bypasses around obstacles.
Conduct limited breaching operations through
log cribs, abatis, and minefields.
b. Bypassing of Enemy Obstacles. The enemy uses obstacles to
canalize and block the advance of friendly forces. The reconnaissance
locates obstacles and tries to find a way to bypass them, or they establish
surveillance on the obstacle.
(1) The first action is to seek a bypass. When the platoon bypasses
an obstacle, it reports the type and location of the obstacle to the commander. The bypass should be conducted using stealth and cover and
concealment. An attempt should be made to locate enemy overwatch
positions. If the platoon cannot locate a bypass, it establishes surveillance
and reports to battalion.
(2) Obstacles that cannot be bypassed are breached by a force other
than the reconnaissance platoon. Obstacles are covered by planned direct
and indirect fires. Breaching forces must keep the enemy from knowing
where and when the breach occurs so that the enemy cannot concentrate
his fire on the breaching site. The reconnaissance platoon and engineers
determine the areas that allow for these actions to take place-for example, enemy positions, weak points in the obstacle, support positions for
suppressing the enemy, or routes up to an obstacle. When breaching
obstacles, use SOSR:
Suppress forces covering the breach site.
Obscure the area to be breached.
Secure the breach site.
Reduce the obstacle.
c. Security Operations. Insecurity operations, the platoon does not
have engineer assets working under its control; engineer. assets work
under battalion control. Therefore, the platoon leader must know the
battalions obstacle plan, which includes locations of lanes and gaps. The
platoon may guard and execute targets that engineer forces have prepared.
This is called target turnover. Due to the large number of missions
received by engineers, the platoon may be directed to execute some
obstacles. To do this efficiently, leaders must know the procedures for
turnover. (For more information, refer to FM 7-10 and FM 7-20.)


FM 7-92
The reconnaissance platoon cannot provide all the information needed
by battalion. Therefore, the battalion uses internal and external troops
and equipment to assist in the collection effort. Internal assets consist of
organic infantry platoons. External assets normally consist of GSR teams
and remote sensor teams. The platoon leader must integrate these assets
into his plan. These assets increase the capabilities and effectiveness of
the reconnaissance platoon.




Combat service support elements arm, fuel, fix, feed, clothe, and
provide health service support, transportation, and personnel for the
reconnaissance platoon. The reconnaissance platoon leader is responsible for supervising CSS within the reconnaissance platoon.
The PSG is the CSS operator for the reconnaissance platoon. He
advises the platoon leader on the logistical requirements and informs the platoon leader of the platoons logistical status. The PSG
is assisted by the squad leaders.
The reconnaissance platoon has no organic CSS assets. The PSG coordinates directly with his supporting XO, 1SG, or S4 for all CSS. He is the
main recipient for all maintenance, supply, and personnel reports.
a. The reconnaissance platoon presents complex, logistical considerations for the battalion staff. The reconnaissance platoon normally
operates forward of the battalion. It deploys earlier and stays away longer
than other battalion elements. During combat operations, the PSG coordinates directly with the 1SG or S4 to discuss support requirements and
b. The battalion staff plans and coordinates for all CSS. The logistical
plan is implemented by the battalion S4, support platoon leader, company
1SG, supply sergeant, PSG, and squad leader. The reconnaissance platoons SOP should address the duties and responsibilities to standardize
routine and recurring CSS operations. (See Appendix D.)
Proper handling of paperwork is necessary for both efficiency and morale.
The battalion PAC provides most of the administrative support. Information is passed from the reconnaissance platoon to the PAC through the
S1 or the PAC supervisor. Though the system is informal, the information
must be accurate and timely. The reconnaissance platoon administration
consists of personnel services and replacement operations.
a. Personnel Service Support. Although many of the services are
automatically provided, the reconnaissance platoon leader and PSG are
responsible for ensuring these services are provided for the reconnaissance platoon. Services include
Awards and decorations.
Leaves and passes.
Command information.

FM 7-92
Religious services.
Financial services.
Legal assistance.
Rest and relaxation.
(1) The reconnaissance PSG is responsible for reporting or requesting changes in personnel records, promotions and reductions, and classifications or reclassifications.
(2) Based on local SOP, a strength accounting report is sent to
battalion headquarters over the admin/log net, detailing strength by officer, enlisted, and attached personnel. These reports are used to determine
the quantity of rations, water, and ammunition for the reconnaissance
platoon; they must be accurate. At higher echelons, these reports determine who receives priority for replacement troops.
(3) A DA Form 1156 (Figure 8-1) is completed when a casualty
occurs or as soon as the tactical situation permits. Known information
should be completed on the form before a casually occurs. The form can
then be placed in a common location (for example, top pocket of BDU).
The soldiers squad leader usually prepares the form and gives it to the
PSG. The PSG then forwards the completed form to the battalion S1 or
medical personnel. A brief description is included on how the casualty
occurred, the place, the time, the activity performed, and who or what
inflicted the wound. If the squad leader does not have personal knowledge
of how the casualty occurred, he obtains this information from a soldier
who does. DA Forms 1155 and 1156 (Figure 8-2, page 8-4) are completed
within 24 hours or as soon as the tactical situation permits. This information is used to inform the casualtys next of kin and to provide a statistical
base for analysis of friendly or enemy tactics.
b. Replacement Operations. Integrating replacements into the reconnaissance platoon is important. Normally, reconnaissance platoon
replacements come from the rifle companies. This provides the platoon
with experienced soldiers who are familiar with a combat environment,
battalion SOPS, and the chain of command. The platoon leader and PSG
welcome each soldier to the platoon, explain the standards, and introduce
the soldier to his squad leader. The PSG obtains battle roster information
and ensures the company 1SG has the information.
(1) The squad leader introduces the soldier to the squad and then
briefs him on duty positions. He also ensures the soldier has a serviceable
weapon, ammunition, MOPP gear, and essential equipment. This in-briefing
also includes recent, current, and planned activities of the squad and platoon.

FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92
(2) The soldier is briefed on SOPs and special information concerning the area of operations. He may be given a form letter to send to his
next of kin. The letter tells them where to mail letters and packages, and
how to use the American Red Cross in emergencies, and it introduces the
chain of command.
Reconnaissance platoon logistics involve supply, transportation, and
maintenance. The chain of command must stay abreast with the status of
supplies and equipment.
a. Supply/Requests. The PSG coordinates and supervises the platoons logistical effort. He receives requests for supplies and equipment
from squad leaders, reviews them, and gives them to the supply sergeant
or to the appropriate battalion staff section, depending on the battalion
b. Ammunition Basic Load. The basic load is the total amount of
ammunition required to be on hand to meet combat needs until resupply
can be accomplished. A reconnaissance platoons basic load is different
from an infantry platoons basic load. The soldiers basic load includes
small-arms ammunition, grenades, M203 rounds, and possibly Claymores.
The platoon should not use large amounts of ammunition, except in cases
of self-defense. The platoon requests additional or special ammunition
through the battalion supply system.
c. Supply System. The supply systems consist of Classes I through IX.
(1) Class I (subsistence items and gratuitous issue health and welfare
items). MREs are carried by each soldier, usually a three- to five-day
supply. Hot meals are brought forward when possible if only to supplement MREs. All meals should be eaten in shifts but never in a centralized
location. During continuous or cold-weather operations, soldiers should
eat more than three meals a day; therefore, an extra food allowance is
planned. Water is not a Class I supply item, but is associated and delivered
with Class I. Water is delivered in water cans, disposable 5-quart bladders,
trailers, collapsible drums, or pillow tanks that are filled at the BSA
location. Aerial delivery of these containers can also be conducted. Depending on the environment, water can be one of the most critical supply
items in the area of operations. Soldiers must be prepared to use natural
water sources (after purifying) to help reduce the logistical burden. The
platoon should know how to find, test, and use water sources. (See
FM 21-76.) In areas where soldiers consume between 3 to 12 gallons of
water a day, resupply is a constant challenge. Soldiers must always top off
water containers, regardless of how little is needed.


FM 7-92
(2) Class II (items of equipment, other than principal items, which
are prescribed TDAs). Individual tools, individual equipment and clothing items, chemical lights, batteries, engineer tape, tentage, and housekeeping supplies are requested through the supply sergeant. The platoon
deploys with enough Class II items until resupply can occur. Leaders tailor
the soldiers load based on mission and ability for resupply.
(3) Class III (petroleum, oil, and lubricants). Class III is delivered to
the platoon during resupply operations. If the platoon uses vehicles, they
should be topped off whenever the tactical situation permits.
(4) Class IV (construction and barrier materials). Barrier materials,
such as lumber, sandbags, concertina or barbed wire, and pickets, are used
by the reconnaissance platoon for OPs and obstacles and to improve
fighting positions. These materials are requested through the battalion or
the company supply sergeant. They should be identified and requested
during planning.
(5) Class V (ammunition). Class V is delivered to the platoon during
resupply operations. Some ammunition is kept in the combat trains for
immediate issue. The ammunition configuration in regards to the soldiers
load is critical. The platoon leader weighs the soldiers carrying capabilities against the various equipment and supplies required for a particular
mission. Since the reconnaissance platoon engages with direct fire for
protection only, most of its load consists of reconnaissance and surveillance devices (NVDs, binoculars, radios) rather than ammunition.
(6) Class VI (personal demand items). In a combat environment,
Class VI may be sent with Class I as sundry packs, such as tobacco
products, candy, and toiletry articles.
(7) Class VII (major end items). Class VII is major equipment that is
assembled and ready (combat vehicles, missile launchers, HMMWVs, and
major weapons systems). Major end items that are destroyed are immediately reported to higher headquarters. A report serves as a request for
(8) Class VIII (medical material). Normally, Class VIII supply for the
reconnaissance platoon is provided by the supply section of the battalion
HHC. Normal supplies include medical supplies, such as first-aid dressings, refills for first-aid kits, water purification tablets, and foot powder.
The reconnaissance platoons combat lifesaver ensures that the platoon
has the necessary medical supplies to sustain it during combat operations.
The reconnaissance platoon does not have a combat aidman. In emergency situations, the battalion medical platoon may provide critically
needed supply items to combat lifesavers.
(9) Class IX (repair parts). Class IX is the basic load of repair parts
that is part of the combat PLL. The reconnaissance platoon may carry

FM 7-92
extra repair parts for items that are critical to mission accomplishment
(for example, antennas, handsets).
d. Resupply Techniques. The battalion staff (S4 and XO) develops a
plan for resupplying the reconnaissance platoon. The reconnaissance
platoon leader ensures that his logistical needs (present and future) are
addressed by the battalion. Without a workable plan, the combat effectiveness of the reconnaissance platoon diminishes. The reconnaissance
platoon leader analyzes the logistical plan with the same detail that he
does the tactical plan. The tactical situation dictates the methods used to
resupply and sustain the reconnaissance platoon.
(1) The reconnaissance platoon can use the nearest companys CSS
assets. The company commander must understand the importance of
supporting the reconnaissance platoon. The reconnaissance platoon
should have priority for supplies. This also applies when the reconnaissance platoon arrives during a resupply operation. This method strikes a
balance between the reconnaissance platoons ability to pull back for
resupply and the battalions ability to send supplies forward. Also, the
logistical planners for the company and battalion must include enough
supplies for the company and the reconnaissance platoon. The battalions
SOP should clearly state that the reconnaissance platoon has priority for
(2) Another method is to make the reconnaissance platoon responsible for his own supplies. Not only would the PSG coordinate for supplies, but he would also pickup, distribute, and return the LOGPAC. This
limits the platoon since it must operate without the PSG for extended
times. This is the easiest method of resupply for the battalion but the worst
for the reconnaissance platoon.
(3) Cache or pre-positioned supply points are used during R&S
(a) The criteria for selecting a cache point is important. When
selecting a possible cache point, consider if the point can be located by
simple instructions that are clear to someone who has never visited the
site. A point may be ideal in every respect but if it has no distinct or
permanent landmarks within a readily measurable distance, it should not
be used. The point should have a primary and alternate route that avoids
detection by anyone in the area. Also, consider the effects the weather will
have on the cache point. For example, seasonal changes in the foliage may
leave the point and routes exposed.
(b) Caches can be concealed above or below ground. An aboveground point is easier to use, but it is more likely to be discovered by the
enemy, civilians, or animals. There is always a security risk in using a cache
point; therefore, it should be inspected for enemy signs and secured before

FM 7-92
use. The cache site may have been booby-trapped, or it may be under
enemy observation.
(c) During reconnaissance, cache points can be established along the
intended route of advance or near the objective by advance elements.
These elements can be dismounted, airmobile, or vehicle-mounted. Special forces, allied forces, or partisans can setup these points; however, this
method is rarely used.
(d) During security operations, the reconnaissance platoon can set
up cache points throughout the area of operation. These points should be
in each alternate or supplementary OP, in addition to other locations
throughout the depth of the sector.
(e) During patrols, cache points can be setup early or during the
patrol itself. To avoid carrying a heavy load during an operation, soldiers
may drop items en route that are not needed at the objective, and then
recover them on their return. Often, wounded personnel or transportation assets (boats, vehicles) are left in addition to supplies. Security must
be maintained by using different routes, by ensuring items are camouflaged, or by leaving soldiers at the cache site to guard the supplies.
(4) Aerial supplies can be delivered by Air Force aircraft or by Army
helicopters. The container delivery system (CDS) is used by the Air Force.
(For more information on CDS operations, refer to FM 55-60. For more
information on the use of Army helicopters, refer to FM 57-38.) The
reconnaissance platoon should have soldiers that are trained in the use of
Air Force aircraft and Army helicopters. The airdrop of supplies poses
less risk to the aircraft; but this can result in supplies being widely
dispersed or lost, which increases the time needed for recovery and
resupply. Airlanding supplies is the quickest and most accurate way to
deliver. However, it poses an added risk to the helicopter and can attract
enemy infantry or artillery to the resupply point. Unless conducting
resupply in an area under friendly control and away from direct enemy
observation, the platoon should conduct resupply away from the battalion
and in an area that can be defended for a short time. The reconnaissance
platoon identifies potential LZs within its area of operations. These LZs
can be used for routine or emergency resupply, or for evacuation of
personnel and equipment. Once the reconnaissance platoon recovers its
resupply, it moves to another location to consume or distribute those
supplies. Security is always required during resupply operations.
Proper maintenance keeps all materiel in serviceable condition. This
includes performing PMCS, inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating. Repair and recovery are accomplished

FM 7-92
as far forward as possible. When equipment cannot be repaired on the
site, it is moved to the rear to a maintenance recovery point. Maintenance
tasks are divided into unit (operator and organizational), DS and GS, and
depot-level maintenance. The platoon leader, however, is mainly concerned with unit maintenance and repair of equipment in DS maintenance. Maintenance responsibilities are divided among the following
a. Platoon Leader. The platoon leader
(1) Ensures all platoon weapons and equipment (NVDs, mine detectors, communications equipment) are combat-ready or reported as nonmission capable to the commander.
(2) Knows the present status of equipment to include document
numbers and job order numbers. He informs the battalion staff when the
status of critical equipment changes.
(3) Develops and supervises a maintenance training program.
(4) Ensures equipment and soldiers have the appropriate TMs, and
that soldiers are trained and supervised to complete their maintenance
(5) Ensures unit-level PMCS are performed on assigned equipment
IAW the appropriate operators TMs.
b. Platoon Sergeant. The PSG
(1) Directs and supervises unit maintenance of platoon equipment.
(2) Helps the platoon leader comply with his responsibilities and
assumes them in his absence.
(3) Coordinates with the designated maintenance element for operator-level repair and requests organizational level maintenance and DS
level maintenance.
(4) Supervises and accounts for platoon personnel during maintenance periods.
(5) Ensures repair parts are used soon after receipt.
(6) Collects and consolidates the platoons maintenance status in the
field and gives the appropriate reports to maintenance personnel.
(7) Keeps the platoon leader informed of maintenance and logistics
c. Squad Leader. The squad leader
(1) Constantly updates the PSG on maintenance and logistical status
of squad equipment.
(2) Ensures DA Form 2404 is completed and updated IAW DA Pamphlet 738-750. Ensures priority of maintenance effort is to mission-essential

FM 7-92
(3) Ensures soldiers are properly trained in PMCS procedures and
PMCS are performed on equipment IAW the applicable TM.
Recovery is required when equipment is damaged and cannot be quickly
repaired on site. Damaged or inoperable equipment should be evacuated;
when this is not possible, the equipment is destroyed.
a. Evacuation. Most damaged equipment can be carried by the platoon until it can be picked up by battalion or by company support
b. Destruction. Instructions for destroying each item of equipment
are found in the operators TMs. The reconnaissance platoon leader
requests permission from the commander before destroying any equipment. When communications fail, the platoon leader must use his judgment to decide whether equipment evacuation is possible.
The reconnaissance platoon has a limited ability to evacuate casualties.
Emphasis is on prevention since soldiers can become combat ineffective
due to disease and nonbattle injuries. Evacuation of multiple casualties
makes the platoon combat ineffective (two personnel are normally required to evacuate one serious casualty). By understanding and applying
the principles of field hygiene, by preventing weather-related injuries, and
by paying attention to environmental conditions, leaders are able to
reduce casualties. (See FM 21-10 and FM 21-11.)
a. Health and Hygiene. Any litter casualty within a squad severely
degrades that squads ability to perform its mission. Squad leaders must
maintain high standards of health and hygiene by ensuring soldiers
Shave daily so the protective masks will seal.
Bathe and change clothes regularly to prevent disease.
Treat cuts and scratches before they become infected.
Check hands and feet regularly to avoid trench foot,
blisters, frostbite, or immersion foot.
Drink water and eat balanced meals.
b. Casualties. The platoon leader must plan for casualty treatment,
evacuation, and positioning of established casualty collection points in
the area of operations. Coordination between the platoon leader, PSG,
and supporting medical platoon must be accomplished before the mission. Soldiers and leaders must be trained in first-aid procedures. Training
of combat lifesavers is essential to providing enhanced first-aid treatment
for casualties due to the lack of MOS-qualified medical personnel.

FM 7-92
(1) Treatment of serious casualties entails stabilizing the soldier
until evacuation is conducted. Selected squad members are trained as
combat lifesavers to assist in treating and evacuating casualties. Squad
members are part of the platoons aid and litter team(s), and assist with
first-aid treatment as a secondary mission. Their first priority is the
combat mission. The PSG supervises this process.
(2) Casualties are treated where they fall (or under nearby cover and
concealment) by an aidman (if attached) or combat lifesaver. They are
then collected at the platoon casualty collection point, which is identified
by the platoon leader in the OPORD. Once casualties are collected,
treated, and ranked by precedence (separated into urgent, priority, and
routine cases), the evacuation begins. Casualties are evacuated from the
platoon casualty collection point by any means available. HMMWV
ambulances or helicopters are the primary transportation assets used for
evacuation. Ambulances (ground and air) should pick up casualties as far
forward as possible or as the tactical situation permits. Deceased soldiers
are evacuated by backhaul on supply vehicles, not in ambulances or
MEDEVAC helicopters. (Figure 8-3, page 8-12 is an example of the
format used when requesting air MEDEVAC.)
(3) In rough terrain or on patrols, aid and litter teams can evacuate
casualties to collection points, or they can carry casualties with the platoon until transportation arrives. Casualties with minor wounds can
either walk or assist in carrying the seriously wounded.
(4) The platoon SOP includes the following:
Duties and responsibilities of key personnel in planning
and executing casualty evacuation.
Priorities of evacuation.
Provisions for retrieving and safeguarding weapons,
ammunition, and equipment.
(5) Paragraph 4 of the OPORD should provide the following:
Location of casualty collection points (battalion,
company, platoon).
Procedures and responsibilities for MEDEVAC.
Planned use of nonmedical transportation assets
for evacuation.
Procedures for treating and evacuating EPWs and
civilian casualties.
Communication nets for evacuation requests.


FM 7-92


Prisoners of war are good sources of combat information. EPWs are
processed and quickly evacuated to the rear. When enemy soldiers surrender or are captured, the squad is responsible for taking them into
custody and control until evacuation is completed.
a. Enemy. The platoon leader directs squads to take EPWs to an
intermediate collection point. The EPWs are then turned over to other
personnel (company or 1SG with guards) who evacuate them to the
battalion collection point. If no one is available, squads are directed to
evacuate EPWs to a collection point. This method should be avoided since

FM 7-92
it detracts from the platoons ability to accomplish its main purposereconnaissance. If an EPW is wounded and cannot be evacuated through
medical channels, the platoon leader notifies battalion.
(1) A surrendering enemy soldier should never be approached. He
could have a weapon hidden nearby, or he could be booby-trapped. The
enemy soldier is gestured forward until there is no doubt that he is
surrendering, rather than trying to lure friendly soldiers into an ambush.
A thermal sight maybe used to locate possible ambushes. When searching
an EPW, one soldier covers the EPW with a weapon, while another soldier
searches him. Soldier must not wear a weapon when searching the EPW.
The searching soldier must not get between the EPW and the soldier
covering him.
(2) The rights of EPWs have been established by international law,
which the US has agreed to obey. Once an enemy soldier shows he wants
to surrender, he should be treated humanely. It is a court-martial offense
to physically or mentally harm, mistreat, or needlessly expose an EPW to
(3) The senior officer or NCO on the scene is legally responsible for
the care of EPWs, ensuring EPWs are processed using the five S
principles search, segregate, silence, speed, and safeguard. If the reconnaissance platoon cannot evacuate an EPW within a short time, food,
water, and medical treatment must be provided. The EPW is not offered
nonessential comfort items such as coffee or cigarettes. This could affect
the interrogation procedures.
(4) Before evacuating the EPW, a tag (Figure 8-4, page 8-14) is
attached to him. Tags maybe issued or made from materials available on
the battlefield. (See STANAG 2044.)
(5) Captured enemy documents and equipment are excellent sources
of information. Documents include maps, orders, records, or photographs. If captured items are not properly handled, the information could
be lost or delayed until it is useless. Documents and equipment are
evacuated to the battalion collection point as rapidly as possible. Each
item is tagged (Figure 8-5, page 8-15). If the item was found on an EPW,
his name is included on the tag, and the item is given to the guard. The
guard delivers the item and the EPW to the battalion collection point.
b. Civilians. Civilians who are captured as the result of curfew violations or suspicious actions are detained and treated the same as EPWs.
The platoon evacuates them to the battalion collection point, using the
five S principles.
c. Enemy Prisoners of War. Evacuation of EPWs can be a time-consuming process. The platoon leader notifies battalion and requests guidance when mission accomplishment is hampered due to this process.

FM 7-92


FM 7-92


The soldiers load is a crucial concern of the reconnaissance platoon
leader. How much is carried, how far, and in what configuration are
important mission considerations. The platoon leader should require
soldiers to carry only mission-essential equipment. The reconnaissance
platoon cannot be overloaded with equipment that covers all possible
contingencies. The battalion supply system must be able to deliver contingency supplies. (For more information on load planning, calculating,
and management, see FM 21-18.) (Techniques used to assist leaders and
soldiers in organizing tactical loads to ensure safety and combat effective
are discussed in Appendix D.)


FM 7-92, C1

The rapid growth of the number and size of urban
centers, especially in regions of political instability,
increases the likelihood that US forces will be called upon
to conduct MOUT.
Defense Science Board, October 1996
By the year 2010, seventy-five percent of the worlds population could
live in urban areas. Thus, urban areas comprise the most likely future
battlefield, so US forces will most likely fight in urban areas.
This chapter discusses general planning considerations for the
reconnaissance platoon and squad. It also discusses tactics, techniques,
and procedures for reconnaissance operations in urban areas.
Urban operations (UO) are not new to the US Army. Throughout
history, the Infantry soldier has fought many enemies on urban terrain.
What is new? Urban areas and populations grew so much in the late 20th
Century that they figure more importantly in military operations now than
ever before. Worldwide shifts from rural to urban societies and the
requirement to switch back and forth between combat operations versus
stability or support operations have affected US Army doctrine.
The battalion headquarters reconnaissance platoon will conduct assigned missions as part
of a battalion TF. This section outlines considerations to help the reconnaissance platoon
reconnoiter and provide security for the battalion in urban operations. It describes
characteristics unique to the urban environment and to a threat operating in an urban
environment. Finally, it discusses factors the platoon leader must consider while
preparing for and planning the operation.
The reconnaissance platoon reconnoiters in urban environments to obtain critical
information for the battalion TF. The platoon must clearly understand its IR and how they
relate to higher headquarters intent. The platoon might have to conduct a terrain-oriented
reconnaissance, which would focus on the multidimensional aspect of the urban area. The
platoon might instead orient on the enemy. In that case, the platoon would isolate an
urban area in a high-threat environment. Either way, it should give the TF commander
enough information to understand the urban environment that he faces.
a. Entering or operating in an urban environment poses a significant threat to
reconnaissance soldiers unless the platoon prepares and plans properly. The platoon
thoroughly analyzes the urban environment and the threat before starting a
reconnaissance operation. During the preparation phase, the reconnaissance platoon
determines its reconnaissance objectives and conducts an urban IPB (see FM 34-130). It


FM 7-92, C1

collects and analyzes existing map and aerial images (IMINT) as well as all HUMINT.
Then it develops the situation.
b. An urban IPB is crucial to planning an urban operation. Reconnaissance units
must identify all relevant forces, the strengths and critical vulnerabilities of those forces,
and the critical, precise locations in the urban area that could, if controlled, provide a
tactical advantage. The IPB effort must address the impact of noncombatants, whose
presence in the urban area could be substantial and dynamic. Determining the ethnic and
religious composition of the population and, if possible, its intent (for example, to flee or
to remain) could prove crucial. In urban combat operations, the reconnaissance platoon
must focus on achieving informational and situational understanding for the TF. Some of
the tasks it might perform include
Determining enemy locations and current activity.
Determining trafficability of routes.
Identifying adjacent and alternate routes.
Identifying subterranean openings and their systems.
Establishing and maintaining communications.
Each operational environment has distinct characteristics, and urban areas are the most
complex. Two main factors complicate urban operations: The first is the fabricated
terrain and its supporting infrastructure; the second is the density of noncombatants close
to combat forces. The latter is more important due to the human dimension, but that same
dimension also makes it more confusing. HUMINT reveals what the local populace
thinks about the friendly and threat forces. This information helps frame the TF
reconnaissance effort.
a. Categories of Urban Areas. An urban area concentrates structures, facilities, and
people, which together form the economic and cultural focus of the area. Each of the five
categories of urban areas affects operations. With its associated urban sprawl, a city,
metropolis, or megalopolis can cover hundreds of square kilometers. In areas this large,
brigades and below normally operate as part of a larger force. However, extensive
combat in these large urban areas involves units of division level and above.
(1) Village. A village has 3,000 inhabitants or less. A brigade AO (area of operations)
can include many villages. As a normal part of brigade operations, the brigade units
bypass, move through, defend from, and attack objectives within villages.
(2) Town. A town has 3,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, but is not part of a major urban
complex. Operations in such areas normally involve brigades or divisions. As part of
division operations, brigades bypass, move through, defend in, or attack enemy forces
within towns.
(3) City. A city has 100,000 to 1 million inhabitants.
(4) Metropolis. A metropolis has between 1 and 10 million inhabitants.
(5) Megalopolis. A megalopolis has over 10 million inhabitants.
b. Urban Zones. The S2 will subdivide the AO and the area of interest (AI) into
appropriate types of zones (see FM 34-130).
(1) City Core. The city core is its downtown or central business districtthe heart of
the city. This area is relatively small and compact. It contains a large percentage of the
citys shops, offices, and public institutions as well as its highest density of multistory


FM 7-92, C1

buildings and subterranean areas. Today, typical city cores consist of buildings that vary
greatly in height. Also, most cities have developed their core zones more than their core
periphery zones. Thus, city cores usually differ greatly from their peripheries. The two
most common construction patterns used in city core zones are:
(a) Dense Random Construction. In this typical, old, inner-city pattern, many narrow
and winding streets radiate at random from a central area. Buildings stand close together
and are often close to the road.
(b) Close Orderly Block Construction. Wider streets form mostly rectangular
patterns. Buildings often form a continuous front along the blocks. Inner-block
courtyards are common.
(2) Core Periphery. The core periphery is located at the edges of the city core. Its
streets vary from 12 to 20 meters wide and have continuous fronts of brick or concrete
buildings. In small towns, the buildings range between two and three stories high. In
large cities, they range from five to ten stories. The two most common construction
patterns used in core periphery zones are the same as those described for the city core:
dense random construction and close orderly block construction.
(3) Dispersed Residential Area. In Europe, this type area normally occurs next to
close-orderly block areas. It has row houses or single-family dwellings with yards,
gardens, trees, and fences. Streets normally form rectangular or curving patterns.
(4) High-Rise Area. Typical of modern construction in larger cities and towns, this
type area consists of multistoried apartments, separated open areas, and single-story
buildings. Wide streets form rectangular patterns. These areas are often located right next
to industrial or transportation areas. Sometimes they intersperse with close-orderly
block areas.
(5) Industrial-Transportation Area. These areas generally occur along major rail and
highway routes in urban complexes. Some older complexes exist within dense randomly
constructed or close-orderly block areas. New construction normally consists of low, flatroofed factory and warehouse buildings. Throughout the Orient, adjacent high-rise areas
provide worker housing. The platoon must identify all transportation facilities in these
areas, because all of them, especially rail yards, pose significant obstacles to military
(6) Permanent or Fixed Fortifications. These include any of several different types
of fortifications, including such isolated forts as the Hue Citadel (Viet Nam) and the
German fortifications around Metz. They can also include fortified lines such as the
Siegfried and Maginot Lines. Though most are in Western Europe, many are also in the
Balkans, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and South America. Most such fortifications in
the United States were built for coastal defense. Permanent fortifications are made of
earth, wood, rock, brick, concrete, steel-reinforced concrete, or any combination of these.
Some of the latest variants are built underground using heavy tank or warship armor;
their armament includes major caliber and other weapons; they have internal
communications, service facilities, and NBC overpressure systems.
(7) Shantytowns. Shantytowns seldom follow any of the previously described urban
patterns. They occur in many different zones in urban areas. Many underdeveloped
countries have small towns and villages, but few large cities. Shantytown structures are
made of materials ranging from cardboard to concrete block. People in arid regions build


FM 7-92, C1

with adobe, which consists of earthenware bricks, sometimes reinforced with straw. Even
larger cities can have shantytowns around their perimeters.
(a) These structurally unsound buildings have no common floor pattern, and they
seldom have more than one room. Firing a round into one of these substandard structures
could result in overpenetration. That is, the round could penetrate the walls of more than
one building. This could endanger friendly forces as well as noncombatants. When firing
into these types of areas, using reduced or no explosive charges prevents structural
damage or complete destruction. Fires are also more likely to develop and spread
in shantytowns.
(b) Depending upon the type of operation, temporary structures such as those found
in shantytowns can either increase or decrease mobility, compared to other sections of an
urban area. A unit with armored vehicles can easily knock down and traverse simple
structures without affecting mobility at all. However, destroying them can cause
unacceptable civilian casualties. In this case, the shantytown restricts mobility, because
few, if any, vehicles can travel its narrow paths. Regardless, commanders must carefully
consider the effects of their operations in this area, to include vehicles and weapons. The
weak structures afford little protection, which increases the risk of fratricide, civilian
casualties, and large, rapidly spreading fires.
Urban areas mainly consist of man-made features, such as buildings, which provide cover
and concealment, limit fields of observation and fire, and block movement of forces-especially mechanized or armored forces. Thick-walled buildings provide ready-made,
fortified positions. Thin-walled buildings could offer important fields of observation and
fire. Another important aspect of the urban battle space is that it complicates, confuses,
and degrades the commanders ability to identify and control his forces. All of these
factors affect the urban battlespace.
a. Commanders and leaders can enhance situational understanding by maintaining a
clear understanding of their urban battlespace (Figure 9-1), which includes:
(1) Urban Airspace. Airspace offers a rapid avenue of approach into an urban area.
Obstacles such as rubble, vehicles, or constructed barriers do not affect aviation assets.
However, pilots must avoid power lines, towers, sign poles, and billboards. To ensure
improved flight planning, reconnaissance elements can locate, identify, and report
these obstacles.
(2) Supersurface. The term supersurface refers only to the top, roof, or apex of a
structure. These areas can provide cover and concealment, limit or enhance observation
and fields of fire, and, depending on the situation, can enhance, restrict, canalize, or block
movement. Historically, most movement within the urban environment has been on the
surface or between supersurfaces (from rooftop to rooftop). Supersurface areas can
provide excellent concealed positions for snipers, automatic weapons, light and medium
antitank weapons, and man-portable air defense systems. In many cases, they enable topdown attacks against the weakest points of armored vehicles (their decks) and
unsuspecting aircraft (their underbellies).
(3) Intrasurface. The term intrasurface refers to the floors within the structural
framework, that is, all areas between ground level (surface) and the structures permanent
roof or apex (supersurface). It includes all interior surfaces. Historically, the most


FM 7-92, C1

numerous and most intense combat engagements occur in this intrasurface area, which is
a diverse and complex combat environment. The intrasurface of a building greatly limits
reconnaissance and surveillance but, at the same time, enhances cover and concealment.
Some intrasurface areas have mobility corridors within and between structures at upper
levels. These corridors can conceal snipers, automatic weapons, light and medium
antitank weapons, and man-portable, air-defense systems. In many cases, intrasurfaces
allow top-down attacks against the weakest points of armored vehicles (their decks) and
unsuspecting aircraft (their underbellies).
(4) Surface. This includes all ground-, street-, and water-level surfaces. Streets and
open areas provide a rapid approach for ground movement in urban terrain. Buildings
canalize units that try to move along the streets. This leaves the unit little room to move.
Conversely, the enemy can observe and engage forces that move across large open areas
such as parks, athletic fields, and parking areas.
(5) Subsurface. This includes all underwater and subterranean areas such as subways,
sewers, public utility systems, and cellars. Dismounted elements can move through
subsurface areas. Both attacker and defender can use subterranean routes to outflank or
turn the opposition, or to infiltrate, ambush, counterattack, and sustain operations. Some
urban subsurface systems are hard to find, but can still play an important role in the
outcome of operations.

Figure 9-1. Urban battle space.


FM 7-92, C1

b. Reconnaissance platoon and squad leaders must be able to identify building types,
construction materials, and building designs, and they must understand the effectiveness
and limitations of weapons against each of these. They must also be able to communicate
this information to the battalion so that the battalion staff can understand and visualize
the three-dimensional battle space. As friendly and enemy forces and civilians move, and
as weather and environmental conditions change, leaders in the reconnaissance platoon
and squad keep up with the changes to the battle space. Timely reporting of any changes
in the area of operations will allow for the movement of assault, support, and breaching
elements in the offense; the repositioning of platoons and squads in the defense; and
synchronization of CS and CSS assets. Other factors that affect the urban
battlespace include
Casualty evacuation procedures.
Resupply procedures.
Procedures for handling of enemy prisoners of war.
Procedures for handling of noncombatants.
Rules of Engagement.
Weather conditions.
Battlefield obscuration.
Movement of vehicles.
Many characteristics distinguish UO from other environments.
a. Technology. US technological advantages contribute little to urban operations.
(1) Air Power. Air power offers little help to Infantry units fighting from buildings,
because an adept enemy hugs the opposition to deny them use of overwhelming
(2) Training and Equipment. The training and equipment used against a mobile,
armored threat might work poorly in urban operations.
b. Size of the Fight. Urban combat is primarily a small-unit Infantry fight.
Accomplishing the mission requires lots of Infantry. Regardless, combined arms must
support the Infantry. For this reason, the reconnaissance platoon performs its traditional
mission as the eyes and ears of the battalion commander. Well in advance of the
operation, the platoon must locate and identify the enemys disposition, strength, and
weakness. This information helps the commander develop the battalions operational
c. Decentralization. Infantry urban combat is primarily a squad and platoon fight
characterized by individual, moment-to-moment decisions. That is why ROE training is
important. Commanders and leaders help by anticipating what the soldiers will need to
accomplish the mission. Their goals include speed, precision, and keeping to a minimum
the number of soldiers in close combat with the enemy.
d. Characteristics of Urban Threat. Snipers, grenade launchers, booby traps, and
rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) constitute the greatest threats in urban combat.
Soldiers can expect to find booby traps on doorways, windows, and entrances to
underground passageways.


FM 7-92, C1

e. Changing Conditions. In UO, reconnaissance platoons and squads execute

missions in changing conditions. For example, switching from stability and support
operations to combat operations changes operational conditions from high-intensity to
precision, or vice-versa. Political and threat situations determine when this change must
occur. The reconnaissance platoon receives ROE changes from its parent battalion
headquarters. These changes normally require the platoon to modify the way it fights in
urban areas. Squads and platoons select different TTP based on the conditions they face.
The ROE ultimately determine these conditions for the reconnaissance platoon
and squad.
f. Limited Observation. The density of urban terrain limits the fields of
observation substantially. Therefore, the distances at which the reconnaissance teams
acquire and identify enemy positions and personnel drop greatly. To achieve a broad
range of visibility across the battalion sector during a screen, the reconnaissance squads
occupy several OPs at once. To reconnoiter an area, a zone, or a route effectively in UO,
R&S teams must adapt their practices.
g. Small-Unit Battles. The closeness of urban operations increases the likelihood
that the enemy will detect the reconnaissance team. Because some urban areas offer poor
concealment and cover, the enemy is most likely to detect soldiers moving through urban
areas. He is far less likely to detect soldiers operating from static positions inside
buildings. If compromised in urban terrain, reconnaissance teams and squads can become
isolated or at least feel isolated. When this happens, a break-contact drill becomes a series
of small-unit battles. Soldiers and squad or team leaders must have the initiative, skill,
and courage to accomplish their missions while isolated from their parent units.
Individual soldiers train physically and psychologically for this type of operation.
h. Communications. Urban operations require centralized planning and
decentralized execution. Therefore, effective vertical and horizontal communications are
critical. Leaders must trust their subordinates initiative and skill, which can only come
from training. The state of a units training and cohesion are vital, decisive factors in the
execution of operations in urban areas.
(1) Radio. Structures and a high concentration of electrical power lines normally
degrade radio communications in urban areas. The construction materials in many
buildings prevent radio waves from passing through them. Units often have too few
radios to communicate with subordinate elements as they enter buildings and move
through urban canyons and defiles.
(2) Visual Signals. The platoon can use visual signals, which are often ineffective
due to the screening effects of buildings, walls, and other vertical structures. Leaders
must plan, widely disseminate, and ensure understanding by all assigned, attached, or
OPCON units.
(3) Sound Signals. Increased noise makes the effective use of sound signals difficult.
Also, verbal signals may communicate the location and intent of the unit to the enemy.
(4) Messengers. Messengers are slow and susceptible to enemy fire when moving
between buildings or crossing streets.
(5) Wire. Wire is the best way to control the defense of an urban area. Given
sufficient assets, it offers an alternative means of communications during offensive
operations. Its weakness is its vulnerability to damage from falling or flying debris,
exploding munitions, and moving vehicles.


FM 7-92, C1

i. High Expenditure of Ammunition. Reconnaissance platoons conducting UO

should increase the individual combat load and the types of ammunition they carry. Due
to the increased likelihood of compromise and the chance of isolation, reconnaissance
elements might need more firepower to break contact with a pursuing enemy element.
Short ranges to and briefly exposed targets, limited visibility, constant engagements, and
the requirement to suppress enemy fire indicate the need for each squad to carry an AT4,
a LAW, extra rifle ammunition, 40-mm grenades, hand grenades, and explosives. They
will need all of these, and plenty of them.


j. Increased Casualties. Before deploying into urban areas, leaders make sure the
soldiers know basic first aid and preventive medicine. Casualties in urban operations are
higher than in other types of terrain due to the following:
(1) Accidents. More casualties result from shattered glass, falling debris, rubble,
ricochets, urban fires, and falls from heights than from actual combat engagements.
(2) Situational Awareness. Difficulty in maintaining situational awareness also
increases casualties, because leaders find preventing fratricide more difficult if they do
not know the locations of other friendly personnel.
(3) Psychological Illnesses. Stress naturally contributes to the number of accidents,
fratricide incidents, and illnesses. Stress can also trigger other, latent psychological
(4) Physical Illnesses or Environmental Hazards. Nonbattle injuries result from
illnesses, environmental hazards, unsanitary conditions, contaminated water, toxic
industrial materials, and so forth.
k. Three-Dimensional Terrain. Friendly and threat forces operate in a
three-dimensional battle space. Engagements can occur above, on, or below the surface,
or inside or outside buildings. Another complicating factor is that both friendly and
enemy forces can control different floors or portions of multistory buildings.


FM 7-92, C1

l. Reliance on Human Intelligence. Until they have a better way to gather

information, leaders need HUMINT. Reconnaissance efforts of battalion and brigade
assets can help. So can the shaping operations executed by division or joint TF assets.
Companies and below normally rely on information received from human sources such as
from the reconnaissance platoon or from their own R&S efforts. The battalion staff gives
the reconnaissance platoon a list of PIR. These help the commander make decisions while
planning operations. Examples of the PIR are:
Locations of enemy command posts.
When defending, locations of the most likely enemy avenues of approach.
Streets and alleys that restrict movement of armored and wheeled vehicles.
Locations of likely enemy strong points and engagement areas.
Enemys air defense capability against friendly aircraft.
m. Need to Isolate Critical Points. During offensive operations, companies and
platoons assault buildings; squads clear the buildings and the rooms. The unit seldom has
enough assets to isolate large parts of the urban area. Therefore, it couples an aggressive
and effective reconnaissance plan with skillful use of direct and indirect fires, obscurants,
and maneuver to isolate key buildings or parts of buildings, to secure footholds, and
to clear.
n. Snipers. Historically, snipers have been very useful in urban operations. They
provide long- and short-range precision fires and can help the company and platoon
isolate the enemy. They provide precision fires during stability operations (Section III).
Used properly, the snipers observation capability supports the battalion
reconnaissance mission.
The increasing availability of sophisticated technology has created unorthodox tactics for
exploiting potential opponents. These tactics seek to counter the technological and
numerical advantages of US joint systems and forces. They also seek to exploit the
constraints placed on US forces due to cultural bias, media presence, ROE, and distance
from the crisis location. To offset their inherent weaknesses, enemy forces seek an
advantage in urban terrain. They remain dispersed and decentralized, and they adapt their
tactics to counter a US response. They range from units equipped with small arms,
mortars, machine guns, antiarmor weapons, and mines up to very skilled mechanized and
armored forces with the latest equipment. While the active threats will vary widely, many
techniques will be common to all. Figure 9-2 shows some tactics available to potential
threats that oppose US forces in urban areas.

Use the population to advantage.

Win the information war.
Manipulate key facilities.
Use all dimensions.
Employ urban-oriented weapons.
Engage the entire force.
Focus attacks on service support and unprotected

Figure 9-2. Urban threat tactics.


FM 7-92, C1

a. Use the Population to Advantage. When developing the situation, the platoon
leader should consider the urban populace to be a key factor. The force it supports will
have a distinct advantage. Future urban battlefields can expect to have large segments of
the populace still in place, as it was in Budapest, Hungary and Grozny, Chechnya.
Infantry units conducting urban stability and support operations will certainly expect to
conduct missions in and among the residents of the area.
(1) Threat forces can use the local population to support their deception plan.
Guerrillas, terrorists, paramilitary, and even conventional soldiers might take on the
appearance of the local population, even to the extent of growing facial hair, if needed.
(2) Threat forces will try to take advantage of the USs sense of moral responsibility
by trying to burden the Armys logistical and force-protection resources with
responsibility for the civil population. To do this, they could herd refugees into friendlycontrolled sectors, steal from US-paid local nationals, and hide themselves among
civilians during offensive operations.
(3) The civil population can also provide intelligence to threat forces. Local hires
serving among US soldiers, civilians with access to base camp perimeters, and refugees
moving through friendly-controlled sectors could provide information about friendly
dispositions, readiness, and intent. In addition, threat special-purpose forces and hostile
intelligence-service assets try to move among well-placed civilian groups.
b. Win the Information War. Threat forces try just as hard to win the information
war as they do to win politically and militarily.
(1) Portable video cameras, Internet, commercial radios, and cellular telephones are
all venues where threat forces can tell their story. They can stage and broadcast fictitious
American atrocities and send e-mail to groups sympathetic to friendly forces. In either
case, the purpose is to undermine the resolveand therefore also the actual supportof
supporting friendly forces. Internet web sites provide easy worldwide dissemination of
threat propaganda and misinformation. Threat hackers could try to gain access to US sites
in order to manipulate information to their own advantage.
(2) The threat can use the news media skillfully. For example, insurgent campaigns
need not succeed tactically or militarily. To gain domestic and world support, they need
only make the oppositions campaign seem unpalatable. The media coverage of the Tet
Offensive of 1968 affected the will of both the American people and their political
leadership. Although the battle for Hue was a tactical victory for the US, the North
Vietnamese clearly achieved strategic success by searing the American consciousness
with the high costs of urban warfare.
c. Manipulate Key Facilities. Threat forces can identify and quickly seize control
of critical components of the urban area. This helps them shape the battlespace to their
own ends.
(1) Telephones. Telephone exchanges provide simple and reliable communications
that anyone can secure easily using off-the-shelf technologies.
(2) Sewage and Flood Facilities. The threat can use sewage treatment plants and
flood-control machinery to implement weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or to render
sections of the urban area uninhabitable.
(3) Broadcast Media. Media stations significantly improve the information
operations position of the controlling force.


FM 7-92, C1

(4) Power Plants. Power generation and transmission sites provide means to control
significant aspects of civilian society over a large area.
d. Use the Three Dimensions of Urban Terrain. The threat will operate
throughout the urban environment.
(1) Upper floors and roofs make excellent observation points and battle positions
whose height might exceed the height to which many weapons can elevate. Engagements
from upper floors strike armored vehicles in some of their most vulnerable locations
their top deck(s), hatches, and, in some cases, in their gunners stations.
(2) Basements provide firing points below the level that many weapons can depress.
They too allow fire at armored vehicles weak belly armor.
(3) Sewers and subways provide covered and concealed access throughout the area
of operations.
e. Employ Urban-Oriented Weapons. Whether designed or adapted for urban use,
many weapons are quite useful in an urban environment. They reflect the varied nature of
the urban environment. Small, man-portable weapons and improvised munitions
dominate the urban environment. Figure 9-3 shows some of the weapons the threat favors
in urban operations.

Weapons with no minimum depression or maximum

Grenade launchers (automatic and rifle mounted).
RPGs and other shoulder-fired ATGMs.
Weapons with little or no backblast (gas-metered,
soft launch, and so on).
Sniper rifles.
Machine guns.
Flame and incendiary weapons.
Riot-control and tranquilizer gasses.
Mines and booby traps.

Figure 9-3. Favored weapons for urban operations.

f. Engage the Entire Enemy Force. To avoid the effects of high-firepower standoff
weapon systems, threat forces might hug units operating in an urban area. They might
also try to keep all or a large part of the unit engaged in continuous operations to increase
the susceptibility to stress-induced illnesses. UO, by their nature, produce an inordinate
amount of combat stress casualties, and continuous operations exacerbate this problem.
The threat can keep a large reserve to reduce the effect of combat stress on its own forces.
g. Focus Attacks on Service Support and Unprotected Soldiers. Threat forces
might prey on soldiers poorly trained in basic Infantry skills. Ambushes might focus on
such soldiers during resupply or movement in poorly guarded convoys. The threat uses
the separation of small groups and the navigational challenges that characterize urban
operations to inflict maximum casualties. They will do this even when they stand to gain
no other direct military benefit from the action. Therefore, during certain types of UO,
Infantry units could find themselves providing security for logistical units.


FM 7-92, C1


Some Third World nations modernize their armed forces by acquiring new technologies.
Future conflicts could involve Third World forces armed with state-of-the-art weapon
systems. Projected future threat force capabilities include
a. New munitions such as fuel air explosives (FAE), enhanced blast, thermobaric,
intense light, and other improved ballistic technologies.
b. Systems with interchangeable warheads, some designed for urban combat.
c. Precision-guided munitions.
d. Robotics.
e. Day or night target-acquisition systems.
f. Elevated gun systems.
g. Improved engineering abilities to breach or emplace obstacles.
h. Soft-launch handheld antitank and flame weapons.
i. Nonlethal incapacitating chemical or biological agents used by
conventional forces.
j. Lethal chemical or biological agents used as an asymmetric threat.
k. Improved self-protection (body armor).
l. Improved communications.
Along with a detailed picture of the urban terrain, the reconnaissance platoon must
provide the commander with an in-depth description of the civilian population to include
composition, activities, and attitudes. This information helps the staff develop and
analyze plans.
a. Information requirements for the platoon with a multidimensional focus include
Political affiliations and grievances.
Cultural distinctions.
Living conditions.
Religious beliefs.
Attitudes towards US forces (friendly, neutral, and hostile).
b. The platoon leader analyzes the information collected and assesses various ways
to control the impact of civilians on the mission. He can recommend that higher
headquarters screen or evacuate civilians, prohibit unauthorized movement, divert or
control refugee movements, or any combination of these. Higher headquarters relies on
his information and analysis to help them determine COAs.
The primary role of the reconnaissance platoon is to gather information about the enemy
and the terrain, and, to a lesser degree, to provide security. The reconnaissance platoon
leader and his subordinates know how the multidimensional battlespace will affect their
mission. Conducting a reconnaissance mission on urban terrain is, for the most part, the


FM 7-92, C1

same as on any other terrain. However, reconnaissance elements must adjust to

differences in their standing operating procedures (SOP) and TTP, based on the unique
characteristics of the urban terrain.
During the planning phase, the reconnaissance platoon leader assesses the assigned
reconnaissance objectives and conducts an urban IPB. To begin developing the situation,
the platoon collects and analyzes existing intelligence, including map and aerial images
(IMINT) and HUMINT. The platoon will begin mapping of the urban area as part of the
planning phase.
a. Urban Maps. Before entering an urban environment, reconnaissance units
develop urban operations sketches. These reconnaissance products, usually created as
overlays, serve several purposes. They provide an important supplement to existing maps,
which seldom show the detail needed for effective situational awareness. The sketches
allow the platoon leader to track his elements with greater accuracy and to give precise
location updates to higher headquarters. When he finishes the operations sketch, he hands
it over to higher headquarters for use by leaders and soldiers at all levels of the operation.
In developing his sketches and overlays, he should try to gain access to the city planners
or civil engineers maps. They provide accurate, detailed information about the urban
area. Then, the platoon conducts an initial map reconnaissance and an aerial photographic
reconnaissance. They pinpoint key terrain and other important locations in the AO.
Figure 9-4 shows an example of this photographic reconnaissance, which focuses on
three specific types of areas:
(1) Safe Havens. Areas that could serve as safe haven for threat forces. Examples
include hospitals, police stations, embassies, and any other nominally friendly facilities
that could harbor threat elements.
(2) Hazardous Areas. Hazardous areas such as construction sites, dangerous
intersections, bridges, and areas of criminal activity.
(3) Key or Critical Areas. Key or critical areas, including but not limited to bridges,
parks, industrial complexes, and airports.

Figure 9-4. Initial photographic reconnaissance in urban operations.


FM 7-92, C1

b. Refinement of Data. After the platoon completes its basic reconnaissance, they
use any available maps and photographs to refine the information. They translate what
they know into a form they can transfer to the urban operations sketch. In the process,
they incorporate a reference system to identify buildings and streets. Simple naming and
numbering conventions, such as assigning odd numbers to buildings on the left side of
the street and even numbers to those on the right, simplify orientation and navigation.
The platoon leader should avoid using street names, because they can change and because
the threat could move street signs to confuse friendly soldiers.
(1) The scouts add graphic control measures and identify sites of tactical and
operations significance (Figure 9-5). The platoon leader uses the accumulated
information to develop a detailed urban operations sketch (Figure 9-6). He must ensure
that the platoons sketches are consistent with those used at higher levels. In addition, he
can develop more than one type of operational overlay, depending on the information
collected. Example overlays (Figures 9-7 through 9-9, pages 9-16 through 9-18) show
terrain conditions, likely threat positions, and subterranean infrastructure.
(2) The platoon leader distributes the sketches and overlays both within the unit and
to higher and adjacent elements. Because individual reconnaissance squads might have to
execute operations on their own, the platoon leader must ensure that every soldier
understands the sketches, the overlays, and the reference system used. As the platoon
conducts operations in the urban area, it confirms the accuracy of the sketches and
overlays, adding and adjusting details as needed.

Figure 9-5. Refinement of photographic reconnaissance.


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-6. Urban operations sketch.


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-7. Urban operations overlay

(terrain classification).


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-8. Urban operations overlay

(threat positions and demonstration locations).


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-9. Urban operations overlay

(subterranean infrastructure).
Along with the tactical challenges, characteristics, and other urban-specific
considerations listed in Section I, the reconnaissance platoon in UO faces the challenges
of navigating in urban terrain and communicating with the local population. To help US
forces, the host-nation government might provide local civilian or military personnel to
serve as guides and interpreters.
a. When operating in a permissive environment, guides and interpreters can help the
platoon communicate with the local population.


FM 7-92, C1

b. When conducting stability operations, civilians prove to be a valuable source of

c. When conducting combat operations in a nonpermissive environment,
reconnaissance elements can use local civilians to guide the element safely to and from
the objective area.
The three-dimensional urban battlefield has a unique set of complexities. Before entering
an urban area, the reconnaissance platoon leader must task-organize for that specific
operations challenges. Some of his options are:
a. Area Coverage. He can organize to allow for greater area coverage.
b. Multiple Observation Posts. He can organize to put eyes on multiple areas of
interest simultaneously.
(1) He can form two R&S teams from each squad. He can form a two-soldier team
and a three-soldier team (Figure 9-10).
(2) He can include a platoon radio operator and eight two-soldier teams under the
squad leader (Figure 9-11, page 9-20).





Figure 9-10. Reconnaissance squad.


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-11. Two-soldier reconnaissance and security teams.

c. Offensive Reconnaissance Mission. He normally organizes the platoon into three
reconnaissance squads, each with its own area, zone, or sector of responsibility.
d. Security Operation. This type of operation could consist of screening or
guarding. The platoon leader can form the platoon into two-soldier teams (controlled by
squad leaders) to cover all of the avenues in the dense urban terrain.
The reconnaissance platoon improves survival on the battlefield by using stealth and
dispersion, and by maintaining security during all tactical movements. When conducting
tactical movement in urban terrain, reconnaissance elements use their standard movement
formations and techniques as much as possible, modifying them as needed. Due to the
three-dimensional aspect of urban terrain (streets, buildings, underground, and air), each
member of the element must maintain strict observation of his assigned sector,
anticipating enemy contact from any direction at any time. To reduce the chances of
compromise, reconnaissance elements should plan to move only at night. If they cannot
do so, then they must take advantage of any cover afforded by urban terrain.
a. Individual Movement. When conducting movement near buildings, the soldier
does the following (see FM 3-06.11 [FM 90-10-1], Chapter 3 for more specific
movement TTP):
(1) Avoids silhouetting himself in doors and windows.
(2) Avoids moving alone; moves with at least one other soldier for security.


FM 7-92, C1

(3) Tries to stay 12 to 18 inches away from walls when moving. Rubbing against
walls could alert an enemy on the other side of the wall. Also, ricochet rounds tend to
travel parallel to a wall.
(4) Avoids stepping into puddles of water or any other substances that could leave
tracks. Carries several plastic grocery bags with him. If he must walk through such a
substance, he can cover his boots with the bags, then remove the bags as soon as he clears
the obstacle. This prevents him from tracking the substance elsewhere.
b. Squad Movement. Squads moving along streets or alleys should use the modified
wedge (file), maintaining 3 to 5 meters of separation between individuals. Due to the
three-dimensional nature of urban terrain, each soldier in the squad has a specific sector
to secure.
(1) For example, the point soldier, or the first soldier in the order of movement,
observes street level to his front, generally from 12 oclock to 1 oclock. The
Number Two soldier observes to the front and across the street (1 oclock to 2 oclock),
both at street level and upper stories. The squad leader observes the upper stories to his
front (his 12 oclock). He also observes the same side of the street the squad observes.
The Number Three soldier observes across the street (from 2 oclock to 4 oclock), from
street level up. The Number Four soldier provides rear security for the squad. He
observes from 4 oclock to 6 oclock, street level and upper stories (Figure 9-12).

Figure 9-12. Sectors of security.


FM 7-92, C1

(2) Moving from building to building or between buildings poses a risk. The enemy
can easily detect a squad, which makes a large target for enemy fire. When moving from
the corner of one building to the corner of another building, the squad should cross the
open area as two separate groups (Figures 9-13 through 9-17, pages 9-22 through 9-24).
(a) Beginning from the standard modified wedge formation for moving along streets
(Figure 9-13), the Number Two soldier moves to a position parallel to the Number
One soldier.
(b) On signal, Number One and Number Two soldiers rush across the intersection to
the adjacent corner (Figure 9-14). As they move, the squad leader and the Number Three
and Number Four soldiers position themselves on line and prepare to move. They
maintain security to their flanks and rear.

Figure 9-13. Squad prepared to cross from corner to corner.


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-14. Number One and Number Two soldiers cross.

(c) On signal, the Number Four soldier turns toward the direction of movement. He,
the squad leader, and the Number Three soldier rush across the intersection (Figure 9-15).

Figure 9-15. Squad leader, Number Three soldier, and Number Four soldier
starting to cross.


FM 7-92, C1

(d) At the same time, the Number One and Number Two soldiers continue to move in
the planned direction of travel (Figure 9-16).

Figure 9-16. Remainder of squad on far side.

(e) When the entire squad has crossed the intersection, they again assume their
travelling formation and continue to move (Figure 9-17).

Figure 9-17. Squad resuming movement.

(3) Moving from the side of one building across the street to the side of another
building, not at a corner, presents a similar problem. The squad uses the same technique


FM 7-92, C1

of movement, and it uses the building as cover. In moving adjacent to a building, squad
members should keep a distance of 3 to 5 meters between themselves (Figure 9-18).

Figure 9-18. Squad moving adjacent to building.

(a) Using a planned signal, all members make an abrupt facing movement
(Figure 9-19).

Figure 9-19. Squad executing abrupt facing movement.


FM 7-92, C1

(b) The squad crosses the open area to the next building (Figure 9-20).

Figure 9-20. Squad crossing open area to adjacent building.

(c) Squad resumes movement (Figure 9-21).

Figure 9-21. Squad resuming movement.

c. Hallway Movement Formations. The squad must always be alert. Members
provide 360 degrees security at all times. Inside buildings, the squad provides security
laterally down corridors. If near stairs or landings, they also provide upward security. The
three basic techniques for moving down hallways are the serpentine, the rolling T, and


FM 7-92, C1

the modified trail. Hallway intersections are dangerous areas. The squad should approach
them cautiously. The serpentine and rolling T movement techniques are used by the
reconnaissance squad when speed is required and the chance of enemy contact is low
(Figure 9-22).

Figure 9-22. Hallway movement techniques.

(1) Serpentine Formation. The five-soldier reconnaissance squad uses the serpentine
technique when moving in narrow hallways. The Number One soldier provides security
to the front. His sector of security includes the far end of the hall and any doorways near
the end. The Number Two and Number Three soldiers observe the left and right sides of
the Number One soldier. Their sectors of security include any nearby doorways on either
side of the hall. They cover the Number One soldiers flanks. The squad leader moves
behind the Number Two and Number Three soldiers and centers on them so he can
observe and control the squad. The Number Four soldier provides rear security, observing
the hallway behind the squad.
(2) Rolling T Formation. The squad uses the rolling T technique when moving
in wide hallways. The Number One and Number Two soldiers move abreast, observing
the opposite side of the hallway from their position. The Number Three soldier observes
the far end of the hallway from a position behind the Number One and Number Two
soldiers, observing between them. The squad leader moves behind the Number Three
soldier so that he can observe and control the squad. Again, the Number Four soldier
provides rear security.
(3) Modified Trail Formation. The squad uses the modified trail formation when
contact with the enemy is possible and speed is not important. The squad moves along the
hallway in a staggered trail formation. Number One and Number Two soldiers observe


FM 7-92, C1

the length of the hallway on their respective sides. The squad leader follows, controlling
movement. The Number Three and Number Four soldiers position themselves behind the
squad leader and stagger their positions as well. They both observe to the rear and along
their respective sides (Figure 9-23). When using this movement technique, soldiers
should leave enough separation between them to execute the break contact drill. No
more than two personnel should be in short stretches of hallway (less than 50 feet
between intersections) (Figure 9-24).

Figure 9-23. Modified trail movement technique

(long hallway).

Figure 9-24. Modified trail movement technique

(short hallway).
(a) When clearing around corners during modified trail movement, the Number One
soldier stops short of the intersection, allowing the Number Two soldier to move abreast
of him. At the same time, the squad leader moves forward to assist with security.
(b) Once on line with each other, the Number One and Number Two soldiers adjust
their sectors of observation across the intersection and opposite their respective sides of
the hallway (Figures 9-25 and 9-26). Once at the intersection, they alternate clearing
around their respective corners by using mirrors or a quick peek.


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-25. Clearing of corner from a long hallway.

Figure 9-26. Clearing of corner from a short hallway.

d. Clearing Stairwells and Staircases. Like a doorway, a stairwell and a staircase
create a fatal funnel. The three-dimensional aspect of additional landings intensifies the
danger. The squads ability to conduct the movement depends on their direction of travel
and on the layout of the stairs. The clearing technique follows a basic format:
(1) The squad leader designates two or three soldiers to clear the stairs.
(2) The squad maintains 360-degree/three-dimensional security near the stairs.
(3) The squad leader then directs the clearing team to locate, mark, bypass, or clear
any obstacles or booby traps that may be blocking access to the stairs.
(4) The clearing team moves up (or down) the stairways using either the two- or
three-soldier flow technique, which provides for overwatching up and down the stairs
during movement. The three-man variation works best (Figure 9-27, page 9-30).


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-27. Three-soldier flow clearing technique.

Though the reconnaissance element tries to avoid enemy contact, it cannot always do so.
When operating in urban terrain, the reconnaissance element initially does the same thing
when confronted by an opposing enemy force as it would in any other terrain. It breaks
contact as quickly as possible, accounts for all personnel, moves to the designated rally
point, and notifies higher headquarters.
a. The majority of contacts occur in canalizing terrain such as streets, alleys, and
hallways. Contact can occur by chance or as a deliberate enemy action such as an ambush
or counterreconnaissance. Once it makes contact, the reconnaissance element either
breaks contact (meets enemy by chance) or reacts to contact (ambushes the enemy) near
or far. This increases survivability. Once the squad is out of contact, it accounts for all
personnel, tries to notify higher headquarters, withdraws from the structure, and proceeds
to the rally point.
b. When it makes contact in a street or alley, the reconnaissance element should first
try to disengage using a covered route around a corner or into a building. Then, it should
keep moving out of the area. If this is not immediately possible, soldiers should seek the
nearest covered or concealed position and return fire. The reconnaissance leader directs
40-mm HE, hand grenades, and small-arms fire onto the enemy positions and employs
screening smoke to conceal movement. He begins a controlled bounding movement
rearward and continues until the entire element moves out of range of enemy fire. He
accounts for all personnel, tries to notify higher headquarters, and withdraws to a planned
rally point.
c. When the reconnaissance element makes contact while moving inside a building
(hallway or stairwell), it first tries to break contact by moving around corners or into
adjacent hallways, then it continues to move out of the area.
(1) If the element makes contact at close range (15 meters or less) and cannot find
cover, the Number One and Number Two soldiers engage the enemy at once with rapid
semiautomatic fire. At the same time, they assault the threat until they neutralize it
(Figure 9-28). Other members of the squad (the Number Three soldier and the squad
leader) should stay prepared to engage any targets that present themselves. However, they


FM 7-92, C1

should not fire past the Number One and Number Two soldiers. The Number Four soldier
seeks cover and provides rear security.

Figure 9-28. Reaction to contact (near).

(2) If the reconnaissance platoon makes contact at a range greater than 15 meters, and
if it can find no immediate way out, then the Number One soldier starts engaging the
enemy with rapid semiautomatic fire. It withdraws to the rear, and the Number Two and
Number Three soldiers assume kneeling positions. The Number Two soldier engages the
enemy with rapid semiautomatic fire as well. The squad leader shifts to one side of the
hall and assumes a kneeling position, ready to provide covering fire as his squad
withdraws. The Number Four soldier (facing to the rear) moves to the nearest hallway
intersection or doorway that offers cover (Figure 9-29, page 9-32). He ensures the area is
secure. Once the Number One soldier clears the Number Three soldiers field of fire, the
Number Three soldier begins to engage the enemy with rapid semiautomatic fire
(Figure 9-30, page 9-32). After moving to a position forward of the Number Four soldier,
the Number One soldier provides security along the rearward hallway.


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-29. Breaking of contact under fire.

Figure 9-30. Movement of Number One soldier.

(3) Then the Number Four soldier turns around to support the squads withdrawal.
Once the Number Three soldier begins providing suppressive fire, the Number Two
soldier begins to withdraw in the same manner as the Number One soldier (Figure 9-31).
(4) As the Number Two soldier passes the squad leader, the squad leader begins to
provide suppressive fire; the Number Three soldier prepares to withdraw, as did the
Number Two soldier (Figure 9-32).


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-31. Movement of Number Two soldier.

Figure 9-32. Movement of Number Three soldier.

(5) After the Number Three soldier has moved, the squad leader moves into the
center of the hallway, allowing the Number Four soldier to engage any threat as the squad
leader withdraws (Figure 9-33, page 9-34).
(6) When the squad leader moves out of contact with the enemy, the squad is ready to
move (Figure 9-34, page 9-34).


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-33. Movement of squad leader.

Figure 9-34. Squad positioned to move.

Establishing an objective rally point (ORP) in urban terrain is extremely difficult. When
selecting an ORP, the platoon must consider several factors. The ORP needs cover and
concealment, a good buffer between it and the natural lines of drift, defensibility for a
short period, and ease of location for returning soldiers. When designating a tentative
ORP, the leader conducts a detailed map reconnaissance to identify a suitable location.


FM 7-92, C1

He always visually reconnoiters the planned ORP before he occupies it. When selecting a
tentative ORP, he considers the following areas:
Parks or recreation areas with adjacent wood lines.
Vegetated creeks and streambeds (normally dividing neighborhoods).
Auto salvage yards or junkyards.
Warehouses or shipping yards.
Major highway interchanges.
Subterranean facilities.
In urban operations, the reconnaissance platoon can set up and operate observation
posts (OPs).
a. Placement. They can set up OPs in either of two basic locations.
(1) Outside the Area. An OP on the periphery can serve as a prelude to an offensive
operation into the urban area. It could also play a defensive role well forward of the
battalions urban defensive positions. Either way, the platoon uses the same techniques to
establish and operate the OP in UO that they would use in open terrain.
(2) Inside the Area. Selecting and occupying an OP inside the confines of the urban
area proves very difficult. To do it, the reconnaissance leader must have detailed maps of
the city. This includes maps of subterranean facilities, maps with street names, and maps
of all key and critical structures. Aerial photographs help in determining size, height and,
possibly, structural composition of buildings in the AO. Pictures need to show clearly the
AOs boundaries, suspected enemy locations, and routes of movement that the OP
must observe.
b. Considerations. When selecting tentative OPs, leaders consider the following:
(1) Observation. Roadways and open areas clearly define, but structures limit, the
fields of observation. Surrounding rooftops, windows, and doorways become distractions
requiring constant observation. Sectors of adjacent OPs should overlap. The effects of
smoke from military obscurants and burning buildings can degrade what appeared to be
an excellent vantage point. The platoon must provide all-round security, because the
enemy can fire from many directions, and because the platoon must counter the enemys
attempts to infiltrate.
(2) Cover and Concealment. Urban terrain readily provides cover and concealment
for both maneuvering and static elements. However, the defender has a decisive
advantage. A maneuvering attacker normally exposes his presence when moving through
the area.
(3) Covered and or Concealed Routes to the Observation Post. The element should
move along avenues of approach inside buildings, whenever they can. The enemy is less
likely to detect personnel moving inside buildings than those moving through the streets.
Reconnaissance elements must remember the enemy will see them on standard avenues
of approach. When possible, they should try to use subterranean routes.


FM 7-92, C1

(4) Specific Positions Inside the Area. Leaders should position OPs in masonry
buildings that offer long-range fields of observation and all-round views. The observer
has an advantage because he does not have to move. However, the leader should avoid
locating OPs(a) In heavy traffic areas. The enemy watches these.
(b) In such obvious positions as church steeples and rooftops. The enemy often
watches these and targets them for destruction. Indirect fires can generally penetrate
rooftops. Thus, they can cause casualties in the top floors of buildings.
(5) Multiple Positions. Due to the restricted fields of observation in urban terrain,
teams should identify and prepare alternate positions within their assigned sectors.
A single position might not afford adequate observation without increasing the risk of
detection, whereas two carefully placed positions might. Alternate positions must
maintain mutual support with adjacent OPs.
In larger cities, subterranean features include underground garages, underground
passages, subway lines, utility tunnels, sewers, and storm drains. Though most sewers
allow troop movement, the element should try to avoid using them for that.
a. Subterranean passages provide covered and concealed routes of movement
throughout the urban areas. A detailed knowledge of the nature and location of
underground facilities is important to both attacker and defender. Maximizing the use of
these facilities could prove to be a decisive action in an urban battle. When planning to
conduct subterranean operations, reconnaissance element leaders should
(1) Determine if using subterranean avenues of approach or occupying subterranean
areas will help the platoon accomplish its mission.
(2) Analyze the subterranean mission and evaluate the impact of subterranean
operations on the soldiers. Before submitting soldiers to subterranean combat, think it
through first. Remember that it places extremely high physical and psychological
demands on soldiers.
(3) Plan for redundant communications (messengers, wire, radios).
(4) Plan for additional weapons and ammunition that may be required for
subterranean operations (shotguns, pistols, distraction devices, early warning, and
so forth).
b. Underground passageways provide tight fields of fire. They amplify all sounds as
well as the effect of munitions such as grenades. The insides of tunnels provide little or
no cover and concealment, except for the darkness itself and any fabricated barriers. A
thorough reconnaissance of the subterranean or sewer system must be made first. As
opposed to storm systems, sewers contain various types of contamination. Leaders and
soldiers should plan carefully before they enter such systems.
c. The tactical values of underground facilities for a reconnaissance element include
the following (for further detail concerning subterranean TTP, see FM 90-10-1,
Appendix D):
(1) Movement. Subterranean routes enable the reconnaissance element to infiltrate
the objective area undetected. Depending upon the size and experience of the threat
forces, movement along the subterranean avenue of approach could be unimpeded.
However, a large, well-trained opposing force will try to control subterranean facilities.


FM 7-92, C1

Once the reconnaissance element reaches the objective area, they must deploy multiple
R&S teams aboveground and into buildings to conduct the area reconnaissance.
(2) Initial Reconnaissance. The use of subterranean passages allows the
reconnaissance element to conduct an initial infiltration into the urban area virtually
undetected. Without prior intelligence of possible enemy positions, reconnaissance
elements using subterranean routes can identify critical locations, structures, movement
routes, and enemy positions. Curbside storm drains make excellent observation ports
when conducting a route or zone reconnaissance, or when tasked to observe an essential
intersection or roadway.



Urban operations often start with a reconnaissance mission begun outside the urban area.
In some cases, when the operation starts, the enemy has not set up yet inside the city.
Friendly forces could find themselves tasked to retain an urban area or to deny it to the


FM 7-92, C1

enemy. To accomplish this, reconnaissance efforts focus on locating enemy positions

around the urban area and on monitoring them to detect any threat preparations to seize
or occupy key urban terrain. In other cases, the enemy may not be conducting urban
operations because of military limitations or political restrictions. The friendly
commander (as well as the reconnaissance platoon leader) must realize that this situation
could change unexpectedly once restrictions lift or when the enemy realizes he has much
to gain from urban operations. Leaders can have the reconnaissance platoon monitor the
enemys activities while the task force prepares for a rapid transition to urban operations.
Whatever information he obtains helps the commander interdict before the enemy can
seize or occupy key urban terrain. Once deployed within the city, the reconnaissance
platoon seeks to pinpoint enemy defenses as well as undefended or weakly held areas
where friendly forces could bypass or isolate the threat. This paragraph focuses on some
of the reconnaissance platoons operational considerations in urban operations.
a. Disrupt Enemy Defenses. The reconnaissance platoon can exploit tactical
surprise and preempt effective defensive preparations within the city. Effective
employment of reconnaissance elements, using appropriate techniques, significantly
enhances the commanders ability to achieve surprise when his unit is conducting
offensive urban operations. At the same time, while using intelligence collection and fire
support assets to set necessary preconditions within the urban environment, he must
avoid prematurely disclosing the presence of the reconnaissance platoon. The commander
should also be aware that surprise is much more difficult for the defender to achieve in
this situation; it is often possible only when the attacker suffers major failings in
collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence.
(1) Exploit Weaknesses. The reconnaissance platoon can also assist the commander
in concentrating sufficient combat power at decisive points within the city. Historical
experience indicates that, when an attacker wins despite inferior manpower and
firepower, the defender has most likely violated one or more principles of war.
Reconnaissance elements in support of an urban attack should always be alert to the
possibility that the defender has not positioned his forces correctly or exhibits some other
weaknesses or shortcomings.
(2) Neutralize Key Facilities. The commander may be able to capitalize on such a
weakness or shortcoming, or he may be able to create one. As an example, intelligence
sources, including the reconnaissance platoon, have determined that the defending force
relies on the local telephone exchange and military FM communications for command
and control. The commander probes this weakness by directing his reconnaissance to
identify key communications nodes. Once identified, the commander can disrupt enemy
C2 by destroying the telephone system and jamming FM communications. He can also
eliminate other types of commercial broadcasting systems, such as TV and radio, to deny
the enemy a backup means of communications. The friendly commander then exploits
this situation by massing combat power against isolated threat forces to seize key areas.
b. Control the Employment of Fires. The reconnaissance platoon can also play an
important role in employing fires during urban operations. Reconnaissance elements call
for and adjust indirect fires, assist in controlling close-air support, direct attack helicopter
fires, and can discriminate between threat forces and civilians. They can accomplish this
by effectively positioning on the battlefield and effectively using their
acquisition capabilities.


FM 7-92, C1

(1) Traditionally, indirect artillery and mortar fire has been a significant factor in
successful urban operations. Fire support has proved to be the primary means by which
the commander can interdict enemy supply operations, as well as prevent the
reinforcement and evacuation of enemy troops. In such instances, the commander plans
and places indirect fires on routes leading to and from the city rather than in the urban
area itself.
(a) During offensive operations, to prevent fratricide and other consequences of
carelessly placed fires, the commander must employ fires precisely. Indiscriminate
artillery and heavy mortar fires can degrade the ability of friendly forces to maneuver
while simultaneously providing the enemy with an unintended advantage such as creating
rubble that may be used for barrier materials or additional cover and concealment.
(b) Inaccurately placing fires can also cause significant collateral damage. In addition
to causing fratricide and civilian casualties, friendly fires can undermine the citys
supporting infrastructure by damaging water, gas, and electric service lines. It could also
create natural disasters such as inadvertently releasing toxic industrial materials (TIM)
from commercial chemical facilities.
(c) Indirect mortar fires are valuable during urban operations. Their high rate of fire,
steep angle of fall, and short minimum range allow reconnaissance elements to mass
considerable firepower on specific enemy positions, even in the tight confines of the
urban battlefield. Using multioption fuses and various types of rounds increases the
versatility of the indirect-fire plan. Mortars can obscure, neutralize, suppress, and
illuminate the commanders battlespace.
(2) In support of his indirect-fire plan, the commander uses the reconnaissance
platoon in various ways. Among others, he uses them to accurately direct fires onto
enemy positions. He relies on them to provide ground truth information, which can
help him prevent the problems associated with indiscriminate or inaccurate fires. These
problems could of course include fratricide, civilian casualties, and serious collateral
damage. Reconnaissance elements prove especially valuable in preventing fratricide by
helping to ensure that the commander knows at all times the accurate locations of friendly
and enemy forces in the urban area.
c. Isolate the Enemy Force. No single factor of urban combat has proven more
important to success than isolation of the urban area. The reconnaissance platoon
provides the commander with information that will help him determine how to isolate the
enemy. Reconnaissance platoon operations also focus on identifying when and where the
enemy plans to defend a city. The commander uses reconnaissance information to exploit
the urban battlespace and achieve a significant tactical advantage. He can then isolate the
enemy by massing combat power at decisive points, and by passing or conducting
economy-of-force operations in nondecisive areas.
d. Interact with Civilians. Urban operations have an additional factor within the
planning considerations of mission, enemy, terrain (and weather), troops, time available,
and civilian considerations (METT-TC considerations). The reconnaissance platoon
assists the commander in leveraging the local civil considerations. The commander must
remember his responsibilities to civilians at all times. In this age of modern media, this is
an extremely important factor. The reconnaissance platoon members have several
responsibilities when dealing with the civilian population. They conduct reconnaissance
to limit the collateral damage resulting from tactical operations. They can locate


FM 7-92, C1

noncombatants who have sought refuge in the urban area and identify facilities that
sustain them. Reconnaissance elements can also determine whether civilians in an urban
area pose a threat to friendly forces.
Combat power is difficult to mass during urban operations because fighting is isolated.
Urban operations further challenge command and control since units can so easily lose
track of each others locations. Such conditions make it necessary to decentralize the
fight down to the smallest unit. These small units--reconnaissance elements and infantry
squads--must communicate continuously and effectively if they are to survive and win on
the urban battlefield.
a. Direction-of-Assault Technique of Direct-Fire Planning and Control. Having
a standard method of naming and numbering structures within the objective area is
critical to the reconnaissance mission. The reconnaissance elements must clearly specify
the location of enemy positions, fortifications, and possible breach and entry points. This
technique of fire control, when properly disseminated to all the combat support units, is
an effective means of calling for and directing close-air, attack aviation, direct-fire
artillery, and armored vehicle fire support. In this technique, the platoon leader assigns
building numbers in a consistent pattern, relative to the planned direction of assault
(Figure 9-35).
(1) The figure shows the buildings numbered consecutively in a
counterclockwise manner.
(a) The sides of the buildings have color codes that are consistent throughout the
objective area.
WHITE indicates the direction-of-assault side.
GREEN indicates the right side.
BLACK indicates the rear side.
RED indicates the left side.
BLUE indicates the roof.
(b) Figure 9-35 also shows an odd-shaped building. The four-sided concept
reduces confusion.
(c) The platoon leader can designate WHITE 1, WHITE 2, WHITE 3, and so on,
from left to right, to show which wall to engage.
(2) The platoon leader labels building apertures consecutively, using rows and
columns. He designates all apertures relative to the direction of assault. In the example,
the lower left-hand window on the direction-of-assault side of OBJ 4 is labeled OBJ 4,
WHITE, window A1. (See Appendix G, FM 34-130 for more information about
building shapes and structural labeling.)
(3) The reconnaissance element can use this same technique when producing area
maps and objective sketches for the battalion. A detailed map consisting of streets, alleys,
roadways, and buildings, each one individually labeled, along with additional structural
sketches would greatly enhance missions planning.


FM 7-92, C1

Figure 9-35. Direction-of-assault technique of

direct-fire planning and control.
b. Visual Signals. Visual signals are the most effective means of communications
within small units during combat operations. Targets can be identified with tracer fire,
grenade launcher rounds, smoke grenades, VS-17 panels, or arm-and-hand signals. Visual
signals can trigger specific actions. They can indicate when soldiers should initiate, lift,
or shift fires; move forward to the next position; or pop smoke.
c. FM Radio and Wire. The unit leaders can use FM radios and or landline
telephones to communicate with superiors, subordinates, and adjacent units. Structural
interference, as well as high-tension and telephone wires, severely degrades FM radio
communications. When operating from static positions, leaders can use landlines if
interference disrupts FM communications.
As part of the battalion task force, the light infantry reconnaissance platoon might have to
perform tasks in stability and support operations that require them to modify traditional
reconnaissance missions. In this situation, the platoon must but be prepared to conduct
offensive or defensive reconnaissance or security missions. The platoon may also be
required to conduct stability operations or support operations following the successful
completion of a combat mission. A well-trained unit can quickly and effectively switch
from performing a war-fighting mission to conducting a stability and support operation,


FM 7-92, C1

or vice versa. During stability or support operations, the platoon must stay prepared to
conduct a wide range of combat or noncombat tasks. Essentially, the unit accomplishes
these tasks through the execution of tactical tasks such as security patrols, roadblocks,
check points, convoy escort, and food distribution.
Stability operations apply military power to influence the political environment, facilitate
diplomacy, and interrupt specified illegal activities. They include both developmental and
coercive actions. Developmental actions enhance a governments willingness and ability
to care for its people. Coercive actions apply carefully prescribed limited force and the
threat of force to achieve objectives.
a. Units conduct stability actions to accomplish one or more of the following:
Deny or hinder aggression.
Reassure allies, friendly governments, and agencies.
Support a weak or failing government.
Stabilize a restless population.
Maintain and restore order.
Ensure adherence to agreements and policies.
b. Reconnaissance platoons normally employ TTP in UO similar to the TTP they use
for combat R&S missions. These TTP help them accomplish the actions just described.
The ROE comprise the main distinguishing characteristic between UO and combat R&S
missions. (Table 9-1 shows examples of tactical tasks in UO.)




Move tactically
Conduct a route reconnaissance
Conduct an area reconnaissance.
Conduct subterranean reconnaissance operations.
Establish static security positions in an urban area.
Perform surveillance from an OP.
Maintain communications in an urban area.
Conduct resupply operations.
Treat and evacuate casualties.
Move tactically in urban area.
Conduct an area reconnaissance.
Conduct a route reconnaissance.
Establish a static security position in an urban area.
Perform surveillance from an OP.
Maintain communications in an urban area.

Table 9-1. Examples of tactical tasks for stability operations.


FM 7-92, C1

Noncombatant Extraction

Arms Control


Show Of Force

Civil Disturbance



Infiltrate an urban area.

Move tactically in urban area.
Conduct an area reconnaissance.
Conduct a route reconnaissance.
Establish a static security position in an urban area.
Perform surveillance from an OP.
Maintain communications in an urban area.
Conduct an area reconnaissance.
Conduct a route reconnaissance.
Establish a static security position in an urban area.
Perform surveillance from an OP.
Assist and monitor inspection of arms.
Maintain communications in an urban area.
Conduct an area reconnaissance.
Conduct a route reconnaissance.
Establish a static security position in an urban area.
Perform surveillance from an OP.
Maintain communications in an urban area.
Move tactically.
Demonstrate capabilities.
Maintain communications in an urban area.
Conduct training exercises.
Maintain communications in an urban area.
Conduct patrols.
Handle noncombatants and detained personnel.
Employ quick reaction force.

Table 9-1. Examples of tactical tasks for stability operations (continued).

The overarching purpose of support operations is to meet the immediate needs of
designated groups for a limited time, until civil authorities can accomplish these tasks
without Army assistance. Battalions conduct support operations to save or protect lives,
reduce suffering, recover essential infrastructure, improve quality of life, and restore
situations to normal. Due to the nature of humanitarian and environmental assistance, the
reconnaissance platoon can expect to interact with other units and agencies. This can
include engineers, MPs, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Support actions
rely on a partnership with other government and nongovernmental agencies. The platoon
must form liaisons with these agencies and with local governments. However, regardless
of the positive relationships built, force protection remains top priority. (Table 9-2, page
9-44, shows typical tasks associated with each type of support operation.)


FM 7-92, C1



Humanitarian Assistance

Environmental Assistance

Provide labor for relief efforts.

Conduct search and rescue actions.
Conduct security patrols.
Provide labor for relief efforts.
Establish communications.
Distribute water.
Remove debris.
Conduct security patrols.

Table 9-2. Examples of tasks for support operations.




The reconnaissance platoon must be able to operate under limited

visibility conditions. This appendix discusses the equipment and
techniques used to operate in darkness, smoke, dust, fog heavy rain,
or heavy snow. Limited visibility can result in decreased target
acquisition capability, difficulty in distinguishing friendly from enemy units, difficulty in controlling movement, and reduced weapon
In addition to normal planning, limited visibility operations require special emphasis on the following:
Simple tactical plans while maintaining the necessary
level of detail.
Plans for the potential use of illumination and smoke.
Surveillance with night vision and infrared devices.
In selecting a means to employ illumination or smoke, leaders must
determine the type of assets that are available to include capabilities and
limitations. They plan for more than one means since enemy action,
changes in weather, other missions, or logistics constraints might prevent
the use of any one type.
Night vision devices (Table A-1) enhance observation during night operations. The level of enhancement depends on the type of night vision
device used and the visibility conditions. For example, image intensification devices dominate the battlefield and provide the best results under
clear air and good ambient light conditions. Image intensification devices
are defeated by bad weather, darkness, and battlefield obscurants. When
available, thermal imagery devices are employed during conditions that
defeat image intensifiers and penetrate camouflage. Remote sensors are
employed in dead space or in situations of long distances. Night vision
devices aid surveillance/target engagement when darkness, vegetation,
weather, camouflage, or obscurants limit natural vision, but the degree of
assistance depends on the technology (image intensification or thermal
imagery). Thermal imagery devices should be employed whenever possible to provide the best surveillance/engagement capability.

FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92
The types of equipment that can be used during limited visibility and the
factors to consider when employing them are discussed in this paragraph.
a. Binoculars. Binoculars are most effective in clear air. During
reduced visibility, however, they are better than the unaided eye.
b. Remotely Employed Sensors. REMS, such as the PEWS, are
critical to effective security in limited visibility. They maybe employed to
monitor avenues of approach, possible assembly areas, DZs, LZs, obstacles, and dead space forward of or between OPs. REMS have a limited
range; therefore, careful analysis of where to position sensors is most
important. When they are positioned parallel to the avenue of approach,
REMSs can detect the direction, rate of march, composition, and size of
a force passing the sensors.
c. Thermal Imagery Devices. Thermal imagery devices lose some
effectiveness during heavy rain, dense fog, or smoke. Therefore, they must
be integrated with other devices to provide effective detection. Thermal
imagery devices are affected by temperature gradients between the target
and the target background.
d. Image Intensification Devices. The range of image intensification
devices depends on surrounding light levels. Low-light levels, rain, fog,
smoke, and dust reduce their effectiveness. Low-light levels during periods of otherwise clear air can be overcome by illuminating with invisible
light and by using image intensifiers. Infrared light provides enough light
to allow the image intensifiers to be effective. However, looking directly
at a visible light source causes the device to shut off. Operators of image
intensification devices develop eye fatigue and lose night vision.
e. Ground Surveillance Radar. Radar energy produced by the GSR
penetrates light camouflage, light foliage, smoke, haze, light rain and
snow, and darkness. It cannot penetrate dense undergrowth, trees, or
heavy foliage. However, high winds can make the radar unusable. Heavy
rain or snow restricts radar detection abilities. However, a well-trained
operator can lessen these effects. Radar sets have only a line-of-sight
capability. Radars are effective during good visibility as well as bad. Their
use should be planned for all operationsnot just night operations or
when expecting smoke. Radar can be used
(1) To search avenues of approach, possible enemy attack positions,
assembly areas, or other sectors. It can be used continuously to determine
location, size, and nature of enemy activity.


FM 7-92
(2) To monitor point targets such as bridges, defiles, or road junctions. It can be used to determine quantity, type, direction, and rate of
target movement through the point.
(3) To extend a patrols observation abilities by enabling the patrol
to survey distant points or areas of special interest.
(4) To provide warning of enemy activity near friendly positions or
(5) To detect partly obscured targets.
(6) To aid in controlling movement during limited visibility by monitoring course headings or vectoring.
(7) To increase the effectiveness of fire support by correctly locating
targets. It can also be used to survey target areas at once after fires are
lifted to detect enemy activity and to determine the effectiveness of fire.
(8) To detect enemy radar.
(9) To limit the enemys ability to detect radars, mask the emitter.
Terrain is used to mask the emitter, if possible. The radar is placed in a
reverse-slope position with its sector off to the flank(s). Radar that is left
ON is easier to detect. Use can be increased by the flicker technique
(alternately turned ON and OFF) to help avoid enemy detection.
Normally, radar is located on dominant terrain. A radar site and an OP
can be collocated, but soldiers who operate the radar should not be
detailed as ground observers except in emergencies. The radar is dug in
and camouflaged. The platoon leader (or S2) selects the general location
for the radar site. The ground surveillance section leader or team leader
chooses the site within the given location. The teams senior radar
operator prepares radar surveillance cards. One copy of this card is
forwarded to the S2 for use in preparing or modifying his surveillance
The reconnaissance platoon leader plans the use of NVDs and surveillance devices to obtain the best coverage of his area of operations and to
make best use of the abilities of the various devices (Figure A-1, page A-6).
A typical mix might include REMS to cover out-of-sight objectives and
dead space, night vision sights for close range, radar for long-range line
of sight, and thermal imagery to penetrate smoke and for use in low-light

FM 7-92


FM 7-92
Soldiers avoid detection by the enemy by moving stealthily. Defensive
measures include cover and concealment, use of appropriate camouflage
devices and methods, concealment of actions with smoke, and thermal and
visual decoys.
When night vision devices are not available, artificial light is the simplest
way to operate on a battlefield during darkness. The intent is to illuminate
or silhouette the enemy force without illuminating friendly elements
(Table A-2). However, the illuminating force might be adversely affected
by its own light source. Platoon leaders must know the characteristics of
available artificial illumination systems. They must also know how they
are influenced by darkness, weather, and terrain. The platoon leader must
exercise positive control over the use of various illumination means, since
illumination in one area might have an unfavorable effect on elements
elsewhere. Approval is required from the battalion before illumination
can be used. Artificial light is divided into two categories: visible and
invisible light.
a. Visible Light. Visible light requires no special equipment other
than the light source itself. It is used to continue operations begun during
daylight, when troops are untrained, or to offset an enemy advantage in
NVDs. It is the simplest method of operating during darkness. The
disadvantage of using visible light is that it permits the enemy to see the
friendly force.


FM 7-92
b. Invisible Light. Invisible light comes from a near-infrared source,
ultraviolet light, or pink light filter; it is normally impossible to see this
light with the unaided eye. Although it is visible to NVDs, invisible light
has greater security than visible light, because a device is required to detect
Various considerations govern the use of artificial light sources.
a. Ground Flares. Ground flares are mainly defensive, are good for
early warning, and can be detonated remotely by pull-pin or trigger-release
devices. Ground flares are not suitable for continuous illumination.
Ground flares are likely to start fires.

b. Illuminating Shells (Parachute-Supported Flares). After the

parachute opens, windspeed, direction, and the amount of obscurant
determine what ground area is lighted. Shells are normally set to detonate
at a height of burst that allows the flare to burn out just before it reaches
the ground. Drifting flares can illuminate friendly forces; therefore, the
detonation point must be adjusted either by offsetting it or lowering the
height of burst. If grass or brush fire is a hazard, the height of burst is not
lowered. Strong winds require that the rate of fire be increased for
continuous illumination. Fog, dust, smoke, and falling snow decrease the
intensity of the illumination. Therefore, low-airburst shells can be used
as navigational aids even though they provide little illumination.
Illumination shells should not be detonated over or to the rear of friendly
elements. This may silhouette friendly troops.


Smoke is used to blind the enemy, break contact with the enemy, to signal,
or to deceive.
a. Obscuration Smoke. Obscuration smoke is placed on or near
enemy positions to interfere with observation and fire. It is usually
delivered by indirect fire such as artillery or mortars. Use of obscuration
smoke on the enemy could cause him to reduce speed, to change direction,
to prematurely deploy, or to increase radio transmissions.

FM 7-92
b. Screening Smoke. Screening smoke is intended to conceal
friendly forces and to help break contact with the enemy.
c. Marking and Signaling Smoke. Marking and signaling smoke is
used to mark reference points, targets, or positions. Colored or WP
smoke is usually used.
d. Deceptive Smoke. Deceptive smoke is used in coordination with
other actions to create the illusion that a tactically major event is occurring to confuse or mislead the enemy. It is used with other deceptive
measures such as electronic deception.
Smoke can affect both the psychological and physiological aspects of
soldiers activities. Therefore, it can also affect combat operations.
a. Psychological Effects. Screening smoke near friendly positions to
reduce enemy observation can help maintain morale when soldiers are
aware of its purpose. However, soldiers operating in smoke can develop
fear or anxiety due to the lack of visibility to detect the enemy, to see
adjacent units, or to distinguish terrain features. This causes orientation
problems. Smoke tends to isolate individuals or groups and degrades
their ability to fight. Soldiers in this situation are vulnerable to deception
through other sensory perceptions such as sound. Leaders at all levels can
suffer these effects.
b. Physiological Effects. Though smoke produced by mechanical
generators or munitions might not produce immediate physiological
effects, extended exposure to large concentrations can produce secondary
effects such as shortness of breath, inflammation of the respiratory system,
dizziness, vertigo, or vomiting. Donning the protective mask limits these
effects. Vertigo can be overcome by leaving the smoke area or by getting
close to the ground. Chemical agents can also be delivered with smoke.
The leader must analyze the risk of masking, which maybe an overreaction
and cause more potential command and control problems.
The reconnaissance platoon may be directed by battalion to assist in
smoke operations. Unless directed by battalion, the platoon uses smoke
only in situations in which they must break contact. By limiting vision,
smoke degrades the ability of soldiers and combat forces to maneuver,
fight, and visually communicate. Furthermore, it restricts observation of
surrounding terrain and of other combat elements on the battlefield. The
natural tendency of a vehicle driver is to avoid entering smoke, to move
out of or around it, or to slow movement upon entering.

FM 7-92
White phosphorus and HC are the two predominant types of smoke used
a. Field Artillery. Field artillery smoke ammunition can be either
WP or HC (Table A-3).

b. Mortars. Mortars provide good initial smoke coverage due to

their high rate of fire, but their small basic load limits the size and duration
of the screen mortars can provide. The only type of smoke round delivered by mortars is WP (Table A-4).


FM 7-92
c. Smoke Pots, Smoke Grenades, and M203 Dual-Purpose Weapons
(Smoke Round). A variety of smoke-producing items are available to the
battalion through standard issue. Due to their limited ranges, these
smoke producers must be employed for close obscuration requirements.
Electro-optical systems allow any targets that can be seen to be engaged
by direct fire out to 3,750 meters. They also improve the ability to see and
engage targets at night. The use of smoke at night is effective in defeating
electromagnetic energy-producing systems, thus making it an important
element in night operations.
a. Electro-optical systems normally found on the battlefield include
Hand-held thermal viewers.
Wire-guided, optically-tracked, antitank missiles/nightsights.
Laser range finders.
Television-seeker missiles and bombs.
Heat-seeking missiles.
b. All electro-optical systems work by radiating or receiving electrooptical energy. Smoke affects these systems by either reflecting, absorbing, scattering, or attenuating (weakening) electromagnetic energy.
To overcome the problems generated when soldiers cannot see the battlefield, the platoon leader and his subordinate leaders must employ other
techniques to control their subordinates.
a. Identification. Recognition means include radio, infrared, and
radar, and they are used with other established audible and visual signals.
b. Movement. Visual contact should be maintained; soldiers should
maintain closer intervals. NVDs allow soldiers to retain good dispersion
while maintaining visual contact. The leaders should reduce rate of
movement, and establish SOPs for audible and visual signals.
c. Navigation. Guides should be used whenever possible.
(1) Radar or low-light sources should be used to mark boundaries.
(2) Radar, infrared beams, and landmarks should be used to maintain direction.
(3) Preplanned artillery spotting rounds can be used to help determine location and direction.
Dark adaptation is the process by which the human body increases the
eyes sensitivity to low levels of light. Soldiers adapt to darkness at varying

FM 7-92
degrees and rates. During the first 30 minutes in the dark, eye sensitivity
increases about 10,000 times, but not much after that.
a. Dark adaptation is affected by exposure to bright light such as
matches, flashlights, flares, or vehicle headlights. Full recovery from these
exposures can take up to 45 minutes.
b. Using night vision goggles impedes adaptation. However, if a
soldier adapts to the dark before donning the goggles, he gains full dark
adaptation within 2 minutes when they are removed.
c. Soldiers must also know that color perception decreases at night.
They may be able to distinguish light and dark colors depending on the
intensity of reflected light. Visual sharpness is also reduced. Since visual
sharpness at night is one-seventh of what it is during the day, soldiers can
see only large, bulky objects. This means that object identification at night
is based on generalized contours and outlines. Depth perception is also
d. A reconnaissance platoon that is inserted by parachute must
remember to adapt their eyes 20 to 30 minutes before exiting the aircraft.
By doing so, the reconnaissance platoon can begin movement once consolidated.
Darkness affects the senses of sight, hearing, and smell. Sharpening these
senses requires training. Soldiers must know how their eyes function at
night to best use them.
a. Night Vision Scanning. Dark adaptation is only the first step
toward making the best use of night vision. Scanning enables soldiers to
overcome many of the physiological limitations of their eyes. It can also
reduce confusing visual illusions. This technique involves looking from
right to left or left to right using a slow, regular scanning movement
(Figure A-2). At night, soldiers must avoid looking directly at a faintly
visible object when trying to confirm its presence.
b. Use of Off-Center Vision. The method of viewing an object using
central vision is ineffective at night. This is due to the night blind spot
that exists during low illumination. Soldiers must learn to use off-center
vision. This method requires viewing an object by looking 10 degrees
above, below, or to either side of it rather than directly at it (Figure A-3).
c. Countering of the Bleach-Out Effect. Even when soldiers practice
off-center viewing, the image of an object bleaches out and becomes a
solid tone when viewed longer than two to three seconds. By shifting the
eyes from one off-center point to another, the soldier can continue to pick
up the object in his peripheral field of vision.


FM 7-92

d. Shape of Silhouette. Visual sharpness is reduced at night; therefore, soldiers must recognize objects by shape or outline. Knowing the
design of structures that are common to the area of operations enhances
the success of the operation.




Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons can cause casualties,
destroy or disable equipment, restrict the use of terrain, and disrupt
operations. They can be used separately or in combination to
supplement conventional weapons. The reconnaissance platoon
must be prepared to operate in an NBC-contaminated battlefield
Operating in an NBC environment degrades the overall effectiveness
of the reconnaissance platoon. This appendix prescribes active and
passive protection measures to avoid or to reduce the effects of NBC
The platoon leader selects an NBC defense team to aid him in
planning and conducting NBC operations. He also selects, as
required, radiological monitoring and survey operators, chemicalagent detection operators, and decontamination teams. There is no
required number of teams or operators. However, there should be
at least one operator for each radiacmeter and chemical-agent
detector kit.
Given the massive destructive and disruptive effects of a nuclear blast, the
reconnaissance platoon MUST train to reduce the effects of a nuclear
blast on operations.
The main effects nuclear detonations produce include blast, thermal
radiation, nuclear radiation, and electromagnetic pulse. The danger from
each of these effects depends on the type of weapon and its explosive yield,
the height of the burst, the distance from the detonation, and the hardness
of the target.
a. Blast. Immediately after a nuclear detonation, a high-pressure
shock wave develops. It travels away from the point of detonation in all
directions at the speed of sound. This shock wave causes most of the
destruction created by a nuclear detonation.
(1) Strong winds caused by the passage of the shock wave propel
objects such as tree limbs and debris through the air, turning them into
destructive missiles.
(2) Exposed soldiers and structures are vulnerable to blast effects.
Personnel inside structures can be hurt by the collapse of the structures.
Personnel outside can be hurt by flying debris.

FM 7-92
b. Thermal Radiation. Intense heat and extremely bright light are
formed within seconds of a nuclear detonation.
(1) Heat. The intense heat starts fires in buildings and woods. Such
fires can spread quickly due to the burning debris scattered by the blast.
The heat can also burn exposed skin.
(2) Light. The light produced by the detonation can cause temporary
or permanent blindness. Temporary blindness, called dazzle, from a
daylight detonation can last 5 to 10 minutes. At night, the loss of vision
lasts longer because the pupils have enlarged to adapt to the darkness.
However, recovery should be complete in 15 minutes. Light can injure
eyes permanently if it causes burns within the eye itself. This is likely to
occur to those soldiers who are looking at the fireball at the instant of
c. Nuclear Radiation. A nuclear detonation produces two types of
nuclear radiationinitial and residual. Both types can injure or kill
(1) Initial. Initial is invisible radiation emitted within the first minute after detonation. It travels at the speed of light and can damage human
tissues and blood-forming cells. Since initial nuclear radiation travels so
fast, the only way to be protected from it is to be in a protected position
before the detonation.
(2) Residual. Residual is radiation that lasts after the first minute. It
consists mostly of neutron-induced radiation and fallout.
(a) Neutron-induced radiation is produced by the neutrons that were
made radioactive by the explosion. It exists only on the earths surface
near the point of detonation. The intensity and extent of this radiation
depends on the type of soil at the point of detonation, the height of the
burst, and the type and yield of the weapon. The only significant source
of residual radiation from an airburst weapon is neutron-induced radiation in the soil in a circular pattern beneath the point of detonation.
(b) Fallout is produced when material from the earth is drawn into
the fireball, vaporized, and combined with radioactive material to form
radioactive particles that fall back to earth. The larger particles fall back
right away near the point of detonation. The smaller particles are carried
by the winds until they gradually settle to the earths surface. The area
contaminated by fallout can be small, or it can extend over thousands of
square kilometers. The radiation dose rate of these areas vary from an
insignificant level to a dangerous one.
d. Electromagnetic Pulse. Electromagnetic pulse is a massive surge
of electrical power, similar to a strong radio signal. It occurs within
seconds of a nuclear detonation and is transmitted through the air in all
directions from the point of detonation. EMP can damage electrical

FM 7-92
components in equipment (especially solid-state, such as radios, radars,
computers, and vehicles) and weapon systems (TOWs and Dragons).
However, it does not present a physical hazard to soldiers.
The different types of nuclear bursts are airbursts, surface bursts, and
subsurface bursts.
a. Airburst. An airburst is a nuclear detonation above the ground
that creates a fireball and does not touch the earths surface. Fallout or
radioactive material from an airburst has no military significance unless
rain or snow falls through the radioactive cloud and brings the material
to earth. Neutron-induced radiation is the major radiation hazard.
b. Surface Burst. A surface burst is a nuclear detonation that occurs
at such a height that the fireball touches the surface of the earth. Blast,
thermal radiation, and initial nuclear radiation are not as widespread as
from an airburst. Induced radiation is present, but it is masked by fallout.
The fallout produced by a surface burst is a dangerous hazard because it
can cover a large area with high levels of radioactivity.
c. Subsurface Burst. A subsurface burst is a nuclear detonation that
occurs beneath the surface of the earth. If the fireball of this type burst
breaks through the earths surface, it produces fallout. Thermal radiation
is not a significant hazard as it is absorbed by the soil. Blast effects are
also reduced, but shock waves passing through the ground or water extend
for some distance. Residual radiation occurs in and around the crater.
To warn the reconnaissance platoon of a friendly nuclear detonation, the
battalion issues a warning message. The format for this warning is prescribed by SOP and should contain a proword indicating that the message
is a nuclear strike warning. It also gives instruction on what protective
measures to take, or gives the order to evacuate the area. The warning
indicates the expected time and general location of the detonation. Once
the warning is received by the platoon, the platoon leader disseminates it
through the platoon using the chain of command. He also specifies
protective measures.
The platoon SOP prescribes a nuclear hazard alarm and also a signal to
indicate that the hazard is no longer present. The standard nuclear hazard
alarm is the vocal alarm FALLOUT. The standard signal for indicating
that the hazard is no longer present is the vocal signal ALL CLEAR. As
soon as a nuclear hazard is detected, the nuclear hazard alarm is given. It

FM 7-92
can be given by any soldier detecting the hazard. Once the alarm has been
initiated, it must be passed throughout the platoon as quickly as possible.
When the hazard no longer exists, the ALL CLEAR signal is given. This
is normally initiated by the platoon leader and then passed throughout
the platoon as quickly as possible.
The best protection from the immediate effects of a nuclear detonation is
cover infighting positions, culverts, ditches, or behind hills. Soldiers face
away from the explosion, close their eyes, and coverall exposed skin. They
stay down until the blast wave passes and until the debris stops falling.
Then, they check for (and treat) injuries, check damage to equipment and
supplies, and prepare to continue the mission.
a. Radiation is the only nuclear effect that remains after a nuclear
detonation. It can last for days or even years, and it can cover a large area.
Since radiation cannot be detected by human senses, radiac equipment
must be used to detect its presence. The procedures for radiological
monitoring, surveying, and reporting must be prescribed by SOP. (For
more information, see FM 3-3.)
b. If the reconnaissance platoon stays in a fallout area, all soldiers
stay in positions that have overhead cover if possible. They cover their
mouths and noses with scarves or handkerchiefs to prevent from inhaling
radioactive particles. The teams continually monitor the radiation level
in the area.
c. Once the fallout has passed, soldiers brush the radioactive dust off
their clothing and scrape the dirt from the area around them. Radiacmeter operators continue to monitor and report radiation levels. All soldiers
wash themselves and their equipment when possible. The time the platoon stays in a contaminated area depends on the amount of radiation
that the soldiers have been exposed to, the intensity of the radiation, the
protection available, and the needs of the mission.
Radiological surveys are determined by the degree and extent of radiological contamination in a specific area. They are usually directed by the
battalion and are performed by one or more survey parties under the
control of a battalion control party. The platoon may be required to
survey an area or to report areas requiring survey. A ground survey party
includes a monitor who operates a dose rate meter and records data, and
an assistant who can be a driver, RATELO, or both. More soldiers can
be included for security. Ground survey parties follow a prescribed course
and report the dose rate, location, and time of reading at designated
points. Readings are taken with the survey meter held 1 meter above the

FM 7-92
ground (waist-high). In open areas, readings are taken at least 10 meters
from buildings or other large structures. In built-up areas, they are taken
in the center of the street or at intersections. Readings are recorded on
DA Form 1971-1-R. The radiacmeter should be zeroed before each reading. When operating in a nuclear environment, the reconnaissance platoon closely monitors the amount of radiation it has already absorbed
(dose) and the amount each soldier is exposed to (dose rate). The
IM-93A/UD dosimeter or the AN/PDR-75 radiac set are used for dose
rate. Designated operators should be trained to properly use this equipment. (For more information, refer to TM 11-6665-232-12, TM 11-6665214-10, TM 11-6665-251-10, and TM 11-6665-236-12.)
a IM-93A/UD Dosimeter. The IM-93A/UD dosimeter indicates the
total radiation dose received by soldiers. The meter is the size of a
fountain pen and is easy to read. The platoon leader records the times
and amounts of each reading. SOP determines how often to initiate
readings and reports. At prescribed time intervals, the platoon leader
reports readings to the battalion. The format for this report is prescribed
by SOP. (For more information, see FM 3-3.)
NOTE: For military purposes, one roentgen equals one centigray.
The radiation received by a soldier is measured and
expressed in cGys.
b. IM-174A/PD Radiacmeter. The IM-174A/PD radiacmeter is used
for area monitoring and survey. It measures gamma radiation in units
from 0 to 500 cGys per hour.
(1) Each radiological monitoring and survey team has two operators
(a primary and an alternate). These soldiers must be trained in the use
and maintenance of the devices and in the techniques of radiological
monitoring and survey.
(2) Radiological monitoring and survey starts on the order of the
battalion or IAW the SOP. When a contaminated area is detected, the
radiological monitoring and survey team marks the area with radiological
contamination markers. The team also records and reports to the battalion, using the NBC 4 report, the radiation dose rates, and the time and
location of each reading.
(3) The radiological monitoring and survey team conducts either
periodic or continuous monitoring. During periodic monitoring, the
team monitors different points within the area at least once each hour.
The team conducts continuous monitoring when
The platoon receives a fallout warning.
The platoon is moving.

FM 7-92
A nuclear detonation is reported, seen, or heard.
Radiation above 1 cGy per hour is detected by
periodic monitoring.
Upon order of the platoon leader.
(4) The team stops continuous monitoring on order from the platoon leader or when the dose rate falls below 1 cGy per hour (except for
units on the move, as they could enter a contaminated area anytime en
Since Threat forces have both chemical and biological weapons, the
reconnaissance platoon might have to operate under active CB conditions. These weapons can be used alone or with nuclear or conventional
weapons. Regardless of how these weapons are used, the platoon must
be able to survive and continue its combat mission. To ensure this, the
platoon must be trained to meet the NBC standards of proficiency.
Chemical agents are used to cause casualties, degrade performance, slow
maneuver, restrict terrain, and disrupt support. They can cover large
areas and may be placed on a target as a vapor, liquid, or aerosol.
Chemical agents can be disseminated by artillery, mortars, rockets, missiles, aircraft spray, bombs, and land mines. (See Figure B-1 for additional
information on characteristics of chemical weapons.)
Biological agents include pathogens (microorganisms that cause disease
in man, animals, and plants) and toxins (poisonous substances produced
as by-products of pathogens). These agents may be dispersed as aerosols
by generators, explosives, bomblets, missiles, and aircraft. Harmful germs
may also be spread by the release of infected insects, such as flies, mosquitos, fleas, and ticks.
Soldiers immediately stop breathing, mask, and give vocal or visual signals
when chemical agent symptoms are displayed or when the M8A1 alarm
a. Standard alarms include the vocal signal GAS, prescribed armand-hand signals, automatic chemical-agent alarms, rapid and continuous
beating on any metal object that produces a loud noise, a succession of
short blasts on a vehicle horn or any other similar device, or a broken
warning siren sound (for example, 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off).
(Figure B-2, page B-8.)

FM 7-92


FM 7-92

b. The vocal ALL CLEAR signals that the danger no longer exists.
It is given by the platoon leader or squad leader after prescribed unmasking procedures have been completed.
A CB attack can occur without warning. Soldiers must know exactly what
to do and how to do it without hesitation. Their lives depend on it.
a. Chemical Attack. A soldiers main protection against a chemical
attack is his protective mask. The mask protects against inhaling chemical
agents. If an attack is imminent or if chemicals have already been employed, soldiers should mask
(1) When chemical alarms or detection kits signal the presence of
chemical agents.
(2) When any artillery, mortar, rocket, or aircraft attack with other
than HE munitions occurs on or near their position.
(3) When smoke or mist of an unknown source appears in the area.
(4) When a chemical attack is suspected for any other reason, such
as enemy soldiers seen wearing protective masks and clothing, or presence
of dead animals or people with no outward sign of injury.
(5) When the platoon must enter an area known to be or suspected
of being contaminated by a chemical or biological agent.
(6) When, for no obvious reason, soldiers have particular symptoms.

FM 7-92
A runny nose.
A feeling of choking or tightness in the chest or throat.
Blurred vision or trouble focusing.
Difficulty in or increased rate of breathing.
b. Biological Attack. Information on the enemys use of biological
agents is passed from higher to lower. The best local defense against
biological warfare is strict enforcement of all preventive medicine (prescribed immunizations) and field sanitation measures and high standards
of personal hygiene. Leaders must ensure that water and food resupply
is obtained from approved sources.
If the reconnaissance platoon learns that it is subject to an imminent
chemical attack or downwind vapor hazard, each soldier should take the
following precautionary measures:
Place the chemical-agent alarm into operation.
Assume MOPP level 2, 3, or 4 (depending on the situation).
Attach M8/M9 paper to personnel and vehicles.
Cover as much equipment as possible.
Ensure decontamination equipment is accessible.
Prepare to move from the location on order.
Active avoidance measures taken by the battalion and the reconnaissance
platoon are those measures that specifically avoid, control, or lessen NBC
a. Commanders at all levels need to know about contamination
hazards and where uncontaminated areas are located. They can obtain
this information through the NBC warning and reporting system, and
through NBC reconnaissance.
(1) Reconnaissance. NBC reconnaissance seeks to locate a chemical
hazard in a specified area before the battalion moves into or through the
area. Any battalion element can be tasked to conduct a reconnaissance
to locate chemical hazards. NBC reconnaissance techniques are similar
to conventional reconnaissance techniques.
(2) Purpose. The purpose of NBC reconnaissance is to find the
boundary of contamination and the routes around, or through a contaminated area. The reconnaissance platoon can determine the following:
Chemical agents that are present.
Type of chemical agents.

FM 7-92
Location of the chemical agent.
Boundaries of the contaminated area.
Routes through or around the contaminated area.
b. The battalion commander uses the information obtained by the
reconnaissance platoon to determine the chemical agents in the area of
operation. This information is helpful to the battalion staff and can affect
future operations. The S3 directs the reconnaissance platoon to reconnoiter specific areas for signs of NBC contamination. To increase the
level of expertise within the reconnaissance platoon, the battalion commander may attach a chemical officer or an NCO to the platoon. These
individuals work directly for the reconnaissance platoon leader.
c. Once the commander designates the areas he wants checked for
contamination, the reconnaissance platoon leader develops the plan. The
exact route and where the contamination checks will occur are critical.
The route may be used by elements of the battalion. It is important that
every soldier be aware of the route and, if necessary, lead someone along
the route. The reconnaissance platoon conducts contamination checks at
250-meter intervals, which are based on METT-T or directed by the
chemical officer. Checks are conducted in areas where chemical agents
tend to collect: low spots, small valleys, and sheltered locations. (For
more information on where agents may collect, see FM 3-6.)
d. If the reconnaissance platoon detects a chemical agent, it marks
the location unless ordered otherwise. Then the reconnaissance platoon
moves in the opposite direction of travel until it is out of the contaminated
area. It moves laterally a predetermined distance and direction. The
platoon then begins to move in the original direction of travel. This
procedure is followed until the reconnaissance platoon reaches the battalion boundary or finds a clean route through the contamination.
e. The method the reconnaissance platoon uses to report information depends on the urgency. If time is critical, the information is passed
over the radio using the NBC 4 report format. If time is not critical or if
radio assets do not permit passing the information over the radio, the
information is recorded and carried back to the requestor. The DA Form
1791-2-R is used to record and transfer reconnaissance information.
f. Chemical surveys are required when the commander needs detailed information on the size of a contaminated area. Unlike radiological
surveys, the intensity of chemical contamination cannot be determined.
However, the prime interest is learning how large the contaminated area
is and if there are clear areas or routes within the area. Time is a major
factor in planning and conducting chemical surveys. Each detection test
requires time. The primary concern in surveys is to determine the areas

FM 7-92
contaminated by persistent chemical agents. Most testing is accomplished during the survey using M8 or M9 detector paper. Periodic tests
are accomplished using the M256 detection kit to ensure that only the
chemical agent being tested with the detection paper is present. (For
more information on surveys, see FM 3-3.)
Soldiers check for casualties, give first aid, conduct the basic skills of
decontamination (personal wipe down and operator spraydown), identification or detection of the agent, send NBC 1 or NBC 4 report, request
permission to move, request decontamination, and mark the area to warn
friendly troops.
The senior soldier present follows these procedures:
a. Procedures With Detector Kit. The M256 chemical-agent detector kit is used to test for the presence of chemical agents. This takes about
16 minutes. If no evidence of agents appears, one or two soldiers unmask
for 5 minutes, then remask. They are observed for chemical-agent symptoms for 10 minutes in a shady area. (A shady area is used since light
causes contraction of the pupils, which could be interpreted as a nerveagent symptom.) If no symptoms appear, the squad or platoon contacts
higher headquarters for permission to unmask. Once permission is
granted, all soldiers can safely unmask.
b. Procedures Without Detector Kit. The following is an emergency
field expedient when friendly elements have been masked for a longtime,
when there are no remaining signs of chemical agent use, and when the
platoon has no detector kit. One or two soldiers are selected to hold deep
breaths, break the seals of their masks, and keep their eyes wide open for
15 seconds. They then clear their masks, reseal them, and wait for 10 minutes. If symptoms do not appear after 10 minutes, the same soldiers again
break their seals, take two or three breaths, and clear and reseal their
masks. After another 10-minute wait, if symptoms have not developed,
the same soldiers unmask for 5 minutes and then remask. After 10 more
minutes, if symptoms have not appeared, all soldiers can safely unmask
once permission is granted from higher headquarters. They should all
remain alert for the appearance of any chemical symptoms. This procedure takes about 35 minutes.
CB agents have little affect on the mechanical operation of equipment.
However, liquid chemical-agent contamination on equipment can restrict

FM 7-92
the equipments use until it is decontaminated. The platoon must be
prepared to decontaminate its equipment.
Liquid-chemical agents can restrict the use of terrain and buildings. The
reconnaissance platoon does not decontaminate terrain; this is accomplished naturally by the weather. However, it can take a long time.
Therefore, the platoon bypasses contaminated areas when possible.
When this is not possible, the platoon must cross the contaminated area.


A soldiers main protection against a CB attack is his protective mask. It
prevents him from inhaling chemical or biological agents. (Figure B-3.)
a. Chemical Attack. For full protection against liquid chemical
agents, soldiers must wear their protective masks and hoods, and chemical-protective overgarments (to include helmet cover), overboots, and
(1) Once chemical agents have been employed, or while the threat
of a chemical attack exists, the platoon leader decides whether to keep all
soldiers or only some of them masked and in chemical-protective clothing.
This is called mission-oriented protective posture. When feasible, the
platoon leader specifies the degree of protection before a mission. (The
degree of protection may be prescribed by battalion.) Later, the platoon
leader can direct that the protection be modified according to the threat,
temperature, and workload.
(2) The MOPP level directed by the platoon leader determines what
equipment and clothing they must wear and use, and what precautionary
measures they must apply. Therefore, the commander and his subordinate leaders must know MOPP concepts. MOPP procedures are stated
in FM 3-4 but should be stated in the SOP.
(3) Figure B-3 shows the requirements for protective equipment and
clothing for different MOPP levels.
b. Biological Attack. The best defense against biological agents is
strict enforcement of all preventive medical and field sanitation measures
and high standards of personal hygiene. The duty uniform and gloves
protect against bites from insects (such as mosquitoes and ticks) that can
carry disease-causing germs. Clothing should be buttoned; trouser legs

FM 7-92
should be tucked into boots. Covering the skin lessens the chances of
biological agents entering the body through cuts and scratches. It also
prevents disease-carrying insects from reaching the skin. Insect repellents
and insecticides are effective against most disease-carrying insects. High
standards of sanitation also improve protection against some insects.


The casualties from a chemical attack must be treated as soon as possible
to prevent further injuries or complications. This treatment includes both
first-aid measures and decontamination. The symptoms and first-aid
steps for chemical agents are as follows:
a. Nerve Agents. The symptoms of nerve-agent poisoning include
runny nose, blurred vision, tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing,
drooling, nausea, twitching, and convulsions. The administration of the

FM 7-92
Mark-I automatic injector and convulsant antidote for nerve agent is the
first-aid measure for soldiers demonstrating symptoms of nerve-agent
poisoning. (Refer to FM 8-285 and FM 21-11 for additional information.)
b. Blister Agents. The symptoms of blister-agent poisoning include
redness of the skin in 4 to 6 hours and blisters in 6 to 12 hours after
exposure. These symptoms can be delayed for several hours or days,
depending on the type agent used. There is no first-aid treatment for
blister-agent poisoning other than decontamination. If burns or blisters
develop after decontamination, the soldier covers the area with sterile
gauze or a clean cloth to prevent infection. The blisters should not be
broken. However, if they do break, the blisters should be treated as open
c. Blood Agents. The symptoms of blood-agent poisoning include
increased breathing rate, dull-throbbing headache, and nausea. First-aid
procedures for blood-agent poisoning is to keep the casualty comfortable and
evacuate to a medication treatment facility (MTF). (Refer to FM 8-285 for
additional information.)
d. Choking Agents. The symptoms of choking-agent poisoning include coughing, choking, nausea, and headache. The first-aid treatment
for choking-agent poisoning is to keep the affected soldier still, warm, and
All soldiers must know decontamination procedures.
a. Chemical Agent. Each soldier has an M258A1 or M291 decontaminating kit. There is no specific place to carry the M258A1 or M291
kit. Soldiers use the M258A1 or M291 kit to decontaminate the skin and
individual equipment.
b. Biological Agent. Soldiers decontaminate themselves by showering with soap and hot water. Germicidal soaps are used, if available. The
nails should be thoroughly cleaned and the hairy parts of the body should
be scrubbed. Contaminated clothing is washed in hot, soapy water if it
cannot be sent to a field laundry for decontamination. Cotton items can
be boiled. Soldiers wash their contaminated equipment in hot, soapy
water and allow it to air out.
C. Equipment and Vehicles. The reconnaissance platoon is responsible for partial decontamination of its equipment and personnel. The
NBC defense company performs complete decontamination. (For more
information, see FM 3-5.)




This appendix discusses directed-energy weapons and gives an overview of how to defend against them. The technical characteristics
of DEWs are given in the United States Army capstone manual on
directed-energy weapons and in TB MED 524. This new category
of weaponry is different in operation and effect from any other
weapon. There is evidence of enemy use of DEWs in areas of conflict
around the world.
Directed-energy weapons include lasers, microwave radiation emitters,
and particle beam generators. These weapons produce casualties and
damage equipment by depositing energy on the target. Conventional
weapons rely on the kinetic/chemical energy of a sizable projectile to
defeat a target. DEWs depend upon subatomic particles or electro-magnetic
waves impacting on the target at or near the speed of light.
a. In the future, DEWs will be able to damage only soft targets to
include people or soft components of hard targets. Measures to prevent
damage or destruction from DEWs engagement to currently fielded
equipment and to soldiers are limited but are not impossible or complicated. Neither the equipment nor the soldiers' apparel have built-in
passive defense mechanisms to counter the effects of DEWs. Equipment
will be manufactured with built-in defenses against known DEWs, and
older equipment can be refitted with protective devices.
b. For the present, the reconnaissance platoon can employ the measures discussed in this appendix to protect themselves from attack by
Lasers are the DEWs most likely to be used against US forces. All modern
armies have increasing quantities of laser devices in their inventories. Any
laser-emitting device, such as a target designator or a range finder, can be
employed as a weapon if it is aimed at a type of target it can damage.
a. The most probable targets of laser weapons are optical and
electro-optical systemsspecifically, fire control devices such as sights
and the soldiers behind the sights.
b. A laser beam entering a direct-view optical system, such as a telescope, has its power increased by the magnification of that system. Anyone
who happens to be looking through the system will suffer burns to the eye(s).
The severity of the burns, the permanence of the damage, and the time

FM 7-92
required for the eye to heal itself depend on weather conditions, the
intensity of the laser, the magnification of the optical device, and the
duration of the eyes exposure to the laser. Eye injury ranges from
temporary flash blinding and mild burns to total, permanent blindness. A
soldier subjected to this type of injury can be incapacitated and unable to
aim a direct-fire weapon or track with a command-guided weapon. It is
anticipated that a laser weapon will fire at a target for a split second at
most before laying on another target.
c. A laser beam entering a non-see-through electro-optical device,
such as a night vision sight or thermal imagery device, deposits its energy
in the form of heat on the sensor screens inside. If the heat is intense
enough, it can burn out the screen, making the device useless. Some of
the electrical circuits inside also burn out from the heat and from a sudden
surge of electricity caused by the lasers energy. Any device so affected
will require extensive repairs.
d. Laser weapons can also be directed against people, but that is an
inefficient way to employ them. Lasers burn people, with the eyes being
the most susceptible to injury. For the person to suffer eye injury, they
must be looking at the laser source. Since the eye is more sensitive to light
at night, laser energy entering the eye during darkness has a greater effect
than it does during daylight. Some types of lasers are hazardous to the
eye even though the laser cannot be seen.
e. Any uncovered glass surface (such as eyeglasses, vision blocks, or
binoculars) has the potential to attract or alert an antielectro-optical
weapons target acquisition system.
Apply the following techniques to avoid detection by antielectro-optical
weapon systems:
a. Use artillery, mortars, or direct-fire weapons to suppress known
or suspected antielectro-optical weapons locations. Smoke rounds are
good for temporarily defeating laser devices.
b. When operating from fixed or semi-fixed positions in the line of
sight of known or suspected enemy locations, lessen the exposure of glass
surfaces in the direction of the enemy by positioning vehicles and weapons
in covered or concealed positions.
c. When the mission requires maneuver and, as a result, the possible
exposure of many glass surfaces, block the line of sight between friendly
forces and known or suspected enemy locations with smoke, or plan routes
to lessen exposure time.
d. Sound tactics prevent friendly weapons locations from being pinpointed and targeted for attack by laser devices.

FM 7-92
e. Devices with external glass surfaces not in use should be shielded
until the device is used. Even vision blocks and headlights can alert
antielectro-optical weapon target acquisition systems; cover the vision
blocks as well. Tape, canvas, empty sandbags, or other materials can be
used as covers.
f. When using optical or electro-optical devices to search for the
enemy, use the minimum number possible to do the job and lessen
exposure time. Protect the rest until they are required to fire.
g. Gunners can use the AN/TAS-4 to scan for enemy laser devices.
A blooming of the image indicates the presence of a laser. Gunners
should be instructed to find and avoid the threat laser device. Indirect fire
should be used to neutralize the devices once they are located.
h. Tubular extensions over objective lenses lessen their chances of
detection except from almost head on. They can be made from tubular
ammunition packaging or other scrap materials.
i. Low-energy, antielectro-optical weapons work only if they have
line of sight to their target. They are just as effective at night as during
the day; however, smoke, fog, snow, and dust degrade their effectiveness.
Another good countermeasure against some laser devices is to cover
one-half of the optical lens with tape or some other type of cover. There
might be some degradation of viewing however, the benefits in reducing
your vulnerability could be great.
j. Soldiers should be aware of the potential hazard from laser devices
in the US Army inventory. Laser range finders are the ones most likely
to be found near friendly soldiers.
k. Laser range finders are used on the M551A1, M60A3, and M1
tanks. They are also used in the artillery units.
Lightweight target designatorused by artillery FISTs for airborne, ranger, and special forces units.
Ground-locating laser designator in either the ground-mounted
or vehicle-mounted modeused by FISTs for mechanized, infantry, and air assault units.
GVS-5, binocular-type laser range finderused by all FIST
Laser designatorused by some attack helicopters to direct the
Hellfire and Copperhead systems.
Laser devicesused by artillery survey parties for surveying in
gun positions.
GVS-5 laser range findersused by reconnaissance platoons.


FM 7-92
l. Air Force and Navy aircraft can also carry laser target designators
for aiming precision-guided munitions. The F-4, F-7, F-111, F-105, F-16,
and A-6 aircraft can be equipped with these designators.
m. Operators of laser firing devices are given extensive training in
their safe employment. The devices themselves cannot be activated without conscious, deliberate action on the part of the operator. While the
possibility of an accident is extremely remote, it can happen. A victim
might suddenly and unexpectedly move directly into the path of a laser
beam and look directly at it, or a laser beam might reflect off a shiny
surface and strike a victim in the eyes.
(1) To preclude such accidents, operators of laser firing devices must
be kept constantly aware of friendly soldier locations, and they must
positively identify targets before lasing them. Lasers should not be fired
at reflective surfaces, and the warning "lasing" should be given before
activating the laser.
(2) Conversely, commanders of soldiers operating in areas near
friendly lasing must ensure that the commanders of laser-operating forces
are always aware of the locations of friendly soldiers. Soldiers should be
be told if there are friendly lasers in their area and should be told where
the lasers are at, if possible. They should be warned not to look in the
direction of laser-emitting devices unless specifically told it is safe to do
so. Whenever possible, soldiers should wear laser-protective goggles
matched to the wave length of the friendly lasers. Laser-protective goggles are available through normal supply channels.
Electromagnetic pulse is electromagnetic radiation that has a frequency
ranging from 10 MHz to 4 GHz.
a. Electromagnetic pulses can come from nuclear detonations (nondirected EMP), from detonation of conventional explosives coupled with
focusing electromechanical devices, or from electrically powered EMP
generators on or above the ground.
b. Electromagnetic pulses can damage or destroy sensitive electronic
components, such as microchips, coils, and fuses by overloading them with
electrical current. Any equipment containing electronic components is
subject to damage or destruction from EMP attack. FM radios are
susceptible to EMP damage. The amount of damage to equipment depends on its distance from the source of the pulse.
c. Electromagnetic pulses can be projected into target areas from
long ranges. They can enter a targeted device through any opening and
attack sensitive components inside even if the device is disconnected or
turned off. For example, it can enter a radio set through the louvers over

FM 7-92
the cooling fans and destroy circuitry inside, making the radio useless. It
can also enter through unshielded cables for antennas, power lines, and
so on.
d. An EMP attack lasts only for a split second and affects a large area.
Protecting equipment from its attack is difficult. The only reliable way to
do it is to encase susceptible equipment in some type of heavy gage metal
shielding, or to surround it with special metal screening. Burying or
covering it with sandbags or other nonmetallic materials does not provide
enough protection. Terrain masking is ineffective because EMP follows
the curve of the earth.
e. When operated from combat vehicles, sensitive equipment should
be disconnected if not needed and moved to the center of the vehicle.
Smaller pieces of equipment should be placed in empty ammunition cans.
Hatch covers should stay closed unless someone enters or exits the
vehicle. By doing this, the equipment is less susceptible to destruction,
and the rest is available for use after the attack.
f. Known or suspected locatiom of enemy ground-based EMP-generating
weapons should be attacked by direct or indirect fire weapons within range.
Commanders at all levels mentally condition their subordinates to face
the threat of DEWs. DEWs appear at first glance to have devastating
effects on men and equipment; effective defense against them seems
nearly impossible. However, a basic understanding of what they are and
how they work reveals them to be less awful than first supposed.
a. Laser, microwave, and EMP weapons damage their targets by
attacking their soft electronic components. Their terminal effects are less
violent and destructive than those of conventional kinetic or chemical
energy munitions. Even though they render their targets just as combatineffective, they do not have the blast, fire, and fragmentation effects of
conventional munitions. The dangers to people are less from laser,
microwave, or EMP attacks than from conventional attacks.
b. While the thought of eye injuries from lasers is repulsive to the
soldier, the extent of injury and the recovery time for a laser injury is less
than that for a gunshot wound. Also, permanent blindness in the effected
eye is not a certainty, and occurs in only a small percentage of incidents.
c. The advantages of particle beam weapons (if they are used) are
their flat trajectory, long range, and large magazine capacity. Other than
these advantages, they are similar to conventional tank cannons in employment and effect. Whether a vehicle is struck by a HEAT round, an
APDS round, or a particle beam hardly matters; the effect on the vehicle

FM 7-92
and its occupants is about the same in all cases. There is no countermeasure against a particle beam weapon system.
d. Until equipment is factory-hardened against DEWs, the defensive
techniques discussed in this appendix can provide some protection from
directed-energy attack. DEWs that can injure people are line-of-sight
systems; standard defensive techniques employed against any direct fire
weapon provides equal or better protection against personal injury from
DEWS than from conventional weapons, since DEWs have no bursting
Each squad is issued one LCMS. The LCMS is designed to disrupt enemy
optical and electro-optical sighting devices. The LCMS is capable of
detecting, locating, suppressing, illuminating, and designating enemy optical and electro-optical devices. (Figure C-1.)
DetectAll optics from extended ranges.
LocateOptics/electro-optical devices allowing
the gunner to track and suppress.
SuppressTemporarily flashblind eyes using
direct-view optics, temporarily bloom image
intensifiers, temporarily flashblind unprotected,
unaided eyes.
IlluminateAt 1,000 meters, the LCMS can
illuminate a 30-meter target.
DesignateTarget area, cuing and directing
fires from other weapons.
a. The platoon leader uses the LCMS to assist in identifying targets
during reconnaissance and security operations. Once targets are identified, the LCMS is used to enhance the combat power of the maneuver
force by directing other direct and indirect fires to destroy targets. The
target handoff must be coordinated and specified in the operation order.
This ensures the LCMS is not used before the availability of hand-off
assets. For example, if mortars are going to be used to destroy identified
targets, the squad will not activate the LCMS until the mortars are ready
to fire. If activated too early, the enemy takes measures to counter the
affects desired by the mortars. The LCMS can be used in either the active
or passive mode. When used in the passive mode, targets can be identified
without the enemys knowledge. In the active mode, the enemy is aware
that he is being targeted.
b. The LCMS gives the platoon the ability to detect targets at greater
ranges. It should be used in conjunction with other detection devices.
The mission of the platoon does not change with the addition of LCMS.

FM 7-92
The ability to provide tactical information is increased, but the platoon
must use the tactical skills that places them in a position to use the LCMS.
For safety, the LCMS should never be used to identify friendly forces.




This appendix provides the tactical standing operating procedures
for infantry reconnaissance platoon and squad. The procedures
apply unless a leader makes a decision to deviate from them based
on the factors of METT-T. In such a case, the exception applies only
to the particular situation for which the leader made the decision.


FM 7-92
A. Purpose. The purpose of this TSOP is to establish a common framework for reconnaissance platoons. Items contained within this TSOP
should not replace existing platoon procedures. However, reconnaissance platoons without an established TSOP should use this document as
a minimum.
B. Application/Scope. This TSOP is to be used by all reconnaissance
platoon soldiers. It applies to all supporting units working directly with
the platoon. All TSOP provisions apply except as modified by operations,
orders, and plans. No provision shall replace good judgment and common
C. Command Responsibility. The reconnaissance platoon leader is responsible for this TSOP. Ensuring compliance of established TSOPs
within the platoon is a command responsibility that is monitored by all
leaders. All changes will be submitted to the platoon sergeant. The
platoon leader is the approving authority for all changes.
Appendix 1. Duties and Responsibilities
Appendix 2. Orders
Warning Orders (Tab A)
Operation Orders (Tab B)
Fragmentary Orders (Tab C)
Appendix 3. Communications
Appendix 1. Reconnaissance
Appendix 2. Security
Appendix 3. Movement
Appendix 4. Engineer

FM 7-92
Appendix 5. Air Defense
Appendix 6. NBC Defense
Appendix 7. Relief in Place
Appendix 8. Linkup
Appendix 9. Passage of Lines
Appendix 10. Assembly Area
Appendix 1. Personnel Reports
Personnel Status Report
Casualty Feeder Report
Witness Statement
Serious Incident Report
Appendix 2. Intelligence Reports
EPW/Captured Materiel Report
Intelligence Summary
MIJI Report
Appendix 3. Operations Reports
Results of Contact Report
Commanders Situation Report
Minefield Report
Air Request Support
Shelling Report, Mortar Report, Bomb Report
Deployment/Redeployment Report
Closure Report
Appendix 4. Logistics Reports
Battle Loss
Resupply Insertion Request
Appendix 5. NBC Reports
NBC 1 Report
NBC 2 Report
NBC 3 Report

FM 7-92
NBC 4 Report
NBC 5 Report
NBC 6 Report
Nuclear Warning/Chemical Warning
Effective Downwind Message
Chemical Downwind Message
Appendix 1. Patrol
Appendix 2. Actions at Objective (Recon)
Appendix 3. Contact Report
Appendix 4. Quartering Party
Appendix 5. Passage of Lines



FM 7-92



1. COMMAND. The platoon leader is responsible for effectively using
the platoons resources and for employing, organizing, and directing the
platoon during combat operations. Effective command allows subordinate leaders to exercise their initiative, take risks, and seize opportunities
during the mission.
a. Succession of Command. During combat, any member of the reconnaissance platoon may be required to assume command. Frequently, the
RATELO may need to continue operations and direct the operation until
the chain of command can be reestablished. Under normal conditions,
the reconnaissance platoon succession of command will be
Platoon leader.
Platoon sergeant.
Main effort squad leader.
Supporting effort squad leaders by rank.
b. Assumption of Command. When it is necessary for a new leader
to assume command of the reconnaissance platoon, if and when the
situations allows it, he will accomplish the following tasks:
(1) Inform higher headquarters of the change.
(2) Reestablish the platoon chain of command and
ensure all subordinates are made aware of the change.
(3) Check the platoons security.
(4) Check the platoons equipment and personnel status.
(5) Confirm the platoons location.
(6) Assess the platoons ability to continue the mission.
(7) Inform higher command of assessment.
(8) Continue the mission.
2. CONTROL. The challenge to the leader is to use the minimal amount
of control required to synchronize the operation, while still allowing
decentralized decision making.


FM 7-92



1. PLATOON LEADER. The platoon leader is responsible for accomplishing the platoons mission. He is responsible for positioning and
employing all assigned and attached assets.
a. He leads the platoon in support of battalion missions.
b. He keeps the commander informed.
c. He plans missions with the help of the platoon sergeant, squad
leaders, and other key personnel.
d. He stays abreast of the situation and goes where he is needed to
supervise, issue FRAGOs, and accomplish the mission.
e. He requests logistical support from battalion.
f. He directs the platoon sergeant in planning and coordinating the
platoons CSS effort.
g. During planning, he receives on-hand status reports from the
platoon sergeant and squad leaders.
h. He reviews platoon requirements based on the tactical plan.
i. He issues guidance concerning the casualty evacuation plan.
j. During execution, he checks the work of the platoon sergeant and
the squad leaders.
k. He ensures the soldiers load is reasonable.
2. PLATOON SERGEANT. The platoon sergeant is the senior NCO in
the reconnaissance platoon and second in command.
a. He supervises and coordinates the logistics, administration, and
maintenance activities of the platoon.
b. He organizes and controls the platoon alternate CP.
c. He receives the squad leaders requests for rations, water, and
ammunition. He directs the routing of supplies and mail.
d. He maintains platoon strength information, consolidates and forwards the platoons casualty reports (DA Forms 1155 and 1156) and
receives replacements.
e. He monitors the morale, discipline, and health of soldiers in the
f. He controls task-organized elements in the reconnaissance platoon during tactical operations. This can include, but is not limited to,
quartering parties, security forces in withdrawals, and security patrols.
g. He coordinates and supervises platoon resupply operations.

FM 7-92
h. He ensures that ammunition and equipment are evenly distributed.
i. He ensures that the casualty evacuation plan is complete and
executed properly by directing the platoons combat lifesavers, aid and
litter teams.
3. SQUAD LEADER. The squad leader is responsible for the squad.
a. He controls the movement of his squad.
b. He exercises his command through the ASLs.
c. He manages the logistical and administrative needs of his squad.
He requests and issues ammunition, water, rations, and special equipment.
d. He maintains accountability of his soldiers and equipment.
e. He completes casualty feeder reports and reviews the casualty
reports completed by squad members.
f. He supervises the maintenance of the squads weapons and equipment.
g. He conducts inspections of his soldiers and their weapons and
h. He keeps the platoon sergeant and platoon leader informed on his
squads supply status and equipment readiness.
i. He ensures that supplies and equipment are internally cross-leveled.


FM 7-92



1. ORDERS DISSEMINATION. The reconnaissance platoon leader
issues the orders to the squad leaders when possible. If not, he adheres
to the following priorities:
a. Platoon leader to platoon sergeant to squad leaders, and leaders
of supporting units.
b. FRAGO (platoon CP to squad CP).
2. GRAPHICS. Make graphics as nonrestrictive as possible. Ensure
everyone has a copy of the overlays.
3. ORDERS GROUP. For dissemination of platoon orders when tire
tactical situation allows maximum participation. The following personnel will attend:
Platoon leader.
Platoon sergeant.
Squad leader.
Leaders of attached units.



FM 7-92







1. FORMAT. The warning order format should generally follow the
five-paragraph operation order. Warning orders give subordinates advance notice of upcoming tactical operations. This gives them time to
prepare. The order should be brief, but complete. A sample format
1. SITUATION. Brief description of the enemy and friendly
situations. Attachments to the reconnaissance platoon.
2. MISSION. Use the restated mission from the mission analysis.
a. Special teams or task organization within the platoon.
b. Uniform and equipment common to all (changes from
SOP; for example, take extra meals or carry CPOG).
c. Special weapons, ammunition, or equipment (different
from SOP). (For example, mines, satchel charges, grappling
hooks, drop or pickup NVDs.)
d. The tentative time schedule is formed on the basis of
mission analysis. It includes at least:
(1) Earliest time of move.
(2) Time and place of OPORD.
(3) Inspection times and items to be inspected.
(4) Rehearsal times and actions to be rehearsed. (For example, actions at the objective, special teams; for example,
EPWs, or other actions as time allows.)
e. Additional general instructions as needed or by SOP.


FM 7-92
2. CONSIDERATION. The following items should be considered during
the preparation of a warning order:
Time of early personnel attachments (GSR, engineer squads,
and so on).
Squad leaders briefback to platoon leader.
Issue of special equipment, SOI, time, and location.
COMMEX times.
Test fires and zeros (including NVDs).
Rehearsals (squad/platoon).
Ammunition distribution (time and location).
Initial/final inspections.
Platoon meetings/final briefback.
JM briefings/initial manifest call/SAT/final manifest call/load
time/TOT (airborne units only).
Final sanitation of troops.


FM 7-92



The operation order is used to give subordinate leaders the essential
information needed to execute an operation. The platoon leader is
responsible for preparing the OPORD with the assistance of the PSG and
other selected individuals. 1st Squad prepares a terrain model for all
platoon OPORDs. The platoon leader prepares a concept sketch. The
terrain model and the concept sketch are visual aids that assist the platoon
leader in explaining the OPORD. Squad leaders familiarize themselves
with the terrain model before the platoon leader issues the OPORD. The
platoon sergeant briefs the terrain analysis by using the factors of
OAKOC. The platoon leader briefs the OPORD orally from notes that
follow the five-paragraph format. At the completion of the OPORD, each
squad leader briefbacks his mission-essential tasks. All notes taken by the
squad leaders are given to the PSG for destruction after completion of the
platoon rehearsal. (See Figure D-1 for an example of an oral OPORD
[five-paragraph format].)


FM 7-92


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FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92
1. USE. FRAGOs are used to change specific missions or to provide
timely changes to existing orders.
2. BREVITY. Only those items that are changed from the original
OPORD are included in the FRAGO.
3. FORMAT. FRAGOs follow the standard five-paragraph order. Items
not required are deleted.
a. Concept of operation.
b. Maneuver.
c. Fires.
d. Intelligence and electronic warfare.
e. Obstacles, mines, and fortifications.
f. Unit tasks.
g. Coordinating instructions.


FM 7-92
1. NETS.
a. Platoon Net. This net, which maybe secure, is used by the platoon
leader to control the tactical situation/flow of maneuver. Traffic of an
administrative or logistic nature maybe transmitted on the platoon net,
depending on the tactical situation.
b. Battalion Operations and Intelligence. The platoon leader or
squad leader, when necessary, uses this net to report information and
inform the command group of changes in the tactical situation.
2. FREQUENCY CHANGES (other than standard SOI periods).
a. Directed Frequency Changes. These changes are made IAW the
supplemental instructions in the SOI.
(1) The NCS directs the frequency change in the following manner:
(a) A frequency is determined unusable.
(b) A net call is made and codeword is given to switch to alternate
(c) All stations acknowledge. If no one can be reached on a primary
frequency, then the RATELO switches to an alternate frequency until
contact is made. If two radios are available, he leaves one on the old
frequency until he establishes contact on the alternate or primary frequency.
(2) The NCS makes a net call on the new frequency, calling every five
minutes thereafter to try to reach stations not answering on the new
b. Automatic Frequency Changes. These changes are made only
IAW the supplemental instructions to the battalion SOI.
(1) Stations make an automatic frequency change only if the original
frequency is unusable.
(2) All other means of alternative communications are tried before
an automatic frequency change is made.
3. VINSON PROCEDURES. (If platoon net has secure net capability.)
a. TEKs are changed weekly at 0001Z unless the OPORD states
otherwise. TEKs are updated by MK/AK functions as required. When
feasible, TEKs are physically transferred between operators.


FM 7-92
b. Automatic keying functions allow rapid, automatic keying of the
entire net, the preferred method of changing the TEK (talk variable).
Stations that miss the AK function can be keyed by a second attempt. If
this fails, the station must be manually keyed.
4. RADIO. Radio is the least secure means of communication. Radio is
susceptible to interception and jamming. Proper radio procedures must
be used to reduce the enemys opportunity to hamper radio communications.
a. Radio procedures:
(1) Change frequencies and call signs IAW SOI.
(2) Use varied transmission schedules.
(3) Use established formats to expedite transmissions such as SALUTE.
(4) Encode messages or use secure voice.
(5) Use brevity codes when possible.
(6) All RATELOs will have trouble shooting card taped to their
(7) The head of the OE254 or RC292 will be carried by the platoon
leaders RATELO.
(8) If faced with the possibility of being captured, RATELOs and or
leaders will ensure that SOI information is destroyed and radios zeroized.
b. Actions if jamming is suspected:
(1) Continue to operate. (Do not let the enemy know that he is
having any affect on communications.)
(2) Disconnect the antenna. If interference stops, communications
are probably being jammed.
(3) Switch to highest power.
(4) Relocate the radio. Terrain may mask the enemys jamming
(5) Use a directional antenna.
(6) Turn the squelch off.


FM 7-92
PURPOSE. To standardize selected routine operational procedures
within the reconnaissance platoon.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. All tactical situations are unique and dependent upon
METT-T. In every situation, however, you must establish security and
remain undetected.
2. ORGANIZATION. The reconnaissance platoon organizes according
to the information requirements needed by battalion. When required to
reconnoiter more than one area, zone, or route, the platoon organizes
into three reconnaissance elements. The platoon leader and platoon
sergeant accompanies two of the reconnaissance elements. When necessary, the platoon leader remains as a separate element.
3. REQUIREMENTS. The platoon leader receives the information requirements from battalion S2. The platoon leader coordinates all available support while at the main CP. This includes but is not limited to the
a. Exact information requirements. Start/stop time.
b. Movement times/routes. Transportation.
c. Linkup times/signals.
d. Attachments/special equipment.
e. Fire support.
f. Communications plan.
g. Reporting time/instructions.
h. Logistics, resupply, MEDEVAC.
i. Contingencies, if compromised.
j. Enemy situation.
k. Concept of battalion mission.
l. Insertion/extraction methods available.
m. Drop time information no longer required.
4. PLANNING. The platoon leader is responsible for the planning of all
missions. He directs members of the platoon to assist as required.
a. Platoon Leader:
Issues warning order.
Develops/briefs plan.
Supervises rehearsals.
Coordinates as required.

FM 7-92
b. Platoon Sergeant:
Assists platoon leader.
Prepares paragraph 4 of OPORD.
Coordinates logistic/transportation requirements.
Briefs paragraph 4.
c. Squad Leader:
Assists platoon leader/sergeant, as required.
Prepares sand table.
Briefs squad members.
Conducts inspections/rehearsals.
5. EXECUTION. Execution is the accomplishment of the mission. Execution begins once the order has been issued and the platoon completes
the actions necessary for the execution. The actions include rehearsals,
movement, establishing the ORP, leaders reconnaissance, reconnaissance, withdrawing from the objective, and dissemination and reporting
of information.
a. Rehearsals.
At a minimum, always conduct actions at the objective.
All platoon members and attachments will attend.
At a minimum, attended by the platoon leader, the platoon
sergeant, and the squad leaders.
b. Movement.
Routes (primary, alternate), graphic control measures (rally
point, phase lines, contact points).
Movement formations, techniques.
Azimuth, distance.
c. Objective Rally Point.
Designated by terrain feature and grid coordinates in
operations area.
Platoon halts 200 to 400 meters before reaching the ORP.
ORP reconned at a minimum by three-man element.
Movement into and establishment of ORP.
Platoon ORP occupationlead squad occupies 12 to 4;
middle squad occupies 4 to 8; trail squad occupies 8 to 12.
Squad ORP occupation-as directed by the squad leader.
Platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and RATELOs locate in the
center of the ORP.

FM 7-92
Squad leaders prepare equipment for reconnaissance.
Platoon leader issues contingency plan for the platoon
while he is conducting the leaders reconnaissance.
Platoon leader assembles individuals for the leaders
d. Leader's Reconnaissance.
Purpose of the leaders reconnaissance is to pinpoint the
objective and confirm or deny assumptions made during
operation order.
Issue contingency plan to the platoon sergeant.
Select a release point, if necessary, for additional control
during the leaders reconnaissance.
Establish surveillance.
Place out security.
Select subordinate element positions and show to the
appropriate element leaders.
Confirm the withdrawal plan, to include confirming the
Location of the ORP or rendezvous point if different.
Maintain surveillance of the objective once the leaders
reconnaissance has been initiated.
Issue a fragmentary order upon return to the ORP, if needed.
e. Reconnaissance.
Reconnaissance will be area, zone, or route.
Techniques are based on factors of METT-T and include
fan, successive sector, converging routes, and stationary.
Stay alert to observe any information about the enemy or terrain.
Record information on paper or make a sketch.
Maximum stealth and patience are fundamentals of success.
Use night vision devices, LCMS, and binoculars to assist
with observation.
Use battlefield noises to cover sound of movement when
in close proximity to the enemy.
To prevent being compromised, do not take unnecessary risks.
f. Withdrawal.
The platoon leader selects a rally point or rendezvous point,
Occupy the same as the ORP. The first element to arrive
establishes security.


FM 7-92
g. Dissemination of Information.
Information gathered is recorded under the SALUTE
Format-size, activity, location, unit, time, equipment.
Squad leaders collect information from their squads.
Squad leaders report all information to the platoon leader.
Platoon leader collects all squad information.
Squad leaders disseminate all other information obtained
from other squads to their squad members.
Platoon leader reports all information to higher headquarters.
If operating separate from the platoon and no link up is
planned, squad leaders report information to the platoon
leader by radio. If unable to do so, the squad leaders report
the information to battalion.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. Security is part of every operation. The reconnaissance
platoon is responsible for providing its own security and assists in providing security for the battalion. The platoon conducts screening missions
for the battalion.
2. ORGANIZATION. The platoon leader organizes the reconnaissance
platoon according to the mission. The platoon leader must first determine the battalions mission before organizing the platoon. The mission
determines how the platoon will be organized. During screening missions, the platoon may operate as a platoon or as individual squads under
platoon control.
3. REQUIREMENTS. The battalion S3 assigns the reconnaissance platoon an initial screen line. Once the platoon leader has this information,
he coordinates with the various staff elements while at the main CP. This
includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Concept of the battalion mission.
b. Insertion/extraction methods available.
c. Movement times/routes.
d. Attachments/special equipment.
e. Communications plan, reporting time/instructions.
f. Available fire support and engagement criteria.
g. Enemy situation.
h. Logistics plan.
i. Linkup plan, if necessary.
j. Contingencies (for example, react to contact).
4. PLANNING. The platoon leader is responsible for the planning of all
missions. He directs members of the platoon to assist as required.
a. Platoon Leader.
Issues warning order.
Coordinates fire support plan, passage of line, and
adjacent patrols.
Obtains the latest update/briefback S3.
Develops/briefs plan.
Supervises rehearsals.
Coordinates as required.

FM 7-92
b. Platoon Sergeant.
Assists the platoon leader as required.
Prepares paragraph 4 of the OPORD.
Coordinates logistics/transportation requirements.
Briefs paragraph 4.
Supervises the squad leaders.
c. Squad Leaders.
Assists the platoon leader/sergeant as required.
Prepares the sand table.
Disseminates warning order and OPORD to the squad.
Conducts rehearsals.
Briefback platoon leader.
Conducts inspections.
Supervises squad preparation.
5. EXECUTION. The execution of a screening mission is accomplished
by reporting information to higher, which allows the commander to
anticipate enemy contact. The screening mission requires the platoon to
move in relation to the main body. In the offense, the platoon must
conduct a moving screen. In the defense, the screen will normally be
a. Movement.
Primary and alternate routes are used.
Control measures include contact points, phase lines,
and limit of advance.
Azimuth and distance.
Movement formations/techniques.
b. Observation Post.
Location and orientation of observation.
Size of OP.
Reporting instructions.
Time and duration of occupation.
Establish communications with higher.
c. Surveillance.
Two men always observe.
Squad leader establishes security/rest plan/withdrawal.

FM 7-92
Use SALUTE to report any information.
Call for fire as directed.
Make a sketch of the area.
Maintain surveillance on the enemy.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. The reconnaissance platoons primary method of movement is by foot. The platoon leader selects the movement formation and
technique based on METT-T and likelihood of enemy contact. The
platoon must also be prepared to move by air, vehicle, or boat.
2. FOOT MARCHES. When moving along a road in a relatively secure
area, the platoon moves with one file on each side of the road. Leave 3 to
5 meters between each soldier and 15 to 30 meters between each squad.
a. The normal rate of march for an 8-hour road march is 4 kmph.
The interval and rate of march depends on the length of the march, time
allowed, likelihood of enemy contact (ground, air, artillery), terrain and
weather, condition of the soldiers, and the weight of the soldiers load.
b. A 15-minute rest will be conducted at the end of the first 45
minutes of a road march. During this halt, the squad leaders check the
soldiers feet and report the physical condition of the soldiers to the the
platoon leader and platoon sergeant. Thereafter, a 10-minute rest is
conducted every 50 minutes.
c. During halts, security is posted, and the most dangerous approaches into the platoons area are covered by M203 grenade launchers.
The platoon sergeant moves forward through the platoon, checking security as he goes and meets with the platoon leader to determine the reason
for the halt.
d. During halts of 30 seconds or less, soldiers drop to one knee and
cover their assigned sector. During halts longer than 30 seconds, a
cigar-shaped perimeter is formed, and the soldiers assume the prone
3. AIR MOVEMENT. The reconnaissance platoon uses helicopter assets
to move over extended distances and for resupply and evacuation. The
platoon leader or platoon sergeant is responsible for planning and coordinating for the use of helicopters. The S3 air at battalion provides
specific information concerning the planning and execution of air movement as follows:
Type, number, and ACL of helicopters.
Location of PZ and LZ (primary and alternate).

FM 7-92
Air movement data and timing for the operations.
Helicopter formations in PZ and LZ.
Abort and alternate plans.
Communications (primary and alternate frequencies).
Bump plan.
Downed aircraft procedures.
a. Loading. The platoon leader designates chalk leaders (normally
the squad leader) for each helicopter used. The CL briefs the individuals
assigned to his chalk. Each soldier should know which helicopter he will
ride on and where he will enter and sit once inside. Movement to the
helicopter begins once the aircraft lands. The CL is responsible for
controlling his chalk and ensuring that all members are aware of any
(1) Breakdown. An example breakdown for the UH-60 with an ACL
of 11 personnel is as follows:
Aircraft Number 1
Aircraft Number 2
Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant
Radio Telephone Operator
Radio Telephone Operator
Assistant Squad Leader
Assistant Squad Leader
Squad Leader
Squad Leader
Assistant Squad Leader
Squad Leader
Once the breakdown for each aircraft is accomplished, the platoon leader
or platoon sergeant assigns the seating arrangement within the aircraft
and designates a chalk leader. The platoon rehearses loading and unloading the aircraft to ensure all members of the platoon understand where
they enter and exit the aircraft and where they will sit in the aircraft.
(2) Seats-in operation. The two techniques for loading the aircraft
with the seats-in are split chalk and whole chalk. These techniques are
METT-T dependent.
(a) Split chalk. The chalk is split in far-side and near-side groups.
They move to the aircraft in file with the chalk leader (CL) leading the
near-side group (Figure D-2, page D-34).
(b) Whole chalk. The CL supervises the loading of the near-side
group. Then, he goes around the front of the aircraft to supervise loading
of the far-side group (Figure D-3, page D-34).

FM 7-92


FM 7-92

(3) Seats-out operations. With the troop seats removed, 22 combatloaded soldiers and their rucksacks can be loaded (Figure D-4).

(a) Conducting combat operations with seats out offers some tactical
advantages. Fewer aircraft are needed for each mission. Each UH-60 can
carry almost twice as many soldiers when its seats are removed.
(b) The aircraft can be loaded from either or both sides. Soldiers line
up in numerical order IAW the load plan. Loading is quicker if both sides
are used.
(c) Before the soldiers enter the aircraft, each soldiers rucksack is
placed on the floor of the aircraft where that soldier will sit. Once several
rucksacks are in place, one or two soldiers who know the load plan can
climb aboard to help position the rest of the rucksacks.

FM 7-92
(d) Once all the rucksacks are loaded, the soldiers are loaded from
rear to front. Soldiers already in the aircraft must help by pulling the
others in tightly until they are all loaded and the doors are closed.
Weapons are carried with muzzles down, safeties on, and no rounds
(e) Leaders sit in the front. This gives them access to the radio
handset between and just aft of the crew seats. Sitting here also allows
leaders to communicate with the pilots. The best way for a leader to do
this is to give the pilot a note with the LZ coordinates and landing
instructions. For example, Land on western edge of LZ Green at grid
AB123456, aircraft facing north.
(f) The aircraft doors should be opened as the helicopter approaches
the LZ. Soldiers hold on to each other until time to unload. They should
unload from both sides of the helicopter when ground slope permits. One
soldier is tasked to check the helicopter to ensure no equipment is left
b. Individual Requirements.
Fasten helmet chinstraps.
Tie down loose equipment.
Unload all weapons and place on SAFE with muzzle down.
Unfix bayonets (if fixed).
Wear identification tags.
RATELO use short-whip antennas only.
Load at double time.
Once seated, fasten safety belt.
Think safety.
c. Unloading. Once the aircraft lands, soldiers exit the helicopter as
fast as possible with all equipment. The CL confirms landing direction
from the pilot to assist in orientation on the LZ, particularly at night.
Individuals move out from the side of the aircraft and assume the prone
position facing away from the aircraft, weapons at the ready, until the
aircraft has departed the LZ.
d. Immediate Action on LZ. If contact is made upon landing, soldiers
exit the helicopter and immediately return fire upon the enemy to allow
the aircraft to depart. All elements establish a base of fire from their
initial position. The platoon leader calls for fire, if available, and once a
base of fire is established, directs elements to break contact. This is
situation dependent.
3. VEHICLE MOVEMENT. The battalion commander may decide to use
vehicle assets to move the platoon. Again, the decision is based upon

FM 7-92
METT-T. The use of vehicles allows the platoon to enter into their area
of operations faster.
a. Organization. The number and type of transportation available
dictate the platoons organization for movement. The platoon leader
assigns vehicle commanders, normally a squad leader.
b. Loading. Each vehicle commander is responsible for loading his
assigned vehicle. The vehicle commander briefs the individuals assigned
to his vehicle.
Where to sit.
Where to place equipment.
Where to observe.
Route (primary/alternate), start point,
release point, check points.
Contingencies (vehicle breakdown, actions
on contact).
Linkup/loading time.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. This appendix prescribes considerations for employment
of combat engineer assets to enhance capabilities.
2. COMMAND AND CONTROL. The platoon sergeant is responsible
for linking up with the engineers. He ensures that the engineers are
integrated into the perimeter and obtains all administrative requirements
from the NCOIC. The NCOIC is included in all platoon meetings. After
the engineers are established, the NCOIC reports to the platoon leader.
a. During platoon operations, engineers maybe used
(1) To assist in reconnaissance operations, particularly route reconnaissance.
(2) To increase sustained combat capability for the platoon through
mobility, countermobility, and survivability. Planning considerations include the following:
(a) Mobility. Obstacle reduction to improve movement. Tasks
Countermine (detect, bypass, breach, mark).
Counterobstacle (detect, bypass, breach, reduce).
Gap crossing (prepare assault sites, secure far shore, construct/emplace bridges).
(b) Countermobility. Normally the highest priority engineer task.
Obstacle construction tasks to delay, disrupt, and kill the enemy are
Mine warfare (conventional or scatterable).
Demolition-type obstacles.
Conventional obstacles (craters, abatis, wire, ditches).
(c) Survivability. Development of fighting or protective position.
Priorities for engineers are
Crew-served weapon/antitank positions.
C2 facilities.
Observation posts.


FM 7-92
b. Engineer units addressed in OPORDs are given the following as
a minimum:
(1) Mission and enemy situation.
(2) Concept of the operation and the commanders intent.
(3) Initial location.
(4) Movement instructions.
(5) On-order/be-prepared missions/tasks.
(6) Priorities of effort/support.


FM 7-92
a. Passive air defense measures are vital to operations (cover, concealment, camouflage, dispersion, fire discipline, protective construction). Passive air defense is always used.
b. Active air defense measures are used only in extreme circumstances (generally when under direct enemy attack).
a. Red - Attack imminent or in progress.
b. Yellow - Attack probable.
c. White - Attack not immediately probable or imminent.
3. CONTROL OF AIR DEFENSE FIRES. (Weapons-tight status applies
until specifically directed otherwise.)
a. Weapon Control Status.
(1) Weapons hold - Fire only in self-defense.
(2) Weapons tight - Fire only at aircraft positively identified as
hostile (refer to b below).
(3) Weapons free - Fire at any aircraft not positively identified as
b. Rules of Engagement.
(1) Individual soldiers have no authority to deviate from the established weapon control status or hostile identification criteria during
individual operation, except that the rule of self-defense applies. Changes
to the weapon control status and hostile identification criteria are made
(a) On order of higher headquarters. Verbal authentication is mandatory.
(b) By subordinate commanders imposing a more restrictive status
or criteria.
(2) Soldiers under direct attack use individual weapons to engage
low-flying, positively identified hostile aircraft only after fire is authorized
by the platoon leader or the senior ranking NCO.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. This appendix provides guidance for the effective implementation of NBC defense procedures in tactical situations.
a. NBC Reconnaissance. The M256 chemical detection kit and
chemical detection paper (M8/M9 paper) is used, based on a METT-T
analysis, to detect chemical agents. The IM-174 radiacmeter is used to
detect radiological contamination.
b. Alarms. This includes vocal and arm-and-hand signals.
(1) The vocal alarm for any chemical or biological hazard: the word
(2) Standard arm-and-hand signal. (See STP 21-1-SMCT.)
(3) Improvised audio alarm: Metal on metal, or three long blasts on
vehicle horn or siren.
a. Automatic Masking. Individuals should mask automatically
(1) When an automatic alarm sounds.
(2) When a positive reading is obtained on detector paper or chemical agent detection kits.
(3) When individuals show symptoms of chemical agent poisoning.
(4) When an artillery attack occurs in an NBC threat environment.
For example, the enemy has the ability to employ NBC rounds.
b. Unmasking. Soldiers should unmask
(1) As soon as possible, except when a biological or toxin attack is
suspected. The senior soldier in charge directs the unmasking procedures.
(2) IAW the procedure outlined in FM 3-4.
4. NBC WARNING REPORTS. (See Appendix 5, Annex H, for NBC
report formats.)
a. All NBC defense personnel maintain a copy of GTA 3-6-3, based
on METT-T analysis.
b. FM 3-3 provides specific instructions for preparing and interpreting
NBC messages.
5. DECONTAMINATION. The platoon conducts decontamination operations IAW the procedures outlined in FM 3-5.

FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. The reconnaissance platoon leader will coordinate with
the battalion S3/2 as soon as the order to conduct a relief in place is
2. CHECKLIST FOR THE RELIEF IN PLACE. The following is coordinated:
a. Exchange of enemy information.
b. Reconnaissance of the area.
c. Exchange of communications information.
d. Use of guides and liaison personnel.
e. Security measures to be used, which includes deception plans.
f. Control measures to be used.
g. Fire support.
h. Method and sequence of relief.
i. Traffic control.
j. Transfer of responsibility.
3. RECONNAISSANCE OF THE POSITION. Commanders and leaders
of both forces conduct reconnaissance of the position to determine
a. The disposition of the relieved force in its defensive positions.
Each leader should obtain a copy of the sector sketch.
b. Locations of separate areas for each squad.
c. Locations of the release points.
d. Locations of the contact points.
e. Separate routes to be used for each squad.
f. Locations of any obstacle-s.
g. Locations of the CS and CSS elements such as CPs, trains, aid
stations, mortars, and antitank weapons.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. Upon receipt of a warning order to execute a link up
operation, the platoon leader contacts the other force concerned. Contact is always made from moving forces to stationary forces. If both are
moving, higher headquarters determines which force makes contact.
a. Coordination is established to provide for the following:
Command relationship of forces upon linkup and effective time.
Mutual recognition system.
Communications plan.
Schemes of maneuver (to include control measures).
Fire support (to include control measures).
Actions to be taken after linkup.
Alternate plans.
b. The stationary force can provide the following assistance:
Lanes through obstacles or airhead.
Traffic control.
Limited logistical and maintenance support.
Limited medical support.
Information on recent enemy activity.
c. The moving force can provide the following assistance:
Logistical support.
Maintenance support.
Medical support.
Fire support.
3. LINKUP SIGNALS. Infrared filter light is the standard linkup signal
at night. The VS17 panel pink is used for daylight.
a. The stationary force initiates the signal after radio contact with the
moving force or at a predesignated time. They initiate it by flashing the
IR filter light once in the expected direction of the moving force. Use the
red lens as an alternate signal.

FM 7-92
b. The moving force answers the stationary force by flashing the IR
filter light twice toward the linkup point. After positive linkup has been
made, forces continue the mission as quickly as possible.
c. Forces may use colored lens covers on flashlights by following the
same procedures used between stationary and moving forces.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. The commander of the passing force contacts the stationary force on receipt of a warning order to execute a passage of lines or
withdrawal through a rearward position.
a. Liaison. Immediate liaison is established and maintained
until the operation is completed.
b. Forward and Rearward Passage of Lines. Coordination is
established to provide for the following:
Selection of CP for moving force near the stationary CP.
Exchange of intelligence.
Exchange of tactical and communication plans.
Arrangements for reconnaissance of routes, and for
passage or withdrawal point patrols.
Security measures for the operation (recognition
signals, exchange of SOI items, and so on).
Time and location for passage of command.
Administrative, refueling, supply, and medical support.
Route priority and movement control.
Areas of passage or withdrawal, and guides.
Fire support.
Signal support.
(1) Areas selected for the passage or withdrawal should be unoccupied between or on the flanks of forces in position and use multiple routes
to reduce their vulnerability during the operation.
(2) Priority of routes go to forces executing the passage or withdrawal. Traffic control is the responsibility of the force in position. This
responsibility transfers with the passage of command.
(3) Passage of command is determined by mutual agreement by both
commanders and is approved by the higher commander who directed the
passage or linkup.
(4) The force in position provides the following administrative support:
Evacuation of casualties and EPWs.
Facilities (fueling points, water points, and so on).

FM 7-92
Route priority and traffic control.
c. Conduct. Liaison is established from the passing force to the force
in position, down to and including platoon level.
(1) Movement during execution must be as deliberate and rapid as
the tactical situation, light, and terrain allow.
(2) Routes, passage points, and soon are reconnoitered to the lowest
level practicable.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. The battalion occupies an assembly area for security while
preparing for future operations. Preparations can include reorganizing,
planning and issuing the order, rehearsing, receiving and issuing supplies,
and maintaining vehicles and equipment. The actions of the battalions
move and occupation of an assembly area are covered in the battalion
2. QUARTERING PARTY. The reconnaissance platoon moves with or,
inmost eases, in advance of the battalion quartering party. The quartering
party precedes the main body and moves by infiltration-not as part of
the march column.
a. The platoon reconnoiters the proposed assembly area for signs of
enemy activity and suitability of the site. Each squad is given an area or
zone to reconnoiter. Each squad is briefed on the information requirements for their particular area, and when and where to linkup with the
platoon leader.
b. The platoon leader designates an area to establish an ORP. All
squads ensure that they know the exact location of the ORP in order to
leave excess equipment before departing on their reconnaissance. Once
the ORP is established, the platoon leaders RATELO contacts the
quartering party OIC. If not previously coordinated, the RATELO informs the quartering party OIC of the linkup point.
c. The platoon leader conducts link up with the quartering party.
The platoon leader briefs the quartering party OIC on the location and
routes of the squads and the location of the platoon ORP. This information is necessary since it prevents unexpected contact with the squads and
members of the quartering party. Once the squads have completed their
reconnaissance, they return to the platoon ORP.
3. ORGANIZATION. The assembly area maybe organized by assigning
companies either sectors of the battalion perimeter or dispersed assembly
areas within the battalion assembly area.
a. Security may be augmented by visual observation, sensors, and
surveillance devices. Contact points for forces can also be designated to
aid in coordinating security efforts. All routes in and out of the assembly
area are strictly controlled. Roads are not used to define boundaries.
Roads are the specific responsibility of the platoon whose sector they pass

FM 7-92
b. The platoon might be tasked to reconnoiter routes of movement
to counterattack positions, defensive positions, or passage lanes; or, it may
be tasked to provide security by establishing OPs, roadblocks, or traffic
control points.
c. The assembly area must allow adequate dispersion of all elements
of the battalion.
d. OPs cover key terrain features and avenues of approach.
e. The battalion CP and trains are centrally located for security and
to simplify planning, issuing orders, distributing supplies, and other activities.
f. Elements communicate by wire (if time and distance allows it to be
installed) or by messenger to avoid enemy direction-finding capabilities.
Radio is used only when necessary.
g. Occupation of an assembly area during limited visibility requires
preparation by the quartering party. Usually, the most critical handover
occurs at the RP. Thorough coordination is necessary for the march force
to pass smoothly through the RP without halts.
h. Several marking techniques are available to aid in smooth nighttime occupation. Guides using prearranged colored or infrared lights for
recognition signals meet the march force at the RP and lead force along
a marked route to the assembly area. Light discipline is practiced by
shielding all illumination devices, including infrared. Communication
wire, engineer tape, or both can be used to mark routes to company RPs.
Subunit guides, using prearranged infrared or colored lights or flash
recognition signals, link up with companies or platoons and lead them to
prepared sectors.
i. Once the assembly area is established, the platoon leader coordinates with the main CP for upcoming missions.
j. The platoon sergeant establishes priority of work. The squad
leader ensures priorities are followed.
Maintenance, weapons, radios, NVDs, personnel.
Request resupply.


FM 7-92
1. PLANNING. The reconnaissance platoon leader is responsible for the
a. Coordinates for fire support with the battalion fire support officer.
Coordinates directly with the mortar platoon leader when the opportunity
b. Understanding how fire support is to be used to support the
mission. This includes priority and types of fire support available and
engagement criteria.
c. Fire control measures (for example, no-fire area, restrictive fire
d. Fire support request channels. Confirms this with battalion FSO
and mortar platoon leader.
2. SQUAD LEADERS. Squad leaders are responsible for calling and
adjusting indirect fires. Methods of calling for fire include grid, polar, and
shift from a known point. Squad leaders request indirect fires based on
the platoon leaders guidance. TRPs are included in the squad/platoon
sector sketches.
NOTE: All indirect fires must be observed.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. The reconnaissance platoon is the primary information
gathering asset for the battalion commander.
2. REQUESTS AND REPORTS. (See Appendix 2, Annex H.)
a. Required reports and times for submission are established in each
OPORD based on the mission.
b. SALUTE reports are submitted when any known or suspected
enemy activity has been observed.
a. Planning Phase.
(1) Analyze the mission.
(2) Prepare analysis of the area of operations.
(3) Coordinate with S2 for PIR and IR.
(4) Request and distribute maps and imagery.
(5) Conduct threat and OPSEC briefings.
(6) Coordinate reporting schedules with higher.
b. Execution Phase.
(1) Report all significant information to higher headquarters
via report formats in Appendix 2 to Annex H.
(2) Ensure squads are reporting promptly.
(3) Disseminate information to subordinates promptly.
(4) Recommend changes to PIR and IR.
(5) Provide continuous information to battalion.


FM 7-92
a. Camouflage. Camouflage paint is used by all soldiers in the platoon to cover exposed skin. The outline of an individual is broken using
vegetation, burlap, or any other available means. Fighting positions are
camouflaged using all exposed dirt to break up the outline of a position.
The position is checked from the enemys view. Equipment is camouflaged using vegetation to breakup the outline of the equipment and to
cover all reflective surfaces.
b. Protection. Fighting positions have 18 inches of overhead cover.
Soft caps may be worn at the platoon leaders discretion when conducting
reconnaissance or surveillance operations. However, helmets are worn
during all nonreconnaissance operations.
c. Concealment. In order to avoid detection, squads maximize the
use of terrain and vegetation.
a. Positioning. OPs always contain a minimum of two soldiers and
have communication with the scout platoon headquarters (landline, FM,
or signaling device). OPs are positioned IAW METT-T. Routes to and
from the OP are recorded and rehearsed. Each member of the OP is
thoroughly briefed on the rules of engagement before departing for their
post. Signals for the return of OPs (running password, challenge/password,
light signals) will be established and briefed to all platoon personnel.
b. Relief of OPs. When an OP is relieved, the relieving personnel
meet with the current OPs and receive a briefing that contains, as a
Call signs and frequencies.
Routes to and from perimeter.
All signals and passwords.
Area of responsibility of observation.
3. STAND-TO. A stand-to will be conducted 30 minutes before BMNT
and 30 minutes after EENT.
a. Assistant team leaders and squad leaders check every individual
soldier to ensure he is awake and alert, to ensure his equipment is all
packed in his rucksack, and to ensure he is observing his fields of fire in
his assigned fighting position.
b. Team leaders and squad leaders gather sensitive items report and
weapons operational status, and passes the report to the platoon sergeant.

FM 7-92
c. The platoon sergeant gathers the reports, spot checks squad positions, and passes the reports to platoon leader.
d. The platoon leader reports to higher headquarters, spot checks
a. During preparation for combat, each squad conducts a final inspection. Shortcomings in noise discipline are identified. Clanking, rattling, and so forth, is subdued by the use of tape or cloth as required.
b. When lights are necessary for planning or map reading, a poncho
is used to conceal the light.
c. Cigarettes and cooking fires are not lit during daylight or darkness
without permission of the platoon leader, or the leader of an independent
d. Nonverbal means of communication are used to the maximum
extent possible. Keep voices low when it is necessary to talk.
e. During stationary operations, trash is collected and backhauled
during logistics runs. If this is not practical (and in all other operations),
soldiers carry trash until it can be disposed of securely (it is not buried or
hidden unless specifically authorized).
5. SENSITIVE ITEMS. Before departing an assembly area, squad leaders check each soldier to make sure no unauthorized information concerning the the mission is carried forward. The platoon leader designates
the information that is unauthorized. All unauthorized materials will be
given to the platoon sergeant for destruction.


FM 7-92
1. GENERAL. In reconnaissance platoon operations, resupply is critical.
The key to logistics is anticipation of requirements and planning. The
platoon sergeant is the platoons logistic coordinator and planner. Requests for resupply are coordinated through the platoon sergeant. Once
the platoon sergeant coordinates for resupply, he briefs the squad leaders
on the time, location, and method of resupply.
2. EXECUTION. The tactical situation dictates the methods used for
resupply. These methods include ground, vehicle and aerial (rotor and
fixed wing). Each squad designates two soldiers to assist the platoon
sergeant in recovering resupply. These soldiers should have all the broken
equipment and empty containers. The platoon sergeant links up with the
soldiers and moves to and secures the drop-off site. Once resupply arrives,
the designated soldiers load the resupply, exchange the broken equipment, and fill the empty containers. This should take no longer than 15
minutes. Once this is completed, the platoon sergeant moves back to the
linkup site and breaks down the supplies. Excess supplies are cached.
Never discard any supplies that can be used by the enemy or give them any
indication that you are in the area. When this is completed, they move
back to the squads location and issue the supplies.
3. SOLDIERS LOAD. Determining the soldiers load is a critical leader
task. The soldiers load is always METT-T dependent and must be closely
monitored. Soldiers cannot afford to carry unnecessary equipment into
the battle. Every contingency cannot be covered. The primary consideration is not how much a soldier can carry, but how much he can carry
without impairing combat effectiveness.
4. COMBAT LOAD. The mission-essential equipment, as determined by
the platoon leader responsible for carrying out the mission, required for
soldiers to survive immediate combat operations. When possible, a soldiers combat load should not exceed 60 pounds. There are two components as follows:
a. Fighting Load. The fighting load (the essential items needed to
fight) includes bayonet, weapons, clothing, helmet, LBE, and a reduced
amount of ammunition.
b. Approach March Load. The approach march load includes those
items that are needed for extended operations. These are dropped in an
ORP or other points before or upon contact with the enemy.

FM 7-92
a. Fighting Load. Items will be added or deleted based on METT-T
and other factors.
Helmet, Ballistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.4
Pistol Belt, Suspenders and First-Aid Pouch . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.6
canteen, 1 Quart, and Cover with Water (2 each) . . . . . . . . . .5.6
Case, Small Arms (2 each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.8
Bayonet with scabbard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3
Proactive Mask with Decontamination Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.0
Rifle, M16A2 with 30 Rounds of 5.56-mm Ball in Magazine . . . . .8.8
Magazines (4) with 120 Rounds of 5.56-mm Ball . . . . . . . . . . .3.6
Grenade, Fragmentation(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0
TOTAL 30.1
b. Approach March Load. Items will be added or deleted from this
list based on METT-T and other factors. When possible, the combined
weight of both lists will not exceed 60 pounds.
ALICE, Medium with Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.3
Rations, MRE (3 each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.9
Canteen, 2 Quart, and Cover with Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.8
Toilet Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.0
Towel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.2
Bag, Waterproof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.8
E-Tool with Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...2.5
Poncho, Nylon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1.3
Liner, Poncho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.6
Binoculars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.2
Battery, Radio, Spare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.0
TOTAL 29.6
(1) This list assumes a best case scenario where resupply can occur.
However, the platoon may be required to carry heavier loads due to the
nature of their mission. This fact does not negate the battalions responsibility for planning adequate logistical support or the platoon leaders
responsibility for ensuring that a logistical plan is coordinated.
(2) This list also keeps the droppable rucksack load under 30
pounds and the overall load under 60 pounds.

FM 7-92
6. SUSTAINMENT LOAD. The remaining equipment and materials
needed for sustained operations must be carried by company and battalion
a. The leader decides, based on METT-T, what will be carried in the
rucksack and what will be carried within immediate reach of the soldier.
b. Soldiers distribute loads evenly over body and LBE.
c. Nothing is carried on the front side of the LBE that prevents the
soldier from taking well-aimed shots.
d. Distribute loads throughout the platoon.
e. Rotate heavy loads among several soldiers.
f. Always consider transportation assets to carry loads.
g. Drop rucksacks on enemy contact, or leave them in ORP.
h. Share or consolidate items.
i. Consider carrying fewer rations for shorter missions.
j. When carrying rucksacks, use water and rations in it first. After
rucksacks have been dropped, soldiers will still have a full supply on their
NOTE: All rucksacks must look identical. Items common to
all loads should be located in the same place.


FM 7-92
a. Reports. Annex H, Appendix 1. Squads report their status as soon
as possible when present-for-duty strength falls below 85 percent, 70
percent, and 50 percent. Key personnel losses and any identified or
temporary replacements are highlighted.
b. Replacements. The platoon sergeant requests replacements
through the administrative and logistic net. All replacements are controlled
at the field trains. The platoon sergeant is responsible for all replacements
until the squad leader receives replacements.
c. Casualties. All casualties are reported on the administrative/logistics radio net via PERSTATREP. Team leaders and above each carry
DA Form 1155/1156 pads in the top flaps of their rucksacks for recording
casualty information. Transportation of bodies is coordinated by the
platoon as soon as the tactical situation allows. If no evacuation/transportation is available, the deceased are buried and the eight-digit grid
coordinates are recorded for future recovery. The platoon arranges for
the recovery of bodies and personal effects for evacuation to the soldiers
home stations.
d. Enemy Prisoners of War. Enemy prisoners of war are evacuated
to a collection point as specified in the OPORDnot to CPs. Squads
provide guards to remain with EPWs until transferred to MP custody or
IAW battalion SOP.
a. Postal. The platoon sergeant collects and distributes the mail.
The squad leaders are responsible for collecting squad mail. The squad
leaders turn in outgoing mail to the platoon sergeant during resupply
operations and pick up incoming mail at the same time.
b. Awards and Decorations. All awards and decorations are processed IAW AR 672-5-1. Valor awards require two witness statements.
a. Planning. Three basic elements of medical support are planned
for tactical operations.
(1) Triage/treatment.
(2) Evacuation.
(3) Supply/resupply.
b. MEDEVAC. Reports are initiated on the platoon net. If a soldier
is unable to continue the mission, the following actions are required:


FM 7-92
(1) If the tactical situation permits, the patient is moved to the
nearest casualty collection point.
(2) If the tactical situation permits, the casualty and one soldier
remain in the current location. The platoon leader or senior NCO notifies
battalion of the location and requests evacuation. The combat lifesaver
or senior NCO determines evacuation priorities based on the patients
condition. Personal equipment and nonmission-essential equipment accompanies the soldier, if evacuated. Mission-essentional equipment remains with the squad.
c. Killed in Action. Soldiers killed in action are placed in any shrouding material that is available (a sleeping bag or poncho). KIAs will not be
evacuated before wounded soldiers. If the tactical situation permits, KIAs
are moved to the nearest casualty collection point. If the tactical situation
does not allow this, KIAs are buried in the current location, if authorized.
The platoon leader or senior NCO notifies battalion of the location,
name, and circumstances of death. This information, along with one
identification tag and mission-essential equipment, remains with the
squad. A list of serial number items and serial numbers go forward with
the remains for identification purposes.
d. Preventive Medicine.
(1) Daily personal hygiene includes washing, shaving, and brushing
(2) Personal inspection for removal of ticks will be performed every
six hours in heavily forested/jungle areas. All parasitic infestations (ticks,
fleas, lice, and so on) should be reported immediately to medical personnel.
(3) Soldiers will not capture or handle snakes for any reason.
(4) Soldiers will not capture or handle animals. Animal bites are
reported immediately to the chain of command.
(5) Combat lifesavers perform daily inspections. Foot problems are
first priority. Squad leaders ensure that soldiers are changing socks and
drying feet whenever the tactical situation permits.
(6) All diarrhea illnesses are reported to the battalion surgeon/PA.
4. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. The platoon sergeant is responsible for
religious services. Squad leaders notify the platoon sergeant if religious
services are requested.
a. Discipline, Law, and Order.
(1) All soldiers are still subject to UCMJ in a combat environment.
Squad leaders record any discipline problems and report them to the chain
of command.

FM 7-92
(2) When a soldier is suspected of having committed an offense
punishable under the UCMJ, he maybe permitted to continue performing
his normal duties pending legal action provided it will not jeopardize
accomplishment of the mission, the safety or morale of the platoon, or
present a flight risk.
b. Conduct if Captured. Soldiers identify themselves as American
soldiers and insist on proper treatment IAW the 1949 Geneva Convention. The Code of Conduct and the Uniform Code of Military Justice
remain in effect.
c. Claims. Claims by local citizens should be referred through the
battalion claims officer to SJA for disposition. Reasonable effort should
be made to preserve evidence of accidents for further investigation by US
Claims authorities. Under no circumstances should soldiers promise or
commit the US to reimburse for damages.
d. War Crimes. Suspected violations of the law of war whether
committed by the enemy, US allies, or US personnel are reported immediately through the chain of command or other appropriate channels
(provost marshal, inspector general, chaplain, and JAG) for rapid investigation.
e. Disposition of Captured Weapons, Materiel, and Equipment.
(1) All captured material is evacuated through appropriate channels
as US Government property.
(2) No war trophies or mementos are taken.
(3) Personal property of EPW, civilians, or enemy KIA remains with
the individual or the body as appropriate.
f. Weapons and Munitions.
(1) No privately owned weapons, ammunition, or explosives are
carried or used by soldiers during operations.
(2) All military munitions, explosives, ammunition, and firing devices are strictly controlled, accounted for, secured, and turned in upon
completion of operations.


FM 7-92
a. The following is a schedule of mandatory recurring reports and the
frequency with which they are due; the times may vary IAW battalion










Squad Leader/
Platoon Sergeant





Platoon Leader





Platoon Leader/
Platoon Sergeant

Battle Loss





Platoon Leader/
Platoon Sergeant




Updated NA
Every 12

Squad Leader




Updated NA
Every 6

Squad Leader


(D = Daily, X = by exception)

2. MEANS OF TRANSMISSION. The preferred means of transmission

for reports is by messenger. When messengers cannot be used, wire or
secure radio (if available) are used.
3. FORMATS. The following appendixes should be included in the
a. Appendix 1- Personnel Reports (Omitted)
(1) Tab A - Personnel Status Report (Omitted)
(2) Tab B - Casualty Feeder Report (Omitted)
(3) Tab C - Witness Statement (Omitted)
(4) Tab D - Serious Incident Report (Omitted)

FM 7-92
b. Appendix 2 - Intelligence Reports (Omitted)
(1) Tab A - EPW/Captured Materiel Report (Omitted)
(2) Tab B - Intelligence Summary (Omitted)
(3) Tab C - MIJI Feeder (Omitted)
c. Appendix 3 - Operations Reports (Omitted)
(1) Tab A - Results of Contact Report (Omitted)
(2) Tab B - Commanders Situation Report (Omitted)
(3) Tab C - Minefield Report (Omitted)
(4) Tab D - Air Request Support (Omitted)
(5) Tab E - Shelling Report, Mortar Report, Bomb
Report (Omitted)
(6) Tab F - Deployment/Redeployment Report (Omitted)
(7) Tab G - Closure Report (Omitted)
d. Appendix 4 - Logistics Reports (Omitted)
(1) Tab A- LOGSTAT (Omitted)
(2) Tab B - Battle Loss (Omitted)
(3) Tab C - Resupply Insertion Request (Omitted)
e. Appendix 5 - NBC Reports (Omitted)
(1) Tab A - NBC 1 Report (Omitted)
(2) Tab B - NBC 2 Report (Omitted)
(3) Tab C - NBC 3 Report (Omitted)
(4) Tab D - NBC 4 Report (Omitted)
(5) Tab E - NBC 5 Report (Omitted)
(6) Tab F - NBC 6 Report (Omitted)
(7) Tab G NUCWARN/CHEMWARN (Omitted)
(8) Tab H - Effective Downwind Message (Omitted)
(9) Tab I - Chemical Downwind Message (Omitted)


FM 7-92
Appendix 1. Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ranger
Appendix 2. Actions at Objective (Recon) Darby
Appendix 3. Contact Report . . . . . . . . . . Salute
Appendix 4. Quartering Party . . . . . . . . . Pilot
Appendix 5. Passage of Lines . . . . . . . . . River


FM 7-92
A. Complete, In Security Halt/TRP
B. Compromised, Continuing Mission
C. Compromised, Returning
4. PATROL AT CHECKPOINT ______________
8. PROCEED TO RALLY POINT ________________
9. AT RALLY POINT _______________
A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 100%
11. MOVE PATROL AZIMUTH _______________, _____________METERS
B. Documents
C. Equipment
D. Photos
E. Sketches


FM 7-92
A. Helicopter (type)
B. Airplane (type)
C. Boat (type)
D. Truck (type)
E. Stabo
F. Other
19. PICKUP POINT, GRID OR TIRS ____________________,TIME ______________
A. Continue Recon
B. Wait Until Light, Try Again


FM 7-92
See Ranger Lines 1 Through 13
(EEI) _____ COL
A. Personnel
B. Vehicles
A. Personnel
B. Vehicles
12. CONDUCTING RECON, GRID ______________ OR TIS _____________
A. Recon Delayed, Wait
B. Recon Complete, Returning) To ORP
C. Recon Compromised, Returning) To ORP
D. Recon Possibly Compromised, Freeze
E. Recon Possibly Compromised, Need Help
F. Be Prepared To Move Out Immediately
14. REQUEST SUPPORT FIRES _______________
A. Start
B. Lift
C. Shift
__________ Distance


FM 7-92
Mandatory (abbreviated SALT)


FM 7-92
CONTROL POINT ___________________


FM 7-92
A. Pers To Pass______________
B. Vehicles To Pass ____________
5. A. 50% Complete
B. 75% Complete
C. 90% Complete
D. 100% Complete




The reconnaissance platoons primay mission is to provide information to the commander about the battlefield environment. The
platoon's primary means of communication is the FM radio. This
appendix focuses on communication techniques and procedures. It
also discusses imitative communication deception and authentication, visual signals, and use of local telephones.
Without effective communications, the reconnaissance platoon is worthless to the battalion. Setting up and maintaining communications is
routine but sometimes challenging. The reconnaissance platoon uses all
available means of communication; however, the FM radio is the platoons primary source of communication. Ensuring that the platoon is
able to communicate is a primary concern of the battalion commander
and his staff. The signal officer ensures that the battalions communication plan includes provisions that will allow the reconnaissance platoon
to communicate effectively. The platoon leader coordinates with the
signal officer to ensure that he understands the communications plan. The
reconnaissance platoon operates on the battalion operations and intelligence net, the command net, or both, depending on the SOP. Internal
communication is accomplished on the platoon net. (Figure E-1.) shows
a radio diagram for the platoon.)


FM 7-92
a. Battalion Communication. To ensure effective communications,
the signal officer can
Set up retransmission stations. If not available, the platoon
sergeant can set up an internal relay station.
Send communications teams with squads (for example, high
frequency radio).
Provide special equipment such as TACSAT.
Organize a relay through a forward deployed force.
Use a combination of the above.
b. Special Equipment. When the reconnaissance platoon is given a
mission that requires special communications equipment, the battalion signal
officer requests the equipment through the brigade signal officer. If the brigade
does not have the assets to satisfy the request, the request is sent to the division.
Based on the availability of assets, the division will task the proper agency to fill
the request. The reconnaissance platoon should be trained to use the specialized
communications equipment. TACSAT is one type of specialized communications equipment that does not always come with operators. However, the
TACSAT will usually have trained operators. (AN/PSG3) (Figure E-2) is a
rugged, lightweight (35 pounds) portable device used in quick-reaction
situations where extended communication range is essential to mission
effectiveness. The AN/PSC-3 can operate on the move with its whip
antenna or in the at-halt/satellite mode. It transmits or receives in voice
or data formats in both modes. The equipment can be used with speech
security equipment.


FM 7-92
c. Site Considerations. A radio station should be in a position that
allows the best communications while maintaining physical and communications security. Hills and mountains between stations limit the range
of radio sets. When possible, a location is selected that allows LOS
communications. Locations that provide the enemy a jamming capability,
visual sighting, or easy interception are avoided. Table E-1 shows the
LOS range planning for radios and antennas.
(1) Do not select an antenna position in a tunnel or beneath an
underpass or steel bridge. Transmission and reception under these conditions are impossible due to high absorption of radio-finding energy.
(2) Use buildings to camouflage the antenna from the enemy. However, buildings between radio stations, especially steel and reinforced
concrete structures, hinder transmission and reception.
(3) Avoid all types of pole wire lines. Wire lines absorb power from
radiating antennas in their vicinity. They also introduce hum and noise
interference in receiving antennas.


FM 7-92


FM 7-92


FM 7-92
When the platoons radio antenna is damaged or destroyed during a
mission, it must be repaired, or a field-expedient antenna must be built.
In some situations, these antennas can extend the radios normal range
and should be used whenever the situation permits. (See FM 11-64 for
more information.)
a. Operation With a Broken Whip Antenna. An expedient splint is
a rapid means of repairing a broken whip antenna. (Figure E-3.) The
paint is scraped off 3 to 6 inches from each broken end. The cleared ends
are overlaid and tightly wrapped together with about 1 foot of stripped
copper wire (which can be taken from inside WD-1 wire). A stick, pole,
or sturdy branch is then placed on each side of the break. The splint is
tightly wrapped with WD-1, rope, tape, or any available item.

b. Replacement of Broken Whip Antenna With Wire. If the whip

antenna is broken at the base, WD-1 can be used as an expedient replace-merit (Figure E-4). The paint is scraped off the top 2 inches of the whips
stub. Then 12 inches of insulation are stripped from one end of a 10-foot
section of WD-1. The stripped wire is tightly wrapped around the stub.
It is passed over the top of the stub and joined into the hole with a wooden
peg. The wire is secured to the stick with the peg and tape. Next, a 10-foot
pole is tightly attached to the antennas base and stub. The remaining 9
feet of WD-1 is attached along the pole with tape; the excess is trimmed
away. The total length of this expedient antenna should not be more than
9 feet.

FM 7-92

c. Directional Antenna. Direction and distance are critial factors in

determining good communications. An antenna is one of three types
based on its directional features (Figure E-5).
Omnidirectionalall directions.
Bidirectionalany two opposite directions.
Unidirectionalany one direction.
Each antenna has advantages and disadvantages. The omnidirectional or
whip antenna enables communications without regard to the receiving
stations location, but it is vulnerable to enemy radio direction-finding.
The bidirectional antenna allows communications with two or more
stations in opposite directions, but these antennas must be parallel. The
antenna should be positioned at 90 degrees to the enemy lines to reduce
the possibility of interception. A terminated long-wire antenna is unidirectional and the least open to enemy interception if properly positioned.
Its disadvantage is that it transmits and receives best in only one direction.

FM 7-92

d. Antenna Length. To construct expedient, efficient antennas, the

wavelength of the frequency being used must be known. The length of the
antenna needed can be determined by using the proper formula below:
To figure a quarter-wavelength antenna in feet, divide 234 (constant) by the operating frequency MHz.
Example: 234 divided by 44.8 = 5.22 or 5 feet 2 inches
To figure a half-wavelength antenna in feet, divide 468 (constant) by the operating frequency in MHz.
Example: 468 divided by 56 = 8.36 or 8 feet 5 inches
To figure a full-wavelength antenna in feet, divide 936 (constant)
by the operating frequency in MHz.
Example 936 divided by 45 = 20.8 or 20 feet 10 inches
A quarter-wavelength antenna is the minimum-size antenna. The halfwavelength or greater provides greater reliability, Five full wavelengths
provide the optimum antenna length for any given frequency. (See Table

FM 7-92

e. Vertical Antenna. Vertical antennas are omnidirectional. Most

tactical antennas are vertical-for example, the man-pack portable radio
and the radios in tactical vehicles. A vertical antenna can be made by using
a metal pipe or rod of the right length, held erect by guidelines. The lower
end of the antenna should be insulated from the ground by placing it on
a large block of wood or other insulating material. A vertical antenna can
also be a wire supported by a tree or a wooden pole (Figures E-6 and E-7,
page E-10). For short vertical antennas, the pole may be used without
guidelines (if properly supported at the base).
(1) Use a quarter-wave antenna to replace a regular whip antenna.
The following steps explain how to erect a quarter-wave vertical antenna:
STEP 1. Use the quick-reference chart in Table E-2 or the
formula for a quarter-wave antenna to determine the
length of the wire (WD-1) needed.
STEP 2. Attach an insulator to one end of the wire and insert
the other end (stripped) into the antenna connector
on the radio.
STEP 3. Tie a rope to the insulator end and throw the rope
over a limb.
STEP 4. Pull the rope until the wire is vertical.


FM 7-92


FM 7-92
(2) If using insulated wire, be sure to loop the wire around the handle
of the radio before attaching it to the antenna connector. If the antenna
is made of bare wire, use a stake and insulator to prevent the antenna wire
from pulling out of the antenna connector on the radio.
f. Field-Expedient Unidirectional Antenna. The reconnaissance platoon can improve its ability to communicate by using field-expedient
antennas. While moving, the platoon is usually restricted to short antennas; however, when stationary, expedient antennas allow farther broadcasting farther and clearer reception.
(1) Vertical half rhombic. The vertical half-rhombic antenna (Figure
E-8) is a field-expedient unidirectional antenna.



FM 7-92
STEP 1. Determine the direction of the station to be
reached and line up the antenna. Plan all work
in that direction.
STEP 2. Build the antenna.
(a) Cut 100 feet of wire for the antenna.
(b) Cut 91 feet of wire for a counterpoise. (This is a wire stretched
across the bottom of the antenna. It is an artificial ground that helps to
produce the required radiation pattern.)
(c) Connect an insulator to each of the antenna wires and one at the
middle. Add a tie-down wire outside the insulators on each of the antenna
(d) Connect the counterpoise to the insulators at the same point as
the tie-down wire.
(e) Select or erect a middle support (a tree, pole, or a wire or rope
suspended between two trees or structures). The midpoint must be at
least 30 feet high.
(f) Stretch the counterpoise out in the direction of the target station
with the middle of the counterpoise at the center support. Drive the
stakes in by each tie-down wire, stretch the counterpoise tightly, and tie
it down to the stake. Elevate the center of the antenna until it is right.
(g) Run the wire from the antenna terminal and connect it to the
antenna above the insulator. Run a second wire from the head of the
screw on the radio case to the bottom of the insulator.
(h) Place a 600-ohm, 2-watt carbon resistor at the end toward the
desired station to make this antenna transmit only toward the desired
station. Ensure the resistor is carbon and not wire-wound. A 2-watt
resistor works for the AIWPRC-77, but a resistor with wattage rating of
half the power output is needed for the higher-power ratio.
NOTE: This antenna can be used without the counterpoise but
will not work as well.
(2) Long-wire antenna. The field-expedient long-wire antenna (Figure E-9) is a directional antenna that can be easily made out of readily
available materials. A 500- to 700-ohm resistor, which can be acquired
from the communications sergeant or made as in Figure E-12, should be
used at the far end of the antenna. To build this antenna, the antenna wire
(WD-1) is cut to between 2 and 5 full wavelengths of the operating
frequency. It is attached to the long whip base of the radio set and then
run through the insulator as shown in Figure E-12 (1). The wire is then
run through the second insulator (2), down to the resistor (3), and ends
at the ground stake (4). Another wire is attached to the opposite end of

FM 7-92
the resistor and run back to the radio set where it is attached to the radio
set ease (ground). The direction of transmission is toward the end of the
antenna with the resistor. The radio is turned on, and communications
are checked.

(3) OE-254 improvised antenna. This antenna can be used in wooded

areas where a tree limb can be used to raise it. The following steps can be
used to build this antenna.
STEP 1. Use the following formula by cutting four wires of
equal length:
Length of wire (meters) = 142.5/frequency in MHz
EXAMPLE: 2-meter lengths = 145.5/71.2 MHz
STEP 2. Connect three wires to one end of an insulator
(Figure E-10). Form an equilateral triangle
with sticks, and attach the free end of each of the
three wires to a corner of the triangle.

FM 7-92
STEP 3. Connect one end of the fourth wire to the opposite
end of the desired insulator in STEP 2. Connect the
free end of the fourth wire to another insulator. Tie a
rope or wire to the insulator, which will be used to
throw over a tree branch and to pull the antenna
into the air.
STEP 4. Before raising the antenna, connect WD-1 to the
lower insulator (described in STEP 2) as shown in
Figure E-10. At the radio, connect any wire of the
WD-l to the radio chassis and one wire to the
radio connector.

(4) V-antenna. The V-antenna (Figure E-11) is a field-expedient

unidirectional or bidirectional antenna. It has two wires forming a V
pointing toward the desired direction of transmission or reception. To
make construction easier, the legs may slope downward from the apex of
the V. This is called the sloping V-antenna (Figure E-12). The angle
between the legs varies with the length of the legs to achieve the greatest
performance. Table E-3 is used to determine the angle and the length of
the legs. When the antenna is used with more than one frequency of
wavelength, an apex angle is used midway between the extreme angles
determined by the chart. To make the antenna radiate in only one

FM 7-92
direction, add noninductive terminating resistors from the end of each leg
(not at the apex) to the ground. The resistors should be about 500 ohms
and have a power rating of at lease one-half that of the output power of
the transmitter being used. Without the resistors, the antenna radiates
bidirectionally, both front and back. The antenna must be fed by a
balanced transmission line.


FM 7-92
(5) Field-expedient resistors. Resistors are used in the construction of
some antennas to make them unidirectional. Sometimes, a manufactured
resistor can be hard to obtain. A field-expedient resistor can be made
using the following methods:
(a) One method is to use an old, cylindrical-type earplug case to
make a simple and adequate resistor. Cut the chain on the earplug case
close to the center. Open and fill the case with water from a canteen; pour
one to two salt packets from the MRE pouch into the water and reseal
the container. Attach one end of the antenna wire to one side of the
earplug case (Figure E-13). Attach the other side of the antenna wire to
the opposite side of the earplug case. Then, complete the circuit as in the
instructions for the specific antenna.

(b) Another method is to use the carbon core of the BA-30 battery.
Cut open the battery and remove the core, using only the carbon core.
Attach this resistor to the antenna the same way as the earplug resistor.
Both resistors provide about 500- to 1,000-ohm resistance, which is
enough for most low-power military radio sets.

FM 7-92
(6) Antenna insulators. If a field-expedient antennas transmitting
element is not properly insulated, it may become shorted to the ground
and be ineffective. Many items can be used as field-expedient insulators.
The best items are plastic or glass, which include plastic spoons, plastic
buttons, plastic bags, and glass bottle necks. Wood and rope or both are
less effective than plastic or glass. The radiating elementthe antenna
wire-should touch only the antenna terminal; it should be physically
separated from all objects except the supporting insulator.
Jamming is an effective way to disrupt control of the battle. All that is
required is a transmitter, tuned to a friendly frequency, with enough power
output to override the signal at the receiver. Jammers operate against
receivers, not transmitters. They are especially effective against voice,
data, and communications circuits using on-line encryption devices.
Many sophisticated jamming signals can be used. Any jamming must be
reported accurately, using the MIJI report format. (Refer to FM 34-1.)
The two types of jamming areas follows:
Obvious Jamming. The enemy can use obvious interference jamming such as steeped tone (bagpipes), random-key Morse code,
pulses, and recorded sounds.
Subtle Jamming. With subtle jamming, the operator may not realize he is being jammed because no sound is heard from the receiver.
a. Jamming Countermeasures. When RATELOs experience radio
interference, they must try to determine its source. The following steps
can help in determining the type of interference:
(1) Check the frequencies on either side of the operating frequency.
The enemy normally works against selected targets (spot-jam) to protect
his own communications. If the signal strength falls off on either side of
the operating frequency, the radio is probably being spot-jammed.
(2) Detach the antenna. If the interference continues, it means
internal equipment troubles. If it stops, it is outside interference.
(3) Move to a new location. If the signal strength varies greatly, the
radio may have been too close to power lines or generators. If it does not
vary, the radio is probably being jammed.
b. Interference Techniques. Once the interference has been identified as jamming, the following steps should be taken:
(1) Report the jamming using a secure means. To prevent the enemy
from knowing the results of his jamming efforts, do not announce over
nonsecure radio or wire circuits that the station is being jammed.

FM 7-92
(2) Try to work through the jamming by increasing transmitter
power. Move the antenna to a position where it is masked from the enemy
jammer, and slowdown the rate of transmission. When using voice radio,
repeat each word and make the greatest use of the phonetic alphabet. Do
not yell into the microphone as this only creates garbled reception, not
stronger signals.
(3) Make and use a horizontally polarized directional antenna to
increase the effective radiated power of the radio. (See paragraph E-2.)
NOTE: Antenna polarization should be the same for all stations
in the net for the best communications.
(4) Switch communications modes if all attempts have failed to evade
or work through jamming. Data, teletypewriter, and other pulse train
communications systems are most susceptible to jamming. Secure voice
and low-level OPCODEs are less vulnerable, and Morse code CW is the
least affected. Wire systems and messenger service are reliable as an
alternate means.
(5) If tests show the probability of jamming, follow local SOP to
restore communications and to start a MIJI report, informing higher
headquarters of the jamming.
Besides RDF and jamming, the enemys EW arsenal contains another
weapon called deception. Once the enemy has a clear picture of the
communications networks, he could try to enter selected nets disguised as
a friendly station. This action is called imitative communications deception. The enemy uses language experts who speak with the latest slang
and accents, and who are thoroughly drilled in proper communications
procedures. The enemy ICD experts are believable. If accepted into
friendly nets, they reward trust with deceit. ICD could result in the
shelling of friendly forces, walking into enemy ambushes, or deploying to
the wrong positions.
a. ICD is probably the easiest EW technique to counter. The enemy
must have a complete, in-depth knowledge of the opposing communications systems and operating procedures. He must be able to blend into
friendly networks to be accepted. Therefore, any procedure implemented
to block this ECM effort reduces his chance for success. Authentication
is the best way to stop ICD. In most cases, the called RATELO makes
the first challenge and is required to authenticate when
(1) Suspecting imitative deception on any circuit; for example, when
contacting a station following one or more unsuccessful tries.

FM 7-92
(2) Authenticating is requested or a station is challenged. This is not
to be interpreted as requiring stations to break an imposed silence for the
sole purpose of authenticating.
(3) Directing radio silence or listening silence, or requiring a station
to break an imposed silence.
(4) Transmitting contact and amplifying reports in plain language.
(5) Transmitting operating instructions that affect the military situation; for example, closing down a station or watch, changing frequency
other than normal scheduled changes, directing the setup of a special
communications guard, requesting artillery fire support, or directing
relocation of forces.
(6) Transmitting a plain language cancellation.
(7) Making the first radio contact or resuming contact after prolonged interruptions.
(8) Transmitting to a station that is under radio-listening silence.
(9) Transmitting an authorized classified message in the clear.
(10) Being forced, due to no response by a called station, to send a
message in the blind (transmission authentication).
b. Authentication is not required when making first contact after a
scheduled call sign and frequency change. Only friendly stations know
their assigned call sign and frequency for the time in use. If the RATELO
is not sure that authentication is required, he must challenge. If a station
takes more than 15 to 20 seconds to authenticate, the RATELO must
challenge again. A 15- to 20-second wait is necessary because an enemy
operator will try to contact some other station and have it respond to that
same challenge. Once the enemy receives an answer, he calls back and
blames the delay on equipment failure.
The reconnaissance platoons mission is to provide the commander information. This may require extended operations beyond the FEBA. To
preclude problems with communications security, the platoon must be
familiar with cryptographic equipment, codes, and ciphers.
a. The preferred method for maintaining secure communications is
to use on-line cryptographic equipment such as Vinson-speech secure
equipment. The platoon must be familiar with Vinson operations including over-the-air rekeying (OTAR) procedures. The platoon can expect
to zero Vinson keys as a precaution to prevent compromise and must be
able to receive new key from the battalion over the radio.
b. All soldiers must be familiar with encoding and decoding procedures. Radio nets may be forced to operate in a nonsecure mode due to
equipment failure or loss of key. Operation codes and numerical ciphers

FM 7-92
are necessary to allow the platoon to continue to transmit secure information until the radio net can be secured.
Arm-and-hand signals and pyrotechnics are other methods used to communicate. Arm-and-hand signals are common throughout the Army.
They are used primarily to control small elements. Pyrotechnics are used
to indicate messages and when arm-and-hand signals are inappropriate.
a. Arm-and-Hand Signals. Leaders use arm-and-hand signals to
control movement and initiate specific action by the viewer. All members
of the platoon should be familiar with both mounted and dismounted
arm-and-hand signals. (See FM 21-60 for more information.)
b. Pyrotechnics. Pyrotechnics produce either smoke or light and are
consumed in the process. When used for communications, prearranged
or prescribed signals are developed and used throughout the force. These
signals are developed based on the color and characteristics of the pyrotechnic device used. Pyrotechnic signals supplement or replace normal
means of communication and allow a large number of soldiers and or
forces to be signaled quickly. They can be used for friendly identification,
maneuver element control, fire support control, target marking, and
location reports. When pyrotechnics are used, the signal and its meaning
are included in the command and signal portion of the operation order
and in the SOI.
(1) The following types of hand-held signal rockets are available:
(a) Star clusters. Star clusters are used for signaling and illuminating.
They are issued in an expendable launcher that consists of a launching
tube and a firing cap. These signals produce a cluster of five free-falling
pyrotechnic stars. Star clusters are available in green, red, and white.
(b) Star parachutes. Star parachutes are used for signaling and illuminating. They are issued in an expendable launcher that consists of a
launching tube and a firing cap. These signals produce a single parachutesuspended illuminant star. Star parachutes are available in green, red, and
(c) Smoke parachutes. Smoke parachutes are used for signaling only.
They are issued in an expendable launcher that consists of a launching
tube and a firing cap. The device is a perforated canister that is parachutesuspended. They are available in green, yellow, and red smoke.
(2) Smoke grenades are available in white, green, yellow, red, and
violet smoke. These colors are provided by two types of grenades:
(a) White-smoke hand grenade. The white-smoke hand grenade is a
burning-type grenade used for signaling and for laying smoke screens.
When ignited, it produces dense white smoke for 105 to 150 seconds. It

FM 7-92
will not normally injure exposed troops. In heavy concentrations, troops
should wear the field protective mask. However, the mask will not protect
against heavy concentrations of this smoke in enclosed spaces due to
oxygen depletion and carbon monoxide buildup.
(b) M18 colored-smoke grenade. The M18 colored-smoke grenade is
similar in appearance to the white-smoke hand grenade, but its top is
painted the color of the smoke it produces. Its filler is a burning-type
mixture containing a dye; only four are standard: red, green, violet, and
yellow. As a burning-type grenade, it has an igniting-type fuse and burns
50 to 90 seconds.
The platoon often finds that radio communications are not a feasible
means of relaying information, especially if the platoon is too far away to
use FM radio, the mission requires radio-listening silence, or the platoons equipment is inoperable. An option, other than messenger, is the
use of the local telephone. In some areas of operation, telephone drop
lines are incorporated as part of an overall plan. In other situations,
soldiers should be briefed on and know a few simple requirements for
possible use of local telephones. It is not a secure method and should not
be relied on as a primary means of communication. Soldiers should
adhere to the following guidelines regarding use of local telephones:
Have local currency available.
Know (as part of the plan) the telephone number of higher headquarters.
Know the proper use of the local telephone system.
Learn enough of the local language to talk to the operator (if required).
Know the emergency numbers of local police or ambulance.




This appendix discusses the platoon and squad battle drills executed
by the reconnaissance platoon. The reconnaissance platoon takes
pride on its ability to operate in enemy territory without being
detected. Avoiding detection is a high priority for the reconnaissance
platoon/squad. Even though the reconnaissance platoon/squad
seeks to avoid enemy contact, there are occasions when contact is
made. This contact may be by chance or as the result of an enemy
ambush. The survivability of the reconnaissance platoon/squad
may depend on its ability to react to these situations. When contact
is made, the reconnaissance platoon/squad breaks contact and
notifies higher headquarters of the situation. Based on the guidance
from higher headquarters, the reconnaissance platoon/squad either
continues or aborts the mission.
Once enemy contact is made, the platoon leader at tempts to break contact
(Figure F-1). The actions of the reconnaissance platoon/squad are as
a. Soldiers immediately seek the nearest covered or concealed position and return fire. The platoon leader requests indirect fire.
b. The squad leader directs soldiers to bound away from the contact.
The remaining soldiers assist the bounding soldiers by placing well-aimed
fire on the enemy position.
c. The distance soldiers bound depends on METT-T. Once the
bounding soldiers occupy their positions, they place direct fire on the
d. The soldiers covering the initial bound now become the bounding
element. These soldiers execute fire and movement and bound to a
position beyond the supporting element.
e. The squad continues to conduct reverse bounding until contact is
broken. Soldiers use smoke and fragmentation grenades to obscure their
movement and degrade the enemys fire.

FM 7-92


The reconnaissance platoon/squad may also be required to react to an
ambush. The actions taken by the reconnaissance platoon/squad are
determined by its distance from the enemy at the time of the ambush. The
near ambush is one in which the killing zone is within hand grenade range
of the enemy executing the ambush.
a. When a reconnaissance platoon/squad is caught in a near ambush,
soldiers in the kill zone carry out one of the following actions without
order or signal:
(1) If cover is not available, soldiers assume the prone position and
throw concussion or fragmentation and smoke grenades.
(2) If cover is available, soldiers assume the prone position, seek the
nearest covered position, return fire, and throw fragmentation or concussion and smoke grenades.
b. After the explosion of the grenades, soldiers in the kill zone return
fire and assault through the ambush position using fire and movement.
c. Soldiers not in the kill zone identify the enemy location and place
accurate suppressive fire against the enemy positions. Fire is shifted as
the soldiers in the kill zone begin to assault. (Figure F-2.)
d. Personnel in the kill zone continue the assault to eliminate the
ambush or until contact is broken.

FM 7-92


The far ambush is one in which the kill zone is outside hand grenade range
of the enemy executing the ambush. The actions of the reconnaissance
platoon/squad are as follows:
a. Without order or signal, soldiers in the kill zone assume the prone
position and return fire. They take available covered positions and continue well-aimed fire at the ambush position. Smoke grenades are used
to impair enemy observation of the kill zone and affect his ability to place
aimed fire into the kill zone (Figure F-3).
b. Those soldiers not in the kill zone continue the assault until the
ambush is eliminated or contact is broken.
c. The reconnaissance platoon/squad leader requests indirect fire
when the enemy withdraws or the separation between the elements is far
enough to avoid friendly casualties. Smoke is used to impair enemy

FM 7-92


The reconnaissance platoon/squad must understand the actions that they
should take when under attack by indirect fire. The platoon leader or any
soldier warns the platoon or squad by shouting, Incoming. Soldiers
assume the prone position and wait for the round to impact. The platoon
leader gives the direction and distance for the reconnaissance platoon/squad to move (for example, ONE OCLOCK, TWO HUNDRED
METERS). The reconnaissance platoon/squad runs out of the impact
area in the direction and for the distance that was indicated. Once they
arrive at the designated location, the platoon leader accounts for all
personnel and notifies higher headquarters of the situation.


AA . . . . . . .
AC . . . . . . .
ACL . . . . . .
ADA . . . . . .
admin . . . . .
ALO . . . . . .
ALT . . . . . . .
AP . . . . . . .
APDS . . . . . .
AR . . . . . . .
ARTEP . . . . .
arty . . . . . . .
ASL . . . . . . .
aslt . . . . . . .
AT . . . . . . .
atk . . . . . . .
ATL . . . . . . .
BDU . . . . . .
BMNT . . . . .
BMP . . . . . .
bn . . . . . . . .
BRDM . . . . .
BSA . . . . . . .
CAM . . . . . .
CAS . . . . . . .
CB . . . . . . .
Cdr . . . . . . .
CDS . . . . . .
CFL . . . . . . .

assembly area
Airspace coordination area
allowable cargo load
air defense artillery
administrative; administration
aviation liaison officer
alternate (3-2)
armor-piercing discarding sabot
Army Training and Evaluation Program
assistant squad leader
assistant team leader
battle dress uniform
beginning morning nautical twilight
a Threat fighting vehicle
(a Threat scout car)
brigade support area
chemical-agent monitor
close air support
chemical biological
container deliver system
coordinated fire line

FM 7-92
cGys . . . . . . centigrams
CHEMWARN . chemical warning
CL . . . . . . . chalk leader
CO . . . . . . . commanding officer
Co . . . . . . . . company
COL . . . . . . colonel
COA . . . . . . course of action
COMMEX . . . communications exercise
CP . . . . . . . . command post
CPL . . . . . . . corporal
CS . . . . . . . . combat support
CSS . . . . . . . combat service support
CW . . . . . . . chemical warfare
DA . . . . . . . Department of the Army
DEW . . . . . . directed-energy weapon
DOA . . . . . . direction of attack
DP . . . . . . . decision point(s)
DS . . . . . . . . direct support
DTD . . . . . . dated
DTG . . . . . . date-time group
DZ . . . . . . . drop zone
EA . . . . . . . . engagement area
E C M . . . . . electronic countermeasures
EEI . . . . . . . essential elements of information
EENT . . . . . . end of evening nautical twilight
EMP . . . . . . electromagnetic pulse
EPW . . . . . . enemy prisoner of war
EW . . . . . . . electronic warfare
FA . . . . . . . . field artillery
FAC . . . . . . . forward air controller
FASCAM . . . . family of scatterable mines
FDC . . . . . . . fire direction center
FEBA . . . . . . forward edge of battle area
FE . . . . . . . . . fire for effect
FFE . . . . . . . fire for effect

FM 7-92
FFL . . . . . . . friendly forward line
FIST . . . . . . fire support team
FM . . . . . . . field manual; frequency modulation
FO . . . . . . . forward observer
FOV . . . . . . field of view
FPF . . . . . . . final protective fires
FRAGO . . . . fragmentary order
FREQ . . . . . frequency
FS . . . . . . . . fire support
FSE . . . . . . . fire support element
FSO . . . . . . . fire support officer
ft . . . . . . . . feet
GH z . . . . . . . gigahertz
GRN . . . . . . grenadier
GS . . . . . . . general support
GSR . . . . . . ground surveillance radar
GTA . . . . . . graphic training aid
HC . . . . . . . herachloroethane-zinc (a smoke grenade)
HE . . . . . . . high explosive
HEAT . . . . . high-explosive antitank
HHC . . . . . . headquarters and headquarters company
HMMWV . . . high-mobility, multipurpose wheeled vehicle
HPM . . . . . . high-power microwave
HQ . . . . . . . headquarters
IAW . . . . . . . in accordance with
ICD . . . . . . . imitative communication deception
ICM . . . . . . improved conventional munitions
illum . . . . . . illumination
immed . . . . . immediately
INTEL . . . . . intelligence
INTSUM . . . . intelligence summary
IPB . . . . . . . intelligence preparation of the battlefield
IPR . . . . . . . in-process review
IR . . . . . . . . information requirement
IRP . . . . . . . initial rally point
JM . . . . . . . jump master

FM 7-92
KIA . . . . . . . killed in action
km . . . . . . . kilometers
kmph . . . . . . kilometers per hour
LBE . . . . . . . load-bearing equipment
LC . . . . . . . line of contact
LCE . . . . . . . load-carrying equipment
LCMS . . . . . laser countermeasure system
LD . . . . . . . line of departure
ldr . . . . . . . . leader
LOA . . . . . . line of advance
log . . . . . . . . logistics
LOGPAC . . . . logistics package
LOGSTAT . . . logistics status
LOS . . . . . . . line of sight
LT . . . . . . . . lieutenant
LZ . . . . . . . . landing zone
m . . . . . . . meter
MBA. . . . . . . main battle area
mech . . . . . . mechanized
MED . . . . . . medical/medium
MEDEVAC . . medical evacuation
METT-T . . . . mission, enemy, terrain, troops, and
time available
MG . . . . . . . machine gun
MH Z . . . . . . . . megahertz
mi . . . . . . . . mile
MIJI . . . . . . meaconing, intrusion, jamming,
. . . . . . . . . and interference
min . . . . . . . minute
MLRS . . . . . multiple-launch rocket system
mm . . . . . . . millimeter
MOPP . . . . . mission-oriented protection posture
MOS . . . . . . military occupational specialty
MOUT . . . . . military operations on urbanized terrain
MP . . . . . . . military police
MRE . . . . . . meal, ready-to-eat

FM 7-92
MTF . . . . . . medical treatment facility
MTOE . . . . . modified table of organization
and equipment
MTP . . . . . . mission training plan
NA . . . . . . . not applicable
NAI . . . . . . . named areas of interest
NBC . . . . . . nuclear, biological, chemical
NCO . . . . . . noncommissioned officer
NCOIC . . . . . noncommissioned officer in charge
NCS . . . . . . net control station
NET . . . . . . not earlier than
NGF . . . . . . naval gunfire
NLT . . . . . . not later than
NO . . . . . . . number
NOD . . . . . . night observation device
NSN . . . . . . national stock number
NUCWARN . . nuclear warning
NV . . . . . . . night vision
NVD . . . . . night vision device
NVG . . . . . . night vision goggles
O&I . . . . . . . operations and intelligence
OBJ . . . . . . . objective
OAKOC . . . . observation and fields of fire, avenues
of approach, key terrain, obstacles and
movement, and cover and concealment.
OEG . . . . . . operational exposure guidance
OIC . . . . . . . officer in charge
OP . . . . . . . observation post
OPCODE . . . operations code
OPCON . . . . operational control
OPNS . . . . . operations
OPORD . . . . operational order
OPSEC . . . . . operations security
OPSKED . . . . operational schedule
ORP . . . . . . objective rally point
OT . . . . . . . observer target

FM 7-92
OTAR . . . . . over-the-air rekeying
PAC . . . . . . . personnel and administration center
PDY . . . . . . . present-for-duty
PERS . . . . . . personnel
PERSTATREP personnel status report
PEWS . . . . . . platoon early warning system
PFC . . . . . . . private first class
PIR . . . . . . . priority intelligence requirement
PL . . . . . . . . platoon leader; phase line
PLL . . . . . . . prescribed load list
plt . . . . . . . . platoon
PMCS . . . . . Preventive Maintenance Checks
and Services
POL . . . . . . . petroleum, oils and lubricants
PP . . . . . . . . passage point
PRC . . . . . . . manpack radio
PSG . . . . . . . platoon sergeant
psn . . . . . . . position
PW . . . . . . . prisoner of war
p w r . . . . . power
PZ . . . . . . . . pickup zone
R . . . . . . . . radiotelephone operator
R/A . . . . . . . readily available
RATELO . . . . radiotelephone operator
R&S . . . . . . reconnaissance and surveillance
RATELO . . . . radiotelephone operator
RDF . . . . . . radio direction finder(ing)
recon . . . . . . reconnaissance
REMS . . . . . remote sensor
RP . . . . . . . release point
RRP . . . . . . reentry rally point
RSTA . . . . . . reconnaissance, surveillance, and
target acquisition
RV . . . . . . . receive variable
S2 . . . . . . . . intelligence officer
S3 . . . . . . . . operations and training officer

FM 7-92
S4 . . . . . . . . Supply Officer (US Army)
1SG . . . . . . . first sergeant
SALUTE . . . . size, activity, location, unit, time,
and equipment
SAT . . . . . . . security assistance team
sct . . . . . . . scout
SEO . . . . . . sniper employment officer
SFC . . . . . . . sergeant first class
SGT . . . . . . . sergeant
SINGARS . . . single-channel ground and airborne
radio subsystem
SITREP . . . . situation report
SJA . . . . . . . Staff Judge Advocate
SL . . . . . . . . squad leader
SMCT . . . . . soldiers manual of common tasks
SNAP . . . . . . size, nature, activity, protection
SOI . . . . . . . signal operation instructions
SOP . . . . . . . standing operating procedure
SOSR . . . . . . suppress, obscure, secure, reduce
SP . . . . . . . . start point
SPC . . . . . . . specialist
SPOTREP . . . spot report
SSG . . . . . . . staff sergeant
STABO . . . . . a system for extracting personnel
by helicopter
STP . . . . . . . soldiers training publication
sqd . . . . . . . squad
tac . . . . . . . tactical
TACSAT . . . . tactical communications satellite
TAI . . . . . . . target areas of interest
TB . . . . . . . technical bulletin
TDA . . . . . . tables of distribution and allowances
TEK . . . . . . talk encryption key
TF . . . . . . . . task force
TI . . . . . . . . technical inspection
TIRS . . . . . . terrain indication recognition system

FM 7-92
TLP . . . . . . .
TM . . . . . . .
tm . . . . . . . .
TOE . . . . . .
TOT . . . . . . .
TOW . . . . . .
TRP . . . . . . .
TSOP . . . . . .
UCMJ . . . . .
US . . . . . . . .
USAF . . . . . .
USAIS . . . . .
USMC . . . . .
USN . . . . . . .
veh . . . . . . .
vic . . . . . . . .
VRC. . . . . .
WP . . . . . . .
XO . . . . . . .


troop-leading procedures
technical manual
tables of organization and equipment
time on target
tube-launched, optically tracked,
target reference point
tactical standing operating procedure
Uniform Code of Military Justice
United States
United States Air Force
United States Army Infantry School
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy
vehicular radio communications
white phosphorus
executive officer

These documents must be available to the intended users of this publication.
Army Publications
AR 95-1. Army Aviation Regulations. 30 May 1990.
AR 672-5-1. Military Awards. 12 April 1984.
ARTEP 7-92-MTP. Mission Training Plan for the Infantry Scout
Platoon/Squad and Sniper Team. 16 March 1989.
DA Form 1155. Witness Statement on Individual. June 1966.
DA Form 1156. Casualty Feeder Report. June 1966.
DA Form 1971-1-R. Radiological Data Sheet Route Technique
or Course Leg Technique (LRA). September 1986.
DA Form 2404. Equipment Inspection and Maintenance
Worksheet. April 1979.
DA Pamphlet 738-750. Functional Users Manual for the Army
Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). 20 June 1991.
FM 3-3. NBC Contamination Avoidance. 30 September 1986.
FM 3-4. NBC Protection. 21 October 1985.
FM 3-5. NBC Decontamination. 24 June 1985.
FM 3-6. Field Behavior of NBC Agents (Including Smoke and
Incendiaries). 3 November 1986.
FM 5-34. Engineer Field Data. 14 September 1987.
FM 6-30. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed
Fire. 16 July 1991.
FM 7-8. The Infantry Platoon and Squad (Infantry, Airborne,
Air Assault, Ranger) (How to Fight). 31 December 1980.
FM 7-10. The Infantry Rifle Company. 14 December 1990.
FM 7-20. The Infantry Battalion (Infantry, Airborne, and
Air Assault). 28 December 1984.
FM 8-285. Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and
Conventional Military Chemical Injuries. 28 February 1990.
FM 11-64. Communications-Electronics Fundamentals: Transmission
Lines, Wave Propagation and Antennas. 13 June 1985.

FM 7-92
FM 21-10. Field Hygiene and Sanitation. 22 November 1988.
FM 21-11. First Aid for Soldiers. 27 October 1988.
FM 21-18. Foot Marches. 1 June 1990.
FM 21-26. Map Reading and Land Navigation. 30 September 1987.
FM 21-60. Visual Signals. 30 September 1987.
FM 21-76. Survival. 26 March 1986.
FM 34-1. Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations. 2 July 1987.
FM 55-60. Army Terminal Operations. 18 May 1987.
FM 57-38. Pathfinder Operations. 9 October 1968.
FM 90-4. Air Assault Operations. 16 March 1987.
GTA 3-6-3. NBC Warning and Reporting System. 1975.
STANAG 2044. Procedures for Dealing with Prisoners
of war. 12 July 1988.
STP 21-1-SMCT. Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1.
1 October 1990.
TB MED 524. Occupational and Environmental Health: Control of
Hazards to Health from Laser Radiation. 20 June 1985.
TC 31-25. Special Forces Waterborne Operations. 3 October 1988.
TM 11-6665-214-10. Operators Manual for Radiacmeters, IM-9E/PD
and IM-147/PD. 1 August 1986.
TM 11-6665-232-12. Operators and Organizational Maintenance
Manual for Radiacmeters, IM-174A/PD. 1 October 1987.
TM 11-6665-236-12. Operators and Organizational Maintenance
Manual for Radiac Set, AF/PDR-75. 1 July 1990.
TM 11-6665-251-10. Operators Manual for Radiac Set
AN/VDR-2. 1 March 1988.



FM 7-92


FM 7-92

U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1992 7 2 8 - 0 2 7 / 6 0 0 6 7


FM 7-92
23 DECEMBER 1992

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff

Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army

Active Army, ARNG, and USAR: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11E,
Requirements for FM 7-92, The Infantry Reconnaissance Platoon and Squad (Airborne,
Assault, Light Infantry), (Qty rqr block no. 4894).

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