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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Godlike in their abilities, let us hope this new breed of man will carry the burden of a suffering world to our
ultimate and unwavering goalfreedom for all the people of the Earth.
From President Franklin Delano Roosevelts Godlike Address, November 10, 1941

Created by Dennis Detwiller Game Mechanics by Greg Stolze

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Credits & Copyrights

Book Design by C. Brent Ferguson and John Tynes Edited by Brad Elliott, Janice Sellers, Greg Stolze, Scott Glancy and Shane
Ivey OGL Conversion by Mike Mearls German Translations by Bjrn Kafsack Italian Translations by Francesco Nepitello
Russian Translations by Lidia Yablanskaya Playtesters John Fiala, Dan Davenport, Eileen Krause, Cynthia Reep, Jennifer Gilbert, Steven Buck, Charlie Conley, Dan Raab, Peter Link, Chris Manteria, Chris Grubb, Luke French, George Downey, Mica
Johnston and Charles Horstein Dennis Detwillers Thanks to Hilary Nacht, Mom, Dad, Brian and Grandma, Mike Daisey,
Jean-Michele Gregory, Brian Appleton, Scott Glancy, John Tynes, Pete Carlson, Hsin Chen, Aron Anderson, Brian Campbell
and the whole Pagan House. Special Thanks to Jared E. Sorenson and Mike Mearls, the staff of the Perkengrven Coffee
House, and the gamers who have kept Godlike going all these years. Greg Stolzes Playtesters: Leslee A. Beldotti, Tony Mosely,
Joe Donka, and Tim Toner. Additional Material by Allan Goodall, Shane Ivey and Mike Montesa. Layout Assistance by Jessica Hopkins. Additional Proofreading by Charles Coleman, Jason Hockley, Gustav Jernberg, Charles Little, Mike Montesa,
Hobbie Regan, Colleen Riley and Chris Mays Miracles Roamesthank you!
Godlike: Superhero Roleplaying in a World On Fire, 19361946, is published by Arc Dream Publishing, 12215 Highway 11,
Chelsea, Ala., 35043, U.S.A. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely
coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described in historical context. The Game Mechanics of
Godlike are 2001 Greg Stolze. Written material credited to another author is 2012 that author. All other written material
in the book is 2001 Dennis Detwiller except for Open Source Superhero Rules (pp. 314343) which is 2001 Mike Mearls.
The text of Open Source Superhero Rules (pp. 314343) is Open Game Content and is distributed under the Open Game License (see below); nothing else in this book is Open Game Content. Front Cover Artwork is 2012 Todd Shearer. Back Cover
and Interior Artwork is 2001 Dennis Detwiller. Except for purposes of review and except as otherwise specified, no portion
of this work may be reproduced by any means without the express written permission of the copyright holders. All rights reserved worldwide by their respective copyright holders.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). All Rights Reserved.
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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Source Superhero Rules open game content Copyright 2001,
Mike Mearls.

ISBN 978-0-9853175-1-5 ARC1009 OR APU1009 FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING JULY 2012

Table of Contents
Part One: Introduction........................................................ 1
Part Two: Game Mechanics................................................ 6
The Basics........................................................................... 7
Stats.................................................................................... 8
Skills................................................................................... 9
Resolution......................................................................... 10
Combat............................................................................. 13
Damage............................................................................. 13
Gunfire.............................................................................. 15
Armor............................................................................... 19
Weapons........................................................................... 20
Weapon Qualities.............................................................. 20
Special Weapons................................................................ 22
Other Sources of Harm..................................................... 24
Movement in Combat....................................................... 27
Character Advancement ................................................... 27
Part Three: Character Creation......................................... 29
Character Creation in Godlike.......................................... 30
Game Moderator Involvement.......................................... 30
Background....................................................................... 30
Statistics and Skills............................................................ 32
Creating Normal Human Characters................................ 33
Review.............................................................................. 33
Part Four: Talents............................................................. 35
What is a Talent?.............................................................. 36
How Talents Work............................................................ 37
Creating a Talent Power for Your Character..................... 40
Hyperstats......................................................................... 43
Hyperskills........................................................................ 49
Miracles ........................................................................... 50
Cafeteria-Style Miracles................................................. 56
Will .................................................................................. 93
Battle Fatigue.................................................................... 94
When Wills Collide........................................................... 95
Using Talents in the Game................................................. 97
Part Five: Background..................................................... 100
A Note About the Background........................................ 101
The Major Players........................................................... 101
Nazi Germany: RuSHA Sonderabteilung A................. 101
Great Britain: The Special Sciences Office.................... 101
Soviet Union: Special Directive One............................. 101
United States of America: Section Two........................ 102
The Empire of Japan: Unit 731.................................... 102
The Dawn of the Super-Age............................................ 102
Part Six: Now and Then.................................................. 251
The United States of America.......................................... 251
United States Public Sentiment in the Early War Years.... 252
Life in the U.S. of A. in the 1940s................................... 253
The Sleeping Giant.......................................................... 255
The U.S. Army................................................................ 255
The Media....................................................................... 257
Talents............................................................................ 259
Slang............................................................................... 261

Part Seven: The Field Manual......................................... 263

A Note On Firearms........................................................ 263
Listed Ranges.............................................................. 263
Penetration Listings..................................................... 263
Reloading Times.......................................................... 264
Base Damage of Weapons............................................ 264
A Note On Mines............................................................ 264
Axis Weapons................................................................. 265
Weaponry of the Third Reich...................................... 265
Weaponry of the Empire of Japan................................ 269
Allied Weapons............................................................... 272
Weaponry of the United States..................................... 272
Weaponry of the United Kingdom............................... 275
Weaponry of the Soviet Union..................................... 278
Part Eight: The Campaign............................................... 282
The Basics....................................................................... 282
Themes............................................................................ 283
Types of Godlike Game Play........................................... 284
Campaign Premise........................................................... 284
Theater of Operations..................................................... 285
Constructing a Campaign................................................ 285
Non-Player Characters.................................................... 288
Location.......................................................................... 288
Enemy Forces.................................................................. 289
Missions.......................................................................... 289
Life on the Line............................................................... 291
Supplies........................................................................... 293
Protocol.......................................................................... 294
Tactics............................................................................. 295
Part Nine: TOG Commando Squads............................... 296
Talent Operations Command.......................................... 296
The TOG Program.......................................................... 297
TOG 141 Millers Hellions.......................................... 299
Appendix A: Optional Rules........................................... 305
Appendix B: NPCs.......................................................... 310
Appendix C: Open Source Superhero Rules.................... 314
Appendix D: More Rules Options................................... 344
Squad Combat............................................................. 344
Bombardment.............................................................. 346
Minefields.................................................................... 347
One-Roll Patrols.......................................................... 348
FUBAR!....................................................................... 351
Skill Additions............................................................. 353
Custom Characters...................................................... 356
New Miracles.............................................................. 358
New Extras.................................................................. 361
New Flaws................................................................... 361
Bibliography................................................................... 364
Index............................................................................... 365
Character Sheet............................................................... 373
Acknowledgements......................................................... 375

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

This book is dedicated to my grandfathers, who fought in the Pacific.

Dennis Detwiller, 2001

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




WELL, YOU WERE THERE. You know what it looked like. Its

great, you know. Theres nothing like it. Well, almost nothing. I mean, you send me, kid . . . but youre not here now.
God, I wish it could be different. I dont know. That day in
the park near the Egyptian Needle? I think about that day all
the time now. I think about what we said there.

I do, you know. Love you, I mean. That hasnt
changed. Do you love me still? If you do, just say it and Ill
know. Just say it now, once, if you feel it.

I need you now, Ellie.
Now Im getting ready for something big that I cant
talk about, and Im just plain scared. We all are. All the Section Two guys are green. We go first. Wherever. Whenever.
They need us, honey. They cant do the things we can do.
We have to try. When I do, Ill think of you. Ill think of our
life before. Ill think of America.

Why the hell did this have to happen now?

The war, it ate all of us up, everything, all our plans.
Do you still remember what it was like before all this?
Before the war and before...

Before I could do it?

I do.

I would give it up, you know. For you. For just being
able to know Im going to die as some old man in a bed
somewhere, someday. But mostly just for you, and for a

houseand maybe some kids? Maybe its still in the future.

Who knows? I mean, look what I can do now. I mean, God,
back in thirty-five who would have thought it? In thirtyfive, if I told my pop that some Kraut would fly like a bird
in a year, Id be chewing on some Lifebuoy.

Who would have ever thought Id be doing something
like that, too?

Im getting real good at it now. The training helped.
Remember how I couldnt control it? How it would go on
or off at random? Remember how I fell that time and broke
my wrist? Now Im solid as a rock. No problems there. Like
a goddamn bird.

It still makes me smile to think of the last night on
leave before I embarked, the night I brought you the flowers
at the penthouse, and the look on your moms face when I
just dropped in from out of the summer air.

I think about home a lot.

I think about you a lot.

Pray for me, Ellie. We go soon, and we go first and I
dont think a lot of us are coming back.

Pray for us.
Fragments of a letter recovered on Omaha Beach after
the attack by the First Talent Assault Group, June 6, 1944.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Godlike in their abilities, let us hope this new breed of man will carry the burden of a suffering world to our
ultimate and unwavering goalfreedom for all the people of the Earth.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelts Godlike Address, November 10, 1941

Welcome to Godlike

Welcome to the dawn of the Super-Age. In 1936, people

begin manifesting strange powers that set them apart from
the rest of humanity. These so-called paranormal Talents
allow a chosen few to do the impossible. No one really
knows why. With these powers, man first took to the air
without mechanical aid, explored the depths of the sea
naked without life support and touched the rim of space. To
these Talents, reality is something to be shaped and molded
by the power of the mind alone. Most, however, can warp
reality only in small, consistent wayseach power as
unique as their own personality.

In 1939, with Hitlers blitzkrieg of Poland, the war in
Europe began. These few people, whose numbers are ever
growing, stand poised to battle each other to the death: for
their country, for their loved ones, and for the power they
hope to control.

To the rank and file of humanity, these chosen few
seem godlike in their capabilities. Only the Talents know the
secret. The secret is this: The power that you have found by
chance seems pale and pointless in the face of death. When
the shells are raining down, it is just as easy to die in the air
as on the ground, or in the ocean . . . but unlike others, you
die alone. Separated from your comrades by a power you
didnt ask for, and sometimes dont believe you deserve. To
face death and not turn away is just as hard for a man who
can lift a tank as it is for a normal Joe. Few realize that with
new power comes a new fear, a fear beyond the common
foot soldier. The fear of inadequacy despite ability, the fear
of cowardice despite power, the fear of failure despite the
possibility of victory. Few know the way your family, friends
and enemies look at you when you do the impossible. Few
understand how the power sets you apart, how it makes you
more and yet somehow less. How there is so much more pain
in failure in a Talents world without limits.

This is the secret: These fears, like the power that feeds
them, are godlike in their scope.


This is Dennis Detwiller. Godlike is the result of a question

Ive been asking myself since I read my first comic book:

What would a world with super-humans really be like?

The more I imagined it, the more I came to believe it
wouldnt be that different from our own world. The fourcolor world where super-humans walk supreme seems
rather foolish to me, as does the world where they are
hunted as freaks. The truth would probably be somewhere
in the middle of these two extremes. Super-humans would
be admired and feared, but their impact would not be so
great as to change things altogether. They would simply be
another development in history, like some type of beneficial disease. Eventually theyd become commonplace, just
like things that made an initially dramatic impact on the

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

world and then faded into the public consciousness, like

the car, the television or the personal computer. Sometimes they would make world history, but they would
never control world history . . .

Godlike is the beginning of the answer to that question. We explore it further in a game called Wild Talents.

This book was written in a very specific manner, to
avoid pitfalls found in too many gaming books: metaplots
and highly stylized text. Metaplots frankly sicken me.
The idea of selling a single idea but spreading it across a
dozen different books is just plain wrong. It either means
the publisher is too lazy or too bent on profit to make a
comprehensive book. They might sell books in the long run,
but they also upset their customers. I mean, who wouldnt
rather have all the necessary information in one place? To
avoid the splatbook syndrome, I did my best to squeeze
as much in to this one book as possible. There are supplements, but youll never find yourself forced to buy additional books just to play the game you already bought.

Stylized writing is also a serious issue in gaming. Writing
in a style that reflects the mood or time period of the game
was interesting years ago, but (on me at least) it has worn
thin. Game books filled with pages upon pages of gaming
fiction, or unclear writing styles and obscure slang inserted in
otherwise straightforward text, seems an easy way to distract
the reader. This was not what I was looking for when I set
out to write Godlike. You wont find it here.
Godlike is an attempt to fill a gap in the genre of superhero role-playing. Most superhero games try to embrace the
total scope of comic book culture at once, while refusing to
impose inherent limits and order on character power levels.
Godlike is an attempt to instill a control in the central
premise of the background itself, which limits a characters
impact on the world, but not their background or power
levels. You can play any type of super in Godlikea mage,
a gadgeteer, a bruiser, an alienyou name it, its in here.
But unlike many games, theres a reason its in here.
Godlike is an attempt to marry a solid system with a
coherent and interesting setting thats loads of fun to play
in. I hope you have as much fun reading and playing the
game as I did writing it.

Godlike was developed with Pagan Publishing. When
John Tynes asked me to produce Pagan Publishings first
role-playing game, needless to say, I didnt take the request
lightly. John and Pagan had been a hallmark in the roleplaying industry for years. Godlike represents more than
five years of writing, art and game design, so I hope it lives
up to the Pagan Publishing logo.

My very special thanks go out to John Tynes, Scott
Glancy and the other Pagans for their help. I also owe a ton
to Greg Stolze, game designer extraordinaire, the genius responsible for the game mechanics in this book. Mike Daisey
was an invaluable sounding board for ideas, and brought
several damn good ideas to the table himself (including the
title). Thanks, Mike! Aron Anderson and the boys at his



wonderful comic store The Dreaming are to be thanked for
letting us use them as guinea pigs during the early stages of
Godlike playtesting. Aron and Hsin should also get a hand
for forming Hobgoblynn Press, Godlikes first publisher, to
bring it all home. Im sure there are other people Im forgetting, but so it goes.

Now, Ill turn the floor over to my esteemed colleague
Greg Stolze, who has a few words to say about the Godlike
game mechanics.

Game Design Blather

Greg here. If youre interested in how games are designed,

you might be interested in this aside. Otherwise, skip it.

First things first: These mechanics are not wildly new.
The stat+skill dice pool has been around for agesat least,
ages as measured in game design. When Dennis asked me
to come up with some mechanics, my goals were to make a
good, interesting system that had some detail where needed,
and that faded into the background the rest of the time. I saw
no point in reinventing the wheel, especially since Dennis
setting is supposed to be the centerpiece of Godlike.

I felt that the rules for a World War II superhero game
should be fast and efficient. I wanted to kill off the initiative
roll and the damage roll, paring combat down to a single
toss of the dice without sacrificing detail or player options.
The damage system is pretty detailed because getting badly
hurt is a large part of what war is all about. The skills are
a little sketchy because, in a total war, the details of your
ability to sing a song or fix a radio doesnt have as much
dramatic weight.

To pay my dues, Id like to thank Jonathan Tweet, who
introduced me to game design. The system for evaluating
funky powers owes a large debt to his superb and tragically underrated game Everway. (Im sure hes delighted to
see his work live on in my writing.) Im also grateful to the
huge crew at White Wolf, whose World of Darkness games
charted a course through the dice pool minefield. (The Will
mechanic may look somewhat familiar if youve played
Hunter: The Reckoning.)

What is a Role-Playing Game?

As strange as it seems to experienced role-players, some

people (even people who have purchased this role-playing
book) might not be familiar with the concept of roleplaying. This section is provided for their convenience. For
those of you who know already, this is all just dead space.
Pretend a pretty picture is here instead. . . .

A role-playing game is a cooperative storytelling game
where the players take the role of characters that act and
interact within a fictional adventure, devised and run by the
Game Moderator. The GM is responsible for the consistency
of the story the Player Characters (PCs) navigate through,
and for the actions of other characters the PCs interact with
in the game. Each Player portrays their one character, and the
GM portrays everyone else. These other characters played by
the GM are called Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Obviously,
this places a large amount of responsibility on the GMs
shoulders. The enemy agent, the characters mother, and the
President of the United States, each would be played (when
necessary) by the GM, while the player is only responsible for

a single personality, and a lot less trouble.

The role-playing game, by nature, is rather fluid. Unlike other games, it rarely involves tedious markings and
movements of pieces on a board (although this is sometimes
necessary). Its much more abstract. Usually, the GM describes the situation in the adventure to the Players, explaining what the PCs see and hear. The Players tell the GM
what their characters wish to do. Sometimes interaction
between the PCs and the GM are resolved simply by talking; the GM decides something will happen, and it happens.
Often, such decisions are made when the outcome of such
an event is not in doubt (for example, a character wants to
open a door, so the GM decides he does so).

However, when an outcome is in doubt, such as when
a PC is attacked by an NPC, or a PC wishes to complete a
difficult task, the GM may ask the player to roll dice and
consult the statistics of his or her character. This adds a
level of excitement and uncertainty to the game. These statistics assign a numerical value to how well a character can
do something, like lifting a weight, hitting someone in the
jaw or shooting a gun. A successful roll made on a statistic
indicates success in that particular action in the adventure
and the GM continues the story accordingly. Many such
rolls may be made over the course of a single adventure.

Sometimes the PCs will try to resolve some linear
mission within an adventure, but sometimes (unlike
other games) there is no absolute goal. Like real life, the
PCs act and react just like normal people, in a world of the
GMs creation. Well-played PCs should be like real people,
with wants, hopes, dreams and fears. Sometimes there is a
short-term goal for them to accomplish, like there is in life:
completing a class, delivering the newspapers, or blowing
up the enemy stronghold. Ongoing role-playing games are
often composed of dozens of adventures linked together to
form a campaign. Campaigns cover months or even years
in story time, and follow the paths of the PCs as they grow
and develop.

Sometimes, however, an adventure is a one-time thing.
The GM prepares and presents an adventure for the PCs that
runs its course in a single night, or in a short period of time.

That, in a nutshell, is role-playing.

What You Need

to Play Godlike

Little is needed to play Godlike besides the main rulebook.

The most important thing is an adequate supply of tensided dice. While you can play Godlike with as little as one
ten-sided die (and a good memory!), its recommended that
at least 20 ten-sided dice be used. This will allow (in most
situations) several players to roll at once to determine the
outcome of random events.

Scratch paper and pencils are also important for keeping notes, drawing maps or drawing pictures.

Players will need a photocopy of the Godlike character
sheet provided in the back of the book (on p. 353), where
they will maintain the statistics, powers and possessions of
their individual character. The GM will need any information, maps or statistics he has prepared for the adventure at
hand as well.

Most importantly, the players need their imaginations.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Things You Dont Need But

Which Couldnt Hurt . . .

World War II is a very complex subject. Many people know

next to nothing about it except we fought the Nazis and
we won. While it is by no means necessary to know all
about the war before running an adventure with Godlike,
I recommend looking into the subject more deeply. An
outline of the war (slightly altered with the actions of Allied and Axis Talents) is provided in this book in Part Five:
Background, but much more accessible and comprehensive
books exist on the subject. Four reference books spring to
mind immediately:
World War II, The Encyclopedia of the War Years 1941
1945, by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen. Random House Inc. ISBN 0-679-77039-9.
World War II, Day by Day, by Anthony Shaw. MBI Publishing Company. ISBN 0-7603-0939-6.
The Historical Atlas of World War II, by John Pimlott.
Henry Holt and Company, Inc. ISBN 0-8050-3929-5.
Henry Steele Commagers The Story of the Second World
War, by Henry Steele Commager. Brasseys Publishing.
ISBN 1-57488-168-X.

If youre looking for a more first-person account of the
war, two good autobiographies exist that I can thoroughly
If You Survive, by George Wilson. Random House Inc.
ISBN 0-8041-0003-9.
Goodbye, Darkness, by William Manchester. Random
House Inc. ISBN 0-4403-2907-8

If youre not the book type and want to get a good feel
for the mood I attempted to capture in Godlike, several
movies also spring to mind which Ive drawn heavily upon:
Saving Private Ryan, directed by Steven Spielberg. ISBN
When Trumpets Fade, directed by John Irvin. ISBN 0-78311275-0.
The Great Escape, directed by John Sturges. ISBN 6-30407187-6.
The Colditz Story, directed by Guy Hamilton. ISBN
The Guns of Navarone, directed by J. Lee Thompson. ISBN
The Longest Day, directed by Bernhard Wicki, Andrew
Marton. ISBN 6-3049-3576-5.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Glossary of Terms

The following terms appear frequently in the Godlike

rulebook. Their definitions are provided below for your
Area: Weapons with the Area quality do extra damage when they hit, and specifically do damage to everyone
within a particular area. The Area dice are added to the dice
pool only after the attack succeeds. A grenade, mortar or
artillery shell has an area rating.

Armor, Heavy: A number from 110 that reduces the
Width of an attack against a target. This number reflects the
amount of damage an object or person can absorb before
being injured. A tank, concrete bunker or steel plate, all
have Heavy Armor.

Armor, Light: A number, usually no more than 2 or 3,
that reduces some damage from small arms but not all, and
does no good against heavy weapons. It represents armor
that a person can wear such as a helmet.
Body: This statistic measures how big, strong and
tough the character is. 1 indicates a sickly man, 2 is the
human average and 5 would be Charles Atlas. 5 is the
maximum score for a normal human.

Base Will: A secondary statistic that is determined
by adding a PCs Cool and Command statistics together.
Base Will is the measure of the characters willpower, and
determines how resistant his powers are to tampering by
other Talents. Base Will cannot be lost or gained except
by normal advancement. Base Will should not be confused
with Will. Will is an up-to-the-moment measure of the PCs
self-belief that changes as hes rewarded or penalized for
successes or failures in the game.
Brains: This statistic measures how smart the character
is. 1 indicates a dimwit, 2 is the human average and 5 would
be Albert Einstein. 5 is the maximum for a normal human.

Combat Round: An arbitrary unit of time used to
divide combat into individual actions. It is generally enough
time to run across an open doorway, shoot at somebody,
throw a grenade or dive for covera few seconds.
Command: This statistic measures the force of the characters charisma, charm and authority. 1 indicates a social
idiot, 2 is the human average and General Patton would have
a Command of 5, the maximum score for a normal human.
Cool: This statistic measures the characters ability to
handle and not crack under pressure. 1 indicates a panicky
individual, 2 is the human average and 5 would be Winston
Churchill. 5 is the maximum score for a normal human.
Coordination: This statistic measures the characters
ability to control and maneuver their body. 1 indicates a
klutz, 2 is the human average and 5 would be a professional
gymnast. 5 is the maximum score for a normal human.

Dice Pool: The number of ten-sided dice rolled to determine the success or failure of an action. The number of dice
rolled is determined by the governing statistic, skill, Talent,
Hyperstat or Hyperskill as decided by the GM. There are
never more than 10 dice in any dice pool at any given time. A
pool of 6 dice would be listed as 6d.
Difficulty: A number rating (110) as determined by
the GM that is the minimum height of the number in a
match necessary to succeed at a task.

Dynamic Contests: A contest of statistics, skills,



Talents, Hyperstats or Hyperskills between two PCs, a PC
and an NPC, or some other active elements in the game.
The GM determines the governing statistic, and both the
attacker and the defender roll the appropriate dice pools.
Whoever rolls higher (see Height) wins the contest, while
whoever rolls wider (see Width) finishes first. Running a
race against others is a dynamic contest.

Game Moderator (GM): The Game Moderator is
responsible for the upkeep of the story, the resolution of
events within the game that are uncertain, and an up to the
moment description of just what is happening to the PCs
within the adventure. The GM is the narrator and shaper of
the story that the PCs act in.

Gobbling or Gobble Dice: A way to use dice in combat
while defending. They remove dice from an opposing attack
set, effectively negating it. Gobble dice are rolled normally
and matches are looked for. The height (see height) of the
match indicates the highest number the Gobble Die can
affect in the opposing set, while the width (see width) indicates the number of dice the Gobble Dice can eat out of the
opposing set.

Hard Die: A special die in a dice pool that is always
counted as a 10. It is never rolled. Like Wiggle Dice, Hard
Dice are used to model Talent powers. Two Hard Dice
would be listed as 2hd.
Height: Height is the number on the dice rolled in a
matched set. For example, if you rolled 6d and got a 6, 6,
1, 10, 2 and a 4, the height would be 6 (since your match is
two 6s). The higher the roll, the better your success.
Hyperskills: Skills that have been altered by Talent
powers that allow them to have ratings higher than the
human maximum skill rating of 5. A character with a Pistol
skill of 9 would be said to have a Hyperskill.
Hyperstats: Statistics that have been altered by Talent
powers that allow them to have ratings higher than the human maximum of 5. A character with a Body of 8 would be
said to have a Hyperstat.
Matches: Matches are dice within a rolled dice pool
whose numbers match each other. For example if you rolled
8 dice and got 8, 10, 10, 6, 2, 3, 3, 3, 10, you would have
two matches3 tens (3x10) and 3 threes (3x3). A match in
a dice pool indicates some level of success.

Non-Player Character (NPC): Characters played and
maintained by the GM. They represent those characters not
being played by the Players. Anyone who is not a PC, is by
default, an NPC, and is the responsibility of the GM.
Penetration: Penetration weapons are designed to go
through Heavy Armor. If a weapon with the Penetration
quality hits a target with Heavy Armor, the Heavy Armor
is reduced by the Penetration rating of the weapon and the
Width of the result (to a maximum of twice the original
Penetration value) permanently. A Bazooka, a Panzerfaust,
and an 88mm cannon are examples of Penetrating weapons.

Player Character (PC): A PC is a character created and
controlled by a player. The player is responsible for the actions, personality and beliefs of the PC in the game.
Sense: This statistic measures the characters ability
to process information through his or her five senses. 1
indicates someone completely oblivious to their surroundings, 2 is the human average and 5 would be the equivalent
of Sherlock Holmes. 5 is the maximum score for a normal

Set: In a dice pool, any group of two or more matching

dice is a set. A set is described in a kind of shorthand giving
the width and the height: With width 3 and height 6, its a
3x6 set. Width 2 and height 7 is 2x7.
Skills: Skills are learned abilities that are rated, just like
statistics, with a number from 1 to 5 designating how good
the PC is at that particular skill. Each skill is governed by
the statistic that suits it (i.e. Biology is a Brains skill, Dodge
is a Coordination skill). When using a skill a PC adds the
skill rating to its governing statistic to determine the number of dice in his dice pool. For example, Bob has Coordination of 4 and a Pistol skill of 4, when rolling against his
Pistol skill to try and shoot someone Bob rolls 8d.
Slow: A weapon that is Slow is just what it sounds like.
If you want to fire it, you have to spend a number of rounds
equal to its Slow rating to prepare it. Many heavy weapons
such as cannons, Bazookas and mortars are Slow.
Spray: Spray weapons are those that fire multiple times,
or that have some other factor that makes it easy to aim at
many targets. They were built to make extra attacks. Consequently, any multiple attacks made with a Spray weapon
take no extra action dice pool penalties and the Spray rating
is added to the dice pool when attacking. Submachine guns,
machine guns and flamethrowers are all Spray weapons.

Squishy Rolls: An optional rule that allows a player
to alter die rolls up or down any level in Height by trading
Width. For example 5 eights could be changed to 4 nines or
3 tens, or to 6 sevens or 7 sixes.

Static Contests: A contest of statistics, skills, Talents,
Hyperstats or Hyperskills between a PC and something to
be overcome in the adventure which is not a PC or NPC or
an active element in the story. The GM determines the governing statistic, and the PC then rolls the appropriate dice
pool. Height determines degree of success. Width is how
long it takes to complete. Knocking down a door, overcoming an illness or landing a plane are all static contests.
Statistics: Statistics are the six basic characteristics that
all characters have: Body, Coordination, Brains, Cool, Sense
and Command. A normal human has statistics that range
from 15. This number represents the number of ten-sided
dice rolled when testing that particular statistic in a contest.
Only Talents can have statistics over 5, called Hyperstats.
Talent: Either a superpower that allows a character to
perform impossible actions such as flying, turning metal to
ice, or lifting tremendous weights, or a person who has such
a superpower.

Tall Set: In a dice pool, a match with a Height of 6 or
higher is considered a tall set.

Wide Set: In a dice pool, a match with a Width of 3 or
greater is a wide set.
Width: Width is the number of dice in a rolled dice
pool which match. For example, if you rolled 4d, and got a
4, 4, 3 and a 1, the roll would have a width of 2 (since you
rolled two 4s). Width indicates the speed of a successful action. The wider the result, the faster the action occurs.

Wiggle Die: A special die in a dice pool that can be
made to be any number between 1 and 10, chosen by the
player, to make matching sets after the rest of the dice in the
dice pool are rolled. Like Hard Dice, Wiggle Dice are used
to model Talent powers. Two Wiggle Dice would be listed
as 2wd.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Game Mechanics

WE HIT THE BEACH running (well, most of us didI was

in the air) and already the Ape was on his face in the sand.
The LST bogged down twenty feet out, so the other men
had to wade through three feet of water to the shore. I just
flew it, pulling OMalley and Stantz with me by their webbelts. The others made do with what God had given them.

The Ape was up quick, and gone in a flash towards the
cliff wall in a wake of sand. Junior threw the seven hundred
pounds of rope to the base of the cliffs, and me, Ape and
Stantz went straight up itup the wall, to the top, with a
cable in each hand. To where the Krauts were squatting on
their machine guns like Buddhas, waiting for us.

I hovered at the top, just below the lip, out of sight,
and then inverted myself to watch Stantz and the Ape climb
it. Stantz just ran up the wall like he was trotting up the
street on some sunny afternoon. Hell, even his gear didnt
hang downwards. The Ape was a bit more base, swinging
and leaping and jumping, carrying the rope in his gorilla
mouth, chest heaving with effort.

Then something went wrong below.

I saw Gorvan go downnothing but a speck, really,
an ant on the beach two hundred feet below, a nasty black
dimple in the sand next to him kicking up smoke. OMalley
turned to chrome instinctivelya silver ant on the sand,
running with Gorvan in his arms, towards the cliff face to get
away from the mortar shells being lobbed down on them. The
explosions sounded flat and unforgiving, like a door slammed
in anger in a house several rooms away. The other men were
running off in random directions.

The three of us crested the lip together, trying to find
purchase for the pitons on the end of the ropes, trying not to
think about triggers or crosshairs or ranges. Then something went off next to the Ape with a cough, spitting sand
up into the air, leaving him knocked flat, the rope forgotten
and careening towards the edge. Stantz was distracted for a
moment watching the Apes rope slide away, and I could feel

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

the air part near my head as the MG 42s opened up with a

sound like canvas being ripped by a circus strongman.

Then Stantz was gone in a lick of flamethe whole
cliff was sighted for mortars.

I dropped the rope and took off, rushing the machine
gun nest closest to me at top speed. Low, but not too low.
Two grenades would do the trick. The guns were too slow
to track me (and they were probably fixed and sighted for
the cliff face anyway). I could see little German faces turned
up at me in their trench as I buzzed it at low altitude, looping around to come back for a second pass. But something
was wrong. The kraut in the middle, the one without the
helmet, he was smiling.

Then everything went screwy. I hit the sand dune hard
and rolled over twice, smashing my arm into an old driftwood log and getting a mouthful of sand in the process. I
tried to sit up and fish out my service pistol, but they were
on me too quick.

What was your mission, sergeant? the major spat at
me, backed by three other Talents. I recognized only Cesay,
the Brit, who could blank out your powers by looking at you
funny. I could feel that the illusion was coming from the middle
one. He was a smiling redhead, and as he winked at me, the
Kraut machine gun nest and the men in it vanished like paint
running down a gutterjust like my gun, the grenades and
everything else too dangerous to use in the mock assault. In the
place of the machine gun nest was a six-by-six trench filled with
scared-looking Brit and American Talents like my team.

I I began, but then quickly shut my sand-filled trap.

What was your mission? the major shouted at me.

To secure ropes for the Ranger assault, I said, spitting sand out of my mouth.

Lets do it again, and thank your lucky stars this
wasnt the real thing.

Ape, Stantz and I went back down the cliff to do it all
over again.



Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best;
it removes all that is base.
Lt. General George S. Patton Jr.

The Basics

The mechanics in Godlike are there to use when two

requirements have been fulfilled. First, the outcome of an
attempted character action is in doubt. Second, the action
really matters to the plot of the game.

If an action is trivially easy, theres no point in rolling
for it. A game in which every actionlacing your boots,
making coffee, reading the paperhas to be rolled for
would be ludicrously tedious. Similarly, if you try something
impossible (Im going to shoot down the sun!) theres no
point in rolling because no matter how well you roll, it still
isnt going to happen.

On the other hand, there are all kinds of actions that are
in doubt which just dont matter to the overall game. Maybe
you want to show up one of your fellow PCs by winning a
skeet-shooting bet. Sure, you could both roll a couple times to
see who shoots betterbut unless youre doing it as an excuse
for in-character bonding, or to get used to the mechanics,
whats the point? Youre just going to leave the other players
drumming their fingers while you posture with your shotgun.

A Note for Novices

Godlike uses ten-sided dice to determine success or

failure. A ten-sided die is abbreviated d10 or, in this
game, simply d. If youre rolling five of them, its
abbreviated 5d.

Most d10s are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9. Some games use that 0 as an actual zero, but for
Godlike, its a ten. (Or you can just buy dice that have
the number 10 printed on them.)

In short, dont roll unless the GM asks you to roll. Sometimes
he may not allow you to roll for something you thought you
should be able to do, but just play along and trust his judgment.
After all, he knows whats
coming next and you dont.

Every attempt to do
something is represented by a
number of ten-sided dice. The
more dice you roll, the better
your chances of success. If
you only roll one die, there is
no chance of success. If you
somehow rolled eleven dice
or more, there would be no
chance of failure. However,
you can never roll more than
ten dice. Thats important, so
Im going to say it again:

Under no circumstances
do you roll more than ten dice.

La Belle Curve

The larger your dice pool, the better your chances are
of getting a match. To make this explicit, heres a rough
guide to your chances of getting a match (or multiple
matches) depending on how many dice you roll.

Bell Curve Table

Size of Dice Pool

Thats a chunky graph. A seven-die pool is quite

reliable, and raising a pool from 8 to 10 isnt going
to give nearly the payoff as raising one from 3 to 5.
Gaining and losing dice really matters at the bottom.

Of course, these are just your chances of getting
any success. If you need to get something done fast
(that is, you need a wide success) a pair of ones might
not do it. Similarly, difficult tasks (those that exclude
certain low successes) are substantially harder.

The number of dice you roll is known as a dice pool.
(If youve played Vampire: The Masquerade or Legend of
the Five Rings, youre already familiar with the concept.)
You usually find the number of dice in your pool by adding
together a stat and a skill.

Statistics represent
your inborn or developed
general abilitiesthings like
how strong you are, how
well you remember things,
and how well you keep your
head in a crisis.

Skills are particular
applications of your statisticsthings youve learned
how to do in the course of
your life, like shoot a rifle or
crack a code.

Suppose, then, that
Roland is trying to punch a Nazi
spy in the face. The stat governing face punching is Body, and
Rolands Body is 2. The skill


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Rough Odds of Getting

One or More Matches


of face punching is Brawl, and
Rolands Brawl skill is also 2. He
has four dice in his dice pool.

When you roll, you want
to rack up matches. You get a
match when two or more dice
turn up the same number. So,
if Rolands player comes up
with 2,2,9,8, he lands a punch
on his opponent. If he rolls
1,2,4,5, he misses.

There are some tweaks
and details that make the
system a little more complicated, but mostly, you just roll
a number of dice equal to a
stat plus a skill and look for
matches. Getting more matches
and higher numbers is generally better.

Unless the GM says otherwise, a character gets only
one try at a particular task.


There are six stats, which measure all of a characters general capabilities. Theyre rated from 1 to 5. A rating of 1 is
dismal, 2 is adult human average, 3 is exceptional, and 5 is
the human maximum. (Of course, Talents can have stats
higher than 5.) There are two kinds of stats: those governing physical capabilities (Body, Coordination, and Sense)
and mental capabilities (Brains, Command, and Cool).


This is a measure of how big, strong and tough you are. A

character with a high Body stat can lift more, take more
punishment, and run faster than someone with a low score.

Body Stat Table


Tested Lift
100210 lbs.
210250 lbs.
250370 lbs.

370500 lbs.

500800 lbs.


800 lbs. 1
12 tons

24 tons

46 tons


610 tons

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


+1 wound box to torso.

+1 width to hand-to-hand damage.
+1 wound box to torso and each arm.
+1 width to hand-to-hand damage.
+1 wound box to torso, arms and legs.
+1 width to hand-to-hand damage.
+1 wound box to torso, arms and legs.
+2 width to hand-to-hand damage.
+1 wound box to torso, arms and legs.
Hand-to-hand attacks do killing damage.
+1 width to hand-to-hand damage.
+1 wound box to torso, arms and legs.
Hand-to-hand attacks do killing damage.
+2 width to hand-to-hand damage.
+1 wound box to torso, arms and legs.
Hand-to-hand attacks do killing damage.
+3 width to hand-to-hand damage.
+1 wound box to torso, arms and legs.
Hand-to-hand attacks do killing damage.
+4 width to hand-to-hand damage.

Note: The wound box

bonuses are not cumulative.
Odd as it seems, the Talents
with extraordinary strength
are not much tougher than
the toughest of mere mortals.

Tested Lift is weight
in a range where if you try
to lift it you might fail, so
it requires a successful roll.
Lifting a heavier weight is
generally impossible. Any
weight in a lesser category
can be lifted without a roll
under non-combat situations.
For example, someone with
Body 6 has to roll to pick up
something that weighs 900
pounds. He can lift 600 pounds automatically but has no
chance of lifting two tons.

You can throw something that weighs two categories lower than your Tested Lift fifteen or twenty feet. (For example, if
youve got Body 7, you can throw something that weighs 700
pounds fifteen or twenty feet.) Every level you drop increases
the distance by twenty feet.

If you need to know how fast a character can run, assume
that its 10 yards plus twice the Body stat per round. This
may be adjusted upward if conditions are good (winds at
your back or youre running unencumbered on a level road)
or downward if conditions are bad (running over rubble,
carrying a pack, or if theyre injured). Halve the distance if a
character has an injured leg. If both legs are injured, its just
the Body score. See Movement in Combat, p. 27.


How well you control and maneuver your body. Someone

with higher Coordination is going to be a better shot, a better darts player and a better driver.


We experience the world through our five sensessight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. A high Sense score means keen hearing, clear vision and a better shot at noticing that funny burntalmond odor right before eating the poisoned date. Someone
with low Sense is generally more oblivious to his surroundings.


Brains measures natural intellect. Someone with a high

Brains stat has a better memory, quicker math skills and a
better grasp of abstract concepts than someone without.

For every point of Brains above 2, you get an extra
point with which to buy skills. However, you can only
spend these points on Brains skills.


People with high Command scores are natural leaders. Call

it what you willcharisma, personal magnetism, leadershippeople who have it dominate conversations, sway



opinions and get listened to in a crisis.

Command is not often a measure of good looks
(though if you want to have a good looking character, a
high Command is one way to represent that). Its more a
sense of confidence and personal intensity.

Command combines with Cool to form a characters
starting Will (see Part Four: TalentsWill on p. 41).


Do-It-Yourself Skills

Its possible that your character concept involves a skill

thats not listed here because its highly specialized or
esoteric. If thats the case, you can just ask your GM to let
you write it in under an appropriate stat. If, for instance,
your character is a rodeo clown he presumably has a
Horseback Riding skill, probably under Coordination.

This is not a license to try to create broad, overarching skills that let you do everything. (Yeah, and
I should be able to roll my Navy Captain skill for
sailing, navigation, gun cleaning and tactics.) Your
GM knows best and if he says no, deal with it.

Some people panic in a crisis. Some freeze, some choke . . .

and some just cope with it and do what needs to be done.
Its not a matter of intelligence or willpower: Some people
have it, some dont. Cool is the ability to remain un-cracked
under pressure, deal with unpleasant realities (combat, for
example), and get the job done.

Cool combines with Command to form a characters
starting Will (see Part Four: TalentsWill on p. 41).

rights to not let you roll. It doesnt matter how smart you
are; if you dont parle franais youre not going to get it.


Body Skills

Quantifying Skills

Skills are simple concepts, and most should be easily

described in one sentence. For example, the skill Radar
Operation could be described as The ability to operate
radar equipment. Does Radar Operation allow its user
to repair radar sets as well as operate them? Thats up to the
GM to decide. His say is final. However, if its not contained
in the description, then the skill probably doesnt cover it.

Athletics: You can pick up any sport and do a passable job

at it, even if youve never played it before.
Brawl: You are a bruiser, and know how to attack with
your hands, feet and head, as well as clubs and rifle butts.
Endurance: You can pace yourself, hold your breath, run, or
resist the ill effects of environment longer than most people.
Health: You eat well, have a strong metabolism, and are
resistant to disease.
Knife-Fighting: You are trained in killing with knives and
fixed bayonets.
Run: You are well versed at running, and can sprint for
short distances, or run for long distances without tiring.
Swim: You are a strong swimmer, and can float on your
back in the water.
Throw: You can throw hand-held objects farther than most
people your size.

Maximum Skill Levels

Coordination Skills

Where your stats measure your innate abilities, skills represent the payoff of a learning effort. Someone may have
a great deal of innate coordination, but if hes never been
behind the wheel of a car, hes probably not a safe driver.
Pure talent only takes you so far: Hard work and study are
also needed for success in most endeavors.

Normal humans are limited to 5 as the maximum rating

in any skill. So the maximum a human can have in any
stat+skill is 10d. (Of course, this would represent someone
who dedicated his entire life in study of a particular skill).

Talents are a little different. They can have skills higher
than 5, but they must be bought as Hyperskills (see Part
Four: TalentsHyperskills on p. 49 for details), which are
super-human levels in otherwise mundane skills.

What If I Dont Have

the Right Skill?

Not every character is going to have every skill. Sometimes a character may try to do something hes never done
before. Your GM may allow a roll or not, depending on the
circumstances and common sense. If your character doesnt
have the Brawl skill, theres nothing to stop him from taking a swing at someone. In that case, you can just roll Body.
After all, hitting is not a very sophisticated action.

On the other hand, if your character doesnt have a
given Language skill, your GM would be well within his

Anti-Tank Rocket: You can fire and maintain anti-tank rockets.

Dodge: You are adept at getting out of the way of attacks
and danger.
Driving (Type): You can drive a particular type of vehicle,
such as a bicycle or car.
Flamethrower: You can fire, repair, clean and maintain
Grenade: You can use grenades without blowing yourself up.
Machine Gun: You can fire, repair, clean and maintain
machine guns.
Parachuting: You can make a parachute jump safely.
Pilot (Type): You can pilot a particular type of airborne
vehicle, such as a plane or blimp.
Pistol: You can fire, repair, clean and maintain pistols.
Rifle: You can fire, repair, clean and maintain rifles.
Sailing (Type): You can pilot a particular type of seaborne
vehicle, such as a sailboat, destroyer or kayak.
Stealth: You are light on your feet and know how to remain
out of sight.
Submachine Gun (SMG): You can fire, repair, clean and
maintain submachine guns.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Sense Skills

psyche which can function

even in stressful or grotesque

Hearing: Your hearing is more

keen than the average person.
Sight: Your eyesight is
more keen than the average
Smell: Your sense of smell is
more keen than the average
Taste: Your sense of taste is
more keen than the average
Touch: Your sense of touch
is more keen than the average person.


Brains Skills

Cryptography: You have a working knowledge of codes,

ciphers and encryption techniques.
Education: You were a bookworm in school and know all
manner of basic facts about math, science, grammar and
social studies.
Electronics: You can repair, use or build electronics without
electrocuting yourself.
First Aid: With the proper equipment, you can treat wounds
in the fieldas long as they dont require surgery.
Language (Type): You can speak, read and write a particular language.
Mechanics (Type): You can repair, use or build machinery
of a particular type.
Medicine: You can treat illness and wounds through surgery
and drugs, if you have access to the proper equipment. Note:
Your Medicine skill cannot ever be higher than your First
Aid skill. Without First Aid you cant learn Medicine.
Navigation (Land): You can navigate using a map and compass or by dead reckoning on the ground.
Navigation (Sea/Air): You can navigate by map, timing and
instrumentation, or by astrogation.
Tactics: You are versed in the arts of war, and know how
to use terrain, manpower and equipment to its maximum
effect on the battlefield.

Command Skills

Inspire: You can cause people to feel optimistic, despite any

fears they might harbor.
Intimidation: You can cause a person to fear you through
physical or psychological threats
Leadership: You can effectively direct those under your
command, even under fire.
Perform (Type): You have an entertaining skill and the
confidence to perform it in front of large groups.
Seduction: Youre skilled at attracting a member of either sex.

Cool Skills

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

You roll 5d and they come up 1,3,5,9,9. The result is

2x9. This is a tall result, but not a wide one.
You roll 8d and get 1,5,6,7,8,8,8,0. The result is 3x8.
This result is both tall and wide.
You roll 7d and it turns up 1,1,1,1,2,6,8. The result is
4x1. This is a very wide result, but its short.
You roll 5d and get 1,1,2,6,7. The result is 2x1. This
is a narrow and short resultin fact, its the minimum
success possible.

Width and Height (see p. 5) both have implications
to your success. Exactly what they mean depends on what
youre doing. If youre competing against another person
who is consciously trying to confound or surpass you, thats
a dynamic contest. If youre struggling against an inanimate
object or situation, its a static contest because the situation
isnt actively changing in response to your actions.

Running a race, getting into a knife fight, interrogating
someone for information or lying to someone who interrogates youthese are all dynamic contests. In a dynamic
contest, youre rolling against someone elses roll.

Climbing a wall, fighting off an infection, fixing a jeep,
flying a planethese are all static contests. In these situations,
youre just rolling against the circumstances.

Static Contests

Bluff: You can bullshit your way through most situations,

though any falsehood you tell will not be believed for very long.
Lie: You can contrive convincing falsehoods that are often
believed until evidence to the contrary is discovered.
Mental Stability: You are not easily shocked, and have a


You know what skills are,

what stats are, and what a
dice pool is. Heres how you
put them together and interpret the results of a given roll.

The goal of a roll is to
get matchesthat is, you
want two or more of the dice
to turn up the same number.
If that happens, you succeed.
Thats the bare bones of the
system. However, there are
a few nuances to success.
Specifically, each matching set has Height and Width.

A tall (or high) set is one that has very high numbers
a pair of 8s or a pair of 10s is a tall set. A wide set is one
where a lot of the dice turned up the same numbera set of
four 2s is very wide, as is a set of three 9s.

Theres shorthand for results, and its written as
Width x Height. It looks like math, but all it means is
that if you rolled eight ten-sided dice (8d, remember?) and
got three tens, the result would be written 3x10.

Here are some examples.

In a static contest, height determines your degree of success,

while width determines how quickly you get it done.

Some static contests are simple, and the question of
time doesnt enter into it. If youre fighting off an infection
with a Body+Health roll, for example, there really isnt a



question of quickness: You either get sick or you dont. In
that case, you can simply ignore the width of the roll. If you
get even a single pair, you stay healthy.


For more complicated contests, where time is a factor, your

GM may simply decide what sounds about right for the
time a task takes as determined by the width of the roll. If
you want a general guideline, however, it works like this:

First, the GM decides what the time scale is, be it days,
hours, minutes or combat rounds. A combat round is a very
abstract term, but generally, its a couple of secondsabout
as much time as it takes you to take a shot or make a good
attempt at diving for cover. For example, fixing a jeep is
probably going to take hours. Decoding and interpreting a
lengthy and complicated Japanese battle plan is going to take
days. Stripping and repairing a machine gun is going to take
minutes, while running across a courtyard takes rounds.

Once the scale is determined, you make the relevant
rollBrains+Mechanics to fix the jeep, Body+Running to
bolt across the courtyard, Brains+Cryptography (and maybe
Brains+Language: Japanese in addition) to figure out the
battle plan. If the roll is a success, the width is subtracted
from 5 to find out how many units of time it takes to complete the task. For example, if the Brains+Mechanics result
was 2x3, it takes three hours to fix the Jeepfive minus the
width (2) equals three. If the Body+Running result was 3x7,
it takes two rounds to get across the courtyard (5-3). If the
Brains+Cryptography outcome was 4x2, it only takes one
day to figure out the Japanese plan.

No matter how wide you roll, however, a task always
takes one unit of time. If you somehow manage to get a
result six wide or wider, the job still takes one day, hour,
minute or round.


The height element of the

roll determines how well you
perform the task. As with
time, sometimes this doesnt
matter. For instance, if youre
trying to knock a door down,
there are really only two
possible outcomes: Either it
breaks or it doesnt. It probably doesnt matter that you
broke it down with grace,
elegance and aplomb.

However, with some
tasks its nice to have gradients of success. If youre
landing a plane in a storm
and you get a really short roll
on your Coordination+Pilot
skill, your GM may decide
that the plane is slightly damaged from the rough landing. Alternately, the height
of your Cool+Seduction roll
may determine whether you

look suave and devastating, or whether you have to really

make a fool of yourself to make an impression.

Finally, your GM may set minimum heights for certain
tasks. If a door is really, really thick, for example, he may
decide that a Body+Brawl match that isnt 5 or higher is
insufficient to get through. If an aroma is somewhat subtle,
he may decide that your match has to be at least a 2 on your
Sense+Smell roll. If a task has this kind of minimum required
height, thats called its difficulty. Fittingly, only particularly
hard tasks should have a difficulty. A difficulty rating of 2 is
for something thats just a bit trickier than usual. A difficulty
of 4 is fairly complicated, while a difficulty of 7 or 8 is very
difficult indeed (unless the character is going to have more
than one try at it). A difficulty of 10 is almost impossible.

Dynamic Contests

The essential difference between a static contest and a

dynamic contest is simply this: In a static contest, you just
roll and if you get a matching set that beats the difficulty
(if any) you succeed. In a dynamic contest, you arent just
rolling in a vacuum. Youre rolling against the other fellows
roll. Nonetheless, dynamic contests dont have to be terribly
complicated. Simply put, the highest set wins, and the widest set finishes first.

Now, which is more important depends on the nature of
the contest. If its a foot race, width (that is speed) matters.
A racer who won with 4x2 and outran someone who rolled
2x10 might be gasping and spitting up at the end, while the
loser has the breath to politely congratulate the winner on his
victory. With similar results in a car race, the winner with the
wide but short result may have damaged his car, while the
loser played it slow and steady and did not (aphorisms aside)
win the race.

On the other hand, if
time is no object the victor
may simply be the contestant
with the highest roll. In a
chess match, for instance,
someone who rolls 2x10 beats
the fellow who rolled 4x4.
The 4x4 player moved more
decisively, but not as wisely.

If none of the competitors rolls a match of any sort,
its up to the GM to decide
what that means. It could
mean that neither one of them
completed the task. They may
have to roll again to keep goingif its something difficult
like a race up a slippery mud
hill in the rain. On the other
hand, if its a simple task, he
may just award the victory to
whoever got the single highest
result on a die.

Finally, its possible for
dynamic contests to end in
a tie. If this happens, again,
the GM decides the most
appropriate way to resolve


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



it. Maybe he just asks for a reroll. Maybe the contest is
deemed a tie. Or maybe the task is incomplete and the two
have to continue competing.
Example: Roy wants information about Lieutenant Murdoch, and tries to get it by bullying Murdochs girlfriend, Carla. Carla decides shes going
to lie to Roy about where Murdoch went. Roy rolls
Command+Intimidation to scare her into giving up the
goods. Carla rolls Cool+Lie to persuasively fool him.

Roys dice pool is 5d, while Carlas is 6d. He rolls
1,1,5,6,7 for a result of 2x1. She rolls 2,3,3,4,8,8 for a
result of 2x8. Shes got him buffaloed and he goes off
into a trap believing hes hot on Murdochs trail. In this
case, the width of the rolls just doesnt matter.
Example: Murdoch wants to persuade Admiral Wilkes
to move the fleet to Mariana bay, while Roy thinks it
would be safer behind Tifol Island. Time is running
out. Both of them are talking at once, and both of them
roll Command+Leadership.

Roys dice pool is 6d, while Murdochs is 5d. Roy
gets 1,5,5,5,6,7 for 3x5. Murdoch gets 1,3,4,7,7 for
2x7. While Murdochs argument is better, Roy gets
his point across faster. Maybe the Admiral is in such
a hurry that hell prefer Roys slick case to Murdochs
well-reasoned argument.


Cooperating on static contests is pretty simple. All the

characters involved just combine their dice pools, up to
a maximum of 10 dice. You can also do this in dynamic
contests if timing doesnt matter.

If the contest is dynamic and time matters, it gets a
little more complicated, but not much. The people working
together roll separately. If only one gets a set and the other
has that number in his pool, he can add it. If both get sets,
they use the highest number but the lowest width (because
the faster guy has to wait for the slower one to catch up and
help him).

Multiple Actions
and Multiple Sets

Astute readers may have noticed that in some examples, the

dice pools yield multiple sets. For example, if I roll 5d and get
1,1,1,0,0, then I actually have two sets3x1 and 2x10. Which
one is the right one to use?

The answer is that I
can use whichever I prefer,
but I cant use both. If my
character is running a race,
Im going to pick 3x1. If its
something where quality is
more important than speed,
Ill pick the tens.

The only exception to
this is when a player wants
to do two things at the same
time. Suppose I want to drive

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

a car past someone and shoot him from the drivers side
window? Or suppose I want to climb an exposed wall while
staying out of sight?

These are difficult and unlikely stunts: Be aware that
theyre almost impossible to do if your character doesnt
have (1) a really big dice pool or (2) Talent powers that
make it easier. With that in mind, heres how you do two
things at once.

Figure out the dice pools for both tasks. If Im driving and shooting, the two pools are Coordination+Drive
and Coordination+Pistol. Ill be rolling the smaller of the
two pools. Furthermore, I roll one die less than I normally
would (because, after all, my attention is divided). Then, if I
get two sets, I can assign one set to each task.
Example: Arnie has to get out of the compound before
his bomb goes off. Unfortunately, if hes spotted heading
across the courtyard, the guards will probably mow him
down with machinegun fire. So he needs to run across
the courtyard, fast but quietly. His Body+Running dice
pool is 6, while his Coordination+Stealth pool is 8. The
pool for running is the lower one, so he rolls thatwith
a 1 die penalty. He rolls his five dice, hoping to somehow get two matches. As it happens though, he gets
2,7,7,8,9one pair, but no more. He decides to allocate
that match to the Stealth contest. The GM decides that
Arnie saw a spotlight coming and dove out of the way.
He hasnt been spotted, but he didnt get a chance to
cross the courtyard.

If Arnie had been blessed with absurdly high dice
poolssay, 9 dice in eachhe would have had a much
better chance. Rolling 8 dice (with the 1 die penalty, remember) he could get 4,6,6,6,7,9,0,0giving him two
sets. With 3x6 hes across the courtyard in two rounds,
and with the 2x10, he does it unseen and unheard.

If your character gets an exceptionally wide single successmeaning four dice or more turn up the samehe can
split that into two successes. In Arnies case, if hed gotten
a 5x1 result, he could have made it into a 3x1 and a 2x1 to
succeed (barely) at both tasks.

Its possible to try to do three things at once as well. The
same mechanics apply: Figure out the lowest die pool, use that,
and take a penalty. But the penalty isnt just one die: Its one
die per extra task. The standard doing two things at once
penalty is a single die because Im trying to do one extra thing.
If I try to do three things at once, thats two extra actions. My
dice pool is reduced by two dice. If I am crazy enough to try to
do four things at once, there is no possible way I can succeed.
Even if my dice pools for all
the tasks were 10 (the maximum possible), the three-die
penalty would make it impossible to get four sets.

If youre using the optional rule for squishy results
(see Appendix A: Optional
Rules on p. 305), its necessary to put another restriction on multiple tasks: The
results of these rolls cannot
be squished at all.



Finally, its impossible
to do static tasks at the same
time if theyre done on different time scales. For example,
fixing a jeep (done on the
scale of hours) and field
stripping a rifle (done on the
scale of minutes). You cant
combine them; because the
most time you could need to
strip the rifle (five minutes) is
insignificant compared to the
least time itll take you to fix
the jeep (one hour).

I know that sounds
very technical and fussy. I
cant think of any reason
youd want to do two static
tasks with different time scales simultaneously, but Im sure
someone will. Nonetheless, the benefits of permitting a very
specialized application of a rule thats already specialized
are pretty limited. Doing the quick one first is much simpler.

2) Roll

Everyone rolls the appropriate dice poolusually

Coordination+Pistol or Rifle, Coordination+Dodge or

3) Resolve


Combat is complicated and dangerous. In World War II,

combat is ubiquitous. (At least, it is happening all over the
places PCs are likely to be.) Therefore, there are a few refinements to the rules that come into play specifically when
people are trying very hard to hurt one another.

One issue to get out of the way is the question of time.
Violence happens very, very quickly. If youve ever been in
a wrestling match, you know that five minutes feels like
eternity. Gunfights, being that much quicker and deadlier,
are proportionately faster.

To simulate this in a way that gives you a chance to
make some decisions, combat in Godlike is broken up into
combat rounds. There is no given measurement for how
long a combat round lasts: Its an abstraction. Its however long it takes the slowest person in the fight to try one
thing. Once everyone involved has tried something, the
round is over and its time to do something else.

Combat Round Breakdown

Each combat round is broken down into three phases:

declaration, roll, and resolution. In order, heres what those

1) Declare

When youre declaring what you want to do in
combat, make it short and
specific. This doesnt mean
you cant make it dramatic.
I bayonet the guard is the
same action as Im going
to gouge that bastard in the
guts! but one is a little more
engaging. If youre doing
something specialdodging,
doing two things at once,
making a called shot, helping someone else with what
theyre doingsay so now.

Each person in the fight describes his characters action. The

person with the lowest Sense score has to say what hes doing first. This is because people with higher Sense scores are
more aware of whats going on in the fight and are better
able to respond to whats going on around them. I personally recommend that the players sit around the table in
order, from lowest Sense to highest, so that they can just go
around in order with the GM interrupting when NPCs are
acting. If two people have the same Sense score, the NPC
declares first. If two PCs have the same Sense score, use the
Sight skill as a tiebreaker. Or just roll for it.

The widest result gets resolved first. If two sets are equally
wide, the tallest goes first.

When an attack hits, it immediately does damage.

Anyone suffering any damage in combat loses a die out
of his highest set! Why? Because being punched or shot is
very, very distracting. If someones highest set is only a pair,
that action is effectively foiled by the loss of a single die
(unless, of course, hes got a second set as a backup).

If youre making a Dodge roll, it only works on attacks
with lower width (or the same width but lower height) than
the Dodge roll. After all, if the attack is wider, it happened
before you had a chance to react.

Attacks do damage, depending on several factors.
Dodges avoid damage. Since both of these are important, they
get their own headings. But by and large, thats all there is to
a combat round. Everyone says what theyre doing, they roll,
the widest sets go first, and then the whole thing starts over.


So far, the system is fairly simple. You roll a bunch of dice

and look for matches. If you get matches, thats good.

The damage system adds a little sophistication to this,
but not too much. Damage in Godlike is pretty specific.
When you are hit, youll know exactly where and how
much it stings.

Types of Damage

There is a world of difference between being punched in the

gut and being stabbed there. A punch aches, it bruises, but
unless you are severely pummeled for a long time, its unlikely that youre going to suffer any lasting harm. Being stabbed
(or worse, shot) is entirely different. Your internal organs are
being rearranged and exposed to all kinds of germs, viruses
and pollutants. Damage that penetrates the skin is serious.

Therefore, in Godlike there are two types of damage:
shock damage and killing damage. Shock damage shakes


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



you up and can be very dangerous in the short term, but
you can shake it off fairly easily. Killing damage is just what
it sounds like: Damage that can end your life.

On your character sheet, youll see a silhouette of
a human form with a bunch of boxes on its arms, legs,
torso and head. Each box represents a wound box. If you
get hit in the arm for two points of damage, you mark off
two boxes. If those two points of damage are shock, you
just put a single diagonal line through the boxes. If theyre
killing damage, you put two lines in an X. Its important to
know what kind of damage youve taken, because killing
damage is so much slower to heal and so much more dangerous.

When your head fills with shock damage, you pass out.

When your torso fills with shock damage, your Body
and Coordination are both effectively reduced by 4 for the
purposes of making rolls. (This effect cannot drop either
stat below 1.)

When a limb is filled with shock damage, you cant use
it until it recovers.
Example: Bruce has Body 8 and Brawl 2. Normally he
rolls 10d when hes trying to hit someone. When his
torso is filled with shock damage, his Body becomes
4 for the purposes of rolling dice. He doesnt lose his
extra wound boxes, he still does lethal damage if he
hits, and he can still lift a ton without a roll. However,
if he tries to hit someone or lift something in his Tested
Lift range, he only rolls 6d.
It is possible for shock damage to get converted to killing
damage. Once all the boxes in a limb are filled up (either
with all shock damage, or with a mixture) any further
shock damage to that limb becomes killing damage.
Example: Rocco and Lance have been beating on one
another. Rocco has managed to fill up all five boxes
on Lances left arm with shock damage. Lance cant
use his left arm for the rest of this fight. Rocco rolls
another Strength+Brawl and gets a result of 2x6two
more points of shock to the left arm. But because that
arm is so bruised and weakened, those two points
become killing damage. If he hits that arm again, those
points will become killing damage as well.
Once a limb is filled up with killing damage, any further
damage to that limb goes right into the torso, which is
where things get really dangerous.

Damage Location

Given the choice between having someone stomp on my

foot and having them stomp on my face, Ill pick the foot
every time. The location of an injury matters. Because it
matters, that poor little damage silhouette on the character
sheet has numbers on each of his limbs. The number rolled
on a successful attack indicates where that attack hit. Thus,
if you roll a higher number, youre much closer to killing
your opponent. The hit results are as follows (the numbers
next to them represent how many wound boxes are located
in each location on the damage silhouette):

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Damage Location Table


Hit Location
Left leg (5)
Right leg (5)
Left arm (5)
Right arm (5)
Torso (10)
Head (4)

Once all the boxes in either a characters head or torso
are filled with killing damage, that character is dead. It
doesnt matter if he still has a bunch in his arms and legs;
theyre no good without guts and brains.

If all the boxes on a characters limb are filled with killing damage, two things happen.
1) That limb is seriously damaged and will never, ever be
as good again. Depending on how merciless your GM
is feeling (and what did the damage) the limb might be
all the way off. Or it might just lose a wound box permanently and be a little stiff when the rain is coming.
2) Much more importantany more damage that goes
to that hit location goes straight into the torso. If you
want to be bloody-minded about it, you can think of
your arms and legs as armor that protect your lungs,
heart and spinal cord.

Location 10: Head or Vitals

For simplicity we label hit location 10 with its fragile four

wound boxes as the head, but really its best to think of it
as Head or Vitals. It could mean the spine, the liver, the
heart, or even the femoral arteryany of the many parts of
the body that might very quickly kill you if theyre perforated even once. At the GMs option, a called shot to location
10 might affect one of those other vital areas even if the
head is hidden, and bypass the protection of a helmet.

Getting Better

Damage is nasty stuff, so youre naturally wondering how

you can get rid of it. If its shock damage, its pretty easy.
After a few minutes rest, half the shock damage taken during that particular combat to each location just evaporates.
You may want to put a little mark near boxes with old
damage to keep it clear which wound ones can shake it off.
As an optional rule, first aid can reduce shock; see p. 353.

You can also heal shock damage with long-term rest
and relaxation. Every game day after a good nights rest,
you can make a Body+Health roll. If it succeeds, you shake
off a number of shock damage points equal to the Width of
the roll. You choose the locations.
Example: After falling down a flight of stairs, Brian has
two points of shock damage on every location. After he
gets up, catches his breath and shakes himself off, he
recovers one point on each. The next day he rolls his
5d Body+Health pool. He gets 2x5 as his result. This
means he can erase two points of damagejust enough
to get his head and torso back to normal.



Killing damage takes considerably longer to heal. It can
only be healed by a long recuperation or by medical attention. Medical attention means an operation in a
hospital, not your buddy putting on a splint and making a
Brains+First Aid roll.

Every time a character gets an operation or real medical
treatment, the doctor rolls Brains+Medicine. The width of
the roll determines the length of the operation, as usual. The
height of the roll determines how many points of killing
damage are converted to shock damage within a given limb.
Example: Scotty has three points of killing damage
in his broken left leg and five points of killing damage from shrapnel in his torso. The doctor decides the
shrapnel is more dangerous and decides to go after
that. He has 6d in his Brains+Medicine die pool, and
his outcome is 2x5. So, after a three-hour operation, all
the damage in the torso is now shock damage. However, the leg is still badly hurt, because it hasnt really
been treated.


The nasty thing about having someone shoot at you is

that, once the bullets in flight, theres not much you can
do about it. Bullets are fast; people are slow. The first clue
many soldiers get that theyre being shot at is the sensation
of high-velocity lead plowing a furrow through their flesh.

To represent this unpleasant reality, shooting a gun in
Godlike is a static contest. The guy youre shooting at has
no way to interfere with your attack once you pull the trigger. Simply make that Coordination+Rifle (or Pistol) roll. If
you get a match, you hit your target.

The height of your roll determines the location of the
hit. Roll a set of ones and you hit the other fellow in the leg.
Roll tens and you put it in his head. The width of the roll
determines how many wound boxes get checked off.

By and large, thats how it works. But there are many
tactical options that change your chances and results. You
must decide these actions in the declaration phase of combat.
You cant roll and then decide to make it a called shot.

One point of killing damage is turned into a point of

shock damage per week of
complete rest.


This is a very common action: By taking your time and

sighting carefully, you improve
your chances of hitting. For
every combat round you spend
squinting down the barrel and
muttering, Die, you Nazi
bastard, you can add one die
to your pool. You cannot take
any other action while aiming,
and you cannot add more than
two dice in this fashion.

Getting Worse

Some injuries slowly get better until theres nothing but

a scar and a bitter memory.
Others get worse until theres
nothing but a dead soldier
and a telegram home. The
difference is often made by
immediate treatmentnot
extensive surgery and therapy, but immediate action to
control shock and staunch the flow of blood.

Injuries have a chance of becoming much more dangerous if they are not successfully treated with the First Aid
skill within fifteen minutes of the injury. If the injury is to
an arm or leg, any match is sufficient to keep it from worsening. Rolls to stabilize head and torso injuries are made at
difficulty 3. Each medic gets just one attempt. Each attempt
uses up supplies such as bandages.

A character with an unstable injury cannot make daily
Body+Health rolls to recover shock damage. Furthermore,
he takes an additional level of shock damage to the affected
location every day. For simplicitys sake, only one injury at
a time (the worst one) can be unstable.

Using this rule adds a real sense of urgency and helplessness to Godlike. Imagine a group of powerful Talents
behind enemy lines, trying to get one of their number back
to an Allied hospital as his condition slowly degenerates. . . .


Any time a characters head or torso is completely filled with

killing damage, that character is dead. It might be instant
or it might take a while, but the character is doomed and
no Medicine or First Aid rolls can avert it. The harm is too
severe. Once that final box is filled in, thats it.

Called Shots

The default roll assumes youre trying to hit the center of

mass, that is, the torso. What happens if you want to shoot
someone in the leg?

This is known as a called shot. Its trickier than an ordinary shot. You have to take one die out of your pool before
you roll. Then take one of the dice that remains and set it to
the number you want. If youre aiming for his right arm, set it
to a five or a six. If youre headhunting, set it to ten.
Example: Roderick can only see the face of the Italian
soldier in the trench across from him, so he sights on the
head. Normally his Coordination+Rifle pool is 6d, but
because hes making a called shot, he reduces that to 5d.
He then sets one die aside and sets it to 10 for the head.
He rolls the remaining 4d and gets 1,4,6,7. No match:
He misses. If one of those four dice had come up 10,
however, it would have formed a match with the die he
set aside, for a result of 2x10.
Example: Doris the resistance fighter sees a known
traitor to the cause running away from her safe house.
She wants to interrogate him before killing him, so she
aims for his leg. Her normal pool is 5d. She reduces
this to 4d for the called shot, and sets one die to 2. She


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



rolls the three remaining dice and gets all 7s, accidentally putting the bullet in the quislings torso instead.
On the plus side, he does stop running.

A Word on Cover

Sometimes youll be shooting at someone who is hiding, protected or otherwise harder to hit. The full rules
for cover are on p. 18 under the heading Cover
but heres a basic breakdown of how it works: If
someone is in a ditch or standing behind a waist high
wall, shots that would have hit the concealed area hit
the cover instead. If someone is shooting at you from
a foxhole with only their head and arms showing,
your shots at them miss unless the hit location is the
head or one of their arms. Its much like making any
other static roll with a Difficulty rating, only in this
case particular numbers are excluded.

Multiple Shots

Sometimes you want to fire more than one shot at someone

(or at more than one person.) This is simply handled by the
multiple action rules (see Multiple Actions on p. 12). You
drop a die out of your Coordination+Pistol or Rifle roll and
hope to get two sets.

You cannot combine this trick with aiming or with a
called shot. If you spend a turn aiming and decide to take a
multiple shot the next turn, the extra die from aiming does
not apply.

Cover Fire

Sometimes you just want to use your weapon to communicate something like Its very dangerous to come any
closer! If youre just sticking your gun out of the foxhole
or around a corner and firing blindly, your chances of hitting arent very good. On the other hand, this is one way
you can fire without exposing your head, and you might
get lucky. In fact most wartime shooters attack this way.

When youre using cover fire, shoot off at least three
bullets and roll only two dice. If they come up as a match,
everyone who might get hit by the shells rolls a single die. If
any of the potential targetsthey all must be close together,
within the space of few yardsgets the number that came
up in your match, he is hit. However, the weapon only does
damage as if the result was a width of 1.
Example: Rocco lets loose with his pistol (rolling 2d)
around a corner at an oncoming German patrol. He
gets a 7 and a 7, a match! The seven Germans roll two
2s, a 7, an 8, 1, 4 and a 9. One of the German patrol is
hit in the torso for 1 killing and 1 shock point of damage, and the others quickly take cover.
Depending on the circumstances, the GM may demand a
Cool+Mental Stability roll for people who want to expose
themselves by firing or charging into cover fire.

Cover fire becomes much more serious when youre firing a weapon with the Spray
quality (see Spray on p. 21
for details). Even firing blind,
you can add the weapons
Spray rating to the two cover
fire dice.
Example: This time,
Rocco fires an SMG with
Spray 3. He rolls 5d
and gets two pairs2x2
and 2x5. Of the seven
Germans, two of them
roll 2s. The SMG does
Width+1 in killing and
width in shock. Each soldier takes 2 killing and 1
shock to a leg.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


The default gunshot roll assumes medium range, and

because the system is fairly grainy medium range covers
a lot, and it differs from pistols to rifles. To determine exact
ranges for weapons, consider the charts in Part Seven: The
Field Manual on p. 263.

Up to the limit of close range your dice pool is unaffected. (In fact, increase your dice pool by one if the
enemy is no more than about 5 yards away.)
Between close and maximum effective range, reduce
your dice pool by one.
At anything farthernever more than double the maximum effective range even outside combatyou have
to make a Sense+Sight roll to even have a chance of hitting, and then reduce your attack dice pool by one.

Moving Targets

Experienced troops who cant find cover often zigzag to

throw off the enemies aim. This serpentine motion forces
the attacker to overcome a Difficulty rating of 3 or miss.
(If it hits, the GM may want to roll 1d separately for hit
location so hit locations 1-2 arent immune.) This tactic is
ineffective against machine gun or submachine gun fire
with so many bullets flung
downrange, a little zigzagging
wont helpbut it can be
dandy against a rifle or pistol.


Any time you shoot at someone who doesnt know hes

being fired on, you can add
one die to your dice pool in
addition to any aiming bonuses you take. Thats one of
the big bonuses of shooting at
someone who isnt screaming,
dodging, running around or
firing back.




Strangling and Choking

Rolling around in the mud with someone who wants you

dead is a lot more confusing than drilling him from a hundred yards out with a gunshot. Hand-to-hand combat is, in
its own way, much more dangerous than gunplay.

Mechanically, fighting hand-to-hand (armed or not)
is a dynamic contest, with the vague goal being Get the
upper hand in this fight. All the fighters who have declared
involvement roll dice. As with all combat, the widest set is
resolved first. That persons attack goes off flawlessly. If he
does damage, his opponent loses a die out of his highest set.
The next widest roll goes next, and so forth. Someone who
rolled low can still injure an opponent who rolled higheras
long as he didnt get hit or his set is wide enough to still be
a set after losing a die due to damage. This is a bit different
from the usual dynamic contest, but thats why hand-to-hand
gets a section of its own.

The dynamics dont change if the person youre attacking is doing something other than fighting hand-to-hand. If
hes got a gun and youre unarmed, his action is probably
going to be a gunshot at you while you try to grab the gun
away. In this case, youd better hope your attack is wide
enough to spoil his shot.

As with firearms, the width of the roll determines how
much damage hand-to-hand attacks inflict, while the height
determines location.
Example: Armando and Veronica are ganging up on
Guillaume. No one has a weapon. Everyones rolling
Body+Brawl. Guillaume rolls 6d, while Armando and
Veronica each roll 4d. Guillaume rolls 2,4,5,6,8, 10
no set; he misses. Armando rolls 1,1,2,6 for a result of
2x1, while Veronica gets 2,5,0,0 for 2x10. Their rolls
are equally wide but Veronicas was higher, so her blow
to poor Guillaumes head gets resolved first. He takes
two shock damage. While Guillaume is distracted,
Armando closes in and stomps his foot for two shock

Called Shots

A called shottrying to hit a specific part of the bodyis

handled just as it is with firearms. Remove one die from
your dice pool, set another one to the hit location youre
hoping for, and roll the remaining dice. Thus, if your dice
pool is 4d, you only actually roll two diceone gets lost in
the aiming and one gets set to your chosen location.


To knock someone out, try a called shot to the head. Once

his head fills with shock damage, the targets unconscious.
But be careful. If the head fills with killing damage, thats it,
the target is dead.

Multiple Attacks

Choking, smothering and drowning are all pretty much the

same thing. Someone cant breathe until he passes out and
(often) dies. The cause of death is lack of oxygen. If your
character tries to choke someone with his bare hands, do it
as a called shot to the head. If you succeed, you only do a
single point of shock damage. However, you continue doing
one point of shock damage to the head per round, automatically, until one of the following things happens:

You declare that youre doing something else.

You take damage from any source.
The guy youre choking escapes by beating your
Body+Brawl roll.

Unlike most shock damage, all damage from choking comes

back at the end of the fight (if you survive, of course).

Thats choking. Strangling is actually different. If something closes off the blood vessels to the brain with a cord or
garrote, unconsciousness and death come on much quicker.
It does two ranks of shock damage per round.

Its possible (with training) to strangle someone with
your bare hands, but in World War II not many Westerners
have the knack. Since you can get the same effect by using a
scarf or a rope, not many care to learn.


The standard hand-to-hand attack is a punch, kick, stab

or slash. Many fights start out with a standing exchange of
blows but end with both people on the ground wrestling.

If you want to immobilize someone, say so in your
declaration phase. If you succeed, you only do a single point
of shock damage to the indicated location, and the person is
knocked down and loses a die out of his highest set. (After
all, its hard to deliver a strong punch when youre being
knocked on your keister.) Furthermore, if you successfully
take someone down, that person is pinned until he escapes.

Someone who is pinned cannot dodge or take cover,
and attack anyone except the person who pinned him.
Furthermore, any hand-to-hand attacks made on a pinned
person are made with an extra die in the pool because of
the targets reduced mobility.

The person you have pinned remains pinned until one
of three things happens.

You declare that youre doing something else.

You get killed or are knocked out.
The guy youre pinning beats you with a Body+Brawl roll.

While youre pinning someone, you can start choking
him with any successful Body+Brawl rollnot the called
shot required when standing.


Attacking more than one person is done just like any multiple action (see Multiple Actions on p. 12). Reduce your
Body+Brawl pool by 1 and hope you get two sets.

If someones coming at you with a weapon, youre probably

going to want to take the weapon away from him. Good
luck. Make a called shot to the arm holding the weapon.
If you succeed, you do no damage but you get the weapon
away from him.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



If the weapon has an
edge or sharp point, take a
point of killing damage to
whichever limb youre using
to disarmprobably one
of your arms. If that seems
harsh, remember that theres
nothing to grab it by but the
pointy bits. Besides, the same
thing will happen to the next
Nazi who tries to take your


You cannot aim while making a hand-to-hand attack

unless you are attacking a
target from surprise and making a called shot. If you do
this, you may make the regular called shot without any
penalty in addition to gaining the bonus die or dice.
Example: Marcus wants to strike a German guard in
the head. Hes sneaking up behind the guard and gains
a bonus die for aiming. He has a Body+Brawl dice pool
of 6d, places one die at 10, and rolls a 3, 4, 1, 2 and 10
on the remaining five. He strikes the guard in the head
for 2 points of shock damage. If the guard and Marcus
had been in hand-to-hand combat, he would not have
had the leisure to aim, and would have had to make a
standard called shot with a 1d penalty.


Most people dont like being hit, stabbed or strangled. They

might even do nothing but dodge when others try to harm
them. Heres how getting the hell out of the way works.

There are basically two ways to get clear, though both
are handled with a Coordination+Dodge roll. One is when
youre trying to dive for cover in general, to protect yourself
from long distance attacks. This is explained below, under
Taking Cover. The other way is when youre trying to avoid
hand-to-hand attacks such as a tackle or the blow of a club.

During the declaration phase of combat, you must
indicate that you want to block, duck, dive for cover or
otherwise shield yourself from perceived attacks. Roll
Coordination+Dodge. Width and then height determine
who goes first, as always. If an attack roll is wider than
your dodge roll, you cant dodge it.

If you get a set of matching dice, they become gobble
dice. Each gobble die can take a die of equal or lesser
height out of an attacking set. If the GM agrees, you can
spread your gobble dice among multiple attacks and attackers. This mechanic is also used for defensive applications of
certain Talent powers.
Example: Adam and Mark are engaged in a knife fight,
and Adam knows his buddy Steve is breaking down a
door to come in and help him. He figures he just needs
to keep Mark from gutting him until Steve arrives, and
then they can double team. Accordingly, he decides hes
going to Dodge while Mark attacks.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Their first combat round, Mark rolls
his 6d Body+Brawl,
while Adam rolls his 6d
Coordination+Dodge. Marks
result is 2x5normally a hit.
Adam, however, rolls 2x6.
Using one of his gobble dice,
he reduces Marks result to
1x5a failure.

Next round, Steve bursts
through the door but cant
attack, and Adam is still dodging. This time Marks result is
2x9 and Adam gets 2x3. Since
their results are equal in width,
the taller set goes firstMark
shanks Adam. Ouch.

Now its Marks turn to make a 7d
Coordination+Dodge roll against Adam and Steve,
both of whom have 5d Body+Brawl pools. Adam gets
a 3x2 and Steve gets a 2x4, both of which should be
solid hitsbut Mark rolls well and gets a 3x4. With
those three gobble dice, he can take one out of Steves
set (ruining it) and two out of Adams set (ruining
that.) If hed only had a pair instead of a set, he would
have still been able to ruin Steves set, but Adam would
have hit. But Adams hit would only be two wide
instead of three wide, which is still an improvement.

Taking Cover

Instead of ducking an attack, you may choose to dive for

cover behind something thats tough enough to stop a bulletsomething like a wall, a tank or a car engine. These
objects have Heavy Armor qualities (see Heavy Armor on p.
19). This is usually the only option for dodging gunfire or
explosives, unless you have a Talent power that allows you
to see a bullet as its coming at you, and the speed necessary
to dodge it. Normal grunts just leap for cover and hope for
the best.

This option doesnt do any good against hand-to-hand
attacks, since a fist fighter is already in your face and able
to take a swing at you. However, if you get behind cover
before someone shoots at you, it can make up for an awful
lot of kicks to your shins.

Heres how it works. During the declaration phase, say
youre taking cover, making sure that the GM understands
what youre hiding behind. Then roll Coordination+Dodge.
Actions happen in normal order, according to width. The
height of your roll and the quality of your cover to determine how much of your body is protectedhow many hit
locations. You can choose which ones.

As a general rule the GM can judge this on his own,
but some guidelines follow.

Taking Cover Table: Number of Locations Hidden


Cover is tiny
Cover is okay
Cover is great
One location
Three locations Five locations
Two locations
Four locations
Completely hidden
Three locations Five locations
Completely hidden



(GM: You really dont need to bother with consulting
this chart in the heat of combat. Its just to give you the
idea that a good roll isnt going to save you if all you have
to hide behind is a skinny sapling, while even a poor roll is
good if youre diving into a fortified trench.)

If you successfully take cover, you can position a
number of limbs so that they cant get shot. The number
depends on how well you rolled and how good the cover is.
If your cover is goodlike the corner of a buildingand
you roll 3x2 on your Coordination+Dodge roll, you can
hide three of your locations. If you choose to hide your
head, torso and left leg, any gunshot that would hit those
areas (that is, any set that comes up x10, x7-9 or x1) hits
the cover. However, a gunshot that comes up x2-6 hits a leg
or arm. The contortions needed to protect the torso while
leaving both arms and a leg exposed are left as an exercise
for the imaginations of the player and GM.

The lovely thing about cover is that it protects you for
the rest of the combat until one of three things happens:

You break cover.

Someone else attacks you from a different direction
(and even then, the cover still protects you from the
original direction).
The cover itself is destroyed or removed.

If you spend another round hiding (that is, you declare
that youre trying to get further protected) you can make
another Coordination+Dodge roll. If this roll is better than
your first one, you can take that result and hide more limbs.
If the roll isnt as good, you can keep the original one.

Once youre covered, you can act (at a distance) from
that cover. If you want to throw something or shoot you
will have to reveal at least one arm and your head. (Unless
youre using the cover fire rules; see Gunfire on p. 15.)

For more on cover, see Heavy Armor on p. 19.


If the target is obscured by smoke, brush or darkness, remove 1d from the attack dice pool before rolling. It doesnt
help against cover fire or hand-to-hand attacks.


Example: Verne takes a 3x10 carbine shot to the head,

doing 3 killing and 2 shock. Normally that would be
death. But hes wearing a steel helmet rated at Light
Armor 2. First, those three shock are reduced to 1. (It
would be the same if hed taken 2 shock to the head,
or 5, or 10.) Next, two killing points are turned into
shock as well. He takes 1 killing and 3 shockenough
to knock him out, but hell come around pretty quick.
Penetrating weapons (see Penetration on p. 22) automatically ignore light armor if they hit.

Heavy Armor

Heavy armor is stuff like thick steel plate. For every point
of Heavy Armor Rating (HAR), the width (not just damage)
of a successful attack is reduced by 1. If you have Heavy
Armor 2 protecting every hit location, any attack that has a
width of 3 or less simply fails.

Sample Armor Ratings Table

Armor Type
Infantry Helmet
Flak Jacket
Steel Breastplate
1 Wood Wall
6 Wood Wall
1 Concrete Wall
Type 95 Japanese Light Tank
SdKfz 251 Halftrack
PzKpfw II Light Tank
M3 General Lee Medium Tank
Panzer IV Medium Tank
M36 Jackson Medium Tank
Cromwell Mk VIII Medium Tank
T-34 Medium Tank
Sherman M4 Medium Tank
Panther V Heavy Tank
Churchill Mk VIII Heavy Tank
M4 Sherman Jumbo
J S 2, Josef Stalin Heavy Tank
King Tiger Heavy Tank

Penetrating weapons (p. 22)

counteract heavy armor.
They reduce the Heavy Armor Rating permanently.

There are basically two kinds

of armor in World War II.
Theres light armorthat is,
armor light enough that you
can pick it up and carry it
with youand theres heavy
armor. Heavy armor acts like
cover, though many vehicles
with heavy armor can move
under their own power.

Light armor works in
two stages. First, all shock
damage taken from an attack
is reduced to a single point.
Second, killing damage equal
to the Light Armor Rating
(LAR) is turned into shock.


All these attack rules make

the reasonable assumption
that the other fellow doesnt
want to get hit and is doing
his best to avoid it. There are
some times, however, that an
individual cant avoid whats
If the GM is doing his
job, the PCs should never

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Armor Rating
2 LAR (head only)
3 LAR (torso only)
5 LAR (torso only)
1 to 0 HAR
4 to 0 HAR
3 to 1 HAR
5 to 1 HAR
7 to 2 HAR
7 to 1 HAR
7 to 2 HAR
6 to 1 HAR
7 to 3 HAR
7 to 2 HAR
9 to 2 HAR
9 to 4 HAR
9 to 6 HAR
10 to 7 HAR



have to face a situation where theyre going to get killed
and theres nothing they can do about it. After all, as the
main characters it makes for a bad game if they become
helpless and die.

This doesnt mean your characters have ludicrous plot
immunity. If you charge a panzer division with your Boy
Scout knife, dont expect the GM to put on kid gloves.
Similarly, if you pull some blockhead maneuver that delivers you directly into the power of your nemesis, dont be
surprised if he drills you in the skull instead of saying Ach,
Captain Torpedo. Only you vill understand ze brilliance of
my plan. . . .

On the other hand, there are going to be situations in
which your character has others at his mercy. It could be
that youre friends with a Talent who can paralyze people.
It could be that someone surrendered to you but you have
no safe way to keep him imprisoned. It could be that you
got in a lucky shot and knocked the guy out with one
punch. Hes helpless. Do you want to kill him?

If the answer is yes, dont bother with any combat rolls.
An armed man firing into a motionless body at point blank
range does not have a measurable chance of failure. Same thing
for a guy with a trench knife, or even a heavy pair of boots.

If you do opt to kill someone in cold blood, howevernot in the heat of battle, not as the executioner after
a legal trial, but simply because you canyoull have to
make a Cool+Mental Stability check. For more on that, see
Part Four: TalentsBattle
Fatigue on p. 94.

If the situation is somewhere in betweenthe target
is unwaware but is awake
and could respond violently
or go diving for cover if
you stumbleit calls for an
attack roll. If you hit, its the
GMs call: either its automatic death or it fills the hit
location with killing damage
(shock if the weapon does
only shock). If you miss,
ordinary combat begins.


Every attack uses a weapon. Different weapons do different

amounts of damage, as well as different types of damage.
(Thats the difference between being hit with a sap and
being stabbed with a sword.) The categories of weapon are
pretty broad: Each weapon lists the type of damage done
(shock, killing or a mix of both) and how much.

The damage location is always based on the height of
the roll.

The damage amount is always based on the width of
the roll. Usually its width+X where X is some number.
If youre striking with a club, for example, it does width+2
damage, and the damage is shock. If you roll 3x5, it does
5 shock points (3 = the width, +2 for the bonus) to your
targets right arm.

Following is a list of the standard weapons and their
normal damage.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Standard Weapons Table

Fists and Feet
Short Truncheon,
Bottle, Brass Knuckles
Piano Wire
Small Knife
Trench Knife, Shovel
Bayonet (unfixed)
Bayonet (fixed)
Axe, Spear, Saber
Submachine Gun
Long Rifle
Machine Gun

Width in shock
Width +1 in shock
Width +2 in shock
As strangling (see p. 17)
but damage is killing
Width in shock + 1 killing
Width in killing
Width in killing
Width +1 in killing
Width +1 in killing
Width in killing and in shock
Width +1 in killing, width in shock
Width in killing and in
shock+Spray Dice
Width +2 in killing and in shock
Width +2 in killing and in
shock+Spray Dice

Weapon Qualities

Some weapons have particular abilities that make them

more effective against particular targets. For instance, a
hand grenade explodes, making it more dangerous to multiple targets. A machine gun
sprays out a stream of lead
that can hit an individual
many times in a single second. A bangalore torpedo is
designed to penetrate armor
and remove cover.

Rather than provide
separate rules for each and
every weapon used in WWII
(although there is an extensive
list on p. 263), these special
abilities are abstracted into
five qualities. A weapons
rating in its quality determines how effective it is. Many
weapons have more than one quality, of course.


Most weapons with the Area quality do extra damage

when they hit, and specifically do damage to everyone
within a particular area. This is represented by rolling for
locations and assigning extra damage at one die per point
of Area. For instance, if a weapon has the quality Area
3 with a 10-yard radius, three extra dice are rolled once
the weapon hits. Everyone within 10 yards of the impact
zone takes a point of killing damage to each location
rolled on the Area dice. The person at ground zerothat
is, the target for the attacktakes damage as rolled on
top of the hits from the Area dice.

In addition, everyone in the area of effect takes two
points of shock damage to every hit location.

Cover and armor protect normally against Area weapons.



For PCs and important NPCs you can roll the Area
dice separately for each character. In an enclosed space such
as a bunker, the GM might wish to double Area damage.
Example: Ron throws a grenade with Area 3 into a
trench containing four enemy soldiers. He picks the
soldier in the middle and rolls his Body+Grenade after
aiming for a turn. He rolls five dice and gets 2x5.
The grenade does width+1 in killing and shock to its
primary target3 killing and 3 shock to the targets
right arm. After that, Rons player rolls three more dice
for the Area effect, getting a 1,7,8. This Area effect hits
both the target and those surrounding him, they each
take 1 killing point of damage to the left leg (the 1),
and 2 points of killing to his torso (the 7 and the 8).
On top of all that, they all take two points of shock to
every hit location from the concussive force.


Fire-based weapons are common in World War II (see p. 23

for a description of flamethrowers.) The Burn quality differs
from other weapons qualities in that it has no number rating associated with it. Instead, targets hit by the Burn attack
are also on fire.

When a Burn weapon strikes, it does its normal damagewhich is often quite low, usually a single level of
killing damage. In addition to that damage, every location
except the head takes a level of shock damage, and all
those locations are on fire. People who are on fire must
make Cool+Mental Stability rolls to avoid panicking.

Charging a Burn weapon is very intimidating. GMs
may require a Cool+Mental Stability roll to do so.

Burning locations take one point of shock damage
every turn until the fire is out. Most fire-based military
weapons use a sticky fuel that is particularly difficult to
extinguish. Typically, only full immersion or lack of oxygen
will do it. See p. 26.

Weapons with both Burn and Area qualities have an
unusual sort of Area effect. Normally Area attacks do a
great deal of shock damage and also inflict killing damage
on the rolled locations. Area burns are less instantly traumatic: Targets only take one point of shock damage to each
rolled location. They take no killing damage (unless the
affected limb was already full of shock) and they receive no
damage at all to areas that dont get rolled. However, those
areas that do come up on the Area dice are on fire.
Example: Eltons Coordination+Flamethrower pool
is 5d and his weapon has Area 2. Four soldiers are
charging at him, and he aims for the one in the middle.
Rolling 2,3,4,5 and 10, he fails. His GM considers
rolling Cool+Mental Stability for the charging Nazis,
but decides it would interrupt the flow of the game.
However, they do hesitate long enough to give Elton
another chance next round.

This time Elton hits the middle Nazi with a pair
of eights. That soldier takes a point of killing damage to his torso, and all his hit locations are on fire
except his head. Elton now rolls his two Area dice.
They both come up 3, indicating a hit to the arm. The
other three soldiers now have one arm on fire apiece.

You Still Have To Hit

Even if a weapon has high-level Area quality, it

doesnt come into play unless your attack roll is
successful. You can throw a grenade at a hundred
massed troops and still do no damage if you botch
the roll.

This may seem a little counterintuitive at first,
but there are good reasons for this rule.

Combat is very distracting, making stupid mistakes a lot more common.

Weapons are not infallible; every factory turns
out a few duds.
Even a grenade does nothing if you forget to
pull the pin.

Second, theres play quality. This is a game. If
either side has weapons that automatically do damage, regardless of operator error, it loses a lot of the

Third, theres a mechanical reason. If I know I
can do 3 dice of Area damage with a grenade even
without a successful roll, the smartest thing I can
do is make as many multi-attacks as I can with
grenades every combat regardless of the penalties. If
the grenade does automatic damage, I dont need
matches. If theres no incentive to do it right, nothing stops me from accepting every penalty I can
get, and then throwing the grenade anyway.
Now they all have to make Cool+Mental Stability
rolls. Only one of them makes it. That soldier is able
to think clearly enough to run back towards a ditch,
while the other three panic and fruitlessly scream or
swat at the flames.


Spray weapons are those that fire multiple times, or that

have some other factor that makes it easy to aim at many
targets. They were built to make extra attacks. Consequently, any multiple attacks (see p. 16) made with a Spray
weapon take no extra action dice pool penalties. Also, a
number of dice equal to the weapons Spray rating are added
to the pool. The extra dice are not added if a single attack is
made (that is, you opt to fire one bullet) but they are added
if you make multiple attacks against a single target.
Example: Holden normally has 4 dice in his
Coordination+Submachine Gun pool. Firing a submachine gun with Spray 3, he adds 3 dice, giving him a 7d
pool. The weapon does Width in killing and in shock.
As three enemy soldiers charge him, he decides to try
to mow all of them down. He rolls seven dice, getting
2,2,2,6,7,8,8. He assigns the 3x2 to the first attacker.
This does 3 killing and 3 shock to that attackers right
leg, destroying it completely. He then assigns the two
8s to the next attacker, doing 2 killing and 2 shock to
that mans torso.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Spray Definitions Table
Rounds Per Minute
300 rpm
400 rpm
500 rpm
600 rpm
700 rpm
800 rpm
900 rpm
1000 rpm
1200 rpm
1500 rpm

Some penetrating weapons have Area qualities as well. If a

Penetration weapon reduces the armor on its target to 0, the
Area damage gets through to any people behind the armor.

Spray Rating

Area/Penetration Chart

A weapons Spray rating can also be added when using
Cover Fire (see p. 16).

Many weapons in Part Seven: The Field Manual, p.
263, have multiple Spray ratings, such as 2/3 or 0/2.
You can choose which to use. Spray 0 using the Spray
rules without adding any bonus dice.


A Slow weapon cannot be fired every round. After firing,

you have to spend a number of rounds equal to its Slow
rating to prepare it to fire again. If the weapon is already
prepared, you can fire it in the first round. For instance, a
bazooka, Slow 3, can be fired once every four rounds.


Penetration weapons are designed to go through heavy armor

(see p. 19). If a weapon with the Penetration quality hits a
target with a Heavy Armor Rating, reduce the HAR by the
Penetration quality of the weapon and the width of the result
(to a maximum of double the original Penetration value). If
any HAR remains, it reduces the width of the attack roll.

If Penetration reduces HAR to zero, the armor is destroyed and no longer protects that target. (For a large target
such as a tank, that applies only to armor on one location,
such as the treads or the turret.)

If a weapon has both Area and Penetration qualities, the
Area damage is not applied like Penetration damage. There
is no weapon in World War II that penetrates all heavily
armored targets within an area of effect. Instead, the Area
effect is applied after the Penetration. If the Penetration
didnt get through a particular batch of Heavy Armor, the
people protected by that armor arent hit. People outside the
armored enclosure, however, are still hit with the Area damage. So are people inside if the Penetration does get through.
Example: Fritz fires a Panzerschreck with Penetration
5 and Area 6 at a U.S. Sherman Tank with 7 points
of Heavy Armor on the front. His roll (3x7) indicates
a hit. The Penetration of the weapon is added to the
width of the roll for a total of 8 (which could have
been up to 10, double the original Penetration value of
the weapon, depending on the width), and the result is
removed from the Heavy Armor, eliminating the front
armor. The target of the round was the tank itself, so it
took the Width damage; but with the armor gone, the
crew within is exposed to the six Area dice.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Explosive Type
Stick of dynamite
Volkshangranate 45
Pineapple grenade MK2
Einhandgranate 39
5cm Granatwerfer
Stielhandgranate 24
Panzerschreck round
Bazooka round
PIAT round
Panzerfaust round
Tellermine 29
35 cm shell

10 g
36 g
93 g
112 g
120 g
165 g
660 g
702 g
741 g
800 g
4 kg
9.24 kg

5 yds.
10 yds.
10 yds.
12 yds.
13 yds.
15 yds.
17 yds.
20 yds.
20 yds.
20 yds.
25 yds.
25 yds.



Special Weapons
Machine Gun

A machine gun is a weapon of mass destruction designed

to stop troops from rushing forward by blanketing them
with bullets. Several different models of machine guns are
outlined in Part Seven: The Field Manual on p. 263. Most
machine guns fill the air with a 500 to 1,000 rounds per
minute, cutting down almost everything in their line of fire.

Machine guns are usually fixed weapons, heavy and
awkward. For most, unless its mounted on a vehicle, its
not mobile. Machine guns are Spray weapons (see Spray on
p. 21 to see exactly what that means). Most machine guns
do Width +2 points of killing and shock damage for each

The number of machine gun rounds used each attack
is equal to the dice pool rolled. This goes both ways: If a
machine gun is low on ammo, it limits the dice pool. This
can even reduce the dice pool beneath the stat+skill rating,
because these weapons are usually not designed for singleshot accuracy.

Example: Otto opens up on an American soldier,
making three attacks with an MG42 machine gun.
It has a Spray rating of 6d, which he adds to his
4d Coordination+Machine Gun pool for a total of
10d. He rolls 1,2,2,3,4,4,7,7,9 and 10. He has three
matches, 2x2, 2x4 and 2x7. Three rounds hit the
American, one in the right leg, one in the left arm and
one in the torso, each for 4 killing and shock. A total
of 10 rounds were fired in the attack.

Next round, Otto only has eight shots left in his
machine gun. That means he cant get the full benefit of
the Spray 6 rating. Instead, he rolls 8dthe maximum
amount allowed by the ammo. If he was down to two
rounds, he could only roll two dice, even though this is
beneath his Coordination+Machine Gun rating.

Submachine Gun

A submachine gun is a smaller and more portable version



of the machine gun. Several different models of SMGs are
outlined in Part Seven: The Field Manual on p. 263. When
fired on full automatic it is not very accurate.

SMGs have Spray ratings, as described earlier. Each hit
does Width in killing and shock to the hit location.

When on full automatic, the weapon fires a number
of bullets equal to the number of dice in the attackers
pool. Note that some submachine guns cannot be fired at
less than fully automatic fire. If your SMG is low on ammunition, it may reduce the weapons Spray rating. (For
instance, if you only have five rounds left, you cant use the
Spray rating to increase your dice pool above five.) Unlike the heavier machineguns, SMGs dont suffer as much
when single rounds are fired. If youre firing a single shot,
just roll Coordination+Rifle or Submachine Gun. If youre
firing multiple shots but dont have enough for the full
stat+skill+Spray pool, the maximum limit on your die pool
is either your stat+skill pool or the number of rounds left in
the weaponwhichever is higher.
Example: Ronnies Coordination+Submachine Gun
pool is 3d. He has a SMG with Spray 3. If the gun is
full of bullets, he rolls 6d (Coordination + Submachinegun + Spray). If his SMG is down to four rounds, his
dice pool is down to 4dstill better than his usual die
pool, but hes not getting the full Spray benefit. If there
are only two rounds, he still rolls 3dthe baseline
amount he gets from his stat and skill.


A flamethrower is rolled like a normal weapon, except that

it has a very limited range and it sets things on fire. Several different models of flamethrowers are outlined in Part
Seven: The Field Manual on p. 263. Detailed information
about being on fire is on p. 26. (Quick version: You make
a Cool+Mental Stability check or panic. Each burning limb
takes a level of shock damage every turn until the fire is out.)

On a successful hit, the target takes a single level of
killing damage to the indicated area. In addition, every limb
on the target is on fire, except for the head. (Realistically,
the head should be on fire too, but in the interest of game
balance the head is excluded.)

Some flamethrowers also have an Area rating because
they throw a fan of flame instead of a jet. These Area dice
work a little differently than
the standard Area dice. They
only do a single point of shock
damage to each indicated hit
location, but those locations
catch fire on every soldier

The flamethrower is an
effective terror weapon as
well. Troops facing an enemy
flamethrower in combat
must make a Cool+Mental
Stability roll or break and
run for cover.

Repeated hits from a
flamethrower do not acceler-

ate the burning process. It does an additional level of killing

damage, but its not possible to set the same location on fire

There is one very big drawback to using a flamethrower.
It is extremely dangerous when your fuel tank gets hit. If
youre wearing a flamethrower and you take a hit to location 9not just any torso hit, but specifically 9your tank
has been hit and blows up. If this happens, you take a point
of killing damage to your torso (in addition to whatever other
damage you took from the enemy hit) and every hit location
is on fire, including your head. Furthermore, 3 Area dice are
rolled to set people around you on fire.

It is of course possible to make called shots to flamethrower canisters.


A grenade is an explosive anti-personnel weapon. Although

there are significant cosmetic differences between Allied
and Axis grenades, they are effectively the same thingan
explosive charge covered in a steel shell which becomes
shrapnel when detonated.

To keep things simple, a grenade goes off one combat
round after its thrown, with the width of the roll determining the timing of the explosion in that round. When
attacked by an enemy grenade, in that intervening round
before it explodes you can attempt one of four things:
1) You can kick the grenade away: With a successful roll
of Coordination+Grenade, you can kick a grenade away.
If you succeed in beating the width of the detonation with
your roll, you kick it clear and take none of the main
damage or Area damage from the grenade attack. Shock
damage, however, occurs normally, no matter what. In the
case of a tie, or if you fail, you take the full brunt of the
explosion. Notably, this move requires a large open space.
In a foxhole or other tight quarters kicking a grenade will
do you no good.
Example: An SS man heaves a potato masher grenade
into Orvis vicinity with a roll of 6, 6, 1, 2, 9 and a 1. No
one else sees it, so Orvis tries to give it a kick. He rolls 4d
for Coordination+Grenade and gets 5, 5, 5 and a 3. Since
Orvis roll has a width of 3, and the SS mans attack is
the width of 2, in the next
round Orvis kicks the grenade
away before it goes off (since
a 3 beats a 2.) However, he
still takes 2 points of shock
damage to every hit location
when the grenade detonates
the next round.

2) You can pick the grenade
up and throw it back: This is
a multiple action. Drop a die
(unless you have an appropriate Hyperstat or Hyperskill),
roll Coordination+Grenade
and look for two sets. Succeed at both sets and you
pick the grenade up and


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



throw it back at your attacker. Succeed at one and
you throw it away harmlessly. If the width is smaller
than or equal to the width
of the attack, however, the
grenade goes off while youre
still fumbling with it.

of shock damage to each hit

location usually caused by a
grenade is focused on your
torso as well, for a total of 12
points of shock). No one else
present takes any damage.
At the GMs discretion, this
kind of nerve may require a
Cool+Mental Stability roll.

Example: A U.S. soldier

throws a pineapple
grenade into Klaus
foxhole with a roll of
2x6. Klaus tries to grab
it off the ground and
throw it back with his
pool of 5d. He drops 1d
and, luckily, rolls 10, 10,
5 and a 5. Klaus assigns
the 10s to the pickup
and the 5s to the throw.
The 10s are higher than
the 2x6 attack, so Klaus
throws it away from himself; but the 5s are lower
so he doesnt throw it
close enough to harm the

Example: Paul sees a potato

masher land amidst his men
gathered in a trench with a
3x10 attack. Theres nowhere
to kick it, no time to throw
it, so Paul leaps on it. It goes
off the next round, causing 7
points of killing and 16 points
of shock to Pauls torso, killing
him instantly. The rest of the
men in the trench, however,
are saved.
The average soldier can throw
an average fragmentation
grenade about 30 yards. For
every Body point above 2, add
20 yards to that number.

3) You can catch it in mid-air and throw it back: This

daring move actually happened a lot during the war. To
attempt it, you must be able to clearly see the grenade as
it comes in (in other words, it doesnt work at night or in
other sight-obscuring conditions) and of course you must
announce the attempt in the Declare phase. This is another
multiple action, but if you succeed, it gains you a little
time (since you dont have to fumble on the ground for the
grenade), so you dont drop a die out of your set. Roll your
full Coordination+Grenade pool and look for two sets. Assign one to the catch and the throw. The catch must happen
firstit must have a wider Width or if Widths are tied a
higher Heightor else you take all the grenade damage to
your right or left arm as it goes off in your hand.
Example: A Heer soldier hurls a grenade at Boris
with a roll of 6, 5, 5, 3, 4 and 3. Boris wants to
catch it in mid-air and throw it back. Boris rolls his
Coordination+Grenade pool of 5d and gets 9, 9, 9, 3
and a 3. He assigns the 3x9 to the catch and the 2x3
to the throw, so he catches the grenade in mid-air (at
Width 3) and then throws it back (at Width 2) at the
Heer soldier, where it blows up and does normal damage for Boris Width 2 grenade attack roll.
4) You can dive on it: This is the truly heroic option. Unless
you have a Talent power that will protect you from the brunt
of the attack, you are pretty much doomed after a move
like this. You dont even need to make a roll to do this; if
you want to dive on a grenade, you do it. You can opt for
this in the same round after trying to kick or throw it away.
You take all the grenade damage to your torso (the 2 points

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Example: Peter wants to throw a grenade as far as he

can. His Body is 9d. 9d is 7 more than 2, so he can
throw it an extra 140 yards. Peter can throw the grenade about 170 yards (510 feet).

Throwing Rocks or Debris

Throwing a rock or debris at someone requires a

Body+Throw roll and it does width in shock damage. No
big deal. However, when somebody strong enough to lift a
tank throws a cinderblock at you, it suddenly becomes a lot
more of a problem. To avoid a mess of calculation based
on the weight of the object and its distance, Godlike uses a
quick fix: The damage from a big missile equals either the
width of the roll or half the throwers Body (rounded down)
in shock damage to the hit location rolled. Furthermore, if
the thrower has Body 6+, the throw attack does width in
killing and shock instead of just width in shock damage.

Other Sources of Harm

In Godlike, if the bullets and mines dont get you, the frostbite, car wrecks or other untoward events probably will.
Various terrible things that can happen to your character
are covered in detail below.


Electrical hazards have a dice pool representing how dangerous they are, rated on a scale of 1-10. This goes from a ninevolt battery (1 die) to a thunderbolt (10 dice). When a PC is
zapped, just roll the electric pool as a static contest. If a match
comes up, the PC takes shock damage equal to the width of



the roll. However, the hit location is not determined by the
height of the roll, but rather by the circumstances. If the PC
is poking at wires with a stick, the shock starts in his arm. If
hes hit by lightning, it either starts in his head or in the highest
point of his body. (If hes lucky, he had a hand raised.)

Electric damage doesnt stay in one place, though. Specifically, it starts wherever it made contact, and then goes to
the ground through the shortest route. So, if you grab both
ends of a live wire with one hand, you only take damage
in that one arm. But if you grab an end in each hand, the
jolt travels from one hand, up the arm, through the torso,
and out the other arm, doing the same damage to all three
locations. If you only grab one end, the juice goes down the
arm, through the torso, and out the closest leg. If you are
hit by lightning, it goes straight down your head, through
your torso and out one or both legs. (This is why lightning
victims sometimes have their shoes blown off.)

Thats what happens with a one-time shock, like a bolt
of lightning or sticking your finger in a light socket to blow
the circuit breaker. It does damage, you go Ouch! and
thats it. But what if its a steady current? Thats a bit nastier.
In that case, you have to make a static Body roll to let go. If
the roll fails, your muscles have locked shut on the current
source and you get juiced againmeaning, the GM rolls the
electric die pool again. This is repeated until (1) you make
your Body roll, or (2) someone knocks you free or (3) you
die and theres no point rolling damage any more.

Whats more, if youre soaking wet, the electric pool
has one of its dice turned into a wiggle die. (See Part Four:
TalentsWiggle Dice on p. 40 for details.)
Example: Jane is running through the rain when she gets
hit by lightning. The GM figures it was a 7d bolt, so he
rolls 6d and keeps one as a wiggle die because Jane is
drenched. He rolls 2, 4, 5, 3, 2 and 3. Hes got two pair,
and it doesnt really matter which he picks: He can add
the wiggle die to get a result 3 wide. Jane takes 3 points
of shock to her head, 3 to her torso and three to one leg.
Example: Renard gets thrown into a mass of high
voltage wires in the middle of an electrical plant. Its
a 10d hazard. The first round the GM rolls and gets
1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10not a bad roll for ten
dice, the best pair is a measly 2x6. However, because
hes completely entangled, the GM decides he takes the
damage to every location except his head. Renard rolls
his 3 Body to try to let go and doesnt get a match.
Next round, hes stuck twitching in the wires and the
GM rolls again. This time its 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7
and 10three levels of shock to every location. Lucky
for him, one of his buddies knocks him out of the wires
with a broom, so he gets by with just five shock to
every location except his head.


Any time you fall more than five feet, theres a chance of
injury. The type of damage depends on what you hit. The
degree of damage depends on your height. The location of
the damage depends on how well you control your fall.

You take only shock damage if you land on something
forgivingsoft ground, water, or an awning. You also take

shock damage if something breaks your fall on the way

down. (People have survived falling out of airplanes by
crashing through pine branches and landing on snow.) If
you land on hard-packed earth, rocks, metal or cement, you
take killing damage.

For every ten feet fallen, you take a point of damage to
each relevant area, up to a maximum of 10 points.

While falling, you may make one Coordination roll. If
you have a skill that relates specifically to falling, absorbing
impact, or controlling your body in midair, you may add
that skill. Relevant skills would be Jujitsu (virtually unknown in the West before the 1950s), Acrobatics, Parachuting, Diving and the like. If that roll succeeds, you land well
and take damage only to your legs. If that roll fails, you
land badly and take damage to every hit location.
Example: Gretta jumps out a second-story window,
trying to leap into an open window across the alley.
She misses and falls fifteen feet to the cobblestones below. She rolls her Coordination (3d) and gets 1, 7 and
9no match. She falls badly, taking damage to every
location. Since she landed on stone, its killing damage.
But since its a short fallunder twenty feetits only
one point to each location. Shes badly bruised, but she
can get up and run away.
Example: Ryan throws Aki off a cliff into the deep water sixty feet below. Aki, being an officer with samurai
lineage, has studied Jujitsu and knows how to take a
fall properly. He rolls Coordination+Jujitsu and gets a
pair of 2s. He lands well, taking damage only to his legs.
Landing in water is only shock damage. Still, sixty feet is
a long fallAki takes six points of shock to each leg.
The exception to these rules is, of course, using a parachute. Parachutes are only effective on falls of 1,000 feet or
farther. With a successful Coordination+Parachute roll, a
paratrooper only takes a point of shock to each leg, no matter how far he fell. Even if the roll fails, the fall is treated as
if it was a twenty-foot fall.


Drowning is what happens when you run out of air underwater. A character can hold his breath for a number of minutes equal to his Body divided by 2 (rounded down.) After
that grace period, the character must roll Body+Endurance
each round to keep from inhaling water.

Each combat round after the first roll, the character
loses a die from his Body+Endurance dice pool. When his
dice pool drops to 1 or he cant make a match, he inhales
water and starts dying.

Each round of drowning inflicts 1 killing point of
damage to the torso and 1 point of shock to the head.
When the head is filled with shock damage, the subject is
unconscious, and when the head fills with killing damage,
the subject is dead.


In most cases, extended exposure without any access to heat

is lethal. Wetness only compounds the problem.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



You have a grace period
equal to your Body in days
if youre in reasonable (but
cold) shelter. The grace period drops to hours if youre
well dressed but out in the
open. If youre not wearing
cold-weather gear and in
youre in subzero temperatures, the grace period drops
to minutes.

After the grace period,
you start taking shock damage to your arms and legs
one point per limb every five
minutes. When your arms and
legs are filled with shock damage, you start taking shock
damage to your torso and
head as well, the same amount at the same rate. Your arms
and legs continue to fill with damage, but its now killing.

Once this chill gives you two or more points of killing damage in a limb, theres a chance of gangrene. Make a
Body+Health roll. If it fails, the limb has to come off eventually, or it will kill you. Make this roll every time you take
another frost-based killing point to your limbs.

If the temperatures are extremely lowforty below or
worseyou take this damage every minute instead of every
five minutes. This accelerated rate is also used if youve gotten soaked and your clothes freeze.

Also, every night you spend in a subzero environment
without the chance to heat up, you lose half your Will.
Example: Johan is at Stalingrad in the winter of 43.
He has a Body of 3, so he can spend three days in
freezing conditions with cover, or three hours without
cover before taking damage. When that time is up,
Johan starts to freeze, and fast. Every five minutes he
takes a point of shock damage to each arm and leg. He
has about a half hour to get some warmth before his
kimbs are filled with shock. If he cant do it, he starts
taking killing damage to his limbs from frostbiteone
point of it every five minutes. After ten minutes of that,
he has to start making Body+Health rolls every five
minutes to avoid gangrene. Meanwhile, his torso and
head begin to freeze. He has twenty minutes before he
passes out (five minutes times the four damage boxes in
his head.) After that, its another twenty minutes before
hes dead.


A limb that catches fire takes a point of shock damage every

round. Once it has filled with killing damage, the flame
spreads to the torso. If it matters, once the torso fills with
flame-induced killing damage, the fire spreads to every other
hit location.

A burning character must make a Cool+Mental Stability
roll in order to avoid panic. If you fail, you fruitlessly swat the
flames, spreading them to other hit locations at the rate of one
every round until you succeed at a Cool+Mental Stability roll.

If you make the Mental Stability roll, youre almost

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

certainly going to make dousing the fire your top priority.

If theres open water nearby,
you dont need to roll. During
the declare phase, you simply
state that youre putting out
the fire. If its imperative to
know the timing, make a
Coordination+Dodge roll and
treat it like youre diving for
cover. (If the water is at the
bottom of a ditch, you might
get some cover, too.) If the
roll fails, you can put out the
fire at the end of the round.

If theres no water, you
can extinguish flames by
rolling on the ground. This is
less certain than using water:
Make a Coordination+Dodge roll. If it fails, the flames
remain. If it succeeds, the fire goes out.

Regardless of which technique you use, the fire on all
hit locations is doused in a single action. It doesnt matter
if one arm is on fire or your whole body: Dropping and rolling puts it all outif you succeed.

If your head catches on fire, youre in real trouble.
Even if you survive, youre effectively blind for five minutes.

Flamethrowers use particularly sticky fuel, which
makes their flames harder to douse. Often, if you are hit by
a flamethrower, simply dumping water on it wont work.
Neither will rolling on the ground, unless its extremely
muddy. Only submersion or a complete lack of oxygen can
put out sticky fuel. Treat this as a difficulty rating of 4 for
extinguishing the flames unless you dive fully under water.

Car Wrecks and Other Crashes

How fast were you going when you hit? This is the most
important factor in determining the effect of a crash. Other
things matter as well of course. Were you secured into your
seat? Did you know you were going to crash and have time
to brace yourself before you hit?

Wrecks are a dynamic contest between your Body +Endurance and a difficulty number. Overcome the difficulty
number, and you survive the crash, more or less.
Start With a Base Difficulty number:
Boat Wrecks: Base Difficulty Number 3
Car Wrecks: Base Difficulty Number 3
Plane Wrecks: Base Difficulty Number 5
Add 1 to the Difficulty number . . .
For every 10 mph over 20 mph you were traveling.
If you were on a dirt road.
If you have no driving skill appropriate to the vehicle.
If your vehicle was damaged in combat.
If you had no restraining device to keep you in the
The maximum difficulty number possible is 10. All additional modifiers past 10 are discarded.



Subtract 1 from the Difficulty number if:
If you have a moment to prepare for the crash.
If you have a skill in excess of 2 for the vehicle you are
If you are a passenger, or are secured in the back of the
If you fail the roll, every hit location on your body is filled
with shock damage. In addition, you take the difficulty
number of the crash in shock damage to the hit location
that matches the difficulty number.

If you make the roll, you take twice the difficulty of
the crash in shock damage. You may spread this around hit
locations as you wish.
Example: Claudes Spitfire is auguring in. The base
difficulty number for a plane crash is 5. Claude has
managed to slow down his airspeed to 150 mph, which
is 130 mph more than 20 mph, giving him a 10 max
difficulty number (if totals above 10 were counted, he
would have had an 18, but since everything past 10 is
discarded, its just a 10.) Claude is then able to subtract
2 from that difficulty number since he has a moment
to prepare and he has
a skill in excess of 2
for the vehicle. So his
difficulty number is 8.
Claude rolls his 3d of
Body and gets a 4, 4 and
a 1, a 2x4. Since Claude
failed to overcome the
difficulty number, every
hit location fills with
shock. He also takes
eight more points of
shock to hit location 8
his torso. Since his torso
is already full of shock,
this becomes killing
damage. Claude is bleeding, unconscious and
near death: Only two more points of shock to his torso
are needed to kill him.
Example: Luke is bringing his bomber in on a wing and
a prayer. The base difficulty for a plane crash is 5. The
bomber is traveling at 200 mph when it hits, maxing
out its difficulty number at 10. But Luke has a moment
to prepare for the crash (-1), and he has piloting skill in
excess of 2 (-1), so his difficulty number is now 8.

Luke rolls against his Body of 3d and gets a 3, 8
and an 8, a match that beats the difficulty number! He
spreads 16 points of shock damage (twice the difficulty)
throughout his body, allocating 3 to each arm, 4 to each
leg, and the last two to his torso. The injury isnt even
bad enough to give him any killing damage.

Movement in Combat

We encourage you to play a little loose with movement

rates in combat, since the length of a combat round is so
flexible. The typical rule of thumb is given on p. 8 as 10

yards plus twice your Body score in a round. Most combat

actions incur a 1d penalty while youre running. At the
GMs discretion you can move a small amount, say your
Body stat in yards, without a penalty to other actions.

To cover greater distances quickly, theres an optional
rule for the Running skill on p. 355.

Character Advancement

Developing your character is half the fun of a role-playing

game. Characters improve over time, getting better at skills,
statistics or even Talent powers. A green recruit could develop over several game sessions into a hardened warrior.

Two things let you advance your character: experience
points and Will points.

Experience Points

Experience points are rewards given at the end of a game

session. They represent how well your character did at the
trials and tribulations of the game.

Will Points

As detailed in Part 4Talents, Will points are the fuel

of Talent abilities. In addition
to powering the use of Talents, they can be cashed in to
improve mundane and Talent
There are sharp limits
on spending Will points to
improve your abilities. It represents tremendous mental
effort and is possible only in
the most catastrophic moments of stress. The GM may
decide to make exceptions,
but in general it is allowed
only when a character is in a
moment of true desperation or motivation.

As a rule of thumb, if a character is forced to make
a Mental Stability check due to circumstances beyond his
control (because hes about to be killed or is being tortured,
for instance, not because hes choosing to murder someone
in cold blood), thats a time when the character could spend
Will to improve an ability or gain a new one. Succeeding at
the Mental Stability roll isnt necessary; but of course failing
it might leave too few Will points to make the improvement.

When You Can Improve

A character can improve either during a mission or in down

time between missions.

You can improve during a mission only if youre in the
middle of combat or some other crisis. However, during any
given combat or crisis you can improve only a single score
a stat, a skill, a Talent power, or Base Willand by only one
level. (If you run into multiple crises or combats in a single
mission, you could improve abilities each time if you have
the experience points or Will points to spare.)


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Example: Armand has
6 experience points
and hes in the middle
of a firefight. His skill
in Rifle is 3, and he
decides it would be nice
to have a Rifle skill of 4.
So he spends 3 experience points and raises
his Rifle to 4. He cant
improve anything else in
this firefight.

also spend a point of Base

Willand that has all the
same conditions as spending
Will points to improve. For
that kind of mastery, experience and practice are not

Learning a New Skill

If your character has a few

days of down time between
missions, you can spend any
amount of experience points
on any number of stats and
skills. However, you can
never spend Will points to improve an ability in down time
between missions.

Gaining Experience Points

Every time a player shows up and plays in the game, his or

her character earns a single experience point.

At the end of each session, the GM can distribute one
bonus experience point as he or she sees fit. Usually its given to the player who stayed in character, had the best ideas
or who otherwise supported everyone elses good time. It is,
of course, also possible for the GM to give out this bonus
experience to the character that seems weakest so that he
can catch up with the others. Or it might go to the character who withstood the worst trials and tribulations of the
game as a way of showing the value of perseverence.

Finally, after every session the players talk it over and
award a third experience point to a single character by vote.
Please dont politic for votes. (You vote for me this session, Ill vote for you next one!) In a tie, the point is not

Gaining Will Points

Lost Will points recover with rest, one point per night up
to your Base Will level. Will points are also gained in game
play when Talents clash in a battle of power (see Part Four:
TalentsWhen Wills Collide, p. 95) or when a character
acts heroically or with ingenuity. You can never have more
than 50 Will points in the default Godlike setting.

Improving a Skill or Stat

You can raise a skill or a stat one level by spending experience points or Will points.

The experience point cost to raise a skill one level is 3
points. To raise a stat costs 3 experience points times the
new level; so raising a stat from 2 to 3 costs 9 experience

The Will point cost to raise a skill is 10. To raise a stat
costs 10 Will times the new level; so going from 2 to 3 costs
30 Will points.

A skill or stat can be improved beyond 4 only if you

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

In some circumstances you

can even learn an entirely
new skill at level 1. Simply
buy that first rank of the
skill, pay the appropriate cost
and youre good to go.

There is one catch: Your
GM has to approve it, based
on his or her judgment that
your character has had an
opportunity to learn that skill. If you havent been studying
Swahili and no ones been teaching you Swahili, theres no
reason you should be able to suddenly know Swahili. Some
skills can be learned without teachers (fist fighting and rock
climbing spring immediately to mind), so if your GM thinks
youve learned enough in the school of hard knocks, he
might let you buy skills like that without formal study or

Typically you can learn a new skill only by spending
experience points in down time. But if youve been spending
time practicing the new skill and you desperately need it to
kick in during a crisis, you could spend Will points points
to gain that first die. But the usual requirements apply for
spending Will points to improve yourselfit has to be a serious crisis, usually the sort that triggers a Mental Stability

Improving Base Will

Unlike Will points, Base Will does not come back on its
own. You can raise Base Will by one point by spending 20
Will points. It cannot be raised with experience points.

Improving a Talent Power

You can improve a Hyperskill, Hyperstat or Miracle by one

level (whether thats a normal die, a Hard Die or a Wiggle
Die) by spending Will points equal to the ordinary cost of
the new die. So if the power costs 3/6/12 points per die and
you want to add a hard die, it costs 6 Will points.

Experience points cannot improve Talent powers.

To transform regular dice in a power into Hard Dice or
Wiggle Dice, see Part Four: TalentsBuying (and Promoting) Dice on p. 41.

Gaining completely new Talent powers is more difficult; see Gaining New Powers on p. 42.
What to Raise
Base Will
Talent power

Experience Point Cost

3 x the new level


Will Point Cost

10 x the new level
Points per die



Character Creation

WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO when you get out? Stantz

murmured in the dark, from the top bunk.

These after-hour conversations had become standard
fare since wed been holed up in training on the coast of
Falmouth. No leave, no passes. We were stuck here. All we
had to do was talk and get pretend shot-at. After a while it
all sounded the same, the shooting and the talk.

What about the Mystery Ape? the Ape asked, half
to himself, from the next bed over.

Stantz and I laughed low.

Im gonna get married, get a house in Oyster Bay and
have some little Talents, I replied, a prayer in the dark. Like
catechism class at Holy Trinity. But God wasnt here, at least
not now. He was on our side, sureI mean, I could flybut
why didnt he just show himself and skip all the hubbub?

Or just Mr. Ape? Is that too much? Too little? the
Ape whispered. For some reason things didnt seem too
funny to me anymore.

We all came here from special training in Scotland.
Americas Talented elite. Men and boys from places which
were now nothing but a rewardthe ultimate reward in
warfare. A place to return to if you made it through. A
place full of people who wouldnt understand what it was
like and who would pretend not to see the blood on your
hands if you got back in one piece. That was the deal.

People who would pretend to love you just the same as
they had before the war. Before the other things, too.

The Ape lived in New Jersey before his Talent. He
wont talk about how it happened, but I think it had something to do with a carnival. He can turn into a bull gorilla
whenever he wants. Just closes his eyes and poof! Gorilla.
Ive seen him rip a car tire in half with his hands in frustration. Ive seen him lift the end of a Jeep off the ground when
bored, just for something to do.

Ive also seen the way he looks at people sometimes. Like
they were a Jeep or a tire that needed ripping. Now he dreams

about the money hes going to make when he gets home. His
monthly stationery is covered in his own misspelled handwritten posters advertising The Amazing Ape-Man and Mr.
Ape. No one talks about why he doesnt use those letters to
write home. As far as we know, he doesnt really have one.

Stantz is another matter. Hes got a wife and some
kids back in Seteris, Maine. A home which sounds like
something out of a family-hour radio show. Like a show,
the story is updated every week. Hes a talker, Stantz is. He
likes to hear other peoples stories, but I think he likes to
hear himself the best. He offers himself up in one big lump
whether people are listening or not. Everyone likes him.
Hes the squad cut-up. He can make things reorient themselves with gravity. No one knows why.

Last week he reoriented the gravitation of my boots
so they were drawn to the ceiling and I had to fly up and
pull them down. Funny. Hes a funny guy. Before we left
New York, he was cheating on his wife with three different
women. Last week he failed short arm inspection for the
second time.

Funny, like I said.

The Incredible Ape? Ape murmured in the dark.

I tried to see Ellie in my mind and all I could picture
were her hands, folded in her lap in white gloves in the
park. I tried not to think about what comes after all this. I
tried not to think about dying.

I tried to see a future with me in it, but all I could see
was Seventh Avenue filled with a thousand faces, each empty
of emotion and filled to the brim with its own secrets. In my
mind, I tried to picture Ellie there, waiting for me near the IRT
or in the deli, but all I could see was a telegram with my name
on it being delivered by some flat-faced boy with no eyes.

The Ape Boy? Ape mumbled. Then the major stuck
his head in and hissed at us to shut it, and I was happy
he did because if he hadnt I would have said something I
wouldve regretted later.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic,
our religion and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity . . .
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, June 7, 1944

Character Creation
in Godlike

Want to make a character for Godlike? First, you need

to have a short talk with your GM to get an idea of the
campaign setting (sometimes this step is not necessary,
especially if youre just making up characters for later), and
then you work out the characters background. Statistics
and skills come after that, and then we get to the paranormal abilities. Since Talents start as normal people and then
develop paranormal powers, the same order is suggested for
character creation. Come up with the person first and then
come up with the power to match (of course, if you want
to do it the other way around, theres nothing wrong with
that; its your game).

As with the rest of the game, all decisions made by the
GM during character creation are final. Be reasonable with
your GM and he should reasonable back. Take his suggestions to heart. After all, hes the one shaping the game you
will be playing. Chances are, the GMs decision is in the
best interest of the game, no matter how frustrating it may
seem at the moment.

Game Moderator

When preparing a character for a new campaign it often helps

to consult the GM during all the steps of character creation.
Only the GM can really answer vital questions such as in what
year the campaign begins, where its based and what nationalities are permitted.

Ive said it before, but I think it bears repeating: The
GM is also the final arbiter of the rules, even the character
creation rules. His final say on any rules question can make
the creation process much more streamlined and painless in
the long run. Be kind to your Game Moderator!


Talents begin life as normal people. They have daily lives,

histories, friends, neighbors and stories. Just like you and
me, they have wants, dreams and desires. Its up to you to
come up with all these little details. I know this may seem
a bit daunting at first, but if you break it down step by step
its really not overwhelming.

A good way to begin developing a character is to base
him on a subject from real life. This could be a friend, a
relative, someone from history or a famous person. Feel free
to mix and match ideas from various sources, but not so
much so that the character becomes unfocused or unrealistic. Try to stay away from stereotypes (i.e., the maladjusted
loner, the mad scientist, Dudley Do-Right, etc.).

A character should be easily described. Usually a

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

sentence or two will do. A high-strung, well-adjusted

former football player who has no idea what war truly is
is a good example, but a bookworm is too vague. Try to
choose several ideas to incorporate into the basic framework of your character. Dont come up with a paranormal
ability yet. I know, thats the fun part, but its still way too

As part of the background, choose gender. The overwhelming majority of characters fighting in the war are men,
but secret services such as the SOE and the OSS put women
in the field who accomplished amazing things.

Now move on to:


This is a very important question in the game. It is, after all, a

game about the greatest war of all time. Where is your character from? First find out the beginning date of the campaign
from your GM and then consider the possibilities. World War
II was a time of unusual mixtures of nationalities all fighting
for the same cause. An Allied commando team of super-human Talents might be composed of an Ethiopian tribesman,
a French partisan, a displaced Pole and a refugee Lithuanian
Jew. Diversity leads to interesting game play.

Was your characters country overrun by Axis forces?

How To Make a Character

Character creation in Godlike is broken down into

four simple steps.

1) Talk to your GM: First you need to talk to your

GM and find out when and where the campaign
or adventure is set in the world of Godlike, so
you can make an appropriate character.
2) Create a Background: Develop the personality
and history of your character as he was before
becoming a Talent. Come up with a background,
nationality, age, family, education, friends, dependants and a motivation for the character.
3) Buy Stats and Skills: Next, build the character,
buying statistics and skills and filling out the
character sheet.
4) Add the Talents: Creating Talent powers for
your character is the final stage.

Of course, if youre familiar with creating characters for other role-playing games, you probably
know what needs to be done. In that case, feel free
to skip around and make it up as you go along. Just
be sure to get your GMs okay on the character you
create before game play.



Vaulting the
Language Barrier

When Parahumans
First Appeared . . .

What happens when a group of characters are composed of several different nationalities each speaking a
different language? How do they communicate? Well,
theres an easy fix. Since most of the Allied nations
speak English, the GM can just give the PCs a free
skill point in English. This effectively eliminates the
language barrier and is generally fair (if a PC already
speaks English, that free skill point can be spent on
any other language just to balance things out).

The Super-Age began in Germany in 1936 and outbreaks of Talents slowly spread about the globe.
By late 1942, almost every country in the world has
parahumans, and that number increases every day.
Heres a list of the first few known Talents and the
countries they appeared in. If your character is from
a country listed below, make sure his or her power
did not manifest until after the date given (or be
aware that youre rewriting history, which is also
okay as long as your GM says so).

If so, how did he escape? Or is the character from an Allied

country? If so, which one?

A little research into your characters nationality can
provide wonderful flavor to game play. Often, even the
simplest facts about a foreign country gleaned from an
encyclopedia will provide hours worth of enjoyable game
information seeds and will give you a chance to set your
character apart from the rest. A harrowing story of escape
from panzer divisions as they rolled over the border, the
heartbreaking memory of a murdered family hauled off to
a concentration camp by the SS, or a folk tale learned in
childhood from a Gypsy grandmother can only add depth
and drama to a character. Nationality is important.

Now is usually a good time to give a name to the
character. Pick a name from a phone book, from a novel, or
mix two names you know together to form a new one. Just
make sure it matches your characters nationality.

Germany, Der Flieger (The Airman), June 8, 1936

Czechoslovakia, Pevnost (Fortress), October 10,
Eritrea/Ethiopia, Zindel (Defender of Man), October 12, 1938
Poland, Cien (Shadow), September 11, 1939
Finland, Viljo (Resolute Protector), December 19,
Denmark, Vogel (Bird), April 11, 1940
Norway, Aesgir (Spear of the Gods), April 12, 1940
Holland/Netherlands, Daegal (Dawn), May 11,
Belgium, Vevel (Wolf), May 12, 1940
France, Linvocateur (The Summoner), May 14,
China, Zhao Zheng (myth name), May 22, 1940
Britain, Jumping Johnny, June 5, 1940
Lithuania, Bellerophon (myth name), June 21, 1940
Rumania, Die Hexe (The Witch), October 10, 1940
Yugoslavia, Stasio (Stand of Glory), April 9, 1941
Greece, Pythia (The Oracle), April 10, 1941
Soviet Union, Baba Yaga (myth name), June 27, 1941
United States of America, The Indestructible Man,
October 31, 1941
Burma, Chanduk (Spirit of the Forest), December
11, 1941
Philippines, Anguis (Dragon), December 22, 1941
Japan, Hoshi (Star), April 19, 1942
Australia, Misfire, June 21, 1942
Canada, The Ghost of the Fourteenth, August 19,
India, Lord Yama (myth name), March 12, 1943
Italy, Immortale (The Immortal), September 8,


How old do you want your character to be? This is a vital

question, though it may seem unimportant at first. Is he a
wet-behind-the-ears new recruit, or a veteran of the Great
War? Is he wise beyond his years or naive? Pick a birthday
and then its off to:


Who are the characters parents? What do they do for a living? Are they still alive? Does he have sisters? Brothers? A
big or a small family? Uncles, aunts or cousins? Grandparents? Did he have a good relationship with his family?

Where is the characters family from? What state, province or town? A big or small town? How did this affect the
characters upbringing?

All these questions should be considered and answered.
The more engaging the background is, the more interesting the character will be; youll also have more to build
on when you get to the later questions. Its good to know
where and to whom the character writes home. (Chippewa
Falls salutes our brave fighting men!)

For now, list relatives, the characters hometown, state
or province and then go directly to:


What is the level of your characters education? Did he

attend Harvard, or just barely escape the third grade, or not
go to any school at all? Was he taught in a religious school?
How did this affect the characters beliefs? Is he naturally
smart, studious, or altogether uneducated?

Write down the last school your character attended
and his degrees or diplomas. Its always good to have a few
stories of the good old days, fraternity parties, pranks and


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



the like; something to put
the war in stark perspective.
Once you wrap this up, then
its off to:

pride or British defiance? Is

he fighting a war because
its the right thing to do or
because he doesnt want to
be considered a coward? Or
is he just a show-off?
Is the character afraid
but determined? Foolhardy
and reckless? Why is the
character in the war, besides
the Talent ability he possesses?
Determine this before
moving on to:


Everyone has friends. Is

your character gregarious
or solitary? Does he have
many friends or just one good
friend? What is the friends
relationship to the character?
Do they see each other often?
What does the friend do for
a living? Does the friend have
skills that might prove useful
to the character?

Consider these questions
carefully, and work out a
small list of your characters
friends. It doesnt hurt to have
friends who are connected,
of course, whether its a
godfather on Capitol Hill or a best friend working as a supply clerk. Decide if any of his friends are friends of influence
who can help the character. After that (were almost to the
statistics!) its off to:


Is the character married? Does he have children? Where do

the characters dependants live? How does he support them?

Characters do not necessarily require dependants, but
its often good for character development. Having a wife
or kids is often motivation enough for a character. The
memory of those left behind drives that character forward,
to do whatevers necessary to get home.

List the characters dependants (if any). Then the last
step before the stats is:


What is the characters motivation? Why is he involved

in the war? Is he fighting for Jewish solidarity, American

My Brother Is
the President . . .

Some players try to get the best of a game right out

of the chute, and it is up to the GM to keep their
overactive imaginations in check. When choosing a
characters friends, try to stay away from outrageous
examples. (My dad is General Patton, my mom is
Betty Grable, and my brother is the President.) Be
realistic and down-to-earth in your choices so the
game is not disrupted.

The GM (as usual) has final say on whether or
not your choices are fair.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

and Skills

Now were up to the nuts

and bolts of the character
the game statistics. Here
you determine how strong,
fast, smart and cool under
pressure the character will be by spending a certain number
of character points to assign numbers to the six statistics:
Body, Coordination, Sense, Brains, Command, and Cool. 5
is the maximum score for human statistics and skills. Heres
a breakdown of what the basic human stats mean.

Human Stat Comparisons

Lowest (1)
Coordination Klutz
Green Recruit
Mr. Magoo

Medium (2)

Highest (5)
Charles Atlas
Albert Einstein
Olympic Gymnast
Winston Churchill
General Patton
Sherlock Holmes

Assigning statistics and skills is simple.

1) Stats

You automatically have 1 point in each stat. You also have 6

points to assign wherever you wantexcept you cant start
the game with a stat higher than 4 (except with Talent powers, of course, but that comes later). You can spread them
out evenly and have 2 in every stat, or you can skimp on one
in order to beef up another. If you dont assign any points to
Cool and take the default score of 1, you could raise your
Body to 3, creating the stereotypical hot-headed bruiser.

It may seem that this isnt a lot of points (especially if
youre used to the stats in other games), but go back and
take another look at Part Two: Game MechanicsLa Belle
Curve on p. 7. Once you get 4 dice in something, youve
got a 50% chance of succeeding at a challenging, important
task. Thus, a 4 stat is impressive by itself. And usually a stat
is added to a skill number before rolling.

Add your Cool and Command stats together to determine your Base Will.



Stats Redux

Skills Redux

Heres a simple breakdown of what you need to do

to assign your characters six stats.

Heres a simple breakdown of what you need to do

to assign your characters skills.

1) Grab a character sheet. Mark 1 point in each

of the six statistics: Body, Coordination, Sense,
Brains, Command, and Cool. This 1 point is the
default level of each stat, and it costs you nothing.
2) Spend 6 points among the 6 stats. You now
have 6 points to spread among the six statistics.
Choose carefully!
3) Draw any extra wound boxes on your damage
silhouette indicated by your Body score (see Part
Two: Game MechanicsBody on page 8 for
4) Determine Base Will. Add your Command and
Cool statistics together. This determines your
characters Base Will. Mark it in the appropriate

1) Determine what skills you think your character

should have. There is no set list of mandatory
skills. Determine what skills you think your
character should know, based on his civilian
background and basic military training, and
write them out. Get your GMs approval for
skills you have created from scratch.
2) Spend your points. You have 20 points to
spread around your skills now. Choose carefully.
Remember no skill can start higher than its
governing statistic.
2a) Optional: Add Commando Skills. If you are
playing in the TOG Squad Campaign presented
in the back, then you may add the following
skills at no cost. The maximum starting value
(skill level may not exceed stat level) still applies.

Once youre done here, move on to skills.

2) Skills

Next, you get to assign your skills. You have 20 points to spend
on them, but theres a catch: You cant start the game with any
skill higher than its governing stat. (Once the game is going,
however, your skills can exceed this level.) If you skimped on
Brains and left it at 1, you cant have more than 1 level in any
Brains skill to begin with. Similarly, you cant buy the coveted
Pistol 3 skill unless you also have Coordination 3.

For every point your character has in the Brains statistic above 2, you automatically gain an extra point to spend
on Brains skills (but only on Brains skills).

You may also gain extra skills for special training. One
example is the set of skills given to the commandos of the
Talent Operation Groups described in the back of the book.

There is a list of skills to peruse in Part Two: Game
MechanicsSkills on p. 9.

Creating Normal
Human Characters

If youre making normal human, without paranormal Talents, thats it! Skip the Talents section altogether.


Brawling 1
Climb 1
Cryptography 1
Endurance 1
Explosives 1
Grenade 1
Knife-Fighting 1
Machine Gun 1
Map Reading 1
Mortar 1
Navigation (Land) 1
Parachuting 1
Pistol 1
Radio Operation 1
Rifle 1
Stealth 1
Submachine Gun 1
Survival 1
Tactics 1

Keep in mind:
1) For every point your character has in his Brains
statistic above 2, you automatically gain a point
to spend on Brains skills (but only on Brains
skills). Again, the maximum skill level is the stat.
2) Your character automatically has his native
language as a skill at the same level of his Brains
statisticat no cost.

Now you have a solid character for Godlike, feel free to

take some time to go over what youve created and make
sure everything is to your liking. Talk with your GM and
make improvements here and there as you see fit.

Now only one thing stands between the world of
Godlike and your character: Talent powers. When you
think youre ready to decide what paranormal Talent your
character will possesses, head on to the next sectionPart
Four: Talents.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Creating a Character: An
Example, Beginning to End

Well walk you through the creation of a character to

give you an idea of how one comes together. Darren
is going to make a new Talent for Godlike. Lets start
with him at the beginning with background:


Darren decides that he wants to play a brawler. After

some thought he comes up with his development
sentence, which reads: A tough guy with low selfesteem who wants to prove himself in combat.


Darren has his development sentence, and now its

time to choose his country of origin. Darren is good
at mimicking a New Jersey accent, so he decides on
America as his home country, with New Jersey as
his home state. He then pops open the phonebook
and chooses a name at random. Darren settles on the
name John Napolitano for his character.


How old is John Napolitano? Darren asks the GM for

the starting date of the campaign and the GM informs
him that the campaign will begin in 1943. Darren decides that John is a young scrapper, so he makes him
20 years old in 1943, giving him a birth date of 1923.


Darren decides John only has a father, and that his

mother died when he was young. John hates his father
with a passion (the beatings were regular and fierce at
home) and has no contact with him. His father is his
only living relative. John learned to fight early on, and
the rather large chip on his shoulder came from always
being the poor kid in school.


Darren decides John was a poor student, lucky to

stay in school until he was thirteen, when he was
ejected for discipline problems. His lot didnt improve much when he joined the carnival. Far from
the romantic illusion he had, the carnival was dirty
and almost as violent as home. Luckily, John had
learned a lot about fighting since then, and knows
how to take care of himself (mostly). He holds the
highly educated in contempt, and hates to admit he
sometimes has trouble reading complex sentences.


John had some friends in the carnival, mostly other

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

roustabouts like himself, interested in drinking

and having a good time. Given that a number were
drafted, he might meet up with them again.


John has no real dependants to speak of (his father

can rot, for all he cares). Darren decides John has no
one else who is a significant draw on his resources.


John is an angry young man. His motivation to fight

in the war is in his development sentence. He hopes to
prove his self-worth in combat. He wants to see if he
has what it takes. John doesnt fight for obscure morals or some flag, but for himself and his squadmates.


Darren puts 1 down in all of Johns 6 statistics (their

automatic starting level). He now has 6 points to add
to add. Darren wants John to be a fast and wily fighter, relying more on speed than sense, brawn or brains.
Darren puts 1 into Body, giving John a Body of 2. He
puts 2 into Coordination, giving John a Coordination
of 3. After some more careful consideration, Darren
puts 1 into Sense, 1 into Command, 1 into Cool and
no points into Brains. When all 6 points are spent,
John has a Body of 2, a Coordination of 3, a Sense
score of 2, a Brains score of 1, a Command score of
2, and a Cool of 2.

Darren adds Johns Command and Cool score
together to determine his Base Will, which is 4.


Darren has 20 points to spend on Johns skills. He

decides on the following skills.
Body Skills:

Brawling 2

Club (Baseball Bat) 1

Endurance 2

Health 2

Throw 2
Coordination Skills:

Dodge 3

Driving (Car) 1
Sense Skills:

Hearing 2
Cool Skills:

Bluff 2

Lie 1

Mental Stability 2
In addition, he automatically gains his native language at
Brains level, so he gets Language: English at 1, at no cost.

The GM okays his choices, so Darren is done here.
Now its time for him to move onto Part Four: Talents.





CAN YOU HOVER, OR JUST FLY? the Special Sciences

Office guy asked, examining my file. Wait an hour in a field,

talk to a guy who already knows the answers to what hes
asking, then go to bed, get up and do it all again. Training,
questioning, waiting: the holy trinity of the Army.

Hover and fly, I replied, bored already. I had just sat down.

Behind me, in the field, something hit the ground, hard.
So hard the chair I was in shook, and the card table the Special Sciences Office goon had set up rode up for a moment
on one leg. The guys pencils and a couple of papers slid off
into the grass, but he didnt seem to notice. Hell, he didnt
even look up.

I craned my neck around to see that first lieutenant
from Third Platoon, wiping his hands on his shirt. The derelict six-by-six truck he had just thrown was still engulfed
in a cloud of smoke from its impact. He had thrown it
about thirty-five feet. Someone whistled. The brass gathered
near him let out a small chuckle. One general looked green
around the gills, like he was going to lose his lunch right
there in the field, in front of a thousand Talents.

If they arent scared of us yet, I thought, they should
be. They will be.

headaches? the Special Sciences Office guy continued, unfazed by the strong-mans display.

Huh? No. No headaches.

Top speed?

Huh? I dont know. Fast, I guess. Like a car. Behind
me, a guy I didnt know was glowing green and fading
in and out of visibility like a traffic light losing its juice. I
could feel his power in my head like the buzz of the subway
tracks on a rainy night. Watching him, another Special Sciences Office guy took notes, holding a stopwatch. Where
did they get these questions?

You dont know how fast you can go? For the first
time, the scientist looked up at me and really saw me. His
face was filled with something I cant really get across. It

was like disgust with fear mixed in. It was like he knew I
could kill him, that I was more than he was; but at the same
time it was like if he had the same Talent I did, hed damn
well know how fast he could go.

What was I supposed to do, tack a speedometer onto
my fucking chest?

Fast, I said for the last time, staring at him. Finally
he looked away and kept writing.

As I left, I saw OMalley in metal form getting smacked
around with a sledgehammer by two MPs and laughing. I
saw the Ape waiting in line, holding his tiny watch in his
huge gorilla hands, squinting, trying to tell the time with his
beady, stupid eyes. Gorvan was there too, his pack, rifle and
gear floating behind him in invisible hands while he read a
tiny Gift of American Literature copy of Moby Dick.

Stantz was talking to a small crowd of cast-offs from
other squads, who were all laughing. He looked happy, but
also a little scared. Maybe only so I could tell. He nodded at
me as I passed.

Itll happen soon, I thought suddenly, and froze in my
tracks near the edge of the field. I looked up to see if anyone
had noticed, but the Talents around me just kept on chatting and showing off. Inside, I could feel it. I could feel the
end of a cycle, like the seam where the new reel of a movie
is attached to the old one to keep the film going.

What if the old film just sputtered out? What if there
were no new film to be strung to the old to keep it going?
What would happen if it were just the end? There was no
answer. No voice like the one that warned me it would all
happen soon. Most people wished they could just fly away
from their problems. That they could just escape. I could
just fly away. I could just escape.

But for how long, and what would Ellie think of me then?

Instead of going AWOL I went back to the barracks,
smoked a cigarette and went to sleep.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



No one should be able to do what that kid can do, Charlie. Off the record, let me just say, fuck, am I ever
glad hes an American. Things finally seem to be going our way.
General Nathan OSullivan, upon viewing the first film footage of the Indestructible Man stopping a 105
mm howitzer round with his face, November 10, 1941

What Is a Talent?

Talents are strange paranormal powers that the characters

of Godlike possess for some unknown reason. The concept
of the origin story (i.e. I was bitten by a radioactive spider!) found in four-color comics is not recommended for
characters playing in the background presented in Godlike.
Instead, the power just . . . happens. One day the character
is a regular Joe; the next he is a Talent. Sometimes a Talent
manifests because of some stressful or life-threatening event;
other times, by some significant life-changing event (much
like in the comics). Mostly, though, it just happens.

Talent powers differ from person to person and are as
original and complex as the individual personalities they are
a part of. Dozens of Talent examples are provided in Part
Five: Background, on p. 100.

Talent powers are subject to the same idiosyncrasies and
quirks as normal, everyday habits and abilities. Most of the
time their power level depends on the characters emotional
state. Sometimes they dont
work well unless a specific
state of mind is present in the
character. Sometimes they
dont work at all.

The Term

Russian super-humans Severch Loodi (Super-Men). In the

Axis, German super-humans are bermenschen (literally
Over-Men or Super-Men), while the few Japanese superhumans are called Gaki (Hungry Ghosts). Italian superhumans are called Custodes (Guardians).

Reporter Stephen J. Whelan introduced the term
Talent to the public in the New York Times on February
14, 1940. Whelan was researching and writing about the
growing population of parahumans in the world, and during his studies found a book published in 1932, called Wild
Talents, by Charles Foy Fort. This book catalogued strange
and unusual occurrences, including psychic phenomenon
and unusual medical conditions. Fort speculated that what
we call the supernatural might actually be the manifestation of some unknown wild talent which humanity
naturally possesses. Whelan took Forts writing to heart as
he wrote the last section of his article:
If the powers reflected in Forts book are called Wild
Talents, I suppose what
we are seeing now could be
called Talents. Perhaps this
is not an example of a whole
new array of human capabilities, but simply the honing of
some inherent and secret human skill which is just now
coming to light.

The public took to his
shortening of Forts phrase
and soon the word was
inextricably bound to the
phenomenon itself. Still,
before its introduction many
phrases were used to describe the Talent condition.
Early on, Talents were called
super-humans, parahumans
or super-men. Sometimes
these old phrases are still
used, but it is rare. The scientific community still tends
to call them parahumans
(para meaning other
in Latin), and some newspapers still print headlines
using the word super just
to drum up sales. To the
public, however, the amazing people who can do the
impossible will always be
just Talents.

In the countries of the Allied

nations during World War
II, the term Talent is used
to describe anyone with
paranormal abilities. In
other countries and cultures,
parahumans are sometimes
called by different names
(though Talent remains a
popular term, even in nonEnglish speaking countries).
French super-humans are often
called Surhomme (Supermen.) British super-humans
are sometimes called The
Few in reference to Winston
Churchills famous speech
about the pilots of the Battle
of Britain: Rarely has so
much been owed by so many
to so few. Indian superhumans are called Viddyharas
(Learned Ones), Jewish
super-humans Nephilim and

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Whats Possible and Whats Not

The world of Godlike is particular in its disallowance of certain superpowers. Of course, its your game, and you can do
with it what you wish. However, we recommend you stick to
these rules if you want to play in the background provided
in this book. Otherwise, unforeseen problems may arise.

Almost anything is possible, except a few small things.
Besides these few laws, any power you imagine can be
constructed with the Godlike rules.

Definitive Precognition

The ability to see an up-to-the-minute, accurate picture of

the future does not, as far as is known, exist in the world of
Godlike. Precognitives often only see unclear or static images (or have obscure dreams or ideas which they must then
interpret) that change dependent on their reaction to the
vision. The more the precog talks about the vision, the more
the outcome of the event changes from the vision. These
visions are often just plain wrong.

Mind Control

Absolute control of anothers mind does not exist. Some

powers, such as Hypercommand, have equivalent effects.

Talent Absorption or Imitation

The ability for a Talent to absorb or copy another Talents

power has never been seen. Of course, it is readily sought after.

Talent Creation Powers

There has never been a Talent who could make a normal human into a Talent. However, in certain aboriginal
cultures (such as the Bushmen of the Kalahari, the Kachin
of Burma, and the Aborigines of Australia), Talent powers
have been observed to leap from person to person. To these
animistic peoples such powers are simply magic, and therefore teachable, but only to others within their own culture.

Talent Detection Powers

After a fashion, this power exists in every Talent. If a Talent

sees another Talent, and that Talent is using his power, then
the character knows that the
other is one of the elite. But
a broad detection power that
can discern Talents at a distance, or if they are not using
their powers, does not exist.
See Talent Detection on p. 97
for more details.


Telepathy, as commonly
portrayed in books and films,
does not exist. One-way
mental communication does
exist, but the ability to read

anothers mind is beyond the grasp of any Talent. As far as

is known, that is.

Time Travel

Time travel does exist in the world of Godlike, but not in

any broad capacity. Talents do disappear and seemingly interact with the past. The problem is this: Whatever changes
or contact with the past they make do not affect the future
at all, and intelligence gained in the past is often wrong.
People spoken to in the past by the Talent do not remember
doing so when the Talent returns to the present. This leads
analysts to believe that the power may do nothing more
than generate a complex illusion of the past. Nevertheless, it cant be denied that the Talents go somewhere when
they time travel.

True Super-Science

Talents exist who can create incredible devices that appear

to be centuries ahead of the current technological level.
However, despite what they may appear to be and do, these
devices are nothing more than the manifestation of that
particular Talents power. If the device is removed from its
creators sight, it ceases to operate. Under no circumstances
can real scientists replicate this Talent-driven Goldberg
Science. Most of the time, there is nothing in the device
that actually works at all; the device is merely a prop that
acts as a focus for the Talents will.

Unlimited Healing Powers

Powers that heal humans, animals and plants do exist but

are very particular in their use on humans. To be treated
by a healing power a human must be conscious and willing. Those who do not wish to be healed, or those who are
unconscious, cant be healed at all. Its that simple.

How Talents Work

No one knows how Talents work. Somehow, the people

who possess them just seem able to do the impossible.
Flying Talents dont require wings or even a source of
propulsion to take to the air. Hyperstrong Talents dont
need to be rippling with muscles to lift a truck. Bulletproof
Talents dont have to have rock-hard skin for the bullets to
bounce off. In fact, almost every Talent looks completely
human. They have no
discernible features, marks or
anatomical differences that
would set them apart from

This makes them
very effective weapons in
guerrilla warfare, espionage
and insurgency campaigns.
Its hard for the enemy to
confiscate a weapon if its
hidden in your mind, and the
mind seems to be the crux of
the Talent phenomenon.

There seems to be some
link between morale, self-will


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



and the activation of Talent powers. Self-belief seems to
fuel a Talents paranormal abilities. Often disappointments,
depression, defeats or bad news can cause Talent powers to
fail. Again, no one has any real idea why.

Breaking the Law

Talents routinely break laws that no one believed could be

broken by anybody or anything. Name a physical constant
or lawinertia, mass, gravity, or what have youand some
Talent has already bent, twisted and broken it, and made it
look easy.

There are speedsters who move 300 miles per hour on
the ground at a jog and dont muss their hair.

There are strongmen who weigh 98 lbs. soaking wet
but who can stop oncoming trucks with a single outstretched hand. Despite the fact that they have no leverage,
and the truck has far more mass than they do, they bring
the roaring vehicle to a full stop without even leaving footprints in the dirt.

There are men who fly faster than sound whose skin
isnt sloughed off by the incredible wind pressure. In fact,
their skin looks fineand they seem to stay warm and
breathe comfortably, despite the fact that its -40 degrees and
theres not enough pressure to breathe at 25,000 feet.

Talents alternately fascinate and disgust scientists.
There is a perverse feeling of wonder and horror that only
scientists can feel, watching everything they thought they
knew being ripped to pieces by the existence of a man who
can fly, lift a truck, or move objects with his mind.

Studies of Talent abilities hint at the mechanics behind
these strange occurrences, but no definitive proof of just how
the hell they are doing these things, things no one is supposed
to be able to do, is ever found. All the scientists can do is
document how much Talents warp reality with their powers.

So far, no one, not even a Talent, knows how they are
doing it.

Physics and Talent Powers

Talent powers sidestep or rewrite physical reality. They do

not reflect genetic mutations which make the operator
somehow able to control magnetic fields or to fly through
the expulsion of unknown energies from their bodies on
some cellular level. Instead, the Talent represents the power
of the operators mind to supersede physical reality and
rewrite it at his whim. Therefore, almost nothing is impossible for Talent abilities to accomplish (although some
powers remain forbidden by the very nature of the Talent
phenomenon itself). However, the effects of Talent powers
are very fickle and often very fragile. Injury or mental infirmity often causes them to fail. Exactly what happens when
certain powers fail during their use, leaving the Talent in a
sticky predicament (in the air, in mid-teleport or holding up
a 28-ton tank), is left up to the GM to decide. Some powers
are simply more dangerous to use than others.

Is a parahuman passing through a wall with an insubstantiality Talent killed when his power fails, fusing him
with the wall? Or is he expelled on the other side of the
wall unharmed? The effects of such a power failure remain
up to the GM to adjudicate.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Delusions and the Operation

of Talent Powers

Talent abilities are located on the deepest levels of human

consciousness, and as such are linked inextricably with the
subconscious mind. The subconscious, whether its Freuds
id or Jungs shadow, is like a mind unto itself, separate from
the dominant surface consciousness. Deep-seated fears and
desires, along with every other conceivable discarded observation, are stored here, and these ideas affect Talent abilities
in strange and often inexplicable ways.

Some Talents can only use their abilities while singing
a particular song; others only while crossing their eyes or
making complex finger gestures. If they cant complete these
subconscious rituals, the power doesnt work.

Some Talents delusions are far more complex than
others. There are Talents who believe they are aliens from
other planets. Others believe they are the reincarnation of
famous people from days past. Still others believe that they
are divine entities. There are even Talents who think they
are genetic mutants, magical creatures or freakish scientific
mistakes, just like the superheroes of the comic books.

They arent any of these things, of course. Theyre just
Talents. But they believe they are, and they can do amazing things that corroborate their stories. Isnt that all that
really matters?

A Picture Is Worth
a Thousand Words

If a Talent is projecting an image into the minds of

those observing him, does he leave physical traces
behind which match up with that illusory projection? Does the Talent who becomes a wolf leave
behind wolf footprints or human footprints? This
all depends on the Talent. Some Talents powers are
comprehensive and cover every possible contingency.
For example, the Talent who can transform into a
wolf could leave behind wolf hair, wolf footprints,
and even wolf saliva on the people hes bitten (hell,
even the bite mark would look like a wolf bite!).
Such far-reaching powers often do more than simply
project these images into the minds of those present; they actually change the physical realities of the
world. For example, photographs taken of the Talent
reflect what his power wishes them to see, not his
actual hidden human form.

In some cases the power of the Talent is less
perfect, and the illusion is nothing but a projection
into the minds of those present to observe it. No
physical after-effects exist. In this case, a Talent who
transforms into a wolf would leave behind human
footprints, and any photographs of him in wolf-form
would show a man crouching in place of the beast.

The difference between these two types of powers is significant, and is reflected in the game under
the No Physical Change Flaw on p. 56.



Appearances Are Deceiving

As far as is known, despite what their powers may seem

to enable them to accomplish, Talents never actually cease
physically being human beings. There are Talents who appear to transform into animals, both fictional and factual;
Talents who seem to become inanimate objects; theres
even a Talent who may or may not be a walking house (see
Baba Yaga on p. 152). However, as far as these abilities are
understood, no actual transformation occurs outside the
minds of those observing the Talent. All present see what
the Talents power wants them to see.

This ability (called Projected Hallucination by Allied
scientists) seems to enable the Talent to implant ideas or
perceptions in observers heads to make them believe that
such a transformation has taken place. In some cases, this
ability even seems to work on the Talent himself, making
him believe that a transformation has taken place as well. In
other cases this Projected Hallucination is a conscious tool
controlled by the Talent, who can place any idea, picture,
smell, texture or sound in anothers head.

That is not to say that some Talents do not actually
alter local physical effects. Many Talents do actually change
the physical world with their mindor they appear to.
Certain Talents may actually turn invisible, while others
might make others believe they have. As you can imagine, it
is very difficult to determine which is which.

But when a Talent dies, his body is always that of a
normal human. When Talents cancel each others power
out, such illusions vanish instantly. When their power
wanes, they tend to have trouble maintaining consistent
illusions or transformationseven unconscious ones.

But insane Talents are another matter altogether.

The Edge of Sanity

The power of Talents is always based on the same idea: the

ability to bend and warp local reality with the power of
the mind. What happens when the mind that controls such
changes becomes warped, too? Ill tell you: Nothing good.

Talents who slip over the edge of sanity somehow seem
to be even more powerful than normal Talents. No one
really knows why, but some theories exist. One is that the
Talent has lost all self-image due to mental strain and no
longer requires a self to dictate the use of his powers. The
Talents subconscious is let loose with a free rein to control
the powers without being subject to any clear morals, ideas
or rules. The second theory is that somehow the control,
some type of inherent floodgate built into the Talent ability, is
ripped away, allowing the full power of the Talents mind free
despite any danger it might pose to the Talent or reality itself.

Such mad parahumans are extremely dangerous. The
most significant example is Baba Yaga, the Russian monstrosity who, since his madness and powers manifested at the
same time, transformed into a small walking house (recreating an image from a Russian fairy tale) and wreaked havoc
all over Russia, killing Germans and Russians alike. Baba
Yaga proved invulnerable to both normal and Talent attacks.
Somehow, other Talents cannot interfere with his ability.

No one truly knows whether this makes him a Talent
or something more.

A Note About Negation:

The Zed Talent

Zed is a Talent power which negates the effect Talent

powers have on the environment. It is the only Talent
power that can affect another Talent in a destructive manner without activating a Contest of Wills.
In truth, it is not affecting the targeted Talent at all.
Instead of stopping the Talent effect from happening,
it detects and counters what the targets power is doing to the environmentwhich is why it works.

Some Talents unconsciously project their Zed
power, affecting all Talents within a certain range
(see Radius Table on p. 92) while others can target
specific Talents at will.

A flyer targeted by the Zed power would lose
his capability to keep himself airborne (because the
Zed power would push him downwards) and would
probably crash with catastrophic results. A Hyperbody Talent targeted by the Zed power would be
squashed like a bug underneath the tank he was up
until that point lifting, which suddenly became far
more difficult to lift.

Zedfrom the British use of the letter Z, the
first letter of zerois a very effective and relatively
common power in Godlike. Almost every world leader and secure location in the world is looked after by
a Talent possessing the Zed power.

Hitlers personal Zed Talent, Null, was perhaps
the most powerful Zed ever. In one conflict during
the last days of Nazi power in Berlin, Null effectively
cut off and rendered thirty-five forward acting Soviet
Talents powerless, whereupon they were overcome
and killed by the Volksturm.

Talent Against Talent

In combat, Talents are quite effective against normal humans.

Many powerful Talents can sweep through dozens, even hundreds of heavily armed humans before falling in combat. But
when two Talents clash, things get very interesting.

First of all, when Talents attempt to use their powers
directly on other Talents they report a feeling of resistance or interference lessening or preventing the use of
their ability. Sometimes during one of these struggles, one
Talent suddenly overwhelms the other. The others power
fails, almost as if strength were transferred between them by
some unknown process.

The Talent power in question must be used in a direct
assault on another Talent to be affected by this defensive
struggle. Otherwise, it just works.

For instance, a Talent could try to prevent another
Talent from shooting him with heat rays from his eyes, but
could not prevent another Talent from hefting and throwing a tank at him. The heart of the matter seems to be
what is affected. In one instance, the heat-rays affect the
Talent himself so his inherent ability defends him. In the
other, only the tank is affected; nothing about its deadliness comes from the attacking Talent (except its untoward


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



flight through the air as a
Second, when two Talents see each other, and one
or more is using their powers,
each automatically knows the
other is a Talent. Sight and the
attempt to activate a power
are the necessary elements
here. Without both of them, a
Talent can remain anonymous
and invisible, even right under
the nose of other Talents.
If youre a Talent and you
see another Talent using his
power, each of you can immediately tell the other is a Talent.
This is because you are using your own Talent to detect the
other Talent. This ability is unconscious and automatic.
Third, surprise attack negates any struggle between
powers. If you are unaware of a Talent attack, then your
Will cannot work against it. An ambush with Talent powers
is just as deadly to a Talent (at least initially) as it is to a
normal human being. This makes combat between Talents
just as deadly as combat between normal troops. Whichever
Talent has the advantage of surprise can stay hidden and
well prepared, and will most likely win or at least cause
many casualties before being killed.
See When Wills Collide on p. 95 for more details.

Creating a Talent Power

for Your Character

There are two ways to set up the Talent powers for your
character: the cafeteria approach and the gourmet approach.

The cafeteria approach is the easiest. You look at all
the powers listed in this book and you buy the ones you
want, modifying them with Extras (which expand their
use) or Flaws (which restrict their use), as you see fit. Its
easy, its quick, you dont argue and the stuff is all there in
black and white.

The gourmet approach is more complex, but it allows
you to make up any ability a Talent might have. Want to
be able to remove the property of inertia from objects, or
change the color of any object you can see? Talk it over
with your GM, figure out a reasonable set of costs and buy
it. This involves a lot of subjectivity on the part of you and
your GM, so be a good sport if he wont give you everything you want. Think of it as the price you pay for creative

Regardless of which approach you use, you need to
know how all Talent powers are modeled, how theyre used
and how theyre paid for.

Power Mechanics

Talent powers work like everything else in the game: You roll
a set number of dice and look for matches. However, given
that possessing a Talent means that you have the ability to
reconfigure reality more to your liking, there are two dice
tricks that are used primarily for modeling Talent powers.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Theyre called Hard Dice and

Wiggle Dice.

Hard Dice: A hard die
is a die in a dice pool that is
always a 10. You dont roll it.
Its just automatically a ten. If
you have a dice pool with two
or more Hard Dice, you will
always succeed (and succeed
dramatically) at simple tasks
using that skill or stat (unless
of course, you are opposed by
someone who has more 10s
in their dice pool). Like every
other die, Hard Dice count
towards the ten-die maximum.

Wiggle Dice: A wiggle die is like a wild card in poker.
You can assign any number to this die after youve rolled
the other dice in the pool. This is even better than a hard
die, because any simple roll with a wiggle die succeeds, and
if you have two Wiggle dice, you can choose any height
for that success. Like every other die, Wiggle dice count
towards the ten-die maximum.
Example: Suppose you have four regular dice and one
wiggle die in your pool. You roll 1,6,8,10. Normally
that would be a failure. But you can take your wiggle
die and make it a ten as well, giving you a pair of tens.
On the other hand, if you later roll 1,4,4,8, you have
a choice. You can either make the wiggle die an eight
(giving you a higher match if you want a better success)
or make it a four (giving you a quicker action with a
trio instead of just a pair).

Using Hard Dice and

Wiggle Dice in the Game

Since these two dice types are exceptions to the regular dice
rules, they deserve careful examination. Lets have a look at
Hard Dice first.

Hard Dice are always 10, so naturally if you have 2hd
in anything, you will always achieve a dramatic success. But
what happens when you use Hard Dice in combat? Since its
always a 10, do you always hit the target in the head? Can
you make called shots with Hard Dice?

The answer is that multiple Hard Dice always hit (unless theyre dodged or blocked). If you can see the target
(even a hit location which is not the head), you can hit the
target. However, when you hit it, the attack is counted as
an attack towards the head for the sake of damage only.
The GM might say you hit the target in the arm, or the leg
or the torso, and describe the hit in that way, but the damage is still counted towards the head. So the answer is no,
you cannot choose to make a called shot with Hard Dice,
because even if you do, the attack is counted as a hit to
the head for damage purposes. When attacking an object,
consider it an attack against the weakest part of the object.
Hard Dice lack finesse, but theyre deadly.

There is one way around the Hard Dice hit location
conundrum. If your Hard Dice are in an attack dice pool along
with other regular dice, you can discard the Hard Dice and try



to hit with the regular dice as per a normal attack.

When using Hard Dice in non-combat situations, they
become much more basic. With 2hd in any skill, you will be
able to at least match the performance of anyone with the
same skill (but not the speed unless your width is better).

Wiggle Dice are much more versatile. With 2 Wiggle
Dice, you can hit any hit location you choose (you must see
the hit location you want to hit, however). Also, Wiggle Dice
are much more friendly towards regular dice in the same
dice pool. Since you can choose what a Wiggle Die becomes
after the roll, you can match it to whatever matches you already have in your regular set. Hard Dice are much harder to
use in normal dice sets, since unless a regular die in that pool
comes up a 10, its useless. Wiggle Dice are very useful as
well when it comes to multiple actions. If you split your dice
pool that has 2 Wiggle Dice and 3 regular dice, even with the
1d penalty, you can always succeed at those two actions.

The utility of Wiggle Dice increases in non-combat situations. In a dynamic contest, they become very useful because
you declare what you want the wiggle die to be after all the
dice are rolled. So you can look at what your opponent rolled
and beat it, by any amount if you have 2wd or more in your
set (unless its a set of 10, then you could just match it). Since
Wiggle Dice are much more friendly towards regular dice,
you can usually choose to have a tall or wide set (sometimes
both). With Hard Dice, its usually only a tall set. In combat,
the difference between a match of 2 dice and a match of 3
dice is huge. Wiggle Dice have the advantage over Hard Dice,

Talents Redux

Heres a simple breakdown of what you need to do

to create your characters Talent powers.
1) Cook up an idea: Either pick through the cafeteria choices or make up your own Talent. Sit
down with the GM and come up with an idea
for a superpower. Take your time, and ask the
GM what the Theme of the game is (p. 283);
then youll know the size of the starting Will
point pool. This is the number of points you
have to buy Talent dice for your powers.
2) Decide on a cost: Modify your Talent power
with Extras and Flaws (p. 52) which expand
or restrict the use of the power, and determine
its final point cost. Then check with your GM;
he may see another way of doing it that might
make your power more affordable.
3) Adjust your Base Will: If you have any Will
points left over, you can spend them to increase
your Base Will at a point per point cost. (You can
only get Base Will at this special reduced rate during character creation). Having a higher Base Will
makes your powers work better. If you have no
points left after buying your Talent, tough luck.
4) Turn your character sheet in to the GM: Let the
GM do a once-over of your character sheet, just
so he can familiarize himself with the details and
catch any possible problems. Once he okays it,
thats it, you have your Talent!

as width and not height determines initiative.

Hard Dice are blunt, Wiggle Dice are flexible.

If you lose dice due to a penalty (such as attacking at
long range or attempting multiple actions), you lose Hard
Dice first, then normal dice when there are no more Hard
Dice, then Wiggle Dice if theyre all thats left.

Buying (and Promoting) Dice

Normal dice, using the basic d10, are used to resolve most
actions, while Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice are used (usually)
to resolve parahuman activities.

The dice, in order of cost (and notably, usefulness in
achieving success in the game), are as follows:
Least Powerful.............................................. Most Powerful
Basic d10
Hard Dice
Wiggle Dice

When you purchase your characters Talents at the outset,
its pretty straightforward. You work out the cost of your
powers, then simply buy the dice you want (up to your
point limit). Bear in mind that you really should leave some
points unspent to put into your Base Will, or youre not going to stand much of a chance when facing enemy Talents.
Example: Lets say you want to buy 3 normal dice (3d)
and 2 Hard Dice (2hd) in Invisibility for your character. The base cost of Invisibility is 4/8/16 . . . or 4 per
die, 8 per hard die, and 16 per wiggle die. Assuming
you have the points, all you do is spend 3x4=12 points
for your 3 regular dice, then spend 2x8=16 points for
your Hard Dice (If you wanted a wiggle die to go with
it, just pay 16 more points and its yours). The grand
total would be 12+16=28 Will Points.
Now say youve been playing a while and you want to
improve your Invisibility. Want to buy more dice? Spend the
basic cost per die in Base Will and the regular dice are yours.
But say you want to promote your Hard Dice to Wiggle
Dice, or regular dice to Hard Dice. Easy. All you do is check
the difference between the dice costs and pay it. To promote
your two Hard Dice up to Wiggle Dice in the above example,
you look at the cost for Hard Dice, 8 points, and the cost for
Wiggle Dice, 16 points. So youd have to pay eight points
apiece for the two Hard Dice in your pool to become Wiggle
Dice, or 16 points altogether. The same goes for promoting
regular dice to Hard Dice; just pay the difference.

For more examples of Talent creation, have a look
at the first ten Talents (from Part Five: Background) as
detailed in Appendix B: NPCs, on p. 310.

Will: The Brief Version

The Will Trait is covered in depth in at the end of this section, starting on page 93. But in brief, its a measure of the
peculiar strength of personality that fuels Talent abilities.

Your character has a Base Will rating (equal to his
Cool+Command) which reflects his usual confidence level.
Will Points start equal to Base Will but can rise and fall as
the character gains (or loses) confidence in his powers. If
you have a lot of Will, your powers are more reliable, even
in conflict with other Talents. If your Will is low, your abili-


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



ties may fail you when you
need them most.

Normal people dont
have fluctuating Will points,
only a Base Will statistic.

The answer is: It
depends. Do you want a
distance attack, or does your
character do it with his bare
hands? Like many things, its
all in the details, and those
details are up to you.
Godlikes system is
designed to be a guideline for
you to develop the powers
you want for your character.
The operative words here
are guideline and your
character. It is important
you get what you want, so
think carefully. Which game
mechanic best models what
you want your character to
do? Most likely, thats the one
you want, even if its a little
more expensive than the other

How Powers
are Acquired
and Paid For

Just as youre given pools of

points to buy stats and skills,
you start with a pool of Will
points to buy Talent powers.
The number of points you
have to spend on powers
depends on how powerful
the GM wants your starting
characters to be. If he wants
a high-powered game, he
might give you 70 points. If
hes looking for mild Talents,
it might be as low as 15. The default standard for starting
Talents is 25. (See Theme in Part Eight: The Campaign on
p. 282 for more on this).

Hyperstats, Hyperskills,
and Miracles

There are three kinds of Talent powers. Of course, there are

hundreds or even thousands of Talent powers, but they all
fit into three general categories.

First, there are Hyperstats. These are simply normal
human qualities like intelligence or physical strength exaggerated to super-human levels. The game mechanics cover
these by simply adding levels to your normal stats, or by
making dice in normal stats Hard or Wiggle Dice.

Next, there are Hyperskills. Like Hyperstats, these are
modeled by adding extra or special dice to ordinary skills.
Theyre just more specific (and therefore cheaper) than

Finally, there are Miracles. These are the uncanny powers that normal people just cannot do: Its a difference of
kind, not of degree. Anyone can lift some weight; someone
with a Body Hyperstat can just do a lot more of it. Similarly, someone with a medicine Hyperskill is just much more
reliable at surgery than someone with a normal medicine
skill. However, no ordinary person can turn invisible or
change metal into ice. Those are Miracles.

Which to Choose?

Choosing between Hyperstats, Hyperskills and Miracles can

sometimes be difficult. For example, in order to have the power
to break through armor plate, you could choose from the following Talents: a Hyperstat in Body; 3 Hard Dice in Break; or a
Harm power with a Penetration Extra. All three accomplish the
same thing. Which do you choose if you want a Talent who can
bust through steel plate?

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Gaining New Powers

Can a Talent gain completely new Miracles, Hyperstats or

Hyperskills? After all, your character spontaneously developed one (or more) bizarre powers. Whats to stop it from
happening again?

In theory, nothing. In practice, its almost unheard of.
Developing Talent powers requires a wrenching and fundamental change in how an individual perceives himself and
the world around him. This rarely happens more than once
in a single lifetime.

In rules terms, anybody can raise a stat or skill up to
5. But if you didnt already have a Hyperskill or Hyperstat
as a starting character, you cant simply raise it past normal
human limits in the course of the game. To gain a new Hyperstat or Hyperskill during play costs 30 Will in addition
to the usual costs of the level itself.

Gaining new Miracle powers is even more difficult. Its
possible to buy the first level in an entirely new Miraclebut
doing so costs 50 Will plus the usual cost. If youre willing
to build up that kind of stockpile and then deplete it utterly,
you can get one die in a new Miracle. Of course, without a
second die to back it up its unlikely to be useful, but you can
improve it over time.

This cost can be ameliorated somewhat if youre
buying a new power thats thematically similar to an old
Miracle you possess. In that case, the cost is 40 Will plus
the usual cost to gain a single die.

When are powers thematically similar? The answer
is, When the GM thinks they are. A person who can turn
invisible can probably get the ability to turn objects invisible for 40 pointsbut for teleportation, its going to be
the full 50. Similarly, someone with the Transform power
could make a case for getting the Dead Ringer power at the
reduced ratebut not Jinx. Accept your GMs decision.

The only exception to this rule is for those Talents who
have gone so utterly insane that their grasp of reality is exceptionally loose. To such a damaged mind, the question of



thematic similarity is moot. Instead, they can purchase the
powers best suited to adapting the world to their dementia.
When this comes into play is up to the GM.


Hyperstats are a little more expensive than Hyperskills

because theyre more broadly applicable. Theyre regular
statistics such as Body, Coordination or Brains exaggerated
to previously unachievable levels.

To determine the total level of your Hyperstat, add the
dice of your Hyperstat to the dice of the stat of the same
name. If your power fails, your Hyperstat vanishes, leaving
the stat at its base level.

Point Cost to Purchase


Example: Chuck has a Hyperstat of 2hd in Body, and he

has a regular Body score of 4d. So, his total Body (when
his Talent is working) is 4d+2hd (6d for lifting purposes).
When his Talent is inactive, his Body is just 4d.
Note: Secondary abilities listed at each level of a Hyperstat
are not cumulative. When you buy a Hyperstat at a certain
level, you only get the secondary abilities listed at that level,
not the benefits of all lower levels as well.


Characters with inhuman levels of Body can lift much greater

weights than normal people (obviously). This ability seems to
amplify the performance of the muscles of the body through
unknown means. Lungs, legs, arms, even the muscles of the
mouth seem to enjoy an increased capacity which leads to
some interesting and sometimes useful side effects.

This is not to say that the ability necessarily makes the
person a rippling mass of muscles. Instead, some invisible
force amplifies the muscles of the body, no matter how weak
they are naturally. Your
98 lb. Caspar Milquetoast
with Hyperbody is able to
pick up cars and fling them,
much to his delight. The
other advantage to having a
Hyperstat in Body is that it
seems to boost metabolism,
health, and healing.

Body 6 (Tested Lift

800 lbs to 1 Ton)

Body 6 Secondary Abilities

+1 wound box to your torso and each limb.

+2 width to punch, kick and strangle damage.
Ability to hit strong materials without damage.

Note: This does not grant you any immunity to attacks
made with such materials.

Body 7 (Tested Lift 1 to 2 Tons)

Hyperstats Table
Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

and each limb. In addition, you can attack materials usually

far too strong to be affected by human flesh. This is not to
say that you can punch through such materials, only that
you can attack those materials without incurring damage
while doing so.

Your fists and feet cause killing damage in attacks instead of

shock. You can breach armor as if you are a weapon with
a Penetration value of 3. Also, you gain +1 wound box to
your torso and each limb and you gain back an extra shock
point of damage back on each location after battle.

Body 7 Secondary Abilities

+1 wound box to your torso and each limb.

Ability to hit strong materials without damage.
Fist and kicks cause killing damage instead of shock.
+1 width to punch, kick and strangle damage.
Your limbs have a Penetration rating of 3.
You gain an extra shock point of damage back after
each battle.
Example: Henry has a Body of 7. He wants to punch
through a PzKpfw II with an Armor Rating of 3. On a
successful attack roll, Henry can punch right through
the armor, as if he were a weapon with a Penetration
quality of 3, while a Talent with a Body of 6 could not.

Body 8 (Tested Lift 2 to 4 Tons)

You can use every muscle in your body in amazing ways. With
Body 8, you can leap your Body distance in yards in a broad
jump or half your Body stat in yards in a vertical leap. You can
scream strong enough to shatter glass at more than a meter.
Your limbs have Penetration
4 automatically, and you can
attempt to tear open armor
equal to your Body rating on
a successful roll, ruining it
against subsequent attacks.
Also, you gain +1 Wound box
to your torso and each limb
and 2 extra points of shock
evaporate on each location
after battle.

Body 8 Secondary

+1 wound box to your
torso and each limb.

Ability to hit strong
materials without damage.

Fist and kicks cause

You are super-humanly

strong and can perform feats
beyond the abilities of the
strongest human. You gain
+1 wound box to your torso


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



killing damage instead

of shock damage.
+2 width to punch, kick
and strangle damage.
Your unarmed attacks
have Penetration 4.
On a successful roll you
can breach armor equal
to your Body stat.
Two extra points of
shock evaporate on each
location after battle.
You can broad jump
your Body distance in
You can jump half your
Body stat in a vertical
leap in yards.
You can shout loud
enough to shatter glass at a yard.

Your unarmed attacks
have Penetration 5.

On a successful roll,
you can breach armor equal
to your Body stat.

All shock damage to
each location automatically
evaporates after each battle.

You can broad jump
triple your Body distance in

You can jump twice
your Body stat vertically in

You can shatter glass
within sight range with a


Body 9 (Tested Lift 4 to 6 Tons)

At level 9, you can leap your Body stat in yards vertically

and double your Body stat in yards in a broad jump. You
can exhale hard enough to inflate a truck tire. You can tear
a half dozen sheets of tempered steel in half without breaking a sweat. You gain +1 wound box to your torso and
each limb and all shock damage to each limb automatically
evaporates after each battle.

Body 9 Secondary Abilities

+1 wound box to your torso and each limb.

Ability to hit strong materials without damage.
Fist and kicks cause killing damage instead of shock
+3 width to punch, kick and strangle damage.
Your unarmed attacks have Penetration 4.
On a successful roll, you can breach armor equal to
your Body stat.
All shock damage to each location automatically
evaporates after each battle.
You can broad jump double your Body distance in yards.
You can jump your Body stat in a vertical leap in yards.
You can exhale hard enough to inflate a truck tire.

Body 10 (Tested Lift 6 to 10 Tons)

You are incredibly strong. You can shout and shatter glass
within sight range. You can throw objects up to 3 tons as if
they were as heavy as baseballs. Your vertical leap is twice
your Body in yards and three times your Body in a broad
jump. You gain +1 wound box to your torso and each limb
and all shock damage to your body automatically evaporates after each battle.

Body 10 Secondary Abilities

+1 wound box to your torso and each limb.

Ability to hit strong materials without damage.
Fist and kicks cause killing damage instead of shock
+4 width to punch, kick and strangle damage.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Hypercoordinated Talents are known for their inhuman

speed, stealth and accuracy. This ability amplifies the
response speed and control of muscles, causing an incredible
increase in motor skills.

Coordination 6

You are faster than any human, and can climb, swing, catch
and throw with amazing agility. You can scale climbable
objects with the ease of a chimpanzee, and tumble and roll
like a champion gymnastwithout any training.

Coordination 6 Secondary Abilities

You are as agile as a chimpanzee.

Coordination 7

You can do all the above and in addition can contort

into amazing configurations without injury. You are so
fast that you can move your hand literally quicker than
the eye, and can dodge gun attacks if you know you are
about to be shot at. (This is treated as a defensive use of
a power; see p. 98.)

Coordination 7 Secondary Abilities

You are as agile as a chimpanzee.

You can contort into any conceivable position.
You can try to dodge perceived gun attacks.

Coordination 8

You can catch arrows in flight. You can leap, swing and
climb objects so well you appear to be sticking to the
wall. The width of any perceived, successful hand-to-hand
attack against you is reduced by 1. If the roll was 2x, this
means no damage is taken.

Coordination 8 Secondary Abilities

You climb so well, you appear to stick to walls.

You can try to dodge perceived gun attacks.
You can contort into any conceivable position.



You can catch fast objects in flight.

You can dodge multiple attacks without penalty.
Perceived hand-to-hand attacks against you have their
width reduced by 1.

Coordination 9

All hand-to-hand weapon attacks against you have their

width reduced by 2. You may use multiple actions without
penalty to dodge.

Coordination 9 Secondary Abilities

You climb so well, you appear to stick to walls.

You can try to dodge perceived gun attacks.
You can contort into any conceivable position.
You can catch blindingly fast objects in flight.
You can dodge multiple attacks without penalty.
Perceived hand-to-hand attacks against you have their
width reduced by 2.

Coordination 10

You are a perfect example of physical excellence. All

muscles are absolutely under your control. You can flex or
unflex any muscle in your body, including those muscles in
your internal organs. The width of any successful attack
against you is reduced by 2provided youre aware of the
attack. This includes attacking Talents, if the attack could
conceivably be dodged.

Coordination 10 Secondary Abilities

You climb so well, you appear to stick to walls.

You can control any muscle in your body.
You can try to dodge perceived gun attacks.
You can contort into any conceivable position.
You can catch fast objects in flight.
You can dodge multiple attacks without penalty.
All perceived attacks against you have their width
reduced by 2.


and touch.

A high Sense Hyperstat grants the character an
inhumanly high level of perception, utilizing all five of his
senses. If you wish to have a Talent with a single sense
which is super-human, simply buy that individual sense
skill as a Hyperskill (see below). If you wish to see, hear or
sense something normally outside of the range of human
perception (see X-rays or heat, hear subsonics, etc.), buy
this as a separate Miracle (see Perception on p. 79).

Sense 6

Your senses are as sharp as an animals. You can smell targets

before you see them; you can see in the dark and hear with
preternatural accuracy. Your taste is also acute, but less so
than your other senses.

Sense 6 Secondary Abilities

Your senses are as sharp as an animals.

Sense 7

It is impossible to sneak up on you under normal

circumstances. You can detect motion through hearing,
sight or smell up to a quarter of a mile.

Sense 7 Secondary Abilities

Sense 8

You can see in the dark, identify targets by smell, taste

individual chemicals in a mixture and locate and identify
dozens of singular sounds amidst a cacophony. You can also
read printed materials by touch alone.

Sense 8 Secondary Abilities

Characters with inhumanly high levels of Sense cannot

detect things outside of the human range of perception,
but can utilize those senses
with a much higher level
of accuracy, skill and
ability. For example, with
a Hyperstat in Sense, a
character could differentiate
between the components
of a cacophony of sound.
He could locate and
separate every individual
sound, noting each sounds
direction, source and decibel
level; but that same Talent
could not hear ultrasonic or
subsonic sounds, since the
human ear is not capable of
detecting them. The same
goes for sight, hearing, smell

Your senses are as sharp as an animals.

You are impossible to ambush under normal circumstances.
You can detect motion at a quarter mile or less through
hearing, sight or smell.

Your senses are as sharp as an animals.

Under normal circumstances, its impossible to sneak
up on you.
You can detect motion at half a mile through hearing,
sight or smell.

You can see in the

You can identify
targets by smell.

Your taste is so acute
you can differentiate between
chemicals in a mixture.

You can differentiate
between dozens of sounds
amidst a cacophony.

You can read printed
materials by touch alone.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Sense 9

Your senses are almost perfect. You can see in near absolute
darkness, smell targets a mile away and track by scent
alone. Your hearing is so good you can attack with a
firearm using sound alone as a guide at only a -1d to such
attacks. Your sense of touch is so good you can detect
the movement of small creatures at a distance by feeling
vibrations through the ground with your hands.

Sense 9 Secondary Abilities

Your senses are as sharp as an animals.

Under normal circumstances, its impossible to ambush
You can see in near absolute darkness.
You can detect motion at more than a mile through
ground vibrations.
You can identify targets by smell at more than a mile
and track by scent.
Your taste is so acute you can differentiate between
chemicals in a mixture.
You can differentiate between dozens of sounds amidst
a cacophony.
You can aim attacks
using hearing alone as a
guide at -1d.
You can read printed
materials by touch


Hyperbrainy characters are experts at memory, deduction,

reasoning and learning. These Talents are often so smart their
deductions are beyond the abilities of the normal man to
grasp. Their leaps in logic are often too bizarre for ordinary
thinking to handle, and their assumptions are what we would
call breakthrough thinking, except for the fact that they
are so far out there, they might as well be gibberish.

For every two points of Brains a character has above 6, he
gets an additional experience point each session, representing
his increased ability to learn new things and understand the
best ways to improve himself.

Furthermore, anyone with Brains 5+ has photographic
memory and total recall: Any second of his life can be
recalled with perfect clarity. The complex pattern of figures
in a Japanese book becomes as easily remembered as a
square or a circle is to less powerful intellects.

People with Brains in excess of 7 can calculate figures
as fast as a modern computer.

Role-playing hyper-brains can be a lot of fun.
Invariably, they seem scatter-brained to normals, as their
prodigious minds are often
elsewhere, wandering in some
mental wonderland. But
when an intellectual problem
surfaces, their power goes to
work and all questions about
their mental competence are
put to rest.

Sense 10

Brains 5

Your senses are absolutely

perfect. If there is a stimulus
within the ranges of the
human senses, you sense it.
Nothing can sneak up on
you under any circumstance.
You can attack invisible
Talents hand-to-hand
without any penalty, and see through illusions, camouflage
and other forms of obfuscation without even rolling.

Sense 10 Secondary Abilities

Your senses are as sharp as an animals.

Its impossible to sneak up on you.
You can see in near absolute darkness.
You can attack invisible Talents without penalty.
You see through camouflage and illusions automatically.
You can detect motion at more than a mile through
ground vibrations.
You can identify targets by smell at more than a mile
and track by scent.
Your taste is so acute you can differentiate between
chemicals in a mixture.
You can differentiate between dozens of sounds amidst
a cacophony.
You can aim firearm attacks using hearing alone as a
guide at -1d.
You can read printed materials by touch alone.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Brains 5 is listed because it is

possible for normal humans.

Brains 5 Secondary

You have

photographic memory.

Brains 6

Your photographic memory includes sounds and smell as

well as sight.

Brains 6 Secondary Abilities

You have a photographic memory with sound and


Brains 7

You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer. Every

memory of every event ever experienced by you is accessible
by your conscious mind.

Brains 7 Secondary Abilities

You have a comprehensive photographic memory.

You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.



Why Dont Hyperbrains. . .

. . . change the world? People with the massive intellect

generated by a Hyperbrain stat put Einstein to shame, yet
they have little impact on the world of Godlike. Why?

In the first place, not many people can understand just what the Hyperbrains are talking about.
Their facts, formulae and ideas are so far beyond the
norm that even an experienced research scientist is
pretty much in the dark. They develop mathematics
based on concepts only they understand and couldnt
explain if they tried. Others without the necessary
intellect just cant comprehend what the Hyperbrains
are thinking or even talking about.

This would seem to point to some Hyperbrain
breakthroughs in science; or if they were that smart,
some sort of hyperbrain coup. Why dont the Hyperbrains create technology beyond the norm or try to
rule the world?

Because the Hyperbrains dont really care to.

The world of ideas is far more interesting
to the truly brilliant than the real world is. Most
Hyperbrains are lost in thought all the time. Theyre
crunching numbers, examining scenarios, or working
on difficult, abstract problems that seem incomprehensible to normals.

This is backed up by non-Hyperbrains in actual
history. Oppenheimer and his fellow scientists created the atomic bomb out of love for science, not
war. They only really considered the implications
of what they had done when the first bomb was sitting in Trinity, about to be tested. Up to that point,
they were in another world of problem-solving and
thought, seeking the pathways that would lead to
splitting the atom.

Unlike these almost-Hyperbrains, true Hyperbrains possess a level of empathy never before seen
by mankind, which is also responsible to no small
degree for their lack of impact on scientific development. Not only can a Hyperbrain construct a weapon that could kill tens of thousands of people, he can
clearly imagine the impact such a device would have
on those individual people, their families, and even
the world. Its difficult to kill someone, or participate
in their death, if you know, to the tiniest detail, just
what theyre feeling.

In the world of Godlike, most Hyperbrains
are in the employ of world governments examining
numbers. Most spend the war adding up charts and
figures and taxes and even neutron yields. Although
some Hyperbrains do work in research fields, they
fail to do much more than offer up minor changes
or handle the everyday brunt of adding, subtracting,
multiplying or dividing really big numbers. Some
participate in combat, but their numbers are very

Hyperbrains pretty much only get along with
other Hyperbrains. They dont care to do much else;
theyre too busy exploring internal vistas that ordinary people could never see.

Brains 8

All events you experience are automatically cross-referenced

by your mind and can be recalled with total clarity. You can
reproduce a nearly photographic line-drawing of anything
you have seen, and can transpose conversations you have
overheard but did not pay attention to as if they were going
on right in front of you.

Brains 8 Secondary Abilities

You have a photographic memory and can recall

anything you have sensed.
You can make a nearly photographic drawing of
anything you have seen.
+1 experience point per session.
You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.

Brains 9

You can consider and attempt to solve a problem with your

prodigious intellect even while asleep!

Brains 9 Secondary Abilities

You have a photographic memory and can recall

anything you have sensed.
You can consider intellectual problems even while asleep.
You can make a nearly photographic drawing of
anything you have seen.
+1 experience point per session.
You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.

Brains 10

You are a thinking machine, and have a photographic

memory on a level not easily understood by the common
man. Every event ever experienced by you is recorded,
along with every nuance of the situation down to the
smallest observable detail. A facial twitch, the placement
of a tablecloth on a table, the number of squares in a tile
floor, all this and more is obvious to you, along with your
exact emotional state during such situations. At this level, it
is almost as if you were experiencing every moment of your
life over and over again-simultaneously.

Brains 10 Secondary Abilities

Your memory is flawless, and you recall everything with

perfect clarity.
You can consider intellectual problems even while asleep.
You can make a nearly photographic drawing of
anything you have seen.
+2 experience points per session.
You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.


This Talent power scares the brass more than anything else.
Hypercommand is more than simply powerful rhetorical
skills. People listening to orators with Hypercommand often
have lowered heart rates, decreased blink rates and other
symptoms of hypnosis. Naturally, nothing scares a normal
leader more than someone with parahuman charisma, who
can make the most suicidal or irrational command seem
attractive. These effects rarely last, and often fade over


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Command 9

time, if the Talent cannot

continuously re-apply his
Command Hyperstat to the

Unlike Hypercool,
the stat levels gained from
Hypercommand do not
contribute to Base Will.

The primary limitation
to Hypercommand is
comprehension. A German
Talent with Command 10
cant convince an American
GI even to untie his boots
if the American doesnt
understand German and
the German has no English.
Similarly, individuals who
have been deafened (by
shellfire, for example) cannot
be swayed with high levels of
Command. (See Thought Control on p. 87 for more details).

Command 9 Secondary Abilities

Command 6

You are extremely persuasive and can change the mind of

the staunchest opponent in an intellectual argument, given
enough time. This is only useful in a friendly situation
like a calm discussion or debate. In true arguments (an
interrogator against a prisoner, for instance), the benefits of
this level of hypercommand do not function. But you still
get to roll all the dice in your pool, of course.

Command 6 Secondary Abilities

You are amazingly persuasive in common conversation.

People believe what you have to say.

Command 7

You can convince any one person of anything, given

enough time to talk to them. You can make even the most
uncomfortable proposal seem somehow appealing, and can
reverse even the most indoctrinated persons views to your
own, or to anything you wish.

You can sway crowds so thoroughly (given enough time to

do so), that they will follow you to the ends of the earth
and do anything for you. At this level you can bypass
any indoctrination, training or resistance with ease. If
you give an individual your undivided attention, you can
instill your own indoctrination with simple sentences.
This brainwashing can take less than a minute. You must
however, overcome your targets Cool+Command in a
dynamic contest with your Command Hyperstat.

Command 10 Secondary Abilities

You can convince anyone of anything in a matter of days.

Command 8

You can sway crowds of people to any point of view given

the proper amount of time. Even commands encouraging
suicide, murder, rape or other anti-social behavior seem
somehow beneficial to the targets when they are under
the effect of your power. (But they might be subject to
retroactive Mental Stability checks when your power wears

Command 8 Secondary Abilities

You can convince crowds of anything in a matter of hours.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

You can convince crowds of anything in a matter of

You can bark orders in a voice that will cause a single
subject to obey a simple command before he can
consider the consequences of such an action.

Command 10

Command 7 Secondary Abilities

You can bark orders in

a voice so commanding
that a single subject reacts
and performs the action
before he can even consider
the consequences. Your
power must win a dynamic
contest against the targets
Cool+Command roll. These
reflex commands must
be relatively simple. Shoot
yourself! would work, but
Make me some soup!
would not, since it would
take some time to complete.
(But with a few minutes to
talk, of course, you could
persuade the target to make
soup willingly.)

You can convince crowds of anything in less than an

You can bark orders in a voice that will cause a single
subject to obey a simple command before he can
consider the consequences of such an action.
You can instill your own indoctrination into targets in
a few simple sentences.


Some of the subtlest Talents are those whose powers are

internal, not external. Characters who are inhumanly
Cool seem eerily composed in almost any circumstance.
Some Hypercools dont even register as Talents during
government tests (until another Talent senses them), because
the attributes of Talent-level Cool primarily consist of selfknowledge and self-command.

For every point of Cool above 5, a character can add
one level of width to all combat rolls, but only for the
purpose of initiative; this increase does not affect damage.



For every level of Cool purchased with Will points, the
character gets an additional point of Base Will. (This does
not hold true for Command, the other component of Base
Example: Guido has Cool 7. He rolls 2x3 while
fighting someone. That roll is considered 4x3 when it
comes time to decide who struck first, but its still only
2x3 for damage.

Cool 6

Cool 6 Secondary Abilities

You can use the Cool stat with the skill Endurance
instead of Body.
+1 Base Will point.
+1 width to all combat rolls (only for initiative).

Cool 7

At this level you never take any penalties from things such
as noise, distraction, exhaustion or pain. Your mind is a
machine designed to overcome the environment. Everything
except what is important to your mission is discarded

Cool 7 Secondary Abilities

You can use the Cool stat with the skill Endurance
instead of Body.
You never suffer any penalties due to distraction, noise,
exhaustion or pain.
+2 Base Will points.
+2 width to all combat rolls (only for initiative).

You are immune to torture. Pain is simply a stimulus to

your mind like sight or sound. It can be completely ignored.
With this level of Cool, you could perform surgery on

Cool 9 Secondary Abilities

You can use the Cool stat with the skill Endurance
instead of Body.
You never suffer any penalties due to distraction, noise,
exhaustion or pain.
You are completely immune to pain.
All you feelings are under your conscious control.
+4 Base Will points.
+4 width to all combat rolls (only for initiative).

Cool 10

No stimulus, no matter how terrible, affects you unless you

wish it to. You are completely immune to battle fatigue
and never need to make Cool+Mental Stability checks. In
addition, so-called reflex responses such as breathing,
heartbeat and other autonomic systems are under your
conscious control.

Cool 10 Secondary Abilities

You can use the Cool stat with the skill Endurance
instead of Body.
You never suffer any penalties due to distraction, noise,
exhaustion or pain.
You are completely immune to pain.
All your feelings are under your conscious control.
Your autonomic system is under your conscious control.
+5 Base Will points.
+5 width to all combat rolls (only for initiative).


Cool 8

Cool 8 Secondary Abilities

Nothing shocks or dismays you. You could watch your entire

family shot and feel nothing unless you wished. All empathic
responses are under your conscious control. You can starve
yourself and go without water without being overcome by ill
effects until the last of your internal reserves run out.

You can use your Cool in conjunction with an Endurance

roll instead of your Body score. This reflects your ability to
consciously overcome pain and fatigue with the power of
your mind.

Cool 9

You can use the Cool stat with the skill Endurance
instead of Body.
You never suffer
any penalties due to
distraction, noise,
exhaustion or pain.
You are completely
immune to pain.
+3 Base Will points.
+3 width to all combat
rolls (only for initiative).

Hyperskills are normal skills increased to inhuman levels of

accuracy or speed.

Having Talent-sized levels of a given skill does not
expand what you can do with the skill. It just expands how
well you can use it.

There is one special case, and thats when you have a
very high Hyperskill and youre using that skill twice in a
given time period. (The most common example would be
that you have a Hyperskill in
Brawl and youre trying to
hit two people instead of one.
Or it could be that youve
got two phone lines and
youre using a Hyperskill in
Leadership to give commands
to two different groups in
two different situations).
Ordinarily, youd lose a die
out of the pool and try to
make two pair. If you have
the skill at 7+, you dont take
the one die penalty. This only


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



works when youre doing the same thing twice, or when
youre combining two Talent-sized skills.

Hyperskills Table
Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Example: Ronald has Body 3, Coordination 3, Brawl

7 and Dodge 5. If he decides to attack two people in a
combat round, he rolls 10 dice and tries to make two
pair. (If hed had Body 4 and Brawl 6, he would have
rolled 9 dice, taking the 1 die penalty.) If he tries to
attack once and then dodge, he rolls the smaller dice
pool (Coordination+Dodge, 8 dice) with a 1 die penalty.
If he had Dodge 7, he could attack once and dodge once
rolling 10 dice, because both the skills are at 7+.


Since theres no skill for Shoot Fire Out Of Your Mouth,

what do you do if thats your character concept?

Easy. You create a Miracle called Shoot Fire and buy
dice in it with your Will points. Since shooting fire is really
only a variation on Harm, you could buy up the ability
with the guidelines for that power.

The downside of Miracle powers is that theres no stat
that governs (for instance) the ability to change into an
animal. So, your dice pool is equal to your Miracle skill and
thats all. Its a good idea to buy at least two dice, though
some powers are useful with only a single die.

Miracles and Power Stunts

If you wish to keep complexity in your game to a minimum,

you can just roll the Miracle dice pool for any use of your
Talent power to determine its level of success, or you can
add power stunts to your game.

Often Miracles are very general powers that can
accomplish different things. For example, telekinesis is
useful in many situations. With it, you might hold an
attacker at bay, pry open a door, or contain an explosion.
Using a power stunt, you can specialize in a particular
application of a Talent. When you use your Miracle for a
basic task (i.e., you try to lift something with Telekinesis),
you simply roll your Miracles dice pool. But if you want
to do something specialized and you have a power stunt
that covers such an action, you roll the power stunt dice in
addition to your Miracle dice pool. Power stunts are like
skills for paranormal abilities.

A Talent might, for example, take a power stunt
governing fine Telekinetic manipulation. If that Talent
simply wanted to pick up the whole telephone, he would
roll his base pool. However, if he wanted to pick up the
receiver and dial it, he would roll his base pool plus his
power stunt. This means he would have a better chance
of accomplishing the more complicated task. Why is this?
Possibly, it has something to do with the mental focus of
the Talent phenomenon. Imagining the task in the detail

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

required to dial might focus the Talents attention more

firmly than the vague desire to simply lift the phone.
Example: Wyatt can project sheets of fire from his hands.
He has 4d in his pool. This is dangerous since it blankets
an entire area in flame. Wyatt wants to hit only a guard
with his attack (not the rest of the people behind the
guard) and he has the power stunt Bullseye at 2d. This
allows him to focus his power in a tight jet of flame, so he
rolls a total of 6d for his attack against the guard.
What is the difference between a power stunt and an Extra?
Good question. A power stunt is something learned through
practice with a power; an Extra is an inherent trait of the
power. Also, power stunts tend to be very specific, while
Extras tend to be very general. Power stunts never allow
you to develop a new power; they only allow you to use
your existing power in new ways through practice.

In rules terms, this means Power Stunts are bought
with experience points, instead of with Will points. You can
only buy power stunts with experience, so you cant start
play knowing them.

Power stunt dice cost the same as skills. They can be
only normal dice, never Hard or Wiggle Dice.

Like skills, power stunts are connected to an individual
Hyperstat, Hyperskill or Miracle.

Example Power Stunts

A few example power stunts are provided below to get you started.
Others are listed with the powers in the Miracle Cafeteria.

Fine Control

Add the Fine Control power stunt to your Miracle dice pool
when you are attempting to limit the effects of your power;
whether reducing damage, speed, or any other effect of
that ability. If you successfully match, you can discard any
amount of damage, speed or effect your power produces.

No Pressure

When using your power under friendly circumstances, free

of any pressure, you add your No Pressure stunt dice to your
Miracle dice pool. This reflects the joy you find using your
power when your life is not on the line. Combat or stress of
any type negates the possibility of using this power stunt.

Under Pressure

Youve grown accustomed of pushing your power to its very

limits when under stress. When in combat, add your Under
Pressure stunt dice to your Miracle dice pool. However,
only the adrenaline of severe stress allows you to push your
power limits, and this ability cannot be used without it.



Miracles for
the Gourmet

Not all Miracle powers are

created equal, of course, and
there are always those who
like to come up with their
own ideas rather than to
pick from a list. The ability
to change into a wolf is
clearly inferior to the ability
to change into any type of
animal at all. To figure out
the cost of a Miracle, you
need to figure how powerful,
versatile and reliable it is. Thus, powers can have up
four basic qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust and Useful
Outside of Combat.

Powers can further be modified with Extras (which
expand its usefulness and increase its cost) and Flaws,
(which restrict its usefulness and reduce its cost). These
details are described below, for now, lets look at the costs.

The math for powers works out like this:
To begin with, buy the basic dice for the ability:

Point Cost to Purchase


Then determine the qualities the power will have and add
those costs to the base cost.

Miracle Table: Quality Cost

Is it Robust?
Useful outside combat?


Hard Die


Heres a breakdown of the cost of each die.

Quality Table
Only Attacks
Only Defends
Only Robust
Only Useful Outside Combat 2
Attacks and Defends
A&D and UOC
A&D&UOC and Robust


Heres what those qualities mean. Individual campaigns and

individual GMs are going to have different opinions about
when a power needs each of the power qualities. Its often a
matter of personal taste.


Miracle Table: Purchase Cost

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

add in another 1/2/4 for

Defends, another 1/2/4 for
Robust, and finally 1/2/4 for
Useful Outside of Combat.
This all adds up to 4 points
for a Regular Die, 8 points
for a Hard Die, and 16 points
per Wiggle Die. Got it?
Lets say you want to
buy 2 regular dice (2d), 1
hard die (1hd), and 1 wiggle
die (1wd) in the above
power. Since the powers
Base Point Cost is 4/8/16,
its easy: 2 regular dice
cost a total of 8 points; 1hd costs another 8 points;
and finally, 1wd costs 16 points. The final cost is:
8+8+16=32 points in all.



Hard Die

Wiggle Die

Example: You are designing a power that Defends, is

Robust, and is Useful Outside of Combat. The math
looks like this: Base cost is 1/2/4 for the dice themselves;

This is fairly self-explanatory. If the power, by itself, does

damage or increases your ability to do damage, its an
attack power. (If the damage is a side-effect, that doesnt
necessarily require the Attacks quality. Lifting someone in
the air and dropping them might kill them but lifting them
by itself does not do damage.)


Again, this is pretty simple. Does the power make you

better able to survive attacks, either by making you harder
to kill or harder to hit in the first place? If so, its a defense
power and it allows you to use the dice pool of the power
to gobble dice from an attacking set (for more details,
see Using Powers Defensively on p. 98).


A power is Robust when its difficult for others to interfere

with its operation. If there are no significant limitations
to when or how you can use a power, its Robust. A
power may have many different levels of robustness, or
lack thereof. Typically, each Extra bought for the power
increases its robustness; each Flaw taken lessens its
Example: Edwin wants his character to be able to
change into a dragon. He chooses the Alternate Form
Miracle, which has the Qualities of Attacks, Defends,
Robust, and Useful Outside of Combat. This gives
it a Point Cost (including the base cost of the dice at
1/2/4) of 5/10/20. The dragon can Attack with claws
and teeth and Defend with his thick skin; the power
is Robust in that he can change whenever he wants
and doesnt lose control of the power easily; and


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Useful Outside of Combat (it can carry passengers
and run as fast a horse). Later, Edwin also plans
to purchase powers to go with the form (using the
Attached to Alternate Form Flaw), so he can have
flight, fiery breath, and thicker skin that can turn a
bullet. Alternate Form only allows him to change, not
have any of these secondary abilitiesthey have to be
purchased separately.

He wants these other abilities, but the GM
says right now he cant afford it. Edwin purses his
lips in concentration and says, How about this? I
have to raise my arms up and roar like a dragon to
Transform. His GM smiles. That works. Thats the
Nervous Habit Flaw, and it subtracts -1/-2/-4 from
the powers cost, reducing it to 4/8/16. Youll want
to get it lower than that. Edwin thinks a bit more
and asks if he can take the Mental Strain Flaw, which
drops the Point Cost down to 2/4/8. (He mentally
grins to himself, knowing hell stay a dragon as much
as he possibly can, thus minimizing the strain.) So the
cost of the Alternate Form has been reduced twice:
Once by making it possible to prevent Edwin from
changing (just tie him or gag him), and secondly by
making it problematic if he has to shift form too
quickly in a short span of time. That frees up points
for other powers related to the dragon form.

Useful Outside of Combat?

This is a bit of a catch-all. If it doesnt attack and doesnt

defend, it probably gets a point here. Otherwise, theres not
really much reason for the power to exist, is there?
Example: Levitation is Useful Outside of Combat, but
unless its very fast (which would be a different power),
it confers no spectacular attack or defense abilities.
Having levitation that doesnt depend on some
particular activation quirkfor example, only being
able to levitate while holding your breathmakes the
ability Robust. Therefore, with two qualities plus the
base point cost of 1/2/4, Levitation costs 3 points per
die, or a Point Cost of 3/6/12.
Example: Phillips character has the Talent of turning
metal into iceif he concentrates for at least three
combat rounds. His GM scratches her head and asks
if the can change a bullet in flight. Phillip says no. The
GM decides that this actually has several uses outside
of combat (What do you mean, the tank melted?!?)
but that its not much of an attack or defense.
Furthermore, theres a restriction on its usehe has to
concentrate for a significant period of time. Its Useful
Outside of Combat, with a fairly broad effect (+2 per
die) but with a hard restriction (2 per die). Therefore,
it costs 2 points per die to buy this Miracle.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Extras are additions to your power that expand its

usefulness. For example, making your lightning attack
armor-piercing would make it more useful in combat.
Thats an Extra; it raises the cost per die since it expands
the powers usefulness. You can have any number of Extras,
provided you can afford them with the number of Will
points provided during character creation.

The simplest way to handle Extras is to negotiate with
your GM by sharing concepts and settling on a few ideas.
Or you can determine just what the new Extra allows the
ability to do and add the appropriate quality costs from
the Miracle qualities table. To use the example above of
an armor-piercing lightning attack, this would be like the
addition of a new Attacks quality (since it can now affect
a broader class of targets) and would add an extra +1 per
die, +2 per hard die and +4 per wiggle die.

These point costs are cumulative. Generally speaking,
the more Extras a power has, the more expensive it becomes.

Some sample Extras, to get you started, include the
following. Others are listed in the Miracle Cafeteria.

Always On (+1/+2/+4)

Your power is on all the time. This is especially useful for

defensive powers, since it means that even surprise attacks will
be defended against. The major drawback is, of course, that
you cant consciously shut it off, and as a consequence, your
power is always visible to enemy Talents. When you suffer
any killing damage, or any type of damage to the head, your
power fails, and you must roll the dice pool to reactivate it.

Endless (+1/+2/+4)

The power may be used indefinitely. Once successfully

activated it may remain on until such a time that you become
distracted or injured. (If the power does not really require an
up to the minute conscious control, such as levitation, the
power can remain on even when you are asleep!) If you are
invisible, you can stay invisible without any effort. If you can
fly, you can stay in the air for days, weeks or even months.

No Inertia (+2/+4/+8)

This allows the power to cancel inertia on its target. For

example, a Hyperbody Talent could use his great strength
to stop an oncoming truck without being knocked back or
even needing a grip; his touch would cancel the momentum
of the truck at the instant of contact. This effect only lasts
as long as the Talent is touching the object.

No Leverage (+2/+4/+8)

This Extra makes the power require no purchase or actual

leverage to gain a hold on an object. This has the effect of
negating considerations of bulk, size or support. A Talent
with this Extra on his Hyperbody could grab the corner of
a tank and flip it over without having to get a good balance
and grip. This effect only lasts as long as the Talent is
touching the object.



No Upward Limit (+2/+4/+8)

The power has no upward limit. You can potentially lift,

teleport, transform or otherwise affect any amount of
material or number of people. Every 5 Will you spend
doubles the limits on your power. However, this doubling
lasts only one combat round for every 5 Will points spent.
Example: You have a Body of 10 with a No Upward
Limit Extra. You attempt to lift a tank that weighs 40
tons, but your Body score only allows 10 tons to be
lifted. You spend 10 Will points5 to double your
limit to 20 tons, then another 5 to double that to 40.
You can lift the tank for two rounds. If you spent 20
Will, two more doublings would let you lift 160 tons
for four rounds.
In practice, since PCs can have no more than 50 Will in
the default setting of Godlike, there is an upward limit.
However, since spending 50 Will lets someone with Body 10
lift 10,240 tons, its a very high limit.

No Weight (+2/+4/+8)

This Extra renders the subject of your power effectively

weightless. (Of course, this does not reduce the effort it
takes for you to lift it; it only helps when youre moving the
lifted item.) A Talent with a Body of 8 with the Extra of No
Weight could carry a car anywhere as if it weighed nothing.
Nor would it have any effect on the supporting surface he
was walking on! Imagine a Talent picking up a tank, then
leaping onto a boat with it without sinking the boat. This
effect only lasts as long as the Talent is touching the object.

Reflexive (+2/+4/+8)

Your power will react to dangerous conditions

automatically given a bare minimum of stimulus. Direct
observation is not necessary on your part. It is enough
to know you are in danger; the power does the rest. For
example, Telekinesis would automatically activate to deflect
bullets because your subconscious mind hears the gun cock
a split-second before it is fired.

When under surprise attack (if you have this Extra and
the Defends quality), you get a free Defensive roll at -1d
against that incoming attack, as long as that attack is not
with a Talent power.

Unconscious (+1/+2/+4)

Your power works to protect you even if you are

unconscious or asleep. You may not like what it does,
but it attempts to keep you alive in situations it deems
dangerous. The exact outcome of such incidents is up
to the GM to decide. Of course, you can use the power
normally when you want to.


One way to cheapen your power is to restrict its use.

Telekinesis is a power with four qualities (Attacks, Defends,
Useful Outside of Combat, Robust), so it costs 5 points per
die. Telekinesis that only works when your shadow falls on
the object has a restriction: It is less Robust; it now costs
only 4 Will points per die. If you limit it furthersaying
that the strength of the telekinesis depends on the size of
the shadowthen the power is even less Robust, which can
make it cheaper still.

Flaws can modify dice to a minimum cost of 1 point
per die, 2 points per hard die and 4 points per wiggle die.

The simplest way to handle Flaws is to negotiate
with your GM. Or, you can determine just what the
new Flaw prevents the ability from doing and subtract
the appropriate quality costs from the Miracle qualities
table. Generally, the more flawed a power is, the cheaper
it becomes. Often Flaws simply offset the qualities that
make a power expensive. (If a power only works when
the Talent is emotionally tranquil, that gets rid of the
Attacks and Defends qualities right there). These
minuses are cumulative.

Here are some sample Flaws to get you started. Many
others are listed with the powers in the Miracle Cafeteria.

Attach (-1/-2/-4)

Your power is linked to another power, and cannot be used

unless that other power is also being used. For example,
if your Super Speed is attached to Flight, you can only use
Super Speed while flying. The reason this is a significant
Flaw is that if the main power fails (due to Will problems or
injury), the attached power fails as well automatically.

There is one limitation to this Flaw. The main power
must have all the Qualities found in the attached powers, or
else it cannot be attached at all.
Example: Ivan has Flight with the Qualities Defends,
Robust and Useful Outside of Combat. He cant Attach
a power to it which Attacks, since the main power does
not have the Attacks Quality. He can Attach any power
to it which Defends, is Robust or is Useful Outside of
Combat (or all three) to Flight, since Flight has those

Backfires (-2/-4/-8)

Every time you use the power, you take a point of killing
damage to your torso.

Expensive (-1/-2/-4)

In addition to risking an initial Will point to activate the

power (see When Wills Collide on p. 95), you have to spend
a point of Will. If you fail at your activation roll, you lose
2 points of Will (the one you spent, and one for failing to
activate the power).

Full Power Only (-1/-2/-4)

You can fly super fast, but drop out of the air when you
attempt to slow down even a little bit. (Landing is a bitch.)

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Character Creation, an Example

Character Concept & Signature Power

Darren is playing in Godlikes default setting (the High Realism theme), and hes already constructed the basics of
the character: Background, Statistics and Skills (see Part Three: Character Creation on p. 29 for details on Darrens
character). Now, its time for the parahuman powers. The GM says he has 25 Will points to spend on Talents, and he
knows he wants to do something with the Alternate Form power.

Hes put a lot of thought into his characters background. Hes decided his character, a wiry Italian-American
named John Napolitano, manifested his Talent when grabbed by a bull gorilla locked into a cage at a carnival; he can
now become a gorilla himself! Its the only reason the enraged animal didnt crush him in the attack.

Looking up the Alternate Form entry, Darren sees that the power can be used to Attack and Defend, and is
Robust and Useful Outside of Combat. So the Base Cost is 5/10/20. (If he wanted to remove any of these qualities, he
could, but of course it would reduce the effectiveness as well as the cost of the power.) Theres still work to be done,
such as considering Extras and Flaws. As you read along, refer to the filled out character sheet on the next page.

Talent Extras

Darren likes the idea that John can stay in Ape form as long as he likes, and maybe even prefers being an ape most of the
time; he buys the Endless Extra, so he can even sleep in Ape form. This adds +1/+2/+4 to his Base Cost, for a cost of 6 per
regular die, 12 per hard die, and 24 per wiggle die, or as well write it from now on, 6/12/24 for his Alternate Gorilla Form.

Talent Flaws

Darren blanches slightly at the cost of his Talent Power so far. Its too high. He quickly scans the Flaws list so he can
lower that cost to something more reasonable. He takes the following Flaw: Mental Strain (inflicts a point of shock
damage to his human head every time he changes into the Ape Form, so when he changes back, hes injured), for
2/4/8; and Nervous Habit (he has to close his eyes and concentrate for a combat round to change) for another
1/2/4. After Flaws, his Final Point Cost is reduced to 3/6/12. Darren immediately sinks 12 points into the power
for 2 Hard Dice, as he wants no question of failure when John changes forms.

Other Talent Powers

Darren thinks about his character so far. Alternate Form states quite clearly that the stats of the Alternate Form are the
same as the charactersJohns Body is 2 and Coordination is 3. He should buy some Hyperstats to reflect the gorillas
physical prowess. He chooses two Hyperstats: Body +6 and Coordination +3. He buys both with the Attached to Gorilla
Form Flaw, which cuts their cost to 1 point per die. His two Hyperstats cost 9 points altogether. So far hes spent 21
points. He thinks that The Ape should be tough as well as strong and agile, and buys a single rank of Extra Tough for 3
points; the Attached to Gorilla Form Flaw applies here also. His character is done at a Final Cost of 24 points.

All these powers are kind of tough on Darrens character. Base Will equals Command + Cool + remaining Will
Points. For John, this is 2+2+1; The Apes Base Will is 5 when all is done. Hed better not get into too many Contests
of Will right away, as he doesnt have a lot of Will at the beginning of the game.

What the Talent Can Do

Darren now has a complete character for Godlike, but what can his Talent do in combat? Well for one, its an effective weapon. After checking Hyperbody 8 (the strength of his Alternate Form), Joe discovers his gorilla form has the
following abilities:

He can lift up to 4 tons.

He has +1 wound box to his torso and each limb (in addition to his Extra Tough power).
He can breach Heavy Armor 4 automatically, or Heavy Armor 8 on a successful Body roll.
He can broad jump 8 yards or 4 yards straight up.
He can shout so loud he can shatter glass at up to a meter.

Checking Hypercoordination 6 he learns he can tumble roll and climb with the agility of a chimpanzee (very fitting).

Since his Alternate Form power has the Defends quality, any of the Attached powers can be used to Defend against
incoming attacks as Gobble Dice as well (if the situation makes sense, of course). For example, in gorilla form, either his Coordination or Body dice could be used to Gobble dice from incoming attacksif he had time to see the attack coming, that

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



You can punch through a brick wall, but you tend to rip car
doors off just getting in and out of a vehicle. This Flaw only
works on powers where it would be a Flaw, so no, you cant
take it for powers like Heavy Armor where full power only
would be an advantage. As usual, the GM has the final say.

Shy (-3/-6/-12)

Interfere (-2/-4/-8)

The power has a mind of its own. Once activated with a

successful roll, the GM determines what the power does
or does not do. You can shut it off, but only on another
successful roll that beats the activation roll. Heres the
kicker: If you have Hard Dice you have to roll them. Unless
they come up 10s the power continues to randomly flail
about. Wiggle dice work normally.

Any Talent can spend a point of Will to automatically

interfere with the operation of your power on sight. They
dont even have to be affected by it to interfere with it.
(This is not a great one to take with Flight, by the way.) By
spending this Will point, the opposing Talent automatically
cancels out your poweryou dont even get a chance to
defend in a contest of wills.

In addition, any Talent observing you use your power
automatically knows that you have the Interfere Flaw.

Mental Strain (-2/-4/-8)

Every time you use your power you take a point of shock
damage to your head. If you use it too much, youre
knocked unconscious. This shock damage must be healed
normally; it is not shaken off automatically like most
shock damage.

Nervous Habit (-1/-2/-4)

The power will not work unless you can perform some
physical or mental ritual (i.e., wringing your hands, reciting
a poem in your head). Nothing you do can change this. No
ritual? No power.

The power is automatically turned off by the proximity

of other Talents. You cannot use your ability in their
presence. (The distance is up to the GM, but its near.)

No Physical Change (-1/-2/-4)

The power, despite what it appears to do, causes no

physical changes in your body or the environment. If you
are invisible, you are only invisible in the minds of those
who might observe you. If you turn into a wolf, you still
leave behind human footprints.

Peace of Mind (-2/-4/-8)

You must be in a certain mental state to use the power (i.e.

angry, scared or happy). The GM judges your mental state.
If you are not in your particular mental state, your power
does not work.

The effect of the power wears off after a number of combat

rounds equal to the width of the activation roll. Obviously,
you cant take this with Talents that have permanent effects.
If you take this with an attack power, all the damage it does
vanishes after the times up. Characters killed by a shortduration attack were really only unconscious.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Uncontrollable (-3/-6/-12)

Cafeteria-Style Miracles

The following 45 powers are cafeteria-style Miracles,

ones you can pick and choose ready-made. This is useful
for those of you who dont want to construct your own
powers, or who want to get some ideas on how powers are
built before setting pencil to paper.

These Miracles are in their most basic form. Feel free
to modify them. The examples listed with each power are
by no means the only Qualities, Extras, Flaws or power
stunts available with the power; please make up your own!
It would also be a good idea to remember (or do it now,
before you leap in) to examine the rules of how Talent
Powers function in combat; see Using Talents In the Game
on p. 97.


No Contest (-2/-4/-8)

Short Duration (-1/-2/-4)

The power will not work in the presence of anybody. You

must be alone and unobserved to use it.

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Aces Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You are stupidly lucky. Things just tend to go your way. If

you so choose, you can roll your Aces dice pool in addition
to the normal dice pool for any of your actions, be it a skill,
stat or power (the 10 dice maximum still applies). You may
then choose the dice you wish from both pools and combine
them into one matching set. Furthermore, you can decide
whether to add your Aces dice after you see what youve
already rolled.

Now for the bad part: Aces is expensive; sometimes
very expensive. Every Aces die thrown costs 1 Will point,
every Aces Hard Die thrown costs 2 Will points, and every
Aces Wiggle Die thrown costs 4 Will points. No action
supported by the Aces power ever yields a Will reward, no
matter the circumstances. If you roll a 10 Height using your
Aces dice, you dont get the usual 1 Will point reward.

You may, if you wish, roll only part of your Aces pool.
For instance, if youre trying to conserve Will, you might
only spend 1 Will to roll 1 die, instead of rolling all the




Aces dice at your disposal.

Example: Devin has Aces at 4d and Coordination+Rifle
at 3d. He shoots at a German and rolls 8, 7 and 3, a
miss. He then rolls his Aces dice and gets 7, 5, 1 and 1.
He takes the 7 from the Aces and combines it with the
7 of his rifle roll. What was once a miss is now a hit
at the cost of 4 Will points.

Power Stunts

Focus: You can add your Focus power stunt to your Aces
dice pool when you are trying to affect the outcome of a
very specific event, but only if that event is taking place
outside of combat. Combat precludes the concentration
necessary for this ability. Each Focus die costs 1 Will to roll.


Contagious (+4/+8/+16): If you wish, friendlies within 10

feet of you roll your Aces total with their actions as well.
However, the Will costs for each type of die thrown are
multiplied by the number of people affected. That is, if you
and your two friends each add 3 Aces dice, the total Will
cost is 9 Will: 3 for your three dice, and 3 for each of the
dice added to your friends. You can pick and choose who
gets the bonuses and who doesnt.
Flamboyant (+1/+2/+4): Your power acts in dramatic and
very noticeable ways. Your bullets miss, then ricochet off
walls and hit their intended targets anyway; your grenade
lands right in the open hatch of the oncoming tank after
bouncing off a conveniently placed overhanging sign; your
gun just seems to go off by accident at random, killing
enemies in concealed locations. Keep in mind, its obvious
to anyone seeing you perform these actions that you are a
Force of Will (+2/+4/+8): You can focus your Aces power
on someone else to affect the outcome of a dice pool roll.
Concentrate for a round, spend 5 Will and the person or
event you choose gets to pick and choose from your Aces
total after rolling his or her dice pool. You must still pay
normal Will costs for the Aces dice.
Insanely Lucky (+4/+8/+16): If you roll a 10 in your
Aces pool (not with Hard Dice or Wiggle Dice!), you add
another die to your Aces pool. As many 10s are rolled,
thats how many more dice you get to roll in your Aces pool
to choose from. (Ten remains the maximum number of dice
for any dice pool). The extra dice gained from rolling tens
dont cost extra Will points.


Limited Height (-1/-2/-4): You can only make sets of a

maximum height of 6 using your Aces. Any matches higher
than 6 are discarded.
Limited Width (-1/-2/-4): You can only make sets of a
maximum width of 3 using your Aces. Any matches wider
than three, and the excess matches, are discarded.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Affinity Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You are especially at home in a certain type of environment

or element not usually comfortable (or even survivable) to
humans. In addition to not suffering any ill effects from
such an environment or element, you actually perform
better in such conditions. With a successful roll, you add
another die to all actions taken in that environment. Pick
one type of Affinity and buy dice in it considering the
following chart to determine its cost.

Affinity Table: Type Costs

Cost Addition
Frequency Affinity for (Pick One)
All the Time Changeable Affinity;
automatic Affinity to any
Water, desert, forest
Jungle, arctic, marsh
Uncommon Inside a fire, subjected to
absolute zero, submerged
in earth
Under normal circumstances you dont even need to roll to
see if your Affinity protects you. When youre exposed to
your Affinity, your Talent automatically kicks in.

When subjected to the environment or element covered
by your Affinity, roll against your dice pool. On a successful
match, you gain a +1d to all actions while in it. This effect
lasts as long as you are subjected to your Affinity (or until
your power fails). In other words, protection from harm is
automatic, but you have to roll to get the increased bonuses.


Affinity Sense (+1/+2/+4): You can sense the presence of

people or living beings within your Affinity environment
while you are immersed in it. This has a range of a mile.
Your Element (+2/+4/+8): If you make a successful Affinity
roll while in your element, you gain +2d to any action
instead of a +1d. You may buy this Extra multiple times for
another +1d each time.
Sharing is Caring (+5/+10/+20): You can grant your
Affinity to a single human target with a touch. This Affinity
lasts for the width of your Affinity roll in minutes.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




the subject. There may or

may not be danger in the
Emil cannot use Alert
again in regards to
anything to do with that
particular church for the
rest of the day. If he wanted
to use it to determine if
something else in the town
was dangerous, however,
he could.

Give or Take (-1/-2/-4): Your

power works normally, but you
must roll a success or it fails
to activate, even when you are
exposed to your Affinity. No
success, no Affinity (and that
usually means damage).
Addiction (-1/-2/-4): Not only
do you like your Affinity, you
need it. If you go a day without
exposure to your Affinity, you
must make a Cool+Mental
Stability roll. If you succeed,
you can wait one more day.
If you fail, subtract 1d from
all actions until you feed your

Power Stunts

Deep Concentration:
Add your rating in Deep
Concentration to your
Alert roll any time you
spend an hour in peaceful meditation before making the roll.




Detailed (+2/+4/+8): With a successful roll your power

gives you a detailed idea of the danger facing you. Although
certain details elude you (the names, ranks, units and such
of your enemy), other details are quite clear, such as their
armament, placement and level of preparation.

Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Alert Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Point Cost to Purchase
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die
Your power can alert you to the presence of danger. You
may use it to detect the possibility of attack in a given
situation by concentrating for one round and rolling you
Alert dice pool. If you fail, the power cannot be used again
to determine the danger level of that same situation or
location for about 12 to 24 hours.

To determine the extent of the success of an Alert roll,
consult the following chart:

Alert Table
A general feeling of danger is indicated.
Time remaining before the danger is
indicated in general terms (seconds,
minutes, hours).
Roll is tall
General power level of attack indicated
in general terms (a platoon of soldiers, a
tank, a sniper, etc).
Roll is tall and wide Both time and power level are indicated.
Multiple 10s
General power level, direction and time
of danger is indicated.
Example: Emil has Alert at 3d and wants to determine
whether his rifle company is in danger if they enter
a ruined church. His character pauses for a moment
and concentrates on the church, and then rolls a 4, 5,
and a 1. No matches. He gets no feeling either way on

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Dreams (-2/-4/-8): The power only works in your sleep,

the night before an attack. You only receive a bad feeling
the next day about some specific location, nothing more,
despite the width or height of the roll.

Alternate Form

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Alternate Form Table: Can Defend

Type of Roll
Roll is wide



Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


In addition to your normal body, you have a single alternate

form you can assume when you activate your Talent power.
Exactly what that form is remains up to you, but it can
be almost anything: a body of stone, an animal, a paper
dragon. Unlike Transform, forms assumed with this power
are wholly convincing and unique.

You must design your Alternate Form along with your
character during character creation. Any ability possessed
by the Alternate Form (Flight, for instance) must be
purchased at the normal cost with the Attached Flaw.

To change into your Alternate Form, simply make a
successful roll with your power dice pool. You remain in



the Alternate Form for as long as you like, until you fall
asleep or unconscious, or until that form is damaged past its
resiliency limit.

Attacks against the form only hurt it, not your normal
human body. The form must heal separately or remain
damaged. To heal, you must remain in the form until
all the damage is healed normally. Otherwise, when you
change the damage is still there. If your other form takes
enough damage to kill it, you return to your normal shape.
To change back to your Alternate Form after it has been
killed requires you to spend 30 Will points.

Once an Alternate Form has been designed it cannot
change except through normal character development.
You may attach any number of Miracles, Hyperstats,
Hyperskills, Flaws or Extras to an Alternate Form.

Regardless of how your form appears, its stats are
your stats. It has no abilities except yours unless you Attach
Hyperstats, Hyperskills or Miracles to it. It also doesnt
matter how big your Form is; unless you buy extra Body
or additional health boxes with Extra Tough, or armor
with Heavy Armor, its as easy to kill as a normal human.
Conversely, it doesnt matter how small your Form is; its
no easier to kill. However, in no instance can your Alternate
Form be smaller than a hummingbird or larger than a small
elephant. (See Transform on p. 89 for a guide of how large
or small your Alternate Form can be.) Since your Alternate
Form never changes after character creation, assume that
the number of dice in your pool determines how big (or
small) your Form can be.

Despite its Power Qualities, the Alternate Form dice
pool cannot attack or defend on its own. Instead the
Qualities are there to allow you to Attach other powers that
have those Qualities and Hyperstats or Hyperskills that can
be used to attack and defend.
Example: Brian wants his characters Alternate Form to
be solid chrome. Hes playing in Godlikes established
background, so he has 25 Will points to spend.

First, he has to buy the dice pool that allows him
to change. Alternate Forms Point Cost is 5/10/20. To
reduce the cost, he decides on the Flaws Expensive (-1/2/-4), Mental Strain (-2/-4/-8), Inactive Senses (he cant
smell, taste, touch or feel pain while in his alternate
form; he has his GM okay it for -1/-2/-4), and Short
Duration (-1/-2/-4). This lowers his Point Cost to 1/2/4.
But he wants an Extra, too: Reflexive (because he
doesnt want to die from ambushes), which increases
the cost by +2/+4/+8 to 3/6/12.

Brian takes 2hd for his Alternate Form dice pool
for 12 points, so he can always transform without
worrying about a roll. Now Brian wants Heavy
Armor, as much as he can get. Heavy Armor costs 7
points per level; its expensive. He gets the Attached
Flaw, but it still costs 6 points per level. Brian talks
to his GM. Between the two of them, they come up
with a unique and rather weird Flaw for his armor:
Severable. A variant on the Ablative Flaw, this causes
his Heavy Armor to be worn away by damage as he
takes it; when the Heavy Armor is worn away on a
limb, that limb is blown off. This means that OMalley
had better rejoin his limb (by spending 4 Will points)
before his powers duration ends if he doesnt want to

have a horrible amputation wound. His GM approves

the Flaw to be worth three points; between that and
the Attached to Chrome Form Flaw, Brian can buy 4
points of Heavy Armor (at 3 Will points a level) for 12
points. Hes now spent 24 of his 25 Will points.

Brian stops and dumps the remaining Will point
into his Base Will. He thinks briefly, and asks if he can
add in a Side Effect: OMalleys clothing changes to
chrome for the duration of the power. The GM likes
this, as it doesnt detract or imbalance the character
(except it maybe makes him a bit more intimidating).


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Bind Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Your power can constrict a target, limiting its mobility.

Whether you create a sticky webbing or a telekinetic rope
to Bind the target makes no difference; the result is the
sameyour target is bound. Concentrate one round, make
a successful roll with your power, and you Bind a single
target. (You may attempt multiple actions as usual to bind
multiple targets.) With your power you can strangle, pin
or disarm any target within vision range (see the strangle,
pinning and disarming rules in Part Two: Game Mechanics:
Hand-to-hand on p. 17). To break free, your target must
make a dynamic Body roll against your Bind power. This is
a little different from a standard pin. Normally, the contest
is Body+Brawl. However, since youre not holding the target
with your arms and legs, its purely a matter of strength;
only the targets Body die apply. You can maintain a Bind
on a number of targets equal to the number of dice in your
Bind dice pool.

When using Bind to take away edged or pointed
weapons, you do not take damage during the disarm. For the
purposes of strangling, Bind is treated like a garrote.
Example: Paul has Bind at 6d (his power creates a pink
sticky substance he calls goop), and he sees a guard
armed with a submachine gun before the guard sees
him. Paul wishes to disarm the guard with his goop, so
he makes a called shot against the guards arm. Since
it is a called shot, Paul drops 1d from his 6d Bind,
and places another die at 6 (the hit location of the
arm holding the gun). This leaves him with 4d to roll.
He rolls a 1, 9, 1 and a 6. A hit on the right arm! The
submachine gun is encased in goop and is useless. If the
guard wishes to break the gun free of the goop, he must
defeat Pauls Bind with his Body in a dynamic contest.

Example: Paul wants to strangle a guard with his goop.
He makes a called shot against the guards head, so


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



he drops 1d from his
pool and places another
die at 10 (his target,
the head of the guard).
This leaves him with
4d to roll. He rolls and
hits with a 2x10. The
guard takes 1 point of
killing damage to the
head immediately, and
continues to do so every
round until he dies or
until he wins a dynamic
contest between his
Body and Pauls Bind.

of being attacked and if

you can see the attacker.
In other words, you could
Block a rifle attack by a man
standing and shooting at
you, but not a surprise sniper
Block is defensive, so
it gobbles dice from the
opposing attack. As usual, to
Block gunfire you must have
Hypercoordination or the
Reflexive Extra.

Power Stunts

Exceptional Block: Your

Block works much more
effectively against a single type
of weapon attack (bullets,
knives, fists, etc). When you
are attacked by that particular
type of weapon, add your
Exceptional Block total to you
Block dice pool.

Power Stunts

Trip: Add your Trip total to

your Bind dice pool when
attempting to trip a moving
target (or targets) by binding
its legs.


Physical Stuff (+1/+2/+4): Your power creates a substance

or object that it binds with. This material is real, and
remains behind even after you release your Bind.


Unlimited (+2/+4/+8): The number of targets you can Bind

is not limited by the amount of dice in your dice pool. You
are still limited by the multiple actions rules, however.

Blind Block (+2/+4/+8): Your power automatically

intercepts the strongest attack coming at you in any round,
and even works in the dark. You may roll its dice pool
separately from whatever other action youre attempting.



Poof (-2/-4/-8): If you look away from your targets even for
a second the Bind you have on them immediately vanishes.


Linked to a Hit Location (-1/-2/-4): Your power is linked to

a single hit location such as your left arm, torso, or leg. If you
cant bring that limb to bear, you cant use your ability.




Defends, Robust.

Attacks, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Block Table: Defensive Power

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can stop a single attack with your power. It can be any
type of individual attacka machete, a bullet or a punchbut
you cannot affect Area attacks such as fire or gas, or attacks
composed of many smaller attacks, like grenade fragments,
explosives or mines. No one can roll more than a single dice
pool for Block, but how your Block works is up to you.
Whether you use an invisible force, a super-strong arm or
beams from your eyes to deflect the attack matters very little.
You must pause in movement to attempt to Block.

You can only use Block if you know you are in danger

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Break Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Using your hands or feet you can puncture or break things

that should not be within the realm of human ability to
break. Break is very similar in effect to high Body attacks,
and to Harm with the Penetration Extra. The difference is
that Break is much narrower in focus. The ability to shred
armor is just one advantage of a high Body Hyperstat, and
penetrating Harm is typically done at a distance.

Whenever you roll Break successfully against an
armored target, you reduce that targets Heavy Armor on



that location by a number of levels equal to your Break die
Example: Yuri has two dice in Break. He walks up to a
German halftrack with 3 points of Heavy Armor. If he can
roll a match, he reduces the halftracks armor by 2 points.
Break attacks only armor; it does not do shock or killing
damage. However, against soft targets like human beings,
having even a single die of Break turns shock damage from
hand-to-hand attacks into killing. You do not need to roll
to get this effect.

Power Stunts

Bend: Through the careful use of your power (by punching

an object many times at less than full ability), you can strike
and bend metal instead of simply punching through it.
When you are attempting to bend malleable material with
your power, add your Bend total to your Break dice pool.


Control (+1/+2/+4): You can choose the level of Penetration

you achieve with Break up to your dice pool.


Picky (-1/-2/-4): The power works only against a single type

of armor, such as only steel plate or only concrete.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Containment Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


With your power, you can isolate and separate certain

elements or attacks. Whether it represents an inherent
control over a type of chemical or a telekinetic shield, the
effect is the same: you contain something in a limited area
through your willpower alone.

Containment is treated as a dynamic contest between
the power and the element, object or being it is trying to

With Containment, a Talent might be able to isolate
an explosion in an area, protecting those outside his shield;
stop an oncoming wave of water; block a fusillade of bullets
(by making a shield before you are fired at); keep one soldier
separate from another; or contain a cloud of poisonous gas.

The shield is a singular, uncomplicated object that cannot
have more than six sides.

Containment lasts a number of minutes equal to the
width of the roll. Expending Will points may extend this
duration. For each Will point spent, the duration extends by

one minute.

To stop or contain objects in motion, you must
overcome a number of dice based on the objects size in a
dynamic contest.

When dealing with non-moving objects, Containment
is limited in how much weight it can affect in much the same
way as Teleportation (see Teleportation on p. 85).

Against a living creature, Containment must overcome
the Body dice pool of the target (just Body, no skill) in a
dynamic contest.

Containment Table: Weight Limits

# of Die
Weight Affected
<210 pounds
210-250 pounds
250-370 pounds
370-500 pounds
500-800 pounds
800 pounds to 1 ton
1-2 tons
2-4 tons
4-10 tons

You can use a Flaw to limit what your Containment power
can be used against and thus reduce the powers cost.
Example: Yusef wants to contain the explosion of
a grenade with his Containment power of 7d. The
attacker rolls his Coordination+Grenade of 3d and
gets a 6, 6, 6. Yusef rolls his 7d and gets a 7, 7, 7, 7,
10, 1 and a 2. His roll is both wider and taller than the
roll of the attacker. He successfully contains the blast
with an invisible shield so its Area dice do not apply.
However, if Yusef had rolled only 2x7, the grenade
would have gone off before his power could contain it
because the attack roll was wider.
Example: Bob wants to keep an attack dog away from
him with his power. He rolls his Containment of 4d
against the dogs Body of 2d. Bob rolls 9, 7, 7 and 6.
The dog rolls 6 and a 5. Bobs telekinetic shield keeps
the dog at bay.
Example: Michael wants to block an oncoming
boulder with his Containment of 7d. He concentrates
for a turn and rolls 5,5,6,5,2, 5 and a 4. He succeeds
in forming a shield against the rock with 4x5 and the
rock rolls 8d (for its weight), and gets a 1, 1, 4, 5, 7,
9, 1 and a 2, failing with a 3x1. The boulder weighs 1
ton and Michael can affect 1 to 2 tons with his power.
It rebounds off the mental shield and rolls harmlessly
away. If the boulder had beaten Michael in the dynamic
contest, it would have burst through the shield and
squished him flat.

Power Stunts

Shield Focus: For each combat round you have to prepare

your shield in concentration, you may add 1d from your
Shield Focus power stunt up to your Shield Focus total.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Actual Physical Boundary

(+2/+4/+8): Your power
generates a real physical
boundary such as a wall, a
container or another physical
object to contain materials.
Once created, these containers
remain behind for the number
of minutes equal to the width
of your roll, and then they


No liquids or gas (-1/-2/-4):

Your power cannot contain
liquids or gas.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Control Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can manipulate a particular phenomenon, element or

life form with your power. You can increase or decrease
physical phenomena, change the states of particular
elements, or dictate the action of a particular creature
through the force of your will alone.

First, you must pick what you can control. Consider
the following chart to determine your powers cost.

Control Table: Frequency & Control

Cost Addition
Die/Hard/Wiggle Frequency
Control of (Pick One):
All the Time Air pressure, temperature,
humidity, gravity, light.
Electricity, a common element (iron, carbon etc).,
Plants, a particular animal
(includes humans), metabolisms
Uncommon Radioactive decay, chlorine
gas, tritium
Phenomena are general physical effects, such as
temperature, gravity, light and humidity. You can control
them by concentrating one round and making a successful
match. The range of such effects is up to you, as long as
they are within sight range. You can affect individual
objects and precise areas. The width of the roll indicates
how many minutes the effect of your power lasts.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

This write-up is meant to

give general guidelines for
what will be a specific power.
In terms of the game, the
ability Control (Rats) is
very different from Control
(Atmospheric Pressure). To
keep things simple, there are
some guidelines for the rules
effects of Control.
Regarding control of living
things: Control is not mind
control; instead, it controls
bodies. In the example of
the rats, there is no contact
with the rats brains. They
will still make rat noises and
do rat things unless forced
otherwise. Keep this in mind
if humans are chosen; they
will act as their Controller
directs, but it will be clear
that they are not willing, and
they will express their bewilderment unless you force their
mouths to stay silent!

If you use Control to make a circumstance more or
less dangerous, a successful roll lets you raise or lower the
damage from a single source by the width of your roll.
Example: Rosa has Control (Heat) at 5d. When her
husbands arm catches fire, she turns the heat down on it.
Normally hed take a point of shock damage every round,
but if Rosa can roll successfully, he takes no damage.
When an enemy catches fire, however, Rosa can turn up
the heat. If she rolls a 2x match, she can cause the flames
to inflict 2 more levels of the appropriate type of damage.
The height of the roll does not matter in this instance.
Example: Conrad has Control (Rats) at 6d. When hes
in a battlefield where rats are common, bold and vicious,
he can whistle up an army of hundreds of rats and send
them into an enemy foxhole. Given the environment, he
could simply roll his 6d and allocate matches as shock
and killing damage using the Attacks quality. If the
enemy jumps into his foxhole, Conrad can use his power
defensively by ordering his rat army to protect him. He
can use his Talent pool to form gobble dice as his rodent
minions harass and distract the enemy soldiers.
Sometimes your ability doesnt have the potential to
actually harm or protect someone; instead, its just making
things more or less convenient. In those situations, you can
raise or lower a relevant stat by the width of your roll. If a
stat is reduced to 0, the target can still make rolls but only
with skill dice. Reducing a stat to 1 renders the subject
unconscious until the effect is removed.
Example: Rosa sees an enemy spy, but she cant blow
her own cover by revealing him right now. Instead,
shes just going to raise his body temperature until he
cant concentrate. She gets a 2x success, and the GM
decides that the spys sudden sweating and dizziness



reduces his Command stat by 2 for two minutes while
hes trying to put one over on the Ambassador.
Example: In the same situation, Conrads power is less
subtle. There are far fewer rats at a swanky embassy
partyhe can probably only call up four or five.
However, when they dart out and begin nibbling on
the spy, its distracting enough to lower his Command
by the width of Conrads roll. As an added bonus, a
lot of women probably start screaming, distracting the
Example: Rosa has flipped her jeep in the middle of a
Siberian winter. Its a five-hour walk back to her base,
and she only has Body 2. Normally, shed start taking
damage the third hour. However, she asks if she can use
her power to keep herself warm. The GM thinks about it
and decides to let her roll twice an hour. If she succeeds at
either roll, she can stave off frostbite for another hour.

Power Stunts

Blind Control: You can control elements, phenomenon or

life forms out of your direct observation, as long as they
are within a range where you
could see them if they were
exposed. Add your Blind
Control total to your Control
dice pool when you want to
Control a target you cannot
see, but which you know is


Precise Control (+1/+2/+4):

Your power can Control
elements, phenomenon or life
forms in an extremely precise
manner. For example, you could remove the oxygen from a
single test tube, distort the passage of light through a lens, or
cause a rats leg to move independently of its body.


Blanket Control (-2/-4/-8): When you use your power,

you expose yourself to the same effects. (You may only
take this Flaw if you control something that is harmful to
human beings).


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Create Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can create phenomena, elements or complex chemical

forms from nothing. (If you wish to be able to affect
already existing matter, elements or phenomena see the
Transmutation or Control Miracles.) Living things may not
be created through Talent powers; but items that once were
living (such as oil, wood or fossils) can.

First, you must pick what you can create. Consider the
following chart to determine your powers cost.

Create Table: Type of Creation

Cost Addition
Die/Hard/Wiggle Create Power Governs (Pick One):
Anything non-living you wish to create.
Complex chemical forms (foods, for
example, or medicines), heavy elements,
generally useful and versatile forces like
gravity, light, or heat.
Simple chemical forms (hydrogen peroxide, etc).
A single type of phenomena, element or
chemical, or one simple and narrowly useful phenomenon.

Like Control, this is a general
outline of what will be (in
actual play) a specific power.
The same guidelines apply. If
youre helping or hindering
someone (but not actually
harming) you can raise or
lower a stat by the Width
of your roll. If youre doing
actual damage, the rule of
thumb is that it does Width in
killing. (Individual GMs may,
at their discretion, make this
shock damage for less harmful
phenomena). The effects of
Create last Width in minutes.
Example: Edith has Create Gravity at 6d. When trying
to pull a jeep out of ditch, she creates gravity focused
on a signpost by the road. With a 2x success, she can
increase her Body by 2 for the purposes of pushing the
jeep. It may or may not be sufficient, depending on who
she has helping her. Certainly, a lot of leaves, loose gravel
and other detritus are going to be sucked up against that
signpost, however.
Example: If Edith decides to hurt someone with her
Talentby banging him up against the ceiling, for
exampleshe can make a standard attack roll. She
gets 2x8. He falls up into the ceiling, cracking his
shoulder and back for two points of killing damage.
Hes also stuck there for two minutes, held up by a
force with the equivalent of Body 2.
The bigger your Talent pool, the more matter (or
whatever) you can create. The upward limit comes either
from volume or from mass, whichever is smaller. Someone
with 5d in Create Matter who wanted to create some lead


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



plate would be able to make 30 pounds of it, since that
amount is certainly less than 20 cubic feet. If that same 5d
talent wanted to create a volume of oxygen in a burning
house to make it explode, hed only be able to make 20
cubic feet, since 30 pounds of oxygen would occupy a
much greater volume than that.

Create Table: Amount of Mass/Volume


Maximum Mass
2 pound
5 pounds
10 pounds
15 pounds
30 pounds
65 pounds
130 pounds
250 pounds
500 pounds
1000 pounds

Maximum Volume
1 cubic foot
2 cubic feet
5 cubic feet
10 cubic feet
20 cubic feet
50 cubic feet
100 cubic feet
200 cubic feet
400 cubic feet
800 cubic feet

By spending 10 Will you can make the created element

semi-permanent. It lasts until its used up or destroyed.
However, another Talent who sees it can automatically tell
it is artificial, and can, at the cost of 1 Will point, destroy it
with a glance.

Power Stunts

Craftsmanship: Add your Craftsmanship dice to your

Create dice pool when you are attempting to form any
small object into a complex shape. For example, fashioning
a created lump of steel into a replica of a handgun.


Duplicate (+2/+4/+8): Any object you touch (and which

your power could create) you can automatically produce
with a successful roll. The duplicate appears exact, but if
it is a duplicate of a mechanical device, it does not work.
Also, any Talent seeing the duplicate can wish it away at
the cost of 1 Will point.


Greedy (-1/-2/-4): Every time you use your power, you

lose Will points equal to the width of your activation roll.
When the element, phenomenon or complex chemical form
disappears, the Will points lost are regained.


Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Dampen Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Point Cost to Purchase


You can dampen (or even eliminate) one type of physical

phenomena with your Talent power. Gravity, sound, inertia,
electricity, radioactive decay, the chemical reaction of fire,
you name it; you can slow it or stop it, but it must be
happening first. For example, you could not dampen cold,
since cold material is technically already damped. You
could make it colder, however. Some types of Dampen can
be used defensively (for example: dampening the inertia of a
hail of bullets will cause the bullets to drop; dampening the
chemical reaction of a flamethrower attack will render it a
simple spray of jelly, etc). Dampen with defense costs 4 per
die, 8 per hard die and 16 per wiggle die.

Some types of Dampen can be used to attack as well
(for example dampening the chemical reactions within
the metabolism of an organism will kill it, dampening the
electrical impulses in an organism will cause it to have a
seizure, etc). Dampen with Attack costs 4 per die, 8 per hard
die and 16 per wiggle die. Dampen with both Attack and
Defends (along with Useful Outside of Combat and Robust)
costs 5 per die, 10 per hard die, and 20 per wiggle die.

How much you spend on the power determines how
many different types of physical phenomena you can affect.

Dampen Table: Affected Types

Cost Addition
Die/Hard/Wiggle Dampen Power Governs (Pick One):
Any physical reaction you wish to
Three useful linked reactions. Gravity,
inertia, electricity, etc.
Two linked reactions. Sound, vibration, etc.
A single type of reaction.
Physical reactions dampened are not restored to their
former state once the power stops acting on it (unless
that would be the normal effect). For example, if a Talent
dampened heat in a room, after the power stopped, the
room would return to normal temperature, but if a Talent
dampened the electrical field the magnetic portions of a
radio, it would not be restored after the power ceased).

Dampen only works within range of sight on a
specific target, or in a general sphere or influence around
you. This sphere of influence is equal to the dice pool of
the power in yards.

If used to defend, the power gobbles just like any other
defensive power (see Using Powers Defensively on p. 98).
Like Create and Control, the guideline for Dampen is that
the width of the roll is treated as damage if the Talent is used
to attack. If its used to help someone, the width is added to a
stat. If used to impair, the width is removed from a stat.
Example: Jeff has Dampen Electricity at 4d. Hes about
to jump a guard, and he decides to soften up the guard
by dampening his nervous system. With 2x3 (or 2x
anything), he can knock two dice out of the guards
stats. Jeff decides to decrease Body and Coordination
by 1 each. Next round, he attacks the sluggish and
weakened guard.



Power Stunts

Precise Dampen: You can Dampen tiny areas with your

power. When attempting to Dampen anything on a
miniature scale, add your Precise Dampen total to your
Dampen dice pool. Basically, this means you can affect less
than one object with your power.


Contagious Dampen (+3/+6/+12): Anything or anyone

touching the object you have affected with your Dampen
(or anything or anyone entering your Dampen area of
effect) is attacked with your Dampen dice for free, with the
same effect.
Example: Fritz goes to pick up his electrically
dampened buddy who has been hit with a 6d
Contagious Dampen. When Fritz touches his
compatriot, he is attacked by a 6d Dampen, even
though the Talent who did it is not present.


Struggle (-2/-4/-8): You must roll each combat round

to maintain your Dampen effect. Any distractions
automatically cancel your Dampen attack.

Dead Ringer

Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Dead Ringer Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can imitate a person perfectly in a physical sense. If you

can touch the subject, even
for a second, then you can
change into a perfect replica
of that individual, right down
to the smallest unseen details
(including birthmarks, moles,
etc). This transformation lasts
as long as you wish, until one
of three things happens:
1) You voluntarily
deactivate the power.
2) You take damage and
fail a roll to maintain
the illusion.
3) Another Talent bests
you in a contest of Will.

This transformation
does not endow you with
any memories or knowledge

the target has, but as far as looks and voice are concerned,
you are identical down to the smallest detail. You will pass
any physical tests of your new identity with ease. Your
urine, blood type and fingerprints will be identical to the
target, and your voice is a perfect match. The only thing
you will be missing are any infirmities the target may suffer
from, although your new form will imitate such infirmities
cosmetically. (Tests for such diseases will reveal nothing,
however). Clothing and equipment are not imitated.

In addition, if the transformation is trans-gender,
you will gain any and all new organs, which will function
normally. Offspring created in such a strange union are
yours, genetically speaking, not those of the target imitated.
If you are carrying a fetus and must revert to your base
form, and that form is not female, the fetus is lost. It must
be carried to term without interruption.

You may attempt a second and simpler level of Dead
Ringer if you cannot touch the subject, but can still see
him. By studying an individual at a distance, or studying
photographs of a subject, you may attempt a basic physical
change to imitate that individual. To do this you must
overcome the Difficulty number indicated by how long you
have studied the subject.

Dead Ringer Table: Study Time

Easy (2)
Medium (5)
Hard (8)

How Long the Individual has Been Studied


This simpler form of imitation only reworks your face
(and if you have heard the subjects voice, his or her voice
as well). It only generally changes your body to match what
could be seen in your observation. Organs do not change,
nor your blood and urine. Fingerprints and other unseen
details do not match the subject.

You can store a number of remembered forms equal
to your Brains statistic. Shifting forms takes a round of
concentration and a successful die roll. Memorized forms
can be discarded and added
as needed.

The major problem with
the Dead Ringer power is that
other Talents can see you, and
tell you are using a power,
as long as you maintain
an assumed form. There is
no way to hide this. When
subjected to a Contest of
Wills (see When Wills Collide,
p. 95) by another Talent, you
resume your normal form if
you lose. This happens even if
you initiated the battle.

In game terms, this power
is more limited than it seems.
It is only possible to duplicate
humans, not animals or other
organic forms. Dead Ringer
is only cosmetic in nature.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Despite physical changes in
blood and body shape, your
statistics do not change to
match those of the target;
they remain at your normal
levels. Oh, and before you
ask: no, you cant duplicate
Talent abilities.

Power Stunts

Mix and Match: Add your Mix

and Match dice to your Dead
Ringer dice pool when you are
attempting to only duplicate
one aspect of your targets
body (i.e. blood type, fingerprints, eye color). Your body remains
normal otherwise. The drawback is that each imitated aspect
takes up one of your memorized form slots.


Animal Magic (+2/+4/+8): Not only can you duplicate

humans, but you can copy animals as well, but you can
only shrink to half your size or grow to double it. You gain
no special abilities inherent to your assumed animal form,
and the change is only superficial and cosmetic.


Absolute Duplication (-1/-2/-4): Once you change out of

a form, you cannot return to it until you touch the person
again. You cannot remember previous forms. This includes
your own: If you wish to resume your original appearance,
you must reconstruct it from photographs. Nuances like
fingerprints are lost forever. This does have the upside that
you can never be forced to resume your true form: If
you take this Flaw, you dont have one. Unfortunately, of
course, your power is always active.
Slow Change (-1/-2/-4): This Flaw can be taken multiple
times; each time it is taken, it extends the time necessary
to change by 1. In combat, this is measured in rounds;
non-combat, in minutes. If someone catches you, itll be
automatically obvious to normals that youre a Talent, with
your face and form visibly changing.
Vampiric (-1/-2/-4): You must taste the blood of the target
you wish to duplicate. Sight-only duplication is not possible.


Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Detection Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Detection Table: Type of Detection

Cost Subtraction
Die/Hard/Wiggle Detection Power Covers (Pick One):
Base Cost
Anything you wish to detect
Areas of enemy action, danger, other unspecific non-physical phenomena
A certain type of vehicle, a certain type of
element or creature, any class of object or
A single extremely specific type of object
or phenomena, for example only frogs,
lead, or bleach.
The number of dice in your pool determines the range of
your detection power. You can use your Detection power
within any range beneath your dice pool level. Consider
the chart below to determine the maximum range of your
Detection power.

Detection Table: Range of Detection



You can detect specific

objects or phenomenon at a
distance. With an especially
tall or wide roll, you can
differentiate between specifics
of the objects or phenomena
to extreme levels, denoting
location and orientation of
the target or targets.

For example: with a
successful roll against your
Detection power, you could
divine the number of tanks
within a set range; and on
a wide or tall roll, locate
their exact orientation and
location on a map of the area. This detection gives you only
a static image of the one moment you use your power, and
does not update the vision of the situation as those targets
move or change position. If you are in visual range of the
objects you are attempting to detect, they become plain to
you despite any camouflage or obfuscation.

Talents are not detectable at all by this power.

This represents the most general form of Detection. Other,
far more limited (and far less expensive) versions of detection
exist which only detect very specific objects or phenomena.
Consider the chart below to determine the cost of your power.

Note: Costs are subtracted from the base cost,
according to what the power can perceive. See below.

Point Cost to Purchase


# of Die Automatic Range Tested Range

5 yards
50 yards
10 yards
100 yards
20 yards
200 yards
40 yards
400 yards
100 yards
1000 yards
200 yards
1 mile
400 yards
3 miles
1000 yards
6 miles
1 mile
10 miles
3 miles
30 miles



You can use Detection without a roll, if youre detecting
within your listed Automatic Range. If you want to look
farther, you need a successful roll. The limit on rolled
checks is your Tested Range. Past that, forget it.

The level of success achieved in your roll determines
how well you detect your targets. Consider the following
chart to determine the quality of your success.

Detection Table: Success of Detection

Type of Roll
A success or
automatic use
Roll is wide
Roll is tall
Roll is tall and wide
Multiple rolled 10s

A definite knowledge that a target
exists within the area.
A general idea that multiple targets
exist(s) in the area is indicated.
Nothing else.
The number of targets in the area is
indicated. Nothing else.
Both number and location of targets
is indicated.
Number and location is indicated
as well as general orientation of
targets, or other specifics (whether it
is an enemy tank, a poplar tree, or a
German swan).

Example: Gus has Detection at 6d, and he can detect

enemy troops at a maximum distance of 1 mile. He
wants to detect if there are any troops in a building.
If its within 200 yards, he can automatically scan the
buildingor, at least as much of it as fits within the
radius of his power. However, he must roll against
his dice pool anyway, even though he automatically
succeeds, to determine the level of success of his
detection. He rolls a 2x7, a tall roll. His power
indicates that 6 enemy soldiers are in the building, but
their exact location is not indicated.

Power Stunts

Close Your Eyes and See: Close your eyes, concentrate for
one round and add your Close Your Eyes and See total to
your Detection dice pool.


Tracking Detection (+2/+4/+8): You can choose a single

target youve successfully scanned and maintain an up to
the minute track on just where that target is (until it leaves
your radius of Detection of course).


Blind Spots (-2/-4/-8): Your power does not work in certain

areas. The exact nature of your limitation is up to you
and your GM to decide. Perhaps you cant detect things in
complete darkness, or things inside of buildings.
See It First (-3/-6/-9): You can only detect objects you have
directly seen before. Photos, drawing or any other reproduction
of the object will not help. You must see it to track it.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Disintegration Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can destroy objects utterly; effectively erasing them

from existence with the use of your power. You must
touch the object in question, and you can only disintegrate
whole objects. Unlike other Talent abilities that alter the
local environment, disintegration is not reversible by other
Talents. If something is disintegrated, it is gone forever.

Erasing stationary objects isnt complicated. Touch it,
roll a success, and its gone. There are limits, however, to
how much you can vaporize at once. The bigger your Talent
pool, the more matter you can disintegrate.

Disintegration Table: Weight Affected

Talent Pool

Maximum Weight
10 pounds
30 pounds
100 pounds
300 pounds
500 pounds
1000 pounds
1200 pounds
1500 pounds
1 ton
2 tons

Destroying a moving object (including people) is

considerably more difficult. You have to touch it, and you
have to use the power on it. The most common way to do
this in combat is with a multiple action. Use the smaller
of the two relevant pools (Body+Brawl or Disintegrate),
remove a die and roll for two matches.
Example: Russ has Disintegrate 6 and a 5d Body+Brawl
pool. He wants to vaporize an SS officer whos well
within his thousand pound limit. He lunges in and tries
to hit him, concentrating on disintegrating him if he
makes contact. He only rolls 4 dice, howeverhis 5d
Body+Brawl pool, reduced by one because hes trying to
fight and use a Talent simultaneously.
The other way to do it is to first use the Pinning rules on
p. 17 of Part Two: Game Mechanics. Once the target is
pinned, you can apply Disintegration at your leisure.
Example: Russ, fed up with failure, tries to pin the officer.
This time he rolls his full Body+Brawl pool and gets a pair
of 3s. The officers 4d Coordination+Dodge roll fails, so hes
pinned. Next turn, Russ tries to disintegrate him with his 6d,
while the officer rolls his 4d Body+Brawl to escape. Both of


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




them fail their rolls, so theyre still

stuck in the same situation. They
make the same rolls a second time,
and this time Russ gets a pair of 8s.
See you in hell, Commandant.


Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Fade Table: Cannot Defend

Power Stunts

Die Type
Point Cost to Purchase
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Power Focus: If you concentrate for

2 rounds, on the third round you can
add your Power Focus total to your
Disintegrate roll.


No Touch (+1/+2/+4): You do not

need to touch an object to disintegrate
it. You can make disintegration
attacks as solo actions.
Piecemeal (+2/+4/+8): You can
disintegrate select pieces of objects, a
tire from a car, a turret from a tank, an
arm from a human being. Ouch. Treat
this as an Called Shot to the specific
hit location targeted (see Called Shots
in Part Two: Game Mechanics, p. 15, for more details).


Non-organic (-2/-4/-8): You can only disintegrate nonliving things. Plants, animals and people are outside your
powers ability to affect.

Extra Tough

Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Extra Tough Table: Cannot Defend

Extra Wound Box

Point Cost to Purchase


This is a very simple defensive power. For every 4 points

you spend, you gain 1 wound box on each hit location.
These wound boxes take damage normally, recover shock
normally and heal normally.

While this is substantial protection, you cannot roll this
Talent as a defense and form gobble dice from the result.
(Thats why it says it cannot defend, even though its a
defensive power). The costs listed above assume that Extra
Tough includes the Always On Extra.

Just remember, like any other Talent power, that those
damage boxes disappear if your Will hits zero.

You can become transparent to the

point that, if you hold still or move
slowly, you may not be seen. At a
distance, in darkness and in foggy
conditions, or on backgrounds rich
in color or patterns, you may even
be nearly invisible.
Concentrate one round, roll your
dice and get a match, and you (and
any equipment or clothing on your
body) fade into the background.
When you Fade, write down the
level of your success; you might need
it later. It indicates how transparent youve become. When
youre trying to hide or sneak past people, you roll your
Coordination+Stealth as normal; anyone trying to spot you must
beat your Talent level as a Difficulty on their roll. Even if youre
out in the open, any roll to spot you has your Talent level as
a Difficulty.

Once you are spotted, however, Fade does not let you
roll gobble dice as a defense. Youre still visiblejust less
visible. If someone has successfully spotted you, he can shoot
at you without penalty. If you get behind cover, however, you
might be able to sneak out of it before he notices.

You remain faded until you sleep, turn it off, or until
youre forced out of it by damage or another Talents Will.

Power Stunts

Stillness: When youre not moving, you can add your

Stillness dice to your Fade roll.


Flicker (+1/+2/+4): By fading in and out of focus rapidly,

you make it harder to follow your moves in combat. If you
have this Extra, you can roll Fade and use the results as
gobble dicebut only against hand-to-hand attacks.
No Blur (+1/+2/+4): You remain faded, and no telltale blur
is visible when you move.


Visible up close (-1/-2/-4): Your Fade power is only

effective at a distance of more than 10 feet; otherwise,
youre completely visible, albeit very transparent.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




the gun which is not living) come along as well. You cant
control this reflex. It always happens.



Attacks, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Fetch Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can teleport objects. Concentrate one round, roll a match

and poof! any object you can clearly see jumps into your hands.
This power works just like teleport, but is much more limited in its
applications. You cannot teleport living things, and you can only
teleport things into your hands, not away from them. You cannot
teleport sections of an object (for instance, you could not Fetch the
trigger of a gun, only the whole gun) just complete objects. You
must have a clear view of the object you wish to Fetch, and then
concentrate for one round; on a successful roll, the object jumps to
your hand, covering the space between instantly.

You can Fetch stuff you could normally lift as if your
Fetch rating was a Body rating.


Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Flight Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Roll a match and take to the air. Its that simple. If youre
trying a difficult maneuver, roll again. Your movement rate
flying depends on the size of your Flight poolsee the chart
below (If you want to be substantially faster, buy Super Speed
and attach it to your Flight Miracle). If you want to shoot
a gun at someone while youre flying, its a multiple action
(see Part Two: Game Mechanics - Multiple Actions on
p. 12 for more details) requiring you to roll either your
Coordination+Pistol (or Rifle) skill or your Flight pool
(whichever is lower) at a one die penalty.

Fetch Table: Weight Affected

Fetch Rating

Tested Lift
210250 pounds
250370 pounds
370500 pounds
500800 pounds
800 pounds1 ton
12 tons
24 tons
46 tons
610 tons

Power Stunts

Distort: Add this power stunt to your Fetch dice pool when
you wish to teleport an object, but dont care how complete
it is when it appears in your hand. Distorted objects come
back twisted, broken or incomplete when you use this
power stunt.


Cornucopia (+2/+4/+8): You can

tag up to your Body limit in
weight of objects that you can Fetch
to your hands from any distance or
locale. You must roll each time you
wish to do so.


Chain Lightning (-1/-2/-4): Whatever

object you Fetch comes along with
anything it is touching, up to your
Body limit in weight. Fetch an
enemies gun, and his holster, strap
and clothes (anything touching

Point Cost to Purchase


Flight Table: Top Speed


Top Speed

Power Stunts

Barnstorming: You can add your Barnstorming total when

you want to swoop down tight city streets, through open
windows, or otherwise fly into areas
which are big enough to allow you to
barely maneuver. It does not add to
your speed, however.
Fast: Add your Fast dice when
calculating your maximum speed,
but you never actually roll them.
Reliable: You can add your Reliable
dice when attempting to take off or
remain in the air. It doesnt help you
maneuver or speed up, though.


No Altitude Limit (+2/+4/+8): You

require no air or heating equipment

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Top Speed



to fly at extreme altitudes (no, you cant fly into space, dont
even ask).



Running Start (-1/-2/-4): You need to take a running start

of at least thirty feet before you take off.


Ghost Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can project a ghostly form, which acts as a vehicle for

your consciousness and all of your senses. Intangible and
invisible, this Ghost is not perceptible by humans, but
Talents can perceive it easily; destroying it (if they so wish)
at the cost of 1 Will Point, instantly returning you to your
physical body.

You must be in a safe, quiet location to use your
power. On a successful roll, your Ghost form appears
and may be used to spy on removed locales. Your form
only travels as fast as you can under normal conditions;
so sending it to a distant location requires a great deal
of time (it cannot hitch rides on vehicles). The form can
pass through physical objects with ease, but it cannot float
or fly. If your physical form is disturbed while Ghosting,
your Ghost form immediately dissipates, and your
consciousness returns to your body.

Power Stunts

Concentration: Add your Concentration dice to your Ghost

dice pool when you are in distracting (but otherwise safe)
environs. You cannot be under attack, but anything else
may be ignored with a successful roll.

Point Cost to Purchase


Example: Ian has Go First 3. In combat, Ian says he is

going to shoot his gun. He gets a 2x4 result. Normally,
anyone with a 3x or 4x result would go before Ian. But
his Go First Miracle adds 3 to the width of his roll for
purposes of initiative. Therefore, its timed as if hed rolled
5x4, easily acting before anyone else. When it comes to
doing damage, however, his shot is still considered a 2x4.
Note that the effects of Go First stack with superhumanly high levels of Cool. If Curtis has Go First 2 and
Cool 7, the width of his results are increased by 4 for the
purposes of timing.

Go First costs 2 points per level. It does not use Hard
Dice, Wiggle Dice, or Power Stunts since its never actually
rolled. It is always in effect unless something shuts it down.


Combat Precognition (+2 per Level): You go first in combat

because you can see what your opponent is going to do
a second before he does it. If youre reacting to an enemys
action (dodging a blow or grabbing an arm as he tries to
draw a gun) add a die to your pool.


One Use per Combat (-1 per Level): Your power only works
in the first round per combat. After the initial adrenaline
wears off, no effect. Until the next combat, anyway.

Goldberg Science


Physical (+3/+6/+12): Your Ghost form can pick things up,

manipulate objects, and fire weapons. It uses your Body and
Coordination for these tasks. Physical Ghosts can be seen and
attacked. Any successful attack dissipates the Ghost form.
Disturbing (+1/+2/+4): Animals can see you in your
Ghost form.

Dream walk (-1/-2/-4): Your power only works when

you are sleeping (in a safe and comfortable environment).
Otherwise, it operates normally.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Go First Table: Can Defend

Characters with this Miracle react to danger more quickly

than other characters. For every level of Go First, you act in
combat as if each match you roll was that many levels higher.

Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.


Attacks, Defends, Robust.

Each Level



Go First


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Goldberg Science Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Goldberg Science is the peculiar ability of some Talents to

build amazing machinery, decades or even centuries ahead
of the current technological norm. It is named after Rube
Goldberg, a cartoonist famous for his cartoons in the 1920s



depicting the inventions of
Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola
Butts, a man obsessed
with creating technological
marvels out of everyday
goods. Goldberg machines
are fantastically complicated
and (most of the time) utterly

Building ray guns and
jetpacks in the 1940s may
sound marvelous, but the
super-scientists in Godlike
are subject to significant
limitations that make their
powers very specific and
difficult to use effectively.
What are those limitations,
you ask? Well, theyre pretty
severe. In the first place,
devices created by Goldberg
scientists are not actually
devices. They may look like
machinery, make noises and
have wires, triggers, and
buttons, but all they are is a
focus for the creators Talent
power. The devices are nothing more than a psychological
focus for the Talents power that he can bend and shape in
many different ways. This leads to three problems:

1) The devices are subject to Will attack by other Talents:
Talents can affect the working of a Goldberg Scientists
technology with their Will as if that power was attacking
them, even if it is not. If the device loses such a contest, it
ceases to work for good; all the Will Points the Goldberg
Scientist had imbued into it are lost.
Example: A Talent sees a Goldberg Scientist cruising
up in the air with a jetpack. They have a contest of
Wills, each auctioning up a number of Will points
to try to cancel out each others powers. The Talent
on the ground wins. The jetpack stops working,
permanently (all Will stored in it is lost), and shortly
thereafter, so does its creator.
2) The devices cannot be replicated: Study of these
devices by real scientists fail to produce any results. It is not
possible to re-create Goldberg technology, since (technically
speaking) there is nothing there to reproduce. It is not the
device creating the startling effects of Goldberg Science, but
the power of the Talent mind which created them. This is
why the U.S. Army in Godlike isnt traipsing around Europe
armed with ray guns in 1944.
Example: A Goldberg scientist constructs a heat ray
out of a mish mash of spare parts. It works like a
dream, punching holes through tanks quite handily.
When opened up, all you find inside is a mess of wires
and components without any rhyme or reason. Any
reputable scientist seeing it would claim it was just junk.

3) The devices dont

work when the Talent who
created them cannot directly
see them: This is the real
kicker. If the device created
by a Goldberg Scientist is
removed from his direct
view, it immediately ceases
to work (this means eyeto-object view, television
and other transmission
technology will not allow
an extension in range of
this effect). This is because
the ability of the Talent is
linked to his perception, so
out of sight=out of mind,
no mind=no power. This
is why Goldberg scientists
dont just create dozens or
even hundreds of devices to
hand out to the armed forces.
When the device comes back
into the Talents vision range,
it starts working again.
Example: A Goldberg
Scientist constructs an intercontinental ballistic missile
with his power. He launches it at Berlin. When it reaches
the edge of his perception range, it promptly stops
working, plummeting into the sea. Unless the scientist
flies along with the device, there is no way to make
it keep working (since any form of remote viewing is
useless). Most devices that large eat up all the creators
Will, so that any Talent attack on them succeeds.
Still want to be a Goldberg scientist? Okay, read on:
With this ability, you may create devices that imitate any
Talent ability. On a successful roll and with access to proper
materials, you can build devices that have Talent powers,
such as Flight, Harm, or any other parahuman ability. The
maximum score for each such ability is your Goldberg
Science power dice pool. You buy dice pools in your devices
with Will. There are six steps to building, maintaining and
disassembling a Goldberg device:

1) Conception

What kind of power do you want your device to have?

Example: Mr. Fixit has Goldberg Science at 3 regular
dice and 1 wiggle die (3d+1wd). He wants to build
some sort of weapon that can disintegrate inanimate
objects. The maximum score he could buy in such a
weapon is 4d or 3 dice plus 1 wiggle die, since this is
his Goldberg Science score.

2) Design

What does your device look like? How big and heavy is it?
What is it made of? The size of the device adds a Difficulty


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



rating to the construction of the device. The smaller and
more portable it is, the more difficult it is to build; but the
bigger it is, the longer it takes to build.

Goldberg Science Table: Device Specifications

Easy (2)

Room-sized device
(1520 tons)
Medium (4) Vehicle-sized device
(110 tons)
Hard (6)
Hand-held device or
smaller (10 oz50 lbs).

Time to Build
5-width in months
5-width in weeks
15-width in days

Example: Mr. Fixit decides he wants his disintegrator

weapon to be hand-held, like a big pistol. Making
equipment smaller assigns a specific Difficulty number
to his attempt at creating the device. He must now
make a set that is equal to or higher than 6, or he
cannot create the device at all.

3) Purchase

How many Will points do you want to spend on the

device? The point costs for device Talents are the same as
when they are bought during character creation. Divide
the total number of Will points spent on the device by 10
(rounding down), and this factor is added to (or becomes)
the Difficulty number.
Example: Mr. Fixit has a Will of 35 and his maximum
dice pool per device is 4d. He can buy regular dice
easily enough, and he can buy 1 wiggle die (since there
is one in his dice pool), but no hard dice (since he has
none in his Goldberg Science pool). He decides to build
3d+1wd in Disintegration into his pistol. The power
has a base point cost of 5/10/20, but the device has a
Flaw (only works on inorganic objects), -2/-4/-8, and
an Extra (No Touch), +1/+2/+4. The final cost is now
4/8/16, so the 3 regular dice cost 12 points and the
wiggle die costs 16 points, for a total of 28. Since Mr.
Fixit is investing 28 points into his Disintegrator, he
has to add 2 (28/10=2.8, then rounded down) to the
Difficulty of 6 for a final Difficulty of 8.

4) Attempt

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Example: Mr. Fixit rolls his Goldberg Science against

his Difficulty of 8, and gets a 10, 10, and a 1. He
decides to make his wiggle die a 10, so he has 3x10.
He beats his Difficulty number of 8, and the device
is created in 13 days. He now has his Eraser Pistol
which can disintegrate inanimate objects at the level
of 3d+1wd, but his Will cannot go any higher than 7
(until the pistol is destroyed or disassembled), since the
device cost 28 Will points and his original Will was 35.

5) Use

To use a Goldberg device, the creator, or anyone using it (as

long as the creator is within sight range) must roll against
its dice pool as per the description of the power. A success
and it works, a failure and it fails. Its that simple.

Will points gained during this time by the Goldberg
Scientist are stored within whichever device he is using at
the time. If a Goldberg Scientist is supposed to gain Will
without using a device, that Will is automatically lost.
Example: Mr. Fixit wants to disintegrate a door with
his new pistol. His player checks the description of
the Disintegration power, on page 67. He has to beat
a 2d (for the weight of the door). Fixit rolls the Eraser
Pistols 3d and gets a 10, 7 and a 7; and he makes his
wiggle die a 10, giving him a 2x10. The door rolls
2x3, failing to defend. Making a sound like a frenzy of
scissors, the energy bolt from the pistol disintegrates
the door. Now the pistol has 1 extra Will point in it for
a total of 29, since Fixit rolled a natural 10 (and the
character always gains a Will point every time a natural
10 is rolled). However, until the pistol is successfully
disassembled, that new Will point (along with the 28 it
cost to build) is held in escrow within the device.

6) Deconstruction or Destruction

Do you have access to the materials you need to make

your device? Most Goldberg scientists require laboratories
or workshops with extensive access to heavy equipment
and materials (although some can build a device out of
anything). If so, you may then attempt to build the device.
Roll your Goldberg Science dice pool. If you succeed
by meeting or exceeding your Difficulty number, you
successfully build the device. In addition, your Will is now
reduced by the number of points you invested into the
device. Until all your devices are destroyed or disassembled,
you cannot have more Will than your original Will minus
the amount of Will invested in all your current devices. This
is one of the major drawbacks of Goldberg Science. Once
all your devices are disassembled or destroyed, you can then


gain Will at the normal rate.

Things arent all bad, though; even if the Talent himself
cant gain Will, the device can. When the device is used, it can
gain Will normally; the gained Will points are held in escrow
within ituntil the Goldberg scientist disassembles the device.

If the attempt to create a device fails, all the Will spent
to purchase the device is lost. This reflects the disappointment
associated with failing to achieve a working prototype.

The maximum number of devices the Goldberg scientist

can create is equal to the number of dice in the Goldberg
Scientists dice pool. Devices built past that point just dont
work. Therefore, a Goldberg scientist with a 4d power pool
could have up to 4 devices built at one time (each of which
could have up to 4d in power). To build new devices past this
point, he must disassemble some of his previous creations.

Disassembling Goldberg devices is easy. The Goldberg
Scientist just needs to announce he is deactivating the device
and he regains all Will stored in escrow within the device
immediately. However, the device is now completely useless
and must be rebuilt from scratch to be used again.

The destruction of a Goldberg device is a much
different matter. Most Goldberg devices (except those which
possess defensive powers) are readily destructible. Most can



only take a small amount of damage before being unusable.
If a Goldberg device is destroyed all Will points invested in
that device are lost forever.

Power Stunts

Vehicle Focus: Add your Vehicle Focus total to your

Goldberg Science dice pool when you are constructing
vehicles with your ability.
Weapon Focus: As above, except you add this power
stunt to your Goldberg Science dice pool when you are
constructing weapons.


Fiddly Bits (+2/+4/+8): You can make your devices out of

common junk found around a battlefield as long as you
have access to a secure and well-lit work location.
Voila! (+5/+10/+20): You dont need any materials to make
your devices at all! Simply envision what you want to
create, make your roll, and it instantly appears.

Whether its fiery breath, death rays from the eyes or

crippling bolts of electricity, there are a lot of Talents whose
primary effect is this: They hurt the other guy. The easiest
way to handle these attacks is to buy levels of the Harm
Miracle. Harm attacks are resolved like pistol attacks, and
they do width in killing and width in shock damage.

Since Harm isnt always the same kind of injury, there
are some Extras you can buy for it. Once you pay for an
Extra, however, any further dice you add to your Harm
Miracle pool have that Extra. In other words, you dont
have to pay for each die you have in the pool: Buy the
Extra once and youve got it for every Harm die, forever.
Of course, it bears mentioning that if you buy two different
types of Harm Miracles for some reason, youll have to buy
Extras for the different Harms separately. For example, If
youve got an Ice Blast and a Heat Ray, then youd have to
buy two dice pools and two sets of Extras.

Power Stunts

Bullseye: Add your Bullseye score to your Harm dice pool

when making a called shot.

Not Affected (+4/+8/+16):

Your devices cannot be shut
off by other Talents Will.
Your Will still remains frozen
when you build them, and
the Will won with the devices
is still stored in escrow within
them. Destruction still has the
usual effects on stored Will.


Area (+1/+2/+4) [Cost: 5

points per Area die]: Your
attack explodes upon impact,
causing normal damage and
damage for Area dice. If you
successfully hit, throw the
Area dice in additional damage
against the target. Each Area
die causes 1 point of killing
damage to the hit locations
rolled for all targets within
10 yards. Everyone in range
also takes 2 shock points of
damage to every hit location.


Strenuous (-2/-4/-8): Each

session of construction or
design is so fatiguing that you
take your Goldberg Science
dice pool in shock damage to
your Torso. (Half of this is not recovered after construction is
done). This reflects the exertion of the endeavor.
One of a Kind (-3/-6/-12): You can only create one type
of Goldberg device, such as a ray gun, jetpack or telepathy
helmet (you select which one Talent power you can imitate
when you create your character). Otherwise your power
operates normally.


Burn (+1/+2/+4): In addition to the normal damage caused

by your attack, it also sets the target on fire, see Part Two:
Game Mechanics Burn on p. 21 for more details.
Electrocuting (+4/+8/+16): Your Harm is electrical in
nature, and in addition to inflicting width in killing
and shock damage, the Harm dice rolled also inflict an
equivalent electrocution attack on the subject (see Part Two:
Game MechanicsElectrocution on p. 24 for more details).
Penetrating (+1/+2/+4) [Cost: 3 points per rank]: Your
attack penetrates armor just like anti-armor weaponry. Each
level gives the attack the equivalent Penetration rating.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Harm Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Splash and Spread (+2/+4/+8): Your Harm not only hits

the rolled location, it hits adjacent hit locations as well
and spreads at the rate of 1 shock point per round for the
number of rounds equal to the width of the roll.
Spray (+1/+2/+4) [Cost: 3 points per rank]: Just like a
machine gun, your Harm is dealt out in a spray of attacks.
Add the Spray rating dice when attacking with your power,


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



thus improving your chance of getting multiple sets to
attack more than one target.
Vicious (+1/+2/+4): Your Harm does an additional level
of killing damage. You can buy the Vicious Extra multiple
times to add further killing levels.


Graphic (-1/-2/-4): Your Harm destroys the target, crushing

bones, spewing blood and bile and flaying flesh. Its effects
are so graphic that its difficult to watch and sometimes
even difficult for you to use. While witnessing your
handiwork, make a Cool+Mental Stability roll.
Jumpy (-1/-2/-4): Whenever youre startled, your power
tends to go off unchecked. If something takes you by
surpriseanything from a sudden loud noise to a sneak
attackmake a Cool+Mental Stability roll. If it fails,
you dont get Battle Fatigue, but your power goes off in
a random direction. It might hit one of your buddies,
it might discharge straight up into the air, it might even
hit an enemy. Some GMs just determine this by deciding
themselves. Some roll a single die with 1-2 meaning it hit
an ally, 3-8 meaning it went into an inanimate object or the
air, and 9-10 meaning it actually went towards an enemy
if theres one around. You cannot use your power in a
directed fashion in the same round it goes off accidentally.

Pre-Made Harm Kits

Here are a few pre-made Harm Kits to make your job a

little bit easier. Theyre here to give you some examples on
just how flexible the system is.

Acid Spittle 4d

(Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust)

Base Cost: 5/10/20.
Extras: +3/+6/+12
Burn (+1/+2/+4)
Splash and Spread (+2/+4/+8)
Flaws: -3/-6/-12
Expensive (-1/-2/-4)
Graphic (-1/-2/-4)
Nervous Habit (-1/-2/-4) [has to spit]
Final Point Cost: 5/10/20.
4d x5=20 Will Points for the Acid Spittle Kit.

Fingernail Flechettes 4d

(Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust)

Base Cost: 5/10/20.
Extras: +2/+4/+8 (+6 points)
Spray 2 (+1/+2/+4; +2 Ranks=6 points)
Vicious (+1/+2/+4)
Flaws: -4/-8/-16
Graphic (-1/-2/-4)
Interfere (-2/-4/-8)
Nervous Habit (-1/-2/-4) [Must aim fingertips at target]
Final Point Cost: 3/6/12.
4d x3=12+6 points is 18 Will Points for the Fingernail
Flechettes Kit.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Heat Vision 4d

(Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust)

Base Cost: 5/10/20.
Extras: +1/+2/+4 (+6 points)
Burn (+1/+2/+4)
Penetrating 2 (+1/+2/+4; +2 Ranks=6 points)

[Flaw for Penetration- only Meltable Items -1/-2/-4.]
Flaws: -2/-4/-8
Graphic (-1/-2/-4)
Jumpy (-1/-2/-4)
Final Point Cost: 4/8/16.
4d x4 = 16+6 for 22 Will Points for the Heat Vision Kit.


Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Healing Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can facilitate the healing of damaged tissues in living

creatures. With plants and animals, this power is simple.
With a successful roll, width in killing damage and double
the width in shock damage is recovered by the target.
Example: Mortimer wants to heal an injured dog with
his Healing of 5d. The dog has been shot for 3 killing
and 2 shock in its torso, and is almost dead. Mortimer
rolls a 1, 8, 6, 5 and a 1, for a 2x1. The dog is healed of
2 killing and 4 shock damage. Since 2 shock=1 killing
point of damage, all damage in the dog is healed.
With humans, the power is much more fickle. The subject
must be conscious and willing. Without these two things,
nothing can be done to heal the subject. If the subject is
conscious, on a successful roll, width-1 in killing damage
and twice that in shock is healed on a single hit location.
Example: Mortimer wants to heal a 3 killing point
injury to his friends right arm. He rolls against his 5d
and gets an 8, 7, 2, 7 and a 10, for a 2x7. A total of
1 killing point and two shock points of damage are
healed in the arm.
Healing has a dramatic effect on damaged tissues. This
power can repair scarring, burns or other deformities,
regenerating them completely. The bad news: it has no
effect whatsoever on diseases.

Power Stunts

Specialized Heal: You can have a proficiency at healing

a certain type of animal or plant. When you treat that
particular creature, add your Specialized Heal dice to your
Healing dice pool.




rolls a 6,6,3,3 and a 1, for

a 2x6. The Panzerschreck
has a Penetration rating of
5, and the width of the roll
is 2, so the total Penetration
rating hitting Steve is 7, one
point higher than his Heavy
Armor. Steves Heavy Armor
is down for one round
(the difference between
the Penetration and Heavy
Armor rating) and he takes
full damage from the attack.

Force of Will (+1/+2/+4):

For every 5 Will points you
put into an attempt to heal,
you increase the width of the
points healed by 1.


Empathic Healing (-1/-2/-4):

Any damage left over on the
target after you roll your
healing attempt on them is
automatically inflicted upon
you as well. For example, if
you healed all but 2 points of
shock damage on a targets
right arm, that damage would be instantly inflicted on your
right arm as well. This damage cannot be shaken off, and
must be recovered through normal healing.
Leaves Scars (-1/-2/-4): Your power does not regenerate
damaged tissues completely. While it heals shock damage
instantly without pain, there is scarring appropriate to the
severity of the killing damage suffered when the healing is


Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Heavy Armor Table: Defensive Power, Always On

No Power Stunts are

available for Heavy Armor.


Focus (+5 per Level): You can focus Heavy Armor points,
by moving points around from hit location to hit location.
For example, you could take 1 point of Heavy Armor from
your arm and add it to your torso, so that you had 2 points
there. Each movement takes 1 round.
Hardened (+7 per Level):Your Heavy Armor is immune to
the effects of Penetrating weapons.

Heavy Armor

Point of Heavy Armor


Power Stunts

Point Cost to Purchase


Affects every hit location.

For every 7 points you spend on this Miracle, you gain a

point of Heavy Armor to every hit location. All successful
attacks made against you automatically have their width
reduced by the amount of your Heavy Armor rating. If their
width is reduced to 1 or less, the attack fails.

This power differs from most powers in that in its base
form its an unconscious ability, and automatically defends
against any attack (expected or not) without having to roll.

Weapons or attacks with a Penetration rating can
reduce or negate your power. When youre hit with a
weapon with a Penetration rating less than your Heavy
Armor rating, your Heavy Armor is reduced by that
amount for that round only, but you take no damage. If
youre hit by a weapon with a Penetration rating equal to
your Heavy Armor rating, your power fails completely for
one round, after which it rises back to full level, but you
take no damage. When youre hit with a weapon whose
Penetration rating is higher than your Heavy Armor rating,
your power fails completely for the number of rounds equal
to the difference between the Penetration and Heavy Armor
rating, and you take the damage involved.
Example: Steve has Heavy Armor 6, and is attacked
by a German with a Panzerschreck. The German


Ablative (-1 per Level): Your power is permanently reduced by

Penetration, Area and Spray attacks. When your Heavy Armor
is gone, you may spend Will to restore it at a one to one value.
Will Drain (-1 per Level): The power eats Will at the cost of
1 point per combat round of active use.


Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

Immunity Table: Always On, Defensive Power

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


One particular peril is substantially less perilous to you.

Any time you take damage of that type, you ignore all
shock damage. All killing damage is taken as shock.
Furthermore, the number of dice in your pool reduces the
total amount of killing damage you take.

This Talent is usually not rolled when it operates, but
you may need to roll to restart it after it quits working
(usually after youve taken damage from another source).


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Immunity Table: Frequency & Type of Immunity
Cost Addition
Die/Hard/Wiggle Frequency


Immunity to (Pick One)

Fire, Water, Kinetic
Cold, Earth, Starvation,
Thirst, Disease
Acids, Poisons, Radiation

Immunities against Talent attacks or effects do not exist;

instead, this is handled by a Contest of Wills (see When
Wills Collide on p. 95 for more details).
Example: Uli has 3 dice and 1 wiggle die in Immunity
to Kinetic Attacks. An enemy soldier opens up on him
with a submachine gun, rolling 8d in four simultaneous
attacks on Uli. (Its unlikely that hell get four pair,
but it could happenand it would be a shame to only
make three attacks when theres no penalty because
of the Spray). The submachine gunner gets three pair:
2x1, 2x4 and 2x8. His SMG does Width in shock
and Width+1 in killing. Uli should take 2 shock and 3
killing apiece to his left arm, left leg and chesta total
of 6 shock, 9 killing. However, Ulis Immunity removes
all the shock damage. The 9 points of killing damage
are turned into shock, and 4 of those are ignored as
well. Uli walks through the hail of bullets with 2 points
of shock to two locations struck and 1 to the third. His
power then shuts down, as hes been injured.

Next round, Uli rolls to reactivate his power,
while the incredulous soldier makes the same 8d
attack. Uli rolls 8,8,7 and makes his Wiggle die an 8
too. The soldier fires again, and rolls three tens. Both
of them had a 3x success, but since the gunners
result is higher, he hits before Uli can reactivate his
power. Taking 4 points of killing damage to the head
graphically illustrates that Ulis defense was not as
perfect as he thought.


Shared (+2/+4/+8): A single human target you touch is

conferred your immunity as long as you remain in contact.
Unshaken (+1/+2/+4): Normally, powers shut off when any
damage is taken. If you have this Extra, your power only
shuts off when you take killing damage. This means that
your power can never be shut off by even minor damage
from its chosen source.


Perception-Based (-2/-4/-8): Your immunity only works if

you know an attack defended against by your Immunity is
coming. Foreknowledge is necessary; otherwise, you take
the damage.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Instant Death

Attacks, Robust.

Instant Death Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Hard Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Want to instantly kill people? Simple. Buy three Hard Dice in

Harm. Three levels of shock and three levels of killing damage
should do just about anyone in. Note that your powers effect
doesnt necessarily need to be an attack to the head. Its just
that using the mechanic (that indicates decapitation) is a
good way to model any other instant kill; be it petrifaction,
melting, being swallowed up by the earth or what have you.
You should pick one signature form of destruction that your
Instant Death attack takes when you design your power.

The difference between Instant Death and Harm is
significant however. Instant Death only affects living targets, and
cannot be used to blow open doors or blast objects like Harm (so
it cant Defend and is not very Useful Outside of Combat). On the
other hand, since it is affects living targets directly, Instant Death
automatically bypasses physical armor and other cover. As long
as you can see the target, you can kill the target.

If, for some reason, three levels of killing damage
and three levels of shock to the head wouldnt kill a given
target, its up to the GM to decide what happens, depending
on how youve described the attack. If its melting, the
target might melt a little and have the damage spread across
several locations. If its something like vanishes into thin
air, the target might take no damage at all.

Of course, buying three Hard Dice in Instant Death
costs eighteen Will points (if you dont take some Flaws),
which probably doesnt leave you much to sink into Base
Will (see p. 93). Without a reasonably good starting
Base Will, youll have a very hard time making this work
on other Talents. On the other hand, youll go through
ordinary people like shit through a sick dog.


Multiple Targets (+2/+4/+8): You can split your Instant

Death dice between as many targets as you like.


Must Beat the Targets Body Score in a Dynamic Contest

(-2/-4/-8): To damage the target your Instant Death dice
pool must beat the subjects Body score in either width or
height. If you dont beat it, you cant kill them. This is a bit
of a double or nothing gamble. If you win, the guy takes
the head shot. If he wins, no damage occurs.





Breather (+2/+4/+8): You can still breathe while insubstantial.


Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Insubstantiality Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can become immaterial. Roll a match and slip through

any object as if it wasnt there. Unfortunately, when youre
out of phase with the physical world, you cannot breathe,
hear, speak or act upon any normal object or person
physically, since your atoms do not interact with the solid
world. Also, after a number of rounds of insubstantiality
equal to your Body, you begin to asphyxiate (see Strangling
on p. 17 for rules on strangulation) from lack of air.

There are other problems associated with true
insubstantiality. For one, you tend to sink into the earth just
as readily as through any other object. So the only effective
way to get through a wall, a door or other obstacle without
sinking into the earth is to jump, turn insubstantial and
then revert to solid form for your landing.

You can also turn other objects you are holding
insubstantial. You can render up to half your maximum
lift in pounds (see p. 8) insubstantial, for as many seconds
as you can hold your breath on a successful roll. Once you
release it, it immediately becomes material again.

This makes it possible, with enough Body, to attack
people by turning them insubstantial and then releasing the
effect. This is a nasty attack, but not an easy one. Typically,
you jump through your enemy, turning insubstantial while
youre phased through him. He drops into the ground,
becoming physical again when you pass out of him.

This attack is a multiple action. Roll the either
Body+Brawl or Insubstantial (whichever is lower) with a 1
die penalty. If you get two matches, the enemy takes killing
damage equal to Width+1 to both legs. (This damage is
applied to the torso if hes lying down, or the head, if you
have him pinned and are strangling him).

Power Stunts

Selective Insubstantiality: Add

your Selective Insubstantiality
total to your Insubstantiality
dice pool when you are trying
to render certain objects on
your person insubstantial, but
keep others solid, so that they
drop off you. For example,
with this power stunt you
could cause your jacket to
drop off when you became
insubstantial, or cause bullets
in your wounds to drop out
of your body without all that
messy surgery.

No Sink (+1/+2/+4): When you turn insubstantial, you

dont fall through the ground.
Sectional (+1/+2/+4): You can turn a single body part
insubstantial while keeping the rest of your body solid.


Lose Possessions (-1/-2/-4): Everything you are wearing or

carrying drops off you when you become insubstantial.


Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Invisibility Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Roll a match and you disappear from view. Anyone trying

to hit an invisible target with anything other than cover fire
loses two dice out of his dice pool. Hard and Wiggle Dice are
removed before normal dice. Furthermore, invisible attackers
cannot be dodged, except by someone who has Sense 7+ or a
special Perception power which lets them see Invisible people.
There are two types of invisibility. The first, mental
invisibility, is available at the above costs modified with the
Flaw No Physical Change (see No Physical Change on p.
56). This sort of invisibility only affects the minds of those
observing you, altering their perception so they cant see
you. It is less exceptional than actual invisibility in that
you must concentrate to remain invisible. If youre in a
fight, you stay invisible for a number of rounds equal to the
width of the activation roll. If youre not in a fight (and can,
presumably, concentrate a little better), youre invisible for a
number of minutes equal to
the width of the roll. If you
are injured, you immediately
become visible.
The other type of invisibility
is actual physical invisibility.
Your power warps light so
that it passes through or
around your body. With a
successful roll, you become
invisible. You can turn the
effect off whenever you
want. It also falls if your
Will drops to 0, and, as
usual, the power may fail if
you get hurt.
There are a couple
problems with actual
invisibility, however. The


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



primary problem is that
if light cant interact with
your body, it cant hit the
rods and cones in your eyes.
Completely invisible people
are blind. (If you want to be
completely invisible but still
see, you might be able to talk
your GM into it, by buying
an Extra like See While

But if you want to just
have a Talent who can see
while invisible and your
GM will allow it (since
Talents can pretty much do
anything), just mark it down and move on.

helps you succeed, never

yields a Will reward, no
matter the circumstances.
So, if you roll a 10 with your
Jinx, you dont get the 1 Will
point reward you would
normally get for the use of
almost any other power.
Jinx, like Aces, does not
affect Talent powers.

Power Stunts

Sidestep: This power stunt allows you to make an attacker

fire at empty space. By drawing attention to yourself
(becoming visible, whistling, etc). and then rapidly moving
away from that location, you make the attacker think you
are still there. Add your Sidestep total to your Invisibility
dice pool when dodging an attack in this manner.


Unshakeable (+2/+4/+8): You dont become visible unless

you want to, even if you are injured.
See While Invisible (+1/+2/+4): You can see when invisible,
despite the fact that your eyes are transparent to light.
Tiring (-1/-2/-4): You gain a point of shock damage to your
torso for every minute you remain invisible. This damage is
not shaken off after combat, and must be recovered through
regular healing rolls.

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Jinx Table: Can Defend

Point Cost to Purchase

This is the opposite of Aces. Things just tend to go your

way, but only insomuch as people or threats who oppose
you have dismal luck. With it, you roll your Jinx gobble
dice pool and eat dice from any opposing dice pool.

Like Aces, Jinx is expensive. Every Jinx die thrown
costs 1 Will point, every Jinx hard die thrown costs 2
Will points, and every Jinx wiggle die thrown costs 4 Will
points. In addition, any action foiled by Jinx, but which

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Power Stunts

Jinxing Physical Attacks: Gain these dice when using

your power to affect physical attacks. You must pay Will
normally for each die thrown.


Blanket Jinx (+4/+8/+16): Enemies within 20 yards all suffer

from your Jinx power. But the Will costs for each type of die
thrown are multiplied by the number of people affected.



Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Example: Schenk wants to

Jinx a sniper shooting at him
and his men. Every time the
sniper takes a shot with his
Coordination+Rifle skill of
5d, Schenks Jinx gobble dice are rolled as well. The
sniper shoots at Schenk and gets a 2x8. Normally
this would be a hit. Then Schenk rolls his 4d of Jinx
and gets a 10, 10, 1, and a 5. The 2x10 from the Jinx
gobble two of the 8s from the snipers set, rendering
his attack ineffective-the bullet misses.

The next round the sniper fires again, this time
succeeding with 3x5. Schenk gets 2x6but he cannot
Jinx this shot because, with a wider result, the sniper fires
before Schenk can bring his power to bear. Similarly, if
Schenk had gotten 4x4 somehow, he would not have been
able to foil the shot because his four gobble dice would be
smaller than the snipers fives.

Unconscious (-1/-2/-4): The power is automatic, and

cannot be turned on or off. In addition, it acts out on your
subconscious impulses, inflicting its penalties on anyone you
dislike or distrust like your little brother, your drill instructor
or your commanding officer. Will costs remain the same.

Multiple Actions

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Multiple Actions Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Level

Point Cost to Purchase


This is the power to do two things at once. It makes you



much more effective at attempting multiple actions (see
p. 12). Declare the actions as usual and roll the lowest of
their dice pools. Each level of Multiple Actions offsets one
penalty die for attempting multiple actions.

In addition, the Width of one set you roll (your choice)
is extended by your Multiple Actions power level. You can
divide the enhanced Width into multiple sets for the actions
you declaredbut none can be wider than the set you

For example, lets say you have Multiple Actions
3 and you attempt to punch someone and shoot in the
same round, with Coordination+Shooting as the smallest
dice pool at 4d. Your power offsets the 1d penalty for
attempting an extra action, so you roll 4d. You get 2,3,4,4,
for 2x4. You can add your 3 Multiple Action levels to that
for 5x4 and split it into one 2x4 gunshot and one 2x4
punch. The extra 4 is lost because neither set can be wider
than the 2x4 that you rolled.

This power also reduces the time it takes to do things
outside of combat. Remember how the speed of an action
is determined by subtracting the Width of the roll from 5?
(That is, if youre fixing a radio and you roll 3x2, its done
in 2 hours, because 53 = 2) With Multiple Actions, you
reduce that number.

Multiple Actions Table: Time Required

Actions Level Time Required
5 minus Width
4 minus Width
3 minus Width
Next lower time category, 10 minus Width
Next lower time category, 6 minus Width
Next lower time category, 3 minus Width
When it says Next lower time category, heres what
that means: If youre doing a task that would normally
be measured in days, you can do it in hours. From hours
it goes to minutes, and from minutes to combat rounds.
(Combat round tasks cant be compressed). As always, no
task can be shortened to less than one unit of time.

Power Stunts

Switcheroo: Add your Switcheroo total to your Multiple

Actions dice pool when you are performing acts that
involve slight of hand.


Blunt (-1): You can only complete tasks that dont require
complex or delicate maneuvering. You can punch, dodge, or
kick, but not sew, sort or write at high speed.


Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Perception Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can discern stimulus outside of the range of human

perception. Exactly, what kind of perception you can employ
remains up to you. If you wish to just have exceptional
human senses, such as super-sharp hearing, smell or taste,
simply buy a Hyperstat in Sense or an appropriate Hyperskill
for sight, hearing, smell, touch or taste. Perception reflects a
new sense, such as the ability to see x-rays, hear ultra-sonics
or to feel heat sources at a distance. Each new perception
must be linked to a normal sense during character creation.
For example, the ability to sense heat like a pit viper would
be attached to the touch sense, while the ability to see
x-rays would be attached to sight. To use your perception
power, the dice pool of the perception is added to the sense
skill and statistic it is attached to. It takes one combat round
to switch between your Perception and the normal sense.
Example: Cassie has Perception: X-Rays, at 4d, which
is attached to her Sight skill. When she wishes to use it,
she adds her Sense statistic of 2 to her Sight skill of 2
and her Perception power of 4d for a total of 8d. This
is only when she is using her special X-Ray sight.

Pick a specific perception from the list below to
determine its cost.

Perception Table: Type of Perception

Cost Addition
Die/Hard/Wiggle Perception Power Governs (Pick One)
You are able to choose what you wish to
perceive and with what sense.
Feelings, Intent or other non-physical
Ultra- or Sub-sonics, Heat Sources,
Certain Gases, Life-forms.
Radio waves, Radioactivity, X-Rays, etc.
Perception only works within the range of the sense to
which it is linked. If you wish to have a far-reaching
perception that locates certain phenomena at a distance,
please see the Detection power on p. 66 instead.

Perception is a physical phenomenon, and while it can
detect certain things that we think of as non-physical,
such as feelings or intent, this just reflects the powers
ability to detect subtle physiological changes in the target,
not some psychic ability.


Superimposed (+1/+2/+4): Your new perception is simply

a layer of perception piled on top of your old sense. If you

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



have X-Ray vision, you can see through objects and see
normally at the same time without penalty. You dont have
to take a round to switch between them.


Sensitive (-1/-2/-4): If your Perception power is exposed to

large levels of the phenomenon it is designed to detect, it
overloads and ceases to work for the number of hours equal
to the width of the roll.


Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Precognition Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can catch glimpses of the future with your power.

The future seen is by no means permanent, and actions
taken to change future events are quite effective in the
world of Godlike. For instance, a vision of your own death
in Malmedy four days from now can be sidestepped by
doing your damnedest not to be in Malmedy on that day.
The more you speak of your Precognitive visions to others,
however, the less accurate the vision is. This reflects the

X-Ray Vision

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Precognition Table: Type of Vision

Type of Roll
A Success
Roll is wide

The ability to see through objects, advertised in those

X-Ray Specs ads, is just not physically possible.
Talents being what they are, you can have such a
power; they can warp reality, after all. Talents with
true X-Ray perception report a much different experience than the classic idea of X-Ray vision.

Depending on the depth of focus, they can
indeed see through solid walls, but the forms inside
are not perceived normally. Theres no sense of
color, since color is a function of lightwhich cant
penetrate walls. They can perceive shapes and densities where normal sight perceives shapes and colors.
Thus, looking through someones clothing you could
see that they have papers in their pockets and a gun
in a holster, but you couldnt tell if the papers were
money or a laundry list or anything else.

You can perceive what people look like with
their clothes off, if thats your scene, but you couldnt
call it erotic. Its more like looking at a painting or a
sculpture. The human brain, being designed to run
these jumped-up ape bodies of ours, isnt equipped
to interpret the information in anything but the most
basic terms. Theres nothing to hang your normal
natural reactions on, as theres nothing normal or
natural about what youre seeing.


change the vision has on your choices, and on the choices of

others, and those choices effects on the world.

Precogs, understandably, are often very tight-lipped
about their visions.

This power can work three different ways. First, you
can attempt to see the future by voluntarily entering a
trance. This is a fatiguing process; it costs you 5 Will points
per die thrown, 10 Will points per hard die thrown and 20
Will points per wiggle die thrown. Usually, in such a trance,
a specific question or future event is the chosen subject
of inquiry. Questions such as When will the Germans
attack? or What will happen to me at Cannes? are
perfectly appropriate.

Secondly, the power may spontaneously activate when
you are in or near an area that will be important to your
survival in the future. This is at the GMs discretion, but if
this occurs, you lose 1 Will point per die thrown, 2 per hard
die thrown and 4 per wiggle die thrown.

Thirdly, the power may activate in your dreams, warning
you of some impending event. In this case, the only Will lost
is any Will which would have been gained from that night of
sleep when the dice are thrown. Also, this third version of the
power is far less reliable than the other two; no matter how
well the roll is made, the vision will always seem dreamy and

Consider the chart to below to determine the level of
success of such attempts.

Roll is tall
Roll is tall and wide
Multiple Rolled 10s

A brief vision of the future which may
or may not be accurate.
A brief vision of a future event.
Knowledge of the amount of time
before a certain event occurs.
Knowledge of who is involved in a
particular event.
A vision of an event with both time
and subjects clearly shown.
An extremely clear vision of the future,
as if you had lived the moment already,
all senses are represented.

Power Stunts

Update: If you have successfully seen the future, you can add
your Update total to your Precognition dice pool when trying
to see an up to the minute update of your vision, which will
reflect the changes you might have made through your actions.


Mothering (+1/+2/+4): In addition to warning you of

impending danger to yourself, your power automatically
looks out for your close friends and family as well.


Static (-2/-4/-8): Your visions of the future consist of a

single static image, and nothing more.



Psychic Artifact

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Psychic Artifact Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


With your Talent ability, you can create invisible psychic

artifacts that mimic (at least physically), the abilities of
common tools, weapons and equipment. At this most general
level, the power allows you to create any sort of equipment,
weapon or tool (since it has all four power qualities). For
example, you could create a fully functional shovel, shield or
even a pistol with the full Psychic Artifact power.

If you want to have a more limited power, such as
being able to only produce one particular type of weapon
or piece of equipment, reduce the cost accordingly. For
example, if you wish to
be able to only produce a
psychic lock-pick, you could
remove the attacks, defends
and robust qualities right
there, reducing your cost to
2 per die, 4 per hard die and
8 per wiggle die.

Psychic artifacts are
limited by what their
user understands. If you
dont have a profound
understanding of how a
radio works, you cant
make a psychic radio. If you
dont have the know how
to field-strip a rifle, you
cant make a psychic rifle.
Consequently, if you dont
have at least two levels of skill in a relevant field (Pistol to
construct a pistol, Medicine to create an autoclave) you
cant make the object. Simple objects like shovels or swords
dont need a relevant skill to be created.

You cannot create animals or people with this Talent,
and the possible weight of the object created depends on
your level of power.

Psychic Artifact Table: Mass of Item


Maximum Mass
2 pound
5 pounds
10 pounds
15 pounds
30 pounds
65 pounds
130 pounds
250 pounds
500 pounds
1000 pounds

Objects that produce light, heat or movement work
normally, but usually not as well as a real object of the
relevant type. If the object is a hand-to-hand weapon,
it does damage per the relevant type. If the object deals
damage at a distance, its damage rating can never exceed
width in killing, regardless of what sort of object it is
rifle, pistol, howitzer, whatever. Replicating a weapon that
has Spray, Area or Penetration requires the expenditure
of 2 Will for each point in the quality (if you plan to use
those, you might do the work ahead of time on cards, and
show your GM).

If you use a psychic weapon to fire real bullets at
another Talent, there is no contest of Wills. If you fire
psychic bullets, its resolved as an ordinary Talent against
Talent attack (see page 95).

Understand: this power only replicates real objects.
You cannot create some kind of chimerical hyper-weapon
with Spray 3, Area 3 and Penetration 4 simply by making
a psychic pistol and spending 20 Will. If you want to make
a Spray weapon, you have to make a Spray weapon with
which you are familiarthat is, one from Part Seven: The
Field Manual on p. 263.

Psychic weapons never run out of ammo, and psychic
vehicles never run out of gas. However, they rarely have the
opportunity. The shelf life
of a psychic artifact depends
on how well you rolled. In
combat, it lasts a number of
rounds equal to the width of
the roll. Outside of combat,
its minutes. For each Will
point you spend, you can
increase its duration by 1
round or minute.
You can create shields fairly
easily with this power - a
sheet of metal plate is not
hard to envision. Generally
speaking, it takes about
fifteen pounds to put 1 point
of Heavy Armor on one hit
location. A helmet with one
point of Heavy Armor is a
fifteen pound helmet.
Example: Hans wants to make a psychic metal wall big
enough provide cover for all six of his hit locations, and
thick enough to provide two points of Heavy Armor.
That much lead would weigh 180 pounds and would
require a Talent of 8 to create.
Psychic objects come into being touching your body. You
cannot create a psychic boulder over someones head forty
feet away. You could, however, make one in your hands and
drop it off a bridge onto someone.

These objects are invisible to normal people,
but Talents can see them clearly. (This is sometimes a
disadvantage: Hans cant see the soldiers on the other side
of his psychic wall, but unless theyre Talents, they can see
him). Any Talent can destroy a psychic object by entering
into a contest of Wills with its creator.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




what people are saying on the other side of the link.

Extended Duration (+2/+4/+8): Instead of combat turns

and non-combat minutes, your Artifacts last for widthx3
rounds in combat (if combat ends, the object remains) and
hours out of combat.
Levitating (+2/+4/+8): When your Psychic Artifacts
manifest, they hover in the air nearby within Base Will in
feet. You can operate them with your thoughts, using only
your skills as normal (in other words, if you fire a levitating
psychic rifle you roll only your Rifle skill, not your
Coordination+Rifle). You can only control as many artifacts
equal to half the dice in your pool.


Multiple Targets (+1/+2/+4): The number of targets you

can tag is doubled.


Emotional Rapport (-1/-2/-4): You can only link to those

for whom you feel an overpowering emotion. Hate or love,
it doesnt matter (this is at the GMs discretion). Your power
cannot affect those towards whom you feel indifferent.



Visible (-1/-2/-4): Your Psychic Artifacts are visible to

normal humans, not just Talents. They dont look quite
real, instead looking like an idealized version of the object
rendered in a translucent glass of any color you choose (if
you dont choose a color, theyre black).


Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Regeneration Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die


Useful Outside of Combat.

Rapport Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You can tag a target with your mind, and in a state of deep
concentration see them (or it), no matter where they go. You
must be able to touch a target to create a Rapport. Once
made, the Rapport is not broken until you wish it, the
target comes under the scrutiny of another Talent, or the
subject dies. Talents may not be tagged for Rapport. In fact,
the moment another Talent sees your target, he becomes
aware of the link. If that Talent chooses, he can break the
link by spending 1 point of Will. Once a target is lost, you
must touch it once more to restore the link.

For each die you have in your Rapport dice pool, you
can tag one individual.

The vision of the target is extremely vivid. You see
everything they could possibly see, and in addition, you
see their entire body as well. For some reason, there is no
hearing possible through the rapport; sound cannot be
perceived through the link.

When a person linked to you with rapport dies
violently, you suffer the equivalent amount of damage in
shock (but just shock, not killing) to the same body parts,
even if you are currently not in a trance to observe them.

Power Stunts

Read Lips: By careful observation you can read the lips of those
seen within the vision of your Rapport. Add your Read Lips
total to your Rapport dice pool when trying to figure out just

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Point Cost to Purchase


Your power can restore your body to health despite gross

physical damage (but you can only heal yourself, not others).
If you are conscious, you can concentrate for one combat
round and make a roll against your Regeneration dice pool.
On a success, for each Will point spent, you regain the width
of your roll in killing points of damage to any part of your
body that is injured. Alternately, a successful roll and a Will
point can remove all shock damage in all limbs.

On a successful roll against your power you can even
restore a permanently crippled limb to its former state
at the cost of 5 Will points per limb (but it must be fully
healed first to do so).

Illnesses (even potentially fatal viruses or cancers)
can be instantly healed at the expenditure of 1 Will point
and a successful roll. Injuries may not be healed if you are
unconscious or drugged.

Severed limbs or completely destroyed organs cannot be
re-grown with this power. Decapitation is a death sentence;
there is no regenerating back from having your head severed.

Power Stunts

Regenerative Meditation: By meditating on your illness

or injury for an hour per die thrown, you can subtract the
same amount of Will points from your Regeneration cost.
The minimum cost is always 1 Will point.


Automatic (+2/+4/+8): Your power will activate and heal

you (if you have Will Points available), regardless of your
state of wakefulness; youll regenerate even in a coma.
Drugs are no obstacle, youll just burn them out of your
system. A Side Effect of this Extra is that youll never get
drunk again (for more than mere minutes, anyway).



Re-growth (+1/+2/+4): Like a lizard, you can re-grow
severed or destroyed limbs or organs.


Only Shock Damage (-2/-4/-8): You can only regenerate

shock damage with your Regeneration power, not killing

Side Step

Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Side Step Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


With this ability, you can side step even the worst disaster
or attack and make it look easy. This power reflects your
ability to be in the right place at the right time by moving
deliberately out of danger. Whether it is because you are
super swift or sensitive, or can glimpse the future is no
matter, the effect is the same. The explosion, sword or
bullet misses you as you step past it. Of course, you must
already know you are under attack to use this ability.

Side Step is a defensive power, so its dice gobble
incoming attacks.

Example: Kurt fires a MP40 at Clifford, who has Side
Step at 6d. Clifford tries to Side Step the attack. Kurt
rolls his SMG skill and the
weapons Spray rating, coming
up with two pairs2x9 and
2x8. Clifford rolls his Side
Step and gets 2x10. The Side
Step gobbles out an 8 and a
9 from the attack, rendering
it ineffective. Clifford walks
right through the bullets
Anyone with Side Step can attempt
to lead an attack towards
another locationfor instance, the
thugs knife pass misses you and
hits his accomplice instead. If you
attempt this, remove one die from
your Side Step pool. Wiggle and
Hard Dice are removed first.

There are two big
disadvantages to Side Step. First,
its an active power: If youre using
it, you cant attack, unless youre
taking a multiple action. Second, it
cannot protect from Area effects.
If someone throws a grenade at
Clifford, he can avoid the brunt

of the attack by sidestepping the shrapnel, but if it goes off

nearby, there is simply no safe place for him to step. He
doesnt take the width of the roll or the Area dice, but the
shock damage is still applied.

Power Stunts

Leading: You roll additional dice when attempting to lead

attacks with Side Step. Note that the one die penalty still
applies. If you have the Leading stunt at 1, it just offsets the
penalty. If you have Leading 3, you only add two dice when
attempting to lead.


Hand-to-Hand Only (-1/-2/-4): Your Side Step is useless

against anything except hand-to-hand weapons.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Sidekick Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


You have a single invisible friend who follows your

mental (or verbal) orders. The abilities that the Sidekick
possesses are up to you. To determine stats, divide the
Sidekick dice pool between the Sidekicks physical Body
and Coordination (after inception,
these stats remain constant);
the Sidekicks other stats (Sense,
Brains, Command, and Cool) are
the same as yours. If the Sidekick
has any other super abilities, they
must be purchased separately,
using the Attach Flaw.
Example: Trish has a Sidekick at
6d. She describes it as an invisible
horse. Trish gives the Sidekick a
Body of 4d and a Coordination of
2d. She wants her Sidekick to fly;
she must buy the Flight Miracle
separately, and attach it to the
Sidekick Miracle.
Sidekicks are invisible (except
to other Talents), and all attacks
against them are at -2 dice to hit
(unless the attacker has a Sense
stat of 7+ or a special Perception
power which allows him to see the
Sidekick). Hits against Sidekicks
are treated as a dynamic contest
between the Sidekick power and the


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



attack. If the attack succeeds, the Sidekick disappears and
cannot be re-formed for one hour. In addition, you lose a
point of Will. If your Sidekick has defensive powers Attached
to it, those powers must be overcome as well as the Sidekick
dice pool before it disappears.
Example: Trishs equine Sidekick is hit by a machine
gun, which has a total attack dice pool of 7d. The
attack is at -2d because the Sidekick is invisible. The
attacker rolls 8,8,8,7 and a 1, for a 3x8. The Sidekick
defends with an 8, 8, 9, 5, 6 and a 10, a 2x8. The
machine gun rips the Sidekick to shreds, and Trish
loses 1 Will point. In one hour, Trish may make a roll
to reform her Sidekick.

Example: Roger has 6d in Stun. He cuts loose on an

enemy trooper, rolling a 3x6 result. Thats six points
of shock to his opponents arm, which has four wound
boxes left on it. If this was normal shock damage, the
first four points would fill the boxes, the next two
would become killing damage. However, since this is
specialized Stun damage, the first four points numb the
arm, and the next two leak into the torso.

Power Stunts

Multiple Stun: Add your Multiple Stun dice to your Stun

dice pool when attacking multiple targets to defer the cost
of the multiple actions penalty.



Second Pair of Eyes (+2/+4/+8): Not only can you create

a Sidekick, you can see through its eyes as if they were
your own. You must pause a combat round and concentrate
to activate the link, and you are not able to do anything else
while using it.
Mutable (+5/+10/+20): Your Sidekicks size is mutable,
and it may shrink or grow as if your Sidekick dice were
Transform dice (see Transform on p. 89 for details). While
size may change, the stats of your Sidekick do not. Shifting
size takes one combat round.
Visible (+1/+2/+4): Your Sidekick is visible to normals as
well as Talents.

Headhunter (+3/+6/+12): Your power automatically attacks

the central nervous system of a target. Any attack made
with stun on a target automatically is treated as an attack
on the targets head, despite the rolled hit location.


Touch Only (-1/-2/-4): To use the power you must touch

the subject. This is usually done as an extra action with a
hand-to-hand attack. As a bonus, the hand-to-hand attack
usually does damage too.

Super Speed

Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.


Bad Dog (-1/-2/-4): Your Sidekick has a mind of its own.

Though it will often listen to your instructions, it spends
much of its time digging in the dirt, eating food and
generally nosing about like an animal. To successfully
command your Sidekick (if you are not in direct danger),
you must make a roll against your power beating a
Difficulty modifier of 4. Otherwise, it just doesnt listen.


Attacks, Robust.

Stun Table: Cannot Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Stun is a specialized form of Harm that only does shock

damage. Attack dice purchased in Stun cause two times
their width in shock damage, and only shock damage, to
the hit location rolled on the attack dice. Shock damage
caused by Stun does not ever become killing damage,
however. Instead, when a hit location is filled, leftover Stun
damage goes into an adjacent location.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Super Speed Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


This is the power to move really, really, fast - so fast that

youre a blur to the normal folks watching you. You also
gain the power to survive that kind of high-speed movement
without blacking out from lack of oxygen or getting
windburn on your face. Super Speed does not mean the
ability to perform intricate tasks quicker, or to do more
things in a given span of time. If thats what youre after,
see Multiple Actions on p. 78. This is just the power to go
damn fast, period. In practice, its much like flying a plane,
driving a motorcycle or using some other vehicle to cover
distance rapidly. It speeds up your movement, not your
reaction time.

Super Speed must be attached to an ability. If you want
to be a super fast flyer, attach it to the Flight Miracle. If you
want to only cover ground rapidly, attach it to the Running
skill. If you want it to be a little more versatile, then attach
it to Body, thus covering Running and Swimming.

When you use the attached skill (running, swimming,
flying, tunneling through the earth), use the following chart
to figure out your base speed, and then add twice your Body
score. (If youve attached Super Speed to Body, you use
these instead of the base 10 yards per round).



Super Speed Table: Rate of Travel
Super Speed


Faster than a .38 Special


Mach I

Just so you know, the speed of sound in air (near sealevel) is 760 mphand almost every bullet has an airspeed
between 1,200 and 3,000 yards a round.

Power Stunts

Mach-One Punch: Add the Mach-One Punch total to

your Super Speed dice pool
and attack with your fists
using Super Speed instead
of Body+Brawling. Using
your power, you strike the
target hundreds of times a
second with your fist, causing
Width shock damage. But
to do this, you must add the
Attacks quality to the cost
of your Super Speed.


No Gs (+2/+4/+8): You can

turn on a dime despite your
super speed without any ill


Slow Braking (-2/-4/-8): You require a full round of braking

to stop safely. This means you also need enough space - if
youre zipping along at 900 yards/round, you need 900 yards
of space to stop safely. If you dont have enough room, you
wipe out and take damage. For every 100 yards/round you
were moving, roll a die (up to the maximum of 10). Apply a
point of shock and a point of killing damage from every die
rolled to the relevant location.
Example: Slow Braking Steve is rushing along at 700
yards a round when he realizes theres a tank directly
in front of him. He tries to stop, but theres not enough
space. He takes 7 dice of damage. Rolling 1,4,5,7,7,9
and 10, so he takes a point of shock and killing to his
left leg (1), one to each arm (the 4 and 5), three to his
torso (7,7,9) and one to his head (10).


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Telekinesis Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without touching

themyou just look at the object and picture it moving
through the air, and as if picked up by a ghostly hand, it
moves - if youre strong enough to lift it.

To use telekinesis, roll and get a match. The weight
limit of your TK (as its nicknamed) depends on how many
dice you have in the Miracle. The weight ratings are the
same as they are for the Body stat. Someone with three dice
of telekinesis can lift as much as someone with three dice
of Body. (See Body in Part Two: Game Mechanics on p. 8).
But you always have to make a TK roll, even if you are only
trying to lift a pistol.

To attack someone,
simply make a dynamic
roll of your TK vs. their
Body stat. It does Width
in shock damage. If you
want to try to choke them,
use the choking rules on
p. 17, but the same TK vs.
Body roll applies. These
attacks cant be dodged.
If you use TK to pick up a
weapon and use that against
your target, the dynamic
roll is TK vs. Body+Brawl
or Coordination+Dodge
(depending on what theyre doing). If your TK is in excess
of 7, you do killing damage instead of shock.

Telekinesis as written is expensive and not very reliable
(as opposed to simply buying gobs of Body, say).

Power Stunts

Multiple Hands: Lifting multiple items with TK is a

multiple action. (To pick up two objects, drop a die from
your pool and try to get two matches. To lift three objects,
drop two dice and try for three matches). With this stunt
you can offset those penalty dice. It never actually makes
your pool any bigger, it just keeps it from shrinking. If
you have one point of Multiple Hands, you can lift one
additional object without a penalty. (You still have to roll
and make two matches, however.)

Interestingly, each hand can lift up to your
maximum limit with a successful roll, but you cannot put
two hands together to lift a larger object. If your maximum
lifting weight is 300 pounds and you have Multiple Hands
3, you can lift three objects that weight 300 pounds each,
but you cant lift one that weighs 400 pounds. Odd, huh?


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Touch (+1/+2/+4): Your telekinetic hands have a

sense of touch equal to your Sense statistic or Touch skill,
whichever is higher. This allows you to feel around with
your power even in the dark or outside of your range of
vision. Note that you dont roll Sense+Touch: You roll
either Sense or Touch.


Clumsy (-1/-2/-4): If youre trying to move an object with

grace and finesse, you need to roll two sets of matches to
avoid having it swoop around unpredictably or break in
your telekinetic grasp. To place the object down carefully
(without smashing it into the ground), or when grabbing
a delicate object, you must beat a Difficulty number of 5. In
addition, you can never learn any Power Stunts to increase
your skill with your TK.
Weak (-1/-2/-4): No matter how many levels you take in
TK, you are never able to lift more than 100 pounds with it.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Teleportation Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


This power allows you to instantaneously move objects

(including yourself) from one point in space to another in
zero time, without crossing the intervening space. Some
Talents with this ability can move many people at once;
others can only transport themselves. There are teleporters
who can cover huge distances, and some, only a few feet.

The two limits to Teleportation are distance and mass.
The more powerful and experienced a teleporter is, the
more distance he can cover and the more mass he can move.

Teleportation Table: Mass & Distance


Maximum Mass Maximum Distance

1 pound
1,000 yards
5 pounds
10 miles
10 pounds
50 miles
50 pounds
100 miles
100 pounds
500 miles
500 pounds
1,000 miles
1,000 pounds
4,000 miles
2 tons
6,500 miles
4 tons
10,000 miles
6 tons
12,000 miles

An important fact about Teleportation is that you can

extend your range by cutting down on your Mass. For each

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

step down the scale you take on Mass, you can extend your
Maximum Distance by a step upwards, and vice versa.
Example: Fernando has Teleportation 5 and wants to
jump himself back to his old office in Padua. Normally,
thats a no-go - he weighs over 100 pounds. But hes
in Venice, less than fifty miles from Padua. Since hes
dropped the distance two categories, he can raise the
mass two categories, to 1000 pounds. He can not only
teleport himself, but several friends as well. If his target
is Kiev, however, thats a different matter. Its close to a
thousand miles, pushing his distance up one category.
He could only send 50 pounds to Kiev - not enough
to move himself, but certainly, he could teleport
something useful. If he wanted to send a piece of paper
with a message, (dropping the mass category to 1) he
could send it anywhere familiar within 10,000 miles
pretty much anywhere in the world, except a 2,000
mile circle on the exact opposite side of the globe.
Teleporting is a difficult business. It requires a clear
picture in the head of its user of his desired destination
(this means that the user must have previously visited
the location he wishes to teleport to). Without a clear
picture, a successful transport is not possible. Also, people
or objects teleported must be in direct physical contact
with the teleporter. (This works fine if a bunch of people
hold hands, as long as the chain is unbroken). Portions of
objects may not be teleported.

When teleporters disappear, a loud crack (about as
loud as a rifle shot) sounds. This is the air rushing in to
fill the space the teleporter just vacated. The more Mass
moved, the louder the boom.

Its fairly easy to attack with Teleportation. For
instance, suppose theres a sniper in a bell tower and you
cant get a good shot at him with your rifle. Instead, put
your hands on a burnt-out jeep and teleport it into the air
six inches above the snipers nest. Gravity does the rest.

Since this is all done by sight, even a weak teleporter
has the potential to drop giant chunks of rubble (or
grenades, for that matter) on any enemy he spots.

To drop a rock, roll your Teleportation. Your opponent
may make a Coordination+Dodge roll against falling
rubble of this sort, if dodging is the action he declared. If
your roll fails, the rock doesnt move. If it succeeds, but his
Coordination+Dodge is wider or higher, he takes no damage.

Dropping a grenade is the same sort of thing. Roll your
Teleportation pool to put the grenade right where you want
it. If the other fellow succeeds at his Coordination+Dodge,
he still takes the Area dice when it goes off, but does not take
any damage based on the width of your roll. If you pull the
pin and the Teleportation roll fails, its still in your hand with
the handle held down; you can try to send it again next time.

Another popular Teleportation attack is to grab an
enemy and teleport him high into the air. To do this, you
have to either use multiple actions (rolling the lower of
Body+Brawl and Teleportation with a 1d penalty and
getting two matches) or successfully pin your opponent
until you can teleport him. (See Pinning on p. 17.) If you do
send him successfully, the normal falling rules apply. (See
Falling on p. 25.)



Power Stunts

Self Only (-2/-4/-8): You can

only teleport yourself. No
clothes, no glasses, no gear,
no other people.

Reorientation: Add your

Reorientation total to your
Teleportation dice pool when
you are attempting to change
your bodys orientation,
without moving from your
current location. In other
words, you could spin
around instantly, or go from
being prone to standing.


Blind Teleportation
(+3/+6/+12): You can
teleport to a location never seen before, randomly. When
you want, your power finds a safe location and teleports
you there. In this case, a Safe Location is defined as an
area of solid ground that is not occupied by another object;
it covers no other eventualities. You can only use this power
if youre personally going to that placeyou cant use it to
send a ticking bomb somewhere unless you go along for the
Global Range (+5/+10/+20): You never need to assign any
of your Teleportation dice to range. You automatically have
a 10d in range and never need to roll against it. You still
must have previously seen the location you are traveling
to, however. These Global Range dice cannot be used to
increase your mass capacity.
Maximum Capacity (+5/+10/+20): You never need to assign
any of your Teleportation dice to mass capacity. You
automatically have a 10d in capacity and never need to roll
against it. You still must touch all the objects you want to
transport. These Maximum Capacity dice cannot be used to
increase your Range.
Silent (+2/+4/+8): There is no tell-tale loud report when
you use your power (some theorize that air is exchanged
in equal volume, thereby equalizing the pressure instantly,
but as with so much concerning Talents, its hard to prove).
This is very useful for those espionage missions.

Slow (-1/-2/-4): This Flaw

can be taken multiple times;
each time it is taken, it
extends the time necessary
to teleport by 1. In combat,
this is measured in rounds;
non-combat, in minutes. If
someone catches you, itll
be automatically obvious
to normals that youre a
Talent, with your body obviously fading away from this
location. The good news: the side effect of your slowness
is that youll make a lot less noise. It wont be silent (and
air pressure will be changing), but itll be quieter than that
crack of thunder.
Uncertain Arrival (-3/-6/-12): You can only take this Flaw
if you already have the Self Only Flaw. You arrive at your
destination up to 20 feet off the ground. Subtract the width
x height of your teleport roll from 20 feet to determine
how close to the ground you land. Any total higher than
20 means you land on the ground. Otherwise, take falling
damage equivalent from a drop at that height indicated.
Example: Ben has Uncertain Arrival on his
Teleportation Miracle. He rolls a 7, 6, 6, 2 and a 1.
A 2x6 roll. He subtracts 2x6=12 feet from 20 feet.
Leaving 6 feet to drop. With a successful Coordination
roll, he lands on his feet and takes no damage.

Thought Control

True Thought Control does not exist in the world of

Godlike. Although certain abilities may seem very much
like mind control at first glance, each has very real and very
severe limitations which curb their possible uses significantly.

There are two types of powers that can directly affect
anothers mind:

Thought Control: Command 7+


Disorientation (-1/-2/-4): Upon arrival you cannot act until

you successfully make a Sense roll of Difficulty 3 or until
5 minutes pass. Furthermore, when teleporting something
over someone as an attack, you must first make a successful
Sense+Sight roll.
Forced Attendance (-1/-2/-4): You cannot teleport anything
unless you teleport yourself along with it. Thus, you cant
drop big rocks on people unless youre willing to go with
the rock yourself. You cannot take this Flaw if youve
already taken the Self Only Flaw.
Nothing Biological (-2/-4/-8): You cannot teleport anything
biological (except yourself that is). If you attempt to move
anything living, your Teleportation automatically fails.

(Cannot Defend) The effects of having Command at 7+ are

described back on p. 48.


Buddy, Buddy (+1/+2/+4): No matter what you say, the

target thinks you are a saint. He will go out of his way
to help you, warn you or protect you from harm, even if
youre trying to convince him to kill himself.
Non-verbal (+3/+6/+12): Simply by looking at the target
(only the Talent need see the target) the Talent can make nonverbal assaults upon the victims Will. If the roll is successful,
then your command is placed within the targets mind.
Language is not a barrier with non-verbal commands. It still
takes the requisite time to wear an individual down, however.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Eye Contact (-1/-2/-4): You must maintain complete and

unbroken eye contact with the target; otherwise, your
power doesnt work.

Thought Control: Projected


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Thought Control Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Projected Hallucination allows you to alter the perceptions of

your target. With this ability, you might be able to convince
a person that theyre talking to Winston Churchill, or
wrestling a boa constrictor. Many Talents have this ability
unconsciously, a reflex which projects a certain unconscious
image. But this power represents the ability to deliberately
control what the target sees, hears or feels. In effect, you can
make the target see hear or feel anything you can imagine.

Illusions of this sort last a number of minutes equal to
the width of the roll. In any event, projected hallucinations
evaporate if the Talent creating them stops concentrating. It
is possible to dodge, throw a grenade, or provide cover fire
(see p. 16) while concentrating. One cannot aim a firearm at a
particular person while maintaining an illusion. Nor can one
use any other Talent that doesnt have the Always On Extra.

To actually convince someone a Projected Hallucination
is real, roll your Talent pool as a dynamic contest against the
individuals Sense+skill pool. (The skill used to resist depends
on what sort of hallucination youre creating. If its simply
the illusion that youre wearing a different uniform, its
Sense+Sight. If you just want to create the smell of gas fumes
in the air, its Sense+Smell. If you want to create a realistic
Tiger tank - the rumble, the tremors in the ground, the smell
of the engine fumes and its actual appearance - you roll
against his Sense and whichever sense-related skill is highest).

If youre merely trying to create distracting
phenomena, without regard to making it realistic enough to
persuade, make a static roll. If you succeed, the width of the
roll serves as a Difficulty to relevant actions.
Example: Francine has 2d and 2wd in Projected
Hallucination. She and her friends are under attack by an
enemy sniper. She creates the illusion of swirling blobs of
brightly colored cloth between the attacker and herself.
Obviously, the appearance of silent, blotchy color smears
isnt going to fool him, but it has a good chance of ruining
his shot. She rolls and gets a 6 and a 4. She matches her
two Wiggle Dice to the 6 for a 3x6 result. The sniper
must beat a Difficulty of 3 to strike her or her friends for
the next three rounds, or until she stops concentrating.
Its also possible to create the illusion of agony - no visual or

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

audio cues; it just feels like your arm (or whatever) is on fire.
To do this, the Talent simply rolls Projected Hallucination
as an attack. If it succeeds, the target cannot use the targeted
limb until the illusion wears off. If the limb is a leg, the victim
cant run on that leg. If its an arm, he cant fire a weapon or
attack with it. If its the torso, the person loses four dice from
Body or Coordination (to a minimum stat of 1) for purposes
of rolled checks. (This works exactly like having ones torso
filled with shock, as explained on p. 14). If its the head, the
person cant do anything until it wears off.

Power Stunts

Sense Specialization: Select a particular sense and specialize

in it with this power stunt. When trying to use your
Projected Hallucination to fool that sense, add your Sense
Specialization total to your dice pool.


Everybody Sees It (+3/+6/+12): Anybody present experiences

the illusions you project. This includes you and your allies, so
be careful before doing that blanket agony attack.


Absolute Concentration (-2/-4/-8): You must hold

completely still to use this power. Any distraction will
disrupt the illusion you are projecting.

Time Fugue

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Time Fugue Table: Can Defend

Point Cost to Purchase
Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die


You can freeze time for a single object or creature with your
Talent power. Everything smaller than the fugued object
that is in direct contact with it is frozen as well. You must
be able to see the object, and make a roll against your Time
Fugue dice pool that beats the Difficulty number based on
the size of the target. If you succeed, the object is frozen in
time for a number of rounds equal to the width of your roll.
You may extend this period at the cost of 1 Will point per
round of additional Time Fugue. You remain immune to the
effects of your own Time Fugue.

Objects frozen with this power will resume their former
movement when the fugue ends (so frozen bullets continue
along their normal path, falling people hit the ground, etc).
People in a fugue have no recollection of the time spent within
it. Objects frozen in the fugue are unaffected by attacks, they
remain frozen and untouchable (since time does not pass for
them, nothing about them can change), until the fugue ends.
You can fugue a number of objects equal to the number of dice



in your Time Fugue dice pool at any given time.

The bigger and heavier an object is, the harder it is
to fugue. Consider the following chart to determine the
Difficulty for objects you attempt to fugue.

The Difficulty can be reduced by 1 for a point of Will.
You can spend Will to lower Difficulty after you roll.

No matter how much Will you spend, you cannot use
Time Fugue on something that weighs more than 10 tons, unless
you have the Extra: No Upward Limit attached to this Talent.

Time Fugue Table: Weight Affected

Target Weight
5 pounds or less
620 pounds
21100 pounds
101500 pounds
5011,000 pounds
1,001 pounds1 ton
12 tons
24 tons
46 tons
610 tons


Transform Table: Size Range

# of

Example: Kurt has 8d in Time Fugue and he wants to

freeze a truck plunging off a cliff. The GM gives the
truck a Difficulty of 8, because it weighs between 2 and
4 tons. Kurt rolls his eight dice and gets 3x2 and 2x3.
Normally, that would be a great roll, but given the high
Difficulty, its just not enough. If Kurt wants to spend
five Will, he can drop the Difficulty to 3 and freeze the
truck for two rounds. Or he could spend six Will and
freeze it for three rounds.

Power Stunts

Lower: Add your Lower total to your Time Fugue dice pool
when you are trying to arrest the fall of an object, and by
turning your power on and off multiple times a second,
lower it to the ground.


Vanish (+1/+2/+4): A fugued object or person doesnt just

freeze, it disappears from reality entirely. It cannot be seen,
touched, or perceived in any fashion until it reappears.
Touch Only (-2/-4/-8): Your power only works on objects
or people you can touch.


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Transform Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

You can transform your body into any creature or object

you have seen or can envision. With this power, you could
turn into an eagle, a griffin or a four-post bed. The number
of dice you have in your Transform dice pool indicates the
size ranges of your transformed state. For instance, with
2d, you could transform into anything from 25 pounds and
three feet tall to 370 pounds and seven or eight feet tall. Th
table also lists sample animals at each weight range.

In other words, the greater your power dice pool, the
greater the size range of the forms you can assume, both
bigger and smaller.

If you assume a smaller size, you gain a +1 die bonus
to all Dodge rolls. If you assume a larger size, anyone
attacking you gains a +1 die bonus to all attacking rolls.

Point Cost to Purchase



Smallest Size
(-1d to Hit)
25 lbs (badger); 3 ft.
12 lbs (eagle); 2 ft.
6 lbs (housecat); 18 in.
3 lbs (falcon); 12 in.

Biggest Size
(+1d to Hit)
370 lbs (gorilla); 7-8 ft.
500 lbs (tiger); 8 ft.
800 lbs (grizzly); 10 ft.
1,200 lbs (polar bear); 12
1 lb (mongoose); 6 in.
1,800 lbs (big horse); 14 ft.
8 oz (rat); 4 in.
1.5 tons (rhino); 15 ft.
3 oz (bluejay); 3 in.
2.5 tons (hippo); 16 ft.
1 oz (mouse); 2 in.
4 tons (small elephant);
18 ft.
1/4 oz (cockroach); 1 in. 6 tons (elephant); 21 ft.

Becoming an inanimate object (with no abilities) like a

rock or a chair is easy. Just roll your Transform dice pool,
score a success, and poof, you become that object for a
number of hours equal to the width of the roll (or until
you wish to change back). Note that being in one of these
forms means you cant do a thing, not even hear or see
just sit and think. Any amount of damage taken during
your Transformation (only when you become an inanimate
object), causes you to revert to human form, though you can
buy points in the Resiliency Extra; see below.

Transforming into living creature (or a living creature
with the appearance of an inanimate object, such as a chair
with a mouth) is a little more complicated. Expend the
number of Will points equal to your dice pool needed for
that creatures weight or size. (For example, turning into a
housecat requires a Talent pool of at least 3, so you must
spend 3 Will to turn into a cat. Turning into an elephant
requires a Talent pool of 10, so you must spend 10 Will for
that transformation). Roll a success with all your Transform
dice, and you become that creature for a number of hours
equal to the width of the roll, or until you wish to revert to
human form.

When you Transform into a living creature, you assign
your Body, Coordination and Sense stats to any of those of
the new form, as long as they are consistent with the size
and build of the form. For instance, if you transformed into
an elephant, it would make sense to assign your stat points
to Body and not Coordination (final ruling is at the GMs
discretion, of course). In addition to being able to move
your stats, you can also assign your Transform power dice
into stat or skill pools (Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice become
regular dice when assigned). The highest stat a form can


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



have is equal to your power dice pool. So, at 4d, you could
have a maximum score of 4 in any one stat (the maximum
as always, is 10). If your new form is smaller than your
normal form, you can only reduce your Body stat (to a
minimum of 2d), if it is bigger, you can increase the Body
stat or reduce it. Stats that are reduced decrease the cost of
the form by 1 Will point per stat point. The other 2 physical
stats, Sense and Coordination, can either be higher or lower.
No amount of stat reduction makes it possible to gain Will
by transforming. You can reduce the Will cost to zero, but
not to a negative number.

Miracle-like abilities or skills in forms that are wholly
physical (such as flight when wings are present, and the
flying skill for a bird) may be bought (temporarily for
the duration of that form only) at the GMs discretion,
by assigning Transform power dice to them. Wholly
supernatural powers (breathing fire, turning people to
stone) are not possible (unless they are bought as a separate
Miracle at character creation).
Example: Ryuichi wants to become a dragon. He has
2hd+4d in Transform, so the maximum size that his
dragon can be is 1,800 lbs. He automatically succeeds
because of his Hard Dice and spends 6 Will to fuel the
transformation. Ryuichi has Body 3, Coordination 2,
and a Sense 3, so he has 8 stat points to assign to his
dragon (plus his power dice, if he wishes). Ryuichi wants
the dragon to be strong; so he places 4 points in Body,
2 in Coordination, and 2 in Sense. He can then allocate
six more points with his 6 Transform dice. He cant have
Body in excess of 6, so he just assigns 2 more points to
each stat. Final tally: Body 6, Coordination 4, Sense 4.
Example: Ryuichi wants to become a large bird
(about 6 pounds). This would require a minimum
Talent of 4, so he has to pay 4 Will to make
the change. He can only decrease his Body stat,
not increase it since the form is smaller than his
native form. Richard makes his Body 2d (-1), his
Coordination 2, and his Sense 2 (-1). So, it costs him
4 points to transform, but he gets 2 of those 4 points
back due to his stat reductions. He places the 6d from
his Transform dice pool into the Flight Miracle (since
the form has wings), and hes ready to go.
Most forms have a free attack equal to their Body stat. At
the GMs discretion, this attack can either be width in shock
or width in killing and shock damage. Any stat reductions
from Body are also subtracted from this attack.
Example: Ryuichi in dragon form would have a bite
attack equal to width of his Body roll in killing and
shock damage. In bird form, he would only cause
width in shock damage on a successful Body roll on
an attack and he attacks with the reduced Body of
his new form.

(Wing buffets or a sharp peck with a beak just
cant compare with a dragons teeth)
Changing a forms Body can cause a gain in wound boxes,
but any other increase in wound boxes or Armor has to be
bought with the appropriate Miracles. If you took damage

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

in your altered form, you may change back with the same
injuries. Extra wound boxes from Body disappear at the
end of a transformation, regardless of whether theyre
wounded or not.
Example: Ryuichi the dragon has an extra wound
box on every limb because of his increased Body
stat. In dragon form, he takes one point of killing
damage to his arm, leaving five unmarked boxes.
When he changes back to human shape, he still has
five unmarked boxes on that arm: The injured extra
box went away when the increased Body did. If he
took two points of killing damage to that arm, when
he changed back hed still have one point of damage
to the arm.
Living forms you assume are extremely generic in their
appearance. If you assume a human form other than your
own, for instance, that forms appearance is bland to the
point of being creepy. Everything about the form is simple
and average-and its always the same, no matter how many
times you try to assume it. There are no signs of wear on
the skin, no wrinkles, no distinctive features, its almost as
if the form was newly born despite its apparent age. This
generic effect is highly noticeable to anyone looking at
you. Somehow, you just look wrong.

Animal forms assumed also suffer from this effect, but
it is much less noticeable to anyone not experienced with
that type of animal-especially if that animal is exotic. For
instance, if you assumed the form of a lion, a normal Joe
might not be able to tell the difference; but an experienced
Safari guide would.

Creatures wholly conjured out of the imagination (even
those based on real creatures) just look plain fake, like a
sculpture come to life. This doesnt make them any less
deadly, however.

Power Stunts

Metamorph: Add your Metamorph dice to your Transform

score when you make your roll to change shape; you may
customize the generic appearance of your form with a
number of features, that you determine at that moment,
equal to the width of the roll. This trick costs an additional
Will point on top of any others you have to expend, and
dont expect to duplicate the effects of the Dead Ringer
Miracle, as your customization isnt that precise.


Light Armor (+1/+2/+4) [2 points per rank]: For each

rank you take, you gain a point of Light Armor for your
Transformed forms. Any sort of Penetrating weapon will
pierce your Light Armor completely, unfortunately.
Resiliency (+2/+4/+8) [1 point per rank]: For each rank
of Resiliency you have, you can ignore 1 point of killing
damage taken in a Transformed state, for the purposes of
reverting to human form only. You still take the damage;
Resiliency only means you can continue to concentrate on
your form past the pain of the injury.



Sense While Transformed (+1/+2/+4 for each sense): With
this Extra, you can use your human-level senses normally,
regardless of what form youve assumed. Become a rock?
You can hear or see (or whatever) normally, whether or not
you have sense organs.

power make lead into gold and retire? Well heres the catch:
Talents automatically know when a substance has been
transmuted by another Talent. They can see it plainly, and
for the cost of 1 Will point, they can make it automatically
revert to its former state, no roll necessary.


Note: Living targets are killed instantly when transmuted

into another substance, and they remain dead when the
effect of the power is removed.

Limited to Animate or Inanimate Forms (-1/-2/-4): You

can only transform into animate or inanimate forms, you
choose which at character creation. So you can either
become animate things with abilities, or inanimate objects
that sit around a lot.
Limited by Species (-1/-2/-4): You can only become one
species of animal; if you can only change into cats, then
thats it though you could change as easily into a tiger as
a housecat.
Limited by Type (-1/-1/-4): You can only become one kind
of inanimate object (when you assume those forms). So you
can become any kind of furniture, any kind of rock (this
includes statues!) and so on.

# of Dice

Weight Affected
<100210 pounds
210250 pounds
250370 pounds
370500 pounds
500800 pounds
800 pounds1 ton
12 tons
24 tons
46 tons
610 tons

Transmutation Table: Difficulty of Target


Easy (2)


Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Transmutation Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Transmutation Table: Size of Target

Point Cost to Purchase


You can alter the atomic structure of objects, changing one

type of substance into another. This power does not allow
you to change the form of the target, only the substance it is
made of. The target can be transformed into only one type
of substance. With this power, you could turn a gun into
acid, or a tank into gelatin, or Hitler into stone.

Concentrate for one round and succeed in a dynamic
contest against your target (who gets to resist based on weight
and what you want to transmute the target into, see tables
below), and poof, its transmuted into that new substance.

So, youre asking, why dont Talents who have this

Permanent Transmutation

By the very nature of the Talent phenomenon, the

permanent Transmutation of materials is not possible. An Extra that allows a material to become
permanent and immune to the Will effects of other
Talents cannot be purchased.

It is strongly recommended that this rule be
strictly adhered to; otherwise, a smart Talent with
this power will just make a ton of gold, and get the
hell out of the war, permanently.

Substances are related (transmute a metal into
another metal)
Medium (5) Substances are similar (transmute water into
hydraulic fluid)
Hard (8)
Substances are dissimilar (transmute a person
into salt)
Example: Luis wants to Transmute a Nazi into a stone
statue. Luis has Transmutation at 6d. The Nazi weighs
220 lbs, so he defends at 2d. The GM decides that the
Transmutation Luis is attempting is Hard (flesh into
stone), so Luis has a Difficulty rating of 8. Luis rolls 9,9,
8, 8, 6, and 2. The Guard rolls a 10 and a 7. Poof! The
Nazi is now a stone statue. However, if Luis had rolled
2x7, he would have failed because his Difficulty number
was 8. Or, if the Guard had rolled 2x10, Luis would have
failed as well because 2x10 is a higher set than 2x9.

Power Stunts

Result Specialist: Pick a specific material. When

transforming other materials into that material, you can
roll your Result Specialist dice. If (for instance) your special
material is salt, you can add your dice when trying to turn
people, tanks or water into salt.
Target Specialist: Pick one particular substance. You can
add your Target Specialist dice when youre attempting to
turn that material into something else. If you picked steel
as your specialty, youd get your dice when trying to turn
steel into grape jam or into air or whatever.
Note: These two specialist types do not stack. You use
the higher stunt. If a character has three dice in Target
Specialist (Flesh) and two dice in Result Specialist
(Gasoline), he can only add three dice when trying to turn
someones flesh into gasoline.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Selective Transmutation (+2/+4/+8): You can transmute less

than one object with this Extra. Want to turn the tires of a
truck to ash without affecting the truck itself? No problem.
(Usually the GM will set a Difficulty number to hit the
targeted zone).


King Midas (-2/-4/-8): You can only transmute objects into

one type of material, be it hydrogen peroxide, sand or even
plastic. Instead of reducing the cost of the power, this Flaw
removes the Difficulty rating. You still must roll against the
targets size, however.
Limited Target (-2/-4/-8): You can only transmute objects
of one typefor instance, you can change steel into gold or
gasoline, but you cant change any other substance. Instead
of reducing the cost of the power, this Flaw removes the
Difficulty rating. You still must roll against the targets size,
however. If you already have the King Midas Flaw, this does
reduce the dice cost of Transmutation by (-1/-2/-4).


Attacks, Defends, Robust.

Zed Table: Can Defend

Die Type
Each Die
Each Hard Die
Each Wiggle Die

Point Cost to Purchase


Your power is a peculiar one. It seeks out other Talent

powers and cancels their effect on the environment out
by counteracting them. It does not stop the power from
happening; instead, it detects what the power is doing to the
environment (the flight power propelling you through the
air, the Body Hyperstat allowing you to lift a truck, etc). and
counters that effect, so that the Talent power is cancelled
out. The Talents power is still working; the Zed force simply
cancels it out without invoking a Contest of Wills.

(Zed is the British pronunciation of z, the first letter
of zero, as in zero Talent power.)

Psychic, non-physical, non-visible, and self-affecting
powers are not affected by Zed, so mental illusions and
other effects remain even when Zed is in use. All physical
effects of Talents are counteracted to a lesser or greater
degree, depending on the success of the roll.

After the first time you see a Talent use his powers,
you can attempt to Zed him. Roll your Zed dice pool,
and gobble the number of dice from the Talents power
set. Cancel out enough of his matches so he doesnt have a
success, and you cancel out his power.
Example: Klaus wants to stop a Teleporter whom he
has seen teleport before, with his Zed ability of 6d.
The Teleporter has a power of 6d, and rolls a 4, 4, 7,
2, 6 and a 2. Klaus rolls a 6, 5, 6, 4, 6 and a 4. He can

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

gobble 3 dice of 6 or less from the teleporters set. He

gobbles a 4 and a 2, negating all matches and the use
of the teleporters power.

Power Stunts

Specific Power: You are particularly gifted in canceling out

a specific power (you pick). When you come up against a
Talent employing the Specific Power, add your dice to your
Zed pool for canceling that power.


Radius (+3/+6/+12) [3 points per rank]: The powers effect

radiates outwards from you (and only you), affecting its
targets within the radius established.

Radius Table: Maximum Distance


Maximum Distance
1 yard
5 yards
10 yards
50 yards
100 yards
250 yards
500 yards
1,000 yards
1 mile
10 miles


No Go (-1/-2/-4): There are certain powers your Zed

just wont work against. You dont know why. You can
take this Flaw multiple times. (You can only choose
general powers for No Go, such as Harm or suchlike.
You cant choose extremely specific Talents, such as
Transmuters who turn people to Stone. As usual,
consult with your GM).

Cafeteria Power Sets

These pre-made sets of powers (all geared for 25 Will point

characters) are presented here to give you an idea of the
flexibility of the Godlike system. If you need, it can even
give you a jump-start in making a quick character, just in
case something uh . . . untoward happens to your old one.

The Blaster (25 points)

This is the classic super-human blaster set. With his energy

blast, he can fry even the most resilient human, leaving
behind only a smoking stain on the carpet.
Harm: Energy Blast (Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of
Combat, Robust; 5/10/20).
3hd (Flaws: Graphic -1/-2/-4, Nervous Habit [Must Point at
Target] -1/-2/-4, Expensive -1/-2/-4; Side Effect: Target dies
from burns, not from head-hit; 12 points).

Damage: 3 killing and 3 shock to hit location 10.

13 Extra Points of Base Will.



The Brain (25 points)

This is the classic super-human brainiac set with a little bit

of super-science ability thrown in on the side. He can build
things that break physical laws and shouldnt really work,
but . . . uh . . . just dont ask him to explain why they work,
or you could be there awhile.


Brains (2/5/10)
4d (8 points).
Note: Add this to your base Brains score.
Goldberg Science (Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of
Combat, Robust; 5/10/20)
2hd (Flaw: Strenuous -2/-4/-8; 12 points).

Maximum Number of Simultaneous Devices: 2
5 Extra Points of Base Will.

The Bruiser (25 points)

Urgh, smash! In close combat, hes more likely to throw

staff cars around than hand grenades. But look out; he
doesnt know his own strength . . .


Body (2/5/10)
7d+1hd (19 points).
Note: Add this to your base Body score.

Maximum Lift: (depends on total).

6 Extra Points of Base Will.

The Flyer (25 points)

This is the classic super-human flyer set.

Flight (Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust; 4/8/16)
5d (20 points)

5 Extra Points of Base Will.

The powers exhibited by Talents are all variations of the

same power: The power to impose your beliefs on the
physical world. Its a combination of belief and hope that
allows Talents to use their abilities; to model this, we have
the Will stat.

Unlike your other stats, Will goes up and down all the
time. Depending on circumstances, your characters ability
to believe in his powers may be strong or weak, and the rise
and fall of Will reflects that. Generally speaking, the better
he does, the stronger he becomes. Defeats and setbacks
weaken his Will and, consequently, his powers.

You start out with a Base Will score equal to
Command + Cool. (Will depends, after all, on your
perceived ability to control your surroundings and your
ability to control yourself). Normal humans only have a
Base Will statistic; they do not have, like Talents, a Will stat
that fluctuates up or downTalents have both.

When you design your Talent character, you can
turn leftover Will points into Base Will at a one-for-one
exchange rate. (During play, the cost to raise Base Will
gets a lot higher). Base Will is fairly stable, and does not
generally change during the course of play. Base Will is your
default Will when youre not swollen with self-confidence
or crushed by loss. If you lose all your Will, it will gradually
rise back up to the Base Will levels, provided you are not
under constant adverse conditions (Unfortunately, war can
have a lot of those).

The general Will trait is more important and less stable.
Youll see a track on your character sheet for following its
rise and fall. (In my games, the players use pennies; this
may not be feasible with higher-powered settings than the
Godlike default). Will is used in two ways: You can risk it,
or you can spend it. If you spend it, its gone - Spend 3 Will,

Alternate Sources of Will

The Sneak (25 points)

This is the classic super-human sneak set. Skulking around

in the shadows, his Fade power keeps him unobserved, and
his Dead Ringer power lets him get into the most secure
Dead Ringer (Useful Outside of Combat, Robust; 3/6/12)
2hd (Flaw: Slow Change 1, -1/-2/-4; 8 points).
Fade (Useful Outside of Combat, Robust; 3/6/12)
2hd (12 points).

5 Extra Points of Base Will.

The Traveler (25 points)


This is the classic super-human traveler set. Its hard to keep

tabs on him since hes popping in and out all over the place,
and boy, is he ever hard to hit!
Teleportation (Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of Combat,
Robust; 5/10/20)
5d (25 points).

Base Teleport Range: 100 miles

Base Teleport Capacity: 50 lbs.

If you wish, during character generation you may

tie your Will to a particular skill or stat, rather than
your Talent powers. If you choose to do this, you
cant change it, ever, and you do not gain Will from
naturally rolled 10s while using Talent powers.
However, every time you naturally roll Height 10
while successfully using that skill or stat, your Will
increases by 1.

This is a nice (and important) option for Talents
whose Miracles are all Hard Dice or and who (consequently) never have a chance to gain more Will
by rolling natural 10s. But other players may opt to
tie Will to a skill or stat for character reasons. For
example, a character that sees himself as a tough
survivor might choose to gain Will from natural 10s
on successful Mental Stability rolls. Another who
sees himself as a real leader might gain Will from
natural 10s on Leadership rolls. Understand that
stats are rolled much more frequently than skills:
From a strictly mechanical viewpoint, youre better
off associating it with a stat. But if you opt to put it
on a skill, feel free.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



your Will rating (the points, not your Base Will) drops by
3. If you risk it, it means theres a chance you could lose it;
or a chance you could keep it - or, for that matter, a chance
you could increase it.

What Will is Good For

You cant use any of your Talent powersHyperstats,

Hyperskills, or Miracles - if you have no Will points.
You can spend a point of Will to defend yourself if
another Talent is trying to attack you directly with his
power (and you know that hes there). He can in turn
spend a point of Will to buy off the Will you just spent.
This turns into an auction pretty quickly; see When
Wills Collide below for more details.
Whenever you use any Talent ability, you must risk
a point of Will (See Gaining Will and Losing Will,
below). If you succeed at activating the power, you do
not lose that Will point; if you fail, that Will point is
You can use Will for character advancement (see Part
Two: Game Mechanics, Character Advancement on p.

Gaining Will

Remember: your Will can never exceed 50 points (Unless

your GM says so. See Appendix A: Optional Rules on p.
305 for details on raising Will point totals).

Losing Will

In addition to spending it, your Will rating decreases

whenever one of the following things occurs.

Your Will rating increases by 1 point whenever one of the

following occurs.

You roll Height 10 while successfully using one of your

Talent powers. Hard and Wiggle Dice do not count for
this: It must be a naturally rolled 10 (this may seem
unfair to those with hard or Wiggle Dice, but since
they succeed so much more often when they attempt
an action, they tend to make Will points back in other
You defeat another Talent in a Contest of Wills (see
When Wills Collide, below). Youll almost certainly have
a net Will loss even if you win, but its still a victory.
You wake up after a good nights sleep and your
current Will is less than your Base Will.
You successfully take a significant military position,
prisoner, enemy intelligence or the like (in other words,
achieve a significant success, or contribute to one).
At the GMs discretion,
you may get a point
of Will when you do
something particularly
spectacular and
gratifying (if all the
players cheer, youve
probably made this
one), or when you do
something that really
boosts your characters
self-image or one of your
characters motivations.

You subdue or kill another Talent in combat. If you do

this, you gain his Command stat in Will points (Note
that killing is not necessary for the reward; its the
breaking of the enemys Will to fight that matters).
Your power saves a persons life directly. If you do
this, you gain that persons Command stat in Will
points (Your GM may choose to double this reward
in the event that you save a civilian un-involved in the

If you fail a Cool+Mental Stability roll, you lose half

your Will.
If a personal tragedy occurs in your life (i.e. a Dear
John letter from your fianc , a notice that your
mother has died, or a buddy gets killed in combat), you
lose half your Will.
If you fail to activate a Talent power, you lose a point
of Will.
If you attempt and fail to save someone with your
power, you lose their Command score in Will points.
If you are subdued in combat by another Talent or
enemy, you lose half your Will.

Battle Fatigue

When do you roll a test of Cool+Mental Stability for a

character? Good question. You roll Cool+Mental Stability
whenever a character is:

A witness to a terrible event.

Under attack by a tank, flamethrower or other heavy
In imminent danger of death.
Under a large amount of personal stress.

Your Will rating increases

by multiple Will points
whenever one of the
following events occur:

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Otherwise, it remains up to
the GM to decide just what
constitutes the necessity of a
Cool+Mental Stability roll.
What happens when you
fail a Cool + Mental Stability
roll, anyhow? A number
of thingsnone of them


First off, theres the

immediate result of a failed
Cool+Mental Stability roll:
Your character loses control.


You, as the player, have three choices here:
1) The character can immediately flee the scene at top
speed using every means at his disposal, losing half his
Will (and he cant fight anyone who tries to stop him).
2) He can curl up in a ball, losing half his Will, (rendering
him incapable of offensive action).
3) Or he can hold his ground and fight on, losing all his
Will (and the use of his Talent powers).

urination are beyond you), and cannot be communicated with.

When and if your character comes out of this fugue,
remains up to the GM to decide.


When you fail, its up to you whether your character flees,

curls up on the ground bawling, or holds his ground but
loses his mental stability.

Regardless of which response you pick for your character,
it either lasts fifteen minutes, or until the maddening stimulus
is removed. (Or until your character dies, of course).

Periodically, your character gets tired. Very, very, tired.

He could sleep twelve hours a day and still feel groggy,
disconnected and out of touch. If your GM decides
youve been overdoing it a bit (like, say, fighting a war or
something), he may ask you for a special Cool + Mental
Stability roll, even without a concrete triggering event. If
you fail it, you dont have the freeze/flee and sacrifice results
detailed above, but you do become depressed for several
days. During that time, your Will drops to your Base Will
level and can never rise above that level.

Long-Term Effects


The long-term effects of a single distressing incident depend

on your current mental state, which can be represented by
a whole lot of different character elements. The foremost
of these is Will. Since Talents are those people who can (for
whatever reason) mold reality with just the force of their
belief, Will can serve as a sort of buffer between them and
madness. (After all, the denial of a man who can convince
himselfand gravitythat he can fly is a lot stronger than
the denial of a normal person). Thus, if you have any Will at
all, the only effect is that you lose half of it (rounding up).

If you have no Will, youre really in the crapper. Youre
going to lose something, but what you lose is up to you.
You must pick one of the following:

Lose two experience points.

Change any special die in a power to a normal die (i.e. a
wiggle or hard die becomes a regular die). Or lose a die
from a power (if you have no wiggle or Hard Dice in it).
Lose two points of Base Will.
Lose a point of Cool.
Lose a point of Mental Stability.
Pick out a permanent mental illness.

Losing Cool or Mental Stability is obviously bad, because

that puts you on a slippery slope down to lost Will and pure
madness. On the other hand, losing Base Will makes it a lot
harder to recover from fights with other Talents. Permanent
mental illnesses are no picnic though. But at least you get to
choose, right?

Those same unhappy effects apply to a non-Talentan
ordinary person who has no Will pointsin cases where
a Talent would lose all his Will points, such as fighting on
despite a Mental Stability failure.

Permanent Mental Illnesses


Catatonia happens when the world just becomes too much to

bear. Inside your own mind, youre happy, and thats where
youre going to stay, because the outside world scares you to
death. While in this inner void, your character is incapable of
action (sometimes even the most basic actions like eating and

Insomniacs have trouble sleeping. Sometimes they have

nightmares that jerk them awake before they can truly rest.
Sometimes they just cant sleep at all, no matter how tired
they are, as their mind runs in circles, unable to slow down.
Regardless, any time your character is not in a completely
soothing environment, a Cool+Mental Stability roll must be
made to get sleep. (Remember that a good nights sleep is a
prerequisite for regaining Will and for healing damage). If
you fail to sleep, guess what? Thats right, you dont gain
any Will points back and you dont heal.

Manic-Depressive Disorder

Your character alternates from upbeat recklessness, to a

sad sack low mood on a regular cycle. When hes manic,
he takes risks he shouldnt, and endangers his buddies (any
experience earned while hes manic is halved), and when
hes depressed, he loses a die out of all dice pools. He can
make a Cool+Mental Stability roll (if hes got any of the
latter left) to pull out of his mania or deep funk for width in
combat rounds (or out of combat, minutes).


Your character is petrified with fright by something,

probably something that was present when he failed the
roll. (Rifles? Fire? Loud noises? Blood?) Whenever hes
around that special something, he has trouble concentrating
and, consequently, loses a die out of every dice pool. (Hard
dice and Wiggle Dice are removed first).


This does not mean multiple personalities, as is commonly

believed; (thats a different disorder entirely) instead, it
represents a disconnection from the outside world that
your character begins to feel. Usually this disconnection
grows over time, and is punctuated by vivid fantasies of
persecution and the hearing of phantom voices that goad
and threaten you. Sometimes, even visions are seen. This
disease is usually chemical in nature (though very little of
this was understood in the 1940s) but sometimes, its just
a curable mental illness. Whether or not you recover from


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



schizophrenia is a matter up to the GM to decide.

When this disconnection is complete, you are a
raving lunatic, incapable of coherent communication with
anybody, and if you have a Talent power, this complete
disconnection makes your powers grow, and become
invulnerable to the interference of other Talents. While
this might sound great at first, keep in mind that as a
schizophrenic you have no clear conception of the outside
world . . . (In other words, hand over your character sheet
to your GM. You cant cooperate with others, much less
communicate with them, when youre stark raving mad).

Shell Shock

You just cant handle combat anymore. A door slamming

is enough to send you into hysterics, and you will do
anything, anything to stay away from the front line. Being
there, among the dead and the dying, with the bullets
whipping by and the shells crashing down is enough to
drain you of all your Will, day after day, no matter how
much you gain. Its either that, or hightail it out of there
and probably face a court martial.

When Wills Collide

Talents can use their Will to interfere with the use of

enemy Talent powers. This is by no means a general ability
however. Talent powers can be countered with Will under
only three circumstances.
1) If the Talent knows the power is being directly used to
cause mental or bodily harm to him.
2) The power being used has the Interfere Flaw (see
Interfere on p. 53).
3) If a Talent is trying to affect a device created by a
Goldberg Scientist (see Goldberg Science on p. 70)
or an object created or altered by a Talent power (see
Create on p. 63, or Transmutation on p. 90).
The second and third situations are straightforward, but
that first one deserves a little more explanation. Any time
someone elses Talent is going to affect you, make some
deleterious change to your surroundings or otherwise
directly interfere with your actions, you can spend Will to
fight it. Examples follow.
An invisible man tries to hit you.
You cannot spend Will to make him visible. Its his action
in hitting you thats the trouble, and thats not a Talent. By
making himself invisible, hes only affecting himself.
A guy attacks you with his heat vision.
You can spend Will to interfere with his power.
An impossibly strong Talent tries to crush you in a bear hug.
You can spend Will to interfere with his strength - but if you
succeed, he can still make his attack. He just doesnt use the
extra dice, Hard Dice or Wiggle Dice given by his Hyperstat.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

A really strong Talent throws a jeep at you.

You cannot interfere. His Talent affected the jeep, not you
or your surroundings. Once he lets go of it, its a physics
problemfor you.
A Talent with inhuman coordination fires at you with a rifle.
You can spend Will to reduce his coordination to human
levels as long as you know hes attacking you. Its maybe a
little counterintuitive, but what his extreme coordination lets
him do is aim at you exceptionally well, and it is that aiming
that you resist. (Plus, if you couldnt spend Will to resist this,
hyper-snipers would make this a very quick game indeed).
A Hypercoordinated Talent tries to dodge your punch.
You cant counter this, because his speed is (in this instance)
affecting him and not you. If he tries to hit you, you can
counter that use of it.
A Talent uses mind control on you.
You can counter this.
A Talent uses Hypercommand to force a Cool+Mental
Stability check on you.
Hell yes, you can counter this.
Now that you know what and when you can counter, its
time to learn how: During the declaration phase of combat,
if you want to counter a Talent ability (and are able to),
you simply spend a point of Will. The Will that the other
Talent is gambling gets lost: Youre both down one point.
However, the other Talent can spend another point of Will
to counter your counter (thus starting over). You can then
counter that again, and so on. If you choose to withdraw
from the contest, youre out a point and hes out two
points (but he gets one back because he defeated you in the
contest). Basically, its an auction (or maybe more like a
game of chicken -whos going to cave in first?)

If the auction goes to the person using the Talent, he
still has to make a roll. Its perfectly possible to spend a lot
of Will on an attack, win the auction, and screw up when
rolling the dice.

This does put Talents into a rather ugly position. Using
Will to counter the Will of an attacker leaves less fuel for
their own abilities. On the other hand, being hit is no picnic
either, unless you have some sort of defensive power.

Hoarding great stores of Will so that you can simply
outspend an enemy is a valid tactic. The only problem
is that if youre hoarding it, you cant use it for selfimprovement; then theres always the risk of losing half of it
due to some unforeseen traumatic event.

Is there a simple way around this conundrum that
allows you to have a lot of Will and rapidly improve
your powers? I sure as hell hope not, because those hard
decisions are supposed to be part of the game.

Oh, and I almost forgot, theres a catch to this whole
Talent Will bidding system. The catch is this: a surprise attack
made with a Talent ability, even if it is affecting a targeted
Talent directly, cannot be countered by a Contest of Wills. It
just happens; no Will defense by the subject of the attack can
be made. This is why so many Talents die in the war.



Will Points in Game Play

How many Will points does an average Talent have?

Depending on the power level of your campaign, the Will
points of an average Talent may vary from as low as 5 to as
many as 100 or more. The maximum Will points a Talent
can possess in the default setting for Godlike is 50 Will
points, but you can alter this as you please. The power-level
remains, for the most part, up to you and the kind of game
you want to play.

The amount of Will points an average Talent has
hinges on the amount of action, penalty and reward the PCs
are exposed to, a variable that relates directly to the theme
of the campaign (see Themes on p. 283). In a high-powered
campaign the PCs likely have high Will point totals and in a
realistic campaign they likely have low Will point totals.

High Will point totals will lead to soaring risks when
Wills collide. Feinting tactics will often be used, leaving one
party crushed and the other victorious very quickly. It will
also lead much less often to the loss of Talent powers (due
to the comparative rarity of 0 Will points occurring).

Low Will point totals will lead to conservative risks,
with more bluffing (risking all but the last Will point or two
in an attempt to make the other Talent withdraw). Loss of
Talent powers will occur often due to 0 Will point totals
coming up all the time.

Why Will?

If you just want to play a straight superhero game and

discard the concept of the contest of wills, feel free. The
Will concept in Godlike is there to keep the well, godlike
powers of Talents from getting out of control and rewriting
history completely.

Keep in mind that changing Will as a dynamic statistic
to something as simple as fuel for paranormal powers will
allow the players a huge leeway in the use of their abilities
against one another, and will make wild, possibly world
affecting combats much more likely (but of course, if this is
what youre looking for, then no problem right?)

Also, since Base Will is not an important consideration
with this game modification, it will give the players more
points to spend on their abilities during character creation.

Using Talents in the Game

Using Talent abilities is as easy as concentrating for a

moment. In game terms, to activate a Talent, a character
must pause, concentrate one combat round, and make a
successful roll on his power dice pool. On a match, the
power manifests, on a failure, nothing happens and they
lose 1 Will point.

Some powers are always active, and require no such
roll to activate. Defensive abilities such as Heavy Armor
and others are simply always on, to protect the operator
from harm. Bear in mind that any power that normally
requires an activation roll can be made automatic, simply
by purchasing the Always On Extra for it.

Other powers are fickle, and are activated only by the
operators subconscious. In this case, the power is activated
and deactivated at the whim of the GM.

Miracle Power Ranges

Most Miracle powers listed (unless otherwise noted) work

within sight range of the operator. Anything that can be seen
can be affected by the power, unless that some sort of Flaw
limits the power, or the object affected is too large for the power
to overcome. Other Talents (such as transportation powers or
other self-affecting powers such as Heavy Armor or passive
psychic abilities) work only on or directly around the operator.

Hyperskills and Hyperstats only work on the operator,
of course (unless they are modified with some sort of Extra).

Some Talent powers have no limit to range. If a Talent
ability has an effective range beyond sight range, it is
usually listed under the description of the power and costs
more Will points.

Talents, Concentration,
and Damage

Its difficult to concentrate while bullets rip through your

flesh, and most Talent powers require concentration to
work. Since Talents seem to be shot so much, its important
to cover this eventuality.

First off, someone whos rolling to activate a Talent
loses a die out of a match if he is hit in combat. This is the
combat standard ruleget hit, lose a die out of your highest
match (wiggle and Hard Dice are removed first).

If a power is always active, it still may fail if the Talent is
injured. If a Talent is using a power that doesnt require a roll
and he is hit, he does have to roll the relevant pool. If the roll
fails, the Talent shuts down until a successful roll is made.
Example: Skip is flying along with his Flight Miracle of
5d when he is hit by a machine gun burst from a tank on
the ground. He rolls his pool to try to stay aloft, but with
1,5,6,8 and 9, he gets no matches and begins to fall. The
GM rules that theres another round before he impacts,
but that the attacker gets another shot at him. Both Skip
and his attacker roll. This time Skip gets a 2x2 match,
but the gunner gets a 3x5 hit. Not only is this sufficient
to blow off Skips right arm, it also knocks a die out of
his match, making his Flight power fail. He plummets.

Talent Side Effects

Some Talent powers just naturally have side effects which

may not directly affect game play, but which are very
noticeable to those witnessing their use. For example, a
Talent who flies may project a beam of light from his legs
as he jets through the air, or a Talent who hurls balls of fire
may have hands that burn while he is preparing to attack.
These are not really significant enough to add cost to the
Will point total of the power, though they may prove useful
under certain limited circumstances. Some Talents have no
side effects to their powers at all.

The Talent with flaming hands may be able to light
a fire with his fingers, or the flying Talent may be able to
illuminate an area with his contrail. Imaginative players
may come up with dozens of ways to use their side effects
in a productive manner, but the GM can come up with even
more ways to make those side effects deadly. Flying with a


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



glowing contrail at night is guaranteed to bring on an antiaircraft gun attack, and walking around with burning hands
in a building may just set off the fire alarm . . .

Choose your side effects carefully; theyre free and they may
be useful, but they might just come back to haunt you in the end.

Talent Detection

All Talents possess the ability to detect other Talents whose

powers are active. This knowledge is two-way, since the
Talent noticing the signature of a power is using a Talent
ability to do so. Both the user and the detector immediately
know the other is a Talent, but only if one activates a power
first in plain sight. If both Talents have no powers active
at the moment they see each other, or if one Talent is using
a power to obscure himself, they remain anonymous and
invisible to one another.

Some Talent powers are active all the time, and are
therefore visible all the time. Others can be switched on
and off, or can be hidden. Generally speaking, Hyperstats
and defensive Miracles (such as Heavy Armor) are always
on, and therefore always visible; Hyperskills and Miracles
are not (such as a Hyperskill
in Archery, or the ability to
breathe fire), and are only
visible when used.

Transformation powers
such as Alternate Form,
Dead Ringer, and Transform
are like beacons for Talent
sight. No matter the form
assumed, Talents in the
area can automatically tell
the subject is a Talent. A
Goldberg Scientists devices,
and items transmuted or
created by Talents, are also
clearly visible as such to all
Talents present.

On the other hand,
obfuscation powers such as
Fade, Invisibility and Projected Hallucination can obscure
Talent sight. Once the Talent is seen clearly (or if they are
seen as they activate their powers) their signature can be
sensed by any Talent present. Its not enough to target, but
the Talents will be aware that someone unseen is present.
This is often enough to keep a power active and handy, just
in case.

Some Talents describe this signature as a visible aura
around the target, others as a low tone in the back of their
skull. Like describing a smell, a definitive definition for
Talent sight is not easy.

In game terms, no roll is required to spot another
Talent whose power is active, it just happens.

Talent Targeting

This is the foreknowledge that all Talents have when they

are being directly targeted by another Talents power. The
major limitation to this ability is that it does not work
against surprise attacks, but otherwise, if the target of a
power is the Talent, he or she knows a split-second before

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

that a paranormal attack is coming. Most Talents describe

it like a high-pitched whining in their mind. What does this
foreknowledge mean in game terms?

During the declaration phase of combat, if a Talent is
being targeted by another Talents power (and he knows
hes under attack), he can choose to counter that attack
with a Contest of Wills before that attack is rolled; or he
can take his chances and let the attack through his mental
defenses. A Contest of Wills does not require the Talents in
question to stop in their actions. Both participants can fight
and move normally; until one of them gets fried, that is.

Defensive Powers In
Talent vs. Talent Combat

What happens if another Talent attacks you, you lose the

contest of wills, but you have some sort of Talent ability
that protects you against harm like Heavy Armor? Does
your defensive power stop the Talent attack?

In a Talent against Talent clash, defensive powers do
work against other Talent abilities, as long as the attack
fits within the defenses
parameters. For example,
if you had a shield power
against ice attacks, and an
enemy Talent fried you with
lightning bolts, your power
would obviously not defend
against it.
Keep in mind though
that in Will against Will
contests, one Talent is often
left without enough Will to
fuel his or her powers at all.
When your Will=0, none of
your Talent powers work,
not even armor and other
defensive powers.
Also, keep in mind that
unless the defense has the
Always On Extra, surprise attacks cause normal damage
and cannot be defended against.

Using Powers Defensively

Sometimes even powers that arent usually used to defend,

such as Harm or Invisibility can be used defensively. To be
able to use a power this way, it must have the Defends
quality; without it, no defense is possible with that
particular power.

When a power is used in this way, the dice rolled in
the powers dice pool are read a little differently, with a
dice mechanic called gobbling. This is not a new dice
type, such as Wiggle or Hard Dice, but a different way of
working out the outcome of a dynamic contest between a
defending power and an incoming attack.

A Talent power can be used in a defensive manner if
the following circumstances are met:
1) You know you are under attack: Your power may not be
used to defend against attacks you dont know are coming,



unless that power is a defensive power with the Always On
Example: Chuck, a telekinetic, is skulking around
when he is shot in the back by a sentry. He cannot use
his telekinetic power to defend against this attack, since
he didnt know it was coming.
2) You can see the Attacker: The defense is no good if
you dont know the exact distance and direction of your
attacker, unless that power is a defensive power with the
Always On Extra.
Example: Chucks squad is under assault by an enemy
sniper in a distant bell tower. Try as he might Chuck
cannot see the sniper, so he cannot defend against this
attack with his power.
3) You are not defending against another Talent power:
Direct assault by Talent powers may not be defended
against by other non-defensive Talent powers, instead a
Contest of Wills between the two Talents must be resolved
(see When Wills Collide on p. 95). Indirect assault can be
defended against, however. For example, if a Talent bruiser
threw a truck at you, you could defend against the truck
itself. If someone shot you with their death beams, that
would be a Contest of Wills situation.

The exception to this rule is defensive Talent powers
such as Heavy Armor or Immunity. These defensive powers
can and do block relevant Talent attacks normally.
Example: Chuck is under attack by an enemy Talent.
The Talent tries to fry Chuck with lightning bolts from
his hands. Chuck cannot defend against this attack
with his power; instead, he may defend against this
attack with a Contest of Wills.

If however, the enemy Talent had used the lightning bolts to ignite gasoline drums near him, Chuck
could have used his power to contain the explosion.
4) The weapon which is being used to attack you does not
have a Penetration rating higher than your total power dice
pool: Your power cannot defend against weapons with a
higher Penetration rating than your power dice pool. If a
weapon with a higher Penetration rating than your dice
pool is fired at you, your defense automatically fails.
Example: Chuck sees an enemy trooper with a Panzerfaust aiming at him and his men. Chuck braces and
attempts to defend with his TK power. His TK power
dice pool is 5d, and the Penetration rating of the Panzerfaust is 7. Since 7 is greater than 5 (the total number
of dice in Chucks TK pool) the Panzerfaust will automatically breach any defense Chuck tries to raise.

If the above conditions can be met and the power can be

used defensively, you can use your power dice pool to
gobble up dice from the opposing attackers set, hopefully
negating the attack. This works just like dodging. See Part
Two: Game Mechanics, Dodging on p. 18 for more details.
Example: Chuck has 5d in Telekinesis and a Nazi with
a rifle attacks him. He wants to defend against the
incoming bullet. The attacker rolls 4d and gets a 2x5
hit. Chuck rolls his Telekinesis in a defensive capacity
and gets a 2x6 success. This means he can remove 2
dice from his attackers dice pool (the width of his roll)
and that those dice he removes can be of no number
higher than 6 (the height of his roll). Chuck removes
the two 5s from his attackers set, foiling his attack and
effectively stopping or deflecting the bullets in flight
with his TK.

Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice are used normally in gobbling.
Example: Marcus has 2d+1hd+1wd in Energy Blast
and a Nazi with a machine gun attacks him. The attacker rolls 5d (his skill) + 5d (for the machine guns
Spray value) and gets two sets, a 3x8 and a 4x7.
Marcus wants to vaporize the bullets in the air with his
energy blast, so he rolls his normal dice pool and gets
a 7 and a 2. His hard die does not match, but he can
make his wiggle die match it, giving him 2x10.

Unfortunately, it doesnt matter. Since the attackers sets are wider than Marcus, he is hit by both the
3x8 set and the 4x7.
The biggest advantage to defensive gobbling is its utility
against multiple opponents or multiple attacks.
Example: Margot is jumped by two Luger-wielding assassins and decides to use her inhuman speed to dodge
the bullets. Both attackers rolled successesa 2x5 and
a 2x7 respectively. Margot rolls her defensive pool and
gets a 2x8. All the moves are of equal width, so height
serves as a timing tiebreaker. Margo has two dice to
gobble with, so she can counteract one 5 out of the first
pair and one 7 out of the second. Both sets are ruined
and neither attacker hits.
Hyperstats and Hyperskills can defend as gobble dice in
the same manner, if the situation seems appropriate. For
instance, trying to defend with a Hyperstat in Sense against
a bullet attack is foolish (you may see the bullet quicker,
but you cant move quicker), while trying to defend with a
Hyperstat in Coordination for the same attack makes sense
(you are super-humanly swift and can maybe sidestep the
shot, if you know its coming).


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)





WHAT WENT WRONG? the Captain asked me and all

I could do was look at him, and over his shoulder, to the


D-Day+1 was a beautiful sight, for those who lived to see
it. The beach had been policed of the dead and the bizarre by
Talent teams just hours after it had been secured, so that when
the second wave of normals hit it, they wouldnt get all screwy.
They were out there now, normal troops gathered in clots,
moving equipment up the beachhead, looking pale and scared.
On other beaches, I knew, they had fought well; but here, the
Talents had towed the lineat least the first few feet of it.

The mess that had been cleared off the beach was a mess
only Talents could make. Four landing craft had been folded
like paper sculptures, with their crews still in them, by some
unknown German Talent. Sixteen men from G Company
were buried alive in a crashing wave of sand on the beach.
One poor guy was turned to glass. Others were disintegrated,
transformed into gold, flattened like cardboard cutouts and
shot into the sea like sling stones.

There were dogfights between fliers, telephone poles
thrown like javelins, and tellermines flung like tiddlywinks.
At one point, a wall of green flame swept past and engulfed
a dozen men right next to me, leaving behind only a dry, hot
wind of ashes.

Usually we couldve defended ourselves against tricks like
that. But we couldnt see most of them, and they controlled
the beach. Those that waded out to meet us had covering fire
from their compatriots. They had cover and we didnt. Those
that were hidden could see us; we couldnt see them. They
could do to us whatever they wanted, and they did.

Until our teleporters and fliers got to them.
Seventy-three bermenschen were killed in the landing,
along with innumerable regular Wehrmacht men. We took
it quick, but it cost us. It wasnt even our beach to take.
We came in all wrong, but we did what we did. We had no

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Of the three Talent companies that hit this portion of the
beach, two hundred and eighty-nine men, twenty-six are accounted for. For some reason I cant determine, I was one of them.

The Captain looked at me again and repeated his question.

We landed on the wrong beach. I said, my voice
cracking. I didnt know what happened to the Ranger assault
we were supposed to lead. I couldnt look him in the face. He
knew the answer, I thought. Why did he even bother asking?
I shook my head and then looked at my boots.

Wheres your gear? he coughed, turning away.

In the Channel, I said. He didnt want the details.
Not facts like theselike how something huge, green, and
slithery had dragged our landing craft down into the waves,
along with half my squad. How OMalley and Stantz had
died within seconds, only three steps up the beach, gone
in a rippling wave of blue light. That the Ape was cut in
half by some invisible thing and died convulsing in his own
blood, his innards spilled out of him like some colorful
prize. That no one I knew except the Captain was still alive
and standing on the beach. That the other Talents wandering the beach looked lost, shocked, stunned.

That I knew anything I touched from now on would
have the stain of this event on it, forever.

I looked at the Talent Operations Group flag planted on
the hill just above the place where the Ape died. It somehow
seemed to fit the scene. It was shoved into a stack of sandbags and tilted to one side, marking the Companys CP, just
above the heads of three German Wehrmacht soldiers who
looked like they had been carefully sculpted out of immense
charcoal briquettes. The flags legend, the same one that sat
on my shoulder, read: WE GO FIRST. It flapped in the air,
mocking the emptiness of the TOG command post.

I understand that legend now.

We go first because were the best. We go first because
were different.

But most of all, we go first so a lot of us wont come back.



There can be no doubt now, that the evil which has found a foothold in Nazi Germany
has grown ripe, and spawned yet another monster.
Winston Spencer Churchill, upon hearing the news of the Nazi Super-Man, June 8, 1936

A Note About
the Background

new parahumans as the war wore on. Of the nearly 2,500

pregnancies produced over a period of five years by this
project, only one of these children ever developed parahuman abilities.

The following background is meant to provide a vibrant

campaign for your players to adventure in, and to remove
the burden of creation from the GMs overloaded shoulders.
Its not a textbook study of World War II. Instead, its a
look at the general battles, troop dispositions, and political
alliances that rose and fell during the war, along with the
impact parahuman Talents had on it.

The ideas provided may be used, abused, or completely
ignored; this is up to the GM to decide. Be sure not to show
this timeline to your players (although a brief history up to
the point that game play begins may be prepared).

Many role-playing games focus on system, not setting.
Godlike has been designed to provide an engaging setting,
as well as a new and interesting system for role-playing superheroes. If you want a history lesson, read a history book.
If you want to have fun, read this book.

Events marked with a bullet hole (
) are fictional,
or are actual events modified because of the actions of parahumans.

The Major Players

The following organizations were formed during the war on

both sides of the conflict to study, catalog and train parahuman Talents. They are listed below, but further details on their
activities may be found in the timeline. They appear beneath
along with a brief description, listed in order of appearance.

Nazi Germany:
RuSHA Sonderabteilung A

RuSHA SA, or Rasse und Siedlungs Hauptamt Sonderabteilung A (Race and Settlement Office, Special Department A), handled all aspects of racial doctrine within the
Third Reich. In 1936, with the arrival of Der Flieger (the
first known parahuman), Reichsfhrer Heinrich Himmler,
eager to produce as many super-men as possible, set about
starting a special division within the RuSHA to find and
train those with parahuman powers. Himmler was sure
Der Flieger was the forerunner of the true Aryan bloodline,
buried in the morass of mixed blood in Germany.

Special Department A began in Berlin in 1936, and
grew rapidly, gaining budget and personnel as parahumans
appeared throughout Germany. It handled all aspects of
the Nazi parahuman program, and performed exhaustive
examinations, tests and studies on them (these files were
lost to the Soviets in 1945), cataloging nearly 11,000 cases
of parahuman ability between 1936 and 1945.

These parahumans were permitted to impregnate
hundreds of women in a desperate attempt to produce

Great Britain:
The Special Sciences Office (SSO)

Formed by the British High Command in great secrecy when

the world learned of the Nazi Super-man, this small committee of top physical scientists and doctors were assembled to
unravel the mystery of Der Fliegers abilities. Based in Hedge
Manor at Essex, outside of London, this small group worked
diligently during the war years to understand parahuman
abilities; and later, to catalog and test their limits.

With the discovery of the first Allied Talent, (Pevnost
in 1938) the SSO gained new funding and was able to test a
parahuman directly, for the first time. From that point on,
the SSO staff headed studies of parahuman actions, abilities
or motivations for Military Intelligence.

Bodies of dead parahumans were especially sought after for autopsy, to uncover any biological secrets they might
hold. All parahumans killed in action (if possible) were
remanded to the SSO. The first autopsy of a parahuman,
the Ethiopian Zindel (whose body was smuggled out of his
home country under great secrecy), was a disappointment
when no physical anomalies could be found. Later, physical
testing was abandoned when it was determined Talents
were no different (as far as science could determine) than
regular humans. Instead, psychological testing became the
focus of the SSO.

In 1941, the SSO shared its findings and files with
the newly formed American organization Section Two,
and thereafter a total exchange of information was forged
between the two agencies.

During the war, the SSO located and trained more than
12,500 British Commonwealth Talents.

By the end of the war, the SSO was common knowledge among the populace of the Allied powers and became
synonymous with the Talent phenomenon.

Soviet Union:
Special Directive One

Formed in the summer of 1940 at the request of Stalin,

this secret research project was to acquire parahuman
test subjects through any means possible. At first, discreet
searches were made in the Soviet Union for people who
exhibited miraculous powers. As things became more
pressing (and no test subjects were forthcoming), the
project shifted to more experimental methods to achieve
results. Lavrenti Beria, the leader of the project (as well
as the leader of the NKVD, the Soviet secret police) set


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



about methodically torturing political prisoners, hoping to
produce measurable parapsychological results.

Eventually, Beria perfected a sequence of torture and
brainwashing (called biological reeducation) that succeeded in producing parahumans reliably, but it proved flawed.

Their first success (and greatest failure), the parahuman nightmare called Baba Yaga, haunted the Soviets for
years afterwards. Biological Reeducation worked, after
a fashion. Unfortunately, those who did manifest powers
often suffered from severe psychological disturbances. At
the projects height, only about one thousand such parahumans were produced; but few were useful, as madmen are
notoriously poor at following orders. After the beginning
of the war with Nazi Germany, thousands of parahumans
manifested on their own in the Soviet Union; consequently,
the project was abandoned. Estimates by British Intelligence
placed the Talent population of the Soviet Union at more
than 75,000 at the height of the conflict, but these numbers
were never confirmed.

Due to Stalins madness and paranoia, many parahumans were purged to prevent their ascension to his supreme
position. The smartest and best of the parahumans in the
Soviet Union remained hidden; those that revealed their
abilities soon found themselves on the front lines, in a gulag, or rotting in a lime pit.

United States of America:

Section Two

Formed by President Roosevelt as a secret division of the

Office of Scientific Research and Development in 1941, Section Two was to gather information on the Talent phenomenon with the aim of producing American parahumans. The
most important secret project in Americas scientific arsenal,
Section One, was focused on producing the worlds first
atomic bomb. This gives a sense of Section Twos relative
importance in the scheme of things.

Section Two enjoyed an extremely close relationship
with the British Special Sciences Office, and had access
to the British findings on
the subject nearly from its
inception. This allowed the
program to come up to speed
rapidly, despite Americas
lack of parahumans. With the
advent of the first American
parahumans in late 1941,
Section Two set about constructing a program to locate
and test likely candidates for
parahuman abilities.

From the beginning,
Section Two was concerned
more with the psychological
aspects of the parahuman
condition than the physical.
American scientists were
sure that due to the bizarre
nature of most Talents (and
their strange immunity to

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

physical laws), they were dealing with some sort of mind

over matter situation.

By 1943, the SSO and Section Two were nearly indistinguishable, sharing all manner of personnel, files and
Talents. This cooperation led to a significant advancement
in the how of parahuman abilities, and gave the Allies an
advantage over the Axis.

During the war, Section Two located and trained 15,600
parahumans in America, and honed its search of the ranks of
the military for Talents down to an exacting science.

By the end of the war, despite its supposed secrecy,
Section Two was a household name in America. Detractors
of the program (including such significant players as
Generals Patton and MacArthur) often referred to it as
Section Eight, the military designation for dismissal due
to mental illness, because of the eccentricities evident in
many parahumans.

The Empire of Japan:

Unit 731

Unlike the other war powers, Japan never had a significant

parahuman population; less than one hundred Japanese
parahumans were discovered during the war. Unit 731,
Japans biological weapons division (headquartered in Harbin, Manchuria), developed and tested all types of methods
to produce parahumans. It failed across the board, achieving no significant results. Japan seemed to create parahumans only by invading other countries or torturing foreigners; this was worse than useless, as the Talents thus made
were uniformly hostile and unwilling to serve the Empire.

Burma, the Philippines, China, and Borneo all produced significant parahuman populations, the majority
choosing to fight the Japanese occupation.

Near the height of their power, Japan did have a few
significant Talent manifestations. Most died in the last
months of the war, either defending the home islands or at
their own hands.

Unit 731 was never
really a significant threat to
the Allied powers. Due to the
shroud of extreme secrecy
that surrounded it, the true
extent of its activities was
never clearly discerned by the
Allies until after the war.


The Dawn
of the SuperAge

The so-called Super-Age

began in 1936, with the
appearance of the first
recognized parahuman in
Nazi Germany. Where this age
ends, or if it does at all, is up
to you and your players. Note
that the following section only


notes the actions of Talents within the backdrop of a slightly
altered World War II. See Part Six: Now and Then for more
details on life in the 1940s in the world of Godlike.

June 8, 1936
The Coming of the bermensch

The first reports of the bermensch (Super-man) began to

leak out of Nazi Germany on the eve of the 1936 summer
Olympics in Berlin. Rumors of a strange figure seen flying
over the capital without the aid of an aircraft and thunderous booms heard in the air were first dismissed as mass
hysteria. At the opening of the Berlin games however, the
world was shocked to find this mysterious flying man was
absolutely real.

The mysterious Der Flieger (The Airman) opened
the 1936 Olympics. After circling the stadium three times,
floating in the air as easily as a bird, the Super-man landed
and lit the torch, beginning the 1936 Olympic games- and
the era of parahumanity.

Hitler, who refused to comment on the rumors, was
unusually retiring when interviewed about the mysterious figure before the games. Later, he even seemed to take
the victory of American Jesse Owens (who won four gold
medals in track and field events) with good humor; it was
obvious his mind was elsewhere.

Der Flieger wore a simple black flying suit emblazoned
with a large swastika on his right breast and SS insignia on
his collar. He stood imperiously next to Hitler during his
opening speech for the games. The chancellor had this to
say of the parahuman:

So it has come to pass. Germany has shown the world
that only through purity of blood, strength of deed and fortitude of spirit can man strive to become one with the gods.

Hitler referred to the mysterious man only as the Der
Flieger and claimed the super-mans appearance foretold the
coming fruit of an ongoing Nazi racial purity project. The
chancellor predicted that soon a new race of bermenschen
(Super-Men) would rise across Germany, assuring its
might as a growing world power.

After exchanging several solemn words with his leader
at the end of the speech and flashing a stiff Nazi salute to
roaring crowds, Der Flieger floated up to the apex of the
stadium. He then flew off swiftly to the southwest with
a sharp clap of thunder. Charles Lindbergh, sitting in the
stands, estimated his speed at over 700 miles an hour by
how many seconds it took the parahuman to cross the
stadium. It was theorized by scientists that he had somehow
breached the so-called sound barrier, and this was the
cause of the mysterious thunder heard in the night skies
over Germany in the weeks before the games.

There was no way to deny it. The news circled the
world, dwarfing the Olympics and the civil war in Spain. The
Nazis had a flying man and the rest of the world was in awe.

July 7, 1937
Dai Nippon Stirs

Why Was the First

Parahuman a Nazi?

Why was Der Flieger the first recorded parahuman?

This question haunted Allied analysts throughout the
war, although the media rarely brought it up. The
fact is, Der Flieger gained his abilities from the beliefs that were indoctrinated into him during his early
years by Hitlers propaganda machine. Der Flieger
could fly because he thought he was an Aryan. Deep
down he believed that he was an example of the
perfect being that the Hitler Youth hammered into
his head: part god and part man.

Belief alone made the first human fly without the
aid of a machine, and even though the beliefs that
did so were composed of some of the most insidious
evils of our age . . . he flew anyway.

World Reaction to the Super-Man

The headline read almost the same all around the

world, from the New York Times blaring NAZI
SUPER-MAN! to the more reserved and understated London Times Flying German Stuns Olympic
Crowd, banner. The world was aghast, that much
was clear in the countless editorials. Front page
examinations and news items written about the
worlds first flying man showed that everyone in the
world but the Germans were shocked and frightened
by Der Flieger, and at the apparent advancement of
the Nazis eugenics program, which is what the world
immediately assumed was responsible for such a
startling development. Still others clung to the fading
hope that Der Flieger was some sort of desperate
propaganda hoax.

Limited newsreel footage was available of Rahn.
Only the shots of him in Olympic stadium, and
several early propaganda films were available to the
countries of the west. The Germans kept any solid
information about him highly classified.

Then ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph P.
Kennedy Sr. made his stand plain when he testified before a senate committee opposing the 1940
Lend-Lease program: A war is coming in Europe,
and now, we certainly all know who is going to win
it. They have a flying man for gods sake. Many
Americans felt the same.

Other famous pro-Nazi Americans took the
appearance of the Super-man as a complete vindication of Nazi ideals. Charles Lindbergh, the first man
to cross the Atlantic non-stop, and Americas greatest hero, became rabidly pro-Nazi: I have met Der
Flieger, and he congratulated me on my 1926 roundabout. I told him I believed that his crossing four
hundred yards of stadium in the air without a plane
was more impressive to me, and indeed to mankind
itself, than any other event in recorded history.

Although the Japanese Kwangtung Army had occupied

northern China, which they called Manchukuo, for six

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Der Flieger The Airman

Name: Konrad Rahn AKA Der Flieger (The Airman), Piorun (Thunderbolt), and Mr. Messerschmitt.
Nationality: German.
Political Affiliation: Nazi (National Socialist).
Education: Gymnasium at Hamburg. Officer schooling at Bad Tlz.
Rank: Obersturmbannfhrer (SS). Honorary member of the Luftwaffe.
Decorations: Knights Cross to the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. SS Honor
Ring. SS Honor Sword. Pilot Badge in Gold with Diamonds. General Assault Badge.
DOB: 6/1/16 Hamburg, Germany.
DOD: 8/21/44 London, England (killed by anti-aircraft fire).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Rahn, the first known parahuman, could fly at speeds exceeding 800 miles per
hour and was the first human to break the sound barrier. He was known to utilize his sonic boom to knock
Allied aircraft out of the air with its devastating shockwave.

Despite the torturous forces generated by flying at such speeds, Rahn suffered no ill effects; he could also
fly at any altitude without suffering from lack of air or heat (though he could not achieve orbit, and rarely flew
above 10,000 feet).
History: Rahn was born in Hamburg in the midst of Germanys great depression, near the end the Great War.
In 1923, Rahns father, Johann Rahn, a veteran of the war and later a National Socialist, was killed during
the failed Beer Hall Putsch masterminded by Hitler and Gring. Konrad Rahn followed his sainted fathers
example. When Hitler came to power in 1933 as Chancellor, Rahn joined the Hitler youth movement with a
fanatical fervor.

On April 30, 1936, Rahn discovered his flight ability. After demonstrating his power to German military authorities, he quickly became a favorite of Hitler. Rahn lit the torch at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, after
demonstrating his flight ability to the public for the first time. He later participated in the invasion of Poland,
frightening cavalry troops with his sonic booms and nearly single-handedly knocking the outclassed Polish air
force out of the sky.

During the Blitz of London, Rahn was responsible for downing more than thirty-five Allied fighters, and
in defense of German airspace destroyed fifteen British bombers during the night-raids of Berlin. He gained the
name Mr. Messerschmitt from a terrified British populace.

Rahn was a constant symbol of Nazi superiority and was often seen at Hitlers side. He appeared in
numerous recruiting films and newsreels and often worked spreading German propaganda in recently occupied
countries (he did so to great effect in Holland, Denmark and Norway). Der Flieger twice confronted Allied
Talents in the war, and was once defeated.

In late 1944, Rahn was killed over London by the newly developed proximity fuse of the American Army.
Rahn had previously proven too fast for anti-aircraft guns to track, but these new rounds exploded when they
detected an object moving within their explosive range. Rahn was blown to pieces over London, during a flyover while dumping propaganda leaflets on the ruined House of Commons. Pieces of his body were recovered
by British authorities and preserved for science.

After the liberation of Europe, all files on Rahn were lost to the occupying Soviet forces. Few records exist
on early Nazi experiments testing the limits of his capabilities.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



years, no one expected them to make a bold grab for
further territory.

What started one evening as a small skirmish between
border patrols led to a full-fledged Japanese invasion of
southern China. Major-General Kenji Doihara, commander
of the Kwangtung Army, rapidly reinforced his troops with
modern weaponry and aircraft from Japan, and relentlessly
pushed south, killing thousands Chinese conscripts and
One after another, Chinese cities fell, and the
leader of the Chinese Army, General Chiang Kai-Shek
seemed powerless to stop the Nipponese war machine as it
swept towards Southeast Asia.

October 10, 1938

The Legal Annexation of Czechoslovakia;
Another Talent Appears
After forcing the ailing Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia
to sign the Munich Pact (which turned that nation over to
Nazi rule), Adolf Hitler continued to prepare for all-out
war. While assuring the Allies that Czechoslovakia marked
the beginning and the end of German expansionism, the
Nazi war-machine was building up; Hitlers eyes were on
the small countries that bordered the Reich. Czechoslovakia
was the first stepping-stone in a grab for all of Europe.

On October 1, 1938, German troops were rolling
through Czechoslovakia and the swastika flag was flying
over Prague.

However, with this ruthless action Hitler inadvertently
stirred hope for the world.

On October 10, 1938, a scruffy looking Czechoslovakian youth turned up on the
front steps of the Ministry
of Defense in London. He
claimed he was blessed of
god and that he had just escaped from Prague through a
passageway, seconds ahead
of agents of the Gestapo.

No one knew what
to make of him. He stated
he was a member of the
Czechoslovakian Socialist
movement, wanted by the
Gestapo. Despite his story,
the youth was ejected from
the building into the streets
of London several times.
Somehow, he kept turning up
within the building, despite
the security measures taken
by the staff. Finally, British
authorities determined that
his story was true; he actually was blessed somehow.
Briety Krizova, the confused
young Czechoslovakian,
could warp space with the
power of his mind.

The Press Discovers

Pevnost, Sort Of

Although no photographs were available to the

public, and the London Times story was composed
of complete hearsay, the rumor of a Czechoslovakian
Super-man in Britain quickly spread throughout the
world. Hourly radio reports were made from 10
Downing Street for a week, based on the hope that
Prime Minister Chamberlain would comment on the
rumor. However, the government had little to say on
the subject. At least, it seemed that they did.

To those in the know, it became evident that the
government itself was responsible for the press leak
in the first place. To keep the Germans guessing however, the identity and the nature of the mans powers
remained a tightly guarded secret.

It would be some months yet before the public
was properly introduced to Pevnost.

Any doorway Briety passed through could, through his
power, be linked to any other doorway he had previously
passed through. Briety simply walked from his den in Prague,
to a W.C. door in Trafalgar square he had once used crossing the almost seven hundred miles between the two cities
instantaneously. He could bring anyone he liked along with
him on his jaunts and could even carry large amounts of
equipment through as long as the link between locations
lasted, which was sometimes as long as ten minutes.

Briety became the backbone of a huge British-backed
anti-Nazi underground movement in Czechoslovakia. He
was known as Pevnost or
Fortress in his native
tongue and created a complex
series of safe houses linked
only by his power, where
men and equipment could be
stored for the resistance. His
ability allowed the Czechs to
launch huge sneak attacks on
German soldiers and German
sympathizers from behind
their own lines. Hitler himself
inadvertently helped the
Czech parahumans cause, by
obstinately refusing to admit
that any parahuman existed
besides Der Flieger. Hitlers
High Command soon learned
not to speak of the Czech,
unless they wished to face
Hitlers wrath.

After the war escalated,
the British took every
opportunity to exploit
Pevnost, using him for
propaganda purposes to
control the free worlds fear of
the Nazi super-man, as well


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Pevnost Fortress

Name: Briety Alta Krizova AKA Pevnost (Fortress).

Nationality: Czechoslovakian.
Political Affiliation: Czech Socialist.
Education: Gymnasium at Prague, two years at the University of Linz in Austria.
Rank: None.
Decorations: OBE, Britain, Victoria Cross.
DOB: 1/14/20 Pribram, Czechoslovakia.
DOD: 7/12/87 London, England (natural causes).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Krizova could link any two doorways he had previously passed through with
the power of his mind. This link acted as an instant gateway between two points in space. Others could travel
through as well, as long as Krizova passed through the portal with them, one at a time. The connected doorways had to be of similar design and size. For some reason, Krizovas powers did not work on doorways bigger
than 2.7m x 1.1m.

Krizovas maximum range was estimated to be 2.5 thousand nautical miles near the time of his death, and
seemed to grow with age. His power fluctuated from time to time for unknown reasons. Linking doorways
together across space was a fatiguing process for Krizova, and if pushed to its limits, could cause brain damage
or even kill him.
History: Krizova was born in 1920 to farmers in the small village of Pribram, Czechoslovakia. He left for
schooling at Prague in 1925, living with a favorite uncle in the city, and later spent a short stint at University
at Linz (vacationing in both Britain and Spain in the summers). Krizova became embroiled in politics at Linz,
and returned to Prague during the final days of Czechoslovakias autonomy. Unfortunately, he was quite vocal
about his anti-German sentiments.

He discovered his parahuman abilities while fleeing agents of the Gestapo who arrived for him just days
after the occupation of Prague. Instead of his den on the other side of the door, Krizova found himself suddenly
in London (a place hed been a year before), 644 miles away. Krizova rapidly discovered his jaunt was more
than a one-time thing, as he was repeatedly ejected from the British Ministry of Defense, only to return, repeatedly, from doors on the inside.

He convinced the British of his abilities, and went on to lead a huge underground resistance in Czechoslovakia with British assistance. Krizova gained the name Pevnost or Fortress in his native language and became a national hero, fighting the Axis until the end of the war alongside Russian and Czech partisan troops.

Krizova fled Czechoslovakia with his wife and small child in 1948 when the Communists took power, but
not before ushering out more than two hundred families and friends whose politics were questionable by
Communist standards. He lived the rest of his life in London, an honored member of the Order of the British
Empire; he was almost considered an unofficial head of state. Many Czechs felt betrayed by his actions after
the war, but Krizova only had this to say: My life has always been war. It is now time for peace. All men
deserve a little peace.

Krizova wrote four books about his life during the war, and was hailed as a talented author. He traveled
the world, a guest of dozens of governments and enjoyed the company of four American Presidents and three
British Prime Ministers. He died peacefully at the age of 67 in London. The entire world mourned.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



as supporting his partisans
in Czechoslovakia with
weaponry and personnel.

the last breath for the legend, although none claimed

to have seen him directly.

No photographs or other
evidence of the parahuman
made it to the west, and his reality, or lack thereof, remained
a matter of speculation.

12, 1938
Rumors from

May 22, 1939

In Italian occupied Ethiopia,

rumors of a supernatural
killer spread terror throughout the already badly demoralized Italian Army. In a period
of a month, over a hundred Italian soldiers were killed by
the Demon of the Badlands, a mysterious killer who left
behind only salt effigies of his victims. No one survived the
initial attacks, so no one could say just what happened. The
salt effigies, however, spoke volumes.

At first, the story was considered a hoax, although the
faces of the effigies were actually recognizable to those who
had known them in life.

Two of the salt corpses were shipped to Rome under
direct order of Benito Mussolini, who hoped to gain a
super-man of his own. The scientists assigned to the task
were baffled. The soldiers had been completely converted to
salt. Their weapons, equipment, and even internal organs
had been transformed.

Rumors of the parahuman rapidly spread throughout
the populace of Ethiopia. Along with the rumor came a
name: Zindel, an ancient word meaning Protector of Man.

Within just a few months, the natives began to fight
back with more fervor and ability against the Italian
forces. Soon it was clear that the mysterious parahuman
had taken on the aspect of a deity to them. Men fought to

News in the Western World

About Zindel
The western press was skeptical about the existence
of Zindel. The consensus between the press magnates
of London and New York was that Zindel was a
product of runaway imaginations. Who those imaginations belonged to didnt really matter. Ethiopia
was not important enough to make the front page.
Either the Ethiopians were looking for a mythical figure to support their cause, or the demoralized Italian
forces were looking for an excuse not to fight. Little
information bled out of Italian-occupied Ethiopia
about the mystery.

Almost nothing appeared in the press to indicate
that the rumors might be true. The world had yet
to grasp that the parahuman phenomenon was an
exponentially growing one. Most felt that the two
parahumans that had appeared, one for the Nazis,
and one for the Allies, represented the beginning and
the end of the matter.

The Rome-Berlin
Axis Pact is Signed

With great fanfare in Berlin, Hitler and Mussolini signed

the Pact of Steel, a mutual defense treaty between the two
fascist powers of Europe.

Although the pact was seen as a significant step
towards the solidification of fascist powers in Europe, the
German High Command considered it of little usethe Italian armed forces were, in their opinion, sub-standard.

August 23, 1939

The Pact Which Shook the World

Russia, the sleeping giant of the east, watched the growing

conflict in Europe with fear. They were not ready for war, and
the prospect of a Nazi super-man terrified Josef Stalin. At his
command, Vyacheslav Molotov made political overtures to the
Foreign Minister of Germany, Joachim von Ribbentropp.

Soon the two superpowers hammered into reality an
unthinkable agreement. No one expected cooperation between such diametrically opposed ideologies. Despite their
political differences, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany
became peaceful neighbors. Russia had thrown her weight
behind the power of central Europe, leaving the tiny countries of the east to fend for themselves. Nevertheless, that
peace was not to last.

Hitler now saw his chance to enact Case White, the
long-planned invasion of Poland.

September 1, 1939
The Invasion of Poland

Hitler knew he had pushed the world too far diplomatically. Having seized all the territory he could through
peaceful channels, it was now time for war. Enacting the
secret operation code-named Canned Goods, twelve Polish concentration camp prisoners were dressed in Polish
military gear, poisoned, and left in the city of Gleiwitz on
the night of August 31, 1939. These corpses were shot
and laid out in a field as evidence of non-existent Polish
advances into German territory.

Another Pole was taken to the Gleiwitz radio station where he was shot. An SS man fluent in Polish then
transmitted a short message in that language indicating an
imminent (and again non-existent) Polish invasion.

Hitler had the flimsy backdrop he needed to begin
his plans of world conquest. The German Luftwaffe (Air


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



force) and Heer (Army)
roared across the border to
Poland on the morning of
September 1, 1939.

of eighty-three Polish aircraft

destroyed, Der Flieger was
the highest scoring ace to

The Airman went on to
act in a ground support role,
sonic-booming Polish positions and routing entire regiments of mounted cavalry. To
the terrified ground forces of
Poland, he gained the name
Piorun or Thunderbolt.
As the news of this incredible
rout circled the globe, the
world was finally convinced
of the power of the Nazi

September 3,
A Declaration
of War

In a radio address on September 3, 1939, British Prime

Minister Neville Chamberlain
announced that a state of war
existed between the Allied
Nations and Germany, due to its unprovoked invasion of
Poland. In response, German forces in the Atlantic declared
Allied shipping open targets, and within hours of the announcement, Nazi U-boats sank the British liner Athenia.

A large confrontation was coming between the Germans and Allies, but where? And when?

The British Expeditionary Force moved four army
divisions into France in anticipation of an attack that, as
the silence on the border of Germany continued, it seemed
would never come.

September 4, 1939
Der Flieger Crushes the Polish Air Force
By direct order of Hitler, the Nazi parahuman Der Flieger
had open rights on the Polish air force. Although Reichsmarschall Gring and his Luftwaffe were involved in
ground assaults on aircraft, troops and tanks, and engaged
many of the enemy in the air, Der Flieger downed more
than eighty aircraft on his own. In just under four days, the
Luftwaffe and Der Flieger sent more than 400 Polish pilots
and 500 planes hurtling to their doom.

Der Flieger knocked fifty-two PZL P.11c fighters out of
the air with his sonic booms, and destroyed nineteen PZL
37 B Los bombers as they were being moved to an auxiliary
airbase away from the invaders. With a total to his name

Reports from the Front

Almost the instant the Germans rolled over the border

into Poland, the Nazi propaganda machine went
into high gear along with the Wehrmacht (Armed
Forces), capturing photographs of the super-man
in action and sending them around the world. Those
Poles who escaped the Nazis and the terrible reign of
Piorun to tell the tale silenced the vocal minority who
felt that the super-man could not be of use in modern

After the bloodletting in Poland, few could simply
shrug away the concept of the Nazi super-man, or that
an army composed of them was a terrifying prospect.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

September 11, 1939

From the Darkness of War-Torn Poland,
a Darkness to Match

On September 11, 1939, a single Polish Army officer took

on a platoon of the Fourteenth Division of the Heer in
the ruined streets of Krakow, and won. Poland discovered
its first parahuman in the midst of its darkest hour: Piotr
Ciowiski, a field officer in the rapidly disintegrating Polish
Army, possessed the power to move objects with his mind
but only those objects which his shadow fell upon.

The engagement between the Germans and the Poles
on the streets of Krakow took place on a clear day at dusk,
and Ciowiskis shadow was extremely long. He watched as
the Germans killed his comrades one by one, until something in him snapped. With the sun at his back, his immense
shadow hurled tanks and men, almost instantly forcing the
Germans into a full retreat. Ciowiski claimed 153 lives, destroyed four Panzer light tanks, and gained the name Cien

Seeing the inevitability of Polish defeat, Ciowiski led
his beleaguered men to the border of Romania and slipped
over the frontier amidst the confusion on September 29,
1939 as Poland blazed behind him.

Three weeks later, Ciowiski was in London, and threw
his hat into the ring behind Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz, head
of the Polish government in exile. The Allies now had the
advantage; two parahumans to the Reichs one.

September 17, 1939

The Soviet Union Invades Poland

Russia did not wait for Germany to overrun the entire

country of Poland and reach their border. Instead, the Russian Army crossed the eastern Polish border and occupied
Polands Bellorussian provinces, as was secretly agreed upon
months before by German and Russian officials. Photographs of smiling German and Russian troops meeting at
the new borders of Russia and Germany were on the cover
of every newspaper in the world.

Although Hitler was loath to grant territory to Russia,



Cien Shadow

Name: Piotr Ciowiski AKA Cien (Shadow).

Nationality: Polish.
Political Affiliation: No known political affiliations.
Education: Schooling at Krakow, two years officer schooling in Lodz, British Special Operations Executive
Rank: Colonel (Polish), brigadier colonel (British, Free Polish Forces).
Decorations: Victoria Cross (posthumous).
DOB: 12/11/04 Modlin, Poland.
DOD: 9/20/44 Arnhem, the Netherlands (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Ciowiski could telekinetically manipulate objects touched by his shadow. By
miming movements of grabbing or striking, parahuman forces were exerted on those targets, as long as the
shadow could reach them, despite the intervening distance. The strength of his shadow form depended on how
large his shadow was at the time. At his prime, Ciowiski lifted a 43-ton Panther tank and threw it forty-five
meters, killing its entire crew and thirty German troops with one attack.
History: Ciowiski was a colonel in the few fragmented remains of the Polish Army that held select streets in
Krakow when his power manifested itself. After inflicting heavy losses on the Germans at Krakow with his
power, Ciowiski fled to London and joined forces with Britains famed Polish First Airborne Brigade.

A veteran commando who worked closely with the British Special Operations Executive, he was known to
associate with other Allied Talents such as Pevnost and the Indestructible Man.

He confronted Der Flieger on D-Day at the French town of Banville while on an operation with the British
Sixth Airborne Division. The German parahuman made the mistake of buzzing the British troops too low, and
Ciowiski managed to take a telekinetic swipe at the Airman, knocking him out of the air. A picture of Der
Flieger recovering in the mud of the French road after Ciowiskis attack was one of the most famous photographs of the war. Shaken and injured, Der Flieger fled the confrontation.

Ciowiski later served in the doomed operation Market Garden in the Netherlands, commanding the
Polish First Independent Parachute Brigade. Somehow, the German command rapidly determined that an Allied parahuman was present. Within four hours, Ciowiski was facing fourteen Nazi parahumans. The Nazi
bermensch Krieg killed Ciowiski, but not before the Pole took two of his attackers with him. Cien crushed
the German super-man Der Ziegel (The Brick) in his shadow hands by cleverly using one of the Nazi air
defense klieg lights to light himself, and dropped a two-ton portion of bridge on yet another parahuman, Siegfried. After this dramatic turn, a German Heer officer, later decorated with the Iron Cross for bravery, shot out
Ciowiskis light.

Ciowiski was posthumously decorated with the Victoria Cross for his decisive actions at Arnhem.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Floodgates Open

After the announcement by the British government

of the second Allied Super-man, Cien, a huge swell in
stories, articles and public inquiries into the phenomenon began all over the world. Hundreds of people
turned up at their local hospitals, churches and government facilities in almost every country, claiming to
be parahuman. Cien and Pevnost were photographed
alongside Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and
several short newsreels were made for circulation
demonstrating their amazing abilities for the world
to see. The limits of those abilities remained a carefully guarded secret, however.

The world press exploded with stories about
parahumanity. Books began to be released in record
numbers like Jesus Was the First Super-man, The Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids and How To Unlock
Your Supernatural Powers.

The Pope made a statement indicating that
the matter must be looked into with greater clarity
by the Church before a ruling can be made.

Howard Hughes, the American multi-millionaire, offered a $25,000 reward for the first American
to demonstrate a supernatural ability.

In the winter of 1939, the phenomenon was all
the public could talk about.
he knew his forces were not yet ready for all-out war in the
east. First, all of Europe would fall before the Reich; there
would be time for Russia later.

October, 1939
The U.S. Fleet is Moved to Pearl Harbor
Under a direct order from President Roosevelt, the U.S. Pacific fleet was moved from its traditional home in San Diego
to Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii. This defensive gesture was
made to deter Japanese aggression in the central Pacific.

October 14, 1939

The HMS Royal Oak Is Sunk
at the Scapa Flow

In the early morning of October 14, 1939, the commander of U-Boat 47, Leutnant Guenther Prien, led his
crew on an audacious attack of the British Fleet in its
home port of Scapa Flow in
the Orkney Islands. The attack sank the battleship Royal
Oak. With the expenditure of
two torpedoes, 833 crewmen
were killed.

Two days later, the announcement was made by
the German Kriegsmarine
(Navy) that any ship flying

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

the flag of the Allies was subject to unannounced attack on

the high seas.

November 30, 1939

The Soviet Union Invades Finland

Following a series of so-called peace talks between Stalin and the leaders of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the
Soviets established several navy and army bases in these tiny
countries, slowly spreading their influence in the area of the
Baltic Sea. Next they invaded Finland, striking suddenly, in
a poorly executed imitation of Hitlers blitzkrieg (lightning
war) that the German Army had demonstrated during the
invasion of Poland.

Most of the world was stunned by Stalins rash actions,
but the invasion had been featured in his plans for some
time. The Finns refused the diplomatic coercion that had
worked so readily on their neighbors, and chose instead to

Like Hitler, Stalin provided a thin cover story for the
invasion, blaming the Finns for the deaths of five Red Army
soldiers in a shelling incident on the Karelian Isthmus.
Based on this provocational shelling, the Red Army
roared over the Finnish border, but the hearty Finns would
not be taken without a valiant fight.

December 19, 1939

Viljo, Death Lives in the Wilds

Although the 300,000 soldiers defending Finland were

outnumbered three to one by the Red Army, they managed
to stall the Russians in the midst of the terrible Finnish
winter. Despite their dogged defense, however, land was
continuously lost, and eventually Finn troops took to the
wilderness to live and fight on.

One of these reluctant soldiers, Joseef Seppanen, a
civilian who became embroiled in the fight against the
Soviets near a tiny village called Idel, fled with four other
men. They were the subjects of a hunt conducted by nearly
an entire Soviet division. The Soviet commander took the
groups attack on four Soviet light tanks with the ironically
named Molotov cocktail as a personal affront.

Seppanen and the others hid in a freezing cave in
the middle of the worst winter any of them could recall,
without the ability to light a fire due to Soviet patrols.
Slowly the men froze to death, but somehow Seppanen
survived. In fact, after the deaths of his colleagues, and
despite the freezing temperature, he began to feel warm
in the arctic conditions.

Seppanen was the worlds fourth known parahuman.
He could disappear into snow
in a heartbeat, felt no ill effects
from cold, could track animals
and people like a wolf and was
deadly and superhumanly swift
in combat.

Known as Viljo (Resolute Protector) by the locals,
the Finnish parahuman fought
on despite the cessation of



Viljo Resolute Protector

Name: Joseef Seppanen AKA Viljo (Resolute Protector), Bielaja Smert (White Death).
Nationality: Finnish.
Political Affiliation: Unknown.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 1/9/01 Idel, Finland.
DOD: 3/21/41 Idel, Finland (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Seppanen was completely at home in arctic conditions and felt no ill effects from
temperature extremes in excess of 60 degrees. He could vanish in snow, disappearing instantly into drifts
with parahuman swiftness, and was once seen to dodge machine gun bullets after they had been fired. With his
speed and stealth, Seppanen fought only with a knife, which he used to great effect on the Soviets.
History: Seppannens family raised reindeer since anyone near the tiny village of Idel could remember. He lived
his entire life there, never wanting anything from the outside world. When the Soviets invaded in November of
1939, Seppanen found that suddenly the outside world had forced itself upon him.

He fought the first week of the war with a small group of Finnish soldiers who avoided Russian patrols
by hiding at his farm. His knowledge of the terrain helped them cut off a small Soviet tank platoon. Soon an
entire Red Army division was searching for them.

Seppanen discovered his parahuman abilities in the wilds, and soon began to carve a path through the Red
forces in the area. Despite the cessation of hostilities in March of 1940, He continued killing Soviet soldiers
until he drew the attention of Stalin himself. The Dictator decreed the Finnish super-man was to be eliminated,
despite any human cost.

A trap was set for Viljo, who was led to believe that his younger brother was held in a Soviet stockade at
Idel along with 100 political prisoners. Viljo, coming to free his brother (who was not even there), was killed
by an intense barrage of Soviet artillery unleashed on the camp. This attack killed both Viljo and the decoy Soviets who held the camp. Nothing of the dead parahuman was ever found, but he never appeared in the wilds


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



A British Reporter
Behind the Lines

The west heard first of the mysterious Viljo through

the writings of London Times reporter Peter Viipuri,
who grew up in Finland. Viipuri remained behind
during the Soviet invasion, sending headline after
headline back to London during the siege of the tiny

Viipuri spent almost two months with the Finnish forces during the winter war. When the first
reports of the super-human began to bleed back from
the front, he chose to risk his life in the hopes of
catching a glimpse of the legend. His risk paid off.

Viipuri was the first to find the remains of a
Soviet patrol near Viljos territory on January 11,
1939, and shortly thereafter snapped the first and
only known photograph of Joseef Seppanen after the
manifestation of his power. The snow-washed photo
showed a naked and scarecrow-thin man standing in
a drift, with a single huge knife in his hand.

Shortly thereafter, Viipuri was captured by the
Soviets. After some confusion, he was turned over to
the British consulate in Leningrad. His camera was
confiscated but not his film, as the Soviets had yet to
realize its importance.

Viipuris photograph was reproduced on the
cover of magazines around the world.
hostilities between the Soviets and the Finns in 1940. He
was the terror of the Red Army in the area, killing entire
platoons in the forests and leaving piles of corpses in his
wake. He would be seen from time to time by the locals,
naked in the snow, carrying only a knife.

When Soviet Podpolkovnik Sergei Chapakev asked
a local commander why a tank division could not pass
through a region, the man replied, Because he lives there.
Whos this? Chapakev asked. Bielaja Smert (White
Death), the commander explained.

December 17, 1939

The Graf Spee Is Scuttled

The German Pocket Battleship Admiral Graf Spee began

the war quietly patrolling the
waters of the South Atlantic;
but when the order of unrestricted attack on Allied vessels was announced, the craft
wasted no time in making its
presence known. In response,
the British stepped up naval
operations off the eastern
coast of South America.

On the morning of
December 13, 1939, the Graf
Spee attacked three badly
outgunned British cruisers,

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

the Ajax, Achilles and Exeter. The Spee forced the Exeter to
break off its counter-attack, due to heavy casualties and severe
structural damage, but the other two cruisers valiantly stayed
in the fight, which lasted more than an hour and a half.

In the end, the British broke off their attack due to
heavy casualties and damage, but the Graf Spee was damaged as well. Kapitn Hans Langsdorff had foolishly opened
fire on the British, against direct orders from Berlin. The British proved more tenacious in their response than he expected.

Langsdorff piloted his damaged ship to the neutral
port of Montevideo, Uruguay, where he hoped to repair
the damage and return to patrol. The two damaged British
cruisers waited for him at the opening of the river plate,
however, seeking a rematch. Diplomatic pressure on the
Uruguayan government by the Allies forced Langsdorff to
scuttle the Spee. They would not allow Langsdorff to dock
for repairs, and a brief message from Berlin informed him
he was not to be taken alive. On the morning of December
17, Langsdorff and a minimal crew ran the Spee aground
on the river plate, destroying it with an immense explosion.
Fearing internment by the Uruguayan authorities, Langsdorff committed suicide before he could be captured.

This was a shocking defeat to the Kriegsmarine and the
Nazi war machine.

January 9, 1940
Fall Gelb (Case Yellow) Falls Into the
Allies Hands

A major German blunder occurred in early January, just one

month before the implementation of the ultra-secret Fall Gelb
or Case Yellow. This plan outlined the invasion of Holland,
France and Belgium by the Axis. Unknown to the Allies, the
German military was in its final stages of preparation for the
invasion of France and the Low Countries-at least this fact
was unknown by the Allies until January 9, 1940.

Two German officers, Major Helmut Reinberger and
Major Erich Hoenmanns, were en route to Cologne from
Munster when their small Messerschmitt Taifun scout-plane
crashed on the wrong side of the Meuse river, in Belgium.
Among the contents of the plane was a complete copy of the
invasion, set to begin in less than a month. Realizing their predicament, Reinberger tried to destroy the documents, but both
officers were swiftly captured by Belgian authorities and sent
to Mechelen-sur-Meuse for questioning. The Belgians were
equally swift in judging the plan. They knew it was important,
but the commander in charge
of the study would not allow
Allied intelligence officials
access to it. He dismissed the
plans out of hand due to his
accidental possession of them.
Of course, the Germans would
not utilize such a plan now
that it had fallen into enemy
hands. Instead of allowing the
Allies to see Case Yellow, a
brief synopsis was circulated.
Neutral Belgium and Luxemburg would not risk their



neutrality in any way, and thought it best to keep quiet.

It had been almost nine months since the Germans rapid
defeat of the Poles, and the countries bordering the Reich
waited anxiously to see what Hitler would do next. As far as
the Allies were concerned, Western Europe had stabilized. The
French mobilized four and a half million men along the fabled
Maginot line, and the Royal Navy was squeezing Germanys
imports on the high seas. The Allies reasoned that if Hitler
were to try for France, Belgium or Holland, he would have
done so before these mobilizations had taken place. It was
the prevailing opinion at the Allied High Command that the
worst was over, at least in Western Europe.

They would soon be proven very wrong.

February 14, 1940

April 8, 1940

The Term Talent Is Coined

Science editor for the New York Times Stephen J. Whelan

released the last in a series of articles on the parahuman
phenomenon in the Sunday edition of the famed newspaper.
His previous articles examined everything from the known
super-men, to the possibility of super-men existing in the
distant past. Citing several obscure books for his articles,
Whelan struck upon the term that became synonymous
with the parahuman condition.

The book he cited was Charles Foy Forts 1932, Wild
Talents, a study of unusual phenomena. Fort linked bizarre
events that occurred from time to time throughout recorded
history with the unknown abilities of the human mind.
Whelan captured the imagination of the world with the
following paragraph:
If the powers reflected in Forts book are called
Wild Talents, I suppose what we are seeing now
could be called Talents. Perhaps this is not an
example of a new array of human capability, but
simply the honing of some inherent and previously
secret human skill
which is just now
coming to light.

Soon this term was
used all over the world to
describe parahumanity.

12, 1940
End of the SovietFinnish War

After the breaking of the

Finnish Mannerheim line in
early March, the war began
to turn to the Russians
favor, and Finnish resistance
dwindled. The Russo-Finnish
pact was signed on March 12
in Moscow, granting Russia

a large portion of Finland, comprising more than 12% of its

population of four million souls.

The Allied nations were shocked by the swift
disintegration of the Finnish Army who had fought so long
despite hardship and limited supplies. The Allied High
Command hoped to land three brigades at Narvik to fight a
decisive war on Finnish soil against the Soviets and Nazis,
but those plans were laid waste by the unexpected defeat.

The Finnish parahuman, Viljo, who had now gained
international fame, fought on in the wilds along with
small groups of resistance fighters throughout the annexed
portion of Finland. The Finns had been beaten, but many
had not given up.

Allies Mine the North Sea

and Land Troops in Norway

Violating international law, British cruisers began mining

Norwegian waters on April 8, 1940, to prevent the shipping
of iron-ore from the neutral Norwegians to the Third
Reich. The next day the Germans pounced, invading the
tiny country. A day before the fateful attack, the Allies
marshaled a large expeditionary force to enter Norway
and occupy the country to protect it from the Nazis. As
it turned out, however, by the time the forces landed the
Germans already had begun their attack. The once-neutral
Norwegians were more than happy to fight alongside the
British and French.

April 9, 1940
Germany Invades Norway and Denmark

Beginning at dawn on April 9, 1940, Germany invaded

the countries of Norway and Denmark. Within hours
of invasion, Denmark
capitulated, but Norway
continued to resist.

For the first time in
warfare, airborne troops
were utilized in the Germans
attack on Norway. These
crack glider teams captured
forward airfields so the
Luftwaffe could gain mastery
over the air of the North Sea,
and northern Britain. The
Norwegians fought heartily,
with the aid of the French
and British forces, but the
Allies had not planned an
engagement this early, only
a preventive occupation.
Prepared to overcome such
resistance, the Germans were
soon winning.

When the Allies realized
Norway had been lost, those
forces that could be recalled to


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Britain and France were evacuated.

No one suspected that in just under a month, France
would be next.

April 11, 1940

Vogel Appears, a Talent Among Talents

Out of the capitulation of the tiny country of Denmark rose

one of the most visible and flashy parahumans of the war,
Jan Dinesen, better known to the world as Vogel (Bird).
Infuriated with his countrys capitulation, Dinesen decided
he would fight on, but was captured on the first night of the
invasion by Heer troops, while removing weapons from an
armory in Copenhagen.

Gathered with a small group of rag-tag resistors by
the Gestapo, Dinesen was to be shot by firing squad on
the morning of April 11 for his crime as a spy. Instead of
death, he found his parahuman ability in the hail of bullets.
When the first fusillade dropped every man but Dinesen, the
Germans took aim, and missed again. Filled with a growing surety that he was somehow making the bullets miss
him, Dinesen continued to stand at the wall. Finally, an
Oberstleutnant stepped forward with his pistol to dispatch
the young Dane at point blank range. He missed. After two
more pistol shots from less than a foot failed to hit, Dinesen
disarmed the stunned German, and killed the officer with
his own pistol. Then he calmly watched as the firing squad
fired at him again and missed.

The story of the almost-execution was told by Dinesen
many times, and was even corroborated by one of the German
soldiers of the firing squad after the war. The story goes that
after the sixth set of shots, Dinesen looked at the squad for a
long time and said, in passing German, Your aim is terrible.

He walked out into the streets of Copenhagen, killing
two Germans and miraculously sidestepping several bullets
with his name on them.

April 12, 1940

Aesgir Appears, and Then Disappears

In war-ravaged Norway, a young Talent rose from the conflict, fighting Nazi tanks while wielding only a flimsy stageprop spear. Christian Hansen was only fifteen when his home
and family were destroyed in a skirmish between the Fifth
Norwegian Army Corps and the Nazi Wehrmacht Group
II; yet he somehow survived the rain of artillery shells, and
became the worlds seventh known Talent. He left a wake of
destroyed Panzer tanks and dead Germans in his path.

Hansen claimed his powers came from a stage-prop
spear he discovered in the ruins of a theatre that gave him
shelter during the Nazi attack.

The spear (which he claimed called itself Aesgir) made
him nearly invulnerable to injury while he held it, could split
the thickest steel, hit targets with startling accuracy, and
would instantly leap back to his hand after being thrown.
The spear would also speak to him, warning him of danger;
and finally, could open a passageway to another world separate from the Earth, which Christian called Valhalla.
When Aesgir fled the Norwegian conflict, he opened a
conduit to this other world, which seemed to be a planet all

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

A Famous Broadcast

All of Britain gathered around their radio sets on the

night of June 12, 1940 to hear the voice of an Allied
Talent for the first time, even if it was in a language
that most could not understand. After his escape to
Britain, Vogel implored his people to fight on as best
they could under the heel of Nazi tyranny. Britain
and France were behind them, he said in Danish, and
soon others would join their cause. The Allies would
not rest until all of Europe was set free.

Those who see this and do nothing, those who
wait and watch with wide eyes and do not act, are
worse than those who commit these crimes. Hitler
and his armies are set to march as far and as wide as
any will let them. Now is the time to stand and fight.
The coming battle will be the measure of us all.

Vogel soon returned to Nazi-occupied Denmark
to fight with the resistance against the Nazi invaders.
to itself, composed only of rolling tundra and snow storms.
He took those he could with him, and they traveled for over
a week through the snow. When he opened the portal back
to Earth once more, the group found themselves on the
northernmost shores of Scotland.

Aesgir threw himself behind the Norwegian government in exile, and soon was front-page news all over the
world. The Allies now had the Nazi Super-man outnumbered three to one.

May 2, 1940
The Allies Retreat from Norway

Since the tide of war had shifted to the Germans favor in

The War Widows React

When the first photograph of the recently escaped Norwegian Talent Aesgir appeared in the London Times in
June 1940, many were shocked. Instead of some pitiless aged warrior fresh from the front in Norway, they
saw a baby-faced youth clutching a flimsy stage-prop.

Many groups condemned his induction into the
British military. The Widows of Foreign Wars was
the most vocal group, accusing the recently appointed Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Starting a
childrens crusade against the Hun.

Churchill wisely did not comment on the matter,
and refused to debate the subject (besides he had more
important things to do, as France, Belgium and Norway
had just been invaded). The stern man only chided the
national press and made it clear in private, that all information about Talents would have to be cleared with
British Army Intelligence before they found their way to
the front page, or there would be hell to pay.

Soon enough, with new headlines and new invasions, the furor over the matter faded.



Vogel Bird

Name: Jan Dinesen AKA Vogel (Bird).

Nationality: Danish.
Political Affiliation: Denmark Socialist.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: Captain (Free Dane Forces).
Decorations: None.
DOB: 2/2/20, Copenhagen, Denmark.
DOD: 7/10/63 Los Angeles, U.S.A (car accident).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Dinesen could alter the path of objects telekinetically, deflecting them by minute
amounts so they missed his body. As long as Dinesen was conscious of a threat, his mind would automatically
affect any incoming missiles, though the power remained an unconscious reflex throughout his entire life-if he
knew he was under attack, it just activated. Attacks he was not aware of, hand-to-hand attacks, or accidents
were not deflected by this power, so Dinesen was far from invulnerable.
History: Dinesen was born in Copenhagen to a moderately wealthy family in February 1920, and was to
continue his fathers business as an enamellist, but found the work tedious. Dinesen was the family disappointment, and grew up in his younger brothers shadow after his sibling showed an affinity for the family trade at a
young age. In his teens, Dinesen was somewhat of a dilettante.

Shocked at the invasion of Denmark in the spring of 1940, Dinesen was resolute in his belief that he could
make a difference. He attempted to liberate weapons from a Copenhagen armory before the Nazis had a chance
to secure them, but was caught. In front of a Heer firing squad Dinesen discovered his parahuman abilities.

He led the Danish resistance with first British and later American aid, and was able to cause considerable
trouble for the Pro-Nazi government and the Nazis themselves in Denmark, especially after the occupied country was completely absorbed into the Third Reich in 1942.

Dinesen was involved in several Allied group operations in Denmark, and grew to be good friends with
the Polish Talent Cien, who operated in the country from time to time. Nevertheless, he arrived too late to
help Cien in Operation: Market Garden in the Netherlands (he was occupied on the far side of the bridge at
Arnhem). He was heard on more than one occasion to blame himself for Ciens death.

Later in the war, Dinesen and the Indestructible Man confronted the Nazi parahuman Krieg in the ruins of
Leipzigand the murderer of Cien did not survive the encounter. A British commander on the scene charged
the Indestructible Man with murder, claiming the Talent shot Krieg point blank with a Bazooka after the German had surrendered. Dinesen defended the American Talent vehemently, and testified on his behalf. Because
of his testimony, a military court found the Indestructible Man not guilty.

Dinesen went on after the war to become a high-profile Talent, one of the few veteran parahumans to do
so. He moved to Hollywood, California, to act in movies, due to his good looks, charm and inherent fame. He
died in a car wreck (under questionable circumstances) on Cahuenga Boulevard in the summer of 1963.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Aesgir The Spear of the Gods

Name: Christian Fasal Hansen AKA Aesgir (Spear of the Gods).

Nationality: Norwegian.
Political Affiliation: No known political leanings.
Education: Schooling at Eivaan. British Special Operations Executive training.
Rank: Colonel (Britains Free Norwegian Forces).
Decorations: Victoria Cross (posthumous).
DOB: 12/04/27 Eivaan, Norway.
DOD: 7/18/44 Caen, France (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Hansen believed that his abilities were derived from his possession of a flimsy
stage-prop spear. Later examination of the spear revealed it was nothing more than common wood and lowquality steel.

In Hansens possession, however, this spear could pierce almost any substance, and once penetrated 100
mm of tank steel in a single thrust. Hansen could throw the spear with great accuracy, and sometimes it redirected itself in flight, altering its course to hit a target. When the spear was in his hands, Hansen was nearly
invulnerable to kinetic damage, once deflecting a German 88 mm shell with his open hand.

Hansen claimed the spear spoke to him and warned him of approaching danger. It apparently would also
offer advice on upcoming events. It is unclear whether he could predict the future with it.

With the spear, Hansen could open a portal to a pocket dimension he called Valhalla. At his prime, he
moved eighty fully-armed commandos through such a portal. By traveling on foot through this dimension,
Hansen could cover an equal amount of distance in the real world. Traveling through the wintry stretches of
Valhalla was taxing and dangerous, however.
History: Hansen manifested his abilities during the siege of his city Eivaan, Norway in April 1940. He used his
spear to great effect for three weeks in his country before fleeing to Britain to join the free Norwegian forces.

Although there were some complaints about his young age, the mitigating circumstances of his ability
allowed him to be inducted in the British Free Norwegian forces. He trained with the British Special Operations Executive and was soon leading commando teams across the tundra of Valhalla to the interior of Axisoccupied Europe.

On July 18, 1944, Hansen was killed during an assault on what was thought to be a German gun emplacement near the beleaguered Canadian divisions at Caen, but was actually the Twelfth SS Panzer Division.
Aesgir refused to abandon the Canadian troops but could not successfully open a portal back during the German attack. Hansen died trying to protect them with his power. Fourteen of his men made it back to the Allied
lines within the city to tell the tale.

The remnants of his spear were recovered by the SS and moved under heavy guard to Berlin. It is rumored
that after a cursory examination by the RuSHA SA, Himmler had it mounted and hung on the wall in the
Hauptamt SS.

Hansen was posthumously decorated with the Victoria Cross for his bravery. A statue of a split spear
marks the spot in Vimont, France, an outlying suburb of Caen, where he died.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



the Norwegian campaign, the Allies marshaled their forces
and retreated from the port at Narvik. This debacle led to
a shakeup in the British government, culminating in the
resignation of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
on May 8, 1940.

May 8, 1940
Winston Churchill Is Appointed Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom

Winston Churchill had served Britain since 1908, in numerous and varied positions within the British government. He
had been demanding that the British military do something
about Hitler since 1933, and was finally appointed Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom following the resignation
of Neville Chamberlain.

A keen observer of world politics (and a former military man himself), Churchill knew Britain had no chance of
stopping the German juggernaut on its own. With his newfound power, he immediately set about asking the United
States for aid. Churchill had been corresponding with President Roosevelt since September 1939, when Churchill was
First Lord of the Admiralty, asking the American president
to assist Britain in any way possible.

On the heels of Churchills confirmation as the new
British Prime Minister, the Nazis made a bold grab for
France and the Low Countries, while the world watched in
awe of the blitzkrieg.

May 10, 1940

The Winoga Wonder

Still fresh from the official announcement of the

existence of Allied Talents, the world press jumped
at the story of little Mary Steiner, an 11-year-old girl
from Winoga, Wisconsin, who claimed to possess a
supernatural Talent of her own.

Mary claimed she could move things with her
mind, causing mysterious rappings, disturbances and
the breaking of random objects in her parents household. The phenomenon had been going on for some
time, according to Marys family.

Investigation into the affair by the American
Psychical Research Society uncovered a complex attempt at fraud perpetrated by the entire Steiner family, who hoped to collect Howard Hughes reward of

The case was the first attempt by a normal person
to fake possession of a genuine supernatural Talent.
pushing back the weakened Allies to the river Meuse in less
than three days. This blitzkrieg stunned the Allies, who had
the opinion that the capture of Norway, Denmark, Poland
and Czechoslovakia would somehow sate Hitler. Instead,
the German Army relentlessly pushed the Allies to the sea.

By May 21, the mass of the British Expeditionary Forces
and the remnants of the French and Belgian Armies were
surrounded at Dunkirk (other smaller pockets of resistance
existed, but none of significant size), and the battle for France
was already lost. In less than eleven days, Britain was the last
country in Europe that defied the will of the Third Reich.

The Invasion of

May 11, 1940

As the Nazi Night
Falls Across Europe,
A New Dawn

The stunning attack on

France began with assaults on
Anglo-French airfields by the
Luftwaffe in the early hours
of the morning. At the same
time, large elements of German Army Group B swept
through the so-called Low
Countries, pushing through
Belgium and then southwest
into France, just as the Allied
planners had predicted
what came next however, was
quite unexpected. What the
British Expeditionary Force
and French Forces did not
know was that this move was
an extraordinary feint by the
German Army, to draw the
Allies away from the supposedly impassable Ardennes

German Army Group A
swept through the Ardennes
forest without difficulty,

In the occupied Netherlands,

during a bold attack by Dutch
partisans, a new and powerful
Talent made himself known
to the world. Called Daegal
(Dawn), this parahuman
could create, project and
control light. He could blind
people with brilliant displays
of light and cause absolute
darkness with a wave of his
hand. Daegal seemed to posses a level of control of his
power never before seen. He
could simultaneously attack
multiple targets, and proved
to be extremely dangerous to
the Nazis.
Outside The Hague,
two Heer groups were cut

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Daegal Dawn

Name: Jos Keller AKA Daegal (Dawn).

Nationality: Dutch.
Political Affiliation: No known political leanings.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 1/23/21, The Hague, Netherlands.
DOD: 9/20/44 Eerde, Netherlands (Killed in Action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Keller could control the intensity of light with the power of his mind. He could
cause blinding flashes or absolute darkness within a large radius about the size of a city block. He was immune
to his own ability, and could see through his powers effects without difficulty. In addition, he could affect
multiple targets simultaneously at great ranges, and could cause lasting effects that would persist even in his
History: Keller was born in The Hague and spent much of his youth working with his father, as a chimney
sweep. That all changed when the Nazis invaded; Kellers response was to immediately flee to the country. As
he prepared his departure from The Hague, Keller and his father had a falling out. The elder Keller counseled
caution and patience in the light of the occupation, but his son would not listen. It turned out young Keller
was right to fear the Nazis. As a dedicated socialist, his father was gathered in one of the Gestapos sweeps and
died in Natzweiler concentration camp in 1942.

Keller fought with a small resistance cell and discovered his power during a raid on a German emplacement near Deelen, while disoriented in a sewer tunnel. Wishing he had more light to set fuses by-he suddenly
did. Through the utilization of his power, Keller organized several disparate resistance cells into a single unit
and wrought havoc all over the Netherlands.

The British tried to draw Keller from the country, to properly train and utilize his abilities, but Keller
refused to be corralled and never actively cooperated with the Allies, save on his own terms.

He did throw his hat into the ring during Operation: Market Garden however, and fought alongside Allied
Talents during that doomed mission, it was in his own country after all.

Keller was killed by the German parahuman Der Tragheit (The Inertia) during a skirmish in Eerde
while trying to make his way to Nijmegen to assist British and Polish troops there. Robbed of inertial motion,
Kellers body was flung into the sky and disintegrated in a ball of fire.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



A Surprise for
the Nazi Invaders

Rumors From Belgium

Through various channels in late May, the news of

the Dutch Talent reached the British command. By
the end of summer 1940, the whole world knew of
Daegal. Working with various resistance groups,
the parahuman wrought havoc on the newly formed
German infrastructure in the Netherlands, killing
German troops, derailing trains, and kidnapping and
executing Nazi sympathizers. Daegal made the fight
against the Nazis look easy.

The German command in The Hague would say
little of the parahuman, and official edicts from Berlin
refused even to mention the matter. Unable to be classified as a threat, or even mentioned in reports to the
Reich, Daegal remained in a bureaucratic gray area.
Hitler still refused to believe that parahumans could
exist beyond the borders of Germany, and his toadies,
afraid to push the matter, chose to say nothing.

This political invisibility served Daegals cause well.
off, blinded with Daegals ability, and then executed by a
well-prepared team of partisans. The assault cost over one
hundred Germans and forty Dutch collaborators their lives,
and gave a much-needed boost to the morale of the newborn Dutch resistance.

May 12, 1940

Blood In the Streets
of Hasselt; the Wolf
Is Set Loose

By the time Belgium and France were invaded, reporters

were expecting the appearance of Talents in the war
torn areas of Europe. Rumors abounded in the newly
occupied Low Countries about various supernatural
beings who defied the Nazi onslaught. Few, if any,
were ever verified. Certainly some were true. Many of
the newly born super-humans never survived long
enough to be discovered by the world at large.

One rumor did persist from Belgium, however, and its
source was unusual: an edict from the Gestapo itself. The
document described a young Belgian Communist named
Jean Neuman. Neuman was, the pamphlet claimed
Armed and exceptionally dangerous, do not approach.
Report any sighting to the office of the Gauleiter. All
areas of occupied territory were flooded with posters
looking for the youth, which in itself was highly unusual.

When British Intelligence discovered that RuSHA SA was behind the flyers, it was a short hop to
the cover of the London Times just four days later:
Belgian Talent Hunted by Gestapo!
new Talent was born. Jean Neuman decimated two infantry
units all by himself. When his shotgun was empty, he used
his hunting knife; when his knife bent and broke, he used
his hands. With parahuman speed and strength he cut his
way through men armed with submachine guns and grenades and came away victorious and untouched.

When he was through, forty-seven German troops lay
dead at his feet. There was
just one thing wrong: He
couldnt remember a thing.
To Neuman, he had only
blinked and found himself
surrounded by carnage he
could not remember making.

As the Nazi juggernaut rolled

through Belgium, many ablebodied Belgian men did their
best to slow the advancing
tide of tanks and soldiers.
Jean Neuman was no different, or so it seemed at first.
The little town of Hasselt sat
in the crosshairs of the most
powerful mechanized Army
on Earth, and the men there
did not flinch. With weapons
gathered from old closets,
unused for years, the 200 or
so would-be rebels did their
best to put a thorn in the side
of the German Sixth Army as
it rolled through their village
on its way to Brussels, the
center of the country.

On May 12, the engagement began and ended in
the streets of Hasselt, and a

May 14, 1940


As the Germans swept aside

the Allied forces, and life on
the edge of occupied France
stabilized, Germans began
billeting in the small towns
on the border. Most of these
towns were under martial
law, with curfew enforced by
rifle butts and machine guns.
Few dared to risk antagonizing their new masters.
Within a week of the invasion, German officers began
turning up dead with startling
frequency in these towns. In
six days, nine were found
murdered, most with their
throats slit, some marked with

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Vevel The Wolf

Name: Jean Neuman AKA Vevel (Wolf).

Nationality: Belgian.
Political Affiliation: Communist.
Education: Schooling at Hasselt, University at Brussels.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 11/11/21, Hasselt, Belgium.
DOD: 10/9/75, Brussels, Belgium (lung cancer).
Known Parahuman Abilities: When under attack, Neuman automatically entered a parahuman fugue where all
threats were eliminated with extreme prejudice. His body unconsciously reacted to perceived threats with no
quarter given. In this heightened state, Neuman possessed both parahuman strength and speed. Outside of this
fugue, he was completely human and therefore vulnerable.
History: Jean Neuman was a political radical who was rabidly pro-Soviet. He was ejected from the University
of Brussels in 1939 for instigating communist riots and openly supporting the Soviet invasion of Finland.

Neuman returned home to Hasselt, Belgium and worked as a baker, watching the events to the east with
a growing concern. Like all true communists, Neuman did not trust the Nazis, despite their non-aggression
pact with Russia. He spent what little money he had on weapons and canned food in preparation. In March
1940, Neuman set up a hideout in the hills surrounding Hasselt. With other communists, he established a loose
system of communication between communist cells in Belgium. Few believed his paranoia, but unlike others,
he was not surprised when the first reports of the Nazi attack began to filter back to his hometown. Neuman
joined the angry band of men of Hasselt to defend the town. All knew that the road running through Hasselt
was the largest in the area, and ran straight to Brussels.

The skirmish was over quickly, and it nearly leveled Hasselt. The men of the town stood no real chance
against the Sixth German Army. The Panzers rolled through Hasselt untouched, leaving behind a detail of men
to police the few partisans there who remained alive.

Neuman was the last to be discovered, scared and nearly out of ammunition in the ruins of a destroyed
church. That is the last Neuman recalled of the situation. When he woke, over 40 dead German bodies surrounded him, some ripped open, others beheaded. Covered in blood and gristle, with his hands raw, Neuman
was otherwise untouched. His shotgun had been shoved completely through a German officer and his knife
was bent in half in the ribs of a Heer radioman.

Neuman escaped to the hills to continue the fight.

Although he remained aloof to the Allies, Vevel cooperated with Allied efforts in his country. He was often
consulted by Allied intelligence groups for information on the area. Twice he worked with Allied Talents during raids in the interior of Axis-occupied Belgium.

Vevel killed over 700 Germans during the war and was a national hero. Leading the largest resistance
group in the country, he drew many to the cause of communism. After the war, Neuman lost his fervor for
communism, as Stalins atrocities became known in the West. In the later years of his life he was rabidly anticommunist, and protested in marches all over the world against the Chinese and Soviet governments.

He died in Brussels of lung cancer at the age of 53, and was buried as a national hero, despite his lack of
ties with the government.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



LInvocateur The Summoner

Name: Luc Besont AKA LInvocateur (The Summoner).

Nationality: French.
Political Affiliation: No known political leanings.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 3/19/21, Trlon, France.
DOD: 11/30/61, East Berlin, Germany (killed by East German police).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Besont could become invisible (along with his clothing and anything he carried)
for indefinite periods of time by closing his eyes. The power was conscious; he could stop it from happening,
but he could not disappear without his eyes completely closed. Over the years, he became adept at blind fighting and moving without the aid of his eyesight.
History: Besont was a farm hand that worked for a family outside the small French town of Trlon, a town
where the Germans chose to billet. He watched as the Germans first took everything of value in the house,
had their way with the two young girls who lived there, and retired to sleep. The family was ejected from the
house, and forced to sleep in the barn with the animals.

Infuriated, Besont snuck into the house with his work knife to do away with the German officer. Expecting the Nazi to come to the room alone, the young Frenchman was startled to discover seven Germans entering
the room. Frantic, Besont simply froze and closed his eyes, resigned to his fate. For two hours, the men conversed in German within three feet of him. Afraid to cause some sort of reaction in the Germans or to break
the spell, Besont kept his eyes tightly shut.

The Frenchman had heard about the miraculous powers of the so-called Talents of the West, and was
coming to the realization that he was one of them, when the men left, and the officer prepared for bed. Besont
slit the mans throat and left the way he entered.

Returning to the barn, Besont spoke at length with the father of the family and discovered, through trial
and error, that he could turn invisible when he closed his eyes. Although the family begged Besont to stay
and help them, he refused, and made his way to western France, to cut a swath through the command of the
German invaders.

Besont was the terror of the German Army in occupied France. In four years of combat, he claimed
the lives of sixty-three officers and thirty-five enlisted men with his knife. Refusing to throw his substantial
power behind any of the Maquis groups, Besont worked alone. Allied intelligence agencies did their best to
try to recruit him, as did General de Gaulle for the Free French Forces of the Interior, but each failed; The Summoner worked alone, always.

After the war, Besont moved to America and was rumored to be employed by the Central Intelligence
Agency. East German police shot him in March 1961 as he attempted to cross a border checkpoint while using
his power.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



LInvocateur In France

Unlike many of his Talent counterparts, LInvocateur

burst onto the international press scene just scant
days after the first murder in occupied France. The
fighting in France and the fluidity of the front allowed news of this Talent to escape the country with
relative ease. Both his true name and the extent of his
powers remained unknown, however.

Even a photograph taken for the Reich Central
Security Office of the first murder scene was published in many newspapers around the world.

The thought of an inhuman killer plucking victims
from the German Army in France was a test of morale
for that (up to that point) unstoppable army. Though
little news of the Talent appeared in Nazi-controlled
French papers, reports of LInvocateur were widespread
in the West. Intelligence bulletins within the Gestapo
were plain: A killer was hunting German officers in
France, and that killer was not quite human.
ritualistic symbols, others disfigured so severely that they were
difficult to recognize. The first report of the culprit, a French
Talent, was made only because he made a mistake.

LInvocateur (The Summoner) was discovered in a
locked room with the body of a German Oberstleutnant, clutching a knife covered in the mans blood. He was clearly seen, and
just as rapidly vanished before the eyes of the men who held him
at gunpoint. It was not the last time he was seen. More often
than not, he was not seen . . . until it was too late.

May 19, 1940

The Second Nazi
Parahuman Appears:

During the retreat of French

forces from southeast France,
and the advance of the Heer into
the heartland of that nation, a
new German bermensch was
discovered. Called Feuerzauber
(Fire Magic) by the German
press, this parahuman unconsciously converted kinetic attacks
into heat. When struck by a
force, the kinetic energy would
disperse in the air around him as
a wave of intense heat proportional to the attacks severity,
leaving him nearly invulnerable
to modern weaponry.

Feuerzauber was rushed
back to Berlin at the behest
of Hitler, who, along with
Der Flieger, anxiously awaited the coming of the new age

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Talent Against Skill

RuSHA SA tested the extent of Ernst Karstens power

under the auspices of the Heer in June 1940. The Heer
was very interested in utilizing him as a one-man
shock troop to pave the way in the face of difficult
enemy opposition. To this end, a mock battlefield was
set up outside the political prisoner camp at Hurn,
which at the time contained about 200 Polish soldiers.

A detachment of these soldiers was instructed
to prepare a perimeter. If they could defend it with
machine guns and kill the opposing force, they would
be freed at the border to Switzerland (in truth no such
transfer would have taken place, even if they had
won). The soldiers set up and prepared for the assault.

Karsten rushed the position with a submachine
gun, but was soon naked and unarmed as the terrified Poles poured hundreds of rounds into him with
no effect. Finally, a grenade volley from the Poles
managed to knock Karsten down, but the ensuing
flash of flame from his body killed all the Poles, making the test a significant success.
of the Aryan race. Soon enough, they believed, every birth
in Germany would be as miraculous as their own.

May 22, 1940

The Ghost of Yungping

A Chinese boy scheduled for execution by the Japanese puppet

empire of Manchukuo escaped the beheaders blade in a strange
way, becoming Chinas first Talent. Chu Tso-Tsin, up for execution for refusing to bow to a passing group of Japanese officers,
went to execution with defiance in his eyes, regretful only
that he could not continue to
resist the invaders.

In front of a group of
500 Chinese, Chu Tso-Tsin
was almost beheaded. The
blade swept through his neck
with perfect accuracy, but did
nothing except come out the
other side, leaving his skin
untouched. Hacked and shot
to no effect, the boy left for
the country, as the Japanese
did their best to contain the
rumors of Zhao Zheng, the
ghost of Yungping city.

May 25, 1940

The Miracle
at Dunkirk

On the brink of victory, with

the rout of the British ExpeSUPERHERO ROLEPLAYING IN A WORLD ON FIRE, 1936-1946


Feuerzauber Fire Magic

Name: Ernst Karsten AKA Feuerzauber (Fire Magic).

Nationality: German.
Political Affiliation: Nazi (National Socialist).
Education: Gymnasium at Essen, Heer training.
Rank: Leutnant (Heer). Obersturmbannfhrer (SS).
Decorations: Knights Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. Close Combat Badge. SS Honor
Ring. SS Honor Sword.
DOB: 5/17/10, Essen, Germany.
DOD: 1/28/43, Stalingrad, Russia (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Karsten unconsciously dispersed kinetic attacks from his body as a wave of heat.
When he was struck by a projectile or force, a sheet of flame would erupt from his body proportional to the
severity of the attack. Karsten was immune to this heat, and to natural sources of flame as well.
History: Karsten was a veteran of both the invasions of Poland and Norway, serving in the Eleventh Infantry
Corps. A respected soldier, he soon gained the rank of leutnant and was marked for even further advancement
due to his classic Aryan features and fanatical Nazi ideals.

In May 1940, Karsten was transferred to a command position in the Twelfth Infantry, and acted to coordinate infantry support for tank units. On May 19, his unit came under fire during one of General Charles de
Gaulles brief counterattacks near Laon. Out of his thirty-five men, only Karsten survived the initial engagement.

Bruised and nearly naked, Karsten made his way back to German lines while being continuously shelled
by Allied mortars. Witnesses on both sides of the conflict watched as direct hits by the mortar rounds knocked
him down in an erupting sheet of flame that exploded from his body in all directions. Four explosions later,
Karsten was back behind Axis lines, naked but unscathed.

Karsten was another Nazi bermensch, and he was rushed back to Berlin to enjoy a short stint as a darling of Hitler before being assigned to various trouble spots of the war. Karsten and Konrad Rahn (Der Flieger)
grew to be close companions, and were used to great effect by the Nazi propaganda machine as a recruitment

On January 28, 1943, Karsten was killed in Stalingrad during an advance towards an oil storage facility
on the Volga river. Although the Soviets shells failed to injure him, the firestorm that erupted in the facility
rapidly depleted the oxygen in the area, causing him and his men to die by asphyxiation.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Zhao Zheng The Ghost

Name: Chu Tso-Tsin AKA Gaki (Hungry Ghost), Zhao Zheng, the Ghost of Yungping.
Nationality: Chinese.
Political Affiliation: No known political leanings.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 1/9/25, Yungping, China.
DOD: 10/12/60, Yungping, China (suicide).
Known Parahuman Abilities: From the moment of his Talent manifestation, Zhao Zheng was completely immaterial. Several strange anomalies persisted from his physical life, however. Zhao Zheng could still lift objects
at will (doing so would make them immaterial like himself), although he could not do this to another person.
He ate, drank and breathed by somehow converting such items to insubstantiality.
History: Like most Chinese, Chu Tso-Tsin was the son of a farmer, and he worked on his familys farm outside
the small city of Yungping. Chu Tso-Tsin refused to kow-tow to Japanese tyranny and became increasingly vocal and demonstrative as he entered adolescence. The horrors of the Japanese puppet state Manchukuo intensified: His grandparents were tortured and killed when he was fourteen, simply for hanging banners celebrating
the Chinese New Year that included English characters.

In the spring of 1940, while delivering vegetables to the market at Yungping, Chu Tso-Tsin refused to bow
before a procession of Japanese officers who were demonstrating to a visiting dignitary how subservient and
quiet the Chinese were. He was dragged off to a public execution for his crime.

When the sword of the Japanese officer failed to kill him because of his Talent power, Chu Tso-Tsin
fled the city. Of course, the Japanese were intensely interested in the youths condition, and soon brought
the situation under control.

Japanese soldiers rounded up Chu Tso-Tsins remaining family members and threats were passed down
the grapevine. The Chinese Talent turned himself in to Japanese authorities and cooperated with them. In
exchange his family was spared execution and granted special privileges.

Chu Tso-Tsin acted as a spy for the Japanese during the later days of the Pacific War, stealing military
documents and scouting occupied islands, immune to all attacks.

In the end, the Japanese executed his family anyway as the Allies approached their home islands.

Chu Tso-Tsin was pardoned for war crimes against the Allies in 1946. MacArthur even testified on the
haunted young mans behalf. Chu Tso-Tsin returned to his home in 1951 and lived in peace there for a time,
working his familys farm.

He was found dead in his home in 1960, a victim of suicide. He took his own life with a Japanese katana
from the war, a gift from MacArthur himself.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Ghost . . .

Although rumors did make it out of the tightly

controlled Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo of a
Chinese Talent, ethnocentrism played a large part in
the storys press coverage in the West. Few stories appeared about Zhao Zheng until Japan declared war
on the United States the following year.

Before the attack at Pearl Harbor, the story of the
insubstantial boy in China was filler; afterwards it was
front-page news, until the U.S. realized the Japanese
had converted the Chinese Talent to their service.
ditionary Force and the remaining French forces in his grasp,
Hitler inexplicably had his advancing armies halt outside of
the town of Dunkirk. A pocket of a half a million Allied men
waited for the Panzers to roll through their ragged lines as
their backs were pinned against the sea, but none came.

In Britain, frantic preparations were made for one of
the most dramatic escapes in the history of warfare, the
evacuation from Dunkirk. In eight days, over 300,000
were moved across the Channel to England by any seaworthy craft that could be found. This number included over
120,000 French and Belgians and small numbers of the
Dutch Army who had escaped their country.

The Czech Talent Pevnost single handedly transported
over 5,000 men across the Channel with his ability before
collapsing from exhaustion. Hospitalized for three weeks
under great secrecy, it was not clear whether he would survive the strain. Within a month of the retreat from Dunkirk
however, he was released, fully recovered.

May 28, 1940

Belgium Surrenders

Finally capitulating, King Leopold III of Belgium regretfully

signed the papers of surrender for his country. Overrun in eighteen days, the Belgian Army was crushed, and the King hoped to
ease the suffering of his populace by appeasing the invaders.

Although the Kings Cabinet fled to Britain, successfully retaining control of their territory in the African Congo,
King Leopold III remained behind to mediate some sort of
truce. He considered himself like his population, a prisoner
of war.

June 5, 1940
The First Man to Jump
the English Channel

While Nazi dive-bombers raked the beaches of Dunkirk,

and the last remnants of the British Expeditionary Force
and French armies limped across the English Channel, a
small group of able-bodied men remained behind to hold
the fragile beachhead. Many did so even though it meant
they would likely never see Britain again.

Captain Jonathan Lear was one of those men. When
the perimeter fell and the Germans approached the beaches,

Lear fell back to the waters edge, tempted for a moment to

try to swim for Dover, twenty-five miles distant.

Instead, for some reason, he jumped.

John Lear shot up three miles in a shallow arc, and
landed a minute later on the beaches of Dover. In one jump,
he covered twenty-seven miles and became the worlds
twelfth Talent: Jumping Johnny.

Ecstatic crowds of British citizens carried him into the
streets of Dover as a hero.

June 10, 1940

Italy Enters the Fray

Although his forces were insignificant compared to the

Nazis, Benito Mussolini declared war against Britain
and France, and tried to move troops over the Alps into
southern France. This was more of a gesture of goodwill towards Berlin, as opposed to a significant military
maneuver. The outnumbered French defenders in the
mountains roughly repulsed the Italian forces, humiliating Il Duce.

Few (except the British High Command) even noticed
the declaration amidst the chaos of the conflict in Europe.

June 21, 1940

A Legend Come to Life, Briefly

Bellerophon, the hero of Greek legend who slew the Chimera and tamed Pegasus rose again in Altyus, Lithuania on
the morning of June 21, 1940. Salet Miceweski, striking out
against the Soviet soldiers who occupied his town, managed
with the help of rioting locals to wrest control of the town
from the Soviets for four days.

The Lithuanian Talent was parahumanly adept with
any bladed weapon; he could find the weakness of any
object, splitting tank steel with nothing but a hunting knife.
He was also adept at killing men instantly with a touch, or

A Hero to Call Their Own

The people of Britain and America were ecstatic at

the appearance of Jumping Johnny, the first Talent
from an English-speaking country. News about the
Talent couldnt travel quickly enough. Reporters
and press from all over the world descended on his
familys home. Under orders from Prime Minister
Churchill a detachment of the Home Guard was sent
to guard the Lear house from spontaneous looting by
his new found following. People wanted to know everything about him: his likes and dislikes, his favorite
food, what sort of trousers he wore.

Lear was quickly paraded before the press under
controlled conditions. Newsreels of his power were
sent all over the world (including a stunning film
made by Lear himself as he jumped) and were shown
repeatedly to packed houses of moviegoers. Jumping
Johnny quickly became a symbol of hope for the free
countries of the world.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Jumping Johnny

Name: Jonathan Lear AKA Jumping Johnny, Springheel Jack.

Nationality: British.
Political Affiliation: Tory.
Education: Monmouth School; British Army Training.
Rank: First lieutenant (British Army).
Decorations: OBE, Britain, Victoria Cross (posthumous).
DOB: 10/12/17, Blackpool, England.
DOD: 12/20/44, Stadtkyll, Germany (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Lear could leap parahumanly high, covering huge distances in a single bound.
Unfortunately, his leaping ability only worked in twenty-seven-mile increments. The distance and height of his
jumps could not be controlled. He remained immune to the destructive effects of his landings, but only at the
moment of impact; otherwise he was as vulnerable as a normal human.

Lears impacts were very destructive. These explosions of energy often killed targets on the ground. When
descending, he sounded like a shell crashing to earth.
History: Lear was born in Blackpool, England, to a well-to-do and politically significant family. His father and
uncle were both members of Parliament, and his brother served in the High Command during the war.

Since childhood, Lear was obsessed with all things military, and joined His Majestys Army straight from
the plush Monmouth School. He rapidly worked his way through the ranks, enjoying good favor due to his
natural talent for leadership and a flair for tactical thinking.

In 1940, Lear was sent to France along with nearly 200,000 British soldiers to protect the country from the
threat of Nazi invasion. Poor planning and underestimation of the Germans led to the rapid decimation of the British Expeditionary Force. After the brief struggle for France, what remained of the BEF was bottled up at Dunkirk.

Lear sent his men ahead during the evacuation, refusing to go himself, leaving spaces open for the wounded or fatigued. He and several hundred men chose to remain behind to hold the front line against the Panzers
as the last boats filled with men.

When the Germans broke through, Lear leapt the English Channel and landed near Dover, twenty-seven
miles distant, nearly killing a group of men gathered on the beach watching the evacuation. Within a day, Lear
was a national hero. As the first British Talent, he was a favorite of the Royal Family and world press.

During the war, Jumping Johnny was used as a long-range scout, and could leap for hours, covering hundreds of miles in a single mission. He became adept at map-making and was a valuable asset during the Allied
defense of North Africa as well as the push into Germany.

Lear was killed when he accidentally landed in a Waffen-SS ammunition storage depot outside of Stadtkyll, Germany, in 1944. His impact ignited the depot and killed a hundred people with a blast that was heard
for over 200 miles.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Salet Miceweski AKA Bellerophon (myth name).

Nationality: Lithuanian.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 3/25/20, Bucharest, Romania.
DOD: 6/21/40, Altyus, Lithuania (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Bellerophon possessed the ability to see the flaw in any object, allowing him to
maximize the effects of any attack. He could split stone walls with a punch, cause cracks in tank armor with a
knife, or kill with a single blow. In addition, he was hyperstrong, swift and parahumanly resistant to damage.
Unfortunately, none of these abilities were effective against a rolling artillery barrage.
History: Salet Miceweski was born in Bucharest, Romania and moved with his family to Lithuania as a child.
His father worked in a slaughterhouse and Salet worked just as hard at home, maintaining the house for his
sick mother. A native of Greece who suffered from lupus, Salets mother was nevertheless a bright and happy
woman, who taught him several languages before his seventh birthday. Salet especially enjoyed the Greek
myths and stories his mother would tell him at bedtime.

When the Soviets came to Lithuania in 1940 to occupy his small city, Salet Miceweski was furious at the
lack of resistance to the invaders. His mother and father cautioned against overt action, since the Russians had
already killed many men in Altyus. Instead, Miceweski took his anger out on inert objects. He punched sides of
beef in his fathers slaughterhouse for hours to reduce his anger. Soon his powers became apparent.

In 1940, Miceweski found he could punch straight through a full side of frozen beef. Later, he tried his
hand at harder objects; when he struck a steel freezer door and split it down the middle, he began to believe
perhaps he was one of the Talents the BBC had been talking about so much.

A fistfight with two Soviet soldiers in the spring of 1940 led Miceweski to believe he could make a difference in the war. The two men did not take Miceweskis insults lightly and dragged him off at gunpoint. The
young Lithuanian killed them both before either could get off a shot.

In June, he organized a small riot in Altyus that grew until it engulfed the whole city. Taken unawares, the
Soviets were easily defeated by the mob. No resistance had been expected.

Four days later however, after a relentless artillery barrage, the Soviet Eighth Army retook Altyus, killing
nearly everyone in it, including the short-lived savior of the Lithuanian people.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



leveling buildings with a kick.

Bellerophon declared himself the savior of the Lithuanian people, and in a bold statement in a radio message
broadcast around the world he predicted, Soon the Soviet
invaders will be routed like dogs.

June 22, 1940

France Capitulates

Bowing before the force of the German Army, the French

government capitulated. With its leaders forced to sign
a humiliating treaty in same rail car that saw Germanys
surrender to the Allies in 1918, France became yet another
country occupied by the Reich.

France was divided into two sections. The northern
portion of the country was occupied by the Nazis, while the
southern portion, technically unoccupied, was run by the profascist Vichy regime. In addition, a small area that had been
conceded to France in the agreement that ended World War I,
Alsace-Lorraine, was restored as German territory.

France, one of the worlds most powerful military
forces, had been routed in less than forty-three days.

June 25, 1940

Altyus Recaptured by the Soviet Union

A division of the Soviet Eighth Army raided and crushed

the Lithuanian uprising in Altyus. Light tanks and infantry

British Maneuverings

By now the Special Sciences Office had developed

several contingency plans utilizing Talent powers to
help the British war effort. When the news came that
the Soviets had been ousted from Altyus, the War Office met to discuss plans to supply equipment to the
Talent-led insurgent army.

Britain did not want a war with the Soviet
Union; but all the same, it seemed like something
should be done. At the time, the Soviets were seen at
best to be an indifferent force in the region; one that
would make no warlike move against the Nazis. Unless evidence was forthcoming that the Reich planned
to violate the treaty between the two powers, the
Soviets would continue along their present course.

To this end, Plan J was devised. In it, Pevnost
would parachute into Altyus and secure a passageway back to Britain. Over a ton of captured Nazi
equipment (machine guns, pistols and ammunition)
would be moved through the portal to arm the
rebels, causing a rift between the two countries, and
bringing the Soviet Union in on the side of the Allies.

In the end, the plan was discarded due to its
risks. Prime Minister Churchill was loath to risk
Pevnost in such a manner, and the Special Sciences
Office was sent back to the drawing board.

Altyus and Bellerophon fell just a few days later.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

headed by Soviet shock troops leveled the town in a

skirmish that also cost the life of the Lithuanian Talent
Bellerophon, just days after he made his power public

Hundreds died on both sides of the battle and the
city itself remained abandoned for some time afterwards,
littered with bodies, ruined tanks and shattered buildings.

June 30, 1940

Soviet Special Directive One

By secret order of Stalin, the NKVD (the Peoples

Commissariat for Internal Affairs) was assigned the task of
searching Soviet territories for parahuman manifestations.
A divisional headquarters was created in Minsk but was
later removed to the interior of the Soviet Union as the
Nazis approached. This super-secret division was watched
over by the leader of the NKVD, Lavrenti Beria, who was
most eager to please Stalin by producing parahumans
through any means necessary. It was best to avoid the great
leaders displeasure; second chances were never given.

When simple medical and psychological interrogations
failed, more drastic steps were taken by the Soviet secret
police. Systematic torture and beatings, combined with
repetitive indoctrination, were applied to test subjects. Most
of these were culled from forced labor camps and prisons,
with the hope that this biological re-education would
spontaneously cause some supernatural manifestation. Over
3,000 innocents were beaten and tortured to death over
the course of a year before the first, albeit flawed, success

July 3, 1940
Naval Confrontation
at Mers el-Kbir

Concerned that the considerable French Naval fleet would

be brought into the war on the side of the Axis, Prime
Minister Churchill ordered the British Mediterranean fleet
to cordon them in the port of Mers el-Kbir, North Africa,
with the choices: Sail for Britain against the Axis, scuttle the
ships, or face a confrontation with the British fleet.

Although hesitant to engage the British, the French tried
to fight their way out. Several French ships, including the
new battleship Richelieu, were severely damaged by a British
carrier air strike in the skirmish. However, several other
French ships managed to escape the engagement, limping
their way to Toulon, the southernmost Vichy French port.
Overall, the attack was an extreme victory for the British.

July 10, 1940

The Battle of Britain Begins

To prepare for the coming German invasion of Britain,

codenamed Sea Lion, Hitler first required air supremacy
over his intended target. Reichsmarschall Gring assured
the Fhrer that the peerless Luftwaffe would crush the
shoestring British air force in a matter of days.



Under orders from
Hitler, Der Flieger took to the
air to defend JU-88 bombers
as they attacked Falmouth
and Swansea. In three days,
fifteen British pilots lost their
lives to the terrifying power of
the bermensch. The British
were not so easily shaken,
however. One Spitfire pilot,
Flight Captain Timothy S.
Gooden, who survived a
sonic-boom assault from Der
Flieger and still managed to
down two JU-88s in the same
day, had this to say about the parahuman:

Hes just a man, no matter what they say. One day,
something we put up will be fast enough to catch him, and
then it will be my chance to take him for a turn.

August 30, 1940

The Month of the bermensch

With great fanfare, RuSHA SA announced the discovery of

twenty-six separate bermenschen in the month of August
alone. At huge rallies across Germany, the bermenschen
were hailed as the first of a coming wave of the reborn
Aryan race. Allied planners, who believed the battle of
Talents was going well, were terrified to learn that the
Germans seemed to be producing them with unusual speed,
almost as if they could cause Talent manifestations.

August 30 was made a special holiday in the Reich in
celebration: bermenschtag, or The Day of the Super-man.

September 3, 1940
The Brits Spring Back

During sortie after sortie of Germans bomber strikes on

London and other British cities, eleven new Talents were
discovered. More births were to come in the following
months, and soon Britain would possess more Talents than
any other country in the world except Germany.

September 7, 1940
London Blitzed

Beginning on the night of the seventh and lasting the month

of September, German bombers pounded the British capital
into ruin. By the end of the month over 5,000 people had
been killed, 10,000 badly injured, and much of central
London was reduced to rubble.

Der Flieger dropped leaflets after each attack
encouraging the natives of the city: If you love your
children and family, stop this needless war. Again, Hitler
discovered he had misjudged the British people severely.

Needless war? one London native quipped after
reading one of the flyers. Did we win already?

13, 1940
Italy Invades Egypt

After a stunning series of

accidents and blunders,
(including the death
of the leader of Italian
forces in North Africa,
Marshall Balbo, by his own
countrymens anti-aircraft
fire), fourteen Italian Army
Divisions mounted an attack
on the woefully undermanned British holdings in Egypt.
They rolled over the border unchecked and made straight
for their goal, Alexandria.

Under the command of General Sir Archibald Wavell, the
British retreated, gathering what men they could to hold the
line further into Egypt. Some 35,000 thousand British soldiers
were all that stood between 200,000 Italians and the most
valuable piece of property in the Middle East, the Suez Canal.

September 27, 1940

The World Axis Forms

The three great fascist powers of the worldGermany,

Italy, and Japansigned a mutual alliance agreement
in Berlin, thereby forming the World Axis. Although
Germany and Italy had already signed the so-called Pact of
Steel some years before, adding Japan to the agreement was
seen as an effective and necessary deterrent to keep America
from becoming involved in the war. It would be, Mussolini
predicted, The Axis around which the world turned.

It became evident however, that Japan joined the World
Axis mostly to place pressure on European holdings in
Southeast Asia for further fuel resources.

With this agreement, the world descended further into
the morass of ever-growing conflict.

In the Air With

the Super-Man

Der Flieger was the nightmare of the pilots of the

Royal Air Force. Not only could he fly more than
500 mph faster than Britains fastest fighter, he could
make breathtaking right angle turns, defying the laws
of physics.

In combat, Der Flieger sonic-boomed his opponents, flying within mere meters of enemy aircraft.
The shockwave generated was enough to shatter
canopies and deafen pilots; often the turbulence sent
the targeted aircraft into a plummeting nosedive, or
ripped control surfaces right off.

In total, Der Flieger downed twenty-seven British fighters over British airspace during the blitz.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



October 7, 1940

positions in Egypt (the British

and Greeks had a mutual
assistance treaty), Mussolini launched an invasion of
Greece without consulting
his Axis partners, causing
consternation in the group.

Italian troops, under
equipped and in poor morale,
were repulsed by the highly
motivated Greek Army who
managed to sweep the invaders back into Italian-occupied
Albania, a portion of which
they then occupied themselves. The Greek campaign
was a terrible blow to the
already flagging Italian war
machine, and a humiliating
slap in the face of the socalled Iron Duke.

German Troops
Enter Romania

To end a dispute between

Hungary and Romania over
the borderland of Transylvania, both countries agreed to
allow the Axis to arbitrate the
matter. Generals from Italy
and Germany considered the
dilemma, and allotted a large
amount of territory to Hungary in a complete reversal of
the previous agreement.

The Romanians were
incensed by the decision. First,
a portion of their territory had
been annexed by the Soviet
Union; now Hungary was
taking more! At the request of Romanian Premier General
Antonescu, the Third Reich entered Romania, sending the
Thirteenth German Motorized Division to Bucharest. This was
the beginning of a long-term occupation of Romania by the
Nazis. It was a clear message to Hungary.

This Silent Invasion sent Mussolini into a fit of rage,
because Hitler had not informed him of it. The Italian Dictator
struck upon a plan that would infuriate Hitler just as much as
it would eventually frustrate Italy itself: the poorly conceived
invasion of Greece.

October 10, 1940

The First Female Talent

The supporters of Antonescus Romanian regime began

rounding up those who opposed the ideology of fascism,
beating, looting, raping and shooting the outspoken minority who resisted the governments new alliance.

One of these dissidents was a young woman named Antonina Ilescu, who watched as five Iron Guard soldiers beat her
father to death in the streets of Bucharest. The elder Ilescu was
an outspoken opponent of Hitler, so he was made an example.

Antonina Ilescu screamed in terror as the soldiers rifles
smashed her fathers head. When her screams rose, the Iron
Guardsmen smiled; but when those shrieks rose still higher,
all the windows on the street shattered and their ears began
to bleed, they knew something was wrong.

Ilescu leveled a block of buildings with her shrieking,
killing forty people with a concussive wall of sound, innocent and guilty alike. In the end, only she was left standing,
alone at the apex of a cone of destruction.

She fled to the country immediately, before the Iron
Guard discovered her.

October 28, 1940

Italy Invades Greece, Greece Invades Italy

November 5, 1940
President Roosevelt Is Reelected

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was reelected President of

the United States for an unprecedented third term on
November 5, 1940. Although the United States was still
technically a neutral power, the President was rapidly
getting the country ready for war. It took little insight
to see the menace coming. Roosevelt formed several
government projects to help the enemies of aggressive

Knowledge of Die Hexe

Few knew of Die Hexe outside of Nazi-occupied

Romania. Only RuSHA SA had extensive details on
Die Hexes identity and abilities, gleaned from their
Romanian allies. There was an understanding between
the Nazi High Command and Romanian Iron Guard;
if captured, Die Hexe would be handed over to German authorities for study. This request was verbal,
placed by agents of RuSHA SA, who hoped to keep
the matter out of the eye of the German High Command, knowing Hitlers temper regarding the subject.

RuSHA SA scientists had never seen an berfrau
(Super-Woman) before, and hoped that a forced
mating between an bermensch and berfrau would
produce offspring who possessed paranormal abilities.
Many still (wrongly) believed that the mating of such
exceptional breeding stock would produce a superior offspring, far more strong, fit and powerful than its parents.

Conflicting commands led to Die Hexes death in
1943. On one hand, the forces in Romania were hoping to capture her, and on the other German soldiers
were given orders to shoot any female partisan members sighted. Hitlers obstinance led to two different
orders issued on the same subject to the same forces;
this led in turn to the premature death of Ilescu.

In a poorly realized plan to draw the British away from

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Die Hexe The Witch

Name: Antonina Ilescu AKA Die Hexe (The Witch)

Nationality: Romanian.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 10/23/22, Bucharest, Romania.
DOD: 1/19/43, Outside Walchev, Romania (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Ilescu could emit screams in the highest ranges of sound, liquefying flesh, cracking stone and splitting metal. This power was very difficult for Ilescu to control, and at its maximum level
killed all within several hundred yards.
History: Antonina Ilescu developed her ability spontaneously while her father was beaten to death before her
eyes. No witnesses of her first shriek survived the incident.

Fearing capture, she fled to the wilderness to hide. On her fifth week in the forest, she stumbled into a partisan camp, and was taken in, despite her lack of experience. Mostly she cleaned and cooked, but sometimes
she fought alongside the men. She never mentioned her ability, and did her best to fit in.

During an ambush in 1942, Ilescu shrieked to disrupt a Heer patrol, killing twenty-two soldiers with her
voice (deafening three of her companions in the process). The partisans escaped and Ilescu was seen as a much
more useful member of the group.

For almost a year, Ilescu used her abilities to kill Germans, and gained the name Die Hexe (The Witch)
from those few who survived her attacks. Iron Guard leader Ion Antonescu offered a bounty for her capture, and
special detachments of the SS were dispatched into the wilderness to recover her for RuSHA SA.

On January 19, 1943 near Walchev, Romania, a German sniper (who had orders to shoot any female
partisan members sighted) shot Ilescu from a distance. She died three days later at the age of 21.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



countries all over the world
defend themselves. This socalled Arsenal of Democracy
was controversial at first, but
as invasion followed invasion
around the world, public
support was increasingly
forthcoming. However, some
still did not see the darkness
coming, or even its source.

Vocal opponents to
the President did exist.
One of them was Charles
Lindbergh, the first man to
cross the Atlantic non-stop
in an aircraft. Lindbergh
led an isolationist group
called the America First
Committee that was rabidly
pro-Nazi. Hitler wooed
him in the 1930s when he
spent time as a guest of the
Nazi government after the
kidnapping and murder of
his son in 1933, but his true
fervor for Nazi ideals began
after the appearance of Der

Lindbergh made it
plain in a September 1940 speech at an AFC meeting in
New York City: If Roosevelt is reelected this November,
there will be war. I cannot support my country in such an
endeavor. Despite my intense love of America, I must go
with my heart. When war comes, I will be on the side of

Lindbergh made true his promise in November 1940
by moving to Germany and becoming a citizen of the
Reich. His expatriation from the U.S. was a shocking blow
to American morale and a victory for Nazi minister of
propaganda Josef Goebbels, who used it to great effect in
newsreels seen around the world.

November 10, 1940

The Growing Hordes of bermenschen

On this date according to RuSHA SA records, the

population of Nazi bermenschen broke 400, with more
appearing every day. Due to the glory associated with such
ability, few kept themselves secret. Almost all voluntarily
entered government service.

In addition, the SS had become aware of several
Jewish, Gypsy and other enemies of the state who
possessed parahuman abilities. By this time, three of these
parahumans had been dealt with, and the reality of their
existence expunged from official records. In his tunnelvision world, Hitler still refused to accept the possibility
of parahumans from other countries or races, and branded
the Allied footage of their growing pool of Talents as war

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

11, 1940
The British Attack

A surprise attack on the

Italian Navy at anchor in
Taranto, Italy by twenty-one
British Swordfish torpedo
bombers left three of Il
Duces battleships severely
damaged. Only two aircraft
were lost in the attack. The
British High Command was

Once again, the Italians
had proved less than capable
in the arts of war.

14, 1940
The Blitz of Coventry

For over three nights,

beginning on November 14, the British industrial city of

Charles Lindbergh, the

Benedict Arnold of the
Modern Age

After Lindberghs dramatic exit from the world of democracy to the world of fascism, a public furor arose over
the matter in the United States. One of Americas greatest
heroes had fled to the side of what many believed to be
the worst enemy mankind had ever known. His outspokenness on the subject of the fictional worldwide Jewish
conspiracy during his AFC meetings alienated many
early on, but his departure for Nazi Germany set the stage
for the rallies and hatred that followed.

Anti-Lindbergh rallies and the destruction of memorabilia celebrating his 1926 Atlantic crossing culminated
in the destruction, by parties unknown, of the Spirit of
St. Louis on December 5, 1940. With this final brash act,
America wiped its hands of Charles Lindbergh, a man
who was once the ideal of the American hero.

In Germany, Lindbergh took a figurehead position in the Luftwaffe, until Americas entry into the
World War in 1941, whereupon he refused to participate in the Nazi war effort. He and his wife retired
to the open city of Dresden to wait out the conflict.
Lindbergh was killed in the firebombing of Dresden
on February 13, 1945.

Few in America mourned his loss.



Coventry was bombed by 500 German bombers dropping
over 500 tons of high explosives. Although casualties were
low, the Germans did manage to level 50,749 buildings,
including St. Michaels Cathedral. Coventry was reduced to

Out of the attack, thirty-one new British Talents were
born, including Cormorant, who would become one of the
most popular Talents of the war.

November 20, 1940

Hungary Joins the Axis

Seeing the way the wind was blowing in central Europe,

Hungary signed the Tripartite Act, joining Italy,
Germany and Japan in the growing world Axis. So far,
the Hungarians had benefited greatly by siding with the
Germans. They had received a large portion of their
neighbors territory when the Axis settled the border dispute
with Romania, and gained territory again when Hitler

The Legion
of Five Thousand

Since Talent activation was often linked to deadly experiences, it is no surprise that in Europe and the Ukraine,
the population to manifest paranormal abilities most
often were the Jews. Ironically, the Nazis murderous
policies against the Jews led directly to their supremacy
as a Talent superpower in the post-war political world.

The gassing, starvation, hanging and mass shooting of Jews created a huge amount of Talent manifestations among their number, far out of proportion with
other Talent populations. Although the unofficial policy
of Nazi Germany was that no bermenschen existed
outside of the pureblooded German population, the
Gestapo and SS had secret programs to hunt down
and eliminate the Jewish parahumans, who were seen
as a very real threat to the security of the Reich.

Both Himmler and Goebbels knew of the existence
of an underground of Jewish parahumans, a fact kept
from Hitler until the last days of the war. Himmler had
a secret study on the phenomenon written in 1943 by
RuSHA SA scientists called Die Rckbildung (The
Backwards Shape) that examined the Mixing of
Aryan bloodlines and powers with the lower races.

By late 1944, the Jewish underground in the
areas surrounding Germany were filled with parahuman Nephilim who led a spirited resistance against
Nazi forces in the last months of the war. Although
there was little solidarity among their numbers at
first, the Allied propaganda machine dubbed them
the Legion of Five Thousand to intimidate the
remaining Nazi resistance.

Thanks to this propaganda, the Legion became a
reality. Nephilim leaders began recruiting Jewish Talents from displaced persons camps. By 1945, their force
numbered well over 6,000 Talentssecond in Europe
only to the Talent Shock Armies of the Soviet Union.

annexed Czechoslovakia in 1938. The brightest future, it

seemed, was on the side of the Axis.

They would later regret this choice.

November 23, 1940

Romania Joins the Axis

Not to be outdone by its neighbor, Romania also signed the

Tripartite act on this date, joining the ever growing world
Axis and becoming allies with its former enemy, Hungary.
The Romanian Iron Guard, led by the Prime Minister Ion
Antonescu soon imposed a mini-Nazi state in Romania,
executing rebels and outspoken citizens with impunity.

December 9, 1940
The Italians Are Routed In Egypt

After careful consideration, General Sir Archibald Wavell

detected a gap in the Italian positions in the huge infantry
emplacements at the Sidi Barrani, and launched an assault
that took the Italian forces there completely by surprise.

Although outnumbered three to one, by December 12
the British had almost 140,000 prisoners of war and were
awash with enemy supplies and equipment. In the first significant wartime use of Allied Talents, Jumping Johnny and
three other British parahumans were employed in the attacks.
Their demoralizing effect on Italian troops was enormous.
Hundreds of Italians surrendered after witnessing the destruction the parahumans inflicted on fortified positions.

What began as a simple raid developed into a huge
campaign that managed to push the enemy back into Libya.
Over the next three months, Wavell pushed further; into
the interior of Italian-occupied Libya, taking position after
position, until the remaining Italian forces had their back to
Beda Fomm on the Gulf of Sirte. By February 7, the Italians
had lost more than 600 miles of territory and the British
held a huge portion of North Africa.

January 19, 1941

The British Invade Eritrea

British forces began their East African campaign by pushing south into the Italian occupied country of Eritrea. The
demoralized Italian forces offered sporadic resistance, but
were steadily driven back towards Ethiopia.

Allied Talents, including Cien and The Human Bullet
carried out concise assaults on Italian strong points, crushing what little resistance the Italians could offer. It soon became obvious that the plight of the Italian Army in Eritrea
was dire indeed.

January 29, 1941

Americans, British Meet In Washington

The military staffs of America and Britain met for the first
time in Washington D.C. to discuss the blossoming world
conflict. These talks, codenamed ABC-1 (American British
Conference 1), were held to work out the logistics of a joint


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Michael Foreman AKA Cormorant, The Dragon Keeper, Eyeball.

Nationality: British.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: University at Kings College. Royal Air Force training. British Special Operations Executive training.
Rank: Flight captain (RAF). Captain (British Army).
Decorations: None.
DOB: 2/2/08, Paris, France.
DOD: 6/7/44, Banville, France (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Foremans Talent manifested as an invisible dragon that he called Mr. Mitts, an
invisible friend from childhood. Mitts was as big as a horse, could fly, breathed fire, and was overly protective of
Foreman, even when the Talent was unconscious or asleep. Despite his invisibility, Mitts left behind huge footprints,
made a considerable amount of noise and often went off on his own (though he would usually take commands from
Foreman). However, Mitts often had ideas of his own, making Foremans control of him a bit tenuous at times.
The dragon would often take matters into his own hands and act out against the subjects of Foremans subconscious
anger or distaste, though the imaginary beast would never kill those who were not out to harm Foreman first.
History: Michael Foreman was an accomplished postal pilot in the Royal Air Force, making runs between his
town of Coventry and several outlying coastal cities. In 1933, he set the point-to-point record on the LondonCoventry-Edinburgh run in a Tiger Moth biplane.

When war broke out, Foreman volunteered for the Royal Air Force. He was one of the first Hawker Hurricane pilots in Coventry to engage and down an enemy aircraft (an ME 110), and he went on to become an
ace. His outstanding record made him the pride of Twelfth Fighter Command, garnering him the nickname
Eyeball from one of its American volunteers.

On the night of November 15, 1941, Foreman and his squadron attempted to engage the enemy during the
Blitz of Coventry, the second night of relentless bombing by the Luftwaffe of the industrial heart of Britain. Of
his flight group, only he returned to basewithout his aircraft. His life would never be the same.

Foremans Hurricane had collided in the dark with a Heinkel 111 bomber, crippling both planes. Unable
to maintain altitude, Foreman bailed out of the aircraft when fire broke out. Inverting the plane, Foreman cut
his safety harness as the flames consumed it. Unfortunately, his parachute caught fire as well. Foreman plummeted from 8,500 feet, screaming.

Suddenly his fall was arrested. Only Foreman could see the creature that saved him: Mr. Mitts, the imaginary dragon that had been his best friend during a lonely childhood. Foreman returned to the Twelfth Fighter
Command with quite a story to tell. Luckily, Mr. Mitts stuck around, blowing down doors by accident and
knocking the group captain over with a swish of his invisible tail.

Foreman was immediately scooped up by the Special Sciences Office and reassigned to British Special Operations Executive training. He was given the code-name Cormorant by the BSOE, but his association with the
group did not last. Although Foreman remained quite sure that his invisible friend was nothing more than
a Talent manifestation, this did not stop Mr. Mitts from asserting his often-mischievous personality. Mitts
remained quite independent, destroying the commanding officers barracks after the CO made Foreman run
extra laps for failing to fall in on time.

Foreman was discharged from the BSOE and termed unfit for combat duty by the SSO. He attempted to
re-enlist in the RAF and was rejected. Instead, he was assigned to the British Army and detached to diplomatic
service. Foreman journeyed with Prime Minister Churchill to the Newfoundland conference, where he demonstrated his Talent abilities to the U.S. president. Roosevelt was quite taken with Mr. Mitts and Mitts in turn
was quite taken with the presidentalthough Foremans power made the military police very nervous.

Foreman refused to stay in the diplomatic service. In 1942, he signed over to active duty in the British
Special Service Brigade after numerous pleas to Prime Minister Churchill and even President Roosevelt. Under
the tutelage of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Robert Keyes, who took to the man and felt his special abilities could
be quite useful, Foreman became an adept commando. In the following years, Foreman was a significant force
in coastal raids leading up to Operation Overlord.

Foreman commanded Number 3 Commando team and completed nine successful raids on the French
coast, gaining a reputation as a man (and a creature) who got the job done. In June 1944, Foreman landed
in the first wave on Juno beach, fighting his way inland with the rest of the SSO Special Service Squads. He was
killed in action by a shell in the town of Banville on D-Day+1.

Rumor has it that Mr. Mitts still haunts the town to this daya legend that locals believe whole-heartedly.
June 7 is still Le Jour du Dragon or The Day of the Dragon in Banville.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



March 1, 1941

war effort against the Axis

(just in case it came to pass)
and to discuss the Lend-Lease
bill which was still being
considered by Congress.

Although America
remained neutral, many in
the military saw war as the
only possible outcome of the
expansionist policies of the

In a secret communication conducted during the
talks, Roosevelt requested
of Churchill a sharing of
knowledge on the parahuman
phenomenon as a show of
good faith from the British.

British and
Australian Troops
Move to Greece

In defensive preparation for

what was seen as the next
logical step for an Axis invasion, the British High Command moved a large number
of Australian and British
soldiers across the Mediterranean from North Africa to
reinforce the already strong
Metaxas line, a series of Greek forts which separated Bulgaria
from Greece.

February 8, 1941
Bulgaria Signs a Pact With Turkey

At German urging, the pro-Nazi government of Bulgaria signed

a friendship pact with the neighboring nation of Turkey. This
was done to prevent that countrys involvement in future German military endeavors in the area. German troops intended
to use Bulgaria as a corridor through which their forces could
attack both Greece and Yugoslavia simultaneously.

March 2, 1941
Bulgaria Joins the Axis

Bulgaria, already rabidly pro-Nazi, signed the Tripartite

act in Vienna, joining the world Axis. Soon after, a large
detachment of both Heer and Luftwaffe forces were moved
into Bulgaria from bordering Romania. Hitler was one step
closer to uniting Europe under the banner of fascism.

March 5, 1941

February 12, 1941

Rommel Arrives In Tunisia

To save the routed Italian Army, Hitler dispatched Generalleutnant Erwin Rommel, leader of the newly formed Afrika
Korps to reinforce the flagging Italian line in North Africa.
Over the next two years, Rommel would reverse the tide
of the African war, inflicting heavy losses on the Allies and
pushing eastward until the Suez Canal and Alexandria were
almost in his grasp.

Arriving in Tunisia along with him were fourteen highly
trained bermenschen to support the Axis war effort.

Between a Rock . . .

Desperate for aid from the United States, Britain had

little choice but to comply with President Roosevelts
request for information on the Talent phenomenon.
Prime Minister Churchill fought valiantly with the
British military to guarantee a cooperative effort
between the Special Sciences Office and the fledgling
American scientific effort in the field.

Churchill hoped to win the American President
over with candor, along with some very vital secrets
that only the British and the Nazis then possessed.
In pressing for Britains secrets, Roosevelt did what
he had to do. By combining forces with the Special
Sciences Office, he guaranteed a strong future for the
American Talents program.

The Death of Jeger, the First

Parahuman Casualty of the War
Between Britain and Germany

Two Hawker Hurricanes shot the German bermensch

Jeger (Hunter) out of the air over the Libyan Plateau
on this date. The parahuman was scouting locations in the
western desert for the Afrika Korps when he was detected by
ground observers and pursued for 200 miles in a daring daylight chase. Although swift and maneuverable, Jeger could
not outdistance the aircraft or find cover to hide below.

Flight Lieutenant Jeffrey Rotman, whose face made
newspaper covers all over the world, finally blew the
bermensch to bits after an hour-long aerial chase. Elated,
Churchill declared Rotman the first Uber-Ace of the war.

Jeger was the first parahuman to die in the war between Britain and Germany, and was given a heros funeral
in Berlin, despite the lack of remains.

March 9, 1941
Churchill Dispatches Eleven Talents to
Alexandria Command

Under the direct command of General Sir Wavell, eleven

British Talents, first of a group trained for military service
from the moment of their Talents manifestation, were moved


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



to Alexandria Command.
Their orders were to provide
special assistance to British
and Commonwealth troops as
needed. Although it was not
known at the time, this move
was to directly counteract the
Nazis movement of bermenschen into Tunisia under the
command of Rommel.

Churchill was far more
concerned about the bermenschen in North Africa
than he could ever admit to
the public.

March 11, 1941

Lend-Lease Bill
Signed Into Law

This law, originally entitled

An Act to Promote the
Defense of the United States,
allowed the president to lend,
lease, or entitle defense materiel to countries that, in his opinion,
were defending ideals similar to those of the United States.

The law allowed the country to side step the 1935
Neutrality Act that limited the sale of resources to countries
involved in foreign conflicts. President Roosevelt didnt
wait long to use it; just days later, a large detachment of
American naval ships and ordnance was sent to Britain, the
first of many such shipments.

Prime Minister Churchill was ecstatic, and called the
law Hitlers death warrant.

March 16, 1941

experienced British Captain

Donald Macintyre) scored
a significant win against
the Axis: they removed two
of the top German U-boat
aces from the war. In a
heated exchange between
the five Allied destroyers
and two corvettes against
two outgunned U-boats, the
Germans emerged the losers.

The highest-scoring
U-boat captain of any war,
Fregattenkapitn Otto
Kretschner, was captured
when his U-boat (U-99) was
damaged by depth charges.
It rapidly took on water
and sank, leaving its hapless
captain to be ignominiously
collected by the Allies.

Even more dramatically,
U-100 (under command of
Fregattenkapitn Joachim
Schepke) was cut in two by
the British destroyer Vanoc
and sunk with all hands aboard. All crewmembers of
the craft were assumed lost. Later, it was found this was
not the case; a single Kriegsmarine crewman onboard
survived beneath the waves by manifesting bermensch

Der Seefahrer (The Seafarer) would take some time
to return to Germany; he lived in the North Atlantic for
almost a month before finding a U-boat and a way home.

March 21, 1941

Viljo Is Killed

The Finnish parahuman Viljo, who haunted the occupying

Soviets in his tiny country for almost two years, was killed

British East African Forces

Push Into Ethiopia

British troops swept through Eritrea and into the northern

portion of Ethiopia, crushing Italian resistance with
relative ease. Further assaults into the interior of Ethiopia
proved easier thanks to the ceaseless work of the Ethiopian
resistance groups, most of which were led by the Ethiopian
Talent Zindel.

Zindel presented himself and his gun to the leader of
the liberating British forces as they crossed the border into
his country. Cutting a swath north to meet their liberators,
Zindel had killed over 1,000 Italians by supernatural and
more mundane means. He was soon a favorite of the British
command, and his knowledge of Italian positions and the
countryside proved almost as valuable as his Talent power.

March 17, 1941

German Defeat In the North Sea

Jeger and
the State Funeral

Held at the center of the Greater German Reich,

the funeral of Bernhard Siegling, better known
as Jeger, drew more than 100,000 people to the
main boulevard of Berlin. Himmler, Goebbels and
Hess gave speeches, but Hitler failed to show due
to his extreme grief. Films of the parahuman in
flight and several stunning monolithic statues were
displayed to the public during the eulogy, and his
crypt, a stunning white marble masterpiece created
by famed sculptor Josef Thorak, was unveiled.

Der Flieger, Feuerzauber and several other bermenschen were present as well. Der Flieger proclaimed
to the roaring crowds: When we are done with them,
they will wish they had surrendered.

In a dramatic battle, Allied convoy ships (led by the

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Zindel Protector of Man

Name: Amina Salasee AKA Zindel (Protector of Man).

Nationality: Ethiopian.
Political Affiliation: Ethiopian monarchist.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 3/23/01 Dangila, Ethiopia.
DOD: 5/13/41 Nonna, Ethiopia (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Salasee could instantaneously transform enemies into salt. This power even
changed the victims equipment and clothing to salt. It sometimes automatically reacted to threats, even those
he had no direct knowledge of. The usual range of this power was about 200 yards, but with conscious effort
it could be sent much farther distances, as long as the target was within the range of sight.

Use of this power fatigued Salasee, and he often went hours or days in combat without activating it at all.
History: Salasee was born in the tiny Ethiopian village of Dangila to a family of Ethiopian Jews, and worked
the land for many years without conflict. When the Italians entered his country in 1936, this all changed. Like
many of his countrymen, Salasee took to the hinterlands to fight the invaders. Soon, the Ethiopian resistance
was well armed with Italian rifles and equipment.

He remained devoutly religious and often read from the Torah, particularly enjoying its stories of revenge
and death, and he outlined a concept of the justice of the God of the Old Testament. Salasee began to associate the decadent occupying Italians with the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah, and left religious graffiti on
destroyed vehicles and dead bodies as a warning of their flawed ways.

His power manifested one night, unconsciously, as his group moved through a valley. When they came
upon the figure of a man pointing a rifle at them at the valleys lip, they blew the man to bitsbits of gray and
white salt. The figure, an Italian Army regular who had been waiting in ambush, had been transformed to salt,
as was his squad of eight men.

Salasee took it as a sign from God.

Soon he learned to direct Gods will and set about terrorizing the invaders of his country, killing more than
3,500 men. At the time of his death Salasee was the undisputed leader of the biggest cell of resistance in Ethiopia,
although he remained loyal to the monarch of Ethiopia, who lived in exile in the Sudan.

Salasee was killed when he stepped on an enemy mine in May 1941. His body was smuggled to Britain by
the Special Sciences Office for an extensive autopsy. The disappointed scientists found no biological mechanism
for his ability.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Der Seefahrer The Seafarer

Name: Georg Klingen AKA Der Seefahrer (The Seafarer), Hitlers Pet Frog.
Nationality: German.
Political Affiliation: Nazi (National Socialist, after bermenschen transformation).
Education: Kriegsmarine training at Wilhelmshaven, Wasserfall training in Berlin and Hamburg.
Rank: Oberleutnant zur Zee (Kriegsmarine). Sturmbannfhrer (SS).
Decorations: Iron Cross.
DOB: 11/10/10 Hamburg, Germany.
DOD: 12/1/43 Albany, U.S.A. (lethal injection).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Klingen required no air to breathe when submerged in water. Other substances
remained deadly for Klingen to inhale, but somehow water was harmless to him. He could also move through
the water like a dolphin, reaching speeds up to 40 miles per hour, and survive indefinitely in the ocean without
food. Klingen was immune to the effects of water pressure, but was unable to see in the lightless depths of the
History: Georg Klingen was a career Navy man who joined the Kriegsmarine in the early 1930s to avoid the
horrors of the German Depression and his home life. His family had split up violently, with his mother in a
sanitarium for the last fatal stages of spinal meningitis and his father in prison for assault. Klingen did his best
to make his new job his new lifehe had no other option.

Much to his surprise, Klingen found the job to his liking. He worked his way up the chain of command,
becoming a favorite of several well-placed Kriegsmarine officials. His efficiency and zeal were well received by
the German war machine.

In 1940, Klingen was assigned to U-100 as a helmsman under the command of the legendary Joachim
Schepke, a U-boat ace who had sunk several hundred thousand tons of Allied equipment. Klingen was an ideal
sailor, well suited for submarine work. He gave his all every moment onboard U-100; and while on leave he
concocted wild plans for gaining the commanders attention.

Such a moment arrived in 1941 when U-100 surfaced in the middle of an Allied convoy while avoiding
a depth charge attack. He directly countermanded an order by Schepke, who saw no choice but to surrender.
Klingen tried to use what little charge remained in the batteries to sidestep the destroyer and dive. Instead, the
destroyer cut the U-boat in two and it sank with all hands.

Klingen and the rest of the crew attempted to scramble free of the wreckage as it plummeted, but none
made it clear. In the dark, as water filled his lungs and the U-boat descended madly to the bottom, Klingen
discovered he had become one of Germanys bermenschen. His abilities did nothing to control his mounting
fear, however. In the dark at the bottom of the ocean, surrounded by the slowly bloating bodies of his dead
shipmates, Klingen lost his mind for a time. Finally recovering some semblance of sense, Klingen began to
struggle free from the wreckage.

Extracting himself from the ruins of the sub in the dark two miles down proved difficult, and it took him
more than a day of disorienting, terrifying trial and error. Once free, he surfaced like a bullet and took to the
ocean like a fish, fully utilizing his powers for the first time.

Klingen boarded U-78 when it surfaced to recharge its batteries on April 19, 1941. Welcomed back in
Wilhelmshaven as a hero of the Third Reich, he said nothing of the last moments of U-100.

Soon, Klingen was training with the Abwehr project Wasserfall as a special agent. The Reich hoped to use
Klingen as a long-range scout to spy on British and later American shorelines, a spy who could flee the country
any time he wishedif he was near the ocean.

On October 15, 1942, on Shelter Island, New York, Klingen was discovered by a Coast Guard patrol
while retrieving buried German sabotage supplies. Klingen was surprised, and when he tried to flee the scene
he was shot. His wound was not serious, but his predicament was.

After a very short and public trial, Klingen was convicted as a spy and was sentenced to death by American military authorities. He was executed by lethal injection in Albany, New York in December 1943. His
body was remanded to the scientists of Section Two for study.

During his prison stay and trial, Klingen was given the nickname Hitlers Pet Frog by the national press.
Upon hearing the news of the bermenschs execution Churchill quipped, I once had a frog as a boy. It died
as well.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Public Campaign

to Detect Enemy Talents

At the height of the war in the United States, nearly

16,000 Talents were discovered and trained. Section
Two thought it was likely that many more undiscovered Talents existed in the general population; those
who had either extremely subtle abilities (such as psychic flashes) or who always possessed an exceptional
skill or ability (like Hyperstats or Hyperskills).

Under orders of the president, a public campaign
began to alert these possible Undiscovereds to
their inherent Talent detection ability. It was hoped
that they could help detect and capture infiltrating
Axis bermenschen like Der Seefahrer.

Hundreds of posters and ads ran in American
papers beginning in the winter of 1942, with artwork
depicting a smiling faced man with no eyes, and the
following legend:

Got a strange feeling about someone? He could
be an Enemy Talent!
on this date by a well-planned Soviet artillery barrage. The
few remnants of the Talents body were recovered and flown
under great secrecy to Minsk for study by the Special Directive One group.

March 25, 1941

Yugoslavia Joins the World Axis, Almost
Although members in power of Yugoslavia did sign the
Tripartite Pact, the country as a whole remained divided
on the matter. Serb Army officers were infuriated with
the accord, and prepared to oppose the decision, while
King Peter II turned down German requests for his

This was too much trouble for Germany. Due to the
problems evident in occupying an unfriendly Yugoslavia,
Hitler decided to invade instead.

March 26, 1941

Heydrich Forms the Einsatzgruppen
Under orders from SS leader
Heinrich Himmler, the chief
of the Reich central security
office, Reinhard Heydrich,
formed the Einsatzgruppen
(Action Groups.) These
special groups were formed to
eliminate Jews and Bolsheviks
in territories occupied by the
Reich in mass executions.

By 1943, these special
units of the SS had murdered
over 1,000,000 Jews and

March 29, 1941

The Blue Accord

In exchange for an extensive commitment of war materials

and technologies, the British Government agreed to share
their knowledge about the Talent phenomenon with the
United States. This super-secret accord, code-named Blue
was made between Churchill and Roosevelt, and kept at
the highest levels of government. The first payment of
the agreement was the allotment of two new U.S. produced
destroyers and a large amount of raw material to re-supply
the depleted British war effort.

The British SSO, which had been working on the how
and the why of Talents, opened their files for American
advisors, and sent four British Talents to America for study.

March 30, 1941

Talents Clash for the First Time,
but Not the Last

With Generalleutnant Rommels push east towards the

British lines, the first face-to-face meeting of parahumans in
combat occurred on the border of British-occupied Libya.
During a tank skirmish between a unit of the Afrika Korps
and General Sir Wavells forward defenses, two German
bermenschen surprised and attacked seven Allied Talents
attempting to turn the Germans flank.

Der Tragheit (The Inertia) and Dunkelheit (Darkness) worked with practiced ease, killing two British
Talents while the German cannons wounded two others.
In the engagement, Dunkelheit blinded opponents, who
were then robbed of their inertial motion by the touch of
Der Tragheit, instantly flinging their rapidly disintegrating
bodies off into the atmosphere. When the Allies regrouped
and attacked, the British Talent Scythe pulled all the oxygen
from around Dunkelheit, killing the bermensch instantly,
while John Tom flung tanks and other heavy equipment at
Der Tragheit. After Der Tragheit made his escape, a wellplanned artillery strike by the Panzer force injured the two
other Talents present. A tank shell crippled John Tom, and
Scythe was partially blinded in the blast. Both returned to
Britain as national heroes.

Puppeteer and Golgotha, the two Talents who died, were
awarded with the Victoria Cross posthumously and given
heroes burials in Britain.
Both sides claimed victory in the combat. Britain
played up the total German
losses, while Germany commented only on the deaths
of the British Talents. In
reality, it seemed that the
combat was more of a draw
than anything else.
This first, face-to-face
combat between Talents
proved to be the harbinger
of things to come. To their
consternation, all the Talents


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



involved in the prolonged combat found their powers not
working as easily as they once had. They found it especially
fatiguing and difficult to utilize a power when attacking
another Talent. It seemed that without the element of surprise, a Talent could protect himself from another Talents
powers. Like in all other forms of warfare, surprise proved
to be the most likely method for one Talent to kill another.

This drastically changed the tactics Talents would
utilize in the war.

April 3, 1941
RuSHA SA is Expanded

Due to the growing number of bermenschen, Hitler expanded the powers and funding of the RuSHA SA, hoping
to hone the raw power of the parahumans into an effective
fighting force. Although Germany had already lost two
parahumans in combat, reports arrived daily from all over
the Reich of freshly born bermenschen. Training of the
bermenschen was moved to a camp specifically built for
them in central Germany, run by Professor Albrecht Gebhart, an SS specialist in race studies.

The most common powers were (by percentage):

Super strength 35%

Telekinesis 25%

Flight 15%

Various attack powers 15%

Various other unique abilities 10%

RuSHA SA projected that in less than two years the
Nazi parahuman population would top 5,000 (and this was
a conservative estimate). Hitler and Himmler envisioned an
entire army composed of unstoppable super-humans laying
waste first to Britain, and then, perhaps, America.

April 4, 1941
Rommel Pushes Forward

Attacking British positions in El Agheila with the Fifth

Light Division, Generalleutnant Rommel dislodged the
Commonwealth forces stationed there, forcing them to retreat to the Marsa Brega. The Brega was an extremely good
position for defense, and the British prepared to repulse the
next German attack. Surprisingly, Rommel did not wait.
Instead, he attacked the disorganized British forces just a
few days later, before they could mount a solid defense.
The Afrika Korps, who took and held Benghazi and
Mechili, pursued the British forces, now in full retreat,
across the desert. With this shift, the Germans secured the
Agedabia area of Libya almost two months earlier than
anyone had imagined, and Rommel had stolen the spotlight.

The Italian commander in North Africa, General
Gariboldi, stepped down, retiring in disgrace. In less than
a month of reorganization, Rommel had turned the tide in
North Africa.

April 6, 1941
Yugoslavia is Invaded by the Reich

German forces poured over the border on the morning of

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

April 6, focusing their might on Serbian positions in Yugoslavia. The Croatians, moved by Nazi propaganda, were
assured that an independent state would be established for
them when the Nazis won the war. Few of them resisted the

Young King Peter II fled with his cabinet before he
could be captured, forming a Yugoslavian government in
exile in London.

Although Belgrade was declared an open city, relentless
Luftwaffe bombing killed at least 17,000 people. This was a
direct message from Hitler himself, who was displeased with
the Yugoslavians resistance to the might of the Axis. Nevertheless, while Yugoslavia remained an almost assured victory, the
chancellors eye was elsewhere on that same date: Greece.

April 6, 1941
Germany Invades Greece

Rolling through Axis Bulgaria, a strong German force

pierced the initial border defenses of Greece, only to be
stopped short by a series of defensive positions known as
the Metaxas line. Although the Greeks and Allies fought
valiantly, nothing could stop their flank from being turned
as another powerful German force crossed the border from
occupied Yugoslavia, and yet another fell from the air in the
first and last large German parachute assault of the war on
April 21. Soon, all of the Allied forces were in full retreat,
or surrounded. A few strong divisions fought the advancing
tide of the Axis along with their Allied colleagues, but the
outnumbered and under equipped troops proved to be no
match for the Germans, and had to fall back or surrender.

The Allied troops were swept towards the sea on the
Peloponnesus peninsula and evacuated the country under
intense ariel bombardment by the Luftwaffe. Thousands
did not escape however, and were captured both on the peninsula and on the neighboring island of Crete, where they
were surrounded by German airborne troops.

By May 14, after only about five weeks of fighting, yet
another country was under the heel of the Nazis.

April 7, 1941
Rommel Takes Derna

Rommels forces continued their race across the desert

towards the British garrison at Tobruk, capturing Al Badya, Cyrene, Barce and Derna along the way. The British
abandoned a plan to hold Rommel at Derna, and retreated
to the port city of Tobruk. When the Axis failed to halt
at Derna, the British Eighth Army continued its retreat to
Egypt, leaving the garrison at Tobruk to fend for itself.

Soon the forces of the Axis stood on the doorstep of
the last major obstacle between them and Egypt; the port of

April 9, 1941
A Stand of Glory

On the morning of April 9, the XL Panzer Corps encountered a significant threat on the road to Sarajevo in the



Der Tragheit The Inertia

Name: Oltho Gerbrecht AKA Der Tragheit (The Inertia).

Nationality: German.
Political Affiliation: Nazi (National Socialist).
Education: University at Berlin (physics), Heer and Wasserfall training.
Rank: Obergruppenfhrer (SS).
Decorations: Knights Cross to the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. SS Honour
Ring. SS Honour Sword. General Assault Badge. Close Combat Badge.
DOB: 1/29/03, Bremerhaven, Germany.
DOD: 4/30/45, Berlin, Germany (suicide).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Gerbrecht could remove inertia from any object by touch. This would cause the
object to be hurled into the atmosphere by forcing it out of synchronicity with the Earths rotation. The object
would usually burst into flames and disintegrate as it flew off into space, due to atmospheric friction.

This power could be turned on and off at will by Gerbrecht.
History: Gerbrecht was a gifted physics professor who enjoyed a brief tenure at the University of Berlin before
joining the National Socialist party. Through connections in the party, he began work for the Luftwaffe at the
Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Hermann Gring (The Hermann Gring Aerial Weapons Establishment), looking for ways to reduce friction and drag on long-range bomber aircraft.

His will to succeed led to the manifestation of his Talent in July 1940. For a moment, Gerbrecht
thought he had made a breakthrough in the understanding of mass and inertia, but later realized he was
causing the unusual effects.

Gerbrecht became one of the first bermenschen to receive training almost from the moment of his
powers manifestation. While on his first mission in the service of Rommel in the Afrika Korps, he scored the
first Talent-against-Talent kill of the war. Later he claimed the lives of several other Talents including Daegal,
Quagmire and Pulse.

For a short time, Gerbrecht fought on the Russian front before being recalled to Berlin for scientific
purposes, making possible the 1944 Blitzen satellite launch devised by Werner Von Braun. Blitzen was the first
object sent into space by any world power.

Gerbrecht found himself increasingly involved in combat as the situation of the Third Reich worsened. In
a last-ditch effort to turn the war around, Gerbrecht fought during the ill-fated Battle of the Bulge and caused
considerable casualties among Talents and Allied troops alike. He was one of the few bermenschen to escape
when the offensive folded.

Gerbrecht died in the Fhrerbunker hours after Hitler and Eva Braun on April 30, 1945. Rumor has it
that Gerbrecht disposed of Hitlers body with his power, though the Soviet Union claimed to have recovered
the corpse.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Yugoslavian town Neretva-a new Yugoslavian Talent. Called
Stasio by the locals, this one man rendered an entire Heer
Corps inert with his mind-bending illusions. Several German
soldiers subjected to this mental attack never recovered, and
spent the rest of the war in asylums, others recovered hours
or days later, shaken but none the worse for wear.

Neretva remained in Yugoslavian hands for several more
hours before the Panzer Corps regrouped and advanced again.

This victory was short lived, as a team of German
bermenschen was moved into the area the following day.
As a member of the Communist guerrillas in occupied
Yugoslavia, Stasio was no fool, and fled before the German
reinforcements could arrive. A large bounty was offered for
his capture or death, and teams of German bermenschen
combed the countryside searching for his hiding place.

The Oracle Returns

Stories spread in war-ravaged Greece that the Pythia, the

Oracles of Apollo who once gave counsel at Delphi, had
returned. At first, these tales were nothing more than vague
rumors among the Greek people; soon, it became clear that
the girls who spoke the word of Apollo were once again
more than myth. They gave counsel on the slopes of mount
Olympus near the city of Katherine, speaking to any who
came and made an offering to their God.

Thousands flocked into the war zone, still occupied by
the British Force W, to see the miracle at Olympus. The British
were powerless to stop the flow of refugees into the area. Ive
never before seen civilians head towards a war, said British
commander Major General Fryeburg when alerted to the
problem. In the face of a huge Nazi offensive, the British retreated south, abandoning the civilians and the Oracle both.

By April 23, the Germans arrived at Olympus. At first,
they were baffled by the spectacle of the thousands of civilians gathered there, but they quickly secured the scene, and
the Commander-in-charge spoke with the Pythia.

He was impressed with their knowledge of his personal
life, and with the predictions they intimated.

Word was sent back to the Reich that the Oracle had

April 13, 1941

German Troops Occupy Belgrade

German troops entered and occupied the Yugoslavian capital of Belgrade, consolidating their already significant power
in the newly acquired Axis territory.

However, the hinterlands of the country were a different matter. Overrun by the Soviet-backed Communists and
the Serb Royalists (backed by the British), these guerilla
forces would be a threat to the Axis for some time to come.

April 13, 1941

The Soviets Conclude a Second Peace Accord
The Soviet Union signed a peace accord with the Empire of the Japan, securing (so it would seem) five years

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

April 14, 1941

The Australians Hold the Line

Surrounded by the Axis on all sides, the Ninth Australian

Infantry Division held the Libyan port city of Tobruk,
refusing to surrender it to the Germans. Reinforced only by
the sea, the men of Tobruk suffered endless air and artillery

April 10, 1941


of peace between the neighbors. The two countries had

maintained a strained relationship for some time, after
several conflicts on the border of Manchuria ended disastrously for the Russians.

A new uneasy peace secured the borders of the Soviet
Union, as Stalin prepared for the worst. He knew it was
coming; Nazism and Communism could not exist side by
side for long without war. All sides knew conflict was on
its way.

No one save Hitler knew how soon.

A Debt Repaid

Winston Churchill was such a supporter of Josef

Tito Brozovich that he airdropped tons of equipment to support the communist guerrillas in their
battle against Nazi and Italian forces. In fact, he even
dropped his British Commando son, Major Randolph Churchill, into occupied Yugoslavia.

In 1944, Randolph was injured during a raid by
German bermenschen. When it became apparent that
Randolph actually put himself in the path of a bullet
meant for the Talent, the Yugoslavian swore he would
do all he could to help British efforts in his country.

When Randolphs condition worsened, he was transported by the British teleporter Jot back to Britain, with
the promise from Stasio that he would cooperate with
the British. He fulfilled this promise with a fervor rarely
seen, even by the most enthusiastic British soldier.

Over the next year, he cooperated with the
BSOE on seven missions in Yugoslavia and Greece,
killing traitors, double agents and Nazi officials, and
helping to exfiltrate British agents from the country.

In 1944, with vicious battles erupting all over
Yugoslavia, Sajovesek and his partisans, along with
a large force of British Commandos fought their way
into the town of Banja Luka, hoping to cut off the
German retreat, so the Russians could clean them up
when they arrived. It is widely believed that Sajovesek leapt in front of a British Lieutenant as a German machine gunner opened fire, effectively taking a
bullet to the head meant for the Lieutenant.

Despite intense lobbying after the war by the
British Lieutenant and Major Churchill, Sajovesek was
not awarded a Victoria Cross, no doubt due to the
souring relations between the United Kingdom and the
Soviet Union, who was allied with Yugoslavia.

In 1989, when the Cold War finally thawed,
Queen Elizabeth presented the Victoria Cross For
Valour to Misha Sajovesek, the granddaughter of
the famous Yugoslavian Talent.



Stasio Stand of Glory

Name: Janes Sajovesek AKA Stasio (Stand of Glory).

Nationality: Yugoslavian.
Political Affiliation: Communist.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 2/11/08, Mostar, Yugoslavia.
DOD: 10/10/44, Banja Luka, Yugoslavia (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Sajovesek could project horrible visions into the minds of his enemies, often causing
severe mental illness or seizures. The subject matter of his projections was limited to horrible ideas, pictures
or sounds. Targets of this attack were overwhelmed, with the real world blotted out for minutes at a time, often
causing them to accidentally injure themselves. When his power was active, these visions automatically affected
enemies within a quarter mile of Sajovesek while somehow ignoring his allies.
History: Sajovesek was raised in Mostar, Yugoslavia and worked with his father as a metalsmith before the German invasion. Like many young men, he joined the communist guerrillas under Josef Brozovich Tito, and fled
to the mountains when the Germans rolled across the border. Sajovesek discovered his Talent abilities during a
raid on a German convoy near Neretva on April 8, 1941. The next day the extent of his power was fully demonstrated as he repelled the XL Panzer Corps with his illusions, covering the retreat of his severely outnumbered
force. Momentarily stunned, the Germans pulled back to regroup, and launched a second strike the next day,
only to discover that Sajovesek had retreated into the mountains with his compatriots to join Titos partisans.

Sajovesek fought for three years directly under the command of Tito, using his power to disrupt convoys,
troop trains and other vital needs of the Reich that moved through the country. Three times he avoided traps
set for him by the Germans, even killing two bermenschen sent to neutralize him. He also cooperated with
the British Special Operations Executive in several operations, once working with the British Talent Flip to assassinate a Royalist traitor who in fact worked for the Germans.

During the liberation of Yugoslavia, fighting alongside a group of British Commandos, Sajovesek was
struck in the head by a bullet near Banja Luka. He never recovered consciousness and died, in Titos words, A
hero of the highest order.

A statue of Sajovesek helping an injured Yugoslavian soldier to his feet stands in Sarajevo in Mosa Square


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Mystery of the Pythia

It is almost universally believed that the Pythia were

nothing more than an unusual manifestation of Talent ability. Talents observing the Pythia during their
precognitive trances concurred that a Talent power
was in use. Unlike other Talent abilities, the Pythias
oracular power seemed to belong to no one person;
instead, it jumped from person to person, rather like
the tribal magic of Talents from aboriginal cultures.
The first four Pythia were sisters, but over the years,
hundreds of Pythia have been drawn to Mount
Olympus from all over the world. As older Pythia
drifted out of the Trance and return to normal life,
new ones were drawn in.

The ability struck a girl like an illness just before
puberty. Similar to autism, it caused an otherwise
normal youth to lapse into a stupor from which
she only occasionally emerged. During these brief,
lucid periods, the youth conversed in The Voice of
Apollo, a deep, beautiful male baritone, speaking
the questioners language like a native. The Pythia
answered questions about the future for those who
make an offering to the god Apollo. The answers,
convoluted and strange, usually proved accurate.

It is known that Hitler, a great fan of ancient
culture, consulted the Pythia before Operation
Barbarossa for counsel. Their answer was subtle: If
Germany invades Russia, the name of Hitler will stay
on the lips of loyal followers until the dawn of the
next century; while Stalin will be forgotten, like a
nightmare upon waking.

In this prediction, misleading as it may seem, the
Pythia were precisely right.

attacks, while Rommel prepared to break their lines. The

British Eighth Army, their nearest allies, was located some
200 miles to the east in Egypt.

Rommel launched several large attacks against the
Australians, but due to mounting losses, was forced to call
off his assault on May 4.

April 17, 1941

Yugoslavia Submits
to Nazi Rule

The forces of Yugoslavia

could no longer maintain the
brutal combat necessary to
fight the invading forces of the
Reich. A document of formal
surrender was signed in Belgrade by the newly appointed
puppet regime, installed by
Hitler himself.

High in the mountains,
the guerrillas prepared for a
long hard fight.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

April 19, 1941

German Aircraft Blitz London

In the worst aerial attack yet on London, the Luftwaffe

dropped 35,000 pounds of high explosives on the central
area, killing hundreds of people.

Thirty-six new Talents were born in the assault.

April 21, 1941

Greece Surrenders

After a valiant fight, the Greek government capitulated to

the Third Reich, signing an armistice to stop the war that
raged in all corners of the country. The remaining Allied
forces on the island of Crete fled; though few ships made it
past the endless Luftwaffe and Italian naval patrols.

Europe was now firmly within the grasp of the Third
Reich. Never truly sated, Hitler turned his eyes to the east
and the long delayed invasion of the Soviet Union, codenamed Operation: Barbarossa.

May 6, 1941
The First USO Broadcast

Bob Hope and a dizzying array of Hollywood stars led

the first United Service Organization broadcast for U.S.
servicemen from March Field, California on internationally
broadcast radio.

Hope opened with a joke about the new world obsessionTalents: How about those British Talents? I have
no doubt Hollywoodll develop Talents of their own shortly. Me, Id just like to be strong enough to lift my own ego
one day. . . .

May 10, 1941

Deputy Fhrer Rudolph Hess
Bails Out Over Scotland

Hoping to somehow end the conflict with Britain, the Number Three man in the Reich, Rudolph Hess, piloted an unarmed ME-110 fighter to Britain from Ausberg, Germany.
At the 1936 Olympic games Hess made the acquaintance of
a British aristocrat, the Duke
of Hamilton, with whom
he hoped to work out an
accord. However, the Deputy
Fhrer apparently became
disoriented during the flight
and went off course. He was
forced to bail out over Scotland when his fuel supply
became too low.

Baffled that the British
would not deal with him, Hess
was imprisoned in the Tower
of London, awaiting the end
of the war and a proper trial.


May 10, 1941

Impostor, Talent,
or Madman?

British Troops Land in Iceland

The reasons behind Rudolph Hess defection remain

an impenetrable mystery. Hess was once Hitlers most
trusted confidant and servant, and his flight to Britain
confused both the Axis and the Allies. At least, so it appeared to the public.

After his bizarre parachute jump to Scotland and
his conviction on war crime charges at the Nuremberg trials, Hess was imprisoned for decades in
Spandau Prison in Berlin. For over two decades, after
Albert Speer (Hitlers architect) was released, Hess
was the prisons only inmate.

Former compatriots of Hess claimed that the
man tried at Nuremberg was in fact not Hess at
all. Many maintained that some elaborate ruse had
been perpetrated, where Hess was replaced by a
look-alike. After most of his former associates were
executed for war crimes, such assertions came up
much less often. But the rumor persisted.

The British maintained such rumors were nonsense and that Hess was mentally ill. When he died in
1987 at age 93, German authorities on site cremated
his body and destroyed his personal effects. No one
would say why.

Two books released in the early 1990s claimed
that Hess was not Hess at all, but an unidentified
German Talent. Explanations for his mission to
Britain, as well as the reasons for his silence and
imprisonment in Spandau, differed in each book.
However, both asserted that the only Allied Talent
present in the room at the Nuremberg war trials in
1945, Lt. Harmon L. Jackson (sometimes known as
Bubblegum Jackson), sensed Hess Talent power.

Jackson died suddenly in 1973, taking the story with
him to the gravewithout confirming or denying it.

Those who knew who or what the Rudolph
Hess who lived and died at Spandau Prison really
wasgenuine or fakehave likewise taken that
secret to their graves.
Infuriated, Hitler eliminated all traces of Hess (once his most
loyal servant) and replaced him with Martin Bormann.

Twice, during radio broadcasts about the incident,
Churchill implied that Hess had been the subject of an unknown, powerful Talent who could control minds, and that
the Deputy Fhrer was only the first target of such an attack.

May 10, 1941

London Is Bombed, Yet Again

In the most severe attack on London yet, incendiary and

high explosive bombs dropped by Nazi bombers killed
more than 1,200 people.

Ninety-four Talents were born during the attack.

British fighter command reported fourteen Nazi aircraft
downed by Talents, Spitfires, Hurricanes and antiaircraft guns.

Strategically important to power in the North Atlantic, the

little country of Iceland struggled to remain neutral during
the growing conflict. Once aligned with Denmark, Iceland
kept its distance politically since the fall of its sovereign
government. It had yet to recognize the new Nazi puppet
regime in Denmark or secede from it.

The British made the decision for them. On May 10,
60,000 British troops arrived at Reykjavik, to secure the
vital link to America and the Lend-Lease program.

May 13, 1941

Zindel Is Killed in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Talent Zindel was killed on this date by stepping

on an enemy mine near Nonna, Ethiopia while trying to destroy
the last pockets of Italian resistance in his country. His body
was laid in a stone crypt by his loyal followers, which was later
violated by members of the British Special Operations Executive
under secret orders from Prime Minister Churchill.

The body was smuggled back to Britain under great
secrecy and remanded to the custody of the SSO for study
on June 29, 1941.

May 15, 1941

Operation Brevity

In a series of poorly coordinated attacks by the British

Eighth Army, British forces attempted to cut into the German defenses at Bardia and Fort Cappuzo. Instead, they
found themselves almost surrounded by Axis forces that
swept around their right flank.

In a last-minute feint, twenty-one British Talents managed to disrupt the southern Axis forces long enough for
most of the soldiers involved in Brevity to escape. Operation Brevity was a narrowly aborted disaster that could
have led to another of Rommels famous blitzes.

May 16, 1941

Iceland Secedes from Occupied Denmark
With urging from London and support from Washington,
the government of Iceland officially seceded from the sovereignty of Denmark. The island was the most vital point on
the Convoy route between Britain and America, and a way
station for men and equipment on their way to war.

May 21, 1941

The Robin Moor Is Sunk

Attacked by the U-boat U-69, the American Freighter Robin

Moor was sunk on its way to supply British forces in North
Africa. This act infuriated the American public, who were
already strongly behind President Roosevelts commitment
to support Britain.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Roosevelt and the national press used this tragedy
to great effect as a springboard to further spur Americas
interest in the war effort.

May 27, 1941

May 24, 1941

The HMS Hood Is Sunk

The largest ship in existence at the beginning of the

war, the British battleship Hood was sunk in a brief but
violent engagement with the German battleship Bismarck
in the Denmark Strait. Also involved in the engagement
were the Prince Eugen and the HMS Prince of Wales.

Although damaged, the Bismarck managed to
lob a 15-inch shell into the Hoods magazine, causing
a fantastic explosion that sunk the 850-foot craft in
minutes. The destruction of the ship was so complete that
only three men survived from a crew of more than 1200.

Uncontested, the German craft continued into the
North Atlantic to disrupt British shipping.

May 27, 1941

The Battleship Bismarck Is Sunk

Located through radio direction finding, the damaged

battleship Bismarck was set upon on the evening of
May 26, by Swordfish torpedo bombers launched from
the British aircraft carrier Ark Royal. Multiple torpedo
hits crippled the Bismarck, leaving it only able to steam
in circles, vulnerable to the British surface fleet.

A day later on May 27, the battleship King
George V and the battle cruiser Rodney fired on the
Bismarck, igniting a huge blaze. Finally, she was

Operation Rascal

This last-minute ploy to disrupt the southern flank

of Axis forces on the Libyan plateau in Operation
Battleaxe was commanded by First Lt. Reginald
Gabriel Green, a recently discovered British Talent. Twenty-one British Talents volunteered for the
operation, including Jumping Johnny. It seemed like
a suicide mission; the Axis forces were hardened
veterans, and they had the British dead to rights.

The British Talents waded into the Axis forces
on the night of May 15 and did not look back.
Working in three-man squads, the Talents destroyed
tanks, disrupted communications and sent troops
scattering. Two British Talents, Labyrinth and Iron
Pete, were killed in action, but the disruption to the
Germans southern flank was complete. The British
forces managed to exploit the gaps in the line and
escape back to Egypt.

Gabriel himself had four confirmed tank kills
with his sound power. He was later permitted to
wear four gold tank emblems on his chest, a gift
from Prime Minister Churchill, and was promoted to
captain for Rascals success.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

torpedoed and rapidly sank. Only 110 crewmen

survived from more than 1,900.

An Unlimited National Emergency

Is Declared in the U.S.

Concerned with the turn of events in Europe and the North

Atlantic, President Roosevelt declared an unlimited national
emergency in the United States. It would be suicide to wait
until they are in our yard, he proclaimed, placing the military on full alert; taking yet one more step towards full war.

Also, he pleaded with the public, those who find themselves in possession of Talents, please report to your nearest
government official. Your country, and the world need you.
Never has the plight of democracy been more dire . . .

May 1941
The End of the Battle of Britain

After losing 700 aircraft of various types in a fruitless attempt to crush the spirit of the British people, Hermann
Gring officially called off the air war over Britain. Hitlers eyes turned towards the Soviet Union, and preparations began to achieve air superiority over the outdated
Soviet air force.

June, 1941
The Office of Scientific Research
and Development Is Formed

The pre-war agency known as the National Defense Research Council was re-designated the Office of Scientific
Research and Development and given a higher level of
security, along with an extensively extended budget.

Led by Dr. Vannevar Bush, this group was responsible for most of the significant breakthroughs of the
war, including the Atomic Bomb, the Proximity Fuse and

The Atom Bomb project was given the classification S-1,
or Section One-the most important project in development.
At Roosevelts urging, with the advent of the Blue Accord,
the American Talents program (still without any Talents of its
own), was given the designation S-2 or Section Two.

By the end of the war, Section Two would be a name
synonymous with American Talents.

June 9, 1941
A Surprise at the Berlin Air Show

Thousands gathered in Germany at the Berlin aerodrome to

watch a state-sanctioned air show on this date. Cutting edge
Luftwaffe fighter aircraft filled the air, as Himmler, Gring
and Goebbels looked on (the Fhrer was busy elsewhere
planning the invasion of the Soviet Union and could not
attend). Dozens of bombers, transports and fighter aircraft



flew in formation over the fascinated crowds as announcers
rattled off the names of German aces and the number
of confirmed kills achieved in Germanys push to unite

At midday, a break in the show signaled a special
presentation. A man wearing a bulky silver backpack
mounted a pavilion and to the surprise of the crowd,
lifted off in a blast of jet exhaust. It was announced this
prototype Dsenpack or jetpack was the creation of an
unidentified German scientist in the employ of the Heinkel
Corporation. For seven minutes, the jetpack worked
marvelously as the test pilot swooped and dove over the
crowd, but as it passed out of view of the crowd for a
moment, something went horribly wrong.

The test pilot was killed instantly when the jetpack
failed, smashing into the ground at over 100 miles an hour.
Amidst a mad rush by authorities to determine just what
went wrong, the air show was closed and several misleading
statements about the accident were released on the national
news. Nothing further was ever said about the Dsenpack
project to the German public.

No one, not even Goebbels or Gring, knew just what
had gone wrong.

June 15, 1941

British Talents Arrive in America

Four British Talents arrived in America on this date,

to demonstrate their abilities to the Office of Scientific
Research and Development in a series of secret experiments,
and to participate in a public relations tour promoting the
Lend-Lease act.

Recently discovered by the SSO, the Talents were a
huge smash with the American public, and their names and
faces filled the headlines for weeks. This tour also brought
a groundswell of popular support for the Presidents stance
on the war in Europe. At first hesitant to reveal what the
SSO had learned, Churchill was very pleased with the
outcome of the tour. Three other tours followed.

The four Talents were:

Arthur M. Smith, a projecting pyrokinetic who could
control the temperatures of objects.

Templeton Ruperelia (Bolt,) who could fly, but only
in straight lines.

Grant Kearney (Pop,) who could distort the air
pressure in objects, causing explosions or decompressions.

Lloyd Feit (Bulldog,) a
super-strong 98 lb ectomorph.

June 15, 1941

Operation Battleaxe

Under the direction of Field

Marshall Sir Percival Wavell,
reinforced British forces in
North Africa launched a
spirited attack against the
Axis lines at the Halfaya Pass
on the border of Egypt. This
disastrous move was meant

The Birth of
Talent Technology

Gunter Koen, the creator of the Dsenpack was the

first example of a specialized Talent power that would
later be known in the Allied countries as Goldberg
Science. Koen could design and build devices decades
or centuries more advanced that his contemporaries,
but in reality, his inventions were nothing more
than a focus for a very versatile but fragile Talent ability. Even Koen himself was unaware of his power until
shortly after the crash, and believed he was simply a
very gifted scientist. In actuality, the Dsenpack that
Koen constructed worked only because Koens Talent
power to warp reality made it work.

Several early test flights of the pack (in which Koen
himself was the test-pilot) were wildly successful, so
much so that Hitler was informed and permission was
granted to demonstrate the device at the Berlin air show.
The doomed propaganda flight, flown by test pilot
Oberstleutnant Bjrn Kafsack, was the first and last
public demonstration of Talent technology in Germany.

Shortly after the debacle it was determined that
Koen was a Talent (exposed to other bermenschen,
Koens ability was easily detected) and that his Dsenpack failed to operate when not under his direct
observation, which caused the catastrophic failure.

After an extensive examination by RuSHA
SA and several tests, it was determined that Koens
devices could neither be replicated or work outside of
his observation. He was considered from that point
on as close to useless as an bermensch could be in
Nazi Germany. In 1944, after being drafted into a
regular army unit, Koen was killed near Salonika in
combat with the Russians.

The plans for his Dsenpack remain on display at the Berlin Museum of Science and Technology to this day.
to draw Rommel out into a full-blown battle at Gabr Saleh;
but Rommel was wise, and waited. German forces enjoyed
superior equipment, and their tanks were deadly effective in
combat, able to fire at and penetrate British tanks at almost
double the range of the Allied tanks.

The Eighth Panzer
Regiment, Fifth Motorized
Panzer Division fought the
British to a standstill with
major engagements at Fort
Cappuzo, Sidi Suleiman and
Point 208.

In two days of combat,
the British lost ninety-one
tanks and a thousand men.
The offensive failed, and
Wavell, its architect, was
removed from command
of British forces in North


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Second Great Wave

of American Parapsychology

The study of parapsychology, (the science of the occult

and supernatural), which enjoyed a stint in the late 19th
and early 20th century as a popular American pastime,
saw a dramatic revival in the wake of the arrival of
the British Talents. Newspaper articles, magazines and
films delving into the subject became a commonplace
sight in American cities, and the average American
polled was reported to believe in almost anything:
ghosts, aliens, past-lives, and, of course, super-men.

Even reputable learning institutions took to the
study of Talent phenomenon (which most agreed was
linked to some so-called psychic ability.) In September
1941, Princeton University formed its own school to
study Talents, even though information about it was
very limited at the time. The Princeton University School
of Psychology, Parapsychology and Physics (called by its
attendees the 4P) would grow dramatically in funding
and scope over the next six decades, and became the
world center for the public study of Talents.

SS berkommandogruppen Is Formed

By decree of Hitler and placed under the control of SS

Commander Heinrich Himmler, SS berkommandogruppen (Super Commando Groups) was formed on June 19.
This force of elite, highly trained bermenschen would grow
continuously during the war. Within a year it would top 500
members. Himmler successfully lobbied to automatically
gain control over any new bermenschen born within
the Reich, thereby consolidating a considerable amount of
power. At the time, the bermenschen were divided between
various military jurisdictions, depending on previous military
membership, what portion of Germany they were born in,
or if they were already members of the Nazi party.

Hitler wanted the power of the bermenschen within
the SS, his personal protection force, so he made SS membership mandatory for all new bermenschen. German
parahumans already trained and placed within the German
command structure remained as is, unless they desired to be
reassigned to the SS. Not surprisingly, many did.

berkommandogruppen was concerned with specialized assaults, rescues or behind the lines attacks. They also
were heavily trained in assassination techniques, although
this was a carefully kept military secret.

Only truly unique bermenschen were accepted within
the ranks of berkommando, whose tests were tremendously brutal. Himmler stressed comradery and faith in Nazi
doctrine within the group, taking his fanatical racial beliefs
to new and frightening levels. They were portrayed to the
German public as the epitome of the Aryan ideal.

A second, more general division of berkommandogruppen was formed as a Waffen-SS division for those who could
not pass the brutal testing. Called the SS-Heinrich Himmler,

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

June 22, 1941

Bulldog Keeps Whatever He Can Lift

In a famous demonstration of his abilities during a wellstaged publicity stunt, the British Talent Bulldog was
allowed to keep whatever he can lift in Albany New
Yorks National Guard Armory. Several rich American
patrons (including Howard Hughes) offered to purchase
for Lend-Lease whatever the Talent could lift in a onehour period.

Bulldog lifted 152 tons of vehicles and equipment in 60
minutes, once pausing to bend down and retrieve a machine
gun from the ground while holding an 8.5-ton half-track
over his head in one hand. This photograph made the cover
of Life magazine, along with the headline:

The Talented Elite Who Fight Tyranny.

June 22, 1941

June 19, 1941


this division did not reach full strength until the last months
of the war, and only saw combat once, during an attempt to
push the Allies back to the sea in the Battle of the Bulge.

A secret division within the German Abwehr (the German spy agency) was formed as well, called simply Wasserfall (Waterfall.) This group trained bermenschen for
spying, sabotage and assassination duties around the world.

Operation Barbarossa

Hoping to disrupt the unprepared Soviet Army, the Heer and

Luftwaffe employed a deadly series of coordinated strikes
against Soviet Forces at their shared border, rapidly bypassing strong points in a swift push for the heart of Russia.

These border areas were rich with farmland and
oilfields, but Hitler was also interested in the Soviet Unions
nearly unlimited pool of human resources- slave labor to
power his war machine.

The assault force fielded by the Germans was the largest ever seen in warfare; almost 3,050,000 men totaling 149
divisions leapt across the border on the morning of the June
22. Supported by artillery and aircraft, German tanks and
men smashed any defenses the Soviets could muster, and
enormous inroads were made by the Heer divisions as early
as the first week of fighting.

At first Stalin refused to believe that an attack was under
way, although various intelligence sources warned him of the
immense build-up evident on the border for some time. The
paranoid leader believed the warnings were an Allied ploy to
make him move against the Nazis prematurely.

Wave after wave of Soviet divisions fell and as the
Panzers rolled closer to Moscow, it seemed that the age of
Stalin (and Communism) had reached an end.

June 22, 1941

Baba Yaga Is Born

After almost a year of experimentation at Minsk by the

scientists of Soviet Special Directive One, the first significant
success at biologically re-educating a parahuman was
achieved. Subject 3009, a male recovered from a forced



labor camp, displayed an
impressive array of telekinetic
abilities, but only after he
was subjected to a regime of
torture and indoctrination
which, in the past, had killed
even the strongest subjects.
Somehow, Subject 3009
managed to survive; despite
his emaciation and the fact
he was suffering from both
dysentery and bronchitis.

Subject 3009 began
unconsciously defending
himself with his telekinetic
powers. During the first major
manifestation of his abilities,
two scientists taking a blood
sample from him were killed,
ripped to shreds by 3009s
mind. It was about this time
that the Directive scientists
realized that the man was
suffering from the early stages
of paranoid schizophrenia.
Stalin was alerted to 3009s
presence, and was advised
by the Directive to abort the
experiment. The scientists felt
they could learn much more
from dissecting his corpse than
experimenting with his powers
any further.

Stalin refused. His mind
was elsewhere. The news had
just arrived that the Germans
had crossed the border in a
dozen places from the Black
Sea to the Arctic Circle. He ordered them to continue. More
terrified of Stalin than their test subject, the Directive complied.

Seven other scientists died in reflexive responses of
3009s power over the next week. Stalin and Beria waited
for a definitive limit to the mans power to be determined,
hoping he could aid the war effort. A demonstrative
example was shortly forthcoming.

June 27, 1941

Baba Yaga Escapes

In the early morning hours of June 27, just a day before

German forces took the city of Minsk, Subject 3009 began
screaming incoherently about the witch and the house.
This was followed shortly thereafter by spontaneous poltergeist activity throughout the compound. Two handlers sent
in to sedate 3009 exploded in bloody sprays of organs and
gristle. Heavily armed guards were placed outside the holding
section and chemical weapons were brought in. At 04:00, the
walls in 3009s holding cell began to split from the relentless
bulldozer-like assault from the madmans mind.

Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga . . . was all 3009
would say. Stalin finally authorized the use of Sarin nerve

gas at 04:14, and the Army

pumped the facility full of
it, killing hundreds of test
subjects as they remained
locked in the lower levels of
the facility.
As the gas seeped into
3009s cell, silence reigned
but only briefly. Then something broke free.
Descriptions varied, but
all agreed what they had
seen was some sort of house:
a small ornate and brightly
colored wooden shack,
perched on top of many
pale long crustacean-like
legs. The thing left a trail
of carnage in its path from
which few escaped, reducing
the Directive Installation to
corpse-laden rubble in a matter of minutes. One hundred
fifty-four people died in the
conflagration, and the House
escaped into the Pripet
marshes to the northwest
of Minsk, walking away on
its ponderous legs before
reinforcements could arrive.
In the aftermath, Stalin
ordered an exhaustive search
of the area surrounding the
German lines. The enormous
thing wasnt found.
But it would not be the
last time it was seen.

July 12, 1941

Vichy Forces Surrender in Syria

Held by Vichy French forces since the fall of France in the

summer of 1940, this country became a vital base for the
Germans in North Africa. From it, missions were flown
against the British forces in Iraq and elsewhere. Fearing a
German build-up, the British decided to invade.

A force composed of Indians, Australians, British and
Free-French troops crossed the border from Palestine and
Iraq, and made a beeline for Damascus. On July 12, after
some furious fighting, the Vichy forces in Syria surrendered
to the British, and a Free-French government was set up in
its stead.

July 19, 1941

The SSO is Stumped

After two weeks of careful dissection, the British Special

Sciences Office completed its extensive autopsy on the
Ethiopian parahuman Zindel. Nothing unique about the
body was found by the vast array of doctors and specialists


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Baba Yaga

Name: Real Name Unknown, Subject #3009 AKA Baba Yaga (myth name), Das Spukhaus (The Haunted House).
Nationality: Russian?
Political Affiliation: Unknown.
Education: Unknown.
Rank: Unknown.
Decorations: Unknown.
DOB: 6/22/41 Minsk, Russia (date of talent manifestation; true DOB unknown).
DOD: Unknown.
Known Parahuman Abilities: It remains unclear whether the man who was Baba Yaga actually transformed
into a small house on spider-like legs or projected an image of one. The shack appeared to be a 16th-century
Russian cabin measuring about 3m x 5m x 5m, perched on a cluster of legs measuring about 7.9m tall, ending
in huge serrated pincers. The form was was incredibly strong. It once lifted a 76.8-ton Panzer tank with its
pincers, turned it over in three limbs, and dropped it, apparently bored with its quarry.

Baba Yaga was able to disappear into a miasmic fog at will, and vanish from sight in an instant; whether
this indicated great speed or some kind of invisibility (or even teleportation) was also unknown.
History: Due to the unforeseen destruction of the Special Directive One facility in Minsk, including the files of
this parahumans history, not even the Russians know anything about Baba Yagas true past.

Once free from the facility, Baba Yaga was seen on several occasions in remote locales, wandering the
countryside. The NKVD took an active interest in tracking down the parahuman, but could only find a trail of
disappearances, sightings and deaths linked to the creatures escape.

When the Germans pushed further into Russia and broke through the Soviet lines near Kiev, Baba Yagas
appearances became far more frequent. Fields of dead soldiers were often discovered in isolated locales after
they had been reported missing for days. The monstrosity killed both German and Russian soldiers alike, holding no political affiliation save to destruction itself.

At the heights of the Russian winter, the house-thing was seen haunting the endless plains of snow near
battlefields and ruined cities. It seemed to be drawn to misery, fear and death, often picking through corpses
left behind after combat.

Thirteen Russian T-34 tanks once attacked it simultaneously in the only organized attempt made to kill it.
In answer to this barrage, which would have leveled a city block, the house-thing stood up slowly and began
walking toward its attackers.

With the end of the war, the sightings of the house-thing dwindled. The last confirmed sighting was in
1951, on the plains of ice near Archangel. Since then, only spotty reports exist to indicate this parahuman is
still alive at all. Perhaps it still exists, awaiting another great conflict.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



rushed in to perform the
first Allied autopsy of a
parahuman cadaver. Two
American scientists from
Section Two were allowed to
observe the proceedings, but
had little to add.

The brain of the subject
was examined at length, but
nothing in its structure was
found to account for Zindels
Talent abilities. The prime
ministers hopes that the SSO
could develop some sort of
test capable of identifying
parahumans were dashed;
but Churchill did not give up
on the SSO, and expanded
their discretionary budget for
further studies.

August 4, 1941
The Prague Riots
or the August Uprising

On August 4, 1941 the Czech parahuman Pevnost launched

a well-planned, heavily armed assault on several high-security
Nazi facilities within the city of Prague. Luckily, Pevnost had
had access to doors within several buildings that the Gestapo
and SS were using as headquarters; one of them had actually been the equivalent of his grade school! Using his Talent
ability, Pevnost linked a passage from London to Prague.
Through it, British commandos and partisans struck, taking
almost all of their targets by surprise. Within hours, the August Uprising was news around the world.

The Czech partisans and commandos held the city for
four days, convening impromptu trials and prosecuting ten
high-ranking Nazi and Czech Nazi officials, including the
acting president of the Nazi puppet state Slovakia, Father Josef
Tiso, and SS Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich. Sentenced
to death, the prisoners were shot in front of roaring crowds of
Czechs on the morning of August 6. Partisan and BBC radio
broadcast hourly reports on the status of the Free Czech troops.

When news that the Prince Eugen SS Panzer division
was being moved towards the city reached Pevnost, the Talent began to remove his forces from the country in the same
way he brought them in. Out of the estimated 2,500 partisans who participated in the uprising, only 209 (eleven of
whom were British) were killed in the retreat from Prague,
thanks to the tireless efforts of Pevnost.

August 9, 1941
Churchill and Roosevelt
Meet in Newfoundland

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met for

a top-secret conference at an undisclosed location (said to

be somewhere in the North

Atlantic) to discuss a
number of issues. The Invasion of the Soviet Union, the
expansionism of Japan, the
plight of the British forces in
North Africa, and the concept of the Atlantic Charter
were among the topics laid
out on the table.
Roosevelt arrived on the
U.S. Navy Cruiser Augusta;
while Churchill arrived by
more paranormal means,
to avoid the Nazi U-boat
wolf packs that prowled the
north Atlantic. The nearly
exhausted Talent Pevnost
brought the Prime Minister
through a doorway in the
British battleship Prince of
Wales only after the ship
arrived safely at Placentia Bay. Pevnost, Bulldog, Cormorant, Basilisk and Flip (among other Talents) were present
to demonstrate their abilities to the American President,
who had yet to meet a Talent in person. (It was politely not
mentioned that in event of an attack, the Talents could act
as bodyguards for both Churchill and Roosevelt).

Roosevelt was impressed by the abilities of the British
Talents and congratulated Pevnost on the brief uprising in
Czechoslovakia. Moved by the plight of Pevnosts people
Roosevelt promised steel, oil, ammunition and weapons .
. . for the Czechoslovakian government in exile, to help
them reclaim what is rightfully theirs . . .

Under special orders of Prime Minister Churchill,
Bulldog was detached to American service. He was, in the
words of the Prime Minister to watch over the President,
and if necessary, give your life for him, for in his hands is
the fate of all you hold dear, boy. Although the U.S. military was livid that an outsider was given such an important
assignment, Roosevelt was pleased that such a well-known
symbol of British power would never be far from his side.

Bulldog remained Roosevelts adjutant throughout the
war, an unofficial bodyguard with a very public image, who
never strayed more than a few feet from the fragile President if he could help it.

August 14, 1941

The Atlantic Charter

Composed during the Placentia Bay meeting, the Atlantic

Charter was a document formalizing an agreement between
the powers opposed to Axis expansionism. Drafted by Roosevelt and Churchill, the agreement guaranteed self-government for all nations, access to material and trade to all
countries (victor or vanquished), and that the Allies would
not sue the enemy for a separate peace. Germany had been
forced into economic ruin by the Allies at the end of World
War I, causing a state of political upheaval where fascism
could rise to power; the Atlantic Charter was created to
prevent such a situation from happening again.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Lloyd Arthur Feit AKA Bulldog.

Nationality: British.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Grade school.
Rank: Major (British Army).
Decorations: Distinguished Service Medal (U.S). OBE (Britain).
DOB: 9/22/12, Coventry, England.
DOD: 11/11/99, Coventry, England (natural causes).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Feit was superhumanly strong. At his physical peak, he dry-lifted a 64-ton
crane and held it over his head for nine minutes. His power circumvented basic physical laws. For instance,
Feit needed no leverage to lift weights and could affect objects with much greater mass than himself. He once
stopped an oncoming 10-ton halftrack moving at 40 miles an hour with an outstretched hand, and his feet did
not even dig into the dirt!

In addition, Feit was superhumanly resistant to damage, but this power was far less reliable than his Hyperstrength. As far as SSO scientists could determine (they were not willing to risk injuring him by truly pushing the limits of his power), Feit was nearly invulnerable to damage when frightened or particularly motivated,
but this invulnerability soon faded.
History: Lloyd Feit was the fifth son of Nathaniel Feit, a well-known boxer, and later, a well-known beer
brewer from Coventry, England. Unlike his brothers, Lloyd did not inherit his fathers physique, and was
always small and sickly.

Lloyd was also not much in school, but his endless determination and stick-to-it-iveness impressed both
his father and brothers, who called him Bulldog as a nickname. Many scraps at school were prevented by his
brothers coming to their little ones aid, but Lloyd never backed down, no matter the danger.

When conscription began in the late 1930s the Feit boys joined up, or tried to . . . and all but Lloyd were
accepted for military service. He stayed in Coventry working at his fathers brewery, continuously re-applying
for entry into the armed forces. Rejected three more times, he finally began working on improving his physique, a task with which his father was quite familiar.

The elder Feit tried to help get his son into some semblance of physical fitness and as always, Lloyd gave
his all, but little changed. He remained the classic 98-pound weakling.

The elder Feit tried to gently discourage the boy, but that proved impossible. They had a screaming match
in March 1941 that ended with Lloyd lifting a 200-pound weight in one hand and throwing it through a wall
in anger.

At his fathers urging, Lloyd returned to the local recruiting office. This time, after Feit lifted the recruiting
officer over his head in one hand, the military reconsidered their decision.

After a brief stint at Hedge Manor for study, Feit was signed over (much to his own consternation) to diplomatic missions for the British Army. The SSO classified his Talent as unreliable, and he was recommended
for non-combat duty. His trip to the United States (along with three other Talents) proved to be a huge boost
to the British war effort.

At the direct request of Prime Minister Churchill, Feit was signed over as a bodyguard for President Roosevelt in August 1941. He remained loyally by the side of the president until Roosevelts death on April 12, 1945.

Feit lost two of his four brothers in the war, and in 1945 lost his father to brain cancer. Youve no idea
what it is like to lose a father twice, Feit told the New York Times, referring to his close relationship with
President Roosevelt. Feit volunteered for service in the Far East to continue the war against the Japanese, but
by the time the paperwork was filed the war had ended.

Feit returned to Britain in 1947 and ran the family business happily until the late 1960s, when he retired.
In 1988, he sold the lucrative Bulldog Beer license to a consortium for a huge amount of money.

Feit died at the age of 87 in Coventry, England, father of four, grandfather of nine, and hero of the British Crown.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Roosevelt and Churchill made their agreement implicit
and publicly announced their intentions towards the Axis.
It seemed obvious now that America would eventually enter
the war, but where and when still remained a mystery.

August 15, 1941

September 22, 1941

The Fire of Kiev

The Section Two Report

After more than a month of careful study, Section

Two submitted a secret report on the anatomical and
psychological testing of the British Talents to President
Roosevelt. The report documented anomalies evident
in the manifestation of Talents, and clearly documented
eleven instances where Talents violated physical laws
while using their abilities.

Bulldog, for example, was monitored while lifting an
11-ton weight on a pile of sand, on top of a large scale.
When the Talent lifted the weight, the scale remained at
169 pounds (measuring both the Talent and the sand).
Somehow, Bulldogs Talent made the 11-tons invisible to
the scale. Also odd was the fact that Bulldog easily lifted
and handled the weight, despite the fact that he was of
insufficient mass to move it and lacked the proper leverage.
Bulldog not only moved it with ease, his feet did not sink
into the sand while he was lifting it.

The American scientists were certain that Talents
represented some sort of mind over matter power that
was newly developed in mankind. Unlike the Nazis and
the British, (who also would shortly arrive at the same
conclusion), it was their initial recommendation that
the American Talent program be more concerned with
psychology than with physics or anatomy.

August 21, 1941

Hitler Takes His Revenge

Between August 21 and August 30, 200 Czech citizens

were rounded up from two towns, Lidice and Levzacky,
and shot. All structures within the towns were dynamited
and bulldozed. German radio boasted that Lidice had been
completely erased from the face of the Earth.

Pevnost took notice, and the fate of those townsfolk
prevented him and his organization from taking any further
blatant action against the central powers in Slovakia.
From then on, the Free Czech forces limited their attacks
to military positions, and stayed away from the command
structure of the Nazis in Czechoslovakia.

September 19, 1941

German Troops Occupy Kiev

Hitler declared, The enemy is broken and will never be

in a position to rise again. He would soon find he had
misjudged the Russians just as he had the British.

German troops pushed the disorganized Soviet forces back,

rolling into Kiev, the center of the Ukrainian heartland less
than three months after the beginning of Barbarossa. Eight
days after the Nazis arrived in Kiev, they crushed organized
resistance in the city and instated martial law.

The capture of the capital of the Ukraine proved not as
significant as first believed by the German High Command.
When he heard that the Swastika was flying over Kiev,

As German forces began the dangerous process of weeding

out the remaining Soviet forces in Kiev, an incident occurred
which, for a moment, put the certainty of German power in
the area in doubt.

A unit from the German Ninth Division was clearing
houses on the west side of the river when communication
with them was lost. A series of explosions prompted the
German commander to dispatch troops to repulse what he
believed at first to be a Soviet sneak attack. Reports were
sporadic, but as the clouds of smoke grew, and the first
reports came back, it became clear that a fire was spreading
throughout the western sector of the town.

Within the hour, the flames were rising more than sixty
feet in the air, leveling buildings and causing a roaring wind
to rush through the streets. German troops were forced
to pull back, but not before a strange figure was sighted
amidst the flames. A naked man was seen by German
officers walking without concern in the midst of the huge
conflagration, apparently untouched by the blaze.

The western area of Kiev was shelled for more than an
hour, after which, the fire died down. As snow began to fall
on the morning of September 23, over a quarter of Kiev had
been leveled by fire and shelling, although the remains of
the mysterious fireman were never found.

A report of the incident was filed with RuSHA SA
and promptly covered up. It was a well-known fact that
Hitler did not believe that parahumans existed outside
of the Reich. With a soaring budget and explosion in the
bermenschen population, RuSHA SA wanted nothing to
do with the situation.

September 23, 1941

General de Gaulle Forms the
Free French Government in Exile

General Charles de Gaulle formed the Free French National

Liberation Committee on this date in London to promote
the eventual emancipation of France. De Gaulle, a clever
statesman and politico, maneuvered himself into positions
of power in both Free French Africa, and the Free French
Government in Exile in London (as well as being the
unofficial, but widely accepted leader of much of the French
Resistance in occupied France). In an attempt to consolidate
his power, de Gaulle tried to contact the French parahuman
LInvocateur in occupied France, without success. Even de
Gaulle could not sway LInvocateur to a united cause.

An egoist of mythic proportions, de Gaulle was seen as
a thorn in the side of the Allies. Despite many detractors, de
Gaulle remained the premiere French military icon, and his
power lasted long after the end of the war.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



September 29, 1941

The U.S. and Britain
Send Advisors to Moscow

To determine the needs of Soviet forces in their war

against the Nazis, both America and Britain dispatched
advisors to consider the problem from the front line. At
first, Churchill considered sending Talents as an indication
of British commitment; his distrust of Stalin made him
reconsider. Churchill secretly feared that Stalin would
hold the Talents hostage or keep them for medical
study. At the time, Britain had no knowledge of the Soviet
Special Directive Ones attempts to create parahumans of
their own.

Instead, several British and American military officers
were sent.

October 17, 1941

Hideki Tojo Becomes
Prime Minister of Japan

The fragile peace between the United States and Japan took
a turn towards the worse when the moderate government
of Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe was removed and the
military man Hideki Tojo took his position.

This move directly linked the Army of Japan with the
ruling Imperial Diet, removing all those who could possibly
oppose outright war from the governmental process. The
government was now filled with those calling for war
against the U.S.

Tojo made a name as a Military Policeman and later Chief
of Staff of the Kwangtung
Army occupying Manchuria,
and was well known as an
Anti-Western hardliner.

Peace in the Pacific
seemed to be an unlikely
outcome of such a
governmental shake-up.

October 20, 1941

Typhoon Falters

This huge offensive against

the Soviet capital of Moscow,
launched at the beginning of
October, enjoyed early success
with the Germans capturing
almost 700,000 prisoners
of war and coming within
sixty miles of the city, but
there it stopped. Moscow, the
ultimate goal of Operation:
Barbarossa, was seen as the
ideological capital of the

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Soviet Union. With it occupied or destroyed, Hitler believed

the Soviet Union would be his.

Due to Nazi successes, preparations were made by the
Soviets to set up a new capital 500 miles away on the Volga
River, at Kubishyev. Many government officials had already
evacuated to continue the fight if Moscow fell, but Stalin
and his staff remained in the bunkers beneath the Kremlin,
directing the war from the front-line itself. The city was
relentlessly bombed by Luftwaffe raids which flew overhead
unopposed, as the Soviet air force had been almost completely
annihilated just weeks into the conflict. The situation was dire.

Almost all of the Ukraine was under Nazi control,
but when the rains of the fall began, Operation: Typhoon
stalled. Wheeled vehicles sunk into the mud and even animals
and men had difficulty moving through it. The same thing
happened to Napoleon, and then the vicious Russian winter
put paid to his up-to-that-point unstoppable army.

Madly stubborn, Hitler refused to retreat in the face
of the terrible Soviet winter. Instead, the German forces
hunkered down, surrounding the Soviet capital, as Stalin
waited for his ultimate weapon to be unleashed: the
relentless Russian snow.

October 31, 1941

The DD 245 Reuben James Is Sunk,
and America Gets Its First Talent

While escorting a convoy of supply vessels to Britain on the

morning of October 31, the American destroyer Reuben
James was torpedoed by the German U-boat U-562. The
well-placed shot struck the ship in its magazine, causing an
immense explosion that split the craft down the middle. In
less than a minute, its flaming wreck raced to the bottom.
This first devastating attack
by the Nazis against American military forces claimed
114 lives, many of which died
in the water during the ensuing depth-charge battle.

Ensign Lawrence Moreland, an American sailor,
survived the blast, even
though he was sitting on
top of the magazine when it
exploded. During his early
morning watch, Moreland
and another Ensign spotted
the torpedo in the water as
it rushed towards the James,
but it was too late for the
dated ship to react in time.
Moreland hunkered down
and prepared for the blast.

When the explosion
occurred, Moreland was
flung into the air in gout of
flame, which did nothing but
burn off his clothes. After
arcing more than 300 feet
in the air, he landed in the



water a quarter of a minute
later, 2,000 yards from the
rapidly sinking remains of the
Reuben James. After a few
minutes in the water, the British transport vessel Victory
picked him up.

Moreland was completely untouched by the
explosion (except for the lack
of clothing), and instantly
concluded he had become
Americas first Talent. Moreland was nearly incoherent
as he was pulled aboard.
The British crew attempted
to restrain the crazed, naked
American, but Moreland
broke free and leapt three
stories from the bridge of the
transport to the main deck,
headfirst, confident that his
Talent would save him.

It did.

Instead of breaking his
neck, Moreland crashed to
the deck; immediately sprang
to his feet shouting, Im
indestructible! The Brits
radioed other American ships in the taskforce with the startling news. It was on his way off the Victory that Moreland
learned his new invulnerability had limits. While Moreland
was preparing to get into the launch, a mate aboard the Victory struck him in the back . . . whether as a joke or to test
his Talent, no one knows. Moreland was knocked flat by
the surprise attack, so badly injured that he urinated blood
for three days. His Talent only prevented attacks or injuries
Moreland knew were coming. Surprise attacks remained as
surprising, and deadly, as ever.

He was transferred to the American Destroyer Eustis
and rushed back to the United States under great secrecy.
This did not stop the incredibly well informed Prime Minister Churchill from congratulating President Roosevelt the
next day in a private communiqu.

If there was a more fitting way for good to rise out of
an evil so great, I could not think of it. Americas Indestructible Man shall be quite a potent weapon indeed. This
is nothing less than yet another nail in Mr. Hitlers coffin.

November 6, 1941
The U.S. Commits to
the Soviet Unions Plight

Nevertheless, Churchill and

Roosevelt agreed, absolute
commitment against Nazi
tyranny was a necessity.
This act, and its implications were felt at all levels of
government in every major
power then involved in the
In secret, the solidarity
of these world powers was
far from solid. Churchill and
Roosevelt both agreed that
their research into the secrets
of Talents was too important
to risk giving to Josef Stalin.
Inquiries by the Soviet Union
into the SSO and Section Two
programs were flatly denied.

10, 1941
Godlike Address

In an address to the nation, President Roosevelt announced

both the sinking of the Reuben James and the discovery of
Americas first Talent, Lawrence Moreland, the Indestructible Man. This speech sent shockwaves through the media
and the public. For more than a week, little else appeared in
the newspaper besides stories of Moreland and his abilities.
Even the war in Europe seemed to pale beneath the story, at
least in the U.S.

Roosevelts famous Godlike speech would become
one of the most significant pieces of literature written about
the nature of Talents. It ends with the following statement:

Now we have our own Talent. A son of these United
States, who is invulnerable to all weapons turned against
him. Never before has the power of creation been so directly placed within the hands of humanity. Godlike in their
abilities, let us hope this new breed of man will carry the
burden of a suffering world to our ultimate and unwavering
goalfreedom for all the people of the Earth.

November 10, 1941

Churchill Rattles His Saber

Backed by an almost unanimous vote from Congress, President Roosevelt promised the Soviet Union over one billion
dollars to support their war against the German invasion.
Few in America were optimistic about the Soviet Unions
future. The Nazis had made enormous inroads in their
initial attack and their previous successes in France and the
Low Countries made their defeat seem all but impossible.

In an announcement, Prime Minister Churchill made plain

that any attack on the United States by the adventurous and
unpredictable military government of the Empire of Japan
would immediately cause a state of war to exist between
Japan and Britain.

This saber rattling did little to convince the Japanese
Imperial Diet one way or another. Britain was seen as an interloper in the Pacific, and little feared; most of their might
was half a world away.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Indestructible Man

Name: Lawrence Clyde Moreland AKA The Indestructible Man, The Worlds Smartest Bomb.
Nationality: American.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Some grade school.
Rank: Ensign (U.S. Navy). Captain (U.S. Army).
Decorations: Purple Heart, Silver Star, Distinguished Service Medal (U.S.); OBE (Britain).
DOB: 4/13/11, Booth, U.S.A.
DOD: 2/14/77, Lynhaven Roads, U.S.A. (cirrhosis).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Moreland was immune to the effects of any damage inflicted on his body, as long
as he knew it was coming. This immunity encompassed radiation, cold, heat, friction, acid and every other
force that would usually damage the human body. Equipment and clothing in Morelands possession were not
protected. He was completely normal otherwise, subject to damage and death just as a normal human, provided he had no indication damage was forthcoming.
History: Moreland was born in Booth, Virginia to a poor coal-mining family. At thirteen, Lawrence (Clyde
to his friends) was forced to work in the mines to support his ailing father. Because of this, Moreland learned
quickly to despise his family, who he believed stole his childhood. His obligation to his siblings and mother
kept him around, at least for a time.

When his father died of black lung in 1933 and jobs in the area began to dry up, Moreland left Booth
and joined the U.S. Navy to avoid the growing effects of the Great Depression. He worked for four years onboard smaller ships in the Lynhaven Roads yards. The work pleased him, and he stayed on for another term of
service. Soon, it was the only thing he could imagine doing.

In 1941 with the growing hostilities in the Atlantic, Moreland was itching to get into the thick of real
combat. He was assigned to DD 245, the Reuben James, in January 1941, and rode on three convoy runs to
Britain and North Africa before the James was sunk.

After his Talent manifestation, Moreland was reassigned to the Department of the Army under the direct orders
of President Roosevelt. Endless propaganda reels demonstrating his invulnerability were made for public consumption.
As Americas first parahuman he was a hero, superstar and role model. Endless books, comic books, novelizations and
movies came out during the next five years fictionalizing his (up to that point) rather boring life.

In late 1942, Moreland began training with the fledgling commando school at Achnacarry Castle. As The leader of
Talent Operation Group 1, he served on eleven missions into occupied countries. In addition, he was on the first wave of
the Section Two First Talent Assault Group sent in on the Overlord invasion to soften up the enemy on D-Day.

Moreland was friendly with many Talents, who knew him as a down-to-earth, capable warrior. A small
hub of international parahumans operating out of Britain became fast friends later in the war; among their
number were Cien, Vogel, Aesgir, Jumping Johnny and, of course, the Indestructible Man.

Moreland was infuriated by the death of Cien during Operation Market Garden in late 1944, and swore to hunt
down the bermensch responsible for it, Krieg. He was also officially reprimanded in 1945 for making public statements against Field Marshal Montgomery, the British General who devised the ill-fated airborne operation.

In 1945, Morelands wish came true as he and Vogel confronted Krieg in the ruins of Leipzig. Moreland
executed the German (who was attempting to surrender) with a direct bazooka shot to the head. Vogels testimony on his behalf during the court-martial hearings that followed saved Morelands career and reputation.
Without it, he might have served prison time.

After the war, Moreland was a popular figure in the news. In 1955, he survived a ten-megaton explosion
at the TRINITY testing grounds, walking away from the blast with only his hair messed up. This feat has yet
to be topped by any other Talent. Three movies were even made, based on his highly modified fictional life.

This popularity ended in 1958, however, with the release of a book called Prodigal Son. Written by his
youngest brother Stuart Moreland (who Lawrence Moreland had not seen in years), the book detailed Lawrences foul temper, drinking and racism, as well as the abandonment of his family in the midst of the Great
Depression. Always eager to participate in the fall of a star, the public ate it up. With this scandal, more stories
on Morelands life (both true and fictional) were printed.

Morelands star declined further in the 1960s, with stories popping up from time to time of his reprehensible conduct during the war towards Jewish POWs and blacks. However, these stories appeared with less and
less frequency as the world slowly forgot about him.

In 1977, in Lynhaven Roads Virginia, Lawrence Moreland was found dead in his tiny apartment, a victim
of liver failure due to excessive drinking. He was 66 years old.

Americas Indestructible Man had finally self-destructed.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



November 14, 1941

The Ark Royal Is Sunk

U-81 sank the British aircraft carrier Ark Royal, less than
fifty miles from its destination, while it was attempting to
deliver a group of Hurricane fighters to Gibraltar.

In under three years the Ark Royal had hunted U-boats
in the Atlantic, patrolled the Norwegian sea, hunted the
pocket battleship Graf Spee, fired on the German Army during their invasion of Norway, sunk the light cruiser Knigsberg, attacked the French fleet in port at Mers-el-Kbir and
opposed the Italian and German navies in the Mediterranean.

Though severely damaged by the attack, the Royal
was able to evacuate most of her crew and make its way
towards Gibraltar at quarter speed. A minimal crew guided
the crippled craft towards Gibraltar in the hopes of getting
it to port. Unfortunately, when it lost power just twenty-five
miles from Gibraltar the ship had to be abandoned. Only
one crewman was lost in the attack.

November 16, 1941

German Troops Surround Sevastopol

When Soviet resistance in the Crimea collapsed, the

defenders that remained retreated to the fortress port of
Sevastopol to hold out for as long as possible. The port was
surrounded by minefields, defended by a huge array of mortars and machine guns and continuously restored with fresh
Soviet troops by sea. The German Army settled in around
the fortress to capture the city through siege.

A special unit of berkommandogruppe called Sektion
Blau (Blue Section) was rushed to the front to perform
behind the lines attacks, but they did not arrive soon enough.

Commander of the German-Romanian Eleventh Army,
General Gerd von Runstedt barely sidestepped a devastating bomb attack made, it was rumored, by unknown Soviet
Talents. When a bomb detonated in a command tent far behind the front line, four of von Runstedts staff were killed.

Knowing of Hitlers mercurial temper on the subject,
von Runstedt did not let word of the attack go far. British
intelligence found out about it, however, and soon after, the
United States as well.

The two Allied powers considered for the first time
bringing the vast human resources of the Soviet Union into
the Talent equation. SSO and Section Two believed it was
possible that the Soviet Union could have the largest population of parahumans to date; and not even realize it.

November 21, 1941

The March of Time Newsreel
of The Indestructible Man
Premieres in New York and Los Angeles

With lines stretching city blocks, thousands swarmed movie

houses to watch a special March of Time newsreel of the
American Talent, the Indestructible Man demonstrating his
parahuman abilities.

In the film, the Talent was shot, stabbed, blown up and
set ablaze by flamethrowers, without any discernable effect.
Moviegoers could not get enough. People drove nine hours
to wait in line for twelve hours to see a 30-minute newsreel, and left smiling. Those who waited in line for days sat
through the film in awe and then promptly got back in line
to do it all over again.

Its the most amazing thing Ive ever seen, New
Yorks Mayor LaGuardia was quoted as saying after viewing a special screening of the film, this is history. Over
the next few weeks, more newsreels of the American Talent
were released across America, and the world was once
again left speechless by the powers of the Talents.

November 24, 1941

Forces From the U.S. Marines
Occupy Surinam, Dutch West Indies

The United States sent an occupying force to the Dutch West

Indies to prevent Japanese adventurism in the Pacific. Invited
to occupy the island by the reigning government, the Marines
were to defend the islands in case of Japanese attack.

Few in the command structure of the Marines believed
such an attack to be imminent. In this, as in so many other
assumptions, American forces would be proven wrong.

November 25, 1941

The Barnham Is Sunk

U-331 launched four torpedoes at the HMS Barnham as

it sailed in the Mediterranean Sea, sending her to a watery
grave. Three torpedoes struck the Barnham broadside, making her the first Battleship sunk by submarine attack during
the war while under way. The ship listed and sank rapidly
killing 861 crewmen.

It was later discovered that one man survived the
attack by teleporting back to Britain. This man, Yardley
Smythe, later known as Rook, would play a significant
role in the British Talent war effort.

November 18, 1941

Auchinlecks Offensive

This huge Allied offensive in North Africa reversed

the position of the war in just a few months. General
Auchinleck gave the order for the British Eighth Army
to move forward on the morning of the November 18.
Despite bad weather, the Allied forces made early gains,
sweeping aside the Italian forces near Sollum and pushing back the ill-prepared Axis defenders on the border
of Egypt. Rommels troops were located almost 100
miles from the action, surrounding Tobruk, the target of
Auchinlecks advance.

Initially, Rommel did not react to the attack. Instead,
he placed both his Panzer divisions at Sidi Rezegh and waited. When the British engaged the Panzer force, the battle
became too chaotic to properly manage, with small forces
fighting one another without direction or clear orders.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Yardley Smythe AKA Rook.

Nationality: British.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Two years university, London College. British naval training. British Special Operations Executive
Rank: Lieutenant commander (Royal Navy). Captain (British Army).
Decorations: OBE (U.K.); Distinguished Service Medal (U.S).
DOB: 2/2/16, Earle, England.
Known Parahuman Abilities: Smythe could teleport himself any distance on the planet, to any location, whether he had seen it before or not. In this displacement, Smythe would switch places with an equivalent amount of
mass from the destination. This target mass could be anything provided it was the same weight as Smythe.
However, it had to come from one whole target.

Smythe could even switch places with a human target, provided it weighed the same as him (often
clothes or other inert substances on the body of the subject were left behind to even out the transfer). He could
consciously choose between a living or inert target for this switch.

Smythes power was not fatiguing. He could Rook his way from point to point, covering hundreds of miles
in a matter of seconds, leaving a wake of transported materials or confused people in his wake. Unfortunately, the
power sometimes took minutes or even hours to lock on to a proper mass to rook, depending on the distance.
History: Smythe was born on the coast of Cornwall in Britain and grew up sailing. As a young man, he took to
fishing with his two brothers, running a small but successful fishing business. In 1937, with growing tensions
in Europe, Smythe joined the Royal Navy, as did one of his brothers. He soon found himself promoted to an
officers rank in the thinly stretched organization.

Smythe enjoyed good favor among his colleagues and was marked early for advancement. In 1939 he
transferred to the Barnham, serving onboard until its sinking in November 1941. During the firestorm,
Smythes Talent manifested itself for the first time and he suddenly found himself back in Cornwall, several
hundred miles from the sinking wreck, having switched places with most of a small tree. Covered in soot and
soaking wet in his Royal Navy uniform, Smythe turned himself in to the local authorities, but it took some
time before London command sorted everything out.

Smythe was studied by the SSO, who determined that his Talent was of significant use to the Allied war effort and assigned him to British Special Operations Executive training. Smythe performed sabotage and insurgent
campaigns for the BSOE for several years, inserting himself into France and even Germany with his power.

In 1944, the British Army recruited Smythe for an operation codenamed Blitz. Conceived by an SSO
analyst, this plan hoped to slim Smythe down to the exact weight of a very special German, no less than Fhrer
Adolf Hitler himself. Smythe could then switch places with the dictator, putting Hitler into Allied hands. Apparently, the information leaked out of Germany by British spies was inaccurate, or Smythe failed to match
Der Fhrers exact weight. Either way the plan failed and Smythe was on a miserable diet for seven months to
no effect.

After the war, Smythe worked for British intelligence, using his abilities to get information out of the
newly formed so-called republics of the Soviet Union. Apparently, this work did not agree with him.

Smythe moved to the United States in 1983 and toured the country. He soon became something of a society figure
in New York and Los Angeles, popping up in the strangest placesin biographies, movies and even music videos.

Well into his eighties as of this writing, Smythe is one of the last Talents of the war to survive into the
modern eraand he shows no signs of stopping.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Here Rommel made an uncharacteristic mistake.
Thinking the British had committed their entire force to
the offensive, Rommel ordered one hundred of his tanks to
disengage from the defense of Sidi Rezegh and race for the
Egyptian border, hoping he could capture Alexandria or
even Cairo while it remained undefended.

By the time Rommel realized his mistake on December
1, it was too late. Auchinlecks offensive had reached and
relieved the garrison at Tobruk. Access to this port made
the British a major threat in Libya once again.

Rommel had no choice but to retreat to El Agheila,
surrendering all the land gained since his arrival in North
Africa. It seemed that the Axis grab for North Africa was
lost. However, Rommel had some fight left in him yet.

December 7, 1941
A Date Which Will Live In Infamy

November 27, 1941

Section Two Completes Its Tests

Lawrence Moreland was studied at length by the Section

Two Talent Studies Team in Washington D.C. after his return from the North Atlantic. The limits of his power were
tested through traditional scientific means after an extensive
psychological examination.

Film footage of Moreland flattening 20 mm cannon
shells with his chest and shrugging off a Howitzer round
after it struck him in the face were made to show the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. A briefing was prepared for the Department
of the Army, who were given jurisdiction over Moreland
and his abilities by direct order of the President.

It was rapidly determined that Morelands invulnerability was linked to foreknowledge. Only those attacks he
knew were coming were negated by his power. At the time,
this was one of the most significant military secrets in the
United States of America.

December 1, 1941
Rear Admiral Kidd Orders the Arizonas
Forward Magazines Cleared
In Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Rear Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, commanding officer of the battleship USS Arizona, woke on
the morning of December 1 with a sudden urge to have the
huge cannon rounds stored in the forward belly hold of the
Arizona removed.

Kidd would not say why, and was the subject of many
questioning glances and unusual communiqus during
the next few days. Pearl Harbor naval command thought
the act strange, but not strange enough to elicit an official
inquiry. His men worked twenty-six hours straight, moving
the vast array of explosives out of the hold of the Arizona
to the dry dock facilities on land.

December 2, 1941
Hitler Moves Fliegerkorps II
to the Mediterranean

Gibraltar, Hitler ordered Fliegerkorps II, consisting of 325

Luftwaffe aircraft from the eastern front in Sicily, to patrol
the Mediterranean Sea.

Four flying bermenschen were detached to Fliegerkorps II command by RuSHA SA, to fly support and reconnaissance roles. Der Flieger remained in France, to continue
his push for the invasion of Britain. His support of Operation: Sea Lion kept the plan in the eye of both the Fhrer
and by default, the general staff. It would be some time yet
before the preparations for the invasion, as underscored and
useless as they were, would be completely abandoned.

The Japanese launched a coordinated air strike against the

U.S. Pacific fleet as it lay in port at Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii just before 8 A.M. on the morning of Sunday, December
7. Ironically, the fleet had been moved there only months
before to deter such Japanese adventurism in the Pacific.

The Japanese task-force commander, Vice Admiral
Chiuchi Nagumo, and the architect of the attack plan, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, hoped that the 394 Japanese aircraft
launched against the American fleet would achieve a decisive
victory. In an unforeseen stroke of luck, all of the American
aircraft carriers were out of port at the time. These carriers
were the prime targets of the assault; their absence made the
victory achieved at Pearl Harbor much less decisive. If they
had been present and destroyed, the Japanese would have
assured their absolute control of the Pacific for some time.

About the BB 39 Arizona

and the Oklahoma Memorial

In the world of Godlike, the BB 39 Arizona survived

the Japanese sneak attack at Pearl Harbor due to
the strange dream that Rear Admiral Isaac C.
Kidd had several nights before the surprise assault.
Though few said it at the time, Kidds precognitive
dream was most likely the product of a subtle Talent manifestation. If this was so, the ability never
surfaced again. Without the front magazine, the Arizona survived the attack. The ship was still severely
damaged by two Japanese bombs and required six
months of repair before she was sea-worthy again.
The Arizona and Kidd went on to fight in the
Battle of the Philippine Sea in Task Force 58, and
served in the Pacific island-hopping campaign. Kidd
was promoted to Vice Admiral of the Navy in 1951,
and died at his home peacefully in 1960. The Arizona was destroyed in the Atomic Test Able in the
Bikini islands in July 1946.

Today, Pearl Harbor is one of the most popular
tourist spots in the Hawaiian Islands. People gather
daily in crowds on a floating glass-bottomed platform, to see the wreck of the Oklahoma as it sits on
the seafloor in its watery grave.

In a move to threaten British shipping to North Africa from


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Still, the American losses caused by the attack were
enormous. Of the eight battleships on battleship row,
four were lost and the other four were heavily damaged.
Multiple bomb and torpedo assaults on the U.S.S. Oklahoma sent it and its 1,200 men crew to the bottom in
minutes, along with many other ships. Hundreds of U.S.
aircraft were destroyed on the ground at Wheeler Field and
Hickham Field by precise Japanese attacks.

For two hours, the Japanese ruled the air over Pearl
Harbor, destroying boat, aircraft and buildings without fear
of significant counter attack; even civilians were strafed in
nearby towns.

Despite a serious 1,750 lb. bomb hit to its forward
deck, the U.S.S. Arizona downed fourteen enemy aircraft
during the fray. Unlike the other ships in the harbor, which
were preparing to raise the U.S. flag at ten minutes to eight,
the Arizonas crew was at battle stations from 7 A.M. onward, almost as if they expected an attack. Other American
gun crews downed twenty-nine aircraft, totaling forty-three
Japanese aircraft lost. Five Japanese midget submarines
that snuck into the harbor were also destroyed by various
American attacks before they could attack any craft.

With the attack, the Japanese scored a significant victory; crippling most of the U.S. Pacific fleet and eliminating
75% of American combat aircraft on Oahu at the cost of a
few dozen aircraft and a half a dozen midget submarines.
Even as the assault on Pearl Harbor was taking place, their
huge Army and Navy were moving decisively 4,000 miles
away. Japanese aircraft and ships bombed Wake Island,
the Philippines, Midway Island and Guam. Their Marines
landed at Malaya and Thailand and their Army seized
Shanghai in a single bold stroke.

The Japanese grab for control of the Pacific had begun.

December 8, 1941
The United States Declares War on Japan
At noon, President Roosevelt addressed a huge radio audience
of stunned listeners still recovering from the news of the terrible
attack on Pearl Harbor. His speech was short and to the point:

Yesterday, December 7, 1941a date which will live

in infamythe United States of America was suddenly
and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the
Empire of Japan.

The United States
was at peace with that
nation, and, at the
solicitation of Japan,
was still in conversation
with its government and
its Emperor looking
towards maintenance of
peace in the Pacific . . .

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe
damage to American naval and military forces.
Very many American
lives have been lost. In

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed

on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

Yesterday the Japanese government also launched
an attack against Malaya.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.

Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippines

Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island.

This morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive
extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States
have already formed their opinions and well understand
the implications to the very safety and life of their nation.

I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and the
people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that
this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact
that our people, our territory, and our interests are in
grave danger.

With confidence in our armed forceswith the
unbounded determination of our peoplewe will gain
the inevitable triumph. So help us God.

I ask that the Congress declare that since the
unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday,
December 7, a state of war has existed between the
United States and the Japanese Empire.

Both Britain and America declared war on the Empire of
Japan within the hour. The Second World War had begun.

December 9, 1941
China Declares War
on Japan, Italy and Germany

Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, leader of the Chinese

forces, who had battled the Japanese Army since 1931,
suddenly declared war on the Axis just days after the attack
on the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor. He had a very specific
reason for doing so: by siding with the western Allies,
Chiang Kai-Shek guaranteed strong support for his rebel
army from the West. Although his country was eligible for
Lend-Lease from the U.S.
for almost a year, this move
permanently cemented Chiangs alliance with the Allies.
With much of the U.S. Pacific
fleet in shambles, and many
British holdings threatened
by Japanese advances, both
countries needed all the allies
in the Pacific they could get.

To make sure his commitment was taken seriously,
Chiang Kai-Shek moved
three reserve armies over the
border into Burma, to assist
the Allies in the area.



10, 1941
The Repulse and
Prince of Wales
Are Sunk Off the
Coast of Malaya

In a humiliating defeat, two

British warships, the battleship
Prince of Wales and the cruiser
Repulse were sunk by Japanese
bomber aircraft from air bases
in northern Malaya. Just eight
months before, the Prince of
Wales hunted the German
battleship Bismarck and ferried Prime Minister Churchill
to the Placentia Bay conference
(or the doorway he would
travel through, at least).

The two ships were
cruising off the coast of Malaya to hunt Japanese landing
craft during the early stages
of the Japanese invasion of Malaya, when they fell prey to
eighty Kate and Nell naval bombers. Without air cover, the
ships were easy targets and were sunk in minutes.

December 10, 1941

American Marines Surrender at Guam

Just minutes after the attack at Pearl Harbor, Japanese

aircraft bombed the American Marine base at Guam, largest of the Mariana Islands. Three days later a significant
Japanese force landed on Guam, and the Marines, numbering only about 500, had no choice but to surrender.

December 11, 1941

The Axis Acts

Already committed to a two-front war in Europe and Asia,

Hitler declared war on the United States on this date, furthering his already overextended commitments to the Axis.
In turn, Italy also declared war on the U.S.

With the growing might of Japan, Britain biding its
time and America weakened, the Axis felt that they could
not lose. Hitler added a completely new level to the conflict
with his foolish overconfidence, not realizing the implications of drawing America into the war in Europe.

December 11, 1941

Chanduk, The Spirit of the Forest

When Japanese forces landed unopposed at Victoria point

and bombed Rangoon, the

British forces of the crown
colony of Burma retreated
and regrouped to prevent
a Japanese push inland.
Unfortunately, the British
had to contend with both the
Japanese invasion and the
Burmese nationalists who
yearned for their independence from Britain.
One of these Burmese
men, a Karen tribesman
named Kata, discovered his
Talent abilities (which he
believed were tribal magic)
just days after the Japanese
landings at Victoria point
and used them to disrupt the
British retreat from Prome.
The 151st Indian Mountain
Regiment (a British division)
was lost on its trek from
Prome to points north.
Their bones were found
nine months later, embedded
in trees and undergrowth,
picked clean by the jungle.
For the rest of the war
Chanduk (or The Spirit of the Forest) claimed hundreds
(possibly even thousands) of lives. Both the British and
(after he realized their true intentions) the Japanese suffered
severe losses at the hands of this reclusive Talent.

December 13, 1941

The Battle of El Agheila

On the morning of December 13, the Afrika Korps, holding

positions around the besieged city of El Agheila (following
their retreat from Tobruk) engaged the forward elements
of British Eighth Armys Seventh Armored Division. Leading the Seventh were twenty-six British Talents who acted
as a combination scout and shock troop unit, sweeping out
enemy positions before the Armored divisions behind them

That afternoon the British Talent group (Larsens
Folly) confronted a much larger force of German bermenschen, numbering almost 280 individuals of varying power
levels. Upon seeing the Axis Talents arrayed against him,
Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Larsen (a defensive telekinetic)
paled. Fearing the Germans would sweep through and
destroy the Seventh Armored Division behind him, Larsen
decided to engage the German forces while the Seventh
withdrew. For over two hours, the first large-scale battle
between Talents raged-as Larsens Folly held the line against
berkommandogruppe 2 (Super-Commando Group 2).

The British Talents dug in near El Agheila and
fought off thirteen attacks in the night by the German
bermenschen. Nine British Talents were killed in the
battle, including Pop (one of the first four British Talents to
travel to America). Larsen had several advantages over his


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Kata Nawng AKA Chanduk or The Spirit of the Forest.

Nationality: Karen tribesman.
Political Affiliation: Burmese nationalist.
Education: None.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: Unknown.
DOD: ?
Known Parahuman Abilities: Nawng was capable of controlling plants and animals in the forests of Burma,
causing dramatic and sudden shifts in the layout of trees, plants and (through their manipulation) the surrounding environment. These effects were lasting and sometimes very deadly.

In addition, Nawng was able to pass through the dense underbrush of the Burmese highlands silently
without the use of a machete.
History: Little is known of Nawng, except that he was a Karen tribesman born about the turn of the century.
An insular people, the Karens long hoped for their own homeland and strongly resented British crown rule.
Nawng discovered his powers just days before the Japanese landed in Burma, and used them early on to aid
what he saw as a liberating force.

Later, when it became apparent that the Japanese were worse than the British, Nawng used his abilities
to kill Japanese as well. His victims were found dead in large groups in the jungle, often months or even years
after they were reported missing. Nawng would stalk a single group at a time, using his power to disrupt attempts at navigation, until they expired from lack of food and clean water.

The only known survivor of an attack by Nawng, Lieutenant Nelson Till, an American Talent with Stillwells
forces known as Cupboard-Guts (he did not need to eat or drink), was the only person known to have seen
Nawng after his Talent manifestation. Till reported that after his group died, a small native tribesman came and
silently shared his camp for a night. Inquiries by Till were met with nods and smiles, but nothing more. In the
morning, a clear path brought Till out of the woods he had spent three weeks wandering in a matter of minutes.

Rumors persist that Chanduk still wanders the jungle highlands of Burma (now Myanmar). The Talent
magicians of the Kachin people of Gamgaw report that Chanduk occasionally approaches their border, as if he
was observing them, though no reliable reports of an actual sighting have been filed for more than sixty years.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



opposition: firstly, the men of
Larsens Folly had far more
combat experience, having
fought in the desert war
for more then six months;
secondly, Larsens group
relied heavily on normal
combat arms and tactics;
while the bermenschen
focused primarily on their
paranormal abilities,
which the Allied Talents
countered as a matter of
course. The Axis forces
own overconfidence in
their parahuman abilities were their downfall; they failed
to think tactically, thinking their power would answer all
problems. In one instance, seven German bermenschen
were killed when Larsen and his men feigned a collapse in
their line, then closed in on those Germans foolish enough
to push through the gap.

When the sun fell from the sky, the struggle had ended
in a bitter stalemate. Larsen and his men killed twenty-nine
German bermenschen and allowed the Seventh Armored
to withdraw safely.

When the reinforced Seventh Armored Division, the
New Zealand Twentieth Infantry Corps and the Fourth
Armored Division attacked the German line the next
morning, resistance from the German bermenschen
collapsed. One hundred and twelve Germans escaped, nine
were captured or surrendered, and the rest were dead. Larsen
was decorated with the Victoria Cross for his valiant act.

Larsens Folly had successfully held off a German
bermenschen force which outnumbered it almost eight

Tribal Magic

The aborigines of Australia, the Kachins and Karens

of Burma, the Ainu of Japan, and the bushmen of Africa, among other supposedly backwards cultures,
possess the ability to learn and teach Talent powers
to one another.

To these cultures, such powers are nothing
more than ritual magic. What we see as a Talent
power is, to them, simply a spell. Because of
this, healers, witch doctors and shamans from these
cultures possess very real powers, making them a
significant force in the world.

Unlike other Talent powers, tribal magic in the
world of Godlike is neither static nor isolated to one
person. It can be passed from tribesman to tribesman,
and by mixing and matching spells, new effects can be
discovered. Many of these cultures have a class of shaman who can shift the course of rivers, heal the sick
and kill enemies with a glance with their powers.

Westerners and people acclimatized to western
culture cannot learn these spells, no matter how long
they work at it; it is nothing less than a paradigm that
is absorbed over the course of a lifetime, not something
that can be learned in days, months, or even years.

to one; and Britain had its

revenge for the deaths of
Golgotha and Puppeteer.

18, 1941
The Japanese
Invade Hong Kong

Japanese Naval forces

blocked the port of Hong
Kong and commenced
shelling the British and Chinese military positions on
the outskirts of the city on December 8. Despite being
surrounded on all sides, (with no chance of reinforcement),
the British garrison steadfastly refused to surrender the
city. The British and Chinese forces held on for five more
days, facing a force which outnumbered them by the tens of

When the Japanese politely pointed out to the Allies
the hopelessness of their position, the British still obdurately
refused to give in. In response, the Japanese bombed the city
so extensively that all the water mains ruptured. With no
clean water, the garrison could not fight and had no choice
but to surrender. They yielded to Japanese demands on
December 18, 1941.

Soon the flag of the Empire of Japan was flying over
Hong Kong, Britains jewel of the east.

December 19, 1941

Hitler Assumes Control
of the German Army

Woefully out of his depth, Hitler assumed command of

the German Army in an attempt to crush the tenacious
Soviets. Frustrated with the halt to the German offensive

The Honored Dead

Erected in 1946 by the British government at El

Agheila, Libya, a simple steel stele marks the names
of the nine Talents who died there, holding the line.

Beginning in 1947, the six remaining members
of Larsens Folly gathered to remember their lost
comrades and leader (Larsen was killed at Anzio in
1944) on the anniversary of the battle of El AgheilaDecember 13. This ritual continued without interruption for decades.

The stele was removed by Momar Khaddafis
regime in 1980. The ceremony itself did not resume
until 1996, when the Talent War Memorial was
erected in Washington D.C.

Two of Larsens Folly still gather there, every
year, to remember that night in Libya and the friends
they left behind in the sand.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



in the east since the coming
of winter, the Fhrer hoped
his amateur armchair tactics
would overcome the spirited
resistance of the Russians.
While ground operations
were still directed by the
Armys general staff in
many different areas, the
final authority now lay with
Adolf Hitler, who took to
personally managing matters
on the eastern front.

This decision, like so
many others, would prove to
be misguided.

Young landed on the ground

as light as a feather, becoming
Americas second Talent.

22, 1941
Churchill Arrives in
Washington D.C.

20, 1941
The AVG and America
Gain a Potent Weapon

The American Volunteer Group (AVG), better known

to the world as the Flying Tigers, flew defensive roles
for Chiang Kai-Sheks Nationalist Army for four months
before their first large engagement over the Chinese city of
Kunming on December 20.

With less than 100 outdated P-40 Tomahawk
fighters, the Tigers ripped into a much larger force of
Japanese bombers, causing them to abort their bomb run.
During the engagement, machinegun rounds from a Nell
G3M medium bomber struck an AVG aircraft, causing its
engines to stall. Its pilot, Robert M. Young decided to bail
out of the crippled aircraft.

Youngs chute failed to open properly, but he survived
the fall anyway, by slowing his descent with his mind.

More Rumors

Unsubstantiated reports that sixteen Gaki (the Japanese term for Talent) had been discovered in Japanese-held territories since the beginning of hostilities
with China were widely believed by western sources.
Most of these Gaki were Chinese, Mongolian or Burmese, and fought the Japanese occupation vigorously.

Three were apparently born during one incidentthe invasion of Hong Kong. Two escaped to
fight in the resistance; the last, a woman who could
cause seizures in any living creature, was shot and
killed on December 21. Her head was impaled on a
pole and hung from the British consulate building in
Hong Kong as a warning for the local populace.

Spurred by these rumors, U.S. advisors were
rushed to China to assess the growth of the Chinese
Talent population and to help in their training and

Prime Minister Winston

Churchill arrived in Washington D.C. to meet with
President Roosevelt to work
out the logistics of a joint
war effort. To avoid the
U-Boat menace, Churchill
arrived with the aid of Jot, a powerful teleporting Talent
who transported him from London to Washington D.C. in
the blink of an eye. Churchills Talent bodyguard consisted of twelve highly trained parahumans whose loyalty
was beyond question. The Prime Minister detached two of
these British Talents to American service in the Far East,
in exchange for American concessions in the war against
Nazi Europe. These Talents, Boxer and Mole, were moved
to Pearl Harbor Command for later reassignment in the
Far East theater.

Despite the ever increasing threat of the Japanese in the
Pacific, Churchill and Roosevelt managed to work out the
beginnings of an invasion plan of North Africa, which would
eventually become known to the world as Operation: Torch.

December 22, 1941

The Dragon Stirs

Confronted on the shores of Luzon by Japanese Marines,

a member of the Filipino Army, Santiago Corzon, led a
single-handed assault on the enemys growing beachhead.
A shell killed his commanding officer, a U.S. Army Captain,
along with the eleven other Filipino Army members as they
defended the road inland, despite being at the center of the
blast; Corzon was left without a mark on him.

Enraged, the tiny Filipino charged the Japanese lines
and transformed. The twenty-six foot dragon, its reptilian form invulnerable to small arms fire, tore its way tooth
and claw through an entire battalion of Japanese Marines,
setting vehicles aflame with its fiery breath. The Japanese
sent wave upon wave of Marines after the creature until
Corzons power failed, and he retreated. Corzon joined up
with the Hukbalahap, the Filipino communist guerrillas
at Manila, and took to the hinterlands of the country to
continue the fight.

December 27, 1941

General MacArthur Withdraws to Bataan
Overwhelmed by the Japanese forces in their relentless invasion of the Philippines, General MacArthur ordered his men

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Robert Matthew Young AKA F-SAM or Fesam for Fold, Spindle And Mutilate.
Nationality: American.
Political Affiliation: Democrat.
Education: High school, Manchester, Connecticut. One year postal pilot training, Darby, Massachusetts.
Rank: First lieutenant (U.S. Army Air Corps).
Decorations: Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal.
DOB: 3/6/09, Manchester, Connecticut, U.S.A.
Known Parahuman Abilities: Young could control gravity. His power affected one object at a time, and increased or decreased that objects effective mass seventy to ninety times its standard weight. Objects (which retained their inertia) remained affected for a variable period that ranged from ten to thirty-five minutes. Youngs
personal record for a gravitic alteration was thirty-seven minutes and nine seconds. He could cause this gravity
alteration on anything he could see.
History: Young was always interested in flight. Everything before his eighteenth year was simply a prelude to
jumping into a cockpit. He collected model kits of airplanes, followed the aces of the Great War in the newspapers, and even had Orville Wright sign his wrist cast in 1919. (Young broke it jumping off the roof with a
makeshift pair of tin-shingle wings in an attempt to be the first man-powered aircraft.)

In 1927, Young obtained a job at Finkels Aircraft, a small airfield that maintained dusters, mail aircraft
and other small planes. Young learned the tricks of the trade over the next five years, culminating in his acceptance as a federal mail pilot in Darby, Massachusetts in 1937; but was kicked out due to his outrageous flying
style. The next year he took up flying in Winters Air Rodeo as a stunt pilot.

It was there in late 1940 that Young heard about the call for pilots to fly in China. Although he had no
combat experience, he was accepted into the AVG program due to his experience in the air.

In the summer of 1941, after a bit of air-to-air combat training in southern China, Young was moved to
Kunming to defend the city from air attack. On December 20, 1941, Young discovered his Talent ability to
control gravity, using it to save himself when his parachute failed to deploy.

Young became famous around the world, returning to the United States in March 1941, to meet with
President Roosevelt for a press conference to showcase Americas growing pool of Talents. Section Two studied
Youngs abilities for three weeks and extensive films of his power were made (some were later released in
newsreels for public consumption). Surprisingly, Young was sent back to the AVG to serve with the Flying
Tigers in China. At the time, Roosevelt hoped to signal to Japan that he meant business, as well as impress
the Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-Shek at his commitment.

Young flew sixty-seven combat missions with the AVG and downed sixty-three Japanese aircraft (mostly
with the use of his power), making him the highest scoring American ace in World War II. (Though most pilots, including Young himself, agree that Major Richard I. Dick Bong, with forty normal kills, was Americas
real top ace.) Youngs power was ideal for destroying enemy aircraftthe sudden weight increase caused wing
struts to buckle and break, canopies to spider, and engines to fail, sending planes plummeting down from the
sky like shattered birds. It was his Talents effect on enemy aircraft that gained Young his nickname of Fold,
Spindle and Mutilate, a throwback to his postal days.

Young returned to America in 1946 with the rank of first lieutenant in the newly minted U.S. Air Force.
He served two more years in the states, teaching pilots the ins and outs of fighter-to-fighter combat (which was
even then a rapidly dying art).

Young flew for a year and a half in Koreas Mig Alley, fighting the Chinese he had fought so hard to defend. In the jet-age, Youngs abilities and power proved even more devastating to enemy aircraft, which would
shatter and explode dramatically when pushed past their normal weight limits. Young was responsible for the
destruction of fourteen Migs before he returned home.

In 1954, Young retired from the Air Force at the age of 45. He bought a home in Manchester, Connecticut
with the revenues generated by his AVG and Air Force days, and sold the use of his ability to the highest bidder. Mostly he worked on construction projects, knocking buildings down or helping build them.

Young Talent Services Incorporated grew into a large, multi-state business that employed various Talents
with construction-useful abilities.

At the age of 91 as of this writing, Young still appears in TV commercials for Young Talent Services Incorporated (now run by his son Emil) and his company is now estimated to be worth in excess of $80 million.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



December 30,

back to the Bataan peninsula.

A mountainous area of the
Philippines riddled with caves
and other hiding places, MacArthur hoped he could use
these natural defenses to hold
the Japanese off.

Unfortunately, his force
consisted of rag-tag American servicemen and Filipino
resistance fighters, many of
who lacked equipment and
proper military training.
Their defensive hold of the
Bataan was valiant, but ultimately futile. The Japanese,
under General Homma,
sealed the Americans off in
their lair; then proceeded
to launch spirited attacks
against the Americans, utilizing banzai suicide charges
and other unconventional

The Philippine islands,
which MacArthur believed
he could hold from Japanese
attack indefinitely, were slipping rapidly from his grasp.

Sheol Emerges

December 29, 1941

The British Talent Population Tops 750

The Special Sciences Office submitted a report to Prime

Minister Churchill listing the names and abilities of 756
British born Talents on December 29. The government drive
for the registration and enlistment of Talents had grown to
the point where the Special Sciences Office could no longer
carefully study each case. They pared down their examination period to just three days, to speed up the process.

Churchill was confident that the British would be able
to field over 1,000 Talents on all fronts of the British war
effort before the beginning of spring.

Dragon Point

In modern-day Tarlac (an otherwise inhospitable area

in the mountains of Luzon), a popular tourist spot
for Talentophiles is the Bayombong Talent Museum,
which is open six months of the year at Dragon Point.
The Talent museum is a series of shanties that contain
various bits of Talent memorabilia collected (or
fabricated) from around the world. It also houses the
only collection of signed wartime Talent photographs
numbering in the thousands. Even a signed photo
from Der Flieger hangs on the wall at Bayombong.

Admission is $7 American. Talents (with a demonstration of their power) enter for free.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

With Jews starved, gassed

and shot by the thousands in
Nazi occupied Europe and
Russia, rumors of a powerful Nephilim (the Jewish
term for Talent) began to
circulate among the Jewish
underground. By this time,
the SS Einsatzgruppen was
tearing its way through the
Ukraine, killing hundreds of
thousands of Jews, Gypsies
and intellectuals. The first
stages of the mass murder of
Jews and other undesirables
were underway at the newly
constructed death camps in
Poland and Germany.
This Nephilim was a girl
who could absorb the minds
of those she touched. Jewish
partisans jealously guarded
her; when possible, she
would emerge from hiding to copy into herself the memories and personality of those taken away to the camps.

By the age of 18, she had already absorbed over
3,000 personalities, losing her own personality beneath
the thousands of others she had possessed over the years.
For three years, the Gestapo hunted her relentlessly as she
was shuffled from safe house to safe house in an attempt to
preserve the minds of a people Hitler vowed to wipe from
the face of the earth.

MacArthurs New Tactics

Without adequate weaponry, manpower, food or

supplies, General MacArthur held off a huge force of
Japanese soldiers using innovative combat tactics.

Conventional tactics failed the Japanese, because
MacArthur was not thinking in conventional terms.
Frontal assaults, banzai charges, and attacks against
multiple flanks all failed; MacArthur rolled with each
and countered by looking at combat in a completely
new way. When the Japanese launched a full assault
against his left flank, MacArthur did not put all his
manpower there to counter the attack; instead, he
attacked the Japanese on the right, causing a collapse
in their defenses.

Despite his limitations, MacArthur managed to
launch several offensives against General Homma, who
was completely humiliated. For ten weeks MacArthur
held on, hoping against hope that America would be able
to send reinforcementsbut they never came.



Anguis Dragon

Name: Santiago Corzon AKA Anguis (Dragon).

Nationality: Filipino.
Political Affiliation: Communist.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 4/30/19 Baguio, Philippines.
DOD: 2/11/45 Manila, Philippines (killed in action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: When enraged, Corzon seemingly transformed into a dragon; a twenty-six-footlong, 3.5-ton creature with fiery breath, which could rip through quarter-inch-thick armor with its teeth and
claws. While in dragon form, Corzon was nearly invulnerable to small arms fire, and had a limited resistance
to explosives. His transformation was of limited duration, lasting from one to three hours; with effort, Corzon
could extend the duration (during the Liberation of the Philippines, he once remained in his dragon form for
twenty-seven hours straight).

After reverting back to human form, Corzon was invariably left exhausted and without the use of his
power for several days.
History: Corzon was abandoned at birth in Baguio, a small town north of Manila on the island of Luzon in the
Philippines. He was raised at Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow, a British nunnery that doubled as an orphanage.
It was there Corzon learned to read and write English.

When he left the orphanage at age 16, Corzon found a job with the American Army forces in Manila,
translating Filipino requisition forms into English. At 19, he joined the Filipino Army, mostly under the command of the American Army at the time. He was part of a dramatic build-up of defense forces in the Philippinesa direct reaction to Japanese expansionism in the area.

Placed along with one other Filipino regiment (barely half of what was needed to properly protect the
area) at the Lingayen Gulf, his position was the focus of a large Japanese landing on the morning of December
22, 1941. Corzon survived the assault because of his Talent manifestation, inflicting heavy losses to the Japanese Marines before retreating to the interior of Luzon.

There he joined and fought alongside the Hukbalahap, or the Huks: the communist guerrillas who held
so much territory on the Philippines, even while it was supposedly under Japanese control, that they traded
their own printed currency.

Corzon was a fearful sight for any Japanese unit smaller than a battalion, and he waged a personal war
against the invaders for more than three years without rest. During the street-to-street fighting in the liberation
of Manila, Corzons power failed, reverting him to his weakened human form, while he was facing remnants
of General Hommas army. A shell from a light tank killed him. It was suspected by the Huks that a Japanese
Talent on Luzon defeated Corzons abilities.

Corzons human body was buried at Tarlac Point in the mountains.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



January 1, 1942
The Paukenschlag Plot

Representatives from twenty-six Allied countries gathered in Washington D.C. on this date to sign the Atlantic
Charter, ratifying the declaration of the United Nations
and uniting the free world in a war against the Axis forces.
Prime Minister Churchill, President Roosevelt and various
heads of state gathered under extreme security at the capital
to reinforce their cause against Axis tyranny. Thirty-seven
Allied Talents of varying nationalities guarded the scene, on
the lookout for spies and saboteurs.

Fourteen minutes before Prime Minister Churchill and
President Roosevelt met in the Oval Office, an incident occurred at the west gate of the White House. The British Talents Bulldog and the Shade uncovered a German bermensch
in parahuman disguise, attempting to gain access to the
White House grounds. Using a power to mask his appearance, the German was easily detected by the British Talents.
A tense standoff ensued when the German agent activated
a large bomb. The Shade surprised the German agent from
behind, and using his Talent ability to save those nearby,
pulled both the agent and the bomb out of phase with the
physical world.

The explosion went off at ten minutes to seven in the
morning in complete silence. The Shade and the German agent

True Evil Never Dies . . .

The meticulous records of the Nazis indicate that the

SS rushed Sheol to the Fhrerbunker just fifteen days
before Adolf Hitlers suicide in 1945 on a special
mission called Valhalla. Besides the fact that the
mission involved the transfer of Sheol and that it was
called Valhalla, little else about it is known. What
is known is that she was captured by a six member
bermensch team called Sektion Gelb (Yellow
Section) in 1944, and that thirteen Jewish Talents
perished during the assault on her hiding place, trying to protect her.

Sheol was rushed back to Berlin under great
secrecy using every means at the Nazis disposal, and
was held there for almost a year.

The files that described the purpose of Valhalla
were destroyed moments before the Russians captured them, so no one knows for sure what went on
in the bunker for the six days Sheol remained there.

There are some clues, however. At times, strange
personalities were seen in Sheols manifestations after
the war. Once, in front of a group of terrified Israeli
schoolchildren and their teacher, the voice of Adolf
Hitler rose up from her lips, repeating the phrase I
live! I live! in German.

The Israeli media suppressed the incident, and
a detachment of heavily armed guards was ordered
to watch Sheol morning, noon and night. To this
day, this story is widely denied by Israeli authorities,
despite the fact that several witnesses have come
forward to confirm it.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

were killed instantly by the blast. Thanks to the young Talents

sacrifice, everyone else at ground zero was unharmed.

The meeting was not postponed. Defiant to the will
of the Axis, Roosevelt and Churchill held a moment of
silence for the young Talent who had given his life so that
they could live-and went on with the signing of the Atlantic
Charter anyway. Over the next eleven days, the delegates
formed the beginnings of the United Nations.

After the war, it was discovered that the plot was
a German attempt on the lives of the leaders of the free
world, organized by their Wasserfall division of the
Abwehr. Codenamed Paukenschlag or Drumbeat, it was
hoped the explosion would eliminate both Churchill and

Poor German intelligence led the Abwehr to believe
that few Allied Talents would be present at the signing.
Their premier bermensch spy, known as Doppelgnger
(The Double), was lost in the operation.

January 2, 1942
The Japanese Take Manila

Japanese forces under General Homma entered and

secured the capital city of Manila in the Philippines, forcing a small contingent of guerrilla fighters and American soldiers into the wilderness. Several small units of
resistance remained in the town (despite General MacArthurs declaration of Manila as an open city), hoping to
confound the Japanese advance.

The Filipino Talent Anguis destroyed three light tanks
and killed sixty-four Japanese Marines during his retreat
from the capital to points north.

January 3, 1942
General Wavell Is Told to Hold the Line
General Wavell, the Allied forces commander in Southeast
Asia (primarily the American, Australian, British, and
Dutch), was ordered to hold the Malay line by any means
possible, to stop the southern advance of the Japanese
forces. To secure his rapidly diminishing routes of communication, Prime Minister Churchill assigned the powerful
British teleport Jot to Wavells command, to keep a line of
communication open with London and Washington.

January 10, 1942

The Saratoga Is Torpedoed

Off the coast of Hawaii, a Japanese submarine caused

extensive damage to the engineering sections of the huge
American aircraft carrier the CV3 Saratoga, killing five

One crewmember involved in the blast was found in
the center of the conflagration, untouched by the tremendous explosion. Ensign Walter Ironclad Kelly, whose skin
had somehow become far stronger than any metal, was
returned to Hawaii command for reassignment with Section
Two. The Saratoga remained in port five months before its
return to service.




Name: Sheol (Hebrew myth term); real name unknown.

Nationality: Unknown. Possibly German or Eastern European.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Unknown.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: ?
DOD: 6/30/2001 Tel Aviv, Israel.
Known Parahuman Abilities: Sheol copied the personality and memories of anyone she touched flesh-to-flesh.
This transfer rendered both Sheol and the subject unconscious. When she regained consciousness (usually in a
matter of minutes), an exact copy of the subjects mind would be contained within her. When the personality
surfaced, Sheol spoke in that persons voice and used his or her mannerisms, knowing exactly what that person

Sheol did not have a master personality that anyone could detect, but would switch between personalities at random. While under stress, sometimes she would become a blur of personalities, frequently engaging in
four and five way conversations with herself. It was possible to evoke particular personalities within Sheol, but
only with memory cues from the target personalitys life. For example, if Sheol met the wife of a man whose
mind she contained, that mans personality would surface for a short time. No personality could ever gain
a permanent hold on Sheols flesh, however. The effect was always transient, never lasting more than fifteen
minutes at the most, to mere seconds at the least.
History: Sheols origins are clouded in mystery. What is known is that she was a Jewish girl between the age of
15 and 20 when her Talent expressed itself. The Jewish underground in Poland (what little of it was left at the
time) recognized her gift, and worked to hide her from the Gestapo and Einsatzgruppe sweeps. Sheol herself
seemed to have a sense of self-preservation, often copying the personalities of German officers and soldiers and
using their knowledge to guide herself safely through the deadly territories of Poland.

When rumors spread among the Jewish underground that a Nephilim who saved Jews from death camps
existed, Sheol became a legend. Many yearned for this rumor to be true, but none suspected that the truth was
far stranger than they could imagine.

Sheols touch was a questionable salvation. Most personalities experienced extreme terror when they lost
their grip on Sheols body and became just another voice whirling in the maelstrom within her mind.

There was no known way to track or account for how many Jews slated for death were collected by Sheol
during the war, but Israeli scholars estimate that somewhere between 800,000 to over a million rested within
her mind at the end of the war.
The SS captured her in 1944, just moments before the Russians liberated the portion of Poland she was
hiding in. Shockingly, the Germans released her to Russian forces on the day of Hitlers death, who in turn
handed her over to the Allies (in a deal brokered by Eisenhower himself). The fledgling Legion of Five Thousand (the Jewish Talent Army of Israel), took Sheol as their spiritual leader; the irreplaceable history she represented making her a living symbol of the horrors of the Holocaust.

After the formation of Israel, a house was created for Sheol that every Israeli youth was required to visit.
Unofficially, rumors circulated that Sheol would pick certain people for copying from time to time, though
the Israeli government strenuously denied this. She died in 2001, age unknown, and her small home remains a
national treasure to the memories she saved for a time from the furnaces.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Talent Security

By the middle of the war, any Talent (even one with

less-than-useful abilities, which were sometimes
called Duds) was employed for the most basic
Talent powerthe ability to detect and stop enemy
Talents from using their powers. In almost every
country, trusted Talents were assigned to bodyguard details which swept areas before leaders were
brought in; just to make sure a chair was actually a
chair, or that trusted personnel were not enemy Talents in parahuman disguise. The use of Talents as a
defensive force increased exponentially after the near
miss of the Paukenschlag plot of January 1, 1942.

The only successful assassination attempt during
the war happened in 1943, when the German agent
Feuermann incinerated a look-alike replacement of
General Montgomery in London. The real General
Montgomery was miles away, safely planning the
invasion of Europe in a secret location, while his
double was making public relations appearances.
The non-Talent man killed, First Lieutenant Bernard
F. Law, bore a nearly perfect resemblance to General
Montgomery. He was awarded the Victoria Cross
posthumously for gallantry.

January 19, 1942

The Japanese Empire Expands

Japanese forces, moving in a half a dozen different offensives in Southeast Asia, captured and conquered significant
amounts of territory in a short period, with few losses in
manpower and equipment. By this date, most resistance had
ceased in the Philippines (the rebels had retreated to the wilderness and MacArthur was hard pressed on Bataan) and the
Japanese began their real push into Burma. Elsewhere, Japanese Marines and soldiers landed on North Borneo and were
poised to spread the influence of the Empire even further.

Like the summer of 1940 for Germany, it seemed that
in the winter of 1942 the Japanese Army could not be

January 20, 1942

The Wannsee Conference

This meeting was called by the direct order of Adolf Hitler,

though he did not attend. Instead, his lackeys Herman
Gring, Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann conceived
the final solution to the Jewish problem in Nazi Europe.

Though the Nazis had been killing Jews, the mentally
infirm, Poles and Russians by the tens of thousands already,
Hitler felt that the rampant killing was unorganized and
inefficient; he hoped Wannsee would streamline the process.

Himmler, Gring and Eichmann adopted a systematic
process for the elimination of Jews and other unwanted
races based on notes created by SS Reichsprotektor Rein-

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

The Ghost of
the West Gate

A special plaque was erected at the west gate of the

White House following the Paukenschlag plot at the
request of the President and Mrs. Roosevelt to commemorate the sacrifice of the British Talent the Shade.

It reads:

For Captain Emil Broaden of the British Army,
known as the Shade, whose decisive action on January 1, 1942 caused the world to stop for a moment
in admiration, respect and awe at heroism not often
seen in one so young.

To this day, secret service agents at the west gate
report a silent explosion at ten to seven in morning every year on January first. Talents present at
these ghost explosions feel a brief twinge as if an
invisible Talent activated a powerful ability in their
presence, but the culprit can never be found. It has
become standard procedure to have the president
elsewhere on New Years Dayjust in case.

Both scientists and Talents have no explanation
for this recurring illusion.
hard Heydrich (killed the previous year during the Prague
riots). Heydrichs concept utilized a technology already
developed in the Reich: the gas chamber, wherein poison
gas (usually cyanide-based) would be pumped into a sealed
room, slaying a large number of people simultaneously. This
and other less direct methods would be used to efficiently
eliminate the enemies of the Reich. The undesirables would
be gathered together, sorted by sex and infirmity; then either
killed outright, or forced to work until they died from lack
of food or rest.

The Subtext of the

Wannsee Conference

At the conference, Gring spoke of the rumors of

Nephilim and other Talent manifestations in the
populations the Reich had targeted for destruction.
He hoped to capture and re-educate these wayward Aryans so they became devout followers of
Hitler. Himmler was concerned that such monsters
existed in the world, and wanted only their complete destruction. The leader of the SS said only this:
They are throwbacks to the time of race mingling
and mongrelism. They must be eliminated.

Eichmann didnt care about the parahumans; he
was simply concerned with the sheer number of people
he had to deal with. By the end of the conference, no
policy towards Nephilim and other ntermenschen was
ever really decided upon. By default, they were treated
just as any other Jew, Pole or Russian; dependent on
their usefulness, they were sent to their deaths as rapidly and expeditiously as possible.



In the end, their methods would claim more than
5,820,960 Jews and other innocents, though no written
order from the Fhrer ever existed to prove that such a
command was issued from the highest office in Germany.

January 21, 1942

The Germans Counter-Attack in Libya

Led by a group of German bermenschen, Rommels troops

swept forward in Libya, clashing with the British line, trying to breach it in a rush north towards Benghazi. What the
bermenschen did not know was this: they were simply a
distraction, and the main force behind them headed off in a
different direction to confuse the British.

Caught up in their own propaganda as an undefeatable army three German bermenschen were captured
when their offensive folded and they were left behind.

January 22, 1942

The Evacuation of Leningrad

Over the course of fifty days, 440,000 citizens were evacuated from the city of Leningrad to points east. Relentless
shelling and bombing by the Germans had taken a terrible
toll on the populace. All rail lines into the city had been cut
by bomb attacks; nor were there adequate supplies of food
to support the city any longer.

The first five Soviet Talents to reveal themselves in
public (besides the monstrosity Baba Yaga) assisted in the
evacuation, defending against attacks by German aircraft
with their parahuman abilities.

January 26, 1942

Section Two Takes a Step
Towards Propaganda

In a report submitted to President Roosevelt, Section Two

indicated that since the discovery of the Indestructible Man,
and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor no less than seventy Talents had been discovered in America.

It was the recommendation of Section Two that inflated
numbers of Talent manifestations be given to the press.
They believed this would actually increase the number of
future manifestations.

January 26, 1942

The First American Troops
Arrive in Britain

The first ship carrying American servicemen to Britain arrived on this date, after maneuvering through the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic.

Seventeen American Talents (including the Indestructible Man) were onboard.

January 27, 1942

Zyklon B and C

At the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, Nazi experiments

with the poisonous Zyklon-B gas began on large numbers
of test subjects for the first time. Over 4,000 Jews were sent
to their deaths in early tests of the gas, designed to speed
Himmlers Final Solution along. Earlier gas chambers
utilizing carbon-dioxide gas proved to be, in the monstrous
eyes of the SS, too inefficient.

Zyklon-B was quick, quiet and effective. However, a
new problem cropped up: during the second series of gassings, a Jewish boy manifested Talent abilities and killed
five SS men and Obersturmbannfhrer Rudolph Hss (the
creator of Zyklon-B) before he could be stopped. Nazi scientists were disturbed by the possibility of Jews manifesting
Talents whenever they employed the gas. Nothing could be
said of the incident to Hitler; but Himmler had other ideas.

Zyklon-C was developed in March 1942 under the
auspices of the SS. Like its predecessor, it killed with
potassium cyanide; but eight to ten minutes after the initial
release (when all normals in the chamber were dead), C also
released a blinding agent and a secondary poison to kill

The Imprisonment of
Der Schildkrte

The most powerful of the three bermenschen

captured in Libya was an Oberstleutnant nicknamed
Der Schildkrte (The Turtle.) While the other two
bermenschen could be dealt with as normal prisoners of war, Der Schildkrte was extremely powerful.
He could project invisible shields with his mind and
use them as a devastating destructive force. For example, he could form a shield in a targets lung, and
rapidly expand it, ripping the target in half.

It was decided when Der Schildkrte arrived in
Britain, he would not be allowed the usual rights of
a prisoner of war. What would you do with a tank
commander who could not be separated from his
tank? Winston Churchill asked the parliament during proceedings to decide the fate of Der Schildkrte.

The Special Sciences Office decided upon a
method of psychological coercion.

Der Schildkrte was informed that if he did
not behave, he would be kept under sedation and
turned over to the Russians. It was a well-known fact
the Russians had no mercy when it came to German
POWs. To make the point stick the British showed
him some films of German officers captured during
action around Stalingrad.

Der Schildkrte was a model prisoner, and at the
end of the war he returned home to Germany.

The British and Americans settled on this policy
for dealing with powerful but rational enemy Talents. Those beyond the scope of reason were kept so
drugged their abilities failed to work, were lobotomized, or were put to death.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Public and the Private

Josef Stalin made his love for the hundreds of Russian

Talents who sprang up in the first year of the war
between the Soviet Union and Germany plain during
radio addresses, speeches and other public pronouncements. In reality, Stalin was (as always) extremely
paranoid. His stance towards Talents was two-faced.
To the public, his love for them was clear; behind
closed doors, they were a threat to his supreme power.
They were a tool to him, and nothing more. Once they
outlived their usefulness, they were eliminated.

Talents known to the Soviet State often died
in battle or went missing during combat. While
some of them actually did perish in battle, many of
them were eliminated by the NKVD or sent on missions that they would never return from.

The most successful Talents in Russia remained
secret, and fought the Germans on their own terms;
or wholeheartedly served Stalin and risked the danger of his purges. Some operated in the regular Army
and others outside the chain of command altogether.
Many of the Soviet Talents who survived the war fled
the Soviet Union for the countries of the west.

Those who stayed behind had little hope of a
happy or long life.
anyone who might have survived the initial gassing.

Talents who manifested powers because of the
gas were blinded, then poisoned all over again with a
different compound. The SS were confident their twisted
countermeasures would take care of any further problems.

January 28, 1942

Rommel Takes Benghazi

Rommels forces pushed back the British in the western

desert of Libya in a series of bold maneuvers designed to
throw them into disarray. The ill-organized British Eighth
Army had little time to recover from Rommels earlier
pushes, and scattered across the desert when the Afrika
Korps swept forward again.

The superior firepower of Rommels tanks and his tactical
brilliance gave him an edge that the British could not easily
overcome. In an amazing feint with his forces, Rommel split
his tanks, moving most up
a road to Benghazi, while
sending a small force to draw
the British away to the east.
The British pulled back to
the Gazala line, fearful of a
full attack, which allowed
Rommel unrestricted access to

Lacking fuel and
supplies, Rommel waited in
the Libyan capital, biding his

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Total Commitment

The Indestructible Man made a huge splash upon

his arrival in Britain. He met with King George IV
and Princess Elizabeth on his first day, and the brash
young Americans presence in Britain made a clear
statement to the British peopleAmerica was now
fully behind them.

The Talent spent three weeks touring for public
relations purposes, demonstrating his abilities while
the media machine of the Allies released dozens of
pamphlets, booklets and films about his visit.

February 1, 1942
The Appointment and Death of Quisling
Adolf Hitler made the Nazi collaborator Vidkun Quisling
prime minister of occupied Norway on this date, but his
time as the Nazis puppet would be short.

On the morning of February 2, 1942, Quisling was
discovered in bed, the victim of an apparent Talent attack.
His skin had hardened to the consistency of stone; all
his internal fluids had congealed. No one had any idea
who had killed him. Hitler, nonplussed, appointed a
German SS officer, Obergruppenfhrer Franz Jeckeln, as
Reichsprotektor of Norway. No real effort was put into the
investigation of Quislings death.

February 11, 1942

The Channel Dash

In a daring move, the Germans rushed a naval force

consisting of the battle cruisers Scharnhorst, Gneisenau
and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, along with a screen of
destroyers and air cover, from Brest through the English
Channel, into the North Sea.

The British launched dozens of RAF and naval aircraft
sorties to sink the ships, but due to poor intelligence and
communications, all the attacks failed. Fifty British aircraft
were lost in the engagement.

It was later discovered that the Scharnhorst and
Gneisenau had suffered serious damage from Allied mines
in the channel. Even so, the Channel Dash was seen as
a humiliating defeat for the
British in their own home


February 13,
The Last Sea Lion
Despite heavy lobbying from
Hitlers favorite, Der Flieger,


the chancellor decided
on this date to abandon
the long-planned crossChannel invasion of Britain,
codenamed Operation
Sea Lion: We must crush
the Bolsheviks in the east,
and then we will turn our
attentions back to England.

Conversation on the
subject was closed after
Hitlers temper rose. Der
Flieger was shortly thereafter
transferred to the French
coast to fly coastal sorties
against the Allies.

This move clearly
indicated Hitlers displeasure
with the young parahuman.

to death by the Japanese, two

managed to live on in the
wilderness, and two managed
to make it to Australia to
rejoin British forces.

18, 1942
The Battle of the
Sittang Bridge

Pursued by the Japanese,

British forces in Burma
retreated across the Sittang
river, the only real obstacle
between the Japanese and
Rangoon, the capital. The
British destroyed the bridge,
but lost a large amount of
equipment and men in the

The Japanese forces
waited for reinforcements
at the river while the
badly demoralized British
Commonwealth forces
attempted to solidify some
sort of defense against the

February 18,
The Japanese
Invade Singapore

Chasing the retreating British

Commonwealth forces across
the Johore causeway on one
side, the Japanese landed
an additional two Marine divisions on the
northwest side of the island, effectively cutting the British
off. Making concise air and land attacks, the Japanese split
and disorganized defenders of the island in half.

The Japanese lost fewer than 10,000 troops in the
siege, while the British Commonwealth lost more than
138,000 men to disease, attacks and lack of clean water.

Fourteen British Talents were born in the nightmare
conditions on Singapore Island. Ten were captured and put

The Truth Comes Out

In 1954, information was leaked from British intelligence that the mission to kill Vidkun Quisling,
codenamed Operation Tumult, was carried out by a
six-man Talent commando team trained by the BSOE.
Aesgir carried the group into Norway with his power,
where, helped by Norwegian resistance members, they
gained access to the prime ministers mansion.

The British Talent Quagmire killed Quisling with his ability to solidify liquids, and the team
escaped back to Britain. The attack demoralized the
pro-Nazi sentiment that had been growing exponentially in Norway (the Norwegians were one of the few
races that the Nazis considered equal to them racially).

Since Quisling was the greatest traitor Norway
had ever known, few Norwegians had anything negative to say about the news.

February 19, 1942

General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Is Appointed the Head of the
U.S. Army General War Plans Division

In his new position, Eisenhower moved to immediately

intensify American presence in Britain, and began the
huge undertaking of planning what was then known as
Operation Sledgehammerthe cross-Channel invasion of

He also called for an intelligence estimate to be drafted
by the department of the Army on the tactical uses of Allied
Talents in the European war effort. The fruit of this study,
called the Eisenhower Plan, would become the central
policy for the use of Talents in the U.S. Army.

February 19, 1942

The Bombing of Port Darwin

A Japanese attack on the northern Australian port city of

Darwin by land-based and carrier aircraft claimed 172 lives
and destroyed or damaged sixteen ships in the harbor. This
surprise attack sent the Australian populace into a panic.
Most believed an invasion of northern Australia was imminent.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Over the next four weeks, Prime Minister Churchill
transported sixty-seven British Talents to Darwin, Sydney
and Canberra to relieve the fears of the Australian people.

February 27, 1942

An Engagement at the Java Sea

A pitched naval battle involving five Allied cruisers and nine

destroyers, versus four Japanese cruisers and fifteen destroyers, ended in a severe defeat for the Allies.

Using their superior torpedoes, the Japanese sunk five
cruisers and five destroyers, claiming the lives of Allied
commander Rear Admiral Karel Doorman and several hundred sailors.

February 28, 1942

The Radar Station at Bruneval

A parachute drop of sixteen British Commandos, along

with the Polish Talent Cien and the British Talent Cormorant, led to a successful assault on a German radar position
at Bruneval, on the French coast near Le Havre.

Cien and Cormorant kept the Germans busy while a
Royal Marine disassembled the radar transmitter. Elsewhere, the commandos rigged German emplacements for

The group made good its escape to Britain in captured
boats before German forces could catch them. British
scientists studied the captured German radar set, which was
determined to be surprisingly inferior to Allied technology
in many aspects.

This mission allowed Allied scientists to devise effective
countermeasures against German radar.

March 7, 1942
A Tight Escape

General Sir Harold Alexander and his forces abandoned

Rangoon in Burma, after realizing holding the line there
was a practical impossibility. Rangoon was the sole sea port
of entry for British equipment, men and supplies into Burma, but Alexander had no choice. He and his men barely
escaped moments before the Japanese arrived in the city.

The British retreated north to Prome and Taung Gyi,
leaving tons of equipment behind, trying to find a pause to
regroup and fight back.

March 9, 1942
The Dutch East Indies Surrender

The Allied forces in the Dutch East Indies surrendered to the

Japanese, due to lack of supplies and equipment. This chain
of islands featured centrally in the Japanese plans in Southeast Asia due to its rich oil fields, and they were prepared to
expend any means within their arsenal to secure them.

The Japanese were lucky; many of the defending forces
in the Indies were transferred to Malaya and Java weeks
before the invasion.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Mr. Nowhere

This British parahuman was born in the second

Japanese push to the interior of Singapore Island at Bukit
Timah. Private Edgar L. Norweir was one of a thousand
men overrun by a Japanese banzai charge on the evening
of February 22, 1942. During the attack, the Japanese
surged around him, ignoring him as if he wasnt there.
To the Japanese, Edgar L. Norweir had disappeared.

Norweir was invisible to anyone of Japanese
descent; they couldnt even hear the noises he made.
His power was constant and even worked while he

Norweir remained behind in occupied Southeast
Asia for the rest of the war, invisible to an enemy
that was all around him, reporting endless intelligence tidbits to Australia and the U.S. through
short-wave radio. Though he was often seen by nonJapanese, many chose to say nothing; and those that
did were chastised and punished for lying.

Called Mr. Nowhere by the press, Norweir
was an intelligence coup in the Far East, and even
traveled on a Japanese transport ship to Tokyo in
1943. There he took pictures of the city that had been
closed to most of the West for years.

He was not used for assassination. No one knew
what would happen if Mr. Nowhere were to attack an
individual blind to his presence, and British intelligence didnt want to risk such a valuable asset. Instead
Nowhere was used as an intelligence-gathering tool.
He was under strict orders to not interfere, just watch.

Mr. Nowhere assisted in the liberation of the
Philippines, Malaya, Java and Sumatra, reporting troop
movements and transmitting vital reports about enemy
disposition and troop morale from the enemy camps
themselves. He returned home to Britain in 1945 with
a field commission to the rank of major general.

Once I wished no one could see me, and my wish
came true. Now I wish everyone to see me, and that too
has come true. I am a very lucky man, Norweir told
the press upon his return home. Not surprisingly, he
was a very popular guest on Japanese talk shows after
the war due to the odd nature of his Talent.

The resisting forces left behind, composed mostly of
Dutch regular Army, had no choice but to surrender.

March 11, 1942

MacArthur Leaves Bataan

Reluctantly, General MacArthur surrendered command of

the isolated and demoralized American and Filipino forces
on Bataan in the Philippines. Under direct orders from the
president, he made his escape to become commander of U.S.
forces in Australia.

Before his exit, he made the famous statement: I shall



11, 1942

28, 1942

Stilwell Prepares
for the Worst

The Failure of
the St. Nazaire
Commando Assault

U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, in

command of the Chinese Fifth
and Sixth armies in Burma,
prepared for the Japanese assault on their positions in the
north. His aim was to protect the fragile lifeline of the Burma
Road, which ferried men and equipment from India through to
China. The AVG Flying Tigers moved one wing of aircraft
into the area to help Stilwell, led by the now famous Robert
Matthew Young, Americas second Talent.

March 12, 1942

Roosevelt Forms the TOC

To prevent disputes over the allocations of Talents within

the armed forces of the U.S., President Roosevelt formed the
Talent Operations Command on this date. The TOC was
composed of high-ranking members from all the U.S. armed
forces who reported only to the office of the President and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. While Section Two catalogued and tested
American born Talents, TOC assigned them to individual services through voting committees. These committees considered
the best use of each individual Talent power in the war, and
what service would best be complimented by their abilities.

For the first time in the U.S., Talents were not allowed
to choose the armed service they would join; instead, this
choice was made for them by the TOC.

March 13, 1942

Alexander Draws the Line

Lieutenant General Sir Harold Alexander set his forces at

the Salween River (just north of Prome) to hold the Japanese out of northern Burma, but strong Japanese attacks
forced some of his units even further back. Chinese forces
at Toungoo held the Japanese back for a time, but it was
all too obvious that it would be just a matter of time before
they broke through.

March 22, 1942

TOG Teams Begin Training

In Scotland, the newly minted American Talent Operation

Groups began their training at Achnacarry British
Commando School on March 22. These groups were
composed of nine Talents each, used as behind-the-line
scouts, shock troops and a defense against enemy Talents.

The first TOG unit, TOG 1 was made up of nine recently
discovered American Talents, including the Indestructible
Man. Over the next year, 500 TOG commandos would
graduate from the program at Achnacarry.

This British commando

operation to destroy the only
dry-dock in France large
enough to resupply and support the German battleship
Tirpitz failed for many reasons, not the least of which was
the involvement of bermenschen.

The German bermensch, Der Auge (the Eye) foresaw
the attack with his precognition and managed to illegally
muster a force of sixty-five bermenschen to St. Nazaire on
the night of the attack. None of the men knew why they had
been called, but most went, some even defying orders to do so,
because they knew Der Auge was rarely wrong in his visions.

Out of the Allied force of 611 men, nearly 400 hundred
died on the ground and victorious German super-humans
captured many of the rest. The event was a fiasco for
Commando operations and a heavy blow to the British spirit.

April 2, 1942
The Japanese Attack Ceylon

The Japanese First Air fleet launched a large-scale attack

against British sea- and air-bases in Ceylon, causing
considerable damage but failing to locate and cripple the
main British sea task force. Roving Japanese air patrols did
locate and sink several large ships, including the British
aircraft carrier Hermes and an Australian destroyer.

British counterattacks against the Japanese continued
to prove ineffective.

April 9, 1942
The Last Days of the Battle of Bataan

Following intense aerial and artillery bombardments, General

Hommas army surged forward, pushing what remained
of MacArthurs forces (now under the command of Major
General Jonathan Wainright) back on the Bataan peninsula.

Unable to mount a significant counter-attack, Wainright
and 2,000 men fled to Corregidor Island, leaving behind
almost 100,000 soldiers who were captured by the Japanese.
Few of these prisoners survived to see the end of the war.

April 10, 1942

The Japanese Offensive
in Burma Continues

After gathering significant reinforcements, Lieutenant

General Shojiro Iida launched a continued offensive to
force the British further north out of Prome and Toungoo


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



in Burma. The huge Japanese force easily pushed the British
out, effectively cutting the country in half.

Although both Chinese and American forces in
northern Burma joined the British to fight the invaders,
little could be done to hold them back. All the Allied forces
in the area were poorly equipped, having little in the way
of support. The jungle, disease and lack of adequate food
killed thousands before they ever saw battle.

The Japanese captured the valuable Yenangyaung
oilfields in this thrust, and only had one goal left in the
Burmese theater, to capture and cut the Burma Road. If
they could do this, it would isolate China and Burma would
become a staging ground for the eventual invasion of India.

During a rough squall, a Japanese airman lost control of his

aircraft and smashed into the deck of the light aircraft carrier
Shoho. Instead of perishing in the crash, the pilot, First
Lieutenant Hoshi Katamura was instantaneously teleported
to his quarters onboard ship, a split second before impact.
Hoshi had become Japans first parahuman Talent.

Unit 731, the Japanese biological weapons division,
rushed him back to Tokyo for study. It would be years yet
before the Allies learned of his existence.

The Bombing of Exeter

The Doolittle Raid

In a daring daylight raid, Lieutenant James Doolittle led

twenty-six B-25 bombers in an attack against the Japanese
cities of Tokyo, Kobe, Nagoya and Yokohoma. Launched
from the aircraft carrier Hornet 800 miles from Tokyo,
the bombers just barely completed the mission due to fuel
limitations. To make things worse, they were not designed
to take off from carriers; their crews had to train for
months on the ground before attempting the real thing. Not
even Doolittle was sure the plan could work.

However, the attack had the desired effect. Despite
minimal damage in Tokyo and other cities, the bombing
had a huge impact on American and Japanese morale.

The Japanese leadership was alarmed by the apparent
ease with which the Americans bombed their supposedly
untouchable capital, and the American leadership was
invigorated by an attack as dynamic as the one made
against them months before at Pearl Harbor.

The cost of the assault was very high, however. Out of 130
men, only sixty-four made it back to China (one plane landed in
Russia and was interred there until the end of the war).

Doolittle was among the few B-25 crews that made it
safely to China.

Precognition and Warfare

The Talent ability of precognition is a tricky one.

American Lieutenant Andrew Lucky ODonnell
had this to say about it to Yank magazine:

Its like finding a tightrope in the dark with
your foot, when you dont know how high up you
are, or that a rope was even there at all. You can
follow the rope, but only along the path it already
takes, or you can jump for it. If you tell anyone
about the rope, it shifts, sometimes up, sometimes
down, but either way it no longer leads to where it
used to.

The St. Nazaire Commando raid was the first
large-scale successful use of the precognition ability
in warfare. Most uses of this ability were by individuals on the battlefield. It was quickly learned by both
Allied and Axis scientists that precognition was of
little use in large scale intelligence situations, due to
its shifting, elusive nature.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

The Japanese Gain Their First Talent

April 24, 1942

April 18, 1942


April 19, 1942

In direct retaliation for the RAF bombing of the German

city of Lbeck, Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to launch
attacks against all significant British cities listed in the
famous Baedeker guidebooks.

Exeter, the first city targeted, suffered serious damage
after a severe pounding by a large force of German

April 29, 1942

The Burma Road Is Cut

Japanese forces seized the town of Lashio on this date,

effectively severing the vital Burma Road-the link between
India and China. By now, the Chinese Nationalist forces
fighting the Japanese in China were almost wholly dependent
on airdrops for resupply since the Kwangtung Army had
taken their ports.

The Japanese troops in the area, continuously reinforced
through Rangoon, pressed onward to drive the British
American and Chinese forces out of north Burma. Most
Allied forces were caught in the Mandalay area between two
columns of the Japanese Army, who hoped to encircle and
cut them off. Without any real organization, the Allies made
a run for the Indian and Chinese border. Thousands died in
the forced marches out of the jungle highlands.

Just hours after Japanese soldiers captured Lashio, the
British Talent Jot (keeping the British Command abreast of
the situation in the Far East) teleported back to London and
uttered the famous words: Weve lost Burma, Sir.

May 1, 1942
A Mad Dash

Now in full retreat, the Allied armies in Burma split into

two separate forces and made for the borders of China and
India. They hoped to avoid capture by the Japanese, though
there was little organization in the escape.

The Chinese Sixth Army made for the Chinese border
province of Yunnan, while Vinegar Joe Stilwell led a small
force on a 400-mile trip to the Indian border town of Imphal,
through some of the most difficult terrain on earth.

Content with their victories and the seizure of Burma, the




Name: Hoshi Katamura AKA Hoshi (Star) or the Kamikaze Kid.

Nationality: Japanese.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: First Lieutenant (Japanese Navy).
Decorations: None.
DOB: 1/1/20 Tokyo, Japan.
DOD: 5/15/81 Kyoto, Japan (emphysema).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Hoshi Katamuras Talent was a form of defensive teleportation. Whenever endangered, he was immediately transported to the last place he slept. Only his naked body would make the jump,
leaving his clothes and other belongings behind. The range of this defensive teleport was global. It was ideally
suited to his role as a kamikaze pilot, allowing him to complete nearly 130 suicide missions in the last days
of the war.
History: The Kamikaze Kid, a name earned in the Allied press, was born Hoshi Katamura, and was an
unexceptional pilot in the Imperial Japanese Navy. His career was marked only by two factorshis brothers
dominance as a much better pilot and officer, and Katamuras Talent.

His Talent manifested in the spring of 1941, when he teleported to his quarters onboard ship from the
burning wreck of his Kate dive-bomber, just as his craft smashed into the deck of the carrier and exploded.

The Imperial Diet was most interested in Katamuras miraculous survival and had the youth rushed under
great secrecy to Tokyo for a medical examination. Unit 731, the division charged with the development of
biological weapons, studied Katamura for some time, forcing his defensive power to trigger repeatedly, until
the exact extent of his ability was fully understood.

Katamura remained a closely guarded secret until almost the end of the war. He was considered a national
military asset, on the par of the atom bomb in the United States or the V-1 and V-2 rockets in Nazi Germany.
The Imperial Navy hoped to deploy Katamura as a reusable human bomb that could be brought to bear
against any target in the Japanese zone of influence. A specially modified, long-range Zero, overloaded with
explosives, was designed for him to pilot.

In 1942, Katamura began training for a mission that would utilize a new technology Japan hoped would
cause a dramatic shift of power in the Pacific: the submarine aircraft carrier. This huge submarine could carry
four fighter-bomber aircraft underwater for enormous distances, allowing strikes against targets out of the
range of influence of regular aircraft. Katamura relentlessly trained on models of his target, the western locks
of the Panama Canal, constructed on the coast of the Kuril Islands. With the locks destroyed, America would
be forced to move ships around the tip of South America to bring new forces into the Pacific. After the battle
of the Coral Sea and the Allied push on the Japanese home islands, plans for the attack were scrapped.

Instead, Katamura was re-enlisted into the regular units of Japanese Naval aviators. He made 130 highly
propagandized kamikaze attacks on American naval vessels during the last days of the war, though he failed to
achieve any significant hits.

Katamura surrendered along with Emperor Hirohito and a myriad of Japanese generals onboard the
battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945. The rest of his life was spent in self-induced obscurity
in the city of Kyoto, where he died of emphysema in 1981 at the age of 61.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Japanese failed to locate or
destroy either group.

May 2, 1942
The Japanese
Launch a Large
Carrier Force In
the Coral Sea

To force a decisive sea

engagement between the
Japanese and American
fleet, the Japanese launched
a large carrier task force in
the Coral Sea. This force was
the backbone of a Japanese
assault on the Solomon
Islands (their main objective
was to seize Port Moresby
on New Guinea), but the
less apparent goal was to
end American naval presence
in the Pacific altogether.
The Japanese command
believed that a confrontation between the superior Japanese
Navy and the American fleet could only end in defeat for

Unbeknownst to the Japanese, U.S. cryptographers
had managed to unravel the Japanese naval code some
time before. This knowledge gave Admiral Charles Nimitz
time to plan his counter-stroke. Nimitz withdrew from the
Solomon Islands before the Japanese task force arrived,
leaving only a single aircraft carrier group in the area.

May 3, 1942
Task Force 17

Under the command of Rear Admiral Frank J. Fletcher, Task

Force 17 (consisting of the aircraft carriers Lexington and the
Yorktown along with a picket force of destroyers and cruisers)
set off to locate and sink the Japanese carriers at Coral Sea.

Unfortunately, all they located were several enemy
minesweepers, destroyers and landing craft off the coast of
Tulagi Island. Planes from Task Force 17 managed to sink
or severely damage three minesweepers, a destroyer and
several smaller craft. Allied naval planes also downed five
Japanese aircraft in the engagement.

The Americans once again proved more resourceful
than the Japanese believed.

May 4, 1942
The island fortress of Corregidor, the last American position
in the Philippines, had endured constant bombardment by
Japanese forces since December. Its plight was well known,

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

May 5, 1942
The British Invasion of Madagascar

A large British invasion force sailing from Freetown,

South Africa invaded the Vichy French-held island nation
of Madagascar, to prevent its government from assisting
Japanese naval operations in the Indian Ocean. The Allies
feared Madagascar would become a base for Japanese
attacks off the southern tip of Africa.
The Vichy French forces on the island offered limited
resistance. After a short barrage of naval bombardment
from the British ships, they surrendered.

The British Special Sciences Office established the
First Long Range Special Reconnaissance Group which
trained in Britain to fly missions from Madagascar or
South Africa. Composed of seventeen Talent flyers, it was
a scouting force, to locate and direct anti-naval operations
covering a sphere of influence over 1,000 miles square.
Over the next three years, they would wreak havoc on Axis
ships and subs traveling off the southern tip of Africa.

May 7, 1942
Victory and Death at Coral Sea

The Last Boat from Corregidor


and became the rallying

point for the free world.
Nevertheless, by May, defeat
was coming to Corregidor.

With less than 2,000
American and Filipino
soldiers all told, Corregidor
was a nightmare existence
for the troops, composed of
tunnels and constant shelling.
Food and water were scarce,
and the men had no illusions
about their chances.

On April 29, the
Japanese invaded the island
on two sides after a brutal
bombardment by coastal
guns and aircraft. Despite the
odds, the Allied forces under
General Wainright resisted,
and held the Japanese off.

On this date the U.S.
submarine Spearfish spirited
away thirteen nurses and
twelve officers to Australia.
It was the last boat to leave
Corregidor before the final
Japanese push. The next day,
Corregidor fell and the Japanese took Wainright and his
men prisoner.

The Japanese carrier task force in the Coral Sea searched

endlessly for the ships of the U.S. Navy. Each force sent
flight after flight of observation aircraft to find the other.
For several days, the two groups circled each other without
anything but occasional radio contact.



Teleportation and

The power of teleportation did have a significant

effect on the war in the world of Godlike, but its
impact was more tactical than strategic.

For instance the British Talent Jot (like many
teleporters), caused sonic booms whenever he teleported, both on departure and arrival, usually shattering windows for over a quarter mile. Infiltration
using his teleportation power was obviously not an
option, and he was incapable of carrying more than
100 pounds on his jots. This limited capacity was
also a common problem found among teleporters.

Other teleporters could not carry equipment at
all or take multiple jaunts, making their power a
very risky and uncertain thing- only to be used in the
direst emergencies.

Overall, few teleporters existed who could both
carry cargo, cover large distances and remain unfatigued
after doing so. Those that fit into all three of these
categories were invariably used for the most secure and
safe information transmission system in the world. In the
Allied forces, the Secure Information Service (SIS) Division trained and utilized over 500 Talent teleporters to
transport important data and personnel from theatre to
theatre without the risk of enemy interception.

Those who could transport cargo were especially
valued to fuel long range offensives, effectively eliminating (for a time) overstretched lines of supply, or
were used to move important personnel or VIPs from
place to place.

This is not to say that teleportation was useless in
combat. Short-range teleports were often successfully
employed. Their value as shock troops was made most
evident during the D-Day invasion, when four American
teleporters managed to overpower a machinegun nest
on Omaha beach and mount an offensive against German bermenschen, firing into the enemys backs. They
fought for seventeen minutes from the captured bunker,
besieged on all sides by Germans, and made their escape
at the last possible moment. The value of such tactics are
obvious for anyone to see, though their use in combat
was often overshadowed by larger events.

On May 7, nineteen American attack aircraft roared
off to locate two Japanese aircraft carriers, identified in a
garbled Japanese radio broadcast. Instead, they found the
light aircraft carrier Shoho and several escort craft. In less
than 15 minutes, the Shoho was a flaming wreck and Lt.
Commander Robert E. Dixon radioed back the legendary
message, Scratch one flattop!

The Japanese force sent to retaliate for the attack on
the Shoho experienced bad luck from the beginning. Their
planes encountered weather bad enough to make them
jettison their bombs and head back. During their return,
Allied fighter aircraft intercepted them. American pilots
picked the Japanese planes out the air, until it became too
dark to fight. Later a disoriented force of Japanese aircraft

mistook the American carrier Yorktown for one of their

own, and after several were shot down trying to land, the
rest of the planes veered away.

The next day Japanese aircraft located the Lexington
and Yorktown. In a dramatic battle, both carriers were
severely damaged by Japanese bombers and torpedo planes.
Four hours later, the fires that engulfed the Lexington
crippled it. Dead in the water, she was abandoned by her
crew and torpedoed by a U.S. destroyer.

At the same time, aircraft from the Yorktown sighted
two of the Japanese carriers and made a series of bomb and
torpedo runs. Unfortunately, nothing but one bomb struck
the Shokaku, causing minimal damage.

The Japanese seemed the winners of the engagement,
but the destruction of Japanese aircraft, pilots and ships
combined was too much for them. At the cost of one
carrier and several dozen aircraft, the Americans foiled the
Japanese assault on Port Moresby, and from there, Japanese
dreams of the invasion of Australia.

The Battle of the Coral Sea was a much-needed victory
for the American Navy.

May 12, 1942

The Debacle at Kharkov

After the long Russian winter, Soviet forces prepared to

launch their first true offensive against German forces in
the Ukraine. Under General Timoshenko, the Soviet Sixth,
Ninth and Fifty-seventh Armies pushed forward towards
Kharkov (a city with valuable coal and iron mines), hoping
to encircle and destroy a large pocket of Germans.

Although the Russians managed to encircle the enemy,
they quickly found themselves surrounded by an even larger
Nazi force. Soon 200,000 Russian soldiers were prisoners
of war, and 70,000 others died trying to hold back an
enemy attacking from both sides.

The collapse of this force opened a gap in the Soviet
defenses and gave Hitler a chance to push on to his next
objective, the oil-rich Caucasus.

May 20, 1942

The Japanese Complete
the Conquest of Burma

In pursuit of fleeing Allied forces, Japanese troops reached

the border of India on this date, completing their conquest
of Burma.

Several small Allied Commando forces remained behind
in Burma however, to continue the fight against the Japanese.

May 21, 1942

Molotov Begs for a Second Front

Vyacheslav Molotov, foreign minister for the Soviet Union,

arrived in Britain on May 21, to plead with Prime Minister
Churchill for a second front in Europe. It was believed by
the Soviet General staff that an invasion of Europe by Allied
forces could pull as many as forty German divisions away


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



from the Russian front.

Nine days later, Molotov
arrived in Washington D.C.
and asked the same thing of
President Roosevelt.

Unfortunately for
Molotov, both Allied leaders
had previously agreed that an
invasion of Europe could not
occur before 1943 or 1944.
Their focus was on pushing
the Germans out of Africa
and defending the Suez
Canal. There would be time
for Europe later.

May 27, 1942

The Desert Fox Begins His Dance

Generalleutnant Rommel launched a huge offensive in

Libya on this date. Side-stepping the British forces manning
the Gazala line in central Libya, Rommel swept south while
Italian forces engaged the British in the north. Rommels
eyes were on Bir Hacheim-the southern anchor of the
British line.

Rommel failed to dislodge the British from the town,
and soon was on the defensive. His forces were boxed in
an area called The Cauldron, with their backs to a huge
minefield. It seemed Rommels time was up.

In Germany, RuSHA SA prepared an

The Battle of Izyum

On the night of May 14, sixty-three Soviet Talents

attempted to make their way through the Kharkov
encirclement back to Soviet lines. Most of them were
unknown and kept their abilities secret from their
commanders, though most knew the Soviet ranks
were filled with parahumans.

This group moved to push back the Germans
near Izyum hoping they could escape through the
breach. But a huge engagement occurred near Izyum
between Soviet Talents and berkommandogruppe
6, who were alerted to the presence of the Soviet
strike-force by the German Seventeenth Army. While
the Soviets enjoyed little opposition early on, coming
face to face with the German bermenschen ground
their offensive to a brisk halt.

Eleven Russian Talents made it back to Soviet
lines to tell the tale of the battle of Izyum, while the
Germans suffered minimal casualties. Nine Soviet
Talents were captured by German forces and paraded
through the streets of Berlin in a drugged stupor. The
SS later executed them for crimes against the Reich.

Many damaged buildings in Izyum were kept as
the Talent against Talent combat left them. An entire
tank, transformed by an unknown Talent into pure
crystal, still lies in town square as a memorial for the
Soviet Talents who died there.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

berkommandogruppe to
remove Rommel from Africa
before his capture, but the
General had other ideas.

Rommel managed to
hold off poorly planned
attacks by the disorganized
British Eighth Army as
his engineers cleared the
minefield at his back.
Sporadic behind-the-lines
attacks by bermenschen
kept the British on their
guard, while flying patrols
located weaknesses in the line
to exploit.

By June 1, Rommels
forces slipped away through the minefield and regrouped,
attacking and destroying the British 150th Brigade. By June
10, Bir Hacheim was in Axis hands after a prolonged battle
between the Italian Trieste and 90th Light Divisions and
the Free French forces. Just days after it seemed the end had
come for Afrika Korps; the Germans were racing towards
Tobruk, once again in pursuit of the retreating Allies.

By June 19, Rommels forces began their assault on the
garrison at Tobruk. Just two days later the port, manned
mostly by South African and Indian forces, fell into Axis
hands. The British were stunned.

The commander of British forces in Africa, General
Auchinleck, ordered his troops back to El Alamein, a
town in Egypt just 150 miles from Cairo, to form a new
defensive line. All previous Allied gains in the war in
North Africa were lost.

June 1, 1942
Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union Begins

The first shipment of materiel to the Soviet Union from the

United States Lend-Lease program began on this date. Several
hundred tons of equipment, weapons and supplies were moved
through Alaska and Iran, to feed the Soviet war effort.

June 5, 1942
The Battle of Midway

Attacking the tiny American held island for the third

time, the Japanese found themselves in the middle of
the greatest sea battle of all time (although all of it was
fought by carrier based aircraft). The Japanese hoped
to capture Midway and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska,
creating a defensive perimeter to prevent attacks like the
Doolittle raid from reoccurring.

Admiral Yamamoto wished to destroy the American
Navy before it could rebuild itself and commit more hit
and run attacks against the Japanese islands. He guessed
that an attack on Midway might draw the Americans
to its defense. To this end, Yamamoto assembled a
huge task force built around eight aircraft carriers in
preparation for the assault.

Unfortunately for the Empire, once again American



code-breakers had broken the Japanese code and decrypted
several suggestive messages indicating a taskforce was on its
way to Midway. America was prepared for the attack long
before it came.

The last three aircraft carriers under the command of
Admiral Nimitz were dispatched to Midway.

After a brief assault on Midway on the third, the
Japanese prepared torpedo planes on deck to destroy any
American ships sighted. After a significant wait with no
targets in range, the order was given to unload the torpedoes
and prepare the aircraft for another assault on Midway.

At that same moment Rear Admiral Frank E. Fletcher,
onboard the Yorktown (still badly damaged from the battle
of the Coral Sea) was informed that two Japanese carriers
were in range. Already in the air, thirty-five dive-bombers
from the Hornet were sent to search for the enemy vessels.
Within the hour, fifty-two aircraft of varying types were
launched from the American carrier Enterprise. Two hours
later, the Yorktown launched twenty-eight more aircraft to
join in the search.

This huge aerial force searched for the Japanese, while
the Japanese were rushing to get their aircraft refitted and
off the deck to look for the American forces, which they
just realized were within attack range.

American Devastator torpedo attack aircraft located
and made runs on the Japanese carriers, without scoring
any hits. Defending Japanese Zeroes and anti-aircraft
fire picked the Devastators out of the air. The American
pilots sacrifice was not in vain, as their torpedo runs drew
the picket of Japanese fighters down to a lower altitude,
allowing the second wave of American attack aircraft to
come in at a higher altitude unopposed.

Dive Bombers drew beads on the Akagi, Kaga, Soryu
and direct hits with bombs set them aflame. Overloaded
with fully fueled aircraft, torpedoes and bombs, their decks
proved to be a fantastic target for the American bombs.
Soon all three were on fire.

American aircraft destroyed the Hiryu as well, but not
before it managed to get several torpedo bombers off its
deck. Three of these Japanese planes located and bombed the
Yorktown. It was finally abandoned after three torpedoes and
four more bombs struck her. Other ships in the American
task force saved most of the crew, but the ship itself could
not be salvaged.

In the end, the Japanese lost four aircraft carriers, 250
planes, two cruisers, two
destroyers, and about
3,500 men. The battle was,
as Admiral Yamamoto
imagined, decisive; but not
in the way he hoped.

It was the first decisive
victory for American forces
in the Pacific and it marked
a turning point in the war
against Japan.

June 7, 1942
The Japanese Invade
the Aleutian Islands

Japanese forces landed on the westernmost islands in the

Aleutian chain, Attu, Agattu and Kiska on this date. These
islands were seen by the Japanese command as a way to
secure their northern flank from enemy attack.

About 10,000 troops were garrisoned on the islands during
the next few years to hold them from possible counterattack.

June 13, 1942

Operation Pastorius

In the dead of night, four German agents buried their sabotage

gear at their landing site, near Amagansett Bay on Long Island.
Trained to destroy vital supply and production facilities in
the U.S., they prepared to head into New York City, only to
be interrupted by a Coastguardsman on patrol. Rather than
kill him (and risk drawing attention to themselves), one of
the German agents, George Dasch, bribed the young man to
forget he ever saw them. The Coast Guardsman pretended
to accept the bribe, but then reported the suspicious men to his
superior, who in turn notified the FBI.

The next day, none other than George Dasch himself
called the FBI. Hoping to surrender peacefully, he was instead
dismissed as a crank caller. Later, after finally convincing
American authorities that he was a German agent, he was
taken in by the feds. He informed on his cohorts; and
revealed the presence of a second team of saboteurs, who had
landed on the coast of Florida that same night.

All four men in New York were rapidly captured,
but the saboteurs in Florida proved more difficult to
track down. In the following week, after some convoluted
chases, the FBI captured all but one of them. Finally, the
last saboteur, Werner Theil, was tracked down to the small
seaside community of Bridgeport, Georgia.

A tense standoff with Theil ended in the deaths of four
FBI agents and two local policemen. Until Theil made a
break for it, no one was aware of his bermensch abilities,
not even his fellow agents. He burst from the doorway and
destroyed two cars with bolts of energy, before a well-placed
sniper shot to the forehead
eliminated him. A train ticket
to Washington D.C. and an
outdated tourist map of the area
surrounding the White House
were found in his pockets.

All but two of the
Germans were sentenced to death
by military authorities, though
the sentences of George Dasch
and Ernest Burger (another
cooperative saboteur) were
commuted to thirty years and life
imprisonment respectively.

The second landing of
German bermenschen in the
U.S. had ended in failure.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



June 13, 1942

The OSS Is Born

President Roosevelt established the Office of Strategic

Services on this date. Under the direction of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and led by Brigadier-General (later General)
William Wild Bill Donovan, the OSS grew in influence
and ability over the years of the war, until it was a
significant player in the field of international espionage.
Despite secret maneuverings by U.S. Army Intelligence and
J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI to prevent such a department
from being created, Donovans long history in the fields of
espionage and politics secured the backing of a forceful and
determined ally: the president himself.

Donovan formerly headed the Office of the
Coordinator of Information, an intelligence-collecting
agency that reported to the president about the activities
of the fascist powers of Europe, before Americas
involvement in the war. In this position, Donovan traveled
the world visiting countries under the threat of Nazi
attack. He even visited one of the Axis powers itself with
a trip to Italy in the early 1940s. His wit and charm
were outdone only by the intelligence that produced
them. When Mussolini refused to allow Donovan access
to Italian military sites, Donovan turned to an aide and
said, You see, I told you they have nothing. Shortly
thereafter, he was allowed unrestricted access to Italian
military bases.

The FBI Pulls Some

Ineffective Strings

With the debacle at Bridgeport, J. Edgar Hoover

realized that the FBI needed Talents, at least from
a public relations standpoint. Just as he had threatened, cajoled and forced his way into the proceedings
of the war before, Hoover managed to meet with the
Joint Chiefs of Staff on July 11, 1942. Stating that
if something big were to happen due to an enemy
Talent in the U.S., I will not be held responsible, he
insinuated he would make his plight a matter of public record if his hand were forced. This thinly veiled
threat was reported to the president.

The president complied, in a manner of speaking. Hoovers Dozen as they would be known,
were reassigned from TOC to the FBI on August 1,
1942. All twelve Talents possessed Dud powers
(that is, Talents which were useless in any conventional sense). One of Hoovers Dozen could read
books without opening them, another could change
the color of his skin, and a third could float an inch
off the groundif he closed his eyes.

Furious but without any real recourse, Hoover
gave up.

Surprisingly, the Dozen were actually quite useful. Their ability to detect and counter other Talent
abilities was used to investigate possible enemy agent
Talents in the U.S. and South America.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

The OSS Donovan created was composed of the most
brilliant and often most egotistical minds he could draw from
Americas elite. He mimicked the wildly successful British
Special Operations Executive, which proved that with a little
ingenuity, some luck and some careful planning, great things
could be accomplished in warfare while risking only a few men.

Despite a rocky start, the OSS would prove vital in the
war against the Axis.

June 18, 1942

America Turns Its Back
on the Constitution

Violating Americas founding principles, under the

jurisdiction of the War Relocation Authority (WRA), the
military began detaining Japanese Americans on the west
coast of the United States to prevent insurgency, sabotage
and assistance to the enemy.

Despite the fact that no act of espionage or sabotage
was ever attributed to a person of Japanese descent, about
120,000 men, women and children were rounded up and
interred in Relocation Centers in California, Utah,
Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming.
In many cases, their property was either confiscated or the
evacuees sold it at a steep loss.

Here they were kept in concentration camps
surrounded by armed guard and cut off from the outside
world. A few fought against the internment process, taking
the government to court over the matter. A first-generation
American citizen, Gordon Hirabayashi, took the matter to
the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that the threat of a
Japanese invasion allowed the U.S. Army to violate the civil
rights of Japanese-Americans.

An apology by the federal government for this racist
and un-American act would take more than fifty years.

June 21, 1942

Rommel Takes Tobruk, and the
Australians Get Their First Talent

Topping off a masterful strike against the disorganized

British forces in Libya, Rommel secured the fortress port
of Tobruk on this date, capturing it and more than 20,000
British Commonwealth troops who held the city. He was
promoted to Generalfeldmarschall for this amazing reversal
of Axis fortunes in Africa.

One Australian gave this sweet victory a sour taste
however. Leading an attack at a portion of Rommels forces
south of Tobruk just as the town was being overrun, the
Australians Talent ability allowed him and seventy men to
escape and eventually reunite with British forces in Egypt.

June 28, 1942

The Black Gold of the Caucasus

Having removed General Timoshenko and the Soviet Sixth,

Ninth and Fifty-Seventh Armies from the equation the



July 2, 1942

month before, German forces

hoped to continue southeast
into the Caucasus. Hitler
saw the oil-rich area as the
key to maintaining the war.
Without a strong source of
oil, the German fronts would
eventually seize up. This
German offensive aimed at
capturing the city Voronehz
on the river Don, which the
Soviets believed represented
a German grab for the
southern reaches of Moscow.

Sevastopol Falls

The German-Romanian Army

under Generaloberst Erich
von Manstein broke through
the Soviet lines holding
this fortress city on July 3,
1942. His forces encircled
and captured 60,000 Soviet
prisoners, and effectively put
an end to organized Soviet
resistance in the area.

For this victory, Hitler promoted Manstein to

June 29, 1942

July 9, 1942

Mussolini Prepares
for Non-Existent Victory

Flying in to Derna, Libya, the Italian Dictator Benito

Mussolini prepared himself to march into Cairo, at the head of
the victorious Afrika Korps. Reports of Rommels advances
had given him the idea that North Africa would soon be in
the hands of the Axis.

Unfortunately, the dictators dreams of victory were far from
an accurate representation of the situation. Rommels forces were
spread thin and short on supplies, and already the British had
solidified a line at El Alamein. Numerous attacks failed, and the
German advances in the area were met with a new and bloody
resolve. El Alamein was Britains final stand in North Africa.

Disheartened, Mussolini returned to Italy on July 20,
while Rommel and Afrika Korps struggled to maintain their

The 442nd Regimental

Combat Team

In early 1943, interred Japanese Americans were

allowed to volunteer for combat. Amazingly, more
than 18,500 volunteered for the war effort, despite
their shoddy treatment by the U.S. government. This
all-Japanese-American force would become the 442nd
Regimental Combat Team, and would distinguish itself
in combat as the most highly decorated armed force in
U.S. history. This one unit won over 4,500 decorations.

It also distinguished itself in other ways. In its two
and a half years of combat, the 442nd had the largest number of Talent manifestations per capita of any
American force in the war. Almost every third member
of the 442nd developed a Talent power during combat
(due to their race, the force was not broken up and
reassigned by Talent Operations Command).

Analyst examinations pointed out that it was almost as if the 442nd was developing powers because
the population of Japan was not. At the end of the
war, nearly every surviving member of the unit possessed a Talent ability.

Dead Mans Hand

In occupied France, the bodies of four SS officers were

discovered in a private room at the Petit Casino club in
Paris. Each had been fatally stabbed, with bizarre occult
symbols carved into their foreheads, cheeks and chest.

Carefully laid out on the table was the famous Dead
Mans Hand of Wild Bill Hickock. No one was seen
coming or going from the room, but local authorities were
already quite familiar with the perpetrator, the elusive
French Surhomme called LInvocateur.

July 13, 1942

Hitler Foolishly Splits His Forces

Commanding the German forces in Russia, Hitler called

for a push on both Stalingrad and the Caucasus, an
enormous undertaking far beyond the capabilities of the
German Army. This caused a huge gap between the Armies
that everyone knew the Russians would exploit. To make
matters worse, Hitler transferred the Fourth Panzer Army
to Army Group A in the south, effectively slowing the
Germans advance to a halt as the groups reorganized.

Once Hitler realized his mistake, he countermanded the
order, making the situation infinitely worse. By the time the
German forces regrouped yet again and made for Stalingrad
(now their prime objective), the momentum of the push
was lost, and the Soviets gathered a strong force to oppose
them. Once again, Hitler proved that the victories he had
achieved were simply a matter of luck.

July 22, 1942

The Clearing of the Warsaw Ghetto

Under orders of Reichsfhrer Himmler, the removal of

Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto began. Over the next
three months, 300,000 were transported to the recently
constructed Treblinka extermination camp, where they were
killed by starvation or gassing.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Peter Fitzgerald AKA Misfire.

Nationality: Australian.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Home schooling, officer training.
Rank: Captain (Australian Army).
Decorations: None.
DOB: 1/01/19 Port Hedland, Australia.
DOD: 6/12/81 Sydney, Australia (natural causes).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Fitzgerald unconsciously turned enemy explosives to sand. The power somehow
differentiated between friendly and enemy targets, and worked automatically in a 1,000-yard radius. This
power transformed enemy gunpowder into silt, so that guns, grenades and shells could not detonate.
History: Fitzgerald joined the Australian Army on his eighteenth birthday just as hostilities in Europe were
coming to a head. He first served in the British Expeditionary Force in France and was one of the thousands
of men evacuated at Dunkirk. Later, he was transferred briefly to North Africa before being ferried to Greece,
where he fought along the Metaxas line, and in the failed defense of Crete. He was finally moved to North
Africa in June 1941 after gaining a commission.

He distinguished himself there, single handedly capturing two German bermenschen in Rommels illfated push into Libya in January 1942. For this valiant act, he was promoted to captain and given command of
a company in the recently arrived Ninth Australian Infantry Division at Tobruk.

Until June 21, 1942, Fitzgerald had no idea he was a Talent. When his strong-point south of Tobruk was
overrun by Axis forces, Fitzgerald waited for the ax to fall, but was confused when several Panzers surrounding him failed to fire upon his position. German infantry was brought up and Fitzgerald prepared for a fullscale attack, but the German infantry retreated without firing a shot. Only a few grenades were thrown, all of
which failed to detonate.

Fitzgerald suspected he was the cause of the unusual tactics when the Germans brought up three bermenschen to take the position. Fitzgerald could see a strange aura around one of the German bermenschen. He then guessed, correctly, that he had become a Talent.

Wasting no time, Fitzgerald launched a full attack on the German force. With his power, Fitzgerald and
seventy of his men pushed through the short German lines to the south of Tobruk and broke through into the
desert. Using captured vehicles, Fitzgerald made it east to the Halfaya pass, back to Allied lines.

Fitzgerald fought throughout the war and was assigned to the British X corps, fighting in the invasion of
Salerno and up the boot. Later, he fought in Operation Market Garden, and in the battle which claimed the
life of Krieg.

He retired to Sydney in 1946, a hero of the Australian people. Cashing in on his name, Fitzgerald signed
a deal with a local real-estate magnate, opening his first hotel in Sydney in 1961. By 1981, at the time of his
death, Fitzgerald owned over twenty hotels spread across Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia and was
worth well over $500 million.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



July 22, 1942

The Japanese Land at Buna, New Guinea
In a daring move, Japanese forces under the command
of Major-General Tomitaro Horii landed at Buna on the
southern tip of New Guinea. This move was a last ditch
effort to secure the island of New Guinea, which would
then be used as a stepping-stone for a Japanese invasion of

Many of the Australian troops that once garrisoned
New Guinea were fighting in North Africa with the British
Commonwealth forces. Those who remained at Port
Moresby on the southern coast knew they had to hold the
city; otherwise, the Japanese could bomb Australia and cut
it off from American support.

Horiis plan was ingenious and risky. The Owen Stanley
Mountains that stood between Buna and Port Moresby were
thought nearly impassable. These razor sharps peaks rose
to over 3,000 meters above sea level, and the path to them
from Buna was little more than a muddy track. It was Horiis
intention to move his troops through the Owen Stanleys and
attack the Australians at Port Moresby.

July 31, 1942

Wisconsin v. Taft

The Wisconsin Supreme Court made the first decision on

the use of Talent powers in the U.S. on this date. For three
weeks, the case of Wisconsin v. Louis Taft was heard. Taft,

The Trap to Catch


The Gestapo did not just let LInvocateur cut a swath

through officers in occupied France. Although the
official policy of Germany was that only Germans
possessed paranormal abilities, on the lower administrative levels of the Gestapo, a very real effort
to capture or kill enemy Talents was underway. In
occupied countries, projects to capture Talents (both
native and alien) were underway since as early as the
summer of 1941.
Several bermenschen were relocated to France
in late 1942 as bait in a trap to capture LInvocateur.
Parading around Paris dressed as normal German
Officers; the bermenschen did their best to draw
the Talents attention. By beating and intimidating
locals, meeting with well-known turncoats, and flashing money around, they made themselves targets for
LInvocateurs blade.

However, the Frenchman proved himself wilier
than the Gestapo. When three of the bermenschen
turned up dead, the project was cancelled before
Berlin became involved.

When asked after the war how he accomplished
this task, LInvocateur said, The invisibility is luck;
my true Talent is with the knife.

a recently discovered Talent, argued that his power was

protected by the Constitution of the United States, while the
Wisconsin state attorney argued that Tafts power caused a
public spectacle which disturbed the peace.

On the morning of May 11, 1942, Taft levitated to
work through downtown Milwaukee, causing numerous
accidents. When asked to stop by a police officer, Taft
refused, and was arrested.

After four days of deliberation, the decision was
handed down. The use of Talent powers in public
without special dispensation from local, state or federal
governments was illegal. In private, or in life-or-death
situations, their use was, of course, not prohibited.

Over the next two years, similar laws were enacted in
all 48 states.

August 7, 1942
Guadalcanal and Tulagi

The first U.S. Marine Division landed on Tulagi and

Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. Their mission: to
prevent a Japanese island-hopping advance towards New
Zealand. U.S. commanders believed the much larger Marine
force would overwhelm and defeat the Japanese garrison
easily, effectively eliminating Axis presence on the island.
A small Marine force also landed on Tulagi, the island
opposite Guadalcanal, to prevent it from being used as an
artillery position to pound the First Division as they landed.

The fighting on Guadalcanal and Tulagi was fierce.
The airfield, just three miles inland, was not surrendered
until the Japanese lost more than 800 men defending its
approaches. On August 21, the Americans captured and renamed the airfield Henderson Field, after Major Lofton
Henderson, a hero of the battle of Midway.

Unfortunately, night landings were reinforcing Japanese
forces on Guadalcanal. This so-called Tokyo Express
allowed the Japanese to pour wave after wave of soldiers
on the isolated American Marines. Meanwhile American
ships were taking a pounding in Iron Bottom Sound just
off Guadalcanal, while attempting to deliver equipment and
ammunition to the surrounded Marines.

In a small perimeter surrounded by a growing force of
Japanese soldiers, the first U.S. Marine Division held the line.

August 9, 1942
The Battle of Savo Island

A force of Australian and American cruisers were attacked

off the coast of Guadalcanal by a Japanese cruiser squadron
on the night of the ninth, destroying four American cruisers
and damaging the Australian cruiser Canberra beyond repair.

This attack turned away what remained of the
American naval force in the area, and left the Marines on
Guadalcanal and Tulagi without adequate supplies.

One sailor from the destroyed cruiser USS Barton
managed to survive the conflagration when his Talent
power manifested itself. This survivor, Franklin Wolensky,
made his way to the first Marine Division at Henderson
fieldthrough Japanese-held territory.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



12, 1942
Stalin and Churchill
Meet for the
First Time

Escorted by four British

Talents, Prime Minister
Churchill arrived in Moscow
to meet with the Russian
dictator for the first time. The meeting, which dealt mostly
with the delay of a second front in Europe, did not go well.
Stalins forceful attitude and Churchills obstinacy caused a
disagreement between the two to escalate into an argument.

Furthermore, Churchill was informed by his Talent bodyguards that Stalins new adjutant, a meek and
homely looking man, was a Talent of unknown ability and
power. This Talent did not leave Stalins side during the
Prime Ministers visit. The British Talents were nervous,
fearing for Churchills safety. Discreet questions placed
about the Talents ability were met with smiles, but no clear
answers. The British cut the conference short and returned
to Britain on the 20th.

August 12, 1942

General Montgomery Takes Command

General Bernard Montgomery took command of the British

Eighth Army, replacing General Neil Ritchie as commander
in North Africa on this date. Churchill felt Ritchie lacked
the tactical vision necessary to finish off Rommel, and saw
Montgomery as an ideal replacement.

Montgomery was the polar opposite of Ritchie, and
relied upon careful planning and numerical supremacy to
assure success in his attacks. As the Eighth Army dug in at
El Alamein, only sixty miles from Alexandria, it needed all
the help it could get.

August 13, 1942

TOG 1s Premiere

On the night of August 13, Talent Operation Group 1, composed of nine American Talents, including the Indestructible
Man, crept ashore at Zeebrugge, Belgium. Their targets
were an oil-processing plant, two dry-docks and a rail line.

TOG 1 split into two groups. The first, led by First
Lieutenant Roger Crazy Eight Yelt, infiltrated and
destroyed the dry docks and a rail line, easily defeating the
small party of guards they encountered. During this firefight
nine German soldiers were captured by Corporal Michael
Shell-GameMessner, who teleported them to a stockade
in Falmouth.

Led by the Indestructible Man, Team 2 assaulted the
oil-processing plant. Resistance there was much more
severe. An unknown German bermensch scored the first
American Talent casualty of the war by killing Sergeant

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Kevin Max Harris while

he attempted to gain access to the plant with his
powers. The team was
surrounded inside the plant
by experienced troops, and
pinned down.

At 2:15 A.M., the main
oil tank at the Zeebrugge oil
processing plant ignited with
an explosion heard as far
away as the Albert Canal. A
sheet of flame 200 feet high
lit the night sky. Flaming
debris and gouts of burning oil rapidly ignited nearby
structures. Soon, three blocks of houses surrounding the
plant were aflame.

Just before the landing craft left for Britain, the Indestructible Man and the rest of Team 2 arrived, shaken but

Stalins Cobaka

The enigmatic Soviet Talent known as Cobaka

(Dog) discovered by Special Directive One in early
1942, was never far from Stalins side. Unlike other
members of the Soviet general staff, Stalin trusted the
Talent (or seemed to), and often confided in him. It
was never officially stated what he could do, but his
dimpled face and serene smile put fear into even the
greatest Soviet commanders, who had heard various
stories about his exploits. Some believed he could
disintegrate people with a thought; others that he
could project force fields; still others that he could
control minds.

Britains Special Sciences Office even drafted a
classified study that insinuated Cobaka was the real
leader of the Soviet Union and Stalin was nothing
more than his puppet.

After the end of the Cold War, when the files
of the Soviet Talents program were opened to the
West, it was discovered why Stalin valued the Talent
so much. Cobaka could tell with absolute certainty
whether a fact was true or false. He could not predict
future events, but knew when something said or
written was true or false with 100% accuracy. This
did not apply to speculative statements such as I
believe the Germans will push towards Izbuzery,
but only towards statements that the person writing
or speaking knew were true or false. This power led
to various intelligence coups during the war.

Stalin valued the Talent for many reasons. With
him, the dictator could determine the true intentions
of his Alliesand keep Cobaka in line since the Talent
knew Stalins threats against him were true as well.
However, this did not keep Stalin from having Cobaka
regularly tortured and beaten just to be sure.

In the summer of 1949, all Soviet records on Cobaka end. In one recorded meeting of the Inner Party
he was there; in the next, gone. No one knows what
became of Stalins Dog.



Super Swabby

Name: Franklin Wolensky AKA Super Swabby, Pinball.

Nationality: American.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Grade school.
Rank: Captain, U.S. Navy.
Decorations: Distinguished Service Medal (U.S. Marines).
DOB: 7/31/16 Baltimore, U.S.A.
DOD: 10/10/71 Minneapolis, U.S.A. (heart disease).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Wolensky could project an invisible sphere of force around himself or others. He
could create these impervious Bubbles (as he called them) anywhere in sight range, but only one at a time.
Anyone inside a Wolensky Bubble was protected from virtually all damage. Large explosions would send the
Bubble flying off at high speed, caroming off any hard surfaces, earning Wolensky his other nickname Pinball. There was no known upper limit to the strength of Wolenskys force fields.
History: Wolensky was just a regular Navy man serving on the USS Barton out of San Diego when his ship was
fatally hit in a Japanese attack north of Guadalcanal.

Blown clear of the ship when an ammunition container next to him exploded, Wolensky landed in the water in one of his force spheres, bruised and in pain but otherwise unharmed. He walked his sphere to shore
(it floated) and made his way to U.S. lines near Henderson field. He was fired upon by Japanese patrols twice,
but by dawn he arrived at the Marine lines.

The Americans shot at him as he approached their perimeter as well. In a famous exchange, a Marine
machine gunner challenged Wolensky with the password:

Hershey bar!

Yes, please! Wolensky replied.

The Marines were surprised to see him. Wolensky refused to evacuate from Guadalcanal when a PBY aircraft arrived the next week, and stayed to fight with the Marines. When he received orders from Vice Admiral
Ghormley to evacuate the island, he wrote back: I have to stay. God gave me this, and Ive got to make it
right. Court-martial me if you want. Thanks, Ensign Wolensky.

The Marine commander at Guadalcanal, Major General Vandegrift, wrote in his journal: Hes the only
damn swabby I could ever stand. If that boy goes to jail for this I know a thousand Marines who will gladly
take his place.

The Marines gave Wolensky his nickname early on. As Super Swabby (swabby being a derogatory name
for a sailor) Wolensky fought alongside the Marines, putting himself in harms way more than once. As the
Marines began to gain their own Talents on Guadalcanal, Wolensky became the old hand of the group and
was their unofficial leader.

Wolensky was injured during a banzai charge on Bloody Ridge when he sacrificed his own shield to save
two Marines in a forward machine gun post. Struck by two bullets in the left arm, he was immediately evacuated to Pearl Harbor command on the next flight out. Instead of a court martial, he was promoted to captain
in the Navy and decorated with the Distinguished Service Medal by the Marine Corps.

He fought on in the war after his recovery, participating (from the Naval end) in the Philippines campaign,
as well as Iwo Jima. He married a widow in San Diego in 1946 and moved to her family home in Minnesota,
where he died of heart disease twenty-five years later at the age of 55.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



otherwise unharmed. Hearing
the firefight at the Processing
plant, Team 1 arrived just in
time to get them out.

TOG 1 lost one man,
and destroyed over 1 million
dollars worth of equipment
that would take more than
three years to replace.

Their premiere had been
an unqualified success.

Army, finally managed to burst

through the Soviet lines that
had held the Axis from the
gates of Stalingrad, the city
named after Stalin himself.
Exhausted and out of supplies,
the Army paused there, unable
to move forward in the face of
a huge Soviet defense erected
to keep them out.

When supplies arrived
from the Reich however, von
Paulus pushed forward again.
By August 23, German troops
were fighting within the city limits of Stalingrad itself.

August 14, 1942

Eisenhower is Named
Anglo-American Commander
for Operation: Torch

August 19, 1942

Hand-picked for his intelligence, persistence and obedience,

General Dwight Eisenhower was chosen by the Allies
to lead the British/American invasion of Vichy Frenchcontrolled Africa. Eisenhower was a man of high moral
standards who insisted on cooperation between Allied
forces above all other things, and this sentiment gained him
a great deal of respect from all the Allied powers involved
in the war.

Eisenhowers plan was simple; land 110,000 troops in
Morocco and Algeria to crush Rommel between the forces
of Operation: Torch and the British Eighth Army.

August 17, 1942

The Raid on Makin Island

This daring U.S. Marine raid on Japanese held Makin

Island in the Gilbert Islands was meant to distract the
Japanese command in the South Pacific, and possibly divert
Japanese reinforcements from Guadalcanal to ease the
situation of the First Marine Division there.

The Marine force which landed, known as Carlsons
Raiders, was under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel
Evans Carlson, and composed of 222 Marines (including
Major James Roosevelt, the son of the President). They
were ferried to the island onboard two U.S. submarines-the
Nautilus and Argonaut.

The landing went smoothly until a Marine accidentally
discharged his rifle on the beach, alerting the enemy. A huge
firefight ensued, causing about 100 Marines to withdraw.
Carlson and the other 100 men remained behind for
another day, destroying an ammunition and fuel dump, and
capturing vital Japanese intelligence.

That night Carlson and most of his men made it back
to the submarines to escape. With only thirty casualties, the
mission was considered a success.

August 19, 1942

The Push to Stalingrad

General Friedrich von Paulus, commanding the German Sixth

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

The Raid at Dieppe and

the Ghost of the Fourteenth

To test the effectiveness of a full-scale invasion of Europe, a

large Allied assault force landed at the French port of Dieppe
on the English Channel, with disastrous results. Composed of
5,000 Canadians who were itching for combat, 1,000 British
Commandos and sixty U.S. Army Rangers, its objective was
to rush in under cover of darkness and secure the port so vital
intelligence on the Germans could be collected. No Talents
were used on the raid because it was believed their presence
would be most likely met with bermenschen mobilization.

The plan went horribly wrong from the start. At 3:47
A.M., five armed German ships discovered the main force as
they were preparing to land the first wave. Alerted to their
presence, the Germans on the beach let loose a deadly barrage
of machine gun and coastal gunfire. Serious casualties began to
eat away at the Allies before they even landed.

Many of the men who landed never left the beach.
Only a few Churchill tanks made it ashore; most were
lost in the waves, or knocked out before they could
disembark. The Germans never relented in their attacks
on the nearly-hopeless beachhead. Thousands died in the
withering fire without a chance for escape.

Just before dawn, the British commander decided
to withdraw. By then, Berlin Command had been alerted
and responded by sending in seven bermenschen. The
parahumans ripped into the Allied forces on the beach;
tearing through tanks like tissue paper, shredding squads of
men along with their equipment, and relentlessly searching
for officers to capture. The few that could escape, did. The
rest that were laden with the wounded, struggled on and
did their best to stay alive.

Canadians remaining from the Fourteenth Canadian
Tank Battalion gathered around their fatally wounded
commander as the German super-men waded in. Major
Graham Tunney had been shot six times, and was slowly
expiring from a wound through his chest, but his men
refused to surrender him. The German bermensch Tristan
threw Tunneys men aside to get at him, killing nine members
of the Fourteenth as they tried to keep the bermensch back.
When Tristan reached Tunney and grabbed the dying
man by the collar, something happened. Tristan died instantly



August 23, 1942

Gruppe Weiss

This special detachment of bermenschen was transferred to General von Paulus command on August
26, 1942 with the express order to take Stalingrad at
all costs. Among their number was the second bermensch discovered, Feuerzauber.

White Group was composed of 200 highly
trained and motivated bermenschen who were the
greatest warriors Nazi Germany had ever known.
Hitler believed that they alone would determine the
fate of Nazi forces in Stalingrad. The group was reinforced twelve times over the next year. Four hundred
and fifty three bermenschen were poured into the
battle that raged around Stalingrad.

By the end of the war in the Soviet Union in
1944, the group had suffered 226% casualties. Only
two of Gruppe Weiss survived the war that ravaged
the eastern frontby deserting.
with a look of terror on his face, and Tunney stood up.

Canadas first Talent, the Ghost of the Fourteenth, had
been born.

August 23, 1942

A Brief Moment of Glory for Italy

In the last truly successful cavalry charge against modern

troops, 600 horse mounted Italian soldiers from the Eighth
Italian Army attacked and routed the Third Soviet Division
near Izbushenzky north of Stalingrad.

This brief moment of glory would mark one of the only
successful uses of Italian forces in Russia.

August 23, 1942

The Battle of the Eastern Solomons

Concerned with American successes in the Solomon Islands,

the Japanese Navy mobilized a large task force to secure the
sea-lanes in the area. Consisting of twenty-two destroyers,
three aircraft carriers, seven heavy cruisers, three light
cruisers and five transports (each carrying 1,500 Marines
each), the force was enormous; outgunning the three
American carriers in the area by a considerable degree.

The Japanese planned to use the light aircraft carrier
Ryujo as a decoy to draw the Americans out into a large-scale
engagement in the Coral Sea. Unfortunately, the Japanese force
was spotted 100 miles out, and American aircraft struck first.
Naval bombers and torpedo planes sank the Ryujo, while the
Americans managed to fight off the Japanese counter-attack.
Over the next two days the battle continued.

The Japanese lost a light carrier, a destroyer, a
transport and sixty-one aircraft, while the Americans
only suffered heavy damage to the carrier Enterprise. The
Japanese withdrew the rest of their force after night-landing
the remaining Japanese Marines on Guadalcanal.

Yet another blow had been dealt the invincible
Japanese Navy.

Stalingrad is Bombed

Over 600 Luftwaffe bombers were dispatched to bomb

the Russian city of Stalingrad, to soften up the enemy in
preparation for the coming assault. It was believed this attack
would give General von Paulus Army the advantage and
drive the remaining Soviet forces out of the city for good.

Although thousands died in the attack, it was a catalyst
for resistance on a level never before seen. Despite the
carnage, the Russians slipped back into the gutted city and
prepared to repulse the enemy at any cost.

August 30, 1942

The Desert Fox is Repelled

Running low on tanks, fuel and equipment,

Generalfeldmarschall Rommel made a desperate grab for
the Alam Halfa Ridge, twelve miles past the British Eighth
Armys front lines in Egypt.

This surprise attack went just as General
Montgomery planned. Rommels forces swept in on the
night of August 30, and found their progress hindered by
minefields and endless barrages of heavy artillery. Those
forces that managed to break free found themselves under
the guns of the Forty-fourth Division and the XIII Corps.

With mounting losses in an already haggard force,
Rommel withdrew.

September 2, 1942
The Golem of Warsaw

400,000 Jewish residents of Warsaw had been rounded

up and sealed within a 3.5 square mile area known as the
Ghetto since the Nazi invasion of Poland, and the penalty
for a Jew caught outside the enclosure was death.

Since July, 340,000 Jews had been taken from the
ghetto to Treblinka, where they were gassed, shot or
worked to death. The remaining 60,000 Jews in the ghetto
slowly starved to death.

On September 2, a creature killed SS Hauptscharfhrer
Alfred Meier as he ate dinner. Known as a brutal sadist
who enjoyed murdering women and children, Meier was in
charge of Jewish deportations from the ghetto, and shot two
weeping women who refused to board a truck that morning.

The attack took place as Meier and several comrades
were dining in a local tavern. A beast burst into the
room, knocking the door from its hinges. Descriptions of
the creature varied. Most could only say that it was mansized, made of dirt or clay, and had a symbol carved into its
head. It ripped Meier in half, and left the way it had come,
ignoring all attacks made against it.

The story made it back to the Warsaw ghetto the next
day. Every Jew who heard it recognized the Golem of Jewish
myth, but fearing retaliation, remained silent on the matter.

Reports of the attack were discreetly made to RuSHA
SA, who dispatched two investigators to quietly look into
the crime. None of the Germans had any idea what the
thing might have been.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Ghost of the Fourteenth

Name: Graham Tunney AKA The Ghost of the Fourteenth, Loki.

Nationality: Canadian.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: College at Burton, Prince Edward Island; officer training, Vancouver.
Rank: Major (Canadian Army).
Decorations: None.
DOB: 4/09/1889 Chiliwack, Canada.
DOD: ?
Known Parahuman Abilities: The extent of Tunneys abilities after his death were never fully understood.
He was immune to almost all attacks leveled at him (including Talent powers); could teleport an unknown
distance at will; was able to pass through walls, and remained alive despite missing half of his face and having
a three-quarter inch wide hole straight through his chest. His touch was fatal to any Talent or normal.

Tunney was the first Western mad Talent, like the Soviet monster Baba Yaga. He never spoke a word
after Dieppe, and refused to obey commands, but he constantly fell in whenever and wherever the remnants
of the Fourteenth Canadian Tank Battalion fought, often appearing in their greatest moments of need.
History: Tunney was a career military man. In 1914, he was called to active service and fought in the Great
War. After returning from France, he spent much of his time in Britain, learning the new arts of tank tactics
and coordinated artillery and infantry attacks.

In 1940, Tunney was called back to service. In the British Expeditionary Force he fought in France, and
later, after evacuation, briefly in Norway before returning to Britain.

Assigned commander of the freshly minted Fourteenth Canadian Tank Battalion, he spent 1941 in training
with his men in Scotland. By 1942, his men were itching for a fight and Tunney was no different. When the
news of a large raid on German occupied France came down the grapevine, Tunney did everything he could to
get his group involved.

He never made it to the beach in one piece. Six 7.92 mm rounds from a German machine gun struck him
before his feet even touched the sand. His men did their best to defend him, but the German parahumans put
an end to their dreams of rescue.

At the instant Tunneys touch killed Tristan, he became Canadas first Talent. Chasing the remaining German bermenschen off the beach, he assisted the Allied forces in their escape, destroying two coastal guns and
four machine gun nests, momentarily distracting the German forces from the invasion force.

British intelligence, particularly interested in Tunneys immunity to the German Talents powers, eagerly
received the varying reports of his resurrection. Unfortunately, he never appeared in Britain again.

Later, Allied analysts realized Tunney was something more than just a Talent. His death on the beach
warped his mind, and his power warped along with it. No longer subject to the laws of men or Talents, like
Baba Yaga, he was something more.

Tunney would appear from time to time in Europe, fighting in random battles, assisting the Fourteenth
Canadian Tank Battalion whenever it needed him, a ghoulish and mute reminder of the slaughter on the beach
at Dieppe. Tunneys sporadic appearances had a purpose, and were not random as the Allied analysts believed. Tunney was hunting down the remaining six bermenschen from the beach at Dieppe.

After the death of the last living Talent who fought on the beach at Dieppe, Obersturmbannfhrer Franz
Rot Gille in 1945, Tunney was never seen again.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Coastwatchers

Besides having cracked much of the Japanese Naval

code, America and her Allies in the Pacific also had
the benefit of an organization of unique individuals monitoring Japanese movements in the waters
around the Solomon and Bismarck Islands.

The Australian and New Zealand volunteer
Coastwatchers reported the movements of Japanese
ships, planes and men to the Allied command by
radio. This organization (formed before the war) was
composed of solitary individuals, living in the wilds
of the South Pacific, either on their own or with natives. They did not engage the enemy, just watched
them and reported vital information about their
numbers and movements. Some were soldiers, others
natives, farmers and even priests.

Their contribution to the war effort was critical
to Allied victories in the Pacific.

September 13, 1942

It is widely accepted that the attack on Hauptscharfhrer Meier was caused by the manifestation of a
Talent. Why the Golem never re-appeared remains a
mystery. Some believe that Meier manifested a power
out of guilt, which he used to destroy himself, but a
more likely proposition exists: a Jew in the Warsaw
Ghetto unconsciously created the Golem, and was
later deported and killed at Treblinka or Auschwitz.
would not give up.

On September 21, the Australian garrison was cheered
by the manifestation of the first Australian Talent on New
Guinea. Private Marcus Typhoon Gladden fought on the
Kokoda Trail behind Japanese lines, using his power to pelt
the enemy with heavy winds, hail stones and rain.

The Australians knew that reinforcements would arrive
soon, and then the real fight would begin.

September 26, 1942

The Battle of Bloody Ridge

A huge force of Japanese Marines rushed the American Marine lines just south of Henderson Field on Guadalcanal on
the morning of September 13. The 164th Marine Battalion
and General Vandergrifts Fifth Marine Division repulsed
the much larger force, inflicting almost 700 casualties on
the fanatical Japanese. Seven Marine Talents assisted in the
defense of the field, including the American Talent Franklin
Super Swabby Wolensky.

During the combat, Wolensky was wounded, and two
of the Marine Talents were killed. Despite protests from the
wounded Talent, Wolensky was evacuated the following
day to Pearl Harbor command for medical treatment.

September 16, 1942

A Push on Port Moresby

What Happened
to the Golem

The Japanese Are Surrounded

The U.S. Thirty-Second Infantry and the Australian Ninth

Infantry Division landed at Penguin and Lae on New Guinea,
taking the Japanese by surprise. Their landing threatened the
Japanese from the rear, and if they secured Buna, could cut
off any route of retreat for Horiis men from the lines at Port
Moresby. The Japanese pulled back to the Kokoda trail, in
the hopes of beating the Allies back to Buna, but the Seventh
Australian Infantry Division had different ideas.

Horiis forces were attacked relentlessly as they withdrew, with major battles occurring at Templetons Crossing,
Oivi and Gorari. The Australian Talent Typhoon killed
seventy-four Japanese troops near Imita ridge as they halfheartedly tried to mount a defense against Allied attacks.

October 23, 1942

Major-General Horiis forces ascended to the top of the

Kokoda trail up the Owen Stanley mountains, and descended
the treacherous Golden
Staircase to the plains below,
in an attempt to surprise Allied troops at Port Moresby.

The Seventh Australian
Infantry Division repeatedly
repulsed the Japanese attacks,
preventing a breakthrough
to Port Moresby. Casualties
due to jungle rot, fever and
malnutrition consumed more
soldiers from both sides than
combat wounds, and each
force was pushed to its limits.
The Australians did not back
down, and the Japanese

The Battle of El Alamein

Beginning with a radio blackout in western Egypt caused by

the British Talent Damper,
Allied forces swept past Axis
lines, pushing Rommels
tanks back at every point.
Seven Talent teams attacked
behind the lines at 9 P.M.
Four teams hit the El Taka
Plateau, Kidney Ridge, Sidi
Abdel Rahman, and Tell El
Akkakir, capturing or killing
commanders to disrupt the
chain of command. The three
remaining teams assaulted
Afrika Korps itself, causing
heavy losses and capturing


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



General Georg Stumme, the commander in charge while
Generalfeldmarschall Rommel was on leave. This left the
Axis forces in North Africa without a leader for the moment.

Casualties on both sides were high, but the British had
the advantage of plenty of fuel, equipment and men. When
Rommel arrived back from Germany, the situation was grim.
The British had already broken the Axis line and swept into
Libya. Ending the numerous feints and behind the lines attacks by November 2, Montgomery gathered his forces into a
single push on the Axis codenamed Operation: Supercharge.

Rommel withdrew west into Libya with Montgomery
on his heels. Under the guns of the British, the Germans lost
nearly half their tanks and half their men in less than two
weeks. Attempts to hold the Allies at Tobruk, El Agheila
and Buerat failed. On November 8, with the knowledge
of the American-British landings in Morocco, Algeria and
Tunisia, Rommel pulled backed to Tunis.

The end of the Axis in North Africa had begun.

October 26, 1942

The Battle of Santa Cruz

The Japanese dispatched a Naval task force (that included

four aircraft carriers) to draw the American Navy away
from Guadalcanal. These ships waited north of the island,
trying to cut off American reinforcements from the sea,
while Admiral Thomas Kinkaid brought two U.S. aircraft
carrier groups to match them.

The groups engaged each other at the Santa Cruz
Islands in a huge battle. Naval guns and air attacks eliminated two Japanese destroyers and the U.S. carrier Hornet.
Several other ships were damaged including two Japanese
destroyers, carriers and cruisers.

Having lost so much, the Japanese retreated.

November 8,
Operation Torch

The plan was simple and

blunt. U.S. and British forces
would take the Vichy French
North African territories
of Algeria, Morocco and
Tunisia by landing 110,000
men by boat, aircraft and
parachute. This would place
Rommels Afrika Korps
between the British Eighth
Army and the forces of
Operation: Torch, effectively
boxing the Desert Fox in.

Since Britain maintained
such poor relations with
France after its fall in the
summer of 1940, the landing
force for Torch would be
primarily American (the
British officers involved in the

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

landing wore American uniforms).

Led by the outspoken Major General George S. Patton,
the Western task force composed of 25,000 American
soldiers landed at Safi, Casablanca and Larache in Morocco
on the morning of November 8. It was hoped the French
commander in North Africa, Admiral Jean Darlan would
not oppose the landings, but Darlans men fought violently.
The Americans were attacked from the start, even before
their landings, when the French Battleship Jean Bart fired
on their convoy. On the beaches, inexperienced American
troops faced stiff opposition, but slowly made their way to
encircle Casablanca, cutting it off from reinforcement.

At the same time, Major General Lloyd Fredendalls
Central task force of 39,000 men attempted to secure the
harbor at Oran in western Algeria, and failed, suffering
heavy casualties. After several days of hard fighting, Oran,
Relizane and El Asnam were in Allied hands, and a clear
road through Algeria and Morocco to the lines at Casablanca
was secured, so vehicles, men and equipment could be ferried
straight through almost all the way to Tunisia.

The Eastern task force landed at two points in Algeria,
in an attempt to capture the Vichy French capital of North
Africa-Algiers. Under the command of Major General Charles
Ryder, it faced uneven resistance, finding beaches where Vichy
forces claimed they were not to resist the landings, and others
where the French fought back aggressively.

By the afternoon of the eighth, Admiral Darlan was sure
that the French position in North Africa was hopeless. After
communicating his situation to the Vichy French government
across the Mediterranean, Darlan declared a ceasefire in
Algiers. Elsewhere, sporadic resistance continued.

American General Mark Clark arrived on the ninth to
meet with Darlan in Algiers, and a general cease-fire was
agreed upon the following day. The Vichy government in
North Africa was no more.

With minimal losses,
in less than eight days,
American and British troops
secured territory stretching
from Casablanca in the west
to Souk El Abra in the east,
just eighty miles from Tunis,
and Rommel himself.

November 11,
The End of
Vichy France

Fearful of an Allied invasion

from the territories of
Algeria and Morocco, the
Axis invaded Vichy France.
Southern France had enjoyed
a limited autonomy for
two years since the German
invasion, but had no standing
army to stop the Nazis.


The Vichy French fleet in harbor at Toulon had been
disabled in the summer of 1940 as part of the armistice
between France and Germany, but to prevent their use by
Germany, they were scuttled on November 27, before German troops could secure them.

The entirety of France was now under the direct control of Adolf Hitler.

November 12, 1942

The U.S. Congress Expands the Draft

The U.S. Congress voted unanimously to expand the Selective Service to include the registration of eighteen- and
nineteen-year old men. Talks also began on the floor for a
mandatory draft for American-born Talents, but the House
remained divided on the matter.

November 13, 1942

The Allies Re-take Tobruk

The British Eighth Army chased Rommels forces west

across the desert, forcing them to abandon positions at Tobruk, due to lack of supplies and reinforcements. The port
city was vitally important to the war effort in North Africa.
Rommel knew that without it, Africa was lost.

The German commander turned a rout into a skillful
retreat. Under his direction, the Afrika Korps constructed
line after line of folding defenses, first at Tobruk, then El
Agheila, Buerat, Homes and finally in Tunisia at Gabes. The
British pursued them clear to the border.

At the Mareth line, the Germans held their ground.
With the British on one side and the Americans on the
other, there was little to be done but to wait and pray for

November 19, 1942

The Soviet Offensive at Stalingrad

The Sixty-sixth and Sixty-second Soviet Army mounted a

huge operation, code-named Uranus, on the morning of
November 19. The Russians burst through the Fourth Ro-

The Annihilation of TOG 3

Talent Operation Group 3 parachuted into southern

Tunisia at 1:30 A.M. on November 8, 1942 as a
forward element of Operation: Torch.

Their mission was to secure the southern half of
a rail-line at Bne, which ran straight to Tunis itself.
TOG 3 expected no more than 200 Germans and
some light armored vehicles in the town, but Allied
intelligence was dated. Instead of a few hundred
Germans, elements of berkommandogruppe 12 and
a portion of the German Twenty-first Armored Division were waiting for them.

Before sunrise, all nine members of TOG 3 were

manian Army to encircle von Paulus Sixth German Army

at Stalingrad. The Soviet Armies met less than a week later,
completely encircling the Germans.

250,000 Germans were trapped in the Stalingrad
pocket, cut off from reinforcements and resupply from
the ground. Hitler refused von Paulus request to attempt
a breakout, instead Reichsmarschall Gring offered to resupply the Sixth Army from the air, a task that his Luftwaffe could not possibly hope to accomplish.

Von Paulus, suspecting the ruins of Stalingrad would be
the last sight he would ever see, settled in to endure the Soviet winter. The death of the German Sixth Army had begun.

December 2, 1942
The Chicago Pile

Working at the University of Chicago under the direction of

Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, a small team of physicists finished building the first Atomic reactor pile. Constructed
under the squash courts at Stagg Field on the south side of
Chicago, this stack of graphite rods impregnated with Uranium was designed to create and control an atomic chain
reaction. No one except the government, and a handful of
physicists knew that such a project was underway.

At 3:49 P.M. Fermi ordered the control rod removed
from the chamber, and the first nuclear reactor reached
critical mass. This self-sustaining nuclear reaction was the
first true step towards the production of the Atomic bomb.

December 9, 1942
Relief at Guadalcanal

Major General Alexander Patch, leader of the U.S. Army

Americal Division, landed at Guadalcanal to relieve the
exhausted first U.S. Marine Division there.

The Marines had endured four months of relentless
attacks, losing more than 1,000 men. In that time, they inflicted over 20,000 casualties on the Japanese, and not once
surrendered Henderson Field.

December 24, 1942

Admiral Jean Darlan is Assassinated

A young French assassin shot and killed Admiral Jean Darlan,

leader of the recently freed Free-French territories of Morocco and Algeria, as he walked down the street in Algiers.

General Henri-Honor Giraud, Darlans successor,
rapidly sentenced and executed the assassin, Bonnier de la
Chappelle, for his crime. Confusion over Chappelles motive was widespread, but it was later discovered he was a
supporter of de Gaulle, and may have eliminated Darlan to
prevent a power struggle between the two leaders.

December 31, 1942

The Japanese Ordered to Withdraw

Emperor Hirohito gave the order to withdraw from

Guadalcanal on December 31, 1942. The Japanese attempts to


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



recapture the island had been disastrous, and cost the Imperial
Marines and Navy thousands of men and dozens of ships.

Due to Allied successes, evacuation of the island would
not begin for more than two months however.

January 2, 1943
The Capture of Buna

Under the command of General MacArthur, an American/

Australian force finally put an end to Japanese resistance at
Buna, New Guinea. This fallback position was important
to the Japanese, in that it was the southernmost port of
the Empire. The fighting was fierce, and the Japanese lost
almost their entire garrison in the 32-day battle. Less than
forty Japanese soldiers survived to surrender.

January 10, 1943

The End of the Japanese
on Guadalcanal

Under the cover of darkness, the remaining Japanese forces

on Guadalcanal withdrew from the island. This operation
was completed under such secrecy that few American Marines
knew they had left until almost a month later, when patrols
realized that there had not been any enemy contact in weeks.

Flyovers of the northwest coast of the island by Marine
Talents confirmed what the Marines suspected; the Japanese
had abandoned Guadalcanal. Admiral Halsey put it best:
Weve got the bastards licked!

January 12, 1943

The Japanese Lose the Kokoda,
the Australians Lose Typhoon

In a series of fierce engagements, the Seventh Australian

Infantry Division pushed General Horiis forces off the
Kokoda trail. Thanks to the Australian Talent Typhoon,
600 Japanese soldiers were lost in a single attack. The
Talent produced a localized storm that pinned the Japanese
troops down, while his compatriots peppered their lines
with mortar rounds and machine gun fire; until nothing
remained but piles of corpses.

Parahumanity Explodes

Almost every country involved in the World War had

a vibrant, growing population of Talents by 1943.
Britain and Germany had well over 2,000 Talents each,
and America broke the 1,000 mark at the turn of the
year. New Talents appeared daily all over the world.

By the end of 1943, manifestations were no
longer events of global importance. By 1944, seeing
or meeting a Talent wasnt a big deal. By 1945, you
couldnt go 400 yards in Europe without seeing evidence of Talent powers.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Tragedy struck when a Japanese soldier playing
dead sat up and shot Typhoon in the back as he passed
by, killing the young Australian. For the next two weeks,
the island was pelted by unusual storms and high winds.
The Australian flag hung at half-mast in Port Moresby and
Canberra for the next month.

At the end of the campaign, Imita Ridge was renamed
Typhoon Ridge in his honor.

January 12, 1943

Misha, the First Hyperbrain

On the Kalenin front near Rhzev, just forty miles from

Moscow, a young boy was discovered who displayed
intelligence far beyond the most exceptional minds of the
world. It was realized later that he was the worlds first
Hyperbrain Talent.

Misha served as an assistant to a Starshy Leitenant under
the command of General-Polkovnik Konev, commander of
the Northern salient of the Moscow front. Misha was first
used to keep detailed lists of equipment and supplies for
the Thirty-First Soviet Army Group in exchange for food.
Later, he disposed of lists altogether and kept everything
in his head. When he corrected field commanders in their
loose calculations on troop strengths, General-Polkovnik
Konev became interested in utilizing his abilities on a larger
scale. Misha could extrapolate probable casualties by taking
hundreds of variables into account in his calculations, and his
predictions came true with startling accuracy.

Special Directive One moved him under great secrecy to
the Ural Mountains for training. There Misha managed to
absorb the entire bureaucracy of the war-torn Soviet Union
in less than three weeks (in addition to learning how to read,
write and speak English, German, Japanese and Italian).

At one point, he was the central filing system for the
entire eastern Soviet Union, monitoring every piece of
ammunition, rifle, man, tank and all the supplies required
to maintain each; while studying the classic works of
literature, learning modern physics and working on the
definitive history of Russia (all in his head).

In light of all these achievements, it was understandable
that everyone forgot that, for all of his vast intellectual
power, Misha was still a twelve-year old boy. He began
suffering emotional problems, no doubt aggravated by the
harsh realities of the war, which he knew everything about
(at least in Russia).

Misha began having irregular manic-depressive episodes
of increasing intensity, brought on when information would
come together in synergistic networks within his labyrinthine
mind. At times, he would enter manic phases of intense
productivity. The downside would be immense depressions,
like the one brought on when he had a flash of insight and
realized there was a 55% probability that more than 21
million Russians would die before the end of the war. The
more he knew, the worse he got, and the worse he got, the
more his superiors realized that when he eventually selfdestructed, he would take the entire organizational structure
of the Russian Defense with him. Worried about their protg,
Special Directive One began a desperate search for other
Hyperbrains, who were then trained to relieve Misha of the
Atlas-like burden on his young shoulders.



With the load spread
out on a force of five young
Hyperbrains, Misha returned
to more or less normal
function; though his ability
to produce as large and widesweeping effects decreased
considerably as Special
Directive One restricted his
intake of information about
the war.

Wall). Stalin declined an

invitation, but sent along two
Talent advisors of undisclosed
ability in his stead.
The meeting focused on
future plans against the Axis.
Churchill believed the attack
on Europe should begin
from Sicily, followed later
by a cross-Channel assault
on the European mainland;
Roosevelt concurred.
The leaders made their
demand public on January
27; the Allies would accept
nothing less than total surrender from Japan, Germany
and Italy. It was either that or
total war, until those countries
were reduced to ashes.

12, 1943
The Russians
Move, Again

Consolidating gains made

during the spring and
summer offensives, the Red Army strengthened its line
between the German Sixth Army and the other Axis forces
to the west, to prevent a breakthrough.

By this point, the German soldiers who once imagined
themselves the conquerors of Stalingrad were now little
more than skeletons in rags. Those that could fight, knew
there was no point; and those that could not, froze, starved
or were killed in the relentless Red Army attacks.

The German force required 600 tons worth of
airdropped goods to survive per day, and the Luftwaffe
was supplying 100 tons at the maximum, when it flew at
all. Weapons, ammunition and other vital goods were in
sparse supply, and the winter was growing worse. Attempts
by German bermenschen to move supplies through
teleportation and other powers failed. Too much had to
be moved, and the casualty rate was too high and the
Russian Talents (whether known by Stalin or not) too
vigilant. By the time the last-ditch effort by RuSHA SA to
resupply the Sixth was under way, every street in Stalingrad
was overrun with snipers and Russian positions.

Nothing could save the 100,000 Germans locked in the
Stalingrad pocket. To most, surrender or death seemed the
only options.

January 14, 1943

A Meeting of the Victors in North Africa
Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt met
secretly in Casablanca to discuss the progress of the
war. Fearful of an Axis bermensch attack (such as the
Paukenschlag plot of the previous year), the conference
was a tightly held military secret, not announced until the
principals had departed. Thirty-six Allied Talents prepared
the meeting area, while newspaper articles in Britain and
America gave the impression that it was taking place
somewhere in Washington D.C.

General Charles de Gaulle and General Henri-Honor
Giraud, representing Free France, also attended the meeting,
along with the first Free French Surhomme, Le Mur (The

Hyperbrains in Warfare

Paranormally intelligent Talents did have significant

impacts on the war, but not in any obvious capacity.
In many respects, their greatest contributions were
on the actual structure, storage and dissemination of
information within individual armed forces.

While some Hyperbrains did participate in research
projects and other scientific endeavors, most found these
projects too small for their immense minds to consider,
or too violent to research while maintaining a clearHyperconscience. Hyperbrains suffered (or were blessed)
with near perfect empathy. Their huge minds could not
only build a bomb that could level a city, it could imagine
all the individual personalities such a bomb would claim
as well as the impact on culture, economy and every other
imaginable variable born of such a project. Not surprisingly, almost all Hyperbrains were complete pacifists.

The only real non-violent challenge most could
find involved the staggering numbers involved in
mobilizing an entire country to war; something that
would occur anyway.

Hyperbrains tallied lists of variables necessary
to mount a successful war, and cross-referenced them
in a way never before seen. Like todays computers,
Hyperbrains collated and processed huge amounts of
information, allowing, for the first time, up-to-the-minute answers for logistical questions. More importantly,
they allowed all aspects of an individual plan to be examined at length before it was implemented. They were
not always right, but then again, most were contending
with Hyperbrains working for the other side as well.

The only noticeable difference Hyperbrains brought
to the world of Godlike were improvements in front
line resupply and troop deployment, along with minor
changes individual countrys economies after the war.

To those not involved in these fields, their impact is difficult to see.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



15, 1943
Tripoli is Taken

Victorious, the British Eighth

Army roared into the streets
of Tripoli, the capital of Libya. The German forces fled
just days before to regroup
at the Mareth line in Tunisia,
filled with the knowledge
that there was little hope for
the future of Afrika Korps.

Montgomery meticulously gathered forces at Tripoli,
building up for the final strike against the Desert Fox.

January 22, 1943

January 18, 1943

The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto

After a brief visit by Himmler, the SS was ordered to

remove the remaining 60,000 Jews from the Ghetto at Warsaw and demolish the area. These Jews barely subsisted; living on smuggled food and rotten rations the Nazis delivered
to them sporadically.
The SS did not expect resistance from the usually docile
populace of the Ghetto, but rumors of the actual destination of relocated Jews had made its way back to Warsaw.
Faced with death by gassing or starvation, or death in
combat, many chose to fight.

The first attack by the Jews, made with makeshift weapons,
claimed the lives of more than forty Germans. Counter-attacks by
the SS killed over 1,000 in retaliation, but the Nazis were forced
to withdraw from the Ghetto due to sniper attacks. Street-tostreet fighting dragged on for weeks, with the Germans inflicting
heavy casualties on the Jews, who (having nothing to lose)
continued the doomed offensive. The Ghetto became a fortress
guarded by more than twenty groups resisting the SS.
German bermenschen were brought in to demoralize
the resisters, but this move did not have the desired effect. The
bermensch Der Panzer, a veteran of the war in North Africa,
was set upon and killed by eleven Nephilim as he patrolled the
streets of the Ghetto on January 28. Up until that point, the
Jewish parahumans had kept their presence a secret.

Fearing a further push by the Germans, the Nephilim
assaulted the main German fortified position, inflicting
heavy casualties. Unfortunately, they were forced to retreatlosing most of their number in the assault. While this attack
was ongoing, more than 300 Jewish men and women managed to escape the encirclement of the Ghetto into the city.
Only fifty of these initial escapees lived to see the end of the
war, but it caused a huge boost in morale within the Ghetto.

Stunned with the turn of events, the SS fell back and
prepared for a second assault on the Ghetto.

January 19, 1943

Die Hexe is Killed

A German Heer sniper shot and killed Antonia Ilescu near

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Walchev, Romania on the

morning of January 19. Better known as Die Hexe to
the Germans, Ilescu was the
first female Talent. Using her
ability for the past three years
to aid the partisan groups in
Romania, she claimed more
than seventy German and
Romanian soldiers lives and
destroyed tens of thousands
of dollars worth of equipment and vehicles.

The Germans had no way
of knowing they had killed the
dreaded Witch however, and the hunt for her continued.

The End for the Japanese

on New Guinea

Allied forces swept north on New Guinea, forcing the

Japanese from Sanananda, Salamaua and Lae, and severing
their hold of the Bulldog track, the last secure trail across
the Owen Stanleys. Without hope of reinforcement, the
Japanese dug in and prepared to fight to the last man.

Japanese soldiers dying of dysentery and jungle rot
manned pillboxes built out of coconut logs reinforced with
corpses. Despite their condition, they fought tenaciously,
holding off the Allies for two months. Finally, with tank
support, the pillboxes were cleared, until all that remained
were corpses and a few stunned survivors. Victory had
come to New Guinea, but not without a terrible cost.

January 28, 1943

Feuerzauber Is Killed in Action

The German bermensch Feuerzauber and his entire battalion were killed while moving towards an oil storage area on
the Volga river held by the Soviet Sixty Second Army under
General Yeremenko. Intense shelling caused the nearby
Chykov Oil Refinery to explode, generating a huge fireball
that engulfed the area and burned for hours.

Feuerzauber was immune to the harmful effects of the
flames, but the fire also consumed all the oxygen in the
area, asphyxiating him along with 221 German soldiers.

February 2, 1943
The Siege of Stalingrad Ends

Despite his last minute promotion to Generalfeldmarschall, Friedrich von Paulus surrendered to the Soviets,
finally ending the siege of the German Sixth Army in Stalingrad. What had once been a pocket of more than 300,000
soldiers was whittled down by disease, starvation, cold and
attacks to just over 93,000. Few of these hardened survivors would live through Russian imprisonment to see their
families again.



Four German bermenschen from Gruppe Weiss surrendered along with von Paulus, and were hung to cheering
crowds of Red Army soldiers on the Volga the following
morning. Later, their bodies were remanded to Special
Directive One scientists for study.

February 8, 1943
The Soviets Take Back Kursk

After two years of German occupation, there was little left

of the city of Kursk for the Soviets to retake. Most of the
population had been murdered by Einsatzgruppen or shipped
west as slave labor for the Reich. Many of the buildings,
destroyed by the Soviets when they withdrew in 1941,
remained in ruins.

The Red Army settled in the ruins of a once-beautiful
city and waited. The Germans had not been routed yet.

February 10, 1943


An unusual Talent power was seen for the first time during
a demonstration of Talent abilities for Allied VIPs at Hedge
Manor on February 10, 1943. While volunteering as a testsubject for a Polish teleporter, Major Peter Cesay, a British
intelligence officer, manifested his (then) unique Talent.

Cesays Talent prevented the Poles power from working at all. The Talents present could tell that Cesay was a

The Twenty-Six

A young man named Meyer Rosen gained his

Nephilim ability in the summer of 1942 at the age of
sixteen, while imprisoned in the Ghetto. Rosen could
randomly teleport great distances, but his sense of
duty to the others in the Ghetto kept him from leaving. He avoided the SS sweeps by teleporting outside
the Ghetto to safe locations, and ferried what food
he could steal or find back into the enclosure.

Rosen promised he would care for his three
siblings before his fathers relocation, and he did,
teleporting them along with himself during the collection sweeps. His power was very fatiguing however,
causing terrible headaches, and without the proper
food and clean water, would not operate at all.

During the uprising, Rosen was instructed by the
Nephilim Hashomer to evacuate the few remaining
children in the Ghetto (most hidden from the Nazis) to
anywhere outside of Warsaw. One by one, Rosen flung
himself and a child through the void to random locations
outside of the city. All twenty-six children survived, some
turning up in Neutral Turkey, others in Spain. A child
was even discovered as far away as Casablanca.

He finally teleported his three siblings to Bern,
Switzerland just days before the destruction of the
Ghetto; but the strain of the previous weeks proved
too much for him. He died four days later from a
brain hemorrhage.

Talent, but the usual feeling of resistance did not occur

when Cesay caused their powers to stop working; instead,
they just failed. This went against everything understood
about the Talent phenomenon up to that point and the SSO
and Section Two were stumped.

The incident was covered up, and the SSO set about
studying the fascinating new power. British Intelligence gave
Cesay the codename Zed, or Z.

February 14, 1943

Attack From the Mareth Line

Generalfeldmarschall Rommel launched a bold attack

against the Allied forces to the northwest of the Mareth
line in Tunisia. Although the Afrika Korps were low on fuel
and supplies, they managed to throw the inexperienced U.S.
forces into disarray. At the battle of Kasserine Pass, they
smashed through the U.S. II Corps, causing a complete rout
of the Americans. The British First Army, busy reequipping
and reorganizing was unprepared for the assault-they held
the line, but could do nothing more.

10,000 Americans were captured or killed by this
bold, but ultimately futile move. Rommel lacked the fuel,
equipment and men to move further to the port of Bne.
The Afrika Korps still had teeth, it seemed, but lacked the
endurance for anything more than a half-hearted swipe at
the enemy.

As the lines stabilized, Patton and Montgomery considered their next move.

Stalins Treatments

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the oddities of Stalins

medical obsessions were revealed to the world. The
aging leader was in his sixties at the beginning of the
conflict with Germany, and the strain of the war took a
serious toll on his health. During and after the war, Stalin received Invigorative Extracts, as many of twenty
times a month, up until his death in 1953. Few in the
inner circle knew what these injections were, only that
they occurred. The official records note only Vitamin
Injections, but the oddities in the files point towards
something other than vitamins in the syringes.

Why would the NKVD, the Soviet Secret Police, collect the Vitamins for Stalins injections?
Moreover, why would two of the doctors involved
in Soviet Special Directive One administer them? In
1990 it was discovered that Stalin had the remains
of Talents, both Soviet and German, liquefied and
injected into him for more than seven years, hoping
their abilities would somehow be transferred to him.

Just like the Yezhovshchina (The Great Purge)
of the 1930s where Stalins madness claimed tens of
thousands of Russian lives, a Talent purge continued
through the late 40s and early 50s. In this secret
purge, an unknown number of Talents perished to
fulfill a madmans fantasy of immortality.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



February 15, 1943

February 18, 1943

Kharkov is Liberated

The Red Army knew if they could seize Kharkov, they could
cut the German forces further in the Ukraine off.

Hitler too, noticed the danger, and detached the elite
II SS Korps, along with berkommandogruppe 4 to defend
Kharkov, at all human cost. As the Sixth Soviet Army
approached the outskirts of Kharkov, the leader of the II SS
Korps began to have second thoughts. Leutnant General
Paul Hausser ordered his men to withdraw. The situation at
Kharkov was hopeless and he saw no point in wasting his
men needlessly when they could be used to defend Germany. Unfortunately, the bermenschen present had different

For defying a direct order of the Fhrer Hausser
and twelve of his officers were executed by the leader of
the bermenschen Obersturmbannfhrer Felix Scorpion
Httl. The remaining SS men were folded into the command of the berkommandogruppe 4 and frantic preparations were made for the defense of Kharkov.

Two days later, the Sixth Soviet Army annihilated the
entire group, bermenschen and all.

February 16, 1943

Blood and a White Rose

Though non-military resistance to the Nazi regime was rare

in occupied Europe, it did exist, even in Germany itself.
The White Rose group that sprung up at the University
of Munich was composed of disillusioned soldiers and
intellectuals opposed to Hitlers policies. They met secretly,
printing anti-Hitler leaflets, slowly spreading among the few
at the University who would listen.

In their most brash act, the leaders of the movement,
Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie, dropped anti-Nazi leaflets from a building at the University urging the youth of
Germany to depose Hitler and destroy the Nazi regime. The
siblings were reported to the Gestapo, arrested, beaten and
sentenced to death. More than 100 others were rounded up
along with them.

On February 16, Hans and Sophie Scholl were beheaded for their crimes against the Fhrer.

The Zed Talent

The Zed power proved less important than the initial

SSO intelligence estimate made it out to be. This
was for many reasons. First of all, Cesay was soon
followed by a large Zed population that sprang up
in both Axis and Allied countries (many of whom
thought they possessed the only Zed). Secondly, the
Zed Talent did not affect certain mental powers at
all. Thirdly, almost all world powers saved their Zeds
for special duty, usually as bodyguards for important
leaders or forward elements of defense.

In the end, the Zed Talent, though important,
changed little in the way Talent warfare was waged.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

The Chindits

Composed of Gurkha, Indian and British troops, the

long-range assault force known as the Chindits entered the
jungles of Burma to wreak havoc with the Japanese infrastructure in the uncivilized highlands. Composed of 3,000
men and about 1,000 pack animals, the Seventy-Seventh Indian Division, demolished rail-lines and bridges, ambushed
troops on the move, and spied on the Japanese command.

Churchill, patron of British Commando operations,
was an avid supporter of the Chindits, and authorized their
leader, Brigadier Orde C. Wingate to form two larger units
for future attacks against the Japanese.

February 18, 1943

Crisis for the Red Army

Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein, stunned by the

loss of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad, mounted
one of the last successful German offensives in the Soviet
Union, hoping to stall the front for the winter. In a sweeping counter-thrust, Manstein attacked the over-extended
Soviet forces and caught the advancing Soviet Sixth Army
completely by surprise, cutting off 9,000 men and killing
more than 25,000, including seventy-seven Soviet Talents
who tried to stop Mansteins LVII Panzer Corps from taking
the southern reaches of Kharkov.

Mansteins forces rolled back into Kharkov for the third
time, and managed to push the Soviets back further, to Belgorod.

February 21, 1943

Operation: Cartwheel

Fresh from successes on New Guinea and the Solomons,

General Douglas MacArthur prepared to island hop his
way from New Guinea to Japan itself. MacArthurs campaign,
codenamed Cartwheel would isolate specific Japanese held
islands, without engaging the enemy there. Instead, they would
be surrounded, cut off, and allowed to wither on the vine.
Offers by the Army, Navy and Marines for the assignment of
Talents to MacArthurs command were summarily dismissed.
This is the Army, MacArthur said, and no one man is better than the Army, no matter what he can do.

Cartwheel began with the invasion of the Russell
Islands, a small island group in the Solomon Islands. These
islands in turn would be used as springboards for the invasion of Peleliu and Okinawa, and then, Japan itself.

February 26, 1943

The Professor Is Discovered

Wendell Greene, an amateur scientist from Tacoma, Washington became an overnight sensation when he revealed
he was a Talent who could build machines previously only
seen in science fiction stories and comic books.

At a government-staged media event, Greene demonstrated a rifle-sized device that could generate hurricane




Name: Peter Cesay AKA Zed.

Nationality: British.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Officer training at Brixton.
Rank: Major (British Army).
Decorations: None.
DOB: 3/3/10, Coventry, England.
DOD: 1/27/44, Anzio, Italy (Killed in Action).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Cesay projected a force that countered other Talents power. For instance, Cesay
could cause a Talent flyer to fall out of the air by pressing him down with the power of his mind, or prevent a
hyperstrong Talent from lifting a tank by making that tank much, much heavier. It could affect physical Talent
powers only, and usually only powers with noticeable physical effects (such as flight, fire-projection or teleportation).
History: Cesay was a run-of-the-mill intelligence officer tasked with coordinating photographic intelligence and
radio traffic to work out where vehicles, troops and equipment would be for a coming invasion. In the summer
of 1942 he was given a new task: tracking the movement of known enemy Talents. (After Dieppe, the High
Command realized that a little foreknowledge went a long way.)

Cesay coordinated the reports of spies, Nazi radio propaganda and newspapers in an attempt to discover
just where German Talents trained and lived. He was the first to draw up the approximate structure of the SS
berkommandogruppen, which accurately showed its nearly exponential growth. With the help of some Allied
Talents who tussled with bermenschen in occupied Europe, Cesay worked out a list of German Talent commanders, their powers and areas of operation. His report made it to the desk of Winston Churchill himself,
who was quite impressed with it.

As a reward, Cesay was made liaison between the War Office at Whitechapel and Hedge Manor, the home
of the Special Sciences Office. His work on the martial matters of the Talent phenomenon was seen as far more
realistic than the lofty estimates of the scientists at the SSO, and his opinion was often preferred to those of
SSO analysts, at least by the High Command.

After Cesay discovered his own ability in the winter of 1943, he was subjected to five months of intensive
testing at Hedge Manor. He then trained TOG and British Special Operations Executive Talent teams for the
coming invasion of Europe. Cesay was able to whip the men into a highly organized fighting force by causing
their powers to fail randomly during exercises so they werent relied upon too much.

Though Cesay requested assignment to the Special Service Squads assault on Normandy, he was transferred to an Anglo-American Talent force that landed at Anzio in Churchills assault on the soft underbelly of
Nazi Germany.

He came as a surprise to the German bermenschen guarding the beaches there. In the first known
military application of the Zed power in the war, Cesay disabled fifteen German Talents, and single handedly
captured two, including a powerful teleport known as Der Springer (The Jumper).

Less than a day later, Cesay was killed during shelling of the beachhead by Kesselrings forces.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



winds strong enough to
topple a parked car, which he
dubbed a Pneumo-ray.

At first, Greene was
misidentified as Americas
first Hyperbrain (like the Soviet Misha), but it was later
determined that Greenes devices were nothing more than
a focus for his Talent power;
the machines themselves
were junk. He was no more
intelligent than an average
man, but his Talent power
allowed him to create bizarre devices.

Within the week, he volunteered for the Army, and his
file was given to TOC for reassignment.

February 28, 1943

The Heavy Water Plant at Norsk

Led by the Talent Aesgir, nine Norwegian commandos traveled through Valhalla to arrive at Norsk, Norway, a Nazi
facility on the Norwegian Sea. This isolated hydroelectric
power station was used to collect heavy water, a vital component in the development of an Atomic Bomb. Germanys
atom bomb program was years behind the Allies, and
Norsk was the only source of heavy water in Europe.

Aesgir and the men killed ten guards and destroyed the
station without incident, ending the already slim hope of
a Nazi atom bomb. Through Aesgirs power, twelve days
later, the commandos turned up on the shores of Scotland,
mission accomplished.

March 2, 1943
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea

Australian and U.S. ships and aircraft destroyed eight Japanese destroyers and transports on their way to Lae, New
Guinea on this date. This was the last Japanese attempt to
reinforce what little was left of their forces on New Guinea.
More than 3,000 Japanese were killed in the attack.

The RAF Hits Back

The Royal Air Force launched a huge bomber offensive

against the Ruhr industrial area of Germany to paralyze
German industry. Utilizing 4,000 pound Blockbuster
bombs, 369 RAF aircraft devastated the city of Essen, destroying much of the 800 acre Krupp Steel Works, bringing
production there to a halt, for the time being.

March 6, 1943
Hoping to disrupt British and American preparations for
a final push into Tunisia, Generalfeldmarschall Rommel

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

March 13, 1943

Der Auge Sees All

Late one night, Der Auge (the German precog who foresaw
the St. Nazaire Commando raid), awoke in Berlin. Vivid
in his mind was an utterly clear dream of an attempt on
the life of the Fhrer. Thirty minutes later, fourteen highranking members of the Heer were arrested by the SS, and
sentenced to death. Three days later, they were hung with
piano wire after a brief public trial.

A twelve-pound bomb was discovered aboard the very
transport aircraft Hitler was due to fly in that very afternoon,
wired to detonate when the plane rose above 1,000 feet.

Der Auge was awarded the Iron Cross for his vision.

March 12, 1943

Yama, The God of Death

The first Indian Talent manifested at Kanglatongbi, India,

near the border of Burma on March 12, 1943. A young
traveler fleeing the volatile border and heading west towards Coxs Bazaar, was overcome by fever and collapsed
in the street. Due to lack of food in eastern India, the young
man was overlooked in the corpse-filled streets.

Nine days later, when locals began clearing bodies for
a pyre, the change that had overcome the young man was

Goldberg Science

March 5, 1943

One Last Gasp

threw Afrika Korps back

into battle. It was a last ditch
effort; the Axis forces were
spread too thin to penetrate
the Allied lines.

After heavy losses, the
attack was cancelled and a
few days later, Rommel was
recalled to Germany. All in
North Africa knew the war
there was over, one way or
another; it was just a matter
of time.

Robert Graves coined the phrase Goldberg Science

in the New York Times on March 15, 1943. His editorial entitled Why Talent Scientists Wont Change
the Way We Fight, examined the implications, and
limits of Greenes power.

This is why this Rube Goldberg science will
do little to change the way war is fought, Graves
finished. His phrase, slightly shortened, was parroted
in papers around the world.

Within the next two years, Goldberg Scientists
would be common among the ranks of Talents in
every country in the war. Despite their amazing abilities, and the devices they could produce, Goldberg
Scientists had little effect on the outcome of the war.



The Professor

Name: Wendell Greene AKA The Professor.

Nationality: American.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: High school. Army Air Corps Training, Seattle, Washington.
Rank: Captain (U.S. Army Air Corps).
Decorations: Air Service Medal.
DOB: 2/23/23, Spokane, U.S.A.
DOD: 9/5/99, New York, New York, U.S.A. (colon cancer).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Greene could create Goldberg machines that violated physical laws and appeared to be hundreds of years in advance of modern science. In truth, these devices were nothing more than a
focus for his Talent power. The machines themselves were just junk; without the power of Greenes mind, they
did not work at all.
History: Greene was obsessed with science and science fiction in his youth. Twice he was seriously injured in
his pursuit of science during his early years. Once he burned down his uncles barn working on a heat ray
(nothing more than an egg lamp with some modifications). Another time, his one-man balloon failed while
he was fifty feet up, breaking his left leg.

By the time Greene was done with high school, he was sure his future lay in science. When he was accepted to the University of Washington in 1941, his parents (who had saved for more than ten years) were
prepared to pay his way. However, the attack at Pearl Harbor shifted his obsessions.

Greene quit school and returned home, taking to his room for weeks at a time, working on weapons for
the Army. His once sunny disposition changed into sullen withdrawal. He rarely left his parents farm, except
to buy equipment and tools, which he paid for with his remaining college money. After two years of failure,
Greene struck upon his first successful design, the pneumo-ray, a rifle which could project winds up to 200
miles an hour. Ecstatic, Greene and his parents demonstrated the device to officers at Boeing field, in Seattle.

Greene was confirmed as a Talent when Section Two sent agents out to study him. Talents noticed that
Greenes ability was active both when he was creating devices and when using them. Later it was determined
that his devices did not work at all when he was not present. All attempts to extend the range of his power
failed. Section Two classified his power as Talent science, later dubbed Goldberg Science by the press.
Greenes file was considered by the TOC, and after being assigned to the Army Air Corps he attended flight
school in Seattle.

Greene became an accomplished combat pilot and flew dozens of sorties over Europe between 1944 and
1945, downing more than twenty enemy aircraft. His heavily modified plane, a P-47 Thunderbolt named
Nemo (after Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea), was armed with Greenes incredible
weaponry and defenses. Today, the plane hangs in the Seattle Museum of Science and Technology. (The devices
left installed, notably, no longer work.)

Near the end of the war, Greene created a device that would keep him in the public eye until the turn of
the centurythe P-Engine, an almost perpetual motion machine. Unlike his previous devices, P-Engines continued to work even if Greene was not present. They would eventually break down, but the basic limitation of
Greenes ability had been lifted for the first time.

Due to this fact, Greene became obsessed with his P-Engines. After the war, he set up a lab in Tacoma and
spent nine years perfecting the design of the P-Engine. In 1954, he unveiled his Mark II P-Engine. It could
run at a steady rate indefinitely, with or without Greenes presence.

Over the next twenty years, Greene constructed P-Engines for the U.S. Government and private companies. Because only he could build P-Engines, Greene remained the CEO and sole employee of Greene Power
Industries. No one knew until his death that Greenes power had been limited to the point where he could only
build P-Engines. His obsession with the P-Engine focused his power into a one very specific use, which in turn
increased the ability in a very narrow range.

By 1982, GPI had produced 149 P-Engines for such facilities as NORAD command, the White House
and numerous American military bases around the world. When Greene died of colon cancer in 1999 he was
estimated to be worth more than 1 billion dollarsand every P-Engine he ever constructed stopped working.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



noticed for the first time. While other corpses bloated and
began to rot, the young man appeared fine, as if he was
sleeping, but his skin had paled to a strange sky blue.

When it was discovered he was breathing, water was
brought. With the first drop on his lips, the man awoke and
smiled. His eyes were milky white; his voice was deep and
perfect. The village gathered around him.

I am returned. Lord Yama, God of Death. Do you not
recognize your own father?

March 14, 1943

Manstein Saves Operation:
Barbarossa (For a Brief Time)

Pushing to the Donets river, German forces encircled and

destroyed the Third Soviet Tank Army, killing more than
23,000 men and capturing 9,000. This complex movement
of forces took the Soviets by surprise, and Mansteins brilliant encirclement secured more than 9,600 kilometers of
vital territory for Germany.

Von Mansteins offensive prevented the complete collapse of Axis forces in Russia for the moment.

The Germans Hit Back, Hard

Invigorated by the success of Mansteins offensive, German

troops pushed the Russians back to the far side of the Donets river. However, his plan to crush the Soviet defenses in
the area of Kursk, codenamed Citadel, was put on hold
because of the spring thaw. The thick Soviet mud prevented
German vehicles and men from moving, and shut down
most supply lines through the Ukraine.

This seemingly insignificant turn of events gave the
Russians time enough to move 500,000 more soldiers and

The Fate of Der Auge

After the incident in Berlin, the Gestapo questioned Der Auge. For ten days, the bermensch was
beaten, electrocuted and tortured. The Gestapo was
sure that the bermensch had something to do with
the bomb plot, and was hoping to gain favor in the
eyes of the Fhrer by turning on his accomplices.
The bermensch was released and returned to
normal SS service, but his loyalty and fervor for the
Reich was never the same.

On July 17, 1944 that old fervor returned, Der Auge
gathered together twenty-seven of his friends and told
them On the twentieth of July, something important
is going to happen, something which will change Germany forever What it was, he would not say.

When the bomb-plot of Oberst von Stauffenberg
failed to kill Hitler on July 20, Der Auge returned to
his home in Berlin, and after burning his SS uniform
and Iron Cross, shot himself.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

March 20, 1943

The Mareth Line Crumbles

The Fifteenth Panzer Division managed to counterattack at

Matmata in Tunisia, scoring some successes before being
flanked by the New Zealand Division. But before the New Zealanders could overtake them, they withdrew to Wadi Akarit.

On March 21, a huge rainstorm halted the progress
of the Eighth Army and the New Zealand Division-by
reducing much of the area of Wadi Zigzou to impassable
mud. Hoping to prevent an Axis breakthrough, Montgomery pinned the enemy down by calling in air strikes and
artillery support. His men then traveled around the storms
to attack from the side and the rear. By the beginning
of April, the Mareth line was but a fading memory; the
Axis forces occupying only a thin strip of Tunisia around
Tunis, surrounded on all sides.

March 26, 1943

The Battle of the
Kommandorskiye Islands

March 15, 1943


215 Talents to defend Kursk.

The definitive battle of Russia was about to begin.

Just before dawn on March 26, during a routine patrol,

an American taskforce (consisting of the heavy cruiser Salt
Lake City, the light cruiser Richmond, and four destroyers) accidentally intercepted eleven Japanese ships off the
Kamchatka peninsula.

On their way to Attu and Kiska in the Aleutian
Islands, the Japanese transport ships were to reinforce the
garrisons there with more than 5,000 Marines, with only
a small escort consisting of a heavy cruiser and a destroyer
accompanying them.

The running battle began with the Americans hurriedly
opening fire on the Japanese, then making a hasty exit under
the cover of a smoke screen. The Japanese returned fire, with
a barrage crippling the Salt Lake City, and damaging the
Richmond. However, lucky hits from the Americans severely
damaged both the Japanese heavy cruiser and destroyer.

Aborting their mission, the Japanese withdrew before
they could close in on the Salt Lake City and make a kill.
Within the day, the Salt Lake City was repaired and under
way again.

March 27, 1943

Call Me Alias

A brief investigation by the Reich Internal Security Office

ended in the arrest of four agents of the Gestapo for crimes
against Germany. Accused of distributing classified security
files to various members of the French Resistance, the men
were hung for their crimes. The descriptions of the female
agents of the Maquis who infiltrated the Gestapo were circulated to every office in France. What German intelligence
did not know was that the four men were all dealing with
the same agent: Frances new and potent Talent, Alias.



Lord Yama

Name: Real Name Unknown AKA Lord Yama, God of Death.

Nationality: Indian.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Unknown.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: Unknown.
DOD: Unknown (possibly immortal).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Yama could kill with a glance and make the most willful individual obey his commands. In addition, he was parahumanly strong, swift and resistant to damage. Since his birth in 1943, Yama
has not aged, and has healed grievous damage both to himself and his loyal followers. He is apparently immortal.
History: Nothing is known of Yamas existence before his appearance at Kanglantongbi. Within months of his
manifestation he drew a huge following to his keep at Kanglantongbi, which became a point of pilgrimage for
his loyal worshippers to come pay homage.

Early attempts by Indian and British colonial authorities to destroy the rapidly forming cult of Yama failed
miserably. In late 1943, the Ninth Indian Division was repulsed by a huge mass of Yamas followers, who faced
modern weapons with little more than sticks and rocks. Yama kept a jovial attitude during the clashes: Many
will travel my path to the land of the dead today, but only my followers will find their way back. Blessed by
Yama in mass prayer meetings, his followers felt no pain and gleefully entered battle with no regard for their
personal safety.

In early 1944, a deal was struck between the British viceroy in India, Field Marshall Lord Wavell, and
Lord Yama himself. Yamas followers would fight against the Japanese and the independence of his realm
would be recognized at the end of the conflict.
Yama immediately dispatched 65,000 followers to the Arakan pass, to reinforce Indian and British positions there, while the rest of his subjects remained in Kanglantongbi.

In March 1944, during the brief invasion of India, the Japanese Fifteenth Infantry Division made the
mistake of trying to pass through Kanglantongbi to assault Indian positions to the south. None of the Japanese
soldiers survived the battle. Yamas followers continued into combat smeared with blood, wearing necklaces
made of Japanese ears, fingers and teeth, fighting until the end of hostilities in 1945. They fought primarily
with machetes, swords or knives, though some employed modern weaponry, decimating all Japanese who
crossed their path.
Yamas followers killed more than 25,000 Japanese during the war, fulfilling their end of the bargain handily.
The United States and Britain recognized his country of Assam in 1946, and Yamas realm continued to grow,
enjoying peace and prosperity, interspersed occasionally with periods of brutal violence. Giving daily blessings to
huge crowds of followers at Kanglantongbi, Yama bestows on them the peace of death. This Hypercommand
made the subjects immune to any pain or discomfort, allowing them to go to their death without fear.
Yama and Assam have remained aloof from the world of international politics. All he says of religious
persecution, strife, or politics is, All men are the same in my Kingdom. Yama dismissed forays by the Soviet
Union in the 1960 for military aid against the Indian government, who initially did not recognize the sovereignty of Assam. The Soviet ambassador was expelled from Assam after he admitted he did not believe in God.
But I am a god, Yama replied.

Mediated by President Kennedy, the 1962 Treaty of Kanglantongbi quieted the hostile border between Assam and India. For the first time, the two countries exchanged ambassadors and goods. Assam joined NATO
in 1969; and though no nuclear weapons were installed in the country, American air bases were built in Karom
and Kohima.

Assam is unique in the world, in that it is open to any who wishes to enter its borders. Yama has worked
out clever deals with multinational manufacturers; since the subjects of Assam work only for the glory of their
Lord, the income of the nation is immense. Critics call Assam the worlds largest cult, while those who live
there call it paradise. They are well fed, cared for, and feel no pain. Assam is the land of pleasure, Prime
Minister Jagadis Naral announced at the United Nations in 1965, and all who seek it, may come.

Since 1965, over 1,000,000 people have immigrated to Assam. Many of these immigrants are terminally
ill. All who hear the benediction of Yama echo his words: Pain is an illusion. Only death makes men whole.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Over the next year no less than twenty high-ranking
Nazi officials in France would be turned with the use of
Talent powers, to the side of the Allies.

April 10, 1943

Just Outside of Tunis

The city of Sfax was captured by elements of the British

Eighth Army on this date. This port city was vital to the
Allied effort in Tunisia, and reduced supply lines by more

British Colonial
Possessions in the
World of Godlike

Due to the presence of Talents, the British Crown

Colonies of India and Burma enjoyed very different
histories in the world of Godlike. Tribal magic
and the return of gods led to the formation of new
countries and religions after the war.

The Kachin homeland of Gamgaw in Burma,
and Lord Yamas country of Assam in northeast
India are sovereign nations, independent of outside
rule, protected by the powers of the Talents that
rule themor the fanaticism of their followers. The
Kachin Arvat priests wield powerful magic that
protects their country from invasion, so they have no
need for modern weaponry; while Lord Yama commands an army of 200,000 fanatical followers who
would die for him with a single word.

During the height of the war, the British made
promises of independence to many of the Crown
Colonies that assisted Britain. These promises were
far from formal, and some were outright lies; all to
make the colony in question more productive. Few
British politicians ever imagined that such deals
would actually occur. However, as the parahuman
strength of these colonial powers grew, the ability
of the British government to control them dwindled.

Even as India was being granted its independence in 1946, Lord Yama and his followers, who
repulsed the Japanese in 1944, demanded their
independence as well. After a tense standoff between
Yamas army of fanatics and the Seventh Indian Division near Imphal, Britain recognized Yamas realm
of Assam (it was either that or start another war in
Asia). However, it would be some years yet before
India itself would recognize Yamas country.

Early attempts to mediate a colonial understanding between the Kachins and the British government
in 1946 ended with a threat by the Kachin Arvat;
Gamgaw would be granted independence, or every
child under five in London would die of fever.

What would have been a ridiculous threat in our
world was deadly serious in the world of Godlike.
The British ambassador recognized Gamgaw as an
independent nation that same day.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

than 600 miles. Now fresh troops, equipment and supplies

could be shipped into Sfax just miles from the front line,
instead of all the way from Tripoli.

Axis forces retreated to their last line of defense, an
extremely narrow strip of land at the tip of Tunisia. Low on
fuel and morale, they grimly held off the Allies, to stall the
eventual invasion of Sicily.

April 17, 1943

The Glorious Eighth

A huge bombing raid by B-17s of the American Eighth

Air Force devastated the already ruined port city of
Bremen, Germany. Bremen was the industrial center for the
production and maintenance of U-boats, and had several
large motor and steel production facilities. Over 100
bombers participated in the raid; only sixteen were lost.

Two German bermenschen destroyed the B-17 Green
River as it made its bomb run, making it the first American
aircraft lost to enemy Talent action.

April 19, 1943

The Battle At Warsaw

Afraid of losing favor with Hitler, Himmler dispatched

the Twenty-first Panzer Division to finally eliminate the
residents of the Warsaw Ghetto. With the help of Nephilim
and other anti-Nazi Talents, the Jews held off the Germans
for more than three months, killing over 400 SS men and
twelve bermenschen. The Germans believed they could
not hold out much longer; what they did not know was that
the Jews were being reinforced from afar.

The Panzer division got more than they bargained
for when they rolled into the Ghetto on April 19. British
and American Talents had been reinforcing the Jewish
holdings in the Ghetto for more than a month by the time
the attack began. Weapons, equipment and several Talents
along with 400 members of the Jewish Hagganah (a nonTalent Jewish defense force) were brought into the country
using various powers.

After four hours of brutal combat, the Twenty-first
Panzer limped away in retreat from the Ghetto. Over
750 men and nineteen tanks were lost in the battle. That
evening, amidst the burned out tanks and corpses, a flag
bearing the Star of David flew over the Warsaw Ghetto.

April 21, 1943

The Plague of Rangoon

Word traveled through Brigadier Wingate to British

command that the Kachin tribe of Burma planned to attack
Rangoon on April 21. As far as the High Command could
determine, the Kachins lacked sufficient equipment and
manpower to launch an offensive against the capital of
Japanese-controlled Burma, but due to their tenacity and
honesty, attention was paid to the Kachin promise.

Intercepted radio traffic indicated something happened
on the appointed date. The Japanese medical corps rushed
to several portions of Rangoon to treat an unknown




Name: Isabelle Compegne AKA Alias.

Nationality: French.
Political Affiliation: Communist.
Education: Private schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 12/1/22, Algiers, Algeria.
DOD: 1/29/86, New York, U.S.A. (lung cancer).
Known Parahuman Abilities: Alias was a changeling who projected a different appearance to everyone within
sight range (though she could focus and project a single image if she wished). To men, she always appeared as
a beautiful young woman; women saw various forms of both sexes. Her voice, fingerprints, weight and height,
despite what she appeared to be, remained the same; while photographs showed the illusion she projected, not
her actual form. Without her conscious control, the power would cycle through hundreds or even thousands of
different appearances.

Men subjected to her power also found her requests (no matter how outrageous), very difficult to resist.
Talents and women remained immune to this effect.
History: Born in Algiers, Isabelle enjoyed a privileged childhood. Her father was the director of the largest French
import/export company in Africa, and exploited the financial benefits of Africa to turn a huge profit in native art.

In 1938, her involvements with local men prompted her parents to take steps to control her wild
behavior; Isabelle was sent to Paris to attend a private Catholic finishing school. Under the watchful eye of the
Catholic nuns, Isabelle became a quiet, studious youth.

Due to the growing conflict in North Africa, her family returned to France just in time to experience the
unexpected German invasion there. The Gestapo took Isabelles mother away in December 1941 for her ties to
a communist organization; her father was imprisoned in May 1941 for unspecified crimes against the Reich.

Isabelle remained at the Catholic school, terrified and unsure of her next move. The nuns were left to their
own devices (several high-ranking SS men attended mass at the school), and the sisters there used this immunity to save several individuals from the Gestapo. Isabelle spent a year isolated at the school, fearful of
capture or imprisonment, doing little more than cleaning and cooking.

In 1942, after a bold attack on the local constabulary, seven members of the resistance spent the night at
the school, hiding from Gestapo sweeps. Isabelle fell in love with the leader of the cell, Charles Pettigny, and
the two were soon inseparable. She left the school and quickly became involved in the machinations of the
resistance, helping to plan and execute terrorist attacks on German occupation forces.

In late 1942, the Gestapo caught up with Pettigny and Isabelle in Paris. Pettigny was captured without a fight
and later executed, but after a brisk chase, Isabelle escaped. Looking for a place to go to ground, she returned to the
school, but was turned away. We do not know you, young woman! said the nun, who had worked with Isabelle
for over a year, and slammed the door in her face. A quick glance at her reflection in a shop window confirmed the
nuns story. Isabelles face had changed, and as she looked intently at it, it shifted yet again.

It was not long before she discovered the extent of her Talent power.

Over the next year, she wrought havoc on the internal structure of Nazi-occupied France, turning loyal
Nazis into puppets that she could exploit for the good of the resistance. Dozens served her and died for her,
while supplying information vital for the coming invasion.

After the war, Isabelle reunited with her father, and lived for a time in Paris, enjoying the fame associated with being a Talent hero. In 1951, her starring role in the Gene Kelly film An American in Paris was an
enormous success. Invited to the 1951 Academy Awards, Isabelle made a huge splash on the American media.
To each photographer she was a different person, and in each picture a different face. America was enchanted
with Frances woman without a face.

Through the 60s and 70s, Isabelle modeled for various agencies and acted in several movies. The illusions projected by her power kept her young and beautiful, despite her advancing age, and her career stretched
on and on as her looks shifted to stay in synch with the style of the time.

She died at Sloan Kettering hospital in New York at the age of 64. Even in death she was in demand, and
a controversial photograph of her corpse, that showed her actual face for the first time in more than forty
years, made the cover of the New York Daily News and the National Enquirer the morning after.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



illness. Through intelligence
sources, it was discovered
that 2,500 Japanese died
from the Red Fever, a
disease that caused the body
to bloat, capillaries to burst,
and death due to blood clots.

When Wingate met
with Arvat Sittuang and
his council of magicians,
he was quite taken with
their methods. A spell
was demonstrated on a
captured Japanese soldier.
Four Kachins chanted for a
minute and the soldier burst
into flame, dying moments later. After this amazing turn of
events, the British and American intelligence analysts had to
completely reassess the situation in Burma.

April 21, 1943

May 10, 1943

Yamamotos Ignominious End

Mistaking MacArthurs island hopping campaign as the

stabilization of a defensive line in the South Pacific, Admiral
Isoroku Yamamoto began to tour forward positions in an
attempt to raise morale, and solidify defenses in the area.

American cryptographers managed to decode Yamamotos
itinerary. With the authorization of Admiral Nimitz, eighteen
P-38 fighters were launched from Guadalcanal to intercept
Yamamotos plane over Ballale Island.

Major Thomas G. Lamphier shot the G4M Betty
bomber carrying Yamamoto out of the air as it passed over
the island, just minutes after the itinerary predicted. The
admiral was killed when the crippled aircraft smashed into
the jungle on Ballale.

The reluctant architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor
was dead at 59.

April 30, 1943

Target: Montgomery

Twelve German berkommandos assaulted Montgomerys

headquarters at Qairwan in the early hours of the last day
of April. Brought in by the German teleport Der Springer,
the bermenschen wrought havoc, killing more than forty
British and Americans before they called off their attack due
to mounting losses. Unfortunately for the Germans, General
Montgomery was 100 miles away at Le Kef, meeting with
General Patton.

A Canadian Talent, Flare, managed to capture two of
the German Talents. Seven others were killed; and three,
including Der Springer, escaped.

May 7, 1943

Tunis and Bizerta Fall

The British Eleventh Hussars rolled into Tunis after a

day of heavy fighting, in a push from Bja against Afrika

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Korps. The remaining

German forces retreated to
Cape Bon, a tiny peninsula
to the northeast of Tunis.
American forces under
General Bradley took Bizerta
later that same day, trapping
about 800 Germans and
twenty tanks between British
and American lines. The
rest of the Axis forces were
swept into a corner-the last
emplacement of Axis forces
in North Africa.

Surrounded on all sides,
Generaloberst von Arnim
and his remaining troops prepared to fight on. Despite their
lack of men, vehicles and supplies, they hoped to forestall
the Allied invasion of Sicily.

Eli The Brain Watson,

Number Cruncher

Section Two scientists in Brooklyn New York discovered the

first American Hyperbrain, Eli Watson during a recruitment
drive for Talents in New York. Barely eighteen years old,
Watson could multiply, divide, add or subtract thirty digit
numbers in his head, and was working on calculating Pi to
the 6,000th place just for fun.

After a crummy school career, Eli suddenly became
a genius overnight in his third year of high school in 1942.
In less than four months, he graduated from Queens
College with a degree in Mathematics and had his eyes on
the University of Chicagos Physics program. He turned
up at the recruitment office only after his mother correctly
guessed he might be a Talent when she saw an ad for
the drive in the newspaper. To be honest, it never even
occurred to me, Watson commented to the press, as
he answered insanely complicated math questions while
simultaneously speed-reading and translating huge sections
of complicated Latin text.

I may mess up, Watson confessed during his
demonstration, I only learned Latin last night.

May 12, 1943

U.S. Forces Retake Attu

Two hundred American scouts landed before dawn on

Japanese occupied Attu in the Aleutian Island chain. Five
hours later the U.S. Seventh Infantry Division landed,
attacking Japanese positions all over the island. After
eighteen days of fierce fighting, the Japanese were boxed in
at Chichagof Harbor. Only thirty out of 2,400 survived to
surrender when the island was secured on May 31.

Japanese forces on Kiska in the island chain withdrew
over the next two months. Japanese presence in the
Aleutians was over.



May 13, 1943

The End of the Axis in North Africa

Generaloberst Hans-Jrgen von Arnim surrendered the

remains of Afrika Korps to Montgomery and Patton at Tunis
on May 13, 1943, ending the war in North Africa. Over
200,000 Axis men were taken prisoner, along with 200 tanks
and thousands of vehicles and weapons. Allied analysts were
disturbed to find that no bermenschen were among the
prisoners. Most had escaped to Sicily or southern Africa with
the use of their powers to fight another day.

The end for Afrika Korps, which had once controlled
almost all of northeast Africa, had finally arrived.

May 16, 1943

The Fall of the Nephilim

Reinforced since March by a consolidated effort of Allied

Talents, the Ghetto at Warsaw faced a huge force of German
men and bermenschen called in by order of Hitler himself.
When the second Panzer Army swept into the Ghetto, they
initially faced stiff resistance, which was soon overcome.
The Germans were stunned to find only 250 Jews behind
the barricades, armed to the teeth with American and British
equipment. The rest were gone, or dead.

14,000 Jews and 3,500 Germans had been killed
during the uprising.

When the leader of the Nephilim, Hashomer, was
hanged at Warsaw the following day he spoke these words:
I die today dreaming of Israel.

May 22, 1943

Doenitz Suspends North Atlantic Patrols
Allied efforts to destroy the U-boats iron grip on the Atlantic
finally succeeded, and Admiral Karl Doenitz called off the
U-boat patrols in the North Atlantic. Over 100 U-boats were
lost between late 1942 and early 1943, along with the most
experienced sub crews and commanders. Allied convoys,
improved radar and sonar, along with increased air patrols of
coastal waters devastated the German U-boat system.

Although a new fleet of U-boats would be launched in
the next year, German control of the North Atlantic would
never recover.

May 26, 1943

Battle At Montenegro

the Montenegro area, suffering 3,500 casualties. Tito and

his Talent bodyguard Stasio came away from the attack
unscathed. With this dramatic victory, the number of Slavs
drawn to the cause of the resistance grew.

May 27, 1943

Eli Watson is Moved to Los Alamos

Eli Watson (Americas first Hyperbrain) was moved to Los

Alamos, New Mexico under great secrecy to assist in the
manufacture of the gadget, the worlds first atomic bomb.
Like all others at the site, he was paid $16 a month for his
duties, and his only connection to the outside world was an
anonymous post office box in Santa Fe.

Watsons vast intellect was of great use to
Oppenheimer, Fermi and Teller in the construction of the
device. He mostly served as a calculator capable of instantly
producing results for even the biggest equations, but also
assisted in the engineering specifics of the two bombs.

May 29, 1943

Der Archiv

RuSHA SA discovered the first German Hyperbrain, Walter

Zingel, during an officers exam for SS candidates on this
date. Zingel listed numerous professions on his application
including engineer, doctor, lawyer and linguist. Skeptical
officers soon discovered Zingel was not lettered in any
profession, but could still practice what he preached.
He spoke nine languages, could recite entire novels from
memory, was a master of math and physics, and was fully
versed in the advances of modern medicine.

Zingel was self-taught. He discovered his
encyclopedic memory working his night-job at the Diebitsch
Library in Berlin. While sorting books, he realized he could
see in his mind where the books were on the shelves
just by remembering their catalog number. However, his
ability did not end there; anything he glanced at, even for
a moment, could be recalled with perfect clarity. After two
months of study in the library, (during which he read
3,521 volumes) Zingel decided he would put his intellect to
best use for Germany and join the SS.

Immediately classified, Zingel was given the codename
Der Archiv (The Archive) and sent through SS training.
Later, he was assigned to Hauptamt SS command, to work
on the logistics of the German war effort.

June 1, 1943

An Axis force numbering over 120,000 men attacked 16,000

Communist partisans at Montenegro, Yugoslavia, in the
hopes of capturing or killing Josef Tito, the leader of the
Yugoslavian resistance. The Germans gained a potent partner
by converting another resistance group, the Chetniks, to their
service, and their numerical advantage over Titos forces was
immense. It seemed they could not lose.

However, with British training and backing, Titos
soldiers had become an incredible fighting force. After
three weeks of intense combat, Axis forces withdrew from

Propaganda Backfires

Allied bombs pelted Pantelleria Island, touted by the Italian

fascists as an unbreakable citadel, for eleven days straight to
prevent it from hampering the Allied invasion of Sicily. The
Allies believed a large garrison on Pantelleria could threaten
shipping in the area. Unfortunately for the natives of
Pantelleria, the island was nearly defenseless, and the boast
of the fascists was nothing more than an empty bluff.

On June 11, what was left of the tiny fascist garrison
on the island surrendered to Allied forces without a fight.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



June 5, 1943
Montgomery Is
Incinerated, Almost

While appearing at a public

rally in London in support
of the Russian war effort,
General Montgomery
was incinerated by an
enemy bermensch, Der
Feuermann (The Fireman.)
Sixteen were injured and
three killed during the
incident, but the German Talent managed to escape.

A day later, it was announced that Montgomery, was
not Montgomery at all, but a body double, First Lieutenant
Bernard Law, who bore a nearly perfect resemblance to the
General. Ten days later, King George presented the Victoria
Cross to Laws widow in honor of his sacrifice.

Set Europe Ablaze

To prepare for the cross-Channel invasion of Europe, the

RAF and American Eighth Air Force launched Operation
Pointblank, an attempt by joint bomber command to cripple
the German Luftwaffe, thus crushing the Germans will to
fight. Endless day and night sorties were flown, utilizing both
precision and saturation bombing to complete the mission.
Air bases, aircraft production factories and industrial cities
suffered an incredible pounding for more than a year.

For the first time, British crews employed the new
Bullseye system to mark ground targets for range and
accuracy. This involved utilizing Talent teleporters and fliers
to mark the objectives with flares; but during the first three
months of Pointblank, over fifty-four Talents were lost
on these missions. Aghast at the losses, the SSO cancelled
Bullseye, citing unacceptable losses of valuable personnel.

June 21, 1943

A small American Marine force crept ashore New Georgia in the
Solomon Islands, to take out a 76 mm coastal gun that overlooked
the sea-lanes to the south, in preparation for the coming invasion.
After a quick fight, the Marines secured the gun but quickly had
to hunker down in the face of continuous assaults by the Japanese
garrison. The 750 Marines held off a force of more than 3,000
Japanese for nine days, while the main American invasion force
sailed as fast as it could from Guadalcanal.

During the terrible fighting, America gained its first Mad
Talent: Harry Super-Man OMalley. Much like Baba Yaga
of the Soviet Union, OMalley manifested incredible Talent
powers under extreme duress. On the morning of June 24,
he suddenly demonstrated the following Talent abilities:
Hyperstrength, speed, immunity to damage, great endurance,

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

July 1, 1943

RuSHA SA discovered Hartmann Landers, the first German

Zed Talent, during a recruitment drive on this date. Landers

June 10, 1943

An Offensive at New Georgia

and Americas Mad Talent

flight and even heat vision.

He single-handedly halted
the attack, routing the Japanese
forces and capturing the
Japanese commander on New
Georgia. All in all, SuperMan OMalley made the
main invasion forces landing
on the June 30 an anticlimax.
When they arrived, he clearly
had the entire situation under
control, making the huge
invasion force feel superfluous.
One Talent effectively removed
the Japanese threat from New
Georgia, and then he really lost his mind.

Hitlers Disfavor

Der Archiv had difficulty from day one within the

Hauptamt SS. He could not ignore the cause of the
problems he saw within the logistics of the Reich.
Every major mistake and blunder could be followed (even without Talent power) all the way to
its ultimate source-Hitler. Der Archivs intelligence
prevented him from looking away.

Der Archiv struggled to change the way things
were run in the Reich without drawing the attention of Hitler. While he managed to persuade several
inner members of the party (including Albert Speer)
to disperse German industry in an attempt to save it
from Allied bombing in the last months of the war,
he otherwise made little impact. Subtle suggestions to
remove German troops from the Ukraine to defend
Germany in late 1943 ended with one of Hitlers
tantrums; as a result, Der Archiv was demoted and
sent away from the Himmlers personal service.

If it was not for the interdiction and pull of Albert Speer, Hitlers architect, Der Archiv might have
been sent to the eastern front. Instead, he remained
as a personal adjutant to Speer, and survived the
war. Like Speer, Der Archiv could very clearly see
the madness around him; often hiding the insights
his amazing mind uncovered. For example, personal
notes made by Der Archiv in 1943 after examining
the Abwehrs activities in Britain mentions nonchalantly: it is obvious that the entirety of our spy
operations in England have been compromised. In
actuality, the British had turned almost every German agent in Britain to their control, through their
Double Cross system.

He hid this discovery and many others from
Hitler, hoping to shorten the war.



could affect dozens of Talents
at once with his negation
power, and was given the
codename Null. Seeing the
value of his power, Himmler
rushed him through SS
training to serve as a personal
bodyguard for Hitler himself.

July 4, 1943

German forces launched

the long delayed Operation:
Citadel, a huge assault by
900,000 men and almost
3,000 tanks on the Soviets
at Kursk. The Russians were well prepared, however.
They noticed the German build-up almost a month before,
and gathered 1.3 million men on the salient to defend
against the attack. Two hundred and fifteen Soviet Talents
were drawn from all other areas of the war and placed in
forward positions, to act as behind-the-line shock troops.

Initial German advances were bogged down by crippling
air raids, and a nearly impenetrable defense of hundreds
of thousands of Soviet soldiers. Soviet Talents crept behind
the lines, forcing the Germans to halt their offensive and
reorganize before attacking again. No definitive combat had
taken place, but German losses were already enormous.

Hitler refused to call off the doomed offensive (despite
von Mansteins insistence), and reinforcements were
brought up in preparation for another push towards Kursk.

July 9, 1943
SS berkommandogruppe
Loses 212 In One Day

A hastily gathered team of German bermenschen was

thrown at the southern flank of Kursk, in the hopes of
drawing Soviet Talents away from the Ninth Army. It
failed miserably. After a brief gain in territory by the
parahumans, Soviet artillery opened upkilling more than
200 bermenschen in less than an hour. The remaining
parahumans barely made it back to German lines before
their hastily dug positions were overrun.

Furious, Hitler ordered another 200 bermenschen to
the eastern front to reinforce Operation: Citadel.

July 9, 1943
The Invasion of Sicily

Codenamed Husky, this Allied invasion force involved

over 2,500 ships and 180,000 men of the American Seventh
and British Eighth Armies sailing from North Africa, under
the command of Lieutenant General Patton and General
Montgomery. The attack opened with glider and paratroop
landings at Gela, Vittoria, Cantania and Syracuse on the
eastern edge of Sicily. Early problems were encountered,

however: high winds

scattered the British gliders,
sending them well outside
their drop zones (two even
crashed in the sea). American
paratroopers experienced
similar problems, finding
themselves nowhere near
their expected landing sites.
Losses in these groups
were severe, but when the seaborne landings began the next
morning, the tables quickly
turned on the 315,000 Italian
and 50,000 German troops
garrisoned on the island.
Beach landings from Syracuse
to Licata overwhelmed the
Axis defenders, while heavy air support kept the superior Axis
armor from engaging landing forces on the beaches.

Other troops landed through more paranormal
means. Four TOG teams and three SSO teams captured

All This Killing,

Its Wrong

Sergeant Harry OMalley lost his mind when a Japanese grenade struck him in the chest and rebounded
into a huddled group of four men before detonating. The men died in the explosion, while OMalley
was left untouched. He then, in the words of one
witness, ripped off his shirt and screamed Im
SUPER-MAN! Amazingly, he suddenly had the
Talent muscle to back up his one-man charge on the
Japanese positions, and within hours, he secured the
enemy garrison of more than 3,000 men.

Later that same week, while the last of the
Japanese resistance on New Georgia was mopped
up, OMalley killed a Marine captain for murder.
The captain was returning fire at an isolated Japanese
spider-hole when OMalley decapitated him with a
punch from behind.

All these guns, all this killing, its wrong,
OMalley informed General Darrenovsky, the commander on New Georgia. By then OMalley had
completely lost his identity and refused to answer
to anything but Super-Man. Im going to end this
war, starting now, he announced to the Marines on
New Georgia, and then proceeded to disable boats,
tanks and weapons with his strength and heat vision.
Fearing a Talent coup, General Darrenovsky radioed
Guadalcanal for backup.

Days later, four Marine Talents subdued SuperMan OMalley as he built houses for all the good
people to live in, and shipped him back to Pearl
Harbor command. To prevent another Talent outburst, OMalley was lobotomized in August 1943
and confined to the Petaluma Sanitarium for the rest
of his life.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



July 13, 1943

the bridge at Pointe Grande,

south of Syracuse, inflicting
huge losses on the Italian
Sixth Infantry Division. This
force of eighty-four Talents
held off 3,000 Italians for
two days until the British
Fiftieth Infantry Division
relieved them on July 11.

The Allies attack on
the soft underbelly of the
Axis had begun.

Tanks and Talents

Clash at Prokhorovka

July 11, 1943

The Hermann
Gring Division
Clashes With Patton

Heavily armed German

troops of the Hermann
Gring Division attacked
American forces under General Patton at Gela on the
morning of July 11, trying to
push them back to the sea.
Equipped with Tiger tanks and the twenty-four member
berkommandogruppe 19, the Germans hit the Americans
hard, almost reaching the beachhead before Patton called
in airborne reinforcements from Pantelleria. It was the first
time Patton saw the effects of Talents in combat up close,
and their psychological impact on morale was enormous.

Fearing a rout, Patton rushed his tanks forward from
the beach to engage the Tigers and bermenschen inland,
while his airborne troops attacked from the rear. The Allies
suffered heavy losses, but managed to encircle a portion of
the German force and drive back the tanks.
The Hermann Gring Division withdrew on the morning of July 12 towards the Strait of Messina to evacuate
Sicily for the Italian mainland.

Hitlers Growing Madness

By the summer of 1943, Hitler had become paranoid

to the point of near incapacitation. Food tasters
tested his every meal for poison, multiple routes and
vehicles were used when he traveled; and he was
never without his SS berkommando guards, loyal
unto death for their Fhrer.

After the near miss of the April 13 bomb plot,
Hitler began to feel paranoid even of his bermensch
bodyguards. Himmler was directed to find a perfect
defense against super-humans. Already indoctrinated in the Hitler Youth, Null fit the role of Fhrerprotektor perfectly.

By September 1943, Null was never more than
100 feet from Hitler, 24 hours a day.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Soviet forces dramatically

counterattacked the Germans
at Prokhorovka, forcing
Generalfeldmarschall von
Mansteins hand before he
could reorganize his armies in
a renewed offensive against
Kursk. 600 German tanks
and 111 bermenschen faced
off against 850 Soviet tanks
and 105 Talents in the largest
battle of tanks and Talents
ever seen in warfare.

Soviet tanks, aircraft and
Talents decimated the German forces, and only fortyone German tanks and twelve
bermenschen survived the
deadly engagement.

Germany lost more than
600 tanks and 500,000 men
in the nine days of Operation:
Citadel, dramatically shifting power on the eastern front. With
no other recourse, Hitler ordered cancellation of the offensive.

With his carefully orchestrated reversals completely
undone, von Manstein prepared to hold off the Soviet juggernaut with little more than a shadow of his former force.

July 15, 1943

Towards Palermo

The American Seventh Army, under Lieutenant General Patton, swept up the southwest coast of Sicily, pushing towards
its capital Palermo, while the Axis forces on Sicily carefully
withdrew to the Strait of Messina to evacuate the island.
Meanwhile, British forces under General Montgomery
moved up the eastern coast, towards Mount Etna and the
Strait of Messina, trying to stop the Axis retreat.

Heavy fighting in the British sector held up Montgomerys advance, while Pattons forces experienced little
resistance in their push towards the capital.

July 17, 1943

The Soviet Push

Soviet Forces from the Voronezh and Steppe front surged

forward on disorganized German positions, forcing a
clumsy retreat from the area around Kursk. Crushed in the
engagement, the Germans had little armor and almost no
air support, while the Soviets had nearly limitless supplies
of manpower, aircraft and tanks.

Von Manstein had no time to organize a retreat, and
the German Ninth and Second Army reeled under the huge
attack by Soviet Forces. Those that could withdraw, made



their way towards German lines in the west, those that
could not stayed behind to try to hold off the Russians.

July 18, 1943

British Eighth Army Moves In

Striking at the Axis stronghold at Cantania, the British Eighth

Army came face to face with the retreating Hermann Gring
Division and berkommandogruppe 19 on the plains east of
Mount Etna. After fierce resistance, the British tried to flank
the Germans by moving the first Canadian division around the
mountain, but bermenschen reconnaissance gave the Germans time to react. After a pitched battle on the western edge
of the mountain, the British forces were repulsed.

July 19, 1943

Il Duce Meets Der Fhrer

for the Last Time

Hitler met with his lackey Benito Mussolini in Fletre, Italy

for the last time. Their purpose: to discuss the invasion of
Sicily and Italys role in the coming battle for Europe. At the
time, Mussolini failed to inform Der Fhrer that his political position in Italy had become tenuous at best; rumors of
his dismissal by the Fascist High Council (and Italys surrender to the Allies) were the talk of Rome.

Il Duce encouraged Hitler to seize control of Italy so
that the war against the Allies (and coincidentally, Mussolinis position of power) could continue. Hitler refused.

July 23, 1943

Rome is Bombed

Rome was bombed for the first time in the war, by a

force of 270 Allied bombers flying from North Africa
and recently constructed airbases on Sicily. Hours before
the attack, the citys population was warned by radio
broadcasts and leaflet propaganda to prevent heavy casualties from occurring. In addition, the bombers avoided
archaeological sites and other famous landmarks, to
prevent serious collateral damage.

Patton and Talents

July 19, 1943

Lieutenant General Patton was less than enthusiastic

about Talents in the U.S. Army. His enormous ego
and drive to fill the headlines with American advances
(and his name) prevented him from employing Talent
teams in either North Africa or the assault on Sicily.
Nevertheless, TOG teams were used in both circumstances despite Pattons protests, but their command
came from higher headquarters. Eisenhower was very
aware of the publics obsession with Talents.

Pattons opinion of Talents in warfare changed
when he witnessed an attack by berkommandogruppe 19 at Gela first hand. Four German
bermenschen threw an entire tank company into
disarray before being stopped.

Damn, Id like to get me a few of those, Patton commented, inspecting the ruined husk of a M-3
Medium Tank that had been thrown twenty yards by
one of the Germans.

In August 1943, twenty-six American Talents
were assigned to Pattons headquarters. Known as the
Good Time Boys, and led by First Lieutenant John
Muscles Meyer, this group cut a swath through
Axis forces in France and Germany. Patton often stole
the teams thunder, taking credit for many of their
victories, but the Talents didnt seem to mind.

Meyer had this to say of the General: He was
like a father to me. Every victory, every success was
due, in the most part, to him. I owe him everything.

Patton Takes Palermo

The U.S. Seventh Army secured the ports of Marsala, Trappani and the capital of Sicily, Palermo on this date, claiming more than three quarters of the island of Sicily for the
Allies. Axis forces had all but retreated from the area, in
their rush for evacuation to the Italian mainland at Messina
in the east.

Patton entered the town at the head of a huge tank
force to roaring crowds of Italians, while Montgomery and
the British Eighth faced stiff resistance near Mount Etna.
Never one to miss a fight, Patton committed his force to advance east into the British sector, violating his orders from
Allied command. Both he and Montgomery now shared the
same target: Messina.

July 24, 1943


British bomber command devised a brilliantly simple

scheme to neutralize German radar during bomber assaults
on Europe. Codenamed WINDOW, this breakthrough
was nothing more than thin sheets of aluminum dropped
from bomb bays of attacking bombers. Radar waves were
diffused and scattered by the sheets of metal, confounding
night-fighters and tracking stations.

On July 24, 746 British bombers pelted Hamburg
while its night defenses were neutralized with WINDOW.
Over the next week, Hamburg was visited two more times
by British bombers, killing 30,000 people and reducing
75% of the city to rubble.
Eleven bermenschen perished in the bombing, and Allied aircraft shot down three more.

July 25, 1943

The King of Italy

The Fascist High Council of Italy convened for the first

time since 1939 and returned control of the country to King
Emmanuel. Confidence in Mussolini had eroded since the failure
of Italian armed forces in East Africa, North Africa and Sicily,


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



while the recent bombings of Rome demoralized the Italian
people, who wanted nothing more to do with the conflict.

Mussolini was arrested by Marshal Pietro Badoglio,
chief of the Italian general staff, and placed in custody.
Badoglio declared martial law, formed a cabinet, and went
through the motions of creating an interim government.
In reality, he was stalling for time, dealing with the Allies
behind the back of Hitler, hoping to extricate Italy from the
war with as little bloodshed as possible. Political overtures
to Allied contacts indicated that Italy might still escape
from its dangerous alliance with Hitler.

Badoglios men imprisoned Mussolini in the Grand
Sassos Mountains north of Abruzzi, to await trial.

July 26, 1943

The Growing Rout in Russia

The German High Command finally ordered forces at Orel

in the Ukraine to withdraw to the established Hagen line,
east of Bryansk. Lack of supplies, low morale and relentless
Russian attacks had eaten away at the Germans. Few had
any illusions left about their

The hastily prepared
Hagen line lacked sufficient
equipment, manpower and
ammunition to stop the
Russians, but Hitler refused
to commit any more forces to
the eastern front. The crossChannel invasion, he was
sure, would soon begin.

Assault on Ploesti

One hundred and seventy

eight American B-24D
bombers attacked seven
facilities in the Romanian oil
fields at Ploesti, a major German resource that produced
more than half of Germanys oil. After completing a 1,900mile flight from Libya, the bombers swooped in at less than
500 feet, dropping 354 tons of bombs on their targets.
Fifty-four planes were lost, mostly due to pilot confusion
(several planes became disoriented during their approach
and were picked out of the air when they circled back);
others were damaged and landed in neutral Turkey, where
their crews were interned for the duration of the war.

Damage to the facilities was considerable, but within two
months, oil production was once again up to normal levels.

The Retreat from Sicily

After fighting a holding action at Cantania for more than a

month, Axis forces began their retreat in earnest across the Strait
of Messina to Italy. Relentless British and American attacks
had demoralized the Italian garrison, while the Germans hoped
only to take the combat to the Italian mainland where their
manpower and defenses were far more considerable.

Holding actions slowed the British and Americans, but
did not stop their advance towards Messina. Behind-thelines landings disrupted Axis defenses, while Allied aircraft
flew over most of Sicily unopposed.

Resistance in the air near Italy and the Strait of
Messina was another
matter, however. German
bermenschen and ME109s flew relentless patrols,
covering Axis ships as they
ferried men and material
across the channel to the
Italian mainland.

August 5, 1943
Soviet forces on three fronts
launched a huge offensive
against the German forces
near Orel, Bryansk and
Belgorod in the central
Ukraine. The attacks flung
the Germans back in two
bulges, surrounding them at Kharkov.

Generalfeldmarschall von Manstein stemmed off
attacks by madly shifting his Panzers from trouble spot
to trouble spot. After a small collapse in the line near the
outskirts of Kharkov, and the destruction of thirty-five
Panzers in a single pitched battle holding the line, von
Manstein sent word to Berlin. Kharkov would be lost; it
was just a matter of time.

August 5, 1943

August 2, 1943
Manstein Is Ordered to Do the Impossible
Despite the likelihood of another Soviet summer offensive,
Generalfeldmarschall von Manstein was ordered to hold
the Soviets at Kharkov at all costs. Hitler refused to allow
an orderly withdrawal of forces from the Ukraine to more

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

August 3, 1943

The Soviet Push

August 1, 1943


defendable positions closer to the Reich with shorter supply


Lacking men, fuel, tanks and nearly everything else
in significant numbers to stop the Soviets, von Manstein
prepared what defense he could, and waited for the end of
the German Army in Russia.

Relentless shelling and bombing of Axis positions in

Cantania, Sicily caused the Axis forces to pull out of the
town for points east. The town surrendered to the British
Eighth Army on the fifth, ending a long and costly siege.
A secondary Axis line was established near Randazo and
Falcone to hold the Allies as the remaining forces were
evacuated. It was obvious that Sicily would be secured.



August 6, 1943

race to beat the Axis had become simply a race between

their egos.

The Germans Move in Italy

Concerned with the Allied advances in Sicily, and the

vacillations of Marshal Badoglios fledgling government,
Hitler ordered German troops to seize power in portions of
Italy. He hoped to fight a definitive war on Italian soil, and
ordered the establishment of several new defensive lines in
preparation for the coming Allied invasion. This haphazard
seizure threw much of Italy into complete disarray, with
some territories pro-Badoglio and others, pro-Hitler.

Der Fhrer also ordered the organization of a team
to rescue Benito Mussolini from captivity, but these plans
were cancelled when it was discovered the dictator had been
killed in a botched capture attempt by the Allies.

Kiska, Abandoned

A raid by Canadian and American troops on Kiska in the

Aleutian Islands revealed that the Japanese garrison there
had been secretly withdrawn. The recapture of Attu and the
disruption of the supply chain from Japan in the battle of
the Kommandorskiye Islands had soured the Japanese on
the Aleutians.

The only American territory captured by the Japanese
was finally re-secured.

August 17, 1943

August 7, 1943

Victory in Sicily

The Death of a Dictator

Marshal Badoglios negotiations with American diplomats

for the surrender of Italy were carried out under extreme
secrecy, to prevent the Germans from discovering the
duplicity of the new Italian government. The Allies demands
remained firm: the absolute surrender of Italy, and for good
measure, Benito Mussolini himself. Hoping to mediate a
better truce, Badoglio requested more time to decide.

Captain Peter Fastball Tucker, an American
teleporter, moved the negotiators in and out of Italy.
Besides Tucker, four other Talents traveled along with the
diplomatic team, though the Italians never knew it. The
team of American and British Talents, led by Major Michael
Camo Carter (a Talent who could project invisibility),
remained behind in Rome after the diplomats left, to spy on
Badoglios new and fragile regime.

Over the next two weeks, the team uncovered
the location of Mussolini and radioed it back to Sicily

On August 7, a team of nine Allied Talents and sixty
commandos assaulted the hotel in Abruzzi where Mussolini
was held. After a half an hour of fierce fighting, the facility
was secured. When the first commandos burst into the
room, they found the dictator hanging from a beam.

He looked at me, looked at my beret, said the first
Commando through the door, Captain Thomas Goliath
Levin, smiled, and jumped.

For the first time in many years, luck was with the
dictator. He died instantly when the noose broke his neck.

Lieutenant General Patton reached the steps of the

town hall of Messina almost two hours before General
Montgomery and the British Seventh Army; the race for the
capture of Sicily was over. No Axis forces were there when
the Americans arrived; almost all of them had retreated
across the Strait of Messina to Italy.

With just over 30,000 casualties, the stepping-stone to
Italy and the Reich had been secured.

August 22, 1943

The First Non-Mechanized
Long Range Flight Group

The U.S. Army Air Corps assembled a team of twentyone flying bricks (Talents who could both fly and were
resistant to damage) to escort bombers into Europe for the
Eighth Air Force. This was in direct reaction to airmens
growing concerns over bermenschen attacks on Allied

The first Talent escort of aircraft in the war took place
on August 22, when the First escorted 276 B-17s on their
daylight raid of Schweinfurt, downing nine ME-109s, two
FW-190s and one bermensch. Two members of the First
were lost to anti-aircraft fire over the target.

August 23, 1943

Retreat from Kharkov

August 10, 1943

Push to Messina

August 15, 1943

U.S. and British forces finally made progress in the

push towards Messina after more than a month of
intense fighting near Cantania and Mount Etna. Sea and
paratrooper landings behind Axis lines inflicted a heavy toll
on German forces attempting to cover the evacuation of the

Both Montgomery and Patton were bent on being the
first to secure Messina, and neither would admit that the

Fearing a complete collapse in their lines, German forces

withdrew from Kharkov for the third and final time. Almost
surrounded, General Ernhard Raus II Corps held off the
Russian onslaught of Kharkov for two weeks, hoping for
relief or the call for withdrawal.

On August 22, Hitler gave the order for the II Corps
to withdraw from Kharkov. Russian forces rolled into the
ruins of the city the next day.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



August 25, 1943

September 8, 1943

The Eighteenth Soviet Army

Attacks Baba Yaga

Immortale, the Immortal

The Eighteenth Soviet Army attacked the monstrosity

Baba Yaga as it picked its way through the remains of the
battlefield near Kharkov. Thirteen T-34 tanks fired en masse
on the creature at less than 1,000 yards, and failed to harm
it in the slightest. Instead, the Mad Talent rushed the Soviet
lines, killing 2,000 men and destroying sixty tanks and

In the face of Baba Yagas nearly limitless power, the
Soviet force withdrew.

September 3, 1943
Italy Surrenders, the Invasion Begins

Marshal Badoglio announced the suicide of Benito Mussolini and Italys unconditional surrender to the Allies, to a
stunned public over nationwide radio. He stated for the first
time: Fascism is over forever in Italy. Many Italians were
incredibly happy with the announcement, others frightened
by it. German forces in Italy were considerable, and most of
northern Italy was garrisoned by German troops.

For several hours, it remained unclear whether Italy
would be a battleground or a staging ground for the Allied
invasion of Germany. Then the Axis moved in. Troops
under Generalfeldmarschall Rommel disarmed Italian
divisions and seized power in northern Italy hours after
the announcement, while Generalfeldmarschall Albrecht
Kesselring occupied Naples and prepared a defensive line at
Nicastro on the Calabrian peninsula.

At 4:30 A.M. on September 3, the British Eighth Army
surged across the Strait of Messina. The invasion of mainland Europe had begun.

The Flying Bricks

The impact of comic books on the Talent phenomenon was realized for the first time in 1943, when
Section Two noticed similarities in Talent manifestations, and its link to the subjects age, place of birth,
and education level.

Professor Daniel L. Talbot of Section Two was
the first to recognize the strange preponderance of
young men manifesting a particular set of powers
including: flight, paranormal strength, speed, invulnerability and heat vision or even so-called x-ray
vision. Talbot was not familiar with the characters
of the comics, but his son was. After it was brought
to his attention, Talbot realized that the young men
were all manifesting the powers of their favorite
comic book character.

Comic books soon became a common sight in
the hands of American servicemen.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Dionisio Valenti became the first Italian Custos (the Italian

term for Talent, meaning Keeper) while attempting to
resist German soldiers in his hometown of Orvieto after
the announcement of Italys surrender to the Allies. The
fighting in Orvieto was violent, as the Italian forces tried to
overcome the better armed and more experienced German
troops. When the smoke cleared, the Germans looted the
town, raped the women, and burned several buildings to
the ground. Their numbers grew as retreating Nazi troops
from southern Italy prepared to defend the northern portion
of the country. To the Germans, almost every Italian was a
traitor and a target.

Valenti resisted when the Germans came to loot his
family home, and paid the price. He was beaten, stabbed,
finally doused with kerosene and left in a room with a grenade.

Blown to pieces by the explosion, and incinerated in
the fire, somehow he came back.

September 9, 1943
Landings at Salerno and Taranto

Hoping to secure as much of the Italian mainland as possible before the Germans could seize total control, two large
Allied forces (one sailing and the other flying from Sicily)
landed at Salerno and Taranto.

Lieutenant General Mark Clark was in command of
the Anglo-American force at Salerno. Early on, they faced
stiff resistance from General Heinrich von Vietghoffs Tenth
Army, and were pinned down on narrow beaches. After two
attacks on Clarks headquarters by German bermenschen,
TOG 6 and 10 were attached to his command. Despite this
boost, American and British footholds at Amalfi, Vietri and
Paestrum were tenuous at best. German artillery and readily
accessible reinforcements inflicted terrible casualties on the
Allies, but they somehow held on.

Meanwhile at Taranto, the British First Airborne
Division landed after an intense offshore bombardment of
coastal defenses by the Royal Navy. British Talents successfully seized Montecorvino airfield for a day and a half,
but were forced to withdraw when the Germans counterattacked. Otherwise, the British fared well, rapidly slicing the
heel of the Italian boot in half with a bold push to Brindisi.

September 10, 1943

The Germans Seize Rome

Under Generalleutnant Kurt Maelzer, German troops seized

the city of Rome from confused and outnumbered Italian
forces. Maelzer fashioned himself into a mini-dictator in
Rome, enforcing strict rules with bullets and torture. Overnight, almost any offense became punishable by death.

Situated behind a huge wall of German defenses, it
seemed that Rome might never be freed from the influence
of the Axis. On the other hand, even if it were, there might
be nothing left of the eternal city to liberate.



September 11, 1943

October 1, 1943

A Remnant of the Italian Fleet

Surrenders at Malta

The Italian Fleet (consisting of five destroyers, three battleships, six cruisers, and several transport craft) had been
ordered to Malta to be turned over to Allied command,
under the surrender terms of September 3.

While under way in the Mediterranean, the fleet was
attacked by German air and bermenschen forces from
northern Italy. In the first use of a guided missile in warfare,
the Germans employed the Fritz-X glide bomb in their attack on the Italian battleship Roma, sending it and 1,200
crewmembers to the bottom in minutes.

While the battleship Italia fared better, it was damaged
so severely by the bermenschen Tyr and Sonnerad, that
it remained in port for eighteen months before it was once
again seaworthy.

September 13, 1943

Airdrop at Salerno

To reinforce the thinly stretched Allied forces at the Salerno

beachhead, 1,200 paratroopers were dropped into the
beleaguered town. In an amazing stroke of luck, no men or
aircraft were lost in the operation. Just a day later, a huge
German offensive pushed back the Allies until they held less
than two miles of land.

Naval and air attacks by the Allies staved the German
offensive off until these reinforcements arrived, narrowly
averting a complete disintegration of the beachhead.

Reinforced by the advance of General Montgomerys

Eighth Army from Calabria in the south, and various reinforcements brought in through the beachhead at Salerno,
Lieutenant General Mark Clarks U.S. Fifth Army broke
through the German Tenth Armys defenses at Naples,
forcing the Germans to retreat to the Victor Line across
the Volturno river.

British troops entered Naples only hours after the last
German troops abandoned it, greeted by roaring crowds of
Italian civilians.

October 13, 1943

Italy Declares War on Germany

Marshal Pietro Badoglios government, which still held

power in portions of southern Italy, declared war on Germany, officially joining the Allies in their efforts to depose
the Nazi regime. Due to the scattering and disorganization
of loyal Italian troops, this announcement amounted to
little more than a promise of future action.

Nearly ruined, Italy was in no shape to take on the
Axis without extensive Allied assistance, and many profascist Italians fought on with their Axis partners in the

October 14, 1943

Second Raid on Schweinfurt

September 16, 1943

The Warspite

German air attacks against the Allied fleet off the coast of
Italy grew more persistent, skilled, and deadly. In the second
major use of the Fritz-X glide bomb, the British battleship
Warspite was hit and terribly damaged.

With many crewmembers dead or injured, and severe
structural damage, the craft was out of action for the remainder of the war.

September 23, 1943

Northern Italy Is Absorbed
Into the Reich

The British Enter Naples,

the Fifth Breaks Through

A second raid by the U.S. Eighth Air force on the Schweinfurt ball bearing complex was incredibly successful. The
combination of long-range fighter and Talent escort (by the
First Non-Mechanized Long Range Flight Group), proved
devastating to the German air defenses. Twelve ME-109s
and four FW-190s, along with four bermenschen were
shot down, and the ball bearing factory was leveled.

Twenty-five B-17s, two P-47s and one Talent were lost
during the raid.

October 30, 1943

The Russians Seal Off the Crimea

Hitler established control over a portion of Italy stretching

from Naples to the border of Germany in the north, designated Reichskommisariat Norditalien (Protectorate North
Italy.) Northern Italy was now a direct part of the Third
Reich, ruled under Hitler by Generalfeldmarschall Rommel.

It was seen by the German command as little more
than a battlefield in the making; a final buffer between Germany and the Allies.

In a bold push, Soviet Army Group South under General

Tolbukhin and Army Group North Caucasus under General
Petrov swept into the Crimea from the north and south, trapping the German Seventeenth Army on the peninsula. This
drove the remaining German troops north of the peninsula
back to the river Dneiper. The Soviet line now stretched from
the Sea of Azov in the south to Smolensk in the north.

While the Germans still held territory on the peninsula,
millions of Soviet soldiers and thousands of tanks were
prepared now for the final pushthe invasion of the greater
German Reich itself.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Name: Dionisio Valenti AKA Immortale (The Immortal).

Nationality: Italian.
Political Affiliation: None.
Education: Home schooling.
Rank: None.
Decorations: None.
DOB: 12/24/27, Orvieto, Italy.
DOD: Immortal.
Known Parahuman Abilities: Valenti was in every sense of the word, immortal. Shot, stabbed, poisoned,
burned and even blown to bits without any lasting effect, Valenti was also immune to aging, disease, starvation, thirst and could even cease to breathe when he wished. Once a concern, the pain of serious injury no
longer affects him.

His amazing regenerative powers worked rapidly when his brain was left intact from damage (e.g., he
wasnt blown to bits or shot through the head). Simple puncture wounds healed almost before the attack that
made them was complete, bullets and fragmentation damage took a few seconds to knit, while burning and
explosive damage took minutes or even hours to heal properly.

When his brain was damaged (or even destroyed) by an attack, his power took much more time to heal,
creating an entire new body from scratch. Once, when an 88 mm shell incinerated his entire body, it took Valenti almost three days to reform.
History: Valenti was 16 when the Germans took out their aggressions against the people of his hometown. His
family did their best to hide their prized possessions (including his little sister Francesca), but Valenti refused to
leave the family home. Armed with only an antiquated shotgun and resolve, he tried to take on a unit of German soldiers. Not surprisingly, he lost.

After the manifestation of his Talent, Valenti joined the Italian communists and fought behind German
lines, disrupting the Nazi chain of command. His favorite tactic involved a backpack full of explosives and
a hand-activated detonator. Valenti would rush enemy positions, often attacking from behind, fight until
cornered, then detonate himself, usually taking dozens of Germans and Italian fascists with him. Days later, he
would wake, unharmed, only to start all over again.

During the last months of 1944, Valenti gathered a small group of Italian Custodes (Keepers), who
wrought havoc on Gustav line and German positions in the mountains. Twice they tangled with the Italian
fascist Talent group, Legionari della Patria (Legionnaires of the Fatherland), and twice they were victorious.
This group of Italian fascist Talents served under the command of the Twenty-Ninth Waffen Grenadier Der SS,
and was a major threat to Valentis forces until their elimination in late 1945.

Valenti testified in German war crime hearings after the war, and at the age of 25 was elected to the Italian
parliament. With the Cold War developing in Europe, Valenti lost his taste for communism (as did many in the
communist underground) and became a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi.

In the mid-Sixties Valenti, disgusted with government corruption, left Italy to travel the world. He was a
popular guest at parties in New York, becoming a fixture in Andy Warhols Factory where he was romantically linked to Niko, a member of the Velvet Underground. Valenti acted in several of Warhols films, even
consenting to be actually decapitated for a scene in Warhols flop Dracula.

Valentis good looks and charm led him to Hollywood, where he was a fixture on the action scene, hanging out with such popular leading men as Steve McQueen and Lee Marvin. In 1976, Valenti sank his personal
fortune into a movie of his life called Immortal. After six years in production and more than twenty million
dollars spent, the movie was released, and closed within a week. Universally panned, it is often found on the
10 worst films of all time list.

Valenti never tried his hand at filmmaking again, and retired to the Hollywood hills, supplementing his
income by performing deadly stunts for movies from time to time.

Forever trapped in the body of a 16 year old, Valenti now spends his time with his wife and seven children, three of whom appear twice the age of their father.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



November 1, 1943

November 28, 1943

Invasion: Bougainville

After several diversionary landings at Choseul and Mono by

the Third New Zealand Division designed to draw the Japaneses attention, American forces invaded Bougainville, the
largest of the Solomon Islands. Bougainville was important
to the Allies for its proximity to Rabaul, the heavily defended Japanese base on New Britain Island. From Bougainville,
American aircraft could bomb Rabaul into submission.

On November 1, the I Marine Amphibious Corps
under General Vandergrift landed at Torokina. More than
14,000 Marines and forty Talents swept inland through difficult terrain, slowly forcing the Japanese back, despite stiff
resistance. Seabee construction crews began building airbases almost immediately after suitable areas were secured
by the Marines, even though behind-the-line banzai attacks
and booby-traps were commonplace.

The Japanese garrison at Bougainville was far from
defeated; they consolidated their positions on the island,
and prepared to hold out to the last man.

November 3, 1943
The Eighth Takes On Wilhelmshaven

In the largest air assault ever mounted by the American

Army Air Corps, the Eighth Air Force launched 500 B-17
bombers in a raid against the German port city of Wilhelmshaven. Escorted by long-range fighters and seven flying
Talents, the force suffered heavy losses; but destroyed a
large number of port facilities, including submarine slips
and repair equipment for the Kriegsmarine.

In the first face-to-face meeting between the three leaders of the Allies, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met at
Tehran, Iran to discuss the ongoing war and the planned
cross Channel invasion of Europe. The conference was held
in Tehran because of its proximity to the Soviet Union, its
separation from the war, and its apparent lack of Talents.
Security was still tight, with eighty Soviet, American and
British Talents in attendance to ensure the leaders safety.

Although the situation in Iran had somewhat stabilized
since its acquisition by the Allies in 1941, a large militant
force in the north called the Tudeh (Masses) threatened
the young Shah, Mohammed Reza. Even worse, Stalin
openly supported the Tudeh, while Roosevelt and Churchill
supported the Shah.

The leaders had not even settled in when the Tudeh riots
began. During the four-day conference, much of north Tehran burned, and almost every Allied Talent present (except
the Russians) was dispatched to assist the Shahs forces in
suppressing the uprising. Over 2,000 civilians were killed,
along with 509 of the Shahs soldiers. Allied Talent reports
from the conflict noted that several unknown Tudeh Talents were detected during the riots, but none were captured.

Despite these distractions, the Big Three managed to
come to terms on several secret matters, including Stalins
promise to fight Japan after Germanys defeat, an agreement to
declare war on Bulgaria if it invaded neutral Turkey, and the
date, time and size of the Anglo-American invasion of Europe.

December 1, 1943
Der Seefahrer Is Put to Death

November 20, 1943

Makin and Tarawa

The Big Three and the Tehran Riots

Japanese forces on the atolls of Makin and Tarawa in the

Gilbert Islands remained unscathed and in high morale,
despite intense naval and air bombardment by the American
Navy in preparation for invasion. When the Second Marine
Division landed on November 20, few believed they would
face any resistance at all, but extensive tunnel and cave
complexes on the tiny islands protected the Japanese from
the bombardment.

The Twenty-seventh Infantry Division secured Makin
atoll without difficulty, but the Marine assault on Tarawa
proved far more difficult.

When the Marines landed at Betio (the southernmost
portion of Tarawa), the Japanese forces pinned them down
on the beaches in a deadly crossfire. The fire was so intense
than the Marines found they could not advance past the
beach. Additional landings on November 21 and 22 failed
to significantly improve the American position on the island. Somehow, after four days of brutal combat, American
Marines secured the entirety of the Tarawa atoll.

Almost 5,000 Japanese were killed at the cost of 1,500
American lives. It was the bloodiest battle in U.S. Marine
historybut not for long.

At New York State Prison in Albany, New York, German

bermensch agent Georg Klingen (better known as Der
Seefahrer), was put to death by lethal injection for espionage. After languishing in prison for over a year, Klingen
was given a brief military trial that ended in his conviction.

At eleven minutes past 12 A.M., Klingen was pronounced
dead. His body was remanded to Section Two for study.

December 10, 1943

Airbase: Bougainville

After bitter combat, American Marines managed to push

the Japanese forces into a controlled perimeter on Bougainville, allowing Seabee construction crews to complete a
large runway suitable for Allied aircraft.

Within days, Allied fighter and bomber raids began on
the Japanese stronghold at Rabaul on New Britain, softening it up for invasion.

December 13, 1943

The Glorious P-51

Perhaps the greatest single-seat propeller driven fighter

ever created, the P-51 Mustang, had its debut in com-


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



bat, flying an escort for a
B-17 attack on Kiel, Germany. Nearly unmatched
by similar aircraft in speed,
range and maneuverability,
the Mustang proved to be a
devastating weapon in the
hands of the Allies.

By the end of the war,
all but one Allied fighter
wing in Europe would
employ the P-51 as its main
attack aircraft.

December 14, 1943

The Winter Offensive

Despite German hopes that the winter would keep the

eastern front static, the Soviets launched a huge assault on
the Germans in the southern Ukraine. Five Soviet Armored
Divisions and nine Armies swept forward towards Kiev, encircling or destroying almost every German position in their
path. Attempted German counterattacks met stiff resistance,
and lack of supplies, ammunition and manpower prevented
them from effectively stemming the Soviet tide. Soon the
Russians stood at the border of Poland.

The monstrosity Baba Yaga attacked various Russian and German forces during their advances, north of
Kiev near the Pripet marshes. Attempts by Soviet forces to
discourage the entity failed, and both Germans and Russians retreated from the area. Luckily, the creature seemed
content with picking through the fields of ruined equipment
and corpses, and mostly ignored the ongoing conflict.

December 26, 1943

Invasion at New Britain

Landing at Cape Gloucester, the First U.S. Marine

Division invaded New Britain, the largest island in the
Bismarck Archipelago, intending to cut off the Japanese
stronghold of Rabaul. The Japanese airbase and garrison
was already in poor condition, having been subjected to
constant bombing from American aircraft launched from

Due to seasonal monsoons, the Marines faced little resistance on the beaches, and later Japanese attempts to repel
the attack failed. In four days, the Marines captured their
main objective, the airfield at Cape Gloucester and established a perimeter cutting the eastern half of the island off.
In keeping with MacArthurs Operation Cartwheel, Rabaul
would be bypassed. Instead of wasting American lives in an
invasion, he would starve and bomb the Japanese at Rabaul
into submission.

January 3, 1944
The Russians Enter Poland

The First Soviet Army swept past German defenses near

Berdichev, entering Poland, from positions at Zhitomir, Mo-

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

zyr and Korsten. Although

Soviet forces captured only a
tiny portion of mountainous
territory, it represented the
first area of the Soviet Union
fully liberated from German

The Polish governmentin-exile cautiously examined
the coming invasion of Poland
by Soviet forces. Stalin had
yet to recognize the Polish
government-in-exile, and it
remained unclear what the supreme leaders ideas on the subject of Polish autonomy were.

Inquiries by Polish Talent Cien to Russian Foreign
Minister Vyacheslav Molotov about the matter were
ignored. Many Poles, fearful of the Soviet Union (who had
invaded Poland in 1939 along with Germany) were unsure
if they were being liberated, or enslaved all over again.

January 4, 1944
Operation: Carpetbagger

A huge airborne and Talent operation codenamed Carpetbagger was enacted to supply resistance groups within occupied countries with the weapons and equipment necessary
to fight the Axis in preparation for D-Day.

Large groups of partisans in the Netherlands, Italy,
Belgium, Poland, France and Yugoslavia were supplied by
airdrop and teleporters with over 50,000 tons of equipment, weapons and medical supplies. The flights and Talent
transport would continue for fourteen months, reaching
the point where field artillery pieces and even small vehicles
were dropped by aircraft to the rebels.

January 12, 1944

Crossing the Rapido

Under General Alphonse Juin, men of the French expeditionary force crossed the Rapido river just south of German
positions at the Gustav line.

Despite bad weather, low morale, and limited supplies,
this advance restored the Allies faith, and renewed the push
in Italy.

January 15, 1944

Leningrad Finally Relieved

The old capital of Russia, Leningrad, surrounded and under

siege by German forces since August 1941, was finally liberated by a huge force of Soviet troops including the Second
Shock Army containing more than 160 Talents.

The Germans, under Generalfeldmarschall Georg von
Kuechler were attacked on three sides by Soviet forces,
and within days, were pushed fifty miles from the city they
had surrounded for more than 900 days. The Hero City of
Leningrad was once again in Russian hands.



January 17, 1944

Monte Cassino

The small town of Cassino on the Rapido river in central

Italy became the focus of the entire Italian campaign, when
Anglo-American forces reached it in a push from Naples. The
town was not disputed, but the Ausoni Mountains surrounding it were brimming with German defenses. This fabled
Gustav Line was described as impenetrable by German
propaganda, and it lived up to its reputation as it rained
down relentless attacks from the heights on Allied troops.

Overlooking the town from 1,700 feet above was
Monte Cassino; a Benedictine abbey built in 529 A.D., still
occupied by an order of monks. Brutally accurate attacks
from the mountains around the monastery led Allied commanders to believe that Germans were using the abbey as a
spotter position, despite German protests to the negative.

TOG 6 was dispatched to make sure the field was fair,
so the team of nine Talents took up behind the line positions
on the mountain. After three days of recon in and around
the monastery, under the noses of both the Germans and the
monks, Lieutenant General Mark Clark was informed that
the Germans were not occupying the monastery at all. Plans
for an air strike on the abbey were called off.

Instead, the British X Corps rushed the German line in
a frontal attack across the Garigliano river, pushing towards
the Liri valley around the German line. What the Germans
did not know was that in just a matter of days, the Allies
would be landing at their rear as well.

January 20, 1944

January 23, 1944

Major Randolph Churchill
Parachutes into Yugoslavia

In support of Josef Brozovich Tito, leader of the Yugoslav

Communist guerrillas, Major Randolph Churchill (son of
the Prime Minister) parachuted into occupied Yugoslavia to
help organize efforts between the Allies and the guerrillas,
and to report on the condition of Titos army.

He found it hard going immediately, as the area he
landed in came under attack by Chetniks and German
troops the same day. With Tito and the Yugoslav Talent
Stasio, Churchill and about 9,000 troops escaped into the
mountains before they could be encircled and captured.

January 27, 1944

Zed Killed in Action

The Armor Moves Up

American troops of the U.S. II Corps crossed the Rapido

river to clear a path for Allied armor to advance, but suffered
severe losses in the face of withering German fire. TOG
10 was dispatched to disrupt enemy communications and
capabilities, while Talent service troops rapidly constructed
bridges to replace the ones the Germans had destroyed.

After ten days of hard fighting, the U.S. II Corps
secured positions on the far side of the Rapido, and TOG
10 had killed or injured more than 500 German soldiers.
Several hundred tanks and heavy vehicles crossed the river
during this disruption and dug in to assault the impenetrable Gustav line.

January 22, 1944


many of the German bermenschen with his power. When

the VI Corps landed, the sight on the beaches stunned Allied commander General John Lucas, It looked like something out of that Spanish painters head. I cant describe it.
Twenty-two of the sixty-three Allied Talents who landed
during Shingle died in the first hour.

Resistance on the beachhead from that point on was
sporadic. In one of the costliest mistakes of the Italian campaign, Lucas ordered his men to form a perimeter and dig
in, instead of proceeding towards Rome. The Allies settled
in and waited for the counter attack.

To support attacks on the Gustav line and to open the

path to Rome, the Allied VI Corps landed at Anzio,
Italy, behind German lines. A specially assembled team
of American and British Talents hit the beach defenses
one hour before the main landings in Operation Shingle,
expecting limited resistance. Instead, they faced forty-five
bermenschen on leave from the front, along with an entire
battalion of Waffen SS.

After a huge battle, the Anglo-American Talents were
victorious, mostly thanks to the effort of Zed, who disabled

Attacks on the Anzio bridgehead increased when Allied

forces failed to reach Cisterna, a small town to the north of
the Gustav line, and the Germans brought in two Divisions
from the line to repel the assault. Surrounded on all sides
except the sea, the Allies were continuously shelled by the
enemy from the surrounding heights, until the beachhead
was nothing more than a sea of craters.

One of the early casualties of the conflict was Major
Peter Cesay, the first Zed Talent, who was killed by an 88
mm shell near Borgo Grappa on the morning of the 27th.

January 30, 1944

Operation: Flintlock

After an intense bombardment by Task Force 58, the U.S.

Seventh Infantry Division landed on Kwajalein Atoll and
the Fourth Marine Division landed at Roi and Namur in the
Marshall Islands. The Japanese put up a spirited resistance,
but could not stop the American advance. By the fourth, all
three atolls had been secured, including the valuable airbase
at Roi. Over 11,000 Japanese died in the defense of the

From Roi, the Americans could launch air attacks
against Eniwetok and the Caroline Islands. The Japanese had
yet to effectively react to MacArthurs strategy. While Rabaul
wasted away, MacArthur planned to bypass the next Japanese stronghold at Truk. Admiral Nimitz agreed; the next
target would be Eniwetok, and then, the Mariana Islands.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



February 18, 1944

February 20, 1944


After intense sea and air bombardment, a force of U.S. Marines and Army Soldiers invaded the Eniwetok Atoll in the
Marshall Islands. Distinguishing himself, the U.S. Marine
Talent Captain Peter Whippet Murphy (a veteran of Guadalcanal) captured the Japanese command post on Engbei
and nearly single-handedly secured the air base there. He
received the Medal of Honor for his actions.

After four days of hard fighting, the island was secured.
Nearly 4,000 Japanese were killed at the cost of only 400
American lives. Eniwetok was the first Japanese pre-war
possession to fall into the hands of the Allies.

February 19, 1944

Big Week

In an effort to destroy the German aircraft industry, the

U.S. Eighth Air Force and the RAF launched day and
nighttime raids on various German production facilities in
over a dozen cities. Despite incredible successes (thanks to
the use of escort fighter aircraft and Talents), the dispersal
of German industry at the recommendation by the bermenschen Der Archiv prevented the Allies from crippling
the Germans.

The First Non-Mechanized Long Range Flight
Group, now containing more than sixty-five American
Talents, flew twelve escort missions into Germany during
Big Week, claiming twenty German aircraft and three

February 20, 1944

Bloody Anzio

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

After relentless air and sea attacks, Japanese forces permanently abandoned the airfields at Rabaul, effectively eliminating
the base as a threat to Allied interests in the area. Cut off, the
91,000 Japanese were pounded by carrier and ground based
aircraft, flying more than 29,000 sorties over the island.

Despite these hardships, the tenacious Japanese would
hang on for more than a year before surrendering.

February 26, 1944

The World Population of Talents
Tops 150,000

A paper published by Michael Specs Lovetz, a Hyperbrain

in the employ of the U.S. Army, reported an accurate projection of the growing world population of Talents for the first
time. Lovetzs study, commissioned by the Department of
the Army, was based on numbers gleaned from the Special
Sciences Office and Section Two reports (along with some
sources in military intelligence), and gave a five-year projection
of population growth by country for both the Axis and Allies.

Though controversial, and not widely accepted, it
would later be proven accurate, with less than a 2% margin
of error. By Lovetzs projections, the world population of
Talents at the beginning of 1944 was 155,500 with more
than 60% of that population undiscovered or unknown.
Lovetz predicted that by 1945 that population would
increase to over 200,000, and that by the year 2000, there
would be over 1,200,000 Talents worldwide.

March 4, 1944

Backed by dozens of artillery positions in the high ground

surrounding the beachhead at Anzio, ten German Divisions
suddenly surged forward to push the Allies back into the
sea. 69,000 besieged American and British soldiers resisted
them, suffering massive losses, trying to maintain their
slight hold on the valuable ground behind the Gustav line.
Before reinforcements could be brought into the central sector, the British and Americans forces were cut in two.

Without hesitation, General John Lucas ordered the
TOG and British Talent teams to break through to one
another, restoring a single unbroken beachhead. Their
attack inflicted heavy casualties on the LXXVI Panzer
Division. Lucas exploited the fact that the Germans lacked
Talents in the area. (Their bermenschen had taken a
pounding during Shingle.) This diversion distracted the
Germans long enough that air strikes could be called in
from southern Italy, but the toll on Talents was high. Of the
135 Talents under Lucas, fewer than twenty survived to see
the morning. Those that died there would later be called the
Bloody 100.

Due to heavy casualties from the air and Talent strikes,
the Germans called off their attack and retreated to a defensive perimeter around the beachhead.


The End of Rabaul

A Disastrous Raid on Berlin

A huge Army Air Force raid on Berlin by 600 B-17 bombers

ended in disaster for the American Eighth Air Force. Less
than thirty of the planes reached their intended target; the
rest were either destroyed, or too damaged to continue the
mission. Diverting to Allied landing strips in Italy, Sicily
or Britain (two even landed in neutral Spain), some of the
planes were so damaged, and their crews so traumatized,
that in the words of an Army reporter, Some of these boys
were flying in planes that looked like fire-gutted houses with
propellers. Its amazing anyone made it back at all.

Unusual Talent activity in the air over central Germany
claimed more than forty aircraft. Some sort of searchlight from the ground destroyed four planes in a blinding
flash of light, and a huge creature described as a Chinese
dragon incinerated four P-51s and two B-17s before being
eliminated by Allied Talents and fighters. Two B-17s simply
stopped working without being hit and plummeted like
rocks, smashing into the suburbs around the capital.

Nevertheless, the Eighth managed to drop 1,600 tons
of high explosives on Germany. Sixty aircraft were destroyed, along with nine Talents from the First Non-Mechanized Long Range Flight Group.

The Allies insisted the flights would continue.



March 7,

April 3, 1944
Budapest Burns

Operation U-Go

Concerned with Allied

advances into Burma, the
Japanese launched U-Go,
an attempt to sever the road
between Imphal and Kohima
and seize territory in India.
The Thirty-third Japanese Division engaged the
Seventeenth Indian Division
near Tiddim, trying to draw
British forces away from
the defense of Imphal. Two
other Japanese divisions, the
Thirty-First and Fifteenth, crossed the border at the same
time, one moving towards Imphal, and the others towards
Sangshak to sever the Imphal-Kohima road.

Unfortunately for the Fifteenth Division, they crossed
into Kanglantongbithe home of Lord Yama. The Japanese
found out the hard way what it is like to defy the will of a
living god. His fanatical followers flung themselves at the
Japanese without pause, dying by the score with smiles on
their faces as they decimated the invaders. By March 29,
two days after their entry to the town, the Fifteenth Japanese Division was no more. Not a single member survived.

After eight months of combat and more than 75,000
casualties, what was left of the Japanese forces in India
retreated back to Burma.

March 20, 1944

The Occupation of Hungary

Fearing Hungary would be swayed by Allied propaganda

(not to mention the disastrous turn of events for their forces
on the eastern front), Hitler quietly invaded the country
in preparation to stem the oncoming Soviet tide. Guerrilla
attacks against Axis and pro-Axis troops in the country had
increased exponentially since the initiation of Operation:
Carpetbagger and the Allied invasion of Italy.

The regent of Hungary, Admiral Mikls Horthy,
remained in power (along with a new Pro-Nazi Prime
Minister), due to his support of Hitlers policies; but all true
power in Hungary now lay in the demented grasp of one
man-Adolf Hitler.

March 30, 1944

In the Air Over Nuremberg

An RAF raid on the German city of Nuremberg on the night of

March 30 failed to achieve significant results. Nearly 100 bombers out of a force of 800 were lost in action over the target. Poor
visibility and heavy anti-aircraft fire prevented the bombers
from hitting any of their primary targets, and most returned to
base after dropping their bombs randomly in heavy fog.

Launched from bases in Italy

and North Africa, a force
of 400 B-24s and B-17s
bombed Budapest, Hungary,
causing light damage. By
this time, most of Hungarys
population was thoroughly
fed up with their Nazi allies.
With huge losses on the
eastern front, the haphazard
economy of the Reich, and
the recent German occupation, many Hungarians were
wishing they had never heard
of Hitler.

This attack was one more indication that the bitterest
battle between the Axis and the Allies would be fought not
in their respective homelands, but in the small countries
surrounding them. Hungary was beginning to see itself for
what it was: a buffer between the Red Army and Germany,
a battleground to be wrecked by the two contestants before
the final battle began.

April 8, 1944
The Crimea Push

Soviet forces under General Tolbukhin assaulted the remaining German forces on the Crimean peninsula, to prevent
them from escaping by sea. Behind-the-line attacks by Soviet
Talents disrupted the frontal defense of the German Seventeenth Army, causing a complete collapse in their line. Before
the tide could be stemmed, the Soviets pushed the 200,000
Germans into a pocket at Sevastopol, and split the Germans
into three small groups with their backs to the sea.

Stalin himself promoted Tolbukhin to GeneralPolkovnik for this dramatic advance.

April 10, 1944

Odessa Captured

General Malinovsky and the forces of the Soviet Third

Ukrainian Front lunged down the southern coast of the
Ukraine, pushing back the Third Romanian Army and the
Sixth German Army under the command of General Ferdinand Schrner. The Germans were outgunned and outnumbered, but Hitlers madness prevented an orderly retreat to
a fortified line.

The Soviets rolled into Odessa after destroying several
German divisions near Kherson, and killing or capturing
twenty-two bermenschen.

Unwilling to lose the valuable port city of Odessa,
Schrner launched several poorly planned counter-attacks,
which culminated in the loss of more than 5,000 men
trapped in a pocket near Nikolayev.

Schrner was killed by an unknown Soviet Talent three
days later when his Storch transport plane was ripped to


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



shreds in mid-air by a giant hand. The Talent responsible
for the attack never came forward.

April 12, 1944

Target: Japan

The Army Command activated the U.S. Twentieth Air Force

on this date. Split between the Mariana Islands and China,
this force was to carry out strategic bombing missions
against mainland Japan.

Two flying Army Talents, Zip and Loop-de-Loop,
were detached to the Twentieth to fly reconnaissance and
photographic intelligence missions in preparation for the
destruction of the Japanese islands.

April 15, 1944

Kilroy Was Here

An American Talent discovered his power on the morning

of April 15, when he awoke in the Reichchancellory in Berlin, after falling asleep in Boston, almost 3800 miles away.
It took him about a minute to figure out where he was, but
before he could act, he was instantly back in Boston again.

Ship Inspector James J. Kilroy was an unconscious
teleport who had no control over his power. It randomly
transported him in his sleep to restricted locations; then
instantly back to his starting point before he could be
discovered. His lack of control made him of little use as an
intelligence gatherer or assassin, since only his body and a
few small items were affected by his power (weapons, for
some reason, were never transported by his power, no matter how small they were).

Kilroy had already established a minor reputation
when his graffiti had been seen on unfinished ships sent
overseas; he decided to make his legend come true in earnest. He voluntarily alerted his superiors to his new Talent;
after a brief evaluation, Section Two assigned him to U.S.
Army Intelligences propaganda arm, putting his power to
good use.

Over the next year, his famous Kilroy graffiti (showing
a small face poking over the top of a wall with the slogan
Kilroy Was Here) was found marked on the walls of the
most restricted areas of the Reich, or, for that matter, in
Russia. The already paranoid Hitler discovered it in his isolated Wolfs Lair and Stalin found it in his most private
of bathrooms, just days after it was constructed.

In the closing months of the war, the white letters Kilroy Was Here became almost as common a sight as the
V in occupied Europe.

April 20, 1944

Sevastopol Captured

After a dramatic crumbling of the German lines in the

Crimea, the Soviet forces on the Fourth Ukrainian Front
swept through to the port of Sevastopol, liberating it.
General-Polkovnik Tolbukhin arrived in the destroyed city
at the head of a huge Soviet force just one day after the remaining 115,000 Axis troops on the peninsula surrendered.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Three days later, Soviet sea forces intercepted several
Axis transports carrying more than 15,000 men as they
attempted to cross the gulf of Karkintski. The Crimea was
secure and the German Seventeenth Army was no more.

May 11, 1944

Push to Rome

After pelting the area around the Liri valley with relentless
air and artillery attacks, the Allies advanced towards the
beachhead at Anzio. Frontal attacks on the Gustav line by
British Commonwealth troops met deadly resistance, inflicting heavy casualties on both sides.

While this bloody battle went on at the river Gargiliano, French troops swept around Mount Ausoni and threatened to turn the flank of the Gustav line. By the eighteenth,
the Germans began an orderly retreat towards Rome.

May 18, 1944

The Monastery Is Secured

After five days of close combat in the mountains surrounding the Monastery at Cassino, the Polish Fifth Division
arrived at the front door of the abbey, having completely
broken the German defenses there.

After a brief discussion with the leader of the Benedictine monks and a short blessing, soldiers raised the Polish
flag on the peak of Monte Cassino alongside the cross.

May 23, 1944

Anzio Breakout

The U.S. Army VI Corps, reacting to the destruction of the

Gustav line, began an offensive of their own, pushing to link
up with the French forces approaching from the southeast.

On May 26, the forces met near Sezze, Italy as the Germans continued to retreat north. The southern Allied force
and the Anzio force had become one, and the road to Rome
was now open. Over 45,000 men had perished on both
sides in eight months of combat, but finally, the capture of
an Axis capital was in sight.

June 3, 1944
A Careful Retreat

Finally given permission by Hitler to abandon the defense

of Rome, Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselrings German
Fourteenth Army completed a coordinated retreat across
the Tiber river north of Rome to the carefully prepared
Gothic line. Allied attempts to cut off the German retreat
failed because of skilled holding actions by the IV Parachute
Corps and the Allies lack of a coherent chase.

General Mark Clark, concerned with the growing
cries from the press, shifted his focus to Rome, instead of
an all-out pursuit of the retreating German forces. All but
one Allied division focused on the Italian capital, and after
several days of relatively light combat, a breakthrough was
achieved at Velletri. By May 30 the French, British Com-



monwealth and American forces stood at the doorstep of
Rome, the eternal city.

The Caen Canal and Orne River Bridges

June 4, 1944
One Up, Two to Go

Fearing a confrontation might level Rome, both the Axis

and Allies moved carefully. Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring
went to great lengths to avoid a battle in the city proper,
and just moments before the Allies arrived, declared it an
open city at the behest of the Pope. Most of the Germans
fled days before the arrival of the Fifth Army, and those that
remained offered little resistance.

Two German bermenschen surrendered along with
over 1,000 soldiers of the rear guard, hiding among the
normals as their units withdrew to the Gothic. Both proved
to be intelligence coups for the Allies. The bermensch Der
Nebel (The Fog) a high-ranking member of SS berkommandogruppe 51, gave detailed information on the disposition and methods of the German Talent program. Both
were shipped to London for questioning.

American General Mark Clark arrived at the head of
the victorious Fifth Army at Rome on June 4, 1944. The U.S.
flag which hung over Washington D.C. on the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor was flown in the center of the city.

June 5, 1944
Premiere of the Superfortress

The B-29 Superfortress, Americas first pressurized longrange bomber, had its premiere in a raid on Bangkok on this
date. This new type of aircraft could fly higher, farther and
faster than any American bomber before it.

Seventy-seven of the cutting-edge aircraft lifted off
from India; but due to technical problems and glitches in
the new planes, only seventy-two returned to Imphal after
the successful bombing run.

June 6, 1944

June 6, 1944
British forces under Major John Howard landed in six gliders along the Caen Canal near Caen, France at 12:16 A.M.,
to seize the bridge there for the coming invasion. In an
amazing turn of luck, three gliders landed within fifty yards
of the bridge. Within minutes, Howards men had seized the
bridge at the cost of only one casualty.

At the same time, three other British gliders with the
task of securing the Orne river bridge were scattered by the
wind. One landed in the flooded Dives valley, miles away;
while another landed too far from the bridge to make a
difference. The last gliders twenty-six men assaulted their
target anyway, despite the odds.

Luckily, the Germans believed the small group was the
spearhead for a larger force, and abandoned their posts.

June 6, 1944
The Banville Battery

In a daring plan to destroy a suspected Axis 150 mm cannon battery at Banville, the British Sixth Airborne Division
was parachuted into France at 1:00 A.M. on June 6. The
plan called for a concise raid on the emplacement, but
instead of landing in their drop-zone, the force was scattered over a fifty-mile corridor due to high winds. Out of
700 men and several tons of equipment, force commander
Lieutenant Colonel Terence Otway could only muster 150
men and less than 600 pounds of equipment.

Even worse, a second force set to land inside the batterys perimeter did so on schedule, before Otways men
could fully muster. Despite his trepidations, Otway ordered
his limited force into combat.

Half the British who entered the Banville battery complex died therebut the guns, which could have threatened
Allied ships, were silenced.

June 6, 1944

The command to launch the invasion of France, codenamed

Overlord, was given by the Supreme Allied Commander
General Dwight D. Eisenhower on the morning of June
5. The landing had been delayed for two days due to high
winds and waves on the Channel; but Eisenhower assumed
full responsibility, and gave permission to proceed despite
warnings of future squalls. Eisenhower felt the troops gathered in southern England, and the world, had waited long
enough for the liberation of Europe.

50,000 men mobilized on the southern coast of England in 4,000 landing craft, escorted by over 2,000 warships. This force would assault the coast of Normandy, only
hours after the first parachute and glider troops landed to
seize key German positions behind the line.

It was the greatest amphibious invasion force ever assembled in the history of the world.

The Americans Drop In

A fleet of 822 C-47 transport aircraft carrying the American

Eighty-Second and 101st Airborne, comprising nearly 18,000
men, crossed the Channel at midnight. Unfortunately, due
to cloud cover and heavy anti-aircraft fire, the troops were
spread over a large area surrounding their target: Carentan,
France. This turn of events had an unexpected benefit; it confused the German forces, many of who were still convinced
the true attack would be at the Pas-de-Calais (the closest
point between France and England). Lacking direction, the
Germans often waited for orders until it was too late.

Landing along with the 101st Airborne was a force of
115 American Talents, sent primarily to provide anti-tank
support until the real armor could get ashore. Unfortunately, the force was spread out in three man teams; with the
disruption of the landing, few teams linked up successfully.
With Talent aid the airborne seized Vierville and St.-Cmedu-Monte, and secured the bridge across the Taute river.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



June 6, 1944

Two groups of the Eighty-Second Airborne, disastrously

off target, landed in the middle of the French village of
Ste.-Mre-Eglise. The town was awake to greet them, due to
a fire caused by a stray incendiary bomb. While fire crews
frantically tried to extinguish the blaze, the German garrison heard the drone of aircraft overhead.

Few of the U.S. paratroopers survived the bloodbath that
followed. German soldiers picked them out of the air with rifle
and machine gun fire as they floated to the earth. After the
carnage, amazingly, the German garrison retired to bed!

Later, ninety-one American paratroopers of the Third
Battalion (including four Talents), landed outside the village. Assembled under commander Lt. Col. Edward Krause,
they assaulted Ste.-Mre-Eglise. Within two hours, the town
was in American hands, and Krause ran a battered American flag up the village flagpole.

June 6, 1944
Pevnost Fuels Operation Rascal

The Czech Talent Pevnost

was dropped by parachute
within fifty yards of the Orne
river bridge just an hour after
British forces captured it.
Using his power, an instant
link between a doorway on
the bridge and a mustering
point in southern England
was formed. This allowed
140 heavily armed commandos of Commando 3 and 150
Talents of various powers
(including Cien) to arrive instantly in France. More were
brought through later, but the Czech was ordered to limit
his transports to 500 at a time.

These mixed British and American teams of Talents
(called Rascals) spread out, to cause trouble in the way
only Talents can. Allied Command hoped these teams
would draw bermenschen away from the coastal defenses,
since it was likely that the Germans would respond to Talent attacks with berkommando teams.

Before the first men hit the beaches of Normandy, these
Rascal teams had spread as far south as Flers and as
far west as Carentan, leaving a trail of destruction in their
path. There were many outstanding accomplishments by the
Rascals, but a few stand out.

Colonel Eli Invincible Brown, picked his way through
an entire tank battalion of the Twenty-first Panzer Division at
Caen, before leading them and berkommandogruppe 13 on
a wild goose chase away from the shore. By the time the bulk
of the Panzer force returned to its post near Caen, the British
Second Army was already ashore. Major Timothy Tag
Montgomery teleported twelve PzKpfw VI tanks into the
Atlantic Ocean from a repair depot at Hermanville-sur-Mer
before being captured. Captain Douglas Wrongway Mertz
convinced the entire German garrison at St. Laurent-sur-Mer

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

that it was under attack by Allied bombers. When they were

done, they had fired their anti-aircraft guns for more than
an hour; only to discover their command facilities had been
stripped clean of important codebooks and orders.

By the end of the operation on June 8, 1944, a total of
350 Talents were operating in occupied France, wreaking
havoc on the German command.

(This was the second Operation Rascal of the war.
The first, in 1941, disrupted the German flank and allowed
British forces to escape a disastrous battle. Each Operation
Rascal was a rousing success.)

June 6, 1944
The Bombardment Begins

At 5:30 A.M., nearly 2,000 Allied warships began to

pound the French coastline to soften up the beaches in
preparation for landing. By now, the Germans on the shore
knew something was dreadfully wrong. The entire horizon was covered in warships, and the air was filled with
nearly 10,000 Allied aircraft. Every German stationed on
that shore knew that the invasion had really begun. Over
100,000 members of the French resistance along with Rascal teams had carefully severed communications from the
coast; it would be an hour
or more before the news
reached Berlin.

June 6, 1944
Pointe du Hoc

The Second Ranger Battalion, under the command of

Lieutenant James E. Rudder,
assaulted the hundred-foot
cliff at Pointe du Hoc, in
order to eliminate the 155 mm cannons at the top. TOG 41
was assigned to secure the ropes and carry equipment for the
Ranger assault, but most of the nine man team was eliminated after reaching the top; a hidden machine gun nest and
three quick thinking Heer men mowed the Talents down in

The Rangers utilized rocket propelled grappling hooks
to scale the cliff face, and within five minutes, secured the
gun blockhouse at the top. Ironically, the blockhouse was
empty. The six 155 mm cannons had been moved inland
two days before.

Rudder and his men formed a tight perimeter around
the cliff face and prepared for counterattack.

June 6, 1944
Utah Beach

Under the command of Major General Raymond Barton,

the U.S. Fourth Infantry Division was to hit a 2,200-yard
portion of Normandy codenamed Utah. Strong offshore
currents and mines prevented the initial wave of amphibious tanks from coming ashore at the proper location; the
landing force was instead swept 2,000 yards south of the



landing zone. Instead of landing near the Bancs du Grande
Vey, they arrived near La Grand Dune; an area much more
lightly defended than the intended target.

Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, son of former
President Teddy Roosevelt, made a vital decision minutes
into the landing. He ordered the reinforcements due to arrive
in eighty minutes to land on the new beach, and then ordered
his men forward. Were going to start the war here, he
said. He was later awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism.

The Fourth Infantry moved rapidly inland, defeating the limited German resistance without difficulty. The
Second Talent Assault Group (assembled from more than
thirty-two TOG teams and spread out among the force),
assigned to Roosevelts command, eliminated two tanks
and four gun emplacements, but luckily, they were needed
for little else. By evening, the Fourth linked up with the
502nd Parachute Infantry west of Vierville, and the Ninetieth Infantry Division had successfully come ashore. Utah
beach was in Allied hands.

June 6, 1944
Bloody Omaha and the Ten Minutes
of Hell

Landing craft containing

men of the U.S. First Infantry
Division hit the portion of
beach codenamed Omaha
at 7 A.M. From the moment
they arrived, it was a massacre. The forces amphibious
tanks were scattered or sunk
by high seas, and only three
managed to make it to shore
in one piece. Those crews that
survived found themselves the
target of machine gunners as
they swam to shore. Without these tanks, taking the beach
became a truly deadly task.

Enemy Talent action and mortar rounds destroyed
fourteen of the landing craft before they could come ashore,
dragging their crews to the bottom. Troops landed in the
wrong sectors due to rough seas clumping them together; this
left other areas nearly devoid of men and equipment. Those infantry that made it out of the landing craft, were pinned down
by intense fire from the heavily fortified German positions.
One section of a single company lost seventeen of its thirty-one
men, mowed down in seconds before they could reach cover.
Ordered to assault Fox Green Sector, Company E lost 105
men in the tidal flat as their landing craft were raked by barrages of machine gun fire, even before their ramps dropped.

Heroism was commonplace amidst the destruction.
Captain Laurence A. Madill (before succumbing to a mortal
wound to the chest) shouted out: Senior noncom, take the
men off the beach! Colonel George A. Taylor, commander of
the Sixteenth Infantry made an announcement at 8:00 A.M.,
Two kinds of people are staying on this beach, those who are
dead, and those who are about to die- now lets get the hell
out of here. It was because of men like this that Omaha was
not a disaster but a triumph for the U.S. Army. Soldiers pushed

forward to the shingle, a slight dip in sand that marked the

high tide line, which offered limited cover from the German
fire. It was from here that the breakout began.

Unfortunately, 110 bermenschen made their presence known even before the assault really began, backing
the German 352nd Infantry Division defending the beach.
Talent-caused casualties among regular American troops
were staggeringly high until the American Talents waded
into combat.

The First Talent Assault Group (assembled from more
than thirty-two TOG teams spread out among the force),
engaged the bermenschen in what was later called by
survivors the Ten Minutes of Hell. While the regulars
offered cover fire, teleporters and fliers assaulted the pillboxes. Hidden bermenschen sniped at the Allied forces
on the beach, causing heavy Talent casualties in the first
few seconds. Nevertheless, teleporters allowed flanking
maneuvers that threw the enemy into disarray. Heroism was
commonplace here as well.

The Indestructible Man was teleported into a 75 mm gun
blockhouse and set off a grenade in the ammunition storeroomblowing the gun and its entire crew to pieces; while Captain
John Iron Man Kelley hurled half-ton logs like javelins at the
German bunkers. Entire squads of men were converted to ashes;
portions of the beach (and the men on them) were teleported into
the sea; and at one point, something like an enormous Boa
Constrictor attacked an engineering crew near the tidal flat.
Casualties on both sides of the
super-human forces were high.
Hand-to-hand fighting claimed
seventeen of the worlds strongest men, while two of the fastest fliers were blown out of the
air. bermenschen killed many
Allied Talents, but the relentless
machine gun fire of the beachs
defenders killed many more.

When the smoke cleared, only twenty-four of the 289
American Talents who assaulted the beach were left standing.
By 10:00 A.M., the First U.S. Division captured a tenuous
hold on the beachhead and prepared to push inland towards
St. Laurent and Colleville through weaknesses in the German
line. But the First Talent Assault Group could offer no further
assistance; it had literally destroyed itself in its debut.

June 6, 1944
Sword Beach

Three miles southwest of the mouth of the Orne river, British forces landed on the beach code named Sword at 7:30
A.M. Supported by heavy tank cover, the attack was a rapid
success; and shore defenses on the beach were eliminated
within the hour.

British Talents of the First Special Service Squad
captured a gun position at Ouistreham-Riva-Bella. This
allowed the Second Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment to
surge forward and link up with British glider troops at the
Caen Canal and Orne River bridges, securing them.

Despite their successes, the force stopped short of its


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



last objective: the city of Caen, thought to be held by the
Twenty-First Panzer Division. In actuality, the Panzers were
just returning to the town, breaking off their pursuit of Rascal teams when the coastal bombardment began.

Instead of pushing forward, the British forces dug in
and waited for the coming counter-attack. This hesitation
would cost many lives.

June 6, 1944
Juno Beach

Along a five mile stretch of beach to the west of Sword, the

Third Canadian Division charged up Juno beach, just as
the tide changed. Covered by fire support from the battleships Warspite and Ramilles, the Canadians successfully
pushed inland, despite their lack of tanks. The Regina Rifles
and Royal Winnipeg Rifles broke through the German
defenses at Courseulles-sur-Mer and pushed towards Caen.
At Thaon, the Queens Own Rifles engaged and killed all
but one member of berkommandogruppe 16 without any
Talent support of their own.

By nightfall, the Canadians linked up with the Fiftieth
British Division arriving from Gold beach, just in time to
repel an attack by the Twelfth SS Panzers. By midnight, the
Third Canadian Division had secured a perimeter to the
north west of Caen, and held the line.

June 6, 1944
Gold Beach

At Gold beach to the west of Juno, the Fiftieth British

Division landed on schedule, ten minutes after the First
Dorset Armored Battalion at 7:30 A.M., which eliminated
the heavy German defenses at La Rivire and Crpon.

Heavy guns fired at the Allied fleet from casemates at
Longues, before being silenced by naval fire from the cruiser
Ajax. Minesweeping tanks known as Crabs pushed their
way up the beach at Le Hamel, allowing the infantry to exit
the beach and advance on Bayeux.

To the west, the Forty-Seventh Royal Marine Commando captured Arromanches, and linked up at Port-enBessin with the American forces, thanks to the efforts of
four American Talentsremainders of the First Talent
Assault Group.

The beachhead at Normandy was now a single
unbroken line. At the cost of 2,700 lives, the Allies had a
toehold in Europe.

June 6, 1944
Cien vs. Der Flieger

The Polish Talent Cien and a portion of the British Sixth

Airborne Division, in an attempt to link up with incoming
Canadian forces on Juno Beach, pushed south from the
Orne River to Banville, a small town just past the beachhead at 7:22 A.M. on June 6. There, they met the worlds
first Talent: Der Flieger.

Based on the French coast at Fcamp, Der Flieger was
alerted to the invasion in the middle of the night. By dawn,

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

the bermensch downed nine fighters and two transport

aircraft, and seeing the invasion fleet gathered to the south,
headed along the coast to assist German forces in the defense of Normandy.

Der Flieger sonic-boomed Allied troops at Sword
Beach, and seeing a furtive group of soldiers securing the small
shoreline town of Banville, swept in low to identify them.

He flew too low. Hearing the bermenschs approach,
Cien took a blind swipe at him with his power, knocking
Der Flieger from the air with his telekinetic shadow hand.
The bermensch skidded to a halt in the mud, with his leg
broken and two of his ribs shattered. An Allied combat
photographer snapped a shot of the bermensch in the
mud, his face unconsciously contorted in disgust and pain.
The photograph made the cover of Time with the legend
The Super-Man in Defeat, and became one of the most
famous photographs ever taken.
Despite Ciens best efforts, Der Flieger fled the scene
before he could be captured, flying unsteadily off to the
east. Der Flieger was done with Normandy.

June 7, 1944
Cormorant is Killed

Captain Michael Foreman (better known as the Talent Cormorant) was killed along with nine members of his Commando team by a German shell in the small seaside town of
Banville. Banville became a staging area for Special Forces
after Cien and the British Sixth Airborne secured it on June
6. Cormorant had just arrived to coordinate his actions
with Sixth Airborne Talent Command, when a German
counter-attack began. A fragment of the German 716th Infantry Division pelted the town with an intense artillery barrage before recapturing it briefly on June 8. Cormorant was
not reported killed until four days later, when a member of
his team who survived the engagement regained consciousness on a hospital ship.

June 9, 1944
The Russians Attack Finland

After months of secret negotiations between the Finns and

Soviets to reach a separate peace, the Soviets threw the Seventh Army and the Thirty-Second Army Group against the
Karelian front, destroying much of the Finnish II Corps in
a series of bloody engagements. For the first time since the
liberation of Leningrad, the Finns were isolated from their
Nazi allies; and Stalin was keen to conquer the country that
resisted him in the winter of 1940. Even better, the country
was now an enemy of the Allies.

Despite enormous successes, the assault seized up at
Salla, when an entire Soviet Tank Battalion was destroyed
by an unknown group of Finnish Talents, and a counterattack by the remains of the II Corps captured 2,000 Soviet
soldiers and forty tanks.

While the center of the Karelian Front froze, sea landings at Kirkenes and Petsamo in the north forced the Twentieth Mountain Army to form a defensive line near Nautsi.
The Soviets now had the Finns boxed in on two fronts.
Stalin ordered 450 Soviet Talents to the Karelian front, sent



up from the First and Second
Baltic Front.

Bring me the head of
Mannerheim, the Dictator
supposedly told the Talents

June 10,

After days of attacks by the

French resistance upon the
Second SS Panzer Division
as it moved from Toulouse to Normandy to defend the
beachhead, the SS struck back. They rounded up 642 town
folk in the small French town of Oradour-sur-Glane, locked
them in a church and set it on fire. Those who attempted
to escape were gunned down. Eleven townsfolk survived by
feigning death, while one young man, Michael Priers, survived by manifesting a Talent power.

June 15, 1944

The Landings Begin

June 11, 1944

The Arizona Hits Back

In preparation for invasion and to sever the Japanese forces remaining in the South Pacific from their homeland, American Task
Force 58 opened up on the islands of Saipan, Tinian, Guam, Rota
and Pagan. Among the ships in Task Force 58 was the recently
restored battleship Arizonaa survivor of the sneak attack on
Pearl Harbor. The Arizonas twelve 14-inch guns pounded
Japanese positions on Tinian while the Japanese troops garrisoned there huddled in caves, preparing for the inevitable

June 13, 1944

After five days of bombardment by Task Force 58, the Second

and Fourth U.S. Marine Divisions landed on the beaches of
Saipan on the morning of June 15. The Japanese garrison there,
32,000 strong and under the command of Lieutenant-General
Yoshitsugu Saito, dug in and fought viciously. Casualties on
both sides were high.

Within three days, Marine Talents had seized the
airstrip at Aslito, and cut the island in half. While the two
Marine forces struggled to maintain perimeters to contain
the enemy, reinforcements were landed behind the lines to
further confound the Japanese defenses.

Discouraged but not defeated, the Japanese retreated to fortified positions in the mountains, to carry on the fight.

June 15, 1944

Wittmanns Wild Ride

Leutnant Michael Wittmann, commander of the SS 501st

Heavy Tank Battalion, launched a single-handed attack on
the British Fourth County of London Yeomanry at VillersBocage, France. Wittmann cut a swath through twenty-five
British vehicles (most of which were being refueled and were
unmanned) before being stopped by the British Talent Captain
Daniel Gremlin OConnor. Wittmann surrendered readily
when his Mark VI Tiger tank was rendered inert by the Talents power, jovially congratulating his opponents on a wellfought battle. Wittmann spent almost two years in a British
POW camp before returning to Germany in 1946.

June 13, 1944

The Buzz Bomb

and set to plummet to earth

after flying a set distance,
traveled at more than 400
mph to their target, making
them difficult to shoot down.
Their distinctive sound, like
the buzzing of an insect, gave
them their name.

Of the four initially launched
at London, only one landed
on target, in the Bethnal
Green area, killing six people
with its 1,000 pound warhead. Despite the best efforts
of the First Non-Mechanized
Long Range Flight Group (who destroyed twenty-six V-1s in
the air over the Channel and Britain), thousands of these missiles pelted the London area over the next six months, killing
hundreds of innocents.

Four V-1 Buzz bombs or Doodlebugs, the worlds first

pilotless guided missile, were launched against London
one week after the beginning of the Allied invasion. These
simple yet innovative devices, kept on course by gyroscopes

Raid on Japan!

In the first truly successful bombing of a Japanese facility by

American forces, the iron and steel works at Yahata was destroyed by B-29s of the Twentieth Air Force, operating from
mainland China. The Japanese lacked effective countermeasures to prevent the attack, and all but one plane returned
successfully to base.

June 16, 1944

Stilwell Strikes

The Twenty-second Division, under the command of U.S.

General Joseph Vinegar Joe Stilwell, assaulted and took
Kamaing, Burma from Japanese forces. Stilwells offensives
in northern Burma gained momentum after the arrival of
3,000 American soldiers from Merrills Marauders, along
with fourteen American Talents from Imphal.

The Chindits, the Sixteenth Long Range Penetration group, and the Kachin wizards drew Japanese rein-


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



forcements away from the
combat, through various
hit-and-run assaults, aiding
the attack on Kamaing.

The Japanese in Burma
were spread too thin, and
suffered too many casualties
from disease and combat to
mount an effective counter
offensive, at least for the moment.

June 18,
Cherbourg Cut Off

The First U.S. Army under General Bradley managed to push

southwest across the Cotentin peninsula, arriving at Barneville on the coast on June 18. This move completely cut off the
German garrison at Cherbourg, and secured a large piece of
France for the Allies. While German forces remained in the
area, Allied Talent and air attacks kept most of them off the
roads, and therefore, unable to mount an offensive.

Hitler ordered the garrison (and especially the bermenschen) at Cherbourg to fight to the last man, but many of the
Talents had other ideas. Twenty-one German Talents surrendered to the One-hundred and first Airborne near Sainteny
just days after Bradleys successful sweep of the peninsula. As
the battle in France continued, many more German Talents,
disillusioned with the war and Hitler, surrendered to the Allies.

June 19, 1944

The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot

The Japanese, hoping yet again to force an engagement

between the American and Japanese fleets launched Operation A-Go. The A-Go force, composed of nine aircraft
carriers, five battleships, eleven cruisers, two destroyers
and thirty other smaller ships under the command of
Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa, sailed to intercept Task
Force 58 at the Marianas islands.

Unfortunately for the Japanese, Vice-Admiral Marc A.
Mitscher was well aware of A-Go due to American codebreaking efforts, and mustered his fleet (fifteen aircraft
carriers, seven battleships, eight cruisers, thirteen destroyers
and seventy other ships) off Guam to wait for them.

The battle began when scout aircraft from the Japanese
fleet located Task Force 58; Ozawa immediately ordered a
huge air attack on the Americans, but Mitscher was ready
and waiting. Within hours, the Japanese lost 240 aircraft
over the American fleet, in what Navy pilots called the
Great Marianas Turkey Shoot. In addition, American
subs wreaked havoc with Ozawas command. The Japanese
flagship Taiho was damaged and later, after being abandoned by Ozawa himself, exploded and sunk; while the carrier Shokaku was heavily damaged by torpedo attack. That
night the two forces circled each other in the dark, waiting
for further contact.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

The next day, eager for

the kill, Mitscher ordered his
planes off the decks at 4:15
P.M. to coordinates provided
by scout aircraft, where the
Japanese A-Go fleet had been
spotted in the Philippine Sea.
Although the Japanese ships
were at the maximum range
of the American aircraft,
and steaming away, several
hundred planes eagerly lifted
off into the dusk to engage
the enemy.
At 6:15 P.M., they found
their targets. After repeated
attacks, they damaged the
carriers Chiyoda, Zuikaku,
Ryuho and Junyo, the battleship Haruna, the heavy cruiser
Maya, and sunk the carrier Hiyo. While 102 American aircraft were lost in the engagement (most due to lack of fuel),
the Japanese forces were decimated.

Japan lost 426 irreplaceable naval pilots, along with
several vital ships. Once again, the engagement had been
decisive, but not in the way the Japanese imagined.

June 20, 1944

The Germans Hold the Albert Line

Attacks by the British XXX Corps on the Albert Line, a

German rearguard position south of the Gothic in Italy,
were met with brutal resistance. Attacks by fanatical German bermenschen destroyed twenty-two tanks, thirty-one
heavy guns and 500 men; nearly allowing a breakout, so the
Germans could escape to the north.

Only with the utmost effort did the British hold the
line, and after a week of destruction, the front quieted

June 22, 1944

Joachim von Ribbentropp
Avoids Death, Barely

Two Soviet Talents attacked the transport aircraft carrying

Germanys Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentropp as it
crossed the Gulf of Finland towards Helsinki on this date.
Ribbentropp was dispatched by Hitler to consolidate ties
between Germany and the Finns, so they would continue to
fight on the side of the Axis.

The aircraft was severely damaged in the attack, but
managed to limp its way back to Tallinn in Estonia before it
crashed. Shaken, the Foreign Minister returned to Berlin to
inform Hitler of his missions failure.

Despite the obvious truth of his story, Ribbentropp was
subjected to one of Hitlers rages when he spoke of Russian
super-men. Dismissed, Ribbentropp was heard to say, I only
hope the next time it happens, he is in the plane as well.



June 22, 1944

Imphal Relieved

The British Second Division reached the besieged Fifth

Indian Division at Imphal, which had been under attack for
two months by the Japanese. After a week of combat, the
Japanese were pushed south to Bishepur.

To prevent a second attack, portions of Lord Yamas
army of fanatics reinforced the line while shock troops relentlessly assaulted Japanese positions. The Japanese forces
at Bishepur folded within the week. With this defeat, all
hope for the Japanese Army in India ended.

June 22, 1944

Mogaung Captured

The Seventy-Seventh Chindits Brigade attacked Mogaung,

Burma in an attempt to push the Japanese back to the White
City. Allied attacks had picked up in the last year, preying on
Japanese patrols and lightly defended outposts.

Though the combat was bloody, the Chindits managed to
eject the Japanese forces from Mogaung, and by June 28, the
city was in Allied hands.

and Vienna). Under direct orders of Hitler, 126 flying bermenschen were transferred to Ploesti to defend it against Allied attack just weeks before the June raid. However, Allied
intelligence on the subject was limited, and the raid was
green-lighted without Talent support.

Axis fighters and Talents cut the American planes to
pieces as they bombed the oil fields. Out of the 761 aircraft,
only 367 made it successfully back to base; fifty-one more
crashed into the sea on the return home, twelve were reported missing, forty crashed on landing, eighty-seven made it
to neutral Turkey or Soviet territory; and an incredible 204
were destroyed over the target.

This enormous loss of life was the single greatest in
the history of the American Army Air Corps, and led to a
huge public backlash. Just two weeks later, General Henry
Hap Arnold, commander of the Army Air Forces, publicly apologized for the incident. Though many expected
his dismissal, it never came. The furor over the matter died
with Roosevelts announcement of the a Talent for every
plane policy on July 1. Although Roosevelts policy was
never carried out (there were not enough flying Talents to
go around), it quieted the public unrest.

The American Air Force would never bomb the oil
facilities at Ploesti again.

June 26, 1944

June 23, 1944

Operation Epsom

Attack on Army
Group Center

1.2 million Soviet soldiers of

the First Baltic and the First,
Second and Third Bellorussian Fronts launched a huge
offensive called Bagration
against the Germans across
a 300-mile line in the center
of the Ukraine. Forward
acting Soviet Talents seized
the headquarters of German
General Busch at Minsk (the General was elsewhere at the
time), and disrupted communication along the front, allowing dramatic gains by the Red Army.

Outnumbered in almost all resources at a four to one ratio, the Germans reeled under the enormous strain, but Hitlers
irrational command continued to be, Hold the line.

June 23, 1944

Ploesti, Again

Seven hundred and sixty-one aircraft of the American Fifteenth Air Force lifted off from bases in Italy and North Africa to bomb the oil production facilities at Ploesti, Romania,
which produced almost half of Germanys oil. Though the
facility was damaged in over a dozen previous attacks, these
assaults failed to halt production, and only served to increase
defenses in the area.

By the time the June bombings began, Ploesti was the
third most heavily defended target in Europe (after Berlin

British forces under General

Montgomery activated Operation Epsom, an effort to swing
around the southwest of Caen
(still heavily defended by the
Germans), into the Odon river
valley, exploiting a gap in
the German lines at the river
Aure. If a breakthrough could
be achieved, the Germans in
Caen could be cut off.
British Talents seized
high ground near Fleurysur-Orne on the morning of June 26, and artillery attacks
pushed the Germans back into the city limits. With heavy
Allied air support, the Germans could do little except
defend their positions. It seemed the offensive could not fail,
but then the problems started.

An unseasonable storm began to congeal directly over
Caen on the evening of June 26. For 48 hours, heavy rains
and winds in excess of 50 mph pelted the town, preventing
Allied aircraft from taking to the air. Exploiting this momentary advantage, the Germans took back Fleury-sur-Orne, and
captured over 500 men from the Second Canadian Division.

Epsom was cancelled when military intelligence
informed Montgomerys command that a huge group of
enemy reinforcements was on its way from southern France.
One of the casualties of the battle of Fleury-sur-Orne was
Arthur M. Smith, one of the first four British Talents to visit
America in the summer of 1941.

A photograph of President Roosevelt consoling Lloyd
Bulldog Feit, made the cover of the New York Post the
next day along with the headline One of the Four Killed


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



at Normandy; the Country

what remained of the native

population, but Minsk itself
was severely damaged in the
nearly four years of combat it
had seen.

The Soviet Army was
now poised to push towards

June 29, 1944


After an advance by the

American VII Corps on the
isolated German held port of
Cherbourg, Nazi resistance in
the town suddenly crumbled.
The victory was made hollow
however, by the fact that
German bermenschen thoroughly demolished the port facilities of the town before the
Americans could arrive.

Six of the bermenschen responsible, who attempted
to escape back to German lines, were captured near Carentan, after they turned themselves in at a checkpoint to a
lone American sentry.

July 2, 1944
The Albert Line Is Broken

Reinforced, the British XIII Corps crushed German resistance at Trasimeno, Italy, killing more than forty bermenschen in a pitched three-day battle that broke the Albert
line. Within a week, all resistance along the line crumbled.
Eighty-six bermenschen were captured or killed during the ensuing cleanup operation.

July 3, 1944

Advances into the hilly countryside of France brought the

Allies into the Bocage. These Bocage (thick hedges that
divided property lines), provided a natural, effective cover
for troop and tank movements. These hedgerows stretched
for miles, and made advancing with tank support difficult.
A furtive war of stealth and close combat developed for the
control of the territory.

The Germans exploited this advantage to the greatest possible degree, easily eliminating Allied tanks with their deadly
anti-tank weapons. For the moment, the front stalled, with
small gains and losses in ground being reported each day.

July 5, 1944
Minsk Is Captured

Russian forces of the First Bellorussian Front and the First

Baltic Front completed a huge encirclement of German forces at Minsk, trapping a large portion of the German Fourth
and Ninth Army in the town. 70,000 Germans were killed
and 40,000 captured.

Soviet Talents, who held off more than two weeks of
counter-attacks by German forces, were liberated along with

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

July 7, 1944
Caen Is Bombed, the
Canadians Move In

To break the German

imposed stalemate at Caen,
General Montgomery called in bombers to dislodge enemy
troops from north of the city. 460 planes dropped 2,300
tons of high explosives on the town, causing tremendous
damage to the already ruined city; but inflicting little damage to the German troops, who were hiding elsewhere.

The next day, with the help of the French resistance,
the Third Canadian Division moved into the ruined city, to
force the Germans out.

July 15, 1944

Defense in Finland

Despite early gains, Soviet forces in Finland were unable to

achieve a decisive victory in the attempt to seize the Karelian Isthmus. Soviet Talent attacks on Finnish Army positions
proved less than effective, as new Finnish Talents appeared
each day to join the fight. Even worse, Marshal Karl von
Mannerheim, the architect of the defense of Finland in the
1940 Winter War, assumed control of the government
and cut the countrys ties to Nazi Germany.

Soviet forces were ordered to prepare defensive positions, in the light of increasing Finnish gains on this date.
Disappointed but not discouraged, Stalin instead turned his
attentions towards the liberation of Poland.

July 17, 1944

Rommel Is Injured

Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel, called in from

Reichskommisariat Norditalien to take command of German Army Group B at the Normandy front, was injured
when his staff car was strafed by an Allied fighter patrol
near Paris on this date.

Although his injuries were not life threatening, Rommel was put out of action for several days while he recovered. Meanwhile, the front continued to move inland.

July 18, 1944

Aesgir Is Killed in Action

The Norwegian Talent Aesgir was killed in action outside

of Caen on this date. Using his power to transport 150 Ca-



nadian soldiers to an area behind German lines, this small
force attempted to take out two heavy cannons firing at
Allied positions near Vimont. Expecting light resistance, the
group was stunned to find themselves in the middle of the
Twelfth SS Panzer Division. After more than a day of heavy
fighting, Aesgir was killed during a push on an 88 mm cannon. Only fourteen of the Canadians made it back to Allied
lines. RuSHA SA rushed the remnants of the Talents Spear
of the Gods back to Berlin for study.

July 18, 1944

St. L

The American Twenty-ninth Infantry Division fought tooth

and nail to secure the French town of St. L , destroying
much of the city in the process. The fanatical German 352nd
Division along with berkommandogruppe 65 made the
battle a house-to-house affair, inflicting heavy casualties on
the Americans as they slowly spread throughout the town.

TOG teams 91, 51 and 54 were brought in from the
Cherbourg area to counter the German bermenschens
presence. After several days of deadly combat, berkommandogruppe 65 was no more, and only a handful of the
352nd Division survived to surrender the town.

At 9:00 A.M on July 18, after a week of heavy fighting,
the TOG flag was raised above the St. Croix church in the
center of town.

July 20, 1944

The Bomb Plot

Members of the German government attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler. The conspirators (several high-ranking
politicians, officers of the Heer, and members of the
Abwehr) saw the truth of Germanys situation in the war.
Without their mad leader in the picture, most believed that
a peace could be made with the Allies. Careful steps were
taken to remove the Fhrer from power, permanently.

Led by retired General Ludwig von Beck, the conspirators planned to seize control of Berlin with the Home Army
after the deed was done. Once the fact of Hitlers death was
known, they could form an interim government to mediate
a truce with Britain and America, saving Germany from the
Red menace.

The key to the whole plot was Oberst Claus Schenk,
Count von Stauffenberg, an officer held in high esteem by the
general staff. Disfigured by a shell blast in Tunisia, Stauffenberg was above suspicion; and was one of the few with access
to the Wolfs Lair, Hitlers retreat in Rastenburg. Stauffenberg
despised Hitler; masking his true loyalties to the Heer old
guard behind a faade of loyal servitude.

On July 20, summoned to the Wolfs Lair, Stauffenberg
brought a bomb amidst the papers in his leather valise.

Once inside the large map room with Hitler, Stauffenberg was confronted with unforeseen problems. Hitlers usual
bermensch bodyguard Null was not present (he was ill with
food poisoning). In his stead, an unknown super-man stood
watch. While the Fhrer pored over maps and lectured generals, Stauffenberg made a decisionthe bomb would have to
be as close to Hitler as possible if the plan was to work.

After a short word with a co-conspirator who was then
dismissed, Stauffenberg prepared to make his final sacrifice
for Germany.

The bomb blast rocked the building in the middle of the
afternoon, instantly killing two and mortally wounding six
others. Stauffenberg and the German bermensch Sturmbannfhrer Otto Foertsch were killed instantly when the device
detonated; though Hitler was saved by a last-minute move
around the immense map table, which bore the brunt of the
explosion. With nerve damage and hearing loss, Hitler was
shaken but able to immediately return to command.

Unfortunately, assuming Hitler had been killed in the blast,
the conspiracy put their plan into action. By that evening, when
the news of Hitlers narrow escape reached Berlin, most of the
conspirators had already been rounded up by the SS.

Within weeks, after several one-sided trials, all members
of the conspiracy were dead, and Hitler was still in power.

July 21, 1944

The U.S. Hits Guam

The First Provisional Marine Brigade and the Third Marine

Division hit the beaches of Guam, largest of the Marianas
Islands, on the morning of July 21. The Japanese defenders,
some 18,500 strong, offered little resistance at first, letting
the Americans come ashore.

When the Marines moved inland however, they found
themselves surrounded by hundreds of dug-in Japanese positions spread throughout the rough jungle terrain of the island. The mountainous territory was ideal for the Japanese
defense, and fighting often degenerated into hand-to-hand
engagements to secure tiny areas of land.

Banzai charges were commonplace. On the night of
July 26, 5,000 Japanese soldiers (most drunk on sake)
rushed the Third Marine Division on a suicide charge. Most
of the time, these charges were disastrous for the Japanesemore often than not they were mowed down by machine
gun fire as they ran towards Marine lines.

By August 10, most of the island was secured. 1,044
Americans had been killed in action, twenty-seven developed
Talents, and almost the entire Japanese garrison was wiped out.

July 23, 1944

The 34th Enters Pisa

After months of hard fighting, the U.S. Thirty-fourth Division entered the Italian town of Pisa on the edge of the
Apennines. Just days before, American forces had secured
the Italian port of Livorno, making the resupply of front
line troops in northern Italy a much easier task.

Reichskommisariat Norditalien was now nothing more
than a cluster of troops in the mountains of north Italy,
while the Allies held most areas to the south. The end for
the Axis in Italy had come.

July 25, 1944

Operation Cobra

Under General J. Lawton Collins, the U.S. VIII Corps


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



launched Operation Cobra, a push south from the Cotentin peninsula to turn the Germans western flank. An
immense aerial and artillery bombardment decimated
German front-line units, while TOG teams destroyed
German communications and transportation behind the
lines. This was followed by a huge armor-backed push
towards Avranches.

After four days of combat, tanks and troops near Marginy achieved a breakout, successfully turning the Germans
western flank.

August 1, 1944
Backed by Britain and America, 38,000 members of the
Polish Home Army (loyal to the Polish government in
exile in London) seized key points in Warsaw, plunging
the Nazi-held city into chaos. Combat was fierce; and with
Allied Talent support, (thanks to Pevnost and Cien), heavy
losses were inflicted on the Germans holding the town. Cien
destroyed eleven tanks on his own, while more than a dozen
Polish Talents cut a swath through the German positions in
the city, killing roughly 8,000 Germans in two weeks.

The Home Army hoped to liberate Warsaw, to give the
Polish government-in-exile a bargaining chip for the coming
Soviet invasion; but no one knew just what Stalins plans
for the country were.

Eight of the Conspirators Die

Eight of the conspirators of the July 20 bomb plot were

hanged at Pltzensee Prison, Berlin on this date for their
crimes against the Fhrer. Ranging in rank from Oberleutnant to Generalfeldmarschall, the conspirators refused
to beg for their lives, and went to their deaths with dignity,
despite the fact that they were hanged with piano wire. Gestapo and SS investigations throughout the Nazi party and
the citizenry of the Reich continued however. The witchhunt was not over.

Due to his paranoia, Hitler refused to attend the function, but had the executions filmed to be played over and
over again for his amusement.

Stalin Looks to the Future

Death on Tinian

After a pitched battle between the 6,000 Japanese soldiers

and 40,000 U.S. Marines on the tiny island of Tinian, less
than twenty-five Japanese soldiers survived to surrender to
American forces.

Just hours after the island was secured, the Seabees began constructing an airstrip large enough to accommodate
a B-29 Superfortress. Soon, bomb attacks on the Japanese
islands (some 1,500 miles distant) became commonplace.

August 2, 1944

In a brief announcement, Josef Stalin made plain his stance

on the future of Poland; only the communist organization,
the Polish Committee of National Liberation was recognized by the Soviet Union; Stalin no longer considered the
Polish government in exile relevant. Any non-communist
organization opposing the Germans in Poland was not
necessarily a Russian ally.

Despite public outcry from Talents including Cien,
little was done by the Allies about the statement.

August 15, 1944

Russian forces of the First Bellorussian front crossed the

Vistula river into Poland, securing a solid bridgehead on the
far side, allowing nearly 50,000 men and 2,000 tanks to
move up. It seemed Warsaw, just a few miles distant, would
be liberated by the Soviets in a matter of days, but Stalin
had other ideas.

At the far side of the Vistula, the Soviet juggernaut
just stopped. While bitter fighting continued in Warsaw,
the Soviet troops rested due to lack of supplies. It was
obvious to all what was really going on. Stalin would let the
Germans deal with the anti-communist Polish Home Army;
then, when the battle was done, pick up the pieces.

In light of this development, Cien and Pevnost were
recalled (despite their protests) to Britain for reassignment.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Cut off from southern Burma by British and American

forces for more than three months, the Japanese Fifty-third
Infantry Regiment made their escape from Myitkyina into
the jungle highlands, abandoning the town. Word had come
back that the Chinese and American forces were converging
on the area, and the Japanese did not have enough manpower and equipment to mount an effective defense.

August 15, 1944

August 1, 1944


Escape From Myitkyina

August 8, 1944

The Warsaw Uprising

Across the Vistula

August 3, 1944

Operation Dragoon

Intended to turn the Germans war from two fronts into

three, this second Allied landing in France took place on the
southern coast between Montpellier and Nice on August
15. The night before, Free French and British commandos
performed disorienting lightning raids; the next morning,
94,000 men and 11,000 vehicles landed, rapidly moving
inland towards Lyons.

The Germans were ill-prepared for such an assault.
After several heated engagements, the German forces began
to withdraw towards the center of France, performing desperate holding actions at Montlimar and Sault. By August
28, Toulon and Marseilles were in Allied hands. Just weeks
into the mission, Dragoon was within miles of linking up
with the Overlord invasion force in the center of France.



August 20, 1944

The Falaise Pocket

Surrounded on three sides by the Allies, the German Fifth

Panzer Army and the Seventh Army found itself without
any recourse save retreat. For four days, almost 20,000 men
took whatever they could carry and crossed the Seine river
to regroup with German forces to the east. On August 20,
Canadian and American troops closed the open neck of the
Falaise pocket, sealing the remaining Germans in.

Nearly 60,000 men were trapped in a fifteen-by-ten
mile area surrounded on all sides by the enemy. Relentless
air and artillery attacks whittled the force down to about
50,000 men. Less than a week later (despite their orders
from Berlin), the entrapped Heer finally surrendered.

August 25, 1944

August 21, 1944

Der Flieger Is Killed in Action

After the crushing defeat of the Falaise Pocket in France,

Hitler needed to restore his bruised ego. As a show of power to prove that Germany still
ruled the skies, Der Flieger
and fourteen flying bermenschen were dispatched on a
propaganda mission. Taking
off from near the front line,
the group flew for an hour to
London, dodging Allied fighters along the way.

For thirty minutes, the
group buzzed the capital,
dropping propaganda leaflets
on Buckingham Palace and
the House of Commons, but
doing no real damage. The
First Non-Mechanized Long Range Flight Group, ordered
to stay on the ground, could do little but watch as the Flying Krauts cruised over the town.

As the Germans gathered to fly back to Europe, antiaircraft guns employing the new proximity fuse developed by the Office of Scientific Research and Development,
opened up on them. Within minutes, all but two of the
bermenschen were blown out of the skyand not even
Der Flieger proved fast enough to escape the new weapon.

Der Flieger, the worlds first known Talent, was dead at
28. The next week, a lavish state funeral was held in crater-riddled Berlin; Hitler, in his growing paranoia, refused to attend.

August 23, 1944

King Michael

terms for an armistice with British and American advisors

in neutral Turkey, the Romanian Kings emissaries were sent
to Moscow, and forced to sign an armistice with the Soviet
Union. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin had already secretly
decided the disposition of post-war Europe; and Romania
was firmly within Stalins portion of the map. This armistice, combined with the reality of a half a million Soviet
soldiers poised at the border, made Romania little more
than a future prize of the Soviet Union.

Just a day later, the King announced the imprisonment
of the Fascist pro-Nazi dictator Ion Antonescu, and Romanias shift in allegiance. Within the week, Romania declared
war on the Axis and joined the Russians, Americans and
British in their fight against the Germans.

They had little choice in the matter.

Facing a bleak future, the country of Romania remained

trapped between two enormous warring powers, with little
hope of escape. Prime Minister Ion Antonescu, an irrational
tyrant who was little more than a puppet of Hitler, refused
to consider an armistice with the Allies.

King Michael, the monarch of Romania, began to
search for a way out of the darkness. After negotiating

The Liberation of Paris

Defying Allied orders to bypass Paris after crossing the

Seine, the Second Free French Armored Division entered
the city on August 25 to assist the Maquis uprising which
began just days after the
landings at Normandy. The
Americans were forced to
follow. After a brief struggle
for power, the German garrison commander General
Dietrich von Choltitz surrendered the city to the French
Second Armored Division.
Though he had been ordered
to level the city if the Allies
attempted to take it, Choltitz
had lost his taste for war; he
refused to be responsible for
such an atrocity.

Paris was not let off the hook so easily, however.
Fourteen bermenschen had not surrendered when the
garrison folded; assuming Choltitz captured or killed,
they went into hiding, to carry out their mission without
his direction. Their orders were to destroy key landmarks
and do as much general damage as possible, so the Allies
would find nothing but a heap of rubble and ashes when
they arrived. Over the next week, they caused considerable
trouble, leaving their refuges for brief sorties of brutality
and vandalism, flushed with the fervor of their dying cause.
They meant to make the French pay the ultimate cultural
price for defying the Reich.

On August 26, an attack by bermenschen on the Htel Meurice killed fourteen, leveling a third of the building.
Four American Officers were murdered under questionable
circumstances the next evening. In another incident, a single
bermensch, Der Schreck, held the entire Gare Montparnasse train station hostage with his Talent ability. Unbeknownst to the Allies, the final horror had begun before
they arrived: the bermensch Die Resonanz was building
a destructive resonance wave that had begun to cause
nosebleeds and shatter windows all over the city; allowed
to proceed to its logical conclusion, the wave would have
caused all of Paris stone buildings to collapse.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Under orders from General Eisenhower, 230 American
Talents were drawn from the front line on August 27 to assist in the identification and capture of the bermenschen.

Members of TOG 33 killed two bermenschen on the
Eiffel Tower on August 29, moments before they detonated
an explosive charge large enough to cut the structure in
two; nine more were captured at a checkpoint dressed in
U.S. uniforms the next evening, and later shot as spies.
The final three were tracked down by a TOG squad deep
in the sewers under the city; after a short bloody conflict,
were killed at the cost of two Allied Talents. This ended the
bermenschens reign of terror.

Thanks to the cooperation of Choltitz and quick
thinking on the part of the Allied Talents, Paris survived the
combat relatively unscathed.

August 26, 1944

Bulgaria Withdraws

Cut off from its Axis partners by the shift in allegiances of

Romania, the partisans of Yugoslavia and the surrender of
Italy, Bulgaria looked for a way out of the coming combat. The young King of Bulgaria, Simon II, made a public
announcement decreeing Bulgarias withdrawal from the
conflict as Soviet forces gathered at the eastern frontier.

Bulgaria never declared war on Russia, so it was hoped
that Russia, in turn would not invade Bulgaria. In this hope,
like their previous hope of an Axis victory in Europe, they
were severely mistaken.

August 28, 1944

After weeks of combat in the streets of Warsaw, the Polish
Home Army was nearly decimated by German air, tank
and artillery support. Those that remained alive, continued
to fight, but took to living in the sewers to avoid German
patrols. Only six of the twelve Polish Talents brought
through from Britain survived to see September. To make
things worse, special teams of bermenschen called Hunds
(Hounds) were brought in to Warsaw to flush the PHA

Without aid from the Russian Army camped at the Vistula, it seemed unlikely that the force would survive to see
the liberation of Warsaw, as one by one they were picked
off by German forces.

An Armistice in Finland

Thanks to the skilled defense of the country contrived by

Marshal Mannerheim, the Soviets sought to end the conflict
in Finland. Since its exit from the Axis, Finlands growing
population of Talents and renewed self-interest made a
war against the Finns a sticky and expensive proposition.
Stalin believed his forces in the country could best be used
elsewhere; there would be time for Finland later.

On September 4, the Russians and Finns agreed to end
hostilities. Karl von Mannerheim had defeated Stalin yet
again. Finland essentially gave Stalin back exactly what he
had gained in the hard fought war of 1940: the Karelian

The Soviets Invade Bulgaria

Soviet troops of the Second and Third Ukrainian Front under Generals Malinovsky and Tolbukhin reached the city of
Ploesti on this date, easily eliminating the German garrison
there. With the help of Romanian troops, the force freed
nearly 1,000 Allied airmen captured during the air raids on
the oil facilities surrounding the city.

Of the 120 or so bermenschen stationed there, only
twenty-five chose to remain at their posts and die there; the
rest flew back to Axis territory.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

The Overlord and Dragoon forces had made spectacular

gains over the summer, nearly liberating the entirety of
France in a single pitched battle. But once the Allies entered
Belgium, things began to bog down considerably; the forward pace slowed to a crawl. Confident in the Allies position
in Europe, General Eisenhower took personal command of
ground forces on September 1, with his eye turned Belgium
and the Low Countries. They were the key to the Reich; they
led to the Ruhr Valley, the industrial heart of Germany.

British and American forces burst into the tiny country
of Belgium facing a disorganized enemy; but by the time
Brussels and Antwerp were liberated on September 4, the
German defenses were hardening at the border of the Netherlands. To make matters worse, various isolated pockets of
enemy resistance remained, slowing the advance even more
as they were cleaned out.

With the help of the Talent Vevel and his partisan forces, the Third Canadian Division captured the last major city
in Belgium, the port of Zeebrugge, on October 1. Vevel and
his agents (busy terrorizing the Nazis in Belgium for years)
destroyed dozens of defensive positions around the city,
forcing the Nazis into thin corridors where they were easily
captured or killed. More than 50,000 German soldiers still
resisted the Allies, but were contained within isolated areas
of the tiny country.

By the end of October, both Belgium and France were
nearly completely in Allied hands.

September 5, 1944

August 30, 1944


The Allies Enter Belgium

September 4, 1944

The Death of a Home Army

Ploesti Falls

September 2, 1944

On the verge of total chaos, the ruling government of Bulgaria resigned. Just hours later, communist partisans rose up
and seized vital government installations as the Red Army
crossed the border. For nine days, sporadic fighting tore
through the country; but by September 14, a new pro-Soviet
government was firmly in place, backed by the Fiftieth Soviet Shock Army (composed of nearly 1,000 Soviet Talents).

Stalin had his thumb on Bulgaria, and with it firmly
under control, turned his men towards Yugoslavia and



Hungary. Yet another member of the Axis had chosen complicity over combat.

September 8, 1944
The Deadly V-2

The first V-2 Missiles were launched against London on

this date. Unlike their V-1 cousins, these huge rockets were
truly invulnerable to interception; they flew in high 60 mile
arcs, dropping from the sky to silently deliver 2,000 pound
warheads to their targets.

Thousands of the V-2s were mass-produced by slave
labor in secret underground bunkers spread throughout the
Reich, and with their mobile launchers, were nearly impossible to stop on the ground. Over the next few months,
thousands of these missiles rained down from the skies
on Allied positions in France, Belgium and Britain, killing
thousands and terrifying the free world.

September 11, 1944

The Good Time Boys Skirt Bitburg

The Talent team assigned to General Pattons third U.S.

Army, the Good Time Boys, crossed into Germany on
this date, scouting forward positions on the border of Luxembourg for the coming push into Germany.

After several brief engagements with the Seventh German Army, they crossed back into Luxembourg. Well, that
sure was a hell of a lot of Germans, quipped First Lieutenant John Muscles Meyer upon his safe return to American lines it looked like two Nurembergs and a Barbarossa
put together.

September 12, 1944

Overlord and Dragoon Meet

The Allied northern and southern invasion forces met just

south of Dijon in central France on the morning of September 12, uniting the Allied units into a single huge front that
stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel.

September 15, 1944

Titos Partisans Link Up With the Soviets

Soviet Forces under General Tolbukhin, along with their

new Bulgarian allies, launched into Yugoslavia, decimating
what little resistance remained in the southeastern portion
of the country. Communist Partisan leader Josef Tito
Brozovich had already liberated much of the country from
Axis control; when he met the Soviet troops near Kragujevac, the two turned their attentions to the northwest. There,
the Second Panzer Army and the Sixth German Army were
gathered to block their advance.

Stalin welcomed the resistance leader into the Allies
with renewed support; and, amazingly enough agreed that
the Red Army in Yugoslavia was a temporary measure to
destroy Germany. While Tito was an admirer of Stalin and
a follower of communism, he did not bow to the will of

the great leader, and planned to take control of the country

himself after the war. While war still touched Yugoslavian
soil however, Tito was more than willing to say anything
necessary to gain assistance from the Soviet Union.

September 15, 1944

The Soviet First Polish Army

Following the surrender of the last ruined units of the Polish

Home Army, the Russian-formed Polish First Army crossed
the Vistula river, and after hard fighting, established bridgeheads within the city limits of Warsaw.

Stalins refusal to aid the Polish Home Army paved the
way for a clean slate on which the Great Leader could
scribble whatever future for Poland he liked.

September 17, 1944

Operation Market Garden

Conceived by Field Marshal Montgomery, this bold plan

called for airborne forces to seize several key bridges in
Holland, behind German lines. Once these bridges were
secured, Allied tanks could drive north into Holland and
threaten the industrial heart of Germany, the Ruhr Valley to
the east.

On the evening of September 17, the U.S. Eighty-Second and 101st Airborne were dropped on Eindoven, Grave
and Nijmegen, Holland to seize key bridges across the Wilhelmina Canal. Early on, the plan seemed to work well, and
the Americans faced little resistance as they captured the
bridges, encountering only one significant counter-attack
near Nijmegen.

At the same time, the British First Airborne Division
landed at Arnhem to seize bridges across the lower Rhine.
Arnhem, the northernmost town and key to the entire
operation (since the armor had to roll through Arnhem to
reach the Rhine) proved much harder to take. British forces
there faced strong opposition, and only one British unit
under Colonel John Frost made it to the bridge, where it
was quickly cut off. Frosts men held on, refusing with sheer
bloody-mindedness to abandon their prize.

At dawn on the September 17, the British XXX Corps
began its movement into Holland from Belgium, encountering fierce resistance from German units. As XXX Corps
advance slowed and the American and British units in Holland faced growing resistance, it became obvious (at least to
forces on the ground) that Market Garden was in danger
of collapsing completely.

September 20, 1944

Talents Converge on Holland

Due to a variety of circumstances, a large amount of Axis

and Allied Talents converged on the combat erupting in central Holland in the wake of Operation: Market Garden. Over
forty Talents (including Cien, Invincible and Misfire) parachuted in with the Allies, while 106 bermenschen rapidly
moved into Holland to prevent an Allied breakout. Independent Talents such as Vogel and Daegal threw their hats into


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



October 1, 1944

the ring as well, trying to link

up with the Allies to give the
operation a small boost.

Less than eighteen Allied
Talents would return from
the battlefields of Market


20, 1944
Cien Is Killed
in Action

Fighting with the Polish First

Independent Parachute Brigade, the Polish Talent Cien and
350 of his men pushed north towards Arnhem to assist
Colonel Frosts men near the Arnhem Bridge. After a fourhour battle with the Twelfth SS Panzer Division, the force
broke through, but never reached the bridge.
Fourteen bermenschen backed by elements of the
Twelfth SS attacked Ciens men as they crossed the IJssel river. Outnumbered and cut off, they fought for two
more hours; Cien killed two bermenschen with his power
(Siegfried and Der Ziegel), before succumbing to a mortal
wound from the bermensch Krieg. From there, his force
was quickly cut off and eliminated.

The Dutch parahuman Daegal, hoping to aid the Allied

effort in his country, fought his way to Eerde along with
fifteen Dutch Talents where he confronted the German
bermensch Der Tragheit and berkommandogruppe 99.
Daegal was killed when the bermensch, pretending to
be awed by his power, surrendered. Der Tragheits touch
instantly killed him, flinging his body into the atmosphere
to be burned into scattered ashes.

The ensuing battle between berkommandogruppe 99
and the Dutch Talents was brief and deadly. In the end, only
one of the Dutch Talents escaped, managing to teleport to
Allied territory before falling unconscious.

September 26, 1944

After nine days of vicious combat, Allied forces at Arnhem
began to evacuate. Finally arriving at Arnhem, XXX Corps
failed to break through the German defenses and capture
the bridge. Instead, the tank force attempted to hold back
German assaults as the remaining men of Market Garden
beat a hasty retreat south.

The Allied line solidified on the southern bank of the
lower Rhine river. 3,000 men had died, and more than
7,000 had been captured, in a plan Allied analysts later
deemed a bridge too far.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Stasio Is Killed in Action

The Yugoslavian Talent Stasio was shot in the head while

attempting to seize a German gun emplacement in the
mountains along with a team of BSOE Commandos near
Banja Luka. He died two days later.

Rommel Is Given a Choice

Daegal Is Killed in Action


October 10, 1944

October 14, 1944

September 20, 1944

Market Garden Collapses

Although the German commander of the city of Aachen

was told to hold at all costs,
as the American forces approached the border of Germany he withdrew to the east.
Unfortunately, the Americans
were not aware of this development, and concentrated
their attacks on the German
defenses south instead of rolling directly through the town.

By the time the Americans realized the mistake, the Germans had poured reinforcements into the town. Ready to fight to the last man,
the Germans prepared to make Aachen another St. L .

Recalled to Berlin at the request of Hitler, Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel was given a choice: execution in
disgrace, or suicide and a state funeral. Implicated in the
July 20 Bomb Plot, Rommel chose suicide.

After visiting his family for the last time, Rommel
committed suicide by poison, and was given a lavish state
funeral. It was reported (but not widely believed) that Rommel died from war wounds suffered several months before
when his staff car was strafed by Allied aircraft.

October 14, 1944

British and Greek Troops Occupy Athens

After the evacuation of Axis forces from the country of

Greece, British and Greek forces occupied Athens to prevent
the Red Army from exploiting the countrys weakness.
Thanks to antipathy between the British and Greek communist guerrillas, much of the country found itself in the
middle of a rapidly developing civil conflict.

Even though the Axis was gone, it seemed it would be
some years yet before peace would truly come to Greece.

October 18, 1944

The Soviets Enter Czechoslovakia

Launching an attack through their new ally, Romania, the



Soviet Union leapt into Czechoslovakia at the Carpathian border. As the news of this advance spread, so did unrest in the
country. Partisans of various beliefs wrought havoc on Axis
communications, isolating German and pro-Nazi Czech troops
while the Soviets pounded them with air and artillery attacks.

With the assistance of Pevnost, a large contingent of
men loyal to the Czech President-in-exile Eduard Bens were
moved into the country from London, there to spread the
influence of a free Czech republic before Stalin could absorb
the country into his growing sphere of influence.

October 20, 1944

Belgrade Falls to the Soviets

In a combined attack by Soviet and guerrilla forces under

Josef Tito, the Yugoslavian capital of Belgrade was seized
and the remaining Axis forces in the country forced into the
mountains. The end to the war in Yugoslavia was in sight.

Josef Tito, hero of the Yugoslavian people, began to
consolidate power in Belgrade immediately, and within
hours, posters of his face hung on every available wall of
the liberated capital. Tito, leader of the most significant
resistance force in occupied Europe had become, at least in
the minds of his people, the new leader of Yugoslavia.

October 20, 1944

Aachen Falls to the U.S. Army

After twenty days of bloody combat, the U.S. First Army

finally captured what remained of the German city of
Aachen. The Germans holding the city leveled it in a series
of incredibly deadly engagements, refusing to surrender
even an inch of German territory to the advancing Allies.

The city was so damaged, that when a U.S. General
ferried into the town asked his driver When do we get to
Aachen? the driver replied, This is Aachen.

October 23, 1944

De Gaulles Victory

On this date, the Allies recognized General Charles de

Gaulles provisional government of France for the first time.

Flanked by his Surhomme bodyguards Le Teinte (The
Shade) and Le Mur (The Wall,) De Gaulle led a parade
celebrating the victory up the Champ Elysees, surrounded
by crowds of roaring supporters.

October 23, 1944

The Battle of Leyte Gulf

After capturing the island of Morotai, less than 400 miles

from his command post at the beginning of the Pacific
conflict, MacArthur planned his return to the Philippines.
On October 23, American soldiers under the command of
Lieutenant General Walter Kreuger landed on Leyte, a small
island in the Philippine chain southwest of Luzon. Instead
of confronting the soldiers on the beach, the Japanese withdrew to positions further inland.

Unknown to the Americans, the Japanese had prepared
extensively for a Philippine invasion. Called Sho-1, the plan
involved an enormous Japanese fleet of ships split into four
groups. One force would draw away the American task
force from the landing area, while another attacked and
destroyed the landing craft and support ships.

The plan went wrong from the start. Two Japanese
cruisers were spotted and sunk by American submarines
in the Palawan passage, north of the islands; worst of all,
Admiral Halseys command was alerted to their presence.
The next day American carrier aircraft struck, damaging the
battleships Musashi and Yamato. However, the American
Navy was not aware of the other Japanese ships in the area.

Under orders from Halsey, the U.S. ships of the Third Fleet
sailed north to engage the remaining Japanese ships, chasing the
Yamato, Musashi and Nagato, scoring devastating hits with
torpedo attacks from carrier aircraft. After hours of bomb
runs the Musashi sank with 2,399 men onboard.

Believing they had successfully drawn the Americans
away from Leyte, the Japanese sent Force C through the
Surigao Strait to intercept the landing fleet on the night of
October 25. The American Seventh Fleet was waiting for
them. The Strait was covered in American ships, including a
screen of PT torpedo boats, eleven destroyers, eight cruisers
and six battleships. As the Japanese ships came through the
strait, American attacks destroyed them in the last naval
broadside in the history of warfare. After suffering crippling
losses, the Japanese withdrew back through the strait.

The next day the Seventh Fleets spotter aircraft located
the fourth Japanese force near Cape Engano, and carrier
aircraft were launched to intercept them. The American
pilots sank three aircraft carriers and a destroyer in several
successive attacks. Japanese ships continued to steam away
as the attacks continued.

Elsewhere, trouble was brewing for the Americans.
The First Japanese Diversion Force, centered on the damaged but still operational Yamato suddenly came upon the
American landing forces at Leyte while skirting around the
San Bernardino Strait. The enormous Japanese ships immediately engaged the medium and small American destroyers
and carriers, which turned and fled, leaving behind a screen
of destroyers to cover their escape. These American destroyers fought gallantly, suffering huge losses while attempting
to hold off the Japanese juggernauts.

Alerted to the chase, Halsey disengaged from the fight
at Engano, and rushed back to the landing force. The commander of the First Japanese Diversion Force, Vice-Admiral
Kurita, sensed a trap closing around him, and left the way
he came, through the strait of San Bernardino, ending the
battle of Leyte Gulf.

This final, crippling blow to the Japanese Navy
claimed four aircraft carriers, ten cruisers, eleven destroyers and three battleships, along with over 500 aircraft.
Americas losses were much less severe, at 200 aircraft, two
destroyers, two escort carriers and one light carrier.

October 25, 1944

Hoshi Strikes

The Japanese Talent Hoshi was rushed to the Japanese

201st Air Group on Leyte, just moments after word arrived


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



in Tokyo of the American landings. Leading a group of
twenty-four heavily laden Zero aircraft, Hoshis squadron attacked a force of American escort carriers, already
damaged by surface ships. In the first Kamikaze (Divine
Wind) attack of the war, Hoshi and his compatriots
crashed into the American ships, causing severe damage.

The Jeep carrier St. L was the first victim, sinking after two Kamikaze hits ignited fuel below deck. It sunk within
the hour, taking 100 sailors with it. Hoshi led two more
waves after this assault, as his power snatched him back from
the cockpit of his doomed aircraft again and again.

The Clean-Up Ends in Belgium

After two months of fighting, the last of the German forces in

Belgium surrendered to the Canadian First Army, effectively
ending the war there. Nearly 41,000 Germans, holed up for a
month in the Scheldt estuary, surrendered after suffering crippling losses in men and equipment from Allied air attacks. Sixtyfive bermenschen were killed in the eight weeks of fighting,
and twelve more surrendered with the last of the German forces.

After a brief celebration, Vevel and his communist
partisans reported to the command of the Canadian Third
Army and offered their services. General Eisenhower flatly
turned down the offer.

November 9, 1944
Patton Steps Up

The American Third Army under General George Patton,

comprising more than 500 tanks and 500,000 men, crossed
the Moselle river after certain strong-points on the far side
were eliminated by the Good Time Boys. With engineers
hard at work to restore the destroyed bridges across the river,
Pattons force squeezed across two intact bridges in record
time. Waiting is what loses wars, Patton told a reporter
from Stars and Stripes after crossing the river.

It seemed nothing could stop him from driving directly into
the heart of the Third Reich, but concentrated bermensch attacks near the front stalled the advance of the southern portion
of Pattons force, causing the General to halt and regroup.

November 12, 1944

After attacks by British midget submarines severely damaged but failed to sink the immense German battleship
Tirpitz in port at Altenfjord, Norway, the British Command
decided to step up operations against the craft. British
aircraft flew half a dozen bomb sorties on the Tirpitz from
Soviet airbases in the Baltic, with mixed results.

The last attack on November 12, made by thirty-two
Lancaster bombers equipped with the immense Tall Boy
bombs (each containing more than 5,000 pounds of explosives), managed to score two direct hits on the battleship.
Minutes after the attack it rolled over and sank, killing
more than 1,000 crewmen in less than five minutes.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Across the Siegfried Line

After fierce fighting, American forces penetrated the Siegfried line, near the town of Saarlautern. The Allies seemed
poised to deliver the final blow against Germany, but Hitler
had one last ace up his sleeve.

December 4, 1944
The Beginning of the End in Burma

November 8, 1944

The Sinking of the Tirpitz

December 3, 1944

The British Fourteenth Army began the final offensive

against the Japanese in Burma, hitting airfields in the north
at Yeu and Shwebo, and cutting off rail lines and resupply
routes with Chindit and Kachin patrols.

Nearly obliterated in the battle for Imphal, the remaining Japanese forces of the Fifteenth Army retreated to
defensive positions in the jungle highlands. Disorganized
and without any clear plans for the future, the Japanese prepared to fight to the last man.

December 9, 1944

Scientist Werner von Braun, architect of the V-2 Missile,

hatched a plan to shock the world in the closing months
of 1944. Exploiting Hitlers love of grandstanding, von
Braun pitched the Blitzen (Lightning) Project as a first
in the history of man which could never be undone. In
brief, Blitzen was a radio transmitter launched into space
by the bermenschs Der Tragheits power- where it would
become, briefly, the worlds first artificial satellite.

After Hitler gave permission to proceed, the 2-ton satellite was constructed at Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Hermann
Gring in October and November 1944. It was launched by
Der Tragheit from Peenemnde on December 9, 1944. For
twelve hours, the radio transmitter beeped from the void
of space before it disappeared forever. Blitzen was the first
man-made object to enter space, and after the Allied scientific community confirmed it, it did indeed shock the world.

The Germans were tight lipped on just how the Blitzen made it into orbit, and neglected to mention the use of
parahuman powers in its launch at all. Most in the Allied
command assumed that the Germans had a Super V-2 in
reserve. A committee of physical scientists from Britain and
America was rapidly formed to look into the matter.

December 16, 1944

The Battle of the Bulge

Hitlers last great offensive was unleashed on the quiet front

near the Schnee Eifel region of Germany. There the madman
gathered an enormous force, preparing for the biggest battle in
the history of the Western front. Under Generalfeldmarschall
von Runstedt, the force of 205,000 men (composed of the
Sixth SS Panzer Army, the Fifth Panzer Army, the Seventh
Army and the berkommandogruppe SS Heinrich Himmler)
prepared to launch themselves into battle at the fronts weak-



est point: the green U.S. VII Corps sector in the Ardennes.
Through this gap, Hitler hoped to split the British and American forces in two in a drive to the port of Antwerp. From
there, the Germans would cause as much damage as possible.
Hitler believed that he could break the spirit of the Allied
armies if he inflicted a terrible enough blow to their forces.

Poor weather prevented Allied aircraft and Talents from
flying, so the build-up in the Eifel went unnoticed. In Allied
sectors, the war had slowed to a snails pace. As the stalemate
set in, many thought it would only be a matter of time before
the Germans simply gave in, or were overrun by the Russians; but the Ardennes offensive put an end to such hopes.

Surprise was nearly total when the 3,000 members of
berkommandogruppe SS Heinrich Himmler, the worlds
first Super-Army, smashed through the lines at St. Vith,
decimating the U.S. VII Corps. The Sixth Panzer Army
followed through the gap, sweeping northwest for Antwerp
while the main contingent of forces forced its way west,
ripping through American held areas with ease. The American forces reeled, suffering immense losses, but in certain
places continued to hold on. At St. Vith, the VII Corps was
continuously attacked for five days straight before retreating from the town. After being bypassed by SS Heinrich
Himmler, they fought off three separate assaults by Panzer
forces, losing 15,000 of 22,000 men.

German troops encircled American forces in the town
of Bastogne, overran the 106th American Infantry at Schnee
Eifel, and decimated the Twenty-eighth American Infantry
at Skyline Drive. berkommandogruppe SS Heinrich
Himmler led the way towards Antwerp, sweeping aside the
U.S. VII Corps and the XVII Airborne near Werbomont.

Under the direction of
Generalmajor Otto Skorzeny,
specially trained Englishspeaking German Commandos dressed in U.S. uniforms
wrought havoc with American communications, cutting
phone lines, redirecting traffic and giving confusing orders to lone command posts.
This operation, code named
Greif (Access,) threw the
Allies into further disarray.

It seemed nothing could
stop the advance of German
forces and without air cover,
the Allied cause in northern
France seemed in danger of

20, 1944
Jumping Johnny Is
Killed in Action
Scouting enemy positions
behind German lines for
bombing attacks, the British

Talent Jumping Johnny landed on an SS ammunition dump,

igniting it. The blast was heard for over fifty miles away,
and killed the British Talent instantly.

Two days later, after some confusion, the news of his
death made the cover of the London Times.

December 22, 1944

The Twilight of the Gods

Concerned with the berkommandogruppe push towards

Antwerp, General Eisenhower set about constructing a
defense. He saw a weakness in Hitlers plan. The berkommando Army operated on its own, clearing a path for the
Armies that followed it, traveling far ahead of the regular
force. If it could be cut off, the push would stall. Secondarily, Eisenhower had more than 20,000 Talents under
his command, scattered across the front in British, TOG
and Service teams. Nearly 1,000 were in the Antwerp area
alone. By December 21, under a blanket order calling any
Talent to the front, 3,571 American and British Talents
gathered at Spa, forming the impromptu First Talent Army
under the command of Lieutenant General Courtney
Hodges. Courtney, youve got to box them in, Eisenhower told the commander, if you dont well be fighting this
war from the beaches all over again.

On the dawn of December 22, the First Talent Army and
the berkommandogruppe SS Heinrich Himmler collided
near Spa in a bloody engagement, while the U.S. V Corps
swung around the rear, cutting them off from the German
LXVI Corps, and any hope of reinforcement. Overconfident,
the bermenschen foolishly
chose to engage the First Talent Army instead of turning
back for their own lines.

The battle that ensued
raged for days, leveling Spa,
and destroying much of
the surrounding area in the
first clash of Talent armies
in the history of the world.
Though the Allied Talents
were trained to work in small
units, this proved to be an
advantage in the defense
of the city. When the battle
reached the streets of Spa on
December 23, they inflicted
heavy casualties on the bermenschen. British, American,
Polish and French Talents
mangled the unwieldy units of
SS Heinrich Himmler in the
ruins of Spa. The Germans
were trained in combat to rely
heavily on their powers; while
the Americans and British had
been taught to kill with conventional weapons first, with
Talent powers coming second.
bermenschen attacked
Lieutenant General Hodges


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



at his headquarters at Spa on nine separate occasions. Once,
while Hodges was on the radio to General Eisenhowers
command, an SS teleporter appeared in the middle of headquarters. Wait, Hodges muttered into the radio, and after
coolly shooting the bermensch in the head, continued,
Go ahead.

On December 26, as the weather cleared and American
and British forces began their counter-attack on the Bulge
of German forces in the Ardennes, Hodges mounted his
own offensive against the bermenschens line to the south
of the city. Allied Talents withdrew to the north, and artillery and aircraft began to relentlessly pound the bermenschen positions. Two days later, the last fragmented
remnants of berkommandogruppe SS Heinrich Himmler
surrendered to Hodges command.

In six days of combat 2,592 bermenschen and 1,554
Talents lost their lives. The world press dubbed it The
Twilight of the Gods.

December 22, 1944


The U.S. 101st Airborne and other stragglers reeling from the
German attack huddled in the French town of Bastogne, surrounded by the enemy. After the Americans repulsed several
early probes, the Germans offered Brigadier General Anthony
C. McAullife a chance to surrender the town.

McAullifes reply was one word: Nuts!

German attacks ate away at the American defenders, who
lacked food, supplies and ammunition, but somehow they held the
German tide back. Despite these hardships and the endless snow,
McAullifes men fought on, waiting for the weather to clear.

On December 25, 1944, the Talent team the Good
Time Boys arrived hours before Pattons Third Army. The
siege ended a day later when the Germans withdrew. It
was the best Christmas gift I ever got, McAullife told the
Allied press upon the Third Armys arrival.

December 26, 1944

The Bulge Is Squeezed

The German offensive in the Ardennes ground to a halt when

the First and Third American Armies moved down from the
north and south through Belgium, cutting the enemy in half.
By January 15, the Fifth Panzer Army was trapped in a pocket.

The German forces suffered more than 125,000 casualties in the month of fighting, including the loss of berkommandogruppe SS Heinrich Himmler and the destruction of
hundreds of irreplaceable vehicles. Hitler was furious. The
thrust into the Ardennes had weakened the western front
irreparably; and now, made it obvious that Germanys cause
was lost in the west as well as the east.

December 31, 1944

Hungary Turns

After the Russian invasion and encirclement of Budapest, a

new Hungarian provisional government was established at
Debrecen, which made peaceful overtures to Moscow. The

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

pro-Nazi leader, Ferenc Szkasi, who maintained a reign

of terror since Mikls Horthys resignation in August, was
captured in an uprising on the December 25.

Within the week, the armistice was signed between
the provisional government and the Soviets. A month later
Hungary declared war on the Axis.

January 1, 1945
Attack on Army Group Center

After a sustained attack by Soviet Talent Shock Troops, the

Generalmajor Otto

Skorzeny, a loyal toady of Adolf Hitler, was nonetheless a brash and daring man who completed many
seemingly impossible assignments for his leader.
Though his planned rescue of Mussolini never occurred, Skorzeny proved himself a most effective tool
for Hitler in other ways. When the July 20 bomb
attack on Hitlers life disrupted life in the Reich,
Skorzeny secured the Ministry of War in Berlin with
a detachment of SS and waited for orders.

In September 1944, Skorzeny was dispatched
on Operation Mickey Mouse, forcing the duplicitous leader of Hungary, Admiral Mikls Horthy, to
resign. Horthys secret negotiations with the Soviet
Union were cut short when he suddenly left office.
Only then did Skorzeny release Horthys son, who
the SS had been holding hostage.

Skorzenys most brash act was Operation Greif.
It failed to achieve the results he hoped for, but Greif
shook up the American command in the Ardennes
during one of the most vital moments of the war.

After the war, Skorzeny was accused by a
wartime tribunal of illegal warfare tactics in Greif,
but was acquitted. Before German civil authorities
could arrest him in 1946 for other charges, Skorzeny
disappeared. It was rumored that he escaped from
the country by teleport to South America. Reports
that Skorzeny formed the underground organization
Die Spinne (The Spider) were never proven. This
organization, part of the ODESSA secret society, supposedly ferried former SS men to the safety of third
world countries where the law could not or would
not reach them.

In his later years, amazingly, Skorzeny returned
to public life. He purchased houses in Ireland and
Spain and ran a successful import/export business
from offices in Madrid. In September 1975, when
Talents from Israels Mossad tried to snatch him from
his home in Madrid, Skorzeny proved he had not
lost his edge. With the assistance of two unidentified
Talents (likely former SS bermenschen) Skorzeny
killed three members of the Israeli team. The rest fled
before they could be captured by Spanish authorities.

Skorzeny died in 1976 in Madrid of natural causes.



Soviet Fourth and Second Ukrainian Fronts pushed through
the German border fortifications into Czechoslovakia. German Army Group Center, composed of some 550,000 men,
reeled under the Red tide.

Enjoying superiority in Talent, air and tank forces, the
Russians overwhelmed the Germans, smashing through the
last vestiges of defense in the German satellite in just a matter of weeks.

January 5, 1945

The Japanese Talent Hoshi led wave after wave of Japanese

Kamikaze aircraft in suicide runs on the U.S. Seventh fleet
in the Lingayen Gulf during the week of January 5. These
suicide planes sunk twenty-six combat ships, and severely
damaged about four hundred others.
With Hoshi as a rallying force, the Japanese managed
to launch over 4,000 Kamikaze planes between October
1944 and January 1945 in an effort to crush the Allies.

January 5, 1945
The Death of the Luftwaffe

To support the rapidly dying Ardennes offensive, the Luftwaffe launched Operation: Bodenplatte (Base plate,) an
attempt to gain control of the air over Belgium. Over 1,000
aircraft and 300 flying bermenschen assaulted Allied airfields in Holland and Belgium, with only limited success.

Losing more than 400 of their planes and 150 bermenschen to the superior Allied air forces in less than a
week, the Luftwaffe was effectively hamstrung, leaving it
with a preponderance of aircraft, but almost no experienced
pilots to fly them.

January 9, 1945

and several ammunition depots, immeasurably aiding the

Allied effort.

On January 9,200 men of the U.S. Sixth Army came
ashore at Lingayen Gulf, unopposed. Expecting such a
landing, the Japanese retreated to prepared positions in the
mountains. American forces pushed along the coast towards
Manila and up into the mountains, moving step-by-step
in bitter, slow-moving combat. By the end of January, the
Americans linked up with the largest contingent of freedom
fighters on the island, the Hukbalahap, led by Anguis, the
Filipino Talent, at the gates of Manila.

It was hoped the Japanese would surrender the city, but
when the Allies crossed the Pasig River into Manila, it was obvious they were intent on making Manila the main battlefield
of the conflict. The Japanese on Luzon would not go easily.

January 10, 1945

Pevnost Fuels the Fire

In a huge attack, nearly 150,000 partisans all over Czechoslovakia rose up on January 10, completely upsetting German attempts to hold the Red Army back. The key architect
behind this plan was the Czech Talent Pevnost. He ferried
over thirty tons of weapons and equipment into the country
in the space of a month, to feed the fire. The well-armed
partisans disrupted communications, destroyed equipment
and assassinated key personnel. By January 12, the German position in Czechoslovakia, already untenable, was
infinitely worse.

The Tenth Soviet Shock Army, composed of nearly
3,000 Talents, smashed through German defenses to the
southeast of Prague. There, they would link up with a force
of nearly 12,000 Czech communists who seized an airfield
near Dubuzy. In the face of the onslaught to come, those
Germans who could flee the advancing Red Tide withdrew
towards Austria; those who could not, found themselves
boxed in, surrounded on all sides by the Soviets.

January 12,


With many of the southern

islands already secured by
American and Australian
forces, the Americans set
their sights on Luzon-the
largest of the Philippine
Islands. In preparation for
the landings, the U.S. Seventh fleet began pounding
Japanese coastal positions
near Lingayen and Dagupan,
while Allied aircraft attacked
Japanese emplacements all
over the island. The Filipino
resistance rose up the moment the invasion fleet was
spotted, bringing all semblance of normalcy in Manila
to an end. Thousands of the
various resistance forces successfully seized two airfields

The Vistula Oder


A huge force of nearly

two million Soviet soldiers
poured across the Vistula
river in a broad front pushing across Poland. By the
February 20, the Soviets
rolled clear across the country, crushing all German resistance in their path. Poised
on the border of Silesia and
Pomerania, less than 200
miles from Berlin itself, the
Soviets were on the verge of
total victory.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



January 15, 1945


After the Ardennes offensive lost momentum and seized,

Allied planners began considering their next move. Eisenhower envisioned a broad sweep through the Siegfried Line,
to the Rhine-where the second stage, a two-pronged assault
to encircle the Ruhr Valley, would begin.

Field Marshal Montgomerys Twenty-First Army Group
led the way in the north, launching Operations Veritable and
Grenade. When they entered the ill-omened Reichswald (Empire Wood), a heavily wooded area teeming with German
troops, their offensive slowed down considerably. Later, heavy
flooding paralyzed all troop movements in the area, and halted
all attempts at advance. Montgomery was stymied.

To the south, forces under General Omar Bradley made
good progress, breaking the Siegfried Line and pushing towards Koblenz and Mannerheim. Pattons Good Time Boys
led the way, capturing bridges to allow the tanks to pass; and
eliminating four berkommando teams in the process.

The German forces were without the men or equipment necessary to resist any longer. The Third Reich
squirmed in its death throes, while it was consumed by the
Allies on nearly all sides.

January 17, 1945

North Burma Is Cleared

After weeks of brutal combat, Chinese forces seized Namhkan from the Japanese, completely eradicating the Japanese
forces in north Burma. The Burma Road, stretching from
India to China, was finally restored.

February 10, 1945


The Big Three met again at Yalta, on the shores of the Black
Sea, to plan the disposition of the post-war world. Roosevelt
and Churchill agreed to the meeting despite warnings from
their bodyguards when Stalin refused to meet in Cairo, due to
health problems. In actuality, he wanted to dictate terms from
territory liberated by the Soviet Army, to flaunt his power on
the world stage. To the world at large, Yalta was another conference of the united Allied powers; but in truth, the Big Three
were neither united nor cooperative. Each had their own ideas
as to what the world should be like after the conflict ended.

Roosevelt, frail but full of fire, backed Churchill
when the leaders met in private to work out the post-war
map; only the two working in tandem could check Stalins
obstinacy. Stalin was full of his usual demands, but with the
secret agreement granting him dominion over Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Romania already in place, was
just grandstanding to appease his huge ego. In exchange,
Stalin agreed to affirm the Atlantic Charter in a Declaration
of Liberated Europe released to the world on February 12,
and to fight Japan once the war in Europe ended.

Poland had a special place in the mediations. After
hours of negotiations, it was decided Poland would be ruled
by a coalition of members of the Polish government-in-

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

exile, and the communist leaders already in Poland. In other

words, Poland had a fifty-fifty chance of going communist
or democratic once the war ended.

On the February 10, 1944, the Big Three, flanked by
Talents and Generals, posed for the last picture ever taken
of them together.

February 11, 1945

Anguis Is Killed in Action

Facing the remnants of General Hommas forces in the

Philippines, the Filipino Talent Anguis was killed when his
power failed on the streets of Manila, reverting him to his
human form. A Japanese light tank firing on members of the
Hukbalahap killed both Anguis and fourteen of his men as
they attempted to push the Japanese forces from the capital.

February 14, 1945

The Resurrection of Dresden

At 10:04 P.M. on this day, 873 RAF bombers rained down

thousands of tons of high explosive bombs and incendiaries on
the German city of Dresden, igniting a firestorm that burned
for two days. Even though many made it to bomb shelters, the
incendiaries caused such intense heat (in excess of 1,000 Fahrenheit) that air was literally sucked from the city, asphyxiating
hundreds. Over the next two days, American planes bombed
the flaming wreck of the city as well, keeping the fires going.
The attack was planned to both disrupt the rail lines through
the city and crush German morale. It did that and more.

In the end, three quarters of the city was destroyed,
and 200,000 people were dead, including American ex-patriot Charles Lindbergh. Those that survived, found almost
nothing remained of their home, while others surfaced into
a new world, spiritually . . .

A day after the raids ended, over 3,000 natives of the
city had the same dream. This new groups impromptu leader, a former priest named Matthias Kniep, began preaching about the dream of a new Dresden. In 1946, they
released their manifesto Die Wiederauferstehung Dresdens
(The Resurrection of Dresden,) a surprisingly architectural text dealing with the Dresden not yet built. Knieps
followers, called Die Erbauer (The Builders) trained
themselves in art, architecture, design and other skills necessary to complete the great work. However, few of them
were hired, due to their unusual beliefs.

Kniep preached a world of symmetry and beauty
where nothing is destroyed except destruction itself. By
the end of the war in Europe, he had over 5,000 followers,
ready to build a new Dresden seen only in a dream.

February 19, 1945

Iwo Jima

After three days of Naval bombardment, U.S. troops invaded

Iwo Jima, a tiny island just 660 miles from Japan itself. Initially
it was believed the bombardment had cleared the island of the
enemy; but as Marines moved inland, they met fierce resistance
from concealed Japanese positions. Though they inflicted heavy



casualties, the Japanese could not hope to stave off the Marinesnot when nearly 30,000 landed in the first wave.

The Japanese retreated to fortified positions in the
central mountainous area of the island, crisscrossed with
hundreds of pillboxes and spider-holes. In preparation for
the invasion, the entire island was burrowed into: forming
a complex maze of rooms, command positions and bomb
shelters that allowed the Japanese to survive the bombardment and hide from attack. Fighting on Iwo Jima was the
fiercest ever experienced by the U.S. Marines, and advances
were often measured only in yards. Nevertheless, after days
of deadly combat, the Japanese were slowly boxed in on
Mount Suribachi, the volcanic mountain in the center of
the island. The Marines fought tooth and nail to the top of
the peak where on February 23, a large American flag was
raised. Three of the six flag raisers would later die in combat
securing the rest of the island.

Nearly 7,000 Marines lost their lives on Iwo Jima, and
almost every single member of the Japanese garrison. Almost
21,000 persons were killed during the capture of the island.

March 7, 1945
Cologne Is Captured

After days of fighting, the German forces abandoned Cologne for defensive positions further into the Reich. Secured
by the First U.S. Army, Cologne (Germanys third largest
city) was a significant victory for the Allies. Poised on the
edge of the Rhine, the Allies prepared to deal the final blow
to the forces defending Germany.

Over 200 bermenschen surrendered to the First Army
as it took the town, eager to avoid the fighting to the east.

March 20, 1945

February 21, 1945

Across the Rhine

Across the Irrawaddy

General William Slims British Fourteenth Army crossed the

Irrawaddy river in central Burma, devastating the remaining
Japanese troops attempting to hold the bridgehead there. The
Allied forces pushed relentlessly south towards Mandalay and
Meiktila, forcing the Japanese into the jungles and mountains.

The offensive to clear central Burma had begun.

February 26, 1945

1,200 Bombers Over Berlin

across the Kyll river in Germany. Four members of Pattons Talents died in the combat, but berkommando 101
was destroyed in a battle that leveled three city blocks.

The Germans destroyed the bridge across the Kyll before
the Good Time Boys could disarm the explosives on it, momentarily causing Patton to pause in his push across the Rhine.

In the second attack on the German city in less than a month,

1,200 aircraft of the American Eighth Air Force dropped
thousands of tons of bombs on the German capital. Losses
on the American craft were light, due to the Luftwaffes final
crushing defeat the previous month; but anti-aircraft guns did
manage to down twenty-four bombers.

Expecting heavy bermenschen resistance, the
First Non-Mechanized Long
Range Flight Group (flying
escort duty) found the skies
startlingly empty.

Allied forces surged across the Rhine river, after pushing

through the supposedly impregnable Siegfried Line, lunging
into the Ruhr, central Germany and south towards Bavaria.
The British led the way with vicious artillery and air strikes
against German positions in the Ruhr, sweeping towards
Bremen, and liberating much of the Netherlands in the
process. In central Germany Pattons forces swept through
Frankfurt, pushing towards Leipzig in a meandering line.
The U.S. Seventh Army in the south pushed back the German Nineteenth Army, forcing them into Bavaria.

The German forces were in chaos, ripped to shreds by
Allied Talent, air and artillery attacks. The few counter-attacks attempted by the Germans ended in disaster, destroying
irreplaceable guns, bermenschen and experienced soldiers.

By April 18, the Allies had secured a line of territory that
stretched, in some places, almost 150 miles into Germany.

March 3, 1945

The Soviets
Enter Austria

Soviet forces of the

Third Ukrainian
Front under GeneralPolkovnik Tolbukhin
crossed the border of
Hungary into Austria,
the birthplace of Hitler.
Capturing Wiener Neustadt, they then encircled
the Sixth SS Panzer
Division before it could
retreat to Vienna. Disastrous German counter-

The Good Time Boys

Tangle With
berkommando 101

The Talent team the Good

Time Boys were confronted
by berkommandogruppe
101 while spearheading a
drive by Pattons Third Army

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

30, 1945



attacks ended with huge losses of men and equipment near
Lake Balaton, and Vc. Six berkommando teams died in
behind-the-lines actions, trying to disrupt Soviet defenses
during these offensives. The Talents succeeded in their missions, but were slaughtered when the follow-up attack by
German and Austrian forces never came.

The Germans held the border in areas, but the overwhelming numbers of Soviet troops made this stand only a
waiting game. Tolbukhin had his eyes on the capital city of
Vienna, now just miles from the front line.

April 1, 1945

This island, the largest in the Ryukyu chain, was the final
stepping-stone to the Japanese Home Islands. Seen by the
Allied command as a testing ground for Majestic, the
planned invasion of Japan, Okinawa was just as vital to
the Japanese, who saw it as the last chance to defend their
homeland from direct Allied assault.

The immense Allied fleet of more than 1,500 vessels
anchored off the west coast of the island, and landed their
troops at 8:30 A.M. on April 1, after five days of bombardment and suffering more than two weeks of Kamikaze
attacks. U.S. Marine and Army groups rapidly moved
inland, seizing Kadena and Yontan airfields with minimal
resistance. The next day the Americans cut Okinawa in two
by pushing to Heanna on the east coast of the island. After
a few days of consolidation, American forces turned north
and south.

The Japanese retreated to the heavily fortified Shuri
line, and on April 4, the American forces came face to face
with the defenses the enemy had prepared. For nine days,
Army and Marine troops battled to capture cave complexes
riddled with Japanese command posts and machine gun
nests. Artillery was brought up to pound the Shuri line,
and hundreds of mortars, riflemen and even naval cannons
picked at the Japanese defenders. By May 29, their defense
was failing. On July 2, the fighting on the island ended,
with nearly every Japanese soldier on the island dead (only
a handful of survivors surrendered).

More than 107,000 Japanese and 8,000 Americans
died on Okinawa, one of the most brutal battles ever waged
in the history of warfare. America now had the perfect staging ground to mount the invasion of Japan.

April 2, 1945
The Death of Army Group B

The U.S. Ninth Army under General Simpson met up with

the U.S. First Army under General Hodges at Lippstadt,
successfully encircling over 350,000 Germans belonging to
Army Group B, effectively destroying it as a fighting force.
Its commander, Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model, committed suicide on April 21, when he realized that there was
little hope of escape. Just a day later, the remnants of Army
Group B surrendered to American forces.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

A Carpenters Son

Private John McGrath from Albany New York hit the

beaches of Iwo Jima with the rest of the Fourth Marine
Division on February 19 as a Green Marine, just out
of training. Then he landed in the middle of the horror
that was Iwo Jima. His mind snapped somewhere on
the eastern slopes of Mount Suribachi.

McGrath manifested an unusual Talent on
February 21, when he resurrected a dead Marine
near Minami with his touch. Lazarus, go forth,
McGrath shouted, and the Marine rose up, completely
healed from his fatal wounds. From there, it only grew
worse. McGrath refused to carry a gun, follow orders
or even answer to his name. He called himself Jesus,
and began to gain a large following on the eastern side
of the island. Over 200 Christian Marines deserted,
and took to following McGrath at the East Boat
Basin; there, he performed miracles. McGrath turned
canteen water into wine, transformed field rations into
fish, and walked on the water. Even unbelievers could
feel the pull of his charisma; it was clear that he would
disrupt the war against the Empire even further if he
were allowed to continue.

Military authorities arrested him with the
assistance of the man he had resurrected, Private
Micah Williams. As McGrath saw the lead MP
approach, he kissed the private and said, I forgive
you, Judas.

McGrath was imprisoned at Leavenworth
Prison, where he remains suffering for the sins of
man. He maintains a huge following of people who
believe he is the Second Coming of Christ, though
all official Christian organizations (including the
Vatican) dispute this claim.

Interestingly enough, McGrath was also the son
of a carpenter.

April 7, 1945
Sink the Yamato

The huge battleship Yamato, dispatched on a suicide mission to destroy the U.S. invasion fleet at Okinawa, was
engaged and sunk by U.S. warplanes on this date. Ten torpedoes and five bombs struck the ship, causing it to list, roll
and sink, taking 2,500 men to the bottom in minutes.

April 9, 1945
The Soviets Push Through Vienna

Led by 3,000 Talents, Soviet forces pushed into the city of

Vienna, battling a small force of Austrian soldiers left to
defend the town. After a day of bitter fighting, the Soviets
secured the city. Thanks to this rapid seizure, ten Soviet
Divisions rushed through the town to points north, towards
Prague and the border of Germany itself.



April 10, 1945

The Final Offensive in Italy

Due to the harsh winter, nearly all combat in Italy ceased

between December 1944 and April 1945. On April 10,
1944, the Allies prepared for the final push. After lunging
towards the Argenta gap and seizing Bologna, the Allies
sidestepped the Axis, sweeping around their west flank in
an attempt at encirclement. Attacks by the Legionari Della
Patria were repulsed at Ostiglia and Modena, forcing the
Italian Talents to retreat past the Po Line where they had no
choice but to disperse into the mountains.

Attacks from the Germans rear, made by Italian
guerrillas led by the Free-Italian Talent Immortale tied
up vital German resources; while American forces raced
towards Brescia. To close the noose, British forces swept towards Venice; effectively isolating the Axis in a pocket with
their backs to the Alps. Reichskommisariat Norditalien was
no more; all that remained was the huddled remnants of a
broken Army, surrounded on all sides by the enemy.

Despite orders from Berlin to stand fast, on May 2,
General Heinrich von Vietinghoff surrendered to Field
Marshall Sir Harold Alexander at Caserta. The Germans
were done in Italy- but a tiny force of fascist Italian Talents,
refusing to surrender, fought on in the mountains.

April 12, 1945

President Roosevelt Dies

President Roosevelt, in poor health for months and suffering from a severe lack of rest, took to his cottage in Warm
Springs, Georgia for a short vacation. Attempts to arrest his
deteriorating health with Talent powers failed (the British
Talent Nightingale was even brought into the country in
May, with little effect).

The Death of
Sixth SS Panzer

Led by SS General Sepp Dietrich, a favorite of

Hitler, this Army was encircled during its attempt to
withdraw from Hungary. Pulling back towards Lake
Balaton after the Soviet push on Budapest, the force
was spotted by Russian Talents and encircled by artillery and tank units of the Third and Second Ukrainian
Front before it could establish a defensive line.

Relentlessly pounded by Talent, air and artillery
attacks, the final battle for Sixth Panzer began on
April 12, when Soviet tanks and Infantry moved in.
Three days later, nearly a third of the Sixth Panzer
were dead. Soviet Talents captured Dietrich in the
final push on his headquarters on April 18 before
he could commit suicide. Up until the last moment,
Dietrich believed some sort of rescue would come.

After being extensively tortured, Dietrich was
hanged for Stalins amusement for crimes against
the people of the Soviet Union.

Even on vacation, the President remained in constant
contact with Washington, but tried, at his wifes request, to
take some time for himself. At 8:49 P.M., Roosevelts personal adjutant Major Lloyd Feit (better known to the world as
the British Talent Bulldog), went to fetch the President some
aspirin for a headache. When he returned, he found the
President dead of a massive cerebral hemorrhage.

Vice President Harry Truman was sworn in as President immediately. The news spread around the globe,
reaching even the front lines in just a matter of hours, and
the world paused for a moment. One of the guiding forces
of the Allies, a man who held the Presidency of the United
States longer than any other person, was dead at 63, just
weeks before victory was achieved in Europe.

April 17, 1945

Revenge in Leipzig

Three bermenschen, boxed in by American forces of

the First Army in the ruins of Leipzig, were attacked by a
mixed team of Allied Talents on this date, after negotiations
for their surrender failed. The Indestructible Man, Vogel,
Smasher, and Misfire engaged the bermenschen Krieg, Tyr
and Nacht at 8:46 A.M. in a battle that lasted six hours.

Smasher and Tyr tangled in a hand-to-hand fight
where burned-out tanks were thrown around like toys;
ending when a sniper shot by Misfire instantly killed the
bermensch. Moments later, Krieg killed Smasher with a
flamethrower attack that also injured Misfire (causing him
to withdraw from the battle). The fight paused for a few
moments before Vogel and the Indestructible Man charged
the bermenschens position, refusing to wait for Talent

Only Talents near the combat could see the struggle
through Nachts darkeness, and reports varied. The official
report filed by Vogel and the Indestructible Man claims the
following occurred: Vogel rushed Krieg, with Kriegs superhumanly placed shots having no effect on the Dane. Nacht
hurled an incendiary grenade at Vogel, hoping that the
flames would work on the bullet-immune Talent. Before it
could detonate, the Indestructible Man leapt on it, snuffing
it out with his body, harmlessly.

Krieg then leapt on the Indestructible Man with his
knife drawn. After shouting a warning, Vogel hurled a
grenade in the dark, knowing it could not hurt himself or
his companion, blowing Nacht to pieces. The darkness

From this point on, with dozens of witnesses, reports
took on a new level of confusion. Some claimed Krieg
lunged at the Indestructible Man, others that the two
Talents murdered the German in cold blood. The highest
ranking British officer to witness the combat claimed the
following: Krieg surrendered to his attackers, expecting
to be taken into custody. The Indestructible Man had
other ideas, however: shouldering a Bazooka and aiming
it directly at Kriegs face. This is for Piotr, Moreland
reportedly said before firing the weapon. Krieg was
decapitated by the blast; the Indestructible Man, protected
by his power, was blown clear. Victorious, the two Allied
Talents walked from the ruins burned and drained, holding
three ruined Iron Crosses.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Indestructible Man was acquitted of any
wrongdoing, despite the charges of murder leveled against
him. He got what he deserved, was all Vogel would say
to the public about the matter after the brief military trial.

April 29, 1945

Dachau Is Liberated

Men of the U.S. Seventh Army arrived at the Dachau

Concentration Camp on the morning of April 29, to find a
sea of emaciated dead bodies, and scattered, starved, blankfaced survivors still watched over by the SS. This was one
of the first glimpses for the U.S. Army into the world of the
Nazis Final Solution, and few men, even men who had
seen (and sown) death across Western Europe could take
it; their horror was absolute. Many of the SS guards tried
to surrender as if the camp was just a normal side-effect of
war, but U.S. commanders looked the other way while their
men took matters into their own hands. Reports varied,
but a few implied that the soldiers eagerly assisted some
survivors in the execution of SS Deaths Head guards.

The American Talent Captain Rudolph Concrete
Reisenberg turned the deputy camp commander
Sturmbannfhrer Adam
Grnewald to stone for
shooting an inmate who was
screaming at him during the
negotiations for the camps
surrender. Twenty-six other
personnel died in incidents
during the camps liberation.
Not surprisingly, charges
were never filed.

Despite the Allies
best efforts, 27,000 of the
46,000 inmates from the
camp died within weeks of
their liberation, succumbing
to dysentery and other fatal

April 23, 1945


A huge Soviet force comprising the First Bellorussian and

First Ukrainian Fronts descended on Berlin, the capital city
of Germany, reaching its outskirts on April 23. The German
forces defending the city were weak (many were members
of the Volksturm or Peoples Army, just inexperienced
civilians used as a last ditch defense), but knowledge of
the Russians presence at the eastern frontier gave the
combatants an edge. Even if they surrendered, they believed
they would die; so many fought to the death. Over 1,500
bermenschen were scattered throughout the bombed-out
ruins of the city as well, set to repulse the Russians.

The Soviets attempted to move into the city in force
immediately, but casualties were high and progress was
slow. Random bermenschen attacks caused Marshal
Zhukov to move in the Fourth Soviet Shock Army on
April 25. For three days, the Fourth Shock Army engaged

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

the scattered bermenschen resistance around the city,

causing inestimable damage. Both the Lehter Station and
the Hall of Congress were completely demolished in the
fierce Talent combat, while an earthquake on April 27
destroyed the Imperial Theater, and the already damaged
Reichstag. A counterattack on April 28 led by the German
Null claimed the lives of thirty-five Soviet Talents, but there
was nowhere for the German forces to go and the attack
quickly folded. By April 29, Soviet Talent forces reached
the outskirts of the Fhrerbunker, and the First Bellorussian
and First Ukrainian Front linked up at the Brandenburg
gate surrounding Hitlers final sanctum.

Nearly 200,000 Germans and Russians died battling
over the ruins of the capital.

April 30, 1945

Hitler and His Lackeys Commit Suicide

Refusing to leave Berlin as the Allies approached it,

Hitler remained hidden in the Fhrerbunker; a complex of
incredibly secure bombproof rooms beneath Berlin. There, he
spent his last moments collecting his final thoughts on paper,
examining pointless architectural plans, and reminiscing
about the past. The end
of Germany has come, and
I too must end with it,
the madman announced to
Martin Bormann on April
29, after issuing instructions
about the future of the
Reich. Both aircraft and
bermenschen were present
and prepared to rush the
leader away from the capital,
including Germanys greatest
teleport Der Reisende
(The Traveler) but to no
avail; Hitler refused to be
swayed from his delusions.
Grossadmiral Dnitz was
left in command of what remained of the country as the new
Fhrer, while Gring and Himmler were sentenced to death
after word reached the bunker that both were trying to work
out terms for Germanys surrender to the Allies. (Later, both
Himmler and Gring committed suicide after being captured
by Allied forces).

As the Soviets approached the bunker (one Soviet
Talent even made it as far as the SS guards at the main
entrance before being killed on the morning of April 29),
Hitler prepared his final statement, married his long-time
companion Eva Braun, shot her, then committed suicide by
shooting himself. His body was supposedly destroyed by the
bermensch Der Tragheit, by launching into the atmosphere
with his power, instantly incinerating it (though Soviet troops
claimed to have recovered his remains on the next day).
Sixty-five bermenschen stationed to defend the
bunker, including Der Tragheit, Null and Herkules
committed suicide after their leader was gone. More than
100 high ranking Nazi officials and bermenschen, who
were thought to be in Berlin at the time of the final Soviet
push (including Der Reisende) were never found.



May 6, 1945

after the end of conflict in Europe, new lines were already

being drawn.

Germany Surrenders

After weeks of sporadic fighting and various maneuverings

by the remnants of the German High Command, Germany
finally agreed to unconditional surrender to the Allies.
More than a day of fruitless negotiation to reach a separate
peace with the British and Americans was wasted before
Generaloberst Alfred Jodl signed the surrender document in
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force in Reims
France. Jodl, representative of Dnitz, new Fhrer of the ruined Reich, surrendered to the Soviet, American and British
forces at 2:14 A.M. on May 7.

Twenty-seven high-ranking officials (including the
bermensch Der Archiv) surrendered to the Americans at
Reims as well, ending the war in Europe. Germany would
be divided among the victors, and the Thousand Year
Reich was no more.

June 28, 1945

Peace in the Philippines

General MacArthurs command announced the surrender of

all organized Japanese forces on the islands of the Philippines;
bringing, for the most part,
the battle for the islands to
an end. Clean up operations
of Japanese emplacements,
would continue for more than
two years, and the last lone
survivor of a Japanese infantry
outfit would emerge from the
jungle as late as 1972.

July 15, 1945

Mass Defection

Near Wismar, Germany, nearly 2,000 Soviet Talents of the Sixteenth Shock Army surrendered to the Second British Army as political refugees. The
Talents (many of whom were of Jewish, Polish or Ukrainian
descent) claimed that the NKVD and its murderous policies
against Talents in the Soviet Union precluded their safe return
home. Tensions mounted as the British commander accepted,
at least for the time being, the Talents plea, refusing a Russian officer passage into the British sector.

Prime Minister Churchill, already incensed with Stalins
stubborn lack of cooperation and respect for the West, accepted the Talents plea for asylum. This acceptance caused a mass
defection in the Soviet Talent population in Western Europe.
Between July 15 and August 1, nearly 5,000 Soviet Talents
fled to American or British sectors to escape the NKVD.

Stalin was furious. Huge turnovers in the ranks of the
Red Army occurred, spurred on by NKVD purges. Soviet
Talents were suddenly recognized for heroism and promoted,
or publicly executed for treason. After a few bloody weeks
dubbed Red July by the press, the defections stopped.

Ever insistent, Stalin demanded the return of his Talents, but both Truman and Churchill refused. Just months

July 16, 1945


President Harry Truman was thrust into the world of international politics at one of the most significant conferences of
the warthe Potsdam conference. Potsdam, a ruined suburb
of Berlin, became the meeting place for the men who would
determine the fate of post-war Germany and inadvertently
the fate of the world. They were an unexpected lot. Truman
replaced President Roosevelt after his sudden death; and Prime
Minister Clement Attlee had ousted Churchill in the British
elections. Only one from the Big Three remained: Josef Stalin.

To make matters worse, several thousand Soviet
Talents had defected to the west a day before, causing tension on the borders of the American, British, French and
Russian occupation zones. Truman and Attlee met on July
16 and conferred while waiting for Stalin to arrive. They
agreed that Stalin had to be checked before he could absorb
Greece, and that the Russian Talents would not be returned.

On July 17, Truman received word that the first test of
the American atomic bomb had been an unqualified success.
Confidant that he held all the cards, Truman settled in to
discuss the disposition of
post-war Europe with Attlee
and Stalin. The conversation
did not go well.
Stalin demanded the return of his Talents, and made
vague threats insinuating
another war in Europe was
just beginning. Hoping to cajole the leader with threats of
his own, Truman informed
Stalin of the bomb, expecting
some sort of reaction, but
he got none. Stalins web of
spies informed him of the weapon months before.

For six days the talks centered around the possession of
the refugees, and not the reconstruction of Europe. Finally,
on July 22, Stalin agreed to the disposition of Europe as
worked out at the Yalta conference, bid farewell to the two
leaders and promptly left. The Potsdam conference was at
an end. Soviet troops took up heightened watch on their
borders in the occupation zone and began randomly harassing foreign travelers in their territory. All cooperation with
outside forces ended abruptly, although the Soviets allowed
the British, French and American troops to enter and occupy the agreed-upon sectors in Berlin.

A brief note from the Kremlin informed Washington on
August 2 that the Soviets would not be participating in the
war against Japan.

August 6, 1945
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Two atomic weapons, developed under great secrecy by

the United States government at Los Alamos New Mexico,


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Secrets of Der Archiv

Under Albert Speer, the last director of armament

production for the Reich, Der Archiv gained access
to some of the most secret papers of Nazi Germany,
in an attempt to, in Speers words, preserve what
good can be found amidst the awfulness. In the
last months of 1945, Der Archiv memorized over a
million pages of material, including rocket designs,
Swiss bank account numbers containing Nazi gold,
and the entirety of RuSHA SAs files.

When he turned himself over to the Allies at the
surrender proceedings, a brief talk with an adjutant
of General Eisenhower brought him to the attention of military intelligence. His name was swiftly
stricken from the records, and he was smuggled back
to the United States under great secrecy, a prize of the
European war on the par of the V-2 and Wernher von
Braun. Although the Russians captured Berlin and
most of the Nazis files with it, the Americans luckily
found themselves in possession of a single mind that
held some of the Nazis greatest secrets.

were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and

Nagasaki three days apart, decimating them. In an attempt
to break the fanatical fighting spirit of the Japanese people,
and prevent the necessity of an Allied invasion of the home
islands, President Truman authorized the use of the two
weapons- Fat Man and Little Boy.

Detonating with a combined total of about 34,000 tons
of TNT, the bombs killed nearly 210,000 people (most of
whom were civilians).

Over 3,500 Japanese spontaneously developed Talents
during the attacks, finally
elevating the Japanese Talent
population to normal levels.

hito signed the document of surrender in front of General

MacArthur and hundreds of American servicemen. Days
later Japanese forces in China and Korea surrendered to the

Victory in the Pacific had finally been achieved.

September 6, 1945
The Legion of Five Thousand and Israel

Gathering near a displaced persons camp at Cologne, the

Legion of Five Thousand, a huge force of Jewish Talents
(incidentally numbering well over 6,000 by now) made
the proclamation: the Jewish homeland of Israel would
be recognized by the United Nations, or Europe would
burn again. Stalin offered his assistance in dealing with
the upstart Jews, but the British and Americans were
loath to let the Red Army any further into Germany, or
to allow the event to spiral out of control. Already angered about the Talent defections, Stalin was just looking
for an excuse to attack.

Hoping to avert disaster, President Truman turned
to Prime Minister Attlee, who, though reluctant to comply, withdrew British troops to a partition in Palestine,
effectively splitting it in two. The Hagganah Jewish defense
force (already in position waiting to act) seized the territory
as the British surrendered it. Over the next five months,
the Legion was moved to their new homeland, effectively
defusing the situation in Europe. Israel, with a population
of just over 780,000 Jews, had the worlds largest per capita
population of Talents of any country in the world. Nearly
5% of their population possessed Talent powers.

On May 14, 1946, Israel was recognized by both the
United States and Britain as a sovereign nation.

2, 1945

The Cold War


Japan Surrenders

It began when two railroad

cars containing supplies for
the American sector of Berlin
were turned back at the
border of East Germany by
Russian forces, and it slowly
escalated from there. Two
days later the announcement
was made that all traffic
across the West German
border was forbidden. The
American, British and French
occupation zones of Berlin
were cut off, surrounded on
all sides by Soviet territory.
Heavily armed Soviet troops
surrounded the town, but
made no move to enter.

The Cold War had begun.

After months of relentless

bombings, and the terrible
toll of the atomic bomb
detonations at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, the Japanese Diet
and the Emperor accepted the
surrender agreement offered
by the Allies. Little choice
was left for the Japanese.

On August 15, Emperor
Hirohito spoke to his subjects
for the first time over state radio, announcing the surrender
of the Japanese forces.

On September 2, on
the deck of the battleship
Missouri Emperor Hiro-

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

1, 1946




Now and Then

Dont tell them anything they dont need to know. When its over, tell them who won.
Admiral Ernest J. King on what the U.S. public should be told about the war.
This section covers a broad variety of subjects useful
for anyone running a Godlike campaign. It contains an
overview of the time Godlike is set in. Not the disposition of troops, or the movements of borders (see Part Five:
Background for more details on that kind of stuff), but the
mores and customs of a different and much less complicated
timethe 1940s of Godlike, especially in the U.S. What
was the common parlance for a grenade, a woman or an enemy soldier in the 1940s? What was life like for most in the
U.S.? Youll find these questions answered below.

Now and Then also deals with the military, but in the
social as well as martial sense. What was life like in the
Army outside of combat? The basics of life in boot camp
and beyond are covered in detail below for the benefit of
GM and players. (For further details on such matters see
Part Eight: The Campaign on p. 282.)

This section also covers the concept of Talents in the
grand sensethe public perception of them, how they are
portrayed by the press, what the life of a common Talent
is like before and after they join the military, their use in
warfare and more.

The United States of America

While the United States is not the focus of this game, due
to space restrictions it is the focus of the Now and Then
section. Its just impossible to fit in everything required to
make this section comprehensive. This is not a condemnation or snub of any other country involved in the war; its
just a reality of graphic design and economics. No book can
be 100% comprehensive. As an American, Im writing this

section with America in mind. Future books may deal with

other countries in the same manner.

Foreign sentiment over Americas involvement in
the war is often mixed. No one will deny that American
soldiers risked themselves gallantly, nor that many made the
ultimate sacrifice for people and places that previously were
nothing more to them than names in textbooks. But its easy
for Americans to see the war from only one angletheirs.

Fact and Fiction

Now and Then is written to give the GM and players

a good idea of what the 1940s in the world of Godlike
are like. It incorporates fictional material from Part
Five: Background and factual information to construct
a clear picture of a 1940s slightly different than our
own, altered by the presence of parahumanity.

Much of whats written here is fact, but some
elements are fiction; such as the expatriation of
Charles Lindbergh, the Taft Laws and other smaller
matters. In any case, this section (or for that matter
this book) should not be taken as a factual account
of the war years.

A large amount of work went into checking
facts, and constructing a believable deviant timeline;
but this does not mean that the information presented should be taken as 100% genuine truth. If you are
looking for definitive information, read a real history
book (check the included bibliography), not a game.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Its easy for Americans to forget that except for small
skirmishes, this war was fought entirely outside our own
country, while it consumed large percentages of other countries populations. Many other countries risked more, lost
more, and suffered more than America ever did.

Just to put the human costs of the war into perspective,
heres a breakdown of the total number of dead per country,
listed in order of total losses.
United States
New Zealand
South Africa

~ 1m





~ 205,707


~ 378,967

United States Public

Sentiment in the
Early War Years
In the late 1930s, much
of the United States was
rising out of a decade-long
depression that left millions unemployed and many
without a place to live.
President Roosevelt and the
New Deal restructured the
American economy in less
than five years, and for the
most part, put things back
in working order; or at least
back on track to economic
stability. People were just
happy to have jobs and life
was once again about finding
a career, a wife or husband,
having children and settling
down. Nazi tanks rolling
over Poland seemed unimportant and as far away as
the moon to those in the U.S.
(unless they were of Polish

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

extraction, of course). Americans were fascinated by the

Nazi super-man who led the assault, btu few newspapers
wasted much space on the invasion. It was news, but it was
happening far, far away.

Then the war in Europe exploded. The American
isolationist sentiment that enjoyed widespread support (due
mostly to the carnage of the Great War) began to wane.
American reporters transmitted from the ruined streets
of London and the cliffs of Dover, bringing the German
air-war over Britain to millions of U.S. citizens. Rumors circulated of Hitlers deadly policies against the Jews and other
minorities in his ever-growing domain. Charles Lindbergh,
formerly Americas hero, left the country for what many
viewed as the epitome of absolute evil. In fact, Charles
Lindberghs transfer of citizenship from the United States to
Germany brought the news of the war closer to the average
man on the street than ever before. The attention lavished
on Lindberghs emigration drew many Americans into following the conflict. France, Norway, Belgium and Denmark
were crushed as the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe pushed the
British Expeditionary Force and other Allied armies back to
the sea, until Britain was alone.

Led by the stoic Winston Churchill, Britain fought on.
The invasion of the British Isles seemed imminent. Churchill
regarded a Nazi invasion as inevitable, saying, You can always take one with you. This pessimism remained despite
Britains growing core of super-human Talents.

By July 1941, American sentiment shifted away from
isolationism. Part of this had to do with the publics obsession with Talents, and the first British Talent Tour of the
east coast in the summer of 1941. The nightly broadcasts
of Edward R. Murrow from the beleaguered British Isles
on the CBS radio network also had a huge impact on the
American people. The mother of our upstart country was
weeks or maybe days from total annihilation. Few could listen without feeling something for the valiant British people.

Roosevelt was responsible for some of the shift in the
American psyche as well. His endless discussions with Winston Churchill led the president to believe that Britain would
never capitulate or surrender-no matter the cost, and if they
did fall, what did that leave?
A strengthened Germany
and the expanding Japanese
Empire poised for further
conquest. Roosevelt waded
into the public anti-war sentiment like a master, manipulating public opinion in everwidening arguments with his
weekly radio fireside chats,
until nearly everyone could
see that the Nazis would not
quietly pack up someday and
go home. If Britain could not
stop them, neither would the
Atlantic Ocean.

To most, Britain was seen
as the lone hero standing in
the way of an indefatigable
army infected with a madness
that, unchecked, could consume the entire world. By late



A Note About
Public Opinion

American public opinion changed from neutrality to

a war footing more sharply in the world of Godlike
than it did in our world. This is for many reasons.
First, a large number of American citizens who could
have cared about the problems overseas were drawn
in through curiosity about the battling super-humans.
Joe Blow on the street could care less which consonant-riddled country was being trounced by the Nazis;
but hell, if there were photos of the Flying Man in the
story, you could bet it was read cover-to-cover. Many
people who would have simply gone on with their
merry lives were drawn into the harsh reality of the
war by the super-humans fighting in it. Once people
began paying attention, the evils of the Nazi regime
were not hard to perceive.
In the alternate reality of Godlike, one of the
few who could not see the insidious evil of the Nazi
movement was Americas greatest hero, Charles
Lindbergh, the wunderkind who flew non-stop across
the Atlantic in 1926. Lindberghs America First
party was a group that whole-heartedly supported
the Nazi cause, under a thin disguise of American
neutrality. Notably, in the real world, Lindbergh
actually was a member of the pro-Nazi America
1941, Americas anti-war sentiment had almost completely
eroded. Most Americans felt that it was their duty to do what
they could to help, even if it meant going to war.

Life in the
U.S. of A.
in the 1940s

Life in the U.S. in the early

1940s was a period of restoration. The Great Depression
had ravaged the established
financial order of the country,
and it took years of effort to
put it back on track. People
were relatively secure in their
government and economy,
and that confidence showed.
New businesses were flourishing and jobs were becoming
more abundant.

The consumer culture
derailed by the stock market
crash was back, spinning
up to speed in an insanely
short period. People wanted
to buy things with their
recently restored wealth.
Many people were the first

First party, and a staunch supporter of Hitler before

the war. When war came, he did nothing; but in the
world of Godlike, the existence of Der Flieger was
enough to convince Lindbergh (and many others)
that the Nazis were right all along.

When Lindbergh left the U.S. to become a
citizen of the Reich in 1940, the furor was enormous, and not in the way Lindbergh had hoped. The
hatred of Lindbergh became something of a national
pastime and the bonfire burnings of memorabilia of
his cross-ocean flight culminated in the destruction of
The Spirit of St. Louis, the aircraft he made his historic journey in. Lindberghs betrayal was significant
enough to shift public opinion squarely into an even
race between neutrality and involvement.

Public opinion in the U.S. took its final shift
towards support of the British cause with the arrival
of the British Talents from the Special Sciences Office
in the summer of 1941. Their fundraising tour of
the east coast was perhaps the most significant news
story since the beginning of the new century. Endless
books, pamphlets and news articles observed every
detail of their lives, hopes and dreams. The British
Talentsand their attendant spectaclewon many
Americans over to the British cause.

Hitler hoped that his bermenschen would
cement his hold on a world Axis. Instead, they indirectly helped bring the United States into the war.
in their family to own a home radio, telephone, refrigerator
or clothes washer. Cars were a boom industry again. Credit
and layaway plans were new favorite national pastimes.

While every culture has its outcasts, criminals and agitators, the United States of the
1940s was a surprisingly
peaceful place. By the 1940s,
the huge crime syndicates of
the 1930s were searching for
new markets (now that liquor
was legal) and were just as
rapidly trying to get interests
in legitimate businesses. Federal pressure had successfully
pushed them so far underground that few ventured
from their well-established
and well-controlled haunts. To
the common Joe on the street,
crime only happened in the
wrong neighborhood.

The communist and
anarchist movements that exploded in the 1920s faded a
bit into the background, like
bad dreams pacified by cash.
Prosperity was salve for the
nations wounds, and without strife, the agitators had
little fodder for their pulpits
fires. Communism remained


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



A Note about Racism and

Sexism in the 1940s

as a race (just as Hitler incorrectly believed them to

be) even in the U.S.; and were lumped in with anyone
who was not precisely white, as were the Asians, Latinos, and Gypsies. Blacks suffered under what was
seen as fair separate but equal laws (which proved
to be anything but) and not allowed to fight for their
country until very late in the war, despite a huge
number of African Americans volunteering for the
armed forces. Late in the war, the all black Ninetyninth Fighter Squadron was allowed to prove itself
in actual combat. The Lonely Eagles as they were
known, were the only squadron to fly over Europe
and never lose a bomber to enemy aircraft.

In the panic following Pearl Harbor, people of
Japanese descent were rounded up on the west coast
and moved to internment camps all over the U.S. to
prevent insurgency, despite the fact that nothing of
the sort ever happened. In fact, a group of Japanese
American volunteers (the 442nd Regimental Combat
team) fought in Europe and went on to be the highest decorated unit in U.S. Army history. These acts of
bravery and patriotism by second class citizens were
almost completely overlooked by the citizenry of the
U.S., and for good reason-the government never mentioned them.

Blacks were called Negroes or worse terms in
more rural areas, Japanese were called Nips, Slopes
or Yellow Bastards. Jews were called Yids, Kikes or
Shimmies. The list of inanities and ignorance goes on
and on. Nevertheless, it happened.

If you wish to avoid these stereotypes and
prejudices in your Godlike campaign, I understand
the sentiment. If you choose to confront and explore
why these prejudices existed and how they can break
down in the face of war, I understand that as well,
and admire it.

behind the scenes, less dynamic and less confrontational

than before, while anarchism waned nearly altogether.

For many, it was a happy (if not ideal) life.

It was a time of social order. Sons obeyed fathers, wives
stayed home to raise the children, fathers brought home
the bacon and daughters stayed in on Friday nights. This
social order did have a very
real dark side, which was as
accepted in most quarters
as attending church was on
Sunday mornings. To most
American citizens in the
1940s, Black people, people
of Jewish descent and noticeable foreigners were, at best,
second class citizens and at
worst, less than human. This
was not even thought an
insult by the rank-and-file
world. In many places, it was
just the way of things. Not
many people questioned it,
and crossing these well-estab-

lished lines was never done without huge repercussions.

Ethnicities didnt mix as readily in the 1940s as they
do today (except in certain poor urban centers), and it was
common in all areas of the nation for ethnic groups to cluster together in certain regions. These neighborhoods had
their own infrastructure of shops and a completely internalized social life.
There were clearly delineated rules that were not broken by anyone. Those who
transgressed were shunned
by co-workers and neighbors. Such a homogenous
social order is completely
unlike anything today, and is
difficult for our generation to
Nevertheless the public
not only accepted this order,
they expected it. For the
most part, no one knew there
was any other way to be.

Racism, sexism and religious prejudice were rampant in the U.S. in the 1940s. To disregard their
existence with a wave of the hand is to miss just how
far we have come. To pretend it never happened is
to disrespect the hard work and bloodshed of those
who made it better. As the author, I wish to say that I
believe the following sentiments are, if youll excuse
my language, just plain bullshit. However, pretending
it didnt happen wont make it any better . . .

In the 1940s, women of all races were considered
inferior, and were protected, mollycoddled and kept
away from any real labor. Certain jobs, such as
nursing or teaching, were considered acceptable; but
only until that woman married. It was commonly accepted that a womans true function was having and
raising children. Women who pursued careers in other
fields were subject to open ridicule, discrimination
and blackballing, and there was nothing they could
do about it. Above all, except in special circumstances
(like in the Office of Strategic Services) women never
fought, at least not in the United States though
China, the Soviet Union and various resistance groups
utilized women troops to great effect. Women in the
western world may have worked as nurses at aid stations and manned coastal guns at ports which never
saw action, but they were never permitted near the
real thick of it. They were prizes, things to be protected. Above all, to most men, they were not and could
not be trusted with tasks of any great importance.

Racism was far more rampant and all-encompassing than we can possibly imagine now. Despite
the fact that Judaism is a religion that has followers
from every ethnic background, Jews were classified

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Sleeping

Once the sneak attack on

Pearl Harbor energized the
American war machine into
action, nothing could stop
it. The U.S. Army went from
170,000 active members in
late 1939 to 1,400,000 men
in under two years. The
armed forces continued to
grow steadily until the end
of the war, when the U.S.
Army (including the Army
Air Corps) totaled over
8,300,000 men.

The government played
on the paranoia of the citizenry of the western United
States, making the war in
the Pacific seem minutes, not
thousands of miles away.
Sometimes this paranoia
proved too much, and early
on local authorities had to
deal with mass evacuations
of coastal towns due to misheard rumors or mistaken
sightings of enemy ships. For the most, the attack on Pearl
Harbor was enough to drive even the strongest American pacifists towards war. When we are done, Admiral
Halsey said, the only place you will hear the Japanese
language spoken will be in hell. Most of America shared
his sentiment. Overnight very public propaganda about
the Japanese sprouted up. They were portrayed as small,
nearsighted, unintelligent, deadly loyal and, if not properly
fought, lethal. The Emperor was depicted as a false god
and their religions and customs as a sham used to induce a
fanatical fighting spirit in the entire population of Japan.

In truth, the Japanese decisive attack on Pearl Harbor
scared the American military hierarchy as much as it did
the American public. Everyone in Washington knew the
Japanese were far from unintelligent. After such a daring
assault, few in the Army or Navy could laugh off the idea
of a Japanese invasion of Los Angeles, or Portland, or
Seattle. The government was rapidly building its forces to
fight the war in Europe first and it needed time to safely
conduct such affairs without concern for fighting on its
own soil. The U.S. government made by the people, for the
people, turned to the people.

Almost every able-bodied person volunteered for the
war effort. Coast watchers, civil air patrols and air raid
wardens did their part to make America safe for her citizens, while its fighting men were away. The Coast Guard
was attached to the Department of the Navy and ran
patrols on every major port coastline of the U.S. Antiaircraft guns were set up in the major city centers of southern
California, and on the east coast in Washington D.C., New
York and Boston.

Rubber, scrap metal, cooking oil and tin cans were collected
in great numbers to make weapons, vehicles and explosives.

Rationing began in May

1942 and continued throughout the war, to control the
use of certain vital materials
by limiting the amount a
consumer could buy. Ration books were distributed
through schools and post
offices, dictating how much
gasoline, sugar or meat
could be bought. Sugar was
heavily rationed and often
not easy to come by, as were
gasoline and rubber. A large
U.S. black market exploited
the ration book system, and
many criminals made a tidy
profit selling stolen or counterfeit ration books.

Taking resources saved
by government rationing, the
automotive industry shifted
gears, so to speak, to produce
tanks, airplanes and heavy
weapons almost overnight.
From 1941 to 1945 U.S.
plants produced an unprecedented 500,000 tanks,
300,000 planes, 79,000 landing craft, 3.3 million rifles, 2.6
million machine guns and more than 41 billion rounds of

This amazing spike in production, accomplished by the
establishment or the War Production Board by President
Roosevelt, was in part responsible for the Allies eventual
victory. Already a master at manipulating the economy
(with the help of a dozen professors, the think tank who
conceived the New Deal) Roosevelt established all that was
needed for companies to find war production easy, and even
extremely profitable.

Women took to the factories for the first time, and
learned to rivet, weld and work heavy equipment in record
numbers. They filled positions vacated by men who were
fighting abroad, making Rosie the Riveter a reality. The
nation transformed in mere months from a peaceful nation
to Roosevelts Arsenal of Democracy.

According to one writer, after the sneak attack on Pearl
Harbor Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto wrote, I fear that we
have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled it with a terrible

If its true, his prediction was startling in its accuracy.

The U.S. Army

Winston Churchill described the United States Army as a

prodigy of organization. This armed force went from an
ill-organized scattering of administrative posts and camps
across the U.S. with fewer than 170,000 active members to
a huge, world-spanning force numbering over 8,000,000
menall in less than six years. The Army grew exponentially because it was needed on a level never seen before in
armed conflict, but its growth began before America was
even involved in the Second World War.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Selective Service

Early in the European conflict, the eyes of American government watched with growing alarm as the Germans swept
across the continent. Unfortunately, the public didnt
become concerned about it until much later.

In response to public outcry and governmental urgings, Congress authorized a huge expansion of the armed
forces. On September 16, 1940, President Roosevelt signed
the Selective Service Act into law. Under this new law, men
between the ages of 21 and 35 were required to register
with the government to be called upon in the event of war.
By July 1941, 17,000,000 eligible men had registered.

Pearl Harbor

By the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the

U.S. Army was already eight times its former size. Though
its armaments, vehicles and equipment were still far from
modern, the manpower it could draw upon was impressive. This lack of modernization was a weak link in an
otherwise growing chain of strength. To those in the Army,
the shortcomings were obvious.

Practice drills for armored corps were made with trucks
marked Tank. Machine gunners practiced with broomsticks instead of weapons. Grenadiers lobbed potatoes
instead of hand grenades. The increase in manpower subdued
the public outcry for defense, but did little else.

The bombing at Pearl Harbor forced America out of its
isolation into a world on fire. For the first time in two decades, American men would leave home to fight for freedom.


America was ill-prepared to train the huge numbers of men

required to fight a global war. For example, in 1940 only
General and Special Service schools were in place to train a
small number of soldiers for specialized tasks, such as artillery maintenance, switchboard operations and the like. The
field training of newly enlisted soldiers was left to individual
units scattered around bases all over the U.S.

After the sneak attack, this method proved too slow
and cumbersome to maintain when a huge number of citizens volunteered for duty. Since early 1940, Replacement
Training Centers were developed to teach massive numbers of recruits in a swift and efficient fashion. At the time
it was seen as a step towards war footing for a war maybe
years in the future. Later it was seen as as a happy coincidence that proved useful when need pressed. Large numbers
of volunteers were sent to these RTC camps instead of the
standard unit training for the first time in December 1941.

Basic Training

At the beginning of the war with Japan, twelve ground force

training centers were in place to train newly inducted soldiers
in the U.S. Army. Over the next three years, another thirtytwo training areas were created to teach the huge amount of
soldiers necessary to fight in a war on two fronts.

Early on, training did not adequately prepare American
soldiers for the war. Many techniques taught were obsolete
or completely useless, based on outdated notions from the

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Great War. Soldiers were trained with inadequate or antique equipment (sometimes without any equipment at all),
and were taught to fight either a static-front war (like the
trench warfare of the Great War), or in a dim and poorly
realized imitation of the German blitzkrieg. The implications of the Germans lightning war were still not fully
understood by American commanders at the time of the
Pearl Harbor attack.

By the later half of 1942, a wave of modernization
swept the American armed forces, and basic training became a much more efficient and effective process.

Dozens of highly specialized skills were taught to
soldiers during basic training, including: how to use and
maintain equipment in the field, map reading, marking and
artillery sighting, hygiene in the field, aircraft recognition,
radio protocol, concealment, first aid, and dealing with
POWs, booby traps, civilians and more.

In seventeen weeks, citizens were converted to effective
and competent soldiers.

OCS and Service Schools

Officer Candidate Schools were facilities to train enlisted

soldiers to meet the requirements needed to fulfill the role
of an officer in the Army. Training usually lasted fifteen
to seventeen weeks, and covered hundreds of detailed and
difficult concepts. At the end of this time, candidates were
either recommended for a commission or returned to normal enlisted status.

Service Schools were specialty schools that taught
complex skills such as artillery maintenance, tank destroyer
combat tactics, parachute school or anti-aircraft artillery usage. Both enlisted men and officers attended Service Schools.

Talents in the U.S. Army

In the U.S. Army, Talents, for the most part, were members of special commando units called Talent Operation
Groups or TOGs. For more information on TOG training, equipment and skills see Part Nine: TOG Commando
Squads on p. 296.

Life in the U.S. Army

Boot camp for the U.S. Army was a series of strictly regimented phases of training. Personal time was limited to a
few minutes before and after lights out; past that it was
work, work, work. After boot camp, things often shifted to
the opposite end of the spectrum.

Troops waiting for deployment or assignment often
had nothing but personal time. Commanders did their best
to keep the troops occupied by calling impromptu marching
drills, random work details and other pointless activities,
but often it just degenerated into a waiting game.

Once deployed, life in the U.S. Army truly began for the
common foot soldier. While many soldiers in the Army never
lived in the field, those that did soon discovered a completely
new way of living. Most nights were spent in foxholes or
other handmade contrivances to avoid the weather and enemy fire. When nature called, it was answered in slit trenches
or latrines. Food was ferried to the front on foot along with
ammunition and any news to be had.



Food in the field was a mixed lot. Sometimes hot food
was found in rear areas, but often all that was available
were field rations. Since building a fire in a forward location
was a sure way of drawing enemy fire, cold meals were
often the norm on the line.

When possible (and feasible) troops were billeted in
civilian houses within disputed towns. Officers laid claim
to the ritzy and most comfortable accommodations to be
found, while the enlisted men were just happy to be out of
the rainanything with a roof would do.

Looting was commonplace. Anything small and valuable was especially coveted, since it could be easily carried,
and just as easily snuck back to the U.S. As usual, officers
had their pick of the booty before enlisted men, although
many officers refused to tolerate brazen lootingand punishments were sometimes quite severe.

A much more accepted and public practice was the
recovery of enemy equipment and weapons. The trading
and collection of enemy gear was common, and rare enemy
items were used as barter in rear areas for food, equipment
or weapons. Every soldier, if they could, took something to
show the folks at home.

All in all, life in the U.S. Army in the field was a brutal,
eye-opening experience that
made men appreciate what
they left behindand in turn
made them fight that much

The Media

In World War II, for the first

time, the media had a definite
impact on the warnot
just the other way around.
Propaganda, used to great
effect near the end of World
War I, was made a central
and important new method
of warfare. For the first time,
the United States concentrated on destroying an enemys will to fight, not just its ability.

The media on both sides of the conflict tried to shape
and mold their individual cultures towards victory with
songs, movies and literature on a scale never before seen. Artists in the Third Reich erected 90-foot statues of the Aryan
man and painted portraits of serene blue-eyed warriors, while
in the U.S. Mickey Mouse and Popeye went to war against
the Axis, with Bugs Bunny personally unleashing anarchy on
the Reich. Nothing, not even elements central to the identity
of a culture were exempt from this artistic draft.

Arguably, the fascist powers had the strongest and
most pervasive propaganda resources. They hoped to whip
their masses into a frenzy that no outside power could
crush. In the end, propaganda alone was not enough.

The Media and the War

In the 1940s, the media in all its forms played a huge role
in the war on both sides of the conflict. Newsmen, photographers, radiomen, animators, and motion picture directors
did as they were instructed to by their government, and not

just in the fascist countries. Personal gain and vision were

discarded, or shaped so that they coincided with the war
effort. Everyone understood the world was at stake.

In the United States, certain unspoken rules existed
on what was presented on the radio, in the newspapers
or the movies. The national media reflected the social
mores of the time. Nothing directly derogatory was ever
printed or said about the President, except in certain
right wing, underground papers. His illness (polio) was
rarely, if ever, mentioned. Photographers snapped still
shots of the President seated or standing (held in place
by stiff metal braces). In some of the more rural areas of
the United States, many people had no idea Roosevelt
couldnt even walk.

Once the war was on, that was that. The American
media machine was behind it all the way. An entire division
of Warner Brothers studios was incorporated into the U.S.
Army, and set about making all manner of propaganda, public safety and military training films. Movie superstars joined
the armed forces in large numbers. Jimmy Stewart signed up
for the Army Air Corps and went on to fly twenty combat
missions over Europe. Clark Gable flew along on bombing
missions into occupied Europe as well, filming documentaries for the folks back home.
Stars-to-be, such as Lee Marvin, Eddie Albert and Charles
Bronson also fought, along
with three Presidents-to-be;
John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford
and George Bush.

The stars who stayed
behind in the states collected for war bonds, played
United Service Organization (USO) events at home
and abroad, acted in, wrote
and produced films for the
government, and kept the
morale of the troops high.

Radio brought the war
home every night to the
American listener. Edward R. Murrow, transmitting on the
CBS network, reported from the air-siege of London in the
summer of 1940, to the riotously happy crowds of Trafalgar Square on Victory Europe day in April 1945.

Newsreelsshort films reporting events from around
the worldbrought the realities of war home to the common American. Many were propaganda, showing only
what the government wanted shown, and the national
media was more than willing to follow the governments
lead. News stories that would have sold millions of papers
were discarded due to their delicate military significance.
Scandalous information (such as the well-known fact that
Stalin ran his country much the same way Hitler did) was
overlooked and not reported. Everything in the U.S. pointed
towards the Allies as the relentless white knight, freeing an
enslaved humanity from tyranny.

In Britain, the newsreel was used to best effect. In a
land where enemy bombers threatened every moment, the
British film industry was able to invigorate and restore the
publics morale after relentless attacks by Hitlers Luftwaffe.
RAF pilots became media sensations, their faces printed on


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playing cards for the children of Britain to collect and trade.
Newspapers printed daily kill totals for German aircraft (often exaggerated), and whipped the public into a combative
frenzy unseen elsewhereexcept for war-torn Russia. Soon
the public was both ready for a fight on its own shores and
prepared to go elsewhere to quash tyranny. A can-do attitude pervaded the starved, strained, besieged British Isles,
and one man embodied it: Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchills endless radio addresses to his
nation brought out the pride and resentment in every free
man, and won America over to his cause. When mainland
Europe fell, only he saw hope; and without his brave,
steady and cautious attitude, the British people wouldnt
have had a rallying point, a national marker of pride and
resistance. His smug bulldog grin and cigar were known
the world over, for good reason. It was felt that if Britain
resisted the advances of the Nazi regime, perhaps there was
hope for the smaller countries as yet untouched by the war.

In Germany, film propaganda was put to great use.
Leni Reifestahls Triumph of the Will was a powerful piece
of military propaganda. It portrayed Nazi Germany as it
hoped to be, a relentless army of like-minded race warriors,
bent on the destruction of all in their path. Its seas of swastika flags and silent, torch-bearing crowds were hypnotizing
to watch. Hitlers mastery of the pulpit was given lavish
attention by Reifestahls groundbreaking camera work.
Hitler took full advantage of
the advent of film propaganda, and his iron grip on
the German psyche soon
became a mania. Minister
of Propaganda Dr. Josef
Goebbels oversaw film, radio
and print production for the
greater German Reich, filling
German minds with the adoration of the Fhrer above
all else. Children were raised
singing songs of love for their
leader, young women were
impregnated out of wedlock
to produce future race-warriors, and droves of young
men joined the German
armed forces to protect the
world from racial degeneration and the worldwide
Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy.
So great was the hold of this
web of lies that many refused
to live after they learned of
their leaders death.

Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, Hitler
once said, when asked what
was needed for a better
Germany. It is ironic that his
propaganda mill, one of the
best in the war, was partially
responsible for blinding the
German public to the impending threat of invasion. In

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

just this one instance, Allied analysts were quite happy with
the efficiency of Hitlers lie machine.

Popular Entertainment

The most popular and pervasive entertainment medium of

the war years was radio. By the 1940s, only twenty years
into radios rise, thousands of shows and news programs
covered every possible wavelength. At any hour of the day
or night, something was on.

Radio began its rise to glory in the U.S. in 1920 with
the transmission of election returns from station KDKA in
Pittsburgh. From there, it skyrocketed in popularity, in less
than a year twenty stations were broadcasting in the United
States. By the end of the decade hundreds of stations existed
with the number increasing daily.

In the early days, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) with its Red and Blue networks, the Columbia
Broadcast Network (CBS) and the Mutual radio network
dominated the airwaves. Hundreds of smaller affiliates and
independents existed in rural areas, but, for the most part,
these three giants owned the medium.

Soap operas, educational programs, news programs,
music, sports and even religious programming could be
found on every station. Radio programming varied from
station to station. Popular shows of the 1930s and 1940s included Your Hit Parade, The
Will Rogers Show, Whats
the Name of that Song?,
Walter Winchell, Truth or
Consequences, Superman,
The Shadow, The Quiz Kids,
The Red Skelton Show, The
Milton Berle Show, The Lone
Ranger, Little Orphan Annie,
The Jack Benny Program,
The Green Hornet, Flash
Gordon, Fibber McGee and
Molly, The Edgar Bergen and
Charlie McCarthy Program,
Death Valley Days, Captain
Midnight, The Buster Brown
Gang, Buck Rogers in the
25th Century and The Bob
Hope Show.

Movies remained a
strong draw on the entertainment dollar, just as they had
in the darkest depths of the
depression. People wanted
distraction from the war
and its hardships. Stars like
Orson Welles, Humphrey
Bogart, Mickey Rooney, Judy
Garland, Ingrid Bergman and
Cary Grant drew in crowd
after crowd to some of the
most memorable movies ever
made: Casablanca, Citizen
Kane, High Sierra, The Maltese Falcon, The Magnificent
Ambersons and Spellbound.



People also went to the movies to see the news of the
world in the newsreels, The March of Time being the most
famous. Every week, carefully planned stories kept the
American public informed of the ongoing war in packed
movie houses across the nation. For many, this was their
only chance to see what was going on in the world.


Talents are the real force that drives the world of Godlike.
Though their powers are limited, and they effect few major
changes in the war, their importance is not to be underestimated. During the war years, nearly everything dealt with
Talents in one way or another. They represented the best
and the worst mankind had to offer.

Talents and the Public

Imagination in the War Years

Beginning with the appearance of Der Flieger in 1936, the

entire world became fascinated with the Talent phenomenon. The Flying Man dominated world news for months,
and was the focus of numerous books, pamphlets, newsletters, films and even comic books. Before Nazi Germany
began to antagonize its neighbors, Der Flieger was seen as
one of the greatest men in the world, more popular than
both President Roosevelt and Charles Lindbergh combined.
He was as good-looking as a movie star and he could fly.
Women swooned when they saw him, reporters followed
his every move, and he was the subject of discussion of
every major government of the world.

However, that was when he was the only one.

With the advent of war, and the increasing population of Talents, the public found itself with a second bevy
of stars to fawn over, and a new pantheon of enemies to
hate. The Nazi bermenschen were portrayed as almost
comically evil, while Allied Talents could do no wrong (or if
they did, the Allied press said nothing about it).

The British Talents were the first Allied Talents to gain
public notoriety on a global scale.

The real public frenzy began in 1941, with the LendLease publicity Talent tour of the British Four. These four
individuals became some of the most famous people in the
U.S. overnight, because they could do the impossible. By
the end of their tour, they were hobnobbing with Howard
Hughes and the elite of the nation.

When America gained its first Talent in the winter of
1941, the world knew that more were on the way. Soon,
hundreds of Talents existed; then thousands, and the public
found them satisfying in a way Hollywood fame could never
supply. Anyone could become a Talent; anyone could dream.

Early on, there was Hollywood and there were the
Talents, and sometimes, these two worlds overlapped. Minor Talents were often used in Armed Forces training films
and other small productions. As their population increased,
Hollywood and the Talent phenomenon became enmeshed
inextricably. The Indestructible Man was linked romantically with Lana Turner, The Flat Man appeared in numerous comedies, and the American Talent Kilroy became a
fixture in dozens of films, culminating in an appearance
with Jimmy Stewart in Its a Wonderful Life in 1946. Orson

Welles, F.W. Murnow and Walt Disney all employed Talents

in their productions during and after the war.

The war was the focus of the Talent phenomenon, of
course. Clashes of Talents in war-torn areas of Europe or
Africa were the headlines, painting the general disposition
of war in broad terms everybody could follow. The governments of the world used these parahuman clashes as propaganda, and endless newsreels of Talents using their abilities
in combat were shown to packed movie houses, to reassure
the public the war effort was going their way.

The world changed overnight.

Arthur M. Pinell of the Princeton School of Psychology,
Parapsychology and Physics summed it up in his book There
Were Giants in Those Days: Once upon a time, the world
was understood, and things did not deviate from a set of
rules called science which man had painstakingly constructed
since the beginning of recorded history. There were rules that
no one could breach. Rules like inertia, gravity and time.

Then the giants returned and re-wrote the rules with
the power of their will.

Nothing has been the same since that summer in
1936, and nothing will ever be the same again. If I concentrate I can remember what the world felt like before, when
I was a child. But the event that changed it all looms in my
mind like an immense chasm. A gap between the world as it
should be and the world as it is today.

Developing the Use

of Talents in Combat

When only a handful of Talents existed, they were little more

than a propaganda tool for world governments. Many were useful in combat, but only in a very limited capacity. Some Talents
(such as Der Flieger) were effective in large-scale battles, others (such as The Indestructible Man) were of limited use on
the battlefield, and many were seen as too valuable to risk.

As the phenomenon began to blossom and Talents
became less unique, the utilization of Talent powers in
combat grew. When significant numbers of Talents existed,
most governments began using them as Commandos and
spies. By their very nature, Talents were extremely useful as
behind the line combatants. The British Special Operations
Executive trained and utilized hundreds of Talents during
the war, as did the German Abwehr. These missions usually
involved sabotage, intelligence gathering or assassination.

By late 1941, when Talent numbers increased even
more, the Germans and British pioneered the use of Talents
in large-scale combat. Utilizing small shock troop teams
of Talents to turn flanks or encircle enemy positions, or to
transport normal troops far beyond enemy lines, the British
and Germans changed the face of warfare. Such Talent-led
attacks enjoyed incredible success, and, when feasible, became the preferred method of combat. However, unknown
Talents on the battlefield remained a significant threat. Men
who could suddenly fight on par with an entire battalion
distorted the natural balance of warfare, and led to an uncertainty in combat that had never really been seen before.
No operation was an absolute certain success any longer.

Military analysts solved the problem by early 1942.
With the ever-growing population of Talents, it was determined that it would be best to spread as many Talents


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around in front line units as possible. Since only Talents
could detect other Talents, and they had the best chance of
stopping other Talents, they would be put in the front line to
take the brunt of such attacks. Small smatterings of Talents
were placed in front line scout and shock troop units, to offset any advantage the enemy might have in Talent capability.

When the Talent population of the world reached its
projected peak (as determined by Allied analysts), many
Talents were already being utilized as service troops, using
their abilities to teleport, lift or otherwise move material,
equipment or men to the front line, to fuel the war effort.

When a surplus of Talents was reached in most countries, many were gathered in acting squads or divisions that
operated like normal forces, with the added benefit of their
paranormal abilities. They were basically, super-armies.

By the end of the war, Talents were used in all of these
different capacities simultaneously, on all fronts of the war.

Talents and the Law

In Milwaukee Wisconsin in1942, Louis Taft Jr. argued he was

free to use his Talent ability anywhere he wished, as long as he
did not destroy property or harm anybody. The government argued he caused such a spectacle with his levitation power that it
disturbed the public peace. The government won the case handily, and the Taft laws soon began to spring up state to state. In
some areas, they were overlooked (I mean who doesnt want
to see a man fly?), in others; they were enforced to the letter.
Either way, the laws never became Federal legislation.

The use of Talent powers in the armed forces were a
different matter altogether, and was handled by military
justice, independent of the U.S. Constitution. A general rule
for Talents in most armed forces in Allied countries was
dont use em until you have to. Military Talents knew
they were prime targets for snipers and other enemy Talents
if they used their powers in a provocative or pointless way.
In rear areas however, Talent roughhousing sometimes
reached destructive levels, such as the Caen July riot of
1945. This problem was so severe that in 1945, a special
section of the Military Police was formed: the Talent Military Police, to handle the troublemaking minority.

Talent looters and thieves were dealt with harshly. In one
1945 case, an Army Captain who could teleport prodigious
distances was convicted of attempting to smuggle 200 pounds
of Nazi gold from occupied Germany. Despite the value of his
ability, he was sent to Leavenworth for fifty years and kept on
a steady diet of sedatives (and he was considered lucky!)

Incarceration of criminal Talents was an apparently difficult task that was surprisingly easy to overcome. Non-violent Talents were given a chance to demonstrate their good
behavior; failing that, they were drugged to a point where
they could not use their powers (or kept under constant
supervision by Zed Talents). Extremely violent or escapeprone Talents were sometimes subjected to lobotomies to
prevent the use of their powers. (This type of brain surgery
was just coming into vogue in the 1940s; Super-Man
OMalley was the most famous case.) Most Talents who
crossed the law learned quickly that the government didnt
fool around when it came to crime and Talent powers.

As President Roosevelt put it, The responsibility
inherently tied to such a power precludes abuse. Or the governments acceptance of such abuse.

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The Taft Laws of

the United States

The Taft laws set clear precedent in American law.

Beginning with Wisconsin vs. Taft in 1942, hundreds
of laws were passed governing the use and abuse
(and punishment for said abuse) of Talent powers
in the states. However, the problems evident in such
laws were obvious from the start.

Since Talents could sidestep physical laws, they
could also sidestep the normal judicial process. The
government was, for a time, at a loss. How could a
crime where a man could teleport a body into space
or disintegrate it with his mind be prosecuted?

It turned out that such prosecutions would not
be difficult at all.

The earliest prosecution for a Talent-accomplished murder was in 1951, in the famous New York
vs. Tagliano The Eraser case. Enzo Tagliano, a
Talent (and former Ranger), known as The Eraser,
assassinated a person with his power for the Genovese
crime syndicate in front of several eyewitnesses.

Although there was no body and the Prosecutions
case looked thin, Tagliano made the mistake of refusing
to demonstrate his Talent ability to the court, on the
grounds that it was self-incriminating. The judge ruled
that this was the equivalent of refusing to provide a
fingerprint or blood sample, but let the case continue.
With this tiny shred of evidence in their favor, the prosecutors made the case not about the murder, but about
Taglianos honesty. Tagliano was convicted by the jury
and given life in prison for his crime.

Taft crimes were rare however. Most Talents
who survived the war found a productive (and often
lucrative) way to use their powers.

The Drafting of Talents

During the war years, many countries had mandatory

enlistment policies for those with parahuman powers. Great
Britain, Russia, Germany, Australia, Japan, Canada and
India all had a mandatory draft for parahumans. America,
however, did not. These policies rarely came up, however.
Patriotism played a large part in enlistment and service of
citizens in the military. Few refused the request of their
respective governments, even when they had a choice.

Nearly every active Talent from every country in the
world served in the war, one way or another.

The Military Hierarchy

and Talents

Talents were not pampered in most military organizations. In fact,

some governments treated their parahumans much more harshly
than regular recruits. The U.S. Marines for example, had a separate Talent Boot Camp (aka Hells Motel) on Paris Island.
Those who survived this training without suffering heat stroke, or
much more serious maladies, were afforded a special Pitchfork




Despite this extensive
(and often quite dangerous)
extra training, animosity
often existed between regular
troops and Talents, who were
seen as privileged. This
perception was not entirely
inaccurate; in most armed
forces, Talents got the best
supplies, food, equipment and
uniforms to boost their morale and in turn to boost the
performance of their abilities.

Talents often rose rapidly
through the ranks. In Germany and the United States,
many Talents were often given
officers training from day one. Though few Talents survived
long enough to rise very far on either side of the conflict, a
select few made it to ranks where they were no longer required
to use their powers in combat.

Talent Prisoners of War

The British pioneered the handling and incarceration of

enemy Talent prisoners of war. A psychological method of
coercion was decided upon. For example, German Talents
were informed they would be turned over to Russian forces
for a military trial, or that RAF command would drop a
few stray bombs on their familys house during dinnertime.
The British intelligence machine, second to none at the time,
had many different levers to call upon to move Talents towards good behavior. Most world governments (except the
Japanese and the Germans) settled upon this psychological
method to control Talent POWs.
Escape attempts did occur, the most famous being the
escape of Der Habicht (The Hawk) from a Boston transitory camp for prisoners captured during the Battle of the
Bulge. For four days, the entire city of Boston was on the
lookout for the German youth. With no real conception
of the geography or the sheer size of the United States, he
finally surrendered in Layeville, North Carolina after flying
more than seven hundred miles. From that point on, he was
kept sedated for the rest of his internment to prevent the use
of his flight power.

On the other hand, the Germans and Japanese did not
see enemy Talents as humans at all. Consequently, they considered Talents exempt from the protections afforded POWs
by the Geneva Convention. Both the Germans and the Japanese performed horrible experiments upon their captives,
testing the use and extent of Talent POWs abilities.

The Japanese in particular performed inhuman experiments and torture on American and British Talents captured
in the Far East Theater. In one case, the Australian parahuman Corporal Garrison Gravedigger Graves had all four
limbs amputated four times without anesthesia. Unit 731
hoped to discover by repeated observation just how his
regeneration power worked to restore his limbs, by cutting
them off over and over again.

Many Allied Talents caught behind enemy lines opted to
commit suicide instead of facing an uncertain and most likely

torture-filled future in an Axis

death camp.


The language of the 1940s

was rich with slang and colloquialisms not used today,
many of which were military
terms. They may sound
strange to the modern ear, but
they were once an important
part of life. Encouraging the
players in your group to use
slang appropriate to the time
can add a new level of enjoyment to a Godlike campaign.

Slang marked with a
bullet hole ( ) denotes terms used to describe Talent

A Direct Line to God, he has: Any Talent who is immune

to damage.
Amscray: Pig-Latin for scram, meaning to get out, or leave.
Ack Ack: Anti-aircraft fire.
Archies or Archy: Anti-aircraft guns.
Applesauce, Bushwah: Garbage, baloney, bullshit.
AWOL: Absent WithOut Leave.

Battery Acid, Blackout, Blackstrap, Paint Remover: Army coffee.

To Bat Ones Gums: To talk, converse or speak.
Blitz: An all out attack.
The Brush Off: To ignore or overlook someone.
Bulldozer: A super-strong Talent.
Bughouse: An insane asylum.
The Business: A beating or attack.
Brass Hat, Butch, The Man: An officer.

Camp Happy: Crazed.

Can: Toilet or latrine.
Cat Stabber, Cheese Toaster: A bayonet.
C.B.: Confined to Barracks.
Chairborne: Officers or soldiers who work behind the lines
at desks.
Charity Girl: An easy woman. A sexually active woman.
Cheesecake: Pictures or pin-ups of attractive women.
Chew Out: To yell at or scold.
Chow, Grub: Food.
C.O.: Commanding Officer.
Combat Fatigue, Shell Shock, the Shakes, the Heebie Jeebees:
A nervous condition brought on by combat. What would
now be known as posttraumatic stress disorder.
Croot, Rookie, Greenie: Recruit.
Cut a Rug: To dance.
Cutting Out Paper Dolls: Crazy, insane.

Dame: A woman.
Digger, Aussie: An Australian.


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Dog-Tag: The identification tag worn by soldiers.
Dud: A bomb or explosive which fails to detonate, or a
useless Talent power.
Dummy Up: To shut up.

Fall In: To assemble in formation.

Fella: Fellow, guy, man.
Flak: Enemy anti-aircraft fire.
Four F: The designation for those who failed the physical
examination to join the U.S. Armed forces.
Foxhole: A ditch or pit dug to hide in, and to protect a
trooper from enemy fire.
FUBAR: Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

G.I.: General Issue or Government Issue. A term used in

reference to American servicemen.
G.I. Jesus: An army priest.
G.I. Joe: A term for a common U.S. soldier, from Government Issue and Joe Blow.
German Yellow Fowl: Derogatory term referring to Der
Flieger or any other flying German Talent.
Goldbrick: To loaf or goof off.
Grunt: A soldier.

Hotbox, Can, Widow Maker: A Tank.

Hotfoot, to give one the: To use a fire-based Talent
HQ: Headquarters.

In Like Flynn: A term meaning success in sexual endeavors.

After the actor Errol Flynn.

Jack: Money.
Jumping Jesus: An Army priest in a paratrooper unit.
Jap, Nip, Slant, Slope, Yellow Bastard: A Japanese soldier.

Kraut, One of the Kaisers Boys, Nazi, Jerry: A German soldier.

Knucklehead: An idiot.
KP Duty: Kitchen Patrol or Kitchen Police, punishment for

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Palooka: An idiot.
Pecker Checker, Penis Machinist: An Army doctor.
Pill Roller, Pill Pusher: Medical corps soldier, field medic.
Pineapple: A nickname for the M2A1 Hand Grenade.
Pin Up: A publicity shot of a beautiful woman, usually a
movie star.
Poof: To teleport.
Popper: A teleporter.
POW: Prisoner of War.
Pull Rank: To force someone of lower rank to follow
Pull a Jap: To surprise or startle.
Prop Jockey: Pilot.
Propless Wonder: A Talent who can fly.
PX: Post Exchange, an army mercantile store.

Red, One of Uncle Joes Boys: A Russian soldier.

Raines, to pull a Claude: To use a Talent power to
disappear. After Claude Raines, the actor, who played the
Invisible Man.
R&R: Rest and relaxation or rest and recuperation.

Sad Sack: An unpopular or unproductive person.

Steel Straightjacket, He needs a: In reference to a Talent
with a mental illness.
Sap: A foolish person.
Skirt: A woman.
SNAFU: Situation Normal, All Fucked Up.
Swell: Good, nice, okay.
Sore: Pissed off, mad.

Talent: A person possessing parahuman powers, or a

parahuman power itself.

V-Girl: A sexually promiscuous woman who will sleep with


We Die First: Bastardization of the Talent Operations

Group shoulder patch We Go First.

Mae West: A life jacket.

Meatball: An idiot.
Meat Wagon: An ambulance.
Mopping Up: Clearing out remaining enemy forces after a
Muscles: A super-strong Talent.


Non-Com: Non-commissioned officer.

Nookie: Sex.
Now Youre Cooking With Gas: Modern, up to date, good.

berkraut: Derogatory term for any German Talent.

Lead Injection, Lead Poisoning: Death or injury by gunfire.

Leadproof: A bullet proof Talent.
Leatherneck: A U.S. Marine.
Louie, Loogie: Lieutenant.
Limey, Brit, Tommy: A British soldier.

My Invisible Friend: A euphemism for telekinesis.

Zed: A Talent power which cancels out other physical

Talent powers. From British slang for z, the first letter of




The Field Manual

The devastating accuracy of this gunfire was the most beautiful sight I have ever witnessed.
U.S. Naval observer at Surigao Strait

A Note On Firearms

Definitive information on firearms is difficult to come by.

The following statistics were uncovered poring through
volumes of material (often filled with contradictory information). There are bound to be mistakes. These errors are
mine, not those of my sources. I hope any mistakes will be
small enough to be easily overlooked and not hinder game
play. If something doesnt seem to make sense, or suit your
game, feel free to change it.

Listed Ranges

Despite great efforts to locate a list of true ranges for

weapons of World War II, no definitive source could be
found, only incidental reports of effective ranges from
combat memoirs and such.

The ranges listed are supposed to reflect effective
range in combat. That is, the range listed is that of the
weapon being fired under less than ideal conditions (i.e.,
while under enemy fire.) Outside combat, the ranges listed
on rifles and pistols are doubled.

If you feel a range listed is not accurate, please feel free
to cross it out and write your own in.

Penetration Listings

Penetration listings for weapons are added the width of the

attack roll before reducing armor, but only to a maximum
of double the Penetration value. Damage bonuses are not
counted towards this total.

Example: Butch fires his Bazooka (Penetration

value of 5) at a Panther V tank (HAR of 7). His
Coordination+Bazooka is 6d, and he rolls a 5, 5, 6,
1, 5, and a 7, for a 3x5 match. The Bazookas listed
Penetration value is 5, but since Butch made a width 3
match, 3 is added to the Penetration value. So, Butchs
Bazooka round hits the Panther tank with a Penetration value of 8, punching through its front armor.

If Butch had somehow rolled at 6x match, the
Penetration of the Bazooka round would only have a
Penetration of 10, since, at a maximum, extra width
can only double the Penetration value of a weapon.
Penetration ratings listed with particular firearms are considered to be from close range only. Depending how complicated you want your Godlike game to be, you can simply
make such Penetration ratings work the same regardless
of range, or modify them for distance. Otherwise, assume
penetrating weapons are half as effective at twice the same
range (round down.)

Of course, the effectiveness of explosives such as antitank grenades and armor piercing rockets do not decrease
at distance; the penetrating effect is carried along with
the rocket or grenade, not in the actual launching of the
weapon itself. As long as the weapon is within its listed
range of attack, its Penetration ratings remains the same.
Example: Klaus fires a MG42 loaded with 7.92 SmK (H)
rounds at a half-track at 400 yards. Usually the rounds
have Penetration 2. But 400 yards is long range so they
only have a Penetration rating of 1.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Reloading Times

How long does it take to reload a particular weapon? The

default answer for infantry weapons (rifles, submachine
guns, machineguns and pistols) is one combat round. If
a weapon has a Slow rating associated with it, then add its
Slow rating in rounds to that.

Base Damage of Weapons

Depending how complicated you want combat to be, you

can either use modifiers for different ammunition types (so
a 7.92 SmK round is more damaging than a 7.92 Mauser
round), or use damage for each weapon type (so every machine gun is as damaging as any other machine gun, despite
the ammunition type used).

Additional damage, Penetration and Area affects of ammunition are listed at the beginning of each weapons section.
To determine what kind of performance an individual weapon
has with a different ammunition type, simply add the rounds
modifiers to the base damage rating of the weapon.
Example: Shotzy wants to fire a MG42 loaded with
7.92 SmK (H) ammunition, instead of standard 7.92
mm ammunition. With the new ammunition type, the
weapon inflicts width+3 in shock and killing damage to
a human target per hit instead of width+2. In addition,
it has Penetration 2 at close range.

Base Damage Rating Tabl

Weapon Type
Long rifle
Submachine gun
Machine gun

Base Damage Rating

Width in killing and in shock.
Width +1 in killing, width shock.
Width +2 in killing and shock.
Width in killing and shock.
Width+2 in killing and shock.
Width+1 in killing and shock+Area
dice. All targets in 10 yards take 2
shock to each hit location.
Anti-personnel mine See rules on this page.
Anti-tank rocket
Width+1 in killing and shock+Area
Width+2 in killing and shock
damage+Area dice. All targets in 10
yards take 2 shock to each hit location.
Width+3 in killing and shock
damage+Area dice. All targets in 20
yards take 2 shock to each hit location.
1 killing+Area dice+Burn (each hit
location is on fire except the head).
Note: Area dice are only rolled if the target is hit. Otherwise
the shot goes wide and they are ignored. Its usually simplest to use one Area roll for all targets in the blast radius,
but you can roll for each separately for variety. If a blast is
concentrated on a single target or in a tight space, double
the Area damage.

For a direct hit with a rocket, mortar or cannon, if it
penetrates armor the target takes all Area dice in the indicated
hit location, and Area damage applies to all targets both inside
and outside the armor. If it fails to penetrate, Area damage
applies only to targets outside the armor.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Its a Game, People

The statistics presented in this section are part of a

game. Games are supposed to be fun. In Godlike, this
means that the listings for weapons and vehicles are
simplified for ease of reference and use. If you want to
flip through hundreds of tables, charts and pages to locate the damage, range, recoil, weight, color and year
of manufacture for each and every weapon in World
War II, sorry, you wont find it here. Books on pistols
for the period sometimes top 900 pages; did you really
think youd find it all in this chapter?

Keep in mind that its a game. If you dont like
what you see or dont agree with a statistic, change it
and get back to having fun.
Example: Ivan throws a grenade at a German in a foxhole whos feeding ammunition to his two compatriots.
Ivans Coordination+Grenade is 6, and he rolls 6, 4, 9,
5, 7 and 7. A 2x7 hit. Only then are the 3d Area dice of
the grenade thrown, for a 1, 5 and a 5. So the main target
takes 3 killing and 3 shock points damage to his torso
(the initial 2x7 hit+1 for grenade damage,) 2 points of
shock to all hit locations, 1 point of killing to the left leg
(the 1) and 2 points of killing to his right arm (the 5s)

His compatriots take 2 shock points to all hit locations, 1 point of killing to their left legs and 2 points of
killing to their right arms from the Area dice.

A Note On Mines

Mines attack only when a target passes over them, so a high

level of finesse on the part of the operator is not necessary
(all thats needed is a skill in mine-laying; without that, even
setting up a mine becomes a dangerous task). A mine is triggered automatically when a stray step or significant weight
is placed upon it. Unlike a typical Area explosion, the blast
focuses upward into the victim or vehicle that triggered it.

A standard anti-personnel mine does 1 point of killing
to each hit location rolled on the Area dice. In addition,
each odd Area die does 2 killing to the victims left leg and
each even Area die does 2 killing to the victims right leg.
Finally, the victim takes 4 shock to every hit location.

A standard anti-tank mine does all its Area damage to
the vehicles hit location that activated the mine, usually a
front wheel or tread. See p. 307 for optional details.

In addition, each person within 5 yards of any mines
blast takes 2 shock to each hit location and 1 killing to each
location indicated by the Area dice.

A mine always uses its base Penetration rating, not
modified by the width of an attack roll.
Example: Captain Rickoff steps on a land mine. The
mines 5 Area dice against him roll 4,8,5,4,10. Rickoff
takes 2 killing to his left arm (the 4s) and 1 each to his
right arm (5), torso (8) and head (10). Next he takes 8
killing to his right leg (the 4s, 8 and 10) and 2 killing
to his left leg (the 5). Finally he takes 4 Shock to every
location. Its a bad day for Captain Rickoff.



Axis Weapons

For much of the war the Axis enjoyed an arsenal of weaponry superior to the Allies. German tanks were nearly invulnerable to Allied anti-tank methods early in the war, while
the Japanese Mitsubishi Zero was the fastest and most
maneuverable aircraft flying during the first years of the
conflict in the Pacific.

These innovations came at great cost. Because of these
innovations, the Axis failed to keep up with the production
of the far more productive Allies, who stuck to several tried
and true designs for all their weaponry. Axis weaponry was
often over-complicated and ill conceived for use in the field.
When it did work, it worked marvelously; when it didnt,
designers often went back to the drawing board. Valuable
production time was consumed building replacement parts
or re-tooling flawed products.

In the end, Axis technology defeated itself.

Weaponry of the Third Reich

For much of the Second World War, the Third Reich had
access to some of the most advanced weapons technology
on the planet. Jet aircraft, guided missiles, assault rifles
and night vision goggles were all created by the scientists
of Nazi Germany to aid the Axis war machine. But these
significant advancements failed to make a major impact on
the war. The double snafu of political bureaucracy and poor
deployment eliminated any edge these (often breakthrough)
technologies had on the battlefield.

Arguably, the most significant advancement in warfare,
the man-portable anti-tank rocket, was created by Germany
as well. Its use among all the armed forces of the world
effectively ended (or at least lessened) the reign of the tank
over the infantryman.

Cartridge Types

Several different cartridges were used by the German military during the war, each with its own special characteristics. To determine the Penetration or other special qualities
of an individual weapon please consider the following
chart, and compare it to the type of ammunition used by
the weapon in question. Add the modifiers to the base damage of the weapon.

For ease of reference, tank and artillery rounds are
included here as well.

German Cartridge & Shell Ratings Table


Damage*/Penetration/Area Rating

7.92 mm
7.92 mm Mauser
7.92 sS



(PbG: Panzerbrandgranaten-Patrone, Armor piercing incendiary round)

13mm Sg


(Sg: Sprenggranaten-Patrone, Explosive roundcartridge)

15mm Pp


(Pp: Panzergranaten-Patrone)

20 mm Pp


(Pp: Panzergranaten-Patrone)

37 mm
47 mm APCNR
50 mm APCR
75 mm APCR
76 mm
88 mm APCR
105 mm (4.134 Inch)
149 mm (5.87 Inch)
175.2 mm (6.79 Inch)
210.9 mm (8.3 Inch)
238 mm (9.37 Inch)
35.5 cm (14 Inch)
* This extra damage is killing damage, applied to living
targets only.
Penetration ratings listed are for close range of each
particular weapon against steel plate.

German Pistols

Several pistols were employed by Nazi forces in World

War II, ranging form models as old as the P08 Luger (produced first in 1908) to as cutting edge as the P38 Walther.
In early 1942, the P08 Luger was phased out of production and the P38 Walther became the pistol of choice for
the Heer, although both models were found on German
troops throughout the war.

German Pistol Table

P08 Luger
P38 Walther
Walther PP
Walther PPK

9mm Para
9mm Para
9mm Short
9mm Short



Range (yds.)

German Carbines

A carbine is a short rifle, used due to its lightweight and

ease of manufacture. The Germans employed only one real
carbine in the war; there were several other guns designated
Karabiner but they were actually rifles.

German Carbine Table

Weight Range (yds.)
Cap. (lbs.)
Karabiner 98K 7.92mm Mauser 7
8.58 lbs 100/400

(sS: Schweres Spitzgeschoss, Heavy Pointed Bullet)

7.92 SmK

9mm Short
9mm Parabellum
13 mm PbG


(SmK: Spitzgeschoss mit Kern, Pointed bullet with core)

7.92 mm MkP


(MkP: Maschinenkarabiner-Patrone, Machine carbine round)

7.92 SmK (H)


(Hartkern, Hardened core)


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



German Rifles

German Machine Gun Table

German rifles were weapons with good reputations, their

design had only slightly changed since their inception in
the years before World War I. Unfortunately, they were all
bolt action, requiring the manual ejection of the shell after
firing. This relatively slow rate of fire put them at a decided
disadvantage against American and British rifles.

German Rifle Table

Gewehr 98
Gewehr 41
Gewehr 43



Weight Range (yds.)

Cap. (lbs.)

German Assault Rifles

Germany was the first country to develop the assault rifle:

an accurate rifle that could switch between single and fully
automatic fire. The StGw 44 was the predecessor of the AK47 and other heavy duty, accurate, semi- or fully automatic
repeating rifles. Despite its outstanding record, Hitlers
displeasure with the project put it on the shelf too long for
it to make a difference in the war.

German Assault Rifle Table

Weight Range (yds.)
Weapon Rating Ammo
Cap. (lbs.)
StGw 44 0/2
7.92mm MkP 30 11.5
120/600 or

German Submachine Guns

The Germans used submachine guns in infantry support

roles early in the conflict, changing the way war was waged.
The amount of rounds fired by these potent weapons and
their portability made them powerful tools for the infantry.

MP 18
MG 34
MG 42
MG 26(t)
MG 30 (t)
MG 37 (t)


MG 15

MG 81

MG 131
MG 151
MG 151/20 3

Cap. (lbs.)
50/75* 25.4
50/75* 16.6
13mm PbG 250* 45.1
15mm Pp 250* 84.4
20mm Pp 250* 85.5

Range (yds.)

Capacity is by belt.
Capacity is by magazine.

German Anti-Tank Weapons

The Germans were one of the first armed forces of the

world to use anti-tank rocket technology. Before the advent of the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck, anti-tank rifles,
mines and explosives were used to eliminate tanks, with
a limited degree of success. The anti-tank rocket placed
infantry in a much more defensible situation against tanks
on the battlefield.

German One-Use Anti-Tank Rockets

The Panzerfaust was a weapon of such innovative and

simple design that its use during the war had a dramatic
effect on tank tactics. Unfortunately for the Germans, many
captured Panzerfaust rounds were used on German tanks
by Allied forces.

Although there were attempts late in the war to develop the Panzerfaust into a reusable weapon, it was for the
most part, a one-time use disposable weapon.

German Submachine Gun Table

MP 18
MP 34
MP 35
MP 38
MP 40




German Machine Guns


Range (yds.)

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Panzerfaust Tank Fist 30 7/8
Panzerfaust Tank Fist 60 7/8
Panzerfaust Tank Fist 100 7/8


German Reusable Anti-Tank Rockets

German machineguns were marvels of their time. Despite

their cantankerous nature, they remained some of the best
machine guns of the warwhen they worked. Most of
the weapons below can take any 7.92 mm round without
difficulty. Many of these weapons were anti-aircraft guns
converted to ground use, or weapons of foreign countries
converted to the Reichs uses (those weapons followed by a
t are of Czechoslovakian manufacture.)


German One-Use Anti-Tank Rocket Table

Range (yds.)

The Raketenpanzerbchse was a German copy of the American Bazooka, samples of which were captured in North
Africa early in the war. Unlike the Panzerfaust, the Panzerschreck and Raketenpanzerbchse were reusable weapons,
and could be fired many times before replacement.



German Reusable Anti-Tank Rocket Table
Panzerschreck Tank Terror 2/5/6
Raketenpanzerbchse 43


Range (yds.)

German Grenades

German forces developed dozens of grenades ranging from

anti-tank explosives to anti-personnel grenades. The following is a list of the most basic types.

German Grenade Table


Area Rating

Weight Range (yds.)

(lbs.) Close/Max




41.2kg 10/25



Hand Placed












1470g 7/14

(Tank Throw Mine)


Hand Placed

converted to an anti-tank ground attack role, for which it

proved to be marvelously suited.

German Artillery Table


Area Rating
3.7 cm Pak 35/36
5 cm Pak 38
7.5 cm Pak 40*
7.5 cm Pak 411
FK 16 nA
8.8 cm Flak 18
10.5 cm LeFH 18
10.5 cm K 18
15 cm schwere Fh18 4/9/10+Burn
15 cm Kanone 39
21 cm Mrs 18
24 cm Kanone 3
35.5 cm Haubitze M.1 6/10/10+Burn


Range (yds.)
105mm 1,500/13,478
105mm 2,000/20,880
149mm 1,300/14,570
149mm 3,000/27,000
210.9mm 1,600 /18,237
238mm 10,000/41,000
35.5cm 2,200/22,000

(Tank Hand Mine)

(Tank Hand Grenade)

Hafthohlladung 3

(Attach Hollow Charge)

Width in Killing+Burn
(Incendiary Bottle)

Brandhandgranate 48

Width in Killing+Burn

(Incendiary Hand Grenade)

Stielhandgranate 24 3/4
(Stick Hand Grenade)

Handgranate 43


The 7.5 cm Pak 41 is a tapering bore weapon. The

round emerges from the barrel at about 55 mm.

German Mines

Mines were employed to great effect after the Allied invasion of France to slow the advance of the Allied forces.
Many large German anti-tank mines were deadly and could
stop even the strongest Allied tanks.

(Hand Grenade Model 43)

Einhandgranate 39

German Mine Table

(Egg Hand Grenade)

Geballte Ladung
(Big Charge)

German Mortars

During World War II, the German armed forces utilized

several different mortar types. The most common type, the
Granatwerfer 34, or the 8 cm, was widely feared by Allied
forces due to its portability, accuracy and effective range.

German Artillery


Range (yds.)

Many different types of German artillery were developed

during Hitlers secret build up of weaponry in the late
1930s. They were versatile weapons, and few were used
for one task only. The 8.8 cm Flak 18, known to the Allies as the dreaded eighty eight, was an antiaircraft gun


Anti-Tank Mine
Anti-Tank Mine

Flamethrowers are some of the most terrifying weapons

ever created for warfare. See Part Two: Game Mechanics
Flamethrower, p. 23.

German Flamethrower Table


Flammenwerfer 34
Flammenwerfer 40
Flammenwerfer 41
Einstossflammenwerfer 46 3+Burn

Shots Weight
10* 48.4

Range (yds.)

one-round bursts
one use, disposable


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Anti-Personnel Mine
Anti-Tank Mine

German Flamethrowers

German Mortar Table

5 cm Granatwerfer 36
8 cm Granatwerfer 34
7.5 cm Infantriegeschtz 18 2/6/7
15 cm Infantriegeschtz 33 2/9/9
* carriage

Spring Mine
Tellermine 29
(Dish Mine)
Tellermine 35
Schwere Panzermine 10/10
(Heavy Tank Mine)



German Tanks

Panzerjeger I (Tank Hunter I)

Early in the war, German tanks were the terror of the

battlefield. The blitzkrieg of Hitlers war machine relied on
the light tank to complete its daring maneuvers. Later in the
war, the power of the German tank increased, culminating
in arguably the most powerful tank of World War II, the
Tiger VI II Heavy Tank or King Tiger. However, the field
of anti-tank weaponry rose to prominence along with the
technology of the tank, rendering each improved model less
and less effective against troops.

PzKpfw II Light Tank

Armor Ranges: 3.5 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 3 to 1

Guns: 20mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 1, Penetration
2,) and one MG34 (Width +2, Spray 4).
Maximum Speed: 25 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 10 tons.

PzKpfw III Medium Tank

Armor Ranges: 6 cm to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 1

Guns: 50mm cannon (Width+6 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
8) and one MG34 (Width +2, Spray 4).
Maximum Speed: 25 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 25 tons.

PzKpfw IV Medium Tank

Armor Ranges: 8 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 75mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 6+Burn, Penetration8,) and two MG34s (Width +2, Spray 4).
Maximum Speed: 24 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 27.5 tons.

Panther V Heavy Tank (PzKpfw V)

Armor Ranges: 11 to 4 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 75mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 6+Burn, Penetration 8) and two MG34s (Width +2, Spray 4.)
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 50 tons.

Tiger VI II Heavy Tank

(King Tiger PzKpfw Tiger VI II)

Armor Ranges: 18.5 to 8 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 10 to 7

Guns: 88mm cannon (Width+11 Killing, Area 8+Burn,
Penetration 8) and two MG34s (Width +2, Spray 4).
Maximum Speed: 24 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 76.8 tons.

German Tank Destroyers

Tank destroyers were a potent weapon developed solely to

eliminate enemy tanks. Their main advantages were smaller
profile, size and increased maneuverability (and sometimes
speed.) Few tank destroyers had significant armor to defend
against tanks or anti-tank weapons.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 0

Guns: 47mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
7) and one MG42 (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 24.8 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 6.6 tons.

Marder II (PzKpfw II)

Armor Ranges: 3.5 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 3 to 0

Guns: 75mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 6+Burn, Penetration 8) and one MG42 (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 24.8 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 6.6 tons.

Marder III (PzKpfw III)

Armor Ranges: 1.5 to .6 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 1 to 1

Guns: 76mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 5+Burn, Penetration 7) and one MG42 (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 26 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 12.1 tons.

Hetzer (Baiter)

Armor Ranges: 6 to .8 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 1

Guns: 75mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 6+Burn, Penetration 8) and one MG42 (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 24.2 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 16 tons.

Jagdpanzer IV (PzKpfw II)

Armor Ranges: 6 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 2

Guns: 75mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 6+Burn, Penetration 8) and two MG42s (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 24.8 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 29.4 tons.

Jagdpanther (Hunting Panther)

Armor Ranges: 8 to 4 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 4

Guns: 88mm cannon (Width+11 Killing, Area 8+Burn,
Penetration 8) and two MG42s (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 24 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 50.7 tons.

German Armored Cars and Half-tracks

Armored cars and half-tracks were used to great effect

by Germany, and were central in the plans of such armor
pioneers as Hans Guderian and Erwin Rommel. It was their
hope that troops would one day ride, fight and win the warall without leaving the safety of an armored transport.

SdKfz 10 Artillery Tractor

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 0

Guns: 3.7 cm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 4) or the 5 cm PAK cannon (Width+6 Killing, Area
4+Burn, Penetration 8).



Maximum Speed: 40 mph
Weight: 5.4 tons.

# of Crew: 8.

Maultier Half-track Transport

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 0

Guns: None.
Maximum Speed: 30 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Passengers: 20 troops.
Weight: 7.83 tons.

SdKfz 222 Armored Car

Armor Ranges: 1.5 cm to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 1 to 0

Guns: 20 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 1, Penetration
2) and one MG34 (Width +2, Spray 4.)
Maximum Speed: 50 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 4.8 tons.

SdKfz 231 Armored Car

Armor Ranges: 8 to 6 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 6

Guns: 20 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 1, Penetration
2) and one MG34 (Width +2, Spray 4).
Maximum Speed: 40 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Passengers: 1 troop (cramped).
Weight: 8.6 tons

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 45 mph
Passengers: 3 troops.
Weight: 1,450 lbs.

Armor Ranges: 1.4 cm to .6 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 1 to 0

Guns: 8.1 cm Mortar and one MG42 (Width +2, Spray 6)
or a 3.7 cm PAK cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3+Burn,
Penetration 4) and one MG42 (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 37 mph
# of Crew: 6.
Passengers: 3 troops.
Weight: 5.93 tons.

SdKfz 251 Half-track

Armor Ranges: 1.5cm to .6 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 1to 0

Guns: 7.5 cm PAK cannon (Width+9 Killing, Area 6+Burn,
Penetration 8) and one MG42 (Width +2, Spray 6).
Maximum Speed: 40 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Passengers: 12 troops.
Weight: 5.4 tons.

German Light Vehicles

These small vehicles ferried officers and special equipment

in and out of war zones. Their light construction and lack
of cover made them less than ideal defense in the face of
an attack.

Kraftfahrzeug 2

Kraftfahrzeug 11 (Horch Type 830)

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 45 mph
Passengers: 4 troops.
Weight: 1 ton.

# of Crew: 1.

Kraftfahrzeug 15

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 55 mph
Passengers: 4 troops.
Weight: 2.65 tons.

# of Crew: 1.

Daimler-Benz G5

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 55 mph
Passengers: 3 Troops.
Weight: 3 tons.

# of Crew: 1.

Many Japanese weapons were based on German, British

and American designs of the previous century. Much of
their arsenal was outdated during the war, and Japanese
researchers made few innovative developments in infantry weapons.

Several original bolt-action rifles and machine guns
were successful, though the lack of a strong manufacturing
base in Japan limited the production of truly innovative designs. Those designs that attempted to mimic the advanced
designs of the west often failed on many levels due to these
and other problems. For example, the Shiki Kenju 94 automatic pistol was patently unsafe under any circumstance,
and fires when struck upon its side. It is considered one of
the worst automatic pistol designs ever created but more
than 70,000 of them were produced during the war.

Cartridge Types

Several different cartridges were used by the Japanese military during the war, each with its own special characteristics. To determine the Penetration or other special qualities
of an individual weapon please consider the following
chart, compare it to the type of ammunition used by the
weapon in question, and add the modifiers to the base damage of the weapon.

For ease of reference, tank and artillery rounds are
included here as well.

# of Crew: 1.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

# of Crew: 1.

Weaponry of the Empire of Japan

SdKfz 250 Half-track

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 50 mph
Passengers: 4 troops.
Weight: 2 tons.

Volkswagen Kbel



Japanese Cartridge & Shell Ratings Table
Extra Damage*/Penetration/Area Rating
6.5mm Ball (.256 Inch)
7.7mm Rimless (.303 Inch)
8mm (.315 Inch)
9mm Ball (.354 Inch)
13.2mm Ball (.52 Inch)
13.2mm Armor Piercing (.52 Inch) +1/2/0
20mm (.79 Inch)
37mm (1.46 Inch)
47mm (1.85 Inch)
57 mm (2.23 Inch)
70mm (2.76 Inch)
75mm (2.95 Inch)
*This extra damage is killing, applied to human targets
Penetration ratings listed are for close range of each
particular weapon against steel plate.

Japanese Submachine Guns

The Japanese developed the Type 100 submachine gun only

after years of requests from their military on all fronts of
the war. It was not a particularly effective design.

Japanese Submachine Gun Table

Type 100


Japanese machineguns were seen as inferior in many aspects

to those of Allied nations. Their small and unusual caliber
had little stopping power. When new models were introduced with a higher 7.7 caliber, they were plagued with
mechanical problems and bad reports from the field.

Japanese Machinegun Table

The Japanese based many of their handguns on European

designs (for example the Model 26 revolver is a duplicate of
the break-open Smith and Wesson revolver.) Their attempts
to modernize designs led to one of the worst weapons ever
produced, the 94 Shiki Kenju automatic pistol.

Japanese Pistol Table

8 mm
8 mm
8 mm
9 mm



Range (yds.)

Japanese Rifles

Japanese rifles of the Arisaka type were based on European

Mauser and Mannlicher designs, developed originally in
1905 as a general combat arm for the Imperial Army. These
weapons were unwieldy and quite long (some almost 50
inches long.) Few innovations were instituted to make these
weapons better as the war wore on.

The Carbine Type 38 was a shortened version of the
Rifle Type 38, but in all other conventional aspects, it was
not a carbine at all, but a rifle.

Japanese Rifle Table

Rifle Type 38
Carbine Type 38 1
Rifle Type 972
Rifle Type 99
Parachutists Rifle* 1




Range (yds.)

*This is the sniper rifle version of the Carbine type 38, and
was equipped with a snipers sight.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Weight Range (yds.)

Cap. (lbs.)

Japanese Machine Guns

Japanese Pistols

94 Shiki Kenju
Nambu Pistol
Nambu Model 14
Model 26 Revolver


Type 96
Model 99
Model 92
Model 93

Spray Ammo
6.5 mm


Weight Range (yds.)





6.5 mm
7.7 mm
7.7 mm
13.2 mm


Japanese Anti-Tank Weapons

The Japanese employed an anti-tank rifle that was relatively useless against anything other than light tanks and armored vehicles.
Their anti-tank grenade however, was a copy of the very effective
German anti-tank grenade, the Gewehr Panzergranate.

Japanese Anti-Tank Rifle Table

Slow/Pen./Area Ammo Weight Range (yds.)
Anti-Tank Rifle 97 2/3/0 20mm 114.1 50/250

Japanese Anti-Tank Grenade Table

Slow/Pen./Area Weight Range (yds.)
Rating (lbs.)
Type 2 Anti-Tank Grenade 2/7/6 1.60
* This grenade could be fired from any of the Arisaka
bolt-action rifles, specially fitted with a firing rig.

Japanese Anti-Tank Suicide Mine Table

Slow/Pen./Area Weight Range (yds.)
Rating (lbs.)
Backpack Human Mine* 2/9/9 19.8
User must be
under target
* A backpack mine worn by a soldier who committed
suicide by detonating it under an enemy tank.



Japanese Grenades

Japanese grenades were simple designs, and were known to

suffer from unreliable fusing.

Japanese Grenade Table

Penetration/Area Weight Range (yds.)
Model 91
Model 97
Model 23
Incendiary Stick 1/3+Burn
Hand Grenade

Japanese Mortars

The Japanese employed a special light mortar, the Type 10

(little more than a glorified grenade launcher), that was easily transportable by a single man. Larger Japanese mortars
were also startlingly maneuverable (due mostly to Japanese
ingenuity and fortitude) and many were fitted with special
handles and even wheels for ease of transportation.

Japanese Mines

The Japanese often left behind booby-traps of many

different types, consisting of pre-made mines, or specially
rigged hand grenades. Walking brashly off into a jungle
recently inhabited by Japanese forces was a foolish if not
completely deadly act for any GI.

Japanese Mine Table

Area Rating
Model 93 Mine
Model 96 Mine
Model 99 Mine
Bangalore Torpedo 10/10

Anti-Personnel Mine
Anti-Tank Mine
Anti-Tank Mine
/Anti-Structure Mine

Japanese flamethrowers were rudimentary in design, and

known to be difficult to use and maintain.

Japanese Flamethrower Table

50 mm Light Mortar Type 10 1/2/3
50 mm Mortar Type 98
50 mm Light Mortar Type 89 1/3/3
70 mm Mortar Model 11
70 mm Battalion Gun Type 92 2/7/5+Burn 468
81 mm Model 97
2/4/5+Burn 145
Light Trench Mortar
81 mm Model 99
2/4/4+Burn 52
90 mm Model 94
2/8/9+Burn 340
150 mm Model 93
3/9/9+Burn 220

Range (yds.)


350, 4,150

Japanese Tanks

Japanese Artillery

The Type 98 20 mm machine cannon was an example of an

ultra-modern weapon that had all the aspects of its Allied
counterparts. Most larger Japanese artillery however, could
not be produced in sufficient numbers to be of any use and
much of it was obsolete even at the beginning of the war.

Japanese Artillery Table

Range (yds.)
Ammo Close/Max
20mm 100/3,990
47mm 200/1,900
75mm 500/13,080
75mm 350/7,928

Shots Weight
2+Burn 6*

Flamethrower 93
3+Burn 10*
Flamethrower 100
* one-round bursts


Range (yds.)
10/25 yards
25/30 yards

Japanese tanks were effective in their campaign in China,

simply because the Chinese had no tanks, and no anti-tank
technology to counter them. Otherwise, they were nothing
but lightly shielded motorized cannons, and none of them
could go toe to toe with any of the Allied tanks. What the
Japanese called a medium tank, the Germans and Americans called an armored car.

Type 95 Light Tank

Armor Ranges: 1.5 to .2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 1 to 0

Guns: 37 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
4) and two Model 99 machine guns (Width +2, Spray 4.)
Maximum Speed: 28 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 17.98 tons.

Type 97 Medium Tank

Armor Ranges: 2.5 to .9 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 0

Guns: 57 mm cannon (Width+6 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 5) and one Model 99 machine gun (Width +2, Spray 4.)
Maximum Speed: 24 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 36.45 tons.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Japanese Flamethrowers

Japanese Mortar Table

Type 98 20mm
/2/0 (Spray
Machine Cannon
47mm Anti-Tank Gun
Type 1
75mm Field Gun
Type 38
Type 88 75mm
Anti-Aircraft Gun





Penetration ratings listed

are for close range.

What the Allies lacked in

technological innovation,
they made up for in production. The Allies produced
huge amounts of weaponry
and ammunition during the
war. Later, as the war wore
on, the Allies experienced
a renaissance in weapons
design, and many innovative
designs that put the Axis to shame were produced.

Weaponry of the United States

America utilized fewer weapon types than many other countries in the war. This was because America had a centralized
production base, and hoped to produce as many weapons
in as short a time as possible. Several preferred designs
were settled upon, and produced in vast quantities. (Certain
specialized weapons, like the UD M42 submachine gun,
were produced only in limited runs however.) America also
manufactured huge amounts of weaponry for Britain and the
Soviet Union. Almost every type of American weapon was
likely to be found in use by those armies as well-all over the

Cartridge Types

American Pistols

There were only a few American pistols produced and

used during the war (though
American servicemen often
adopted the select weapons
of the enemy.) Two of the
most famous pistols, the Colt
1911 .45 and the Smith and
Wesson .38 Revolver were
found almost anywhere in the world by the wars end.

American Pistol Table



.45 M1911A
Automatic Pistol
Smith and Wesson
Liberator M1942*

.45 Ball

Several different cartridges were used by the United States

military during the war, each with its own special characteristics. To determine the Penetration or other special qualities of an individual weapon please consider the following
chart and compare it to the type of ammunition used by the
weapon in question. Add the modifiers to the base damage
of the weapon.

For ease of reference, tank and artillery rounds are
included here as well.

.380 SAA 6
.45 Ball 1

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Liberator was a single shot drop pistol, dropped

in mass quantities behind enemy lines to arm resistance
fighters and guerrillas. It was also called a Woolworth
gun, and was described as a great gun to get another
gun with.
The Liberator had 5 additional rounds stored in the
handle for manual reloading.

A carbine is a shortened rifle, preferred due to its light

weight and ease of manufacture. Carbines were used to
great effect by the U.S. army. The M1 Carbine was perhaps
the most popular and effective combat arm of World War
II- despite its limited range.

American Carbine Table

Weight Range (yds.)
Cap. (lbs.) Close/Max
Carbine M1 .30 (7.62 mm) 15* 5.2 50/110 18/34

or 30-round box

American Rifles

Often preferred by U.S. troops over the far more common M1 Carbine, the Springfield and Garand were wildly
effective weapons, with huge ranges and high marks for
reliability. They were far more accurate than the shorter
barreled M1 Carbine.

* Extra damage is killing damage vs. human targets only.



American Carbines

American Cartridge & Shell Ratings Table

Extra Damage*/Penetration/Area Rating
.30 Inch (7.62 mm)
.380 SAA Ball (9.65 mm)
.45 Ball M1911 (11.43 mm) +1/0/0
.45 Inch (11.43 mm)
.50 Inch AP (12.7 mm)
37 mm (1.456 Inch)
57 mm (2.23 Inch)
75 mm (2.95 Inch)
76 mm (2.99 Inch)
76.2 mm (3 Inch)
90 mm (3.54 Inch)
105 mm (4.134 Inch)
6.1 Inch (155 mm)
8 Inch (203 mm)
9.45 Inch (240 mm)

Cap. Weight Range (yds.)




American Rifle Table
Weight Range (yds.)
Cap. (lbs.) Close/Max

Slow Ammo
(7.62 mm)
.30 Cal M1

(7.62 mm)

American Grenade Table

Americas premier submachine gun, the finely made Thompson or Tommy Gun, was deadly accurate in its fire and
could pepper an area with fifty rounds at a moments notice.
Its inferior cousin, the M3 Grease Gun was a rattletrap
made of stamped steel parts that was hard to maintain,
reload and fire properly.

When troops couldnt get their hands on a Thompson,
they settled for the M3 or UD M42.

American Submachine Gun Table

Spray Ammo Cap.

M3 Grease Gun 2
M1 Thompson 1/3
UD M42

.45 or


Weight Range (yds.)

(lbs.) Close/Max


20/30/50 12.1


American Machine Guns

American machine guns varied in size from the man-portable Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) to the devastating .50
inch tripod mounted Browning machine gun. Their uses in
warfare ranged from infantry support to anti-aircraft and
even anti-light armor roles.

American Machine Gun Table


Rating Ammo

Weight Range (yds.)

Cap. (lbs.) Close/Max

0/2/3 .30 (7.62 mm) 20 21.5
Browning 0/1/2 .30
250 23
.30 M4
(7.62 mm)
Browning 1/3
.50 AP
110 84
.50 M2
(12.7 mm)


American Anti-Tank Rockets

Americas development of the Bazooka, a reusable anti-tank

weapon, was innovative for its time (so innovative that captured
bazookas were studied by the Nazis and were used as the blueprint for the design of the Raketenpanzerbchse.) Besides the
Bazooka, American troops often employed captured Panzerfausts or Panzerschrecks for use against German armor.

American Anti-Tank Rocket Table

Bazooka M1
Bazooka M1A1

Area Rating

American grenades were simple in design and use. This ease

of use often led to accidents on the line, and the fuse often
proved to be either shorter or longer than needed. Many
GIs considered German grenades more effective in combat.


American Submachine Guns


American Grenades

Weight Range (yds.)


Slow/Pen./Area Weight Range (yds.)

Rating (lbs.) Close/Max
M2A1 Pineapple Hand Grenade /2/3 1.5
M3A Hand Grenade
/2/2 .84
M9A1 Antitank Rifle Grenade* 2/5/6 1.31
* This grenade is fired by a specially fitted M1 Garand

American Mortars

The most common mortars employed by American forces

ranged from the M2 man portable mortar to the enormous
4.2 inch Chemical mortar, which was initially developed
to fire smoke charges, but was often used to lob large high
explosive rounds up to 4,000 yards downrange.

American Mortar Table

60mm Mortar M2
81mm Mortar M1
4.2 Inch Mortar


Range (yds.)

American Artillery

American artillery was praised by General Patton in an off

the cuff remark to a Stars and Stripes reporter; You dont
have to ask who won the war, we all know our artillery did.

American Artillery Table

Area Rating
3 Inch Antiaircraft 1/7/5+Burn
Gun M3
90 mm Gun M1

Range (yds.)
(3 Inch)
(3.54 Inch)
105 mm Howitzer 1/7/8+Burn 105mm
(4.134 Inch)
155 mm Gun M1 2/9/9+Burn 6.1 Inch
8 Inch Howitzer M1 3/10/10+Burn 8 Inch

American Flamethrowers

American flamethrowers were used to great effect in the

Pacific theater. It proved perfect for eliminating hidden
Japanese emplacements and spider-holes.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




American Flamethrower Table
Flamethrower M1
Flamethrower M1A1 4+Burn
Flamethrower M2-2 5+Burn
* one-round bursts

Shots (lbs.)
10* 70

Range (yds.)

American tanks were seen as inferior cousins to the German

Panzers. They were often referred to as widow makers
or rolling coffins, for their armor offered little protection against the devastating German 88 mm or Panzerfaust
round. Later in the war, as armor thickness improved and
gun sizes increased, American tanks were finally able to go
toe to toe with their German counterparts.

M3 General Lee Medium Tank

Armor Ranges: 5 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 5 to 1

Guns: 37mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
4), four Browning .30s (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2).
Maximum Speed: 26 mph
# of Crew: 6.
Weight: 27.24 tons.

M4 Sherman Medium Tank

Armor Ranges: 9 to 3 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 3

Guns: 75mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 4+Burn, Penetration 7), one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2) and
one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 32 tons.

M4 (105) Sherman

Armor Ranges: 10 to 4 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 4

Guns: 105 mm cannon (Width+11 Killing, Area 8+Burn,
Penetration 7), one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2)
and one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 26 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 39 tons.

M4 A1 (76) W Sherman

Armor Ranges: 10 to 4 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 4

Guns: 76 mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 5+Burn, Penetration 7), one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2) and
one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 35 tons.

Armor Ranges: 10 to 4 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 4

Guns: 76 mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 5+Burn, Penetration 7), one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2) and
one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 39 tons.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Armor Ranges: 10.2 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 90mm cannon (Width+10 Killing, Area 6+Burn,
Penetration 7), one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4,
Spray 1/3) and two Browning .30s (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2).
Maximum Speed: 30 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 41.73 tons.

M4 Sherman Jumbo

American Tanks

M4 A3 (76) W Easy Eight Sherman

M26 Pershing Heavy Tank

Armor Ranges: 16 to 4 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 9 to 4

Guns: 105 mm cannon (Width+11 Killing, Area 8+Burn,
Penetration 7), one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2)
and one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 25 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 40 tons.

American Tank Destroyers

American tank destroyers enjoyed a fine record on the

battlefield. Their enormous numerical superiority and ample
supply of fuel offset the early advantages of German armor.

3 Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10 Wolverine

Armor Ranges: 6 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 0

Guns: 76.2 mm cannon (Width+9 Killing, Area 5+Burn,
Penetration 7) and one Browning .50 (Penetration 1,
Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 32 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 33 tons.

3 Inch Gun Motor Carriage M18 Hellcat

Armor Ranges: 6 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 0

Guns: 76.2 mm cannon (Width+9 Killing, Area 5+Burn,
Penetration 7) and one Browning .50 (Penetration 1,
Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 55 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 17.7 tons.

3 Inch Gun Motor Carriage M36 Jackson

Armor Ranges: 10 to 1.5 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 1

Guns: 90 mm cannon (Width+10 Killing, Area 6+Burn,
Penetration 7) and one Browning .50 (Penetration 1,
Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 45 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 27.7 tons.

American Armored Cars and Half-Tracks

Americans utilized several armored car and half-track
designs during the war, relying on them mostly for scouting
and support roles.

Light Armored Car M8

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 0

Guns: 37 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
4), one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3)
and one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2).



Maximum Speed: 55 mph
Weight: 7.94 tons.

# of Crew: 4.

For ease of reference, tank and artillery rounds are
included here as well.

Light Armored Car T17E1 Staghound

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 0

Guns: Two Browning .50s (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 55 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 13.92 tons.

Half-Track Personnel Carrier M3

Armor Ranges: 1 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 1 to 0

Guns: One Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray
1/3) and one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2).
Maximum Speed: 40 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Passengers: 10 troops.
Weight: 10 tons.

American Light Vehicles

America utilized light vehicles as scout cars, transports and

gun carriages in ways other armed forces did not. Their roles
varied endlessly, from ambulance to scout vehicle to weapons
platform. There was no limit what they could be converted to.

The quintessential jeep was Americas ultimate design.
Once described by General Patton as a holy instrument of
warfare, it was Americas premier light vehicle.

Wily General Purpose Vehicle GP or Jeep

No Armor or Guns (sometimes it carries a mounted machine gun)

Maximum Speed: 50 mph
# of Crew: 1.
Passengers: 4 troops.
Weight: 2 tons.

British Cartridge & Shell Ratings Table

Extra Damage*/Penetration/Area Rating
.30 Inch (7.62 mm)
7.7 mm (.303)
.380 SAA Ball (9.65 mm)
.45 inch(11.43 mm)
.50 Inch AP (12.7 mm)
15mm (.59 Inch)
40 mm (1.58 Inch)
57 mm (2.23 Inch)
75 mm (2.95 Inch)
76 mm (2.99 Inch)
3.45 Inch (87.6mm)
90 mm (3.54 Inch)
3.7 Inch (94 mm)
105 mm (4.134 Inch)
113 mm (4.5 Inch)
6.1 Inch (155 mm)
7.2 Inch (183mm)
*This extra damage is killing damage vs. human targets only.
Penetration ratings listed are for close range.

British Pistols

The British relied on revolvers for most of the war, due to

their ruggedness and ease of maintenance in the field. Many
commonwealth soldiers employed American automatic
pistols as well.

British Pistol Table


Weaponry of the United


Britain and its commonwealth of countries (India, Australia, South Africa and Canada) were hard pressed at the beginning of the war to meet the needs of the growing conflict
with the Axis. Many of their weapons were out of date, or
soon would be, and in all but air and sea power, it seemed
Britain was lagging behind its enemies.

With the boost of the Lend-Lease program, Britain
enjoyed an increase in production and modernization. Their
contribution to the war effort was marked with innovative
designs in everything from submachine guns and carbines to
tanks and aircraft.

Several different cartridges were used by the British military

during the war, each with its own special characteristics. To
determine the Penetration or other special qualities of an
individual weapon please consider the following chart, and
compare it to the type of ammunition used by the weapon
in question, then simply add the modifiers to the base damage of the weapon as listed.

Cap. Weight Range (yds.)

.380 SAA Ball 6

Enfield #2 Mk 1
Webley Mk 4
.380 SAA Ball 6
Smith and Wesson .380 SAA Ball 6




The De Lisle was one of the most unique and exemplary

designs of World War II. Its integral silencer and flash suppressor, as well as its accuracy was renown.

British Carbine Table

De Lisle


Cap. Weight Range (yds.)

.45 inch (11.43 mm) 7

The De Lisle Carbine has an integral silencer and flash

suppressor that disguises the sound of firing and eliminates most of the muzzle flash. All Sense rolls to spot
or hear a De Lisle fire are difficulty 4.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


British Carbines


Cartridge Types




British Rifles

British rifles were behind the times when the war began.
Both of Britains major designs were bolt-action, and suffered from many other problems as well. The No. 5 Mk 1
rifle for example, had a sight that tended to wander, a
terrible recoil, and was hard to maintain. A great number of
British troops utilized American rifles due to the cantankerous nature of the British bolt-action guns.

British Rifle Table

Slow Ammo Cap. (lbs.)
No. 1 Lee-Enfield 1
7.7 mm 10* 8.5
Rifle No. 5 Mk 1 1
7.7mm 10* 7.15




Ammo Cap. Weight Range (yds.)

9 mm 32
9 mm 50



9 mm 33



The Owen Gun was a British Commonwealth weapon

produced by Australia.

British Machine Guns

British machine guns were of varying effectiveness and

reliability. They ranged from the woefully out-of-date (like
the Vickers water-cooled Mk 1) to the cutting edge (like the
Vickers Gas Operated Gun.)

British Machine Gun Table

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Spray Ammo Cap. Weight Range (yds.)

7.7mm 250 80.5

.50 AP



Area Rating


Range (yds.)

British mortars were known for their effectiveness in the

field. Germans particularly feared the 4.2 inch mortar for its
accuracy and destructive power.

British Mortar Table

British Submachine Gun Table

Mk 1
Mk 4
G.O. Gun
Bren Gun

British Anti-Tank Rocket Table

British Mortars

British submachine guns were among the best produced in

the war. They were easy to maintain and fire, and their accuracy and rate of fire were impressive.

The British PIAT (Projector Infantry Anti-Tank) is unique

among anti-tank weapons. While it did employ both a
rocket and shaped charge like the Panzerschreck, it also
used a huge coiled steel spring to launch the rocket up to
speed before its propellant ignited.

The PIAT was a notoriously unstable weapon though,
and often led to operator injury. Anyone with a PIAT skill
of 1 or less who fires the weapon and fails to beat a Difficulty of 3 takes 2 killing and 2 shock to the right or left

Range (yds.)

British Submachine Guns

Submachine Gun
Submachine Gun
Owen Gun*

British Anti-Tank Rockets



7.7mm 30




7.7mm 96




7.7 mm 30



Area Rating
Ordnance ML 2 Inch Mortar
Ordnance ML 3 Inch Mortar
Ordnance SB 4.2 Inch Mortar 3/10/10
95 mm Infantry Howitzer Mk II 4/10/10


Range (yds.)

British Artillery

British field guns and heavy artillery enjoyed a good reputation for their resilience, accuracy and rate of fire.

British Artillery Table

Range (yds.)
Area Rating Ammo
Ordnance QF 25-pdr 1/7/5+Burn 3.45 Inch 300/13,500
Ordnance QF 3
1/7/5+Burn 76 mm
in 20 cwt
(2.99 Inch)
Ordnance QF 3.7 Inch 1/8/7+Burn 3.7 Inch 200/11,100
(94 mm)
Ordnance QF 4.5 Inch 2/10/9+Burn 113 mm 350/14,300
(4.5 Inch)
7.2 Inch Howitzer
3/10/9+Burn 7.2 Inch 500/16,900
Mk 1

British Flamethrowers

The British flamethrower No. 2 Mk 1 Lifebuoy was

unique among flamethrower designs in that it utilized a
rubber backpack to carry the propellant and fuel for the



British Flamethrower Table
Weight Range (yds.)
Rating Shots (lbs.)
No 2 Mk 1 Lifebuoy 2+Burn 10* 64
* one-round bursts

British Tanks

Cruiser Tank Challenger

Armor Ranges: 10 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 76 mm cannon (Width+8 Killing, Area 5+Burn, Penetration 7) and one Vickers Mk 1 machine gun (Width+2,
Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 32 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 36.4 tons.

For a large portion of the war, British tanks were inferior to the
German panzers. In combat, British tank victories were only
achieved through superior numbers, the use of anti-tank guns
or by firing at the enemys flanks. Later in the war, British tanks
such as the Challenger and the Crocodile proved more effective
in combat, and could defeat even the best German tanks.

Mk 1 Matilda

Vickers Light Tank Mk V

Infantry Tank Mk III Valentine

Armor Ranges: 2 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 1

Guns: One Vickers Mk 4 machine gun (Width+4, Spray 0/2)
and one Vickers-Berthier machine gun (Width+2, Spray 2/3).
Maximum Speed: 32 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 5.37 tons.

Armor Ranges: 8 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 40 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
3) and one Vickers Mk 1 machine gun (Width+2, Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 15 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 29.6 tons.

Armor Ranges: 6.5 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 1

Guns: 75 mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 4+Burn, Penetration 7) and one Vickers Mk 1 machine gun (Width+2,
Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 15 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 19.5 tons.

Light Tank Mk VII Tetrarch

Infantry Tank Mk IV

Armor Ranges: 1 to 0 cm
Heavy Armor Rating: 1 to
0 Guns: 40 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area
3, Penetration 3) and one
Vickers Mk 1 machine gun
(Width+2, Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 40 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 8.4 tons.

Cruiser Tank Mk VI

Armor Ranges: 4 to 1 cm
Heavy Armor Rating: 4 to 1
Guns: 40 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration 3)
and two Vickers Mk 1 machine guns (Width+2, Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 27 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 22.12 tons.

Cruiser Tank Mk VIII Cromwell

Armor Ranges: 9 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 57 mm cannon (Width+6 Killing, Area 3+Burn,
Penetration 5) or a 75 mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area
4+Burn, Penetration 7).
Maximum Speed: 38 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 30.8 tons.

Cruiser Tank Mk VIII Centaur

Armor Ranges: 8 to 2 cm
Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2
Guns: 75 mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 4+Burn,
Penetration 7).
Maximum Speed: 27 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 30.9 tons.

Armor Ranges: 15 to 2 cm
Heavy Armor Rating: 9 to
2 Guns: 75 mm cannon
(Width+7 Killing, Area
4+Burn, Penetration 7) and
one Vickers Mk 1 machine
gun (Width+2, Spray 0/2)
or 95 mm Infantry Howitzer* (Width+2 Killing, Area
10+Burn, Penetration 10).
Maximum Speed: 12.5 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 44.8 tons.
* A variant design, the Churchill Crocodile, carried a
flamethrower instead of cannon, capable of projecting Area
7+Burn at more than 80 yards.

Cruiser Tank Sentinel AC1 (Australian Design)

Armor Ranges: 6 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 2

Guns: 40 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
3) and two Vickers G.O. Guns (Width+2, Spray 0/5).
Maximum Speed: 30 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 31.2 tons.

Cruiser Tank Ram Mk 1 (Canadian Design)

Armor Ranges: 8 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 57 mm cannon (Width+6 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 5) and one Vickers-Berthier machine gun (Width+2,
Spray 2/3).
Maximum Speed: 25 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 32.5 tons.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Sherman Firefly, M4 A1 (76) W

Armor Ranges: 10 to 4 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 4

Guns: 76 mm cannon (Width+7 Killing, Area 5+Burn, Penetration 7), one Browning .30 (Width+3, Spray 0/1/2) and
one Browning .50 (Penetration 1, Width+4, Spray 1/3).
Maximum Speed: 29 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 35 tons.

British Tank Destroyers

The British built Archer tank destroyer was a modification of the Valentine Infantry Tank, altered to carry the
17 pound 76 mm cannon. This gun was mounted facing
the rear so the vehicle could rapidly retreat from ambush
situations. Due to its low silhouette, the Archer enjoyed a
successful and effective service career.


Armor Ranges: 6.5 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 1

Guns: 76mm cannon (Width+8 Killing, Area 5+Burn, Penetration 7), Vickers-Berthier machine gun (Width+2, Spray 2/3).
Maximum Speed: 20 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 17.9 tons.

British Armored Cars

The British used armored cars to great effect in the war in

North Africa. Roving teams of lightly armed armored cars
scouted ahead of emplacements across the endless plains of
Libya, outrunning anything big enough to destroy them and
killing anything smaller.

Armoured Car, Humber Mk I

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2to 0

Guns: Vickers Mk 4 machine gun (Penetration 1, Width+4,
Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 45 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 6.4 tons.

Armoured Car, Daimler Mk I

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2to 0

Guns: 40 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Pen. 3).
Maximum Speed: 50 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 7.4 tons.

Scout Car, Daimler Mk I

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2to 0

Guns: Vickers Mk 1 machine gun (Width+2, Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 55 mph
# of Crew: 2.
Weight: 3 tons.

British Light Vehicles

The British produced several successful light vehicle designs,

but later they mostly relied on American-produced vehicles
for transport and supply roles in the war.

Heavy Utility Car 4x2 Ford ADF

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 50 mph
Passengers: 5 troops.
Weight: 2 tons.

Lorry, 4x2 FFW Humber

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 55 mph
Passengers: 8 troops.
Weight: 2.25 tons.
No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 50 mph
Passengers: 3 troops.
Weight: 2.6 tons.

# of Crew: 1.

Truck 4x2 Bedford

No Armor or Guns.
Maximum Speed: 45 mph
Passengers: 7 troops.
Weight: 2.35 tons.

# of Crew: 1

Weaponry of the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was a place of extremes, economically,

socially and environmentally. This harsh environment led to
extremely resilient weapon designs that operated exceptionally well under less than optimal conditions.

Simplicity and effectiveness were the hallmarks of
Soviet designs. Anything overly complicated or less than
effective in combat was rapidly taken out of production or
modified to improve performance.

Cartridge Types

Several different cartridges were used by the military of

the Soviet Union during the war, each with its own special characteristics. To determine the Penetration or other
special qualities of an individual weapon please consider the
following chart and compare it to the type of ammunition
used by the weapon in question. Add the modifiers to the
base damage of the weapon.

For ease of reference, tank and artillery rounds are
included here as well.

Armor Ranges: 2 to 0 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2to 0

Guns: 57 mm cannon (Width+6 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 5), Vickers Mk 1 machine gun (Width+2, Spray 0/2).
Maximum Speed: 36 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 11 tons.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

# of Crew: 1.

Heavy Utility Car 4x4 Humber

Armoured Car, AEC Mk I


# of Crew: 1.



Soviet Cartridge & Shell Ratings Table
Extra Damage*/Penetration/Area Rating
.30 Inch (7.62 mm)
.05 Inch AP (12.7 mm)
14.5 mm (0.57 Inch) AP
20 mm
37 mm (1.456 Inch)
45 mm (1.77 Inch)
76.2 mm (3 Inch)
100 mm (3.93 Inch)
122 mm (4.8 Inch)
152 mm (6 Inch)
203 mm (8 Inch)
* Extra damage is killing damage vs. human targets only.
Penetration ratings listed are for close range.

Soviet pistols were of robust design based on western pistol

technology. The Tokarev-33 for instance was a simplified
version of the Browning Automatic Pistol and the Nagant
revolver was a near perfect copy of the Webley revolver.
The Soviets stuck with what worked.

Soviet Pistol Table

Nagant Revolver

Cap. (lbs.)
.30 Inch
(7.62 mm)
.30 Inch
(7.62 mm)

Range (yds.)

The Soviet Union produced carbines in large numbers for

mounted cavalry troops. Though seemingly outmoded in
warfare, the mounted cavalry proved very effective in a scout/
shock troop role, and their primary weapon, the Mosin Nagant
Model 1938 was considered a deadly and effective weapon.

Soviet Carbine Table

Soviet Rifles

Weight Range (yds.)

Cap. (lbs.) Close/Max
.30 Inch 5
(7.62 mm)

Like Soviet pistols, Soviet rifles were of robust design and

effective in all weather conditions. Where German rifles
froze and failed, Soviet rifles prospered.


Soviet Submachine Guns

Soviet submachine guns were some of the most resilient

and deadly weapons ever devised. They were so prized that
Germans often scavenged them due to their ease of maintenance and highly effective rate of fire.

Rating Ammo
Cap. (lbs.)
.30 Inch
(7.62 mm)
.30 Inch
(7.62 mm)

Range (yds.)

Soviet Machine Guns

Often too large to be truly mobile, Soviet machine guns

eventually were reduced in size to become portable by one
or two troops. Many models still utilized a rolling carriage
system for transport.

Rating Ammo
Degetyerev 2
.30 Inch
(7.62 mm)
SG 43
.30 Inch
(7.62 mm)
.30 Inch
(7.62 mm)
DShK 1938 3
.05 Inch AP 50
(12.7 mm)

Weight Range (yds.)

(lbs.) Close/Max






Soviet Anti-Tank Weapons

The Soviets lacked a reliable method for eliminating German tanks. Their anti-tank rifles often failed to even penetrate enemy tank armor, and their anti-tank grenades were
unwieldy and difficult to use.

The most common and sought-after anti-tank weapon
was the Panzerfaust or Panzerschreck. With huge numbers
of these weapons captured by Soviet forces, they were used
against the Germans to great effect.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Range (yds.)

Soviet Machine Gun Table

Soviet Carbines

Mosin Nagant
Model 1938

Slow Ammo
Cap. (lbs.)
M N 1891/30 1
.30 Inch 5
(7.62 mm)
Tokarev SVT38 1
.30 Inch 10 8.58
(7.62 mm)

Soviet Submachine Gun Table

Soviet Pistols

Tokarev TT-33

Soviet Rifle Table



Soviet Anti-Tank Rifle Table

Soviet Flamethrower Table


Pen./Area Ammo
Weight Range (yds.)
PTRD-41 2/1
14.5 mm AP 38.1
(0.57 Inch)
PTRS-41 2/1
14.5 mm AP 38.1
(0.57 Inch)

Soviet Anti-Tank Grenade Table


RPG 1940*
VPGS 1940*


Range (yds.)

Fired from specially modified rifles.

Soviet Anti-Tank Mine Table

Soviet Dog Mine


Range (yds.)
Weight (lbs.) Close/Max
9.60 (charge) Variable*

A bomb strapped to the back of a dog trained to run

under tanks. It rarely worked properly, as the Soviet
dogs had trouble recognizing German tanks and often
ran under Soviet tanks instead.

Soviet Mortars

Soviet mortars were made in great numbers, and unlike

other Soviet weapons were made in a wide variety of styles
and models. They also tended to be much heavier than
mortars of other countries, but their effectiveness in combat
was not lessened by this fact.

Area Rating
* one-round bursts



Range (yds.)

Soviet Tanks

Soviet tank technology rose exponentially throughout the

war, culminating in the design of the IS-2 Heavy Tank, the
Josef Stalin, a match for the most powerful German tank
ever produced, the Tiger VI II.

T-40 Light Tank

Armor Ranges: 2 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 1

Guns: DShK 1938 machine gun (Penetration 1, Width+4,
Spray 3).
Maximum Speed: 27 mph
# of Crew: 2.
Weight: 5.9 tons.

T-60 Light Tank

Armor Ranges: 2 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 1

Guns: 20 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 1, Penetration 2) and one DShK 1938 machine gun (Penetration 1,
Width+4, Spray 3).
Maximum Speed: 28 mph
# of Crew: 2.
Weight: 6.4 tons.

T-70 Light Tank

Armor Ranges: 4 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 4 to 1

Guns: 45 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 6) and one DShK 1938 machine gun (Penetration
1, Width+4, Spray 3).
Maximum Speed: 28 mph
# of Crew: 2.
Weight: 9.2 tons.

Soviet Mortar Table

50 PM 40 Light Mortar
82-PM 41 Light Mortar
120-HM 38 Heavy Mortar 2/10/10

Soviet Flamethrowers


Range (yds.)

Flamethrowers were rarely used by Soviet troops, and the

ROKS line of flamethrower models was exceptional only in
its cosmetic appearance. It had been noted in the battlefield
that troops carrying flamethrowers were targeted first by
the enemy. The ROKS was designed to look like a normal
rifle, with a low-profile backpack that could be easily overlooked by enemy snipers until it was too late.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

T-26 Light Infantry Tank

Armor Ranges: 2 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 1

Guns: 45 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 6).
Maximum Speed: 17 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 9.4 tons.

T-28 Medium Tank

Armor Ranges: 8 to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 2

Guns: 76.2 mm cannon (Width+9 Killing, Area 5+Burn,
Penetration 7) and three Degetyerev 28 machine guns
(Width+3, Spray 2).
Maximum Speed: 23 mph
# of Crew: 6.
Weight: 28 tons.



BT-7 Fast Tank

Armor Ranges: 2 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2 to 1

Guns: 45 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 6) two SG 43 machine guns (Width+3, Spray 2/3).
Maximum Speed: 53 mph
# of Crew: 3.
Weight: 14 tons.

T-34 Medium Tank

Armor Ranges: 6 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 6 to 1

Guns: 76.2 mm cannon (Width+9 Killing, Area 5+Burn,
Penetration 7), two SGM machine guns (Width+3, Spray 3).
Maximum Speed: 34 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 26 tons.

T-35 Heavy Tank

Armor Ranges: 3 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 3 to

1 Guns: Two 45 mm cannons (Width+5 Killing, Area
3+Burn, Penetration 6) and one Degetyerev 28 machine gun
(Width+3, Spray 2).
Maximum Speed: 18 mph
# of Crew: 11.
Weight: 45 tons.

KV-1 Heavy Tank

Armor Ranges: 10 to 3 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 7 to 1

Guns: 152 mm cannon (Width+12 Killing, Area 9+Burn, Penetration 10), two SG 43 machine guns (Width+3, Spray 2/3).
Maximum Speed: 20 mph
# of Crew: 5.
Weight: 43 tons

IS-2 Josef Stalin Heavy Tank

Armor Ranges: 16 to 6 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 9 to 6

Guns: 122 mm cannon (Width+11 Killing, Area 9+Burn,
Penetration 8), one SG 43 machine gun (Width+3, Spray
2/3) and one DShK 1938 machine gun (Penetration 1,
Width+4, Spray 3).
Maximum Speed: 23 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 46 tons.

Soviet Armored Cars

The Soviet BA-10 was the most common Soviet armored

car, but large numbers of the vehicle were destroyed during
the first few months of the war with Germany. Later in the
war they were produced again in great numbers with varying designs to move officers to and from the front, scout
enemy positions and patrol disputed territory.


Armor Ranges: 2 to 1 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 2to 1

Guns: 37 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3, Penetration
4) or 45 mm cannon (Width+5 Killing, Area 3+Burn, Penetration 6), and one Degetyerev 28 machine gun (Width+3,
Spray 2).
Maximum Speed: 54 mph
# of Crew: 4.
Weight: 8 tons.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




The Campaign

I believe that if we think clearly enough, plan carefully enough, and work tirelessly enough,
we can both save freedom and secure peace.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Campaign \ (,) kam-pane\ n1: A connected series of military operations forming a distinct phase of a war.
Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition.
Godlike is perhaps unusual among role-playing games
because the players portray characters actually involved in a
campaign. In role-playing games, a campaign is an ongoing series of adventures, utilizing the same characters and
backgrounds. In Godlike, a campaign is literally a series of
military operations meant to move a war forward. It is an
ongoing series of adventures with reoccurring characters as
well, but its much more rooted in the military term. The
characters fight to survive and to win minor victories that
they hope will slowly accrue into total victory. Its either
that, get injured and sent home, or die on the battlefield.

In the default campaign setting for Godlike, character
involvement in the war is on the lowest level possibleindividual members of a commando squad. Many different
styles, themes, and premises are possible, however, and remain up to the individual GM and players to decide. Several
suggestions are offered here to help you construct your own
Godlike campaign.

The Basics

The basic elements required to construct a Godlike campaign are theme, style, a campaign premise and a theater of
operations. After that, its on to building some non-player
characters for the players to interact with, and designing

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

missions for them to go on.

The four elements are described in detail here.

A Note About
Future Supplements

Due to space restrictions, only the organization of

Talents in the U.S. Army is covered in detail in this
book. The campaign presented is one in which the
players are members of a Talent Operation Group
commando squad, a nine-Talent unit in the U.S.
Army (see Part Nine: TOG Commando Squads on p.
296 for details). With a little research, however, you
can easily run a campaign where players take the role
of furtive Russian Talents, French resistance Talents,
or any other campaign you can imagine.

Godlike supplements and campaign books detail
other organizations, such as the Canadian-American
First Special Service Force in Black Devils Brigade
and the Devils Own of the U.S. Marine Corps
in Talent Operations Command Intelligence Bulletin No. 3. But there will be no ongoing story arcs
beyond the background presented in this book.

The campaign background presented here is just
one possibility. Feel free to make up any campaign
background you like. It is your game, after all.



experience which feels almost real and their heroism and
sacrifice are all the more meaningful.

Campaign Theme

A theme is the general feeling portrayed by the flavor of

game play. Can characters perform amazing and heroic
actions on par with Batman or Doc Savage? If so, then you
are playing a Four-Color theme. Do characters die often,
as easily as they would in the real world under similar
conditions? If so, then you are playing a High Realism
theme. Is your game somewhere in the middle? Then you
are playing a Cinematic Adventure theme.

Which is the correct theme? The answer is simple:
none of them. Godlike is your game, and you can play it
any way you wish. There is only one rule for themes: once
you establish one, dont change it in the middle of a game.
Switching from a cinematic adventure to a high realism
theme in the middle of a campaign will lead to an untold
amount of player character deaths, and a general feeling of
frustration all around the game table. Frustration is the one
feeling the GM doesnt want the players feeling too often.

If you wish to change the theme then start a new campaign or game. Take it from me, switching themes mid-game,
no matter how gradually it is done, just does not work.

High Realism (Godlike Default)

In this theme, the characters live and die like normal people.
Except for their paranormal abilities, the Talents of Godlike are just like you and me, and their powers dont help as
much as you might think. In this theme, the characters are
nothing more than expendable units of the U.S. Army. Death
is not only a possibility; in certain areas, its a probability.
This is our world, with a few modifications. A good idea of
what this theme is like can be found in movies like Saving
Private Ryan, A Bridge Too Far, or When Trumpets Fade or
the HBO series Band of Brothers.

To play a Godlike game of this type, the GM should
use the Troop Play rule (see Troop Play on p. 284 for
more details) because of the high probability of character
mortality. Talents should be built with between 15 and 25
Will points. This will put characters on even footing with
characters from realistic movies, with the added edge of a
super-power or two.

The reason this is the default theme of Godlike is very
simple: This theme fits the background of the game. In the
background presented, Talents have little large-scale effect
on the outcome of the war, despite the amazing powers they
possess. They are mortal, and very effectively cancel one
another out.

There is another more subtle reason for this being the default theme, and its this: With the background as presented,
you can readily research World War II at your local library or
the internet to incorporate new information into your game.
For the most part (with a few small exceptions) significant
events in the world of Godlike have not changed at all.

This is a hard theme to run properly. Balancing risk and
mortality against very few tangible rewards is a tricky thing,
and requires a resourceful and attentive GM. Players can
easily become upset by the loss of characters, losing hope
(and interest!) in the face of relentless gloom. On the up side,
when run correctly, such a game can almost feel like a novel,
leading to an in-depth, fun and constructive role-playing

Cinematic Adventure

In this theme, the characters are larger than life but are
neither immortal or invulnerable. In this world, they are exceptional and stand out from the rank and file, but mistakes
and character death are still very real possibilities. This is
the world of many common Hollywood war movie, such as
The Longest Day or Where Eagles Dare.

To play a Godlike game of this type, the GM should
use the optional Squishy Rolls and Die Hard rules in Appendix A: Optional Rules on p. 305 to a limited degree.
This will extend the characters in-game survivability by a
moderate degree. Also, each player should play only one
Talent character (see One for One on p. 284), since they
wont be dying as readily as characters in a realistic theme.
For a true cinematic campaign, Talents should be built with
30 to 45 Will points, putting the characters on even footing
with the larger-than-life heroes of the silver screen.

This is a middle of the road theme; good for a beginning GM. It offers the thrills of high-adventure, with the
negative reinforcement of dramatic repercussions for foolish
actions. With a little effort, the characters can be kept from
affecting the outcome of large world-spanning events, and
still have a measurable effect on their part of the war.

Four-Color Adventure

In this type of theme, characters can dodge bullets, fire

machine guns endlessly without reloading, and count on
their arch-nemesis to lecture them on his extensive plans for
world domination before leaving them to die in a complex
death-trap (readily escapable, of course). This is the world
of four-color comic book heroes such as Captain America,
Spider-Man or Superman.

In this four-colored world, the good guys eventually win
(despite minor setbacks), the bad guys lose or die, and everyone who counts lives happily ever after to fight another day.

To play a Godlike game of this type, the GM should
use the optional Squishy rolls and Die Hard rules in Appendix A: Optional Rules on p. 305. This will extend characterss in-game survivability by a considerable amount. GMs
can also increase the number of Will points allotted to players to buy powers with, to make them really super-human.
For a true four-color campaign Talents can be built with as
few as 50 or as many as 100 Will points, putting them on
even footing with the heroes of the comics.

If you use this theme, its recommended that each players only play one Talent character, and not utilize the Troop
Play rules (see One for One on p. 284 below).

The only significant drawback of this theme is that
the characters will easily have an effect on world-spanning
events. With this level of super-heroic adventure, it wont be
long before the PCs are executing Hitler (while downing the
Luftwaffe single-handedly), incinerating Himmler with their
power beams and finishing up with teleporting Emperor
Hirohito to Washington, D.C. for a war crimes trial.

For GMs who dont mind thinking on their toes and
rolling with whatever anachronistic punches the PCs hurl
their way, this type of theme can be a lot of fun.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Styles of Godlike Game Play

There are several different ways to set up a Godlike game

group. Because the default setting for Godlike is as deadly
as the real world, the Troop Play game is recommended.
With this, character replacement is easily accomplished,
and supplemental characters are available to play while the
player makes up a new Talent for the next game session.
This lessens the feeling of loss the players may have for their
characters and gives them a character to play while they
wait for a replacement.

Playing a single character is recommended only if the
GM decides to run a cinematic or four-color campaign
where character mortality is rare.

One for One

This style of game play is recommended for cinematic or

four-color campaigns where character death is rare, and
characters have a chance to directly affect the outcome of
the war. In this game type, the players generate and run
only a single Talent character (since death is rare, no
back-up characters are really

This is how most roleplaying games are run. But in
the default setting of Godlike, characters will have a
hard time staying alive. If you
do run a One for One game,
it is strongly suggested that
you use the optional rules on
Squishy Rolls in Appendix
A: Optional Rules on p. 305
to improve the likelihood of
character survival. Otherwise, your players could be creating new characters every couple of hours, and that quickly
leads to unhappy playersa situation no GM wants.

Troop Play

Those familiar with the role-playing game Ars Magica will

recognize this style of play, slightly altered from Troupe
Play for a military flavor. In Troop Play each player runs
multiple characters, jumping back and forth between them
as desired.

For example, a single player might run a favorite Talent
as a main character, along with several other Talents under
his command as secondary characters. Since character death
is common in the default setting, this type of play is highly
recommended, because it gives the players many fallback
characters to use if the main character is killed or crippled
in action.

There are new responsibilities for players in a Troop
Play game, and new dangers. Since players are responsible
for secondary characters, a main character should lose Will
points for any secondary character killed while under his
command. A Talent PC loses Will equal to the Command
statistic of any man killed under his command, and double
that if the man is killed trying to complete a direct order.

In other words, throwing secondary characters in like

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

lemmings to block threats to your main Talent character

might work; but afterwards that characters Talent power
wont, thanks to the horrors the character has witnessed.
Such is the burden of command.

Campaign Premise

A premise answers the vital why question in a campaign. Why are the characters where they are in the game,
and what are they are they doing? A pre-made campaign
premise is outlined in Part Nine: TOG Commando Squads
on p. 296, but if it does not appeal to you feel free to make
up your own.

A strong campaign premise is one that practically requires the characters to follow it without forcing them to. A
weak premise is one that lacks direction or clear goals, and
leaves the characters looking for something to do. A strong
premise is usually completely invisible. It is so ingrained in
the game that things just move forward smoothly.

Godlikes premise is naturally strong, as the characters
are involved in a war, one way or another. However, to
work, a premise must be a
little more specific than simply the characters are fighting in a war. We know they
fight in a war, but where, for
whom and why?
There are as many
campaign premises as there
are ideas, but right off the
bat they may be a bit difficult
to come up with, especially
for a rookie GM. The war is
immense, and so are the possibilities.
The campaign provided
in this book has the following premise: The characters are Allied Talents who fight in small nine-man commando squads
in the U.S. Army as front-line scout units.

With a little practice, good premises are easy to come
up with. Here are a few campaign premises to help you

The characters are . . .

. . . Allied Talents living behind Axis lines, working as

spies, saboteurs and messengers.
. . . Allied Talents attempting to hunt down and destroy
an Axis spy-ring in an Allied or neutral country.
. . . a small squad of powerful Talents used as shock
troops or distractions for real troop movements for the
. . . resistance Talents in an occupied country, causing
havoc with their powers and working with Allied command to aid the coming invasion.
. . . an Allied commando team sent into Axis territories
to make clandestine strikes against vital targets.
. . . Talents who work with Section Two, the Special
Sciences Office or Special Directive One in testing and
classifying Talent powers.



Theater of Operations

Choosing a theater of operations is vital, and often adds a

lot to your premise. Where will your campaign begin and
what is its ultimate goal? Will the characters land at Normandy to make their way into Germany? Or are they committing hit-and-run attacks in central Burma with Stilwell
to oust the Japanese forces? Are they trying to survive the
beachhead at Anzio to move up the boot? Or kicking off
Americas involvement with the landings in North Africa in
Operation Torch to drive Rommel out of Tunisia?

These are the keys to a campaign: a sense of location,
and the gain (or loss) of territory through combat. By the
time a campaign is through (if it is run in the Godlike default theme) many main and secondary characters will have
been injured or killed, but those veterans who survive will
remember a rich tapestry of events.

If you are playing a more cinematic or four-color
campaign, then the theater of operations can be a highly
mobile thing. Your characters can jump from the European theater of operations (ETO) to the Pacific theater of
operations (PTO) in a matter of weeks, fighting anywhere in
one shot adventures. Since PCs in four-color and cinematic
campaigns are more powerful than those of the default
setting (and more liable to
affect the outcome of worldspanning events,) they are
also much more likely to be
needed all over the world.
See Location on p. 288
for more details on the theater of operations.

a Campaign

Choosing to be a GM is
choosing to take on a load of
responsibility out of proportion to all others in the game.
You are responsible for describing the environment, contriving the adventures, portraying the adversaries, and filling
in all the details of the world of Godlike that the characters
adventure in. In effect, you are a one-man show, who must
get the point across with very limited resources, mostly just
your voice, your facial expressions and some props. The
players pick one or a small group of characters to portray,
but you run every other character they encounter and describe everything they experience to boot. Its no easy task,
but when done right, it is infinitely rewarding. No creative
endeavor is quite like it.

Constructing a campaign is easy; getting one off the
ground is hard. Pick the four elementstheme, style, premise and theater of operationsand youve got the basics
for a good campaign. Many details remain to be filled in,
so skip to The Ongoing Game on p. 286 to fill them in, or
read on to learn some more details about running a good

A campaign is helped by preparation, but no matter
how much work you put in before the group convenes that

first time, theres always the chance it will fail to gain the
players interest. Players can be a fickle lot. What entertains
one way on one day will someday no longer entertain. A
game moderator must be aware of what his players want,
and why, and that those desires differ from person to person
as well as change over time.


Once the four elements of a campaign are chosen, it is now up

to the GM to populate his campaign with Non Player Characters-characters that are played by the GM. Whos the characters commanding officer? Who are the members of their rifle
squad or platoon? Are there enemy Talents in the area?

Anyone the characters might interact with should be
at least considered by the GM. Not every NPC has to be
created using the character creation rules; some characters
never really interact physically with the PCs, so their
statistics and skills are not needed. For friendly NPCs
who never really come into direct conflict with the players, name, rank and general idea of their disposition are all
thats really required (see Non-Player Characters on p. 288
for more details).
Next, notes about the
PCs base of operations,
the basic positioning of the
enemy in the area, and other
significant facts should be
considered by the GM. Significant enemy NPCs (including enemy Talents) should be
generated in game statistics
by the GM.
Finally, the GM must
prepare a mission for the
player characters to complete. A mission can be a
task that the characters are
ordered to complete by their
superior officer or just a
series of challenges in dayto-day life in the armed forces. It can be as simple as dig
a latrine ditch, as difficult as capture a German officer
over the rank of Obersturmbannfhrer for questioning or
as loose as go into Paris on a 24-hour pass and have fun.
If its not a combat mission, the GM must make it compelling, such as exploring the frequent conflicts and rivalries
between allies.

For more details on NPCs, the enemy, and missions see
The Ongoing Game on p. 286.

Playing the Game

Playing the game itself is the fun part. This is the point
where the GM runs the mission, dice are rolled, characters
interact with NPCs, they kill or are killed, and in general
act out the motivations of their characters in the fictional
world of Godlike.

When the session is over rewards are given out, and
players spend experience points and Will points to improve
their characters. The GM prepares another mission (if there
is another,) and next time it starts all over again.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Broken Rules,
Broken Game Moderator
or Broken Players?

Many games repeat the rule that the Game Moderator is always right without examining why such a
rule is important for the stability of the game. The
reason is this: Without the GMs central control and
the backing of clear game mechanics, the game will
soon degenerate into an I did that, no you didnt
mentality. The rules are there to mark a boundary
past which certain actions within the game are not
possible, nothing more. Its the players duty to push
these boundaries to their limit, just as its the GMs
duty to hold that line without being unfair.

By definition, the rules are the guidelines of
the game. They mark what you can and cant do.
They are there to keep the players in their roles and
to keep the action fair, fast and accurate. However
no rules-set is perfect. The simpler the rules-set, the
easier it is to circumvent; but the more complicated
the rules-set, the longer it takes to resolve actions. A
balance between how accurate and how complicated
you want the rules to be must be struck. Godlike is
somewhere in the center.

What happens when, in the opinion of the game
group, a rule is broken and fails to accurately represent game reality? Its up to the GM to adjudicate
such situations. This is done by repairing the rules,
and then not wavering from that decision in the
future. The players and GM work in tandem here:
The players push the rules to their limit (and sometimes beyond) and the GM hopes to keep the players

One-Shot Adventures

Campaign play is not the only way to play a game of Godlike. If you wish to just run a single mission and then call it
a day at that missions end, retiring both the characters and
the story line, this is called a one-shot adventure.

The advantages of one shot adventures are numerous.
One-shots are easy to throw together and the players are
unlikely to become too attached to their characters in just
a single adventure (this makes a big difference in case their
characters are killed). Also, seriousness can be thrown to
the wind and any type of game can be played. After all,
if you dont like it, nothing much is riding on it. If you
discard the adventure and the characters, its no big deal. In
addition, the characters can affect huge events in the game
world without fear of interfering with future history, since
after the one shot game is over, its over.

The disadvantage is that the players will not have
sufficient time to get to be comfortable in the role of their

Otherwise, one-shots are a good way for a beginning
GM and players to get into the groove of a Godlike game,
before undertaking the creation of an ongoing campaign.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

within the framework of the rules by maintaining

strict ruling on what is and is not possible.

However, this pushing can only go so far. Once
rules lawyering starts to interfere with game play, it
has to stop. Have you found a loophole in the rules? Ask
yourself what would be more fun and more productive:
Pointing out the flaw to the GM so he can make a ruling
on it and fix it, or abusing that rule until no one can
stand to play the game with you anymore? The latter
answer is the hallmark of a broken player. Chances are,
you already know someone like this: someone who plays
the game to inflict his superiority on others through obscure mathematics bent to his advantage. The best way
to deal with this type of player is to be firm. When they
begin abusing the system or cheating, take them aside
and talk to them privately. Ask, Do you really want
to play the game? and be sure to point out why you
think that might not be the case. Let them come back
and try again; after all, everyone makes mistakes. If they
continue to cheat, refuse to let them play anymore. Most
likely, the other players will thank you.

What if the GM isnt being fair? What happens
when he contradicts himself, bends the rules in favor
of the bad guys or just plain screws up and refuses to
admit it. Well, questioning the decisions of the GM (if
more than one player feels a decision is unjust) is just
as natural as pushing the boundaries of the game system for the players. If multiple players are asking why
you bent such a rule or let something not in the rules
happen, chances are you screwed up. The best thing
to do is say, I screwed up, lets do that over, and
move on. If you refuse to do so, even though youre
obviously in the wrong, chances are the players will
become bored and quit, effectively killing the game.

A broken GM quickly equals no game. Simple.

The Ongoing Game

When you GM multiple Godlike adventures in a single ongoing series, this is a campaign. Campaigns feature recurring
characters and locations, and a consistent and updated description of such locations and characters as game time moves
forward. Just as the development of individual characters
remains up to individual players, the development of the game
world and the NPCs that populate it is up to the GM. For
example, a cowardly NPC might develop into a competent
battlefield commander during a series of ongoing games, or a
war-scarred town might eventually become a place grunts go
for rest and relaxation as the enemy is pushed out of it.

The responsibility of supporting the brunt of the ongoing game is placed squarely on the shoulders of the GM. It
is up to him to make the game world live.


If you plan to run a Godlike campaign, continuity is key. If

in one mission you tell the players that they are facing the
Twenty-Third Panzer Division in the town of Somme, and
the next time you tell them they are facing the Twenty-First
Panzer Division in the town of Seine, problems will arise.
Consistency is vital and is directly linked to the players



consistency in their characterizations.

Since the players only have your descriptions with which
to devise their actions or reactions to events in the game
world, continuity is vital. Change a fact and the player is left
out in the cold, and they will soon bring others in the group
there. An inconsistent GM leads to inconsistent players.

In addition, continuity gives the game a much-needed
sense of familiarity. Is one NPC captain always yelling at
the characters? Does a PCs rifle jam every third shot despite
all attempts to clean it? If these facts are repeated from
game session to game session, soon the players will learn
to expect them, and will find comfort in them. Any sense
of familiarity in the game world leads to an increase in the
range of action of the PCs. If they know more, they can
do more.

Player Expectations

Working with the players to make the game an enjoyable

experience is the hallmark of any good GM. Knowing what
the players want out of the game is only possible if the GM
is attentive and open to suggestions. While the GMs word
is final, this doesnt mean a
well-run game isnt open to
interpretation. The players
may have different ideas
on just what is expected of
them. Talk to them and make
sure youre all on the same
page when a dispute rears its
ugly head. After all, maybe
its just a misunderstanding.

Listen to what the players have to add. If you dont
like it, you dont have to use
it. But most of the time, just
listening and explaining your
decision is all thats needed
for a problem to be resolved,
and thats always better than
fighting over a game.

Dealing with Know-It-Alls

How do you deal with a player who continuously spouts facts

about the war that you, as GM, dont really know? Good
question. Godlike is just a game, and while it does strive to be
historically accurate, its no doubt filled with factual errors.
In turn, unless youre an expert on the war years, your game
will be filled with flaws too (which know-it-alls just love to
point out). No amount of preparation will prevent mistakes
from cropping up-there are just too many facts to be known
to always be right. So what to do?

Take the know-it-all player aside and explain to them
your concerns about their gripes. Constant bickering over
facts detracts from the game. Interruptions over whether
there was a Twelfth Motorized Mountain Division in Germany in 1944 in the middle of a session only serves to hold up
game play and destroy any sense of mood the players might
have developed up until that point. Be sure to hear their complaints. This is not a condemnation of such complaints, only
of such complaints during a game session.

More to the point, honestly listen to what they have to
say. Most of the time, theyre just trying to help. Even if you
disagree with what they have to say, never block a player
out (though remind him that after or before-session advice
is the best way to go about voicing such concerns).

Setting the Mood

Godlike is a game set in one of the most violent, bloody and

dark eras of recorded history. Try to mimic that feeling in
the area you play your game in. Dim the rest of the lights
so that the table seems to be the center of attention in the
room (making sure the table is still illuminated so everyone
can see their character sheets and dice clearly, of course).
When PCs separate from the group, move that player away
from the others and keep them split up. Dont allow communication between two players when it would be impossible for their characters to do so in the game. Isolation,
uncertainty, and constant danger: try to get these feelings
across in the way you speak, in how you describe the world,
and how you set up the play area.

Feel free to change the lighting as conditions in the
game change. Dim the lights
even more on a night mission
in the Ardennes, or set up
bright lamps to simulate the
bloated sun of Tripoli.
Playing music in the
background is an effective
way to set the mood as well,
though using a soundtrack
appropriate to the time is a
good idea. Sound effect loops
are sometimes good for setting the mood. The repetitive
sounds of shells crashing to
earth and machine guns chattering away can help even
the most staunch opponent
of role-playing feel some
sort of connection to their
characters predicament.

In short, do everything you can to get the players into
their characters heads.

Changing the War

Depending on the power level of your PCs, their effect on

the outcome of the war may be minimal or extreme. In one
campaign, the characters might fight day in and day out just
to take one hill in central Italy, while in another the characters might plot the assassination of Hitler himself.

In the first example, little needs to be changed in the
timeline of the war presented in Part Five: Background,
whether the PCs take the hill or not. The PCs live, fight and
die below the level of global scrutiny; they are just another
Talent, one of a quarter million fighting on all sides of the
conflict. No big deal.

In the second example, the attempt to assassinate Hitler, the PCs are heroes who may change the entire outcome
of the war with a single use of their power. Of course, the
timeline presented in this book would suddenly derail if


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Hitler were disintegrated by a Talent in mid-1942. With
Hitler gone, how would the war go? This is an important
consideration for all GMs who run high-powered games.
Feel free to improvise, but once a large deviation occurs in
the timeline, all events after it are affected in one way or
another. Many cease to become relevant, while others suddenly become completely inaccurate.

This is not to say that you should not play highpowered games, or that you should not change the way the
background as it is presented. On the contrary, do with the
game what you likeonly be consistent in your choice and
prepared to make it up as you go along!


Non-Player Characters


NPCs are the most important game tool a GM possesses.

These are characters in the game portrayed by the GM.
With them, a good GM can give the players clues, drive the
game forward through combat, or simply let the PCs use
them as emotional foils, to explore their characters beliefs
and feelings.
There are several different types of NPCs, each
different in their role in
the game and in the detail
in which the GM portrays
them. Some NPCs are so
important they can order the
PCs around, and some are
nothing more than targets to
be shot at (and who shoot
back). A break down of the
six different NPC types is
given below.


These NPCs are of great

importance to the campaign, interacting with the PCs often. They are solid recurring characters
that have a detailed history, something beyond a name, rank
and serial number. A PCs commanding officer, a buddy or an
orphaned French child who follows the PCs around are good
examples of Stars.

In general, Stars are as detailed in their history and
personality as the PCs are, and they should have an entire
set of statistics, skills and Talent powers created by the GM
(if they have any Talent powers at all, of course).


Villains are NPCs in direct opposition with the PCs and are
at least as powerful as them. Whether the villain is a German
general or a Japanese Talent makes no difference. If the NPC
is as powerful as the PCs and is in direct opposition to them,
he or she is a villain. Power need not be measured in game
statistics, if the NPC has access to significant military or
political power, he can still be counted as a villain.

In general, Villains are as detailed in their history and
personality as the PCs are, and should have an entire set of
statistics, skills and Talent powers (if any) created for them.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Co-Stars are the filler of the campaign. Theyre the people

the PCs run into as they move around in the warthe truck
driver, the displaced priest, the wounded German soldier.
Theyre considered Co-Stars only if they occur more than
once, or if they require anything more detailed than a name,
rank and basic physical description. Grunts or the Enemy
can develop into Co-Stars if they become popular enough.
It is often not necessary to generate a set of statistics and
skills for a Co-Star unless they reoccur often or have some
mechanical purpose in the game (like the Co-Star who fixes
the PCs jeep, or the doctor who sews the PC up).

Grunts are nameless soldiers who fight alongside the PCs

from time to time. A set of statistics is given for generic
Allied soldiers that may be used over and over again in
Appendix B: NPCs on p. 310. If a Grunt character becomes
more detailed than a nameless soldier who passes the PCs
on a road, or offers covering fire, he may, if the GM wishes
to detail him further, develop
into a Co-Star or even a Star.
Grunts are usually expendable nameless men who
are under someone elses
command, and therefore are
not the PCs responsibility.

The Enemy

The Enemy are grunts who

work for the other side. Statistics are given for generic
Axis soldiers that may be
used over and over again
in Appendix B: NPCs on p.
310. The Enemy are usually
nothing more than a list of
equipment, a number of men with a simple set of statistics,
and a desire to kill the PCs.

Sometimes the Enemy will become Co-Stars for a bit
(if, for example an enemy soldier was captured and interrogated) or, if one proves truly exceptional he or she may even
develop into a Villain.

Secondary Characters

Secondary characters are unusual for NPCs in that they are

sometimes controlled by the GM and sometimes controlled
by the players. The secondary characters are NPCs who
may be played by the PCs if a main character is killed
during game play, or if the GM allows the player to switch
characters in the game.

Secondary characters should be as detailed as the PCs,
and can either be generated by the GM or the players.


The GM must decide the specifics of the PCs beginning

location, command and general opposition before con-



Why All the Categories?

The six different named categories of NPCs are presented

here to make the GMs job a little bit easier. In many
other games, NPCs are all treated with equal importance,
despite their differing importance in game play.
In Godlike NPCs are divided into the six
categories so the GM can keep a careful record of
the development of important NPCs (Stars, Villains,
Secondary characters,) and not sweat the details of
the lesser, unimportant NPCs (Co-stars, Grunts, the
Enemy.) A GMs time is limited at best, and any time
gained is precious.
sidering individual missions. Where are the PCs fighting?
France? Burma? China? Finding a detailed map of the area
you want to set your campaign is a good idea, depending on
what you want your campaign to be like (if your campaign
has a mobile theater of operation, such a detailed breakdown of a single area may be unnecessary).

Something as simple as an atlas of Europe can be
helpful (or, if you like, make it up and draw your own).
For those who want more detail, the author suggests The
Historical Atlas of World War II, by John Pimlott, which
shows the movement of front lines throughout the whole
war, so you can tell which army was where, when.

Find an area that seems interesting, and divide the map
into Axis territory and Allied territory. From there, its a
piece of cake. No matter the premise, the PCs job usually is
to push the enemy back.

Enemy Forces

The GM should have a basic idea of the disposition of

enemy troops in the area of the PCs. Each town or strongpoint should be marked with the significant forces in the
area. For example, a town might be marked 640 troops,
2 light tanks, 1 heavy tank, some heavy weapons. Just
what heavy weapons or tanks are there are up to the GM to
decide if the PCs ever come across that location. Absolute
details are often unnecessary, since the PCs will only be
fighting in skirmishes that they are a very small component
of. Even a single tank appearing in firefight that the PCs are
involved in will be cause for great alarm.

Detailed descriptions of troop dispositions are useful,
of course, but can be very time consuming. Most of the time
the basic stats and skills of generic enemy grunt and the
general idea of what kind of heavy weapons are in a town
or position are all that are necessary in the preparation
phase. Once the players arrive there, the GM can come up
with the necessary details on the fly.

Enemy Special Forces, Leaders

or Talents

The GM should know where enemy special forces, leaders or

Talents are on the battlefield and how powerful they are. These
forces should be detailed more than common enemy troops
since they are much more powerful and important, as well as

We Shall Fight
on the Beaches . . .

A great beginning mission for a Godlike campaign

is where the players take the roles of an assault team
during an amphibious landing, such as the landings
which took place on Sicily on July 10, 1943 or the DDay invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944.

For the players, it marks a clear start to the war
for their characters and gives them a common beginning goal that is much more specific than most missions: Take the beach or die. Also it gives the GM a
chance to show the horrors of war, and demonstrate
early on what will or wont get you killed under
enemy fire. (Some vital lessons provided here by the
GM couldnt hurt.)

This introductory adventure works so well
because the players, just like many of the grunts who
landed on those beaches, are completely without
combat experience. In effect, the players will be just
as green as the men who actually landed on those
beaches, and will have little idea what to do.

It is up to the GM to make such a mission not so
deadly that it will eliminate the whole cadre of PCs
(though those who attempt extremely stupid actions
should not be spared.) Killing off many co-stars,
grunts or even secondary characters will give the PCs
a good idea of just how deadly war can be and will
teach them to be more careful in the future.

Those who survive such a mission will remember it for a long, long time.
much more likely to interact with PCs than standard troops.

Leaders are significant because they command the enemy troops in the field. If they are eliminated, the enemy will
be disrupted and will most likely retreat to reform. Normally
enemy leaders are situated behind the lines and are not subject to direct attack unless overrun in a push. However, Talent powers make them far more vulnerable to Allied attack.
Consequently, enemy leaders on the line should be created as
Villain NPCs with full stats and skills, as its quite possible
the PCs might pop up in their headquarters unexpectedly.

Special forces (such as Waffen SS or other experienced
combat troops) should be noted on the map, with details
of their armaments and strength. These units will often be
at the forefront of an enemy advance on the line. Its much
more likely the PCs will encounter them during patrols or an
all-out offensive. Stats for such troops should be significantly
more powerful than the common enemy grunts due to better
training, experience and armament (see Appendix B: NPCs
on p. 310 for some examples of enemy troops).

Enemy Talents in the area should be thoroughly designed with stats, skills and Talent powers as NPC Villains,
since they will be commonly thrown against any Allied Talents. Remember that a strong Allied Talent presence on the
line will lead to a powerful enemy Talent presence on the
line to counteract it, for the most effective weapon against a
Talent is another Talent.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Missions are the meat and potatoes of any Godlike game.

If a campaign premise is why the characters are there, then
missions are what the characters do while they are there.
Missions can be combat or non-combat in nature. For
instance, scouting an enemy position in Huertgen forest or
trying to locate a little nookie on leave in Cherbourg are
both (as far as the game is concerned) missions. A mission,
in short, is a single session of Godlike game play.

The GM is responsible for creating and arbitrating the
outcome of missions. All the little details and occurrences
remain up to you to create. The characters objectives,
access to equipment, the placement of the enemy, all the
NPCs involved-these facts and figures remain up to you to

Creating missions is not as daunting a task as it might
sound however. Read on, and dont worry, well walk you
through it.

Mission Types

There are several types of missions in Godlike. The two most

obvious (and common) types are combat missions and leave.

Combat missions are missions where the PCs may see
combat. Securing a town, patrolling a line, or attempting
to capture a prisoner are all good examples of combat missions. Characters do not necessarily have to see combat for
it to be considered a combat missiononly the possibility
of combat need exist. The risk is whats important.

Leave is a mission when the characters have been
granted a limited time off the line to recuperate. This is a
vacation for a soldier (usually given for good behavior or as a
reward for the flat out endurance of terrible conditions). Usually these leaves are granted in 48-hour or 24-hour passes
that allow a soldier to be absent for that amount of time.
Sometimes something as little as a 3-hour pass or as much as
a 72-hour leave may be granted, depending on circumstances. Soldiers on leave often flock to the nearest town to look
for a good time. Drinking and debauchery are commonplace
on such R&R passes, and when there arent enough women
or drinks to go around, things often turn ugly. Add in Talent
powers and you have an explosive mixture.

There are other types of missions, which are more
rarely seen.

Public relations missions are uncommon, but do happen. In them, Talent PCs are encouraged to show off their
powers in front of the film and photo crews for the folks
back home. Often, they are encouraged to pitch-in to help
the civilian population. Newsreels, photographers and
reporters sometimes follow Talents on the line, to give the
average American (and local civilian) the idea that Americas Talents are being put to good use.

Rotation missions are uncommon, but a very real possibility for Talent PCs; especially if they have an unusual
ability. This is when the characters are moved to a facility
in a secure area to be studied by the Special Sciences Office,
or Section Two, who wish to either utilize their powers in
an upcoming mission, or get a good idea just what a normal
Talent grunt on the line can do.

AWOL missions are missions in which the PCs are
Absent Without Leave for some reason. Usually char-

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Campaign Preparation,
an Example

The GM decides to set his Godlike campaign in the

French town of Sainteny just one day after the D-Day
invasion. Sainteny is located between Cherbourg and
Caen on the Normandy peninsula, and is a significant location in the war since a single undamaged
stone bridge allows free access for Allied tanks across
the Carentan river. The PCs are members of the
101st American Airborne Division, the Screaming
Eagles, a forward element dropped in the night of
June 6, to hold the bridge until other Allied forces arrive to reinforce them from the beaches to the north.

The German 265th Infantry Division is to the
west, the Seventeenth Waffen SS Armored Division is
to the east, the Seventy-seventh German Infantry Division is to the north, and the German Seventh Army
to the south, surround the PCs force. It is easy to see
they are significantly outnumbered, and that they will
be able to hold out only for so long.

The 101st Airborne Division (with about 8,500
men) does have a slight advantage: Over 160 Talents
are in their force, with varying levels of power, while
the Germans only have about fifty Talents (though
more are most certainly being rushed to the area.) The
GM creates a couple of Allied Talents, just in case the
PCs need reinforcements, and makes several Star and
Co-Star NPCs who the PCs might interact with, along
with the Secondary Characters the PCs will command
or play, depending on the circumstances.

The GM prepares stats and skills for Waffen
SS grunts, and carefully marks their location on the
map; also, he creates stats for several German Talents
and General Dollman, the commander of the German Seventh Army, and marks their locations just in
case the PCs are sent in against either of them.

Now, with the playing field set up, the GM can
turn his attention to individual missions.
acters are spurred on to go AWOL if things on the line
become untenable or the combat is just too much for them.
But sometimes, the characters have very specific reasons for
skipping out. This type of mission is seen so rarely because
there are very few ways out of a court martial, if the PCs
are captured or return to duty.

The first step in creating a mission is figuring out what
type of mission you want it to be. If you come up with
something other than one of these five types, dont worry.
Determine the mission type or the general gist of what you
want it to be like, and then move on to objectives.

Mission Objectives

What is the missions objective? Take a hill, patrol some

woods, or disarm a mine? Does the mission have no set
objective, like when the characters are on leave? If the latter,
thats easy; the characters objective(s) on leave is usually to
have fun, find a little company, or get drunk. No problem.



However, combat missions are different. They need a
set objective. Reading books or watching movies on the war
is a good way for a GM to come up with ideas for mission
objectives. During one sitting of Godlike game play, many
mission objectives may come up, or the characters might
just stick to one over a series of game sessions.

Usually combat missions can be summed up in a few
short sentences, like: Patrol the south bank of the river. Locate and mark the locations of enemy emplacements on the
far side of the river. Do not engage the enemy if possible.

Come up with a simple idea. Something as basic as
Try and draw the enemy out at the river is enough of an
objective to start with. Then move on to the map.

The Map

This may be the most important part of a combat mission.

Soldiers live and die because of the accuracy of their maps.
Having one to hand out to the players is not required, but
will help to give everyone a clear idea of where theyre
going and what theyre doing. Now that you know what
the objective of the mission youre creating is, make a map
showing it in relation to the characters starting location.

Keep in mind you need
not give the players an accurate map. Many maps during
the war were woefully inaccurate, especially maps made
of enemy held territory. This
can lead to some interesting
role-playing as the characters
get lost following a flawed
map that command insists is
exact down to the smallest

Ideally, there should be
two maps: the GMs map
that shows the location of
the enemy, and the objective in exacting detail, and
the players map which only
generally shows the location
of the objective and maybe a loose idea of where some of
the enemy might be. When you have a clear idea of where
the characters are supposed to go, and where their objective
is, and you have a map, move on to the enemy.

The Enemy

Figuring out what kind of enemy resistance the characters

may face on a combat mission is one of the most significant
decisions a GM must make while designing a combat mission. Ideally, enemy strong-points should be marked on the
GMs map, along with any relevant information, such as
which other units in the area they are in contact with, and
what kind of weaponry they have.

Statistics for individual enemy troopers are not necessary. Generally, a single set of statistics for each troop type
(Waffen SS, Heer, etc). and a general number, is all thats
needed. This isnt to say the occasional trooper might stand
out as an exceptional shot, skilled sneak or big brain, only
that such distinctions need not consume hours of time to

create, since its rare for them to come up in combat. Most

likely, the only interaction the PCs will have with the enemy
is shooting at or being shot at by them.

Determining how many enemy troopers there will be
is often a difficult decision. Typically, the characters will be
operating in a squad of less than a dozen men. How many
enemy do you create to match them? Chances are, if they
characters are on a patrol behind enemy lines, there will
be a hell of a lot more enemy than good guys. Feel free to
create a large enemy force dug in to oppose the PCs, even if
it means there will probably be some casualties. This is war
after all. People are injured and die.

Enemy equipment should be considered carefully.
Please refer to Part Seven: The Field Manual on p. 263,
for more detail on equipment and armaments. A good
GM knows how much equipment is just enough to deter a
blatant advance from the PCs, but little enough that the PCs
have a fighting chance.

Enemy Talents should be created in detail, since they
will almost certainly directly oppose the PCs. Since Talents
often cancel out other Talents power however, many PCs
might actually prefer facing an enemy Talent as opposed to
a Tiger Tank or a Heer rifle squad. Then again, most Talents
often carry normal weapons,
making them a double threat.

Life on the

The front line is where the

war is won, or lost. It is
where most of the casualties of war occur and where
the fighting is always the
fiercest. Living in the field
under front line conditions
is almost as draining as
actually being in combat.
Constant exposure to the
elements with little or no
shelter, exposure to enemy
fire, the inability to clean or relieve oneself without the fear
of enemy attack, the relentless shelling and sniping, the lack
of good hot food, the lack of rest and relaxation, these all
add up to exhaust even the strongest willed individual.

The skills that keep a soldier alive on the front line are
many, but few were actually taught in boot camp. Instead,
they were usually learned on the fly, or through the instruction of experienced veterans on the line.

Some locations, duties and dangers of a common foot
soldiers life on the line are covered in detail below.


The soldiers life is repetition, interspersed with moments

of deadly uncertainty. Most of a troopers time is spent in
several different types of hideouts, dugouts or command
locations to keep clear of enemy fire and observation.

Types of cover that are commonly used or created by
the foot soldier are explained in detail below.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Trench

Most of a normal foot soldiers life is consumed with digging in, hand-digging a trench to conceal himself from
enemy fire. The trench is the ultimate burden and respite for
the foot soldier when better cover is not available. Digging
a trench is often a backbreaking process (lent extra gravity when the digger is exposed to enemy fire) and can take
minutes or hours depending on the weather and condition
of the soil. Some soldiers came up with ingenious (and often
quite dangerous) processes to quickly dig trenches in frozen
soil while under fire, like emptying eight shots from their rifle
into the frozen dirt, and then placing a hand grenade in the
loosened soil. Presto, instant start on your trenchnot to
mention unwanted attention from enemy troops in the area!

The huge trenches of World War I were replaced in the
Second World War for the most part with small one-man or
two-man trenches. Larger tunnels and trench complexes did
exist, but they were far more rare than their quick and dirty
cousins. While their predecessors in the last war were elaborate rat warrens, the trenches of the Second World War
were often used only for a short periods, and abandoned
when the front line advanced. GIs were frequently required
to advance, leaving ditches and trenches behind.

Dugouts were trenches covered with logs or wood
to prevent shrapnel from shells from penetrating the trench
top. Often, these dugouts were covered in loose foliage and
other debris to hide them from enemy observation.

Trenches are a necessary evil for all soldiers in the field.
Without them, life on the line is brief at best.

The Command Post

The CP is the intelligence and information gathering center

of any front line unit. In the wilderness, CPs are usually set
up in large trenches or behind other cover, in towns and
cities, they are usually set up in a easily defended building
with a good view of the battlefield. Either way, theyre usually placed a short distance from the actual front line. When
combat is fierce and the line is unstable, CPs are often
moved from place to place to keep them secure.

CPs are where the officers gather to consider options,
issue orders, look at maps, and contact higher headquarters for orders. The CP is usually linked to the front line
through radio, runner or wire telephone.

Strong Points

Strong points are trenches or other covered locations where

heavy weapons or a large amount of armed men are set
up to repel attacks on the line. In towns, strong points are
often in multiple locations with interlocking fields of fire.
In the wilderness, strong points are created in trenches, on
hills or other naturally defensible locations that would be
difficult for the enemy to overcome without heavy losses.

Strong points are often set up along roads and bridges
to prevent vehicles or troops from moving along them unopposed. Sometimes tanks or vehicle-mounted weapons are
used as mobile strong points to deter enemy adventurism.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Insurmountable Odds . . .

Sometimes a good start to a campaign is one where

an enemy push (see p. 293) has overrun the PCs
position. Finding themselves behind enemy lines, the
PCs must fight their way back to friendly territory or
face capture or death by an enemy which surrounds
them on all sides. Skulking about by night, slowly
gathering food, intelligence and direction, a small
group of characters might live to see the safety of
their own Command Post once more, but only if they
are very, very careful.

The immediacy of this life-threatening situation
often gives the players a needed sense of urgency
(which beginning players often lack), one that will
cause an emotional attachment to form between
player and character (and between the groups characters, as well!).

Characters who survive will be ready to take
on much bigger challenges in the future, and will be
looked at with respect and admiration by the new
men on the line.

The Rear

The Rear is a gathering and sorting area some distance from

the front where supplies are received, sorted and prepared
for movement to troops on the line. Its also where the
wounded and dead are transported to, where food is prepared, and where war materiel (fuel, ammunition and other
supplies) is stored.

When an army is preparing to move the front line forward in an advance, these rear areas are often overstuffed with
freshly fed and clothed troops, vehicles and heavy weapons.


Several different duties are required of soldiers on the line.

Most duties dont fall on the same individual repeatedly; by
random chance or by direct order, the duty is transferred
from person to person.

Even everyday duties on the line are risky.

Guard Duty

Guard duty is either boring beyond words or a mortal

danger, depending on your proximity to the front line. Usually guards are on watch 24-hours a day, keeping an eye out
for enemy action from a trench or secure location. In the
rear, guards often stand out in the open, and care little who
comes and goes, unless theyre wearing the wrong uniform.

Guards at the front challenge all those coming from the
wrong side of the line with a password; if the proper reply
is not forthcoming, and the unknown subject does not surrender, the guard is supposed to shoot to kill.

Forward guard locations are common in disputed areas
with lots of cover. These locations are often in a hidden area
with a good view of the battlefield. One or two men are left



here with a small radio or a wire telephone connected to the
unit Command Post to alert it if an enemy attack is coming
their way. Usually, forward locations are the first to be lost
in pushes, and this duty is often seen as a punishment for
bad behavior.

Guards sometimes operate in shifts, with one half of
a team sleeping, and the other person watching, switching
on and off, so both can get some shut-eye. However, it is
common for exhausted foot soldiers on the front line to
fall asleep on duty, leaving their post effectively unmanned.
Such a lax in discipline is severely frowned upon.

The Patrol

This dreaded duty takes place in an area between enemy holdings and friendly territory. This no mans land is often devoid
of any troops (except the injured or the dying,) as after an
engagement both forces work to quickly stabilize the line by
retreating to a safe distance and setting up strong points.

At night, or in poor weather conditions, small teams
(usually less than a squad of men) are sent to see if the
enemy is moving men into the area of dispute. This is the
patrol. Such patrols are sent in to find and map new enemy
strong points, or to kill or capture enemy patrols or forward locations.

Different commanders
choose those who are to patrol with different methods;
sometimes men are sent on
patrol as punishment, or because they chose the low card
on a draw, or simply because
they are ordered to go.

Any way you are chosen,
the patrol is seen as one of
the most dangerous aspects
of life on the line.


Scouting is an extremely
dangerous task. Unless its a desperate situation, it is left
to those with the skills (and the experience) to successfully
accomplish it. Scouting is simply a patrol into unknown
enemy territory, behind enemy lines, where everyone you
may run into you is against you, and without nearby allies
to come to your aid.

It is much, much more dangerous than a simple patrol.
A scout is required to be part sneak, part mapmaker, and
part woodsman, in addition to being a decent combat
soldier. In Godlike, many of the scouts sent into enemy territory are Talents. There are two reasons for this. For one,
they can detect and possibly eliminate enemy Talents before
they engage frontline troops. Also, their powers make the
possibility of a successful scouting more likely. The campaign presented in Part Nine: TOG Commando Squads on
p. 296, is one in which the players take the role of a scout/
commando team.

Scouting is no good if the scout never returns from his
mission with a report or a map of enemy locations.

The Runner

The position of the runner is never a coveted one. When

contact is lost between locations on the line, a runner is sent
to restore contact between the two parties. Sometimes a
snagged phone line, radio interference, or even bad weather
conditions cause this lack of contact. Other times the reasons may be much more sinister. Enemy troops may sever
phone lines or jam radio communications, or even overrun
the position secretly.

Running is a difficult and dangerous job. You literally
run from point A to point B, exposed to enemy fire and
observation, to deliver a message to a location either out of
direct contact, or separated from the main force. Sometimes
runners move food up to front line locations as well as
information, especially if the front is very active.

Runners are prime targets for snipers, as they remain
exposed for some period as they rush to their destination.
For this reason (and many others) running is seen as a
thankless and dangerous job.

The Push

A push is a coordinated advance on the line. Sometimes its a

quiet affair, with men silently
crossing the established front
line, waiting for the first shot
to be fired by the enemy.
Sometimes its a mad rush,
with men screaming, running
and dying in an attempt to
push the enemy back from
their positions as they are fired
The push, in general,
is seen like most jobs as an
occasional, dreaded activity.
However, its a necessity of
warfare; without it, the front
grinds to a halt.


Supplies are always the biggest concern of any Army. Without supplies, any possibility of fighting a war vanishes. The
U.S. Army, in order of importance, broke down supplies
into five classes. They are:
Class 1: Materials that are used up at a standard rate.
Mostly food.
Class 2: Clothing, weapons and equipment.
Class 3: Petrol, oil or lubricants. Often called simply POL.
Class 4: A miscellaneous category that anything else not
categorized falls into.
Class 5: Explosives, ammunition or chemical agents.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)





Field Ration A


Food in the Army during the war is a matter of opinion.

Some love it, some dont. Nevertheless, all can agree on
several things, theres never enough of it, and its never hot
enough. Even those who hate it, eat it. Theres nothing else
to eat on the line.

Runners bring food to individuals or small groups on
the line. Barring this, the troops themselves have to hoof it
back to the CP and get the food themselves when relieved.
Food was ranked by desirability, beginning with the coveted
cook-made hot meal. A list of the common U.S. Army ration types is listed below.

Composed of about 60% to 70% fresh foods, this type of

meal is almost the same as the normal meal of garrisoned
or soldiers in training. After
a cook-made hot meal, this is
the most coveted meal type.

Field Ration B

Fresh foods were replaced

in these meals with canned
and dehydrated foods. Often
called a 10 in 1, this meal
had enough food to feed 10
men for one day. It included
a small chemical stove (called
a chemical fire) to heat up
to two meals at a time.

This compact ration consisted of ten small cans of

various mixtures of meat and
vegetables. It also included
jam, crackers, powdered
drinks, sugar and cereal.

Field Ration D

This chocolate bar was

packed with nutrients (the
equivalent of about 600 calories) and used only in emergencies. It was often traded with
locals for real food.

Originally designed for paratroops, this small cardboard

box contained either a breakfast, lunch or dinner meal. This
usually consisted of a small canned meal and some amenities. Later, this ration was used often on the front line with
normal troops as well.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Personal equipment was issued as needed in the field.

What you were given, you were entrusted to take care of.
Finding replacements for
certain items not damaged in
battle (such as shoes, shelter
halves or haversacks) could
sometimes take days (or even
months!) in the field.
Trading and barter were
commonplace, and almost
any supply sergeant could
be persuaded into finding
almost anything, for the right


Field Ration C

Field Ration K

The American Army relied on several tried and true designs

in the war. Most weaponry was assigned to specific types of
units, or to a trained individual in a unit. Automatic weapons,
for instance, were often only given to officers, or specially
trained enlisted men. The statistics for individual Army weapons can be found in Part Seven: The Field Manual on p. 263.

Specialty weapons such as hand grenades, rifle grenades and anti-tank rockets were handed out as needed by
those in charge of supply. Ammunition was often collected
at ammo dumps where it was readily accessible to soldiers behind the line.

In rear areas military

protocol was taken seriously; officers were saluted,
orders followed to the letter,
and things were done by
the book. At the front line,
however, conditions differed
At the front, officers
were rarely (if ever) saluted
as this tended to draw enemy
sniper fire. Some officers
even refused to wear appropriate rank insignia, in
the fear that such markings
would mark them as a target. In addition, the chain of command was taken much less seriously on the front line. It was
followed by most but out of free will, not fear of consequences.

Court-martials were rare, and few punishments the
military hierarchy could offer were worse than living and
fighting on the line. Officers had very few credible threats
to level at enlisted men if they refused to comply with an order. To some, federal prison sounded preferable to one more
night on the line.




Rank in the U.S. Army is the basis of military protocol. The

chain of command is based on rank, that is, the higher rank
commands any lower rank (depending on specific circumstances). Here is a list of U.S. Army ranks.
General of the Army
Four or Five Silver Stars
Four Silver Stars
Lieutenant General
Three Silver Stars
Major General
Two Silver Stars
Brigadier General
One Silver Star
Silver Eagle
Lieutenant Colonel
Silver Oak Leaf
Gold Oak Leaf
Two Silver Bars
1st Lieutenant
One Silver Bar
2nd Lieutenant
One Gold Bar
Master Sergeant
Badge: 3 Bands Up, 3 Bands
First Sergeant
Badge: 3 Bands Up, 3 Bands

Down, 1 Star
Technical Sergeant
Badge: 3 Bands Up, 2 Bands
Staff Sergeant
Badge: 3 Bands Up, 1 Band
Technician 3rd Grade
Badge: 3 Bands Up, 1 Band

Down, 1 T
Badge: 3 Bands Up
Technician 4th Grade
Badge: 3 Bands Up, 1 T
Badge: 2 Bands Up
Technician 5th Grade
Badge: 2 Bands Up, 1 T
Private First Class
Badge: 1 Band Up
1 Stripe


Tactics changed drastically between World War I and World

War II. The static war, where the front line changed very
little from day to day, was replaced with a mobile war,
where the front line might advance as many as 200 miles
in a single day. Troops needed to work together in greater
cooperation and efficiency
than ever before.

Covering Fire

Early in the war American

infantry tactics relied upon
the principle of covering
fire, that is, the movement of
men towards enemy positions while the enemy was
pinned and under fire by
select members of that same
group. Typically a machine
gun pinned the enemy while
riflemen flanked the enemy
to destroy him.

This squad-level tactic, developed in the later half of
World War I, sometimes proved inefficient and disruptive to the small units who used it in the modern and fluid
battlefield of World War II. For one, it utilized only a small
portion of the total firepower of any squad (only a few
of the men fired while the others moved up). Secondly, it
was often difficult for officers to direct fire while under fire
themselves as they were usually insufficiently covered by the
groups limited weaponry. Thirdly, this lack of control often
led the group to become easily disorganized.

Tactics were modified to deal with the changing face of
war. Most crucially, different types of forces such as artillery, tanks and infantry were used together in close concert
for the first time. This partnership between the different
forces led to dramatic advances on the line. Where lines
once stabilized and froze for months or years at a time in
the previous war, dramatic advances on the lines were commonplace occurrences in World War II.

The classic technique of pinning and flanking the enemy remained crucial at the small-unit level, but the greatest
gains were made by footsoldiers calling on armor and artillery for support.

Tank Advances

Tanks were used to remove strong points, other tanks and

sometimes even enemy-made obstacles. As the war developed
it became commonplace for infantry to advance along with
tanks. This was for two reasons, firstly, the tanks could cover
the infantry, and secondly the infantry could weed out enemy
anti-tank teams before they could fire on the tanks from
Sometimes the infantry advanced first, under the
covering fire of the tanks, sometimes the infantry rode on
the tanks themselves, and sometimes the tanks advanced
first. Tanks could also call in artillery and airstrikes through
smoke rounds and radio, making the infantry-backed advance a potent weapon.

Marching Fire Offensives

Pattons army favored this method of advance. The entire

infantry advanced, including heavy machine guns,
and continuously fired upon
enemy strong points as they
went. This often led to high
casualty rates, and could, if
the enemy fire was intense
enough, disrupt the organization of the entire infantry.

When it worked, it
worked well. When it failed,
it failed dramatically. Either
way it was a disconcerting
sight for the enemy.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




TOG Commando Squads

We Go First.
The Shoulder Patch of the TOG Commando Squads

Talent Operations Command

President Roosevelt created the Talent Operations Command

on March 12, 1942. Like the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it includes
high-ranking members from all the American armed forces.
Unlike the JCS, it is concerned with only one aspect of the war:
the proper use of American Talents. The TOC reports only to
the office of the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Section Two remains the premiere agency in the U.S. for
the detection and cataloging of Talents; but where their job
ends, the TOCs begins. Once a Talent is evaluated by Section
Two, they are sent to TOC for reassignment. At TOC, their
files are sorted and presented to voting
committees that choose which arm of the
U.S. Armed Forces the Talent would be
most useful in. Often this takes months,
depending on the level of power of the Talent involved, as lobbyists from each armed
force fight for custody of the parahuman.

Once a Talent is assigned to a branch
of the Armed Forces, they enter service
in that particular armed force, and their
training and assignments remain up to
that individual service to provide.

Talents in the U.S. Army

As early as 1942, it was decided that most

Talents in the U.S. Army would have a special role in combat. Like Colonel Lucian
K. Truscotts U.S. Army Rangers, Talents

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

would form a unit separate from the regular Army, assigned

special tasks suited to their special abilities. Hit and run
strikes, behind the lines operations, and other commandolike duties would be left to these paranormal units.

Other Talents in the Army would be service troops,
tasked with the transportation of soldiers and equipment.
The division between these two types of Army Talents
would be plain. The Service troops were regular Army; the
commandos were a unit onto themselves. Exactly what
that unit would be, no one knew, until the Army Board of
Estimates released The Eisenhower Plan.

The Eisenhower Plan

In February 1942, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, recently appointed Chief of the

U.S. ArmyGeneral War Plans, called for
the drafting of an intelligence estimate on
the use of American Talents in combat.
The fruit of this study was the so-called
Eisenhower Plan. In short, the study
indicated that the most benefit would be
gained by spreading U.S. Talents along
the front line, where they could intercept
and destroy enemy Talent forces and
demoralize the enemy.

This new unit, called the Talent Operation Group, would be split
into hundreds of nine-man commando
squads. Their mission is simple: operate
ahead of the main army force to locate



and destroy enemy Talents before they engage the regular
troops; failing that, they are to notify command of the enemy Talents presence. Of course, while behind enemy lines,
the squads would wreak whatever havoc possible.

Since Eisenhower is a strong proponent of cooperation
between the Allies, and America lacked a sufficient school
for unconventional warfare techniques, it was decided to
train the TOG teams in Britainwhere the modern commando was born.

The TOG Program

Beginning March 22, 1942, U.S. TOG commando teams

are trained at the Commando Basic Training Center at
Achnacarry Castle, Scotland. Classes focus on survival,
Talent-against-Talent combat, insurgency, and other unconventional warfare tactics. Instructors include British Talents,

The Birth of
the Commando

Commando is an Afrikaans word meaning military unit. During the Boer war in South Africa, the
Boer commandos proved very effective in disrupting
the infrastructure of the British Army in the Transvaal valley. Their small-unit hit-and-run techniques
baffled British tacticians, who during the conflict,
failed to mount a sufficient defense against it.

The birth of the British commando program
came in the dark days of the summer of 1940, as the
remnants British Expeditionary Force recovered from
their stunning defeat in France at the hands of the
Third Reich. Britain braced for the final, inevitable
cross-Channel invasion by the Nazis. The High Command was in disarray, with no clear plans for the
future. No offensive could be mounted, and it would
be months before the Army could be reorganized.

A staff officer with the Whitehall War Office,
Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Clark, struck upon an
idea on the evening of June 4, 1940; attacks based
on commando principles might be just what Britain
needed. Clark himself had seen the effectiveness of
small, surprise attacks on British forces in Palestine in
1936. The experience convinced him that a force of
highly trained British commandos could terrorize the
occupied French, Dutch and Norwegian coasts. With
little cost in manpower and equipment, but with great
impact, the commandos could disrupt communication,
destroy defenses and capture enemy intelligence.

Prime Minister Winton Churchill was immediately won over by the idea, and Clark was given
permission to go ahead with his plan. Early results
were disastrous, however. During one raid, three
commando groups splashed ashore in France, found
no one, and returned to Britain . . . only to be arrested as deserters.

Later, when the need for specialized training
was realized, a general call for volunteers was put out
among the services. Clark was looking for men (in his

Special Operations Executive commandos and other battlehardened veterans.

Because some of the Talents recruited for TOG have no
basic training experience (many discover their power before
their induction into the Army), a special early class exists
at Achnacarry for green recruits, to get them up to speed
before the real course begins. The standard seventeen-week
U.S. Army basic training is accelerated to a grueling fourweek course run by regular Army drill instructors. After
that, it is time for the real training.

For twelve weeks TOG recruits are herded through
mud on forced marches, run through treacherous obstacle
courses, fired at with live ammunition, and forced to survive
on their own in the wilds of Scotland. This course is enough
to make any former military training seem like a pleasant
dream. Even Talents, with their super-human advantages,
find Achnacarry a challenge like no other.
own words) with a dash of Elizabethan pirate, Chicago gangster and frontier tribesman. The response
from demoralized Allied forces was overwhelming.

Clark set up the commandos as no other military organization before it. They were allowed to live
as they pleased, and were not required to live on base
or in barracks. They were paid a salary and given
extensive, specialized training. This elite status was
poorly received by most others in the military.

In July 1940, Sir Robert Keyes was made the
first Director of Combined Operations, an organization designed to coordinate the armed services during
commando missions. However, Keyes had no idea
the level of resentment the concept of the commando
had aroused in the military. He found the War Office distant and uncooperative. He got nowhere, so
Churchill stepped in again, throwing his considerable
political weight around. Soon enough, the War Office
began to reluctantly assist Keyes commandos.

Training began at a handful of camps in the
Scottish highlands, with a rag-tag group of instructors selected for a cross-section of valuable skills.
Later it was centralized at Achnacarry Castle and
experienced commandos returned to instruct new
recruits. After several difficult raids, and a decrease
in morale among the commandos, Sir Robert Keyes
was replaced with Captain Lord Louis Mountbatten.

Mountbatten was a striking figure, admired by
most, feared by some, who escaped death in the Mediterranean when his destroyer was sunk by Axis attack.
A favorite of the royals, he held ranks in the Navy,
Army and Royal Air Force, and Churchill hoped that
Mountbattens clout would cut through any political
problems encountered with the War Office. It did.

By 1942, the commandos were a potent force
in the British arsenal, and had admirers in all arms
of the British military. After half a dozen successful assaults on Axis positions, they were feared far
and wide. Citing British successes, America became
enamored with the idea of the commando as well, as
had Australia and New Zealand.

The age of the modern commando had begun.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



The Commando School

at Achnacarry Castle

Located in the Scottish highlands, Achnacarry castle is the

ancestral home of the Scottish Cameron clan. Beginning in
1939, the Lord of the manor Sir Donald Cameron rented
the castle and the surrounding land to the British government to use as a training center.

In early 1942, Chief Lord Louis Mountbatten was
directed by the High Command to set up a special training
camp to produce battle-ready Commandos. Accomplishments early in the war by British Commando teams led to
an increased interest in their use in warfare. Both Churchill
and Roosevelt are strong proponents of Commando warfare. With their support, Achnacarry has rapidly become a
state-of-the-art facility.

British Lieutenant Colonel Charles Vaughan was chosen to direct the school. Vaughan is an experienced Commando and served as deputy commander of #4 Commando
for over a year. Hes known as a no-nonsense rules oriented
over-achiever. It is rumored Winston Churchill himself once
said, Im scared to death of Vaughan. Any man with half a
mind should be.


Training at Achnacarry is extremely hazardous. By late

1942, ten candidates have already been killed in live-fire
exercises and other accidents.
Despite the dangers, the waiting list to get in is enormous.
Only Talents are given special
consideration when applying
to Achnacarry. Their powers are seen as too great an
advantage to ignore. Still, not
even Talents always successfully graduate. Nothing is
guaranteed at Achnacarry.

Daily drills begin at 5
A.M. but can be called at any
hour. Randomness and inconsistency are the hallmarks
of the program. Those who
cannot learn to adjust to the
rapid changes often washout of the course early.

The Achnacarry assault
course is legendary. Candidates are goaded through muddy
obstacle courses by instructors who carry stopwatches,
timing their progress. Recruits cross seven-foot-deep pits
filled with barbed wire on muddy logs while fully loaded
with equipment, climb thirty-foot ladders to leap into mud
pits, after which their weapons are checked to see if they are
ready to fire. Candidates navigate smoke-filled houses, and
leap rooftop to rooftop while fully burdened with explosives, all while remaining ready to deal with Achnacarry
Surprises, the notorious teaching method made famous
by the commando school instructors. The surprise is this:
The course is heightened from time to time, changed to
suit the skills of those assaulting itto keep the recruits on

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

their toes. It is often never the same twice. Talents have the
hardest time of all, as the British instructors are not averse
to taking a few shots at them with live ammunition as they
work their way through the course, just for a laugh.

Weapons training begins with hand-to-hand combat
the first week. Knife fighting is especially favored. Candidates learn how to kill silently and swiftly, and are taught
the basics of physiology, so they can exploit the anatomical
weaknesses of the human body. Later, training is switched
to firearms and explosives. In four weeks, candidates work
their way up from rifles to machine guns and mortars.
Weapons training continues throughout the twelve weeks,
both in camp and in the field. By the end of the course, candidates are firing and being fired at with live ammunition.

Talents are given a special course in Talent-againstTalent combat, intermixed with regular training. Experienced
British Talents from the conflict in North Africa help candidates learn new ways to use their powers. This special extra
attention is randomly inserted amidst normal commando
training. At any moment, a live-fire exercise might become
an instructive course in how to avoid being teleported, or on
how to deal with an invisible hand-to-hand attacker.

Survival training is a main focus of the course. Commandos do not carry tents or other unnecessary equipment into
the field, so candidates are taught to utilize the land for food,
shelter and tactical advantage against the enemy. Butchers
train recruits how to properly butcher animals and keep meat.
Hunters train them how to set snares or to kill animals easily,
without making noise. Commandos train the recruits how to
make small fires and to disperse smoke and conceal their
flame so they arent spotted.
Exercises in field survival are
slowly built to a final week
of hell in the wilderness of
Scotland. Recruits are sent off
with a knife, a rain poncho,
and little else. For one week,
they live completely off the
land. A task more difficult
than it sounds in the Scottish
Cross-country movement is an important part of
the program. Several times
a week recruits are sent on
speed marches where they
cover up to twenty miles at
more than seven miles an hour, after which they are sometimes expected to complete a mock assault, just for good
measure. Climbing and river fording are also focused on.
Recruits are trained to construct rope bridges, rope ladders,
and zip-lines. Before graduation, candidates have to slide
down the Achnacarry Death Ride, a sloping fifty-foot
zip-line that hangs forty feet above a freezing river.

The final exam at Achnacarry is the assault on the
beaches of nearby lake Spean. During this exercise, instructors fire on the candidates with live ammunition, and hidden explosives are detonated by radio control as they land
and attempt to rush the beach. Shots sometimes come so
close to the candidates that paddles in their hands splinter.
The instructors are not above letting Talent instructors have



Skill Additions

Graduates from the Achnacarry Commando School

gain the following skills at no cost during character

Brawling 1
Climb 1
Cryptography 1
Endurance 1
Explosives 1
Grenade 1
Knife Fighting 1
Machine Gun 1
Map Reading 1
Mortar 1
Navigation (Land) 1
Parachuting 1
Pistol 1
Radio Operation 1
Rifle 1
Running 1
Stealth 1
Submachine Gun 1
Survival 1
Tactics 1

This nine-man TOG squad graduated from Achnacarry

Commando School on May 22, 1944. Led by First Lieutenant Alan Miller and First Sergeant Harvey Braden, they
were mobilized and moved to Falmouth, England, just days
after its training was complete.


TOG 141 is composed of seven enlisted men, an officer

and a sergeant. All nine are described in detail below. Feel
free to insert other PCs into the lineup as needed, keeping
the other secondary characters presented here as replacements in case something untoward happens.

It is strongly recommended that you use the Troop Play
rules presented on p. 284 in Part Eight: The Campaign to
keep the players in the game if their PC is killed in combat.
If one buys the farm, hand the player one of Millers
Hellions to play until the player creates a new one.

Officers and Men of TOG 141

a go at the fledgling commandos as well, just to make them

stay on their toes.

In the end, those TOG recruits who survive the Achnacarry course are awarded the fabled Green Beret of the
commando, a Fairbairn-Sykes dagger, and the legendary
shoulder patch of the TOG, emblazoned with the logo We
Go First.

TOG Deployment

TOG 141: Millers


Multiple TOG commando teams are assigned to individual

U.S. Infantry Divisions (a unit ranging from 14,253 to
15,500 men). Like normal units, their orders are issued
from the command staff of that particular division (or
higher headquarters, depending on circumstances). Sometimes, special TOG units are detached for shock troop
service and other odd duties, but most operate as front-line
commando scout units. They pave the way for armor and
infantry through unknown enemy territory.

The chain of command in a nine-man group is a short one.

The lieutenant is in direct command of the sergeant (noncommissioned officer) who is in charge of the men, with
responsibilities passed down the line.

First Lieutenant Alan Miller runs TOG 141, backed up
by First Sergeant Harvey Braden. There are seven other men
in TOG 141, each with a unique Talent power.

Interaction between the members of TOG 141 is very
informal, and the men are encouraged to voice any concern
they might have over a mission, idea or objectivebut these
concerns are always taken up privately. In front of outsiders,
the group falls back into military protocol.

But I Want . . .

This detailed squad is here to make the GMs job

easier and to ease new players into the game. For this
reason the leaders of TOG 141 are recommended
to be NPCs. Through them, the GM can convey
important information which will keep the PCs alive,
move the action forward through issued orders, or, if
necessary plunge the PCs into a command position if
the officers are killed.

If you want to make up your own TOG squad
that features the PCs as the commanding officers, or
shift the 141 around so the PCs are in control, please
feel free. This background is only presented as a
foundation for you to build on.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



First Lieutenant Alan Miller

First Sergeant Harvey Philip Braden

Talent Powers (Cost: 25 points)

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Age 31, Ht 59 Wt 159.

Nationality American.
Education High school, OCS.
Dependants Two daughters, one mother.
Motivations To return home to his family in one piece, and
to not get his men killed.
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 1
Brains 2 Command 3 Cool 2
Skills Bazooka 1, Bluff 2, Brawling 1, Climb 1, Cryptography 2, Endurance 1, Explosives 2, Grenade 2, Inspire
3, Knife Fighting 2, Languages (English 2). Leadership 3,
Machine Gun 1, Map Reading 2, Mortar 1, Navigation
(Land) 2, Parachuting 1, Pistol 2, Radio Operation 1, Rifle
2, Stealth 2, Submachine Gun 2, Survival 2, Tactics 2.
Base Will 18
Inhale Objects (Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat
3hd (Flaw: Variable Duration [See Below], -2/-4/-8; 12 points).
Power Description: Miller can inhale objects. By inhaling,
Miller can cause an object to vanish for a limited amount
of time. Depending on the size of the object, Miller can
store it within him for a period of time ranging from
a few seconds up to several days. The larger the object,
the shorter the amount of time he can hold it. Miller can
inhale people, living things or inanimate objects (living
targets simply black out while contained within Miller;
they have no recollection of being inside him). He must be
within touch range of an object to inhale it. The largest
object he can inhale is about 250 pounds, which he can
store for only about twenty seconds; objects smaller than
one-pound Miller can keep inside him for up to almost
three days.
Background: Miller was born and raised in Tacoma,
Washington, and worked most of his life as a logger in the
Cascades. He married his childhood sweetheart Emiline,
who died in 1940 during the birth of their second daughter.
Since that time Miller has lived with his mother, who took
to raising the two children as her own.

Miller was drafted in February 1943, and discovered
his Talent ability while in training at Camp Roberts in California. He was then transferred to a Section Two facility
in Arizona for study. After two weeks of intensive testing,
Miller was sent to Achnacarry Commando School in February 1944, and trained there for some time. He was recommended for a commission in April 1944.

Miller has been in command of TOG 141 for only a
month now and has yet to see any action. Secretly, Miller fears
hell lose the air of confidence he projects when subjected to
combat conditions, and that his men will abandon him.
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(1) .45 M1911A semi-automatic pistol (Capacity 7, Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock).
(4) M2A1 pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Age 26, Ht 61 Wt 220.

Nationality American.
Education One year of college at Purdue.
Dependants One little brother fighting in the Pacific.
Motivations To prove himself in combat and to make it
home alive, in that order.
Body 3 Coordination 2 Sense 2
Brains 2 Command 1 Cool 2
Skills Brawling 3, Climb 1, Cryptography 1, Endurance
1, Explosives 2, Grenade 1, Inspire 1, Knife Fighting 3,
Leadership 1, Language (English 2), Machine Gun 2, Map
Reading 2, Mortar 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Parachuting 1,
Pistol 2, Radio Operation 2, Rifle 2, Running 3, Stealth 1,
Swimming 3, Submachine gun 2, Survival 2, Tactics 2.
Base Will 12
Run Up Walls (Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat; 3/6/12)
2hd+4d (Flaw: Must Maintain Top Speed Running or
Power Fails, -1/-2/-4; 16 points).
Power Description: Braden can run up any wall as if it were
normal level ground. He can even cross ceilings in this manner, but must get a running start to do so. He must keep at
his top speed or his power fails.
Background: Braden discovered his power at home in Red
Bank, New Jersey, before he was drafted. While playing
catch with his little brother, Braden ran up a twelve-foot
wooden fence, caught the ball, and ran down the far side.
With a little experimentation, he discovered he could run up
almost any vertical surface, and even across ceilings, as long
as he didnt slow down.

Braden volunteered for military service, and after a
brief stint at Section Two in Washington, was assigned to
Achnacarry Commando School for TOG training. Shortly
thereafter his brother was drafted into the Marines.

Braden was recommended for officers training, and
given a commission as a First Sergeant in May 1944. He
now serves gladly under First Lieutenant Miller, who has
become somewhat of a father figure to him.

Braden, just like Miller, fears how he will perform in
actual combat.
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(1) .45 M1911A semi-automatic pistol (Capacity 7, Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock).
(4) M2A1 pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).



Private Anthony The Stripper


Age 22, Ht 511 Wt 190.

Nationality American.
Education Junior high school.
Dependants Four sisters and a mother.
Motivations To do his best for his country.
Body 2 Coordination 3 Sense 2
Brains 1 Command 1 Cool 3
Skills Bazooka 3, Brawling 1, Climb 1, Cryptography 1,
Endurance 1, Explosives 1, Grenade 2,
Knife Fighting 2, Languages (English 1, Italian 1). Lie 3,
Machine gun 3, Map Reading 1, Mechanic (Cars) 1, Mental
Stability 3, Mortar 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Parachuting 1,
Radio Operation 1, Rifle 3, Stealth 1, Sight 2, Submachine
Gun 1, Survival 1, Taste 2.
Base Will 21

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Teleport Clothes (Robust, Useful Outside of Combat;

2hd (Flaws: Cannot teleport anything else -1/-2/-4; 8 points).
Power Description: Colombadas can make any piece of
clothing he can see teleport to his location. This only includes
clothes and other lightweight items, not weapons or other
equipment, which are left behind. Paper and other documents (including ID, maps and such) are teleported along
with the power, making it a useful intelligence-gathering tool.
Bandoliers and ammo belts are not clothes for purposes of
this power.

When an enemy soldier realizes hes stark naked on a
battlefield, he has to make a Cool+Mental Stability roll to
keep from losing it and streaking away to cover.
Background: Colombadas grew up in Long Island City
and spent his first few years out of school as a street tough,
trying to support his large, fatherless family through petty
theft. The war came as a surprise. In the fervor of the
American war effort, Colombadas volunteered for service
just four weeks after the American landings in Africa.

At Camp Croft, Colombadas discovered his Talent
ability when he teleported the clothes off a visiting colonel
busy humiliating him in front of his squad. After being
punished by the embarrassed colonel, Colombadas was sent
to a Section Two facility in Georgia. Though few could see
any use for his Talent, he was then sent on to Achnacarry
Commando School for TOG training. Luckily, he proved to
be a resilient and effective commando.

Colombadas is a favorite among the men, and both
the officers and the normal enlisted men appreciate his wry
sense of humor.

He has the utmost confidence in himself, his abilities,
and those of his direct superiors. He hopes to see his familys
ancestral home at Portaferrio, Italy before the war is through.
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(1) Bazooka M1 (Slow/Penetration/Area: 3/5/7).
(2) M2A1 pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage Width in
Shock+1 Killing).

Private Lucas Devers

Age 29, Ht 61 Wt 199.

Nationality American.
Education Junior high school.
Dependants Wife and two children.
Motivations To destroy Nazi Germany.
Body 3 (10) Coordination 3 Sense 2
Brains 2 Command 1 Cool 2
Skills Climb 1, Endurance 1, Explosives 2, First Aid 2,
Grenade 3, Horseback Riding 1, Knife Fighting 3, Language
(English 2, Spanish 1). Lie 2, Machine Gun 3, Map Reading
2, Navigation (Land) 2, Parachuting 1, Radio Operation 2,
Rifle 3, Stealth 3, Submachine Gun 1, Survival 2, Throw 2.
Base Will 21

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Hyperstat: Body (2/5/10)

+7d (Flaw: Only for Throwing -1/-2/-4; 7points).
Power Description: Devers can throw objects up to 1 ton
in weight without difficulty. He cant lift them; just throw
them by gaining a grip and hurling them up in the air. Objects thrown cause on average (dependent on size) 5 points
of killing and shock damage on a successful hit.
Background: Devers was born on a Texas farm and raised
as a country boy. His familys farm was lost in the Great
Depression, and soon after Devers and his family took to
the road to find work. They settled in Arbachter, Illinois,
where his father got work in a Ford factory.

In 1936, Devers married the daughter of a local
preacher, and they settled down to raise a family in southwestern Illinois. He went back to farming, and soon had a
thriving business in cattle and corn. Although frightened by
events overseas, Devers never pictured himself as a soldier.

He discovered his power while replacing a brake cable
on his tractor in late 1942. When the jack gave way, Devers
hurled the 1-ton tractor away before it could crush him,
destroying it. Like any good American, he reported to the
local draft office to inform them of his discovery and was
immediately sent to Pennsylvania for study by Section Two.

Devers spent some time at the facility. Due to the tenacity of his power, they were very interested in him. Various
tests were run where other powerful Talents attempted to
deactivate Devers power, and failed. He was then transferred to Achnacarry Commando School for training, and
assigned to TOG 141.

Devers is a quiet, no-nonsense individual who does
as he is told. He has become quite skilled in the use of his
power, and can hurl hand grenades enormous distances.
Although he is affable, few in the squad know much about
him. His prize possession is a photograph of his wife and
two infant sons, which he keeps in his breast pocket at all
times. Devers hopes to return home, buy the old family
farm in Texas and start all over againbut not until that
paper-hanging sonofabitch in Berlin eats a bullet.

If Devers can help it, he will fire that bullet himself.
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(2) M2A1 Pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Private Eric Kilchess

Private Vincent Manahan

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Age 20, Ht 59 Wt 200.

Nationality American.
Education High school.
Dependants One brother, two sisters, a mother and father.
Motivations To get home alive.
Body 3 Coordination 3 Sense 2
Brains 2 Command 1 Cool 1
Skills Brawling 2, Cryptography 1, Climb 1, Dodge 3, Education 2, Endurance 1, Explosives 1, Grenade 3, Knife Fighting
3, Languages (English 2, Hebrew 1), Machine Gun 3, Map
Reading 1, Mortar 1, Navigation (Land) 1, Parachuting 1,
Radio Operation 1, Rifle 3, Sight 3, Stealth 3, Submachine
Gun 1, Survival 1.
Base Will 7
Detonation Sight (Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of
Combat, Robust; 5/10/20)
5d (Flaw: Must give target the finger -1/-2/-4; 20 points).
Power Description: Kilchess can cause any single explosive
to detonate within his sight range, as long as he can see
it clearly. Damage is caused normally as per the weapon
targeted. Kilchess can detonate individual bullets, grenades
or any other type of weapon which contains explosives, but
he must give the finger to each individual target or his
power will not work. To do this, he must have a clear view
of the target, often placing him in the line of fire.
Background: Kilchess grew up in Chicago in a devout Jewish family, a fact that he hides from his compatriots. Blessed
with an exceptional physique and fast reflexes, he became
a star of the local basketball scene in northern Illinois, and
shortly thereafter transferred to a Catholic school to play
for them. Since then Kilchess has pretended to be Catholic.
Even his dog-tags corroborate his story.

Kilchess discovered his power at Camp Curtis while
practicing on the grenade range. When the third grenade
thrown failed to detonate (U.S. training munitions were often
leftovers from World War I), Kilchess became furious and
gave the errant munitions the Finger. Gratified by the result,
Kilchess brazenly gave the rest of the failed grenades the
same treatment. One by one, they detonated.

After some experimentation, he was sent to a Section
Two facility in Pennsylvania for study, and then to Achnacarry Commando School for TOG training.

Kilchess is a know-it-all who doesnt get along with
anyone in the squad. The months spent in Falmouth have
done nothing for his demeanor, and he mostly sulks, looking for an easy way to make money, which he grudgingly
sends home to his family. He is considered a bully by the
rest of the men, and has a taunting mock-serious attitude
when dealing with the lieutenant.
(1) BAR (Spray 0/2/3, Capacity 20, Damage: Width+3 killing, Width+2 shock)
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(2) M2A1 pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Age 25, Ht 59 Wt 169.

Nationality American.
Education Junior high school, OCS.
Dependants Three sisters, three brothers, mother and a father.
Motivations To make something of himself.
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 1
Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 3
Skills Bluff 3, Brawling 2, Climb 1, Cryptography 1, Driving 2, Endurance 1, Explosives 2, First Aid 2, Grenade 2,
Knife Fighting 2, Languages (English 2, Gaelic 1), Machine
gun 2, Map Reading 2, Mortar 1, Navigation (Land) 1,
Parachuting 1, Radio Operation 2, Rifle 2, Stealth 2, Submachine Gun 1, Survival 2, Swimming 2.
Base Will 12
Freeze Objects (Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust; 4/8/16)
3hd (Flaw: Usable only on objects not touching the ground
-1/-2/-4; 18 points).
Power Description: Manahan can cause objects within sight
range to freeze in the midst of motion, as long as they are
off the ground when he triggers his power. Objects remain
in this interim state for the number of seconds equal to
the width of the activation roll, and then continue along
their regular path. He can only do this to one object at a
time. When frozen, time does not pass for that object (or
person) and nothing on earth except another Talent can
move or affect the frozen object (by spending 1 point of
Will, Talents can automatically remove the effect on the
object by touching it).
Background: Manahan is the first son of Irish immigrants
who arrived in Boston in 1924. He spent his childhood in
various jobs, working hard to put whatever he could into
his growing familys meager funds. In 1943, Manahan
joined the Army (a fact which made his family very proud
despite the financial hardships such a change presented).

During his last week at Camp Croft, he saved a man from
being crushed by a 500 lb. bale of telephone cable that fell
from a roof. Manahan froze the object in space, and helped
the man out of his predicament, several seconds later the bale
smashed into the ground, restored to its former motion.

He was transferred to Achnacarry Commando School
for TOG training a week later. Manahan was recommended
in the early course for OCS training but denied a commission, a fact that does not bother him much. Folded back into
a regular TOG unit, with his added OCS training Manahan
was placed in charge of communications for TOG 141.

Manahan is a genuinely good man with a sensible,
honest head on his shoulders, a fact that has not been lost
on the lieutenant. He is affable with all the men (and is even
tolerated by Kilchess).
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(4) M2A1 Pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) M9A1 antitank rifle grenades (Penetration/Area: 5/6).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).



Private John Miceweski

Private Peter The Professor Moss

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Age 20, Ht 510 Wt 180.

Nationality American.
Education High school.
Dependants None.
Motivations To help his friends.
Body 1 Coordination 4 Sense 2
Brains 2 Command 1 Cool 2
Skills Bluff 3, Brawling 2, Climb 1, Cryptography 1, Driving 2, Explosives 2, First Aid 2, Grenade 2, Knife Fighting
2, Mortar 1, Endurance 1, Language (English 2), Machine
gun 2, Map Reading 2, Navigation (Land) 1, Parachuting 1,
Radio Operation 2, Rifle 2, Stealth 2, Submachine Gun 1,
Survival 2, Swimming 2.
Base Will 12
Flight (Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat; 4/8/16)
2hd (Extra: Can hover +1/+2/+4; Flaw: Cant fly over 40
off the ground -1/-2/-4; 16 points).
Power Description: Miceweski can fly, but not more than forty
feet off the ground due to a severe fear of heights. He can
hover in place and control his momentum in all directions.
While hovering in place he can use skills without combining
them with Flight in a multiple action.
Background: Miceweski was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
and orphaned at age two when his family perished in a fire
(the baby, on the porch, was saved by an attentive neighbor).
Miceweski was raised in a Catholic orphanage, and released
on his eighteenth birthday after a long and relatively boring
childhood. Like most children at the time, Miceweski was
obsessed with Der Flieger, the flying German Talent, and
spent almost all his childhood from age 12 collecting books,
pamphlets and literature on the parahuman.

He later burned his Der Flieger memorabilia.

Upon his release, Miceweski began working in foundries in the Milwaukee area. Two years after Pearl Harbor,
he was drafted into the Army and began training at Fort
McLellan. He discovered his parahuman abilities on maneuvers during a climbing exercise, when he simply floated to
the top of a steep incline while his fellow soldiers trudged
up it. Due to a severe phobia of heights however, Miceweski
could not fly higher than forty feet.

He was transferred to Section Two for study and then
to TOG training at Achnacarry Commando School.

Miceweski is a happy, friendly fellow who unconsciously looks at his squad mates like family. His work ethic
and strong sense of squad commitment make him a favorite
of the lieutenant.
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(5) M2A1 Pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).

Age 22, Ht 6 Wt 155

Nationality American.
Education 3 years at Queens College.
Dependants Father and sister.
Motivations To get out of the Army in one piece.
Body 1 Coordination 1 Sense 3
Brains 3 Command 1 Cool 3
Skills Brawling 2, Climb 1, Cryptography 1, Education 3, Endurance 1, Explosives 2, First Aid 1, Grenade 1, Knife Fighting
1, Languages (English 3, German 2, French 2). Map Reading
3, Machine gun 1, Mortar 1, Navigation (Land) 2, Parachuting 1, Radio Operation 3, Rifle 1, Stealth 1, Submachine Gun
1, Survival 3.
Base Will 17
Gun Scan (Useful Outside of Combat, Robust; 3/6/12)
2hd (Extra: Always On +1/+2/+4; Flaw: Expensive -1/-2/-4;
12 points).
Power Description: Moss can see guns through objects as
if the intervening obstacles (including buildings, dirt, etc.)
were transparent. He cannot see whos holding them, only
the weapon itself. He must turn his power on however, at
the cost of 1 Will point; this effect lasts until Moss sleeps,
whereupon the power deactivates. Unfortunately, when using his power, Moss is like a Talent beacon, advertising his
presence for all other Talents in the area to see.
Background: Moss is a bookworm from Westchester, New
York who spent most of his youth lost in literature. His
unusual height and light weight gained him nicknames such
as stork or willow early on, and he retreated into the
world of books as school became more and more dangerous. He attended Queens college on scholarship and was
just weeks from graduating with a degree in literature when
he was drafted to active service.

Moss is deathly afraid of firearms, a fact which was not
lost on his instructors at boot camp. Moss was punished
repeatedly for not properly maintaining his M1 rifle and
on one occasion was forced to strip and clean the entire
platoons weapons three times in one day. That night after
lights out, Moss realized he could see his instructors pistol
through the wall, glowing a ghostly-green.

Moss was transferred to Section Two for testing. He
was recommended for Army sniper training, but washed
out of the course, and finally was transferred to Achnacarry
Commando School for training with TOG, where he reluctantly trained as a sniper once again.

In the months spent at Achnacarry, Moss has taken to
trying to learn both French and German, in the hopes it will
come in handy in Europe. He says very little, but what he
has to say is held in high esteem by both the first lieutenant and the first sergeant. In fact, everyone but Kilchess has
grown to like the Professor.
(1) M1903 Springfield rifle (Capacity 5, Damage: Width+3
killing, Width+2 shock)
(2) M2A1 Pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(2) M9A1 antitank rifle grenades (Penetration/Area: 5/6).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Private Daniel Crystal Ball Newman

Age 24, Ht 57 Wt 165.

Nationality American.
Education High school.
Dependants None.
Motivations To realize the full potential of his Talent.
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2
Brains 3 Command 1 Cool 2
Skills Climb 2, Endurance 2, Explosives 3, First Aid 1,
Gambling 2, Grenade 2, Knife Fighting 2, Language (English 3). Machine Gun 2, Map Reading 2, Navigation (Land)
2, Parachuting 1, Radio Operation 3, Rifle 1, Sailing 1, Submachine Gun 2, Sight 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3.
Base Will 20

Talent Power (Cost: 25 points)

Precognition (Robust, Useful Outside of Combat; 3/6/12).

2hd (Flaw: Visions never involve himself, -1/-2/-4; cant
read letters seen, -1/-2/-4; 8 points).
Power Description: Newman can see the future by voluntarily entering a trance. His visions are extremely detailed,
but never directly involve himself, only his companions.
The only other limitation to his visions is that he cannot
read lettering in them; on the other hand, numbers remain
clearly visible.

The biggest limitation on his power is its psychic toll.
Each hard die thrown to deliberately see the future costs
him 10 Will points, so unless he gains extra Will in play,
using his power drains Newman to zero Will and leaves him
an emotional wreck. Sometimes his power activates spontaneously or in dreams and is not as draining; see p. 80.
Background Newman grew up in New York City, and spent
most of his young adult life winning and losing money at
the track. In the summer of 1943, Newman had the streak
of a lifetime, picking seven winning horses in a row, including a forty-to-one odds breaker. By this time, the local mob
had gotten wise to the rising population of Talents and
even had a few of their own. One day, at a mob gambling
establishment, Newman was picked up by men from the
Genovese family, and beaten severely. One of the men, Max
Knuckles Derisito, a Talent himself, witnessed Newman
use his power while placing a bet on a baseball game. Unfortunately, this is how Newman found out he was a Talent.

Fearful for his life, Newman joined the Army, reporting
his power to the recruiting officer the next day.

He was sent to Achnacarry castle for training, where
he quietly muddled through the commando program. He
remains a quiet, thoughtful member of the squad. His
whispered comments to the Lieutenant are rarely questioned, and often followed, since Newman has successfully
predicted the outcome of impromptu baseball games, and
even 40 rolls of a single die in a row.
(1) Thompson submachine gun (Spray 1/3, Capacity 30,
Damage: Width+1 killing, Width shock.
(5) M2A1 Pineapple hand grenades (Penetration/Area:
2/3, Damage: Width+1 killing and shock).
(1) Fairbairn-Sykes commando knife (Damage: Width in
Shock+1 Killing).

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Common Equipment

Other equipment of the common TOG consists of the following:

A M1 steel helmet (LAR 2 for the head).

An olive drab beanie hat.
A thigh length M1943 field jacket or the hip length
M1941 field jacket.
A 10 pocket cartridge hip web-belt (each pouch carries
one clip). that also carries a canteen and a first aid
pouch (along with an optional pistol holster).
A waterproof map case.
1 pair of boots. Either with separate leather gaiters, or
with them incorporated.
A bayonet which can be attached to a rifle (causes
Width+1 in killing damage when fixed).
1 ammunition bandolier, which can carry up to 12 clips.
A haversack (called a musette), a folding pack which
can carry up to 12 lbs comfortably.
A pack with a blanket and raincoat in it.
9 days field rations.
A compass.


The headquarters that issues commands to TOG 141 is under the command of Captain (acting major) Paul Richards
of the Twenty-Ninth U.S. Infantry Division. The captain
is in charge of an entire battalion of riflemen (about 300
men), of which TOG 141 is a small part. His concerns lie
with the regular foot soldier; he could care less about the

The group is the only TOG in the battalion and as such
will see a lot more action than is usual for TOG squads.
Richards will use them at every opportunity as distractions,
commandos and even assassins, if he can. Commands will
be issued directly from Richards to First Lieutenant Miller,
and from there to the squad.




Optional Rules

During development, dozens of rules were created for Godlike which were good, but not good enough to find their
way into the main rules-set. We hoped to keep the official
rules to a minimum, so these spare parts have found their
way here, collected together for your amusement and use.

Pick and choose those you like, fiddle with them, or
ignore them all.

Squishy Rolls or Gritty Rolls

The standard system for Godlike assumes that what you

roll is what you roll, period. (The exception is Wiggle Dice,
but theyre a special case.) Rolls are grittyeach die is its
particular self and they dont change. It is possible, however, to adjust this rules-set and change the results rather
dramatically. You do this by making outcomes squishy.

If a roll is squishy, it means that you can raise an
outcomes height by lowering its width, and vice versa. For
example, if you had a squishy 4x4, you could make it a 3x5
or a 2x6as long as the total of the width and height are
the same, its kosher. You could also make that same 4x4
into a 5x3, a 6x2 or a 7x1.

In static contests, squishy rolls give the player the
option of taking longer at a task to do it better or, conversely, of sacrificing quality when time is of the essence. In
dynamic contests, it allows players to sacrifice timing for effect, and vice versa. (This can have a particularly important
effect in combat.)

In no event can the width of a roll be squished beneath
2. If that happens, the roll is no longer a success. It also
cannot be squished above 10. Finally, once you start to
squish a roll, the other dice in the pool are thrown out.
Example: Dan rolls 1,3,8,8,9,9. His result is 2x9. He
can make that a 3x8 or a 4x7 if he wantsbut if he
squishes it down to 3x8, he cannot then add it to the

naturally rolled 8s in his pool. If he could do that, then

he could take that 4x8 and turn it into 2x10. Once you
do that, you might as well just add all the dice together
and give it to the highest total.
Squishy rolls change the tone of the game, because they put
much more control over the degree and type of success into
the hands of the players. The game tilts a little more to the
heroic action side of the scale and away from the violent
realism end. It becomes more like Raiders of the Lost Ark
and less like Saving Private Ryan.

For a four-color comic flavored game, simply allow
every character to squish rolls at will.

For a somewhat cinematic game in which the characters are special and larger than life, allow PCs and Talents
to squish rolls, but dont let anyone else do it.

For a somewhat realistic game, allow squishing, but
only by a single step upward or downward - 3x3 could
become 2x4 or 4x2, but not 5x1.

For a very realistic game, (the Godlike default) dont
allow any squishing at all. This is also the simplest option.

Getting Really Nasty

In most role-playing games characters routinely get shot

up, torn up, burned up, drowned, dragged and beaten and
then leap right back up for morethat is, until their hit
points run out. Although Godlike is a bit more specific in
its damage system then most games, this is pretty much still
the case.
However, if you wish to make players think twice
about leaping into combat, you can use the following Getting Really Nasty rules.

No role-playing game can fully simulate reality and still
be quick and fun enough to sit through, but the following
optional rules are offered to make your Godlike game a


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



little bit less cinematic and a little bit more realistic.
Every time a victim is hit by a bullet or fragmentation
attack in excess of 2 killing points, they must make a
Cool+Mental Stability roll or fall to the ground and be
stunned for the number of combat rounds equal to the
amount of damage they suffered. During this time, they
are unable to act or react.
Single shot hits to the torso in excess of 5 killing points
of damage knock the victim unconscious if the victim
fails a Body roll.
Bullet or stab wounds in excess of 2 killing points
bleed out. If the wound is not treated and the bleeding is not stopped, the victim takes 1 shock point of
damage per combat round to the torso, until dead.
Injuries from fragmentation wounds to the torso in
excess of 2 killing points bleed out internally. These
superficial wounds are often mistaken for minor injuries. The subject suffers 1 shock point in damage to
the torso per minute in secret, during which time he
is fully able to act and is unaware of his internal injuries, until his torso fills with shock damage, whereupon he becomes aware of the damage to his torso.
If surgery is not undertaken to stop the bleeding, the
victim dies as he continues to take shock damage to
his torso at 1 point per minute.
2 points of killing damage to a limb are enough to
break it, badly. If a limb is broken, it cannot be used in
any way.
When a limb is fully filled with killing damage and
takes additional injury points, not only are those
points relocated to the torso, but the boxes hit are then
circled. Each circle indicates a portion of the body that
is destroyed, and may never be repaired by surgery or
medical attention. At best, the limb can be amputated.
In addition, such destroyed limbs bleed out until
treated as a rate of 2 shock points to the torso per
round until death or treatment.
3 points of killing damage to the head blinds, deafens
or otherwise affects the senses of the victim, either
permanently or temporarily, GMs discretion.
Note that even if you decide to tack on some of these
optional rules, you dont have to use all of them. Godlike
is pretty tough just at its base level, but some people really
want to take their chances. If these rules dont stop your
players from being cavalier about combat, nothing will.

Die Hard

Game Masters who want to extend the shelf lives of characters a bit, without going all the way to the excesses of
squishing rolls (see p. 305) have characters recover from
shock damage at the height of the roll instead of the width.
Its a small thing, but it sheds those unwanted shock marks
a bit faster.

There are other ways to increase the viability of characters. If you like, you can increase the number of damage
boxes per hit location, or instead of 2 shock points equaling
1 killing point of damage, you can change it to a 3 to 1 ratio. Simply mark a vertical line through the damage box for
1 shock point, a diagonal slash for 2 and finish the X for 3.
This change will keep your characters kicking a bit longer.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Dud and Faulty Grenades

Grenades are extremely dangerousboth to properly use

and to be hit with. Many grenades have faulty fuses that fail
to detonate, or that detonate too soon.

To reflect this, anyone who rolls a 2x1 on their Grenade
skill should throw another die. If it comes up 1 or 10, he has
pulled the pin on a faulty grenade. It detonates while still in
their hand, inflicting all its damage to the right or left arm.

On the other hand (so to speak), anyone who rolls a
2x10 on their Grenade skill should throw another die. If
it comes up 1 or 10, he has thrown a dud, which fails to
detonate upon impact.

Misfires, Jams, Accidental

Discharge and Gun Cleaning

How are misfires, jams, accidental discharges and gun cleaning handled in Godlike? Read on, all is explained below.


Misfires occur when firing substandard ammunition, or

when the firing pin fails to strike the bullet correctly (or at
all). Guns that commonly misfire (such as the P08 under
field conditions) always have a chance to misfire in combat.
If a shooter rolls 2x1 and all the other dice in the pool are
5 or lower, a single 1d is thrownif a 10 or a 1 is rolled,
the gun misfires, and a full combat round must be taken to
clear the action before it can be fired again.


Jams occur when a round becomes caught in the action in

an improper manner, preventing the gun from firingand
sometimes stops the action from being properly worked at
all. If the operator rolls a 2x1 and all other dice are 5 or
lower, 2d are thrown. On a match, the gun jams. A successful skill roll must be made to clear the action. Subtract the
width of the roll from 5 to determine how many combat
rounds it takes to clear the action and fire the gun again.

Accidental Discharge

A gun may fire randomly when dropped. If a character

drops a gun on to a hard surface, roll two diceon a match
of 7 or higher, the gun goes off. Who or what it hits remains
up to the GM to decide.

Gun Cleaning

Many guns require extensive cleaning under field conditions

to remain in working order. All a character needs to do to
clean a weapon is a) have time to do so, and b) make a successful skill roll. Most weapons need to be cleaned (dependant on conditions) every one or two days under combat
conditionsat the GMs discretion. For every day after
this grace period, the operator of the gun gains a difficulty
rating to properly fire the gun. For example, on the third
day without cleaning to properly fire the weapon (without
a jam), the character must make a minimum match of 2x2



(on the fourth at 2x3, on the fifth a 2x4, etc.). Roll under
the difficulty, and the gun jams, above, and it fires normally.

Vehicle Hit Locations

Attacking vehicles with weapons is much like attacking

peopleyou can either fire, hoping only to hit the vehicle,
or you can aim for a specific hit location. Just like normal
attacks, the height of the roll determines the hit location
and aiming and called shots are treated normally. Most
vehicles have a Heavy Armor rating that measures their
resistance to attack, but some areas on a vehicle are more
vulnerable than others. When attacking a specific point on a
vehicle, the HAR of that vehicle is reduced according to the
vulnerability of that spot (rounded down).

What mechanical effects an attack might have on a
vehicle location are up to the GM to devise.

Vehicle Location Table


Example: Kurt takes a shot to the head for a total of 4

points of killing damage. He burns a single experience
point to convert one of those killing points to a point
of shock instead. Hes still knocked unconscious by the
attack, but at least hes not dead...
The downside: whatever experience points you burn in
a game, you owe the GM. You must earn back that total
before you can get any more.
Example: Steve burned 4 experience points during
an adventure to stay among the living. The next 4 experience points he is awarded are automatically forfeit.
Only after these 4 points are paid off, does he begin to
gain experience again.

Talents: Optional Rules

A Greater Will to Power:
Nietzsche, Godlike Style

Hit Location
Left Side Bottom (1/2 HAR)
Right Side Bottom (1/2 HAR)
Left Side Top (3/4 HAR)
Right Side Top (3/4 HAR)
Crew Compartment (Full HAR)
Crew or Rear (Lowest HAR Rating)
Example: John is firing a Bazooka at the rear of a Tiger
VI II Heavy Tank. He has a Bazooka dice pool of 7d.
He places one die at 10, drops a die because hes making a called shot, and rolls the remaining 5 dice, getting
a 10, 9, 6, 6 and a 1. He hits with a 2x10 against hit
location 10 (the rear of the vehicle). The Tiger VI II
Heavy Tank has an HAR rating of 10 to 7since the
rear has the lowest HAR rating of the vehicle, Johns
Bazooka blast hits HAR 7. With his 2x10 and the Bazookas Penetration of 5, Johns total weapon Penetration is 7. The Bazooka round pierces the armor and
detonates within the vehicle.

Burning Experience Points

Is your character on his last legs, while he has experience

points to spare? If the GM allows this optional rule, experience points can be used in several different ways to extricate
your character from tricky situations.

You can burn experience points to:
Alter die rolls: At the cost of 1 experience point, you can
increase the height of a single rolled die by 1.
Example: Roderick attacks a guard with a machete and
rolls a 6, 4, 10, 9, 5 and a 1. Usually this would be a
complete miss, but he burns an experience point and
changes the 9 in his set to a 10, which makes his attack
a 2x10 and a pretty dramatic hit.
Extend life: At the cost of 1 experience point, you can convert 1 point of killing damage to shock damage.

This optional rule is quite simple: characters can store

greater numbers of Will Points, depending on the Theme of
the game theyre in. As you might guess, Highly Realistic
(The Godlike Default) characters can store up to a maximum of 50 points at one time. Cinematic Characters can
store 75; Four-Color characters can store up to a 100.

We suggest you only use the track on your character
sheet to record Will at the end of a game session; during the
game, you should either use pennies or glass beads, or even
3x5 note-cards.

Burning Base Will Points

Sometimes Will Points can be a bitch to come by. In the

heat of combat during a battle of Wills, the anteing can
become fast and furious and if you lose such a battle, most
likely, your character does not have long to live. What do
you do when your stores of Will are running out and it
doesnt look like the other guy is even breaking a sweat?

You can burn Base Will points. Basically, this means
you sacrifice 1 Base Will point, or burn it. In exchange
for sacrificing this 1 Base Will point you receive 10 regular
Will points. You can burn any number of Base Will points at
once, as long as your Base Will total remains at 1 or more.

But this exchange rate has several big downsides: Any
Will points gained in this manner are forfeit at the end of
the game session if they are not spent, and they cannot be
used to increase any skill, stat, Hyperskill, Hyperstat or
Miracle (while Base Will itself can be increased with these
points, this is obviously a losing proposition). The other big
pain is that to recover those Base Will points, you must pay
however many Will points you gained from burning them in
addition to the normal cost of advancing your Base Will.

Scaling Power Levels

Do you want your Talent powers to be extremely powerful

while avoiding the No Upward Limit Extra? The solution
is simple: Pay twice as much for the Hyperstat or Miracle,


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



and its twice as powerful. Pay three times as much and its
three times as powerful. Get it? (Hyperskills, since they are
so limited, dont really require this modification.)

The only limitation is the entire Hyperstat and Miracle
must be purchased this way. In other words, you cant buy
just one or two dice in this manner, and the rest at regular
cost. The whole power has to be purchased this way (Hard
Dice, Wiggle Dice and all). In addition, although the power
can have Flaws, they can only reduce the cost of the power
by a maximum of -1/-2/-4.
Example: Buying 8d in Hyperbody at 4 Will points per
die (instead of the usual 2 Will points per die), doubles
the effectiveness of the Hyperstat. In other words, with
this 8d (at double the cost) the tested lift is 4 to 8 tons
(as opposed to 2 to 4 tons for a normal 8d). In addition,
the character gains +2 wound boxes per hit location
(instead of +1), and 4 extra points of shock are shaken
off after each combat (instead of 2). He can also automatically breach Heavy Armor equal to his Body stat
(instead of half his Body stat), broad jump Body x 2 in
yards (instead of just Body in yards), and leap his Body
stat in yards vertically (instead of half that).
Example: Buying 2hd in Goldberg Science at 20 points
apiece (instead of the usual 10 points per hard die),
doubles the effectiveness of the power. With it, the
character can build up to 4 devices at one time (instead
of the usual 2). This doubling also cuts the production
time of devices in half (since its twice as effective). It
also cuts the Difficulty ratings in half as well.
Example: Buying 6d in Harm at 15 points per die
(instead of 5 per die), triples the effectiveness of the
power. It now causes Width x 3 in killing and in shock
damage, instead of just With in killing and shock.
Example: Buying 3d in Teleportation at 20 Will points
per die (four times the regular cost), makes it four
times as effective. The teleporters Maximum Mass is
now 40 pounds and Maximum Distance, 200 miles.
Or, if you dont find this scaling to your liking, you can just
buy more than 10 dice.

Buying More Than 10 Dice

This optional rule is presented for those who like to play

really powerful Talents. So you want Superman-level fights
where buildings are thrown about, tanks are used as shields
and entire city blocks are leveled by just two combatants?
No problem.

Youll remember the strictest rule in Godlike is you can
never roll more than 10d at any time. This doesnt mean you
cant buy more than 10 dice. Whats the use of buying more
than 10 dice if theyre never going to be rolled? Good question.

Dice above 10 increase your ability with Hyperstats,
Miracles and Hyperskills. For example, someone with 12d
in Body is stronger than someone with a 10d in Body. To
find out the increase in range, size or strength, simply multiply the variable by the extra dice above 10.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Example: Harper has Teleportation at 12d. This means

he can teleport a maximum of 12 tons 24,000 miles.
The extra 2d above 10 doubles Harpers maximum
range and mass.
The important question is: How do you represent this difference if you never roll the dice? Easy: You never roll more
than 10d, but each die above 10 offsets any penalties you
may incur.
Example: Tristan has a Hyperskill in Brawl of 14d.
He wants to attack four different targets in one round
with his Talent. No one ever rolls more than 10d, but
Tristans 4d extra offsets the -4d penalty for his multiple attacks. He gets to roll 10d and look for 4 sets.

Gaining New Powers

(Adjusted by Theme)

In Part Four: Talents (on p. 35) the topic of gaining entirely

new Talent powers was discussed. In this section, we will
devote some attention to the Theme dictating how many
points needed to gain new powers.

In the Highly Realistic Default setting, it costs 50
Will Points and a Base Will Point to buy a single die of an
entirely new power. For Godlikes background material as
presented, this works.

While Talents will improve their powers, theyre unlikely to pick up entirely new ones; and if they do, itll probably be thematically similar powers, for that lower price of
40 points and 1 Base Will.

What if youre playing a Cinematic Game? Your GM
might use the following adjustments (or make up their
own). For a Cinematic Game (rather more free-wheeling),
an entirely new power might cost 35 points and a point of
Base Will. Thematically similar powers are still a lot more
affordable, perhaps costing only 20 points and point of
Base Will.

What if you want to get wild and really cut loose with
a Four Color Game? Nothing simpler: 25 points and 1
Base Will for an entirely new power makes sense. A power
thematically similar to one you have already? 10 Will and 1
Base Will Point makes sense. Furthermore, only in the Four
Color Theme is the possibility of two dice being bought in
a single flash of Power (Dont forget itll cost you two Base
Will to pull it off, though!)

Please note, like in Part Four, you still only get a single
die in the new power youve just gained. The ability to gain
a new power at functional levels instantly is only possible
in the Four Color Theme as detailed above, and its unlikely
to be a totally new power, at that.

High Body Stats

and Machine Guns

Anyone with a Body stat of 4 or more can carry any machine gun under 32 lbs as if it was a submachine gun (note
that any belt fed gun needs a second man to feed it, making
this ploy ineffective). Those with a Body Stat of 5 to 6 may



carry any machine gun as if it were a submachine gun. With
a Body stat of 7 to 10, the character may carry a machine
gun in each hand (though the multiple actions rule still applies to attacking with two weapons at once).

Similarly, to characters who have a Body Hyperstat
of 6 or more, weapons such as mortars, machine guns and
other heavy weapons are treated as if they were submachine
guns in weight (but not in bulk).

Rolling Will

This is a slight alteration of the Will against Will bid system. Its here for those of you who like a bit of randomness
in your games. If you want a situation where a great roll
will save the day despite shitty circumstances, these rules
are for you.

During the declaration phase of combat, if you want to
counter a Talent ability aimed at you (and are able to), you
can choose to risk between 0 and 10 Will points in defense.
You must of course have enough Will points to risk the
amount, for without any Will points, youre out of luck; no
defense is possible. The enemy in turn risks Will points in
the same manner, picking a number from 0 to 10, trying to
force his attack through your defenses. You can defend only
when you are being targeted by a Talent power. You cant
keep a defense when you are not under attack.

Now heres the kicker: Its a blind bid. When youre
asked to make your bid for defense or attack with your
Will, just grab a die out of sight and place it at your desired
number (or if you pick zero, just say zero when its time).

Then, at the same time, the attacker and defender
reveal what they risked.
The number of Will points risked are then rolled in a
dynamic contest against each other as regular dice. The one
with the highest and widest result (in that order) wins. If its
the attacker, the power gets through and is rolled normally,
if its the defender the attackers power doesnt work. The
winner gains back the width of his roll in Will points, the
loser loses all the Will points he risked. If the rolls tie, both
parties lose the Will points they risked and nothing happens. Either way, all Will spent in this manner is lost.

Just like the bidding system, surprise attacks negate the
possibility of a battle of Wills.
Example: Timothy (Will 19) has targeted Hans (Will
23) with his 6d lightning attack Miracle in the declaration phase of combat. Hans is a Talent, and since it is a

direct attack on him, he can defend with his Will. Hans

secretly risks 7 Will points to prevent Tim from using
his power on him.

Tim, wanting his attack to get through, secretly
chooses to risk 10 of his Will points. Hans is now left
with 16 Will points in reserve and Tim, only 9.

Both reveal what they bid, and then those points
are rolled in a dynamic contest against each other-10d
against 7d. When they are rolled, all the Will points
risked are lost.

Hans rolls 7d (because he risked 7 Will) and gets
7, 8, 2, 2, 5, 1 and a 2, a 3x2 success. Timothy rolls
10d (because he risked 10 Will) and gets 3, 7, 7, 8, 8,
1, 1, 6, 10 and a 3, a 2x8 success. Since Tims success is
higher than Hans he wins, he can attack Hans with his
lightning power, and he gains back 2 Will points (from
the width of the roll). Hans loses the 7 Will points he
risked and hes an open target for Tims power.

Now Tim can roll his lightning attack normally.

If Tim had attacked Hans sniper-style however,
Hans would not have been allowed to defend against
the Talent attack, since surprise negates the possibility
of a battle of Wills altogether.

Two Against One

If you want to add a new level of vulnerability to your Godlike game, you can use the two against one rule. This allows
two Talents to team up against another Talent in a battle of
Wills, using their Wills in tandem to crush the third Talents
power. The battle of Wills is treated the same, except the
two Talents get to pool their Will in their contest against
their target.

This two against one Will attack has an added benefit
as well: with it, the two attacking Talents can affect a third
Talents power even if that Talent is not trying to affect
them with his power.

Example: Grady and Winston team up their Wills to
assault Vaughn, who is using his Hyperstat in Body to
lift a tank. Even though Vaughn is not using his powers
to attack Grady or Winston, they can still affect him
because, two is better than one.

Grady and Winston put together a pool of 10 Will
points. Vaughn can only risk 8 Will points. Grady and
Winston win and Vaughns power kicks out. Shortly
thereafter the tank drops on him. Squish.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)





The First Ten

These first ten Talents were exceptional creatures and possessed powers far beyond the norm for their kind. Most of
the NPCs below were built with between 60 and 150 Will
points. Despite their exceptional nature, very few survived
the war.
Note: Powers are always calculated starting with a base
1/2/4, and another 1/2/4 is added for each Quality the
power possesses. Hence, Der Fliegers Flight Power is 1/2/4
plus four more 1/2/4s for a Point Cost of 5/10/20.

Der Flieger
Age 28, Ht 61 Wt 205.
Nationality German.
Education Gymnasium at Hamburg. Officer schooling at
Bad Tlz.
Dependants None.
Motivations To crush Bolshevism and serve the Fhrer.
Body 3 Coordination 3 Sense 2
Brains 2 Command 3 Cool 4
Skills Athletics 2, Brawling 2, Driving 1, Endurance 2,
Flight 3, Grenade 3, Health 1, Inspire 3, Intimidate 3, Knife
Fighting 2, Languages (German 2, English 1), Leadership
3, Machine Gun 3, Mental Stability 3, Navigation (Air) 3,
Pistol 2, Radio Operation 1, Rifle 3, Sight 2, Submachine
Gun 3, Survival 1, Swimming 2.
Base Will 31
Flight (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful
Outside of Combat. 5/10/20). 2hd (Extras: No Altitude

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Briety Krizova (Circa 1943)

Konrad Rahn (Circa 1944)

Talent Powers (Cost: 150 Will Points)

Limit +2/+4/+8; No Gs +2/+4/+8; 36 points). Power Stunt

For Flight: Barnstorming 3d.

Super Speed (Qualities: Defends, Robust, Useful
Outside of Combat. 4/8/16). 10d (Flaw: Attached to Flight,
-1/-2/-4 for a Final Cost of 3/6/12; 30 points). Top Speed:
805 MPH.

Harm: Shockwave Attack (Qualities: Attacks. 2/4/8)
10d (Extra: Area 10, +1/+2/+4; 5 points per rank, for 50
points. Flaws: Attached to Flight -1/-2/-4; Must Fly at Full
Speed -1/-2/-4; 60 points).

Age 23, Ht 52 Wt 129.

Nationality Czechoslovakian.
Education Gymnasium at Prague, two years at the University of Linz in Austria.
Dependants None.
Motivations To free Czechoslovakia from Nazi rule.
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2
Brains 3 Command 2 Cool 3
Skills Bluff 2, Dodge 3, Driving (Car) 3, Education 3, First
Aid 3, Grenade 4, Languages (Czech 3, English 2, Russian
2, German 1), Machine Gun 3, Mental Stability 2, Pistol 3,
Rifle 2, Run 1, Stealth 4, Submachine Gun 3, Tactics 2.
Base Will 20

Talent Power (Cost: 30 Will Points)

Teleport (Qualities: Robust, Useful Outside of Combat. 3/6/12). 10d (Extra: Maximum Capacity +5/+10/+20.
Flaws: Only works on doorways previously traveled
through -2/-4/-8; Forced Attendance -1/-2/-4; Slow 2 per
passenger -2/-4/-8; 30 points).



Amina Salasee (Circa 1941)

Age 40, Ht 5 Wt 105.

Nationality Ethiopian.
Education Home schooling.
Dependants None.
Motivations To free Ethiopia.
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 3
Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 4
Skills Farming 2, First Aid 3, Grenade 2, Inspire 4, Languages (Ethiopian 2, Hebrew 2, English 1, Italian 1),
Machine Gun 1, Mental Stability 4, Pistol 3, Rifle 4, Stealth
3, Submachine Gun 1, Tactics 3.
Base Will 10

Talent Power (Cost: 104 Will Points)

Transmute Enemies to Salt (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust. 4/8/16). 10hd (Extra: Reflexive +2/+4/+8;
Radius 6 [250 yards], +3/+6/+8,6 Ranks for 18 points.
Flaws: King Midas [to salt only] -2/-4/-8; Limited Target
[Enemies Only] -2/-4/-8; 100 points).

Piotr Ciowiski (Circa 1943)

Age 39, Ht 511 Wt 161.

Nationality Polish.
Education Schooling at Krakow, two years officer schooling
in Lodz, British Special Operations Executive training.
Dependants None.
Motivations To free Poland from Nazi rule.
Body 3 Coordination 3 Sense 2
Brains 2 Command 3 Cool 4
Skills Anti-Tank Rocket 3, Brawling 2, Climb 2, Dodge
3, Driving (Car) 3, Endurance 2, Grenade 2, Languages
(Polish 3, English 2, German 1), Intimidation 3, Machine
Gun 2, Mental Stability 3, Leadership 3, Pistol 2, Shadow
Positioning (Coordination) 4, Rifle 4, Stealth 2, Submachine
Gun 3, Swim 3, Tactics 3.
Base Will 32

Talent Power (Cost: 85 Will Points)

Telekinesis (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful

Outside of Combat. 4/8/16) 10d (Extra: No Upward Limit
+2/+4/+8; No Weight +2/+4/+8; No Inertia +2/+4/+8. Flaws:
Can only affect objects touched by his shadow -2/-4/-8;
Strength Limited by size of shadow [height of Shadow
Positioning skill roll equals the amount of Telekinesis dice
Cien can throw that round, width indicates the timing of
that TK action, not the TK roll.] -2/-4/-8; 60 points).

Joseef Seppanen (Circa 1940)

Age 39, Ht 62 Wt 189.

Nationality Finnish.
Education Home Schooling.
Dependants One brother, mother and father.

Motivations To free Finland from Russian occupation.

Body 3 Coordination 3 (10) Sense 3 (7)
Brains 2 Command 3 Cool 5
Skills Brawling 1, Climb 3, Dodge 5, Endurance 4, Grenade
2, Knife Fighting 5 (7), Languages (Finnish 2, Russian 1),
Navigation (Land) 3, Ride (Horse) 3, Rifle 3, Stealth 5,
Swim 3, Throw 2.
Base Will 11

Talent Powers (Cost: 60 Will Points)

Hyperskill: Knife Fighting +2d (1/3/7) (2 points).

Hyperstat: Coordination +7d (2/5/10) (14 points).

Hyperstat : Sense +4d (2/5/10) (8 points).

Affinity: Arctic Conditions (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat. 5/10/20). 2hd
(Regular Type Conditions [Arctic] +3/+6/+12; 32 points).
+1d to all actions in Arctic conditions.

Jan Dinesen (Circa 1945)

Age 25, Ht 60 Wt 169.

Nationality Danish.
Education Home Schooling.
Dependants 1 brother, mother and father.
Motivations To free Denmark from Nazi rule.
Body 2 Coordination 3 Sense 2
Brains 3 Command 2 Cool 3
Skills Anti-Tank Rocket 3, Driving (Car) 3, Education
2, Grenade 2, Hearing 3, Languages (Danish 3, German
3, English 2), Lie 4, Machine Gun 2, Mental Stability 2,
Navigation (Land) 2, Pistol 3, Rifle 3, Sight 2, Stealth 3,
Submachine Gun 4, Tactics 3.
Base Will 35

Talent Power (Cost: 90 Will Points)

Heavy Armor (Qualities: Defends, Robust, Useful Outside

of Combat. 7 per Rank). 10 (Flaw: Only against incoming
missiles -1/rank; 60 points. Side Effect: Missiles just fail to
hit him).

Christian Hansen (Circa 1944)

Age 17, Ht 59 Wt 133.

Nationality Norwegian.
Education Schooling at Eivaan. British Special Operations
Executive training.
Dependants None.
Motivations To destroy the Nazis.
Body 1 Coordination 2 Sense 3
Brains 2 Command 1 Cool 2
Skills Antitank Rocket 3, Driving (Car) 3, Education 2,
Grenade 2, Hearing 3, Languages (Danish 3, German 2,
English 2), Lie 4, Machine Gun 2, Mental Stability 2, Pistol
3, Rifle 3, Sight 2, Spear 2(+2hd), Stealth 3, Submachine
Gun 4, Tactics 3.
Base Will 29


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Talent Powers (Cost: 150 Will Points)

Talent Powers (Cost: 100 Will Points)



Jos Keller (Circa 1943)

Luc Besont (Circa 1945)

Talent Powers (Cost: 113 Will Points)

Talent Power (Cost: 25 Will Points)

Heavy Armor (Qualities: Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat. 7 per Rank). 10 (Flaw: Only when holding
Aesgir -2/rank; 50 points).

Hyperskill: Spear (1/3/7) 2hd (Flaw: Only with Aesgir -1/-2/-4; Final Point Cost is 1/1/3; 2 points).

Teleport (Qualities: Robust, Useful Outside of Combat. Point Cost: 3/6/12). 10d (Extra: Maximum Capacity
+5/+10/+20. Flaw: Must travel the equivalent distance on
foot through Valhalla -1/-2/-4; Only when holding Aesgir -2/-4/-8; Side Effect: Teleport is accomplished by
traveling through a pocket dimension on foot; 50 points).
Break (Qualities: Attacks, Useful Outside of Combat,
Robust. 4/8/16). 10d (Flaw: Only when holding Aesgir
-2/-4/-8; 20 points).

Fetch (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of
Combat, Robust. Point Cost: 4/8/16). 2hd (Flaw: Can only
Fetch Aesgir -4/-8/-16; 2 points).

Age 22, Ht 54 Wt 120.

Nationality Dutch.
Education Home schooling.
Dependants None.
Motivations To free the Netherlands.
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2
Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 3
Skills Bluff 4, Brawling 3, Driving (Car) 1, Explosives 3, First
Aid 3, Grenade 3, Inspire 2, Languages (Dutch 2, English 1,
German 1), Lie 1, Machine Gun 1, Mental Stability 3, Pistol
2, Rifle 1, Stealth 1, Submachine Gun 2, Sight 3, Tactics 1.
Base Will 15

Control: Light (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful
Outside of Combat, Robust. 5/10/20) 7d+1wd (Frequent
Phenomena [Light]; +4/+8/+16; 99 points).

Perception (Quality: Robust. 2/4/8). 2hd (Flaw: Can
only see through his own Light-based Illusions; 4 points).

Combat Fugue (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust.
Point Cost: 4/8/16) 2hd (Flaw: Automatically activates
when in danger, -1/-2/-4. Side Effect: No recollection of actions while in Fugue. 12 points).

Go First 6 (Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust; 8
points per level; Attached to Combat Fugue, -1 per level; 42

Hyperstat: Body +9d (2/5/10) (Flaw: Attached to Combat Fugue, -1/-2/-4; 9 points).

Hyperstat: Coordination +9d (2/5/10) (Point Cost:
2/5/10. Flaw: Attached to Combat Fugue, -1/-2/-4; 9 points).

Instant Death (Qualities: Attacks, Robust. 3/6/12) 3hd
(Flaws: Attached to Combat Fugue, -1/-2/-4. Must touch
subject -1/-2/-4; 6 points).

Side Step (Qualities: Defends, Robust. 3/6/12) 2hd
(Flaw: Attached to Combat Fugue, -1/-2/-4. Final Cost:
2/4/8; 8 points).

Age 24, Ht 55 Wt 129.

Nationality French.
Education Home schooling.
Dependants None.
Motivations To kill Germans.
Body 2 Coordination 4 Sense 3
Brains 3 Command 2 Cool 5
Skills Blind Fighting 3, Brawling 2, Driving (Car) 2, Explosive 3, Grenade 4, Knife 4, Languages (French 3, German
3, English 2), Machine Gun 1, Mental Stability 4, Pistol 4,
Rifle 2, Stealth 5, Submachine Gun 4, Tactics 2.
Base Will 16
Invisibility (Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of
Combat, Robust. 4/8/16) 2hd (Extra: Unshakable +2/+4/+8.
Flaw: Must have eyes closed at all times -2/-4/-8; 16 points).

Jean Neuman (Circa 1943)

Age 22, Ht 51 Wt 109.

Nationality Belgian.
Education Schooling at Hasselt; university at Brussels.
Dependants None.
Motivations To unite the world through communism.
Body 1(10) Coordination 1(10) Sense 2
Brains 3 Command 2 Cool 2
Skills Bluff 2, Brawling 3, Driving (Car) 1, Explosives 2,
First Aid 3, Grenade 3, Inspire 2, Languages (Dutch 2, English 1, German 1), Lie 1, Machine Gun 1, Mental Stability
3, Pistol 2, Rifle 1, Submachine Gun 2, Tactics 1.
Base Will 18

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Generic Troops

Average Allied Officer

The following statistics can be used repeatedly to represent

standard troops.

Average Heer Offizier or SS Fhrer

Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 1

Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 3
Skills Brawling 1, Cryptography 2, Endurance 2, Explosives
2, Grenade 2, Language (German 2), Leadership 2, Machine Gun 2, Mental Stability 3, Mortar 2, Pistol 2, Radio
Operation 1, Rifle 2, Running 2, Stealth 1, Submachine gun
2, Tactics 2.
Base Will 5

Common Weapons (Choose One Plus Grenades)

P38 Walther Pistol (Capacity 8)

Damage: Width in killing and shock.
MP 40 Submachine Gun (Spray 2, Capacity 32)
Damage: Width+1 in killing, Width in shock.
Stielhandgranate 24 Stick Hand Grenade (Penetration/
Area: 3/4)
Damage: Width+1 in killing and shock + Area.

Average Heer Soldat

Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2

Brains 2 Command 1 Cool 3
Skills Brawling 2, Endurance 2, Explosives 1, Grenade 3,
Knife Fighting 2, Language (German 2), Machine Gun 3,
Mental Stability 2, Mortar 2, Pistol 2, Radio Operation 1,
Rifle 3, Running 2, Stealth 2.
Base Will 3

Common Weapons (Choose One Plus Grenades)

Gewehr 41 Rifle (Capacity 10)
Damage: Width+2 in killing and shock.
PO8 Luger (Capacity 8)
Damage: Width in killing and shock.
Panzerfaust 30 (Penetration/Area: 7/8).
Damage: Width+2 in killing and shock + Area.
Einhandgranate 39 (Penetration/Area: 2/4).
Damage: Width+1 in killing and shock.

Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2

Brains 2 Cool 2 Command 3
Skills Brawling 1, Climb 1, Cryptography 2, Endurance 1,
Explosives 2, Grenade 2, Knife Fighting 2, Language (Native
2, English 2), Leadership 3, Machine Gun 1, Map Reading 2,
Mortar 1, Navigation (Land) 2, Pistol 2, Radio Operation 1,
Rifle 2, Stealth 2, Submachine Gun 2, Survival 2, Tactics 2.
Base Will 5

Common Weapons (Choose One Plus Grenades)

.45 M1911A Semi-Automatic Pistol (Capacity 7)

Damage: Width+1 in killing, Width in shock.
Thompson Submachine Gun (Spray 3/0, Capacity 30)
Damage: Width+1 in killing, Width in shock.
Sten Submachine Gun (Spray 3, Capacity 32)
Damage: Width+1 in killing, Width in shock.
PPSh-41 Submachine Gun (Spray 4, Capacity 71)
Damage: Width+1 in killing, Width in shock.
M2A1 Pineapple Hand Grenade (Penetration/Area: 2/3)
Damage: Width+1 in killing and shock + Area.

Average Allied Infantryman

Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2

Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 2
Skills Brawling 2, Cryptography 1, Endurance 2, Explosives
1, Grenade 2, Language (Native 2), Leadership 2, Machine
Gun 2, Mental Stability 1, Mortar 2, Pistol 2, Radio Operation 1, Rifle 2, Running 2, Stealth 1, Submachine Gun 2,
Tactics 2.
Base Will 4

Common Weapons (Choose One Plus Grenades)

No. 1 Lee Enfield Rifle (Capacity 10, Slow 1)

Damage: Width+2 in killing and shock.
Tokarev SVT38 Rifle (Capacity 10, Slow 1)
Damage: Width+3 in killing, Width+2 in shock.
Carbine M1 (Capacity 15)
Damage: Width +2 in killing, Width+1 in shock.
M1903 A1 Springfield Rifle (Capacity 5, Slow 1)
Damage: Width+3 in killing, Width+2 in shock.
.45 M1911A Semi-Automatic Pistol (Capacity 7)
Damage: Width+1 in killing, Width in shock.
M2A1 Pineapple Hand Grenade (Penetration/Area: 2/3)
Damage: Width+1 in killing and shock + Area.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Open Source
Superhero Rules
Special Note

The text of this entire appendix (pp. 314343) is considered Open

Gaming Content and is hereby released under the Open Gaming
License. Nothing in this book except for the text of this appendix is
Open Gaming Content. See the relevant legal notices on p. iv.

Open Source Rules

The following rules are designed using the same basic task resolution system used by the worlds most popular fantasy role-playing
game. Theyre meant for use by people who like the idea of playing
superhero games like the one presented in this book, but dont
want to learn new rules. As such, weve tried to make them as complete as possible. However, in some cases where we didnt make
any conversions (such as the power creation rules) we simply refer
to the main text of the rules presented elsewhere in this book.

Another point that bears mentioning is that at times the
phrasing and references in this section may appear a bit vague or
strange. Remember that the entire concept of open-source gaming
is still relatively new and there are many legal questions that we
had to struggle with in producing these rules.

Basic Task Resolution

The open source rules, unlike the core rules presented in this book,
do not use a bell curve. Instead, the roll of a single, twenty-sided
die determines every action. If the die roll is greater than or equal
to a Difficulty Class (DC) chosen by the GM, the action succeeds.
If not, it fails. To reflect a characters training or the influence of the
environment on an action, such as trying to light a fire in a driving
rainstorm, we add or subtract modifiers from the roll. Positive modifiers increase the chance for success, while negative ones decrease it.

If two characters work against each other, then their players
both roll a d20, add any appropriate modifiers, and compare the
results. The character with the higher roll succeeds, while the
character with the low roll fails. This is called an opposed roll. An
opposed roll is typically described as an opposed roll between two
stats or two skills. In the case of a tie, the two opponents should
re-roll until their results are not equal.


Level of Difficulty
Trivially easy
Very difficult
Extremely difficult


A Note for Experienced Gamers

The following rules are based on the core engine that drives the
worlds most popular alliteratively titled fantasy role-playing game
(heretofore referred to as That Game). The rules are meant to be
fully compatible between the two games. In general, the rules presented here have much less detail than the rules your familiar with.
However, you can easily incorporate the skills, feats, and detailed
rules that you like from That Game without writing over anything
weve provided here for you.

In general, if the rules are already out there in That Games
main book, we tried to provide them in condensed form. In addition, you have to read the core superhero rules in this book,
primarily those relating to super powers, in order to fully understand the rules presented here. Again, we did not want to needlessly
duplicate rules that are already presented in this book.

A Note for Newbies

If you have no idea what we mean when we refer to That Game,

you should start with the main rules presented in this book and
wait until you actually play That Game to deal with these rules.

Wink-Wink, Nudge-Nudge

The open source rules presented here are completely playable in

their current form. However, this set of rules is aimed squarely at
people who play That Game and want to use the same rules engine
for superhero gaming. We count ourselves amongst that target
audience, and tried to craft a set of rules that spent more time

The text on this page is Open Game Content, and is distributed under the Open Gaming License v1.0a. Visit the Open Gaming Foundation at

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


giving you options and tools for running your own games rather
than needlessly regurgitating rules that you already know or that
are included in That Games main handbook. Things like rules for
freezing to death, starvation, poison, diseases, and so on arent covered here. The beauty of the open gaming movement for designers
is that we dont need to re-invent the wheel at every turn. The great
thing for gamers is that you only have to learn the rules once, and
if we do our job right you only end up paying for new rules, not
rehashes of stuff cut and pasted from previous works.

Obviously, we had to include basic rules on combat and character creation for complete newbies. Veteran gamers should read
over the sections on the Cool statistic, our take on free form skills,
feats, and experience, and, of course, the powers section.

Feel free to migrate rules from other open source games or
games that use similar engines. Weve tried to provide you with a
toolbox rather than authoritative rules. With a little work, you can
model almost any sort of comic book with these rules.

Character Creation

Characters are defined by the statistics, which represent in-born

talents and traits, skills, which represent training and knowledge
gained over time, and feats, special knacks and abilities that
represent capabilities unique to a particular character. In addition,
superheroes also possess Powers, Hyperskills, and Hyperstats to
reflect their super-human abilities. Finally, starting characters begin
at 1st level. As characters gain experience, their level increases.

1st-level characters are neophytes, recruits fresh out of training or heroes who only recently gained their powers. 10th-level
characters are hardened veterans or highly trained experts. 20thlevel characters are elite, world-class heroes or experts recognized
as innovators and trendsetters in their field of study.


A characters statistics describe his basic mental, physical, and social

aptitudes. Think of statistics as the abilities that a person is born
with. Some people are just naturally stronger than others, just like
some people have an outgoing and engaging personality and others
are blessed with excellent memories and finely tuned cognitive skills.
On the other hand, some people are cursed with weak muscles, poor
health, or bad eyesight. These open source superhero rules keep
track of seven different character statistics: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Cool. Most humans
have statistic values that range from 3 to 18, with 3 representing
an exceptionally weak stat and an 18 the pinnacle of natural human ability. A stat score of 10 or 11 represents the human average.
Scores above 11 give a character a bonus when attempting an action
related to the stat, while those below 10 give a penalty.

Heroes start out as relatively average people with 10 in each
stat. You then have 2 points to add to your stats however you wish,
adding one point to two stats or both points to a single stat. You
may then subtract points from some of your stats and redistribute
them amongst your other stats. Statistics are covered in more depth
later on in this chapter.


A characters skills describe the knowledge and training he has

picked up during the course of his lifetime. As a character masters
a skill, he gains more ranks in it. A beginner may have four ranks
in a skill, while a master may have over twenty. Starting characters
begin the game with 40 ranks to distribute amongst their skills.
A beginning character cannot have more than 4 ranks in any one
skill. In addition, you must spend four skill ranks to gain one rank
in a weapon or combat skill. Beginning characters may not have
more than one rank in any weapon skill.

Skills are covered in much more depth later on in this chapter.


Feats are unique abilities that a character possesses. They serve as

wild cards that let you focus on a few core abilities that are important to your character concept and as tools to help make your character unique. Power Stunts are feats related to specific super-human
powers. Beginning characters start with two feats.

Feats are described in their own section later on in this chapter. Power Stunts are described under Powers.

Secondary Statistics: Armor

Class, Hit Points, Saving Throws
Armor Class (AC) measures how well your character can avoid
attacks, including gunfire, kicks, and punches. A characters AC
is equal to 10 + the characters Dexterity modifier. Modifiers are
discussed in the Statistics section, while Armor Class is more fully
detailed under Combat.

Hit points measure how much physical damage a character
can absorb before falling unconscious and dying. A characters
starting hit points equal his Constitution score.
Saving Throws represent luck, instincts, and personal fortitude.
There are three types of saving throws:

Fortitude (Fort) saves represent a characters physical

endurance. Characters add their Constitution modifier
to their base Fortitude save.
Reflex (Ref) saves represent a characters reflexes, luck,
and speed. Characters add their Dexterity modifier to
their base Reflex save.
Will saves represent a characters mental resolve,
confidence, and inner-strength. Characters add their
Wisdom modifier to their base Will save.

Beginning characters start with three points to distribute amongst

their saves as they see fit.

Powers and Will

Finally, choose the superpowers that make your character a gifted

hero capable of super-human feats. Beginning characters start with
40 Power Points to spend on powers, Hyperstats, and Hyperskills.
See the Power Mechanics section for details on how to buy powers
and create new ones.

In addition, every superhero starts out with a Base Will stat
and a Will score (which are separate from the Will save). A character starts out with a Base Will score equal to his Cool modifier +
his Charisma modifier + 2. Your Base Will has a minimum starting
value of 1. Your Will score equals your Base Will at the start of play.

Normal humans only have a Base Will statistic. They do not
have, like superheroes, a Will stat that fluctuates up or down. This
special Will regulates the use of super-human abilities.

Inside the System: Character Generation

Characters in this game are meant to begin play as relatively

normal people blessed (or cursed, depending on your point of view)
with super-human powers. Thus, their stats tend to stay near the
human average. Veterans of games that use a similar engine will
notice that characters start play with quite a few skill ranks. However, these rules break down combat skills to a much finer degree
than most open source games and require the use of separate skills
for each firearm or weapon type. Consequently, combat intensive
characters have few general-purpose skills.

If you wish to increase the power level of characters in the
open source superhero rules, the following table provides some

The text on this page is Open Game Content, and is distributed under the Open Gaming License v1.0a. Visit the Open Gaming Foundation at

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



guidelines for starting Stat, Skill, and Power Points. Through these
rules, we use the 5 power levels listed below as benchmarks for you
to refer to in creating your own particular adaptation of the open
source superhero rules.

debate a point, or to intimidate someone.

Cool (Col) represents a characters mental stability and reliability.
Cool modifies rolls made to determine if a character can maintain
his composure in stressful situations.

Low-powered 2
Moderate-power 12
High-powered 20
Super-powered 40

Generating Statistics

Skills (Max)
10 (4/1)
10 (4/1)
20 (8/4)
30 (12/6)
40 (16/16)



Power Points

Mood: A brief description of the intended feel of your game.

Stats: Bonus points a player may add to his characters stats, with
all stats starting at 10 before adding any points.
Skills: Insert this number into the following formula to determine
a characters starting skills: Skills + Intelligence modifier X 4. The
values listed under Max are the maximum number of ranks that
a character may begin the game with in a particular skill. The
first number is the maximum rank in non-combat skills, while the
second one is the maximum ranks in combat skills.
Feats: The number of feats a character can choose to start out with.
Saves: Number of points to allocate to the three saving throws.
Power Points: Points available for Base Will, Hyperskills, Hyperstats, and Powers.


There are seven statistics in the open source superhero rules:

Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma,
and Cool. Each stat is rated from 3 to 18; with 3 the lowest possible score for a human and 18 the highest. In addition, each statistic also has a modifier that is derived from its score. To determine
a stats modifier, subtract 10 from the stat and divide by 2. If the
result is positive, round it down. If it is negative, round down to
the lower negative number. Be sure to note whether the modifier is
positive or negative. A negative modifier subtracts from a die roll,
reflecting your characters below average ability score. A positive
one adds to the roll, reflecting an above average ability.

Example: Jims character has Strength of 9. To determine

his Strength modifier, he subtracts 10 from 9 for a result
of 1. Dividing this by 2 yields 0.5. Since this value is
below zero, we round to the lowest number, -1. If Jims
characters Strength was 13, his modifier would be +1. 13
minus 10 is 3, divided by 2 is 1.5. Since the result is above
0, we round down to +1. Of course, we round down in
both cases, but rounding down can be a bit confusing
when looking at both positive and negative numbers.
Strength (abbreviated Str) represents a characters physical power. It can
modify rolls made for swimming, athletics, and hand to hand combat.
Dexterity (Dex) is a characters agility and reflexes. It can modify a
roll made to catch a thrown object, to hit a target with a rifle, or to
walk across a tightrope.
Constitution (Con) covers a characters toughness and endurance.
The higher a characters Constitution, the tougher he is to kill.
Intelligence (Int) describes a characters analytical, critical thinking, and memory abilities. Intelligence can modify a roll made to
decipher a code, solve a mathematical problem, or remember the
details of someones face.
Wisdom (Wis) covers a characters awareness, perception, and
common sense. It can modify rolls made to determine if someone
is lying, to notice a sniper hiding in a tree, or to hear the sounds of
someone trying to sneak past.
Charisma (Cha) represents a characters force of personality and
magnetism. Charisma modifies rolls made to convincingly lie, to


Characters in the basic version of these rules are meant to be run-ofthe-mill people who happen to develop super-human powers that set
them apart from the rest of humanity. Since 10 is the average human
statistic, every character starts with a 10 in each stat. You have 2 points
that you may add to your stats however you wish. In addition, for each
point that you reduce one of your stats, you may increase a different
stat by 1 point. No stat may go below 3, and no stat may go above 18.

Example: Jim decides that he wants to play a strong,

dumb ox of a street fighter. He notes that he starts with
10s in each stat. He decides to split his 2 free points between Strength and Constitution, raising each of them
to 11. He then drops his Intelligence from 10 to 8 and
allocates 1 point to Strength and 1 point to Constitution, bringing both those scores to 12. He then decides
to drop his Wisdom by 2 and pumps both points into
Strength, giving him a total of 14. His final stats are:
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10, Col 10
His stat modifiers are:
Str +2, Dex +0, Con +1, Int 1, Wis 1, Cha +0, Col +0

Using Statistics

Throughout these rules, when you are instructed to make an ability

check or to modify a roll with a stat, always add the stats modifier.
Never add the ability score to a die roll. Instead, add its modifier.

Inside the System: Stats

Veterans of games that use the same core system as these rules will
notice that we use the standard ability scores largely unchanged
and have added a new one: Cool. While most of the core stats in
the rules presented elsewhere in this book map rather well to the
open source system, Cool didnt fit in to any one ability. Furthermore, the grim and gritty nature of these rules makes

Cool a rather important stat. As such, we decided to include it
as a core statistic.


Over time, everyone picks up knowledge and talents either through

their own experiences or through formal schooling and training. Skills
represent knowledge that a character has picked up over time. Skills
operate much like stat modifiers. When your character tries to do
something that he is trained to do, his skill allows him to add a bonus
to his die roll. A character who is a trained marksman is much more
likely to hit a target than someone who has absolutely no training.

All skills are tied to a specific ability score. Typically, when
you use a skill, you roll a d20, add your rating in the skill, and
then add your modifier for the stat that is linked to that skill. If the
result is greater than or equal to the Difficulty Class chosen by the
GM, you successfully use the skill. Sometimes, two characters may
use skills against each other. For example, one character might use
the Hide skill to attempt to conceal himself in a bush while another
character tries to use a Spot skill to notice him. In this case, both
characters roll a d20 and add their skill bonus and appropriate stat

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


modifier. The character with the higher roll succeeds. In the above
example, if the character who tried to hide rolls higher, he manages to stay out of sight. If the character using the Spot skill rolled
higher, he notices the character lurking in the bush. In the case of a
tie, the two characters should each roll a d20 without adding any
modifiers. The high roller succeeds at the skill check. If this roll is
tied, too, keep rolling until the tie is broken.
Skills are rated by a rank, which functions much like a
stat modifier. A skill rank measures your mastery over a skill. The
higher your rank in a skill, the more adept you are with it. With
experience and training, you may increase your ranks in a skill.
In addition, each skill is tied to a specific statistic. For
example, a Mathematics skill would be tied to Intelligence. While
anyone can, with enough practice and work, master high-level
math, characters with a higher Intelligence have a natural advantage at it. When you use a skill, you roll a D20, add the ranks in
the skill, and add the modifier for the ability score tied to that skill.

Optional Rule: Roving Stat Modifiers

Sometimes, it makes sense to use a different statistic with a skill

than the one normally tied to it. For example, while Climbing is
a Strength based skill, there may be times when it makes sense to
modify a Climb check with a different stat. An expert mountaineer
who wants to estimate the difficulty of a given slope might use a
Climb check modified by Wisdom rather than Strength to get an
eyeballed estimate.

Shifting the links between a stat and a skill can lead to more
believable results. However, it does put more pressure on the GM
to make rulings on the fly, and it can cause disagreements over
which stat-skill combo is the best option in a given situation. This
optional rule is best suited for experienced GMs who dont mind
make judgment calls such as this rather often. The added flexibility
is often worth it if you can handle it. In fact, with the Cool stat
weve already hard coded a roving stat modifier into the rules,
though we tried to keep things rather simple and clear as to its
interaction with skills.

Skill Descriptions

The following skills are arranged by the stat they are linked to. For
example, since Climb is listed under Strength, add your Strength
modifier to the die roll whenever you use your Climb skill.

Strength Skills

Armed Combat#: Use this skill when fighting with a bayonet, knife,
club, or other hand weapon.
Brawl#: Use this skill to attack someone with your bare hands.
Climb: Use this skill to climb any vertical surface, such as a tree or
cliff face.
Jump: Use this skill to vault over a pit or jump over an obstacle.
Swim: Use this skill to swim across any body of water.

Dexterity Skills

Drive Vehicle*: If you take this skill, choose tank, car, or motorcycle.
You are trained in driving that particular type of vehicle. You may take
this skill more than once in order to drive more than one type of vehicle.
Heavy Weapons#: Use this skill to fire machine guns, bazookas,
and other squad support weapons.
Gunnery#: Use this skill to use vehicle-mounted weapons, such as a
tanks main gun or the cannons and machine guns on a fighter plane.
Hide: Use this skill to conceal yourself in cover out of the sight of others.
Pilot*: Use this skill to pilot an airplane.
Shoot#: Use this skill to hit a target with small arms, such as pistols, rifles, and submachine guns.
Sneak: Use this skill to move quietly.

Constitution Skills

Concentration: This skill allows you to resist pain and continue unimpeded despite any wounds you may have sustained. It also allows
you to maintain your mental acuity despite physical exhaustion.
Endurance: This skill allows you to run long distances, work hours
after others would have dropped from exhaustion, or go without
food or water.

Intelligence Skills

Knowledge*: This skill represents highly detailed training on a

specific subject, such as tactics or history. When you take this skill,
name the particular specialization that it covers. You can use this
skill to recall facts about that specialty. You may take this skill
more than once to represent training in multiple areas.
Language*: This skill represents linguistic training. Each time you
take this skill, pick a particular language that it represents. Everyone is assumed to begin the game completely fluent in their native
language. An American character, for example, does not need to
purchase this skill for English.
Spotter#: Use this skill to calculate targeting coordinates for longrange artillery barrages and other heavy weapons.

Wisdom Skills

Detect Lie: You may use this skill to determine if someone is lying
to you. Typically, Detect Lie is opposed by a Bluff skill check.
Listen: Use this skill to hear quiet sounds that might normally go
unheard. For example, you do not need the Listen skill to hear a
gun shot in the room next door. However, you may need to make
one to hear two people whispering one another in a nearby room.
Spot: Use this skill to pick out a hidden detail or to notice a hidden
item. This skill is most often used when searching a room or other
area for hidden items.

Charisma Skills

Bluff: This skill covers the fine art of telling believable lies.
Diplomacy: This skill covers persuasive speech and attempts to
forge friendly relationships with others. If you want to convince
someone to do something for you, use the Diplomacy skill.
Disguise: This skill covers the ability to pass yourself off as someone else. Part of this skill covers creating a convincing look, but
much of it represents your ability to properly act the part that you
are trying to portray.

Cool Skills

Unlike the other statistics, Cool has no skills associated with it.
However, during combat or any other stressful situation as determined by the GM, you use your Cool in conjunction with skill
checks normally modified by Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

Cool represents your mental stability and capacity for grace
under pressure. Characters with a high Cool might not perform
as well as other characters in relaxed, pressure-free environments.
While under fire or feeling intense pressure to perform, characters
with high scores in Cool perform best. The rules covering this use
of the Cool stat are detailed under Combat.

Trained vs. Untrained Skills

Anyone can attempt to talk their way past a guard, though obviously some people are more adept liars than others. On the other
hand, not everyone can attempt to pick a lock or translate a note
written in a foreign language. Some skills can be used by anyone,
even if they posses no ranks in that skill. These skills are called

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



untrained skilled. You do not need any particular training in order
to use untrained skills. In contrast, some tasks require at least a
basic knowledge or training. For example, if you have not studied
history, you cannot use the Knowledge (history) skill. These skills
are called trained skills. Characters with no ranks in a trained skill
cannot attempt to use that skill. Since they lack the basic training
needed to use the skill, they have no chance of successfully using
the skill. If your character has never studied medicine, he has no
chance to successfully operate on someone.

In the list of sample skills, each skill marked with a * is a
trained skill. Those not so marked are untrained skills.

Combat Skills

The skills in the above list marked with a # are combat skills. They are
most often used to determine if your character successfully hits a target
in combat. Combat skills work much like any other skill. The most
important difference between combat skills and regular skills is that it
is much harder to gain ranks in combat skills. Characters often start
the game with fewer ranks in combat skills than in non-combat ones.
Simply put, theres no replacement for combat experience.

Note that all combat skills are considered untrained. If you
attempt fight using a weapon with which you have no skill ranks,
you simply receive no skill bonus with that weapon. See the Combat section for more information.

Creating New Skills

The list presented here is by no means comprehensive. Instead,

think of it is a jumping off point to creating new skills that fit what
you want your character to do. Look over the skill list and use
the short description for each skill as a template for creating your
own. Once youve created a new skill, ask your GM to approve it.
The GM always has the final say in determining whether or not a
particular skill is too powerful.

In general, try to keep skills focused to one particular field or
specialty. College Education is too broad an area to be covered in
a single skill, but English Literature or Ancient History are both
perfectly valid skill options. As a rule of thumb, try to model skills
after either fields of study (zoology, nuclear physics) or vocational
skills (locksmithing, carpentry). Such fields are usually narrow
enough without being overly restrictive. Simply think of something
that you want your character to do, write a small description of it,
and submit the new skill to the GM for his approval.

Starting Skills

Beginning characters determine the number of skill ranks they have to

spread out amongst their skills according to the following formula:
10 + Intelligence modifier x 4 = starting skill points
Characters may spend up to 4 ranks in a skill when they are
starting out at level 1. Combat skills work a little different from
standard skills. A character may cash in 4 skill ranks for 1 rank in
a combat skill. In addition, starting characters may not have more
than 1 rank in any given combat skill.

When a character gains a level (see Experience and Improvement, below) he gains more skill ranks to spend and the maximum
number of ranks he may have in a skill increases:
10 + Intelligence modifier = skill points gained/level
X + 3 = Maximum ranks possible in a non-combat skill at level X.
X = Maximum ranks in a combat skill possible at level X.

Inside the System: Skills

Skills in these open source rules are meant to be the backbone of a

character concept. Skills dont just cover what a character can do,
they cover what he has done and where he wants to go. The basic
skill structure is meant to be flexible and simple. If youve played
other games that use this rules engine, youll notice that the skills
here are presented in much less detail. This is intentional.

Rather than use skills that require exact definitions and individual rules, skills here are meant to be more descriptive in nature.
While they lack the hard and fast rules of a more detailed set, skill
creation is very straight forward, allowing you to build custom
skills and generate exactly the sort of character that you want.

Obviously, some people might feel lost without more concrete
guidelines. In that case, we suggest that you use the skills presented
in products that use the same basic rule system as these rules.


Everyone has a special, unique talent or aptitude. While a characters stats and skills provide a basis for building a unique character,
there isnt that much difference between two characters with an18
Strength or 4 ranks in Auto Repair. Feats help make characters more
unique and help support rules for quirks and abilities that are part of
a character concept but that do not fit into either a stat or skill.

Feats come in several different flavors, below are a list of
sample feats and some guidelines for creating your own.

Sample Feats

Alertness: Gain a +2 bonus to all Listen and Spot checks.

Dodge: Gain a +1 AC bonus versus a single opponent that you
choose during your action.
Endurance: Gain a +4 bonus to any rolls made to engage in physical activity over an extended period of time.
Great Fortitude: Gain a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saves.
Improved Initiative: Gain a +4 bonus to initiative rolls.
Iron Will: +2 bonus to Will saves.
Lightning Reflexes: +2 bonus to Reflex saves.
Precise Shot: You do not suffer the 4 penalty for firing into melee.
Quick Draw: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as
a move-equivalent one.
Rapid Shot: Youre very skilled at firing bursts. Your first extra shot
incurs only a 1 penalty. All others still cause a 2 penalty to hit.
Skill Focus: You gain a +2 bonus when using a skill. You must
choose the skill when you take this feat, and you cannot change it
to a different skill. You may take this feat more than once to gain
skill focus with more than one feat.
Toughness: You gain +3 hit points. You may take this feat more
than once to gain more bonus hit points.
Weapon Focus: Chose a particular weapon, such as knife or rifle.
When using that weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to hit.
Power Stunt: This is not an individual feat, but rather a class of
feat related to Powers. Power Stunts are particular tricks that make
superpowers more effective in certain situations. They are described
in detail under the Power Mechanics section. Power Stunts are for
all intents and purposes merely feats that work with powers.

Custom Feats

The list above covers the basics of what feats can and cannot do.
The general guidelines of what a feat can do are:


If the feat is meant to work with a skill or any other die

roll that can come up multiple times in a game session,
it can provide no more than a +2 bonus.
A feat can nullify a penalty of up to 4. However, a

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


feat should not completely eliminate a penalty that a

character can willingly take to increase his chances of
dealing extra damage.
Feats that work with combat skills can never provide
more than a +1 bonus.
You cannot take a feat that provides a bonus to a roll
more than once.
You can take a feat more than once that provides a one-time bonus to a character or that applies to only one given skill or ability.
A feat can provide a +4 bonus if it does so only for a
single, strictly defined die roll type or a particular situation that a skill or stat check is called for.
Feats are always subject to GM approval and may be
retroactively rescinded at any time if, in the GMs judgment, the feat is too powerful.

To create a feat, design the feats mechanics using the above guidelines,
describe how the feat works in real world terms, and then describe it in
terms of how and why your character acquired it. Feats are meant to
help make your character an individual, and should be chosen to flesh a
PC out, not simply give him the most advantageous bonuses possible.

Gaining Feats

First level characters begin the game with 2 feats. After that, a
character gains a new feat when he chooses to spend experience
points to learn a new one.

Power Mechanics

Superhero powers work like skill or ability checks. Roll a d20, add
your ranks in the power, and compare the result to a Difficulty
Class chosen by the GM or dictated in the powers description. If
the result is greater than or equal to the DC, the power works. If
not, the power did not activate.


(TOTAL COST: 3 points per rank.)

The open source rules for Hyperstats work a little different than the
ones presented in the standard rules. The open source rules use a
slightly different set of statistics: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution,
Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Cool. Strength, Dexterity,
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma match the main rules Body,
Coordination, Brains, Sense, and Command, respectively. Subtract 5
from a core Hyperstats value to determine the equivalent ranks in the
corresponding open source stat. Obviously, to convert from an open
source stat to a core one add 5 to the open source Hyperstats ranks.

Cool translates directly over to the open source rules, while
Constitution has no analog. When converting a character, simply
cash out the points spent in Hyperconstitution and put them
towards Hyperbody or some other appropriate power. When converting from the core rules to the open source rules, spend points
on Hyper levels of Constitution if your character has Hyperbody,
to simulate his level of superior toughness.
Note: Secondary abilities listed at each level of a Hyperstat are
not cumulative. When you buy a Hyperstat at a certain level,
you only get the secondary abilities listed at that level, not the
benefits of all lower levels as well.
Hyperstats do not replace or directly enhance a characters existing
stats. Instead, they offer additional capabilities and bonuses that
apply in certain situations. For example, while a characters Strength
bonus is normally applied to both melee attacks and damage, Hyperstrength only gives a bonus to damage. Hyperstats and regular stat

bonuses DO NOT stack. Thus, a character with an 18 Strength and

Hyperstrength rank 3 does not get +16 damage in melee or a +16
bonus when using Strength-based skills. Instead, he only receives the
higher of the two bonuses, +12 for the Hyperstrength in this case.

Under several of the Hyperstat ranks, the descriptions note
that you have an effective stat of 18 or higher. So long as you have
a single Will point remaining, your statistic has that value for all
rules purposes. Simply replace your regular stat with the provided
Hyperstat when computing your ability modifier for skill checks,
attack rolls, and all other situations.

Inside the System: Hyperstats

Keep in mind that the Hyperstats were intentionally designed to deviate

from the standard stat progression presented here and in other games
that use similar engines. Simply scaling Hyperstats as extremely high
regular statistics would, in the case of Strength or Dexterity, lead to
extremely overpowered characters. Furthermore, we wanted the Hyperstats to give characters cool extra abilities, not just really high stats.


Hyperstrength allows a character to smash through walls with his bare

hands, kill a man with a single blow, or perform incredible athletic feats.
Lifting Heavy Loads with Hyperstrength: Hyperstrength allows a
character to left tremendous weights over his head with little effort.
Each rank of Hyperstrength gives the weight a hero with this Hyperstat could lift at DC 15. To compute the DC for weights below
this range, consult the following table:

400 800 lbs.
800 lbs. 1 ton
1 2 tons
2 4 tons
4 8 tons
8 12 tons
12 24 tons

1 DC

2 DC

3 DC

4 DC

5 DC

Add +10 to each DC for further doubling of the maximum weight

Obviously, many of these weights are far beyond the capabilities of
most heroes. However, keep in mind that when make a Hyperstrength
check to lift something, the hero may add his Hyperstrength bonus.

Rank 1 (DC 15 Lift 800lbs to 1 Ton)

You do not take damage when punching concrete,

metal, or other hard objects.
You deal +4 damage when attacking with your bare
hands or a melee weapon.
You gain a +4 bonus to all Strength checks and checks
made for Strength-based skills.

Rank 2 (DC 15 Lift 1 to 2 Tons)

You do not take damage when punching concrete,

metal, or other hard objects.
Your punches and kicks cause killing damage instead
of subdual damage.
You deal +8 damage when attacking with your bare
hands or a melee weapon.
You gain a +8 bonus to all Strength checks and checks
made for Strength-based skills.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Rank 3 (DC 15 Lift 2 to 4 Tons)

You do not take damage when punching concrete,

metal, or other hard objects.
Your punches and kicks cause killing damage instead
of subdual damage.
You deal +12 damage when attacking with your bare
hands or a melee weapon.
You gain a +12 bonus to all Strength checks and checks
made for Strength-based skills.

Rank 4 (DC 15 Lift 4 to 6 Tons)

You do not take damage when punching concrete,

metal, or other hard objects.
Your punches and kicks cause killing damage instead
of subdual damage.
You deal +16 damage when attacking with your bare
hands or a melee weapon.
You gain a +16 bonus to all Strength checks and checks
made for Strength-based skills.

Rank 5 (DC 15 Lift 6 to 10 Tons)

You do not take damage when punching concrete,

metal, or other hard objects.
Your punches and kicks cause killing damage instead
of subdual damage.
You deal +20 damage when attacking with your bare
hands or a melee weapon.
You gain a +20 bonus to all Strength checks and checks
made for Strength-based skills.


Hyperdexteritous heroes are known for their inhuman speed, stealth

and accuracy. This ability amplifies the response speed and control of
muscles, causing an incredible increase in motor skills. This increase
in response time of the muscles, does not, however, mean an increase
in the response time of the senses. The first step in avoiding an attack
is to see it coming; so being hyper-swift is often not enough...

Rank 1

You gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC. Note that if

you are caught flat-footed, you lose this bonus.
You gain a +4 bonus to hit when firing a projectile weapon.
Your base move is 35 ft. per round.

Rank 2

You gain a +8 dodge bonus to your AC. Note that if

you are caught flat-footed, you lose this bonus.
You gain a +8 bonus to hit when firing a projectile weapon.
Your base move is 40 ft. per round.

Rank 3

You gain a +12 dodge bonus to your AC. Note that if

you are caught flat-footed, you lose this bonus.
You gain a +12 bonus to hit when firing a projectile weapon.
Your base move is 45 ft. per round.

Rank 4


You gain a +16 dodge bonus to your AC. Note that if

you are caught flat-footed, you lose this bonus.

You gain a +16 bonus to hit when firing a projectile weapon.
Your base move is 50 ft. per round.

Rank 5

You gain a +20 dodge bonus to your AC. Note that if

you are caught flat-footed, you lose this bonus.
You gain a +20 bonus to hit when firing a projectile weapon.
Your base move is 55 ft. per round.


Characters with Hyperconstitution can endure conditions that

would kill a normal human. Intense pain, extreme cold, and starvation all do little to faze a hero with this Hyperstat.

Rank 1

You have an effective Constitution of 18.

You need only 4 hours of sleep each night.

Rank 2

You have an effective Constitution of 26.

You need only 2 hours of sleep each night.
You are immune to all diseases.

Rank 3

You have an effective Constitution of 34.

You need only 8 hours of sleep each week.
You are immune to all diseases.
You are immune to all noxious gases.

Rank 4

You have an effective Constitution of 42.

You need only 4 hours of sleep each week.
You are immune to all diseases.
You are immune to all noxious gases.
You are immune to all poisons.

Rank 5

You have an effective Constitution of 50.

You need only 4 hours of sleep each month.
You are immune to all diseases.
You are immune to all noxious gases.
You are immune to all poisons.
You are not harmed by radioactivity.


Characters with Hyperintelligence have a tremendous capacity for

absorbing experiences and knowledge with perfect recall. Bonuses
to skill points gained from Hyperintelligence stack with a characters bonus skill points gained from the Intelligence stat.

Rank 1

You have photographic memory that includes sounds

and smell as well as sight.
You gain +8 skill points at first level.
You gain +2 skill points per level.
You gain a +2 competence bonus to all skills based on Intelligence.
You may purchase the All Knowledge skill, described below.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


There is no limit to the number of ranks you may purchase in Intelligence-based skills.

Rank 2

You have photographic memory that includes sounds

and smell as well as sight.
You gain +16 skill points at first level.
You gain +4 skill points per level.
You gain a +4 competence bonus to all skills based on Intelligence.
You may purchase the All Knowledge skill, described below.
You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.
Every memory of every event ever experienced by you
is accessible by your conscious mind.
There is no limit to the number of ranks you may purchase in Intelligence-based skills.

Rank 3

You have photographic memory that includes sounds

and smell as well as sight.
You gain +24 skill points at first level.
You gain +6 skill points per level.
You gain a +6 competence bonus to all skills based on Intelligence.
You may purchase the All Knowledge skill, described below.
You have a photographic memory and can recall anything you have sensed.
You can make a nearly photographic drawing of anything you have seen.
You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.
There is no limit to the number of ranks you may purchase in Intelligence-based skills.

Rank 4

You have photographic memory that includes sounds

and smell as well as sight.
You gain +32 skill points at first level.
You gain +8 skill points per level.
You gain a +8 competence bonus to all skills based on Intelligence.
You may purchase the All Knowledge skill, described below.
You have a photographic memory and can recall anything you have sensed.
You can make a nearly photographic drawing of anything you have seen.
You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.
There is no limit to the number of ranks you may purchase in Intelligence-based skills.
You can consider intellectual problems even while asleep.
You may use Intelligence-based skills while sleeping.

Rank 5

You have photographic memory that includes sounds

and smell as well as sight.
You gain +40 skill points at first level.
You gain +10 skill points per level.
You gain a +10 competence bonus to all skills based on Intelligence.
You may purchase the All Knowledge skill, described below.
You have a photographic memory and can recall anything you have sensed.
You can make a nearly photographic drawing of anything you have seen.
You can calculate figures as fast as a supercomputer.
There is no limit to the number of ranks you may pur-

chase in Intelligence-based skills.

You can consider intellectual problems even while
asleep. You may use Intelligence-based skills while
sleeping, opting to take 10 or 20 as appropriate.

The All Knowledge Skill

With your incredibly precise powers of memory and recall, you

literally have memorized entire libraries. You may use any and all
Intelligence-based skills as if you were trained in them. However, you
may only add your base Intelligence bonus, not your Hyperintelligence bonus, to the roll (in this case, its more a matter of dumb luck
that youve managed to read a book on the relevant subject or not).

However, if you have explicitly stated that your character has
read a set of books that cover a particular field of knowledge, you
may use the All Knowledge skill with your Hyperintelligence bonus.


Characters with Hyperwisdom cannot necessarily detect things outside of the human range of perception, but can utilize those senses
with a much higher level of accuracy, skill and ability.

Rank 1

Your sense of smell is so sharp that you may track

people by their scent. You gain 4 ranks in the Scent
skill. Scent is a Wisdom-based skill. You may spend
skill ranks to improve your Scent skill.
Your vision and hearing are extremely acute. You gain 4
bonus ranks in Listen and Spot. These bonus ranks may
stack with ranks purchase during character creation and can
take your ranks in the relevant skills above the maximum
normally allowed for your level. However, you may still only
purchase as many ranks in the skills as allowed by your level.
You have an effective Wisdom score of 18 for all purposes.

Rank 2

Your sense of smell is so sharp that you may track

people by their scent. You gain 6 ranks in the Scent
skill. Scent is a Wisdom-based skill. You may spend
skill ranks to improve your Scent skill.
Your vision and hearing are extremely acute. You gain 6
bonus ranks in Listen and Spot. These bonus ranks may
stack with ranks purchase during character creation and can
take your ranks in the relevant skills above the maximum
normally allowed for your level. However, you may still only
purchase as many ranks in the skills as allowed by your level.
You have an effective Wisdom score of 26 for all purposes.

Rank 3

Your sense of smell is so sharp that you may track

people by their scent. You gain 8 ranks in the Scent
skill. Scent is a Wisdom-based skill. You may spend
skill ranks to improve your Scent skill.
Your vision and hearing are extremely acute. You gain 8
bonus ranks in Listen and Spot. These bonus ranks may
stack with ranks purchase during character creation and can
take your ranks in the relevant skills above the maximum
normally allowed for your level. However, you may still only
purchase as many ranks in the skills as allowed by your level.
You have an effective Wisdom score of 34 for all purposes.
You can read printed materials by touch alone.
You can hear individual heartbeats from 20 feet away.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Rank 4

Your sense of smell is so sharp that you may track people by their
scent. You gain 10 ranks in the Scent skill. Scent is a Wisdombased skill. You may spend skill ranks to improve your Scent skill.
Your vision and hearing are extremely acute. You gain 10
bonus ranks in Listen and Spot. These bonus ranks may
stack with ranks purchase during character creation and can
take your ranks in the relevant skills above the maximum
normally allowed for your level. However, you may still only
purchase as many ranks in the skills as allowed by your level.
You have an effective Wisdom score of 42 for all purposes.
You can read printed materials by touch alone.
You can hear individual heartbeats from 60 feet away.
You are never caught flatfooted.

Rank 5

Your sense of smell is so sharp that you may track

people by their scent. You gain 12 ranks in the Scent
skill. Scent is a Wisdom-based skill. You may spend
skill ranks to improve your Scent skill.
Your vision and hearing are extremely acute. You gain a
+12 bonus ranks in Listen and Spot. These bonus ranks may
stack with ranks purchase during character creation and can
take your ranks in the relevant skills above the maximum
normally allowed for your level. However, you may still only
purchase as many ranks in the skills as allowed by your level.
You have an effective Wisdom score of 50 for all purposes.
You can read printed materials by touch alone.
You can hear individual heartbeats from 100 feet away.
You are never caught flatfooted.
Your senses are so keen that you can operate in the
dark is if it were full daylight.


This is the power that scares governments more than anything else.
Hypercharisma is more than simply powerful rhetorical skills. People listening to orators with Hypercharisma often have lowered heart rates, decreased blink rates and other symptoms of hypnosis. Naturally, nothing
scares a normal leader more than someone with parahuman charisma,
who can make the most suicidal or irrational command seem attractive.
These effects rarely last, and often fade over time, if the hero cannot
continuously re-apply his Charisma Hyperstat attacks to the target.

Unlike Hypercool, the stat levels gained from Hypercharisma
do not provide additional Will.

The primary limitation to Hypercharisma is comprehension. A
human superhero with Hypercharisma cant convince a visiting extraterrestrial to do anything if the alien doesnt understand English.
Similarly, individuals who have been deafened (by an explosion, for
example) cannot be swayed with Hypercharisma.

Rank 1

Your effective Charisma is 18.

You may take 20 when using a Charisma-based skill with
a single person friendly towards you. You may not take
20 against those who are hostile towards or afraid of you.

Rank 2

Your effective Charisma is 26.

Rank 3

Rank 4

Your effective Charisma is 42.

When using Charisma-based skills against anyone, even
someone who is afraid of or hostile towards you, you
may take 20. However, taking 20 now only consumes 1
minute when using your Hypercharisma stat.
You may use Charisma-based skill such as Diplomacy
or bluff against crowds of 250 or fewer people.
You may issue one word commands against a single
person who is friendly towards you. That person must
make a Will save (DC 15). If the target fails, he immediately obeys your one word command.

Rank 5

Your effective Charisma is 50.

When using Charisma-based skills against anyone, even
someone who is afraid of or hostile towards you, you
may take 20. However, taking 20 now only consumes 1
minute when using your Hypercharisma stat.
You may use Charisma-based skill such as Diplomacy
or bluff against crowds of 250 or fewer people.
You may issue one word commands against a single
person who is friendly towards you. That person must
make a Will save (DC 20). If the target fails, he immediately obeys your one word command.
You may issue one word commands against a single
person who is hostile or neutral towards you. That person must make a Will save (DC 15). If the target fails,
he immediately obeys your one word command.


Some of the subtlest heroes are those whose powers are internal, not
external. Characters who are inhumanly Cool seem eerily composed
in almost any circumstance. Some Hypercools dont even register
as super-humans during mundane government tests, because the
attributes of hero-level Cool primarily consist of self-knowledge and

Much like the Cool stat, the Hypercool power functions a little
differently than the other Hyperstats. At each rank of Hypercool,
you gain a Cool modifier that replaces your Cool stat modifier in all
situations. Remember, the effects under each rank do not stack. If
you advance your Hypercool rating from rank 2 to rank 3, the abilities listed under rank 3 replace those listed under rank 2. You do not
add any modifiers or stack any bonuses that the two ranks give you.

Rank 1


Your effective Charisma is 34.

When using Charisma-based skills against anyone, even
someone who is afraid of or hostile towards you, you
may take 20. However, taking 20 now only consumes 1
minute when using your Hypercharisma stat.
You may use Charisma-based skill such as Diplomacy
or bluff against crowds of 100 or fewer people.

Your Cool modifier is +4.

You can use your Cool modifier in place of your Constitution modifier when making any skill checks or other
rolls. You can literally ignore pain and other discomfort.
+1 Base Will points.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


You gain a +2 bonus when rolling initiative.

in Auto Repair to bring it up to +5, the maximum normally allowed for second level characters. In addition, he
could spend more Power Points to further boost his Auto
Repair Hyperskill. Even though Henry might have the
Auto Repair Hyperskill, he still cant fix a jeep if he doesnt
have any tools or spare parts, or if the jeep is a shattered,
burning pile of wreckage, unless the GM rules otherwise.

Rank 2

Your Cool modifier is +8.

You can use your Cool modifier in place of your Constitution modifier when making any skill checks or other
rolls. You can literally ignore pain and other discomfort.
+2 Base Will points.
You gain a +4 bonus when rolling initiative.

Rank 3

Your Cool modifier is +12.

You can use your Cool modifier in place of your Constitution modifier when making any skill checks or other
rolls. You can literally ignore pain and other discomfort.
+3 Base Will points.
You gain a +6 bonus when rolling initiative.

Rank 4

Your Cool modifier is +16.

You can use your Cool modifier in place of your Constitution modifier when making any skill checks or other
rolls. You can literally ignore pain and other discomfort.
+4 Base Will points.
You gain a +8 bonus when rolling initiative.

Rank 5

No stimulus, no matter how terrible affects you unless you

wish it to. You are completely immune to Mental Fatigue.
Your Cool modifier is +20
You can use your Cool modifier in place of your Constitution modifier when making any skill checks or other
rolls. You can literally ignore pain and other discomfort.
+5 Base Will points.
You gain a +10 bonus when rolling initiative.


(TOTAL COSTS: 1 point per rank.)

Having super-human-sized levels of a given skill does not expand what

you can do with it. It just expands how well you can use it. A character
with a Hyperskill in Rifle might be a phenomenally good shot, but he
cant hit a target hiding behind a wall. A character with Hyperskill in
Bluff might be able to convince someone that the world really is flat, but
he cannot mentally control his target and force him to do his bidding.

Normally, heroes cannot have skills higher than three plus their
current level. Hyperskills allow you to circumvent that restriction. A
Hyperskills rating does not count towards the maximum ranks you
are allowed to have in a skill. In addition, when you gain a level you
may purchase ranks in a skill while also spending Power Points to
boost your Hyperskill rating. When using a Hyperskill, roll a d20 as
normal, add your skill ranks, and then add your Hyperskill rating.

The GM has final say on whether a character can attempt an
action with his Hyperskill.

Example: Henry Ace Darlington is a first level hero with

the Auto Repair Hyperskill. Henry has four ranks in the
Auto Repair skill, the maximum normally allowed for first
level characters. In addition, he has eight ranks in the Auto
Repair Hyperskill. When Henry tries to fix a jeep, he gets
to add 12 to his d20 roll (+4 for his skill ranks, +8 for his
Hyperskill). At second level, Henry can invest a skill point

Powers (aka Miracles)

On a concept level, powers work the same in the open source rules
as they do in the core rules. You may either purchase a power from
the provided list, or you may create one from scratch.

Optional Rule: Powers and

Power Stunts

Power Stunts are a specific type of feat. They serve to give you a
bonus in particular situations for which you have honed the use of
a power or to reflect the specific nature of your abilities. All Power
Stunts follow the same structure: They give you a +2 bonus when
using a power under specific circumstances.

Example Power Stunts

Here are the open-source adaptations of the example Power Stunts in

the main rules. In addition, the sample powers include Power Stunts specifically designed to work with them. Feel free to use those as templates
for new Power Stunts and ones designed to work with new powers.

The more general the conditions under which the Power Stunt
works, the more powerful the Power Stunt. To balance this, your power
should either receive a 2 penalty in conditions equally common and
important as the conditions under which the Power Stunt operates.

Each Power Stunt only works with one power. You may purchase
more than one Power Stunt per power, and you may purchase the same
Power Stunt for more than one power. Power Stunt bonuses do not stack.
No Pressure: When using your power under friendly circumstances, free
of any pressure, you add a +2 bonus to your power check. This reflects
the joy you find using your power when your life is not on the line. Combat or stress of any type negates the possibility of using this Power Stunt.
Under Pressure: Youve grown accustomed of pushing your power to its
very limits when under stress. When in combat add a +2 bonus to your
power check. However, only the adrenaline of severe stress allows you
to push your power limits, and this ability cannot be used without it.
Solar Powered: When under the light of the sun, you receive a +2
Power Stunt bonus to your power check. This bonus is reduced
to +0 during dusk or early morning, and becomes a 2 penalty at
night. While your power is not actually driven by sunlight, your
confidence and faith in your power is shaken at night.

Powers for the Gourmet

To create a new power, simply use the standard rules presented

earlier in this bookbuilding with the power qualities Attacks,
Defends, Robust, and Useful Outside of Combatwith the following modifications:

The open-source rules have no equivalent to hard

and wiggle dice. Instead, the cost per rank in a power
equals the cost for a regular die. Thus, a power that
costs 5 points per die in the standard rules costs 5
points per rank in the open-source ones.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Some powers, such as Dead Ringer listed below, are always in effect or require a single use the results of which
may be sufficient in one situation but not up to the task
in another one. For example, Dead Ringer allows a hero
to assume the likeness of another person. Once the hero
has used the ability, he doesnt need to keep checking
against it maintain his disguise. For powers that activate
once and last an extended period of time or that are in
continual operations (such as a power that allows a hero
to breathe underwater) you must pay a flat cost to purchase the power rather than investing points to purchase
ranks in it. To determine the cost of a flat cost power,
compute the cost needed to buy one regular die and one
wiggle die for your power. This is the flat purchase cost
of that power in the open-source rules. Since a regular
die plus a wiggle die guarantees success in the rules
presented earlier, they are used as the equivalent cost of
a continuously operating power in the open-source ones.
Always check with your GM when designing a new power.
In addition, your GM has the right to modify a power
should it prove to be unbalancing. Try to use the sample
powers listed below as guidelines when designing your own.

Cafeteria-Style Powers

The following powers are buffet style powers, ones you can
pick and choose ready-made, for those of you who dont want to
construct your own powers, or who want to get some ideas before
setting pencil to paper.

As presented these powers are in their most basic form. Feel
free to modify them with Extras, Flaws or Power Stunts as you see
fit. The examples listed with each power are by no means the only
Qualities, Extras, Flaws or Power Stunts available with the power.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank).

You are stupidly lucky. Things just tend to go your way. If you choose
you can add up to your total ranks in Aces to the normal d20 roll for
any of your actions, be it an attack roll, or skill or stat check. Aces may
also be used to modify a critical threat check. You can decide whether to
add your Aces ranks after you see what youve already rolled.

Now for the bad part, Aces is expensive, sometimes very
expensive. Every Aces rank used costs 1 Will point; this point is not
risked but must be spent from the characters pool of Will points.
In addition any action that is made to succeed by Aces never yields
a Will reward, no matter the circumstances. So, if you roll a 20
with your Aces, you dont get the 1 Will point reward you would
normally get for the use of almost any other power.

When used in combat, Aces, unlike other modifiers, may be used
to cause a critical threat. Thus, if a character with Aces rolls a 16, he
may use a +4 Aces bonus to bump the die roll to 20 and a critical threat.

Example: Johan has five ranks in Aces. When Johan

decides to use his Aces power, he can opt to receive a
bonus ranging from +1 to +5 on his skill check. If Johan
opts to use his +5 bonus to bump a Hide skill check
from 13 to 18, he must immediately spend 5 Will points.

Power Stunts for Aces:

Focus: You can add youre a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your Aces dice pool
when you are trying to affect the outcome of a very specific event, but
only if that event is taking place outside of combat. Combat precludes the
concentration necessary for this ability. Will costs remain the same.


Extras for Aces:

Contagious (+4 points per rank): If you wish friendlies within 10

feet of you gain your Aces bonus with their actions as well. However, the Will costs for each Aces rank used is multiplied by the
number of people affected.
Flamboyant (1 Power Point): Your power acts in dramatic and
very noticeable ways. Your bullets miss, then ricochet off walls and
hit their intended targets anyway, your grenade lands right in the
open hatch of the oncoming tank after bouncing off a conveniently
placed overhanging sign, your gun just seems to go off by accident
at random, killing enemies in concealed locations.
Force of Will (+4 points per rank): You can focus your Aces power on
someone else to affect the outcome of a die roll. Concentrate for a round;
spend 5 Will, and the person or event you choose gets your Aces bonus.
You must still pay normal Will costs as per the Aces power above.


Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

Your power can alert you to the presence of specific danger. You may
use it to detect the possibility of attack in a certain situation by concentrating for one round and rolling a power check. If you fail to beat the
DC of the power check, Alert cannot be used again to determine the
danger level of that same situation or location for about 12-24 hours.

To determine the DC of an Alert power check, consult the following chart:

DC 10 A general feeling of danger is indicated.
DC 15 Time remaining before the danger is indicated in
general terms (seconds, minutes, hours).
DC 20 General power level of attack indicated in general
terms (a platoon of soldiers, a tank, a sniper etc...).
DC 25 Both time and power level are indicated.
DC 30 General power level, direction and time of danger is indicated.

Power Stunts for Alert:

Deep Concentration: You can add a +2 Power Stunt bonus your

Alert power check any time you spend an hour in peaceful meditation before making the roll.

Extras for Alert:

Detailed (+2 points per rank): With a successful roll your power
gives you a detailed idea of the danger facing you. Although certain
details elude you, (the names, ranks, units and such of your enemy),
other details are quite clear, such as their armament, placement and
level of preparation.

Flaws for Alert:

Dreams (-2 points per rank): The power only works in your sleep,
the night before an attack. You only receive a bad feeling the
next day about some specific location, nothing more, despite the
result of your power check.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

Your power can constrict a target, limiting its mobility. Whether you
create a sticky webbing or a telekinetic rope to Bind the target makes

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


no difference, the result is the same-your target is bound. In order to
use this power against a target, make a power check opposed by either
a Dexterity or Strength check (targets choice). Success indicates that
you have successfully grabbed and bound your target. Bound targets
lose their Dexterity bonus to AC and may not move. Make a power
check opposed by the targets Dexterity or Strength check each round
to maintain your grip on him. Maintaining your grip on someone with
the Bind power is a full round action. If you choose to take any other
actions, you immediately release anyone held captive with this power.

You may choose to use the Bind power to grab an item from
your opponents hand. To do so, make a Bind power check opposed by a Strength check. Success indicates that youve grabbed
the item out of your targets hand.

Bind may also be used to inflict damage on a target. Grabbing
a target with the Bind power with the intent to do damage is somewhat more difficult than simply grabbing him and holding him still,
however. Your Bind power check suffers a 2 circumstance penalty
in any round in which you choose to inflict damage on a target.
The Bind power inflicts a base 1d6 points of damage.

You can attempt to use Bind on more than one target per round.
Simply divide your ranks in Bind amongst each target you wish to affect and make your opposed power versus Strength or Dexterity check
as normal. You may change how you have allocated your Bind ranks
to each target every round you use it against multiple targets.

Finally, Bind may be used to make grapple or trip attacks. Simple
substitute your ranks in Bind for both your base attack bonus and
your Strength or Dexterity modifiers. The victims of a Bind trip attack
do not get an automatic trip attack against you if you fail to trip him.

Example: Paul has Bind at +6 and he sees a guard armed

with a submachine gun before the guard sees him. Paul wishes to disarm the guard with his goop, so he decides to grab
the SMG out of the guards hand. Paul makes a power check
and rolls a 12, resulting in a total result of 18. The guards
strength is 12. He rolls a 7, for a total result of 8. Pauls
power grabs the gun and tears it from the guards hands.

Example: Paul wants to strangle a guard with his
power. He rolls a 10 for his power check, +6 for his
power ranks, and 2 circumstance penalty, for a total
result of 14. The guard rolls 15 and adds +1 for his
Strength modifier, resulting in a 16. The guard breaks
away from Pauls attack before he inflicts any damage.
Example: Paul wants to pin two guards with his power.
The GM described one of the guards as a hulking brute,
and the other as a puny wimp. Paul has 6 ranks in Bind,
so he decides to break up his ranks against the two targets
like this: +4 versus the big guard and +2 against the small
one. He rolls a 12 for his power check against the bigger
guard, for a total of 16, and an 8 against the smaller one,
for a total of 10 against him. The big guards Strength
check totals 11, while the smaller ones Dexterity check
(since the smaller guard had a Strength penalty by a Dexterity bonus, the GM decided to resist Pauls Bind power
with the smaller guards Dexterity) comes up a total of 9.
Both guards are caught helpless in Pauls Bind power. On
the next round, Paul can decide to allocate a +3 bonus to
each of his power checks against the guards, break it up
as +1 and +5, or any other combination of +6, so long as
both modifiers are positive numbers.

Power Stunts for Bind:

Trip: Add youre a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your Bind power

check when attempting to trip a moving target by binding its legs.

Make this as a normal trip attack, except that the target cannot
attempt to trip you.

Extras for Bind:

Physical Stuff (+1 point per rank): Your power creates a substance
or object that it binds with. This material is real, and remains
behind even after you release your bind.

Flaws for Bind:

Poof (-2 points per rank): Look away from your targets even for a
second and the Bind you have on them immediately vanishes.


Qualities: Defends, Robust. (3 points per rank.)

You can stop a single attack with your power. This attack must be
against you; you cannot block attacks directed at others. It can be
any type of individual attack, a machete, a bullet or a punch, but
your power cannot affect Area attacks such as fire or gas, or attacks
composed of many smaller attacks, like grenade fragments, explosives or mines. You cannot stop more than one attack per round, but
how your Block works is up to you. Whether you use Telekinesis,
a super-strong arm or beams from your eyes to deflect the attack
matters very little, the result is the same: The attack is blocked. You
cannot move in the round in which you attempt to Block.

You can only use your Block if you know you are in danger of
being attacked and if you can see the attacker. In other words, you
could Block a rifle attack by a man standing and shooting at you,
but not a sniper shot.

To Block an attack, make a power check opposed by your opponents attack roll. In essence, you are rolling a new Armor Class
for the attack. Note that even if your Block power roll doesnt beat
your opponents attack, he still doesnt hit if his roll doesnt beat
the targets AC.

Power Stunts for Block:

Exceptional Block: Your Block works much more effectively

against a single type of weapon attack (bullets, knives, fists, etc...).
When you are attacked by that particular type of weapon, add a +2
Power Stunt bonus to you Block power roll.

Extras for Block:

Blind Block (+2 points per rank): Your power automatically intercepts the strongest attack coming at you in any round, and even
works in the dark.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of

Combat. (5 per rank.)

With your power, you can isolate and separate certain elements or
attacks. Whether it represents an inherent control over a type of
chemical or a telekinetic shield is no matter, the effect is the same: you
contain something in a limited area through your willpower alone.

Containment differs from Block in that it cannot stop sudden
incoming attacks such as bullets or knives. If given sufficient time
to react however, it could stop such attacks. Think of it as a mental
shield that is built through concentration, while Block is a defensive
reflex. Containment is treated as a dynamic contest between the
power and the element, object or being it is trying to contain.

With Containment a hero might be able to isolate an explosion in an area, protecting those outside his shield, stop an oncoming wave of water, block a fusillade of bullets (by making a shield
before being fired at), keep one soldier separate from another, or
contain a cloud of poisonous gas. The shield is a singular uncom-

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



plicated two-dimensional object, and cannot have more than six
sides. Containment lasts a number of minutes equal to your ranks
in this power. Expending Will points in a 1 Will point to 1 minute
of Containment ratio may extend this duration.

Containment may be used to cover one medium-sized creature
or object. In order to cover a larger sized object, impose a 2
circumstance penalty on the power check for each size step above
medium. You do not receive any bonus for Containing objects or
creatures smaller than medium size.

To stop or contain objects that are in motion, you must overcome the objects weight according to the DC table below:


Weight/Size Affected
<100-210 pounds
210-250 pounds
250-370 pounds
370-500 pounds
500-800 pounds
800 pounds-1 ton
1-2 tons
2-4 tons
4-10 tons

When used to deflect attacks, you can generate a shield with a total
number of hit points equal to the result of your power check. You may
create a new shield every round, thus replenishing it against enemy attacks. Such a shield can cover a five foot tall by five foot wide area, plus
five feet for every 2 penalty you take on the Containment power check.

Power Stunts for Containment:

Shield Focus: You may add a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your power check
if you spend a round taking no action other than gathering your will
and preparing your shield before activating your Containment power.


Phenomena are general physical effects, such as temperature, gravity,

light and humidity. You can control them by concentrating one round
and making a successful power check. The range of such effects are
up to you, as long as the effects are within sight range. You can affect
individual objects and precise areas. The effect of your power lasts for
up to a number of rounds equal to your ranks in Control, and you
may increase or decrease the phenomenons intensity with a successful
power check (DC +5 per 50%, see table below). Once you have rolled
you can discard any amount of change, in effect lessening your ability
if you want (pulling your punch, so to speak). As a rule of thumb,
each 100% increase in a phenomenon such as gravity deals 1d2 points
of damage to targets in the affected area. Targets in an area affected by
Control take this damage on the heros initiative count.

Damage from this power ignores hardness. Once this power is
activated, the hero may not move the effect around. If a target gets
out of the affected area, the hero must stop his previous use of this
power and re-activate it on the area where his target now stands.

A hero using Control may take no other actions except maintain
his concentration while the power is in effect. If the heros concentration is broken, the Control power immediately ceases to work.


Actual Physical Boundary (+2 points per rank): Your power generates a real physical boundary, such as a wall, a container or another
real object to contain materials within. Once created, these containers remain behind for the number of minutes equal to your ranks in
Containment, and then they vanish.

No liquids or gas (-1 per rank): Your power cannot contain liquids or gas.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

You can manipulate a particular phenomena, element or life form

with your power. You can increase or decrease physical phenomena, change the states of particular elements, or dictate the action
of a particular creature through the force of your will alone.

First, you must pick what you can control. Consider the following chart to determine your powers cost.

Cost Addition
Frequency Control of (Pick One):
All the
Air Pressure, Temperature,
Humidity, Gravity, Light.
Common Electricity, Common elements
(iron, carbon etc...), Animals
Plants, Particular Animals,


Area of Effect
1 foot radius
5 foot radius
10 foot radius
15 foot radius
20 foot radius
25 foot radius
+5 foot radius
Example: Dan has Control Gravity at +6, and he attacks
a bank robber with it. Dan only wants the robber to suffer
the ill effects as he increases his gravity, so he decides to
crank up the gravity by 100% in a 5 foot radius. Consulting the table above, Dan must beat a DC of 20 with his
power check (DC 10, +10 for the 100% increase) and he
rolls a 17 + 6 for a total of 23, good enough to activate his
power. Dan can increase the gravity of the robber by 200%
for 6 minutes, dealing 1d2 points of damage per round.

Extras for Containment:

Flaws for Containment:

Uncommon Radioactive Decay, Chlorine Gas,


Elements are base properties such as iron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen

or helium. You can control them by concentrating one round and
making a successful power check. The DC of this check is determined
in a manner similar to the phenomenon version of control. Determine
how large an area you want to affect using the table above. If you
want to cause a state change in the affected element, consult the table
below for the appropriate DC modifier. The range of such effects are
up to you, as long as they are within sight range. You may maintain
this power for a number of rounds equal to your ranks in Control. If
the lack or increase of that element in the area would be deleterious to
humans in such quantities, they suffer 1d8 points of damage from the
attack for each round that they are within the effected area.

You may also use this power to create an element. The element
always initially appears in the natural form that would occur as within
the environment created. Water created in a room temperature environment appears as a liquid, while water created in the arctic appears
as ice. To determine the DC needed to create a given amount of an
element, double the DC given to affect an element in a given radius.


Area of Effect
room temperature solid to liquid
room temperature solid to gas
room temperature liquid to solid
room temperature liquid to gas

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



room temperature gas to liquid

room temperature gas to solid
Example: Gavin has Control Oxygen at +7 and he
wants to concentrate the oxygen in a 5 radius area at
the top of a guard tower into a ball of liquid oxygen.
The DC for affected an area of that size is 10, while converting oxygen (which is a gas at room temperature) into
liquid raises that DC by 10 to 20. He rolls a 13, plus his
7 ranks yields a 20, just enough to do the job.

The guard in the guard tower will suffer 1d8 damage each round he remains in that area, as he asphyxiates. When Gavin stops concentrating on the effect or 7
rounds pass, the air will return to normal in the area.

Life forms are living entities such as plants or animals (humans may
not be controlled in this fashion, see Thought Control on p. 338 for
other options). You can control life forms by concentrating one round
and making a successful power check. If the animal is within sight
range (though not necessarily out in the open), the power will affect it.
The range of such effects are up to you, as long as they are within sight
range. With a control power over a life form, you can cause the creature or plant to do anything it is normally capable of accomplishing,
with the added direction of your intelligence (for example you could
control a chimp to open a door, but not a rat). Once out of sight range
however, your hold over the creature fails immediately.

This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to your ranks
in this power. To activate this power, you must make a power check
opposed by the targets Will save. Animals without a listed Will
save make their saving throws at +0.
Plants make their Will saves at +0, unless otherwise listed. Plants
may be commanded to attack through use of this power, using the
heros ranks in control as their base attack bonus. Thorny plants deal
1d4 points of damage on a successful hit. Small or medium plants may
not deal damage (either normal or subdual), but they may take all other
combat actions, such as aid another, grapple, or trip. Large plants may
deal 1d6 points of bashing damage with a successful attack. Since plants
are effectively mindless, a character that wishes to control plants must
maintain his concentration to keep the plants under his control. If the
character loses his concentration, the plants immediately stop moving.
A character with the life form Control power may attempt
to control multiple plants or animals at once. Each target beyond
the first grants a +2 situation bonus to all the creatures Will saving
throws. A character attempting to control multiple life forms makes
one power check that is compared to all of his targets saving throws.

Example: Drew has Control Rats at +6 and wants to

call a group up to swarm into a manhole. He focuses on
several rats scuttling through a nearby alley and decides
he wants to control four of them. The rats each receive
a +6 bonus to their saving throws, since Drew is trying
to control 3 rats beyond the first one and each one gives
a +2 save bonus to all the targets of the Control ability.
Drew rolls once to activate the ability and gets a 7, for
a total of 13. The rats have a +1 Will save, for a total of
+7 with the bonus for Drews attempt to control multiple
rats. The GM rolls a d20 for each, with totals of 17, 22,
9, and 12 for the four rats. Two rats move towards Drew,
ready to obey his commands for the next 6 minutes.

Extras for Control:

Blind Control (+2 points per rank): You can control elements, phenomenon or life forms out of your direct observation, as long as they
are within a range where you could see them if they were exposed.

Flaws for Control:

Blanket Control (-2 points per rank): If you Control something that
is deleterious to humans, you may take this Flaw, otherwise it is not
available. When you use your power, the effect is always centered
on you, exposing yourself to the same effects.

Dead Ringer

Qualities: Useful Outside of Combat, Robust. (15

points flat cost.)

You can imitate a person perfectly, in a physical sense. If you can

touch the subject, even for a second, then you can duplicate them
down to the smallest unseen detail. This transformation lasts for as
long as you wish, or until you are knocked unconscious or killed.

This transformation does not endow you with any memories or
knowledge the target has, but as far as looks are concerned, you are
identical down to the smallest iota. You will pass any physical tests
of your new identity with ease. Your urine, blood type and fingerprints will be identical to the targets, also; your voice will match
the targets perfectly. The only thing you will be missing are any
infirmities the target may suffer from, although your new form will
imitate such infirmities cosmetically (however tests for such diseases
will reveal nothing). Clothing and equipment are not imitated.

In addition, if the transformation is trans-gender, you will gain
any and all new organs, which will function normally. Offspring
created in such a strange union are your children, genetically speaking, and not those of the target imitated. If you are carrying a fetus
and must revert to your base form, and that form is not female, the
fetus is lost. It must be carried to term without interruption.

If you cannot touch the subject, but only see him, you may attempt
a second and simpler level of Dead Ringer if you if you wish. By studying an individual at a distance, or studying photographs of a subject,
you may attempt a basic physical change to imitate that individual. To
do this you must make an Intelligence check with a DC indicated by
how long you have studied the subject. If you have access to movie footage of the subject, add a +2 circumstance bonus to your check.


How Long the Individual has Been Studied

1 Month
1 Week
1 Day

This simpler form of imitation only reworks your face (and
if you have heard the subjects voice, his or her voice as well). It
only generally changes your body to match what could be seen in
your observation. Organs do not change, nor your blood and urine.
Fingerprints and other unseen details do not match the subject.

You can store a number of remembered forms equal to your
Intelligence bonus +1, to a minimum of 1. Transformation takes
a minute of concentration. You may discard and hold on to forms
in your memory as you wish, so long as the total in you repertoire
does not exceed your maximum. Once you have discarded a form,
you must study or touch the target again. If you choose to study
him, you gain a +5 competence bonus to your Intelligence check to
duplicate him or her.

In game terms, the power is more limited than it seems. It is
only possible to duplicate humans, not animals or other organic
forms. Dead Ringer is only cosmetic in nature. Despite physical
changes in blood and body shape, your statistics do not change to
match those of the target; they remain at your normal levels. Oh,
and no, of course, you cant duplicate super-human abilities.

Extras for Dead Ringer:

Animal Magic (+10 points): Not only can you duplicate humans,
but you can copy animals as well, but you can only shrink to half
your size or grow to double it. You gain no special abilities inherent

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



to your assumed animal form, and the change is only superficial
and cosmetic.

Flaws for Dead Ringer:

Vampiric (-5 points): You must taste the blood of the target you
wish to duplicate. Sight-only duplication is not possible.


Qualities: Attacks, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

You can detect specific objects or phenomenon at a distance. With

an especially high roll, you can differentiate between specifics of
the objects or phenomena to extreme levels, denoting location and
orientation of the target or targets.

For example with a successful roll against your detect power
you could divine the number of tanks within a set range, and on an
extremely successful roll locate their exact orientation and location
on a map of the area. This detection gives you only a static image
of the one moment you use your power, and does not update the
vision of the situation as those targets move or change position. If
you are in visual range of the objects you are attempting to detect,
they become plain to you despite any camouflage or obfuscation.

This represents the most general form of Detection. Other,
far more limited (and far less expensive) versions of detection exist
which only detect very specific objects or phenomena. Consider the
chart below to determine the cost of your power

Note: Costs are subtracted from the base cost, determined

on what the Detection power can perceive. See below.


Detection Power Covers (Pick One):

Areas of enemy action, danger,

Base Cost other unspecific non-physical phenomena
-1 per rank A certain type of vehicle, a certain type of element or creature, any class of object or creature.
-2 per rank A single extremely specific type of object or phenomena, for example only frogs, lead, or bleach.
You can attempt to detect at any range, as long as you can beat the
Difficulty Class assigned below.

Range of Detection

10 yards
50 yards
1250 yards
1.4 miles
2.8 miles
56 miles
224 miles
896 miles
7168 miles

In order to determine any particular information about the object

that you can detect, you must increase the DC listed above according to the following table:

Modifier Result
A definite knowledge that a target exists within the area.
A general idea that multiple targets exist(s) in the
area is indicated. Nothing else.



The number of targets in the area is indicated.

Nothing else.
Both number and location of targets is indicated.
Number and location is indicated as well as general
orientation of targets, or other specifics (whether it is
an enemy tank, a poplar tree or a German swan . . .).

If you wish to learn such information as the number or of targets or

their location, you must announce this before making your roll. You
cannot trade down the range youve successfully detected for more
specific information after making your roll. In essence, a character
using this ability must decide before hand whether he wants to make
a general sweep of any area or scan a small area in detail. However,
theres nothing stopping you from making a power check without any
DC modifiers to see if anything is out there, then trying again with a
higher DC to learn more info if your first attempt detects something.

Power Stunts for Detection:

Close Your Eyes and See: Close your eyes, concentrate for one round.
If you succeed at your roll, you gain an extremely clear picture of the
targets of your scan. You can read words or discern individual faces
seen in the vision, or otherwise describe the targets in extreme detail,
when normally they would just be a fuzzy idea in your head.

Extras for Detection:

Tracking Detection (+2 points per rank): You can choose a single
target successfully scanned by you and maintain an up to the minute track on just where that target is.

Flaws for Detection:

See It First (-3 points per rank): You can only detect objects you
have directly seen before. Photos, drawing or any other reproduction of the object will not help. You must see it, to track it.
Blind Spots (-2 points per rank): Your power does not work in
certain areas. These gray areas come and go at the GMs discretion.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (8 points per rank.)

You can destroy objects utterly, effectively erasing them from existence with the use of your power. You must be able to clearly see
the object in question, and you can only disintegrate whole objects.
If something is disintegrated, its gone forever.

Against living targets, concentrate for one full round. On your
turn in the next round, make a ranged touch attack using your
Disintegration ranks as your base attack bonus (and not modifying
your attack with your Dexterity bonus or penalty), to hit your target with this power. If you hit, the target gets a Fortitude save (DC
10+ your Disintegration ranks). If the target saves, it immediately
loses half of its current hit points. If it fails its save, the creature is
immediately disintegrated.

As long as you hit your target with your ranged touch attack,
youre considered to have successfully used this power, whether or
not a living target makes its saving throw.

When dealing with non-living items, you may attempt to disintegrate 10 cubic feet of material. For every cubic foot beyond the
first 10, increase the DC of your power check by 2. To determine
your base DC, add 5 to the hardness rating of the material you
wish to affect.

Power Stunts for Disintegrate:

Power Focus: If you concentrate for 2 rounds, on the third round

you can add a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your Disintegrate roll.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Extras for Disintegrate:

Piecemeal (+1 point per rank): You can disintegrate select pieces
of objects, a tire from a car, a turret from a tank, an arm from a
human being. Ouch.

Flaws for Disintegrate:

Non-organic (-3 points per rank): You can only disintegrate nonliving things. Plants, animals and people are outside your powers
ability to affect.


Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

You can become transparent to the point that, if you hold still or
move slowly, you may not be seen. At a distance, in darkness and
in foggy conditions, or on backgrounds rich in color or patterns,
you may even be nearly invisible.

Concentrate one round, make a power check, and you, and
any equipment or clothing on your body fades into the background. When you Fade, look up the level of your success on the
table below. It indicates how transparent youve become. Whenever
you come into someones field of vision, make a Hide skill check
opposed by his Spot skill. If your result is lower, the table below
gives the percentage chance that even though your opponent got a
higher result, he does not actually see you. In combat, any attack
that hits you has a percent chance equal to your concealment percentage to actually be a miss.

Once detected, Fade confers little in the way of defense. Fade
never lets you become truly invisible. Subtle highlights of light and
shadow can be seen for those who know how to look, tracing the
contours of your body. If you move, you create a visible blur to
those near you. If people are looking for you, it wont be long until
they find you, but until then, you have a good chance of remaining
hidden through the use of your power.


10% concealment.
20% concealment.
30% concealment.
40% concealment.
50% concealment.

Power Stunts for Fade:

Flicker: When in hand-to-hand combat and using Fade, add a

+2 bonus to all of you attacks and your AC. This Power Stunt
represents your ability to move in an unpredictable manner while
rapidly turning your power on and off.

Flaws for Fade:

Visible up close (-1 per rank): Your Fade power is only effective at
a distance of more than 10 feet; otherwise, youre completely visible, albeit very transparent.


Qualities: Attacks, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

You can teleport objects. Concentrate one round; roll your power
check and poof! any object you can clearly see jumps into your
hands. This power works just like teleport, but is much more
limited in its applications. You cannot teleport living things, and
you can only teleport things into your hands, not away from them.
You cannot teleport sections of an object (for instance, you could
not Fetch the trigger of a gun, only the whole gun) just complete

objects. You must have a clear view of the object you wish to Fetch,
and then concentrate for one round, on a successful roll, the object
jumps to your hand, covering the space in-between instantly.

You can Fetch stuff you could normally lift as if your Fetch
rating was your Strength score. You cannot Fetch items heavier
than what you could lift over your head if your Fetch rating was
your Strength score.


30 feet
60 feet
120 feet
240 feet
480 feet
Double previous DCs range

Power Stunts for Fetch:

Distort: Add a +2 Power Stunt to your Fetch dice pool when you
wish to teleport an object, but dont care how complete it is when it
appears in your hand. Distorted objects come back twisted, broken
or incomplete when you use this Power Stunt.

Extras for Fetch:

Cornucopia (+2 points per rank): You can tag up to the maximum weight of objects you can Fetch so that you can Fetch to your
hands from any distance or locale. You must roll each time you
wish to do so however (DC 10).

Flaws for Fetch:

Chain Lightning (-1 points per rank): Whatever object you Fetch
comes along with anything it is touching, up to your Fetch limit in
weight. Fetch an enemies gun, and his holster, strap and clothes
(anything touching the gun which is not living) comes along as well.
You cant control this reflex. It always happens. Essentially, you
always Fetch the maximum amount of weight that you can teleport.


Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

Roll your power check and take to the air. Its that simple. If youre
trying a difficult maneuver, roll again and consult the chart below for
the DC you need to meet or beat. Your movement rate flying depends
on your ranks in Flight - theres a chart below. (If you want to be substantially faster, buy Super Speed and attach it to your Flight power.)
If you want to fire a gun while flying, theres a 2 penalty to the attack
roll because you are unable to properly brace yourself to fire.

To make a tricky maneuver, look up what you want to do on
the Flight Maneuverability table. Cross-reference the maneuverability type with the DC listed for that type of maneuver. If you fail
to meet the listed DC, look up the maneuverability that you were
able to achieve and assume that you achieved that level of success,
which may or may not spell problems for you.

Example: Stan is flying after a speeding car through the

streets of London. The car makes a sudden 90 right turn
down an alley, and Stan decides to follow rather than spend
time gaining altitude and flying above the city buildings.
Consulting the table below, Stan sees that a 90 turn is an
average (DC 15) maneuver. If he blows his roll and ends up
with a 12, that means that he was only able to make a 45
turn, which most likely sends him head first into a building.
Crashing: Slamming into a big, hard object while flying is essentially the
same as falling. In the event of a crash, assume that the flier fell a dis-

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



tance equal to his current speed in feet. For example, a character moving
30 yards per round, or 90 feet, takes damage as if he fell 90 feet.


Top Speed



Top Speed

Perfect Good Average

None None Half
Double Double Double
5 ft.

Poor Clumsy
Double Double
10 ft. 20 ft.

Power Stunts for Flight:

Barnstorming: You can add a +2 Power Stunt bonus when you

want to swoop down tight city streets, through open windows, or
otherwise fly into areas that are big enough to allow you to barely
maneuver. It does not add to your speed, however.
Fast: Add +2 to your ranks in Flight when calculating your speed
(but nothing else).

Extras for Flight:

No Altitude Limit (+3 per rank): You require no air or heating

equipment to fly at extreme altitudes (no, you cant fly into space,
dont even ask).

Flaws for Flight:

Running Start (-1 per rank): You need to take a running start of at
least thirty feet before you take off.

Go First

Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Robust. (8 points per


Characters with this power react to danger more quickly than other
characters. For every rank of Go First, you may add 1 point to
your initiative rolls.


Combat Precognition (+2 per rank): You go first in combat because

you can see what your opponent is going to do a second before
he does it. If youre using the hold action, you do not lose your
original initiative roll and automatically go first on the initiative
count on which you act, regardless of your dexterity score. If you
characters with this extra attempt to act at the same time, the one
with the higher Dexterity score goes first.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

Whether its fiery breath, death rays from the eyes or crippling bolts
of electricity, there are a lot of super-humans whose primary power
is this: They hurt the other guy. The easiest way to handle these
is to buy ranks of the Harm power. Harm attacks are resolved as
ranged weapon attacks, with your ranks in Harm acting as your
base attack bonus. Do not add your Dexterity bonus or penalty to
this attack, but do add other situation modifiers.

As a default, the Harm power does 1d6 points of damage and
has a base range of 30 feet.

Extras for Harm:

Table: Flight Maneuverability

Min. Speed
Fly Backward
Maximum Turn
Up Angle
Up Speed
Down Angle
Down Speed
Between Down
and Up

Extras for Go First:

Area (+5 per rank): Your attack explodes upon impact causing
normal damage over a 30-foot radius centered on the point where
you targeted your attack. Everyone in the area of effect is allowed
a Reflex save against your power check to take half damage from
your Harm attack.
Penetrating (+1 per rank): Your attack penetrates Armor much like
anti-armor weaponry. Halve the hardness rating of any materials
that you strike with your power.

Spray (+3 per rank): Just like a machine gun your harm is dealt
out in a spray of attacks. Reduce the burst penalty for attacking
multiple targets by 1 for each level of Spray you have (this can only
reduce the penalty to 0, not give you a bonus).
Vicious (+2 per rank): Your Harm does more damage than normal.
Add 1d6 to your damage roll. You can buy the vicious Extra multiple times to add further dice.
Long Range (+1 per rank): Increase the base range of your Harm
ability by 30 feet. You may take this Extra more than once, adding
30 feet to your base range each time.

Flaws for Harm:

Graphic (-1 per rank): Your Harm destroys the target, crushing
bones, spewing blood and bile and flaying flesh. Its effects are so
graphic that its difficult to watch and sometimes, even difficult
for you to use. While witnessing your handiwork, make a Mental
Fatigue check.
Jumpy (-1 per rank): Whenever youre startled, your power tends
to go off unchecked. If something takes you by surprise - anything
from a sudden loud noise to a sneak attack - make a Mental Fatigue
roll. If it fails, you dont lose Will points, but your power goes off in
a random direction. It might hit one of your buddies, it might discharge straight up into the air, or it might even hit an attacker. Some
GMs just determine this by deciding themselves. Some roll a single
die with 1-2 meaning it hit an ally, 3-8 meaning it went into an inanimate object or the air, and 9-10 meaning it actually went towards
an enemy - if theres one around. You cannot use your power in a
directed fashion in the same round it goes off accidentally.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




You can facilitate the healing of damaged tissues in living creatures.

With plants and animals, this power is simple. Make a power check
and consult the table below to determine how many hit points of
damage you heal.

You can project your senses outside of your body in a ghostly form.
This form is not visible to humans.

The GM makes a power check for you in secret and consults
the table below to determine how long you may project your ghost
form. You may choose to end he effects of this power at any time
before the end of its duration.

You must be in a safe, quiet location to use your power. On
a successful roll, your Ghost form appears and may be used to spy
on removed locales. Your form only travels as fast as you can under
normal conditions, so sending it to a distant location requires a great
deal of time. The form can pass through physical objects with ease,
but it cannot float or fly. If your physical form is disturbed while
Ghosting, make a Concentration check or your Ghost form immediately dissipates, and your consciousness returns to your body.

Qualities: Robust, Useful Outside of Combat. (3 points

per rank.)


1 hp
1d4 hp
1d6 hp
1d8 hp
1d10 hp
1d12 hp

The subject must be conscious and must be willing. Without these

two things, nothing can be done to heal the subject.

This healing affects a dramatic change in damaged tissues,
and can repair scarring, burns or other deformities, but it does not
affect diseases or counter poisons.

Extras for Healing:

Force of Will (+1 point per rank): For every 5 Will points you put into
an attempt to heal, you increase the result of your power check by 5.

Flaws for Healing:

Empathic Healing (-1 point per rank): Any damage left over on
the target after you roll your healing attempt on them is automatically inflicted upon you as well. For example, if you healed all but
2 points of damage on a target, that damage would be instantly
inflicted on you as well.

Heavy Armor

Qualities: Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Always On. (7 points per 1 point of Heavy Armor.)
For every 7 points you spend on this power, you can gain a point
of damage reduction against all forms of attack. All attacks made
against you automatically subtract your Heavy Armor rating from
their damage.

This power differs from other powers in that it is an unconscious ability and automatically defends against any attack,
expected or not. (Unless that attack is from another hero, then it is
a battle of Wills.)

Flaws for Heavy Armor:

Specific Damage Source (-4 per rank): Choose one effect from the
following list: Fire, water, radiation, acid, bullets, cold. Your Heavy
Armor power works only against that one type of damage. You
may purchase the Heavy Armor power with this flaw more than
once to gain resistance to multiple sources of damage.
Will Drain (-1 per rank): The power eats Will at the cost of 1 point
per combat round of active use.

Qualities: Robust, Useful Outside of Combat. (3 points

per rank.)


15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
8 hours
Double time

Extras for Ghost:

Disturb (+1 per rank): Animals can see you in your Ghost form.

Flaws for Ghost:

Dreamwalk (-1 per rank): Your power only works when you are
sleeping (in a safe and comfortable environment). Otherwise, it
operates normally.


Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

You can become immaterial. Roll a power check and slip through
any object as if it wasnt there. Unfortunately, when youre out of
phase with the physical world, you cannot breathe, hear, speak or
interact with any normal object or person physically, since your
atoms do not intersect with the solid world. In addition, after a number of minutes equal to your ranks in Insubstantiality, you begin to
asphyxiate from lack of air. Better not stay insubstantial too long...

While insubstantial, you may move at half your movement
rate. If you try to move through a solid object, find the DC you
need to beat with a power check. You may move a quarter of your
movement rate while passing through solid objects. Make your
power check before attempting to move through the object. If you
fail, you simply bounce off it as if you were still solid.

You may not be harmed by any physical means while you are
insubstantial. However, you cannot use any means, including powers, to affect any material object, including other people.

There are other problems associated with true insubstantiality,
for one, you tend to sink into the earth just as readily as through
any other object. So the only effective way to get through a wall,
a door or other obstacle without sinking into the earth is to jump,
turn insubstantial, and then revert to solid form for your landing.

You can also turn other objects you are holding insubstantial
along with yourself. You can render up to half your maximum lift
in pounds insubstantial, for as many seconds as you can hold your

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



breath. Once you release it, it immediately becomes material again.


Material Type
Loose earth or dirt
Rock or living material (plant or animal)
Steel, iron, and most other metals

Power Stunts for Insubstantiality:

Selective Insubstantiality: Add a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your

Insubstantiality ranks when you are trying to render certain objects
on your person insubstantial, but keep others solid, so that they
drop off you. For example, with this Power Stunt you could cause
your jacket to drop off when you became insubstantial, or cause
bullets in your wounds to drop out of your body.

Extras for Insubstantiality:

No Sink (+2 points per rank): When you turn insubstantial, you
remain level with whatever ground you are already standing on.

Power Stunts for Invisibility:

Sidestep: This Power Stunt allows you to make an attacker fire at

empty space. By drawing attention to yourself (becoming visible,
whistling etc.) and then rapidly moving away from that location,
you make the attacker think you are still there. Make a Bluff check
against your opponents Spot skill. If you beat his skill result, he
wastes his action that round firing off into space. If your opponent
rolls higher, he has the option of firing at you without rolling a miss
chance for your Invisibility, though the attack has a 2 penalty.
Dodging an attack in this manner does not require an Invisibility
power check or the expenditure of Will points if you are already
invisible when you use this Power Stunt.

Extras for Invisibility:

Unshakeable (+2 points per rank): You dont become visible unless
you want to, even if you are injured.

Flaws for Invisibility:

Sectional (+2 points per rank): You can turn a single body part
insubstantial while keeping the rest of your body solid.

Tiring (-1 point per rank): You take a point of subdual damage for
every minute you remain invisible.

Flaws for Insubstantiality:


Lose Possessions (-2 points per rank): Everything you are wearing
or carrying drops off you the minute you become insubstantial.


Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

The Invisibility power allows you to turn invisible for a limited

amount of time. To use this power, make a power check. The result
of that check is the number of minutes that you remain invisible. At
the end of that time period, you must make another power check
to further extend the length of your invisibility. When you activate
this power, you must spend 1 Will point for each rank of Invisibility that you wish to use for your power check.

Anyone attempting to attack an invisible hero must first somehow ascertain the heros general location by making a Spot check
(DC 20). Once detected, an invisible super-human may be attacked
using his standard AC. However, any attack that hits him has a
50% chance of actually being a miss. Invisible super-humans gain a
+2 situational modifier to all of their attacks, and their targets lose
any Dexterity bonus to their AC they may have.

There are two types of invisibility. The first, mental invisibility
is available at the above costs modified with the Flaw No Physical
Change. This sort of invisibility only affects the minds of those observing you, altering their perception so they cant see you. It is less exceptional than actual invisibility in that you must maintain a low level of
concentration to remain invisible. You may act as normal, but every
time you are injured, you must make a Concentration check to remain
invisible. If you fail the check, you immediately become Invisible and
must re-activate this power to turn invisible again.

The other type of invisibility is actual physical invisibility. Your
power warps light so that it passes through or around your body.
With a successful roll, you become invisible and remain so indefinitely, its that simple. You remain invisible until you choose to become
visible or if you fail a Concentration check after taking damage.

There are a couple problems with actual invisibility, however.
The most obvious one is that light has no effect on your body. The
less obvious corollary to that is that completely invisible people are
blind. If the light isnt striking your eyes, how, exactly, are you supposed to see out of them? (If you want to be completely invisible


but still see, you might be able to talk your GM into it by buying
an Invisibility Extra like See while invisible for +1 point per
rank. But only if hes not too picky about physics.)

Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

This is the opposite of Aces. Things just tend to go your way, but
insomuch as people or threats that oppose you fail at whatever they
attempt to do to you. With it, you can force a penalty up to your
ranks in Jinx on any opponents die roll.

Like Aces, Jinx is expensive. Every Jinx rank used costs1
Will point. In addition any action which is caused to fail by Jinx,
but which helps you succeed, never yields a Will reward, no
matter the circumstances. So, if you roll a 20 in an opposed test
against someone on whom you used your Jinx, you dont get the
1 Will point reward you would normally get for the use of almost
any other power.

Power Stunts for Jinx:

Jinxing Physical Attacks: Gain +2 Power Stunt bonus (which

translates into an additional 2 penalty on your opponent) when
you use your Jinx to affect physical attacks. You must pay Will
normally for each rank in Jinx used.

Extras for Jinx:

Blanket Jinx (+4 per rank): Enemies within 20 yards all suffer from
your Jinx power. The Will necessary to use this power is multiplied
by the number of people affected.


Qualities: Attacks, Robust. (3 points per rank.)

Stun is a specialized form of Harm. With it you can Stun any target
within range. Make a power check opposed by your targets Will
save. If you succeed, you Stun your target for 1d4 rounds. You may
attempt to affect multiple targets by splitting your ranks in Stun
amongst them. Roll separately against each target.

Power Stunts for Stun:

Multiple Stun: Add a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your Stun check

when attacking multiple targets.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Flaws for Stun:

Extras for Perception:

Multiple Actions

Flaws for Perception:

Touch Only (-1/-2/-4): To use the power you must touch the
subject. Obviously, this makes it rather difficult to affect more than
one target.

Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

This power allows you to take extra actions during a round. To activate this power, make a power check and consult the table below:


Gain a partial action for the round.
Gain an extra full round action or two partial actions.
Gain three partial actions or one full round and one partial action.
+1 partial action

Power Stunts for Multiple Actions:

Switcheroo: Add a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your Multiple Actions

check when you are performing acts that involve slight of hand.

Flaws for Multiple Actions:

Blunt (-1 points per rank): You can only complete tasks that dont
require complex or delicate maneuvering. You can punch, dodge,
or kick, but not sew, sort or write at high speed.


Qualities: Useful Outside of Combat, Robust. (3 points

per rank.)

You can discern stimulus outside of the range of human perception.

Exactly, what stimulus you see, hear, feel, taste or smell remains up
to you. If you wish to just have exceptional human senses, such as
super-sharp hearing, smell or taste, you can simply buy a Hyperstat
in Wisdom or an appropriate Hyperskill for sight, hearing, smell,
touch or taste, Perception reflects a new sense, such as the ability to
see x-rays, hear ultrasonics or to feel heat sources at a distance.

Each new perception must be attached to a normal sense. For
example, the ability to sense heat like a pit viper would be attached to
the touch sense, while the ability to see x-rays would be attached to
sight. To use your perception power, add the ranks of the perception
to the sense skill ranks and statistic modifier it is attached to.

Pick a specific perception from the list below to determine its cost.

Cost Addition Perception Power Covers (Pick One):

Per Rank
You are able to choose what you wish to
perceive and with what sense.
Feelings, Intent or other non-physical phenomena.
Ultra or Sub Sonics, Heat Sources, Certain
Gases, Life forms.
X-Rays, Radioactivity etc...
Perception generally only works within the range of the sense it
is attached to. If you wish to have a far-reaching perception that
locates certain phenomena at a distance, please see the Detection
power on p. 328 instead.

Perception is a physical phenomenon, and while it can detect
certain things that we think of as non-physical, such as feelings
or intent, this just reflects the powers ability to detect subtle physiological changes in the target, not some psychic ability.

Superimposed (+1 per rank): Your new perception is simply a layer

of perception piled on top of your old sense. If you have x-ray vision, you can see through objects and see normally at the same time
without penalty.

Sensitive (-1 per rank): If your Perception power is exposed to large

levels of the phenomenon it is designed to detect, it overloads and
ceases to work for 1d6 hours.


Qualities: Useful Outside of Combat, Robust. (3 points

per rank.)

You can catch glimpses of the future with your power. The future
seen is by no means permanent, and actions taken to change
future events are quite effective. For instance, a vision of your own
death in Nashville four days from now can be sidestepped by doing
your damnedest not to be in Nashville on that day.

This power can work three different ways. First, you can
attempt to see the future by voluntarily entering a trance. This is
a fatiguing process, and costs you 2 Will points per Precognition
rank used. Usually, in such a trance, a specific question or future
event is the chosen subject of inquiry. Such as When will Monstro
attack? or What will happen to me tonight?

Secondly, the power may spontaneously activate when you
are in or near an area that will be important to your survival in the
future. This is at the GMs discretion, but if this occurs, you lose 1
Will point per rank used.

Thirdly, the power may activate in your dreams warning of
some impending event. In this case, the only Will lost is any Will
which would have been gained from that night of sleep when the
power check is made. Also, this third version of the power is far
less reliable than the other two, in that no matter how well the
roll is made; the vision will always seem dreamy and indistinct.
Subtract 5 from the result of a power check made in this fashion.

Consider the chart to below to determine the level of success
of such attempts.

of Roll
DC 5
DC 10
DC 15


A vision of the future which may or may not, be accurate

A brief vision of a future event.
Knowledge of the amount of time before a certain
event occurs.
DC 20 Knowledge of who is involved in a particular event.
DC 25 A vision of an event with both time and subjects
clearly shown.
DC 30 An extremely clear vision of the future, as if you had
lived the moment already, all senses are represented.

Power Stunts for Precognition:

Update: If you have successfully seen the future, you can add +2
Power Stunt bonus to your Precognition check when trying to see
an up to the minute update of your vision, which will reflect the
changes you might have made through your actions.

Extras for Precognition:

Mothering (+1 per rank): In addition to warning you of impending

danger to yourself, your power automatically looks out for your
close friends and family as well.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Flaws for Precognition:

Static (-2 per rank): Your visions of the future consist of a single
static image, and nothing more.

Projected Hallucination

Qualities: Defends, Attacks, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

Projected Hallucination allows you to alter the perception of his

target. With this ability, you might be able to convince a person that
theyre talking to Abraham Lincoln, or wrestling a boa constrictor.
Many heroes have this ability unconsciously, a reflex which projects
a certain unconscious image. However, this power represents the
ability to control what the target sees, hears or feels. In effect, you can
make the target see and hear anything you can imagine.

To use this power, make a power check opposed by the
targets Will save. If the hallucination is rather unbelievable, give
the target a +2 bonus. If the hallucination fits in with the current
situation or environment (a hallucinatory sniper on a battlefield)
then the target suffers a 2 penalty to his Will save.

You may only affect one person at a time with this power.

Power Stunts for Projected Hallucination:

Sense Specialization: Select a particular sense and specialize in it

with this Power Stunt. When trying to use your Projected Hallucination to fool that sense, add a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your
power check.

Extras for Projection:

Everybody Sees It (+3 per rank): Anybody present sees the illusions
you project.

Flaws for Projection:

Absolute Concentration (-2 per rank): You must hold completely

still to use this power. Any distraction may disrupt the illusion you
are projecting. Make a Concentration skill check if you are injured
or otherwise distracted while using this power.

Psychic Artifact

Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

With your hero ability, you can create invisible psychic artifacts that
mimic, at least physically, the abilities of common tools, weapons
and equipment. At this most general level, the power allows you to
create any sort of equipment, weapon or tool (since it has all four
power qualities). For example, you could create a fully functional
shovel, shield or even a pistol with the full Psychic Artifact power.

If you want to have a more limited power, such as being able to
only produce one particular type of weapon or piece of equipment, reduce the cost accordingly. For example, if you wish to be able to only
produce a psychic lock-pick, you could remove the attacks, defends
and robust qualities right there, reducing your cost to 2 per rank.

To create an artifact you must concentrate for one round and
make a successful roll against the DC set by the complexity of the
item, and the amount of damage it causes (if any). On a successful roll, the artifact is created, and lasts for the number of minutes
equal to your ranks in Psychic Artifact, or until you wish it
away. You can only create one artifact at a time.

The artifact is invisible to everyone except you. Otherwise, it
behaves exactly like a normal physical version of the object. When
attacking or using your Psychic Artifact, you utilize the skill a
normal version of the artifact would have utilized, not your power
ranks (for an extra level of Robust however, you can attack with
your power ranks instead of the relevant skill). Weapons made in


such a manner have an infinite amount of ammunition.

If your power can only create a single type of Psychic Artifact,
you dont even need to consider this chart, any successful roll with
your power will cause it to appear.

To determine the difficulty number of the Psychic Artifact you
wish to create consider the following chart. You can buy down
the difficulty number at the cost of 1 Will point per point of DC (to
a minimum of 1).


Damage Complexity
Tiny (a ring)
Simple (a block of wood)
Small (a book)
Plain (a grappling hook)
Medium (a sword) 1d12
Clockwork (a watch)
Large (a car)
Complex (a pistol)

To create a Psychic Artifact that defends against attack, such as a

shield or a suit of armor, the DC is equal to twice the AC bonus the
artifact provides.


Qualities: Useful Outside of Combat, Robust. (15 point

flat cost.)

You can tag a target with your mind, and in a state of deep
concentration see it, no matter where it goes. You must be able
to touch a target to make a rapport with it and once made, the
rapport is not broken until you wish it or the subject dies. Once a
target is lost, you must touch it once more to restore the link.

The vision of the target is extremely vivid. You see everything
it could possibly see, and in addition, you see its entire body as
well. There is no sound associated with rapport, and sounds cannot
be perceived through the link.

When a person linked to you with rapport dies violently, you
suffer subdual damage equal to the damage dealt by the attack that
killed him.

Power Stunts for Rapport:

Read Lips: By careful observation you can read the lips of those
seen within the vision of your Rapport. Add a +2 Power Stunt
bonus to your skill or Intelligence check when trying to figure out
just what people are saying on the other side of the link.

Extras for Rapport:

Multiple Targets (+5 points): You can tag one extra person for each
time you pay for this Extra.

Flaws for Rapport:

Emotional Rapport (-10 points): You can only link to those for
whom you feel an overpowering emotion, hate or love, it doesnt
matter (this is at the GMs discretion). Those you feel indifferent
towards, your power cannot affect.


Qualities: Useful Outside of Combat, Robust. (3 points

per rank.)

Your power can restore your body to health, despite gross physical
damage (but you can only heal yourself, not others). If you are conscious and concentrate for one combat round, spend a number of
Will points up to your rank in Regeneration, and make a Regeneration power check. Consult the table below to determine the extent
of your injuries you were able to heal. Injuries may not be healed
if you are unconscious or drugged. Severed limbs or completely
destroyed organs cannot be re-grown with this power.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Like other powers that require a round of concentration, you
must make a successful Concentration skill check to successfully
use this power if you are injured or otherwise disrupted while trying to use it.


Heal 1d4 damage per Will point spent.
Heal 1d8 damage per Will point spent.
Heal 1d12 damage per Will point spent.
Heal 1d20 damage per Will point spent.
Heal all damage OR restore a crippled limb OR cure
one disease. You may select one of these options per Will
point spent, and may choose one option more than once.

Power Stunts for Regeneration:

Regenerative Meditation: By meditating on your illness or injury

for an hour per rank, you can subtract one Will point per hour
spent meditating from your Regeneration cost, or you may add the
number of hours spent in meditation to your power check. The
minimum cost is always 1 Will point.

Extras for Regeneration:

Regrowth (+2 per rank): Like a lizard, you can re-grow severed or
destroyed limbs or organs on a successful power check (DC 30).


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank/see below.)

You have a single invisible friend who follows your mental or verbal
orders. The abilities that the Sidekick possesses are up to you.
Determine the total number of points spent on this ability and divide
this pool between the Sidekicks physical stats: Strength, Dexterity,
and Constitution (from inception, these stats remain constant). The
Sidekicks other stats (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) are the
same as yours. If the Sidekick has any other super abilities, they must
be purchased separately and attached to the Sidekick.

Sidekicks are invisible. Attacks against Sidekicks are treated
as a dynamic contest between the Sidekick power and the attack.
First, the attack must hit the Sidekicks AC, which is computed as
normal for a human-sized target with the Dexterity score you assigned to it. If the attack hits, there is a 50% chance that such a hit
actually misses, because the Sidekick is an invisible target. Third,
the attack must overcome any defensive powers you have invested
in the Sidekick. Finally, you are allowed to make an opposed power
check against the attack roll. If your power check comes out higher,
the attack fails. Otherwise, if the attack inflicts one or more hit
points of damage, the Sidekick disappears and cannot be re-formed
for one hour. In addition, you lose a point of Will. Reforming a
Sidekick requires a successful power check (DC 15). In addition,
you must spend one point of Will.

Side Step

Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)
With this ability, you can Side Step even the worst disaster or attack and make it look easy. This power reflects your ability to be
in the right place at the right time by moving deliberately out of
danger. Whether it is because you are super swift or sensitive, or
can glimpse the future is no matter, the effect is the same. The explosion, sword or bullet misses you as you step past it. Of course,
you must already know you are under attack to use this ability.

Whenever you must make a Reflex save to avoid damage or

someone attacks you, you may attempt to use this power. Make
a Side Step power check opposed by the DC of the Reflex save or
your opponents attack roll. If you roll higher, you take no damage
from the attack. In the case of an area of effect attack, such as a
grenade, you immediately move outside of the attacks radius. If
this would be physically impossible, the attack affects you as normal. If you fail to beat the DC or the attack roll, you take damage
from the attack as normal. In the case of a Reflex save, you take
damage as if you missed the saving throw.

Anyone with Side Step can attempt to lead an attack towards another location for instance, the thugs knife pass misses
you and hits his accomplice instead. If you attempt this, subtract
five from your power check. If you succeed, the attack is resolved
as if it originally targeted the person you lead it into. Compare
the result of the attack to the new targets AC. Attacks the require
Reflex saves to avoid cannot be lead in this manner.

You may use this power only once per combat round.

Power Stunts for Side Step:

Leading: You gain a +2 Power Stunt bonus when attempting to lead

attacks with Side Step.

Extras for Side Step:

Side Step Multiple Attacks (+2 per rank): You can Side Step multiple attacks at once. For each time you buy this Extra you may
Side Step 1 extra attack per round.

Flaws for Side Step:

Hand to Hand Only (-1 per rank): Your Side Step is useless against
anything except hand-to-hand weapons.

Super Speed

Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

This is the power to move really, really, fast - so fast that youre a
blur to the normal folks watching you. You also gain the power
to survive that kind of high-speed movement without blacking out
from lack of oxygen or getting a terminal windburn on your face.
Super speed does not mean the ability to perform intricate tasks
quicker, or to do more things in a given span of time. If thats what
youre after, see Multiple Actions on p. 333. This is just the power
to go damn fast: In practice, its much like flying a plane, driving a
motorcycle or using some other vehicle to cover distance rapidly. It
speeds up your movement, not your reaction time.

Super speed must be attached to a skill, a stat or a power. If
you want to be a super fast flyer, attach it to the Flight power. If
you want to only cover ground rapidly, attach it to a Running skill.
If you want it to be a little more versatile and cover running and
swimming, attach it to Strength.

When you use the attached skill (running, swimming, flying,
tunneling through the earth - whatever), you use the following
chart to figure out your base speed based on the result of your
power check. For each point of Will you spend on the check, add 5
to the check result. You may spend these Will points after you roll.

Super Speed DC


Miles/Hour Notes
Faster than a .38 Special

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)






Mach I

Just so you know, the speed of sound in air is 760 mph (near sea
level) - and almost every bullet has an airspeed between 1200 and
3000 yards/round.

If you wish to turn or make any fancy maneuvers while using
Super Speed, consult the maneuver table under the Flight power to
determine the DC of the action.

Power Stunts for Super Speed:

Mach One Punch: This Power Stunt allows you to attack with your
fists using Super Speed instead of your relevant combat skill. Using
your power, you strike the target hundreds of times a second with
your fist, causing 1d8 points of subdual damage.

Extras for Super Speed:

No Gs (+3 points per rank): You can turn on a dime despite your
super speed without any ill effects (no DC check necessary, no matter how extreme the maneuver attempted).

Flaws for Super Speed:

Slow Braking (-2 per rank): You require a full round of braking
to stop safely. This means you also need enough space - if youre
zipping along at 900 yards/round, you need 900 yards of space to
stop safely. If you dont have enough room, you wipe out and take
damage. For every 100 yards/round you were moving, you suffer
1d6 points of damage.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

Telekinesis (also called TK) is the ability to move objects without

touching them - you just look at the object and picture it moving
through the air and, as if picked up by a ghostly arm, it moves - if
youre strong enough to lift it.

To use Telekinesis, make a power check. For the purposes
of lifting objects, treat your ranks in Telekinesis as if they were a
Strength score. Someone with six ranks of Telekinesis can lift as
much as someone with a 6 Strength.

To attack someone with TK, simply make an attack roll with
your TK as your base attack bonus vs. the targets AC. You deal
1d3 subdual damage. In addition, treat your ranks in TK as if they
were a Strength score to determine the bonus or penalty to your
damage when using TK to attack. Unlike most damage penalties,
if your TK is low enough that your damage is reduced to 0 or less,
you do no damage with the attack. If you use TK to pick up a
weapon and use that against your target, make an attack roll treating your TK as either your Dexterity or Strength score if you are
using a ranged or melee weapon, respectively.

Power Stunts for Telekinesis:

Multiple Hands: You can normally lift only one object with Telekinesis. With this Power Stunt, you can lift two objects at once whose
total weight does not exceed your total TK carrying capacity.

Extras for Telekinesis:

Touch (+1 per rank): Your telekinetic hands have a sense of

touch. This allows you to feel around with your power in the dark
or outside of your range of vision.

Flaws for Telekinesis:

Weak (-1 per rank): No matter how many levels you take in TK,
you are never able to lift more than 200 pounds with it. You still
gain the bonus ranks for making attacks however.


Clumsy (-1 per rank): If youre trying to move an object with grace
and finesse, you must make a TK power check (DC 20) to avoid
accidentally breaking the object or causing it to swerve about
unpredictably as you move it.


Qualities: Defends, Useful Outside of Combat, Robust.

(4 points per rank.)

This power allows you to instantaneously travel from one point

in space to another, in zero time, without crossing the intervening
space in between. Some heroes with this ability can move many
people at once, and some can only transport themselves, some can
cover huge distances and some only a few feet.

To successfully teleport yourself, you must consider two factors in order to determine the power checks DC: how far you wish
to teleport, and how much weight you wish to transport with you.
Consult the tables below to determine the DC for your power check.

Teleporting is a tricky business. It requires a clear picture in
the head of its user of his desired destination (this means that the
user must have previously visited the location he wishes to teleport
to). Without a clear picture, a successful transport is not possible.
Also, people or objects teleported must be in direct physical contact
with the teleporter. (This works fine if a bunch of people hold
hands, as long as the chain is unbroken.) Portions of objects may
not be teleported.

When teleporters disappears, a loud crack (about as loud as
a rifle shot) sounds. This is the air rushing in to fill the space the
teleporter just vacated. The more moved, the louder the boom.

Teleporting also tends to be strenuous on the teleporter. The
teleporter must spend 4 Will points to activate this power.

Range Modifier

10 yards
50 yards
1250 yards
1.4 miles
2.8 miles
56 miles
224 miles
896 miles
+100 miles

Size Modifier

Weight Teleported
heros weight + up to 20 pounds
+100 additional pounds for each +5 DC

Power Stunts for Teleportation:

Reorientation: With this Power Stunt, you can teleport in place,

allowing you to instantly change the direction youre facing, move
from standing to prone, or otherwise reposition yourself as a free
action. This Power Stunt requires only 1 Will point and is activated
automatically on your turn during the round.

Extras for Teleportation:

Blind Teleportation (+3 per rank): You can teleport to a location

never seen before, randomly. When you want, your power finds
a safe location and teleports you there. Safe location only means
an area of solid ground that is not occupied by another object, it
covers no other eventualities.
Global Range (+5 per rank): You can automatically teleport to any

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


point on earth. However, to carry additional weight you must still compute the DC as normal, including the base DC for distance. You still
must have previously seen the location you are traveling to however.

Flaws for Time Fugue:

Maximum Capacity (+5 per rank): You can carry up to 500 pounds
in items with you while teleporting without raising the DC of your
power check. Each 100 pounds beyond 500 increases the DC by 5.
You still must touch all the objects your want to transport.
Half Will Cost (+2 per rank): You suffer half the normal Will penalty for teleporting. Otherwise the cost is determined normally.

Thought Control

No Will Cost (+3 per rank): You suffer no Will cost for teleporting.

Flaws for Teleportation:

Disorientation (-2 per rank): Upon arrival you cannot act until you
successfully make a Wisdom check (DC 15).
Nothing Biological (-2 per rank): You cannot teleport anything biological (except yourself that is). If you attempt to move anything living,
it suffers your 3d10 points of damage. You must make a successful
grapple attack to teleport someone who is actively resisting the attempt.

Time Fugue

Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

You can freeze time for a single object or creature with your power.
Everything smaller than the fugued object that is in direct contact with
it is frozen as well. You must be able to see the object, and make Time
Fugue power check that beats the DC based on the size of the target. If
you succeed, the object is frozen in time for 1d4+1 seconds. You may
extend this period at the cost of 1 Will point per second of fugue.

Objects frozen with this power will resume their former movement when the fugue ends (so frozen bullets will suddenly continue
along their normal path, falling people will hit the ground etc)
People in a fugue have no recollection of the time spent within the
fugue. You can fugue a number of objects equal to your ranks in
Time Fugue at any given time.

The bigger and heavier an object is, the harder it is to fugue.
Consider the following chart to determine the opposing dice pool
for objects you attempt to fugue.


Weight Affected
<100-210 pounds
210-250 pounds
250-370 pounds
370-500 pounds
500-800 pounds
800 pounds-1 ton
1-2 tons
2-4 tons
4-6 tons
6-10 tons

Power Stunts for Time Fugue:

Lower: Add a +2 Power Stunt bonus to your Time Fugue power

check when you are trying to arrest the fall of an object, and by
turning your power on and off multiple times a second, lower it to
the ground.

Extras for Time Fugue:

Slow (+3 per rank): You can choose to freeze or slow time down
for objects or people.

Touch only (-2 per rank): Your power only works on objects or
people you can touch.

There are only two types of powers that can directly affect anothers mind, the Hypercharisma power and Projected Hallucination.
Hypercharisma is covered under the Hyperstats section. Projected
Hallucination is covered as its own power.


Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

You can transform your body into anything you can imagine
while retaining your intelligence (other than a human being). Any
creature, substance or object you have seen or can envision, you
can become. With this power, you could turn into an eagle, a
griffin, a cloud of gas, or a four-post bed. Concentrate one round,
succeed in power check against the DC indicated for your transformed states weight and resiliency, beat the Transformation
difficulty number and poof, you become that new thing. This lasts
for a number of hours equal to the width of the roll, or whenever
you wish to revert back.


Weight Affected
<100-210 pounds
210-250 pounds
250-370 pounds
370-500 pounds
500-800 pounds
800 pounds-1 ton
1-2 tons
2-4 tons
4-6 tons
6-10 tons

DC Modifier Example
Easy (+2)
Substances are related (Transform a person
into another animal.)
Medium (+5) Substances are similar (Transform from an
animal into an inanimate object.)
Hard (+10)
Substances are dissimilar (Transform from a
person into a fictional object or animal.)
In your new state, you may use any abilities that form possesses
(with fictional creatures, only non-super-human abilities can be
imitated). As an eagle, you may fly and attack with claws, as a bear
you can bite and claw, etc. When you transform you must divide
your Transform ranks between any of these special abilities (or any
abilities you formerly possessed in your human form, including
super-abilities). Any skill or stat bonus possessed by this new form
is limited to a maximum score equal to the Transformation ranks.
If you invest zero ranks such abilities, you look cosmetically like
the animal or form you have assumed, but you lack them.

On the other hand, you are also limited by that forms limitations. So as a four-post bed, you could not see, hear, smell or touch,
or as an eagle you could not speak. You gain your new forms
hardness and AC, but you keep your original pool of hit points.
Transforming from one shape to another does not change your current hit point level. If you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, you
immediately return to your normal form.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Qualities: Attacks, Defends, Useful Outside of

Combat, Robust. (5 points per rank.)

You can alter the atomic structure of objects, changing one type
of substance into another. This power does not allow you to
change the form of the target, only the substance it is made of. The
target can be transformed into only one type of substance. With
this power, you could turn a gun into acid, or a tank into gelatin.
Concentrate one round, succeed in a dynamic contest against the
DC indicated for your targets weight and the Transmutation DC
modifier and poof, its transformed into that new substance.
Note: Living targets are killed instantly when transmuted into
another substance and they remain dead when the effect of the
power is removed.


Weight Affected
<100-210 pounds
210-250 pounds
250-370 pounds
370-500 pounds
500-800 pounds
800 pounds-1 ton
1-2 tons
2-4 tons
4-6 tons
6-10 tons

DC Modifier
Easy (+2)

Substances are related (Transmute
a metal into another metal.)
Medium (+5)
Substances are similar (Transmute
water into hydraulic fluid.)
Hard (+10)
Substances are dissimilar (Transmute water into steel.)
Extremely Difficult (+20) Transform a living creature

Power Stunts for Transmutation:

Target Specialist: Pick one particular substance. You gain a +2 Power

Stunt bonus when you attempt to turn that material into something
else. For example, if you picked steel as your specialty, youd get your
dice when trying to turn steel into grape jam or into air or whatever.
Result Specialist: Pick a specific material. When transforming other
materials into that material, you gain a +2 Power Stunt bonus. If
(for instance) your special material is salt, you can add this bonus
when trying to turn people, tanks or water into salt.

Note: These two specialist types stack. If a character has Target Specialist (Flesh) and Result Specialist
(Gasoline), he receives a +4 bonus when trying to turn
someones flesh into gasoline.

Flaws for Transmutation:

King Midas (-2 per rank): You can only transmute objects into one
type of material, be it carbon peroxide, sand or even plastic.

Using Powers

Using super-human abilities is as easy as concentrating for a

moment. In game terms, most of the time, to activate a power, a
character must pause, concentrate one turn, and make a successful
roll against the set DC of the power.

Some powers are always active, and require no such roll to
activate. Some defensive abilities such as Heavy Armor are simply
always on, to protect the operator from harm.

Other powers are fickle, and activate based on the whims of
the operators subconscious. In this case the power is activated and
deactivated at the whim of the GM.

Power Range

Most power powers listed (unless otherwise noted) work within

sight range of the operator. Anything that can be seen, can be affected by the power, unless that power is limited, or if the object affected is too large for the power to overcome. Other powers (such
as transportation powers or other self-affecting powers such as
heavy armor or passive psychic abilities), work only on or directly
around the operator.

Hyperskills and Hyperstats only work on the operator, of
course (unless they are modified with an Extra).

Some super-human powers have no limit to range. If a superhuman ability has an effective range beyond sight range, it is usually
listed under the description of the power and costs more Power Points.

Powers and Concentration

Its difficult to concentrate while bullets rip through your flesh, and
most super-human powers require concentration to work. Since heroes
seem to get shot so much, its important to cover this eventuality.

First off, someone whos rolling to activate a power must make a
Constitution check with a DC equal to the amount of damage taken.

If a power is always active, it still may fail if the hero is injured.
If a hero is using a power that doesnt require a roll and he gets hit,
he must make a Constitution check with a DC equal to the damage
taken minus 10. If the DC is 0 or less, the hero does not need to bother
to roll the check, it succeeds automatically. If the roll fails, the power
shuts down until a successful Constitution check (DC 10) is made.

Power Side Effects

Some hero powers just naturally have side effects which may not
directly affect game play, but which are very noticeable to those
witnessing their use. For example, a hero who flies may project a
beam of light from his legs as he jets through the air, or a hero who
hurls balls of fire may have hands that burn while he is preparing
to attack. These are not really significant enough to add cost to
the Power Point total of the power, though they may prove useful.
Some heroes have no side effects to their powers at all.

The hero with flaming hands may be able to light a fire with
his fingers, or the flying hero may be able to illuminate an area
with his contrail. Imaginative players may come up with dozens
of ways to use their side effects in a productive manner, but the
GM can come up with a million more ways to make those side
effects deadly. Flying with a glowing contrail at night is guaranteed
to bring on an anti-aircraft gun attack, and walking around with
burning hands in a building may just set off the fire alarm...

Choose your side effects carefully, theyre free and they may
be useful, but they might just come back to haunt you in the end.

Using Powers Defensively

Sometimes even powers that arent usually used to defend, such as

Harm or Invisibility, can be used defensively. To be able to use a
power this way, it must have the Defends quality. Without it, no


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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


defense is possible with that particular power.

When a power is used in this way, make an opposed check
between the defensive power and the attack roll. If the defender scores
higher, he negates the attack. Otherwise, the attack takes effect as normal. A hero must decide to use his power defensively before the attacker
makes his roll. The attacker must still meet or beat the targets AC in
order to score a hit. Thus, if the attack roll is higher than the defensive
power roll but lower than the targets AC, the attack is still a miss.

A hero power can be used in a defensive manner if the following circumstances are met:

Base Will is fairly stable: Its your default Will when youre not
swollen with self-confidence or crushed by loss. If you lose all your
Will, it will gradually rise back up to the Base Will levels, provided
you are not under constant adverse conditions.

The general Will trait is more important and less stable. Will
is used in two ways: You can risk it, or you can spend it. If you
spend it, its gone: Spend 3 Will, your Will rating drops by 3 (not,
however, your Base Will rating). If you risk it, it means theres a
chance you could lose it, or a chance you could keep it - or, for that
matter, a chance you could increase it.

1) You know you are under attack: Your power may not be used
to defend against attacks you dont know are coming, unless
that power is a defensive power with the Always On Extra.
2) You can see the Attacker: The defense is no good if you dont
know the exact distance and direction of your attacker, unless
that power is a defensive power with the Always On Extra.

Will Points, Base Will, Will Save

Inside the System: Powers

The rules for Hyperstats, Hyperskills, and Powers assume that you
want to play a relatively gritty, down-to-earth superhero game. Not
everyone wants that, however. In order to support a more epic,
four-color comic feel, try the following variations on these rules:

Use one of the optional, high power levels presented in

the Character Creation section. Doing so gives characters
more powers and better stats at the beginning of the game.
Use the optional rules giving characters more hit points
from the combat chapter. Characters in comic books
often wade into battle, absorbing bullets, explosions,
and colossal amounts of damage without batting an eye.
For abilities that require a character to spend Will points
in order to use them (such as Aces), a character must
spend 50 xp per point of Will needed to fuel the power.

Using these optional rules results in a much different game, but one
that can better model the freewheeling heroism of classic comic
book heroes. Of course, these rules were designed first to work
with the gritty, realistic tone of the rules presented earlier in this
book. Luckily for you, these rules are completely open source.
Bend, fold, and mutilate them to your hearts content. We wont
mind. In fact, thats what we hope some of you choose to do. We
cant wait to see what you come up with.


The powers exhibited by heroes are basically variations of the same

power: the power to impose your beliefs on the physical world around
you. To model this with rules mechanics, theres the Will stat. If you
want to find out more about Will, and how to use it in a dynamic
sense, refer to the rules earlier in the book. In the open source superhero rules, however, Will is little more than fuel for super-powers.

Unlike your other stats, Will goes up and down all the time.
Depending on circumstances, your characters ability to believe
in his powers may be strong or weak, and the rise and fall of Will
reflects that. Generally speaking, the better he does, the stronger
he becomes. Defeats and setbacks weaken his Will and, consequently, his powers.

Base Will: You start out with a Base Will score equal to your
Cool modifier + Charisma modifier + 2, with a minimum starting
value of 1. Normal humans only have a Base Will statistic; they do
not have, like super-humans, a Will stat that fluctuates up or down.

When you design your character, you can increase your Base
Will score at a cost of 1 Power Point per Will point. The resulting
Will score goes on your character sheet as your Base Will. Your

You may have noticed that we use the term Will in relation to three
different numbers: Will points, Base Will, and Will save. A Will save
represents a characters ability to see through lies, deception, or to
exercise raw willpower to resist an effect. Base Will is a measure of
a characters normal level of self-confidence. Will points represent
the current status of a characters confidence. Base Will and the Will
save generally only change when a character gains a level, while Will
points can change often during the course of a game session.

In general, when we refer to spending Will or using Will,
were talking about Will points. When the rules refer to Base Will
or a Will save, they explicitly state this.

What Will is Good For

You cant use any of your paranormal abilities - Powers, Hyperskills or Hyperstats - if you have 0 Will.
Whenever you use any super-human ability, you must risk
a point of Will (See Gaining Will and Losing Will below).
If you succeed at activating the power, you do not lose
that Will point, if you fail, that Will point is lost.

Gaining Will

Your Will rating increases by 1 point whenever one of the following things occurs.

You roll a natural 20 while successfully using one of

your hero powers in a meaningful, stressful situation.
You cannot simply walk around using your powers
constantly, banking on that 1 in 20 roll that nets you a
Will point. The GM has final say on whether a power
was used under stressful enough situations to warrant a
Will point if you roll a natural 20.
You wake up after a good nights sleep and your current Will is less than your Base Will.
You successfully achieve an important objective.
At the GMs discretion, you may get a point of Will
when you do something particularly spectacular and
gratifying, or when you do something that really seems
to boost your characters self-image.

Your Will rating increases by multiple Will points whenever one of

the following things occurs.

You subdue or kill another super-human in combat. If you

do this, you gain his level in points. Thus, a 5th-level hero is
worth 5 Will points if defeated in combat. If multiple heroes
work together to defeat one or more enemy heroes, divide
the total Will reward amongst all the heroes who were on
the winning side. If this division leaves someone with a fraction of a Will point as a reward, round up that characters
reward to one. Round down in all other situations.
Your power saves a persons life directly. If you do this,
you gain 2 Will points.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Losing Will

In addition to spending it, your Will rating decreases whenever one

of the following things occurs.

If you fail a mental fatigue roll (see below) you lose

half your Will.
If a personal tragedy occurs in your life (i.e. a breakup
with your fiance, a notice that your mother has died,
or a buddy gets killed), you lose half your Will.
If you fail to activate a power, you lose a point of Will.
If you attempt and fail to save someone with your
power, you lose 1 Will point.
If you are subdued in combat by another super-human
you lose half your Will.

Mental Fatigue

Mental Fatigue represents the mental damage meted out by the

horrors of violence. When confronted by extreme violence and
danger, some people buckle under the mental strain and develop
mental illnesses.

When confronted with a particularly stressful situation, each
character must make a check using his Cool modifier plus his
Charisma modifier, plus his level. The following table illustrates the
DCs of several different events that can cause Mental Fatigue:


Witness a close friend killed
Witness a gruesome death
Witness a close friend killed in a gruesome manner

Immediate Result

First off, if you fail a mental fatigue check your character loses control.
You, as the player, have three choices.

The character can immediately flee the scene at top

speed using every means at his disposal (except he cant
fight anyone who tries to stop him) and lose half his
remaining Will.
He can curl up in a ball (whereupon you are also incapable of offensive action) and lose half his remaining
Or he can hold his ground, keep fighting, lose all his
remaining Will and suffer a long-term effect.

Its up to you whether he flees, curls up on the ground bawling, or

holds his ground but loses his Will.

Regardless of which response you pick for your character,
it either lasts fifteen minutes or until the maddening stimulus is
removed. (Or until your character dies, of course.)

Long-Term Effects

The long-term effects of a single distressing incident depend on

your current mental state, which can be represented by a whole lot
of different character elements. The foremost of these is Will. Since
super-humans are those people who can (for whatever reason)
mold reality with just the force of their belief, Will can serve as a
sort of buffer between them and madness. Thus, if you have any
Will at all, you stave off long-term effects from the trauma.

If you have no Will, youre really in the shit. Youre going to
lose something, but what you lose is up to you. You must, however,
pick one of the following:


Permanently lose a point of Cool.

Permanently lose a point of Wisdom.
Lose two points of Base Will.
Permanently gain a mental illness such as shell-shock,
depression or alcoholism.

Losing Cool or Wisdom are obviously bad, because that puts you
on a slippery slope down to lost Will and pure madness. On the
other hand, losing Base Will makes it a lot harder to recover from
fights with other super-humans. Permanent mental illnesses though,
are no picnic. But at least you get to choose, right?

We dont really have room for detailed mental illness rules,
but look to the main rules for details. In general, the illness is your
brains way of coping with the unacceptable trauma of combat.

As a rule of thumb, when the mental illness fully takes over,
youre at a 4 penalty to all rolls due to the shakes or your brain
trying to shut down. (Or if you drown it all out with booze, make
it a 2 penalty to everything but the penalty stays with you for
hours after the crisis is over while the booze is still in your system.)
In fact you can treat it sort of like having a new feat, except its
a horribly deblitating one thats twice as bad as a normal feat is

Mental illness is likely to come to the fore, whatever shape
it takes, under the stress of a crisis. Going into combat again or
suffering some other severe crisis triggers an immediate Mental
Fatigue check at DC 10. If it fails, the mental illness takes over and
you suffer the usual results of a failed Mental Fatigue check.

Its possible to develop multiple mental illnesses in response to
repeated mental traumas. Thats bad news. If that happens, going
into combat or some other severe crisis triggers a Mental Fatigue
check once for each mental illness. If you want your character to
become one of those poor souls shaking and weeping in the psych
ward, this is how it happens.

Will Points in Game Play

How many Will points does an average hero have? Depending on

the power level of your campaign, the Will points of an average
hero may vary from as low as 5 to as many as 100 or more. The
amount of Will points an average hero has hinges on the amount of
action, penalty and reward the PCs are exposed to, which directly
relates to the theme of the campaign. In a high-powered campaign
the PCs will most likely have high Will point totals and in a realistic campaign, they will most likely have low Will point totals.

High Will point totals will allow heroes to use their powers all
the time, with little chance of ever reaching 0 Will points.

Low Will point totals will lead to careful combats, and the
hoarding of abilities. Loss of hero powers will occur often due to
0 Will point totals coming up all the timeespecially in the heat of

Saving Throws

When a character is confronted with such dangers as poison,

explosives, disease, or other dangers, a saving throw determines
whether he avoid the full effect of the danger. There are three types
of saving throws, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

Fortitude Save

Use Fortitude saves to determine if poison gas effects a character,

how quickly starvation begins to affect a character, and similar
cases where endurance and toughness are important in determining
if a character can resist an effect. Add a characters Constitution
modifiers to all Fortitude save checks.

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Reflex Save

Use Reflex saves to determine if a characters speed and agility allow him to avoid the effects of an explosion, a booby trap, or anything else that can be dodged. Add a characters Dexterity modifier
to all Reflex checks.

Will Save

A characters Will save represents his mental fortitude and resolve.

Add a characters Wisdom modifier to his Will save checks.

Saving throws are made to oppose skill checks or power
checks. You may also use them to cover any dangerous situation
that does not involve a direct attack from another character. Refer
to the DC table at the start of this section to determine an appropriate DC for a saving throw.


Combat in the open source rules works much like a regular skill
check. Roll a D20, add you skill ranks, add the appropriate stat
modifier, and then compare the result to a DC. In combat, however,
the DC is always the targets Armor Class, the skill is a weapon
skill, and the stat modifier is either Strength, for hand-to-hand
combat, or Dexterity, for ranged combat.

The Combat Round

Fights are broken down into rounds. How long a round lasts varies
from round to round based on what happens, but they average out
to six seconds each. During a round, a character may:

Sprint 120 feet

Move 30 feet and attack
Move 30 feet and load a firearm or draw a weapon
Move 30 feet and (with a Climb roll) climb over a low
wall or (with a Jump roll) jump over a trench
Load a firearm or draw a weapon and attack
Attack twice (but see below)
Conduct Burst Fire once (see p. 341)

Generally speaking, a character can move 30 feet and also do a

single, simple action. Each of those things is called a partial action.
A character can do two of those in a single round.

If a character wishes to do something more complicated, such
as pick a lock, repair a radio, or give or receive a complex set of
orders, he cannot move. Thats called a full-round action. Its the
only thing a character can do in a single round.

Obviously, it is impossible to catalog all of the possible actions
a character may take. The best bet for the GM is to simply estimate
how much a character can get done in a few seconds. Rounds are
meant primarily to help keep combat organized, not to rigidly
define what a character can and cannot do.

There are some specific restrictions on attacking twice in a

If the weapon has a Slow rating (see the weapon

descriptions in the main rules), the character must take
time to load a new round of ammo just as he would to
draw a weapon. (With a Slow rating higher than 1, it
takes that many partial actions.)
If the character attacks more than one target in a
round, each attack beyond the first is at a cumulative
2 penalty in addition to all other modifiers.


At the beginning of combat, each participant in the fight rolls a

d20 and adds his Dexterity modifier. Each player then declares and
resolves his action, starting with the highest roller and moving on
down to the lowest. If there is a tie, the character with the highest
Dexterity goes first. If there is still a tie, the characters must make
opposed Cool checks. The winner of this test goes before the loser.
If multiple characters with equal Dexterity tie their initiative rolls,
all make Cool checks and go in order from high roll to lowest. Any
tied Cool checks are re-rolled until no ties remain.

Making an Attack

Hitting someone involves simply making a weapon skill check

with the targets AC as the Difficulty Class. If the attack rolls
greater than or equal to the AC, he hits. If a character does not
possess any skill ranks in the weapon he uses, apply a 2 penalty
to his attack roll.

Ranged weapon skills are all based on the Dexterity attribute.
Melee skills are all based on the Strength attribute.

A character caught unaware by an attack loses the Dexterity
bonus to his AC.


A successful attack obviously hurts the target. Each character has a

number of hit points equal to his Constitution score. Firearms and
melee weapons each have a damage rating expressed as a number
of dice and a modifier. When you hit in combat, roll the appropriate dice and subtract the result from the targets hit points.

Once a characters hit points reach 0 or lower, the character
falls unconscious. If a characters hit points drop to 10, he dies immediately. A character with between 0 and 9 hit points loses one
hit point per round until he reaches 10, at which point he dies.
Characters losing hit points in this manner need immediate medical
attention. A successful medical skill check (DC 10) stabilizes the
character and prevents him from losing any more hit points. If
someone tries to move the character without a stretcher, he must
make a Dex check (DC 10) to avoid causing 1 hp of damage to the
incapacitated character per minute of movement. If this drives a
character down to 10 hit points, the character dies.

Subdual Damage

Not every attack deals lethal damage. Punches and kicks, for
example, have little chance to kill a character but may render him
unconscious. Keep track of subdual damage separately from regular damage. A character that takes more than his total hit points in
subdual damage is knocked unconscious for 3d20 minutes.

Weapon Damage

The following table summarizes the damage dealt by firearms and a

representative sample of melee weapons. Refer to the main rules for
more details on particular weapons, such as ranges and ammunition
capacity. The damage listed here are meant to cover generic weapon
types. GMs who wish to create charts with greater detail are encouraged to use the following values as guidelines. Refer to the main rules
to determine how particular weapons deviate from the generic norms
given in here. The damage here is based on the generic weapon table
from the main rules.

Weapon Type
Long Rifle

Base Damage Rating


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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Machine Gun

3d6 to all targets in 10 yard radius*
3d8 to all targets in 10-yard radius*
3d10 to all targets in 10-yard radius*
2d6 damage per round until fire extinguished.
DC 15 Dex check for others to extinguish, DC
20 Cool check for target to extinguish himself.

* Successful Reflex save (DC 15) to take only half damage from the
attack. In addition, if the target is in a foxhole and is not at ground
zero of the attack, he takes only half damage. In addition, if the
weapon detonates in a pit or foxhole, characters outside of the hole
but within 10 feet take only half damage. With a successful save, a
character in a foxhole takes only 1/4 damage.
** Deals subdual damage.
All melee weapons add the attackers Strength modifier to their
damage rolls. Barehanded attacks and kicks deal subdual damage.

Keeping Your Cool

Whenever a character is hit and wounded by gunfire, make a Cool

check (DC 15). On a failed roll, the character spends the next 1d4
rounds paralyzed with pain, shock or fear and can take no actions.
In addition, while under fire from enemy units a character must
make a Cool check (DC 15) or use his Cool modifier in place of his
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers for the duration of
the battle.

Combat Modifiers

Listed below are a set of common combat conditions and the effect
they have on attack rolls. Generally speaking, a situation that gives
the attacker an advantage confers a +2 bonus to hit. A situation
that hurts the attackers chance to hit causes a 2 penalty to hit.
Obviously, it is impossible to describe every possible combat condition, but here are a few common ones:

Attacker untrained with weapon
Attacker on higher ground
Attacker prone
Defender sitting or kneeling
Defender prone
Defender running
Defender has cover

See Cover

*This penalty does not apply to barehanded attacks, only to attacks made with weapons.
**The defender loses any Dexterity bonus to AC.
***Roll randomly to see which grappling combatant a combatant
strikes. That defender loses any Dexterity bonus to AC.


Given the damage ratings for firearms listed above, and given that
the average human has around 10 hit points, cover and staying the
hell out of harms way are the best methods to live through a fight
involving firearms. If a character hides behind something capable
of stopping a bullet, figure out what percentage of the characters
body is visible to anyone firing a gun at him.

If the attacker rolls a hit on his attack roll, there is a percent
chance equal to the percent of the characters body behind cover that
the bullet harmlessly strikes the cover, doing no damage to the target.


Burst Fire

When firing an automatic weapon, you may choose to fire a burst

rather than a single shot. You may choose to make up to 4 attacks
with a single burst. You must fire 3 bullets for each attack. You suffer a cumulative 2 penalty to hit for each attack beyond the first.


A character heals damage at a rate determined by his Constitution

score. Characters with minor wounds merely need rest and basic medical care in order to recover. Under proper medical care and with complete bed rest, a character heals 1d3 + his Constitution modifier per
week. Proper medical care is defined as a DC 10 medical skill check.

A character reduced to less than 0 hit points requires much
more intensive care. The character is incapable of any arduous
physical activity for 1d4 weeks. During this time, he heals 1 hit
point per week. After this period, he heals 1d3 + Con modifier per
week until fully healed.

Subdual damage heals much quicker than standard damage. A
character who receives medical attention and bed rest heals 1d6 +
Con modifier per day.

If a character does not receive proper medical care, he halves
the hit points he should have healed over a given time span. If
the character does not receive 12 hours of bed rest and avoid all
strenuous physical activity, he heals at half the normal rate. If a
character receives neither medical care or bed rest, he heals at a
quarter of the normal rate.

Armored Vehicles

Heavily armored tanks and other vehicles take damage only from
mortars, artillery, cannons, and other heavy weapons. In addition,
a character with 2 or more ranks of Hyperstrength can damage
armored vehicles with their fists. To determine how many hit points
of damage a tank can take, multiply its heavy armor rating from
the main rules by 10. A vehicle with a heavy armor rating of 0 has
5 hit points. A vehicle reduced to 0 hit points is immediately disabled. In addition, each crewman must make a Fortitude save (DC
equal to damage taken) or immediately drop to 0 hit points.

Whenever an explosive device hits a vehicle, each crewman
must make a Reflex save or take half the damage dealt by the attack.
Fire attacks deal full damage to each crewman on every successful
attack, though there is no chance for the crewmen to catch fire.

Inside the System: Combat

As you can see from the weapon damages and wound recovery
times, characters pay a heavy price for taking even a burst of
machine gun fire. The easiest way to make characters more survivable is to give them some multiple of their Con in hit points. In
addition, you can increase healing rates by the same multiple and
perhaps even cut them in half or by a quarter to further reduce the
penalty for dropping below 0 hit points.


Hit Point Multiplier


In addition, feel free to drop the Keeping Your Cool rules if you want
your game to have a less gritty, more comic book feel to it. If you
want your superheroes to shrug off machine gun bursts and charge
valiantly forward into enemy fire, the Keeping Your Cool rules only
get in the way of a good time. On the other hand, they make combat
much deadlier and emphasize the terror of actual combat.

The text on this page is Open Game Content, and is distributed under the Open Gaming License v1.0a. Visit the Open Gaming Foundation at

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Inside the System: Experience

As characters complete missions, defeat enemies, and undergo

training, their skills and abilities increase over time. To measure
how much a character has learned form a particular event, the GM
awards experience points (xp). Characters may spend xp to gain skill
ranks, increase their statistics, improve their powers, or acquire feats.

1 skill rank
1 saving throw point
1 stat point
1 Power Point
1 new feat

100 xp
150 xp
400 xp
200 xp
500 xp

For every 1000 xp a character gains, he gains a level. Characters

may accumulate experience points without spending them in order
to wait to increase their skills when they gain a level. A characters
level determines the maximum number of ranks he may have in a
skill, and the total feats he may have.

Skill ranks
Total feats

Current level + 3
Current level + 1

Awarding Experience

XP awards are largely left up to the GMs judgment. If you want

characters to quickly advance in levels, hand out more xp. If not, keep
a tight control over the xp thats handed out. In general, a 4 6 hour
gaming sessions should yield a 500 1000 xp award for characters.

Gaining Levels

The experience rules presented here are meant to be very freeform.

Levels are now only an indicator of a characters total experience
rather than milestones that herald a new set of skills and powers
for a character. If you wish to maintain the leveling up feel of
games that use rules similar to these open source rules, you may
restrict characters to spending xp only when they gain a level.

Depending on the feel of your superhero games, you may
want to modify the xp cost of certain bonuses and to change or
eliminate skill and feat caps based on character level. The following tables illustrate how you can change the xp costs of certain
advancements in order to help model particular feels.

For example, in a super-powered game Power Points are cheap,
making it easy to create and advance characters who rely on enormously powerful abilities. On the other hand, low-powered heroes
must pay 8 times as much to get a single Power Point, forcing them
to rely more on skills as they gain levels rather than superpowers.

400 xp
600 xp
Moderate-power 400 xp
High-powered 400 xp
Super-powered 250 xp

100 xp
100 xp
100 xp
100 xp
50 xp

Max Feats
1 + level
1 + level
2 + level
(level + 1) * 2
No max

500 xp
750 xp
300 xp
250 xp
200 xp

150 xp
200 xp
100 xp
100 xp
50 xp

200 xp
400 xp
100 xp
50 xp
25 xp

Max Skill Ranks

3 + level
3 + level
5 + level
No max
No max

A character does not spend xp to gain a level. Instead, keep a

running total of the xp a character has gained. Divide this total
by 1000, round down, and add 1 to determine a characters level.
Essentially, whenever a character gains a full 1000 xp, whether he
spends them on skills and other benefits or not, he gains a level.
The total xp a character has saved up and spent on improvements
are added together to determine a characters level.

End of Open Gaming Content section.

The text on this page is Open Game Content, and is distributed under the Open Gaming License v1.0a. Visit the Open Gaming Foundation at

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




More Rules Options

In the years since Godlike was first published, we have

come up with a lot of new optional rules to answer players
demands. Here are our favorites.

Game Mechanics

Most of this section is combat rules that have turned out to

be indispensible for long-term Godlike campaigns. Squad
Combat is by Shane Ivey, from the Godlike adventure
Donars Hammer. Bombardment, Minefields, OneRoll Patrols and FUBAR are by Allan Goodall, from the
campaign book Black Devils Brigade.

The Old Way

Squad Combat

The Godlike combat system is excellent for lightning-fast

resolution of small-scale combats, but with more than a
few combatants it can get unwieldy. These rules streamline
the process by replacing NPC individual dice pools with a
single roll for each group and simplifying NPC injuries.

The rules are meant for the typical infantry units faced
by playersusually two or three squads of riflemen supporting a small machine gun team. With fewer than three
NPCs in a group, handle them individually. With more than
fifteen, handle them with two or more dice pools.

The Dice Pool

An NPC squads dice pool gets one die per NPC. A squad
has a cap of 15 dice in its pool rather than the 10d limit
of individual characters. With three NPCs its 3d; with a
dozen NPCs its 12d; with 15 or more its 15d. Thats far
fewer dice than theyd get if you added up their individual
dice pools, but most NPCs spend a lot of time taking cover,
waiting for orders, clearing jammed weapons, etc.

With a squad you dont have to declare their actions
in detail in the Declare phase. Just add up how many NPCs

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

are acting, what weapons theyre using, and figure out how
many dice to roll. In the Roll phase, roll em.

In the Resolve phase, assign each set that comes up to
a single action by a single NPC however you like. This is
almost always going to be attack rolls, but you can assign
sets to non-attack actions like diving for cover or trying to
rally their fellows with the Inspire skill. But common sense
must apply. If a squad has nine rifles but seven are out of
ammo, dont assign more than two sets to rifle shots.

For a squad attack, no set can be higher than Width
3. If its Width 4 or more, divide the Width between two
separate actions.
When these rules first appeared in Donars Hammer, we
calculated the squads dice pool by taking the highest single
dice pool of a member of the squad and adding 1d per
additional member. This version is easier and plays better.
Recalculate squad write-ups in adventures as needed.


The weapons that the NPCs use affect their dice pool.

Slow: Weapons with Slow ratings dont fire as often as
others. If the squad is firing Slow weapons, it takes a number of NPCs equal to the Slow rating plus one to add 1d to
the dice pool. If nine Heer are firing Kar-98 rifles (Slow 1),
it takes two of them to add 1d; they have a total pool of 4d.

Spray: Add the Spray rating of the NPCs weapons to
their dice pool. Each of the widest matching sets in the roll
(or the tallest if Widths are tied) must be assigned to an attack by each Spray weapon.

Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice

Its usually best to play each Talent individually and leave

the squad rules for NPCs without superpowers. If a character in the squad has Hard Dice or Wiggle Dice, replace that



characters 1d contribution to the dice pool with those Hard
Dice or Wiggle Dice. Obviously the Hard Die or Wiggle Die
can only be used in a set or sets assigned to that character.

trying to save them, he or she can make a Brains+First Aid

roll to save a dying NPC; but each Brains+First Aid roll after the first is at 1d as time runs out and supplies run low.

Elite Units


Each character who has an attack dice pool of 6d or more

before adding Spray adds one extra die to the squads pool.

Squad Attacks

By default, a squad attacks with cover fire, not deliberately

aimed fire. Even if its all riflemen with Slow bolt-action
weapons, they use cover fire to force as many enemies
as possible to keep their heads downoften triggering
Cool+Mental Stability rolls in targets who brave the fire to
shoot back; see p. 16rather than targeting individuals.

The exceptions are things like hand-to-hand attacks
and grenades, which dont involve putting bullets downrange, and zeroing in on enemies who are bunched together.
And if you have a sniper, of course he or she is going after
specific individualsbut treat a sniper as an individual
character, not a squad.

Squad Condition

Instead of damage silhouettes, every NPC in a squad has

two damage tracks of exactly one wound box each:
Health and Morale. You can keep track of them on the
squad data sheet at the end of this chapter.


If an NPC is hit by an attack with either Height 10 or

Width 3 or more, the NPC is incapacitated or killed. Mark
an X in the Health box. Otherwise mark a slash (/)
through the Health box to indicate that the character is
wounded but still active.

Special cases may apply, and the GM can work out the
details if they do.

Unarmed attacks: If an attack is unarmed it takes both
Height 10 and Width 3 or more to incapacitate a target.

Rifle or machine gun wounds: If an attack is with a
rifle or machine gun or anything heavier, any hit incapacitates an NPC squad member, not just Width 3 or Height 10.

Helmets: If the target is wearing a helmet, write
Helmet in the Notes line on the squad data sheet. The
first Height 10 attack that the NPC suffers is only a wound
unless its also Width 3 or more. But any later Height 10 attack means incpacitation, regardless of the helmet. Scratch
out the helmet on the data sheet so you remember not to
apply it next time.

Area Attacks: If an Area attack hits a character in the
squad, the targeted character is automatically killed or incapacitated. Now roll the Area dice as a pool. If its a match,
the Height is the number of characters within 10 yards who
are wounded. The Width is the additional number who are
killed or incapacitated. If the Area roll is not a match, or if
it the squad has good cover and the Area roll is Height 5 or
less, it does no further damage.

Buying the Farm: You may want to figure out afterward how many of the incapacitated or killed NPCs survive. As a rule of thumb, half live and half die. If you want
to roll for it, give each one a Body+Health roll with +1d if
the NPC has buddies trying to keep him alive and another
+1d if the buddies have first aid kids. If a medic or nurse is

Any time one of the following events happens to an NPC,

the NPC is suppressed:

The NPC takes a wound.

The NPC must roll to see if he is hit by cover fire
(whether it actually hits him or not).
The NPC is attacked by a Talent power or by a flamethrower (whether it hits or not).
The NPC is nearly hit by direct fire (the attack was a
match but cover saved the NPC).
The NPC is in the blast radius of an Area attack but

When an NPC is suppressed, mark a slash (/) through the

Morale box.

A suppressed NPC cant contribute any dice to the
squads dice pool. A suppressed NPC must move to the best
possible cover thats within one rounds movement; if none
is available, the NPC will go prone. The NPC must stay
behind cover or prone as long as he is suppressed.

If a suppressed NPC spends one combat round behind
cover without being suppressed again (being prone in the
open doesnt count), erase the suppressed mark on his morale box at the end of the round.

If a suppressed NPC is suppressed again, he or she
becomes demoralized. Change the / in the Morale box
to an X. The same rules apply, but a demoralized NPC
cant recover without leadership. A character who attempts
to rally demoralized NPCs must make a Command+Inspire
or Command+Leadership roll. Height in NPCs lose their
demoralized status.

If the enemy comes within three rounds movement
(usually about 30 yards), a demoralized character will either
surrender or flee (GMs option).

Squad Movement

A squad in rough battlefield terrain can run about 10 yards

per round and still retain unit cohesion. Adjust upwards, up
to double the rate, for suppressed or demoralized individuals or for especially easy terrain.

A Squad Example

A machine gun squad of the Hermann Gring Division is

attacking. The squad has one gunner with an MG42 machine gun (Spray 6), one loader (the GM decides the loader
is necessary for the gunner to use his full Spray rating every
round, so he doesnt add a die to the squad pool), and two
riflemen with Gewehr 41 rifles (Slow 1).

When the squad attacks, its dice pool includes 1d for
the machine gunner, 6d for the machine guns Spray rating,
and 1d for the two riflemen with their Slow rifles. Thats a
total of 8d. If an attack succeeds, the widest set must be assigned to the machine gun. Others can be used as needed
for rifle hits, other machine gun hits, for rallying demoralized men, for spotting a stealthy commando, etc.

If the squad attacks with grenades or hand-to-hand
weapons instead, they roll 1d per man, or 4d total.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Taking Cover

Throughout World War II, shelling brought random, indiscriminate maiming and death. While cover mitigated damage, and the probability of dying in any single barrage was
relatively small, the sheer number of barrages made artillery
the king of the battlefield.

Unfortunately, the random, indiscriminate maiming
and death of a player character sucks. It might be historically accurate, but is it fun?

Artillery and mortar fire in Godlike is incredibly
deadly, particularly if a character is at ground zero and out
in the open when a large shell hits. This represents single
shots aimed specifically at a Talent.

The following rules simulate a different kind of artillery damage: that which can occur when an area is bombarded by artillery barrages of varying intensity and duration. In this kind of barrage most soldiers huddle under the
best cover they can find and feel sorry for the ones who are
ordered to go out and seize objectives despite the shelling.


Determine the intensity of the attack. This is a rating from

2 to 10, with 2 representing sporadic pot shots and 10
representing concentrated fire for a long time (several hours,
or more).

Light bombardment is anything from a single gun or
mortar tube up to a battery of guns.

Medium bombardment is several batteries.

Heavy bombardment is a divisional level bombardment
or greater.

The artillery dice pool equals the bombardments Intensity. Roll the dice, looking for matching sets. As normal,
the Width of the set indicates the damage, the Height is
the damaged hit location.

Each character in the location being bombarded rolls
Coordination+Dodge, unless they are out in the open and
the GM decides they were surprised, or unless they were
already under cover.

Match the height of the Coordination+Dodge roll
against the Taking Cover Table on p. 18. This indicates the
hit locations protected from the shelling. If the characters
are in prepared positions, the position itself determines the
amount of protection they receive, but they still roll the
dice. A successful Coordination+Dodge roll means the character ducked down in time to avoid most of the damage.

Each character takes damage from every matching set.
If a hit location is protected by cover, that location is not
damaged (though there might still be Shock damage, see
below). A failed roll means the character was caught out in
the open and all hit locations are vulnerable.


If a character fails the Dodge roll, or succeeds but the

location that was hit was not protected by cover, apply the
following damage:

Mortar attacks: Width in Killing and Shock.

Cannon attacks: Width + 1 in Killing and Shock.

In addition each character, even if safely under cover, receives the following damage:

Mortar attacks: Width 1 in Shock to the head.
Cannon attacks: Width in Shock to the head.

Sporadic, rare shots; a few shots every hour

or so

Sporadic shots, a few shots every 15 minutes.

Light bombardment lasting 15 minutes to half

an hour or so

Light bombardment lasting a 1/2 hour to two


Medium bombardment lasting 15 minutes

to half an hour. Light bombardment lasting
several hours.

Medium bombardment lasting an hour or


This assumes the character is not in a barrage-proof bunker.

If he or she is, theres still one Shock point to the head but
no other damage.

A character who botches the cover rollno matching
sets and all dice come up 5 or lesstakes damage for being
within the burst radius of an artillery attack (see Part Seven:
The Field Manual). In other words, the shot landed right
next to the character. Oops.

Each character must also make a Cool+Mental Stability test for coming under prolonged artillery fire if the Intensity is 4 or higher.

Heavy bombardment lasting 15 minutes to

half an hour. Medium bombardment lasting
several hours.

Heavy bombardment lasting an hour or two


Heavy bombardment lasting several hours,

even days

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




Minefields were a common danger to troops during World

War II.

Minefields came in three broad categories: anti-personnel, anti-tank (anti-vehicle), and mixed. These categories
overly simplify the deployment of mines, as each minefield
was unique, determined by the tactical needs of the defender and the local terrain.

An anti-personnel minefield was seeded with mines designed to kill or maim soldiers on foot. These weapons did
little to moderate damage against soft skinned vehicles
(trucks, jeeps, etc.), and tanks were virtually immune to

Anti-vehicle or anti-tank minefields were designed
specifically to destroy or disable vehicles, particularly tanks.

Mixed minefields contained both anti-tank and antipersonnel mines.

Minefields were usually sown in a specific pattern in
order to produce a field of a specific density and to make
them easier for friendly troops to pass through. That pattern was not immediately obvious to enemy troops that
might happen to wander into one.

Every major nation produced mines and laid thousands
and thousands of mines throughout Europe and the Pacific.
The simplest mine is a hand grenade tied to a stake with
a tripwire attached to the arming pin. Some improvised
underground mines were not much more sophisticated than
that, consisting of an explosive and some means of detonating it when it was disturbed. Manufactured mines were
typically explosives (i.e. TNT) encased in metal, sometimes
filled with shrapnel-producing material (like ball bearings),
rigged to a central detonator. This is essentially the design
of the German Tellermines, a family of anti-tank mine with
a round plate look.

The most insidious mine of the war was the German Smine (Schrapnellmine, given the nicknames Bouncing Betty, Bouncing Bitch, Jumping Jack and Castrator by
the Allies). It consisted of a metal cylinder with explosives
in the center, a launching charge at the base, and ball bearings surrounding the core. Several types of fuses could be
attached to the top. A pull fuse (triggered when a trip wire
was tugged), a three-prong pressure fuse (triggered when
stepped on with at least 7.5 lbs of pressure), a pull-release
fuse (pulled to tension and set in place, triggered when the
tension was released), a Y-adapter with two pull fuses, or a
three-way adapter with two pull fuses and a pressure fuse.
When triggered, the bottom charge exploded, propelling the
mine into the air. Half a second later, it detonated anywhere
from chest to groin height. Even when the mine didnt kill,
the wounds it produced were hideous.

Regular troops were trained to detect, identify, and
remove mines. This usually consisted of crawling through a
suspected minefield slowly probing the ground with a bayonet. Engineers were equipped with metal detectors, which
could pick up the casing of a buried mine. Removing a mine
was a dangerous procedure, especially when mines were
modified to make them harder to remove. For instance, a
variant of the Tellermine had a pull cord as a secondary
trigger. A stake was driven into the ground beside the mine
and the trigger attached to the stake. If an engineer didnt
check for the trigger, pulling the mine out of the ground

would tug on the trigger, detonating the mine.

The Allies developed a number of techniques and devices for clearing mines. One of the most successful was the
Flail tank. This was a motorized metal drum with weighted
chains welded to it, and then mounted on the front of a
tank (such as a Sherman, or a British Churchill). The drum
would spin around, and the weights, the flails, would strike
the earth in front of the tank, detonating mines. It was
an effective method of mine clearing. Early in the Eastern
Front, the Soviets had a low tech, if appalling, method of
clearing mines. They would send penal battalionsunits
made up of soldiers convicted of one crime or another, often
times politicalto run into a minefield in order to deliberately set them off.

Minefields in Godlike

Minefields are rated by Penetration, Area, and density. See

Part Seven: The Field Manual; additional mines are given

Density is measured in dice and represents the chance of
an individual detonating a mine. Whenever the players enter
an area with a minefield, and for every combat round they
travel through the minefield, roll a number of dice equal to
the minefields density. This is the Density Roll. Minefield
densities are rated from 2 to 6.

Add 1d to the roll if the players are moving about carelessly, such as when moving through friendly controlled areas
or running while being pursued or giving chase. If players are
sneaking through an area, deduct 1d from the Density dice pool.

If the players are specifically looking for mines, roll
Sense+Explosives. The player receives gobble dice equal to
the width of the matching set, which can be used to gobble
dice from the Density Rolls result.

A matching set means a mine went off. See p. 264.


One or two mines set up as booby traps, or

an improperly cleared mine.

Sparse mixed type minefield.

Medium density mixed use minefield, or

sparse minefield of one type (anti-personnel
or anti-tank)

Thick mixed use minefield, or medium density

minefield of one type

Thick minefield of one type


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



One-Roll Patrols

Much of the fighting experienced by World War II troops

took place during patrols. A patrol is where a unit is sent
out from the main body of troops to gather intelligence,
disrupt intelligence gathering by the enemy, or to engage
the enemy in combat. The unit is sometimes as large as a
platoon or even a battalion. More commonly the unit is
no larger than a squad, and quite often as small as two or
three men.

There are essentially two types of patrols: reconnaissance patrols and combat patrols (what the British called
fighting patrols).

Reconnaissance patrols gather information about
the enemy or about the security of your own perimeter.
Reconnaissance patrols are usually told not to engage the
enemy. Their primary mission is to get the intelligence
back to their headquarters.

Combat patrols, on the other hand, are sent out with
the specific goal of engaging the enemy. This can take
the form of raids on enemy units, demolition of strategic
structures, or missions to capture prisoners. Most patrols
are at night, as visibility is greatly reduced once the sun
goes down.

The One-Roll Patrols generator allows the GM to put
detailed patrol missions together very quickly. Just fill in a
few details according to the players current situation and
the nearby enemies and youre ready to play.

Using the Generator

You need 11 dice. One of the dice has to be different than

the others, either a different color or a different size, or you
can roll it separately. This is the Terrain Die.

Roll the dice and look up the matches on the One-Roll
Patrol table on p. 310. For each matching set, the Height
generates the type of patrol and the Width describes what
happens on those patrols. The remaining dice generate
complications. The Terrain Die describes a major piece of
terrain featured during the patrol.

Sets with Height 1 through 3 are reconnaissance patrols. Reconnaissance patrols are expected to avoid a confrontation; the patrol has orders not to engage the enemy
unless they have no choice.

Sets with Height 4 and 5 represent contact patrols,
patrols tasked with contacting friendly units or positions.
Engaging the enemy is discretionary, depending on the exact

Sets with Height 6 through 10 generate combat patrols,
where the players are expected to engage the enemy, though
with the primary mission in mind.

The matching sets can be used for all potential participants, including enemy patrols that might encounter the
players. You might get, for instance, a set with a Height
of 3 (point reconnaissance) and a set with a Height of 7
(counter-intelligence patrol). This could represent a patrol
sent to inspect a bridge only to encounter a German patrol
moving into an intercept potion; or you could flip the sets
around with the Germans trying to reconnoiter an Alliedcontrolled bridge.

Likewise, the terrain and complications can apply to
any of the participants.

The generator is designed to inspire scenarios. Feel free

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

to drop, or change, results that dont make sense, or dont

produce an engaging scenario. If you have one or more
unused sets, rather than throwing them out you can use
the Height as a second terrain die. The generator is biased
toward creating a scenario where something happens. Skip
over the nights when the patrol was uneventful, or throw
the players a curveball every now and again with a patrol
where they never see the enemy.

Patrol Generator Examples

Example 1: Its Farmland. We roll 11d and get 1, 4, 4, 4,

5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10. This gives us a 3x4: a Visiting Patrol
where the outpost is under attack from the enemy; a 2x5: a
Contact Patrol where a friendly unit is contacted; and 2x8:
set up an ambush in good terrain against an unsuspecting
enemy. Looking at the remainder, our Complication Dice,
we have 1: barbed wire or an obstruction; 6: unexpected
casualties; 7: reinforcements; and 10: a reversal of fortune.
The Terrain Die was the 7: a stream.

How do we tie this together? The key is in the Complication Dice, in particular the reversal of fortune, the
unexpected casualties, and the reinforcements. How about
this: The players are given a mission to contact a neighboring unit (2x5), an American regiment in III Corps. The
approach route takes the players to a deep stream (Terrain
Die), which slows them down as they look for a better route
(1). As the players approach the closest outpost (3x4), they
and the outpost are ambushed by a German patrol (2x8).
Perhaps the Germans are dug in along the stream? The Allies take casualties from the ambush (6). But things dont all
go the Germans way: reinforcements (7) from the neighboring unit show up and attack the Germans (10).

So, the players mission seems easy at firstcontact a friendly outpostbut theyre delayed by a stream,
and things go pear shaped when theyre hit by a German
ambush. Can they turn the tables on the Germans? If they
cant, reinforcements are on the way to bail them out.
Example 2: Its Mountain terrain. We roll 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5,
7, 7, 8, 9, 9. The matched sets are an area reconnaissance
where enemy activity is detected (2x2), a point reconnaissance against a target in enemy hands (2x3), a counter-intelligence patrol to defend a static position (2x7), and a frontline raid against an enemy outpost (2x9). The complications
are 1: an obstruction or barbed wire; 5: outnumbered; and
8: artillery, a tank, or an armored vehicle. The Terrain Die
was the 5: thin woods.

Here it is. Last nights patrol discovered an enemy listening post (2x3) set up in a cave (5). The players are given
the task of taking out the listening post (2x9). Unknown to
the Allies, the Germans detected last nights patrol (2x2),
and theyre planning to send out a counter-intelligence patrol to protect their outpost. The players head to the enemy
position, encountering an obstruction (1) along the way:
well make it a minefield (even though minefield wasnt
rolled up; the players see the Achtung, Minen! signs and
it becomes another obstruction). As the players prepare to
infiltrate the cave, two German squads on their counterintelligence patrol shows up. The players are outnumbered
(5). Fortunately, they have an ace up their sleeve: they can
call in support from the company mortar section (8).



Patrol Types

x1: Establish an Outpost/Listening Post

Set up a new outpost or listening post, or relieve the
men manning an existing outpost. Report back enemy
2x Set up an outpost in good terrain.
3x Set up an outpost in exposed terrain.
4x Meeting engagement; both sides contest the outpost
5x Outpost overrun by the enemy.
x2: Area Reconnaissance

Reconnoiter a wide area and report back enemy activity.
2x Detect enemy activity in the patrol area.
3x Meeting engagement on the patrols outbound leg.
4x Meeting engagement on the patrols inbound leg.
5x Enemy move into the area in strength.
x3: Point Reconnaissance

Reconnoiter a specific target or terrain feature, and
report back enemy activity.
2x Target is in friendly hands.
3x Target is in enemy hands.
4x Target is being attacked/assaulted by the enemy.
5x Target was destroyed/captured/moved by the enemy.
x4: Visiting Patrol

Check on one or more friendly outposts or listening
posts in a patrol area.
2x Visited outpost reports nearby enemy activity.
3x Visiting outpost under attack by the enemy.
4x Outpost in the path of a major enemy attack/raid.
5x Outpost destroyed, with all the soldiers captured/killed.
x5: Contact Patrol

Contact neighboring unit and patrol the intervening
2x Friendly unit contacted.
3x Friendly unit moved/in unexpected position.
4x Friendly unit under attack by the enemy.
5x Friendly unit wiped out/captured/routed.
x6: Intelligence Gathering

Head into enemy controlled territory to gather information.
2x Capture prisoners from any enemy unit encountered.
3x Capture prisoners from a specific enemy unit.
4x Capture documents or other source of intelligence.
5x Capture specific materiel/device/vehicle.
x7: Counter-Intelligence

Screen an area against enemy intelligence-gathering.
2x Defend a specific static position.
3x Seek and destroy an enemy unit in the patrol area.
4x Retake a position that fell to the enemy.
5x Retake multiple positions that fell to the enemy.
x8: Ambush

Set up a covert position to ambush an enemy unit.
2x Set up an ambush: good terrain; unsuspecting enemy.

3x Set up an ambush: poor terrain; unsuspecting enemy.

4x Set up an ambush: good terrain; alert enemy.
5x Set up an ambush: poor terrain; alert enemy.
x9: Raid Against a Frontline Target

Harass or destroy an enemy frontline unit or target.
2x Attack an enemy outpost.
3x Attack an enemy machine gun nest or squad in a foxhole.
4x Attack/destroy a key enemy controlled terrain feature.
5x Attack/destroy an enemy pillbox or bunker.
x10: Raid Against a Rear Area Target

Attack and destroy a unit or target in the enemys zone
of control (i.e. not right on the front line).
2x Attack/destroy a key enemy controlled terrain feature.
3x Destroy an enemy supply or ammo dump.
4x Attack an enemy artillery position.
5x Attack an enemy command post or headquarters.

Complication Dice

Barbed wire or obstruction

Change in weather or visibility
Unexpected casualties
Artillery/tank/armored fighting vehicle
Reversal of fortune

Terrain Dice

By Allan Goodall and Mike Montesa.

1 Apartment complex
2 Cathedral/church
3 Commercial buildings/stores/warehouses
4 Factory
5 Government building
6 Hospital
7 Railroad station/railroad track/sidings
8 Residential homes/Townhouses
9 River/bridge
10 Rubble pile/pillbox/defensive structure
1 Town square
2 Church
3 Small businesses/stores
4 Town hall
5 Townhouses
6 Individual homes
7 Farm house/barn
8 Animal enclosure/sheep paddock
9 Stream/foot bridge
10 Thin woods (on outskirts)


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



1 Farm house/barn/other manmade structure
2 Cultivated field
3 Orchard/olive grove
4 Hedgerow/stone wall
5 Irrigation ditch/culvert
6 River/stream
7 Thin woods
8 Brush/light vegitation
9 Small hill
10 Pillbox or other defensive structure

1 Soft sand
2 Rocky/coral shingle
3 Seawall
4 Beach obstacles
5 Beach house/hut
6 Dunes
7 High/low tide
8 Rubble pile/pillbox/defensive structure
9 River/stream mouth
10 Pier/dock

1 Thick woods with thin undergrowth
2 Thick woods with heavy undergrowth
3 Thin woods
4 Forrest trail/logging road
5 Ridge/hill with thin woods
6 Ridge/hill with thick woods
7 Thick brush/thick vegetation
8 Clearing with/without manmade structure
9 River/stream with bridge
10 Deadfall/barricade/other road obstruction

1 Valley with stream/river
2 Ridge line overlooking a shorter, parallel ridge
3 Gentle slope with little cover
4 Steep slope with loose earth/tree trunks
5 Barren hilltop
6 Thick brush consisting of thorn bushes/ivy/brambles
7 Sparse vegetation among field of scattered boulders
8 Thin forest with little undergrowth
9 Dense forest with deadfall/vines/loose earth
10 Isolated cabin/other manmade structure

1 Animal pasture
2 Manor house
3 Crossroads
4 Sunken road
5 Farmhouse/barn
6 Cultivated field (open or planted)
7 Orchard/vineyard
8 Light woods
9 Stream/pond
10 Footpath/animal track

1 Cold mountain stream
2 Cliff side
3 Road with steep drop off on one side
4 Cave/rock field
5 Thin woods
6 Scrub/brush
7 Valley
8 Ridge line/series of ridges
9 Ice sheet/snow cap
10 Chalet/cable car house/other manmade structures

1 Marsh/swamp
2 River/stream
3 Thick rain forest with heavy undergrowth
4 Thick vegetation waist high or taller
5 Ridge/hill with thick vegetation
6 Clearing with heavy undergrowth
7 Bamboo grove
8 Natural obstacles (vines)/manmade obstacles (panji)
9 Rice paddy
10 Wooden buildings/huts

1 Sand dune
2 Hill with sparse/no vegetation
3 Wadi (dry riverbed or valley)
4 Hammada (hard packed barren plateau)
5 Small mesa
6 Cliff/steep wadi slope
7 Oasis/spring with light vegetation/olive grove/palm
8 Scrub
9 Sangar (improvised defensive position)/pillbox
10 Railroad station/ruined stone fort/other manmade

1 Dike/berm/levee along rivers edge
2 Hedge row
3 Stone/metal road bridge
4 Metal railway bridge
5 Lift lock/dam/reservoir
6 House/farm house/barn
7 Mill/stone tollhouse/other manmade structure
8 Stone wall
9 Thin woods
10 Pillbox/other defensive structure

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

1 Marsh/bog
2 Stream/river
3 Grassland (up to waist high)
4 Scrub/thick brush
5 Thin woods
6 Ridge with sparse vegetation
7 Short, wide hill or ridge
8 Tall hill with commanding view
9 Farm house/barn/other manmade structures
10 Pillbox/other defensive structure




Bad things happen randomly in war, particularly in combat.

Ammunition gets wet and wont function properly. A stray
shot strikes a weapon. Artillery shells fall short and land
on friendly units. A grenade is dropped just after the pin is

A FUBAR incident is triggered when a player rolls a
dice pool and one of these two conditions applies:

No matching sets and all dice are 5 or less.

No matching sets and all dice are less than or equal to the
Difficulty of the roll.

Example: A player tries to fire his weapon. He rolls 4 dice.

They come up 2, 3, 4, 5. Somethings FUBAR!
Example: A player throws a grenade at a pillbox. The GM
declares that in order to get the grenade into the pillbox, he
has to make a Difficulty 7 roll. The player rolls 1, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7 on a 6d dice pool. All dice are less than or equal to 7.


You need 11 dice. One of the dice has to be different than

the others, either a different color or a different size, or you
can roll it separately. This is the Tie-Breaker Die.

Roll the dice and look up the matches on the FUBAR
Generator. For each matching set, the Height determines
the type of problem that occurred, and the Width describes the specific in-game results.

If two or more sets are rolled, the GM can pick the
most appropriate set or use the Tie-Breaker Die: Use the set
with the Height closest to the Tie-Breaker die. In the case
where two or more sets are equally distant from the TieBreaker die, choose the set with the lower Height.
Example: 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9, 9, 9 are rolled. The
Tie-Breaker Die was the die that came up 7. There are 3
possible sets: 3x2, 2x5, and 3x9. 7 is closest to the Height
5 result and the Height 9 result (72 = 5; 75 = 2; 97 = 2).
Since 7 is equal distance between 5 and 9, you use the set
with the lower Height, so 2 x 5 wins.

The dice that are not part of a matching set are important. They determine the number of Will points the GM receives for a special Contest of Wills. For each die that is not
part of a set (even an unused set) the GM receives 1 Will. In
the example above, the 3, 4, and 7 dice were not part of any
set, so the GM receives 3 Will.

Applying the Result

Consult the FUBAR Generator. The GM indicates the

player who is the target of the result (usually the player who
triggered the FUBAR roll, but not necessarily). The player,
without knowing what the result is or when it will apply,
now has the opportunity to stop the bad luck by spending
Will in a special Contest of Wills.

If the player chooses to eliminate the bad luck, he
spends 1 Will. If the GM has no Will points from the
FUBAR Roll, the FUBAR roll is negated.

If the GM has Will points, he must spend 1. The result

of the FUBAR roll will apply. The player now has the
option of spending another Will. This continues, with the
player and GM spending Will, until either the player decides not spend any more Will points, or the GM runs out
of Will points.

If the GM won this special Contest of Wills, the result
of the FUBAR roll applies. The result can apply to the current combat round (the one that caused the FUBAR roll),
the next combat round, or a later combat round.

For instance, a jammed weapon applies immediately
(the same round that resulted in the FUBAR roll), allowing
the player to clear the jam next combat round. A dropped
grenade applies in this round, though the player can try to
scoop up the grenade or dodge out of the way next round.
By contrast, a distraction might not apply for several
rounds (it waits until the player attempts another dice roll).

FUBAR Generator

x1 Distractions

The next time the player rolls the dice, they are distracted by something happening nearby. A grenade
goes off near them. Something darts into their peripheral vision. Someone behind them screams, or yells,
Duck! The target is momentarily distracted.
2x Minor Annoyance. Apply a -1d penalty to the next dice
3x Major Annoyance. Apply a +2 Difficulty to the next
dice roll.
4x Minor Distraction. Apply 1 Gobble die to the next dice
5x Major Distraction. Apply 2 Gobble dice to the next
dice roll.
x2: Explosive Malfunction

The players explosive weapon malfunctions. This typically applies immediately if the FUBAR roll occurs as a
result of an explosives or grenade roll.
2x Dud: Fails to detonate. No damage from the explosive.
3x Short Fuse: Detonates early. Apply Area dice to target and
units nearby. Does not harm the enemy.
4x Fumbled Explosive: Explosive drops at the players
feet. Roll Coordination+Skill to scoop it up next
round and throw, or Coordination+Dodge to escape.
5x Badly Fumbled Explosive: Explosive drops at
the players feet and is close to detonation. Roll
Coordination+Skill or Coordination+Dodge at Difficulty 5.
x3: Firearm Malfunction

The players firearm malfunctions. This typically applies immediately if the FUBAR roll occurs as a result
of a firearms roll.
2x Jam. Roll Coordination+Firearms to clear, taking
5-Width combat rounds.
3x Underpowered Cartridges. Apply -1d penalty for the
rest of the ammunition in the magazine, clip or belt.
Spending a combat round changing ammunition negates this penalty.
4x Spoiled ammunition. Treat as a jam, then apply the
Underpowered Cartridges result to the rest of the
magazine, clip, or belt.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



5x Weapon Struck. The weapon is struck by a bullet or
shell fragment. It can no longer be used.
x4 Targeting Problems

Apply this result to all direct attacksincluding Talent
attacksagainst the enemy. Something unexpected
happens down range.
2x Target Flinches: The target shifts just as the player attacks. Apply -1d on next attack roll.
3x Target Ducks: The target ducks out of the way just as
the player attacks. Apply 1 Gobble Die to the players
next attack.
4x Bad Timing: A friendly pops into the line of fire just
as the player attacks. The player attacks the friendly
instead of the enemy, but with 1 Gobble Die applied.
Roll Cool+Mental Stability or lose 1 Will for wounding or 2 Will for killing the friendly.
5x Really Bad Timing: A friendly pops into the line of
fire just as the player attacks. The player attacks the
friendly. Roll Cool+Mental Stability or lose 1 Will
for wounding or 2 Will for killing the friendly.
x5 Environment

The player comes across something unexpected in the
local environment. This could be a terrain obstruction,
or something like a smoke screen slips into the area.
2x Obstruction: The player comes across barbed wire,
mud, a stream, or some other obstructing terrain they
didnt know was there.
3x Obscuration: Smoke, heavy rain, or something else that
obscures visibility rolls over the players position. Make
a Luck Roll (see Luck Roll, below) and apply a -2d
penalty for 5-Width rounds.
4x Booby Trap: The player triggers a booby trap or steps
on an undetected mine. Treat as a Density 4 minefield
with 1 mine.
5x Mine: The player triggers a big booby trap or steps on
an undetected mine. Treat as a Density 6 minefield with
1 mine.
x6 Reinforcements

Enemy reinforcements appear (over and above those
indicated by a specific scene).
2x Rifle Section: An enemy rifle detachment of 4 men with
rifles appears.
3x Machine Gun Team: An enemy machine gun team of 3
men (gunner, loader, assistant rifleman) appears.
4x Squad: An enemy squad of 8 men (squad leader with
SMG, machine gunner, loader, and 5 riflemen) appears.
5x Platoon: An enemy platoon (3 squads) appears. Alternatively, replace one squad with a vehicle (halftrack or
truck), or replace all three squads with a tank.
x7 Sniper

An undetected sniper fires on the player.
2x Regular: A sniper with a 4d dice pool fires at the
3x Veteran: A sniper with a 5d dice pool fires at the player.
4x Expert: A sniper with a 6d dice pool fires at the player.
5x Master: A sniper with a 7d dice pool fires at the player.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

x8 Enemy Artillery

An unexpected enemy artillery barrage hits the players
position. Note that other players might be affected if
they are in close proximity of the player triggering this
2x Short Mortar Barrage. An Intensity 4 mortar barrage
hits, centered on the player, lasting 1 combat round.
3x Short Artillery Barrage. An Intensity 5 artillery barrage
hits, centered on the player, lasting 1 combat round.
4x Longer Mortar Barrage. An Intensity 6 mortar barrage
hits, centered on the player, lasting 3 combat rounds.
5x Longer Artillery Barrage. An Intensity 7 artillery
barrage hits, centered on the player, lasting 3 combat
x9 Friendly Artillery

An unexpected friendly artillery barrage hits the players position. Note that other players might be affected
if they are in close proximity of the player triggering
this result.
2x Short Mortar Barrage. An Intensity 4 mortar barrage
hits, centered on the player, lasting 1 combat round. Rolll
Cool+Mental Stability or lose 1 Will.
3x Short Artillery Barrage. An Intensity 5 artillery barrage
hits, centered on the player, lasting 1 combat round.
Rolll Cool+Mental Stability or lose 1 Will.
4x Longer Mortar Barrage. An Intensity 6 mortar barrage
hits, centered on the player, lasting 3 combat rounds.
Rolll Cool+Mental Stability or lose 1 Will.
5x Longer Artillery Barrage. An Intensity 7 artillery
barrage hits, centered on the player, lasting 3 combat
rounds. Rolll Cool+Mental Stability or lose 1 Will.
x10 Horror of War

The player is confronted with the horrors of war as
a friendly (or, if no friendlies about, enemy) combatant is killed in a particularly gruesome fashion near
the player. The player is likely to be sprayed with the
combatants blood and guts. The player must make a
Cool+Mental Stability roll, with the usual results applying.
2x Head Shot: The victim is shot through the head. Roll
Cool+Mental Stability.
3x Disemboweled: The victim is disemboweled. He
lies screaming in fear and pain as he dies. Roll
Cool+Mental Stability at Difficulty 3.
4x Decapitated: The victim is decapitated. Roll
Cool+Mental Stability at Difficulty 5.
5x Dismembered: The victim is destroyed by artillery, leaving behind dismembered body parts. Roll Cool+Mental
Stability at Difficulty 7.

Luck Roll

Related to the FUBAR Roll is the Luck Roll. The Luck Roll
allows the GM to determine, randomly, which player is affected by some random happenstance on the battlefield.

The GM can use the Luck Roll to determine the player
affected by a FUBAR Roll, in the case where it either
doesnt make sense to apply the FUBAR Roll to the player
whose roll triggered it, or in order to spread the bad luck



Usually, though, the Luck Roll is used to determine
the player affected by the enemy in the normal course
of a scene. The Talents walk into a minefield and a mine
detonates. Who stepped on it? An bermensch has a choice
of three Talents to shoot. Which one does he choose? The
Luck Roll offers a random method of determining who is
the recipient of bad luck (or, who escapes unscathed due to
good luck).

Each player rolls his or her characters Base Will as
a dice pool, to a maximum of 10d. They are looking for
matching sets, as normal. The loser is the player with
the lowest Height. If the player failed to make a set, their
height is zero. When Height is tied, the Wider set wins (the
narrowest set loses). If the Height and Width still match,
and you still need to break the tie, look at the highest
garbage die (the highest die rolled that isnt part of a set).
The player whos highest garbage die is the lowest loses. If
theres still a tie, continue to look through the garbage dice,
highest to lowest. Use the garbage dice to break ties among
players who didnt roll a matching set.

Fortunately for Talents, they are usually luckier than
normal troops due to their high Base Will scores. The players should consider this when building characters.

ought to be an NPC who was directly attacking or being

attacked by the character who just rolled FUBAR. If no
NPC fits that description, its up to the GM. If the NPC is
a Talent, it triggers a Contest of Wills between the FUBAR
Will total and the NPC. Dont spend time playing this out;
simply compare the FUBAR Will total with half the NPCs
Will total. If the FUBAR total is higher, the FUBAR applies
and the NPC loses half his Will. Otherwise it does not.

If at the end of the game session the players hold the
FUBAR Token, then the one player character who in the
eyes of the players suffered the worse FUBAR results of the
session gets one bonus experience point.

Example: On the way back across the Mussolini Canal, the

characters blunder into a minefield on the far bank of the
canal. The GM rolls for the minefields Density, and gets a
3x8 result. A German S-mine detonates. Which character
stepped on the mine?

Each player rolls Base Will as a dice pool. Gavin rolls
2x8, Dustin rolls 3x6, Dennis rolls 2x1, and Alana and
Mark each fail to roll a matching set. Alanas highest garbage die is 9, Marks is 7. Mark detonates the mine.

You are familiar with explosive devices and can use (and
disarm) them in the field. Preparing an explosive for detonation is always a difficult task, and the results of an Explosives roll are very particularif there are time constraints,
failing a roll may result in a mistimed detonation or failure
to detonate altogether. If you have plenty of time and good
materials, you still need to roll, but any match is considered
a success.

Skill Additions

Most of these rules detailing the use of several crucial skills

first appeared in Talent Operations Command Intelligence
Bulletin No. 2: Talent Operations in the European Theater,
by Dennis Detwiller. The Intimidation and Parachuting
rules first appeared in the adventure Donars Hammer by
Shane Ivey. The Skiing rules first appeared in Black Devils
Brigade by Allan Goodall.

(Brains) Explosives



Must set up charge in less than a minute


At the beginning of each game session, the GM has a

FUBAR Token. This could be anything small and distinctive: an old shell casing, a World War II-era coin, a vintage
ration book receipt, a photo of your grandfather from the
war, whatever you want. Youn need only one FUBAR Token. During play it will get passed back and forth between
the GM and the players.

If the GM has the FUBAR Token and a player suffers a
FUBAR result, the FUBAR results apply normally. The GM
then gives the players the FUBAR Token.

If the players have the FUBAR Token, any player can
give it back to the GM. That has one of two effects, players

Raw explosive, no primer


Constructing a booby trap


Enemy materials


Under fire


Familiar with explosives/good materials

Leisurely setup (measured in hours)

Option: The FUBAR Token

A FUBAR result applies to an NPC instead of a player

character. This must be done before the GM rolls the
FUBAR result.
The player handing it back changes a single injury to
his or her character into a flesh wound that does only 1
Shock. This must be done immediately when the injury
occurs; it cant be done later. The near brush with
death or maiming triggers an automatic Cool+Mental
Stability roll by that character, with the full penalties if
it fails.

Which NPC is affected by a transferred FUBAR result? It



No matches, all dice are


Charge detonates as you

set it up

No matches

Charge does not detonate

Roll under difficulty (odd)

Charge detonates late

Roll under difficulty (even)

Charge detonates early

Roll difficulty or higher

Charge detonates properly

(Brains) First Aid

First aid can be used to treat wounds that are not serious enough to require surgery but still pose a threat to the
individual. You can heal Shock damage on a successful roll.
Killing damage cannot be reduced with First Aid.

First, choose which hit location to treat. Roll


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Brains+First Aid, using the amount of Shock damage in
that location as the difficulty. Add modifiers from the chart
below. Success removes the width of the roll in Shock points
from that location. Each treatment takes 5 Width rounds.
You can successfully treat each hit location only once.

Treating curable diseases (such as dysentery, the rot,
and malaria) or other unhygienic conditions (like lice, tics,
and fungal infestations) requires a successful Brains+First
Aid roll at a fixed difficulty of 3.

Effective first aid is often limited by your supplies. The
standard-issue first aid kit contains very little equipment
and can generally be used only once. A medics pouch is
much larger. It usually contains:

6 gauze bandages.
1 book of triage tags and a pencil.
4 small bottles of Tincture of Iodine
1 large bottle of ammonia.
5 tourniquets.
Forcep case with scalpel, scisscors, clamps, pins.
1 bone knife.
Adhesive plaster and wire for splints.
Morphine (8 treatments), atabrine, atropine, aspirin,
cocaine hydrochlorate, sulfa, vitamin C pills.

One of the most useful tools for the medic is morphine. It

relieves pain and calms the wounded man (particularly one
who has failed a Mental Stability check), and can keep him
from drawing fire or hurting himself further. A succesful
application of morphine offsets the penalty for treating a
patient who has failed a Mental Stability check.


No supplies


First aid kit only


Medics pouch


Field hospital

Under fire


Patient failed a Mental Stability check


(Brains) Forward Observer

You can evaluate the location of a target and communicate

that location to a gun battery or command post. Forward
Observer can never be higher than your Map Reading skill.

It takes 5 Width minutes to conduct. The GM might
require a Brains+Radio Operation roll to report the coordinates quickly under fire.

Depending on your armys artillery techniques, the
height of your roll may reduce the difficulty of the batterys
initial attack. See the chart below. Note that Soviet guns
generally had their fire preplotted hours or days in advance.
They changed targets based on a forward observers call so
infrequently or slowly that we dont bother with rules for it.

Once the shelling begins, you can correct its fire with
another successful Brains+Forward Observer roll; reduce
the artillerys difficulty by the Width of your roll. The gun
battery takes 5 Width minutes to adjust its fire.

The exact response and composition of the battery are
up to the GM. Most fire in groups of 2 to 8 guns.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Response Time

Artillery Difficulty


5 Width minutes

10 F.O. rolls Height


5 Width minutes



30 minutes

10 F.O. rolls Height


5 Width minutes

10 F.O. rolls Height




(Command) Intimidation

In addition to frightening people and making them back

down, Intimidation can be used to interrogate an unwilling
subject. It is an unpleasant, time-consuming process. There
is no room here for a detailed discussion of the dynamics at work. Suffice to say that it is ultimately a contest of
personalities and will. Unlike the purely mental Contest of
Wills between Talents, however, individual decisions and
skill play a large part.

Browbeating or the mere threat of torture might be
enough to make a captive talk. Roll a dynamic contest
of the interrogators Command+Intimidation against the
captives Cool+Mental Stability. If the interrogator wins,
the captive talks (and loses half his Will). It takes about 30
minutes per attempt.


If softball interrogation is not enough, the players may

resort to torture. Remind them that torturing another human being enough to break his spirit is a brutal thing, and it
is likely to sap the torturers spirit and rob him of Will.

If they continue, no skill roll is required; simply roll
Cool+Mental Stability for the victim. If it succeeds, he
doesnt break. If it fails, he loses half his Will and tells the
players what they want to know. Note that we didnt say he
tells the players the truth. He says anything that he thinks
will make the pain stop. Usually thats a mix of truth, desperate lies, and the imaginings of a tormented mind.

Either way, now the torturer must roll Cool+Mental
Stability with the Height of the victims roll as Difficulty. If
it fails, the torturer loses half his Will and is too shaken up
to do anything useful for the next 15 minutes.

A torture attempt takes 10 minutes per die in the victims Cool+Mental Stability pool.

Deadly Threats

Holding a gun to a captives head and threatening to shoot

(or a knife to the throat, etc.) triggers a Cool+Mental Stability check for the target.

If it succeeds, he doesnt talk. If the interrogator shoots
a resisting captive in order to impress the next subject, the
killer must make a Cool+Mental Stability check as well,
with results as described under Torture, abovebut the
next captive will hold out only if his Cool+Mental Stability check has Height at least the size of the interrogators
Command+Intimidate pool (i.e., a Command+Intimidate
pool of 6d means a Difficulty of 6).

The Killing Disposition

Torture, like cold-blooded murder, is easier for characters

who have become inured to violence and death. If you use
the Killing Disposition rules from the supplement Will to



Power, you may opt to not even require a Mental Stability
check for a torturer with a Killing Disposition pool of 6
dice or more; the same factors that make individuals willing
to killtraining, temperament, cultural and social distance,
authoritative demand, group absolutionmake one more
ready to inflict pain for a purpose. Captives of Japanese
Gaki or SS bermenschen may learn this the hard way.

(Brains) Radio Operation

(Command) Leadership

You are trained in the principles of leading men in combat. With a successful Command+Leadership roll, you can
motivate a number of men equal to the Height of your roll
to overcome the shock of failed Mental Stability checks and
continue to move or attack. Leadership may also be used
proactively to motivate troops to brave particuarly dangerous enemy fire in the first place. It takes 5 Width rounds.

(Brains) Mortar

You can fire and maintain mortars, and you can direct mortar fire by correcting the angle of fire by eyesight or with
forward observers. Designate a particular target point and
check the result below for the results. Anyone in the open
facing a mortar barrage must make a Cool+Mental Stability
roll or immediately retreat for suitable cover.
Target Disposition


Indirect (cannot see the target)


No exact map location given


Moving target


Target is very close (half of close range)


Target is marked with smoke

Heavy weather (rain, wind, snow, fog)

+1 to +3



Next Round

No matches, all dice

are low

Lands among allies


No matches

Lands wild


Roll under difficulty


Lands long


Roll under difficulty


Lands wide


Roll difficulty or

Lands within 10

Roll twice the difficulty or higher

Lands exactly on

(Coordination) Parachute

point of Shock to both leg locations. If the character fails

to make a success, he takes 2 points of Shock to all hit
locations. If the character botches (no matches, and all dice
rolled 5 or less), the character landed on bad terrain. Roll
10d. Each die rolled indicates a hit location that takes 2
points in Killing.

World War II parachutes had only rudimentary controls.

Parachutists landed at speeds around 30 mph. Injuries,
particularly broken legs, were not uncommon.

When a character parachutes out of an aircraft, roll
Coordination+Parachuting on landing to see if the character
injures himself. If the roll succeeds, the character takes 1

You can use military crystal radio sets. Most man-portable

sets have a range of less than 8 miles, while fixed sets
sometimes have a radius of hundreds of miles. Under stressful circumstances, each transmission requires a successful
Brains+Radio Operation roll beating the difficulty number.
If you get a match but fail to beat the difficulty, the transmission is received but garbled.
Radio Situation


Mountainous country


Under fire


Enemy is jamming the frequency


Transmitting from a high point

(Body) Running

You can ordinarily run up to 10 yards per round plus

twice your Body stat without having to make a roll. If you
need to cover more ground than thatup to five times as
muchroll Body+Running. Uneven or wet terrain increases
the difficulty of the roll. If the roll succeeds, you cover the
necessary ground in 5 Width rounds. If it fails, you take
the full amount of time at normal running speed. If it fails
and all the dice are below 6, you lose your footing, trip over
a root or brick, run into an unseen obstruction, or otherwise get left in the lurch and probably in the open.

Note that aimed fire is impossible while running fullspeed unless you conduct a successful multiple actionotherwise, use the rules for cover fire.

(Coordination) Skiing

The Skiing skill covers the ability to move and conduct

combat operations on cross-country skis. Its impossible
to run in deep snow (unless you have a Talent, of course);
therefore the Running skill is not available in deep snow.
If a character has skis, use the Skiing skill. The Skiing skill
is also used to determine a safe descent down a mountain
slope, and to survive an avalanche.

(Body) Swimming

You can stay afloat and pull yourself through the water
without difficulty. Under particularly stressful circumstances, you must make a successful Body+Swimming roll. The
GM decides the number of rolls needed (based on distance) and the difficulty (based on encumbrance and other
conditions). If you fail, you sink. Roll again to resurface
and keep swimming. Fail this second roll and you begin to
drown (see p. 25). A successful roll allows you to resurface.


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



(Brains) Tactics

You are trained in the theory and application of military

tactics. Common applications of the Tactics skill include
setting up a defensible position, setting up an ambush, and
breaking an enemy line.

Setting up a defensible position requires a successful Tactics roll to make the most of your surroundings
and resources. It takes 5 Width hours. It can be done in
minutes or even rounds, but each reduction in time adds +2
difficulty to the roll.

The enemy commander must beat the height of your
roll with a Tactics roll of his own. If he fails, your troops
obtain surprise attacks for a number of rounds equal to the
amount that his roll failed by. During this period the enemy
can only run, dodge, dive for cover, or conduct cover fire.

If the enemy commander beats your difficulty, he overcomes your defenses and hits you where you least expect it.
Your troops can only offer up cover fire, dodge, run, or dive
for cover for a number of rounds equal to the amount by
which he succeeded.

Setting up an ambush works as above, except that if
the enemy fails to beat your Tactics roll, his troops must
make Mental Stability rolls or run for cover for each round
that they are surprised.

Breaking an enemy line works just like setting up a
defensive positionyou must overcome the enemy commanders Tactics roll as a difficulty number.

The following modifiers apply to the height of a successful Brains+Tactics roll. They apply only to setting up
an ambush or defensive line. If the opponent has similar
forces or weapons, the modifier is lost. These defenses are
considered in the abstract; you get only one bonus for each
defense no matter how many tanks or trenches or guns
you actually have. It takes 5 Width minutes to direct a
large number of men, array tanks, string wire, or assemble
machine guns.
Type of Defense

Height Modifier

60 or more men




Barbed wire and/or trenches


Machine guns


15 or more men



Enemy territory


4 or fewer men

(Brains) Telephony

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

One of the first questions fans asked when Godlike first

appeared was how to create non-TOG characters. Here are
guidelines, including some examples, by Dennis Detwiller,
Allan Goodall, and Shane Ivey.

Custom Characters

To recap from Part Three: Character Creation, a standard

TOG commando player character gets six points to add to
statistics (each stat starts at 1), 19 free commando skills, 20
elective skill points, and 25 Will points to spend on powers
or to add to Base Will. Each character also gets his or her
native language at a level equal to Brains, and characters
with high Brains get a few bonus Brains skills. No skill can
start with a level higher than its associated stat.

For a customized character, all stats start at 1 and you
have 6 points to improve them (none higher than 4). You
get 20 elective skills. You get your native language equal to
Brains and the usual bonus Brains skills for having a high
Brains score.

You also have a budget of 65 character points.

You can spend character points to improve stats or
skills, or to gain a starting Will point budget.

The number of stat dice you can add with character
points is restricted by the theme of your campaign. In the
default Gritty mode of Godlike play, no character can add
more than 3 points to stats by spending character points.
In the Heroic mode the limit is 6 points. In the Four-Color
mode its 9 points.

No stat can start higher than 4 in the Gritty game
mode. In Heroic and Four-Color games stats can go up to 5.

No skill can start higher than its associated stat.

If you dont spend any character points on Will points,
youre playing a normal person with no Talent abilities.

Character Point Cost

+1 in a stat

+1 in a skill

+1 starting Will point

Custom Character Templates

You can use and repair military voice, crank, and battery
operated telephone sets. You know how to run and connect wire, as well as conceal it from enemy eyes, and can
cross-wire sets to ring and answer at multiple locations
simultaneously. You can detect tampering on a line with
a Brains+Telephony roll at difficulty 3; beat a difficulty
of 6 and you can locate which portion of the line is being
tampered with.


Character Creation

The GM is encouraged to come up with new sets of Basic

Training skills for different character types, which amount
to mandatory skills and maybe even mandatory stats if the
character types are truly exceptional. Reduce the character
point budget accordingly.

Here are two examples. The first, the Special Instruction School of the U.S. Marine Corps (the Devils Own)
is detailed in Talent Operations Command Intelligence Bulletin No. 3: Talent Operations in the Pacific Theater. The
skill lists here are slightly different from the write-ups in
that booklet, adapted for these custom character template

The second, the joint U.S.-Canadian First Special
Service Force, recruited lumberjacks, woodsmen, hunters,
mountain climbers and park rangers and gave them intense
training for mountain assaults, airborne drops, and com-



mando raids. The Force specialized in difficult terrain and
deadly stealth. Like the SIS, the Force was one of a small
handful of U.S. outfits to keep its Talents in-house rather
than having them sent off to TOG Teams.

USMC Special Instruction School

All Talent graduates of the Marine Corps brutal Special

Instruction School on Parris Island (the Devils Own)
gain the following skills.
Marine Corps SIS Skills


Antitank Rocket





Machine Gun

Map Reading

Navigation (Land/Sea)






Survival (Jungle)


SIS Specialist SkillsRadioman




Radio Operation


SIS Specialist SkillsSniper





Survival (Jungle)

First Special Service Force

Talents in the FSSF add +1 each to Body, Coordination, and

Cool (though none can start higher than 4), and they gain
the following skills in training. They also get 20 points in
elective skill and 10 Will points for powers. (Thats for consistency with these rules; the campaign book Black Devils
Brigade starts them with 20 Will.)
FSSF Skills


Antitank Rocket





In addition, each graduate picks one of the following options:



Typical SIS graduate: +1 to Body; 25 Will points for

powers and Base Will.
Specialist: choose a specialty and its listed bonuses; 20
Will points for powers and Base Will.

Machine Gun

Map Reading


Navigation (Land)




As usual, no stat can start higher than 4 and no skill can

start higher than its associated stat.
SIS Specialist SkillsCorpsman


Radio Operation

First Aid




Mental Stability



Submachine Gun


SIS Specialist SkillsEngineer








Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)




fire if changed in such a mannerthe firing pin would be as

rubbery as the rest of the gun!

These new Talent powers, extras and flaws by Dennis Detwiller appeared in the Godlike sourcebook Will to Power.

New Miracles

These new powers cover some of the areas missed in the

first printing of the rulebook.

Plasticine Touch

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Plasticine Touch Table: Can Defend

Die Type

Point Cost to Purchase

Each Die

Each Hard Die


Each Wiggle Die


You have the ability to modify the state of objects and

people by manipulating their molecular structure. This
means you can make bricks as soft as taffy, cause a regular wood wall to be as hard as armor plate, cause guns to
wilt like dying flowers, or render an opponent harmless by
converting his bones to the consistency of liquid. You must
touch the target to transform it and this effect is purely temporary, it ends when you cease concentrating on the target.
You can plasticise up to your lift in pounds (see page xx)
with your powerthe power can affect portions of targets
at no penalty.

The difficulty of the alteration depends on the hardness
of the material.

Hardness Table



Goo, Jell-O

Rubber, human flesh

Glass, wood

Copper, tin (LAR 1)

Iron (LAR 2)

Knife blade (LAR 3)

Hardened steel file (HAR 2)

Armor plate (HAR 4)

Corundum (HAR 8)


Diamond (HAR 10)

The Width of a successful roll indicates the amount of

shift possible on the Hardness Table. You may increase
the Width after the roll by spending Will points at a 1 to 1
ratio. Causing objects to become more malleable (such as
changing gun barrels to the consistency of rubber) works
the same way, but in reverse. Note that most weapons wont

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Example: Craig has Plasticine Touch at 4d+1wd. He

throws his dice and scores three 2s, and with his 1
Wiggle Die, makes it four 2s. He can shift anything
of the hardness of Iron (Hardness 5) up to four steps
on the Hardness table in either direction. So he could
take something with the hardness of rubber (Hardness
2) and make it as resistant to damage as a knife blade
(Hardness 6). Or, he could take something like a gun
(Hardness 7) and make it as fragile as glass (Hardness
3) by shifting it down 4 steps.
Changed items appear the same, except for a change in their
structural state (so a gun changed to rubber would look like
metal, but would bend like rubber). Shifting objects up in
density increases their resistance to damage, and shifting
down in density increases their susceptibility to damage.
Objects over Hardness rating 6 have Heavy Armor ratings,
while objects between 4 and 6 have Light Armor ratings
anything beneath 3 had no armor rating at all. Check the
chart to determine the level of Armor granted (or subtracted) from a changed target. (Round Armor numbers up to
the nearest possible number.)
Example: Craig wants to change his jeep windshield
to the consistency of armor plate to block a volley of
bullets. He rolls a 10, 10, 6 and a 2, and he makes his
Wiggle Die a 10. So he has 3x10, and he spends 2 Will,
so he can shift the hardness of the windshield up or
down 5 levels. Craig transforms the glass of the windshield (Hardness 3) to the consistency of armor plate
(Hardness 8.) The windshield looks normal, but now
has a Heavy Armor rating 4.
Example: Craig wants to make a tank vulnerable by
reducing its armors resistance to damage. The tank has
a Heavy Armor rating of 6 (rounded up to Hardness 9
since thats the listing for HAR 8, and you round up.)
Craig rolls a 7, 7, 5 and a 2, and makes his Wiggle Die
a 7, giving him a 3x7 roll. He reduces the armor of the
tank to Hardness 6, making the once strong HAR 8,
into a measly Light Armor Rating of 3. Once immune
to small arms fire, the tank is now a target!
Using this power on living targets is a bit different. This
attack is a multiple action. Roll the either Body+Brawl or
Plasticine Touch (whichever is lower) with a 1 die penalty. If
you get two matches, the enemy is subject to your power.

Once you hit the target, the shift works the same, but
its effect is a little unusual. When you target a living being
with this power and shift them up or down in Hardness,
all their stats, skills and powers decrease by that amount.
If the targets Body stat hits 0 or lower due to the shift, the
target takes 1 Shock point of damage to the head and torso
per round until the attack stops. This represents either the
target suffocating because its difficult to breathe when your
lungs are the consistency of metal, or the targets suffocating because his body has the consistency of Jell-O, and
lungs need ribs to work.



Example: Craig sneaks up behind a guard and nails
him with his power, rolling a 3x6. Craig decides hell
shift the guard up to the consistency of Iron (Hardness
5) on the table. The guard is frozen in place, unable to
move or act, since the 3 width has reduced all his stats
and skills to 0. He also suffers 1 Shock point of damage to his head and torso until the power wears off. On
the up side, his skin now has a LAR of 2, but it doesnt
really matter, because in eight rounds, the guard will be
dead. Due to his new state hell remain standing for
some time.


Multiple Targets (+2/+4/+8): You can split your Plasticine

Touch dice between as many targets as you like.
No Touch (+1/+2/+4): You do not need to touch an object
to plasticise it. You can make such attacks as solo actions.


Only Harder/Softer (-2/-4/-8): You can only move objects

in one direction on the Hardness Table, either up or down,
pick one.

Size Shift

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Size Shift Table: Can Defend

Die Type

Point Cost to Purchase

Each Die

Each Hard Die


Each Wiggle Die


You can cause yourself or any object you can touch to grow
or shrinkincluding people. Touch the target, get a success,
and the object grows or shrinks. This shift costs 1 Will
point per die thrown, 2 per Hard Die and 4 per Wiggle Die
(you can always choose to throw fewer dice). Objects and
people remain in their new size state for Width in minutes,
but only one object per touch is allowed to change. (This
means if you shrink a soldier, only his body shrinksnot
his gun, clothes or helmet.) You must touch the specific
target you wish to shift.

Enlarged people add the Width of the Size Shift roll
to their Body score (to a maximum of 10), and lose that
amount from their Coordination (to a minimum of 1),
for as long as the shift remains. In addition, they gain
the equivalent amount of Extra Damage boxes to every
hit location for as long as the shift lasts. When the effect
vanishes, these damage boxes vanish as well, along with any
damage contained in those extra boxes.

People and objects shifted upward in size grow in
multiples of the Width of the roll. (Optionally, if you want
extra realism you can multiply height by the width and
weight by the width cubed, to reflect the fact that volume
changes on a different scale than height; see the Size Tables.)
All qualities of the object (Damage, Penetration, Heavy

Armor, etc.) are multiplied by the Width of the success to

determine their new rating.
Example: Tiny Tom throws his Size Shift of 7d to make
himself grow, and gets a 10, 10, 10, 3, 4, 1,1, 5, 6 for a
3x10. He spends 7 Will, gains 3 points of Body (making his Body score 6d), loses 3d from his Coordination
(making it 1d), and gains 3 extra hit boxes to each hit

Tom is usually 6 tall and 180 lbs, but his Size
Shift has made him grow 3 times his normal size (equal
to the Width of the roll). Tom is now 18 tall, weighs
4,860 lbs, can lift up to 1 ton and can cause Killing
damage with his hands, for 3 minutes. Oh, and hes
Example: Tiny Tom throws his 7d Size Shift dice to
make a tank grow to monstrous size. He gets a 2x10,
spends 7 points and the tank grows. It is now 2 times
its sizegrowing from 20 feet long and 10 tons to 40
feet long and 80 tons! Its Heavy Armor Rating of 6
is now 8 and it causes twice the amount of damage it
usually wouldif someone was big enough to operate
it, that is....
Minimized people are treated the same as enlarged people,
except they lose the Width of the success from Body and
Coordination, and from all physical skills except Stealth.
Anyone reduced to 1/8 size or smaller treats all attacks
against them as if they hit all hit locations simultaneously,
because they are so small. In addition, Shock damage is
automatically counted as Killing damage. This damage
remains when the target reverts to normal size. Divide the
height of minimized objects by the Width of the Size Shift
roll and reduce weight accordingly. Divide all qualities of
the object by the width of the activation roll to determine
their new rating.

On the plus side, objects that are very small can be
hard to hit and hard to spot. Add the Width of Size Shift to
the shrunken objects Coordination+Stealth dice pools and
apply it as a Difficulty for all attacks against him.
Example: Tom throws his Size Shift of 7d to shrink an
SS Mann to doll size. He gets a 4x6, spends 7 Will, and
the SS Mann loses 4d from his Body and Coordination,
reducing both to 1. The SS Mann, usually 59 and
160 lbs, is now about 10 inches tall and 2.5 pounds.
The next round Tom stomps on the SS Mann, rolling
his Body+Brawl of 7d for a 2x10. Because of his tiny
size, the SS-Mann suffers 2 Killing points of damage to
every hit location instead of only 2 Shock to his head.


Bumping (+2/+4/+8): For every 2 extra Will points you

dump into your activation roll, you bump your Width up
one level (this extra Width does not add to the cost of the
activation roll). You must choose how much you spend
before your roll however. On a failure Will point risked in
such a manner are lost.
Everything at Once (+2/+4/+8): Your power affects an
entire objectif you target a person, you can Size Shift him,


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



clothes and all, without individually targeting each item.
This includes yourself.


One or the Other (-2/-4/-8): You can only Size Shift in one
direction, up or down, your pick.
Self Only (-2/-4/-8): You can only Size Shift yourselfnot
your clothes or equipment or weapons, just your body. Or
as a -1/-2/-4 variant, you can shift yourself and your clothes
and weapons, but nothing that youre not carrying or wearing.

Optional Size Table: Enlarged












































Unconventional Move

Attacks, Defends, Robust, Useful Outside of Combat.

Unconventional Move Table: Can Defend

Die Type

Point Cost to Purchase

Each Die

Each Hard Die


Each Wiggle Die


You have the power to move in an unconventional and very

specific manner. For example, if your character dug through
the ground like a giant mole, swung on webs like a spider,
or rode on a sled made of ice, he would choose Unconven-

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Unconventional Move Table: Top Speed


Top Speed

Top Speed




















The default cost includes all four qualities, and allows you

Optional Size Table: Minimized


tional Move as a power, and modify it to fit his needs.

If you want to move super-fast with this ability, buy
and attach Super Speed to it, otherwise consult the following table to determine your speed when using your ability.

1) Use your power to gobble dice in Defense (by moving

out of the way of an attack).
2) Carry a single passenger along with you when you
move (this is counted as an attack).
3) Use your power in any location (this is the Robust
4) Use your power for things other than movement. For
example, with webs, you might be able to construct
a trap; by digging, you might be able to build an
aqueduct, etc. (This is the Useful Outside of Combat

If you wish to modify the score so its cheaper, you can
remove qualities. Some guidelines for building your own
version are presented below.

Unconventional movement powers that carry the
user in the air or under the ground must be bought with
the Defends quality (since its much more difficult to hit
someone underground or above your head). Similarly, any
power that can move yourself and others must have the
Attacks quality (since you can snatch up other people with
your power.) Unconventional Movement powers that can be
used under any condition must have the Robust quality, and
powers that can do things other than move you must have
the Useful Outside of Combat quality.
Example: Butch has the ability to ride a wave of dirt
like a surfer. His power has all the qualities and is rated
6d. This means he can move at about 35 MPH, block
incoming attacks (by making the wave deflect them)
and carry up to one extra person along with him on
the ride, whether they like it or not (this is the Attacks
quality.) His power is usable under any conditions (Robust) and can be used to loosen dirt or collapse tunnels
(the Useful Outside of Combat quality).




Destructive (+2/+4/+8): Anyone in your powers wake

suffers the width of your activation roll in Shock and Killing damage. You can also aim to hit a target with your
power with a successful roll.
Multiple Passengers (+1/+2/+4) (+5 Per Passenger): You can
snatch up multiple passengers in your movement power.


Clear Trail (-1/-2/-4): Your power leaves behind a very

clear trail, easily followed by your enemies. What that trail
is, is left up to you to determine, but it must be clearly visible to incur the reduction in cost.
Set Distance (-1/-2/-4): You can only travel in set increments of distance. Your power cannot travel less than that
distance. In other words, if you start your power, you will
travel a minimum of that distance, no matter what you do.
Straight Line (-1/-2/-4): You can only move in a straight
line, when you stop, you must pause 1 turn and then roll
again to move in another direction.

New Extras

These new Extras expand the usefulness of nearly any Talent power.

Locked On (+4/+8/+16)

Your attack power locks onto any target you can see
with a single successful attack roll. From that point on,
unless you choose to roll again, you may hit that target over
and over again in the same place for the same amount of
damage as your initial rollas long as you can see it.

Obscured (+2/+4/+8)

Your Talent power is difficult to look atto other Talents

that is. When you use your ability, all attack rolls against
you by other Talents must be a difficulty of 4 or more to
successfully hit you, due to the blinding Talent aura around
you. This aura only exists when you are actively using your
powers, however.

Rev-It-Up (+3/+6/+12)

You can covertly build your power up without really

activating it. You can roll your power as many times as
you like, until you get a match. This means with Flight for
instance, you can lift off at your top-speed without making
a roll the round you use your power (as long as you made
a successful one earlier), or with Containment you can roll
over and over again, picking your best roll to use when the
power is activated. Talents watching you will not notice this
build-up until you actually activate your power

Area Aura (+4/+8/+16)

Safety (+2/+4/+8)

Doubler (+3/+6/+12)

Seeking (+2/+4/+8)

Your Talent aura covers an area equal to your dice pool x

4. If other people are within that range, Talents attempting
to detect you will not be able to tell whether you or they are
the Talent, until you do something which gives you away
that is

When activated, this Extra doubles your powers effects

without doubling the Will costs (if there are any), the downside is, you take a point of Shock damage to the head each
round you use it. This Shock damage must be healed with
bed restit does not get shaken off at the end of combat.

If you fill your head with Shock damage, you fall unconscious and lose all your Will points.

Engulf (+5/+10/+20)

Your attack power inflicts its damage on all the hit locations
on a target, when you successfully hit the target that is.

Friendly Fire (+2/+4/+8)

This Extra is a godsend in close combat. Your power will

affect only your enemies, not friendlies or neutral parties on
the battlefield. Whether this means your attack will zig-zag
around a good-guy and then hit the enemy, or pass straight
through a friendly without any effect, remains up to you.

Your power looks out for you. If it fails under less than perfect circumstances (such as say, your Flight power failing at
2,000 feet), it will do the minimum necessary to get you to
safety before cutting out. This Safety works for all transport

Your attack power will hunt down the target of your

attack, if you miss them with your first attack roll that is.
Your attack will loop around and swing back towards their
target. Treat this as a free second attack roll for each
individual attackyou dont have to pay attention to it, it
just happens

New Flaws

These Flaws restrict the use of nearly any Talent power, and
scrape up a few more Will points for character creation.

Beacon (-4/-8/-16)

Your Talent power is like a beacon when activated. Other

Talents can sense it at more than 200 yards, whether they
can see you or not. You can only take this Flaw once, and if
you have a power that is Always On, you must take it for
that power (so that your Beacon is Always On as well).

Cant Hurt People (-2/-4/-8)

Your power cant target people at allTalents are included

in this restriction.

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)



Cant Interfere (-2/-4/-8)

Loopy (-2/-4/-8)

Direct Feed (-2/-4/-8)

Loud (-1/-2/-4)

You cant spend Will points to interfere with the Interfere

Flaw, Goldberg Scientists machines, Transmuted items or
other Talent effects. You can only take this Flaw once, and
if you have a power that is Always On, you must take it
for that power (so that your Cant Interfere is Always On
as well).

Whatever the Width of your powers activation roll is, you

lose from your Will point total. The better you roll, the
more you lose.

When you use your powers, your body glows for the Width
of the activation roll in rounds (in combat) or minutes
(outside of combat). While youre asking yourself why this
is a Flaw, consider the following question: Who would you
shoot at first, the regular grunt or the glowing guy?

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Whatever damage your power causes, you take it as Shock

damage to your body (on whatever hit location the attack
emerges from). If you hit a target for 3 Shock and 3 Killing
points of damage with a burst of energy from your arms,
you would suffer 6 Shock points of damage to your arms.

Uneven (-2/-4/-8)

Your power, no matter what you roll, always goes last in



Your power makes an incredible and quite distinctive

racket, audible for many hundreds of yards.

Shocking! (-2/-4/-8)

Glow (-1/-2/-4)

Go Last (-2/-4/-8)

After you activate your power, you cant take another

action until you make a successful Cool+Mental Stability
roll. Your power disorients and confuses youwithout this
successful roll, you wander around in a stupor. You can
try again every five minutes or every round if someone is
actively trying to shake you out of it.

Your power sometimes becomes weak for no discernable

reason, at the GMs discretion. It doesnt fail, just loses
matches out of its set to a minimum success.



Squad Name or Number:

NPC # Rank


Weapon/Damage Slow

Spray Area


This page may be photocopied for personal use only. 2012 Shane Ivey, Dennis Detwiller & Greg Stolze. Download a printable version at




Squad Name or Number:

NPC # Rank

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


Weapon/Damage Slow

Spray Area





Selected Bibliography
Ailsby, Christopher, SS: Roll of Infamy (Motorbooks Intl).
Ambrose, Stephen E., D-Day June 6, 1944 : The Climactic Battle
of World War II (Simon & Schuster).
Astor, Gerald, The Bloody Forest (Presidio Press).
Bailey, Ronald H., World War II: Partisans and Guerrillas (TimeLife Books).
Barker, A.J., Pearl Harbor (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Berg, Scott A., Lindbergh (Berkeley Publishing Group).
Bethell, Nicholas, World War II: Russia Besieged (Time-Life Books).
Bevor, Anthony, Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege, 1942-1943 (Penguin USA).
Bishop, Edward, Their Finest Hour: The Story of the Battle of
Britain 1940 (Ballantine Books Inc.)
Botting, Douglas, World War II: The Second Front (Time-Life
Boyle, David, World War II: A Photographic History (Barnes &
Noble Books).
Caidin, Martin, ME-109 (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Caidin, Martin, Zero Fighter (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Churchill, Winston, Second World War Volumes 1-6 (Houghton
Mifflin Co.).
Collins, Larry & Lapierre, Dominique, Is Paris Burning? (Castle
Commager, Henry Steele, Henry Steele Commagers The Story of
the Second World War (Brasseys Publishing).
Cooper, Bryan, PT Boats, (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Darman, Peter, Uniforms of World War II (Chartwell Books Inc.).
Elstob, Peter, Bastogne (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Elstob, Peter, Battle of the Reichswald (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Ford, Brian, German Secret Weapons: Blueprint for Mars (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Fort, Charles F., Wild Talents (Barnes & Noble Books).
Forty, George, U.S. Army Handbook 1939-1945 (Barnes &
Noble Books).
Frankland, Noble, Bomber Offensive (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Henderson, Harry B. and Morris, Herman C., World War II in
Pictures (The Journal of Living Publishing Corp. New York).
Holmes, Richard, Bir Hakim (Ballantine Books Inc.).

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Hughes, Matthew and Mann, Chris, Inside Hitlers Germany: Life

Under the Third Reich (Brasseys Publishing).
Jukes, Geoffrey, The Defense of Moscow (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Lumsden, Robin, The Black Corps (Ian Allen Publishing).
Macksey, Kenneth, Allied Armor (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Macksey, Kenneth, Panzer Division (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Macksey, Major K.J., Afrika Korps (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Manchester, William, Goodbye Darkness (Random House Inc.).
Mason, David, Breakout (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Masson, Phillipe, De Gaulle (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Matanle, Ivor, World War II (Smithmark Publishers.).
Miller, Russell, World War II: The Commandos (Time-Life Books).
Nafziger, George F., Waffen SS and Other Units in World War II:
The German Order of Battle (Da Capo Press).
Neill, George W., Infantry Soldier: Holding the Line at the Battle
of the Bulge (University of Oklahoma Press).
ODonnell, Patrick K., Beyond Valor: World War IIs Ranger and
Airborne Veterans Reveal the Heart of Combat (Free Press).
Pimlott, John, The Historical Atlas of World War II (Henry Holt
and Company, Inc.).
Polmar, Norman and Allen, Thomas B., World War II, The Encyclopedia of the War Years 1941-1945 (Random House Inc.).
Russell, Francis, World War II: The Secret War (Time-Life Books).
Ryan, Cornelius, A Bridge Too Far (Touchstone Books).
Shaw, Anthony, World War II, Day by Day (MBI Publishing Co.).
Steinberg, Rafael, World War II: Island Fighting (Time-Life Books).
Steury, Donald P., World War II Chronicles: The Intelligence War
(Metro Books).
Temkin, Gabriel, My Just War: The Memoir of a Jewish Red
Army Soldier in World War II (Presidio Press).
Various authors, Combined Operations: The Official Story of the
Commandos (The Macmillan Company).
Weinberg, Gerhard L., A World at Arms: A Global History of
World War II (Cambridge University Press).
Whiting, Charles, Patton (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Wilson, George, If You Survive (Random House Inc.).
Wykes, Alan, Hitler (Ballantine Books Inc.).
Zich, Arthur, World War II: The Rising Sun (Time-Life Books).




7.5 cm Infantriegeschtz 18 267

Affinity Sense 57

Anzio 165, 201, 221, 222

Aachen 238

7.5 cm Pak 40 267

Agattu Island 183

Appearances Are Deceiving 39

.30 Cal M1 Garand 273

7.5 cm Pak 411 267

Agedabia 142

Appendix AOptional Rules 305

.45 M1911A Automatic Pistol 272

70 mm Battalion Gun Type 92 271

Akagi 183

Appendix BNPCs 310

10.5 cm K 18 267

70 mm Mortar Model 11 271

Albert Line 230, 232

10.5 cm LeFH 18 267

75 mm Field Gun Type 38 271

Alert 58

Appendix COpen Source Superhero

Rules 314

105 mm Howitzer M2A1 273

8 cm Granatwerfer 34 267

Aleutian Islands 182, 183, 204

Appendix DMore Rules Options 344

120-HM 38 Heavy Mortar 280

8 Inch Howitzer M1 273

Arakan Pass 205

15 cm Infantriegeschtz 33 267

8.8 cm Flak 18 267

Alexander, Harold, Sir, LieutenantGeneral 176, 177

15 cm Kanone 39 267

Area (for Harm) 73

15 cm schwere Fh18 267

81 mm Model 97 Light Trench Mortar


Alias (Isabelle Compegne) 204

Alsace Lorraine 130

Area Aura 361

150 mm Model 93 271

81 mm Model 99 271

Alternate Form 58

Area/Penetration Chart 22

155 mm Gun M1 273

81mm Mortar M1 273

Altyus 127, 129, 130

Argonaut 190

1936 Summer Olympics 103

82-PM 41 Light Mortar 280

Always On 52

Arizona 161, 162, 229

21 cm Mrs 18 267

90 mm Gun M1 273

America First Committee 134

Ark Royal 148, 159

24 cm Kanone 3 267

90 mm Model 94 271

American Anti-Tank Rockets 273

Armor 19

240 mm Howitzer M1 273

94 Shiki Kenju 270

ArmorHeavy Armor 19

3 Inch Antiaircraft Gun M3 273

95 mm Infantry Howitzer Mk II 276

American Armored Cars and HalfTracks 274

3 Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10

Wolverine 274

A Greater Will to Power: Nietzsche,

Godlike Style 307

American Artillery 273

Armoured Car, AEC Mk 1 278

American Carbines 272

Armoured Car, Daimler Mk 1 278

3 Inch Gun Motor Carriage M18

Hellcat 274

A Note About Mines 264

American Flamethrowers 273

Armoured Car, Humber Mk 1 278

A Note about Racism and Sexism in

the 1940s 254

American Grenades 273

Arnhem 111, 117, 237, 238

American Light Vehicles 275

A Word on Cover 16

Arnold, Henry Hap, General 231

American Machineguns 273

3.7 cm Pak 35/36 267

Ablative 75

Arvat Priests 206, 208

American Mortars 273

35.5 cm Haubitze M.1 267

Abruzzi 214

Assam 205, 206

American Pistols 272

4.2 Inch Mortar 273

Absolute Concentration 88

Athenia 110

American Rifles 272

442nd Regimental Combat Team 185, 254

Absolute Duplication 66

Atlantic Charter 153, 170, 244

American Submachine Guns 273

47 mm Anti-Tank Gun Type 1 271

Abwehr 140, 150, 170, 210

Atomic Test ABLE 161

American Tank Destroyers 274

5 cm Granatwerfer 36 267

Aces 56

Attach 53

American Tanks 274

5 cm Pak 38 267

Achnacarry Commando School 158, 177, 297

Attlee, Clement, Prime Minister 249,


50 mm Light Mortar Type 10 271

Actual Physical Boundary 61

American Volunteer Group (AVG) 166,

167, 177

50 mm Light Mortar Type 89 271

Addiction 57

50 mm Mortar Type 98 271

50 PM 40 Light Mortar 280

Aesgir (Colonel Christian Fasal

Hansen) 116

60mm Mortar M2 273

Aesgir (Stats) 311

7.2 Inch Howitzer Mk 1 276

Affinity 57

3 Inch Gun Motor Carriage M36

Jackson 274

ArmorLight Armor 19

Attu Island 183, 204, 208

Anguis (Santiago Corzon) 169, 170,


Auchinleck, Claude Sir, General 159,

161, 182

Animal Magic 66

August Uprising 153

Anti-Tank Rifle 97 270

Augusta 153

Antonescu, Ion, Prime Minister 133,

135, 235

Australia 31, 39, 165, 174, 176, 180,


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Archer 278


Bougainville 219, 220

Carbine Type 38 270

Corregidor Island 177, 180

Braden, Harvey Philip, First Sergeant


Carentan 225, 226, 232

Corzon, Santiago (Anguis ) 166, 169

Carlsons Raiders 190

Co-Stars 288

Brains Skills 10

Casablanca 194, 197

Cotentin Peninsula 230

Brandflasche Incendiary Bottle 267

Caserta 247

Coventry 134

Cesay, Peter, Major (Zed) 199, 200,

201, 221

Cover 18

B-29 Superfortress 225, 234

Brandhandgranate Incendiary Hand

Grenade 257

BA-10 281

Braun, Werner von, Doctor 143, 240

Ceylon 177

Break 60

Create 63

Baba Yaga (Subject #3009) 39, 102,

150, 151, 152

Chain Lightning 69

Breaking the Law 38

Creating a Character: An Example,

Beginning to End 34

Backfires 53

Breather 77

Chamberlain, Neville, Prime Minister

107, 110, 112, 119

Bad Dog 84

Bremerhaven 143

Chanduk (Kata Nawng) 163

Creating a Talent Power for your

Character 40

Bad Tlz 106

Brescia 247

Changing the War 287

Crpon 228

Badoglio, Pietro, Marshal 214, 215, 216, 217

Brindisi 216

Chappelle, Bonnier de la 195

Cruiser Tank Challenger 277

Balbo, Marshal 131

British Anti-Tank Rockets 276

Character Advancement 27

Cruiser Tank Mk VI Crusader 277

Bangalore Torpedo 271

British Armored Cars 278

Character Creation in Godlike 30, 356

Cruiser Tank Mk VIII Centaur 277

Banja Luka 144, 145, 238

British Artillery 276

Character Sheet 353

Cruiser Tank Mk VIII Cromwell 277

Banville 111, 136, 225, 228

British Carbines 275

Chetniks 209

Cruiser Tank Ram Mk 1 277

BAR 273

British Flamethrowers 276

Chichagof Harbor 208

Cruiser Tank Sentinel AC1 277

Barnham 159, 160

British Light Vehicles 278

Custodes (Guardians) 36, 218

Base Damage of Weapons 264

British Machineguns 276

China 31, 102, 103, 107, 124, 127, 162,

166, 177

Base Will 28, 32, 33, 41, 93

British Mortars 276

Chindits 200, 230

Bastogne 241, 242

British Pistols 275

Choltitz, Dietrich von, General 235

Bataan 166, 172, 176, 277

British Rifles 276

Choseul 219

Battle Fatigue 94

British Tank Destroyers 278

Churchill, Randolph, Major 221

Daegal (Jos Keller) 31, 119, 120, 238

Battle of Santa Cruz 194

British Tanks 277

Daegal (Stats) 312

Battle of the Bulge 143, 150, 240, 242, 261

Broaden, Emil, Captain (The Shade)


Churchill, Winston, Prime Minister 101,

116, 118, 127, 137, 144, 147
Cien (Brigadier Colonel Piotr Ciowiski)
31, 110, 111

Damage 13

Automatic 82
B-17 Flying Fortress 206, 219, 220,

Bayeux 228
Bayombong Talent Museum 168
Bazooka M1 273
Bazooka M1A1 273
Beacon 362
Belgium 31, 114, 121, 122, 188, 236,
237, 240
Bellerophon (Salet Miceweski) 31, 127, 129
Bens, Eduard, President 239
Benghazi 142, 173, 174
Beria, Lavrenti, Commissar 101, 130,

Broken Rules, Broken Game Moderator

or Broken Players? 286

Dampen 64

Browning .50 M2 273

Ciowiski, Piotr, Brigadier Colonel

(Cien ) 31, 111

Darlan, Jean, Admiral 194, 195

Clark, Mark, General 194, 216, 217,


Dasch, George 183

Brozovich, Josef Tito, Generalissimo

144, 145, 221, 237
Bruneval 176

Clear Trail 361

Bryansk 214
BT-7 Fast Tank 280
Budapest 223

Blanket Control 63
Blanket Jinx 78
Blind Spots 67
Blind Teleportation 86
Blitzen 143, 240
Block 60
Bloody Ridge 189, 193
Blue Accord 141, 148
Blunt 79
Bocage 229, 232
Body Skills 9
Body Stat Table 8
Bombardment 346
Bne 195, 199
Bormann, Martin 147, 248

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Coastwatchers 193
Cold 25

Bulldog (Major Lloyd Feit) 149, 150,

153, 154, 155, 170, 247

Blackpool 128

Clumsy 85
Cobaka (Name Unknown) 188

Buddy, Buddy 87

Bielaja Smert (White Death) 113

Bitburg 237

Daimler-Benz G5 269

Browning .30 M4 273

Betio Island 219

Bismarck 148

Dachau 248

Damage Location 14

Bulgaria 137, 142, 236, 244

Bishepur 231

Cinematic Adventure Theme 283

Bukit Timah 176

Bir Hacheim 182

Czechoslovakia 31, 107, 108, 153, 238

Cien (Stats) 311

Besont, Luc (LInvocateur ) 123

Bind 59

Cover Fire 16

Bulldog Beer 154

Bumping 359
Buna 187, 193, 196
Burn 21
Burn (for Harm) 73
Burning Base Will Points 307
Burning Experience Points 307
Bush, Vannevar, Doctor 148
Buying (and Promoting) Dice 41
Buying More than 10 Dice 308

Caen 118, 225, 226, 227, 231

Called Shots 15
Campaign Premise 284
Canada 31, 191, 192, 252
Cant Hurt People 362
Cant Interfere 362
Cantania 211, 213, 214, 215

De Gaulle, Charles, General 155, 239

De Lisle Carbine 275
Dead Ringer 65
Dealing with Know-It-Alls 287
Degetyerev 28 279

Cold War 144, 188, 218, 250

Delusions and the Operation of Talent

Powers 38

Colombadas, Anthony, Private

(The Stripper) 300

Der Archiv (Obersturmfhrer Walter

Zingel) 209

Combat 13
Combat Precognition 70

Der Auge (Standartenfhrer Alfons

Koch) 177

Combat Round Breakdown 13

Der Erbauer (The Builders) 244

Cme-du-Monte 226

Der Flieger (Obersturmbannfhrer

Konrad Rahn) 106

Command Skills 10
Compegne, Isabelle (Alias ) 207
Constructing a Campaign 285
Contagious 57
Contagious Dampen 65
Containment 60
Continuity 286
Control 62

Darrenovsky, General 211

Control (for Break) 60

Cool Skills 10
Cool+Mental Stability Rolls 94
Cooperation 12
Coordination Skills 9
Copenhagen 116, 117
Coral Sea 179, 180, 191

Car Wrecks and Other Crashes 26

Cormorant (Captain Michael Foreman)

135, 136, 153, 176, 228

Carbine M1 272

Cornucopia 69


Der Flieger (Stats) 310

Der Fhrer 130, 148, 160, 161, 212
Der Habicht (The Hawk) 261
Der Hunds (The Hounds) 236
Der Nebel (Oberfhrer Markus Henlein)
Der Schildkrte (Oberstleutnant August
Wnsche) 173
Der Schreck (Hauptsturmfhrer
Wilhelm Krger) 235
Der Seefahrer (Sturmbannfhrer Georg
Klingen) 140
Der Spinne (The Spider) 242
Der Tragheit (Obergruppenfhrer Oltho
Gerbrecht) 143
Der Ziegel (Standartenfhrer Hans
Lauterbacher) 111
Derna 142, 185
Destructive 361

Detailed 58

Emotional Rapport 82

ExtraLevitating 81

Fermi, Enrico 195

Detection 66

Empathic Healing 75

ExtraLight Armor (for Transform) 90

Devers, Lucas, Private 303

Endless 52

ExtraLocked On 361

Fesam (First Lieutenant Robert

Matthew Young) 167

Die Hard 306

Enemy Forces 289

ExtraMaximum Capacity 86

Fetch 69

Die Hexe (Antonina Ilescu) 31, 132,


Enemy Special Forces, Leaders or

Talents 289

ExtraMothering 80

Feuermann (Obersturmbannfhrer Kurt

Blankenburg) 172, 210

Die Rckbildung (The Backwards

Shape) 135

Enfield #2 Mk 1 Revolver 275

ExtraMultiple Targets 76, 82, 359

Engbei Island 222

Feuerzauber (Obersturmbannfhrer
Ernst Karsten) 125

Die Spukhaus 152

ExtraMutable 83

Engulf 361

Fiddly Bits 73

Die Wiederauferstehung Dresdens

(The Resurrection of Dresden) 244

ExtraNo Altitude Limit 70

Eniwetok Island 222

Finland 112, 113, 114, 115, 228

ExtraNo Blur 68

Enterprise 183, 191

ExtraNo Gs 85

First Long Range Special

Reconnaissance Group 180

Eritrea 135

ExtraNo Inertia 52

Essen 125, 202

ExtraNo Leverage 52

Ethiopia 31, 109, 135, 138, 139, 147

ExtraNo Sink 77

Eustis 157

ExtraNo Touch 68, 359

Direct Feed 362

Everybody Sees It 88

ExtraNo Upward Limit 52

Disarming 17

Everything at Once 359

ExtraNo Weight 53

Fitzgerald, Peter, Captain (Misfire)

31, 186

Disintegration 67

Example Power Stunts 50

ExtraNon-Verbal 87

FK 16 nA 267

Disney, Walt 259

Exceptional Block 60

ExtraNot Affected 73

Flamboyant 57

Disorientation 87

Exeter 114

ExtraObscured 361

Flamethrower 23

Disturbing 70

Expensive 53

ExtraPenetrating (for Harm) 73

Flamethrower M1 274

Dneiper River 217

Extended Duration 81

ExtraPhysical 70

Flamethrower M1A1 274

Dodging 18

Extra Tough 68

ExtraPhysical Stuff 60

Flamethrower M2-2 274

Doenitz, Karl, Admiral 209

ExtraActual Physical Boundary 61

ExtraPiecemeal 68

Flammenwerfer 34 267

Doihara, Kenji, Major-General 107

ExtraAffinity Sense 52

ExtraPrecise Control 63

Flammenwerfer 40 267

Do-It-Yourself Skills 9

ExtraAlways On 52

ExtraRadius 92

Flammenwerfer 41 267

Doolittle, James, Lieutenant 178

ExtraAnimal Magic 66

ExtraReflexive 53

FlawAblative 75

Doppelgnger (Obersturmbannfhrer
Franz Stadler) 170

ExtraArea (for Harm) 73

ExtraRegrowth 82

FlawAbsolute Concentration 88

ExtraArea Aura 361

FlawAbsolute Duplication 66

Doubler 361

ExtraResiliency 90

ExtraAutomatic 82

FlawAddiction 57

Dream Walk 70

ExtraRev-It-Up 361

ExtraBlanket Jinx 78

Extras 52

FlawAttach 53

Dreams 58

ExtraBlind Teleportation 86

FlawBackfires 53

Drowning 25

ExtraSafety 361

ExtraBreather 77

FlawBad Dog 84

DShK 1938 279

ExtraSeeking 361

ExtraBuddy, Buddy 87

FlawBeacon 362

Dud and Faulty Grenades 306

ExtraSecond Pair of Eyes 83

ExtraBumping 359

ExtraSectional 77

FlawBlanket Control 63

Dunkelheit (Sturmbannfhrer Rudolph

Landwehr) 141

ExtraBurn (for Harm) 73

ExtraSee While Invisible 78

FlawBlind Spots 67

ExtraCombat Precognition 70

ExtraSense While Transformed 90

FlawBlunt 74

ExtraContagious 57

ExtraShared 76

FlawCant Hurt People 362

ExtraContagious Dampen 65

ExtraSharing is Caring 57

FlawCant Interfere 362

ExtraControl (for Break) 60

ExtraSilent 87

FlawChain Lightning 69

ExtraCornucopia 69

ExtraSplash and Spread 73

FlawClear Trail 361

ExtraDestructive 361

ExtraSpray (for Harm) 73

FlawClumsy 85

ExtraDetailed 58

ExtraSuperimposed 79

FlawDirect Feed 362

ExtraDisturbing 70

ExtraTouch 85

FlawDisorientation 87

ExtraDoubler 361

ExtraTracking Detection 67

FlawDream Walk 70

ExtraDuplicate 64

ExtraUnconscious 53

FlawDreams 58

ExtraElectrocuting (for Harm) 73

ExtraUnlimited 60

FlawEmotional Rapport 82

ExtraEndless 52

ExtraUnshakeable 78

FlawEmpathic Healing 75

ExtraEngulf 361

ExtraUnshaken 76

FlawExpensive 53

ExtraEverybody Sees It 88

ExtraVanish 89

FlawEye Contact 87

ExtraEverything at Once 359

ExtraVicious 74

FlawForced Attendance 87

ExtraExceptional Block 60

ExtraViola! 73

FlawFull Power Only 53

ExtraExtended Duration 81

ExtraVisible 81

FlawGive or Take 57

ExtraFiddly Bits 73

ExtraYour Element 57

FlawGlow 362

ExtraFlamboyant 57

Eye Contact 87

FlawGo Last 362

Dieppe 190, 192

Dietrich, Sepp, General 247
Difficulty 11
Dinesen, Jan, Captain (Vogel ) 116,

Dunkirk 119
Duplicate 69
Dsenpack (Jetpack) 149
Dutch East Indies 176
Duties 292
Dying 15
Dynamic Contests 11
Eichmann, Adolf 172
Eifel Tower 236
Eighth Air Force 206, 210, 215, 219
Eindoven 237
Einhandgranate (Egg Hand Grenade)
Einsatzgruppen (Action Groups) 141
Einstossflammenwerfer 46 267
Eisenhower Plan 175, 296
Eisenhower, Dwight D., General 171,
175, 190, 225

ExtraMultiple Passengers 361

ExtraFlicker 68

El Agheila 142, 163, 165, 194

ExtraFriendly Fire 361

El Alamein 182, 185, 188, 193

ExtraFocus 57

El Takka Plateau 193

First Non-Mechanized Long Range

Flight Group, the (the Flying
Bricks) 216
First Special Service Force (Black
Devils Brigade) 357

FlawGraphic 74

FlawGreedy 64

Fade 68

FlawHand-to-Hand Only 83

ExtraForce of Will 57

Falaise Pocket 235

FlawInterfere 53

Electrocuting (for Harm) 73

ExtraGlobal Range 86

Falling 25

FlawJumpy 74

Electrocution 24

ExtraHardened 75

Fascist High Council 213

FlawLoopy 362

Emmanuel, King of Italy 213

ExtraHeadhunter 84

Feit, Lloyd, Major (Bulldog) see


FlawLoud 362

ExtraInsanely Lucky 57


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


FlawKing Midas 91

Focus 57

Ghost of the West Gate 172

FlawLeaves Scars 75

Foertsch, Otto, Sturmbannfhrer 233

Give or Take 57

High Realism Theme 283

FlawLimited by Species 90

Food 293

FlawLimited by Type 90

Force of Will 57

Gladden, Marcus, Private (Typhoon)


Himmler, Heinrich, SS Reichsfhrer

141, 153

FlawLimited Height 57

Forced Attendance 87

Global Range 86

Hirabayashi, Gordon 184

Foreman, Michael, Captain

(Cormorant ) 135, 136

Glow 362

Hirohito, Emperor 179, 195

Gneisenau 175

Hiroshima 249

Fort Cappuzo 147

Go First 70

Hood 148

FlawLimited Width 57

Fort, Charles 36, 115

Go Last 362

Hoovers Dozen 184

FlawLinked to a Hit Location 60

Four-Color Adventure Theme 283

Gobble Dice 18

Hope, Bob 146

FlawLose Possessions 77

France 31, 119, 121, 124, 130, 155, 225

Goebbels, Josef, Doctor 148

Horii, Tomitaro, Major-General 193

FlawMental Strain 56

Free French Government in Exile 123

Gold Beach 228

Hornet 178

FlawMust Beat the Targets Body

Score in a Dynamic Contest 76

Frendendall, Lloyd, Major-General 144

Goldberg Science 70

Horthy, Mikls, Admiral 242

Friendly Fire 361

Golem of Warsaw 191

FlawNervous Habit 56

Fritz-X Glide Bomb 217

Golgotha (Sergeant Franklin Best) 141

Hss, Rudolph, Obersturmbannfhrer


FlawNo Contest 56

FUBAR! rules 351

Good Time Boys, the 237

FlawNo Go 92

Fhrerbunker 143, 170, 248

Gooden, Timothy S., Flight Captain 131

FlawNo Liquids or Gas 61

Fhrerprotektor 212

Graf Spee 114

FlawNo Physical Change 56

Full Power Only 53

Graphic 74

FlawLimited Target 91
FlawLimited to Animate or Inanimate
Forms 90

FlawNon-organic 68
FlawNothing Biological 87
FlawOne of a Kind 73

Greedy 64

Green, Reginald, Captain (Gabriel)


Gable, Clark 257

FlawOne or the Other 360

Gabr Saleh 149

FlawOne Use Per Combat 70

Gaining New Powers 42

FlawOnly Harder/Softer 359

Reichsprotektor 153

How Powers are Acquired and Paid

For 42
How Talents Work 40
How to Make a Character 30
Hukbalahap 169
Hyperskill 49
Hyperskills Table 50

Greene, Wendell, Captain (The

Professor) 200, 203

HyperstatHyperbrains 46

Grenades 23

HyperstatHypercool 48

Grunts 288

HyperstatHypercoordination 44

HyperstatHypercommand 48

FlawOnly Shock Damage 87

Gaining New Powers (Adjusted by Theme)


FlawPeace of Mind 56

Gaki (Hungry Ghost) 36

Guam 233

Hyperstats 49

Gamgaw 206

Guard Duty 292

Hyperstats Table 43

FlawPicky 60

Gargiliano River 221

Gunfire 15

FlawPoof 60

Gariboldi, General 142

Aiming 15

Hyperstats, Hyperskills and Miracles


FlawRunning Start 70

Gasperi, Alcide de, Prime Minister 218

Flaws 53

Gauleiter 121

FlawSee It First 67

Gazala Line 174

Ilescu, Antonina (Die Hexe ) 132, 133

FlawSelf Only 87, 360

Immortale (Dionisio Valenti) 218

FlawSensitive 79

Gebhart, Albrecht, Professor Doctor


Hafthohlladung 3 Attach Hollow Charge

Hagen Line 214

Immunity 75

FlawSet Distance 361

Genovese Crime Family 260

Hagganah 206

Imphal 229

FlawShocking! 362

German Anti-Tank Weapons 266

Half-Track Personnel Carrier M3 275

Incendiary Stick Hand Grenade 267

FlawShort Duration 56

German Armored Cars and Half-tracks 268

Indestructible Man, the (Captain

Lawrence Moreland) 158

FlawShy 56

German Artillery 267

Handgranate 43 Hand Grenade Model

43 267

German Assault Rifles 266

Hand-to-Hand 17

Infantry Tank Mk III Valentine 277

FlawSlow 87

Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill 277

FlawSlow Braking 85

German Carbines 265

Hand-to-Hand (Called Shots) 17

Insanely Lucky 57

FlawSlow Change 66

German Cartridge Types 265

Hand-to-Hand (Multiple Attacks) 17

Instant Death 76

FlawStatic 80

German Flamethrowers 267

Hand-to-Hand Only 83

German Grenades 267

Insubstantiality 77

FlawStraight Line 361

Hansen, Christian Fasal, Colonel

(Aesgir ) 118

FlawStrenuous 73

German Light Vehicles 269

Hard Dice 40

German Machineguns 266

Invisibility 77

FlawStruggle 65

Hardened 75

German Mines 267

IS-2 Josef Stalin Heavy Tank 281

FlawTiring 78

Harm 73

German Mortars 267

Iwo Jima 244

FlawTouch Only 84

Harris, Kevin, Sergeant (Max) 188

German One Use Anti-Tank Rockets


Izyum 182

FlawUncertain Arrival 87

Haruna 230

FlawPerception Based 76

FlawUnconscious 78
FlawUncontrollable 56
FlawUneven 362
FlawVampiric 66
FlawVisible 81
FlawVisible Up Close 68
FlawWeak 85
FlawWill Drain 75
Fletcher, Frank J., Rear Admiral 180,
Fleury-sur-Orne 231
Flicker 68
Fliegerkorps II 161
Flight 69

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

German Pistols 265

German Rifles 266
German Submachine Guns 266
German Tank Destroyers 268
German Tanks 268
Germany 31, 101, 103, 104, 109, 114,
115, 121, 124

Hashomer 209
Hasselt 121
Headhunter 84
Healing 74

Interfere 53

Jackson, Harmon L. (Bubblegum
Jackson) 147

Heavy Armor 75

Jeger (Standartenfhrer Bernhard

Siegling) 137

Heavy Utility Car 4x2 Ford ADF 278

Jagdpanther (Hunting Panther) 268

Heavy Utility Car 4x4 Humber 278

Jagdpanzer IV (PzKpfw II) 268

Gestapo 107

Height 10

Japanese American Internment 184

Getting Better 14

Henderson Field 187

Japanese Anti-Tank Weapons 270

Getting Worse 15

Herkules (Untersturmfhrer Klaus

Ewert) 147

Japanese Cartridge Types 269

Gewehr 41 266
Gewehr 43 266
Gewehr 98 266
Ghost 70

Japanese Flamethrowers 271

Hess, Rudolph, Deputy Fhrer 146

Japanese Grenades 271

Hetzer (Baiter) 268

Japanese Machineguns 270

Heydrich, Reinhard, SS

Japanese Mines 271


Japanese Mortars 271

Leyte Gulf 239

Marder III (PzKpfw III) 268

Japanese Pistols 270

Liberator M1942 272

Mareth Line 199

Moscow 115, 150, 156, 185, 188

Japanese Rifles 270

Life in the U.S. of A in the 1940s 253

Marsala 213

Mosin Nagant Model 1938 279

Japanese Submachine Guns 270

Life on the Line 291

Maultier Half-track Transport 269

Japanese Tanks 271

Light Armor (Transform) 90

Maximum Capacity 86

Moss, Peter Orin, Private (The

Professor) 301

Jeckeln, Franz, Obergruppenfhrer 174

Light Armored Car M8 274

Maximum Skill Levels 9

Mossad 242

Jinx 78

Light Armored Car T17E1 Staghound


McAullife, Anthony C., Brigadier General


Mostar 145

Limited by Species 90

Mental Strain 56

Moving Targets 16

Jumping Johnny (First Lieutenant

Jonathan Lear) 128

Limited by Type 90

Mers-el-Kbir 130

Mozyr 220

Limited Height 57

Messina 215

MP 18 266

Jumpy 74

Limited Target 91

Metaxas Line 142

MP 34 266

Juno Beach 228

Limited to Animate or Inanimate Forms


MG 131 266

MP 35 266

MG 15 266

MP 38 266

Limited Width 57

MG 151 266

MP 40 266

Kachins 206

Lindbergh, Charles 134

MG 151/20 266

Mr. Messerschmitt (Der Flieger) 106

Kafsack, Bjrn, Oberstleutnant 149

Lingayen Gulf 243

MG 26(t) 266

Mr. Mitts 136

Kanglantongbi 205, 206

Linked to a Hit Location 60

MG 30 (t) 266

Karabiner 98K 265

Listed Ranges 263

MG 34 266

Mr. Nowhere (Major-General Edgar L.

Norweir) 176

Karsten, Ernst (Feuerzauber ) 124,


LInvocateur (Luc Besont) 121, 123, 312

MG 37 (t) 266

Mt. Suribachi 245

LInvocateur (Stats) 312

Multiple Actions 78

Katamura, Hoshi (Hoshi ) 178, 179

MG 42 266

Location 288

Multiple Actions and Multiple Sets 12

Kearney, Grant (Pop) 149

MG 81 266

Locked On 361

Miceweski, John, Private 302

Multiple Passengers 361

Keller, Jos (Daegal ) 119, 120

Loopy 362
Lord Yama (Name Unknown) 205, 206

Miceweski, Salet (Bellerophon ) 127,

129, 130

Multiple Shots 16

Kelly, Walter, Ensign (Ironclad) 170

Kennedy, John F. 205

Lorry, 4x2 FFW Humber 278

Michael, King of Romania 235

Munich Pact 107

Khaddafi, Momar 165

Lose Possessions 77

Midway 162, 182

Murder 19

Kharkov 181, 200

Loud 362

Mig Alley 167

Murnow, F.W. 259

Kidd, Isaac C., Rear Admiral 161

Lovetz, Michael (Specs) 222

Miller, Alan, First Lieutenant 299

Musashi 239

Kiev 155

Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt 143

Minefields 347

Kilchess, Eric, Private 301

Luftwaffe (Air force) 110, 115, 119,


Miracle Table: Purchase Cost 51

Must Beat the Targets Body Score in a

Dynamic Contest 76

Miracle Table: Quality Cost 51

Mutable 83

Miracles 50

Myitkyina 234

John Tom (Lieutenant Michael Gram)


King Midas 91
Klingen, Georg (Der Seefahrer )
140, 219
Kniep, Matthias 244

Miracles and Power Stunts 50

(The Indestructible Man) 158

Mothering 80

Multiple Targets 76, 82, 359

M1 Thompson 273

Koen, Gunter 149

Miracles for the Gourmet 50

M1903A1 Springfield 273

Kokoda Trail 193

Misfire (Captain Peter Fitzgerald) 184, 186

M26 Pershing Heavy Tank 274

Kommandorskiye Islands 204

M2A1 Pineapple Hand Grenade 273

Misfires, Jams, Accidental Discharge

and Gun Cleaning 306

Nacht (Obersturmfhrer Fritz

Heisterkamp) 247

Knigsberg 159

M3 General Lee Medium Tank 274

Misha 196

Nagasaki 249

Kraftfahrzeug 11 (Horch Type 830) 269

M3 Grease Gun 273

Mission Objectives 290

Nagato 239

Kraftfahrzeug 15 269

M3A Hand Grenade 273

Mission Types 290

Nagumo, Chiuchi, Vice Admiral 161

Kraftfahrzeug 2 269

M4 (105) Sherman 274

Missions 289

Nambu Model 14 270

Kretschner, Otto, Fregattenkpitan 138

M4 Sherman Jumbo 274

Mitscher, Marc A., Vice Admiral 230

Nambu Pistol 270

Krieg (Hauptsturmfhrer Wilhelm

Hssler) 247

M4 Sherman Medium Tank 274

Mk 1 Matilda 277

Naples 216, 217

M4 A1 (76) W Sherman 274

Model 23 271

Kursk 211

M4 A3 (76) W Easy Eight Sherman


Model 26 Revolver 270

Napolitano, John, Pvt. (The Ape) 6,

34, 35, 54, 55, 100

KV-1 Heavy Tank 280

M9A1 Antitank Rifle Grenade 273

Kwangtung Army 178

Model 92 270

MacArthur, Douglas, General 166, 168, 176

Model 93 270

Machinegun 22

Model 93 Mine 271

Krizova, Briety (Pevnost ) 108

Model 91 271

Nagant Revolver 279

Naral, Jagadis, Prime Minister 205

Narvik 115
Nautilus 190
Nawng, Kata (Chanduk ) 164
Nemo 203

Machinegun (Skill) 9

La Belle Curve 7

Model 96 Mine 271

Madagascar 180

Lancaster Submachine gun 276

Model 97 271

Maelzer, Kurt, Generalleutnant 216

Langsdorff, Hans, Kapitn 114

Model 99 270

Maginot Line 115

Larsens Folly 163

Model 99 Mine 271

Makin Island 190

Le Mur (The Wall) 239

Molotov, Vyacheslav 109, 181, 220

Malaya 163

Le Teinte (The Shadow) 239

Monte Cassino 221

Malta 217

Leadership 10

Montecorvino 216

Manahan, Vincent, Private 302

Lear, Jonathan (Jumping Johnny) 128

Montlimiar 234

Newman, Daniel, Private (Crystal

Ball) 304

Manila 243

Leaves Scars 75

Montenegro 209

Nijmegen 120, 237

Mannerheim, Karl von, Marshal 232

Legion of Five Thousand 135

Montevideo 114

Niko 218

Manstein, Erich von, Generaloberst


Nikolayev 224

Maquis 235

Montgomery, Bernard L., Field Marshal

172, 188, 191, 198, 199, 204, 208,

Marder II (PzKpfw II) 268

Moreland, Lawrence Clyde, Captain

Legionari Della Patria (Legionnaires

of the Fatherland) 218
Levitating 81


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Nephilim 36, 135, 168, 171, 192

Nervous Habit 56
Neuman, Jean (Vevel ) 121, 122
New Guinea 180, 187, 193, 196
New York vs. Enzo The Eraser
Tagliano 260

Nimitz, Chester, Admiral 180, 183, 208

NKVD 101, 130, 152


No Altitude Limit 70

Operation: Typhoon 156

Poof 60

Richmond 204

No Blur 68

Operation: U-Go 223

Popular Entertainment 258

Rifle No.5 MK 1 276

No Contest 56

Operation: Valhalla 170

Port Moresby 180

Rifle Type 38 270

No Gs 85

Oradur-sur-Glane 229

Portable Flamethrower 100 271

Rifle Type 972 270

No Go 92

Ordnance ML 2 Inch Mortar 276

Portable Flamethrower 93 271

Rifle Type 99 270

No Inertia 52

Ordnance ML 3 Inch Mortar 276

Potsdam Conference 249

Robin Moor 147

No Leverage 52

Ordnance QF 25-pdr 276

Power Mechanics 40

ROKS-2 280

No Liquids or Gas 61

Ordnance QF 3 in 20 cwt 276

Power StuntFine Control 50

Roma 217

No Physical Change 56

Ordnance QF 3.7 Inch 276

Power StuntNo Pressure 50

Rome 213, 224

No Sink 77

Ordnance QF 4.5 Inch MK II 276

Power StuntUnder Pressure 50

No Touch 68, 359

Ordnance SB 4.2 Inch Mortar 276

PPD 1934/38 279

Rommel, Erwin, Generalfeldmarschall

137, 141, 142

No Upward Limit 52

Other Sources of Harm 24

PPSh- 41 279

No Weight 53

Ouistreham-Riva-Bella 227

Prague 153

No.1 Lee-Enfield 276

Owen Gun 276

Prague Riots 153

Non Player Characters 288

Precise Control 63

Rook (Captain Yardley Smithe) 159,

Rotman, Jeffery, Flight Lieutenant 137
RPG 1940 279
Running Start 70

Non-organic 68

Precognition 79

Non-Verbal 87

P38 Walther 265

Precognition in Warfare 178

Norsk 202

P-51 Mustang 219

Preparation 285

RuSHA SA (Race and Settlement

Office Special Department A) 101

Norway 115, 116, 118, 174

Palermo 212

Prince Eugen 148, 175

Ryujo 230

Norweir, Edgar L., Major-General (Mr.

Nowhere) 176

Pantelleria Island 209

Prince of Wales 148

Panther V Heavy Tank (PzKpfw V) 268

Not Affected 73
Nothing Biologica 87l

Panzerfaust 266

Princeton University School of

Psychology, Parapsychology and
Physics 150

Panzerbrandgranaten 267

Nuremberg Trials 146

Pripet Marshes 102

Safety 361

Panzergranate 267

Projected Hallucination 88

Saito, Yoshitsugu, Lieutenant-General


Panzerhandgranate 267
Panzerhandmine 267

Obscured 361

Panzermine 267

Odessa 223

Panzerschreck 267

Office of Scientific Research and

Development 102, 148, 149, 235
Okinawa 246
Oklahoma Memorial 161
Omaha Beach 181, 227
One for One 284
One of a Kind 73
One or the Other 360
One Roll Patrols 348
One Shot Adventures 285
One Use Per Combat 70
Only Harder/Softer 359
Only Shock Damage 87
Operation: A-Go 230
Operation: Bagration 231
Operation: Barbarossa 146, 150
Operation: Battleaxe 149
Operation: Blitz 160
Operation: Brevity 147
Operation: Canned Goods 109
Operation: Carpetbagger 220
Operation: Case White 109
Operation: Citadel 211
Operation: Cobra 233
Operation: Dragoon 234
Operation: Epsom 231
Operation: Fall Gelb 114
Operation: Greif 241
Operation: Market Garden 237
Operation: Overlord 225
Operation: Pastorius 183
Operation: Paukenschlag 170
Operation: Rascal 148
Operation: Sea Lion 175
Operation: Torch 190, 194

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Prokhorovka 212
Prome 177

Ruperelia, Templeton (Bolt) 149

S-2 (Section Two) 102

Sajovesek, Janes (Stasio ) 142, 144,


Protocol 294

Salasee, Amina (Zindel ) 139

Psychic Artifact 81

Salerno 216

PTRD- 41 279

Salt Lake City 204

PTRS- 41 279

Saratoga 170

Part FiveBackground 100

Puppeteer (Sergeant Dennis Daniels)


Sarin Gas 150

Part FourTalents 35

Pythia 144, 146

Part NineTOG Squads 296

PzKpfw II Light Tank 268

Part OneIntroduction 1

PzKpfw III Medium Tank 268

Part SevenThe Field Manual 263

PzKpfw IV Medium Tank 268

Schwere Panzermine Heavy Tank Mine


Part ThreeCharacter Creation 29

Scout Car, Daimler Mk 1 278

Part TwoGame Mechanics 6

Quantifying Skills 9

SdKfz 10 Artillery Tractor 268

Panzerwurfmine 267
Parachutists Rifle Type 1 270
Part EightThe Campaign 282

Part SixNow and Then 251

Peace of Mind 56

Scapa Flow 112

Scharnhorst 175
Schepke, Joachim, Fregattenkpitan

SdKfz 222 Armored Car 269

Pearl Harbor 112

SdKfz 231 Armored Car 269

Penetrating (for Harm) 73

Rabaul 220

SdKfz 250 Half-track 269

Penetration Listings 263

Radius 92

SdKfz 251 Half-track 269

Perception 79

Rahn, Johann 106

Sea of Azov 217

Perception Based 76

Second Pair of Eyes 83

Pevnost (Briety Krizova) 108

Rahn, Konrad, Obersturmbannfhrer

(Der Flieger ) 106

Pevnost (Stats) 310

Raketenpanzerbchse 267

Section Two (S-2) 102

Physical 70

Randazo 214

Sectional 77

Physical Stuff 60

Range 16

Secure Information Service (SIS) 181

PIAT 276

Rapido River 220

See It First 67

Picky 60

Rapport 82

See While Invisible 78

Piecemeal 68

Reflexive 53

Seeking 361

Pinball (Super Swabby) 189

Regeneration 82

Sektion Blau (Blue Section) 159

Piorun (Der Flieger) 107

Regrowth 82

Sektion Gelb (Yellow Section) 170

Plasticine Touch 359

Reichskommisariat Norditalien 217

Self Only 87, 360

Player Expectations 287

Reloading Times 264

Sense Skills 10

Playing the Game 285

Repulse 163

Sense While Transformed 90

Ploesti 214

Resiliency 90

Sensitive 79

Pneumo-Ray 203

Resolution 10

Set Distance 361

Po8 Luger 265

Reuben James 156, 157, 158

Setting the Mood 287

Pointe du Hoc 226

Rev-It-Up 361

Sevastopol 159

Poland 109, 110, 111

Richelieu 130

Severch Loodi (Super-men) 36


Secondary Characters 288

SG 43 279

SkillTelephony 356

Strenuous 73

Talent PowerPsychic Artifact 81

SGM 3 279

SkillThrow 9

Strong Points 292

Talent PowerRapport 82

Shared 76

SkillTouch 10

Struggle 65

Talent PowerRegeneration 82

Sharing is Caring 57

Skorzeny, Otto, Generalmajor 242

Stun 84

Talent PowerSide Step 83

Shek, Chiang-Kai, Generalissimo 162

Slang 261

Talent PowerSidekick 83

Sheol (Name Unknown) 168, 170, 171

Slow 22

Subject #3009 (Baba Yaga ) 39, 102,

150, 151

Shock Damage 13

Slow Braking 85

Submachine gun 22

Talent PowerStun 84

Shocking! 362

Slow Change 66

Suicide Mine 270

Talent PowerSuper Speed 84

Shoho 178

Smith and Wesson Revolver 275

Super Speed 84

Talent PowerTelekinesis 85

Shokaku 181

Smith, Arthur M. 149

Talent PowerTeleportation 86

Short Duration 56
Shy 56

Smithe, Yardley, Captain (Rook) 159,


Super Swabby (Captain Franklin

Wolensky) 189

Sicily 211

Sniper 16

Supplies 293

Side Step 83

Solomon Islands 180

Surhomme (Super-men) 36

Sidekick 83

Soviet Anti-Tank Weapons 279

Syria 151

Siegfried Line 240

Soviet Armored Cars 281

Silent 87

Soviet Carbines 279

Singapore 176

Soviet Cartridge Types 278

T-26 Light Infantry Tank 280

Talent Qualities 51

Sittang Bridge 175

Soviet Dog Mine 280

T-28 Medium Tank 280

Talent Quality Table 51

Size Shift 358

Soviet Flamethrowers 280

T-34 Medium Tank 280

Talent QualityAttacks 51

SkillAnti-Tank Rocket 9

Soviet Machine Guns 279

T-35 Heavy Tank 280

Talent QualityDefends 51

SkillAthletics 9

Soviet Mortar 280

T- 40 Light Tank 280

Talent QualityRobust 51

SkillBrawl 9

Soviet Pistols 279

T-60 Light Tank 280

SkillCryptography 10

Soviet Rifles 279

T-70 Light Tank 280

Talent QualityUseful Outside of

Combat 52

SkillDodge 9

Soviet Special Directive One 101, 130

Tagliano, Enzo (The Eraser) 270

Talents and the Law 260

SkillDrive (Type) 9

Soviet Submachine Guns 279

Taiho 230

Soviet Tanks 280

Talents and the Public Imagination in

the War Years 259

SkillEducation 10

Talent 36

Spearfish 180

Talent Against Talent 39

Taranto 134

SkillElectronics 10

Special Sciences Office (SSO) 101

Talent PowerAces 56

Tarlac Point (Dragon Point) 168

SkillEndurance 9

Speer, Albert 147

Task Force 17 180

SkillExplosives 353

Talent PowerAffinity 57

Splash and Spread 73

Talent PowerAlert 58

Task Force 58 161

SkillFirst Aid 9, 353

Spray (for Harm) 73

Talent PowerAlternate Form 58

Tehran Conference 219

SkillFlamethrower 9

Sprenggranaten 267

Talent PowerBind 59

Telekinesis 85

SkillForward Observer 354

Spring Mine 267

Teleportation 86

SkillGrenade 9, 23, 24

Talent PowerBlock 60

Squad Combat 344

Teleportation in Warfare 181

SkillHealth 9

Talent PowerBreak 60

Squad Combat Data Sheet 363

Talent PowerContainment 60

Tellermine 267

SkillIntimidation 10, 354

Springheel Jack (Jumping Johnny) 128

Talent PowerControl 62

Tellermine 29 Dish Mine 267

SkillLanguage (Type) 10

SS berkommandogruppe Heinrich
Himmler 150, 211, 241

Tellermine 35 267

SkillLeadership 355

Talent PowerCreate 63
Talent PowerDampen 64

The Campaign 282

SSO (Special Sciences Office) 101

Talent PowerDead Ringer 65

The Command Post 292

St. L 233

Talent PowerDetection 66

St. Mre-Eglise 226

Talent PowerDisintegration 67

The Development of the Use of Talents

in Combat 259

St. Nazaire 177

Talent PowerExtra Tough 68

SkillMortar 355

Stadtkyll 128

Talent PowerFade 68

SkillNavigation (Land) 10

Stalingrad 125

Talent PowerFetch 69

SkillNavigation (Sea/Air) 10

Stars 288

Talent PowerFlight 69

SkillParachute 9, 355

Stasio (Janes Sajovesek) 142, 144, 145

Talent PowerGhost 70

SkillPerform (Type) 10

StatBody 8

Talent PowerGo First 70

SkillPilot (Type) 9

StatBrains 8

Talent PowerGoldberg Science 70

SkillPistol 9

StatCommand 8

Talent PowerHarm 73

SkillRadio Operation 355

StatCool 8

Talent PowerHealing 74

SkillRifle 9

StatCoordination 8

Talent PowerHeavy Armor 75

SkillRun 9, 355

StatSense 8

Talent PowerImmunity 75

Skills 9

Static Contests 10

Talent PowerInstant Death 76

SkillSailing (Type) 9

Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk Count

von, Oberst 233

Talent PowerInsubstantiality 77

Sten Submachine gun 276

Talent PowerJinx 78

StGw 44 266

Talent PowerMultiple Actions 78

SkillSmell 10

Stielhandgranate Stick Hand Grenade


Talent PowerPerception 79

The Worlds Smartest Bomb (The

Indestructible Man) 158

SkillStealth 9

Stiener, Mary 119

Talent PowerPlasticene Touch 358

Theater of Operations 285

Talent PowerPrecognition 79

Theil, Werner 183

Talent PowerProjected Hallucination


Themes 283

SkillLie 10
SkillMechanics (Type) 10
SkillMedicine 10
SkillMental Stability 10, 16, 21, 23,
24, 26, 27, 94, 354

SkillSeduction 10
SkillSight 10
SkillSkiing 355

SkillSubmachine gun 9
SkillSwim 9, 355
SkillTactics 10, 356

Stilwell, Joseph, General 177, 178

Straight Line 361

Superimposed 79

Talent PowerInvisibility 77


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Talent PowerSize Shift 359

Talent PowerThought Control 87

Talent PowerTime Fugue 88
Talent PowerTransform 89
Talent PowerTransmutation 91
Talent PowerUnconventional Move
Talent PowerZed 92

The Drafting of Talents 260

The Edge of Sanity 39
The Enemy 288
The Human Bullet (Private Joseph Ferrel) 135
The Map 291
The Media 257
The Media and the War 257
The Ongoing Game 286
The Patrol 293
The Push 293
The Rear 293
The Runner 293
The Sleeping Giant 255
The Taft Laws of the United States 260
The Term Talent 36
The Trench 291

There Were Giants in Those Days 259


Thought Control 87

Vimont 116

Wiggle Dice 40

Throwing Rocks or Debris 24

berkommandogruppen (Super
Commando Groups) 150, 211, 241

Voila! 73

Wild Talents 36

Visible 87

Will 93

Tiger VI II Heavy Tank (King Tiger

PzKpfw Tiger VI II) 268

bermenschen (Super-men) 36

Visible Up Close 68

Will Drain 75

UD M42 273

Vistula River 234

Will: The Brief Version 41

Till, Nelson, Lt. (Cupboard-Guts) 163

Uncertain Arrival 87

Vittoria 211

Time Fugue 88

Unconscious 53

Vogel (Stats) 311

Wily General Purpose Vehicle GP or

Jeep 275

Timoshenko, General 184

Uncontrollable 56

Volkswagen Kbel 269


Tinian Island 234

Unconventional Move 360

Volturno River 217

Winoga Wonder 119

Tiring 78

Uneven 362

VPGS 1940 279

Wisconsin vs. Taft 260

Tiso, Josef, Father 153

United Kingdom Cartridge Types 275

Tobruk 142

United States Cartridge Types 272

TOC (Talent Operation Command) 296

United States Marine Corps Special

Instruction School 357

Tiddim 223

TOG (Talent Operation Groups) 296

Tokarev SVT38 279
Tokarev TT-33 279

United States Public Sentiment in the

Early War Years 252

Wittmann, Michael, Leutnant 229

Wadi Akarit 204
Wadi Zigzou 204
Waffen SS 128, 150

Wolensky, Franklin, Captain (Super

Swabby) 189
World Axis 131

Unlimited 60

Walchev 133

Unshakeable 78

Walther PP 265

Unshaken 76

Walther PPK 265

Yelt, Roger, First Lieutenant (Crazy

Eight) 188

Uruguay 114

Warhol, Andy 218

Yezhovshchina (Great Purge) 199

Warsaw Ghetto 185

Transform 89

Using Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice in

the Game 40

Yontan 246

Warspite 217

Transmutation 91

Yorktown 180

USO (United Service Organization) 146

Watson, Eli (The Brain) 208

Trappani 213

You Still Have To Hit 21

Utah Beach 226

Wavell, Percival Sir, Field Marshall

131, 170

Torokina Island 219

Touch 85
Touch Only 84
Tracking Detection 67

TRINITY Test Site 158

Yamamoto, Isoroku, Admiral 161

Young Talent Services Inc. 167

Weak 85

Young, Robert, First Lieutenant (Fesam)


V-1 Pulse Jet 229

Weapon Qualities 20

Your Element 57

V-2 Rocket 237

Weapon QualityArea 20

Yungping 124

Valenti, Dionisio (Immortale ) 218

Weapon QualityPenetration 22

Yunnan 178

Vampiric 66

Weapon QualitySlow 22

Vandegrift, Major-General 193

Weapon QualitySpray 21

Vanish 89

Weaponry of the Empire of Japan 269

Zed 92

Vehicle Hit Location Table 307

Weaponry of the Soviet Union 278

Zed (Major Peter Cesay) 199, 201

Vehicle Hit Locations 307

Weaponry of the Third Reich 263

Zeebruge 236, 188

Two Against One 309

Vevel (Jean Neuman) 121, 122

Weaponry of the United Kingdom 275

Zhao Zheng (Chu Tso-Tsin) 124, 126

Type 100 270

Vevel (Stats) 312

Weaponry of the United States 272

Zhitomir 220

Type 11 Nambu 270

Vichy France 130

Weapons 20

Zhukov, Georgi, Marshal 248

Type 2 Anti-Tank Grenade 270

Vicious 74

Webley Mk 4 Revolver 275

Zindel (Amina Salasee) 139

Type 88 75 mm Anti-Aircraft Gun 271

Vickers G.O. Gun 276

Welles, Orson 259

Zindel (Stats) 311

Type 95 Light Tank 271

Vickers Mk 1 276

What if I Dont Have the Right Skill? 9

Type 96 270

Vickers Mk 4 276

What is a Talent? 36

Zingel, Walter (Der Archiv ) 209, 210,


Type 97 Medium Tank 271

Viddyhara 36

Whats Possible and Whats Not 37

Zuikaku 230

Type 98 20 mm Machine Cannon 271

Viipuri, Peter 114

Whelan, Stephen J. 36, 115

Zyklon-B 173

Types of Damage 13

Viljo (Josef Seppanen) 112, 113

When Parahumans First Appeared 31

Zyklon-C 173

Types of Godlike Game Play 284

Viljo (Stats) 311

Widows of Foreign Wars 116

Villains 288

Width 10

Tristan (Sturmbannfhrer Rudolph

Lammers) 190
Troupe Play 284
Truck 4x2 Bedford 278
Tso-Tsin, Chu (Zhao Zheng ) 124, 126
Tudeh 219
Tulagi Island 180
Tunisia 137
Tunney, Graham, Major (The Ghost of
the Fourteenth) 192

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)






Date of Birth:










Dice Pool

Dice Hard Wiggle Spent








Base Will 05


Date of Manifestation:




Spray/Penet./Area Cap.




This page may be photocopied for personal use only. 2001 Dennis Detwiller & Greg Stolze. Download a printable version at

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)









Dice Pool

Spray/Penet./Area Cap.




Dice Hard Wiggle Spent

This page may be photocopied for personal use only. 2001 Dennis Detwiller & Greg Stolze. Download a printable version at

Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)


This paperback and PDF edition of Godlike was made possible by the backers of our 2011 Kickstarter campaign. If you
enjoy this game, please join us in thanking them for their extraordinary goodwill and generosity.
Matthew Allen
R Thomas Allwin
Jesper Anderson
Melody Haren Anderson
Robby Anderson
Espen Andreassen
Jason Baker
Nick Bate
Battlefield Press, Inc.
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Matthew Bielinski
Robert Blake
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Ian Borchardt
Alan Brown
Travis Bryant
Leo Bushey
Toll Carom
Ludovic Chabant
Joshua Chewning
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John Cohen
Nicholas Coldrick
Charles Coleman
Phyl Cook
Tom Cusworth
Phil Dack

Neal Dalton
Kirt Dankmyer
Thomas Deeny
Benoit Devost
DivNull Productions
Jay Dugger
Gordon Duke
Herman Duyker
Stephen Egolf
Tim Ellis
Mito Ken Face
David Farnell
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Forrest Franks
Kai Simon Fredriksen
J. Scott Garibay
Sergio Silvio Herrera
Allan Goodall
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Chris Gunning
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Michael Pardue
Nicholas W. Peddicord
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Rob Pinkerton
Jos Luis Porfrio
Hobbie Regan
Stewart Robertson
Nestor Rodriguez
Carl Rigney
Chris Roames
Andrew Robertson
Jimmie L Rush Jr
Gerry Saracco
Rowdy Scarlett


Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

Jakob Schilling
Chris Shields
David Schroh
Jacob Skowronek
Tom Smith
Daniel Stack
Austin Stanley
Paul Stefko
Travis Stout
Alex Strang
Jim Sweeney
Chris Sylvis
Joshua Taliaferro
Lore Tarnas-Raskin
Tom Taylor
Joe Terranova
Owen Thompson
Gil Trevizo
Bruce Turner
Justin Unrau
Steven Vest
Joe Viturbo
Janne Vuorenmaa
Michael Waite
Steven Warble
Matthew C H Winder
Kyle Winters
Dawid Wojcieszynski
Jack Young


From the jungles of the Pacific Theater to the

snows and mountains of Europe, Godlikes
sourcebooks and campaigns have explored the
heroism and horrors of historys greatest war.

Complete adventures are ready to play in
Donars Hammer and Saipan, and in the fulllength campaign Black Devils Brigade.

Tactics and equipment of the Allies and the
Axis are detailed in Will to Power and the Talent
Operations Command Intelligence Bulletins.
The Godlike GM Screen puts useful data at
your fingertips and looks gorgeous on the table.

And the Arc Dream website is loaded with
tons of free adventures and other resources.

The Rulebook Is Just the Beginning

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The Nazi Talent program

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Talents of the Marine Corps

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Ishan Dionesian (order #5035945)

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