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Agreement / Addition / Similarity

The transition words like also, in addition, and,

likewise, add information, reinforce ideas, and express
agreement with preceding material.

in the first place ,not only ... but also ,as a matter of fact
,in like manner, in addition ,coupled with ,in the
same fashion / way ,first, second, third, in the light of ,not
to mention ,to say nothing of ,equally important, by the
same token, again, to ,equally ,identically, uniquely ,like,
as ,too ,moreover ,as well as ,together with ,of course
,likewise ,comparatively ,correspondingly ,similarly
,furthermore ,additionally
Opposition / Limitation / Contradiction
Transition phrases like but, rather and or, express that
there is evidence to the contrary or point out alternatives,
and thus introduce a change the line of reasoning

although this may be true ,in contrast, different from, of

course ..., but ,on the other hand, on the contrary, at the
same time, in spite of, even so / though ,be that as it may,
then again, above all, in reality, after all ,but ,(and) still
,unlike ,or ,(and) yet ,while ,albeit, besides, as much as,
even though, although, instead ,whereas ,despite,
Cause / Condition / Purpose

These transitional phrases present

specific conditions or intentions.
in the event that, granted (that),as / so long as, on (the)
condition (that), for the purpose of, with this intention,
with this in mind
in the hope that, to the end that, for fear that, in order to,
seeing / being that, in view of, If... then, unless, when
,whenever, while, because of, as, since, while, lest, in
case, provided that, given that, only / even if, so that, so
as to, owing to, inasmuch as, due to
Examples / Support / Emphasis
These transitional devices (like especially) are used to
introduce examples as support, to indicate importance or
as an illustration so that an idea is cued to the reader.
in other words, to put it differently, for one thing, as an
illustration, in this case, for this reason, to put it another
way, that is to say, with attention to ,by all means,
important to realize, another key point, first thing to
remember, most compelling evidence must
be remembered, point often overlooked, to point out, on
the positive side, on the negative side, with this in mind,
notably, including, namely, chiefly, truly, indeed, certainly,
surely, markedly, such as, especially, explicitly, specifically,
expressly, surprisingly, frequently
significantly, particularly, in fact, in general, in particular,
in detail, for example, for instance, to demonstrate, to
emphasize, to repeat, to clarify ,to explain, to enumerate
Effect / Consequence / Result
Some of these transition words (thus, then, accordingly,
consequently, therefore, henceforth) are time words that

are used to show that after a particular time there was a

consequence or an effect.
Note that for and because are placed before the
cause/reason. The other devices are placed before the
consequences or effects.
as a result, under those circumstances, in that case, for
this reason, in effect, for, thus, because the, then, hence,
consequently ,therefore, thereupon, forthwith,
accordingly, henceforth

Conclusion / Summary / Restatement

These transition words and
phrases conclude, summarize and / or restate ideas, or
indicate a final general statement. Also some words
(like therefore) from the Effect / Consequence category
can be used to summarize.
as can be seen, generally speaking, in the final analysis,
all things considered, as shown above, in the long run,
given these points, as has been noted, in a word, for the
most part, after all, in fact, in summary, in conclusion, in
short, in brief, in essence, to summarize, on balance,
altogether, overall, ordinarily, usually, by and large, to
sum up, on the whole, in any event, in either case, all in
all, Obviously ,Ultimately, Definitely
Time / Chronology / Sequence
These transitional words (like finally) have the function of
limiting, restricting, and defining time. They can be used
either alone or as part of adverbial expressions.

at the present time, from time to time, sooner or later, at

the same time, up to the present time, to begin with, in
due time, as soon as, as long as, in the meantime, in a
moment, without delay, in the first place, all of a sudden,
at this instant ,first, second, immediately, quickly, finally,
after, later, last, until, till, since, then, before, hence,
since, when, once, about, next, now, formerly, suddenly,
shortly, henceforth, whenever, eventually, meanwhile,
further, during, in time, prior to, forthwith, straightaway,
by the time, whenever, until now, now that, instantly,
presently, occasionally
Many transition words in the time category
(consequently; first, second, third; further; hence;
henceforth; since; then, when; and whenever) have other
Except for the numbers (first, second, third)
and further they add a meaning of time in expressing
conditions, qualifications, or reasons. The numbers are
also used to add information or list examples. Further is
also used to indicate added space as well as added time.

Space / Location / Place

These transition words are often used as part of adverbial
expressions and have the function to restrict, limit or
qualify space. Quite a few of these are also found in
the Time category and can be used to describe spatial
order or spatial reference.
in the middle, to the left/right, in front of, in the
foreground, in the background, in the center of, adjacent
alongside, amid

Model Sentences to use in

Writing IELTS Task 2:

1.But the damage it has caused has been colossal.

2.To many , this may not even appear to be beneficial
at all, but merely aesthetic -------- a terrible shame.
3.The onward march of this trend seemed
unstoppable , as yields of produce have soared.
4.The government needs to create sustainable ,
competitive and diverse options which will contribute
to a thriving goals.
5.It would go a long way to shifting people as well as
professionals towards a more sustainable system.
6.The disappointing results of many conventional
ways led some experts to rethink the strategy to
tackle these issues.
7.Before solutions could be proposed , the problems
had to be understood.
8.Having determined the main needs , possible
solutions were identified which might reduce time and
9.When we think of this phenomena , what springs
immediately in mind is -----------------.
10.Moreover the recent evidence suggests that
these strategies may be more sophisticated and
adaptable than was thought.
11.We are amazed at what has been accomplished by
12.The experts have placed the study of these
subjects on a sounder and more objective footing.
13.Decline in traditional ways of thinking over the last
decade has led to an increasing awareness and
understanding of the serious imbalances which
threaten them.

14.To meet this challenge , the following elements

were put into effect.
15.Though less compelling than before , the outcome
was still impressive.
16.This is likely to have major consequences for the
individual and the population as a whole.
IELTS : Writing Task 2

I. Introduction
A. Create a topic sentence that

draw the audience.

1. Show a note on sub-topic

2. Show a note on sub-topic ( The bases for my
views are personal, academic and professional )
B. Create a strong transition.
II. First supporting with example. ( trasition
words/logical connectors)
III. Second supporting with example. ( now
transition to conclusion)
IV. Conclusion : Restate main topic

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