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Agreement for sale of property

An agreement made this of.. .............................between A, B of etc.,

(hereinafter called the vendor) of the one part and C, D of etc., (h~reinaftercalled the purchaser) of the other part;
Whereas 'A' has agreed to sell and B has agreed to purchase the property detailed in the schedule annexed hereto.


That the vendor agrees to sell and the purchaser agrees to purchase the property

known as ..................................and situate at.. ...........with appurtenances thereof and more

fully described in the schedule hereto from encumbrances.

2.......................................................................................That the purchase-money shall be Rs The purchaser having paid to

the vendor the sum of Rs ..................................part of the said purchase-money as a deposit
(the receipt of which sum the vendor hereby acknowledges) shall pay the
residue of the said purchase-money to the vendor on the day of.. ...........................................when
the purchase will be completed.

That if from any cause other than the willful default of the vendor the purchase

is not completed on or before .......................................the purchaser shall pay to the vendor

interest on the residue of the purchase-money at the rate of 5% p.a. from that date.


That the abstract of title ~ll be delivered within a fortnight from the date

hereof. The vendor's title shall begin with a sale, dated ......................................................and the
purchaser shall not enquire into or require the production of the earlier title.


That all requisitions or objections not made within ten days after delivery of the abstract shall be deemed to be waived, time in this
respect being of the essence of the contract.
6................................................................................................. That the purchaseshall be completed on the
day of.. when
the balance of the purchase-money shall be paid and the purchaser shall be entitled to the delivery of a proper sale-deed executed by the


That all expenses for preparation of the sale-deed and all expenses on account of stamp and registration shall be borne by the
That any error or misstatement or omission in the description of the property shall not annul the sale nor shall any compensation
be allowed in respect thereof.
That the rents and profits of the property shall be received by or belong to the vendor and all outgoings and rates and taxes shall be
discharged by him up to the time hereinbefore fixed for completion of the sale, and as from that date all outgoings shall be

discharged by and the rents and profits shall belong to the purchaser. The purchaser shall not be entitled to possession
of the property and to rents and profits thereof until the completion of the sale.

That if the purchaser shall fail to comply with any of the conditions of this agreement, his deposit of Rs
shall be
forfeited and the vendor shall be at liberty to re-sell the property and any deficiency arising on re-sale and expenses incurred
by him for effecting the re-sale shall be paid by purchaser as liquidated damages and any excess in price on re-sale shall
belong to the vendor.

The Schedule above referred to containing description of the property sold is made part and parcel of this sale agreement.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hand on this of.. . .. the presence of witnesses.

Witness 1 ..A,B
Witness 2 ..C,D..

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