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Professional Experience

Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social

Sciences, NUI Galway, Ireland: Visiting Research Fellow


University of Vienna, Department of English: lecturer and

research assistant in the areas of English Literature and Cultural
Studies (Chair: Prof. Werner Huber)


University of Vienna, Department of English: research assistant

(PhD grant) with the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project
Weltbhne Wien World Stage Vienna on the reception of
Anglophone plays on twentieth-century Viennese stages (project
supervisor: Prof. Ewald Mengel)


University of Graz, Department of English: tutor for English



University of Graz, Department of History: research assistant

with the project Analyses, Reports and Operative Efforts of
Anglo-American Intelligence Services Regarding the Austrian
Condition, 1941-1947, funded by the National Bank of Austria
research fund


University of Graz, Department of History: project assistant in a

project commissioned by the city of Graz on allied bombardment
during World War II


doctoral degree conferred under the auspices of the Federal President

of the Austrian Republic (promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei
publicae the highest academic distinction in the Austrian
educational system)


University of Vienna, Austria, Department of English:

PhD in English literature, graduated summa cum laude; thesis:
Oscar Wilde as an All-Time Favourite of Viennese Stages: Pleasing
and Teasing Audiences throughout the Twentieth Century


University of Graz, Austria, Department of English:

MA in English and American Studies and History; graduated summa
cum laude; MA thesis: A Conspiracy of Silence: The Impact of
Scandal on the Reception of Oscar Wildes Works in Early TwentiethCentury Britain


University of Sussex, Brighton, UK:

ERASMUS exchange student


Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium Feldbach (with

musical education), graduated summa cum laude



Research Interests and Teaching

celebrity and authorship studies

cultural transfer and reception studies
theatre and drama in Britain and Ireland
Decadence and Fin-de-Sicle Studies
Irish Studies

Introductory lecture courses (Approaching Literatures in English, Introduction to the

Study of Literature)
Introductory literary seminars ((Re)Imagining the Victorian Age, From Land of Hope and
Glory to Land of Hope and Curry: Images of Empire in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century
English Literature)
Critical Readings in Literature
Interactive literature course Wild(e) Imaginings: Oscar Wilde on the Contemporary Stage
Conference Papers

En-Nobeled Irishmen in Vienna: Nobel Prize Winners W. B. Yeats and

Bernard Shaw in the Austrian Media. International Association for the Study
of Irish Literatures (IASIL) Conference Urban Cultures, 22-26 July 2013,
Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland.


Disparate Images: The Work vs Life Topos in Contemporary Biofictions of

Victorian Authors (with Julia Lajta-Novak). Annual Conference of the
Austrian Association of University Teachers of English (AAUTE), 26-27 April
2013, Salzburg, Austria.


En-Nobeling Literary Celebrity: Authorial Self-Fashioning in the Nobel

Lectures of Elfriede Jelinek and Harold Pinter. 2 nd
Global Conference: Celebrity: Exploring Critical Issues, 10-12 March 2013,
Lisbon, Portugal.


The Importance of Being a Literary Commodity. Conference Reconfiguring

Authorship, 15-18 November 2012, Ghent University, Belgium.


The Importance of Commemorating Literary Celebrity. Conference Ireland

and Popular Culture, 19-20 October 2012, University of Reims, France.


Practically Rewritten and Sexually Reoriented: The Critical Controversy

Surrounding the Viennese Premire of Elfriede Jelineks Adaptation of The
Importance of Being Earnest. IASIL Conference Conflict and Resolution in
Irish Literatures, 18-22 July 2011, University of Leuven, Belgium.


(Re)Politicised and Over(Sexualised) Wild(e) Treatments on Twenty-FirstCentury Viennese Stages. 6th Irish Society for Theatre Research (ISTR)
Conference Interfaces Between Irish and European Theatre, 29-30 April
2011, University of Pcs, Hungary.


London Dandy Meets Viennese Bonvivant: The Cultural Other in Oscar

Wildes Society Comedies on Viennese Stages. IASIL Conference Irish
Literatures and Culture: Old and New Knowledges, 26-30 July 2010, NUI
Maynooth, Ireland.


Two Irishmen Abroad: Constructions of National Identity and Its Impact on

the Theatrical Reception of Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw in Vienna (with
Barbara Pfeifer). European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish
Studies (EFACIS) Conference Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Currents and
Exchanges, 3-6 September 2009, University of Vienna.


A First-Rate Theatrical Fashion Article: Trading Wilde in the Fin-de-Sicle

Viennese Literary Marketplace. IASIL Conference Irish Literatures World
Perspectives, 27-31 July 2009, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
They actually succeed in spelling his name right: The Viennese Fin-de-Sicle
Image of Oscar Wilde. Conference Centurys End: Re-Evaluating Literature,
Art and Culture at the Fin de Sicle (1880-1914), 12-13 September 2008,
Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland.



Pleasing and Teasing the Audience. Oscar Wilde: An All-Time Favourite of

Viennese Stages (poster presentation). Conference Drama, Theatre, and
Cultural Transfer, 11-13 May 2008, University of Vienna.

Invited Lectures

The (Not So) Secret Fall of Oscar Wilde: Literary Celebrity and Its Afterlives
in Contemporary Biofiction and Popular Culture. Invited guest lecture, 11
February, Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences,
NUI Galway, Ireland.


En-Nobeling Literary Celebrity: Authorial Self-Fashioning in the Nobel

Lectures of Jelinek and Pinter. Undergraduate seminar Stars, Celebrity and
Royalty in Anglophone Culture (Professor Monika Seidl). Invited guest
lecture, 5 November 2013, Department of English, University of Vienna.


Literary Cosmpolitans and Agents of Mediation: Oscar Wilde and Fin-deSicle Viennese Artistic Networks. European Science Foundation Exploratory
Workshop Re-valuing Aestheticism and Modernism through their
(Dis)credited Figures: Aesthetics, Ethics and Economics 1860-1940. 2-4
October 2013, University Montpellier 3, France.


The Art of Creating (and Remaining) a Great Sensation: Canonising and

Reinterpreting Oscar Wilde on Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Viennese
Stages. Invited guest lecture, 30 October 2012, Institute of Germanic and
Romance Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London.


Wild(e) Imaginings: Reinventing Oscar Wilde in Contemporary Theatre and

Popular Culture. Invited guest lecture, 6 June 2012, University of Innsbruck,


An Artefact of Commodified Culture: Trading Oscar Wilde in the Viennese

Literary Marketplace. Annual Conference of the Austrian Association of
University Teachers of English (AAUTE), 7-8 May 2010, Salzburg, Austria.


An Irishman in Vienna: The Viennese Theatrical Reception of Oscar Wilde in

the Twentieth Century. 9th Brno International Conference of English,
American and Canadian Studies Diversification and its Discontents:
Dynamics of the Discipline, 4-6 February 2010, Masaryk University, Brno,
Czech Republic.


When Critics Disagree the Artist Survives. Oscar Wilde: An All-Time

Favourite of the Viennese Stage in the Twentieth Century. Conference The
Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe, 8-9 March 2008, Trinity College,
Oxford, UK.


The United Kingdom Facets of British National Identity as part of the

lecture series Nationale Mythenbildung: Zur Geschichte der Konstruktion
sozialer und kultureller Identitt; University of Vienna.

Conference Organisation
Since 06/2013

Part of the scientific committee for the conference Cosmopolitan

Wilde Celebrating 160 Years of Oscar Wilde. 11-14 June 2014, Centre
Culturel Irlandais, Paris.


100 Myles: The International Flann OBrien Centenary Conference,

24-27 July 2011, Department of English, University of Vienna.

05/ 2008

International Conference on Drama, Theatre, and Cultural Transfer,

11-13 May 2008, Department of English, University of Vienna. (coorganiser)

Further Qualifications
07/2013 & 12/2012

University of Vienna:
Teaching competence seminars: teaching methods in higher education,
1 July and 4 July 2013 & 19 December 2012


University of Vienna:
Seminar Gender and Diversity, 3 December 2012


University of Vienna, Computer Centre:

introductory Moodle eLearning course, 6 and 12 October 2011


University of Vienna, Center for Teaching and Learning:

basic qualification course Introduction to University Teaching 16-17
June 2010


Austrian Science Fund Coaching Workshop


University of Graz, Co-ordination Centre for Gender Studies, Womens

Research and the Promotion of Women:
career programme Skills, Strategies and Networking for women in
science and research

Awards, Scholarships and Memberships


Doc.Award of the City of Vienna/University of Vienna for PhD thesis


Honorary Award granted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science

and Research


University of Vienna Excellency Research Grant for graduates sub

auspiciis praesidentis


Dr Maria Schaumayer Prize for PhD thesis


Young Scholars Award 2010 granted by the Austrian Association of

University Teachers of English (AAUTE)


Prize for Best MA thesis granted by the Austrian Association of

University Teachers of English (AAUTE)


Excellence in English and American Studies Award 2004 granted for

exceptional achievements and outstanding results during and in the
completion of studies at the Department of English, University of Graz


University of Graz Research Scholarship


Pro Scientia student scholarship

Since 2002

member of the Oscar-Wilde-Society

Since 09/2002

editorial board member of The Oscholars, an electronic journal on

Oscar Wilde and his circle, Decadence and Fin-de-Sicle studies

Since 03/2009

member of The International Association for the Study of Irish

Literatures (IASIL)

Since 09/2009

member of The European Federation of Associations and Centres of

Irish Studies (EFACIS)

Since 09/2010

member of the Austrian Association of University Teachers of English


Since 04/2010

editorial board member Victoriographies A Journal of NineteenthCentury Writing

Since 01/2011

member of The Irish Society for Theatre Research (ISTR)

Since 09/2013

member of the German Association of Anglicists

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