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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 162311

December 4, 2008

LEVI STRAUSS (PHILS.), INC., petitioner,

TONY LIM, respondent.
REYES, R.T., J.:
THE remedy of a party desiring to elevate to the appellate court an adverse resolution of the
Secretary of Justice is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65. A Rule 43 petition for review is a wrong
mode of appeal.1
During preliminary investigation, the prosecutor is vested with authority and discretion to determine if
there is sufficient evidence to justify the filing of an information. If he finds probable cause to indict
the respondent for a criminal offense, it is his duty to file the corresponding information in court.
However, it is equally his duty not to prosecute when after an investigation, the evidence adduced is
not sufficient to establish a prima facie case.2
Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari3 of the Decision4 and Resolution5 of the Court of
Appeals (CA), affirming the resolutions of the Department of Justice (DOJ) finding that there is no
probable cause to indict respondent Tony Lim, a.k.a. Antonio Guevarra, for unfair competition.
The Facts
Petitioner Levi Strauss (Phils.), Inc. is a duly-registered domestic corporation. It is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Levi Strauss & Co. (LS & Co.) a Delaware, USA company.
In 1972, LS & Co. granted petitioner a non-exclusive license to use its registered trademarks and
trade names6for the manufacture and sale of various garment products, primarily pants, jackets, and
shirts, in the Philippines.7Presently, it is the only company that has authority to manufacture,
distribute, and sell products bearing the LEVIS trademarks or to use such trademarks in the
Philippines. These trademarks are registered in over 130 countries, including the Philippines,8 and
were first used in commerce in the Philippines in 1946.9
Sometime in 1995, petitioner lodged a complaint10 before the Inter-Agency Committee on Intellectual
Property Rights, alleging that a certain establishment in Metro Manila was manufacturing garments
using colorable imitations of the LEVIS trademarks.11 Thus, surveillance was conducted on the
premises of respondent Tony Lim, doing business under the name Vogue Traders Clothing
Company.12 The investigation revealed that respondent was engaged in the manufacture, sale, and
distribution of products similar to those of petitioner and under the brand name "LIVES."13

On December 13, 1995, operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Criminal Investigation
Unit14 served search warrants15 on respondents premises at 1042 and 1082 Carmen Planas Street,
Tondo, Manila. As a result, several items16 were seized from the premises.17
The PNP Criminal Investigation Command (PNP CIC) then filed a complaint18 against respondent
before the DOJ for unfair competition19 under the old Article 189 of the Revised Penal Code, prior to
its repeal by Section 239 of Republic Act (RA) No. 8293.20 The PNP CIC claimed that a "confusing
similarity" could be noted between petitioners LEVIs jeans and respondents LIVES denim jeans
and pants.
In his counter-affidavit,21 respondent alleged, among others, that (1) his products bearing the LIVES
brand name are not fake LEVIS garments; (2) "LIVES" is a registered trademark,22 while the patch
pocket design for "LIVES" pants has copyright registration,23 thus conferring legal protection on his
own intellectual property rights, which stand on equal footing as "LEVIS"; (3) confusing similarity, the
central issue in the trademark cancellation proceedings24 lodged by petitioner, is a prejudicial
question that complainant, the police, and the court that issued the search warrants cannot
determine without denial of due process or encroachment on the jurisdiction of the agencies
concerned; and (4) his goods are not clothed with an appearance which is likely to deceive the
ordinary purchaser exercising ordinary care.25
In its reply-affidavit, petitioner maintained that there is likelihood of confusion between the competing
products because: (1) a slavish imitation of petitioners "arcuate" trademark has been stitched on the
backpocket of "LIVES" jeans; (2) the appearance of the mark "105" on respondents product is
obviously a play on petitioners "501" trademark; (3) the appearance of the word/phrase "LIVES"
and "LIVES ORIGINAL JEANS" is confusingly similar to petitioners "LEVIS" trademark; (4) a red
tab, made of fabric, attached at the left seam of the right backpocket of petitioners standard fivepocket jeans, also appears at the same place on "LIVES" jeans; (5) the patch used on "LIVES"
jeans (depicting three men on each side attempting to pull apart a pair of jeans) obviously thrives on
petitioners own patch showing two horses being whipped by two men in an attempt to tear apart a
pair of jeans; and (6) "LEVIS" jeans are packaged and sold with carton tickets, which are slavishly
copied by respondent in his own carton ticket bearing the marks "LIVES," "105," the horse mark,
and basic features of petitioners ticket designs, such as two red arrows curving and pointing
outward, the arcuate stitching pattern, and a rectangular portion with intricate border orientation.26
DOJ Rulings
On October 8, 1996, Prosecution Attorney Florencio D. Dela Cruz recommended the dismissal27 of
the complaint. The prosecutor agreed with respondent that his products are not clothed with an
appearance which is likely to deceive the ordinary purchaser exercising ordinary care. The
recommendation was approved by Assistant Chief State Prosecutor Lualhati R. Buenafe.
On appeal, then DOJ Secretary Teofisto Guingona affirmed the prosecutors dismissal of the
complaint on January 9, 1998.28 Prescinding from the basic rule that to be found guilty of unfair
competition, a person shall, by imitation or any unfair device, induce the public to believe that his
goods are those of another, Secretary Guingona stated:
In the case at bar, complainant has not shown that anyone was actually deceived by
respondent. Respondents product, which bears the trademark LIVEs, has an
entirely different spelling and meaningwith the trademark owned by complainant which is
LEVIs. Complainants trademark comes from a Jewish name while that of respondent is
merely an adjective word. Both, when read and pronounced, would resonate different
sounds. While respondents "LIVEs" trademark may appear similar, such could not have

been intended by the respondent to deceive since he had the same registered with the
appropriate government agencies. Granting arguendo, that respondents trademark or
products possessed similar characteristics with the trademark and products of complainant,
on that score alone, without evidence or proof that such was a device of respondent to
deceive the public to the damage of complainant no unfair competition is committed.29
On February 13, 1998, petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of Secretary Guingonas
resolution, alleging, among others, that only a likelihood of confusion is required to sustain a charge
of unfair competition. It also submitted the results of a consumer survey30 involving a comparison of
petitioners and respondents products.
On June 5, 1998, Justice Secretary Silvestre Bello III, Guingonas successor, granted petitioners
motion and directed the filing of an information against respondent.31
WHEREFORE, our resolution dated 9 January 1998 is hereby reversed and set aside. You
are directed to file an information for unfair competition under Article 189 of the Revised
Penal Code, as amended, against respondent Tony Lim. Report the action taken thereon
within ten (10) days from receipt hereof.32
Secretary Bello reasoned that under Article 189 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, exact
similarity of the competing products is not required. However, Justice Guingonas resolution
incorrectly dwelt on the specific differences in the details of the products.33 Secretary Bellos own
factual findings revealed:
x x x [I]t is not difficult to discern that respondent gave his products the general appearance
as that of the product of the complainant. This was established by the respondents use of
the complainants arcuate backpocket design trademark; the 105 mark which apparently is a
spin-off of the 501 mark of the complainant; the patch which was clearly patterned after that
of the complainants two horse patch design trademark; the red tab on the right backpocket;
the wordings which were crafted to look similar with the Levis trademark of the complainant;
and even the packaging. In appropriating himself the general appearance of the product of
the complainant, the respondent clearly intended to deceive the buying public. Verily, any
person who shall employ deception or any other means contrary to good faith by which he
shall pass of the goods manufactured by him or in which he deals, or his business, or
services for those of the one having established good will shall guilty of unfair competition.
Respondents registration of his trademark can not afford him any remedy. Unfair competition may
still be prosecuted despite such registration.34 (Citation omitted)
Respondent then filed his own motion for reconsideration of the Bello resolution. On May 7, 1999,
new DOJ Secretary Serafin Cuevas granted respondents motion and ordered the dismissal of the
charges against him.35
CA Disposition
Dissatisfied with the DOJ rulings, petitioner sought recourse with the CA via a petition for review
under Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. On October 17, 2003, the appellate court
affirmed the dismissal of the unfair competition complaint.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition for review is DENIED and is accordingly
DISMISSED for lack of merit.

The CA pointed out that to determine the likelihood of confusion, mistake or deception, all relevant
factors and circumstances should be taken into consideration, such as the circumstances under
which the goods are sold, the class of purchasers, and the actual occurrence or absence of
Thus, the existence of some similarities between LIVES jeans and LEVIS garments would not ipso
facto equate to fraudulent intent on the part of respondent. The CA noted that respondent used
affirmative and precautionary distinguishing features in his products for differentiation. The appellate
court considered the spelling and pronunciation of the marks; the difference in the designs of the
back pockets; the dissimilarity between the carton tickets; and the pricing and sale of petitioners
products in upscale exclusive specialty shops. The CA also disregarded the theory of post-sale
confusion propounded by petitioner, relying instead on the view that the probability of deception
must be determined at the point of sale.38
Petitioner submits that the CA committed the following errors:


AGAINST THE RESPONDENT.39(Underscoring supplied)
Our Ruling
In essence, petitioner asks this Court to determine if probable cause exists to charge respondent
with the crime of unfair competition under Article 189(1) of the Revised Penal Code, prior to its
repeal by Section 239 of RA No. 8293.
However, that is a factual issue40 the resolution of which is improper in a Rule 45 petition.41 The only
legal issue left for the Court to determine is whether the issue of confusion should be determined
only at the point of sale.
Nonetheless, there is sufficient reason for this Court to dismiss this petition merely by looking at the
procedural avenue petitioner used to have the DOJ resolutions reviewed by the CA.
Petitioner filed with the CA a petition for review under Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure.42 Rule 43 governs all appeals from [the Court of Tax Appeals and] quasi-judicial bodies
to the CA. Its Section 1 provides:
Section 1. Scope. This Rule shall apply to appeals from [judgments or final orders of the
Court of Tax Appeals and from] awards, judgments, final orders or resolutions of or
authorized by any quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. Among
these agencies are the Civil Service Commission, Central Board of Assessment Appeals,
Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of the President, Land Registration Authority,
Social Security Commission, Civil Aeronautics Board, Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and
Technology Transfer, National Electrification Administration, Energy Regulatory Board,
National Telecommunications Commission, Department of Agrarian Reform under Republic
Act No. 6657, Government Service Insurance System, Employees Compensation
Commission, Agricultural Inventions Board, Insurance Commission, Philippine Atomic
Energy Commission, Board of Investments, Construction Industry Arbitration Commission,
and voluntary arbitrators authorized by law.43
Clearly, the DOJ is not one of the agencies enumerated in Section 1 of Rule 43 whose awards,
judgments, final orders, or resolutions may be appealed to the CA.
The Court has consistently ruled that the filing with the CA of a petition for review under Rule
43 to question the Justice Secretarys resolution regarding the determination of probable cause is an
improper remedy.44
Under the 1993 Revised Rules on Appeals from Resolutions in Preliminary Investigations or
Reinvestigations,45the resolution of the investigating prosecutor is subject to appeal to the Justice
Secretary46 who, under the Revised Administrative Code, exercises the power of control and
supervision over said Investigating Prosecutor; and who may affirm, nullify, reverse, or modify the
ruling of such prosecutor.47 If the appeal is dismissed, and after the subsequent motion for
reconsideration is resolved, a party has no more appeal or other remedy available in the ordinary
course of law.48 Thus, the Resolution of the Justice Secretary affirming, modifying or reversing the
resolution of the Investigating Prosecutor is final.49
There being no more appeal or other remedy available in the ordinary course of law, the remedy of
the aggrieved party is to file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65. Thus, while the CA may review

the resolution of the Justice Secretary, it may do so only in a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, solelyon the ground that the Secretary of Justice committed
grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction.50
Verily, when respondent filed a petition for review under Rule 43 instead of a petition
for certiorari under Rule 65, the CA should have dismissed it outright. However, the appellate court
chose to determine if DOJ Secretaries Guingona and Cuevas correctly determined the absence of
probable cause.
Now, even if We brush aside technicalities and consider the petition for review filed with the CA as
one under Rule 65, the petition must fail just the same.
While the resolution of the Justice Secretary may be reviewed by the Court, it is not
empowered to substitute its judgment for that of the executive branch when there is no grave
abuse of discretion.51
Courts are without power to directly decide matters over which full discretionary authority has been
delegated to the legislative or executive branch of the government.52 The determination of probable
cause is one such matter because that authority has been given to the executive branch, through the
It bears stressing that the main function of a government prosecutor is to determine the existence of
probable cause and to file the corresponding information should he find it to be so. 54 Thus, the
decision whether or not to dismiss the criminal complaint against respondent is necessarily
dependent on the sound discretion of the investigating prosecutor and ultimately, that of the
Secretary of Justice.55
A prosecutor, by the nature of his office, is under no compulsion to file a particular criminal
information where he is not convinced that he has evidence to prop up its averments, or that the
evidence at hand points to a different conclusion. This is not to discount the possibility of the
commission of abuses on the part of the prosecutor. But this Court must recognize that a prosecutor
should not be unduly compelled to work against his conviction. Although the power and prerogative
of the prosecutor to determine whether or not the evidence at hand is sufficient to form a reasonable
belief that a person committed an offense is not absolute but subject to judicial review, it would be
embarrassing for him to be compelled to prosecute a case when he is in no position to do so,
because in his opinion he does not have the necessary evidence to secure a conviction, or he is not
convinced of the merits of the case.56
In finding that respondents goods were not clothed with an appearance which is likely to deceive the
ordinary purchaser exercising ordinary care, the investigating prosecutor exercised the discretion
lodged in him by law. He found that:
First, the LIVES mark of the respondents goods is spelled and pronounced differently from
the LEVIS mark of the complainant.
Second, the backpocket design allegedly copied by the respondent from the registered
arcuate design of the complainant, appears to be different in view of the longer curved arms
that stretch deep downward to a point of convergence where the stitches form a rectangle.
The arcuate design for complainant LEVIs jeans form a diamond instead. And assuming
arguendo that there is similarity in the design of backpockets between the respondents
goods and that of the complainant, this alone does not establish that respondents jeans
were intended to copy the complainants goods and pass them off as the latters products as

this design is simple and may not be said to be strikingly distinct absent the other LEVIS
trademark such as the prints on the button, rivets, tags and the like. x x x Further, the
presence of accessories bearing Levis trademark was not established as there were no
such accessories seized from the respondent and instead genuine LIVES hangtags, button
and patches were confiscated during the search of latters premises.
Second, the design of the patches attached to the backpockets of the respondents goods
depicts three men on either side of a pair of jeans attempting to pull apart said jeans, while
the goods manufactured by complainant with patches also attached at the right backpockets
depicts two horses being whipped by two men in an attempt to tear apart a pair of jeans. It is
very clear therefore that the design of the backpocket patches by the respondent is different
from that of the complainant, in the former the men were trying to pull apart the pants while in
the latter horses are the ones doing the job. Obviously, there is a great difference between a
man and a horse and this will naturally not escape the eyes of an ordinary purchaser.
Third, the manner by which Levis jeans are packed and sold with carton tickets attached to
the products cannot be appropriated solely by complainant to the exclusion of all other
manufacturers of same class. It frequently happens that goods of a particular class are
labeled by all manufacturer[s] in a common manner. In cases of that sort, no manufacturer
may appropriate for himself the method of labeling or packaging [of] his merchandise and
then enjoin other merchants from using it. x x x.
Fourth, evidence shows that there is a copyright registration issued by the National Library
over the backpocket design of the respondent. And this copyright registration gives the
respondent the right to use the same in his goods x x x.57
The determination of probable cause is part of the discretion granted to the investigating prosecutor
and ultimately, the Secretary of Justice. Courts are not empowered to substitute their own judgment
for that of the executive branch.58
The courts duty in an appropriate case is confined to a determination of whether the assailed
executive or judicial determination of probable cause was done without or in excess of jurisdiction or
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to want of jurisdiction.59 For grave abuse of discretion to
prosper as a ground for certiorari, it must be demonstrated that the lower court or tribunal has
exercised its power in an arbitrary and despotic manner, by reason of passion or personal hostility,
and it must be patent and gross as would amount to an evasion or to a unilateral refusal to perform
the duty enjoined or to act in contemplation of law.60
In the case at bar, no grave abuse of discretion on the part of the DOJ was shown. Petitioner merely
harps on the error committed by the DOJ and the CA in arriving at their factual finding that there is
no confusing similarity between petitioners and respondents products. While it is possible that the
investigating prosecutor and Secretaries Guingona and Cuevas erroneously exercised their
discretion when they found that unfair competition was not committed, this by itself does not render
their acts amenable to correction and annulment by the extraordinary remedy of certiorari. There
must be a showing of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.61
We are disinclined to find that grave of abuse of discretion was committed when records
show that the finding of no probable cause is supported by the evidence, law, and
Generally, unfair competition consists in employing deception or any other means contrary to good
faith by which any person shall pass off the goods manufactured by him or in which he deals, or his

business, or services for those of the one having established goodwill, or committing any acts
calculated to produce such result.62
The elements of unfair competition under Article 189(1)63 of the Revised Penal Code are:
(a) That the offender gives his goods the general appearance of the goods of another
manufacturer or dealer;
(b) That the general appearance is shown in the (1) goods themselves, or in the (2) wrapping
of their packages, or in the (3) device or words therein, or in (4) any other feature of their
(c) That the offender offers to sell or sells those goods or gives other persons a chance or
opportunity to do the same with a like purpose; and
(d) That there is actual intent to deceive the public or defraud a competitor.64
All these elements must be proven.65 In finding that probable cause for unfair competition does not
exist, the investigating prosecutor and Secretaries Guingona and Cuevas arrived at the same
conclusion that there is insufficient evidence to prove all the elements of the crime that would allow
them to secure a conviction.
Secretary Guingona discounted the element of actual intent to deceive by taking into consideration
the differences in spelling, meaning, and phonetics between "LIVES" and "LEVIS," as well as the
fact that respondent had registered his own mark.66 While it is true that there may be unfair
competition even if the competing mark is registered in the Intellectual Property Office, it is equally
true that the same may show prima facie good faith.67Indeed, registration does not negate unfair
competition where the goods are packed or offered for sale and passed off as those of
complainant.68 However, the marks registration, coupled with the stark differences between the
competing marks, negate the existence of actual intent to deceive, in this particular case.
For his part, Justice Cuevas failed to find the possibility of confusion and of intent to deceive the
public, relying onEmerald Garment Manufacturing Corporation v. Court of Appeals.69 In Emerald, the
Court explained that since maong pants or jeans are not inexpensive, the casual buyer is more
cautious and discerning and would prefer to mull over his purchase, making confusion and deception
less likely.
We cannot subscribe to petitioners stance that Emerald Garment cannot apply because there was
only one point of comparison, i.e., "LEE" as it appears in Emerald Garments "STYLISTIC MR. LEE."
Emerald Garment is instructive in explaining the attitude of the buyer when it comes to products that
are not inexpensive, such as jeans. In fact, the Emerald Garment rationale is supported by Del
Monte Corporation v. Court of Appeals,70 where the Court explained that the attitude of the
purchaser is determined by the cost of the goods. There is no reason not to apply the rationale in
those cases here even if only by analogy.
The rule laid down in Emerald Garment and Del Monte is consistent with Asia Brewery, Inc. v. Court
of Appeals,71where the Court held that in resolving cases of infringement and unfair competition, the
courts should take into consideration several factors which would affect its conclusion, to wit: the
age, training and education of the usual purchaser, the nature and cost of the article, whether the
article is bought for immediate consumption and also the conditions under which it is usually

Petitioner argues that the element of intent to deceive may be inferred from the similarity of the
goods or their appearance.73 The argument is specious on two fronts. First, where the similarity in
the appearance of the goods as packed and offered for sale is so striking, intent to deceive may be
inferred.74 However, as found by the investigating prosecutor and the DOJ Secretaries, striking
similarity between the competing goods is not present.
Second, the confusing similarity of the goods was precisely in issue during the preliminary
investigation. As such, the element of intent to deceive could not arise without the investigating
prosecutors or the DOJ Secretarys finding that such confusing similarity exists. Since confusing
similarity was not found, the element of fraud or deception could not be inferred.
We cannot sustain Secretary Bellos opinion that to establish probable cause, "it is enough that the
respondent gave to his product the general appearance of the product"75 of petitioner. It bears
stressing that that is only one element of unfair competition. All others must be shown to exist. More
importantly, the likelihood of confusion exists not only if there is confusing similarity. It should also be
likely to cause confusion or mistake or deceive purchasers.76 Thus, the CA correctly ruled that the
mere fact that some resemblance can be pointed out between the marks used does not in itself
prove unfair competition.77 To reiterate, the resemblance must be such as is likely to deceive the
ordinary purchaser exercising ordinary care.78
The consumer survey alone does not equate to actual confusion. We note that the survey was made
by showing the interviewees actual samples of petitioners and respondents respective
products, approximately five feetaway from them. From that distance, they were asked to identify
the jeans brand and state the reasons for thinking so.79 This method discounted the possibility that
the ordinary intelligent buyer would be able to closely scrutinize, and even fit, the jeans to determine
if they were "LEVIS" or not. It also ignored that a consumer would consider the price of the
competing goods when choosing a brand of jeans. It is undisputed that "LIVES" jeans are priced
much lower than "LEVIS."
The Courts observations in Emerald Garment are illuminating on this score:
First, the products involved in the case at bar are, in the main, various kinds of jeans. x x x
Maong pants or jeans are not inexpensive. Accordingly, the casual buyer is predisposed to
be more cautious and discriminating in and would prefer to mull over his purchase.
Confusion and deception, then, is less likely. InDel Monte Corporation v. Court of Appeals,
we noted that:
Among these, what essentially determines the attitudes of the purchaser,
specifically his inclination to be cautious, is the cost of the goods. To be sure, a
person who buys a box of candies will not exercise as much care as one who buys
an expensive watch. As a general rule, an ordinary buyer does not exercise as much
prudence in buying an article for which he pays a few centavos as he does in
purchasing a more valuable thing. Expensive and valuable items are normally
bought only after deliberate, comparative and analytical investigation. But mass
products, low priced articles in wide use, and matters of everyday purchase requiring
frequent replacement are bought by the casual consumer without great
care.80 (Emphasis supplied)
We find no reason to go beyond the point of sale to determine if there is probable cause for unfair
competition. The CA observations along this line are worth restating:

We also find no basis to give weight to petitioners contention that the "post sale confusion"
that might be triggered by the perceived similarities between the two products must be
considered in the action for unfair competition against respondent.
No inflexible rule can be laid down as to what will constitute unfair competition. Each case is,
in the measure, a law unto itself. Unfair competition is always a question of fact. The
question to be determined in every case is whether or not, as a matter of fact, the name or
mark used by the defendant has previously come to indicate and designate plaintiffs goods,
or, to state it in another way, whether defendant, as a matter of fact, is, by his conduct,
passing off defendants goods as plaintiffs goods or his business as plaintiffs business. The
universal test question is whether the public is likely to be deceived.
In the case before us, we are of the view that the probability of deception must be tested at
the point of sale since it is at this point that the ordinary purchaser mulls upon the product
and is likely to buy the same under the belief that he is buying another. The test of fraudulent
simulation is to be found in the likelihood of deception, or the possibility of deception of some
persons in some measure acquainted with an established design and desirous of purchasing
the commodity with which that design has been associated.81
In sum, absent a grave abuse of discretion on the part of the executive branch tasked with the
determination of probable cause during preliminary investigation, We cannot nullify acts done in the
exercise of the executive officers discretion. Otherwise, We shall violate the principle that the
purpose of a preliminary investigation is to secure the innocent against hasty, malicious and
oppressive prosecution, and to protect him from an open and public accusation of crime, from the
trouble, expense and anxiety of a public trial, and also to protect the State from useless and
expensive trials.82
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the appealed Decision of the Court of
Associate Justice

Associate Justice
Associate Justice

Associate Justice


Associate Justice

I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case
was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.
Associate Justice

Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the Division Chairpersons Attestation, I
certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case
was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.
Chief Justice


Alcaraz v. Gonzalez, G.R. No. 164715, September 20, 2006, 502 SCRA 518.

Monfort III v. Salvatierra, G.R. No. 168301, March 5, 2007, 517 SCRA 447, 459-460.

Under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

Rollo, pp. 95-103. Dated October 17, 2003. Penned by Associate Justice Eubulo G.
Verzola, with Associate Justices Remedios Salazar-Fernando and Edgardo F. Sundiam,

Id. at 105-106. Dated February 20, 2004.

LS & Co.s registered trademarks and trade names in the Philippines are as follows:
1. "Levis" issued on August 10, 1982, renewed on August 10, 2002.
2. "Levi Strauss & Co." issued on March 21, 1978.
3. "Arcuate Stitching Design" issued on October 8, 1973, renewed on October 8,
4. "Two Horse Design" issued on February 12, 1974, renewed on February 12, 1994.
5. "Two Horse Patch" issued on December 27, 1988.

6. "Two Horse Label with Patterned Arcuate Design" issued on October 9, 1985.
7. "Tab Design" issued on May 12, 1976, renewed on May 12, 1996.
8. "Composite Mark (Arcuate, Tab, Two Horse Patch)" issued on December 12,
9. "501" issued on March 3, 1989.
10. "Levis Salmon Ticket & Design" issued on February 13, 1976, renewed on
February 13, 1996.
11. "Levis and Device" issued on May 22, 1981, renewed on May 22, 2001.

Rollo, pp. 25-26.

Id. at 29.

Id. at 30.


Id. at 307, 341. Dated November 22, 1995.


Id. at 9.


Id. at 31.


CA rollo, pp. 71-72.


Now the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG).

Search Warrant No. 95-757 dated December 12, 1995 in People v. Tony Lim of Vogue
Traders Clothing Company, 1082 Carmen Planas Street, Tondo, Manila, and Search
Warrant No. 95-758 dated December 12, 1995 in People v. Tony Lim of Vogue Traders
Clothing Company, 1042 Carmen Planas Street, Tondo, Manila, both issued by Judge
Antonio I. de Castro, Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 3.

Pursuant to Search Warrant No. 95-757 implemented at 1082 Carmen Planas Street,
Tondo Manila:

100 Sacks of Lives pants (20 pants/sack);

1 Box containing 500 sets of Lives buttons;
12 Sacks of Lives Hangtags (2,000/sack);
2 Sewing Machines; and
2 Riveter Machines.

Pursuant to Search Warrant No. 95-758 implemented at 1042 Carmen Planas Street,
Tondo Manila:
151 pcs. of unfinished pants with arcuate design;
160 pcs. of finished Westside jeans with arcuate design;
725 pcs. of Lives Patches;
520 pcs. of Lives Buttons;
900 pcs. of Lives Rivets;
261 pcs. of back pocket with arcuate design;
1 Singer Sewing Machine with SN-U4884707342;
1 Singer Sewing Machine with SN-U86400783;
1 Juki Sewing Machine with SN-A555-59278;
1 Juki Sewing Machine with SN-A555-2-24344;
1 Juki Sewing Machine with SN-A227-03839;
1 Juki Sewing Machine with SN-D555-38961; and
1 Riveter.

Rollo, pp. 222-223.


Through a letter dated December 28, 1995.


Entitled PNP-CIS/Levi Strauss (Phils.), Inc. v. Tony Lim, docketed as I.S. No. 95-799.


The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. Effective January 1, 1998.


Rollo, pp. 282-285.

Under Certificate of Registration No. 53918 dated November 16, 1992 (Principal Register,
Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology Transfer) and SR 8868 dated November 3,
1992 (Supplemental Register, same office).

Covered by Certificate of Copyright Registration No. I-3838 dated September 25, 1991
issued by the National Library.

IPC Case Nos. 4216 and 4217, Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and Technology Transfer;
and Civil Case No. 96-76944, RTC Manila, Branch 50.


Rollo, pp. 282-283.


Id. at 294-295.


Id. at 222-226.


CA rollo, pp. 4-7. Resolution No. 052, Series of 1998.


Id. at 73-74.


Rollo, pp. 375-404.


Id. at 358-360.


Id. at 450.


Id. at 449.


Id. at 450.


CA rollo, pp. 8-12.


Rollo, p. 15.


Id. at 13.


Id. at 14-15.


Id. at 47.

Asia Brewery, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 103543, July 5, 1993, 224 SCRA 437,

See Cosmos Bottling Corporation v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No.
146397, July 1, 2003, 405 SCRA 258.


CA rollo, p. 19.

As amended by Section 11 of Republic Act No. 9282 entitled "An Act Expanding the
Jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), Elevating its Rank to the Level of a Collegiate
Court with Special Jurisdiction and Enlarging its Membership, Amending for the Purpose
Certain Sections or Republic Act No. 1125, As Amended, Otherwise Known as the Law
Creating the Court of Tax Appeals, and for Other Purposes." Approved on March 30, 2004.

Alcaraz v. Gonzalez, supra note 1, at 529; Orosa v. Roa, G.R. No. 140423, July 14, 2006,
495 SCRA 22;Santos v. Go, G.R. No. 156081, October 19, 2005, 473 SCRA 350, 361.


Now the 2000 National Prosecution Service Rules on Appeals.

Filadams Pharma, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 132422, March 30, 2004, 426 SCRA
460, 466-467.


Alcaraz v. Gonzalez, supra note 1, at 529.


See Filadams Pharma, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, supra note 46.


Alcaraz v. Gonzalez, supra note 1, at 529.




Public Utilities Department v. Guingona, Jr., 417 Phil. 798, 805 (2001).




See Buan v. Matugas, G.R. No. 161179, August 7, 2007, 529 SCRA 263, 270.


R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, G.R. No. 156055, March 5, 2007, 517 SCRA 369, 395.


Alcaraz v. Gonzalez, supra note 1, at 529.


R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, supra at 395-396.


Rollo, pp. 224-225.


Alcaraz v. Gonzalez, supra note 1, at 529.

First Womens Credit Corporation v. Baybay, G.R. No. 166888, January 31, 2007, 513
SCRA 637, 644-645.

R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, supra note 54, at 397, citing Sarigumba v. Sandiganbayan, G.R.
Nos. 154239-41, February 16, 2005, 451 SCRA 533, 549.


See R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, supra note 54, at 396-397.


Reyes, L., The Revised Penal Code, Book II, 13th ed., p. 264.

Art. 189. Unfair competition, fraudulent registration of trade-mark, trade-name or service

mark, fraudulent designation of origin, and false description. The penalty provided in the
next proceeding article shall be imposed upon:

1. Any person who, in unfair competition and for the purposes of deceiving or
defrauding another of his legitimate trade or the public in general, shall sell his goods
giving them the general appearance of goods of another manufacturer or dealer,
either as to the goods themselves, or in the wrapping of the packages in which they
are contained or the device or words thereon or in any other features of their
appearance which would be likely to induce the public to believe that the goods
offered are those of a manufacturer or dealer other than the actual manufacturer or
dealer or shall give other persons a chance or opportunity to do the same with a like
Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Supergreen, Incorporated, G.R. No. 161823, March
22, 2007, 518 SCRA 750, 757; NBI-Microsoft Corporation v. Hwang, G.R. No. 147043, June

21, 2005, 460 SCRA 428, 445, citing L. Reyes, The Revised Penal Code, Vol. II, 15th ed., p.
Mendoza-Arce v. Office of the Ombudsman (Visayas), G.R. No. 149148, April 5, 2002, 380
SCRA 325, 336.


CA rollo, p. 73.

Agpalo, The Law on Trademark, Infringement and Unfair Competition, 2000 ed., pp. 189190, citing R.F. Alexander & Co. v. Ang, 97 Phil. 157 (1955); Parke Davis & Co. v. Kim Foo &
Co., 60 Phil. 928 (1934).




G.R. No. 100098, December 29, 1995, 251 SCRA 600.


G.R. No. 78325, January 25, 1990, 181 SCRA 410.


G.R. No. 103543, July 5, 1993, 224 SCRA 437.


Id. at 455.


Rollo, pp. 51-52.

See note 67, at 190, citing Rueda Hermanos & Co. v. Felix Paglinawan & Co., 33 Phil. 196
(1916); U.S. v. Gaw Chiong, 23 Phil. 138 (1912); Inchausti & Co. v. Song Fo & Co., 21 Phil.
278 (1912).


CA rollo, p. 459.

See Societe Des Produits Nestl, S.A. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 112012, April 4,
2001, 356 SCRA 207, 215.


Rollo, p. 100.

Pro Line Sports Center, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 118192, October 23, 1997, 281
SCRA 162, 173.


Id. at 380.


Emerald Garment Manufacturing Corporation v. Court of Appeals, supra note 69.


Rollo, pp. 101-102.


R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, supra note 54, at 395.

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