Buncefield Final Report

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The Buncefield Incident

11 December 2005
The final report of the
Major Incident Investigation Board
Volume 2

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board

The Buncefield Incident

11 December 2005
The final report of the
Major Incident Investigation Board
Volume 2
In the early morning of Sunday 11 December 2005, a series of explosions
followed by a large fire destroyed large parts of the Buncefield Oil Storage and
Transfer Depot and caused widespread damage to homes and businesses
surrounding the site.
The then Health and Safety Commission (now Health and Safety Executive)
appointed a Major Incident Investigation Board with an independent chair, Lord
Newton of Braintree. This was a new departure in major incident investigation
which allowed the Board to contact individuals and organisations who were
affected or who had expert knowledge and experience, and to keep the public
informed of progress with frequent reports.
This is the ninth and final report of the Buncefield Major Incident Investigation
Board. It is made to the Boards of the Health and Safety Executive and the
Environment Agency that together form the joint Competent Authority responsible
for regulating the Buncefield site.
Volume 1 draws attention to some of the ways the Board has set about its
business. It explains the significance of the Buncefield Depot and describes
briefly how the explosions and fires happened and the damage they caused. It
also summarises all the Boards recommendations to regulators, industry and
Volume 2 brings together all the Boards previous reports in a single publication
for the public record and for future reference: three progress reports; an Initial
Report; a report into the explosion mechanism; and reports giving
recommendations on design and operation of fuel storage sites, emergency
preparedness for, response to and recovery from incidents, and land use planning
and the control of societal risk around major hazard sites.

I S B N 978-0-7176-6318-7

780717 663187

The Buncefield Incident

11 December 2005
The final report of the
Major Incident Investigation Board
Volume 2

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board

The Buncefield Incident 11 December 2005 The final report of the Major Incident Investigation Board Volume 2

Crown copyright This publication may be freely reproduced, except for

advertising, endorsement or commercial purposes. First published 12/08.
Cover photo: Courtesy of Chiltern Air Support


The Buncefield Incident 11 December 2005 The final report of the Major Incident Investigation Board Volume 2


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

21 February 2006

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

11 April 2006

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

9 May 2006

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report to the Health and Safety
Commission and the Environment Agency of the investigation into the explosions
and fires at the Buncefield oil storage and transfer depot, Hemel Hempstead,
on 11 December 2005
13 July 2006

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

29 March 2007

Recommendations on the emergency preparedness for, response to and recovery

from incidents
17 July 2007

Explosion Mechanism Advisory Group report

16 August 2007

Recommendations on land use planning and the control of societal risk around
major hazard sites
15 July 2008


The Buncefield Incident 11 December 2005 The final report of the Major Incident Investigation Board Volume 2


The Buncefield Incident 11 December 2005 The final report of the Major Incident Investigation Board Volume 2

This second volume of our final report brings together all of our previous eight
reports in their original form. We have not abridged any of the reports because to do
so would diminish their usefulness as an accurate record of the Buncefield Boards
work over the thirty-four months of its existence. We expect this collection of reports
to be useful for anyone with a responsibility for bringing into effect our
recommendations or for understanding them, and for those with an interest in how
the Boards thinking developed over the period of its tenure.
Each of our reports had a specific purpose. The first three reports were from me to
the Board describing progress with the investigation in understanding the incident;
the first confirming a vapour cloud explosion had occurred, the second describing
the environmental impact, and the third describing what had happened, and how.
Our fourth report was the Boards own Initial Report and discharged our fifth term
of reference. It marked the stage at which the Board set out its main areas of
concern and turned its full attention to making recommendations for improvements
in these areas. Accordingly, the next four reports made recommendations on design
and operation of fuel storage depots; on the emergency preparedness, response to
and recovery from major incidents; on the mechanism of the Buncefield explosion;
and on land use planning and the control of societal risk around major hazard sites.
We placed extensive annexes, glossaries and references in all of our reports to
enhance the understanding of the reports, to support the recommendations, and to
direct the interested reader towards further information. All of theses annexes,
glossaries and reference sections are included in their original form here in Volume 2.
As well as making our reports available as soon as we could, we tried to be
accessible at all times to everyone via an open e-mail system and website. We
placed all of our reports, public statements, key correspondence and other relevant
information on our website. The website was recorded on CD, a copy of which is
included here in Volume 2.

Taf Powell
Chief Inspector, Investigation Manager
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board

The Buncefield Incident 11 December 2005 The final report of the Major Incident Investigation Board Volume 2


The Buncefield Investigation

Progress report

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Foreword 3
Part 1 The Investigation so far 4
1.1 The incident 4
1.2 What is known about the explosions and fire 9
1.3 The continuing Investigation 12
1.4 Review of HSE/EA roles in regulating activities at Buncefield
1.5 Major Incident Investigation Board 15
Part 2 Background 16
2.1 Site description 16
2.2 Regulation of high-hazard sites



1 Background to the COMAH Regulations 21
2 HSEs current approach to land use planning 22
3 Investigation terms of reference 25
4 Major Incident Investigation organogram 26
5 Further information 27
Glossary 28

Photographs are courtesy of the Chiltern Air Support Unit and Hertfordshire County Council

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

At the first meeting of the Major Incident Investigation Board (MIIB) on 24 January
I was asked to prepare, for the second (10 February) meeting, a progress report on
the Buncefield Major Incident Investigation by the Health and Safety Executive
(HSE) and the Environment Agency (EA). This was to bring together relevant
background material and to cover progress with the investigation and such facts as
have been established to this point.
The MIIB said that this progress report would not constitute the initial report
required by Terms of Reference 6, since some of the main facts have yet to be
established. This progress report is a stepping stone towards the initial report.
The report describes the incident and the nature of the site and surrounding
communities and the initial responses by EA and HSE. Importantly, the report
describes the most likely nature of the explosion and fires that have so far been
ascertained from eyewitness statements and CCTV records. The explanation of
what the investigation team believes is most likely to have led to the devastation of
the area is not yet verified by scientific modelling and other evidence but I have
sufficient confidence in the evidence to believe on balance it should be made
The report does not describe how what happened occurred. This is because I am
not in a position to say anything with sufficient confidence for it to be other than a
line of inquiry amongst others. Speculating publicly on causation would be
undesirable because I am not in a position to confirm the likelihood of the theory,
nor to deal authoritatively with the implications arising out of the theory. It may also
lead to nugatory remedial actions by depot operators. I believe verification is
required from records of fuel movement and storage to confirm any theory related
to loss of containment, not least of all because this may alter the balance between
system and mechanical failure, and this knowledge is vital in formulating a
competent response to the Buncefield incident.

Taf Powell
Buncefield Investigation Manager and Member of Buncefield Major Incident
Investigation Board

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Part 1 The Investigation so far

1.1 The incident

Figure 1 This photograph

shows the Buncefield site
on the first day of the fire.
The Northgate building can
be seen burning towards
the lower left corner of the

1 At around 06.001 on Sunday 11 December 2005, a number of explosions

occurred at Buncefield Oil Storage Depot, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. At
least one of the initial explosions was of massive proportions and there was a large
fire, which engulfed over 20 large fuel storage tanks over a high proportion of the
site.2 There were 43 people injured in the incident, none seriously. There were no
fatalities. Significant damage occurred to both commercial and residential
properties in the vicinity and a large area around the site was evacuated on
emergency service advice. About 2000 people were evacuated. Sections of the M1
motorway were closed.

Preliminary analysis of seismic records published by the British Geological Survey

indicates that the initial explosion event occurred at 06:01 GMT.
Figure 5 on page 8 shows the damaged area. For a description of the site see Part 2.1
of this report.

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

2 The fire burned for several days, destroying most of the site and emitting large
clouds of black smoke into the atmosphere, dispersing over southern England and
beyond. Large quantities of foam and water were used to control the fire, with risks
of contaminating water courses and ground water (see Figure 2).
Emergency response

Figure 2 This photograph

shows the fire-fighting
operation in progress with
the appliance in the avenue
between bunds A and B

3 The emergency services (primarily the Fire and Rescue Service and the police)
led the initial response to the incident and its immediate aftermath. As a Category 1
responder under the Civil Contingencies Act, EA worked closely with the Fire and
Rescue Service, the police, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and the Strategic
Health Authority, including advising on the water pollution aspects of the firefighting activities. HSE is a Category 2 responder, so during the early phase of the
incident stood ready to provide advice and expertise on request in support of the
emergency services and EA.
4 Hertfordshire Police co-ordinated the emergency response and worked closely
with other responders including the Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service,
Hertfordshire County Council, Dacorum Borough Council, EA and HPA. The police

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

set up an exclusion zone around the site which remained in position for several
days. The Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service was supported by staff drafted in
from many other brigades and used equipment and foam brought in from around
the country. Shortly before Christmas the police were able to hand back the
security of the site to the depot operators but the fire service retained a presence
on site until the New Year as quantities of uncontained fuel remained on site.
5 At the peak of the incident on Monday lunchtime, 12 December there were
26 Hertfordshire pumps on site, 20 support vehicles and 180 firefighters. More
than 250 000 litres of foam concentrate were used, together with 25 million litres of
water and 30 km of high-volume hose.
6 The investigation team wishes to acknowledge the work of the emergency
services and especially the invaluable support given to HSE and EA in securing vital
evidence in the initial period when the site was dangerous and under the control of
the emergency services.
Securing the site
7 Once the Buncefield fire had been extinguished, HSE issued formal notices on
the two operators of the part of the depot that had suffered the greatest damage.
Prohibition Notices were served on both Hertfordshire Oil Storage Ltd (HOSL)3 and
British Pipeline Agency Ltd (BPA) on 16 December 2005 prohibiting operations on
site under their control unless appropriate risk assessments had been agreed with
HSE. Each of these operators were also served with Notices requiring that the
parts of the depot under their control were left undisturbed. The Notices were
issued to ensure that key pieces of evidence remained in place for examination by
the investigation team and that the clear up operations were carried out in a safe
manner. The operators have co-operated with HSE and EA to achieve these goals.
Water pollution
8 EA worked with the Fire and Rescue Service to develop a plan that minimised
the potential for firewater run-off. This included recirculating cooling water. The
main concern was the containment of liquid on site due to the presence of a
drinking water aquifer nearby. Some material did leave the site into Three Cherry
Trees Lane. EA believe most of this was contained by the natural contours of the
land, which prevented it reaching surface waters. Pollution of the River Ver is low
and no impact on its fish and animal life has been seen.
9 From the start of the incident both the Meteorological Office (using a longrange pollution dispersion model) and EA (using a short-range model) worked to
model the plume and provided data to HPA on likely plume direction and ground
level concentrations. On the advice of HPA a number of schools were closed as a
10 Air pollution in London and the Home Counties was measured by four regional
air quality monitoring networks managed by Kings College, London, and
comprising over 130 local authority monitoring sites. A number of parameters were
measured including particulates. Air samples were sent for particulate analysis and
the results are awaited.

For more details of the HOSL and BPA sites see Part 2.1 of this report.

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Social and economic impact

Figure 3 The smoke plume

rising and spreading above
the Buncefield site.

11 The Buncefield Depot is close to the Maylands Industrial Estate, home to some
630 businesses employing about 16 500 people. All businesses were disrupted by
the explosions and fire, some severely. The premises of 20 businesses employing
500 people were destroyed; the premises of 60 businesses employing 3500
people are under repair and not yet usable. Most businesses face difficulties in
delivering pre-incident levels of service from dispersed and temporary
accommodation. Reduced trading and supply disruptions have affected businesses
over a wider area. Impact on employment has been limited so far, but job losses
could become significant over the next few months.

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Figure 4 Depot and

surroundings prior to


Bund A






Tank 12


Buncefield Lane

Boundary Way


High Grange

Bund B



Ch e

rry T




Figure 5 Layout of Depot

and surroundings also
showing limit of flammable
mixture indicated by burned

Boundary Way





Local area features

Buncefield depot sites

Site features

Extent of burn damage

Hertfordshire Oil Storage Ltd

(West and East)

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

12 The incident also damaged nearby housing, mainly in Dacorum district, but also
in St Albans district. Some houses closest to the site suffered significant structural
damage; several families are living in temporary accommodation while their houses
are repaired. At least 300 houses suffered lesser damage.
13 The incident disrupted fuel supply to London and South-East England. Remedial
measures by the industry have restored supplies of road transport, commercial and
domestic fuels generally back or close to pre-incident levels. However, supplies to
Heathrow remain disrupted. This has required fuel rationing by the BAA to allow the
airport to function normally, with no flight cancellations. For all supplies the industry
is trying to find permanent solutions to replace the current transitional arrangements.

1.2 What is known about the explosions and fire

14 Evidence obtained so far points to the formation of a flammable mixture of
petrol, or similar spirit, and air that ignited, leading to the explosions and fire. The
flammable mixture appears associated with a visible mist. This evidence includes
reports from eyewitnesses, CCTV records and forensic material, as briefly
summarised below.
Eyewitness reports
15 On-site at the west side of the tanker loading gantry on HOSL West site:


Witnesses describe seeing mist at about 05:50 GMT in the vicinity of one of the
tanks in bund A4 (see Figure 4). They also describe a mist variously between one
and three feet in height rolling from bund A towards the tanker loading gantry.
Witnesses also report a moving mist near the trees (along Buncefield Lane to the
west of the site) about one and a half feet high and wisps of vapour on the
ground near the end of the loading bay.
These witnesses mention a strong smell at this time, variously described as
petrol or aviation gasoline.
None of the witnesses describe the flames reaching them as they moved from
the tanker loading gantry towards the site exit. None of them report having
suffered burn injuries.

16 Off-site in the vicinity of the Fuji building carpark to the west of the site:

Witnesses describe a thick fog above head height or between 15 and 20 feet
high between 05:50 and 06:00 GMT. This was first seen near the junction
where Three Cherry Trees Lane meets Buncefield Lane. The fog continued to
spread to the west towards Catherine House.
These witnesses noticed a strong smell, but were not certain of its nature and in
general there is a degree of disagreement among witnesses as to the nature of
the smell. These witnesses also describe various responses from their car
engines including revving uncontrollably, running rough and stalling.
From the witness statements and lack of burn injuries, the flame does not
appear to have travelled as far as Boundary Way.

CCTV records
17 Examination of CCTV images for the HOSL site and for the RO building off-site
has provided the following evidence.

A bund is an enclosure designed to contain fluids should they escape from the tank or
vessel inside the bund.

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

18 HOSL West



Before the event there was no evidence of mist or fog at ground level showing
on any of the camera images. This includes the surface of the fire water lagoon
in the north-west corner of the HOSL West site.
The first unusual indication was at 05:38 GMT, 23 minutes before the
explosion. At the north-west corner of bund A, a light mist is seen flowing from
inside bund A towards the west. This is at the north-west corner of bund A.
The mist is low-lying and about one metre deep. Its appearance is consistent
with a mist that is denser than the surrounding air.
During the next few minutes mist is seen flowing towards Three Cherry Trees
Lane via the lagoon and flowing out of bund B at the north-east edge of the
site, along the roadway on-site.
Cameras at the eastern edge of the HOSL site adjacent to the BPA site first
show the mist eight minutes after its first appearance crossing the wall of
bund A.
By this time, the cameras along the western edge of the site, along Buncefield
Lane, show that the mist has thickened to about two metres deep. It is now so
dense that it is not possible to see through it. It appears to flow away from
bund A in all directions.
There is no indication on the cameras that the visible mist has spread as far
south as the tanker filling gantry.
All the cameras stopped recording at the time of the explosion.

19 HOSL East

There is no evidence of the mist seen on the HOSL West site having reached
as far as any of the cameras on the HOSL East site. The cameras show
evidence of the fire, but it is not possible to learn anything of significance.

20 RO building

Figure 6 HOSL West gates


This building is to the south of the Northgate building, approximately level with
the tanker loading gantry on the HOSL West site. There is no evidence of the
mist having reached as far as any of the cameras at this building. The images
show a flash of light at the time of the explosion, followed by evidence of
explosion damage.

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Initial forensic examination

21 Initial examination of the evidence of damage around the site by the Health and
Safety Laboratory (HSL) allows the approximate extent of the flammable mixture to
be judged from the effects of the flash fire on vulnerable surfaces:

Scorched vegetation on a row of trees between the Northgate building and the
3-Com building.
Scorched leaves underneath these trees.
Scorched upholstery to unignited cars at this location.

22 In addition the north-east corner of the Northgate building has been on fire.
There are burnt cars and trees between the Northgate building and the Fuji
23 Cars on Three Cherry Trees Lane near to Catherine House were set on fire and
vegetation along the side of Three Cherry Trees Lane was scorched at this location.
24 Evidence of the extent of any flammable mixture over the HOSL site is masked
by damage from the resulting tank and bund fires.
Initial conclusions regarding the extent of the flammable mixture.
25 The explosion(s) that caused the extensive damage on and off site, and the
early fires, can probably be ascribed to the ignition of a flammable mixture that is
thought to have been associated with the visible mist reported by eyewitnesses
and visible on CCTV records.
26 Initial indications are that the flammable mixture of fuel and air extended to the
west almost as far as Boundary Way in the gaps between the 3-Com, Northgate
and Fuji buildings. To the north-west it extended as far as the nearest corner of
Catherine House.
27 It may have extended to the north of the HOSL site as far as BPA tank 12. It
may have extended across part of the HOSL site, but there is no evidence of it
having spread as far south as the tanker filling gantry, although the visible mist had
just started to reach this point. Figure 5 shows the most likely extent of the
flammable mixture based on the investigation so far.
28 The visible mist seen in the CCTV records and described by witnesses is
assumed to arise from the evaporation of the more volatile fractions of an escape
of fuel. This evaporating fuel would be cold compared to the surrounding air, which
is known from weather records to have had high humidity. The cooling would result
in the condensation of water in the air. The visible mist thus indicates the
approximate extent of the fuel air mixture.
29 The source of the fuel release is not yet known, although the CCTV records
indicate that it was in the vicinity of bund A on the HOSL West site. The most
plausible scenarios involve large-scale loss of containment of vessels or pipework
within bund A. Resources are being directed to clarify these early indications and to
find out what underlying causes there may have been.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Initial findings regarding the explosion

30 It is clear from the witness accounts and the evidence of damage both on and
off site that there was a massive explosion early in the developing incident. There
appear to have been several explosions, but the exact sequence of events has not
yet been established. Initial indications from examination of the explosion damage
are that the main explosion event appears to have been located in the area of the
car parks between the HOSL West site and the Fuji and Northgate buildings. The
heaviest damage can be seen in this area. This does not necessarily mean that the
ignition of the flammable mixture occurred here, but that the highest flame speeds
were in this location. The mechanism for this is not yet understood. This forms part
of the ongoing investigation.
Initial advice to duty holders
31 In response to the incident HSE will advise duty holders what steps to take in
the light of what is known so far about the nature of the Buncefield explosion. The
advice will be systematically followed up with duty holders by HSE inspectors.

1.3 The continuing Investigation

32 Immediately after the incident HSE and EA set up a joint investigation team
under the leadership of HSE. The Investigation team was tasked with finding out
what had happened, including the factors leading up to it and the root causes. The
full terms of reference are at Annex 3.
33 The team divided the Investigation into a number of strands and assigned
specialist staff to take each one forward. The Investigation is led by specialists in
inspection and investigation. The main technical strands are in mechanical
engineering, process engineering, fire and explosion engineering, control and
instrumentation, and environmental impact assessment. Human factors experts will
be increasingly involved as more evidence becomes available concerning the
operation of the site. The site has been segmented into areas to assist the early
34 The team commissioned staff from the HSL to assess the damage caused by
the explosion. This assessment has enabled the team to determine the
approximate location and extent of the flammable mixture that had formed, and the
probable sources of ignition that led to both the fire and the explosion.
35 Work is continuing to find out the exact nature and composition of the
flammable mixture and to determine the precise mechanism which led to such a
violent explosion. This includes establishing the nature and composition of the fuel
from which the mixture was formed. Priority is being given to this work so that
HSEs advice to local planning authorities about developments adjacent to
Buncefield and other fuel storage sites can be reviewed and, if necessary,
amended. Site surveys have been carried out to enable the team to determine the
volume and physical and chemical properties of the flammable mixture; this
important work is continuing.
36 Inspectors are continuing painstaking work to restore and view CCTV evidence
from the site and adjacent premises. There is a large amount of electronic evidence
relevant to the operation of the depot and much of this was contained in buildings
severely damaged by the blast. As much of this as possible has now been secured
and work continues to restore and then examine these highly specialist electronic
records to determine the operating conditions before and at the time of the

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

37 The Investigation team is also examining the detailed technical documentary

records relating to plant design and operation. Examination of the damage to plant
on site and forensic examination of key parts of tanks and pipework is only just
commencing. Following the extensive damage and contamination of bunds with
fuel products and run-off fire water, access to many parts of the site has been
restricted. Priority has been given to making these areas safe and only recently
have inspectors been able to turn their attention to this aspect of the investigation.
38 On environmental issues the team has focused on containment of products
and fire-fighting materials on site and releases to the environment. It is working to
identify pathways of pollutants into the environment and to quantify the scale of
impact to the environment both on and off site with regard to land and water. As
the clean-up operation has progressed samples have been taken from lagoons,
boreholes and surrounding watercourses and gaining photographic evidence of the
developing situation both on and off site. Staff are also obtaining documentary
evidence of how containment was designed, constructed and maintained on site,
including the provision for containing fire-fighting water.
39 The Investigation team continues to investigate the scale of environmental
impact from the liquids released from the site, as well as closely monitoring the
clean-up work. Team members are working to identify the root causes of any
containment failings as well as identifying where measures on site have prevented
greater impact.
Ongoing objectives
40 The Investigation is at a very early stage. The team has yet to start examining
previous inspection reports and assessments of safety reports. This will be
necessary to identify whether any issues linked to the root causes of this incident
had been raised previously with the operators and if so what the operators had
done about them. The investigation will also examine the on- and off-site
emergency plans.
41 A critically important focus for the site Investigation is to find out why and
where there was a release of hydrocarbons. It is therefore vital to continue work on
the examination of pipework and storage tanks to ascertain the precise source of
the release and the mechanism of formation of the flammable mixture and why
preventive control measures were inadequate.
42 The Investigation still needs to establish whether the incident has caused
serious danger to the environment, as set out in the definition of a major accident
affecting the environment in the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations
1999 (COMAH).
43 Work on all strands of the Investigation is continuing. Further work is needed
before a clear and definitive picture will emerge, both of how and why there was a
release of fuels on 11 December 2005 and of the underlying reasons for it.
44 As part of the Investigation, the team will also examine all this collective
evidence against the standards required by the COMAH Regulations and other
health, safety and environmental legislation.
Emergency plans
45 The COMAH Regulations require on- and off-site emergency plans for the
Depot (see Part 2.2). HSE and EA are examining the adequacy of these plans in
conjunction with the operators and the emergency services. The plans will be
compared to the operational response and lessons drawn for the future.

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Figure 7 The area prior to


Developments around the Buncefield Site

46 COMAH sites are subject to a special planning regime which is described in
Part 2.2. At Buncefield this resulted in zones being drawn around the site within
which HSE was consulted on developments by the local planning authorities. The
outer zone (the consultation distance) was set at approximately 190 metres from
the perimeter of the site. The investigation will examine the history of planning
applications within the vicinity of the site and in particular, when the precise nature
of the explosion and fire has been determined, will address the question of whether
or not advice to local planning authorities at Buncefield and similar sites should be

1.4 Review of HSE/EA roles in regulating activities at

47 Point 3 of the Buncefield Investigation terms of reference (Annex 3) requires the
Investigation to examine HSEs and EAs role in regulating the activities on this site
under the COMAH Regulations, considering relevant policy guidance and
intervention activity. HSE and EA together form the Joint Competent Authority for
the regulation of major hazard sites (such as Buncefield) under the COMAH
48 This review will address both the nature of the compliance with policy and
procedures for regulating health, safety and environmental matters, and the efficacy
of the policy and procedures.
49 HSE and EA will initially conduct separate reviews, sharing findings and aligning
outputs as necessary. The final product will be a single report of the regulation of
the Buncefield site together with recommendations arising out of the review.
50 Review teams have been set up in both organisations, site visits undertaken
and plans for reviewing documentation and previous regulatory involvement have
been drawn up.
51 The review findings on the HSE and EA roles will be subject to full scrutiny by
the independent members of the Major Incident Investigation Board (see Part 1.5).


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

1.5 Major Incident Investigation Board

52 On 12 January 2006 HSC appointed a six-person Board to oversee the formal
Investigation. This Board comprises an independent non-executive Chairman, two
independent experts, one in fire safety, the other in occupational and environmental
medicine, and three senior regulatory operations managers, two from HSE and one
from EA.
53 In broad terms the purpose of the Board is to oversee the Investigation and
ensure that:

the Investigation is carried out effectively and the best professional advice is
used in establishing causation;
the confidence of the public is maintained in the work and findings of the
the eight points of the terms of reference (Annex 3) are met, even if in some
cases delivery is the responsibility of other parties;
information is made public in a timely way, but subject to legal considerations.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Part 2 Background
2.1 Site description
54 Buncefield Oil Storage Depot is a large strategically important fuel storage site
(known as a tank farm) operated by a number of companies. Figure 5 shows the
layout of the site and its immediate surroundings.
55 The Depot receives petrol, aviation fuel, diesel and other fuels by pipeline. It stores
and then distributes these fuels by pipeline and road tanker to London and SouthEast England, including to Heathrow Airport. The UK Petroleum Industry Association
(UKPIA) reports that, prior to the events of 11 December 2005, Buncefield handled
8% of overall UK oil supplies into the market, including 20% of supply to consumers
in the South East. The terminal acted as a main pipeline transit point to meet 40% of
Heathrows demand for aviation fuel. On 11 December the site held over 35 million
litres of petrol, diesel and aviation fuel.
56 The Depot contains three sites which are so-called top-tier sites under the
COMAH Regulations (see Part 2.2 of this report on regulation of high-hazard sites),
although the HOSL and BP sites did not acquire top-tier status until changes were
made to the Regulations in July 2002. This required submission of safety reports for
these sites by July 2003:

Hertfordshire Oil Storage Ltd (HOSL) a joint venture between Total UK Ltd (60%)
and Texaco Ltd (40%). This site is in two sections, HOSL East and HOSL West.
HOSL West was at the centre of the fire. The site had consent to store 34 000
tonnes of motor spirit and 15 000 tonnes of kerosene. The COMAH safety report
assessment process had not been completed.
British Pipeline Agency Ltd (BPA) a joint venture between Shell and BP that
operates the site and the pipeline system, while the assets are owned by UK Oil
Pipelines Ltd (UKOP). This site is split between the North (or Cherry Tree Farm)
section and the main section. It was substantially damaged by fire. It had consent
to store 70 000 tonnes of motor spirit and other fuels. The COMAH safety report
assessment process had been completed.
BP Oil Ltd. The BP facility to the south of the Depot was furthest from the fire and
appears to have escaped with superficial damage. It is out of operation while the
full extent of damage is assessed. It has consent to store 75 000 tonnes of motor
spirit, all product being received from the BPA site pipelines. The COMAH safety
report assessment process had been completed.

57 The fuels arrive at the sites in batches through a system of three pipelines,

One 10 diameter pipeline (FinaLine) from Lindsey Oil Refinery, Humberside,

terminating in the HOSL West site.
One UKOP 10 diameter pipeline (Mersey-Buncefield) from Stanlow refinery,
Merseyside terminating in the BPA North site
One UKOP 14 diameter pipeline (Thames-Buncefield) from Shell Haven and
Coryton Refinery terminating in the BPA main site.

58 After separation of the multi-fuel product entering the sites from the pipelines, the
fuel is stored in tanks individually dedicated to specific product types. Product then
leaves the sites either by road tanker or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, via two
dedicated 6 and 8 pipelines from the BPA site into the West London Walton
Gatwick pipeline system. Fuel leaving the site by road is loaded by dedicated vehicle
loading facilities at HOSL West, BP and to a lesser extent BPA.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

59 There are also fire-fighting facilities on site, some of which are shared. The site
water treatment is operated by BPA, collecting run-off water from the whole site into a
water treatment plant in the north-east corner of the Depot.
60 For land use planning purposes the Depot is surrounded by a consultation
distance of 190 metres (see page 22). The local planning authority must consult HSE
about developments within that distance, but not those outside it.
Site conditions at the time of the incident
61 Information provided by HOSL indicates that during the hours leading up to the
explosion, the HOSL site was importing unleaded petrol through the FinaLine pipeline
from the Lindsey Oil Refinery. In addition, unleaded petrol was being imported through
the Thames pipeline and diesel through the Mersey line. Unleaded petrol was being
exported from the site by filling road tankers at the gantry on the HOSL West site.
Weather conditions
62 Meteorological Office records have been obtained for two sites at Luton Airport
(13 km to the east-north-east) and Northolt (24 km to the south). These indicate that
during the early morning of 11 December 2005 the weather was calm, cold, stable and
humid. Atmospheric stability at Northolt was stable (Pasquill stability category F). The
relative humidity was recorded as 99%. The air temperature was 1.7 oC at Northolt
and 1 oC at Luton. There was no wind recorded at Northolt, while Luton recorded an
average wind speed of 6 knots (approximately 3 metres per second) during the 10
minutes before 06:00 GMT. The average wind direction was recorded as 280 degrees
measured from true north (this is the direction from which the wind was blowing).
63 At Luton there was a light wind west to east. Further south there was no wind.
64 The Buncefield Depot and the immediate surrounding area are positioned on a
variable layer of clay with flints over Upper Chalk. The clay with flints layer is classified
as a low permeability surface deposit and is believed to be present at a variable
thickness of between 2 m and 10 m. This layer should inhibit the vertical and lateral
migration of contaminants and protect the chalk aquifer below where present in
sufficient depth.
65 The Upper Chalk is classified as a major aquifer, which provides water supplies
regionally. The Depot is located within the catchment of a ground water abstraction
point located to the south and east of the Depot. Ground water is present typically at a
depth of 45 metres below ground level and flow is generally towards the south-east.
Natural holes in the chalk which allow quicker water flow than normal may be present,
but none have been positively identified in the immediate area.
66 Within the Depot site boundary a layer of made-ground, comprising a sand clay
dominated soil mixture, overlies the clay.
67 A local ground water abstraction point that is used as cooling water is located
approximately 500 m south of the Depot.
68 The River Gade is located approximately 3 km to the south-west and the River Ver
approximately 3.5 km east of the Depot.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

69 During normal operation, surface water from the Depot drains to the Depot
effluent treatment plant. It is then pumped into the public surface water system at
Pratts Dell to the north-west of the Depot. This in turn drains to the surface waterbalancing pond at Redbourne Road and subsequently to the River Red, a tributary
of the River Ver.
70 Maylands pond is another surface water-balancing pond situated to the southwest of the Depot. It was used as a source of fire-fighting water during the
General background
71 Land to the west and north of the Depot is largely used for the growing of
arable crops.
72 There are no listed buildings within 1 km of the Depot and no recorded
monuments within 500 m of the Depot.
73 The Depot is not located within a 100-year flood plain as defined by the EA
flood maps.
74 There are no sites of special scientific interest within 2 km of the Depot and the
nearest site designated under the Habitats Directive is Ashridge Common Special
Area of Conservation, approximately 8 km north-west of the Depot.

Figure 8 Buncefield Oil

terminal - Immediate
surroundings of the complex


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

2.2 Regulation of high-hazard sites

75 The regulatory framework for sites, such as Buncefield, which pose potential
major accident hazards comprises requirements imposed on the site operators
under both health and safety and environmental legislation, complemented by the
requirements of planning law. In particular the COMAH Regulations apply.
Health and safety law
76 Operators in the process industries are subject to the requirements of the
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSW Act) and the Management of Health
and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR) which require, respectively, safety
policies and risk assessments covering the whole range of health and safety risks.
Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH)
77 COMAHs main aim is to prevent and mitigate the effects of those major
accidents involving dangerous substances, such as chlorine, liquefied petroleum
gas, and explosives which can cause serious damage/harm to people and/or the
environment. The COMAH Regulations treat risks to the environment as seriously
as those to people. They apply where threshold quantities of dangerous
substances identified in the Regulations are kept or used. There are two
thresholds, known as lower-tier and top-tier. Annex 1 gives a brief background
to the origins of these Regulations. The requirements of COMAH are fully explained
in A guide to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH).
Guidance on Regulations L111 HSE Books 1999 ISBN 0 7176 1604 5.
78 The COMAH Regulations are enforced by a joint Competent Authority (CA)
comprising HSE and EA in England and Wales, and HSE and the Scottish
Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) in Scotland. Operators will generally receive
a single response from the CA on all matters to do with COMAH. The CA operates
to a Memorandum of Understanding which sets out arrangements for joint
79 The COMAH Regulations require operators of top-tier sites to submit written
safety reports to the CA. Operators of top-tier sites must prepare adequate
emergency plans to deal with the on-site consequences of possible major
accidents and to assist with off-site mitigation. Local authorities for areas
containing top-tier sites must prepare adequate emergency plans to deal with the
off-site consequences of possible major accidents, based on information supplied
by site operators.
80 The COMAH Regulations place duties on the CA to inspect activities subject to
the Regulations and prohibit the operation of an establishment if there is evidence
that measures taken for prevention and mitigation of major accidents are seriously
deficient. The CA also has to examine safety reports and inform operators about
the conclusions of its examinations within a reasonable time period.
Environmental legislation
81 Some of the establishments regulated under the COMAH Regulations are also
regulated by EA and SEPA (the Agencies) under the Pollution Prevention and
Control Act 1999 (PPC) or Part I of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA
90). The regime under EPA 90 is gradually being replaced by the PPC regime and
will be fully replaced by 2007.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

82 While the purpose of the COMAH Regulations (the prevention of major

accidents) differs from that of IPC/PPC or LAPC (the prevention of pollution), the
means to achieve them are almost identical. They require industry to have good
management systems to control risk. PPC includes a specific duty to prevent and
mitigate accidents to the environment which is complementary to the main
COMAH duty. The Agencies manage this overlap between their different regimes
following the principle that accident prevention work on COMAH sites is generally
more significant because of the greater risks.
Land use planning
83 The land use planning aspects of the Seveso II Directive are given effect in the
UK by the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1992. Under these
Regulations the presence of hazardous chemicals above specified thresholds
requires consents from the Hazardous Substances Authority (HSA), usually the
local planning authority. HSE is a statutory consultee on such occasions. The role
of HSE is to consider the hazards and risks which would be presented by the
hazardous substances to people in the vicinity, and on the basis of this advise the
HSA whether or not consent should be granted. HSE will also supply a
consultation distance around the site. Any future developments in these zones
require HSE to be consulted.
84 The aim of health and safety advice relating to land use planning is to mitigate
the effects of a major accident on the population in the vicinity of hazardous
installations, by following a consistent and systematic approach to provide advice
on applications for planning permission around such sites.
85 Historically, HSE has based its land use planning advice on the presumption
that site operators are in full compliance with the HSW Act. Section 2 of the Act
places a duty on an employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
health and safety of his employees. There is a corresponding duty in Section 3 to
ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that others (which includes the public)
are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. These duties are goal-setting
and operators are expected to determine the most appropriate means to comply
with them, without the need for detailed approval from HSE.
86 Annex 2 sets out HSEs current approach to land use planning advice.
87 Under the General Development Procedure Order 1995, both HSE and EA are
statutory consultees for:


the development of a new major accident hazard site; or

developments on an existing site which could have significant repercussions on
major accident hazards; or
other developments in the vicinity of existing establishments, where the siting
or development is such as to increase the risk or consequences of a major

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Annex 1
Backgound to the COMAH Regulations
1 Certain industrial activities involving dangerous substances have the potential
to cause accidents that give rise to serious injury to people or damage to the
environment both close to and further away from the site of the accident. Such
activities are known as major accident hazards.
2 In Great Britain, a disastrous explosion at a chemical plant at Flixborough in
1974 profoundly influenced the approach to regulating major hazards. There were
28 workers killed, the plant was destroyed and there was extensive damage to
property off site. Following that accident, a committee of experts, the Advisory
Committee on Major Hazards (ACMH), was appointed by the Health and Safety
Commission to consider the problems of major accident hazards and make
recommendations. They proposed a three-part strategy:
(a) identification of the sites;
(b) control measures to prevent major accidents; and
(c) mitigatory measures to limit the effects of any accidents which do occur.
European Union Directive
3 Other major accidents occurred in Europe during the 1970s, the most
significant of which took place in Seveso, Italy in 1976. Here, the accidental
production and release of a dioxin as an unwanted by-product from a runaway
chemical reaction led to widespread contamination. Such incidents, and the
recognition of the differing standards of controls over industrial activities within the
European Community, led the European Commission to propose a Directive on the
control of major industrial accident hazards. The three-part strategy proposed in
the UK was highly influential in shaping the Directive. The Directive on the Major
Accident Hazards of Certain Industrial Activities (82/501/EEC) was adopted on 24
June 1982, and is generally known as the Seveso Directive.
4 Following a complete review of the Directive by the European Commission a
new one, now known as Seveso II, was adopted in 1996. The Seveso II Directive
retained the basic principles of major accident hazard controls set out in the
original Seveso Directive but addressed some weaknesses and omissions. The
new Directive followed a review carried out by the European Commission in
conjunction with the Committee of Competent Authorities for the Seveso Directive
(made up of representatives of all Member States governmental bodies enforcing
the Seveso Directive). It came into force on 3 February 1997 and was implemented
in Great Britain on 1 April 1999 by the COMAH Regulations, except for land use
planning requirements (article 12) which were implemented by changes to planning
5 An amending Directive in 2003 was implemented by changes to the COMAH
Regulations. These came into force on 30 June 2005.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Annex 2
HSEs current approach to land use planning
Policy and practice
1 Under the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations, the presence of
hazardous chemicals above specified threshold quantities requires consent from
the Hazardous Substances Authority (HSA), which is usually also the local planning
authority (LPA). HSE is a statutory consultee on all hazardous substances consent
applications. HSEs role is to consider the hazards and risks which would be
presented by the hazardous substance(s) to people in the vicinity, and on the basis
of this to advise the HSA whether or not consent should be granted.
2 In advising on consent, HSE may specify conditions that should be imposed by
the HSA, over and above compliance with statutory health and safety
requirements, to limit risks to the public (eg limiting which substances can be
stored on site, or requiring tanker delivery rather than on-site storage). HSAs
should notify HSE of the outcome of all applications for consent and where
consent has been granted should supply copies of the site plans and conditions.
3 HSE uses the information contained in consent applications to establish a
consultation distance (CD) around the installation. This usually comprises three
zones (or risk contour areas) see paragraph 6. The CD is based on the
maximum quantity of hazardous substance(s) that the site is entitled to have under
its consent. HSE notifies the LPAs of all CDs in their areas. The General
Development Procedure Order 1995 requires the LPA to consult HSE about certain
proposed developments (essentially those that would result in an increase in
population) within any CD.
4 HSE advises the LPA on the nature and severity of the risks presented by the
installation to people in the surrounding area so that those risks are given due
weight by the LPA when making its decision. Taking account of the risks, HSE will
advise against the proposed development or simply note that it does not advise
against it. This advice balances the ACMH principle of stabilising and not increasing
the numbers at risk, with a pragmatic awareness of the limited land available for
development in the UK.
5 HSEs role in the land use planning system is advisory. It has no power to
refuse consent or a planning application. It is the responsibility of the HSA or LPA
to make the decision, weighing local needs and benefits and other planning
considerations alongside HSE advice, in which case they should give HSE advance
notice of that intention. LPAs may be minded to grant permission against HSEs
advice. In such cases HSE will not pursue the matter further as long as the LPA
understands and has considered the reasons for HSEs advice. However HSE has
the option, if it believes for example that the risks are sufficiently high, to request
the decision is called in for consideration by the Secretary of State, in England
and Wales (a very rare situation). In Scotland, if the planning authority is minded to
grant permission they have to notify the Scottish Ministers who can decide to call
in the application.
Consultation distances and risk contours
6 Using consent information, HSE undertakes a detailed assessment of the
hazards and risks from the installation and produces a map with three risk contours
representing defined levels of risk or harm which any individual at that contour


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

would be subject to. The risk of harm to an individual is greater the closer to the
installation. In each case the risk relates to an individual sustaining the so-called
dangerous dose (see Figure 9) or specified level of harm. The three contours
represent levels of individual risk of 10 cpm (chances per million), 1 cpm and
0.3 cpm per year respectively of receiving a dangerous dose or defined level of
harm. The contours form three zones (see left), with the outer contour defining the
CD around major hazard sites. The LPA consults HSE on relevant proposed
developments within this CD.

Figure 9

Dangerous dose would lead to:


severe distress to all;

a substantial number requiring medical attention;
some requiring hospital treatment; and
some (about 1%) fatalities.

COMAH site

Figure 10

Inner Zone
Middle Zone

Outer Zone

Consultation Distance (CD)

How HSE gives advice

7 When consulted, HSE firstly identifies which of the three defined zones the
proposed development is in. Secondly, the proposed development is classified into
one of four Sensitivity Levels. The main factors that determine these levels are the
number of people at the development, their sensitivity (vulnerable populations such
as children, old people) and the intensity of the development. With these two
factors known, a simple decision matrix is used to give a clear Advise Against
(AA) or Do not Advise Against (DAA) response to the LPA, as shown below:
The PADHI system
8 The decision matrix above was developed taking into account the experience
of 30 years of HSE advice on land use planning. It is built into a software tool
known as PADHI (Planning Advice for Developments near Hazardous Installations)
introduced in late 2002. PADHI deals with the vast majority of consultations and is
operated by staff in local HSE field offices, significantly speeding up responses
from previous arrangements which required some specialist HSE resource.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Figure 11
Level of sensitivity

Development in
Inner zone

Sensitivity level 1
Sensitivity level 2
Sensitivity level 3


Sensitivity level 4


Development in
Middle zone

Development in
Outer zone

Vulnerable members of society
eg primary schools, old peoples homes
Football ground/large hospital

DAA means Do not Advise Against the development

AA means Advise Against the development

Technical assumptions underpinning HSE methodology for land use planning

9 The installation The quantities and properties of hazardous substances, and
the descriptions of storage and process vessels, are assumed to be in accordance
with the hazardous substances consent entitlement for the site since this
represents a duty holders declaration of their entitlement to store such substances
which could be introduced at any time. For each type of development HSEs
advice to planning authorities will take account of the maximum quantity of a
hazardous substance permitted by a hazardous substances consent and any
conditions attached to it. Best cautious, but not pessimistic, assumptions
concerning substances, locations, operating conditions and surroundings are used.
For operations not described in the consent (eg numbers and sizes of road tanker
operations, pipework diameters, pumps and other fittings) site-specific values are
obtained as necessary.
10 Hazardous events All foreseeable major accidents are considered and a
representative set of events which describe a set of circumstances which, for that
installation, could lead to an accidental release of hazardous substances.
11 Consequences The previously described dangerous dose concept is
generally used to describe the extent of the impact of any hazardous event on the
surrounding population. Protection provided to people by being sheltered within
buildings is generally taken into account by the approach, as is the likelihood of
people being outdoors at the time of the incident.
12 Ambient conditions Local weather data is used to provide wind and stability
information around the installation. Further, the surroundings are generally assumed
to be flat although ground roughness can be taken into account where
circumstances require it.
13 Risk assessment The calculations produce contours of the frequency that a
typical house resident would be exposed to a dangerous dose or worse. This is
generally expressed in terms of chances per million per annum or cpm for short,
eg 10 cpm, 3 cpm and 0.3 cpm.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Annex 3
Investigation terms of reference

To ensure the thorough investigation of the incident, the factors leading up to it,
its impact both on and off site, and to establish its causation including root

To identify and transmit without delay to duty holders and other appropriate
recipients any information requiring immediate action to further safety and/or
environmental protection in relation to storage and distribution of hydrocarbon

To examine the Health and Safety Executives and the Environment Agencys
role in regulating the activities on this site under the COMAH Regulations,
considering relevant policy guidance and intervention activity.

To work closely with all relevant stakeholders, both to keep them informed of
progress with the investigation and to contribute relevant expertise to other
inquiries that may be established.

To make recommendations for future action to ensure the effective

management and regulation of major accident risk at COMAH sites. This
should include consideration of off-site as well as on-site risks and consider
prevention of incidents, preparations for response to incidents, and mitigation
of their effects.

To produce an initial report for the Health and Safety Commission and the
Environment Agency as soon as the main facts have been established. Subject
to legal considerations, this report will be made public.

To ensure that the relevant notifications are made to the European Commission.

To make the final report public.


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Annex 4
Major Incident Investigation organogram

Phil Kemball

Lord Newton

Richard Turfitt

MIIB Secretary


Legal advice
from HSE

David Ashton

Dr Paul Leinster

Dr Peter Baxter

Dougal Drysdale

Taf Powell



Health expert

Fire Safety
Engineering expert


Dr Graham

Bob Woodward

Paul Woodhouse

Regulatory review
EA lead

Investigation lead

Regulatory review
HSE lead



The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Annex 5
Further information
Useful links
Dacorum Borough Council
Tel: 01442 228000
St Albans District Council
Tel: 01727 866100
Hertfordshire County Council
Tel: 01483 737555
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Tel: 01727 813680
Government links
Government Office for the East of England
Environment Agency
Department of Trade and Industry Oil and Gas Directorate
Health and Safety Executive
Industry links
United Kingdom Petroleum Association (UKPIA)
Tel: 020 72400289
Chemical Industries Association
Tel: 020 78343399
Useful sources of information
Dacorum Borough Council Digest newsletter, available monthly
Dacorum Borough Council Buncefield Update Newsletter


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) is responsible for health and safety
regulation in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (and local
authorities) are the enforcing authorities who work in support of the HSC. Both are
statutory bodies, established under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
(the HSW Act).
HSCs statutory functions include conducting and sponsoring research; promoting
training; providing an information and advisory service; and submitting proposals to
Ministers for new or revised regulations and approved codes of practice. HSC has
a chair plus nine members nominated by organisations representing employers,
employees, local authorities and others. They are appointed by the Secretary of
State for Work and Pensions.
HSE is a body of three people appointed by HSC with the Secretary of States
approval. HSE advises and assists HSC and has specific statutory responsibilities
of its own, notably for enforcing health and safety law. HSEs staff of around 4000
(inspectors, policy advisors, technologists, scientific and medical experts etc) is
collectively known as HSE.
HSE regulates health and safety in factories, farms, mines, nuclear installations,
offshore installations, hospitals, schools and many other sectors. Local authorities
are responsible for enforcement in offices, shops and other services.
The Environment Agency (EA) is the lead regulator in England and Wales with
responsibility for protecting and enhancing the environment. It was set up by the
Environment Act 1995 and is a non-departmental public body, largely sponsored
by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the
National Assembly for Wales (NAW). EAs prime responsibilities include flood risk
management, tackling pollution incidents, reducing industrys impact on the
environment, restoring and improving rivers, coastal waters, contaminated land,
and wildlife habitats.
EA also advises on sustainable drainage, water conservation and management,
planning issues, nature conservation and waste management.
The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH) are enforced by a
joint Competent Authority (CA) comprising HSE and EA in England and Wales, and
HSE and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) in Scotland.



A business whose premises were effected by the Buncefield



Advisory Committee on Major Hazards


A water-bearing stratum of porous rock, gravel or sand


BAA plc operate airports, including London Heathrow


A cylindrical shaft drilled into the ground, often for geological

exploration or extraction of resources


An enclosure designed to contain fluids should they escape from

the tank or vessel inside the bund


A building effected by the Buncefield incident

The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report


The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999

(COMAH). See annex 1

COMAH sites

A site to which the COMAH Regulations apply


The COMAH Regulations are enforced by a joint Competent

Authority (CA) comprising HSE and EA in England and Wales,
and HSE and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
in Scotland. The CA operates to a Memorandum of
Understanding which sets out arrangements for joint working


A dose large enough to lead to: severe distress to all; a

substantial number requiring medical attention; some requiring
hospital treatment; and some (about 1%) fatalities


Toxic chemical by-products of incineration and some industrial

processes that use chlorine

duty holder

In the context of this report, any person or organisation holding a

legal duty in particular those placed by the HSW Act, the
MHSWR, and the COMAH Regulations

fire water

Water stored for use during, and used during, fire-fighting



In the context of this report, a concentrate used during

operations to extinguish hydrocarbon fires


A business whose premises were effected by the Buncefield



Anything with the potential to cause harm

human factors

HSE has defined human factors (also known as Ergonomics) as

the environmental, organisational and job factors, and human and
individual characteristics which influence behaviour at work


An organic chemical compound of hydrogen and carbon. There

are a wide variety of hydrocarbons such as crude oil (basically a
complex mixture of hydrocarbons), methane, propane, butane,
etc. They are often used as fuels


A business whose premises were effected by the Buncefield


on- and off-site Operators of top-tier COMAH sites must prepare adequate
and emergency emergency plans to deal with the on-site consequences of
possible major accidents and to assist with off-site mitigation.
Local authorities for areas containing top-tier COMAH sites must
prepare adequate emergency plans to deal with the off-site
consequences of possible major accidents, based on information
supplied by site operators

Fine particles (liquid or solid) suspended in the air such as dust,

smoke, fumes, and so on


The Buncefield Investigation: Progress report

Pasquill stability A category within a classification scheme used to

describe the degree of atmospheric turbulence

A model used to describe the transport and diffusion of

pollutants in the atmosphere


Issuing improvement or prohibition notices are some of the range

of means which enforcing authorities use to achieve the broad
aim of dealing with serious risks, securing compliance with health
and safety law and preventing harm. A prohibition notice stops
work in order to prevent serious personal injury


Under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, EA is a Category 1

responder, and HSE is a Category 2 responder. These categories
define the roles played by each body in response to a major


The likelihood that a hazard will cause a specified harm to

someone or something


A business whose premises were effected by the Buncefield



Uncontained liquid, either deposited on-site as rain, or in the

context of the Buncefield incident, fuel and/or fire water not
contained as part of the operation to control the incident

safety reports

The COMAH Regulations require operators of top-tier sites to

submit written safety reports to the Competent Authority


The COMAH Regulations apply where threshold quantities of

dangerous substances identified in the Regulations are kept or
used. There are two thresholds, known as lower-tier and toptier. Annex 1 gives a brief background to the origins of these


A substance which evaporates readily, even below its boiling



A natural or man-made channel along which water flows

Published 02/06


The Buncefield Investigation

Second progress report

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Foreword 3
Part 1 Progress with the primary investigation 4
1.1 Loss of containment of fuel and contaminants 4
Background 4
Loss of fuel from vessel(s) 4
Loss of fuel and contaminants from bunds 7
Loss of contaminants from the site 9
1.2 Monitoring of environmental impact
Air quality 12
Surface water 12
Ground water 14
Drinking water 16
Land investigations 16
Disposal of fire water 17


1.3 Progress with other aspects of the major investigation

Acting on Regulatory advice 18
Working with others and communities 18
Report to the European Commission 18
Part 2 Current business and community issues 19
Part 3 Further work 20
3.1 Explosion and fire 20
3.2 Environmental impact 20
1 Further information 21
2 Investigation terms of reference 23
3 Site maps 24
Glossary 25


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

I present a second progress report that focuses mainly on the environmental
impact on land, surface water and ground water of the fuel and fire water that
escaped from the Buncefield site. It is important, in my view, that the vital work
being done by the Environment Agency and others is brought to public attention.
My report also contains for completeness a brief update on progress with the
investigation into how fuel escaped, thereby breaching the primary containment
barriers. It reveals that cloning of a number of important computer records has
been successful and that vapour formation modelling is underway. Although briefly
stated, this is important new information it was quite possible that these disks
would be too badly damaged for the information on them to be recovered.
The report is, as I say, mainly a description of loss of containment of fuel and fire
water from bunds (secondary containment) and from the site itself (tertiary
There are important early observations that sealant used in some bund walls was
not capable of withstanding fires and/or the hydraulic pressure in bunds or
adjacent tanks. Bund performance during the incident forms an important but as
yet inconclusive aspect of the investigation.
There was massive loss of containment at the site boundaries and fuel and fire
water escaped from the site to the surrounding lands. The report describes the
monitoring work by the Environment Agency and others to identify whether or not
short and long-term pollution of watercourses and ground waters has or is likely to
occur, particularly potential contamination of the important chalk aquifer that
underlies Buncefield. The pathways for pollutants are still being investigated. It is
important to emphasise that if contamination of the aquifer occurs from the
Buncefield incident, it could take months or years to materialise. However, we have
been reassured by Three Valleys Water Company and the Drinking Water
Inspectorate that drinking water is of a high quality and has not been affected by
this incident.
A further report to the Board on the means of escape of the fuel and the formation
of flammable vapours is suggested as possible within a month of this report,
provided we are able to continue the good rate of progress that the investigation is

Taf Powell
Buncefield Investigation Manager and Member of Buncefield Major Incident
Investigation Board

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Part 1 Progress with the primary investigation

1.1 Loss of containment of fuel and contaminants
1 Fuel depots such as Buncefield are strategic centres for the distribution of liquid
fuels such as diesel, unleaded petrol and aviation fuel. Fuel comes to depots via
pipelines from refineries and is stored according to fuel type before being distributed
to other places (typically points of use, such as petrol stations and airports) either by
road tanker, by rail, or by dedicated pipeline.
2 Fuel depots are designed to keep fuel within the vessels and pipework that store
and distribute them. Should fuel escape, there needs to be provision for ensuring
that fuels, and the contaminants associated with any emergency response to a fuel
escape or fire, are prevented from running off site so as to protect the surrounding
environment. The provisions for keeping escaped fuel and other contaminants within
the site (referred to as containment) is described in the safety report that operators
of large sites such as Buncefield must submit to the Environment Agency (EA) and
the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (the Competent Authority).
3 There are typically three levels of containment. Primary containment relates to
the equipment and facilities that have direct contact with the products (eg tanks and
pipework), and their operation and management.
4 Secondary containment relates to both the control of the product in the
primary containment facilities (eg the provision of tank high-level alarms to prevent
loss through overfilling) and any contingency provisions for the failure of the primary
containment. The most important of these provisions are bunds, which are
enclosures capable of holding liquids that may escape from the vessels and pipes
within the bund wall.
5 There are a number of types of bunds across the Buncefield Depot, ranging
from earth banks with earth bases to concrete walls with concrete bases. In the area
most affected by the fire, the bunds were predominantly of concrete construction,
although some had concrete walls and clay floors.
6 Tertiary containment relates to the site surface and associated drainage,
boundary walls, roads, kerbs and any features such as road humps that can provide
some retention of liquids. Proper design of drainage systems will limit loss of product
out of the site and prevent lost product permeating into the ground with the potential
risk that it can migrate to ground water, or contaminate surface waters and land.
7 At Buncefield, the site slopes downwards in a north-easterly direction towards
Cherry Tree Lane, a public road running between the main site and the British
Pipeline Agency Ltd (BPA) tank 12, at the north of the depot. There is a general
slope from west to east. Cherry Tree Lane has a depression about half way along its
length near to the to BPAs tank 12 area, before sloping away to the east and the
junction of Green Lane and Hogg End Lane.
Loss of fuel from vessel(s)
8 The first progress report1 noted that the explosions and fires on 11 December
2005 were the result of a massive escape of fuel in the vicinity of bund A on the
Hertfordshire Oil Storage Ltd (HOSL) West part of the site. This escaped fuel formed


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Figure 1 Site map showing


a flammable mixture with the air. Little was known about how primary containment
was lost or how the escaping fuel formed into a flammable mixture. (Figure 1
shows a schematic of the bunds.)
9 Progress has been made in determining the main source of escaped fuel.
CCTV recordings recovered from the south side of the BPA site show the visible
mist, associated with the loss of containment of the fuel, drifting eastwards onto
the site from the adjacent HOSL West site shortly before the first explosion. This is
consistent with the evidence obtained from other CCTV coverage and detailed in

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

the first progress report, and appears to confirm that the initial escape of fuel was
from the HOSL West site. CCTV records from the Northgate building provide
further confirmation of the spread of the flammable cloud away from the HOSL
West site. This information also supports the initial forensic conclusions about the
extent of the flammable cloud in this vicinity.
10 A significant amount of information has now been obtained from the extensive
electronic equipment used to control and monitor the operations on site. Much of
the equipment was housed in damaged buildings and great care had to be taken
to ensure its safe removal and subsequent restoration and examination. This has
revealed important information on key parameters such as fuel levels in tanks, flow
rates and valve positions. Work is continuing to extract this information and to
examine it in detail so as to conclude with confidence how the fuel escaped. It is
hoped this work will be completed within five weeks of this report.
11 A key aspect of the investigation is to determine how the escaping fuel
vaporised so rapidly. Work has been commissioned from the Health and Safety
Laboratory (HSL) to assist with this. The work is being carried out as quickly as
possible to enable feedback to the investigation team within the next month. In
particular, priority is being given to the composition of the fuel and to modelling
how the escaping fuel could have been vapourised under the prevailing weather
conditions. This work should provide a link between the possible release events
indicated by the control and instrumentation records and the clear evidence of mist
formation coming from witness statements and CCTV records.

Figure 2 Schematic of topography at Cherry Tree Lane


e rr







field La

y Tree La





134 m
132 m
130 m
128 m
126 m
124 m

Ground profile along Cherry Tree Lane (West to East)




500 532m

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

12 In parallel with the work on vapour cloud formation, HSL is helping to

determine the exact nature and composition of the flammable mixture and to
determine the precise mechanism for generating such a violent explosion within an
apparently unconfined vapour cloud. This work is supported by analysing other
incidents from around the world and assimilating technical information from them.
13 Good progress on damage assessment, both on and off site, has given added
momentum to the work to explain the high level of blast damage caused by the
14 A systematic fuel sampling programme is being carried out to confirm the
composition of products being stored and transferred on site in tanks or pipes.
This programme has had to be fitted into the remediation work being carried out
on site by the operators, under the control of two Prohibition Notices issued by
Loss of fuel and contaminants from bunds
15 There was significant loss of secondary containment related to the bunds on
the HOSL West and BPA sites. Investigators have not been able to gain access to
every part of the sites, in particular to some of the bunded areas, because of
continuing safety concerns. It has been possible, however, to identify some key
issues related to the condition of the bunds after the fire. A more systematic
examination of the bunds will be completed only when it is safe to do so, following
final removal of product from a number of pipework sections.
16 While the bunds substantially remained standing throughout the incident, their
ability to fully contain the fuel and fire waters was lost as a result of the explosion
and subsequent fires. Figure 3 shows the damage caused to bund walls as a
consequence of the incident. Pools of fuel were burning in the bunds as a result of
loss of fuel from the tanks, along with fires from the tanks themselves. Figures 4
and 5 show a bund, where the concrete panels had been infilled with a joint
sealant. This sealant has been lost as a result of the fire and/or hydraulic pressure
within the bund.

Figure 3

Figure 4

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Figure 5

Figure 6

17 Many of the bunds around the site have suffered varying degrees of sealant
damage. Figure 6 shows fire water and product leaking from such a joint in the
later stages of the incident.
18 Another two leakage mechanisms can be seen in Figure 7. Here a corner joint
has opened up, releasing fire water and product. Visible along the lower edge of
the bund wall, a tide mark shows where liquids were seen to seep through the
concrete itself.
19 Figure 8 shows the base of a bund where the concrete panels have undergone
significant heave which has resulted in the escape of product and fire water.

Figure 7

Figure 8

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

20 Figure 9 shows the inclusion of penetrating pipework in the construction. Here

the sealing material surrounding the pipes has been lost.
Loss of contaminants from the site
21 There was extensive loss of tertiary containment and large amounts of
contaminant went off site. The burning fuel formed an extensive plume of smoke.
Ground and water contaminants include fuel and products of its degradation in the
fire hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic compounds (a group of chemicals
commonly found in residues from burning coal, fuel and oil).
22 Some fire-fighting foam concentrate contains zinc (to act as a heat resistor)
and a chemical called perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS), which is a surfactant to
aid the spreading properties of the foam. Zinc and PFOS are useful tracers for the
movement of fire-related contaminants off site.
23 There are lagoons on the site which provide a reserve of fire water for use in
emergencies. One of the lagoons (to the north of bund A) shows evidence of
significant damage to the lining that may have resulted from the explosion or the
24 As a result of the breach to the lining, some of the liquids in the lagoon, which
included contaminated run-off liquids from the bunds and fire fighting, may have
escaped into the ground. The natural clay layer beneath the site would have helped
to minimise the extent of any contamination of the ground from this source.
25 The pumphouse to the north of bund A, adjacent to the lagoon, was destroyed
by the explosions. The control of water on the site was dependent on the use of
the pumps located within the pump house. Because the initial explosions
destroyed all of the fire-fighting equipment in the affected area, the lagoons were
never brought into use and the fire services had to establish alternative

Figure 9

Figure 10

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

26 During the incident, the internal roadways were submerged by fire water and
fuel flowing to the lowest point. Fire water and fuels flowed through the site
drainage and along the roads within the site perimeter. At the low point on the site
perimeter the flows overtopped the road edge, which was not kerbed, and flowed
into Cherry Tree Lane.

Figure 11 The three

parallel bars show where
the pumphouse stood
before the incident

Figure 12


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

27 A large pool of liquid, consisting of fire water and fuels that escaped from tanks
and pipes, collected in Cherry Tree Lane. It is estimated that this pool was 200 m
in length and between 10 and 20 m wide. Road tankers removed the liquids in the
pool by the first week in January this year.
28 The investigation has highlighted a number of potential pathways by which fuel
and contaminated water could have entered the environment. Within the site,
shallow boreholes of 4-5 m depth exist within the terminal, and a deep borehole is
located in the Chevron/Texaco tanker park, directly due south of the HOSL and
BPA sites that were on fire. This borehole is 42 m deep, extending into the chalk
29 A number of places where contaminants could penetrate the ground have
been found around the perimeter of the site: on the northern and southern verges
of Cherry Tree Lane; on the western verge of Buncefield Lane; and the southern
verge of Hogg End Lane. These drains and chambers were either submerged in
fire water and fuel or had drains connected to them that delivered such
30 Cherry Tree Lane has a number of road drains, some of which are connected
to deep chambers. At the bottom of one appears to be a borehole at least 40 m
deep penetrating the chalk aquifer. For a description of the local geology and
aquifer, see paragraph 41.

Figure 13


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

1.2 Monitoring environmental impact

Air quality
31 Monitoring air quality impact of the incident was carried out by a number of
organisations. The Health Protection Agency was chiefly responsible for organising
the air quality monitoring in the vicinity of the Buncefield site. The Agency received
the support of HSL and, via the Hertfordshire Fire Brigade, the London Fire Brigade
Scientific Advisers. A Meteorological Office (Met Office)/Natural Environment
Research Council aircraft also sampled the plume. This was supplemented by local
monitoring organised by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(DEFRA). DEFRAs Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) and local authority
air monitoring networks monitored the impact on air quality over the wider region of
southern England, including London. French regional air networks monitored
potential impacts in northern France. In addition, the Met Office carried out
modelling of the plume and DEFRAs air quality information service published
regular reports on air quality. The Environment Agency also carried out modelling of
the short range impacts in support of the Met Office, which was used by the
Health Protection Agency in part to develop the strategy for subsequent sampling
of grass and soil.
32 DEFRA is planning to publish a report on Air quality impact of the Buncefield Oil
Depot explosion in May. This report will describe the monitoring carried out in
England and France during the incident, and assess the air quality impacts. It will
also describe the modelling of the plume and estimate the emission of pollutants
released in the fire. This will inform the considerations as to whether the Buncefield
incident will be designated a major accident to the environment (MATTE) under
COMAH as a result of the impact of the smoke plume.
33 DEFRA is keeping the Board informed of progress with its findings. DEFRAs
website can be found at www.defra.gov.uk. The Health Protection Agency is also
keeping the Board informed of progress of its findings. HPAs website can be found
at www.hpa.org.uk.
Surface water
34 Extensive sampling of surface and ground waters around the site has been
carried out to assess the environmental impact of the incident. Samples of liquids
and contaminated soils have been sent to Environment Agency laboratories around
the country for analysis.
35 Surface water monitoring has concentrated on the River Ver, as it receives
surface water from the Buncefield site. Two balancing tanks (which provide buffers
to prevent uncontrolled surges of water), the Maylands and Redbourn lagoons,
receive surface water from the site and the surrounding area, and subsequently
discharge into the River Ver.
36 The River Ver was monitored daily in the first two weeks after the incident.
Two sites, one upstream and one downstream of the Maylands tank outfall, were
tested. The balancing tanks and outfalls were also subject to daily sampling and
analysis. The initial focus was on potential fuel and fire-fighting foam contamination
which could impact on the ability of fish and other organisms to live in the river and
on drinking water.
37 Two additional monitoring sites were added at the end of December, both on
the River Colne, which is a tributary of the River Ver. These were both south of
St Albans, 7 and 11 km downstream of the Maylands outfall. All of these points
were sampled for PFOS.

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Figure 14

38 No direct impact of spills was found in the first days after the incident. By the
third day of the incident, detectable but low concentrations of PFOS were noted in
the balancing lagoons, at the Maylands outfall and in the River Ver downstream of
the outfall. In addition, there was an increase in zinc above background
39 PFOS was identified at all monitoring points, including in the River Colne. The
PFOS concentrations, however, were less than the provisional water quality
threshold concentration specified by the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) and no
identifiable environmental consequences have been observed in the river habitat.
40 Levels of PFOS started to drop in the River Ver in the middle of January, falling
below detectable limits in February. The flow of water from the Maylands outfall
stopped in February. However, the water that remains within this lagoon has low
concentrations of PFOS.


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Ground water
41 The Buncefield Depot and the immediate surrounding area are positioned on a
variable layer of clay with flints over Upper Chalk. The clay with flints layer is
classified as a low permeability surface deposit and is believed to be present at a
variable thickness of between 2 and 10 m. This layer should inhibit the vertical and
lateral migration of contaminants and protect the chalk aquifer below, where
present in sufficient depth.
42 The Upper Chalk is classified as a major aquifer, which provides water supplies
regionally. The Depot is located within the catchment of a ground water abstraction
point located to the south and east of the depot. Ground water is present typically
at a depth of 45 m below ground level and flow is generally towards the southeast. Natural holes in the chalk rocks, which allow quicker than normal water
migration, may be present, but none have been positively identified in the
Buncefield area. Ground water is water held naturally in the chalk rocks
underground. This can be abstracted for drinking water and other purposes.
43 Regional ground water in the vicinity of the Buncefield site flows to the south
east but there are possibly some local variations or preferential flow along dry
valleys that may put Bow Bridge, Mud Lane/Holywell and Hunton Bridge pumping
stations at a higher risk of contamination.
44 Ground water and ground water abstraction boreholes have been monitored
up to 9 km surrounding the site. These include six pumping stations operated by
Three Valleys Water Company, two private boreholes and a number of Environment
Agency monitoring sites.
45 Three new observation boreholes have been drilled closer to the Buncefield site
to provide early detection of any ground water pollution: Butlers Farm (between
Buncefield and Bow Bridge Pumping Station); Breakspear House (south of
Buncefield); and Hogg Lane (on the east boundary of Buncefield see Figure 16).
This is part of an ongoing monitoring regime that will provide further boreholes
surrounding the site. They have each been sampled once, along with drinking
water boreholes, and analysed for pollutants.

Figure 15 Picture of
Maylands Tank outfall into
River Ver


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Figure 16 Map of ground water boreholes

Figure 17 A new borehole

at Cherry Tree Lane


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Results of monitoring
46 It is too early to rule out potential contamination of the ground water, as it can
take many months or years for water to drain through the ground into the chalk
aquifer. Overall, the results received to date do not suggest any identifiable
contamination pattern which is directly attributable to pollution from the incident.
47 A limited number of results have indicated the presence, at limits just above
detection, of PFOS and other contaminants such as oil or polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons. These results need to be considered in relation to the overall
picture for the whole of the aquifer, especially as the ground-water flow has not
been established.
48 The 42 m deep borehole located on the Chevron/Texaco lorry park on the
Buncefield site, south of HOSL West has been sampled (see paragraph 28). Initial
results indicate fuel is present at low concentrations. It is not yet known if this
contamination is historic or a result of the incident. Investigations continue.
49 The four points of ground penetration around the perimeter of the site reported
in paragraph 29 are being investigated. Some of the chambers and deep
boreholes associated with these entry points may contain contaminants from the
Drinking water
50 The closest drinking water abstraction point to the Buncefield site is the Bow
Bridge pumping station approximately 3 km due east. Drinking water was not
being pumped from here prior to the incident and the station remains out of
operation as a precautionary measure. As a further safeguard, non-return valves
have been fitted to prevent any possible backflow of water from the site. Changes
have also been made to the supply arrangements to ensure drinking water
supplies are maintained. The other drinking water abstractions are located in a ring
around Buncefield at a distance of more than 5 km.
51 Water supply in the area is the responsibility of Three Valleys Water Company
which has the detailed operational knowledge required to manage the local
response. The regulation of drinking water quality is the responsibility of DWI.
52 Three Valleys Water Company and DWI are working closely together to ensure
that drinking water supplies remain of the highest quality. Water companies treat
and monitor the quality of water before it is distributed to the public as drinking
water, thus providing reassurance of its quality.
Land investigations
53 Investigations to assess the extent of land contamination started in February
2006 along Cherry Tree Lane. Trial pits were excavated at points along the Lane
and on site and a number of samples taken for laboratory analysis. The locations
of the trial pits are indicated in Figure 18.
54 The initial findings indicate that the surface layer of the soils, the top 30 cm
approximately, was contaminated with fuel and fire-fighting products. No visible
free product was detected in any of the trial pits at depth. PFOS, hydrocarbons
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been reported in the laboratory


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Figure 18 Location of trial


Disposal of fire water

55 All contaminated fire water has been removed from the site and is being safely
and securely stored at a number of sites around the country. Thames Water holds
the largest quantities. There are approximately twelve million litres at Maple Lodge
Sewage Treatment works near Rickmansworth and four million litres at Blackbirds
Treatment near Radlett.

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

56 The disposal of these fire waters is the responsibility of the oil companies. The
Environment Agency await definitive risk assessments from the companies on their
proposed best practicable disposal options to avoid risk of contamination of the
57 Rainfall will give rise to more contaminated water within the Buncefield site.
This will be contained on site before being safely removed.

1.3 Progress with other aspects of the major investigation

Acting on regulatory advice (Investigation term of reference two)
58 HSE issued an alert to fuel depot operators on 21 February 2006 in response
to the first progress report to the Board, seeking a response from depot operators
by Easter 2006. The Competent Authority has also begun a programme of depot
inspections targeting the key findings in the first progress report. A report of the
programmes findings is expected in late May. This will be of importance in
improving the control of major hazards at fuel depots.
Working with others and communities (Investigation term of reference four)
59 Lord Newton has written to other agencies and authorities that may undertake
reviews of the Buncefield incident. The investigation team is actively engaged with
communities and businesses in the Buncefield area. See Part 2 of this progress
report for further information on this aspect.
Report to the European Commission (Investigation term of reference seven)
60 A report has been sent to the European Commission by the Competent
Authority to discharge a responsibility under the Control of Major Accident Hazards
(COMAH) Regulations 1999.


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Part 2 Current business and community

61 Four months on from the incident, the local community is still facing a variety of
difficulties. In these challenging circumstances both individuals and businesses
have demonstrated remarkable resilience.
62 The incident has had significant impact on some individuals day-to-day lives,
leading to changed circumstances, including in some cases unemployment. These
factors contribute to heightened levels of stress and anxiety.
63 A number of properties that sustained significant structural damage are still
being repaired, and in some cases residents are as yet unable to return home.
64 Many businesses forced to relocate away from Maylands Estate in the
immediate aftermath of the incident are still facing challenges to deliver pre-incident
levels of service. Some businesses based beyond Maylands have seen an
associated drop in their levels of business.
65 The uncertain future of the Buncefield Oil Depot continues to cause concern to
local businesses, employees and residents.
66 Dacorum Borough Council is working with community and voluntary sector
organisations to provide a wide range of services, including advisory and training,
to people affected by the incident. Business advice and support is being provided
by both the Council and Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce.
67 Board members have also met with local residents at Woodhall Farm and at
Leverstock Green and will repeat the exercise at Adeyfield. A meeting with the
Maylands business community will take place in April. The investigation team and
Members of the Board have also met with representatives from Dacorum Borough
Council, St Albans District Council and Hertfordshire County Council, as well as
with Mike Penning (the local Member of Parliament), local councillors, Hertfordshire
Police and Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service.
68 The investigation team and Dacorum Borough Council are working to ensure
progress with the investigation is widely available to residents and businesses.
Details of the first progress report were explained in Council newsletters to
residents and business, such as Dacorum Digest, Buncefield Update and Business
Update. The investigation team will continue to look for new and more effective
means of communicating with people and businesses affected by the Buncefield
69 An Investigation website contains useful information about the Investigation and
the Board at www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk.
70 Further meetings with residents and businesses in these areas will be arranged
as the investigation progresses.


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Part 3 Further work

3.1 Explosion and fire
71 The investigation priority is to establish how the fuel escaped from the vicinity of
the HOSL site, and vapourised to form a flammable mixture that subsequently ignited
with devastating results. Digital and other records, physical tracing of control systems,
valve positions and other work on site, analysis of fuel samples and modelling of
vapour formation under the prevailing conditions are therefore top priorities.
72 It is hoped that enough of the work will be completed within a month of publishing
this second progress report to enable a further, third progress report to be made to
the Board that describes with confidence how the fuel escaped and vapourised.
73 In parallel, further lines of investigation have been established. These include:

pursuing information on other incidents of an apparently similar nature to

Buncefield from around the world;
completing an assessment of the extent of damage off site;
modelling the ignition mechanism that generated massive overpressure from an
apparently unconfined vapour cloud;
modelling the dispersion of the flammable vapours; and
development and propagation of the explosion.

74 Separately, work to ascertain why control of fuel was lost forms a continuing and
key part of the primary investigation.

3.2 Environmental impact

75 The site drainage system was initially built when the site was commissioned in
1968 and has developed over the intervening years. A system of surface water drains
and porous land-drains is evident but not yet fully mapped. A detailed examination of
the site drainage system is underway. This will help to better define
the flows during the incident.
76 Sampling of surface water will continue to monitor the potential effects of the
Buncefield incident on surrounding watercourses (eg rivers and ponds).
77 Ground water monitoring by sampling of drains, subsurface chambers, pits and
boreholes will continue. New boreholes will be sunk as further improved knowledge
emerges of the drainage pathways from the site.
78 Analysis of fuel samples to get a fingerprint has not yet been completed but it is
one of the key steps in ascertaining whether contamination is a result of the incident
(eg in determining whether the low-level contamination in the borehole sited in the lorry
park south of the HOSL West site is new or historic).
79 Off-site, sampling of soil, sediment, and other materials, and CCTV examination of
the drains around the perimeter of the Buncefield site is also continuing to develop a
greater understanding of drainage and contamination.
80 DWI and Three Valleys Water Company will continue to work together to maintain
supplies of high-quality drinking water.
81 The site operators are developing plans for the safe and environmentally sound
disposal of fire water and other pollutants that have been removed to storage off site.

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Annex 1 Further information

Useful links
Buncefield Investigation
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation
Marlowe Room, Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge
London, SE1 9HS
Tel: 020 7717 6909
Fax: 020 7717 6082
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk
Business support
Dacorum Business Contact Centre
Tel: 01442 867 805
Business Link Helpline
Tel: 01727 813 813
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Tel: 01727 813 680
Residents support
Dacorum Community Trust Mayors Fund
To apply, call the freephone helpline on 0800 131 3351. Lines are open from
9 am 6 pm, 7 days a week.
Dacorum Borough Council
Tel: 01442 228 000
Citizens Advice Bureau
Hemel Hempstead Citizens Advice Bureau, based in Hillfield Road, offers free,
impartial, practical and confidential advice on a range of subjects.
Local authorities and emergency services
Dacorum Borough Council
Tel: 01442 228 000
St Albans District Council
Tel: 01727 866 100
Hertfordshire County Council
Tel: 01483 737 555
Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Hertfordshire Constabulary
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Tel: 01727 813 680
Government links
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Fire and Resilience Directorate: www.odpm.gov.uk
Government Office for the East of England
Environment Agency
Department of Trade and Industry
Oil and Gas Directorate: www.og.dti.gov.uk
Health and Safety Executive
Hazardous Installations Directorate: www.hse.gov.uk/hid
Control of Major Accident Hazards: www.hse.gov.uk/comah
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Health Protection Agency
Food Standards Agency
Drinking Water Inspectorate
Industry links
United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA)
Tel: 020 7240 0289
Chemical Industries Association
Tel: 020 7834 3399
Other useful sources of information
Dacorum Borough Council Digest newsletter, available monthly
Dacorum Borough Council Buncefield Update Newsletter


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Annex 2 Investigation terms of reference


To ensure the thorough investigation of the incident, the factors leading up to it,
its impact both on and off site, and to establish its causation including root

To identify and transmit without delay to duty holders and other appropriate
recipients any information requiring immediate action to further safety and/or
environmental protection in relation to storage and distribution of hydrocarbon

To examine the Health and Safety Executives and the Environment Agencys
role in regulating the activities on this site under the COMAH Regulations,
considering relevant policy guidance and intervention activity.

To work closely with all relevant stakeholders, both to keep them informed of
progress with the investigation and to contribute relevant expertise to other
inquiries that may be established.

To make recommendations for future action to ensure the effective

management and regulation of major accident risk at COMAH sites. This
should include consideration of off-site as well as on-site risks and consider
prevention of incidents, preparations for response to incidents, and mitigation
of their effects.

To produce an initial report for the Health and Safety Commission and the
Environment Agency as soon as the main facts have been established.
Subject to legal considerations, this report will be made public.

To ensure that the relevant notifications are made to the European


To make the final report public


The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

Annex 3 Site maps

Crown copyright
all rights reserved,
HSE 100021025 2006

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report

The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) is responsible for health and safety
regulation in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive and local authorities are
the enforcing authorities who work in support of the HSC. Both are statutory
bodies, established under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
The Environment Agency is the lead regulator in England and Wales with
responsibility for protecting and enhancing the environment. It was set up by the
Environment Act 1995 and is a non-departmental public body, largely sponsored
by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the
National Assembly for Wales (NAW). The Environment Agencys prime
responsibilities include flood risk management, tackling pollution incidents, reducing
industrys impact on the environment, restoring and improving rivers, coastal
waters, contaminated land, and wildlife habitats. The Environment Agency also
advises on sustainable drainage, water conservation and management, planning
issues, nature conservation and waste management.

A water-bearing stratum of porous rock, gravel or sand


A cylindrical shaft drilled into the ground, often for geological

exploration or extraction


An enclosure designed to contain fluids should they escape from

the tank or vessel inside the bund


The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999

Regulations (COMAH). See Annex 1

COMAH sites

Sites to which the COMAH Regulations apply


The COMAH Regulations are enforced by a joint Competent

Authority comprising HSE and EA in England and Wales, and
HSE and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) in
Scotland. The Competent Authority operates to a Memorandum
of Understanding which sets out arrangements for joint working


Barriers which, in the event of a spill, can prevent spilled materials

from reaching the environment


Substances that have an adverse effect on air, water or soil


In the context of this report, a concentrate used during operations

to extinguish hydrocarbon fires

fire water

Water used during fire-fighting operations


Anything with the potential to cause harm


Pressure exerted by water


An organic chemical compound of hydrogen and carbon. There

are a wide variety of hydrocarbons such as crude oil (basically a
complex mixture of hydrocarbons), methane, propane, butane,
etc. They are often used as fuels

The Buncefield Investigation: Second progress report


A business whose premises were affected by the Buncefield



The point of discharge of water into a river, stream, pond, sea or

other water body


Abbreviation of perflourooctane sulphonate, a surfactant added

to fire-fighting foam to aid it spreading

A group of chemicals commonly found in residues from burning
coal, fuel and oil
and compounds


pool fire

A fire over a pool of fuel and/or water or other liquids


The equipment and facilities which have direct contact with the
products under normal containment (eg tanks and pipe work),
and their operation and management


Issuing Improvement or Prohibition Notices are some of the range

of means which enforcing authorities use to achieve the
broad aim of dealing with serious risks, securing compliance with
health and safety law and preventing harm. A Prohibition Notice
stops work in order to prevent serious personal injury


The likelihood that a hazard will cause a specified harm to

someone or something

safety reports

The COMAH Regulations require operators of top-tier sites to

submit written safety reports to the Competent Authority


The control of the product in the primary containment facilities

(eg the provision of tank high-level alarms to prevent loss through
overfilling) and any contingency provisions for the failure of the
primary containment. The most important of these provisions are

surface water

Water that sits or flows above land, including lakes, seas, rivers
and streams


A chemical added to fire-fighting foam which allows the foam to

form a thin sealing film over the burning fuel


The site surface and associated drainage, boundary walls, roads,

kerbs and any features such as road humps that can provide
some retention of liquids. Proper design of drainage systems will
limit loss of product out of the site and prevent lost product
permeating into the ground with the potential risk that it can
migrate to ground water, or contaminate surface waters and land


A natural or man-made channel along which water flows

The Buncefield Investigation

Third progress report

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Foreword 3
Introduction 4
Timeline of events

Part 1 Loss of fuel containment 6

1.1 Overview of Buncefield Operations 6
1.2 The escape of fuel 6
1.3 Instrumentation and control systems 7
1.4 Evidence from control systems records 8
1.5 Alarm systems testings 9
Part 2 Creation of the vapour cloud 9
2.1 Liquid behaviour during overfilling 9
2.2 Generation of hydrocarbon-rich vapour
2.3 Dispersion of vapour 12


Part 3 The explosions 14

3.1 Description 14
3.2 Ignition sources 14
3.3 Explosion development and magnitude 15
Part 4 Environmental monitoring 16
4.1 Air quality and health surveillance 16
4.2 Water quality monitoring 16
4.3 Ground water monitoring 16
4.4 Surface water 17
4.5 Impact on the environment and drinking water
4.6 Disposal of contaminated fire waters 18


Part 5 Continuing business and community issues 19

Part 6 The continuing Investigation


1 Memo to Area PIR Team Leaders from Martin Bigg, Head of Industry
Regulation, Environment Agency dated 10 April 2006 21
2 Further information 23
3 Investigation terms of reference 25
4 Site maps 26
Glossary 27

Photograph on front cover shows Tank 912 and is courtesy of

the Chiltern Air Support Unit

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

This is my third progress report into the explosions, fires and aftermath at
Buncefield. In this report I am able to explain with reasonable clarity and confidence
that Tank 912 in bund A on the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Ltd (HOSL) West site
overflowed at around 05.30 hours on 11 December while being filled at a high rate.
The environmental conditions, flow rate of fuel, and physical configurations of the
tank top and wall provide a suitable mechanism for rapid formation of a fuel-rich
vapour that flowed off site following the ground topography.
As the vapour flowed off site, driven by gravity and the formation of more vapour in
bund A, it would have mixed with more air and by the time it reached the Fuji and
Northgate car parks, may have become an almost ideal flammable mixture.
Several likely sources of ignition are discussed, a primary one on site and another
in the Northgate car park. The explosion sequence is also discussed, but here
there is far less confidence in the mechanism for the high overpressures seen and
modelling of this may take some time. Nonetheless I believe the most important
facts leading up to the explosions at Buncefield are known with reasonable
confidence and they are presented below.
Updates are also given on environmental issues, and on further contacts with local
businesses and residents, though the main focus is on the important information
about how fuel escaped and vaporised leading to the explosions.
The ongoing investigation and other work are briefly described.

Taf Powell
Buncefield Investigation Manager and Member of Buncefield Major Incident
Investigation Board

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

1 This report describes where and how fuel escaped from storage at the
Buncefield Oil Storage Depot on 11 December 2005 and how it vaporised, forming
a flammable mixture that subsequently ignited at around 06.00 that morning with
devastating consequences. It summarises the work carried out to analyse the
electronic records that were recovered from site and experimental work undertaken
by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) to explain what happened to the fuel
after it was released. So the heart of this report is a narrative, setting out the
sequence of events leading up to the explosions.
2 For the complete picture of what is now known, this report should be read in
conjunction with its predecessors, the details of which are not repeated here (see
www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk). The first progress report, published on
21 February, described in some depth the incident and emergency response. It
concluded that the escape of fuel came from the area around bund A at the north
west of the site and set out what was then known about the nature of the
explosions and fire. The second progress report, published on 11 April, focused
mainly on the environmental impact of the incident, and reported on the failure of
some of the bunds to contain the fuel, foam and fire run-off water. It also set out
the measures in hand to monitor any potential pollution levels.

Figure 1 Layout of
depot and surroundings

3 The values and other data presented in this report are subject to ongoing
rechecking as is usual in an investigation of this kind. They are presented as
indicative and should be used in that context.


Bund A






Tank 12


Buncefield Lane

Boundary Way


High Grange



Bund B



Local area







Site features

Boundary Way

depot sites




Hertfordshire Oil Storage Ltd

(West and East)

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Timeline of events
10 December 2005
Around 19.00, Tank 912 in bund A at the HOSL West site started receiving
unleaded motor fuel from the T/K South pipeline, pumping at about 550 m3/hour
(flow rates are variable within limits).
11 December 2005
At approximately midnight, the terminal was closed to tankers and a stock check
of products was carried out. When this was completed at around 01.30, no
abnormalities were reported.
From approximately 03.00, the level gauge for Tank 912 recorded an unchanged
reading. However, filling of Tank 912 continued at a rate of around 550 m3/hour.
Calculations show that at around 05.20, Tank 912 would have been completely
full and starting to overflow. Evidence suggests that the protection system which
should have automatically closed valves to prevent any more filling did not
From 05.20 onwards, continued pumping caused fuel to cascade down the side
of the tank and through the air, leading to the rapid formation of a rich fuel/air
mixture that collected in bund A.
At 05.38, CCTV footage shows vapour from escaped fuel start to flow out of the
north-west corner of bund A towards the west. The vapour cloud was about 1 m
At 05.46, the vapour cloud had thickened to about 2 m deep and was flowing
out of bund A in all directions.
Between 05.50 and 06.00, the pumping rate down the T/K South pipeline to
Tank 912 gradually rose to around 890 m3/hour.
By 05.50, the vapour cloud had started flowing off site near the junction of
Cherry Tree Lane and Buncefield Lane, following the ground topography. It
spread west into Northgate House and Fuji car parks and towards Catherine
At 06.01, the first explosion occurred, followed by further explosions and a large
fire that engulfed over 20 large storage tanks. The main explosion event was
centred on the car parks between the HOSL West site and the Fuji and
Northgate buildings. The exact ignition points are not certain, but are likely to
have been a generator house in the Northgate car park and the pump house on
the HOSL West site.
At the time of ignition, the vapour cloud extended to the west almost as far as
Boundary Way in the gaps between the 3-Com, Northgate and Fuji buildings; to
the north west it extended as far as the nearest corner of Catherine House. It
may have extended to the north of the HOSL site as far as British Pipelines
Agency (BPA) Tank 12 and may have extended south across part of the HOSL
site, but not as far as the tanker filling gantry. To the east it reached the BPA site.

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Part 1 Loss of fuel containment

1.1 Overview of Buncefield operations

Fuel products were supplied by three discrete pipeline systems:

10 pipeline (FinaLine) from Lindsay Oil Refinery on Humberside, which
terminates in the HOSL West site;
10 pipeline from Merseyside via Blisworth, (M/B North), which terminates in
the BPAs Cherry Tree Farm site;
14 pipeline from Thameside via a tee junction close to the site the Hemel
Tee (T/K South), which terminates in the BPA main site.

5 The three pipelines all operated in a similar way by transporting fuel oils and
motor spirit in discrete batches, of known volume, under pressure. These batches
were separated by an interface or buffer, which are small amounts of mixed
product. The volume of this interface mix varies dependant on the flow rate and
operating conditions prevalent while the product batches are being transported
through the pipeline.
6 On arrival at site, the batches of product were diverted into dedicated tanks for
each product type. The interface mix when it entered the site system, being a mix
of two products, was either re-injected in small quantities into the large tanks of
specific product if the product specification allowed, or it was transported back to
a refinery as slops for reprocessing.
7 The fuel stored in the tanks at Buncefield was then either transported off site in
road tankers for distribution, or in the case of the majority of aviation fuel, via two
BPA-operated 6 pipelines to London airports.

1.2 The escape of fuel

8 Evidence from CCTV footage reported in the first progress report pointed
clearly to the vapour mist emanating from bund A on the HOSL West site. The
investigation has therefore concentrated on finding out how the site was operating
in the crucial period leading up to the explosion and what was happening in the
vicinity of bund A.
9 At the time of the incident, approximately 06.00 on 11 December 2005, the
pipelines were transporting the following products into the HOSL West site:

FinaLine was delivering unleaded petrol at a flow rate of approximately

220 m3/hour into Tank 915 at HOSL West (also in bund A);
M/B North line was delivering diesel oil at a flow rate of approximately
400 m3/hour into Tank 908 in bund D;
T/K South line was delivering unleaded petrol at a flow rate of approximately
890 m3/hour into Tank 912.

10 All reasonable avenues of investigation have been and continue to be explored

but information obtained to date allows stating with some confidence that the initial
loss of containment occurred from Tank 912 in bund A, and that this was most
likely due to an overfill of unleaded petrol.
11 In order to appreciate the way the fuel escaped, it is important to understand
how the tank and its control and instrumentation systems functioned at the time.

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

eight vents
for ullage void

access hatch for

manual dip tape

servo level

independent ultimate
high level switch

ullage void

still well pipe

liquid level

floating deck on top

of petrol to control
vapour emmission

funnel for dip

flexible seal at
clearance gaps

pocket for
temperature probe


Figure 2 Basic layout of Tank 912

12 Figure 2 depicts the basic layout of Tank 912. This was a floating deck tank
whereby in addition to the fixed roof, there is a deck inside the tank which floats on
the fuel, thus minimising the emission of vapour from the fuel surface.

1.3 Instrumentation and control systems

13 Tank 912 was fitted with instrumentation that (among other things) measured
and monitored levels and temperatures of the liquid in the tank. The instruments
were connected to an automatic tank gauging (ATG) system in common with all the
other tanks on the site. Tank levels were normally controlled from a control room
using the ATG system.
14 A servo level gauge measured the liquid level. The temperature of liquid in
Tank 912 was measured using a temperature sensor.
15 The ATG system enabled the operator to monitor levels, temperatures and tank
valve positions, and to initiate the remote operation of valves all from the control
room on HSOL West site. The ATG system was also able to trend data and had an
event logging system, integrated with the alarm system. The ATG contained a large
database which recorded levels, temperatures, alarms, valve positions, and other
related information indexed against times and dates for a user-configurable period,
which can be several months. The records from this database are providing
valuable information for the investigation.

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

16 The tank also had an independent safety switch, which provided the operator with a
visual and audible alarm in the control room when the level of liquid in the tank reached
its specified maximum level (the ultimate high level). This alarm also initiated a trip
function to close valves on relevant incoming pipelines. The ultimate high level safety
switch on the tank sensed when the liquid reached its specified maximum level, should all
other alarms and controls fail to prevent this. Its purpose was to provide an alarm to
operators in the control room and to initiate automatic shutdown of delivery once the
maximum level was reached. The switch was intended to alert the control room operator
via a flashing lamp (one for each tank) and an audible buzzer. In addition, the ultimate
high level safety switch alarm signal from any overflowing tank in HOSL West would be
sent to computer control and instrumentation relating to both the FinaLine and BPA
17 When the BPA site received an alarm/trip signal from the HOSL West site, the BPA
computer control system should have closed the relevant pipeline manifold valve feeding
in product to the tank(s) on the HOSL West site. BPA also had a high-level supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, which had the facility for alarm and event
logging both locally at Buncefield and remotely at the BPA control centre at Kingsbury,
18 An override keyswitch in the HOSL West control room could be used to inhibit the
alarm/trip signal to BPA during testing of the ultimate high level safety switches. Putting
the keyswitch in the override position would illuminate a red lamp on the annunciator

1.4 Evidence from control systems records

19 Examination of the records for Tank 912 from the ATG system suggest an anomaly.
A little after 03.00 on 11 December, the ATG system indicated that the level remained
static at about two thirds full. This was below the level at which the ATG system would
trigger alarms.
20 However, the printouts from the BPA SCADA systems indicate that the T/K South
line was delivering a batch of 8400 m3 of unleaded petrol, starting around 19.00 the
previous evening (10 December). The delivery was being split between Tank 912 at the
HOSL West site and BPAs site at Kingsbury, giving a flow rate to Tank 912 of around
550 m3/hour. These SCADA printouts further indicate that approximately seven minutes
before the incident, the Kingsbury line was closed, leading to a sharp increase in the flow
rate to Tank 912 to around 890 m3/hour.
21 At the time of the incident, automatic shutdown did not take place.
22 Examination of the valve positions shown by the ATG database confirm that the inlet
valve to Tank 912, which was connected to the BPA petrol manifold, was open at the
time of the incident. Based on this evidence, it is concluded that Tank 912 was still filling
after 03.00.
23 Temperature records also provide evidence that the inflowing fuel was warmer than
the tank contents. Records for Tank 912 show the tank temperature continuing to rise
after 03.00, supporting the above conclusion that the product was still feeding into the
tank from the pipeline.
24 The evidence to date is consistent with continued filling of Tank 912 after 03.00,
despite the ATG system showing a static level reading. On the basis of calculations, Tank
912 would have been completely full at approximately 05.20, overflowing thereafter. This
timing is entirely consistent with CCTV evidence and eyewitness accounts reporting on a
dense vapour cloud at various times between 05.38 and 06.00. The overflow of unleaded
petrol would therefore have been in the order of over 300 tonnes by 06.00.

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

1.5 Alarm systems testings

25 Simulation of the ultimate high level tank alarms (from the relevant electrical
substation on site) and tests on the annunciator panel and the link to BPA prove
that they worked normally. Tests on the override switch found that it had no effect
on the audible and visual alarms from the annunciator, but it did, when switched to
override, inhibit the alarm/trip signals being sent to BPA.
26 Information from the BPA SCADA system indicates that no ultimate high level
alarm was received from HOSL West, but it has not been possible to test the
ultimate high level safety switch or intervening wiring between Tank 912 and the
substation, as they have been damaged in the fire. However, the switch has very
recently been located, but it has not yet been possible to recover it. When it is, it
will be subject to forensic examination.

Part 2 Creation of the vapour cloud

2.1 Liquid behaviour during overfilling
27 The investigation considered the effect of the floating deck arising from
overfilling of Tank 912. This deck is constructed from relatively lightweight alloy
tubes. It is unlikely that the integrity of the tank would have been breached when
this floating deck became pressed up against the top of the tank by the rising
liquid. Drawings of it show several places where fluid could flow upwards through it
with minimal backpressure. These locations include freely hinged man-ways, the
dip-tube diaphragm and the accommodation plate around the level gauge pipe.
28 Therefore overfilling of Tank 912 would have resulted in flow from the breather
holes at the top of the tank. There were eight of these, each triangular in section
with an area of 0.07 m2, as can be seen in Figure 3 which is a photograph of one
of the tanks in bund A taken shortly after construction.

Figure 3 Tank top details before the incident

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

29 CCTV records from the HOSL West site show the first appearance of a mist
from Bund A at about 05.38, supporting the view that the overflow began at
around 05.20. For most of the time between the onset of loss of containment and
ignition, the flow rate from vents would have been around 550 m3/hour.
Approximately seven minutes before the incident, shutting down of the flow from
the BPA line to Kingsbury led to a sharp increase in the rate of delivery to
Buncefield with a corresponding increase in the overflow rate.
30 To simulate a loss of containment from Tank 912, a full-scale model of one
eighth of the whole tank top, including one of the breather vents, has been built at
HSL in Buxton, Derbyshire (see Figure 4). It includes a deflector plate at the edge
of the tank top, visible in the third and fourth pictures in Figure 4. The original plate
was designed to direct water from sprinklers on the top of the tank onto the sides
of the tank to provide cooling in the event of fire engulfment. Liquid running off the
top of the tank strikes this plate and is directed back onto the side of the tank.
31 Considerable work has been carried out on this model, pumping water through
the breather hole at a flow rate equivalent to 550 m3/hour for an entire tank top.
These flows are sufficiently high that differences in viscosity and surface tension
between water and petrol will make little difference to the results as regards
observing initial flow behaviour.

Figure 4a-d Liquid flow from the breather holes on the tank top

Figure 4a

Figure 4b

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

32 These tests demonstrate that the deflector plate was effective in channelling
the majority but not all of the liquid onto the tank wall, but only spread it laterally
over approximately one third of the wall. Images captured from video records are
shown in Figure 4.

2.2 Generation of hydrocarbon-rich vapour

33 The differences in physical characteristics between water and petrol become
more important for processes of droplet formation and additional work with petrol
will be needed to investigate the subsequent behaviour of the escaped fuel. These
tests are therefore a less reliable indicator of behaviour. However, it seems likely
that the proportion of the liquid flowing over the top of the deflector plate will not
reattach to the wall. This free cascade of liquid will naturally divide into small
34 Much of the liquid directed back to the wall by the deflector plate will hit the
wind girder which can be seen running round the tank about a third of the way
down in Figure 3. It is likely that this liquid flow will be further fragmented on impact
with this girder to form a second free cascade.
35 There would be an impact zone in the bund where there is further splashing of
falling liquid. There is also likely to have been a vigorous mixing of the heavy
downward vapour flow with air.

Figure 4c

Figure 4d

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report


36 The general features of these processes during an overflow are illustrated

schematically in Figure 5.



Figure 5 Liquid flow

during overfilling of a
tank with deflector plate
and wind girder

Figure 6 Extent of burn

damage (indicated by
dotted line)


37 The conclusion of this work is that the flow is likely to be very efficiently
fragmented, and would create relatively small droplets falling freely through air
around the tank. These conditions would promote the evaporation of the lighter
chemical components of petrol, eg butanes, pentanes and hexanes.
38 The free fall of fuel droplets through the air also leads to entrainment of air and
mixing between the air and fuel vapour. Calculations based on a simplified
composition of unleaded petrol suggest that the ambient air already at 0 oC and fully
saturated with water vapour, would have cooled below zero by a further 7-8 oC from
fuel evaporation. As a result, roughly half the initial water content of the air would
precipitate as an ice mist, and this mist would persist even as the vapour is diluted.
This is consistent with the cloud of mist highly visible on CCTV cameras. It supports
the contention that the mist can be used as an indicator for determining the size of
the fuel/air vapour mixture created by the overfilling and how it was dispersed.

2.3 Dispersion of vapour

39 Aerial pictures of the site have confirmed preliminary conclusions about the
extent of the burn damage shown in Figure 5 of the first progress report. This is also
shown by the dotted line in Figure 6. This is indicative of the extent of the flammable
vapour cloud.
40 As described in the first progress report, eyewitness accounts and CCTV
footage show a white mist or thick fog on the north and west sides of the HOSL
West site, spreading out from bund A (around Tanks 910, 912 and 915). By the time
of the main explosion, the edge of this cloud had almost reached Boundary Way to
the west of bund A and wisps of mist had just started to arrive at the tanker loading
gantry to the south. To the north, it had flowed beyond Cherry Tree Lane. To the
east, the mist can be seen on CCTV at the BPA site, but not further east at the

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

HOSL East site. This is a little way beyond the extent of the burn damage shown in
Figure 6. According to witnesses, the depth of the visible mist varied from about
1 m in the area between bund A and the loading gantry to between 5 and 7 m in
Three Cherry Trees Lane.
41 In addition to defining the overall extent and location of the flammable vapour
cloud, dispersion modelling is being used to analyse how concentrations of
hydrocarbons vary within the cloud. In the meantime some features of dispersion of
the hydrocarbon-rich vapour can be deduced from observations of burn damage at
the site. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate this.
42 The telegraph pole shown in Figure 7 is in Buncefield Lane relatively close to the
wall of bund A containing Tank 912. The bottom part of the pole shows soot
blackening, characteristic of objects exposed to burning of a very rich vapour
mixture. Video records of the fire confirm that this area was not affected by the
smoke plume during the fire.
43 The tree trunk in the Northgate car park shown in Figure 8 is much further from
the site and has been exposed to an explosion propagating in a more dilute vapour
mixture with a composition close to the optimum for complete combustion. There is
no soot on exposed surfaces but the left-hand side facing the camera has been
deeply abraded by grit driven into it at high speed by the explosion. Examples of
this kind of damage were found across most of the area covered by the Northgate
and Fuji car parks.
44 Such observations of burn damage support the conclusion that additional air
mixed with the rich vapour as it flowed out across the Northgate and Fuji car parks.
This reduced the vapour concentration to the point where it could support an

Figure 7 A telegraph pole in Buncefield Lane,

showing sooting on lower half

Figure 8 Part of a tree trunk in the Northgate car park

showing abrasion


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Part 3 The explosions

3.1 Description
45 From analysis of seismic records, the British Geological Survey (BGS) has
calculated that the main explosion occurred at 06.01:32. Eyewitness accounts and
media reports refer to a very large explosion followed by a number of lesser ones.
The other explosions were not detected seismically, confirming that they were
significantly smaller than the main explosion. Because of this it is not possible to
say how many smaller explosions occurred, or much about their timing. The first of
the smaller subsequent explosions was probably some minutes after the main
explosion and probably all occurred within about half an hour. It cannot be ruled
out that there were one or more smaller explosions immediately before the main
46 The delay of some minutes between the main and subsequent explosions
suggests the latter were more likely to be due to internal tank explosions or further
release of fuel from damaged tanks and pipework, rather than further explosions of
parts of the vapour cloud.
47 For instance, part of a tank roof believed to come from Tank 910 in bund A
was found in the Northgate car park. This is consistent with an internal explosion in
the tank. It is understood that this tank was empty of liquid fuel and not in use at
the time. Internal explosions in other empty tanks or tank ullage spaces could have
accounted for the remaining explosions.

3.2 Ignition sources

48 The dispersion of vapour mixture is described earlier in Part 2.3. The extent of
the visible mist cloud by the time of the main explosion very closely matches the
extent of visible burning to vulnerable surfaces. Within this extensive area of about
80 000 m2 there would have been a number of potential ignition sources. It is not
possible to identify the ignition source for this explosion with any degree of
certainty, because of the resulting destruction of evidence. However, there are
some potential candidates.
49 There is some evidence of an internal explosion in the fire pump house, located
on the east side of the lagoon on the HOSL West site. This is indicated by the
doors, which are the only remaining part of the cladding. The left-hand door has
been blown open, and the top half of the right-hand door folded outwards. It is
believed that the pumps should have started when the emergency fire alarm was
activated just before the explosion occurred.
50 There is also evidence of an internal explosion in the emergency generator
cabin located on the south side of the Northgate Building. It is understood that
there were thermostatically controlled heaters in the cabin and the air intakes for
the diesel generator would have allowed vapour to enter the cabin. If the heaters
were switched on, the spark generated at any electrical contacts would have been
capable of igniting a surrounding flammable atmosphere. Like the pump house, the
venting of an internal explosion within the generator cabin would have also been a
very powerful ignition source.
51 Car engines are another potential source. A number of witnesses describe how
their cars began to run erratically. For at least one vehicle in Three Cherry Trees
Lane, the engine continued to race even after the ignition had been turned off and
the driver had left the vehicle.


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

52 Other sources of ignition cannot be ruled out, given that off site there would
have been no precautions in place to control ignition sources. There is also the
possibility that there were near-simultaneous ignitions at a number of locations.

3.3 Explosion development and magnitude

53 A preliminary assessment of the blast damage has been carried out. Estimates
have been made of the overpressures required to cause the observed damage,
based on the published tables derived from wartime bomb damage and solid
explosive and nuclear bomb testing. Due to the very different characteristics of a
blast wave produced by a vapour cloud explosion, there is considerable uncertainty
in the estimated overpressures, and work is ongoing to resolve these uncertainties.
But it is clear from a purely qualitative assessment of the damage that the highest
overpressures were generated in the area of the Northgate and Fuji car parks.
54 Subject to these uncertainties, the current best estimates of the overpressures
are of the order of:

7001000 mbar in the Northgate and Fuji car parks, leading to extensive
damage to adjacent buildings;
decaying to 710 mbar at 2 km distant, causing breakage of some windows in
local homes and premises.

55 The magnitude of the overpressures generated in the open areas of the

Northgate and Fuji car parks is not consistent with current understanding of vapour
cloud explosions. For example, a method in current usage would predict
overpressures in this sort of environment of 2050 mbar. The investigation has, so
far, been unable to establish why the ignition of the vapour cloud and the explosion
propagation in the relatively uncongested environment of the adjacent car parks
caused significant overpressures that produced the severe damage to property.

Figure 9 Showing main and secondary explosion propagation







Tank 12

Buncefield Lane


Boundary Way


High Grange

Bund B


r ry






Boundary Way




Bund A





The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

56 Furthermore there is evidence, from erosion/abrading on just one side of posts

and tree trunks, of a powerful explosion having propagated northwards across the
Northgate and Fuji car parks, as shown in Figure 8. The movement of objects like
fence posts, tree branches etc indicate explosions of lesser magnitude having
propagated through other areas bordering on the Buncefield site. The directions of
explosion propagation are shown on Figure 9. The main explosion propagation is
shown in red with secondary effects in blue.

Part 4 Environmental monitoring

4.1 Air quality and health surveillance
57 The second progress report explained that the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is planning to publish a report on Initial review of air
quality aspects of the Buncefield Oil Depot explosion in May, and this is still the
case. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) is also closely involved with this work.
DEFRA and HPA are continuing to keep the Investigation Board informed of
progress with their findings.

4.2 Water quality monitoring

58 In the period from 12 December 2005 and up until 19 April, 125 river water
samples and 76 ground water samples have been taken as part of a monitoring
programme. On site, 190 solid and liquid samples from bunds, tanks, boreholes,
lagoons and outfalls have been taken.
59 These samples were monitored for fuels and fire-fighting foam, or other
chemicals which act as indicators for them. The indicators for foam include fluorosurfactants including perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) and zinc.

4.3 Ground water monitoring

60 Ground water and ground water abstraction boreholes have been monitored
up to 9 km from the site, including six pumping stations operated by Three Valleys
Water Company. Private boreholes have been sampled in a wider survey of the
ground water for contamination, but not as part of the routine programme.
61 Three new observation boreholes have been drilled closer to the Buncefield site
to provide an early detection of any ground water pollution: Butlers Farm (between
Buncefield and Bow Bridge pumping station); Breakspear House (south of
Buncefield) and Hogg End Lane (on the east boundary of Buncefield). This is part of
an ongoing regime of monitoring that will provide further boreholes in the vicinity of
the site.
62 In addition to the observation boreholes, two new ones have been installed in
the vicinity of Tank 12, in the northern part of the site, to determine the level of
ground water and any contamination. The first of these has been installed adjacent
to the Cherry Tree Lane deep road drain. A second new borehole has been
installed to the north west of Tank 12, which is believed to be upstream of the
Cherry Tree Lane road drain.
63 The location of the monitoring borehole network was provided in the second
progress report.


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Results of ground water monitoring

64 Some results from the samples, taken from the ground water monitoring
network, have shown very low levels of PFOS. Follow-up samples however, have not
always shown PFOS to be still present. It is therefore not possible to draw
conclusions as to the extent and origin of the PFOS. Further monitoring is continuing
to establish if the results are directly attributable to the incident.
65 The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) has established an advisory level for
PFOS in drinking water of no greater than 3 micrograms/litre. This advice follows
consultation with health professionals at HPA. HPA has stated that: It appears
unlikely that a lifetimes consumption of drinking water containing concentrations up
to 3 micrograms/litre would harm human health. In all cases, the levels at which
PFOS has been detected has been below this advisory level.
66 Fuel products, fuel-related contaminants and surfactants have been detected in
soakaways, boreholes and chambers in the verges of Cherry Tree Lane.
67 Latest results suggest that the fuels and fire waters that formed a large pool in
Cherry Tree Lane during the incident have passed into the deep road drain, and from
there into the underlying water table. The extent of the movement of this pollution off
the site will be the focus for the continuing investigations.
68 Work is continuing to characterise the contaminants found to establish if they
relate to the loss of containment during this incident.

4.4 Surface water

69 Extensive sampling of surface water around the site continues to assess the
environmental impact of the incident. The samples have been sent to Environment
Agency laboratories around the country for analysis.
70 Monitoring of surface water has concentrated on the River Ver as it received
surface water from the Buncefield site. Two balancing tanks which provided a buffer
to prevent uncontrolled surges of water, known as the Maylands and Redbourn
lagoons, received surface water from the site and the surrounding area. These tanks
subsequently discharged into the River Ver and River Red respectively.
71 The River Ver was monitored daily in the first two weeks after the incident. Two
sites were tested, one upstream and one downstream of the Maylands tank outfall.
Additionally, the balancing tanks and outfalls were subject to daily sampling and
analyses. The initial focus was directed to oil contamination and fire-fighting foam,
which could have caused oil pollution and as the foam degraded, oxygen depletion.
This could have impacted on the ability of fish and other organisms to live in the river.
72 Two additional monitoring sites were sampled routinely on the River Ver at the
end of December, downstream of St Albans, 7 and 11 km downstream of the
Maylands outfall.
73 These sites were sampled for oils and fluoro-surfactants such as PFOS.
Results of surface water monitoring
74 No direct impact of the loss of containment was found in the first days after the
incident. By the third day of the incident, low concentrations of PFOS were noted in
the balancing lagoons, at the Maylands outfall and in the River Ver downstream of
the outfall. In addition, there was an increase in zinc levels above background
concentrations (zinc is often used together with PFOS in fire-fighting foams).

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

75 PFOS concentrations started to drop in the River Ver in the middle of January,
one month after the incident, to below detectable levels in February. Occasionally,
low concentrations of surfactants are found in the River Ver. The flow of water from
the Maylands outfall stopped in February. The Redbourn outfall started to flow in
February, with low concentration of PFOS, feeding into the River Ver. The
Maylands tank contains low PFOS concentrations. Results to date indicate the
levels to be generally below the DWI advisory limit (3 micrograms/litre).
76 PFOS has been identified at all monitoring points, including during a survey on
the River Colne. The PFOS concentrations, however, have not exceeded the DWI
advisory limit and no identifiable environmental consequences have been observed
in the river habitat. More recently, fluoro-surfactants (other than PFOS), which may
be associated with fire-fighting foam, have been detected in the river at low

4.5 Impact on the environment and drinking water

77 Although there have been elevated levels of surfactants and other
contaminants found in the surface waters in the proximity of the Buncefield site,
there has been no evidence (to date) of an adverse impact to the environment. The
results from the monitoring to date are below levels that would cause concern to
the health of humans or wildlife. Monitoring will continue for the foreseeable future.
78 Public drinking water supply in the area is the responsibility of Three Valleys
Water Company, which has the detailed operational knowledge required to
manage the local response. The regulation of public drinking water quality is the
responsibility of DWI. Both Three Valleys Water Company and DWI are working
closely together to ensure that drinking water supplies remain of the highest quality.
79 The monitoring boreholes that have shown evidence of fuel and fire water
contamination are not used to abstract water for drinking water purposes. The
nearest drinking water abstraction point operated by Three Valleys Water
Company, some 3 km from the Buncefield site, has not been used for abstraction
since the incident in December.
80 The purpose of the Environment Agency monitoring is to determine the severity
and extent of ground water contamination and advise on any remediation that may
be necessary. The Environment Agency is in regular contact with Three Valleys
Water Company and should there be evidence that pollution is migrating towards
any of its abstraction boreholes, the Environment Agency will advise Three Valleys
Water Company so that they can put in place appropriate measures to safeguard
the quality of drinking water supplies.

4.6 Disposal of contaminated fire waters

81 The contaminated fire waters have been removed from the site and are being
safely stored at a number of sites around the country. The largest single storage
site is at the Thames Water Maple Cross Sewage Treatment Works.
82 The fire waters are a mixture of water, oils and fire-fighting foam.
83 The oil companies are responsible for the safe disposal of the fire waters. They
are continuing to investigate suitable techniques. The Environment Agency is
responsible for ensuring that any proposals will provide proper protection of the


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

84 The current storage does not present a significant environmental risk and
measures are in place to protect the environment.
85 In response to the significant loss of primary and secondary containment
after the incident, the Environment Agency issued specific advice to its officers to
ensure that operators have assessed and provided suitable containment, primarily
bunding (secondary containment) at fuel depots over the next three months.
Some of these investigations will take place at the same time as Competent
Authority (HSE and Environment Agency) investigations, following the safety alert
issued to industry by HSE following publication of the first progress report
(see www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk). A copy of the Environment Agency
advice is at Annex 1.

Part 5 Continuing business and community

86 Both local residents and businesses affected by the incident continue to a face
a variety of difficulties.
87 At this time a number of residents have still not been able to return to their
homes. The continuing uncertainty about the future of the depot is a cause of
anxiety and stress to those living in the area. Businesses and residents are also
concerned to know the root causes of the explosions and fires as soon as
88 Investigation Board members met the Maylands Business Network in April, to
listen to views and concerns of the local business community. Some businesses
continue to have challenging operating conditions and face difficult decisions about
whether to reinstate their premises.
89 According to a recent report, around 100 official redundancies have occurred
since December, although it is likely that further jobs have been lost but have been
unreported. A variety of agencies are working towards the recovery of the area.
The Maylands Task Force, a group of key business leaders and local agencies, is
seeking to rejuvenate and develop the area. A number of high profile companies
have committed to remain while longer-term decisions about whether to rebuild
their previous buildings are made.
90 In late May, Board members will be meeting with local residents in Adeyfield,
and follow-up meetings with residents at Woodhall Farm and Leverstock Green will
be arranged in the near future. In June, Board members will be represented at the
Young Peoples Forum to hear the views and concerns of local school children.


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Part 6 The continuing Investigation

91 The investigation team will continue investigation of the computer records and
testing and examination of the wiring and instrumentation circuits that remain after
the fire. In particular, the team wish to establish why the safety switch and
associated trip instrumentation of Tank 912 did not prevent an overfill. The team
will then be looking at factors that may have contributed to any underlying causes
to the incident.
92 Additional work will be carried out at HSL to measure what proportion of the
liquid flows over the deflector plate and what proportion is brought back to the
wall, and to investigate other factors associated with vapour cloud formation and
93 Further detailed work is still being considered in order to ascertain why the
ignition of the vapour cloud and explosion propagation in the relatively
uncongested environment of the adjacent car parks caused significant
overpressures that produced the severe damage to property.
94 Investigations into the loss of control of the fuel in Tank 912 continue apace.
95 The evidence obtained to date supports the initial conclusions regarding the
physical process and the mechanisms that led to the explosions, while not yet
understanding why the main explosion was so violent. Term of Reference 5
requires recommendations to be made for future action to ensure the effective
management and regulation of major accident risk at COMAH sites. The
investigation is in a position, subject to ongoing inquiries, to direct attention to the
effective management and regulation of both the on-site and off-site major accident
risks presented by such sites. This work will include the prevention of incidents,
preparation for response to incidents, and mitigation of their effects. The
investigation will pursue those issues in order to assist the Investigation Board to
make its Initial Report to the Health and Safety Commission and the Environment
Agency in line with its Terms of Reference.


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Annex 1
Memo to Area PIR Team Leaders from Martin Bigg,
Head of Industry Regulation, Environment Agency dated
10 April 2006
On 11 April 2006 the Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board (BMIIB) will
publish its second progress report on the investigation. This memo identifies
actions to be taken by Environment Agency staff with responsibility for the
regulation of oil/fuel storage sites under the COMAH Regulations.
At this stage nothing can be said in relation to the causes leading to the loss of
primary containment. Some information relating to issues of secondary and tertiary
containment will be made available, though it is recognised that not all the details,
which would be normally be used to inform inspections, will be available.
Given this situation, at this stage, our actions should be limited to a basic risk
assessment of the secondary and tertiary containment measures across the sector,
with the aim of identifying those sites with obvious basic deficiencies. This basic
risk screening will inform further inspection and actions when conclusions from the
Buncefield investigation are known.
Second progress report
In summary the BMIIB second progress report raised the following points regarding
secondary and tertiary containment:
Secondary containment

While the concrete bunds substantially remained standing, their ability to

contain fuel and fire water was lost due to damage to the sealant in the
construction and expansion joints;
sealant around penetrating pipework was also lost resulting in leakage;
seepage through the walls of the concrete bunds also occurred; and
the concrete panels forming the floor of the bunds underwent significant heave,
opening up holes and cracks which acted as a pathway for fuel and fire water
into the environment.

Tertiary containment

Following loss of containment, fuel and fire water found numerous pathways
into the environment. These included a number of shallow boreholes and one
deep borehole within the site and flow across site roadways and overtopping of
kerbs onto public roads and consequent escape via surface water gullies.

Implications for the programme of sector inspections

The key issues to be addressed by Environment Agency staff within the next three
months are listed below. Where inspections have already taken place, either by
joint teams of inspectors from the HSE and the Environment Agency or unilaterally
by either, please review the findings of these inspections against the key issues.

Are the tanks holding oil/fuel within a bund or bunds of such integrity that they
would contain any leak of the tank and fire water, and prevent loss including
into the ground?

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report



Is the bund capacity at least 110% of largest tank in the bund or at least 25% of
all the tanks in the bund?
Is the bund capable of holding the significant volumes of imported fire water
used during an incident for either direct fire fighting and/or cooling of adjacent
Is the bund design sufficiently robust to remain serviceable following a pool fire
that may last for a considerable period of time? This assessment should take
account of whether sealants1 and waterstops2 have been used as part of the
construction and expansion joints.
Is there any pipework penetrating the bund which could cause the containment
to fail including when subject to fire?
Given that pumps and powered valves will be lost if site power is lost due to fire
or explosion, the behaviour of liquids flowing under gravity should be
considered. This includes the loss of liquids from secondary containment. Has a
study been made of the directions and volumes of flow and are provisions in
place to contain these liquids within the boundaries of the site?
Has an assessment been made of drainage paths to the environment and are
the plans available to the off-site emergency response teams? This should
include all on-site and near-off-site drainage and its relationship to the surface
water systems, geology and hydrogeology.

Please contact Mark Maleham (Tel: 0117 914 2813) if clarification is required.
Martin G Bigg
Head of Industry Regulation


British Standard BS 6213: 2000 Selection of construction sealants. Guide (First

published May 1982 Second edition July 2000) British Standards Institution
ISBN 0 580 33168 7

Waterstops are preformed strips of durable impermeable material that are wholly or
partially embedded in the concrete during construction. BS 8007: 1987 Code of practice
for design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids British Standards
Institution ISBN 0 580 16134 X

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Annex 2 Further information

Useful links
Buncefield Investigation
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation
Marlowe Room, Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge
London, SE1 9HS
Tel: 020 7717 6909
Fax: 020 7717 6082
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk
Business support
Dacorum Business Contact Centre
Tel: 01442 867 805
Business Link Helpline
Tel: 01727 813 813
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Tel: 01727 813 680
Residents support
Dacorum Community Trust Mayors Fund
To apply, call the freephone helpline on 0800 131 3351. Lines are open from
9.30 am 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Dacorum Borough Council
Tel: 01442 228 000
Citizens Advice Bureau
Hemel Hempstead Citizens Advice Bureau, based in Hillfield Road, offers free,
impartial, practical and confidential advice on a range of subjects.
Local authorities and emergency services
Dacorum Borough Council
Tel: 01442 228 000
St Albans District Council
Tel: 01727 866 100
Hertfordshire County Council
Tel: 01483 737 555
Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Hertfordshire Constabulary
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Tel: 01727 813 680
Government links
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Fire and Resilience Directorate: www.odpm.gov.uk
Government Office for the East of England
Environment Agency
Department of Trade and Industry
Oil and Gas Directorate: www.og.dti.gov.uk
Health and Safety Executive
Hazardous Installations Directorate: www.hse.gov.uk/hid
Control of Major Accident Hazards: www.hse.gov.uk/comah
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Health Protection Agency
Food Standards Agency
Drinking Water Inspectorate
Industry links
United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA)
Tel: 020 7240 0289
Chemical Industries Association
Tel: 020 7834 3399
Other useful sources of information
Dacorum Borough Council Digest newsletter, available monthly
Dacorum Borough Council Buncefield Update Newsletter


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Annex 3 Investigation terms of reference


To ensure the thorough investigation of the incident, the factors leading up to it,
its impact both on and off site, and to establish its causation including root

To identify and transmit without delay to duty holders and other appropriate
recipients any information requiring immediate action to further safety and/or
environmental protection in relation to storage and distribution of hydrocarbon

To examine the Health and Safety Executives and the Environment Agencys
role in regulating the activities on this site under the COMAH Regulations,
considering relevant policy guidance and intervention activity.

To work closely with all relevant stakeholders, both to keep them informed of
progress with the investigation and to contribute relevant expertise to other
inquiries that may be established.

To make recommendations for future action to ensure the effective

management and regulation of major accident risk at COMAH sites. This
should include consideration of off-site as well as on-site risks and consider
prevention of incidents, preparations for response to incidents, and mitigation
of their effects.

To produce an initial report for the Health and Safety Commission and the
Environment Agency as soon as the main facts have been established.
Subject to legal considerations, this report will be made public.

To ensure that the relevant notifications are made to the European


To make the final report public.


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

Annex 4 Site maps

Crown copyright,
all rights reserved,
HSE 100021025 2006

The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report

The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) is responsible for health and safety
regulation in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive and local authorities are
the enforcing authorities who work in support of the HSC. Both are statutory
bodies, established under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
The Environment Agency is the lead regulator in England and Wales with
responsibility for protecting and enhancing the environment. It was set up by the
Environment Act 1995 and is a non-departmental public body, largely sponsored
by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the
National Assembly for Wales (NAW). The Environment Agencys prime
responsibilities include flood risk management, tackling pollution incidents, reducing
industrys impact on the environment, restoring and improving rivers, coastal
waters, contaminated land, and wildlife habitats. The Environment Agency also
advises on sustainable drainage, water conservation and management, planning
issues, nature conservation and waste management.

Automatic tank gauging system


An enclosure designed to contain fluids should they escape from

the tank or vessel inside the bund


The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999


COMAH sites

Sites to which the COMAH Regulations apply


The COMAH Regulations are enforced by a joint

Competent Authority comprising HSE and EA in England and
Wales, and HSE and the Scottish Environment Protection
Agency (SEPA) in Scotland. The Competent Authority operates to
a Memorandum of Understanding which sets out arrangements
for joint working


Barriers which, in the event of a spill, can prevent spilled

materials from reaching the environment


Substances that have an adverse effect on air, water or soil

fire waters

A mix of waters, oils and fire-fighting foam


Anything with the potential to cause harm


An organic chemical compound of hydrogen and carbon. There

are a wide variety of hydrocarbons such as crude oil (basically a
complex mixture of hydrocarbons), methane, propane, butane
etc. They are often used as fuels


A business whose premises were affected by the Buncefield



For a pressure pulse (or blast wave), the pressure developed

above atmospheric pressure is called the overpressure


Perfluorooctane sulphonate


The Buncefield Investigation: Third progress report



Issuing Improvement or Prohibition Notices are some of the

range of means which enforcing authorities use to achieve the
broad aim of dealing with serious risks, securing compliance with
health and safety law and preventing harm. A Prohibition Notice
stops work in order to prevent serious personal injury


The likelihood that a hazard will cause a specified harm to

someone or something

safety reports

The COMAH Regulations require operators of top-tier sites to

submit written safety reports to the Competent Authority

SCADA system

High-level supervisory control and data acquisition system

servo level

Measures the liquid level in tanks


The volume in the tank between the normal maximum operating

volume and when the tank is completely full of liquid

wind girder

Structural stiffening ring attached to the tank side wall

Initial Report to the Health and Safety Commission and
the Environment Agency of the investigation into the
explosions and fires at the Buncefield oil storage and
transfer depot, Hemel Hempstead, on 11 December 2005
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board

Initial Report to the Health and Safety Commission and
the Environment Agency of the investigation into the
explosions and fires at the Buncefield oil storage and
transfer depot, Hemel Hempstead, on 11 December 2005
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Crown copyright This publication may be freely reproduced, except for

advertising, endorsement or commercial purposes. First published 07/06.
Please acknowledge the source as HSE.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Executive summary


Introduction 1
Part 1 Summary of the incident and subsequent Investigation 5
M Overview of Buncefield operations 5
M Timeline of key events 7
M Emergency response to the Buncefield incident 10
M The Investigation 11
Part 2 Issues of concern arising from the Investigation to date
M Design and operation of storage sites 18
M Emergency response to incidents 21
M Advice to planning authorities 23


1 Terms of reference and progress 24
2 Members of the independent Board 27
3 Planning history of Buncefield site and neighbouring developments
4 UK petroleum refinery, pipeline and storage system 35
5 Incidents that have similarities with the Buncefield incident 37
6 Fire and explosion hazards from petrol 39
7 Product composition at Buncefield 44
8 Regulatory framework for high hazard sites 46
9 Regulation of perfluorooctane sulphonates (PFOS) 49
10 Legal considerations 51



Further information 58


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Executive summary
The terms of reference of the Investigation directed by the Health and Safety
Commission into the explosions and fires at the Buncefield oil storage and transfer
depot, Hemel Hempstead, on 11 December 2005 require an initial report to be
produced for the Health and Safety Commission and the Environment Agency
when the main facts of the incident have been established.
The independent Board set up to supervise the Investigation has previously
published three Progress Reports submitted to the Board by the Investigation
Manager. The Initial Report presents the Boards view that enough of the facts
have been established, as described in the Progress Reports, to set out with
reasonable confidence the sequence of events leading to the incident on
11 December. This also allows the Board to identify several issues of concern for
the effective regulation of fuel storage sites such as Buncefield.

Summary of the incident and subsequent investigation

The Initial Report summarises and updates material from the Progress Reports on
the nature of operations at Buncefield, the timeline of key events, the emergency
response and the progress of the Investigation. Evidence shows that the main
explosion probably resulted from the ignition of a vapour cloud emanating from
Tank 912 in Bund A in the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited West site, most likely
resulting from an overfill of unleaded petrol. The probable mechanism for the
creation of the vapour cloud is described, though uncertainty remains about why
the explosion was so violent.
Main findings since the publication of the Third Progress Report relate to the
functioning of the systems used to shut down fuel delivery when a tank is full; the
likely composition of the fuel released from Tank 912; and the ongoing monitoring
of the environmental impact of the incident, particularly in relation to
groundwater contamination. In this last regard, the incident has now been declared
a Major Accident to the Environment (MATTE). The Investigation continues.

Issues of concern arising from the Investigation to date

Though knowledge of the Buncefield incident is still incomplete, enough is known
for the Board to draw broad conclusions about the need for action in three areas:

Design and operation of storage sites.

Emergency response to incidents.
Advice to planning authorities.

Design and operation of storage sites

The Buncefield incident involved failures of the means provided to contain fuel and
water used in fire-fighting (known as fire-water) at three levels: primary,
secondary and tertiary. The paramount need is to ensure the integrity of the
primary means of containment, ie to make sure that fuel does not escape from the
vessels in which it is normally contained. Further precautions need to be
considered to prevent this happening and, should it still occur, to inhibit the
formation of a flammable vapour.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

This does not however lessen the need for effective secondary and tertiary
containment (bunds and drains, mainly) that prevent pollutants from escaping the
site and contaminating the environment should primary containment be lost.
Emergency response to incidents
Overall, the response to the incident was very impressive. The incident has
highlighted the need to have effective emergency arrangements, both on and off
site, in the event of a major incident of this kind. Lessons from Buncefield provide
a very important opportunity to bring about improvements in emergency
preparedness of resilience groups throughout Britain, and further afield. There are
a number of reviews into the effectiveness of the emergency response to Buncefield
being carried out by the agencies concerned, and the Board intends to return to
this important area in the future.
Advice to planning authorities
The Buncefield incident poses fundamental questions about residential and
commercial developments around sites like Buncefield. Continuing uncertainty in
this area creates serious problems for local communities, particularly those directly
affected by the Buncefield incident. This is a complex issue requiring a balance to
be made between the risks and benefits of development. The Board intends to
address these issues in detail once the preliminary conclusions of HSEs current
review of its advice to planning authorities are known.
A measured approach is justified since the likelihood of a similar explosion
remains low, and should be made lower still by a programme of actions designed
to increase the reliability of primary containment. In our view, the importance of
reaching conclusions that are considered, costed and sustainable greatly outweighs
any benefit that might be derived from coming to summary judgements.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

1 This report is the initial report required by the terms of reference of the
Investigation into the explosions and fires at the Buncefield oil storage and transfer
depot, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire on 11 December 2005.1 The Investigation
was directed by the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) using its powers under
section 14(2)(a) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
2 The Investigation is being carried out jointly by the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) and the Environment Agency. HSC appointed an independent
Investigation Board, chaired by Lord Newton of Braintree, to supervise this
investigation.2 This report has been prepared by the Investigation Board, based on
information arising from the continuing HSE/Environment Agency Investigation.
Throughout the Investigation, the Board has been supplied with Progress Reports
from the Investigation Manager, Taf Powell, which the Board has published.3
3 This report does not repeat all the material contained in the Progress Reports,
which should be read for a fuller understanding of the Investigation up to May
2006. Part 1 summarises, and updates where necessary, key points of the
Investigation for completeness and to aid in understanding the Investigation
Boards initial conclusions set out in Part 2. The Board has included significant
new findings from the Investigation that have emerged since the publication of the
Third Progress Report on 9 May. Other new material is contained in the annexes
to this report.
4 The Investigation terms of reference require an initial report to be submitted to
HSC and the Environment Agency as soon as the main facts of the incident have
been established. The Investigation is still continuing. Nevertheless, the
Investigation Board considers that, with publication of the Third Progress Report
in May, enough facts have been established to set out with reasonable confidence
the sequence of events leading to the incident on 11 December. In particular,
enough is known for the Board to be able to identify several issues of concern for
the effective regulation of fuel storage sites such as Buncefield. As well as the main
facts of the incident, the Board has included in Part 2 of this report its emerging
thoughts about future action to address these issues of concern.

The Investigation Board plans to give further consideration to these issues.

The full terms of reference are reproduced in Annex 1. Term of reference 6 requires an
initial report.
The Members of the Investigation Board are listed in Annex 2.
Details of the three published Progress Reports are contained in Further information.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Part 1 - Summary of the

incident and subsequent
6 This section summarises information contained in the three Progress Reports to
the Board published between February and May 2006. Full details can be found in
the reports, which are available on the Investigation website.4 Where necessary, this
information has been updated in this report and supplemented by new findings
from the Investigation. Other new information is contained in the annexes,
referenced as appropriate in the text below.

Overview of Buncefield operations

7 The Buncefield oil storage and transfer depot is a large tank farm occupied by
three companies. These are: Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited, a joint venture
between Total UK Limited and Chevron Limited; United Kingdom Oil Pipelines
Limited and West London Pipeline and Storage Limited, whose site is operated by
British Pipeline Agency Limited; and British Petroleum Oil UK Limited.5 Each site
is classified as a top-tier site under the Control of Major Accident Hazards
(COMAH) Regulations 1999.6
8 Figure 1 shows the layout of the Buncefield depot and its surroundings. The
Buncefield depot forms part of a national petroleum refinery, pipeline and storage
system, described in Annex 4. Fuel products were supplied to Buncefield by three
pipeline systems:

10 pipeline (FinaLine) from Lindsey Oil Refinery on Humberside, terminating

in the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited West site;
10 pipeline from Merseyside to Buncefield (M/B pipeline), terminating in the
British Pipeline Agency Limited-operated Cherry Tree Farm site;
14 pipeline from Thames (Coryton) to Kingsbury, Warwickshire, with a spur
line to Buncefield (T/K pipeline), terminating in the British Pipeline Agency
Limited-operated main site.

9 The three pipelines all transported fuel products in discrete batches, separated
by an interface or buffer of mixed product. At the terminal, the operators
monitored the arrival of the various grades of fuel and separated them out into
dedicated tanks by fuel type. The interface of mixed fuel was diverted to special
small tanks to be reinjected into the main large storage tanks, if the fuel
specification allowed, or transported back to the refinery as slops for re-refining.


Details of the three published Progress Reports are contained in Further information.
These reports have not been revised to take account of more recent findings.
Texaco Limited became Chevron Limited on 3 July 2006.
The regulatory framework for high hazard sites, including the main requirements of
COMAH, is summarised in Annex 8.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report


Three Cherry
Trees Lane



Tank 12
Bund B

Cherry Tree Lane

Bund A
















Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Ltd (west)
Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Ltd (east)
Shell UK Oil Ltd
until April 2003.
Consent remains
British Petroleum
Oil UK Ltd

Boundary Way

British Pipeline
Agency (south)
British Pipeline
Agency (north)

Figure 1 Pre-incident layout of Buncefield

depot and immediate surroundings

100 m

200 m

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

10 The separated products left the depot either by road tanker or, in the case of the
majority of aviation fuel, via two dedicated pipelines from the British Pipeline
Agency Limited main site into the West London Pipeline system, which supplies
Heathrow and Gatwick Airports. Tankers operating from Buncefield were of 44 or
18 tonnes capacity and were increasingly operated by specialised transport operators.

Timeline of key events

10 December 2005
M Around 19.00, Tank 912 in Bund A at the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited
West site started receiving unleaded motor fuel from the T/K pipeline, pumping
at about 550 m3/hour (flow rates are variable within limits).
11 December 2005
M At approximately midnight (00.00) the terminal was closed to tankers and a
stock check of products was carried out. When this was completed at around
01.30, no abnormalities were reported. From approximately 03.00, the level
gauge for Tank 912 recorded an unchanged reading. However, filling of Tank
912 continued at a rate of around 550 m3/hour.

Calculations show that at around 05.20 Tank 912 would have been completely
full and starting to overflow. Evidence suggests that the protection system
which should have shut off the supply of petrol to the tank to prevent
overfilling did not operate. From this time onwards, continued pumping caused
fuel to cascade down the side of the tank and through the air, leading to the
rapid formation of a rich fuel/air mixture that collected in Bund A.
At 05.38 vapour from the escaping fuel is first visible in CCTV footage from a
camera looking down the western edge of Bund A, flowing out of the northwest corner of Bund A towards the west.7
At 05.46 the vapour cloud had thickened to a depth of about 2 m and was
flowing out of Bund A in all directions.
By 05.50 the vapour cloud had started flowing off site near the junction of Cherry
Tree Lane and Buncefield Lane, following the ground topography. It spread west
into Northgate House and Fuji car parks and towards Catherine House.
Between 05.50 and 06.00 the pumping rate down the T/K pipeline to
Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited West, and onwards to Tank 912, gradually
rose to around 890 m3/hour.
By 06.01 the vapour cloud extended to the west almost as far as Boundary Way
in the gaps between the 3-Com, Northgate and Fuji buildings; to the north-west it
extended as far as the nearest corner of Catherine House. It probably extended to
the north of the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited site as far as Tank 12, operated
by British Pipelines Agency Limited, and probably extended south across part of
the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited site, but not as far as the tanker filling
gantry. To the east it reached the British Pipeline Agency Limited site.
At 06.01 the first explosion occurred, followed by further explosions and a
large fire that engulfed over 20 large storage tanks. The main explosion event
appears to have been centred on the car parks between the Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Limited West site and the Fuji and Northgate buildings.

Timings deduced from CCTV footage have been corrected for any inaccurate setting of
the CCTV timers.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

At 06.08 an emergency services major incident was declared and operational

command and control was set up near the incident site within minutes.
At 09.00 Strategic Co-ordinating Group (Gold command) convened for the
first time.
An extensive plume of smoke from the burning fuel dispersed over southern
England and beyond.8 The plume could be seen from many kilometres away,
and was also clearly identified in satellite images.

12 December 2005
Noon. Peak of the fire. 25 Hertfordshire pumps were on site with 20 support
vehicles and 180 fire-fighters.

There was some loss of secondary containment, as the bunds were unable to
fully contain the escaped fuel and water used in fire-fighting (known as firewater), which overtopped (ie spilled over the top of) the bund walls.

14 December 2005
HSE assumed control of the Investigation from Hertfordshire Constabulary.


Damage to bunds caused by the intense heat of the fire caused significant loss
of secondary containment on the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited West and
British Pipeline Agency Limited sites. There was also extensive loss of tertiary
containment at the site boundaries and large amounts of contaminated liquids
escaped off site. The fire service recovered as much of the contaminated run off
as possible, but was unable to prevent contamination of groundwater and
surface water.

15 December 2005
Fire all out declared by the Fire Service.


786 000 litres of foam concentrate and 68 million litres of water (53 million
clean and 15 million recycled) were used overall to contain the incident
during the period of fire-fighting operations.
Strategic Co-ordinating Group (Gold command) convened for the last time.

16 December 2005
The on-site investigation started (the preliminary planning and information
gathering had commenced earlier). HSE issued notices to secure the site, to
ensure both that evidence was left undisturbed and that clean up operations
were conducted safely. Key parts of the site remained too dangerous for
investigators to access for weeks or months.

18 December 2005
M Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited started surveying roads and buildings on the

Monitoring by the Meteorological Office showed that the visible plume was mainly
black carbon (soot). Full details of the plume and related air quality monitoring
arrangements are given in the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs Initial review of the air quality aspects of the Buncefield oil depot explosion,
available at www.defra.gov.uk/environment/airquality/buncefield/index.htm.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

20 December 2005
M HSC formally directed HSE and the Environment Agency to investigate the
incident and to make a special report. HSE appointed Taf Powell, Director of
HSEs Offshore Division, to be the Investigation Manager. HSC also
announced the appointment of an independent Board to supervise the

The control room on the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited West site was
sufficiently structurally sound to allow entry for gathering records and other

23 December 2005
M The Investigation team, with assistance from Hertfordshire Constabulary and
Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, recovered computers from damaged
offices and placed them in safe storage.
5 January 2006
M Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service handed control of the site over to the
Investigation team. Hertfordshire Constabulary and Hertfordshire Fire and
Rescue Service continued to give invaluable support to the Investigation team
that was working to gather and secure evidence.
12 January 2006
M HSC appointed Lord Newton of Braintree to chair the independent Board.
February 2006
M All fire-water had been removed from site and stored, pending safe disposal.
The area around the loading gantry had been made safe for access and tankers,
which were present at the time of the incident, were removed.

Investigating personnel gained access to Bund A for the first time.

Internal roadways were cleared and limited work started on removing debris
from Bund A. Sampling of fuel in pipework was carried out prior to safe
disposal. As fuel residues still remained in interconnecting pipework and
damaged tanks, monitoring for flammable vapour was routinely carried out.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Emergency response to the Buncefield incident

11 The co-ordination and management framework at any incident identifies three
levels of interlinked leadership and co-ordination.9 They are:

Strategic - Gold

Tactical - Silver

Operational - Bronze

12 The emergency services (primarily the Fire and Rescue Service and the police)
led the initial response to the incident and its immediate aftermath. Representation
of all agencies deployed to resolve the Buncefield incident was established through
a meeting process known as the Strategic Co-ordinating Group, also known as
Gold command. This included the Environment Agency as a Category 1 responder
under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.10 The Strategic Co-ordinating Group
made decisions to ensure that the implementation of strategic aims was delivered
by the tactical (Silver) and operational (Bronze) commands.
13 The Strategic Co-ordinating Group had its first multi-agency meeting at 09.00
on 11 December at Hertfordshire Police Headquarters, chaired by the Police
Strategic Co-ordinating Group Commander. A decision was made at this meeting
to evacuate those with damaged homes and workplaces, and to tell everyone in the
immediate vicinity to shelter go in, stay in, tune in.
14 The Strategic Co-ordinating Group remained in place until 18:30 on Thursday
15 December.
Disposal of fire-water
15 The contaminated fire-water was removed from the site during the first three
weeks following the fire, although an unknown quantity contaminated the surface
waters and groundwater. Following the event, further contaminated water resulting
from rainfall or cleaning operations was removed from the site by tanker and
stored along with the fire-water in a number of locations around the country.
16 The fire-water remains in temporary storage, and it is important for this matter
to be resolved. The Board understands that the decontamination of fire-water on
such an unprecedented scale may require the use of several processes to render the
water suitable for its return to the environment. The oil companies are developing
options to achieve this, which will be assessed by the Environment Agency to
ensure that they have the minimum impact possible on the environment.
17 On 21 June 2006, the Environment Agency was informed that some 800 000
litres of this contaminated water had been released inadvertently from storage into
a sewage treatment plant and thereafter into the River Colne, a tributary of the
River Thames. The Environment Agency launched an investigation with the
assistance of Thames Water Utilities Limited, who operate the storage facility and
associated sewage treatment works. This investigation has yet to be concluded.



UK Resilience. Management and co-ordination of local operations, available at

Other Category 1 responders included the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and the
Strategic Health Authority. The Environment Agencys role was to minimise the risks of
environmental damage. HSE is a Category 2 responder, so during the early phase of the
incident stood ready to provide advice and expertise on request.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

The Investigation
18 Progress Reports 1-3 detail four key aspects of the Investigation, briefly
summarised below:

Loss of fuel containment.

Formation of the vapour cloud.
The explosions.
Environmental monitoring.

Loss of fuel containment

19 The first Progress Report indicated that the explosion probably resulted from
ignition of a vapour cloud emanating from the vicinity of Bund A in the
Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited West site. The Investigation Manager was
sufficiently confident in the investigation findings to state in the Third Progress
Report that the initial loss of containment which created the vapour cloud occurred
from Tank 912 in Bund A, most likely resulting from an overfill of unleaded petrol.
20 To understand how the fuel escaped, the Investigation examined how Tank 912
and its instrumentation and control systems functioned at the time. This
examination suggested further lines of inquiry, involving aspects of the automatic
tank gauging system, and the high-level alarm system. Investigators wanted to
ascertain how the gauging system performed and why automatic shutdown of
delivery did not take place as intended when the tanks ultimate high level (ie the
specified maximum capacity) was reached.
21 The Third Progress Report detailed findings about instrumentation and control
systems on Tank 912. These include the product monitoring systems both for level and
temperature, and the ultimate high-level switch, which was part of the system to prevent
overfilling of the tank. As the Third Progress Report explained, from about three hours
before the incident, the level gauge remained static, although the tank continued to fill.
22 The ultimate high-level switch should, if triggered, cause an alarm to sound
and shut down the supply of fuel to the tank. Since publication of the Third
Progress Report, most of the ultimate high-level switch from Tank 912 has been
recovered, along with other parts of the instrumentation systems on this and other
tanks, for examination.
23 Further investigation into the design of the ultimate high-level switch indicated
that the position of a test lever or plate fitted to the switch is critical to ensure
continued effective operation. While the relevance of this feature to the Buncefield
incident has still to be determined, one of the issues that has arisen from these
enquiries relates to the reliance on this type of switch at many similar installations
throughout the UK and worldwide.
24 The Competent Authority has taken action to bring this issue to the urgent
attention of operators of similar sites in the UK through a Safety Alert.11 The Alert
applies to a particular kind of switch used in ultimate high-level alarm systems.
Improvement Notices have also been issued, requiring the suppliers to contact users or
installers of these switches to alert them to this issue and provide revised instructions
and labelling on the safe use, setting, cleaning and maintenance of the switches. The
Board notes the continuing co-operation of the suppliers in that process.


Sites like Buncefield are regulated by a Competent Authority, as detailed in Annex 8.

The full text of the Safety Alert can be found on HSEs website at


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Formation of the vapour cloud

25 The Third Progress Report described extensive tests undertaken to model the
behaviour of fuel escaping from Tank 912 during overfilling. Tank 912 was fitted
with a deflector plate, installed to direct water from sprinklers on the tanks top to
its sides to provide cooling in the event of fire. The tests demonstrated that the
deflector plate channelled some of the escaped fuel onto the tank wall, but the rest
ran over the top of the plate, fragmenting into droplets that cascaded through the
air. Most of the fuel running down the wall hit a wind girder (a structural stiffening
ring) and detached from the tank wall, creating a second cascade of droplets.
26 These conditions would promote the evaporation of the lighter components of
petrol, eg butanes, pentanes and hexanes. The free-fall of droplets leads to
entrainment of air and mixing between the air and fuel vapour, and the formation
of a rich fuel/air mixture. Cooling of the surrounding air, already saturated with
water vapour by the evaporation, would cause some of the water content to
precipitate as an ice mist, which is consistent with the cloud of mist visible on
Fuel spills over deflector plate

ullage ventilation hole

Fuel is diverted toward the

tank wall by deflector plate



a s it

f a lls

Droplet fragmentation enhanced

by intersection of liquid
and vapour sprays

Air loaded with fuel vapour driven

rapidly downward by liquid spray

Increased surface area allows

volatile fractions to evaporate
and vapour gathers in bund

Liquid fuel
gathers in bund


Figure 2 The pattern of

fuel dispersion (for
illustration only)

bund wall

Not to scale

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

CCTV. The fuel/air mixture and its accompanying ice mist were heavier than air
and so were initially contained within the bund. As the volume of the mixture
grew from the continuing overfilling of the tank, it flowed out of the bund,
dispersing and flowing off site. Further mixing with the air would have reduced the
vapour concentration to the point where significant volumes of the mixture could
support an explosion.12
27 Since publication of the Third Progress Report, further work to simulate the
overflow of liquid from the full height of Tank 912 has confirmed the pattern of
fuel dispersal and vaporisation shown in Figure 2.
The explosions
28 The Third Progress Report described a number of potential ignition sources of
the main explosion that occurred at 06.01 on 11 December. The prime candidate
appears to be an explosion within the emergency generator cabin on the south side
of the Northgate building; this is consistent with the site of the main explosion
event. However, further study of the CCTV evidence shows a sudden illumination
of the east face of the Fuji building, consistent with an explosion or a flash fire at
the location of the pumphouse to the east of the lagoon on the Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Limited West site. This illumination was recorded by a camera before it
was destroyed by the overpressure, suggesting that this explosion or flash fire
occurred before the main explosion at 06.01. The pumphouse is the subject of
continuing forensic investigation.
29 Much uncertainty remains about why the explosion was so violent, generating
overpressures of a magnitude much greater than current understanding of vapour
cloud explosions would predict. For example, a method in current use would
predict overpressures of 20-50 millibar (mbar) in the open areas of the Northgate
and Fuji car parks. The current best estimates of the overpressures that actually
occurred in these areas are of 700-1000 mbar, leading to extensive damage to
adjacent buildings. Annex 6 describes the mechanics of fire and explosion hazards
from fuels such as petrol, as currently understood.
30 Continuing work relevant to gaining a better understanding of the explosion
has included extensive sampling to identify the composition of the released fuels, as
well as to verify the product distribution throughout the depot. It shows that the
released fuel probably had a butane content of 10% and consequently would have
had a high vapour pressure, ie it would be capable of evaporating rapidly to
produce a flammable vapour. The total butane content is specified in the standard,
and depends on whether the product is winter or summer grade. For winter grade
petrol the vapour pressure limits are defined as 70-100 kiloPascals (kPa) and for
summer they are reduced to 45-70 kPa. See Annex 7 for further information about
standards and fuel composition.
31 Further research is needed to try to discover the actual mechanism for
generating the unexpectedly high overpressures seen at Buncefield. The Board
refers to this again in paragraph 76, and in relation to terms of reference 1 and 5
in Annex 1.
32 The number and severity of injuries at Buncefield was low compared to some
other major incidents involving explosions, and there were no fatalities. Annex 6
provides more information about explosion overpressures, and includes tables
which show the levels of damage or injury that would normally be expected to
result from different overpressures.

The explosive properties of petrol, including the significance of vapour concentrations,

are explained in Annex 6.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Environmental monitoring
Air quality
33 An initial report on the results of the air quality monitoring and the impact of
the plume on human health and vegetation was published by the Department for
the Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in May 2006.13 Overall, the
report concluded there are unlikely to have been widespread air quality impacts at
ground level due to pollutants emitted from the Buncefield fires. It went on to say
that overall it was concluded that the fire at Buncefield Oil Depot did not result in
substantial pollution of soil and grasses and that pollutant levels were, in general,
unexceptional and typical of UK urban environments.
34 The prevailing meteorological conditions at the time of the incident and the
high buoyancy of the smoke plume from the fire resulted in most of the plume
material reaching a high altitude in the atmosphere. It then dispersed over a wide
area with minimal mixing down to ground level.
Land investigations
35 Trial pits were excavated starting in February on and surrounding the site to
assess the impact on land. The initial findings indicate that the surface layer is
contaminated with fuel and fire-fighting products.
36 The extent and degree of the contamination of the land within the Buncefield
depot is continuing to be established. Many trial pits have been excavated to
investigate the soil beneath the concrete hardstanding and under the bases of the
bunds. All of this information will inform the continuing Investigation and allow
the Environment Agency to assess the oil companies proposed remediation of the
contamination when that is formally submitted to the Competent Authority.
Surface water and groundwater monitoring
37 Extensive surface water monitoring immediately following the incident was
carried out at a number of locations, as detailed in the Second Progress Report.
Monitoring will continue for the foreseeable future at these locations to determine
any long-term effects on the aquatic environment.
38 The Environment Agency started to monitor the groundwater under and
around the Buncefield site soon after the incident. This monitoring has shown that
there is contamination of the groundwater by fire-fighting products, fuels, and
fuel-related products. This has been reported in the previous Progress Reports and
on the Environment Agency website.
39 Following the detection of contamination, the Environment Agency reviewed
the sampling locations for the existing groundwater monitoring network (details of
which were reported in the Second Progress Report) and concluded that further
monitoring boreholes were required at specified locations. Some of the new
boreholes are already installed.



This report presents and summarises the air quality measurements made during the
Buncefield incident, and includes results obtained from targeted local monitoring,
measurements from long-term monitoring networks, the modelling undertaken by the
Meteorological Office, and emissions estimates of the pollutants from the fire.
See Further information for further details.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

40 The new monitoring boreholes will ensure that the extent of pollution is
understood. Also, the increased groundwater monitoring network will improve the
understanding of flow and contaminant transport within the chalk aquifer.
41 In addition to the extensive sampling that is currently underway, the Environment
Agency is developing a groundwater conceptual model to assist in understanding the
movement of pollutants within the groundwater and aquifer so that it may assess the
likely extent of contamination. This model is a conceptual representation of the
environment (in this case an aquifer) and the interactions within it.
42 All of the above will aid the assessment of the impact of the contamination on
the environment and to human health. It will also assist in determining the best
solutions for the clean up of the groundwater and the aquifer.
Perfluorooctane sulphonates (PFOS)
43 Perfluorooctane sulphonates are a group of chemicals, collectively identified
as PFOS, which have been shown to be hazardous (persistent, bioaccumulative
and toxic). PFOS chemicals have been used in a diverse range of applications,
including as an additive to aid the spreading properties of fire-fighting foam.
PFOS does not appear to degrade in the natural environment. Due to this
stability, it has now become widespread both in humans and in the environment.
Annex 9 describes the environmental hazards presented by PFOS and the current
approach to its regulation.
44 PFOS was not routinely monitored and analysed in any surface water or
groundwater in the UK prior to the Buncefield incident. Sampling and analysis for
PFOS are not straightforward and until very recently there has been no recognised
recommended limit for PFOS levels in groundwater or drinking water against
which to assess any results.
45 PFOS was present in some of the foam used to combat the Buncefield fire. At
the start of the Buncefield incident, PFOS in the fire-water was recognised as an
important potential contaminant for land, surface water and groundwater. The
Environment Agency and others have sampled groundwater and surface water
extensively for PFOS and other contaminants both on and off site from soon after
the explosion. The Board notes that it is the responsibility of the local water
company to monitor the quality of drinking water (as opposed to groundwater and
rivers), and that the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) regulates the activities of
water companies in relation to drinking water quality.
Results of monitoring
46 PFOS was detected in the Rivers Ver and Colne in the days immediately
following the incident, however, these levels dropped below the lowest threshold
detectable by the Environment Agency after a short period. Ongoing testing still
shows sporadic detection of PFOS in the rivers. No direct impact has been detected
either at the time or in the intervening months on fish or other aquatic species in
these waters. Only long-term monitoring will identify if there has been a lasting
environmental consequence of the presence of PFOS and its associated fluorinated
47 Results to date (six months since the incident) of groundwater monitoring have
shown the presence of fuels, fuel-related products and residues from the firefighting foams in groundwater at a number of locations, but they are most
prevalent under and close to the site.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

48 Although PFOS above the level of three microgrammes per litre (which is the
advisory level set by the DWI for PFOS in drinking water) has been detected in
environmental monitoring samples, these levels have not been detected in samples
of drinking water.
49 It could be many months before the full extent of the contamination of the
groundwater is known. The Environment Agency is working with DWI and the
local water supply companies to ensure that they are fully aware of sampling
results, and are able to act appropriately to safeguard public water supplies.
Further monitoring
50 In view of the apparent widespread occurrence of trace quantities of PFOS
around the Hemel Hempstead area, some apparently unconnected with Buncefield,
the Environment Agency is conducting a targeted national groundwater sampling
exercise to investigate the wider prevalence of PFOS and related compounds in
51 The initial monitoring programme is being carried out in the period April to
July 2006. Groundwater is being sampled at selected sites on the Environment
Agencys national groundwater monitoring network. A range of sites have been
selected in rural, urban and industrial areas. Some sites are where fire-fighting
foams may have been used, eg fire stations, airbases etc, while others are where
such use is not suspected. Approximately 150 sites will be sampled as a part of this
52 If perfluorosurfactant compounds are detected in groundwater, repeat sampling
will be carried out to verify the initial results and to investigate persistence. If
widespread detection occurs, the programme will be extended beyond July and, if
necessary, selected compounds added to the routine monitoring programme. A
similar sampling exercise is planned for surface waters to take place over the
period July to December 2006.
Notification to the European Commission
53 The Competent Authority (at Buncefield, jointly HSE and the Environment
Agency) is required under regulation 21(1) and (2) of the COMAH Regulations to
inform the European Commission of any major occurrence on a COMAH site.
HSE, on behalf of the Competent Authority, issued a short report on 10 March
2006 for inclusion on the Major Accident Reporting System. As further
information of international significance becomes known, the Competent
Authority will also pass this on to the European Commission and hence the
international community.
54 DEFRA has established threshold criteria defining a Major Accident To The
Environment (MATTE), based on Schedule 7 (part 1) of the COMAH Regulations.
The Environment Agency, using these criteria, has determined that the Buncefield
incident is a MATTE, and the Competent Authority has recently reported this to
the European Commission. This determination is based on the results of
Environment Agency monitoring of groundwater beneath and in the vicinity of the
Buncefield site, which has been shown to be contaminated with fuels and firefighting foam by-products. This area of contamination is deemed to extend over
the one hectare threshold described in the Regulations. The reporting of this
MATTE to the European Commission has no impact on the continued monitoring
and remediation programme that is already taking place.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

The continuing Investigation

55 Work continues on the Investigation to ensure that all reasonable lines of
enquiry are followed. Evidence continues to be gathered from different sources.
The emerging information contributes to a greater understanding of the underlying
root causes, and will allow the Investigation team to refine its enquiries further and
to bring into focus elements such as wider management systems and organisational
56 Almost all the plant and equipment required for forensic examination has been
recovered from the Buncefield site, which will allow the operators to demolish
buildings, tanks and bunds. However, further investigation work will be carried
out on the integrity of the floors of the bunds together with environmental
monitoring of the ground underneath, in particular where tanks were located.
57 The Investigation has also considered previous incidents which may have
similarities to the events at Buncefield. These are summarised in Annex 5. Work is
in hand to identify other incidents that may be relevant.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Part 2 - Issues of concern

arising from the Investigation
to date
58 Knowledge of the Buncefield incident is still incomplete, but enough is known
to draw some broad conclusions about actions which might be taken to improve
health, safety and environmental protection at or near oil storage sites, including
areas where further work is needed. The Board does not intend to make any
comment at this stage on possible legal proceedings. The initial observations set
out here concern broader issues. The Board will continue to ensure that
information is made publicly available, either through its own reports or via the
Competent Authority, where it is necessary to ensure continued safety, while also
attempting to preserve the integrity of any future criminal proceedings that might
be brought by the relevant enforcing authorities.
59 The Boards observations and conclusions at this stage fall into three areas,
which are considered further below:

Design and operation of storage sites.

Emergency response to incidents.
Advice to planning authorities.

60 We believe these, together with our examination of HSEs and the Environment
Agencys roles in regulating the activities on the Buncefield site, will form the
broad scope of our further work.

Design and operation of storage sites

61 The Buncefield incident involved failures of primary, secondary and tertiary
means to contain fuel and associated fire-waters.

Primary means are the tanks, pipes and vessels that hold liquids, and the
devices fitted to them to allow them to be safely operated.
Secondary means are enclosed areas around storage vessels (often called
bunds), created usually by concrete or earth walls. Their purpose is to hold
any escaping liquids and any water or chemicals used in fire-fighting.
Tertiary means are things such as drains designed to limit the passage of
chemicals off site, raised kerbs to prevent liquids that have breached the
bunds from escaping into the general area around the site, etc.

62 The Board has already seen sufficient information from the Investigation to be
able to express an obvious, but nonetheless important opinion that safety, health
and environmental protection are of paramount importance at sites like Buncefield.
We would expect this point to be uppermost in the mind of the industry-chaired
task group recently convened by HSE to pursue improvements to safety and
environmental protection at fuel depots.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

63 The occurrence of a massive fuel vapour explosion confirms the overriding

need to ensure the integrity of the primary means of containment; in other words,
to make sure that liquid does not escape from the vessels in which it is normally
meant to be confined.
64 Safety and planning assumptions at fuel depots like Buncefield have until now
been based upon fires in pools of escaped liquid, held in check by bunds while the
emergency services establish control. The formation of a huge vapour cloud from
tank storage was not considered a sufficiently credible scenario for land use
planning purposes.14 One particular lesson from the Buncefield incident is
therefore that such a cloud can form while a highly flammable liquid such as
unleaded petrol is escaping from primary containment in a storage tank, and
where the path of escape involves cascading, fragmenting and dispersing the
liquid from height (eg from the vents in the top of a tank that is being overfilled).
65 The Investigation has demonstrated that overtopping a tank with highly
flammable fuel is more likely to produce a potentially explosive mixture than
pooling from a lower level escape, such as may result from a tank failure. The
Investigation has also shown that the design of the tank itself may have
contributed to the vapour formation at Buncefield. This suggests that design and
construction of tanks and pipework that could be favourable to the formation of
flammable vapours should be discouraged.
66 Secondary and tertiary means of containment are vital for environmental
protection. However, the secondary containment provided by bunds around
tanks is of lesser value where there is rapid formation of vapour that will fairly
quickly overflow the bund wall. Tertiary containment also has little effect against
a cloud of vapour, as it is intended to intercept and hold liquid flowing along the
ground. It is the Boards view that the ineffectiveness of customary means of
secondary and tertiary containment against migration of large volumes of vapour
re-emphasises that the most urgent focus of attention should be on preventing
loss of primary containment and, should that occur, inhibiting rapid large-scale
vaporisation and any subsequent dangerous migration of a flammable vapour.
67 The Investigation also revealed that the fire pumphouse that provided the means
to distribute cooling water for the whole Buncefield site was immediately adjacent to,
and downhill from, Bund A. As described in paragraph 28, recent CCTV analysis
has identified this pumphouse as a likely source of one of the early ignitions of the
flammable vapour. The loss of the pumphouse, probably from an internal explosion
of vapour that had entered from the surrounding cloud, immediately rendered
inoperative the fire-fighting provisions for the site. It is foreseeable that flammable
vapour in an enclosure could, if ignited, cause damage within that enclosure. The
risk of flammable vapour reaching fire pumps increases the closer the pumps are to
tanks containing volatile flammable liquids. The industry-chaired task group may
want to review whether current guidance related to the siting and/or means of
protection of emergency response facilities is suitable at sites such as Buncefield.
68 Following publication of the Investigation Managers first Progress Report in
February 2006, the Competent Authority (HSE with the Environment Agency in England
and Wales, and with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Scotland) began a
programme of site inspections to ensure operators reviewed key design and operational
aspects of their sites, a process supported by the findings of subsequent Progress Reports.


At Buncefield, the formation of a flammable vapour cloud at the tanker loading gantry,
as opposed to the tank storage areas, was considered by the Competent Authority and
site operators, but the level of off-site hazard this would pose was judged to be lower
than a large pool fire originating from the tank storage area.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

69 The preliminary findings of the Competent Authority programme were

published on 13 June 2006.15 As a result of the programme, three Improvement
Notices have been served. The Board welcomes this initiative and looks forward to
the publication of the detailed findings of the Competent Authority programme of
inspection this autumn. The Board notes the industrys efforts in working with the
Competent Authority to review the findings from both the Investigation and the
Safety Alert review, and to make recommendations to the joint industry/regulator
task group regarding action needed to improve risk control. In particular, the
Board notes that part of this work will be to review and revise published guidance
on handling flammable liquids at storage sites by mid-2007, and expects this work
to be pursued with vigour.
70 That guidance should be the culmination and record of a substantial effort by
the industry, working with the regulators, and begun at once, to develop and
implement better methods for handling flammable liquids at storage sites,
particularly where volatile fuels are handled, with the principal aim of safely
confining them in the vessels intended for that purpose. By methods the Board
means the plant, equipment, management systems, operational procedures and
working practices provided to achieve safe operation and the ongoing verification
by operators, supported by the Competent Authority, that all these control measures
are effective.
71 In summary, the Investigation has revealed a number of matters concerning the
design and operation of sites such as Buncefield where improvements to
maintaining primary containment must be considered by the industry, working
closely with the Competent Authority. These matters include:


the electronic monitoring of tanks and pipework, and associated alarms that
warn of abnormal conditions;
the detection of flammable vapours in the immediate vicinity of tanks and
the response to the detection of abnormal conditions, such as automatic
closure of tank inlet valves and incoming pipeline valves;
the extent to which the exterior construction of tanks (eg tank top design)
inhibits, or contributes to, flammable vapour formation;
the siting and/or means of protection of emergency response facilities; and
the recording of monitoring, detection and alarm systems and their availability
(eg off site) for periodic review of the effectiveness of the control measures by
the operator and the Competent Authority, as well as in root cause analysis
should there be an incident.

72 Where a need for additional systems is identified, HSC and the Competent
Authority should satisfy themselves that current legal requirements are robust
enough, and supported with sufficient resources, to ensure that these systems are
provided and maintained at every fuel storage site where the risks require them,
without relying upon voluntary compliance. It has not been established whether
changes in the law or in the resources available to the Competent Authority are
required to achieve this end. The Board is, however, clear that the severity of the
Buncefield incident makes a compelling case for any such changes to be made as a
matter of very high legislative priority, should the need be identified.


The full report is available on HSEs website at www.hse.gov.uk/comah.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

73 As well as ensuring the effectiveness of primary containment, the industry,

working with the Competent Authority, should embark on a review of the
purpose, specifications, capacity, construction and maintenance of secondary and
tertiary containment, and in particular the bunds around tanks. This work should
lead to revised guidance, either as part of that referred to in paragraphs 69 and 70,
or produced separately but on at least as rapid a timescale. Again, the necessary
standards should be capable of being insisted upon by law.
74 The Board is clear that it will wish to offer further advice when the
Investigation is further advanced. This might deal with, for instance, the human
and organisational factors that contribute to the safe operation of a major hazard
site such as a fuel storage depot. Such factors include, for example, job
organisation, management of organisational change, monitoring and supervision,
training and control room layout.
75 In the longer term, it may prove necessary to consider additional standards for
the overall layout of storage sites.
76 The system for delivering fuel safely around the country depends on good
communications between those responsible for delivery and those responsible for
receiving the delivered batches, to ensure sites receiving fuel are able to accept
deliveries safely. The adequacy of existing safety arrangements, including
communications, may also need to be reviewed. The Board expects to return to
these and other matters in due course.
77 Further work is needed to research the actual mechanism for generating the
unexpectedly high explosion overpressures seen at Buncefield. This is a matter of
keen international interest, and participation from a broad range of experts, as
well as the industry, is essential to ensure the transparency and credibility of any
research programme. The Board will consider further recommendations about the
nature and scope of such work.

Emergency response to incidents

78 Improving the arrangements to prevent fires and explosions in no way lessens
the need to have effective emergency arrangements in the event of an incident. This
covers both planning for emergencies and the effectiveness of the response.
Operators of top-tier COMAH sites are required by law to prepare adequate
emergency plans to deal with the on-site consequences of possible incidents, and
they must also provide local authorities with information to enable them to
prepare emergency plans to deal with the off-site consequences. The adequacy of
these plans depends, among other things, on a full appreciation of the potential for
major accidents. In the light of the emerging findings:

Operators of oil storage depots should review their on-site emergency plans
and the adequacy of information they supply to local authorities to ensure
they take full account of the potential for a vapour cloud explosion, as well as
fires. From the forthwith actions taken by depot operators and the
Competent Authority in response to the Competent Authoritys Safety Alert of
21 February 2006, responsible operators should have already undertaken such
reviews. The Competent Authority must ensure that this is the case and work
with the industry to ensure that all learning is fully shared.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

The public health implications of potential vapour cloud explosions must be

considered in both on-site and off-site emergency plans. Though the public
health impact of Buncefield appears to have been minimal, this may not
necessarily have been the case under different conditions.16
As with on-site protective systems, HSC and the Competent Authority bodies
should satisfy themselves that legal requirements are robust enough to ensure
any necessary changes to emergency plans are duly made.

79 Several separate reviews are looking at the effectiveness of the emergency

response to Buncefield. The emergency services, particularly the fire and police
services, responded impressively and on a massive scale that was almost certainly
unprecedented in modern times. Inevitably there are lessons to be learned from
such an exceptional event. This is particularly important given the newness of the
local, regional and national resilience arrangements tested at Buncefield. The Board
intends to return to this topic when more information is available from those
reviews. Meanwhile the Board has the following observations:



Given the huge cost of the Buncefield incident, it is essential not to miss any of
the lessons it has provided for emergency response. Like the response itself, this
is a multi-agency task that requires a clear lead. It will be part of the Boards
ongoing work to establish a clear picture of the lead provided by central
Government for first responders.
The public health impacts of Buncefield appear to have been minimal.
Nevertheless, the incident has revealed the importance of prompt, useful advice
to early responders such as the Fire and Rescue Services, and to the public.
There may also be scope to improve the co-ordination of sampling and
monitoring activities, particularly in the early stages of major incidents. The
Board welcomes the establishment of a Health Protection Agency-led working
group aiming to establish frameworks and agreed working practices for any
future post-incident environmental sampling, and awaits with interest the
results of this work. The Board also welcomes the steps being taken by the
Health Protection Agency to draw to the attention of regional resilience fora in
Britain the immediate lessons of Buncefield for the provision of health
protection advice during a major incident.
The local residential and business communities have interests to be considered,
eg the maintenance of employment and support in effecting a rapid return to
social normality. This appears to be both a regional and, on the scale of
Buncefield, a national issue. It is not clear to the Board how far emergency
planning arrangements have taken account of this aspect in the past. The
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, through the
Government Office for the East of England, recently established a task force to
investigate options for Government support to businesses and local economies
in the period following an exceptional disaster. This initiative is very welcome
and the Board hopes swift progress will be made in this work.

The low impact on public health of the Buncefield incident is an initial conclusion of the
Health Protection Agency. Their review of the health effects of the Buncefield fire is
available at www.hpa.org.uk/explosions/hemel.htm.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Advice to planning authorities

80 One of the starkest issues raised by the Buncefield explosion is the location of
sites with such major hazard potential alongside neighbouring commercial and
residential development. The situation poses the fundamental planning question
that all parties have to address quite simply, what to do about such development.
81 The Board is acutely aware of the problems that planning uncertainties cause for
local communities, particularly those directly affected by the Buncefield incident.
Decisions about rebuilding businesses near the Buncefield depot crucial to the
livelihood of those who work in those businesses and to the local economy in general
hinge on decisions about rebuilding the whole of the area, including the depot itself.
82 A key element of the land use planning process for developments around
Buncefield and many similar sites is the advice HSE provides to planning authorities.
The Board, in its statement of 9 May on publishing the Third Progress Report,
indicated its view that enough information had emerged at that stage to enable HSE
to review as a matter of urgency the basis and standard of the advice it provides. The
Board notes that HSE has acted on that challenge and expects to produce some
preliminary conclusions in the autumn of this year.
83 The Board recognises that this is a complex issue for which there are no simple
solutions. There is a need to balance the risks and benefits of development a
judgement made no easier by technical and scientific uncertainties. This is
illustrated by the fact that HSEs advice on this site was based on a representative
worst credible scenario of a major liquid fuel pool fire. A vapour cloud explosion
was initially considered, but arising from tanker loading operations and not tank
storage. A pool fire was assessed as presenting the greater off-site hazard. The
Buncefield incident brings into question the assessment policy for many oil/fuel
depot sites, and the zone setting method which it informs.
84 The Board intends to address these issues in more detail, but not before seeing
the preliminary conclusions of HSEs review. A measured approach is justified since
the likelihood of a similar explosion remains low, and should be made lower still
by a programme of actions designed to increase the reliability of primary
containment. In our view, the importance of reaching conclusions that are
considered, costed, and sustainable greatly outweighs any benefit that might be
derived from coming to summary judgements.
85 We will be interested to know HSEs views on the desirability and feasibility of
an approach to advise on developments around sites like Buncefield based more on
consideration of risk. Under such an approach, the likelihood of major incidents,
taking into account all the measures in place against them, would play a more
explicit part than hitherto in determining planning advice.
86 The Board has also noted the incremental development around Buncefield (and
presumably other sites).17 Given that most planning advice currently focuses on
specific developments subject to planning approval, this could mean that in the
future, more attention should be paid to the total population at risk from a major
hazard site. The Board welcomes the Ministerial Statement laid in the House of
Commons on 15 May, which referred to cross-Government work on this issue
currently being co-ordinated by the Cabinet Office, and to which HSE is making
an important contribution, and looks forward to the consultation with
stakeholders expected later this year.


The history of development within a 3 km radius of the Buncefield depot site between
1966 and 2005 is shown in Figure 5, Annex 3.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 1
Terms of reference and progress
This annex sets out the eight terms of reference for the Investigation and explains
the progress that is being made towards accomplishment of each of them.

1 To ensure the thorough investigation of the incident, the factors leading up to

it, its impact both on and off site, and to establish its causation including root
The Board has published three Progress Reports from the Investigation Manager.
These have revealed the main facts of the incident, but have not speculated on why
control of the fuel was lost. The explosion mechanism, ie the means by which
unexpectedly high overpressures were generated, is subject to significant further
investigation. This may require wider expert consultation and research.
The criminal investigation is pursuing all reasonable lines of inquiry into the facts
and causes of the incident to enable the Competent Authority (HSE and the
Environment Agency) to take a view on legal proceedings.

2 To identify and transmit without delay to duty holders and other

appropriate recipients any information requiring immediate action to further
safety and/or environmental protection in relation to storage and distribution
of hydrocarbon fuels
The Competent Authority issued a Safety Alert to around 1100 COMAH duty
holders on 21 February 2006. Special attention was paid to 108 fuel depot owners
storing COMAH quantities of fuel in Great Britain, seeking a review of
arrangements for detecting and dealing with conditions affecting containment of
fuel. Most duty holders responded to the alert by the Easter deadline. Meanwhile,
the Competent Authority visited all 108 depots to follow up the alert. An interim
report was published on 13 June and is available at
The Environment Agency issued further advice to its inspectors to investigate
secondary (bunding) and tertiary (drains and barriers) containment at depots in
England and Wales in response to the Second Progress Report. The Environment
Agency is expected to publish a report in the summer. The Environment Agency
also continues to monitor the effects of Buncefield on the surrounding environment
and to issue updates on its website, www.environment-agency.gov.uk. The initiative
is being handled separately for Scotland by the Scottish Environment Protection
Agency, with joint inspections undertaken with HSE covering primary, secondary
and tertiary containment, and management systems. However, it is intended that
an overall view of the situation in Britain will be available this summer.
On 16 June investigators served two Improvement Notices on the manufacturers of
the high-level alarm switch installed on Tank 912, having identified a potential
problem at other sites related to the setting of the switch for normal operations
following testing. This was followed up by a Safety Alert from HSE on 4 July
alerting operators relying on such switches of the potential problem.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

The Chairman of the Buncefield Board wrote to the Chief Executive of the Health
Protection Agency on 3 July enquiring into progress with informing regional resilience
groups of early lessons learned from Buncefield, focusing on public health issues in
the immediate aftermath of a major airborne incident.

3 To examine the Health and Safety Executives and the Environment Agencys
role in regulating the activities on this site under the COMAH Regulations,
considering relevant policy guidance and intervention activity
Work is progressing steadily on both parts of the review, concerning respectively
HSEs and the Environment Agencys prior regulatory activities at Buncefield. The
full findings of the review will be incorporated into the Boards final report (see
term of reference 8). Any immediate important lessons from the examination of
the Competent Authoritys prior role will be incorporated into the lessons learned
programme under term of reference 5.

4 To work closely with all relevant stakeholders, both to keep them informed
of progress with the Investigation and to contribute relevant expertise to other
inquiries that may be established
The ongoing impact on residents and businesses of the Buncefield incident has
been reported in all three Progress Reports. The Board has maintained an active
interest in releasing as much new information as possible to the community and its
representatives, such as the local MP Mike Penning, to assist in understanding the
events of 11 December 2005, and to maintain public confidence that progress is
being made with the Investigation. Residents and businesses have shown
remarkable resilience in great adversity. Dacorum Borough Council in particular,
but also St Albans and Hertfordshire Councils, have performed extremely
effectively in very difficult circumstances, and have supported the Board in its
engagement with residents and businesses, as has Mike Penning MP.
The Board has also kept key Government stakeholders informed of the
Investigations progress, and has maintained its interest in developments that have
taken place since Buncefield to help manage the aftermath and support a return to
normality for residents and businesses.
The Board has engaged with all the public sector agencies involved in the
emergency response to Buncefield and has met with a number of the key agencies,
particularly the Category 1 (Gold) responders. This is not an issue in which the
Board has primary responsibility but, as reported in this Initial Report, the Board
is giving further consideration to emergency response and emergency preparedness
issues, and will say more on this later.
The Buncefield Major Incident Investigation made presentations to two multiagency debriefing sessions on 21 and 28 June to inform regional resilience groups
around Britain of the response to the Buncefield incident.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

5 To make recommendations for future action to ensure the effective

management and regulation of major accident risk at COMAH sites. This
should include consideration of offsite as well as onsite risks and consider
prevention of incidents, preparations for response to incidents, and mitigation
of their effects
HSE, the Environment Agency and the Health Protection Agency are contributing
to this work to assist the Board to make sensible, practical and affordable
recommendations for improvements in the light of the Buncefield incident.
Key workstreams are in environmental protection; land use planning; fire and
explosion mechanisms; control and instrumentation; human and organisational
factors; health; emergency response and preparedness; and regulatory impact.
HSE has convened an industry-chaired task group that includes the Environment
Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, to consider design and
operation issues. The Board is considering how to make suitable arrangements for
further research and modelling of explosion mechanisms in flammable vapour
clouds. HSE has begun work on changes to land use planning advice and is
working closely with a Cabinet Office-led team on applying new knowledge of
risks to society in the planning system. The Health Protection Agency is consulting
key agencies to improve public health advice and support during significant
pollution events.

6 To produce an initial report for the Health and Safety Commission and the
Environment Agency as soon as the main facts have been established. Subject
to legal considerations, this report will be made public
This element is discharged by the publication of this report.

7 To ensure that the relevant notifications are made to the European

A report from the Environment Agency and HSE was made to the European
Commission on 10 March. Subsequently, the Environment Agency declared
Buncefield a Major Accident To The Environment (MATTE), and the Competent
Authority has recently reported this to the European Commission.

8 To make the final report public

The timing for the publication of the final report remains uncertain and is of
course linked to progress on the main terms of reference and to any decision on
any criminal proceedings that might be considered. The possibilities include a
further interim report or reports; decisions must necessarily depend on the timing
of developments and consideration of the public interest.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 2
Members of the independent Board
The Rt. Hon. Lord Newton of Braintree has been a life peer since 1997 after
spending 23 years as a Conservative Member of Parliament for Braintree, Essex.
From 1982 to 1988 he held ministerial positions at the Department of Health and
Social Security. In 1988 he joined the Cabinet as Chancellor of the Duchy of
Lancaster and Minister at the DTI. He then held the post of Secretary of State for
Social Security from 1989 to 1992 when he was appointed Leader of the House of
Commons, which he held until 1997. In 2002 he chaired the Committee that
reviewed the operation of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001.
Professor Dougal Drysdale is one of the leading international authorities in Fire
Safety Engineering. He was the Chairman of the International Association of Fire
Safety Science until September 2005 and is currently the editor of the leading
scientific journal in the field, Fire Safety Journal. His wide range of research
interests includes the ignition characteristics of combustible materials, flame spread
and various aspects of fire dynamics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh and a Fellow of both the Institution of Fire Engineers and the Society of
Fire Protection Engineers.
Dr Peter Baxter is a Consultant Physician in Occupational and Environmental
Medicine at Cambridge University and Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. In the
past he has advised the Government on the impacts on public health relating to air
quality standards, major chemical incidents, natural disasters and climate change.
Taf Powell is Director of HSEs Offshore Division. He graduated in Geology and
Chemistry from Nottingham University. His oil field career has been split between
working in the UK and abroad in offshore exploration and development and
regulation of the sector in licensing, well operations, policy and safety regulation.
In 1991 he joined HSEs Offshore Division from BP and started work to develop
the new offshore regulatory framework, one of Lord Cullens recommendations
following his inquiry into the Piper Alpha disaster. As HSEs Operations Manager,
based in Aberdeen, he then led inspection teams and well engineering specialists
responsible for enforcing the new regulations until 2000 when he took up his
current role.
Dr Paul Leinster is Director of Operations at the Environment Agency. Up until
March 2004 he was the Director of Environmental Protection, having joined the
Agency in 1998. Prior to this he was the Director of Environmental Services with
SmithKline Beecham. Previous employers also include BP International, Schering
Agrochemicals and the consultancy firm Thomson-MTS where he was Managing
Director. Paul has a degree in Chemistry, a PhD in Environmental Engineering
from Imperial College and an MBA from the Cranfield School of Management.
Paul has worked for 30 years in the health and safety and environmental field.
David Ashton is Director of HSEs Field Operations North-West and Headquarters
Division. He joined HSE in 1977 as an inspector in the west of Scotland where he dealt
with a wide range of manufacturing and service industries, including construction,
engineering and the health services. In 1986 he joined Field Operations HQ to deal
with machinery safety. He then held the post of Principal Inspector of manufacturing in
Preston for two years, before being appointed as a management systems auditor to
examine offshore safety cases in the newly formed Offshore Division. In 1993 he
became Head of HSEs Accident Prevention Advisory Unit, looking at the management
of health and safety in organisations. Between 1998 and 2003 David was HSEs
Director of Personnel, before being appointed to his current position.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Planning history of Buncefield site and neighbouring developments
1 Planning permission was granted in 1966 to Shell Mex and BP Limited, Regent
Oil Co Limited, Mobil Oil Co Limited, and Petrofina (GB) Limited to develop 91
acres of land at Buncefield for the construction of a storage and distribution depot
for petroleum products. St Albans Rural District Council initially refused the
application on the grounds that it was an inappropriate development in the Green
Belt and would have a detrimental effect on the amenity of the locality. On appeal,
the Minister of Housing and Local Government granted permission subject to a
number of conditions relating to design of the site, tree planting and restrictions on
the size of office premises.
2 At the time that the terminal was built in 1968, the site was well screened by
hedges and trees, but there were about nine dwellings on the periphery of the site
to the north whose amenities were affected by the site, and a farm to the south.
One of the nine dwellings to the north was converted in 2000 to create five
separate properties. Since 1968 there has been general encroachment and
development of adjacent land. This can be seen on the map in Figure 5. The
majority of this building development took place during the period from the mid
1960s to the early 1980s, comprising the construction or redevelopment of
residential properties and a number of schools and industrial premises to the west
of the site, all of which fell within a 3 km radius as shown on the map. Between
1990 and 2006, a few additional industrial premises were built around the site.
3 Dacorum Borough Council is the principal planning authority for the site, but
a small section to the north of Cherry Tree Lane falls to St Albans District Council.
4 The local planning authority decides whether developments can go ahead. But
arrangements have existed since 1972 for local planning authorities to obtain
consultee advice from HSE and its predecessors about the safety implications for
developments from risks associated with major hazards. Between 1991 and 2005,
28 applications were passed to HSE for advice relating to a variety of commercial
or residential developments around the Buncefield site. HSE advised against four
of these proposals and advised that seven others could be allowed subject to
certain conditions. As far as is known, the local authority followed HSEs advice
in these cases.
5 In addition to these specific developments on which HSE was a statutory
consultee, HSE is from time to time consulted on other matters. For example, HSE
was consulted on four local structure plan revisions.
6 The complex began operations in 1968 after a pipeline was constructed to link
two Shell refineries at Stanlow at Ellesmere Port in Cheshire and Shell Haven on
the Thames Estuary at Stanford-le-Hope in Thurrock. The depot operated
originally under licence given under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Acts 1928 and
1936. The Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 and subsequent statutory
provisions, the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1992 (PHS
Regulations) and later the Planning (Control of Major Accident Hazards)
Regulations 1999 introduced new procedures for consent to be sought from the
hazardous substances authority to store hazardous substances.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

7 The consent identifies the hazardous substances and their location on site and
defines certain conditions of use such as maximum size, temperature and pressure
of storage vessels. Figure 6 contains some details of consents obtained for the
Buncefield depot. The consents for Shell UK Oil Limited have been included in
this table as they have not been revoked, although Shell no longer operates from
this site.
HSEs role in land use planning

HSEs specific role in land use planning is twofold:

Under the PHS Regulations, the presence of hazardous chemicals above
specified threshold quantities requires consent from the local hazardous
substances authority, which is usually also the local planning authority. HSE is
a statutory consultee on all hazardous substances consent applications. Its role
is to consider the hazards and risks which would be presented by the
hazardous substance(s) to people in the vicinity, and on the basis of this to
advise the hazardous substances authority whether or not consent should be
granted. In advising on consent, HSE may specify conditions that should be
imposed by the hazardous substances authority, over and above compliance
with statutory health and safety requirements, to limit risks to the public (eg
limiting which substances can be stored on site, or requiring tanker delivery
rather than on-site storage). Hazardous substances authorities should notify
HSE of the outcome of all applications for consent, and where consent has
been granted should supply copies of the site plans and conditions.
HSE uses the information contained in consent applications to establish a
consultation distance around the installation. This usually comprises three
zones or risk contour areas. The consultation distance is based on the
maximum quantity of hazardous substance(s) that the site is entitled to have
under its consent. HSE notifies the local planning authorities of all
consultation distances in their areas. The General Development Procedure
Order 1995 requires the local planning authority to consult HSE about certain
proposed developments (essentially those that would result in an increase in
population) within any consultation distance. HSE advises the local planning
authority on the nature and severity of the risks presented by the installation to
people in the surrounding area so that those risks are given due weight by the
local planning authority when making its decision. Taking account of the risks,
HSE will advise against the proposed development or simply note that it does
not advise against it.

9 HSEs approach to land use planning is set out in more detail in Annex 2 of
the first Progress Report. Some of this process is now being devolved to certain
local planning authorities.
10 The consultation distance represents the furthest distance at which HSE wishes
to be consulted about developments near hazardous installations/major accident
hazard pipelines. This does not mean that there is no risk beyond the consultation
distance, just that the predicted risks are sufficiently low that they need not be part
of a planning decision.
11 Within the consultation distance, HSE undertakes an assessment of the hazards
and risks from the installation and produces a map with three contours
representing defined levels of harm or risk which any individual at that contour
would be subject to, based on information relating to the hazardous substances
consent. The harm or risk to an individual is greater the closer to the installation.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

The contours form three zones, with the outer contour defining the consultation
distance around major hazard sites. The local authority consults HSE on relevant
proposed developments within this consultation distance.
COMAH site
Inner zone
Middle zone

Outer zone

Figure 3 Consultation
distance and zones

Consultation distance

12 When a planning application is received, HSE or the local planning authority

first identifies in which of the three zones the proposed development is located.
Secondly, the proposed development is classified into one of four sensitivity levels.
The main factors that determine these levels are the number of people at the
development, their sensitivity (vulnerable populations such as children, old people)
and the intensity of the development. With these two factors known, a simple
decision matrix is used to give a clear Advise Against or Do not Advise Against
response to the local planning authority, as shown below:

Figure 4 Land use

planning sensitivity levels
and decision matrix

Level of sensitivity

Development in
inner zone

Development in
middle zone

Development in
outer zone





Sensitivity level 1
Sensitivity level 2
Sensitivity level 3


Sensitivity level 4


Vulnerable members of society eg
primary schools, old peoples homes
Football ground/large hospital

DAA means Do not Advise Against the development

AA means Advise Against the development

13 More comprehensive guidance on the allocation of sensitivity levels is given on

the Planning Advice for Developments near Hazardous Installations website

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

History of the consultation distance around the Buncefield site

14 HSE has had arrangements with local planning authorities for consultation
around developments in the vicinity of major hazards since the early 1970s,
although it was not until the implementation of the Notification of Installations
Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations 1982 (NIHHS Regulations) in 1983
that HSE first received notification from Shell Mex and BP of the terminal as a
major hazard. A generic non-site specific consultation distance of 250 m from the
boundary of the site was set for consultation purposes and the relevant local
planning authority was notified. At that time it was customary to issue a generic
consultation distance without performing a site-specific assessment. This
consultation distance was based upon the assumption that the main hazard was
from thermal radiation following a major fire within the bund.
15 In 1992 the site expanded and Mobil and Shell sent another notification and
application for consent to store certain amounts of flammable material. The
existing consultation distance was maintained at a generic 250 m from the site
boundary. There are no records of the technical assessments that were performed
when the local planning authority sought advice on developments within the
vicinity of the site, but early assessments were based then, as now, upon a pool fire
following loss of containment of a substantial quantity of flammable liquid.
However, for tanks that were bunded there was a continuing assumption that any
subsequent fire would be within the confines of the bund.
16 In 1996 a site-specific reassessment was performed based upon consented
amounts of flammable material, and the consultation distance was reduced from
250 m to 190 m. The original 250 m was set in the early days of HSE giving land
use planning advice, to ensure that all developments that might be advised against
would be subject to consultation. By 1996, technical policy and methodology had
been reviewed. In addition, three-zone maps were now being produced so that
development control advice could be given more quickly and efficiently. The new
policy assumed that the bund would not be able to contain the full contents of a
tank following a sudden, catastrophic failure. It was assumed that the bund
would be overtopped and the resulting pool fire would extend beyond the
confines of the bund.
17 In July 2001 another consultation distance was calculated due to an extensive
reassessment of the hazards from the site following the submission of a batch of
new consent applications from the oil companies. The regulations requiring
consent to store flammable substances were changed in 1999 to include additional
flammable materials. The consultation distance was reduced from 190 m to 185 m.
This was unchanged following a further consent application on 8 July 2005 from
BP. The presence of the additional material did not alter the main basis of the
calculation which assumed the worst-case event was the catastrophic failure of the
largest tank containing gasoline. The consultation distance was reduced slightly
owing to a slight change to the inputs in the model used to perform the
calculations. See Figure 7 for a representative plan of the site showing the
consultation distance since July 2001.


Crown copyright, all rights reserved, HSE 100021025 (2006)





1990s - present Nursery

1990s - present New Residential

1990s - present Industrial

1990s Leisure

1990s New Residential

1990s Industrial

1980s - 1990s New Residential

1980s - 1990s Industrial

1960s - 1980s Leisure

1960s - 1980s Schools

1960s - 1980s Infill Residential

1960s - 1980s New Residential

1960s - 1980s Industrial

3 km radius

Consultation Distance

Buncefield Site

A Map
to show
all all
A Map
to show
mid 1960s and 2005 within a 3 km radius of the Buncefield

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Figure 5 Developments within 3 km of the Buncefield site between 1966 and 2005

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Some details of hazardous substances consents issued for the

Buncefield oil storage and transfer depot

Hazardous Substances Consent applications

Texaco Limited

19 September 1983*: 10 571 tonnes motor spirit

Mobil Oil Co Limited

8 November 1983*: 17 650 tonnes petrol

Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Limited

30 November 1992: 34 020 tonnes motor spirit

18 October 1999: 15 314 tonnes kerosene

BP Oil UK Limited

18 November 1992: 17 650 tonnes gasoline in name of

Mobil Oil Co Limited
26 October 1999: 15 080 tonnes automotive petrol and other

petroleum spirits
21 October 2003: 15 200 tonnes automotive petrol and
10 522 tonnes petroleum products classified as dangerous for
the environment (most likely to be gasoline or diesel)
3 May 2005: 26 900 tonnes automotive petrol and
10 522 tonnes petroleum products classified as dangerous for
the environment (most likely to be gasoline or diesel)
British Pipeline
Agency Limited

26 October 1999: 70 000 tonnes automotive petrol and other

petroleum spirits

Shell UK Oil Limited

19 September 1983*: 37 397 tonnes HFLs Class 4 and

42 561 tonnes kerosene and white oils
30 November 1992: 34 013 tonnes petroleum spirit and
39 000 tonnes diesel, gas oil and kerosene
1999: 33 000 tonnes motor spirit and 17 000 tonnes kerosene

Figure 6 Hazardous
substances consents issued

* Note: The first applications for consent were in 1992, before then different arrangements were in
place, ie these were notifications under NIHHS and consent was not required.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Ltd (west)

Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Ltd (east)
Shell UK Oil Ltd
until April 2003.
Consent remains
British Petroleum
Oil UK Ltd
British Pipeline
Agency (south)
British Pipeline
Agency (north)


Boundary Way

Inner zone:
closer than 120 m
Middle zone:
closer than 135 m
Outer zone:
closer than 185 m


Figure 7 Plan representing the hazardous substances consents and consultation area around
the Buncefield depot since July 2001 (for illustration only)

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

UK petroleum refinery, pipeline and storage system
1 Petroleum products in the UK are predominantly supplied from nine refineries
where crude oil is refined into liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), petrol, diesel,
aviation fuel, gas oil, heating oil and residual bitumen. From a typical barrel of
North Sea crude oil, approximately 3% becomes LPG, 37% petrol, 25% diesel,
20% kerosene (aviation fuel/heating oil) and 12% fuel oil (for power generation).
Figure 8 shows the location of the refineries. They are sited on the coast or on
estuaries so that they can receive crude oil by ship.



oil storage/distribution
oil refinery

Stanlow refinery




Coryton refinery


Figure 8 UK oil refinery

and pipeline network


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

2 Storing, moving and delivering these fuels to the end user are important
elements of the UK economy. Each year approximately 75 million tonnes of
petroleum products are moved around the UK.
3 All nine main refineries in the UK have substantial storage for finished products
coming out of the refinery. However, given the location of refineries, there are also
large storage terminals around the country, generally near major conurbations.
These terminals are mainly supplied from the refineries by pipeline, rail and sea.
Often they are run as joint ventures between a number of oil companies.
Commercial arrangements are commonly negotiated between companies to draw
products on exchange from another companys terminal. This avoids the need to
transport products over long distances from one terminal to another. Figure 9 shows
the place of oil storage and transfer depots in the UK oil distribution system.

Figure 9 The UK oil

distribution system

Petroleum pipelines
4 The UK mainland has a network of approximately 1500 miles of petroleum
pipelines. Some of them are owned by individual oil companies dedicated to supplying
their own terminals, and some are owned by joint ventures such as United Kingdom
Oil Pipelines Limited (UKOP). Others belong to the Government. Once installed,
underground pipelines offer substantial environmental and safety benefits, not least
from the elimination of road tanker journeys or transportation by rail or sea.


5 These pipelines are used to transport a variety of fuels, including petrol, diesel,
heating oil and aviation fuel. After a batch of predetermined volume of one fuel has
been delivered through the pipeline, a different fuel may be transported. As the fuels
travel along the pipeline, a relatively small degree of mixing will occur at the
interface. As this volume of mixed fuels has to be reprocessed, the pipeline operator
manages the flow rates continually to minimise these interfaces to reduce wastage.
Around 30 million tonnes of fuel are moved around the UK in this way in a year.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 5
Incidents that have similarities with the Buncefield incident

Date and time

Comments background

Comments explosion

see over

1 Houston,
Texas, USA

April 1962

Severe leak from a gasoline tank.

Almost windless conditions.
Ignition near adjacent highway.

Described as a blast, but no

details are available.

2 Baytown, Texas,

27 January 1977

Overfilling of a ship with gasoline.

Few details are available, but it is

likely that there would have been

3 Texaco, Newark,
New Jersey, USA

7 January 1983
After 00.00 hrs

Overfilling of a tank containing

unleaded gasoline. 114-379 m3
(80-265 tonnes) of gasoline
released. Slight wind, ignition
source 300 m away.

Relatively uncongested area. High

overpressures reported, but not
quantified. Three minor explosions
preceded the main blast.

4 Naples Harbour,

21 December

Overfilling of a tank containing

unleaded gasoline. 700 tonnes
escaped. Low wind speed (2 m/s).

Relatively congested area. The tank

overtopped 1.5 hours before
ignition. Various overpressures
estimated from damage analysis,
but they are minimum values
(eg >48 kPa).

5 St Herblain,

7 October 1991
04:00 hours

Leak of gasoline from a transfer

line into a bund. Wind <1 m/s. 20
minutes delay, ignition in car park
c. 50 m away. Volume of
flammable cloud est. 23 000 m3.

Presence of parked petrol tankers

may have been sufficient to
generate turbulence. High
overpressures produced, but not

6 Jacksonville,
Florida, USA

2 January 1993
03:15 hours

Overfilling of a tank containing

unleaded gasoline. 50 000 gallons
(190 m3, 132 tonnes) released.

High overpressure produced, but

not quantified.

7 Laem Chabang,

2 December 1999
23:25 hours

Overfilling of a gasoline tank.

Few details.

High overpressure produced, but

not quantified. Relatively low
congestion in the area.

Note: The root cause of each of the above incidents was the spillage (loss of containment)
of a large quantity of gasoline (eg >100 tonnes) due to overfilling of a tank, or failure of
pipework inside a bund. In each case, the windspeed was very low, or zero, and a significant
vapour cloud was able to form. The feature of the Buncefield explosion that appeared
unique was the apparent lack of obstacles which could induce turbulence and thereby lead
to rapid flame propagation, sufficient to produce the high overpressures recorded.
Accordingly, incidents 2, 4 and 5 may not be relevant. As the lack of confinement cannot
be quantified, the relevance of the other incidents might be superficial. More information is
required. Work is in hand to identify other incidents that may be relevant.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report



Lenoir EM and Davenport JA A survey of Vapor Cloud Explosions: Second

Update Process Safety Progress 1993 12 (1) 12-32

Bouchard JK Gasoline Storage Tank Explosion and Fire: Newark NJ

January 7, 1983 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Summary
Investigation Report (in co-operation with Federal Emergency Management
Agency/United States Fire Administration and National Bureau of
Standards/Center for Fire Research)

Maremonti M, Russo G, Salzano E et al Post-accident Analysis of Vapour

Cloud Explosions In Fuel Storage Areas Trans IChemE 1999 77 (B) 360-365

Lechaudel JF and Mouilleau Y Assessment of an accidental vapour cloud

explosion. A case study: Saint Herblain, October the 7th 1991, FRANCE Loss
Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries 1995 1 377-388

Edited from a report prepared by Lt Lorin L Mock, Training Division,

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department Covered Floater in Jacksonville:
Steuart Petroleum Bulk Storage Tank Fire Industrial Fire Safety
May/June 1993 17-32

THAIOIL Fire: A whiff of oil, then a thundering explosion Witness Accounts,

Bangkok Post (FBKP) 5 December 1999 Page 1

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 6
Fire and explosion hazards from petrol
1 This annex sets out a general explanation of the fire and explosion hazards
from fuels such as petrol, as currently understood. It is not limited to the
circumstances of the Buncefield incident.
2 The physical properties of highly flammable liquids, such as petrol, are such
that if they are mishandled or released they present a significant risk of fire or
explosion. In this context, perhaps the most important property of petrol is its high
volatility. At normal ambient temperatures, the vapour released by simple
evaporation from the fuel surface can readily be ignited as it mixes with air. It is
classified legally as a Highly Flammable Liquid, ie it has a flashpoint (measured in
a closed cup apparatus) below 32 oC.
3 Flashpoint is used to define the hazard associated with liquid fuels and to
help determine safe working conditions. The flashpoint is defined as the minimum
temperature at which a liquid fuel produces sufficient vapour to form a flammable
or ignitable mixture with air. Petrol has a flashpoint of around minus 40 oC, well
below normal (ambient) temperatures, and can be ignited very easily. It is the
vapour that burns, releasing heat, some of which is transferred to the surface of
the fuel, thus increasing the rate of evaporation that supplies the flame with fuel
vapour. Paragraph 7 of this annex provides more information about fuel fires.
4 Not all concentrations of fuel vapour in air are flammable, ie capable of being
ignited by a small ignition source such as a spark or a flame. Ignition can only
occur if the mixture of flammable vapour in air falls within certain concentrations,
known as the lower and upper explosion (or flammability) limits. For petrol
vapour, concentrations below 1.4% in air are too lean to burn, while those above
7.6% are too rich.18 At all concentrations between these two limits, known as the
flammable range, the mixtures will burn, in that a flame will propagate away from
the ignition source.

The flash point and the flammable range are determined by standard test methods.

6 Whether an ignition can give rise to a fire, an explosion or a combination of

both depends on a number of factors, including the conditions prevailing at the
time and the immediate surroundings of the release, but particularly on the amount
of vapour present and how it is able to mix or diffuse with air.
7 In a fire, the vapour evolved from spilt or released material is ignited and
continues to burn above the fuel surface where the vapour mixes with the
surrounding air. This type of flame is known as a diffusion flame as the fuel vapour


The concentration of petrol vapour in a partially full petrol tank is above the upper
explosive limit and therefore too rich too burn.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

and air mix by diffusion, and it is the type of flame associated with fires involving
liquid and solid fuels. Heat transferred from the flame to the fuel provides the
energy required to maintain the flow of fuel vapours that support the flame. The
flames associated with a liquid pool fire will completely cover the surface and will
continue to burn as long as there is fuel remaining. The flames of a petrol pool fire
will extinguish when all the petrol is consumed, or if air can be excluded from the
flames, or if the vapour release can be prevented or inhibited (as happens when the
liquid surface is completely covered with a layer of fire-fighting foam).
8 With large hydrocarbon pool fires such as those at Buncefield, the flames are
so large that mixing of fuel vapour and air is not efficient. This leads to the
formation of species within the flame that cause the release of copious amounts of
black smoke. The immediate precursors of the smoke are minute soot particles
which radiate, producing the characteristic yellow colour associated with almost all
diffusion flames. The hazards arising from such fires are due to heat transfer by
radiation to neighbouring surfaces and to the hot fire products (rich in smoke and
toxic gases) carried aloft by buoyancy. Pressure effects are negligible and could not
cause structural damage, but heat transfer to structures immersed in the flames will
cause weakening and eventual collapse.
9 For an explosion involving petrol vapour to occur, the vapour/air mixture must
be within its flammable range when it encounters a potential source of ignition.
A flame will propagate rapidly, spreading spherically from the ignition source
throughout the entire flammable mixture. The heat released as the fuel is
consumed causes the gases to expand as a result of the associated temperature rise.
If confined, eg if the mixture is contained within a building, the gases cannot
expand freely and the pressure will rise until parts of the confining structure (such
as the windows of a building) fail and relieve the pressure. This is normally a
violent event and may produce a shock wave that can cause remote damage.
10 High temperature effects from the explosion are transient, but they will ignite
highly flammable liquids and can ignite lightweight combustible solids (eg tissue
paper). Some can be left burning after the explosion has passed. The flame created
by an explosion of petrol vapour in air is blue or very pale yellow, depending on
the fuel/air mixture. It is known as a premixed flame as the fuel vapour and air are
mixed before ignition occurs. The amount of smoke produced is negligible
compared to that produced in a fire.
11 In general terms, overpressures are not developed if an unconfined petrol
vapour/air mixture is ignited because the gases can expand freely. However, the
speed at which the flame travels through the flammable mixture can vary
considerably, depending on a number of different factors. If the flame speed is very
high, some overpressure will be created as the expansion cannot occur rapidly
enough, despite the (apparent) lack of confinement. Factors that affect the speed
with which a flame will travel through a flammable mixture include:


composition of the mixture;

amount of vapour and size of the flammable cloud;
strength of the ignition source;
degree of confinement within the flammable cloud (partial confinement);
turbulence created within the mixture as the flame front forces the unburnt
mixture through a partially confined space.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

12 The term partial confinement is used to describe a situation in which

obstacles lie in the path of the advancing flame. As the (as yet) unburnt mixture is
forced past these obstacles, turbulence is produced. The flame will travel much
more rapidly through a turbulent mixture than through a quiescent one.
13 The flame speed may vary from a few metres per second (m/s) to sonic
velocities (340 m/s). Under certain conditions, supersonic velocities may be
reached. If the velocity is subsonic the propagating flame is termed a deflagration.
If the flame speed is greater than the speed of sound the explosion is termed a
detonation. The faster a flame travels, the greater the overpressure produced. A
cloud of petrol vapour in the open without any turbulence creating obstructions,
such as complex pipe racks or congested plant, would on ignition produce a
deflagration with a relatively slow flame speed (eg 10 m/s). Such an event would
give rise to overpressures of about 0.2 psi (14 mbar). For a flame to accelerate
beyond this and create higher overpressures, some or all of the factors mentioned
above would have to play a part. A flame would not accelerate to detonation
unless it was confined in a long narrow structure such as a pipeline.
14 As indicated above, if a flammable mixture is ignited within an item of
enclosed plant or equipment, the pressure will build up until the plant either fails
or a purpose-built vent or explosion relief panel opens. Storage tanks, for example,
are normally designed with a weak roof joint so that in the event of an internal
explosion, the explosive forces are vented upwards without the rest of the tank
failing. Without any venting, and provided that the item of plant does not fail, an
internal deflagration from hydrocarbon vapours could theoretically give a
maximum pressure rise of approximately 130 psi (8.9 bar).
Flash fires
15 A flash fire can occur if a vapour rich cloud spreads from its release point,
undergoing some dilution at the interface between the cloud and the surrounding
air so that a flammable mixture exists only at the interface. The cloud still has a
fuel-rich core. Upon ignition the flame front will rapidly propagate through the
flammable regions of the cloud and the fuel-rich region will burn more slowly as it
mixes with air. The flames will eventually become established as an ordinary
diffusion flame at the point of origin. Flash fires do not usually generate any
appreciable overpressure effects.
16 The pressure wave created by an explosion can have an effect on people, plant
or property, in addition to the harmful effects from the burning vapour. The
greatest effects from the pressure wave will be at the closest point to the explosion.
Previous work to categorise the damage from blast overpressure has mainly
considered the effects from conventional explosives and nuclear bomb tests, rather
than the type of incident that occurred at Buncefield. Explosions are often
classified according to their TNT equivalent, with an efficiency factor used to
compensate for the lower efficiency of an igniting vapour cloud in converting
chemical energy into blast energy.
17 Another difference is that the blast from a conventional explosive has a high
peak pressure over a short period of time, when compared to a hydrocarbon cloud
which generates a lower peak pressure but of longer duration. The longer duration
creates a higher impulse and therefore a different damaging effect than the same
energy release from a high explosive. A further problem with using this
information to analyse vapour cloud explosion events is the fact that conventional
explosives have a point source, whereas a vapour cloud occupies a large volume.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

18 The following table lists commonly accepted damage figures from blast
overpressure and can be used for comparative purposes. However, care has to be
taken in using this data as it does not take into account the duration of the
pressure wave.
Commonly accepted damage figures from blast overpressure





Annoying noise, if of low frequency


Breakage of small windows under strain



Typical pressure for glass failure



Damage to some ceilings



Minor structural damage



Large and small windows shattered, damage to

window frames



Minor damage to houses, 20-50% of tiles displaced



Roof damage to oil storage tanks



Houses made uninhabitable



Asbestos cladding shattered, fastenings of corrugated

steel panels fail, tiled roof lifted and displaced



Partial collapse of walls and roofs of houses, 30% of

trees blown down



90% of trees blown down, steel framed buildings

distorted and pulled away from foundations



Rupture of oil tanks



Severe displacement of motor vehicles



Wooden utility poles snapped



Collapse of steel girder framed buildings



Brick walls completely demolished



Complete destruction of all unreinforced buildings



Collapse of heavy masonry or concrete bridges

Source: HSE Specialist Inspector Report Number 37 Simplified calculations of blast

induced injuries and damage

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Commonly accepted figures for direct harm to people from blast overpressure


Direct harm to people


Threshold for eardrum rupture



People knocked down or thrown to the ground



90% probability of eardrum rupture



Threshold of lung haemorrhage


2068-2400 Near 100% fatality from lung haemorrhage

19 HSE uses the following levels of overpressure for providing land use planning
advice around hazardous installations. These are based on estimates of fatalities
within occupied buildings.


Direct harm to people



50% fatalities for a normal population


Threshold of fatality (1-5%) for a normal population


Threshold of fatality (1-5%) for a vulnerable



Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 7
Product composition at Buncefield
1 Extensive sampling of the various petroleum products at the Buncefield depot
has been carried out to verify the product distribution through the site from the
different supply pipelines, and also to identify the composition of the released
materials. The majority of the samples were taken from the Hertfordshire Oil
Storage Limited site but samples were also taken from the two pipelines feeding
unleaded petrol to the site, the United Kingdom Oil Pipelines Limited T/K pipeline
and the FinaLine pipeline from the Lindsey refinery.
2 As a release of unleaded petrol is considered to be the initiating event for the
explosion and subsequent fire, all petrol samples have been tested against the
standard BS EN 228 for automotive fuels, together with a full chemical analysis by
an independent accredited test house.19 Samples of other products handled on site
including diesel, aviation fuel and gas oil have been subject to simple laboratory
tests to confirm their identity.
Product identification
3 The test results from the samples taken on site are consistent with the product
type identified from the site plans or by the company as being contained or held
within any particular plant or section of pipework. Many of the samples showed
degradation or contamination caused by heat-damaged plant or open pipework as
a result of the incident. This degradation is particularly noticeable by the loss of
the more volatile components, including butane, from many of the samples.
4 The loss of volatile components from the samples has made a direct
comparison of their analytical results and subsequent tracking of the different
product sources through the site extremely difficult. In addition representative
samples from Tank 912 after the incident are not available as this tank completely
burnt out, and only fire-damaged residues consisting mainly of water could be
extracted from the tank bottom. The samples of the material feeding Tank 912,
taken by the operator prior to the incident and retained on site, were destroyed
during the incident.
Product composition
5 The evidence to date is consistent with the release of petrol from Tank 912
while it was being fed from the British Pipeline Agency Limited manifold. Petrol is
a blend of many different hydrocarbons, each of which will have an impact on the
vapour pressure. The British Pipeline Agency Limited manifold feeding Tank 912
was being supplied by a parcel of unleaded petrol from the British Petroleum PLC
oil refinery at Coryton, Essex. That in turn was made up from the feed from four
separate tanks. No sample of the parcel is available as the part-batches from the
feeder tanks are not blended and tested as a composite batch before being pumped
from site. British Petroleum PLC has provided the Conformity Certificates for the
individual feeder tanks showing their analysis against the British Standard. The
British Standard is a performance specification and only details specific limits for



BS EN 228: 2004 Automotive fuels. Unleaded petrol. Requirements and test methods.
Available online at www.bsonline.bsi-global.com.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

the chemicals lead and benzene. By way of example, the standard does not
specifically limit the content of butane, which comprises a mixture of butanes and
butenes, and therefore the presence and levels of these individual components are
not routinely determined. The total butane content, however, will affect the vapour
pressure and this is specified in the standard depending on whether the product is
marketed as winter or summer grade. For winter grade petrol the vapour pressure
limits are defined as 70-100 kPa and for summer they are reduced to 45-70 kPa.
6 The Conformity Certificates show that the vapour pressure for the four partbatches were all at or very close to 100 kPa. This was corroborated by evidence
obtained from the British Pipeline Agency Limited site after the incident. This
corresponded to a total butane content of 10.0%. By contrast, other samples of
petrol taken from the site after the incident and which had been degraded by
exposure to the fire were found to have lower vapour pressures and
correspondingly lower butane levels. Therefore the product released on site was at
the top end of the winter grade limit for vapour pressure. A reasonable estimate of
the butane content of the released material is 10% by weight.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 8
Regulatory framework for high hazard sites
1 The regulatory framework for sites such as Buncefield, which present potential
major accident hazards, comprises requirements imposed on the site operators
under both health and safety and environmental legislation, complemented by the
requirements of planning law. In particular, the Control of Major Accident
Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH) apply.
Health and safety law
2 Operators in the process industries are subject to the requirements of the
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (the HSW Act) and the Management of
Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 which require, respectively, safety
policies and risk assessments covering the whole range of health and safety risks.
Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH)
3 COMAHs main aim is to prevent and mitigate the effects of those major
accidents involving dangerous substances, such as chlorine, liquefied petroleum gas
and explosives which can cause serious damage/harm to people and/or the
environment. The COMAH Regulations treat risks to the environment as seriously
as those to people. They apply where threshold quantities of dangerous substances
identified in the Regulations are kept or used. There are two thresholds, known as
lower-tier and top-tier. The requirements of COMAH are fully explained in The
requirements of COMAH are fully explained in A guide to the Control of Major
Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH). Guidance on Regulations L111
HSE Books 1999 ISBN 0 7176 1604 5.
4 The COMAH Regulations are enforced by a joint Competent Authority
comprising HSE and the Environment Agency in England and Wales, and HSE and
the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) in Scotland. Operators will
generally receive a single response from the Competent Authority on all matters to
do with COMAH. The Competent Authority operates to a Memorandum of
Understanding, which sets out arrangements for joint working.
5 The COMAH Regulations require operators of top-tier sites to submit written
safety reports to the Competent Authority with the purpose, among others, of
demonstrating that major accident hazards have been identified and that the
necessary measures have been taken both to prevent such accidents and to limit
any consequences. Operators of top-tier sites must also prepare adequate
emergency plans to deal with the on-site consequences of possible major accidents,
and to assist with off-site mitigation. Local authorities for areas containing top-tier
sites must prepare adequate emergency plans to deal with the off-site consequences
of possible major accidents, based on information supplied by site operators.


6 The COMAH Regulations place duties on the Competent Authority to have in

place a system of inspections for establishments subject to the Regulations, and to
prohibit the operation of an establishment if there is evidence that measures taken
for prevention and mitigation of major accidents are seriously deficient. The
Competent Authority also has to examine safety reports and inform operators
about the conclusions of its examinations within a reasonable time period.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

7 The inspection plan for a particular establishment is drawn up by inspectors

from the Competent Authority based on previous interventions at the site and on
information gained from the assessment of the safety report. The inspection
programme requires input from a range of inspectors with specialist knowledge and
identifies and prioritises issues. The focus of the programme is to ensure that the key
risk control measures for preventing and mitigating major hazards are maintained.
8 The adequacy of this process and its application at Buncefield by HSE and
Environment Agency inspectors is subject to a review under term of reference 3.
Environmental legislation
9 Some of the establishments regulated under the COMAH Regulations are also
regulated by the Environment Agency and SEPA (the Agencies) under the Pollution
Prevention and Control Act 1999 (PPC) or Part I of the Environmental Protection
Act 1990 (EPA 90). The regime under EPA 90 is gradually being replaced by the
PPC regime and will be fully replaced by 2007.
10 While the purpose of the COMAH Regulations (the prevention of major
accidents) differs from that of PPC, the means to achieve them are almost identical.
They require industry to have good management systems to control risk. PPC
includes a specific duty to prevent and mitigate accidents to the environment which
is complementary to the main COMAH duty. The Agencies manage this overlap
between their different regimes following the principle that accident prevention
work on COMAH sites is generally more significant because of the greater risks.
Supporting guidance and standards
11 The legal requirements are supported by a large body of guidance and
standards that set out recognised good practice in the control of major accident
hazards. This includes national and international standards, industry guidance and
guidance published by the Competent Authority. Examples of the latter are
Reducing error and influencing behaviour HSG48 (Second edition) HSE Books
1999 ISBN 0 7176 2452 8 and Successful health and safety management HSG65
(Second edition) HSE Books 1997 ISBN 0 7176 1276 7.
Land use planning
12 The land use planning aspects of the Seveso II Directive are given effect in the
UK by the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1992, as amended in
1999. Under these Regulations the presence of hazardous chemicals above specified
thresholds requires consent from the hazardous substances authority, usually the
local planning authority. HSE is a statutory consultee on such occasions. The role
of HSE is to consider the hazards and risks which would be presented by the
hazardous substances to people in the vicinity, and on the basis of this advise the
hazardous substances authority whether or not consent should be granted. HSE
will also supply a consultation distance around the site. Any future developments
in these zones require HSE to be consulted.
13 The aim of health and safety advice relating to land use planning is to mitigate
the effects of a major accident on the population in the vicinity of hazardous
installations, by following a consistent and systematic approach in providing
advice on applications for planning permission around such sites.
14 Historically, HSE has based its land use planning advice on the presumption
that site operators are in full compliance with the HSW Act. Section 2 of the Act
places a duty on an employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

health and safety of his employees. There is a corresponding duty in section 3 to

ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that others (including the public) are not
exposed to risks to their health and safety. These duties are goal-setting and
operators are expected to determine the most appropriate means to comply with
them, without the need for detailed approval from HSE.
15 Under the General Development Procedure Order 1995, both HSE and the
Environment Agency are statutory consultees for:


the development of a new major accident hazard site; or

developments on an existing site which could have significant repercussions on
major accident hazards; or
other developments in the vicinity of existing establishments, where the siting
or development is such as to increase the risk or consequences of a major

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 9
Regulation of perfluorooctane sulphonates (PFOS)
1 Perfluorochemicals are a family of chemicals used in products designed to repel
dirt, grease and water, including kitchenware, carpet treatments, food wrappers,
sprays for leather and other clothing, paints and cleaning products.
2 A group of these substances, perfluorooctane sulphonates (collectively
identified as PFOS), has been shown to be hazardous (persistent, bioaccumulative
and toxic). PFOS has been used in a diverse range of applications, from firefighting foam additives to use as a mist suppressant in chromium plating. PFOS
was also used in common household anti-soil treatments often referred to by the
trade name Scotchgard (a trademark of 3M PLC).
3 The UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and
the Environment (COT), an independent scientific committee that provides advice
to the Food Standards Agency, the Department of Health and other Government
Departments and Agencies on matters concerning the toxicity of chemicals - is
currently evaluating PFOS, most recently in May 2006.20
4 On the basis of the preliminary COT discussions, the Health Protection Agency
advised the Drinking Water Inspectorate in March 2006 that, It appears unlikely
that a lifetimes consumption of drinking water containing concentrations up to
three microgrammes (of PFOS) per litre would harm human health and that
drinking-water concentrations of PFOS should not exceed three microgrammes
per litre. The Health Protection Agency will review its advice when COT has
finalised its assessment of PFOS.
5 In the light of current Health Protection Agency advice, the Drinking Water
Inspectorates view (29 March 2006) is that to safeguard human health, PFOS should
not be present in drinking water supplies above three microgrammes/litre (g/l).
6 PFOS does not appear to undergo any degradation in the natural environment.
Due to this extreme stability it has now become widespread both in man and the
environment. The biological persistence of PFOS in living organisms is high, with
an estimated elimination half-life for humans of the order of four to eight years.
7 These concerns resulted in the principal manufacturer of PFOS (3M) announcing
a voluntary phase-out of PFOS manufacture from 2001 onwards. PFOS, however,
continues to be produced by some companies and is used in some industrial
processes, for example semiconductor production and chromium plating. PFOS was
used as an ingredient in some AFFF Class B fire-fighting foam concentrates until a
few years ago. These concentrates have a shelf life of at least ten years and remaining
stocks will therefore continue to be available for use on oil fires.
8 DEFRA consulted on a national action to restrict the use of PFOS and
substances that may degrade to PFOS in October 2004. This included proposals to
phase out the use of PFOS in fire-fighting foams. In December 2005, the European
Commission issued a proposal for a Directive restricting the marketing and use of
PFOS. In this draft Directive PFOS used in fire-fighting foams as well as


The COT minutes and background working paper are available from


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

photolithography, photographic coats, chromium plating and hydraulic fluids for

aviation would be allowed to continue.
9 The Environment Agency has conducted a national environmental risk
assessment of PFOS.21 This concluded that there was an environmental risk for all
PFOS uses. For now, the drive to minimise PFOS in the environment and drinking
water has to be reconciled with its continued use in some industrial sectors.
10 The risk reduction strategy proposed by DEFRA would have phased out PFOS
use in chrome plating two years after the legislation came into force, and in firefighting foam and most other applications five years after the legislation came into
force. The draft EU Directive (December 2005) on PFOS does not phase out the
use of PFOS in these applications. The EU has now prohibited the UK from
imposing unilateral restrictions on the use of PFOS and any action to restrict the
use of PFOS will now proceed at an EU level.
The Environment Agencys approach
11 The Environment Agencys policy aim is to progressively reduce and ultimately
phase out the discharge of PFOS to controlled waters. However, the Environment
Agency does not regulate all users and, due to its widespread presence, it is not
feasible to prevent all discharges of PFOS into controlled waters. When calculating
acceptable concentrations of PFOS in consented effluent discharges to surface
water the Environment Agency will aim to prevent detectable emissions where
possible. As PFOS is a List I substance under the Groundwater Directive, the
Environment Agency cannot authorise its disposal to groundwater.



Brooke D, Footitt A and Nwaogu TA Environmental risk evaluation report:

perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) Research Contractor: Building Research
Establishment Ltd. Risk and Policy Analysts Ltd.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Annex 10
Legal considerations
Prosecution decision making
1 The Board is aware that the process of making enforcement decisions is
complex. Every duty holder and situation is unique. The prosecution decision can
only be considered once the criminal investigation is fully complete, ie all
reasonable lines of enquiry have been followed (in line with the Code of Practice
issued pursuant to the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996). In the
case of HSE, the HSC Enforcement Policy Statement sets out the approach to be
followed, in accordance with the aims of the Governments Principles of Good
Enforcement and requires HSE to apply the Code for Crown Prosecutors (The
2 The Environment Agency has its own Enforcement and Prosecution Policy,
which also relies on those principles and commits the Agency to take account of
the Code. Each case is unique and will be considered on its own merits. Any
prosecution decision requires a careful balancing of individual factors present in
that particular case and will be taken by a lawyer who is independent of the
3 The Code states that the decision-maker (prosecutor) must be fair, independent
and objective. It is their duty to review cases and to ensure that the law is properly
applied, that all relevant evidence is put before the court and that obligations of
disclosure are complied with. The prosecutor will also ensure that the investigators
have identified any material that might undermine the prosecution case or assist
the defence, and that they have acted in compliance with the Human Rights Act
1998. The more complex the circumstances of a case and/or the technical evidence,
the longer this process may take.
Evidential stage
4 There is a strict order in which the prosecutor must apply the two stages which
form the Full Code Test under the Code. The prosecutor must first consider the
evidential stage. If there is not the required level of evidence then no prosecution
can go ahead, no matter how important the case or how strong the public interest
is in favour of prosecution. The prosecutor must be satisfied that the evidence is
admissible to meet the evidential test.
5 To pass the evidential stage the Approval Officer must be satisfied that there is
enough evidence to form a realistic prospect of conviction against each defendant
on each charge. This is a different test to the one that magistrates or juries have to
apply. This is not simply a case of percentages. The evidential stage is met if there
is sufficient evidence to ensure that a jury or bench of magistrates, with a correct
understanding of the law, is more likely than not to convict the defendant of the
alleged charge.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report


The prosecutors considerations will include:

Is there any evidence which might support or detract from the reliability of an

What explanation has the suspect given?

Is the character of any of the witnesses likely to weaken their evidence?

Does the witness have a motive that might influence his or her evidence?

Is there any concern over the accuracy or credibility of a witness? If so, what is
the basis for that concern?

Public interest stage

7 If the case meets the standard required by the evidential stage, only then can
the prosecutor consider whether a prosecution is required in the public interest.
The prosecutor has to balance the factors for and against prosecution very
carefully. The decision must not be affected by improper or undue pressure from
any source.
8 For HSE, the HSC Enforcement Policy Statement sets out the common health
and safety public interest factors, which, if one or more is present, HSC expects
should lead to a prosecution, eg where:

death was a result of the breach of legislation;

the gravity of an alleged offence, taken together with the seriousness of any
actual or potential harm, or the general record and approach of the offender,
warrants it;
there has been a reckless disregard for health and safety requirements, repeated
breaches which give rise to significant risk, or persistent and significant poor
work has been carried out in serious non-compliance with an appropriate
licence or safety case;
a duty holders standard of managing health and safety is found to be far
below what is required by health and safety law and to be giving rise to
significant risk;
there has been a failure to comply with an improvement or prohibition notice,
or there has been a repetition of a breach that was subject to a formal caution;
false information has been supplied wilfully, or there has been an intent to
deceive, in relation to a matter which gives rise to significant risk;
inspectors have been intentionally obstructed in the lawful course of their

9 The list is not exhaustive. The Enforcement Policy Statement acknowledges

that there may be occasions where these factors may be present but that the public
interest does not require a prosecution.

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

10 The Environment Agency will consider the environmental effect of the alleged
offence, the foreseeability of the offence or the circumstances leading to it, the
intent of the offender, any history of offending, the attitude of the offender,
whether a prosecution is required in order to ensure deterrence, and the personal
circumstances of the offender. Again the list is not exhaustive.
11 There is a presumption that the Environment Agency will prosecute where one
or more of the following are present:

Incidents or breaches that have significant consequences for the environment,

or which have the potential for such consequences.

Operations have been carried out without a licence.

There have been excessive or persistent breaches of regulatory requirements.


There has been a failure to comply or to comply adequately with formal

remedial requirements.
There has been reckless disregard for management or quality standards.
There has been a failure to supply information without reasonable excuse, or
knowingly or recklessly supplying false or misleading information.

Agency staff have been obstructed.

There has been an attempt to impersonate Agency staff.

12 The Code for Crown Prosecutors also lists other relevant factors for and
against prosecution, which again are not exhaustive. The prosecutor balances the
factors for and against prosecution.
Views of the victim(s) (part of the public interest stage)
13 The prosecutor will also take into account the consequences for the victim of
the decision to prosecute or not to prosecute, and any views expressed by the
victim or the bereaved. While the prosecutor will take into account their views,
neither enforcement authority is bound to follow those views when reaching the
final decision on enforcement.


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

ambient temperature

The temperature of the surrounding air

aquifer A water-bearing stratum of porous rock, gravel or sand

bar and millibar Although a bar is not a measure in the International System of
Units (SI), it is one of the units used in meteorology when describing atmospheric
pressure. The SI unit for measuring pressure is the pascal (Pa). A millibar is equal
to 1/1000 of a bar, or 100 pascals (a hectopascal)
bioaccumulative Literally, to accumulate in a biological system. It is commonly
taken to measure the uptake over time of toxic substances that can stay in a
biological system
borehole A cylindrical shaft drilled into the ground, often for geological
exploration or extraction of resources
Bronze command The working name for the operational command level during a
Major Incident
bund An enclosure designed to contain fluids should they escape from the tank
or vessel inside the bund, as well as any additional materials added to the
container area such as fire-fighting water and foam, etc
COMAH See Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999
COMAH sites A site to which the Control of Major Accident Hazards
Regulations 1999 apply
Competent Authority The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations
(COMAH) are enforced by a joint Competent Authority comprising the Health
and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Environment Agency in England and Wales,
and HSE and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Scotland
Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 The main aim of these
Regulations is to prevent and mitigate the effects of those major accidents
involving dangerous substances, such as chlorine, liquefied petroleum gas, and
explosives which can cause serious damage/harm to people and/or the
environment. The Regulations treat risks to the environment as seriously as those
to people. They apply where threshold quantities of dangerous substances
identified in the Regulations are kept or used. See also Seveso II
duty holder In the context of this report, any person or organisation holding a
legal duty in particular those placed by the HSW Act, the Management
Regulations, and the COMAH Regulations
Environment Agency The Environment Agency is the lead regulator in England
and Wales with responsibility for protecting and enhancing the environment. It was
set up by the Environment Act 1995 and is a non-departmental public body,
largely sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and
the National Assembly for Wales

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report


Water stored for use during, and used during, fire-fighting operations

foam In the context of this report, a foam used during operations to extinguish
hydrocarbon fires
forthwith action The Investigation terms of reference require the Investigation
team and Board to identify and transmit without delay to duty holders and other
appropriate recipients any information requiring immediate action to further safety
and/or environmental protection in relation to storage and distribution of
hydrocarbon fuels. This is referred to as forthwith action for both the
Investigation, the Competent Authority, and duty holders
Gold command
The working name for the strategic command centre during a
Major Incident - also known as the Strategic Co-ordinating Group
groundwater All water below the water-table, as opposed to ground waters,
which include groundwater but also sub-surface water above the water-table. The
term ground water, where used in the previous progress reports, should normally
have read groundwater
hazard Anything with the potential to cause harm
Health and Safety Commission The Health and Safety Commission is a statutory
body, established under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, responsible
for health and safety regulation in Great Britain
Health and Safety Executive The Health and Safety Executive is a statutory body,
established under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. It is an enforcing
authority working in support of HSC. Local authorities are also enforcing
authorities under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

See Health and Safety Commission

HSE See Health and Safety Executive

hydrocarbon An organic chemical compound of hydrogen and carbon. There are
a wide variety of hydrocarbons such as crude oil (basically a complex mixture of
hydrocarbons), methane, propane, butane etc. They are often used as fuels
Improvement Notice Improvement Notices are one of a range of means which
enforcing authorities use to achieve the broad aim of dealing with serious risks,
securing compliance with health and safety law and preventing harm. An
Improvement Notice allows time for the recipient to comply
kiloPascal Pascals (Pa) are the unit of pressure in the International System of
Units (SI). A kiloPascal (kPa) is equal to 1000 Pa. Although bar are not units
within SI, they are sometimes used as units to measure atmospheric pressure.
1 kPa = 10 bar. See also bar and millibar

See kiloPascal


See tier


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Major Accident To The Environment DEFRA has established threshold criteria

defining a Major Accident To The Environment (MATTE), based on Schedule 7
(part 1) of the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999. The
Environment Agency, using these criteria, has determined that the Buncefield
incident is a MATTE, and the Competent Authority has recently reported this to
the European Commission
MATTE See Major Accident To The Environment

See bar and millibar

overpressure For a pressure pulse (or blast wave), the pressure developed above
atmospheric pressure
perfluorooctane sulphonates A group of chemicals, collectively identified as
PFOS, which have been shown to be hazardous (persistent, bioaccumulative and
toxic). PFOS chemicals have been used in a diverse range of applications, including
as an additive to aid the spreading properties of fire-fighting foam
perfluorosurfactant In the context of the Buncefield incident, a surfactant is a
chemical added to fire-fighting foam which allows the foam to form a thin sealing
film over the burning fuel. Perfluorosurfactants are a type of surfactant
PFOS See perfluorooctane sulphonates
pool fire

A fire over a pool of fuel and/or water or other liquids

primary containment The tanks, pipes and vessels that normally hold liquids, and
the devices fitted to them to allow them to be safely operated
pumphouse In the context of this report, the structure enclosing the pumping
equipment used to move water around the Buncefield site prior to the incident.
It principally stored water intended for fire-fighting operations
The likelihood that a hazard will cause a specified harm to someone or
run off Uncontained liquid, either deposited on site as rain, or in the context of
the Buncefield incident, fuel and/or fire-water not contained as part of the
operation to control the incident
Safety Alert Where the Competent Authority considers that an issue poses
significant risk, it can choose to issue a Safety Alert to operators of COMAH sites
informing them of the issue and possibly requiring them to undertake certain
SCG See Strategic Co-ordinating Group
Scottish Environment Protection Agency The public body which is responsible
for the protection of the environment in Scotland
secondary containment Enclosed areas around storage vessels (often called
bunds), created usually by concrete or earth walls. Their purpose is to hold any
escaping liquids and any water or chemicals used in fire-fighting

See Scottish Environment Protection Agency

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Seveso II In 1976, a major accident occurred in Seveso, Italy, where the

accidental production and release of a dioxin as an unwanted by-product from a
runaway chemical reaction led to widespread contamination. A number of such
incidents, and the recognition of the differing standards of controls over industrial
activities within the European Community, led the European Commission to
propose a Directive on the control of major industrial accident hazards. The
Directive on the Major Accident Hazards of Certain Industrial Activities
(82/501/EEC) was adopted on 24 June 1982, and is generally known as the Seveso
Directive. Following a complete review of the Directive by the European
Commission a new one, now known as Seveso II, came into force on 3 February
1997 and was implemented in Great Britain on 1 April 1999 by the Control of
Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999, except for land use planning
requirements, which were implemented by changes to planning legislation
Silver command The working name for the tactical command centre during a
Major Incident
Strategic Co-ordinating Group Representation of all agencies deployed to resolve
the Buncefield incident was established through a meeting process known as the
Strategic Co-ordinating Group, also known as Gold Command
surface water
and streams

Water that sits or flows above land, including lakes, seas, rivers

tank farm A facility where hazardous substances, very often petroleum products,
are stored in tanks
tertiary containment The site surface and associated drainage, boundary walls,
roads, containment kerbs and any features such as road humps that can provide
some retention of liquids. Proper design of drainage systems will limit loss of
product out of the site and prevent lost product permeating into the ground with
the potential risk that it can migrate to groundwater, or contaminate surface
waters and land
tier The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 apply where
threshold quantities of dangerous substances identified in the Regulations are kept
or used. There are two thresholds, known as lower-tier and top-tier, and
COMAH sites fall into one or other of these
topography The physical configuration of the surface of the land, including its
elevation, slope, and orientation

See tier

ultimate high-level switch Part of the system to prevent overfilling of the tank,
the ultimate high-level switch is an independent mechanism which should be
triggered when the ultimate high level (ie the specified maximum capacity) is
reached in a tank to which it is fitted, both causing an alarm to sound and shutting
down the supply of fuel to the tank
vapour pressure A measure of the tendency of a material to form a vapour.
The higher the vapour pressure, the higher the potential vapour concentration

The readiness of a substance to evaporate

wind girder

Structural stiffening ring attached to the tank side wall


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Further information
Useful links
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation
Marlowe Room, Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge
London, SE1 9HS
020 7717 6909
020 7717 6082
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk
Community/Business support
Dacorum Business Contact Centre
01442 867 805
Business Link Helpline
01727 813 813
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
01727 813 680
Dacorum Community Trust Mayors Fund
To apply, call the freephone helpline on 0800 131 3351.
Lines are open 9.30 am-4.30 pm, Monday to Friday
Dacorum Borough Council
01442 228 000
Web: www.dacorum.gov.uk
Hemel Hempstead Citizens Advice Bureau
19 Hillfield Road, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4AA
01442 213368
Local authorities and emergency services
Dacorum Borough Council
01442 228 000
Web: www.dacorum.gov.uk
(Dacorum Borough Council Digest newsletter, available monthly
Dacorum Borough Council Buncefield Update Newsletter)
St Albans District Council
01727 866 100
Web: www.stalbans.gov.uk
Hertfordshire County Council
01483 737 555
Web: www.hertsdirect.org


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service

Web: www.hertsdirect.org/yrccouncil/hcc/fire/buncefield
Hertfordshire Constabulary
Web: www.herts.police.uk/news/buncefield/main.htm
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Tel: 01727 813 680
Web: www.hertschamber.com
Government links
Department for Communities and Local Government
Fire and Resilience Directorate
Web: www.communities.gov.uk
Government Office for the East of England
Web: www.go-east.gov.uk
Environment Agency
Web: www.environment-agency.gov.uk
Department of Trade and Industry
Oil and Gas Directorate
Web: www.og.dti.gov.uk
Health and Safety Executive
Hazardous Installations Directorate
Web: www.hse.gov.uk/hid
Control of Major Accident Hazards
Web: www.hse.gov.uk/comah
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Web: www.defra.gov.uk
Health Protection Agency
Web: www.hpa.org.uk
Food Standards Agency
Web: www.food.gov.uk
Drinking Water Inspectorate
Web: www.dwi.gov.uk
Industry links
United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA)
020 7240 0289
Web: www.ukpia.com
Chemical Industries Association
020 7834 3399
Web: www.cia.org.uk
Three Valleys Water
0845 782 3333
Web: www.3valleys.co.uk

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Investigation reports
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation:

Progress Report, published 21 February 2006

Second Progress Report, published 11 April 2006
Third Progress Report, published 9 May 2006

Available from www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk

DEFRA: Initial review of Air Quality aspects of the Buncefield Oil Depot
Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Services Report into the Fire Response to be
published in November 2006
Angus Fire, Buncefield Oil Terminal Incident December 2005: Review of part
played by Angus Fire and lessons learned
Other related reports/information
East of England Development Agency report by SQW, Economic Developments
Consultants on: The Buncefield Oil Depot Incident: Economic and Business
Confidence Impact Study, June 2006
Swiss Fire Service: Quick Look Report Buncefield Fire 11 December 2005
Contract research reports for HSE

W.S. Atkins Science and Technology: Derivation of fatality probability

functions for occupants of buildings subject to blast loads Phases 1, 2, & 3 147/1997 and Phase 4 - 151/1997
Biomedical Sciences Chemical and Biological Defence Sector Defence
Evaluation and Research Agency: Review of blast injury data and models

Available from: www.hsebooks.com

Government Advisory Bodies

Committee on mutagenicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the

environment (COM)
Committee on carcinogenicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and
the environment (COC)
Committee on toxicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the
environment (COT)





Recommendations on the
design and operation
of fuel storage sites

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board


Buncefield Major Incident Investigation: Initial Report

Recommendations on the
design and operation
of fuel storage sites

Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Crown copyright This publication may be freely reproduced, except for

advertising, endorsement or commercial purposes. First published 03/07.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Introduction 1
The Boards approach 2
Scope of the recommendations 3
Status of the recommendations 3
The Baker report 5
Further work to investigate explosion mechanism 6
The recommendations 6
Systematic assessment of safety integrity level requirements 8
Recommendation 1
Protecting against loss of primary containment using high integrity systems 10
Recommendations 2-10
Engineering against escalation of loss of primary containment 14
Recommendations 11-16
Engineering against loss of secondary and tertiary containment 16
Recommendations 17-18
Operating with high reliability organisations 18
Recommendations 19-22
Delivering high performance through culture and leadership 20
Recommendations 23-25
1: Terms of reference and progress 22
2: Members of the independent Board 25
3: Rationale for Recommendation 3 Independent and automatic storage tank
overflow prevention 26
4: Background and supporting material for improved components and systems
(Recommendation 8) 28
5: High reliability organisations (Recommendations 19-22) 30
6: BS EN 61511 Functional safety - safety instrumented systems for the process
industry sector 32
7: Examples of incidents that have involved loss of primary containment from
storage tanks 34
References 36
Glossary 38
Further information 41


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Figure 1 An overview of an oil storage depot on the east coast of England.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

1 This report sets out recommendations to improve safety in the design and
operation of fuel storage sites. We make these recommendations as the independent
Investigation Board, chaired by Lord Newton of Braintree, set up to supervise the
investigation into the explosions and fires at the Buncefield oil storage and transfer
depot, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire on 11 December 2005. The investigation
was directed by the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) using its powers under
section 14(2)(a) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
2 Item 5 of the investigations terms of reference requires us to make
recommendations for future action to ensure the effective management and
regulation of major accident risk at COMAH1 sites. This should include
consideration of off-site as well as on-site risks and consider prevention of
incidents, preparations for response to incidents, and mitigation of their effects.
3 Our initial report, published on 13 July 2006, identified four principal
workstreams that would form the basis for our continuing work and developing
recommendations. Those workstreams are:

design and operation of storage sites;

emergency preparedness for, and response to, incidents;

advice to planning authorities; and

examination of the Health and Safety Executives (HSEs) and the Environment
Agencys roles in regulating the activities on the Buncefield site.

4 This report concentrates on the first of these design and operations. Future
reports will make recommendations on other areas, though we anticipate some
overlap as the workstreams are closely related. Improving control measures goes
hand in hand with improving emergency arrangements and with considering the
potential impacts of major incidents on local communities. This report builds on
the broad conclusions set out in paragraphs 61-77 of our initial report, which in
turn reflect the findings of the investigation, as summarised in the initial report and
in the three progress reports preceding it. That material is referenced, but not
repeated, in this report. In preparing this report we have also considered
information from other sources, such as the Buncefield Standards Task Group,2 the
Competent Authority3 and the Baker report (see paragraph 15). Our broad aim in
making these recommendations is to catalyse improvement in the fuel storage
sector so that it is continually alert to the major hazard potential of its operations.

The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999. These Regulations are
enforced by a joint Competent Authority comprising HSE and the Environment Agency
in England and Wales and HSE and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in
The joint Competent Authority/Industry Standards Task Group set up to review safety
and environmental protection standards at fuel storage sites following the Buncefield
incident. The Task Group published its initial recommendations on 12 October 2006.
See footnote 1. The Competent Authority issued Safety Alerts in February and July

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

The Boards approach

5 Our starting point in developing these recommendations is the importance of
primary containment,4 as expressed in paragraph 63 of our initial report:
The occurrence of a massive fuel vapour explosion confirms the overriding
need to ensure the integrity of the primary means of containment; in other
words, to make sure that liquid does not escape from the vessels in which it is
normally meant to be confined.
6 Recommendations 1-16 therefore emphasise the need to increase the protection
provided by primary containment systems. The Buncefield incident highlighted the
need for high integrity systems for this purpose. Notwithstanding the importance
of primary containment, there remains a need for effective means of preventing
environmental pollution in the event of a failure of primary containment. While
implementing our recommendations should significantly reduce the likelihood of
such a failure, the potential for failure remains. Recommendations 17-18 therefore
deal with improvements to secondary and tertiary containment.5
7 Recommendations 1-18 essentially deal with technological matters and their
management. However, paragraph 74 of our initial report noted that human and
organisational factors are also important and these are covered in
Recommendations 19-22. Finally, Recommendations 23-25 deal with broader
strategic objectives relating to sector leadership and culture, essential to ensure that
the benefits of the more detailed recommendations are fully realised.
8 In several areas work is already underway that has the potential to meet these
recommendations, in response both to the Buncefield Standards Task Group
report(ref 1) and to Safety Alerts issued by the Competent Authority. We understand
that the Task Group is also working on other aspects of design and operation,
including aspects recommended in our initial report. We welcome the initiative of
the sector and the Competent Authority in taking this forward. However, the Task
Group is a temporary body set up to deliver a specific project of improvements (a
so-called task-and-finish group). Without implying any criticism of the Task
Group, this is not a suitable arrangement for leadership of the sector. As we
indicate in paragraphs 34-36 of this report, the Board believes that the sector, in
consultation with the Competent Authority, needs to build on its work to put in
place continuing arrangements for comparable leadership in relation to operating
and safety standards on a long-term basis. In our view action to improve sector
leadership will be the key to facilitate implementation of our recommendations and
to provide a focus for continuous improvement.

Primary means of containment are the tanks, pipes and vessels that hold liquids and the
devices fitted to them to allow them to be operated safely.
Secondary means of containment are enclosed areas around storage vessels (often called
bunds), created usually by concrete or earth walls. Their purpose is to hold any escaping
liquids and any water or chemicals used in firefighting. Tertiary means are features such
as drains designed to limit the passage of chemicals off site, or raised kerbs to prevent
liquids that have breached the bunds from escaping into the general area around the site.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Scope of the recommendations

9 As a minimum the recommendations in this report address Buncefield-type
sites as defined in the Buncefield Standards Task Group report,6 ie depots that
store and transfer petroleum products on a large scale. We use the term the sector
to denote these sites collectively, except where the context clearly indicates
otherwise. Some recommendations will also apply to a wider range of fuel storage
facilities. In some cases, although we have not studied the wider chemical industry,
we consider that relevant lessons for fire and explosion risks can be applied
beyond fuel storage and distribution. We indicate in the text some obvious areas
where our recommendations may apply beyond the sector, as defined above. More
generally, we encourage the chemical industry, working with the Competent
Authority, to consider the broader relevance of our findings so far.
10 The recommendations are addressed to those in the sector who have the legal
duties to prevent and control major accidents.7 Primarily this means operators of
Buncefield-type sites as described in paragraph 9, but also includes designers,
suppliers and contractors, as well as professional institutions or trade associations
where appropriate. In practice this will require close working with the regulators
(the Competent Authority), who will also need to ensure the recommendations are

Status of the recommendations

11 In making these recommendations we recognise that work continues, including
the work to investigate explosion mechanisms mentioned in paragraphs 16-19 and
work in the Buncefield Standards Task Group. Further recommendations will
follow in relation to other areas of interest mentioned in paragraph 3.
12 We expect our recommendations to be put into practice throughout the sector.
Unless the context indicates otherwise, we envisage the Competent Authority will
adopt the recommendations as the minimum necessary to comply with legal
requirements. For example, where the recommendations call for higher standards
to be incorporated in revised guidance, those standards should be capable of being
insisted upon by law. The recommendations do not specifically call for changes to
the law on the assumption that the existing legal framework is sufficient to ensure
that necessary improvements are put in place. However, if this proves not to be the
case in any respect, HSC and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs (DEFRA) should draw up proposals for the necessary legal changes.

The Task Group initial recommendations apply to petrol stored at COMAH top and
lower tier sites in vertical, cylindrical, non-refrigerated, above ground storage tanks
with side walls greater than 5 metres in height and where the filling rate is greater than
100 cubic metres/hour.
COMAH requires operators of major hazard sites subject to the Regulations to take all
measures necessary to prevent major accidents and limit their consequences to persons
and the environment. Operators of top tier COMAH sites (like Buncefield) are also
required to submit written safety reports to the Competent Authority; and to prepare
emergency plans to deal with the consequences of a major accident. Operators and
others (including contractors, designers, suppliers) also have relevant duties under the
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and related regulations and under
environmental legislation.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Figure 2 Aerial view of the Buncefield depot

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

13 Where the recommended improvements are self evidently necessary or where the
sector is already intent on their implementation we expect the recommendations to
be implemented without undue delay. Some recommendations, particularly those
involving large-scale engineering improvements, will be easier to implement in new
sites than in existing sites. Other recommendations, such as those needing cultural
and leadership changes, should be addressed immediately, though their effects may
not be apparent in the short term. It is essential to have clear timescales, understood
both by the industry and the Competent Authority, against which progress can be
measured and reported. We therefore ask the Competent Authority to start without
delay a programme of reviews with operators of Buncefield-type sites of their
response to these recommendations, leading to site-specific timed action plans.
14 Where commitments have already been made (eg through the Buncefield
Standards Task Group) or the need for action is self-evident, we have not made
detailed cost-benefit assessments. In most cases we consider the costs will be
reasonable and the benefits, in preventing another Buncefield incident, beyond
argument. We are exploring further the costs and other implications of some
recommendations relative to their perceived benefits, though we expect this to
confirm our belief that the improvements we recommend are affordable. In agreeing
priorities for the action plans we call for in paragraph 13, the Competent Authority
will need to take account of cost, as described in paragraph 31.

The Baker report

15 We have noted with interest the recent report of the BP US Refineries
Independent Safety Review Panel by James Bakers panel in the United States.(ref 2)
Some of the recommendations and findings in that report align with our thinking
arising from the Buncefield investigation. In particular the Baker reports
recommendations relating to process safety leadership, process safety culture,
performance indicators, independent monitoring and industry leadership are
relevant. The Baker panels findings regarding the implementation of good
engineering practices, safety knowledge and competence also align with our views.

Figure 3 Damage to property on the Maylands estate adjacent to Buncefield

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Further work to investigate explosion mechanism

16 Current explosion models do not predict the blast damage that occurred at
Buncefield. Paragraph 77 of our initial report said:
Further work is needed to research the actual mechanism for generating the
unexpectedly high explosion overpressures seen at Buncefield. This is a matter
of keen international interest, and participation from a broad range of experts,
as well as the industry, is essential to ensure the transparency and credibility of
any research programme. The Board will consider further recommendations
about the nature and scope of such work.
17 Towards the end of 2006 we appointed an advisory panel to assist us in
formulating proposals for a programme of work. The panel is chaired by Professor
Dougal Drysdale who is a member of the Board. The panel is considering the
evidence currently available in respect of potential explosion mechanisms of a
flammable vapour cloud that could cause the type and extent of damage seen at
18 We have asked the panel to advise us whether research is justified and if so the
scope of such research, likely methods of funding it, and its governance
arrangements, to ensure a satisfactory outcome. We have asked the panel to
present its findings to us shortly after Easter and we shall make our
recommendations known soon afterwards.
19 The advisory panel experts are:
Professor Dougal Drysdale, University of Edinburgh (Chair)
Professor Derek Bradley, University of Leeds
Professor Geoffrey Chamberlain, Shell Global Solutions
Dr Laurence Cusco, Health and Safety Laboratories
Mike Johnson, Advantica
Professor Hans Michels, Imperial College London
Professor Vincent Tam, BP Exploration

The recommendations
20 Our recommendations are grouped under the following six headings:


Systematic assessment of safety integrity level requirements (Recommendation 1)

Protecting against loss of primary containment using high integrity systems
(Recommendations 2-10)
Engineering against escalation of loss of primary containment
(Recommendations 11-16)
Engineering against loss of secondary and tertiary containment
(Recommendations 17-18)
Operating with high reliability organisations (Recommendations 19-22)
Delivering high performance through culture and leadership
(Recommendations 23-25)

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Figure 4 Tops of a tank farm in South London


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Systematic assessment of
safety integrity level
21 The recommendations under this and the next two headings are based on the
conclusions set out in paragraphs 61-77 of our initial report and on the findings of
the first and third progress reports. The Buncefield incident highlighted the need
for high integrity systems, which we discuss further in the next section. However,
our firm belief is that before protective systems are installed there is a need to
determine the appropriate level of integrity that such systems are expected to
achieve. The sector currently lacks a common methodology to ensure a systematic
approach to this determination process. Several methodologies exist, but there is
no consistency. A common methodology would provide greater assurance.
22 Recommendation 1 is in line with work now underway following the
Buncefield Standards Task Groups initial recommendations relating to tank
overfill protection, particularly paragraph 9, which states The overall systems for
tank-filling control must be of high integrity with sufficient independence to
ensure timely and safe shutdown to prevent tank overflow. Site operators should
meet the latest international standards.
Recommendation 1 The Competent Authority and operators of Buncefield-type
sites should develop and agree a common methodology to determine safety
integrity level (SIL)8 requirements for overfill prevention systems in line with the
principles set out in Part 3 of BS EN 61511.(ref 3) This methodology should take
account of:

the existence of nearby sensitive resources or populations;

the nature and intensity of depot operations;

realistic reliability expectations for tank gauging systems; and

the extent/rigour of operator monitoring.

Application of the methodology should be clearly demonstrated in the COMAH

safety report submitted to the Competent Authority for each applicable site.
Existing safety reports will need to be reviewed to ensure this methodology is

A SIL is a measure of the safety system performance, in terms of the probability of

failure on demand. There are four discrete integrity levels, SIL 1-4. The higher the
SIL level, the higher the associated safety level and the lower the probability that a
system will fail to perform properly.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Figure 5 General view of fuel storage tanks with associated pipework and instrumentation

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Protecting against loss of

primary containment using
high integrity systems
23 Paragraph 21 notes that the Buncefield incident highlighted the need for high
integrity systems to prevent breaches of primary containment. The background is
summarised in paragraphs 61-77 of our initial report, based on the findings of the
third progress report. In particular, paragraph 63 of our initial report emphasised the
overriding need to ensure the integrity of the primary means of containment. The
following recommendations, particularly Recommendations 2-8, are closely related
and need to be considered as a whole. Our recommendations for automatic systems,
that do not depend on the need for human intervention, are not intended to override
the risk-based approach of Recommendation 1 but to act as a starting point.
24 Recommendations 3-5 reflect our firm view that to ensure integrity the sector
must move towards installing independent overfill prevention systems at sites
handling large quantities of highly flammable liquids9 such as petrol. We welcome
indications that API Code 2350(ref 4) is also moving in this direction. In many
respects Recommendations 3-5 align with work underway to implement paragraphs
8-11 of the Buncefield Standards Task Groups initial report, except that the Task
Group stopped short of recommending automatic overfill prevention systems. Annex
1 to this report sets out our arguments for installing automatic overfill prevention
systems (Recommendation 3). This would be a significantly higher standard than
that generally installed in this sector. These changes will need to be carefully planned
to consider up-stream implications and phased in to avoid undue disruption to the
UK fuel supply.
25 Recommendations 6 and 7 follow up paragraph 76 of our initial report, which
referred to the need for good communication between the parties responsible for
transferring fuel safely around the country. We indicated that the adequacy of existing
safety arrangements for transferring fuel between sites, eg between refineries and
Buncefield-type sites, may need to be reviewed. In returning to this, we firmly believe
that such a review is necessary given the number of responsible parties in a typical
system refinery operator, pipeline operator, and depot operator.
26 The safety report for any given depot or refinery (gasoline pipelines are not
currently subject to COMAH, though we may return to this in our next report) does
not deal specifically with the relationship between the transmitter and the receiver of
hazardous products. Therefore we welcome the recommendation at paragraph 7 in
the Buncefield Standards Task Groups first report relating to improving the
communications between site operators and operators of pipeline transfers. This does
not, however, go so far as to require site operators to have ultimate control to stop
receiving fuel into tanks to prevent an overfill. We believe it is essential for such a
hierarchy of control to be established, at the same time dealing with any upstream


A liquid fuel is classified under the Planning (Control of Major Accident Hazards)
Regulations 1999 according to its flashpoint, defined as The minimum temperature at
which a liquid, under specific test conditions, gives off sufficient flammable vapour to
ignite momentarily on the application of an ignition source. A highly flammable liquid
is defined as one with the flashpoint below 21oC. As petrol has a flashpoint in the
region of c -40oC, it is therefore classified as a highly flammable liquid.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

eight vents
for ullage void

access hatch for

manual dip tape

servo level

independent ultimate
high level switch

ullage void

still well pipe

liquid level

floating deck on top

of petrol to control
vapour emmission

funnel for dip

flexible seal at
clearance gaps

pocket for
temperature probe


Figure 6 General schematic of a typical internal floating roof tank

27 Annex 2 to this report sets out our arguments for developing improved
components and systems (Recommendation 8). Recommendations 9 and 10 are
needed to help monitor and review the effectiveness of improved control measures.
Recommendation 2 Operators of Buncefield-type sites should, as a priority,
review and amend as necessary their management systems for maintenance of
equipment and systems to ensure their continuing integrity in operation. This
should include, but not be limited to reviews of the following:

the arrangements and procedures for periodic proof testing of storage tank
overfill prevention systems to minimise the likelihood of any failure that
could result in loss of containment; any revisions identified pursuant to this
review should be put into immediate effect;
the procedures for implementing changes to equipment and systems to ensure
any such changes do not impair the effectiveness of equipment and systems in
preventing loss of containment or in providing emergency response.

Recommendation 3 Operators of Buncefield-type sites should protect against

loss of containment of petrol and other highly flammable liquids by fitting a
high integrity, automatic operating overfill prevention system10 (or a number of
such systems, as appropriate) that is physically and electrically separate and
independent from the tank gauging system.
Such systems should meet the requirements of Part 1 of BS EN 61511 for
the required safety integrity level, as determined by the agreed methodology
(see Recommendation 1). Where independent automatic overfill prevention
systems are already provided, their efficacy and reliability should be reappraised
in line with the principles of Part 1 of BS EN 61511 and for the required
safety integrity level, as determined by the agreed methodology (see
Recommendation 1).


The factors that determine the type of independent automatic system required will
include the effects on the upstream system, for example if filling from a refinery
process, a ship or a railway vessel. For all systems the outcome required is the same, ie
automatically stopping supply to the dangerously full tank by means that are fully
independent of the tank gauging system.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Recommendation 4 The overfill prevention system (comprising means of level

detection, logic/control equipment and independent means of flow control)
should be engineered, operated and maintained to achieve and maintain an
appropriate level of safety integrity in accordance with the requirements of the
recognised industry standard for safety instrumented systems, Part 1 of
BS EN 61511.

Recommendation 5 All elements of an overfill prevention system should be

proof tested in accordance with the validated arrangements and procedures
sufficiently frequently to ensure the specified safety integrity level is maintained
in practice in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of BS EN 61511.

Recommendation 6 The sector should put in place arrangements to ensure the

receiving site (as opposed to the transmitting location) has ultimate control of
tank filling. The receiving site should be able to safely terminate or divert a
transfer (to prevent loss of containment or other dangerous conditions) without
depending on the actions of a remote third party, or on the availability of
communications to a remote location. These arrangements will need to consider
upstream implications for the pipeline network, other facilities on the system
and refineries.

Figure 7 General view of fuel terminal in Aberdeens harbour area

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Recommendation 7 In conjunction with Recommendation 6, the sector and the

Competent Authority should undertake a review of the adequacy of existing
safety arrangements, including communications, employed by those responsible
for pipeline transfers of fuel. This work should be aligned with implementing
Recommendations 19 and 20 on high reliability organisations to ensure major
hazard risk controls address the management of critical organisational

Recommendation 8 The sector, including its supply chain of equipment

manufacturers and suppliers, should review and report without delay on the
scope to develop improved components and systems, including but not limited
to the following:

alternative means of ultimate high11 level detection for overfill prevention

that do not rely on components internal to the storage tank, with the
emphasis on ease of inspection, testing, reliability and maintenance;
increased dependability of tank level gauging systems through improved
validation of measurements and trends, allowing warning of faults and
through using modern sensors with increased diagnostic capability; and
systems to control and log override actions.

Recommendation 9 Operators of Buncefield-type sites should introduce

arrangements for the systematic maintenance of records to allow a review of all
product movements together with the operation of the overfill prevention
systems and any associated facilities. The arrangements should be fit for their
design purpose and include, but not be limited to, the following factors:


the records should be in a form that is readily accessible by third parties

without the need for specialist assistance;
the records should be available both on site and at a different location;
the records should be available to allow periodic review of the effectiveness
of control measures by the operator and the Competent Authority, as well
as for root cause analysis should there be an incident;
a minimum period of retention of one year.

Recommendation 10 The sector should agree with the Competent Authority on

a system of leading and lagging performance indicators for process safety
performance. This system should be in line with HSEs recently published
guidance on Developing process safety indicators HSG254.(ref 5)


Also commonly known as high high level alarms.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Engineering against
escalation of loss of primary
28 The recommendations under this heading follow on from our earlier arguments
about the importance of primary containment see paragraph 23 above. The
Buncefield incident demonstrated the potential for a vapour cloud to form from a
loss of primary containment of a highly flammable liquid such as petrol. We have
adopted a precautionary approach in drawing up these recommendations as we
believe they are appropriate in the light of the Buncefield incident, notwithstanding
that the investigation into the severity of the explosion continues.
Recommendation 12, in particular, anticipates our coming recommendations on
emergency response arrangements.
Recommendation 11 Operators of Buncefield-type sites should review the
classification of places within COMAH sites where explosive atmospheres may
occur and their selection of equipment and protective systems (as required by the
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002(ref 6)). This
review should take into account the likelihood of undetected loss of containment
and the possible extent of an explosive atmosphere following such an undetected
loss of containment. Operators in the wider fuel and chemicals industries should
also consider such a review, to take account of events at Buncefield.

Recommendation 12 Following on from Recommendation 11, operators of

Buncefield-type sites should evaluate the siting and/or suitable protection of
emergency response facilities such as firefighting pumps, lagoons or manual
emergency switches.

Recommendation 13 Operators of Buncefield-type sites should employ measures

to detect hazardous conditions arising from loss of primary containment,
including the presence of high levels of flammable vapours in secondary
containment. Operators should without delay undertake an evaluation to
identify suitable and appropriate measures. This evaluation should include, but
not be limited to, consideration of the following:


installing flammable gas detection in bunds containing vessels or tanks into

which large quantities of highly flammable liquids or vapour may be
the relationship between the gas detection system and the overfill prevention
system. Detecting high levels of vapour in secondary containment is an early
indication of loss of containment and so should initiate action, for example
through the overfill prevention system, to limit the extent of any further loss;
installing CCTV equipment to assist operators with early detection of
abnormal conditions. Operators cannot routinely monitor large numbers of
passive screens, but equipment is available that detects and responds to
changes in conditions and alerts operators to these changes.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Recommendation 14 Operators of new Buncefield-type sites or those making

major modifications to existing sites (such as installing a new storage tank)
should introduce further measures including, but not limited to, preventing the
formation of flammable vapour in the event of tank overflow. Consideration
should be given to modifications of tank top design and to the safe re-routing of
overflowing liquids.

Recommendation 15 The sector should begin to develop guidance without delay

to incorporate the latest knowledge on preventing loss of primary containment
and on inhibiting escalation if loss occurs. This is likely to require the sector to
collaborate with the professional institutions and trade associations.

Recommendation 16 Operators of existing sites, if their risk assessments show it

is not practicable to introduce measures to the same extent as for new ones,
should introduce measures as close to those recommended by Recommendation
14 as is reasonably practicable. The outcomes of the assessment should be
incorporated into the safety report submitted to the Competent Authority.

Figure 8 View of fuel tank set in earth bund


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Engineering against loss of

secondary and tertiary
29 While we emphasise the priority that should be given to preventing a loss of
primary containment, adequate secondary and tertiary containment remains
necessary for environmental protection in the event of a loss of primary
containment of hazardous substances. Paragraphs 66 and 73 of our initial report
and, in particular, the second progress report, described the failure of secondary
and tertiary containment at Buncefield to prevent a major accident to the
environment (MATTE).
30 Significant improvements to primary containment12 will have implications for
environmental protection systems. A fundamental review of the whole system of
containment, taking account of site-specific conditions, will provide the greatest
assurance for the safety and environmental protection of the site and its
neighbourhood. As well as Buncefield-type incidents, other causes of primary
containment failure such as sudden or undetected creeping loss of tank or
pipework integrity can give rise to serious environmental consequences. This
underlines the importance of maintaining high bunding standards.
31 Though there is a need for an integrated approach to containment, the
recommendations below are segmented for convenience. Operators should adopt a
risk-based approach and draw up plans for phased investment and improvement.
They should be able to demonstrate to the Competent Authority why it is not
practicable to meet fully improved standards, if that is so. We stress that the
overflow of highly flammable liquid which led to the Buncefield explosions is only
one foreseeable cause of a MATTE. Industry should therefore include
improvements against those other foreseeable events in its remedial programme to
secondary and tertiary containment, taking the same risk-based and phased



For example, in preventing tank overfilling, structural failure and loss of integrity (eg
gasket failure) of pipework and valve joints.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Recommendation 17 The Competent Authority and the sector should jointly

review existing standards for secondary and tertiary containment with a view to
the Competent Authority producing revised guidance by the end of 2007.
The review should include, but not be limited to the following:

developing a minimum level of performance specification of secondary

containment (typically this will be bunding);
developing suitable means for assessing risk so as to prioritise the programme
of engineering work in response to the new specification;
formally specifying standards to be achieved so that they may be insisted
upon in the event of lack of progress with improvements;
improving firewater management and the installed capability to transfer
contaminated liquids to a place where they present no environmental risk in
the event of loss of secondary containment and fires;
providing greater assurance of tertiary containment measures to prevent
escape of liquids from site and threatening a major accident to the

Recommendation 18 Revised standards should be applied in full to new build

sites and to new partial installations. On existing sites, it may not be practicable
to fully upgrade bunding and site drainage. Where this is so operators should
develop and agree with the Competent Authority risk-based plans for phased
upgrading as close to new plant standards as is reasonably practicable.

Figure 9 A modern process control room


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Operating with high reliability

32 The need for high reliability organisations13 was not addressed directly in our
initial report or in the Buncefield Standards Task Groups interim recommendations,
though many of the issues below are being considered in the Task Groups
continuing work. The need follows from the preceding recommendations relating to
technological improvements in hardware. Such improvements are vital in improving
process safety and environmental protection, but achieving their full benefit depends
on human and organisational factors such as the roles of operators, supervisors and
managers. Paragraph 74 of our initial report indicated our interest in this area.
33 The recommendations are more broadly applicable than Buncefield-type sites,
but are intended to apply to those sites as a minimum.
Recommendation 19 The sector should work with the Competent Authority to
prepare guidance and/or standards on how to achieve a high reliability industry
through placing emphasis on the assurance of human and organisational factors
in design, operation, maintenance, and testing. Of particular importance are:



understanding and defining the role and responsibilities of the control room
operators (including in automated systems) in ensuring safe transfer
providing suitable information and system interfaces for front line staff to
enable them to reliably detect, diagnose and respond to potential incidents;
training, experience and competence assurance of staff for safety critical and
environmental protection activities;
defining appropriate workload, staffing levels and working conditions for
front line personnel;
ensuring robust communications management within and between sites and
contractors and with operators of distribution systems and transmitting sites
(such as refineries);
prequalification auditing and operational monitoring of contractors
capabilities to supply, support and maintain high integrity equipment;
providing effective standardised procedures for key activities in maintenance,
testing, and operations;
clarifying arrangements for monitoring and supervision of control room
staff; and
effectively managing changes that impact on people, processes and

That is, robust organisations with a strong safety culture that have a high probability of
achieving safe and reliable performance. More detail is given in Annex 5.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Recommendation 20 The sector should ensure that the resulting guidance and/or
standards is/are implemented fully throughout the sector, including where
necessary with the refining and distribution sectors. The Competent Authority
should check that this is done.

Recommendation 21 The sector should put in place arrangements to ensure that

good practice in these areas, incorporating experience from other high hazard
sectors, is shared openly between organisations.

Recommendation 22 The Competent Authority should ensure that safety reports

submitted under the COMAH Regulations contain information to demonstrate
that good practice in human and organisational design, operation, maintenance
and testing is implemented as rigorously as for control and environmental
protection engineering systems.

Figure 10 Maintenance worker inspecting a tank top


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Delivering high performance

through culture and
34 Culture and leadership were not addressed directly in our initial report or in
the Buncefield Standards Task Groups first report, but are necessary prerequisites
to achieving full compliance with the preceding recommendations. We have set the
sector several tasks which we acknowledge to be very challenging:

to substantially strengthen safety standards at Buncefield-type sites;

to identify analogous sites where the same high level of engineered safety is
necessary and to install it;
to continue with and extend a programme of revision of guidance and
standards to ensure more consistent responses to broadly similar risks than are
the case today; and
to bring about a wide range of cultural and behavioural changes.

35 Implementing our recommendations will require the sector to show clear

leadership in setting high standards of process safety and environmental protection
and in pursuing excellence in operations. At paragraph 8 we indicated our support
for the work done thus far by the Buncefield Standards Task Group. We see the
Task Group as continuing to play a key role. However, the scale of the
improvements that we believe the sector needs to make can only come about
through sector leadership at the highest level. We welcome the sectors
acknowledgement of the need for more consistent responses to broadly similar
risks. However, some fifteen months have passed since Buncefield, and we believe
that the sector will face deserved criticism if clear and energetic progress is not
now made on our recommendations.
36 The recommendations below require collaboration across the sector, as will
several of our earlier recommendations in practice (eg Recommendation 19).
Collaboration in turn requires leadership and vision. We make no specific
recommendations about the form of leadership structures or the precise
arrangements for taking forward implementation. These are matters for the sector
to determine if it is to embrace the arrangements fully. They could build on existing
arrangements, but need to engage and motivate all parts of the sector, including the
workforce. Leadership should also embrace the important relationship between site
operators and the surrounding communities, businesses and the local authorities.14
This needs to be characterised by openness and transparency. The recommendations
can also be applied to other sectors. The Competent Authority should actively
encourage and support the development of robust arrangements for continuing
leadership in the sector, and other sectors as necessary.



We intend to return to this point in our recommendations for emergency preparedness

and response.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Recommendation 23 The sector should set up arrangements to collate incident

data on high potential incidents including overfilling, equipment failure, spills
and alarm system defects, evaluate trends, and communicate information on
risks, their related solutions and control measures to the industry.

Recommendation 24 The arrangements set up to meet Recommendation 23

should include, but not be limited to, the following:

thorough investigation of root causes of failures and malfunctions of safety

and environmental protection critical elements during testing or maintenance,
or in service;
developing incident databases that can be shared across the entire sector,
subject to data protection and other legal requirements. Examples15 exist of
effective voluntary systems that could provide suitable models;
collaboration between the workforce and its representatives, dutyholders and
regulators to ensure lessons are learned from incidents, and best practices are

Recommendation 25 In particular, the sector should draw together current

knowledge of major hazard events, failure histories of safety and environmental
protection critical elements, and developments in new knowledge and
innovation to continuously improve the control of risks. This should take
advantage of the experience of other high hazard sectors such as chemical
processing, offshore oil and gas operations, nuclear processing and railways.


Such as HSEs Offshore Hydrocarbon Releases Database and the Rail Safety and
Standards Boards National Incident Reporting System, NIR-Online.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Annex 1
Terms of reference and progress
This annex sets out the eight terms of reference for the Investigation and explains the
progress that is being made towards accomplishment of each of them.
1 To ensure the thorough investigation of the incident, the factors leading up
to it, its impact both on and off site, and to establish its causation including
root causes
The Board has published three progress reports from the Investigation Manager. This
was followed by the Boards initial report on 13 July 2006, which summarised the
three preceding reports and set out the Boards four main areas of concern. These
have revealed the main facts of the incident, but have not speculated on why control
of the fuel was lost. The explosion mechanism, ie the means by which unexpectedly
high overpressures were generated, is subject to significant further investigation.
Wider expert consultation has been undertaken on whether and what further research
may be required and this is explained in this report.
The criminal investigation is pursuing all reasonable lines of inquiry into the facts and
causes of the incident to enable the Competent Authority (HSE and the Environment
Agency) to take a view on legal proceedings.
2 To identify and transmit without delay to dutyholders and other
appropriate recipients any information requiring immediate action to further
safety and/or environmental protection in relation to storage and distribution
of hydrocarbon fuels
The Competent Authority issued a Safety Alert to around 1100 COMAH dutyholders
on 21 February 2006. Special attention was paid to 108 fuel depot owners storing
COMAH quantities of fuel in Great Britain, seeking a review of arrangements for
detecting and dealing with conditions affecting containment of fuel. Most dutyholders
responded to the alert by the Easter deadline. Meanwhile, the Competent Authority
visited all 108 depots to follow up the alert. An interim report was published on
13 June 2006 and is available at www.hse.gov.uk/comah/alert.htm.
The Environment Agency issued further advice to its inspectors to investigate
secondary (bunding) and tertiary (drains and barriers) containment at depots in
England and Wales in response to the Second progress report. The Environment
Agency continues to monitor the effects of Buncefield on the surrounding
environment and to issue updates on its website, www.environmentagency.gov.uk.
The initiative is being handled separately for Scotland by the Scottish Environment
Protection Agency, with joint inspections undertaken with HSE covering primary,
secondary and tertiary containment, and management systems. However, it is
understood that an overall view of the situation in Britain will be available following
the publication of this report by the Buncefield Board.
On 16 June 2006 investigators served two Improvement Notices on the
manufacturers of the high level alarm switch installed on Tank 912, having identified
a potential problem at other sites related to the setting of the switch for normal
operations following testing. This was followed up by a Safety Alert from HSE on
4 July 2006 alerting operators relying on such switches of the potential problem.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

The Chairman of the Buncefield Board wrote to the Chief Executive of the Health
Protection Agency on 3 July 2006 enquiring into progress with informing regional
resilience groups of early lessons learned from Buncefield, focusing on public health
issues in the immediate aftermath of a major airborne incident, following up with a
meeting December 2006. HPA is assisting the Board with its recommendations for
improving emergency preparedness and response to major incidents which is likely
to be the subject of the next report from the Board.
3 To examine the Health and Safety Executives and the Environment Agencys
role in regulating the activities on this site under the COMAH Regulations,
considering relevant policy guidance and intervention activity
Work is progressing steadily on both parts of the review, concerning respectively
HSEs and the Environment Agencys prior regulatory activities at Buncefield. The
full findings of the review will be incorporated into the Boards final report (see
term of reference 8). Immediate important lessons from the examination of the
Competent Authoritys prior role will be incorporated as appropriate into the
lessons learned programme under term of reference 5.
4 To work closely with all relevant stakeholders, both to keep them informed
of progress with the Investigation and to contribute relevant expertise to other
inquiries that may be established
The ongoing impact on residents and businesses of the Buncefield incident has been
reported in the three progress reports and in the initial report in which, in Part 2,
the Board set out its main areas of concern. The Board has maintained an active
interest in releasing as much new information as possible to the community and its
representatives, such as the local MP Mike Penning, to assist in understanding the
events of 11 December 2005, and to maintain public confidence that progress is
being made with the Investigation. As has been reported previously, residents and
businesses continue to show remarkable resilience in the difficult aftermath to the
Buncefield incident. Dacorum Borough Council in particular, but also St Albans and
Hertfordshire Councils, have performed extremely effectively in very difficult
circumstances, and have supported the Board in its engagement with residents and
businesses, as has Mike Penning MP.
The Board has also kept key Government stakeholders informed of the
Investigations progress, and has maintained its interest in developments that have
taken place since Buncefield to help manage the aftermath and support a return to
normality for residents and businesses.
The Board has engaged with all the public sector agencies involved in the emergency
response to Buncefield and has met with a number of the key agencies, particularly
the Category 1 (Gold) responders. This is not an issue in which the Board has
primary responsibility but, as reported in this Initial Report, the Board is giving
further consideration to emergency response and emergency preparedness issues,
and will say more on this in its report on emergency preparedness and response.
The Buncefield Major Incident Investigation made presentations to two multiagency
debriefing sessions on 21 and 28 June 2006 to inform regional resilience groups
around Britain of the response to the Buncefield incident.
5 To make recommendations for future action to ensure the effective
management and regulation of major accident risk at COMAH sites. This
should include consideration of off-site as well as on-site risks and consider
prevention of incidents, preparations for response to incidents, and mitigation
of their effects


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Staff seconded from HSE, the Environment Agency and the Health Protection Agency
are assisting the Investigation Manager and the Board to make sensible, practical and
affordable recommendations for improvements in the light of the Buncefield incident.
Key workstreams are in environmental protection; land use planning; fire and
explosion mechanisms; control and instrumentation; human and organisational
factors; health; emergency response and preparedness; and regulatory impact.
This report, making recommendations for the design and operation of Buncefieldtype sites, is the first report under this term of reference. HSE has convened an
industry chaired task group (the Buncefield Standards Task Group) that includes the
Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, to also
consider design and operation issues in parallel with the Boards work. This initiative
has been welcomed by the Board in this report.
Work is advanced in producing recommendations on emergency preparation for, and
response to, extreme events such as Buncefield. This work is supported by an
immense amount of work undertaken by other agencies such as Hertfordshire
Resilience, Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, and the Health Protection Agency.
The Board intends to join together the many strands of this subject, including issues
concerning support to communities and businesses in the aftermath of an extreme
The Board is close to recommending suitable arrangements for further research and
modelling of explosion mechanisms in flammable vapour clouds.
HSE has completed its initial work on changes to land use planning advice and has
issued a public consultation document seeking views by 22 May 2007 (see
http://hse.gov.uk/consult/condocs/cd211.htm). The Board will be setting out its own
views to the consultation document in due course. HSE is also working closely with a
Cabinet Office led team on applying new knowledge of risks to society in the
planning system. The Health Protection Agency is consulting key agencies to improve
public health advice and support during significant pollution events.
6 To produce an initial report for the Health and Safety Commission and the
Environment Agency as soon as the main facts have been established. Subject
to legal considerations, this report will be made public
This element is discharged by the publication of the Boards initial report on
13 July 2006.
7 To ensure that the relevant notifications are made to the European
A report from the Environment Agency and HSE was made to the European
Commission on 10 March 2006. Subsequently, the Environment Agency declared
Buncefield a major accident to the environment (MATTE), and the Competent
Authority has recently reported this to the European Commission.
8 To make the final report public
The timing for the publication of the final report remains uncertain and is of course
linked to progress on the main terms of reference and to any decision on any
criminal proceedings that might be considered. The possibilities include a further
interim report or reports; decisions must necessarily depend on the timing of
developments and consideration of the public interest.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Annex 2
Members of the independent Board
The Rt. Hon. Lord Newton of Braintree has been a life peer since 1997 after
spending 23 years as a Conservative Member of Parliament for Braintree, Essex.
From 1982 to 1988 he held ministerial positions at the Department of Health and
Social Security. In 1988 he joined the Cabinet as Chancellor of the Duchy of
Lancaster and Minister at the DTI. He then held the post of Secretary of State for
Social Security from 1989 to 1992 when he was appointed Leader of the House of
Commons, which he held until 1997. In 2002 he chaired the Committee that
reviewed the operation of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001.
Professor Dougal Drysdale is one of the leading international authorities in Fire
Safety Engineering. He was the Chairman of the International Association of Fire
Safety Science until September 2005 and is currently the editor of the leading
scientific journal in the field, Fire Safety Journal. His wide range of research
interests includes the ignition characteristics of combustible materials, flame spread
and various aspects of fire dynamics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh and a Fellow of both the Institution of Fire Engineers and the Society of
Fire Protection Engineers.
Dr Peter Baxter is a Consultant Physician in Occupational and Environmental
Medicine at Cambridge University and Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. In the
past he has advised the Government on the impacts on public health relating to air
quality standards, major chemical incidents, natural disasters and climate change.
Taf Powell is Director of HSEs Offshore Division. He graduated in Geology and
Chemistry from Nottingham University. His oil field career has been split between
working in the UK and abroad in offshore exploration and development and
regulation of the sector in licensing, well operations, policy and safety regulation.
In 1991 he joined HSEs Offshore Division from BP and started work to develop
the new offshore regulatory framework, one of Lord Cullens recommendations
following his inquiry into the Piper Alpha disaster. As HSEs Operations Manager,
based in Aberdeen, he then led inspection teams and well engineering specialists
responsible for enforcing the new regulations until 2000 when he took up his
current role.
Dr Paul Leinster is Director of Operations at the Environment Agency. Up until
March 2004 he was the Director of Environmental Protection, having joined the
Agency in 1998. Prior to this he was the Director of Environmental Services with
SmithKline Beecham. Previous employers also include BP International, Schering
Agrochemicals and the consultancy firm Thomson-MTS where he was Managing
Director. Paul has a degree in Chemistry, a PhD in Environmental Engineering
from Imperial College and an MBA from the Cranfield School of Management.
Paul has worked for 30 years in the health and safety and environmental field.
David Ashton is Director of HSEs Field Operations North-West and Headquarters
Division. He joined HSE in 1977 as an inspector in the west of Scotland where he dealt
with a wide range of manufacturing and service industries, including construction,
engineering and the health services. In 1986 he joined Field Operations HQ to deal
with machinery safety. He then held the post of Principal Inspector of manufacturing in
Preston for two years, before being appointed as a management systems auditor to
examine offshore safety cases in the newly formed Offshore Division. In 1993 he
became Head of HSEs Accident Prevention Advisory Unit, looking at the management
of health and safety in organisations. Between 1998 and 2003 David was HSEs
Director of Personnel, before being appointed to his current position.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Annex 3
Rationale for Recommendation 3 Independent and automatic
storage tank overflow prevention
1 It is common practice to employ an ultimate high level detection system to
detect when the liquid in a storage tank has reached a level beyond which any
further filling is likely to result in an overspill of liquid unless suitable averting
action is taken. The benefit of such a system being independent of the tank gauging
system is recognised in the current standards and guidance for storage tank
operations.(refs 4,7,8) However, the current standards and guidance (other than in
the case of reference 2 for unattended facilities only) do not require the overfill
prevention system to be automatic.
2 Nevertheless, the benefit of an automatic overfill prevention system is
recognised by the Energy Institute(ref 7) which says that where tank filling
operations are complex, such as with tanks fed by cross-country pipelines,
consideration should be given to the fitting of high level alarms and devices for
automatically cutting off the supply. Ideally automatic cut-off devices should be
high integrity and independent of any normal measuring alarm or system. We also
note that a draft revision to API Code 2350 considers requiring automatic
independent shutdown systems to control filling of tanks at Buncefield type sites.
3 The benefit of an automatic overfill prevention system stems from the diversity
that such a system provides in combination with the tank gauging system. Without
such diversity the combination of the systems is vulnerable to common cause
failures as they would both rely on human operators. For example, abnormal
events may distract or disable the operators such that they fail to properly control
the tank gauging system and then also fail to respond to the ultimate high liquid
level alarm in time to prevent overfilling. Such common cause failures can
significantly degrade the overall integrity of the gauging and overfill prevention
systems such that the likelihood of an overspill is much higher than would be
evaluated by considering the systems as being independent.
4 It is our considered view, having consulted with experts in the industry, that the
assurance for the overall integrity of containment provided by the diversity of
manual and automatic systems justifies overfill prevention systems being automatic
in Buncefield like sites. This is particularly so given the potentially high
consequences for both safety and the environment, together with the associated
societal concern, that may result from a substantial overspill of petrol or similar
substance in such sites.
5 We consider that a further benefit of an automated overfill prevention system
stems from the greater confidence in testing, inspection, verification and auditing
that competently engineered arrangements allow for, compared with that afforded
by manually operated systems.


6 However, even with such an approach it remains vital that both the gauging
system and the overfill prevention systems are maintained in effective working
order. It also remains important to properly evaluate the required safety integrity
level (SIL) for the automated overfill prevention system, taking into account the
associated risks in line with Recommendation 1 of this report. This will ensure a
low enough level of residual risk taking into account a realistic view of the
reliability of the systems.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

7 We consider that the preferred way of achieving automated overfill prevention

will include the use of positively isolating valves such as remotely operated shut-off
valves (ROSOVs) or emergency shutdown valves (ESDVs).(ref 9) Such valves are
designed to achieve and maintain rapid isolation of plant items and thereby
prevent further movement of liquid that could result in overfilling of a tank.
However, we recognise that the use of ROSOVs or ESDVs may not be appropriate
in some applications, such as filling from a ship or train, or from a refinery
process. In such applications it may be more appropriate to employ other or
additional control arrangements such as automatic diversion of flow and/or
shutdown of a pump. Whatever system is selected, the safety integrity level
required for that site must not be compromised.
8 In all applications, the desired outcome must be the same. Namely, if petrol (or
similar flammable substance) filling at a Buncefield-type site continues after the
system has warned operators to take action, but action has not been taken or is
not effective, then means that require no further human intervention (ie automatic)
should safely stop the tank filling before overflow occurs.
9 We further recognise that certain applications may require the industry,
working with the joint Competent Authority, to resolve some practical and
technical considerations to achieve what we have stipulated.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Annex 4
Background and supporting material for improved components and
systems (Recommendation 8)
Alternative means of ultimate high level detection
1 The detection of ultimate high liquid level in storage tanks often relies on a
switch mounted on the roof of the tank (or on the uppermost level of the tank
wall). This is commonplace within the industry. For example it is illustrated in
API RP 2350.(ref 4) However, the arrangement suffers from a number of
disadvantages with regard to safety, namely:

the operation of the switch cannot be tested fully in situ other than by raising
the liquid level in the tank to the ultimate high level. Any other means of
testing will leave a number of potential failure modes uncovered and so leave
the switch in a faulty state unbeknown to the operator or maintenance staff.
However, such testing itself introduces the possibility of overfilling so must be
undertaken under strict supervision. There is often a reluctance to undertake
such testing;
simple switches do not benefit from on line diagnostics. More advanced
sensors (such as those based on tuning fork or thermocouple technology)
incorporate diagnostics so that all foreseeable failure modes are detected as
they occur.

2 The recommendation is intended to encourage the industry to move away from

the use of simple level switches for ultimate high level indication and towards the
use of more advanced sensors that incorporate on line diagnostics and can
therefore be considered to be fail safe. Such sensors are in widespread use and a
number are available that have been certified for use in SIL2/3 applications in
accordance with BS EN 61511.
3 The second part of this recommendation is that the means of ultimate high
level detection should not rely on components internal to the storage tank.
Reliance on such internal components will always be problematic from a safety
viewpoint as access to the inside of the tank for inspection and maintenance will be
very limited. It also means that a wet test of the switch can only be carried out by
filling the tank to the ultimate high level. While such a test could possibly be
carried out safely under controlled conditions, there would be significant
difficulties in ensuring safety at all times with such an approach.


4 A reasonably practicable alternative solution may be the use of a small external

tank tapped into the main tank through a small bore pipe at the ultimate high
level. The ultimate high level sensor would be fitted to this external tank such that
the overspill from the main tank is sensed. Initial considerations suggest that such
an approach is feasible. It appears to offer a number of significant benefits. The
setting of the ultimate high level would be determined by the physical position of
the tapping. This would not be vulnerable to unintended changes. Access to the
tank, especially if fitted adjacent to the existing stairway, would be relatively easy
and wet testing of the level sensor would be possible without the need to overfill
the main tank. These are significant benefits and worthy of further consideration.
The practicalities of fitting such an external tank and the associated
instrumentation and cabling will also need to be considered. It may be that the

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

tapping could be made without the need to empty the main tank, although this
would need to be confirmed. This would significantly reduce the installation costs.
The potential benefits on the face of it justify a recommendation to encourage the
industry to explore this approach further.

Increased dependability of tank level gauging systems

5 Tank gauging systems often employ mechanical servo gauges to sense the liquid
level. However, such gauges appear to be vulnerable to a number of potential
failure modes.
6 This recommendation is intended to encourage the industry to make effective
use of the facilities provided in state-of-the-art tank gauging systems to reconcile
the indications of product level in tanks with all available information such as
product movement requests, pipeline flow measurements, temperature, etc. In this
way it may be arranged that the failure of a single element of the system, such as a
servo gauge, is detected and the operators alerted before a hazardous situation
develops or before a demand is placed on the overfill prevention system.
7 A further contribution to enhanced dependability may result from the use of
modern electronic gauge sensors, for example based on radar technology. Electromechanical servo gauges are intricate devices vulnerable to many failure modes.
Electronic sensors eliminate the failure modes associated with mechanical
components and may offer a higher reliability alternative. Such devices are readily


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Annex 5
High reliability organisations (Recommendations 19-22)
1 A high reliability organisation (HRO) is a robust organisation with a strong
safety culture that has a high probability of achieving safe, reliable and quality
performance over a long period of time.
2 Since the early 1980s studies have been made of organisations that operate
high-hazard, low-risk technologies at very high levels of reliability;(refs 10-13) examples
are in the air traffic control sector, and on aircraft carriers. The manufacturing and
banking sectors also contain examples of companies that have elected to build HROs
that are significantly in advance of their peer groups. The studies show that safe
operation is not just a matter of compliance with various regulations, codes and
standards, but also crucially depends on organisational design and culture. HROs have
developed a culture of reliability to drive the business (including high productivity),
without sacrificing the drive for improvement or the capability to change.
3 The ethos of a HRO is based on the prevention of unplanned events (including
accidents) through good organisational design and management. The culture of a
HRO is one that expects its organisation and sub-systems to fail and works very
hard to avoid failure and to minimise its impact. This preoccupation with the
possibility of failure leads to a continual state of mindfulness combined with a
strong desire to be a learning organisation. High reliability organisations actively
seek to know what they do not know, design systems to make all knowledge relating
to a problem available to everyone in the organisation, learn quickly and efficiently,
train staff to recognise and respond to system abnormalities, empower staff to act,
and design redundant systems to catch problems early. Maintenance and proof
testing are optimised to increase knowledge and to raise productivity to very high
levels through avoidance of unplanned interruptions of which major accidents are
the extreme examples.


Frequently cited characteristics of high reliability organisations include:

Extensive process auditing. The organisation will have an established system for
monitoring compliance with procedures, and also the efficacy of the procedures
themselves. Audits will be designed to identify both expected and unexpected
safety problems. There will be robust follow up on actions and problems
identified in earlier audits. Regular safety drills and equipment testing will be
part of the process auditing system.
Reward and recognition. Organisational reward systems have powerful influences
on the behaviour of individuals in them. HROs will have reward systems that drive
the desired behaviours and value the contribution of all in the organisation. For
instance full and accurate reporting of incidents, and exemplary care of work
equipment will be valued more than zero reported lost time incidents (which can
encourage competitive under-reporting). They will also be aware that punitive
measures may reward behaviour that hides results or redirects blame.

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Higher quality standards. HROs will maintain high quality standards and
avoid quality degradation as core values. This will involve regular evaluation
of the organisations performance, capabilities and goals.
Perception of risk. The HRO will be aware of all risks and, importantly, the
significance of each key risk and suitable (but not excessive) control measures
will be in place.
Command and control systems that will include:

Delegated decision-making. Relevant competent staff will be integrated

into the decision-making process.
Redundancy. Critical protection systems, process technology and personnel
responsibilities are protected against predicted failure that can cause
process interruptions and hazardous outcomes.
Senior management involvement. Top managers will be expected to
understand and communicate the big picture rather than being involved
too much in the detail and micromanaging.
Formal rules and procedures. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) will
be set out and their implementation will be monitored. The SOPs will deal
with all main processes, including response to hazards to personnel, the
environment and capital assets. SOPs are updated as lessons are learned
from abnormal events and systems failures.
Competency. Particular emphasis will be given to training in safety critical
tasks and in continuous improvement in process efficacy.
Needs of front line staff. Operator training will incorporate hands-on
simulation. Communications will be geared to awareness of adverse
situations that can arise, and how to deal with them. Positive behaviours
are encouraged. Unwanted behaviours are challenged.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Annex 6
BS EN 61511 Functional safety Safety instrumented systems for
the process industry sector
1 BS EN 61511(refs 14,15,16) is the process industry standard for safety
instrumented systems. Such systems are widely used in the chemical and
petrochemical process industries to measure and control process variables (such as
liquid levels and temperatures or gas pressures) so as to ensure that the safe
working limits of plant items are not exceeded and thereby avoid hazardous events
such as loss of containment of flammable or toxic materials. Other common terms
for safety instrumented systems (SIS) are emergency shutdown (ESD) systems,
trip systems, safety interlock systems or safety shutdown systems (SSD).
2 The standard (comprising three parts) was first published by the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as IEC 61511 in 2003. It was developed by an
international working group comprising experts from the chemical and
petrochemical industries. As such it represents the worldwide consensus view on
how such systems should be engineered to ensure safety. It covers all aspects of the
lifecycle of a system from initial specification and design through to installation,
operation, maintenance and eventual decommissioning.
3 Member countries of the IEC agree to adopt IEC standards as national
standards. IEC 61511 as adopted as the national standard for the UK when it was
published by the British Standards Institution (BSI) as BS IEC 61511 in 2003.
Subsequently, the standard was adopted by the European standardisation body for
Electrotechnical matters, CENELEC, and is now published by BSI as BS EN
61511. The standard has similarly been adopted by all member countries of the
IEC. For example, in the USA it is published as ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004.
Principles of BS EN 61511
4 The principles of BS EN 61511 were established by the generic standard for
functional safety, BS EN 61508.(ref 17) The overall aim is to ensure that the
performance of a safety instrumented system, in terms of both the functions it
provides and their integrity, is adequate to ensure safety. It defines four levels of
safety integrity, SIL1, SIL2, SIL3 and SIL4. The higher the SIL level the higher the
associated safety level and the lower the probability that the system will fail to
perform properly. The required SIL is determined by a hazard and risk assessment
taking into account any measures that reduce the risks associated with the hazard
under consideration and the tolerable risk target for the specific application.
Generally it is preferred to avoid sole reliance on SIS, particularly in high hazard
applications. Consequently, most SIS in the chemical and petrochemical process
industries in the UK are specified as SIL1 or SIL2.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Application of BS EN 61511 to overfill protection systems

5 BS EN 61511 has no specific requirements for storage tank overfill prevention
systems. However, the principles of the standard are directly relevant and can be
readily applied to such systems. Application of the standard will provide a riskbased design target for the SIL of an overfill protection system. It will ensure that
the design and installation is adequate to achieve the required SIL and that
sufficiently frequent periodic testing of the system is carried out to reduce, so far as
is reasonably practicable, the risks of tank overfilling.
6 While the application of BS EN 61511 provides a risk-based target for the
integrity of an overfill protection system (recommendation 1), and hence for the
reliability of the constituent components, it does not require such systems to be
automatic in operation. However, if the overfill protection system relies on human
operation, the possibility of human failure remains resulting in common cause
failure of both a tank gauging system and its overfill protection system. This
possibility is very difficult to quantify but is likely to be a critical factor in
determining the likelihood of overfilling. For this reason it is felt necessary to make
the additional recommendation (recommendation 3) that overfill protection
systems should be automated.


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Annex 7
Examples of incidents that have involved loss of primary
containment from storage tanks
Records of incidents of this type are held by the companies involved for purposes of
monitoring the effectiveness of their health and safety policy. The following table
gives some examples of such incidents to illustrate the fact that they should not be
considered as rare events. Data have been compiled by a reputable operator in the
USA that indicate that overfilling occurs once in every 3300 filling operations.



Fuel released


Florida, UK


Unleaded petrol/

190 m3 released. The spill ignited, leading to

a major explosion and fire.

Coryton, UK 1997

Unleaded petrol/

81 m3 released. Spill contained within bund

no ignition.




Approx 90 m3 released. Spill contained within

bund no ignition.

Sour Lake,
Texas, USA


Crude oil

80 m3 released. Spill contained within bund

no ignition.



Jet fuel

Approx 10 m3 released. Contained in bund

no fire or explosion.

New Jersey,


Fuel oil

825 m3 released. Oil contained on tank farm

no fire or explosion.


Unleaded petrol/

Up to 1270 m3 released. Spill contained within

bund no ignition.


Unleaded petrol/

0.44 m3 released. Spill contained within bund

no ignition.


Table 1 Examples of loss of primary containment from fuel storage tanks


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Table 2 contains examples of situations in which the loss of primary containment

created circumstances (actual or potential) for environmental damage.

Location Date Fuel released




of tank base.

No injuries or off-site effects. All of

the oil was recovered from primary
containment. ECRA* (major loss of

Leak from
damaged sump
escaped through
permeable floor
of bund.

No injuries, but nearby gardens,

farmland, and stream contaminated.
All wildlife killed in stream. ECRA
(contamination of groundwater).

1999 Crude oil

(400 tonnes)

Milford 2005 Kerosene

(653 tonnes)

Antwerp, 2005 Crude oil

Overtopping of bund wall occurred
(26 000 tonnes) failure of storage due to sudden release. No injuries.
tank as a result
ECRA (major loss of inventory).
of corrosion.
Plymouth 2005 Kerosene

Corrosion of the
tank base and a
permeable bund

Coryton 2006 Gas oil

(121 tonnes)

Tank overfilled, No injuries or harm to the

oil escaped from environment.
bund by defective
drain valve.

Poole 2006

Diesel escaped
No injuries. Pollution of ground but
through damaged not of the harbour.
base plate and
through cracks in
concrete bund floor.

Diesel oil
(19 tonnes)

No injuries. Kerosene entered into the


* ECRA European Commission Reportable Accident

Table 2 Loss of primary containment from fuel storage tanks, some with environmental


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

1 Buncefield Standards Task Group Initial Report 2006
2 Safety Review Panel (The Baker Report) BP US Refineries Independent Safety
Review Panel 2007
3 BS EN 61511: 2004 Functional safety. Safety instrumented systems for the
process industry sector British Standards Institution
4 API RP 2350 Overfill protection for storage tanks in petroleum facilities
(Third edition) January 2005
5 Developing process safety indicators: A step-by-step guide for chemical and
major hazard industries HSG254 HSE Books 2006 ISBN 978 0 7176 6180 0
6 Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002
SI 2002/2776 The Stationery Office 2002 ISBN 978 0 11 042957 1
7 Model Code of Safe Practice in the Petroleum Industry, Part 2, Design,
Construction and Operation of Petroleum Distribution Installations
(Third edition) Energy Institute September 2005
8 The storage of flammable liquids in tanks HSG176 HSE Books 1998
ISBN 978 0 7176 1470 7
9 Remotely operated shutoff valves (ROSOVs) for emergency isolation of
hazardous substances: Guidance on good practice HSG244 HSE Books 2004
ISBN 978 0 7176 2803 2
10 Hofmann D, Jacobs R and Landy F High reliability process industries:
Individual, micro, and macro organisational influences on safety performance
Journal of Safety Research 1995 26 (3) 131-149
11 Reason J Managing the Risks of organisational accidents Aldershot,
Ashgate 1997 ISBN 978 1 84014 105 4
12 Roberts K New challenges to understanding organisations Macmillan,
New York 1993 ISBN 978 0 02 402052 9
13 Weick K and Sutcliffe K Managing the unexpected: Assuring high performance
in an age of complexity Jossey-Bass, San Francisco 2001
14 BS EN 61511-1: 2004 Functional safety Safety instrumented systems for the
process industry sector Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and
software requirements British Standards Institution
15 BS EN 61511-2: 2004 Functional safety Safety instrumented systems for the
process industry sector Part 2: Guidelines for the application of BS EN 61511-1
British Standards Institution


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

16 BS EN 61511-3: 2004 Functional safety Safety instrumented systems for the

process industry sector Part 3: guidance for the determination of the required
safety integrity levels British Standards Institution
17 BS EN 61508-1: 2002 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable
electronic safety-related systems British Standards Institution


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

API American Petroleum Institute. It is the American national trade association
for the petroleum industry, but it has an increasingly collaborative stance with
other bodies such as BSI. API produces a number of guides to standards and
recommended practices. Of interest is API Recommended Practice 2350 Overfill
protection for storage tanks in petroleum facilities which is currently being
BSI Formerly British Standards Institution, now the BSI Group, it was founded
in 1901 as the Engineering Standards Committee, it is now diversified into making
standards, certifying management systems, product testing and other engineering
services related to quality
bund An enclosure designed to contain fluids should they escape from the tank
or vessel inside the bund, as well as any additional materials added to the
container area such as firefighting water and foam, etc
Buncefield Standards Task Group The joint Competent Authority/industry
standards working group set up to review safety and environmental protection
standards at fuel storage sites following the Buncefield incident. The Task Group
published its initial recommendations on 12 October 2006

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation

See Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999

COMAH site A site to which the Control of Major Accident Hazards

Regulations 1999 apply
Competent Authority The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations
(COMAH) are enforced by a joint Competent Authority comprising the Health
and Safety Executive (HSE and the Environment Agency in England and Wales,
and HSE and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Scotland
Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 The main aim of these
Regulations is to prevent and mitigate the effects of those major accidents
involving dangerous substances, such as chlorine, liquefied petroleum gas, and
explosives which can cause serious damage/harm to people and/or the
environment. The Regulations treat risks to the environment as seriously as those
to people. They apply where threshold quantities of dangerous substances
identified in the Regulations are kept or used
dutyholder In the context of this report, any person or organisation holding a
legal duty in particular those placed by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act,
the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, and the COMAH
Environment Agency The Environment Agency is the lead regulator in England
and Wales with responsibility for protecting and enhancing the environment. It
was set up by the Environment Act 1995 and is a non-departmental public body,
largely sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
and the National Assembly for Wales

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

firefighting pumps The pumping equipment, normally permanently installed in a

pumphouse to move water around the site during fire fighting operations

Water stored for use during, and used during, firefighting operations

firewater lagoon An artificial pond that principally stores water intended for
firefighting operations
flashpoint The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapour to
form a flammable mixture

Anything with the potential to cause harm

Health and Safety Commission The Health and Safety Commission is a

statutory body, established under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974,
responsible for health and safety regulation in Great Britain
Health and Safety Executive The Health and Safety Executive is a statutory
body, established under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. It is an
enforcing authority working in support of HSC. Local authorities are also
enforcing authorities under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
high reliability organisations Robust organisations with a strong safety culture
that have a high probability of achieving safe and reliable performance. More
detail is given in Annex 5
high integrity systems Systems that are designed and maintained so that they
have a high probability of carrying out their intended function. Safety
instrumented systems having safety integrity levels in the range SIL1 to SIL4 are
regarded as high integrity systems

See Health and Safety Commission


See Health and Safety Executive


International Electrotechnical Commission

independent overfill protection system

A system that detects when the liquid in
a storage tank has reached a level where continued further filling will result in loss
of containment and acts to prevent further filling in time to prevent such loss of
containment. Where such systems are automatic they do not rely on any human
operator action
kiloPascal Pascals (Pa) are the unit of pressure in the International System of
Units (SI). A kiloPascal (kPa) is equal to 1000 Pa. Although bar are not units
within SI, they are sometimes used as units to measure atmospheric pressure.
1 kPa = 10 bar
major accident to the environment DEFRA has established threshold criteria
defining a major accident to the environment (MATTE), based on Schedule 7
(part 1) of the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999. The
Environment Agency, using these criteria, has determined that the Buncefield
incident is a MATTE, and the Competent Authority has recently reported this to
the European Commission


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

manual emergency switches Simple and robust push switches that will initiate
emergency action such as shutting down pumps or interrupting process operations,
and which are located at strategic and accessible locations around the site

See major accident to the environment

overpressure For a pressure pulse (or blast wave), the pressure developed above
atmospheric pressure
primary containment The tanks, pipes and vessels that normally hold liquids,
and the devices fitted to them to allow them to be safely operated
pumphouse In the context of this report, the structure enclosing the pumping
equipment used to move water around the Buncefield site prior to the incident. It
principally stored water intended for firefighting operations
risk The likelihood that a hazard will cause a specified harm to someone or
Safety Alert Where the Competent Authority considers that an issue poses
significant risk, it can choose to issue a Safety Alert to operators of COMAH sites
informing them of the issue and possibly requiring them to undertake certain
safety integrity level (SIL) A safety integrity level (SIL) is a measure of safety
system performance, in terms of the probability of failure on demand. There are
four discrete integrity levels, SIL 1-4. The higher the SIL level, the higher the
associated safety level and the lower the probability that a system will fail to
perform properly
Scottish Environment Protection Agency The public body that is responsible for
the protection of the environment in Scotland
secondary containment Enclosed areas around storage vessels (often called
bunds), created usually by concrete or earth walls. Their purpose is to hold any
escaping liquids and any water or chemicals used in firefighting

See Scottish Environment Protection Agency

tertiary containment The site surface and associated drainage, boundary walls,
roads, containment kerbs and any features such as road humps that can provide
some retention of liquids. Proper design of drainage systems will limit loss of
product out of the site and prevent lost product permeating into the ground with
the potential risk that it can migrate to groundwater, or contaminate surface
waters and land
ultimate high level switch Part of the system to prevent overfilling of the tank,
the ultimate high level switch is an independent mechanism which should be
triggered when the ultimate high level (ie the specified maximum capacity) is
reached in a tank to which it is fitted, both causing an alarm to sound and shutting
down the supply of fuel to the tank


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Further information
Useful links
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation
Marlowe Room, Rose Court 2 Southwark Bridge London, SE1 9HS
Tel: 020 7717 6909 Fax: 020 7717 6082
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk
Community/Business support
Dacorum Business Contact Centre Tel: 01442 867 805
Business Link Helpline Tel: 01727 813 813
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Tel: 01727 813 680
Dacorum Community Trust Mayors Fund
To apply, call the freephone helpline on 0800 131 3351. Lines are open 9.30 am to
4.30 pm, Monday to Friday
Dacorum Borough Council Tel: 01442 228 000
Web: www.dacorum.gov.uk
Hemel Hempstead Citizens Advice Bureau
19 Hillfield Road, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4AA
Tel: 01442 213368
Local authorities and emergency services
Dacorum Borough Council Tel: 01442 228 000
Web: www.dacorum.gov.uk
(Dacorum Borough Council Digest newsletter, available monthly Dacorum
Borough Council Buncefield Update Newsletter)
St Albans District Council Tel: 01727 866 100
Web: www.stalbans.gov.uk
Hertfordshire County Council Tel: 01483 737 555
Web: www.hertsdirect.org
Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service
Web: www.hertsdirect.org/yrccouncil/hcc/fire/buncefield
Hertfordshire Constabulary
Web: www.herts.police.uk/news/buncefield/main.htm
Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Tel: 01727 813 680
Web: www.hertschamber.com


Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Government links
Department for Communities and Local Government
Fire and Resilience Directorate
Web: www.communities.gov.uk
Government Office for the East of England
Web: www.goeast.gov.uk
Environment Agency
Web: www.environmentagency.gov.uk
Department of Trade and Industry
Oil and Gas Directorate
Web: www.og.dti.gov.uk
Health and Safety Executive
Hazardous Installations Directorate
Web: www.hse.gov.uk/hid
Control of Major Accident Hazards
Web: www.hse.gov.uk/comah
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Web: www.defra.gov.uk
Health Protection Agency
Web: www.hpa.org.uk
Food Standards Agency
Web: www.food.gov.uk
Drinking Water Inspectorate
Web: www.dwi.gov.uk
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Web: www.sepa.ork.uk
Buncefields Standards Task Group (BSTG)
Chair: Ken Rivers Tel: 0151 951 4078
Industry links
United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA)
Tel: 020 7240 0289 Web: www.ukpia.com
Chemical Industries Association
Tel: 020 7834 3399 Web: www.cia.org.uk
Three Valleys Water
Tel: 0845 782 3333 Web: www.3valleys.co.uk
United Kingdom Onshore Pipeline Operators Association (UKOPA)
Tel: 01773 852003 Web: www.ukopa.co.uk


Tank Storage Association

Tel: 01244 335627 Web: www.tankstorage.org.uk

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites

Investigation reports
Buncefield Major Incident Investigation:

Progress Report, published 21 February 2006

Second Progress Report, published 11 April 2006

Third Progress Report, published 9 May 2006

Initial Report, published 13 July 2006

Available from www.buncefieldinvestigation.gov.uk

DEFRA: Initial review of Air Quality aspects of the Buncefield Oil Depot Explosion
Buncefield: Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Services review of the fire response
Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service November 2006 ISBN 978 0 11 703716 8
Angus Fire, Buncefield Oil Terminal Incident December 2005: Review of part
played by Angus Fire and lessons learned www.angusfire.co.uk
Other related reports/information
East of England Development Agency report by SQW, Economic Developments
Consultants on: The Buncefield Oil Depot Incident: Economic and Business
Confidence Impact Study, June 2006 www.eeda.org.uk
Swiss Fire Service: Quick Look Report Buncefield Fire 11 December 2005
Buncefield social impact report Decorum Borough Council January 2007
Contract research reports for HSE
WS Atkins Science and Technology: Derivation of fatality probability functions for
occupants of buildings subject to blast loads Phases 1, 2, & 3 147/1997 and
Phase 4 151/1997
Biomedical Sciences Chemical and Biological Defence Sector Defence Evaluation
and Research Agency: Review of blast injury data and models 192/1998
Available from: www.hsebooks.com
Government Advisory Bodies
Committee on mutagenicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the
environment (COM)
Committee on carcinogenicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the
environment (COC)
Committee on toxicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the
environment (COT)

Recommendations on the design and operation of fuel storage sites


Reprinted 05/07


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