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A Practical Application of the Rabins Method for

Inductance Calculation in Power Transformer Design

Paulo A. Pasquotto de Lima

Srgio H.L. Cabral

Departament of Transformer Engineering

WEG Energy
Blumenau, Brazil
[email protected]

Departament of Elec. Engineering & Telecommunication

FURB- Fund. Universidade Regional de Blumenau
Blumenau, Brazil
[email protected]

AbstractThe analysis of the performance of a power

transformer winding under the incidence of a voltage surge is one
of the most important concerns in the design of this equipment
that plays a fundamental role in power system. Basis of this
analysis lies in modeling power transformer winding with a
rather complex circuit composed by distributed inductances and
capacitances. However, since calculation of those capacitances is
somehow simpler than of inductances, some engineers may have
been led to believe in mistaken ideas like capacitances having
more importance than inductances. Thus, this work shows not
only how equally important inductances are as well as it presents
advantages in using a simplifying method for calculating winding
inductances. A comparison between experimental and calculation
data is presented.
Keywords-inductance; transformer; winding; voltage surge.



Power transformer has a very important role in power

systems by realizing providential changes of voltage levels by
making viable the power system as a whole. Thus, since it is
inherently submitted to high voltage stress as well as to
incidence of several types of voltage surges, it is mandatory
that every power transformer must withstand a minimum level
of this solicitation, in accordance with its rated voltage.
Therefore, power transformer designer must efficiently weigh
the occurrence of critical voltage, limits of voltage withstand of
dielectric material and costs. Today, this hard and complex
exercise in industry invariably requires the use of computer
simulation as a tool which no designer can waive. Even an
experienced designer takes any decision about any design
change only after checking results from a computer simulation
based on a well-recommended modeling. For its turn, an
electric circuit for modeling a transformer winding requires the
correct calculation of four basic electric parameters:
Inductance, capacitance, resistance and conductance. They may
be lumped and/or distributed. Among them, inductance,
including self and mutual, can be considered as the most
complex and its complexity basically arises from evaluating
magnetic field distribution within a volume or area. As a
remarkable example, for the calculation of the inductance of

any simple and basic circuit a double integral is usually

required and it often requires the use of elliptical functions [1].
On the other hand, the degree of complexity is quite lower for
calculation of capacitance for that same simple circuit.
Therefore, one of the aims of this work is to bring to the light a
practical application of a specific and efficient method for
simplifying calculation of the inductance of a power
transformer winding that is not a simple circuit, but a rather
complex one. This method is known as Rabins method [2,3]
and an immediate result from its application is another
important aim of this work that is to show that some ancient
premises about the initial distribution of voltage surge along
any power transformer winding under the incidence of a
voltage surge are not correct. Especially in regard to the
premise of being totally capacitive the ruling for the
distribution of voltage surge along a winding at the very first
instant of the incidence of the surge. With this idea, a practical
case is taken for comparison between computer simulation and
analytical results.



The incidence of a lightning surge on any winding of a

power transformers is such a frequent, harmful and thus
important event that this theme has been studied by engineers
ever since power transformer has been put in use [4,5]. The
analysis of the behavior of a winding under the incidence of a
surge is very important for industry engineers in view of better
designing any power transformer. This kind of analysis
requires significantly complex computational tools as well as
knowledge of the very basics of the phenomenon at the same
time that interest for this issue has been increasing by most of
the engineers who deal with power transformer design. Some
years ago, the personal experience was more intensively used
for determining the insulation material and defining distances
that should be applied to the design of a winding of power
transformer. One of the most significant examples is in regard
to the initial distribution of a voltage surge along a winding. In
accordance with [5] this distribution is usually considered as
being ruled by the distributed capacitances of a winding, only.

Therefore, any influence of inductances is systematically

neglected in this case. In consequence, a wrong idea has
become accepted for some designers of power transformer that
is that from the revolution of the curve of very initial voltage
surge distribution along a winding it would be possible to
obtain the envelope of all the possible curves of voltage along
winding and time [6]. Thus, if this would be true, there should
be no need to spend time in somehow complex techniques for
calculating inductances of a winding, but only capacitance
should be preferentially calculated. That is why this initial
voltage distribution is also called capacitive distribution.
Although the idea of the capacitive distribution was
supposed as even being conservative, it is important to show
that that it is not correct. In fact, right at moment of the very
initial incidence of a voltage surge on a winding there is an
immediate occurrence of resonant interaction among
distributed inductances and capacitances that gives origin to
significant differences between the real one and the capacitive
voltage surge distribution along a winding. This fact shows
how important is to take winding inductances into
consideration even for the very initial instant, no matter how
much the increase in complexity it may bring. Thus, with the
aim of simplify inductance calculation of a winding this work
shows the application of a method especially developed for
simplifying calculation of inductances of this kind of circuit.
This is known as Rabins method [2,3] and basis for showing
its application is a practical air core winding with dimensions
of a power transformer winding.
The Rabins method, or simply RM [2,3], is a method
based on the evaluation of the distribution of the magnetic
vector potential, A, within a given volume. It allows
simplifying the evaluation of leakage of magnetic flux and
respective inductance as well as forces that are quite
applicable for transformer design. Since it was developed to
be applied to windings its use gives a significant decrease in
time for data processing if compared to the use of finite
element method whereas it has a similar accuracy. Thus, all
these features have taken this method to be increasingly
applied for evaluating self and mutual inductances of power
transformer windings, which are fundamental for analyses of
transient state of these windings. Important information about
this method is presented in the following sub sections.
A. General Description of Assumptions taken for applying
the MR
The very basis of the MR lies in the proposition that
distribution of current density, J, along a winding axis may be
represented by a Fourier series. Thus, this assumption yields
an important restriction to its application that is that this
method is limited to core type transformers, only [3].
Fortunately, this type is the most frequent for power
Some additional assumptions to be taken for the
application of the MR are:

1) Evaluation of magnetic field is done for each of the

limbs of the magnetic frame of the transformer, with no
influence of any adjacent limb ;
2) Upper and lower horizontal branches of the magnetic
frame as well as tank wall are considered as planes in which
magnetic permeability is infinite;
3) Central column of the magnetic limb to which coils are
laid around has also infinite magnetic permeability and its
geometry is cylindrical and axis-symmetric, by including the
tank wall;
4) Magnetic field is evaluated only within the window of
the magnetic frame of the transformer;
5) Ruling equation for the evaluation of the magnetic field
distribution within transformer window is based on application
of set of Maxwells equation for magnetic vector potential, A ,
as in (1).
In accordance with assumption 3), above, a system of
cylindircal coordinates is adopted and magnetic vector
potential is considered as having only azimuthal component
with dependence on radius, r, and on axial distance, z , as

2 A
r 2

2 A
1 A
+ 2 +
= 0 J
r r
z 2


Where J is the current density, that has only azimuthal

component. o is the magnetic permeability of vacuum, since
this value is the same for all the materials that fill the whole
window space. Basically, oil, paper and metal.
B. Basics of the MR
Consider a core type power transformer of which the main
part of its central limb is schematically presented in Fig. 1
through a cross section of the window of the magnetic frame.

Figure 1 Cross section of the main part of the window of a core type

For the calculation of the magnetic vector potential that is

distributed over the cross section of the part of the window,
three regions are defined as:
1) Region I

r C r r1

0 z H j:

r1 r r 2 and

It represents all the windings laid around the central limb.

Basically, high and low voltage windings as well as a
regulating winding, if applicable.
3) Region III

r2 r

Jn =

n z
J cos
Hj 0


and 0 z H j :

It represents the inner layer of insulating material.

Basically, insulating paper and oil channels.
2) Region II


AI =

0 J 0 (r2 r1 )

r + 0
n =1

[C n I1 ( x ) + Dn K1 ( x )] cos (m z )

, (5)

for which

0 z H j:


As a result of the application of (1) to each region, the

following equations are yielded.
For the region I, the magnetic vector potential has the
following expression [3]:


It represents the outer layer of insulating material.

Basically, a layer of insulating paper is laid on the surface of
the winding whereas insulating oil fills the rest and thus most
of the space of this region.
Therefore, for the regions I and III current density and thus
right side of (1) is null. On the other hand, for the region II
current density is not null but it presents several values that are
distributed along z axis, as presented in Fig. 2. Thus, since
values of current density within this region are discretized, in
accordance with the very basis of the idea of Rabin the current
density can be represented by a Fourier series with
dependence on the axial component, z. And since Hj is the
distance between horizontal yokes, the expression of the
Fourier series will have 2Hj as the period [3].

C n = t K1 (t ) dt



Dn =

I 0 ( xc )
K 0 ( xc )






x = mr .


I0, K0, I1 and K1 are modified Bessels functions of first and

second kind with order zero and one, respectively.
For their turn, expressions of magnetic vector potential for
respective remaining regions, I and III, are :
E n I 1 (x ) +

r r
cos (m z ) ,
+ 0 n2
A II = 0 J 0 2 1



n =1




0 J 0 (r23 r13 )

r + 0
n =1

[G n K 1 ( x )] cos (m z )

, (11)

for which L1(x) is the Struves modified function with order


axial distance, z
Figure 2 Distribution of current density along vertical axis, z.


E n = t K1 (t ) dt


Therefore, in accordance with Fig. 2 the expression for the

current desity along z axis is

n z
J ( z ) = J 0 + J n cos

Fn =

I 0 ( xc ) 2
t K1 (t ) dt t I1 (t ) dt ,
K 0 ( xc ) x1

Gn =

I 0 ( xc ) 2
t K 1 (t ) dt + t I1 (t ) dt
K 0 ( xc ) x1




for which

J0 =


J ( z ) dz



Thus, for the evaluation of inductance of a transformer

winding it should be considered as divided into several
sections. In this way, expression for the inductance is :

M pq =

A p dV q

I p Iq

2.a shows the winding before the use of the external shielding
foil and part of the test setup, whereas Fig. 2.b shows the
winding within the shielding.


for which Ap is the magnetic vector potential of the region

where lies the section p whereas Ip and Iq are currents for the
respective sections p and q and Vq is the cylindrical volume
related to section q. On the other hand, Jq is the current
density that is considered as constant along section q and thus
given by
Nq Iq
J =

(z 2 z1 ) (ri q r0 q )

for which Nq is the number of turns of the winding for the

respective section q whereas riq and r0q are the internal radii
that are applied for the evaluation of magnetic vector potential
in section q.
For calculation of self inductance of each section p and q
are considered as being equal to each other.
Therefore, for sections of different windings (15) and (16)
gives origin to

M pq =

0 H j J 0 , p J 0 ,q
I p Iq

r03p rip3 (r0 q riq ) + G n , p

n =1

J n , p J n ,q

Figure 2.a Test setup apparatus and air core winding before the use of
the external shielding foil


t K 1 (t ) dt

whereas for sections of a same winding (15) and (16) give

origin to

J 0, p J0,q

r04q riq4

r0 p r0 p riq rip (r0q riq )

0 H j

M pq =

I p I q J n , p J n ,q
+ m4 En, p t I1(t )dt + Fn, p t K1(t )dt 2 t L1(t )dt



C. Application of the MR - Example

For showing the application of the MR for inductance
calculation and its consequently positive results, part of a high
voltage winding of a power transformer was taken as being the
basis for a test in which the influence of the inductance has
been shown as very important. This winding is a half of a
typical 138 kV-15 kV (Y-) -31.25 MV with 42 interweaved
disks divided into 21 pairs and it was submitted to a lightning
impulse voltage test. Additional data of the winding as well as
of the test setup apparatus are presented in [7].
Thus, for submitting this winding to a lightning impulse
test some adaptation was made on it. For example, a grounded
aluminum foil was internally laid on the winding for playing
the role of the transformer core with its zero potential, only.
On the other hand, another grounded aluminum foil was laid
externally as a usual shielding of a power transformer. Fig.

Figure 2.b Test setup apparatus and air core winding after the use of
the external shielding foil

Application of lightning impulse has the aim of evaluating

the very initial distribution of impulsive voltage along the
winding length. Thus a low voltage recurrent 1.2/50s 430
V impulse generator was connected to the winding with a
grounded end and voltage was measured with several voltage
probes connected along it. Fig. 3 shows the schematic diagram
of the test setup as well some geometric data of the winding
and aluminum foils.

eliminating the influence of both upper and lower horizontal

For their turn, capacitances of this same winding were
calculated by specific means[8] and then both capacitance and
inductance matrixes were taken as input data to a digital
program TRANEM [8] for the simulation of the application of
lightning impulsive voltage.
At last, Fig. 4 shows the distribution of voltage surge to the
ground along the winding to the ground for the very initial
instant (t = 0 +) for the experimental case, for the same case
simulated by digital program TRANEM based on MR method
and for the theoretical capacitive distribution.

Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus for voltage

application to the winding. Some distances, in mm, are also presented

Thus, for a comparison to the experimental case,

capacitances and inductances were calculated for modeling the
circuit of the practical winding and a computer simulation of
the application of a lightning impulsive voltage was
For the calculation of inductances through the MR method
a program named IND [8] was used, which generated the
inductance matrix presented in Fig. 4. For the sake of
simplicity and clearness the upper diagonal terms of the matrix
were omitted since this matrix is diagonally symmetric.
Dimension of the matrix is 21 x 21 since 21 is the number of
pairs of interweaved disks.

Figure 4 Comparison of results for three different cases : experimental,

computer simulation (TRANEM / MR) and theoretical capacitive

From Fig. 4 it can be seen that capacitive distribution

really fails in predicting the very initial voltage distribution
along winding since it is quite different from the experimental
and thus the real one. Basically, values predicted by the
capacitive distribution are lower than real values, which may
cause failure in designing winding if based on this
distribution. By extension, a technique of revolution of this
curve for obtaining an envelope of all possible voltage curves
for the following instants is definitively mistaken. On the
other hand, values of distribution obtained from digital
program TRANEM, that is based on MR shows a good
concordance with the real distribution. This important result
shows how important is to consider all inductances of a
winding even for the very initial voltage surge distribution.
Therefore, simplifying characteristics of the proposed method
for inductance calculation are clearly welcome.

Figure 4 Inductance matrix of the practical winding, in mH.

In accordance with Fig. 1, since the winding taken for this

test has neither tank or magnetic core, some additional
premises were taken in regard to input data to IND program
that uses the MR for inductance calculation. Basically,
measures were taken for adapting the real geometry of the
practical winding to that of Fig 1. Thus, as an example of
measure, the height of the window of the magnetic frame was
set to 10000 mm, that is significantly high enough for


Inductances of any winding have been shown as being

equally fundamental as its capacitances for determining the
shape of the very initial voltage surge distribution along the
winding length. Therefore, the misconceptions in taking only
capacitive distribution as well as its extension to a technique
for enveloping all possible values of transient voltage have no
agreement with reality.
A possible reason for these mistaken ideas may lie in the
fact that former studies about this issue used to take a
theoretical step voltage as the voltage surge incident to a
winding. On the other hand, real voltage surges have a double

exponential aspect that does not allow the sudden change of

value as a step voltage does.
On the other hand, the suggestion of the use of a somehow
old but not well-known method for inductance calculation , that
is the Rabins method may contribute significantly for
simplifying the analysis of performance of a winding under
transient state.

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