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~~~~~~~~~ The Ashwander rules ~~~~~~~~

This page presents 7 special rules that apply in qualifying your case for the Supreme

The Supreme Court has developed seven rules, called the "Ashwander Rules"
(Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority 297 US 288,346 (1935)) for
qualifying a case to be heard there. According to Justice Brandeis:

"The Court developed, for its own governance in the cases confessedly within
its jurisdiction, a series of rules under which it has avoided passing upon a
large part of all the constitutional questions pressed upon it for decision. They

1. The Court will not pass upon the constitutionality of legislation in a

friendly, non-adversary, proceeding, declining because to decide such
questions 'is legitimate only in the last resort, and as a necessity in the
determination of real, earnest and vital controversy between individuals.
It was never thought that, by means of a friendly suit, a party beaten in
the legislature could transfer to the courts an inquiry as to the
constitutionality of the legislative act.' Chicago & Grand Trunk RR v.
Wellman, 143 U.S. 339,345.

2. The Court will not 'anticipate a question of constitutional law in

advance of the necessity of deciding it.' Wilshire Oil Co. v. US, 295 US
188 'It is not the habit of the Court to decide questions of a
constitutional nature unless absolutely necessary to the decision of a
case.' Burton v. US, 196 US 283,295.

3. The Court will not 'formulate a rule of constitutional law broader than
is required by the precise facts to which it is to be applied.' Liverpool
N.Y. & P.S.S. Co. v. Emigration Commissioners, 113 US 33,39.

4. The Court will not pass upon a constitutional question although

properly presented by the record, if there is also present some other
ground upon which the case may be disposed of. This rule has found
most varied application. Thus, if a case can be decided on either of two
grounds, one involving a constitutional question, the other a question of
statutory construction or general law, the Court will decide only the
latter. Light v. US, 220 US 523,538.

5. The Court will not pass upon the validity of a statute upon complaint of
one who fails to show that he is injured by its operation. Tyler v. The
Judges, 179 US 405 Among the many applications of this rule, none is
more striking than the denial of the right of challenge to one who lacks
a personal or property right.

6. The Court will not pass upon the constitutionality of a statute at the
instance of one who has availed himself of its benefits. Great Falls
Mfg. Co. v. Attorney General 124 US 581.

7. 'When the validity of an act of Congress is drawn in question, and even

if a serious doubt of constitutionality is raised, it is a cardinal principle
that this Court will first ascertain whether a construction of the statute is
fairly possible by which the question may be avoided.' Crowell v.
Benson, 285 US 22,62."

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