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People vs Ventura G.R. No.

184957, October 27, 2009

Clearly, the purpose of the procedure outlined in the implementing rules is

centered on the preservation of the integrity and evidentiary value of the
seized items. The testimony of PO2 Sarmiento outlines the chain of
custody of the confiscated item, i.e., sachet of shabu:

Q. And you said that the shabu, plastic sachet was recovered from whom?

A. The police asset immediately handed to me.

Q. What did you do with the plastic sachet that was handed by your police
asset to you?

A. At the station, I placed markings, prepared the request for laboratory


Q. What marking did you place on the plastic sachet?

A. BB with initial LCS.

Q. What do you mean by BB?

A. Buybust.


A. My initial.

Q. If this plastic sachet will be shown to you, will you be able to identify the

A. Yes, sir. This is the shabu we bought from them.

Q. We move that the plastic sachet identified by the witness be marked as

Exh. B.


Mark it.


You said you requested for an examination of the plastic sachet of shabu,
can you tell us what was the result of the examination?

A. I have read from the result it was positive for methylamphetamine


Q. I am showing you the request and the result, tell us if these are the
same documents you are referring to?

A. This is the request for laboratory examination.

Q. We move that the request for laboratory examination be marked as Exh.

F and the findings or result as Exh. G.


Mark them.36

Corroborating the statements of PO2 Sarmiento, PO3 Magsakay testified to

what was done to the recovered sachet alleged to be containing shabu:

Q. What about Grace Ventura and Danilo Ventura, what happened to


A. I arrested Grace Ventura and PO2 Sarmiento arrested Danilo Ventura.

Q. What happened when they were arrested?

A. PO2 Sarmiento recovered the marked money from Danilo Ventura.

Q. Was that all that were recovered from these 2 subjects?

A. The police asset gave the specimen and the bolo.

Q. What else?

A. No more.

Q. When the persons of the accused were restrained and all the evidences
were gathered, what finally did you do?

A. We informed them that they violated Sec. 5 of R.A. 9165 for selling of
illegal drugs and we also informed them of their constitutional rights.

Q. After that what did you do with them?

A. Grace Ventura, Danilo Ventura and Vergel Ventura were brought to the
police station for further investigation.

Q. What did you do with the specimen?

A. We prepared a request for laboratory examination and the request for

drug test.

Q. Before you prepared those requests, what did you do with those
documents in order to distinguish it to the other shabu that were recovered
from the operation?

A. We placed the marking.

Q. And the marking that you placed?

A. The initial of PO2 Sarmiento.

Q. Which happened to be in what letters?


Q. And later did you come to know the findings of the forensic chemist of
the crime laboratory?

A. Positive for shabu and positive for drug test.


Q. You claimed also that you recovered one sachet of shabu as a result of
the operation. Attached to the record is a plastic sachet containing of (sic)
what appears to be white crystalline substance, what relation has this to the
one that you claimed as the shabu sold to your group?

A. This is the same.


It was already marked as Exh. "E". We pray that the marking placed therein
be submarked as "E-1."


Mark them.


Q. You made mention of a request made by your unit to the PNP Crime
Laboratory. Im showing to you such document please confirm to us if this
is the same document that you made mention of?

A. Yes, sir. This is the one. It was previously marked as Exh. "F." We pray
that the stamp mark RECEIVED of the PNP Crime Laboratory be
submarked as "F-1."37

All documentary, testimonial, and object pieces of evidence, including the

markings on the plastic sachet containing the shabu, prove that the
substance tested by the forensic chemist, whose laboratory tests were welldocumented, was the same as that taken from accused-appellant. The
foregoing evidence established and preserved the identity of the
confiscated shabu. Moreover, the integrity of the evidence is presumed to
be preserved, unless there is a showing of bad faith, ill will, or proof that the
evidence has been tampered with.38 Accused-appellant, in this case, bears
the burden to make some showing that the evidence was tampered or
meddled with, to overcome a presumption of regularity in the handling of
exhibits by public officers and a presumption that they properly discharged
their duties.

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