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NO. 416-82148-2015
NO. 416-82149-2015






COMES NOW, THE STATE OF TEXAS, by and through its undersigned Collin
County District Attorneys Pro Tem, Brian Wice, Kent Schaffer, and Nicole DeBorde,
and files its Reply to Defendants Motion to Quash Indictments Because Judge
Oldners Cumulative Actions Compromised the Integrity of the Indictment Process
[Motion1]. The State challenges all factual assertions in this Motion and submits
the following factual account within its reply.

On November 4, 2015, Paxton filed an Amended Motion to Quash Indictments Because Judge
Oldners Cumulative Actions Compromised The Integrity of the Indictment Process, apparently
because of a filing glitch with the original motion. Because the two motions are identical, all
references are to the original motion.

I. Introduction: Its gotta work better than the truth.2

Judge Chris Oldner is a well-respected and veteran jurist. He was appointed
as judge of the 416th District Court of Collin County, Texas by Gov. Rick Perry in
2003, and re-elected without opposition on November 6, 2012.

Prior to his

appointment to the bench, Judge Oldner was a chief felony prosecutor for the Collin
County District Attorneys Office.

Judge Oldner has been honored with the

Outstanding Judicial Faculty Award from the Texas Center for the Judiciary.3
Paxtons motion asks this Court to set aside two first-degree felony indictments
and a third-degree felony indictment that were the result of a comprehensive
investigation spearheaded by the Texas Rangers. Paxton seeks this extraordinary
relief by claiming that he is the victim of a judicial conspiracy led by Judge Oldner,
whom Paxton believes is solely responsible for his seat at the defense table. There is,
however, one major flaw in Paxtons pre-trial shell game: none of what he claims
Judge Oldner allegedly did comes close to meeting the high standard for the relief he
seeks. Wheat v. State, 537 S.W.2d 20, 21 (Tex.Crim.App. 1976)(defendant bears the
burden of proof on a motion to quash these indictments).

Paxtons insistence at crafting an alternative narrative, one that avoids any mention of his own
criminality, while it re-writes, distorts, or simply ignores the historical facts that inform his
claim, calls to mind the following cinematic exchange. OTTER: Well tell Fred you were doing
a great job taking care of his car, but you parked it out back last night and this morning ... it was
gone. We report it as stolen to the police. D-Day takes care of the wreck. Your brothers
insurance company buys him a new car. FLOUNDER: Will that work? OTTER: Its gotta work
better than the truth. ANIMAL HOUSE (Universal Pictures)(1978).
3 (last visited November 3, 2015).

Paxtons motion is constructed on the quicksand-like foundation of

supposition, conjecture, conclusory assertions, selective and misleading parsing of its
own exhibits, and a stunning lack of any controlling legal authority to support his
unsupported and unsupportable claims. Paxton wants this Court to quash these
indictments based on the cumulation of non-errors, in the face of long-standing
authority to the contrary. See e.g., Chamberlain v. State, 998 S.W.2d 230, 238
(Tex.Crim.App. 1999)(We are aware of no authority holding that non-errors may in
their cumulative effect cause error.). Paxtons motion is a tale of sound and fury
calculated to cast himself as a victim, and not a criminal defendant, in the court of
public opinion. That Paxtons motion is not only desperate, but utterly without merit
is predictable; that it recklessly and unnecessarily tars both a respected jurist and his
spouse without a legal or factual basis to do so is unconscionable.
II. Judge Oldner Did Not Abuse His Judicial
Discretion in Impaneling the Grand Jury that Indicted Paxton
Paxton asserts that Judge Oldners impanelment of the 416th Grand Jury was
improper because he only impaneled persons summoned who were willing to
serve and so improperly added a qualification for grand jury service not included
within the statute.

Motion at 3.

This notion is at odds with a commonsense

reading of Judge Oldners voir dire, the one case it deigns to cite, and contrary
authority it pretends does not exist. Moreover, sustaining Paxtons evanescent claim
would call into question the hundreds of indictments handed up by the 416th Grand

Jury without regard to Paxton demonstrating either harm or prejudice.

Article 19.254 of the Code of Criminal Procedure sets out five Excuses From
Service, including 5, affording Judge Oldner the judicial discretion5 to excuse any
potential grand juror whom he determines has a reasonable excuse from service. In
interpreting this provision, this Court is guided by what the Texas Supreme Court
noted almost a century ago in Simmons v. Arnim, 220 S.W. 66, 70 (Tex. 1920):
Courts must take statutes as they find them. More than
that, they should be willing to take them as they find them.
They should search out carefully the intendment of a
statute, giving full effect to its terms. ... They are
responsible for a true and fair interpretation of the written
law. It must be an interpretation which expresses only the
will of the makers of the law, not forced or strained, but
simply such as the words of the law in their plain sense
fairly sanction and will clearly sustain.
These sentiments have long been echoed by the Court of Criminal Appeals and
the Texas Supreme Court. See e.g., Moreno v. Sterling Drug, Inc., 787 S.W.2d 348,
352 (Tex. 1990)(When language in a statute is unambiguous, [courts] must seek the
intent of the legislature as found in the plain and common meaning of the words and
terms used.); Iglehart v. State, 837 S.W.2d 122, 126 (Tex.Crim.App. 1992)(When


Paxton erroneously refers to this provision as Article 29.25. Motion at 4.

A trial courts decision is not an abuse of discretion so long as it is not arbitrary or

unreasonable or outside the zone of reasonable disagreement. State v. Mechler, 153 S.W.3d
435, 439 (Tex.Crim.App. 2005). A trial court does not abuse its discretion merely because the
court of appeals would have decided an issue differently. See Downer v. Aquamarine Operators,
Inc., 701 S.W.2d 238, 241 (Tex. 1985)(The mere fact that a trial judge may decide a matter
within his discretionary authority in a different manner than an appellate judge in a similar
circumstance does not demonstrate that an abuse of discretion has occurred.).

the literal text of a statute is clear, the court must give effect to the plain meaning of
such text.). This Court must enforce Article 19.25(5) as enacted by the Legislature
without regard to policy, wisdom or the mischievous results Paxton claims occurred.
In re Smith, 333 S.W.3d 582, 586 (Tex. 2011).

So long as a commonsense

interpretation of this statutes plain language does not lead to absurd results the
Legislature could not have imagined, this Court must give effect to its plain language.
Boykin v. State, 818 S.W.2d 782, 785-786 (Tex.Crim.App. 1999).
A commonsense reading of the plain language of this failsafe provision that
does not expressly prohibit Judge Oldner from asking such a question, one that does
not lead to absurd results, clearly gave Judge Oldner the discretion to inquire of the
panel in such a way as to ensure that those individuals who were not willing to serve,
who were unwilling to make the extraordinary commitment of time and energy
required of any grand juror the consummate reasonable excuse from service in
Article 19.25(5), could be excused from service. See Morrison v. State, 845 S.W.2d
882, 906 (Tex.Crim.App. 1992)(Benevides, J., dissenting)([I]n our system of
jurisprudence, that which is not forbidden is generally allowed.). Paxton does not,
because he cannot, point to any provision in Chapter 19 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, let alone Article 19.5(5), precluding Judge Oldner from asking any
question, so long as it was not driven by a discriminatory intent, in an effort to ensure
that only those individuals willing to serve as grand jurors were, in fact, selected.

Indeed, the best evidence that Paxtons claim that Judge Oldner lacked discretion to
seat only those individuals expressing a willingness to serve is devoid of merit is the
transcripts of the selection and impanelment of the grand juries Paxton fought so
strenuously to obtain, readily reveal that Judge Roach,6 Judge Cynthia Whales,7 and
Judge Tucker8 all empaneled their grand juries in a manner virtually identical to that
employed by Judge Oldner.
Ironically, the sole case Paxton cites, Ex parte Becker,9 459 S.W.2d 442, 444

As Judge Roach told the panel of prospective grand jurors,In a moment and this is what is
going to make half of you feel better in a moment I am going to ask for volunteers to serve on
the grand jury. The way we used to do it, or the way I can do it is just go, I need you, you, you,
you, and then you figure it out, if you dont otherwise have an excuse. But thats not how we
are going to do it anymore, because if you want to volunteer, that sure is a lot easier than being
compelled to do something that you ... dont want to do. ... I am going to ask for volunteers, but I
am going to tell you when we say volunteers, it is not like you are signing up to ring the bell at
the kettle at the Salvation Army; because once you volunteer to do it, you are then compelled to
be here, okay? ... [I] am going to ask for volunteers who would like to be compelled to be here.
... And so what I am probably going to do is ask for volunteers to come this is going to be kind
of a musical chairs thing. I am going to ask all of the volunteers to come sit here in front of me
so I can talk to them. (RR 9-12).

As Judge Whales noted, We should probably start taking volunteers. ... [Theres a new
method, and that method is ... I can begin to take volunteers. (RR 12-14). Judge Whales
grand jury, including alternates, was composed of volunteers.

As Judge Tucker pointed out, And if you know of reasons why you wouldnt potentially be
available later, [the prosecutors] dont want you to volunteer. ... [The prosecutors] are going to
theyre asking that we start with volunteers. (RR 21, 24). Judge Tuckers grand jury, including
alternates, was composed of volunteers.

Paxtons motion fails to provide the full citation to Becker. Motion at 6. In Becker, the trial
judge who empaneled the grand jury failed to honor the custom and tradition in Texas of
selecting the first 12 names of those who were qualified to serve as grand jurors. The judge
failed to seat a woman (because he believed there were too women on the grand jury) and an
Hispanic male (because he was too young and did not reflect[] the beliefs and opinions held
by the majority of the people in Dallas County. Id. at 443.

(Tex.Crim.App. 1970), for the tenet that an arbitrary disregard of the statutes
regarding the selection and impanelment of a grand jury vitiates and renders [a]
grand jury without authority, Motion at 6, actually defeats his claim. First, Paxton
inexplicably does not favor this Court with perhaps the most important part of the
holding in Becker, one almost a century old, that the statutes relating to the
organization of grand juries are directory and not mandatory, id. at 443-444, a canon
that eviscerates Paxtons argument. Second, Paxton also conveniently ignores what
the court in Becker made clear in rejecting the claim that the trial courts conduct did
not vitiate the impanelment of the grand jury:
We are unable to agree with appellants contention as set
forth in his bill of exceptions No. 1 that the trial court
committed error in excusing from the list of grand jurors
certain men drawn thereon, and in instructing the sheriff to
summon other men to take the places of those so excused.
We do not think the law regarding the formation of a grand
jury should have such rigid and inflexible construction as
that the trial court may not excuse from service on such
grand jury citizens whose reasons as presented to the court
appeal to his sound discretion and were such as to seem to
justify such action.
Id. at 444-45, citing Robinson v. State, 244 S.W. 599, 599 (Tex.Crim.App. 1922).
Third, because Judge Oldners conduct does not come within a time zone of the
irregularities in Becker, the deliberate exclusion of a woman and an Hispanic male
based on the trial judges ad hoc sentiments, Paxton can no more demonstrate harm or
prejudice than the defendant in Becker.

See id. at 445 (However unique the

irregularity, it is not of sufficient gravity to warrant holding the Grand Jury illegally

constituted rendering void ipso facto every indictment returned by such Grand Jury,
particularly without any showing of harm or prejudice.).
III. Judge Oldner Did Not Abuse His
Discretion in Sealing the Names of his Grand Jurors
Paxton argues that Judge Oldners decision to seal the names of his grand
jurors was contrary to Texas law and hammered] Paxtons ability to challenge the
grand jury array. Motion at 6-7. Neither contention will support the great weight
rested upon it.
While Paxton relies on an Attorney Generals Opinion10 that he avers
addressed this exact issue, Motion at 7, Paxtons assertion is informed by his
unwillingness or inability to fully understand the parameters of the question the
Attorney General was tasked with answering. The discrete question at issue was not,
as in this case, whether Judge Older had the discretion to seal his grand jurors names,
but whether a trial judge was required by law to keep confidential the identities of
grand jurors who were chosen to serve. While Paxton quotes at length from the
Attorney Generals Opinion, Motion at 7-8, tellingly, he does not favor the Court with
the two sound bites from the opinion that derail his contention:
Returning to [the] specific questionsa clerk or judge has no duty to keep a
grand jury list confidential after the clerk has opened the names of prospective
grand jurors.
You do not ask about and we do not consider a judges discretionary

It is well settled that an Attorney Generals Opinion does not have the force and effect of law
and is of no precedential value.

authority to seal court records, including grand jury lists, or a clerks

responsibility in such case.
Id. at 4 (emphasis added).
The policy reasons fortifying Judge Oldners discretion to seal the names of his
grand jurors, especially in a high-profile matter such as this are obvious. As the
Fourteenth Court of Appeals has remarked in this regard, such confidentiality
ensures the utmost freedom to the grand jury in its deliberations. ... [No undue
influence should be permitted to sway its counsels or govern its action.11 Stern v.
State ex rel Angel, 869 S.W.2d 614, 623 (Tex.App. Houston [14th Dist.] 1994, writ
IV. Judge Oldners Entry in the Grand Jury Room was not Improper
Paxton contends that his investigation indicates that Judge Oldner
improperly and without authority, twice entered the Grand Jury room where the 416th
Grand Jury was in session and meeting. Motion at 8. He speculates that, while in
the grand jury room, Judge Oldner presumably answered questions the grand jury
might have had, and insists that Judge Oldner was present while the grand jury was
conducting proceedings.

Id. at 9.

Because Paxtons assertions are wholly

conclusory, and without any support in the record he has brought forth, they are

Given the repeated attempts by at least one blogger to contact the members of Judge Tuckers
grand jury at home and at their places of business, this reasoning fortifies the notion that Judge
Oldner was well within his judicial discretion in ordering the names of his grand jurors sealed.

As a threshold matter, so long as the grand jury was not conducting

proceedings by either hearing testimony or voting on whether to return true bills,
Paxton cannot show that Judge Oldner lacked authority to enter the grand jury room.
Tellingly, yet not surprisingly, conspicuous by its absence is a single case Paxton can
cite for the notion that the judge overseeing a grand jury has no authority to enter the
grand jury room in the absence of any evidence the grand jury was conducting
proceedings. In fact, there is authority to the contrary that Paxtons research of the
length and breadth of Article 20.02 failed to uncover. See Ray v. State, 561 S.W.2d
480, 482 (Tex.Crim.App. 1977)(rejecting claim indictment should be quashed where
no witnesses testified that any unauthorized persons sat with the grand jury during
the time it deliberates or voted on the indictments before it.); Carter v. State, 691
S.W.2d 112, 116 (Tex.App. Fort Worth 1985, no pet.)(It is well settled that
unauthorized persons are not allowed in the grand jury room during deliberations.
However, there is no rule prohibiting persons from appearing before the grand jury at
other times.).
Second, the one case Paxton does cite, Mason v. State, 322 S.W.3d 251, 257
(Tex.Crim.App. 2010), is clearly distinguishable. In Mason, the State conceded that
it may have violated Article 20.011 of the Code of Criminal Procedure when
unauthorized persons had questioned a witness while the grand jury was in session.
Id. at 254-55. The Court of Criminal Appeals held that the defense could not show
that this violation resulted in a substantial and injurious effect on the grand jurys

decision to indict Appellant. Id. at 257. For Paxton to claim that Judge Oldners
presence in the grand jury room somehow had a substantial and injurious effect on
the grand jurys decision to indict him on the third-degree felony of failing to
register as an investment advisor12 when he is unable to show, unlike the defendant in
Mason, that a violation of Article 21.011 even occurred, is laughable. This Court need
not linger long in rejecting Paxtons claim.
V. Judge Oldner Acted Properly in Retaining the July 7 Indictment
Paxton goes to great lengths to assert that Judge Oldners conduct in retaining
the July 7 indictment violated Article 20.21 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
claiming that, It is unknown why Judge Oldner held the First Indictment and did not
immediately surrender it to the District Clerk.13 Motion at 13. By ignoring the clear
import of Article 20.21 and by being willfully blind to the agreement his initial lawyer
made with the Special Prosecutors about the July 7 indictment being sealed, Paxtons
contention comes perilously close to being frivolous.
At the outset, Paxton inexplicably ignores the fact that Article 20.21 authorizes
the grand jury foreman, upon the return of an indictment, to deliver the indictment to

Tellingly, Paxton does not, because he cannot, argue how or why Judge Oldners entry in the
grand jury room on July 7 somehow had a substantial and injurious effect on the grand jurys
decision to indict him weeks later for the first-degree felonies of securities fraud.


The affidavits Paxton brings forward in support of his contention are redacted as to the authors
of the affidavits. The State is clearly entitled to know their identities. While Paxton claims that
he [does] not want to publish the names of the involved employees at this juncture to avoid
intrusion into their private lives, Motion at 11 n. 3, his munificence is trumped by the States
right to confront and cross-examine these potential witnesses.

the judge overseeing the grand jury, exactly what took place on July 7. It strains
credulity for Paxton to nevertheless argue that Judge Oldner somehow violated
Article 20.21. While Paxton claims that Judge Oldner thwarted [the District Clerk]
in discharging her duty to deliver the capias/summons to the proper party, Motion at
13, this claim is absurd. As Paxtons own narrative reveals, Judge Oldner did, in fact,
permit the District Clerks office to process the indictment before he properly took
custody of it pursuant to Article 20.21.
Moreover, Paxtons assertion that, It is unknown why Judge Oldner held the
First Indictment and did not immediately surrender it to the District Clerk, Motion at
13, seeks to re-write, if not ignore, history. As Exhibit A reveals, in his letter to
Special Prosecutor Kent Schaffer, dated June 30, 2015, Paxtons original lawyer, Joe
Kendall acknowledges that:
You told me that it is your intention to seek an indictment
from the Collin County Grand Jury next week. You told
me that if a True Bill is returned it will be kept under seal
until the week of ... [July] 20th, presented directly to Judge
Oldner, and you will notify me by Summons for [Paxton]
to appear before Judge Oldner on Tuesday, July 28, 2015,
rather than have him arrested. You also told me you
would agree to a personal bond.
I appreciate your agreements14 and it is my belief that this
is the reasonable approach...


Part and parcel of the agreements the Special Prosecutor made with Kendall as to why the
indictments would be sealed was that Kendall would be out of town and Paxton would be on
vacation in Hawaii.

(emphasis added). While Paxtons lawyer in June appreciated the agreement he

made with the Special Prosecutors, Paxtons current cadre of lawyers apparently
neither appreciates the agreement their predecessor made nor do they see fit to
acknowledge it. Notwithstanding Paxtons proclivity to ignore unassailable facts that
do not dovetail with his grand conspiracy theory reason enough for this Court to
summarily reject this decidedly tenuous assertion Paxton is estopped from even
making it. By agreeing that the July 7 indictment would remain sealed and presented
directly to Judge Oldner, Paxton is estopped from now complaining of any purported

See e.g., Prystash v. State, 3 S.W.3d 522, 531-32 (Tex.Crim.App.

1999)(defense estopped from claiming trial court erred in submitting jury instruction
defendant requested). Paxtons allegation is without merit.
VI. Judge Oldner did not Violate Grand Jury Secrecy
Paxtons next salvo, that Judge Oldner violated grand jury secrecy by telling
his wife that Paxton had been indicted, is no more compelling than his earlier claims.
First, at the time Judge Oldner told his wife that Paxton had been indicted, the
indictments had not been sealed.15 Second, once his wife learned the indictments were
sealed, she did what she could to un-ring the bell by immediately telling Collin


Even the use of the term sealed is misleading inasmuch as Texas, unlike the federal courts,
has no provision expressly authorizing the sealing of an indictment by court order. In other
words, there is a critical distinction between an indictment that is sealed by court order, and
one, as here, that is returned before the defendant is arrested or surrenders.

County Commissioner Susan Fletcher not to relate what she had been told.16 There
was simply nothing more Ms. Oldner could do. Third, and most important of all,
Paxton cites no authority to buttress his claim that Judge Oldner telling his wife about
the indictments when they were not sealed entitles him to the extraordinary pre-trial
relief he seeks.
After Judge Oldner received the indictments on July 28, he ordered the District
Clerk to enter them into the system, and making them public as Paxton had made
plans to voluntarily surrender the following Monday. Judge Oldner then left, secure
in the belief that the indictments had not been sealed. When a deputy district clerk,
in the presence of Judge Scott Becker and Special Prosecutors, noted that normally
indictments remain sealed when the defendant is not in custody, did Judge Becker
suggest that the Special Prosecutors inform Judge Oldner of the District Clerks
policy when he recessed his trial later that day. The Special Prosecutors did so
shortly after 5:00 p.m. and Judge Oldner made the decision seal the indictments.
Critically, yet tellingly absent from Paxtons narrative, is the unassailable fact that the
indictments were unsealed for approximately 90 minutes that day.
Simply stated, Judge Oldner did not violate the spirit and tenor of Article
20.22(b), when he told his wife in this 90-minute gap that Paxton has been indicted.


he texts and screen captures of the texts between Judge Oldners wife that Paxton has
included, Motion at 15-17, are a mere sideshow for the publics titillation that Paxton employs
like a drunk uses a lamppost for support and not illumination.

The legislative intent behind Article 20.22(b) is to keep a defendant who has been
indicted from fleeing jurisdiction before he can be arrested. See Rothschild v. State,
7 Tex.Ct.App. 519, 537 (1880)(grand jury secrecy designed, inter alia, to prevent the
escape of defendants who will be indicted). Paxtons core claim, that Judge Oldner
violated grand jury secrecy, crumbles in light of what one court of appeals has
The requirement of secrecy should be imposed only to the
extent that it contributes to the effectiveness of the grand
jury as that institution carries out is investigative and
screening functions.
Beyond that, however, the
requirement of confidentiality serves no purpose.
Stern v. State ex rel Ansel, 869 S.W.2d 614, 624 (Tex.App. Houston [14th Dist.]
1994, writ dend). Viewed against this backdrop, the residue of Paxtons narrative,
one that does not even begin to explain how Judge Odner telling his wife of Paxtons
indictment prejudiced Paxton, is merely white noise
Paxtons then offers the piece de resistance of his magnum opus, his
cut-from-whole-cloth fictional rant that, The only conceivable way Ms. Oldner could
have learned about Paxtons indictments was through her husband, Judge Oldner;
who presided over the Grand Jury and somehow arranged to have Paxtons case
assigned to his trial court. Motion at 15 (emphasis in original). What poetic
license, writers embellishment, or suspension of disbelief gives Paxton the
inalienable right to advance such an inherently speculation-laden and defamatory
concoction? Where is one iota of proof that a veteran and respected jurist was

somehow, some way, capable of putting his thumb on the scale of justice, and
managing to bypass the random assignment of criminal cases?17 To the contrary,
Paxtons exhibits statements from members of the District Clerks office he ignores
belie his groundless and gratuitous avowal.18 Paxtons unwarranted, unsupported,
and ultimately unsupportable avowal that Judge Oldner, the focal point in his Grassy
Knoll-like conspiracy to indict Paxton somehow arranged to have Paxtons case
assigned to his trial court has no place in a legal pleading it is far more appropriate
as a plot point in an Oliver Stone motion picture. See Elmore v. Ozmint, 661 F.3d
783, 884 (4th Cir. 2011)(Wilkinson, J., dissenting)(While this story may make for a
good movie, it does not stand up as a piece of legal analysis or bear resemblance to
Finally, the one case that Paxton cites, albeit in the amorphous see also
context, Stern v. State ex rel Ansel, 869 S.W.2d 614, 623 (Tex.App. Houston [14th
Dist.] 1994, writ dend), does not avail him.19

In Stern, the court of appeals

concluded that the prosecutor violated Article 20.02, not by publicly disclosing that

Paxtons contrived and indefensible character assassination of Judge Oldner, accusing him of
putting the fix in to get these cases assigned to his court, adds insult to injury by coming
perilously close to accusing Judge Oldner of at least two felony offenses. See TEX. PENAL
CODE, 39.02 (Abuse of Official Capacity) and 39.06 (Misuse of Official Information).

See Exhibit G (I proceeded to file the three cases and number them. As Judge Oldner
instructed, I let Odyssey [case management system] automatically assign the three cases instead
of manually assigning them.); Exhibit H (The indictments fell in the 416th court.).

While Paxton presumably read Stern, it speaks volumes that he managed to miss that portion
of its holding about the limits of, and reasons for, grand jury secrecy alluded to above.

indictments had been returned, but by publicly disclosing transcripts of testimony

given by witnesses who had appeared before the grand jury.



unjustified and unproven accusations against Judge Oldner should be swiftly and
summarily rejected.
VII. Judge Oldner Never Entered Arrest Warrants in the System
Paxtons final assertion, that Judge Oldner issued arrest warrants for Paxton as
a vindictive action meant to publically embarrass and humiliate Paxton, Motion at
20, true to form, is driven by his penchant for ignoring the uncontradicted historical
facts, and his unwillingness to buttress his averments with any legal authority.
First, as Paxtons Exhibit K reveals, although Judge Oldner issued arrest
warrants for Paxton, Judge Oldner agreed he would not enter the warrants into the
system, a pivotal fact Paxton ignore, no doubt because it eviscerates any conceivable
showing of Judge Oldners bad faith, let alone harm to Paxton. Second, unless Judge
Oldner issued the warrants, Paxton would be unable to voluntarily surrender himself.
Judge Oldner and this Court agreed that the warrants be held until Paxton appeared at
to voluntarily surrender, when the warrants be turned over to the Ranger who would
process Paxton at the Collin County Jail. Paxtons assertion turns a blind eye to the
fact that the arrest warrants were issued but held, not in bad faith, but as a courtesy to
Moreover, Paxton refuses to acknowledge that, as a result of their courtesy and
professionalism, the Special Prosecutors afforded him the benefits of answering to a

summons instead of being arrested, personal bonds on three indictments, including a

pair of first-degree felonies, and a voluntary surrender, none of which are usually
afforded to a typical defendant. That Paxton now claims, without citing a single case
in support of his contention, that he is somehow entitled to the extraordinary relief of
having these indictments quashed because arrest warrants were issued but never
entered into the system, let alone served on him, is stunningly ironic. Had the
Special Prosecutors been part of what Paxton terms as unnecessary and
heavy-handed behavior, Motion at 19, they could have insisted that the arrest
warrants be entered into the system on July 28. Once the warrants were entered,
Paxton was subject to arrest by his own security detail. Such is the unsatisfying,
unpersuasive, and unsupported coda to Paxtons tale of sound and fury that, in the
end, signifies nothing.
VII. Prayer for Relief
For all of these reasons, the State asks that this Court deny Paxtons motion to
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Kent A. Schaffer
712 Main, Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77002
(713) 228-8500 PHONE
(713) 228-0034 FAX
Bar No. 17724300


The Lyric Centre
440 Louisiana, Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77002
(713) 524-9922
(713) 236-7768 FAX
Bar No. 21417800
712 Main, Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77002
(713) 228-8500 PHONE
(713) 228-0034 FAX
Bar No. 00787344

Pursuant to TEX.R.APP.P. 9.5(d), I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of
the above and foregoing reply was served via e-mail delivery through on November 5, 2015 to all defense counsel listed below:
Dan Cogdell
William Mateja
Terri Moore
Heather Barbieri
Paul Creech
Q. Williams
Stephanie McGuire
J. Mitchell Little
Sunida Mejia
/s/ Kent A. Schaffer


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