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Declaration of Joint Sovereignty November 6, 2015 On this Sixth Day of November in the Year 2015 we come together for the first time as a truly united People to proclaim and enjoy our rightful place as inheritors, caretakers, and joint sovereigns of air, of land, and of the seas of our nations and states and of our beloved universal and global home, the planet, Earth. ‘We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and the States of America and the Native American Nations with this Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and these attached Sovereign Letters Patent jointly declare our sovereignty and reaffirm The Declaration of Independence of 1776 written by Thomas Jefferson and confirm its rooted principles: that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with Natural and Unalienable rights and other material interests, among them the right to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, to own and to benefit from our property both public and private, to worship, speak and communicate freely, to carry on trade and commerce as we see fit, to enjoy the full benefit of our labors, to hold the privacy of our homes and ‘our bodies inviolate, to choose our occupations, to have remedy and redress from all wrongs, to enjoy the equal protection of our Public Laws guaranteed by Due Process and Consent, to be at peace and together, to wage war in our true mutual self-defense, to change and reprimand and repair our government and its institutions as we deem may best suit our needs and traditions, and to do all those things and have all rights, responsibilities, and prerogatives that are common and good among men and nations. ‘We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and the States of America and the Native American Nations have come to a time when change is necessary and treaties long established must be revisited and either renewed or destroyed to form a firm foundation for our mutual peace, prosperity, and future. In engaging this great task of review, reform, and renewal we solemnly promise each other the Good Faith and Good ‘Will that all people are owed. We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and the States of America and the Native American Nations jointly and severally repudiate all odious debts which have been accrued and alleged against us and our posterity by those operating the Federal United States in violation of their charters and treaties and in violation of international law via a process of fraud upon the probate courts, falsification of civil records, identity theft, secretive hypothecated debt, breach of trust, fiduciary malfeasance, abuse of public resources for private gain, and who have pretended to represent us and our National ‘Trusts while in fact enslaving us by proxy and deceiving us and the whole world via the use of a complex web of semantic deceits and abuses of bankruptcy protection. We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and States of America and the Native American Nations jointly and severally declare that all our respective nations and nation-states have been at peace for at least one hundred years and declare our desire and determination to remain at peace and promote the peace of the whole Earth. ‘We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and States of America and the Native American Nations jointly and severally declare before all Mankind and before our Creator that it is our Irrevocable Will to be in harmony with each other and with the Earth, to restore the damage that has been done, to let go of the grief and the betrayals and injustices of the past, to heal our hearts and our lands, to deal honestly with each other and all men, to cherish the plants and the animals we have been given to care for, and to do our part to restore the sea and the air resources that have been destroyed by generations of mismanagement and pollution in the name of war for profit and greed. We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and States of America and the Native American Nations jointly and severally declare that life, health, labor, inspiration, and natural resources are the things of true value on earth and that properly valuing and nurturing these to maximize their abundance throughout the Earth is the only true wealth. We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and States of America and the Native American Nations jointly and severally declare that it is our Way and our Will that our nations and all nations join together in common cause to protect and nurture the life, the Natural rights, the property interests, and the peace of each man and woman so that all may have and enjoy and possess what is good in life and have it abundantly. We, the Living Peoples of the United Colonies and States of America and the Native American Nations jointly and severally declare that our Law is the Law of the Land and we uphold the Truth that no creation is greater than its Creator, so that all states and nations and all corporations are less than those who create them: thus it is and was, and always shall be that those governments and institutions which men contrive to provide the public services they require can never claim to hold a position superior to any living man or woman and may only and at most assert the equal rights of each other man or woman so as to promote and ensure the peace and safety of all. So say we without reservation and without representation and without the United. States, Incorporated, and without any part, franchise, or territory of the inchoate Federal United States, and we attach our Sovereign Letters Patent for transmittal this day to the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations Trust Committee—North America, Pope Francis, Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth the Second, and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, and certify that it is done: DRL Lass Clinton Belcher, Heir of the Anna Maria Riezinger, Heir of the King, I Was, Am, I Will ‘Transmittal date: °&5 November 2015™ From: Big Lake, Alaska Mailing address: c/o Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska RED 99652 Sovereign Letters Patent November 1, 2015 We, the living people, in whom the flesh lives and blood flows, who are inhabitants of the land acting ‘upon our inherent sovervign nature and divine empowerment declare that the land and the seas and the air of our beloved planet belong to us as the true heirs and beneficiaries of the Earth; We, the living people, declare and levy claim upon the National ‘Trusts owed to the lands of America known and described variously as The United States of America and the united States of America and United Colonies of America, composed of fifty (50) organic states. together with their Isle-lands and patents and all trusts and beneficial contracts owed to these lands and peoples inhabiting them, and all successors and derivatives thereof in perpetuity, as we arc in joint sovereignty the lawful beneficiaries, possessors, entitlement holders and inheritors; We, the living people, declare that these Sovereign Letters Patent fully restore and reclaim the assets of the land jurisdiction of aforesaid lands and assets that are a part of the North American Continent and also lay claim to the assets owed to these lands and peoples lying within the jurisdictions of the sea and air; We, the living people, declare that these Sovereign Letters Patent duly served to the Principals responsible and to the International Community at Large clarify the identities, natures, and material interests of Parties to contracts and treaties and trusts that have otherwise been misrepresented and falsified, distorted and betrayed; We, the living people, declare that neither we nor our nations are responsible for the fraud that has been perpetuated against us and our lands and our assets and against lands and assets of many other peoples and lands throughout the world by the Crown Temple and its agents; We, the living people, issue these Sovereign Letters Patent to revive our nations, to uphold our national trusts for future generations, to ensure justice, to proclaim truth, and restore the true meaning of law under the guidance and protection of Divine Providence. So say we, and we set our hands and seals before Him who gave us our author Arne Maga eK Chee a TAm/ I Will Be/Judge Appointed Qleste Lak, leds yf PWas/ I Amv I Will BeJudge Appointed vwe Anne Marie K ezine’ certify that < this GT day of November in the year 2015, we have faithfully reborded dr acts and sent original signed and sealed copies to: Pope Francis, (Queen Elizabeth Il, the United Nations Trust Committees, Seeretary General Ki-Ban Moon, and the Bank of Intemational Setlements_|_ A wa Me ace Hagen Sovereign Letters Patent November 6, 2015 We, the living people, in whom the flesh lives and blood flows, who are inhabitants of the land acting upon our inherent sovereign nature and divine empowerment declare that the land and the seas and the air of our beloved planet belong to us as the true heirs and beneficiaries of the Earth; We, the living people, declare and levy claim upon the National Trusts owed to the United Colonies of America and to the united States of America and all successors and derivatives thereof as the lawful beneficiaries, possessors, entitlement holders and inheritors; We, the living people, further declare and establish that the Continental United States composed of fifty (50) organic states on the land is foreign with respect to the Federal United States and its fifty-seven (57) inchoate “States” operating in the intemational jurisdiction of the sea, and always has been—- all confusions otherwise notwithstanding; We, the living people, declare that these Sovereign Letters Patent fully restore and reclaim the assets of the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States without exception and despite fiduciary trust fraud practiced against us and our nation; We, the living people, declare that these Sovereign Letters Patent duly served to the Principals responsible and to the International Community at Large clarify the identities, natures, and material interests of Parties to contracts and treaties that have otherwise been misrepresented; We, the living people, declare that neither we nor our nation is responsible for the fraud that has been perpetuated against us and our assets by the British-Controlled Federal United States; We, the living people, issue these Sovereign Letters Patent to reiterate these facts, to uphold our exemption from ignorant and self-interested presumptions being made against us and our assets, and to reassert our Priority Creditor status and claim upon our assets that have been wrongfully involved in the bankruptcies, chicaneries, false claims, frauds, and wrong-doings of the Federal United States. 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