The Law of Philanthropy in The Twenty-First Century: An Introduction To The Symposium

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The Law Of Philanthropy In The Twenty-First

Century: An Introduction To The Symposium
Anne-Marie E. Rhodes
Loyola University Chicago, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation
Rhodes, Anne-Marie, The Law Of Philanthropy In The Twenty-First Century: An Introduction To The Symposium, 85 CHI.-KENT
L.REV. 469 (2010).

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American philanthropic organizations are a powerful financial and

geopolitical force addressing issues of great moment here and around the
world. As their numbers and influence grow, philanthropic organizations
are coming under increasing scrutiny from donors and regulators, a consequence of what some call a trust deficit. Donors' families are suing nonprofits to enforce the original donor's intent. Governmental scrutiny,
through the Senate Finance Committee or state attorneys general, is raising
new issues for the nonprofit sector and for those who think about the role
of nonprofit law. Federal, state and local governments are looking at charitable organizations as potential sources of revenue. Internationally, nongovernmental organizations exert great influence on a broad range of topics
from medical care to election results, and that influence grows each year.
All of this is happening against a backdrop of significant change, a
philanthropic world of greater need and fewer available resources. The
challenges for the organization are matched by the challenges for the law.
The goal of this symposium was to gather legal scholars to discuss these
challenges, especially the balancing of private property concerns with the
need for public benefit, and to provide a persuasive framework of analysis
useful for policy makers, judges and attorneys at the time this area of law is
Governance, tax and donor intent were the three topics chosen for discussion.


Governance questions present some of the most vexing and persistent

issues in nonprofit law. Many of the issues discussed in this symposium
were identified by keynote speaker Marion Fremont-Smith in the 1960s. A
central question in this literature is who should regulate the nonprofits, a
question of current importance as the call for greater oversight of nonprof* Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago. J.D., Harvard University; B.A., Albertus Magnus College.

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[Vol 85:2

its grows louder. The first three papers deal with versions of this question,
providing fresh insights and critical perspective.
Professor Lloyd Mayer's and Brendan Wilson's Regulating Charities
in the 21st Century: An InstitutionalChoice Analysis addresses the choice
of regulator head-on and presents the case for the creation of new statelevel agencies to regulate nonprofits. Their conclusion is the result of their
institutional choice analysis usefully and clearly presented. They note that
governance failures undermine public confidence and trust in nonprofits
and increase the call for regulatory oversight. The three current primary
regulatory bodies (state, federal and self-regulating) have degrees of existing authority and experience, yet they contend that the current players are
inadequate to the goal of better governance. Applying a calculus of authority, rulemaking, enforcement and transitional costs, Mayer and Wilson
conclude the creation of new state-level agencies independent from the
state attorney general would better serve the goal of better governance.
Their work is a helpful review of the existing landscape and a pointed
guide for future discussion.
Professor Melanie Leslie's Helping Nonprofits Police Themselves:
What Trust Law Can Teach Us about Conflicts of Interest views the governance question through the lens of self-regulation and highlights the explicit ongoing problem of conflict of interest or self-dealing in nonprofit
boards. Using social science research on group dynamics, Leslie posits that
the subculture of a nonprofit's boardroom in conjunction with the current
fuzzy conflict of interest standard based on corporate law creates a void of
independent fiduciary judgment. Leslie argues that nonprofits would be
better served by restructuring the law on this question from one based on
corporate law standards to one based on trust law's fiduciary standards.
Leslie believes that a clearly expressed rule that forces disclosure of a conflict, that requires a greater benefit to the nonprofit than a market alternative, and that requires explicit approval, would assist boards in dealing with
conflicts and in internalizing fiduciary norms. While it is debatable whether
trust law fiduciary norms are in fact superior to corporate ones, this article
makes an important contribution by proposing a concrete framework for
boards to analyze self-dealing and to counterbalance the groupthink dynamic present in many volunteer boards.
Professor Evelyn Brody and John Tyler's Respecting Foundation and
Charity Autonomy: How Public is Private Philanthropy? challenges the
fundamental propriety of state regulation of nonprofits. Arguing from the
premise that public involvement in the governance of private philanthropy
can have a corrupting impact on philanthropy, they challenge a common

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theory underlying the rationale for increasing state regulation: a charity's

public purpose and tax-exempt status make the charity's assets public money, forming a legitimate basis for state oversight and regulation. Brody and
Tyler discredit three of the easy myths underlying equating public purpose
with government oversight. The tax status argument, however, merits their
particular attention, and they caution against adopting a prescriptive tax
approach. Ultimately, Brody and Tyler demonstrate that the current theory
for state regulation of private philanthropy decision making and governance is flawed. They ask for a better articulation of a supportable theory
before the state directs private philanthropy as public money.
The final two governance papers spotlight two distinct nonprofit organizational models-hybrids and community foundations-and provide
two distinct examples of how nonprofits adapt to financial exigencies.
These two papers are on the opposite ends of the arc of time: hybrids are
new and unburdened by the past while community foundations have decisional histories to navigate.
Professor Dana Brakinan Reiser's Governing and FinancingBlended
Enterprise chronicles the rise of state-sanctioned organizational hybrids,
that is, entities that are a blend of nonprofit and for profit models. Beyond
the skillful and useful presentation of the law relating to limited liability
companies (L3C), the community interest company (CIC), and the "B Corporation," Reiser identifies the central governance concern confronting
hybrids. Simply put, to the extent a hybrid is seen as a way to expand financing, there is new emphasis on profit seeking. This sharp departure
from a clear and settled tradition creates a tension in mission and raises a
core question: how does the entity enforce its dual mission? Reiser cautions
that, over time, these new hybrids may find that creeping commercialization to support the charitable mission may ultimately erode that mission.
Professor Mark Sidel's Recent Developments in Community Foundation Law: The Questfor Endowment Building presents the stark fiscal reality currently facing one of the oldest and most traditional type of
nonprofits-the community foundation. Deep under-capitalization of endowments combined with soaring needs have focused attention on endowment building, especially for the smaller non-elite foundations. Using the
recent Denver Federation v. Wells Fargo Bank case, Sidel demonstrates
how a community foundation's history can create hurdles for the effective
and efficient management of funds today. Unlike the new hybrids, some
community foundations must work through their histories to achieve control of their endowment. Sidel notes that community foundations' struggle
to build their endowments also has a state legislative front, often in the

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[Vol 85:2

form of state tax credits or allocations of gambling revenues. Sidel unapologetically supports the newfound vigor of the non-elite community
foundations in actively seeking control of their endowments and in gaining
legislative assistance to grow their endowments through state and local tax
For virtually all U.S. philanthropic organizations and causes, achieving and maintaining tax-exempt status is of significant importance. It enhances fundraising, allows more funds to be used for the charitable purpose
and serves as an imprimatur of legitimacy. The tax rules governing charitable giving and charitable organizations are traceable almost to the beginning of the current federal tax system and over time have become
increasingly complex as abuses have unfolded. The first two tax papers
reflect this "working out" of tax rules, the first in the historic context of
charitable giving with split interests gifts and the second in the new context
of charitable organizations exploring cause-related marketing. The final tax
paper takes a different tack, questioning the continued legitimacy of an
unlimited estate tax charitable deduction and perpetual private foundations.
Professor Wendy Gerzog's The Times Are Not A-Changin ': Reforming the Charitable Split-Interest Rules (Again) authoritatively chronicles
the charitable split interest rules emanating from the landmark 1969 tax
reforms and critically examines how these rules have spawned new opportunities for a mismatch between a donor's deduction and a charity's benefit. Gerzog points out that much of the unintended tax benefits occurring to
sophisticated donors arise from the required use of actuarial tables at the
time of the creation of the trust to value the charitable portion of the trust.
Actuarial tables by their nature are based on the law of averages, but Gerzog points out that sophisticated donors rarely match an average profile and
that, by choosing the time of the gift, type of trust and the property contributed, a sophisticated donor can magnify these benefits. She concludes that
definitional changes to charitable split interests need to be made by Congress in order to re-center the connection between a donor's deduction and
a charity's benefit.
Professor Terri Lynn Helge's The Taxation of Cause-RelatedMarketing examines a contemporary issue of financial importance: the $1 billion a
year industry of cause-related marketing, in which a for-profit enterprise
associates with a charity to promote its business product or service. Like
Reiser's observations on hybrids, Helge notes this blending of for-profit
and not-for-profit creates fundamental tensions, here examined uniquely

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from the academic tax perspective. Helge persuasively documents the tax
uncertainty for the charity generated by cause-related marketing and also
acknowledges a more global concern that consumers may be harmed or
misled by such marketing. Helge develops two key tax areas: first, the unrelated business income tax and second, the private benefit doctrine. She
provides a template for wished for guidance from the Service in the form of
a safe harbor for treating the charity's revenue from cause-related marketing as royalty income (and thus not UBTI) and also addressing private benefit doctrine. In doing so, Helge moves the discussion in a useful, concrete
and productive manner.
Professor Ray Madoff s What Leona Helmsley Can Teach Us about
the CharitableDeduction challenges the status quo of the unlimited estate
tax charitable deduction and the perpetual trust. Madoff uses Leona
Helmsley's estate and its multi-billion dollar charitable bequest for dogs as
the springboard to assert the fiscal inequity and social unfairness of the
unlimited estate tax charitable deduction and perpetual private foundations.
While conspicuously not advocating a particular amount limitation for the
estate tax charitable deduction nor time duration for a charitable trust, Madoff argues that federal tax policy and charitable trusts need clearly defined
amount and term limits in order to ensure that public charitable purposes
are served and not just the donor's private aims for immortality nor trustees' desire for fees and status. It is a call to rethink the fiscal and social
consequences of an unlimited charitable deduction.

Donors' donations are the beginning of philanthropy. Donors choose

the amount and the cause to support, and usually without restriction. When
a donor places a restriction, a condition or specific purpose for the gift, how
does the law address assertions that the donor's intent is not being honored? How does the law balance respect for the donor's intent with the
needs of the charity? The final two papers address these concerns. The first
focuses on the harsh realities of drafting and enforcing a donor's intent.
The final paper raises the novel question of the donor's assignability of
charitable trust enforcement rights.
Professor Susan N. Gary's The Problems with Donor Intent: Intepretation, Enforcement, and Doing the Right Thing authoritatively presents a
logical four-prong approach to thinking about the broad issue of donor
intent. Beginning with the legal rules centering on historic obedience, Gary
notes that the charity's organizational format is less of a concern today as
charitable trust principles seem also to infuse charitable corporations, with

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[Vol 85:2

certain notable exceptions. She then identifies the two primary reasons why
donor's intent may be difficult to ascertain: changing circumstances over
time and, pointedly, that the intent may not be incorporated in the legal
documents. The obvious responses then are to have only short-term restrictions and to "pin it down" in the document. She concludes with three wellreasoned suggestions for drafting. First have a clear statement of intent.
Second, introduce flexibility, perhaps with a direction to consult with family members. Finally, address enforcement, suggesting the technique of
having the charity agree not to contest standing, as standing is a judicial
issue. Gary's article is a masterful presentation of the realities of litigating
donor's intent, framed against the historic and developing rules of obedience, the impact of changing circumstances and forward-thinking concepts
for enforcement, enlivened by five recent high profile cases.
Professor Joshua C. Tate's Should Charitable Trust Enforcement
Rights Be Assignable? examines the fundamental question of who has
standing to monitor a charitable trust. He highlights section 405(c) of the
Uniform Trust Code that specifically grants standing to "the settlor of a
charitable trust, among others." Tate welcomes the addition of settlor
standing as the traditional approach of granting standing to a public official-usually the attorney general-is largely ineffective. Tate uses the
highly intriguing words "among others" to develop a judicial framework
for a settlor's assignability of standing based largely on Langbein's contractarian theory of trusts with additional support from traditional principles
of donative transfers. Like Gary, Tate is aware that the passage of time
poses the most significant challenge to respecting and enforcing donor's
intent. His proposal for a settlor's post-mortem assignment, or alternatively
a self-perpetuating trust protector model, is a new and sound response to a
significant problem.
In addition to the papers provided in this issue, the symposium was
well served by four insightful and energetic commentators. The timeconsuming role of the commentator is to frame the papers' central theses
with clarity and precision, offer concrete suggestions and provide thematic
context. Professors Harvey Dale and John Colombo were the commentators
for the opening panel on governance. Dean David Brennen was the commentator for the afternoon panel on tax, and Professor Nancy McLaughlin
was the commentator for the final panel on donor's intent. All performed
masterfully and efficiently in the limited time allotted to them. The speakers' papers benefited from their comments.

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Marion Fremont-Smith, widely acknowledged as one of the country's

most distinguished experts on the law of nonprofit organizations, was the
guest of honor at the symposium lunch. Her remarks provided an expert
retrospective on issues that continue to bedevil nonprofit law with suggestions for achievable reform.

No symposium involves only the presenters and the commentators.

The behind the scenes efforts of many are critical for a successful symposium. I thank all who worked so well to bring the day and these law review
issues from thought to reality.
This symposium owes particular thanks to three groups. First is the
entire staff of the Chicago-Kent Law Review, especially Editor-in-Chief
David Freedman and Managing Editor Ilana Bamberger, for their sustained
and positive effort over an extended period of time. Second is the ACTEC
Foundation for its significant financial support and encouragement, with
particular thanks to Howard "Scott" McCue as chair of the grant-making
committee. Final thanks belongs to the Legal Education Committee of
ACTEC as the organizing agent for this third in a series of academic trust
and estate symposia.

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