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Oracle Account Generator

Workflow Example

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Written by Anil Passi

Sunday, 17 September 2006
This article illustrates the steps one needs to implement to build an Account Generator Oracle Workflow for e

For this exercise I am using iProcurement & core Purchasing Account generation workflows. However, the c
remain the same for all the account generator workflows, regardless of the module.
Assume that we have two Accounting Flexfield segments in Oracle General Ledger:1.
Company Account
Cost Centre

Important: In real life, you will have more than mere two segments in the GL Accounting Flexfield. These ps
Two GL Segments are for demo purposes only.

Assuming that you have implemented Oracle Projects Accounting, the Requisition or a Purchase Order can ei
Project based or can be Non Project based. For this exercise, for simplicity, lets restrict ourselves to Project B
Lets assume that the business requirement for Project Based Requisitions is:Company Segment for Projects based Requisition
Company Account Segment will be Defaulted to a constant value of GO4GOLD
Cost Centre Segment for Projects based Requisition
This will be defaulted from the Attribute1 against Primary Organization for Project Task .
OK, here we go with all the steps that are required to build such an Account Generator Workflow.
Step 1
Open the account generator Workflow

Step 2.
Assign default value to Company segment.
Double click to open the process Build Expense Project Charge Account
After the Start Icon, Right Click to create a new Function.
As in screenshot below, in Item Type field, select Standard Flexfield Workflow from the drop down list.
Display Name select Assign Value to Segment and click on OK.

By doing the above step, we have just created a workflow Function that is capable of assigning a desired valu
Flexfield Segment. Now we need to configure this Function further, so that it knows the Segment upon which
operates, and also the default value that is assigned to the segment.

As per our business requirement, we need to default a constant value of GO4GOLD for our Segment1 ( Comp
Segment ) . For this, click on the function created above, and click on the Node Attributes.

Do the steps, as in above screenshot.

Step 3 ( Part a).
Default the cost centre from Attribute1 against Primary Organization for Project Task.
In the Part-a of this step, we will assign the Cost Centre to an Attribute Named TEMP_CC_VALUE.

For this, we can define a new function named Assign Cost Centre to Attribute, by right clicking on the proc

This function calls PL/SQL XX_account_generator_pkg.set_cost_centre_attribute

PROCEDURE set_cost_centre_attribute
itemtype IN VARCHAR2
,itemkey IN VARCHAR2
,actid IN NUMBER
,funcmode IN VARCHAR2
) AS
CURSOR c_get_cc(p_org_id IN NUMBER) IS
SELECT attribute1 org_cc
FROM hr_all_organization_units hrou
WHERE hrou.organization_id = p_org_id;
rec_get_cc c_get_cc%ROWTYPE;
IF NOT (funcmode = 'RUN')
--First nullify the value, so that accidentaly it does not get used in the next step.
wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype, itemkey, 'TEMP_CC_VALUE', '');
OPEN c_get_cc(wf_engine.getactivityattrnumber(itemtype
FETCH c_get_cc

INTO rec_get_cc;
IF c_get_cc%NOTFOUND
CLOSE c_get_cc;
-- Record error using generic error message routine for debugging and
-- raise it
wf_core.CONTEXT(pkg_name => 'ic_account_generator_pkg'
,proc_name => 'GMS_GET_CC'
,arg5 => NULL);
END set_cost_centre_attribute;

In the above function, we are fetching the Attribute1 against the Organization Record. The organization_id is
passed as a parameter to the Newly defined Function( as in screenshot below).

Step 3 ( Part b).

In this part of the step, we will assign the value in Attribute TEMP_CC_VALUE to the Segment2 ( i.e. the
Centre). This is done as per the screenshot below.

Step 4. Check to see if the Code Combination is Complete

Right click to create a function. From Item Type dropdown list, select Standard Flexfield Workflow. In the
Name dropdown list, select Is Code Combination Complete?

Next, click on Node Attributes, and assign a value of TRUE to Check only required Segments.

Step 5. By implementing the above steps, we have been able to complete the Account Generation of our twoFlexfield using Oracle Workflow Account Generator.

The last and final step will already be there within the Pre-Installed Account Generation. This workflow step
the Code Combination Id, for the Oracles Security Rules that are defined in General Ledger, against users
responsibility. For reference purposes this is pasted below.

A final note, for debugging the Account Generator workflow. Account Generator workflows are designed to
efficiently and quickly, hence they always in synchronous mode. This means that no inserts are made into the
Workflow tables when generating the accounting.
Hence by default it is not possible to debug the Account Generator workflow using Status Monitor screen in O
However, Oracle delivers a profile option named Account Generator:Run in Debug Mode. Setting this prof
Yes, will make Account Genration processes insert records in workflow tables. Hence by setting this profile t
you will be able to debug your account generation workflow. Further debugging of FND_FLEX APIs is mad
possible by enabling the FND Logging.

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