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Date Filed: 11/13/2015
[email protected]
Stanley J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Lisa Michelle Lambert
CASE NO. 3400-2015
Lynn Bissonnette, et al.,
Stanley J. Caterbone



James Guerin, ISC, Joseph Tate, Chris Underhill, William Clark, Joe Roda, Fulton Bank,
Scooter Libby and CIA Operative Valerie Plame with Direct Ties to Lancaster and Stan J.
Caterbone November 13, 2015

I hereby on this 13th day of November, 2015, submit for considerations in the above captioned case the
attached document as an EXHIBIT to be considered by the court in the deliberations of this case. This exhibit, like
the previous EXHIBITS is to help the Court understand the complexity of the APPELLANT'S legal odyssey and
journey through the federal court system and to restore credibility that was maliciously and purposefully eroded by
way of a complex and deceitful conspiracy that was no more than a means of diverting assets, intellectual property,
and future earnings from the APPELLANT beginning in 1987 and continuing to the present.

Date: November 13 , 2015

/s/ Stanley J. Caterbone

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
[email protected]

Don Eberly will not challenge Smucker for 16th district | Local News | l...

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Don Eberly will not challenge Smucker for 16th district | Local News | l...

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Don Eberly will not challenge Smucker for 16th district | Local News | l...

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Stan J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
[email protected]

November 12, 2015

Ms. Kathleen Kane
Pennsylvania Attorney General
16th Floor Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Re: Old Boys Network filed in GENERAL OAG QUESTIONS November 11, 2015
November 11, 2015 7:42am
"Kane, the first woman and Democrat elected to the position of Pennsylvania's top
prosecutor, has dismissed the case as a backlash over her challenge to what she
calls the old-boys' network in Pennsylvania law enforcement." LNP, Attorney
General Kane faces trial on more charges, by the Associated Press on November 11,
Back in 1998 I had a meeting with an NSA (National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, Md)
operative in a parking lot of a former car dealer in York, PA. I had just attended a job
fair and he approached me as I was about to get into my car. He introduced himself
as being from the NSA and I questioned him about why they would not leave me
alone. His response was "It is not US (NSA) it's the Good Ole Boys". I also have
a huge problem with modified, stolen, and planted documents. We parted ways in an
amicable fashion.
Stan J. Caterbone Advanced Media Group
See the enclosed as well as U.S.C.A. 15-3400 LISA MICHELLE LAMBERT APPEAL,
APPELLANT, Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Stan J. Caterbone

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Bobby Ray Inman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Bobby Ray Inman

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bobby Ray Inman (born April 4, 1931) is a retired United States admiral who held several
influential positions in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

Bobby Ray Inman


Nomination for Secretary of Defense
International Signal and Control (ISC) Scandal
See also
External links

He served as Director of Naval Intelligence from September 1974 to July 1976, then moved to the
Defense Intelligence Agency where he served as Vice Director until 1977. He next became the
Director of the National Security Agency. Inman held this post until 1981. His last major position was
as the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, a post he held from February 12, 1981 to June 10,
Inman has been influential in various advisory roles. Notably, he chaired a commission on improving
security at U.S. foreign installations after the Marine barracks bombing and the April 1983 US
Embassy bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. The commission's report has been influential in setting
security design standards for U.S. Embassies.

Inman's official CIA photo, 1983


April 4, 1931
Rhonesboro, Texas


United States


United States Navy

Years of service


After retirement from the Navy, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) in Austin, Texas for four years and
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Westmark Systems, Inc., a privately owned electronics industry holding company for three years. Admiral
Inman also served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from 1987 through 1990.

Admiral Inmans primary activity since 1990 has been investing in start-up technology companies, where he is a Managing Director of Gefinor Ventures and
Limestone Ventures. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Massey Energy Company and of several privately held companies. He serves as a Trustee of
the American Assembly and the California Institute of Technology. He is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
President Clinton nominated him as Secretary of Defense, but he withdrew his nomination (see below).
Inman also was on the board of SAIC.[1]
Since 2001, Inman has held the LBJ Centennial Chair in National Policy at The University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, and
in 2005 and again in 2009 was the school's interim dean.[2] Inman graduated from Texas with a bachelor's in history in 1950.
Inman has also served on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dell Computer, SBC Corporation (now AT&T)[3] and Massey Energy.
In 2011 he became head of the board of directors of Xe Services, formerly Erik Prince's Blackwater and now known as Academi.[4] As of 2013, he sits on the
Board of Directors of Academi.[5]

Nomination for Secretary of Defense

Inman was announced as President Bill Clinton's choice to succeed Les Aspin as Secretary of Defense on December 16, 1993, initially receiving broad
bipartisan support. He accepted the post at first, but withdrew his nomination during a press conference on January 18, 1994.[6]
During the press conference, Inman made angry remarks about comments by New York Times columnist William Safire.[7] Safire wrote paragraphs on Inman's
"anti-Israel bias shown", and ended in a four point list of other negative qualifications. In reply, Inman suggested that Safire had recruited Senator Bob Dole of
Kansas to engage in a "vitriolic attack" on Inman, and also claimed that Dole and Senator Trent Lott were planning to "turn up the heat" on his nomination.
Dole's reaction was to state that "I have no idea what's gotten into Bobby Inman... Admiral Inman's letter doesn't make any sense to me." Lott appeared even
more surprised, saying that "I am floored by [Inman's] bizarre press conference", while an unnamed White House aide added: "Most of us were glued to the
tube, our mouths open in shock."[8]

International Signal and Control (ISC) Scandal

In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman requested to be withdrawn from consideration as Defense Secretary, his critics speculated that the decision was motivated by a

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desire to conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a member of the board of directors of the company, which was allegedly either negligent or approved illegal
Originally called ESI (Electronic Systems International), the company manufactured sub-assemblies for the AGM-45 Shrike and RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles
in 1974, and just after the Vietnam war which was part of a standard arms contract for the US defense administration (DCAS). The company also had a
commercial repair facility of two meter portable amateur ("ham") radios from a company in New Jersey called Clegg,[2] and manufactured communications
helmet radios for firemen, and electronic outdoor bug zappers.
ISC was involved in two major indiscretions, for which CEO James Guerin received a 15-year prison sentence:
It defrauded and caused the collapse of the British company Ferranti, which acquired it in 1987.[3] It exported classified military technology to South Africa,
which was then forwarded to third countries, notably Iraq.
From 1984 to 1988, ISC sent South Africa more than $30 million in military-related equipment, including telemetry tracking antennae to collect data from
missiles in flight, gyroscopes for guidance systems, and photo-imaging film readers, all of which would form the "backbone" of a medium-range missile
system. Some of this technology was reportedly transferred to Iraq.[7] Another link to Iraq was the supply of the specifications for the Mk 20 Rockeye II cluster
bomb through Chilean defence company Carlos Cardoen, which was able to build an almost identical weapon that was subsequently used against coalition
forces in the Persian Gulf War of JanuaryFebruary 1991.[8]

In 2006, Inman criticized the Bush administration's use of warrantless domestic wiretaps, making him one of the highest-ranking former intelligence officials to
criticize the program in public.[9][10]

See also
1. James Bamford, The Shadow Factory, Doubleday, 2008, p201
2. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. Biography of Bobby R. Inman (, retrieved 2015-06-14.
3. Pletz, John. "Michael Dell's view from the top", ( Austin American-Statesman, 2004
May 2.
4. Former Blackwater Security Firm Gets New Leaders in Image Makeover ( By Justin Fishel March 09, 2011,
5. Academi Board of Directors (
6. Bobby Inman Withdrawal Press Conference (
7. William Safire column on December 23, 1993
8. Adm. Inman Asks Clinton To Withdraw Nomination - The Tech (
9. Shachtman, Noah. "Ex-NSA Chief Assails Bush Taps (", Wired News, 2006 May 9.
10. "Ex-NSA Head Bobby R. Inman on the National Security Agencys Domestic Surveillance Program: This Activity Was Not Authorized (
/",, 2006 May 17.

External links
Biography of Bobby R. Inman (
University of Texas Biography (
Government offices
Preceded by
Lew Allen, Jr.

Director of the National Security Agency


Succeeded by
Lincoln D. Faurer

Preceded by
Frank Charles Carlucci III

CIA Deputy Director


Succeeded by
John N. McMahon

Retrieved from ""

Categories: 1931 births Living people Directors of the National Security Agency Deputy Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency
People from Upshur County, Texas People of the Defense Intelligence Agency United States Navy admirals University of Texas at Austin alumni
Academi Directors of the Office of Naval Intelligence
This page was last modified on 14 June 2015, at 07:34.
Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of
Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

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mailto:[email protected]
Research Blog:
Video Biography at:

Stanley J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

December 3, 2007
R. Scott Smith
Chairman, President
And Chief Executive Officer
Fulton Financial Corporation
One Penn Square
P.O. Box 4887
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604

Black Budget Identities of the United States Government regarding Covert Activates & Mind Control
Rufus Fulton, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer & Department of Defense
Caterbone v. Fulton Bank litigation
Federal False Claims Act Complaint re International Signal & Control (ISC) of Lancaster, PA

Dear Mr. Smith:

I would like to bring to your attention a very dire matter that severely implicates Fulton Bank and
Fulton Financial Corporation. I would like to bring to your attention the Rufus Fulton interview of November
21, 2007 broadcast on WGAL TV 8 News at 6. This interview disclosed National Security information for the
first time regarding his work for the Department of Defense and the Kennedy Administration.
I am suggesting that his classified work with the Department of Defense and his present influence
concerning National Security matters is a dire conflict of interest concerning my litigation against Fulton Bank
that needs to be investigated by outside agencies and or authorities.
I have serious questions regarding the Defense Intelligence Agency and the possible collusion with
your institution. You have to understand that in July of 2005 while I was visiting a museum on a military
base in Austin Texas, I was detained by 2 agents for the Defense Intelligence Agency and questioned about
my Federal case 02-5588 Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et al., which Fulton Bank is a defendant,
and my whereabouts as well as my destination.
They required me to verify where I was staying, and called my brother Phil's Doctors office in Austin,
whom I was staying with, and caused his staff problems by getting them alarmed about the situation. They
were not very nice and I left them with the question "We are all on the same team, aren't we?
They left me be on my way after reviewing my documents and my Federal civil complaint, which
included information about ISC and my allegations and Federal False Claims Act; and demanding that I do
not visit any more military bases. To my knowledge I have had no physical contact since.

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The problem is the involvement of the Department of Defense, Mr. Rufus Fultons past affiliation and
possible influence, my allegations and civil complaints against Fulton Bank, and my telepathic abilities and
remote viewing1.
For some time I have been trying to identify groups and or agencies that may have remotely trained
me. I have written to and personally visited the office of Senator Arlen Specter2, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation3, the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence4, and corresponded with the Defense Advanced
for Research Projects Agency5, and the Central Intelligence Agency6 with the hopes of finding some answers.
However they have proved fruitless.
See the attached research document dated Thursday, November 29, 2007, titled THE SHADOW
GOVERNMENT: ITS IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS, by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D7; it is a report that
identifies organizations, agencies, and companies that are directly involved with mental telepathy and
remote viewing, most of which operate under the direction and funding of the Department of Defense. I
have just recently discovered this document on Friday, November 30, 2007 and found it most disturbing
after having to watch the Rufus Fulton interview the prior week. Pay particular attention to the items in
red highlight.
Your Board of Directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission should be and will be alerted to
this discovery. I wish you would reconsider your letter of November 14, 2007 and your position no to meet
with me personally to discuss some of these issues. I believe it will be in your best interest to stay ahead of
this information. A civil and criminal conspiracy allegation that involves this information will have dire
consequences to your major stakeholders and your shareholders.
As a courtesy I will promise to give you until the end of this week, December 7, 2007 to review this
material and perform any due diligence that you seem worthy; and communicate a response. After that
time, I will take it upon myself to disclose this information as it pertains to Fulton Bank and Fulton Financial
Corporation to the Securities and Exchange Commission, and others that will help protect my interests and
the interests of the Advanced Media Group and my litigation v. Fulton Bank.

Advanced Media Group

Stan J. Caterbone
Visit Our Blog
Visit Our Video Biography
Copy to file
Deliver to Stephanie Carfley, Barley Snyder, LLC

See attached research document titled On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
By Carole Smith Global Research, October 18, 2007; Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.
See attached letter dated July 12, 2007 from Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group to Senator Arlen Specter of the Senate Judiciary
Committee. Senator Arlen Specter was visited on May 17, 2006.
See the attached letter dated July 16, 2007 from Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The meeting at the FBI Philadelphia Field Office took place on October 24, 2007, and the FBI Harrisburg Field Office was visited on May
17, 2006.
The Senate Select Intelligence Committee office was visited on May 17, 2006
See attached email dated February 26, 2007 regarding mental telepathy and mind control to the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA).
See the attached email confirmation from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
See the attached research document dated Thursday, November 29, 2007, titled THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: ITS IDENTIFICATION
AND ANALYSIS, by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D..
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PO. BOX 4887


March 25, 2005

Mr. Stan J. Caterbone

220 Stone Hill Road
Corestoga, PA !?5 16.
Dear Mr. Caterbone:

I am Deputy General Counsel for Fulton Financial Corporation ("FFC"), and I am writing
to you at the request of Fulton Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of FFC. Mr. E. Philip Wenger,
President and Chief Operating Officer of Fulton Bank referred your letter dated February 21,
2005 to me for review and rcsponsc.
As I understand your inquiry, it concerns a check which your deceased brother, Thomas
P. Caterbone, attempted to deposit to an account he maintained at Fulton Bank. Subsequent to
your original letter, you provided a copy of the front side of the check in question. The check
was drawn on Fulton Bank by Abstract United, Inc., and was payable to Country Funding. The
check was dated May 16,2005 and was payable in the amount of $70,285.00. The face of the
check has been conspicuously stamped "Account Frozen." I understand that Country Funding
was a trade name under which your deceased brother operated as a sole proprietor. You have
indicated that Fulton Bank declined to accept the check for deposit on multiple occasions.
Fulton Bank has conducted research concerning the check, to determine whether any
information exists concerning its original processing. Unfortunately, because of the passage of
nearly ten yexs since this check was issued, Fu!tan Bank no longer maintains aiiy transaction
records for the account on which the check was drawn. Fulton Bank's general account records
do, however, indicate that the account on which the check was drawn was closed on June 2,
Since there are no transaction records concerning the actual processing of the check, I
will confine my response to general provisions applicable to items presented for deposit to a
Fulton Bank deposit account. Fulton Bank's deposit accounts are subject to Fulton Bank's Rules
and Regulations for Deposit Accounts. I have enclosed with this letter a copy of the Rules,
which would have been in effect during 1995. The last sentence of the first paragraph of Section
1 (Deposit Accounts) provides that Fulton Bank "may at any time refuse any deposit, limit the
amount which may be deposited, return all or any part of any deposit, or may close your account,
with interest, if any, to the date of closing of such account." Again, Fulton Bank has no means to

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[email protected]
Research Blog:
Video Biography at:

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

January 25, 2008

Ms. Dianne M. Nast, Esq.
RodaNast, PC
801 Estelle Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601
Re: Fulton Bank Class Action & Shareholder Complaints
Dear Dianne:
I hope this letter finds you well; it has been awhile since we have communicated to one another.
I am a shareholder of record of Fulton Financial Corporation (Fulton) since July of 2005. Fulton is
listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Since the subprime fiasco and the credit crises I have been
watching attentively at the fallout of Fultons problem with an acquisition a few years ago of Resource
Bank, and what I consider a negligent Board of Directors. Resource bank has been the source of
approximately $24,000,000 of losses to Fulton shareholders. More losses may be ensuing. In December
of 2007, Fulton had expensed $900,000 to review the Resource problems and the write-downs of the $24
million dollars.
On July 11, 2007 I had posted a message on the Yahoo Finance Message Board for Fulton stock
investors and traders that suggested that any dissatisfied shareholders should collaborate if they feel so
compelled to pursue litigation or a class action lawsuit. There were many investors posting their
dissatisfaction with Fulton senior management on the Resource Bank issue and the last few years of
declining stock value. One poster responded with an affirmative message the she was willing to
contribute several thousand dollars toward a class action lawsuit, and acknowledged that she know of
other other large shareholders that are willing to contribute. That message is attached.
On December 13th, 2007 I personally had delivered a letter to the Fulton Board of Directors and
requested the resignation of R. Scott Smith, Jr., for negligence and misconduct. The Board of Directors
responded in a letter dated December 28, 2007, which is attached. They have been requesting that I put
my allegations with any supporting evidence in writing.
In the letter of December 28th, 2007 they stated: Additionally, I would like to request that you
please provide the "evidence of negligence, incompetence, and possible criminal conduct within the Fulton
Financial Corporation" you mention in your letter, or a summary of the evidence supporting your claims,
so Fulton can fully evaluate your claims.
I have responded in a letter, which is attached, and in essence told Fulton that I would not be able
to meet the deadline of a few weeks. Fulton responded and requested the information by January 30,
2008. I have since provided Fulton with a CD-ROM of my correspondence, research, and other related
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files on the subject matter. I did not provide any detailed summary of the requested allegations, but
merely sent them raw data in case I was unable to deliver a summary and detail of my allegations.
Before I submit my allegations in writing, as requested, I would like an opinion from a qualified
class action attorney that may be interested in these matters. Of course, with your spectacular record as
a class action litigant, I would like to meet with you to discuss my options. Also attached is a letter from
Ms. Stephanie Carfley, of Barley Snyder, LLC, the Fulton attorney involved in these matters, stating and
answering my question of conflict regarding her past employment with your firm, RodaNast, P.C. and Joe.
Would you please contact me at your earliest convenience regarding these matters? I apologize
for the lateness in contacting you, however my own litigation schedule has been quite extensive.

With Kindest Regards,

Stan J. Caterbone
Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se
Advanced Media Group
Cc: Stephanie Carfley, Barely Snyder, LLC.

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Barley Snyder LLC

126 East King Street
Lancaster, PA 17602-2893
Tel 717.299.5201 Fax 717.291.4660

Stephanie Carfley, Esquire

Direct Dial Number: 717.399.1536
E-mail: [email protected]

January 8, 2008

Stanley J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Letter to Board of Directors and Ethics Point Report

Dear Mr. Caterbone:

I am in receipt of your letter of January 1, 2008 regarding the above referenced matters.
You raise a number of issues in your letter, to which we would like to respond.
Initially, in response to your request for verification that Barley Snyder is authorized to
act on behalf of Fulton with regard to these matters, I direct you to the November 14> 2007 letter
from R. Scott Smith, Jr. to you, in which he states: "If you have any matters that you wish to
communicate, please direct them to our counsel: Stephanie Carfley, Barley Snyder, LLC ...."
The role of Barley Snyder in the context of the claims made by you in the December 13, 2007
letter and the December 21, 2007 Ethics Point Report is to advise Fulton and serve as a conduit
for communications between yourself and Fulton. Please be assured though that the actual
investigation of the claims will be conducted by Fulton itself. In light of the above, we again
request that you forward the information and documents supporting your claims to this office and
we will ensure that it is shared with Fulton. If you still have concerns about providing the
requested evidence to Barley Snyder, you may, as previously mentioned, enter the details of your
Ethics Point Report and upload documents and information related to your report directly on the
Ethics Point website. Again though, we ask that you upload only those documents that directly
relate to the claims made in your Ethics Point Report and/or the December 13th letter.
In your letter, you also reference your extensive litigation schedule and the need for
additional time to provide the documentation referenced in your December 13th letter and your
Ethics Point Report. While the allegations made by you in those communications are of a very
serious nature and Fulton would like to investigate these claims as soon as possible, Fulton is
willing to extend the time period for you to produce evidence supporting your allegations until
January 31, 2008. That said, however, in the event that evidence in support of your claims is not
received by January 31 st, Fulton will deem your allegations to be unsubstantiated and the matters
will be closed. This would not preclude you from renewing the allegations in the future if and
when you provide evidence that directly supports the claims.

Lancaster York Harrisburg Reading Berwyn Hanover

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January 8, 2008
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Finally, you indicate in your letter that you will provide the documentation addressed in
the Ethics Point Report, and in the letters to Fulton. In order to most efficiently and effectively
investigate your allegations, at your earliest convenience, kindly advise as to whether or not the
"evidence of negligence, incompetence, and possible criminal conduct" you mention in your
letter is the same evidence supporting the claims of "misconduct or inappropriate behavior"
made in your Ethics Point Report.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation with regard to the above. Should
you have any questions, please let me know.
Very truly yours,

Stephanie Garftey

cc: George R. Barr, Jr.

Paul G. Mattaini

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[email protected]
Research Blog:
Video Biography at:

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

January 1, 2008
Ms. Stephanie Carfley
Barley Snyder LLC
126 East King Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

Letter of December 28, 2007 re: Letter to Board of Directors and Ethics Point Report

Dear Ms. Carfley:

I am in receipt of your letter of December 28, 2007. As you have confirmed, on Monday December 31,
2007 I sent via email my proof of ownership of Fulton Financial Corporation stock.
I will address your letter and your demands. First, I would definitely need some verification from Fulton
Financial Corporation that authorized you to author that letter. I have had recent direct communications
from Mr. R. Scott Smith, Jr.,.
Secondly, I would require that I deal with these issues with other counsel outside of Barley Snyder, LLC,
or a member of the Board of Directors. I will not communicate these issues with any member of Barley
Snyder, LLC due to the past problems and bad faith efforts to litigate on behalf of Fulton Bank. The no
trespass notice that was initiated by both Mr. Shawn Long and Mr. Ronald H. Pollack were totally
unjustified and issued for the sole reason to intimidate and discredit my litigation. I do not believe that
Barley Snyder, LLC has litigated in good faith.
You must remember that I have been wronged by Fulton Bank, as far back as 1987 to the present, and
Fulton Bank has been unjustly enriched. I would love nothing more than to litigate these matters in a civil
manner, however, it is apparent that I am the only litigant that has demonstrated that objective.
Thirdly, I have had persistent problems litigating my court schedule due to the persistent barrage of
computer hacking, computer sabotage, and thefts of my personal property. I realize that these are not
your responsibilities, however as pro se, I am not able to provide the expediency in delivering documents
and evidence that other counsel enjoys. As you are aware, my litigation schedule is extensive at the
present time. I am in the midst of the appeal process of MD 879-2007, a private criminal complaint that
at the moment indirectly involves your client, Fulton Bank. Unfortunately, I must deal with the Lancaster
County District Attorneys Office and their continued disdain for misstatements and false statements
regarding the record.
I am currently in talks with the County of Lancaster to consider a mediation process to work through some
of these extraneous problems that involve thefts of my property and evidence, harassment, and the lack
of protection from law enforcement.
Of Course, at the present, Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison,, (05-2288); which Fulton Bank is a
defendant, is in the Third Circuit, and requires my attention.
Advanced Media Group

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I will provide the documentation that I addressed in the Ethics Point Report, and in the letters to Fulton
Financial Corporation. It just will not be within the next 2 weeks.
I would like Fulton Corporation to provide a letter authorizing Barley Snyder, LLC to negotiate the terms
and conditions of addressing your demands in the letter of December 28, 2007, and with whom they
would like to represent them, outside of Barley Snyder, LLC.

Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Advanced Media Group
cc: file

Advanced Media Group

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126 East King Street

Lancaster, PA 17602-2893
Te1717.299.5201 Fax 717.291.4660

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

Stephanie Carfley, Esquire

Direct Dial Number: 717.399.1536

E-mail: [email protected]

December 28,2007
Stanley J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Letter to Board of Directors and Ethics Point Report

Dear Mr. Caterbone:

As you know, our firm represents Fulton Financial Corporation ("Fulton") in connection
with the allegations lodged against Fulton by you.
Fulton is in receipt of your December 13,2007 letter requesting the resignation of R.
Scott Smith, Jr. as Chairman and CEO, and it has been shared with the Board of Directors. In
that letter, you indicate that you are a shareholder of Fulton. At your earliest convenience, would
you kindly verify that you are, in fact, a shareholder and provide me with evidence of your status
as a current shareholder of Fulton. Additionally, I would like to request that you please provide
the "evidence of negligence, incompetence, and possible criminal conduct within the Fulton
Financial Corporation" you mention in your letter, or a summary of the evidence supporting your
claims, so Fulton can fully evaluate your claims.
Fulton is also in receipt of your December 21,2007 Ethics Point Report in which you
allege that Fulton has engaged in "misconduct or inappropriate behavior." Fulton intends to
investigate and address your report in accordance with its existing procedures for Ethics Point
~ e ~ o r t However,
in order to assess the merit and substance of your report in accordance with
these ~rocedures.Fulton will reauire the "written details" to which you allude in that report.
Please note that specific details, not simply reference to your company's website, are required to
make this assessment. If the evidence in support of your report is the same as that to which you
refer in your December 13th letter, kindly provide a statement verifying that fact.
We ask that you provide the requested information within the next two weeks. The
information should be forwarded to this office and we will ensure that it is shared with Fulton.
Alternatively, you may enter the details of your Ethics Point Report and upload documents and
information related to the report directly on the Ethics Point site. We ask that you upload only

Advanced Media Group

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mailto:[email protected]
Research Blog:
Video Biography at:

Stanley J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

December 13, 2007

Board of Directors
Fulton Financial Corporation
One Penn Square
P.O. Box 4887
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604

Formal request for the resignation of R. Scott Smith, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Board of Directors:

I, Stanley J. Caterbone (shareholder) and Advanced Media Group, would like to formally request that
R. Scott Smith, Jr., tender his resignation as Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Fulton Financial
Corporation effective immediately.
I have enough evidence of negligence, incompetence, and possible criminal conduct within the Fulton
Financial Corporation.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you in person, should you find the time and
courage to do so.
Advanced Media Group
Stan J. Caterbone
Visit Our Blog
Visit Our Video Biography
Copy to file
Deliver to Stephanie Carfley, Barley Snyder, LLC

Advanced Media Group

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Fulton Financial Corporatior?



717-291-25M3 FAX 717-295533 2



November 14,2007



Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone

Advanced Media Group
t 250 Fmont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Dear Mr. Caterbone:

Thank you for taking a few moments to introduce yourself yesterday, as we passed on
the sidewalk. At the time of our m d g , I did not inmmdately recall in what
connection I recognized your name. Upon returning to my oBce, I realized that we had
previously corresponded on several subjects, and that you have filed a number of
lawsuits against Fulton Bank, some of which are still pending.
Unfortunately, given that you are actively engaged in litigation against Fulton Bank, I
will not be able to acummodate your request to schedule a meeting with me. If you
have any matters that you wish to communicate, please direct them to our counsel:

Stephanie Catfley
Barley Snyder, LLC
126 East King Street
Lmcaster, PA 17602
Thank you for complying with our communicationpreference.

R. S ~ tSmith,
Cbabnm, President and
Chief Executive Officer


Advanced Media Group

Stephanie M e y , Barley Snyder, LLC

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My July 11th 2007 Post In It's Entirety

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13-Dec-07 07:10 pm

"We dissatisfied shareholders need to collectively collaborate and formerly propose a management
plan to the Board of Directors.
This process will accomplish several tactics toward getting the Board of Directors to listen to our
concerns. First, it will be recorded. Secondly, when and if they violate our shareholder rights, they
can be held accountable. Thirdly, it will provide all participants with a benchmark for future
litigation against the present management if they are found negligent in their respective duties. This
could include performance issues and a decline in shareholder value.
If you want to study and research how this is done, review articles about Carl Ichan. He is often
viewed as an adversary until a comparison of his proposals with future results proves that he
proposed alternatives that would have succeeded in increasing shareholder value. He will often put
the Board of Directors in a position of being greenmailed.


Lancaster, ...
View Messages
Report Abuse
Advanced Media Group"
Rating :
(1 Rating)

Advanced Media Group

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Re: My July 11th 2007 Post In It's Entirety

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14-Dec-07 10:48 am

First of all thank you for sending your letter to the BOD. I personally don't think you will get a
response as I have also sent many letters to R. Scott Smith and did not receive any response. Personally
I would like to bring a law suit against every BOD and R. Scott Smith. I would be more than willing to
contribute a few thousand dollars to make it happen. I also know a few other large shareholders that are
willing to contribute. As you know that untill someone stops this "Little Boys Club" in Lancaster our
stock will continue to decline. They must and will be stopped if I have anything to do with it. Looking
forward to your response.
P.S. Your right on the money with your charge of negligence and incompetence which also includes
the boaard members. Thanks much
Rating :
(No ratings)
Rate it:
1 star + unrated

Advanced Media Group


Ignore User
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5 stars

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The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental
barbarism which obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of a dial the history and civilisation
of mans mental development. It is more than an abuse of human rights,
it is the destruction of meaning.
For any one who is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort to stay
sane is beyond the scope of tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary
mind cannot encompass the horror of it.
We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration
camps. We now have the prospect of systematic control authorised by men who issue
instructions through satellite communications for the destruction of societies while they are
driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and going to the opera.

By Carol Smith
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
Global Research
October 18, 2007

On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis

in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
By Carole Smith
Global Research, October 18, 2007
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.
"We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms
race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for
surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain
frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves,
radiofrequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields
which form the areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it
seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our
natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use." [Excerpt]
For those of us who were trained in a psychoanalytical approach to the patient which was characterised as
patient centred, and which acknowledged that the effort to understand the world of the other person
entailed an awareness that the treatment was essentially one of mutuality and trust, the American
Psychiatry Associations Diagnostic Criteria for Schizotypal personality was always a cause for alarm. The
Third Edition (1987) of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) required that there be
at least four of the characteristics set out for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and an approved selection of
four could be: magical thinking, telepathy or sixth sense; limited social contact; odd speech; and oversensitivity to criticism. By 1994, the required number of qualifying characteristics were reduced to two or
more, including, say, hallucinations and negative symptoms such as affective flattening, or disorganised
or incoherent speech or only one if the delusions were bizarre or the hallucination consisted of a voice
keeping up a running commentary on the persons behaviour or thoughts. The next edition of the DSM is
not due until the year 2010.
In place of a process of a labelling which brought alienation and often detention, sectioning, and mind
altering anti-psychotic medication, many psychoanalysts and psychotherapists felt that even in severe
cases of schizoid withdrawal we were not necessarily wasting our time in attempting to restore health by
the difficult work of unravelling experiences in order to make sense of an illness. In this way,
psychoanalysis has been, in its most radical form, a critic of a society, which failed to exercise imaginative
empathy when passing judgement on people. The work of Harry Stack Sullivan, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann,
Harold Searles or R.D. Laing - all trained as psychiatrists and all of them rebels against the standard
procedures provided a way of working with people very different from the psychiatric model, which
seemed to encourage a society to repress its sickness by making a clearly split off group the carriers of it.
A psychiatrist in a mental hospital once joked to me, with some truth, when I commented on the number
of carrier bags carried by many of the medicated patients around the hospital grounds, that they assessed
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the progress of the patient in terms of the reduction of the number of carrier bags. It is too often difficult
to believe, however, when hearing the history of a life, that the schizophrenic was not suffering the
effects of having been made, consciously and unconsciously, the carefully concealed carrier of the ills of
the family.
For someone who felt his mind was going to pieces, to be put into the stressful situation of the psychiatric
examination, even when the psychiatrist acquitted himself with kindness, the situation of the assessment
procedure itself, can be an effective way to drive someone crazy, or more crazy. (Laing, 1985, p 17).
But if the accounting of bizarre experiences more or less guaranteed you a new label or a trip to the
psychiatric ward, there is even more reason for a new group of people to be outraged about how their
symptoms are being diagnosed. A doubly cruel sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims
of the most appalling abuse by scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is
indifferent to their evidence. For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the capability of
entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological means.
Harnessing neuroscience to military capability, this technology is the result of decades of research and
experimentation, most particularly in the Soviet Union and the United States. (Welsh, 1997, 2000) We
have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race
between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance
and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain frequencies by
directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves, radiofrequency
radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields which form the
areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it seems inevitable
that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield,
are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use. The patents deriving from Bernard
J. Eastlunds work provide the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earths atmosphere at
strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in
a manner far more precise and better controlled than accomplished by the prior art, the detonation of
nuclear devices at various yields and various altitudes. (ref High Frequency Active Auroral Research
Project, HAARP).
Some patents, now owned by Raytheon, describe how to make nuclear sized explosions without
radiation and describe power beam systems, electromagnetic pulses and over-the-horizon detection
systems. A more disturbing use is the system developed for manipulating and disturbing the human
mental process using pulsed radio frequency radiation (RFR), and their use as a device for causing
negative effects on human health and thinking. The victim, the innocent civilian target is locked on to, and
unable to evade the menace by moving around. The beam is administered from space. The Haarp facility
as military technology could be used to broadcast global mind-control, as a system for manipulating and
disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency (RFR). The super-powerful radio waves
are beamed to the ionosphere, heating those areas, thereby lifting them. The electromagnetic waves
bounce back to the earth and penetrate human tissue.
Dr Igor Smirnov, of the Institute of Psycho-Correction in Moscow, says: It is easily conceivable that some
Russian Satan, or lets say Iranian or any other Satan, as long as he owns the appropriate means and
finances, can inject himself into every conceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or
television broadcast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cablesand intercept the
radio waves in the ether and modulate every conceivable suggestion into it. This is why such technology is
rightfully feared.(German TV documentary, 1998).
If we were concerned before about diagnostic criteria being imposed according to the classification of
recognizable symptoms, we have reason now to submit them to even harsher scrutiny. The development
over the last decades since the Cold War arms race has included as a major strategic category, psychoelectronic weaponry, the ultimate aim of which is to enter the brain and mind. Unannounced, undebated
and largely unacknowledged by scientists or by the governments who employ them technology to enter
and control minds from a distance has been unleashed upon us. The only witnesses who are speaking
about this terrible technology with its appalling implications for the future, are the victims themselves
and those who are given the task of diagnosing mental illness are attempting to silence them by
classifying their evidence and accounts as the symptoms of schizophrenia, while the dispensers of psychic
mutilation and programmed pain continue with their work, aided and unopposed.
By Carole Smith of Global Research

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If it was always crucial, under the threat of psychiatric sectioning, to carefully screen out any sign of
confused speech, negativity, coldness, suspicion, bizarre thoughts, sixth sense, telepathy, premonitions,
but above all the sense that others can feel my feelings, and that someone seemed to be keeping up a
running commentary on your thoughts and behaviour, then reporting these to a psychiatrist, or anyone
else for that matter who was not of a mind to believe that such things as mind-control could exist, would
be the end of your claim to sanity and probably your freedom. For one of the salient characteristics of
mind-control is the running commentary, which replicates so exactly, and surely not without design, the
symptoms of schizophrenia. Part of the effort is to remind the victim that they are constantly under
control or surveillance. Programmes vary, but common forms of reminders are electronic prods and
nudges, body noises, twinges and cramps to all parts of the body, increasing heart beats, applying
pressures to internal organs all with a personally codified system of comments on thoughts and events,
designed to create stress, panic and desperation. This is mind control at its most benign. There is reason
to fear the use of beamed energy to deliver lethal assaults on humans, including cardiac arrest, and
bleeding in the brain.
It is the government system of secrecy, which has facilitated this appalling prospect. There have been
warning voices. the government secrecy system as a whole is among the most poisonous legacies of
the Cold War the Cold War secrecy (which) also mandate(s) Active Deceptiona security manual for
special access programs authorizing contractors to employ cover stories to disguise their activities. The
only condition is that cover stories must be believable. (Aftergood & Rosenberg, 1994; Bulletin of Atomic
Scientist). Paranoia has been aided and abetted by government intelligence agencies.
In the United Kingdom the fortifications against any disturbing glimmer of awareness of such actual or
potential outrages against human rights and social and political abuses seem to be cast in concrete.
Complete with crenellations, ramparts and parapets, the stronghold of nescience reigns supreme. To
borrow Her Majesty the Queens recent observation: There are forces at work of which we are not
aware. One cannot say that there is no British Intelligence on the matter, as it is quite unfeasible that
the existence of the technology is not classified information. Indeed it is a widely held belief that the
women protesting against the presence of cruise missiles at Greenham Common were victims of electromagnetic radiation at gigahertz frequency by directed energy weapons, and that their symptoms,
including cancer, were consistent with such radiation effects as reported by Dr Robert Becker who has
been a constantly warning voice against the perils of electro-magnetic radiation. The work of Allen Frey
suggests that we should consider radiation effects as a grave hazard producing increased permeability of
the blood-brain barrier, and weakening crucial defenses of the central nervous system against toxins.
(Becker, 1985, p. 286). Dr Becker has written about nuclear magnetic resonance as a familiar tool in
medecine known as magnetic resonance imaging or MRI. Calcium efflux is the result of cyclotronic
resonance which latter can be explained thus: If a charged particle or ion is exposed to a steady magnetic
field in space, it will begin to go into a circular or orbital, motion at right angles to the applied magnetic
field.The speed with which it orbits will be determined by the ratio between the charge and the mass of
the particle and by the strength of the magnetic field. (Becker, 1990,p.235) The implications of this for
wide scale aggression by using a combination of radar based energy and the use of nuclear resonating are
beyond the scope of the writer, but appear to be worth the very serious consideration of physicists in
assessing how they might be used against human beings.
Amongst medical circles, however, it has so far not been possible for the writer to find a neuroscientist,
neurologist or a psychiatrist, nor for that matter, a general medical practitioner, who acknowledges even
the potential for technological manipulation of the nervous system as a problem requiring their
professional interest. There has been exactly this response from some of Englands most eminent
practitioners of the legal profession, not surprisingly, because the information about such technology is
not made available to them. They would refer anyone attempting to communicate mind- harassment as a
psychiatric problem, ignoring the crime that is being committed.
The aim here is not to attempt a comprehensive history and development of the technology of mind
control. These very considerable tasks - which have to be done under circumstances of the most extreme
difficulty - have been addressed with clarity and courage by others, who live with constant harm and
threats, not least of all contemptuous labelling. Their work can be readily accessed on the internet
references given at the end of this paper. For a well-researched outline of the historical development of
electro-magnetic technology the reader should refer to the timeline of dates and electromagnetic weapon
development by Cheryl Welsh, president of Citizens against Human Rights Abuse. (Welsh 1997; 2001).
By Carole Smith of Global Research

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There are at least one and a half thousand people worldwide who state they are being targeted. Mojmir
Babacek, now domiciled in his native Czech Republic, after eight years of residence in the United States in
the eighties, has made a painstakingly meticulous review of the technology, and continues his research.
(Babacek 1998, 2002)
We are concerned here with reinforcing in the strongest possible terms:
i) The need for such abuses to human rights and the threats to democracy to be called to consciousness,
and without further delay.
ii) To analyse the reasons why people might defend themselves from becoming conscious of the existence
of such threats.
iii) To address the urgent need for intelligence, imagination, and information
compassion - in dealing with the victims of persecution from this technology, and

- not to mention

iv) To alert a sleeping society, to the imminent threats to their freedom from the threat from fascist and
covert operations who have in all probability gained control of potentially lethal weaponry of the type we

It is necessary to emphasise that at present there is not even the means for victims to gain medical
attention for the effects of radiation from this targeting. Denied the respect of credulity of being used as
human guinea pigs, driven to suicide by the breakdown of their lives, they are treated as insane at best
regarded as sad cases. Since the presence of a permanent other in ones mind and body is by definition
an act of the most intolerable cruelty, people who are forced to bear it but who refuse to be broken by it,
have no other option than to turn themselves into activists, their lives consumed by the battle against
such atrocities, their energies directed to alerting and informing the public of things they dont want to
It is necessary, at this point, to briefly outline a few one might say the precious few attempts by public

In January 1998, an annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was held in
Paris. Its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the
meeting that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense.
Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable
of being used at a distance. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty,
control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concernsand
constitute a serious risk to society. (Nature. Vol 391, 1998.
In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls for an international
convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might
enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be
implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our
major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons
represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and
parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to
sessions/Europarliament, 1999)
In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of
Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop
psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill
was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services
and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on exotic weapons including
electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas,
electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy
radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of
weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is

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no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use
of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology
designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)
In reviewing the development of the art of mind-invasive technology there are a few outstanding
achievements to note:
In 1969 Dr Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist, published a book: Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a
Psychocivilized Society. In essence, he displayed in practical demonstrations how, by means of electrical
stimulation of the brain which had been mapped out in its relations between different points and activities,
functions and sensations, - by means of electrical stimulation, how the rhythm of breathing and
heartbeat could be changed, as well as the function of most of the viscera, and gall bladder secretion.
Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in
healthy persons were induced. The intensity of feelings could be controlled by turning the knob, which
controlled the intensity of the electric current. He states at the end of his book the hope that the new
power will remain limited to scientists or some charitable elite for the benefit of a psychocivilized society.
In the 1980s the neuromagnetometer was developed which functions as an antenna and could monitor
the patterns emerging from the brain. (In the seventies the scientists had discovered that electromagnetic
pulses enabled the brain to be stimulated through the skull and other tissues, so there was no more need
to implant electrodes in the brain). The antenna, combined with the computer, could localize the points in
the brain where the brain events occur. The whole product is called the magnetoencephalograph.
In January 2000 the Lockheed Martin neuroengineer Dr John D. Norseen, was quoted (US News and World
Report, 2000) as hoping to turn the electrohypnomentalaphone, a mind reading machine, into science
fact. Dr Norseen, a former Navy pilot, claims his interest in the brain stemmed from reading a Soviet book
in the 1980s claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. By
a process of deciphering the brains electrical activity, electromagnetic pulsations would trigger the release
of the brains own transmitters to fight off disease, enhance learning, or alter the minds visual images,
creating a synthetic reality. By this process of BioFusion, (Lockheed Martin, 2000) information is placed
in a database, and a composite model of the brain is created. By viewing a brain scan recorded by
(functional) magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine, scientists can tell what the person was doing at
the time of recording say reading or writing, or recognise emotions from love to hate. If this research
pans out, says Norseen, you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know
it. But Norseen says he is agnostic on the moral ramifications, that hes not a mad scientist just a
dedicated one. The ethics dont concern me, he says, but they should concern someone else.
The next big thing looks like being something which we might refer to as a neurocomputer but it need
not resemble a laptop it may be reducible to whatever size is convenient for use, such as a small mobile
phone. Arising from a break-through and exploitation of PSI-phenomena, it may be modelled on the
nervous-psychic activity of the brain that is, as an unbalanced, unstable system of neurotransmitters
and interacting neurones, the work having been derived from the creation of a copy of a living brain
accessed by chance, and ESP and worked on by design.
On receiving a communication from the writer on the feasibility of a machine being on the horizon which,
based on the project of collecting electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain and transmitting them
into another brain that would read a persons thoughts, or using the same procedure in order to impose
somebody elses thoughts on another brain and in this way direct his actions there was an unequivocal
answer from IBM at executive level that there was no existing technology to create such a computer in the
foreseeable future. This is at some variance with the locating of a patent numbered 03951134 on the
Internet pages of IBM Intellectual Property Network for a device, described in the patent, as capable of
picking up at a distance the brain waves of a person, process them by computer and emit correcting
waves which will change the original brain waves. Similar letters addressed to each of the four top
executives of Apple Inc., in four individual letters marked for their personal attention, produced absolutely
no response. This included the ex- Vice President of the United States, Mr Al Gore, newly elected to the
Board of Directors of Apple.

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Enough people have been sufficiently concerned by the reports of victims of mind control abuse to
organise The Geneva Forum, in 2002, held as a joint initiative of the Quaker United Nations Office,
Geneva; the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research; the International Committee of the Red
cross, and the Human Rights Watch (USA), and Citizens against Human Rights Abuses (CAHRA); and the
Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, which was represented by the Professor and
Senior Lecturer from the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.
In England, on May 25, 1995, the Guardian newspaper in the U.K. carried an article based on a report by
Nic Lewer, the peace researcher from Bradford University, which listed more than 30 different lines of
research into new age weaponssome of the research sounds even less rational. There are, according to
Lewer, plans for pulsed microwave beams to destroy enemy electronics, and separate plans for very-lowfrequency sound beams to induce vomiting, bowel spasm, epileptic seizures and also crumble masonry.
Further, the article states, There are plans for mind control with the use of 'psycho-correction messages
transmitted by subliminal audio and visual stimuli. There is also a plan for psychotronic weapons
apparently the projection of consciousness to other locations and another to use holographic projection
to disseminate propaganda and misinformation. (Welsh, Timeline). Apart from this notable exception it is
difficult to locate any public statement of the problem in the United Kingdom.
Unfortunately, the problem of credulity does not necessarily cease with frequent mention, as in the United
States, in spite of the number of reported cases, there is still not sufficient public will to make strenuous
protest against what is not only already happening, but against what will develop if left unchecked. It
appears that the administration believes that it is necessary and justifiable, in the interests of national
security, to make experimental human sacrifices, to have regrettable casualties, for there to be collateral
damage, to suffer losses in place of strife or war. This is, of course, totally incompatible with any claims
to be a democratic nation which respects the values of human life and democracy, and such an
administration which tutors its servants in the ways of such barbaric tortures must be completely
condemned as uncivilised and hypocritical.
Disbelief as a Defence Mechanism
In the face of widespread disbelief about mind-control, it seems worth analysing the basis of the
mechanisms employed to maintain disbelief:
i) In the sixties, Soviet dissidents received a significant measure of sympathy and indignant protest from
western democracies on account of their treatment, most notedly the abuse of psychiatric methods of
torture to which they were subjected. It is noteworthy that we seem to be able to access credulity,
express feelings of indignant support when we can identify with victims, who share and support our own
value system, and who, in this particular historical case, reinforced our own values, since they were
protesting against a political system which also threatened us at that time. Psychologically, it is equally
important to observe that support from a safe distance, and the benefits to the psyche of attacking a splitoff bad father, the soviet authorities in this case, presents no threat to ones internal system; indeed it
relieves internal pressures. On the other hand, recognizing and denouncing a similar offence makes very
much greater psychic demands of us when it brings us into conflict with our own environment, our own
security, our own reality. The defence against disillusion serves to suppress paranoia that our father
figure, the president, the prime minister, our governments - might not be what they would like to be seen
to be.
ii) The need to deposit destructive envy and bad feelings elsewhere, on account of the inability of the ego
to acknowledge ownership of them - reinforces the usefulness of persons or groups, which will serve to
contain those, disowned, projected feelings which arouse paranoid anxieties. The concepts of mindinvasion strike at the very heart of paranoid anxiety, causing considerable efforts to dislodge them from
the psyche. The unconscious identification of madness with dirt or excrement is an important aspect of
anal aggression, triggering projective identification as a defence.
iii) To lay oneself open to believing that a person is undergoing the experience of being invaded mentally
and physically by an unseen manipulator requires very great efforts in the self to manage dread.

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iv) The defence against the unknown finds expression in the split between theory and practice; between
the scientist as innovator and the society who can make the moral decisions about his inventions;
between fact and science fiction, the latter of which can present preposterous challenges to the
imagination without undue threat, because it serves to reinforce a separation from the real.
v) Identification with the aggressor. Sadistic fantasies, unconscious and conscious, being transferred on to
the aggressor and identified with, aid the repression of fear of passivity, or a dread of punishment. This
mechanism acts to deny credulity to the victim who represents weakness. This is a common feature of
satanic sects.
vi) The liberal humanist tradition which denies the worst destructive capacities of man in the effort to
sustain the belief in the great continuity of cultural and scientific tradition; the fear, in ones own past
development, of not being ongoing, can produce the psychic effect of reversal into the opposite to shield
against aggressive feelings. This becomes then the exaggerated celebration of the new as the affirmation
of human genius which will ultimately be for the good of mankind, and which opposes warning voices
about scientific advances as being pessimistic, unenlightened, unprogressive and Luddite. Strict
adherence to this liberal position can act as overcompensation for a fear of envious spoiling of good
possessions, i.e. cultural and intellectual goods.
vii) Denial by displacement is also employed to ignore the harmful aspects of technology. What may be
harmful for the freedom and good of society can be masked and concealed by the distribution of new and
entertaining novelties. The technology, which puts a camera down your gut for medical purposes, is also
used to limit your freedom by surveillance. The purveyors of innovative technology come up with all sorts
of new gadgets, which divert, entertain and feed the acquisitive needs of insatiable shoppers, and bolster
the economy. The theme of Everythings up to date in Kansas City only takes on a downside when
individual experience exploding breast implants, say takes the gilt off the gingerbread. Out of every
innovation for evil (i.e. designed for harming and destroying) some good (i.e. public diversion or
entertainment) can be promoted for profit or crowd-pleasing.
viii) Nasa is sending a spacecraft to Mars, or so we are told. They plan to trundle across the Martian
surface searching for signs of water and life. We do not hear dissenting voices about its feasibility.
Why is it that, when a person accounts that their mind is being disrupted and they are being persecuted
by an unseen method of invasive technology, that we cannot bring ourselves to believe them? Could it be
that the horror involved in the empathic identification required brings the shutters down? Conversely, the
shared experience of the blasting of objects into space brings with it the possibilities of shared potency or
the relief that resonates in the unconscious of a massive projection or evacuation a shared experience
which is blessed in the name of mans scientific genius.
ix) The desire not to be taken in, not to be taken for a fool, provides one of the most powerful and
common defence mechanism against credulity.
Power, Paranoia and Unhealthy Governments
The ability to be the bearer and container of great power without succumbing to the pressures of latent
narcissistic psychoses is an important matter too little considered. The effect of holding power and the
expectation and the need to be seen as capable of sustaining it, if not exercising it, encourages
omnipotence of thought. In the wake of this, a narcissistic overevaluation of the subjects own mental
processes may set in. In the effort to hold himself together as the possessor, container and executor of
power, he (or indeed, she) may also, undergo a process of splitting which allows him, along with others,
to bear enthralled witness of himself in this illustrious role. This may mean that the seat of authority is
vacated, at least at times. The splitting process between the experiencing ego and the perceiving ego
allows the powerful leader to alternate his perception of himself inside and outside, sometimes beside,
himself. With the reinforcement of himself from others as his own narcissistic object, reality testing is
constrained. In this last respect, he has much in common with the other powerful figure of the age, the
movie star. or by those, in Freuds words, who are ruined by success.

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In a world, which is facing increasing disillusion about the gulf between the public platforms on which
governments are elected, and the contingencies and pragmatics of retaining defence strategies and
economic investments, the role of military and intelligence departments, with their respective tools of
domination and covert infiltration, is increasingly alarming. Unaccountable to the public, protected from
exposure and prosecution by their immunity, licensed to lie as well as to kill, it is in the hands of these
agents that very grave threats to human rights and freedom lies. Empowered to carry out aggression
through classified weapon experimentation which is undetectable, these men and women are also open to
corruption from lucrative offers of financial reward from powerful and sinister groups who can utilize their
skills, privileged knowledge and expertise for frankly criminal and fascist purposes.
Our information about the psychological profiles of those who are employed to practice surveillance on
others is limited, but it is not difficult to imagine the effects on the personality that would ensue with the
persistent practice of such an occupation, so constantly exposed to the perversions. One gains little
snatches of insight here and there. In his book on CIA mind control research (Marks, 1988), John Marks
quotes a CIA colleagues joke (always revealing for personality characteristics): If you could find the
natural radio frequency of a persons sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast. (One
wonders if the same amusement is derived from the ability to apply, say infra-sound above 130 decibels,
which is said to cause stoppage of the heart, according to one victim/activist from his readings of a report
for the Russian Parliament.)
Left to themselves, these servants of the state may well feel exempt from the process of moral selfscrutiny, but the work must be dehumanising for the predator as well as the prey. It is probably true that
the need to control their agents in the field was an incentive to develop the methods in use today. It is
also an effectively brutalising training for persecuting others. Meanwhile the object, the prey, in a bid for
not only for survival but also in a desperate effort to warn his or her fellows about what is going on,
attempts to turn himself into a quantum physicist, a political researcher, a legal sleuth, an activist, a
neurologist, a psychologist, a physiologist his own doctor, since he cannot know what effects this
freakish treatment might have on his body, let alone his mind. There are always new methods to try out
which might prove useful in the search to find ways of disabling and destroying opponents air injected
into brains and lungs, lasers to strike down or blind, particle beams, sonar waves, or whatever
combination of energies to direct, or destabilise or control.
Science and Scepticism
Scientists can be bought, not just by governments, but also by sinister and secret societies. Universities
can be funded by governments to develop technology for unacceptably inhumane uses. The same people
who deliver the weapons - perhaps respected scientists and academics - may cite the acceptable side of
scientific discoveries, which have been developed by experimenting on unacknowledged, unfortunate
people. In a cleaned up form, they are then possibly celebrated as a break-through in the understanding
of the natural laws of the universe. It is not implausible that having delivered the technical means for
destruction, the innovator and thinker goes on, wearing a different hat, to receive his (or her) Nobel Prize.
There are scientists who have refused to continue to do work when they were approached by CIA and
Soviet representatives. These are the real heroes of science.
In the power struggle, much lies at stake in being the first to gain control of ultimate mind-reading and
mind-controlling technology. Like the nuclear bomb, common ownership would seem by any sane
calculations to cancel out the advantage of possession, but there is always a race to be the first to possess
the latest ultimate means of mass destruction. The most desirable form is one that can be directed at
others without contaminating oneself in the process - one that can be undetected and neatly, economically
and strategically delivered. We should be foolish to rule out secret organisations, seeing threat only from
undemocratic countries and known terrorist groups.
As consumers in a world which is increasingly one in which shopping is the main leisure activity, we should
concern ourselves to becoming alert to the ways in which human welfare may have been sacrificed to
produce an awesome new gadget. It may be the cause for celebration for the innovator, but brought
about as the result of plugging in or dialling up the living neuronal processes of an enforced
experimentee. If we are concerned not to eat boiled eggs laid by battery hens, we might not regard it
morally irrelevant to scrutinise the large corporations producing electronically innovative software. We
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might also be wary about the origins of the sort of bland enticements of dating agencies who propose
finding your ideal partner by matching up brain frequencies and bio-rhythms.
We do not know enough about the background of such technology, nor how to evaluate it ethically. We do
not know about its effects on the future, because we are not properly informed. If governments persist in
concealing the extent of their weapon capability in the interests of defence, they are also leaving their
citizens disempowered of the right to protest against their deployment. More alarmingly, they are leaving
their citizens exposed to their deployment by ruthless organisations whose concerns are exactly the
opposite of democracy and human rights.
Back in the United Kingdom
Meanwhile, back in England, the Director of the Oxford Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Professor Colin
Blakemore, also the elective Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council writes to the author that he
... knows of no technology (not even in the wildest speculations of neuroscientists) for scanning and
collecting neuronal data at a distance. (Blakemore, 2003, ) This certitude is at distinct variance with the
fears of other scientists in Russia and the United States, and not least of all with the fears of the French
neuroscientist, Jean-Pierre Changeux of the French National Bioethics Committee already quoted (see
page 5). It is also very much at odds with the writing of Dr Michael Persinger from the Behavioural
Neuroscience Laboratory at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. His article On the
Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Algorithms (1995),
he describes the ways that individual differences among human brains can be overcome and comes to a
conclusion about the technological possibilities of influencing a major part of the approximately six billion
people on this planet without mediation through classical sensory modalities but by generating
electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms in the atmosphere. Dr Persingers work is referred to
by Captain John Tyler whose work for the American Air Force and Aerospace programmes likens the
human nervous system to a radio receiver. (1990)
Very recently the leading weekly cultural BBC radio review had as one of its guests, the eminent astrophysicist and astronomer royal, Sir Martin Rees, who has recently published a book, Our Final Century,
in which he makes a sober and reasoned case for the fifty-fifty chance that millions of people, probably in
a third-world country could be wiped out in the near future through biotechnology and bio-terrorism
by error or malign release. He spoke of this devastation as possibly coming from small groups or cults,
based in the United States. few individuals with the right technology to cause absolute mayhem. He
also said that in this century, human nature is no longer a fixed commodity, that perhaps we should
contemplate the possibility that humans would even have implants in the brain.
The other guests on this programme were both concerned with Shakespeare, one a theatre producer and
the other a writer on Shakespeare, while his remaining guest was a young woman who had a website
called Spiked, the current theme of which was Panic Attack, that is to say, Attack on Panic. This guest
vigorously opposed what she felt was the pessimism of Sir Martin, regarding his ideas as essentially
eroding trust, and inducing panic. This reaction seems to typify one way of dealing with threat and
anxiety, and demonstrates the difficulty that a warning voice, even from a man of the academic
distinction of Martin Rees, has in alerting people to that which they do not want to hear. This flight
reaction was reinforced by the presenter who summed up the mornings discussion at the end of the
programme with the words: We have a moral! Less panic, more Shakespeare!
The New Barbarism
Since access to a mind-reading machine will enable the operator to access the ideas of another person, we
should prepare ourselves for a new world order in which ideas will be, as it were, up for grabs. We need
not doubt that the contents of anothers mind will be scooped up, scooped out, sorted through as if the
event was a jumble sale. The legal profession would therefore be well advised to consider the laws on
Intellectual Property very judiciously in order to acquit themselves with any degree of authenticity. We
should accustom ourselves to the prospect of recognizing our work coming out of the mouth of another.
The prospect of wide-scale fraud, and someone posturing in your stolen clothes will not be a pretty sight.
The term personal mind enhancement is slipping in through the back door, to borrow a term used by
the Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and it is being done through
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technologically-induced mental co-ercion mind raping and looting. In place of, or in addition to, cocaine,
we may expect to see mind-enhanced performances on live television.
The brave new science of neuropsychiatry and brain mapping hopes to find very soon, with the fMRI
scanner - this brand new toy that scientists have got their hands on - the blob for love and the blob
for guilt, (BBC Radio 4: All in the Mind, 5 March, 2003). Soon we will be able to order a brain scan for
anyone whose behaviour strikes us as odd or bizarre, and the vicissitudes of a life need no longer trouble
us in our diagnostic assessments. In his recent Reith Lectures for the BBC (2003), Professor
Ramachandran, the celebrated neuroscientist from the La Hoya Institute in San Diego, California, has
demonstrated for us many fascinating things that the brain can do. He has talked to us about personality
disorders and shown that some patients, who have suffered brain damage from head injury, do not have
the capacity to recognise their mothers. Others feel that they are dead. And indeed he has found brain
lesions in these people. In what seems to be an enormous but effortless leap, the self-styled kid in a
candy store is now hoping to prove that all schizophrenics, have damage to the right hemisphere of the
brain, which results in the inability to distinguish between fantasy (sic) and reality. Since Professor
Ramachandran speaks of schizophrenia in the same breath as denial of illness, or agnosia, it is not clear,
and it would be interesting to know, whether the person with the head injury has been aware or unaware
of the head injury. Also does the patient derive comfort and a better chance at reality testing when he is
told of the lesion? Does he feel better when he has received the diagnosis? And what should the
psychoanalysts and the psychiatrists, - feel about all those years of treating people of whose head
injuries they were absolutely unaware? Was this gross negligence? Were we absolutely deluded in
perceiving recovery in a sizeable number of them?
It is, however, lamentable that a neuroscientist with a professed interest in understanding schizophrenia
should seek to provide light relief to his audience by making jokes about schizophrenics being people who
are convinced that the CIA has implanted devices in their brain to control their thoughts and actions, or
that aliens are controlling them. (Reith Lecture, No 5, 2003).
There is a new desire for concretisation. The search for meaning has been replaced by the need for hard
proof. If it doesnt light up or add up it doesnt have validity. The physician of the mind has become a
surgeon. He found a lump as big as a grapefruit!
Facing up to the Dread and Fear of the Uncanny
Freud believed that an exploration of the uncanny would be a major direction of exploration of the mind in
this century. The fear of the uncanny has been with us for a very long time. The evil eye, or the terrifying
double, or intruder, is a familiar theme in literature, notably of Joseph Conrad in The Secret Sharer, and
Maupassants short story, Le Horla. Freuds analysis of the uncanny led him back to the old animistic
conception of the universe: it seems as if each one of us has been through a phase of individual
development corresponding to the animistic phase in primitive men, that none of us has passed through it
without preserving certain residues and traces of it which are still capable of manifesting themselves, and
that everything which now strikes us as uncanny fulfils the condition of touching those residues of
animistic mental activity within us and bringing them to expression. (Freud: 1919. p.362)
The separation of birth, and the childhood fear of spooks in the night, also leave their traces in each and
every one of us. The individual experience of being alone in ones mind the solitary fate of man which
has never been questioned before, and upon which the whole history of civilised nurture is based - is now
assaulted head-on. Since growing up is largely synonymous with acceptance of ones aloneness, the
effort to assuage it is the basis for compassion and protection of others; it is the matrix for the greatest
good, that of ordinary human kindness, and is at the heart of the communicating power of great art. Even
if we must all live and die alone, we can at least share this knowledge in acts of tenderness which atone
for our lonely state. In times of loss and mental breakdown, the starkness of this aloneness is all too
clear. The best of social and group constructiveness is an effort to allay the psychotic anxieties that lie at
the base of every one of us, and which may be provoked under extreme enough conditions.
The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental barbarism
which obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of a dial the history and civilisation of mans mental
development. It is more than an abuse of human rights, it is the destruction of meaning. For any one who
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is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort to stay sane is beyond the scope of
tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary mind cannot encompass the horror of it.
We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration camps. We now
have the prospect of systematic control authorised by men who issue instructions through satellite
communications for the destruction of societies while they are driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and
going to the opera.
This is essentially about humiliation, and disempowerment. It is a manifestation of rage acted out by
those who fear impotence with such dread, that their whole effort is directed into the emasculation and
destruction of the terrifying rival of their unconscious fantasies. In this apocalypse of the mind the punitive
figure wells up as if out of the bowels of the opera stage, and this phantasmagoria is acted out on a
global scale. These men may be mad enough to believe they are creating a psychocivilised world order.
For anyone who has studied damaged children, it is more resonant of the re-enactment from the
unconscious, reinforced by a life devoid of the capacity for empathic identification, of the obscenities of
the abused and abusing child in the savage nursery. Other people -which were to them like Action Man
toys to be dismembered, or Barbie Dolls to be obscenely defiled - become as meaningless in their
humanity as pixillated dots on a screen.
Although forced entry into a mind is by definition obscene, an abbreviated assessment of the effects that
mind-invaded people describe testifies to the perverted nature of the experiments. Bizarre noises are
emitted from the body, a body known well enough by its owner to recognise the noises as extrinsic; air is
pumped in and out of orifices as if by a bicycle pump. Gradually the repertoire is augmented - twinges and
spasms to the eyes, nose, lips, strange tics, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, obstructions in the
throat, pressure on the bowel and bladder causing incontinence; tingling in the fingers, feet, pressures on
the heart, on breathing, dizziness, eye problems leading to cataracts; running eyes, running nose;
speeding up of heart beats and the raising of pressure in the heart and chest; breathing and chest
complaints leading to bronchitis and deterioration of the lungs; agonizing migraines; being woken up at
night, sometimes with terrifying jolts ; insomnia; intolerable levels of stress from the loss of ones privacy.
This collection of assorted symptoms is a challenge to any medical practitioner to diagnose.
There are, more seriously, if the afore-going is characterised as non-lethal, the potential lethal effects
since the capability of ultrasound and infra-sound to cause cardiac arrest, and brain lesions, paralysis and
blindness, as well as blinding by laser beam, or inducing asphyxia by altering the frequencies which
control breathing in the brain, epileptic seizure all these and others may be at the fingertips of those
who are developing them. And those who do choose to use them may be sitting with the weapon, which
resembles, say, a compact mobile telephone, on the restaurant table next to the bottle of wine, or beside
them at the swimming pool.
Finally if the victims at this point in the new history of this mind-control, cannot yet prove their abuse, it
must be asserted that, faced with the available information about technological development it is
certainly not possible for those seeking to evade such claims to disprove them. To wait until the effects
become widespread will be too late.

For these and other reasons which this paper has attempted to address, we would call for an
acknowledgement of such technology at a national and international level. Politicians, scientists and
neurologists, neuroscientists, physicists and the legal profession should, without further delay,
demand public debate on the existence and deployment of psychotronic technology; and for the
declassification of information about such devices which abuse helpless people, and threaten
democratic freedom.
Victims accounts of abuse should be admitted to public account, and the use of psycho-electronic
weapons should be made illegal and criminal,
The medical profession should be helped to recognise the symptoms of mind-control and
psychotronic abuse, and intelligence about their deployment should be declassified so that this
abuse can be seen to be what it is, and not interpreted automatically as an indication of mental

If, in the present confusion and insecurity about the search for evidence of weapons of mass destruction,
we conclude that failure to locate them - whatever the truth of the matter encourages us to be generally
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complacent, then we shall be colluding with very dark forces at work if we conclude that a course of
extreme vigilance signifies paranoia. For there may well be other weapons of mass destruction being
developed and not so far from home; weapons which, being even more difficult to locate, are developed
invisibly, unobstructed, unheeded in our midst, using human beings as test-beds. Like ESP, the methods
being used on humans have not been detectable using conventional detection equipment. It is likely that
the signals being used are part of a physics not known to scientists without the highest level of security
clearance. To ignore the evidence of victims is to deny, perhaps with catastrophic results, the only
evidence which might otherwise lead the defenders of freedom to becoming alert to the development of a
fearful new methods of destruction. Manipulating terrorist groups and governments alike, these sinister
and covert forces may well be very thankful for the professional derision of the victims, and for public
Laing, R.D. (1985) : Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist. Macmillan, 1985
Welsh, Cheryl (1997): Timeline of Important Dates in the History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind
Control, at:
Welsh, Cheryl (2001):Electromagnetic Weapons: As powerful as the Atomic Bomb, President Citizens
Against Human Rights Abuse, CAHRA Home Page: U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report:
Begich, Dr N. and Manning, J.: 1995 Angels Dont Play this HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology,
Earthpulse Press.
No. 35

Secret Russia: Moscow The Zombies of the Red Czars, Script to be published in Resonance,

Aftergood, Steven and Rosenberg, Barbara: The Soft Kill Fallacy, in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
Sept/Oct 1994.
Becker, Dr Robert: 1985,The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William Morrow,
Babacek, Mojmir: International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of The Human Nervous System: and go to: Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System









Nature: Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights, Vol, 391, Jan. 22, 1998, p. 316; (ref
Jean- Pierre Changeux)
Space Preservation Act: Bill H.R.2977 and HR 3616 IH in 107th Congress 2nd Session: see:


Click at Plenary Sessions, scroll down to Reports by A4 number, click, choose 1999 and fill in oo5 to A4
Delgado, Jose M.R: 1969. Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society, Vol. 41,
World Perspectives, Harper Row, N.Y.
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US News & World Report: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics/ Dr John Norseen; Report January 3/10 2000,
Also Those Wrecked by Success.
Marks, John:







1988 :The CIA and Mind Control the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, ISBN 0-440-

Persinger, M.A. On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction
of Fundamental Algorythms; In Perception and Motor Skills, June, 1995, vol. 80, p. 791 799
Tyler, J.Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict, in Low Intensity Conflict and Modern
Technology, ed. Lt. Col. J. Dean, USAF, Air University Press, Centre For Aerospace Doctrine, Research
and Education, Maxwell Air Force base, Alabama, June, 1986.
Rees, Martin Our Final Century: 2003, Heinemann.
Conrad, Joseph: The Secret Sharer, 1910. Signet Classic.
Maupassant, Guy de: Le Horla, 1886. Livre de Poche.
Carole Smith is a British psychoanalyst. In recent years she has been openly critical of government use of
intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens for the development of methods of state control. Carole
E-mail: [email protected]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
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[email protected]

Stan Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

July 12, 2007

Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-3802

Letter of June 15, 2007

Dear Mr. Specter:

I appreciate your letter of June 15, 2007 and the future of the Federal Courthouse in
Lancaster County. I dont think that there is anything more important than the integrity of our
judicial system. As you are aware, I am following the Attorney General controversy and would
hope that your committee is successful in restoring the tradition of respect and integrity into
that institution. I dont see how our great country can function with respect without that
happening. I would hope that Attorney General Gonzales takes the high road and resigns in the
very near future, for the greater good.
Unfortunately, I have some personal and business issues that I consider important
enough for me to seek your help, as being one of my representatives to the United States
Senate. First of all, I received your letter yesterday, July 11, 2007. It was held in the mail
system or was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I have had so many complaints regarding the
same that I filed a complaint with the United States Postal Inspector. They had written me but I
never did receive the follow-up to the investigation as the letter promise.
I am attaching a
copy of the letter with the hopes that you could follow-up and make certain that my complaint is
not being subverted.
If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and Federal False Claims Act case
that I need to file against the United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case
involves the former Department of Defense contractor International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC)
formerly of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I also have an unprecedented case of
obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I am evaluating the merits of waiting until
your subcommittee finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before I file my
action in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain
that any filing before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases now before the
United States District Courts and the various Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to
an unprecedented array of judicial misconduct. However, I realize that you do not have the
authority or the jurisdiction to intervene, so I am told.
There is a problem that I must bring to your attention in the hopes that you would be
able to at least refer me to the appropriate committees or agency. For approximately the past
19 months I have had the ability to communicate telepathically.
I have spent much time
researching this ability through the various intelligence agencies declassified documents. My
problem is that I am connected 24/7 with a person that is compromising my interests and my
intellectual property at a time when I am litigating civil and criminal proceedings.
My business
interests are also greatly compromised. I do not know how I became telepathic, or if I was


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Document: 003112129707

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Date Filed: 11/13/2015

July 12, 2007

Senator Arlen Specter
Page 2
trained without my knowledge and or consent. I need to seek help in trying to disconnect. The
person that is connected to me subjects me to a brutal array of mental and psychological abuse.
I firmly believe that they are being used as a medium for this purpose. I have waited 20 years
to resolve my issues in a Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to assert itself,
and of course it is very suspect considering my Federal False Claims Act allegations.
Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the Department of Advanced Research
Projects (DARPA) that dates back to 1990 when I had contracts with the National Institute of
Standards and Technology and DARPA. I know that they study and research paranormal
activities and technologies, including remote channeling. My Whistle-Blowing activities and my
knowledge of the fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put me in direct scrutiny of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) due to their relationships with
ISC, and of course my very public condemnation of the fraud.
In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified document dump from the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet Union
dating as far back as the 1930s regarding this subject. It appears that they have more
knowledge and expertise than the United States. This brings me to a disclosure that may or
may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have had two contacts and intimate
conversation with an 80-year-old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to be
knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several disclosures, which may or not be true.
She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree and a former employee of the
Pennsylvania State University System. She also disclosed that her former husband was
imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.
I will copy Senator Diane Feinstein of California with this letter. The fact that she serves
on the Judiciary Committee with you and the fact that she is also on the Senate Select
Intelligence Committee might help me find a solution to this problem. I would hope that you
both might be able to help me find someone that can help me disconnect from this other
telepathic person, while at the same time taking any making certain there are no National
Security issues.
In another matter, I also will enclose a copy of an email from the Government Accounting
Office (GAO) pertaining a document that I am trying to locate that was sent to me in 1987 from
the GAO. I would appreciate it if you could follow-up on this and make sure I am afforded the
FOIA for this document.
I look forward to your response.


Stan J. Caterbone

USPS Certified Mail

Letter of June 15, 2007
May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection Service
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO


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Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 50

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

[email protected]

Stan Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

July 16, 2007

Federal Bureau of Investigations
J. Edger Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Philadelphia, PA

Important Matters

Dear Sir or Madam:

First of all, I received a personal letter from Senator Arlen Specter on July 11, 2007. It
was held in the mail system or was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I have had so many
complaints regarding the same that I filed a complaint with the United States Postal Inspector
(See Attached). They had written me but I never did receive the follow-up to the investigation
as the letter promise. I am attaching a copy of the letter with the hopes that you could followup and make certain that my complaint is not being subverted.
If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and Federal False Claims Act case
that I need to file against the United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case
involves the former Department of Defense contractor International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC)
formerly of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I also have an unprecedented case of
obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I am evaluating the merits of waiting until
your subcommittee finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before I file my
action in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain
that any filing before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases now before the
United States District Courts and the various Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to
an unprecedented array of judicial misconduct. However, I realize that you do not have the
authority or the jurisdiction to intervene, so I am told.
For approximately the past 19 months I have had the ability to communicate
telepathically. I have spent much time researching this ability through the various intelligence
agencies declassified documents. My problem is that I am connected 24/7 with a person (Sheryl
Crow) that is compromising my interests and my intellectual property at a time when I am
litigating civil and criminal proceedings.
My business interests are also greatly compromised.
I do not know how I became telepathic, or if I was trained without my knowledge and or
consent. I need to seek help in trying to disconnect. The person that is connected to me
subjects me to a brutal array of mental and psychological abuse. I firmly believe that they are
being used as a medium for this purpose. I have waited 20 years to resolve my issues in a
Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to assert itself, and of course it is very
suspect considering my Federal False Claims Act allegations.
Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the Department of Advanced Research
Projects (DARPA) that dates back to 1990 when I had contracts with the National Institute of
Standards and Technology and DARPA. I know that they study and research paranormal


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Document: 003112129707

Page: 51

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activities and technologies, including remote channeling. My Whistle-Blowing activities and my

knowledge of the fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put me in direct scrutiny of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) due to their relationships with
ISC, and of course my very public condemnation of the fraud. I dont know if any of your
agents have any experience with this type of situation, but there are definitely National Security
issues that may need to be addressed. There are persons that can actually eaves drop on this
type of communication, and I am constantly being question on matters related to ISC, and other
foreign affairs. My knowledge of the Middle East is quite extensive, and there is always the
possibility for someone to glean information for illegitimate reasons.
In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified document dump from the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet Union
dating as far back as the 1930s regarding this subject. It appears that they have more
knowledge and expertise than the United States. This brings me to a disclosure that may or
may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have had two contacts and intimate
conversation with an 80-year-old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to be
knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several disclosures, which may or not be true.
She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree and a former employee of the
Pennsylvania State University System. She also disclosed that her former husband was
imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.
I look forward to your response.


Stan J. Caterbone

USPS Certified Mail

Letter of June 15, 2007
May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection Service
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO


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Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 52

[email protected]

Printed: Monday, February 26, 2007 11:04 AM

From :

Stan Caterbone <[email protected]>

Sent :

Monday, February 26, 2007 11:03 AM

To :

[email protected]

Subject :


Attachment :

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

WiredNews-ASpyMachineofDARPA_sDreams.pdf (0.03 MB)

I am looking for information of some of your programs regarding the Mind and Remote Channelling. See attached.
I did some work on the "TIMIT" project with the National Istitute for Standards and Technologies, NIST back in 1990, as a
contractor (Advanced Media Group). I was the CD-ROM manufacturer. I believe you were part of that project.
Within the past 14 months I have become telepathic, and I want to be assured your staff has nothing to do with that activity.
I also have a Federal False Claims Act complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvnania
06-cv-3955, it will be amended in due time and refiled.
In July of 2005, I was detained by 2 DIA Agents in Austin, Texas, and questioned about another Federal complaint 05-2288.
I would like some transparency and some answers involving your involvement.
Advanced Media Group
Stan Caterbone
mailto: [email protected]
Fax: (717) 427-1621
Advanced Media Group
220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516

Research by Advanced Media Group

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Published On 11/13/2007

Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 53

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

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Case: 15-3400 Document: 003112129707

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Page: 54

Date Filed: 11/13/2015


Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
This is a summary report on those elements of that clandestine organizational network, (which we
shall label the Shadow Government), which serves as a kind of "parallel government" to the official
elected and appointed government of this country (USA). It includes those elements known to the
author with sufficient certainty that they can be positively identified, and their known or
reliably reported functions described. It is distinctly possible that there are other elements,
(particularly in the realms of the "Black Budget" and "Special Operations",) which have eluded our
study, and are not named here.
Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches. However,
unlike the official government, the purpose of the none-executive branches of the Shadow Government
is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was
supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the
U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need
not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.
In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are: the Executive
Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial
The reporting lines of the Intelligence Branch and the War Department to the Executive Branch are
straightforward and obvious. Intelligence exists to provide the Executive Branch with sufficient
necessary information to make adequately informed policy decisions. The War Department exists to
provide coercive force to carry out Executive policy decisions which could meet with public resistance.
The Special Operations units within the Intelligence Branch and War Department exist to carry out
policy directives requiring covert action and official deniability.
The Weapons Industry Branch reports to the Executive Branch most often indirectly, through the War
Department and/or the Intelligence Branch (for Black Budget weapons systems).
The Financial Department theoretically reports to the Executive Branch for fiscal policy
implementation, but de facto also reports directly to the international power brokers who have created
the Shadow Government. The Financial Department serves at times directly as their instrument of
fiscal policy implementation.
An analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests that the overall purpose of the
Shadow Government is to exercise covert control by: 1) collecting comprehensive institutional and
personal information, 2) by establishing national and international policy independently of the
established Government, 3) by developing high-tech arms and equipment, and, with these,
establishing small, specialized, highly-mobile, elite military units to effect these covert policies, when
need arises, without having to rely on the official (and "unreliable") Armed Services, (whose
subservience to the Shadow Government is reasonably suspect), 4) by developing an armed capability
to repel any threat to the status quo, (including the uncertain ontological, social, and economic
impacts of any revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence) through the development
of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and space-based surveillance and SDI weapons network, 5) by denying
information compromising to the Shadow Government from all those outside "need-to-know"
policymaking levels, and 6) by exercising control on the money supply, availability of credit, and the
worth of money, through policy decisions made outside of the official Government.
All of these mechanisms of control serve to preserve or advance the agenda of an international group
of pivotal power and influence brokers. That agenda is, according to Senator Barry Goldwater, that

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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Document: 003112129707

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Date Filed: 11/13/2015

"national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established." [With No Apologies,
Berkley Books, New York [[date unknown]].]
These power brokers' most visible unifying instrumentality is the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), (which promotes the transition of Earth from a cluster of Nation-States to one
global government), [Chairman: Peter G. Peterson; headquarters: 58 E. 68th Street, New York, NY
10021]. [Cf. In Control, Kerrville, TX: Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, 1993.] However, one
must not underestimate the influence of the Trilateral Commission (TC), (which coordinates economic
initiatives of the Group of Seven with other "developed countries" vis-a-vis the "underdeveloped
world",) [Chairman: Paul Volcker; headquarters: 345 E. 46th Street, New York, NY 10017]. Neither
should one misjudge the power of the secretive Bilderberg Group (BG), (which concentrates on the
military and strategic considerations of powerful West European and North American power brokers),
[chair rotates, former Chair: Prince Bernhard of Holland; headquarters unknown: annual meetings
rotate, but originally were held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeck, Holland].
David Rockefeller is the Chairman Emeritus of both the CFR and the TC, and certainly
influences, through proxy representatives (such as Lloyd Bentsen), the Bilderberg Group. [Cf. Holly
Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; Boston:
South End Press, 1981.]
What follows is a succinct identification and description of the constituent agencies in each of the five
branches of the Shadow Government.
(This branch contains the effective policymaking and controlling structures behind the veil of apparent,
democratic governmental structures):
a) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all modern CIA Directors,
most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch appointed
officeholders, etc.);
b) Tri-Lateral Commission (David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan,
Zbignew Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy
Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc.;
c) The Bilderberg Group (Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, Bill
Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.);
d) National Security Council (NCS), (the military and intelligence policymaking and control group for
national and international security, which reports directly to the President), its secret 5412 Committee
(which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee (aka MJ-12: which exercises
policy direction and control of the UFO Cover-Up);
e) Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, (the operations directorate which
implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command);
f) National Program Office (NPO), (which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an
ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive
centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities
staffed by surrogates for above-ground national leaders]); and,
h) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s black projects compartment, (which operates
federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or federal Bureau of Land
Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.).
(Serves functions of domestic and international surveillance and of secret police/enforcers):

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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a) National Security Agency (NSA), (monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem,
radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of
interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO
secrecy and surveillance of extraterrestrial operations), Fort Meade, MD;
b) National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), (controls and collects information from global spy satellites,
monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing of energy-beam
weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and
selectively at extraterrestrial craft), Pentagon basement and Dulles-Airport area, VA;
c) National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) (aka MJ-TF), (the military/intelligence operations arm
of the PI-40 Subcommittee, conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and confiscation of UFOs and
their extraterrestrial occupants for intelligence and "International Security" purposes; surveilles and
"interacts" with close-encounter experiencers, including occasional physically and sexually assaultive
mind-control kidnappings disguised as "Alien abductions" for psychological warfare and
disinformational purposes), headquarters unknown, probably compartmented and dispersed among
various elite Delta Force Special Operations units, such as the USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary
Esther, FL and Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA;
d) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), (commands, often controls, and sometimes
coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT),
electronic surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional
paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in
violation of international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against
foreign agents; engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political
process, "in the National interest" in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates
proprietary "false-front" companies for profit; conducts a major share of international
transshipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates
with NSA's UFO cover-up operations), Langley, VA, and worldwide branches;
e) Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter-Intelligence Division, (the branch which investigates,
surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with
the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with
UFOs and extraterrestrials);
f) Department of Energy Intelligence (DOE-INTEL), (which conducts internal security checks and
external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the
Wackenhut Corporation);
g) NSA's Central Security Service, and CIA's Special Security Office, (which respectively spy on the
spies, and conduct special operations which cannot be entrusted to line intelligence officers), Ft.
Meade, MD and Langley, VA;
h) U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) (whose assignments include
psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), parapsychological intelligence (PSYINT),
and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD;
i) U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval operations,
and has a compartmented unit involved in UFO and USO [Unidentified Submerged Objects] information
j) U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), (which gathers intelligence affecting
aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating UFO sightings,
extraterrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination
with NRO interdiction operations), Bolling Air Force Base, MD;
k) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), (which coordinates the intelligence data gathered
from the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force,
Coast Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures, which include
by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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providing security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. "Thought

Police", who conduct surveillance, by remote-viewing and other parapsychological
measures, against penetrations and scanning by foreign or civilian remote-viewers
[clairvoyants/out-of-body seers]), Pentagon, VA, Fort Meade, MD, and the entire astral
l) NASA Intelligence, (which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats,
astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and Star Visitors, and coordinates the
transfer of Star Visitor technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations);
m) Air Force Special Security Service (which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit dealing
with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or otherwise);
n) Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO), (which conducts intelligence operations within and
on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified research, development,
and production);
o) Defense Investigative Service (DIS), (which conducts investigations into people and
situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense);
p) Naval Investigative Service (NIS), (which conducts investigations against threats to Naval
q) Air Force Electronic Security Command, (which conducts surveillance and interdiction of threats to
the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of electronic
counter-measure (ECM) warfare equipment; r) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence, (which
conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless exempted under "National
Security" waivers);
s) Federal Police Agency Intelligence, (which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against federal
property and personnel);
t) Defense Electronic Security Command, (which coordinates intelligence surveillance and
countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic
battlefield operations), Fort Worth, TX.
u) Project Deep Water (the ongoing effects of the compromised personnel, sources and methods
resulting from the secret importation of Hitler's own Nazi Intelligence chief, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, to
redesign the U.S.'s Intelligence apparatus);
v) Project Paperclip (the ongoing results of the secret importation of Nazi weapons and aerospace/UFO
scientists into U.S. secret military research and development bases);
w) (Undoubtedly, more clandestine units exist, not identified at this time.)









a) CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology, (which gathers information with promise
for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or
a threat against, the National Security, [also contains the "Weird Desk", which centrally
processes intelligence about UFOs and Star Visitors and their interaction with Earth],
current Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Science and Technology is Ron Pandolfi);
b) Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO)/ Ballistic Missile [sic] Defense Organization (BMDO),
(which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic-pulse, killerlaser, particle-beam, plasmoid, and other advanced-technology aerospace weapons;
by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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c) Department of Energy (DOE) (which, besides its cover-story of researching cleaner-burning coal and
gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of: more
specialized nuclear weapons; plus compact, self-sustaining, fusion-powered, particle and wave
weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/antigravitational, laser, neutral particle-beam
and plasmoid applied weapons research; high-energy invisibility "cloaking" technology, etc.);
d) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL)/Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W),
(which are involved in nuclear warhead "refinements", development of new trans-uranic elements for
weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000
times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful
teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian-nicknamed "City of
Death"),Livermore, CA;
e) Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL), (which houses numerous underground facilities in
an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own
secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high-energy electromagnetic, and other research, and
includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID;
f) Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)/Phillips Air Force Laboratory, (which are sequestered on Kirtland
Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental
nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratories into practical, working weapons), Albuquerque, NM;
g) Tonopah Test Range (SNL's DOE weapons-testing facility for operationally testing Star Wars
weapons in realistic target situations, and is adjacent to classified stealth and cloaked aerospace craft
and U.S.-UFO bases at the Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base [Area 51] and Papoose Lake Base [S4]), Nevada Test Site/Nellis AFB Range, Tonopah, NV;
h) Haystack USAF Laboratory, Haystack Buttes, Edwards AFB, CA, (a 30-levels deep, extreme-security
facility reportedly engaged in Star Visitor technology retro-engineering;
i) Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL), (which is the premiere research lab for nuclear, subatomic
particle, high magnetic field, exo-metallurgical, exo-biological and other back-engineered
extraterrestrial technologies research), Los Alamos County, NM;
j) Area 51 (Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base), and S[Site]-4 (Papoose Lake Base), ultra-secure
"nonexistent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and
operationally flown, including the Aurora [Mach-8] spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealthy fighter
follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyperspeed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle,
and several variants of antigravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs), including the "Christmas Tree Ornament"
(glowing orange orb) and the "Firefly" (strobing, flitting, bluish-white lit airframe);
k) U.S. Special Forces Command, Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S.
Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating: 1) U.S. Army Delta
Forces (Green Berets); 2) U.S. Navy SEALS (Black Berets), Coronado, CA; and 3) USAF Blue Light
(Red Berets) Strike Force;
l) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), (which coordinates the application
of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons); (now called
m) the Jason Group (elite weapons-application scientists, developing cutting-edge-science weapons for
DARPA/ARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation);
o) Aquarius Group (UFO technology-application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of
the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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p) Defense Science Board, (which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between weapons
needs and the physical sciences);
q) Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) (currently concentrating on fusion-powered, high-energy particlebeam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment);
r) U.S. Space Command, (Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be fought
and won in space"), jointly coordinated through Peterson AFB, Schreiver AFB, Cheyenne Mountain AFS,
Colorado Springs, and Buckley AFB, Aurora, CO;
s.1) North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), (operating the nuclear-survivable space
surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain), Colorado Springs, CO;
s.2) Naval Space Command, the secret lead agency in dealing with the mounting of and operating of
space-based warfare "assets" to deal with any perceived threat from space;
t) Air Force Office of Space Systems, (which coordinates the development of future technology for
operating and fighting in space);
u) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (which operates covert space-defense,
research aabout extraterrestrial lifeforms, and space-weapons compartments, in addition to manned
Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches);
v) NASA's Ames Research Center, (which conducts the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Project, Exobiology (Star Visitor life forms) Division, and "Human Factors" (PSY-Warfare) Division),
Sunnyvale, CA;
w) Project Cold Empire (SDI weapons research-classified);
x) Project Snowbird (creating pseudo-UFOs, used as disinformation);
y) Project Aquarius (UFO research-classified);
x) Project MILSTAR (development and deployment of WW III [space war] command, control,
communication and intelligence satellites);
z) Project Tacit Rainbow (stealth drones/pseudo-UFO's);
aa) Project Timberwind (nuclear-powered spacecraft);
bb) Project Code EVA (space-walk-based technology);
cc) Project Cobra Mist (SDI energy-beam (plasmoid?) weapon research); and
dd) Project Cold Witness (SDI weapons-classified), etc.
("private" [black project] weapons and covert operations contractors):
a) AT&T (Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. - Star Wars weapons research and NSA telephone/satellite
communications interception facilitation); (Sandia Weapons Lab has now reportedly being taken over
by Batelle Memorial Institute, a proprietary with reported Intelligence connections);
b) Stanford Research Institute, Inc. (SRI), (an Intelligence contractor involved in
psychotronic, parapsychological and PSY-WAR research);
c) RAND Corporation (CIA-front involved in Intelligence projects, weapons development, and
underground bases development);
by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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d) Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation (EG&G), (NSA/DOE-contractor involved in Star Wars
weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 (U.S. UFO-technology aerospace
vehicles base) and nuclear installations, etc.);
e) Wackenhut Corporation (NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations
for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations, such as Area S-4
(U.S. UFO base), NV and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons testing facility), NM), and,
reportedly, "dirty jobs" for CIA and Defense Intelligence agencies;
f) Bechtel Corporation (CIA's "ditch-digger" for covert projects and off-the-books underground bases);
g) United Nuclear Corporation (military nuclear applications);
h) Walsh Construction Company (on the CIA projects dole);
i) Aerojet (Genstar Corp.):( makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the NRO);
j) Reynolds Electronics Engineering (on CIA/DoD dole);
k) Lear Aircraft Company (Black Budget technology);
l) Northrop Corporation (makes U.S. antigravity craft, back-engineered from Star Visitor technology,
ear Lancaster, CA);
m) Hughes Aircraft (classified projects compartment);
n) Lockheed-Martin Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);
o) McDonnell-Douglas Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);
p) BDM Corporation (CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic projects,
q) General Electric Corporation (electronic warfare and weapons systems); and
r) PSI-TECH Corporation (involved in military/Intelligence-applications of research into
s) Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC); "black projects" contractor, reportedly including
psychic warfare.
(Extra-Constitutional funding):
a) Federal Reserve System (cartel of private banks overseen by elite superwealthy financiers, such as
the Rockefellers, Mellons, DuPonts, Rothschilds, etc., which dictates to the Government the flow of
money, worth of money, and the interest rates the government and citizens must pay);
b) CIA self-financing (the operation and/or control of much of the international drug trade in heroin,
cocaine and marijuana, as well as "front" business enterprises, as a source of cash for off-the-books
covert operations, and the purchase of exotic munitions and strategic bribe funds);
c) Department of Justice self-financing (the use of confiscated cash and valuables from "targets of
investigation" to finance "special projects");

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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d) Special Forces self-financing (the self-use of confiscated "booty" from covert military operations to
fund other clandestine operations).
What conclusions can be drawn from this preliminary analysis of the structure, functions and
operations of the Shadow Government?
Foremost, the Shadow Government is a very large, well-organized, skillfully camouflaged, parallel
power structure. History suggests that it has served its masters well, and that its predilection for
operating out of sight and notoriety, if not in an outright clandestine fashion, is exactly how its
masters want it to function -- not drawing attention to itself, manipulating power behind the scenes,
and accomplishing by covert operations what cannot lawfully or politically be accomplished out in the
What should be the attitude of the informed citizen to the Shadow Government?
Since it thrives in the dark, we should shine the light of full disclosure on it. Citizens can
demand: the end of the Congressional practice of allowing "Black Budget" items; the end of
unpublished secret Executive Orders and National Security Directives; the end of the
practice of indefinitely- sustained Presidential Declarations of National Emergency (as is
currently in place); the end of Federal Reserve Notes and the return to the gold standard to
back the dollar; the end to governmental domestic spying on its own citizens; and extremely
severe reduction (on the order of 90%) in the number, staffing and scope of the endlessly
proliferating Intelligence agencies, which are an anachronism since the Cold War ended;
and an end to CIA and DEA collusion in allowing a continuing stream of drugs to pour into
this country.
We founded this Country (USA); it's time to take it back.
- Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, university instructor, certified clinical hypnotherapist, and
researcher into extraterrestrial-human encounters.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC,
Post Office Box 1009, Diamond Springs California 95619, United States of America.
Phone: (530) 621-2674 (PDT)
E-mail: [email protected]
You are invited to join his UFOFacts internet reports-and-ET/UFO/Experiencers
chat list; moderated by Dr. Boylan: (subscribe at:; or
join DrRichBoylanReports (his reports-only!) list at:
Posted by Stewart at 6:46 AM
Labels: american, amero, bankers, bilderberg, CFR, CIA, euro, FBI, FEMA, money, oligarchy, poverty,
project, royal, slavery, trilateral commission, UFO, wealth, world
Advanced Media Group
Stan J. Caterbone
Visit Our Blog For Journey of a Whistleblower
Visit Our Blog For Research Into ESP - Mental Telepathy & The U.S. Governments Activities
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by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since
1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of
Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to
defend our reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose
public corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our
business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications are a means of protecting our rights to
continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact
List. Number 7.

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

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ISC linked to Iraq arms deals from early 1980s

New book reveals wide scope of the arming of Iraq
Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Publication Date: November 8, 1993
Tag: 124F627FCCDCC538
Section: NEWS
Page: A01
By Jennifer Kopf
Intelligencer Journal reporter Thomas L. Flannery was in a pay telephone booth along the Old Philadelphia Pike, poring over notes from an interview with
an International Signal & Control Corp. machinist.

He compared his information with that of journalist Alan Friedman, the investigative reporter who first had broken the "Iraqgate" story.
The two were in the last days of a three-month joint investigation by the Intell and the Financial Times that would result in a May 1991 program for ABC's
It clicked.
A big story had just gotten much, much bigger.
The 1991 conversation was one of the major links connecting decades of classified documents, covert operations and bribes to prove American support of
arms shipments to Saddam Hussein.
The end result, "Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq," written by Friedman after four years of work, will be
published Wednesday by Bantam Books.
Woven in with names familiar to every American - George Bush, James Baker, Ronald Reagan - are other situations less familiar to many of them.
Former Lancastrian James Guerin's ties to illegal arms shipments to South Africa. ISC's sale to British defense industry power Ferranti. Fake contracts for
Pakistani missile deals.
The issues have been covered regularly in the Intelligencer Journal by Flannery for the past several years. In "Spider's Web," his research dovetails with
Friedman's to chronicle White House-directed arms transfers, illegal financial dealings with Iraq and investigative delays orchestrated by high-ranking
officials, including former Attorney General Richard Thornburgh.
A four-time winner of British Press Awards, the British equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize, Friedman credits Flannery with much of the investigative project's
"He's brilliant," Friedman said Sunday from New York. "We've worked hard to bring Tom and his world-beating work on the ISC story together with other
information" gathered from government sources.
As his own research on Bank of Credit and Commerce International and the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro progressed, Friedman said, he "decided the full
story needed to get out."
He pulled together "seven top investigative researchers and associates, of which Tom Flannery was one of the most senior and best on the team."
In his introduction, Friedman writes that Flannery "helped mightily to make sense of this dark chapter in the history of the CIA."
The local reporter has won an Associated Press award for his work in unearthing the local connection to illegal international arms shipments.
Among other claims, "Spider's Web" references on-the-record interviews to say:
Some of the arms deals were channeled to Baghdad and Saddam Hussein through U.S. military bases, including Frankfurt's Rhein-Main, with the

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knowledge of then-Vice President Bush, CIA Director William Casey and National Security Adviser William Clark;
James Baker's State Department in 1989 approved export of equipment intelligence sources said was likely to go into Saddam's nuclear weapons;
The CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency knew of billions of dollars of loans, sent from an Atlanta bank, that financed work on Iraqi Scud missiles and
nuclear weapons projects.
Both Flannery and Friedman said they were surprised, as they pursued the story, with the willingness of top government officials to come forward.
"Former White House and intelligence officials were confirming White House-directed operations," Friedman said, along with a cover-up by Bush and
former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft.
"I like to think of myself as a hard-boiled investigative reporter," he added, but some of the American, British and Italian documents he found "made my
toes curl.
"...The abuse of power, and the duplicity, lying to the American public and Congress, it's broader than anyone's suspected to date."
The subsequent "egregious" cover-up, he added, "was a silent threat to the principles of American democracy, although the politicians perceived it as
`damage control', or the legitimate desire to protect state secrets."
More indictments should be coming relatively soon, Friedman said, adding that he hopes the Clinton administration honors its campaign pledge to take the
investigation wherever it leads.
"I hope it (the investigation) is expanded, to look at the involvement and knowledge of American intelligence services in the money flow" stemming from
illegal, covertly endorsed, arms sales.

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Guerin, Clark settle $2.75 million lawsuit

Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Publication Date: March 20, 1990
Tag: 124F60A4B997C258
Section: NEWS
Page: A01
By Thomas L. Flannery
After more than seven months of legal maneuvering, the $2.75 million battle between James H. Guerin and his former chief attorney ended Monday.

Terms of the out-of-court settlement accepted by Lancaster County Common Pleas Judge Michael A. Georgelis were not released with the order and are
expected in a March 29 joint statement by Guerin's attorney, Joseph A. Tate of Philadelphia, and Joseph F. Roda, the Lancaster attorney representing
William A. Clark.
The statement will coincide with the scheduled release of nearly $2.1 million in escrowed cash to Roda who will handle its disbursement.
Roda delined comment on the terms of the settlement Monday afternoon and Tate could not be reached for comment, however a source close to the case
who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the bulk of the money _ including some $100,000 in attorney's fees _ will go to Clark.
The remainder will go to Guerin's former personal holding company, Parent Industries Inc., now Urban Industries Inc., of Austin, Texas, not Guerin
according to the source.
The Clark / Guerin dispute centered around a contract signed between the two in March 1989.
The document was to repay Clark for unfulfilled financial promises made by Guerin to lure him from his Washington law firm and into Guerin's former
flagship defense contracting firm, International Signal & Control Corp., now Ferranti International PLC, as its vice president and general counsel.
Also the agreement called for Guerin and Urban Industries to buy Clark's York County estate for $750,000.
Had the pact to end Clark's five-year tenure at ISC been honored, Roda previously said there would have been no reason for Clark to exercise a
provision of the deal that allowed him to seek help from the courts to recover the money.
The private agreement between the two spilled into the Lancaster County courts in July 1989 when Clark exercised this provision by filing a judgment for
the $1.75 million balance owed under the agreement. That filing also froze all of Guerin's assets and those of Urban Industries.
Guerin obligated both himself and Urban to fulfill the terms of the agreement.
Guerin immediately countered saying he paid had Clark $1 million of the pact, but quit paying on the deal because Clark had used coercion and extortion
to secure it, threatening to go public with various aspects of Guerin's business practices that would end any possibility of a $350 million buy-back by
Guerin of several ISC divisions Guerin sold to Ferranti when the companies merged in November 1987.
Guerin also asked for the $1 million back he had given Clark, saying he could could prove his claim of Clark's alleged criminal actions through a number
of recordings secretly made when the two drafted the settlement document.
In January, Clark again sued Guerin, this time for violation of the state's Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillence Act requiring two-party consent to the
taping of any conversation, unless the taping is part of a police investigation.
Monday's settlement also puts an end to this civil action, but still leaves the possibility of criminal action by the district attorney unanswered.
"At this point I still want my office to review the history of this case," said Lancaster County District Attorney Henry S. Kenderdine Jr.
When the existence of the tapes first became known Kenderdine did not rule out the possibility of prosecuting Guerin for initiating the recordings without
Clark's consent.
The Monday order directed Lancaster County Prothonotary Clair L. Wolf to liquidate a more than $2 million escrow account established in August 1989.

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The escrow account was established on the order of Lancaster County President Judge D. Richard Eckman when it became clear the Clark / Guerin
dispute would not be quickly resolved and both Guerin and Urban Industries needed access to their funds.
According to Wolf, the current status of the escrow account held at the Fulton Bank includes $2,070,000 in principal and interest in treasury bills, and a
regular savings account of $26,077 in principal and interest.
Yield on the treasury bills varied between 7.3 percent and 7.47 percent, based on a 30-day reinvestment schedule, Wolf said.
Guerin was one of several former ISC executives named in a $200 million civil suit filed by Ferranti in hopes of recovering some of $443 million the firm
claims it lost when it purchased overvalued and non-existent contracts carried on the books of ISC Technologies Ltd. at the time of the merger.
ISC Technologies was one of the companies Guerin had hoped to buy back from Ferranti in the failed $350 million attempt last Spring.
To date, Ferranti has filed more than $1 billion in claims against individuals and companies associated with Guerin, including the international accounting
firm of KPMG Peat Marwick, Guerin's personal and business accountants who vouched for the accuracy of ISC's books internationally.
Guerin has also been named in a $93 million suit by James B. Christian, former president of the defunct Lancaster defense contract firm, United
Chem-Con Corp. Christian has charged that Guerin allegedly masterminded a $16 million fraud within Chem-Con that has sent nine of its top executives
to jail.
Christian is presently serving time in federal prison for his role in the fraud.

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Cheney's top aide indicted; CIA leak

probe continues

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Libby charged on 5 counts, confident he'll be 'totally exonerated'

Saturday, October 29, 2005; Posted: 6:50 a.m. EDT (10:50 GMT)

Special Reports

CNN Pipeline


leak investigation is "not over,"
special prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald said Friday after
announcing charges against I.
Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice
President Dick Cheney's chief of
Fitzgerald said he will be keeping the
investigation "open to consider other
matters." But, he said, "the substantial bulk
of the work in this investigation is
Libby resigned Friday after a federal grand
jury indicted him on five charges related to
the leak probe: one count of obstruction of
justice, two counts of perjury and two
counts of making false statements.
(Charges explained)

Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald

describes the charges Friday.


Reaction to CIA leak indictments
Libby helped shape Iraq policy

Libby said in a written statement he is

"confident that at the end of this process I
will be completely and totally exonerated."
"Today is a sad day for me and my family,"
he said.
"I have spent much of my career working on
behalf of the American people," he said. "I
have conducted my responsibilities
honorably and truthfully." (Quote gallery)
During an afternoon news conference,
Fitzgerald outlined what he called the "very
serious" charges. (See video of Fitzgerald
outlining charges -- 13:50)
"A CIA officer's name was blown, and there
was a leak, and we needed to figure out
how that happened, who did it, why,
whether a crime was committed, whether
we could prove it, whether we should prove
it," he said.
"Given national security was at stake, it was
especially important that we find out
accurate facts."

Do you think indictments are
warranted in the CIA leak probe?
or View Results


Joe Wilson
Dick Cheney
Karl Rove
Lewis "Scooter" Libby

The charges against a high-ranking official

"show the world that this is a country that
takes its law seriously," Fitzgerald said.

or Create Your Own

Manage Alerts | What Is This?

Libby was charged with lying to FBI agents

and to the grand jury about conversations
with reporters. (Read the full text of the indictment)
Libby testified that he heard CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity from Tim Russert of

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NBC News when, in fact, he learned of Plame's identify from other government
officials, the indictment alleged.
"Mr. Libby's story that he was at the tail end of a chain of phone calls, passing on from
one reporter what he heard from another, was not true," Fitzgerald said.
"He was at the beginning of the chain of phone calls -- the first official to disclose this
information outside the government to a reporter -- and then he lied about it afterwards,
under oath and repeatedly," he said.
Libby's attorney Joseph Tate said Fitzgerald concluded Libby did not violate a law that
makes it a crime to intentionally disclose the identity of a covert agent. (Watch as news
of Libby's resignation breaks -- :52)
Tate said in a written statement that Libby is innocent, and he asked that the public not
judge the case until a verdict is returned.
He said he and his client were "dismayed" and "surprised" at the charges, and accused
Fitzgerald of turning "alleged inconsistencies in Mr. Libby's recollection and those of
others" into charges.

White House 'saddened'

Libby discussed Plame's identity in the summer of 2003 with reporters after her
husband, diplomat Joseph Wilson, wrote a highly critical op-ed column in The New
York Times that challenged intelligence used as part of the rationale for the U.S.-led
war in Iraq.
Descriptions of those conversations by reporters say Libby criticized the CIA and
discussed Plame's identity in part to cast doubt on Wilson's accounts in the Times and
elsewhere, the indictment alleged.
The 22-page indictment said Libby -- before discussing Wilson and Plame with
reporters -- discussed them with several people in the White House, identifying them
only by title and alleging no wrongdoing on their part.
They included Cheney, then-press secretary Ari Fleischer, an undersecretary of state
identified by two sources as Marc Grossman and a senior White House official referred
to as "Official A." Two other sources close to the probe said "Official A" is Karl Rove,
President Bush's top political adviser.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said the charges "suggest a
senior White House aide put politics ahead of our national security and the rule of law."
These are so far the only indictments in a nearly two-year investigation. If convicted on
all counts, Libby, 55, could face a maximum of 30 years in prison and a $1.25 million
fine, Fitzgerald said.
Fitzgerald said Libby would not be arrested and refused to discuss any possible plea
deal. Court officials said Judge Reggie B. Walton has been assigned to the case.
The indictment comes at a time of political difficulty for the White House and
Republicans, with the president's approval ratings at a low ebb.
Bush on Friday called the legal proceedings "serious" and said he accepted the
resignation of Libby, who also was an assistant to the president and a national security
adviser to Cheney. (Watch Bush's reaction -- 1:08)
Speaking to reporters at the White House, the president said Libby has "sacrificed
much in his service to this country," and he cautioned that "in our system each
individual is presumed innocent and entitled to due process."
"While we're all saddened by today's news, we remain wholly focused on the many
issues and opportunities facing this country," he said.
Cheney said in a statement that he accepted Libby's resignation "with deep regret,"
calling him "one of the most capable and talented individuals I have ever known."

'No decision'
Rove, who testified four times before the grand jury, was not indicted Friday, but
sources said he is not out of legal jeopardy. (Full story)
Rove's attorney Robert Luskin issued a statement Friday in which he said Fitzgerald
"advised Mr. Rove that he has made no decision about whether or not to bring
"We are confident that when the special counsel finishes his work, he will conclude that
Mr. Rove has done nothing wrong," Luskin's statement said.
The event that triggered the legal and political quagmire was a syndicated newspaper
column by Robert Novak, published on July 14, 2003, about Wilson.
Before Novak's column, Plame's role as a CIA officer was classified and "not widely
known" outside the intelligence community, Fitzgerald said.

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In a written statement, Wilson on Friday called the indictments an "important step in the
criminal justice process."
"It is certainly not a day to celebrate," Wilson said, adding that he and his wife "are
confident that justice will be done."
"Revealing my wife Valerie's secret CIA identity was very wrong and harmful to our
nation," Wilson said. "I feel that my family was attacked for my speaking the truth about
the events that led our country to war."
CNN's Kelli Arena, Dana Bash, John King and Kevin Bohn contributed to this report.
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ABC News Nightline - September 12, 1991

[Ted Koppel] incidentally the function of the senior review panel is to advise one man, the
director of central intelligence. And at least part of the period in question there was an acting
director of the CIA Robert Gates. Well attempt to pull some of these threads together when we
come back.
Commercial Break
[Ted Koppel] When all is said and done, why should your or your representatives in Congress
care, eventually after all President Bush spoke and acted against Sadaam Hussein more forcefully
than anyone could have expected.
[Former President George H. Bush Speech] Were dealing with Hitler revisited, a
totalitarianism, a brutality, that is neglect and unprecedented in modern times.
[Vidoe-Gary Milhollin, Director, The Wisconsin Project] The more we gave Sadaam, the
more dangerous he got. And ultimately we had to go to war to destroy what we sold him.
[Ted Koppel] But its not a question of holding the Bush or Reagan Administrations to account
for having made mistakes with regards to their policies toward Iraq The issue is how those
policies were implemented.
As we reported over the past few months, The Atlanta Branch of an Italian Bank, BNL, was able to
funnel $Billions, some of it in U.S. Credits to Iraqs Military Procurement


The U.S.

Government knew, and turned a blind eye. Sophisticated Military Technology was illegally
transferred from a major U.S. company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (International Signal & Control),
to South Africa,

and Chile, and from there onto Iraq.

The Iraqi borne designer of a chemicals

weapons plant in Lybia, set up shop in Florida, producing and shipping to Iraq chemical weapon

The CIA, FBI, and other U.S. agencies were made aware of the operation and did

nothing to prevent it.

During the 1980s and into the 90s senior officials of both the Bush and Reagan Administration
encouraged the privatization of foreign policy, certainly towards Iran and Iraq. The policy may have

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had merit - but there werent willing or in some instances werent successful in fighting it out in
Capital Hill so they found other ways. They made a mockery of the Export Control System, and
they found ways of encouraging foreign governments to do what our laws prohibited. They even
knew or if not were guilty of the grossest incompetence that U. S. companies were collaborating
with foreign Arms merchants in the illegal transfer of American Technology that helped Sadaam
Hussein build is formidable arsenal.
This week, the CIA again told ABC News Nightline that our allegations over the past few months
regarding covert operations to supply Iraq with U.S. Arms and weapons technologies simply were
not true.
The CIAs Inspector General said a statement from the Agency [On Screen] - Has found to factual
support whatsoever for such an operation or for the involvement of Mr. Gates.
[Ted Koppel] At least one member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bill Bradley of New
Jersey, feels that there may be reason to doubt both those claims, and hell raise the issues next
week during the Gates Confirmation Hearings, next week.

The CIA also told us that its Inspector General has found no evidence of any off-thebooks illegal activity.

But the CIA concedes, off-the-books activities, are not

documented. Precisely so that deniability can be preserved.

One thing is undeniable, this gun sight video of a stealth fighter bomber from the 32nd


Fighter Wing, last February attacking a bomb factory, on the outskirts of Bagdad U.S. Technology
in the air, destroying U.S. Technology on the Ground. The factory was built by Carlos Cardoen.
For all of us here at ABC News, Good night.

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ABC News Nightline - July 1991

[Ted Koppel] Carlos Cardoens role in shipping arms to Iraq has been known for years.


connection with Robert Gates has not. By the mid 1980s Cardoen was the largest private supplier
of weapons to Iraq. In all he has believed to ship a half billion dollars worth of arms and advanced
technologies to Bagdad.

At a factory 500 miles north of Santiago, Cardoen produced tens of

thousands of bombs and other equipment, absolutely essentially to Iraq during its eight year war
with Iran.
The material would be loaded aboard regular Iraqi airway flights flown from Santiago to Bagdad.
Cardoen did not simply ship weapons, he set up entire factories capable of producing bombs and
other explosives the components would be shipped from all over the world and then assembled in
Iraq. One of those factories turned out Cluster Bombs.
As we first reported on the 24th of May, much of the sophisticated military technology that Cardoen
was shipping to Iraq came from the United States.

This company in sleepy Lancaster,

Pennsylvania, is believed to be the source for some of the Cluster Bomb technology. But there was

Nasser Bedouin is also an arms dealer. He acted as a middleman between Carlos Cardoen

and Iraq.
[Nasser Bedouin on Video] I am aware of Carlos Cardoen getting some type of technology
from the air fuel bomb from the United States. I believe Iraq has a viable fuel air explosive.
[Ted Koppel] These explosives are designed to explode just above ground level like miniature
atomic bombs, literally sucking all available oxygen out of the air. It is clear that Carlos Cardoens
special relationship with the United States was not known by all Departments. When the Commerce
Department inquired about that relationship in early 1987, it received a cable from the U.S.
Ambassador to Chile saying although Cardoen is involved with the sale of armaments, and he has
made his fortune from it, he is considered to be a responsible recipient of U.S. products. In fact by
1987, the covert relationship between the CIA and Cardoen was already well established.
In 1983 the Reagan Administration had become alarmed at how poorly the Iraqi military was doing
against Iran. A decision was made at the highest level of Government to begin helping Iraq.

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Indeed ABC News has learned only today, that around that time, in 1983 Ronald Reagan issued a
highly classified Presidential Finding stating that it was important to the National Interests that
arms and technical assistance be covertly funneled to Iraq and with the help of the CIA. More on
the significance of that Presidential Finding in a moment.
What it unleashed was a flood of US help to Iraq. A former CIA operative who was involved in the
program has told us of a series of covert operations, in which loads of 727s were flown into Iraq.
On one such mission in 1987 our source tells us he accompanied a planeload of Soviet built one
hundred twenty-two missiles.

The Soviet equipment was shipped because it would be compatible

with what the Iraqis already had. By 1987, there was at least one such flight a week into Bagdad.
Our former CIA source recalls bringing in $100 dollar bills in a bowling bag, they would also carry
whiskey, cartons of cigarettes and copies of Penthouse magazines to speed up the unloading
process, which usually took place at night.

Once the White House has authorized the Covert

Assistance Program to Iraq, the CIA took over. In effect the former CIA operative told us the covert
operation amounted to here is what we want you to do, and we really dont want to know too much
about how you do it.
Our source tells us that he has at least one meeting in 1986 in Florida between Robert Gates and
Carlos Cardoen, the Chilean Arms Dealer. Other sources have told us of other such meetings. Here
in the United States and in Europe.

Which brings us to an unsolicited statement that was

telephoned in to Nightline from the Central Intelligence Agency almost a month ago on June 17th.
Allegations, the statement read that Robert Gates facilitated illegal shipments to Iraq during the
1980s are totally without basis. Since we had never requested a statement of Mr. Gates, we didnt
know quite what to make of it at the time. But then today we learned of that Presidential Finding,
authorizing the Covert shipment of arms to Iraq.
It would be true then that Robert Gates did not facilitate illegal shipments to Iraq, under the
Presidential Finding, the shipments would have been quite legal.

But during this last set of

confirmation hearings, back in 1987, Robert Gates assured the Senate Confirmation Committee that
he would always keep the Committee current on ongoing covert operations.

Indeed the CIA is

supposed to provide the Intelligence Committee with quarterly reports. According to well-informed
sources on the Committee it has had no briefings on the Covert arms pipeline to Iraq.

That, said

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one Senator on the Committee would be a total breach of trust. What would it do to the Gates
Nomination? I asked. It would probably be enough said the Senator, to derail the Nomination.
Again, an excerpt from Mr. Gates Testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1987:
[Robert Gates 1987 on video] If you cannot have a system in which you can have some
confidence between A the branches of government, and confidence between the senior officials of
the Government, A that they abide by the rules, and B that they will deal with one another
honestly, then I think the system begins to collapse.
[Ted Koppel] Late this evening, the Whitehouse communicated its response to the charges
contained in this report, the Whole story is unfounded.

There were never any sales; covert or

overt to Iraq or Iran through a third country. And Mr. Gates never met with Carlos Cardoen.
Well be back with more, in a moment.
[Ted Koppel] For the viewers, this is Alan Freidman, New York Correspondent for the Financial
Times of London, and a member of the team investigating Robert Gates. Alan Id like to begin by
repeating a statement, and let me put my specs on for a moment, the White House. This story is
unfounded and there were never any sales covert or overt to Iraq or Iran through a third country.
And Mr. Gates never met with Carlos Cardoen.
Ah, ah a fairly carefully drafted statement one would think.
[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial Times of London] Yes Ted, I
think that is right, I would agree with the statement that there were never any sales Iraq through a
third party.

Indeed what we found was that some of the cluster bomb technology and fuel air

technology was given smuggled down to Chile, for use that were used and made and shipped on
through to Iraq.

In terms of the um statement by the White House that there were never any

meetings between Mr. Gates and Mr. Cardoen, we have a number of sources, some of them
personally involved in these operations, one of them who was personally and physically an eye
witness present at a meeting, in Florida, with Mr. Gates and Mr. Cardoen in 1986. And who was
told my Mr. Gates, about other meetings that he had with Mr. Cardoen.

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[Ted Koppel] Now Congressman Gejdenson, I realized that we sort of unleashed an awful lot of
material on you today, but to what degree does this fit in with those thousands of documents that
you subpoenaed with the information that you have?
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] Well we
just got the documents after a several month battle with the Administration to pry them loose and
it took the vote of a subpoena by the subcommittee to start the flow of those documents, but its
certainly consistent with the information that we got with Committee staffs with some of those
people that said they were at those meetings, ah as well.

I think that the important thing to

remember here is that the United States in 1982 under the Reagan Administration took Iraq off the
terrorist list at a time when some of the worst terrorist of the world were being harbored by
Saddam Hussein, and we suddenly changed our policy and continued to keep Iraq off the terrorist
list, enabling the export of dual use, ah items that can be used for dual use from the United States
to Iraq, as well as these sales that went indirectly to Iraq.
So, all through a time when they were harboring terrorists, and they killed 5,000 Kurds in 1988,
and as recent as six days before the invasion of Kuwait, when I and several members of Congress,
tried to stop the subsidy of grain sales to Iraq, the Bush Administration continued to impose any
sanctions against Iraq.
[Ted Koppel] Well of course theres a huge difference between grain sales and the shipment of
entire plants for the building of a cluster bomb factory.
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] Except
for what I think you find is that a pattern by both the Bush and Reagan Administrations to trying to
assist Saddam Hussein.

What we found at one Hearing was a document from the State

Department, ah that said that the United States was ready to sell weapons to Iraq as long as they
were for the personal protection of Saddam Hussein. A policy that ignored all the outrages, a policy
that ignored I think the intent of the Congress and the American People. And that the allegations
that weve gotten from a number of sources seem to be consistent with that. The United States did
everything it could under the Reagan and Bush Administrations to assist Saddam Hussein.
[Ted Koppel] Alan, I know that one of the things that we discovered in our investigations was
and Id like you to elaborate on it a little bit was that frequently there was Federal Agencies, Law

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Enforcement Agencies that was trying to uncover what was going on we found that they were
stymied at every turn. Can you talk about a that a little bit?.
[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial Times of London] Yes I think
that if we look back at other discoveries that we made, you can say that when we found ISC, the
company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, that was, that had cluster bomb technology, shipped down to
Chile that was part of this covert operation for Iraq, we found that the CIA had detailed knowledge
over a period of 4 years of all sorts of shipments from ISC to South Africa, some of which were
later trans shipped to Iraq, we found that Federal Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies were
unable to do anything about it because they just werent told. Likewise, we were just told of the
case that the man that built the Rapta Chemical Weapons plant in Libya, who ah, even though the
CIA were tracking him very carefully here in the United States, was allowed to build a chemical
weapons plant here in Florida, and shipped dangerous cyanide with the help of CIA Contract
Shippers to Iraq.

All of these things were going on and the investigators seem unable to do

anything about any of these things. We seem to have part of the Government trying to investigate,
and part of the Government trying to ship.
[Ted Koppel] Congressman Gejdenson Id like to get your reaction to that and see if your
experiences have been similar in some of the findings that ah or some of the conclusions that you
have reached, but well take a break first and be back in just a moment.
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] Well we
saw it ah from across all of the agencies. We had Dennis Kloskey who was then in charge of export
licensing at Commerce testify before our committee in April that he suggested to Mr. Gates and
others that ah meetings at White House to stop the export of dangerous technologies to Iraq. The
following day ah Mr. Kloskey resigned from the Government. We were told by Mr. Kloskey that the
White House, the people in that room representing the President argued for a policy that assisted
Saddam Hussein in getting dual use technologies. We had Congressman Rose who I know has been
on your show testifying about the grain sales being tied up with funding weapons to Iraq as well.
So across the government, this thing went on. Its hard to believe that somebody like Mr. Gates in
his position didnt know about it.
[Ted Koppel] We are suggesting a lot more that he knew about it. Were suggesting that he was
actively involved in it let me just pass on a little information that we have gathered today, having to

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do with the Confirmation Hearings and was told earlier this afternoon. Alan Fryers, Senior Officer
with the CIA and Clair George are not likely to be testifying voluntarily, indeed Alan Fryers said he
will not be testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The White House, as we have all
heard throughout the day is putting on some pressure to get those Hearings underway before the
August recess, August 2nd, of course, the Senate goes into recess. Ah, and there are indications
now that a week from Monday, indeed the Hearings will begin, Mr. Gates will be asked to testify at
that time, but Ive been also told that there is no way that the Hearing will no way be completed
before the August recess. And that Mr. Gates will be told that he will be recalled again after other
witnesses have testified, after the August recess. So these Hearing now, are destined to go into
[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign Affairs Committee] I think that is
terribly important, because we have to what we have to remember here, unlike other appointees of
the President, what the head of the CIA does is not transparent. If youre the Secretary of Housing,
like Jack Kemp is, and I disagree with one of his programs, not only do I know about it, but the
average citizen knows about what Jack Kemps doing. Sometimes you agree with it and sometimes
you disagree with him.

In the case of the Director of the CIA, as is clear from repeated

experiences, often times even the people in Congress were suppose to know about these activities
are not informed. This has to do with National Security the standard ought not be somebody that
can get by the Hearing process with White House pressure. The White House ought to be with us
on this one, we ought to make sure that we have someone fully discloses what is going on to the
appropriate committees and to Congress. Not someone involved in Iran Contra and not someone
who hasnt told the entire truth. And not someone who is in question about these activities. This
has to be a definitive decision by the Congress, that this individual will come clean with the
Congress and fulfill not just the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law.
[Ted Koppel] Alright, let me just interrupt here for a moment, because were down to our last
minute and a half or so, Alan, it is inevitable in this kind of investigation that you run into a lot of
sleazy characters and I just want to get from you for our audience some sense of how much of the
information that we have compiled here comes from the sleazy characters and how much comes
from the few that we can really rely upon?
[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial Times of London] I think, ah
Ted the important thing to remember here is that we have had all kinds of allegations for the last

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three months when our team has interviewed dozens of people, weve been acidulously cross
checking and weve waited to go ahead with this story until weve had very credible witnesses.
Those who were documented CIA operatives and those who were physically with Mr. Gates during
those meetings, and we asked some of them why would Mr. Gates take the risk and go out and
meet with Mr. Cardoen and get directly involved and get his hands dirty in these operations,
especially as he was deputy director of the CIA at the time himself. We were told that he went out
because he wanted to give his improtore in order to make sure the job got done. Weve talked to a
number of top people and cross checked.
[Ted Koppel] Alright, Alan Friedman thank you very much, Congressman Gejdenson, thank you
very much, Ill be back in a moment.

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Joseph Tate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joseph Tate is an American attorney who has represented Lewis Libby in the CIA leak grand jury
investigation. Tate is a partner with the law firm Dechert, LLP in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He specializes in
defending clients against charges of complex white collar, in particular, anti-trust and other regulatory issues.
Previously, Tate worked in the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice.

1 Education
2 Involvement with the CIA leak grand jury investigation
3 Letter related to CIA leak investigation
4 See also
5 External links

Tate graduated from Villanova University in 1963 and Villanova University School of Law in 1966. He was a
member of the Villanova University Law Review.

Involvement with the CIA leak grand jury investigation

Tate, acting as Lewis Libby's attorney, has spoken publicly about the Libby's involvement in the CIA leak grand
jury investigation. In particular, Tate discussed Libby's connection to the New York Times journalist Judith
Miller. Miller spent 85 days in jail for refusing to disclose the identity of her source, an unidentified government
official. Despite speculation to the contrary, Tate repeatedly denied that Libby was the source that Miller was
protecting. Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, investigating the CIA leak, wrote to Tate on September 12,
2005 to clarify that communication between Libby and Miller would not be obustruction of justice. Fitzgerald
knew that Libby was the government official that Miller refused to discuss. Tate continues to deny that Libby
was Miller's protected source, instead, insisting that a written waiver was provided a year ago. Miller was
eventually released from jail, after Libby contacted Miller by phone with Tate and Miller's attorney's listening.

Letter related to CIA leak investigation

September 12, 2005 Letter from Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to Joseph A. Tate, I. Lewis
Libbys attorney. ( Identifies Libby as the unidentified government
official and encourages Libby to give a personal waiver to Miller, assuring him that communication
between them would not be obstruction of justice.

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Joseph Tate - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia


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See also
CIA leak grand jury investigation
Plame Affair
Judith Miller

External links
Dechert LLP (
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Year of birth missing | Living people | American federal lawyers | Pennsylvania lawyers
This page was last modified 10:34, 19 February 2007.
All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (See Copyrights for
Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a US-registered 501(c)(3)
tax-deductible nonprofit charity.

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. -"



lS 4101

AEV 185


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Guerin arrives
:o testify on
pay dispute
1y Ernest Schwlber
bnd Tlm Mekeel

3ew Era Stafi Writers

n Embattled Lancaster defense
.]contractor James H. Guerin
showed up at a city law office
I today to answer questions about
! a $2.75-million pay dispute with
['hisformer corporate attorney.
It was the first time since SepI tember that the founder and forr mer chairman of International
r Signal & Control Corp. has been
I seen in public.
; Guerin, a tall, husky man, a p
I peared relaxed and at ease as he
c strode into the Cipher Bullding, a
I! half block east of Penn Square, a t
L 9:23a.m.
? He quickly rode an elevator to
.I third-floor law offices, where he
a met the glaring white lights of
\ news cameras when the doors
"Good morning," Guerin said
I to four reporters -two local, two
o from London newspapers
h when he emerged from the elevaI tor in a small office corridor.
He followed that greeting with
v two softly-spoken "no comI ments" to questions, and then a
a second, hearty "good morning."
A smile played across Guenn's
face as he walked. He was acc companied by h ~ sattorney, JOseph A. Tate, and a Tate assist11
Guerin, who built ISC from a
basement enterprise into an in;
ternational conglomerate, is attt
tempting to stop further payE
ments on a $2.75-mlllion severa ance pay agreement he signed inI
March with William A. Clark, hisi
former toplegaladviser at ISC:
The defense company chlelI

James H. Guerin, right, founder of International Signal and Control, walks into a law office il
today. He isaccompanied by his attorney, Joseph A. Tate, of Philadelphia.
paid Clark $1 million in spring $750,000 for Clark's estate in
Court documents 1
1989, but halted payment Of the York County - because, he indicate that be wa:
remainder, claiming that Clark charges, Clark "extorted'' the tion Guerin about
+ lieves the
a secrecy. -~ r o v ~ s l o n o faeremrentfmrrrhiftr.
. ~ -~~
~ .
- - ~- ~
the agreement.
. 7Today's
session was intended
and wh
In addition, Guerin has agrue@'
to allow Clark's attorney, Joseph
in court, he should not be
quired to pay the.
money - $1 million
See GUEl




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Guerin: Sued over secret tapes

Continued fmmA-1
In July 1989, Clark sued Guerin, clainling his
former boss balked after paying $1 mill~onon a
March 28,1989 agreement for compensation owed
him after a five-year tenure with ISC.
Guerin has said Clark violated a secrecy provision of this agreement, rendering the deal invalid.
Tuesday's marathon deposition lasted nearly 12
hours, and Bpda declined comment on what was
Satdaunng the proceedln .
The July suit named ~ i e r i and
n his fomer holding company, Parent Industries Inc., now dolng
business in Austm, Texas,,as Urban Industries
Inc., as defendants in the actlon. Guer~nhad signed
the agreement to include both ISC and Parent Industies as responsible parties.
Urban Industries President Michael A. Peck is
scheduled to give his deposition this morning in
Roda's office.
In the suit, Clark claimed his association with
both currently embroiled m
Guerin and ISC
other legal problems here and abroad - had ruined his professional re tation and caused his
health to be compfomisedW
Guerin immedlatelv countered. savine Clark
had used "extortion i n d coercion" to-secure the
Guerin admitted to making the tapes, but said
the recordings would prove his extortion c l a ~ mand
asked the court to let a jury to decide if Clark
should get the $1.75 million balance or give back
the $1 million he had already received.
IJnder the
Sur. ~state
~ -Wiretannlnn
.. t h and Electronic
veillance Control ~ c t . ~ b oparties
must give their
consent to having ~ r i v a t econversations recorded,
unless the
~~- recordine falls under the ~rovisions
lawenforcement otricers gathering iiformatlon in
the performance oftheirduties.
In the wiretav suit. Clark said Guerin. on at least
two occasions,recorded confidential meetings the
two had in Guerin's ISC office between March 20,
1989, and March28,1989.
Under the civil recovery provisions of the act,
should the jury find in Clark's favor, he could recover actual damages, but those may not be less
than liquidated damages; punative damages; and
reasonable attorney's fees and other costs associated withthe suit, according to the filing.
A violation of the act also constitutes commission of a third degree felony, punishable by up to
seven years in jail andlor a $15,000 fine, according
to Lancaster County DistrictAttorney Henry S.
Kenderdine Jr.
"I am watching the case," said Kenderdine
Tuesday when asked if his office was considerjng
prosecution. "I do not want to take criminal action
(against Guerin) at this time that might interfere
with the civil action pending but, as I said, I am
watching the case."
In October
. .first
" questioned
~ , . 1989,
. when Clark






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lntelligencerJwrnal photo by DanMarsehka

James H. Guer~nand his Phila. attorney, Joseph

Tate, walk up E. King Streetfor lunch Tuesday.
ings that ended on Dec. 4,1989.
It was then Guerin was ordered bv Lancaster
County Judge Michael A. ~ e o r g e l t6
~ sappear for
the deposition by Jan. 15. to provid
the laves and toanswer any and all aues Ions L a r
Tate, to no avail d u r ~ n goral arguements several
days earlier, had t r ~ e dto get Georgelis to postpone
the depositions or, at thevery least, limit Clark's
auestionine to the issue of the agreement. savine
Guerin fac;d possible criminal &arges and&ula
not defend the civil suit without compromising his
criminal defense





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Guerin is expected
to testify ~uesday
?ewn mEraMekeel
James H.Guerin is scheduled to give preliminary testimony Tuesday in his $2.75 million severance dispute with his former corporate
If Guerin appears, it would be the first time his whereabouts have
been established since September.
Guerin. the founder of International Signal & Control, is disputing
the validity of the deal with William A. Clark, formerly its vlce
president and general counsel.
Guerin's deposition is set for 9:30 a.m. in the office of Clark's
S m s i o n is closed to the
attorney, Joseph F. Rod? 36
.- E. King
was scheduled in December at the order of Judge
Michael A. Georgelisof Lancaster County Common I'leasCourt.
Geargelis denled Guerin's bid to ha\.e the session delayed. pending
resolutl'on of ~ossiblecriminal charges aaainst him. and denied his lolimit questionsstr~ctlyt o t h c a g k n e n t .
In court papers. Hoda has indicated he \ r i l l ask Guerin about issues
currmll\. under investigation b?' British and American authorltlcs.
becauseihey relate toGierln's stateof mlnd whcn he signed thedcdl
lnternatlonal Signal is being prubcd for posslblecontract fraud and
~llevalexDorts. Nocharges hare been fllcd
But Guerin
is beine sued bv International Signal's merger Dartner.
~Ferranti, torallegcdly participating ina $331)nilllion cont?acifraud.
Guerin's whereabouts have been a mystcry slncr. news 01 thc frautl
broke in Se~tember.Though he has homes in Naples. Fla.. and Lancaster. f r b r k ~~nattemnts
t ~ . . 6v
- toreach hiin ha've been unsuc~.
cessful He reportedly has been t ; a v e l ~ nabroad.
In court DaDers. Guerin has said Roda's questioning \rill force him
to choose between defending himself against Clark and asserting his
constitutional right against self-incrimination. thereby posslbly losing to Clark.
Guerin also has said that answers to Roda's questions could "expose facts" that could hamper his defense against possible criminal
Tuesday's deposition is the latest development in seven months of
legal jousting between Clark and Guerin.
Clark signed the deal March 28 with Guerin and Parent Industries
Inc., at that time Guerin's holding company.
Guerin paid $1 million of the agreement. then balked at paying the
rest. Clarkstartedcourt proceedingslast July to collect the balance.
Guerin contends that Clark used extortion and coercion to obtain
the deal, and broke a secrecy provision in it. so the deal is void.
Guerin also claims that he has audiotapes of Clark that prove extortion was used.
Clark denies he used extortion to win the deal. He argues that it is a
legitimate agreement to compensate him for unfulfilled financial
Parcnt Industries Inc. presldenl Michael A. Peck is schcduled for
de~ositlonWednesdas. Peck bought
- Parent Industries Inc from Gutriliin September. In other developments today:
Ferranti is expected this week to report a loss of at least $8
million for the six months ended Sept. 30, in part because of the
restructuring costs from the fraud, said The Guardian newspaper.
The French firm Thomson-CSF is unlikely to complete a rescue
bid for Ferranti before Ferranti's Feb. 5 deadline, The London Times









Page 10 of 37


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Document: 003112129707

Page: 118

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

Guerin sued for secret tapes


Page 11 of 37



... .....

r l ' U C l i l l iilJlllOri[l
' -..: .'.
criminal charges have been
: ; ;1 $
;lCase: 15-3400 Document: 003112129707 Page: 119
Date Filed: 11/13/2015
Guerin has steadfastlv" denied
"illegal" products
any wrongdoing.
a former Ferranti financial official
looking at whether
Guerin's attorney. Joseph A.
products were ship
Tate, said this week it is impossibiled military purp
ble to provide a detailed rebuttal
h r.~a
~- .. t.
to the fraud allegations because
of the ongoing criminal investi- suit as Lerwick Holdings S.A. ifying the French Mirage fightcr ranti bcgan raisi
gation. He said he cannot allow Marwick, an outside auditipg jet that would carry the missiles, about the Tech Ltc
Guerin to present his explanation firm that regularly checked In- the missiles were not shipped to ments from South i
a sudden halt.
of the alleged fraud. Nor, hesaid, ternational Signal's figures, took the Middle East kingdom.
Ferranti has wri
is there anyone who can steps to verify thecontract.
Turning that delay to its advanFerranti auditors and officials tage, Tech Ltd. signed the UAE $50 million that it
knowledgeably give Gucrin's
even visited Pakistan, where to a contract for a more sophistiside at present.
Shireman, the Marietta man they interviewed a man believed cated version of the Hakim, and
Fcrranli-is cxnec
who was head of finance at Tech to be Major Gen. Talat Masood, sold, or supposedly sold, the old
Ltd.. was out of town this week then in charge of Army ord- missiles to the People's Republic
and could not be reachedfor com- nance, and received satisfactorv of China.
Durine those
ment on the detailed fraud ac- answers to their questions, iimFerranti
and the 0th
count. His attorney didnot return pany officials say.
from Peat Manvick ins~ected
will have an oppo
The alleged fraud began to un- portions of the old mi~silc
The other two employees ravel as Guerin left the company orwhat they though1 a a s t h c mis- fend themselves
explanation (
named in the suit, Radcliife of in May to organize a Leveraged sile order, in a warehouse in 19nh. their
Lancaster, and Resch, of San
But afte'r the missiles were
Meanwhile, the c
Clemente, Calif., have declined several divisions - including shipped from the warehouse, tigation
into Intet
comment on their lawyers' ad- TechLtd. -to hisownership.
they vanishcd. Private investigaThat deal collapsed when Gue- tors hired by Ferranti to find nal's business deal
vice. Radcliffe has told the Brituing.
ish court that he intends to o p rin was unable to get financing, them have beenunsuccessful.
Federal author?
after being turned down by Drexpose Ferranti's lawsuit.
are working "in c
Ferf the three losses idention" with their cc
tified by Ferranti, the ranti itself. Had the buyout been tee meeting, however, Sir Derek Britain's Serious :
fictitious "Khyber
congratulated Guerin on the sale Taking part in the
Pass" contract was the alleged contract fraud might of
the missiles, which were then U.S. Attorney's 01
by f a r the most dam- not have come to light.
Project Alpha, one Department, IRS,
aging. accounting for about $250
and other agencies.
something was amiss came when
~ 1 1 l i k othe
f totdloss.
The contract, brought to the
company in late 1986 by Guerin of consistency on dates on con- are today, Ferranti says it had to
swallow a loss on them totaling
nersonall\~.called for delivery of tract documents.
about $100 miltion.
discrepanbroductiin systems for at least
The final shortage discovincorrect date
three missile systems - air-to- cies came to tight in summer, ered by Ferranti financial inves- theAnspeech
compaair, air-to-ground and ground-tonies abruptly were dissolved. At tigators is the smallest - under Richard Scott will
$50 million - and the simplest to Lancaster Histori
was month's end, payments on the understand.
Tech Ltd.'s S U.D. D O S ~role
about his escape frc
altogetht u pnll the pieces together. in this
Since the late 1970s. Ferranti prisoner of war ca
rase buyins h;~rd\vareand tech- e..r. ~
Ferranti officials now are con- officials say, Tech Ltd. and its rect day is Tuesdaj
n o l o ~ from
South Africa. and asvinced
the Pakistan1 contract predecessor ISC companies had New Era regrets the
sembling the systems for resale
been selling large volumes of
wasenttrely f~ct~ttous.
to Pakistan.
electronics - integrated cirJoseph C. Kauff
Its contract called for supply of
cuits, antennas and other hightooling, technological "how-to" were all controlled by Guerinand tech communication equipment been re-appointed
ship roadmaster by
data, test facilities and missile had no ties to the CIA or South
to South Africa, a nation supervisors. A stor
prototypes, all supplied by an
The contract managers, a shunned by many U.S. eorpora- day's New Era inco:
arms subsidiarv of BarlowFerranti official says. tions because of its racial segre- that another towr
Rand, a South ~ j r i c a ncorporahad been named to
simply posing in that gationpolicies.
tion, and a second as-yet unidenThose. sales were based on New Era regrets thc
tified company.
The major general either was
Even by Tech Ltd.'s normal another impostor, paid by the
standards for high secrecy, the Perpetrators, or was a genuine rll
"Khyber Pass" contract had ex- official mistakenly responding to
ccptionalsecurity safeguards.
questions about a different misFirst, it was not accompanied sile project, company officials
a bank's now suspect.
by a letter of credit
guarantee that Tech Ltd. would
All the known contract docube paid. Supposedly, Pakistan ments were fabricated for the auobjected to such a letter, fearing ditors' benefit, a former Ferranti
news of the deal might
- leak official says, Other documents
through the bank.
that would have supported a real
Second, Pakistan's payments contract are nowhere to be found.
Clutches Billfolds- French
were routed indirectly to Tech
"If you'rean accountant, evRoute 340 o n The P l a ~ n& Fancy Far
Ltd. through a Swiss bank ac- erything is there for you. But the
O p e n Dally 9-5,Frl 9-8. Closed Sun 7~
count managed by a front compa- only paper is what was generated
ny. identified in Ferranti's law- for the financial people." another h











$,irkel's o f New Y




Page 12 of 37


necords seized at
local home aid probe
of Guerin-South Africa

Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707


Records seized at the local

home of James H. Guerin's
brother-in-law are helping federa1 investigators unravel International Signal & Control's alleged
illegalshipments toSouthAfrica,
The Wall Street Journal reported
According to the Journal, investigators searching the East
Petershurg home of Carl E.
J a e k o n - Guerin's -hr
Ew - mmUnd records of a company named Gamma Systems Associates.
The house was being searched
on another case, the fraud investigation at United Chem-Con
Corp., when investigators found
those records and recognized
what they had stumbled across,
the Journal said.
"Gamma. which had mailing


Page: 120

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

addresses in New York City and

Belgium, t
n t~ one bt
shell companies
used in Mr. Guerin's alleged
South XlWmn smugglln
The Journal article also noted
that Guerin, in past years. had
cooperated with the CIA and apparently was well-known in the
intelligence agency. The Journal
Guerin's ISC firm, with the
backing of the Central Intelligence Agency, once intended to
sell listening equipment to South
Africa that would track the Soviet Navy. But the plan was scuttled by the Carter Administration.
Federal investigators first
probed ISC's dealings with South
Africa 'in the late 1970s. when

Page 13 of 37

8.r OUERIN, Page A-5


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 121

Date Filed: 11/13/2015




Judge delays hearing in Guerin-Clark dispute over c;



- A federal judge
the rwuest
t am
l l,
si I
a t h e y lo

a legal
William A. Clark's Washin--baed
atfaney Barnet D. SLolnik, asked US.
Dlltrict judge Edward N. Cahn lodelay

hist*timm~inthed~lmatterbee~useIndusbien Ine. was l m n by federal

there are ponsible criminal charge. pmsecutars in karch 1990 under prwiwndingagainstbim.
The m i b t e charge. stem from a
fraud inv-tigalan
a i l e by
~ l the
U.S. Justice
at the rne,meltepvernmentbe~ieees~~ark
earh thmu h hisongolng mimmalenterl a m e r Lanoaster delemmtractar'~ newabout.
current owner. F-anti
M i t a n t US. AUorney Roben E ,
Caldman tald the mart Clark remains
~ o f ~ !a~l sa fr ~mesr~oi ef lstocr ec rh tnr ae l+
u d -o! the tar ets 01 an ongoing g a n d
jury mvetiga?ion. and faces possible
The money earmarked f a Clark char esolbiachail;erimi~Immpirawhichvanbein h e l d l n ~ u e r i o ' s m u d ~ey: tecurities and Exchange Commirfund -rial Llding mmpany, Parent .ion uiolations; tax w a s l a ; and money


Page 14 of 37

lavnderingfrn hisalie edroleinanmter.

nrt>onat fraud federayagents have -id
Skolnlk argued that lor Clark to p r w
h a ronstltutianai
he urauldgbe
n hl

because the m e y wovl
by t h e p r e v i o ~ e a v r t
la ri hlfully
that theburd,

unable to testify in thcclvrlmatterwith- r e s ~ d w i i f ~ l a r k . ~

his d w u
wassearching for.,balar
$ h i d Clarkchto tatify.Skolnik tw.havingmreal mnce,
sad any testimony Clark did e v e might of
the funds -use
well beusedagainsl hirnrhouIdmim1~1 court ~ u m i ~ i in
r n



Assi~tantUS. Attorney Sania C. Jai-



Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 122

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

I Guerin vs. Clark 'blackmail' tapes revealec

; $2.7 million paid to destroy harmful data?

T ."d,rn
I New 618 S1a" Wl#lers


Ferrantl tnternacmnnl ,oftl.

e l r l r made public Wcdncsclrv
01 taped cunrr.rs8d
Lions that they say hely prove
that former rnrp,rr.l,c rt,<>mry
li Willism A Clark wnr black^
il mailmg executive Jamcs H

F e r r a n l i attorneys liled the

trsnseriptS i n p r ~ p a r a t i " " lor r
court hearing Friday l o consid.
~r the r o m p m y ' s r l n l n l that $2
milliOnof a l l r g d hush monryseized b y the govcrnmcnt beforeitcould bc paid-should be


he lrling appears to bc part



JlrdscEdward N Cahnol All<,>

town that C i r i k has no vaild
c l a m tothe money
An rtlorney l o r Clark dzo l s s l r a l e g y loconv~ncelcddrdl

It 1141hYear-No.35,653

Guerin: 'distorted' TV report causing pai

other fornlur ISC rxrrll

are r.ceir,,,i: Lllrealcnln,
harasr#ne phnnc r r l l s 11,
l e C t l ~1" 21112111 l n a C C l l r l
James H Gvurln today of^
p"r,ine '
1 , ~ " df r r s h cvidenrclha, h l s l n ~
s;ud (hat t l i r trcl
tcrnational Stgnal& Control d ~ d
not illegally sail the kmlw-how
gy lor thc Alnerlciln r
bomb, known o r t h r Rnrkc
for building the r l u s l c r bombs
freely a v a l i r b l s waridu,$d
that have ended up in Saddam
Guerln noted that the Ca
and I r a q i r r r s i o n s arc sul
c u e r i n was reacting ta a re,,ally d!flcnnt --and l n f r l
w r l F r l d a y b y ABCnewamagatothe Hockeye.
alneZOI20, r h l c h r a i d federalxn'(The Rocklye war d"l
uestigatnm believe ISC illegally
over 30 years ago. i t s c
sold cluster-bomb plans to Carpackage is prshahiy in
10s Cardoen, a Chilean arms
C",un,rr of tho world ,ha,
Cardoen t h e n m a d e the
Cucrin a r i d he I k r m r d I
bombs and sold them Lo I r a q .
N a l y eaptaln in 19i'Jor 191
said M i M . Those weapons now
Hugh Downs, said theshow has the~oekeyerpclfirrcl,,n
pose a deadly threat to U S . caused hxs famdy "unwarrsnt- ,.auailablc to
i n l h r Persian Calf
"MY w;ie and I,as well as




ciuer,,1 sags he dcrpeialely

w;~ntrdto know thosc packages
ha"% beel, deitroyed, so he can
y* ao,1Inlph,'r SIC""




Page 15 of 37




Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 123


Date Filed: 11/13/2015

PEB /--

7/ / F ? /

Continuedfrom A-1
In the acquisition, Ferranti
~-~ used
"The one thing I will look for savs. "Guerin and others
you to do, Bill, after we close this faise' contracts to overstate the
out, is ...(that) you look me in the value of ISC by at least $350 mileye and you say, I've destroyed lion, and Fcrranti officials relied
those packages," Guer~nsays. on those material misrepresentaClark assures his boss that after tions in agreeing to (a) stock
he gets his last payment, he will swap."
"take a trip, and I don't mean a
Ferranti says it is entitled to
vacation trip.
get the money back because it
"And when I get back from that was "illegally obtained propertrip, I will tell you that I have ty" that Guerin had no right to
been to certain places, and I have give toClark.
recovered the packages that are
The court testimony of an IRS j
there, and I have destroyed agent last May shows that $1.3
million of the funds were direct
them," Clarksays.
"I will take a book of matches results of the ISC swindle, Ferand they will be done away ranti says.
Another $700,000, it says, was
with," hesays.
Guerin testified here in Janu- illegally diverted from an ISC :
ary 1990 that Clark had attempt- subsidiary.
ed to extort $2.75 million from
Clark is not entitled to the
him, using 11 packages of al- funds, the company says, belegedly damaging information cause he knew the money was
tainted and used that knowledge,
about Guerin and his associates.
to force payments from Guerin.
The packages
"What Clark had in mind was
of arms
to South Africa, conflicts of inter- blackmail, not settlement of real i
est and cheating on government or imagined grievances about his
contracts, Guerin said.
employment," Ferranti charges
Clark's demand for money in its filing.
came during delicate financial
negotiations when Guerin was attempting to buy back a portion of
Guerin believed the packages
particularly those alleging
Guerin had inflated its financial
worth would have scuttled the
Clark suggested masking the
payments as a severance agreement in which he left the company due to health problems and
promised not to "bad mouth" the
company. Guerin agreed.
In Anril and Mav of 1989. while
the buiback negoiiations were in
progress, Guerin p a ~ dClark $1
million, according t o court documents.
But after the negotiations collapsed, Guerin stopped further
payment. Clark sued for the r e
mainder. and Guerin set it aside
in- a hankescrow
- ---- - ...- - account
..-- -.
In Wednesday's filing, however, Ferranti, which in 1987 had
acauired Guerin's International
~ i d n a l & control cornoanies.
claims that -ieitht.r Guerin nor
t the money.
Clarkhad any r ~ g hto
Since autumn 1989, the companv has claimed that Guerin and
ISC management vict~mizedit in
what its attorneys now call "a
Page 16 ofconspiracy"
truly stupendous




Clark, Guerin

Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 124

Continued from Page One

Date Filed: 11/13/2015


After Guerin and asso-

jury that is investigating ISC

ciate Michael A. Peck
with documents that other ISCofficials balked at sending, be'purged' a file containcause they were too damaging,
ing documents revealthe agent confirmed.
After Guerin and associate Miing wrongdoing by
chael A. Peck "purged" a file
United Chem-Con, it
containing documents revealing
wrongdoing by United Chemwas Clark who reproCon, it was Clark who reproduced and replaced
duccd and replaced those items,
O'Callaahan said.
those items, O'Cal( ~ u e r y nowned 20 percent of
Chem-Con. Twelve others have
laghan said.
been charged with wrongdoing in
a defense contract fraud there.)
~- invest.
Clark also sent the grand. jury shareholders- to
So they went to Clark for help.
one of his memos, which quotes
ISC executive Donald Peterson wondering what liability they
as saying that ISC and Chem-Con miaht face. Clark in turn went to
exchanged false invoices to ~ e i s l e r .
"We are doubtful that the con"make sales look better and collect proper payments from the duct of Deitch or Liddick to the
present date could result in perDefense Department."
civil or criminal liability,"
i fellow ISC executive CarlDreyer Kessler replied.
"However, (they) can and
took part in the scheme, which
should scrupulously avoid particwas started in 1978.
The scheme also served to ipation in the making of misleadmake ISC appear to be a bigger ing representations to parties
company when it went public in outside the company." he said in
his response.
1982,according to the memo.
ISC financial officers "should
While Clark was aware of these
exercise great caution in the
~ . : ~ u he
~ was not a p a r t of
, Guerin's inner circle, said O'Cal- months ahead. They should continue to raise questions, should
Guerin himself told the agent consider documenting their acthat he did not rely onClark's ad- tions and should scrupulously
vice and excluded Clark from avoid acts which would indicate
sensitive discussions - actions complicity," Kessler advised.
which frustrated and irritated
the attorney.
Along that line, Clark told ISC
colleagues that he gave advice to
keep the company clean, but
Later discovered that his advice
was not followed, the agent
A striking example of Clark's
efforts was his contact with a
Washington, D.C., law firm for
advice on handling- auestionable
ISC contracts.
~ response
The ~ e b r u a r1988
from attorney Judd L. Kessler,
submitted to the court as evidence, reveals how the questionable contracts caused internal
j turmoil.
The letter recounts how James
Deitch, then controller of ISC
Group Inc., and Michael Liddick,
then its treasurer, had apI' proached Clark for advice.
They long had suspected that
ISC's financial portrayals were
"less than accurate."
I Their feelings were fueled by
an August 1987 letter from ISC's
; outside auditors (Peat Marwick),
THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP in which the auditors criticized
Page 17 of 37









Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 125

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

Court told attorney Clark

z-/ to stop ISC 'crooks'


by Tim Mekeel
and Ernest Schreiber
hew Era Slafl Wr ters

had removed, theFBI agent said.

O'Callaghan's testimony came
in a federal court hearing over
the settlement of a severance
PHILADELPHIA - The for- deal for Clark.
mer top attorney a t International
Clark signed the deal with GueSignal & Control regularly did
the right thing when he encoun- rin and his personal holding comtered wrongdoing inside the com- pany, Parent Industries Inc.
pany, an FBI agent conceded Gcerin later established a $2 million escrow account to cover payhere Wednesday.
ment of the deal.
William A. Clark, formerly
But on March 28, the U.S. AtISC's vice president and general torney's Office won a federal
counsel, tried to steer ISC execu- court order freezing the account
tives away from illegal actions and blocking the payouttoClark.
and made "extra efforts" to asThe federal prosecutors arsist federal investigators, said gued that Guerin earned the
Special Agent Gerard O'Cal- money through racketeering and
fraud, so the money was forfeitUnder cross-examination by able to the government.
Clark's lawyer, O'Callaghan conClark likewise was not entitled
firmed that Clark even hired an to it, since he knew that it was
outside law firm to advise ISC fi- earned by criminal schemes, and
nancial officers on how to re- he used that knowledge to extort
spond to questionable ISC con- the deal from Guerin, the protracts they had uncovered.
secutors said.
Clark went as far as to replace
In the two-day hearing, the
incriminating documents that U.S. Attorney's Office is seeking
ISC founder James H. Guerin to extend the freeze by 90 days.


Page 18 of 37

Clark wants to liftthe freeze, and

get his $1.76 million share of the
escrow account.
Judge Thomas O'NeiU did not
indicate when his ruling will
Wednesday Aorning ~ u n
O'Callaghan, in response to questions by Assistant U.S.Attornej
Robert E. Goldman. relatine nu
merous times when ~ l a r re
ferred to Guerin and his col
leagues a s "criminals ant
But in the afternoon, unde
cross-examination by Clark's at
torney Charles D. Sheehy, thc
FBI agent confirmed other as
pects of Clark's conduct.
It was Clark who called to Gue
rin's attention the illegality o
reimbursing ISC employees wh
attended a fund-raiser for presl
dential candidate Alexande
Haig, saidO'Callaghan.
It also was Clark who made a
"extra effort" to supply a gran,

See CLARK, Page A4


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707
Page: 126

Date Filed: 11/13/2015


TELEPHONE 17171 3 9 7 - 3 7 9 1


July 22, 1987

Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone

554 Berkley Road
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
Dear Stan:
Enclosed is our statement for services and costs for
July 1, 1987 through July 7, 1987, and an itemization of the
services and costs involved.

Joseph F. Roda

JFR: dlb


Page 19 of 37


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 127

Date Filed: 11/13/2015


L A N C A S T E R . P E N N S Y L V A N I A 17602

J u l y 22, 1987








H ours

C o n f e r e n c e s w i t h S. C a t e r b o n e ;
telephone c a l l f r o m J .
Jamouneau, E s q . ; l e t t e r t o
R. K a u f m a n .


Telephone c a l l s t o and f r o m S .
C a t e r b o n e and f r o m R . K a u f f m a n .


L e t t e r f r o m R. K a u f f m a n .


Page 20 of 37


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 128

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

3 0 1 C I P H E R B U I L O I N G 36 E K l N G STREET



July 22, 1987


~ i the
period July 1, 1987
through July 7, 1987:
Copying costs
Long distance telephone





Page 21 of 37


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 129

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

Santa Barbara P s y c h i a t r i a c
(805) 964-6713
Therapist Gerry Eckrosh
Cottage Hospital
Pueblo & Bath S t r e e t s
Santa Barbara, CA
Place of Death
John Carpenter
Santa Barbara, CA
Coroner/ Signed Report

McDemott-Crockett Funeral Home

Santa Barbara, CA
(805) 569-2424
Recieved Body on 12/26/84

Kenneth L. Nelson, County Counsel

Daniel D. Baer, Deputy County Counsel
105 E. Anapamu S t .
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
P u b l i c Guardian
Alvarez Board & Care
2127 D e l a Vina
Santa Barbara, CA
Place he l i v e d i n p a s t 12 months
Mike Denamey
Mental Health
(805) 963-7101 (805) 964-6713
Associated with Public Guardian
Mary Caterbone
1550 Book Rd.
Lancaster, PA 17603
Was c o n t a c t by Lampeter P o l i c e 12/26/84
2:W pm

Dept L .R. G i l l e s p i e
Santa Barbara, CA
(805) 967-5561
P o l i c e contact from Santa Barbara
B i l l McCord
never made c o n t a c t t o family
West Lampeter P o l i c e
Contacted Mary Caterbone 12/26/84 @2:00 pm
Charles F. Snyder, Jr.
Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home
414 E. King S t .
Lancaster, PA
Handled a l l arrangements f o r b u r i a l
contacted on 12/26/84 @ 8:00 pm
Mental Health Association
No information


Page 22 of 37


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 130

Date Filed: 11/13/2015


TELEPHONE (717) 397-3791


February 5, 1 9 8 5

M r . S t a n l e y J. C a t e r b o n e
433 W e s t Marion S t r e e t
L a n c a s t e r , P A 17603

Dear S t a n :
A t J o e ' s r e q u e s t , I am r e t u r n i n g t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t
you s e n t t o u s r e g a r d i n g your b r o t h e r ' s e s t a t e .

With b e s t r e g a r d s ,


j e a n R . Grace
Legal A s s i s t a n t

J R G :m l h



Page 23 of 37


Case: 15-3400


Document: 003112129707

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Page: 131

Date Filed: 11/13/2015


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707


Attorney General

Page: 132

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

State of California
PFO. BOX 944255

SACRAMENTO,CA 94244-2550

January 14, 1992

(916) 322-3360
CA TOLLFREE 1800) 952-5225
or CA TOLLFREET D Y (800) 952-5548

Stan Caterbone
615 Wyncroft Lane, #2
Lancaster, PA 17603
Dear Mr. Caterbone:
Thank you for your recent letter to Attorney General Dan
Lungren dated October 23, 1991 regarding your brother, Samuel
Catebone .
Unfortunately, this office does not have the authority to
initiate an investigation into your brother's death. Only the
County of Santa Barbara can conduct such an investigation. If
you wish to pursue the matter, we suggest that you contact the
Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office at: 1105 Santa Barbara
Street, Santa Barbara, California, 93101 or the Santa Barbara
Coroner's Office at: P.O. Box 6427, Santa Barbara, California,
You may also want to request that the local police
department conduct an investigation. You may contact the Santa
Barbara Police Department at: 215 East Figueroa, Santa Barbara,
California, 93102. We hope we have been of assistance to you.
Again, thank you for contacting the office of Attorney
General Dan Lungren.


Public Inquiry Unit

GP :cpc


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L'ancadzt, P a .

December 27, 1984

Date ................................................


Name ..........................Samuel...A ... C a t e r b................................................................................................................................................................

Date of Death

Hour ....................................
Cottage Hospital - Santa Barbara CA
Santa Barbara County
............................................. .... ................................... .............................................. Twp. ..................................................................


Place of Death

2434 Bath St. {I 205

Santa Barbara, CA

Residence No.


.................... ......
(Town, Village or City)
(Length of Residence)

Date of Birth .....J a e .........................



............... Age ..........3.5............................





Lancaster Pa.
(City. Town or Township)
Color or
Single, Married
Race ..............................
................ or Widowed ................................................................................................

Sex ................................................

If Married or Widowed,
Husband of (or) Wife of (Maiden Name)

Samuel Caterbone
Father's Name ......................................................................................
Deceased Occupation ........................unemp.loyed...........

Employer ................................................................. ;...................................

Length of Employment ....................................................................

183 40 2503
Social Security Account No. .......................................................

Physician ....John...Ga.~pen.&r:.~c~x~~e.~:


Cause of Death ........................lunder....i.nvestiaatianS

Suicide-hung self with belt

Length of Illness

ter....lengthy....1 lness

sf anley..J.,...C.aferb.0.n~





Asphyxlatlon; igature strangulation

1 17 / Q q



Yolanda Roda Caterbone

Mother's Maiden Name ..................................................................

f . ~ . r & . g . . ,20
f ~ 7603)

299-5958 W

433 Marion St :............................................................................................................

Lancaster Pa. 17603
Phone .........................................................

Place of Viewing CEST;TH.......................cC1.c?se.d

Sat. 12/29/84
Date of Viewing ....................


1O:OO am
.CFSFH St. Joseph's Church
please omit Mental Health Assn. Inc.
Place of Funeral ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sat. 12/29/84
11:OO am

Date of Funeral ..........................................................................................

Time ..................................................................................................................

St. Joseph's Catholic

Cemetery ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Grave No.


No. ................................



NZ.25.................................... Section No. ...................................................

Lot Owner ....................................................................................................................................................... Permit No. ......................................................

Lawrence C. Gross

Services to be Conducted by Rev. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

Page 26 of 37

Phone .........................................................

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Document: 003112129707

SURVIVORS : List in order with address-Husband

Sisters, Children, Grandchildren and any others

Page: 134

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

omit flowers. Donations

or Mrife, Father, blother,

11 be sent to Me Mental H
, AsKL~~~OII
Inc. of Lanc

Counh 6H)Janet ~ v e .L.

I caster.'~a. 17601. ~ h a d n
Snyder Funeral Home Iin charge of arrangement

Miami Fla
2. ............................... bro:....S t e ~ k n . . ...................................................................................................................................................................................
Stanley J.
3. .............................................................................................................................................................
.~ .....................................................................
Phillip W.



k ....................................................................................


Thomas W.
7. ..............................paternal ...granhthe.~.:


9 ......................................................................................................................................................................................
10. ......................


11. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

12. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
13. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


; son of Samuel-Caterbone.ahd.Y
14. ................................................................................................................................................................................................, .landahRhoda. Caterbope,"bo$
: :J+ancaster;i{i,:
x,;?.;:.t - ?: ;
15. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ,i+; .. He. was. ,,thl;:U$i Air,Force;
. .
Lodge or Soaetles.................................................................................................................................................


St. Joseph's
Church Affiliations .........................................................................................................................................................


U.S. Air Force, Vietnam

M~litaryRecords ............................................................................................................................................................

-uRF//sj.6?Le...? ...
.*...@./ 48..


Funeral Notices in : Local-Out


of Town ..................................... ............................................................

Telegrams and Telephone Calls .......................................................................................................................

Pall Bearers

. . . . . .


Family to Select Casket


Approximate Size of Viewing

Prayer Cards



Funeral ........................................................... Flowers


Memorial Records Ordered

McDermott-Crockett F. H. 1903 State St. Santa Barbara

they w i l l b i l l us for $460.40. 0.k.
S & M Jefferson #6720


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I 1 C . LAST


2 A . D A T E O F D E A T H (MONTH. DAY. VEARI 1 2 8 . noun

., . ..: . .
. . .
a .

. .. . .





.. . .


. .. .< .


.. ,;. .. .
.... ... ... ...
. .. . .. .
.. ,.. .. .. ..
.. .... ..... ....
. .. . . .
.. . . .


S t a n l e y Caterbone ( b r o t h e r )

i S a n t a Barbara

Cottage H o s ~ i t a l

22. D E A T H W A S C A U S E D BY.

433 Marian S t r e e t


I Lancaster,



















l 2 8 B







2 6


25 WAS 010PSY H M O ~ M L O ?







IN 2 2 A




C O N M T I O N ~ . IC ANY.



( E N T E R O N L Y O N E C A U S E P E R L I N E F O R A. E. A N D C )















-C r n

.. '... . . .

. .......
.- .. . .. . ..

1 2 1 ~C

I Santa

P u e b l o @ Bath S t r e e t s

( '


F ?F!?



. . .'.:. .. . ,.. .
... -.... ,
.. .. .. . .. .. .
. . .- ..':
. .:*





1 F.

V E l 1 0-831


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1927L .OCI.L

Santa Barbara County

2434 Bath Street, 1205, Santa Barbara, CA



..HcDermot t -Croc k e t t9--.-




Cottage H o s p i t a l pers-1,







Nurse Pzxton

~ ~ c o r n ~
o roc lm~ s . o i

(rarr. amo-..s.










o v n m m u.-CT:



m~l. . ~

1001 Roble Lane, S.B.

Sal 1y Rodriguez

Marv Caterbone/Grandmothq_


i n person

. - .

.., Lancaster


Coclnty PA,
--Pol ice..

, Telepype

Refer t o c o n t i n u a t i o n





Page 29 of 37

T" *.ro*.



1228 Hrs.

, 12-26-84/1228

U ~ C O ~
u n~ r I-1




Case: 15-3400



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- 84 - 543




Document: 003112129707

$9.00 i n cash, I.D. misc. papers, w a l l e t , c l o t h i n g .

B e l t booked as Coroner




None Found.

26C: 1 a r r i v e d a t Cottage H o s p i t a l t o f n v e s t i g a t e the death o f M r . Caterbone, and


contacted paramedic,Don Barkas.


8204 a t 1835 hrs. and saw Caterbone hanging from a hook on t h e i n s i d e o f t h e

bathroom door, b y a be1 t.





Karkas s a i d t h a t he a r r i v e d a t 2434 Bath St.,

The hanging v i c t i m was n o t b r e a t h i n g and he was

pulseless, a c c o r d i n g t o Barkas, however, t h e r e was s l i g h t p u p i l reaction.

Paramedics lowered t h e v i c t i m and i n i t i a t e d CPR w h i l e t r a n s p o r t i n g t o Cottage

H o s p i t a l E.R.

Emergency l i f e saving measures continued u n t i l 1914 hrs. when

Dr. Gayou determined t h a t t h e v i c t i m was dead.

I b r i e f l y examined the v i c t i m

and noted a d i s c o l o r e d 1" wide mark around t h e v i c t i m ' s neck.

The mark

appeared h i g h e r near t h e l e f t cheek and then lower dr0und t h e t h r o a t and t h e

back o f t h e neck.


I checked t h e v i c t i , n ' s head f o r any o t h e r trauma and found none.




no o t h e r s i g n s of trauma on t h e v i c t i m ' s body.

o r r i g o r mortis.



There was no evidence of P K

I recovered the b e l t used i n the hanging and submitted i t

t o t h e Coroner's o f f i c e .




O f f i c e r D e P r l e s t o f the Santa Barbara P o l i c e Dept. took 35mm photos o f the

v f ~ t { m ' t hanjing m a r k s .

I went t o t h e l o c a t i o n of t h e hanging and discovered the f o l l o w i n g information:

The v i c t i m i s l i v i n g i n a p r i v a t e mental h e a l t h f a c i l i t y on c o n t r a c t from the
County o f Santa Barbara.

According t o Tim Yett (supervisor) the v i c t l m was

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- 84 -




placed a t t h e f a c i l i t y about t h r e e weeks ago, a f t e r , f r a n s f e r r f n g from

County Psych.

The v i c t i m tiad spent 2 days a t County Psych f o r o b s e r v a t i o n because he was

threatening suicide.

M r . Caterbone's f i l e was n o t a v a i l a b l e a t t h e time of

my i n v e s t i g a t i o n b u t M r . Y e t t thought he was a "manic depressant".

Mr. Y e t t

s a i d M r . Caterbone b a s i c a l l y g o t along w i t h s t a f f and o t h e r p a t l e n t s and was

n o t i n v o l v e d i n any p h y s i c a l a l t e r c a t i o n s .

The v i c t i m was found hanging i n Room 204 b y James Kidman, who occupies t h e

The v i c t i m i s supposed t o sleep i n Room 205, however, he f r e q u e n t l y stays

w i t h a f r i e n d , S a l l y Rodriguez i n Room 200.

Mr. Y e t t be1 ieves t h a t the v i c t i m used Room 204 because i t was unoccupied a t

the time.

There are no locks on the rooms.

Kidman found t h e v i c t i m h ~ r i g i n gand went downstairs and t o l d Yett.

found the v i c t i m and c a l l e d paramedidcs.


The v i c t i m ' s l e g s reached t h e ground,

according t o Yett.

I found no s u i c i d e notes o r any p r o p e r t y belonging t o t h e v i c t i m .

d i d appedr t o be vomitus i n t h e t o i l e t .
smelled of alcohol.


Paramedics s a i d t h a t t h e v i c t i m

No b o t t l e s of a l c o h o l were located.

There was no e v i -

dence o f a s t r u g g l e .


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I looked through Room 205, Rooms 200 and 204 b u t c o u l d n o t l o c a t e any o f t h e

v i c t i m ' s property.

Rodriguez and Kidman had l e f t p r i o r t o my a r r i v a l and

were, therefore, n o t interviewed.

Mr. Y e t t i n d i c a t e d t h a t h i s s t a f f would go through o t h e r roans since they

were occupied b y o t h e r p a t i e n t s and t r y t o f i n d t h e v i c t i m ' s property, i f
t h e r e was any adai t l o n a l property.

I t o l d personnel a t Cottage t o remove t h ? v i c t i m t o t h e i r morgue.

I was unable t o access the v i c t i m ' s f i l e , which may be a t County Psych and
a v a i l a b l e d u r i n g business hours.

No one knew o f any next o f k i n f o r t h e



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Date Filed: 11/13/2015

Stan Caterbone
220 Stone H i l l Ruad
Conestoga, PA
me1 A. Caterbone

Same1 A. Catarbone, deceased in Santa Barbara, CA an Dee 25 1985

I. %ktthemnectdimid@St~1) Under Cdurnn t belaw,ehedtthe one type d a d o n whkh best describesthe nature of this case.
2) In Caiumn 2 below, drde the m s m for your choiceofdistrict that appliesto the type of action y
w have heelred


District where one or more of the partie reslde,


L Dlstriawhere minor/prqmd conservatee reside


Othm Statutory A u t h w g
May be filed inthe appropriate dimkt (Local Rule 2 . q ~ states

District where petltloner resides.

specific ci-ces
inwhkh this may acard.
W M c t wFme deoedemwas domidled
Oecedwadis nat domiciledin blfCwnia.but held propertyat date afdeath/haldspmpwty indbttkt.


PeWlon for ProbateofWill - LetrersTestamentary


k t b n for ProbateafWill- Lcttws d Administrationwith wfll an

(JI A6212

C 5-7.


dam for ~etterrof AcirnWstration

Petitionfor Letters of Special Adminimmion

~ 6 2 1 5 S P O U ~~operty

PeWm for Successitm to Roperty

A621 7

Summary Probate(7660 lhhCode)

I/j A6218

Petibian re Real Property of Small Value (13MOProhCodc)

)/) A6230 FWtIonfor Conseruaorshipof Perxrnand Estate

r] A6231



PRO a10 05-03

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C m s m a m s h i p I Guardianship

M l o n for Guardianshipof Person and Estate


Petklon fw Gudia&ip of Persan only


MMmfor Guardlamihipof Estate only


Tmst Rvreedlngr

A626C) F d t h for Compromise dMinor4 Claim - no MIcasefiled (35M)MCwle)

A61 SU

P e m h ta Establish Faa of Birth, Death or Mamiage


Other ProbateMatter IS-):


Roceedingfor particularmnsaction where spouse lacks legal Capachy



and healthcare dedsion for adult without cansewtor

11. Select the appropriated m Enter the address of the party. decedent'sresidence,property, or crther d ~ m s t a n c you
e have clrded In mlumn 2 as the
proper mason for filing inthe dlmict you selected






iw E

Barbara, Califarnia

Rnother case IIndudingJuverdb Famlly law,AdOparons, e t 4 has k n filedwith LosAndes Superlor Court imIving the same mino*).

IV. CertMate od Assignmentfhe undersigd h w b y cerhHiesthat the a

h entitled matter Is prapcrlyfiled far assignment tothe
M m k t ofthe Lor Ang Jer Sugerior Court pursuantm the CaliforniaRobateCode and Rule 2.0 of
courtfor the rewon checked above.


I declare under perraky ofperjury under tf~el a w ofthe State of Callfornla that the foregoi


This fwm is required so that the court m asign your we to the c o w m courthow In the propw district for filing. It m*sfiesthe requirementfor a
cerHRcate as to r e a m for authwlzlng flling R the courthwse IaEaffon, w set forth h Los Angeles Superior Court Local Rule 2 8 It must be completed
and submttwd a the cwrt along with the odginal Petiefon In ALL Probate cases filed In any d i m e flndudng the Cenaal Disbictl of the Lw Ahgeles
County Superior Couh

I. Probate Care Cover Sheet {thisform)

2. OrQinal W o n

3. Other documentsas requiredby statute, Callfamil Rules of Court or Rules of thls CouR
4. Pdymcm In full dthe filing f e s or

Order ofthe Court wMnq payment of the flllng fees flee w a l w applkatlonforms wallable atthe FormsWindow).

PIW nrn n u 3


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Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 142

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

S W cadmlle
220 Stum Hill Road
Cmatoga,PA 17516
Public ~~r~
Post Office Box 2517
105 E.Anapuma Street
born 301
Santa Barbara, CA 93120-2517

Dear Mr.FaUlW:
B ~ l is d
the fie that yaw ofke bad lost.

Cc: hucastm County District Attorney

Tom Sneldon, Santa Barbara County District Atbmq


Page 35 of 37


Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

1. Each ClM-M-Shl@ label h unique. Lnbob am lo bs
m d r r s p r i n s s d a n d ~ o n i y DONOTPHOTO

Page: 143

Online Label Record

(Label I of i )

Slgttalu1-8ConflnnatIonm Number:

2103 8555 7490 2696 9832

Plhrt W w :

3. Adhem yow W to the mkap. A +df..dheulvo label

w Iftapeorglmkwed,WNOTTAPE
OVER BARCODE. Ba sum all
am secure.

Date Filed: 11/13/2015


11 lbOoz

QignatureCanfirmatian: $1.30
f ~ :


PA 175159549

I T o m p l l y o u ~ ~ i t h P C ~ ~ y w

ywr Iemw carrier, t%lsbD rn Post Omcam, or

dmp in a USPS colbcth b m

6. Mail your packaae an the "Shlp DateHyou

s s k b d when creating thk hbd.


Thank p u . b r shipping with ihe Unlted States Postal S e ~ c e !

Page 36 of 37
Check the status of mur shi~menfon the Track 8 Confirm Dam at


Case: 15-3400

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Page: 144

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Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112129707

Page: 145

Date Filed: 11/13/2015

Stan J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
[email protected]

October 10, 2015

Federal Whistleblower
Targeted Individual (Victim)
of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
Executive Summary
Updated on October 10, 2015

I remain,

Stan J. Caterbone

PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL: Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant, and the Advanced Media
Group are victims of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and has been engaged in litigation in both
Federal and State courts seeking financial remedies and a resolution of his Civil Liberties and
his Constitutional Rights. In 1987 Stan J. Caterbone, while managing the financial firm the he
founded, Financial Management Group, Ltd., Stan J. Caterbone became a Federal Whistleblower
when, as a shareholder, he claimed fraud and misconduct within the international arms dealer
and local start-up International Signal & Control, Plc., Some 4 years later ISC was indicted and
plead guilty to the 3rd largest fraud in U.S. history, some $1 Billion and selling arms to Irag via
South Africa. In June of 2015 Stan J. Caterbone became the Movant in the U.S. District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania case No. 5:14-cv-02559-PD for the Habeus Corpus
Petition of Lisa Michelle Lambert. The case is now before the U.S. Third Circuit Court of
Appeals, Case No. 15-3400.

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Federal Whistleblower (Federal False Claims Act Violation in 1987 re ISC)
Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons

copyright 2009

Ya know what, I am beginning to analyze this War on Terror and am having difficulty understanding
it all. To me the most effective fundamental fight against Extreme Terrorism is to reduce the motive; or the
Hatred Against America. No one seems to talk about that subject. How do we reduce that Hatred Towards
America and the West?
See, from my perspective, my situation is very disturbing. I mean we have the United States Torturing Me, a
U.S. Citizen for no good or valid reason. I have warned EVERYONE about using my situation to feed this
HATRED towards America.
Low and behold a week or so ago I have had several Muslims sign up as Followers to my online webspace, which I use to post documents. The following being the most
prominent IKWAN Scope, "The Largest Muslim Brotherhood's Scope on the Web":
There have also been several Muslim individuals who signed up as followers around the same time, a week
or so ago. They have also signed up as followers on my webspace.
You must understand, I am a VERY Patriotic Person and live a very patriotic life - I believe in the
U.S. Constitution and Our Founding Father's vision for America; I support Our Military and our
Troops; I believe in the Rule of Law; I am a Practicing Catholic, and have been my whole life; I
Believe in the TRUTH; I believe in Right v. Wrong; Good v. Evil; and finally I believe in God. What
do you believe in?
Posted on the Yahoo Fulton Bank Stock Message Board, January 7, 2010

Date Updated:

October 10, 2015

Date Completed:
Date Initiated:

July 28, 2009

July 8, 2009

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
[email protected]

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In 2015 Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group had to again return to local,
state, and federal courts. Again the obstruction of due process, the local gang stalking, torture,
trespass, thefts, and the like began in earnest.

From the fabricated Petition for Involuntary

Psychiatric Commitment of April 2010 by Detective Clark Bearinger, until January of 2015, Stan J.
Caterbone and Advanced Media Group had been in seclusion and in a state of rehabilitation and
rest due to the forced medication by Fairmount Behavioral Hospital and Dr. Silvia Gratz.


psychotropic drugs reduce your motor skills and put you in an extreme state of confusion.














the website was taken off-line due to the intimidation and

coercion by Detective Clark Bearinger.
In May Stan J. Caterbone had again endured the Attacks and Torture from the
employees of the Lancaster County Courthouse, and the Lancaster County Government Building.
Then soon after the Residents of Lancaster County engaged in a massive Organized Stalking
Campaign. In addition an extreme Computer Hacking Campaign was initiated and executed in
an effort to again SILENCE Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group.

And Again, the

Lancaster City Police Department took the lead role. As usual Stan J. Caterbone summoned state
and federal authorities for help and assistance, including direct communications with the White
House, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office and
Kathleen Kane, The Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania General Assembly, several U.S.
Congressmen, and of course the Lancaster County District Attorney's Office.

Since August 1,

2015 the Geek Squad had performed diagnostics and repairs six (6) times due to computer
hacking. On at least 2 occasions the entire hard drive had to be wiped clean and restored.
On June 23, 2015 Stan J. Caterbone was named MOVANT in the 2014 Habeus
Corpus Petition by Lisa Michelle Lambert, Case No. 14:02559 in the U.S. District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania after filing an Amicus on the case. Judge Paul
Diamond was presiding since it's filing in 2014. However, the Petition was not able to
be granted and the case was stalled on jurisdictional law based on new and compelling
evidence, or lack there of.

The Amicus was filed to cure that deficiency with direct

witness corroboration to the Prosecutorial Misconduct and Innocence of Lisa Michelle


In fact a working theory was filed that suggested that the East Lampeter

Police Department engaged in a strategy of Entrapment that lead to the unfortunate

murder in 1991. This, would of course, allow a wrongful death claim to be filed by the
Show family. The case is now before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Case No. 153400. There are three (3) questions that the Third Circuit may rule on; whether to free

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Lisa Michelle Lambert, or grant her her Habeus Corpus, and whether to grant Summary
Judgment to Stan J. Caterbone in all civil actions in both state and federal courts.
Two weeks later, on July 9, 2015, Detective Clark Bearinger filed another fabricated
Petition for Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment. And again Stan J. Caterbone endured 7 days in
the Fairmount Behavioral Hospital in Philadelphia.

However, this time there was


MANDATORY Treatment Program Ordered by the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas.
So Stan J. Caterbone continued filing in the courts for assistance and resolution. In August, in a
desperate attempt to stop the local torture campaign, another Emergency Injunction was filed in
the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. On August 6, 2015 Stan J. Caterbone went so far
as to undertake a Professional Polygraph Test administered by Bonnie Lee of Polygraph Solutions
of West Chester, Pennsylvania. The test ended up being 4 grueling hours of torture and a scam of
On July 9th , 2015 a Private Criminal Complaint was filed against Detective Clark Bearinger,
Officer Williams, Officer Binderup, and 2 unidentified patrolman.

The Complaint contained

allegations of torture and abuse at every moment of contact.

The Lancaster City Police

Department were so desperate for retaliation from the Amicus filing in the Lisa Michelle Lambert
case, that they actually broke the door in of 1250 Fremont Street in order to execute the
fabricated 302 petition. The Complaint was denied by the Lancaster County District Attorney on
August 8th . The Complaint is now under a Petition for Review by the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas.
On August 17, 2015 another Emergency Injunction for Relief was filed in the Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas, Case No. 15-06985. The Injunction was heard by Judge Jeffrey
Wright, who dismissed it as frivolous. An appeal, MD 1561, is pending in the Superior Court of
In addition, by September 26, 2015 Stan J. Caterbone had been granted Electronic Filing
Privileges in the local, state, and federal courts. This should alleviate the fraud and abuses of the
U.S. Postal Service and the computer hackers.
In 2015 Stan J. Caterbone identifies a trend that suggests that the Lancaster County
community-at-large was subject to either community targeting or community hypnosis.


community targeting theory is supported by experts Jullianne McKinney, Cheryl Welsh, and Dr.
John Hall. The community hypnosis theory is supported by direct personal relationships with the
Amazing Kreskin, Samuel P. Caterbone and Stan J. Caterbone.

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In September of 2015 Stan J. Caterbone begins to digitize a library of approximately 45

audio cassette tapes from his father, Samuel P. Caterbone. The tapes range in date from 1971 to
1996. The tapes prove an identical targeting campaign against both Samuel P. Caterbone and
Stan J. Caterbone.

In addition the tapes confirm that Steven P. Caterbone, brother of Stan J.

Caterbone, was most likely a target dating back to the early 1960's. In addition, the death of
Samuel P. Caterbone on July 20, 2001 was confirmed to be that of murder, not natural causes.
In the early 1990's Dr. Phillip Caterbone, brother, had been solicited by the National
Institute of Health, or NIH in Washington, D.C., for a fellowship to research and catalog a study to
find a genetic marker for depression in the CATERBONE family.

Phil interviewed all living

descendants and relatives of my father, Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., and took blood samples. I am
alleging that this was a deliberate act to continue the cover story of mental illness to distract and
provide plausible deniability for any linkage to U.S. Sponsored Mind Control.

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In 1987 Stan J. Caterbone went public with allegations of fraud within International Signal
and Control, or ISC as they were commonly referred.

After discussions with ISC and United

Chem Con officials (an ISC/James Guerin straw company), and as a shareholder of record since
1983 of ISC, Stan J. Caterbone had a meeting with an ISC executive on June 23, 1987, which
resulted in a 22 year legal odyssey. The discussions involved a joint venture with his company,
Financial Management Group, Ltd., or FMG, Ltd., but ended in disclosure of his recent public
allegations of fraud. Four years later, ISC founder and chairman James Guerin, and other officials
and companies pleaded guilty to a $1 Billion Dollar Fraud and export violations including the
selling of arms through South Africa to Iraq and Sadaam Hussein.

However, money, power,

influence and public corruption had been used to cover-up the activities and Federal False Claims
Act violations of Stan J. Caterbone for the next eighteen years. There ensued a total blockade of
all United States Courts for all redress and remedy available in accordance with federal, state, and
local laws.

This included recovery of his business interests; intellectual property; real estate;

personal and business real property; his unblemished and impressive reputation; and his most
valuable asset - the ability to produce income. This might be legally referred to as the Right-ToWork under federal statutes.

Notwithstanding, Stan J. Caterbone has never made a bad

investment or developed a business that did not make a profit over the next 22 years.


includes two real estate properties that were illegally seized through foreclosure proceedings.
Since 1987 Stan J. Caterbone has been a prisoner and enemy of the state.

ISC was a

Department of Defense (DOD) Contractor and a partner with United States Intelligence Agencies
since it's beginings in the early 1970's. One of it's first contracts was Project X with the National
Security Agency or NSA of Ft. Meade, Maryland.
In summary, the following are facts and part of the public record regarding


Once the third (3rd) largest employer in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with
over 5,000 employees.

James Guerin, founder and CEO was once the largest philanthropist to charitable
organizations in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

The ISC/Ferranti Scandal was the third (3) largest white-collar fraud within the United
States as of 1992.

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The following are some of the public officials and politicians associated with ISC:
George H.W. Bush, former U.S. President, and Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA).

Robert Gates, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and current
Secretary of Defense.

Bobby Ray Inman, former Board of Directors if ISC, former Director of the NSA, and
currently associated and directly involved with Mind Control Research organizations.

Alexander Haig, former U.S. Secretary of State, and ISC lobbyist and Board of

Joseph McDade, former Pennsylvania House of Representative and Chair of the

Appropriations Committee who was later investigated for the United Chem Con

Carlos Cardoen/Cardoen Industries, a joint venture partner with ISC and arms
merchant for the cluster bomb who eventually sold to Iraq and other Middle Eastern
Countries under U.S. sanctions.

ISC was credited with the design of the cluster bomb, and has patents filed in the U.S.
Patent Office.

In 1987 ISC completed the merger with the 3rd largest defense contractor of Great
Britain, Ferranti International; who paid $1 billion dollars for ISC and all of it's

ABC News/Financial Times aired 3 episodes on ABC Nightline with Ted Koppel
regarding the ISC/CIA defense weapons; technologies; and cluster bombs to Iraq
story and lead into the allegations that then nominee for the Director of CIA Robert
Gates was involved with ISC and the selling of arms to Iraq.

ABC News 20/20 aired a story on the ISC/CIA efforts to sell cluster bombs to Saadam
Hussein and Iraq on February 1, 1991 days after the start of the Persian Gulf War I,
with the initial bombing raid destroying a cluster bomb factory built in Iraq by
Carlos Cardoen.

On July 1st and 2nd of 1987 Stan J. Caterbone solicited the legal counsel of Lancaster
Attorney Joseph Roda for counsel regarding, FMG, Ltd., International Signal &
Control (ISC); Commonwealth Bank, etc., and was billed for his services. Joseph
Roda did absolutely nothing but refute Stan J. Caterbone's claims and would not
believe him.

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Lancaster Attorney Joseph Roda represented William Clark, ISC's in-house legal
counsel, and never mentioned any conflict to Stan J. Caterbone in 1987.

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas), James

Guerin deposited $1.75 million dollars into an escrow account at Fulton Bank,
Lancaster, County.

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In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Christopher Underhill of Harman, Underhill & Brubaker, represented James
Guerin. In 2005 Christopher Underhill represented the Manheim Township Police
Department (05-cv-2288 U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania) CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,.

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Philadelphia Attorney Joseph Tate represented James Guerin and ISC, and in 2007
Joseph Tate represented Scooter Libby during his federal prosecution by U.S.
Special Prosecutor Fitzpatrick.


Not only did the allegations of fraud within ISC have to be silenced at a time when merger
negotiations were ongoing with Ferranti, but all of the fraud; extortion; public corruption;
burglaries; civil rights violations; anti-trust and intellectual property right violations; lender
liability torts; false arrests; false imprisonments; as well as other civil and criminal activities had
to be covered up and buried in bureaucratic red tape.
uncovered and discovered to this day.

Information and findings are still being

Contrary to popular belief, up until 1996 a grand jury

investigation into ISC was still ongoing. It is not known whether it has closed or not. All of these
activates constitute a RICO crime due to the pattern and organization of the perpetrators. The
pattern and source of the activities can be traced back to 1987, with subgroups changing over
time, but still engaging in the same practices. The following plan of action was followed in order
to perpetrate the cover-up:

Totally discredit Stan(ley) J. Caterbone and any and all allegations in every way

Fabricate a history of mental illness.

Fabricate a criminal record.
Attach his character and honesty with rumors and propaganda.
Extort and maintain his net worth to $ zero or load him with debts.
Keep him out of any profession and or occupation when and where possible.
Totally isolate him and disenfranchise him from his friends, colleagues, and family
into a life of solitaire.

Somehow persuade the community of Lancaster County to buy into this plan of
action through money, favors, etc.,

Always keep attorneys and anyone remotely involved with the legal community
away at times when efforts for justice are pursued.

When attempts to enter the U.S. legal system arise, isolate, harass, and extort
any monies and/or possessions of value.

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Change the history of events and the truth.

For 18 years, (from 1987 until 2005) it has always been fairly easy to keep these issues
from court dockets and judges.

During these years Stan J. Caterbone had solicited at least

twenty attorneys, some from large firms with national recognition in their respective fields of
specialties. Attorneys from New York City to Santa Barbara and San Diego California were visited
and consulted as well as a group of ex FBI agents who specialized in white collar crime that are
now globally recognized. However, the money and influence of persons and entities that wanted
these issues silence always prevailed. The issues were so complex and convoluted, and involved
such high profile politicians and U.S. agencies, it was far easier to state that there was no case, or
their were no claims that would result in remedy or redress. Between the Republican Party and
the Department of Defense, the CIA and the NSA, there was not an attorney that could not be
influenced. The obstruction of justice and due process in this case is most likely unprecedented in
nature and in malice.
However in 2005 that all changed when Stan J. Caterbone appeared as a pro se litigant
representing himself, without any counsel, in the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania in CATERBONE v. The Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or case no. 05-cv2288.

This case is still not settled and has been withdrawn by plaintiff Stan J.

Caterbone in October of 2008 after a successful ruling in the U.S. Third Circuit Court of
Appeals (07-4474) in September of 2008. The case will be continued upon the security
of evidence and the cease and desist of obstruction of justice and due process. On May
16, 2005 at the Federal Courthouse in Philadelphia, Stan J. Caterbone filed the case under seal.
One week later in the United States Bankruptcy Court for Eastern Pennsylvania in Reading,
Pennsylvania, again appearing as pro se, Stan J. Caterbone filed a petition for protection under
the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Code, in case no. 05-23059.
These acts of entering the United States legal system with these issues triggered yet
another round of attempts to keep these cases from the courts and judges - Organized Stalking
with Directed Energy Devices and Weapons, built on a foundation of mental telepathy or total
Mind Control.

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Organized stalking and harassment began in 1987 following the public allegations of fraud
within ISC. This organized stalking and harassment was enough to drive an ordinary person to
suicide. As far back as the late 1980's Stan J. Caterbone knew that his mind was being read, or
"remotely viewed". This was verified and confirmed when information only known to him, and
never written, spoken, or typed, was repeated by others. In 1998, while soliciting the counsel of
Philadelphia attorney Christina Rainville, (Rainville represented Lisa Michelle Lambert in the Laurie
Show murder case), someone introduced the term remote viewing through an email. That was
the last time it was an issue until 2005. The term was researched, but that was the extent of the

Remote Viewers may have attempted to connect in a more direct and continuous way

without success.
In 2005 the U.S. sponsored mind control turned into an all-out assault of mental
telepathy; synthetic telepathy; and pain and torture through the use of directed energy devices
and weapons that usually fire a low frequency electromagnetic energy at the targeted victim.
This assault was no coincidence in that it began simultaneously with the filing of the federal action
in U.S. District Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288.


assault began after the handlers remotely trained Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy. The
main difference opposed to most other victims of this technology is that Stan J. Caterbone is
connected 24/7 with a person who declares that she is Interscope recording artist Sheryl Crow of
Kennett Missouri. Stan J. Caterbone has spent 3 years trying to validate and confirm this person
without success. Most U.S. intelligence agencies refuse to cooperate, and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and the U.S. Attorney's Office refuse to comment.

See attached documents for

more information.
In 2006 or the beginning of 2007 Stan J. Caterbone began his extensive research into
mental telepathy; mind control technologies; remote viewing; and the CIA mind control program
labeled MK ULTRA and it's subprograms.

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If you listen to the propaganda machine and the community of Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, including professionals, the family history of Stan J. Caterbone goes something like
the following:

Father, Samuel Caterbone, Jr., Schizophrenic who ran out on his family
because of nervous breakdowns while trying to run a small dry cleaning

He traveled the world looking for the Blessed Mother Mary and

Space Aliens. He ended up living in government subsidized housing broke

and with a severe mental illness.

Brother, Samuel A. Caterbone, suffered from the very same illness has his
father, Schizophrenia, who finally killed himself trying to live in California.

Brother, Thomas W. Caterbone, suffered from the very same mental illness as
his brother, Stan J., Bipolar Mood Disorder, who ran a lawn business and
finally committed suicide at an early age.

Stan J. Caterbone, suffered from Bipolar Mood Disorder, or Manic Depression and
had a nervous breakdown in 1987 trying to compete in the financial services
industry. When he has his nervous breakdowns, he always threatens to sue
everyone in court and is deeply paranoid in thinking the whole world is
against him. He always spends all of his money during his fits of mania and
has delusions about his success as a businessman.

The Family History was formulated back in the 1960's when Samuel Caterbone, Jr.,
father of Stan J. Caterbone, became engaged in a black budget mind control program that began
during his service in the United States Navy as a radioman and air gunner.

Samuel Caterbone,

Jr., was most likely a direct product of MK ULTRA or one of it's subprograms. His brother, Samuel
A. Caterbone, was most likely part of the LSD experiments of MK ULTRA. Stan J. Caterbone is
most likely part of a program sponsored by the Department of Defense Agencies, such as DARPA
or the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The facts of Stan J. Caterbone's intimate discussions
with both his father and brother over the years before they died, the totality of documents that
were preserved in their estate, including service records; letters; official court papers; high school
documents; and the like - all will prove that they were in fact part of MK ULTRA or one of it's

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The following are the facts and the real record of the family history:
Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., (Father) served in the Navy from 1943 to 1946 and
graduated with honors from Air Gunners School in Jacksonville, Florida. He was an exceptional
student/athlete while attending Lancaster Catholic High School, participating in the band as well
as sports. He was also his senior class secretary/treasurer. After the Navy, he went on to build a
successful dry cleaning business, which he is credited with inventing a filtration system for the

He also developed a very good investment in real estate along the Manheim Pike,

owning several properties. By his own writings and from his personal accounts to me, he was
definitely a remote viewer or data miner for some U.S. Agency with telepathic abilities.


viewing is documented to have begun back in the early 1970's. He also suffered from organized
stalking, and was considered an enemy and prisoner of the state. Back in the 1960's, he was a
world traveler, this is documented by his passports. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., may have been a
covert carrier for someone in intelligence. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., had his mental health history
laced with electro shock therapy. Electro Shock Therapy Experiments is another subprogram of
MK ULTRA. In addition, and especially disturbing is his criminal record with the Lancaster City
Police Department and the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas.

In 1973 Samuel P.

Caterbone, Jr. was convicted of forging a 2 checks from the Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., checking

The one check to Joe the Motorists Store at the Manor Shopping Center was never

entered into evidence, it was for a total of $70.00. The other check was made out to Lancaster
Attorney James Coho for $200.00 with "divorce proceedings" written in the memo. This was his
only criminal record. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., was sentenced to one year probation by President
Judge William Johnstone.

However, on August 29, 1973 after nine months, Judge Johnstone

wrote an ORDER releasing him from probation and ordering him to "leave the vicinity of the
County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania". The President Judge of Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas literally threw my father out of Lancaster County for forging 2 checks from his own
corporation. In 1987 I was arrested for stealing my own files from my own company, Financial
Management Group, Ltd., You can research the life of Candy Jones and Kate O'Brien to learn more
on this topic. Samuel Caterbone, Jr., has left enough writings and documentation to know that his
life fits the model for targeted individuals, complete with economic ruin, isolation, disenfranchised
from family and friends, and of course a fabricated mental illness history. You can view most of
his record online.

On or about May 18, 2001 Samuel P. Caterbone Jr., finally received an

inheritance from his mother's (Mary Caterbone) estate.

The check was for some $70,000.00.

The estate was probated in November of 2000. Some two weeks later, on Memorial Day Weekend
of 2001, he had called me to come to New York City to help care for him.

He was in perfect

health until this time. In a matter of six (6) weeks he had succumbed to lung cancer. As per
Julianne McKinney,

former intelligence officer for the U.S. Army and victim activist of U.S.

Sponsored Mind Control, the weapons are lethal enough to kill and the one thing that I worry

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about is that of dying of cancer (paraphrase). There is no doubt now that my father's death was
a murder, not natural.
Samuel A. Caterbone, (Brother) served in the United States Air Force in 1968 to 1970.
In 1991, Stan J. Caterbone accused the United States Government of using his brother, Samuel
A. Caterbone for part of the LSD experiments on mind control, or MK ULTRA. A notarized letter of
October 23, 1991 was sent certified mail to the California Attorney General on the subject matter,
with a return letter from the California Attorney General on January 14, 1992.

By his own

admission before his death, Samuel A. Caterbone disclosed to Stan J. Caterbone of the "bad LSD"
trips while in the Air Force. Since his death of December 25, 1984, Stan J. Caterbone and others
questioned the classification of suicide, and made allegations of foul play that was ultimately
responsible for his death. Finally in a meeting in Santa Barbara, California with the Santa Barbara
Public Guardian's Office, an office admitted that the death was more likely due to foul plan than

Samuel A. Caterbone was also an exceptional student and athlete while attending

Lancaster Catholic High School.

After playing varsity football as a sophomore, he had an

unfortunate accident while deer hunting the following November.

While in the woods in

Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, his hunting pants caught fire trying to stay warm.

It left him in the

Lancaster General Hospital for months, going through painful skin grafts and isolation.
hunting accident interrupted his athletic career and scared his legs for life.


The Schizophrenia

diagnosis was a combination of LSD flashbacks and organized stalking and harassment.
Thomas P. Caterbone, (Brother) had an unfortunate transaction at Fulton Bank that set
a course of action that resulted in a suicide. Although diagnosed with Bipolar Disease and Manic
Depression -- embezzled and extorted monies were most likely the reason for his suicide in 1996.
Fulton Bank was involved in a fraud that took $72,000 from a real estate settlement closing and
lead to his total financial ruin and collapse in June of 1995. The funds were never recovered and
Fulton Bank is a defendant for a wrongful death claim in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania in CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., 05-cv-2288.
FULTON BANK triggered a severe and lethal death blow to Thomas P. Caterbone, and as of this
day has refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing or remorse. Thomas P. Caterbone was also an
exceptional athlete. Playing for Lancaster Catholic High School, Franklin and Marshall College, the
Harrisburg Patriots, and even the Philadelphia Eagles. Tom also coached football at J.P. McCaskey
and Franklin and Marshall College.

Thomas P. Caterbone had a very successful lawn and

landscaping business before joining forces with John DePatto of United Financial Services and
selling residential mortgages.

John DePatto was the former head of Parent Bank, owned by

James Guerin and ISC. Parent Bank, owned by ISC also foreclosed on 2323 New Danville Pike,
Conestoga, Pennsylvania in 1988, which was owned by Stan J. Caterbone. Thousands of dollars
of equity was extorted in the process, despite still being short sold for a profit to Mr. Keith

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Kirchner, an executive of Lancaster Newspapers and former graduate of Lancaster Catholic High
Stan J. Caterbone is a remote viewer (at least one way in), is telepathic, and a
federal whistleblower with an exceptional entrepreneurial record in spite of all of his adversaries
and their assaults. In spite of the U.S. Sponsored mind control and torture, he has endured and
will prevail. Legally, Stan J. Caterbone has been able to preserve his claims, and progress his
legal challenges and claims through both the federal and state court system appearing pro se,
without the aid or expense of additional legal counsel. Some of his claims and briefs will most
likely be landmark decisions in years to come. Stan J. Caterbone was a 2-Sport MVP at Lancaster
Catholic High School, in both football and track. Stan J. Caterbone never received less than a B
grade in his four years of high school and had an 87+ average. Stan J. Caterbone excelled in
computer technologies, taking his first full term course in 1975, while in high school and
continuing into college at Millersville University, graduating with a degree in business
administration in 1980.

Stan J. Caterbone excelled profoundly at building his companies, first

beginning with Financial Management Group, Ltd., then working with Tony Bongiovi of Power
Station Studios and the "Digital Movie"; then building Advanced Media Group, Ltd..

Over the

years, despite the illegal seizures and foreclosures, Stan J. Caterbone has amassed a portfolio of
impressive real estate deals that have always paid off in profits, no matter how or when they
were sold.

The same was true of his businesses.

Financial Management Group, Ltd., was a

$20,000 dollar investment in 1986 and was still sold for approximately $100,000 two years later,
despite the false arrests and the extortion of most of it's real value and equity.

The mental health history and the criminal records were completely fabricated, and a
close review and investigation into the actual court records and hospital records can prove that in
very short fashion.

There are TWO (2) ways to quickly dispute the Mental Health History and

One - Review the word "Delusional; delusions; etc.,;

every instance of the word

used by mental health professionals, and the false reports by friends and family were associated
with facts, and matters of the official record, the complete opposite of the meaning of the word
"delusional". And they still exist to this very day.
Two - Review the 3 Fabricated Suicide Allegations of the following dates: August
10(?), 1987 at Burdette Tomlin Hospital (Cape May County New Jersey); February 18th(?), 2005
by Kerry Egan and the Southern Regional Police Department; and July 19, 2009 for the 302
Commitment by the Lancaster City Police Department at Lancaster General Hospital.
The Criminal Record is very similar, since 1987 Stanley J. Caterbone has had 31 false
arrests; formal charges and convictions dismissed prior to court proceedings or won on summary
appeals in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; most of which Stan J. Caterbone appearing as

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pro se (representing himself). These have resulted in civil complaints filed in 2008 in CATERBONE
v. The County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of


The Public Record is comprised of court filings and exhibits in U.S. Federal Courts;
Pennsylvania State Courts; and the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. In all some 40,000
pages of documents are now filed and electronically scanned or microfilmed in prothonotary
offices. In addition in both the U.S. Federal Courts and the Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas there are more than 11 hours of audio recordings; some 3,000 scanned images; and
several video broadcasts of the ISC News broadcasts all stored on a CD-ROM and filed as an
exhibit to some of the law suits filed by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, as
plaintiffs. Stan J. Caterbone has over 100 court docket sheet numbers in federal, state, and local
There are also Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation records; Department of Welfare
and Lancaster County Assistance Office records; Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County
Tax Assessment records; Social Security Administration Benefits records; Lancaster Catholic High
School transcripts; Millersville University transcripts; all for Stan J. Caterbone, in addition to his
court filings.
For Samuel A. Caterbone, my brother, there are United States Air Force service
records; Lancaster Catholic High School transcripts; Millersville University transcripts; Social
Security Administration records; Santa Barbara County Guardian and Public Defender records;
and papers and documents persevered from his estate.
For Samuel P. Caterbone, my father, there are United States Naval records, Lancaster
Catholic High School transcripts; Social Security Administration records; Lancaster County
Assistance Office records; Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County Tax Assessment
records; Samuel Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., corporate records; Real Estate Deeds and Mortgages;
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas civil and criminal records; and of course papers and
documents persevered from his estate


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** It is important to note that as of this writing, Remote Viewing has recently
been commercialized by corporate America, and certain Fortune 500 companies are
using Remote Viewers as consultants for trend analysis and market forecasts. This is
often the evolution of most technologies born out of the U.S. Department of Defense.
Top Secret experiments and the resulting technological advancements can stay
secretive for so long.

This has recently been used in a NBC story of the Television

drama "Medium" this last season.

On July 9, 2008 I had recorded an AM radio live

broadcast on WHAN Coast to Coast with a guest that was one of the leading Physicist
turned Remote Viewer and expert that testified to this same notion.

Dated: July 28, 2009

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
[email protected]
The following are no longer in service:

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September 7, 2009
Stan J. Caterbone
Advance Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
Derrick Robinson
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Phone 1-800-571-5618
Fax 1-866-433-4170
email: [email protected]
Re: Is County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Ground Zero for Organized Stalking and
Covert Surveillance?
My pleasure. Derrick, I was trying to get group rates at our new Lancaster Convention Center
Marriot Hotel last week, just as a little fact finding mission. I have a theory that I would like to
send your way. I thought it would be very fruitful to bring some TI's together for a conference,
unless you think the exposure would be harmful.
I believe that they try new models for harassment; organized stalking and surveillance on me
here in Lancaster. Remember, Lancaster is now one of the most "Watched Communities" in the
country. "With those cameras, the Safety Coalition will operate and monitor 165 cameras across
Lancaster City making Lancaster the most watched city of its size in the nation." See article
attached, Watching you: City to add 105 more cameras.
I believe that Lancaster may be ground zero for some of the models of organized stalking and
harassment that we TI's experience and wanted to get some reaction from Lancaster. Some
history on the Lancaster Convention Center. Dale High of High Industries is the lead partner in our
new convention center/hotel. It is first class all the way. Now in the late 1980's I was a joint
venture partner with Dale High in American Helix Technology Company/Advanced Media Group.
American Helix was a cd manufacturer and I and my company Advanced Media Group was the
CD-ROM division of American Helix. I was one of a handful of CD-ROM manufacturers in the
domestic United States back then. Also in 2005 I filed a civil action against the lead hotel, the
Eden Resort Inn, for trying to block the development and building of the Hotel/Convention Center,
Now, some history about Lancaster and the intelligence community. Back in the 1980's there were
several defense contractors located in Lancaster, the main being International Signal & Control,
which I, of course, blew the whistle on a billion dollar fraud and arms to Iraq.
Click here for an overview of ISC.
Click here to see the Lancaster Newspapers Archives regarding International Signal & Control, or
Click here to view the live video of the WGAL-TV News Broadcast of October 31, 1991 the evening
of the ISC indictments. The U.S. Department of Justice and other U.S. Agencies held a Press
Conference in the Philadelphia Federal Courthouse to announce the indictments and $ Billion
Dollar Fraud.

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Click here for Part 2 of the WGAL-TV 8 Broadcast.

Now politically, Lancaster is and has always been predominately Republican. Lancaster is one of
the oldest cities in the country and our courthouse was one of the first in this country. Lancaster
has one of the oldest fraternities of the Masons. Lancaster and the George W.Bush administration
has a close and very "interesting relationship". George H. Bush had a very close relationship with
ISC, and of course the NSA and CIA all had a very "close" relationship with International Signal &
Control, or ISC. The following are some transcripts for Ted Koppel and ABC News Nightline
regarding ISC and Arms to Iraq and the intelligence community. The transcripts are contained in
my Amicus for Case No. 2006-cv-2160 filed in the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division.
Now, Robert Gates, presently the Secretary of the United States Defense Department, and his
relationship to Lancaster. First of all, the attached video is the authentic transcript of Robert
Gates' confirmation hearing in September of 1991 for the Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA). If you fast forward to approximately 9:00:00 you will see the back and forth
questions from Senator Murkowski to Robert Gates regarding the allegations by several members
of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding his alleged involvement with ISC
and the Arms deals with Carlos Cardoen and the shipping of cluster bombs through South Africa
and on to Iraq. Of course, he denied all of the allegations.
Robert Gates also has relatives that live in Lancaster County, if fact he attended a wedding here a
few months ago, on May 3, 2009 at St. John Neuman Catholic Church in Manhiem Township,
Lancaster County. His wife has a niece that lives in Manheim Township.
Now, I'll give you the ABC News Nightline May 23, 1991 excerpt regarding ISC and the NSA,
National Security Agency:
"It all started legally, if covertly, back in 1974. That's when the National Security Agency, a supersecret U.S. Intelligence unit asked ISC to help complete project X, a chain of electronic listening
posts based at South Africa's Simonstown Naval Station. South Africa was using these posts to
follow Soviet submarine traffic off of the Cape of Good Hope. To ensure secrecy, ISC and the NSA
made sure shipments could not be tracked back to them. They created a company called Gamma
Systems Associates. In fact, this company was nothing more than a post office box at John F.
Kennedy Airport. Gamma was a cut-out. ... But this sanctioned covert operation was stopped in
1977 when President Carter, a strong opponent of South Africa's apartheid regime, told U.S. firms
to stop any military-related business with Pretoria. But ISC continue shipping electronics, some
civilian, some military, to South Africa. The in the early 1980's, South Africa began to intensify its
efforts at ballistic missile development. For ISC, that was a golden opportunity because on of its
top executives was a man named Clyde Ivey, an American electronics expert who has been the
father of South Africa's missile program. Ivey had extraordinary contacts in the nations defense
structure. Begining in 1984, federal investigators say, senior ISC exeutives, including Ivey, began
regular contacts with CIA officials." You can read the rest. The entire transcript of the May 23,
1991 ABC News/Nightline broadcast.
Now remember, George H. Bush was director of CIA. "He served in this role for 357 days, from
January 30, 1976 to January 20, 1977.[22] The CIA had been rocked by a series of revelations,
including those based on investigations by Senator Frank Church's Committee regarding illegal
and unauthorized activities by the CIA, and Bush was credited with helping to restore the
agency's morale.[23] In his capacity as DCI, Bush gave national security briefings to Jimmy
Carter both as a Presidential candidate and as President-elect, and discussed the possibility of
remaining in that position in a Carter administration[24] but it was not to be," according to
Now, lets get to Bobby Ray Inman, former Navy, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA),
former Director of International Signal & Control (ISC), and currently part of the Mind Control
industry. The following appears on the Welcome page of my website:

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"S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Para psychological Association meeting arrangements, via
their 'Cognitive Sciences Laboratory'. Science Applications International Corporation is a big time
defense contractor, has held the largest number of research contracts of any defense contractor.
Bobby Ray Inman (ISC Board of Directors) is on its board of directors, among others."
by John Porter, CIA Program on Mind Control copyright 1996. In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman
requested to be withdrawn from consideration as Bill Clinton's first Defense Secretary, his critics
speculated that the decision was motivated by a desire to conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a
member of the so-called "shadow board" of the company which was allegedly either negligent or
approved the exports." by Wikipedia on International Signal and Control, (ISC).
Now, lets list the former Navy personnel:
George H. Bush, former President of the United States, former Director of CIA.
James Guerin, President and Founder of International Signal & Control.
Bobby Ray Inman, former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Director of
International Signal & Control, (ISC).
My father, Samuel P. Cateronne, Jr.
His father, Samuel J. Caterbone, Sr.
George Noory, of Coast to Coast Radio (just anecdotal, nothing assumed or alleged).
George W. Bush flew with the Navy.
James Cross
I will Finish later and add more.
Next we get to Jim Guerin's attorney back in 1989 through at least 1992. His name was Joseph
Tate, of Philadelpha. This link will take you to a document regarding Joseph Tate, James Guerin
and Joseph Roda, Esq., of Lancaster, my former attorney who said I fabricated everything back in
1987. The document contains a letter of September 12, 2005 from Special Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald regarding Scooter Libby, Former Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. the letter
involves Scooter Libby's Grand Jury Indictment for leaking Covert CIA Operative Valerie Plame
and eventually outing her.
Now in Austin Texas in July of 2005 I was detained by 2 Agents from The Defense Intelligence
Agency. I was merely visiting a Military Museum, that had old and vintage helicopters and
airplanes. near where my brother, Dr. Phillip Caterbone lived. I was visiting on my way to
California. While inside the museum 2 Agents from the Department of Defense Defense
Intelligence Agency escorted me outside to my Honda Oddesey and interrogated me making me
confirm that I was visiting and staying with my brother. They caused a problem for my brother's
Medical Practice by shaking up one of his secretaries. The reviewed my court documents for
CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., Case No. 2005-cv-0288 filed in the U.S. District
Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The demanded that I stay off all military bases
before releasing me.
In 2006 I was telepathic with an older NSA executive on many occasions who wanted to meet me
at the Clipper Stadium who told me he wanted to rent a facility in Lancaster for a training
exercise. I told him to to and see Dale High and the High Group for space at the Greenfield
Industrial Park. He said he was retiring and that our discussions were keeping him a few weeks
longer than expected. We had intimate discussions of my history and the Chesapeake Bay Area.
We also discussed Sheryl Crow, and he told me his wife was a fan. I turned him on to her new
album, Wildflower, and he said she liked it. We had to disengage because he was being harassed
by other telepathic assailants.
My former secretary (Susan Bare) at Pflumm Contractors, Inc., where I was controller and was
hired to rescue the company from near bankruptcy in 1993, told me that her husband, Ross Bare,
who grew up just some 10 or so doors from me, worked for the NSA. She disclosed this soon
after I hired her in 1994 or 1995.
I will finish later and add to this allegation. This is a work-in-progress.

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Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
[email protected]

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BE IT ACKNOWLEDGED, that Stanley J. Caterbone, Financial Management Group, Ltd.,
FMG Advisory, and and all affiliates, Pro Financial Group, Ltd., Advanced Media Group, Advanced
Media Group, Ltd., Global Entertainment Group, Ltd., Power Productions I, Radio Science
Laboratories, Ltd., of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the undersigned deponent, being of legal
age, does hereby depose and say under oath as follows:

I am now convinced that the situation surrounding my litigation and all factors attributed
to my financial and professional demise bore out of the fact that my Father, Samuel P. Caterbone
was a victim of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control, in the truest sense of the words.


whistleblowing activities of 1987 either were a coincidence or I was set up in the very beginning
by Pennsylvania State Senator Gibson Armstrong (former stock broker) in 1983 when he solicited
me to purchase the ISC stock. The preceding would have been the perfect cover story for my
demise; that I was involved in a fraud. Following this analysis would lead one to conclude that
the collateral damage from the activities of my financial ruin always left my fellow businesses in
financial ruin, for example Robert Kauffman and Michael Hartlett, partners, and the shareholders
and affiliated professionals of Financial Management Group, Ltd., Tony Bongiovi and Power Station
Studios, Jim and Lynn Cross as Cross Microwave Consultants, Dave Dering, Scott Robertson, and
James Boyer as American Helix/High Industries, Ralph Mazzochi and Gallo Rosa Restaurant;
Pflumm Contractors, Inc., Mike Caterbone's AIM Wholesaler's Business, Dr. Phillip Caterbone, D.O.
And associated Primary Care Practices of Austin, Texas, Sam Lombardo and Ralph Mazzochi as
S.N. Lombardo Associates for Lancaster Avenue Project, Sheryl Crow Singer Songwriter, my
immediate family, friends, and relatives.

Following this analysis would lead one to concur that the legal and financial remedies
would only be reconciled by the above named parties enjoining my civil litigation. This AFFIDAVIT
is to be considered a legal and binding document to accomplish that remedy.

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And I affirm that the foregoing is true except to statements made upon information and belief,
and as to those I believe them to be true. Witness my hand under the penalties of perjury this
10th day of October, 2015.

Stanley J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


before me,________________________personally appeared

, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence)
to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged
to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by
his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the
person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Affiant______Known______Produced ID
Type of ID_________________________

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[email protected]

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


Violations of Public Accommodations Law re Discrimination
and Anti-Trust Violations with False Statements to Authorities
September 27, 2015

Community Stalking and Organized Libel/Slander Campaign Strategy Issue a few every
year to support false arrests; false imprisonment; fabricated mental illness history. In addition to
isolate by prohibiting entrance to major entertainment venues with good live music. Prohibit from
defending against the lies and slander in public to a minimum. Also, destroy history of strong
Christian values and church attendance on a weekly basis by keeping away from church. The
Millersville University Graduate Studies No Trespass Notice was accommodated by the denial of
entitled benefits of LETA Job Training Education Course of the Paralegal program at HACC during
the same time period.

1. David Pflumm Properties by David Pflumm Served by State Constable in June of

2005, original not signed by David Pflumm
2. Eden Resort Inn, by Drew Anthon, Owner Sent via 1st Class Mail in 2005.
3. Barley Snyder, LLC Lancaster Office, by Shawn Long, Esq., Attorney representing
Fulton Bank in 2006 Sent via 1st Class Mail
4. Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., by Steve Weaver, Manager in 2006, No Notice,
Corraborated by Jack Buckwalter, Chairman and CEO and George Warner, Atty with Barley
Snyder, LLC, No Formal Notice, allowed to reenter in 2015.
5. Ruby Tuesday, Manor Shopping Center, Lancaster, by Manager and Lancaster City
Police in 2006, No Formal Notice, allowed to reenter in 2015.
6. Alley Kat Restaurant and Bar, Lancaster by Bartender Ms. Santinello, Brett Stabley,
and Lancaster City Police, No formal Notice in 2006
7. Village Nightclub, Lancaster by George in 2008, No Formal Notice
8. Marion Court Restaurant, Lancaster, by Security Personnel, corroborated by Michael
Geesey, in 2008, No Formal Notice, allowed to enter in 2015.
9. Valentinos Cafe, Lancaster, by Jeanine, Bartender,in 2008, corroborated by John
Valentino, Owner, No Formal Notice
10. Brunswick Hotel, Lancaster, by Staff Employees, in 2008, No Formal Notice
11. Lancaster County Library and Duke Street Business Center, by Executive Director in
March of 2009, by 1st Class Mail
12. Anne Bailey's Restaurant and Bar, Lancaster, by Manager in 2009, No Formal Notice
13. Millersville University Graduate Studies and Millersville University, Millersville, by
Lori Austin, Judicial Affairs, via Certified Mail in June of 2009.

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14. TGIF Friday's, Lancaster, by Manager, in January of 2010, No Formal Notice

15. Lucky Dog Restaurant and Bar, Lancaster, by Robert Donnelly, in January of 2010, No
Formal Notice
16. Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Lancaster, by Don Spica, Usher and Lancaster City Police
Department in Feb of 2010, No Formal Notice
17. O'Halloran's Bar, Lancaster, March 25, 2010 by Male Staff Employee. No Formal Notice.
18. Fulton Bank, Fulton Financial Corporation, March 26, 2010 by Susan Follmer, Security
19.Tobias Frog Restaurant and Bar, August 8, 2015 by Owner of Establishment, reason
was for complaining of harassment and stalking.
20. Millersville University, July 9, 2015, served notice by Millersville University Police
Chief Pete Anders, for negotiating a civil rights complaint with Assistant to the President,
Debra Hoeckler
21.Village Nightclub, July of 20015, by George..........., Owner, tried to enter several times,
with no reason and no written notice.
22.Lucky Dog Bar, August of 2015, met Abby and Keagan Pflumm outside, went inside and
was told by bartender to leave and not come back.
23.Barley Snyder, LLC Lancaster Office, receptionist Ms. Woods refused to let me
communicate with Attorney George Werner, who in 2011 entered appearance in 05-2288
for Fulton Bank in U.S. District Court.
24.Wennerstrom Property Management Company, June 2015, went to complain
regarding harassment, threats, etc., at 1252 Fremont Street and told to leave building.

Dated: September 27, 2015

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I, Stanley J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual or TI, residing at: 1250 Fremont Street,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 17603, do hereby state that I am at least 18 years of age, that I am
a citizen or a legal resident of the United States of America, that I am of sound mind, and that I
am the person whose signature follows on this Affidavit. The purpose of this document is (1) to
advise Congress as well as state and local officials of organized stalking and electronic and mind
manipulation torture being committed against me and (2) to request a state, local, or
Congressional investigation and hearing on the use of remotely-operated directed energy attacks
and mind control technologies on Americans in this country.
Our Government is responsible for protecting its citizens from elements that
covertly harass, torment, murder, and cause victims to commit suicide through
organized stalking and remote electronic torture. Yet, unbiased research indicates that
certain elements of Government either engage in these activities or protect those who perform
them. I seek the complete dismantling of any officially-sanctioned covert Government torture
programs, the passage of legislation specifically outlawing that high-tech torture, and the full
prosecution of any person, regardless of his rank or position, who has violated my civil rights and
my most basic human rights. The assaults on my mind and body have been occurring for 24
year(s) and include, but are not limited to the following victimization's:


Blanketing my dwelling and surroundings with electromagnetic energy.

Bombarding my body with debilitating electronic and mind manipulation effects.
Directed Energy Weapons Causing Severe Pain to Body and Brain. Began in at least 2005
and still continuing, with complaints to Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, FFCHS
in 2009, and in cited in various state and federal court cases over the past several years.
Attacks causing severe artificial pain most likely from Directed Energy Devices synchronized with
telepathic harassment and organized stalking and harassment have been logged and reported to
law enforcement and medical professionals since 2008.
Prior to 2008 the attacks were
experienced and reported to medical professionals but the sources were not known. Also reported
attacks of pain to a family physician, emergency room personnel and psychiatrists.

Invading my thoughts via remote sensing technologies. Was sent an autonomous
email in 1998 introducing the term remote viewing. Various technologies and tactics are being
used to create emotional signatures that induce various emotional states; a systematic complete
hacking of my mind.

Making me mentally hear others' voices through the microwave hearing effect.
Synthetic and/or Mental Telepathy. First started to experience telepathy/synthetic telepathy
in 2005 with full-time 24/7 connection during the same time to present. When full-time telepathy
started a male conducted interrogations lasting several hours at a time concerning a wealth of
subjects including ISC/CIA Knowledge. Cannot disconnect from continuous conversations at all
times with one female person. The handlers know everything I know and experience in real time.
During 2006 and 2007 have been telepathic with some 10 or more persons, both male and female
for short durations. Can recall most conversations and subject matter with identities of who they
said they were. Interrogation type harassment is still being used telepathically to harass and for
some sleep deprivation. Made first complaints to DARPA, the FBI, and U.S. Senator Arlen Specter
in 2007. Some conversations by the persons that are telepathic with me elude to some program
similar to the DARPA datalog program where they record your entire life. Everything that you try
to do on a daily basis is subject matter for conversation and harassment. Interference with
thought, harassment, and interrogation is used often times with electromagnetic weapon attacks
to the brain or body.

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Depriving me of sleep due to neurological intervention. Mostly Experienced Sleep
Deprivation Techniques during periods of time in 2008 to 2010. Mostly with attacks of pain from
Directed Energy Weapons to back, neck, head (brain); and heart on a few occasions; and with
harassment from telepathy.

Introducing poisonous gas and radiation toxins into my home. First experienced
toxic gases (Chloroform?) in heavy doses in 2006-2007. Made complaints to the Lancaster City
Police Department and the Southern Regional Police. Experienced attacks that would cause
dizziness at home, in automobile and in public. Was informed it was being released through a
distribution system the size of fishing line. To counter attacks used cotton in nostrils and gas
mask. In 2009 experienced attacks of what is said to be sleeping gas, when attacked could not
open eyes. Took Pictures during some attacks.

Having me stalked en masse on foot and in vehicles. vandalizing my home and/or
car. Gang Stalking or Organized Stalking began in 1987 and continues today. It includes
strangers using gestures such as finger under eye; various forms of harassment; and public
mobbing. Complaints have been filed in 1987; 1992;1998 and 2005 to 2010. Complaints were
made to various public officials and local, state, and federal agencies as mental duress. The terms
organized stalking, gang stalking, targeted individual, etc., was not learned until a few years ago.
The organized stalking and harassment followed in several states, some while traveling from
Lancaster, Pennsylvania to California. Tracking technologies may have been used and most likely
are still being used. Police were involved in most places.

Tapping (Bugging) my phones. Complaints of phone tapping/tampering were made to

New Jersey Bell in 1987 with a service call to Stone Harbor, New Jersey to check lines and phones.
The same was done by a Bell Atlantic repairman in Conestoga, Pennsylvania in 1998. In 2004 a
complaint with a report number was filed with the Pennsylvania Attorney General Office in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Agent Amy Zelnick) regarding interference with phone calls and
impersonations by perps intercepting and rerouting calls. Computer Hacking complaints were filed
to local authorities in the County of Lancaster and the Cyber Crime unit of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation in 2005 to 2010.

Blacklisting me in the labor market. Filed complains of employment discrimination with
the Pennsylvania Attorney General in 2006 and the Lancaster County Human Relations
Commission in 2008.

Workplace mobbing. Experienced in 1987 at Financial Management Group, Ltd.,

American Helix of High Industries in 1991 and Pflumm Contractors, Inc., in 1997/1998. Filed
complaints and logs as mental duress and harassment. Was forced out of all 3 organizations as a
result of the mobbing and harassment.

10. Public Mobbing. Public type mobbing and organized stalking and harassment was
perpetrated heavily in the years 2005 to 2010 in the following places: The Lancaster County
Courthouse, The Lancaster County Public Library, the Pennsylvania Career Link, and the Millersville
University Library and University Offices. I was given suspicious and illegal No Trespass Notices
in some 18 public places in Lancaster County in the years 2005 to 2009 without just cause. I was
complaining of stalking and harassing in most all of those public places. The Lancaster County
Public Library and the Millersville University took away my access to a computer after my personal
computers were vandalized and/or hacked inoperable. Fulton Bank took away my safe deposit
box. Others included my church of worship, various bars and restaurants and one attorneys office.
Complaints have been filed regarding the same in courts and with various authorities.

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Attempted Murder. Experienced with an attempt of vehicular homicide in 1991 after

National News Media reported ISC/CIA-NSA connection of Arms to Irag. The incident involved a
vehicle changing lanes and direction and heading directly toward me in the wrong direction
running me off the road, narrowly missing a tree. I Filed the incident in federal courts and used
as a motion to seal federal case no. 05-2288 in 2005 in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.


Pet Killing. Cat was killed in 2005 with complaints to the Lancaster County Humane
Shelter and the Southern Regional Police Department.


Illegal Entries of Home/Properties. First in 1987 in Stone Harbor, New Jersey, then
again in 1991; 1997-1998; and most serious in 2005 to 2010. Filed Police Reports and insurance
claims, most with the Southern Regional Police Department of Conestoga, Pennsylvania , State
Farm and Harleysville Insurance Companies.

14. Illegal Repossessions.

Airplane in 1987 containing legal and business files.
Home/Property and Contents in 2006 also containing legal and business files and documents.

Physical Assaults. One attack and filed complaint with police report in Los Osos California
in 2005 and one in the City of Lancaster. Police reports were filed and obtained for both.

16. False Arrests. Experienced 7 in 1987 and more than 20 in 2005 and 2006 in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. The false arrests were
charges that were all dismissed prior to court hearings.
17. False Imprisonments. Spent 7 to 10 days in Lancaster County Prison in 1987 with all
charges dismissed and again for some 60 days in 2006 with all charges dismissed. The 60 Days of
imprisonment of 2006 was triggered with a false report of missing a bail supervision meeting,
which was confirmed to be false in court; however bail was maliciously and purposefully reinstated
as secured instead of unsecured. The appropriate appeal was filed which secured my release after
some 60 days of false imprisonment. There were no charges that resulted in any convictions.

Psychiatric Abuses with False Suicide Allegations from Perpetrators/Stalkers. One

in 1987 resulting in a forced hospitalization for several hours by police in Stone Harbor, New
Jersey. And one again in February of 2005 resulting in police restraining me in my home and
abusing me. This one was a fraudulent and phony email sent to police by a perp. The Southern
Regional Police had to vacate after the email was proven to be a fraud.

19. Vandalism to Property. First in 1987 in Stone Harbor, New Jersey, then again in 1991;
1997-1998; and most serious in 2005 to 2010. Filed Police Reports and insurance claims, most
with the Southern Regional Police Department of Conestoga, Pennsylvania and Harleysville
Insurance Company. 3 computers have been rendered inoperable since 2005 along with various
electronics equipment; dvd recorders; printers; household items; appliances; etc., Most insurance
claims have been paid. In the past years a wave of purchased items, online and in stores, were
received broken or the wrong item and all had to be returned. Some included items to secure my
property, and others included computer related items, others were household and clothing items.
20. Gas Lighting. The illegal entering of home and causing psychological duress by moving
items and or hiding items. First reported in 1998 to the Conestoga Police and continued to
present. Clothing was also manipulated and altered. The term gas lighting was only learned in
2010, although it was reported to police as harassment by neighbors of friends. The daily draining
of my hot tub was also used as a psychological warfare tactic and used to run up utility bills.
Numerous complaints were made to police in 2008 to 2010.

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Thefts of Property. Not Yet Completed.

22. Vandalism to Car/Truck. Since 2005 have experienced years of gas siphoning, battery
outages, letting air out of tires, and wetting of inside of floor mats as psychological warfare tactics
by perps and stalkers. Made numerous complaints the Lancaster City Police Department.

Toxic Chemical Causing Running Nose. Experienced on regular basis in 2009 when in
public places. Was not in conjunction with cold/flu symptoms. Research states it is a tactic used
in organized stalking.


Computer Hacking. Computer Hacking complaints were filed to local authorities in the
County of Lancaster and the Cyber Crime unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2005 to
2010. Numerous complaint numbers have been secured. Complaints of cell phone hacking was
also reported in 2010. Websites and blogs were regularly hacked and sometimes taken off-line.
Electronic calenders, court documents, and financial records were often hacked causing many
problems of the years, including having to withdraw civil complaints.

25. Cyber Stalking. Most in 2005 to 2010.

Message Board, and the FBI Cyber Crime Unit.

Complaints to Microsoft legal counsel, Yahoo


Interference/Delay/Theft of U.S. Mails. First reported to U.S. Postmaster of mail

tampering and illegal changing of address in 1987. In 2008 to 2009 have made several more
complaints to the U.S. Postmaster Inspector General who claim to have begun investigations.
Some caused missed court hearings and other missed appointments and or meetings.


Electromagnetic Weapons Causing Severe Muscle Spasms/Cramps.

experienced in 2006 to present. One experience in 2006 was while I was in my hot tub and the
pain and cramp was so severe in my left calf muscle (you automatically bend over to rub it out,
which placed my head underwater) I had to crawl out of the hot tub before almost drowning.


Electromagnetic Weapons Causing Sexual Stimulation. First experienced in 2005.

29. Forced Hospitalizations. Forced Hospitalizations in 1987 (2) one for 6 hours and one for
5 days; 2006 one for 3 days; 2009 one for several hours while in intensive care for emergency
surgery; and 2010 one for 8 days. Filed complaints to Citizens Commission for Human Rights in
1991 and 2008.

Manipulation and Theft of Documents. Numerous thefts and manipulation of all legal
and business documents both in paper and in electronic format have occurred since 1987.
Microfiche/Microfilming began in 1987 and other measures to secure documents have been
ongoing to present. Numerous complaints have been filed with law enforcement since 1987.

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Statement: I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the
whistle (public Allegations and Complaints to State and Federal Authorities of Fraud during merger
negotiations with British Defense Contractor Ferranti International) on an international defense
contractor named International Signal & Control, or ISC, who was selling arms (Everything from
Telemetry Systems to Cluster Bombs) to Iraq via South Africa and was convicted of a $1 Billion
dollar Fraud in 1992 by the United States Attorney and several other federal agencies. See
ABC/News 20/20 and Nightline in 1991. They were founded and headquartered in my hometown
of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I was a shareholder and was solicited by a top ISC Executives
(Convicted as a Mastermind of the Billion Dollar Fraud) to help finance some of their operations
through an affiliate called United Chem Con. ISC was a Department of Defense (DOD) Contractor
and a partner with United States Intelligence Agencies since it's beginnings in the early 1970's.
One of it's first contracts was Project X with the National Security Agency or NSA of Ft. Meade,
Maryland. Former Secretary of the Navy, Bobby Ray Inman was on the Board of Directors of ISC
and was also on the Board of Directors of Science Applications International Corporation, or SAIC.
SAIC was a huge defense contractor that was the recipient of the Defense Intelligence Agency, or
DIA, program on Remote Viewing, which SAIC named Project Stargate. It was reported that
Bobby Ray Inman declined the nomination for Secretary of Defense under the first Clinton
Administration because of the ISC and Trecor scandals. In the early 1990's I was a subcontractor
on a project for the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, or DARPA, with the National
Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST called TIMIT.
The project developed speech
corpora for the development of computer based speech recognition systems. I was also involved
in the bidding of other Department of Defense contracts dealing with information technologies. In
1998 I was stalked and approached by an employee of the National Security Agency, or NSA in
York, Pennsylvania who said my problems were not with the NSA, but the good ole boys. In
2005 I was detained by 2 Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA officers in a museum on a military
base in Austin, Texas and was questioned and interviewed regarding my civil actions filed in
federal court for several hours. I was released and told to stay off of all military bases. My
brother, a Family Physician in Austin Texas had to verify my travel plans and the fact that I was
staying with him prior to my release.
My father alleged he was part of U.S. Navy experiments in the 1940's and experienced
synthetic telepathy in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's as outlined in memos and documents he had
authored; and from my personal conversations with him prior to his death. Ms. Amy Fuchs of the
Disclosure Project confirmed that he was most likely given an ET experience via synthetic
telepathy. He died in 2001 in New York City of cancer. My brother was in the U.S. Air Force in the
late 1960's and I allege was a victim of the LSD experiments relating to MKULTRA in the late
1960's and a victim of murder (Suspicious Suicide with tainted medical reports) in Santa Barbara
California in 1984; Notarized Complaints were filed to the California Attorney General in 1991. He
made a declaration type statement prior to his death that he got bad LSD while in the U.S. Air
Organized stalking and harassment began in 1987 following the public allegations of fraud
within ISC. As far back as the late 1980's I thought that my mind was being read, or "remotely
viewed". During the times that legal Counsel and attorneys were solicited in 1987, 1991, and
1997 Organized Stalking and Harassment and other forms of attacks experienced by Targeted
Individuals were severely increased. In 2005 the U.S. sponsored mind control turned into an allout assault of mental telepathy; synthetic telepathy; and pain and torture through the use of
directed energy devices and/or electromagnetic weapons. This assault was no coincidence in that
it began simultaneously with the filing of the federal action in U.S. District Court, of CATERBONE v.
Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288.
This targeting has ruined every aspect of my life.

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Some Perspectives
The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental barbarism which obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of a dial the history and civilization of
mans mental development. It is more than an abuse of human rights, it is the destruction of
meaning. For anyone who is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort
to stay sane is beyond the scope of tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary
mind cannot encompass the horror of it. We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration camps. We now have the prospect of systematic control authorized by men who issue instructions through satellite communications for the destruction of
societies while they are driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and going to the opera.
"On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive
Technology"by Carole Smith
Global Research, October 18, 2007; Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.
People have no comprehension of how lethal only one aspect (aside from the obvious of driving
the victim completely insane) of telepathy technology can be in disrupting and ruining an individual's life through the sabotaging of his/her daily activities. Everything an individual does begins
with a momentary thought. From the split second that thought is learned by the person on the
other end (telepathically) - the individual's right to privacy is not the real threat or loss. The real
lethal weapon is the advantage in disrupting or preventing the individual from accomplishing
whatever he/she is going to do before they actually do it. With a simple cell phone call or instant
message, the Advanced Team is in place to subvert; sabotage; manipulate; propagandize;
smear; disrupt; or even prevent the task or activity from being accomplished in any successful
manner. The perps are skilled at creating scenarios that are covertly arranged to simulate everyday occurrences to make the victim at fault for the loss or failure. Imagine the consequences
when these activities have legal and financial implications. With telepathy technology the need for
tracking and surveillance technology is greatly diminished and may even become obsolete. This is
not merely Mind Invasive Technology, as Carole Smith so eloquently wrote this is LIFE Invasive Technology. Say Goodbye to any true sense of capitalism and free enterprise in the not to
distant future unless of course someone stops these illegal and disastrous technology transfers
and leaks.
Stan J. Caterbone
Organized or Gang Stalking
A system of organized psychological terror tactics used against a person who has become an enemy of an individual or a government. Subtle but effective techniques of stalking by multiple individuals and psychological intimidation and manipulation are used to slowly but surely drive the
target to make complaints to authorities who will see the complaints as bogus because of the
methods used against the target. As a result, the target gets labeled as mentally ill.
There are as many stalking tactics as there are targets as the multistalkers will tailor the stalking
to the individuals habits and individual personality. Some common examples or organized stalking
are: following the target on foot, by car and public transportation, crowding the target's space in a
public place, murmuring insults under the breath so only the target can hear, sitting in the car
outside the target's residence, starting "fights" in public with the target, doing "skits" on the
street which involves information only the target should know but has been found out via surveillance of the target, stealing and vandalism of the target's possessions.
Organized Stalking Website
Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to
reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus
investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a ganging up by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic terrorizing of an
individual. Mark M. Rich

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The acts described above violate many laws aimed at protecting Americans. Some of these laws
include but are not limited to the following:
10 USC 921, Article 121 -- Larceny and wrongful appropriation
10 USC 920A, Article 120a -- Stalking
18 2340 USC -- Torture
18 USC 241 -- Conspiracy against rights of sovereign, free, God created, spirit and soul
18 USC 213 -- Illegal Surreptitious entry
18 USC 242 -- Deprivation of rights under color of law
18 USC 35 -- Imparting or conveying false information
18 USC 1117 -- Conspiracy to Murder
18 USC 1111 -- Murder
18 USC 1905 -- Disclosure of information generally
42 USC 1983 -- Civil action for deprivation of rights
42 USC 1985 -- Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights
31 USC 5328 -- Whistleblower protections
18 USC 1512 -- Engaging in misleading conduct
18 USC 1503 -- Intimidating a witness/victim
18 USC 1512 -- Tampering with a witness/victim
18 USC 1513 -- Retaliation against a witness/victim
18 USC 1510 -- Obstructing a criminal investigation, conflict of interest roles in
18 USC 1509 -- Impeding due exercise of rights by attempting to prevent, obstruct,
impede and Interfere with same
18 USC 1622 -- Subordination of perjury by procuring another to commit perjury
(Optional) I have attached a personal message _______ (check).

I affirm that the statements in this Affidavit concerning my torture and the results of
that torture are true and correct. I further affirm that those statements are based on
my own direct knowledge, personal experience, research, and known and published
historical fact.

Stan J. Caterbone
Affiant (signature) ______________________________________
Stan J. Caterbone
Name (print): __________________________________________
June 19, 2015
Date: _________________________________________________
State of __________________________
County of
Sworn before me this _______
day of _______________________,
Stan J. Caterbone - I was a notary from '94-'98
Notary Public Exp.:
& Seal:

Don't Know When

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance. All rights reserved. Copyright 2010 (This is an amended
form of the original Affidavit of September 2010 from Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance.)

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