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Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015

Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (


Ted. C Eze, Ph.D
Lecturer Faculty of Law, Anambra State University Igbariam.
Eze Amaka G. (Mrs.), Ph .D
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
ABSTRACT: The concept of plea bargain is a new phenomenon in the Nigerian legal
system. It has been trailed with a lot of controversy. The Economic and Financial Crimes
Commission has recently been applying the concept to release many corrupt public officers
who should have been in jail. The idea is that they agree to plead guilty for a lesser charge
with minimal punishment in exchange for the return of most of their stolen wealth. The
opponents of this practice believe that the end result of the practice would be
counterproductive in the fight against corruption as it will encourage other public officers to
steal public money. This paper examines the origin of the concept, its development across the
globe and the issues arising from the emerging practice of plea bargain in Nigeria. The
paper also makes some valuable suggestions as to how not to make the practice become a
leeway for encouraging treasury looters.
KEYWORDS: Plea Bargaining, Criminal Justice, Legal System.

The term plea bargaining is derived from the words plea and bargain. The word plea
has been defined to mean an accused persons formal response of guilty, not guilty, or no
contest to a criminal charge.1 The word bargain on the other hand literally means that act of
negotiating a settlement. In law, it has been defined as follows:
A bargain is an agreement of two or more persons to exchange promise or to
exchange a promise for a performance. 2
A bargain is therefore broader in meaning than a contract since it does not involve
sufficiency of consideration. A bargain is not applicable to every contract. A plea bargain is
therefore a sort of a criminal charge. The parties involved in a plea bargain are the prosecutor
and the defendant/accused person. The Blacks Law Dictionary has deferred plea bargain as:
A negotiated agreement between a prosecutor and a criminal defendant pleads
guilty to lesser offence or to one or more multiple charges in exchange for some
concession by the prosecutor, usually a more eminent sentence or a dismissal of the
other charges.3

Bryan A. Garner (ed. In .C) Blacks Law Dictionary (8 th ed)

(Minnesota: Thompson Web Publishers, 2004) p. 1189
ibid at p. 159
ibid at p. 1190

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

The free Dictionary has also defined a plea bargain as a process where a criminal defendant
and a prosecutor reach a mutually satisfactory disposition of a criminal case subject to the
approval of the court.4A further definition has been given by the wikipedia, the free online
encyclopedia wherein plea bargain was defined as:
an agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and the Defendant whereby
the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for some
concession from the prosecutor.5
A common thread running through the above definitions is that the defendant may plead
guilty to a lesser charge or to one of several charges in return for the dumeal of the other
charges or that the defendant will plead guilty to the charge as it is in return for a more
lenient sentence.
The main features noticeable from the foregoing perception of plea bargaining is that the
process is at the discretion of the prosecutor subject however to the approval of the court
where the charges are already before it. Thus, on the basis of a plea bargain, the prosecutor
could decide to withhold the more serious charges. The defendant could on the basis of a plea
bargain plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for the prosecutors withdrawal of the
more serious charges. Finally, where a plea bargain is approved by the court, it can hand
down a more lenient sentence in respect of any charge before it.


The concept of plea bargain has been traced to the early 19th century when the adversarial
system of adjudication began to rapidly evolve. 6Legal technicalities that accompanied the
adversarial system of jurisprudence complicated the simple criminal justice system leading to
delays in the dispensation of criminal justice. To secure a conviction for an otherwise guilty
defendant became an uphill task for many prosecutors. The end product was that most
criminals that would have been convicted criminal usually escaped the hangmans nose. In
some cases, people remained under detention unnecessarily as a result of legal technicalities
occasioning delays in the conclusion of criminal cases. Plea bargaining emerged as a
compromise to ensure that criminals were appropriately punished. It is also founded in the
policy of the law to ensure that such punishment not only serves as deterrent to would be
offenders, but would be in the best interest of society. The idea is that where a person who
has stolen property, accepts to negotiate what he has stolen back, society would be better off
receiving back what it has lost in terms of property. The criminal on his part for accepting to
remedy the loss he has caused the society, should be mildly punished. It remains to be seen
whether the act of treasurer looting inflicts only property damage to society. This is so
because the very act of looting the public treasury flows from a debased mind and inflicts not
only physical and financial injuries to the social psyche but also does moral and spiritual
harm to the social fabric of which society is made of.
Nevertheless, most of the capitalist world has accepted plea bargaining back as a standard
practice from getting back from property thiefs what they have stolen through corrupt

Legal Dictionary. (accessed 18/2/2013), P1 of 11

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

practices. From available statistics, 95% of criminal convictions in the United States have
come from plea bargain otherwise known as negotiated pleas. In England and Wales, only
8% of criminal cases proceed to trial in Magistrate Courts while the remaining 92% is
resolved by plea bargains.7 In the British Crown Courts, only 14.3% of criminal cases
proceed to trial while the remaining 61.3% are resolved through plea bargains.
Global Trends in the Adoption of the doctrine of Plea Bargain
The adoption of plea bargain for the resolution of criminal cases that are in the nature of
crimes has become widely accepted in most of the advanced capitalist economies. In the
United States of America that can easily pass for the most developed capitalist economy, plea
bargain was employed as early as the 1970s in property crimes and other offences that do
not attract capital punishment. The aim was to save the society the huge expenses involved in
litigation and to recover for it the stolen common wealth in property crimes cases. In the case
of individual victims of property crimes, it was meant to assist such victims to recover what
was stolen rather than merely punching the offender with the victim not regaining his
In the case of Bradley V. United States,8 the American Supreme Court upheld the practice in
1970. The practice was also applied in dealing with the cases of Former American President,
Spiro Agnew who was made to resign on account of corruption charges rather than face trial
and Michael Jackson who was to face trial for child molestation. The practice is also being
adopted in other common law and civil law jurisdictions within different forms.


As has been earlier noted, 95% of criminal cases in the United States of America have been
resolved by plea bargains. In this country however, plea bargains are strictly subjected to the
approval of the Court. Furthermore, different states and jurisdictions have different procedure
for the application of the procedure in the United States.
The Federal Centenary guidelines are usually applied in relation to Federal offences. These
guidelines were created to ensure that a uniform standard is applied by the Federal Courts in
the adoption of plea bargain in criminal proceedings. These guidelines provide for two kinds
of plea agreement. The first type of agreement consists of an ordinary recommendation to the
court with respect to the defendants plea of guilt. This is not however binding on the Court.9
Under this arrangement, the prosecutor recommends to the Court boasted on a plea
agreement between him and the defendant that a lenient sentence should be handed down on
the defendant in exchange for the defendants plea of guilty. As this recommendation is not
binding on the court, the court can go ahead to impose the maximum sentence despite the
recommendation from the prosecutor. This is because; the agreement is first submitted to the
Court for its acceptance or refusal. Once the court accepts the agreement, it is bounded to
sentence in line with the agreement.10
394 vs 742.90. S.C.T 1463, 25 L.ED 21747 (1970)
Section 11 (c) (i) (B) Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Section 11 (c) (i) (c) ibid

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

In situations where the Court disapproves of the agreement after it has been submitted to it,
the defendant is free to withdraw his guilty plea whereupon a full trial is ordered. But where
the court accepts the agreement, it cannot thereafter resile from imposing its sentence in line
with the agreement after the defendant has pleaded guilty.
In the states of California, plea bargain has assumed such a popular acclaim that the parties
and their 11attorneys are at liberty to reduce the plea bargain agreement into a prescribed
written format that can be filed in court for the court to adopt same as its judgment in a
criminal proceedings.
There are some features of the American judicial system that have promoted the growth and
development of plea bargain. The first is the well established and functional practice of
adversarial jurisprudence in the American Legal system. Another factor that has helped the
system to grow is the absence of compulsory prosecution. Furthermore, private prosecution is
not known to the American judicial system. In other words, prosecution for offences cannot
be maintained by the victims of such offences.
Plea bargaining is more restricted in Canada. This is because Canadian Judges are not bound
by the crowns sentence recommendations. The Crowns prosecutors are however free to
make such recommendations on the bias of a plea agreement with the defendant. 12
In practice however, the crown will usually recommend a punishment to the court higher
than what was agreed under a plea bargain while the defense will be urging a sentence far
lower than that agreed upon with the crown prosecution when they appear before the judge.
The aim is to enable the sentence of the Court to fall within the range of that agreed upon in
the plea bargain. The Canadian Courts are aware of this practice and tends to encourage it, as
a way of checking any above of the plea bargain system. This goes to show that Canada is
aware of the possibility of converting the plea bargain procedure into an engine for
perpetuating protection fraud.
Plea bargain was introduced into the India legal system in 2006 by statute13. The statute
however made the procedure applicable in criminal proceedings involving only minor
offences which do and attract a punishment of more than 7 years. However, property
offences in the nature of socio-economic crimes such as the looting of the public treasury and
offences committed against a woman or a child less than 14 years of age are excluded from
the application of the procedure. Thus, embezzlement of public funds such as was the case of
Former American Fraudulent, Spiro Agnew and the molestation of children as in the case of
Michael Jackson are excluded from the application of the procedure in India.

Farm CR-01, plea form with Explanations and Waiver of Rights Felony, & (Judicial Council of California)
Criminal Law (Amendment) Acts, 2005,
RH. XX 1 (A)

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

Similarly, those cases of economic corruption by political offices holders as in those cases
being handled by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria cannot
benefit from the procedure in India.
Pakistan is one country that views plea bargain with a lot of suspicion. It however introduced
the procedure it into its legal system in 1999 as an anti-corruption Law. 14 The purpose of the
procedure in Pakistan is to allow persons accused of official corruption to return what they
have stolen as determined by investigators and prosecutors and regain their liberty with
infracted political rights and damaged reputation. In Pakistan, the procedure benefits the
society by having what has been taken from it restored while the perpetrator of the evil act is
set free after being stigmatized. The procedure is at the instance of the accused person who
makes an application making a frank disclosure of all he took from the public till. The
application is scrutinized by the National Accountability Bureau who if satisfied, endorses
the application and presents same to Court. The Court decodes on whether or not to accept
the application. Whether Court accepts the applications, the accused stands convicted but is
not sentenced. After the conviction, the accused is discharged but barned from taking part in
any elections or holding any public office. Furthermore, the accused is dismissed from any
public occupied by him and is disqualified from seeking or obtaining a loan from any bank.
Apart from corruption cases, formal plea bargain are not popular in other cases in Pakistan.
The prosecutor is however free to drop a charge in return for the defendant pleading guilty to
lesser charges. Parties have no right to bargain about the penalty to be imposed on a
defendant since this is solely at the discretion of the Court.
Other Common Law Jurisdictions
In England and most of the other common law such as the Australian State of Victoria idea, it
is only the Court that determines the appropriate penalty for an offence. Plea bargaining is
usually conducted between the prosecutor and the defendant. The prosecutor usually drops
some of the charges against the defendant in exchange for the defendant pleading guilty to a
lesser charge. The court is not usually involved in the bargaining process even though it is
aware of the process. The penalties are not usually bargained.
Civil Law Countries
Plea bargain is abhorred in most civil law jurisdictions as they consider same as debating
justice to ordinary trade by barter. In Central African Republic which is a civil law country,
the offence of witchcraft if successfully established attracts a very heavy penalty. However,
defendants who confess to the crime are usually given midst sentences. 15 This procedure is a
form of plea bargain. In Estoma, a limited form of plea bargain is available to defendants in
offences that do not attract more than four years punishment. Where a defendant pleads
guilty to such an offence under a plea bargain agreement, he gets a 25% reduction in
punishment for saving the Court and the prosecution the rigours of a full trial. France often
regarded as the mother of all law country introduced a limited form of plea bargain into its
jurisprudence at 2004 in a form known as pleader capable in respect of very minor offences.

National Accounting Ordinance I. 1999

Graeme Wood (June, 2010), Hex Appeal at

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

In this system, the public prosecutor proposes to suspect of relatively minor offences a
penalty not exceeding one years imprisonment in return for a plead of guilty. The Judge was
aligned to accept the deal if the suspect accept the proposal.
Plea bargaining was introduced into the Republic of Georgia in 2004. The substance of the
Georgian plea bargaining procedure is similar to that of the United States and other common
law jurisdictions. This is inspite of the fact that Georgia is a civil law country. Georgia has a
statutorily established procedure for the practice of plea bargaining. It is the cardinal
principle of plea bargaining in Russia that the procedure must be based on the freewill of the
defendant. In order to ensure this, the defence counsel is obligated to participate in the
process. 17
The defendant also retains the right to reject a plea bargain agreement and opt for a full trial
at any stage of the procedure before judgment.18 As a further protection of the defendants
right, all the information obtained from the defendant under a plea agreement are treated as
without prejudice and cannot be used against him if full trial is later resorted to.19 The
defendant can also appeal against a judgment delivered on the basis of a plea bargain of the
plea agreement was concluded by deception, coercion, violence or threat. 20
In concluding a plea agreement in Georgia, the prosecution must take into consideration the
public interest, severity of the punishment and the personal characteristics of the defendant.
21 For a plea agreement to have legal effect, it must receive the approval of the court. To give
such approval, the court must satisfy itself that the agreement was concluded on the basis of
the freewill of the defendant and that the defendant fully acknowledges the essence and
consequence of the plea agreement. 22
Before convicting a defendant on the basis of a plea agreement evidence exists to sustain the
conviction. In other words, it is not just enough that the defendant has pleaded guilty to the
charges. The court must also ensure that the agreement is legitimate and that there is no
shade of illegality surrounding same. 23 The prosecutor is also obliged to consult with the
victim and ensure that the damage done to him is compensated before concluding a plea
agreement. 24 Statistics reveals that out of the 19,556 people against whom judgments were
rendered in 2010 in Georgia, 15, 867 or 79.5% of such people were convicted on the basis of
successfully concluded plea agreement.25

Les Chifferes des de la Justice at Justice. Your fr/artpix1-chipresddes06.pdf) French Ministry
of Justice, October, 2006.


Article 210 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Georgia

Article 213 ibid
Article 214 ibid
Article 215 ibid
op cit. at fn. 17
Article 23 ibid
Article 212 ibid
Herman Joachim (1991-1992) bargaining Justice A Bargain for German Criminal Justice at
( Collection = Journals & handle hein
journals/upitt53&div=268td=&page=),53,U Pitt. L. Rev., p. 755, http: // heineconline org./hol/lading page?
Collection = Journals & handle hein. Journals/upitt53&div = 26&rd = & page =

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

Plea bargain has appeared only in few instances in Germany. The German Criminal
procedure does not however have what can be correctly described as a system of plea
bargaining. 26 In Italy, plea bargaining is in respect of sentences and not the charges. The
purpose of plea bargaining in Italian jurisprudence is to avoid the rigors of a full trial in
return for a lenient sentence for the defendant. The procedure is known as pattegiamente. It
is however within the jurisdiction and powers of a judge to refuse or accept the plea
Finally, a limited form of plea bargaining exist in Roland. The procedure is activated by
agreement between the defendant who accept to plead guilty, the prosecutor and the victim,
subject to the approval of the Court. It is only applicable in minor offences which punishment
does not exceed ten years imprisonment. All the parties to a plea agreement in Roland
however have the right to appeal against the judgment based on the plea agreement.
Criticisms have however trailed the practice of plea bargaining both in common law and civil
law countries. in common law countries, the system has been criticized on the ground that it
infringes the rights of an individual guaranteed by the European Convention of Human
Rights which has been incorporated into the United Kingdoms Human Rights Acts, 1998.28
According to this reasoning, people who might have been acquitted for lack of evidence
often plead guilty to lesser charges out of fear. In Civil countries, the system has been
criticized for reducing justice to barter. The system is also difficult to practice in civil law
countries because a plea of guilty does not absolve the prosecution from its duty to present a
full case. In the absence of evidence to support the plea of guilty, a defendant can still be
acquitted of an offence in civil law jurisdictions since the jurisprudential practice in those
industries are inquisitional rather than adversarial.
The Emergence of Plea Bargaining in the Nigeria Legal System
Plea bargain has never been part of the Nigerian legal system. This point was eloquently
made by the Former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Dahiru Metaphor. It was the
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment) Act No. 1 of 2004 that first
established the procedure as a possibility in Nigeria.
The EFCC Act provide as follows:
Subject to the provision of section 174 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria, 1999 (which relates to the power of the attorney General of the Federation to
institute, continue, take over or discontinue criminal proceedings against any person
or in any court of law, the Commission may compound any offence punishable under
the Act by accepting such sum of money as it thinks fit, not exceeding the maximum
amount to which such person may be liable if he had been convicted of that offence.29
The offences referred to under these provisions are those punishable under the EFCC Act and
the section does not therefore apply to general criminal trials in Nigeria. The offences listed
under the Act include offences relating to financial malpractices offences in relation to
How does the Italian Criminal Trial wwk? at
Section 14(2), Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment) Act, 2004
Sections 14-18 ibid
EFCC Act op.cit

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

terrorism, offences relating to public officers retention of abuse of office as well as offences
that relate generally to economic and financial crimes.30The word compounding of offences
as used in the Act refers to the power of the Commission to drop some of the charges if the
defendant is prepared to give up such sum of money as the commission may deem fit in
accordance with the Act.
A closer examination of this provision will reveal several pitfalls. First, it does not provide
any definite guidelines as to the basis for adopting the procedure under section 14(2) of the
EFCC Act. It is left at the discretion of the Commission. It is submitted that the discretion is
too wide and could be open to above. Second, the aspect of the same provision which
empowers the commission to accept any sum of money As it thinks fits, not exceeding the
maximum amount to which that person would have been liable if he had been convicted
under the Act is a blanket cheque to the officers for so much stolen in exchange of secret
For plea bargain to serve any useful purpose in the war against corruption, it is expected that
a corrupt public officer who intends to benefits from the procedure should be prepared to
confess his deeds and give all and not some or a little of what that person has stolen as
verified by the Commission.
The EFCC has applied this procedure in every many high profile cases. In the case of Former
Inspector General of Police, Mr. Tafa Balogun, the EFCC adopted this procedure and the
accused was failed for only six months. It has been hinted that the procedure was adopted by
the Commission in the trial of Emmanuel Nwude and Nzeribe Okoli who were charged for
defrauding a Brazilian Bank. The EFCC also extended the practice to the case Chief D.S.P.
Alamieyesigha who was docked on corruption charges. Furthermore, a Federal High Court in
a most laughable manner imposed a paltry fine of N3.5M on Governor of Edo State who was
charged with stealing billions of naira from the public on December 28, 2008. He was further
served to 12 years imprisonment on six count charge of corruptly enriching himself while he
was governor. The sentence was to run concurrently and because he had remained in custody
for two years, he was released a few two years; he was released a few days after under a plea
bargain agreement. In the case of Mrs. Cecelia Ibru, a Former Managing Director of Oceanic
Bank, she accepted to forfeit the assets worth over N150 Billion which she fraudulently
acquired by her office.31 As a result of a plea bargain agreement, she received a light
punishment of six months imprisonment. The most recent and rabidly criticized case was that
of one Mr. John Yakubu Yusuf on January 2013, who got a punishment of two years
imprisonment or the option of a fine of seven hundred and fifty thousand naira
(N750,000,000) under a plea bargain agreement with the EFCC after stealing several billions
of naira from the pension fund . The puzzling thing in all these sentence however is that the
general public is kept aloof as to what was stolen and what was recovered from the thief so as
to justify the pious sentences.
In Lagos State of Nigeria, it would appear that support for plea bargain can now be found in
the provisions of the Administration of Criminal Justice Law (ACJL), 2007. The law
provides as follows:




ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

The prosecutor and a defendant or his legal practitioner may before the charge enter into an
agreement in respect of




A plea of guilty by the defendant to the offence charged or a lesser offence of

which he may be convicted on the charge and


An appropriate sentence to be imposed by the Court if the defendant is

convicted of the offence to which he is to plead guilty.

The prosecutor may only enter into an agreement contemplated in subjection (1) of
this section a.

After consultation with the police officer reasonable for the investigation of
the case and if reasonably feasible, the victim.


With due regard to the nature of and circumstances of relating to the offence,
the defendant and the interest of the community.

The prosecution, if reasonably feasible shall afford the complainant or his

representative the opportunity to make representation to the prosecutor regarding.

The contents of the agreement and


The inclusion in the agreement of a comperation or reditutioon order.


An agreement between parties contemplated in subsection (2) shall be in writing and

shall be signed.


The presiding Judge or Magistrate before whom criminal proceedings arc pending
shall not participate in the discussion contemplated in subsection (1).
Provided that he may be approached by counsel regarding the contents of the
discussion and he may inform them in general terms of the possible advantages of
discussion, possible sentencing options or the acceptability of a proposed agreement.


Where a plea agreement is reached by the prosecution and defence, the prosecutor
shall inform the Court that the parties have reached an agreement and the preceding
Judge or Magistrate shall then inquires from the defendant to confirm the correctness
of the agreement.


The presiding Judge or Magistrate shall ascertain whether the defendant admits the
allegation in the charge to which he has pleaded guilty and whether he entered into
the agreement voluntarily without undue influence and maya.

If satisfied that the defendant is guilty of the offence to which he has pleaded
guilty convict the defendant on his plea of guilty to that offence, or,


If he is for any reason of the opinion that the defendant cannot be corrected of
the offence in respect of which the agreement was reached and to which the
defendant had pleaded guilty or that the agreement is in conflict with the
defendant rights referred to in subsection (4) of this section, he shall record a
plea of not guilty in respect of such charge and order that the trial proceed.
ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (




Where the defendant has been convicted in terms of subsection (7) (a), the presiding
Judge or Magistrate shall consider the sentence agreed upon in the agreement and if it

Satisfied that such sentence is an appropriate sentence, impose the sentence,



if the view that he would have imposed a lesser sentence than the sentence
agreed upon in the agreement impose the lesser sentence, or


Of the view that the offence requires a heavier sentence than the sentence
agreed upon in the agreement, he shall inform the accused of such heavier
sentence he considers to be appropriate.

Where the accused have been informed of the heavier sentence as contemplated in
subsection (8) (c) above, the defendant maya.

Abide by the plea of guilty as agreed upon in the agreement, and agree that
subject to the defendants right to lead evidence and to present argument
relevant to sentencing, the presiding Judge or Magistrate proceed with the
sentencing, or


Withdraw from the plea agreement, in which event, the trial shall proceed
denovo before another presiding Judge or Magistrate as the case may be

Where a trial proceeds as contemplated under subsection (9) (a) or denovo before
another presiding Judge or Magistrate as contemplated in subsection (9) (b):a.

No reference shall be made to the agreement;


No admission contained therein or statement relating thereto shall be

admirable against the defendant, and


The prosecutor and the defendant may not enter into a similar plea and
sentence agreement.

The provision for plea bargaining in the Administration of Criminal Justice Law (ACJL) of
Lagos State, 2004 as outlined above is quite explicit. There is a controversy about the fact
that the procedure is statutorily acknowledged and promoted in Lagos State of Nigeria. The
provision for plea bargain under this Lagos State Law is quite similar to that contained in the
Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Georgia. It is to be noted however that the old
Criminal Procedure Law of Lagos State showed a similar concern when it provided that
where in a charge of stealing or receiving of stolen property, the Court is of the opinion that
the evidence adduced by the prosecution is insufficient to ground conviction, but wrongful
convention or detention of property is established, the court may order the restoration of the
stolen property and award damages against the defendant./accused person.
In Anambra State of Nigeria, the Administration of Criminal Justice Law of 2010 has also
joined the push towards the adoption of plea bargain as an accepted procedure in criminal
proceedings. It is however not detailed as the Lagos State Administration of Criminal Justice
Law. The power to approve a plea bargain was conferred on the Attorney General by the
Anambra State Law. It also went ahead to specify the class of persons and offences to which
ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

the procedure is inapplicable. The Administration of Criminal Justice Law of Anambra State,
2010 provided as follows:

Notwithstanding anything in this law or in any other law, the Attorney General of the
State shall have power to receive, consider and accept a plea bargain from any person
charged with any offence either directly from that person charged or on his behalf, by
way of an offer to accept to plead guilty to a lesser offence than that charged.


Where the Attorney-General is of the view that the acceptance of such a plea bargain
is in the interest of justice, public interest, public policy and the need to prevent the
abuse of the legal process, he may accept such plea and the Court seized of the matter
shall be so informed and shall proceed to enter a guilty plea to such lesser offence and
impose the punishment accordingly.


When a person is convicted and sentenced under the provisions of subsection (1) of
this section, he shall not be charged or tried again on the same fact that the higher
offence earlier charged for which he has pleaded to a lesser offence.


The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons a.

Charged with capital offence or any offence involving the use of violence.


Persons who had in the last ten years, been convicted and sentenced for any
such similar offence or any offence involving grievous violence or sexual

It is submitted that the Anambra State Law does not leave discretion in proceedings involving
plea bargain. There are no safeguards against undue influence and the infraction of the rights
of the defendants by the Attorney General. The provision is applicable to all offence except
those that attract capital punishment and those that involve the use of violence. To this extent,
it is unwieldy as the procedure accommodated all manner of offences outside those expected
in subsection of section 167. The provision invests so much power on the Attorney General
to the exclusion of the courts before which a matter is pending. The Court cannot be expected
to swallow all kinds of agreement concocted by the Attorney General in the name of a plea
bargain as this will amount to a violation of the judicial powers guaranteed by the
constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended.
In summary, the procedure of plea bargain was unknown to the Nigeria judicial system until
2004 when the EFCC Act appears to have smuggled it into our jurisprudence. This has been
followed by the Administration of Criminal Justice Law of Lagos State, 2007 which involves
the prosecutors, the defendant, subject to the approval of the courts as practiced in other
jurisdictions. The Administration of Criminal Justice Law of Anambra State which came into
effect in 2010 also adopted the procedure. But unlike the Lagos State, it left the control of the
procedure solely in the hands of the Attorney General to the exclusion of the Courts, thus
pointing to a conflict with the judicial powers of the court guaranteed by the condition in
furtherance of the doctrine of separation of powers.

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

An Appraisal of the Applicability of the Doctrine of Plea Bargain in Nigerian

The practice of plea bargain by the EFCC has come under heavy criticism by jurist and other
eminent Nigerians. A former Chief Justice of Nigeria had this to say about plea bargain:
The concept is not only dubious but was never part of our judicial system at least
until it was sumptuously smuggled into our statutory laws by the Economic and
Financial Crimes commission.
According to the leaned jurist, the concept is a threat to the criminal justice system in Africa.
At the same event where the eminent jurist made the above comment, a former Justice of the
International Court at The Hague, Prince Bola Ajibola (SAN) had this to say:
It will make a mockery of the entire process of dealing with corruption. The rule of
law is clear. Those who are found guilty of any crime committed within Nigeria
should be duly and adequately punished.
Delivery a paper in support of the procedure as practiced by the EFFCC Mr. Ibrahim
Lamrode, the Chairman of the Commission had this to say:
We are all witnesses to the fact that cases commenced as far back as 2007 against
some former Governors such as Uzor Kalu, Chimaroke Nnamani, Saminu Huraki and
Joshua Dariye have hardly made any meaningful progress in the trial because of
regular exploitation of the inherent problems in the Justice system to tunicate trials.
The above view point from Larmode is understandable coming from the Chairman of the
Agency pushing for the popularization of the procedure in criminal trials. It is however the
position of this paper that the procedure as presently practiced will lead to nothing other than
a social upheaval. This does not however mean that the very idea of getting property
criminals to return their loot in exchange for their freedom is bad in itself. However, what to
be returned must tally with what was stolen before a deal can be struck. Furthermore, the
freedom that should avail treasury water after he has returned his loot must be a qualified
kind of freedom.

It is bad enough to be confined in jail for a long time and the stigma of an outcast criminal is
even worse. Nigeria can adopt the plea bargain in a modified form procedure like other
developing countries such as India and Pakistan. There should be federal laws that explicitly
provides for the procedure as against the present situation.
Any enactment explicitly providing for the adoption of plea bargaining in criminal trials
should be restricted to property related offences and should have as its major aim, the
restoration or restitution of the stolen property. Before the procedure is evoked in corruption
cases, what was stolen must be conclusively verified. Third, for any defendant to benefit
from the procedure, he must be prepared to return all that he stole.

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

Global Journal of Politics and Law Research

Vol.3, No.4, pp.31-43, August 2015
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

Fourth, the defendant should only be discharged and not acquitted. He should be disqualified
from holding any public office for life. Where he is a public officer, he should be dismissed
from that public office. As is the practice in Pakistan such a convict should be disqualified
from seeking or obtaining any bank loan in the country.
Fifthly, to drive home the evil of treasury looting in the psyche of the public, the defendant
who has been convicted but discharged should be taken to a town hall meeting in his town or
village where his shameful conduct shall be publicly declared to his kith and kin by the
EFCC and the public informed about the compassionate grounds upon which the convict was
Finally, it is in order to have a special courts for the expeditious disposition of cases
determined on the basis of plea bargaining especially as it related to corruption cases.

The practice of plea bargaining was unknown to Nigeria jurisprudence until the enactment of
the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment) Act, in 2004. The practice
has also been provided for in some state laws. There is yet no federal enactment explicitly
providing for the use of the procedure in criminal proceedings. The procedure has also come
under heavy criticism by eminent Nigerians.
The procedure is practiced in developed societies with stable economies and judicial systems.
It cannot be applicable in Nigeria as it can easily be abused. This paper recommends the
Pakistan and Indian model of plea bargaining as being suitable for our level of socioeconomic development. Restitution as a cardinal principle of punishment is globally
recognized. Nevertheless, the present practice where the EFCC engage in secret deals with
treasury looters who are discharged and acquitted after they surrender only a little of what
they have stolen is not only counterproductive but emboldens treasury looters.

ISSN 2053-6321(Print), ISSN 2053-6593(Online)

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