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Third Party Sub Contract Agreement

This Agreement is entered into as of _________________ by and between ____________________ a

__________ State Corporation (Fed ID # ________________) as (Subcontractor) with corporate offices at
and CAT Technology Inc., a New Jersey State Corporation, and its divisions, wholly owned subsidiaries and
affiliates, (hereinafter collectively referred to as CAT Technology Inc.)
1. Consulting Services
Subcontractor agrees to supply CAT Technology Inc., on an as needed basis, with a member or
members of Subcontractors Staff (Personnel) to perform, under the supervision and direction of clients of CAT
Technology Inc. (Client), such information technology services as are described in the Work Schedule(s)
attached as Exhibit A (Work Schedule) to this Agreement. All work performed and services provided hereunder
shall be under the direction and supervision of Client(s).
Subcontractor shall not, except to the extent consistent with the requirements of this Agreement, be
prohibited in any way from performing any services for any other individual or company during the period of this
Agreement. At any time, CAT Technology Inc. may arrange for other subcontractors, independent contractor or
CAT Technology Inc. own employees to provide the same or similar services to Client.
Subcontractor represents and warrants that Subcontractors execution and delivery of this Agreement
and the performance of its duties hereunder do not, and will not, breach or conflict with any obligation of
Subcontractor or Personnel to a previous employer, client or other party or any obligation to keep confidential any
information acquired by Subcontractor or Personnel prior to the date hereof. Subcontractor further represents
and warrants that it will not, and shall cause Personnel not to, make use of any proprietary information, ideas or
material of others in connection with Subcontractors engagement by CAT Technology Inc.
Subcontractor represents and warrants that it has been engaged in the business of providing
information technology services and maintains books and records in the ordinary course of its business reflecting
such activities.
2. Compensation
Subcontractor shall submit a monthly invoice along with a copy of approved timesheets to CAT
Technology Inc., only for hours actually worked and approved by the client, at an hourly rate as indicated on the
Work Schedule, CAT Technology Inc., will pay Sub Contractor 30 days from the date of invoice received. The
initial Work Schedule will be considered automatically renewed on a month-to-month basis until the termination of
the assignment or until the issuance of a subsequent Work Schedule for the same project assignment. Additional
Work Schedules may be added hereto for the contract extension of consultants(s), changes in bill rates, different
assignments or additions of Consultants. Subcontractor and Personnel shall receive no other compensation or
benefits for services provided hereunder. In order to be paid, Subcontractor must submit an invoice to CAT
Technology Inc. with backup time sheets of Personnel signed by an authorized representative of CAT
Technology Inc. Clients. The difference between amounts paid to Subcontractor by CAT Technology Inc. and the
amounts billed to Clients by CAT Technology Inc. shall compensate CAT Technology Inc. for its services in
identifying Subcontractor and Client, arranging interviews, performing administrative functions hereunder and
other services. Subcontractor is entitled to compensation per its invoices only upon CAT Technology, Inc receipt
of funds from the client for that invoice, and with no CAT Technology, Inc liability otherwise, because
Subcontractor agrees that the client controls the payment of consulting fees to Subcontractor. At the request of
and as a convenience to Subcontractor, CAT Technology, Inc may deliver funds to it prior to receiving funds from
the client. In that event, If CAT Technology, Inc does not receive funds from the client that cover all hours set
forth in contractors invoice to CAT Technology, Inc for which such delivery of funds was made, then
Subcontractor must pay CAT Technology, Inc an amount equal to any funds delivered by CAT Technology, Inc to
Subcontractor based upon hours set forth in that invoice for which the client has not made payments to CAT
Technology, Inc. Such repayments shall be due immediately upon written demand mailed to Subcontractor.
Generally CAT Technology, Inc pay the invoices upon 30 days from the date of invoice received.
In no event shall Subcontractor or Personnel be entitled to participate in any employee benefit programs
or fringe benefits, which may be offered by Client, CAT Technology Inc., or their affiliates.
Subcontractor shall not, and shall cause Personnel to not, disclose Subcontractors or Personnels rate
of pay to any third party, including without limitation, any Client, customer or co-worker. Any such disclosure may
result in Subcontractors and/or Personnels immediate termination.

411 Hackensack Avenue, Floor # 7, Hackensack, NJ 07601

Tel: (201) 727-9299: Fax: (201) 342-2385: Email: [email protected]

Initials: ________

If client withholds payment or requests a refund of previous payments, CAT Technology, Inc., will notify
the Subcontractor. Subcontractor shall refund amounts paid by CAT Technology, Inc., at the rates shown in
Exhibit A when CAT Technology, Inc., is required to refund to Customer payments or Client withholds payments
to CAT Technology, Inc. Subcontractor will not be entitled to payments withheld by Client. If Subcontractor
believes payment is being unreasonable withheld or a refund is being unreasonable requested, CAT Technology,
Inc., will take all reasonable measures to resolve the payment dispute. However, CAT Technology, Inc., decision
for payment is final and absolute.
CAT Technology, Inc will not be liable to pay any invoices submitted by subcontractor after 60 days from
the original due date. Subcontractor should submit accurate invoices along with the approved timesheets on a
monthly basis without fail to CAT Technology, Inc.
3. Relationship / Term / Guarantee
Subcontractor and Personnel shall function under this Agreement solely as independent contractors
performing services for CAT Technology Inc. and / or Clients, and not as employees, partners or joint ventures.
Subcontractors services hereunder shall be at will and provided only on an as needed basis without
any commitment as to minimum use by CAT Technology Inc. or Client. Sub contractor acknowledges and
agrees that this Agreement may be terminated at any time by CAT Technology Inc., and that nothing in this
Agreement or otherwise shall confer upon Subcontractor or Personnel any right to provide services to CAT
Technology Inc. or any Client or restrict the right of CAT Technology Inc. to terminate this Agreement at any time.
If for any reason Client or CAT Technology Inc. is dissatisfied with a particular individual provided by
Subcontractor, Subcontractor will remove such person immediately and, if requested by CAT Technology Inc.
replace them as soon as practicable. If a Contract Worker provided by the Subcontractor (i) quits, (ii) is removed
by Subcontractor, or (iii) is removed for one of the reasons specified above, in each case within the first two
weeks (10) working days, Subcontractor will not charge CAT Technology Inc., for the time such Contract Worker
spent on the assignment.
Subcontractor may voluntarily terminate the services of any individual by giving 30 days written notice to
CAT Technology, Inc. Failure of Subcontractor to provide thirty (30) days written notice will result in CAT
Technology, Inc., withholding payment for sub-contractor's invoices.
4. Confidential Information / Intellectual Property / Non-Disclosure / Non-Interference
Subcontractor acknowledges, and shall cause Personnel to acknowledge, that in the course of
Subcontractors engagement by CAT Technology Inc., Subcontractor and Personnel may be provided with, or
have access to, Confidential Information belonging to CAT Technology Inc., Client or other parties. Confidential
Information includes any and all information which any party may consider proprietary or otherwise wish to keep
confidential, including, without limitation, customer lists, computer programs, schematics, source code, object
code, cost or profit figures and projections, credit information, current, future or proposed products or services,
plans and technology, business forecasts, financial records, accounting records, and technical information
included in, or on, tracings, flow charts, drawings, field notes, calculations, specifications and engineering data.
Subcontractor shall not, and shall cause Personnel to not, use, reproduce, publish, disclose or otherwise make
known to any person or entity any Confidential Information, except to the extent required in the performance of
Personnels assignment with Client.
Subcontractor agrees not to, and shall cause Personnel not to, disclose, indirectly or directly, to CAT
Technology Inc. or any Client any information or data the disclosure of which would constitute a violation of any
obligation to, or infringe the rights of, any third party.
Subcontractor agrees, and has caused Personnel to agree, that any inventions, works of authorship or
other intellectual property, including, but not limited to, source code and documentation, conceived, developed,
originated, or reduced to practice by Subcontractor or Personnel or under Subcontractors or Personnels
direction during Personnels assignment to Client shall be the sole and complete property of Client, whether as a
work made for hire or otherwise. Subcontractor hereby assigns and conveys, and has caused Personnel to
assign and convey, Subcontractors and Personnels entire right, title and interest to any and all resulting
copyrights, patents and trade secrets to Client or to its customer, as the case may be. Subcontractor agrees to
execute, and to cause Personnel to execute, all applications or registrations for patents and copyrights, and any
other instruments deemed necessary or helpful for Client to secure and enforce its rights. Subcontractor shall
make no, and shall cause Personnel to make no, charge or claim for additional compensation or any other
consideration for signing such documents. Subcontractor shall, and shall cause Personnel, promptly and without
prior request, to disclose to Client all such inventions, works of authorship and other intellectual property.

411 Hackensack Avenue, Floor # 7, Hackensack, NJ 07601

Tel: (201) 727-9299: Fax: (201) 342-2385: Email: [email protected]

Initials: ________

Upon the termination of any Personnels assignment to any Client, Subcontractor agrees immediately to
return, and to cause Personnel to return, to Client all information, data and any other materials supplied by or
obtained from Client in the course of the, along with all copies thereof in Subcontractors and Personnels
possession and/or control.
Subcontractor acknowledges and agrees that Subcontractor shall address all questions, information,
comments, criticisms and/or complaints about compensation, payments, benefits, personnel policies, working
conditions or terms and conditions of the working relationship with Contractor or CAT Technology, Inc to the CAT
Technology, Inc supervisor designated by CAT Technology to interface with Subcontractor and/or
Representative, including without limitation, complaints of harassment or discrimination. Subcontractor
acknowledges and agrees that under no circumstances whatsoever, shall Subcontractor address questions,
comments, criticism or complaints about or related to Subcontractors or representatives compensation or benefits
to any customer, client or any clients employees, managers, officers or independent contractors. Subcontractor
acknowledges and agrees that under no circumstances whatsoever shall subcontractor disclose to any customer,
or its employees, managers, officers and/or independent contractors any information concerning or relating to the
compensation including but not limited to rate and/or benefits provided to Subcontractor and/or Representative
arising out of or related to CAT Technology, Incs relationship with customer and/or client.
Subcontractor acknowledges and agrees, and shall cause Personnel to acknowledge and agree, that
the disclosure of any Confidential Information or any other violation of the terms of Section 4 of this Agreement
would cause immediate and irreparable injury, loss and damage to CAT Technology Inc., Client and/or its
customers and that an adequate remedy at law for such injury, loss and damage may not exist, and that in the
event of such disclosure or threatened disclosure, CAT Technology Inc., Client and/or its customers shall be
entitled to institute and prosecute proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain temporary and/or
permanent injunctive relief to enforce a provision of this Agreement, without the necessity of proof of actual
damage or loss.
5. Limitation on Employment with clients
Except as provided by this Agreement, or as may be consented to by CAT Technology Inc. in writing,
Subcontractor agrees, and shall cause Personnel to agree, as a condition of this Agreement and the assignment
of Personnel to Client that neither Subcontractor nor Personnel will solicit or accept an offer of employment with,
or otherwise directly or indirectly, on a full-time, part-time or temporary basis, provide information technology
services to Client or its affiliates until the expiration of one year after termination of this Agreement without
payment of CAT Technology Inc. of a finders fee in the amount of $20,000 per assignment. Subcontractor shall,
and shall cause Personnel to, immediately notify CAT Technology Inc. if Client or any affiliate solicits
Subcontractor or Personnel with an offer of employment.
6. Representations and Warranties of Subcontractor
Personnel are the employees of Subcontractor and Personnel are not, and shall not be deemed to be,
employees of CAT Technology Inc. or Client. Subcontractor shall be solely responsible to pay, when due,
salaries, wages and other forms of compensation or reimbursement and all applicable federal, state and local
withholding taxes and unemployment taxes, as well as social security, state disability insurance and all other
payroll charges payable to, or on behalf of, Personnel providing services hereunder. Subcontractor shall
indemnify and hold CAT Technology Inc. harmless from and against, and in respect of, any and all Losses (as
defined below) arising out of claims from Personnel. On or before commencement of services under any Work
Schedule, Subcontractor shall deliver to CAT Technology Inc. an original Personnel Confidentiality Agreement,
executed by all Personnel named in each Work Schedule.

Subcontractor is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its
state of incorporation, and has the full power and authority to own or lease its properties and to carry on its
business as it is now being conducted, as is qualified to conduct business as a foreign corporation in all
jurisdictions in which the nature of the business contemplated by this Agreement requires such qualification.
Subcontractor has been engaged in the business of providing information technology services since the date set
forth on the first page of this Agreement and maintains books and records in the ordinary course of its business
reflecting such activities. Subcontractors federal tax identification number is set forth on the signature page of
this Agreement. The board of directors of Subcontractor has taken all actions required by applicable law, the
articles of incorporation or by laws or otherwise, to authorize the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
Subcontractor shall maintain the following policies of insurance at all times while performing services
under this Agreement and for one year thereafter. :

Workers Compensation and Employees Liability Insurance as prescribed by law,

411 Hackensack Avenue, Floor # 7, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Tel: (201) 727-9299: Fax: (201) 342-2385: Email: [email protected]

Initials: ________


Comprehensive General Liability (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) Insurance, in

an amount not less than $ 1,000,000 per occurrence.

The foregoing insurance shall provide (a) that it may not be terminated without prior written notice to CAT
Technology Inc., (b) that Client, CAT Technology Inc. and their respective directors, officers, employees and
affiliates are additional inured, (c) that it is primary coverage with respect to all insured and (d) a waiver of
subrogation against Client, CAT Technology Inc. and their respective directors, officers, employees and affiliates.
Subcontractor has provided or will, prior to commencement of any services hereunder, provide to SUBCONTRACTOR certificates of incorporation and insurance or other documentary evidence of the representation
set forth above.
Subcontractor warrants that all services provided hereunder shall be of the highest professional
standards, quality and workmanship and shall be provided using Subcontractors and Personnels independent
skill and judgment in the means and manner that we most suitable to perform the work contemplated hereunder.
While on the site of Clients business, Subcontractor shall, and shall cause Personnel too, abide by Clients
applicable rules and regulations at all times.
All information provided by Subcontractor to CAT Technology Inc. or upon which CAT Technology Inc.
has relied; including, without limitation, resumes, interviews and references, is complete, true and correct in all
material respects. There is no fact which materially and adversely affects the ability of Subcontractor and
Personnel to provide the services contemplated hereunder which has not been expressly and fully set forth to
CAT Technology Inc.
Subcontractor shall be strictly liable for all breaches of this Agreement by Personnel and other actions of
Personnel in performing services under or in connection with this Agreement.
Subcontractor shall fully comply, and shall cause Personnel to fully comply, with the employment
eligibility verification and other provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and regulations
promulgated there under, as such may be amended from time to time, and Subcontractor shall not provide to
CAT Technology Inc. any Personnel if Subcontractor knows, or has any reason to believe, that such Personnel is
not authorized to perform the services required under the applicable Work Schedule in the United States.
Subcontractors shall complete a Form I-9 accurately and completely for all Personnel and shall provide a true
and correct copy of the Form to CAT Technology Inc. prior to assigning Personnel to Client. Subcontractor shall
comply with all rules and regulations of the Department of Labor regarding Labor Condition Application
attestation and shall comply with all site-posing and other requirements related to prevailing wages. If applicable,
Subcontractor has delivered to CAT Technology Inc. true and correct copies of any Labor Condition Application
and/or other materials necessary or desirable to establish Personnels ability to work in the United States.
Subcontractor understands that failure to commence the Services set forth in this agreement will create
serious and substantial hardship for CAT Technology, Inc., and that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to prove
the amount of damages suffered by CAT Technology, Inc. Thus, if subcontractor fails to commence the services
of their candidate/s, Subcontractor agrees to pay CAT Technology, Inc., $5000 as liquidated damages per
7. Indemnity
Subcontractor is solely and entirely responsible and liable for the services provided to Client hereunder
by Personnel and CAT Technology Inc. shall have no liability of any kind for such services. Subcontractor shall
be solely responsible to determine the employment eligibility of Personnel. Subcontractor shall be solely
responsible to determine the scope and requirements of each project from Client prior to undertaking any work
hereunder. No undertaking by CAT Technology Inc. to describe or list the requirements of Client shall result in
any liability of CAT Technology Inc. to Subcontractors hereunder. Subcontractor shall indemnify and hold CAT
Technology Inc., its affiliates, agents, officers, directors and employees, harmless from and against, and in
respect of, any and all liabilities, losses, damages, settlements, claims, costs and expenses, including, but not
limited to, reasonable attorneys fees, and any and all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, penalties,
assessments or judgment costs and expenses incident to the foregoing (Losses) arising out of the provision of
services by Subcontractor under this Agreement or the breach of this Agreement or the Personnel Agreement by
Subcontractor or Personnel.
Subcontractor agrees that in the event CAT Technology Inc. is assessed or re-assessed by any
applicable federal, state or other authority, or that any claim is made against CAT Technology Inc. respecting any
failure by CAT Technology Inc. to deduct or withhold from payments made to Subcontractor any amounts
required to be deducted or withheld by law, Subcontractor shall pay to CAT Technology Inc. the amount of

411 Hackensack Avenue, Floor # 7, Hackensack, NJ 07601

Tel: (201) 727-9299: Fax: (201) 342-2385: Email: [email protected]

Initials: ________

money that may be required by the applicable authority to be paid by CAT Technology Inc. to fully satisfy any
claim made by the authority against CAT Technology Inc.
8. Non-Solicitation
During the term of this Agreement and for twelve months thereafter, Subcontractors shall not solicit for
hire or offer employment to, on a full-time, part-time or temporary basis, any employees or former employees of
CAT Technology Inc. or Clients until the expiration of twelve months after termination of this Agreement.
During the term of this Agreement and for twelve months thereafter Subcontractor shall not solicit any
business directly or indirectly through any entity whatsoever and/or present any candidates directly or indirectly to
the end-clients being serviced by consultants of the Subcontractor through CAT Technology Inc., on a full-time,
part-time or temporary basis, until the expiration of twelve months after the termination of this Agreement.
During the term of this Agreement and for twelve months thereafter, CAT Technology Inc. agrees to
attempt to enforce the non-solicitation clause as specified in the Client Service Agreement between CAT
Technology Inc. and end-client. Furthermore, if CAT Technology Inc. is notified that the client has an interest in
employing the consultant, CAT Technology Inc. agrees to discuss the matter with the Subcontractor and act as
directed by the Subcontractor. However, CAT Technology Inc. does not guarantee that the client and the
consultant will not come to terms on employment without the involvement of the CAT Technology Inc.
9. Miscellaneous
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters
contained herein and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous agreements, negotiations,
correspondence, undertakings and communications of the parties, oral or written, with respect to that subject
Subcontractor may not, without the express written permission of CAT Technology Inc., assign or
pledge any rights or obligations hereunder.
No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless evidenced by a written instrument
executed by the parties hereto. No waiver by SUB-CONTRACTOR of any provision or condition of this
Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any similar or dissimilar provision or condition at the same time or any
prior or subsequent time.
The provisions of this Agreement and the covenants herein contained shall be construed independently
of each other, it being the express intent of the parties hereto that the obligations of, and restrictions on, the
parties as provided herein shall be enforced and given effect to the fullest extent legally permissible.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New
Jersey. In no event shall the choice of law be predicated upon the fact the fact that Sub Contractor is
incorporated or has its corporate headquarters in a certain state.
Any law suit or court action between the parties shall be filed in Bergen County of New Jersey in New
Jersey. If any party hereto shall bring an action against the other party hereto arising out of this agreement
whether or not by reason of the breach of any covenant warranty representation or condition of this agreement or
any schedule or exhibit hereto whether for declaratory, equitable legal or statutory relief of any kind, the
prevailing party shall be entitled to such partys reasonable attorneys fees and costs of suits, which shall be
payable whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first
written aboveCAT Technology Inc.
Fed / Tax ID Number:

Fed / Tax ID Number: 22-3685427



Printed Name

Dinesh Jaiswal
Printed Name

411 Hackensack Avenue, Floor # 7, Hackensack, NJ 07601

Tel: (201) 727-9299: Fax: (201) 342-2385: Email: [email protected]

Initials: ________


Work Schedule

This Schedule is issued pursuant to the CAT Technology Inc. Subcontractor Services Agreement dated as of
__________________ by and between _____________________ (Subcontractor) and CAT Technology Inc.,
a New Jersey State Corporation.
Consultant Name:
SSN #:
Hourly Pay Rate: $ Per Hour (8 Hour Professional Day)
Start Date: (Approximately)
Duration: Months
Client Name:
Work Location:

Description of Work:
Subcontractor Contact and Phone #:

PH #

If required by the client background checks must be performed on consultants that are starting on
contract with CAT Technology, Inc with a copy of result provided to us. Drug testing will be needed per
client. This will be performed at the subcontractors expenses and must be done prior to consultant
starting the services at client site.
Invoice Instructions:
Please submit invoices on a monthly (Till Last Friday of Every Month) basis along with a copy of the
approved timesheets to [email protected] Invoices will not be processed until we get a copy of
the approved timesheets. Invoice date should be the same when Subcontractor send the invoice and
timesheets. If you have any questions regarding invoices and payments please contact Sandra
Sandra Centeno
Email: [email protected]
Voice: (201) 727 9299 Ext 203
Fax: (201) 342 2385

CAT Technology Inc.


Authorized Signature



Dinesh Jaiswal
Printed Name



Printed Name


Authorized Signature

411 Hackensack Avenue, Floor # 7, Hackensack, NJ 07601

Tel: (201) 727-9299: Fax: (201) 342-2385: Email: [email protected]

Initials: ________

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