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U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Agency Use Only
Port Code: Cash Receipt No: Date Received:

Date Issued: Issued By: Mail Date:

Si usted no habla o escribe ingles y necesita ayuda en español para llenar este documento, llame a la oficina de las Aduanas de
Estados Unidos de (317) 298-1245. Este servicio es gratuito.
Account No.: Calendar Year Applying For:
If a decal has been purchased in the past, but the account number is unknown, please call (317-298-1245).
Required Information:
Ship To Address: Primary Contact
Company Name Contact Name (Please Print):
Applicant Phone Number:
City State/Province Code
Country Code Zip Code Applicant FAX Number:

Email Address (if available):

Please complete the address section below if your Ship To Address is not your physical
address; or if the Ship To Address is a P.O. Box and you need expedited shipping. Optional Information:
Secondary Contact
Company Name Contact Name (Please Print):
Address Applicant Phone Number:
(street address only)
Applicant FAX Number:
City State/Province Code
Country Code Zip Code Email Address (if available):


Shipping Methods: All countries not listed below will be shipped via 1st Class U.S. Mail free of charge. NOTE: If no shipping method below
is selected, your order will be shipped via 1st Class U.S. Mail at no cost. Allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. EXPEDITED PACKAGES CANNOT
BE DELIVERED TO A P.O. BOX. You MUST provide a street address in Section 1 above.
OPTIONAL SHIPPING METHODS: (Excludes application processing time)
United States $6.00 Expedited - Next Business Day (Street address only)
Canada $12.00 Expedited - Approx. 3 Business Days (Street address only)
Mexico $8.00 U.S. International Registered Mail - (Allow up to 8 weeks for delivery)
DO NOT SEND CASH: (Credit card and ACH applicants may apply online. See instructions page under SUBMITTING
Aircraft Decal (Class Code 494) = $27.50 Make check or money order, drawn through U.S. Bank in U.S. dollars ($), payable to
U.S. Customs and Border Protection. If paying by check, DO NOT email form, please mail the application to the address listed in the
METHOD OF PAYMENT: Check Money Order Visa MasterCard Discover American Express
Credit Card Expiration
Account# Date:
Amount for Decal(s) ($27.50 x # of decals): $
Plus Optional Shipping: + $
Total Amount Authorized: = $
Signature authorizes decal payment and any optional shipping requested
Submission of application certifies that all information provided is accurate. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that duplicate
decals are not requested. All transactions are final. No refunds or credits will be approved.
CBP Form 339A (06/09)
Name on "Ship To" Line:

Total Number of Decal(s) requested (includes all pages):


Agency Use Only
Decal Number:

A. Model Year


Tail Number

Agency Use Only

Decal Number:

B. Model Year


Tail Number

Agency Use Only


C. Model Year


Tail Number


FOR DECAL QUESTIONS: Call (317) 298-1245 or

SEND E-MAIL TO [email protected]

Submisson of application certifies that all information provided is accurate.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that duplicate decals are not requested.


No refunds or credits will be approved

CBP Form 339A (06/09)


Please mail your completed CBP Form 339A with

Si usted no habla o escribe ingles y necesita ayuda en español your payment to:
para llenar este documento, llame a la oficina de las Aduanas
de Estados Unidos de (317) 298-1245. Este servicio es U.S. Customs and Border Protection
gratuito. Attn: DTOPS Program Administrator
6650 Telecom Drive, Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46278
NO REFUNDS will be granted for orders submitted more
Decal related questions should be directed to (317) 298-1245, than once. If applying by fax, verify that your application
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST or send was NOT received before re-sending.
your questions via email [email protected]
If paying by credit card or ACH, you may register and
SECTION 1: Contact Information purchase decals online by accessing
ACCOUNT NUMBER - Your account number is located on the
renewal form that was sent to you. If you have purchased in the REQUIRED INFORMATION
past but do not know your account number, please call
(317) 298-1245. If you do not have that form, or have not The company or owner name, ship to address, phone number,
purchased a decal before, we will process your application and contact name, manufacturer, model year and tail number are
assign a new account number. required information. A decal will not be issued when any of the
required information is missing. Please check your application
SHIP TO ADDRESS - This is the address you would like to before mailing to ensure that the amount of the payment
have your order shipped. Using an address in the United matches the number and types of decal(s) that you have
States allows for a quicker, more secure shipping method for requested. Incomplete applications and applications that do not
your decal order. For example, if your business and residence balance with the payment will be returned via first class mail.
are both located outside the United States, you may still have
your decal order shipped to an address within the United
States. Page 2 - Please write the name that appears on the "Ship To"
line of section 1 to prevent pages from getting lost or misplaced.
PRIMARY CONTACT (Required) - Provide a contact name
and email address for the decal purchase request. It is
important to include a telephone and fax number so that you NUMBER OF DECALS - Enter the total number of decals to be
can be reached if there is a problem with your application. If purchased, which will be used for order verification purposes.
there is a problem, and we cannot reach you by phone, we will
return the application and payment to the address on the form. SECTION 3: Aircraft Information

SECONDARDY CONTACT (Optional) - Provide a contact The following aircraft information is required. If more than three
name and email address for the decal purchase request. It is decals are being purchased, this page may be photocopied or
important to include a telephone and fax number so that you the information typed on a separate piece of paper.
can be reached if there is a problem with your application. If Model Year - Year in which the aircraft was made
there is a problem, and we cannot reach you by phone, we will Manufacturer - Name of manufacturer
return the application and payment to the address on the form. Tail Number - The identifying number for the aircraft that is
SECTION 2: Shipment/Payment Option displayed on the tail section.
If paying by check or money order, funds are required to be Exchanges
drawn through a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars. For checks, Because a decal is assigned to a specific conveyance, it cannot be
processing time takes an extra 15 days. We cannot accept a transferred. CBP will exchange an UNUSED decal for a different
check or money order in U.S. currency, which is drawn conveyance if a written request is postmarked no later than 30
through a non-U.S. bank. If the amount is not exact, either calendar days from which it was issued*. The following
too low or too high, the application and payment will be documentation must be submitted for decal exchanges:
UNUSED decal
United States - Expedited delivery is available to U.S. Itemized receipt that was returned to you with the decal.
addresses. (Expedited packages cannot be delivered to a New application (CBP 339A form) for the aircraft that will
P.O. Box.) An additional $6.00 is charged for this option. be assigned the replacement decal.
Signed statement with a brief explanation of the
Canada - Expedited delivery is available to Canadian circumstances that require the exchange, with a contact
addresses. (Expedited packages cannot be delivered to a name and telephone number.
P.O. Box.) An additional $12.00 is charged for this option; *The exception to the 30-day rule: If you purchased a decal
please allow 4-8 weeks for first class mail. prior to January 1st, it may be exchanged through January 31st
of the renewal year.
Mexico - U.S. International registered mail is optional for
addresses in Mexico and mandates a signature for the NOTE: If the decal has already been placed on the aircraft,
package, ensuring a safer delivery. Allow 4-8 weeks for an exchange is not possible. A new decal must be purchased.
delivery. An additional $8.00 is charged for registered mail.
As an alternative you may use a U.S. address to ensure faster
delivery. CBP Form 339A (06/09)

Once a decal has been issued, THE TRANSACTION IS Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: In accordance with
FINAL AND NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED. This includes 5 CFR 1320, an agency may not conduct or sponsor an
applications submitted more than once resulting in duplicate information collection and a person is not required to
decals being issued for the same aircraft. The applicant is respond to this information unless it displays a current
responsible for ensuring that aircrafts are only listed once valid OMB control number and an expiration date. The
and/or that only one application for the listed aircraft is control number for this collection is 1651-0052. The
submitted. estimated average time to complete this application is 16
minutes. If you have any comments regarding the burden
estimate you can write to U.S. Customs and Border
When an aircraft decal has been damaged due to repair or Protection, Office of Regulations and Rulings, 799 9th
repainting, the following documents must be submitted to Street, NW., Washington DC 20229.
obtain a new decal:
A copy of the itemized receipt that was returned to you Fax Completed Forms to (317) 290-3219
with the decal.
A copy of the paid repair or repainting bill that is signed by
the company that did the work, with the company's name
and address on the signed invoice or letterhead.
The tail number.
A signed statement with a brief explanation of the
circumstances that required the repair or repainting, with a
contact name and telephone number.
Placement of Decal
Place decal on outside of the conveyance within 18 inches of
the normal boarding area where it is visible when the doors/
hatches are open. Decal MUST be adhered to conveyance by
adhesive on decal. APPLY CAREFULLY TO AVOID
DAMAGING THE DECAL. Fan the top right corner of the
decal with your thumb to remove the adhesive backing.
IMPORTANT: Lost or stolen decals cannot be replaced. A
new decal must be purchased. Please report a lost or
stolen decal to the user fee help desk at (317) 298-1245.

CBP Form 339A (06/09)

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