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Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 17, Number 23, June 1, 1990

Interview: Ted Gunderson

FBI's Lanning sides with Satan,

says former top bureau official
Former FBI official Ted Gunderson, in an interview to EIR

including the Geraldo Rivera show, probing the satanic crime

editors Jeffrey Steinberg and Carol White, warned about the

threat. He has recently written a book-length guide for locat

spreading plague of satanism and satanic-related crime and

ing missing persons, titled How To Locate Anyone Anywhere

sharply criticized the bureau for covering up the crisis. A full

Without Leaving Home, which is available from Ted L.

text of the interview will be published in the July 1990 issue

Gunderson Associates, P. O. Box 5080, Long Beach, Cali

of EIR's counterintelligence newsletter Investigative Leads.

fornia 90805 for $tO, shipping and handling included.

Prior to his retirement from the FBI on March 30, 1979,

Gunderson had spent 28 years with the bureau, ending his

The FBI suppressed evidence

career as the senior special agent-in-charge of the Los

In his interview with EIR, Gunderson was particularly

Angeles Field Division, directing 700 employees and an an

critical of the role that his former agency has played in recent

nual budget of $22.5 million. Immediately following his

years in suppressing evidence of a burgeoning nationwide

retirement, he was appointed by then-Attorney General Grif

satanic criminal structure. He focused much of his harshest

fin Bell to direct the security arrangements for the Pan-Ameri

criticism on FBI Special Agent Kenneth Lanning, the current

can Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Returning to Los

head of the bureau's Behavioral Science unit at the FBI Train

Angeles, he set up a private firm, International Security Con

ing Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

Since the discovery of a satanic burial site on a drug

Among the first investigations Gunderson undertook with

plantation near Matamoros, Mexico last spring, Lanning has

ISC involved a former Green Beret officer, Dr. Jeffrey Mc

written a number of articles denying the existence of a satanic

Donald, who was accused of murdering his wife and children

problem in the United States, blaming the widespread con

in Fayetteville, North Carolina in 1970. McDonald contends

cern over ritualistic crimes on religious fundamentalists, ov

that his family was murdered by a satanic cult similar to the

erzealous investigators, and quacks. Two of Lanning's

Manson Family, which had carried out their grisly murders

harshest attacks on the idea of satanic ritualistic crimes ap

on the West Coast just months before the McDonald murders.

peared in the October 1989 issue of Police ChieJmagazine

As the result of his work for attorneys representing Dr.

and in a special report published in December 1989 by the

McDonald, Gunderson became increasingly aware of the

National Center For Missing and Exploited Children. Lan

existence of a nationwide satanic underworld engaged in

ning has written that more people have been killed in the

drug trafficking, pornography, ritualistic murders, and other

names of Jesus and Mohammed than in the name of Satan.

crimes. For the last decade, Gunderson has developed an

To which Gunderson responds:

expertise in the field. More recently he has been involved in

"In my opinion, other than Aleister Crowley, Anton La

investigating alleged ritualistic sexual abuse of students at

Vey, and Michael Aquino [all well-known satanists active in

the McMartin Day School in Manhattan Beach, California,

the United States this century], Ken Lanning is probably the

and similar allegations of satanic cult-related crimes in Wash

most effective and foremost speaker for the satanic move

ington State. (In the McMartin case, a jury acquitted the two

ment in this country, today or any time in the past. "

defendants on 52 counts of the indictment in January 1990,

Based on his own experiences probing the McDonald,

but failed to reach a verdict on 13 of the counts; a second

McMartin, and other cases, Gunderson is certain that a na

trial is expected to take place on those charges. ) In 1983,

tionwide satanic underground exists in the United States:

Gunderson, along with investigative journalist Maury Terry,

"My investigations over a to-year period have led me to

author of The Ultimate Evil, helped develop critical evidence

the exact opposite conclusions than those of Ken Lanning.

in the ritualistic murder of Broadway impresario Roy Radin.

There is every indication that there is a loose-knit satanic cult

Gunderson has appeared on nationwide television shows,

network operating in the U. S. It is probably a combination




May 25, 1990

1990 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited.

of: a high-level group of people linked to kiddy porn, prosti

"Fortunately, in the past few years, a number of local

tution, drug trafficking and other criminal activity interna

police investigators in different parts of the country have

tionally. This more organized structure filters down to inde

seriously taken up the issue of satanic crime. In some cases,

pendent groups of satanists probably not tied directly to the

these officers have developed their expertise on their own

first network. These local groups also engage in drug traf

time. Now, however, local police are more conscious of

ficking, ritualistic activities like animal and human sacrifices.

the growing menace represented by satanic related crime,

And below them, we encounter high school-age kids who go

ritualistic violence, etc. But the problem is national. Many

to the occult shops and buy the satanic literature and set

of the crimes we are talking about-interstate transporting

up their own local independent groups. From hundreds of

of pornographic material, kidnaping, interstate drug traffick

interviews that I have personally conducted in every part of

ing, etc.-are federal crimes. A federal clearing house for

the country, I encounter a persistent pattern everywhere. All

intelligence on satanic-related crime is urgently needed.

the stories fit the same mold: animal and baby sacrifices, the
use of candles and other ritualistic props, robes, chanting,
etc. All of these victim-survivors, from children to adults,
are all telling the same basic story.
"In the McMartin case, for example, before any criminal
charges were filed against anyone,

460 complaints were filed

with the Manhattan Beach police. Are we to believe that 460

families fed their children the same story of ritualistic sexual
abuse, animal sacrifices, etc.? This is a suburban, affluent

"I have evidence chiseled in stone

showing that the U.S. Anny and the

Department qfJustice covered up
that satanic angle andJramed up Dr.
McDonald. The McDonald case could

area, middle class and up-not the kind of people inclined

have exposed a major heroin

toward the belief in satanic conspiracies. "

smuggling operation out qfVietnam

How many children are really missing?

Gunderson attacked Lanning's recent claims that the
number of documented cases of missing children in the Unit
ed States last year was under 100, with the majority of those

involving highly placedAnny

qJ}icials running drugs into the U.S.
in the body cavities qfdead GIs."

cases being teenagers fleeing rotten home environments:

"The FBI has an accurate count of the number of automo
biles stolen every year. It knows the number of homicides,
rapes, and robberies. But the FBI has no idea of the number
of children who disappear every year. They simply do not
ask for the statistics. Every month every major police depart
ment in the United States files its uniform crime statistics
with the FBI. It would be simple for the bureau to add one
more column to the statistics and get a breakdown of every
reported case of missing children. But they don't do it. They
have no scientific basis for making any estimates about the
number of missing children-not to even mention children
who are kidnaped for ritualistic purposes and, in some cases,
murdered. I am convinced that the FBI does not ask for these
statistics because they do not want to see them. They would
be confronted with an instant public outcry for action, be
cause the figures would show a major social problem. That
problem would demand action.
"Up until several years ago, there was a built-in prejudice
among even local police and prosecutors against investigat
ing ritualistic crimes. I have interviewed parents who went
to the police with detailed accounts from their children hav
ing been sexually abused. As soon as the investigations began
to get into areas of ritualistic activities the probes would be
shut down. I don't think that this was due to satanist penetra
tion of law enforcement in every instance. I think that there
was a built-in prejudice.



25, 1990

Rather than creating such a capability to assist the work being

done by local police and many private groups, the FBI is
consciously attempting to bury the entire issue and drive local
police into dropping their own efforts.
"I am convinced that we are confronted with a serious
satanic penetration of every level of society, government at
every level.
"I was first exposed to this problem of penetration when I
investigated the McDonald case. Within

10 months of being

hired, I had obtained a signed affidavit from Helene Stokeley,

a member of the satanic cult that carried out the murders of the
McDonald family. Yet an overzealous prosecutor ignored that
evidence and proceeded to prosecute Dr. McDonald. I have
evidence chiseled in stone showing that the U.S. Army and
the Department of Justice covered up that satanic angle and
framed up Dr. McDonald. Why? Among other things the Mc
Donald case could have exposed a major heroin-smuggling
operation out of Vietnam involving highly placed Army offi
cials running drugs into the U. S. in the body cavities of dead
American GIs-green body bags loaded with heroin. Ele
ments of this story even came out publicly in the Jan.

1, 1973

issue of Time magazine. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.
When the McDonald case goes into a retrial-as I am confi
dent it will-there will be definite information about the cov
erup-the drug angle and the corruption of the prosecution."



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