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Case Study 01: Workplace Violence

Contemporary Management
Case Study 01

Workplace Violence
Prepared by:
Mohamed Elsayed Helmi Darwish
ESLSCA, MBA Group: 50 h

Supervised by
Dr. Hesham Sadek
1- Problem Definition
In this case we have two dead and two injured employees due to a
case of workplace violence which is defined as any physical assault,
threatening behavior or verbal abuse that occurs in the work setting.
Acts such as psychological trauma due to threats, obscene phone calls,
an intimidating presence and harassment of any kind are included, by
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

2- Justification of the Problem

In such work environment and company size the main cause of such
problem should be the absence of effective workplace violence policy
along with weak security measures. These measures should be at utmost
conditions specially with the high rate of workplace violence incidents.

3- List of Alternatives:
Prevention of such problems in the future management should consider
the following:
1. Organizing a crisis management team
2. Development of Written Policy Statement
3. Reassessment and implementation of security measures.

Mohammed Elsayed Helmi Darwish


Case Study 01: Workplace Violence

4- Evaluate Alternatives
1. Organizing a crisis management team
Forming a team of a member of executive management along with a
management member from human resources, security, risk management, a
legal advisor and a psychologist. Should handle all the problems occurred by
an incident of workplace violence also developing effective prevention
A single incident of workplace violence may cause many problems other than
its effect on the directly involved personnel, such as negative effect on other
company employees and internal process that would affect production along
with possible legal issues. All of these problems cant be handled effectively
without an organized Crises management team that will also handle some
other relative tasks such as social support of the affected personnel families,
communication with local authorities and media.
In addition, that team would work on continuous improvement of the polices
which will minimize the possibilities of reoccurrence of such incidents in the

2. Reassessment and implementation of security measures.

Effective security measures like metal detectors covering all company
entrances along with active surveillance covering all company and welltrained security team would reassure the employees and would inhibit any
violent actions by knowing that everything is watched and recorded all the
time. While security cannot act alone against violence and it should be
implemented with other supportive measures that would effectively prevent
such incidents in the future.

3. Development of Written Policy Statement

Developing a workplace violence policy statement conveying some
messages such as:
- All employees are responsible for maintaining a safe work
- The policy covers not only acts of physical violence, but harassment,
intimidation, and other disruptive behavior;
- The policy covers incidents involving coworkers and incidents involving
individuals from outside the agency perpetrating violence against
agency employees;
- The company will respond appropriately to all reported incidents;
- The company will act to stop inappropriate behavior; and

Mohammed Elsayed Helmi Darwish


Case Study 01: Workplace Violence

Supervisors and all of the offices involved in responding to incidents

will be supported by the management in their efforts to deal with
violent and potentially violent situations.

Such statement would have many advantages as it informs employees that

the violence policy covers intimidation, harassment, and other inappropriate
behavior that threatens or frightens them; It encourages employees to report
incidents; It informs employees whom to call; and
It demonstrates senior managements commitment to dealing with reported
On the other hand, written statements may have some disadvantages, as it
might appear to eliminate any flexibility an agency has in dealing with
difficult situations even if this is not intended. Another undesirable side effect
is that the appearance of inflexibility can discourage employees from
reporting incidents because they do not want to get their coworker fired
they just want the behavior stopped. This appearance of inflexibility also
may discourage early intervention in potentially violent situations.

5- Recommendation,
For this case, The first and the second alternatives which are the
implementation and deploy of a Crisis management team and improvement
of security measures would have and immediate and increasing positive
effect and that would be the most suitable recommendations for the
managing team of this company.

Mohammed Elsayed Helmi Darwish


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