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Managerial Ethics

First Take Home Assignment

Group 7
Ankit Pokharna - B15072
Jagruti Vojjala - B15084
Prateek Taori - B15097
Sharat Chandra - B15108
Vaibhav Tyagi - B15121

The Case of Satyam: The Ethics of Capitalism Abused

Compilation and Synthesis: Jagruti Vojjala

1. Case Updates (Jagruti Vojjala)

a) Conviction of Ramalinga Raju
On 9th April 2015, B. Ramalinga Raju and his associates were sentenced to 7 years in jail and fined an
amount of Rs. 5.5 crore. Standing accused of a variety of charges including forgery and criminal
conspiracy, Raju, who had once been a rising star in India's IT scene, was now whisked away into prison
like a common criminal. Currently he is out on bail and has been asked by SEBI to return an amount of
Rs. 1800 crore as personal liability for the fraud. The Satyam scam went on to prove that in spite of
being a well educated and extremely intelligent person, Ramalinga Raju was just as susceptible as
anyone to greed and ambition. He managed Satyam Computers in a very professional manner,
including placing people of merit in every department and ensuring that the best people for the job are
available to perform their duties, except in the finance department. The company's finances were the
only aspect that Ramalinga Raju controlled entirely by himself with the help of a few close confidantes.
Due to a combination of Raju's skill in deception as well as oversight by the Board of Directors, the
irregularities in the finance department went unnoticed for a long time until Ramalinga Raju's selfmotivated confession.
b) Changes in the law
The Satyam scam had a great impact on Indian law as it applies to companies, and almost directly led
to some of the most important provisions of the Companies Act of 2013. Some of its clauses are:
a) Defining a one-person company
b) Rule of having at least one woman director in every company worth Rs. 100 crores or more
*c) Rule of advancing no loans to a director of the company, or his/her relatives or any other firms in
which he/she is a partner or has an interest.
*d) All directors of a company must have a Director's Identification Number allotted by the Central
Government or face disqualification
*e) Appointment of independent auditors
*f) Provision for class action suits
The ones which have an asterisk (*) in front of them are the clauses which have been influenced heavily
by the Satyam case.
c) Implications for independent directors
The failure in the Satyam case was that of a Board of Directors that failed to be truly independent and
provide the checks and balances necessary for running the company keeping all stakeholders' interests
in mind. They approved the buyout of Maytas, an infrastructure company that had nothing to do with
Satyam's software business, without looking into how it might be affecting investor interest or the
motivations behind such a proposal by Ramalinga Raju. Thus, this case highlighted the need for a truly
independent Board of Directors, and led to the inclusion of legal definitions for their roles and
responsibilities within the Companies Act of 2013. This will hopefully lead to greater diligence on the
part of independent company directors in protecting investor interests.

2. AOL 1: An Inputs-based Problem Resolution Model (Prateek Taori)


Inputs Analysis:
Key Questions

Key facts,
Key figures,
Key data,

-Satyam Computer Services was established by B. Ramalinga

Raju with his brother and brother-in-law in 1987. It provided
information technology as well as BPO services.
-It was one of the fastest growing IT firms in India whose
revenues crossed $2bn in 2008 with a market share of almost
9%. It had an employee strength of 53000
-Satyam had the distinction of being the 1st Indian company
to be listed on international exchanges like NYSE, DOW JONES
as well as EURONEXT.
- The company decided to buy out Maytas Infra and Maytas
Properties Ltd in which Rajus family had nearly 36% stake.
The deal got approved by board but faced huge opposition
from investors.



This analysis is fair,

objective and
unbiased as it is
based on facts of
the case that are
true to the best of
our knowledge.
We dont have
any vested
interest in the
events of this case

-Subsequent events lead to share price dropping by 55%,

World Bank baring Satyam from doing business for 8 years on
account of irregularities in its business operations
- Eventually, many BoD resigned and Raju confessed of having
committed accounting fraud of Rs 7136 crore
Key events

Subjects : Ramalinga Raju, Raju family stakeholders in Satyam,

Board of Directors, Auditors, Minority Shareholders (Public)
Objects : World Bank, Satyam, Maytas, Auditor ( PWC), SEBI
Properties : This case is a typical example of failure of
corporate governance and manipulative accounting practices.
Growing IT industry in lead to good reputation of Indian IT
companies which helped Satyam in justifying huge profits
Events : High growth rate of Satyam despite of dot com
bubble, Rajus pitch to invest in Maytas, Opposition by
Investors , Sanctions imposed by World Bank for 8 years,
Withdrawal of Merrill Lynch and other Financial Institutions and
eventually Raju confessed of committing fraud


Timeline of
key events

2001: Satyam crossed $1 billion in revenue and listed on NYSE

Dot com bubble burst > Loss of IT business from several big
companies > Market share erosion of major tech firms
2008: Proposal to buy Maytas Infra and Maytas Real Estate
presented before BOD and approved. It later fell through
owing to pressure from investors
2009: Satyam barred from doing business with World Bank for
8 years on a account of data theft and staff bribery Merrill
Lynch blows the whistle on accounting irregularities in Satyam
Raju confesses that he committed accounting fraud. NYSE
halts trading of Satyam stock. On April 13, 2009, Tech
Mahindra acquired Satyam


s of SOPE?

Major Predecessor: Booming Real Estate Market in 2000s and

slowdown in IT industry after the Dot com bubble burst
Major Determinant: Greed for excess money on Rajus part,
inefficient laws and rules which led to possibility of
exploitation and arbitrage, Low commitment shown by
independent directors to probe the financial reports of
Major Concomitant: Loss of nearly $2.82 billion to
investors, loss of trust in Indian IT industry and Governance
systems felt globally, loss of jobs for thousands
Key Contingencies of SOPE: Loss of faith in BOD, especially
independent directors of any profit-making organization; Lack
of trust in auditing firms like PwC which could not catch the
irregularities, loss of trust in Indian IT industry and Governance
Key subjects and their greed or lack of commitment to their
role was
the reason for the problem to take place. Raj manipulated the
accounts in order to satisfy his greed for more money and to
save face in the industry, whereas the auditing firms,
governance agencies and independent directors failed to fulfill
their duty to save the interest of public shareholders.
Factors attributable to key subjects: Greed, self-interest of
family, flawed auditing and lack of commitment, low
transparency in
External Factors: Slump in IT industry due to dot com bubble
Booming real estate market
Controllable Variable : Accounting practice, Audit control,




The analysis is
based on
our objective
understanding of the
facts and additional
research on events
that took place in the
aftermath. We have
highlighted the key
events and
circumstances crucial
to our ethical
The analysis is
based on
our objective
understanding of the
facts and additional
research on events
that took place in the
aftermath. We have
highlighted the key
events and
circumstances crucial
to our ethical
We have given an
objective view of
the situation and
related case
facts and remain
unbiased in our
opinion. We have
tried our best to
include all major
concomitants and


The occurrence of
the determinants
caused the problem
to snowball


Classification has
done based on
factors intrinsic to
a person and


X and Y are fairly

Identification; Key

independent of each

Controllable variables can me modified by putting a system

in place like rules and regulations whereas Uncontrollable
variables are more specific to human nature and cannot be
controlled by usual methods of control.
The promoters were trying to retain market position and grow
as per the expectations of the shareholders which led to
reduced importance of ethical accounting practices. Also,
Satyam was overly dependent on international projects which
made them more vulnerable to the global financial crisis.
A well functioning audit system as well as an independent
and vigilant board would have helped curbed the creative
accounting practices in place.
Stringent internal management controls should be in place
and the company should stress on the importance on ethical
Internal audit staff should be adequately equipped to detect
and tackle fraud and corrupt practices
Regulatory requirement needs to be made more strict to
deter increasing number of such cases
Market analysts should substantially justify their opinions
about various firms and not just attempt to keep the firms
happy by issuing favorable ratings
The first two suggestions can be implemented with immediate
effect and will ensure that a company is fundamentally sound.
The other two suggestions will be a gradual change but will
make a substantial impact in the long term and will help
restore good faith in the business world.
Such problems cannot be handled independently but ideally
should be eradicated using a combination of the suggested


Variables have been

absorbed from the


X & Y are fairly

independent of each
other and thus will
cover all aspects of
the situation


Solution takes care of

social, moral, legal
and ethical
dimensions and thus
covers all the aspects
. It also covers all the
issues discussed till



Option 1 and 2 are highly dependent on the capability of the

firm to
have intrinsic motivation to incorporate these attributes in the
culture of the company, whereas option 3 requires strict
auditing norms to be in place to avoid accounting frauds.



Option 3 would keep checks on accounting frauds but having

1 and 2 in place in all companies will eliminate the need to
have strict checks for auditing in future.



There is a need to put measures in place, which eliminate the

need to
probe into accounts of companies and intentions of
executive directors rather than enforce strict anti-fraud
governance systems.
There is also a need to protect the identity of those who
unveil such
AOL 1 helps us in exploring the problem from its component
input variables that are either controllable or uncontrollable to
the company that owns the problem, and accordingly helps us
in investigating solution alternatives.


Optimal solution
takes a pinch of all
the dimensions and
thus has huge
potential to be a right
and optimum mix
Strategy takes care of
all aspects of
development and
hence ensures
The optimality
social, moral, ethical
and human
Effective Ethical
rather than policing
should withhold the
of governance





Strict rules and regulations, Effective Board of Members

Uncontrollable Variables : Competition , Global Financial Crisis
, Expectations of shareholders and market analysts


By incorporating good
values and culture in
a person through our
education system

3. AOL 2: A Process-Based Problem Formulation-Resolution Model (Prateek

Problem ProcessExploration
Who are the key subjects?
What are the key objects?
What are the key
properties and events
(SOPE) in the problem
Process domain?

What are the basic legal,

ethical and moral issues
involved in the SOPE
process domain?

History or narrative of key

SOPEprocess elements
Explanation of the SOPE
narrative and processes
from an ethical and moral

Analyze SOPEprocesses
from an ethical and moral
Categorize SOPEprocesses
from an ethical and moral

Problem SOPE processes

Characterization from an
ethical and moral
Problem SOPE processes
Formulation from ethics
theory perspective

Problem SOPE processes

Formulation from moral
theory perspective

Ethical Analysis
B Ramalinga Raju admitted that to counter bubble burst and market share erosion
he had to forge the Satyam Accounts
Satyam board rejected the proposal for merging Maytas, but Raju wanted to use asset of
Maytas to regulate Satyam books
Roles and responsibilities of independent directors under question
Investors lost billions of dollar, they lost their confidence in Satyam
The board of Satyam was resolved and government formed a new board to save the
Legal: Financial transactions were being carried out in the firm and approved against the
law. Moreover, the BoD should have been independent from the managerial positions.
Social: A company is responsible to provide returns to its shareholders in the long term.
Scam vanished earnings of shareholders and tarnished the image of entire IT industry
Moral: A company which has raised capital from shareholders especially minority
shareholders is responsible to serve their interest first. In Satyam, the ultimate purpose
seemed to serve the promoters of the company many of which were also the owners.
Auditors could not identify the inconsistencies and irregularities and easily escaped their
responsibility during the turn of events. The Board of Directors also approved controversial
decisions without any questioning.

Fudging of books by B Ramalinga Raju, to keeping showing Satyam profitable

Auditory lapses, auditors not following code of conduct and auditing standards

Antecedents: Ramalinga Raju wanted to keep investors happy with inflated profits on
Satyam books

Determinants: Board of directors not effective, power within hands of Ramalinga Raju;
Auditors were not true to their job

Concomitants: Loss of reputation of the company, shareholder losing money, loss of

Socio-economic and competitive circumstances: Satyam losing market share to other Indian
companies like TCS, Infosys etc, bubble ate into Satyam profitability
CFA institute prescribes the following ethical codes:
Place the integrity of the profession and the interests of clients above your interests
Act with integrity, competence, and respect and develop professional competence
On the contrary, the company and its promoters were concerned about their self-interests.
We discuss this case under the backdrop of 2 theories
1. Stake Holder theory: Stakeholder theory states that while making decision a company
should not only concern themselves with the interests of the shareholders but also of other
stakeholders. The company must balance the interest of various parties instead of focusing
on the interest of a certain stakeholder.
In Satyams case the decision might have benefitted the board and its employees, but the
other stakeholders such as investors, Government, clients were completely at loss.
Hence such a decision process can be deemed unethical according to this theory
2. Theory of Justice: This theory states that people under the premises of freedom must
follow a method accepted by everyone so as to determine the distribution of social resources
or social responsibilities. It says that the decision has to be benefitting to the least
advantageous member of the society.
However in this case Satyams board followed a method which was to the detriment of
investors and clients. The rewards of such a method were not equitable in the sense, that
any gains would be enjoyed by the company, while losses by the investors and clients.
In Satyam case, financial irregularities played the key role in the SOPE problem
process and highlighted the unethical practices prevalent. According to ethics,
Ethical egoism - Ramalinga Raju doing what was in his best interest,
Rational egoism - stating that all the actions taken were in Rajus self-interest were followed.
Instead of this, the company should have followed altruism to benefit everyone
Priniciples of distributive justice by Rawls state that the parties have to meet their ends
they try to do so with the cooperation of others. Thus, they are neither altruistic, neither
purely egoistic. The promoters acted with ethical and rational egoism which failed Rawls
theory. They had far more options than investors and this fails Rawls theory.
Kant stated that for an action to be permissible, it must be possible to apply it to all people
without a contradiction occurring. However, in Satyams case, the investors were totally
ignorant and the promoters took advantage of their superiority. The auditors PWC also

escaped easily highlighting the loophole in the countrys legal framework

Problem process solutionalternatives?

1. Due diligence by Internal and External auditors

2. Provision for stricter punishments
3. Strengthening the accounting standards to be followed
1. Ethical code of conduct should be placed in companies
2. Government should enact proper regulation to ensure high level of corporate governance
in companies
All stakeholders should work in as per standard operating procedures which ensure
distributive and equal justice for all

4. AOL 3: An Outcomes-Based Problem Resolution Model (Ankit Pokharna)

Key outcomeThe major outcomes were: Annihilation of complete market capitalization of Satyam stock, Job
consequences to SOPE losses to several hundreds of Employees.
Significant Loss of contracts for Satyam & more importantly loss of investor confidence in Indian IT
in relation to
Timeline of
key outcome

Key Subjects: Ramalinga Raju, BoD, Shareholders, employees and clients

Key Objects: Satyam, Maytas, PWC, Government authorities, SEBI, NASSCOM
Key Properties: Flaw in BOD based corporate governance model
Key events: Ramalinga Rajus self-motivated whistle blowing, Stock Price Crash, Government
intervention, Tech Mahindras acquisition of Satyam
Jan 7, 2009
Feb 5, 2009
March 2009
April 13, 2009
April 9, 2015

Explanation of
with respect to
Categorize &
Intended and
consequences in
relation to SOPE
analysis of the

Ex CEO and Chairman, Ramalinga Raju resigned

A.S. Murthy appointed new CEO by Govt.
Satyam announced soliciting bids for sale
Satyams MD declares merger with Mahindra
Ramalinga Raju with 9 others sentenced to 7 years

Thousands of employees faced looming job loss threat. Market Capitalization of Satyam plummeted
and investors faced huge losses. Indian IT industry also suffered a loss of trust in foreign market.
This case clearly shows how well-educated responsible men
broke all ethical standards without thinking of the consequences. It brought to light the loopholes
in the Board of Directors (BOD) and corporate governance model under enquiry.
Consequences for internal stakeholders: Job loss for employees and loss of trustworthiness
Of the management.
Consequences for
stakeholders: Loss of Clientele, huge losses for
shareholders and other investors and a significant loss of trust for Indian IT industry
Intended consequences: Satyam showed inflated profits and gained investor confidence with
rise in stock price. Ramalinga Raju extracted outrageous money
Unintended consequences: Annihilation of market capitalization of Satyam stock, Job losses to
numerous employees, loss of contracts for Satyam and loss of investor confidence in Indian IT
The bulk of the stakeholders mostly shareholders, employees and investors had immense
losses as compared to the huge profits earned by the few people involved in the scam like
Ramalinga Raju and his family members.
These losses could not be remunerated even after law proceedings and trial.

analysis of the

The shareholders have a right to transparent information and best possible returns on their capital.
In this case, these rights were repeatedly violated before the scandal was out in open. Few at the
helms of the affairs abused their powers and highly abused the rights of majority.

justice based
analysis of

There was no distributive justice as the distribution of profits was entirely inequitable and
lop-sided. Significant consequences were faced by the majority including shareholders, employees
and investors. The irregularities lead to a loss for all the shareholders at the end.

justice based
analysis of the
base analysis of
based analysis
of consequences

Stock markets never care about the principle of corrective justice and this scam was no exception.
The shareholders suffered the losses due to the negligence and greed by few who lost minimal.
These losses could not be compensated even after acquisition of Satyam by Mahindra.
From a virtue-ethics perspective, the outcome was not justifiable. The shareholders, investors and
clients were not benefitted in any way despite holding some power and influence.
The whole scam resulted out of the blind trust rested by shareholders on the
BoD. This had repercussions on the overall trust of clientele of Satyam as well as the entire Indian
industry. Most employees were left in a chaos with looming threat of loss of jobs.

Versus foresight
analysis of the
Problem resolution

In retrospection, it can be understood that even the most educated, well qualified and successful
person can act in their self-interest and break all ethical standards and responsibilities. They
completely ignore the rights of the majority including shareholders, employees and clients for
getting monetary benefits. The companies under NASSCOM in collaboration with the Government
need to come together and develop a robust system and firm guidelines for guidelines to prevent
such frauds.

Assurance of

As the consequences of such a scam are almost impossible to undo, preventive mechanisms should
be developed to avoid such incidences. In a thriving economy like India, with so much reliance on
foreign investment, Govt. and authorities cannot afford such loss of jobs and shareholder
value. Companies should act in a socially responsible, moral and ethical manner.

5. AOL 4 :A check for Satyam against dimensions of Virtue-based Ethics

(Ankit Pokharna)
Dimensions of Executive Virtue

Ramalinga Raju

Auditors of Price

Independent Directors

Socrates: Virtue is both knowing the

By being sloppy in their Renounced their will to do
RR knew good but was not
audits they didnt take good, did not put effort in
good and willing the good of our
went for self- disclosure
knowing good
any action
Plato: Four cardinal virtues of
Showed fortitude during selfdisclosure but failed on other
Did not own any of these
Short of each of them
prudence, justice, fortitude and
Aristotle: Virtue is an acquired
RR indulged in non-virtuous acts
Facts were not
Facts were not examined
routinely until it became noncharacter trait that manifests itself
examined rigorously
in habitual action of doing good.
MacIntyre: virtues are skills internal
to activities or practices that are
Overridden over this principle
Did not demonstrate
Did not demonstrate any
time and again
any application
necessary for the performance of
certain roles or offices in society
Aristotle: a good virtue is to seek the
mean between extremes of reason
Lack of passion to
Passionate belief in RR led
and passion, both of which are vices. RR showed lack of forethought by
pursue their role of
Prudence is the virtue that enables
indulging in opportunism
them to abandon caution
auditing thoroughly
us to know the mean in a given
Aristotle: The virtuous person is one
who knows how to act and feel in
Showed lack of both practical
Showed lack of
Showed lack of practical
wisdom and quality of character
practical wisdom
ways appropriate to the
circumstances (Phronesis)
The virtuous act that hits the mean
Failed to achieve the golden
Failed in judging the
is directed toward the right persons,
Failed to judge the
mean time and again being the
rightness of person,
for the right reasons, on the right
rightness of person
President of Satyam
reason, occasion
occasions, and in the right manner
Directors showed lack of
The virtues are not merely means
Auditors chose shortRR violated this except when he
foresight for ensuring
term happiness over
to happiness (eudemonia), but
went for self- disclosure
virtuous act to maintain
constitute it
their happiness
RR was more concerned with his Auditors concentrated
BoD members did not
Solomon: excellence for a
own self and his family and
more with retaining
deliver on their key duty:
corporation consists of making the

good life possible for everyone in


neglected all other stakeholders

their business than

being honest to their

meant to protect other


MacIntyre: internal practices with

Concerned with their status
goals and results can change,
RR tried to develop Maytas at the
Not applicable
at expense of ignoring
cost of Satyam
expand, diminish, but not at the
their responsibilities
expense or gain of another.
To act rightly is to act rightly in
affect and conduct. It is to be
RR expected that when business
Auditors were barely
Leadership from distance
emotionally engaged and not
environment improves he would
emotionally engaged
without being sensitively
be able to right the wrong effects
with their job of
merely to have the affect as
of his acts in Satyam
accompaniment or instrument
(Sherman 1989: 2)
Aristotle: There may be a strategic
Ensuing the right
virtue in doing things rightly, but
RR was involved in doing the
Ensuing right procedure
procedure but not doing
wrong things
but not doing right
there is a moral virtue in doing
right things rightly
Persons are good who strive to
realize the right, and actions are
Not functioning for right and
Did not promote right
failed to either protect or
Failed to protect values
right when they satisfactorily fulfil
promote right values
the demands of protecting and
promoting values
RR did not try for being
independent of
The more a person enjoys personal
Submitted under
Submitted under bait of
burdens from his family and
pressure to retain
maintaining position of
freedom, the more is that person
other businesses and his
Satyam business
rightly ordered, and vice versa
urgencies got ordered

6. Synthesis of AOL 1-4 (Jagruti Vojjala)

AOL 1: Inputs. Ramalinga Raju was a highly educated and talented person who had all the
right qualifications in place to run an IT frontrunner like Satyam Computers. All the facts about
the company indicated a healthy growth, and the future looked extremely positive for Satyam
and Ramalinga Raju.
AOL 2: Processes. The major process that went wrong in this seemingly perfect looking
company was Ramalinga Raju's greed. Due to his unbridled ambition, he falsified the finances
of Satyam in order to present a rosy picture to the investors. Later on, his desire for acquiring
more land and wealth led to him trying to buy Maytas, an infrastructure firm run by his son.
Apart from that, there was severe oversight by the board of directors of Satyam. This is what
led to the downfall of Satyam.
AOL 3: Outcomes. Even though the inputs looked extremely positive, due to the inherent
unethicality of Ramalinga Raju, the outcome for Satyam was very bleak. The once-great
company lost thousands of crores of rupees in market share, as well as investor trust, and was
eventually acquired by Tech Mahindra.
AOL 4: Virtue-based Ethics. Ramalinga Raju failed on a majority of the dimensions of virtuebased ethics. He knew good, and was educated and skilled, yet he failed to act on his
knowledge and instead took the unethical path. The auditors of the company were guilty of
neglecting their duties, whereas the board of directors were in breach of their trust to uphold
the interests of other stakeholders.
Learning: Thus, although Ramalinga Raju retains the majority of the blame, the Satyam scam
was a result of a variety of systemic loopholes and unethical decisions by some of the major
stakeholders involved.

The Case of Nelson Mandela: The Ethics of Human Personhood

Compilation and Synthesis: Jagruti Vojjala

1. Case Updates (Jagruti Vojjala)

a) Leadership Vacuum in South Africa
Nelson Mandela was a natural leader. He had the rare ability to go to any lengths and suffer any
hardships in order to fight for the cause he believed in. No one else could have withstood 27 years in
prison and still come out without a shred of bitterness, and instead advocate for harmony and
reconciliation between his own people and the very people who had once been his tormentors. He had
the striking ability to bring various groups with varied interests to work together on finding common
solutions to problems. Such a towering figure, however, meant that very few could follow in his
footsteps. His successor as president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, was criticized heavily for his
botched handling of the AIDS crisis, and the current president Jacob Zuma has been accused of several
instances of corruption. The office of the president of South Africa, which had carried a lot of dignity
during Mandela's time, has now become a common political position without the force of Mr. Mandela's
personality behind it. Thus, the political scene in South Africa is currently suffering from the vacuum in
leadership left by Nelson Mandela's death.
b) Post-Apartheid situation in South Africa
In spite of the great moral victory won by Nelson Mandela for the cause of equality of races and all
mankind, the truth is that the structures of oppression that existed for centuries did not vanish
overnight. Even though South Africa officially stopped following the principles of Apartheid in 1994,
South Africa continues to be divided along racial lines to a large extent, and is plagued by economic
inequality, rising unemployment and poverty. Throughout his life from his release from prison in 1996 to
his death in 2013, Nelson Mandela did his best to promote equality and harmony between Whites and
Blacks. Not limiting his activism just to South Africa, Mandela also criticized the United States of
America for their decision to invade Iraq and predicted rightly that it would be a fiasco. But with
Mandela's death, the situation seems bleak for the seamless integration of races that he had
envisioned. Due to flawed implementation of policies like Affirmative Action, and corruption among the
politicians of the ruling African National Congress, South Africa's economic situation is much worse than
a lot of other African nations.
c) Progressiveness in South Africa
Due to Mandela's broad outlook on the world, South Africa has one of the most progressive and
inclusive constitution and the spirit of inclusiveness is preserved in letter at least if not entirely in spirit.
The current generation of citizens who were born after the Apartheid era are now ready to cast their
votes and have a say in how South Africa is run as a country, and it is expected that they will reflect the
strides South Africa has made in terms of economic prosperity and social equality. As part of the BRICS
group, South Africa's growth and progress is being compared to that of other emerging economies like
India, China and Brazil. It has a robust social security system and accessible healthcare and. This is a
measure of how much South Africa has been able to leave behind the legacy of colonialism and
Apartheid and also a measure of Mandela's success in terms of the healing he has brought to the

2. AOL 1: An Input based problem resolution model (Sharat Chandra)

Life of Nelson
Mandela, the
problem of
Apartheid in South
Africa and respect
and admiration for
him and his vision

Inputs Analysis

Ethical Analysis

A true believer and follower of Gandhian

emancipation of Blacks in South Africa with
the involvement of many. The timeline was
from 1952 to 1999 & was continuous.

Type of Analysis: Descriptive: Since

the event is over, we know the positive
outcomes of the event. Also, the things
highlighted show the positive and a bit of
negative side of the events with the
names of few other leaders missing. So
we cannot say that the analysis is

completely biased as the data is such.

Subject: Nelson Mandela; Object: Politics,

personal life, apartheid, Inequality and
injustice. Properties: Determination, nonviolence and ardent tenacity. Events: His life,
his struggles, false accusation, recognition
and rise of a great leader.

Type of Analysis: Descriptive: As the

details mentioned in the case are
historical facts more of which is present
on internet, we feel the SOPE is genuine.
Given that we have used this as the basis
for our analysis, so the ethical analysis is
also right.

Born: 1918; 1941: Fled home; 1948: Joined

African National Congress; 1961: Founded
ANCs armed wing
1963:Imprisoned on charges of sabotage and
1990: released from Jail
1993: Awarded Noble Prize; 1994: Elected as
1999: Renounced the position; 2013: Death

Type of Analysis: Descriptive: As the

details mentioned in the case are
historical facts which are verifiable, so
the timeline can be safely taken to be

Key explanation?

prejudice leading to the rise of a man as
fighter against injustice & hostilities.
Killing of 69 peaceful
demonstrators, injustice to blacks, his wrong
imprisonment and Mandelas rise taking along
peoples support.
Concomitants: Fight against inequality,
strong will power and false charges put;
Circumstances: Unfairness, injustice in the
He demanded
freedom and not thinking about another reign
as president.

Type of Analysis: Analytic. Yes, the

SOPE are inclusive, fact-based and
characteristics of Mandela i.e. will power
and determination but also points out
how he neglected his personal life for the
emancipation of blacks, It would have
been a case of dilemma for him too. So,
we can say he was biased towards a
specific thing. It rightly points to the
circumstances that transpired these
events. It also shows how he moved from
violence to nonviolence.

Analyze SOPE

There is massive correlation between all these

characteristics was driven by the events
around him & that brought his values and
nature (properties) in light. It was the starting
point & let to change in the status quo.

Type of Analysis: Analytic. Applying

principles of justice, we realize that SOPE
gives us correct end results. There are a
few grey areas though.There is a definite
properties & events but it is not 100%
sufficient as few pieces are missing.

Categorization and
Characterization of

The classification has been done based on

timelines. The category can be violent-non
violet or a high impact causal incident. The
characteristics are defined by the change it
beings in lives of people.

Type of Analysis: Analytic. Seeing

examples from the world and its
associated events around us, it seems
that the 3 Cs have been correctly applied.

Key Problems?
Underlying key

Controllable Factors: Transcendence, Social

factors, Immanence and to some extent the
choices her made; so individuality.
dominated by the Political Motivation; birth
place which is affected by apartheid.

SOPE analysis

Timeline of key


The above mentioned factors can be further

looked at using:
Individuality which is
Transcendence is going beyond ones sense,
emotions etc. to achieve success. Social

Type of Analysis: Analytic. All the

controllable factors fall under the
umbrella environment and ethics of
human personhood and there are
incidents to support the same. All the
incidents mentioned in the case point to
one of these. Effect of control can also be
Type of Analysis: Analytic. All these
can be easily assessed and defined based
on the events of the case and based on
the high correlation between the things,
they can be taken to be correct and


factors are what we see around us.

Immanence leads to our wants, needs and
demands. Political Environment/Stability
can be assessed by number of contrary
It is very clear that both controllable &
uncontrollable variables are interrelated & one
may be the outcome of the other.


Type of Analysis: Analytic. Yes, the

problem has been specified and dealt

Problem solutions

The alternatives results better solutions

through different kinds of governments like
democracy, communism, socialism and also
other factors leading to resolution of the issue.

Optimal problem

By looking into each and every possible option

and taking the test cases from locally and
globally, this can be verified. May be a mixed
form of government could have helped.

Optimal strategy

While strategy helps us formulate the best

solution as per the need, proper governance
mechanisms and high involvement of people
can be used for implementation.


The optimal solution could lead to a sense of

justice and equality in the country. But this is
possible if everyone thinks selflessly like
Nelson Mandela. Nothing is perfect but we
need to make it better like what Nelson
Mandela did.

Type of Analysis: Analytic. No misuse

of power, politics and position can only
lead to this proper solution. We need
inner traits like what Mandela possessed.


AOL1 how following the right set of policies

and how proper execution can lead to right
environment. It is thus imperative to resolve
all the dilemmas and march ahead just like
how Nelson Mandela did.

Type of Analysis: Reflective. We can

see that all the mentioned methods and
principles improve ourselves and improve
the society. The same applies for political
environment. Applying learning is a very
important thing.

Type of Analysis: Analytic. Given that

the solutions are MECE and checked
thoroughly based on various variables.
Type of Analysis: Analytic. Yes,
optimality includes all the factor like
social through abolition of discrimination,
between and wrong (moral) and human
like minimizing conflicts.
Type of Analysis: Inferential. Yes, the
strategy and implementation can be
ethical, legal, human & moral but that
needs a strong political base in the
country & path.

3. AOL 2: A Process based problem resolution model (Sharat Chandra)

Problem Domain
The basic legal,
ethical and moral
issues involved in
the SOPE domain?

History or
narrative of key
SOPE elements

Explanation of the
SOPE narrative
from an ethical
and moral

Process Analysis

Ethical Analysis:

Legal: Mandela was accused of sabotage &

conspiracy. Ethical: Apartheid & the method
of non-violence plus a bit of armed
resurrection. Moral: The biased behavior
black people had to face.

Laws are made for the smooth functioning

of society and compromising it leads to
failure. Code of Ethics directs a person to
be moral and follow right path. A corrupt
ethics leads to a corrupt world. Morals
define the society and its functioning.
Yes. Since the details are historical facts
provided in great detail, we can say that
they are narrative, fair and factual.

ANC, was the learning ground for Mandela;

Sisulu his first mentor. The unjustified and
biased behavior of whites lead him to follow
resurrection to achieve justice.
Ethical perspective talks about following a
code that everyone follows. Moral is all about
being accepting and tolerant. Ex: Altruism and
follower first model.
Antecedents: Government policy against the
blacks. Determinants: Injustice like killing of
69 innocent people and fight for injustice and
rise to power. Concomitants: False charges
of conspiracy leading to 27 years in jail still
not developing hatred and anger. Presidency
post that followed by denial of second term
for democracy.

Answering all the key aspects has made

this exclusive, inclusive, valid, useful,
objective and unbiased. Also the theories
used here are egoism, deontology and
care and virtue ethics.

Analyze SOPE from

an ethical and
moral perspective

This shows us how a strong moral and

ethical value can make a person great. It
shows the right interdependence and
relations between the SOPE and the
It is a projection of the relation in the
overall picture.
The categorization is objective, reliable,
valid and meaningful as it not only aligns
itself to the facts mentioned in the case
but also with the present scenario where
we have many such examples.

Problem SOPE
from an ethical
and moral

The SOPE talks volumes about the character

of Mandela specially the ethical and moral
aspect. Even after being falsely sent to jail for
27 years, he did not develop hatred or anger.
He did not lose sight of the target and rose to
power and worked until the goal was
On ethical front, the injustice to the blacks,
the bad political situation can be seen as
reasons. Moral values is all about being
altruistic and nation-first kind of leadership
and stopping the wrong. Similar to todays
strikes in industries and laws to tackle that.
The main problems in the case are bad
apartheid law and denial of basic rights. The
suppression of blacks by white minority to
enjoy all benefits in an unjust manner is
unethical and immoral.

Problem SOPE
Formulation from
ethics theory

As per the Rawlsian distributive principles,

goods should be equally distributed. But here,
the whites enjoyed at the expense of the
blacks. Equitable justice is not met.

Problem SOPE
Formulation from
moral theory

Kantian moral universal principle tells that

fundamental principles of morality is the law
of autonomous will. But autonomy doesnt
give people the right to do anything. Immoral
behavior is wrong, irrational and unjustified.
Equal rights for people, follow of non-violence
and proactive response are needed.

The problem was understood using the

ethical theories and it was found that
equality was not being met. That comes
out to be one of the most important
problems highlighted in the case.
Yes. The principle has been rightly applied
and clearly understood for the case. What
the whites were doing was unjust as they
were doing thing as per their will leading
to apartheid.
The solution is not mutually exclusive and
need to be done in union with other
factors. There cant be standalone answer
to this issue. They are also not collectively
Taking everyone along as a group on the
same base of knowledge and creating
frameworks for repeatable results leads to
harmony, equality and justice.

Characterize SOPE
from an ethical
and moral

Problem solutions


Detailed and systematic analysis of a case

leads to proper understanding and solutions.
The power of words and not swords is also
realized through this case.

Key ethical, moral and social processes of

the problem has been identified and dealt
with. From legal perspective it is highly
wrong (false accusation). Morally and
ethically also there are many issues.

4. AOL 3 : An output based model (Vaibhav Tyagi)

Problem Domain
Key outcomes and
consequence to


Beneficial: Major outcome was peaceful cooperative movement which finally led to end of
apartheid and election of first black president of the richest African country. Nelson and de Klerk
shared peace noble prize in 1993, Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established and lead to
positive outcomes in discovering the atrocities committed during apartheid by the ruling
government and opposition; Human thinking changed as Mandela set example of generosity,
conviction and forgiveness in front of the whole world.
Harmful- Mandelas personal life suffered because of this long road to struggle. His critiques believe
that upbringing of the downtrodden black community could have been faster and white people
complained of corruption and crime. Mandelas baton could not be carried forward successfully.
Subject: Primary subject in this case is Mandela himself who led a long and peaceful struggle
against the institutionalized discrimination and atrocities being carried out in his nation
Object: People of South Africa, primarily the majority black population, are the objects in this case
along with the whole world which witnessed this revolution
Properties: The qualities of conviction, honesty, mental strength, integrity and perseverance were
displayed by Mandela in his quest for freedom for his people. At no time was his heart filled with
feeling of hate or redemption.
Events: Primary events that need to be analyzed start right from the point when Mandela
cofounded and started leading ANC. His creation of armed wing of the party, his imprisonment on
being accused of conspiracy against the government, his refusal to accede to then presidents
demand and choosing to stay in prison, end of apartheid, his winning of presidential election upon

release, establishment of Truth and Reconciliation Commission and winning the Noble Peace Prize
are the major events to be analyzed.

Timeline of key
events that led to
beneficial or harmful

Explanation of
consequences in
relation to SOPE?

and Categorizaion of
consequences in
relation to SOPE
Intended and
consequences in
relation to SOPE

Teleological analysis
of the consequences

analysis of the

Distributive justice
based analysis of
the consequences
Corrective justice
based analysis of
the results
Virtue-ethics based
analysis of results
Trust-ethics based
analysis of the
Analysis through

1948 Joined ANC

1961-Massacre in which 69 peaceful gathering was killed
1961 Created an armed wing inside ANC
1963 Imprisoned after being accused to conspire against the government
1964-1990 Prison Term: worked on his persuasive and leadership skills.
1990 Freed from the prison and directed ANC to shun violence and promoted peaceful
cooperative movement
1993: Mandela shared the Noble Prize with de Klerk for peace
1994-1999 Led South Africa as president and worked to promote the black community and
assuaged the white community by removing their doubts and fears.
Antecedents: The history of white domination and institutionalized discriminations served as
Determinants: Mandelas own dynamic and courageous personality and his induction in ANC served
as a major determinant to this revolution he was going to lead
Contingencies: Some events such as killing of peaceful activists in 1960 triggered Mandela and
others to create an armed wing in ANC
Concomitants: Inevitable events were to result from the actions of Mandela and ANC. Imprisonment
of Mandela and his comrades and subsequent subjugation of ANC by the authorities were some
concomitant events that followed
We can derive an analogy with the movement that Martin Luther King led through peaceful revolts
fighting for the civil rights of African-American community. We can classify the problem of apartheid
as one of suppression of a community by other; we can characterize the movement led by Mandela
as a peaceful cooperative movement.

Intended Cosequence: It should be noted that Mandela was given an option getting free from prison
if he renounced his struggle however he refused and asked the government to end apartheid first.
Thus the intended consequence of his decision to stay in prison was- increased solidarity with
Mandela worldwide; display of his strong willpower and conviction; end of apartheid;
Unintended Cosequence: Unintended consequence took heavily on personal life of Mandela who
witnessed multiple divorce and partial loss of his vision in prison.
Mandela was surrounded by controversies but the political scenario of his country at that time
justifies it and as far as the purpose of all his action goes- it was betterment of his people and
protection of both black and whites. Therefore, his actions are completely justified when analyzed
through doctrines of teleology.
When ethically judged through the actions and not through consequence of these action, Mandela
fares rightly thorough out except a few exceptions. He started an armed wing in ANC and
subsequently a military wing rebutting the oath of non-violence he took as an in-effective weapon.
Apart from this rare occurrence, Mandela stuck to the ideals of non-violence, forgiveness,
conviction and perseverance.
Mandela in his legendary 4 hour speech in court during the Rivonial Trial, explicitly mentions that
he was fighting against white domination and black domination. He was fighting against apartheid
which was a major cause of inequality in South Africa and hence his actions are completely justified
on these grounds
Corrective justice doctrine provides for the maintenance of the original status of the parties and
hence this was the very notion to be challenged by Mandela. To dissolve the gap between the
blacks and whites was the whole purpose of the revolution.
Ethically, Mandela and his action were always in consonance with the universal moral principles
and adhered to them till the very end. His focus on non-violence, equality and freedom served as
an inspiration for the world throughout.
One crucial point to be noted in case of Mandela was the he was able to secure the trust of both
the whites and the blacks in South Africa. He shared the noble peace prize with de Lierk and this
was possible because he won his trust.
The Mandelas revolution stands justified both in hind sight and foresight.

Dimension of Ethics of
Trust Explored

Nelson Mandela Case

Mandela was able to regain

Trust is generally viewed
trust ofHisnot
only were
Hindsight and
justified in the hindsight as they were a necessity
as an essential ingredient
also white
people environment
of his
the political
in his country
He even Mandela
won thematerialized the dream of a untied peaceful South Africa in which
In foresight,
de black
Klerk can
and Johnson 1999).
Assurance of
case using AOL3, we have come to an understanding that it is very crucial
from the
Learning of
to analyze any solution/problem through the outcomes it produces. Along with teleology,
propose that stakeholders
deontological and distributive justice parameters are also very crucial for the ethical analysis and
with strong relationships
Stakeholders involved in
not only have higher
front of Mandela- white
people, black people and the
that for Mandela against dimensions of Virtue-based Ethics
AOL 4but
: Aalso
international authorities- all
trust and commitment
leveraged the trust that was
become central in their
established amongst them
Nelson Mandela Case
structures (Morgan and
Hunt 1994).
A central idea in the
suggests that differences
Mandela practiced strong
in trust and commitment
conviction and tried to build
are the features that most
trust between ANC and
people by recommending it
to shun violence
transaction buyers (Berry
1995; Webster 1992).
The inherent nature of
in Trust that people put in
America, positions trust as Mandela served as the
perhaps the single most prime source of motivation
relationship for him and he constantly
marketing tool available to stood upto that trust
a company (Berry 1996:
Situation-normality implies
Mandela tried to maintain
the belief that successful
the situation of normality
always by averting crime
because that everything is
in proper order or
maintaining utmost level of
situation is normal or
honesty and transparency in
(Lewis and
his government.
Weigert 1985).
Mellinger (1956) defined Motives of Mandela were
trust as an individuals never doubted for he had
another already won the trust of
persons intentions and people
motives, and the sincerity dedication he displayed in
of that persons word.
fighting for their cause
Mandelas experience right
the from his childhood to young
experience of stakeholder- age to prison to final
management relationships presidentship
across multiple contexts shaping
the ideas and values accordingly
broader the bandwidth; , made him sensitive to
accumulate peoples
knowledge of each others problems.
strengths and weaknesses He
to generate interpersonal stakeholders under one roof
relationships of trust or through
Reconciliation Commission
he created.
One of the most salient
present complex social
Apartheid. People put trust

Dimensions of Executive Virtue

There may be a strategic virtue in doing things rightly, but
there is a moral virtue in doing right things rightly
Plato: Four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude
and temperance.
In general people perform the right activity based on their
strengths and wrong activity from their weaknesses. Since
each person has a different set of strengths and weakness,
each person is differently inclined to right or wrong
Aquinas: Moral and intellectual virtues are produced in us
by humanly reasoned acts, and they perfect us through the
doing of good deeds.

Mandela not only focusses on doing things right but also on

doing the right things rightly. His goal and intentions were
always pure and noble and wanted the best for people of his
He displayed the 4 virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and
temperance when he was in Jail. He never broke down or
submitted to the demands of authorities
Mandela had different set of strengths as compared to the
opposition he was fighting. His strength lied in leading a
peaceful struggle and mental fortitude he displayed by staying
27 years in Jail
Mandela has both of these virtues which can seen in the good
deeds he did for his country throughout his life time.

Foot: Virtues are specific dispositions determined by the

need to correct certain deficiencies
All perceptions,
and assessments
The virtuous act that hits the mean is
directed toward the right persons, for the right reasons,
on the right occasions, and in the right manner (p. 12).
The end of life that all human beings should aim is
happiness (eudemonia). The virtues are not merely means
to happiness, but constitute it; that is, happiness does not
merely consist of what we get in life but also includes who
we are (p. 13).
MacIntyre: virtues are skills internal to activities or
practices that are necessary for the performance of certain
roles or offices in society.

He wanted to correct the system of institutionalized

discrimination in his country
Mandela displayed extreme alacrity when it came to strategies
and display his political wits. Though he deligated the lower
functions to his subordinates but he took over whenever the
time needed him to take charge
Nelson Mandela embodied this principle. So while he could
have gone about his life without the slightest struggle he
decided to take the plunge to end inequality because it was not
merely the process but also the values that he embodied and
lived that helped him achieve happiness and peace.
Mandelas virtues were very much a reflection of his skills
which could be seen in his daily activities while he was holding
the post of President of South Africa

Conversely, people are bad not when they perform bad

actions but when they fail to strive to perform the right.
Badness, then, is not simply acting out of selfishness or
malice; prior to act, badness pertains to the failure to strive
for rightness (Keenan 1992).
Democritus (460-370 BC) held that to call a person good
one had not only to do the good but also want to do it
because it was good. Aristotle maintained that a virtuous
person is not one who does virtuous acts once in a while,
but one who does them regularly over long periods of time
and does them as second nature.

Mandela changed the human thinking of the whole world by

setting an example of courage, fortitude and forgiveness. World
now expected the same form other leaders as well as Mandela
had set new standards in global leadership

Moral goodness always requires that we strive to realize

the right. Failure to strive to realize the right is moral
The contrary of moral goodness is not the willingness to
be bad, but the failure to be good. The will becomes or is
morally bad in its failure to consider all the values and
factors that pertain to moral life.

An agent is praised not merely for the possession of

virtue, but for its exercise and exemplification in concrete
circumstances. The virtuous person is one who knows
how to act and feel in ways appropriate to the

Mandela strived for decades to achieve equality for his people

and dint bow to the pressure for authorities. Therefore he did
the right thins repeatedly throughout his life and hence doing
right was his second nature

Mandela always maintained that he was fighting against black

as well as white domination and hence made consistent effort
in understanding what was right
Mandela understood almost all the constituents of a moral life
be it persona or public. He always stood along with his values
with full dignity and conviction and was even ready to provide
amnesty to his opponents in return for the truth via truth and
reconciliation commission
Mandela walked his talk. He was not one of those leaders who
remain in their ivory tower but was one who understood the
ground realities and worked constantly to implement his ideas

6. Synthesis of AOL 1-4 (Jagruti Vojjala)

AOL 1: Inputs. Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa at a time of great turmoil. The
atmosphere of oppression, and several incidents in which injustice was especially visible, like
the killing of 69 peaceful Black protestors, led to the development of a political desire for
social equality in Nelson Mandela. Some of his qualities were integrity, Gandhian values, and
commitment to his cause.
AOL 2: Processes. The severe oppression of the Black population by racist Whites created an
atmosphere where he could emerge as an undisputed leader. Even though he sought to fight
for the ethical cause of social equality, he was sent to prison. This process could have
transformed him into a bitter man seeking revenge, but instead it made him into a statesman
with a great skill of getting disparate groups to work together.
AOL 3: Outcomes. As a result of his decades-long struggle, and his willingness to suffer for
the cause he believed in, South Africa achieved freedom from Apartheid in 1994. This goes to
show how the efforts and virtues of one man can transform the struggle for freedom of an
entire nation.
AOL 4: Virtue-based Ethics. Nelson Mandela was a deeply moral person who believed in
striving for the right cause throughout his life, even at the cost of his own suffering. His
ethical behaviour served as an inspiration to many, and his magnanimous nature of
dismissing hate led to his former oppressors respecting his statesmanship. Personal integrity
was essential to his persona.
Learning: Even though the inputs could have led to a violent outcome and Mandela could
have taken up the path of war, his personal sense of ethics led him to embrace a nonviolent
path free from hate, and thus he was able to achieve freedom from Apartheid for South Africa.



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