Trial Technique Questions

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TRIAL TECHNIQUE Predicate Questions E.J. Sicines State Attorney Tampa, Florida Vice-President NATIONAL DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Handling Evidence (7) Evidence Check List ( Introduction of Phy Eye Witness to Admitting Photd Arresting Offid Marijuana Ident State Chemist (Ma Breathalyzer Cases (31) Chemist as to Blood Groupings (34) Expert in Body Fluids (Blood-Semen) Toxicologiest (39) Expert Medical Witness in Patholg Pathologist - Autopsy Questions Hospital Records, Charts (49); Refreshing Memory (Present Recollection Recorded) (54) Microfilm Bank Account Record Regiscope Pictures on Checks (5' Introduction of Secondary Evide Admissibility of Defendant's Qualifying Infant Witness to Crime Scene Diagram (63) Expert on Fvidentiary Compa a. Identifying Hair c, Ident b, Identifying Soil 4. Identif 1 2 3 4 41. Va. 10, 4 “12 13 4 us. v6. 1. 18, 19. PR RE TABLE OF CONTENTS Handling Evidence 7 Evidence Check List Introduction of Physical Evidence 8 Predicate questions for identification and introduction of evidence 8 1, Identification proof of proper custody and un ‘changed condition of tangible object b, Identification, authentication and introduction of real evidence General Predicate Questions for Law Enforcement Of ficers 8 Predicate Questions for Eye Witness to Vehicular Homi- cide 8 ‘a, Physical Facts b. Speed «. Intoxication <. Warnings ce. Injuries f Damages 1g, Weather Condition 1h. Time of Day i, Other Motorist j. Weather and Road Conditions Predicate for Admitting Photographs 10 1. Form No, I—Photographs, Generally b, Form No. II Photographs, Vehicular Homicide Predicate Questions: Aerial Photographs (Police or Professional Photographer) 10 Predicate Questions for Arresting Officer in DWI (Dun, 10 Qualification for Narcotics Paraphernalia Expert... 12 Marijuana Identification by Non-Chemist Officer... 13 State Chemist (Marijuana-Drugs) 3 Predicate Questions in Breathalyzer Cases 4 Predicate for Chemist as to Blood Groupings 15 Predicate Questions for Expert in Body Fluids (Blood- Semen) 1s Predicate for Toxicologist Regard Blood Alcohol Test . 16 Predicate Questions for Medical Doctor 16 a. Medical: X-Rays ‘Qualifying an Expert Medical Witness in Pathology .. 17 Pathologist — Autopsy Questions. ” Predicate Questions: Automobile Accident Reconstruc- tion 18 Predicate Questions for Hospital Records 18 Predicate Questions for Reviewing Hospital Charts/ Records of a Deceased Physician 19 Predication of Business Records. 19 Predicate Questions for Refreshing Memory (Present Recollection Refreshed and Past Recollection Record ed) » 2 26, nm. "28, ese 2 2 36. 3m, 38, 39, 40. 41 2. 48. 45, 4". 49. Predicate Questions for Microfilm Bank Account Re- cords Predicate Questions for Regiscope Pictures on Checks Predicate Questions for Introduction of Secondary Evidence (Photo copy) Predicate Questions for Admissibility of Defendant's Confession Qualifying Infant Witness to Testify ). Predicate Questions: Crime Scene Diagram General Predicate Questions for Expert on Evidentiary Comparison a. Identifying Hair '. Identifying Soil c. Identifying Fibers 4, Identifying Glass . Identifying Paint Predicate Questions: Neutron Activation Analysis Qualifying of an Expert Examiner of Questioned Documents a Predicate Questions for Water Marks b. Predicate Questions for Typewriters Predicate Questions for Fingerprint (or Palmprint) Expert Predicate Questions for Firearms Expert Outof-Court Identification of Defendant a. Predicate Questions for Photographic (Photopack) Identiciation (Police Officer) b. Predicate Questions for Photographic (Photopack) Identification (Witness) «. Predicate Questions for Line-Up (Police Officer) 4. Predicate Questions for Line-Up (Witness) Predicate Questions: Qualification of Burglary Tool Expert Predicate Questions: Footprints Predicate Questions: Tite Tracks Predicate Questions: Too! Macks Qualifications of Value Expert Qualifications of Witness as Expert in the Field of legal Lotteries (Gambling) Predicate for Admissibility of Telephone Conversation ‘Taken on Tape by a Recording Machine Predicate Questions Regarding Pen Register (or dialed number) Recorder Tapes. Predicate Questions for Spanish/English Translator Predicate Questions for Voice Identification Predicate Questions for Introduction of Video Tapes Predicate Questions for Identification of Counterfeit Currency Predicate Questions for Clerk of Court Proof of Prior Conviction a. Clerk of Court b. Police Officer ©. Bailiff % n 28 28 u 2 2B 6 x6 a7 Gq 8 51 52, 53 Impeachment with Prior Inconsistent Sworn Statement 39 Impeachment with Prior Inconsistent Unsworn State- ment » Qualification and Examination of Court Reporter... .39 Predicate for Court Reporter Transcript of Defendant's Statement or Confession ” Predication for Calling Hostile Witness as a Court Witness 0 31, Predicate Questions for Competency (Sanity) a. Part I: Competency to Stand Trial b. Part Il: Sanity at the Time of the Crime Cross-Examination of Defendant’ Psychiatrist Relating to Alleged Insanity at the Time of the Crime. Questions for Direct or Cross-Examination of Lay Witnesses Relating to Sanity of Defendant at the Time of the Crime. Index. 2 2 4 a 1. HANDLING EXHIBITS Have exhibit marked for identification by clerk. 2. Ask witness if he recognizes the exhibit but don't hhave him explain what its. 3, Have witness identify any marks (initials, etc.) or other identifying characteristics to show the exhibit is the same one that he has reference to. Have witness explain where exhibit obtained. Have witness explain the exhbit has been in his custody. If exhibit sent off to FBI for tests, have witness point this out, when sent off, when returned, and that hhe maintained custody of it after its return. 7. Determine whether exhibit is in same (or substantially the same) condition as when he originally took custody of it, or explain any change in condition, such as where ‘marks or samples taken from it during examination and tests by FBI and marks made by FBI. Offer exhibit into evidence subject to a showing of ‘materiality, unless the materiality has already been show or is self-evident. After demonstration of materiality of exhibit, re-offer it for unlimited purposes. Materialty of certain exhibits may be shown by use of ‘expert witnesses (such as FBI lab men) who will connect blood samples, hair, fiber, etc., with the case at trial. Then those items can be re-offered for unlimited purposes. Other items, such as weapons identified by officers and marked by them, also identified by other witnesses as like gun used in crime, need no further showing of materiality, EVIDENCE CHECK LIST : NO. EXHIBIT. DESCRIPTION IDENTIFIED BY: OFFERED ADMITTED W/RESTRICTIONS W/O RESTRICTIONS Note: Just before resting your case—quickly review t check list to make sure that all your proper exhibits have been admitted—double check with the Clerk~ then, out of an abundance of ‘caution, state the following on the record: Your honor, the State moves the admissibility into evidence of all exhibits heretofore marked and presented by the state... 1 0. UL. INTRODUCTION OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Mark evidence as "State's Exhibit #1 for identification.” Questions: 1. I show you State's Exhibit #1 for identification and, would you look at it please? Can you identify this How? When did you so mark it? Where did you first see this How did it come into your possession? What did you do with it? When was the next time you saw it? iid you take it from the property room under some number? 10. 1s the in substantially the same condition now as when you first saw it? ‘The State will offer State's Exhibit #1 for identification into evidence, Vv. PREDICATE QUESTIONS FOR IDENTIFICATION AND INTRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE (a) Identification and Proof of Proper Custody and Unchanged Condition of Tangible Object Sheriff, Ihand you a_________pistol, bearing Serial Number Do you recognize it? Ifso. state when and where you first ‘sawit What difference, if any. is there in the condition or appearance of the pistol now and at the time you received it? Your honor, | ask that the pistol, identified by the witness, be marked as State's Exhibit Number. for identification. (b) Identification, Authentication and Introduction of Real Evidence Mr, a you have testified that {you saw the defendant shoot at deceased and saw him drop pistol and run off. Further, you testified you picked up the pistol. What did you do then? hand you a pistol which has been identified as State's Exhibit No, for identification; ask you to examine it and state whether ‘you have ever seen it before and if $0, when and where? Your honor, the State offers the pistol in evidence as State's Exhibit No, 10. 1 2, 13. 4, 15, 16. Vv. GENERAL PREDICATE QUESTIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Name? Occupation? ‘What law enforcement agency? How long so employed? Previous law enforcement experience? Present duties? (One of your duties to assist in (or supervise) homicide investigations? Familiar with so-called Miranda warnings on a suspect's constitutional rights? Had occasion to advise suspects of those rights during the course of your work in law enforcement? Number of times? Employed in your present capacity in June, 1971? f not, explain) Have occasion to become involved in investigation of death of victim of this case? What date? Time? How were you brought into case? Vi. PREDICATE QUESTIONS TO EYE WITNESS TO VEHICULAR HOMICIDE (a) Physical Facts Name, residence, where employed, location (with respect to scene of collision) Are you familiar with________(scene of collision)? Do you recall the morning of when X was killed? ‘When did you go to work that morning? Where were you at the time of collision? Did you have an open view to the intersection? Did anything unusual take place at that time? ‘What first attracted your atter Had you seen X prior to the time of the collision? |. Had you seen D prior to the time of the collision? |. Did you look up immediately when you heard the . What did you see when you looked up? ‘What direction was X traveling? ‘What direction was D traveling? ‘What did D's vehicle consist of? Where was X with reference to the intersection when ‘you first saw him? D's vehicle? n, 18. 19, 2, s. What happened to X’s car when D hit him? Where did X's car come to rest? Near what object? Where did D's car come to rest? Near what object? Is the driver of that vehicle in the courtroom today? ‘Where is he; what is he wearing —let the record show that the witness has identified the defendant. (b) Speed How long have you been driving automobiles? Have you been observing automobiles in motion and. trucks in motion during that period of time? From your experience in observing automobiles and trucks in motion and from your experience in driving automobiles can you fairly judge or estimate the speed ‘of a moving truck or automobile? When you first saw the D's car did you form any estimate as to the speed of i? What speed?” Did you observe any change of speed of X's car? of D's (e) Intoxication Did you observe the defendant at the time immediately after the collision? Did you notice anything unusual about his actions? Speech and conduct and appearance? , Please deserie any odors that you did smell. Did the defendant appear to be in control of his faculties? Prior to this occasion have you observed other intoxicated persons? How many times? Do you have an opinion about the defendant's sobriety or intoxication? What is that opinion? (a) Warnings Did you hear the D's truck blow its horn prior to the impact? How long prior to impact? What time elapsed? Could you tell how far down the highway D’s truck was atthe time you heard its horn blow? te) Injuries What did you do after the collision occurred? Describe the condition of X's car at that time? ‘What did you do when you arrived there? Describe X's condition insofar as you could observe when you arrived there. ‘Was he conscious or unconscious? Did he regain consciousness? Die before ambulance Did you observe any injuries to any portions of his body? What condition 2 3 4, 5. un 2. 13. Did D goto X's car? Did you talk with him? Did you hear him make any statements? (f) Damages Did you observe the portions of X's car that were damaged? Which? ‘Was there any other property damage? (e) Weather Conditions Was the pavement wet or dry when the collision ‘occurred? Did you drive'that morning? Did you have any difficulty driving on the streets? (hy E Time of Day Did you have your headlights burning? Was there any need for lights at tnat time? “) 7 Other Motorist, Do you recall the occasion when X was killed at (oa Were you along there about the time it happened Were you in an automobile? Who was driving? Who was with you? Time of day? ‘What was the weather like that morning? @ Weather and Road Conditions Was it cold or warm? Temperature below freezing? ‘What was condition of pavement? Were the windows in your car closed at the time of the collision—where was your car with reference to X's Were there any other cars between your car and X's? Any obstacles to your view’? Did you see X's car and the (other vehicle) when they collided? Did you see the vehicle before the impact? How much time before that? You were riding along there looking straight ahead” Watching where you were going? ‘Can you tell me whether the headlights were burning? Did you see X's car change direction prior to the collision? What change? Could you tell whether X applied his brakes? Had X passed you back down the highway” How far? ‘Was X driving on his proper right hand side of the street? VIL. PREDICATE FOR ADMITTING PHOTOGRAPHS (a) Form No, 1—Photographs. Generally 1, hand you State's Exhibit Number | for identification. What is it? 2. Doyou or do you not recognize it? Does this photograph marked as State's Exhibit Number 1 for identification fairly and accurately depict the subject matter therein? (on the date and time in question). (Or what is it a picture of?) ‘Ask question number 3 immediately above. 6. Your Honor, the State moves that State's Exhibit Number | for identification be admitted into evidence. (b) Form No. Il—Photographs in Vehicular Homicide 1 Mr . are you familiar with the street intersection at which the collision involved in this case occurred? If 50, state what itis? 2. Did you see the intersection at any time during the day when the collision took place? 3. (Hand witness purported photo) I hand you what purports to be a photograph of that intersection and ask if you recognize it fram the photograph? 4. Is that photograph a fair representation of the intersection as you saw it on the day of the collision? 5. Your Honor. | offer the photograph into evidence as State's Exhibit No, vill. PREDICATE QUESTIONS: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS (POLICE OR PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER) Questions Identifying the Witness 1. Please state your name 2. How are you employed? 3. What are your duties as such? 4. How long have you been so employed? Questions Relating to the Specific Aerial Photographs in Question 1. Did you have occasion to be working on (date)? 2. Did you participate in the investigation ofthis case in any way on that date? 3. Did you take aerial photographs relating to this ease on that dare? By whom were you requested to do so? ‘What area or areas did you photograph? 6. What type of camera/film did you use? Lens? Shutter speed’) 10 Questions Quali Admissibility 1. show you what has been marked for purposes of identification as State's Exhibits, 2. Do you recognize these exhibits? 3. How are you able to do so? (a) Here the witness can explain that he recognizes the scenes as those he photographed. that he either developed the film and made the prints himself or that this was done at his direetion, an that he marked o¢ initialed the prints ing the Photographs for 4. When were the photographs marked State's Exhibits taken by you? 5. Do these photographs fairly and accurately depict the scene as it appeared on the day they were taken? 6. Are there any material alterations oF deletions from the photographs? Were any of them posed? Are you familiar with the way the scene depicted in the photos appeared on (date), the day of the alleged crime in question? 9. Were there any material differences between the way the scene appeared on that day and the day on which these photos were taken? The State offers State's Exhibits admission into evidence, your honor. 10. for Questions Relating to the Photographs Themselves |Your honor, with the Court's permission, I would like to have the witness step down and explain the photographs (0 the jury. 2. Officer, beginning with Stae’s Exhibit please explain what each exhibit depi (a) Here have the officer show the area photographed. explaining its significance to the erime in question, (b) Have the officer point out landmarks to orient the jury. such as roads, ete (c) Have the officer explain the dicection and altitude from which the photographs were taken, 3. Thank you, officer. You may resume your seat on the witness stand. ‘Tender the Witness for Cross-Examination Ix. PREDICATE QUESTIONS FOR ARRESTING OFFICER, DRIVING WHILE, UNDER INFLUENCE ‘What is your name, address and occupation, please? 1 2. How long have you been so employed? 3. Were you employed on (date of offense) of this year? 4. Calling your attention to that day (or night) and specifically at about (time of offense) where were you? 5. Were you on duty, in uniform? 6. Were you ina squad car? 1 10. un 12, 8. 9. 20, 24 2 ms, 25, 2%, 2, 2%, 2, 31 2, 39, 40, al 2, 4a Describe your squad car, please Did you observe anything out of the ordinary at this Will you deseribe the car which you observed at that time? Where did you observe this car? Is this location in ( County?) ‘What drew your attention to this vehicle? Do you recognize the driver of the vehicle in this courtroom now? Would you point him out, please? Will you relate the incident to the folks on the jury, please, with particular description and attention to the defendant's driving? ‘Where was your vehicle in relation to his? ‘Was there any other traffic present? Would you describe what else, if anything, with regard to the defendant's driving? What was the speed of his driving? Was the defendant driving in a normal manner? (weaving?) Did he cross the center line? How many times did he cross it? Where was your vehicle at this time? How much distance did he cover? Was he weaving during this time? Were you able to get his vehicle stopped? How long did it take you to get the vehicle stopped? What did you do to get the vehicle stopped? Describe the position of the vehicle when it was stopped? How much distance was covered between the time you first attempted to get the defendant to stop his vehicle ‘until that was finally accomplished? Alter the defendant was finally stopped did you ask him to produce his license? Will you describe the defendants actions as he attempted to produce his license? Did you ask him to get out of the car? Will you describe for the jury, please, his exit from the . How far from the defendant were you at the scene? Did you smell any odor that you could identify? What was the odor? Where did it appear to be coming from? How strong was the odor? Did you have an occasion to talk with the defendant at the scene? Did you question him? Did you advise him of his rights? Will you describe his speech for us, please? 44, 43, 46. a. 48. 49. 50. SL 92, 53. sa, 55, 56, st. 58, 39, 6 62. 63 6. BRESE 1 7. . 4, 15, 1. 7. Will you describe his choice of words? Did you observe the defendant walk? For what distance? Would you describe for the jury the way he walked. please? ‘Would you describe the defendant’ balance? As you observed him there, did he appear injured in any way? Did you ask him if he was hurt? ‘What did he reply? Will you describe his appearance, please? Could you describe his eyes? How did his face appear? ‘What was the state of his clothing? Was there anyone else at the scene besides yourself and the defendant? Who else was present? Did you search defendant’ car? What did you find? Was there any evidence of consumption of liquor around defendants car? ). Did you ask the defendant to get into your squad car? Describe his entry into the car, please id you escort the defendant to the county jail? ‘What was his attitude at this time? Will you describe the defendant's exit from the squad ccar when you arrived at the county jail? id you have an occasion to observe the defendant walk at this time? For what distance? ‘Would you describe, please, the way he walked” Would you describe his balance at this time? Did you assist him in any way in walking from the squad car to the jail? How much physical effort went into this assistance on your part? Did you give the defendant a series of tests on this NOTE: THIS IS A STRICT YES OR NO ANSWER UF NO TESTS WERE GIVEN, THEN STOP THE TEST QUESTIONS RIGHT HERE.) What kind of tests were these? What did you ask the defendant taking of these tests? ‘What did he answer? ‘What, if anything, did you tell him with regard to his rights respecting the tests? (Miranda) ‘What did you tell him about the purpose of these tests? ‘What did you tell him with respect to the results of these tests? (That they could be used as evidence against him.) regard to the 79. 50. 8 2 83, 85. 86. 8. 89. 91 92. 93, 94, 98. 96. 97, 98. 100. 101. Did you ask him any other questions before giving him the tests? ‘What did you ask? (Ask if he had been drinking recently.) What did he answer? How many times did you pose the question before you got an answer? Describe his answer, please ‘What else did you ask him? What did he reply? Describe his reply for us, please? Did you ask him how much he had drunk? ‘And what was his answer to this? What else did you ask him? (Where he had drunk the liquor) ‘And what was his answer? What other questions did you ask him? If he had been hurt or received a bump on the head in the collision? If he had been taking insulin, had diabetes or recently used a mouthwash? What did he answer to each of these questions? How many times did you pose these questions before you got an answer? Will you describe the choice of words the defendant used to answer these questions? Did you ask any other questions? (Medicine) Did you ask him what time it was? ‘And what did he answer? 1. What time was i? After asking him questions what did you do? (Administered tests) ‘What time was it when you administered these tests? a. Balance and walking tests Did you give him a balance test? Will you step down please and describe for the jury this test please? What was his reaction to the test? Did you administer a walking and turning test? Will you describe that for us, please? How did he perform on this test? ». Finger to nose test Did you give him a finger 10 nose test? Will you describe this test for the jury, please? ‘Show them what itis. ‘What were the results of this test? ‘What did he touch with his right index finger? ©. Coin Test Did you give a coin test? Will you describe that for the jury, please? How did he perform this test? 4. Did you give him a speech test? Will you describe that for us, please? 2 What did you ask him to say? How did he perform on this test? Did you notice any odor on his breath at this time? Could you identify the odor? ‘What was it in your opinion? Have you in your occupation as a (Highway patrolman) (Police Officer) had occasion to observe persons

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