DR 6 Uryutfyutfutdu

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Ekonomi Teknik Kimia
By Dr. Istadi


Time Value of Money (Interest Rate) & Cash

Depreciation & Salvage Value
Profitability Analysis
Selection of Alternatif Investment of Chemical
Plant Equipment
Sensitivity/Break Even Analysis
Tax Principals (Dasar-Dasar Perpajakan)
Selection of Plant Location
Ujian Modul

Corporate/Plant Objectives

Maximize the return on investment

Maximize the return on stockholders equity
Maximize aggregate earning
Maximize common stock prices
Find outlets for a maximum of additional
investment at returns greater than the minimum
acceptable rate of return
Increase marker share
Increase the economic value added
Increase earnings per share of stock
Increase the market value added

Project Classification
Necessity Project (reduction of
operating expenses)
Product improvement project
Process improvement project
Expansion project (to meet increased
sales demand)
New ventures (require capital
expenditures to introduce new
products to the market)

Minimum Acceptable
Rate of Return
Pihak manajemen mungkin akan menaikkan rate
yang diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi resiko
projek atau jika budget terbatas
Manajemen selanjutnya menentukan rate of
return minimum untuk suatu projek.
Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah Modal, dari mana
Perusahaan harus berusaha agar pendapatan
lebih besar daripada biaya angsuran, dan harus
untung (profitable)
Higher the risk, higher the required return
Todays economy ROI after tax minimum : 2535 %, and Payout Time maximum: 3 years

Factors Affecting Minimum

Acceptable Rate of Return
Cost of Capital
Availability of Capital (health of
Competing Investments
Difference in Risks of investment
Difference in time to recover capital

Profitability Measures
Quantitative Measures

Interest Rate based (ROI, IRR/DCFROR)

Money/Cash based (NPV, NFV)
Time Based (POT/Payback Period)

Qualitative Measures
Employee morale
Employee safety
Environmental Constraints
Legal Constraints

Return on Investment (ROI)

Merupakan besarnya laju pengembalian
modal suatu investasi
Biasanya digunakan analisis projek dengan
pendapatan rata-rata per tahun
Persamaan: ROI = Annual net profit earnings after taxes x 100
Total Capital Investment

ROI can be calculated before or after taxes

Denominator could be Fixed Capital
Investment or Fixed + Working Capital
Profit = income - expenses

Disadvantage of Return
on Investment (ROI)
The time value of money is ignored
The project will last the estimated life and
this is often not true
Equal weight is given all income for all
years and that is not always true. The
averaging of profits permits laxity in
It does not consider timing of cash flows
It does not consider capital recovery

Return on Average
Investment (ROAI)
Method for measuring the profitability of
investments utilizing accounting data and based
on averaging method
Annual net profit earnings after taxes


Working Capital


x 100

Why FCI/2 ??
At the beginning of a project the return is earned against
the full investment, and at the end of a project the
investment has been fully depreciated and the capital
has been recovered.
Therefore, on the average over the life of the
investment, half the FCI is involved.

Kelemahan ? Sama dengan ROI

Payback Period/Payout
Time (POT)
Other terms: Payback Period, Payout Time.
To calculate the amount of time that will be required to
recover the depreciable FCI from the accrued cash flow of a


Depreciable Fixed Capital Investment

After-tax Cash Flow

The denominator may be the averaged annual cash flow or

the individual yearly cash flows. This could be after or before
No consideration to cash flow or time value of money
The method makes no provision for including land or working

Payout Period with

Interest (POPI)
Takes into account the time value of
money (discounted).
POPi =

after-tax cash flow i

fixed capital investment

(after tax cash flow)i = cash flow discounted to
time zero at interest rate i.
(fixed capital invest.)i = FCI compounded to
time zero at an interest rate i

Example (ROI & POT)

Problem: A proposed chemical plant will require a
fixed-capital investment of $10 million. It is estimated
that the working capital will amount to 25 percent of
the total investment, and annual depreciation costs
are estimated to be 10 % of the FCI. If the annual
profit will be $3 million, determine the standard %
ROI and the minimum payback period.
Annual Profit = $3.000.000
Fixed capital investment = $10.000.000
Working Capital = (25%)($10.000.000)=$2.500.000
Rate of Return on Investment =
2.000.000/(10.000.000+2.500.000) x 100%= 16%

Example .
Payout Time = depreciable FCI / (avg. profit/yr +
avg. depreciation/yr)
Depreciation = (10%)(10.000.000)=$100.000
Payout Time =
(10.000.000)/(3.000.000+100.000) = 3.23 year

Salvage Value = Fixed Capital Investment Depreciation

Net Present Worth (NPW)

Other terms: Net Present Value (NPV)



The NPW is the one most companies use since it

has none of the disadvantages of other methods
and treats the time value of money and its effect
on project profitability properly
The NPW is the algebraic sum of the discounted
values of the cash flows each year during the life
of project


The Net Present Worth (NPW) is the
difference between the present worth of all
cash inflow and the present worth of all
investment items:
NPW or NPV = Present Worth of all cash inflow income
- Present Worth of all investment items

Project with high NPW will produce a

greater future worth to a company.

Advantages and
Disadvantages of NPW
Timing of all cash flows and capital
recovery at the end of a project are

Capital investment is hidden in the
calculation and need to be stated clearly
in any report of the results

Net Present Worth Index

Also known as Profitability Index
The NPWI is the ratio of the present
value of the after-tax cash inflows to
the present value of the cash
outflows or capital items
NPWI > 1 greater than discount

Internal Rate of Return

IRR or DCFROR is the interest or discount rate for
which the Net Present Value of the project is equal to
IRR is usually used for analyze the project in which
the revenue of the project is not uniform yearly ==>
cash flow
It is discount rate that results when the NPW is equal
to zero.
The technique is similar with NPW method
IRR is the interest rate that will produce an NPW of

DCFROR Calculation of A
DCFROR can be calculated from the Cash Flow and
Fixed Capital Investment which forward to present
FCI WC = CASH FLOW P / A , i , n



1 i n 1
i i 1 n



1 i


1 i

WC and Salvage Value are recoverable


Limitations of IRR Method

Multiple rates for return: Unusual cash flow forecasts
can lead to more than one answer for the IRR
Reinvestment Rate: Inherent in the IRR calculation is the
assumption that funds received during the project can
immediately be reinvested at the same interest rate as the
IRR. This is not always possible.
Comparison of two or more projects: When comparing
two or more mutually exclusive projects will not necessarily
lead to the correct choice.
Size of the investment: The IRR cannot differentiate
between differences in the size of the investment.
Timing of cash flows: Because of uncertainty in forecast,
there is the possibility that the discounted value of the net
cash flows can equal to zero at more than one interest rate.

Net Rate of Return (NRR)


Net Present Worth

Discounted Investment Project Life

x 100

The cost of capital has been take care of

in the NPW calculation so that the NRR is
then a true net return rate


Capitalized Costs
Capitalized Cost (K) is useful for comparing
alternatives which exist as possible investment
choices within a single overall project.
Capitalized cost related to investment represents
the amount of money that must be available
initially to purchase the equipment and
simultaneously provide sufficient funds for
interest accumulation to permit perpetual
replacement of the equipment

Capitalized cost.
K = Cv


1+i 1

C R 1 +i

1 +i 1

+V s

K : capitalized cost
Cv : original cost of equipment
CR : replacement cost
Vs : salvage value at end of estimated useful life
n : useful life
i : interest rate
(1+i)n / ((1+i)n-1) = capitalized-cost factor


Personal Assignment (1 week)

Problem: Sebuah perusahaan ingin berinvestasi di bidang
pabrik kimia. Berikut ini adalah data-data untuk analisis

Fixed Capital Investment: $3,600,000

Kapasitas pabrik: 5,000,000 lb/year
Periode Konstruksi : 1 tahun
Land : $100,000
Working Capital : $300,000
Project life (umur pabrik): 10 years
Depreciation: Straight-line method
Potential Sales: 4,000,000 lb/year, dan meningkat 10% tiap tahun
hingga akhir project
Selling price: &0.80/lb dalam 2 tahun pertama setelah masa konstruksi,
dan meningkat 5% per tahun untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya
Cash operating expenses: $0.25/lb pada tahun pertama setelah masa
konstruksi dan meningkat 3% per tahun untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya.
Income tax rate : 35%

Lanjutan Tugas
Buatlah Cummulative Cash Flow untuk Project di
atas mulai tahun ke-0 (masa konstruksi) hingga
akhir project.
Hitunglah Payout Time (dalam tahun)
Hitunglah Rate of Return on Investment (ROI)
Hitunglah Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return


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