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Life Path Empowerment

Channeled Artwork by Linda Colibert

Channeled Life Path Empowerment Manual by Linda Colibert
Copyright September 2007 Linda Colibert
SpiritLight Reiki
Linda Colibert
Reiki Master Teacher
Lightarian Facilitator
White Light Self-Empowerment Master Teacher
Accredited by the World Metaphysical Association
[email protected]

Life Path Empowerment

The Life Path Empowerment will help you discover and strengthen your
connection to your personal guides. It will help you discover your lifes
path and stay on that path. This is an empowerment that connects you to
your Higher Self and your guides so that you will accelerate your Spiritual
growth and ascension. The Life Path Empowerment is easy to use and
gives you access to communicate with your personal guides in a way that
allows you to know who your guides are, often giving you the names of
your guides, and teaching you how to receive clear guidance from them so
that you can discover your Life Path and stay true to it. The Life Path
Empowerment was given to me by my personal guide, Bernice. She has
insisted that this empowerment system be simple and easy to use so that
everyone who wants and needs guidance can receive it and apply it.
It is one attunement with a simple symbol that you can use to focus and
strengthen the connection to your guides.

The Eight Point Star drawn in a straight line style is associated with Spirit
and the Angels. Not all of your guides will be Angels, but this symbol can
be used to connect to any of your guides so that you can receive the
guidance you need.

8 point star symbol

Use this symbol to help you focus and connect to your guides during
meditation, on when you are seeking to connect with your guides for
guidance. This symbol is also to be used whenever you are beginning to
stray from your Life Path and need to get back on track. If you feel you
need assistance getting back into the flow of following your Lifes Path,
think of the 8 point star symbol and you will begin to see your path more
Signs that you are off track on your Lifes Path:

Sickness, including nausea, headache, etc.
Lack of motivation
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may want to work to adjust
your thoughts and actions to get back on track with your Lifes Path. To do
this, simply think of the 8 point star symbol and state that you want to be
back on track with your Lifes Path for the highest good. This will help you
with adjusting your thoughts and then you will need to begin taking action
to align with your Lifes Path. You will receive an adjustment from the
Higher Beings of Light when you do this that will raise your vibration and
help you get become clear and focused on your Lifes Path. You may hear
ringing in your ears of a lower or higher pitch, feel a bit light headed or
spacey, feel the flutter of angels wings around you, or receive a clear
message about your next step. These symptoms will pass shortly, but if
you feel the need you may ground yourself by holding a piece of hematite,
putting the palms on the earth or on a tree to send the excess energies to
help heal the Earth, or hold your hands under cold running water for a few

minutes until your physical body adjusts to the changes of your higher
spiritual vibration.

Light a yellow or white candle and gaze at the flame. Allow your mind to
become still, empty all of the worries of the day, and just relax. When you
feel yourself become relaxed and your mind is clear, ask, Who are my
spirit guides? Pay attention to any images, names, or other messages that
come through. If you did not get a name for your guide, ask, What is your
name? Just relax and allow the messages to flow. Continue to gaze at the
flame of the candle. Ask, What is my Lifes Path? Pay attention to any
signals, signs, messages that come to you. If the message is confusing
and unclear to you because it has come in as flashing images, or riddles,
write down all of the sensations and impressions that you receive and
repeat the meditation and question asking the next day. Often you will
discover that all of the pieces begin to fit together like a puzzle and the
message will become clear. You can use this meditation for guidance in
any area of your life, as the information you receive is always for your
highest good. You will never receive a message for the Universe or Spirit,
or the Higher Beings that tells you to do things that are bad or wrong. The
information will always be for the highest good of all concerned.

It is a good idea to always call on the Four ArchangelsUriel, Raphael,
Michael, and Gabriel for protection before doing any meditations, or
sending or receiving attunements. This will prevent any unwanted
energies from trying to tap in or attach to you or your energies. I mention
this because as a Lightworker, you will glow with a spiritual light in the
etheric and there are times that Negative energies, entities, or spirits may
see your light shining and be attracted to it. You can protect yourself and
those you send healing and attunements to by calling on the Archangels to
protect you.
Here is how to Protect yourself.
Say, I call on the Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel to
protect me during the sending of this attunement, and to protect (name the
person receiving healing or an attunement) during the receiving of this
attunement. Do not let anything negative enter, interfere, or attach during
the sending or receiving of this attunement. Please allow only the pure
energies of the attunement (or healing) to enter. I thank you.
If you are doing a meditation and want protection, do it the same way as
above, except state that it is during your meditation so that you receive
only pure energies and messages for the highest good.

Attunement Procedure
It is suggested that you call for protection before sending the attunement.

Then continue to send your attunement as follows:

Get comfortable and relax. Take three deep breaths and exhale slowly to
clear your mind and prepare to send the attunement.
Say, I ask that (name) be attuned to (name the attunement which in this
case is Life Path Empowerment) on (date and time). Let (name of person
being attuned) feel the energies and know he (or she) has been attuned.
Thank you! And so it is. Then just allow the energies to flow through you
to the person being attuned.
Receiving your Attunement
Allow yourself about 25 minutes of quiet time to relax and enjoy receiving
your attunement. Get comfortable and relax. Take three deep breaths and
exhale slowly. Say, I accept this attunement from (name of person
sending the attunement) at this time. Then just allow the energies to come
in to you and enjoy it.
This attunement can be sent as a scheduled distance attunement, or with
the chi ball call in distance method, or done in person in the way that is
most comfortable for you to do. It is sent by intention and you should
always send the attunement in the way that feels right to you. This will
allow the energies to be passed in the most efficient way through you and
out your hands to the person being attuned. Distance attunements are just
as powerful as in person attunements. The energies come from Spirit and
are passed through the teacher to the student. Once you have been attuned

to the energies of the Life Path Empowerment, you may pass it on to


Reiki is a form of energy healing that always helps and never harms. If you
are ill, please see your physician. Reiki works hand in hand with the
medical profession. Results may vary depending on where you are on your
spiritual path and how much you work with the energies.
This manual and the artwork for Life Path Empowerment is copyrighted by
the Founder, Linda Colibert. The manual may not be changed or altered in
any way without permission from the Founder, as this would change the
energies of the attunement.
Please get permission from the founder before translating it into another
While there is no set amount that you must charge for this attunement
should you decide to teach and pass it, I ask that you respect the energies
and keep it pure.
May your find the guidance you seek on your Life Path!
Linda Colibert Founder
SpiritLight Reiki
[email protected]
[email protected]

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