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Agricultural Drone
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1146.2247



Md Alimuzzaman
University of Bedfordshire

Available from: Md Alimuzzaman

Retrieved on: 02 December 2015

Agricultural Drone
Department Of Computer Science and Technology
University Of Bedfordshire
Luton, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Abstract: This article provides detailed understanding

on agriculture drone under logical headings and
subheadings. Article highlights the technological aspects
of prominently used agricultural drones along with the
advantages and disadvantages. This article will help the
reader in interpreting the future scope of using drones
in theagriculture sector.
Keywords: Agriculture drone, aircraft, multispectral

Quad copter and wing aircraft drone are best suited
for theagriculture industry. Drone are well equipped
with an autopilot using GPS and a point to shoot
camera that is also controlled by GPS.
Importance of Drone can be understood from the fact
that it can provide farmers with three detailed views.
First, keeping eye on crop from the air can help
reveal patterns that show a problem related to
irrigation, soil variation and fungal infestations (1).
Secondly, drone uses Satellite remote sensing method
which is used to identify the crop growth by
comparing multiple images taken by the satellite.
Third, airborne cameras can take multispectral
images, capturing data using visual spectrum as well
as infrared, which shows the difference between the
distressed and healthy plants which cant be viewed
with naked eyes (2).
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages: Agricultural drone has successfully
paved a new means of increasing productivity by the
farmers. These drone are becoming popular tools
similar to any other consumer device (3). The Drone
will play a crucial role in agriculture in the next
decade, which will help the farmer to transform the
agriculture industry with little technical knowledge
(4). Drone can help farmers in various aspects such
as soil fertilising, spraying pesticides and seeding. It
will also help cattle farmer to keep count of their
livestock gone astray or stolen.
Disadvantages: Drones are best suitable for large
farms compared to the smaller one as they cover
larger area, which is not the case with smaller farm
(5). One of the major disadvantages of using drone is
linked with the privacy concerns. Majority of

Countries follows loose guideline to govern the use

of drones. Another disadvantage of using drone in
agriculture is that it has limited access to carry the
load. Most of the farmers believe in adopting
traditional means of crop care compared to the
agriculture drone as use of these drones requires
technological know-how.

Future Scope
From the future perspective, agriculture drone can
assist farmers to reduce excessive use of water and
will contribute to reducing the chemical load on the
environment by spraying on the plant that require
attention. Therefore, it future this can be called as the
green-tech tool. Drones are not only confined to the
agriculture sector but can successfully be used across
several industries such as Military and for delivering
Government of developed countries are focusing on
setting out the favourable strategy for enhancing the
use of such drones by increasing the funding and
commercialising agriculture technologies.
Agricultural drone have the potential to improve the
crops and helps in providing an insight about the
disease management technique through imaging and
sensors. It will also provide help in the monitoring of
irrigation and water supply by predicting the
availability of water through glaciers. Agricultural
drone can help the farmers to transform the
agriculture industry.

1. V. Paul. Gasping for Airspace. 2013.
2. M. A. Rahman. "Enabling drone
communications with WiMAX
Technology," Information, Intelligence,
Systems and Applications, IISA 2014, The
5th International Conference on, 2014.
3. C. Bing. "The Design and Operation of City
Agricultural Sightseeing System with the
Internet of Things Technology," Measuring
Technology and Mechatronics Automation
(ICMTMA), Sixth International Conference
on, 2014. pp.681,683.
4. L. Bencini, F. Chiti, G. Collodi, D. Di
Palma, R. Fantacci, A. Manes, G. Manes.
"Agricultural Monitoring Based on Wireless
Sensor Network Technology: Real Long
Life Deployments for Physiology and
Pathogens Control," Sensor Technologies
and Applications. SENSORCOMM '09.
Third International Conference on, 2009.
5. S. Yueling, Z. Zengfeng, W. Hongsheng.
"Agricultural information technology
development and innovation
path," Electronics, Communications and
Control (ICECC), International Conference
on, 2011. pp.2512,2515.

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