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Special Power of Attorney

Crumbs Co.
Legal Counseling 3A

Aseron, Xavier Alexen || Eriguel, Eufranio Jr. || Limjoco,
Ernesto Angelo || Ortega, Danielle Bianca



CRUMBS CO. (herein referred to as corporation), a domestic
corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of
the Republic of the Philippines, with principal office at # 21 Acacia Avenue,
Corner Tanguile, Muntinlupa City, Philippines and represented in this act by
its Chief Executive Officer, Atty. Noelle Gavino-Dungo, do hereby appoint,
name and constitute ALOE LAW FIRM to be the true and lawful attorneys
to act in, manage and conduct all the affairs, and for that purpose in the
corporations name and behalf to do and execute all of any of the following
acts, deeds and things, to wit:
That they are authorized to file cases and make representation in the
corporations behalf in any courts of law or any quasi-judicial or
administrative bodies, or any government agencies, sign all papers and
documents, demand and receive any papers so that interest will be preserved,
protected or maintained, in all cases where of which the corporation is a
party, but most specifically to attend, represent the corporation in the Civil
Case for Damages.
To attend in the pre-trial of cases of which I am a party of, and they
are authorized in the various concerns involved in the pre-trial as follows:
(1) to enter into an amicable settlement;
(2) to submit to alternative modes of dispute resolution; and
(3) to enter into stipulations or admissions of facts and of documents. It
bears to stress that a defective special power of attorney results in the
representative not being fully authorized to appear on behalf of the party.
The attorneys-in fact hereby accepts this appointment subject to its
terms and agrees to act and perform in said fiduciary capacity consistent
with the corporations best interest as they in their best discretion deems
advisable, and the corporation affirms and ratifies all acts so undertaken.
That they are given the authority of substitution wherein they may
authorize another person to act in their behalf as my attorney-in-fact.
GIVING AND GRANTING unto said attorneys-in-fact full power and
authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite
and necessary to be done in and about the premises, hereby ratifying and
confirming all that said attorney-in-fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done
by virtue of these presents.
This power of attorney may be revoked by the corporation at any time

provided that any person relying on the power of attorney shall be given full
rights to accept the authority of my attorney-in-fact until in receipt of actual
notice of revocation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 11th
day of September, 2015 at Muntinlupa City.

Atty. Noelle Gavino-Dungo
CEO of Crumbs Co.

Conforme: Attorneys-in-fact
Atty. Ernesto Angelo Limjoco

Atty. Xavier Alexen Aseron

Atty. Eufranio Y. Eriguel Jr.

Atty. Danielle Bianca Ortega




Republic of the Philippines)
Muntinlupa City ) S.S
BEFORE ME, a notary public for Muntinlupa City personally appeared Atty.
Noelle Gavino-Dungo, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn did
depose and say that she is the Chief Executive Officer of the Crumbs

Corporation described therein and which executed the above instrument; that
she signed her name thereto, and that it was so affixed by the order of the
Board of Directors of said corporation.
This instrument consist of three (3) pages including the page of which this
acknowledgment is written, and signed on each and every page by the party
executing this instrument and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
notarial seal, this 14th of September 2015 at Muntinlupa City.

Doc. No.: _______

Page No.: _______ Notary Public
Book No.: ______
Series of _______

Republic of the Philippines)

City of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila)S.S
I, the undersigned Corporate Secretary of Crumbs Corporation, a domestic
corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of
the Republic of the Philippines, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that at a special
meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation held at its principal
office in # 21 Acacia Avenue, Corner Tanguile, Muntinlupa City, Philippines
on 10th of September 2015, duly called for the purpose, a quorum being
present and acted throughout, the following resolutions were unanimously
adopted, and are now in full force and effect, to wit:

"RESOLVED, as it is hereby RESOLVED, to name, constitute and appoint

ALOE LAW FIRM, with office address at 10th Floor, Powerhouse Tower,
Venture St, Muntinlupa City, Philippines, to be the true and lawful
Attorneys-in-Fact of the corporation at all the hearings, proceedings, pretrial conference, mediation and juridical dispute resolution proceedings and
all incidents of the case entitled "Crumbs Corporation, Plaintiff versus
Flourida Inc., Defendant" pending in the Regional Trial Court, Branch 16,
Muntinlupa City, docketed as Civil Case No. 01047858, on such date or
dates as may be agreed upon by the parties of directed by the Honorable
Court with full and special power and authority (A) to enter into an amicable
settlement, (B) to submit to alternative modes of dispute resolution,
including but not limited to mediation and judicial dispute resolutions, (C) to
enter into stipulations or admissions of facts and of documents, and (D) to
exercise acts enumerated under Section 2 of Rule 18 of the Revised Rules of
"RESOLVED FURTHER, to authorize ALOE LAW FIRM to cause the
preparation, execute and sign pleadings, motions, memoranda and such other
documents as may be needed in the course of the trial, as well as to submit
and present evidence in behalf of the corporation;
"RESOLVED FINALLY, to give and grant unto ALOE LAW FIRM full
power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing
whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises and
hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said attorney-in-fact shall
lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this special power and authority
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this
September 11, 2015 at Muntinlupa City, Philippines.

Coco Souffl
Corporate Secretary

Attested to by:
Atty. Noelle Gavino-Dungo
Chief Executive Officer

Republic of the Philippines)
Muntinlupa City) S.S
BEFORE ME, a notary public for Muntinlupa City personally appeared
Coco Souffl, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn did depose and
say that she is the Corporate Secretary of the Crumbs Corporation described
therein and which executed the above instrument; that she signed her name
thereto, and that it was so affixed by the order of the Board of Directors of
said corporation.
This instrument consist of two (2) pages including the page of which this
acknowledgment is written, and signed on each and every page by the party
executing this instrument and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
notarial seal, this 11th of September 2015 at Muntinlupa City.

Doc. No.: _______

Page No.: _______ Notary Public
Book No.: ______
Series of _______

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