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1 Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or

Table of contents

Role of advertising:-................................................................................................... 3
Integrated promotional strategy.............................................................................3
1. Client Centered......................................................................................................... 3
2. Product Design......................................................................................................... 3
3. Promotion................................................................................................................ 3
4. Tracking.................................................................................................................. 3
5. Leverage................................................................................................................. 3
6. Brand Identity........................................................................................................... 4
7. Synergy.................................................................................................................. 4
8. Earned Media........................................................................................................... 4
9. Educated Consumers.................................................................................................. 4
10. Event Sponsorship.................................................................................................... 4
Analysis................................................................................................................... 4
Role of Branding......................................................................................................... 5
Branding tools......................................................................................................... 5
Branding as strength for a business or a product....................................................5
Creative aspects of advertising:................................................................................. 6
Advertising models.................................................................................................. 6
Analysis of an Business........................................................................................... 9
Working with advertising agencies:............................................................................9
Types of advertising agencies.................................................................................9
Business-to-Business:.................................................................................................... 9
Retail:........................................................................................................................ 9
Financial:................................................................................................................. 10
Corporate:................................................................................................................ 10
Digital Media:............................................................................................................ 10
Recruitment:.............................................................................................................. 10
Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Department of advertising agencies.....................................................................10

Working with different types of advertising agencies............................................10
Set clear goals:........................................................................................................ 10
Establish specific timelines:........................................................................................ 11
Stay in touch:......................................................................................................... 11
References:............................................................................................................... 12

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Role of advertising:Marketing traditionally has been said to consist of 4 ps; product, price, place and promotion. It
is within the area of promotion that advertising resides, and it is one of several methods of
promotion that a company may use to market its products and services. Even in an era of online
communication, advertising remains an important component of promotion in any organization,
whether it is a big company or a small business.
(Richard, small business 2014)

Integrated promotional strategy

Integrated marketing strategies take advantage of a combination of communication tools and

media to spread a message. By combining various tools, marketers are able to ensure that their
audience is reached and can leverage the various tools in ways that are most effective (Richard,
small business 2014)
1. Client Centered
Many business owners measure success by their ability to attract new clients, but the ability to
maintain the loyalty of existing clients is even more important. Client-centered business owners
understand that communications is the essential keyword in integrated marketing
2. Product Design
Since client-centered companies are always listening to consumers, they usually develop
products that people actually want to buy, with features that clients say they need. Once they
determine the requirements of their potential clients, they create the appropriate product.
3. Promotion
The second part of listening tells you where your prospective customers hang out. Some will
spend most of their time online, while others fall into the television addict category.

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

4. Tracking
Tracking the success of your promotions, either with sophisticated metrics or analytics, or by
simply asking where did you hear about us, lets you determine your strongest marketing
5. Leverage
Every marketing channel has its specific strengths and weaknesses. Savvy marketers know how
to leverage the strengths of one marketing channel, in order to offset the weaknesses of another.
For example, a start-up with a limited marketing budget might not be able to afford a full page ad
in the local paper
6. Brand Identity
The stronger your brand identity, the easier it is to market it across a variety of channels. Geico,
with its signature gecko, illustrates this point. Even in the commercials that do not use the gecko,
the message remains the same: Fifteen minutes can save you 15 percent on car insurance. Nike
also does this well, with their Just Do It slogan.
7. Synergy
A successful integrated marketing communications strategy has an overwhelming need for
synergy. Every type of communication must sing in a single voice, which harmonizes with your
brand identity.
8. Earned Media
Paid media is advertising that you pay for. This might even include social media, because you
have to pay for your Internet access. Earned media comes from being newsworthy. Newspaper
articles, television news, magazines and blog posts by others all constitute earned media.
9. Educated Consumers
Syms: Where an educated consumer is our best customer. This advertisement appeared on
television commercials during the 1980s, but how much can you educate your clients in a 40second TV spot? Thanks to social media, you can stress the need for consumer education in a TV,
print or billboard ad, then make a call to action, advising clients to go your website, and listing
your URL. This is integrated marketing communication at its finest.

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

10. Event Sponsorship

Event sponsorship is a highly effective, albeit expensive means of marketing. As the sponsor of
an event, you will be allowed to hang your banner, and give out company literature. Given the
expense, it is best to use an integrated marketing communications strategy to inform customers
of your sponsorship. Mention it in your ads and on your social media pages.
(Mercer 2013)

Telenor has shown stellar growth and I believe it is a great investment choice for them to focus
more on integrated promotional strategies. When team members know that generating a return
from these tools is a requirement, they think differently and enhance more knowledge about
these measures to gain and apply the whole of it. There will be fewer recommendations to do
things because everyone else is doing them and more lets do this because it benefits our
company. .The important success factor for Telenor is differentiation, because the environment
is becoming tougher with each Passing day.

Role of Branding
Branding tools
Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small, retail or B2B. An
effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets.
Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from
your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from your competitors'. Your brand
is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.
Are you the innovative maverick in your industry? Or the experienced, reliable one? Is your
product the high-cost, high-quality option, or the low-cost, high-value option? You can't be both,
and you can't be all things to all people. Who you are should be based to some extent on who
your target customers want and need you to be.
The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging and promotional materialsall of which should integrate your logo-communicate your brand.

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Branding as strength for a business or a product

Brand Strategy & Equity:
Your brand strategy is how, what, where, when and to whom you plan on communicating and
delivering on your brand messages. Where you advertise is part of your brand strategy. Your
distribution channels are also part of your brand strategy.
Consistent, strategic branding leads to a strong brand equity, which means the added value
brought to your company's products or services that allows you to charge more for your brand
than what identical, unbranded products command. The most obvious example of this is Coke vs.
a generic soda. Because Coca-Cola has built powerful brand equity, it can charge more for its
product and customers will pay that higher price.
Defining Your Brand:
Defining your brand is like a journey of business self-discovery. It can be difficult, timeconsuming and uncomfortable. It requires, at the very least, that you answer the questions below:

What is your company's mission?

What are the benefits and features of your products or services?
What do your customers and prospects already think of your company?
What qualities do you want them to associate with your company?

Do your research. Learn the needs, habits and desires of your current and prospective customers.
And don't rely on what you think they think. Know what they think.

Once you've defined your brand, how do you get the word out? Here are a few simple, timetested tips:

Get a great logo. Place it everywhere.

Write down your brand messaging. What are the key messages you want to
communicate about your brand? Every employee should be aware of your brand
Integrate your brand. Branding extends to every aspect of your business--how you
answer your phones, what you or your salespeople wear on sales calls, your e-mail
signature, everything.
Create a "voice" for your company that reflects your brand. This voice should be
applied to all written communication and incorporated in the visual imagery of all
materials, online and off. Is your brand friendly? Be conversational. Is it ritzy? Be more
formal. You get the gist.

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Develop a tagline. Write a memorable, meaningful and concise statement that captures
the essence of your brand.
Design templates and create brand standards for your marketing materials. Use the
same color scheme, logo placement, look and feel throughout. You don't need to be fancy,
just consistent.
Be true to your brand. Customers won't return to you--or refer you to someone else--if
you don't deliver on your brand promise.
Be consistent. I placed this point last only because it involves all of the above and is the
most important tip I can give you. If you can't do this, your attempts at establishing a
brand will fail.
(Williams 2014)

Creative aspects of advertising:

Advertising models

Product demonstration: The use of a product demonstration is quite common in

advertising and centre on product performance. Several executional formats are
available including the before and after, which is often appropriate for diet
related products, or a simple demonstration of the product at work, which is
regularly used for many household products.
Product as Hero: In the case of product-as-hero, the advertiser presents a problem
Situation (using a negative appeal strategy), which is quickly solved when the
product comes to the rescue. For example, television commercials always show
Bounty paper towels as the most effective choice for messy spills.
Torture test: In a torture test, a product is exposed to exaggerated punishment or
abuse in order to substantiate a product claim that is known to be of interest to
consumers. The Timex watch campaign, Takes a licking and keeps on ticking,
is a classic case of the creative execution of a message strategy that uses torture
testing, where the watch is subjected to a variety of extreme conditions, but
Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

continues to operate properly. One example showed a watch that had been
underwater for several weeks, and only needed to be wound (in the days before
batteries) to operate once again.
Product comparisons: A final message strategy compares one product against
another in the same category. To be successful, the attribute singled out must be
important to consumers. A successful comparison campaign is the one used by
Visa to position its credit cards as being more widely usable than American
Express, with such themes as Bring your Visa card they dont take American
Express. Product comparisons are illegal in some markets (Ogilvy 1985).
How Advertising Works: Models of advertising
Advertisers are constantly trying to define and model how advertising works, and from
these models, they often try to pick meaningful communications objectives (Bovee et al.
1995). This section reviews the current and past literature of advertising models. Several
different models of advertising are presented and two models will then be examined in
greater detail with an empirical comparison.
Hierarchy of Effects Models
One of the earliest influential models was called DAGMAR, an acronym for Defining
Advertising Goals for Measured Results, a book that was first published in 1961 (Colley
1984), also commonly known as the AIDA model. The model was built around four
stages of communication results: awareness, comprehension, conviction, and action.
Colley argued that it is possible to pick the appropriate stage in the communication
process and use it to define advertising objectives.

Whatever the variety, a hierarchy of effects models is based on the assumption that
people first learn something from advertising, then form feelings about the product in
question, and finally take action (for example, purchasing a product). This order of stages
is often called the learn-feel-do sequence (Bovee et al. 1995).
An examination of typical purchasing decisions for the average consumer suggests that
the learn-feel-do sequence is often violated. For example, consider a routine decision that
many customers face every day; where to purchase lunch. Does the customer always need
to be aware of a potential restaurant, develop strong feelings (or at least strong enough to
try) before deciding on a place to eat? What if the customer sees a restaurant and simply
walks in to give it a try? Perhaps the customer saw friends walking out of a restaurant and
decided it might be worth exploring, or maybe he or she made the decision simply
because he or she was hungry and this was the only convenient place to eat.
Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

(Glowa 2002)
AIDA model:

AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. It is an acronym used in marketing and
advertising, which helps marketing managers develop effective communication strategies and
communicate with customers in a way that better responds to their needs and desires. AIDA
describes a common list of events that occur when a consumer views an advertisement. Each
letter in the acronym stands for the following:

The "A" represents attention or awareness, and the ability to attract the attention of
the consumers.
The "I" is interest and points to the ability to raise the interest of consumers by focusing
on and demonstrating advantages and benefits (instead of focusing on features, as in traditional

The "D" represents desire. The advertisement convinces consumers that they want and
desire the product or service because it will satisfy their needs.

The "A" is action, which leads consumers toward taking action by purchasing the product
or service.
Dagmar model:
Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results.

A marketing approach used to measure the results of an advertising campaign. The approach
involves setting specific, measurable objectives for a campaign to determine if specific
objectives were met. Specifically, DAGMAR seeks to communicate a specific message through
four steps:
Awareness - making the consumer aware that the product or company exists.
Comprehension - letting the consumer know what the product is used for.
Conviction - convincing the consumer to purchase the product.
Action - getting the consumer to actually make the purchase.

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Analysis of an Business
Structure of Telenor Pakistan is Mechanistic and functional. Decision-making is highly
centralized and empowerment is not appreciated as much but to some extent. Advertising is one
of the key elements for running this business. Your headline is your initial contact with consumer
audiences. It is crucial that you capture attention with an intriguing title. In fact, your headline is
about 70 percent liable for the effectiveness of your advertisement. Telenor Company should
find businesses promoting products or services that complement your company's offerings and
initiate cross-promotion deals. Hilarious TV and radio commercials capture public interest and
leave a sometimes permanent impression of a corporate brand in the minds of consumers. A
well-constructed website rich with relevant content puts business before a significantly larger
consumer audience. Such items achieve longevity in the hands of consumers and leave an almost
subconscious impression.

Working with advertising agencies:

Types of advertising agencies
Advertising agencies were started in the mid to late 80s by sales people and brokers who worked
for the media and received a commission for selling advertising space to companies. As time
passed, the salespeople began to help customers prepare their ads. Eventually, they formed
agencies and grew closer to advertisers than to the media.
(Kotler 2008)
Business-to-Business (B2B) advertising agencies specialize in advertising products to a business,
as opposed to consumer, audience. B2B agencies understand the complex decision-making
processes in business marketing and utilize media that enable advertisers to build relationships
with prospects and customers over a period of time.
Retail advertising agencies work for groups or companies that market their products through
retailers or distributors. They employ creative and production teams that are capable of dealing
Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

with the development of detailed price-based advertising and can cope with frequent last minute
changes to content.
Financial advertising agencies provide a specialist service for financial services companies and
for company investor relations departments. Agencies that advertise financial services products
operate in a tightly regulated market, so their ads must comply with the current legislation
The main function of corporate advertising agencies is to raise awareness of a companys
capability and strengthen the corporate reputation, according to author Grahame R. Dowling in
Creating Corporate Reputations." Corporate agencies place advertisements in media that reach
senior decision makers.
Digital Media:
Digital media agencies offer a specialist service creating advertisements for the Internet or other
electronic channels. They may work with mainstream advertising agencies that do not have
digital media skills, or directly with clients concentrating their budgets on new media.
Recruitment advertising agencies advertise job vacancies at different levels. Some specialize in
senior management positions or temporary staff; others may focus on sectors such as jobs in
accountancy or information technology.
(Linton 2014)

Department of advertising agencies


Contact Department
Media Department
Copy Department
Art Department
Production Department
Research Department
Accounting and finance Department
Public relation Department
Office Management

(Akrani 2013)

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Working with different types of advertising agencies

Set clear goals:
Outline what success looks like at every stage as your agency develops your marketing
solutions. Without clear goals, it is impossible to judge the effectiveness of ads, designs, slogans,
or any part of your campaign. Be sure your agency is aware of what you hope to accomplish with
your program and define a specific measurement of success, whether in terms of new customers,
call-backs or strict sales.
Cover the budget bases:
Nothing endangers a positive vendor relationship like squabbles over money. Work with your
advertising agency to set a specific budget for each part of your advertising campaign as well as
an overall budget for marketing your small business.
Establish specific timelines:
Be sure you and your team are aware of the proposed calendar of launch for your advertising
program as well as intermediate dates for development leading up to launch. Respond quickly
when your agency needs information from you to execute elements of your campaign.
Stay in touch:
Communication is key in maintaining any business relationship, and working with your
advertising agency is no different. Make it a priority to follow up with agency staff as campaign
intermediate and launch dates approach. As with all business communications, keep your
comments constructive and always respond promptly to emails and phone messages.
(Montgomery 2009)

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Akrani, Gaurav. Kalyan City. november friday, 2013. (accessed april
wednesday, 2014).
Glowa, Tim. Advertising process models. june monday, 2002. (accessed april
wednesday, 2014).
Kotler, Philip. Principles of Marketing. India: Pearson, 2008.
Linton, lan. small business. april wednesday, 2014.
(accessed april wednesday, 2014).
Mercer, Lisa Marie. Top ten social media. april wednesday, 2013. (accessed april wednesday, 2014).
Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

Montgomery, Haley. "Working with advertising agencies." Tips for Working

Effectively with an Advertising Agency, 2009: 2.
Richard, Leigh. small business. April Wednesday, 2014. (accessed April Wednesday, 2014).
Richard, Leigh. small business. april tuesday, 2014.
(accessed april tuesday, 2014).
Williams, John. Entrepreneur. april wednesday, 2014. (accessed april wednesday, 2014).

Usman Zahid

Waleed Jamshed (UNIT NO 18 Advertising and Promotions)

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