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LFA - Defending Sacred Ground 1

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version of Defending Sacred Ground 1
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Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise

From outward things, whate'er you may believe
There is an inmost centre in us all
Where truth abides in fulness.

ROBERT BROWNING - Paracelsus [9/18/2000 6:38:52 PM]

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Defending Sacred Ground:

The Andromedan Compendium

The Story of Alex Collier and his

lifetime personal contact with the Zenetaen
culture from Andromeda
Produced by Letters From Andromeda and Diversified Enterprises
Edited by Val Valerian, January 1997, Revised July 1998
In cooperation with Moraney and Vasais of Andromeda

O Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
Hear Me. I am small and weak, I need your
strength and wisdom (1 of 2) [9/18/2000 6:38:55 PM]

Let me walk in Beauty, and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset

Make My Hands respect the things you have made and my ears
sharp to hear your voice

Make Me Wise so that I may understand

the things you have taught my People

Let Me Learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock

I Seek Strength, not to be greater than my brother,

but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.

Make Me Always ready to come to you with

clean hands and straight eyes

So, When Life Fades, as the fading sunset,

my spirit may come to you without shame.


1997,1998 Letters from Andromedan and Diversified Enterprises. All Rights

Reserved. Cover art, "American Bald Eagle", ©1997 Michael D. Young, courtesy
K+J Graphics, Pittsburg, CA. A significant portion of the proceeds from the sale of
this monograph go to support Letters From Andromeda, in order to assist the
creation of a world of unconditional responsibility and contribute towards the
implementation of a new paradigm. Published by Brotherton Press. 4800 Baseline
Road , E-104 Box 365 , Boulder, Colorado 80303 United States of America.

Please note that this online edition does not include graphics that appear in the
printed book. (2 of 2) [9/18/2000 6:38:55 PM]

Chapter 1 - The Extraterrestrial Global Connection

The Draconians and the Paa Tal The Future, Self-Responsibility and Self-Determinism
Humans Have the Ability to Create Without The Andromedan Perspective on Human Biblical
Technology Matters
The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy The Andromedan Perspective: The Next Nine Years
Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race More on the In-Human UN Biodiversity Treaty
The Abduction of Humans Free-Thinking Humans Appear to Be the Enemy
The Rest of the Galactic Hierarchy Humans Shackled By Lack of Vision
The Andromedan Council If We Are Eternal, Then What's All the Fear About?
The Negative Hierarchy: 932 to 3,700 Years Ahead Belief Systems and the Creation of Physical Reality
Forbidden Planet: U.S. Military, Montauk and Altair Earth Evolution in Progress
Earth Humans: The Race That Kills Itself Planetary Oxygen Level Near Critical Level
To Believe or Not to Believe: That Is The Question Who's The Real Power Here?
Space is the Place to Really See Your Face Sirius B Humanoids
History: More of a Circle Than a Spiral Our Solar System At Fifth Density: Transforms in
Things Change, But They Remain the Same Progress
The NSA: Black Monks, Alpha 1&2 and MJ-12 About the Space of Fear
Project Blue Moon, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 Withholding Love Creates Perpetual Disintegration
Our Moon's Forbidden History Reincarnational Souls of Influential Planetary
Mars: Cultural Propaganda vs. Reality Personages
Tetrahedronal Geometry and Magnetic Frequency About the Subject of Walk-ins
Generation The Concept of the Second Coming and Related
Holographic Image Technology Topics
Life in the Cosmos: Bullets Nazi Scientists and Time-Traveling Greys in 1931
The UN Global Biosphere Program The Paa-Tal Redoux
Flights Among the Stars: Spirit Journeys Our Ancient Heritage in the Lyraen System
Intention, Following Instinct and Frequency Shift The Draconians: A Beginning Dialogue
Effects On the Subject of Intention
Hale-Bopp: The Blue Star and the Empire Strikes Intent as the Primal Force of Creation
Back Questions and Answers

Chapter 2 - An Andromedan Update: The Alex Collier

at 1996 Global Sciences

Time for Us to "Walk the Talk" In the Final Analysis, All We Have is Each Other
The Andromedans from the Star System Zenetae The Andromedans Define Our Future
Consciousness as the Scale of Illumination Corporate and Government of the Current Situation
The Brain, the Speed of Light and Evolution Solar System and Slide Program Commentary
The Threat to Elitists of Our Unlimited Spiritual An Initial Protocol for Personal Extraterrestrial
Potential Contact
Time to Get It Together and Collectively "Kick Ass" Andromedan vs Earth Educational Systems
Regarding the Frequency Shift and Third Density Probable Events That Might Occur in the Next Few
Implosion Years
The Andromedan Perspective on the Concept of Time (1 of 4) [9/18/2000 6:38:58 PM]

Chapter 3 - Alex Collier Lectures At the American
Gnostic School, Nov 1996

The True Meaning of the term "Warrior" The Implosion of the Government Begins in 1997
The Love You Withhold is the Pain You Carry The Andromedan Holographic Language
Human Genetic Transfers and Reincarnation More on the Upcoming Dimensional Changes
Human Evolutionary Stages of Development Intervention Changes Reality for Everyone
The Issue of "Fear" and the Changes Around Us Effects Between Now and 2013 Are Long-Term
What Makes a Human Being The Human Concept of "Angels"
Most Humans Haven't a Clue What's Happening More On What Will Happen in the Next Ten Years
Human Children Being Taken Off the Planet Each Year On the Meaning of the Use of Feathers By Native
Questions and Answers

Chapter 4 - Leading Edge Research Interviews Alex


More on the Magnetic Color-Sound Frequency The "Rescue Mission"

On a Misteaching in Metaphysics Galactic Interplay Behind the Scenes
General Trends of Humanoid Races in the Universe Captured Human Souls
General Observations on Andromedan Society When the Dominos Start to Fall
Other Races Associated With Andromedans Which Side of the Coin is What You See?
The Draconian Royal Line World Leaders At Gizeh in 2000
A Higher Agenda Which Involves Us As Souls

Chapter 5 - Leading Edge Followup Interview with Alex

Collier, May 5, 1996

A Planetary Update The Union of American Republics

More on Draconian Activities With Human Children Intelligence Agencies Living in a Synthetic Reality
An Update on Benevolent ET's on Earth Creation of Probable Reality Streams
More on the Sirians Special Children Now Being Born on Earth
When the Andromedans Arrive and the Prime Helping the Teens of Today
Directive Thoughts on Upcoming Earth Changes
Time Travel and Changing Agenda The Andromedan Concept of the Creator
Parallel Earth Reality Systems and Implosion (2 of 4) [9/18/2000 6:38:58 PM]

Chapter 6 - Leading Edge Followup Interview with Alex
Collier, Jan 12, 1997

Male-Female Relationships in Andromedan Society Control Factions to Synthesize Racial Problems as

More on the History of the Zentaen Civilization Distraction
General Queries on Submitted Questions The Year of the Turning Point: 1998
Giza Triangular Ratios Related to the Orion Group Prejudice and Racism Learned from Extraterrestrial
Mathematical Sequences, Synchronicity and Reality Source
Creation Attempts to Use Our Own Free Will Against Our
More on the Nature of the Draconian Civilization Interests
Hale-Bopp Draconians Might Visit the USA First Opening A Can of Worms: Analysis of "Requests for
Who's Staffing the Hale-Bopp Complex? Help"
The Hale-Bopp Complex as Potential Control Scenario Andromedan Council Will Intervene: Collective Intent
Hale-Bopp Draconians as Possibly a Rogue Group Vital
Our Main Sun Is Already Beginning a Pole Shift Concept of the "Rapture" is Psychologically
The Hale-Bopp Companion Dysfunctional
Potential Hale-Bopp Tail Debris Impacting Earth Hypothetical Events Changing Planetary
An Andromedan View of the Nature of the Soul Consciousness
The Nature of Niburu Most Probable Order of Transformative Events to
Getting Down to Brass Tacks Come
Transnational Corporations Now Stuck in Own Mess
Vasais: Creating A New Reality and Different Way of
An Andromedan View of the "Astral Plane"
An Andromedan View of "Truth" On Earth At This
More on Civilizations in Various Star Systems
The Nature of Andromedan Music and Composition

Chapter 7 - Ancillary Reference Materials, Lectures

and Information

An Essay on the Concept of Leadership Maps of Moon Bases and Other Features
An Essay on the Relationship With the Is-ness Clones and Creation of Ourselves
More on the Characteristics of the Evolution of New Weather Modification and Engineering Technology
Densities On Creation
Dealing With Current Social Crisis Secret Colonies on Mars
Some Historical Aspects of Human Physiology and The Holographic Record of Christianity
Genetics Creation of Our Universe
A Telepathic Statement from Moraney on Election Eve, Inside the Planet: The Hollow Earth
Fourth and Fifth Density: 2013
Nov 1996
Changing Consciousness
Greys and the Earth Agenda - A 1995 Lecture
Master Index for the Andromedan Material
Maps of Planetary Underground Bases
Our Solar System and Earth's Future - A 1995
Current Moon Bases and Their History - A 1995
Lecture (3 of 4) [9/18/2000 6:38:58 PM]

Maintaining Impeccability: A Personal Note from the Editor

This whole project involving the work of Alex Collier has been more than a year in
the planning, and has taken literally hundreds of hours to accomplish. Every effort
has been made to capture the essence of the message that is being brought to us, in
that we may make use of it for self-empowerment and for planetary evolution. In
order to preserve that message, with its commentary, in an intact form, we have now
copyrighted the material in this book. The release of this book in 1997, it is hoped,
will assist the process of planetary change in a positive and progressive way. You are
encouraged to buy this book, and not to copy it, as a significant portion of the profit
goes to support Letters from Andromeda. For those who are impeccable in this way,
we thank you for your support and encouragement. Namaste. Val

For Updates in the Andromedan Paradigm: Visit the Andromedan

Paradigm website at
DSG1 Version 1.0 Revision B 20000630 (4 of 4) [9/18/2000 6:38:58 PM]

Chapter 1 - The ET Global Connection: A Lecture by
Alex Collier
Transcript 1996
Although many elements contained within this December 1995 lecture are basically unverifiable, the
synchronicity with the material presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek, especially in his video presentations on
the Light and Dark Brotherhood and his lecture at the Conclave of Michael Conference in Banff, Canada in
1994 make this material so highly interesting that it demands presentation in The Leading Edge. Relate it to
other material and decide yourself. Together with other material in existence, it appears to have a bearing
on the immediate future of the planet and all its inhabitants. (Legend: AC- Alex Collier Q-Audience

AC: Hello, I'm Alex Collier. In the last 31 years I have been given so much information, that I would ask
you to write down your questions, otherwise it may not be brought up. There are some positive aspects to
the information, and there is some information that is not very positive. There is absolutely nothing we
cannot resolve, if we stick together. What I mean by that is that we don't turn on each other. To have us
turn on each other is definitely something that they are trying to get us to do - to divide us. The problems
in the world that we have on the government level are just a symptom of a much bigger problem. I believe
it was Bill Cooper, much to his credit, who said several years ago - when you put the ET's in the middle of
this thing, it absolutely makes sense. He's absolutely right. I am going to be presenting the Andromedan
perspective as to what is going on, who we are, and some material about our past history They have
comments about all of our history.

I have been a contactee for 31 years. I has not been consistent for 31 years, but it has been consistent
since 1985. The first contact was in the upper peninsula of Michigan in a place called Woodstock. In 1964 I
was on a family picnic. I went out to play with cousins, and I laid on the grass. The next thing I remember
is that it was night time. They could not find me. I had missing time. I did not remember anything until age
14. We went back to the area where I had been sleeping. My body print was there. My mom, dad and a
Michigan State Trooper swore up and down that they had looked for me. I wasn't there. So, it was one of
those dilemma's. At age 14, I went to bed on a normal August night. I woke up and found myself on a
platform. There were two men standing over me, a short one and a very tall one. They were both very
handsome. On a soul-level, I had absolute recognition of who they were. The tall one, Moraney, had light
blue skin. Vasais, the shorter one, was much older, and his skin was whitish, having lost most of the blue
The Andromedans are a very very old race. Apparently, all of the human race comes from Lyrae. There is a
lot of information about this. Billy Meier also talks about it. The human race did not originally exist in Lyrae
- it came from some other galaxy but first began to evolve in our galaxy in the Lyran system. According to
the Andromedans, there are over 135 billion human beings in the 8 galaxies closest to ours. Now, there are
also other races out there. Some of these races have had a lot of conflicts with the human race, and that
conflict continues. But, there are things that are happening that will hopefully alleviate that problem. It
comes down to philosophies, more than anything else.
The Andromedans are a telepathic race. Moraney, over the last ten years, has learned to use his vocal
chords. The reason that the newsletter here is called Letters From Andromeda, is because the first words
that Moraney said to me when I went on board one time were "another letter". He was trying to convey the
idea of "meeting", and had been trying to search for the word. The Andromedans care really deeply about
what is going on, and a lot of it apparently has to do with who we are as souls, who we are genetically, and
it also has to do with the future - a future in which we will probably be in other physical forms. We're
talking about the future between now and 357 years from now.
Our Universe is a Hologram:

To us, some may say "that doesn't matter, I won't be here." But as far as other extraterrestrial races are
concerned, they will be here. Many of them live from an average of 1,000 to 1,500 years. The
Andromedans live to an average of 2,007 years. The "years" that I am going to be giving you as a measure (1 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

of time are linear - it's the only way I can give it to you. They do not look at time the same way we do. Just
keep that in mind. They say that our universe, which consists of everything that we do and don't know
about, is a 21 trillion year-old hologram. That's what they say. They say that all the matter that is in our
universe came out of black holes. Under every galaxy, they say there is a black hole from whence
everything came. How they have described it is that there was a universe that was evolving (when they
mean evolve, they mean that the frequency of that universe continues to evolve), and as the universe
evolved, those energies that did not want to evolve or were holding themselves back because they were full
of fear started to "gain weight," so to speak. These energies, which include consciousness, formed "sacks",
which got "heavier". As the universe raises in frequency (colour and sound), the pockets of resistance break
and explode out . This scenario is apparently what is beginning to happen now in our universe, 21 trillion
years after its creation.
Everything in our universe, including us, came from a black hole. The Andromedans say there is no age to
us. We truly are infinite. You can take that any way you want. According to Vasais and Moraney, on March
23rd of 1994 a specific colour and sound frequency began to emanate from all the black holes in the known
universe. In terms of their science, which goes back along way, this is the first time this has ever
happened. What this energy and frequency is doing is that it is creating a holographic impression
throughout all dimensional levels, of which they say there are eleven creational densities. This new
holographic impression has become a 12th density. They say that this new holographic impression has one
frequency - that it does not carry a duality within it.
What this frequency is doing is that it is pulling up all the dimensional levels below it. They say that by
December 2013, third density as we know it here will cease to exist - it is imploding in on itself as
everything is being drawn up. Those on the 11th are going to 12th. We are supposed to go to 4th and then
to 5th density. From the Andromedan perspective, 4th density is a consciousness. It is where an entire race
is telepathic with each other, they are aware of each other, they feel each other - they are of one mind,
separate individuals but still one. Fifth density is where we would be considered from the third density as
being light. They say that this is what is going to happen to us, no later than 2013, based on their science.
Do I know if this is right? I will know when you know, but they have not been wrong yet.

Now, there are individual consciousness' which have appeared in this 12th density holographic
consciousness. They apparently are like nothing that has ever been seen before. The Andromedans don't
know who they are, what they are, and don't know even how to describe them. But, apparently these 12th
dimensional beings have the capability to gaze down through all of the dimensions and see everything that
is going on there. That is all I know about that. Why is this happening?

[ Figure 1 ] (2 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

As all this is happening, certain essences are starting to "gain weight" [See Fig 1] because the frequency
shifting is "pulling everything up." Those energies that are regressive are starting to "freak out". According
to the Andromedans, every single

one of us on planet Earth and 21 other star systems in our galaxy apparently consist of a group of beings,
individual consciousness', that apparently evolved some trillions of years ago to the 11th density. An
experiment was conceived where beings would drop down into the concept of time and experiment with our
thoughts creating physical matter. They say that apparently a large group of us dropped down into 3rd
density and found a specific race already there with a very specific genetic coding involving 22 different
extraterrestrial races. All life on Earth was brought here by traders (Earth lies along a galactic trade route),
explorers, miners, joy-riders - all different people. Originally, the Earth was in a different orbit, closer to
Mars, and nothing but ice.
The Draconians and the Paa Tal:

The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of master geneticists, tinker with life - which from their
perspective exists as a natural resource. The Draconians look at lifeforms which they have created or
altered as a natural resource. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians created the primate race, which was first
brought to Mars and then to Earth. The primate race was then tinkered with by many other different races -
21 other races - resulting in the primate race having been modified 22 times. This primate race eventually
became Homo Sapien Sapiens. - who we are on a physical level. Yes, we used to have 12 strands of DNA.
Ten strands were taken out by a group from Orion in order to control us and hold us back. Why would they
want to hold us back?
The reason the Orion group wanted to hold us back was because they found out who we were on a soul
level. Again, according to the Andromedans, we humans are part of a group of energies that they know of
as the Paa Tal. The reason that the Andromedans use the word Paa Tal, which is by the way a Draconian
word, is because the Draconians have legends about warring with a race that was creating human life forms
that were opposed to Draconian philosophy. The Paa Tal created life forms that could evolve on their own,
with free expression. The Draconians, on the other hand, created races to function as a natural resource for
their pleasure. So, you have two very different philosophies.
Well, how the Orion group found out who we were was through our extreme span of emotions. We are very
very different than all the other races. Even the Andromedans do not understand how we could hate one (3 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

minute and five minutes later be loving and snuggling. On one trip I was brought on board a ship, and
Vasais was watching a monitor floating in the middle of the room that had an Earth news broadcast on it
where a policeman had shot a black man and then had run up to him and tried to save his life. To Vasais,
there wasn't a clue why the policeman would do this. I couldn't explain it to him, because I don't even
understand it. They are perplexed why we could be this incredible race, and have the abilities that we have,
and be so hell-bent on destroying ourselves.

Another time I came on board and Moraney was looking at Earth while monitoring all these meters
analyzing the atmosphere of Earth. He looked very sad, and I asked him what the matter was. He said,
"don't they understand that all of this is here because they needed it?" They don't understand how we can
just destroy our environment. It's not like we have another place to do. We don't.
Humans Have The Ability to Create Without Technology:

We have the ability - each one of us - even though we may not feel like it, on a spiritual level, to time
travel, to create anything without technology. The reason we can do that is because of who we are and
because our extremes of emotion. According to the Andromedans, it is the male aspect of ourselves that
creates the thought and the feminine aspect of ourselves that makes things manifest through emotion.
Now, third density is incredibly dense and a lot of extraterrestrial races don't like to hang out here. The
best example I could give about density resistance is if you moved your hand through a bathtub of jello.
That's how third density is viewed by those not here. The Andromedans say that proof of how awesome
humans are is demonstrated by the fact that we can literally create this third density. As slow as third
density is, our intent can literally create anything here. The Andromedans cannot do this without
technology. This world we live on, each one of us help to create. It literally is us, and we are it. We are
literally one. We created this place. They don't understand why we would want to destroy it.
The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy:

There are two schools of thought in our galaxy. There are the regressives, who are races that carry fear
and because of that want to control others. The hierarchy of the regressives starts with a group from Alpha
Draconis. The Andromedans have no idea where the Alpha Draconians came from, but what they have
learned through interaction with other dimensional races is that somebody brought the Draconians to this
universe and "dumped" them in the Alpha Draconis system, where they had the highest probability of
survival. According to the Andromedans, the Alpha Draconians have had space travel for 4 billion years.
They are an incredible race and have achieved great things, but they are bullies. They are jerks, and that's
a judgment - I'm taking that judgment myself. That's my judgment based on what I know about them. The
Draconians do not like human beings. The Andromedans say that Draconians believe that this universe was
here for them - that their history teaches them that they were left here to rule it. But, when they started
traveling, they ran across other races. They were able to conquer many of those races through genetic
Now, our government, the United States government, the New World Order - whatever you want to call it -
wants to implant everybody. From the Andromedan perspective that means ownership. Extraterrestrial
don't want to bother with that stuff, since that is not permanent. Extraterrestrials value genetics. What they
do is they come in, conquer a race and genetically alter it. From that moment on, that race is genetically
altered. The genetic changes alter the frequency, sound and thought patterns of the race if they move into
a physical form. Does everyone understand this?
Q: Could you give us an example of this?
AC: The best example I could give you concerns the Greys. Apparently, the Greys were much more
human-looking at one time. What happened was that they, as a race, were captured 891,000 years ago
while leaving Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 to go off and do their own thing. This is very common, and it is how Earth
became colonized. What happened is that they got captured by a group in Orion that was already
genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians. According to Moraney, the first thing this
Draconian- altered Orion group did was slaughter almost all of the females of the captured race in order to
control the birth process. They then genetically altered the remaining females, so that all the children born
after that were genetically altered. The males were enslaved, made to work in mines and slaughtered by
the Draconian-controlled Orion group, who had absolutely no regard for life. What we know now as the
Greys became a natural resource.
Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race:

Now, I am told that the Greys would love to be absolutely free of this hierarchy, but what they have done is (4 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

that they have continued to propagate the problem. Now, we have been told that the Greys "have been
here for thousands of years." According to the Andromedans, however, the Greys got here in 1931.
Because of their ability to time travel, it looks like they have been here thousands of years - they can go
backwards in time. If you can go backwards in time you can literally alter the consciousness of any race.
You can alter any event. That's exactly what they have done. They are not the only ones who have done
this. There is also a group from Sirius B who have also done this. It took me a long time to understand

why it was that they wanted to do this. The bottom line is that they wanted to control us. We have things
that they want. We have the benefit of having been on 11th density, which means that we have covered a
very large area of spiritual evolvement - which is why our range of emotion is so large. They want that
information. Not only that, but with the new frequency coming in and third density beginning to implode on
itself, the Greys are trying to save their race. According to Moraney, there are only 2000 real Greys left --
all the rest are clones - organic robots. They do not carry a spiritual essence. Folks, we are talking about a
technology thousands of years ahead of where we are now.
The Abduction of Humans:

The reason the Greys are doing so many abductions is (1) for genetics. They are trying to bring the races
together. They are creating hybrids, most of which are females. There are very few male hybrids. The
problem is that they have a hard time keeping them alive because spirit will not attach to it. The life force
will not attach to it. So, they are abducting the human mothers and children and peeling off the vital body,
containing the energy and feeding it to the hybrids of the same lineage. They are trying to create a soul,
and they just can't do it, and they are desperate, which is why there are so many weird things happening.
This is just one of the things that are happening. There is a huge Grey complex conspiracy behind it. Why
we agreed to do this I haven't a clue.

[ Editor Note: the permission to do it from the governments was in trade for manipulative technology for
humans to use against humans, ultimately for upper hierarchy alien benefit of further repression of the
human "threat" ].
So this is not working and the races are dying. Now, what the Greys have done because they are having
problems with this is that they have been abducting large groups of human children. This is why children
are vanishing without a trace all over the world. Some of them are being taken by the Greys. In
Westchester County, New York, over 5,000 children have vanished without a trace over the last three
years. The government knows what is going on but they are helpless to do anything about it. The reason
they don't want to bring it up is because they let the bastards in here in the first place. They cut a deal.
They sold us out, and I've got a lot of energy on it, because I have friends who want to know where their
kids are.

This is just one scenario. Apparently we have been manipulated for 5,724 years now. We have been
manipulated beyond belief. To make matters worse, we have had free energy technology that has been
withheld from us. So, for the last 100 years we have totally trashed our environment.
The Rest of the Galactic Hierarchy .... and the Rest of the Story:

We'll look at the positives. There are so many that want to help. For those of you who are "trekkies", you
know the number one rule. You don't intervene with an evolving race unless you're asked. That happens to
be a reality. They will not directly intervene - at least they are not supposed to - unless they are specifically
asked to. Those people who are contactees have a reincarnational lineage that leads back to many of these
positive races, which is why it is not considered intervention.
The Andromedan Council

Now, in our galaxy there are many councils. I don't know everything about all those councils, but I do know
about the Andromedan council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that come
together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is not a political body. What they have been recently
discussing is the tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects everybody. Apparently
what they have done, through time travel, is that they have
been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in
our future. They have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to further track it down
to Earth, Earth's moon and Mars. Those three places.

The very first meeting the Andromedan council had was to decide whether or not to directly intervene with (5 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

what was going on here. According to Moraney, there were only 78 systems that met this first time. Of
those 78, just short of half decided that they wanted nothing to do with us at all, regardless of the
problems. I think it is really important that you know why they wanted nothing to do with us. We are
talking about star systems that are hundreds of millions of light years away from us. Even some who have
never met us. They just knew the vibration of the planet reflected those on it. The reasons why they
wanted nothing to do with us is that from their perspective, Earth humans don't respect themselves, each
other or the planet. What possibly can be the value of Earth humans?
Fortunately, the majority of the council gave the opinion that because Earth has been manipulated for over
5,700 years, that we deserved an opportunity to prove ourselves - to at least have a shot at proving the
other part of the council wrong.

So, the Andromedan council passed a directive that all extraterrestrial presence will be off our planet no
later than August 12, 2003.

[ Editor Note: Isn't it also curious that August 12, 2003 is also a resonant node for the Montauk Project? -
1943, 1983, 2003 - all 20 years apart. Also, in 12-year progressions, 1931,1943,1955, 1967, 1979, 1991,
2003. The implications are interesting. The year 2002 was also designated the new target date for
implementation of the New World Order, one year prior to 2003]
They want everything extraterrestrial on the planet, in the planet and Earth's moon out of here by that
date. The reason for this is that they want to see how we will act when we are not being manipulated. We
are all being manipulated, and my first suggestion is to throw your television set away. I can't tell you how
sincere I am about that. They are teaching you what to think, not how to think. If you give that up, you
become a robot. You become sheeple. I know it's going to be tough.

This determination that ET influence will end by August 12, 2003 will be interesting, because living inside
our planet 100 to 200 miles under the surface are 1837 reptilians who have been here a very long time, 17
humans from Sirius B, and 18000 Grey clones inside the Earth and on the moon. Most of the 2000 original
Greys are on Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, which is an artificial satellite. There are also around 141
Orion beings inside the Earth from 9 different races.
The Negative Hierarchy 932 to 3,700 Years Ahead in Technology

There are a lot of "bad boys" here who have technology thousands of years ahead of us. It is estimated
that Grey technology is 2,500 years ahead of us. The Orion group who control the Greys have technology
approximately 3,700 years ahead of us. Nobody really knows how far the Draconians are, because they are
incredibly elusive. The group from Sirius B are approximately 932 years ahead of us.
Forbidden Planet Redoux:

How many of you have heard of the Montauk technology? It's time travel. Opening up time warps.
Apparently, that technology was given to our government by the group from Sirius B. We were not
supposed to have it. It was supposed to be another 150 years before we would have developed this
technology ourselves. They purposely gave us this technology, knowing we would abuse it. Now, I can't tell
you what the mindset was of the humans that got this technology and started doing all this weird stuff with
it. Within the last six weeks, Moraney has told me that the Andromedans have found a small Earth human
military colony, containing families with children, in the Altair star system. They have enslaved the beings
of that planet. Montauk only works if you have exact coordinates. That means somebody gave them the
coordinates of the planet in the Altair system. The Andromedans are really upset about that. That's just one
of the problems.

Earth Humans: The Only Race That Kills Itself:

The other problem that has evolved from this involves the human extraterrestrial races that are
benevolent. Many of the races are really pure - they only breed within themselves. However, there has
been so much interbreeding between the races that they are now beginning to anticipate break-downs in
the genetic coding. The Pleiadians are apparently going to start experiencing this genetic break down in 172
linear Earth years. For the first time in hundreds of thousands of years, they will start to see deformities at (6 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

birth. The Andromedans anticipate this problem themselves in 757 years. Now, there is only one race
capable of giving them a genetic boost so that this breakdown does not occur. They say it's us. They want
make a proposal to borrow some of our genes, but they can't. They can't come near us now because of our
vibratory frequency. They can't use our genetics right now because they currently carry the vibration of
fear, which is not an emotion they know. The first time I walked on to one of their ships, a bunch of their
children started to run away from me. They knew that I was from Earth. We have a very bad reputation,
because we are the only race in the galaxy that kills itself, that turns on itself. We are the only race that
allows itself to live in poverty. We are the only ones who allow members of our race to starve. We are the
only ones that allow members of the race to be homeless. We are the only race that would sell itself into
slavery. I don't like the reflection they give me of us. It's not that they are judging. They just don't
understand why we do it. If anyone's got an answer for it, I'm open. Yes, we've been manipulated by belief
systems, but why do we believe these belief systems?

To Believe or Not to Believe: That is the Question:

I have asked a lot of questions about Earth, religions and our history. Moraney has this really great way of
mirroring back my questions. One of the things that he mirrored back to me was a question regarding the
history of a particular religion. His response to that was "it is not so much what you believe in, but why you
believe it." I have had to look at that, and I've had to go back and look at all the belief systems I have. Are
they really mine, or are they something that I have been fed that I believe is true, and I am basing my
perceptions on the idea that they are or are not true? Another time, I was feeling depressed, and I had a
contact and I decided I didn't want to come back to Earth. I was made to come back, and I was very upset
about that.

As I was walking away, Vasais looked at me and said, Alex, the love that you withhold is the pain you
carry. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about that - that I don't look at every decision I
make and try to get crystal clear about why I'm making that decision, and where that decision is coming
from inside of me. Another time, I was talking with Moraney and he asked me, Alex, when you are having a
relationship, where does the love come from? When you are having a relationship with your family, where
does that love come from? When you are having a relationship with the universe, where does that love
come from? Well, the obvious answer is that it comes from me, which is what I said to him. He turned back
to me and asked me, why do you then believe you have a shortage of love in your life? Again, it all goes
back to belief systems. If they are right, we created all of this to watch how our thoughts can create
matter. So, in essence, everything is a belief system.
Space is the Place To Really See Your Face:

The Andromedans call our universe consciousness. They say that consciousness is the space that you
create in which to evolve. So in other words, to continue to evolve we had to create a space in which to do
it. That is physicality. There is a physicality on each and every dimension. Fifth density is not filled with
"whispering clouds." There is a genuine physicality to it. It's a lot different than what we have created here,
but nevertheless it is still a physicality.
History: More of a Circle Than a Spiral:

I wanted to get back to this hierarchy for a minute, because I wanted to show you what was in our past
and what it is today. I wanted to show you the similarities to illustrate that history does repeat itself until
we decide to break cycle, and also that it has always been the same if you go back and look at history. If
you look at Egypt, the Sumerians, the Babylonians, Greek mythology -- there are elements of truth in all of
In ancient days, you had the "gods". Mythology is littered with stories about "the gods", warring with each
other, marrying the daughters of man, etc. All throughout ancient literature, there are stories like this. The
gods would then allow their offspring, kings or pharaohs, to rule in their place as they went flitting around
the galaxy. The kings really didn't want to have much to do with the "common people", so they had their
"priesthood's" to control information, the masses and accumulate wealth. The military kept the masses in (7 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

order. Whatever the dictates were, the military made sure it happened. It's the way it has always been, all
through our ancient history. If you read Sitchin's information and a book called The Greatest Story Never
Told by Lana Cantrell - I understand it's out of print - The Gods of Eden by William Bramley - all this stuff is
well documented.
Things Change, But They Remain the Same:

We still have basically the same situation. The ET's are still here. The names and faces change, but they
still have the same mindset - control, control, control. Looking at the parallels with ancient times, today
instead of pharaohs you have presidents, prime ministers and kings. In terms of priesthoods, today you
have religions and bankers. Those of you who have done research will see the power that secret societies
have because of money, and how virtually every country on the planet is bankrupt, and how small groups
of men are controlling everything. These men are apparently doing the bidding of the ET's, because the
whole point of this coming down on this planet is to take self-rule and free will away from us. The idea is to
make things so bad on the planet that the masses will beg to be "saved." According to the Andromedans, if
you do not accept self- responsibility, and you allow somebody to come in and "save" you, you do not
permanently evolve. I'm not here to buck anybody's belief system. I'm here to share with you what they've

Then, you've got the military. You've got nuclear weapons and technology far beyond anything we know.
Mutually assured destruction. It's an interesting concept. Then, you have the masses. So, as you can see,
nothing has really changed, except now we have ways to destroy ourselves. Before, the "gods" were more
than happy to do that. They could change the orbit of the planet, cause pole shifts. The technology exists.
The Draconians can literally create a solar system. They can move planets and take moons and put them
where ever they want. There are races that have this technology. The Andromedans have said that if the
regressives, who have their first line of defense our moon, are not out of here by 2003, the Andromedans
have every intention of putting a tractor beam on the moon and pulling it out of orbit, and dealing with it.
Andromedans say that there are 100 trillion galaxies in the universe.

The NSA: Black Monks, Alpha 1&2 and MJ-12:

Our moon now is colonized. I am told by Moraney that there is a full time working population on the moon
of 35,000 people, and that they are all Ari-ans by birth. I'll let you figure out the implications of that
yourself. There are no blacks, Chinese, Hispanics, Korean, Japanese, Italians ... they are all Ari-ans by
birth. In the UFO literature that is going out, we are told that there are a lot of different groups. This the
part that makes me nervous. According to Moraney, and this is the Andromedan perspective, inside that
National Security Agency there is a group called The Black Monks. These are human beings, but they
completely interact with all of the extraterrestrials. Moraney has said that these humans are so implanted
with extraterrestrial belief systems that they are no longer considered to be Earth humans. Underneath the
Black Monks, there is what is called Blue Moon. Now, I understand that the name of this changes from time
to time, but Blue Moon is primarily deals with the lunar bases. This group is composed of Americans,
Russians, British and French. Now, above the NSA itself are bankers. All they had to do to create this stuff
is the money. Those of you who have researched the Federal Reserve know how easy it is to create the
Project Blue Moon

Blue Moon deals with technological development, and this is connected with what is going on in the
Manzano mountains, especially those projects connected with the Department of Energy that are to be used
on the moon. Under Blue Moon there is a group called Alpha One and Alpha Two. I am not real clear about
what Alpha One does, but my understanding is that it has to do with globally gathering materials and
making sure that the population doesn't get spooked. Alpha Two deals with personnel. It was their job to
make sure that the 35,000 people on the moon had the type of belief system they wanted, and the
colonists on Mars also had the belief systems they wanted - even if they didn't want to go. According to
Moraney, Alpha Two is MJ-12. So, what we think is the top of the ladder, MJ-12, is actually the bottom of
the ladder. That is what Moraney says. I have no way to verify this.
Our Moon's Forbidden History (8 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

We live in interesting times. We all share a common interest in our countries and our world. We show a
temporary interest in space as new and unseen information and discoveries are shared, then that interest is
incorporated into day to day survival. I would like to share with you information regarding the Moon and
our Solar System. This information was shared with me by Andromedan Cosmonauts.
It is my hope that I can only add to the information and hidden revelations. As I have been reminded by
my friends from Andromeda, we all have a piece of the puzzle. I offer this perspective as a piece of that
puzzle. It is not my wish to detract or prove anyone incorrect. I myself have taken this information with the
understanding that it is just a small part of a larger drama playing itself out in our backyard and on our
home, Earth. This information was given over a period of contacts, both physical and telepathic. The
following is the Andromedan perspective of our moon.
Our Moon has an atmosphere comparable in many places to that of Earth. In many of the large craters on
the visible and the hidden side, the atmosphere is said to be denser than sea level on Earth. Our Moon has
a small egress at its north pole, and the crust is thinly shelled in places. It is only twenty-one miles thick in
some places, and thirty-five miles in others.
We've been told that our moon is dry. A million times dryer than the Gobi Desert. According to the
Andromedans it all depends on where you are. They say the hidden side has many large underground
lakes, huge in size. The irrigation and terra forming is occurring on the hidden side on the surface, but is
occurring underground on the visible side to hide the agenda. Apollo 15 discovered and took pictures of
water vapor clouds that appeared from the hidden side. This would be most odd and unusual if the moon
really didn't have much of an atmosphere, as we've been told. Because clouds would be impossible.

The age of the Moon soil is 6.2 billion years old, and has compound and chemicals not found on Earth. In
fact, there are many chemical compounds that were discovered, but withheld from the public. There are
many more we've yet to discover because our science is not advanced enough yet. The lunar soil did not
come from the rock that makes up its mountains and craters. This is known to some lunar scientists.
However, its not spoken about, but in whispers. So, where did the soil come from?

The Andromedans say the soil and many of the rocks come from Ursa Minor. The location is a solar system
named in the Orion tongue "CHOWTA". This is a binary sun system. We have many similarities in our
system as well. "CHOWTA" is a very large system, holding 21 planets and 47 moons. Our moon is said to
have been made around the 17th planet in this system.

Portions of the moons crust is radioactive. Apollo 15 discovered this. Especially near the Apennine
mountains. Why were the readings so hot? The Andromedans have said it's because some nuclear waste
was brought up there to be reused as a fuel supply for the spacecraft that the world government has built.
However, many of the ships that use nuclear fuel are obsolete now. So, how was the moon brought here? It
was, I'm told by the Andromedans, put into the tail of an asteroid which brought it into our solar system.
This same asteroid circles our part of the galaxy every 25,156 Earth years. Andromedans have said that our
moon has been inhabited periodically in it's history for 1.8 million Earth years.
The Moon is hollow. It contains huge underground facilities built by E.T.'s and later humans from Earth.
There are seven openings into the Moon's crust, and the underground bases. Conservative scientists have
wondered why so many craters seem so shallow, despite their size. The Andromedans say, it's because
much of the surface was built on top of a metallic shell of a circular space crest; or " A War Carrier ", as the
Andromedans describe it. An example of a shallow, but large crater would be the crater Gagarin. This crater
is roughly 185 miles across, but is only 4.5 to 5 miles deep. Based on the impact and size across the
craters welt on the surface, the depth should be 4 to 6 times that deep. In fact, all the craters are the
same; they are too shallow. They defy known science.
Many of the craters have been artificially created. The Andromedans have said that many of the craters on
the far side were in fact domed cities at one time and that they were destroyed during a war that goes back
113,000 yrs. Many were used as domed cities and other larger craters were used as space craft hangers
capable of capable of housing 200 craft.
The surface bases consisted of 9 domed cities which would be equal to a small city. Small lakes or ponds
were scattered along the surface. The remains of these domed structures were discovered by NSA
astronauts, Russian astronauts, and the NASA Apollo astronauts. The true military complex of the moon is
now underground. Entrances to this alien and Human base is at both poles, the Taurus Mountains, Jules
Verne crater on the far side and Archimedes. These are the original entrances. The black government has
created more openings and is currently expanding the underground complex. The expansion is for the (9 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

operation of private scientific and military agendas for the World Order. Andromedans also state that it was
a military outpost, until it was needed in our part of the galaxy to end a rebellion that was taking place. The
personnel consisted of Reptilian, half-human/half-reptilian and those who would be known as humans.
Many of the original structures on the surface of the moon were destroyed during what the Andromedans
refer to as the "Black League Conflict". This was a battle fought by humans of different systems that formed
a secret alliance, and fought the tyranny of the Orion Empire. Continuous destruction occurred on one side
of the moon as it was being transported here by space debris. The side that suffered the heaviest
destruction is the visible side we see. The destruction was caused by particle beam weapons when our
Moon was located in the orbit of Maldek, now a destroyed planet. Our present Moon was one of two moons,
that orbited it. The second moon, I'm told, is the moon Phobos. It also has ruins on it, as does Venus which
was a moon of Uranus. Uranus is abundant with plant and mammal life. The glass that is abundantly spread
over the moons surface came from the Domed cities that were once on this war carrier. I would like at this
point to explain how the moon is supposed to have gravity. Now this is Andromedan science and it flies in
the face of our own science. But regardless, here is the Andromedan reasons for the moon having gravity.
Our sun produces a highly penetrating radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. This frequency is
approximately a trillion cycles a second. This frequency is located between the lower portion of the infrared
and radar band. It is this radiation from the sun that causes gravity, not the planets rotation. I will explain
more of this when we address the hollow Earth. The Andromedan science claims that any planetary body
that is 29.3 miles in size and is exposed to a sun, is capable of a gravity field. Even if it is not rotating on its

The Andromedans have related the following series of events to me. They have said that this information
has been recorded. I have not seen this yet. So, I'm relaying this information to you the reader in faith of
its accuracy.
Upon arriving on the surface of the moon, the NSA astronauts, together with their tour guides, the Greys,
were taken to the underground facilities where the remains and skeletons of Reptilian-like beings and
human beings were found. Also, old Orion technology was discovered. This location has been identified by
the Andromedans as underneath the crater named Jules Verne. The Andromedans say the size of this
facility hidden under the hidden side of the moon is approximately the size of New York state.

These huge underground facilities contain large lakes, plant life of Earth, alien form manufacturing
machinery, food storage facilities, and space craft hangers. Also, alien writing is to be witnessed on the
walls in the hallways. The NSA astronauts also were shown eight vaults that were sealed, but information
regarding their contents has not been disclosed to me. Artificial Terra environments are being created all
the time to house and support hand-picked personnel by the World Government.

The human leader of this base or facility is called Mr. Secretary. The Moon now houses approximately
36,719 human beings from Earth, a small colony; only Aryans by birth. According to the work that is being
done above and underground to expand the facilities, the Andromedans foresee a population of 600,000 in
the very near future. Much contact is taking place on the moon between regressive aliens and World Order

Currently, the World Order has fifty-three Earth built UFO type space craft on the moon. Also, other
weapons beings built on the moon are particle beam weapons, lasers, nuclear bomb satellites, and
anti-matter weapon systems. Anti-gravity anomalies on Earth were used to send equipment and hardware
to the Moon. Pine Gap, Australia and Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean were the primary launching
areas. Also, Siberia in Russia is another location.
There is an atmosphere on the far side of the Moon being created on the surface for extended habitation.
There is also water, lakes, and vegetation. They are literally turning it into a habitable colony. From there,
the World Government decided to go to Mars in March of 1959. This ultra secret space program was
developed and launched largely from the Soviet Union, simply because of its natural resources and size.
They could virtually do everything in secret. Upon first arriving on the moon, the World Order astronauts,
with help from the Grays, reopened the ancient underground facility. We've had a working colony on the
moon since 1961 according to the Andromedans.

When the Apollo astronauts landed on the moon, the World Order had been there for some time. This
knowledge and technology was withheld from the lower levels of NASA and our military. NASA has been
used as a blind to keep the people from truly knowing what was going on our there. The astronauts were
silenced under threats and they remain so today. (10 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

I would like at this point to share some old history or events that the Andromedans say is important. I have
not been able to find any information about these events, however, because the Andromedans specifically
brought it up, I am going to share it. In 1953 Earth satellites and radar showed large objects coming
towards Earth. These were Gray motherships. These time-traveling spacecraft were the same craft seen
near Venus in 1787, 1788, and 1789. In the year 1645 a large moon seen near Venus, was seen coming
and going four times. This was a mothership from Sirius B. In November of 1844, the large craft seen
illuminating part of Mars was an Orion mothership. The same craft illuminated Mercury in 1799. The same
craft, which is spherical, crossed the Sun on March 26, 1859.

On the eclipse of July 29, 1878, the two large glowing bodies seen between Mercury and Venus, were
Pleaidian and Andromedan motherships, moving through our part of the galaxy.

In 1783 and 1787, the large bright lights that were seen on the moon were not volcanoes. They were
Pleaidian motherships the creation of a self-rule government. The first on Earth; America. In the month of
February, in the year 1894, the object photographed striking a huge black object was a carrier craft from
Alpha Draconis. On April 4, 1892, the craft that crossed the surface of the moon was not a large bird, it was
a craft that looked like it had wings. It was a craft from Alpha Draconis. This same ship was last in this
solar system on January 27, 1912.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this time in which we now live is and will be known in our future as the end of the
innocence. We, as a planetary race, must commit ourselves to the idea that truth must survive. We have
major challenges to face, and what ever is the truth, we must do all that is necessary to stick together. We
have been torn and tattered, we have been betrayed. But please, let's not give up on each other. We are
capable of being heroes. We can save the world, and our freedom. We must believe in each other, and in
Mars: Cultural Propaganda v. Reality:

According to the Andromedans, Mars is three times the size that the public is told it is. We are told in
literature that Mars is 4,200 miles in diameter, when in fact it is 11,421 miles in diameter. This past March
of 1995, in a San Diego newspaper, it

published a report that showed a picture of Mars in springtime. It said that in 1971, the Viking orbiter
discovered huge amounts of ozone in the Martian atmosphere. Now, how many books do you know of that
have told you that there is ozone in the Martian atmosphere? None. It was a controlled leak. We are told
that the atmosphere is predominantly carbon dioxide. How can this be, when it is supposedly devoid of
plant life? When you see the polar cap melt in the spring, as shown in books, how is it that they can also
say that the highest temperature on Mars is 141 degrees below zero? The polar cap on Mars is made of
water. Will someone please tell me how water melts at 141 degrees below zero?

According to the Andromedans, the average temperature at the equator on Mars is 59 degrees. In 1979,
NASA admitted seeing clouds float over Olympus Mons, allegedly the largest volcano in the solar system.
But, Olympus Mons is over 72,000 feet high. That's one hell of an atmosphere if you have clouds at 72,000
Tetrahedronal Geometry and Magnetic

Frequency Generation in the Solar System:

The monuments on Mars. According to Moraney, the "face" on Mars is a tomb, and there are apparently
many monuments like that all over the surface. The Andromedans also say that if you look at the surface of
all the planets in the solar system, at 19.5 degrees North and South, there are monuments - on every
single planet in our solar system. The reason that they are there is that they cause a magnetic frequency
that apparently causes or creates a sound which polarizes our solar system in direct opposition to who we
are as spiritual beings. In other words, we vibrate at a specific frequency. As long as the solar system
vibrates at this other frequency, we cannot leave the solar system on a soul level. I do not understand all of
this, but I am sharing it with you.
Venus used to be a moon of Uranus, and Mercury used to be a moon of Saturn. What the big plan and
design of all this is, I don't know. When I asked about the Earth, I was told that the Earth was an ice planet
in a different orbit that it has now. When I asked who moved it, the response was "that's something the
Pleiadians will have to answer." The Pleaidians aren't all bad, but they are not telling everything either.
They have been involved in our solar system for a long long time. I was told that the only reason that the
Andromedan council is involved at all is because the Pleaidians went to them and requested it. Our solar (11 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

system was involved in a war 117,000 years ago. Part of it was caused by the Pleaidians, who simply left.
Some of them came back. Atlantis was an ET colony. The Pleaidians never took responsibility for what they
did, and now they have to come back and try to fix it. The problem is, when they came back, their past hit
them square in the face. We are a reflection of who they used to be, and they have a heard time dealing
with it. In order to fix the problem, they have to step back into the "warrior" mode, and they don't want to
do that because it is so destructive. So, as a result, they had to get some help.
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: Holographic Image Technology

They have a camera that they can take a picture and separate it out to get data all the way back to
conception. Say I have a liver problem. They can go back and get the data relative to my healthy liver and
project it holographically and heal the liver. This is holographic technology. It is literally me, healing myself.
We have the same capabilities using our minds. The key is to open it up to the idea that everything that we
record in our mind is recorded holographically. Every single thought is recorded holographically. When you
are trying to create something in your life, through your mediations, don't look at it the way you normally
do. Move around it, behind it, on top of it, beneath it. Train you mind and subconscious to see it for what it
really is. They say we have this ability - they need technology to do this, but we don't, because we have
the benefit of already having been on 11th density.
Life in the Cosmos: Bullets-

As you can see, the earth is on the fringe of our galaxy. If it were more toward the center, we would not
have had whatever opportunities we have had for self rule. We take for granted whatever freedoms we've
had. The Andromedans say that there is biological life on 7 planets and 15 moons on our solar system, but
human technology is not sufficiently advanced to detect it.

The Galileo probe that moved into the atmosphere was supposed to have been destroyed on entry, but
NASA now says that it will be transmitting for several weeks from the surface. Surface? What surface? They
have been telling us all along that there was no surface. The major function of the orbiting part of the
Galileo mission is to keep an eye one of Jupiters moons.

Q: Many of us have wondered why we are here on the planet in the first place. Do you have any
information on that?
AC: I have been told that some of us have been here a long time, evolving, learning not to withhold love. I
have also been told that some of us have come back in time from the future to this time now, to "right a
terrible wrong." That's all I know.

[ Editor Note: There is data in Robert Monroe's last book, Ultimate Journey, that also indicates that many
of us have come from a period past 3000 AD to this point in history to learn what this kind of planetary
situation is like, in order to be able to more adequately and appropriately function on the Earth as it is in
the future ]

Q: What is your understanding of the human energy fields?

AC: It is my understanding that there are eight of them that compose a holographic imprint of all that we
are individually, focused into one intent which is the physicality we are in right now. In other words, we are
multidimensional, and it takes eight levels of intent to create me being here, talking to you at this time.
Q: Several years back, I was told by a friend of mine in the CIA, that his brother, who had retired from
NASA as the director of operations, told him that the 1990 meeting between George Bush and Gorbachev
on a boat off the shores of Malta, was solely for the discussion of an object orbiting around Mars. The
comment by this man was that both of them were scared to death. This would correlate with the 1989
takeover that you mention on your tape.

AC: I was told that we were given technology and allowed to colonize the moon and Mars. The best
technology was taken to Mars, and some our strongest genetic human beings were taken there. After that
happened, in 1989 the Draconians broke
the deal, invaded Mars and destroyed the human colony there. I was told this happened in March of 1989.
Along with that, our government was told by the Draconians to totally trash our environment, in order to
bring the people to their knees. They were given a promise by the Greys that they would use their
technology to clean the planet up once the government had extinguished self-rule on the planet.
According the Moraney, the Greys have no intention on keeping that promise. The (12 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

bottom line is that We-The-People need to stand up and take over the leadership roles on our planet. I
don't know how we will do it, but if we do it together, we will succeed. We have to put all the stupid things
aside and look at out priorities. What are our priorities? The environment, each other, and our children. We
have to do this. Somehow we have to do this.
Q: I would like to know if the Andromedans are going to help us, when they plan to do this and whether or
not they will inform us, so we could unite in a more uniform effort to overcome the problems that we have?

AC: They have actually made that decision by telling all of the extraterrestrial races to be out of here by
August 12, 2003. Some of the crop circles have been done by the Andromedans as messages to some of
the other races that they have to be out of there by that time. They have made a decision to intervene. If it
is going to be any sooner, I am told that it requires at least 10% of the population to request it. We each
have to individually ask, and it has to be at least 10% of the population. They said "by the time you finish
your prayer, we will be here." They want to help, but we have free will. If they just come in without being
asked, then they are violating our free will the same way the Greys and Draconians have. They
will not do it. It is not the standard they live by.
Q: Do you have any idea how the Andromedans will extract aliens who refuse to leave?
AC: I have no idea, but if there are any in the earth, the only way I personally can see would be to enter in
at the poles and force them out, which means it could get really weird here. Could you imagine reptilians
running across the interstate highway?
Q: You said that the next ten years are going to be weird. Is this part of that weirdness, and what else is
there that we could expect? You said that they lost Mars and the moon doesn't seem to be a good place to

AC: Right. The moon was just a jumping point to colonize Mars. Because of its lack of atmosphere,
long-term habitation cannot exist on the moon - which is why they had to go to Mars. Well, they lost both
of them, and the world leaders, and everybody who made all these deals with the aliens, now find
themselves in a real problem - they have no where to hide. They can't skip out of here. To counter that,
they are now using the United Nations and the Global Biosphere program to create reserves, mostly in the
United States. The reason? Over 78% of the fresh water in the world is in North America. If you control the
water, you control the food and the people. If you control the people, you're a "king."
The Next Great Escape: The UN Global Biosphere Program:

Now, in September of 1995, Bill Clinton gave 18 million acres of Yellowstone National Park to the United
Nations Biosphere Program. It is no longer part of the United States. All you have to do is pick up the
phone and call the ranger station there and ask them if it is a UN Global Biosphere Reserve, and listen to
the response you get. It's no longer outs. Yosemite and Rocky Mountain National Park have both been
"nominated". He is just giving it all away. They are going to literally take the land right out from
underneath us.
What is interesting is that in this plan, parts of these Biosphere Reserves will forbid any human use
whatsoever. People will not be allowed in them at all. Around them they will have 150 mile buffer zones. As
you look at Yellowstone, they are drawing up plans to remove all people within 50 miles of the park.
Supposedly, this is all to allow the animals to come back. If you look at 100 wolves, they need
approximately 22 million acres of "roaming territory", which is equivalent to the states of Connecticut,
Rhode Island and New Hampshire, added together. What are you going to do with all those people, just so
100 wolves can live there? This is already happening.
The leading proponent of this is the Nature Conservancy. What they are doing is that they are buying the
land, holding it for a few years, then giving it to the U.S. Government, who in turn is giving it to the United
Nations. What is wrong with this picture? The ultimate goal over the next five years is that the United
States of America, as we know it, will cease to exist.
Flights Among the Stars: Spirit Journey's

Q: What happens to the individual spirit when it leaves the body? Where do we go?
AC: This is going to stretch your belief systems. I want you to look at the idea that when we cross over and
we all "see the light" and "meet our loved ones", my understanding is that the physical location of that (13 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

process would be where the Van
Allen Belt is. We go there, and we are processed there. Part of the processing is looking back at our life to
see where we withheld love, and then we come back to balance where we withheld love. If they had not
messed with the religions, we would have learned this lesson a long time ago.

[Editor Note: If this is so, then what impact will the HAARP project have on this process? Other sources
indicate that this is the last reincarnation life for all of us on this Earth]
Q: Could you explain further what the Andromedans said about our ability to project holographically with
our minds?
AC: They said that all of our experiences are recorded holographically. When you look at me, for instance,
your brain is not only recording what you see, but also my energy field, the thoughts in my energy field,
and more. The mind is recording that all the time, and they say that we have the capability to tap into it.
Moraney made reference to the fact that the whole universe is changing, because thought is changing. They
are one and the same.
Q: Can the holographic camera you mentioned before just access this incarnation, or can it go further
AC: It can go further back.
Q: Back to the state of our DNA prior to the removal of the 10 strands?

AC: Yes, and we have this information about that state recorded within our energy field. Everything we
have ever been is recorded there. Read between the lines, please.

Q: What about the cancer problem?

AC: According to Moraney, part of the cancer problem is genetic. When our physical bodies were created,
they put in certain genes to make the bodies grow faster. When they stripped us of the 10 strands, some of
the genes that should have

taken out they left in. Something in us kicks this gene into gear and it starts to manifest. The vibration of
love can cure that.

[Editor Note: Science today is trying to get the public to buy into the notion that cancer is entirely genetic,
avoiding the problem of environmental toxins in the food and water that have been deliberately put there,
and the litigation connected with it. All of it is an extension of the Neo-Darwinism characteristic of the
genetic priesthood of scientism - science as a religion ]
Intention, Following Instinct and Effect of Frequency Shifting:

Q: I am wondering, as we focus our attention on light and love, won't that connect with higher forces that
are waiting to work with us?

AC: We are already connected. The thing that they are really looking for is our intention, and if you could
stop before you slapped a dog or .....whatever decisions you make in your life, stop a moment and ask
yourself "what is my intention behind this decision?" It is intent that created this mess. We have to take
responsibility. So many of us are making decisions based on an automatic response to past stimuli - we are
not consciously aware of our intent, nor are we matching the intent with our gut instinct. If you have a gut
instinct to not do something, to not go somewhere, then don't do it -- and honor it -- and honor your Self.
You know, these frequency changes that are coming? The Andromedan perspective is that those that will be
affected the most here on our world are the men. They say that a lot of the men on our world are going to
be leaving - transitioning. The obituary columns in newspapers will be 10-15 pages long. The reason for
this is that the majority of men are full of self-imposed isolation. They have shut themselves down. If they
do allow energy to move through their bodies like women
do, a lot of men are not going to make it. They will have brain aneurysms and heart attacks. If you are not
in a space of love, then you are in a space of fear. (14 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

Hale Bopp: The Blue Star and the Empire Strikes Back:

According to Moraney, Hale Bopp is a protocol ship from Orion. It has four spiral structures on it, and it
carries two moons behind it. When it enters our solar system in 1997, the two moons will go into orbit with
mercury, and out government is going to make a "They're Here" public announcement. They are not here
to help us. They are here to make sure control is maintained. It is due here February-March 1997. This
"comet" has changed course three times. Comets don't do that. Some reporter asked NASA about these
course variations, and NASA replied that it was because of the gravitational pull of planets. Thank God the
reporter was smart enough to ask "what planets?" The discussion with NASA ended there. Change is
coming, and you should get ready for it. We are running out of time, and we can do this. We can do it
ourselves and we can be proud of the fact that we can do it. When UN helicopters start flying, don't turn on
each other - it is exactly what they want you to do.
Q: What I understood you to say before was that evil was a function of our own beliefs - and, that matter is
a function of our beliefs. Do I have that right?

AC: Yes sir. So, everything is a belief system. So, what is the intent behind what we believe? I will go back
to what Moreney had said earlier, that it is not so much what you believe as to why you believe it.
Q: So, if you stand on those two things, there is no matter and there is no evil.

AC: Technically, that is correct, but I am not at that level.

The Future, Self-Responsibility and Self-Determinism:

Q: I see a parallel in a lot of belief systems, and I wonder if it is a part of the overall historical world
programming. Basically, the New Age people think there is going to be a transition into a new
consciousness, like you are talking about. I see the same kind of mechanism in the Christian belief system,
in terms of the "rapture." I see a lot of people involved with the UFO material thinking "they are coming
down to save us." There are four or five different versions of this, depending on what state of
consciousness those groups happen to be in. Basically, to me, the message is "just lie down and let the
tanks roll over you." It is to deflect one away from {the concept of) personal responsibility. Do you have
any thoughts on that?

AC: Yes sir, I do. I once asked Vasais to give me a "definition" of our future and what it was going to be. He
said that he couldn't tell me - that it all involved probabilities. I said to him, "then what can you tell me?"
He said, "well, I can give you a definition". This is the definition of where we are supposed to be going - and
he says that we will reach this point. He said: "Responsible freedom of self determination, becoming truly
self-confident and free to unconditionally be responsible for one's self, without be coerced to accept some
higher authority." What we are looking for, we already are. As far as wanting to be saved, and I know this
is a real touchy subject, if you want to be saved, that's fine. But, between now and the time you do get
saved, be responsible for yourself, and teach your children to be responsible for themselves. We are
supposed to become a race of leaders - not a race of sheep. We are supposed to be chiefs - that is what
they teach their people - nobody falls behind - we all evolve together. The children are supposed to be
taught everything that we know, and more.

Nothing is supposed to be withheld from children, because they are the next level of consistency. I can't
believe what they are "teaching" children in school today. They are teaching them nothing. Nothing. They
can't solve any problems for themselves. They are being taught what to think so they can spit back facts,
like a computer. They are not being taught to think for themselves. Folks, we owe it to them to teach them
how to think for themselves. Schools are just baby-sitters. In the Andromedan system, the people who are
held in the highest regard are the teachers, because they are the ones that affect all the future
generations. Here, half of the teachers are starving. We are doing this think backwards. We are going to
have to make changes, and its going to have to be us who does it. Whether it's home schooling, or we go
to Washington and fire everybody and start all over again.
The Andromedan Perspective on Human Biblical Matters: (15 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

As far as the "savior scenario" is concerned, I have been told that it has been put into our belief systems to
disempower us. Now, this is touchy, so I am just going to share with you what they have said. And, I am
going to "pick" on the New Testament, and I apologize. Again, I am not trying to offend anybody. I am just
sharing information that they have given me. This is their perspective. Most of the Old Testament,
especially Genesis, consists of pirated versions of Chaldean texts that were constructed in 651BC. The
being that we have been taught is one person, Moses, is in fact two people. One of the people was Moab, a
Chaldean chief, and the other one was Prince Sesostres in Egypt. The authors in 651BC put the two
together and created a composite character. So, it is not what it appears to be.

When we get to the New Testament, the nine Epistles of Paul were apparently brought from India by
Apollonius of Tyana. The four Gospels were obtained by Harriman Armandi in India. There were Hindu in
their original form, written by Apollonius, who was also known as Paul the Apostle. The being that we know
as Jesus did in fact live. He was crucified through the palms. But, according to the Andromedans, he did not
die, but lived out the rest of his life and died at Massada in 64 AD. Now, I don't know about all of this - I
wasn't there. They also say that the last version of the Gospels and the Epistles were translated by
Euphilius, a Catholic bishop, and that the original books in their original form are at the University of Upsal,
and that they are called the Codex Argentinus. The original handwriting is in Sumerian. That is all I know,
and again that is their perspective.
Q: What about Adam and Eve?
AC: It was a tribe, not just two beings, according to the Andromedans. We received the "Cliff Notes"
version of it.

Q: The idea that Moses may in fact have been a composite character doesn't seem to detract from the idea
that "he" was in the right place at the right time, and was able to be a leader.

AC: You are absolutely right. Now, where is the best place to hide a lie? Between two truths. You change it
just enough so you can't put the pieces together. Remember, this whole thing is about self-responsibility,
self-rule and self choice. They have altered the truth just enough that it has kept all of us holding back,
waiting, and waiting. Lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime. Here we are, making a decision to hold
ourselves back, because we are waiting for someone to come and save us. It isn't going to happen. They
say it just isn't going to happen. They don't want to come in here and "save" us, because they don't want
to baby-sit, and then if something "happens", we can always "blame them", and the cycle starts all over
again. We don't have time - the Earth is sick. We have no other place to go. I know this is not the answer
you want to hear. It's not the answer I want to hear, because it means I really have to bust my ass to fix
my life. But, I don't have a choice. It's just the way it is.
Q: But there is a saving reality. There is the truth that brings people the challenge to grow internally to be
able to keep up when the planet goes into 4th and 5th dimension. It puts a great responsibility upon us as

AC: Right. Now, let is assume that Jesus is a reality. Jesus did say, "ye shall be greater if ye shall have
faith." There's a profound message in that - "these things I do, ye shall do greater, if ye have faith." There
is a profound message there. Please don't ignore it. You are awesome. Every one of you is awesome. Don't
buy what you have been told (in cultural social reality). It is a lie. You are awesome.
The Near Future From The Andromedan Perspective:

Probable Occurrences in the Next Nine Years

I want to share probable occurrence in the next nine years. These are things that they say are a 90-100%
1. Scientific proof of dimensions and higher self consciousness is going to occur. We probably won't hear
about it for 15-20 years unless we straighten things out now.
2. Reincarnation will be scientifically proven and demonstrated. This is all within the next nine years and
are major consciousness shifts. Now when this happens, ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't mean you run to
Hinduism and Buddhism and say, "this is the way, this is the way." That's not what it means.

3. Acknowledgement of life elsewhere in the universe. They are already starting to set you up for that.
4. We will have extraterrestrial contact with at least nine different races. If you don't think that is going to
freak out the preachers, just watch. I want to hear what Billy Graham has to say about that. (16 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

5. Introduction of clean, free energy devices based on magnetic fields. This technology has already been
developed. What they are saying that it is going to be introduced and be out there.
6. Knowledge that the earth is hollow and capable of sustaining life within, and knowledge of a city called
Kalnigor that was originally built by Lyrans. Those are our human forefathers in the galaxy.

7. Knowledge of the lost lands of Atlantis. This has already occurred. It is off the coast of Portugal, but they
have done a great job of keeping it hidden.

8. Discovery of a large temple complex in the Pacific, 150 miles southeast of Easter Island, that belonged to
Lemuria. Morenae said the Russians already know its there.
9. The knowledge that what we see in the physical is a holographic imprint created and directed from a
higher portion of ourselves. Now, if that's true, that means we've got nobody to blame. It means that
responsibility rests right on your shoulders. And, you've got to own it, because you can't dump it off on
someone else. Stop being a victim, because you're only in denial that you created the situation. If you
created it, then you can un-create it, but you have to take responsibility and be clear on your intent.

10. Knowledge that human consciousness is not in the brain, but is located entirely in the energy fields that
surrounds the body. That's who you are. You are not the body.

11. We shall have the realization on how our past and present educational processes have not prepared us
to be creative, conscious thinkers.

12. That organic life exists on seven planets and fifteen moons in our solar system. Now, ladies and
gentlemen, NASA wants to talk about microorganisms that they found on some rock they think came from
Mars. You want to find life in this solar system? Get together and tell NASA to send a probe to Uranus.
There is plant and animal life. I swear to you that it's there. As we speak. That's why they stay so far away
from it. Their attitude is "pay the bill and shut up."

13. The general discovery that each of us is a part of the whole, and that we are a significant part of the
idea of what we call "God", and that "God" is the idea called love,

14. That this accelerated self-discovery being experienced was created and activated by all of us.

15 That we, as a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, are possessors of a vast gene pool
consisting of many different racial memory banks, also consisting of at least 22 different races. Because of
our genetic heritage, and because we are spirit, the benevolent extraterrestrial races actually view us as
being royalty. Now, that has to be the best-kept secret in the solar system. At least on this planet, anyway.
They actually consider us royalty - all of us.
More on the In-human UN Biodiversity Treaty:

AC: You know, my wife and talk a lot about this work. It's really easy to just "do nothing". To just hide.
But, we want to start a family, and if I do nothing and allow this charade to got on, there is a chance that
our child will not have the opportunities that we have had - not that it has been easy. Our forefathers, who
were rich men, sacrificed everything because they saw a pattern of tyranny. History is repeating itself over
again. When you drive home tonight, you should count your blessings, because you don't have to pass a
check point and show your ID, like they do in some other countries.

Two hundred years ago, the United States changed the consciousness of the world. Today, because of the
liberties that we have, we are under attack. Please don't take what we do have for granted. The easiest
way for them to get to us is economically. Four days I ago, credit card debt in the United States reached $1
trillion. If you look at all the public and private debt, coupled with the Federal debt and all the rest owed to
other countries, all of us have on our back at least a $60 trillion debt. Now, I am a former CPA and I know
numbers. There is no way to pay back all of this. The reality is, though, that we can change all of this.
The politicians are selling us out. We are talking about the "Bio Diversity Program". I want to read two lines
to you from this "Protecting Yellowstone" piece. They say, " in the UN Global Biodiversity Assessment vision
of reality, human beings are just one strand in nature's web, having no more rights that any other
AC: Does that sound like a human being wrote that? Now think about that. It says that a human being has
no more rights than any other creature. Now, its one thing to live in harmony, but are you going to tell me (17 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

that an ant or cockroach has the same consciousness as you and I? No. But, they want to lump us all
together. What is wrong with this picture?
AC: Now, a friend of mine in Texas is very interested in storing food, because of the changes that are
coming. He got this little handout which says "Government Coming At Us", and I would like to read some of
it to you. It says that "it is now the law in Texas that if you get caught speeding 65 to 70 miles per hour,
you get 2 tickets. One ticket is for speeding. The other is for wasting gas. If you are caught speeding at
71+ mph, you only get a speeding ticket". Will someone tell me the message they are sending?
Q: Maybe they want people to go faster and kill themselves.
Free -Thinking Humans Appear To Be The Enemy:

AC: I don't know. Maybe. Here's the second part: "Students in San Antonio told their parents about strange
things that were on a test they were given at school. A group of parents asked to see the test and were
refused permission to see it. They sued and won the right to see the test. The Texas Education Association
appealed, saying that parents have no rights in the education of their children. The TEA vowed to take the
case to the Supreme Court - all using our tax dollars. If they win, you lose control of the education of your
children. If they win the case, home schools and private schools will be next." Now, this is significant. We
are talking about future generations here. What they are saying is that our children are the property of the
government. What is wrong with this picture?
If there is anything that frustrates me, it is apathy - people who talk but do nothing. Walk your talk, folks.
There are risks to freedom, but there is only one risk to bondage - breaking free. If you want to feel good
about yourself - do something. We are running out of time. The UN already owns 18 million acres of
Yellowstone, and it is only the beginning. What are you waiting for? The US military troops are teaching UN
troops how to go door to door. The US government wants to hire a mercenary force to come in here and
take over. Now, freethinking people are the enemy. They are going to try to shove some bullshit new
religion down your throat. It's all about self responsibility. Christianity has taught that for a long time - now
it's time to walk it.
Humans Shackled By Lack of Vision:

AC: We received a tape that talks about the Gunderson Railroad Company in Oregon getting a contract to
build 107,200 railroad cars that have 143 sets of shackles in each one. I have done some checking, and it's
an absolute reality. So, they intend on transporting 15,000,000 people in these train cars. What's wrong
with this picture? This is the United States. You have to end the denial. If you believe nothing else about
the ET's, and I am telling you with all of my heart, they are behind all of this. The regressive are into
control, and the only way you can control is to dominate. Now, if there is a planet that has self-rule, you
are not in control of it. There is no mystery to this. But, because we are who we are, sons and daughters of
God, who have been given free will, they have to coerce us into giving up our free will. Religions, which
have had a positive effect as far as unifying people and supplying a basic foundation of values, are now
being used to control and manipulate. The Gunderson information came from Phil Schneider.

According to the Andromedan perspective, we have outlived our religions by 450 years. Instead, more and
more religions are popping up everywhere - all it is doing is dividing us. There is no common vision.
Indecision married with a lack of vision - that is where we are now as a race. This does not mean that
somebody has to come forward and say "I've got the answer so all of you follow me." I don't know about
you, but that doesn't work for me. It has already been tried and it was a disaster. The world is no better
than it was 2,000 years ago. All they do is kill the teachers, and then its business as usual. But, if we all
stand up and say, "hey, we are doing to do this together," and we make a leap of faith in each other, and
even for a week just trust each other, maybe we can make a change here. But we are the ones who are
going to have to do it.
The people at the top have sold us out a long time ago, and they are so petrified that they even lie about
lying. So you can't believe anything. Ten days before Kennedy died, he said "the office of the Presidency is
being used to subvert the rights of the people, and it is my right to tell them", or something like that. In
1978, Congress admitted during hearings that there probably was a cover-up, and then they sealed the
records for another 75 years. If "Oswald did it", then why the coverup? Why seal the records? Because
everybody who was involved is still alive. If we knew the truth, what would happen? This is the government
you pay for.
So, I am not advocating anything except that in 1996, whoever is in office now should be thrown out, and
that we should start over again. That means that you must go to town council meetings, PTA meetings, (18 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

school board meetings - everybody needs to get involved. Get off your ass, turn off the TV and get out
there and speak. Tell your Congressman, "look, if you bullshit us once, you're out of here. We're tired of
We are now legally, under the UN, a natural resource. Parts of the US are going to be withdrawn from
human use. What are they going to do with the people that are in these areas? We have already lost part of
Yellowstone, and as I have said, other areas in the US have been nominated. I don't own a gun, but do not
allow Congress to take apart the Bill of Rights. If you live by the sword, you die by it - sometimes you die
without a sword If I choose to have a gun, though, I want the right to go and get it.
If We Are Eternal, Then What's the Fear About?:

AC: All matter is changing because all thought is changing. The Andromedans have said this, and we talked
about it yesterday. During a period 357 years in the future, there is tyranny in our galaxy. It's not going in
the right direction. We are supposed to become more social and more free - not more imprisoned and more
suppressed. It begins with us.

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is almost a joke today. That is why the government is trying
to come down on alternative newsletters, because they are telling you truth - that's why they want to shut
down the Internet, because it is growing so fast that people are waking up. World governments are getting
flak from the ET's. The only reason that these aliens can be here is because they feed off fear. It is the only
power they have over us. We are souls. We are Spirits. We are Eternal. Every religious book tells you that -
so, what's the fear about?.
Belief Systems and the Creation of Physical Reality:

AC: Let us pretend for a second that I start a "rumor", and I start a "rumor" that my cat Sam can talk.
Some people believe this, and for them it becomes a reality. Now, because they believe it, they are
focusing their intent on the fact that Sam can talk. Now, my cat can't talk. Generation after generation
believe that Sam talked, because they propagated the belief system that Sam could talk. Moraney and
Vasais have said that because of our ability to create physical reality with our thoughts and belief systems,
that we are literally going to play out the Book of Revelations. We are literally calling it to us. I know that
some of you have a hard time with that, and I apologize. I am not here to burst your bubble. I am here to
offer a perspective. That's it. I am not here to take you out of your comfort zone. I am here to share,
because this is a burden I carry. They say that we are going to literally fulfill it. But, we don't have to. We
don't have to create earthquakes. There are going to be some, but it doesn't have to be to the degree we
believe it will be. We don't have to create a third world war, or even allow it. Bosnia is just the start of it.
The killing of Rabin in Israel is only part of what's coming. I want you to be crystal clear on this: it is all
being manipulated to distract you. So, what have you done about it?
Earth Evolution In Progress

The earth, according to the Andromedans, is a living entity, and has decided that it is going to evolve to 5th
density. In other words, as an organism, it has chosen survival. The earth has pockets of negativity inside
of it, because of its history. Volcanoes can be metaphorically considered as release of a blockage. The earth
is sick and has taken a beating. You have the masses on the surface participating in the creation of fear
because we are buying into the belief systems we are being fed in the media. We are told of the second
coming, catastrophes that are coming, etc. Now, fear is not love. It carries an entirely different frequency.
In fact, fear is an extremely low frequency. Here we are, creating all of this. People on the surface as
getting very sick, physically. There are viruses spreading - many of them have been created, some have
Planetary Oxygen Level Near Critical Level

The oxygen level in the atmosphere of the planet is less than 18%. It is approximately between 16.5 and
17.7% at any time, anywhere on the planet. This is significant. I want you to know that 3,500 years ago,
the oxygen level was 35%. In order to survive, the human body needs to breathe an atmosphere that has
at least 15% oxygen content. That is basic biology. The Andromedans say that unless we change our ways
of behaving, with all of the industrialization and what we are doing to the planet, we have less than 40
years of oxygen left. Personally, I thank God that this new color-sound frequency is emanating from the
black holes. Thank God that God stepped in, because we'd be in a lot of trouble.

Yes, free energy has been withheld from us. We have been lied to, cheated and manipulated. If you go
back to the 1960's and look at the peace marches about nuclear energy, etc., and look at the environment (19 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

now, you will see that it got worse. The governments are going to try and use this against us - they are
going to try and blame us for the result of their greed that has propagated this problem. What did we do?
We made fun of the hippies and people who participated in peace movements. We treated them as a bunch
of crackpots. Now, if you look back, you can see that they were right. We have over 150,000 nuclear
weapons on this planet, with plutonium that is deadly for 12,000 years. Where are you going to put that
stuff.? We all know this, but we do nothing and walk the path of convenience. We've all been trained like
good little sheep to walk the path of convenience.
Money is a useful tool to create freedom, but it is not God and it is not master. You are about to find out. At
most, we have 18 months. I think it would be lucky for the economy to stay together that long. I don't
foresee that. The fact that they want to begin to change the currency in February 1996, means you should
expect an economic collapse in April 1996. They would then do a recall of all old currency, and you might
have one currency in use. It will get even weirder after that. We are being very carefully led down this

Earth Changes from the Andromedan Perspective

Figuring in the Expulsion of ET Races by 2003:

[1] Between June and October 2003, there is a strong probability that we will wake up one morning and the
moon will no longer be there. The moon is in fact an artificial satellite and there are many many bases on
[2] Between 2003 and 2007, the benevolent races are supposedly going to be all around us. We will see
them, but they will not interfere. They want to see how we interact with each other without manipulation.
They want to see if we continue the same behavior, because they do not want to come down here and
compound the problem or baby-sit. We don't need a baby-sitter - we need the truth, and we have to have
the guts to stand up and ask the questions, and keep asking them until we get the answer. We all have to
do it, because if we all stand together, we can't lose. On the other hand, if they are successful in dividing us
, we're toast. Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. How many stories in history do you have to see?
You can't be divided and expect to remain as One. It doesn't happen.

[3] Between 2004 and 2007, all of our DNA coding which involves all the racial memory of 22 races our
DNA is composed of will unlock. By 2007, everyone will have full memory of who they are, where they
came from and what you want to do. You will know what you soul-lesson is and your reason for being here.
[4] Between 2007 and 2012, we are supposed to see the birth of a galaxy in Vega, just before we move
into 5th density.
[5] Between 2007 and 2009, if it is allowed to happen naturally, we are supposed to have a 17 degree pole
shift. Saudi Arabia is supposed to become the new North Pole, which is great. Bury those oil fields nice and
deep. We will have free energy by then, anyway. North America is supposed to be on the equator.

[6] By the year 2000, you are going to hear more and more reports of "ghosts", because what is happening
is that the frequency which will be hitting the planet, which is God, will be raising the vibration. Third and
Fourth density will be getting closer together as 3rd density starts to implode. What this means is that the
molecules in our body will begin to speed up. You are not dead matter. You will be passing out of 3rd and
into 4th, on our way to 5th, and passing all the consciousness that has not evolved or chooses not to.
[7] There is a possibility that between 1996 and 1997, one third of Japan is going to sink below the ocean.
[Response from audience member: "I just got a report from a friend of mine who came back from India,
that Sai Baba on his 70th birthday there advised a Japanese group there to leave Japan]. The Kobe
earthquake was manufactured, because the Japanese government will not sell out its people to the New
World Order. They will not make their people take an implant. They are being made an example of. (20 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

Economically, the Japanese are tough, but they don't turn on their own people.
[8] There is a high probability that in July 2003, we will also have a magnetic pole shift, and it will be the
first one in 4,671years. This will impact all electromagnetic devices on the planet. Animals will be lost. It
will throw off everything.

[9] Between 1996 and 2012, some of us on the planet are going to be fluctuating between optically being
visible and non-visible on a physical basis. Fluctuating between dimensions. There are five individuals on
the planet who do this already. Many of them will be children, who will reveal what they have learned
during their fluctuation in order to try and help their parents get there. Many children born today already
have 3 strands of DNA. I am told you don't need the other strands. All we need is one more, and its all
happening. It's happening naturally. If you open yourself up and allow free movement of love in you life, it
will happen within you. If you restrict yourself, hold yourself back and move into denial, you will be
suppressing the energy that is coming in, and you will create disease. This is going to effect the men, more
than the women. The male thought pattern of being logical is past - it is time to try something different.

Q: Do you mean that the men are going to have to express their "womanhood?"
AC: Yes, that's exactly what I mean. They are going to have to move out of the masculine dominated world
role and into a more nurturing role, not only with Self but with everyone else. It will be a tough lesson for
men, because of all the out-of-balance role models that they have been exposed to and had to put up with.
They need to be more in balance. We have to make the effort. Again, it comes down to intent.

[10] We are going to have to become more responsible and exercise our free will, because there are going
to be earth changes. People that live on coastal areas have a problem. The oceans are going to rise at least
200 feet between 1996 and 2008. The ice cap at the South Pole is going to slip. The ocean will not reach
Denver, but will get as far as Lake Mead in the West. Most of the East coast will be all right except for areas
in Florida and an area in Georgia. The panhandle of Texas will be under water for two years.

[11] Around 2011, our Sun will undergo a 180 degree pole shift. It is literally going to turn on its axis.
[12] All of the continents which border the Pacific will be affected by tidal waves because of eruptions of
volcanoes in the ocean. The French nuclear test in December created a seven mile long crack in the crust at
the bottom of the ocean. These people are crazy, folks, absolutely crazy. We know how to destroy
ourselves. We have that down to a science. We don't need to be testing these. We can't use them anyway.

[13] Within the next 10 years, the major cities in the United States will be under quarantine because of the
spread of tuberculosis. The average life expectancy of men in the inner city will be 43 years of age. For
women, it will be 55. You are going to see the end of welfare, free medical, county services, etc., because
everybody will be bankrupt. Again, this is all be design. Many people will be moving out to communities
outside cities, growing their own food, and having their own private police forces. So, those of us who make
these choices are going to be stepping back into the 1800's. Horse and buggies, and hopefully free energy.

[Editor Note: In the January 24, 1996 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, page 305,
a report entitled "Transmission of Tuberculosis Among the Urban Homeless indicated that "a remarkably
high frequency of primary tuberculosis was found when no specific TB outbreak was identified in central Los
Angeles." A precursor of things to come? Furthermore, in the same issue of JAMA, a report entitled "WHO
Strategy for Emerging Infectious Diseases" indicated that "the return of known scourges like tuberculosis
are in a state of flux globally" (p.318) Val]
Now, we are being told that there are too many people on the planet. According to the Andromedans, if we
didn't waste out natural resources, the planet could hold a population of 11 billion. What we are actually
being told by the propaganda machine is that there are too many people. Now, a planet with 11 billion
spiritually-awakened people cannot be controlled. Such a planet would change the harmonic frequency of
the planet, the solar system and the galaxy. That vibration would be love, and the bad guys don't like that.
It all starts here. We are being told that there are too many people. It's a lie. Our leaders are so corrupt
that the systems they have are breaking down. But, these systems are not real, in a sense. Instead of
acting responsibly, releasing control and letting people take more self-responsibility, the corrupt leaders in
the world want to kill off the population in an attempt to maintain status quo. They want to extinguish 50%
of the planetary population so that they can maintain their control. Now, who died and made them God?
[Editor Note: Harvard studies have put earths population capacity at 44 billion].
Who's The Real Power Here? (21 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

See, this all focuses on us- it is all about us. All of this charade and semantics they are espousing are
designed to confuse us. So, who is the real power here? Us. Few people want to stand up and "claim their
space". Why? Because in order to do so, you have to be self-responsible. That means you have to learn to
depend on yourself. Clothe yourself, feed yourself. Do something for yourself. We have to make some
fundamental changes. We will have a solution if we put our heads together. If anyone says "I am here to
save you and I have all the answers", you had better turn your back and walk the other way. If such an
individual did exist, they would take him out. History shows that. They have done it before.
The Sirius-B Humanoids

Q: What about the beings from the Sirius B system?

AC: Some of them are human, and they have eyes like cats. Their skin is grey. They have long straight red
hair. Many of them wear full body garments that cover their heads. They have extremely bad breath.

Q: Do they mate with humans?

AC: Yes, but the egg needs to be altered in a lab. They are using us. They want the
encoded information in our genetics. We have racial memories and abilities in our physical bodies.. We are
moving from third to fifth density. It is the first time it has ever been done, and we can do this because on
a soul level we are the Paa Tal. We have the genetic coding of 22 different races in our bodies. When our
DNA starts to unlock, we will be able to speak to ET's in their own tongue. We cannot be lied to any more.
We will be able to create and manifest anything. That takes some responsibility. Those that are stuck and
cannot or will not evolve, those who are stuck on manipulation and control, will manifest exactly what they
desire. Which means that there is a very heavy responsibility when it comes to what is behind your intent
to create. If you screw up, it's going to hit you almost immediately.
Our Solar System At Fifth Density: Transforms in Progress

AC: The Andromedans say we have 13 planets in this solar system. When we move into 5th density, it will
become apparent that there are 27 planets in our solar system. They are already here, but on another
frequency, which is why we don't see them at present. When we get to 5th density, it will be evident that
Jupiter is a Sun, which means at that level we will be a binary star system. Jupiter, in 5th density, is light
blue. I am told that in 1000 years, the 5th density future generations of us that will incarnate on the 5th
density physical dimension will have light blue skin, because of the Sun.
About the Space of Fear:

AC: My understanding is that as you move into a space of fear, you are automatically a victim - you put
yourself at a disadvantage, and you literally draw that experience to you, because those that are trying to
suppress you will want to feed off the energy. The only reason that fear exists is because we allow that idea
to feed off of us. Moraney told me this in 1991: "In your time and space, the expression of fear will be a
challenge to you all. For any of you to be in fear, you lack a clear understanding of most situations. We
have observed that your world is at a most confused point in your history and evolvement". Now folks,
some of these lines may not make sense, but it was exactly the way Moraney says it. He doesn't know
English very well, and they are doing the best they can to express themselves. Moraney continued, "We
understand your remarkable drive and commitment to being alive.
We, however, are not understanding of your need to create tools of death, expecting they will keep all in a
space of understanding and peace. We have observed that you build, create and plan in a space of fear, not
in a consciousness of love. So, your defense position of institutions that create and employ are always then
in a state of unraveling and disintegration. We share this with you because they drain you and your Earth of
energy, both spiritually and materially - physically. Fear always has to feed. Fear does not create itself. It
has to feed. The fear we observe is difficult to understand. It depletes you of your focus on the original
intent. It is a very secretive energy.
Fear withholds love. This is most saddening to see and feel. How can you share understanding and love,
when so many of you are withholding from Self and each other? Please, feel the words we as a race are
trying to express to your race. One of your original intentions in creating your physical reality is the idea of
creating and learning to manipulate and express yourselves through physicality using your consciousness.
It is your consciousness that the Is-ness has given you, and in fact all things that bear Spirit. It is this gift (22 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:02 PM]

that has been clouded and most importantly, clouded by fear. This creation is completely irrational to whom
we all are.
Withholding Love Creates Perpetual Disintegration

We have come to understand that withholding love only creates perpetual disintegration. We have
discovered in our home galaxy, that ruins of vast races achieving recognition have ceased to exist. They
destroyed themselves simply because they withheld love, and drained the very life force out of their intent,
and imploded and destroyed their self-creation. The first projection of fear is denial - an emotion of
incredible restriction. Denial and fear result in the complete opposite of the reality it claims to be. Fear is
based, from our perspective, on a misunderstanding of ones own worth, and security. Why is this so? We
have discussed this amongst ourselves in Andromeda about your race. We have formed a perspective
based on your history."

AC: Moraney continues, "Many of your religions have both helped and hurt this process. Some of your
world's beliefs have many convinced that they are sinful creatures of nature. Your science teaches that your
physical form is a pool of chemical thrown together by accident, so that you are all an accident, living
meaningless lives of chance. You fear a God whom a book says is a loving God that will eternally throw you
into an abyss for making a mistake. Many in your world, have come to understand that in your world, fear-
the idea of fear, is their enemy. All of you struggle between understanding and fear, and reason and fear.
This struggle is in no way predetermined. Our perception is that this struggle will lead your world to peace
and responsibility, or, to extinction as a race. This would grieve us. It is time to return as One."
AC: It is really interesting to hear the perspective of how other races view us. If you have been in situations
where you detach yourselves emotionally, you have a completely different perspective of the situation.
Reincarnational Souls of Influential Planetary Personages:

AC: From what the Andromedans have told me, there are both positive and negative reincarnational souls
here on Earth. The souls of the individuals Washington, Jefferson Lincoln, Franklin and Napoleon are back.
Three of them have come in with full consciousness and know who they are. I don't know which three. The
souls that inhabit the physical bodies of the global banking families are Maldekians, who know who they
About Walk-ins:

What Moraney has told me about walk-in's, negative and positive: There are many people on the planet
that are world leaders that are not who they appear to be. If you have a gut instinct about some of these
people, which may be hard for the men to express but easier for the women, please honor it. What the
negatives do (and they can do this during an abduction or near death experience) is the following. During
an abduction a man, for instance, will be taken aboard a ship. His body will be brought into a coma and to
the point of death, wherein the soul exits. They will then use technology to replace the original soul with
another soul. They then return the individual's body back. They can do this process in 4 seconds. The new
individual has a completely new agenda. If you are a negatively oriented ET, in order to manipulate 3rd
density, you have to be in 3rd density.

This is how they are doing it. Some choose to be in human form. This is Orion technology, and the
regressives need technology to create what humans can do using consciousness alone. That's the
fundamental difference.

The positively oriented ETS: There is an agreement with the soul wherein one soul will exchange with
another to come here and do good works. The positives are using this extensively right now. There are
thousands and thousands of what you call "walk-ins" on this planet. Because they cannot intervene, they
have to come in physical form and participate in the process in a human body. Moraney has told me that a
real walk-in will not tell you that they are a walk-in. They will not, so I don't know who these people are
who are saying this. This is their perspective.
The Concept of the Second Coming and Related Topics:

AC: Does everybody agree that its OK to talk about this? Good. This is a touchy subject, and I have mixed
emotions about this. There is a part of me that really wants to be responsible for myself so that when I
cross over I can say, "yes, God, I did it. I take full responsibility for the good and bad." But, there is an
element of fear about that. You wonder, and experience is our gauge. Now, if the Andromedan perspective
about many of our religious teachings is true, then we are being set up. Now, the Greys have the ability to (23 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:03 PM]

create a clone - something that looks like a human being but is a robot. My understanding is that the only
way you can tell between one of these clones and a real human being is if you are clairvoyant and can see
the energy field. A clone has no (ovoid) energy field around its body, only a slight white color around the
head, which is the field produced by the microprocessor that has been grown inside the head.

If they do this, the man will probably be brought out of the clouds, probably on a UFO, and he will look like
the man on the shroud of Turin, which I have been told by Moraney was created by the Greys, by going
back in time and projecting a hologram through it, which is why this image is three dimensional. Now, a
hologram is real - we are a hologram. I know how far-out this sounds. But, let's face it. The regressives are
not "playing with a full deck" here. We already know that, and there are a lot of people who will do
anything to protect themselves, because they are oriented to Service-to-Self. I want to tell you that I
personally hope that this is not true. I don't want it to be true. But if it is, I have a responsibility to share it.
So, I am putting this out there and will let you decide. This being is not the Anti-Christ, who is supposedly
another clone. See, they are going to play this thing out because two-thirds of the planet believes it
They're saying, "well, let's just fulfill it for them, because that will solve our population problem because
they'll kill each other. We'll just sit on the moon and watch this happen." It's really simple, if you put
yourself in their place. They're saying, "give humans enough rope and they will hang themselves." We have
been fighting about religions forever. I mean, we all agree that we're talking about the same God, but we
all still play this game.
Now, this being is supposed to come down and start preaching many of the Hindu philosophies. It will be
this clone who is going to ask everybody to surrender their free will. Now, if we can shift planetary
consciousness as quickly as possible to a place of love, they will not be able to pull this off. If the Lord is
real, maybe he'll get here a lot quicker. See folks, I just don't know. I just don't know. This is one of the
issues where I am confused. On the other issues I am not confused, but on this one I am. The Andromedan
perspective of the Bible is that It is simply literature with historical accounts in it. They say that Constantine
was so busy burning the resources of the Roman Empire and stopping religious wars, that he decided to
create a State Religion. He took the religions of the West, which worshipped Isis, and the religions of the
East, which worshipped Krishna, and put them together. Isos-Kristos. I don't know about this, because I
wasn't there.

Moraney asked me once, "why is it, if your master teacher (which is what he calls Jesus) was crucified on a
particular day - why does that day continue to change each year? Why does it have to be on a Sunday?" I
did some research and found out that Easter always falls on the Spring Solstice. Now, what is wrong with
this picture? We are told that Jesus was born on Christmas Day when history shows he was born on Feb
16th, 2AD. That individual soul is the same one related in the Dead Sea Scrolls, most of which have been
taken away from us because they don't want us to know what they say. I want to know the truth. I want to
know what it is. If you look at the Catholic Church, who had control of the manuscripts of the Apostles, and
you look at the history of the Church in terms of deception and lying, as well as the fact that in 1960 they
admitted to 14 plagiarism's in the Bible, I have a problem now. One word can change the context of a
paragraph. I don't want to do the wrong thing, so now I have to question everything.
I don't question my relationship to God. I am crystal clear about that, but I do question the idea that I am
not responsible enough to take care of myself. I don't want to put my faith in somebody else when it is not
supposed to be there. I want to get this thing right, just like everybody else does. I want to live in peace. I
want to live in abundance. I want to raise a family, just like everybody else does. So, I put this information
in your care. You do what you want with it. I am sharing with you what I know and don't know, but look for
something really bizarre to happen between Dec 31, 1999 and Jan 1, 2000 when all the world leaders meet
at the pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt - count on something really bizarre happening at that time. We will
probably know of ET's and have information from ET's long before then. We may not meet any of them until
then, but the next four or five years are critical. They are going to be implementing their plan of domination
of free will and self expression.

Nazi Scientists Let the Time-Traveling Greys

Into Our Universe in 1931:

AC: Apparently, when the Greys got here, they were the front team for the Orion Group. They could not
literally pierce the membrane we had around our third density creation until 1931. We were not detonating
nuclear weapons then, so I asked Moraney what happened. Apparently, the German Nazi scientists were (24 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:03 PM]

experimenting with time travel and they opened a "door". They put a "crack" in time, and with our luck,
there were a bunch of regressives right there. I don't know how they knew, but they were right there.
So, they came here in our reality in 1931. Once they were here, they were able to skip back into time.
Now, they could only go back as far as 11,230 BC, otherwise they would have run into the ET Atlantean
civilization. In our history books, the Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians talk about "the Gods". Those
are ET's that came into our reality in 1931 and went back and started manipulating mankind.

If I had time travel, and I took this plastic water jug back in time and presented it to a Pharaoh, he might
think I was a God because I appeared out of no where with different clothing and high technology. This
7-11 jug might be passed down as a sacred object. It would become priceless. The symbol 7-11 might
become a religious artifact. Think about it. The Bible talks about a rebellion of man against God. Mankind
rebelled against the ET's, who were tyrannizing and suppressing them. Man was on the verge of extinction.
The ET's decided to "divide man and give him a different language". Divide and conquer. Divide and
conquer. As far as what happened after that, I would read the Gods of Eden and Sitchin's books. The
information is out there. I would look over the ancient mythologies, particularly the Sumerian and
Babylonian ones.
The Paa Tal - Redoux:

AC: I don't know a lot about the Paa Tal, except that the Andromedans day that we are the Paa Tal, that
came back down from the 11th density to play this 3rd density, and that the movement involved 21 other
star systems. Our own galaxy here is apparently close to the center of our "consciousness universe", as it
were. This is why we all seem to be "lumped together" here. We apparently fell into the concept of time,
prior to 21 billion years ago, when 3rd density physicality did not exist. The Paa Tal created 3rd density in
order to play this game. I don't know whose idea this was, but next time you can count me out. This is
what they say, and I have no way of verifying this.
When this 3rd density universe was first created, we were at 5th density, after having evolved to 11th
density. This means we had within us experiences accredited to all these dimensions. We are told that
everything is connected in some way. Well, if we evolved from 5th density to 11th and then came back
down to 3rd, everything we do here affects everything, all the way up and down. But, because this reality
was our idea, our creation, the positives have a hard time figuring out how to help us - because we set up
the ideas involving free will and self expression. They don't want to come in and make the problem worse,
because if they do it will end up affecting them, and it will then be their "fault" as well. So, this is why so
many different races are talking to people, people are channeling entities, and they are all basically giving
us the same message: "This is your idea, and we need you to wake up!". They cannot help unless they are
asked because then they would be intervening and equal to the regressives that are repressing us. It's a
tough situation, and I think God has made a decision about all of this, and I thank God for that. Because
now there is a 12th density which is forming, higher than the 11th, and this process is pulling everything up
in density. If the Andromedans are right, then God has made the decision to "change the game." We are all
coming home. It is as if God were saying ," I've let you play long enough. You're stuck. I love you, so I'm
going to fix the situation." This is great, because we only have 40 years of oxygen left on this planet at this
density. So, we played our game right to the end. We took it as far as we could take it without
self-destructing. We are all responsible for that, and we are all going have to "stand there" together.
Our Ancient Heritage:

AC: I want to talk to you about Lyrae and how the human race colonized our galaxy. Based on the age of
the Suns and the planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the human life form was to be created in the
Lyran system. The human race lived there for approximately 40 million years, evolving. The orientation of
the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in nature. Apparently, we were very plentiful and abundant, and
lived in peace.
Then, one day, huge craft appeared in the sky.

[Editor Note: This scenario is the theme of the movie Independence Day, which aired in the theatres
nationally on July 7, 1996].

A large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila, and reptilians from Alpha Draconis
disembarked. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other. I told you before
that the Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and
have had this capability for 4 billion years. Well, when the Draconians came and saw Bila, with all its
abundance and food and natural resources, the Draconians wanted to control it. There was apparently a (25 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:03 PM]

mis-communication or misunderstanding between the Draconians and Lyran humans. The Lyrans wanted to
know more about the Draconians before some kind of "assistance" was offered. The Draconians mistook the
communication as a refusal, and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyran system. The
Lyrans were basically defenseless. The planets Bila, Teka and Merck were destroyed. Over 50 million Lyran
humans were killed. It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food
source. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human races. Now, I must make the point
that not all the reptilian or human races are "dark". There is a mix. When we start meeting these races, you
are going to have to trust your gut instinct. But, they are coming. Hale Bopp is on its way here. It is not a

The Draconians:

AC: The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere in this galaxy
instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies. I asked Moraney about them, and he said,
"the Draconian race is probably the most understood race of beings. I have witnessed a deep respect for
this race." The Andromedans consider the Draconians the "ultimate warriors," in a negative sense. Moraney
continues, " the Draconians are the oldest reptilian race in our universe. Their forefathers came to our
universe from another separate universe or reality system. When this occurred, no one really knows. The
Draconians themselves are not really clear on when they got here. The Draconians teach their masses that
they were here in this universe first, before humans, and as such they are heirs to the universe and should
be considered royalty. They find disgust in the fact that humans do not recognize this as a truth. They have
conquered many star systems and have genetically altered many of the life forms they have encountered.

The area of the galaxy most densely populated with Draconian sub-races is in the Orion system, which is a
huge system, and systems in Rigel and Capella. The mind
set or consciousness of the majority of races in these systems is Service-to-Self, and as such they are
always invading, subverting and manipulating less advanced races, and using their technology for control
and domination. This is a very old and ancient war, and the peace that does not exist is always being tested
by these beings, who believe that fear rules, and love is weak. They believe that those they perceive to be
less fortunate, in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. This belief system is promoted at birth in the
reptilian races, wherein the mother, after giving birth, will abandon the offspring to fend for themselves. If
they survive they are cared for by a warrior class that uses these children for games of combat and
amusement.". So, you can see that the reptilians are forever stuck in survival mode. This means they have
no boundaries in what they will do to other beings.

Moraney continues, "it is engrained in them never to trust a human. They are taught the Draconian version
of the history of the 'Great Galactic War', which teaches that humans are at fault for invading the universe,
and that humans selfishly wanted the Draconian society to starve and struggle for the basic materials that
would allow them to exist."
AC: Now, there are some real similarities there. The expression 'Draconian thought' is an expression on our
world. I would suggest you research that.
On the Subject of Intention:

AC: I would like to share something with you that Vasais had to say on the subject of intention. Vasais said,
"the smallest piece of physicality that all of you and we build upon is what your science calls the 'atom'. You
are taught that each single piece of physicality contains electrons, protons and neutrons, which attach
themselves together to form what you call nature. Molecules manifest this union to create everything. We
would like to expose a flaw in your sciences. Your experts teach that atoms spin unpredictably. Where is
the predictable solidity of matter? Where do the elements come from? Your science cannot answer this.
They have only theory. Your science presupposes that matter has its source within matter. This is the flaw
we want to share with you. The true source of all elements of physical matter is intent. The intent of the
Is-ness that makes all things possible has an invisible side, or world, that your sciences are only now

looking at for answers. (26 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:03 PM]

Intent as the Primal Force of Creation

We are pleased to share with you the idea that intent is the primal force of creation. It is the Is-ness whose
intent and desire to explore and expand Itself, in all possible openness, that creates all physical matter on
all dimensions. It is this which has made it possible for us, as well, to explore our Selves to completion.
Therefore, know this - the first material in creation is the electron. It is the 'tool' to build upon in the
creation of physical reality. Now, let's look at you - the human. Look at yourself in the mirror. Your
physicality is compose of atoms, which form into molecules, which then become cells. You are a symphony
of electrons, atoms and molecules of intent. All of you are a complex of intents or desires. Many of you walk
around and ask for a miracle, when you are in fact that which you ask for. From beginning to end, physical
matter is a network of intent. The Is-ness then spins consciousness into the matter, and what you have is
life. What you see and experience is only the smallest part of you. The outer expression of an inner event.
The pattern for your human form is created in Spirit, and the body is composed of a collection of intents,
each one having a particular function, all geared toward the sustenance of your human-ness."
Questions and Answers:

Q: Is there some technique you can recommend for self improvement?

AC: Yes. I was given a meditation or exercise. It's a long story on how I got it out of Moraney, but basically
I was having trouble seeing my inner light. Basically, you get yourself comfortable and go down within
yourself physically and turn yourself inside out from the balls of your feet to the top of your head.
Everything on the inside will be then on the outside. Everything on the outside is now on the inside. When
you start to see your body upside down, you are on the right track. That has helped me the most. The
other thing is quiet time. Make some quiet time for yourself.
Q: In terms of the way the governments are lying to us and telling us that there is a population problem, it
has recently been calculated that you could put every person on earth in the state of Texas and have 2 1/2
acres for every person.
AC: Yes. I don't think that is any surprise.

Q: Could you talk more about the whale and dolphin connection extraterrestrially?

AC: Well, like I said earlier, the whales and dolphins were brought here from the Sirius A system, and they
are really evolved. There isn't much time to further into it, because we wouldn't have time for many people
to ask questions.

Q: If we are going to be going from 3rd density, through 4th density and into 5th, what does it matter if
the government is trying to manipulate everything? How is that going to affect us?

AC: The whole point of the manipulation is to try to hold us back.

Q: To prevent us from going into that dimension?

AC: To prevent as many as possible. Now, when we talked about the creation of our universe, and the
metaphor of the weight of the regressives, all of those who are not going to be moving into 5th density are
going to create another space of consciousness, a universe, and continue to play this game until they get it
Q: You said that the Andromedan Council has ordered that all ET's will be off the planet by August 12,
2003. How will this affect the alleged aliens coming in terms of Hale Bopp? Won't these aliens have to leave
by that time? How will they get rid of them?
AC: Right. They have not told me how they plan on getting rid of them. I don't know if they know. All they
have said that is that they will remove all ET's from our planet, by force if necessary.
Q: If the only way we are going to be able to fight this technology is to use our original "organic" powers
that we acquired in the 11th dimension, is there a way that anyone could help us get focused on this?
AC: I don't know. I will ask them and pass the information on to you.

Q: Do the Andromedans interact with a spiritual hierarchy connected with this planet? How about the
angels and archangels? (27 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:03 PM]

AC: Yes, because the spiritual entities are dimensional and also physical, although to us they are "spiritual"
entities. As far as the angels and archangels are concerned, from Andromedans are concerned, we are all
angels. When I mentioned the concept of archangels to them, they didn't know what I was talking about -
they had to go review our history and find out what the concept meant. They still don't know who they are.
They just said that we are all angels - it is only your perception of yourself that tells you that you are not.
Q: What do they say about the human propensity to use drugs as a method for invoking altered states of
AC: I have asked them about that, and they say that it causes a focus on the physical as a method for
acquiring spirituality - it is a focus in the wrong direction. Their perspective is that we are already
awakened, but "stuck" on the physical. When people go to seek all these spiritual experiences, they don't
realize that we have already done all of this, and that we should not focus on the physical as the tool, but
the self. There are at least two schools of thought on that.
Q: I was taken to this underground place in New Mexico as a child, and it wasn't Los Alamos.
AC: New Mexico is quite a state. You are talking about Manzano, Dulce, Los Alamos. I was in New Mexico
during the Harmonic Convergence. I loved New Mexico. I know that it is honeycombed like a beehive
underground. Moraney has suggested that I not go to New Mexico, and I don't. When I asked him why, he
replied that all free will is monitored there. So, that's all I know. The place you were taken could have been
anywhere. I know there are huge underground facilities there.

Q: From what I can gather, the Andromedans are asking us to question our belief system about reality and

AC: That's right. We have gotten so stuck in dictating our truth based on experience, instead of creation of
our experiences. When we get stuck in the idea of just experiencing things, we get stuck on the idea "I feel
alive because I'm having these experiences". Many people are stuck on survival, and your can get addicted
to survival because you "feel alive". You always "take it to the edge" and you get stuck there. What
happens is that you start going around like a hamster on a wheel. All you do is experience survival, and we
get stuck in that concept. All you create is survival, survival, survival, survival - round and round and round
the circle you go - instead of creating something else. There are so many people on the planet like this.
This is the consciousness of our government.
Q: What we perceive is that we live in a reality of cause and effect, when in fact the truth is that this is a
reality of effect and that the cause is outside of this?

AC: Yes.

Q: So the bottom line is that there is no life or intelligence in matter?

AC: Yes. It reflects back to you the value you put on it.
Q: So the idea of altering matter to change our situation is one of the greatest lies
perpetrated on humanity, as well as the tendency to look outside of ourselves for the truth?

AC: Yes
Q: You mentioned before that some of us have, in a sense, come back from the future to "right a terrible
wrong". If that is so, then the regressives could also travel back to change things. Couldn't this set up a
"time loop" that could go on repeating itself?

AC: Yes, but there is one factor. That is what occurred on March 23, 1994, when the color sound frequency
began emanating from the black holes, and that changed all the games and has brought it to a focal point.

Q: Can you give more details about Hale Bopp?

AC: Not much more than I gave you. It is a protocol ship for the Orion group. A team that prepares the way
for what goes after it. Isn't it interesting that the entire galaxy is focused on us, and so many are trying to
suppress us? Imagine how much fear they are in.

Q: How often are you contacted? Do you try to initiate contact? (28 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:03 PM]

AC: I try to initiate it, I really do. Probably once to twice a month. The majority of contacts have been
telepathic in the last eight months. There are a lot of weird things going on. The Grey clones and the
Pleiadians are in full civil war right now in the Sirius B system. The quarantine around our solar system has
been broken, and there are skirmishes going on all over the place. Things are heating up. The regressives
are reacting big time because their fear is becoming compressed as their density is compressing. All of their
emotions are mirroring back to them. We are doing that on Earth as well. Many people are starting to get
"buggy". It's the energy, which is compressing on itself. If you are restrictive inside of yourself with the
energy, it's going to react and come out of you, and you are going to lash out. The Earth is going to be
doing this. When we have the real earthquakes, where the whole earth will shudder - and it's going to
happen. This is the earth releasing the negativity that it has been holding on to. The earth cannot take that
low frequency with it into 5th density, so it is going to release it. And, it's our own stuff.
The earth will be mirroring back our own stuff. I just want to say, to wrap this up, please do not turn on
each other. When the aliens get here, all we're going to have is each other. When one alien group gets here
and says "the whites are the ruling race", and another alien group gets here and says "the blacks are the
ruling race", and another alien group says "the Chinese are the ruling race", the reality is that all these
aliens are full of shit. We are a race of beings living on a planet. We are a race, regardless of the color of
our skin. This is the only planet in our galaxy where all these races live together. This is it, and they've got
us warring with each other. We are being duped. Don't turn on each other. We are all we have.

When the Andromedans come down here, they don't look at people with different skin colors as "different
races". They look at us as a race. They are right to do so. On the other hand, what difference does it make
if we are made to kill each other?
Q: Is the HAARP device controlled by the regressive ET's?

AC: Great question. Of what I know, the majority of the weather modification is currently being done from
the moon. They cross particle beam weapons and create and move storms onto the coasts of "unfavored"
nations. This is being done by humans on the moon. The HAARP device has effects which are a by-product
of its actual purpose - to create an electromagnetic shield around the earth so nothing can get in - they are
very concerned about the invasion that's coming. Interestingly, the Pleiadians told Billy Meier that around
2008, the US government would do something that would ignite the ionosphere. They are putting billions of
watts of electricity into out ionosphere. This technology would certainly do it, but the reason is to create
this shield around the planet. I feel sorry for the people in the military and the people in the NSA back in
the 1950's who got themselves involved in this - they have totally put themselves in the middle. No matter
what happens. When the people find out how they have been duped, the only safe place they will have to
go is the moon. But, once they go to the moon, they are going to have to "hang out" with their regressive
brothers, who will eat them for lunch. They did it to themselves. (29 of 29) [9/18/2000 6:39:03 PM]

Chapter 2 - "An Andromedan Update" :
Lecture by Alex Collier
At The 1996 Global Sciences Congress
Summer 1996
Transcript 1996

Alex: Hello everybody. It's really an honor to be here. I thank all of you for being here.
I have about an hour and a half, and there are a lot of things I want to share with you.
I also have about 25 slides. Some of you have seen them. Most of you have probably
not seen them. I have a lot to cover, so if you are interested in how this whole thing
started for me, when I was eight years old, I would suggest that you consult Joe
Peterson of Global Sciences, who has videos of other talks that I have done. Also, the
Leading Edge Research Group has a lot of information posted on the web. I don't want
to burn up twenty minutes re-hashing that, because the time is very precious to me. I
have very little time.

So, what I'd like to do is to just get into the information, and we'll have some
questions and answers at the end. All of you have seen this article (holds up
newspaper), "Evidence of Life on Mars". It's quite a distraction, don't you think? Such
crap. They've known about it for a long time - the Egyptians even knew about it. It's
just more of the white wash and more of the lies, denying you your history and trying
to take away your heritage. That's really what this whole thing is about.

Time to "Walk the Talk"

Now, as far as gathering of information is concerned, it's great to read all these books,
buy all these videos, build a nice library and be able to "talk the talk". Now is the time,
however, to walk the talk. That means you have to start talking to your family, you
have to start planting "seeds", and you have to start telling people. Because, ladies
and gentlemen, Hale-Bopp is coming and life is going to change. This time next year,
life is going to be different, OK? So, start thinking about where it is you want to be and
what you want to be doing a year from now. It's time. Change is immanent. It could
be positive, or it could be negative, depending on our perspective and our
consciousness as a race. And, nobody can make us do that. We have to do it. We have
to be absolutely clear about what our intent is. What is your intent for doing the things
that you are doing? What is your intent for being here at Global Sciences? Be crystal
clear about every decision that you make, because you are creating your future right
now. Every moment, every decision you make is creating your future, and you have to
believe in yourself. You have to trust yourself and your intuition.

For men, and I am speaking as a man, it is time to move out of self-imposed

loneliness. It is time to open up. It is time to get genuine. It is time to "take a risk"
and show who you are. OK? The party is over. Because, in terms of the changes that
are coming, Moraney and Vasais have said that men are going to affected the most. (1 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

Most women are "wide open". They have been. If you don't want them to say "I told
you so", then you had better start working on it, because they will.
The Andromedans from the Star System Zenetae

All right. I want to start off by reading some information given to me by Vasais. In
short, who the Andromedans are is that they come from the region of the Andromeda
galaxy and from a star system in that galaxy they call Zenetae. They are a telepathic
race, although during the last 30 years I have tried to teach Moraney the English
language. He has taught me how to "read" their telepathic communications, which are
holographic. It's been an interesting situation. Now, when I write down what Moraney
says, I write it down exactly as he says it. When you go to the Leading Edge Research
Group web site and you see that, it isn't that it is mis-typed, but it's exactly the way
they say it. I have made a promise that is the way I will present it. They are a race
with light-blue skin. They were on Earth some 62,000 years ago for a period of 62
years. My connection to them is that at that particular time, I was one of them that
was here. I volunteered to come back here and be here for this process, raising third
density up into fifth density. I've asked to see the "fine print" on my "contract", but
they have yet to produce that. So, I would like to start off with this material told to me
by Vasais on June 5, 1996:

" We have been in communication with many races regarding militant

decision-making. We all agree that conflict in the end serves one purpose - to create
fear. This, we know, removes the original intent from creations. We are hopeful that
sincerity will gain momentum."

Now folks, what is happening here is happening out there. I have said this over and
over again. I wish I could just come up to you and say "everything is love and light". It
would be wonderful, but it would be a lie. We have challenges, and as long as we stick
together we will make it. But, we have to stick together. Your neighbors are not the
"enemy". Your government really isn't the "enemy", but they want you to believe so.
They want control over you.

Consciousness as the Scale of Illumination

" The most necessary action now for all of your Terran races who are aware, is to do
what you are capable of to illuminate your degenerated societies. Consciousness is
your scale. It always provides balance which does not fail. It speaks to those who
listen, and tells them what to do and not to do. To one or all beings who choose to be
evolved, the administrators of your governments are responsible for professional
order, not your moral codes of order. The key to happiness, Terrans, is in the hands of
your own consciousness. We have perceived that you Terrans have arranged your lives
not according to yourselves, but according to others. Your disappointments are due to
this fact. This kind of conduct of yours is what is limiting your races. Each one of you is
a free soul, a free consciousness. No one is the servant or slave of anyone else,
though the "hidden ones" would trick you to believe otherwise. Mutual respect is
imperative for a healed planet and race. Help is being extended to you, if you so want
it. Because of our genetic lineage to your races, we would like to be with you during
your difficult times. Today, you are a planet and a race that destroys itself in
ignorance. The goal is to recover the genuine human beings lost deep within
yourselves. Always be at One with your Self."
The Brain, The Speed of Light and Evolution

I have learned a lot. A lot of it I have absolutely no clue what to do with. Some of it I (2 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

don't understand, but it has been "downloaded." According to Moraney:

" The standard and speed of light is under control of the brain energy beyond ones
thought frequency. If your brain waves could control the speed of thought, then you
would see 'time' as 'light years'. It's where they began. We will try to make this more
comprehensible. 'The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second'. That is your
belief. The speed of light within third density is equal to the thought frequency of the
beings on, and in, your planet. But on your third density, speeds of your thought
transcend the dimension you are in or creating. Thought travels beyond a speed of a
billion light years in other dimensions. The speed of thought is equated to brain energy
when it reaches a certain limit of the speed of light. The cerebral generator in the
brain is there to transform the light-speed to the light-year, and thus condenses the
light power to the Soul. The density of light that you 'see' is equivalent to the brain
and light power. When brain energy begins to transcend the light-year, the
evolutionary potential here takes all the speeds of light under control. Now here the
brain power can create an entire universe and transform itself into many different
dimensional levels. All evaluation beyond this present limit are subject to the 11
densities of universal potentials. This we feel has not been reached yet.
Control Based on "Threat" to Elitists of Our Unlimited Spiritual Potential

Now, ladies and gentlemen, you are all truly awesome beings. We have inside our DNA
the genetics and racial genetic memories of 22 different races. You know, science
teaches us that the body is a 'pool of chemicals' evolved from monkeys. It just didn't
happen that way. The physical forms that we are 'in' were genetically altered, and
then they were 'tinkered' with by many of the different races that have come here.
Earth is on the edge of our galaxy and along a trade route. Different races would come
in a stay 50 years, or maybe several hundred years, which is a 'weekend' to some of
those races whose life span is very long. And then, they would just 'take off' and they
would leave their remnants here.

There are government's on the planet that truly want to control, as well as
extraterrestrials. Those that are here now and those that are coming want to control.
The reason they want to control - the reason there is so much 'fuss' over us - the
reason that they have been hiding, tricking, manipulating and thieving the way they
have, is because they don't want you to wake up. From the Andromedan perspective,
the reason they don't want us to wake up is that as a group consciousness, we come
from the eleventh density. We wanted to experience a different perspective and we
came down 'into time' and literally 'cut out' third density. We created this. There are
more of us that are not on the planet. Now, if this is true that we have come from the
eleventh density, and if it is true that we have the genetics of 22 different races inside
out bodies it becomes interesting. The Andromedans are convinced that this is
absolutely the case and look at us as 'royalty'. Just think about that and everything
you have been taught. I don't mean to pick on 'religions', but frankly they 'deserve' it.
They have you believing everything but that which is the truth, which is that in
Andromedan terms we are in a sense 'royalty', and that is why there has been so
much manipulation and control. Ladies and gentlemen, when you hide like they do,
when you abduct like they do, it's because they are more afraid of you.
Time to Get It Together And Collectively "Kick Ass"

There are a lot of people talking about a lot of things, and a lot of people are trying to
get the information our and spread the word. This planet is our home and we have no
where else to go. If we don't fight and stand up for it, nobody will offer us a helping
hand. An important point about what this implies is, turn off the television. Tell your
kids to turn off the television. It's time for a shift. Mr. Bielek has information regarding
missing children. I have information regarding mission children. If nothing else should (3 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

make you angry, it should be that hundreds of thousands of children each year are
vanishing from our planet. That's our future and our heritage. Even if we turn
everything around, which I believe we can, if we don't stop this and start protecting
our children, there won't be anyone on this planet left to leave it to. They have no
right to do what they are doing. You are going to stand up and 'kick ass'. It's really
that simple. They can't take all of us. Charles Collins was talking here about the court
system. You know, there are only 20,000 federal judges in the United States and there
are 260 million of us. What's wrong with this picture?
Regarding the Frequency Shift and Third Density Implosion

On March 23, 1994 the Andromedans told me that all the 'black holes' in the known
universe began to emanate a color-sound frequency. It's the first time it has happened
in recorded history in our 'universe', which the Andromedans have been taught is a 21
trillion year old hologram. They say that they have been able to chart at least 100
trillion galaxies. Now, think about that. And Carl Sagan thought there is no life out
there! It's ludicrous.

I want to read something that was given to me on February 2, 1996 by Moraney

regarding the frequency change. He talks about them as well, and what they are
experiencing, because it is affecting everybody, and what they have been able to
discover about the change. Now in the system where they live, there are beings from
the 5th, 6th and 7th density beings. The 7th density beings are on contact with those
on 8th, 9th and 10th densities. Those on 9th and 10th were talking to those on 11th,
who have apparently already moved into the new 12th density. A new holograph has
been added to our universe, which is why the frequency is changing, and a lot of
people are feeling it. Everything is being 'pulled up'. Now, this is God. The
Andromedans refer to this as the Is-ness. They don't know exactly what it is. It just Is,
and they accept that. It holds everything together. This is (an aspect of) what is
coming out of the black holes, and what the Andromedans have said as a result of
their preliminary studies, traveling back and forth through time, and what they are
being told "down the line' through the dimensional levels, is that as of right now, by
December 3, 2013 third density as we know it is supposed to implode, and for those of
us who have chosen to evolve, it will be a conscious, clear intent to do so. For those
who so choose, they will move through fourth into fifth density. This will be happening
gradually over the next few years. Those who choose not to evolve will apparently
create another space within which to evolve; they will apparently go through a black
hole structure somewhere and create another space to begin the process all over
again. It's weird stuff.

This is from Moraney:

" All of us, regardless of our form and dimensional growth, live in boundless
consciousness. It does appear that all things seem to revolve and evolve in cycles.
Now, after the "blindness" of 5,725 years, you on your Terra are about to regain
yourselves. It will be such an unprecedented change that it will be difficult for many to
grasp their own potential. It is a turning point on your world which none of your
planets' forefathers were privileged to experience. "

It's no "accident" that you're here.

" As the light and sound frequency advances, and the Spirit of Self increases, sickness
and purification will also increase. Many challenges are going to test your strengths,
until your race experiences a time of humility. In simply speaking, our members of the
council may play a part of "onlookers" in the scenes of war, but in the scenes of
sickness we will have an active role." (4 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

They are very particular in their words.

" To play a role in serving your humanity is far superior than to play in the scenes of
violence and destruction."

In other words, folks, it's up to us.

" The laws of physicality stress that we, in time, live all of our lives constructively. We,
too, are in a dawn, at a very different place of awareness than you are. What we at
present perceive regarding the new density, as it advances towards us, and the Spirit
of Self becomes more intense, is that the release of judgment will also increase
correspondingly. The purifying frequency of this new density is very strong. Also,
according to the laws of physicality, those dressed in physical form that are clouded by
withheld love will find it difficult to endure the new frequency. Only those sufficiently
cleared may service the remainder of the journey into fifth density. Some members of
my own race may be at difficulty at this time. All must endeavor to be prepared
spiritually and physically, if we are all to pass through the scales of frequency into the
next beginning with comparative ease.

Your world religions will refer to this as a "judgment", which is not altogether true. It
is, in fact, a clearing of old thought creation forms. It is a 'starting over', not a
judgment. Your planet is also 'on stage'. Those of you who choose to endure are
enacting an original performance. The conflict between polarities is developing in a
very complicated manner. There are more 'negatively-charged' personalities than
'positive' ones at this moment on your planet. It is not 'creeds' or 'belief systems' that
will heal your race, but consciousness and love. Creeds are doctrines and precepts.
They cannot serve your humanity. Since your ancient times, nearly all religions have
had their 'creeds'. Some of them are well-considered and elaborate. We ask you, have
they succeeded in perfecting your world? Your 'holy book' is a code of morals and
standards to live by. Religions should teach the miracle of the universe, which cannot
be explained by mere logic. We perceive that for your Terrain religions to be valid,
they should teach to all the tangible use of Spirit and Self, and the more that 'miracles'
are in evidence, the more valid it should be considered. It should not be based on past
history or ancient creeds, but only in the PRESENT in its ability to heal lives and foster
the spreading of WISDOM and 'common sense'.

Ladies and gentlemen, these are extraterrestrial coming light-years to share this with
us - stuff that we should already know. You know, they truly love us, and they have a
very difficult time with why we want to kill ourselves. It's pretty amazing. They have
asked me questions that in trying to answer them I get so embarrassed. The very first
time I was taken to a mother ship, I was nervous and scared. I walked on board, and
on these ships there are many different levels. The ships are spherical and 900 miles
in diameter. On each level there are park areas. Because they are very astute in
holographic technology, you think you are on earth. There are trees and sunshine, and
it is all created holographically. Its all real. When I walked in, a group of children
literally moved away from me. I got very hurt, and Moraney picked up on my
emotions. He said, "It isn't you. We have been teaching them about your race." Are
you getting it? And they are still sticking around. It blows my mind.
In the Final Analysis, All We Have is Each Other

So, we need to make some shifts. It's time to 'walk the talk'. You know, take all the
information you've gathered and do something with it. We're running out of time, and
you can't and shouldn't wait until they're here, because everyone will be in fear. We
need to prepare people. That's our responsibility. Whether you like them or not, this is (5 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

our race. The bottom line is that all we have is each other. The banks and government
could collapse tomorrow and what are you left with? Each other. If we can't depend on
each other, and trust each other, if we will not make a leap of faith in each other,
ladies and gentlemen, we're screwed. It's simple. So, we have to make a decision,
each one of you individually. This is where it comes down to intent.
The Andromedans Define Our Future

I asked Vasais once to give me a definition of our future. I ask a lot of questions and
sometimes I don't get answers, simply because he looks at me, you know, and says
"it's your experience." So, I asked him for a definition. He gave me a definition of our

" Responsible freedom of self determination, becoming truly self-confident and free, to
unconditionally be responsible for oneself, without being coerced to accept some
higher authority."

Now, that says a lot. I will tell you what I get out of this. No matter how pretty their
mother ships are, no matter how they may look physically, they are our equals. They
are not better than us. You have the same potentials.
Corporate and Government Creation of the Current Situation

and Planetary Betrayal

In fact, if the world governments and the secret societies had not withheld all of the
technology that has been developed, we would already be out there talking to them.
We have been robbed of that. Bottom line. We have been betrayed. We would already
be out there and talking to them. Instead, we have an environmental crisis on our
hands. You want to know why? Because more than 35 years ago we could have had
alternative free energy technology, but they hid it and didn't allow it. So, it's been
more petroleum use, more carbon dioxide emissions, etc. Even Tesla invented free
energy devices in the 1930's, and it was withheld. Now, they want to punish you for
"doing it". It's a brilliant scheme ... if we let them get away with it.
Solar System and Slide Program Commentary

I want to share this with you. The moon is an artificial satellite brought here from Ursa
Minor. It's hollow and operational, and it can pull out of here any time. Human beings
from Earth have been there for at least 45 years. It started with the Germans, but
primarily it was the Americans and the Russians. The Germans moved on to Mars.
That's a whole other story.

I want you to know this. Mars is being terra-formed. We are told that it is 4,200 miles
in diameter. Moraney says that is an absolute lie, that it is 11,421 miles in diameter,
and that our people know about this. We are told that it has a very feeble atmosphere,
and yet in 1979 NASA admitted to seeing clouds at 72,000 feet. There's a problem
with the theory they're telling us.

I want to show you the pictures. I've tried to pull out things that were really easy to
see. Where these photos came from was the Carlsbad Library in San Diego. I was just
cruising along, having a telepathic chat with Moraney, and he said "let's go to the
library." I said, all right. He said, "go to the second floor, aisle seven, find the NASA
book of Lunar Orbiter 4 Photographs, page 27." So, I did that, and checked it out. This
book covers pictures taken from August 1966 to August 1967. I got home, got my
magnifying loop out, and he showed me everything - all these structures. Now, here is
an extraterrestrial race that can tell you what information is in what book, on what
page, in the Carlsbad Library, to find proof that there are structures on the Moon, (6 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

Mercury, Venus and Mars.

I want to share this with you. It's there. Everything we've been told about the moon
has been a lie, and this is reality. We are far bigger than we have been led to believe.
It means really stretching yourself, but there is nothing left to do. We've played their
game to the hilt, and look at where we are. We are on the brink of losing our
sovereignty, our freedom, and facing possible enslavement of the planet. I don't know
about you, but I'm not playing that game anymore. I refuse.
An Initial Protocol for Extraterrestrial Contact

Now, some of you in this room may be having contact, and some of you will be having
contact. When the extraterrestrials get here, sometime next year (1997) or the year
after, when they physically land and they start showing themselves, it is imperative
that you approach them, regardless of who they are or what they look like, as an
equal, because you are a spiritual being first, and a physical being secondly. And then,
you stand and you acknowledge them, looking at them directly, whether you are
scared or not, and you bow without taking your eyes off them, and you declare to
them, "It is the manner and custom when entering my space that permission be
asked." No matter how many times you say it, you must mean it. You are declaring
your sovereignty. You are declaring the fact that you are who you are, and that you've
got every right to be here, right now, at that moment. Because, if you don't declare
your space, some species will take it from you. It's that simple. Moraney tells me that
if you do this, and you mean it, they will leave you alone. Those of you who are
working with people that are being abducted, please teach them this. Now, after
having said this, if they ask for permission, you can say "yes" or "no".

All right. If we could turn on the projector now. NOTE: This video is available from
Letters From Andromeda, called "Moon and Mars".
(Slide 1 of the Moon)

All right folks, the moon, our closest neighbor. They have been watching us for a long
time up there. Our astronauts did go and they do know a lot, but they took an oath of
office and they know if they say anything that they are dead men, because the guys in
control play for keeps. Armstrong has already tried in so many ways to say something.
Some of the other astronauts have already said that "something" was seen during the
Gemini missions. Like Al Bielek said this afternoon, extraterrestrials are in control of
Earth right now. We just think its Washington, D.C. Things are as bad as they are, and
probably worse than you think, because ET's are running things.
(Slide 2 of the Moon, artists impression of domed city within a crater)

This is what Richard Hoagland has been trying to show. This is an artists rendition of
the dome structures. Now, ladies and gentlemen, in the Bible it talks about the
E-den's. This is an Eden, an enclosed biosphere. There have been many many wars on
our planets. The Eden's that were built by the Nibiru, the Pleiadians, the Lyrans -- all
the different races whose physiology is different -- they created enclosed Eden's.
There are more of them on the other planets than there are on the moon, because
those on the moon were nuked. On Earth, we have had at least three nuclear wars in
the last 450,000 years. The last one was 11,913 B.C. During the last 5,600 years of
recorded human history, there have been 15,400 wars on Earth. I think we have that
down pat. Let's try another game.
(Slide 3 of Moon, showing structure in crater)

This is on the far side of the moon, along the equator. Look at this photograph. See (7 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

the domes in this crater? They're not supposed to be there, are they?
(Slide 4 of the Moon showing crater)

I want you to look at this crater. Look at these illuminated objects in the crater and
this object here. I want you to pay close attention to this area. Look at this. A
structure here. A bridge here. All lit up. How is it that a crater which is supposed to be
created by a meteorite impact has a flat-topped structure in the center? The moon is
full of these. I will tell you why. Because these are old bases that were destroyed in a
war. I asked Moraney who destroyed these, and he told me it was during a war
between the Pleiadians and the Orion Group, who won.

Audience Question: Is there any air on the moon?

Alex: Yes, there is. The far side has vegetation, lakes. It is everything we've been told
it isn't.
(Slide 5 of the Far Side of the Moon)

I want you to look very carefully at this crater right here. I have been told that this is
a mining crater. I want you to look at the way this bridge spans the crater. This bridge
is 21 miles long. You will see this same structure on Venus. What I was told is that
craft would land on top of this structure, lower some kind of device and literally pull
the minerals right out of the ground.
(Slide 6 of the Far Side of the Moon)

Here's another crater. For something supposedly created by a meteor, it's pretty flat.
What I really wanted to show you is this, a dome that is very much intact. This is what
Richard Hoagland has been looking for, and its on the far side of the moon. It's the far
side where all the good stuff is.
(Slide 7 of the Far Side of the Moon)

In this crater I want you to look at this structure here. See these structures that look
like hangars? I am told that this base is German. The Nazi's have been here for a long
long time. There is machinery right here. Look at the octagonal "crater" to the north.
(Slide 8 of the Far Side of the Moon)

I want you to focus on this area right here. See these structures. Ladies and
gentlemen, this is where the New World Order is on the moon. This complex has
35,000 human beings from Earth in it, right now. These are living compounds. The
Andromedans are very clear about this, because they want you to wake up.
(Slide 9 of the Far Side of the Moon)

Here's a square crater. I asked Moraney how many "square meteors" that he's seen,
and he said he's never seen one.
(Slide 10 of the Far Side of the Moon)

Here's another crater with another structure inside that is all lit up. They're not
supposed to be there. (8 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

(Slide 11 of the Far Side of the Moon)

Look at this area right here. See how it is terraced? See this large structure? This is a
monument, folks. A monument. It is seven miles high. Are you going to tell me our
astronauts "missed" this? The monument, since the moon came from Ursa Minor, is
Orion in origin. Now, our moon used to share an orbit with Phobos. Both of them are
artificial satellites.
(Slide 12 of the Far Side of the Moon)

Look in this crater. Now, this crater is 14 miles long. Right in the middle of the crater
we see a ship parked there that is at least 4 miles in length. That's not supposed to be

(Slide 13 General Picture of Mars)

Ladies and gentlemen, if the truth ever comes out, you will discover that Mars has had
a very similar history to Earth. The human physical form was first created on Mars and
brought to Earth. Extraterrestrials created and manipulated our physical form. They
didn't create your soul. You did (as a part of the Creator) by your intent. The Creator
gave you the right to go off and experience on your own. You were not "cast out of
heaven". Nobody buys that. The Andromedans find it hard to believe that anyone buys
that. They ask me about this and I get really embarrassed because I have no
"come-back" on it. I just shrug my shoulders.
(Slide 14 Craters on Mars)

This is the southern hemisphere, Elysium Mons. Look at these clouds floating by in the
atmosphere. They are clearly visible in a lot of Martian photographs. What I want you
to focus on is this area right here, a partial "face", and this area. Now, I have been
told that the "face" on Mars is a tomb, and who we know as the Sumerian "Enki", who
the Egyptians knew as "Ptah", is in that tomb. He was murdered by his brother En-lil.
(Slide 15, Mars)

This here is partial "face", also a tomb, which is mostly destroyed, and here adjacent
to it are three pyramids. There are seven sets of pyramids on Mars. There are also
dinosaur bones and fossils, just like on Earth. Approximately 450,000 years ago when
Earth was involved in a nuclear war, those from Nibiru (12th planet folks) had colonies
on Mars and they got into a war with the Orion Group, who had apparently entered the
solar system wanting the women from Earth, because of the genetics. The Nibiru
protected the planet. Mars was nuked and moved out of the orbit it had at that time.
In fact, Earth has been moved out of its original orbit. Earth used to be nothing but ice
and was moved closer to the Sun and then moved again a little farther away. All of
that has to do something with how we lost one day in the year. In the Sumerian texts,
it tells of how Thoth tricked Ra into adding one more day to the year. What they did
was that they moved the orbit of the planet. Folks, they have this kind of technology.
Venus used to be one of the moons of Uranus. Mercury used to be one of the moons of
Saturn. They have kind of re-arranged things. Some of you will remember this stuff as
your genetic memory comes through with this frequency change. It will be right there.
There are a lot of kids who have this memory inside of them today already. They just
don't express it, because they think everyone will think they're crazy. They come in
with a tremendous amount of genetic memory, and they're opening up. There are
children being born over the last three years that are being born with three strands of
DNA instead of two. (9 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

(Slide 16, Venus)

According to what we are told, Venus is over 1,000 degrees with sulfuric acid in the
atmosphere. Now, anyone who has ever worked with chemicals knows that if you heat
sulfuric acid up that whatever it comes into contact with turns eventually to mush.
Well, Venus isn't mush at all. Look at these structures right here. They're the same
mining bridges we saw on the moon. Venus was mined, when it was one of the moons
of Uranus, for borax, which is used as an electrically conductive substance.
(Slide 17, Mercury)

Look very carefully at this structure here. See the shadow it's casting and how it
comes up off the ground. I am told that this is an piece of abandoned mining
equipment. Now, this crater over here is 41 miles in diameter. Now, compare that
crater to this piece of machinery, which is slightly longer than the crater is wide. We're
talking big ET.
(Slide 18, Mercury)

See this structure right here? It's also on Mercury. Its also a piece of mining
equipment that was left behind. Folks, we didn't leave it there. It's not our stuff. The
truth is out there. What you have to do is dedicate yourself to creating the space to
accept the truth when you hear it. Once you have accepted the truth, you are going to
have to be it, acknowledge it and stand in it. When all is said and done, the only thing
left standing is going to be the truth, because the truth doesn't need to be supported
by lies.

(End of Slide Presentation)

Andromedan vs Earth Education Systems: Back to the Future

Now, the Andromedan people teach their children everything. The oldest and the
wisest are the teachers, and hold nothing back from their children. Those with the
most experience teach others what they know. This is called by them the Law of
Consistency. They know that their children are their legacy. They don't "dumb them
down" like the educational system here does. They would never ever think to do that,
because they are proud of their lineage and their heritage. They know that this is who
they are, and their young people are who they are. Ladies and gentlemen, if you have
children, you owe it to them to teach them what you know, and don't let anyone else
babysit. Don't let the television babysit, because it is teaching them what to think, not
how to think.

Television teaches them how to spit out numbers like a computer, and it isn't fair.
They aren't being prepared for what's coming. They're your children, your
responsibility and your future. There are people waiting for Christ to come. Suppose he
doesn't come? Suppose he changes his mind? Then what? Oops.
Probable Events That Might Be Happening In the Next Few Years

Let me talk about probable events that might be happening in the next few years.
These events are probable. They started talking about these things in 1993. Some of
them have already started to happen. I am going to continue to go over it, because it
is entirely up to you, and all of us, to decide what kind of a future we want. These
items are seen by the Andromedans in our future, based on our present
consciousness. Between 1996 and the end of 1997, there is a very strong possibility
that one third of Japan is going to sink below the ocean surface in a very violent
earthquake. Now a few weeks ago, California was experiencing 20 foot waves. The
media said it was because of a tropical storm off the coast of Tahiti. The Japanese, (10 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

who were experiencing the same thing, were told it was because of all the volcanic
activity on the ocean floor. There is a huge difference in those two stories.

Between June and October of 2003, there is a strong probability we will wake up one
morning and the moon will no longer be in orbit. The reason for this is that there are
regressive energies on the moon. They just might have to "pay back some karma".
Between 2003 and 2007, the benevolent races are supposedly going to be all around
us. We will see them, but they will not interfere. The Andromedan Council, a group of
representatives from 143 planetary systems, made a declaration that by August 12,
2003 all extraterrestrial presence, both good and bad, off our planet. They want to see
how we interact with each other when we are not being manipulated. It's a test, and
they have every intention on carrying it out. It's going to be interesting.

Between 2004 and 2007, all the DNA coding which involves all the racial memory from
the 22 races will begin to unlock. By 2007, everyone will have full memory of who they
are, who they were, and where they come from. A lot of this has to do with the
implosion of third density pulling us up into higher densities. Between 2007 and 2012,
we are supposed to see the birth of a brand new galaxy in the area of the sky known
as Vega, just before we move into fifth density. Now, they time travel so they already
know its there. Between 2007 and 2009, if it is allowed to happen naturally, we are
supposed to have a 17 degree pole shift. The area of Saudi Arabia is supposed to
become the new North Pole, so we have no choice but to go to free energy. North
America is supposed to end up on the equator.

By the year 2003, you are going to hear more reports about "ghosts", because what is
happening is that the new frequency is raising the vibration of the planet, and third
and fourth density will come closer and closer together as third density starts to
implode. This means that the molecules in our bodies are going to 'speed up', because
the body is not dead matter, and you are going to start to see on more of a spirit
level. We are going to have to become more responsible in the exercise of our free will
as the earth changes start. People living along the coastal areas are going to have a
problem, as the oceans could rise as much as 200 feet by the year 2008. Around
2011, our sun will undergo a 180 degree pole shift.

During the next seven years, between 1996 and 2004, the major cities in the United
States will be under quarantine because of the spread of tuberculosis. The average life
expectancy of men in the inner cities will be 43 years of age, and for women 55. You
are going to see the end of welfare, free medical and county services, because
everybody will be bankrupt. Many people will be moving to communities outside the
cities, growing food and having their own private police forces. On January 24, 1996,
the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that the transmission of TB
among the urban homeless is remarkably high, especially because they found no
primary tuberculosis outbreak at all. The largest area that has been infected so far are
New York and Los Angeles. They are not telling you anything about this in the media.
So, we have a lot of work to do.
The Andromedan Perspective on the Concept of Time

I want to share with you the Andromedan perspective on time:

"Here is an idea that we feel could reorganize all knowledge on your Earth. I will
endeavor to explain, using the language of 'common sense'. We use or employ 9
mutually interchangeable coordinates. Six of space and three of time. In other words,
we use time as if it were a dimension of space. Time, in your concept, is the '4th
dimension', and space in your perception is imperfectly sensed and apprehended by
consciousness successively, and it creates a temporal illusion. As such, you concern
yourselves with ideas and magnitudes, to which ordinary logic no longer applies. We (11 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

feel that our concepts contain a pathway - a bridge to the very poles of thought. To
some, it will rob them of their dearest and most sacred illusions, and will cut the
ground from beneath their very feet. It will be, we hope, a destroyer of complacency."

" We know there are different 'grades' of consciousness observable in nature. You will
see that as consciousness changes and develops, the wisdom of space changes and
develops also. We feel that the dimensionality of your world depends on the
development of your consciousness. With your race having reached the fourth stage of
development, it now has a clear sense of three dimensional space. We understand
'space' to be a multi-dimensional mirror of consciousness, and the concepts of 'time'
and 'motion' as illusions. What does this mean to you of your world?"

" What appears to be 'time' and 'motion' are in reality only the movement of
consciousness upon a higher space or dimension."

Now, that's something to think about. Ladies and gentlemen, in our future the time we
are living in now is going to be known as "the end of the innocence". We must
dedicate ourselves to finding out what the truth is, whatever it is. I don't know if the
Andromedans are absolutely right. I have no way. I have been asked to share with
you their perspectives, and I do. Everybody is a piece of the puzzle and has a piece of
the puzzle. We have some major challenges to face, especially here in America. The
reason they want to bring down America is simply because of consciousness. We hold
the consciousness of sovereignty and self-rule. They want to take care of that. They
don't want to hear, and we are going to have to stick together. As long as we stick
together, we can pull this off. We can turn things around. Because, folks, there are no
other 'free nations' in the world and there is no other place to go. This is where it's at.

There are three things I want you to know. The first is that you are loved. The second
is that you are royalty, and the third is please don't give up on each other. We have all
been 'screwed', lied to and betrayed, and we have to stick together. Ladies and
gentlemen, thank you very much. (12 of 12) [9/18/2000 6:39:06 PM]

Chapter 3 - Alex Collier Lecture At The
American Gnostic School
Audience: 1,300 people

Yelm, Washington, November 16, 1996 3:00 - 7:00 pm

Transcript November 1996

Alex: OK. A brief overview. I have for 30 years been visited by and taken aboard craft
by beings who live in the constellation of Andromeda. They are light blue in color. They
look like the depiction on the wall over there, but they have no hair. They are
awesome. They are a very healed race, and after thinking about it I think the reason
they are so healed is because they have absolute mutual respect for everyone.
They've said the only way we're going to have a healed race is to have mutual respect
for each other.

I realize that there is not a lot of that teaching going on any more in our world. I have
had to look at the character of our race on earth, because I am blessed to be able to
compare it to something else. Folks, we have a lot of work to do and a very short time
in which to do it. A lot of things are going to start happening around February, March
and April 1997. You know, I wish I could just tell you its all "love and light", but that's
just not reality. We live in a duality here, and there are definitely some races that are
screwing with us. I understand from talking with people here that you are being taught
a lot of what to do. Self-sufficiency and self-preservation, and being totally
self-responsible. It is imperative that what you know when you leave here you go
home and teach, because this truth is not out there. It is one of the sadness' that I
have, because I have been shown some probable futures. A lot of people don't make
it. Two thirds of the people on the planet don't make it in those probable scenarios,
and I truly don't want that to happen.

You know, there are a lot of really good, generous people, but they don't know the
truth. They have no way of attaining the truth, because of where they are on a
consciousness level. You are all teachers. You are all leaders. You were leaders before
you came in here. You were teachers before you came in here. But when you go out of
here, from what I understand from Val, Judy Pope, Greg and others, is that you are
going to walk out of this school as "professors". Ph.D's.
The True Meaning of the word "Warrior"

The word warrior originally meant not being afraid of who you are. It didn't mean one
who slashes, cuts up and murders. It meant not being afraid to be who you are, and
we are all royalty, and I will get into that. The two beings that come to see me and
that I have gone with are two Andromedans. There is a very tall one, about seven and
one half feet tall, almost eight feet. He weighs about 450 pounds and is just huge. I
was very self-conscious. It's a male thing. His name is Moraney. Now as these beings
get older, their skin pales and turns white. Their average life span in our linear time
would be 2,007 years. So, of course, you see a lot of changes in that amount of time.
Hanging out here for sixty years is just a "weekend". The other one is named Vasais,
who in our linear time is 4,300 years old. He is considered a Sage in his world, and he
will be crossing over, moving out of their physicality, soon. In Andromeda, when (1 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

somebody moves out of their physicality, it's cause for a celebration. Here, unless
you're Irish, it's a somber occasion. The Irish have the right idea - they party. You
know, divide the clothes up and everything.

Anyway, I once asked Vasais what was to become of our future. What was going to
happen to us. I want to read you this definition of what he said. Now, you may have
already seen this definition before in the Leading Edge magazine, have visited Val's
website (, or have heard it in the bootleg videos that are all
over the place, but this is what they said:

"Responsible freedom of self-determination. Becoming truly self-confident and free to

unconditionally be responsible for one's self, without being coerced to accept some
higher authority."

Now, I understand that this is exactly what you are being taught at this school. What
is really nice is that this fact is conformation not only for me, but also for everyone
here. I didn't know anything about this school until about three weeks ago.

The changes that are coming, from what I have been told by Moraney and Vasais, are
going to affect males the most, because we are the most shut-down, not only
genetically but spiritually as well. I am just being general and not referring to
necessarily to all of you here. I am just pretending like all the world is listening. It
looks like the whole world in here.
The Love You Withhold is the Pain You Carry

One of the most profound things that I had to experience was when I was living in
Lake Arrowhead, California in 1987. Contacts had resumed for two years, and I was
having a "murphy" year. You know "murphy"? "Shit happens"? I was having a
"murphy" year. I felt like checking out of here. Anyway, Vasais had come to see me
and we had some discussions and more teaching and it was time to come back. I
didn't want to come back. I would have embarrassed all of you with the way I carried
on. But, I just didn't want to come back. I felt, "well, nothing is working here, let's try
something different." Here I am in another reality already. So, here I am on the
ground and they are leaving, lifting off, I hear Vasais in my head, because he is strictly
telepathic, saying to me, "Alex, turn around". So, I turn around, and here I am crying,
feeling abandoned, and he says "Alex, the love that you withhold is the pain that you
carry, lifetime after lifetime." And folks, there is not a day that goes by where I don't
remind myself of that or think about that. It has helped me reevaluate all the decisions
that I have made in my life. It is also helped me to "take myself apart" and look at all
the pieces of my personality, what my belief systems are, what I think is true and
what is true through experience. That took a long, long time, and I'm still not done.
You know, you are constantly "redoing yourself", making yourself over and
reevaluating your belief systems. Our reality here is nothing but "belief systems", for
the most part. You know, I wanted to pass that on to you, because I have made a lot
of decisions, and I'm sure a lot of you have, where your decisions were not based on
love, and you literally withheld love, for some reason. It's time we grow out of that.
We have no choice.

The "shit" is about to hit the fan. And, its really all about love and fear, which is
withholding love. And, I am going to read some things to you in their own words,
because they put it a lot better than I do. Moraney has learned to speak English, and
there will be a time, probably between now and just after 2003, if everything goes
well, when he will literally be walking here with us. He wanted to learn English, and his
English is not very good. You have to blame me for that. I did the best I could. Now,
when they talk to each other, they talk telepathically, and their language is
holographic, much like the ancient Chinese language or the ancient Japanese. They're (2 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

literally holographs, but you can't literally pull them up off the page. A holographic
language involves entire concepts at once, so for example you can get one symbol,
and perhaps in that one symbol could be 10,000 years of a history. It's very hard to
describe and it's taken me a long time to try to figure it out. They were very very
patient in teaching me how to understand their language.

I want to do questions and answers, because there is so much locked in my head that
I have not tapped into yet. Unless someone asks a question, it doesn't come up. Ok?
So I am counting on you to ask some really good questions, and if I don't know the
answer, I will tell you that I don't know. Now, I don't talk the same language or use
the same terms you do. I am really a simple, complicated kind of guy. OK. So what I
want to do is read this. I was given this on November 3, 1996:
Human Genetic Transfers and Reincarnation

"Alex, we have already spoken with you in detail of your races' genetic transfers and
reincarnation before. I will mention them again when necessary because your path
and happiness depend on being able to attain the truth. Yes, we are aware the
situation of your planet shows great deviation of the right path in the sincerity period.
But, please, if you would try to share this moment in your planets evolution as a
preparation for the investments, which will be made in the very near future for your

Now, there is a whole conversation that pre-empted this. Basically, I had a contact
and I went up there with an attitude. You know, I'm a Terran, I have extremes of
emotions, and I am really frustrated by a lot of things. I don't understand how the
planet is supposed to evolve when nobody wants to hear the truth, and most of the
truth isn't even available. I am extremely frustrated by that, and then I hear
metaphysicians try to justify this by saying "we're teaching the wrong thing but it's all
we have". I have a difficult time justifying that. Why propagate something we know
isn't real? That's another whole issue, and when we get to the subject of religions I
really want to share with you what I have been told. OK, this continues:

"Since the removal of conditions by density technology, your evolution is going to a

faster pace, I think you say, than before." [Note: here Moraney paused in the middle
of the talk to listen to information regarding movement of craft around Uranus. He
smiled and then resumed his explanation:]

"We have had to raise the frequency of your planet to move change and
enlightenment along. Such a broad word you use, this word 'enlightenment'. It was
necessary. This also means great tests of tolerance in situations will be needed, by
your races. The most important of these tolerances will be caused by
delusionary discriminations between your peoples."
And folks, this is happening all over the planet, and it's such crap

"At the present moment your races are carrying in your DNA genetics the influences
of a thousand centuries, as you count rotations, both the positive and negative
aspects. Please understand we are trying to prepare your races for advanced (3 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

"At present moment, many transfers occur in your planet from many different
cultures and planes. Each member of the races on and in your planet will naturally
exhibit their own mentality. They do and will contradict your habitual cultures."
They are very specific about the words they use.

"But, please do not forget that we have told you about mental conflicts, (that they)
cause each to go through tests of maturity. We determine your mentalities through
the impulse signals we receive from your races chain of thoughts. Now, the selection
of man or woman and the situations they transcend are much more difficult, because
their preparation (in terms) of the future is in accordance with their level of
"Alex, you cannot help all your races. Each member of your races will feel their
essence in (during) the balancing of positive and negative as they have done, and it
will be weighed in their own consciousness. Those who prepare and invest will be
prepared for the evolution to another density. The countenance of your planet is
changing very quickly."
"Please don't confuse our compassion for your races with a love for your planet.
Please understand that they [two concepts] are separate with our race. We are neither
pleased with your worlds riches, nor dismayed by its poverty. We come to hear, to
assist in the period of sincerity. The clarifying of the original intent in all of us in this
'veedia' [tone - holograph]. Because of lineage to your races, we returned to you.
Your world is a place of veiled consciousness. In order to be embodied in
physicalness, all frequencies should be assembled in a whole intent. The very
distresses, the many anxieties, are the result of conflict with the limitless awareness
in your races. This is the reason why your planet-races cannot attain your own Selves
[and] yet you desire to "possess" everything.
The reflections of your evolutionary state of physicality, causes your races not to live
comfortably on your planet. Your present religions cause your races to unify [the idea
of] your physical bodies with your abstract egos. You call this "progress". We do not.
Stop looking to your physicality to bring you enlightenment. Your bodies are the
effect of the cause, which is intent, moved by emotion, which creates physicality.
During previous past times in your 3rd density, education of the soul took many
incarnations of life and death of the physical body. Situations and reincarnations
would reflect this system it appears. All beings would transcend your physicalness in
accordance with the degree of consciousness attained. Since it appears that your
races, having no concept of the Law of Consistency, became very fragmented in
extremes. Religions became divisions of beliefs, and conflicts among your races took
place. The worship of belief systems and idolatry came into existence.
Now, the technology of advanced races in higher densities have taken control of your
evolutionary systems, and by means of this systems' control, the evolution of certain (4 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

Reincarnations have become history, and by this means your races, Alex, and others
[races] than yours, have a probability of DIRECTLY attaining your FULL ESSENCES.
The reason for telling you this truth in all clarity is to free you of the conflicts and
contradictions, so your races can attain the truth as soon as possible. So, don't ask us
about yourself, ask ABOUT yourself TO your own Self.
If your races cannot attain the truth and cannot be unified with YOUR ORIGINAL
INTENT, we will not be able to be in touch with your planet races.
Since the EGO CONSCIOUSNESS in your races still goes on, and since you cannot
break the denial of your inner self, your race becomes detrimental to the planet and
to your planetary system.
At this moment, there are many beings who cannot attain genuine respect for Self
and Self-Awareness in our galaxy. They, as well, are being kept under control. Their
evolution's are being made in an indirect way.
Your races have also been persecuted and manipulated by other galactic races from
planetary systems negatively charged, other than your own. Since during your
different past time periods they have tried to prove to your ancestors their own
TECHNICAL POWER, fear has been CREATED in your races. We have returned, to
convey the truth, to erase these fears.
Since your planet is the site of both the most primitive and most high maturity, it is
very full of contradictions. Your religions which helped many to evolve, have not been
released. Your races have refused to let go of a system of beliefs that have not serviced
your planet for the last 453 rotations of your star [years]. Be freeing you of this, and
with the use of COMMON SENSE, we hope your races will attain your OWN SELVES,
In their perspective, and that's what it is, it's obvious that there is not just "one truth".
There are many truths. The one truth is that we all exist. That we know, that we all
have an essence that is undefinable and truly eternal. They said that somewhere
around the beginning of December 2013, third density will implode. It will implode.
What does that mean? I don't know if this is true, but they say, and they are
convinced, that literally what is going to happen is that there is going to be a
graduation out of physicality. That means that a lot of us are going home, and that
means that a lot of others are going to start over again. A lot of this has to do with our
genetics. According to the Andromedans, our physicality is the sum total of 22
different races that have come down here, spend the "weekend", messed with us and
then took off and went home. Intermingled, left children behind and just took off. The
Egyptian pharaohs are a perfect example of this. The "blue-bloods", the Rothschilds
who are also "blue-bloods" are also another example of this. Their blood is
copper-based. That's ET. OK? The thing about copper-based blood is that you don't
need a lot of oxygen. Your physicality tends to grow and have a larger lung capacity.
So, living in a lot of environments where we couldn't becomes possible. Now, what is
interesting is that in our physicality, what we know as earth, our atmosphere is getting
thinner and thinner. I know that there is a lot of talk about the ozone, that the "ozone
crisis" is a myth. There is an ozone crisis. We are all partly responsible for destroying (5 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

our environment.

According to the Andromedans, 3500 years ago the oxygen content of the atmosphere
was between 34% and 38%. They say that today it is literally less than 17%. Now,
those of you that have studied biology know what happens to the physical body when
the oxygen content goes below 15%. Your body dies. Now, why is this happening?
Because there are a group of Terran humans that have been made a promise by a
group of extraterrestrials that have Orion belief systems that if they will get rid of
some of the races on the planet, that these extraterrestrials will use their technology
and "restore the earth" to its original state. Some of that genocide was to be done
using viruses. As most of you know, the "AIDS" virus was created. There are others
that are coming, including anthrax and bubonic plague. All of these things are coming
back "new and improved", I'm afraid to say, because there are some really truly crazy
people who are positions of power on our planet. Many of them go back and forth from
our planet to the moon. Now, you don't have to but any of this, and that's OK, but I
can tell you this. In the next ten years you will absolutely know this for a fact. Richard
Hoagland will be vindicated. There are ruins on almost all the planets in our solar
system. There is life as we speak on Uranus, right now. There's life. Plant life and
animal life. As we speak. It's there. If you want to do something to burst everybody's
bubble, get them to send a satellite there. If you have any connections, get them to
keep the cameras rolling as it enters the atmosphere.

Anyway, I want to talk about genetics. I want to read you something that I was given
in August 1996, and it took me quite a while to get it to Val, and it's about genetics.
Apparently we all had copper-based blood systems at one time. All of our physiology
was based on copper. We were all "blue-bloods". We were all royalty. In fact, we still
are royalty. It's just that our physiology is not working the same. The reason it isn't is
that apparently because of a nuclear war that occurred here. One of the nuclear wars
that occurred here. Now, why earth? First, it's a really beautiful place. It's not the only
planet that has water. When you listen to the scientists talk about "the different moons
that have water on them", you have to ask yourself, "where did the water come
from?". If you have a moon that has no atmosphere, how did the water get there?
Because it wasn't always there. It wasn't always like that. It had an atmosphere. They
were moved. Even earth was moved from its orbit - twice. There is a possibility that
they want to do it again. The "flood of Noah" was a result of the moving of earth from
its original orbit. That is was caused it. We are talking about huge ships that can move
planets. They have this technology. But, that's all it is -- technology. Apparently, we
can do these things with our own minds, if we are disciplined enough and cleared
focused in our intent. And, that is exactly what you are taught here at the school, to
remember who we originally were before we fell into time and physicality. So, I will
read this to you:

"In your linear time of 3rd density measurement, of 439,231 rotations ago [years],
war on a grave scale occurred in your Solar System. This aggression occurred against
those on your worlds that included not only you Terrans, but also those called
Niburu. This invasion of your systems by Orion was led by a queen named Suttee.
This (war) was destructive on many levels [frequencies) of physicality.

"We will focus tonight on your Terran physical form. It matters little of those who (6 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

hear you, Alex, who do not listen. Please share (this) regardless of (any) emotion
returned to you in challenge. When your science truly removes their bigotry, they will
discover of the wisdom of it (what is said here). The last grave conflict was very
harmful to your physical form. Many weapons of destruction, many of atom-splitting
(nuclear weapons) have been used. This is the reason for most of your Terran skin
tones. We shall explain.
"Orion was and is most interested in the females of your race. Because of the
pro-creation (reproductive) and genetic strengths. We want to share (the fact) that
much of your Terran history has been misleading in its truth by those who eventually
conquered in control of your solar system (those in control rewrote history to hide the
truth). Nibiru won, but only a short battle, before they and other outposts were forced
to leave (the solar system) because of genetic damage. Your original races were
green-skinned. This we know, because of large copper traces in your Terran 22 blood
type (refers to the composite of human genetics which comprise genetic codes from
22 humanoid species). Also, the pituitary and thyroid (glands) were fully functional
(at that time). The genetic damage to these organs was caused by (the) radioactivity
in (the) air and all things of contact (on all things in the environment). The air was
like this for a long time.
" It (the radioactivity in the environment) caused the genetic memory of these organs
(genetic memory of full-use capacity) being closed and almost atrophied (caused the
function of the organs to shut down and the organs to atrophy). Your world
experienced drastic changes in climate and massive magnetic fluctuations. Your
different skin tone races are a result of an edema damage to your blood (changes in
blood chemistry). It was (then) necessary for survival to create self-sufficient and
contained environmental habitats, (both) above and below the surface.
Now folks, this is what the "garden of E-den" was. It was an artificially created
environmental habitat. It's like what Richard Hoagland has been talking about. You
build a dome and then you terraform underneath it. It's exactly what these were.

Much of the fossilization of your terran remnants is caused by this radiation of your
planet (here they imply that ambient radiation plays a part in fossilization processes).
Your system contained three suns at that time. Only two remain (one is on the
opposite side of the visible sun, and rotates in such a way that it is hidden from view
from the perspective of the Earth). Your physicality (body) in its original form
contained a great balance of zinc, copper, magnesium and iron. Your true (original)
blood color was green, like your chlorophyll. Some, we have discovered, even had
(blood of a) gold tint. As such (at that time) your physicality (body) could survive in a
high carbon dioxide (content) atmosphere. Because of this skin color green, the (only)
stars in your system that affected your physical form were in the color spectrum of
orange-red, blue and green.
Now, think about that. If you can picture in your mind that everything is a holograph,
which is a group of frequencies ....

"Many of your Terran races were stranded on the surface. The genetic changes were
the result of radiation damage. Your race (skin color) went from green, to red (Native (7 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

Americans, Egyptians and Mayans), to yellow (Asians), to black (Afro-Americans and
Africans), and then to white. Your white races were then considered then to be
genetically weakest.

Now, this puts a whole new light on prejudice, doesn't it? I know the Nazis aren't
happy about this. It's just as well. I don't like them anyway.

"As such, the survivors and descendants of the war were genetically altered and
became white through edema (he means anemia?} And they were persecuted and
(were) forced to live underground, only to surface 5,508 rotations (years) ago to the
surface of your world."
Now, somebody had read this on the Leading Edge website and sent me an email
message that said that the "white race" had appeared somewhere out of the
mountains of Tibet, some time ago. I don't know it that's true or not, but I'll ask Val.

The copper blood line is (now) a small race on your world (Note: He has to be
referring to the 'blue blood" self-declared nobility), but it is the strongest genetically.
Your native red nation race is very strong and easiest to discover and understand.
This might explain the penchant for abduction of those with 'red' genetic bloodlines,
and also the relative genocidal murder of the 'red' races by the white, because if you
are a coward, you suppress what you consider to be stronger than yourself. Of course,
many of us don't do much about this, and say "I don't want to get involved, it's their
problem and their issue". We owe it to them to get involved. We owe it to ourselves.

"The red is the closest to the original form among you. Your physicality had a natural
defense to positive and negative frequencies (due to the) copper mineral in your
blood (resistance to electromagnetic variation). This lack (now) of copper in your
blood has caused a partial loss of brain capacity and nervous system (capacity).
Remember (that) your DNA contains cellular memory. It is possible to unlock this
memory with (the) use of minerals such as copper. Your blood systems (are) adapted
(now) to iron, because of copper depletion due to (ambient) radiation. We will share
more, but we must return now. Be at one, Alex."
Human Evolutionary Stages of Development

I have talked with Moraney and Vasais about maturity, and how to grow. When all of
this started, they didn't tell me that I would be speaking to people, or that I would be
required to speak. That's because I didn't read the fine print on the contract. You have
to read the fine print, folks. Do yourself a favor. Anyway, I wanted to read to you what
they told me about the stages a human being goes through in development. Now, this
doesn't apply to only us. There are human beings everywhere, not only on our plane of
physicality, but also on other planes. I want you to know that even though you may
not see them, there is a physicality on the other planes. It's not a situation where
there are "whispering little clouds, with a light breeze and if you're lucky one will blow (8 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

through you and say, "hello, how are you?". That's not what it is. It's a lot more
complicated than that. So, these are the evolutionary stages a human being goes

The Wandering: Where we come from, why, our purpose and gathering our "tools".

Initiation: Preparing our own path, each one different and hopefully centering.

Honoring: Understanding the Source of our creation. Recognizing the sacred in

I guess that is exactly what you are being taught here at the school, how to recognize
your sacredness.

Stating Intention: Realizing and acknowledging ones true purpose to create Self.

Surrender: Letting go of control to allow vulnerability. To learn what is already


Embrace Our Own Darkness: Walking into the unknown parts of Self. Being and
becoming the Void.

Lighting the Flame in the Heart: Connecting to Self and finding meaningful, honest,

Transformation: Climbing the ladder of self-responsibility, to hold a vision of Being

One-ness, Being the vision that alters all perception.

Becoming Human: Empathy and compassion toward all. Being in truly responsible

And folks, I have learned that for me, that is the secret of life - relationships, because
they all mirror back part of us.

Walking The Path: Integrating all of life's experiences. Being a teacher by Being.

Service: Discarding the illusion of separateness. Total approach to life in humility and

The Worship of the Isness: The worship of the Isness is the creation of Self.

The Isness is their concept of Creator, what we refer to as "God". I don't like to use
the connotation "God" much any more because our perception of it here is based on
Biblical teachings, and the "God" in the Old and New Testaments are both
extraterrestrials. They're not "the big Guy" .... The "big Gal", sorry.
The Issue of "Fear"

Fear is a big issue. Not in this room but outside this room it is. It is with me on "bad
days" , you know. So, it would like to share with you their perspective of fear and
trying to understand it:

"In your time and space at present is a great challenge to you all. That would be the
expression of fear. For any of you to be in fear is to lack clear understanding of most (9 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

situations. We have observed on your world that your world is at a most confused
point in history and evolvement. We understand your remarkable drive and
commitment to be alive (survival). We, however, are not understanding of your need
to create tools of death, expecting (that) they will keep all in a space of
"understanding and peace." We have observed that you build, create and plan in a
space of fear, not in a consciousness of love, so your defensive position of institutions
that create and employ are always then in a state of unraveling and disintegration.
We share this with you, because they drain you and your earth of energy, both the
spiritual and materially physical.
Fear always has to feed. Fear does not create itself. The fear we observe is difficult for
us to understand. It depletes you of the focus on the original intent."
Now, they refer to this a lot, but they have never come out and said what the original
intent was, but I suspect it is that definition I read you in the beginning.

"It is elusive. It's a very secretive energy. Fear withholds love. This is most saddening
to see and feel. How can we share understanding and love, when so many of you are
withholding from Self and each other". Please try to feel the words. We as a race are
trying to express to your race that one of your original intentions in creating your
physical reality is the idea of creating and learning to manipulate and express
yourselves through physicality, using your consciousness. It is your consciousness
that is the gift of the Is-ness. That the Is-ness has given you, and in fact all things that
bear Spirit. It is the gift that has been clouded, and most importantly, clouded by fear.
This creation of fear is completely irrational to who you all are. Fear, as we ourselves
at one time as Lyran ancestors, sought to defend and legitimize withholding of love.
We have come to understand that withholding love only creates perpetual
We have discovered in our own galaxy the ruins of vast races, having achieved
recognition, that have ceased to exist. They destroyed themselves, simply because
they withheld love and drained the very life force out of their intent, and imploded
and destroyed their self-creation. Fear is the opposing projection to original intent.
The first projection of fear is denial, an emotion of incredible restriction. As a
restriction, denial and fear will result in the complete opposite reality as that which it
claims to be. Fear is based, in our perspective, on a misunderstanding of one's own
worth, and security. Why is this so? We have formed a perspective, based on your
Your many religions have helped and hurt this process. Some of your world beliefs
have many convinced that they are "sinful creatures of nature".
Now, I just want to add something here. In one of my conversations with Moraney, the
word "sin" came up. I brought it up. I was born and raised a Catholic, so I was fully
indoctrinated. He told me that the word "sin" is a word that is pre-Sumerian, and that
the word "sin" originally meant genetic defect. So, maybe that will help you with a
perspective when you read the Bible again. If you should read it again. Let me start
this over again: (10 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

"Some of your world beliefs have many convinced that they are "sinful creatures of
nature". Your scientists teach that your physical form is a "pool of chemicals" thrown
together by accident so that "you are all an accident", living meaningless lives of
[Editor note: Here we see the expression of the Darwinian and Malthusian paradigms
that orthodoxy consistently thrusts on the public as belief systems]

Folks, the first group of ET's are not going to be benevolent, but they are going to
pass themselves off as benevolent, and they are going to be telling you that we are
"their creation", and that they "own" us because they "created us". The fact of the
matter is that they didn't. It's another lie, and the first group that gets here will
probably be those from Sirius B that will be openly contacting us.

[Editor note: Several contactees in November 96 are purporting to convey

information from the "Federation" are dealing with those from Sirius B, who have been
among those conveying advanced manipulative technology to world power factions for
at least three decades, and who are known to participate in the abduction and
manipulation of humans]

They're "full of shit", OK? The game continues, and a lot of people are going to fall for
it because the earth will be going through changes, and they'll come down and say
"we'll save you", and "this is the Way", and so on and so forth. Basically what they are
going to do is to use our free will against ourselves. Because that is all you have is
your free will. It's the only true sovereignty you have in this holograph we call
existence. You are because you wanted to be. It's that simple. And, if you don't "want
to be", you can change that too. But, it's your decision. Let's continue with what they
had to say:

"You fear a "God" whom a book says is a 'loving and forgiving God', who will
'eternally throw you into an abyss' for making mistakes."
This creates serious dysfunction, don't you think? You think, "which way do I go?" and
you do nothing.

" It is in our perspective (that this is) where this fear of unworthiness and insecurity is
created from. Many in your world, Alex, have come to understand that fear, and the
idea of fear, is their enemy. All of you struggle between understanding and fear, and
reason and fear. Please, we ask you to share this with your race: this "struggle" is in
no way pre-determined. Our perception is that this struggle will lead your world to
either peace and self-responsibility, or to extinction as a race. This would grieve us.
It's time to return you now."
I was given this information on February 9, 1991.

So, in dealing with the reflections that Moraney and Vasais have given me about our
race, it has been difficult to want to come back here, especially when I've seen how
they treat each other. Now, I lived with them for three months in 1986. But in our
linear time I was only gone eighteen minutes. Time travel is great thing! The first time
I was brought on an Andromedan mother ship, which was 900 miles in diameter and
completely self-contained worlds, I had to wear a belt that would keep my physicality
together, so that I could spend this time with them. The craft I was on had 24
different levels, and in the middle of this craft is a park that is 21 miles on each side, (11 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

with trees and everything. They use extensive technology in holographs, and they can
literally create their sunrise and sunset. The trees and plants grow, because it is a
holograph, but it is real, even though they are creating it with technology.

They teach their children in the middle of these parks. Everything is done in nature,
very much like the native Americans used to do. The first time I walked on the ship,
down a corridor and into this huge space, the children that were there moved away
from me. I was really hurt, and Moraney said to me, "It isn't you. We have been
teaching them about your race." They were afraid of us.

[Editor note: I asked Alex later to clarify this, and the "fear" the children felt was
intellectual in nature - an intellectual avoidance. The Zenetaen race from Andromeda
are in essence like a race of "little Spocks" and do not "react" in the same way earth
humans do.]

To the children, I represented our race. I do the best I can, but I have my own stuff to
work out too. So, they're learning and I am amazed that they still want to come back
here and help. Another time, I had been waiting for them and they finally showed up,
and as I was walking into the control room, as I was being led by another
Andromedan, Moraney was looking at a bunch of monitoring devices on the wall that
were analyzing our atmosphere, and he looked concerned. I said to him, "what's the
matter?" He just pointed to the atmosphere and said, "don't they understand that it's
here because they needed it?" They don't understand our suicidal tendencies. I guess
they have the perspective that we should really known better. I don't know where they
got that idea.

Another time, Vasais was monitoring television broadcasts and he had been watching
a news broadcast about a shooting in Chicago, where a policeman shot a black man
and then rushed over and tried to save his life. He had a hard time trying to
understand why the policeman would try to take the life and then try to save him. He
didn't understand the contradiction, and I don't know that they still have dealt with
that. You know, that which we accept as "reality" is extremely foreign in concept to a
lot of other different races. They simply don't understand it, and there's no way we
could truly 'rationalize' it to them, when they themselves come from a 'space' of
unconditional love and mutual respect. I have not done a good job in trying to explain
it to them, because when I really stop to think about it, it doesn't make any sense to
me either. So, as Val would say, it's time for a new paradigm. I guess that is what is
going on here at the school with you, those before you and those that will come after
What Makes a Human Being

I have given a lot of thought to our race, and the character issues, and I just want to
share with you some of my thoughts on the human race, and about people. A lot of
this comes from my own experience, dealing with 'us':

*A human being whose heart shows no passion is a person who doesn't have a life.

*A human being who doesn't give from the heart is a person will lie to you.

*A human being whose heart is committed to nothing is a person who will not try, but
will only take.

*A human being who is not willing to risk or take chances for love, is a person who is
absolutely empty inside, already 'dead'.

I have come to these conclusions because of my relationship with Moraney and Vasais.
I absolutely love these two beings. They are my 'fathers', my 'brothers', my friends, (12 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

and in some respect even my 'sons', because I have had the opportunity to teach
Most Human's Haven't a Clue About What's Happening

You know, there is so much information out there that is totally bogus. I went to the
Star Visions Conference. There was a guy there who had some pictures of a craft, and
he said that he has been in contact with the Sirians, and he mentioned Sirius B. Then,
he went on to make a speech in which he said that "Jesus Christ is a starship
commander who lives on Earth underground in a place called Valley of the Echoes, and
that they are coming back, there will be a war and that those who are not in favor of
Jesus will be destroyed." The people there gave this guy a standing ovation. I'm not
kidding. They have this guy a standing ovation. It was really sad, because these
people don't have a clue. They don't want to take responsibility. They can totally
thwart this war. We don't have to do anything about this as long as we started
working and learning to live with each other, granting mutual respect, having natural
tolerance for our race. I know its not easy, because of all the conditioning, but folks, I
need your help. I desperately need your help. We don't need to create the "book of
revelations', but that is exactly what is being done. There are beings out there that
have technology that are more than happy to help us play this thing out, because we
are a threat to them. The reason we are a threat to them is because of not only who
you are spiritually, but also because our genetics.

Our physically is a combination of the human extraterrestrial and the primate race.
This melding is what has given us our incredible extremes of emotion, which is why we
can hold so much creative energy inside of us. This is why the Andromedans are in
awe of our creative energy and why they are so concerned. They have to use
technology to create some of their physicality. We don't. They are amazed that when
you leave your house everything is still there when you come back. It doesn't
disintegrate. Now, if you live in south Los Angeles, perhaps you have to worry about
your stuff not being there. They are amazed at that. The intent and the energy it takes
to create all the little things that you have on your shelf. They are amazed. They don't
have all the little "stuff" that we have.

According to the Andromedans, and other races who have discovered this, in our
holographic universe, there are 11 layers or densities, and now apparently there is a
12th. This is their perspective. They say that we fell into time and physicality, and they
many of the other extraterrestrial races are fascinated by what it is that we know,
locked up inside of us. Because, we have already evolved to that level and came back
to start over again. They don't have access to what they think we know, which is
apparently locked up inside of us. Not only that, but apparently we specifically chose
this physicality and its vibration because it is able to hold such an extreme of
emotions. When you couple idea with the idea that this physicality is also made up of
22 races, including the Andromedan race, they say that every single one of you is
"royalty" on this planet. They say that many of the other extraterrestrial races,
particularly the benevolent ones, acknowledge this, because of the fact that we are
spirit and we have these genetics inside of the bodies we are using.

The "dark ones", which include the Grey Men, see us as "beasts" because of the
primate component. They say, how can we allow this to surpass us? This is why there
is constant genetic and mental manipulation here. The negatives are concerned that
once we move out of our "prison" of third density that we will radically "change
everything". We will. I don't know about you, but I need a change!

The Andromedans told me that I am one of four contactees, and that apparently more
will be added in the very near future. I hope some of that has to do with my griping. I
have bitched and moaned. There are not enough people to do this. The reason that I (13 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

and the other three people were chosen in the 'first round' is because that apparently
when they were here 62,300 years ago and had a colony here for 65 years, I was one
of them that was here. There was a battle and they were chased out of here, and I
(my body) was killed. So, I know that I am from another place. In fact, all of you here
are. Your souls were not "born and hatched" here. I can tell you that.

They say that our universe, in terms of our reckoning of linear time, is a 21 trillion
year-old hologram. They also say that there are 100 trillion galaxies in this universe,
including all dimensions. One hundred trillion! And some people still don't think there's
life out there! I don't know what to do with folks like that, you know? I have some
really good friends that I work with that are very good people, very awesome people,
full of integrity, but they are convinced that there is going to be a 'rapture' and that
'they don't have to do anything' but just wait. God, that pisses me off. I mean, there is
so much to do and they are just going to sit on their butt and wait? I said to one guy,
"suppose He changes his mind?" He says, "well, He couldn't do that" I said, "is He
God?" He said, "yes". "Well." I said, "then he could!. Oh, God I am so frustrated.

You know, I feel the 'pressure' of things starting to get 'tighter' and 'smaller', and it's
really great to see all of you here. I was very disillusioned last weekend, and I
basically said to myself "that's it, I'm fed up, I've had it." I even thought about not
coming here to give this talk, because I was just so burned out. Well, you know folks,
it isn't easy walking these two worlds". You know? Yes, I know that you know. Right. I
forgot who I was talking to.

And, well, there are times that I go out for walks at night and I try and call them
down, and they don't always come. And, I look at my wife and I say to myself, do I
need to put all of my energy into this? Can I do both? There are times when I truly
wrestle with where it is I want to be. Because the two realities are so extreme. When I
go up with them, I am so free I can't even put it into words. When I come back,
there's the phone bill, the electric bill, the gas bill, the car payments, the insurance--
all these little things, and I say to myself, "God, they really have the right idea - they
keep it all really simple." All their energy goes into creating themselves. They are not
distracted by all this other stuff. I wrestle with that a lot. I haven't come to a
conclusion yet. I'll keep you posted.

Human Children Being Taken Off the Planet Each Year

Some of the missing children on this planet have not only been taken by the Greys, by
Orion, but also by the Pleaidians. Now, apparently in the systems in Aldebaran, there
are human Terran colonies. The Pleaidians have taken human children from here.
When I asked Moraney if they had permission to do this, he said, "no, there were
many broken hearts left behind." Ok. Again, whatever the justification is, it's still a
violation of free will. And that's how you have to measure somebody else's actions.
Sirius has also been doing this. There were many children taken underground, not only
by our government. Many of the children were ....eaten. I want you to know that the
Andromedans have confirmed this. Ladies and gentlemen, these children are our
future, whatever it is going to be. They are our future. You've got to protect your (14 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

families. The family is the target. Because, that will pull the rug out from underneath
our society in a heartbeat. A lot of people, even if they are cowards, find their strength
in their families. When that doesn't exist, we have big-time problems. Children are
leaving this planet at the rate of at least 100,000 per year from all over the world, and
you're not hearing about it.
The Implosion of the Corrupt United States Government in 1997

They are just being taken out of here, and some of the ET's feel they have a 'right' to
do it. Basically, this reflects a 'deal' that was cut with the world governments. I wanted
to share that with you because it might help you when things totally start to unravel.
For those of you who are Americans, you are about to witness the great implosion of
the United States Government, starting after April 1997. It is going to just start to
unravel next year.

The lies and truths are going to start to come out, and people are going to be blown
away at how corrupt your government is. Well, maybe not you. Again, I forgot who I
was talking to. You have to understand, I don't usually talk to an educated crowd like
this. This is really a treat for me. I mean, you guys are just awesome.
The Andromedan Holographic Language

Let's look at some of the holographic language symbols of the Andromedans. Now,
remember that you have to pull these symbols up off the board into three dimensional
form and be able to move all the way around them. I am not an expert on how
holographs work, but in these holographs, if you could see them physically all the way
around, is contained information. This symbol, when given holographically to another
race, totally tells them everything about the Andromedan race:

Apparently, we are supposed to be able to do that, and apparently do, but we don't
understand how it works. This is the symbol for love or, mutual resp (15 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

If they were to project this symbol inside of your consciousness, in this one symbol
would be everything they know about mutual respect. See, it's simple. It doesn't take
200 pages to explain love. There it is. This is the symbol for Earth physicality. When
they give this symbol, it contains our entire Earth history:

Again, you lift this symbol off and look at it dimensionally, underneath it, above it,
and inside is contained information. This is the symbol for "war" or "confrontation":

This is a much more complicated symbol for the Earth races: (16 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

Now, this next symbol should be interesting for you. It is supposed to represent

More on the Upcoming Dimensional Changes

OK. A couple things that I was asked to go over again was the implosion of third
density and what that entails, because I sort of skimmed over it. So, I will share with
you what I have been told. Now, some of you may understand the physics of this
better than I do. According to the Andromedans, 21 trillion years ago as we are in
linear time, apparently all of us as essences, sparks of spirit, were someplace else in a
completely different reality. What they say happened was, is that the Big Bang theory
is basically correct in its simplicity, but the physical part that we know was the last of
the realms created in what we call our universe. When I refer to the term 'universe', I
want you to know that I am talking about all of the 11 creational densities, or planes.
What they say happened was that all the black holes were created because wherever
we were, that universe began to evolve and as it evolved those of us who were not
ready to evolve literally 'gained weight' in mass. In 'gaining weight', we started to fill
black holes, and at some point when this other universe evolved to a certain
frequency, those of us that did it broke out of those black holes and created this
space, which we now call our universe.

What we are witnessing, 21 trillion years later, is the same thing happening. What is
happening now in our universe is that according to Moraney and Vasais on March 23,
1994 a color and sound frequency started emanating out of all the black holes. The
color and sound literally, in its unified effect, is attaching to all of the densities, or
planes. What is happening is that it is raising all the frequencies, pulling everything up
'from the bootstraps'. It is literally creating another holograph above the existing 11
creational densities. They are calling this newly generated holograph 'the 12th', and
the reason is because it is both unified and separate from the others. They have been
told by other races that there are beings of a type of consciousness never seen before
inside this '12th' plane, and that these beings literally have the ability to look straight
'down' through all the dimensional levels.

What's happening is that third density is beginning to implode because as the

frequency of third density matter starts to rise, those that choose to evolve will pass (17 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

out of here. There are a greater number that are in fear of this that will not evolve.
Because we are spirit, nothing ever dies. What is happening is that there are black
holes being created, literal 'dips' in physicality being created where souls will be
gathering in these spaces so that they can continue to evolve by literally creating
another 'space'. Unfortunately, one of these areas ('dips') is between us and the Sirian
system, which is why there is so much "crap" coming our way. OK? You have a
front-row seat. And all I can say is 'bless them' as they make the transition, because
we have been there before -- all of us. I have been told that on our planet that literally
the probability is that there will only be 400 million of us making this transition. It's a
sad thing. It would be nice if it was everybody. When you get to fifth density, look for
the house with the mailbox with balloons. That's my house. I'll have everything there, just show up.
Intervention Changes Reality for Everyone

Going back to the genetic information I was sharing with you concerning the primate
race, and because of our apparent essences deciding to 'come back' and start this
thing all over again, what is happening is apparently our DNA can vibrate, because of
our ability to hold the extremes of emotion inside of us, at such a frequency that we
can literally take our experiences from here, and part of our physicality, into the fifth
plane. When this happens, we will radically change what the Andromedans know.
People are always saying, "why don't the Andromedans intervene?". There's more to it
than that, because when they come down here and co-mingle with us, it not only
changes our reality but it changes their reality. A little piece of us goes back with
them. Suppose a lot of you go into fifth density and decide to go to the Andromedan
galaxy. We all march into Andromeda together. Their civilization and reality will never
be the same. This factor is precisely why many of the races, particularly the
benevolent ones, are coming back. They want a 'heads-up". They want to know what
to expect. They want to know "who we are". Do you follow what I am trying to say?

Now, the negative civilizations have everything really nice where they live. They have
everything under control and they have their caste systems. They don't want any of us
who may be originally from the Orion system going in there and 'wreaking havoc' with
their control systems and start teaching people about free will and freedom. They
don't want that. Just because they are at another level doesn't mean they are all that
evolved. There is still 'crap' there, too. They have a vested interest in control systems.
Control factors. They don't want anybody to be 'rocking the cart", especially a race
they consider to be 'beasts'. What is really interesting is that they created their own
undoing. They really did, by tinkering with everything. All it would really take would be
one of you to go in and change one of these systems - just your frequency alone. So,
you truly are royalty. You guys are just awesome, and the "war" that's coming is about
all of that. It is because there are benevolent races that want our experience and our
DNA. They want our emotions. They want us to be teachers, because many of the
benevolent races have lost their passion.

The Greys originally thought emotion was a 'weakness', so they literally bred it out,
and now they as a species are dying, and they are totally stuck on technology. They
are not having children any more, because of the lack of passion in the body, the spirit
cannot attach to the physical form. There are also other races like this with the same
problem. There are other races, the Pleaidians for example, that in 982 years will start
to show genetic breakdown, because of so much interbreeding. We are seen as a
"booster", because we have their genetics within us as well as the passion, and the
ability to hold passion, which is an awesome creative force. So, there are some that
really want us to be there (higher density), and there are some that are terrified at the
prospect of us being there. That's really what all this is about.
Effects Between Now and 2013 Are Long Term (18 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

The effect of what is going on between now and 2013 are long term. Apparently,
almost 400 years into our future there is tyranny. So, what happens here now is of
major consequence...because who we are. Whatever we do here on third density
moving into fifth density, we will literally changes all the dimensions above us in a
domino effect all the way up, because it was apparently where we came from before
we moved into physicality here. So, we have to be responsible. There is a much bigger
agenda here, and I am sure that there is a lot more that I don't know that someone
else in the future will bring up. You have to be 'private investigators', detectives, and I
know that there is so much information out there, and so much junk, but you are
literally going to weed through it yourselves. No one has all the answers. No one.
There might be some that more of the pieces of the puzzle. But the bottom line is that
every single one of you in this room, even the people outside the room who aren't
here, sharing this, who have no clue and think 'ET' is a joke, have a piece of the
puzzle. They just may not be able to bring their piece of the puzzle when we move to
fifth density. What is going to happen in the next ten years? You're going to be busy. A
lot is going to happen in the next ten years.

Q: When is the dimensional collapse starting?

A: It's already starting. What you are going to start hearing about in the near future
are something called rods. These will be something that will be video-taped. What you
will see will be large streaks shooting through the air that are etheric in nature but will
be captured on tape. What you will be seeing is fourth and fifth density craft moving
through space, not having the slightest clue that they are flying right through us.
That's because at that point you are beginning to see the implosion. You'll also see
more "ghosts" and "apparitions", because those that are 'stuck' between fourth and
fifth density will become more visible as our frequency starts to increase. A lot of
them, unless they are healed and set free from their self-imposed 'prisons', will be
exiting, transitioning.
The Human Concept of "Angels"

Angels. Folks, be very careful about someone who tells you they're an "angel". Now, I
have asked about the concept of "archangels", and the Andromedan perspective is
that the "archangel Michael" was literally a fleet of craft that were called "Mi-Chael".
That was the name of the fleet, and they used to patrol the northern hemisphere of
the planet when the Orion group was here in full force. The name "Gabriel" was the
name of another fleet of craft, and so on. It has been changed and manipulated into
the appearance of a concept that will "save" you and "rescue" you, when in fact it was
not the original intent at all.

More on the Next Ten Years

What will happen in the next ten years? I will definitely share this with you. There are
some things under the Sphinx, but the bulk of the real material that will tell us about
our ancient history is still underneath the Pyramid. There was a vault built that was
three levels deep, and the pyramid was built over it. That's where the real 'juice' is.
The Sphinx will have some things, but it is a distraction. These guys are real good at
what they do, at diverting attention from reality and truth. If they put that much
energy into telling the truth, my God we'd all be out of here.

During the next ten years we will be finding out who we are genetically. Information
will be coming from all corners of the earth from contactees. There will be more and
more contacts, and they will tell us about the 22 races and more of our history. There (19 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

will also be massive earth changes. They will start with a magnetic pole shift, which
could happen anytime between now and the year 2001. Things have been sped up. We
are already starting to see the magnetic pole shift as we see birds migrate in the
wrong direction at the wrong time of year. The birds move along the magnetic grid
On the Meaning of the Use of Feathers By Native Americans

I wanted to share something with you. I am very fascinated with the Native
Americans, and I love to collect feathers when I find them on my journeys and vision
quests. I was given this information on March 19, 1994, and I just wanted to share
this with you. It's primarily about the Native Americans and the original intent behind
them wearing the feather:

"In the ancient way, you native red American races understood the nature of the
birds. Birds are very sensitive to magnetic fields and microwave energy, as you call it.
They will migrate along the earth energy grids and their wings, which are made up
primarily of feathers, were to be watched, as they were very sensitive. To watch and
follow the birds is to know which way the earth's magnetic flows are moving. The
native American races would also camp off (apart from) these magnetic flows because
the radiation would become harmful in time. The feathers are very sensitive to energy
fields, magnetic fields, and are in fact a (type of) antenna. The feather would attract
telepathic communication with all the tribe. As the chief would think or quietly
discuss plans, the rest of the tribe would in the ancient days receive the message, with
few or no words."

Isn't that cool? Now, what is really interesting is that most of our cities are built on the
magnetic grids. There are a lot of folks sick in the inner cities. There is a lot of turmoil
in the inner cities, because we're not in balance. Of course, they persecuted the
Indians because their knowledge was not like ours.

The quiet science of archaeology has, and will, discover more and more of our ancient
history, including extraterrestrial civilizations. There is going to be the
acknowledgement of a temple complex that belonged to Lemuria that is apparently
still intact, lying approximately 150 miles southwest of Easter Island. I am told it is
huge, and that the Russians already know its there. They have photographed it and
explored it using submarines.

I know you guys already know this, but in general they are going to "discover" that
consciousness is not in the brain, but is located in its entirety in the energy field or
aura around the body, and that the energy field is the four to 14 ounces the body
looses at the moment of death. I know you guys know that.

OK. UFOs. Apparently, there have been discussions among benevolent councils, and I
will only speak for the Andromedan council because that is what Moraney has told me,
that they have told all of the negative extraterrestrials in and on our planet, and the
moon, to be out of here no later than August 12, 2003. I have also been told that
there is a very high probability that we could wake up some morning in that area of
time and our moon will not be there. That is because the moon is the first stage of
defense, and that they will literally hit it with a tractor beam and pull it out of orbit if
they are going to do battle. If they were to attack the negatives on the moon in order (20 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

to get in here, and the moon were to explode, the fragments would impact the earth.
When I first talked about this, there were some people who were very upset about
this, saying, "what about the ocean and the waves, and my moon-cycle"?, and all this
other stuff. So, I went back to Moraney and said, "well, I have some gripes about the
moon". He said, "well, we'll just get you another one." I said, "you'll make sure it
won't be hollow?" He said, "yes".

So, apparently all that would really happen is that the oceans would essentially
become lakes. We wouldn't have the tides and probably the crazy attitudes. I have
asked them about the subject of "astrology". I want you to know that this is their
perspective. Their perspective is that it is not accurate, and that the purpose for
charting the stars was because they needed to know the magnetic flows and star
systems for space travel. Somehow, that was taken and made into an entirely new
belief system. You knew that. Maybe I should sit out there. That's an option. You guys
are so far from Colorado!

Let's do some questions.

Questions and Answers

Q: Alex, why did the Andromedans and the Council decide to give the ultimatum to the
Ets at a specific time, and why did some of the Council rebel? What is going to happen
when everything is turned off?

A: Apparently, the reason why they want to help and so many others want to help is
because in your genetics you have a frequency that is attached to different races. I
have a frequency that is attached to Andromeda. Just because I may move into
another space and time, there is a part of me that is still of attached to them. There is
a degree of non-evolution because of the Law of Consistency we all don't move
together. At some point, our entire universe including all of the dimensions will
implode and we will all "go home" to the Source. This one of the reasons why. The
other is because of our genetics. We have something they need, as well. Apparently,
when they first met to discuss our solar system, which is along a trade route which
moves into the Andromedan galaxy, there were approximately 72 of the 133 planets
that met. Just more than half of them agreed to look into it and to help us. The other
planetary races didn't want to help us, because from their perspective we don't respect
our home, we don't respect themselves and we don't respect each other. From their
perspective, what is our value?

I cried when I heard this, because I couldn't make any excuse. This is how a bunch of
other races look at us. Fortunately, a majority agreed to help because of the long-term
consequences. Basically, that is why they are here. Also, four hundred years into our
linear future there is tyranny in our galaxy, and somehow we are directly connected to
that event. So, in one way they are really looking out for their own best interests by
making sure that something is cleaned up here. They know that as long as the other
extraterrestrials are here and continue to manipulate us, we won't move. So, they
have to be removed. I asked them, "would you do it by force?" They said, "we would
have to". What they would do is enter the earth through the openings at the poles and
flush everybody out to the surface. So folks, when you see a reptilian crossing the
highway, don't run over him. Just get out of the way. I mean, it could get really really
weird here in the next six to eight years. (21 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

I mean, you can only hide a truth for so long and then it just screams out, and they
are already trying to prepare you for this stuff. A friend told me about a television
show called Dark Skies, where they are literally telling you, but they are doing it in
such a way that you think "it's just television". I don't watch television, but I always
hear about it.

Q: Are you familiar with the book called The Greatest Story Never Told by Lana
Cantrell, where she describes us having a green skin and having blood that is copper
based, and where she described all these color changes that we went through, based
on her research? Did the Andromedans tell you anything that would help us go back to
the former color? We apparently used to have multi-strand DNA. Do you know
anything about that?

A: I have heard of the book, but I heard it is out of print, and I understand that Miss
Cantrell does not return letters. She is just basically in hiding for whatever her reasons
are. As far as the DNA, I have been told that those of us who are holding a higher
frequency are literally creating a third strand. Most of the children coming in since
1982 already have a third strand. So, this is nature's way of fixing things as long as
we're open to it.

Q: How can we help ourselves?

A: I have asked that question, and all Moraney has said is that the information and
wisdom already exists on our planet. So, we must ask ourselves about ourselves.

Q: I wonder if you could talk more about the Draconians and the children that are
missing? I know you have information and I am hoping you will share it with us today.

A: This is the one subject I don't like to talk about. The Draconians are a very large
reptilian race, otherwise known as "the Dracs". There is royal line of the reptilian race
called the Ciakar. They range from 14 to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800
pounds. They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. They're
extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.
They apparently were brought by someone to our time and space, our universe, in full
physicality, and dumped here. I don't know who. They were taken to Alpha Draconis
because the nature of that place gave them the best chance of survival. So, they were
kicked out of some other place. They are a major factor to be reckoned with. They are
for the most part Service-to-Self and do not care for the human race, because when
they were dumped here they were told that this universe was theirs to command. So,
whoever did this really screwed up. They still have this mind set. They were one of the
first races to chart our solar system, and in fact they were the first race to state that
our solar system belonged to them.

Apparently, some of them still have the attitude that everything in this solar system
belongs to them, and I understand that some of them have been coming back, and
that more of them will be coming back. It's going to get real interesting, folks.

I can't begin to tell you how interesting it's going to get. They have had space travel
for 3 billion years, and they are a remarkable race. But, they have an attitude, and a
lot of human races inside and outside our galaxy have had problems

with them. I don't want to say that all of them are like this, but that is all I have heard
from the Andromedans about them. They look like a 22 foot tall veloci-raptor, and
they're smart, intelligent and very different from us.

They apparently at one time came across human colonies in Lyrae. Now, the human
race, per se, was not created in the Lyraen system. It was brought there to survive,
and again from what the Andromedans have told me, for some reason once they go (22 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

back 427 million years, they just don't know what else is there. For some reason,
although the physicality is there, there is no history of races before that. At least, that
they know of, in the Lyraen system. Anyway, the Draconians were flying through there
are came across these human colonies, which were agricultural in nature. Because of
their talents in horticulture, these humans were making the planets better, like
gardens. When the Draconians came and saw this incredible wealth of food, they
basically wanted to control it. Apparently there was a misunderstanding. The Lyraens
wanted to know more about the Draconian race before they gave them what they
wanted, and apparently the Draconians misunderstood this request, went back and
attacked the planets, blew three of them up and killed a lot of people. The Lyraens
were forced to migrate and scatter into different parts of our galaxy. So, the action did
facilitate colonization, although I wrestle with whether the Draconians were planted
here specifically to force us to evolve, or that there is some other agenda here. I do
know that there are other reptilian races that are descendants of the Draconians, and
many of them are master geneticists. I am told that most of the dinosaurs were
brought here, and to Mars, where they came first. Our current human form was
crafted on Mars, where the primate and human genes were combined, and then
brought to earth to work as slaves in the mines. So, we're still working for a paycheck.

They enjoy human flesh, and human children best, for two reasons. The first is that
children don't have the accumulation of pollutants in their bodies that adults do, and
when children are put into a state of fear, their energy and field and adrenalin just
explodes. The reptilians get a "rush" from this stuff.

You know, be dedicated to family and to each other. That's the only way we are going
to get through all of this.

Q: What is it about the human mind that causes some species to want to suppress us
so much? What is it that is so unique to the genetic make up? Do they have free will in
the same way we do?

A: I don't know that it is so much our minds as it is our extremes of emotions and our
essence. They have always stressed that the containment of emotion in physical form
is what is most attractive, because they want this due to their loss of passion, and as a
result they have become more dependent on technology. Here we are, getting deeper
and deeper into physicality, when in fact we have the ability to just leave all of this
behind. So, we are not correctly using our power as a race. We are wasting it. As far
as our free will as compared to the free will of other races, it is one and the same. It's
just that we don't as a population have the realization of the power of our collective
free will. We don't totally realize the sovereignty that our free will gives us. That is
why they are manipulating us through belief systems in order to try and get is to
relinquish our free will, by coercing us to use our own free will against us and ask
them to come down here and control us. It's a choice.

Q: What about implants?

A: As far as implants are concerned, what I do know is that there are a lot of races
that have been abducting people and putting implants into them, and it is a sign or
seal of ownership. Ok? They feel that they own you. Now, the Greys have done this a
lot, because the United States Government gave them permission to do it. We were
sold out, basically. I do know that many of the implants can be neutralized using a
very strong ultra-violet light.

Q: Have the Andromedans given you any "signposts" that we might recognize on a
cultural level that might indicate that certain changes are about to happen? (23 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

A: Well, the earthquakes are signs and volcanic activity is a sign. In cultural terms,
when you start to see large groups of people resigning from world government, that
will be your biggest sign that the shit is about to hit the fan. Many of our world leaders
have been promised shelter in underground facilities and some have been promised
shelter even on the moon. And folks, there are bases on the moon that have been
built by the United States, Russia and the British, using British money. I suggest you
keep an eye on Prince Charles.

Q: Why?

A: Just watch. Just watch

Q: When you spoke about the transition when going from fourth density to fifth
density, how are we going to know that we made that transition?

A: We live in a color spectrum of 72 frequencies. When you get to fifth density, there
are 223 color frequencies. You will see colors that you have never seen before and it
will be (snap!) just like that. You will know that you are there. When MacDonalds has
purple arches, then you will know.

Q: Do the Andromedans have a military, and do they have a financial system anything
like ours?

A: No, they have no financial system. Everything that they create technologically is
used for the advancement of their race. It is for educational purposes only. But, it can
be used in defense. No, they do not have a military, per se, they are scientists. What
they do is send their children to school anywhere from 150 to 200 years, in our linear
time. They teach their students all of the arts and sciences. They are literally masters
at everything. Then, at that point, they have the choice in what it is they want to do,
and they can change their minds anytime and do something else. So, they are given
all the tools. Everything is for education. Nothing is for distraction. They would never
conceive of creating television as a distraction. Never. Everything is to help them
evolve, and their science and their technology can be used for defensive purposes --
mostly the holographic stuff.

Q: I am wondering if you could elaborate on the Draconians and Hale-Bopp a little bit.

A: What I have shared is really all I know. I just know that life is going to be very
different here. The media says it is a 'comet'. It's not a comet. I can tell you that it has
split into two pieces, and both pieces are rotating around a common axis as its
moving. I have heard, but not confirmed, that an astronomer has seen a large craft
that is now flying alongside Hale-Bopp, that is larger than the earth. So, if it doesn't
change course, its going to be great. All the denial will be gone.

Q: I understand the Andromedans have a version of the story of Enki and En-Lil, and I
wonder if you could tell us anything about that.

A: That's a long answer. Actually, my understanding is that the two brothers have
really warred with each other over a lot of other issues. We just happen to be one of
them. What they have told me is that Enki was betrayed and killed, and that his body
is literally buried inside the face (tomb) on Mars. Now, whether he has reincarnated
again, I don't know. Basically, what we have to deal with right now is En-lil, but
fortunately truth is starting to come out about all of that. People are beginning to wake
up and realize all the contradictions in the old testament, and even some of the
contradictions in the new testament, and they are starting to question -- which is a
very good sign. You know, Vasais once said to me, "it is not so important as to what
you believe as it is why you believe it." Whatever your belief is, make sure it is worth (24 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

your depth of commitment to it. I think what we've done as a race is that we've
accepted a lot of things just on face value, without truly investigating it, or trying to
feel it inside of us. This (habit) has gotten us into a lot of trouble. For example, during
the Inquisition. The Inquisition was really an attack against women. It was about the
sacredness and spirituality held by women. A lot of men got killed because they were
supportive of goddess worship

Q: This scenario that you are laying out before us exists on this timeline. What have
the Andromedans said about any parallel timeline where this doesn't happen?

A: They haven't said anything. I know that there are parallel realities, and I know that
several parallel realities concerning Earth are already in existence on higher octaves
above us. I know that on one of these parallel realities the New World Order is already
established and exists. The Nazi flag flies over the whole world. I want you to know
that as third density begins to implode, that all of those realities will begin moving and
merging into this original timeline, which is the reality from which the other ones were
created. All the other parallel timelines will be returning to Source. The Andromedans
have said that the New World Order will come into reality here, but only for a short
time as we keep moving. As long as we stick together and help one another, and as
long as we have mutual respect for each other, we will not slow down our process as
we move up into the higher dimension and consciousness of world unity in our free
will. Not being forced at the point of a gun to do it. Not having to relinquish your right
to do it. Here in the United States, a lot of people are worried about the Russians, the
Hong Kong police and the New World Order. Let me tell you something, folks. You are
losing your country in the court room every day. It's in the court room, with corrupt
judges and institutionalized corruption, and will tell you this. If you allow the Congress
and the President to take away the second amendment, you will loose all your other
rights. I don't believe in carrying a gun and killing anyone, but the founding fathers
knew about corruption, and they knew about tyranny, and the reason the second
amendment is there is to protect all the other rights. Until we consciously make the
shift and change everybody else's perspective, I am afraid from my perspective that
its a necessary evil. But, that's my perspective, Ok? You have done so much in so
short a time, but you have to understand that when you have a Draconian or Orion
belief system, there is no such thing as free will and self-rule in their control. The
reason we have been able to get away with it for so long is because we are out here
on the rim of the galaxy, in the boondocks. They are just now starting to come around
and realize that the consciousness of the planet is starting to change. It is what has
attracted a lot of the races to this place right now. What also attracted them was our
use of nuclear weapons, which not only affect third density, but also fourth and fifth. It
send a shock wave through there, and we were totally irresponsible in our ignorance.
We didn't know what we were doing, and that is why a lot of the races began to show
up en masse to find out what was going on down here. Again, I only have pieces of
the puzzle.

Q: Many of us are wondering how we can make contact that feels safe and loving?

A: I am asked this a lot, and all I can suggest to you is this. You can literally be and
create anything you want. If you want contact, then you must create the space for it
to happen. Show the intent to do it, and be in integrity.

Q: On your tapes you talk about how if we have 10% consensus on the planet that it
will be enough to move us through the transition, and you also mention an exercise
that they taught you about seeing yourself inside out. I am interested in more
information about that.

A: I was given an exercise by them which I do every day. You know, they never give
me answers about myself, and it really pisses me off sometimes, because we're earth (25 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

humans and we're always looking for short cuts. Anyway, the exercise was to get
myself into a humble, sincere space, and to mentally grab the balls of my feet and
literally turn my body inside out, so that everything that was on the outside is inside
and everything that was inside is now outside. You know you are doing it right when
you suddenly see yourself upside down. Very carefully detach yourself and look at who
you are. Just work with it. That's the only exercise they have given me.

Q: Do you know if there are exact mathematical ratios, such as Phi ratios, in those
holographic symbols you showed us before?

A: I have never asked that question before. I will ask for the specific tones,
dimensions and frequencies and give them to Val Valerian, so that he can put it on the
web or get it to you.

Q: There is a lot of controversy about the use of weapons, especially in light of mutual
respect for everyone. Do the Andromedans have a perspective relative to personal
weapons and any part they would play in the changes forthcoming?

A: That's a very good question, and not an easy one. They have said that we destroy
ourselves in ignorance, and I understand that weapons are not a good idea, and I
believe that. However, let's look at the reality that we are in, Ok? There have been
many holy, spiritual men that have been murdered. They literally went to their death
literally holding unconditional love, and that's great. However, and this is my
perspective, if somebody is coming in my front door to harm my family, I'm taking
them out, and I'll make no bones about it. But, they would have to be coming after my
family. The Andromedans are not happy with our society -- with any of it, but they
realize that we cannot defend ourselves. That is why they and other groups are
contemplating intervention, and we do have a serious threat. You can hold the space
of love, but at the same time you can hold the space of sovereignty and defiance of
tyranny. What good is unconditional love when it is being totally suppressed on the

Q: If we take that attitude, don't we then create a situation where we have to come
back and "do it from the other side"? Do we just get caught up in the cause and

A: It could be very possible. I really don't have an answer for that. Like I said, I've got
my stuff and I'm working it out.

Q: Are the holographic symbols you drew on the board considered a universal
language, or are they only part of the Andromedan culture? Also, are the
Andromedans taught to focus on those symbols in order to create reality?

A: Good question. I do not know if they are universal symbols. Again, I have only met
two other races along with the Andromedans, and I did not speak with them but I saw
them and later was told who they were. One was a group from Cygnus Alpha and the
other was a very different-looking being from the Cassiopeia system. I did not know
the communications that were going on. As far as the symbols are concerned, as far
as I know it only involves their language, and it is only one of many forms that they
use. I don't know if the other races use the symbols or know about all of them. It
could very well be that when the council gets together that they have interpreters who
interpret the holographs. I don't know.

Q: Please tell us a little about what you have observed on how the Andromedans
interact with their children.

A: They treat their children like adults. I understand that they give birth in water, that
their gestation period is eight months, that the children come out and they have full (26 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

memory of who they were the life before that one. So, there is a continuous evolution,
life after life after life. Now, during the period between incarnations, and I don't know
if this happens for all beings on fifth density or not, the oldest and the wisest who
have the most experience teach the youngest. There is no situation where they
withhold anything. This is the Law of Consistency. The children know everything their
parents know, and even more. There is no attitude with the parents, because this is
something they want. Their pride is in their race, and I wish we had the same

Q: When you were with them for three months, what did you observe in the park?
A: They would sit in circles. Again, they are telepathic, so they would just be in circles,
and you would see them nodding, smiling and laughing. But, there's no sound, so I
can't tell you what they were saying. It would be like attending a convention of deaf
mutes. You have no clue what's going on, but I am sure they are talking about
incredible things, things probably way over my head. Most things are, actually.
Anyway, the Andromedans treat their children like adults, and they teach them
everything from a very young age. They go to school for 150 years. God, you have to
pick up some stuff after doing that! There's no "home economics" or stuff like that --
it's real educational stuff. No "car mechanics 102" or anything like that.

Q: My question has to do with the seeding of this planet originally. You mentioned that
the Andromedans were here 62,000 years ago. Do you know about any symbols which
may involve the re-awakening of latent genetic potentials in the human population?
Also, is there any relationship between what was going on in Lemuria to the presence
of the Andromedans on earth during that time period?

A: At that point in time, Lemuria was in existence and Atlantis was just beginning to
be colonized. Now, according to the Andromedan perspective, Atlantis was an
extraterrestrial colony and Lemuria was also. However, there were some of us Terrans
there also, and we were servants, more or less. Some of the stronger genetic aspects
of our race were used as a "priesthood" to keep the other humans in line. If you go
back and you look at history through Sumeria, Egypt and even today, you see this.
Today, the new "priesthood" is the world bankers. They have total control of your life
on a monetary physical level. It's hard to do anything on this planet without money.
As far as latent DNA and latent memories, I have been told that there will be a point
where as the frequency increases, we will start to remember things. There are children
today who remember things and can speak all these languages that are not earth
languages. Some of these languages are extinct languages that some of these children
just know. Its the latent memory in the DNA that is coming out. More and more of this
will be occurring. I know of a woman who has contacted me who lives in Tennessee.
She has a child who came to her one day and said, "you know, Mom, if I were to
reverse engineer a nuclear bomb and explode it, it would draw all the radiation out of
here." This kid is six years old. You know, there are children in Egypt today who are
walking out into the desert and showing archaeologists things, saying things like, "I
remember that there was a library there." And, sure enough, they would find the
foundation. Our government, because of its satellite technology, might know this. But,
there is no way a ten year old child would know this. So, the world powers have a real
serious problem. People are waking up, and it's great. Our heritage has been denied to
us, and we have been robbed of it. Don't let it go. We need to know who we are.

Q: You said before that the reptilians were interested in the children because of what
they got from them, but it would seem that an advanced technology such as theirs
would be able to clone their food, or clone supplements?

A: All right. I want you to look at this idea. When is anything that is a clone as good as
the original? Ok? What you fail to realize is yes, they can create clones, and they do (27 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

have human clones, but you cannot put a soul into it. You may grow an organic
processor in the brain, get them to act and everything, but there is no soul attached to
it. As long as there is no soul, you don't have true emotion. If I were to go over there
and do something that would scare the hell out of you, you would have a very serious
emotional rush. The reptilians are addicted to the peaking of that emotional rush. It's
like a narcotic to them, because they don't have it. They're numb. They are "all in their
head", in self-imposed isolation.

Q: Do they terrify the children?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you have any information that would shed light on the mystery of gravity on
this plane? Will it disappear when the frequency changes?

A: The Andromedan perspective on gravity is that it is created by radiation from the

sun. We are told that it is because of the rotation of the planet on its axis. They say
that any physical body that is 29 miles or larger has a gravitational field. They have
gravity on the Andromedan craft, and I assume that it is there so they can get more
done and so they are not just floating all over the place. As we move into higher
density, my feeling is that we will deal with a different aspect of gravity than the
gravity we know. It might be a different field strength, but we will have different
physical form as well.

Q: They display mutual respect and love, but I would like to know how they do that.
The second question is that in our society, all of our myths and legends seem to be
"blueprints" for our lives. Do they have myths and legends? If you could get that
information to Val, I would love to have that.

A: They don't have a concept of "myth". They only call it history. I will give those to
Val. You're right, there is a lot, but its history. We have taken truth and shrouded it as
myth, because we're hiding an agenda. How do they show mutual respect? They just
honor every aspect of life, and everyone else's life. Because they are so evolved, there
is no such thing as crime there. There are no such things as "laser shootings" on a
mother ship. They need for nothing. Anything that they need is given to them for
evolvement, and they all work towards that. They wouldn't thing of leaving somebody
behind. I will give you a good example of that, too.

There was a ship that was apparently shot down in 1985. In it was a human being
from Tau Ceti, who literally got too close to the earth and was shot down. I understand
that our military took him underground somewhere in North Dakota where they
started doing so really horrific things to him. Moraney told me that a Tau Ceti fleet of
ships wanted to come in and invade our planet, particularly North Dakota, to get this
guy back. It was literally the Andromedans and a benevolent group of Pleaidians that
stepped in and said, "no, not yet, it's not the time." That's mutual respect. Mutual
respect is not leaving POWs in Vietnam because you promise a government three
billion dollars. It's not leaving men in North Korea because you lied and you're dealing
drugs and you don't want the population to find out about it. That's not mutual

Those are characteristics we need to look at, because there are today, 117 men still
left as POWs, but they are not in Vietnam, but are instead being held in Northern Laos.
There are also three men being held from the Korean War being held in North Korea,
and our government knows about all of it. A lot of the POWs were used for scientific
experiments. We did it to some of their guys, using drugs, LSD, etc. They've done
some pretty horrific things to our people. These are all really issues of character. It's
one thing to hear about it on the news, or to listen to Joyce Riley talk about the Gulf (28 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

War Syndrome and how our guys have been betrayed, or to sit in your living room and
say "that's terrible." But, what you don't understand is that we are very carefully being
watched by some incredible races, both good and bad, and they are watching us and
our characteristics. What we will do and what we will not do. They are measuring our
honor and intent as a race. It's not just about "us" any more. It's about everything. I
know you are probably being taught that, so when you hear stuff like this, please don't
go into your little box, OK? Those people have families and children, just like you do
now, and it was all taken away because they were betrayed, and betrayal is a major
issue that we are all going to have to deal with when the truth does finally come
screaming out, Ok? We have been betrayed, and we are going to have to come
together and find a way to totally forgive that, so that we can move on. But, in the act
of forgiving it, it is important not to allow it to happen again, to be more diligent.

Now, I am so tired. The earth change material is on the internet on the Leading Edge
website. Most of you already know this stuff. You're looking for specific dates and
times. That's not important. It's all coming, but it is all a probability as to when. All
right? But, there are so many negatively polarized people on the planet at this time
that it is almost assuredly going to happen at this point.

Q: Where is the second sun?

A: It is behind the sun that we see. It is smaller than the sun we see and lies behind
it. If you are standing on Mars, you see it, ok? Now, the reason our planet was moved
is because the planet could not handle the radiation from two suns after the last war.
So, they moved it. When I asked Moraney who moved the earth, his response was
that it was something the Pleaidians had to answer. So, I don't know if there is an
agreement for them to bring this information out, or if they were responsible for it. I
don't know. But, apparently the evidence of the presence of the second sun is coming

I want to end this talk by reading an Indian prayer (shown instead at the beginning of
this book). I have a very deep respect for the native Americans, and I think that
they're great, and that they have really tried to hold on to their integrity through it all,
and that they themselves still have major prejudices with the white race. Whether this
a justified or not, what happens to us happens to them, so we all need to drop it,
come to the table, and bring with us all the wisdom we have, in order to deal with the
situations that are coming. There are still some Native Americans that choose to
withhold information regarding the star nations and star races. That's fine, but there
will be others coming up behind them to make sure that humanity gets the
information, because we have to know the truth. It is the only way we can make the
right decision.

You cannot make the correct decision with only half the truth. It's still the wrong
decision, or it could still backfire because we don't know all the pieces of the puzzle.
From what little I do know, if appears that all of you are truly blessed to be able to
come to a school like this, and get the information that you need, so that you can go
out and teach others. Folks, I want to stress this again. It is imperative that you take
the knowledge that you have, that you have been given, and you teach others. We are
running out of time.

We can really turn this around, but we have to do it right away, and we have to be
committed to it. Time, as we know it, is so short. I don't think that it is fair that two
thirds of the planet are not going to make it because they have not been told the
truth. It just isn't fair. There are a lot of good people on the planet who are real simple
people, and they're not being told the truth. Now, they may not want to believe it, but
that's all right. At least you put it out there, and they made a choice. But, unless it's
put out there, they won't know that there's a choice. That's all you can do. You're not (29 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

really responsible for anybody else but yourself. (30 of 30) [9/18/2000 6:39:12 PM]

Chapter 4 - Leading Edge
Interviews Alex Collier
Transcript 1996

Subsequent to the publication of the Ets and the Global Connection in Leading Edge
#89, we did an interview with Alex Collier in order to ask some followup questions and
try to gain further insight into the paradigm involved. The following is the result of our
More on the Magnetic Color-Sound Frequency

Val: One question that arises as a result of analysis of the material in your Dallas
lecture involves a further exploration of the concept of the magnetic color-sound
frequency emanating from black holes. In your Dallas lecture, you said that this
particular activity began a short time ago.

AC: I don't know that I know much more than I've already said, but I'll go through it
again. According to Moraney, on March 23rd of 1994 a color and sound frequency
apparently started emanating from the black holes. It is of such a high vibration that it
is literally invisible to us. It is not, however, invisible to those in other dimensions or to
those who are technologically advanced enough to be able to register this energy.
Now, they have said all along that the universe that we physically see is only 21 billion
years old. The space in which our universe is in, which is only one layer in many
dimensions which they call "consciousness", is a 21 trillion year old holograph. This
new frequency which is coming out of the 3rd density black holes spans the entire
range of the holograph of the universe, and its is literally creating a new holographic
idea. They are calling this new holograph "the 12th", and they have said to me that it
is literally bringing all the dimensions together. Third density is beginning to implode
on itself.

Val: Drunvalo Melchizedek at one time in the Flower of Life discourse made some
statements on what he thought people might objectively see when a dimensional
interface was in progress. I mean, the physical picture that people would observe
when this was happening. Do you have any ideas about this, or have the
Andromedans stated anything about this? Would there be objects appear that have
unusual colors, or things that appear and disappear? Have they ever told you what to
expect, beyond the increased appearance of ghostly phenomena as time progresses?

AC: Well, certainly they have said that, but in their opinion the closer we get to fifth
density, we shall see that. In their perspective, fourth density is a consciousness. This
is one of the blinds of metaphysics that is being taught here on Earth.

Val: Blinds?

AC: It's a misteaching. (1 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:14 PM]

Val: Please explain.
A Misteaching In Metaphysics

AC: All right. Fourth density is a unified consciousness. As we move into fourth
density, we will become more in tune, not only with the Earth, but with each other. We
will know something is going on without having to look at television or listen to the
radio. We will start to feel it, and we will literally have conversations "in our heads"
with loved ones long gone or in other parts of the world. It will be confirmed that what
we call "daydreaming" is a real occurrence. They said that this is going to happen
more and more as we get closer to fourth density. Many of the children under the age
of 14, as we go into fourth density, are going to start speaking ancient dialects, and
have no explanation as to how they know it. Children and adults will be discovering
archeological sites all over the world. New inventions will come out of nowhere. People
will be able to draw sophisticated diagrams. Many racial memories embodying
extraterrestrial origins will start to come up as a result of the genetics that each one of
us carries. Certain memories will start to come up, and they have said that some of
those memories will not be "ours", but instead have their origin within the genetics
that have been "attached" to us.
Val: By these 22 extraterrestrial races that have had a part to play in the evolution of
the human body.

AC: Right. Now, this is occurring already, and so many people are angry. Much of the
anger that is coming up in young people is because some of this DNA is "unlocking",
and they don't know what to do with the energy, because third density is compressing.

Val: Well, then, what would one advise teens to do?

AC: The Andromendans never really got into this area. I'll have to get back to them
about this, but I am certain it will have to do with setting up a "system of expression".

Val: Most probably. I know that culturally this society is lacking in viable systems of
expression that have been thwarted by technological "evolution". So, a perceptual
change where one sees bizarre visual things would not occur until we begin to go into
fifth density?

AC: Yes, we will first start to see what we think are ghosts or spirit guides. Some of us
on the planet (and there are already five who can do this) will be moving in and out
between fourth and fifth density almost at will. They will be able to teleport to different
places on the planet. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of people. If they're
right, this will mean we'll be going through some remarkable shifts. If they're right.

Q: Getting back to other planets and other societies, what would you like to say?

AC: There is so much life out there. There is an abundance of life. There is apparently
plant and animal life on the planet Uranus.

Val: But it exists at a different frequency.

AC: Yes, and some of it is identical to what we have on Earth on this frequency.
General Trends of Humanoid Races in the Universe

Val: How about humanoid races and societies, in comparison to us? The society on
Earth has a manipulative base historically grounded in the Orion system. What about
things on the opposite side of the coin? What is the "norm" in space societies, insofar
as you are aware of? (2 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:14 PM]

AC: Well, the "norm" is definitely "light". You know, self-rule and self-responsibility.
The thing in that is going on in our particular part of the galaxy, which includes 21
systems, concerns the idea of tyranny. What is interesting about this is that the area
in which this tyranny is occurring is a very very old area. It has been colonized for a
long time, and it has been under control of some of the oldest races, like the Alpha
Draconians. They were the first race to have space travel in our galaxy and were
remarkable builders, but their species multiplied so rapidly that they decided to
conquer other races to make room for them. Our race, the Earth human race, was
literally created by a group that came down from a dimensional realm, and these were
the Paa Tal. This verbal expression called Paa Tal is actually of Draconian origin.

Val: So in actuality the genetics comprising the human body are a composite from
around the galaxy, but the spiritual entities occupying human bodies are literally the
Paa Tal?:

AC: Right.

Val: So, are there any Paa Tal occupying reptilian bodies?

AC: I don't know.

Val: That would be an interesting twist on events. If there is a huge time-loop, maybe
the reptilians actually came from "now", and swung back 4 billion years and started
something there.

AC: Interesting. Anything is certainly possible. So, anyway, how the humans in this
galaxy apparently found out about the Paa Tal was that somehow they were able to
get a hold of ancient Draconian records. Now, the Draconians are apparently
extremely private about their lineage and their history. Everything's "a secret". They
have family "houses" of lineage they are very proud of.
Val: Sort of like the Klingons on Star Trek.

AC: Probably similar. Anyway, they found out about the Draconian legends which
speak of a time where a group of beings came out of "nowhere" and created a race to
war against and challenge the Draconian sovereignty.

Val: Of the universe?

AC: Well, no. We only see a small part of the universe. Even if you look at the part of
the universe we can see physically, they say there are 100 trillion galaxies. So, the
Draconians are not everywhere. There are a lot of them here, and this is one of the
areas that is causing a problem.
General Observations on Andromedan Society

Val: What have you observed about Andromedan society?

AC: Well, I will give you the most striking things. They're incredibly happy. There is a
peace, tranquillity and humbleness about them as a race .... it's more of a feeling... an
emotion. They are not like us. Moraney is the only one who has gone to the trouble to
physically learn how to use spoken language. Vasais has always been telepathic. The
others do not talk. They just watch.

Val: You probably feel like you are "under a microscope".

AC: You can "feel" them listening to your mind, but they don't infringe. Val, it's very
hard to explain. Let me give you an example. If you knew somebody was spying on (3 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:14 PM]

you, and you went about your daily business mowing your lawn and throwing the trash
away, you would be ignoring them even though you knew they were spying on you.
That's what it's like. I don't have a problem with that because I know that they're
trying to learn about us. Many of the ET's hold us in awe, and they are fascinated by
us. The thing that fascinates them the most about us is our extreme range of emotion.
They are awed because emotion is such an incredible creative force.

Val: Albeit coercively misdirected.

AC: Yes. Now, the Andromedans themselves are not very emotional. In other words,
you can feel their emotion, but when it comes to expressing it, they all appear to be
very stoic.

Val: What?

AC: They don't show it.

Val: Oh.

AC: I mean, they are very straight-faced. It's like they are "all business" even though
you can sense the emotions. I remember when I first started having contact and I was
taken to a place where there were Andromedan children, who moved away from me
because I was Earth. Now, the children are taught about the different worlds and
races, and because of the Andromedan holographic technology, it's easy for them to
create environments where their children really know and experience what Earth
humans are like.

Val: Well, what are they like amongst themselves?

AC: They are very much like us, except that there is always absolute silence. The
children are not real expressive. They don't run and jump around all the time. They
have a lot of self-control. When they do run, they don't bend their knees, like the
Japanese or Chinese. There is a lot of smiling, but there is not deep laughter. It is as if
you were going to a "mute class."

Val: What is the pairing like in relationships?

AC: Well, there are three sexes. Male, female and androgynous. What is interesting is
that the androgynous beings tend to be teachers. In the middle of their mother ships
there are huge parks. In the ship I was on, the park was 25 miles square.

Val: Can I safely assume that they do not have a social "power structure" because
they exercise personal self-control? They don't need an external political power

AC: I have never seen that. No. There is what we would call a "science team", that can
also move into a military role if it needs to. The Andromedans go to school for over
150 to 170 earth years, and they are taught all the sciences, arts, and everything.
They participate in those fields, doing the actual work, while they learn. Then, they
have an opportunity to teach what they've learned to the young ones. The oldest and
wisest teach the youngest what they know. They express this concept as the "law of
consistency." The young ones gain the benefit from most of the knowledge of the
entire race.

Val: Do they consume food? (4 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:14 PM]

AC: I have seen them eat fruit, which they grow on the ships, but for the most part all
I have seen them eat are little green tablets. It's kind of like an alfalfa tablet, but it
has a really wicked taste. I volunteered to eat it, and Moraney cautioned me

against it. I took half and tablet and chewed on it and immediately threw up, right
there on the ship. He told me it was because of the oxygen that was in the tablet.

Val: Do they have blue blood?

AC: Yes, they do.

Val: So, that would mean their blood is copper-based?

AC: Correct. You are the first person to ask me that.

Val: So, they must come from a binary star system.

AC: Yes, they do. They say quite a few of them are binary systems.

Val: And our system here is binary, but on a different frequency where Jupiter is a sun
on the fifth density?
AC: Yes.

Val: So, on a different density, our Sun might not be a sun, possibly?

AC: Possibly.

Val: Well, what is our Earth in the fifth density. It is already there on the fifth, or is it a
transformative process from the third?

AC: Right now, the Earth in the fifth density consists of a huge blue halo.
Val: So, on the fifth density, Earth is a "budding creation" ready to manifest itself into

AC: Yes.

Val: So, what else is interesting about Andromedan society?

AC: In everything they do, nothing is ever wasted. In other words, all of the things
they do involve education. It's almost as if everything they do is geared to "stretch"
them more, challenge them more, and make them a more intelligent, more

understanding, aware race. What is really interesting is that they are absolutely not
competitive in any way. It's something that comes from each one of them individually.
All of their social functions are focused on education and not distraction.

Val: Whereas the function of our society is exactly the opposite. No wonder it's going

Val: Do they have any kind of pseudo-religious structure within their society, or is it
simply an appreciation of the "is-ness" of the universe?

AC: I have never seen any activity like that. It is as if they are "plugged in" all the
time. There is just a serenity that is part of the race itself. I think it was Paul the
Apostle who said, "always be in prayer." That's what it's like. It's like they're always (5 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:14 PM]

"in prayer".

Val: You said one time that their eye change color when they think or contemplate

AC: Their pupils change color. They tend to slant a little on the inside and outside, but
for all intents and purposes they are round. It's like a cross of the "round-eye" and the
oriental eye.

Val: That must be fascinating to watch.

AC: Well, I had a lot of trouble with it in the beginning. I was so focused not only on
their eyes changing color, but with the flashes of color on their forehead between their
eyes. I was so involved with this that I wasn't listening to what they were saying to
me. They would have to repeat it over and over. They didn't understand why I wasn't
paying attention to what they were saying.

Val: How tall is the average Andromedan?

AC: I have seen them as tall as nine feet. Moraney is about seven or eight feet tall. He
says he weights the equivalent of 450 of our pounds.
Val: What is the shape of their skull case?

AC: Just like ours. I have seen some of their very old females, where the skin gets
whiter, and the skull case tends to be elongated in the back. Most of the males look
similar to us. They are all hairless.

Val: You must be quite a fascination for them, then.

AC: I have given quite a few strands of hair away.

Other Races Associated With Andromedans

Val: What other races do they associate with?

AC: They are very close with groups from Tau Ceti and from Cygnus Alpha. The group
from Cygnus Alpha know a great deal about acoustic technology. They do a lot with

Val: Phononic sound technology and optophotonic technology, here on Earth, are
becoming part of the mind and behavior control program here.

AC: Some of those from Cygnus Alpha are here on Earth.

Val: Are they interfacing with the Earth groups dealing with this technology?

AC: No, they are totally isolated in very rural communities. They are over 1,400
human Et's here who are only observing that will be apparently leaving in the next
couple of years.

Val: In order to meet the August 2003 deadline set by the Council?

AC: Yes. Many of the planets in the Andromedan system have water. Some of them
are totally covered by water, and they live on the surface of the water and below these
oceans. The dolphins that we have now on Earth are apparently a cross between a
mammal from the Sirian system and one from the Cygnus Alpha system.

Val: What races have the Andromedans talked about to you? (6 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM]

AC: The Pleiadians, the Lyrans, the Arcturians, the Ciakars ....

The Draconian Royal Line

Val: Who are the Ciakars? (Pronounced See-kars).

AC: The royal line of the Alpha Draconians.

Val: The reptilians. Are those the ones that have the wings attached to their

AC: Yes, and a very long tail.

Val: Ah ha. The pseudo-Biblical devil image.

AC: Yes. The Ciakar.

Val: I knew of their existence and what they looked like, but I never knew the name of
the race until now. Interesting.

AC: The Ciakar are in fact a different race than the Alpha Draconians themselves. The
ones that we know as the Draconians are a sub-race of the Ciakars. Other races
mentioned by the Andromedans have been those from planets in the systems of Sirius
A, B and C, where some planets are now being terraformed. The Reticulan system,
Zeta 1 through 4, Cygnus Alpha, the Dals (the brown Greys), the Dows (the white
Greys), groups from the system in what we call the constellation of Sagittarius, the
Mintakians, groups from what we see as the constellation of Casseopius (who the
Andromedans credit with saving their race at one time), Tau Ceti, the Alpha Centari
system, and the Venaticians from the Canus Major area.

Val: It is curious why, when they would mention different races to you, they would
bother to translate a multi-million light year difference in perspective relative to the
way humans name Constellations, so as to pinpoint the origin of various races.

AC: They did it to accommodate me.

Val: There are a whole collection of species in all these areas. Besides assisting people
here to understand that the universe is highly populated, what other purpose can this
detailed information as to origin provide? It does have a tendency to confuse people
who are still grasping at the idea that we are not alone. It could be overkill.
The "Rescue Mission"

AC: I understand that, but we're kind of under a time crunch here on Earth. My
understanding is that the reason they gave me information regarding these races is
that many of us have had experiences in these races in space. There is a hope,
perhaps, to trigger unconscious memory in humans here on Earth. Also, many of these
races are involved in the rescue mission.

Val: Rescue mission?

AC: The mission, if need be, to rescue us from either ourselves or destruction.
A Mystery in Andromedan Logic?

Val: I thought the basic concept was that we didn't need to be "saved" from anything -
that how everything turns out, from the Andromedan perspective, is already a "done (7 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM]

deal". We eventually "pass the test" and after 2003 everything is fine and the
regressive tyranny is stamped out. I presume that is what is being inferred is that it is
already a "done deal."? I mean, that's what is being inferred, isn't it?

AC: Yes.

Val: Well, if that's the case, how does one figure in this other propensity or thought
pattern on the part of the Andromedans? I am trying to balance the two in my mind.

AC: I wrestle with that one myself. I honestly don't know. Apparently, certain things
are predetermined but other things are not, and their might be a time where they
need to come in and help us.

Val: That time would presumably be before or after August 12, 2003?
Galactic Interplay Behind the Scenes

AC: Or, around August 12, 2003. Many of these groups here are the ones who will be
involved. The Tau Ceti group has wanted to invade this planet already and go after not
only some of the regressives, but more importantly factions of the United States
government. Apparently, one of the Tau Ceti race was shot down by the government
and taken somewhere at an underground base in North Dakota where he was tortured.
His organs were removed while he was still alive, one at a time. It was earth people
that did this. Now, this Tau Cetian is a human being, and some of the Pleiadian and
Andromedan groups literally had to step in and prevent the Cetians from coming in
here and trying to protect this person.

Val: What other kind of interesting interplay has gone on behind the scenes lately?
There are apparently a lot of skirmishes going on.

AC: A lot of it has involved the Pleiadians and the Greys. To my knowledge, it hasn't
moved beyond those two groups going after each other. The Greys are trying to get
out of here. I was told about a situation which occurred about two or three years ago.
I was given information that a 21 mile long craft was seen leaving the equator from
under the ocean. The Tau Cetians, the Pleiadians and a group from Zeta Reticuli I, who
were not Service to Self, formed a triangular position to block this craft which was
trying to get off Earth and evade the quarantine the Andromedan Council is trying to
establish relative to alien races visiting the Earth. Anyway, they captured the craft,
which belonged to the Dows (large white-skinned Greys). They were able to board the
craft and they found 8,700 hybrid children.

Val: Human hybrid children. Grey-human hybrids?

AC: Yes.

Val: They were trying to get the hybrids off the planet even though the whole hybrid
program is a lost cause?
Captured Human Souls

AC: Well, there's more. They also found more than 1,000 human children that had
been placed in cryogenic stasis, and over 1,000,000 of these little boxes that
contained the life forces of souls from Earth.

Val: Captured human souls.

AC: Souls.

Val: And what do they do with these souls? (8 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM]

AC: They feed off the energy radiated by the souls. What they are doing, Val, is that
they are taking the life force and they are somehow siphoning it off a little at a time
and feeding it to the hybrids in order to keep them alive, trying to keep them alive and
create a soul in them.

Val: Meanwhile, what happens to the soul in the box?

AC: Moraney did not want to answer that question. The 1,000 human children that
were taken off the craft were then transported to the Pleiadian system. The decision
was apparently made that they could not come back to Earth after this experience with
the Greys. I do not know what happened to the souls that were in those boxes.

Val: They would presumably have a way to release them, I would think.

AC: I would think so. I can remember Moraney saying that the Andromedans did not
know that the Greys could do this and had this kind of technology.

Val: Now that they know about it, what now?

AC: I don't know. There is a lot they don't tell me.

Val: Well, I knew more than five years ago that the Greys had this kind of technology.

AC: Well, they are very frustrated. Moraney has said on numerous occasions that "it's
just their time." The Greys are going to die out.

Val: What about us? We pass the test and those who do not go to fifth density create
another 3rd density holographic reality to continue to play the game until they mature
beyond that. In that light, what does happen to all of us?

AC: My understanding is that all of us become teachers.

Val: All of us?

AC: Yes. We all go to different parts of physicality in fifth density.

Val: And become teachers. Because of this experience we have had on Earth?

AC: Yes.

Val: You said that as things begin to "heat up" vibrationally here, we are going to have
access to buried memory within the genetics. How is someone who is a "redneck"
going to handle that?

AC: Ha. I haven't a clue. I am kind of worried on how I am going to handle it.

Val: And this is supposed to happen when?

AC: Between now and 2007. By 2009 there will be people on the planet going in and
out of fourth and fifth density.

Val: On Star Trek and Deep Space Nine you see many different races mixing and
interacting. Is that close to what is actually going on?

AC: It's very close to the truth, from what I understand.

Val: If that's the case, it makes it even harder to be satisfied with being here. (9 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM]

When the Dominos Start to Fall

AC: I can't tell you how many times I have not wanted to come back here. When these
dominos start to fall, people will be flocking to contactees and people involved in the
"UFO" fields for answers.

Val: And in many cases, these will be exactly the wrong people to ask.

AC: In many cases, but nobody else is talking to them. The government's attitude is
that "the truth is a lie undiscovered." The people won't have any choice. They will be
coming to people like yourself, who have integrity. You will find yourself in a
leadership role. It's going to happen, and it really is as it should be. Some of those
who these people will go to for answers will be Service-to-Self oriented, who will be "in
it for the buck" or are into being "famous". That means nothing.

Val: That's mind boggling.

AC: Within a very short time, those of us who are talking about this will go from being
looked at as "kooks" to being teachers, and all it will take is one mothership to park
itself around the moon, or have a squadron of craft fly across the United States in the
middle of the afternoon. That's all its going to take.

Val: A lot of people wandering around talking to themselves.

AC: That's a given, and these people are going to want some answers. The religious
people will be the hardest-hit, because in many respects they are going to have the
rug pulled right out from under them.

Val: Well, isn't this also the idea of the regressives? To allow this to happen for a
manipulative advantage over the population?
AC: Yes.

Which Side of the Coin?

Val: So, one would never know which side of the coin it really was, if and when this
does happen? How would one know?

AC: It's an intuition. However, the people in middle America who watch television
re-runs every night won't know the difference. The average person who doesn't pay
attention to what is going on in their world and what it is that they are creating will not
be prepared for this.

Val: I would think excitement would push intuition right out the window. I think it
would be a matter of keeping ones act together whether what we saw was positive or

AC: Yes it would. The bottom line is that you won't know who you are or where you're
going until you get there, and we're all going to be in that boat together.

Val: How soon will that be?

AC: It could be as early as April of 1997. It's probably going to be sooner, but April of
1997 I was told would be the highest probability.

Val: That's about the time Hale-Bopp arrives. (10 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM]

AC: Yes. Hale-Bopp will be here in February-March 1997.

Val: So, a lot of other things will happen around the same time.

AC: Yes.
World Leaders at Gizeh in 2000

Val: Do you have any take on this January 1, 2000 meeting of the world leaders at the
pyramid at Gizeh?

AC: You have read Sitchin's work, yes?

Val: Yes.

AC: Remember when he makes reference to Anu?

Val: Yes.

AC: Well, supposedly Anu is supposed to come back at that time.

Val: Which is on the regressive side of the coin.

AC: Yes.

Val: And?

AC: And all the world leaders are supposed to be there to worship and adore him as
the God of the Underworld.

Val: It sounds rather unexciting. Obviously, something must happen to Anu,

considering how everything turns out later. It's only three years before the cut-off
date for all extraterrestrials to be away from Earth. So, with that in mind, do you have
any take on the events between 2000 and 2003 and what the progression of events
may be?

AC: Oh, the earth will be going through a lot of changes. There will be new viruses to
contend with, as well as famine and floods. We will also have wars, most of which will
be fought over food and water. China is supposed to break up into separate countries
in a vast civil war. China will end up using nuclear weapons within its own borders
against itself.

Val: Now, this is curious. A lot of university work has been done that has come up with
super crops, such as super corn and super wheat that could produce vast harvests.
Harvard University studies have shown that the Earth can comfortably support 44
billion people using only 25% of the ice-free land to grow food. All this potential exists
right now that they are not going to even use, because somebody wants it to happen
this way.
A Higher Agenda Which Involves Us as Souls

AC: But, there's a much higher agenda here. It obviously involves us as souls, but it
also has to do with something that is very strategic about this solar system. I will tell
you why so many people are interested in this solar system. We have some

strange planets here. Not only is Earth unique because of all the life forms here, but
according to Moraney, when we as Paa Tal came down from a higher density to inhabit
these bodies in third density, we used a type of vehicle to travel from where we were
to where we are now. A type of vehicle. They say that the planet Jupiter was the (11 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM]

vehicle we used.

Val: Which is also now a sun on fifth density.

AC: Yes.

Val: So, we brought our own potential black hole along with us.

AC: Our own escape hatch. Richard Hoagland is on to the hyperdimensional

bizarreness of Jupiter, but he will never figure it out because he doesn't think along
the lines of spirit, really.

AC: Well, he has set it up so that he has an academic position to defend. The
credibility gap. I guess everybody has their niche.

AC: Yes. He just doesn't talk about those things. It all comes from spirit anyway.

Val: So, what happens next? Everything must turn out fine after 2003, because they're
looking at from a position in time.

AC: Yes. We're going to go through some stuff, and I don't know how its exactly going
to play out, but they have said on more than one occasion that they are very proud of
us in the end, as a race.

Val: The end. Of the third density experiment?

AC: Yes.

Val: Which will be in linear terms?

AC: They told me that it would be on December 3, 2013.

Val: Tell me more about your understanding of dimensions.

AC: My understanding of dimensions is that each dimension is a holograph that

vibrates at a higher color-sound frequency than others. Fifth density has a frequency
scale of 214 colors, as opposed to the 73 color frequency spectrum we have here in
third density.

Val: How does the mathematical progression go?

AC: I don't know, but it is a progression.

End of Interview (12 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM] (13 of 13) [9/18/2000 6:39:15 PM]
Chapter 5 - Leading Edge Followup
Interview With Alex Collier
May 5, 1996 1996

The following material is a followup interview conducted with Alex Collier in regard to
the Andromedan paradigm. For reference purposes, the initial interview was in LE#90
and the main feature, ET's and the Global Connection, was in LE#89. The interview
was conducted on Sunday May 5, 1996.
A Planetary Update

Val: Perhaps it would be best to start with a general update from you, both on the
planetary side and the extra-planetary/dimensional side.

AC: Well, let's see...a planetary update. There are more reptilians than there were
before. There are approximately 20 of the royal Draconian line in the planet at this

Val: The Ciakars?

AC: Yes. An underground facility was apparently built for them in the mountains in
Madagascar. It is something that Moraney seemed very concerned about, because
they don't know exactly why the Ciakars are here....they usually don't fight their own
battles. On a galactic level, several humanoid colonies in the Hercules cluster have
been admitted to the Andromedan Council.

Val: What about the biological situation on the planet?

AC: The viruses that are going to be hitting the United States are going to be blamed
on Africa. It of course is not true. I am sure most of your readers know that already.

Val: It's no secret that all the viral and plague outbreaks have always been organisms
that are involved with known government biowarfare programs.

AC: Yes. The interesting thing about the Ebola virus is that there is an extraterrestrial
gene that has been added to it.

Val: I have heard that the same thing was done by factions in the government to
create the HIV virus.

AC: Yes. I don't know what extraterrestrial race provided the gene for the recombinant
HIV virus, but I know that the biological material that has been added to the Ebola
was given to the government by the humanoids from Sirius B. I don't know if it was
one of their viruses that they picked up somewhere or whether it is actually from

Val: Well, giving thought to the question: of who would want to biologically decimate
the planet, the governmental factions have their agenda, but the reptilian race comes
to mind as a contender who might in fact have orchestrated this biological weapon (1 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]


AC: This is true. There are a lot different races that would love to have this solar
system totally secured, primarily because of Saturn and Jupiter, and the Earth is a
prize because of all the water on it. But, if they gave certain human beings on Earth
the viruses, and those human beings in turn go ahead and use them, it doesn't totally
absolve them of culpability, but at the same time it does relieve them (the aliens) of
the idea that they actually did it to us. This is the really scary part, you know.

Val: This attitude is not uncommon even here on Earth. It is an interesting parallel to
the attitude of some organized religious and political groups who behave in the same
way, having other people do their dirty work. Ultimately, however, they cannot escape
the karmic debt incurred by doing these things.

AC: Well, you're right.

More on Draconian Activities With Human Children

Val: Referring back to some of the things you said in the ET's and Global Connection,
you noted that there were some 1800 reptilians inside the Earth that have been
responsible for some 37,000 human children disappearing. Have you acquired any
additional information or clarification relative to this statement?

AC: You mean, what they do to the human children?

Val: Well, any clarification beyond that simple statement relative to what is happening.

AC: Well, I can tell you two things. You're not going to like this.

Val: I'm probably already aware of what you are about to say, but go ahead.

AC: Well, my understanding is that aside from the fact that they eat human children,
what they do is that they drain fluids from the brains of children while they are in fear.

Val: I have heard of this before. It is to get that substance which to them is like a

AC: It's like a narcotic.

Val: From the adrenal and pituitary glands?

AC: Yes. Apparently the government has tried to copy this substance, but they can't,
so they have this agreement with the reptilians down below. My understanding is that
the primary agreement is that they will allow the world governments to mine gold in
exchange for the human children.

Val: It is an interesting parallel to a movie I saw called I Come in Peace, which

featured a rogue time-traveler from an alien race who came to Earth and killed
humans just to get endorphins from their brain while they were in terror. Another alien
was sent dimensionally to stop him, because if he was successful in accumulating
endorphins and returning with them, there would be no end to the slaughter of
humans, as others would come. Galactic drug dealers.

AC: There is more to it than that. The excretion has some of the genetic coding within
it. This is really what they are after. Apparently they can absorb it, but their bodies
don't produce it. There is a chemical that we have in our brains that no other life form
creates. It is a result of the fact that we have 22 genetic lines within human DNA, plus
the primate race. No one can yet copy this chemical yet. As far as them being galactic
drug dealers, I have never heard them referred to as that, but it's interesting. (2 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

Val: Well, it was only in reference to that movie, but the fact they would raid another
species and kill them to acquire this substance. Of course, humans do this to other
species, don't they?

AC: Well, they have this attitude that because part of their genetics are within us, that
they have a "right" to do this. The Greys apparently have the same philosophy, and I
can remember in one of the things that you sent me that Drunvalo also says that. I
would like to offer a different perspective in that it is just flat wrong. They don't have a
"right" to do it. Somehow they have convinced the world governments that they have
this "right".
Val: Of course, the world governments are within the paradigm of Neo-Darwinism and
genetic engineering, and it is no surprise that they would gladly except this statement
as pseudo-confirmation of their own position and rationale.

AC: Yes.

Val: It wouldn't be too much of a stretch for these people.

AC: Yes

Val: And apparently the reptilians use human children as sex slaves, which is
something I have heard periodically over the last few years, even in conjunction with
governmental child sex rings that were mentioned in the book Trance-Formation in
America by Cathy O'Brien.

AC: What is interesting is that the reptilians primarily enjoy human males in this way,
which is really disgusting.

Val: Well, the whole thing is really disgusting. Let's change the subject!

AC: Yes, please.

Update on Benevolent ET's on Earth

Val: You noted one time that there were about 1500 benevolent ET's on Earth that
were relatively indistinguishable from ordinary humans, and that you were at the time
not privy to their purpose for being here. Have you discovered more relative to this?

AC: Well, in truth, I know exactly why they're here. But I have been told to really not
talk about it. I will tell you that the original number of 1500 in 1987 is now down to
1231. And, I understand that in the next three months another 97 will leave.

Val: Then I guess the number will just decrease steadily until August 2003?

AC: Yes, the last bunch will leave then.

Val: So, what I can get out of all of this is that these alien humanoids are intelligence
operatives who monitor the state of affairs on Earth.

AC: Your perception is very accurate. I feel like I have broken a promise.

Val: No. If I already have the logic to figure things out, then there is no word broken. I
mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce why they are here, I suppose.

Val: In the last interview (LE#90) you noted that "the anger coming up in young
people was because of the unlocking of DNA that is releasing energy that they don't (3 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

know what to do with." I asked "what are the teens to do?", and you replied that you
would have to get back to me on that.

AC: Well, I have asked them if they would outline a workable system of expression
that would be positive and beneficial, not only to the teens, but to the adults. Moraney
said that the next time he spoke with me that he would have an answer. As soon as I
find out, I will get that information to you.

Val: Great. In the last interview, it was stated that the Greys captured and boxed
human souls, and that Moraney did not want to answer the question of what happens
to these souls. Has Moraney changed his mind about that yet?

AC: No, not yet. I don't think it's because of Moraney. He is always reluctant to say he
can't answer something, so I think that the directive not to reveal that information
comes from a higher level. I don't know if they are concerned that the information
might generate more fear on this planet. It could be that they are just trying to figure
out a way to let us know.

Val: In order to deal with these kind of issues, perhaps one of the other things
Moraney might want to dwell on besides the question about "what are children to do to
cope with this energy constructively?", is maybe come up with an effective series of
thought patterns to enable the processing of information in a "neutral" way. However,
I think most readers of The Leading Edge are pretty much past the barrier of dealing
with things only in terms of fear, and people who have read it over a number of years
are already at the point where they can pretty much take anything and process it
constructively. That will come in the future, since it will be delineated anyway.

Val: You noted that "we are all to become teachers" when the Earth passes from the
fourth density to the fifth. Are you able to elaborate on that?

AC: Yes. Essentially, what is supposed to happen is that when we move into fifth
density, many of us for some reason are going to find us back where we started with
our extraterrestrial origin.

Val: In alien humanoid bodies from whence we came, before we occupied bodies here.

AC: Exactly, and with all the experiences here. According to Moraney, they will all be
recognized as teachers and as a group that has gone through a "first ever"
More on the Sirians

Val: On a recent Art Bell show, a fellow named Robert Ghostwolf discussed a Native
American perspective that "the only two ET races that were attempting to help us were
the Sirians and the Andromedans." I wonder whether you had any comment relative to

AC: My understanding is that those from the Sirius A system are trying to be beneficial
and assist, because they feel responsibility in that those who colonized Sirius B system
were originally from Sirius A. Those from Sirius B have come here and really messed
with our heads, and they are the ones who originally gave our government the
Montauk technology. They have the same belief and brain patterns as those from
Orion. Those from Tau Ceti are also very much involved. Nobody knows exactly what
the Pleaidians are going to do yet, but I will share this with you. Those that live in the
system around Alcyon - some of them cannot be trusted, as they have hidden
agendas. Those from Teygeta, I am told, have a very clear objective: to maintain the
idea of freedom. Just because a group is labeled "Pleaidians" doesn't mean they are
here to help us. People confuse that issue. Know them by their works. Those from (4 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

Cygnus Alpha are here. There is a group from Arcturus that is trying to help. Those
from Procyon, who have been liberated, are trying to help. They're pretty gung ho.
When the Andromedans Arrive and the Prime Directive

Val: Well, all these species that are trying to help are limited by the Prime Directive.

AC: Yes, they are.

Val: So, one would presume that they are waiting for a certain threshold of a feeling of
wishing assistance to manifest itself, and that the threshold of feeling would overrule
the Prime Directive and allow things to happen.

AC: Well, they are waiting for 10% of the consciousness on the planet to awaken and
ask for some kind of intervention. That may not come until after ... they may come
shortly after Hale-Bopp gets here, or after the World Government and ET's try to stage
the Second Coming.

Val: Obviously, Moraney and all these people have the ability to travel in time and
know everything that is going to happen.

AC: Yes.

Val: So, they must know whether or not, and when, the 10% threshold is reached.

AC: Well, it will be reached no later than August 12, 2003.

Val: So, relative to any world government "games" relative to Jerusalem and the
emergence of the Maitreya scenario toward the end of 1996, wouldn't that
paradoxically contribute toward the movement toward a 10% threshold?

AC: Yes, it will. The regressives are going to mastermind their own undoing. But, for
some reason they are so desperate to try to maintain control of us, and for some
reason they don't want to let our particular solar system and the other 21 go.

Val: What could that reason possibly be?

AC: I don't know, but there is a reason. There is more about us, as humans, that I
don't know, than there is that I do know.

Val: Do you have a particular perception of a relationship between HAARP and the
Montauk projects?
AC: No, but I know that the Andromedans are very concerned about Montauk, because
the humans who are working with this technology are being given specific coordinates
in space, and the regressives that are here can use that same technology and leave
here. The whole point is to track where they are going, so they do not continue to
propagate their belief systems.

Val: If the universe itself is being "jacked up" several frequency levels, then it doesn't
matter where they go to try and get away. They will be stuck in the same boat.

AC: Well, this is true. But, my understanding is that the idea is to limit the damage
they do.

Val: Does this have to do with this 357 year period of tyranny which the Andromedans
are trying to prevent.

AC: Yes. (5 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

Val: Well, obviously they must know that it was prevented if they can travel in time.
That sounds like a paradox. They must know that they either were or were not
successful. Here is where we start to drift into parallel lines of reality.

AC: Yes.
Time Travel and Changing Agenda

Val: This comes into the next question that I have. At one point in your talk in Dallas,
you indicated that according to the Andromedans, our very next spiritual leap in
consciousness will come from the "quiet science of archeology". Yet, it was also stated
that many of the Dows (Greys) here and presumably the government and other
people, are time travelers who "tweak" history. If in fact "new truths" are to proceed
from archeology, just how "true" can they be if literally everything is subject to change
and manipulation, in terms of "archeology" consisting of "tactically planted evidence"?

AC: Well, look at this idea. When they first started this manipulation, they had a
specific agenda. But here in this particular linear year, 1996, their agendas have
radically changed. They are faced with "survival" because there is another threat to
them. It is no longer just a matter of controlling Earth humans, but it is also the fact
that there are other alien races in our atmosphere and in our solar system that are
here to help and to limit the damage. Their main concern now is not so much totally
manipulating us, but trying to get what it is they want, or came here to get, and get
out of here. Plus, you have this frequency change. All I had tell you is that the
Andromedans had no idea that this sound frequency emanation from the black holes
was going to happen. No one foresaw this. It was an instantaneous phenomenon that
affected past, present and future all at once.

Val: Now, despite the fact that the Andromedans can travel outside of space-time and
have a viewpoint of a probable line of reality, when this sound frequency emanation
happened it created an entirely new probable line of reality. They couldn't have
foreseen it.

AC: Yes, and a totally different set of probabilities. I don't know about all of that.

Val: So, is it at all likely we could all wake up one morning into a completely different

AC: I think it's possible for some beings, but I don't think it's possible for all of us. I
think that it is going to be a gradual transformation of consciousness. We are all
essentially going to change our minds and create something else, and it will be
voluntary and more of a group effort. A part of us will awaken and we will know what
it is that we have to do. I don't think it's going to change totally overnight, in an
instant. They have never said it would happen that way. Otherwise there would be no
need to give us specific dates. It is supposed to be a gradual process. If they are right,
then the reason there is third density is because we created it. We have to implode it
responsibly in such a way where a certain set of circumstances have to occur so that
we can allow those who have chosen not to evolve a chance to create their space to
continue to evolve.

Val: From the point of view of the regressives, then, they would be "escaping"
something -- something like a realization by the mass population of how they have
been hoodwinked.

AC: Yes. They would probably have that kind of perspective.

Val: I mean, they can't go anywhere in this solar system in the third density. Could (6 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

they go to a different density?

AC: I don't know that it is an option they now have. I am pretty sure that fourth and
fifth density are quarantined, because I know a group of Greys tried to dimensionally
skip out, and they were caught -- their ship was 21 miles in length. They were going
interdimensional when they got caught, so I don't think that's an option.
Parallel Earth Reality Systems and Implosion

Val: There is apparently a parallel Earth that is one or two overtones above this one,
that is actively participating in the subjugation of this particular overtone, together
with world government factions like the NSA and Montauk technology. So,
presumably, with the "uplifting" of the general vibratory resonance on all frequency
levels, these other overtones containing regressives would be lifted upward to a point
where they would have to cease that line of thought?

AC: That's a great question. Nobody has ever asked me about this. My understanding
is that even as far back as 1931, a parallel reality had been created. It was something
that one of the societies in Germany was involved in. Perhaps the Vril. They were
playing with something. Anyway, my understanding is that any parallel realities having
their origin out of the original timeline are going to implode back into the original

Val: So, there is a main line of reality into which they would implode.

AC: Basically the line of reality that we ourselves are familiar with.

Val: And the New World Order?

AC: It's going to manifest itself, but it is going to be very short-lived. The reason it is
going to manifest itself is that it is a reality above us.

Val: In another overtone.

AC: Yes. So its going to manifest itself here because that reality will be imploding into
this one.

Val: So, one of the keys to the apparent perception, in a linear sense, of when this
would happen, would be the coincidence of the collapse of the planetary magnetic field
and the increase of the resonant Schumann frequency at a certain point in linear time?

AC: Well, that would be around August 12, 2003. It's supposed to get really weird
here. I mean, like, really weird.
The Union of American Republics

Val: I once read a book called Illuminati, a white book with a disclaimer in front, that
described a social situation where all the "bad guys" were discovered by the public and
put into their own concentration camps. The public became enraged and sequestered
the government.

AC: Well, I have been given a probability about a scenario just like that, and I have
only been given this probability relative to here in the United States, that those that
have betrayed us as a people, as a nation, as a race, that are in this country, that we
consider to be our own "countrymen", will be hanged by the neck in front of the capital
building. The United States of American will no longer be called the United States of
America. It will be called The Union of American Republics.

Val: So, having said that, what exactly is the probability? (7 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

AC: At the time I asked, it was over 90%. The people will change everything.

Val: How comforting. Could the phenomenon going on in Texas right now with the
secession be the beginning of this process?

AC: Yes. I think so. What is interesting about that is that I have been told just recently
that Bahrain was going to offer gold to Texas to back their currency. Now, it will be
interesting to see if that actually happens. The regressives want to divide us against
each other. That's the Orion paradigm.

Val: So, along with this 90+% probability, was there a linear timing involved?

AC: The probability then was that this would occur in July 2004.

Val: It is interesting that the apparent NWO implementation date is 2002, one year
short of the Andromedan Council expulsion order for all extraterrestrial influence, and
that presumably if this ban destined for 2003 takes place, then somewhere between
2002 and 2003 you would have a mass exodus of "bad guys", both human and
otherwise, and that this would permit a total collapse of the regressive regime,
allowing the Union of American Republics to form in 2004.
Intelligence Agencies Living in a Synthetic Reality

AC: Yes, it would. But again I wish to stress that the probability was 90+%, not 100%.
You know, Val, the people who are working in the government like the NSA, specific
renegade groups in the CIA, the KGB, the Black Guard....there is a lot that they are
not being told. As much as they think they know, they do not know. I know that they
are way in over their heads. They are just being used, but they are still implanted with
these extraterrestrial belief systems, these Orion prejudices and illusions of grandeur
that they are "the superior race". I feel sorry for them in a way, because they just
don't have a clue. They have already separated themselves so much from reality, that
they are living a completely different reality already. Moraney has said that the
regressives could not be rehabilitated. They are already on a completely different
course on a consciousness level.

Val: This is where you get the growth, through intent, of another three dimensional
"pocket" in reality in which these people will find themselves until they can get it

AC: That's correct.

Val: And it's the intent and the resonance that creates. There will be a point after the
collapse of the probable realities having their origin in the original line into the original
line, where probable realities then can easily be created, and this is the process that
allows the formation of these resonant reality structures.

AC: That's right.

Val: So, there is a null point between the point of probable reality-line implosion and
the zero point where things begin to move through fourth into fifth. Is that accurate?

AC: Yes, that sounds accurate.

Creation of Probable Reality Streams

Val: What have you gleaned about the structure of the creation of probable realities
and its relation to original time streams? What does it take to create a probable
stream of reality for a planetary culture? Is it a general planetary emotional trauma (8 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

which creates a diversion in creative reality streams?

AC: My understanding is that it all comes down to intent. If each individual person
holds a particular intent which they freely have created, and 10% or more of the
planetary population holds that intent at any given time, you literally pull that reality
to you. It all focuses on intent, and that is something that we are all individually
responsible for. The cost of freedom is responsibility. We have not paid enough
attention to creating reality. We are caught in the idea of just experiencing it.

Special Children Now Being Born on Earth

Val: It has an interesting parallel to your statement that with the Andromedan culture,
education is paramount, whereas with our culture distraction is paramount.

AC: Yes, the children here are learning nothing. They are not learning how to think for
themselves. They are being taught what to think, to spit out facts and belief systems,
and to consume. This process puts the idea, the intent and the emotion outside of
themselves, as opposed to the process of turning that creativity inward to create
better selves. That is something that the Andromedans teach their young, is to better
the self. Now, we have some really special children being born in our world, and it's
going to be the kids that are really going to make the major shift on a consciousness
level to help us. There are a lot of people who are absolutely not prepared, and they
are not going to be able to deal with the new realities. The kids are, and I have been
told that many of the children who are coming to this world now already have a third
strand of DNA. They are aware, but they don't know how to put it into words. It's kind
of like living in a dream. When it all falls into place, they are going to teach us what
they know. They are just going to know this stuff.
Helping the Teens of Today

Val: Getting back to one of the earlier questions, relative to young people not knowing
what to do with the energy released by changes in the DNA structure, is it possible for
you to glean, even on a superficial level, what these teens should do until Moraney
gives a more definitive answer?

AC: I would say that these kids need to be able to have groups that they can go to
and just talk about what they see, what they dream about and what they feel.
Because it could be that a lot of these kids feel something totally different than what it
is they're being told is reality here.

Val: Which would be about par, really.

AC: Yes, I think on some level we've all been through that at one point. The kids today
are very different -- especially those that have the third strand. They know more than
us, but a space has to be created to allow them to express it and not have it be
judged. Just because we don't understand it doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means we
don't understand it.

Val: A rose is a rose. (9 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

AC: Right. That's my only guess. Teens are committing suicide at an alarming rate.

Val: And elderly people as well.

AC: Right. Everybody wants to get out of here, and that's a scary thought.

Val: In your understanding, with the change in frequency and density level, for those
people who end up taking that route to get out of here, what happens to them?

AC: I don't know. I will ask the question. I know there is no "hell". They don't burn or
fry for that act. That is not a reality. I don't know if they go to a way-station and get
healed and then go someplace else, or come back. I don't know.
Thoughts on Upcoming Earth Changes

Val: Earth changes are something people are interested in, presumably to give them
something to do while they are waiting for other things to there any
perspective relative to any specificity about this?

AC: Well, I know that they could start at any time. Both coasts will be in jeopardy.

Val: We are about 50 miles from Mount Rainier here.

AC: You might find yourself moving inland.

Val: We'll be up to our ash in ash.

AC: I think it will be a lot higher than that, depending on how tall you are. You know,
it's the earth reacting to the frequency shifting and to the consciousness. She is
literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. She wants to go up, but at the same
time she doesn't want to destroy us in the process. I am amazed at the intensity of
intention and attention to detail we have here.
Val: The Germans would be proud. Attention to detail.

AC: Yes, but we've lost the essence with our focus on the detail.
The Andromedan Concept of the Creator

Val: How to the Andromedans view the concept of the creator?

AC: Their conception of God is that they really don't know what it is. Even those on
11th density going through this shift to 12th don't know. They are having a hard time
explaining what is happening to them because their current mode of communication
doesn't explain the experience they have just gone through. The Andromedans have
always referred to it as the Isness, which is an essence that holds everything together.

Val: And it is coincident with love as a frequency.

AC: Yes it is, and this whole space was created in a space of love. It is the primal
creative force. The Andromedans really love us, and I think their interaction with our
planet has caused a shift within them. I know that Moraney and Vasais have both
become more emotional and expressive, and I think that this is rubbing off on all the
other races that are here helping.

Val: Of course, emotion is the basis for creation.

AC: Yes it is, but a lot of the races are very technical, and we are in our infancy when
it comes to that. Yet, look at what we have created without the technology that they (10 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

have. I have before that the Andromedans are extremely awed by our ability to create
things. You know, when you leave the house how everything stays there - it doesn't
dematerialize. Our intent to create. All the detail in life. They are in awe of this. Third
density is like jello to those above.

Val: I guess if I were to ask the Andromedans anything at this point, in the spirit of
things that are to take place on this planet, it would be what they could offer to all of
us as guidelines in order to assist the population through these changes, based on
their knowledge of what is to come. I trust they will do this.

AC: Yes.

Val: I have heard that physiological life span in shorter in space. Is this at all accurate
in your understanding?

AC: No.

Val: I suppose it depends on the resonant frequency at which you exist.

AC: There you go.

Val: On a recent Art Bell program, when the astronauts were being interviewed, one of
them revealed that to him, space looked shiny like patent leather shoes. I found that
to be interesting. Can you see the stars in space?

AC: That's a good question. If you were in a space that contained no atmosphere, it
would be mostly black. Of course, some of the stars we see in space from the earth no
longer exist, since the light takes so long to reach us. As far as their comment on
shiny nature of space, that is not something I have experienced. That would almost
suggest a holograph.

Val: Oh no! As if they weren't in enough trouble already in the "space program."

AC: That would mean that the "shinyness" is bouncing from inside.

Val: Do you have anything else in mind that you would like to say to everyone at this

AC: I would like to just stress this, I think. The singular most important thing I would
like to stress to people, from the point of all I have learned and all that I still need to
learn, is that the bottom line is that we should not turn on each other. We all created
this and are continuing to create this. (11 of 11) [9/18/2000 6:39:18 PM]

Chapter 6 - Leading Edge Followup
Interview With Alex Collier
January 12, 1997
Male-Female Relationships in Zenetaen Society

Val: How would you define and/or characterize the relationship between males and
females in the Zenetaen society?

Alex: How would I characterize it? Now, understand that what I am giving you is only
my impression from watching them interact when I was with them continuously for a
period of three months. I would say that they are equal, and that they are treated as
equals. I experienced a moment where there was a type of celebration in which one of
their women, who I believe was about 470 years old, was leaving her assignment as
part of an agricultural science group that developed new types of fruit and things for
them to eat, because she wanted to become pregnant and raise a child. There was a
celebration. Not all of the women do this, of course. Many of them decide to remain
doing what they are doing in the position of creativity they are in, in terms of a "job"
or "career".

Val: In terms of the concept of a "relationship", at least on the highest human level
that you can conceive of....

Alex: I can tell you this. The men totally honor their women. If a group of four or more
women are walking together down a hallway, men will stop and move to the side and
slightly bow their heads as a greetings. Again, there may be communication going on,
like "hello" or "how are you?", but I didn't hear it because they are telepathic and
nothing was specifically directed to me. The only real sounds I heard were associated
with their music, and Moraney asking me questions, wanting to know how I felt about
certain things. The very first time I walked in, we left the smaller craft which was in
some type of a hangar and we walked through what I could describe as a "liquid type
of light". There was some resistance, and as you walk through it you could feel a
"wetness" on your face. The length of this material was about four or five feet. You
could breathe in it. It was like a "liquid" but it wasn't. When you got to the other end
of it, you were in this long hallway and you were totally dry. He told me that this was
a process they used to disinfect all disease or anything they might have carried with
them from where they had been.

Val: In terms of the idea of relationships, at least as we consider them, all the ideas
that involve co-dependency and this don't exist in their society, I presume.

Alex: I have never seen anything like that.

Val: Do men and women walk around in pairs?

Alex: Yes, they do.

Val: Visually, then, there is just a picture of harmonious existence.

Alex: In my perception, that's exactly right. To be perfectly honest with you, Val, I did
not see any evidence of dysfunction whatsoever. In fact, it was one of the most
positive experiences that I have ever had. (1 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Val: Have the Zenetaens ever been under a control system in their history to where
they were "under the gun" from another race or species? Have their ever been, to your
knowledge, critical periods in the development of their civilization. If so, how could
these be characterized?
More on the history of the Zenetaen Civilization

Alex: Let me answer that question this way. I have that question written down to ask
them, because you gave me a question like that before to ask them. But, they did tell
me that there was a time when they first left the Lyrae system, after about 21
generations had gone by, where they found themselves hiding. Again, I don't know all
the details, but they were being hunted by another race. They were living in
hollowed-out asteroids and moons. They were moving all the time.

Val: This is the whole Zenetaen civilization.

Alex: That's correct, and I do not know how many there were. They were basically
living on craft and having to move around all the time, looking for a place that was
safe. Well, there were beings from the Casseopian system that helped them, and
apparently at that point in time the Zenetaens were under a kind of imposed
dictatorship, because they were in survival mode and one person took control of their
civilization. I can remember Moraney saying that it was imperative that they receive
help, because they may not have evolved out of that , had it gone on any longer. What
happened was that they were taken to two solar systems in the Andromedan galaxy.
We know them as "star 42" and "star 44". Star 42 is Zenetae, which is now their star
system. Star 44 is Tishtae. Star 42 has 27 planets around the binary stars. Star 44
has nine planets, but all of the planets are equal to or greater than the size of Jupiter.
They at this point were all terraformed.

Val: These beings from the Casseopian system interacted with them approximately
how long ago in our terms?

Alex: About 2.5 million years ago, but perhaps a little longer.

Val: Has the Zenetaen skin color always been blue?

Alex: No. It was red at one time. Their original forefathers were red-skinned, and I am
told that the Lyraens and Vegans were red-skinned at that time.

Val: How did the progression begin to where the skin color changed to blue?
Alex: Apparently it had to do with a pigmentation change caused by the ingestion of
certain minerals...

Val: Copper based minerals.

Alex: It was in the food and everything they ate, and the double sun had an effect on
this too. You have to remember something here. We are talking about fifth density
beings, not third density, so you have the additional three color spectrums. I always
try to take that into account when comparing them to us. They do literally live in
another frequency.

Val: So, were they ever in third density?

Alex: I am not sure about that.

Val: There seems to be a prevalent assumption among humans that things "start" at a
level of third density existence. But, that's a misnomer, because... (2 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Alex: No all the races have been or are third density.

Val: So, since the period approximately 2.5 million years go, do you have any idea of
how their civilization has grown and changed since then?

Alex: No, I don't know. All I know is where they are now because that's the only way I
know them. That would be a question I would have to ask them.

General Queries on Submitted Questions

Val: Now, at one point in time I had asked you whether the Zenetaens were aware of
another group from the Andromedan system called the Inextrians, and you indicated
that this group was from a star called Mirach.

Alex: Yes, Mirach is the central sun for that system. There are, if I remember this
correctly, 919 other suns that revolve around Mirach, including stars we don't even

Val: Stars that exist on other frequency levels.

Alex: That's correct. I believe approximately 130 of those 919 suns have inhabited
planetary systems. The Inextrians come from one of those 130. There are two other
groups from that group of 130 that have been here to Earth before.

Val: How about the civilization from Koldas, the Koldasians that were involved in the
South African case around 1960. Apparently, according to a question I received from
Chicago, the Koldasians were involved in something called "Operation Fireball" which
parallels some of the things going on today that are connected to the HAARP program,
under which methane is deliberately being injected into Earths atmosphere and an
attempt is being made to ignite it.

Alex: They're going to "light up" the atmosphere and burn it. That is a probability.

Val: It makes you wonder how many people in the Department of the Navy,
E-Systems and Raytheon are on Prozac.

Alex: Let me put it this way, getting back to the subject of the Koldasians. My
experience with the Zenetaens, as far as their description of other races is concerned,
is that they do not give me a "name", per se, unless they had an Earth name that we
would recognize or know. But, if there was no name, they would always use a symbol.
Now, I do not know that any of the symbols that I have written down apply to what
you call the Kodasians, as they know them. I simply don't know that. They have
always referred to the other races by referring to the name of the main star concerned
with their location. I don't know the name Koldasians or Koldas.
Giza Triangular Ratios Related to the Orion Group

Val: Now, we have reviewed some of these questions which originated in Chicago and
New York, and some of them you indicated that you had no information about, so we'll
skip those and move on. Now, one question concerned the communication via
archetypal holographs and symbols and the meaning gleaned by the Zenetaens
relative to the 9:11 and 7:11 height-to-base ratios embodied in the Giza pyramid,
which you indicated had to do with the Orion group, and that the significance
holographically of the triangle or triad symbol was concerned with Orion.
Mathematical Sequences, Synchronicity and Subjective Reality Creation (3 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Alex: Yes. Now, they have a great respect for mathematics and numbers. Moraney has
always said that they always pay attention to what we know as "numbers". They
attend to the physics of everything, including tones, sounds and numerical sequences.
He has always told me that numbers are maps, and one of the things that we
personally do now in our lives is that we watch that numerical sequences that come up
in our lives. It seems that as long as we recognize specific numbers that come up in
things that we are doing, like in phone numbers, bills, addresses, license plates, then
we know we're on the right track.

Val: Just by the fact that certain mathematical sequences, such as triplets
(111,222,333,etc) are noticed....

Alex: Exactly, and everyone resonates to a tone or frequency. If you "stay within the
path of your tone" then you are in effect "moving along your frequency.".

Val: Well, then, "moving along one's frequency" would imply more consistent
perception of synchronicity, which is historically connected with the more consistent
perception of numerical sequences and number sets.

Alex: Yes. These sequences are in effect telling you that you are staying in

Val: This relates to the Law of Consistency that the Zenetaens refer to. Are there other
telltale signs relative to adherence to consistency other than the more frequent
perception of numerical sequences?

Alex: I would think so. Other factors are the degree of awareness of your own
thoughts and what is going on around you. I think it's just overall perception of who
one is. But as far as trying to create and predict one's future, and I did not specifically
learn this from Moraney or Vasais, when I start to create something and come up with
an idea, what I do is apply a numerical set of numbers to that creation. Then, when I
see those numbers become evident around me, I will immediately associate whatever
is going on in my life with that creation. I then move toward that numerical sequence
or number.

Val: How do you assign a number, numbers or numerical sequences to a specific idea?
Can you give an example?

Alex: At one time there was a very big thing that was coming into our lives, and we
really wanted to create it. In my mind, when I was meditating on it, creating it and
seeing the outcome of it, I assigned numbers 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 to the creation.
Any one of those numbers.

Val: Why those numbers?

Alex: I don't know why. It is something that I just started doing in 1985 when they
came back.

Val: So, in effect, what you have discovered is that when numbers that you intuitively
assign to a certain process or creation appear around you, that the perception of these
numbers lends itself to the support of the creation you are manifesting?

Alex: Yes, and I absolutely pay attention to everything that is going on. When this
happens, I will stop whatever I am doing in the moment and reflect on what is going
on in my life, so that I don't miss an opportunity to move in the right direction towards
that creation. Now, I don't know if this process is something they gave me in terms of
a telepathic communication and it just became part of the process within me, but the
Zenetaens follow number-values, totally, and consider them to be "maps." (4 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Val: Maps leading toward what? Toward understanding of the process of creation and

Alex: I think so, yes. Your own creations.

Val: Interesting. Now, here's another question. Has this race from Andromeda ever
give a description, scientific or other wise, of Hale-Bopp?

Alex: Everything I know about Hale-Bopp I have already put out there, and I have
more questions about Hale-Bopp to ask them that are at the top of the list. I wish I
had something new to tell you.
More on the Draconian Civilization

Val: Another question that has been put to me to ask you is the following. If
withholding love leads a race to regression and devolution, due to the absence of
expressed emotion, then why is it that the Alpha Draconians are two billion years old
and have not yet become extinct? Second, what is the average life expectancy of the

Alex: The average life span of the Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100 years of
age. The ones that live as long as 4,100 years are the royal line of the Draconians.

Val: The winged Ciakars.

Alex: Yes, because their genetics have been kept totally intact. Now, as far as them
being regressive, yes they are, but what is interesting, Val, is that they are not
regressive with respect to their own people, only against other races. So, what you've
got is that you have this race of beings that are very regressive toward other races
other than their own.

Val: It sounds like a super-model of imperialism.

Alex: They don't turn on their own people and have continued to evolve within their
own race.

Val: One of the recent themes in orthodox media, especially movies, is that reptilian
species have a penchant for pituitary and adrenal type substances, and that they try
and get these substances any way they can, even to the extent of ripping somebody's
brain out of their head in order to acquire these hormones.

Alex: Well, these hormones, in essence, hold emotion. The brain and spinal fluids hold
emotion. It is what nourishes the nervous system and the brain.

Val: So, is this media portrayal have any accuracy at all? Do reptilian humanoids have
to supplement their own internal production of adrenal hormones from outside
sources? If so, what does this contribute to them physiologically? If this process does
exist, as has been inferred before, is it a function of a need or just as cosmic joyride
for them?

Alex: Well, they don't make the same type of spinal fluid as humans do. As far as their
physical needs, I don't know. I do know that they get a "rush" from hormones from
other species that have been in terror. For example, if they capture a human being,
they will not usually kill the person right away. What they usually do is terrify them as
much as possible in order to jack up the level of emotion and hormones. Then, when
they consume the physical body of that psychologically terrorized being, not only are
they feeding themselves but the hormones impart a physiological and psychological
"rush" which they enjoy. It's essentially a "drug high" for them. (5 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Val: So, they couldn't use hormones from animals, because they don't have the
emotional range of embodied spiritual entities...

Alex. Cattle don't have the extremes of emotions we have. They do have emotions,
but the more extreme the emotions, the "higher the high" when the substances
generated are consumed by the reptilians.
Hale-Bopp Draconians Might Visit The United States First

Because The U.S. Military Will Attack Perceived Aggressors

Val: We had discussed before the subject of the Hale-Bopp complex in terms of the
assessment that part of the complex consisted of "protocol ships" from the Orion
Group. Relative to this planet, do you have any information on probabilities of where
they will come first?

Alex: They will come to the United States first.

Val: Why?

Alex: Because our military will challenge and attack them. So, they will be here first,
and then move to Russia. It's a foregone conclusion that they will be here first.

Val: So, again, another aspect of this submitted question is: what should one do when
encountering these beings from Alpha Draconis? Are there details on precise protocols
as you gave relative to peaceful beings?

Alex: I have a protocol for the Alpha Draconians. Run away.

Val: That's pretty precise.

Alex: That's all I know, is to stay away from them. There is literally no way to
challenge them. It's suicide, to be perfectly honest with you. If they are in the mode
where they want to do you harm, it's going to happen. The best thing is to avoid them
at all costs. You have to remember, Val, that the Alpha Draconians, the Ciakar in
particular, if they come down here, are going to come out of their huge craft and they
are going to look like dinosaurs.

Val: Do you consider embarkation by reptoids a part of the Hale-Bopp scenario?

Alex: I don't believe that there are any Ciakar on Hale-Bopp.

Who's Staffing the Hale-Bopp Complex?

Val: What or whom do you feel is on Hale-Bopp? (6 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Alex: I think they are staffed by warrior-class reptilian, Draconians that are seven to
ten feet tall that have the stubby tail. They are skinnier than the others and
considered the warrior class of the reptilian hierarchy.

Val: Why do you feel that Sirius B humanoids and the Alpha Draconians are the ones
associated with Hale-Bopp?

Alex: The Andromedans have said that Hale-Bopp is a protocol ship from the Orion
Group, and that it contains reptilians in cryogenic stasis.

Val: How exciting...

Alex: They are waking up as we speak, I'm sure.

The Hale-Bopp Complex as an Incredible Control Scenario

Val: There was one aspect of the Sheldon Nidle paradigm which is plausible and
perhaps the case, and that is that radio frequency messages from the Hale-Bopp
complex have been received by governments, and I would guess this is on your "ask
list" to try and confirm that with the Andromedans. I was informed that the messages
contained both a greeting, of sorts, and a warning. The warning said essentially, "do
not bother to try and attack us with your thousand-year-old weapons or we will
obliterate you." Now, with the U.S. military setting up hundreds of these little
complexes in the boondocks around the United States with missiles and high-tech
electronic equipment, obviously ready to shoot something down from above, this is a
little worrying.

Alex: Yes, it is. At this point I cannot confirm that this is true. I will say this, however.
If you were informed correctly about the content of the message received by the
governments, then we are looking at an incredible control mechanism on its way here.
Val: Well, one would presume a control drama with the Draconians on the way.

Alex: Yes, it would be true with any of the regressive groups. From what Moraney has
said, that is exactly what these groups do. They find a planet inhabited by a race less
evolved and technically competent, and they conquer it by whatever means. One of
the first things they do is "put it down". They try and make you feel inferior.

Val: I guess at this point an overall holistic question relative to this whole Hale-Bopp
scenario would be, why now?

Alex: I have no idea.

Val: Considering the assumed dimensional type shifting, would it be logical to assume
that someone desiring to assume control would try it now, rather than wait until later
when it might not be possible? Could it be that they are fully aware of the Andromedan
Council edict of "all ET's out" by 2003 and are ignoring it?

Alex: Yes, I believe they are aware of it and are ignoring it, because both Moraney and
Vasais have both mentioned about sitting down at the Council with representatives
from the Orion Group and Sirius B. I am not sure the Draconians were there, but I am
sure they know about the edict.
Hale-Bopp Draconians Possibly a Rogue Group

Val: So, with reference to Hale-Bopp, we are in essence talking about a rogue group of

Alex: Yes, I would think, or it is a decision by an entire race of reptilians to act (7 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

independently. No one speaks for the Draconians. No one. They could also be coming
here and actually be on their way to somewhere else.

Val: Then, in that case, we would be just assuming that they would be impacting the
civilization here because they are coming in this direction.

Alex: Well, they may come and attempt to do their "thing" and move on to some other
part of the sector to continue doing what they're doing. They are probably not coming
in this direction solely to "get us". There is a much bigger picture here that is all about
control of this sector of space. There are 21 other solar systems in this sector with
planets who have civilizations in basically the same boat we are in here on Earth. So,
we are part of whatever it is but it is not just about us.

Val: Well, if this rogue group comes in here and takes marginal notice of the fact that
there are a dozen or so thousand-mile-wide Andromedan Council ships parked in this
solar system, like they are at present...

Alex: It could be that they will just fly by and not attempt anything. Between you and
me, that's truly what my heart wants.

Val: Well, this rogue group would potentially be in contact with reputed groups that
are here and would know that they are under the gun and at an impasse with the
military industrial complex which has presumably been holding them off while trying to
acquire technology for a defense...?

Alex: I think the regressives know exactly where we are on a technical level, and I
don't they are concerned about all of that in any way. But, they would be concerned
with other races in the solar system, like the Andromedan Council, who are sitting
there and projecting the message "leave Earth alone". The other factor is that those
reptoids inside the Earth would probably have the chance to leave here. I don't know
how that will happen, but I think they will have an opportunity to leave here
voluntarily, and if the Hale-Bopp regressives come in here and try to be aggressive
with us, I think their chance of leaving here peacefully, in the face of the
Andromedans, would be completely over with.

Val: In other words, the rogue reptilians would be challenged by the Andromedan
Council fleet now in the solar system and all we might see is a big "light show" in the
sky as they battle it out.

Alex: Right. I would not at all be surprised by that. That kind of scenario has been
foretold by many individuals, even Apolloneus of Tyana, who spoke of "wars in
heaven" in 79 AD. The proverbial 'war in heaven'.

Val: Do you view the alignment of planets in May 2000 has having any effect on this

Alex: They have only made reference to how much of a pole shift we would have.

Val: So, the Andromedans have never mentioned any significance relative to 5/5/2000
or any planetary alignments at any specific timing?

Alex: No.
Our Main Sun Already Beginning Pole Shift (8 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Val: Now, we were talking about HAARP at one particular time and the situation with
the weather patterns, and you mentioned that part of the collective problem with
weather patterns is that both the magnetic poles of the earth are shifting and that also
the poles on the main sun are beginning to shift.

Alex: Yes, it is.

Val: If this in fact is the case, is it flipping from top-down or bottom-up?

Alex: If you are looking at the sun in terms of North-South-East-West, what you are
seeing is that the South is moving Westerly. The South is rising up and the North is
going East. It's rolling towards us, but at an angle, and the magnetic field of the Earth,
and in fact all the planets in the solar system, are responding to this process.

Val: We have a second smaller sun that is behind the main sun that we normally see.
Is the shifting of the main sun affecting the other one?

Alex: I don't know.

Val: That might be a question to go on the list.

Alex: I know the second sun is denser, heavier and not as hollow as the sun we see.
The Hale-Bopp Companion

Val: Another question which was submitted is as follows: In view of the probable
scenarios forthcoming in February-March 1997 and the arrival of Hale-Bopp, if in fact
the companion to HB is larger in mass than Earth, will that create mass gravitational
effects on Earth with geological consequences?

Alex: No, it would not, because it is a craft, not a planet. It generates and controls its
own force field, and the extent of it, from within. It is different than when you are
dealing with a solid mass. It has an energy field which can be manipulated. It is totally
controlled. The only way a ship of that size could cause a problem is if they specifically
wanted it to cause a problem.

Val: Now, when we are looking at the HB complex, I was informed by a friend who
actually went out there out-of-body and looked at it, and he said that he saw a long
tubelike propulsion unit with four pie-shaped components, presumably the occupied
areas, attached to it. If you looked at it from the end it would seem to be a
cross-shape in the middle of a circle. What about the companion?

Alex: All I know about the companion is that it came out of a star system in the
constellation Cancer. That's all I know, but if you remember when I first started talking
about Hale-Bopp in 1995, the Andromedans had said that another craft was on its way
from the constellation Cancer and would join it. That was two years ago, and here it is.

Val: Has there ever been any kind of discussion that involves what part of the HB
structure will go where when it comes into this system?

Alex: The only thing that Morenae has said specifically was that two of the three
"moons" in the tail of HB, once it passed us, would go into an orbit around Mercury. He
then said, "then your governments will need to tell you that they are here."

Val: Why? Nobody here can see Mercury anyway. Why would the government feel a
compelling need to tell the public about this?

Alex: I don't know. Morenae did not give me any more than that, and maybe that was
for my safety, or maybe it was because the information would tip-off others to the (9 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

plans of the Andromedans. So, I don't know why, and I don't know if that has changed
or not.
Potential Hale-Bopp Tail Debris Impact on Earth

Val: Another question that was submitted to me is as follows: "There is a rumor that
the northern hemisphere may be actually impacted by some sort of projectiles coming
from HB. Is that correct, and if so, what can we do to protect ourselves. Is that why
the military has built so many underground facilities?"

Alex: Well, my understanding is that it won't be projectiles, as we understand it, but

simply debris from its "tail" that may impinge on the planet, because it is dragging
along some natural material along with it. It is a small probability. The military has
build the underground bases primarily with the thought of a pole-shift in mind.
An Andromedan View of the Soul

Val: Another submitted question: "If souls can be removed from humans in about four
seconds, then what is the true nature of Soul/Spirit and what we call God?"

Alex: You know, that's a good question, and I don't know that I know the answer, but
I will tell you this. Once I asked Vissaeus about what they teach their children about
the concept of Soul and true essence, and this was the response he gave me about
that: "We are perceivers. We are an awareness. We are not objects and we have no
solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way for making our
passage through our densities convenient. It is only a description that was created to
help us. We forget that the description is only a description and thus, we have learned
not to entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle of physicality from which few
rarely emerge in a lifetime."

Val: There's one last submitted question here: "Is there any cosmic intelligence that
monitors and keeps balance in the Universe, or are we destined to be controlled by the
bigger guy with bigger and better technology." Well, I can answer this one. The cosmic
intelligence this person is talking about is in fact the Universe itself which is
self-reflective in nature, self-balancing, homeostatic and itself conscious. The second
part of the question is unfortunately from the Darwinian perspective, in that it
presupposes an ongoing situation preoccupied with technology, when in fact
technology is always supplanted by consciousness itself. Would you say those are fair
and accurate answers?

Alex: Yes. In addition, during the earlier stages of development, control by technology
is only possible if we allow it to happen.

Val: Technology itself is a limited material scenario and application of manifested

creation which effectively replaces the efficient application of consciousness.

Alex: I wanted to share something else I have on the brain from Vasais: "The brain
does not create consciousness, but rather it is consciousness that creates the
appearance of the brain, matter, space and time as all things are being interpreted as
a physical reality."
The Nature of Niburu

Val: Here's another question that was submitted to me: "You mentioned that the
Lemurians and Atlanteans were extraterrestrials and you also mentioned Nibiru. Tell us
about Nibiru and its role and relationship to us in this solar system."

Alex: This is what I have been told about who those connected with Nibiru are. A very (10 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

long time ago, colonies on Sirius B and the Orion Group were having trouble with each
other. In order to bring peace, there was a marriage between two members of each
group. The woman came from the Orion Group, where the hierarchy includes a queen
- the matriarchal paradigm. The male was from Sirius B. Both members were
considered royalty of their respective line. When these two came together in marriage,
their offspring had the genetics from both lines. Because of these genetics, the new
race that was created was given the name "Nibiru", which I am told by Moraney in the
Orion tongue means "divided amongst two". This is who they literally are - a cross
between those from Sirius B and a race from the Orion system. They formed a new
"tribe" which has continued to flourish for at least hundreds of thousands of years. So,
they are a tribe that has become a race.
Getting Down to Brass Tacks

Val: In terms of everything that is going on right now, here on January 12, 1997, and
all the scenarios, possibilities, probabilities, potentials, the Andromedans hanging out
in the solar system, the political situation the way it is, the Hale-Bopp complex on its
way, what is your gut intuitive feeling about the progression of upcoming events. I
mean, we probably have dozens of scenarios at this point, in addition to the various
probabilities those from the Andromedan system have presented. What about the next
12 months?

Alex: I do. I think that the end result is that everyone on the planet, especially here in
the United States, will be re-evaluating the idea of self-sufficiency. I really see that
people will finally realize that we have to learn to live together and help each other.
Now, how do I see us getting there? I think that what is going to be happening very
very soon is that there will be severe racial problems in this country.
Control Factions to Synthesize "Racial Problems" to Distract Population

Val: And these "racial problems" will be deliberately instigated by factions within the
government of the United States in order to produce instability, in order to encourage
the population to give up freedom for control.

Alex: Absolutely, because the idea of "racial problems" will mask all their other
transgressions and screw-ups, basically.

Val: All the drug dealing, etc.

Alex: Of course. You can blame it on somebody else or just create a scenario that gets
everybody's attention away from what is really going on behind the scenes. They are
very good at this. I think that is going to happen. I also see a very severe "correction"
in the stock market, and I know that they have predicted food shortages, but I think
they were off by a year. I think its going to be this summer in 1997. I really do. What
I really feel at the same time, Val, is that a lot of people are going to be dealing with

Val: In terms of realizing how factions within the government have betrayed the nation
for so many years?

Alex: Yes. I think that the people are going to realize that they have really placed their
faith in the wrong place for a long time, and I think the people are going to be
overwhelmed with how to get out of it and fix it. You know, when you add into this the
paradigms of extraterrestrials and the truth about most of the world's religions being
archaic dogmatic systems created by a priesthood...

Val: It's one hell of a wakeup call. (11 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

The Year of the Turning Point: 1998

Alex: Yes. It's going to be wild. I think by this time in 1998, January 1998, we are
either going to be coming together as a group of people, or we are going to be
preparing for civil war, and I just don't know which way it is going to go yet.

Val: Is there a possibility that an internal civil war would be prevented by an outside

Alex: I don't think so.

Val: Since the hierarchy on this planet is ultimately controlled by reptilian factions,
would all the efforts toward increasing racial tensions be geared and controlled in
order to make the prospect of Draconia takeover easier?
Prejudice and Racist Perspectives Learned from Extraterrestrial Source

Alex: Well, we're pretty much in chaos already without needing any additional help
getting there. Most people I know are living in chaos. They have no idea what they are
doing or who they are. They think they're the person on their "drivers license", so I
think that I think that the planet is already in the space of severe vulnerability, but
here's the thing. Let's take that same scenario. If you yourself wanted to conquer a
race, or you wanted to prove to other races out there that humans are not worth
bothering with, you would stir up the pot as much as you could and get the population
to war against itself. Let's face it, prejudice is an extraterrestrial perspective.

Val: Do you mean that literally?

Attempt To Use Our Own Free Will Against Our Interests

Alex: They said that we on earth have learned the concept of prejudice from the Orion
Group who were here. When they were here, we watched how they treated other races
and groups. So, we have just propagated that. The bottom line is, if they do create
severe racial tension on this may hear about it on the news or read it in
the newspaper, and this is just an example, but in order for you to go out and actually
harm another soul, you have to consciously make that decision. I think what they are
going to try to do is use our free will against us. In other words, they are going to try
and convince us that this is what we need to do, and instead of people separating
themselves from that idea, they are going to buy into it and try to manipulate the
situation so it will appear to other benevolent groups that might want to help us that
we are not worth helping.

Val: But, I would think that the Andromedans and other peaceful groups would know
that the regressives would try this tactic...

Alex: Well, they probably will know it. I know they know that, but the fact of the
matter is, if we move down that path and we don't ask for help, they will not

Opening the "Can of Worms": Analysis of Concept of "Request for Help" (12 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Val: Well, the idea of "asking for help" opens up an entirely new can of worms.

Alex: Well, I know.

Val: Personally, I don't see it happening, because I don't see enough of whomever
getting it together to make a difference. I think the fact that our race has been
betrayed by others both inside and outside our race is known by the Andromedans and
other beneficent races. And, the Andromedans and other races in the Andromedan
Council know that this planet has been manipulated psychologically, chemically,
biologically and otherwise to the point where the common neurological functioning of
the human brain in the general population is so dysfunctional that a common
consensus is not possible with a large number of people at this time in a direction of
spiritual intent that would allow assistance to manifest itself. Now, there is no possible
way the Andromedans or anyone else out there could not know how deliberately
messed up the human brain has become and how the possibility of general intent has
been thwarted. My question is, in knowing that, why would they then say, "we'll come
and help you if you ask us," when they fully know that we cannot do that as a

Alex: Well, I don't know that they know we can't ask.

Val: They know our whole history holographically about all the things that have been
going on here with the perversion of the human neurology and the historical
interference with the capabilities of the population in terms of intent. For example, the
process of water fluoridation interferes with the hippocampus, which in turn interferes
with the ability to challenge tyranny. This is why the Germans and the Soviets used
fluorides, and it is why the U.S. is one of the most heavily fluoridated countries on the
planet. Now, the Andromedans know that this is going on, and that's just the tip of the
neurological iceberg. So, in knowing that, they would still say, "we'll help you if you
ask us?" I find this interesting, and somebody has to ask this question. There must be
a missing piece here somewhere in something they are not saying.

Alex: Well, I don't know what it is.

Val: The whole question is just a logical question to me.

Alex: I can't defend them, and I don't know any more than that. This has been their

Val: I'm not even asking for a defense of the Andromedan perspective. I'm exploring
the logic of the situation and how you feel about the possibility that somewhere in
there they must know about all of this, that the only option left for them, if they in fact
do want to help, is direct intervention, knowing full well that a manipulated population
cannot collectively ask for assistance.

Alex: Well, here's the thing, and this is my own opinion...

Val: That's what I'm asking for...

Andromedan Council Will Intervene: Collective Intent is Still Vital

Alex: Ok. Here's the thing. My gut instinct is, from all of the interest they have had
and the time that they have spent trying to figure out who we are, is that they will
directly intervene, but they are not going to come right out and tell us that they are.
They need at least some of us to take responsibility in the asking. Do you follow what
I'm saying?

Val: Yes. (13 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Alex: For example, if you were in trouble and you knew that I was going to come and
help you, no matter what happened...

Val: There might be a tendency to sit on your butt and do nothing.

Alex: Right. Would you change your behavior any?

Val: Probably.

Alex: Well, most people on this planet wouldn't. How many people know that the CIA
is involved in drug trafficking, for example.

Val: The number of people who are eclectic enough to really understand what is going
on here on this planet is very small, far below the morphogenetic field threshold that
would magnify intent to an acceptable level. Nevertheless, if the general betrayal of
those in power becomes magnified to a large enough extent, then the consciousness of
the general population would be magnified to some extent, but the trick is to get the
population not to turn on itself. That's the trick, and I would like to know how we're
going to pull that off. Now, correct me if I'm in error, but I am hearing you say that
the Andromedan Council is going to intervene...

Alex: Actually, Val, they already have to some extent.

Val: And they will continue to do so.

Alex: Yes.

Val: What you then said is that the Andromedans would like to perceive at least an
effort on our part, to form some general intent in the direction of requesting
assistance, over and above the fact that they are in essence providing assistance
anyway. In terms of "asking for assistance", is it a thing like standing in the back yard
and looking up and the sky and saying "Andromedans, please help us"? There is a
saying that "when you pray you talk to God, but when God talks back you're
considered schizophrenic". It was comedian Lilly Tomlin who said that. I guess at this
juncture, the question would be, if this is what the Andromedan Council would like to
see, some sort of minimal demonstration of intent, how would that intent best be
assured of manifestation considering what we have to play with here?

Alex: They would need to see that intent expressed in the form of mutual respect for
each other.

Val: So, in other words if they perceive, on whatever sensory format they're using,
that a certain percentage of people are getting their inter-relational act together, then
they will assume that in fact it is equal to the intent of the entire planet to move in
that direction?

Alex: Yes.

Val: Could it already be at that point now, or almost to that point?

Alex: Yes. I believe it is almost to that point. It is why they are here now in the first
place. But, they are not telling me the degree to which the intent has reached this
point. But, I believe its almost there. I think it was Vissaeus who said, "It is imperative
to have mutual respect for a healed planet." They use words so carefully. The word
"imperative" tells me that it is an absolute.

Val: I am addressing these questions now in this way and in this manner because
everyone who has read all this material and listened to your exposition of the (14 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Andromedan perspective, as well as parallel paradigms, have these kind of questions
raging in their minds. Somebody has to ask them, and that's why I have.

Alex: That's fine. I'm Ok with it.

Val: The question of the logic of what appear to be all-knowing people asking for
people to ask for help who cannot ask for help might not have occurred to some
people, but it occurred to me, and I felt it needed asking - and an answer.

Concept of the "Rapture" Psychologically Dysfunctional

Alex: There was a time back in 1986, just before I left Malibu, where I was having a
talk with the Andromedans about religions, and I remember specifically that Vasais
was very curious about religions. I was on that particular day picking on Christianity a
little bit, and I had told him that there were a lot of people on Earth waiting to be
"raptured". He didn't understand what the word meant, and I explained that it meant
the process of being caught up and taken to heaven. I remember that he looked at
me, and asked, "where is this heaven supposed to be?", and I said, "it's a place where
there are angels, and God is sitting on the throne", you know, the classical definition
of what heaven is supposed to be like, and he just looked at me and asked, "many are
waiting for this to occur?". I said, "yes". He then said, "this is extremely

Val: He always has a way with words..

Alex: For all I know, he may have taken that little bit of information back to the
Council and....well, they have some protocols that have to be met.

Val: What are you getting at, exactly?

Hypothetical Events Changing Planetary Consciousness

Alex: Maybe the intervention that is occurring is being done in such a way that it
satisfies all of the concerns of those in the Andromedan Council, also giving us the
highest probability of coming to self-awareness as quickly as possible on our own.

Val: Would you care to give a hypothetical example or scenario, based on what you
just said?

Alex: Let's say that Neil Armstrong went on national television and revealed that there
were other races on the moon when the Apollo astronauts went there, hypothetically,
and that they gave us a message not to come back to the moon, and they we were to
stay on our world that they created for us. Remember, this is a hypothetical example.
Now, that would shift the consciousness on this planet so much that it could never be
returned to its former state. What that would do is that it would launch us as a
planetary population into a totally different direction. We would look at religions
differently, archeology differently... (15 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Val: So, in the same spirit of hypothesis, based on what is really going on now, and
your gut feeling, could you hypothesize a scenario relative to a hypothetical planetary
realization and its subsequent planetary effect?

Alex: Are you asking me what events do I see that could happen that would trigger
The Most Probable Order of Transformative Events to Come

Val: Let me rephrase the question. Combining your gut feeling and what you know, in
terms of the highest known probabilities, what type of planetary transforming events
of that hypothetical nature are most likely to occur, considering current events and
trends? Now, as a guide, you had before given a listing of events that had a high
probability of realization during the next ten years. You may have given some thought
to those probabilities, based on your own knowingness, and come up with a prioritized
list of what may be likely to occur before other things on that list that may have the
same effect as the hypothetical analogy you talked about with the Neil Armstrong

Alex: Ok. These are some of the things that I feel that are absolutely going to happen,
according to my gut instinct, very very soon. At the top of the list is the
acknowledgement of life outside of our planet in the solar system.

Val: It would be a really large stretch between a public announcement of bacteria on

Mars and that type of realization. Your feeling must be based on the idea that
something else is going to happen beyond any kind of media announcement.

Alex: Yes.

Val: Would this "something" be related to Hale-Bopp?

Alex: Yes. Hale-Bopp and other things.

Val: Other things?

Alex: Other sightings. That's at the top of my list. The second highest probability is the
proof of dimension, that there is "life after death" and that the soul does not cease to
Val: What might prompt this realization?

Alex: That, I don't know. But, it is within my gut instinct. The next would be the
introduction of "free energy".

Val: This is already happening as we speak, to some degree.

Alex: Yes. These guys are literally being forced to have to do this.

Val: To do what?

Alex: To move things along. They can't keep us in petroleum products because its
destroying the environment.
Transnational Corporations Now Stuck In Their Own Mess

After Losing Planetary Hideouts

Val: Why should the transnational corporations start caring about that now? (16 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Alex: Because they still need us.

Val: As "consumers".

Alex: Yes. If you kill everyone but yourself, what game is left?

Val: But this is presuming they have a long-term plan. Surely they know that this
long-term plan or anything they could come up with is going to be punctuated by
things that would in fact destroy the entire transnational corporate economic structure.

Alex: Well, here's the thing, Val. They had a plan. My understanding is that the plan
was to colonize the moon and then go to Mars and start a new society and civilization.

Val: This is a plan that was arrived at by the World War II Germans.

Alex: Correct, based on information that they were given by Gizeh intelligence.

Val: Who are..

Alex: The group comprised of rogue Sirians and Pleiadians. Now, they spent a lot of
time and a lot of years, and a lot of energy, putting that plan together.

Val: I remember when the Apollo program was well under way, and Von Braun and the
rest of the ex-Nazi rocket scientists were involved. One of Von Braun's dreams was to
go to Mars. After they went to the moon and discovered what was there, suddenly the
official public program was shut down, the Apollo program was canned, the Nazis were
put out to pasture, and the public was convinced to think that planetary exploration
was abandoned in deference to solving social problems on earth. Or, that's what the
public was persuaded to think. Meanwhile, the covert program of planetary
exploration, in league with some alien extraterrestrial groups, proceeded. That's the
way I understand it to have happened.

Alex: Right. They built structures and complexes on the moon and on Mars, and the
program continued up until February/March 1989. At that point, it became evident that
everything they had done was for nothing, because they were attacked by the Orion
group, who came into our solar system and destroyed the earth bases on Mars.

Val: And all of these occurred at the end of the 12-year Bush-Reagan administration.

Alex: Of course, it was during this period where Reagan addressed the UN.

Val: Yes, with the speech about "what if we were attacked by a force from space".

Alex: Right. So now, what they realized is that they have allowed the corporate
octopus to destroy the environment, but now as of 1989 they're stuck and they've got
to come back here and live in the "shit" that they helped create. They can't escape to
some other planet now. Now, they have no choice but to start to fix some of the
problems here.

Val: But, now they've got a larger problem looming in front of them. It's their worst
nightmare. The thing that they tried to do to us is being done to them. How ironic.
Meanwhile, the bulk of the population has been just sitting here and has never realized
that all of this has been going on.

Alex: Exactly. I'm sure they thank God for keeps people fat, dumb and

Val: I just bought an interesting book called "Four arguments for the elimination of
television". It's a pretty thick book. (17 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Alex: I bet they're all strong arguments.

Val: Yes, they certainly are.

Vasais: Creating A New Reality and Different Way of Life

Alex: Well, they're not going to eliminate it. It's not going to happen. There are a
couple more things I wanted to cover here. I was having a conversation once with
Vasais once about the idea of creating a new reality and a different way of life here.
These are some of the thoughts he gave me:

"Create another domain of knowing, communicating and being. In other

words, the domain of calling forth or generating your intent needs to be

more distinct. Your physics, as you call it, is a good example of this

'calling forth'. There have been men on your planet who have called for

new domains of thinking that never existed. They invented it, and they

didn't fantasize about it. They didn't pretend. They literally created a

new context for what you now call physics. Your humanity is strong

with these kind of examples. No being, however, makes the distinction

that this is what they are. I would like to give you an example. Your

(concept of) human rights. It isn't so long ago that there was no such

concept on your planet. It didn't exist. Your terrans did not have any

rights. Only their kings and priest had their rights. But most of you

terrans did not have any rights. So, you and other terrans created

'human rights' from nothing. You created the domain that created

the "human rights' and then you called it forth. You created language

for it. You communicated it. And this communication that you gave had

power, because it was full of intent. It has the power not only to

represent and to invoke, but also to literally bring it into being. This

is what your races need to do in order to clearly know yourselves

and transform the quality of your lives on your Earth."

Val: That's helpful.

Andromedan View of the "Astral Plane"

Alex: There is something else I wanted to share with you. When I first started talking
with him in 1985, there were a lot of questions that I had regarding the astral plane,
or "ghosts" and things like that. So, this is dealing with what most metaphysicians
would understand as the "astral plane, and those who inhabit it: (18 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

"Their reality is one of collapsed consciousness and personal belief

systems. They cannot any longer expand in consciousness. They believe

they cannot awaken until they are worthy...

Val: This is interesting, because it dovetails a lot with what Robert Monroe had to say
in his book Far Journeys.

"And this worthiness comes only from within, and it must be experienced

in their own laws. They are stuck in consciousness. We would suggest to

them, if they were to ask for assistance, that it be important to burn away

all the religious images, otherwise truth becomes very filtered and

squeezed, and you only get a little piece of that truth, and not all of it."
Andromedan View of "Truth" on Earth At This Time

"Truth, on your planet, is a filtered experience understood only through

your personal belief systems or concepts. We have discovered that

everyone on your world has a different truth, and there have been

cultures-of-truth in every society or civilization. It has kept a continuum

of light here on your planet. The truth is not told to everyone because

everyone, we feel, is not ready to hear it. There are some who have, and

would take your truths and but them in a box, and then keep their lives

detached from it. The problems is that much of your mankind is taking

these truths personally instead of seeing it as an objective truth or

reality. They would take this truth and make it very egotistical in order

to glorify themselves and others, and as we perceive, and through our

own experience, a truth is not meant for that at all. They would then

create a religion or some kind of dogma again, something which they

could remain detached from, yet glorify in the eyes of others. And a

truth has nothing to do with your earth religions. The secret, wondrous

nature of Spirit has nothing to do with your religions. You are all

multi-dimensional. Think that way. In order to think that way, you

Terns should turn the way you understand and perceive yourselves

and life inside-out, and make all of your belief systems abstract, not

personal. Because of your personal attachments, you have cut yourselves (19 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

off from universal knowledge. You have to have an objective mind to

gain true knowledge. You have all cultivated the attitude of a subjective

self. The Is-nests does not live inside of all of you, and if you won't

conceive of or believe in your own divinity, how are you going to make

the leap into the next levels? How are you going to attract and magnetize

true, unconditional respect and love, to you, without thinking in this

way. If you do not participate, you will only be a spectator. You will

not watch or participate in the plan for growth and evolution in our

galaxy, and not truly experience it yourself."

Val: Could you define a non-personal belief system in terms of what was just said?
Alex: A belief system not based on personal experience. What I have learned is that
personal experience is really the only true basis for knowledge that I have.

Val: So he's saying that belief systems, if they exist at all outside personal experience,
should be considered to be only abstract in their nature.

Alex: Yes, that's right.

More on Civilizations in Various Star Systems

Val: Changing areas of discussion, could you give me more information in terms of
star civilizations that you have not yet released to the public in general, on the basis
that no one has yet asked this specific question.

Alex: There are planets in specific star systems that I know. There is a small star
called Centaur where there is plant, insect, animal and human beings that exist in a
setting that would be considered to be equivalent to our Middle Ages. Another star is
Krugerko. The planets in this particular system are full of minerals. There is silver,
platinum, as well as plutonium. In the system of 61 Cygnae, there is planet and animal
life, but no colonies as of yet.

Val: What about the beings on Sirius A?

Alex: There is a race of beings on Sirius A, the humans there, are called the Katayy.
They are considered benevolent. There is also animal, mammal and aquatic life on the
planet. Many of the human races there are red-skinned. Their ancestry is some of the
first Lyraens that escaped with the women and children during the war. In their oceans
they have whales, octopus and sharks. They are a race that is artistic. They have
music and are connected to nature. They are builders and not very political. Their
governments are based on "spiritual technology", which uses sound and color.

Val: And Sirius B?

Alex: The cultures around Sirius B have a very controlling vibration. Some of the
humans are red, beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius B are very arid
and are generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type beings. Palm trees originate
from the Sirius B system. The society is more obsessed with political thought patterns (20 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

instead of spiritual attributes.

Val: And Sirius C?

Alex: It is now just being terra-formed, so there are as yet only very small colonies

Val: Has Moraney ever talked about the planet that the U.S. military has conquered
after using Montauk technology to transport themselves there?

Alex: He did, and I have that, but I haven't been able to find that in my notes yet. As
soon as I find that I will get that data to you. Ok, around the star system of Procyon
there are planets occupied by 23 billion human beings in five solar systems. That's all I
have now. I'm still going through my notes.
The Nature of Andromedan Music

Val: What about Andromedan musical composition and the nature of their music?

Alex: What they do is as they are traveling, they will record solar systems
holographically, or the planets individually, and they take the holographic sound
patterns relating to them and blend them with other sounds of other planets, suns or
galaxies. They create their music from this.

Val: It is literally music of the spheres.

Alex: Literally, and I have to tell you Val, there is absolutely nothing like it. It's like the
most incredible orchestra you could ever imagine, but it makes your soul vibrate, it
really does. It's so profound.

End of Interview

1997 (21 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]

Chapter 7 - Leadership
Dictated by Moraney to Alex Collier

What is important this present time in your world is to know the pioneer leaders of your past who greatly influenced
your world today are removed from the hearts of the people today. The leaders of today, this present moment, should
share and embrace the same faith, philosophy and objective as the people. They, the leaders, should thereby raise
each of the governed to his or own level, according to the principles of consistency from beginning to end.

This mistakes, as we have studied and observed, are that throughout your history, hero-worship and fame-seeking
has risen to the point of the idea your leaders are great and the general populace is ignorant and powerless. This
concept in your country contradicts a true democracy and is wrong. So it shall be that individuals must and will
awaken and united voluntarily. Some will be artist, scientist, and others from all walks of life. They will become
teaching leaders of the people with whom they are working directly and will teach all men and women to be leaders. At
the same time, it is also important that those who support them must become leaders also.

To be a leader in your world, we would only suggest that only the requirements be simple and evolve from the real
essence of mankind. Leaders should be in absolute faith of their humanhood, declaring always, the
greatness of God and self-responsibility. They should also have a strong sense of responsibility for themselves
and those that they teach. A leader should always love his people, protect them, and encourage them warmly into
their own power and humanhood. The leaders sense of responsibility will deepen by his affection of his role as teacher
and father or mother.

When a leader lacks mercy or compassion, they will be self-serving and irresponsible. And a leader/teacher should
always strive and be broad-minded. He should always try to be capable of understanding his member's needs, and
individual situations, and putting himself in their place. A leader should practice gentleness and forbearance, and be
determined to hear the problems and teach guidance and self-determination to any person to establish self-faith and

A leader also needs to be impartial. He must not be swayed by his own feelings or self-serving considerations. Always
eager to give a fair hearing to reasonable suggestions, but firm in protesting self-serving goals or mistaken views,
even to his seniors.

Leaders should be careful of those that flatter them, as not to cater to their personal agendas. Leaders should cultivate
the sense to spot cheap tricks, lies and sneakiness. He must also put the right person in the right place and be
courageous about it. The idea is to build long-term integrity in all aspects of life and leadership. Always acknowledge
the inconspicuous efforts of others, as all souls are part and contribute to the whole.

Your leaders should also have self-confidence, courage and decisiveness. Leaders must believe in their ability to
protect his members and help them advance to self-responsibility so all may become determined. Those persons who
have done the inner work on the path of being a true human being, acquire wisdom and are true leaders. They always
have faith in themselves. Those who walk the path of heart will discover that through faith emerges wisdom. And this
same faith enables the leader to employ his wisdom effectively in all situations.

Courage is indispensable to the leader. Leadership is no place for cowardice. Always strive to advance wisdom and
courage. Building an honest and healthy race of human beings means producing a world of leaders of the true law of
oneness. Development of faith, integrity and character is both the starting point and the end result. This will make all
people capable human beings.

Every child born in your world is a new opportunity to build and honest and real world. Leaders need not criticize each
error on the part of their members or staff. A leader should praise them for what they have done well and capably.
There will be other people who will criticize. Being a leader or becoming a leader does not mean you have perfect faith
or wisdom. These are life-long pursuits. Beings a leader is to develop people, and to help people into
self-responsibility, spiritual maturity and the freedom to cultivate voluntary introspection. Mankind can develop
remarkably, even under adverse circumstances. When Earth awakens to her mission and towards her great objective,
we will have full faith than you all will be successful, and a source of great pride to all of us. (1 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

On The Relationship With the Is-ness
Moraney to Alex Collier 2/24/95, California

The worship of the Is-ness (God concept) is silent, and solitary, free from all self-seeking. The silence is a necessity,
as all speech is feeble and imperfect. Therefore, as with your ancestors and ours, their spirits and consciousness would
ascend out of time and space to the Is-ness in wordless adoration (feeling). There are no priests or "saviors"
authorized to come between a man (soul) and our maker. Each experience is personal, and different than another, and
should not in any way be meddled with or judged. Each soul should become conscious of the divinity that is in itself.

There should be no shrines, no temples among you. Accept nature and the caretaking of nature by mankind. Be a real,
natural human being. Your real faith may not be formulated in creeds, as you have been taught, but from a deeper
portion of yourself that you have forgotten, or ignore. Temples were built on your planet to honor and worship the
extraterrestrial beings believed to be Gods. The Is-ness can be worshipped by honoring yourself and that which is
given you. By honoring yourself you honor the Is-ness, because you are truly One and the same.

Look at your Earth, your ocean, your night sky and the galaxy. This is your "church", and you are the "alter" in that
"church". So, release yourself from your past limited thinking. It takes only a decision. What anyone else thinks does
not matter.

It is important to remember that the Is-ness does not place value upon the material fabric of time. This has only been
created so that we as souls could learn more about ourselves and return with our experiences to contribute to the
creation of ourselves. The rituals of "offerings", "sacrifice" and other symbolic objects only means something to you
(alone). The Is-ness is only interested in your intent, the path of your heart. Look to find your highest happiness and
the motive for power in your existence.

Do not look with ill upon those of simplicity or poverty. The goal of one's path, regardless of lifetimes or lifeforms, is
not the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of (material) luxury. It is to discover your true self, that which is
"apart" from the Is-ness; it is that part of you which chooses to leave the comfort and safety of all eternity, to fall into
the concept of time. To become a true human being is the practice and constant embracing of your essential self. And,
from that place of eternity, your thoughts, actions and emotions should emanate into the world.

Human beings should be vulnerable, open, focused, strong and flexible. In your world, the three concerns all of you
must address personally are Self-Worth, Trust and Expectation. Your Earth not only needs healing, she also needs a
responsible and worthy companion. That companion is the masculine.

There is a great need for the men of your world to become intuitive and focused on the development of the soul. Men
must cultivate unconditional love on all levels. The men of your world are too aggressive and full of self-imposed
loneliness. Please remember that all energy moves in a circle, so everything returns: the love, anger and despair.
Please, we ask you to also acknowledge the fact that the love you withhold is the pain you carry. So, let love warm
your voice. Let love be the wonder to children's ears. Let imagination create a world of unconditional responsibility. It
will also change the order of the old world. Let your emotions give motion to the "hero" that struggles within all of you
for the freedom to act, to be, to witness and to apologize.

The responsibility of becoming a human being is great, but it also natural. It is prayer in motion. It is your evolution
and free will in action. It is the flow of life in all things. So, love the Earth and make new life, for children are always a
new beginning. Most of you have yet to rediscover a world you've "already discovered".

More on the New Density Characteristics

Moreney to Alex Collier. Released 1/9/97

It is the start of One-ness that we would like to talk to you about and share with you. The vibratory rate of the
universe is changing very fast, as compared to the rate of compulsory evolution. In your world, the rate of this
vibratory rate will be measured by the frequency of the Earth. The effects of the new dimension were introduced in
your year 1994, and it is affecting all physical material worlds regardless of their state or dimension.

The effects are changing all physical matter, including atoms, photons, hydrogen molecules and all matter in the
eleven creational densities. It is important that this be explained or stated for those that will listen, for it will prove to
be verified for those who waiver in doubt. All physical matter is going to change because all thought is changing. It is
starting in all of us at a higher level in spiritual form, or what we would "coin" for your discernment, the One Mind.

As we told or spoke to you earlier, when we (first) recorded this new dimension, we explained to you that we were told
(of it) by the Paa-tre, a race (consisting) of a single group-consciousness in what you could observe as the 9th
density, that the frequency being emitted from the black holes is of one polarity. We now have more data that we can
share and explain about its profound effects on all of us who are physical. We know not why this is happening, but
(only) that it will change much of all of our lives and conscious experience in a short time. (2 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

We, in Andromeda are preparing ourselves and our young, as well as trying to express as best as we can to other
races what we have learned, so that others may choose to act or not to act in whatever way each acknowledges to do

The most immediate changes is in the 11th density, as we are told. To describe it to you in your limited language is
nearly impossible, as one cannot express or explain infinity to a first grader or five-year-old in your world. We do not
(mean to) imply that you are not capable of understanding, but we are at a loss to explain precisely to you when
(because) your languages fall (so) short of true expression of the soul. But, we (will) try by saying that a dimension
(containing) white light contains 72 more frequencies of light and consciousness, and that the levels of consciousness
contained within a holographic dimensional picture of the same 72 frequencies, contained in one dimension, has tripled
itself in an instant. The 11th density is now beyond description to those (who were) in 11th density, and their mode
and quality of (descriptive) language and thought is now inadequate (to explain the change).

Those consciousness (aspects) that exist to evolve are having to create whole new realities of communication. An
example of what we are trying to express to you is that -- if one million people could not express or explain what had
happened to them as a whole or as individuals, this would be very profound to the remainder. That is what happened.
The changes and leaps of consciousness are so profound on the 11th density, those beings cannot relate to it in their
present wisdom. They cannot explain "what" it is or "why" it is, because their past ability to be at One with their own
existence has not prepared them for what has occurred. Their new reality is beyond all experience or expression.

The effects are now beginning to be seen and felt on the 9th and 10th densities, and we as a race are starting to try to
be at one with the vibration, so that there will be no interruption in our cooperation and vigilance with your present
3rd density and 4th density realities.
Be it know to you that we cannot express to you what changes you will experience, until we have experienced them.
But, based on the past and future experiences of 9th, 10th and 11th density beings, we already conclude that we may
not be prepared to express it. The beings of the 11th density are having difficulty expressing it themselves, and
expressing their experiences to each other of the Oneness of their new consciousness. In other words, it is like a child
who has thoughts but does not know how to speak, and struggles to say the first words, and isn't sure what was said
or why. It's first grade on the highest level of consciousness in our universe. We love and share with you. Lose not
your faith. Be at one always.

Your brother, Moraney

Dealing With Current Social Crisis

" The most necessary action now, for all of you who are aware, is to do what you are capable of doing to illuminate
your degenerated societies. Consciousness is your scale. It always provides balance, which does not fail. It speaks to
those (who
listen to it) and tells them what to do, and what not to do - to one or all beings who chose to be involved."

" The key to your happiness is in the hands of your consciousness. We have perceived that you have arranged your
lives not according to yourselves, but according to others. Your disappointments are due to this fact. This kind of
conduct of yours is what is limiting your race. Each one of you is a free soul, a free consciousness. No one is the
servant or a slave of anyone else, though the hidden ones would trick you to believe otherwise. Mutual respect is
imperative for a healed planetary race. Help is being extended to you if you want it. Because of our genetic lineage to
your race, we would like to be with you during your difficult times. Today, you are a planet and a race that destroys
itself in ignorance. Your goal is to uncover the genuine human beings lost deep within yourselves. Always be at one
with yourself."
" We have been in communication with many races in discussions regarding militant decision making. We all agree
that conflict in the end serves one purpose -- to create fear. And, this we know removes the original intent from
creation. We

are hopeful that sincerity will gain momentum."

Some Historical Aspects of

Human Physiology and Genetics (3 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

Material in brackets [ ] has been added for linguistic clarification

"In your linear time of 3rd density measurement, of 439,231 rotations ago [years], war on a grave scale occurred in
your Solar System. This aggression occurred against those on your worlds that included not only you Terrans, but also
those called Niburu. This invasion of your systems by Orion was led by a queen named Suttee. This (war) was
destructive on many levels [frequencies) of physicality.

"We will focus tonight on your Terran physical form. It matters little of those who hear you, Alex, who do not listen.
Please share (this) regardless of (any) emotion returned to you in challenge. When your science truly removes their
bigotry, they

will discover of the wisdom of it (what is said here). The last grave conflict was very harmful to your physical form.
Many weapons of destruction, many of atom-splitting (nuclear weapons) have been used. This is the reason for most
of your Terran skin tones. We shall explain.

"Orion was and is most interested in the females of your race. Because of the pro-creation (reproductive) and genetic
strengths. We want to share (the fact) that much of your Terran history has been misleading in its truth by those who
eventually conquered in control of your solar system (those in control rewrote history to hide the truth). Nibiru won,
but only a short battle, before they and other outposts were forced to leave (the solar system) because of genetic

Your original races were green-skinned. This we know, because of large copper traces in your Terran 22 blood type
(refers to the composite of human genetics which comprise genetic codes from 22 humanoid species). Also, the
pituitary and thyroid (glands) were fully functional (at that time). The genetic damage to these organs was caused by
(the) radioactivity in (the) air and all things of contact (on all things in the environment). The air was like this for a
long time.

" It (the radioactivity in the environment) caused the genetic memory of these organs (genetic memory of full-use
capacity) being closed and almost atrophied (caused the function of the organs to shut down and the organs to
atrophy). Your world experienced drastic changes in climate and massive magnetic fluctuations. Your different skin
tone races are a result of an adema damage to your blood (changes in blood chemistry). It was (then) necessary for
survival to create self-sufficient and contained environmental habitats, (both) above and below the surface. Much of
the fossilization of your terran remnants is caused by this radiation of your planet (here they imply that ambient
radiation plays a part in fossilization processes). Your system contained 3 suns at that time. Only two remain (one is
on the opposite side of the visible sun, and rotates in such a way that it is hidden from view from the perspective of
the Earth). Your physicality (body) in its original form contained a great balance of zinc, copper, magnesium and iron.
Your true (original) blood color was green, like your chlorophyll. Some, we have discovered, even had (blood of a) gold
tint. As such (at that time) your physicality (body) could survive in a high carbon dioxide (content) atmosphere.
Because of this skin color green, the (only) stars in your system that affected your physical form were in the color
spectrum of orange-red, blue and green.

" Many of your Terran races were stranded on the surface. The genetic changes were the result of radiation damage.
Your race (skin color) went from green, to red, to yellow, to black, and then to white. Your white races were then
considered then to be genetically weakest (Note: that should steam some people). As such, the survivors and
descendants of the war were genetically altered and became white through edema (he means anemia?} And they
were persecuted and (were) forced to

live underground, only to surface 5,508 rotations (years) ago to the surface of your world. The copper blood line is
(now) a small race on your world (Note: He has to be referring to the 'blue blood" self-declared nobility), but it is the


Your native red nation race is very strong and easiest to discover and understand {Note: this might explain the
penchant for abduction of those with 'red' genetic bloodlines, and also the relative genocidal murder of the 'red' races
by the white). The red is the closest to the original form among you. Your physicality had a natural defense to positive
and negative frequencies (due to the) copper mineral in your blood (resistance to electromagnetic variation). This lack
(now) of copper in your blood has caused a partial loss of brain capacity and nervous system (capacity). Remember
(that) your DNA contains cellular memory. It is possible to unlock this memory with (the) use of minerals such as
copper. Your blood systems (are) adapted (now) to iron, because of copper depletion due to (ambient) radiation. We
will share more, but we must return now. Be at one, Alex.

Telepathic Statement from Moraney 11/3/96

Released 11/5/96 National Election Day
"Alex, we have already spoken with you in detail of your races' genetic transfers and reincarnation before. I will
mention them again when necessary because your path and happiness depend on being able to attain the truth. Yes,
we are aware the situation of your planet shows great deviation of the right path in the sincerity period. But, please, if (4 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

you would try to share this moment in your planets evolution as a preparation for the investments, which will be made
in the very near future for your races.

Since the removal of conditions by density technology, your evolution is going to a faster pace, I think you say, than
before. [Note: here Moraney paused in the middle of the talk to listen to information regarding movement of craft
around Uranus. He smiled and then resumed]

We have had to raise the frequency of your planet to move change and enlightenment along. Such a broad word you
use, this word 'enlightenment'. It was necessary. This also means great tests of tolerance in situations will be needed,
by your races. The most important of these tolerances will be caused by delusionary discriminations between your
peoples. At the present moment your races are carrying in your DNA genetics the influences of a thousand centuries,
as you count rotations, both the positive and negative aspects. Please understand we are trying to prepare your races
for advanced maturity.

At present moment, many transfers occur in your planet from many different cultures and planes. Each member of the
races on and in your planet will naturally exhibit their own mentality. They do and will contradict your habitual
cultures. But, please do not forget that we have told you about mental conflicts, (that they) cause each to go through
tests of maturity. We determine your mentalities through

the impulse signals we receive from your races chain of thoughts. Now, the selection of man or woman and the
situations they transcend are much more difficult, because their preparation (in terms) of the future is in accordance
with their level of consciousness. Alex, you cannot help all your races. Each member of your races will feel their
essence in (during) the balancing of positive and negative as they have done, and it will be weighed in their own
consciousness. Those who prepare and invest will be prepared for the evolution to another density. The countenance
of your planet is changing very quickly.

Please don't confuse our compassion for your races with a love for your planet. Please understand that they [two
concepts] are separate with our race. We are neither pleased with your worlds riches, nor dismayed by its poverty. We
come to hear, to assist in the period of sincerity. The clarifying of the original intent in all of us in this 'veedia'
[holograph]. Because of lineage to your races, we returned to


Your world is a place of veiled consciousness. In order to be embodies in physicalness, all frequencies should be
assembled in a whole intent. The very distresses, the many anxieties, are the result of conflict with the limitless
awareness in your races. This is the reason why your planet races cannot attain your own Selves [and] you desire to
possess everything. The reflections of your evolutionary state of physicality, causes your races not to live comfortably
on your planet. Your present religions cause your races to unify [the idea of] your physical bodies with your abstract
egos. You call this "progress". We do not. Stop looking to your physicality to bring you enlightenment. Your bodies are
the effect of the cause, which is intent, moved by emotion, which creates physicality.

During previous past times in your 3rd density, education of the soul took many incarnations of life and death of the
physical body. Situations and reincarnations would reflect this system it appears. All beings would transcend your
physicalness in accordance with the degree of consciousness attained. Since it appears that your races, having no
concept of the Law of Consistency, became very fragmented in extremes. Religions became divisions of beliefs, and
conflicts among your races took place. The worship of belief systems and idolatry came into existence.

Now, the technology of advanced races in higher densities have taken control of your evolutionary systems, and by
means of this systems' control, the evolution of certain dimensions.

Reincarnations have become history, and by this means your races, Alex, and others [races] than yours, have a
probability of DIRECTLY attaining your FULL ESSENCES.

The reason for telling you this truth in all clarity is to free you of the conflicts and contradictions, so your races can
attain the truth as soon as possible. So, don't ask us about yourself, ask ABOUT yourself TO your own Self.

If your races cannot attain the truth and cannot be unified with YOUR ORIGINAL INTENT, we will not be able to be in
touch with your planet races. Since the EGO CONSCIOUSNESS in your races still goes on, and since you cannot break
the denial of your inner self, your race becomes detrimental to the planet and to your planetary system.

At this moment, there are many beings who cannot attain genuine respect for Self and Self-Awareness in our galaxy.
They, as well, are being kept under control. Their evolutions are being made in an indirect way. Your races have also
been persecuted and manipulated by other galactic races from planetary systems negatively charged, other than your
own. Since during your different past time periods they have tried to prove to your ancestors their own TECHNICAL
POWER, fear has been CREATED in your races. We have returned, to convey the truth, to erase these fears.

Since your planet is the site of both the most primitive and most high maturity, it is very full of contradictions. Your
religions which helped many to evolve, have not been released. Your races have refused to let go of a system of
beliefs that have not serviced your planet for the last 453 rotations of your star [years]. Be freeing you of this, and
with the use of COMMON SENSE, we hope your races will attain your OWN SELVES, and BECOME FULLY
INDEPENDENT. Be at one. (5 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

The Greys and the Earth Agenda
A 1995 Alex Collier Lecture
Interaction Between Gizeh Group and Nazi Germany

The Greys made contact with a world governmental body for the first time in 1931. This was in Germany. The Greys
were however turned away by the German government, because it had already committed itself to involvement with
the Gizeh intelligence. Now, I don't know if you know who Gizeh intelligence is, but I will tell you that it is a renegade
group of human extraterrestrials that were headquartered under the Gizeh plateau in Egypt. They were predominantly
Pleiadians at the time. Ashtar was part of that group, Kamagol was part of that group. Even Jehovah was part of that
group for some time. They did their own thing. They came down here and "played God" with us, and people
worshipped them as "Gods" because they had this technology. They abused their power. The Germans were, in the
1930's, building rockets and starting a space program because of their contacts with extraterrestrials - the Gizeh

Technology was developed and used to create weapons, because the German governmental bodies involved were
concerned that there was going to be an alien invasion. The Gizeh intelligence told them that the Greys were here.
However, there was not an actual invasion, per se, in progress. Weapons, such as sound devices, lasers, neutron
bombs, particle beam weapons were created , although many of these were actualized later on in history. The
Germans were given a lot of this technology by the Gizeh intelligence. These technologies also included free energy
devices and anti-gravity technology.
Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain

The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in
1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Washington State. It wasn't
until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien
craft in Roswell, New Mexico. This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at
Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became

Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very
very secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on
between these other countries were two separate issues.

The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again,
the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced
state of the aliens they had encountered. The true space program was an "underground" development that we are just
now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome. Now, you will need to do
some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about
that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first
facilities on the moon and Mars.

Prior to all of this, between 1850 and 1950, there were instances of the mutilation of both cattle and humans. The
NSA, which was created in the 1950's, knew that aliens were responsible. How they knew this, though, I have not
been told. I will try and get more clarification on that. In 1952, the government prepared itself for the realization of
ongoing alien contact. When our military radar systems started to bring down craft, the Greys realized that in order to
perform their genetic experiments on such a large scale, in an attempt to genetically save their race, they would need
the cooperation of a political body of a high caliber. In other words, they had to come to terms. A select body in the
United States was designed to be the liaison between the Greys and earth humans. The military was very enthusiastic,
in the hope of exchanging raw materials for alien technology. This liaison group, the political structure, was the
National Security Agency. This is what its original purpose was.
The Agreement and Contract

In May of 1954, the United States government made the agreement with an alien race. Some of the terms of this
agreement featured the exchange of technology of anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environmental type technologies,
free energy and medical technologies geared toward dealing with the human body. All the Greys asked for in return,
they said, was to be allowed to study human development in terms of consciousness and emotional makeup, and to be
allowed to stay here on Earth. The agreement took place at Holloman Air Force Base.

This single act involving the signing of a "contract" with an extraterrestrial race was the most significant event in
human history, because it launched mankind in a direction we were never intended to go in the first place. It also
thrust us into a role that we were not prepared for, either, of being host to an alien race. This also essentially
"handcuffed" the Andromedan Council, and those benevolent extra- terrestrial races from being able to take a more (6 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

active role in our evolution. In effect, it has placed the burden squarely on the shoulders of humanity, to enlighten
itself relative to the facts, and to consciously create ascension on an individual basis, because outside help was now

The particular treaty was agreed upon between these aliens and the Ultra unit in the NSA, which is in actuality a
government unto itself. Now, pay close attention, because this is the first time I have ever mentioned this. The
particular document and originally exchanged materials may be found today in the NSA facility called Blue Moon,
underneath Kirkland Air Force base in New Mexico. The entrance to this base is in the Manzano mountains. Also, at
this location is the private Department of Energy (DOE) technological base. Currently, the building of free energy
devices for use in space is ongoing in this particular facility.

Much of the alien technology has been reconstructed and sent, via a connecting tunnel, to Los Alamos and an area
located underneath the cliffsides of Los Alamos canyon, where huge vaults are built into the earth. This facility is
29,000 square feet, and contains laboratories equipped to study light, thought, and pure energy.

This facility is also used as a jail for aliens captured by black government factions.
Now, the NSA is exempt from all laws in the United States, unless it is itself mentioned in any creation of law. This is
because of its interaction with alien species and what it sees as necessary intervention into the civil and constitutional
rights of the American people.
The Underground Network and Its Management

Corporations that are currently assisting the various alien groups and the "black government" are: Standard Oil,
Lockheed, Northrop, McDonald-Douglas, AT&T, IT&T, the A.Matthews Construction company, the Robbins Company,
the Utah Mining Company, and a host of others. There was a great deal of private money used by the NSA to build
alien technology, and to keep humanity under control, and the status quo secure. Even the CIA doesn't know a lot
about the Ultra unit or the Blue Moon unit in the NSA, which deal with alien technology and information.

Now, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 (under Blue Moon) control compartmentalization, building and applications of alien
technology. According to the Andromedans, Alpha 2 is MJ-12, and MJ-12 is at the bottom of the hierarchy, even
though we are led to believe that it is at the top. Alpha 2 also controls the release of information and the security of
that information. MJ-12 meets in a facility called the "country club" in the mountains of Virginia. The "country club" is
owned by the Rockefeller Foundation. The vital meetings are held underground, and the members of MJ-12 are taken
via a small subway to the town of Warrington, Virginia. From there, they are taken to an underground city called
"Ravenrock", which is located just south of the Blue Ridge summit in Pennsylvania. The effort and energy they put into
keeping all of this secret is incredible. It's nice to know that a race 2.2 million light years away knows what is going on

Most of the underground tunnel system across the United States is between 2,500 and 3,500 feet underground. The
Boeing Aerospace Company built and created fuel batteries and power generators to operate this subterranean
highway system that is apparently all across the United States. Apparently, in these fuel cells, they mix chlorine and
hydrogen and electricity is created, as well as hydrogen chloride, which is then reseparated again into hydrogen and
chlorine. The process continues forever, creating electricity forever. It never wears out, apparently.

The planning and implementation for blueprints and designed for the tunnel connections underground was handled by
the Navy. The National Research Council was responsible for the underground tunneling systems across the United
States. The management of all these facilities is handled by the Department of Energy.
Now, the machines that were built to create this underground tunnel system and the underground facilities were built
by the Jarva Corporation of Ohio, the Morrison-Knudson Company out of Boise, Idaho, and the Robbins Company in
Washington State. Most of the financing for this program, and all of these facilities, has been done through the NSA.
Black Project Finance Through Drug Trafficking

Ok. The New World Order and the "black government" financed the building the alien bases and underground facilities.
How is it that the NSA signed a treaty without going through Congress and did this without anybody knowing about it?
The majority of the financing was the result of the CIA creating solutions to impossible situations. Proceeds from the
sale of narcotics (to the American people) have been used to finance these black projects. The one example that I will
give you, that apparently is just now coming to the surface, is a book called Compromise. It talks about Bill Clinton's
involvement with the CIA, and the import of over $100 million worth of cocaine, each month for a period of years, into
Mena airport in Arkansas, from where it was distributed throughout the United States.
Secret Bases and Tunnels

There are also underground bases around and tunnel systems that penetrate all throughout the earth. Some of these
are millions and millions of years old, built by advanced alien beings who were here in the past, mining our planet for
minerals and precious metals. Some of these underground ancient facilities are protected by current earth
governments. As you will notice, the bulk of the underground installations are in the United States, and we are going
to talk about where those bases are, and about what information I have been given about them. (7 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

In Australia, there is Pine Gap, located in the center of the continent. Pine Gap is an extremely dangerous place. Many
of the things that are being taken from the Earth to the Moon are leaving from Pine Gap. Also, in the Snowy Mountains
in Australia there is another base.

In China, there is an underground base that is US-Alien-Soviet controlled located in Mongolia, in Xining. There is also a
benevolent alien base under Tibet.

The Soviet Union. Now, much of the underground hidden space program which developed the lunar bases has been a
covert US-British-Soviet operation since 1958. Most of it has been launched from the Soviet Union, because of its vast
expanse, and no one, anywhere, can see what is coming and going. They did not use the technology that we're used
to seeing, these large rockets, to get that stuff up there. The Greys provided anti-gravity technology which allowed
them to do this very easily. There is a based at Serov that is a joint US-Soviet-Alien base. The Andromedans say that
this base is very large and very dangerous. There is a base at Karaga and Sakaueen. There is an ultra-secret level
base in the Ural Mountains, north of Serov.

There are bases in Iran. There is one right smack in the middle of the country, in the desert. It's very large, and
apparently there are tunnel systems that run to the Red Sea and to the Indian Ocean. The Masurine Islands,
underwater, there is a very large trench where there is also a base.In Algeria, there is base in the Tahot mountains.

In Africa, in the Sudan, there is an alien base in the Nyala Range. In Zaire, there is an alien base west of Kindu. In
Botswana, there is a base at Kamahaki. There is a base at the South Sandwich Islands. In Egypt, there is a base close
to the Libyan border, and I understand that the base is as big as the state of Maryland. There is also one west of
Cairo, underneath the Giza plateau. There are no aliens there at all right now, I am told, but there are United States
NSA personnel in it.

In Switzerland, there is a base under Mount Blanc shared by seven races considered to be benevolent. In Scandinavia,
east of Narvik there is a base. In Sweden, there is a base under Gottland island, a private island. How many of you
have seen the story of Hangar 18? According to the Andromedans, that particular craft was given to our government
by the Andromedans themselves as a good-will gesture to open up dialog and communications. Apparently, they still
have not been able to get inside the craft because they still haven't figured how to open it, but what they did was
move it to Gottland island off the coast of Sweden. That's where it is now. There have been many attempts by the
Andromedans to open up a dialog with the government. The benevolent Pleiadians and a group from Sirius A have also
made the attempt, but the first thing they ask the government to do is to disarm itself, because the government
doesn't really know what to do with the technology they have, especially with the nuclear weapons. The benevolent
races are afraid of what the government might do to them with these weapons. They have offered help in dealing with
the problems here on earth if they would only put their weapons away, but apparently the world government's don't
want to abandon their killing capability.

In South America, there are bases in the Andes Mountains. In Chile, there is a bases north of Calama. In Brazil, there
is a base at Moto Brava Cuinva.

In the United States, there are bases on one of the borders of Alabama, in Missouri east of Braxton, south of St. Paul,
Minnesota, east of Amarillo, Texas. In New Mexico there are bases at Dulce, Datil, and at White Sands. In Arizona,
there are bases in the White Mountains and the Superstitious Mountains. In Utah, there are bases underneath Salt
Lake. There are bases in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. In Oregon there is a base under Mount Hood, which is a very
significant one, and I will talk more about that one later. It's important, but not in a positive way.

In California, there are bases at Twenty-Nine Palms, Death Valley, Edwards AFB, and in Bishop, where there are
landing ports. There are also bases in the Mojave Desert and a NASA secret underground base at Crows Landing near
Nights Ferry.

In Washington State, there are two. There are several in Nevada, including Groom Lake and Sunspot. There are 19
miles of caverns and tunnels in the Yucca Mountains that are used for the construction of gravity craft. This area is
also attached to S-4. These facilities were designed and built by the A.A.Matthews Construction Company in Maryland,
which was once owned by the Payseur family (See Alex Christophers’ Pandora's Box). Now, relative to S-4, the Greys
gave our government nine of their craft. Out of that nine, our government duplicated and created 53 other craft. The
NSA now has at least 53 of these UFO-type craft, and virtually all of them are sitting on the moon at this time (1995).

In Alberta, Canada, there are bases near Calgary. In British Columbia, there is a base near Dawson Creek. In North
Bay, Ontario, there is a large NORAD facility.
Benevolent Facilities

There's Mount Shasta, the Grand Tetons and Banff, Canada, and of course Mount Blanc in Switzerland. There is also
one in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. I don't know a lot about it, but I can tell you this. I don't know if any of you
are aware of the recent efforts of the government wanting to "test sound devices" in the ocean, off the coast of Hawaii
and down to New Zealand. It's the military that is running this. I have been told by the Andromedans that the military,
in using this technology, is trying to look for a particular (benevolent) mothership that they know is hiding south of the
equator in the Pacific, and that they feel they cannot find it in any other way. They are thinking that the sound will do
the trick. (8 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

Geo-Electrical Grid Anomaly Launching Sites

In the Indian Ocean, there is also a base at Diego Garcia island. Now, the earth has an electrical grid system around it,
and there are times when this grid system shorts out, and where ever it shorts out, it creates anomalies. Well, two
places that is predisposed to these anomalies, on a regular basis, is the area of the Bermuda Triangle and the island of
Diego Garcia. My understanding is that when the grid shorts out, gravity becomes null and void. Whatever is caught
within that area when the grid snaps back is blown up into space. What they would do is that they would send a craft
from the moon, hook up a towline to whatever went up from Diego Garcia, and simply haul it to the moon. Tractors,
bulldozers and all kinds of equipment to build underground bases and to move earth have been "launched" from Diego
Garcia island. They actually have platforms built, and they slide them out to where the anomaly is going to be, and
they just sit there and wait for the anomaly to occur. Boom. Once it occurs, the item is instantaneously up there in
space in the upper atmosphere. Now, this has been going on for more than 30 years, and all the while no one has had
a clue.

Underground base illus #1

Underground base illus #2 (9 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

Genetic Research At Underground Facilities

The Greys are genetic engineers. They're not the only ones. Most of the extraterrestrials out there are genetic
engineers, because they value lifeforms, as opposed to gold and silver. That's their wealth. A lot of the genetic
engineering and experimentation that is going on here on Earth is being done now by the Greys, who are also doing
the same thing on Phobos, one of the moons of Mars.

They are using this opportunity to try to satisfy their own agenda, which is to create new DNA and genetic stock that is
clean enough to foster new physical life forms that are capable of regeneration and birth. As of right now, the Greys
are destined for extinction. Through constant interaction and manipulation of the human race, they have created
hybrids grey-human children. [Editor note: for further data and pictures, see Matrix II ]. There are many problems
that come with this. The Greys are really interested in female genetic stock, because all the family lineage's follow the
female line, as far as they are concerned.

Many new races have been created this way throughout our galaxy. It's not just something that came about "new"
here. It's been going on for a very very long time. Few races today remain as their pure original genetic stock, with
the exception of two races that the Andromedan's say are really "clean". Those two races are the reptilians from Alpha
Draconis and the other are those that we know as the Elohim, which are a very ancient race of humans survived the
wars in Lyrae.

All other races in this universe, as far as the Andromedans know, are a mixture of hybrid genetic stock. The Greys
themselves would like to be free of the Orion Empire, and will have no chance of survival if they do not create or
match their body type or genetics with ours. You see, time is running out for them, and we are also evolving at a (10 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

tremendous rate, on a spiritual level.

So, even though what they're doing is inappropriate, they are caught in a very tough position themselves, because
what they are doing to us has been done to them. This does not serve as a justification in any way. When any of these
have a hybrid child, they take it outside the atmosphere of the earth so that the child is fully aware of its
reincarnational history and has no veil. Apparently, there is some kind of "agreement" that if you are born inside the
atmosphere of the planet you have a veil.

The Grey's agenda is to create a slave race, which is currently in full swing for the purposes of control, physical
services and labor, sexual energy acquisition, as a food source, a stock for more hybrid experimentation, and as
biological material.

Apparently, they feed off of energy. If two people are fighting, for example, we create a lot of energy. They can feed
off that energy. Whenever there are wars going on, there are a lot of "ufo" activity feeding off the energy of fear. Also,
they are doing extensive research on the capabilities of the human brain and the nature of the soul. Many people who
have been implanted by the Greys are aware of the fact that they have been put on a kind of machine and are "being
trained" in some kind of activity. According to the Andromedans, the Greys are "training" humans to fight their war
against the Draconians, when they arrive here.

[Editor note: This was also the presumption in Matrix II when it was written in 1990].

They intend on using humans as their soldiers against the reptilians, while at the same time preparing the planet for
its new, soon to be arriving, owners. This has very serious implications for us.

Now, I am not here to promote fear. I don't believe in that, but I am telling you what I have been told to tell you. We
have boxed ourselves into this corner, and the only way we can change this is that we have to become consciously
aware of what our world is really about, what is really going on here, and that we have to create a space of love. If we
can create a space of love, the Greys, Draconians and other controlling races could not handle that kind of vibration.
Now, either this has to happen or we are going to ask for some serious intervention here.

[Editor note: See our January 12, 1997 interview with Alex Collier for the complete discussion on the topic of

In the case of serious intervention, there will be "war in the heavens" as the Bible has predicted, and the whole thing
will be for our sake.
Ashtar, Haton and "Savior' Scenarios

You know, this talk about "Ashtar" coming down here to save you. Ladies and gentlemen, it isn't going to happen. It
just isn't going to happen. It's belief systems. When I was coming up here today, someone was reading some material
to me by Haton, who was saying the same thing, "we're going to pick you up and take you to Mars." No thanks, I don't
want to go to Mars. [Editor note: That is where the Orion Group is]. Nobody is going to "save" you. According to the
Andromedans, if you are sitting here waiting for a 'savior', you're not 'doing the work' yourself. Now, who else [but
negative controllers] would come down here and 'take you off the hook'? For what purpose? You'd only re-create the
situation again, because you haven't permanently evolved to the level of becoming your own savior. You haven't
learned the lesson, and this is what their strongest message is.

You have to do the work yourself. You are only responsible for yourself. Nobody is going to come down here and take
you off the hook. They even said if that even if they do directly intervene, they are not going to baby-sit. That means
that we have to get it straight. We as a race have to come together and decide what it is we want and how it is we
want to live. We have to decide how we want to raise our children, what moral and ethical systems we want to have,
etc. We don't need to be told by somebody else 'out there' what is best for us. It never works, and it isn't going to
work now. Most human beings would rather die that live as a slave. That is just our nature. Our soul. We need to be
free, and we are coming to that point again. We're there.
The National Security Agency, the Greys, Implants and Human Clones

The Greys are currently (1995) monitoring the brain waves of those they have implanted. The Greys have been
implanting people for the last 100 years. So, generations of family members have had implants. The cloning of human
beings, of life forms, was taught by the Greys to the NSA. The art of subversion was taught by the Greys to the NSA.
On the two highest levels of human interaction with the Greys, within the NSA, there exist cloned human beings or
human beings so heavily implanted, that according to the Andromedans, the NSA no longer considers them to be
human beings. They are part of the Grey group-mind. These people have no free will and are essentially robots and
their soul is trapped.
The Grey Group Mind Complex and Communication System

The Greys clone their own race into a caste system, just like insects. They all basically think the same things at the
same time. [ Editor note: As I pointed out in Matrix II in 1990, this is the reason that the Greys have a hard time
when you "throw them a curve". They don't do well with the unexpected]. Their minds are like 'radios'. If there are no
'radio waves', they don't do anything. In other words, the Greys themselves have computers which put out a vibratory (11 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

wave (carrying information), instructing them what to do. If somebody shut off the computers, they would stop in
their tracks, because they don't think for themselves. They are part of a group mind. They are not individualized
intelligence, like we are. They would very much like to create us to be like them. Now, this is not the case exactly with
the aliens from Zeta Reticuli 1, who have the same technology but use it to heal, not to control. We'll get to that later.
The Grey Group Mind Conceives of the Creator as a Mind

The Greys consider the Creator as a mind. What has happened is that they have completely detached themselves from
their spiritual essence so long ago, that their physical existence and personality has become pure Ego. This is also the
orientation of the Draconians, who are pure Ego as well. Many of the other races genetically altered by the Draconians
are also experiencing the separation from their own essence. I don't understand the process or how it works, but they
no longer believe themselves to be Spirit, to be an essence. They are in fact trapped, physically and emotionally, in a
purely physical existence, and therefore, that is all they see. They literally disown, or fractionalize themselves, away
from their spiritual essence. That no longer becomes a part of them. Human beings have been known to do that to
themselves, as well. You can fractionalize your Self into many different personalities. Now, with this dimensional
compression that is going on, this why we are seeing a lot of insane things going on. Ego is now being compressed on
itself. It's imploding on itself, and you are finding huge pockets of incredible negativity, not only here, but in other
parts of the galaxy as well. On Sirius B there is a terrible civil war going on right now. In Perseus, there are 21
systems getting ready to go to war in a battle between the Orion Group and the benevolent races of the Andromedan

You have to understand, for people in this state of being, they associate their physical life and the ego as the same
existence. They are totally detached. Those beings that refuse to acknowledge their spiritual essence and only
associate with the physical and the ego are going to be removed from our universe and put somewhere else that is
apparently is in the process of being created. According to the Andromedans, the healing of all Souls in this universe is
not possible at this time, because some of these Souls literally threaten the existence of universal consciousness. In
other words, they are going to resist and there is no way they are going to make the leap, so they are going to be
removed. [Editor note: See the beginning discussion on "pocket" forming at the beginning of this book]. Pockets will
be formed holding them and new universes will be created for them to work on their problem.

The Greys are very sophisticated in mathematics and energy sciences. It has been said that our military, at the time of
the Holloman agreement, had an exchange of personnel with these aliens, and that 16 military personnel were
supposed to have been taken to the Grey's point of origin. They left us several of their own. Now, according to the
Andromedans it was really 109 human beings that were taken by the Greys, they did not end up being brought to the
Grey's point of origin (Zeta Reticuli 2). The humans instead were taken to motherships and to Phobos, where they
were experimented on.
Viral Technologies, Human Cloning and Planetary Surveillance

They have certain viral technologies to the National Security Agency, who in turn passed these technological
developments on to lower levels within the military industrial complex. In Africa, we find the testing ground for the
AIDS virus. There is a reason for this. This type of biological technology was given to Ultra within the NSA. One of the
NSA facilities that deals with this is under Fort Meade in Maryland. There are 19 acres of underground caverns with
some of the most highly technological supercomputers in the world, that were build and designed inside this facility.
They have never seen the light of day. This area, and the area we talked about before at Mount Hood in Oregon, are
engaged in massive surveillance of the world's communications. The complex in Oregon is where our military is cloning
human beings. I don't know what aliens are involved, but they are cloning human beings there.
More Historical Review

In the late 1950's the Greys approached the Russians in regard to the idea of mutual exchange and signing treaties
but the Russians were already at the time included in the proceedings of the NSA, and chose not to sign an
independent treaty, because they knew full well that the Greys would try to pit the United States against Russia. It is,
in fact, and I have gotten this straight from Vasais, the Soviet Union that informed John F. Kennedy of the presence of
the Greys during the Cuban missile crisis.
The Andromedans have stated that the Russians were trying to blackmail the U.S. into sharing the alien technology.
Thus, the Russians put the missiles in Cuba in order to attempt to intimidate the United States. The Russians became
increasingly aware the NSA and the CIA were developing incredible technology and were not sharing it with the Soviet
Union, as was the original agreement shortly after the Roswell incident in 1947.

Apparently, Kennedy asked the CIA three times if the Russian allegations were true. The CIA lied twice to Kennedy,
even though nuclear weapons were only 18 minutes away from striking the United States. They just lied to him. This
prompted Kennedy to want to "scatter the CIA to the winds". This is one of the more important reasons the "black
government" saw Kennedy as a threat, and why Kennedy died prematurely. It was the desire of President Kennedy
that some of this technology would reach the common people, and be used for the betterment of mankind. This was
one of the reasons that he launched the public space program, in anticipation of the possibility that the people could
share in some of this technology. [Editor note: some of the data in the next paragraph duplicates some data given in
a previous lecture, shown on page 22, but not all of the data]

Now, in 1953, satellites and radar showed large objects coming toward the Earth, and these were Grey, time-traveling (12 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

motherships. They were the same craft seen near Venus in 1787, 1788 and 1789. In 1645, it was reported that "a
large moon" was seen near Venus, and was seen coming and going until 1767. The same type of incidents happened
in the vicinity of Mars on November 25, 1894, when a large ship was seen illuminating part of Mars. The same thing
happened with Mercury in 1789, the Sun in 1859, and this same body that sits out there today, has been dubbed
Vulcan. It's a large mothership. During the total eclipse of July 29, 1878, astronomers saw two large planetary bodies
the size of Venus between Mercury and Venus. According to the Andromedans, these bodies were Pleiadian and
Andromedan motherships that had traveled back in time and were observing the Greys, who were at the time orbiting
around the Sun. In 1783 and 1787, huge bright lights were reported on the moon, mistakenly reported as volcanoes,
they then lit up the dark side of the moon. In February 1894, a comet was photographed striking a large dark object in
our solar system. It happened to have wings, and according to the Andromedans, this was a Draconian mothership.
The same phenomena occurred on April 4, 1892, and the Draconian ship was about one third the size of the moon,
about 700 miles in diameter, and it had wings. Another Draconian mothership was observed on January 27, 1912. It
was 250 miles in length and 50 miles wide and resembled a crow. It was sitting on the moon.
Religious Programming of Human Cultures

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I don't want to offend anybody, but I am going to tell you just the way it has been
presented to me. Ok? All you have to do is listen. If it doesn't feel right for you in here, then dismiss it. If it does feel
right, and you get chills, then maybe you should start paying attention to it. Many religious operations have been
undertaken by the Greys over the past 500 years for the purposes of manipulation and control of human belief
systems, and to get us to compromise our free will to a 'savior-like image'. Under these false pretenses, the Greys
would be absolved from creating karma for themselves. Instead, they let us create the karma ourselves. It's such a
set-up, it really is. The power of belief systems can be used as fuel for the game of seducing people into believing that
certain things are 'true'. By the power created by these conscious thoughts, we can literally make these things occur
and come true, whether they benefit us or not. These are real spiritual dynamics at work, here, and they are being
used against us.

According to the Andromedans, "Our physical bodies, and matter, are the embodiment of ideas or belief systems. Our
universe consists of ideas and thought systems, condensed and turned towards itself, to create and originate spirit and
energy." In other words, we really are "Gods". We really can do anything we want to do. They continue: "We of earth
have evolved only in terms of technical and material sciences. Our spiritual evolution for the most part has been
suppressed from us by a group of extraterrestrials, now the "black government' or the New World Order." Because,
upon learning of these spiritual truths, the NSA and the world government realizes that everything they have been
trying to do, according to the Andromedans, could be swept away in a day, should humanity become enlightened.

If a billion people come to the realization and decision that this is going to change, that we no longer want the current
reality, then it will literally change with the setting and the rising of the sun. But, they stress that we need to be clear
about what we want, which is part of the decision and responsibility that is ours. So, if we are going to create it, we
have to take responsibility for it.

The Shroud of Turin

According to the Andromedans, this one example of extraterrestrial manipulation and an assault on our belief systems.
The holographic image on the shroud was created by the Greys in order to strengthen a belief in a "savior". This belief
system assists their plan for control, because humanity would love to give their power away to someone that appeared
to be a true and legitimate messiah, because they have been taught to do that. The Greys know that few people truly
want to accept responsibility for their own evolution. Most would rather be told what to do, than to realize the situation
and take appropriate action necessary to free themselves.
A Staged "Second Coming"

To further Grey manipulation on the belief-system level, there is also a plan in development, according to the
Andromedans, to play out a staged "second coming". This will occur shortly after the destruction of the world
economy. We are not very far away from that. Maybe six years at the most. This being will be a cloned biological
human being, who will be holographically be imprinted with information regarding spiritual truths contained in all earth
religious and metaphysical systems (that the Greys have already implanted on the planet). He will strongly profess the
Hindu philosophy. Why, I don't know, but this is what they're saying. The Andromedans continue, saying that the
intent of this being will be evil, that the being will not have a soul. It is in fact a robotoid. A synthetic clone. The Greys
have this kind of ability to stage this with their technology. This individual will be "the image of the man on the shroud
of Turin".

"The "Anti-Christ" will not be the evil soul portrayed in the Bible. In fact, the "Anti-Christ" will (ironically) be someone (13 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

who tries to express the truth, and who sees the United States government as the cause of all this evil." This is what
they've said. Now, I have to add this, in defense of that belief system. The Vatican, in 1960, admitted that there were
14 plagarisms in the New Testament. They refused to say what they were, but they said there were 14 of them. In
other words, it wasn't "God" who wrote it, but they changed it, and they admitted it. So, you do with that piece of
information what you want, ok? But, everybody is believing that this kind of event has to happen, and by us believing
it has to happen, we're going to create it. And, they are sitting up there laughing at us.
The Incident At Fatima

The Greys are responsible for the Fatima episode in Portugal, where the Virgin Mary supposedly spoke to the children.
In fact, according to the Andromedans, this was a holographic image of a woman, professed to be the Virgin Mary,
"the mother of Jesus Christ." During this incident, "the sun" supposedly "fell from the sky" and "miraculously healed
people". Using Grey technology, these apparent "miracles" did in fact occur, but they used light and sound beamed at
these people to effect these changes. Now, this is technology that has been here on the earth for at least the last 100
years or so, but it is against the law now in most places in the United States --- because it works. Color and sound
technology. The reason that color and sound work is because the entire universe is a holographic projection, turned
inside of itself. It's all a holograph. Virtually all the people present at Fatima were implanted during the "missing time"
phase of this episode.
"Jesus" and "Mary" Are Composite Characters Created by Council of Nicea

A large ship positioned itself in front of the sun to create this occurrence. The reason that this is not a "true miracle" is
because the Biblical Jesus is a composite character, and as such is an allegorical myth. The Virgin Mary is also a
composite character. These composites were made for the purpose of uniting religions of the ancient Roman empire,
so that their resources were not being used to constantly stop religious wars between different factions. From 310 AD
to 325 AD, the Council of Nicea created these composite characters. Some books that discuss this truth are Holy
Blood, Holy Grail, Antiquities Unveiled, The Messianic Legacy, The Council of Nicea: Gnosis and the Law. Reincarnation
was "written out" of the Bible by Justinian and Theodora in 553 AD.
Pollution and Population

In the 1950's, the so-called meetings of the JASON society were triggered by information given to the Ultra unit in the
NSA by the Greys about the world situation, regarding the subjects of pollution and our population. It was at this
particular time that the Greys offered little assistance or sharing of technology regarding environmental issues. This
has persisted, even until today. The Pleaidians have, in fact, offered more solutions than any other group to date, but
they were turned away by the NSA. This prompted the first of three "alternatives" that are often discussed in "ufo
circles" today. These "alternatives" were in fact a reality. "The "New World Order" is in a major predicament. The
Greys are 2,500 years ahead of us technologically . The "black government" is afraid to tell us the truth concerning
this reality, because they fear a revolution, overthrow and self-preservation for the people who will want their scalps."
This is what the Andromedans are saying. Two large motherships are on the planet now hiding in the ocean (1995).
One is below the equator and the other one is in the Atlantic. I don't know who they belong to, but they are here. My
feeling is that they are benevolent in nature, because the government has actually talked about implementing
"alternative 4", which was to create a controlled pole-shift, and the Andromedans have said that they would not allow
this to happen. So, my feeling is that these ships are, in effect, there to "anchor" the planet on its axis.
Attacks on the "Space Program"

Aliens have been more openly attacking us in space as time as progressed. It started with the Russian Mars probe,
when it was destroyed. The Mars Observer was captured by reptilians on Mars. Also, closer to home, on December
1993, a Landsat satellite disappeared in orbit. It just winked out of existence. In August of 1993, the European Space
Agency lost two communication satellites. Again, they just vanished from orbit. A Canadian Telsat was destroyed in
our atmosphere on January 15, 1994, and was seen crashing to earth. This was shot down by the Greys. Again, I don't
know why. A NASA Satcom-3 communications satellite vanished in May of 1979. It was just taken. Two Soviet
Mulanaya satellites just vanished from orbit.
Governments Ask for Help With Greys - Draconians Respond (Hale-Bopp)

Here's a scenario. The benevolent races have told the world governments that would help them, but they would have
to dismantle their nuclear weapons. The earth governments don't want to do this, because they don't know who to
trust because of their own activities. However, the world government is so desperate to get rid of the Greys, that they
apparently have put a "call" out asking for help, using the SETI program. Well, the Andromedans have told me that
there is a group that has offered to help our earth governments with the problem of the Greys, and even to give them
weapons to fight the Greys. The ones who responded are the reptilians from Alpha Draconis. Ironically, the only real
enemy the Greys have and that human beings on Earth have. Now, interestingly, the Greys actually work for the
Draconians. It's all part of a setup. We will invite them in here, there will be no battle, and once they're here, we'll
never get rid of the Draconians.
The Line of Defense Against the Orion and Draconian Groups (14 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

The Pleaidians are assisting the Andromedan Council in an attempt to quarantine our solar system from the invading
forces, namely the Orion Group and the Draconians. The quarantine defense line is between Uranus and Pluto, and
consists of a mixture of benevolent races, both physical and non-physical. Included are groups from the Pleaidian
system, the Arcturian system, Andromeda, a group from Sirius A, Reticulans, and others. This line of defense is really
like a last resort, because apparently two huge Grey motherships have already been turned back that were on their
way to Earth and Mars. There were casualties on both sides during this process.
The Underground Alien Population in 1995

There are currently (1995) over 15,000 Greys under the United States, and they are a renegade group of Reticulans
who have not been to Reticuli for hundreds of thousands of years. They have been traveling through space in their
"arks". Before they came to Earth, a process which also involved time travel, they were residing in the Sirius B
system. The Andromedans have huge mother ships on Jupiter, the moon of Gandymede and the moon Demos. I don't
know if they were actually on Jupiter when the comet hit, but they probably weren't. There are 3,000 greys on the
moon (1995).
Reptoid Redoux

There are approximately 1,833 reptilians living underneath the United States. Their underground habitat ranges from a
depth of 100 miles to 200 miles beneath the surface of the Earth. They generally live in caverns and the ancient tunnel
systems created hundreds of thousands of years ago. They are not benevolent, and every once and a while they come
up for a contact. They have been seen in New York City, Missouri, Chicago and in the Southwestern states. These
areas happen to be the largest areas, coincidentally, for missing human children, numbering in the thousands. The
Andromedans have stated that 31,712 children have been taken by the reptilians over the last 25 years.

In Linda Moulton Howe's book, Alien Harvest, there is mention of human body parts being seen in underground bases.
The Andromedans confirm that we are being used for food. The Greys use our blood and the reptilians consume live
human flesh. Their favorite human food is children. [Editor note: Not to belabor the point, but this material is
discussed in great detail elsewhere in this book].
More on the Subject of Walk-in's

The Greys are searching for walk-in's because of their desire to learn about the human Spirit. Walk-in's are necessary
at this particular time. They are higher evolved souls. There are 72,000 walk-in's on the planet right now (1995), and
are part of the Andromedan Council. In the next three years, 72,000 more will be coming. [Editor note: Gee, that's
144,000. Where have we seen that number before?].

All this is to balance the negativity being created. Because of the Council's laws of non-intervention, the Andromedan
Council felt it necessary to intervene in another way that would not violate Council directives. Thus, the walk-in's, who
are earth human beings, are here to do that work. It's a "back-door" approach.

There are 1,531 actual human benevolent extraterrestrials on our planet right now, and where they are I don't know.
But, they are here to record, report, observe and possibly assist some of the walk-in's. At some point they will be
leaving, but they look just like us in our everyday lives.

Washington D.C Hasn't A Clue What's Happening

The regular government in Washington, D.C. hasn't a clue what is going on. They really don't. The "black government"
itself consists of various levels. At the top they know everything. The lower levels only know small pieces. Knowledge
is very compartmentalized, need-to-know basis. The total picture involves outrageous deceit and subversion of the
public trust.

Our Solar System and Earth's Future

A 1995 Lecture by Alex Collier

[ Editor Note: For this lecture series, an attempt was made to only include material and narrative that is not included
elsewhere in this book. Some duplicated data is included in order to preserve continuity.]

This is an interesting lecture, if I say so myself. There is some very specific information in it. I am not going to pretend
that I understand all of the things that are happening that I am going to be telling you about. I am learning, just like
you about all of these things. Let me read you something: (15 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

"All of life strives to discover itself, and stretch its boundaries

of self-awareness. Conscious life forms make decisions regarding

their motivations. They also, at some point, create a vision of

what will best serve their personal agendas or journey of growth."

Tonight, I am going to share with you a probability of our solar system's future, which also includes us here on earth.
The universe is changing, evolving and creating right in front of us. Some of the changes have already occurred on our
ninth, tenth, eleventh and our new twelfth density. According to the Andromedans"

"We are our level are just beginning to experience the feelings of

change. We have not yet experienced the real movement and display

of change in our galaxy, as of yet."

What will the changes be? How will we experience them? When will they happen?

These are all good questions. No one has all the answers yet. There is, however, one answer to consider, and that is
by the end of October 2013, according to the Andromedan Council, all consciousness in this universe will be 4th
density that is now 3rd density. Some of us, by that time, will actually be carrying 5th density light-bodies with us. We
will also have experienced a natural pole shift of the planet of 17 degrees, putting the new north pole near Saudi
Arabia. So, start looking for your alternative sources.

We are about to discover the real power and love of creation. Is-ness, God, generator of dimensions, whatever you
want to call it. The essence that created our universe, or the essence that creates energy that we use to create and
manifest, is both inside and outside our universe. This is apparently the first time that it has been actually discovered
by dimensional beings. The Andromedans and other races are aware of other dimensional universes within our
universe, as well as other completely physical universes and dimensional time continuums. They are also aware of
their vibratory rate and other basic elements which differ from those in our own universe.
On March 23, 1994, nineteen suns in our galaxy went through pole shifts. The north and south poles experienced
either a 90 degree or 180 degree slip. The Andromedans feel that this is just the beginning. Now, this is the first time
this has ever happened, and it all happened at once. It's a very significant thing in the universe. It doesn't mean a lot
here, yet, but our there it means a tremendous amount. Changes are occurring in all the stars that are 8 billion years
old or older, and there is something going on here. This phenomena occurred simultaneously with the emanation of
the sound and color (aquamarine) frequency being carried into the universe from all the black holes. Nothing before
has ever come out of black holes before since this initial creation of our universe, 23 trillion years ago.
This Type of Universe Change Also Gave Birth to Our Universe

The big bang. How the Andromedans explain this is that apparently much of the energy and matter that we have in
our universe, including us as energy sources, as souls, as consciousness, came from someplace else. In that other
place, as it was evolving, there were certain energies that simply could not evolve with it, or they chose not to.
Whatever the reasons were, pockets of "resistance" were formed, and as that universe went through its shift, these
"pockets" grew until they burst. When they burst, matter just exploded and went everywhere. Almost every galaxy
has a black hole at its center, because it is a "portal" to somewhere else. Now, what is happening now is that our
universe is starting to shift, and "pockets" of resistance are starting to form in our universe containing negativity.
What is on the other side of the black holes is unknown. It's an absolute "don't go" area, even for projected
consciousness - no information comes back. Yet, now this sound and color frequency is now emanating from all of
them as of March 23, 1994. What is even more interesting is that this frequency is CODED with programmed data that
is affecting all the energy frequencies and dimensions in our universe.

Now, according to the Andromedans, there are 11 prime creational densities, each containing within itself evolutionary
densities. This new 12th creational density that has appeared is connecting all of the other densities all the way down.
Now, instead of you having to change your physical form to evolve into a different form for a specific density. My
understanding is that based on their preliminary findings, certain souls will literally be able to walk into the next
densities, instead of having to change physical form and makeup. This frequency carries the color of aquamarine on
our third density level, and another color on the other dimensional levels, even though the totality is only one color
and one sound. According to the Andromedans, we should prepare for a huge leap in consciousness, whether we are
ready or not. We will start to see this color in our rainbows.

What will this consciousness leap be like? According to Vasais, it will be sudden to some and complete in its effect for
some individuals. A lifting of the "veil" will occur, and you will remember your true essence. You will suddenly know
everything. To others, it might be slower process, but it will involve a growing awareness of the nature of ones

Now, the essence of what is happening is that it is a reintegration of our present dimensional levels into a new
frequency pattern. It will also add a new color to each dimension. As this energy continues to form and build its (16 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

polarity, it is drawing the existing primary creational densities upward to it. The single frequency at the 12th is
drawing everything up to it. This frequency, according to the Andromedans, contains profound awareness, which has
already changed the 11th, 10th and 9th density awareness levels already.
New Type of Souls Appearing in the Universe

New souls have also appeared that have an awareness beyond anything known in our universe. My understanding is
that a lot of this information comes from beings in higher dimensions that are talking with the Andromedans about
what they are going through. These new souls have not made contact with any being yet, but according to the
Andromedans these new souls are in an observational mode. There is no name given to them yet. Because nobody
knows what they are.
Consciousness Evolvement Rate Increased Tenfold

Because of this new frequency, evolvement of consciousness has been sped up almost tenfold from its normal rate of
evolution. A lot of you, I'm sure, are experiencing things moving very quickly on all kinds of consciousness levels.
New Frequency Has Purpose and Direction

This new frequency does not carry a balance of positive and negative polarity, which also implies a specific purpose
and direction. What that is at present unknown.
Four Other Universes Are Experiencing The Same Thing

This frequency and density shifting is also happening in four other universes at the same time it is happening here.

Current Moon Bases & Their History

A 1995 Lecture By Alex Collier

[ Editor Note: We have tried not to duplicate other information given elsewhere in this book in this lecture, other
than material included for continuity. Consult the Master Index for further data. The other material on the moon starts
on page 18.]
More on Early Moon History

We're going to talk about the moon, and we're going to focus on the far side that we don't see. As I said in other
lectures, the moon originally came from Ursa Minor and is 6.2 billion years old. It was one of four moons around the
17th planet of the system referred to in the Orion tongue as "Chowta". It was an outpost for members of the Orion
Group and was at one time, according to the Andromedans, inhabited by as many as 5 million military members from
the Orion Group.

The moon was purposely put into the tail of a planetary asteroid, which brought it across the galaxy to our solar
system, more than 11,000 years ago. The origin of the moon was not from the earth, which is the theory that is
taught in schools. The moon is older than the earth. This same asteroid which dragged the moon here circles our
galaxy every 25,156 earth years. The moon has been inhabited periodically in its history for 1.8 million years. Now it's
being inhabited again, and many of the original structures on the surface were destroyed during the Black League
wars, which was a battle fought by humans against the Orion Empire.
The true military complex was underground. Entrances were at both poles, the Taurus mountains and Jules Verne
crater (far side) and Archemedes (near side); all these were the original entrances when the Orion Group was there.
However, the secret government has created more openings and is currently expanding the underground complexes.
The expansion is for the operation of private scientific and military agendas for the New World Order.

Many of the craters on the moon were used as spacecraft hangars. Large craters were capable of housing 200 or more
craft. Some of the craters are as much as 170 miles wide. The personnel consisted of half human-half Grey, and half
human-half reptilian. The surface bases consisted of nine domed cities. The vegetation was grown inside these domed
structures. Small lakes were scattered around the surface. The remains of these domed structures were discovered by
NSA astronauts, the Russians and the Apollo astronauts.
The National Security Agency Goes to the Moon

The NSA astronauts were there in 1958. They have been there ever since, as has a secret portion of the Russian
government called the "Black Guard". Upon arriving on the surface of the moon, the NSA astronauts (with their Grey
"tour guides"), were taken to the underground facilities where the remains and skeletons of reptilian-like beings and
human beings, as well as Orion technology, were located.

This location has been identified by the Andromedans as underneath the crater designated "Jules Verne" on the far (17 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

side of the moon in the southern hemisphere, and this underground facility is approximately the size of New York
State. These underground facilities contain huge lakes, transplanted earth planet life, and alien manufacturing
equipment that was abandoned and left there from the previous occupants of the facility a long time ago. There are
also food storage facilities and spacecraft hangars, which are also now being used and operated by human beings from
Earth. Alien writing and script is evident on the walls of hallways connected some of the areas of the facility. Also
discovered were eight sealed vaults. Information regarding the contents of the vaults has not yet been disclosed to

Artificial environments are being created all the time to house hand-picked personnel by the world government. The
Andromedans project a potential population on the moon of 600,000 based on the amount of expansion work currently
in progress. Much contact between world order faction and non-friendly alien factions is occurring on the moon. The
operation of these facilities was managed by the NSA and the Russian Black Guard (1947), although the British were
later brought on into the operation, primarily for reasons of financial funding. As mentioned before, the NSA currently
has 53 earth-built gravity craft stationed on the moon, fulltime.
Planetary Defense Weapons Built on the Moon

Weapons are being built on the moon, such as particle beam weapons, nuclear bomb-satellites, anti-matter weapon
systems and plasma beam weapons. The reason these weapons are being built on the moon is because if there was an
invasion of Earth, the moon is considered our first line of defense.
How did everything get up there? Outside of using anti-gravity technology which the Greys had given the NSA,
anti-gravity anomaly areas were also used [Editor note: see references in index to Diego Garcia and Pine Gap]. Alien
technology is being used to create an atmosphere on the moon to permit extended habitation, and this process is
taking a great many years to accomplish. In the meantime, food is being grown underground. There is a military base
on the far side of the moon.

The first manned mission and landing on the moon was in 1958 by the Russians and the NSA, as was previously
stated, and it became an official "colony" in 1961. I'm talking about the facility that was as large as New York State.
The structures that were built on the surface were designed by JPL. These domed structures were built first on the
moon, to test them, and then on Mars.

One of the other corporations that was very important in this effort, and who actually did do the construction, was the
Bechtel Corporation, who has a covert construction team that works with the NSA.

Now, the reason we only see one side of the moon is by design. The "dark side" of the moon truly represents the dark
secret of how long extraterrestrials have been watching the Earth. Large mass structures, functioning as weights, have
been designed into the structure of the moon to keep it from rotating on a normal basis, and they are located at both
poles. These are magnetic in nature.

When the Apollo astronauts landed on the moon, we had already been there for some time. The NSA had already
established a colony there eight years earlier, and the technology involved was not shared with the lower echelons in
NASA or even the military. NASA was used as a "blind" to keep the people of the United States ignorant of what was
really happening in space, and is still fulfilling that function.

Some of the greatest scientific minds on our planet who have vanished without a trace were taken to the moon and to
Mars in an attempt to start a brand new society. Engineers, architects and people from every walk of life went there.
Alternative 4: Stage a Controlled Pole Shift

Q: I know what Alternative 1,2 and 3 were. What was Alternative 4?

A: Remember that at one time the world government was colonizing Mars. They built a huge base there that at one
time held 300,000 people. In March of 1989 it was invaded by the Orion Group, who destroyed the base. The Orion
Group is not friendly to us. Since the world government realized there was now no place to go, they had to come back
here. According to the perception of the world government, population is a "problem", and the corporations have
polluted the environment. The fourth alternative is to stage a controlled pole shift while they are safe in their
underground facilities, in order to eliminate most of the planetary population and artificially "cleanse" the environment.
Right now (1995), the earth is tilting, and the wobble is 72-85 feet every 14 months and its getting wider [Editor note:
This is referred to as the Chandler Wobble in geophysics]. The implementation of Alternative 4 involves the placement
of strategic nuclear weapons underneath the South polar ice cap and detonate them, they could cause the cap to slip,
which would cause the planet to rotate 90 degrees on its axis. Within 24 hours, 83-85% of the population of the planet
would drown. The Andromedans, who have technology 4,700 years ahead of us, have said they would not allow this to
happen. This might indicate why the world order is spending so much time arming itself on the moon, because they
think they are going to be able to "deal" with things when help comes. They won't be able to. The moon will simply be
pulled out of orbit, moved away from earth and dealt with by the Council.

[ Moon bases #1 ] (18 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM] (19 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]
[ Moon bases #2 ] (20 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

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[ Moon bases #4 ] (22 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

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[ Moon bases #8 ] (26 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

[ Moon bases #9 ] (27 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

[ Moon bases #10 ] (28 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

[ Moon bases #11 ] (29 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

[ Moon bases #12 ] (30 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

[ Moon bases #13 ] (31 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

Clones and Creation of Ourselves
This evening, the lecture will be on clones, weather modification and the creation of ourselves. It's nice of you to
come. It's going to be, as Ed Sullivan would say, an action-packed evening.

Operation Deep Freeze: Planetary Manipulation Program

Now, we've all heard of a world government. It's not just a group of bankers and politicians. In order to have some
teeth and to make the governments do want they want, and to be able to control and manipulate governments and
world events, they have to have another organization. This organization, from what I have been told by Moraney,
started originally in the CIA, shortly after it became the CIA in the 1950's. This operation, which exists today, is called
Operation Deep Freeze. The way it works is that members of the CIA, FBI, NSA, KGB and Mossad are "declared dead",
given false identities and put into active service in the capacity that they can go to any country, having total
anonymity, do what they want and they can't be touched. They are outside all laws. In 1988, according to Moraney,
there were 12,310 of these people. Today, there are over 26,000 of them.

What brought this whole thing up is that the lecture I did last Saturday, a gentleman brought up something about a
mark on the palm of the hand. So, I took that information and went to Moraney. I said, "Well, what about this?". Well,
I opened up a can of worms. I had no idea. Anyway, this group is called Deep Freeze. It's called that because they're
all supposed to be "dead" but they're not, and it is these individuals that basically run messages back and forth
between world governments. In other words, messages on what to do, when to start a war, when not to start a war,
when to bomb, when to kidnap, etc. It is also this same group that is in charge of the doubles and clones.

Now, folks, some of this might be really hard for you to understand, or to even relate to. I'm just here to offer the
information. I don't have a problem with this information. I'm just telling you where I'm coming from. Now, I'll start
and I'm going to have to give you specific times, dates and background information so that you can go back and try to
prove it wrong. Okay? I asked for specific information because I know that on the "believability scale" this is pretty
tough. Again, this information is what the Zenetaens (race from Andromeda) have provided me with. (32 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

Regarding Henry ....

Okay. On January 26, 1979, Nelson Rockefeller, the ex-Vice President of the United States, was murdered. He did not
die of a heart attack "making love to his secretary", as most of us have been told. When he passed away, or was
killed, his next in command was Henry Kissinger, who was apparently a Rockefeller devotee, and Kissinger thought he
could take Nelson's place as far as helping to run the Rockefeller Empire. On February 4, 1979 Kissinger left for
London from Washington. Now, this is just after the funeral for Nelson Rockefeller. From London he went to two secret
destinations in France, then back to London. At 11pm, he left Heathrow Airport in a private jet back to Washington,
D.C. He was accompanied by his wife, now his ex-wife, Nancy.

According to Moraney, there were 26 Earth-built spacecraft watching the plane. At 7:12 pm, Eastern Standard time on
February 5, 1979, all contact with Kissinger's plane was lost. Now, I'm giving you the specific information so that you
can go back in time and try to disprove this or validate it, whatever the case may be. The plane never arrived in
Washington. Several days later, his aides claimed that he was "on vacation" somewhere. According to Moraney, the
real human being Henry Kissinger has never been seen or heard from again. He was cloned.

On March 9, 1979, film clips of Henry Kissinger were put together for it to appear that he was doing a real interview on
a newscast. The same thing occurred on March 25, 1979, for a hoax television interview on Meet the Press. According
to Moraney, if you listen carefully, questions put to "Kissinger" are not answered but he says something else. They
didn't know where Kissinger was when they created these mock broadcasts, and they didn't want to create a panic
within the structure of the government, because Kissinger had been carrying vital intelligence information back and
Maldekian Redoux: A Shadow of Your Smile

Now, the Rothschild family, and those close to it, are the souls of the leaders of the former Maldek, a planet that was
destroyed in the past and now remains as the asteroid belt. They have continued to be reborn in the same family in
order to retain their control. Many members of the shadow government in the United States and many individuals in
Russia are also souls who were conscious of themselves and originated on Maldek at one time. Most of these
Maldekian souls who were physically incarnate in Russia have been removed, and according to Moraney this was done
by a group of Pleiadians, who apparently have a huge base in Russia and are actively involved on that end. There are
still a large group of these souls having their origin with Maldek that are incarnating in human form, and conscious of
who they are. They're all into war, hate, greed, power and control. That's what they're all about. Unfortunately, most
of those who are incarnating and are still in physical form are in the United States, underneath us in the underground
cities and facilities.

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun ...

There is in our world today an intelligence war of sorts going on between doubles and clones. The nations on our
planet today that can literally create doubles and clones are the United States, Russia, Britain and Israel.
We're Not Talking Peanuts, Here

During April of 1979, for the period of a week and a half, President Carter and Vice President Mondale were out of
public view. Now, if you will remember, Carter was looking very sick and apparently he was. He was dying of leukemia
and cancer, as a result of material injected into his food by the CIA. He went to Georgia with his family for a ten-day
scheduled vacation. Walter Mondale supposedly went to Iceland, Scandinavia and the Netherlands. In other words,
they had a double for him. The real Walter Mondale was executed by Operation Deep Freeze on the evening of April
20, 1979 in New Richmond, Wisconsin. On April 21, 1979, President Carter and his family were executed. I know this
sounds hard and unbelievable. [Editor note: Actually, Dr. Peter Beter, a man with a list of impressive credentials a
mile long, maintained this fact adamantly, before he was killed. I have seen the material, and the documentation was

They've all been replaced by clones. Jimmy Carter has had at least 18 clones since he was killed in 1979. The person
we see, and the person who recently went to Korea in 1996, is not a real human being. He is what they call a
synthetic. I am sure you're all asking, "how could this be?" There's no way I would have talked about this unless I
could give you some, you know, "nuts and bolts".

Never Clone When Home Alone

What is the difference between doubles and clones? A double is more or less a person acting like another person, who
has been cosmetically changed to look like that person. A clone is a synthetic biological organism with a
holographically imposed memory complex. (33 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

In 1953, scientists named Watson and Crick discovered the double-helix molecular structure of DNA. During the 25
years following that, many developments have come about, including test tube babies, artificial microbes, artificially
produced clones and exact duplicates of various creatures. These duplicates are created in underground laboratories in
Mount Hood, Oregon, Sandia Laboratories in New Mexico and at Fort Meade, Maryland, amongst other places, with the
cooperation of regressive extraterrestrials. An organic clone can be created and can be programmed to do whatever
desired. They are not human, but a kind of "computerized animal" that looks and acts like a human. Like any
man-made thing, a copy is never perfect, and small discrepancies do exist.
Merrily We Clone Along ...

The first successful clone was put into "action" in June 1975. Okay. A biological computer modeled after the brain is
what is grown inside clones.

[Editor note: I became aware of the existence of biological computers a long time ago. Such computers were said to
have been brought to Vietnam in 1968 for some kind of testing. I was there in 1970].

The Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation has been very instrumental in creating this technology. Computers
exist today that can do virtually everything that you, as a human being, can do.

[Editor note: It has been estimated that computer technology is at least a century ahead of what you see around
you, and technology in general has advanced about 40 years for every year that has gone by since World War II].
Achieving the Ultra-Sonic Cerebral Hologram

Man-made biological computers even contain a "plasma"-like material which circulates through a viscera-like envelope
that allows them to be totally self-healing. In other words, they can to a great extent repair themselves. The key to
simulating a "human being", however, is the clone's ability to simulate their behavior, and this ability depends on the
programming in the brain. This programming is done using three-dimensional holographs. This process was evidently
discovered at Novosibirsk, a "science city" in Russia, where they discovered exactly how the brain works. This
discovery was the key to achieving believable clones.

Now, a ultra-sonic cerebral hologram must be obtained of the person who is to be simulated. This procedure is
painless to the person, and most people who are to be simulated don't even know this is being done to them when it is
happening. The biological computer, the cloned "brain", is then caused to form according to the recorded data in the
holographic cerebral hologram obtained from the original source subject. In other words, the take the image, project it
into a clone and allow the brain inside the clone to grow exactly like the original source model. The body is already
there and the grow the brain inside it. The Greys gave us this technology. They can accomplish this whole process
within 90 days, creating a believable clone of an adult human being. All they need to grow the body in which the brain
is later to be grown is three cells from the original body.

Now, although the cerebral hologram automatically duplicates the memory of the original person, portions of the brain
of the clone may be made to deviate from the entire holographic print. So, they can put information in there that did
not exist in the original person's brain.

The result of all of this is a programmable biological computerized brain, and a clone that knows essentially everything
which the original person knew. They can be programmed for suicide missions, or missions too dangerous for normal
humans such as specialized missions into space or time, or they can be used as they are often used now - for insolent
invasion of world planetary governments.

Here's just a few of the people who have been cloned. Carter, Mondale, David and Lawrence Rockefeller, and Defense
Secretary Brown (cloned April 6, 1979). On July 5, 1979 Carter was supposed to give an energy speech. It was
canceled and the home-cloned family of the Carters were sent to Camp David. The original Carter clone was "burning
out'. Camp David appears to be the place where many people in government are replaced with clones, so if you get a
personal invitation to go to Camp David, I would decline if I were you.

Is Clinton a clone? Rumor has it. They should have cloned Hillary, that's what they should have done. She's the
"master mind." Anyway, on July 11, 1979 the Wall Street Journal reported that President Carter had a "nervous
breakdown". Clone's do not have nervous breakdowns, per se, but they may become unstable in certain ways. On July
15, a Sunday, Carter gave his energy speech, and two days later on July 17th, the entire presidential cabinet and
senior White House staff members resigned, all at once. This is coming from Moraney, who is asking us to remember
this. In other countries, it would have meant that the government has fallen, but not in the United States.
The Carter clones had some trouble in the beginning because of real instabilities in the brain of the human being we
knew as Carter. A new type of clone has also been created recently. It's called a genetic synthetic.
Genetic Synthetics: Neo-Darwinism at its Worst

The programs involving genetic synthetics started in November 1980, by the CIA and Greys operating within the
National Security Agency. They are generated using transmutation of certain tissues extracted from cattle. This
process grew out of experiments which began in 1959. Now, what's the first thing that comes into your mind? Cattle (34 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

mutilations. [Editor note: Contemplate that, will you?]
The "Right Stuff"

Astronauts Young and Crippen are clones. The real humans were killed on the space shuttle Columbia on November
24, 1979. The training shuttle Enterprise was given a new name and these clones landed for public viewing at Edwards
AFB. [Editor note: Dr. Peter Beter also maintained that Young and Crippen were synthetics, in a very detailed review
in his audio letters. Ref: Audio Letters Transcripts 40-80, page 106. Thanks to Biagio Conte for supplying this data]

Clone Questions and Answers

Q: Can clones be differentiated from real people in any measurable way?

A: On a physical scale, the real way to tell a real human from a clone is that the clone does not have an aura energy
field. [Editor note: To be perfectly accurate, there is a slight field around the head , which contains the biological
processors, but it is not like the field around the head of a normal human].

Q: Do they realize that they are clones?

A: I don't know. I don't think they would realize it. If they are essentially living computers, they're programmed to
believe whatever it is that has been programmed into them. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Q: Was the reason Carter had 18 clones because they were trying to perfect something, or just because his
neurological structure had so much instability?

A: I think it was a combination of both.

Q: Back in 1978 and 1979, they were launching some really strange military satellites...

A: Many satellites put in orbit, one in particular by Young and Crippen (which is why apparently they had some trouble
or were killed and duplicated), were developed by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). They were spy satellites,
but were also equipped with tungsten shields and powerful dynamic gas lasers weapons, and designed to defend
themselves against alien aggressors.

Q: Are their other areas where cloning facilities are maintained?

A: Other areas in Russia are at the space facility at Semipalatinsk, and at Area 51 in the United States, where they are
also building gravity craft, which the Andromedans called ISV's or inner-planetary space vehicles. They're building the
same things at the two Russian cities I mentioned.

Weather Modification Engineering & Technology

Operation Certain Sentinel

Okay. Weather modification. The weather modification operation is called Operation Certain Sentinel. Factions in world
intelligence are in control of this operation from space and from the moon. On October 25, 1979 it was reported in the
press that a satellite had monitored a low-yield nuclear explosion on September 22, 1979. On February 21, 1980 it
was claimed by CBS news that this 1979 explosion was "Israel's first atomic bomb test" which was assisted by the
government of South Africa. This was not true. No radiation. No fallout. No gamma rays, x-rays or neutrons were
produced. According to the Andromedans, what they had seen was a twin-firing of particle beam weapons at an area (35 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

in the ocean from the moon. This event was part of a weather modification test of the ability to create large storms at
sea, and then in the future, to guide the storms to the shores of a specific not-so-favored nation. According to the
Andromedans, much of the rain in the midwest, and the tornadoes and snow storms this past winter were aggravated
and exaggerated by weather modification stations on the moon. [ Editor Note: The "El Niño" cycle in 1998 was
overlaid with these type of operations from the moon ]
Production of Weather Changes: The Process

According to Moraney, "Currently, in your hierarchy, there is a secret project called the TX Project that is under way.
We will give you more information on this." Well, I haven't got that specific information yet, but I'm sharing with you
what I have.

Here's how they do it. Weapons on the moon enable storms to be generated artificially at sea, or over large lakes,
then guided to a specific target or location by modifying upper atmosphere electrical charges. Hurricane Alan was
created in this way on August 3rd, when it hit the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, according to the Andromedans. Now, I
remember this storm. It hit the Gulf coast with 125 mph winds. And, it appeared almost out of no where. It was very
early in the season, and it was seen as a "fluke". Now, they're doing this on purpose. They want to create weather
catastrophes all over the planet so that we all become stuck in survival mode, and to get is to come together and
approve a one-world government to "protect and save us."
Production of Artificial Earthquakes

Now, natural earthquakes are one thing. If you remember during the lectures, I said that many earthquakes would not
be natural ones. However, natural earthquakes can be triggered by artificial induction. The Northridge quake is a good
example of this. Many people remember seeing a flash of light before this quake started. This is exactly what Moraney
was describing when he talked about the use of particle beam weapons. All they have to do is generate beams from
two points and cross them at a specific location on the planet. It creates a "flash" and a pressure will move down into
the earth, reverberate somewhere in the crust and come back up and induce an earthquake. Now, one of the only
things keeping the United States economy together is the State of California. Devastate that, the United States
economy is history. Most overseas transactions from China, Japan, Hong Kong and the Philippines come through Los
Angeles and San Francisco.

On Creation

This information was given to me on February 4, 1988. It is from Vasais and it is about creation. Now, this is
word-for-word and I apologize if you have trouble understanding it. This is the first time I am reading it in public.

"Your scientists understand the atom to contain neutrons, protons

and electrons. Combining in various ways and bonds to create the

basic building blocks of your nature. From this starting point, atoms

combine to form molecules and on we go up the scale to you'll reach

a blue whale. But consider the atom. First, let us explain to you its

properties from the standpoint of motion as we see it. Are the atom

and its elements composed in a pre-determined structure, with the

neutrons, protons and electrons all obediently lining up and counting

off? The answer is no. What you have is a mad dance. An entirely

unpredictable one. As the electrons jump from point to point, within

the limits of this sphere, never stopping, never falling into any

consistent pattern or ritual."

"Now, consider this, Alex. The smallest, most basic unit of physical

matter is one entirely unpredictable. Constantly spinning and dancing.

What does this tell you about the solidity of your precious physical

matter? There's an answer. But to return to your atom, where do these (36 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

tiny building blocks, these minute elements, come from? Are they in

fact the smallest unit of matter, or can we divide them further and

further? This question is unanswerable in your scientific terms. It

presupposes that the origin of all of your physical third density

matter is physical matter. That stuff must come from stuff. This is
not the case. Intent is the origin of physical matter. Intent. It is

as if there were an invisible membrane on one side of the physical

reality that you know, and on the other side is invisible machinery,

the intent of the Is-ness, which makes it all possible."

"Intent is the key word for you and your other teachers. Desire, if

you prefer, can also be used, but it is the Is-ness whose desire and

intent to explore itself in all possible manifestations that creates

your physical world. That intent begins at the very smallest unit of

matter. An electron then is the first hesitant physical manifestation

of your intent, as it eases through the membrane into physical life

and begins to joyfully dance."

"There are pockets, then, gaps in that membrane which when energized

with enough intent, transform that intent into a physical unit. And

once an electron has been given birth, in such a manner, it calls back

to the Is-ness and sends its own intent back to the Is-ness, begging

for its 'playmates' to join it. So, that can create and assist you in

creating a brave new world. This makes it easier for other units of

matter to follow, as they are denser and therefore created by a

stronger burst of intent than the electrons."

Now, let's talk about that. What he's saying is that our intent to manifest in the physical creates electrons. Electrons
then create and copy themselves. Okay, but what happens is they copy the original intent. Now, if you remember, I
have tried to share with you their viewpoint that most of us have gotten so caught up in the idea of being in the
creation, maintaining the creation, that we forgot to strive toward the creator. So, we are expending so much energy
trying to keep this together, as opposed to changing it and creating something much better. Do you follow? It's so
subtle. And this is how we have been controlled and manipulated.

We are not seeing ourselves beyond our physical selves. Okay. Like a game of tug-o-war, the electrons send back its
desire to engage in the joy of physical creation. This desire helps ease creation in to its brethren elements. Now, they
talk funny and I can't help that. And so, in a wondrous exchange, not only is physical matter created out of desire of
the Is-ness itself, but also the joyful song of physical matter reaches back through space and time and connects with
the body of intent, and across that invisible membrane, and pulls more of itself into being. Physical matter than
creates itself, but only after we originally create the intent. The exuberance of the atom.

Now, just focus on your intent. The more you believe it, the further it will manifest itself because you, with your intent
and your belief, will give that energy to the physical intent that you just created and allow itself to simply manifest.
You create your reality, now your neighbor's. We had a three hour lecture on the words intent, wish and want. And,
when you say I wish something, or I want something, you're manifesting that you don't have it. But, when you're
saying I intend and attempt, you're manifesting and you have it. The word intent is a command. So, let's just say a
large percentage of people say, "there will be no earthquake this year", the "chances" drop. The problem is that most
people do not realize the power they have.

Now, where was I? Okay, Vasais continues:

"The exuberance of the atom is multiplied in the wonder of a molecule (37 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

which astonishes itself in the miracle, with a single-celled organism

and on and on up the ladder to these simply unimaginable, complex

organisms that is you, and all of your brothers on Earth. You are all

composed of uncountable such atoms and molecules. Every one of

them jumping for joy to join in the partnership to create who you

think you are. We emphasize that the natural state of the world is one

in which love and fulfillment are the easiest paths to follow."

"It is much more work to bring yourself negative experiences that it

is to deny beauty and wonder. So, don't deny the beauty and wonder

of your own beings or turn deaf ears on a song of molecules that

compose you, that you stray from the path of fulfillment."

The Problem with Clones and Spirit

"Now, the grid, your energy field, is a grid of intent. Your energy

field is what keeps you together because you are literally created

from your own intent. That is why Spirit can attach to us. Do you

follow? If an organism or a structure is created, cloned or copied,

Spirit cannot attach to it. This is the problem the Greys have with

the hybrids, and this is why the human clones do not have an energy

field, because Spirit can't attach to it, and this is also because there

was no intent in it's creation (in terms of self-maintaining conscious-

ness). There was, in your terms, no spiritual intent to create it."

"The non-physical pattern of your body is composed of virtually

uncountable "blocks' of intent. Each assigned a particular function,

and each specifically directed toward a creation and sustenance of

a particular part of your body."

"As long as you restrict your inquiry only to the physical forms

perceivable, you will all have questions and no answers. Just as the
atom is constructed or originates out of intent, and not physical

matter, so does the body find its origin in a plane quite hidden from
your scientific instruments. The blueprint for the body is not contained

in a genetic structure. The chromosomes simply reflect the greater

origin or the intent. It is the grid-work, the structuring of intent and

desire that serves as the blueprint for your bodies. And, that intent is
then literally flushed out to create the shape of the body."

Q: Do all organisms have a soul?

A: No. Apparently they have intent, but the "chief cook and bottle washer" of all that intent is the Soul. Some
lifeforms, as a group, have 'herd souls'. An example of this in practice is when you see a flock of birds all turn at the
same time. These type of 'souls', however, are not like our individualized Souls. They are more like a collective
consciousness. (38 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

Q:So in actuality, what is actually controlling the sustenance of the human body in the normal human is our own
consciousness, projected from the 11th dimension, which is in fact us.

A: Yes. You know..well, you're already having the intent because you are not vaporizing in front of us. I think the
whole point in them sharing all of this with us is for us to be able to trace back where the intent is actually coming
from, and for us to see ourselves for who we really are.

Q: As the population increases, does that mean that there are more souls...

A: There is more intent. Other beings who want to express themselves here. The soul creates the intent. The intent is
you. A population increase is just more souls wanting to have intent here. According to the Andromedans, there were
the same amount of Souls or Spirits in our universe until March 23,1994, when several new ones apparently stepped
in. This was when the new 12th density started to create itself, because of the intent of the Is-ness.

Secret Colonies on Mars

I want to thank all of you for coming here and allowing me the space to share this with you, so I don't have to carry it
any longer by myself. The purpose of the lectures is to inform you specifically of the extraterrestrial intervention in our
development and the development of mankind. Mankind has been fascinated with Mars ever since time began. The
story of Mars that has been shared with me by the Andromedans is both compelling and quite fascinating.

Unlike some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, the moon of Earth and the planet Venus, Mars actually originated in
our solar system. It is 6.1 billion years old, and its inner sun, which all planets have or had, is burned out. So, the
inside is cold, dark and wet. The surface appears to be desolate, sandy and windy. However, Mars is changing, and it
has been changing for the last 30 years. The Andromedans say that Mars is getting closer to the sun every three
years, and the 200 mile-an-hour storms are becoming less and less frequent. Every year, the polar caps are showing
more and more of a change of seasons.

The technology does exist today to enable Mars to sustain human life as we know it. According to the Andromedans,
given the correct coordination of events in terms of technological applications, Mars could be fully habitable for human
life in only 20 years. One of the moons of Saturn also offers us this possibility.

Mars has a part very similar to that of Earth. It has a history of repeated colonization and life. According to Moraney,
Mars was the first planet in our solar system to explored and colonized. When civilizations were coming to our solar
system, they stopped first at Mars. Mars at one time had an ocean and an atmosphere. It was also in a different orbit
than it is now. It had plant life and some very basic life forms which didn't evolve there, but were brought to both
Mars and Earth 189 million years ago by traders, explorers and miners from Alpha Draconis, Ursa Major and Minor,
Lyrae, the Pleiadies, Zeta Reticuli and Sirius.

Now, there have been some other groups that have passed through here, but those groups were predominantly those
who worked our system for minerals, ores, biological samples and all kinds of things. When they came, they always
seemed to leave something behind. Some of the life forms that have been and will be discovered on Mars are exactly
identical to life forms we have here on Earth. Space travel has existed in our galaxy for 4.4 billion years, according to
what the Andromedans have said. The fossil records of both Earth and Mars apparently show that most life forms have
had very little actual evolution and appear almost fully formed. In other words, there just suddenly appeared on the
scene because they were brought here, according to the Andromedans, by early space explorers and biological
engineers. Every time they came, they tinkered with life forms.
Apparently, 69.3 million years ago a very large planetary asteroid came through our solar system, laden with a lot of
debris. This asteroid, according to Vasais, was so magnetically powerful that as it came through it ripped Mars from its
original orbit (which was nearer to the Earth) and pulled it 19 million miles further out. All this happened in a very
short period of time, and this devastated everything on the planet, ripping off the atmosphere and causing three
successive polar shifts in as many days. Although this asteroid left Earth's atmosphere reasonably intact, Mars would
take tens of millions of years before it was able to host even the most basic life forms. According to the Andromedans,
Mars even had dinosaurs on it at one time, and the fossils of these beasts have been found by the teams that have
been sent there. Eventually we will hear about this when and if things become more open.

According to the Andromedans, Mars has been periodically inhabited for 3.8 billion years, and that there are ruins all
over the planet. Most of the ruins are buried under hundreds of feet of sand, just like here on Earth in the Gobi desert,
where there are ruins of ancient cities. Now, most of us have heard about Cydonia and the pyramids on Mars. There
are also war ruins in the Cydonia region that have not been found yet.

It is interesting that the word al quahir, the Egyptian word that means Cairo, also means Mars, and that this has been
in the Egyptian language for thousands of years. Strange coincidence.
Ruins on Mars

The area known as the Tharsis Ridge contains ruins of an ancient city approximately 69 million years old. The Utopia
region also holds the ruins of a city equally as old. These cities have been buried for 69 million years. A really (39 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

interesting area is called Mariner Valley Canyon, where there is an ancient Lyraen city that has been buried for 113
million years. There is a vast network of underground tunnels and caverns under this area. This area is where the
Earth bases Eve is located.

Earth Base Eve

The Earth base on Mars called Eve is a vast complex built originally millions of years ago, reactivated with the help of
the Greys for the Earth world government. It stretches over an area of 118 miles and is three levels deep in some
places. It housed approximately 300,000 human beings, and the deepest portion is 6,200 feet below the surface. It
has four openings to the surface consisting of two elevator shafts and two pressurized hangar entrances, complete
with elevators. In other words, if you're flying in a ship, you fly into a hangar, which closes, and you're pressurized,
dropping you down into living quarters. That's how the whole thing is done.
Earth Base Adam

Much of the hardware taken to Mars, as I mentioned once before, came from the moon first, via Russia and Diego
Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The area known as Hellas Elanitia, or the Plains of Gold, is the location of the earth colony,
and east of there is a city dubbed Adam. There used to be a large fresh water lake in this area long in the past.

There are essentially three large domed structures built into the mountain range there. The largest of these domes
stretches 2.6 miles in diameter, and the other two average a mile in diameter. Each of these domed structures is
connected by tunnels to the other domes. The largest dome is built 1,000 feet into the surface of Mars. Underneath
the mountain range where Adam is located, there is another tunnel which leads to a cavern area that is seven square
miles in size. They don't have any idea what is inside this cavern area, because the Orion Group has a force field which
shields them from view. Nobody can see what they're doing in there.

Orion Group Redoux

In March 1989, the Russian Phobos probe took pictures of mother ships landing on the surface of Mars, as well as a
picture of one of the scout craft firing at the probe, just before it exploded. One of these large ships, 250 miles long,
landed at an old Orion Group base that has been reactivated. The base is more than 1 million years old and is
completely underground, occupies 64 square miles, contains five levels and extends to 8,500 feet below the surface. It
was fully operational as of June 1994, and contains 2111 scout craft and over 100,000 Orion and Draconian troops.
The Andromedans are real specific when they say "troops'.

The Cyndonia region was the last based occupied by the Pleiadians, Lyraens and Sirians when our solar system fell to
the Orion Group about 317,000 B.C. That base was partially destroyed in that attack.
NSA Lands on Mars in 1959

The first Martian landing by the NSA 'black government' was in March 1959, when three craft were sent to the Cydonia
region. Only 29 military and scientific personnel went on this first mission. The 'fortress' area housed the craft and the
workers while Eve was being reopened with the assistance of the Greys. The construction that was done was
performed by the same groups that had done construction on the moon, the Army Corps of Engineers, Bechtel, A.A.
Matthews, Robbins Corporation, Psi Corps, and scientists and engineers from JPL.

All of the personnel in this project had no families to worry about them, and all records on their existence, except for
personal memories of people on earth, have been wiped clean by the NSA Ultra and Blue Moon units (Alpha I and II),
who recruited personnel for this mission. All this was done on the premise that the Earth was going to self-destruct
due to pollution, population and disappearing natural resources. The bases were completed in 1968. The Andromedans
have said that the 'black government' would do anything to maintain secrecy on this matter.

In March of 1989, thirty years to the month of the landing on Mars, a group of Orion and Draconian forces invaded the
Martian colonies and all communication between the moon bases and Mars ceased. Some of the greatest talent and
minds are stuck on Mars. Three hundred thousand humans out of communication.

The American and Russian Mars probes were sent, subsequently, to see what they could observe on Mars, and they
were destroyed or taken out of action from the surface of Mars.

Q: When we start to see ships in the skies, whose will they be? (40 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

A: I've been told that the very first mass sighting of ships that will be seen in the United States will be our own. They'll
be the ones that our government has actually built. It won't be the aliens. It will be our own. The first real big signs
will be in the area of New Mexico, because it is the area most controlled by the government and the Greys. They have
that area so sealed up that nothing could go wrong there.
The Holographic Record of Christianity

Q: Can you be specific on what the Andromedan viewpoint is on Christianity, especially in view of the fact that they
have holographic access to all events that have happened on Earth? I mean, what are some of the specifics?

A: You know, I don't like talking about this, because I was raised a Catholic. I was an altar boy. The truth broke my
heart. You know, to find out that what I thought was reality really wasn't. Where I'm at with it is very personal, but
I'm not counting on anybody to come down and save me. The Andromedan perspective of the whole scenario is really
different that what we've been told.
Q: Well, it's apparent that there were several characters in history with the name Yeshua, translated loosely as
"Jesus". There's Yeshua Ben Joseph, etc. How did all this develop?

A: Okay. Basically what happened was that the Catholic church created a composite character, because at the time
they were expending a lot of resources putting out religious wars. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but like
many things it got perverted. Yeshua Ben Joseph, was a Jewish rabbi who lived from 70BC to 9 BC. He was apparently
crucified at some point, charged with being a thief. Prior to that there was a man by the name of rabbi Hallel who
apparently died in 100BC. Rabbi Hallel was called "The Great Teacher". Many Christians are led to believe that a man
named Jesus was called this, when in fact it was Rabbi Hallel. Now, what happened was that the New Testament
composite character of "Jesus The Christ" was created by the Council of Nicea. Most of the words that are attributed to
this composite character, referred to colloquially as "Jesus", were in fact spoken by Apollonius of Tyana, who the Bible
calls "Paul of Tarsus". Because Rome had their armies scattered all over the place and all these wars were over the
subject of religion, what the Council of Nicea decided to do is essentially create a "State Religion". So, what they did
was combine the religions of the east and the west, both of which were concerned with Sun worship. Those in the
West worshipped Hesos, also called Hess. Those in the East that worshipped the Sun worshipped Krishna, which in
Greek is called Kristos. The very first "Bible" that was put together in 325AD. They took some books that Apollonius of
Tyana had brought back from Burma, called the Codes of the Initiates (which concerned themselves with man's
relationship to the seasons, among other things) containing lessons that were handed down to those particular Holy
Men in India during that particular period in history. The Codes of the Initiates allegedly contained words that were
spoken by Krishna. The very first "Bible" was called the Helios Biblios, which means "The Sun Book". This is what they
did in the very beginning.

Q: When was the Helios Biblios assembled?

A: Between 324 and 355 AD, by the Council of Nicea under Emperor Constantine The Great. Then they slowly
developed a "God", a personage, to replace the Sun, and slowly changed the books, disposing of the material detailing
reincarnation and many of the other teachings. They changed meanings, and every scribe that worked on this thing
kept changing things as belief systems were revised with the prevailing times.

Q: How about things ascribed to the historical "Jesus" such as the Sermon on the Mount?

A: The exact words ascribed to the historical "Jesus" with reference to the Sermon on the Mount were found in a
Turkish museum, authored by a Greek Senator in 64 AD. The Church went out a gathered all the information they
could at various times in history, and they suppressed what they didn't agree with or what they didn't want the people
to know.

Q: Then, who was the healer in this whole scenario?

A: That was Apollonius of Tyana, who the Catholic Church referred to as the "Anti-Christ", despite the fact that he was
also known as Paul of Tarsus, mainly because he encouraged rebellion against Roman tyranny.

Q: And Yeshua Ben Joseph?

A: From what I understand, he was of the royal line, but he tried to create rebellion against Roman tyranny as well.
Now, there was also another Yeshua.

Q: Another Yeshua?

A: Yes. It was a very common name than in Judea. He was a rabbi who was also a rebel, of sorts. He died at Massada
in 64 AD, and his presence at Massada was why Massada was attacked. His name was Yeshua Malathiel. The bottom
line is there was no "Jesus Christ" in history at all. It was a composite character, and history reveals this fact.

Q: Now, Robert Morning Sky revealed that the specific crucifixion that involved a Yeshua was a mock crucifixion, in
that the person did not really die, because he was given an herbal mixture to simulate death, and that Bar Abbas was
in fact the son of the Yeshua concerned here. (41 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

A: Yes, if you take the name Bar Abbas, which is a two-word name (not Barrabas, as in the Biblical product of the
Roman Church), and you go back to the ancient Hebrew, it means "Son of the Teacher" or "Son of the Master".

Q: So whose son was Bar Abbas?

A: Yeshua Melethiel.

Q: His son.

A: Yes, and from that grew the lineage in France.

Q: The lineage in France? That is where Alex Christopher's book Pandora's Box picks the trail up. The so-called
"bloodline of Christ" that related to the mission of the Templars.

A: That's right. It related not to Yeshua (Jesus) Malathiel himself, who died at Massada in 64 AD, but to his son, Bar
Abbas, who survived and went to France.

Q: This is also connected with the "blue-bloods" and extraterrestrial genetics?

A: That's exactly right.

Q: So Yeshua Malathiel was a "blue-blood"?

A: Yes, he was, and he was connected to the House of David, and if you go all the way back through the line, through
David, and you get to Moses, who was a human-extraterrestrial "half-breed".
Q: So, was it Yeshua Malathiel who was involved in the "cross scenario"?

A: I don't know for sure. The only place I have heard of the story that Robert is talking about is from a book called
Crucifixion By An Eyewitness (which does not at all imply that Robert got his data from that book, just that the book
mentions it)

But, the Essenes were herbalists and knew how to mix potions and knew about this kind of thing. Of course, the real
secrets about all of this lie in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Q: Which the Israeli government have locked up, or at least most of them, and will only let a few select people see a
few of them.

A: Yes, by the Israeli's and the Roman Church, because what the Dead Sea Scrolls show, according to the
Andromedans, are that "Christianity" and "Judaism" were really one thing, one religion, and they also tell the true
story of who Yeshua was, as we have spoken about here.

Q: Yeshua Malathiel?

A: Right. Rabbi Wise in the 1950's and 1960's did an extensive study of the death warrants and death certificates of
those who were crucified during that time period, as the Romans kept records, and the only Yeshua listed as being
crucified was a man coincidentally named Yeshua Malathiel, who was listed as a traitor and a thief. Mary of the house
of Magdelana was the wife of Yeshua Malathiel. She came from a very well-to-do family who raised doves for sacrifices
put on by the Pharisees at the temples. I think the book Holy Grail talks a little about that, too. The Jewish tradition
was at that time that any man 13 years of age, who was a rabbi, must take a wife and have children. That was the

Q: How did the crucifixion scenario arise with Yeshua Malathiel and his son, Bar Abbas?

A: Well, the story behind that is that they took Bar Abbas because they knew that the father, Yeshua, would come
after his son. The story goes on to say that a ransom was paid, and they did a "mock" crucifixion in order to hide the
fact of a payoff to the Romans. Malathiel did not leave the area. He continued to do what he did and died at Massada.
There is apparently a scroll which is in the possession of the Russians that proves this, and the son, Bar Abbas, was
escorted to France with the rest of the family.

Q: So, presuming that somewhere along the line Christians or Jews would read this material, what would you say to
them if they feel concerned by it?

A: Well, all I would say is that true history does not support the idea or the proof that a "Jesus Christ" lived. It does
prove that Apollonius of Tyana was real, and the other thing I would say is, "you've been duped". There is no middle
man between you and the Creator, and your relationship is directly with the Creator.

Q: Of course, this is why Gnosticism has been so suppressed throughout history.

A: Yes. These "churches" exist only because people "believe in them" and support them financially. If you take that
away and say, "my relationship is with the Creator, I don't need a middle man", then "there is no need for you." Let's
face it, the church is politics and a form of government. The Andromedans share very much the same viewpoint as (42 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

some of the Pleaidian groups - that all religions on our planet are forms of government, and they don't see any
difference between government and politics (power-brokering), in their perspective. I mean, people used to have to
pay priests in order to "assure their place in heaven".

Q: Are there any religious systems on this planet that are at all beneficial?

A: There are two religious systems they say have been beneficial, and they were the original form of Buddhism and
the original form of Shinto. All the other stuff is designed to hold you back and control you. That is their perception.

Creation of Our Universe

Q: Why would the group consciousness of the Paa Tal come into third density?

A: The Draconian legends, according to the Andromedans, talk about wars with the Paa Tal, who created the human
form of physicality. Now, let's just pretend here that we (as the Paa Tal) knew as a race that there was no way we
were ever going to destroy this reptilian race. This war would go on forever. Now, being the spiritual beings that we
could be, and here's just a concept or an idea, it could be that we realized that the only way to take care of the
negative polarity in our universe was to come and incarnate at its lowest point, its lowest frequency, and alter that
frequency so much that everything in its path would evolve. You could do this so none of the negativity could hide or
defend itself. The transformation would be so fast, so instantaneous that suddenly they would be light. You've ended
all wars. There's no more death and suddenly everybody is an enlightened being. There has only been a period of 200
years during the last 2000 years when there hasn't been a war on Earth.

Q: But isn't that "forcing" enlightenment?

A: Well, we hold a frequency of war, and this frequency emanates into space. Now, if this is truly us, then our minds
are creating, firing or triggering other like consciousness everywhere. We're the catalyst. It's not by force. They have a
choice. You change the catalyst and there's no more fuel for anything else. Everything else just burns out. For
example, look at what is going on in Bosnia, and who is giving both sides the weapons of war. You take away the
weapons and there is no war. Somebody is paying them to do this. So, you have to take away the fire. Right now, we
are the fuel, and the Draconians, Greys, the Orion Group and others are benefiting by this fuel. It starts right here,
and other galaxies are sending ambassadors to come and watch what is happening here - what is going to happen in
2013. We have one side saying 'no way' and one side cheering us on.

Q: Who's cheering us on?

A: The benevolence. Just in our galaxy alone there are 139 different races and planetary systems that want us to
evolve because they are sick and tired of war and defending themselves, and having to worry about us. Everything
affects everything else in the universe.

Inside the Planet: The Hollow Earth

All planets, suns and moons that are real, that were created by part of the creation, are hollow. There are no
exceptions. I want you to look for Life magazine, an issue that was published on November 10, 1967. It shows a
photograph of the Earth taken by the lunar orbiter, which shows a 1,600 mile diameter egress into the planet at the
north polar area.

Now, we are always taught that the Earth is round, a sphere. Being somewhat pear-shaped, this is mostly true.
However, persisted legends of flat areas. The top of the planet, having been hit a glancing blow by a planetary body
billions of years ago, is very flat. Most space photographs of the Earth either delete the top of the planet to some
degree, or the photo's are doctored to show what the public expects to see. The magnetic north pole is at 23.5
degrees latitude. About 200 miles south of the circular dip at the top of the planet is a 78 mile diameter opening into
the planet. It's technically in northern Canada.

Now, according to the Andromedans, the nature of gravity is different than we are told. We are told that because a
planet spins on its axis, the centrifugal force "creates gravity". Well, according to the Andromedans, that is not at all
accurate, and that gravity is produced by highly penetrating radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum at a frequency
of about 1 trillion cycles per second.

Because our planet is hollow, it contains different caverns throughout its shell. It can support many times the life we (43 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

think it can because there is a lot more livable surface area than we are taught there is. The following is a description
of what it is like to descend into the interior of the Earth, given to me by the Andromedans:

"When you go five miles into your Earth, you will rapidly lose body

weight. The reason for this is the limited ability of gravity radiations

and the gravity radiations and gravity effects of the Earth above

counteract the gravity effects of the Earth below. Their counteracting

effects are enhanced by the mass of the Earth above which will

transform some of the infrared radiations emanated by matter into a

gravity-producing radiation per the laws of redistribution. When you

reach a depth of ten miles, you will notice that it begins to get lighter

around you"

Vasais said that there are no shadows to be found anywhere in the interior of the Earth at a depth of 100 miles
because the light is contained in the particles that come from all directions and not a single source. In other words, the
air itself seems to glow, along with everything else. Plant and animal forms flourish and grow larger than on the
surface of the planet. At a depth of some 700 to 729 miles, one reaches a space of almost zero gravity because of the
screening effect of soft particles. Going further about another 700 miles or so, you break out into the surface of the
inner sphere, which has gravity due to the mechanics of the soft electrons and other balancing forces. An inner sun
has formed because the particles of light concentrate at the center.

Now, the orbit of the Earth has been changed three times, according to the Andromedans. During the time of Atlantis,
is was possible to see both of the suns in our solar system, and the benefit of this is that you had day and twilight
instead of day and night. But then, the planet was moved.

Q: Why was the planet moved?

A: I don't know. That's a question the Pleiadians will have to answer. It was moved into its current orbit about 14,300
years ago. We cannot see the other sun now, and apparently is was done on purpose according to a larger agenda.
This movement of the planet caused a lot of geological activity and flooding.

A One World System That Works

The Andromedans have a planetary government, but the entire purpose for the existence of this world government is
to make sure that everything on their worlds evolve. That is the only purpose of it. No other objective. To make sure
that every life form evolves. It's run by the people themselves, and everybody volunteers to hold a position in it, which
is easy for them because they live a couple of thousand years. But, there is no such thing as a "professional politician"
on their world. No such animal. All of their children go to school, and all the education is free. They spend an average
of 150 years in school.

On Varying ET Information
Now, I know that there are other extraterrestrial groups talking to people. Vasais and Moraney are talking to three
other people. Rumor has it that Pleaidian groups are talking to at least 30 people.

Q: But the information the Pleiadians are giving out is totally different than what you are giving out.
A: It's a different perspective, yes, but a lot of information (between the two sources, or many of the sources) is
compatible. It's just that the Pleiadians are telling the whole story about their involvement in things. They're hiding it,
which the Andromedans feel isn't the right thing to do. They think that everybody should put all their cards on the
table, right now, and deal with it.

General Questions and Answers

Q: Can the Andromedans teleport themselves? (44 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

A: Yes, they can go anywhere they want. All you have to do, according to them, is have a destination and speed up
the atomic structure of the body and you just disappear. The atoms are projected to where you want to go and you
just appear there. They are thousands and thousands of years ahead of us in evolution.

Q: Do you go through a physical change when you are with the Andromedans?

A: Do I go through a change? Not one that is really noticeable, except that sometimes I feel depressed when I have to
come back.

Fourth and Fifth Density: 2013 AD

If you remember in earlier lectures, we talked about the new vibration, the new color-sound vibration that is coming
out of the black holes. The reason I bring this up is because everything in our world has been set up. Everything.
You're going to see things start to move. You're going to see some incredibly positive things and some incredibly
negative things. Now, it is important to understand this. The "negative", or what we call "negative", is really blocked
energy. Where this energy is, whether it is in us or in the planet, doesn't matter. The fact that it is blocked does

Now, these new frequencies are hitting our planet, and we are moving up. The physical is being bombarded with
energy. This frequency is first hitting our main sun, and the Sun is speeding up in vibration. This is why there are
more solar flares happening right now. When in third density a Sun goes to the nova state, our scientists (being
material reductionists) view it as "dying out". To the Andromedans, however, what is happening is that it is leaving
third density and moving into fifth. It is now a sun on fifth density. What we are seeing is its "release" when it moves
into the new vibration. The physical third density part of it cannot exist at the same time as the physical fifth density
manifestation of it.

There's a great misconception about fourth density, and a lot of people throw that term out there because it seems
"hip", but they don't really know what it means. Now, fourth density is a state of consciousness, awareness and being.
It's about knowing yourself completely. It's about becoming real. The result of moving into this state is like everybody
suddenly becoming psychic. It will just happen. Not everybody will physically survive the changes in a way they

Now, according to the Andromedans, the Earth has tried to get into 4th density, with humanity on it, twice before.
Twice before, there was a terrible war. The last time was during the time of the sinking of Atlantis, and the other time
was a situation with Lemuria when it sank due to a conflict with Atlantis. Now, if you look at the book of Revelations, it
predicts a terrible war. The Andromedans have often said that everything is a belief system, and if we buy into a belief
system, we will self-fulfill that belief system, because we are creators.

They say that major changes will start to be observed between 2004 and 2009. Some of us will "be there" sooner. An
example of "being there" is that if the phone rings, you will know who it is. If someone knocks on the door, you will
know who it is. You think of a family member and they will call. As it progresses, you'll be "in tune" all the time. You
will not be in a position to say, "it's just coincidence", because you will have come into a position of knowing this. It's
not coincidence, but it is divine order. In other words, we'll be "in the flow".

Now, this doesn't mean we are not going to have our challenges. There's going to be war on the planet. There is still
going to be crime, for a while. There are still going to be people who don't understand what is happening. There will
still be people clinging to religions and begging for someone to come and save them. Be your own Savior. That is the
only permanent way to evolve. It's the only way. Even those who were perceived as "saviors" in the past didn't come
to "save", but they came to teach. Because of religious belief systems, there are millions of people who expect that
somebody is going to come down here and solve all the problems. It isn't going to be like that at all. If there was a
"Jesus Christ", and he did "come back", he would be pissed off. I can just picture "Jesus Christ" walking into the
Vatican and saying, "Look what you did with what I gave you. What is all this gold for? What are all these paintings
for? What are all these stupid hats you wear for? What is all this shit? This isn't what I gave you!".

Now, what will happen when the Earth moves into 4th density herself? She will start to heal herself, which means she
won't need our help. This is why it is paramount that between now and 2004, we do everything we can, at least on a
conscious level, to be consciously aware. They say that by the year 2004, the obituary pages will be very long because
some people can't handle this. The children will be the least affected in a negative manner. As I have said before, the
most affected will be men, because male energy has been totally irresponsible at this point. The Earth is female in
nature. When she starts blowing off this energy, it's not going to be selective. When this energy comes up, they said
that a lot of males will have brain strokes, sudden heart attacks and just cross over. They will also be some females
affected in this way, but it will predominantly affect a large portion of the male population, which is at least half the
population of the planet.

The two polarities will become more pronounced, particularly between now and 2004. A lot of folks will act on the need (45 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

to move out of cities and into small communities. A lot of this will be done in the mode of trying to be ready for
survival. Last week we talked a bit about the viruses that are coming and the TB outbreaks in major cities. You will
have people in your life just leave. You might be letting go of people in your life because they're of a different
vibratory nature, and there will be people who will judge you because from their perception and point of view, you are
not waiting for a savior, or for other reasons. Let these people go from your life. Just bless them, love them and send
them on their way, because the space will be filled by others of like mind. Like minds attract each other. Positivity
attracts more positivity. Negativity attracts more of the same.
The Next Step: 2 + 1 = 12

Now, we have mentioned that we used to have 12 strands of DNA, and that strands were removed leaving us with 2 in
order to limit our capabilities. The strands that were removed dealt with spiritual energies and remembrance of those
energies, and the racial and genetic memories of our forefathers. From the Andromedan perspective, we don't need
the 12 strands any more. We are basically going to be transforming into a three-strand system which will encompass
the range of the 10 strands that were removed from our system.

You remember that the Andromedan Council issued an edict that all ET influence was to be off this planet by August
12, 2003? Since telepathic races use symbols, it is easy to understand why the Andromedans indicate that part of the
function of the crop circles we are seeing is to let them know they must leave. Another aspect of the crop circles is to
inform the Earth entity about the process for dimensional shifting. There's going to be a period between 2003 and
2009, four to five years, where we will be on our own, because they want to see how we interact with each other
without ET manipulation. This will be our test. [Editor note: In this light, it is interesting that the current political
administration falls just short of that point in the time stream]
Fifth Density

How many people will move into fifth density? The last time I asked the question, which was about a year ago, the
Andromedans said that between 435 and 510 million people will literally move into 5th density by December 3, 2013.
In 5th density you can create and manifest anything you want directly. Our "bodies" will become energy form,
although we could "materialize" into matter forms if we chose to do so. You won't need to eat food. All you will need is
the energy from the Sun, which will supply your life force. When we move into 5th density, our solar system will have
27 planets on that frequency. Jupiter, as I have said before, will itself be a light-blue Sun. Earth's physical form will
experience a pole shift, and the new North Pole will be in Saudi Arabia. The South Pole will be off the coast of South
America. The Earth will experience a lot of rain and a lot of changes. Not everybody will move into 5th at the same
time. There will be some who are still physical from our 3rd density point of view. There will appear to be a 10,000
fold increase in the number of stars visible in the sky.

We will discover billions of different life forms that have been on the planet that we have not previously been able to
perceive as we go through these frequency changes. As it gets close to that time for 5th density, people will begin to
see more ghost-like images. Many drugs that we have now will no longer work the same because the physical body
will be shifting. All of major medicine is going to have to shift to a light-color-sound format, because nothing else will
work properly. It has to move in that direction, because that is what we are becoming.

Being spiritually evolved doesn't mean that you listen to every lecture, buy every book, retain all the notes and
watched all the movies. Spiritual evolution comes out of experience only, because only out of experience do you gain

Changing Consciousness
Becoming a Leader
Because we are essentially like hamsters inside a cage, spinning on the wheel, we are not moving because we are still
inside the cage. Even if you jump off the wheel, you are still inside the cage. The idea is to eliminate the cage

Practice not being in a survival mode of consciousness. Just do it for 15 minutes a day, if you can, then try extending
the period of time. Get into a space where you have everything you need in your life. Everything is right there. Now,
all thought creates reality. So, for 15 minutes a day, you just convince yourself, and if you can't pretend, then pretend
to pretend. Whatever it takes. Do you know what will happen? That 15 minute period will start to happen many times
a day, all by itself, and you won't even realize it. It will just be a mode of being that will become part of your life. Do
you have any idea how much energy it takes to take yourself from 11th density and focus in to this little box? This tiny
box. It's awesome.

The Law of Consistency is that everybody evolves together. No one falls behind. If one is held back, then we are all
held back. This is what 4th density is. It's essentially a group mind where we honestly care about each other. It's not
about money, power, greed, material things, sex, religion and all of that. This part of me that you see is only one
percent of who I am. You are seeing a copy. You are seeing a holographic projection and image that I have projected (46 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

from myself that has materialized in 3rd density. You may come up and shake my hand, but your not shaking all of

Now, there is a lot of change coming. A lot of folks are not prepared for it. You have it within you to help to be
teachers. To help pull the race together. There are outside influences here already and more of them coming that are
going to try and divide us as a race. We can lose, but we can forestall graduation. We don't want to do that if we can
help it. You must stand in your power. You have to do that yourself, and there is only one requirement - to believe in
yourselves. If you don't believe in yourself, go back and look at everything everybody ever told you culturally and just
erase it, because it is a lie. It's a lie. They were wrong.

Again, stand in your strength. Stand in your love. Be who you are. Remember that the word warrior meant a person
who is not afraid to be who they are. To be who you are every single moment, whether somebody likes it or not. It
doesn't matter what other people think if you are being impeccable. As long as you don't do something to hurt them,
consciously, it doesn't matter what they think. How many of you that have been shaped by peer pressure are happier
because of it? None of you.

The New World Order will do anything to formulate itself. It will in fact do that, but it's life will be short-lived. In other
words, they will set up the structure and framework for a manipulative world order, but just when they think they
have it nailed down, the rug will be pulled out from under them, and the people will then rise up and assume the
leadership role on the planet.

Just Do It!

Alex (47 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]

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