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December 15, 2015

Joshua Rosner
[email protected]

GSE Reform: Something Old, Something New, And Something Borrowed

In this paper we review the historic changes in the role and functions of the government
sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs) as secondary market
guarantors of primary market lending. We then explore the manner in which government
housing policies directed the GSEs to expand mortgage financing without regard to other
important regulatory and social priorities and discuss how these innovations caused
private mortgage originators to follow the GSEs down a path toward more -- but less
sound -- mortgage products. We then demonstrate how these actors together, with private
mortgage insurers (PMIs) and rating agencies, enticed consumers and investors into
shouldering unacceptable levels of financial risk that led to the financial crisis.
In contrast to recent purported GSE reform proposals offered in Congress, which
further empower the nations largest banks and lenders with a new government backstop,
undoing much of the progress achieved by post-crisis legislation and regulation of those
same financial institutions, we offer a plan that places the GSEs back in their historic
role as countercyclical providers of liquidity to the primary mortgage market. It
does so in a manner that limits the GSEs political and market influence while
allowing them to support affordable housing and, by leveling the playing field
between large and small lenders, the growth and vibrancy of the smaller lenders
and banks which are more closely tied to the communities they serve.
This GSE reform proposal is grounded in the current existing powers granted to the
regulatory community through the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
law (HERA) and regulatory provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act, both of which were
acts of Congress. If the current Director of FHFA recognized the previous failures
to follow statutory requirements of HERA, and chose to correct these failings, he
could place the secondary mortgage market on a viable path to meaningful reform.
As demonstrated by section 1367 of HERA, since the time of the decision to place
the GSEs into conservatorship, the conservators powers have been abused. HERA
clearly states that only the Director of the FHFA has the authority to determine the
GSEs should be placed into conservatorship1. Also, while the Director of the FHFA
had the authority to appoint the agency as conservator, it also had the discretion to
appoint an independent conservator2. HERA clearly states: When acting as
conservator or receiver, the Agency shall not be subject to the direction or
supervision of any other agency of the United States or any State in the exercise of
the rights, powers, and privileges of the Agency3.

Please refer to important disclosures at the end of this report.

December 2015

Comments from former Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson, strongly suggest that, at
inception of the decision to place the GSEs in conservatorship, there were several
violations of HERA. First, it seems clear that Treasury, rather than the Director of FHFA
(as required by HERA), chose to place the entities into conservatorship4. Second, it
appears that FHFA was subjected to direction and supervision of other agencies. Third,
by appointing itself conservator, rather than an independent conservator, it left itself open
to influence by the Treasury. Fourth, these decisions created conflicts between its role as
a safety and soundness regulator. Each of these failings and violations of HERA caused
the conservator to become unable to meet the most basic requirement HERA places on a
conservator: to put the regulated entity in a sound and solvent condition and
preserve and conserve the assets and property of the regulated entity5.
While the previous Director of FHFA, who was also conservator, appears to have
failed to meet his statutory obligations, there is an opportunity for the current
Director to change course and become fully compliant with the statutory
requirements of HERA. The reform proposals in this paper can largely be
implemented without new legislation and through retained earnings and raising
external capital from the markets, perhaps with an assist from current nongovernment shareholders through rights offerings.
While the several steps outlined here will not entirely eliminate the need for legislation,
they will increase market certainty, reduce the number of political issues to be addressed
and minimize the difficulties of reaching a consensus over those issues that legislators
will ultimately need to address.
Both Private Markets and the GSEs Caused the Financial Crisis
But what drove those behaviours in the first place? It was a classic financial arms race,
a case not so much of keeping up with the Joneses as keeping up with the
Goldmans. From the early 1990s onwards, league-leading firms began posting high
returns on equity. Those firms with lower relative returns, who languished in the league,
found themselves with sand kicked in their face. They felt obliged not just to keep pace
but to leapfrog, to shake their tail feathers. The lower their rank, the greater these market
pressures. Facing these competitive pressures, the best-response strategy for languishing
banks was simple gear-upLeverage delivered an instant leapfrog in returns on equity,
a conspicous display of rich plumage... That spiral defined the pre-crisis arms race in
financial returns. It generated equilibrium of synchronously high returns and pay, as
banks unilaterally militarised as defence against their competitors. But as in military
arms races, the resulting outcome was a sub-optimally risky oneWith hindsight, it was
easy to spot this market failure, the co-ordination problem. Banks and the financial
system as a whole would have been better off had there been a benign, enlightened
regulatory planner, able to co-ordinate banks on a lower return equilibrium.
Unfortunately, there was not.6


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For the past eight years, in an effort to assign blame for the financial crisis, an ideological
and politicized divide has polarized Washington. Regardless of where blame should be
assigned there is little disagreement that the housing crisis disproportionately harmed
those least capable of bearing losses and has consumed the political class with few
meaningful responses other than to allow our largest banks to reassert their primacy in the
financial system.
These attempts to assign blame prevent policy-makers from embracing the structural
mortgage finance reforms necessary to address the weaknesses that brought the economy
to the precipice of collapse. Having failed to materially address or reduce the economic,
market, social and political risks presented by weakness in the regulation of the mortgage
finance industry we have accepted an unsustainable stasis even while recognizing the
need for systemic repair that has long been understood by former President Bush, former
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and the then-Presidential-candidate Barack
Obama7 who said:
We excused and even embraced an ethic of greed; we encouraged a winnertake-all, anything-goes environment and instead of establishing a 21st century
regulatory framework, we simply dismantled the old one. Barack Obama8
Today, as was the case prior to the crisis9, regulators remain unwilling to effectively
utilize existing legal authorities and instead excuse their failure to do so by suggesting a
need for new congressional authorities. As a result, a future crisis becomes ever more
likely, especially as we have reached an end to the Federal Reserves purchases of
mortgage backed securities (MBS) and can soon expect increases in interest rates.
Without a change of course, it appears, once again, that feckless behaviors of our elected
leaders and regulators will become an historical marker of this period in U.S. history.
While Democratic ideologies assign blame to the weak regulation of private markets and
unbridled greed, Republican ideologies assign the blame to government policies that
attempted to deliver social subsidies through the off-balance sheet, quasi-public and
quasi-private GSEs, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Both sides of the political spectrum
have failed to understand what many private citizens understand, these are not mutually
exclusive explanations. In fact, there is little doubt that the crisis was the result of the
interplay between poorly considered government policies, weak regulatory oversight, the
lobbying power of key industry players, unrestrained profit-seeking behavior by issuers
of private-label mortgage-backed securities, structural changes and a failure to properly
regulate the activities and oversight of the GSEs in combination with a lack of prudent
economic decision-making by borrowers. 10 If, for the purposes of economic and
financial stability, we hope to rebuild a truly sustainable secondary mortgage
market that is able to provide adequate mortgage funding liquidity during the
adverse economic periods during which private lenders or capital market
participants will not, we must address these problems.


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Ironically, in the wake of the financial crisis, many conservative critics who had
previously railed against the implied government guarantees that were conferred on the
GSEs remain silent about the reality that, through the Dodd-Frank Act, we have
conferred the same implied government guarantees on our largest banks. Many of these
critics have also been among the strongest supporters of recent reform legislation
efforts that were designed by and can be expected to primarily benefit our largest
financial institutions. Specifically, rather than reducing these benefits, the Corker-Warner
bill11, Crapo-Johnson bill12, the PATH Act13 and also the language included in Title VII
of the regulatory reform bill14 recently introduced by Senate Banking Chairman Richard
Shelby would further extend the governments backstop of the largest banks.
Government Housing Policy - A Long-Term Partnership
Prior to the Great Depression of the early 1930s, short-term mortgage products with five
to ten year terms dominated mortgage lending. When those loans matured, borrowers
were expected to either pay off the remaining principal balance or to refinance the loan.
When the Great Depression hit, a large number of lenders became unwilling or unable to
refinance loans and, as a result, many borrowers were unable to pay the outstanding
balances due on their mortgages. It is estimated that by 1934, half of all borrowers were
delinquent on their homes15. Declining home prices only served to exacerbate these
problems as borrowers found themselves owing more than the home would be worth in a
sale. Mass foreclosures ravaged the national economy and, with borrowers typically16
having made downpayments of 50% of the purchase price, many families found
themselves not only unable to support their mortgage, but also penniless and homeless.
The damage quickly extended to those remaining banks, thrifts and lending associations
who found themselves stuck with large volumes of unsalable or foreclosed properties, the
liquidation of which only threatened to drive prices further downward. Even in cases in
which lenders had obtained private mortgage insurance (PMI), to ensure them against
loss of principal and interest, most of these insurers were inadequately capitalized and
unable to pay claims. By 1930, for example, there were 50 mortgage insurance
companies that had a combined capital and surplus of $200,000,000 against
$2,867,000,000 of outstanding guarantees.17 A large number of these PMIs failed,
causing further damage to the solvency of those financial institutions that relied on the
ability of those insurers to pay. By 1932 nearly 40% of banks that existed in 1929 had
In response to the national housing crisis, President Roosevelt created a series of
programs to restructure failed mortgages, to stabilize and restore liquidity and solvency to
the banking system, to create mortgage loan standards18 and, with an understanding that
the government didnt want to be in the business of holding mortgage loans, to sell those


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mortgages to investors while providing those investors with an insurance regime they
could be confident they would be repaid.
The creation, in 1933, of the Home Owners Loan Corporation, the 1936 creation of the
Federal Housing Administration and other predecessor programs to the 1938 creation of
the government-owned Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) all sought
to ensure that a utility-like program stood willing to buy and insure, at par, mortgage
loans from banks. The goal of creating a liquid secondary market to promote and
ensure stability in mortgage lending was thus realized. Ensuring that mortgage
risks were transferred into the hands of market participants rather than remaining
on the governments balance sheet reduced the risks of the public.
Fannie Maes mission continued with few changes until 1954 when the Charter Act
transformed Fannie Mae from an agency of the federal government into a mixed
ownership, public-private, corporation. In 1968 Fannie Mae was transformed into a
publicly traded and privately owned firm and then, in 1970, Freddie Mac was created to
expand the secondary market.19
GSEs No Controversy Until S&L Crisis
In 1989, as a result of the failure of the savings and loan industry and the near
insolvency for Fannie Mae20, the federal government began to reconsider the
regulation and oversight of the GSEs. Amazingly, on April 18, 1989, the House of
Representatives Ways and Means Committee held what was the first comprehensive
oversight hearing of the GSEs in 30 years.21
As documented in Reckless Endangerment22, it was at this point that Fannie Maes
Chairman David Maxwell accepted the advice given to him by his then independent
advisor (and future Fannie Mae Chairman) James Johnson -- that the largest risks
confronting the GSEs were no longer operational, credit, interest rate risks but political
risks. Recognizing the threat, Maxwell handed the companys reins to Johnson, who
would transform the GSEs from sleepy secondary mortgage utilities with conservative
growth rates into political actors that would bind themselves more closely to the U.S.
political class while Showing America a New Way Home to Expand(ing)
Opportunities for Home Ownership23.
In a 1991 Report, to then President George H.W. Bush, regarding the GSEs,
Treasury Secretary Nicolas Brady, pointed out24:
Since there is no imminent financial threat from the activities of the GSEs, the
temptation may exist not to create a more sensible and effective regulatory structure.
However, such a course is inappropriate. The experience with the troubled thrift industry
and the Farm Credit System vividly demonstrates that taking action once a financial
disaster has already taken place is costly and difficult. The most prudent policy goal


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should be to establish a regulatory framework that will reduce the likelihood of another
financially painful Government rescue. As is discussed the regulatory structure for
GSEs has lapses of varying degrees to the point that the current structures are not
adequate to provide sufficient assurance that the GSEs will be operated in a financially
safe and sound manner over the longer term...that GSEs can get into financial difficulty
is more than a hypothetical possibility. Both the Farm Credit System and Fannie Mae
experienced financial stress during the 1980s...The financial difficulties encountered by
Fannie Mae in the early 1980s, for which direct Federal assistance was not required, is
an example of the potential for a GSE's financial condition to deteriorate while its access
to the credit markets remains unimpeded
Secretary Brady then offered a sober assessment of the necessary shape of GSE reforms:
In times of economic stress, a regulator with unclear or dual statutory objectives (safety
and soundness versus promotion of another public policy goal) may decide to
subordinate its safety and soundness responsibility in favor of the achievement of other
public policy goals. Therefore, unless a regulator has an explicit primary statutory
mission to ensure safety and soundness, the Government may be exposed to excessive
risk Second, the regulator must have sufficient stature to avoid capture by the GSEs
or special interests Third, the private sector should play a role in helping the Federal
Government to assess the safety and soundness of GSEs Fourth, the basic statutory
authorities for safety and soundness regulation must be consistent across all GSEs.
Oversight can be tailored through regulations that recognize the unique nature of each
Unfortunately, by the time Congress legislated a new regulatory regime for the
GSEs, the enterprises had, with the help of friends in Congress, neutered those
recommendations As in the case of the thrifts,25 and more recently with the Dodd Frank
Act26 and HERA itself27, when Congress leaves implementation of complex issues to a
weak regulator legislative intent is often lost.28 Often-captured regulators then weaken
oversight and controls of financial firms to levels that appear to reduce risk while actually
engendering more risk29.
As a result of these hearings, and extensive lobbying by the GSEs, Congress passed the
Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992. Failure to heed
the prescient recommendations of Secretary Brady, this statute neutered safety and
soundness standards and created a weak primary regulator that lacked the
authority to raise or lower capital requirements, as it deemed prudent. Instead the
statute created congressionally defined capital standards that allowed the mortgagebacked securities of these poorly capitalized GSEs to receive lower capital risk
weightings than private MBS. The Act also failed to provide the regulator with
explicit authorities regarding the enterprises leverage or their portfolio growth;
established three different types of affordable housing goals but failed to prioritize


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safety and soundness; failed to provide the regulator with bright line language
that would allow it to limit the activities of the GSEs; tied the regulator to the
budget appropriation process; and increased both the politicization of the GSEs and
the appearance of a government backstop to the GSEs by allowing the President to
select half the members of the enterprises boards of directors.
It would be impossible to overstate the problems created by the split-regulatory structure
embedded in the Act. By creating a mission regulator at the Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) and a safety and soundness regulator at the newly
established Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), In reality, the
legislation left OFHEO constrained by an overly prescriptive and materially inadequate
regulatory capital regime that took six years to put into place and offered an inappropriate
static snapshot of capital required for the enterprises. On the other hand, the 1992 Act
placed new language in the GSEs charters, providing them a mandate to do more for
underserved30 markets. What Congress accomplished was to legislate an
environment diametrically opposed to Secretary Bradys primary recommendation;
one in which the GSEs delivery of affordable housing goals would always generate
the necessary political support for pushing back against the safety and soundness
authorities of OFHEO.
With Congress empowered to use the GSEs as tools for politically-motivated social
engineering and the enterprises able to use the law as political-cover for increasing their
business activity, goals became a means for the GSEs to further weaken support for their
soundness regulator31 and to increase their returns to shareholders by increased leverage
and other financial risks32. Further ensuring supervisory failures by OFHEO was
statutory language that tied OFHEO to the annual budget appropriations process. As a
result of the GSEs political power, major efforts by critics to rein them in on the basis of
safety would even result in efforts by the GSEs and their political allies to starve OFHEO
of funding necessary to effectively oversee the GSEs33.
Problems with GSEs Didnt Develop Overnight
The GSEs, originally intended to provide liquidity to the secondary mortgage market,
were then repurposed by the Clinton administration to direct social policy and public
subsidies through the housing and mortgage markets. Such use of the agencies was not a
Clinton-only affair; President George W. Bush would later expand on the social
engineering policies34 that placed the expansion of homeownership ahead of the safety
and soundness of the GSEs - and the broader economy.
A combination of the GSEs being used as tools35 of social policy and falling interest
rates built the foundation of a housing bubble by fostering borrower, lender and investor
acceptance of low- and no-down payment loans, lower FICO scores, higher debt-toincome and loan-to-value ratios. These benefits are exemplified by the 1999 comments


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of Fannie Maes then Chairman Franklin Raines: A record of prompt utility bill and rent
payments can be substituted for the traditional credit report to verify a potential
borrowers willingness to pay a mortgage loan.36Amazingly and almost without being
noticed the entire mortgage underwriting system began to shift its lending standards
toward a focus on a borrowers willingness, rather than ability, to pay. This change had
been more than just the result of animal spirits37.
In early 1993, the Clinton Administration realized that, among the available Federal
resources, capital investments for housing and community development could be
driven through Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, and HUD/USDA programs38.
Clintons Department of Housing and Urban Development quickly established dramatic
performance goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In an effort to restore the promises of the American dream, the Administration
embarked on a major initiative to increase homeownership. In 1993, the Census
Bureau recommended specific ways to do so. Lowering down payment requirements and
increasing available down payment subsidies were suggested. In early 1994, HUD
Secretary Henry Cisneros met with leaders of major national organizations from the
housing industry to implement these suggestions.
By early fall 1994, the Clinton Administration, along with over 50 public and
private organizations39 agreed on working groups, a basic framework and the core
objectives of what they named the National Homeownership Strategy. The
creators of the strategy of the National Partners in Homeownership (NPH) include,
among others: HUD, the Treasury Department, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Mortgage Bankers Association, America's
Community Bankers, the American Institute of Architects and the National Association
of Realtors. Their primary goal was reaching all-time high national homeownership
levels by the end of the century. This was to be achieved by making
homeownership more affordable, expanding creative financing, simplifying the
home buying process, reducing transaction costs, changing conventional methods of
design and building less expensive houses, among other means. It was almost
unprecedented for government regulators to partner this closely with private-sector
parties that they had been charged with regulating.
In 1994, the Administration set out to raise the ownership rate by 0.5% - 1.0% per
year for the seven years, from 65% to 70% by the year 2000 and recognized this
can be done almost entirely off-budget - through creative leadership and
partnerships with HUD, FHA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHLBs, CDFls, the
private mortgage and insurance companies, and the banks and thrifts.40 In 1994 the
Administration created and, in 1995, rolled out their National Homeownership
Strategy41 with the goal of using the GSEs to provide low- and no-down payment loans
to eligible low- and moderate-income purchasers even to borrowers the private


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mortgage market has deemed to be un-credit-worthy.42 By the peak of the market, these
goals, combined with the GSEs desires to increase their market share, drove more of
the borrowers who met affordable housing criteria to increasingly mov[e] into bad
[mortgage] products (e.g., option ARMs and low or no down payment loans), that led to
risk layering.43
Homeownership began to rise in 1995 and continued to rise through the late 1990s.
Existing home sales grew from 27.5 million units in the 1970s to 29.8 million units in the
1980s and ended the 1990s at 40 million units. By 1998, in an internal memorandum
from then Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin to Clintons National Economic
Advisor Gene Sperling44 recognized the many risks associated with increasing lending to
the most at risk borrowers and noted:

Lowering the down payment requirement is likely to reduce saving among lowincome people who would like to be home owners;

We may not want to encourage poor people especially those who cannot save,
to purchase their homes. In an economic downturn, these home owners may be
more vulnerable and more likely to lose their homes; and

It is not clear that home ownership causes the desired positive effects
attributed to homeowners.

Still, the Clinton Administrations plans continued.45

In 1989 only 7 percent of home mortgages were made with less than 10 percent down
payment. By August 1994, low down payment mortgage loans had increased to 29
percent46. This trend continued unabated throughout the 1990s and by 1999, over 50 %
of mortgages had down payments of less than 10%. In 1976 the average down payment
by first time homebuyers was 18% and by 1999 that down payment had fallen to 12.6%.
In 1999, more than 5% of all residential mortgages had no equity or had negative home
equity. Eliminating down payment barriers had created a homeownership option for
Americans who previously were forced to rent, due to savings or credit issues.47 While
the GSEs were certainly a key driver of these results other government actions,48 fraud,49
and the impact of falling interest rates also fueled the expansion. By 2000, U.S.
homeownership exceeded 67%.


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Source: U.S. Census Bureau

GSEs Seasoned the Market but Were not the Only Culprits
In July 2001 I authored a paper titled Housing in the New Millennium: A Home Without
Equity is Just a Rental with Debt.50 That paper, written in the aftermath of the dotcom crash, sought to answer questions about the relationship between the broader
economy and the housing market and asked whether housing faltered as a result of the
weakening economy.
The executive summary noted: there are elements in place for the housing sector to
continue to experience growth well above GDP. However, we believe there are risks that
can materially distort the growth prospects of the sector. Specifically, it appears that a
large portion of the housing sectors growth in the 1990s came from the easing of the
credit underwriting process. That easing included:
The drastic reduction of minimum down payment levels from 20% to 0%;
A focused effort to target the low income borrower;
The reduction in private mortgage insurance requirements on high loan to value
The increasing use of software to streamline the origination process and modify/recast
delinquent loans in order to keep them classified as current; and
Changes in the appraisal process that have led to widespread over-appraisal/overvaluation problems.
The analysis concluded: If these trends remain in place, it is likely that the home
purchase boom of the past decade will continue unabated. Despite the increasingly more
difficult economic environment, it may be possible for lenders to further ease credit
standards and more fully exploit less penetrated markets. Recently targeted populations

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that have historically been denied homeownership opportunities have offered the
mortgage industry novel hurdles to overcome. The virtuous circle of increasing
homeownership due to greater leverage has the potential to become a vicious cycle of
lower home prices due to an accelerating rate of foreclosures.
Still, at that time, there was little private market competition to the GSEs MBS machines.
Banks had, to that point, either sold production to the enterprises or the FHA or they held
loans on their books. In other words, even if they were originating loans to the weakening
standards of the GSEs and selling them to the GSEs, the loans they were not selling to the
GSEs or government programs remained more soundly underwritten. This was about to
Banks and Investment Banks Join the Fray
By late 2002, as a result of lobbying by the Federal Reserve and the large
commercial and investment banks, the Basel Committee of the Bank for
International Settlements (BIS) lowered the capital risk-weightings for all AAA
and AA rated private label securities (PLS). As a result, from a capital
requirement perspective, tranches of highly-rated PLS securitizations were to be
treated the same as similarly rated tranches of sovereign, agency and corporate
bonds.51 Through this action, the BIS created massive new income opportunities for
the rating agencies, larger banks and investment banks. Having leveled the playing
field between PLS, Ginnie Mae and the enterprises MBS products, the
international banking regulatory body opened the floodgates for new capital to rush
into the private label securitization market. The rating agencies had long
acknowledged that different types of bonds, even with similar ratings such as
sovereign, corporate, agency and asset-backed had different probabilities of
default or losses given default. Still, now that regulators adopted this new view
regarding agency and PLS securities, which allowed similar treatment of highly
rated securities of these different classes by banks, insurance companies and other
investment-charter-constrained investors, the PLS market took off.
In 2002 the private label securitization (PLS) market was now at ease with changes made
by the GSEs in 2000 which expanded their purchases to include Alt-A, A-minus, and
subprime mortgages, in addition to private-label mortgage securities.52 Private issuers
began to aggressively target borrowers with lower down payments, lower FICO scores,
lower documentation and higher debt-to-income and higher loan-to-value ratios. PLS
activity exploded. Conforming securitization rates increased from 60 percent in 2000 to
82 percent in 2005 and non-conforming securitization rates from 35 to 60 percent over
that same period.
Banks that had only a few years before sought to reduce their exposures to consumer
lending used their branch network to originate mortgage loans to distribute through

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securitization markets. Investment banks, which had no branch networks, began to

expand their provisioning of warehouse lines of credit to third party mortgage originators.

Source: Mason & Rosner: Where did the Risk Go?53

There are very few corporations and even fewer sovereigns that could garner AAA
ratings. Because the rating agencies were allowed to design their models without needing

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to assume an AAA mortgage backed security would perform similarly to an AAA rated
U.S. Treasury bond, the opportunities to provide yield-hungry investors with higher
yielding bonds seemed limitless. As a result, Investment banks and their third-party
mortgage origination partners created more and more risky products, including many
negative amortization products.

Source: Rosner, 200754

By late 2004 it became clear that the Federal Reserve, which had begun to increase rates
at the end of June, would continue to raise rates. On November 16, 2005, I warned we
continue to expect consumer mortgage credit quality to show deterioration in the third
quarter (largely from energy prices and Hurricane Katrina) and expect that it will
continue to rise from there.
Borrowers rushed to lock in low but rising interest rates. The strong investor demand for
these relatively higher yielding PLS debt securities led to issuers taking significant
market share from the GSEs. Refinancings and the 40%55 of all sales that were
investment or vacation homes continued to stoke the bubble, and the informational
asymmetry between issuers and investors that was built into PLS hid the risks to
investors and supported uneconomic activity.
For the first few years, the GSEs avoided direct and aggressive competition with the
looser standards of these lenders and instead, increasingly used their portfolios to become
the largest purchasers of private label securities. By 2004, Freddie Mac decided to
expand its direct exposure to Alt-A lending.

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As I noted in a 2007 report: As early as 2004, 16% of Fannie Maes portfolio had FICO
scores below 660 (S&P 12/06) and Fannie Maes 2004 exposure to second homes and
vacation properties was already about 8%. It also appears that prior to the Joint Guidance
on non-traditional mortgages, one or both of the GSEs were offering negativeamortization products that would not begin to fully amortize until after the reset period.
As OFHEO noted in their April 2007 Annual Report to Congress, higher-risk
products such as interest-only, sub-prime, Alt-A and negative amortization loans are
growing, but are currently about 20 percent of the book of business. At that time I
noted recently, 7 private mortgage insurers insured about 17% of the GSEs book
(roughly $400BB) and it is unclear how the PMI industrys capital base (roughly $40BB)
would have the ability to absorb the possibly sizeable impact to their first loss exposures
to the GSEs book.
As the volume of creditworthy homebuyers started to slow the banking industry, with
support of the rating agencies, increasingly turned to offering negative amortization and
hybrid products as a way to take advantage of falling interest rates and generate new
volumes of mortgage securities. As investors became increasingly uncomfortable with
the credit quality of the mezzanine and equity tranches of these securities, which are
required to be purchased before the issuance of the investment-grade tranches, the issuers
increasingly turned to the sale of those mortgage securities in the form of Collateralized
Debt Obligations (CDOs).
The game should have stopped before this point, but those institutional investors that are
required to invest only in investment grade securities were still hungry for the higher
yields on PLS, and the banks, investment banks and rating agencies were more than
happy to feed them.
Taking unsecured borrowings that the government inadvertently supported, so they
were really cheap, buying assets, not the mortgage guarantees, was the largest source
of earnings in both these companies. Not the actual core business that they were set up
to do.56

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Source: Rosner, 200757

As a result of these changes, the GSEs no longer stood by to support liquidity in the
secondary market as they had been created to do. Combining their public mission with
government demands they serve as a private mechanism to deliver potentially
uneconomic housing subsidies, a desire of the enterprises managements to maximize
returns to shareholders and a regulator who had no real ability to limit their growth into
riskier parts of the market or to raise their regulatory capital requirements all resulted in
an inevitable and foreseeable disaster. Inadequate oversight, weak capital requirements,
an implied government guarantee and the GSEs low cost of capital relative that of other
private market players, encouraged them to use of their portfolios to generate highly
leveraged returns through investment in each others securities and the eventual purchase
of almost 25% of all investment grade-rated PLS.
By the beginning of the last decade both Fannie and Freddie had begun to foster
uneconomic and distortive excessive market liquidity led the private markets in a race to
zero. The GSEs underpriced the insurance fees they charged lenders (guarantee fees or GFees) for the purpose of increasing the volume of business they attracted, in an effort to
compete with these private label issuers. As the PLS market became a real threat to their
market share, the GSEs again increased use of their portfolios, this time to purchase
AAA-rated tranches of riskier private label mortgage backed securities. Through these
portfolio activities, the GSEs replaced their intended public function of countercyclicality with purely profit-seeking pro-cyclicality and encouraged private market
players to continue to issue those PLS.

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Even as the crisis was coming into view there was little that OFHEO, the safety and
soundness regulator could do to require the GSEs to increase their capital. In 2004,
Treasury Secretary John Snow wrote a letter to Senate Banking Chairman Richard
Shelby58 in which he highlighted: New activities undertaken by the GSEs should be
subject to clear, plenary review and disapproval, if appropriate and Changes in
minimum capital requirements should be unencumbered by a lengthy regulatory
process. As Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan testified, in 2005, without
adequate capital, the portfolio growth of the GSEs became a potentially destabilizing
The ability of the GSEs to borrow essentially without limit has been exploited only in
recent years. At the end of 1990, for example, Fannie's and Freddie's combined portfolios
amounted to $132 billion, or 5.6 percent of the single-family home-mortgage market. By
2003, the GSEs' portfolios had grown tenfold, to $1.38 trillion or 23 percent of the homemortgage market. The almost unlimited low-credit-risk profit potential from exploiting
subsidized debt has been available to the GSEs for decades. The management of Fannie
and Freddie, however, chose to abstain from making profit-centers out of their portfolios
in earlier years, and only during the mid-1990s did they begin rapidly enlarging their
portfolios The creation of mortgage-backed securities for public markets is the
appropriate and effective domain of the GSEs. Deep and liquid markets for mortgages
are made using mortgage-backed securities that are held solely by investors rather than
the GSEs Almost all the concerns associated with systemic risks flow from the size of
the balance sheets of the GSEs, not from their purchase of loans from home-mortgage
originators and the subsequent securitization of these mortgages. 59
By the time the crisis was upon us, private lenders and banks had retained excessive
credit exposure to those toxic mortgages and the mortgage securities that were packaged.
The GSEs, having loosened their underwriting standards in an effort to compete with the
private markets also held and guaranteed unmanageable levels of risk that were not
supported by adequate amounts of capital with which to absorb losses. As a result, even
before the losses extended into the books of the GSEs and their higher quality assets, we
witnessed the failure of AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and the potential failure of
several other inadequately capitalized firms.
In late 2006 it was clear that dramatic shrinkage in the RMBS sector [was] likely to
arise from decreased funding by the CDO markets as defaults accumulated. Of course,
mortgage markets are socially and economically more important than manufactured
housing, aircraft leases, franchise business loans, and 12-b1 mutual fund fees. Decreased
funding for RMBS could set off a downward spiral in credit availability that can deprive
individuals of home ownership and substantially hurt the U.S. economy.60
For Two Decades We Knew What to Do

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There is nothing specifically wrong with the existence of entities whose purpose is to
support liquidity in the secondary mortgage market. In fact, we believe that for macrostability, there is a substantial need for such a function to exist. The problem was the use
of quasi-private institutions as tools of social policy for the purpose of delivering offbalance-sheet government subsidies to the public in a manner to be arbitraged by private
market participants.
If one considers the period between 1994 and 2008 to be anomalous and recognizes the
prior history of the GSEs, it becomes clear there is still much to be lauded in the intended
purpose and function of the GSEs. Some of those features are still in place and provide
value to both the housing and mortgage markets. The GSEs originally intended
purpose, as lenders of last resort to banks and other private lenders seeking to fund
conforming and conventional home mortgages, is now distorted but could be readily
repaired. Still, the GSEs continue to offer industry standards, many of which have been
improved since the crisis, that remain absent from private mortgage markets. The GSEs
have spent the last 6 years standardizing mortgage underwriting and have moved
toward a rational model for properly pricing their guarantee-fees (G-fees). With the
GSEs under conservatorship and the control of the government and its political
process, public pressure from both lenders and housing advocates threatens to
undermine those more prudent standards. As importantly, while there is little
disagreement that private markets need to take on a larger function in the mortgage
market, while the GSEs continue to offer standardized representations and warranties and
pooling and servicing agreements, private market players have resisted, or failed, to fully
create their own meaningful standards61.
Washington knew how to fix the GSEs, They Failed to do it
As noted previously, regulators and legislators have long understood the key risks posed
by the GSEs and how to effectively address those through regulation or, where
inadequate regulatory authorities exist, through legislation. The 1992 Act failed to
meaningfully achieve any of the prudent objectives laid out by then Secretary of the
Treasury, Nicholas Brady. As a result, less than a decade later, there were calls from
within the White House62, Congress,63 and Senate64 to again seek meaningful GSE
Key elements of those efforts to reign in the GSEs and reduce the risks they posed
focused primarily on (a) stringent capital standards to be imposed by a regulator that
could raise or lower requirements as prudent, (b) bright line language which sought to
prevent mission creep, (c) receivership language that would allow the enterprises to be
resolved if they failed, (d) elimination of the conflicting oversight by a mission regulator
and safety-and-soundness regulator so safety and soundness would have primacy and (e)
efforts to reduce or eliminate the GSEs investment portfolios. The portfolios, especially
with inadequate capital, amplified the risks that the GSEs could fail. In fact, the
portfolios were central contributors to the only other episodes of instability at the GSEs.65

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Another key item then President George W. Bush and reform-minded senators demanded
to be included in any legislation they would consider was a credible regime to resolve a
failed GSE. Both Senate Banking Chairman Shelby in his bill and Senators Hagel,
Sununu and Dole in their legislative proposals included such language. So too did the
Republican leadership of the House Financial Services Committee. The arguments for
such powers were strong, as highlighted in 2005 by former Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury for Financial Institutions Richard S. Carnell.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are huge, fast-growing, highly-leveraged, lightly regulated, and susceptible to failure. Prudence calls for having a legal mechanism
adequate for handling their failure. Yet no adequate insolvency mechanism currently
exists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Unlike ordinary business firms, these
government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) cannot liquidate or reorganize under the
Bankruptcy Code. If Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac became sufficiently troubled, its
regulator could appoint a conservator to take control of the firm and attempt to restore
its financial health. But by then the firms problems could well have become too severe
for the conservator to resolve. The conservatorship statute provides no means for
effectuating reorganization and does not expressly authorize liquidation. Uncertainty
about the priority and process for handling creditors claims could worsen the firms
problems and increase the risk of disrupting financial markets and eliciting a costly
congressional rescue. By enacting a workable insolvency mechanism, Congress could
avoid using public money or credit to rescue a troubled GSEs creditors.66
Once again, the GSEs and their supporters successfully fought back against the inclusion
of a resolution regime and argued that it would be destabilizing to the market and used
other areas of contention, such as the inclusion of affordable housing goals as a way to
undermine legislative efforts67. Sadly, in 1991, UST warned that receivership and
conservatorship authority, for the GSEs needed to exist.68 As they had in 1992, Congress
failed to legislate the powers necessary to prevent the failure of the GSEs or the
mechanisms to resolve them in the face of a future financial crisis, a crisis that was
already unfolding in the face of rising interest rates.
HERA, the GSE Reform Act of 2008: Necessary and Appropriate But Too Late
In July 2007, as the first flames of the mortgage crisis were already visible69, a
legislative draft of a bill, introduced to address the shortcomings of GSE oversight
was introduced. The House passed its initial version of the bill by early August 2007
but it was not until February of 2008, when then Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury, David G. Nason, laid out the Bush Administrations views on the powers
necessary to address the shortcomings of oversight and its recommendations.70
More than fifteen-years since Secretary Brady laid out his recommendations for
GSE reform and these were essentially identical. The Senate passed its version of the
Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) in April 2008, and President

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Bush finally signed the legislation into law in July. It took an entire year to pass this
legislation, during which a kitchen-fire in the housing market had grown into a fullfledged forest-fire. By the time it was passed into law there was no time to
implement any of the authorities intended to safeguard the GSEs. In fact, while the
new statute provided the GSEs new regulator FHFA with essentially all of the
powers that had been recommended for so long71there was little that could be done
to save the enterprises. It was only two months later that the government used the
conservatorship statute to take control of the teetering GSEs.
The process for regulators to implement rulemaking and operationalize new authorities is
a multi-year one. HERA passed only after the GSEs distress was clear, there was no
chance that new capital requirements could be designed, let alone implemented, no way
to reduce the size of the GSEs investment portfolios, and little time for a new regulator
to even consider how a conservatorship would be effected in a prudent manner. In the
two months between the introduction of the new law and the decision to place the GSEs
in conservatorship, there was not enough time to design a conservatorship that was
consistent with congressional intent or the rule of law.
While few in the political world of Washington would ever utter an admission outloud, had these powers been passed into law in the early 1990s it is unlikely the
mortgage market crisis would have occurred at all. Had, instead, the law been
passed in 2002 or 2003, it is unlikely that even, in the face of a broader crisis, the
GSEs would have failed.
Why did Fannie & Freddie Fail?
As shown in the earlier portions of this paper, in the 1980s the GSEs had been poorly and
improperly regulated. Those problems were only made worse by the passage of the 1992
Act. Although there were efforts prior to the 2008 crisis to craft a prudent oversight
regime with a properly empowered prudential safety and soundness regulator, no
meaningful reform legislation was enacted until after the crisis had begun.
Nonetheless, it is important to consider the reasons the GSEs failed and whether, if they
had existed at the beginning of the last decade, the reforms and authorities granted in
HERA would have sufficiently empowered their new regulator to ensure they operate in a
safe and sound manner to prevent their failures.
The failures of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was the result of several factors:

Mission creep. The GSEs used their portfolios to invest in assets outside of their
core activities, to provide liquidity to parts of the market that was outside their
mission, and to create highly leveraged bets for little purpose beyond generating
shareholder returns and larger bonus pools to benefit senior executives of the
enterprises. Even as early as 2001, the total leverage of the GSEs approached 80:1.

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Mispricing of credit risk. Beginning in the mid-1990s, in competition for market

share, the GSEs offered significant discounts on guarantee fees for large
volume customers.72 As a result those guarantee fees didnt reflect the underlying,
loan-level, mortgage credit risk that the GSEs were taking on. Regulators allowed
this underpricing to persist without the capital cushions necessary to absorb the
excessive risk taken on - as a result of the underpricing.
Failure of private mortgage insurance. By 2007, seven private mortgage insurers
(PMIs) with combined capital base of $40 billion insured about 17% (roughly
$400BB) of the GSEs book of business. Nobody questioned the ability of these
parties to absorb the first loss exposures as the GSEs were relying on them to
do. The failure of PMIs to properly assess the risks they insured on those portions
of mortgage loans above an 80% loan-to-value ratio left them with inadequate
capital to meet their obligations, further imperiling the GSEs.73
Inadequate regulation. The GSEs regulator did not have the authority to adjust
their required capital to recognize the GSEs increases in their on-balancesheet operational, credit and interest-rate risk profiles. Moreover, the regulator
was not able to require they maintain appropriate levels of capital in support of their
off balance sheet liabilities.
Improper regulation. By the year 2000, the GSEs had employed the use of novel
automated underwriting and automated appraisal systems that were not sufficiently
stress-tested by their regulator, OFHEO. Even if they had been stress-tested,
OFHEO was too politically compromised to limit their activities. As a result,
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac expanded their credit underwriting standards without
proper oversight.74

Post Crisis GSE Legislative Efforts

Over the past several years there have been a multitude of proposals to reform or
eliminate the GSEs.75 Nearly all of these proposals have sought to replace the
$5 trillion agency market with new and untested systems in which the largest banks
would have outsized influence on the operation of the secondary mortgage markets.
Ironically, the effort to award the market to these too-big-to-fail banks is being
supported76 by, among others, conflicted economists77 that have publicly argued that
blame for the crisis belongs to those very same financial institutions that were central to

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In or out of conservatorship, the GSEs remain the largest financial companies in the
world with assets of $5.19 trillion and liabilities of $5.18 trillion. As HERA recognizes,
the balance sheet integrity of the GSEs must be respected as these institutions are
hugely important to the financial markets. They cannot be modified willy-nilly, with
their assets given away and liabilities moved to the government or over to new
entities, without serious collateral financial damage to both investors and U.S. home
Ignoring this reality and that the GSEs finally have a regulator empowered to
address all of their pre-crisis failings, leading legislation has been proposed to create
a brand-new mortgage finance system with many of the features of the old, preHERA, GSE model:

Regulatory powers and responsibilities split between the current primary financial
regulator of those banks and the new regulator of the new mortgage system. The
new federal regulator would have responsibilities far greater than those at which
OFHEO failed. It would be the most complex financial regulator of any
regulator and would oversee mission, consumer protection and safety-andsoundness of mortgage aggregators, insurers and the securitization platform;
New implied or explicit guarantees conferred on banks that have already been overly
interconnected and are already systemically risky;
Public subsidies delivered through off-balance-sheet, shareholder owned private
companies without appropriate regulation and safeguards; and

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Replicating the co-mingling of activities by primary market and secondary market

players that contributed to the last crisis. This feature promises exactly the same
pro-cyclicality that caused the failure of the GSEs and prevented the secondary
market from operating without government support. In fact, the leading proposals
offer to replace a limited implied government guarantee with an unlimited and
explicit government guarantee that is supposed to stand behind private capital.
That capital would disappear in crisis at exactly the time that it is most needed,
leaving the government at the hook for maximum losses.

In considering the various reform legislative proposals it is imperative to ask:

Is it an improvement from what we have now?
Does it serve and protect the public?
Does it improve market discipline by private actors?
Does it reduce systemic financial risk?
Does it create a strong divide between the utility-like function of the
secondary mortgage market and the primary (private) mortgage origination
With respect to all the legislative proposals to date, the answer is clear: NO!
It appears that the same mortgage industrial complex that captured Washington before is
attempting to do so again. Unfortunately, this approach is dangerous, creates new
systemic risks and supports several false myths.
Thus far, the bill that received the most support in Congress was the Johnson-Crapo bill,
which was modeled on an earlier bill composed by Sens. Corker and Warner. JohnsonCrapo would have replaced Fannie and Freddie with an untold number of new
government-sponsored enterprises by handing a massive explicit taxpayer backstop to the
nation's largest banks. These banks would profit handsomely from new and large
mortgage volumes that would be generated a result of the bill.79 As was the case with the
Clinton National Partners in Homeownership Strategy, there is little focus on the safety
and soundness implications of these efforts. It is important to understand that both
Johnson-Crapo and the PATH Act introduced in the House by Financial Services
Committee Chairman Hensarling, would recreate in a new and less tested form
many of the prior key failings of both regulators and the GSEs particularly, by
comingling roles of primary and secondary market players in the mortgage market.
Both Johnson-Crapo and the PATH Act recreate a dangerous system80 in which
legislators seek to deliver public subsidies through shareholder - owned and private
companies without proper regulation.
Rather than fix the problems that caused private mortgage markets and the GSEs to fail,
legislators have so far sought to demolish the current mortgage market and build from
scratch a new system that actually reduces certainty and stability. If these legislative
proposals became law, our largest financial firms will, like the GSEs after the 1992 Act,

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use their public homeownership mission to push for eased lending standards. In good
times lenders and their shareholders will enjoy the profits generated by higher mortgage
volumes, and in bad times the public will again be exposed to losses.
To avoid public outcry, Sens. Johnson and Crapo claim their bill requires that
private capital accept the first 10% of losses ahead of the government. But like the
authors of the PATH Act, they fail to demonstrate from where that capital will
come. Recognizing the likelihood that sufficient capital would not appear and that even
that capital that was committed would likely disappear in periods of economic
uncertainty, Johnson-Crapo allows regulators to waive the "first loss" requirement and to
commit the "full faith and credit of the United States" when necessary to support the
mortgage finance market. Such a waiver would no doubt come when lending becomes
scarcer -- i.e. during times of financial stress. Unlike the unpopular Troubled Asset
Relief Program, which forced lawmakers to justify using billions of taxpayer dollars to
support failing financial firms, Johnson-Crapo requires no congressional authorization for
choosing to place the government on the hook and allowing easily captured, and
panicked, regulators to justify such a commitment of taxpayer resources only after the
If one were to offer a proper analogy for the proposals offered, whether Corker-Warner,
Johnson-Crapo, the PATH Act, or the Partnership to Strengthen Homeownership Act (by
Reps. Delaney, Carney and Himes), it would punctuate the absurdity of the approaches
being proffered.
Imagine a car getting rear-ended by another car as it is stopped at a red light. The
damage is significant but repairable. In considering the options available to the
owner, there are three obvious choices: First, the owner can choose to bring the car
to an auto repair shop and have it fixed. This seems to be the most rational
economic choice as it retains most of the value of the vehicle and provides real
benefits given the limited downtime. Second, the owner can leave the car unrepaired
with an understanding that its resale value will suffer because of not only the
damage but also the resulting future rust and other degeneration. Third, even
though the car is mechanically sound and the damage is just cosmetic, the owner
could nonetheless opt to junk the car. This would obviously be an uneconomic
choice. Not only would it be a total loss of value, but also the necessary downtime of
raising funds to purchase a new car would be costly. Sadly, the leading legislative
proposals, and administrative proposals being recommended have found a fourth
choice Build a new auto assembly plant to produce a new car. This is so
monumentally unsupportable from an economic perspective that it could only have
been thought up either by bureaucrats that dont live in the real world or by parties
that would financially benefit from such an approach.

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False Myth #1 Private Capital can Replace the GSEs:

The entire banking system of the United States only has $13-15 trillion of assets.
Mortgages are almost as big as the entire domestic banking system.81
Many in Washington appear to believe that the amount of private capital that will be
necessary to replace the GSEs will just appear - like magic. This notion is both unproven
and, given the recent history of private capital entering the mortgage market, wholly
unsupportable. Currently, the average FICO scores on mortgages that the GSEs insure are
close to 750, while the average FICO score for all Americans is only about 694. Given
that private firms have historically high levels of capital it seems reasonable to ask why
those firms have not satisfied the loan demands of non-conventional borrowers. With
only 2.5% of all securitizations being private-label securitizations one must question the
validity of this claim.
It is also important to consider that, given the Treasurys seizure of the privately owned
GSEs without regard for preferred or equity holders82 and the apparent violations of both
the standards of conservatorship under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act83 and HERA84,
this capital formation is unlikely. After all, markets function on clarity of contract and
law and the ability to enforce legal rights. Even more demonstrative is that the PMI
industry, which was used to reduce losses to the GSEs by insuring any portion of an
agency mortgage above 80 LTV, remains thinly capitalized.
If one considers, as we have previously discussed, the GSE charters -- which require that
they have insurance against any portion of a loan that is above an 80% loan-to-value
(LTV)and the still-incredibly-thin capital base of the PMI industry, it is even more
clear that the lack of private capital has only served to increase demand for both loan
origination and insurance on direct government programs (i.e. FHA).
The persistence of some parties arguing that private mortgage insurance should take over
from the GSEs suggests that ideology, and perhaps lobbying, are the drivers of this
notion. Certainly, there is nothing in PMIs recent history or longer-term history supports
the notion that they are central to fixing the mortgage market or that the model of private
mortgage insurance is viable. In fact, the losses resulting from weak credit underwriting
in 2005-07 continues to weigh on many of the legacy PMI providers even seven years
after the financial crisis.85

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MIs Incapable & the Fallacy of Risk Sharing

PMI is a method by which non-federally-guaranteed (FHA or VA) homebuyers can, with
monthly insurance premium payments, forgo the 20% down payment requirement. Just
as the government insures the FHA or VA lender on FHA or VA loans in the event of
default, PMI protects the lender - or a GSE - if a conventional borrower defaults.
Generally, to be considered for PMI, a homebuyer must make a down payment of 3-5%
of a homes value. Fannie and Freddie, recognizing the near certainty of losses on most
foreclosures86, were required by the 1992 legislation to require credit enhancements on
mortgages with loan to value (LTV) ratios higher than 80%. To meet these requirements,
they relied on the PMI industry. The insurance has generally covered the top 20 to 30%
of the potential claim amount of the loan or the portion of the loan that is greater than
70% of the value of the property. Unfortunately, the GSEs and their regulators did not
look at the historical record that showed the PMI industry has repeatedly failed (1930s,
1950s, 1980s).
By 2001, seemingly in an effort to further reduce monthly borrower costs, the GSEs
increasingly purchased bulk/wholesale PMI insurance. These wholesale insurance policy
sales impaired the PMIs margins and the resulting capital they needed to make good on
claims. Between 2000 and 2006, the market share of the PMI industry expanded as
private market and GSE loan growth reduced demand for FHA loans and the FHAs
insurance products. The use of private mortgage insurance reduced costs to borrowers on
GSE-backed loans and benefited issuers of private label mortgage-backed securities
(PLS) by improving the credit ratings of those securities due to an expectation that stateregulated insurance companies protected investors. Unfortunately, given the failures of
both state insurance regulators, and the GSEs, to require that these firms hold adequate
capital, both GSEs and PLS investors were exposed to massive losses associated with
private mortgage insurance.

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By 2007, as massive increase in default rates affected PMI-insured mortgage loans

the PMIs found themselves unable to offer any meaningful support to the efforts of
the GSEs. With inadequate capital and weak reserving policies, the claims-paying
ability of the PMIs was impaired. Not only did the PMIs require forbearance but also
their ability to write meaningful amounts of new business, in support of markets, was

Source: National Association of Realtors87

To manage their losses, to help the PMI industry recover, and to reduce the repurchase
risk of mortgage originators, the GSEs went to extraordinary lengths to assist PMIs88,
once again becoming tools employed for financial and social engineering. The risks to
their solvency led several of the PMIs to require forbearance, including through the
issuance of Deferred Payment Obligations (DPOs) to the GSEs89 In effect, the GSEs
accepted potentially significant losses on loans that had been insured90 in an effort to
shield mortgage originators from - losses and to maintain the appearance of viability in
the PMI industry.
As the MI industry had done repeatedly through history, it again failed in the 2008
financial crisis due to weak regulatory capital and poor state regulatory oversight.
Although PMI capital standards were always intended to require a ratio of capital funds
to guaranties adequate to insure against another major depression, this simply did not
occur.91 PMI companies, like most other insurance companies, are regulated under state
and not federal laws. Those laws typically require PMI companies to have a risk-tocapital ratio no higher than 25 to 1, a 4% capital ratio.

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On May 8th 2014, the Office of the Inspector General of the GSEs regulator FHFA
received a report92that pointed out that as a result of their financial condition and
inability to meet the states minimum risk-to-capital ratio requirement of 25:1, five of the
ten mortgage insurers eligible to conduct business with the Enterprises are considered
financially weakened, and that three of the five financially weakened mortgage
insurersPMI Mortgage Insurance Co. (PMI), Triad Guaranty Insurance Corporation
(Triad), and Republic Mortgage Insurance Company (RMIC) are in run-off and no
longer able to issue new mortgage insurance policies. Moreover, these mortgage
insurers have established deferred payment obligation (DPO) agreements that require a
percentage of their claims obligations, to the Enterprises, to be deferred. 93
More recently FHFA adjusted the Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility Requirements
(PMIERs) and Fannie94 and Freddie95 have implemented the requirements. These new
guidelines attempt to introduce risk adjustments for the quality of the portfolio that is
guaranteed by each PMI. These guidelines require designated assets to equal or exceed a
risk-based required amount. These new guidelines translate to an approximately 18:1
maximum risk-to-capital (RTC) for new originations when they are put on the same
footing as the traditional 25:1 measure. Legacy originations require more punitive capital
Even today, with the weakest players having gone out of business or unable to write new
business, the total capital of the remaining insurers remains thin and doesnt support the
belief that there is adequate private capital available to replace the GSEs. Still now, even
outside of the legislative process, the PMIs are working with the Mortgage Bankers
Association and rating agencies to push the GSEs to accept deeper levels of private
insurance coverage as a way to reduce GSE guarantee fees. The benefits of these efforts
would accrue to those parties while leaving borrowers, investors, the GSEs and the public
exposed, once again, to the rent-seeking behavior of the industry.

Perhaps these efforts to arbitrage the GSEs, investors and the public interest is the
result a desire to generate business in the face of our current reality in which there is

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currently no meaningful private securitization market - because neither regulators nor

industry participants fixed it or created the standards necessary to revive it. If one
looks at the share of GSE and private-label MBS issuance it is brutally clear that
private capital has not sufficiently returned to the market.
At the same time that some bankers argue GSE guarantee fees should to be increased to
allow private capital to compete, many borrowers and mortgage bankers are pushing for
the GSEs to lower those fees. The duplicity of these views is obvious. The mortgage
bankers desire to be able to take over the business of the GSEs but, in absence of
replacing them, they are happy to shift uncompensated risks to them. In truth, with the
GSEs underwriting mortgages with an average FICO score close to 750, there should be
plenty of opportunity for private lenders to step in more fully. For context, the prime
label for mortgages allows FICO scores down to the 680 level.
Beyond the failure of the PMIs, as providers of first-loss private capital, one must
consider how much private label securitization exists, and even how much private capital
the GSEs have been able to attract to their newer first-loss, risk sharing deals. After all,
to replace the GSEs and attract enough private capital to insure only the top 10% of their
$5 trillion mortgage credit book of business, the industry would need to attract close to
$500 billion of capital before considering the capital risk weighting of assets. From the
start of 2014 through April 2015, the private capital investment in agency first-loss
deals was only $13.1 billion. It is important to note that, to date in 2015, this capital
was in support of mortgage pools that had average FICO scores of 752.96 In other
words, private capital is still only available for the crme de la crme of cherry-picked
loans. Today, there simply isnt enough private capital available to support the market in
good times and certainly wouldnt be enough to support the markets in any futurehousing crisis.
Aside from private-capital invested in PMI industry and agency risk-sharing deals, there
remains little other private capital. The private-label securitization market remains closed
and without clear standards, clarity of contracts and meaningful protections for investors,
it remains unlikely that market will restart anytime soon.

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Source: Urban Institute97

False Myth #2 We Need more Competition:

One of the key arguments employed by advocates who favor replacing or breaking
up the GSEs, or expanding the number of players supporting the secondary
mortgage market, is that Fannie and Freddie have duopoly power over the
While it is true that they are the only private secondary market firms tasked
exclusively with ensuring ongoing liquidity to the primary market, they are not the
only source of long-term mortgage funding, and they do not set the price of
mortgage credit artificially high key prerequisites to support claims of monopoly,
duopoly or other anti-competitive labels. To the contrary, they have been encouraged
by the regulator FHFA and other mortgage industry participants to keep guarantee fees
low to support the housing market in the wake of the 2008 crisis.
Bank balance sheets, federal government programs and, before the crisis, private label
securitizations all provide what is intended to be stable funding for the financing of
mortgage loans. The GSEs are supposed to support a secondary-market only for the
purpose of ensuring liquidity when those primary systems fail. As a result, it is
critical to remember that inadequate provisioning of liquidity to the mortgage market did
not drive the failures of the GSEs. Instead, rather than failing to support that liquidity
when it was not necessary, the GSEs failed because they overprovisioned liquidity.
That excess liquidity, in pursuit of extraordinary financial returns, supported an
environment of deteriorating credit standards not only for the GSEs but the broader

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market. In other words, while appropriate levels of capital and liquidity support
economic outcomes, excess liquidity without adequate capital by definition supports uneconomic outcomes.
In fact, as witnessed in 2007 and 2008, the increasingly imbalanced origination volume
that was sold to Fannie rather than Freddie supported98 a negative feedback loop -- in
which the more volume Fannie received and securitized the better its funding costs and,
conversely, the less Freddie received, the more difficult it became for them to
economically execute their securitizations. This became a self-sustaining negative
feedback loop. Until the years preceding the crisis, during which they mispriced their
guarantee fees by basing them - in part - on the volume of loans originators sold them
rather than on underlying credit characteristics, the two GSEs never competed on price.
One cannot levy anticompetitive (i.e. duopoly) claims against firms that do not
compete on price.
If we want to strike the proper balance in support of the secondary mortgage
market, we have to recognize the GSEs provide an essential public service -- ongoing
availability of secondary mortgage credit -- much like the provisioning of water, gas,
electricity or sewers that other utilities offer. As with these other utilities, increasing
the number of competing firms doesnt improve outcomes. In fact that would drive up
excess liquidity and create disparate execution prices for all but the largest providers.
This is not a new concept but can be demonstrated throughout history, including during
the Latin American banking crisis of the 1970s during which it was not the oligopolistic
structure per-se but excess liquidity, coupled with the lack of banking regulation that
permitted uncontrolled entry and cutthroat competition on loan volume and pricing99.
Supposed proponents of more competition in the mortgage securitization market also fail
to honestly discuss that while the GSEs remain the only private secondary market firms
tasked exclusively with ensuring ongoing liquidity to the primary markets, they are not
the only source of long-term mortgage funding. When the crisis occurred, all of those
primary-market private funding sources fled the mortgage space as markets became
distressed. Had the GSEs been properly capitalized and overseen, they would have
been able to function as intended - as countercyclical providers of liquidity in
support of primary mortgage originations to the real economy.
Given their exclusive position as lenders of last resort to the primary market, and the
importance of this function for the stability of the real economy, it seems more
appropriate to recognize that, held to their primary role as credit guarantors, the GSEs are
not anti-competitive, rather they are and were properly created as natural monopolies:
A conduit for mortgage funding is a natural monopoly since the fixed costs are high
and the marginal costs are relatively constant. The fixed costs are the development of the
infrastructure to underwrite mortgages and pass cash flows through to investors in
mortgage-backed securities in a timely and accurate manner. Such a setup involves

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heavy use of technology, and a staff of highly trained statistical and financial analysts.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both have hundreds of PhDs on their staffs, and their
principal function is the development, calibration, and review of underwriting and
capital allocation models. This is expensive. If the supply of capital for prime mortgage
funding is elastic, the average cost-curve for mortgage funding will be downward sloping
at all relevant points. This means the most efficient mortgage industry is one that has
only one funding firm.100
The GSEs operations are limited to a narrow section of the broader market, one that is
specifically intended to support a relatively homogenous and middle-class borrower. As a
result, it seems that the acceptance of them as a natural and secondary market utility is
appropriate. Regulating the GSEs in a manner to power utilities is a clearly supportable
approach. Regulated utilities employ private capital and their regulators closely regulate
the private returns necessary to support a stable equity base. This model supports a
specific, narrow and focused use of public benefits in a narrow market. The authorities
granted to the FHFA, in HERA, lend itself to such an approach. Those authorities allow
the regulator to ensure that the firms employ their benefits of scale to minimize the costs
to end-users while allowing them to earn acceptable, rather than excessive, rates of
False Myth #3 Any Guarantee Must be on the Securities & not the Issuer
Suggestions that a government guarantee needs to be provisioned against the risks of
insured mortgage-backed securities appears to be driven by both issuers and a few of the
largest investors in mortgage securities who seek to benefit from an unnecessarily broad
government guarantee. Instead, proper capitalization of secondary market guarantors
should take into account counterparty risk as well as the risks of the underlying insured
mortgages. Such an approach would reduce the need for a broad government guarantee
and would properly allocate risks onto the backs of private market actors. The scale and
capital requirements for such an insurance regime would be difficult to achieve without
either avoiding a broad government guarantee or the more socially and economically
supportable approach of a well-regulated and utility-like secondary-market.
Given the ability to create such a private marker utility regime there is no reason that any
guarantee should be broad. It should be very narrow, stand behind considerable capital
and act only as a catastrophic line of credit to help the To Be Announced (TBA) market
function in good times and to ensure the continued operation of the firms during an
unlikely catastrophic crisis.
Housing & Economic Recovery Act (HERA) Solved Most of These Issues
As noted previously, the Housing and Recovery Act of 2008, passed into law after the
financial crisis was upon us. It was then too late to allow the appropriate exercise the
authorities granted to the regulator of the GSEs until after they had already been placed
into conservatorship. Had these authorities been granted several years before the

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crisis, the GSEs would likely have remained safe, sound and able to carry-out their
primary function to support liquidity to the primary mortgage markets at times
that capital markets and lenders were unable or unwilling to support mortgage
lending. In reviewing these new safety and soundness authorities it becomes clear that,
excepting an implied government guarantee (outside of conservatorship) those authorities
should satisfy even the historically staunchest critics of the GSEs. The primary concerns
of many of the critics of the GSEs, prior to the crisis, were the related risks of interestrate risk101 posed by their portfolios102. While credit, rather than interest rate risk, was the
largest driver of the GSEs failures103, in the wake of HERA, even those risks have been
Key safety and soundness elements included in HERA include104:

Requires the Director to establish: (1) assessments to collect from the regulated
entities in order to provide for Agency expenses; (2) standards for management
and operations of the regulated entities; (3) criteria to ensure that enterprise
portfolio holdings are backed by sufficient capital and consistent with entity
mission and safe and sound operations; and (4) risk-based capital and minimum
capital requirements to support risks in entity operations and management;

Authorizes the Director, in order to ensure safe and sound operations, to: (1)
set higher minimum capital levels for the FHLBs and the other regulated
entities; (2) increase the minimum capital level for a regulated entity on a
temporary basis, and rescind increases; and (3) establish capital or reserve
requirements for any products or activities;

Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to subject the regulated entities to
its registration and reporting requirements;

Amends the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of
1992 with respect to the prohibition against excessive executive compensation.
Authorizes the Director to require an entity to withhold such compensation, or to
place it in an escrow account, during the review of its reasonableness and

Requires the Director, before issuing any regulations about the exercise of
additional authority regarding prudential management and operations standards,
safe and sound operations of, and capital requirements and portfolio standards,
to consider the views of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System regarding risks posed to the financial system by the regulated

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As a result of these statutory changes, the weak regulatory oversight of the GSEs, which
persisted for decades, has been replaced by a prudential regulator with all of the
authorities of a world-class regulator. Having been placed into conservatorship on
September 6, 2008, the GSEs have since been operating not only in a manner inconsistent
with the intent of HERA but in a manner that may violate the legal obligations of a
conservator and certainly one that is less sound and less safe than should be acceptable to
the public or to legislators.
HERA requires the FHFA to to take such action as may be necessary to put the
regulated entity in a sound and solvent condition. But in 2012, FHFA and Treasury
entered into an Amendment to the 2008 Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement. When this
amendment was announced, Michael Stegman, then an unconfirmed advisor to
Treasury, stated they were acting upon the commitment made in the
Administrations 2011 White Paper that the GSEs will be wound down and will not be
allowed to retain profits, rebuild capital, and return to the market in their prior
form105. The actions of the Treasury Department have effectively prevented FHFA
from the execution of its legal mandate and also appear to violate the HERA
requirement that FHFA is expected to act without any supervision or oversight by
any other Federal Agency106.
If the Director of the FHFA followed the conservatorship requirements in the
HERA statute, he would place the restoration of capital ahead of its 2012 agreement
with the Treasury, which transferred all profits to Treasury. After all, as the sole
party to that agreement statutorily charged with the restoration of the GSEs capital, it is
in his power either (a) to stop dividends and inform the Treasury that now that they have
received repayment of all monies provided in support of the GSEs and that he must enter
into a new agreement which effectuates the statutorily required process of restoring the
GSEs capital or, (b) if he deems that they could not become adequately capitalized107
according to the capital requirements of HERA108, and intends to place them in
receivership and begin liquidation of the GSEs - with value allocated according to the
legal priority of claims.
Six years after the GSEs were placed in conservatorship under HERA, the regulator
has made no effort to take those actions required by the statute: To put the
regulated entity in a sound and solvent condition and to conserve the assets and
property of the regulated entity. Instead, Treasury has swept $40 billion more, from
the GSEs than the GSEs received in borrowings. By contract with the Treasury, and in
seeming violation of HERA, the conservator has allowed the Treasury to enforce the
administrations commitment to ensure existing common equity holders will not have
access to any positive earnings from the G.S.E.s in the future109.
Further evidencing its violations of HERA, FHFA has ignored key provisions which
require that it periodically review the amount of core capital maintained by the

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enterprises and the minimum capital levels established for such regulated entities;
and determine the capital classification of the regulated entities for purposes of this
subchapter on not less than a quarterly basis. Instead of meeting these explicit
requirements, in October 2008 the Director of FHFA unilaterally chose to ignore the legal
directive and, instead, chose to suspend capital classifications of Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac during the conservatorship110 and the current Director and conservator
continues not to meet these statutory obligations. By failing to provide information about
the capital classification and future plans of each enterprise, the GSEs regulator has
supported the GSEs in offering less disclosure, under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, than any other publicly held firm and less than they offered before the crisis.
The requirement that each GSE submit a feasible plan for restoring the core capital of
the regulated entity subject to the plan to an amount not less than the minimum capital
level for the regulated entity and for restoring the total capital of the regulated entity to an
amount not less than the risk-based capital level for the regulated entity has also been
ignored and no such plan has ever been submitted, approved or carried out. As a result,
and contrary to the requirements of the statute, the GSEs currently have less capital
than they did prior to the financial crisis.

Though the GSEs remain critically undercapitalized, the FHFA has begun to fund
the affordable housing funds created by HERA also in violation of HERA
requirements that clearly state an enterprise shall make no capital distribution if,
after making the distribution, the regulated entity would be undercapitalized111.
Instead of recognizing the primacy of the statute as requiring the restoration of capital,
the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, as conservator, has chosen to rely
on the Treasurys outstanding commitment, under the 2012 amendment to the Preferred
Stock Purchase Agreement, to provide funds to the GSEs on an as needed basis. It has
treated those Treasury commitments as the basis to deem the GSEs as adequately
capitalized. While many suggest that the GSEs do not need capital, as a result of
their Treasury backstop, even with the Governments Senior Preferred Stock
included the GSEs are significantly undercapitalized relative to other large financial
firms. The chart below compares an estimate of the GSEs Total Equity (inclusive of
Government Preferred Stock) / RWA ratio, to Tier 1/RWA ratios of the largest US banks.
It should be noted that the Governments Senior Preferred Stock (or related commitment)
does not qualify as Tier 1 capital due to its cumulative nature. It should be further noted
that, while the Governments Senior Preferred Stock provides a level of capital protection
(albeit Tier 2 capital) to the GSEs, this capital does not protect taxpayers, it is in fact
provided by taxpayers.

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December 2015

Tier 1 Capital Ratios










Bank of











Morgan State Street Citigroup



Bank of Wells Fargo

New York

Company Filings
Figures as of Q2 2015
For Enterprises, Tier 1 Capital ratio based on estimated Total Equity / Risk-Weighted Assets assuming 50% standardized risk weighting

When asked, in congressional testimony, how his actions regarding the affordable
housing funds and the undercapitization of the GSEs, FHFA Director Watt stated that the
2012 agreement between the GSEs, the FHFA and Treasury trump the law112.
The assertion, that an agreement between two Federal Agencies can supersede a federal
statute passed by Congress and signed by the President, is staggering. Especially when
proffered by the Director of an agency who practiced law for 22 years and then served as
a member of Congress for another 22 years (including during the time when HERA was
passed by the House Financial Services Committee on which he served). The basis of
these claims becomes more peculiar in the context of Director Watts claims that he is
not part of the Administration. The Federal Housing Finance Agency is an independent
regulatory agency. We don't play out the administration's policy. We follow the statute.
With all of the income generated by the GSEs swept directly to the Treasury, and into
general Treasury accounts rather than a capital account earmarked for the GSEs, it seems
impossible for Director Watt to credibly argue that either GSE maintains an amount of
total capital that is equal to or exceeds the risk-based capital level established for the
enterprise under section 4611 of this title; and maintains an amount of core capital that is
equal to or exceeds the minimum capital level established for the enterprise under section
4612 of this title113.

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To some observers this discussion may seem abstract and esoteric, but such a view is
shortsighted. After all, some day perhaps soon one or both of the GSEs could swing
from profit to loss. Even under FHFAs incorrect interpretation of HERA that confuses
profits for capital, affordable housing funds they have begun to fund should not be
funded until such time the GSEs are adequately capitalized. A further draw especially
would reignite calls for that funding to be suspended. Moreover, if the GSEs were
unable to become adequately capitalized, they would be at risk of mandatory
receivership in 2018 when the Treasury agreement sweeps not only the profits but
also all of the GSEs capital reserve accounts. As a result, the entire mortgage system
could fail and the ensuing systemic risk would be impossible for financial markets, the
government and the country to ignore.
Instead of accepting these realities, it appears the FHFA has become the biggest
opponent of plans to restore the capital of the GSEs114. This can be demonstrated by
the fact that the GSE profit sweep is calculated on a quarterly rather than annual
basis. As a result, even if the GSEs had a single quarter of losses, with the other
three quarters being profitable, the GSEs would require a draw from Treasury.
This approach appears designed to force the GSEs to draw against the Treasury
commitment again, in hopes that such action reignites a legislative push to replace
the GSEs with the bank-centric approach contemplated115 by Treasury.
So, the conservator has failed to periodically classify the capital position of the
enterprises, has failed to require a capital restoration plan, has allowed the GSEs to
provide insufficient disclosures to the Securities and Exchange Commission and has
allowed undercapitalized GSEs to make capital distributions that do not improve their
capital position.
The Way Forward
Even before the crisis it was clear the GSEs were inadequately capitalized. Privatization
advocates recognized that, for safety and soundness sake, and to ensure they were seen as
strong on a standalone basis, they should build a level of capitalization that their regulator
considers equivalent to the level of capitalization a company would have to maintain for
its debt to be rated AA by a recognized debt rating agency.116 Nonetheless, to expect
that private markets can provide enough capital to support the mortgage finance system
in good times, or that private market participants will not withdraw liquidity in bad times
is unrealistic.
In 1968, when Fannie Mae was converted from a government-owned corporation to a
shareholder-owned corporation that no longer insured government-issued loans117, it
functionally acted as a utility. Like other utilities, Fannie Mae retained its natural
monopoly control over its market, until the creation of Freddie Mac in 1970118. Given the
legacy competencies, the capital needs, the infrastructure costs, the required
efficiencies, their market reach and the need to be able to deliver services on a

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countercyclical basis (regardless of macro-economic conditions) the GSEs should be

looked at in the same manner as other utilities.
Lewis Ranieri, a pioneer of mortgage securitization who is often referred to as the
Godfather of mortgage finance recognized the needed functions of the GSEs, as being
utility-like when he wrote: before re-chartering, reforming, eliminating or
restructuring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, policy makers must recognize and
come to terms with the massive amount of current obligations (debt and MBS)
outstanding. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac currently finance some $6 trillion of
today's market and that as policy makers assess the housing finance system, they
should keep at least three principles in mind: (1) Federal government support of
housing is essential, but the current level is out of balance and inappropriate; (2)
Restoration of private capital is essential for a sustained economic and housing
recovery; and, (3) Securitization built on assets originated in a system of sound
and prudent underwriting is a critical part of the long term viability of our
While some might argue these goals can be achieved with an alternative, purely private
model, former Treasury Secretary Paulson noted his disagreement when he stated: "I
am skeptical that the break it up and privatize it option will prove to be a robust or
even viable model of any substantial scale, without some sort of government support or
protection. It is difficult to envision a sound, practical, private sector mortgage
insurance business of any significant size that does not require large amounts of
capital, and consequently generates only a modest return on capital.120In a 2005
analysis for one of the GSEs, regarding the future of their business model, Citigroup
offered a similar view: The business cannot exist without the benefits provided by the
charterthese factors drive our view that the two extreme outcomes stay the
course and full privatization are, in fact, not options121.
It is important to remember that it is of great importance that, in order to diversify risks
and provide a countercyclical buffer for mortgage financing, we keep the secondary
market (GSEs) separate from the primary market in which banks and other lenders
operate. As the crisis was building it became clear that concentration, interconnectedness
and contagion can occur because when primary market risks and secondary market risks
are combined, through the blurring of the lines between the players, these risks are able
bring down the entire financial system and, with it, key sectors of the real economy. If
the GSEs were properly capitalized, had essentially no portfolios (and thus no interest
rate risk), were properly reserved for each MBS deal, and properly regulated the
secondary market would have functioned even during the collapse and contagion of
interconnected banks. This would have relieved many of the economic pressures caused
by the withdrawal of primary market consumer lending.

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Rather than introducing an entirely new system in which the commingling of the duties of
primary and secondary market players recreate systemic risks122, we should repair the
existing system and ensure the GSEs have meaningful levels of capital, real
constraints on their ability to leverage their balance sheets, and should ensure that
mortgages are priced commensurately with both underlying credit risks and
counterparty risks. The GSEs should be allowed to earn utility-like rates of return, so in
good times these firms build capital sufficient to ensure a continued ability to support
lending in bad times.
This is not a theoretical or academic issue. The reality remains that banks that hold
mortgages in their portfolios retain both credit and interest rate risk. If, as rates rise, these
banks end up in trouble, and the GSEs have no capital, the obligations for support of the
primary mortgage market will fall not on the GSEs, as intended by their charters, but
directly on the government. As we saw in the 1960s, as rates rose and bank deposits
were withdrawn and placed in Treasuries, there was a reduction in bank willingness to
support mortgage lending.
How do We Fix the GSEs? Anything but Rocket Science:
Currently, there is little risk of GSEs taking new and risky bets. In fact, the average FICO
score for the GSEs is close to 750123, which compares to 720 in 2009. Prior to 2009, the
lower levels of GSE FICO credit scores were close to 600, since 2009 that has moved up
to about 680124. Given that the average FICO score for all borrowers in the U.S. is about
694 the GSEs remain conservative in their underwriting. Still, it is fair to consider that
the longer they are in conservatorship the more likely it becomes that political pressures
will rise for them to, once again, be used as tools of social policy.125
The FHFA126 as well as current127 and former128 administration officials repeatedly claim
that the only way to move forward on GSE reform is through congressional action. Given
the authorities provided for in HERA this is a falsehood and ignores that the intention of
HERA is to require the regulator to either place them in a sound and solvent condition or,
if that is not possible, to put them in receivership. So, what should FHFA and the
conservator do to satisfy its legal mandates?
Firstly, the FHFA should place the restoration of capital ahead of the PSPA. As the
sole party to an agreement with Treasury who is statutorily charged with the
restoration of the GSEs capital, it is in the FHFA Directors power to either
suspend the payment of dividends to the Treasury and to enter into a new
agreement which effectuates the statutorily required process of restoring the GSEs
capital or, if the conservator deems the GSEs could not become adequately
capitalized, according to the capital classifications in HERA, reorganize the
enterprises through receivership by creating a limited life regulated entity (LLRE)

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December 2015

and then selling the capital stock of the LLRE. Given that there is little doubt that the
Government Accounting Office would require the consolidation of all of the GSEs
outstanding debt if the GSEs were placed in receivership, we believe that recapitalization
is the best path forward.
To date, the enterprises have borrowed $187.5 billion from Treasury and have
repaid over $239 billion. That amounts to a 27.5% return on the governments
investment. The GSEs have been far and away the most successful of the credit-crisis
related bailout programs, accounting for a combined 80% ($51.5bn of $64.6bn) of total
program profits to date. This excludes the large additional potential profits, associated
with Treasurys warrants. As a result, it seems reasonable and politically feasible to
consider the government paid back while retaining value of exercising the governments
warrants for 79.9% of the GSEs common stock.

ProPublica Bailout Tracker

by Government

Profit (Loss)



Fannie Mae(1)






Freddie Mac(1)












General Motors






Bank of America


















Wells Fargo






GMAC (Ally)

























GSE % of Total


Received by

% Total


Source: ProPublica
Excludes impact or participation in any of the following programs: FDIC insurance limit increase, Asset-Backed
Commercial Paper Money-Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, Commercial Paper Funding Facility, Money-Market Investor
Funding Facility, Primarily Dealer Credit Facility, Term Auction Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility, TALF credit market program,
Treasury money market fund guarantee program, FDIC bank debt insurance program (TLGP), PPIP mortgage securities program,
HAMP, HARP, Hardest Hit Fund, Neighborhood Stabilization Program, or Treasury mortgage backed securities purchase program
Includes dividends declared but not yet paid through September 2015

The conservator should, recognize its statutory requirements under HERA

supersedes the 2012 amendment to the PSPA. As such it is in its power to suspend
and defer the payment of any and all dividends to the Treasury. Such actions would

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December 2015

be in furtherance of its mandate to ensure the safe and sound operations of the
enterprises and restore the companies to an adequately capitalized position.
FHFA has the authority to define the appropriate levels of capital for the GSEs and, in
determining the appropriate level of capital, which we determine to be between 3% and
5% if they were designated as nonbank SIFIs (see below); they should ensure that beyond
merely considering statutory capital requirements that the proper levels of capital
consider the actual issuance of agency securities. Prior to the 1992 Act the capital
requirement on unsecured GSE debt to total capital was 15-to-1129 but there was no
requirement for capital to be held against the agencies MBS. If they were required to
maintain appropriate levels of equity capital against MBS outstanding and also the
institutions, in case of operational or other risks, they would have been able to withstand
crisis. Unfortunately, not only did the 1992 Safety and Soundness Act water down the
GSEs capital requirements through a poorly designed stress-test that it took a decade to
implement and left the GSEs thinly capitalized but even on the eve of the crisis the
Paulson Treasury failed to force the GSEs to issue new equity130.
Such an approach would ensure that the companies are able to attract private capital
while ensuring that the risk to the government is eliminated.131 As the Congressional
Budget Office pointed out, in 1991, capital is the deductible on the government's
implicit guarantee of the enterprise's obligations132.
We estimate that without raising any private capital, and with no value placed on
the governments preferred securities or undrawn PSPA commitment, the GSEs
can build to $150 to $200 billion capital over 10 years. If the President, together with
the FHFA, announced a plan to recapitalize the GSEs and reform them as privately
capitalized utilities, the GSEs could easily raise private capital to accelerate the
As we have demonstrated, the largest risks to the GSEs has long emanated from their
investment portfolios. These risks have been meaningfully diminished and will continue
to become less significant. HERA authorizes the regulator to define these portfolio limits
either in or out of conservatorship and the portfolios should continue to be reduced to a
level that provided only for the short-term liquidity needs of the enterprises. Such a view
is in-line with the recommendations made by Wallison in his paper recommending the
privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.133
In the 2008 Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement the FHFA and Treasury agreed To
promote stability in the secondary mortgage market and lower the cost of funding, the
GSEs will modestly increase their MBS portfolios through the end of 2009. Then, to
address systemic risk, in 2010 their portfolios will begin to be gradually reduced at the
rate of 10 percent per year, largely through natural run off, eventually stabilizing at a

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lower, less risky size.134As a result of the 2012 amendment to the PSPA, Those
portfolios will now be wound down at an annual rate of 15 percent an increase from the
10 percent annual reduction required in the previous agreements. As a result of this
change, the GSEs investment portfolios must be reduced to the $250 billion target set in
the previous agreements four years earlier than previously scheduled.135
SIFI Designation
With the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress established the Financial Stability
Oversight Council (FSOC)136 under the Department of the Treasury to bring together
federal and state financial regulators to look across the financial system to identify risks
to financial stability, promote market discipline, and respond to emerging threats to the
stability of the U.S. financial system137. The FSOC has 10 voting members, including
the Secretary of the Treasury (who chairs the Council), the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Directors of the CFPB and FHFA, the
Chairpersons of the SEC, FDIC, CFTC and NCUA Board, and one independent member
(with insurance expertise), as well as 5 non-voting members (including a state insurance
commissioner, state banking supervisor, state securities commissioner, and Directors of
the Office of Financial Research and Federal Insurance Office (both of which reside
within Treasury).
One of the FSOCs responsibilities is to identify firms, with over $50 billion in assets,
that could pose a systemic risk, to designate them as systemically Important Financial
Institutions (SIFIs) and to then implement processes to reduce the systemic risks posed
by those institutions. Over five years after the passage of Dodd-Frank, there has been no
effort to designate two of the largest financial institutions in the world, the GSEs, as
SIFIs. Designating the GSEs as SIFIs would allow regulators, in addition to the FHFA, to
oversee the interplay between the GSEs and other market participants. Specifically,
designation subjects all SIFI institutions (banks, insurance companies, and other nonbank SIFIs) to supervision by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
In addition to the enhanced supervision of these firms by a consistent national regulatory
authority, SIFIs are subject to enhanced prudential standards, which include risk-based
capital requirements, caps on leverage, stress testing, liquidity and risk management
oversight. Furthermore, designated non-bank SIFIs are required to file living wills
with the Fed and the FDIC, and are subject to a resolution process administered by the
The powers of the FSOC, to reduce systemic risks could also be used to ensure the
consideration of private assessments of the government's exposure to the risks of each
GSE. Once each GSE is adequately capitalized the FSOC could require it to issue
subordinated debt that does not carry any explicit or implicit federal guarantee.
Variations in the market value of that debt could aid regulators in calculating investor
perceptions of a GSE's risks.138 This market information would reduce the possibility that

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December 2015

either the FHFA or the FSOC allows an enterprise to take excessive risks, neglects to
report losses or is noncompliant with capital requirements.
Given the broad authorities of the FHFA and the FSOCs purpose of reducing systemic
risks it seems appropriate for the FSOC and the Fed to act as backup regulatory bodies to
ensure that the credit-risk pricing functions of the GSEs are overseen in a manner that
ensures they are determined through proper supervision, and based upon both the
underlying credit risks and market assessments of private credit risks. The benefits of
such an approach would be significant. Besides reducing the tendency for regulatory
capture and the risks of political interference, this approach would ensure that primary
market lenders would not be able to arbitrage the GSEs insurance wrap. Instead the cost
of privately securitizing, for the largest firms, would be competitive with selling loans to
the GSEs and receiving an insurance wrap. This would reduce the amount of mortgagebacked securities backed by the agencies while still providing a vehicle for smaller
lenders, who do not have direct access to private securitization markets, to access the
market at execution prices competitive with their larger peers. Furthermore, in bad
economic times, as lenders became unwilling to supply necessary liquidity to the
mortgage markets, the well capitalized GSEs would provide both large and small lenders
with the capacity to support the real economy. Such an approach would support the
mission of the GSEs, as originally intended, to act as liquidity tools for the funding of
new mortgages rather than as risk transfer mechanisms.
Alex Pollack stated in April 2014, If you are a super-big and super-leveraged financial
firm, the Financial Stability Oversight Council can designate you as a SIFI. But it has not
so designated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to all impartial observers, this makes
FSOC look incompetent. If anybody at all is a SIFI, then Fannie and Freddie are SIFIs.
If Fannie and Freddie are not SIFIs, then nobody is a SIFI 139
SIFI Designation Capital Requirements
What amount, and what forms, of capital would likely be required of postconservatorship GSEs if they were designated as nonbank SIFIs?
Basel III is a framework for global bank regulation formulated by the Bank of
International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. The framework includes detailed
requirements for capital adequacy, as well as requirements for liquidity risk, stress testing
and enhanced supervision.
The Federal Reserve Board, OCC, and FDIC issued a final rule in July of 2013 to revise
the regulatory framework for US Banks with implementation scheduled for March 2019.
This final rule incorporates many aspects of the Basel III framework as well as changes
to the bank regulatory environment required under Dodd-Frank.

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December 2015

US Basel III applies to national banks, state member banks, state nonmember banks, savings associations, and other bank entities (e.g., subsidiaries of
foreign banks). Elements of Basel III will also be applied to certain non-bank financial
companies that are designated as a SIFI by the FSOC. Non-bank SIFIs currently include
AIG, GE Capital, Prudential, and MetLife. Capital standards for the insurers designated
as SIFIs (AIG, Prudential, and Met Life) have not yet been established, but are expected
to be tailored to the nature of their businesses, and consistent with international insurance
US Basel III banks are required to hold a minimum of 8.5% in Tier 1
Capital, as a percentage of their Risk Weighted Assets (RWA), by 2019 (of which 7%
must be Common Equity Tier 1). Tier 1 Capital includes common stock, certain
reserves and retained earnings, and non-redeemable non-cumulative preferred stock (such
as the GSEs current junior preferred shares). This is an increase from the 4% that was
required before implementation in 2013 and the 6% that is required today.
Globally systemically important banks (G-SIBs), which are designated by the
Financial Stability Board (FSB) internationally or by the FSOC in the US, are
subject to an additional capital surcharge ranging from 1% to 2.5% (1% to 4.5% under
proposed US rules). The application of G-SIB surcharges, while under consideration,
does not currently apply to non-bank SIFIs. The G-SIB surcharge, if applied to the
GSEs based on the public framework documents, is estimated at 1.0% to 1.5%.

Minimum Risk-Based Capital (RBC) Requirements







GSIB Surcharge


Estimated G-SIB

Estimated G-SIB

Additional Tier 1

Additional Tier 1

Additional Tier 1

Additional Tier 1

Additional Tier 1





Equity Tier 1

Equity Tier 1

Equity Tier 1

Equity Tier 1

Equity Tier 1



Tier 1


BIS, Davis Polk, Federal Reserve Board

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December 2015

U.S. Basel II figures exclude Tier 2 capital requirement for illustrative purposes. U.S. Basel III figures also exclude Tier 2 capital
requirement, as well as the countercyclical buffer requirements (for advanced approaches banking organizations). Estimated Freddie Mac
G-SIB surcharge of 1.0% and estimated Fannie Mae G-SIB surcharge of 1.5%, based upon published FRB frameworks.

U.S. Basel III generally applies a 50% risk weighting to first-lien residential
mortgages under the Standardized approach to determine RWA. Most large
banks, however, will use an alternative Advanced Internal-Ratings Based (AIRB)
or Advanced approach that often produces lower risk weightings than the
Standardized approach.
When you include weightings for their full portfolio of balance sheet and
guarantee assets the Standardized (e.g. 50%) approach for residential mortgages
should yield an average risk weighting of just over 50% for the GSEs current
portfolio. Application of the Internal-Ratings Based approach would reduce the
average Risk Weighting to approximately 35%. This AIRB calculation relies upon
estimates of probability of default (PD) and loss-given default (LGD), based on
historical performance, and factoring in loan-to-value estimates, FICO scores, vintage,
and other loan-specific data.
In addition to risk-based capital requirements, Basel III also introduces a new
global minimum 3% Tier 1 Leverage ratio. A key difference between this new
leverage ratio and the previous bank leverage assessments is that the denominator
takes into-account both on-balance sheet assets and off-balance sheet exposures.
This is very important when comparing the GSEs to bank designated SIFIs, some of
whom have large notional derivative exposures.
U.S. Basel III also requires a supplementary enhanced leverage ratio (eSLR) for
U.S. G-SIBs, requiring a 2% buffer above the 3% supplementary leverage ratio
(SLR) for a total of 5%. The numerator of the SLR consists of a banks Tier 1
Capital (defined as CET1 or Common Equity Tier 1, and AT1 or Additional Tier 1).
The denominator is Total Leverage Exposure that consists of average on-balance sheet
assets, derivatives potential future exposure, notional amount of off-balance sheet
commitments, etc.
Bringing it all together, the minimum Tier 1 Capital requirements for SIFIdesignated GSEs could range from ~3% to ~5%, as a percentage of total assets and
guarantee notional (equivalent to 8.5% to 10.0% of Risk Weighted Assets). The range
of potential requirements is dependent upon three major factors:

First, would Fannie and Freddie be subject to traditional Basel III bank
capital requirements if designated as SIFIs, or would they also be
designated as a G-SIB? At this point no non-banks have been designated
G-SIBs. That said, were Fannie and Freddie designated as G-SIBs, and
subject to the surcharge, this would increase their Tier 1 Capital

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December 2015

requirement from 8.5% (the SIFI requirement) to an estimated 10.0%

(based upon a 1.5% estimated surcharge)..

Second, would a Standardized or Advanced approach be used to determine

the amount of risk-weighted assets (RWAs)? The assumption is that,
given the sophistication of the GSEs infrastructure, and the wealth of
historical performance data, the GSEs would ultimately be granted
permission to use the advanced approach (or a more nuanced version of
the Standardized approach, which differentiates risk-weightings based
upon loan characteristics).

Third, would special rules be written for the GSEs as non-bank SIFIs?
The expectation is that, similar to the implementation anticipated in
relation to SIFI designated insurers, the application of capital standards to
the GSEs would be tailored to the specific nature of their business.

Estimated GSE Capital Requirements Summary



Basel III

Tier 1 Capital % of
Total Assets


Tier 1

Average Risk






















Leverage Ratio


BIS, Federal Reserve Bank, Rosner

As can be seen in the table above, minimum risk-based capital estimates range from just
under 3% to approximately 5%. This range reflects the two alternative risk weighted
asset approaches (i.e. IRB at ~35% versus Standardized at ~50%), and the two potential
Tier 1 Capital Ratios (i.e. SIFI at 8.5% versus G-SIB at an estimated 10.0%).
The leverage ratio requirements (SLR of 3.0% or eSLR 5.0%) serve as an additional
constraint, but keep the expected total Tier 1 Capital Requirements in the 3% to 5%

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This 3% to 5% required capital estimate is consistent with the Treasurys own

estimates. As stated in an Information Memorandum for Secretary Geithner prepared in
January 2011 and approved by many of his then relevant key lieutenants for housing
policy, [T] he Administration will work with the FHFA and the Fed to establish
improved capital requirements that reflect differential risk-weightings across LTV and
risk profiles, consistent with Basel III. Based on current estimates, this would increase
required capital to 300 400 bps. The pre-crisis GSEs were required to hold only 45 bps
of capital against guaranteed mortgages. 140

Estimated GSE Capital Requirements






Treasury Estimated

Estimated SIFI/
Basel III





Current Enterprises
Total Equity


Pre-crisis GSE
Guarantee Capital

Current GSE Core


Existing FHA

Company Filings, FHFA, FHA, BIS, [internal Treasury memorandum]

Figures as of Q2 2015

Based upon (1) the continued required reduction in the Investment portfolios, (2)
moderate growth in the demand for mortgages, and (3) the run-off of the legacy vintages
at estimated rates, the combined GSEs should have less than $5 trillion in assets by 2020
(the year after the full implementation of US Basel III).
Based on the foregoing analysis of required capital levels, this $5 trillion level of assets
(which includes guarantee notional) would require less than $200 billion of projected Tier
1 Capital. This is based upon an assumed 4% Tier 1 requirement (the mid-point of the
SIFI/G-SIB range described above, and the high-end of Treasurys own preliminary
range). Using all the tools available to FHFA to raise this capital lock-boxing and
retaining nearly $20 billion of combined annual GSE earnings, writing off or
converting into common equity any remaining preferred shares and raising fresh
capital from the private markets, this could be realistically achieved in as few as 5
years. (Other observers forecasting 10 or more years for the GSEs to reach required

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capital levels curiously only look at retained earnings. They neglect to consider fresh
capital rises like those that brought the large banks back from the financial crisis. If the
large banks were told in 2008 that they had to recapitalize solely through retained
earnings they would still be in poor shape today.)
This analysis clearly demonstrates that designating the GSEs as SIFIs (or even the
more punitive classification of a G-SIB) creates an acceptable way for regulators to
determine the minimum capital requirements necessary to protect both taxpayers
and the mortgage market. It also demonstrates that the size of the problem is
manageable and is not too large or un-estimable to tackle as some commentators
have implied.
We would note that this analysis assumes a prescriptive application of Basel III bank
capital requirements, which would likely be tailored to reflect the benefits of the GSEs
more stable business model (they are, at their core, insurance companies).
Finally, it should also be pointed out that the quality of mortgages being produced today
in the post Dodd-Frank world (e.g., the Qualified Mortgage, etc.) is far superior to the
mortgages that were being produced during the run-up to the financial crisis. This fact
combined with the enhanced capital standards provided by a SIFI designation, enhanced
regulatory scrutiny required of SIFIs, etc., will provide a much stronger framework for
the GSEs going forward.
First Loss Transfer
While legislators, regulators and the Administration all recognize the importance of
transferring the first-loss risks borne by the agencies the appropriate mechanisms for
first-loss risk transfer been ineffective (PMI). Recognition of the needs to transfer
first-losses is not new and, again, they were considered and largely ignored as part of the
creation of the 1992 Act.
Currently, the leading political approach, offered by Senators Crapo, Johnson, Corker &
Warner only offer illusory protections for the public. The first-loss approach provided in
their legislative language allows this private first-loss to be waived in adverse economic
environments.141 Simply, the approach offered through the leading approach is complex,
convoluted and would, in fact, mean that as economic conditions deteriorated, market
participants would pull liquidity from the market specifically to be relieved of their first
loss requirements and transfer risks onto the public.
Were the GSEs activities limited to the role of insuring and securitizing mortgagebacked securities they would effectively transfer interest-rate risks and the retained
credit risk would be backed by appropriate levels of private capital. The rightful
purpose of capital at financial institutions is to absorb losses in regular and adverse

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environments. Risk transfer techniques are used by banks and other financial institutions
to raise capital and manage risk, but ultimately these companies have a stable base of
permanent capital before resorting to these tools. Still, the GSEs have increasingly
innovated new credit-risk-transfer securities to further reduce their exposures. As Don
Layton, CEO of Freddie Mac, has stated:
It was assumed that private capital as first loss required legislation and that would be
part of a future state and they discovered, well, maybe we can do it while theyre still
in conservatorship This is probably going to be a stair-step of five to seven years of
developing tools that will evolve to put more and more risk, more thoroughly out into
the private sector while we are in conservatorship. If there is no legislation for the next
two or three years we will be substantively, my prediction, there i.e. the vast majority of
risk will be going to the private sector through us. That will reduce taxpayer exposure
while we are in conservatorship, which everyone thinks is a good thing.142
Affordable Housing Funding
While we continue to have concerns about the longstanding use of private companies as a
mechanism for the government to deliver off-balance-sheet subsidies we also recognize
the political importance of this to a large number of legislators and to the President. We
believe that any such subsidy should be crafted in a manner that prevents political
influence from forcing the GSEs to increase their mortgage volumes by lowering of
standards and taking on risks for which they are not adequately reserved. We recommend
two mechanism exists that can provide such funding. Given that HERA prohibits the
funding of the affordable housing funds, until such time that the GSEs are adequately
capitalized, the conservator can suspend those payments to the affordable housing funds
and enter into negotiations with the Administration to place the governments warrants
into the affordable housing fund. As the companies build capital and thus improve the
conditions of safety & soundness, the value of the warrants will increase. This
approach would provide a significant amount of affordable mortgage funding in a
manner that would reduce the future risks of GSEs while helping to insulate them
from political pressures. This should not only be acceptable to the public but is
consistent with a 2004 proposal by Peter Wallison of AEI.143 Second, if the GSEs
were regulated as utilities, with rate of return caps limiting their growth, there
would be no ability for politicians to push them to lower their credit standards.
Thus, the GSEs housing goals will allow them to serve as a direct support for
affordable housing without the risks that they use the promise of further affordable
housing as a means to generate support for lowering their lending standards.
If FHFA Does its Job, Legislation Becomes Easier
The steps we have outlined provide a clear path toward the restoration of the GSEs to
their historical and intended role, increasing their ability to attract private capital and,

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December 2015

thus, reducing the amount of GSE-insured mortgages and the systemic risks they pose.
They provide for the creation of a well-capitalized, well-functioning and countercyclical
secondary mortgage market. HERA provides the FHFA with broad authorities to regulate
the capital of the firms, recapitalize them, define their credit underwriting standards,
regulate their retained portfolios, approve or prohibit new activities or products and, if the
pricing of their g-fees would result in an unsafe or unsound condition require
adjustments. As a result, fundamental reform, including regulating the enterprises as an
effective natural monopoly, can be achieved through regulatory authorities - they do not
require legislation.
As a result, in good times, borrowers would be able to access mortgage markets and large
and small lenders would be able to compete on a level playing field. In bad times, both
large and small lenders would be able to support the conforming-conventional consumer
mortgage market.
Were the Administration to embrace these proposals it would provide both clarity and an
important signal to borrowers, investors and interested public-policy groups throughout
the government, the agency, the private mortgage markets and on Main Street. It would
also reduce the number of politically charged issues for Congress to address through
legislation. Still, Congress could and should then act to ensure the ongoing and important
functions of the To Be Announced (TBA) market, in which MBS are sold forward
prior to the actual designation of the underlying securities.
A Narrow Government Guarantee and the TBA Market
It is generally believed that this market cannot be assured to function without some type
of government guarantee.144 While, prior to the crisis, the guarantee was implied, this
approach supported excessive risk taking, reduced market discipline of both primary
lenders and the GSEs and allowed the GSEs to operate without the levels of capital that
private market investors would otherwise require. As a result, there should be some level
of explicit government guarantee behind the GSEs. That explicit guarantee should be as
small as possible and stand behind significant levels of capital appropriate to the risks of
the securities they issue and the firms. It should only act as a catastrophic insurance
policy behind these institutions, not to fund a future bailout, but to fund the resolution of
a failing firm in the face of another 100-year flood.
That catastrophic government insurance guarantee should not be bestowed on the GSEs
without the government being properly compensated. As a result we would suggest that
legislators consider transforming the current Treasury lines of support to the GSEs to an
explicit guarantee in support of the TBA market. Each GSE should pay an annual
commitment fee for the explicit and narrow government insurance policy. To properly
price the fee, Congress should direct the Financial Stability Oversight Council with
determining that fee by reference to market rates for comparable financing and the risks

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December 2015

of drawing on that support. This approach would provide for a significantly narrowed
guarantee than that suggested in Crapo Johnson or other legislative proposals.
Stringent capital standards, that incorporate security level requirements, real transfer of
first loss and stringent capital standards for PMIs or other first loss holders, should give
the public comfort that this government guarantee is unlikely to ever be employed. With
capital determined on both the institutions and their guaranteed securities, this would be a
backstop guarantee of the institutions so that, in crisis, they would still be able to access
markets due to their strong equity capital positions. To further prevent either political
interference or the failure of a primary regulator to prudently oversee the enterprises
Congress should Direct FHFA and the FSOC to each provide quarterly reports to
Congress detailing an assessment of the government's exposure to the risk of each GSE.
Even without risky portfolios, with pricing of guarantee fees at rates comparable to
private market execution, stringent capital standards and a limited and funded explicit
government guarantee we continue to believe that, as private corporations, the GSEs must
be regulated in a manner that aligns their public mission with an appropriate and stable
equity investor base. As the GSEs leveraged their balance sheets to hypercharge their
growth rates and, as a result executive compensation, their investor bases transitioned
from those of stable, utility-like investors who were focused on dividends into those of
earnings growth investors.
The political demands for the enterprises to meet increasingly large affordable housing
goals supported a loosening of their underwriting standards and the neutering of their
already weak safety and soundness regulator. To prevent a repeat of this capture and
align the GSEs mission with an appropriate and stable investor base we would suggest
that Congress re-regulate them as privately-owned public-utilities much like the state
regulated electric, gas, sewer and water utilities.
A Public Utility Model
As we have previously highlighted, the GSEs are, through their core activities, natural
monopolies, like other utilities. Nearly all of the distortions that emerged in their core
guarantee business, prior to the crisis, did not result from competition with the primary
market but rather from competition with each other in a manner that led to the mispricing
of credit guarantees and the retention of excessive interest rate risk. The creation of a
common securitization platform (CSP)145, as is currently underway, will create
incentives for each firm to drive down marginal costs in the secondary market while
ensuring that the delivery of mortgage-backed securities, to markets, is effectuated
in a manner that standardizes those products while eliminating the underpricing of
risk that can occur in fully private firms who employ leverage and the creation of
excess-liquidity, from capital markets, to support uneconomic behaviors. Moreover,
the costs and scale of this platform only further demonstrate the need for the GSEs to be
treated as, and regulated as, utilities.

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December 2015

A public utility model offers one possibility for incorporating private ownership. In
such a model, the GSE remains a corporation with shareholders but is overseen by a
public board. Beyond simply monitoring safety and soundness, the regulator would
also establish pricing and other rules consistent with a promised rate of return to
shareholders Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (October 31, 2008)
While private market competitors tend to focus strictly on revenue and income
opportunities, utilities tend to think in terms of regulatory cost recovery and return on
investment. The foundational premise underlying regulation is the need to limit
earnings, usually by mandating a fair rate of return on invested capital. However,
regulators are also in a position to enforce energy policy and shape the industry
consistent with federal and state legislative goals. In many cases, concerns about the
environment, reliability, national security, or other energy policies are more important
than earnings or least-cost energy choices.146Clearly, the governmental goals of
ensuring a stable and functional secondary mortgage market are more clearly aligned
with this approach than with the approaches of primary mortgage market activities.
After FHFA exercised its authorities to create such a de facto utility, it would be prudent
for Congress to enshrine such a regulatory approach in legislation by transferring the
current regulatory framework and oversight of the GSEs to a Public Utility Commission
that would be responsible for determining the activities, cost recoveries, guarantee
pricing and allowable rates of return of the enterprises.
To ensure the stability of the secondary market Congress should empower the
Commission to determine the allowable rate of return necessary to ensure the
enterprises maintain a stable capital base. Once an appropriate and allowable return on
investment, for investors is met, the Utility Commission could direct the enterprises to
build excess capital and, if the enterprises are capitalized above their highest historic loss
experience, to fund a, affordable housing trust fund to be used only in adverse economic
Legislation should require consultation and coordination between the FSOC and the PUC
in overseeing the pricing of g-fees to consider the specific mortgage risks insured and the
counterparty risks of the institutions whose loans are insured. Counterparty risk pricing
should be based on a pass-fail, minimum threshold assessment that assumes that creditlosses due to violations of pooling and servicing agreements are fully recourse to
originator. Firms that fail to meet this minimum threshold could be directed to offload
first-loss risk to reduce the mortgage risks and access the GSEs.

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December 2015

Illustrative Overview of Regulated Utilities

Rate Case
Regulated utilities typically need to
adjust rates (e.g. electricity prices,
water prices, or in this case
Guarantee Fees) to cover the costs of
ongoing operations, plus an adequate
return on capital. This process is
called a Rate Case

Regulated Utility

The utility provides service to customers (e.g.
electric power, water, or in this case
mortgage guarantees). Customers pay for
utility service at the cost determined by the
utilities rate

Public Utility
Public Utility Commissions
(PUCs) serves as a
replacement for the
competitive market. In
exchange for pricing power
(for example exclusive right to
sell electricity in a given
service territory, or
government charter), PUCs
oversee various aspects of the
utilitys business (for example
capital expenditures), as well
as how much it can charge,
and what its profit margin can

The utility goes to the financial markets to
raise the necessary debt or equity capital
(e.g. to build power plants or make capital
investments, or in this case funding
mortgage assets)

Benefits of regulated utility model

Attractive framework for third party investors due


to low earnings volatility


Ensures end-user affordability through strict

regulation and oversight

Effective model for maintaining end-user access to

critical public services under private enterprises

Low cost of capital benefits are directly passed on

to end-users

Source:, Duke Energy, Value Line

With capped rates of return and rate cases determining cost-recoveries, the GSEs,
like other utilities, would ensure the enterprises do not have deep pockets with
which to lobby legislators. Preventing most of the chance of regulatory or legislative
capture while ensuring the GSEs are able to provide their critical function in a
counter-cyclical environment like other essential public services. Furthermore, it
would reduce the systemic risks posed by primary market players as well as the GSEs.
As we have shown, there are several false memes that policy-makers should reject in
considering the creation of a stable secondary market that works for borrowers as well as
large and small mortgage lenders. It appears, in an effort to increase the rent-seeking
behavior through a broad government guarantee and to secure the implied government
guarantee of a newer generation of too big to fail banks and asset-managers, they have
sought to replace a system that can be repaired with an overly complex and uncertain
system that will disadvantage smaller competitors and increase costs to borrowers.

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It is our belief that, just as occurred during the process of crafting the 1992 Act, and
during the lead-up to the crisis, lobbying efforts have improperly captured, influenced
and directed the approaches of legislators, regulators and executive branch policy makers.
Moreover, it appears policymakers (with support of industry trade-groups and think
tanks) have drained the GSEs of capital, and have gone as far as calculating the sweep of
their profits on a quarterly rather than annual basis, to force them to again draw against
Treasury. It is clear that the hope is that such an outcome would jumpstart their desired
legislative and policy outcomes.
There is no economic model that supports the building of a new assembly plant to replace
a car that has suffered body damage that is precisely the direction of secondary market
reform and clearly the goal of the most influential primary market firms and the largest
mortgage asset investors. We shouldnt reinvent a wheel that has driven the secondary
market successfully for generations.
Importantly, if the Obama Administration fails to act, using these existing
authorities, it will likely lead to a future administration restructuring the secondary
mortgage market in a manner that abandons any federal support of affordable
housing or rental programs, dismantles a key tool of financial, household and
economic stability that was crafted by President Roosevelt over 75-years ago.
Furthermore, if recent legislative approaches become law it is clear that smaller
community banks and lenders, who are necessarily closer to their customers, will see
equal access to the secondary market diminish and competition with it. Such
capture of the secondary market will almost certainly lead the largest firms, over
the next decade, to enter and capture the real-estate sales market claiming that,
rather than reducing competition, vertical integration of that sector will reduce the
costs to borrowers.

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December 2015


Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, Public Law110289July 30, 2008,
(See: (1) IN GENERAL.Notwithstanding any other provision of Federal or State
law, the Director may appoint the Agency as conservator or receiver for a regulated entity
in the manner provided under paragraph (2) or (4). All references to the conservator or
receiver under this section are references to the Agency acting as conservator or receiver.
(2) DISCRETIONARY APPOINTMENT.The Agency may, at the discretion of the
Director, be appointed conservator or receiver for the purpose of reorganizing,
rehabilitating, or winding up the affairs of a regulated entity.
IBID (See: The Agency may, at the discretion of the Director, be appointed
conservator or receiver for the purpose of reorganizing, rehabilitating, or winding up the
affairs of a regulated entity.
Henry Paulson, On the Brink, iBook edition p54 (The cooperation among federal
agencies had generally been superb, but although Treasury, the Fed, and the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) agreed, FHFA had been balky all along. That was a
big problem because only FHFA had the statutory power to put Fannie and Freddie into
conservatorship. We had to convince its people that this was the right thing to do, while
making to let them feel they were still in charge) and p38, (See: Foreword by Barney
Frank: In mid-2008, acting on a bill passed in the House in 2007, Congress gave the
Treasury secretary the power to provide unlimited federal backstop funding and capital
injections for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and, if he felt it necessary, to place these
institutions, which had previously fought increased federal controls, into
conservatorship.) and p42 (Hank called me to tell me that the losses at Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac had grown so large that the two institutions could no longer function on
their own but must be, he believed, be put into conservatorship to eliminate a grave threat
to the stability of the capital markets and the economyI told him that I thought he
should go full speed ahead.) and p50 (We wanted to place Fannie and Freddie into
conservatorship over the weekend and make sure that everything was wrapped up before
the Asian markets opened on Sunday night.)
See HERA 1367

Andrew G. Haldane, Financial Arms Races, Transcript of speech before the Institute for New
Economic Thinking, April 14, 2012, available at:
Richard M. Salsman, Altruism: The Moral Root of the Financial Crisis, The Objective
Standard Vol. 4. No. 1., spring 2009, available at: (See:
According to Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama, we excused and even embraced
an ethic of greed; we encouraged a winner-take-all, anything-goes environment; and instead
of establishing a 21st century regulatory framework, we simply dismantled the old one.1 As a
senator last fall, Obama decried as an outrage the need for a bailout plan to rescue our

- 54 -

December 2015

economy from the greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street (and then promptly voted for it).2
GOP presidential candidate John McCain said the financial crisis was caused by greed,
corruption, and excess, as Wall Street treated the American economy like a casino.3 With the
New York Times in December, President Bush shared his views of how the nation came to the
brink of economic disaster, citing corporate greed and market excesses fueled by a flood of
foreign cash, concluding that Wall Street got drunk.4 In his New York Times column, Paul
Krugman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2008, repeatedly blames the crisis on
deregulation and free-market dogmas. Alan Greenspanwho for twenty years headed the
Federal Reserve as Washingtons money monopolist and top bank regulatortold Congress last
fall that those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect
shareholders equity, myself especially, are in a state of shocked disbelief, agreed that it was a
flaw in his ideology, and called for still more government regulationwhich led many
journalists to declare, with glee, that Greenspan Admits Free Market Has Foundered.)
Barack Obama, Renewing the American Economy, transcript of speech at Cooper Union,
March 27, 2008, available at:
Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner, Reckless Endangerment, New York, NY, 2011
(See: Like Subprime 1.0 the Long Term Capital Management event proved to be an opportunity
that was ignored by regulators charged with protecting consumers and investors from risky
financial institutions and practices.)
Lewis S. Ranieri letter to the Department of Housing & Urban Development and Department of
Treasury, July 21, 2010, available at: (See: To be clear, the
economic collapse is not because of the well-underwritten 30 year fixed rate mortgage; it is not
because of the securitization process (that has effectively and appropriately spread and dispersed
risk for decades); it is not because of the average, prudent home buying consumer; and it is not
because of the average house or condominium on the typical city, suburban or rural street. Rather,
this exercise has everything to do with what policy makers need to do because of the abuses to
our housing finance system -a system that up to as little as eight years ago was a solid,
dependable, predictable system of housing finance - and one that was the envy of the world.)
S. 1217, Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 2013, 113th Congress
(2013-2014), available at:
United States Senate Banking Committee, Summary of Senate Banking Committee Leaders
Bipartisan Housing Finance Reform Draft, available at:
H.R. 2767, Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners Act of 2013, 113th Congress
(2013-2014), available at:
United States Senate Banking Committee, Summary of the Financial Regulatory Improvement
Act of 2015,available at:

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December 2015


David A. Bridewell, Horace Russell and The United States Federal Home Loan Bank Board,
The Federal Home Loan Bank Board and its Agencies: A History of the Facts Surrounding the
Passage of the Creating Legislation, The Establishment and Organization of the Federal Home
Loan Bank Board and the Bank System, The Savings and Loan System, The Home Owners Loan
Corporation, and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, Washington, D.C., 1938
Richard K. Green and Susan M. Wachter, The American Mortgage in Historical and
International Context, September 21, 2005, available at:
George W. Alger letter to New York Governor Herbert H. Lehman, February 26, 1935,
available at:
Richard K. Green and Susan M. Wachter, The American Mortgage in Historical and
International Context, September 21, 2005, available at: (See:
Thus, the invention of the fixed-rate, self-amortizing, long-term mortgage was, above all else, a
response to a general financial crisis, as opposed to a design for the promotion of homeownership
per se. FHA adopted this form of mortgage to avoid the problem of people needing to refinance,
which had clearly led to disaster.)
Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of Inspector General, A Brief History of the Housing
Government-Sponsored Enterprises, available at:

- 56 -

December 2015


Federal Housing Finance Agency, Office of Inspector General, A Brief History of the
Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises, available at:
(See: The inflation and recessions of the late 1970s and early 1980s and the sharp rises in
interest rates that accompanied them put tremendous financial strain on Fannie Mae and many
thrifts, which funded their mortgage holdings principally with short term obligations such as
deposits. By contrast, Freddie Macs financial performance was relatively unaffected because of
its emphasis on issuing MBS...)
Thomas H. Stanton, Review: Increasing the Accountability of Government-Sponsored
Enterprises: First Steps, September/October 1990, available at:

- 57 -

December 2015
Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner, Reckless Endangerment, New York, NY, 2011
James A. Johnson, Showing America a New Way Home: Expanding Opportunities for Home
Ownership, September 1996
Department of the United States Treasury, Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on
Government-Sponsored Enterprises, April 1991, available at:
25 25
Thomas H. Stanton, Review: Increasing the Accountability of Government-Sponsored
Enterprises: First Steps, September/October 1990, available at: (See: As was the
case for thrift institutions, recommendations for enhanced accountability of GSEs emphasize the
need for effective federal oversight and increased capitalization. The politics of the thrift
industry's legislative efforts are also instructive. As were the thrifts in the 1980s, government
sponsored enterprises today are powerful and resistant to change. Especially some GSEs that
would find it difficult or expensive to comply with the Treasury's recommendations may try to
hamper passage of implementing legislation. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are two of the largest
financial institutions in the United States, larger than the nation's largest banks and bank holding
companies, and they have concomitant political strength as well. Fannie Mae and the FCS Farm
Credit Council each have political action committees.)
Todd Zywicki, Regulatory Decadence and Dodd-Frank, Library of Law and Liberty,
December 16, 2012, available at: (See: By solidifying the special status of the largest banks DoddFrank has entrenched and expanded the Fannie Mae effectthe implicit government guarantee
for these institutions will allow creditors to lend to them with lower risk, thereby reducing the
cost of acquiring capital for these institutions. In turn, this cost advantage will enable them to
out-compete their smaller rivals, promoting a consolidation of the banking industrymaking
them still-larger and more important. Moreover, when combined with Dodd-Franks general
thrust of entrenching regulatory discretion it will increase the influence of backroom dealing
between these banks and their regulators, enabling them to evade many of Dodd-Franks
regulations. In turn, this heightened discretion provides a vehicle for the government to use its
regulatory power to extract political promises out of these banks, using the Chrysler case as a
prototype. Moreover, Skeel notes that Dodd-Frank transfers huge amounts of power from
bipartisan regulatory agencies (such as the SEC and Federal Reserve) to the Secretary of
Treasury, putting these decisions much closer to the vortex of political power. The end result will
likely be crony capitalism at its worst, as the government props up and subsidizes the largest
banks while at the same time using them to pursue its political purposes outside of the democratic

The Conservatorships of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Actions Violate HERA and
Established Insolvency Principles, Michael Krimminger and Mark A. Calabria, Cato
Institute Working Paper no. 26, February 9, 2015, available at:

Thomas H. Stanton, Review: Increasing the Accountability of Government-Sponsored

Enterprises: First Steps, September/October 1990, available at:

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December 2015

Increasing_Accountability_of_Govt_Sponsored_Enterprises_First_Steps.pdf (See: 1. Each GSE

should be adequately capitalized, meet high credit and operational standards, and be subject to
effective government supervision; 2. A private market mechanism should be used to evaluate
GSE risk; each GSE should obtain a rating equivalent to triple-A, absent any implicit government
guarantee, from at least two of the nationally recognized credit rating agencies; 3. GSEs should
be supervised for financial safety and soundness by a regulator different from the program
regulators; in other words, a financial regulator such as the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, or the Treasury itself should supervise safety and soundness of the GSEs
while agencies such as HUD remain responsible for overseeing the programmatic activities of
GSEs such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and 4. Each GSE should disclose annually the value
of the federal government's credit support; this should be measured as the difference between (1)
the cost of funds of the GSE and (2) the cost of funds of a corporation that has the credit rating
that the GSE has obtained (again, without regard to the government's implicit guarantee).
Thomas H. Stanton, Review: Increasing the Accountability of Government-Sponsored
Enterprises: First Steps, September/October 1990, available at: (See: In testimony,
Assistant Comptroller General Richard L. Fogel largely concurred with the Treasury
Department's position. However, the General Accounting Office appears more comfortable
applying bank-type capital and regulatory requirements than relying upon the rating of private
rating agencies to set capitalization levels. If the Treasury's recommendations were adopted and
private rating agencies were used, then Fogel recommended that the federal GSE financial
regulator examine closely the assumptions used by each rating agency and the appropriateness of
the final capital standard.)
John C. Weicher, Setting GSE Policy Through Charters, Laws, and Regulations, Chapter 7 of
Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of Control: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, compiled by the
American Enterprise Institute, 2001, available at: (See: The 1992 legislation
also modified the language concerning public purpose. It changed home to residential and
rewrote the parenthetical language as "(including activities related to mortgages on housing for
low- and moderate-income families involving a reasonable economic return that may be less than
the return earned on other activities)." It also added a new purpose: to "promote access to
mortgage credit throughout the Nation (including central cities, rural areas, and underserved
areas)." These changes in the charter acts appear to be reinforcing the housing goals legislation by
telling the GSEs to reach further down in the income distribution. )
John C. Weicher, Setting GSE Policy Through Charters, Laws, and Regulations, Chapter 7 of
Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of Control: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, compiled by the
American Enterprise Institute, 2001, available at:
Bingham McCutchen Memorandum For the Record, Meeting with Tom Lund, former EVP of
Fannie Mae Single Family Business, March 4, 2010, available at:,%20Fannie

- 59 -

December 2015

%20Mae.pdf (See: The housing goals were raised in 2000 and again, substantially, in 2004, and
Fannie Mae received pressure from the administration to expand its business beyond the
traditional 15- and 30-year fixed-rate mortgages that were previously the core of the Companys
business. Mr. Lund outlined several business practices that Fannie Mae began in 2004 to respond
to increasing governmental pressure to meet housing goals. Housing goals were raised by 4%
across the various categories in 2004. He stated, We did a lot of things ex-housing goals that we
wouldnt have done otherwise. Some examples of these practices include: o DU bump
borrowers were given a bump if they met certain housing goal requirements (e.g., low income
borrowers). For example, a loan is sent through Fannie Maes desktop underwriter and assigned a
risk level of 3 which is higher than Fannie Maes risk level of 2. If the borrower met a housing
goal, then the risk level would be bumped up to 2, and the loan would be priced as such by
Fannie Mae. o Reduced equity requirements for homebuyers. o Fannie Mae bought bulk loans
that contained housing goal loans. )
Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner, Reckless Endangerment, New York, NY, 2011
(See: The administration had proposed an increase in OFHEOs budget to support a larger
investigations and examination staff at the regulator, but [Senator Kit] Bond slipped language into
the appropriations bill that would defund OFHEO until Falcon was removed from its


Nela Richardson, The Quiet Shift in Housing Policy, Forbes, January 21, 2015, available at: (See: The
Clinton and Bush administrations shared a vision of housing as increasing the economic security
of the middle class. No policy benefited more from that shared vision than the Affordable
Housing Goals created in the final year of President George H.W. Bushs administration and
extended under Clinton and George W. Bush. Those goals require that a certain percentage of
purchases by mortgage behemoths Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae be directed at low-income
Executive Office of the President, RE: Thursday Meeting on Urban issues, August 1,1994,
available at (See e.g. Use tools of HUD, FHA, Fannie and Freddie
to provide low- and no-downpayment loans to eligible low- and moderate-income purchasers)
Private MI Today, Not Someday, MICA Membership Directory, 2000-2001 Fact Book,
Washington, DC: Mortgage Insurance Companies of America

Keynes p.vii (See: Even apart from the instability due to speculation, there is the
instability due to the characteristic of human nature that a large proportion of our positive
activities depend on spontaneous optimism rather than on a mathematical expectation,
whether moral or hedonistic or economic. Most, probably, of our decisions to do
something positive, the full consequences of which will be drawn out over many days to
come, can only be taken as a result of animal spiritsof a spontaneous urge to action
rather than inaction, and not as the outcome of a weighted average of quantitative
benefits multiplied by quantitative probabilities. )

The White House, Memorandum for the Vice President, Community Empowerment:
Resources and Strategy, October 5, 1993, p. 1, available at:

- 60 -

December 2015


The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream,

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, The White House
Washington, May 2, 1995 available at: (See: The
following is a list of the National Partners in Homeownership as of June 1, 1995. The
National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream
American Bankers Association American Institute of Architects American Land Title
Association American Planning Association America's Community Bankers Appraisal
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) Association of
Local Housing Finance Agencies
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
Corporation for National Service
Council of American Building Officials
Council of State Community Development Agencies The Enterprise Foundation
Fannie Mae
Federal Home Loan Bank System
Freddie Mac
Habitat for Humanity International
Housing Assistance Council
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Manufactured Housing Institute
Mortgage Bankers Association of America
Mortgage Insurance Companies of America
National American Indian Housing Council
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) National
Association of Affordable Housing Lenders
National Association of Counties
National Association of County Community and Economic Development National
Association of Home Builders
National Association of Real Estate Brokers
National Association of Realtors
National Bankers Association
National Community Development Association
National Community Reinvestment Coalition
National Conference of States on Building Code Standards
National Congress of Community Economic Development
National Cooperative Bank
National Council of La Raza
National Council of State Housing Agencies
National Hispanic Housing Council

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December 2015

National Low Income Housing Coalition

National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Urban League
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Resolution Trust Corporation
Social Compact United Homeowners Association United States Conference of Mayors
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S. Department of Veteran

Memorandum for Chris Edley and Steve Redburn, Housing Policy, Paul Dimond CC:
Galston, Reed, Weinstein, Cashin, Seidman, Sterling, Cuomo, Katz, Retsinas, Stegman,
May 31, 1994, available at:
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, National Homeownership
Strategy, August 1995, available at:
Robert Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury, Department of the Treasury, Memorandum for Gene
Sperling, Director of the National Economic Council, Meeting on tax Cut Options, December
2, 1998, available at:
Robert Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury, Department of the Treasury, Memorandum for Gene
Sperling, Director of the National Economic Council, Meeting on tax Cut Options, December
2, 1998, available at:
White House, Race Report Meeting, January 20, 1999, available at: (See: Recommendation,' Launch a major refocusing of the
large housing-related GSEs FNMA, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board
System in general, GSEs commonly assert that they are "private" and cannot be expected to
make uneconomic investments. But their profitability is fueled by their access to "cheap" money
via a government debt guarantee or a discount Fed windowSpecifically, the President should
propose to: First, adopt new regulatory and statutory provisions to (a) press the GSEs to focus
more of their housing activity on severely distressed communities. And (b)give the GSEs more
effective tools to promote targeted lending for community development purposes.)
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, The National Homeownership
Strategy: Partners in the American Dream, March 10, 2011, available at:

- 62 -

December 2015


Joshua Rosner, Housing in the New Millennium: A Home Without Equity is Just a Rental
with Debt, June 29, 2001, available at: or
E.g. - In 1999, the Congress enacted the First-time Homebuyer Affordability Act of 1999.
The premise of the Act is that it is desirable to make funds available from individual retirement
plans to encourage first-time homeownership. This legislation reduces the difficulty a potential
buyer may have in financing a down payment, but with risks. In the event of a decline in real
estate values or in the event of a foreclosure, some or that borrowers entire retirement asset may
be lost. Also, in 2000, Congress enacted The American Homeownership and Economic
Opportunity Act of 2000. Title I of the Act is termed REMOVAL OF BARRIERS TO
HOUSING AFFORDABILITY. Among the bills provisions is one that allows families
receiving federal rental assistance to accumulate up to a years worth of that assistance toward the
down payment, appraisal and closing costs of a home. President George W. Bush, based on
public comments, seems to have agreed with the previous administration that low-income
families should be allowed to apply rental vouchers toward down payments.
Roger E. Niesen, Audit Report: Family Production Home Ownership Centers, US Housing
and Urban Development, March 30, 2000, available at: (See: HUDs 1999/2000 internal
audit of single family FHA loan production found that56% of defaulted loans in their study had
significant underwriting deficiencies that were not detected by HUD or the contractor. Those
deficiencies included fraud, excessive ratios, source or adequacy of funds issues, improper
income analysis and/or debt or credit issues.)
Joshua Rosner, Housing in the New Millennium: A Home Without Equity is Just a Rental with
Debt, June 29, 2001, available at: or
Fitch Ratings, Basel II: Refinements to the Framework, Fitch Ratings Credit Policy Special
Report, February 6, 2003, available at:
Theresa R. DeVenti, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Past, Present, and Future, United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development Policy Briefs, Volume 11, November 2, 2009,
Joseph R. Mason and Joshua Rosner, Where Did the Risk Go? How Misapplied Bond Ratings
Cause Mortgage Backed Securities and Collateralized Debt Obligation Market Disruptions, May
3, 2007, available at: or
Joshua Rosner, Financial Services Exposures to Subprime, Why we are not Seeing Red,
Graham Fisher, July 26, 2007, available at:
Joshua Rosner, How long will investor holding on for returns and when will primary
residential purchases drive sales?, data from the National Association of Realtors, October 18,

- 63 -

December 2015

2012, available at:


Don Layton, Milken See: 34:32


Joshua Rosner, Financial Services Exposures to Subprime, Why we are not Seeing Red,
Graham Fisher, July 26, 2007, available at:
The Office of the Secretary of the United States Department of the Treasury letter to the
Chairman of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Richard C. Shelby, March
20, 2004, available at:
Chairman Alan Greenspan, Regulatory reform of the government-sponsored enterprises,
presented before the United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs,
April 6, 2005, available at: (See: The
ability of the GSEs to borrow essentially without limit has been exploited only in recent years. At
the end of 1990, for example, Fannie's and Freddie's combined portfolios amounted to $132
billion, or 5.6 percent of the single-family home-mortgage market. By 2003, the GSEs' portfolios
had grown tenfold, to $1.38 trillion or 23 percent of the home-mortgage market. The almost
unlimited low-credit-risk profit potential from exploiting subsidized debt has been available to the
GSEs for decades. The management of Fannie and Freddie, however, chose to abstain from
making profit-centers out of their portfolios in earlier years, and only during the mid-1990s did
they begin rapidly enlarging their portfolios.)
Joseph R. Mason and Joshua Rosner, Where Did the Risk Go? How Misapplied Bond Ratings
Cause Mortgage Backed Securities and Collateralized Debt Obligation Market Disruptions, May
3, 2007, available at:
American Securitization Forum, ASF Project RESTART: ASF Model RMBS Representations
and Warrants, December 15, 2009, available at:
anties_121509.pdf (See: On July 16, 2008, the American Securitization Forum (ASF)
announced the public launch of ASFs Project on Residential Securitization Transparency and
Reporting (ASF Project RESTART or the Project), which is a broad-based industrydeveloped initiative to help rebuild investor confidence in mortgage and asset-backed securities,
restore capital flows to the securitization markets, enhance market lending discipline and,
ultimately, increase the availability of affordable credit to all Americans. It has been recognized
by senior policymakers and market participants as a necessary industry initiative to improve the
securitization process by developing commonly accepted and detailed standards for transparency,

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December 2015

disclosure and diligence that each appropriate market participant will be recommended to
Stephen Labaton, New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae New York
Times, September 11, 2004, available at: (See: The Bush administration
today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry
since the savings and loan crisis a decade agoThe new agency would have the authority, which
now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It
would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two
are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.)
Homesick blues, The Economist, April 13, 2000, available at: (See: This week a Republican congressman, Richard
Baker, was fretting about the growing risk of these agencies. He argued that they might
eventually land the taxpayer with a bill that dwarfs the savings-and-loan mess of a decade ago.
The agencies have been increasing their lending at a 20% annual rate in the past couple of years,
as, to rather less attention, has the Federal Home Loan system. The federal mortgage agencies
already have combined debts of $1.4 trillion. On current trends, by 2003 they will be bearing
some of the risk on half of America's residential mortgages, up from one-third in 1995.) and
Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae May Face Rival Bills in U.S. Congress, Bloomberg, July 8, 2003,
available at: (See:
Representative Ed Royce, a California Republican, plans to introduce a bill this week to create a
new regulator for the government-chartered companies, Royce spokeswoman Julianne Lignelli
said. Fellow Republican Representative Richard Baker introduced a separate bill in late June,
after Freddie Mac ousted its three top executives amid an earnings restatement.)
Stephen Labaton, New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae New York
Times, September 11, 2004, available at: (See: After the hearing,
Representative Michael G. Oxley, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, and Senator
Richard Shelby, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, announced their intention to draft
legislation based on the administration's proposal. Industry executives said Congress could
complete action on legislation before leaving for recess in the fall.)
Congressional Budget Office Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Role in the
Secondary Mortgage Market, Congressional Budget Office Report, Pub. No. 4021, December
2010, available at: (See: Initially,
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pursued different strategies with regard to creating mortgagebacked securities. Although the 1968 Charter Act gave Fannie Mae the power to securitize loans,
the GSE was slow to adopt that practice, preferring to buy mortgages to hold in its port- folio. In
the late 1970s and early 1980s, Fannie Mae suffered a series of deeply unprofitable years that put
its viability in doubt. Much like the savings and loan industry, it had financed its mortgage
investments by issuing shorter-term debt, seeking to take advantage of lower short-term interest
rates. That strategy exposed Fannie Mae to interest rate riskwhen interest rates rose, its
borrowing costs increased commensurately, while its income from existing mortgages remained
fixed Freddie Mac, in contrast, initially adopted Ginnie Maes approach and concentrated on
securitizing conforming mortgages rather than assembling a large portfolio Freddie Mac,
conversely, steadily increased its holdings of mortgages in the early 1990s. (Until the recent
financial crisis, portfolio holdings were generally much more profitable for the GSEs than their

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December 2015

guarantee business because those holdings took advantage of the lower borrowing costs that the
GSEs enjoyed as a result of the implicit federal guarantee.) By 2001, the operations of the two
GSEs looked virtually the same )
Richard Scott Carnell, Handling the Failure of a Government-Sponsored Enterprise, Fordam
University School of Law, 2005, available at:
Oxley, Baker Look to Tweak GSE Bill in Hurricane's Wake, September 12, 2005, available
Department of the United States Treasury, Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on
Government-Sponsored Enterprises, April 1991, available at:
(See: GSE financial difficulties would not develop overnight, and effective financial regulation
should preclude the need to focus on receivership as a regulatory alternative. Nevertheless, given
the significance to the economy of a financial failure of the magnitude that a GSE failure would
represent, the ability to appoint a conservator may be appropriate. If any of the GSEs were to
approach insolvency, Congress might act to avert a GSE failure because of the significant
economic impact involved and the implication for domestic social policy. However, such future
developments cannot be foreseen. While it is extremely unlikely that conservatorship power
would ever be used, it would be prudent for a regulator to have this power in order to manage a
fast-moving disaster with both domestic and international economic implications.)

PBS NewsHour, High-risk Mortgage Foreclosures Likely to Rise

March 12, 2007 at 6:35 PM EDT

Press Release, Assistant Secretary David G. Nason Testimony on Reforming GSE Regulation
Before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, United States
Department of the Treasury, February 7, 2008, available at, (See:
Capital Requirements Under current law, the minimum capital requirements for the housing
GSEs are fixed in statute, and the risk-based capital requirement for Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac is based on a highly-prescribed stress test that is set forth in statute. These
limitations are inconsistent with the ability of other financial regulators to set both
minimum and risk-based capital requirements. The new housing GSE regulatory agency
must have the authority to set both minimum and risk-based capital requirements.
Receivership/Conservatorship Under current law, OFHEO has the authority to place Fannie
Mae or Freddie Mac into conservatorship but not into receivership. Should such
circumstances arise, the new housing GSE regulatory agency must have more than the
powers associated with conservatorship. In particular, the new regulatory agency must
have all the receivership authority that is necessary to direct the liquidation of assets and
otherwise direct an orderly wind down of an enterprise. The new regulatory agency must
also be required to take mandatory receivership actions under certain circumstances. Such
receivership authority can be established in full recognition that the Congress has retained
to itself, in the case of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the power to revoke a charter.
Providing the new regulatory agency the ability to complete an orderly wind down of a
troubled regulated entity also encourages greater market discipline by clarifying that
investors may suffer losses. Enhanced market discipline is essential to promoting safe

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and sound operations, which is consistent with maintaining the GSEs' role in our housing
finance system and protecting our broader financial system from problems at a GSE.
New Activity Approval and Mission Oversight Under current law, the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is responsible for approving new programs,
setting housing goals, and overall mission oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The
authority for approving new activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and ensuring
compliance with their mission must be transferred from HUD and combined with the
other supervisory/enforcement powers of the new housing GSE regulatory agency. This
authority is consistent with availability of one of the central tools that every effective
financial regulator has the ability to say "no" to new activities that are inconsistent with
the charter of the regulated institutions, with their prudential operation, or with the public
Other Aspects of Enhanced Authority Housing GSE reform legislation also should include
additional measures in order to provide the new regulator with authorities comparable to
other U.S. financial institution regulators. Such enhancements should ensure that the GSE
regulatory agency has: (1) independent funding outside of the appropriations process; (2)
independent litigating authority and other related powers; and (3) the full set of
regulatory and enforcement tools.
Government-Appointed Directors The Federal government should not be involved in the
appointment of directors to the boards of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the FHLBanks.
Consistent with long-standing principles of corporate governance, directors of the
housing GSEs have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. The government
appointment of directors does not change this fiduciary responsibility, but does give the
impression that the government may have a say or influence in the operation of the
housing GSEs. That is not the case, and this should be corrected to improve corporate
governance and to clarify further that the housing GSEs are not backed by the Federal
Combining the Regulatory Authority of the Housing GSEs The FHLBanks are regulated by
the Federal Housing Finance Board. The FHLBanks should be placed under the same
regulator with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and this new regulatory regime should be
structured to take into account certain special differences between the FHLBanks and the
other GSEs. This would enhance the critical mass of financial expertise needed to oversee
the GSEs. At the same time there are many common synergies, such as the FHLBanks'
investments in mortgages and MBS, and the mortgage investments of the other housing
GSEs. In addition, combining regulatory authority over all of the housing GSEs under
one regulator has the potential to increase the stature of the new agency and better enable
it to deal with these large and influential companies.)
The Federal Reserve, Federal Legislation Developments: Housing and Economic Recovery
Act of 2008, The Federal Reserve 95th Annual Report, 2008, available at: (See, as example:
Title I of HERA significantly reforms the supervisory and regulatory framework for the GSEs,
representing the culmination of almost a decade of work by Congress and other relevant parties.
For several years prior to the enactment of HERA, the Board had supported legislative changes to
improve the supervisory and regulatory framework of the GSEs and to address the systemic risks
posed by the retained mortgage portfolios of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. For example, the
Board had urged the Congress to

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December 2015

provide the supervisor of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with the authority to set and adjust the
capital requirements for the enterprises in a manner comparable to the capital authority
available to the federal banking agencies with respect to insured banks;
establish a clear and credible receivership process for the enterprises; and
limit the size of the retained portfolios of the enterprises by anchoring them to a wellunderstood public purpose.
The supervisory and regulatory changes enacted under HERA include provisions that address
each of these elements. As a general matter, HERA allows the FHFA director to oversee the
prudential operations of the GSEs and to ensure that each GSE operates in a safe and sound
manner by, among other means, maintaining adequate capital and establishing adequate internal
Federal Housing Finance Agency, Office of Inspector General, FHFAs Initiative to Reduce
the Enterprises Dominant Position in the Housing Finance System by Raising Gradually Their
Guarantee Fees, EVL-2013-005, July 16, 2013, available at: (See: According to FHFA,
larger lenders traditionally received guarantee fee discounts based upon the volume of business
that they conducted with the Enterprises. Thus, larger lenders tended to pay lower guarantee fees
on the MBS they received through the swap programs than the effective guarantee fees paid by
smaller lenders on their sales of whole mortgage loans to the Enterprises. In effect, the higher
guarantee fees paid by smaller lenders have covered, to some degree, the potential credit losses
suffered by the Enterprises on MBS collateralized by larger lenders. This is known as crosssubsidization. Appendix A contains a detailed discussion of cross-subsidization as well as
FHFAs initiatives to minimize it through revisions to the Enterprises guarantee fee structures. )
Paul Jackson, Mortgage Insurance Woes Grow for Fannie, Freddie, Housing Wire, April 2,
2009, available at: (See, as example: Imagine paying full premium for an insurance contract, and receiving
only 60 percent on any claim you make -- that's the unsavory situation now being faced by both
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as a bevy of private-market lenders, on their mortgage
insurance contracts with troubled mortgage insurer Triad Guaranty Inc.)
Joshua Rosner, Housing in the New Millennium: A Home Without Equity is Just a Rental
with Debt, June 29, 2001, available at: or (See p.6: The Easing of Credit Standards A Major
Catalyst to the Nineties Housing Boom)
John Griffith, The $5 Trillion Question: What Should We Do with Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac? , Center for American Progress, March 2013, available at:
Jim Parrott and Mark Zandi, Privatizing Fannie and Freddie: Be Careful What You Ask For,
Moodys Analytics and the Urban Institute, May 15, 2015, available at:
See, as examples:
Mark Zandi, Jim Parrott, Cristian deRitis, Urban Institute, Putting Mortgage Insurers on Solid
Ground, August 2014, available at: (See: Mark Zandi is a director
of one mortgage insurance company, and Jim Parrott is an advisor to another.)

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December 2015

Richard Osborne, Inside Sources, Big Banks Look To Cash In On Fannie-Freddie Reform Using
Washingtons Revolving Door, available at (See: One of those who
helped shape the amendment is Jim Parrott, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute and former
senior advisor at the White Houses National Economic Council. Parrott has served as a
consultant for major banks. InsideSources has obtained an email strongly suggesting that Parrott
played an advisory role for at least one bank, Bank of America. The email, written by a senior
official at the bank, refers to a meeting with Parrott about housing finance reform. In the email,
the official also asks about arranging a telephone call to provide details of the Parrott meeting.)
Laurie Goodman, Ellen Seidman, Jim Parrott, and Jun Zhu, Urban Institute, Guarantee Fees
An Art, Not a Science, August, 14 2014, (Note: The findings of this Urban Institute report were submitted to the
FHFA as a comment letter from the Urban Institute and are available at: . It was
also cited in several of the comment letters including on page 2 of a comment letter from
Americans for Financial Reform )
Jim Parrott and Mark Zandi, Moodys Analytics and Urban Institute, Privatizing Fannie and
Freddie: Be Careful What You Ask For May 15, 2015 ;
Written Testimony of Mark Zandi, Senate Banking Committee,
Essential Elements of Housing Finance Reform, September 12, 2013, available at

Mark Zandi, Fannie and Freddie dont deserve blame for bubble, Washington Post, January
24, 2012, available at:
Josh Rosner, The Wrong Remedy for Fannie and Freddie, Wall Street Journal, March 27,
2014, available at:
Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Berty Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, (See: Study after study has
shown that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, despite full-throated claims about trillion-dollar
commitments and the like, have failed to lead the private market in assisting the development and
financing of affordable housing. In a sense, this was never likely to happen, because there was
always a conflict between Fannie and Freddies owner- ship by private shareholders and their
responsibility to carry out a government mission. This should be a lesson to lawmakers that
attempting to turn shareholder-owned companies into government agencies is bound to fail. The

- 69 -

December 2015

managements of shareholder-owned companies have fiduciary duties to the shareholders that can
and do conflict with the performance of a government mission.

Don Layton, Milken See: 35:41


Jeffrey A. Goldstein, Action Memorandum for Secretary Geithner, United States Department
of the Treasury, December 20, 2012, available at: (See: the administrations
commitment to ensure existing common equity holders will not have access to any positive
earnings from the G.S.E.s in the future.)
United States Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Deposit Insurance Act,
available at:

National Association of Insurance Commissioners and the Center for Insurance Policy and
Research, Mortgage Insurance brief, May 12, 2015, available at:
Mortgage Insurance Companies of America, MICANEWS, June 20 2000<> (May 7 2001)
Economists Outlook Blog, Share of Mortgage Insurance Market (by $volume), National
Association of Realtors, available at:
Servicing Guide Announcement SVC-2014-13, Fannie Mae, July 1, 2014, available at:
89 (See: Because of

their financial condition and inability to meet the states minimum risk-to-capital ratio
requirement of 25:1, five of the ten mortgage insurers eligible to conduct business with
the Enterprises are considered financially weakened (see Table 2, page 9). Additionally,
three of
the five financially weakened mortgage insurersPMI Mortgage Insurance Co. (PMI),
Triad Guaranty Insurance Corporation (Triad), and Republic Mortgage Insurance
Company (RMIC) are in run-off and no longer able to issue new mortgage insurance
policies. Moreover, these mortgage insurers have established deferred payment obligation
(DPO) agreements that require a percentage of their claims obligations, to the
Enterprises, to be deferred.)

Laurie A. Redmond letter to Freddie Mac Sellerss and Servicers, Subject: Mortgage
Insurance Coverage Requirements and Freddie Mac Remedies for Compliance Violations,
Freddie Mac, August 12, 2011, available at:
George W. Alger letter to New York Governor Herbert H. Lehman, February 26, 1935,
available at:
Federal Housing Finance Agency, Office of Inspector General , CohnReznick LLPs
Independent Audit of FHFAs Oversight of Enterprise Monitoring of the Financial Condition of
Mortgage Insurers, AUD-2014-013, May 8, 2014, available at:

- 70 -

December 2015


Federal Housing Finance Agency, Office of Inspector General , CohnReznick LLPs

Independent Audit of FHFAs Oversight of Enterprise Monitoring of the Financial Condition of
Mortgage Insurers, AUD-2014-013, May 8, 2014, available at:

Ben Lane, Fitch: Even in new forms, GSE risk-sharing bonds remain strong , Housing Wire,
April 28, 2015, available at:
Laurie Goodman, Ellen Seidman, Jim Parrott, Sheryl Pardo, Jun Zhu, Wei Li, Bing Bai, Taz
George, Maia Woluchem, and Alison Rincon, Housing Finance At A Glance: A Monthly
Chartbook, The Urban Institute, January 2015, Available at:
Brian Collins, Watt Plan Would End Second-Fiddle Status of Freddie MBS, National
Mortgage News, May 19, 2015, available at:
Robert Devlin, Debt and Crisis in Latin America: The Supply Side of the Story, Princeton
University Press, 1986 (See: Page 12)
Richard K Green, Introduction to Mortgages & Mortgage Backed Securities, Elsevier,
Waltham, MA, 2014, available at:
onepage&q=%22natural%20monopoly%22%20fannie.&f=false (See: page 221)
Dwight Jaffee, The Interest Rate Risk of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Journal of Financial
Services Research, Volume 24 Issue 1, Pages 5-29, 2003, available at: (See: p.6 For the mortgage
securitization line, F&F purchase and transform sets of whole mortgage loans into mortgagebacked securities(MBS), which are then sold to capital market investors (hereafter referred to as
F&F investor-held MBS). F&F guarantee these MBS against the risk of default, for which they
obtain an annual guarantee fee. F&F retain no direct interest rate risk on the investor-held MBS,
since all cash flows are owned by the investors.)
Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Bert Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, available at: (See: Most plans for the privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
founder on two shoals: that the companies, when privatized, will still be so large as to be too big
to fail and that privatization will disrupt the process of residential financing, thus harming the
U.S. economy. The plan outlined in this memorandum [the Privatization Plan], developed for the
American Enterprise Institute by Thomas H. Stanton, addresses both objections. The too- big-tofail problem is addressed by shrinking the size of Fannies and Freddies asset portfolios
[principally, mortgages and MBSs] as they shift their activities away from the GSE form; the
problem of mortgage market disruption is addressed by continuing the securitization of mortgages
and providing for a gradual transition of this activity into a non-GSE, private- sector format.)

- 71 -

December 2015


Jason Thomas and Robert Van Order, Housing Policy, Subprime Markets and Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac: What We Know, What We Think We Know and What We Dont Know,
November 2010, available at: (See:
Rather than brewing for a long time, their downfall was quick and had to do with purchases of
risky-but-not-subprime mortgages and insufficient capital to cover the decline in property
HR 3221, Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, 110th Congress (2007-2008),
available at:
Press Release, Treasury Department Announces Further Steps to Expedite Wind Down of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, United States Department of the Treasury, August 17, 2012,
available at:
12 U.S. Code 4617(a)(7), available at:
(See: (7) Agency not subject to any other Federal agency When acting as conservator or
receiver, the Agency shall not be subject to the direction or supervision of any other agency of the
United States or any State in the exercise of the rights, powers, and privileges of the Agency.)
12 U.S. Code 4614, available at:
12 U.S. Code 4612 (a)(1)(2)(3), available at:
Gretchen Morgenson, The Untouchable Profits of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, The New
York Times, February 15, 2014, available at:
News Release, FHFA Announces Suspension of Capital Classifications During
Conservatorship, Federal Housing Finance Agency, October 9, 2008, available at: (See:
The Director has determined that it is prudent and in the best interests of the market to suspend
capital classifications of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during the conservatorship, in light of the
United States Treasurys Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement. FHFA will continue to
closely monitor capital levels, but the existing statutory and FHFA-directed regulatory capital
requirements will not be binding during the conservatorship.)
12 U.S. Code 4614, available at:
Hearing before the Committee on Financial Services, Sustainable Housing Finance: An
Update from the Federal Housing Finance Agency on the GSE Conservatorships, The United
States House of Representatives, March 19, 2013, available at:
113 110hr3221enr.pdf

Joshua Rosner, FHFA: The Little Agency that Could (but Hasnt), Graham Fisher & Co.,
February 3, 2015, available at:
Jeffrey A. Goldstein, Information Memorandum for Secretary Geithner, United States
Department of the Treasury, January 4, 2011, available at:

- 72 -

December 2015 (See: Option 2: FHA-only option: Wind Down of the GSEs (FHA-only option)
The bank-centric model reduces distortion in the allocation of credit and preference for
housing. However, this model benefits larger institutions that have better access to
funding and the capacity to hold fully diversified portfolios of residential mortgage risk.
This could lead to increased concentration in the banking sector and higher costs for
borrowers served by smaller institutions.
o Many countries rely more heavily on their banking systems to provide
mortgage credit, but often still have other strong forms of government
involvement and support.
o To counteract the tendency for banks to become larger, we would have to
effectively apply Dodd-Frank provisions, including SIFI surcharge, increased
prudential regulation, concentration limits, etc, to limit taxpayer losses in future
housing crises.)
Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Bert Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, available at: (See: Page 24)
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Professional Risk Managers International Association,
available at:
df (See: Fannie Mae ceased to be the guarantor of government-issued mortgages, which was
now the responsibility of the new Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae).)
Investor FAQ, Freddie Mac, available at:
Lewis S. Ranieri letter to the Department of Housing & Urban Development and Department
of Treasury, July 21, 2010, available at:
Press Release, Remarks by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr., United States
Department of the Treasury, January 7, 2009, available at:
Citigroup presentation on Mortgage Market Trends, available at:
(See: page 4)
Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Bert Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, available at: (See: But it points out that a sudden shock at Fannie and Freddie is not
the same as a sudden shock at an ordinary bank, even a large one. The systemic danger from a
banks failure is its connections to other financial institutions, particularly other banks. If a bank
cannot meet its obligations, other banks might also be unable to meet theirs. In this way, a shock
at a large bank can spread through the financial system and cause losses in the real economy as
economic activity slows or stops while the crisis continues.
However, a shock at Fannie or Freddie will move differently through the economy. If either is
unable to function, the housing market could be directly and immediately affected: Mortgage

- 73 -

December 2015

rates could rise, financing of housing could slow, housing starts could decline, and all the other
industries in the U.S. economy that depend on housing (furniture, appliances, and construction,
among many others) could be adversely affected. Moreover, if the value of Fannies or Freddies
debt securities falls, large numbers of banks will have impaired capital, at least on a marked-tomarket basis, and may reduce or stop lending until their capital position improves. This would
add a further depressing effect on economic activity.)
350,000 Mortgages: A Snapshot, Freddie Mac, May 20, 2015, available at:
Todd W. Schneider, Mortgages Are About Math: Open-Source Loan-Level Analysis of
Fannie and Freddie, June 9, 2015, available at:
Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Bert Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, available at: (See: As it happens, we have a recent example of how this occurs. In
the late 1980s, it had become clear that the S&L industry was not recovering along with the
economy. Many S&Ls were insolvent, kept open only by regulatory forbearance and the fact that
deposit insurance enabled them to raise funds despite their ill health. However, efforts to close
down S&Ls were resisted by the industry, and few in Congress were willing to insist that this
action be taken or provide the funds necessary for an industry cleanup. Because of delays, the
problem became worse and worse, as S&Ls, gambling for resurrection, made risky bets with
government-insured funds in the hope of recovering their lost capital.
The S&Ls, although a powerful industry, were not remotely as powerful as Fannie and Freddie
are today. Yet they were able to stall necessary regulatory action for years while losses
multiplied. This history should be a les- son for those who believe that the risks created by Fannie
and Freddie can be easily contained through tighter regulation and a change in their regulator. We
still live in a political system where political imperatives can trump substance, and no one should
be confident that, when the time comes for a regulator to take steps adverse to Fannie and
Freddies interest, the political context will favor or even permit this action.)
Erika Morphy, Watt: Only Congress Can End GSE Conservatorship, Globe St., November
24, 2014, available at:
Denny Gulino, US Tsy Hsg Offl: Hope to Open Joint Securitization to Non-GSEs, MNI
News, March 5, 2015, available at:
Clayton Browne, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Reform Requires Congress, ValueWalk, May
22, 2014, available at:
UST Report
Jonathan R. Lang, The Endgame Nears For Fannie and Freddie, Barrons, August 18, 2008,
available at: (See: An insider in the
Bush administration tells Barron's Fannie and Freddie are being jawboned by the Treasury
Department and their new regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), to raise more
equity. But government officials don't expect the agencies to succeed.)

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December 2015


Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Berty Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, available at: (See: Ordinarily, without the governments backing, companies with
the thin capitalizations and high risks of Fannie and Freddie would be unable to attract funds at a
price that would enable them to acquire portfolios of mortgages or MBSs. With the governments
backing, they are able to do this, but in the process they are placing the risk of loss on the
taxpayers while retaining the profits for themselves.)
Congressional Budget Office, Controlling the Risks of Government-Sponsored Enterprises,
Congressional Budget Office Report, As required by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1990, April 1991, available at:
(See: Page xvii)
Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Bert Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, available at: (See: In this plan, the portfolios of mortgages and MBSs held by
Fannie and Freddie are not permitted to grow and are required to meet a phase-out schedule that
will result in the liquidation of the entire portfolio within five years.)
Paulson's announcement on Fannie, Freddie, CNN Money, September 7, 2008, available at:
Press Release, Treasury Department Announces Further Steps to Expedite Wind Down of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, United States Department of the Treasury, August 17, 2012,
available at:
Financial Stability Oversight Council, Nonbank Designations FAQs, United States
Department of the Treasury, February 4, 2015, available at: (See By statute,
the FSOC is composed of 10 voting members and 5 nonvoting members. The voting members
are the Secretary of the Treasury (who serves as the Chairperson of the FSOC), the Chair of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve), the Comptroller of the
Currency, the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Chair of the Securities
and Exchange Commission, the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the
Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Director of the Federal Housing
Finance Agency, the Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration, and an independent
member with insurance expertise who is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate. The five nonvoting members are the Director of the Office of Financial
Research, the Director of the Federal Insurance Office, and state insurance, banking, and
securities regulators.)
Congressional Budget Office, Controlling the Risks of Government-Sponsored Enterprises,
Congressional Budget Office Report, As required by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1990, April 1991, available at:
(See: Page 56 - The government could also obtain private assessments of each GSE's overall risk
by requiring the enterprises to issue subordinated debt that did not carry an implicit federal
guarantee and, therefore, exposed investors to the risk of default. Market prices of such debt
would pro vide indicators of the government's relative exposure to each GSE and of changes in
that exposure. Two types of obligations have been proposed: subordinated income bonds and

- 75 -

December 2015

potable (redeemable) subordinated debt.8 Both types of securities would have a junior claim on
an enterprise's assets and could be repaid only after other debts with a senior claim, including any
loans by the Treasury, had been repaid. The obligations would differ from the subordinated debt
now issued by some GSEs in that strict loan covenants would lead investors to expect to incur
losses under certain clearly defined conditions. )
Alex J. Pollock, Fannie and Freddie are obviously SIFIs, American Banker, April 21, 2014,
available at:
Jeffrey A. Goldstein, Information Memorandum for Secretary Geithner, United States
Department of the Treasury, January 4, 2011, available at:
S. 1217, Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 2013, 113th Congress
(2013-2014), available at:
b1-e595-4b85-8321-30d91e368849 (See AUTHORITY TO PROTECT TAXPAYERS IN
(a) IN GENERAL.If the Corporation, upon the written agreement of the Chairman of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Secretary of the Treasury, and in
consultation with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, determines that unusual and
exigent circumstances have created or threaten to create an anomalous lack of mortgage credit
availability within the single-family housing market, multifamily housing market, or entire
United States housing market that could materially and severely disrupt the functioning of
the housing finance system of the United States, the Corporation may, for a period of 6 months
(1) provide insurance in accordance with section 303 to any single-family covered security
regardless of whether such security has satisfied the requirements of section 302; and (2) establish
provisional standards for approved entities, notwithstanding any standard required under subtitle
B or section 703, pursuant to section 607. (b) CONSIDERATIONS.In exercising the
authority granted under subsection (a), the Corporation shall consider the severity of the
conditions present in the housing markets and the risks presented to the Mortgage Insurance Fund
in exercising such authority. (c) TERMS AND CONDITIONS.Insurance provided under
subsection (a) shall be subject to such additional or different limitations, restrictions, and
regulations as the Corporation may prescribe.)
Donald Layton, Housing Finance and Private Capital, Presentation at the Milken Institute
Global Conference, April 28, 2014, available at:
(See: 37:00)
Peter J. Wallison, Thomas H. Stanton, and Bert Ely, Privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Federal Home Loan Banks: Why and How, January 1, 2004, available at: (See: Section 208. Offset fund
Requires the regulator to establish a fund and to allocate to that fund all fees and other payments
by the enterprises pursuant to this Act; after creation of a nonprofit affordable housing
corporation pursuant to section 305, the Director shall allocate all funds to that corporation)
Philip Swagel, Reform of the GSEs and Housing Finance, Milken Institute, July 2011,
available at:

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December 2015

11.pdf (See: A government backstop on mortgage-backed securities (MBS) is needed to ensure

that Americans can obtain mortgages at reasonable rates under all market conditions, including
the 30-year fixed-rate mortgages that dominate the U.S. housing system Since government
support is latent, it would be better to make the government backstop explicit and place a value
on it rather than give it away for free.)
Common Securitization Platform: A Joint Venture between the Government-Sponsored
Enterprises, Cross Country Consulting, 2014, available at: (See: The primary objective of the CSP is
to reduce credit risk exposure of the GSEs, increase participation of private capital in the
mortgage market and provide benet to a broader group of stakeholders, such as investors,
lenders, borrowers and ultimately, the taxpayers. Accordingly, the CSP is an important step
towards accomplishment of FHFAs four strategic goals as described in FHFA Strategic Plan
Fiscal Years 2013 2017:

Safe and Sound Housing GSEs

Stability, Liquidity, and Access in Housing Finance
Preserve and Conserve Enterprise Assets
Prepare for the Future of Housing Finance in the U.S.

The CSP will provide services at the time of security issuance, and later with servicing of loans,
distribution of principal and interest to the investors, and reconciliation and disclosure of balances
and loan performance data.)
R. Kenneth Skinner, Planning for Capital Investment in Regulated Energy Markets, Natural
Gas and Electricity, January 2012, available at:

- 77 -

December 2015

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